#sorry im literally answering these rn hello
sarcasticgiggler · 17 days
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ min yoongi x reader ]
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you have 1 miss call from yoongi :3
yoongi: i’m killing myself
you have 2 miss calls from yoongi :3
yoongi: do you want me to kill myself?
y/n: send a picture of ur face rn
yoongi: why didn’t you answer??
y/n: shut up and send
yoongi: why?
y/n: cuz i asked
yoongi: you demanded
y/n: ur into that
yoongi: shut up
y/n: :p
ur face
yoongi: no
ur just gonna say something weird
y/n: i won’t
yoongi: whatever
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got me twiddling my thumbs and shit🥰
ur such a cutie
let’s do a blood bond
no joke i’m so hard rn
yoongi: …
y/n: want proof????
yoongi: talk to me like a normal girlfriend
y/n: hello amazing beautiful boyfriend
yoongi: ew???
y/n: pookie??
yoongi: leave me alone
y/n: you literally called me?
yoongi: and you didn’t answer
y/n: just say ur obsessed with me…
yoongi: going to the coffee shop
y/n: WITHOUT ME???
fucking snake oh my god
yoongi: what do you want??
y/n: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
yoongi: ur making me sick
y/n: stop being mean to me
yoongi: sorry :3
what do you want pretty
y/n: your mouth against my mouth
yoongi: ok bye
y/n: boooo ur boring
yoongi: don’t be upset with me when i come home with no coffee for you
y/n: what are you getting
yoongi: vanilla latte
7 espresso shots
y/n: bro????????????????
you might as well do cocaine what the hell
yoongi: who is bro?
y/n: i want to fuck u rn
if you didn’t know
now you do
yoongi: ur real strange
y/n: i can be strange in bed
yoongi: no thanks???
y/n: just tell me to shoot myself in the head fuck
yoongi: wtf are you even talking about rn
y/n: yoongi don’t you get tired of pretending ur not deeply in love with me and would literally ask how high if i said jump
yoongi: what do you want from this fucking coffee shop oh my god
i’m almost there
y/n: ur so in love with me it’s actually overbearing
yoongi: i’m blocking you
y/n: what would you do if i kissed namjoon
yoongi: ????
why would you do that??
stop asking me stupid questions
y/n: i just want to know
yoongi: stop talking
y/n: if i stop talking that means i’m dead
yoongi: i can’t wait till that day comes
y/n: ummm what the hell
ur literally gonna die first
ur 30……
yoongi: how do you know i’m gonna die first
you god or something??
y/n: baby ur 30
yoongi: i’m aware
y/n: im gald you understand
yoongi: ?
getting u a iced caramel frappe thing ok??
don’t want it don’t care
y/n: when he knows ur order 😍
yoongi: nvm i’m not getting it for you actually
y/n: when he’s broke and ugly 🤬
yoongi: 😐
y/n: i’ll lick you head to toe
i lied i’m sorry
ur not ugly
yk that baby
yoongi: but i’m broke?
y/n: maybe idk
you not wanting to buy me the drink says a lot….
yoongi: whatever don’t care anymore
y/n: you’re a liar
you literally almost cried just now
yoongi: no i didn’t
y/n: you did
yoongi: not
y/n: i love u
yoongi: ok
y/n: say it back stupid bitch
yoongi: i love you
y/n: <3333333333333333333
yoongi: this is toxic
y/n: me and namjoon are toxic
yoongi: there is no you and namjoon
y/n: can i dream in peace
yoongi: shut up
cuz what if i said
DONT PLS -£/££/£2&:&:£:£.£
BABY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yoongi: but you can talk about namjoon??
idk this doesn’t seem fair love :/
y/n: don’t even know a namjoon
is that a fruit or something????????
yoongi: that’s what i thought
y/n: shut the hell up
yoongi: :3
y/n: random question but are you single lol
yoongi: no
y/n: damn that’s crazy
i hope she dies
yoongi: me too
yoongi: idk what you expect me to say
y/n: dni rn
yoongi: ok
y/n: ur interacting i told you NOT to
stupid idiot loser bitch
so like…
*tucks hair behind ear*
you come here often?😍
don’t ignore my flirting what the hell
yoongi: what do you want from me
y/n: some love and appreciation would be nice idk..
yoongi: at the coffee shop standing in line now
y/n: bet the way you standing is hot as hell
yoongi: ??
tf is actually ur issue
y/n: don’t ?? me
ur making me look insane
yoongi: you are insane
y/n: this yoongi would never treat me
like this
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yoongi: ew
never show me that again
y/n: but you look so silly and edible :33
i remember the day you took this so clearly
you sent it to me and begged me
to tell you if it was ok to post or not
wow miss old yoongi
now ur just a slut whose naked all the time
yoongi: i am not naked all the time
what happened to my little lover boy
who would tell me he loves me 475 times a day
yoongi: i tell you i love you all the time
y/n: ok but you say it like i have a gun to ur head
yoongi: i love you
y/n: not convinced
yoongi: whatever
the old yoongi wouldn’t of given up so easily
yoongi: i love you there is literally nothing more to say
y/n: old yoongi would have more words
yoongi: i reallllly love you
yoongi: babe…
y/n: looks left looks right
yoongi: you are great
i love you
i appreciate you
i want to kiss you
y/n: i could cry
best day of my life
i’ve never seen you this emotional yoongi
kinda off putting
you on ur period or something 💀
yoongi: ?????????????
stop talking to me
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @jmnscutie
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Hiya!! Love your work so much😆
I was wondering if you’d write something where the paladins (especially keith hehe) have to go to a formal event like a gala to bring the coalition together (??) and how they’d ask y/n to be their date and/or how they’d react to y/n in their formal attire?? (maybe even add Matt too if you feel inspired) Thank youuu 🫶
Brooooo stoooppppp I am so weak for this idea holy shit 😩 And you are my first non anon request so THANKS FRIEND 🥹 I went with my three fav paladins 💙❤️💚AND Mattie boy 🧡Also I love writing with emojis, sorry not sorry. ENJOY DARLING~
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He waits until the last minute to ask you, let’s be honest. Like a day before the event, he’s sitting beside you in the training room, trying to catch his breath when he goes “So that thing tomorrow. Wanna go together?” And you’re like 😏 “Are you asking me to be your date?” And now he’s like 🙄 “Shut up before I change my mind.”
It’s silent for a second but he’s staring at you. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” “Yes, Keith. I’ll be your date to the gala.” And he’s bright red in the face now.
He tries to act all cool and mysterious as you both leave the training deck and go opposite ways. As soon as you’re out of sight, he’s SPRINTING to Lance’s room.
He’s so fucking annoyed as he spends hours trying to memorize and properly recite pick up lines to Lance as practice.
He also totally does not steal a bottle of cologne from Lance’s bathroom before he leaves.
The morning of, he finds Shiro for wardrobe assistance. Big brother Shiro totally cleans Keith up, giving him a more semi-formal look. Keith thinks he’s too cool for a coat and tie. Shiro also convinces Keith to pull his hair back into a low pony tail.
He decides he’s just too nervous to meet you at your room so he kinda just sits on his bed for a while, fully dressed and smelling great and waiting for you.
Finally you step into his open door way, instantly catching his attention. He stands quickly, almost stumbling over his own feet as he approaches you, admiring your look for the evening.
“OH WOW. Oh…Uh…sorry. You look really nice.” You look so nice he’s stressed out about it like wtf why are you so gorgeous? He thinks you’re sooooo far out of his league.
“I like your hair pulled back like that.” You smile at him and he thinks he might just spontaneously combust rn.
He keeps his arm linked with yours as you walk together to the front of the castle where all the guests are.
Once there, you mostly hang out together or with the other paladins. You’re both kind of shy and you find comfort in being together. You’re like the two emo kids at prom who just stand against the wall and complain about the lame music.
At some point, you two disappeared from the party. Allura and Shiro are like Hello? Where did they go? Shiro wanders outside to look for you only to find you both laying on your backs in the grass right outside the castle’s front entrance, staring up at the sky. He smiles as he hears you laughing at something Keith said.
“Im serious! Lance told me to say ‘even in zero gravity, I’d still fall for you’.” “BOOOOO that’s a terrible line!” You laugh up to the dark night sky.
His hand moves slowly to the side until it meets yours. When you feel the touch, you link your pinky finger with his and look over at him. He’s still staring up at the stars as a smile grows across his face.
He was so worried about disappointing you tonight, he just wanted to charm you. But he didn’t need pick up lines or fancy clothes to make you smile. Just being his normal self seemed to make you happy.
