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sleepsucks · 5 months ago
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benevolentfae · 7 months ago
Souvenirs from Stitch
_____________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Characters: Lilia Vanrouge, Stitch, Malleus Draconia, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt
Notes: Loved this event a ton, then seeing Lilia’s liongarb where he enjoys gifting souvenirs and I couldn’t resist. I know this doesn’t follow the event strictly, but it’s for funsies. Let a girlie be silly <3
Enjoy ! Any feedback / suggestions are appreciated ! I really want to write more on here ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Waves slowly crashed on the white sand of the beach as Lilia looked out into the view of the unexpected vacation he was granted. It hadn’t been planned, yet he was having a blast despite their uncertainty of when they’d be home. Everyone else that were also transported here also seemed to be having a blast. Floyd, Azul, and Jack were out surfing on the ocean blue while Ace, Riddle, the Ramshackle Prefect, and Grim were making sandcastles. Well, three of them were. Grim had become the sandcastle. A warm smile was stuck on his face to see everyone having so much fun compared to the panic they all experienced first arriving.
His eyes continued to scan the beach for their newest friend until hearing the rustling of tropical leaves behind him. He turned and smiled as Stitch emerged from the greenery. “Usually I’m the one sneaking up on others.” He’d comment as Stitch climbed up his body to rest on his shoulder. “Not interested in what the others are up to?” He’d ask while crossing his arms and leaning on a nearby palm tree. Stitch gave a brief shake of his head while Lilia softly tapped his chin. “Maybe you can help me with a little dilemma.. Usually when I go on a trip, I like to bring back gifts for my friends. I’d also like to erase their doubts that I even got stranded on a beach magically after reading a book in the library.” He’d smile while Stitch tilted his head. “Ohana?”
Lilia would get up and begin to walk into the forest with Stitch still comfortably resting on his shoulder. “The question is what kind of gift could I even bring? Something unique that you can’t get off just any beach. Any ideas?” Lilia would shift his gaze to Stitch while he walked. Eventually emerging onto the crash site. “I was hoping I could make something with the scrap we can’t use.” He’d admit as Stitch hopped off his shoulder and into the wreckage.
Bending down, Lilia began to rummage through with Stitch for anything that could possibly be used to make something nice for his friends back in Diasomnia. A soft sigh of defeat escaped his lips while standing back up after several minutes of looking to no avail. Stitch noticed and crawled over to him while Lilia looked around the area some more. “Oh!” He suddenly exclaimed as an idea came to mind. He quickly whipped around to Stitch, who tilted his head as Lilia bent down to his level with a smile. “You can make things, right? There’s a couple knocked down trees.. how about we make a little wood carving?” He’d suggest and Stitch would smile with an approving sound. Crawling back onto Lilia’s shoulder as he made his way out of all the piles of scrap metal they piled up to use for Stitch’s ship, keeping a hold to not slip off. Lilia stood before a giant piece of wood that split off from a tree when Stitch crashed. “Will this work?” The small male would question as Stitch slid off his shoulder.
The alien got onto the wood and began to claw away at it rapidly until left with several little figures of himself. They were about as tall as the palm of your hand. The shapes were a little abstract in style, but smoothly shaved to not cause splinters. Lilia’s eyes lit up at the sight of them. He quickly scooped them up as Stitch hugged his leg. “They’re perfect! I’ll paint them when we get back to the bungalow!” He’d exclaim joyously. “You’re very handy, Stitch.” He’d compliment, earning a smile from him. He’d let Stitch back onto his shoulder, glowing as he made his way back to the bungalow to paint the gifts and keep them close so when they went back home he’d have them.
