#sorry I’m literally so sick of my life bruh
pastelpousay · 22 days
Hi so uhh..my mom said she may take my phone again 💀 if I start failing and I’m already failing three classes so…..(Rant/vent I may delete later)
I’m literally so done with this school and everyone here why am I missing assignments I didn’t even know about. I literally have to pay my art teacher next week for something. I have things to do over the weekend. I’m literally so ready to kill myself progress reports come out tomorrow or today I don’t even care to know
I literally have a zero in English I wanna die like I’m so ready to kill myself. My friends hate me. Everyone hates me I literally don’t know what I did wrong. I’m doing everything I can I hate this school. I don’t need advice, I don’t want help. I’m just sick of doing the work. It’s not even hard it’s just too much to keep up at once. It’s like my only responsibility but like I can’t do this right now I feel like the world is against me.
I can’t do digital art. If I fail this year I might as well die I can’t fail again. I’m so sick of everything 😭 I literally wanna die bro or go to bed and not wake up. I don’t understand I literally am trying my best and it doesn’t even matter like. I don’t understand like I’m doing all I can’t and no one gets it.
And my friends keep giving me advice like I haven’t done it already I try dude I do. I just can’t I want to have free time but I literally won’t if I’m doing this. I actually cannot I wanna spend time with my family but I feel like my mom is fed up with me. 😕
I’m so ready to die I literally can’t do this anymore. No one wants to talk to me about the things I enjoy. I have no one. I feel like I have no friends and they keep saying they’re there for me but are you?? Like dude.
I literally messed up my clean streak so bad I couldn’t even go two full months and here we are. I already knew I wouldn’t be able to last but still 😕
I give up. I literally just give up.
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bunorous · 3 months
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This is Henri fr 😐 like omg literally all you have to do is get a few items and make a big hole and you’re done “euhhh big scary monster” OMG I’m so sorry that your big massive gaping chasm of a fucking mouth can’t keep shut for 4 fucking zeptoseconds ok I’m sorry that you have to scream the fucking star spangled banner every time you stub your toe and alert everyone in a 700 mile radius to your location… but ok let me tell you something ok have you ever worked at Burger King? It’s hot as fuck back there bruh have you ever cleaned the fans in the freezer at Burger King but that apparently hadn’t been cleaned since the day the Burger King was fucking crowned and they’re all wet with condensation and it’s just damp clumps of dust and you’re trying to sweep it into the fucking dustbin but it just isn’t happening so you have to go all in and use your mouth to pick up the dust bunnies like a mother cat carrying her kittens? No? Never done it? Ok then stop bitching and whining EUGHHH THIS GUY I KNEW FOR LIKE A FEW MONTHS IS DEAD EUHHGGH ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD EUGHHH shut up bro shut up I fr don’t care like why do I gaf bro 😭 like you fr didn’t even know them that long like bro you can find other friends it’s fine??? Oh nooo big scary monster bro just close your eyes 😐 omg such a fucking victim always whining and crying I’m so sick of you holy shit your life isn’t even that hard
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ohmyamor · 1 year
sorry I don’t send asks too often i’ve been really busy with my performing arts work and school musical (which is actually high school musical????) so i wanted to ask how you are? what have you been up to? how’s writing going? TELL ME ANYTHING I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU
- 🧸
also STOP performing arts is literally AMAZING I have so much respect for everyone in that field bc I could literally never ahahah
I’m doing pretty good, thank you for asking!!
the past month has been a roller coaster bruh I got accepted into some pretty amazing schools to transfer to for uni and I finally committed to one of them (along with a $250 deposit that hurt my wallet but :/)
and then I’ve mainly just been working and going to school but I have finals coming up rip
ohhhh and then last week I saw yoongi 🤭 ik im technically like an ateez account lol but yoongi was literally my first love when I got into kpop back in like 2017/2018 and he’s been my ult bias since day 1 and ugh the concert was fucking amazing like the best way I can describe it was just so cathartic yaknow
and then I immediately went back to work all weekend working long shifts bc of Mother’s Day so I got fucking sick and I was knocked off my feet with migraines and a fever and it’s just bleh
not Covid thank god but I hate being sick in general but I’m better now and I’m seeing some of my friends this weekend and next week I’m seeing txt!!!
I’m so excited getting those tix had me fighting for my LIFE I’m like the designated ticket buyer in my friend group but lemme tell you it never gets any less stressful
and so once that’s over then I have finals and school is done and then at the end of summer I’m moving out for school :’)
life is just crazy 🧸 anon like absolutely insane and I feel so bad for not being active on here as much but my life is literally revolving around work an school rn and I feel like I’m constantly running around like a headless chicken 🥲
but it’s okay bc great things are coming!! and I refuses to be knocked over!!!
Ty for checking in bestie I would LOVE to hear more about your school and your musical!!! And I hope you’re doing great :)) <3
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borathae · 1 year
Holly molly oh gosh i’m gonna faintttt Sibibaby i binge read all the chapters last night and i’m sleepless as fuck but i’m sooooooooo happy and excited and warm and angry and anxious??? At the same time???
