#sorry for the random train of thought.. ..
anderscim · 1 year
✦ another (even wilder) theory with bagel
similar to my teruko theory, this one also has a lot of room for rebuttal. to be honest, a lot of the evidence i have for this is quite flimsy (_ _;)
this theory is mainly about mai akasaki’s connection to the cast, and how it relates to the killing game in general.
take this with a grain of salt as always
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//spoilers for up to chapter 2 part 1 of drdt
//additional spoilers for bonus content, such as the bonus episodes and the new “literature girl insane” MV
there shouldn’t be any tally5 spoilers if i’m not wrong ( ・∇・)
here’s one question i have for you all: how many members in the cast, right now, actually know mai akasaki?
it’s definitely implied in the bonus episodes and the quotes on her character page that she’s connected with everyone in the current cast, but there was a paradox i noticed—if it even is one, that is (-.-;)—that led me to think that this question…may actually be a lot more complicated than it seems.
let’s bring up the bonus episodes first. min’s bonus episode is definitely during their time at hope’s peak. they’re literally at the school, studying about it, discussing min’s “role” as an ultimate compared to the other students, etc. basically, many details point to min and “unnamed classmate” (who is presumably mai, based on the flowers in the dialogue box of the bonus episodes matching up with those on mai’s tattoo) being students of hope’s peak academy in the united states. though there’s no physical evidence or exact basis for this, i would personally like to think that xander’s bonus episode is placed during spring break at the academy. he is talking to his “classmate,” after all—and in that case, it would also chronologically line up with min’s (whose bonus episode takes place a week before spring break).
presumably, the other bonus episodes will follow a similar pattern, and we will see mai/UC talking to other members of the DRDT cast to get to know them more. i will assume this means that the whole cast, not just min and xander, have been to hope’s peak before—and attended class as students there. after all, it would be the only way the bonus episodes would make sense.
however, the dialogue from the first few episodes of the series suggests something else.
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as implied from the dialogue, all of the students believe they are only entering the entrance ceremony of hope’s peak as freshmen, and had no previous affiliation with the school. including xander.
obviously, this means that at the very least, their memories have been tampered with to remove anything regarding their experience at hope’s peak academy.
— sorry, very quick side tangent (*'▽'*) going by this theory, if the drdt cast genuinely went to hope’s peak, it’s very likely that they had to do a bunch of paperwork and submit a lot of information for their enrollment—which probably includes medical information and any accommodations that were necessary for their well-being. additionally, if we assume that the cast attended hope’s peak for a year or a few years, it’s likely that whoever the mastermind is, they had the time to know the rest of their classmates well enough to be able to identify their preferences either way, this would actually be a pretty strong explanation as to why many components of their environment seem to be extremely fine-tuned to their preferences and necessities, despite no recollection of sharing that information with anyone involved in the killing game. though i bet this was already obvious, i felt like it was something i probably should bring up.
in that case, however—how would it affect their memories with mai?
as i can’t exactly speculate for the other students, i’m going to trace back to what i know. at the very least, it seems to be implied that min only met mai after being admitted into hope’s peak academy. min essentially drove her entire life around schoolwork, and studying for the “ultimate contest for eminent students,” the test that allowed min to receive her title—it’s likely that before then, she never surrounded herself with friends nor had any time for herself to explore her own hobbies. which probably means that she wasn’t acquainted with mai before enrolling into hope’s peak.
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her backstory is really sad, by the way. i really wish she lived longer ( ´△`)
as for when it comes to the other characters, i would like to remind you that hope’s peak scouts across the country for their students—so it’s more logical to assume that many of them resided in hometowns that were very far away from each other. so unless mai’s talent was the ultimate traveler or something, i think it would be very improbable for her to know everyone in the cast before their admittance into hope’s peak.
taking this into account, and assuming that the cast’s memories of hope’s peak were completely erased, there’s a possibility that the cast doesn’t remember mai akasaki, despite her connections with them. the only exception would be teruko, who clearly remembers mai—and seems to have been helped by her when enrolling into the academy in the first place, pointed out by this theory here by @laly-481.