When back in Diasomnia, he could still feel the little figures in his pocket while entering. Malleus, Silver, and Sebek all came over to him when seeing him arrive. “You were in the library quite a while, fa— Lilia.” Silver would quickly correct himself, slightly rubbing the back of his head. “Indeed.” Malleus would agree while Sebek spoke up, making the other two slightly sigh. “What took so long?!” He’d ask, his voice booming like normal while Silver politely shushed him a little. Lilia could only smile at the familiar behaviors of them. “I ran into some unexpected travels!” He’d exclaim, beckoning them all to sit back on the couch. “Allow me to enlighten you with my adventure.” He’d say cheerfully, leaving the other three confused and looking at each other as they followed him.
Once Lilia finished recounting all the details of his sudden vacation, they all sat in silence before Sebek interrupted it. “I cant even imagine how such a thing could occur!” He’d sigh loudly while Silver slowly nodded. “Me too..” He’d agree while Malleus thoughtfully held his chin. Lilia would only giggle while finally bringing out the figures he and Stitch made. “How do you explain these then?” He’d ask while the other three stared in amazement, and also shock. “Incredible..” Silver would mutter as they all took one. They all carefully studied the intricate carving while Lilia stared at his own with a fond smile.
“I couldn’t leave without a gift per my tradition.. and this time, I had a friend to help!”
* ˚ ✦
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violetlunette · 7 months ago
A quick before bed post!
Twst spoilers for CH 7 JPN!
I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again; you really see how strong Lilia’s ability to love is in his relationship with Silver.
Lilia hated Silver as soon as he realized who the baby was. He even considered killing the infant by ripping out the wailing child's throat. But he chose not to.
Lilia could have killed Silver for Malenore, the woman Lilia loved and was slain before her time by Silver’s blood. But he didn’t.
For Malleus, Malleus’ father and himself, Lilia chose not to harm the child. Instead, he decided to love that baby. He chose to raise him. Even though that meant looking into the same eyes as the one that took everything from him.
Instead of ripping out his throat, Lilua cuddled the crying baby and offered comfort. He then gave him a blessing to protect him and a name to call him.
He made a constant effort for Silver by learning to cook, teaching him everything he knew, bringing him gifts, and more. Even though with each passing day Silver began to resemble the Knight of the Dawn more and more.
He loved Silver so much that seeing how wonderful he is inspires pride in Lilia that he had part in that. Silver is so important to him that his most prized possession is an acorn bracelet Silver made to show that love was returned.
That love wasn’t born naturally; it was nurtured and grown over time. And it wasn’t easy; Lilia screwed up and had to learn multiple lessons (such as keep an eye on the baby and don’t let it crawl away). However, he made a choice to stick with it every day, despite the strain it caused. And because he did so, Lilia was able to create a family with not just Silver but Malleus and Sebek as well.
On top of that, his love for Silver encouraged him to go to a human school, where he made human friends and tried human things, something he once scoffed at.
Lilia has friends, family, and more, all because he made a choice to love and be loved by a little human boy.
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jobskolkata · 7 months ago
आईटीआई जॉब || वेल्डर जॉब || फिटर जॉब || टर्नर कंपनी || एल्युमीनियम सीढ़ी निर्माण कंपनी || बेलूर || लिलुआ || हावड़ा || पश्चिम बंगाल || भारत
एल्युमिनियम लैडर मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पर इस आकर्षक वीडियो में आईटीआई टेक्निकल या हेल्पर की आकर्षक दुनिया की खोज करें!
हमारे साथ जुड़ें क्योंकि हम एल्युमिनियम से टिकाऊ और विश्वसनीय सीढ़ियाँ बनाने की जटिल प्रक्रिया का पता लगाते हैं, जो उद्योग में एक आवश्यक सामग्री है।
डिजाइन से लेकर उत्पादन तक, अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकों को पूरा करने वाले शीर्ष-गुणवत्ता वाले ��त्पाद बनाने के लिए आवश्यक सटीकता और विशेषज्ञता को देखें। चाहे आप एक अनुभवी पेशेवर हों या विनिर्माण प्रक्रिया के बारे में जानने के लिए उत्सुक हों, यह वीडियो निश्चित रूप से आपकी रुचि जगाएगा!
