#sorry if this is at all misrepresentative btw
marksman-ofthe-mist · 2 years
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why would anyone even do that. like no one here is normal in the slightest and its so obvious
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iwriteasfotini · 24 days
A query about AO3 ratings and opinions about underage consensual sex in fanfiction.
My series begins in first year, so the rating will start teen and then progress as the kids age. My understanding is mature content shouldn't contain ANY sort of semi-graphic sexual content. But I also am writing two versions of the more descriptive sex scenes, one being what I consider explicit, even though it definitely isn't as hard core as it can go. And the other being... Well, I suppose less explicit...? I'm planning to rate the book explicit, and still offer the more descriptive chapters in a different location. As far as I remember, AO3 uses an honor system in declaring whether you are old enough to read explicit content.
Why bother, you may ask. And my answer is, it's underage consensual sex, which I feel might be a sticky topic (hmmm, yeah there's a pun there) for some people. Here's the thing. Sex is human, sexual development is a process which takes place during the teen years and beyond. And I feel to leave it out is inauthentic to these characters lives. I saw a fabulous post about how sex is often misrepresented in fanfiction. I'll just go ahead and say this is the case in all fiction people (anybody read ACOTAR?)! Duh, no one wants to read the reality of messy, awkward, not as mind blowing as you wished it was sex. We all get plenty of that in real life.
So, I wanted to write scenes which are still good (we are still in fantasy land after all), but show the characters learning about themselves, each other, consent, etc. And because I start they story when they are eleven, we watch them learn and adjust their attitudes over years before any of them actually start having sex. We get to see how each person/pair approaches it differently. The whole point of this post is I feel conflicted about the explicit rating because I wonder if it will exclude the exact audience I'm writing for. I'm writing for myself as a teen, what I wish I could have had access to through fiction. Something really enticing but also REAL. Like here's an often overlooked reality... Sex is always a bit messy no matter your anatomy/methods, and some sex isn't as messy as you think it might be. Why is this rarely included in published fiction and in fanfiction?
Anyways, I've tried to make my sex scenes as mild as possible without completely leaving it out. Really hard to do btw. And then my true explicit scenes are also not pornographic, because they are teens!!! Am I right in using an explicit rating for both situations? Better safe than sorry?
On a related note, is there a certain number of f-bombs you can drop in a story at various ratings? Have you ever hung out by a skatepark? Every other word those kids (and yes I meant kids, maybe tweens...) speak is a swear word, I feel like I'm actually using it in my writing very sparsely!
Reblogs are welcome to try and glean more opinions! Cheers
*If you think underage sex doesn't happen or have a place in fanfiction, we will just have to agree to disagree. I'm a parent and I will be far more focused on being the type of parent my child can come to with questions and curiosities about something they may have read or come across, than trying to keep that content away from them. Once a kid gets unsupervised internet access, you cannot pretend you are limiting what they are exposed to.
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normystical · 9 days
EDIT: Thank you all so much for helping me and teaching me these things! I don't believe I need any more information, at least not the basic stuff. I've censored the slur now that I know it's a slur.
Original post (for the most part):
I'm perisex and I just have a few questions regarding intersexism, though the first two are NSFW and the last is about a controversial fandom, I'm saying that [above the cut] first cuz I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable
If you can't say AFAB or AMAB to refer to genitalia (e.g. "AFAB reader" tag on AO3), what simple term should I use instead? In case I ever theoretically write fanfic of that nature,,,
Since intersex people do NOT have two sets of genitals, does that mean f***** in fact IS a proper term?? I'm not into that stuff at all btw, I just find it a lil amusing, like that IQ bell curve meme (Like sometimes people use intersex instead of that term to be more supportive, but as far as I'm aware it's ironically quite the opposite)
In Helluva Boss, the imps have sexual dimorphism. The female imps have black horns with thin white stripes, and black hair. The male imps have white hair and the stripes on their horns are equally spaced. I thought the sexual dimorphism would be fun to play with. I initially came up with a gray-haired imp with the white horn stripes being not too thin, but not equal to the black either. Seeing now, though, that intersex people are actually highly unrepresented/misrepresented, and that apparently that there's so many possible variations, I wanted to maybe play around a bit more and come up with even more intersex imps. I just wanted some ideas approved by intersex people themselves tho.
Thank you guys sooo much in advance and I'm really really sorry if I offended anyone
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sonik-kun · 8 months
To say JC was disrespecting his sister's sacrifice by blaming WWX for her death is a bit of a reach, honestly. Especially since that's obviously his trauma speaking. Merely him trying to put the blame onto someone because sometimes, when we grieve, we feel better when there is someone to blame. Something to attribute those feelings to and hope that by hunting it down, maybe they'll finally go away? And that maybe he will finally get the answers and feelings of closure he yearns for when he does?
We see his conflicted feelings throughout the latter part of the story and how he struggled with them, after all (Which is another tragic aspect of his and WWX's character, which we can't ignore).
Even then, you could argue that in the moment, that was just how JC perceived and rationalised things. WWX did lose control at Nightless City. And whilst it wasn't intentional, and this time by the hands of someone else, rather than his own "zombies", we can see why JC would rationalise it to be WWX's fault. That's what trauma does to a person.
Also, the implications that JC sees his sister as some "commodity" is just wrong and unfairly misrepresenting his character, too. Sorry. Especially whilst he respected all of her wishes throughout. Be it her choice to marry JZX or not, despite JC and WWX hating the dude.
Allowing her that choice to either reject the arrangement (which was hugely beneficial for the sect btw and something families did back then), or accept it by choice is a big deal for a dude of that period tbh. Especially whilst JC effectively had "control" over his sister (which again, he never exercised. She was always the big sister to him, whose word he respected. We see this when he confides in her during the search for WWX during the war). So no. She wasn't a commodity for him. JC started a siege over this woman. He loved her dearly and to reduce their relationship to something so surface level is disingenuous and so not what the author wanted to convey in her work. Js.
To sum up, whilst JC was factually wrong to accuse WWX of the death of his sister, we can see beneath the surface why he reached that conclusion, regardless of the facts.
Context matters greatly here. And WWX did inadvertently bring that threat to them. What doesn't help is also the events that took place before this.
WWX refused to open up to JC when prompted. He kept things from him prior to the incident and just.. Looked culpable as heck for everything despite actually being innocent (especially since this took place not long after the death of his brother in law which was apparently by WWX's hands). All feelings of confusion, anger and grief were bound to mount up and unfortunately, WWX was going to be the outlet for all that because behind it all, there he was. Looking responsible for all that went wrong for JC (despite us as the reader knowing that there's more to the situation than that and that wasn't true. But remember, JC doesn't see what we see. So it's only natural he's going to attribute all that's gone wrong in his life to the man that was always there, somehow at the core of it -ahem. No pun intended there!-).
But all this aside, you've got to remember that JC does let WWX go in the end anyway. He drops all feelings of malice as the truth comes out and he learns that WWX wasn't actually fully responsible for everything he accused and hated him for.
To still hate JC for initially blaming WWX for the cause of JYL's death is a bit silly tbh, especially when they effectively closed that chapter at the end of the book and moved on anyway.
JC doesn't pursue him anymore for answers and nor does he continue to hold him accountable for everything. To bring up his old feelings when the book is finished and all has been put to bed is unfair tbh. Especially when some of you won't even put yourself in JC's shoes and try to come to understand how he came to that conclusion in the first place.
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mdhwrites · 8 months
So, how does Discord from MLP fare as a chaotic god creature who gains redemption from friendship? Considering your issues with The Collector, what made the idea that Discord could be redeemed by Fluttershy's friendship work better?
So, the ask that caused me to finish watching the finale. Let's do this. *cracks neck*
Discord is less human and empathetic.
That... Is actually most of it which I know probably sounds a little weird. After all, shouldn't a kinder character be easier to redeem? Shouldn't it be more satisfying to see them change from their negative influences? Well... Yes. For most characters.
Discord and The Collector are not most characters. They're all powerful gods who mostly get enjoyment from chaos and causing problems. You inherently need a different approach to how they function when it comes to their morality. After all, neither one sees the death or loss of autonomy for a massive amount of people as a big deal so long as they had fun. That hedonism is a core part of both characters.
And this is where the Collector's humanity becomes a problem for the reason why it works with Discord: When Discord fucks over Fluttershy in his redemption, he doesn't expect her to be fair. To be good to him. His expectation, and desire even because of how he sees things, is that she'll snap. She'll get mad, break her word, and he'll be proven right about how all of this is bullshit. Sure, he probably gets turned to stone again but he's immortal. Time doesn't matter as much victory does. Even better if she snaps but keeps her word while swearing him up and down because now he gets to do what he wants.
But... He doesn't get that, does he? She keeps her word... But cuts ties. Doesn't get mad (and sorry if I'm misrepresenting any of this), doesn't throw a fit, doesn't do much of anything. Instead, she lets him know this isn't what friends do, that they aren't friends anymore, and leaves.
He won... But didn't get a prize. Didn't get the reward of breaking Fluttershy's patience. Doesn't get the reward of moral superiority because she dropped her mask and that's a CRUCIAL part of this. He NEVER believed that Fluttershy was being sincere. In his eyes, no one ever is. His chaos is actually revelatory more than anything else to him. Push someone to brink and where do their allegiances lie. That's literally what he does when he first shows up in S2 and shows how weak the element bearers can be when pitted against their own desires and vices. All but Fluttershy who annoyed him because she wouldn't play ball. She stuck to being kind.
I'm actually kind of loving how I expected to say I didn't think Discord's redemption was great but I actually love how even back in his first appearance, you can see the blocks they built on for it. But... why does this redeem him then?
