#sorry not sorry for the yapping tumblr people
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cloudcountry · 8 months ago
auburn!!! i’m so glad that over these five years (half a decade wow 🤑) your work and most importantly your amazing personality has grown to receive so much recognition and love. i’m proud of you and i’m glad we’ve known each other for so long 🫶🏽. i hope your work continues to grow and you continue to do amazing things and be generally pretty cool. okay thats too much sappiness bleggh poop fart shit fuck ass ☝🏽
erm anyways i would like the chocolate swirl bread slices with brown sugar bubble tea in the special 3k event cup with cat cap… rubs hands together like fly…
would also be cool if the reader was FTM and/or was not-so-subtlety avoiding leona for any reason
DANIEL YOU BUTT THATS THE SWEETEST THING YOUVE SAID TO ME IN FIVE YEARS AND YOU END IT WITH POOP FART SHIT FUCK ASS????? ANYWAYS this almost made me cry what the fuck i feel like a baby bird leaving the nest even though im older than you. i cant believe we're like adults now. what happened to being weird ass teenagers on quotev dot com. i cant say i miss that era though but i do miss kaomoji IDK WHERE HALF THE FRIEND GROUP IS LMAO anyways thank you for being my friend mwah you are a real one you have seen me at my worst and stuck with it IDK HOW YOU DID THAT anyways your lion man
an order of romantic angst with leona kingscholar!
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Leona watches your back as emotions he would much rather not acknowledge fester and boil in his chest. His tail flicks, his ears twitch, and it’s obvious to everyone around him that he is exceedingly annoyed.
That’s not the shocking part, however.
It’s the fact that he’s annoyed with you, the one boy in this whole school he never should have felt that way towards.
Leona wouldn’t be so annoyed in the first place if it wasn’t for the fact that you’d been inexplicably ignoring him for the past few weeks. As petty as always, Leona was sure he could outlast you, ignoring you in much the same way. He was good at being nonchalant, at taking it easy even though his affection shifted to bitter resentment.
Could he really call you someone close to him if he’s starting to genuine dislike you?
Nah, it’s not like he should have expected anything in the first place. He turns on his heel and walks off in the opposite direct of you, tail flicking lazily behind him. If you don’t want him anymore, that’s fine. If he’s not your number one anymore, he’ll just grin and bear it, bear like he always has and always will.
He thought he had something just for himself. How naive could he be?
Leona scowls, digging his hands into his pockets. If he sees everyone else in the hallway giving him a wide berth he doesn’t show it, his vision laser focused on Savanclaw’s dorm, his room, his bed, where he can sleep and ignore his reality for a little while longer.
The reality that you were so clearly avoiding him, the reality that you probably didn’t want him anymore, the reality that he was finally number one to someone and now he wasn’t.
Leona was once again second, but when there were only two people in a competition, second was the same as dead last.
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laurrelise · 7 months ago
guys unfortunately i’m still seriously struggling to understand how people ship five and lila and im spiraling into insanity !!!!1!1!1!!!!!!1!1!!!!
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altarfates · 9 days ago
I think it might be time for me to actually take a proper break.
I’m not finding joy in my hobby right now and I’m not sure if it’s coming off the back of these last two to three weeks being stressful and now I’m not sleeping ontop of it. I just can’t keep up I can’t bring myself to produce writing that people will enjoy reading and not feel like I’m hating writing in the process. I think I just need some down time after this week is over and the bathroom is done and my life can return to some semblance of normality. it just sucks because you get to the point where the things you like just don’t feel like something you like anymore.
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quotidianish · 1 month ago
just saw someone say sunny from omori is white and him being Japanese American is just a headcanon IM GONNA DIE
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bonnetfulloflowers · 2 months ago
Oc introduction (narrative writing)
Inside Mikos shop, everything was hers. The rules of her realm were posted on the blackboard at the back with clear, even lettering. Her desk sat in the biggest room the shop had to offer. Almost no one complained, and when they did, they were a new hire. Piled high with documents, stacked to the thousands. A Jenga tower of binders waiting to slip to one side, menus that had long since been scraped, and talisman that had yet to hang outside like the army of others. As by now most of them were regulars, the customers knew Miko’s rules too. The exact problem they were facing today, in fact, lay in the customers. A woman had come here to stir trouble.
“Is this how places are meant to be run nowadays?” a single server was here this early in the morning. Now they were getting yelled at. Miko couldn’t afford to lose an opener, they were hard to find. As she came up to them, the server dropped back behind Miko immediately. At least try to look like you were doing something about this.