You guessed it…Lance is going all out for you.
The morning that they are told about it from Allura, he’s literally interrupting the whole meeting to ask you to be his date.
Freaking cheese ball gets down on one knee, takes your hand and kisses the back of it softly. When he looks up at you, he’s got that flirty smirk on his thin lips. “Would you, (Y/N), make me the happiest man in the universe and be my date to the coalition gala?”
You: 😍🥵🤭
Lance: 😘😏😎
Everyone else: 🤢🫣🙄
Obvi, you say yes with dreamy eyes and a goofy smile on your face.
You thought it was cute that he asked you even though you’ve been dating for a while now. You just assumed you’d be going together anyways. What a sweet boy~
While you’re feeling fine about the whole thing, Lance is freaking out. He’s digging through his clothes looking for something fancy to wear, he’s doing double face masks, he’s forcing Pidge to smell different colognes and help him pick the best one, he’s practicing his slow dance AND his salsa skills. Keep in mind, the gala isn’t for another week but he needs to get prepared NOW!
“There’s not even gonna be music, idiot. It’s a gala, not prom. When are you two even gonna have the chance to do the lift from dirty dancing?” “SHUT UP, PIDGE! IT’LL HAPPEN!!!”
He just wants to impress you so bad. It’s his top priority at the moment.
The night of the event, he’s freshly showered, dressed for the gods, smelling like a whole bath and body works and he’s sitting in your room keeping you company while you get ready.
“Lance, the gala doesn’t start for another 4 hours. Why are you- nevermind. Forget it. You look great.” And he gets so excited at the compliment.
He watches as you get ready. He’s not as talkative as he usually is.
“You okay?” He nods with a dopey grin on his face. He’s just admiring you, that’s all. A compliment leaves his mouth like every 5 minutes as you continue to get all dolled up.
He follows along side you all the way there, his hand is in yours and it’s SWEATY. He’s so nervous.
Once you’re there, his attention span is that of a gold fish. He’s so excited and chatty and asking people questions and he never fails to introduce you to everyone…every single person…S E P A R A T E L Y. He just wants to brag.
“This fine little honey right here…yeah, all mine. I know what you’re thinking, how’d I get so lucky? I ask myself that every day.” What a sap omfg
He notices you’re looking less than happy, kind of tired. Your social battery is at like 5%. He can tell you need a break.
As you’re standing beside Allura, listening to her talk to an ally of the coalition, Lance grabs your hand and pulls you away. You’re running behind him just to keep up with his long legs.
“Where are we going?” “You’ll see.”
THIS MF SET UP FAIRY LIGHTS AND MUSIC AND CANDLES IN HIS ROOM. BRO IS LITERALLY SUCH A HOPELESS ROMANTIC I CANT DEAL WITH IT. That’s why he came to your room so early. He didn’t wanna risk you coming in to his room and seeing everything.
You might think this is so extra but if Lance is anything, it’s extra. He takes any chance he can to make you smile and feel special. He’s so sweet, it’s disgusting.
“I just really wanna dance with you, (Y/N)…” “You did all this…for me?” He nods with a shy smile, bitting his lip as he watches for your reaction. You’re over the moon, your smile uncontrollable now.
So you dance together for a couple songs. He gently caresses your back as he sways with you, occasionally letting his hands roam to your hips. At this point, his cheeks hurt from how hard he’s smiling. It’s cute and sweet and innocent and you’ve never loved him more.
Bc they’re too shy for that romantic shit.
They’re like “Who else would they go with? I’m not worried.”
They assume y’all are going together bc you’re obviously more than just friends.
They will get dressed up nice for you tho. They know everyone else will be dressed up too but they secretly WANT to make you swoon over them. Like plz feed their ego.
They actually go to Hunk for help with their wardrobe. Hunk is the best wingman to ever exist, change my mind. Also, they are really unsure whether they want to wear something more masculine or more feminine and they really trust Hunk with the topic of their gender identity.
“Hey, you guys ready?” You pop into Hunk’s room, all dressed up and ready to go.
“Almost! Hunk is just helping me with the zipper on-“ Once Pidge lays eyes on you, the little gears in their head stop completely. It’s like everything else faded away as they looked you up and down. You’re so angelic, wow oh wow.
“Aww, Pidge! You look stunning.” Aaaaand you broke them. You’re gonna have to turn them off and restart them.
“Uh yeah, you’re good now.” Hunk assures and nudges Pidge back to reality. “Go.” He whispers as he ushers them to move towards you.
You walk together in complete silence, your arm linked with theirs. Finally, they speak up first.
“Are you nervous?” “Yeah, are you?” “Yeah…” “I hate parties.” “Me too.”
So together you devise a plan: you’re gonna sneak around and pull silly little pranks on people and just eat all the food you can get your grubby little hands on.
And you do exactly that. You’re both having so much fun! You’re laughing so hard you’re snorting. You’re far from nervous now.
Pidge is the best at breaking you out of your shell and making you feel comfortable. You can be your true, authentic self around them. They are your best friend first and your ✨partner✨ second.
After a while, you two sneak off to their room to play video games. The food was good and the pranks were hilarious but you had both had enough.
As soon as the door shuts behind you, you’re both ripping off your uncomfortable fancy clothes and changing into pajamas.
You’re sitting beside them, watching the loading screen for the game. It’s taking a while…
“So…what do I have to do to get you to stare at me like that again?” Pidge whips their head around, watching you with nervous eyes. They take a deep breath before they speak. “I always stare at you like that. You’ve just never noticed.” “AAAAWWWWWWWW REALLY?!”
Forget the video game. CUE THE CUDDLEFEST!!! 💚💚💚
Matt literally goes like this: 😌👉🏻👈🏻 “Hey…uhm hey…wanna be my date to the gala tomorrow?” *blushies*
And you’re like “Matthew, we’ve been dating for 8 months.” “Yeah, so?” You sigh heavily. “Yes, I’ll be your date, you dork.”
He doesn’t go to anyone for help with anything. Man is so confident and he knows you love him no matter what he looks like.
But of course he cleans up for you. He dresses up all formal and uses mouth wash like 10 times. He puts on so much lotion. He got some from Lance bc his hands are always so dry. He just wants to hold your soft hand in his own soft hand, ya know?
He’s waiting outside your door for a while, giving you privacy while you get ready but being right there for you when you’re done.
Once your door slides open, he turns and now he’s looking at you like he just won the lottery.
“HOT DAMN, YOU ARE SO FINE! What did I ever do to deserve you? Oh my god, you’re so perfect. You are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, did you know that? I swear, you are so precious-“ “Maaattttt, stooooopppppp.” You’re blushing so hard rn and he LOVES IT.
He walks with his arm around your shoulders, chatting with you about who is attending the event tonight and the importance of it all.
You sort of follow him around most the night, not doing much of the talking bc you’d rather listen to him talk.
He is so intelligent, just like Pidge. He uses words so big you cant even begin to imagine what half of them mean. He was so smooth with his words, the way he could spit facts about anything and everything without a second thought took your breath away.
At some point, you lost him in the crowd. He was busy, he was working to protect the universe. You understand. This is more than just a party.
You wander outside for some fresh air and a break from all the loud banter. Matt is meeting you out there within minutes.
“Hey. You alright?” He rests a hand on your upper back, rubbing his thumb back and forth between your shoulder blades. “Yep! Just…need a break.” “Yeah, I get it. It’s overwhelming.”
He turns and looks over his shoulder before he waves, a big smile on his face. “Oh hey! Yeah, this is (Y/N), my partner. The one I was telling you about.” He’s introducing you to an ally of the coalition who he’d just met earlier this evening.
You can’t help but smile, your heart pounding in your chest. He was talking about you to someone here tonight? What was he saying? Did he just call you his partner??? You’ve never actually heard him call you that. You’re so blushy and flattered and happy.
After a brief meeting, the visitor leaves you two alone. You pull Matt into a hug, squeezing him as tight as you can.