Well because it proves him wrong and gives him something he's never had: A friend. Someone who doesn't wear a mask with him. Someone who genuinely cares about him. He's never had that and so yeah, he's free forever since the elements won't be used against him but... In return, he never gets the kindness he just finally experienced. A kindness that by the show's logic is the most powerful thing in the universe, literally. And so he decides that the only way to win is to lose and gives up so he can be friends with Fluttershy.
All of this btw explains why he never bothers trying to connect with the rest because he just sees them as masks which helps keep him antagonistic, even if he's not a villain now.
So what does this all have to do with The Collector? Well, see, with Discord, before his change, you could never win making a deal with him. You don't matter to him so you actually have to exchange something. With the Collector... You matter.
People matter to him... Which makes EVERYTHING he does WAY WORSE.
And this isn't even about killing people. For as fucking stupid as him not knowing what death is, and just a straight up lie by the show that goes fucking nowhere and has no payoff, that is not actually important here. Sure, it shows a lack of understanding to what he does, but the dehumanization is enough. He does horribly monstrous things to EVERYONE on the Isles. Full stop. He is a monster and this link takes you to something more comprehensive on that.
And he does that... While understanding his actions upset others and that he doesn't like that.
The smoking gun here is the line "King will hate me now." He knew going in that the dreams would piss off King. That hurting Eda and Luz had consequences. Consequences HE DIDN'T WANT. Discord thought there was no losing play because he could not imagine actually hurting Fluttershy in a way that mattered to him. It is VERY easy for the Collector. It's actually why King has so much power over him. He is desperate to keep his friend around.
But if he can recognize the humanity in one person, why can't he for literally anyone else?
And that's the killing blow. Even if you buy into EVERYTHING about the death stuff, he still knows he's doing monstrous things. That he has done monstrous things. This is why he doesn't like King reading about his brothers. Admittedly, you also have a moment like him asking for Grudgby buddies but... Why? The evidence is overwhelmingly stacked that he knows the people hate him. Otherwise he wouldn't have stars hunting and making people into dolls. Making them into nothing but toys instead of even giving them a chance to be his friend. Terra and Odalia live in fear of annoying him AT ALL and getting turned into a puppet, which happens to Terra. He treats people TERRIBLY... While knowing what he does is wrong.
While knowing King doesn't like this. That he doesn't like how King looks at him in those moments. He himself in the finale admits that the friendship is a lie and it hurts but he'd rather have that than not have a friend. But... He's been at this for months. He has been doing these things, with King by his side, for MONTHS.
Why did none of these people get even a chance? What is the underlying philosophy for the Collector? That he thinks they'll lie and cheat with him? It's not like King wasn't getting something out of their deal so King should be just as untrustworthy as everyone else. More so honestly because he IS immune to his magic so the Collector is defenseless if King decides to shove him back into the mirror. But... He gives King a chance. And he needs proof to believe that someone is out to get him. That's why Belos needs to have him check on King. He doesn't assume people are lying like Discord does.
And also... What does he get out of fucking with people? Discord genuinely takes pleasure in your misery. In you losing your mind. We get the death games in the finale but why that scale? Why the unfair rules? He's cheating like he accuses others of doing. But... He wants others to be honest with him. Discord lies because he doesn't expect anyone to bother being honest with him, not if they can get something out of lying.
That's why I describe it as the Collector being too human. He is too genuinely a person to have his crimes be as easily dismissed. For a simple shift in outlook, one thing proving his hypothesis wrong, to be what changes him.
Mind you... That doesn't happen either. The Collector isn't redeemed in the TOH finale. The one rushed part of the finale is when he should have been convinced that Luz was right. When he should have apologized for what he'd done or done a grand gesture to show he had changed how he viewed things. Instead, there's brief talk about forgiveness and kindness, which is not what the Collector is actually asking for because he claims during this section to not have actually done anything wrong (refer to everything above), he mumbles about it, and then I guess his big redemption moment is trying to use the theory on Belos. Except, you know... He spends the entire episode wanting to make friends. He is told a way to make friends and bluntly uses it like he did Belos' plans that started the episode and the death games. He hasn't grown or changed which is probably why the moment is treated as a complete joke. Then Luz dies ten seconds later and I guess figuring out that death exists SCREAMS makes him go save people. Hurray?
It's bad. At least Fluttershy's moment was genuinely built up. They showed how Discord viewed things and then presented a choice that actively asked that he either stay to his old mindset and beliefs or change to face a scarier, uncertain future. The Collector is still mostly just going off of "Friends are great! Do what makes you friends the easiest!" which isn't a new mentality for him. I guess you MAYBE get it when he fucks off in the end but also not really. Kind of like how Luz gave the demon realm a middle finger, him leaving without actually fixing like 90% of the damage he did, something that would be really easy for him but takes the citizens of the Isles FOUR YEARS, feels a lot more like that. Like these people don't like him, won't be his friends, so he tries a new planet instead. Maybe with a bit less forcing people to be his friend but why? His viewpoint seems to still be what it always has been, especially since he DOESN'T stick around to try actually be King's friend. To actually work with him and give him agency. He does all he has to to not make King hate him and then... Leaves. Instead of, you know, actually putting the work in which would have taken one line of "The Collector agreed to a power dampener to help everyone else feel a bit easier and is now working with King on what their friendship will be instead of telling him how it will be." Maybe even with showing him losing at Jenga, King getting nervous but then the Collector just laughs it off because he doesn't need to be in control anymore. He can lose and still be happy.
And again: This is the ONE part of the finale that's actually rushed. For as painfully slow and wasteful as the rest is, redeeming the Collector was just left on the chopping room floor I guess. Then again, that happened with Amity too, who never makes up for the bullying she did or actually apologizes for the years of bullying, just for the original sin (and then leaves Willow high and dry). It also happened with Hunter who always states very selfish motivations for wanting to be away from Belos and never actually disavows the things he did or the mindset he did them with. It's why I say he left Belos just because otherwise he'd be dead because it all still feels self serving. It doesn't feel like his worldview or his morality actually changed besides understanding his uncle wanted him dead.
TOH is just bad at redemption. At actually changing a character and having them rebuke their past. At least with Discord, the show is bluntly honest about even the initial attempt having a carrot on a stick for him. That if he doesn't play nice, it's back into the statue. It's why it's important that that carrot is gone in his moment of redemption. We know what he wants: Freedom and Chaos. Fluttershy won't put him back into the statue so he has those. But he chooses friendship instead because they've genuinely changed his mind and so he gives up both some of his freedom, and some of his chaos, to behave and play nice, even when Fluttershy had no reason to actually be nice to him even when he changed everything back in the end. He could have just lost. He didn't have to be honest and straightforwardly kind to another, things that the episode itself was asking whether or not it was possible for him to do.
There just isn't anything like that with the Collector and reminder: Discord is redeemed in his second appearance. He gets an hour of airtime where he can even show up before this happens. The Collector has more time to be fleshed out, genuinely, than Discord did. But... The Collector doesn't actually change. He might claim it but we don't see that. We don't see him do anything that would actually sell us on him having changed his worldview. After all, he forgave the Titans by still wanting to befriend one. He showed plenty of kindness to King with stuff like not forcing him to give Francois.
He already was like this so why does the little trip down memory lane do anything? Especially when for most of it, King, Eda and Luz are barely paying attention to him so the writers can circle jerk about the plans they had or about the amazing story they made. Even his big moment is undercut by being a joke. By obviously being the wrong move and then costing Luz her life. Just another dumb plan he enacted because someone told him it would get him friends.
That's not different and unfortunately it doesn't fix the awful things he did to others. The things he knows were wrong that he did. Discord never had to apologize for it because he'd never thought of them as wrong. Not until the moment everything changed for him.
Nothing changed for the Collector. Not a single thing.
Something that is just kind of an undercurrent of this but that I cannot stress enough for why the two are different: Discord can do what he does so quickly because he is a genuinely consistent character with clear goals and motivations. Meanwhile, the Collector is maybe the most inconsistent character I have ever seen which kind of makes redemption impossible in the first place. How do you redeem a character who seems to change core elements of himself every episode?
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
what are your controversial wwx views? 👀 (asking as a fellow controversial wwx view-haver)
In the grand scheme of things I personally think my opinions are pretty lukewarm but I got a lot of shit a while back for making a post saying that it's important to acknowledge that wwx has privilege as a male cultivator member of the gentry and certified genius, and that that's important because even though he knows that his position in society is extremely tenuous and that so many people are willing to fight to force him to lose it, he still chooses to stand up for those even lower in society (in that post I was thinking specifically of the women in mdzs, particularly the brothel women because they're basically never considered). And then? A bunch of people started shittalking me because apparently wwx is the most underprivileged character in the story? And he's lower status than even the non cultivating sex workers because he was homeless as a kid?