“Listen,” Miko looked down upon the woman, “the dew has barely dried. Be honest, what do you want out of this venture?” annoyance radiated off her in waves.
“What do I want? I want this neighborhood to not be tainted by such an eccentric place! Do you think you could manage that?” She cocked an eyebrow up at Miko, who stood taller and straighter than she. “You can’t even manage respect,” how dare you.
“You see, old woman, I will respect people who deserve it. Never, never will I stoop down to your level.” The glint in her eyes got a little stronger as the woman went on sputtering, for the rest of the morning, never getting what she wanted.
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ticklepinions · 7 months ago
I promise you that you will not get arrested for changing your mind y'all. You can GROW and and rethink some of your past actions! Its normal, it happens. Easier said than done but you really don't need to publicly shame yourself for thinking a certain way. I get how internet culture has us overexplaining literally anything we do but you owe no one but yourself justification. It's okay to breathe and say yeah that probably wasn't a great way to think, change and move on 😭
Its so easy to go down the rabbit hole and turn a growing moment to a "I'm a horrible no good human being that deserves the worst things imaginable". Not saying that you're exempt from taking responsibility for your actions if they harmed other people but there are other ways of going about it that don't involve beating yourself up.
There's a post going around and I'm not gonna speak on it, but some people who really aren't the target audience are taking the brunt of it all and rethinking themselves as a human and I'm there like oh! That post really wasn't calling you out but okay! That's okay. We realized we need to change some things but it doesn't mean you're a terrible human. And these are literal sweethearts who keep to themselves panicking cause they thought they did something wrong. TRUST me the people that particular post is calling out is not about you. The fact that you're self reflecting is a huge sign you're not like that i promise you. Be kinder to yourselves y'all
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froggieetmblr · 9 months ago
Idk who needs to hear this but please dont treat your friends like an info dumping ground to just to yap and rant about whatever but never actually ‘responding’ to their stories and opinions, just bc you’re a yapper doesn’t mean you can disregard other’s time to speak, learn some basic decency
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quirinah · 12 days ago
most of my entire brand is being the terminally online guy and the caffeine guy but literally being forced to get off the internet during film crunch and weaning off coffee has put me in a way better mood and im not even joking. dattebayo
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j0jorocity · 2 months ago
I NEED more sonic moots u guys don’t get it… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HMU IF YOU LIKE METAL SONIC, METAMY, KNUXOUGE, AND SONADOW….. please I beg sonic fandom accept me… bonus points if you like the APH ancients 🥺
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persy-r-bozo · 9 months ago
DHMIS - The Yap EPIC - Red Guy
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Red is so fascinating to me. He's like a tragic oddity no matter where he travels. He is monotoned and hidden despite being the largest and arguably most brightly colored one there.
I AM IN LOVE with the unable to fit in anxiety and fear thing he has as well, He's too weird for his people. too Normal for the weird freaks.
i think red truly is bonded to the other two. He cares for them and wants them to be safe and far from danger. But here's the thing, I like to think red himself thinks he is a danger to them. He wants to be there to help and comfort them but at the same time, he thinks he's not good enough, that he'll just end up hurting them in some way. Like despite the brain fog a lil voice in his head tell him over and over again he hurt them. either in a "You lead them too their doom" or a "You gave them hope when it was never possible" even "You left to help, but you just made things worse"
think he feels guilty, and blames himself for everything even though he doesn't know why. he might just be doing it out of self hatred or he might have helped Roy or was blind to things in the past he never realized or fully remembers.
That guilt makes him distant. He loves them but he wont show it out of fear for them. I think in transport this is shown perfectly.
he wants them to be in a safe town. he wants them to have friends and neighbor's. he wants them far away from that house and happier and healthier. But he clearly mentions he wont be staying with them. that he will live separately from them. And reassures yellow that it will be ok and better, i don't think he said that because he dislikes them (yeah he gets annoyed sometimes but that's normal) I think he said that because he feels he needs to be separate so they can fully live normal happy lives. and when everything starts to fall apart, he panics. he is swallowed by anxiety. that ticking time bomb finally exploded. he yells out of fear and that fear turns into anger. The keys were dangled in front of him and they were taken away.
During the campsite scene red rocks himself and hides his face a little bit, covering his mouth after telling yellow its going to be ok. He failed again, he hurt them again.
The energy i get from red is someone who cares. and tries. but he keeps failing, it keeps hurting them and that hurts him, only making him more distant.