एल्युमिनियम लैडर उत्पादन की दुनिया में इस आकर्षक अंतर्दृष्टि को न चूकें - अभी खेलें!
#ITITechnical #Helper #AluminumLadderManufacturing.
आईटीआई जॉब:
रिक्त पदों की संख्या: 3 व्यक्ति की आवश्यकता है।
शिफ्ट टाइमिंग: रोटेशनल शिफ्ट सुबह 9:30 से 9:30 बजे तक।
सप्ताह की छुट्टी: सप्ताह में रविवार का दिन।
आईटीआई वेल्डर के कार्य विवरण में निम्नलिखित जिम्मेदारियाँ शामिल हो सकती हैं:
• वेल्डिंग: स्टील, स्टेनलेस स्टील और एल्युमीनियम जैसे धातु के टुकड़ों को गर्मी, दबाव या दोनों का उपयोग कर���े जोड़ना
• तैयार करना: वेल्डिंग के लिए तैयार करने के लिए धातु को काटना, पीसना और साफ करना
• सेट अप करना: वेल्डिंग के लिए भागों को सेट करने के लिए हाथ के औजारों, क्लैंप, जिग्स और फिक्स्चर का उपयोग करना
• संचालन: माप से मिलान करने के लिए भागों को तैयार करने और सामग्री को काटने के लिए एंगल ग्राइंडर और पावर्ड आरी का उपयोग करना
• संरेखित करना: घटकों को संरेखित करने के लिए कैलीपर्स और रूलर का उपयोग करना
• वेल्डिंग उपकरण: आवश्यकताओं के आधार पर उपयुक्त वेल्डिंग उपकरण या विधि का चयन करना
• वेल्डिंग की स्थिति: विभिन्न स्थितियों में वेल्डिंग घटक, जैसे ऊर्ध्वाधर, क्षैतिज या ओवरहेड
• मरम्मत: मशीनरी और अन्य घटकों की मरम्मत के लिए टुकड़ों को वेल्डिंग करना और अंतराल भरना
• गुणवत्ता: वेल्ड की गुणवत्ता और अखंडता सुनिश्चित करना
• सुरक्षा: सुरक्षा प्रोटोकॉल का पालन करना और सुरक्षा प्रणालियों और मानकों के विकास और कार्यान्वयन को सुनिश्चित करना
• वेतन: परीक्षण के आधार पर अनुभव के अनुसार 10 हजार से 15 हजार।
• नौकरी का स्थान: लिलुआ हावड़ा।
• अनुभवी: बेहतर होगा कि किसी भी क्षेत्र में अनुभव हो।
• वेतन वृद्धि: वार्षिक
• बोनस: 1 वर्ष पूरा होने के बाद
• आयु: 20 वर्ष से 40 वर्ष की आयु लागू
• नजदीकी स्थान के व्यक्ति को प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी।
• टिप्पणी:-
और भी बहुत से अवसर उपलब्ध हैं बस गूगल में सर्च करें "आइडियल करियर जोन" कोलकाता।
आप विभिन्न कंपनियों में विभिन्न पोस्ट में कई और नौकरी विवरण पा सकते हैं।
आप हमें ��ुबह 9 बजे से रात 8 बजे के बीच कॉल कर सकते हैं
9 3 3 1 2 0 5 1 3 3
8 7 7 7 2 1 1 0 1 6
या आप हमारे कार्यालय का दौरा कर सकते हैं।
ideal करियर zone
128/12ए, बिधान सरनी श्याम बाजार मेट्रो गेट नंबर 1 गांधी मार्केट सज्जा धाम के पीछे
कोलकाता 7 लाख 4
यह वीडियो अंग्रेजी और हिंदी भाषा में उपलब्ध है। आप अगला वीडियो बंगाली और हिंदी भाषा में देख सकते हैं।
इस जॉब के वीडियो को देखने के लिए धन्यवाद। अधिक जॉब की जानकारी के लिए कृपया हमारे चैनल को लाइक और सब्सक्राइब करें। फिर से आप सवी को दिल से धन्यवाद।
