#sorry for the delay in posting again
hotasfahrenheit · 6 months
ah yes it's time again for weekly umbrella propaganda posting!
another week of no new umbrellas, but we got plenty of great umbrella action! so here's what we DID get:
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we got an umbrella as a safety item again, with Yoh sleeping under one when he thought Pun might have been dangerous- unintentionally using the emotional support item of the person you think is causing your distress (i don't think Yoh was really afraid Pun hurt someone, i think Yoh panicked because he still wasn't ready to process and acknowledge his feelings and needed an excuse to run away from things because THAT'S what he was scared of) as the thing to protect you when you're upset is a great choice, my dude 🤣
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we got to see the yellow Giant Porch Umbrella opened up in its full glory!
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we got to see Umbrellas In Unusual Places like the bathroom and the police station!
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and we got a couple different shots of Pun's current umbrella collection!
still lots of fun umbrella happenings.
this show continues to be a constant delight for so many reasons 💖🌂✨
this week's umbrella count: 0
total series umbrella count: 24
(check my pun's umbrella catalogue tag for previous weeks of umbrella posting!)
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luffyadolover · 3 months
@acid-ixx here it is :))
(excluding first three drawings)
first drawing:
dick's excuse would always be "sorry, baby bird! but i promised to spar with damian today. ah, but you can watch from the sidelines!" or he would be too busy saving bludhaven to even acknowledge your presence.
second drawing:
you can't deny the bitterness and the clenching of your teeth whenever you stumble upon a room and see your father and your younger brother watching a movie together.
third drawing:
it was your teachers who would be the one having to walk you up the stage whenever you achieved an award. alfred would be too busy sometimes to attend your school ceremonies because he had to assist bruce with missions.
fourth drawing:
it's ironic, really, for a child to prep and plan for their own celebration just to hope that a single member of their family to even walk by the kitchen and join them in on their already lonesome celebration.
too bad everybody only goes to the kitchen when alfred cooks for them. who would want to taste sadness in a sloppily made birthday cake, right? nobody, not even you would have the appetite to eat your cake with the knowledge that it was you who had to put all the effort to bake it because you didn't want alfred to feel obligated to.
fifth drawing:
your family celebrates holidays together as a whole, but you never once attended after that one time where everybody had forgotten to get you a gift for christmas, save for alfred who gave you a bracelet (one that you cherished deeply).
sixth drawing:
the older sibling who he used to threaten with his sword, who he called vile names — a bastard child, he told you one day.
seventh drawing:
you weren't one of his friends, like kon who he would spend weekly video game challenges with; and you probably don't exist as his sibling in his own little world filled with coffee and computers.
eighth drawing:
casual talks are unavoidable, though, when at the dead of the night he would be caught sneaking in to eat some leftovers and you were conveniently awake at the same time as him. he'll recommend you some classic literature he read or 'cafes/restaurants that criminals visit the least' lists, but before it would turn into a full conversation, jason would already be wearing his signature mask again, and with a pat on your head and a "talk to you soon, can't guarantee it'll be tomorrow again though, only here for alfred's meals of course," and he'll be gone. you shouldn't have let your hopes high, you wished you didn't because, duh! he wasn't there to talk to you, specifically. you were just there to bide his time! wiping tears away from your eyes
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sleepsucks · 8 months
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oneroomjestershow · 1 year
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who is making them worse
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Ignore all logistical considerations of "would they ever meet each other under these circumstances". If you don't think Jules Bashir would have chosen to join Starfleet, imagine he is on the station for some other reason, or they meet in some other location.
I wanted to make this poll because I've seen various fics where Garak reassures Julian that far from being upset over him being augmented, Garak is grateful for it, either explicitly because (he thinks) they wouldn't be able to have their usual conversations if it weren't for the augmentations, or simply because he likes Julian "just the way he is" and wouldn't want him to be "different". I disagree that Garak would think like this (or at the very least, I think Julian would react negatively if he did, rather than be reassured), so I wanted to hear everyone else's thoughts.
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lskamil27 · 8 months
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January / December Progress Wrap-up on [ Patreon] !!
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
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He was very aware of how close they were... Just like their picnic, when it was two of them bathed in candlelight. When a million things could have happened next, but Asahi knew exactly what he wanted.
Threads of Gold: chapter five
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crehador · 1 month
the current state of the one with the clones is me whispering to clone!ichiro you have got to fuck him faster than this and him hissing back i am fucking trying?? because this 4p clone sex pwp is now
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and there's still. there's still no fucking p.