…or at least, that’s what i thought at first—until someone decided to kick in the door while holding a new music video.
i guess in that case, the biggest question i should answer is this—why does david remember mai?
getting into very, very wild theory territory here. take what i’m about to say with a grain of salt assuming that the music video is really a reflection of david’s worldview and thought process, please ignore the fact that i’m acting like the antithesis of occam’s razor right now, then there’s no reason for mai akasaki to be featured in the video—much less have a photo of her placed in a wooden frame—if he didn’t remember her.
yet, there she is, on the right:
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she even has a little description about how she was “someone dearly loved,” which fits perfectly with her character and the secret quotes on her profile page.
this is indicative of the fact that david remembers mai—and knows her well enough to even make an accurate statement about her. but, how?
obviously there’s the simpler explanation of “david knew mai before they went to hope’s peak,” which is of course a totally valid explanation—however, some details about the new music video made me consider a possible, different theory.
a grain of salt? more like, a mountain of salt from here on out
when i was watching the “literature girl insane” music video earlier, i noticed something interesting about this frame: 
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here, xander doesn’t have his eyepatch. though i’m not throwing away the possibility that this was just a technical error on the artist’s side—personally, this could be a indication that david knew xander before the killing game. 
seeing as all of the cast are connected by the unnamed “classmate,” after all, it’s a likely possibility that the current participants of the killing game were originally in the same class at hope’s peak academy. which means, they all probably knew each other before this whole killing game went down. 
in an earlier theory, i talked about how xander may have been the person in the opening prologue cutscene, and how he probably had his eye injured at that time. given that the person speaking during that scene is aware of the killing game (and is expressing their desire to end it), this event likely happened right before the killing game started—otherwise, it would be pretty imprudent for the mastermind to announce it and then wait for an entire month to set up everything, then make everyone fall unconscious, then remove their memories, etc. 
what i’m trying to get here is that the cast, had they still retained their memories from hope’s peak, would definitely remember xander with both eyes. however, we know this to not be the case—from his introduction, we all see that xander had already lost his right eye from the beginning of the killing game. therefore, for david to remember xander from before he got his eye injury, he must’ve had at least some partial memory of hope’s peak—otherwise, it would be highly unlikely. this would give a possible explanation as to why the frame of xander without his eyepatch appears in the “literature girl insane” music video. and maybe give a possible explanation as to why david cared about xander despite only knowing him for ~three days. and defended him passionately during the first trial even after a lot of evidence pointed to him attacking teruko.
this also would explain why david remembers mai—assuming they were in the same class, since mai likely had incredibly close connections with the cast (including david), it’s more than likely that david cared about mai and possibly (vaguely) remembered her even after having his memories tampered with.
well, the “no-eyepatch” deduction completely hinges on the assumption that xander didn’t like, take off his eyepatch in front of david like he did with teruko, so i may be completely wrong about this. however, it is interesting that such a small detail was included in the mv.
so is this one:
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i don’t know how it is for you guys, but that fork seems suspiciously similar to the fork in the prologue (which i theorized to be the item that caused the injury to xander’s right eye). additionally, the fork literally stabbing the “face” of the clock is… quite symbolic. it may be just me. i’m not sure. (-_-;) though, it could suggest that david remembers that scene—and perhaps knows about the “possible escape” of killing teruko? i highly doubt he was the one who wrote the note (rather i think that was xander himself), but it may account for that 2nd vote for teruko in the first trial.
my personal (unhinged) theory (with really no way to back it up) is that david may have retained partial memories of his experience at hope’s peak—but probably only a little, definitely not all of them. this may explain why he remembers mai and seems to recall xander before his eye injury (despite xander seemingly not remembering that they’ve met before)—but hasn’t called out the true mastermind nor seems to remember an escape yet. also, though his current behavior in the 2nd trial may imply that he’s trying to end the killing game early via wrong vote, i personally think he’s just breaking down and acting suicidal without that objective in mind, based on his actions.
little side note at the end: it would be absolutely amazing (and ironic) if the two people with the most distant character relationships with the rest of the cast (as of now) happened to remember the single person that had the closest relationships to all of them.
minor clarification/add-on: i just realized that i never said this, really sorry about that. m(_ _)m but basically, i don’t think david has any sort of clear memories regarding xander and mai at hope’s peak—rather, when i say “partial memories” i meant more along the lines of “vague nostalgia you can’t quite place.” he might somewhat recognize their faces at most, but likely not any clear sequences of events. and honestly, what i wanted to talk about more in regards to this theory is more about the fact that only teruko (and maybe david) remember mai in the first place—the rest of the cast probably can’t, with the way their memories were wiped.
uh, this was quite the ride. i truly felt like the antithesis of occam’s razor as i was writing this
however—this theory likely has a lot of points that can be argued against, as well as many other possibilities i didn’t consider. please, don’t be afraid to drop them in your reblogs or comments, i would love to read them!
and as always, take this with a (larger than usual) grain of salt
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enderfenderdragon · 6 months
just more thoughts-
hiccup x reader who is part night fury?
like the reader has toothless's wings, ear and tail... but with the human body as the rest.
i dont know.
just thought about how he would react about you and how he would react when he or you/reader stumbled into him.
maybe in the woods and your cautious about anyone but cloudjumper and toothless?
maybe the reader is friends with the light fury? just for more plot?