“You know I love you, right?” “Yes. You know I love YOU, right?” “Yeah, I know.” “Good, don’t you ever forget it.” You can decide who said what. Either way, y’all are so in love it’s not even funny.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Sending this because I think Tumblr might’ve eaten it, but did you ever receive a request for the TADC crew with a small, but EXTREMELY feisty S/O? Tumblr has a bad habit of eating my asks when I’m on anon I’ve found. 😭
TADC crew w/ a short and feisty reader!
hello hello anon! im so so so sorry for not seeing this sooner :( i truly did not mean to take so long to answer this! rechecking through my inbox, i dont see the original request :( but ill be answering it here so not to worry! getting silly by hopping onto my laptop/computer since its in the dining room rn and this way i can keep an eye on my macarons (literally not baking them, drying them out before i do and i wanna make sure no one touches them)
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honestly in the most blunt way possible i think he might actually be into it. he always liked him someone who has a little bite in them (and by always he means like, when he first met you because its highly likely youre his first partner)
if you get all riled up trying to defend him he might comically tug on the collar of his shirt, of which steam will stream out of... doesnt have much of a preference for height, but with you being on the shorter side it makes carrying you around a little less awkward!
absolutely taken aback when you just let it rip one day and you go off on someone (most likely jax lets all be real here for a minute), just stands there appalled before you eventually calm yourself down and turn your attention to her
not to yell at her, she hasnt done anything wrong
honestly... nervous anxious ball x angry defender is probably another trope of mine that i think about every so often, but honestly i love it so so much. thats literally just the embodiment of you and pomni's dynamic
not much to say here unfortunately </3 just that you tend to defend her when things get ugly and you dont tend to stop until the issue is resolved
honestly maybe im biased for ragatha because ive grown on her since ive opened requests, but i think that she would be the queen of getting you to chill out when something has you all riled up! is so so kind and doesnt make fun of your height, i mean its not like you or anyone can change it. very good at not making you feel less than for being shorter than nearly everyone else
if you get angry on her behalf and attempt to defend her she would be so so touched, but really most things probably roll right off her back, so she just takes you and walks you away from the scene
honestly he thinks its a little funny that you get so worked up over things! probably calls you an ankle biter as a joke, which might make you a little mad. definitely picks you up by the scruff or the back of your shirt or whatever! really any equivalent of that works! jax has an entire arsenal of nicknames for you, all based on your height and energy. he loves seeing the way your face scrunches up a little in disdain when he calls you one of those names. all in good fun, for the most part, but he might let up if its something that makes you genuinely upset...
okokokokok so we dont know anything about queenie (i think, i must admit i dont keep up with gooseworx at all and am only relying off of the pilot) but i hc her to also be more on the feisty side
is this relevant? really it depends, because i think kinger would be comforted by the familiarity of your attitude, but also this could be a gateway for angst because it makes him think and dwell on the loss of queenie.... up to you!
subconsciously kneels down to your height to talk to you; he doesnt mean to be rude! it just sort of happens! thinks your fierceness is endearing in its own silly way!
probably thinks that you can get a little overwhelming sometimes. i mean yeah sure its nice to have someone in your corner whos ready to help you out but zooble seems to be the type to not seek that help out; and in fact i can easily see them getting annoyed by someone constantly speaking for them. so you guys are going to need to communicate and work on this together lest there be a build of resentment
remember guys resentment is a real thing and it can ruin so much !! communicate!!!
that aside, i dont think they would comment much on your height, they really could not give less of a flying fuck
torn between having her be intimidated by you or having her also find it endearing (and perhaps even attractive? shy person liking the one who always speaks their mind, you know?) while im not writing these to be explicitly romantic, i dont quite totally comfy with the idea of intimidation in a relationship.. though this can be applied to platonic relationships too... hmm... mayhaps a mix of it all? not quite sure! probably goes to you for tips to be more bold, love the idea of someone teaching gangle to grow a backbone
similar to zooble, no comments on your height!
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refiwrites · 1 year
Can you do arguements with loak, neteyam, and rotxo please
since im sick rn and feeling terrible and in need of content of our avatar boys, i give you this
Arguments (Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Rotxo)
GIFs used for Neteyam and Lo'ak are not mine, credits to the rightful owners! Whilst the GIF used for Rotxo is mine.
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N e t e y a m
Thinking abt it now, I think there would be little to no arguments w this man 💀 I mean he is the perfect child, is he not? Well, you do have arguments but often times it wouldn't be that deep? I have a feeling he's too understanding that everytime you begin something, he's already defused it lmao
You would be the one initiating arguments tbh
For Neteyam, I think most of your arguments would stem from you just trying to watch out/care for him. The pressure of being the future Olo'eyktan often gets to him that he forgets to take care of himself and you'd be there reminding him to breathe.
"No, stop your sweet-talking!" you were really being serious, yet your other half wasn't.
"My love, I have to do this, it is for us. For our future, no?" Neteyam says, walking over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders, that damned playful smile on his face.
The thought made your insides run wild. "The future can wait, you can stay here for now. And tell me, when was the last time you ate?"
Neteyam blinks back, thinking.
"That's what I thought, you aren't getting out of here until I say so."
"Wait— fine."
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L o ' a k
Well, we all know Lo'ak is reckless, always doing things without thinking.
You know he means well with his actions, but sometimes you just wished he would think things through!
As much as you didn't like to be another one of the people scolding him, you couldn't help it when he literally walked in one day in your tent, gashes and bruises littering his face and arm.
"What were you thinking?" You said, you knew Lo'ak probably had this phrase said to him for the hundredth time.
He stayed silent.
"You're stupid, did you know that?" You hiss, sitting him down and you began to take his armor and face paint off.
"Too many times." He replied, which you felt bad. So you sighed, carefully cupping his face and making him look at you.
"As much as I'd like to argue with you right now, I still have to patch you up. But please, Lo'ak, the next time you do something... Think it through."
"Yeah.. Sorry.."
"You promise?"
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R o t x o
Can we take a few minutes just to appreciate the gif because hello LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS
Hm since we don't know much alot abt Rotxo this will be difficult.
But we know that he knows his limitations for making fun of someone, and that he's very truly a genuine, caring person.
I feel like he loves to joke around and stuff w everybody including you but I also feel like he made a joke one time abt you that you really didn't like or you just weren't in the mood and you kinda took it personally.
You didn't talk to him for like- what- two days max? Cause how can you resist him really when he's trying to catch your attention the whole day while his face looks like this 🥺 reincarnated? HELP
"(Y/N)... (Y/N)."
Wanting to shove his face in the sand already, you resist, plucking the berries from the bush and placing them in your bowl.
You just about remember why the two of you were acting like this in the first place.
It was from a joke that Rotxo made.
Now you didn’t exactly remember what the very joke was but you knew you were pissed off that day, and the way his joke pertained to you made something in you snap as he was laughing.
Now that led to here, with you ignoring him. Honestly you didn't know how you lasted a almost a day and a half without talking to him since the two of you were inseperable from the moment he met you and your siblings.
You didn't realize you were frozen in place as his voice spoke up again.
"What?!" You finally answered, snapping your head back to look at him.
He visibly swallowed, eyes squinting at your sudden reply. He moves forward though, moving beside you and kneeling next to you.
"I'm sorry."
"Took you long enough."
"Eh? But you were ignoring m—"
"Okay, okay I forgive you." You said. As soon as your words registered in Rotxo's head, you saw the way his whole face lit up, his nose scrunching in the process, almost melting your heart.
"Really?" He asked again, smiling.
"Yes, would you like me to change my mind?"
"No! No definitely not!" He quickly said, gesturing as if that was going to prevent you from doing so.
But you didn't change your mind.
You couldn't, not when he pulls out an armband he made for you, as a sign of peace.
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angelsunoo · 10 months
Can we get riki x reader argument with happy ending pls we love angst guys 😍
HI ANONNNNNN im currently on a break (or we could say inactive lolol) rn, but i could push this in!!!! I love angst too btw MY BIAS YALLLLL
+ school just started again sooo ive been really busy
ARGUMENT / n.rk.
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PAIRINGS bf!riki x reader
GENRE requested, angst, fluff YUHHH
ABOUT you had an argument with your boyfriend.
WARNING swearing, argument. Reader is a bit possessive. All of these are a work of fiction. Ignore the cringe ass usernames in Twitter 😰
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It was 7:30 pm. You were up scrolling thru twitter, frowning at every post that bitch made. Why the hell is she acting like Riki is her boyfriend?
You had a scowl on your face. 'Why are u so cute'.
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They went on an arcade together. You audibly scoff. He declined your offer to go out with him just to be with that?
Honestly. That's ridiculous. Maybe I should unfollow her. She doesn't deserve my follow.
While you were thinking about ways to murder her, you were unaware that someone just arrived home.
"Hey, Y/N. " you jolt, nearly throwing your phone in the air.
"What the fuck.. " you curse out, placing your hand on your heaving chest. "Don't you know how to knock?" Your eyes widen. You didn't expect to sound so harsh.
"Oh, sorry if I surprised you." He rubs the nape of his neck. Your frown deepens. That's all he has to say? Ugh.