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zenubi-scribbles · 7 months
Happy 2024 Leap Day! Sorry for my silence, everyone. I apologize delaying my February Fan-Appreciation to self-imposed deadline (end of March) instead. I'll aim to be better with deadlines. A combo of still adjusting to my new job + been having 1st time art block this entire month. I'm working on being less of a perfectionist that resulted in scrapping so many tries. I still want to complete at least the winner, Horror since I'm now juggling Sirentale sometimes. It still feels like an excuse, so I apologize. *bows head* I'll try to use the extended time wisely while also newly assisting @spookyflavors with Sirentale for minor stuff. I'm honored. I hope to do art more consistently soon and appreciate people who still follow/are patient with me.
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itz-rayne-12 · 2 months
ok so i have a thing with my ocs -
this is gonna be really cringe😭
ok so i have like a scenario in my head and it’s kinda like this soo
my ocs who are like people who can travel to different universes travel to the the captain underpants universe- they don’t know where they are and enter the school
oh yeah i forgot there names the one with the purple ish hair: paige
the blondie : lana
ok so lana says “damn a elementary school?, this is gonna be fun”
and paige says “wow i mush elementary school”
lana says “this place is miserable .. look at the kids ..”
paige says “it’s not that bad”
when a child looks at them they hid because obviously they are adults in a children’s elementary school 😭
anyway this is what they look like :
(this is an old image bc i didn’t feel like making a new one , the scars are hard to draw 😭)
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they found them btw
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irhabiya · 2 months
hello! i have over 200 asks in my inbox from several families so please bear with me as i go through these, i won't be able to reply to every single one but i'll make sure to reblog and share accounts, and update my pinned post today
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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bigger Saint reference with the boi
while Saint is the vegan he is, he doesn't mind to eat stuff like eggs or cheese, and he has said if he could, he would try some kind of meat, but with how he was made, he gets very sick when he eats any kind of meat.
his relationships with everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Survivor - neutral | he doesn't really have any thoughts about him, but he is ever so slightly suspiciously of why he sees him glancing over at him from time to time suspiciously
Monk - friend | he tolerates Monk more then others, and actually enjoys his company from time to time
Hunter - neutral/dislike | while he does tolerate him, he doesn't like how violent Hunter tends to be most the time
Artificer - neutral/dislike | he does tolerate her, but he doesn't like how violent she is, and he knows there is something with her that she wont say
Gourmand - friend | he is pleased that Gourmand understands Saint's meat intolerance, and does his best to avoid that issue with meals
Rivulet - neutral | he finds it difficult to concentrate on certain things when she is around, and doesn't like when she messes with him
Spearmaster - neutral | he understands that he was made by an iterator as well, and tolerates his childish behavior
Nightcat - neutral | since she tends to keep to herself most the time, he doesn't really interact or see her her much
Enot - neutral/dislike | Saint can tell something is diffrent with Enot, something strange, and unnatural, so he tends to avoid or ignore her
Martyr's thoughts about everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Survivor - he tends to not understand him most of the time, and is confused, and a little concerned about how he tends to react to seeing Saint sometimes, he especially gets confused when he mentions "he sees something with him", and both Saint and Martyr are worried thats implying, that he can see Martyr
Monk - while he doesn't have any direct thoughts or opinions on Monk, he tolerates Monk, knowing both Saint and Monk are friends, and with how peaceful he is
Hunter - he has higher respect for Hunter then others, knowing Hunter managed to survive having the rot before, not many do, and everyone always got turned into a long legs as far as he knows, so he is impressed Hunter survived
Artificer - while he does know Artificer was made by SRS, and Saint made by SOS, he found out a short bit ago that the same lines of DNA SRS used to make Artificer, were also mostly used to make Saint, by SOS, then making them in a way, siblings, but Martyr refuses to tell Saint this, thinking of the worst reaction
Gourmand - he finds Gourmand to be one of the healthiest of the slugcats, and so, he has respect for Gourmand, for not only being healthy, with his, girth, but to also keep a colony in check
Rivulet - he finds her a bit much, and would like it much if she slowed down for once
Spearmaster - he finds Spearmasters behavior strange, and his opinion on Spearmaster, is simply, for him to learn some more things at some point
Nightcat - he finds her strange, while he knows she is a slugcat, he also knows there is something wrong with her, something, unnatural
Enot - he does not like Enot at all, cause he knows she came from a- "do NOT speak about her and where she came from!" shut up Martyr this is her lore and my ask blog, and the peeps who viewing wanna know! "and i dont care, they can figure out where she came from themselves!" but they wont figure it out unless i tell them! "no!" ...