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thecoolerliauditore · 9 months
sorry im having a moment. isn't it crazy how pearl is so so not used to being loved and having friends that the one way she knows how to show her love and loyalty is to offer herself up as a weapon. to literally put her life on the line because that's what just a little bit of love and attention is worth to her.
but scar has never needed a sword. scar just wants friends. y-you guys.
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ganondoodle · 8 months
sorry about that last rambling post, i didnt mean to sound like its worse than it may be, but i got no ... lense to view it through but my own, and the main reason i wrote it out anyway was bc i needed to get it out (even if posting it might be not the greatest idea) .. and bc it kinda showcases, i think, how my stories kinda write themselves, involuntarily in a way? its not like im not putting in any effort- but its like .. i cant STOP it always keeps going and even the dumbest idea stays in some form, its very hard to get everything in place bc theres so much going on all the while i am very slow at making anything, writing or drawing anything, especially anythign coherent is very hard bc not only do i get constantly distracted, i get distracted by my own thoughts suddendly skipping to a certain scene and me having to go throguh imagining in detail NO MATTER how many times i have done it before for the same scene that i already decided on how it goes, when theres a new idea it can take over my entire day bc i cant let go of it-
not trying to sound either like im the only that has that sort of problem, but i think its a big part as of why i start tso many projects without being able to finish them, or even start them bc i constantly have to fight my own thoughts from derailing into another daydream session, thinking of too much too fast than i can ever draw or even write about and not knowing what is worthwhile and what isnt (im telling you i have no idea what is good and what isnt, idk why but for all i know all things i do could be trash, or they all could be bad, maybe the one i thinnk is decent is actually worse than the things i deem not good enough and once i start to think no this isnt good enough i stop having fun making or thinking it bc im trying to do better
honestly its kind of impressive that i can get anything out at all, not to pat myself on the back there but even if i hate how long it takes me, considering how much im having to work just to start working on something at all, the fact that i could post stuff coherent enough for some people to understand AND LIKE is something i should be a little more proud of
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braskide · 8 months
been having this thought for a while, and the essence of it is that at this point i do consider my yuna to be like an oc to me — not because i distance myself from the canon timelines ( at least not extremely so as x is constantly object of my meta posts, different thing for x-2 and post ), but because after 10+ years of developping her i have my own vision of her and it all comes after all the introspection i've done regarding her and what i envision her life and character to be post games. i care deeply for her and i can visualize easily how i want her narrative to go in terms of a character that i want to write and develop new verses and dynamics for. my fault is not having enough time or capability in being able to write down every single processed thought i've had regarding her post games timeline, even though i did post the main events for it to what i consider to be her main verse at this moment.
what i love about yuna is that she was presented as a somewhat static character in x, but there's a switch somewhere and it's refreshing to follow that line in terms of writing. i think the most fun a writer can have in terms of roleplaying a character is when they can make them flourish and create so many intricate scenarios because they have a solid base to start from. so even though i'm obviously canon devergent ( i do not consider x-2.5 and -will- to be canon in truth, but i do see .. some .. points? in them? but i still do not agree with any of that and have processed my own timelines instead ) because of the ten years i've spent with her i pretty much have based her on my headcanons and whatnot.
so, that's pretty much my wish: to be able to be more constant in writing out headcanons for her and show how i've shaped her through the years.