That is interesting as well, red is truly unpredictable. that urge to help and escape can make red go crazy but it could also truly help. if he were to open up more he could clear his mind just a little bit and connect with his lil found family. But he could also break more, He could accept this world or his "role" If he's Only going to be a monster that only hurts his friends he might as well do it on purpose. get it over with. (what I'm saying is red could easily get better and bond more AND easily have a corruption arch leading him to become a darker force)- (Both possible! and honestly super interesting topics to dive into) like he has main character energy, but he is pushed by the world itself to sit down and mumble along the songs.
in short i see red as a tragic overthinking anxious mess. on the verge of breaking. and that break could help him connect or truly shatter him. (Good Cry Vs "What's even the Point")
He made himself a cage and locked himself inside it.
too bad for him there are two goobers who are determined to get inside and let him out for a walk. no matter what he thinks.
-Relationship views-
Yellow: That's his little guy, the fellow who makes him smile even though every day is a dreaded one. Red overthinks to himself, But yellow doesn't give a damn he just wants to eat breakfast and watch Tv with his Semi Dad #2! and that makes red feel better, just to hang out and be included in whatever yellas doing, and i think red tries to teach him actually good things, like cooking and cleaning. (Lil cute headcannon!! I have a small head cannon that red doesn't like Grolton and Horvis. he doesn't hate it. its just he wouldn't ever choose to watch it personally, But its yellows favorite show and it makes his mornings whenever its on, so he sits and watches it with him.)
Duck: Hes SMITTEN FR FR. I think red does Love duck. But i also think red is practically chained inside the closet. I wouldn't be surprised if his stringy puppet family or species as a whole isn't exactly supportive of anything that's not "Normal or the same" And with how duck tends to dance around some topics and how he seems to be aggressive toward anything that changes his personal life. i think red just decided that staying in the dark - so to speak- is better than potentially losing his family again. But then the fridge scene happened, Red spoke about his feelings and duck was soft and even recuperated to a degree. If we get another season i can see their relationship become more interesting.
Roy: I dont think red remembers roy, the fog and day loop stuff makes the past more so hard to remember. However i do think they were business partners or at least acquaintances, the guy you hang and drink with every two weeks and talk about your lives. HOWEVER Uh. that changed didn't it? I said this in a random post once before. but i think that if red were to see Roy again, it be one of the few times red truly gets aggressive. (I mean even in the friendship ending he sounds more like he's venting than actually throwing hands.) That he wouldn't remember Roy or what he even did, but he'd remember the feelings, the horrible Fear and Hatred mixture. Like "I don't Know you, But i know you Have to go. my Everything is screaming at me to tear you apart. i need you OUT." Plus i think its awesome when a normally quiet character gets aggressive, its awesome and scary! i can see red tearing though the walls, chasing Roy relentlessly, no matter how many times the houses foundation starts to fall on him, or how many times he gets scratched by rusted nails, he just doesn't stop. (I think it would be super neat)
Lesley: I don't think red even knows Lesley exists. Roy might have mentioned her in the past, but i don't think reds ever even seen her. But if they were to meet i think they'd be chill with each other, drinking tea and talking about those scamps downstairs, but there would be a time limit. Because its just a matter of time before Red slips and mentions how badly he wants to move them away, or Lesley slips and Implies how she's Lowkey In control of everything. and the two of them remember that their protective enemies.
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iolite-flames · 3 months ago
Hey so should I post the likely insane and most definitely incredibly illegible rambling I made today to try and understand my evil oc cult that is hellbent on imbuing the population with the accursed lifeblood of an almost blood-hungry tyrant because they think its the next logical step for humanity or nah? (I will do my best to transcribe it, because my penmanship is like… THE WORST) but yeah :) fun stuff about the genetic modifications, horrible physical transformations, some character highlights, group hierarchy, extraction and qualities of the stuff they use, etc? Planing to add to it and all but im always such a scatterbrain when it comes to ideas and concepts! (Thus why ive been REALLY trying to nail it down into something more fleshy and concrete!)
I’ll like actually do it this time if yes i swear i just forget (or sometimes the result is more daunting than anticipated), but like I actually have em sitting in a folder on my phone i just gotta pretty them up by making them… idk actually readable? No right answer, just seeing if people wanna see (i am SO BAD at sharing it makes me NERVOUS AF)
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wolf-saint · 10 months ago
hi you said you like asks so
who's your fave aftg character and why?