Geez my comments will be so messy because i’m going to talk about aaaalll the chapters i’m so sorry for this hehe
1-Their reunion 🥺🥺🥺 please i love yoongi boongie so much oh gosh he’s so caring and loyal and lovable and all the thing i want in a boyfriend 💜
2- Tae…oh tae tae tae i love u boy but not right now 🥲 sorry… i mean i love their polly relationships you know but sex with strangers? Making out with strangers in front of your mate? Just no. Sorry Taehyungie :(
3- Umm excuse me but is it weird that I literally panted and goes like ‘helll yeah!!!’ when Yoongi rip that Fringella bitch’s hand?? We love the protective creator boyfriend 🥺🥺💜
4- Okay when they met up with werewolves Yoongi said something like ‘i had my woman in my arms’ and I LITERALLY melted 🥺🥺 His woman 🥺🥺💜
5- I love it when Yoongi Boongie is a little possessive over oc 🥺 don’t judge me 🥲
6- When Jimin force fed his blood 🤬 I just started to feel soft towards to Jimin and then BAM! He fucking did this! And you know when oc felt sick because of Jimin’s blood i was like ‘ i want Yoongi 🥺’ and then he came and i felt safe again 🥺🥺
7- He was so fucking cute during their little lunch date! When he said the tree’s name all cute and waiting for her praise 🥺🥺 I like his mentality like ‘i like Jungkook too and i care for him too but you are my mate and the one in my life and i fucking cherish and protect you’ Oc you lucky girl *sighs* (i mean he didn’t say that exactly but i feel that his emotions towards oc is a little different from what he feels for others)
8- And Jungkoookkk!! Omg i feel so happy that they talk and officially become a couple gosh i was waiting for this 💜💜🥺 (mmm girlie? He unhinged his jaw just because he wants to swallow her entire boobie?? Excuse me?? Why so hot?? 🥵)
9- ohh and i almost forget that he cried when oc got lost in Paris :(( don’t cry Yoongi Boongie oh gosh he is so afraid to show his emotions freely but he literally cried when oc found him in front of the bar 🥺🥺 i’m gonna cry too noo
Omg Sibibaby i’m so happy to catch up!!!! MV is a masterpiece perioddd 💜💜
FJADSJFA this situation was so messy fajdsjf honestly Tae really didn't act like the greatest when he did that 😩
bruh same JFASDF SO FUCKING SAME FAJDSFJ this shit is so hot ajfjd like if an irl!man would do that "for me" I'd call the police, but vampire!yoongi doing that? brUHAFHD YES FANDFNA OMFG
afjadsfah that part afjadsjfja thisf ajdsfja I didn't think that "my woman" would have such a great impact on all of us and yet here we are afndsfn
SAME BRUH same 😩😩
I feel the same!! I really enjoyed their interactions beforehand and I was all rooting for them and then Jimin pulled that stunt and I just wanted to fight him🥴
I agree! I agree so fucking hard! This is the only truth :( OC will always be his one true mate and that thought just breAKS ME 😭 also the tree part ripped me apart he is sO CUTE AFJDJF
OKAY BUT I DIDN'T think that people would like the jaw unhinging part so much hahaha I cackled like crazy when I wrote it becuase it's so stupid but I love that you guys are into it fjadjf 😏
THIS THIS THIS!! THANK YOU omfg I knew I could count on you to be all like "oh soft boi cried" HAHAHA we are sharing one braincell again fajdsf he is smitten for her it's crazy 🥺🥺
I missed seeing your name in my inbox, my love hehe I'm glad that you're back and that life is treating you better again 💜💜
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finsterhund · 1 year
bruh it’s infuriating how poor some people’s media literacy is
seeing a bit of a trend as of late with people being all “how come in heart of darkness the only sentient beings on this planet are the amigos and the master and vicious? this isn’t realistic and blah blah blah” (Mefudoka screaming in the background “I had a line of dialogue too you fucking idiot”)
Like I thought it was pretty fucking obvious that the Amigos are the only survivors of the “blight” (sorry I am so sorry) of spectre life spreading across the planet. And they’re like, one poor apple(?) harvest from becoming functionally extinct and they do not appear to have any children in their village and blah blah blah.
So to answer, the Master/spectres have (unintentionally or otherwise) done such a good job at eradicating all the natural life in that world that only this one village of flying creatures that live on a floating island and struggle to find food have survived.
what is with people who want to just completely make something new but insist on it being “HoD” because idk. Reminds me of the people who get into anything regardless of what it is and INSIST on shipping something. Won’t get into a media because it has “nothing shippable” and shit so they’re like writing yaoi about the two male characters that had the most dialogue together in some random old piece of english lit they have to read in school. WHAT. 
Like why are people so scared to make their own thing? I can see why big media conglomerates are always making shitty inferior reboots and such but bro with a twitter account and a passion for a completely different form of storytelling too? What???
There’s an opportunity for prequel material that shows what the planet was like before this problem was so widespread. And it would be really cool to make species based off of the sick as hell skeletons you see littered around the world. Mostly draconian in appearance and BIG. But nope. it’s always wanting to add clutter to Andy’s relatively basic straightforward hero’s journey plot. what.
Also I’m going to really try not to go on a tangent about people and their criminally unfitting OCs but something I see a lot is people wanting to just throw furries into the mix.
Listen, I have a fursona. I partake in the furry art. But what in the fuck you guys. At this point make your own thing??? I am reminded of the weirdo with a bunch of really stupid ideas who literally would not stop spamming me in DMs and wouldn’t even wait a day for me to respond before spamming me more who had like this whole bunny man OC idea that I thought FOR SURE was an elaborate attempt at trolling me but apparently it was genuine!!!???
Apparently “if it doesn’t have furries it’s inferior” is ALSO a relatively common mindset a lot of people have and I know this because I was *kinda* like this in my “I won’t watch anything without a dog or a cool weapon on the cover” phase in childhood.
Idk I’m just frustrated and exhausted and pissed off by people with ideas that’d be cool on their own but suck balls and do not fit and would objectively ruin shit in a “too many cooks in the kitchen” way when jammed into HoD.
They always want to “make a reboot/remaster” too. Never a prequel or sequel.