"You went to the arcade with Lei?" You crossed your arms, still with frown displaying your face.
He doesn't answer for a while, he was pulling out the tickets he earned from playing. He got a cute plushie too.
"Uh . Yeah." He casually says, still not giving you eye contact.
"Riki, look at me."
He looks at you with a confused look. "Why do you sound mad? Did I do something wrong?"
"Yeah. You did." You roll your eyes. Wow, does he really not see what's going on?
"What did I do?" He approaches you. He places his hands on your arms. In attempt to soothe you.
You backed away, causing him to let go of you, while your arms remained crossed. "You chose her over me."
"What do you mean?" He asks, with confusion. "Are you jealous I went out with her?" He shoots you a playfull grin, that was quickly removed by your hard glare.
"I'm not joking, riki." You cross your arms. Can't he read the room. You were genuinely upset, and it made you more upset that he failed to notice it. He doesn't respond, and stashed his tickets in a drawer.
"Hello???" You call out, peeking over to what he's doing. "Stop ignoring me asshole."
"What? I'm the asshole?" He glared back at you. Your eyes widen.
"Oh! So you're the one who's mad now." Your tone was a bit higher and harsh. He turns to you, mimicking your actions from earlier, crossing his arms.
"Literally, give me a break Y/N." He says, "She's just a friend. Why do you worry so much?"
"Excuse me? I'm no way near 'worried'." You retort, making air quotation marks with your fingers. "I'm just upset you declined my offer to go out!"
"Oh, then fucking swallow your pride and accept the fact I said no to you! You can't stand it it when someone refuses you, can you? You're being all bitchy to me this late at night." He raises his voice, his tone now also becoming harsher. "She's just a friend. Please don't make me say it again.." He walks away angrily. Leaving you in shock. You didn't mean it that way.
You're just....
"Riki! Come back here!" You shout. He doesn't reply and slams the door behind him. You feel water start to form around your eyes. You never seen him this furious to you.
Now you worry how you're going to sleep at night without his warmth radiating beside you on your bed.
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You could barely sleep at night. Why?
1. You couldn't sleep without him
2. You feel guilty for being a total bitch last night.
3. You are worried of where he might have gone. Did he go to his friend's place? Where did he sleep?
4. Your worried on how your going to talk to him the next day.
This is bad.
Maybe I should text him?
You open your phone, a bit hesitant to text him. You were really ashamed of what you did last night.
Maybe I should just talk to him in school.
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You arrived in school, nervously tapping your foot on the smooth marble floor.
Your eyes searched for him.
"Oh riki..." you whisper, your tone being impatient.
After a few minutes of waiting, you finally spotted him, walking with his older friend, Jungwon.
You suddenly feel shy to approach him, the image of his angry face still stuck in your mind made you feel so guilty and ashamed.
You realized your mistake. You shouldn't have been too dramatic yesterday. Riki can hangout with anyone he likes.
But to admit, his words kind of hit you too.
You gave up the idea of talking to him. You feel to ashamed to face him.
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Riki on the other hand, is dying to see you again. He misses your embrace and your kisses.
He felt really bad for what he said and he wanted to apologize. He saw you earlier, you looked somewhat nervous? He was going to approach you but you just suddenly left. He thought you didn't want to see his face.
"Yo Riki!" He turns to see who called him, it was jake.
"Oh hey hyung." He said. Jake raises his brow, a bit confused with riki's unusual attitude.
"Hey, what happened?" Jake asked, caressing riki's back slowly.
"I.. I had a fight with Y/N. I said really mean things to her and now I don't think she wants to talk to me," riki says so nonchalantly, but in actuality, he wanted to scream and cry right on the spot.
"Well, you should talk to her," jake says, and riki rolls his eyes.
"Are you serious? I literally told you she didn't wanna talk to me."
"Nuh-uh! You said 'I think'. So means you're not sure if she wants to talk to you or not."
"It's just that... It could've gone a different way. Maybe If i didn't scream at her then maybe she wouldn't be mad at me?" He says unsurely, not knowing what to do. He misses you so much and just wished he was hugging you right now.
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It was lunchtime, you said to your friend that you can eat alone. You placed your food tray with a heavy heart.
"Gosh, this day can't get any worse." You mumble, feeling no apetite to eat your food.
While you were busy playing with your food, you didn't know that someone sat infront of you.
"Hey, y/n. " you removed your gaze from your food to look who just sat infront you.
"O-oh! Riki..what you doing here?" You say trying to act casual, but he was able to see right through you.
"Why? Can't I sit with my girlfriend?" He playfully smirks at you, once he saw your red and flustered face.
God, y/n. Why are blushing at that?
"You've been playing with your food," he points out, "why don't I feed you, hm?"
You knew by his tone that he was teasing, and decided to play along.
Finally, he's yours again— I mean-! He has always been.
The end
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kafka-ohdear · 3 months
hello duck :D since i just came back from a grocery run 💀😭 for brenny and dougley post war or modern au (whatever) what's your thoughts on them going shopping for groceries?? i mean of course dougley is the old married coupleᵀᴹ type and brenny would take meatball with them for sure (yes unfortunately this is exactly what i was thinking when I went for groceries 💀💀)
idk what kind of coincidence is this but my mom just asked me to get some groceries when i was answering this ask 😭
!!!!! alright you got me when you hit send this ask 😈
tw: long ass and random post about my headcanons for them 😭,,,
for dougley, i think it's like:
- blakely pays. of course.
- blakely is (un)surprisingly good at choosing fruits & vegetables etc, and he is like a professional yk. he has everything planned out and follows the exact list. nothing more, nothing less.
- dougie? that man doesn't know what is a shopping list. he likes something, he'll buy it.
- maybe i'm delulu rn but i think dougie can literally buy anything (mostly candies and random stuff) because: one, he doesm't meed to pay under any circumstances; two, blakely likes to see him smiles when he gets his favourite treats.
- okay. the neckerchief. based on the fact that blakely handles grocery runs very well, i'm convinced that dougie has tried at least once to tie the neckerchief onto blakely's head in the babushka style (idk im sorry about my poor vocabulary 💀💀,,,).
- blakely didn't resist him doing so, but he's already working on the plot of his revenge on dougie (yes i'm talking about the "coquette" bow 💀...).
- the kids in the supermarket/grocery store likes them (😭 idk because blakely has the grandpa aura to me,,, and dougie surely loves playing with kids) so whenever the kids see them doing grocery, they'd wave at the couple and talk to them.
- blakely does most of the things, and dougie will help him with smaller stuff like putting the groceries into their vehicle or help him carry some of them back home.
- dougie would steal some of the treats or some random stuff when blakely is unpacking the bags, which usually is blakely's.
- blakely knows but he wouldn't say a thing but plots on his great revenge mission instead
and in my mind brenny would be like:
- they certainly would bring their child aka meatball along with them whenever they are going out for groceries.
- they have zero clue what to buy for their meals and end up taking loads of random stuff back home.
- brady like canned meat. demarco doesn't. they argue over the problem that demarco throws up whenever he smells canned meat, but brady always wins and gets to buy some because their beloved meatball likes canned meat as well.
- brenny is the kind of couple would buy ice cream or other small treats after getting groceries.
- hmmm i have a feeling they might take a walk around (somewhere near there idk,,,) so meatball could enjoy some fresh air before going home.
- BTW ABOUT THE CLOTHING. i think brady would dress kinda??? like a fashion icon??? and demarco would wear clothes like some random ass guy with white t-shirt and black shorts with some slippers,,,
- demarco packs & unpacks things for almost all the time while brady uses entertaining meatball as an excuse.
- demarco doesn't mind because he loves seeing his two favourite person (i kinda feel like he would refer to them as "creatures" to tease brady 💀) happy together,,,
i'm really sorry for this long ass post and shitty headcanons but 😭😭😭 i hope you like them,,,
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elsfairy · 1 year
How do you think Sev would be with a girl who was taller than her? Since, y'know, she's probably used to being the tallest in the room at any given time.