Hands down,,, I will stan Kevin Day till the end of time. He's the narrative core of the AFTG universe for me. It's his choices that drive this series! Seeing Neil's potential in Millport (even pre-knowing the mafia reveal), giving both Andrew and Jean promises to live/hope, choosing to re-learn to play and going to the foxes,,, He cares about people around him,, and he can come off as narrow-minded and insensitive in Neil's narrative but when you see his actions and re-consider what he says.. he's such a layered character ;-;
I can't stop thinking about how fractured Kevin must feel. Watching billboards and TV interviews…There's a version of him that exists; that is not him. It's a lie. His gothic double, his forced twin, a changeling, a mask. And he has to just endure that? Accept that there is a version of him who talks about a loving relationship with Riko, made up stories about training and holidays, pretending to be free... Accept how he is seen as the brightest star, the jealousy of every eye... But in reality, he's a snuffed flame. Barely lit. He's a caged bird :(
His struggles and the problems he faces aren't always acknowledged by other characters (anxiety, cult trauma, etc) and that is sad :/
Plus, when it comes to loving Kevin, I appreciate how he embodies the themes/ imagery of the story and characters. The series is called "All for the Game", and I like to question how that title fits so much to Kevin... How he puts everything into Exy.
Exy is his life because pre-Riko's death: he's controlled by the nest/ post-riko's death: he's under ichirou's contract. But it's also,,, more than that. This is his mother's game. It's her legacy. ("The Day Spirit Award is a trophy given to the NCAA team showing best sportsmanship.") And as much as Kevin plays Exy to save himself,,, he also plays for others.
He recognises Exy as a second chance for people. And as much as he yaps to the foxes about how bad they are,,, He wants them to improve for them,,, rather than him// his situation...
There are many thoughts about Kevin Day and I have not finished TSC and I know there will be another book so arghhh I can't even describe all my thoughts but,,, yeah Kevin Day ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) The character of all time for me...
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popppyfur · 5 months ago
...Im having thoughts and i need a 2nd opinion.
How long ago do we reckon trolls were caught/eaten/found by bergens? (relative to the great escape for simplicity)
lemme walk you through my thoughts...
we dont know how the tunnels got there, did the trolls dig them? or something else? or were they always there?
When did Peppy decide to use the tunnels? when were they discovered?
How many trolls did the bergens eat. surely at first they must have bean eating HEAPS of trolls daily before realised that they would run out. how long was it until then?
It had to have been long enough that they would have then decided to make trollstice (help cant spell) a yearly tradtion. could it at first have been monthly?
We dont know how many pop trolls there were at first. have their number gone down? by how much? since more being eaten means less babies.
How many queens/kings were at the troll tree? Just peppy? his parents? But that raises the question of wether or not any of the escaped trolls remember a time before the bergens.
-- A brand new, different anon.
GOD you reminded me of when i eventually realized how massively fucked the pop trolls were pre 1st movie. i remember trying to read everything i could that talked about it and staying up til 4 am to do it because holy hell they were being eaten on a yearly basis. IM HOLDING UR HAND AND SHAKING IT REALLY HARD. and im gonna answer this as jumbled as i can bc. its me. the professional yapper.
on that note ! all under read more to spare everyones dashboards
also, i havent really gone through actual specific numbers, my brains just settled on some vague decision that the pop trolls dont pass the hundreds, or five hundreds. that is to say, poppy would probably still try to know everyone by name just bc she would lol. so i hope you guys can just make up imaginary numbers of years too !!
we dont know how the tunnels got there, did the trolls dig them? or something else? or were they always there? When did Peppy decide to use the tunnels? when were they discovered?
ive always kinda assumed that the pop trolls dug it themselves! they knew about it long enough that they bothered to leave behind decoys of themselves after all. im assuming its a part of a long, long long list of attempts to escape, and they finished digging just a bit before the last trollstice. peppy wasnt gonna risk losing any more, especially since poppy herself was gonna be given to gristle
How many trolls did the bergens eat. surely at first they must have bean eating HEAPS of trolls daily before realised that they would run out. how long was it until then? It had to have been long enough that they would have then decided to make trollstice (help cant spell) a yearly tradtion. could it at first have been monthly? We dont know how many pop trolls there were at first. have their number gone down? by how much? since more being eaten means less babies.
i lost the damn reddit post so im gonna make my own screenshot instead LOL
from left to right, classical, techno, pop, funk, country, and the red blob under them; rock with a mix of other trolls
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so like. THIS FUCKING DEVASTATED MEEEEEEEEEEEE. assuming theres more classical trolls just off screen, the visible sheer difference in numbers from the pop trolls in comparison to the other tribes (FUNK IS AN OUTLIER HUMOR ME) just. genuinely left me a bit speechless.