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endlessly curious to know how things play out between Alex and the kid on the train at the end of the film. the implication seems to be that Alex (or I guess Jack at this point in time) has now taken up the role that Nigel previously held, and is looking to essentially 'recruit' others to their cause; the sticking point for me is that Nigel specifically picked Alex because of the bloodlines that could be traced back to the original Templers, whereas Alex meeting this kid was just happenstance
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reinedeslys-central · 8 months
Lilac buttercream and magic all kinds I want to see you with laughter lines Shadows on the curb and the daily grind I want to see you with laughter lines
-reinedeslys, "laughter lines"
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(Horribly written rant ahead, ignore me over here if you want to)
Don't you just love it when your brother complains of pain in his leg once and he gets taken to the hospital for a full health check-up, meanwhile you wake up every day choosing whether to roll out of bed or push yourself up first based on which will hurt less because your entire body is always paining all the time but the two times you've complained of it you get yelled at for seeking attention alongside threats of being shown what actual pain is and whenever you appear to look even the slightest bit in pain with a grimace on your face you get told how it's all your fault, your fault, your fault, and nobody else's; even though you never blamed anyone for it and one of the few friends that you have told you that their parent with a medical background believes it's chronic, and your friends' parents believe you more than your own even when you've been walking on shards of broken glass your whole life just to ensure your parents are happy with you - even if they're never proud - and to make sure that you never give them an actual reason not to trust you and yet despite all that you're never believed when you talk about your pain, you're never the receiver of so much as the scrape of an understanding look, and you're never told anything except how it's all in your head, how it's because of you and your actions alone; and your problems are always cast aside with the simplest of comments of how it's because you don't drink enough water (but you're trying to quench your never ending thirst all the time, and they shout if they see you 'wasting' water by drinking a lot of it), don't eat enough (but otherwise it's that you eat too much and they hate to see you anywhere near the kitchen), don't sleep enough (but how can you possibly sleep in such pain?), don't exercise enough (but how can you, when it hurts so much that even the act of blinking feels like it will hurt every bone and muscle in your body?) and it's always you never doing enough, you never being enough, you never being satisfied with the life you live, you never being content with what you have, you being greedy and selfish and mean and attention-seeking and troublesome and burdening when all you want is for the pain in your body to go away?
I'm not hating on the fact that they were concerned for my brother over here, but I just wish that they won't make it so obvious that they didn't want me there. I thought they were finally happy with my existence once they stopped telling me that I was just an accident that upturned their lives unnecessarily and was a burden to deal with, instead just forgetting that I was even there, but looks like it turns out that they just found different ways of telling me know that, I guess.
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yuridoujin12345 · 10 months
people really don’t know how to act on tiktok like these assholes are beyond help at this point. filming other people without their consent and posting it under the guise of “upholding justice” and “exposing cheaters and bullies!!!” or whatever like quite frankly if you’re saying shit like “if i catch a [bad person doing bad thing] i would film them, post it on tiktok, find out where they work and live and EXPOSE 👏 THEIR 👏 UGLY 👏 ASS👏! they DESERVE to have their life ruined! #girlboss” you are not a good person you’re vile you’re disgusting and you should be severely embarassed and ashamed of yourself.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Where is he going
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malkaviian · 1 year
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this is so stupid but i actually quite like jayce's skin on this one--- it looks like its supposed to be
#coloring in general is a bit harder when your line isnt black; at least thats my experience.#you have to play more with colors to make them fit; and also some colors are not... registered as the actual color they are.#like for black i actually use deep purple; but it cant be too deep bc otherwise it ruins the whole aesthetic#with the line being lighter than the filler. i dont use actual black anymore i think; its always some shade or purple.#depending on the other colors i use a very very light shade of pink/red for white. i can also use actual white#but then again; it depends of the other colors lol. and in this case isnt even that light of a color. skin is other issue#i have a palette full of skin colors but i dont really use it for just the color-- i moreso use it as a reference.#then you have me being all stupid with the color wheel for a bit trying to find a color and the saturation that fits the piece.#and dark skins are kind of their own thing; bc otherwise it doesnt give the image of actually being brown#and actually gives the image of idk you fucking slapped a random color on them. and VEEERY rarely actual brown in the color wheel works#rn jayce's color is in a mix between pink and red. but it doesnt looks like that!! it mixes and looks brown in the piece.#i used a different color on the one with chase but that was because the lineart colors were different kjsnfkjndjfds#so yeah for someone who doesnt have that much of an eye for this; this is kind of a training in a way. its ok though#i refuse to go back to pure black lines the thought of doing them sickens me (no that doesnt means i dont like when others do them)#(and no im not saying using black lines its easier or not as worthy or something its not what im trying to say)#sorry for going in a ramble about how i color?? idk sorry i just thought about adding it#lilith whispers
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motivationisdead · 19 days
Honestly Ash’s and Paul’s rivalry is ten times better when you realize Paul is just the player character of a pokemon game with douchier lines and darker implications.
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idekrnyall · 1 month
A Lament from the Youngest Sibling
I don't know how only children do it. My older brother graduates this year and goes off to college. Soon family dinners will just be me and my parents, awkward conversations around an empty-seeming table. He's going to join my sister out in the world and I will be left at home alone. I used to wonder what it'd be like as an only child when I was really young wish I was one. But now I wonder how they do it. How do they be alone without siblings for support. How do they exist without a constant friend and companion. I suppose maybe they never knew or have the experience of siblings but still. I wonder how my sister did it for 2 years before my brother existed. Although siblings don't always get along they are your reliable people and for younger siblings people who have known you your whole life. Sure your parents were there since day one but they will never know the secrets shared late at night or on car rides with siblings. They will never be the first to learn some things, siblings learn first. So, as I go to bed before the first day of the school year that will end with me the only child at home, I wonder how only children do it?