(Source: I am 6'1 and therefore taller than Sevika)
sorry, tall.... I love tall people... oh my
Okay, genuinely, I think she would really love it. Probably still forgets you're literally taller than her when you walk into the room. Maybe it's the sub sevika in my brain, but I can see her getting really flustered when she's the one that has to look up a little to kiss you :( or having you bend down just a lil to wrap your arms around her. I mean im 5'7 but that's fuck all compared to someone six foot because YALL TALL ASF?? PICK ME UP???? anyway, getting sidetracked here... i can only just imagine the way she looks at you with wide eyes when getting something off the top shelf for her... IS THIS EVEN ANSWERING YOUR ASK? PROBABLY NOT BUT I THINK SHE WOULD BE SO FLUSTERED AND SHY ABOUT IT???? dating someone who is taller than her?? girl is malfunctioning because let's be honest, i think Sevika is the tallest in Arcane right?? im probably wrong but it might be a bit of a shock too. don't even get me started on her sitting on your lap, or sitting on just one of your thighs...... im just a little empty on how to write this bc of the fact you're 6'1 like im flustered rn hello...
okay anyway, moving on from my gay panic. I think she would enjoy it, for once not being the tallest person in the room, or wherever she goes. finally able to breathe from the tall jokes that is always thrown her way, even though they would be aimed at you instead. She will still murder whoever makes a joke about you.
my answer is yes. she would die for a girl taller than her. no one can change my mind.
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sugar-omi · 11 months
i HAVE TO SHARE THISW SOMEONE!!! picture this . marching band cove . ghegegrgrrgrgrrbrbrbnnnn. i’m on colorguard and i think he would march mello or trumpet 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 EEEEE i’m sorry for gushin
omg idk anything about marching band or instruments
i literally played violin once in 3rd grade and i havent touched one since
ANYWAY YES YES YES AND ALSO YOU REMINDED ME ABT WHAT I WAS THINKING OF EARLIER (eta: okay this... became a bit more nsfw at the end than I intended but it's just implied and I can't be bothered to move this to a separate post since I'm on my phone rn but I think I need to write a full fic on this.
okay imagine band au and lets say youre the main singer, and cove is on bass/electric guitar or smth
and a lot of your songs start to become about cove. about being in love with him. about thinking about having him in your bed. about his eyes and how he makes you feel like you're drowning bc you love him so much.
and sometimes you lean into him during a song, doing a little dance step with him and the audience can see how much you yearn for each other.
you are a backup singer or play an instrument as well, and cove is still on bass/electric guitar and while the main singer is doing the songs, you and cove are in the back giving heart eyes to each other and if you're not on drums or doing the keyboard (or playing any other instrument that requires sitting, idk) then you two lean into each other, maybe doing a little spin or smth and just as all over each other as you can be while performing.
and the pap have a FIELD DAY with it
so does your fans!!!!
and no matter what your position in the band is, there are thousands of photos and articles of you two leaving a restaurant together, or laughing over food and drink from thru the windows
or they see you wearing cove's jacket or shirt...
cove leaving your house early in the morning, or in interviews you two are giving heart eyes and even better if one or both of you is giving bedroom eyes to the other (they love asking if you two are dating or fucking)
if you don't mind having a laugh over confusing the paparazzi and even do it yourself. cove will shrug or smirk and go "wouldn't you like to know." and he'll put a arm around you and lead you away from all the reporters.
(implied sex under the cut👍👍👍👍🫶)
imagine getting drunk and kissing each other. you're so lost in the music blasting in the club and the taste of each others lips, and when cove's tongue slips into your mouth you can't even think abt if there's the flash of cameras because the flashing club lights help add to your daze when cove pulls away, grinning about how much he loves you and when you say you love him too, you find yourself in your managers car.
they're complaining about how much you've drank, but they drop you off at cove's house and speed off so they can go pick up the rest of your members, hoping they haven't gotten as drunk as you two in the time they've been gone.
you don't pay attention to any of it, walking on shaky feet to cove's front door and he's more busy kissing your neck than finding his keys so you push him up against the door and take his keys from his back pocket, stumbling through the door when you finally get it open with much struggle.
and you crash onto his bed, cove grinning drunkily up at you, his big hands felt like they were burning your skin and it's all such a blur of lips, tongue, loud moaning, and "I love you"'s
when you wake up its because of your manager blowing up your phones, and when cove fumbles for your phone that's ringing on the floor beside the bed, he answers w a groggy "hello..?"
(it makes your manager madder but you don't know that)
he puts it on speaker, just letting them yell about the pictures the pap published from last night.. and like the assholes yall are you go to the camera app, settling yourself in cove's lap and he pulls the sheets up to cove your lower halves, the sheet caught between his arm and your exposed (and thoroughly marked) back, cove giving the camera a hooded look as he hides his smile in your shoulder..
your manager starts yapping about something, you weren't paying attention, trying to shush each others giggles as you move around to take another picture, this time with your hands tangled in cove's hair and giving him a kiss (if you can even call it that since you're both smiling too much)
and as your manager finally stops ranting...
"you might wanna check my insta." and you hang up before they can start yelling again <3
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serve-cunt · 4 months
however this time I am a fair bit LESS confused and befuddled because that was a WONDERFUL explanation of everything I asked, thank you so much zoe you are literally the loml this helped so much
so what I have deduced is that the next grand slam tournament is the French open (muddy one lmao) which sounds SO fun and cool and I will be watching
more questions if you do not mind (i am sorry)
how much does grass/clay/hard court affect play??? Is it like a MASSIVE difference???
you mentioned a thing called Break Point in the fic which I thought was a made up tennis equivalent of drive to survive but APPARENTLY IT IS REAL AND EXISTS, so should I watch that????
how does the scoring work? I know the basic concept is bonkity bonk hit ball back and forth and try to make it touch the ground in your opponent's court, but I think it's like points within sets within games within matches???? am i right or do I have the order fucked up (I probably do) and what are the details of all that????
is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis vs women's? Obviously there are almost no girls in f1 ever and I know a lot of sports like football have HEAVY bias towards men, is tennis like that? I feel like not as much because it seems like I hear just as much about players like the Williams sister and naomi osaka as I hear about people like Roger Federer and Andy Murray? is that true?
who are the top 5-10 players in the world rn? who's number one? and like pls point me to somewhere where I can find a very basic fact file of sorts on each of them, I need to know who's the lewis and max and sebastian of tennis....
what's the next big-ish tournament in the next few weeks ish that you think I'd be able to handle??? like an atp 250 or 500 or smtj??? bc I wanna start Watching but the French open is SO far away
gimme a few basic facts on each of your favourite players because im sure you will appreciate the opportunity to infodump about your faves just as much as I will appreciate the introduction :))))
any good tennis movie recs? I've seen that thing with will Smith about the Williams and that was SO GOOD it was ages ago that I saw it though so I remember nothing lmao
obviously feel free to drop in random facts or anything or WHATEVER, I WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THE THINGIES
i think that is most of my questions???? how are you??? how is life??? i hope you know how much I appreciate you because you are SAVING MY LIFE here, it is now time to go stalk those other blogs you recommended....BYEEEEE ZOE ILYYY <3
HELLO AGAINNNN back for more 😈😈😈 this is how people get HOOKED .. the way I rubbed my little goblin hands together to start typing up an answer to all of this LMAOO ok here we go …
"how does grass/clay/hard court affect play"
a LOT! in simplest terms, different surfaces change how a ball bounces. but that has a huge impact on the play: clay is the slowest surface, because it's kind of grippy so the ball loses momentum. that's good if you like to stay at the baseline, be patient, and wait for somebody to make a mistake (which is why I gave that surface to Oscar lol). Grass is fastest because it's a slick surface (no grip) but it's unpredictable because it will be more uneven & different courts will feel very different. another issue w/ the season being short! but if you're a quick learner and you like to play close to the net, grass is for you. Hard court is like. "neutral" surface. it's the most common so everybody knows how to play it! you'll often hear players talk about different hard-court tournaments being "slower" or "faster", generally what they're talking about is the specific surface material, which is the cushion over the concrete that can vary in terms of bounce & grippiness.