You’d do numbers at disney. You should apply 😒
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the liyue crew
characters included: xiao, childe, beidou, and zhongli
ik i forgot ningguang i promise i’ll include her in part 2, i just didn’t have time :(
all x a gn! reader 
my liyue babies :,) ft. ningguang in spirit
an: i was listening to my soft playlist (more like listening to cupid’s chokehold on repeat, no i am not basic 🔪) and i thought some fluff headcanons would be cute w these sweet people
ok so no surprise that he hates liyue harbor
he hates anything w a lot of people in it so he prefers to stay at wangshu inn tyvm
but by contrast, you love liyue harbor sm (it’s gorgeous i mean c’mON)
you go there often to retrieve your commissions in order to stay closer to xiao (liyue harbor is closer than mondstadt he argues but you’re well aware that they’re both equally far away)
so if anyone asked, xiao would absolutely refuse to go to the harbor like i hate people??? why would you even ask???
but,,,he’s so sOFT for you
if you asked??? he would agree in a heartbeat
but since he’s >:( angsty boy, he makes you think that he won’t go even when he’s already decided that he’s coming w you
he puts up the “if you so require, then i guess i will assist you with your travels in liyue harbor” but in reality he would definitely have said yes even without the almond tofu
while he hates the harbor, he thinks that with you anything is bearable :,) simp
you take him to see xinyan to vibe w her music and you can tell he really enjoys it
even tho he’s like 🕴 the entire time, you see the softer look on his face and the very slight smile on his lips as he listens to the music and watches the crowd
so so so cute very soft for him
i do see him as a subtly touchy person in public like brushing the hair off your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, or gently pulling your hair back when you have a plate of food in your hands 
the type to link your pinkies together - he claims it’s so you don’t get lost but yk better 
after the concert is done you take him to that one waypoint near mt. tianheng and the both of you just watch the city lights and the way they reflect beautifully on the water surrounding the harbor 
personal headcanon that xiao absolutely loves stargazing since he believes the stars are the one true constant in his life especially since he’s experienced so much loss (basically they’ll never leave him god i hate myself why do i make everything SAD)
mini headcanon off of that - he doesn’t stargaze with people,,, like ever 
it’s something he loves to do alone so the fact that he lets you stargaze w him and even allows you to shift your head onto his lap while you watch the sky is a huge deal 
he loves it when you softly whisper abt how your day was or something you saw that made you laugh 
he just loves hearing your voice, it automatically calms the voices in his head 
you absolutely ADORE when he has flowers in his hair especially cecilias (cecillias? ceccillias? idfk) and you make a point whenever you go to mondstadt to pick a fresh batch of cecilias just for xiao while enlisting the help of your favorite bard  
these soft moments on the mountain are usually when you’ll sweetly tuck in a flower or two in his hair while laughing 
he’ll blush fiercely while looking away but will tuck the cecilias in securely as you’re unable to do so due to the position you’re in on his lap
all in all - this was not meant to come out as a date idea but we’re going w it 
this is so cute xiao pls let me put flowers in your hair sweet boy <3
god, loml, my favorite war criminal after eren yeager 
there’s never a dull moment w this man - if you wanted peace and quiet, why the hell are you dating him bestie???
is the type of person to yell out “Y/N, i can’t believe i ran into you here!” if he sees you somewhere even tho you explicitly told him you were going to be here in the morning (ik you have a good memory ajax don’t lie to me 😐)
i don’t see him as being obnoxious w pda unlike someone else kaeya but he would definitely participate (think: handholding, cheek kisses, an arm around your shoulders)
loves it when he comes home and sees you in an apron cooking 
domesticity just makes his heart melt so you can be sure that your face will be peppered w a lot of kisses afterwards <3 
absolutely ADORES it when you trace his scars absentmindedly when you’re lying down or even when you’re having dinner in public  
he’s been far from his family for so long that small acts of mindless affection like this really make his heart happy 
you have him drunk on your love luv haha see what i did there 
he will let you put makeup on him. no i do not take criticism ⛄️
he already has on lowkey thick eyeliner,,, don’t be shy put some more bestie 
he will shamelessly go out in public w whatever you made him wear - doesn’t really give a shit even tho he has a reputation to maintain 
speaking of reputation,,, yk his mask? yeah that one - the red hair accessory that he has on his head
well on the mask, he attached a little charm the both of you got together on your first date during lantern rite 
it’s this adorable fox that we all shamelessly kill for meat and he placed it so it anchored to the side of his mask so when he fights it isn’t a nuisance or anything (does that make sense??? i hope it does) 
his subordinates notice and while they’re stoic around childe, behind closed doors they do whisper abt the mysterious person who’s captured his heart 
not so mysterious anymore when they literally see him cling onto you during his daily patrol around the harbor 💀
it’s ok tho he’s lucky he’s cute 
bestie,,, pls give him a neck massage 
i just KNOW he’s tense there idk something abt the way he carries himself just screams “my neck hurts so bad someone pls help me i would ask but my pride literally will not let me”
so give him a neck massage :) don’t worry tho he’ll definitely return the favor and then some
he’s obsessed w them,,, it’s just the faces you make??? he can’t get enough 
he loves seeing the pure joy and the brief fear (he’s kind of a sadist) in your eyes before he attacks you w those damned hands 
it reminds him a lot of simpler times w his siblings and he’s happy he brings you joy and makes you forget your worries - at least for a little while 
all in all, he’s a good boy and no i will not tolerate childe slander 🔪 kaeya slander tho 😏
you pulled beidou??? wow everyone’s jealous (pulled as in literally from the banner and in this context but no i do not have beidou and no i definitely do not want to talk abt it)
god made beidou and zhongli just so all of us could have a sexuality crisis 
anyways, being w her is hard i will not lie 
not bc she isn’t a capable lover - no, quite the contrary 
she’s an amazing partner but the problem here lies in the fact that she’s almost never on land 
it’s hard working a long distance relationship but y’all love each other so it works out :,) 
when she is physically present however, expect to never be bored 
she’ll quietly fix the wrinkles on your shirt or fiddle with your fingers in her hands while she recounts her adventures out on sea 
she sometimes gets worried she bores you, however the way your eyes light up every time she tells a tale always reassures her otherwise
definitely the type to let you use her claymore if you want to learn 
she’ll provide useful tips as she tucks her hands into your sides gently, positioning you correctly so you don’t hurt yourself 
miss girl is an AMAZING cook 
i just know she cooks the best meals - i mean she’s friends w xiangling after all 