#ITIJob, #WelderJob, #FitterJob, #Turnercompany, #AluminumsLadderManufacturingcompany, #Belure, #Lilua, #Howrah, #WestBengal, #India, #आईटीआईजॉब, #वेल्डरजॉब, #फिटरजॉब, #टर्नरकंपनी, #एल्युमीनियमसीढ़ीनिर्माणकंपनी, #बेलूर, #लिलुआ, #हावड़ा, #पश्चिमबंगाल, #भारत, আইটিআইচাকরি, #ওয়েল্ডারেরচাকরি, #ফিটারজব, #টার্নারকোম্পানি, #অ্যালুমিনিয়ামমইউত্পাদনকোম্পানি, #বেলুড়, #লিলুয়াহ, #হাওড়া, #পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, #ভারত, #EBikeMechanicJob, #ERickshawMechanicJob, #MechanicJob, #ElectricalAutomobilecompany, #ChinnarPark, #Newtown, #Kolkata, #Bankura, #Purulia, #hoogly, #haldia, #kharagpur, #burdamaneast, #Burdamanwest, #WestBengal, #India, #कोलकाता, #কলকাতা, #Hoogly, #Howrah, #Kolkata, #हुगली, #हावड़ा, #হুগলি, #হাওড়া,  #idealcareerzone, #kolkatajobs, #WestBengal, #Silliguri, #Asaam, #mizuram, #Tripura, #Nepal, #India,  #Bihar, #Jharkhand, #Maharastra, #Delhi, #PanIndia, #job, #jobs, #latestjobs, Newjobs,
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justfollowyourheartus · 8 months ago
Ihmisrakas ja suurilla luppakorvilla varustettu Lilu sulattaa sydämen kuin sydämen. Lilu hylättiin kodista, sillä sen perheellä ei ollut jaksamista ja aikaa nuorelle koiralle.
Lilu kiikutettiin kesällä tarhalle omistajiensa toimesta. Syy hylkäämiselle oli kuulemma koiran liiallinen aktiivisuus. Omistajat eivät vain enää jaksaneet. Niinpä he katsoivat parhaaksi tuoda pienikokoisen kotikoiran elämään tottuneen Lilu-paran suurelle koiratarhalle. Tarha on täynnä ja aitaukset pursuavat koiria. Pienelle Lilulle ei löytynyt aitausta, mihin sen olisi voinut turvallisesti sijoittaa, joten se saa toistaiseksi asua Aurika-klinikalla.
Lilu herätti nopeasti ihastusta myös paikallisissa ja kun eräs perhe vakuutteli jaksamistaan, ei Snezhanna voinut kieltäytyäkään. Hyvä loppuelämän koti oli kuulemma tarjolla, missä koira saisi tarpeeksi liikuntaa ja aktivointia. He ihastelivat Lilua muutaman viikon, sen jälkeen loppui jaksaminen ja Lilu palautettiin Aurika-klinikalle.
Lilun kaltaiset pienet ja suloiset koirat saavat ihmiset joskus yliarvioimaan omia resurssejaan ja pilvilinnoja rakennellaan vaaleanpunaisten lasien takaa. Kun sitten odotukset ja todellisuus eivät kohtaakaan, tulee ongelmia ja pettymyksiä. Lilu on mahdollisesti puhdas bretagnenbassetti, aktiivinen ja vilkas tyttö. Kaiken lisäksi sillä on ikää vasta 8 kuukautta, joten ei ole ihme että tyttö keksii tekemistä itse jos ei sitä muuten ole tarjolla.