"should I watch Break Point"
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahha. oh no!! idk ….. I really don't like Break Point, I think it's a failed attempt to bring the success of DtS to tennis .. but idk, maybe watching BP as a newbie is helpful?? you will at least start to recognize some names which might be fun?? but yeah it's not as good of an entry point to how the sport is played (imo) and because tennis doesn't have the contained cast of characters that f1 has it doesn't actually help you THAT much with recognizing players on the courts, lmao. also certain episodes made me hate certain players ... looking at you episode about the american men ... taylor fritz my enemy ...
but!! it might help you to pick a few faves based purely on vibes hehe
"how does the scoring work?"
akdjfhalksdjfhakjh how DOES the scoring work … great q … no jk it's actually not too bad you just have to let it settle into your brain lol!! okay so:
within a GAME:
players start at zero, or "love". Why "love"?? who knows!! but here we are. then scoring proceeds through: 15, 30, 40. why?? WHO KNOWWWSSSS
you HAVE to win a game by two points. if you're ahead 40-30 and you win the next point, you win the game. HOWEVER, if the game is tied at 40-40, you are at "deuce", and you have to win TWO points in order to win the game. if you win one point you have advantage: that will look like "A-40" on most scoreboards. if your opponent wins the next point you lose the advantage and you drop back to deuce. so a score could look like this over the course of 6 points:
40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — you win another point! -> game!
did that help or did it make everything MORE confusing?
within a SET:
so you won your first game! the set is now 1 game to zero, or 1-0. Time to play the second game. Oh no!! your opponent is serving for this game and they won it, the set is tied 1-1. No worries -- your turn to serve again. You hold your serve! 2-1. Ah shoot, so do they. 2-2. Okay, great, you hold again. 3-2. oh my god you BREAK THEIR SERVE!!!! 4-2 BAYBEEE!!! and you hold again! 5-2! they hold: 5-3. okay moment of truth ….. YOU HOLD SERVE AND WIN THE SET 6-3 GOOD JOB YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE !!!! <3
you also have to win a set by two games. remember this rule! win by two is the tennis mantra. if a set is tied at 6 games all, it's time for a tie-breaker, and you have to win the tie-breaker by two points. (mostly you play a tie-breaker to 6 points, but this can vary by tournament)
within a MATCH:
you won your first set!! great job your mom is so proud. however. you aren't done yet!! usually you are playing best of three sets, so you still need to win one more set. in Grand Slams if you are a man you are playing best of five, so you need to win TWO more. um. GOOD LUCK!! Here's what a score line might look like:
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^You can read that as Bertens being up a set, so the match is currently in the second set, which is currently tied at 1 game all. Venus is serving (that's what that dot by the numbers means) but Bertens is up 2 points. (lmao. 30-love = 2 points up. I apologize for tennis)
omg you lost a set. NO WORRIES YOU CAN COME BACK. best of three: I believe in you <3
"Is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis"
do you even need to ask 🥲🥲🥲 yes unforch. men consistently get the best broadcasting time-slots on tv, they often get more prize money, and they generally have more name recognition. however!! I think tennis has benefitted from some amazing personalities in women's tennis -- the Williams sisters of course, now coco gauff -- and the prize money sitch is improving for sure. there's hope!! but yeah -- it's a scheduling feedback loop!! give the women better tv times and more eyes will be on their matches!! ajdhflakh it's so frustrating to watch tbh!!! anyway.
"who are the top players and how do i find that"
Here are the ATP singles rankings and here are the WTA singles rankings! If you click on each name you will see their official stats page :))
"what's the next big-ish tournament"
here's the list of upcoming ATP tournaments and here's the list of upcoming WTA tournaments - there are some upcoming small-ish tournaments that look fun (atp in rio, wta in dubai) and then … THEN!! Indian Wells :D :D
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I'm an Indian Wells DEVOTEE ,, the players really like it, the vibes are so good, celebrities come out from LA, everyone has a nice time, it's SO FUN. all the hype & fun of a slam with slightly lower stakes
"tell me about your favorite players"
jannik sinner: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes carlos alcaraz, loooooong of leg, skinny of limb, floofy of hair!! methodical and hard to shake, emotionally and mentally, beautiful clean and powerful play. also !! just!!! seems like a good guy!! def a "class pet" on tumblr lmao (thank you @advantage-sinner )
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carlos alcaraz: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes jannik sinner, a phenom, natural talent, all-round player, people are predicting great things for him -- he plays gorgeous, interesting, creative tennis and he has FUN DOING IT, really a joy to watch. the 2023 wimbledon final between him and djokovic (our local villain, but an all-time great in men's tennis) was an incredible, amazing, show-stopping match that he WON and I will remember that day forever and ever and ever amen
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coco gauff: crazy athletic, big hitter, hit the scene young, super charismatic on and off court, just very fun to watch
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iga sviatek: gorgeous gorgeous player, aggressive as heck, quick as heck, loves clay, loves to put spin on the ball, SUCH A WEIRDO I LOVE HERRRRR she likes lego and she reads a lot, she's such a funny little introvert who happens to be #1 in the world LOL
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daniil medvedev: stands so far away from the baseline to return serve he's often out of camera frame. he's so tall and his limbs are just … everywhere … andrey rublev (another fave) calls him "the octopus" … he has the BEST INTERVIEWS HE'S SO FUNNYYYY AHHH
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ons jabeur: "minister of happiness" except that lately .. she has not been super happy … she wants to win a slam SO BAD my heart hurts for her … when she's on she's a lovely lovely player, very creative, but when she's off she's hard to watch, just a lot of unforced errors (which is an error that is your own fault, vs an error that you make because your opponent hit a ball that was hard to get to or technically very tricky to return)
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I have the occasional emotional fling with andrey rublev (hehe sad wet dog), karolina muchova ( :( sad wet cat), daria kasatkina (…sit on me), caspar ruud (…SIT ON ME), and alex de minaur (cute!!!)
I literally have no tennis movie recs I can't think of a single one BUTTTTTTTT Challengers comes out this year 😈 mike faist my beloved… zendaya in tennis whites ...
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I can't believe how many words you let me spew at you @ivystennis and then ASKED FOR MOREEEE I LOVE YOU thanks for "coming out" as it were lmaooooo.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 6 months
Hiiii I’d like to say good job on the match-ups!! They’re fun to read, and it makes me more excited for my turn (assuming my form was properly sent). And Cupid + Eros’s lore?? Very interesting, given their shady Boss and the yandere consequences of their services :0
Also, my apologies if my form was quite extensive. I rarely participate in matchups, so I figured I’d go all out for my first (and probably last) one for Genshin ^^;
At any rate, I honestly don’t know who I’ll get so the results will be interesting. Sending lots of chocolates to Cupid and Eros ^o^
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"Afternoon, Cupid," Eros greeted them, watching them enter the room while they worked on the matchups. Cupid yawned and sipped on the boba drink they bought while they were out.
"Afternoon, Eros... What are you doing?"
"Clearing your three page worth of messages."
"... Now?"
"Yes. Now. Seriously, you never do it."
Pausing at a certain message, the duo began to read through what it means, and Eros seems surprised. Blinking a few times, they turned their gaze to a stunned Cupid.
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"Hey, Cupid. Look who came after Ana."
"Oh my God— that's Jessamine!" They exclaimed, placing down their drink to grab Eros by the shoulders and shook her. "It's Jessamine Rose! It's Jessamine! She came to see our work at MixMatch!"
"Woah, woah there— you're excited to see her, huh?" Eros teased, seeing that the guest left them something nice.
"Well, let's greet our guest properly, Cupid."
"Yes, let's!"
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Putting this on a readmore to rant BAHAHAHAHAHA IM SORRY I SAW THIS AND I WENT "no way."
And this happened (ooc)
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(I lost it on a server with my friends and Ansy is like "lol you're more scared of Jessamine than the literal face of Yan content" like YES HELLO???)
I'm having a fangirl moment. Pls. That's so.
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I apologize for what I have become but I am also not sorry because this made me SO happy yesterday. I had to do this justice HSIDHDIDJDN
Cupid + Eros's lore?? Very interesting, given their shady Boss and the yandere consequences of their services :0
Tbh the lore rn is at like the beginning because haha. First week. Not even valentine's. But fr their boss is shady but MAN things are gonna go wild thats uh. That's for sure HAISHEJBS (< thought about putting a deadline at the end of Jan but went "nahhh let's go February"... I'm a dumbass but dw abt it)
And no need to apologize if your form is extensive!! I love reading long answers and it makes me so giddy seeing what people say abt themselves + who they like. I'm happy you joined mine though, and I'm looking forward to see your reaction to your own matchup when I get to it!