Enotcamefromanotherw- HEY-! "...there, that will keep him quiet for now... dont give me that look, you little gremlin"
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 9 months
2023 Secret Pal Exchange
A huge thank you for @choicesfandomappreciation for running this event!
Dear @lilyoffandoms,
I am so so sorry for the delay, there were more technical difficulties than I anticipated. I wanted to try something different for this event by making a lil mini-video edit based on an older TikTok trend along with a moodboard lol. Hope you like it!
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What I knew about Maiele and Tyril mostly came from Dani's fics with Daenarya and Mal, but it was so much fun learning more about Maiele and Tyril from your blog since they're such a power couple!! I love that you chose this elf sprite specifically they're so underrated yet live up to the ethereal Nightbloom name <3 I'm so jealous of Maiele's sense of fashion too omg. He seems like a super charming and likable elf to be around and I can't wait to get to know him more!
Artist Credits Used In The Video Edit:
Maiele Nightbloom by @needlesslycryptic
Tyril x Maiele by @mellorax
Mal x Maiele by @annasassiart
Imtura x Maiele by @annasassiart
Nia x Maiele by @annasassiart
Aerin x Maiele by @annasassiart
They're all extremely talented artists I def recommend checking out their work!
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Ok, we’re back!
I dragged myself out of my other hyperfixations to bring you chapter 33, aka “Dean bumps into the very last person he thought he’d see and asks Jack the million dollar question”!
I really like where these next few chapters go guys, they were tough to write but I think I needed to take this little detour with Dean, just for my own sanity! Thanks again for all your love on this story, it means so much that people are reading my silly little fix it!
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 726: Sakamichi until the Central Sports Park
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Pag 1
1: Two hours earlier, Sohoku High School racing team is on the mountain road towards the training camp
2: Are you alright, Onoda-san!?
Y- your condition... ahh, ahhhh
3: We were descending at a high speed, and then the moment we entered the mountain road his face turned... white
What do we do about this training camp
Is- is.... is he going to be alright?
4: Yeah, don't worry
It's Onoda-kun's specialty that we've gotten used to – car sickenss!!
I didn't think it would happen three years in a row
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Pag 2
1: At the same place!!
2: I'm- alright, Naru.... ko... kun
Yeah you don't look alright at all
Your face is as white as paper
3: During these three years.... I've learned... and
I've come..... prepared....
4: Go ahead before me
5: There's no need to contact Toji-san either
6: From here....
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Pag 3
1: To the Cycling Sports Park it's 18km....
I realized that on this mountain road
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Pag 4
1: If I go with my bike, I'm sure I won't feel sick!!
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Pag 5
1: I don't feel faint and I don't feel sick either
And I won't bother everyone
Ahhh... bikes really are the best...!!
2: But I'll be a little later for the start
I'll hurry as much as possible
(Time display)
4: But
5: The air is sweet, and I'm able to slowly enjoy the scenery
Ah, I can see the sea
6: I even started humming without noticing
Hm hm hm
Ahhh the “Love Hime”'s third season announcement PV only has the chorsu part of the song.... I want to listen to the opening!!
Even though I'm pedaling like this
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Pag 6
1: There's many things to discover
2: 3km to go!!
3: This climb, and then the descent after it!!
4: Alright, I'm at the top
5: Hm hm hm
6: Hime hime
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Pag 7
1: Hime.....
2: Waaaaaaaa, he's deaaad!!
3: Someone- someone's collapsed
Waaaaa my first dscorvery
Wh- wh- what should I do
4: My phone, my phone
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Pag 8
1: I'm alive
A- i- u- e- o
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Pag 9
1: See, I can even speak Japanese
2: I'm just resting
On the ground
3: You can go
4: O-okay
Sorry, you surprised me
5: What a strange person....
Well, then....
He was wearing a unifer, is he a student.....?
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Pag 10
1: Hakone Academy is around here, maybe he's an Hakone Academy's student?
2: Uh-oh, I'm on my way to training camp! I have to hurry
I left the start to Naruko-kun, but....
4: Huh?!
This smell....
5: Just now the smell of plants was mixed a little with the smell of blood!!
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Pag 11
1: He's injured!!
2: Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm making a mistake?
Maybe he'll brush me off again!?
3: But
4: Let's turn back!!