Etsimme Lilulle aktiivista kotia ja innokasta Lilua ilahduttaisi suunnattomasti, jos tulevassa kodissa sitä odottaisi kiva leikkikaveri. Koirakaverillinen koti on siis etusijalla. Lilu on tottunut lapsiin ja se on hyvin ihmisrakas tyttö. Bretagnenbassetit ovat hyvin riistaviettisiä koiria, joten Lilu ei sovellu kotiin, jonka toiveissa on pitää koiraa vapaana. Mikäli tulevassa kodissa on oma piha, tulee se olla aidattu niin ettei innokas partanaama pääse tekemään karkureissuja. Riittävän liikunnan lisäksi esimerkiksi Nosework saattaisi kiinnostaa Lilua.
Lilun olisi mahdollista matkustaa Suomeen elokuun alussa. Toivomme kovasti, että näin ihanalle pikkutytölle löytyy oma aktiivinen koti pian
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Jos tuntuu, että sinulla olisi tarjolla sopiva loppuelämän koti Lilulle, tutustu huolellisesti adoptio-ohjeisiimme ja täytä adoptiohakemus täällä: https://viipurinkoirat.fi/adoptio-ohjeet
Lisätietoja: https://viipurinkoirat.fi/lilu-3
Lilu on syntynyt arviolta 11/2023 Venäjällä. Lilu on sterilisoitu ja tautitestataan kattavasti 8 eri vektorivälitteisen taudin varalta ennen Suomeen saapumista. Lilun tiedot rekisteröidään Ruokaviraston koirarekisteriin ennen luovutusta uuteen kotiin.
Lilun kodinetsintää hoitaa Viipurin Koirat ry, joka on rekisteröitynyt Eläintenpitäjä- ja pitopaikkarekisteriin asiakastunnuksella 22917870.
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liluadreamland · 2 years ago
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goblin-beech · 5 years ago
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Non-Stop Lilua
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sleepsucks · 5 months ago
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pesukot · 2 years ago
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Сегодня поздравляем с Днем Рождения: Наталья Ганяйло ([id100762121|@id100762121]), Альбина Бурнашева ([id339156697|@id339156697]), Света Рыбьякова ([id83584218|@id83584218]), Марина Исправникова ([id190208591|@id190208591]), Ринат Равылов ([id152880180|@id152880180]), Валерия Волкова ([id90189949|@id90189949]), Эльмира Дамировна ([id142376456|@id142376456]), Диана Паскичева ([id11790433|@id11790433]), Alina Lina ([id304588754|@id304588754]), Александр Ульянов ([id199743834|@id199743834]), Альфинур Каримова ([id191250408|@id191250408]), Лейсан Шарипова ([id204622136|@id204622136]), Ирина Сергеева ([id293254192|@id293254192]), Регина Сайфутдинова ([id171047836|@id171047836]), Инга Анисимова ([id230298320|@id230298320]), Лиля Закирова ([id267931485|@id267931485]), Олеся Логинова ([id143797093|@id143797093]), Lilua Zakirova ([id477567575|@id477567575]), Александра Рязанова ([id34818970|@id34818970]), Albina Olenyuk ([id62985766|@id62985766]), Юлия Кортюкова ([id273717290|@id273717290]), Диана Абдулвалеева ([id10582475|@id10582475]), Алина Борисова ([id51563950|@id51563950]), Римма Ахметгалиева ([id138012837|@id138012837]) Желаем крепкого здоровья, удачи, благополучия, добра, радости, любви, счастья, хорошего настроения, улыбок, ярких впечатлений. Пусть тепло и уют всегда наполняют ваш дом, пусть солнечный свет согревает в любую погоду, а желания исполняются при одной мысли о них
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sentoornetwork · 6 years ago
মানবিকতার মুখ এক সাংবাদিক ও পুলিশ
New Post has been published on https://sentoornetwork.com/a-young-man-got-injured-by-hitting-railway-post-accident-at-lilua/
মানবিকতার মুখ এক সাংবাদিক ও পুলিশ