Sending lots of chocolates to Cupid and Eros ^o^
Dear God this is why Cupid is on a sugar high and crashed hard (/exag but fr, both enjoyed them HAISBSJEN)
Anyways, so sorry for the long post but!!! Thank you for the ask ;v; I hope you enjoy how badly this matchup can crash and burn with the establishment being SHADY as hell BAHAHAHAHAHA
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
y/n: ass or tits?
jk: tits.
y/n: oh?
jk: preferably yours
in my face
all the time
y/n: not all the time
jk: all
jimin: is he dunk??
when have jungkook ever been that forward
yoongi: right.
anyways ass
namjoon: what happened to hello
how was your day?
miss you?
jin: tits
y/n: fair
tae: both
i say both
do i?
yes i do
or do i…
okay both final answer
y/n: booo pick one
tae: come back to me
y/n: jimin?
jimin: ass 😌
jk: wrong the answer is tits right y/n?
hobi: is jungkook drunk omg
y/n: hoseok ur answer?
hobi: i have no answer because i’m a feminist 🙏🏻
tae: liar
because i am a REAL feminist i say ass #womenarethebest
y/n: ur all so predictable
thought i would be shocked and surprised
tae: are shocked and surprised not the same thing?
jimin: no?
jin: yes?
yoongi: who cares?
jk: i’m crying
hobi: LMAO
sorry i’m not laughing at you i’m laughing with you
jk: but i’m not laughing
i’m crying
namjoon: why are you crying??
jk: i think i’m drunk
jimin: i could of told you that
jin: who let the loser drink omg
tae: jungkook is borderline an alcoholic and we need to talk about it
yoongi: i prefer not to
let him suffer in silence
y/n: yoongi omg?!
yoongi: *yeah let’s help him 👍🏻
jk: i am nojt and alcoholick
tae: see now he can’t spell
look at the alcohol poisoning his mind the youth these days
namjoon: jungkook had been drinking a lot lately
jk: NO
only every saturday
jin: it’s tuesday?
jk: what
yoongi: hes a grown man i say let him drink his life away
jimin: rip bro
jk: rest easy i’ll miss you 💗😭
who died?
y/n: yikes!!!
jin: jungkook this is an invention
hobi: don’t you mean intervention??
jin: didn’t you fall at the grammys??
hobi: WHAT THE FUCK????
jk: what did you in
vvent jin?
put the alcohol down you are a light weight and a loser when you are drunk
jk: wJAHT
who told you i was dRunk
yoongi: i say this is a problem beyond us guys #letssleep
y/n: now i agree
jimin: do you believe that jungkook is princess diana reincarnated?
tae: what is princess diana
y/n: i believe in the jungkook first life theory
jin: jungkook not british wtf
yoongi: no
jk: ipad
namjoon: what the fuck
jimin: i think jungkook isn’t real and we all made him up because we needed someone to bully
jk: i’m am a real
y/n: standing with the first life theory
jin: i stand with the not real theory
yoongi: he’s dead
hobi: robot boy built in space by tiny ants
jk: some times i thin k ants are iN my braiN
hobi: see
yoongi: who ate my pizza?
tae: who would do that omg 😭😭😭?
y/n: was tae
yoongi: figured
namjoon: i am genuinely concerned for all of you
y/n: namjoon is an ass guy
jimin: real
namjoon: ???
hobi: imagine we got jumped by all of nct and seventeen at the same time
y/n: hot
jk: 2 baddies 2 baddies
jin: why would they want to jump us
are we not their idols?
namjoon: you can’t just assume we are everyone’s idols jin
jin: why not?
tell me mr kim namjoon
don’t talk to me for the rest of they day
tae: imagine getting stomped on by all of them
y/n: i’m sick of pretending i’m okay with taehyungs freaky little foot fetish
yoongi: agreed
hobi: i say let’s kick him
namjoon lowkey got one too and no one talks about it
y/n: REAL
jk: wwweowowowwwww
jin: omg forgot about jungkook
where even are you rn bff
namjoon: i do not have a foot fetish
jk: i with my otherR friends Butte dw im nottt replacing u guys
yoongi: he has other friends?
jimin: namjoon you literally post pictures of your feet on the internet for fun like
y/n: just like tae but make it aesthetic
jk: yoongi just saY ur in liove with y/n and go
jin: OMGhwhdhdhdhd
tae: i have love i want to share
jin: this is not about you tae
omg yoongi typing
hobi: kinda nervous
namjoon: that does not mean i have a foot fetish wtf?
jin: someone tell namjoon to stfu we have bigger problems rn
hobi: namjoon jin said to stfu cuz we have bigger problems rn
yoongi: if i wanted her i could have her just saying
you should be thanking me tbh ur little crush isn’t that much of a secret
tae: i have a crush
jin kicked tae from the gc
jin: he can come back after
jk: wjat I HAVVBBBB Njko nncrudhj
jimin: someone translate i beg im too invested
hobi: fight i say
to the death preferably
yoongi: going to bed
gn y/n
y/n: ur so evil omg
gn yoongi
namjoon: damn
jin: jungkook wya????
jimin: express your thoughts rn this is a safe place
jk: i canTttty sea
hobi: he’s so fucked up
jin added tae to the gc
tae: let’s run away together
forget all the drama bae just you and me against the world
jimin: omg ok 🥺
tae: ew not u wtf
was taking to y/n
jimin: EW???
tae: ew.
would rather kms
y/n: you know you can just open a mcdonald’s if you have the money like that’s so crazy
jin: i don’t care for that type of food
they are serving you horseback and pig feet
hobi: did you not eat it yesterday?
jin: don’t let me get you again
hobi: this is a toxic friend group
namjoon: do you guys really think i have a foot fetish?
y/n: come on now…
jimin: 10000%
hobi: there is no doubt in my mind
jin: YEAH
tae: it��s okay bro
namjoon: you are the last person i want comfort from
tae: WTF???
last time i’m ever being nice
fuck you
kys how about that?
hobi: how you like that?
that that that that that that
y/n: where did jungkook go
jin: dead
jimin: crying
tae: idk
namjoon: he probably fell asleep it is like 2 am??
tae: namjoon kinda annoying guys
jin: someone had to say it!!
i agree
namjoon: sorry i am the only functional one in this group?
jin: look at him getting all defensive omg
tae: you cant even cut food right so how functional are you really?
jimin: no cuz remember when he was cutting that fucking carrot omg
namjoon: bye it’s late and u guys are annoying
tae: loser
y/n: cheer up joonie
jin: pussy
HELP i feel so bad cuz i was writing an individual one and i just couldn’t think of shit to say writing the gc ones are so much easier but i promise i’ll fix up and write more individual ones i just wanted to release something cuz i’ve been posting consistently lately and don’t want to break the streak so sorry if this one feels a bit rushed love you all comments reblogs and likes are always greatly appreciated and TY for being sosososo nice to me in my inbox entirely grateful love u xoxox
( also pls ignore any mistakes if there are any it is literally almost 2 am and i cant see straight will go fix it later love u )
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mitsies · 11 months
Hi!! Hello—I hope you don’t think I’m stalkerish, but I’m the author of Intrinsic Warmth and I came across your tumblr and oh my gosh I just wanted to say thank you ??? This is insane
I am so incredibly honoured (???) that you think so highly of my silly little Gojo fanfiction. Like, genuinely. Its description in your rec list nearly made me cry—it is so flattering and so ridiculous to me that people actually enjoy my little side hobby (which is IW)?? I write it with nowhere near the dedication that some ao3 authors do—I’m a hobby busybody as well as a school neek, which is why updates take so long!!!—and so I literally do not expect people to stick around to follow it, like, at all. And the fact that people do?? And that they look forward to updates??! I feel like I’m repeating myself but I’m genuinely in shock.
I’m trying to think of coherent things to say but I am struggling so hard, oh my gosh. I genuinely cannot convey how baffling it is to see people talking about IW in a way not directed specifically at me, like comments, or something (which is another thing!! The fact that someone—like, *you*!!—has put my fic on a REC LIST?!?! INSANE!!! *I* use rec lists! All the time!! Wtf?!?! Being put on a rec list, that’s for real ao3 authors, and I’m just someone who writes on ao3, man! Insane. Truly insane). So you know, this has been sent to the girls’ groupchat because I needed someone to freak out about it to.
I don’t even know what to say. I saw a post you made about saving IW in case ao3 went down again?? Firstly, I can assure you that ao3 is in no danger and that it’s not going anywhere—but dude, if for whatever reason some random bloody nuclear disaster doomsday apocalypse happens and it does go down, I will literally send you the latest chapters direct >:) Do not fear. Truly the least I can do, my lord.
Jesus, I feel like I need to do something! Like, is there something you want from me?? LMAO. I feel like a poser. It’s like at the end of 2013 wattpad stories where the author would host a q&a with their characters / themself. Can I answer some cool elusive question over here on tumblr?? IDK. I have no idea but I just want to show my thanks for genuinely making my week, good lord.