I'm also neutral-positive on Jiang Cheng and made the great sin of making a completely neutral poll asking for people's opinions on him correlating with if they grew up with siblings and got a bunch of accusations of being a wwx anti, rigging the poll, and misrepresenting the answers (the results of which were completely even btw) based off . The fact I used a picture of grapes as the poll banner. Yeah . Wwx was never mentioned in the poll at all also. You can probably still find all that shit if you search my username, anons were just fully accidentally pinging me and everything, it's why I don't name search any more even though I know some people make posts based off my ideas but are afraid of pinging me (don't be btw!!! Please ping me 🥺🥺)
I actually really didn't like wwx in my first read-through of mdzs because I really related to teen lwj and felt very personally about the idea of overly pushy boundary breaking teenager attitudes, but I definitely grew to like him lol. I don't know how much that shows through in my posts, I think I've made a few comments about thinking that he was definitely a little bit of a dick as a teen but I don't know how controversial that is
So overall I'm sorry to disappoint, not very controversial opinions, but I've gotten so much grief for them anyways you'd think I posted some shit like wwx is my least favorite character in all of fiction 😵‍💫😵‍💫 there's probably more stuff that could be considered controversial but I'm so disconnected from mdzs fandom at this point that I don't really know what the general consensus is. I'd love to hear yours though!!!! Feel free to anon or message or whatever you feel comfortable with, I won't judge
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
he's just so round. it's very hard to describe the emotion his roundness evokes, it's just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
little mud man.
the most cutest little baby killer.
aw, thank you for this. i appreciate it, i really do. though i would like to take this as an opportunity to rant a little bit about the last part, i hope you don't mind
the whole "child murderer" thing really irks me personally. and not because i want to pretend like the vessel thing didn't happen and pk is innocent, no. he still did that, their blood is still on his hands, it's a crucial part of his character that you just can't take away. it's more that i believe that label kinda misrepresents what actually happened. "murder" implies something premeditated, out ot of malice. and that's just doesn't fit him. his hand was forced by the infection, he wasn't killing vessels himself because he felt like it, hell, they weren't really meant to be living, feeling things by design. of course, that was a cruel misconception, and i personally see that as his fault. that he either lied to himself about it to make himself feel better, or let them all die knowing that they might actually be alive. it also connects to people saying that he would toss them into the abyss if they were impure and that's just... not what happened? i see this idea everywhere and it confuses me, cause even the game itself heavily implies that the vessels either died after hatching (from eggs which were already placed down in the abyss) or because they failed the climb and fell to their deaths
was what he did fucked up? absolutely, no doubt about that, he's not innocent and i will not act like he is, no matter how cute and pudgy and sad i make him in my au (which, btw, still revolves heavily around his guilt and self loathing about all the deaths he's responsible for, even if most content i draw of it is wholesome or silly). but if you're gonna call him out, i feel like it would help if it was more nuanced than just calling him a baby murderer with a buzzsaw obsession
and on a side note. it would also help greatly if people recognized that the white lady was just as responsible for the vessels and, by proxy, their deaths. i swear, the amount of "wl is so sweet and is such a good mom to the vessels" stuff i see, while wholesome, also kinda baffles me. cause i feel like people forget that she was equally responsible for that plan, and on top of that, doesn't even seem particularly emotionally attached to the vessels even when we meet her. like, come on, not even a "i'm sorry for leaving you and your siblings to die in the abyss"? anything? just "hey so your sibling kinda failed. go take their place ok thanks bye"? okay then. real sweet of you, mom
no shade towards wl or people who like that content, of course, i enjoy that stuff as well, i just feel it's a bit unfair to give pk all the shit and then turn around and spread wholesome mom wl content around, ya feel me? just... keep them both accountable. they're both guilty
nothing against you, the person who asked, btw. no bad feelings about your ask either, it's just something that's been on my mind for a long time and i guess this was a good opportunity to talk about it. hope you have a great day! and thanks for the ask
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coochiebandanna · 9 months
People LOVE misinterpreting Black folk. I have a friend who's been the victim of a years long harassment campaign that has devolved into the craziest shit ever because she posted a take that was immediately misinterpreted by all the YT folk around her. Black trans woman btw, and the harassment campaign has got people convinced she's a TERF, lying about her age, secretly pretending to be trans, a kiwi farmer. Like you name it, they've said it about her. The most outlandish shit, all for being Black and daring to make a tweet. Like she literally got outed to her mother and doxxed over that stuff. The absolute abysmal treatment of Black folk on the internet is so depressing.
Oh my god I’m so sorry that happened to your friend! And yeah it is very easy for people to misrepresent what we’re saying for their own gain and clout so they can feel like they can get their chance to scold us.
For tvc fandom, I feel like a lot of them aren’t used to being in a fandom with a lot of black people in it and so they’re unfamiliar with the way black ppl in fandom approach texts. The black ppl in this fandom are very analytical and they love meta especially because we’re watching a show about racism and vampirism and how the two interact with each other. We are able to speak more on this and we are able to pull from our experience and pull from our history whenever we discuss this show and some of the white/nonblack book part of fandom do not get that some of the things they say are just flat out wrong or missing the point of what show Louis is trying to convey and the black fans have more of an understanding and more nuance with things that that book side may be confused about because this is our lived experience. They aren’t used to black people telling them to shut up when they say something racist and they’re view on what is racist is very skewed. They don’t see how saying things like “show Louis is inferior to book Louis” and then putting that in the tag for show fans to see is racist. They don’t get how annoying it is to go out into the world as a black person and then coming online only to see that. It’s frustrating and our frustration is always seen as an attack and never as an invitation to self reflect.
I’m tired so I may not be putting this in the best way but yeah 💀
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thepixelelf · 1 year
btw, would you ever consider writing something where the reader is hard of hearing and chooses not to wear hearing aids most of the time? as you can imagine the kpop community is very exclusive with regards to deafness, blindness, chronic illness, that sort of thing, but... there are people who can enjoy the music videos and variety content and even listen to the music if they're not profoundly deaf (which most deaf people are not! there are lots of people who are just very very hard of hearing and identify as Deaf because they don't want to explain everything to everyone, complete deafness is pretty rare) and people who can enjoy the music even if they're totally blind (again, much rarer than you would think!)... deaf, blind, and chronically ill people basically don't get representation here and it's really sad.
sorry for the block of text! i hope your day goes well, and i always enjoy your writing ☺️
I'm sorry to hear about that kind of exclusion anon :( yeah, unfortunately any depiction of "y/n" cannot be 100% inclusive, especially regarding stuff like deafness, blindness, and chronic illnesses... I wish I could say I had an answer to that :(
But aside from that, yes, I would be open to writing a hard of hearing character if requested! My requests aren't open all the time, but sometimes I post request games asking for certain prompts like colours, pictures, dialogue, etc. If you or anyone wanted a request with a character who has a generally excluded feature (like deafness), just let me know in that request!
I think my only hesitation comes from a fear of misrepresenting or offending anyone... I have no experience with any of the things you've listed, and I'd be a little scared to write something ignorant. I'd try to do research, yes, but I'm honestly not the smartest person you'll ever meet..... and now I sound like I'm making excuses. Anywho, I'm still open to trying my best!
If you ever want to DM me about the topic, please do!
Thanks so much for enjoying my work, and I hope in the future the community is more accepting towards all fans!! 💕💕
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dteamain · 2 years
Sorry, I know this was hours ago but I had a question regarding Hari. Did something happen recently with her and dream blogs cause i haven’t seen anything (grant it, I’m wasn’t looking either) I stopped following after her response to dreams twitlong, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Ain’t gonna lie, I’m a little nosy✨
So like I don’t know to in depth bc I to have stopped following long ago. But earlier today we were all reminiscing on dtblr pre-drituation and it was brought up how lots of the people who left were insane even before everything. Anyway hari was brought up in that list ofc and then the only thing I saw was a reblog from a fellow blogger of a post hari posted. The post in question was a fucking screenshot of an ask from that blog (THAT HAS HARI BLOCKED BTW) that hari was mentioned in. Like it was within hours of the ask being posted. It leaves such a gross taste in mouth that she claims to have moved on and claims that dtblr are the insane ones then turns around and snipes any fucking blog that dare bring up her wrong doings. she truly hasn’t changed.
anyway I hear other reports that she is completely misrepresenting what was said by us on her blog but I can’t confirm bc I couldn’t care less. I’m most definitely not stalking her blog like a pathetic loser unlike her🤭
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faggot-billcipher · 4 months
th i literally do nawt get how so many people can still agree with anti rhetoric wihle seeing how lily orchard is. and knowing she is one of THE top influencer-like figures in the community. ibtch lied about finding a therapist who agreed with anti culture as her stepping stone. ivew legit only seen one ex anti have a case of a therapist hat legit promoted anti rhetoric. but that's it. only one experience isn't much vlaidity to work with. certianly not enough to justify murdering people over this shit irl the way so many antis are willing to do thoughtlessly. (murdering people will always be a bigger crime than fanfic sorry not sorry.) however i still think lily's stockholm syndrome fic and her other fics are ohrrid though and mainly because she actually uses them to groom minors into tinking that shit is okay to do irl. and uses those fics to tellk minors you should forgive rapists and pedophiles. since that is the most consistent moral in all of them. despite how lily's usual presence is in the anti community where she is the most aggressively anti forgiveness one in there. like the thing is i am not against people edploring incest and pedophilia in fictoin. i do it myseolf. my issue id when you use it to groom real people. because in that case the fic isn't inherently wrong. using it to groom someone is though. and can fall under non contact csa especially if you do it to a minor over texting. of course unfortunately online crimes are in muddy waters in terms of whether or not you can get someone convicted over them. this kind of shit can only get a predator like lily convicted if she's sharing like porn with real peo[le with minors. or sharing and making stylized nsfw art of real minors (which is what the actual "fictional csem" obscenity laws antis keep misrepresenting fall under btw not fanfic or fanart.) what shadman did to keemstar's daughter could actually fall under that. but yeah i digress....lily's fanfic a one isn't what's wrong, how she was using it was. and again i cannot get people seeing a bunch of big name antis including lily being exposed as total creeps irl so much recnetly and still want to side with anti rhetoric. how many more antis have to be exposed like this before you decide enough??
and not only that a huge amount of antis are still sidfing with lily on this. i even saw some saying that how lily sexually abused courtney wasn't a bg deal. and treated it like a joike in their tone. how are you going to act like bashing fanfic or fanart that depicts csa and pedophilia and adult/minor sihps is about protecting csa victims when this is the common attitude?? Simply becuase lily was super popular for years before this all got exposed. i know that could definitley not be me. i could not comfortably sit in a community that is that dismissive of one of lily's vicitms solely cuz he's lily's victim.