বিশেষ প্রতিনিধি: ট্রেনে দরজায় দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা যুবক পোস্টে ধাক্কা খেয়ে কামরার ভিতরে পড়ে গেলেও মানবিকতা দেখালেন না কোনও যাত্রী। অবশেষে কলকাতা টিভির সাংবাদিক জগন্নাথ সামন্ত ও বেলুড় জিআরপি থানার বড়বাবু বিকাশ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের সহযোগিতায় ওই যুবককে ট্রেন থেকে উদ্ধার করে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হয়। বৃহস্পতিবার ঘটনাটি ঘটে রাত ১০টা ২০ মিনিটের হাওড়া- ব্যান্ডেল লোকালে। ট্রেনটি লিলুয়ায় ঢোকার আগেই রেল লাইনের ধারের পোস্টে ধাক্কা খান ওই যুবক। তবে বাইরে না-পড়ে তিনি ভেন্ডার কামরার ভিতরেই পড়েন। রক্তাক্ত অবস্থায় তাঁকে পড়ে থাকতে দেখলেও কোনও যাত্রী সহযোগিতার হাত বাড়াননি। এক যাত্রীর মারফত ঘটনাটি ��ানেন জগন্নাথ। তিনি তৎক্ষণাৎ বেলুড় জিআরপি-র ওসি বিকাশ মুখোপাধ্যায়কে জানালে তিনি লোকজন নিয়ে বেলুড় স্টেশনে গিয়ে ট্রেনটিকে আটকে যুবককে উদ্ধার করেন। তখন কয়েকজন যাত্রীও সহযোগিতার হাত বাড়িয়ে দেন। সকলে মিলে আহত যুবককে বেলুড় স্টেট জেনারেল হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যান। তখনই তাঁর পকেট থেকে পাওয়া পরিচয়পত্র দেখে জানা যায়, তাঁর নাম পঙ্কজ কুমার। বাড়ি বিহারের মুজফফরপুরে। বেলুড়ে প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসার পরে ওই যুবককে হাওড়া জেলা হাসপাতালে স্থানান্তরিত করা হয়। কিন্ত কোনও অ্যাম্বুল্যান্স চালক যেতে রাজি হন না। অনেকে ফোনও তোলেন না। শেষে বিকাশবাবু নিজের জিপ নিয়ে চলে আসেন। তখন স্থানীয় শ্রমজীবী হাসপাতালের অ্যাম্বুল্যান্স বিষয়টি জানতে পেরে সহযোগিতার হাত বাড়িয়ে দেয়। সেই অ্যাম্বুল্যান্সেই যুবককে হাওড়া জেলা হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়।
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jobskolkata · 7 months ago
ITI Job || Welder Job || Fitter Job || Turner company || Aluminums Ladder Manufacturing company || Belure || Lilua || Howrah || West Bengal || India
Discover the captivating world of ITI Technical or Helper in this fascinating video on Aluminum Ladder Manufacturing!
Join us as we explore the intricate process of crafting durable and reliable ladders from aluminum, an essential material in the industry.
From design to production, witness the precision and expertise required to create top-quality products that meet international standards. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just curious about the manufacturing process, this video is sure to spark your interest!
Don't miss out on this engaging insight into the world of aluminum ladder production - hit play now!
#ITITechnical #Helper #AluminumLadderManufacturing.
ITI Job:
Number of Opening: 3 Heads required.
Shift Timing: rotational shift 9:30 am to 9:30 Am.
Week off: Sunday day in a week.
Job Description:
An ITI welder's job description may include the following responsibilities:
Welding: Joining metal pieces using heat, pressure, or both, such as steel, stainless steel, and aluminum
Preparing: Cutting, grinding, and cleaning metal to prepare it for welding
Setting up: Using hand tools, clamps, jigs, and fixtures to set up parts for welding
Operating: Using angle grinders and powered saws to prepare parts and cut material to match measurements
Aligning: Using calipers and rulers to align components
Welding equipment: Selecting the appropriate welding equipment or method based on requirements
Welding positions: Welding components in various positions, such as vertical, horizontal, or overhead
Repairing: Welding pieces and filling gaps to repair machinery and other components
Quality: Ensuring the quality and integrity of welds
Safety: Following safety protocols and ensuring the development and implementation of safety systems and standards 
 Salary: 10 thousand to 15 thousands as per experienced on testing.