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Pag 12
2: Oh?
3: The four-eyes from before
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Pag 13
1: I'm just resting, you can go
Yo-yo-you're injured!!
2: I have water and bandages!!
3: Are you kidding me
4: No way something so convenient
5: is... happe.... ning
6: Are you alright!? Were you hit by car!?
Are you alright!?
7: Huh? No... on my own.....
On your own!?
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Pag 14
1: Just for a moment, I looked away just a little
And then there was a hole and I fell
2: This is so hard, this is so hard
3: He's not listening
5: He's so bad at this....
6: But
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Pag 15
1: You saved me
Thanks a lot
5: I'm glad!
7: By the way, that
Is the same as the one that a famous guy from Chiba rides
The bicycle
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Pag 16
1: Huh
2: You know bicycles very well?
3: I was riding one earlier
4: Earlier?
5: Now it's a little....
Waaa- It's fallen to the bottom of the valley...!!
6: I was riding, then I got caught in a hole
Kinda like that
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Pag 17
1: Leave it to me, I'll bring it to you
2: I'll....
Ohhh, what a kind guy!!
3: I-!!
5: …. well then, I'll go
Somehow now it feels reversed and I feel sorry
6: By the way....
Ahead of here
7: There's only the Cycling Sports Park
And from today for the next four days it's reserved so you can't use it
So where are you going, Four-eyes-san?
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Pag 18
1: To the Cycling Sports Park
2: I'm Chiba's.... Sohoku High School's cap.... captain
Do you know of it?
My name is Onoda Sakamichi
We're having a training camp there from today
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Pag 19
2: Who?
Huh- ah, no- haha it's it's just a name
He doesn't know me....!! This is so embarassing!!
3: You're kidding me.....
4: The super famous person of Chiba!!
5: This is baad... I was s surprised I bluffed and pretended not to know
Ah... uhm, and you?
6: Huh, me?
I'm- I'm!!
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Pag 20
1: I'm Hakone Academy first year, the super rookie!! I'm Tobirama!!
2: It hurts
This person's head looks like a scrubbing brush
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nana2009 · 1 year
Perhaps some more Danny with davekat if you are sill taking requests? Like maybe some domestic davekat and Danny is also there?
so sorry 4 the wait anon! i couldnt think of many domestic scenarios, so i hope u can forgive me with these doots + sum headcanons m(_ _)m
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With Dave:
baby Danny really likes to bite him! Especially since human flesh is soft, so it gets addicting for a growing wriggler……
it's very much fun to climb up his parents', but his favourite playground is dave since he's taller and bulkier. on the same topic, he also prefers dave to carry him (one of the motives is the one cited above)
he gets more naughty and playful when dave tries to take care of him. examples include: bathtime, feeding, getting dressed, being put to sleep, etc. while he is more well-behaved with karkat(albeit still fussy like all kids)
human and troll body warmth are different, and although karkat's mutation makes him very warm, it's a little too much to the kid, which makes him rather cuddle to dave(specifically under his arms or even worse, directly on top of his nose…)
he acidentally pinches dave sometimes when being held, but it's not on purpose :(
kinda weird one, but when danny's in a vulnerable position(ex.: using his diaper) he gets alert when dave(or anyone other than karkat) is around, and stares straight into their soul. troll instincts not fully identifying him as a lusus or smth idk
With Karkat:
as i mentioned before, much better behaved with karkat, although it may be because he's much more strict than dave
even if he prefers dave in question of comfort, he would rather stay with karkat if possible, since troll reasons idklolz
karkat grabs him by the scruff like a kitten because i think thats cute
more cat-like habits include: getting super close to danny if he feels threatened, keeping very close watch no matter where(at least during his toddler years), purring and chirring to make him feel safe :3
danny likes climbing karkat too, but its really so he can stay either on his chest or his hair(his favourite parts in question of warmth)
they share much more common interests, although personality-ways he matches more with dave
on the topic of personalities, he's very ill-tempered. not as much as karkat, but he's much quicker to explode(especially as a little grub!)
and another thing relating to his troll/human hybrid thing, his instincts really collide with eachother, since dave is not a troll, danny subconsciouly think of it as danger but also as a lusus, while the human genes stop him from like, screeching or attacking or crying since it knows its his parent and doesn't have the "stranger danger" signal. I might get in depth on that hybrid effect in another post if you guys get interested but for now thats it since i dont want to make this post long (ノ∀\*)
again, sorry again anon!!
bonus image :3 whatthehell is this font
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