whenever she comes home from a voyage she’ll always insist on making something for you even if she’s abt to pass out 
pls tuck her into bed and promise her that she can make you something in the morning <3 the poor woman needs rest 
brings you back trinkets but they’re actually very practical 
she knows you won’t have much use for a simple charm (not that there’s anything wrong w that) but she believes you’ll like something practical more so she might get you a new engraved knife from the most recent place she’s been to 
definitely the type to surprise you when she docks 
i can imagine her anchoring her ship out a little ways from liyue harbor and rowing to the dock in order to make sure you aren’t alerted of her presence (i’m sorry the mental picture this made in my mind is SENDING ME INTO ORBIT but she means well i love you)
will take you to remote spots she’s found in her travels through liyue 
for example - the little heart shaped island and the island quest (?) that you had to use kaeya the bridge maker for in order to get to im sorry i’ll stop w the kaeya slander
she’ll get you seashell bracelets or necklaces idk why but she gives me those vIBES 
they’re super nice ones too, only the highest quality for you 
yes she’s a bruh girl but i also see her as someone who would enjoy intimate moments like watching the sunset or something 
“yo wanna catch the sunset, i heard it looks sick from the jade chamber” said before ahem it yk fell from the sky
kasdjksfashfjsahf yes ofc i would love to catch the sunset w you pls come home luv
anyways, she is a woman i would give the world for 
ok gimme a sec i need to get my gentleman mode on 
this man,,, THIS MAN 
everything w him is so soft like your entire eXISTENCE w him could go in a museum it’s that beautiful 
in the morning when he visits you, he always brings you a cup of your favorite tea and a bouquet of glaze lilies he got from madame ping
holds the door for you, pushes the chair out for you, uses a napkin and brushes sauce off your lips when you’re eating - you name something sweet, he’s done it
secretly loves it when you fuss over him 
he doesn’t like to fight but say he encountered a group of hillichurls he couldn’t avoid and promptly defeated them but ended up tearing a part of his tux(?) (is it a tux? i could not tell you)
not that big of a deal, i mean it’s a scratch, he’s a 6,000 year old god, he’s dealt w much worse 
but seeing the worried crease in your brows as you usher him to sit at the table while quickly grabbing antiseptic to clean his wound
“it’s just a scratch, my dear. do not worry i’ve dealt with much worse.”
you quietly protest abt how “yes zhongli, i understand you’re an archon and have gotten worse injuries but i’m worried about infection just please let me take care of you ok? <3″ 
when you say that he feels weird emotions,,, wdym take care of him? 
he’s always taken care of himself or been expected to take care of others as the former ruling deity of liyue so having someone else genuinely worry abt his wellbeing creates a warm feeling in his chest 
he strikes me as the type to knit you something??? idk maybe it’s the grandpa vibes but i headcanon that he would knit you a scarf for the colder weather, it’s cute 
in the privacy of your home, he really likes picking you up
he loves it when you wrap your legs around his middle while he gets up to go do the dishes or smthg 
domesticity go brrrr
if you’re into making flower crowns, he would totally have you on his lap and wordlessly hand you a glaze lily whenever you expectantly hold your hand out while weaving the flowers together 
he expects you to make the crown for yourself but when you place the crown on his head and it fits perfectly while simultaneously tucking a glaze lily behind your ear, he looks at you dumbstruck 
his mouth parts open in awe and it’s quite literally the cutest thing
you’ve broken him 
thinks it’s the sweetest thing - will keep it on his head for the whole day 
he’ll even put it in water before he sleeps so it won’t wilt and he can wear it the next day <3 
scenic picnics!! scenic picnics!! 
the type to take you to the nicest spots in liyue to chat abt the history of the land w you over a cup of tea and your favorite food (whatever you like, he doesn’t mind)
recounts the people he’s met in his long life before finishing off by saying you’re by far the best person he’s met 
zhongli strangles lovingly come home soon 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Yandere! Jeon Jungkook- You’re My Prey
Why Hello there! ANON ASKS
Greetings! I hope all is well with you! Could I please request a smutty angsty predator Jungkook x Prey Reader with sprinkle fluff at the end? like jk is the readers bully and realizes that he likes her but she avoids him like covid lmao. so he protects her from someone or something and she starts to trust him? oml that sounds like a lot🤣🤣 U are an amazing writer!!
Sooooo I didn’t touch on the smut part, and I’m very sorry! Tbh I was a bit overwhelmed writing this one and I kept getting stressed because I hated every draft I made before the final draft.
So this contains a bit of sensitive material, proceed with caution
You sat in front of the vanity as your mom styled your hair. She hummed as he took your strands in her hands.
“I saw this style in an issue of Vogue...I know you’ll love it.” she commented.
Tonight was perhaps the biggest event of your mom’s career. She has been a avid participant in the entertainment industry for years and she was invited to some crazy event with her celebrity friends and wanted you to come as her plus one. People knew she had a daughter, but they had never really seen you before. You stayed out of the spotlight when you could.
Except for tonight. Your mom had stared as the lead in a huge show, and a party was being thrown to celebrate it’s popularity and final episode. You were honored but nervous.
“Look at you!” she winked at you in the mirror. “Come on, we’re running fashionably early.” she ushered you out the chair.
Ugh, how much longer was this gonna last. Your feet were killing you! Your mom seemed to be having the time of her life though. She was drinking and dancing and carrying on as if she was a young college student.
“She seems to be having fun.” a voice said from behind you. 
“Don’t get any ideas. That’s my mother.” you seethed. You were protective of your mom, going as far as to curse out anyone who set their sights on her whether it was positive or negative. While people didn’t know you as a celebrity, they knew you as the one who knocked the living daylights out of an ex idol who tried to touch your mother’s ass on a variety show backstage.
“Don’t worry, pet. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Once you recognized the voice, you froze. Of course he would be here! You slowly turned around, seeing Jungkook standing there with a sick smile on his face. “Missed me?”
“No!” you said a little to swiftly. You should have asked if anyone you knew was gonna be there. You felt like an idiot. Jungkook literally sang half the soundtrack for her show, of course he’d be here!
“Oh how rude.” he cooed. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.” he shrugged. 
“You though wrong.” you looked him up and down. “I swear it’s like you’re following me sometimes.”
“You could say that...but just know I’ll always be there for you...watching.”
 “J-just stay away from me!”
To say he had some sort of infatuation with you as an understatement. Everywhere you went, he somehow turned up. It was like he could smell you from miles away. 