Job location: Lilua Howrah.
Experienced: better if he will have experienced in any fields.
Increments: yearly
Bonus: after completion of 1 year
Age: 20 years to 40 years old age applicable
Nearby location person preferred.
Note:- Many more openings available just search in Google “Ideal Career Zone” Kolkata.
You can find many more job details in various posts in various companies.
You may call us between 9 am to 8 pm
8 7 7 7 2 1 1 zero 1 6
9 3 3 1 2 zero 5 1 3 3
Or you can visit our office.
Ideal Career Zone
128/12A, BidhanSraniShyam Bazaar metro Gate No.1 Gandhi Market Behind Sajjaa Dhaam Bed Hiset Bed cover Show room Kolkata 7 lakh 4
Thank you for watching our channel Please subscribed and like our videos for more jobs opening. Thank You again.
#ITIJob, #WelderJob, #FitterJob, #Turnercompany, #AluminumsLadderManufacturingcompany, #Belure, #Lilua, #Howrah, #WestBengal, #India, #आईटीआईजॉब, #वेल्डरजॉब, #फिटरजॉब, #टर्नरकंपनी, #एल्युमीनियमसीढ़ीनिर्माणकंपनी, #बेलूर, #लिलुआ, #हावड़ा, #पश्चिमबंगाल, #भारत, আইটিআইচাকরি, #ওয়েল্ডারেরচাকরি, #ফিটারজব, #টার্নারকোম্পানি, #অ্যালুমিনিয়ামমইউত্পাদনকোম্পানি, #বেলুড়, #লিলুয়াহ, #হাওড়া, #পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, #ভারত, #EBikeMechanicJob, #ERickshawMechanicJob, #MechanicJob, #ElectricalAutomobilecompany, #ChinnarPark, #Newtown, #Kolkata, #Bankura, #Purulia, #hoogly, #haldia, #kharagpur, #burdamaneast, #Burdamanwest, #WestBengal, #India, #कोलकाता, #কলকাতা, #Hoogly, #Howrah, #Kolkata, #हुगली, #हावड़ा, #হুগলি, #হাওড়া,  #idealcareerzone, #kolkatajobs, #WestBengal, #Silliguri, #Asaam, #mizuram, #Tripura, #Nepal, #India,  #Bihar, #Jharkhand, #Maharastra, #Delhi, #PanIndia, #job, #jobs, #latestjobs, Newjobs,
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cleverskull · 5 years ago
Junior Maintenance Engineer (ME)
[ad_1] Junior Maintenance Engineer (ME) Company: Career Care Guide Job description: Designation: Junior Maintenance Engineer (ME) Location: Howrah Lilua Duty hours: 8 hrs ( Rotational shift) Experience: 6… months 1 year HR Department CAREER CARE GUIDE Address : AG – 52, Sec II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091 (Near Baisakhi… Expected salary: Rs.100000 per year Location: Kolkata, West…
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cladust · 6 years ago
They wanted a boy, she was a girl... for that reason father and mother stuffed salt in her mouth,murdered and then buried the newborn in their family garden. the incident took place at ghughupara, Lilua, #Howrah. Humans are animals after all, marriage is just another animalistic nature!
They wanted a boy, she was a girl... for that reason father and mother stuffed salt in her mouth,murdered and then buried the newborn in their family garden. the incident took place at ghughupara, Lilua, #Howrah. Humans are animals after all, marriage is just another animalistic nature!
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goblin-beech · 5 years ago
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a BETTER study of Lilua lmao
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sleepsucks · 5 months ago
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