let's stop pretending the anti community treat proshippers the way they do because they're trying to normalize protecting csa victims. if that was true they would not be letting off lily scott free simply cuz shes lgbt and is popular in their community. antis just want to justify thinking it's okay to tell rape victims they're more likely to agree with their rapist for portraying rape in a way they didn't like in a story. that's all it's about. everything else they use to cover that is just padding gaslighting. and to also trick well meaning newbies to think the community actually has any victims best interest at heart more than they do. they do ont care about any victims. they only care aobut using victims as a meat shield and to tokenize them. everything happening with lily should heavliy prove that ocnsidering the huge number of antis still defending lily in all this and the vile vicitm blaming things they're saying aobut what happened to courtney. i don't directly support courtney anymore for personal reasons i'm ont getting into but like...that is still fucked up.
and is a line i'm not crossing in this whole mess no matter how i feel about courtney's recent behavior. two things can be true at once. that courtney's also a bad person in his own way and that his allegaiotn s against lily are still true. i think it's important to remember sometimes aubse trauma can make you develop fucked up moral sand coping mechanisms. doesn't mean it didn't happen at all.
anyways yeah fuck lily orchard and fuck her enabling stans too. i'm only willing to be forgiving to the ones that stop defending her ass. however i do hpoe the minors in lily's community are able to get the fuck out of dodge soon. because holy shit from what i've heard lily is abusing so many minors in her online spaces especially on discord. both sexually and non sexually. and also maybe we should all consider dropping anti rhetoric if this is what it turned into so qiuckly on accident.
because it's only going to get worse. and we're only going to see more situations like what lily's doing at the rate things are going. due to the social immunity a lot of adult antis get to be super creepy and inappropriate with minors in their chatrooms, blogs and forums. of course it's gonna result in a bunch of both intentoinal and opportunistic pedophiles when adult antis think they can't abuse in any way just by being antis (sounds kinda similar to lily's mentality doesn't it??) no person who thinks like that is going to realize they're crossing the line if they refuse to be open to being confronted even politely.
that's why i say anti culture feeds into this problem. and i hope more people realize this sooner because i can guarantee we're gonna see more cases coming out even after this about different adult antis. especially if nothing aobut tihs problem in anti culture spaces changes fast enough.
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demonicheadcanons · 7 years
RFA and V and Saeran being cheated on by MC
(AN: Remember, cheating is wrong guys. Don’t cheat on your partner(s). I’ve never been in the position of being cheated on, nor have I ever cheated on anyone, so I’m sorry if I write this at all poorly or mis-portray it in any way.
I should note that after each incident in all of these, MC leaves the RFA, or is just straight up kicked out of it. They will not stand for anything like this to happen.)
(Edit: This is very, very long. It’ll take some time to read through these haha. It’s just under 7200 words overall)
He wanted to trust you
But you were never at home any more. You were constantly on your phone at work, and you seemed to have very little time to spend with him nowadays. You blamed it on your managerial duties, but he knew you were much more organised than that, because just two months ago you had made a rota showing exactly when you would do work so that the two of you had free time to spend together
You’d disappear at night and would show up half-drunk in the morning, acting as if nothing had happened, and he was starting to get scared. His trust faltered and he didn’t really know what to do, not being a particularly confrontational person, especially seeing as he loved you so much he didn’t want to even think you could be doing anything behind his back
One day he decides to ask you what’s up, if everything is okay, but you swear up and down everything is fine, and he relaxes a bit, because surely his MC would never lie to him?
But then one day he’s dragged out to spend time with Seven and Yoosung (Zen was acting completely uncharacteristically, retreating into himself, lacking any real confidence). And then he sees you sitting in the café, giggling as the person across from you leans across the table to give you a quick kiss
Seven had noticed as soon as they had walked in, but Yoosung was still clueless. Seven was trying to get him and Zen out of the café, but Zen wasn’t having any of it
“Hey babe, you weren’t at work today,” he calls, walking over to you. You jolted back from the person you were sitting with, and stare at him, eyes wide with fear, almost looking upset, but mainly just guilty. “Hey, who’s this? You should’ve told me you wanted to go out to a café babe, I would’ve totally loved to come with you.”
You sit blushing and scared, unsure of what to do, as Seven and Yoosung walk up. Yoosung looks terrified now, looking anywhere but at MC. People are starting to quiet down a bit to listen in to what’s happening, many of them recognising Zen
Seven looks really, really pissed off, but he’s trying to diffuse the situation by getting Zen out of there. Zen stands his ground and glares at you and the person you’re with
“What do you mean, ‘babe’?” the person asks, glancing between Zen and you, clearly just pretending to be clueless about the situation, and Zen picks up on it immediately
“Oh, don’t even start. Everyone knows we’re dating, it’s been spread about everywhere,” Zen growls, lowering his voice so as not to cause too much of a scene. You tries to get up and raises your hands defensively, but Zen just takes a step back
“I tried everything to make you happy. I guess you’ll just never be satisfied with anything,” he tells you, turning on his heel. Before he leaves, he turns back and, although he’ s still angry, he just smiles at you. “You can come collect your stuff within this next week. After that, I’m throwing it all out.”
And then he leaves, and he just breaks. Seven and Yoosung rush him to Seven’s car, where he just starts sobbing and he curls up into himself and won’t speak for a long time. He loved you so much, how could you do this to him? Was he not good enough? He had dedicated so much of his time, love, and attention to you, and yet...
The look in your eyes when you had kissed that other person, he hadn’t seen that look in over a month. You had been growing more and more distant from him, he should’ve known
And almost as if he can read Zen’s thoughts, Seven turns around and tells him, “It’s not your fault, it’s yours, okay? You couldn’t have prevented this, nor could you have found out about it any earlier. Let’s go get some ice cream.”
Zen just nods and fights to regain his composure. He’s an actor, he can put on a happy face and pretend everything is okay, and no one would ever be able to see how broken he had just become inside
He was sitting playing LOLOL with his headphones on when you had gotten up and left the room, talking into your phone quickly and quietly. He couldn’t make out the words, you knew this, and so he just assumed you were taking a standard phone call
Until he saw that little smirk on your face as you glanced back at him, unaware he was watching you as you left. He smiled casually at you, and you quickly smiled back. Everything was fine
He messaged his guild, telling them he’d be right back, that he just needed to go talk to his partner, and then silently removed his headphones and got up
Surely he was just being paranoid, and everything was okay, but he was getting more and more nervous as he got closer and closer to the door to your shared bedroom. He put his ear up to it and listened, feeling guilty for eavesdropping, but he had to be sure things were okay
“Babe, I told you, you can’t call me when I’m at home. What if Yoosung finds out about us?.. Yeah, I will, I will... I love you, I promise, it’s just not easy because we’re married...”
You were talking in a hushed voice into your phone. He swallowed hard and opened the door, tears already forming in his eyes, but he was more angry than anything else in that moment
“MC... who are you talking to?” he asked, studying you carefully for anything to tell him that what he heard wasn’t real, that you were his with all your heart
But you just looked scared and guilty. A silence followed, and it seemed to drag on forever as Yoosung felt the tiny cracks slowly and steadily form across his heart, one by one, each sending a wave of pain through his body
“Get out.”
It’s barely a whisper when he speaks, but he knows from the look on your face, that pained look, that you heard him. How dare you act as if he’s hurt you, after what he just heard
“Yoosung, sweetheart... don’t do this,” you tried to beg, but he was done
“I said get out, MC. You have half an hour to pack whatever you need for the time being, you can come and get the rest of your stuff some other time, next week or something. Just... just get out of my sight, okay?!”
He turns and storms out of the room, fighting to keep the tears at bay, quickly wiping away the few that spill over his eyelids and run down his cheeks. He gets his phone and texts Seven, asking him to come over in about an hour or so
You follow along behind him for a little bit, begging him to just listen and telling him you love him and you’re sorry, but you quickly realise he doesn’t actually give a shit and that he’s counting down the minutes until you leave
You stand at the door with a suitcase in one hand and your bag in the other, staring at him nervously, biting your lip. He doesn’t even glance up at you, not until after he hears the door shut behind you. And then he waits until he hears you walk away. And then he bursts into tears, sitting at his desk, his arms crossed on it and supporting his head
He hears the door open not long later. Only you, him and Seven have a key to the place. He quickly wipes his eyes and looks up to see Seven looking at him, clearly very concerned
He drops the bag he’s holding on the sofa and in a second he has his arms wrapped around Yoosung in a tight hug, telling him it’s okay if he needs to cry, and asking if he can explain what’s wrong (“but it’s okay if you can’t right now. I’m here for you.”)
Seven stays with him for the next week, and when you come back to get your things, he stands firmly by Yoosung, stopping you from trying to come up with some kind of excuse for your actions
He even invites Yoosung to move in with him and Saeran, telling him it’d be so cool for the three of them to live together. He could use his special gaming equipment to play LOLOL (though god knows Yoosung doesn’t need to play any more of that – he’s barely showered or eaten in the last week, he’s just sat at his computer blankly playing LOLOL. Even his guild noticed something was up because he just seemed to be barely functioning)
Seven’s there for him every step of the way, and Yoosung knows this, but he struggles to pull himself together. He avoids all the places the two of you used to go together, gets rid of any photos of you together, and just breaks inside completely. He becomes a shell for a while before finally moving in with Seven and Saeran and returning to his old self a bit, with help from all the RFA members, but there’s still a pain there when he thinks about you. He feels as if he’s not enough for anyone anymore, and avoids dating for a long time, feeling like a toy that’s been chewed up and thrown away
(I’m not so sure how to write her yet, sorry if this is really OOC)
She notices you act odd around this one person who comes into the café every week
They start coming daily, and you spend longer and longer talking with them. You seem to form several inside jokes with them
Jaehee trusts you wholeheartedly and doesn’t think much of it, and she’s actually happy that you’re making such close friendships with customers
Actually tells you this to your face, ignoring that slight bit of guilt that shows in your eyes. It’s nothing, you’re probably just embarrassed by her compliments
But then you just seem to be getting closer and closer to this one person in particular, going so far as to touch each other casually at times, and even though it’s just light taps on the arms or shoulders, Jaehee can feel herself start to get uncomfortable
She isn’t sure what to do or what she’s feeling, and she wants to stay professional with the others so she doesn’t bring it up to anyone and just lets it fester
And then one day she’s out stocking up a few things for the house so that she can make you both something nice to eat after a long week of work, and she sees you with that one customer. Maybe you two just bumped into each other?