“Dear Y/N, don’t make a scene.” he stepped forward just so he could whisper in your ear. “Wouldn’t want to cause a disturbance.” you could feel the smirk on his face and all you wanted to do was slap it right off.
“Stay back.” you stepped away. “Leave me alone.” you pointed warningly. You attempted to walk away, only to feel him grab your hand. 
Tingles shot up your spine as you touched. You shuddered, his skin was hot. You took one look at Jungkook. He seemed to be in a trance, he was staring at your hand, following it up your arm, passing over you shoulder and up your neck to stare at your face. 
When you finally came to your senses, you yanked your arm back. “Don’t touch me.”
“Okay alright.” he rolled his eyes, seemingly going back to normal as well. “Just don’t get into any trouble, pet.” he scoffed. “By the way, you look good in that dress.” he drank you in. You felt exposed, very exposed. You could almost feel a draft. You glared at his back as he stalked off. That’s how it was, Jungkook was nothing more than an arrogant tease that made you wanna strangle somebody. 
“Alright, I’m done.” you groaned, holding your head. You looked for your mom in the crowd. She was busy laughing with a whole bunch of her friends. You didn’t wanna leave without telling her. You’d just leave her a message.
From across the room, Jungkook watched you leave. He hated to see you leave, but watching you walk away was so gratifying. He knew you didn’t really hate it. In fact, it was amusing to watch you lie to yourself. You were lying about not wanting him, about hating him.
He knew you were lying because he would feel if you hated him. Just like he could feel the want dripping off your body. You were simply lying to yourself.
... (A few days later)
Your mom had left for another show, which left you home alone for a while. She would be filming in Japan, which meant you would have the house all to yourself. That meant you were left to your own devices when it came to fending for yourself. You hated calling your mothers assistant, he had his own family and your mom to worry about. You could handle going to the convenience store by yourself.
“Thank you for shopping with us!” the cashier waved you off as you left the store. You threw your trash in the nearby bin and began walking back. It was cold out, which prompted you to hug yourself.
What you didn’t know, is that you were being followed.
You were walking on the empty street. It was late and all the major shops had closed for the night. Your only source of light were the dimly lit tiny restaurants that were still open, and street lights that flickered as you passed. 
You kept walking, ignoring that feeling in your stomach that told you you were in trouble. You just had to speed up, it was like something in you was screaming at you. A few seconds passed and you couldn’t help but turn around.
A man was standing a few feet behind you. It was way too dark to see.
“Wha-...” you began walking away, praying it was just a coincidence. You turned a corner, he followed. You turned another corner, he followed.
You were now certain he was following. You couldn’t help cut cut through the street to get to the other side, but he followed then and there. You couldn’t help but begin to run, now scared out of your mind.
You turned behind you one more time to see him speed-walking. In your haste you didn’t see Jungkook walking out of an alleyways. You rammed into him, only to scream bloody murder.
“Y/N?” Jungkook grabbed your shoulders. You were practically crying. This was the first time you were actually happy to see Jungkook of all people. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s following me!” you pointed down the street. Jungkook took one look in the direction where you were pointing.
You were way too scared to see his gaze harden into a glare. His blood practically boiled. 
“Stay here.” he grunted, storming in the direction towards the man. “Hey buddy!” he barked, strutting over. 
Jungkook glared in the direction of the sorry idiot who dared try and apprehend his catch. 
Jungkook took you back to his place, your home would be empty for the night and you didn’t wanna be alone in that moment. You sat on the sofa, hugging yourself. 
If he hadn’t been there, something bad would have happened, you knew that much. It was the first time you were grateful. 
Jungkook had to gather himself. Rage shot through his body in his attempt to protect you. His senses were still in overdrive and he was sure he looked crazy. He watched you as you got comfortable, still hugging yourself.
“T-thank you.” you said for maybe the third time that night. 
“Y/N. You really don’t have to thank me.” he laughed. “I told you I’d be there for you every minute, or every day.”  He walked over and sat down next to you.
You finally studied his face. His smile that never reached his eyes looked very different now than it ever did. His eyes were dark with something you couldn’t really read. 
“Even after I’ve been so horrible to you?”
“You may think of it that way, but I don’t.” 
“How do you think of it?” you tilted your head to the side. You were genuinely interested in how Jungkook perceived your declaration of hatred towards him.
“You shouldn’t make that face.” he giggled, glossing over the subject. “I might have to ruin your innocence.” 
“Ruin my-” you trailed off. It was only then you realized how close he was. Jungkook towered over you, so it was easy for his body to cast a shadow over yours. “You’re really close.” you mumbled.
“Hm, isn’t that the point?” he winked. “Your skin is so soft.”
To Jungkook’s delight, you didn’t pull away when his lips ghosted over yours. You shuddered at the mere tickle of his touch. It was like a batch of pheromones had gone out into the air because all you wanted in that moment was him. In some way or another. However it surprised him when you were the one to go for it, pressing your lips gently against his. 
A low growl ripped through his throat as he rested his hand on the side of your neck. He returned you affections just as quickly as you gave it. 
You tasted better than he thought. Your innocence was like a drug. It was heavy. He hummed with delight as you reached your hands up to run through his hair. He was happy, you didn’t know it in that moment, but you were accepting it. Your fate as his. After tonight it would be set in stone. 
As you pulled away from Jungkook, you inhaled sharply. “W-woah.”
“Surprised, babe?” he began crawling over you, sending you back against the plush surface. “I knew you’d fall for me sooner or later.” 
You were too consumed by the sight of him above you. The lights casted a halo over him. He almost looked like an angel. “I could eat you up right now Y/N.” he whispered. “Your soul is exposed to me right now.”
He drew his tongue down your neck. Leaving opened mouth kisses along your skin. You were warmed up in an instant despite being cold moments earlier. You practically squeezed your legs together in an effort to ease what you were feeling, but Jungkook was no fool.
Finally he’d get what he’d been yearning for. After so long.