and if you go back to the first movie and remember that the entirety of their village fit in branch's bunker not to mention the DAMN POT? it just. really puts itself into perspective. bc that stage was still relatively big, but the pot. the fucking pot. the entirety of pop village
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ALL of them. in THERE? isnt that crazy? we can say that some escaped, sure. but just the fact that they couldve gotten wiped out just like that is so. messed up to me man ToT
i dont remember which fic i read it from anymore, but there was a line going how the pops initially outnumbered the other tribes and thats how they were ever able to threaten actually overtaking everyone. and like. YEAH SURE. fuck me up even more like that why dont ya!!!!!
so suffice to say, pop troll population not doing so hot! and all your thoughts is just one domino falling after another. you piece together the pieces and ultimately just ending up with one undeniable answer. they got eaten. simple as that.
How many queens/kings were at the troll tree? Just peppy? his parents? But that raises the question of wether or not any of the escaped trolls remember a time before the bergens.
and ur first question, putting them together for one last godawfully long ramble :]
How long ago do we reckon trolls were caught/eaten/found by bergens? (relative to the great escape for simplicity)
the fact that world tour makes it a point to say that only peppy ever knew of the other tribes makes me lean more onto the assumption that its been... a while? but also like. no one's ever mentioned viva? no one remembers the princess who was old enough to fight bergens and mention that to poppy??? whos to say these guys arent just repressing everything as they always do????????? [ITS HARD TO ARGUE SPECULATIONS HERE BC they had to make plot for the movies to make sense!!! its why it feels so mean to me to just blame everything on peppy LMAO. even if that is the easiest way to make sense of it. I WANT NUANCE DAMMIT]
so for the sake of it. i like to think that theyve been under the bergens' capture long enough that everyone outside of the royal family forgot about the time that they were even free from the bergens. long enough that the royal family could rewrite the scrapbooks to make it seem like it wasnt their fault. that it never was. whether to spare themselves the blame, selfish deniability, or just. give up the hope that there was a single minuscule possibility to have help from the outside.
i said before that i headcanonned peppy holding resentment for them in the belief that no one could ever bother to just check. and thats part of the reason why he doesnt even want to attempt getting to know them, since it probably felt like no one EVER cared except for themselves.
again. im sorry that i dont have a specific number for you though ToT the most i can say is that: its long enough that they forgot.
heres a fic that made me ugly cry about this! i think it gives really good answers to your questions!!!!!!! and though it doesnt completely fit with whats 'canon' (when has anything ever) its such a horrifying and deliciously good outlook on how the bergens affected the pop trolls as a whole! cant recommend it enough!! please leave the author kudos and love especially if this is your type of jam!!!
more than anything. the realization of how hard the pop trolls' lives mustve even been prior to the first movie made me have so much fucking love for them even more?? T_T even if it is unhealthy to an outside perspective, they tried to stay positive, and they got through all those yearly eatings thanks to it, no wonder they try to stay within that mindset even after everything. sometimes i wonder if they felt like its all they had
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twomanyfandomshelp · 8 months ago
How do you have so many moots??!
Well, I’ve been posting on tumblr for about five months now (that’s crazy, what the heck), and my first moot, the wonderful, fabulous Nico (@thekingofworems), was actually the one who got me to start posting. I was a lurker for a while, but I eventually got on tumblr one day and just found an ask in my inbox saying “ay, the ace to my aro let’s go!” because my bio said “Lily, minor, she/her, aroace” or something to that effect, and Nico had decided to put an ask in my inbox about it. Then I decided to answer the ask and he sent me another one and we had a short, but very nice conversation. Then I decided to make an intro post about who I was and what fandoms I was in and start posting whatever random stuff I wanted and reblogging posts I liked. Then it kinda snowballed from there and I gained a bunch of moots from interacting with people! A few of my early moots are moots themselves, so it was like I was collecting the whole group lol. Tag games helped because I basically saw lists of who was mutuals with my mutuals and I could see who liked the same things as me. Also, just spending way too much time on this app lol.
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thefloatingwriter · 7 months ago
he’s just a silly little guy (his kill count was in the double digits by the time he was nineteen).
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chrollogy · 5 months ago
lowkey now that i’ve written out the angst i’ve always wanted to write (the cost of devotion) i think i’m good
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