And then she notices you’re holding hands
And then she sees you lean in for a kiss
She turns around and leaves. When you get back to the apartment later, everything is all set and packed for you to leave, and she’s sitting with his arms crossed, staring at a blank TV and waiting for you to arrive. When you walk into the room, she calmly stands up and turns to face you, straightening down her skirt with her hands
“Hello, MC,” she says coldly, the warmth she had come to develop when around you completely gone. “I’ve packed your things for you. I hope your new partner allows you to move in with them, because you certainly aren’t staying here.”
You just stare at her, acting confused, but she stares back, calmly and coldly. She isn’t taking any nonsense, and she isn’t changing her mind on this
“Oh, and don’t bother coming to work on Monday. Or ever again, really,” she adds, turning away and sitting back down. “We can sort out any legal issues later, but for now, I want you to leave.”
She faces the other way until you leave, until the door closes, until the tears start spilling and she shuts her eyes tight, hugging herself and praying for this to all be a dream. She isn’t sure who to turn to, and she spends the next day on her own watching Zen’s musicals before actually messaging him and explaining what’s up
He comes over immediately, and the two sit on her sofa, just close enough for comfort but not close enough to be touching. He gets her to explain the situation, and then tells her that she mainly needs to remember it’s not her fault, and that it’s impossible to be able to know. It was great of her to have trusted you, and it was your fault for breaking that trust
She puts on a brave face and tells customers that you simply quit when they ask where you went, but they seem to be able to tell that something has happened. The person you cheated on her with never shows up again, and you quietly sort out all the legal issues over short phone calls and e-mails. The rest of the RFA find out about what happened, and Jaehee finds it entertaining when they have a whole chat just dedicated to telling her she’s great and that you’re a jerk for cheating on her
Zen does everything he can to bring her confidence back up, and over time it helps, but she can’t ignore the pain in her chest whenever she’s reminded of you. She still has days where she just feels empty, staring into the distance, unable to truly focus on anything. Eventually she moves, relocating the store and such so that she can change things up, getting rid of any reminders of you. She doesn’t see you around anymore, and she stops talking to you, and slowly she recovers
He notices right away when you begin to grow more distant, and he asks you about it, but you brush him off. You go out a lot more now, and he gets worried for your safety, because there could still be people out there after you
So one day he sends out a bodyguard to follow along behind you, making sure you don’t notice, just so he can be sure that you are safe (and also that you’re not cheating on him, because he would definitely be worried about that – he’s scared he isn’t and never will be good enough for you)
The body guard comes back before you with a sour look on his face. He holds up his phone, showing pictures of you with someone else, laughing and having fun and holding hands and kissing
Jumin asks him to print the pictures out for him, before thanking him and asking him for some time to be alone. The guard asks what they should do about you, but he just tells him to let you in as normal and pretend all is okay.
He sits on the sofa with his head in his hands before texting Jaehee, asking if she can reschedule his meetings for today and tomorrow. She doesn’t seem happy about it, but he just texts ‘please, Jaehee’, and she seems to get that something is up and tells him to take care of himself, and that she will attend in his place where possible
He sits there for what feels like forever until he hears the door open, and hears you call his name. When you get to the room you look so happy and giddy, and he just turns around a gives you the coldest, saddest look you’ve ever seen. Your face falls, and you start to sweat and glance around
“Is something wrong, Jumin?” you ask innocently, approaching him slowly
He raises a hand, signalling for you to stop where you are, and stands up himself. He walks over close to you, pushes the printed photos into your hands, and glares at you as you look down at them and take a step back from him when you realise what they are
“Jumin... how did you get these photos?”
You look so scared and nervous and he is torn in two, half of him wanting to pretend nothing happened and protect you and make sure you’re okay, the other half bubbling with rage and wanting to just yell at you. However, he takes a deep breath and calms himself, knowing he must remain as civil as possible
“You could have told me you were unhappy, MC,” he begins, staring you in the eyes the entire time he speaks, seemingly unfazed, although you can see the little bit of pain in his eyes that he doesn’t have the energy to mask. “I would have done anything for you, you know that, and if things weren’t working out, you could have left. You are no different from everyone my father tries to get me to be with, using me for your own personal joys and ignoring how I feel. And you thought I would put up with that?”
“Jumin, I didn’t mean to-“
“No, MC. You clearly meant to. You don’t just accidentally cheat on someone. You put in a conscious effort to do this, to sneak out and to distance yourself from me. I have noticed the change in behaviour, that is why I had you observed today, and I was right. Now, we need to explain housing arrangements and such, because you can’t stay here, and you need to explain the situation to them. I assume they know about us being together?”
You nod quietly and he pushes past you and leaves the room, returning with a large suitcase which he pushes into your hands. “You have precisely one hour to pack up. You can stay tonight and even tomorrow night in a guest room if necessary if you cannot find anywhere else to stay, but you need to leave as soon as possible. I will not be accommodating for you any longer. You also may want to think about finding a job to support yourself, but maybe they will do that for you.”
And then he leaves you standing there in the doorway, quickly contacting a guard to come and watch over you as you pack up and to show you to your new temporary room. He goes and stands in his garden, staring off into the sky. After a bit, he calls V and explains the situation to him, unable to put a word on how he actually feels inside. The dark, rotten feeling that makes him feel hollow. The anger is still there, but it is weakened and he feels tired. V talks to him for quite some time, without anything much really being said between the two – Jumin was never one to talk all that much, and V wanted to give him the space he needed to recover, the silence to let him think
V offered to come over, but Jumin politely declined and instead decided he would focus all his time and energy on working. He called Jaehee and avoided any questions about how he was doing, saying that he could actually make it to the meetings tomorrow, and that if there was any more work to be done he would happily do it. Jaehee was sure something was up when he also suggested a few ideas for more cat projects, but said nothing of it and wished him well instead, telling him to get a good rest
He couldn’t sleep the entire night, and just wrapped up warm and stayed in his garden, staring out into the sky and trying to think, trying to feel anything other than empty and hurt and lonely. It had been a while since he had been so truly lonely that he was scared by it
He worked and worked and worked over the next while, long after you had moved out and gone on to continue your own life without him. He worked so hard that everyone was getting concerned – especially the RFA members, as he never showed up in the chat rooms anymore – and yet he still couldn’t get rid of these dark, indescribable feelings he was experiencing. He hated it. He felt ashamed, disgusted, betrayed, and so on, and he couldn’t get rid of it
He eventually began to settle into a better pattern, no longer overworking himself but ensuring he constantly had his thoughts occupied by something, whether it be with planning the RFA parties, or making up new ideas for cat projects, or his work. If he spent even a moment alone with his thoughts he became overwhelmed, and he had even ended up breaking things in his frustration at times when it became far too much for him to handle
He felt like such a failure. He had loved you so much and he had lost you so easily, and he just could never get over that
Oh boy
He had been so scared of losing you to the agency, worried that they would come after you to get back at him, that he had gotten really, overly protective. He knew he was probably smothering you, and he was trying to loosen up a bit
You started leaving once a week, the same time every week, and he told himself things would be fine and that you were okay. But he couldn’t be sure. So, feeling incredibly guilty, he put a tracker on your phone just so that if something did happen, he could check it. He wouldn’t go near it otherwise
You left and returned around the same time every week, so he didn’t see any reason to worry. You were just having a bit of freedom, that was totally fine. As long as you promised to stay safe, and as long as you called him if anything went wrong, and as long as you came back in a tidy state and not too drunk it was okay
But one day you didn’t come back, and he began to panic. It had been ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour past your usually time of return. He was waiting, sitting with his back to the wall, watching the door. He was panicking, and Saeran was getting concerned himself as his brother’s state
An hour had passed and you still weren’t home. Something must have happened, right? You weren’t responding to his messages asking if you were okay, and if you needed a lift or something. He hadn’t heard anything from you
So he turns on the tracker, and sees you’re located in some random house somewhere. He’s confused and he just can’t think straight as he grabs his jacket and keys and goes to drive there. Saeran grabs him by the shoulders and grunts at him to stay safe, and then watches as he runs to get in one of his cars
He speeds the entire way there, trying his best to be careful but just wanting to get to you already. When he gets to the house, everything is eerily quiet. And then he hears you... laugh?
He runs up to the door and knocks. The person who opens the door just stares down at him blankly, and he quietly asks if you’re there
“Yeah, they’re here, what do you want them for?” they ask, looking nervous and confused
“I’m... I’m their boyfriend? I wanted to check if they were okay. They haven’t been responding to me at all,” Seven explains
He gets so scared when the person just laughs
“This is a funny joke. I’m dating MC, dude. There’s no way she would cheat...”