It was the dead of night when you woke up. Your naked body was flush against Jungkook’ in what you assumed was his bed. Jungkook was practically atop you, laying his head on your chest. You tried to shimmy out of his grip and when you successfully did, you sat up.
Aches and pains shot through your body as flashbacks of moments before flooded your body.  You could hear his shallow breaths in your ear telling you how much he adored you. Every bite and scratch he had left burned, but in a good way. 
Words couldn’t describe how it felt enough. 
“You weren’t thinking of leaving me, were you?” You looked down at Jungkook who tiredly wiped his eyes. “Fuck.” He glossed over your naked body. You were practically marked from head to toe.
“No.” you replied. “My arm was falling asleep because you were laying on me.” you replied, laughing dryly. He sat up himself, only to trail his fingertips up your arm. He shifted behind you and began placing kisses along your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and practically pulled you back down onto the bed with him. 
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darkeninganon · 3 years
Hey, remember this post and this post? I went with the darker one and continued it. Have ghost Dream. Trigger warning: Implied death, trauma, implied torture, negative thoughts, and cursing.
Tommy stared, a mixture of horror and curiosity swimming through his mind. Standing in front of the community house was a green, very familiar figure.
"D... Dream?" The figure turned around, an all too familiar mask staring back at Tommy.
Tommy took a few steps back, heart racing as he laid eyes on his tormentor. His tormentor who was still supposed to be in prison, yet was standing in front of him and acting like nothing had happened. "wha-"
"Oh, uh... Who are you?" Dream's head tilted, staring blankly at Tommy. It was at this moment that Tommy actually got a good look at his old enemy. His skin was paler than normal, somewhat grey-green, his clothes were washed out as well, and he seemed to be... floating just centimeters off the ground.
Tommy jumped back as Dream's hand waved in front of his face. "Ah! Jesus! Just... Tommy. Tommy Innit. Does that ring any bells?"
Dream hummed, placing a hand on his chin before shaking his head. "nope. Can't say it does! Should it?"
Tommy was silent for a moment. "Well, yeah. We were friends." Tommy stated, placing his arms behind his back. "You, me, Tubbo, and Ranboo! We were all the best of friends!"
"Really?" Dream seemed to light up at this, seeming to float just a little more as his mood brightened.
"Yeah!" Tommy wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. "You've been missing for ages, man! We've been worried sick about you! You just vanish one day with no trace,  and- let's walk and talk Dream, we need to go to Snowchester and tell Ranboo and Tubbo the good news!" Tommy turned, motioning Dream to follow. Dream did so, bouncing slightly as he followed. "Oh, they may seem a little... off when we see them. I mean, as I said, you've been gone for ages! And uh... looks like you lost you last cannon life-"
"My last cannon life?"
"Yeah. Not many people like you, me, and Tubbo. Us three only have one life left, unless you count Totems."
"What about Ranboo?"
"See, he's a bit... strange, so he still has all three cannon lives-"
"I lost three lives?!"
Tommy stopped, spinning around to face a panicked Dream. "Yeah. Look, just be glad you didn't get sent to the afterlife and-" Tommy stopped as he looked down. Right where Dream's shoes touched the prime path, the wood was bubbling and melting. "Uh, big man... You're melting the prime path."
Dream looked down, tensing at what he saw, His knees flew up to his chest as he floated there. "Sorry! It- I'll control it! I won't let it happen again! I promise! Please, I'm really-"
"Woah, calm down man! Why are you so worried? The prime path has had worse. We'll replace it later. It's no big deal." Tommy waved his hand, dismissing the minor damage.
Dream stayed silent for a moment, staring at Tommy from behind his mask. "You... You promise?"
"Yeah! Now come on! Tubbo and Ranboo are waiting for us at Snowchester." Tommy took off again, Dream following slowly behind.
Dream was still worried. He had damaged something. He had broken something. He was going to be punished for that. He was supposed to be punished for that. But... Not from Tommy... From someone else... Someone green? No, he liked green, it was his favorite color. Dream was lost in though and crashed into a stopped Tommy, instantly reeling back. "I'm sorry! I won't do that again! I-"
"Big man, calm yourself!" Tommy yelled, spinning around to face Dream. "We're here. Does this place ring any bells?"
"Tommy get back!"
Dream was confronted by and enchanted netherite axe. A memory of a similar axe slamming into him over and over again surfaced, along with a grin and a golden tooth. Dream reeled back, making himself as small as he could. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into him! I didn't mean to burn the path! I won't do it again! I promise! I'm sorry!" Dream was suddenly scooped up off the ground, a gentle shushing calming hims down.
"Relax! You just... Your mask Surprised Tubbo, that's all. Someone who... Who wore almost the exact same mask had tried to kill me and Tubbo... But... But we killed him in the end." Dream looked up, Tommy was staring down at him. Tommy had picked him up and was holding him... "Yeah, You, me, and Tubbo... We killed that bastard..."
Dream sniffled. "What about Ranboo?"
Tommy looked to the half enderman, who was shielding a small zombie piglin. "Well, uh, you see that little piglin? Ranboo stayed home to make sure no one on that guy's side came to kill him. That's Ranboo and Tubbo's son. His name is Michael." Tommy looked back down to Dream. "Does any of this ring any bells big man?"
Dream shook his head again. He didn't remember anything.
Tommy sighed. "It's... It's alright. I'm sure you'll remember eventually. Just... Maybe take the mask off?"
Dream shook his head again, digging his nails into the object. "Please... Please don't make me..."
"Alright! No worries bud, if you like it you can keep it" Tommy bit his lip, looking to Tubbo before glancing back down at the ghost in his hands. "We, uh, we'll do our best to remember it's our dear friend Dream, and not the monster from the past. Right guys?" Tommy grit his teeth, putting on a smile.
Tubbo nodded. "Tommy's right." The words even sounded forced to him. God he couldn't act to save his life. "Sorry if I pull out netherite on you, I'll try to contain myself."
Both boys looked to Ranboo, who was still glaring. "Bruh, that... no. I'm not doing this."
"No Tubbo! That guy tries to kill you and now he gets to-"
"Come on Boo! You can do this!"