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jadegr8 · 4 months
god why was i so incredibly dumb to let slip to someone that i had a blog on tumblr and now they're determined to find it
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rowarn · 1 year
afab!reader, no prns, praise, edging, wet&messy, könig using ur clit as a fidget toy <3
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könig, a trained lethal soldier, who suffers from anxiety. you would never know if you didn't know what you were looking for.
his biggest tell, for you, is the way he fidgets. with you.
you're like his own personal little fidget toy. his hands are always on you, kneading and squeezing your skin. most times you don't mind, you rather like having him touching you — your thighs, your waist, your butt, wherever he can get his hands honestly.
but sometimes...his hands wander. it's mindless, truly.
his eyes fixated on the tv playing some random show he decided he wanted to watch. but you couldn't pay attention, not when one big hand was shoved up your shirt groping your breasts and the other was haphazardly stuffed into your sleep shorts and under your panties.
he's toying with you so mindlessly, callused fingers sliding over your clit that has grown increasingly slippery with how wet you've become. occasionally he dips down to prod at your slick entrance.
his movements have no rhyme or reason. he's not even moving very fast. just sloppy back and forth flicks and occasionally he simply taps his fingers against the little bud that has grown so sensitive from his playing. sometimes, when something interesting happens on tv, he stops completely until the desire the fidget returns to him.
you're sitting with your back against his chest, situated between his spread legs sprawled cozily on the couch. he can't see the heated, dazed look on your face from the come-and-go pleasure he inadvertently gives you. he's edging you without even realizing it, full attention still focused on the damn tv. he isn't even hard.
that thought alone is enough to make you clench around nothing. he's really just playing with you like a little toy and that thought is so hot to you. it makes you cheeks burn in embarrassment as you continue to leak into your panties.
if you listen close you can hear with wet clicking noise that comes with his movements. your eyes roll back in your head as that sound alone has your back arching but you quickly settle yourself down, not wanting to tear his attention from the tv — he so rarely had time to settle down and just enjoy tv, you didn't want to disturb him.
the episode he's watching ends and you cast a hopeful glance up at him but he's waiting for the next episode to start and it makes you whine against your own wishes. but your clit is so hard and twitchy from being edged that it's actually hurting and you're so wet now that your panties are uncomfortably sticky.
it's your whine that gets his attention, pretty blue eyes flicking down to your face where he finally sees the desperate way you're looking at him, teary eyes and swollen lips from biting them to keep quiet. you can see in his eyes when he registers how soaked you've gotten his fingers and he has the audacity to look sheepish.
"ah, my sweet..." he whispers, ears tinged pink, "i-i'm sorry, i did not realize..."
he moves to pull his hand out of your panties and you whine again, grabbing his wrist with both hands to stuff him back down. your nails bite into his skin and he stops trying to pull away, instead pushing his hand back down and it's then that he fully resisters how wet you are.
"don't stop, please...i-i've been so close..." you pitifully beg and he takes pity on you. how precious of you, he thinks.
"i'm sorry, my love," he coos, fingers starting to work once again — properly this time with quick little circles on your clit, "i'll make you cum for being so good for me."
you can't even formulate words, instead nodding and spreading your legs even further apart, your feet on either side of his legs. he hums softly in your ear, chin hooked over your shoulder as he watches his hand move under the fabric of your shorts.
he spreads your sticky folds apart and begins to swirl messily around your clit, occasionally lightly tapping against the bud just to watch the cute way your thighs twitch at the feeling. you reach back and clutch his t-shirt in your fists to ground you. his cock throbs, churning up quickly, at the loud, wet noise of him playing with your cunt.
it doesn't take long at all before your stiffening against him and twitching in his lap as you cum with a cute little gasp of his name. he moans softly in your ear as he feels your clit throb under the pads of his fingers. you let out the loveliest moans that has his cock hardening fully against his thigh.
when you slacken against his body, aftershocks making you twitch periodically as you pant, he's tempted to stop but the fact you had sat there so sweetly and let him practically torture you while he watched his show made him want to make it up to you.
he sees the excitement in your eyes when his fingers dip lower and begin to press into you and he can't believe just how sweet you are. your so sticky and wet with the amount of cum he worked out of you with such ease.
"let me really make it up to you, my little one..."
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thursdayg1rl · 11 months
trying not to cry on the train platform after missing my train and also just being informed by my uncle I’m basically going to be homeless next year
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