They stop when they see just how confused and hurt Seven looks. He doesn’t look quite all there, honestly, his eyes wide with panic and doubt and his breath catching continuously in his throat
The person turns around and calls for you to come to the door, begging Seven to hide to the side for a second so that you don’t see him. You come out, a drink in one hand, smiling and blushing lightly
“Hey babe, what’s up? Someone for me?” you ask
Seven steps up to the door and stares at you, looking so hurt and betrayed and confused, his eyes begging you to tell him this isn’t true, that this is all just some big, bad joke
But you just drop your drink and stare at him, mouth open, eyes wide in fear
“Sae... Saeyoung, what are you doing here?” you ask quietly
And he just glances at the other person, who looks equally confused and hurt as he knows he does right now, and he turns and walks away. He doesn’t know if you’re following him or not, and he tries to tell himself he doesn’t care when he can’t hear your footsteps behind him, but he does. He cares a lot
He gets in his car and drives off, not to anywhere in particular, and not back home. He ends up outside Yoosung’s apartment, and he sits in the car for a moment crying. He texts Yoosung asking him to come let him in to the building
Yoosung is at the door in seconds, asking him if everything is okay and what’s wrong and why is he crying?
When Seven doesn’t answer, choking back a sob, Yoosung just tackles him in a hug and they stand there for a while, Seven eventually hugging him back and trying his best to calm down and just think
They go in and sit down and Seven explains what happened as Yoosung gets them both a PhD. Pepper and something light to eat. Yoosung seems really shocked by the news, and he isn’t the best to give advice – especially concerning relationships – but he looks up at Seven and there is definitely anger in his eyes as he tells him that what happened isn’t his fault, and that he needs to cut you out, to make you realise what you did was wrong, and to stop you from hurting him again
They sit and relax for a bit, Seven finally able to clear his head a bit and think about the situation. He couldn’t have known, and seemingly the other person didn’t know either. He hoped they were doing okay
He had put his phone on silent and when he was walking back to his car, he finally checked it. Nothing from you, but a few messages from Saeran telling him he needs to come home right now
He sits for a second with his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on the steering wheel, before making his way back home. He opens the door and sees Saeran waiting for him, looking a bit frightened and concerned, but he covers it up immediately with his usual blank look
“They came home and they weren’t making any sense. They’ve just been sitting waiting. I didn’t know what to do,” Saeran explains
“They cheated on me. They’re not staying here,” Seven whispers to him, a light hiss in his voice as his anger rises
He walks in and sees you sitting on the sofa, curled up into a ball, looking so small and scared... But no, you messed up here, and you need to deal with that
Seven walks over, and you turn and jump up off the sofa as soon as you see him. You look so guilty, but he doesn’t care
“Why, MC?” he asks
“I... I just... I don’t know, I wanted some freedom, I felt so trapped here, and I went out one day and met them and I just...”
“I warned you about this. I told you not to get attached to me. I told you that when we were in Rika’s apartment! The first time we met, I warned you!” Seven barks, and you shrink away from him a bit
“I didn’t mean to, Seven, you know that... you know I love you, I promise I didn’t mean to, I just got so caught up in it...”
“You don’t love me. If you loved me, you wouldn’t sneak out every week to go see someone else. Clearly I’m not enough for you, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“But, Seven... Where am I supposed to go? Is there no way I can fix this?”
“No, you can’t. How am I to ever believe you won’t just turn around and do this again someday when you get bored and ‘feel trapped’? And why don’t you go stay with them, they seem to have a nice house.”
“They... they dumped me.”
Seven snickers, and you look so hurt. He turns around and goes to your shared room, pulling out a suitcase
“Here’s the deal. You have until the end of the day to pack up and get the hell out of here. I’ll let you come get the rest of your stuff then within this next month. You’ll have to ask ahead of time for access to the bunker. And then, after that, I don’t want to hear from you again. Understood?” Seven asks, glancing up at Saeran who is standing nervously at the bedroom door, watching the two of you. When Seven and him link eyes, he just nods at him, reassuring him that he’s doing the right thing
Seven shoves the suitcase in to your hands and walks out of the room. He feels Saeran’s hand on his arm, and he turns around, surprised
“Things will be okay,” Saeran tells him, and then he clears his throat, puts on that old blank mask, and retreats away to his room (he ends up hovering about, spending more time closer to Seven over the next few days)
Seven completely ignores you as you pack up your stuff and leaves. Then he goes in to your (old) shared room... it’s just his room now. He feels so empty yet overwhelmed at the same time. Today wasn’t supposed to be like this. He never thought anything like this would happen
He curls up on the bed and your scent is still lingering and he just starts sobbing
He overworks himself for the next while. It’s all he can manage. He makes programs and apps and little robots to distract himself from the constant dull ache in his stomach and chest. When he’s not working he tries to distract himself in other ways. It takes him a long, long time to recover, with Saeran and Yoosung spending a lot of time with him to help him on his way
He’s not going to go back to dating for quite a while
V/Jihyun Kim
You were out meeting up with some friends and he didn’t like to be in the apartment by himself, so he had gone out to a random park with his camera. He loved going out on walks in pretty places now that his eyes had been fixed. He had missed this so much
He invites Jumin to come with him, and the two stroll through the park and gardens together, chatting away like they did when they were younger (V does most of the talking, Jumin was never all that talkative). They pause every now and then so that V can take photos, and he tries to help Jumin take a few photos on his phone
V jogs on up a path and hides around a corner. When Jumin walks up to see what he’s doing, he pops his head around the corner and takes a photo (it somehow looks amazing even though he had only just stopped moving when he took it. V is the God of photography)
And then he sees you, walking down a path not far away, coming in their direction, but not really focusing on them as you talk to the person beside you. You’re holding hands with them, and you look very much in love
The image is burned in his head, and it takes him a moment to register what he’s seeing before he pulls Jumin to stand hidden beside him, listening as you get closer and closer. Tears fill his eyes and he just stares at Jumin, trying to figure out what he should do
Jumin didn’t see you, so he doesn’t quite understand what is happening and why V keeps telling him to be quiet and stay hidden. V shows him the latest photo. In the background, there you are, walking with this stranger, cuddled up to them and looking like a proper couple. Jumin’s face turns sour as he glares at the photo, and then he leans up against the wall, waiting for you to approach
As you turn the corner and spot the two of them, standing there, Jumin looking angry and V looking very, very hurt, you take a step back, letting go of the person’s hand and flushing bright red. You just stare at V, looking shocked and guilty, and he stares back, not really knowing what to do
The person laughs nervously and asks you what is wrong, and Jumin is the first to speak
“We’re friends of MC. How do you know them?” he asks, keeping his cool
“Oh, cool! I met MC a while ago, we’ve been dating for a few months, I thought they would’ve told their friends about me at least,” they tell him, and they laugh again, relaxing a little until they see V’s face and start to connect the dots
“A few months?” he asks quietly, feeling his heart start to crack and shatter in his chest. His heart was fragile enough already, why would you do this to him?
“Yeah... uh... about 3 months at this point I think?.. Is everything okay?” they ask, seeming concerned
“I’ve been dating MC for a few years,” V tells them, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. This can’t be real
Jumin puts a hand on his shoulder protectively, before forcing him to turn around and walk away. The person stands there looking shocked, before turning and talking to you in a hushed voice. They then turn away and walk off, leaving you standing on your own. You go after them, which shocks even Jumin. How could they mean more to you than V?
After they’ve walked for a bit in silence, Jumin pulls V into a tight hug and holds him there. V breaks, and starts going on about how it’s all his fault and he should have been better and he just wishes he could be enough for someone, for anyone, he just wants to be enough
Jumin gets Driver Kim to take them back to V’s place, where he just sits on the sofa, doubled over with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands
Jumin sorts things out over the next while. You won’t be returning, he’ll have your things sent to you, and he’ll stay with V for the next few days, ensuring that a maid takes care of Elizabeth the 3rd for him
V doesn’t really eat or drink much over those few days, and he refuses to talk to anyone much. He opens up to Jumin a bit, and Jumin keeps reminding him it’s not his fault, it’s not his fault, it’s not his fault
After a while, when Jumin is about to leave to go to his penthouse again as V is recovering and starts to take care of himself, V asks him to keep a secret and to take something with him
He hands him a small box, and Jumin’s face drops as he realises what it is. He looks up at V, who is starting to cry again as he stares at the small box
“When were you going to...” Jumin begins to ask, but he can’t finish the question
“That night. I had planned to take them out to dinner, and then go a walk in the park and ask them there, at midnight. It was to be a clear night and everything, the stars would be out, and it just seemed to be perfect...”
Jumin hugs him again, tight, and tells him to come to the penthouse as often as possible. V just nods and watches him as he leaves, before sitting down again the way he had when he had first gotten home after seeing you with the other person (according to Jumin, they had left you too, because they had been unaware of the situation also. You had been playing the two of them)
He stares at the floor as the tears fall. Why couldn’t he just be enough?
You were late meeting up with him. Of course, it had been arranged last minute, but he had been in the bunker and you had supposedly been out in the town anyway, close to the fancy little ice cream parlour that you were supposed to be meeting up at. What the hell was keeping you?
He texts you and gets no response, so he gets an ice cream for himself and then leaves to go look for you
He finds you a few blocks away, cuddled up in someone else’s arms, staring up at them lovingly as you say goodbye to them and give them a kiss
He drops the ice cream and stares for a second before getting angry and stomping up the two of you. You see him before he gets to you, and push the other person away quickly
“S-Saeran, what are you doing here?” you ask
“I was waiting for you, and you didn’t show up. So I came to find you. What the fuck is going on, MC!?” he growls, glaring at you and the person you’re with, who looks like they really don’t want to be there right now
“I’m sure this is some misunderstanding,” they start, and Saeran reaches out and just shoves them, telling them to just ‘fuck off’ and let him deal with this
They look uncomfortable and scared, but then they glance at you and realise the situation, and they walk away looking betrayed and fearful
And now you’re left to deal with the consequences of your actions as Saeran grabs you by the shoulders and forces you to look him in the eyes. He seems completely unfazed by your tears as you stand there shaking in his grip
“What. The. Fuck. Is going on?” he growls again, slowly, waiting for you to answer
“I... I didn’t mean to Saeran... I really didn’t,” you try to explain, gulping down sobs
He lets go of you, and takes a step back
“Am I not enough for you?” he asks, his anger showing clearly in his face
“No, no, Saeran you’re more than enough... I just... I... I’m sorry, I love you, I’m so sorry.”