"Oh, I cannot even begin to explain how wrong you are. Literally. I can't. It's mag-hrmmm" Ranboo did his best to glare at himself before turning his glare back to Dream. Then Ranboo looked at Tommy.
The fucking puppy eyes.
Ranboo growled to himself, clenching his fist before speaking. "Look, Dream, you're not the only one with problems. I sleepwalk and apparently do things. It's weird and-"
"Did the guy with the gold tooth get you too?" Dream perked up, leaning forward. He hopped off Tommy's hand suddenly, growing back to his full size before ever hitting the floor. "He..." Dream looked to Tubbo, more accurately, the axe he still held; "He did something to me... I think he took my last cannon life."
Ranboo tilted his head. "The guy with the gold tooth? Who the hell is that?"
Dream shrugged.
"well, we can figure that out later." Tommy stepped in, looking between Dream and Ranboo. "right now, I think it's best if we let Dream rest! Man is... probably tired, right Dream?"
"I... guess... I'm not really sure."
Tommy waved him towards a room. "Well, might as well try and rest up! This has been super exciting for all of us! We got you back, you got us back, all is well that ends well, right boys!" Tommy cheered. Tubbo remained silent, glancing to Ranboo who refused to look anywhere but the floor.
"Well, good night then." Dream gave a weak wave to Tommy, nodding to Tubbo and Ranboo as he passed them, and went to a random room.
As soon as Dream was gone, all hell broke loose. "Tommy what the fuck?!"
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pastelpousay · 17 days
This is sort of another rant I think my friends hate me 💀 and this Hadina ship is lowk ruining my life but it’s like the only thing bringing me joy 💀
This is literally me being upset about something stupid that happened earlier 💀I love my friends but sometimes I’m so sick of them. Like okay story time 😽
So a while ago I went over to my friends house and we started talking about my self ship for whatever reason 💀😭 for background my friend is pagan and he believes in Greek mythology and I literally exspressed to him a moment before this that I had been feeling bad about talking about it so much since Hercules isn’t myth accurate but like girl 💀 ain’t no one care I’m sorry it’s a Disney cartoon bruh😭 get over it. and HE LITERALLY SAID HE DIDNT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT LIKE BRO SO TELL MY WHY NOT EVEN A MINUTE LATER HES ASKING ME ABOUT WHERE PERSEPHONE IS IN THE LORE OF MY HADINA STORY 💀I love pershades Like Persephone x Hades for life!!! I don’t have a problem with other hades ships at all like I love seeing it 💗. But Like I already feel guilty for liking the movie and about not being able to add Seph to my story but like I’m sorry 😭 this isn’t about her😭😭like wym girly ain’t here-
okay that’s it I’m done I just had to share this even tho I’ve been talking about it for literal hours but it still pissed me tf off💀😭 btw sorry if this comes off as insensitive I mean every word of what I meant about the I don’t care if you ship hades with others, the ships are cute I love em!! 💗 but can this mf at the bare minimum accept my happiness like girl you want me to kms?? 💀
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kkeidawrites · 3 years
Castlevania spoilers!!!! If you don’t want to know how the show ends in season 4 please refrain from reading the rest of this post because I’m not holding back! Also I’m writing this as I watched so, this is my raw review!
Okay, so first off I want to say personally, I loved how season 4 brought heat to the finale of the show. Although I’m sad as hell that this is the last season for a great show.
Episode 1: Murder Wakes It Up- I thought that it was cool to see Trevor and Sypha fighting again after what happened in S3, obviously they are tired from the long four week journey of fighting night creatures, skeleton zombies, vampires from different countries, etc. but clearly the end game is that humans and vampires alike are working together to bring back Dracula. Like seriously, y’all might not know this but I hate, HATE when children become involved in stupid shit like human sacrifices like I can’t. Not the children. Please, not the babies. Sypha complaining she’s becoming like Trevor, and she’s so cute when she curses lol. Then when they arrive in Targoviste we have some new faces as potential enemies. I thought they were lame honestly lol I couldn’t take Barney-Larney whatever his dumbass was; he was mad annoying.
Then they shift over to Alucard…I have never seen a more broken beautiful drunk man in all my life. Like I had S3 flashbacks. He’s asked for help from a messenger who ended up dying on the way to the castle but his horse made sure he continued the journey and Alucard received the message for help in Danesti. Alucard fights with the horse, I thought that was funny. He was thoughtful enough to bury the rider, that was very sweet of him.
Also, shirtless Alucard will be engraved in my mind for life. Whew, chile that’s one fine man. He’s beginning to talk like Belmont and I can’t help how hilarious that is.
Episode 2: Having the World: Quite honestly this episode to me was meh. Hector talking with Lenore about how he needs this and that to create his hammer to continue forgemastering then Lenore talks with Carmilla and the white haired bat talks about how she is going to rule the world and what not, clearly losing her sanity.
Then it shifts over to Trevor and Sypha and they are fighting in a barn and new character Zamfir. Her character for me was also meh, but it’s nice to see more PoC in the show.
Episode 3: Walk Away: I liked this episode a lot. Issac altogether was nice enough to sit down and talk with a night creature and tell him/them that they were free of their original program, which was: eating humans, causing destruction, used as tools to forge masters. But man when he received that berry from Issac he realized that there is still some kind of humanity in them.
Issac is contacted by Varney to bring back Dracula but, Issac wants no business with that; he doing his own thing and seeing him being sassy again is so refreshing.
Morana and Striga scenes!!! I loved them, and then there was Striga’s day armor, man listen…I have never felt more closer to watching Berserk again than in that moment. They are hesitant to return back to Styria when Carmilla calls them, and it puts them in a bind to return home to continue through with Carmilla’s plans.
Sypha being annoyed by Zamfir was me the entire time. How you gone run a kingdom again with out a kingdom. Like girl, help the people instead of the royals, my god.
Episode 4: You Must Sacrifice: A cute little Trevor and Sypha scene. They decide to investigate Targoviste more before helping Zamfir. The scene shifts and Alucard is riding towards Danesti, donning a shield and a longer cape. Monsters are attacking the walls of the village, villagers are on the other side waiting to defend themselves. Some Castlevania popular screenshots appear here.