I think I’ve conveyed how bloody insane this is for me. I’m truly so grateful. This is wild. You’re the best. Thank you so much.
oh my GOSH. i just want to start this off by saying .. this is so embarrassing for me. holy SHIT this is embarrassing — and insane, of course, and shocking, and so so many things but i am so sorry you had to watch me fangirl 25/8 over your work.
right now how i'm feeling could best be described as a cult leader (because i think i've started a small cult in your name.. sorry) whose like deity has come down in human form to speak to them for the first time. like this is so insane, i can't fully verbalise how crazy getting this ask is 😭 in case you havent picked up im a big fan!! i know i sound absolutely insane rn and i sincerely hope i don't sound as big of an idiot as i feel but i have quite literally sent voice notes upwards of 20 minutes to my friend about your work like i am SUCH a fan
i have received so many asks, messages, dms of people who have read IW at my recommendation and it is so fully deserved :,) you are such an insanely talented wordsmith and i don't think i've ever read a fic that conveys characters in such depth and with that level of emotional complexity. i admire you and your writing so insanely much, honestly in the least weird, least crazy, least stalker way possible you are such an inspiration to me in my own writing — you are so eloquent and verbose, in a way i aspire to be !! so you're not only a fantastic writer but you're a baseline, inspiration, & motivator, and i can't thank you enough for that
i genuinely believe that intrinsic warmth is one of the most amazing things i've read on ao3, and my fav fic work overall like ever forever and ever like honestly i could be dead in the ground 6ft under and halfway to hell and i'd still find time for my monthly reread 😭😭 it's absolutely insane that you say this makes your week because oh my gosh, i will be thinking about this for the rest of the month. might even add "thatdesklamp noticed xx" to my bio for good measure ! honest to god in my silly little head u are a celebrity and im like a crazy fangirl jumping at ur feet like a chihuahua or something .. would literally jump off a bridge if you asked me to !
with all that being said, i don't think i am graceful enough to convey the absolute adoration i hold for you and your writing. like wow. like holy shit like woooow wow. that's all i've got left in me — you are amazing, i hope you know that . welcome to tumblr, trust that this will likely not be the last u hear of my fangirling :,) SO MUCH LOVE!
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milkteansugar · 1 month
No idea why I randomly thought of you before going to sleep like "Oh wait I haven't heard from Charmi since I gave her the name–"
Also btw
Talk about Ego I wanna know about your perspective on him
HI ISHHH im so sorry for replaying late!! I was actually thinking abt how to answer this lmaooo
so at first i really didn’t like ego. He struck me as someone who was pretty apathetic and.. just plain unlikable? Plus i didn’t like the whole blue lock idea in general bc dude what are they doing to those poor souls im pretty sure that shit is illegal 😭 but like ugh i still don’t know why i began liking him but it just- happened? I think it’s his strange personality and views that drew me in ironically. my guy is not afraid to tell you where you’re wrong and what you should be doing to improve yourself you diamond in the rough. He’s literal i-dont-give-a-crap mindset is so… like he’s a red flag but red is cute shejwjwjan I just wish he’d start eating healthy food and taking care of himself have u seen his posture :( i’m actually learning how to cook healthy meals to feed my hubby. he’s cranky and eccentric and i love him sm im giving him kisses rn. i wanna know more abt his backstory and i wish they’d explore his character moreee
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cryleforhelp · 1 year
Some k2 headcanons??? Like I NEEED IT (+ Cryle too!! <33)
Please (and yes I'm the same person who told you to name the kyle shippy thingy- sorry for typos too my cat is on my chest right now lol)
HELLO ANON.. i hope ur out there somewhere still.. im so sorry for answering this ask late hhh BUT IM HERE NOW!!!!!!!!
• kenny would kiss kyle three times before he leaves anywhere, signaling "i love you" but in kiss form (idk how to explain it better)
• i think both of them drive but kyle likes being a passenger princess just a LITTLE bit. Just a little.
• the heights i headcanon for these two are 5'11"-6'0" (kenny) and 5'7"-5'9" (kyle). it really depends on how i'm feeling
• i think k2 are so oblivious to their feelings for each other that everyone but them knows that they like one another
• i think kyle's a lot more reactive in emotion than kenny, but kenny is a lot more bottled up than kyle. i think this is something that they would work out in their relationship
• even if they have a fight, they would still tell each other i love you at the end of the day no matter what.
• whenever kyle goes out, if he sees something that he thinks kenny likes he would get it for him! and vice versa !!!
• kenny would take candid photos of kyle because he thinks he's the prettiest and handsomest person ever
• they would have matching keychains to put on their keys
• kenny has the crush first and confesses first
• kenny loves flirting with kyle because he thinks kyle's reaction is cute, but kenny would literally be so flustered if kyle does something smooth
• they both have polaroids of each other together on the back of their phones >:3
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ethtyn · 1 year
etho's limlife #5 pov liveblog
oh good. bdubs is just. here.
not the boogeyman. so my initial supposition was incorrect [squints]
uhmmm the group screenie moment with bdubs halfway up a ladder to look shorter 😭 goodbye.
"i'm washed up at pvp, i don't know the answers to these questions anymore" WAAAAAAH
"the BITES lawncare service" HELP LOL
this post
"if they ask me why we did it, i have no clue, to be honest (laughs)" GHGNFNF. (from between gritted teeth, affectionately) i can't stand you.
SCREAM i am dying at Etho crouching in the water elevator listening to jimmy monologue to his commenters. "wait, where are you??" PLEASE.
...shrieker in the TIES base. 🫵🏻 Cleo.
"why does everybody call me a traitor?!" "you put a shrieker in our base!" "(laughs) oh, yeah, Mom told me to do that." SEE. CLEO.
"i love it when we're pranked by people who don't know how things work" pfffft damn tango go off
obsessed w Etho apparently immediately sniffing out the bad boys in TIES' base. "this is just embarrassing at this point" to hysterical laughter from the BBs. j'adore.
"Jimmy. you're a BAD BOY." "i'm a very bad boy." 🥴🥴🥴
tell me the bad boys are not wearing priest skins. like i'm sure they're supposed to look like regular suits but THEY LOOK LIKE PRIESTS i'm. this is. hm
deviation for. this post
"i would be here all the time if it was allowed!" "you're allowed. you could be a Clocker." IMMEDIATELY LOOKS AT BDUBS. "i could, couldn't i" in the softest voice. i am ripping up my pillow with my teeth.
"i especially like that Cleo's been quiet. that's my favourite part of this whole supper." first of all it's dinner not supper you Canadian fuck (/aff), SECONDABLE you are. really going hard on the "not afraid of Cleo anymore" exposure therapy today sir. i love it keep going
fucking JCNCKFNCKDNCKF. insults Cleo, fails to find the button to the iron door, gets slapped for his troubles. I AM EATING SO GOOD RN
bro i. my mouth is open. jaw is flapping. this is some roleplay all right. also i love being right, there are TNT minecarts involved which means this is going to end Horribly.
IM SCREAMING. I WATCHED THAT BACK LIKE FIVE TIMES. there are literal tears in my eyes that was funnier than i possibly could ever have anticipated. AND ALSO BOTH OF THEM DIED IM FUCKING CACKLING.
i feel like i can HEAR Etho wondering if he'll need to edit out Scar's "banging" comment LMFAO
aaddhdnckfkg Joel's "ETHO?! disgusting" after Scar tattled on him in chat HELLO?
??????????? Scar crits him like. at least twice when they go back inside and Etho's just. so blasé about it. "he's going through his angsty teenage phase, i should leave" and Scar LETS HIM. the dynamics here are confusing me. i need to watch Scar's video. (i will confess to not keeping up with the Clockers since the first couple of episodes since Bdubs isn't uploading 😔)
Grian's "WHAT?!" after Etho admitted he didn't know why he blew up the bridge made me go into a coughing fit i laughed so hard. don't smoke, kids /srs
"i still have your sword, so if you ever need something from me—" sicko ha ha yessss dot jpeg. GIVE ME GRITHOOOOOO
bdubs crouching in a corner pointing a crossbow at Etho with his shield up and Etho is Still having a casual conversation. WHAT ARE THE DYNAMICS HERE?!
sorry, are you telling me. that Scott heard Etho say "uhhhh....yep" LIKE THAT in response to his question about whether that spot was how you access the farm loot and STILL WENT DOWN THERE? i'm also shocked that Martyn wasn't like "what do you mean, "tell them""
GODDAMMIT. who triggered it. i wanted to see that dynamic shift so bad.
KCNCMFMFM he is SO BAD at lying. it was a good decision to interrogate Jimmy first to confirm the Mean Gills' findings bc i don't think that man can tell when someone is lying to him Ever.
the unconvincing "whaaaat"s when Etho then goes to Joel & Grian 😭😭😭😭😭😭
uhm. episode conclusion: Etho is the Disneyland Dad™.
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