“Save your apologies for someone who cares, MC. I’m done with this. We’re done.”
And then he walks away. When you run up and grab his arm, he just shakes you off and yells at you to go away and leave him be. He had trusted you so much, he had let you in, and you broke his trust. That made you a disgusting disgrace of a person to him
When he gets back to the bunker he throws his bag onto his bed and stares at the photo of the two of you on the bedside table
He reaches out and lifts it, rubbing his thumb gently over the frame, before throwing it across the room. Seven knocks on the door and opens it slowly and quietly, staring at Saeran as the hot tears bubble in his eyes and start to spill onto his cheeks and roll down his face
“Saeran... is everything okay? Where’s MC? I thought you two went out for ice cream?” Seven asks, walking into the room
“Leave me alone, Saeyoung.”
“What happened?”
“Leave me the hell alone!”
And then he starts sobbing, and Seven looks so shocked and confused and he just doesn’t know what to do. He tentatively walks over and wraps his arms around Saeran, not letting go of him even though he initially struggles and fights against him
Eventually Saeran relaxes and just buries his head in Seven’s hoodie and lets it all out. Seven tries to think of what to do, who to call, but you were the only person Saeran really let get close to them. Clearly this is about you. It doesn’t take Seven long to come up with a few possibilities – you had gotten hurt, you had broken up with him, or you had... cheated. Shit
“Saeran, they aren’t worth this,” he says quietly, and Saeran freezes in his arms and shoves him away gently. “Please explain what happened to me.”
“I caught them with someone else. We were supposed to be meeting up and I caught them with someone else,” Saeran explains quietly. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”
His voice catches in the last sentence, and Seven feels horrible. He tells Saeran to wait here one second, and he goes and gets his phone. He calls Yoosung and tells him to come over for takeout and stuff, and briefly explains the situation to him. He orders some food for Yoosung to collect on his way over, and then he calls you and you can tell he’s really suppressing his anger as he hisses for you to not come back, he’ll send your things to you. He hangs up before you get much of a chance to speak
Seven quickly changes the door’s passwords, so that you won’t be able to get in to the bunker even if you do show up, and then he goes back to Saeran and tells him to get up
He drags him to the sofa, makes him sit down and drink something, and then goes to the kitchen to sit and think about things
Meanwhile, Saeran sits on the sofa and just stares off in to space, ignoring his drink after Seven leaves the room. He can’t understand why people can’t love him, what did he ever do to become so unlovable? He knew he had messed up and made mistakes (being a part of Mint Eye being the main one), but he had been unlovable from the start, and he had convinced himself he was so used to being abandoned that it couldn’t hurt him anymore. It still did, though
Yoosung shows up after about half an hour, holding the take out, and the three of them eat in silence. Saeran barely touches his food, as Yoosung and Seven try to talk to him about what happened, offering whatever words of comfort that they can. Eventually they realise he doesn’t want to talk about it, so they change the topic instead and try to brighten the mood. Nothing works
Saeran retreats back in to his shell quite quickly, constantly reminding himself that he was not loved and that everyone was lying and that, eventually, they would all leave him too
(Finally finished oh my god this took hours and hours, coming to a total of around 13 pages on Microsoft Word, and about 7,200 words. I’m sorry if it seems OOC or rushed at all, I just really wanted to push through my writer’s block and get this done. Hope it was all okay. If you have any comments or anything, please send them to me ^^ Take care!)
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
So, I'm through episode 2 in Tears of Themis, and I would like to give a little review and say some things.
Spoilers for episodes 1, 2, and the beginning of Vyn's story BTW!!!
As far as functionality and storyline, those things are great. I am extremely interested in where the story is going, and the characters and plot are captivating. The game runs pretty smooth too, and it's not too different from Obey Me in terms of a card system and the episodes, though I do feel it could have been made a bit simpler...
So now that I've given my praise, I want to address a couple...issues that I have with the actual content of the game. 😬
I'll just be blunt. I don't like the fact that so far, mental illness has been portrayed the way it has. Quite frankly I think it's not only extremely harmful and misrepresenting of those who actually are affected by it, but also in poor taste to include it in such a prevalent way in an otome game. I'm not sure I understand the point behind it other than using it as an excuse for a motive for some of the cases and situations, which to me is absolutely just...yuck. And for that matter, there have been no warnings whatsoever for players who might be sensitive to those subjects either. It just pops up in the story randomly.
In Vyn's very first story segment, you literally see someone with SH marks, and it's MC's job to somehow read into that and come to the conclusion that one of Vyn's students is suicidal. In epside 2, bipolar disorder (idk the current/correct term or if that one's outdated, I'm sorry! I'm only quoting the term from the game!) is literally used as a piece of evidence and the motive as to why a man murdered his wife. Also, let's not forget the way Estelle literally used Janus' illness against him to try and manipulate him to go public with their marriage, saying "I have to take care of you and your depression, but who's going to take care of me?" That was quite possibly the most toxic line from this game I've read yet. And even in episode one, there was a brief mention of Grandpa Vern having depression after everything that transpired with Pedro and Penny's Comfort Foods, but MC and Artem quickly pass it off with something along the lines of "Well the trial's over now, so he'll be fine!"
Are you kidding me? 😳 I just feel like if you can't write a compelling murder mystery plot without having to make someone mentally ill to give them a motive, maybe you shouldn't be writing that plot. Also, you're misrepresenting everyone with mental illness and spreading misinformation about what it's really like. In real world situations, it's never black and white like that. It's so different for everyone, and it cannot be 'cured' or just 'go away' just because the main stressor or source of the problem does. It doesn't work like that, but I digress...
Note: I didn't really mention it here, but because I bring up Mystic Messenger in a later comparison, I would like to note that while MysMes also had a similar issue to this (ie. Rika, her cult, and mental illness), I feel that it was handled significantly better and multiple characters recognized her wrongdoings and condemned her and her actions for it. I haven't played through Saeran or V's route, so I can't vouch for that content. I just feel that MysMes handled it better (not perfectly), which is why it wasn't brought up here.
I think I've said enough about that. On to my next qualm:
I've noticed there have been several conversations about MC's figure and weight already, including Luke saying something akin to "I've always thought you looked too skinny," and MC thinking they were fat or asking/acusing Luke of calling them fat. I can't remember exactly what was said or mentioned but it made me feel uncomfortable for several reasons. The first is that weight didn't really need to be mentioned at all, and that is a particular sensitivity of mine, and the second being that Luke calling MC skinny is, well- it assumes that every single player is...skinny.
That is quite obviously not the case. Whatever their reasoning for it, they've now made every person who isn't considered skinny feel left out and shitty. I would even go as far as to say it's borderline fat-phobic with the type of comments that were made.
And on that topic...there is also no representation for POC whatsoever when it comes to MC. As far as I know, MC isn't customizable. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I never saw an option to change skin color, hair color, eye color, or just icons in general. Why? I'm tired of the "skinny white girl" rhetoric. Not everyone is skinny, not everyone is white, and not everyone is a girl or feminine.
Which leads me to my final big issue! I understand that an otome game's target audience is usually women, so I understand MC being a girl. I do. However- in comparison with Obey Me and even Mystic Messenger, the MC in Tears of Themis is overwhelmingly feminine. Again, I understand target audience, but come on. Even Mystic Messenger only occasionally poked at the MC's specific gender and even hid their eyes so make it slightly more anonymous/neutral (not to say the game wasn't in the wrong for it, bc they very well could have made the MC gender neutral apart from the CGI's), but I feel like this game specifically really paints a picture of a female MC that's extremely hard for me to relate to as a nonbinary person.
Also, even though I'm supposed to be the main character, it feels like I'm playing through someone else's life. They've fleshed out MC so much that she isn't actually relatable anymore, at least in my opinion. She's unnaturally upbeat, has an entire story about her childhood, specific hobbies and a designated work place, and has an entire appearance on screen. And unlike in both MysMes and Obey Me, you actually don't get the option to choose different responses to characters. It's just a set story. The only place you get to choose anything is when you're presenting evidence and testimony in court. So no personalization of MC is really my issue here, I think.
Props to Obey Me for making MC gender neutral, and props to MysMes for at least keeping MC relatable and giving them choices to respond with even if the game set their gender. And hey, MysMes even had different icons to choose from for MC too. Tears of Themis, what's the hold up? 🤨
It's generally a good game when it comes to it's working functions and systems, and I understand that no one is obligated to tag triggers, really. But it's still a game, and it's not above critique.
I give this game...3 stars out of 5. Functionality is great, plot is interesting when it's not misrepresenting, and the love interests are interesting and attractive. The art is beautiful. However, it ranks third on the list of otome games I've played so far (and I've only played three, meaning it's last on the list).
Obey Me takes the cake at number one with it's beautiful art and gender neutral MC as well as its multiple love interests and ridiculously hilarious plot. Mystic Messenger comes in at a solid second place, also with beautiful art and an interesting plot. MysMes also gets props for the way their hourglass system works and the way the story unfolded in different routes and all the different endings you could get. And finally we've got Tears of Themis in third...it could stand to do a bit better.
Well, that's pretty much all I got. Others are welcome to add on to this as well. If I'm wrong about something, please let me know respectfully.
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luckychild · 3 years
Have u ever thought about making nqk non binary too. She can start questioning herself and with her two 'not quite' friends kagome and Minato supporting her until nqk starts using they/them pronouns. I mean considering Minato goes by she her in hero for and he him in civilian form. It make sense he would understand a little more and thus be that push nqk needs to descover themself on top of having new powers.
She already is nonbinary. She just hasn't figured out that label yet.
I was nonbinary when I first started LC, after all, and she is a reflection of me at that time. I just hadn't figured out that label applied to me (or come out of the proverbial gender-closet) yet.
My pendantic tendencies aside, if you're asking her to explicitly explore her gender and don the nonbinary label during LC, that's not likely to happen.
Full disclosure and SPOILERS, but LC is only going to cover another month (ish) of NQK's life before it ends. I don't feel confident in my ability to resolve her/my gender exploration process over the course of 30 (ish) in-story days, considering it's taken me years to explore my gender and find my labels IRL. Doing so at this point in LC would have to be very rushed considering how little of the story is left. It's a wildly important subject to me and I'd want to give it proper time to develop, but that time just doesn't exist in the story. NQK is going to be super busy dealing with other people's crap during those 30 (ish) days, too, so introspection in regards to her gender isn't going to be at the top of her To Do List.
You might have noticed that I'm the type to neglect my mental health when I'm busy with other things ( 🙃 ) so it's very in-character for her to compartmentalize and ignore her need for gender exploration while she's busy dealing with new powers, demigods, the potential end of the world, and regretfully spinning a web of deception amongst her loved ones.
"Gender? Nah, that's a problem for tomorrow's me," NQK would probably say, and then she'd pretend everything was fine and she's totally cis, sure, suuuuure, nothing nonbinary to see here 👀😐
There are hints about my gender exploration process throughout Lucky Child already, btw. NQK makes some statements regarding gender and the way people treat her in regards to gender that are pretty clear indicators she isn't as cis as she (or others) think(s). Some readers went back and found them after I came out as nonbinary here on Tumblr, in fact. Basically I was figuring stuff out about myself behind the scenes, and it leaked through the page into her narrative.
Soooo the groundwork for her being nonbinary is there, is what I'm saying, and I think she is nonbinary in a very real way considering she's a reflection of me. It's just that she's a reflection of the me that I was when I first started LC, and at that time in my life, I didn't tell realize I was nonbinary. I suspected, but...
Anyway. The problem is that I don't think that groundwork was consistent enough to now build a new plotline around. And the narrative is already so crowded that I don't think I can squeeze in another subplot without overcomplicating an already complex story.
Basically from a story writing perspective, I haven't built room into the narrative for her to analyze her gender with the time and consideration it deserves. I'm looking ahead at the plot of LC, and there just isn't a place for it. There might be more hints that get dropped about her gender in the story, but I don't think she's really in a place to explore herself and find labels.
If I had known I'd come out as nonbinary almost (*checks watch*) five years ago when I started writing LC? I probably would have worked a coming out narrative into the story. But I didn't know that's where my gender would land, so I didn't leave room for it in the story. To shove it in now would feel... Not good. I have really specific plans in place for the ending, and I don't want to risk ruining then by adding another subplot in the eleventh hour.
Also Japanese pronouns are??? I think she probably already uses "boku" (which is slightly more masculine) for herself, but IDK how it works when referring to others. How do nonbinary people request gender neutral pronouns in Japanese??? I haven't done a speck of research on this and I wouldn't want to misrepresent how that would work. Also how would that impact her culturally??
this reply was a giant ramble. Sorry. Hope this made sense
TL;DR: She already is nonbinary; she just hasn't found her labels yet. Sadly there isn't enough narrative space built into the ending of LC to meaningfully include such an important plotline when we're only 30 in-universe days away from the end of the story. (also IDK how Japanese pronouns work lmao)
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nightbrightwrites · 4 years
A Good Classic
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~ A/N: I’m a bit nervous about posting here; I love writing but I’ve never written an imagine before. Hopefully you all like it, and feel free to let me know what you think and what you want to see!
Summary: You’ve always loved to read, and you weren’t going to let moving into the dorms separate you from your precious tomes! What you didn’t account for, was how the hell you were going to get everything upstairs. Luckily for you, a certain lightning bolt boy was ready and able to offer some help, and maybe get a date out of it too...
Reader is male, btw! Trans or cis isn’t specified, but I am a trans man myself so there will definitely be more trans male oriented content in the future!
Disclaimer: Most of the books mentioned here are English classics; I didn’t want to misrepresent any Japanese titles that I haven’t read. Thank you for your understanding!
You had never regretted your love of reading. It had been a constant in your life for as long as you could remember, and moving into the U.A. dorms wasn’t going to change that. When you woke up that morning, it had been with excitement at the thought of finally moving your books into your dorm. The past few days had been setting up the shelves, and now it was finally time to fill them.
What you didn’t ever think to consider was just how the hell you were going to get all the boxes to your room on the second floor, especially because the elevator was still getting fixed after a certain SOMEONE lost their temper once again.
Thanks Bakugo.
Getting the many boxes to the dorm building wasn’t too bad; you’d had the help of some of the other students of U.A. But none of them could stay, so the task of getting every box up the stairs and to your room, not to mention unpacked and organized, fell onto your shoulders. The sun was shining as of now, the air sweet with the promise of flowers blooming with the incoming spring, but if the forecast was to be believed and rain was on its way, then you needed to get it together and fast.
Before you could steel yourself to bend over and grab the first box, someone calling your name grabbed your attention.
“(Y/N)!” Kaminari was jogging to you with his ever present grin, boyish in its charm and more than enough to bring your own smile rising to the forefront. “What’s with all the boxes?”
At the reminder of your plight, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “I brought some books from home-”
“Some?!” Kaminari’s eyes bulged as he looked around at the many boxes surrounding the entrance. Luckily no one had needed to get around you, but you wanted to get these books safe and sound before the rain started.
“Yes, some!” You scoffed. “What can I say, I have good taste and I didn’t want to leave them behind! I just...” You rubbed at your temple. You thought about asking your classmates, but you didn’t know where they were and something didn’t sit right with leaving your books out here while you ran to find someone.
“Did you text someone to help? How’d you even get all of these here?” Kaminari looked way too amused in the face of your frustration, though he raised his hands in placation when you turned your gaze onto him.
“My friends helped me get them here, but they didn’t stick around. And I...don’t have anyone else’s number.” That was a lie, completely and utterly, but you also refused to admit that the thought of texting had completely slipped your mind. it just wasn’t something you were willing to admit, especially to Kaminari who’d never let you live it down.
“Yikes.” Kaminari looked around at your situation one more time, before his eyes met yours once more. He seemed to be considering something, lips pursed in thought, until he finally gave a lazy shrug.
“I’ll help!”
Saying that you were taken aback was an understatement. “...You?”
Kaminari’s bright grin dropped, and you had a to bite back a snort. “Sorry, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. Thank you, you’re the best!”
“Ah ah, don’t go singing my praises yet, pretty boy!” Kaminari kept talking, but your head was a little more focused on the pet name. Pretty boy, huh? No one had ever called you that before, and you...kinda liked it. Even though it threw you off balance, it was worth it for the butterflies that erupted in your stomach.
“Hello? Earth to (Y/N)! Don’t make me have to zap ya!” A hand waving in front of your face snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Were you listening to me?”
“No.” With that, you picked up a box and headed inside, rolling your eyes fondly at Kaminari’s protests. Soon enough you heard him stomping behind you, muttering something about the box being filled with rocks instead of books.
“So, Pride and Prejudice, huh?” Kaminari lifted the book with a raised brow.
You two had managed to get the last box inside just as the rain started, and both of you were exhausted to say the least. You didn’t want to keep him any longer, but he offered to unpack your books and you really could use the help.
You weren’t, however, going to take his shit. “Kaminari, I know for a fact that you like the classics just as much as I do.”
“Pfft, what? No way-”
“I know that you sit in the library every Friday before curfew to read in the little corner over in the history section. I sit there too sometimes, it’s very comfy.”
Kaminari sputtered for a moment, during which you took the time to load up your poor shelves with more literature. Listening to the usually confident boy sputter for a moment was a lovely soundtrack, though you silently prayed he didn’t short circuit. Your poor books couldn’t handle it.
“...S-So are you just stalking me or something? If you liked me that bad you could’ve just asked me out.” He chuckled, still slightly off-kilter. He hoped he was sounding at least somewhat flirty, but from the funny look you gave him, he wasn’t doing that good of a job.
“In your dreams, maybe.” You chuckled. “No offense, but I don’t think you’re my personal Mr. Darcy.”
“Mr. Rochester?”
You paused. “Is this your way of telling me you’re gonna lock me in the attic?”
Kaminari’s grin never dropped so fast, and you had to stifle a snort behind a hardcover.
“Come on, throw me a bone here (Y/N)!”
“I’m free tomorrow.”
Kaminari blinked, feeling his face heat ever so slightly. “H-Huh?”
“You wanted a bone, yes? I’m free tomorrow if you wanted to-”
“Yes!” Kaminari fist-pumped, already running through ideas in his head. “You won’t be disappointed, (Y/N)!” He sprinted out of the room, careful not to trip over or God forbid, step on any of your books.
“Kaminari, we’re not done-! And he’s gone.” You sighed, shaking your head fondly. Luckily you were almost done shelving, though it took you a bit longer than usual; your mind was a bit preoccupied with your date tomorrow.
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lanchang · 3 years
hi, nice header
omg hiiiiii thank you <3 i was actually thinking about changing it the other day because i never post about mdzs anymore but i just love that guy so much like king of doing everything possible to face your problems in the least head-on way possible also what a lonely way to go in the end like plotting all that to get your buddy to kill your former babysitter/bestie and then in the end youre still brotherless and tbh even more brotherless than before like damn that sucks but i kind of love it. btw if i am misrepresenting any of this sorry i havent consumed any canon content in like 2 years i miss that little guy tho
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