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Then we meet Greta…Miss thang…that’s one beautiful woman okay. And she’s the chief of the village, cares for her people? Y’all I present. Her. And the fact that she is sassy too? I rock with her heavy as hell.
Saint Germain meets Alucard and I have a weird vibe coming from him. We see Saint Germain’s backstory or what little it will show us; he had a whole girlfriend, she a baddie too. Apparently she was like him? And she was the silhouette we saw in S3. Cool scene, inside the Infinite Corridor and I liked the library scene a lot too. Now he’s on a rampage trying to find access to the Infinite Corridor again to find his girl and he also wants to bring back Dracula? The fuck?
Refugees arrive at Danesti, and Saint Germain is acting very strange indeed. Like he’s desperate to go to the castle to help with the village “defenses”. Alucard agrees I guess? And he says another Belmont comment which I was happy to see again in the season.
Episode 5: Back in the World: Alucard leads Greta, Saint Germain and the villagers to his castle but, encounter a couple of night creatures on the way. Greta does Saint Germain y’all and I’m with her 100%. Alucard’s powers have definitely improved from last season. It was kind of interesting how Alucard willing told Greta what happened with him and you know who, kind of early in my opinion. Greta is bisexual?!!!! I love her 1000% now! I sense some chemistry between Greta and Alucard. I like that a lot.
Lenore really like annoys my soul, I do not like this mini bitch. I didn’t really care what Lenore and Hector talked about🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️sue me. Bruh Greta, beating that monster’s ass with just a hammer and a sword?! And Alucard impressed by it?! I’m here for it!! Some cute moments between Alucard and Greta got me gushing over here😝😝. Poor puppy😢😢. Alucard decides to “grow up” which I think is a nice step forward. Saint Germain is really making me mad.
They arrive at the castle and here goes Saint Germain acting like a fan boy, I mean who wouldn’t but you know…Greta killed me when she said the castle was ugly as hell lol. Another little cutesy scene between Alucard and Greta. Like I really like their chemistry y’all I’m sorry.
Trevor and Sypha demand that Zamfir take responsibility to help the people and I forgot what it was called but, before that they are attacked and Zamfir has something placed on her neck by a night creature.
Then Issac, he’s ready to fuck some shit up. And I’m here for it. Get em, bitch!
Episode 6: You Don’t Deserve My Blood: Carmilla’s castle is attacked by Issac’s night creatures. Lenore old punk ass running away does not surprise me in the slightest. Hector betrays Lenore and locks her in a cage. Hector has contact with Saint Germain like what? I don’t understand but, Issac comes in and it looks like Hector has given up, wanting to die honestly. Issac decides against killing him and Hector asks for his knife. This boy cuts his ring finger that the Lenore placed the ring, in front of her. That scene was meh, I thought he would get pissed at her for what she’s done to him in S3 but, I guess not.
Issac literally stole this episode, from his fight with the vampires and night creatures to Carmilla that shit was -chef’s kiss- magnifico! I loved the animation the fight scenes, yooo I was hyped the whole episode.
Morana and Striga make their decision to go their own way, living their own lives in the west so, bittersweet ending with them, I wanted to actually Striga fight the main trio but, whatever I guess.
Hector still has plans to bring back Dracula and asks Issac if he’s doing the same. Issac has other plans obviously, and tells Hector that they need to find their path in their lives. I feel Hector never knew where he was supposed to be placed in the world but Issacs words are very inspiring in my opinion. May have woke Hector’s dumbass up a bit.
Episode 7: The Great Work: Varney and the other guy, I really forgot his name found out about the catacombs and head there. Trevor and Sypha demand Zamfir take them underground, which to me I think it’s nothing there but her shit. Sypha gets mad at Zamfir and I’m with her, how you part of the royal guard when the people above need your help girl my god.
The cutest scene ever in this episode, was when the kids from Danesti wanting to play with Alucard and this boy jumps off the highest part of the castle just to show off. There should be more scenes of soft Alucard with children. Saint Germain is placing these weird stones it looks like in the castle walls. What is going on with him?
More Alucard and Greta moments please and thank you. The artwork in the castle is fucking phenomenal work. Saint Germain just gave the location to a vampire it looks like, from episode 4 maybe? He looks familiar.
There is a freaking army coming to the castle…lord Jesus. Like can they catch a break please? The kids just got settled.
Trevor and Sypha go to the catacombs and it’s just as bad as the people above grounds. New weapon acquired for Trevor, pretty dope. The king and Queen are dead and Zamfir is officially insane. She really thinks that the king and Queen will come back alive and protect their people like she’s done them. Sypha tries to talk to her, that puts her in a weird daze, Trevor is just being Trevor. Varney and his lackey, come to the catacombs looking to kill I really do not know that man’s name y’all so I apologize for not giving a damn about him lol.
The castle is about to be under siege, I’m not ready. Having a whole heart attack over here from nerves.
Episode 8: Death Magic: Varney and his partner attack the people in the catacombs, Varney is looking for a giant mirror? Why I don’t know. Poor Trevor and Sypha they are soooo tired, I feel so bad for them. Zamfir is actually not bad of a fighter, I like that. Sypha still the goat, no cap.
The castle is under attack, it’s actually nice to see how diverse the vampires are in this show, you can tell what countries their from and I think that’s dope as hell. And then every time a human dies their souls are transferred to Saint Germaine? So is this another S3 human sacrifice crap again? Omg…I’m so sick of that. Saint Germain uses the key he received from the woman in the Infinite Corridor and it creates the symbol of the corridor’s portal.
Here goes Alucard being a badass again, I never tire of him being one. Greta holding it down too is really cool, I don’t care what nobody say, she is that bitch. Her and that hammer, a force to be reckoned with.
Everyone is overwhelmed and have no choice but to evacuate to the castle, right before those doors closed Alucard nods to her to leave him out to fight and she looks at him like boy bye. Get yo ass in this castle. Greta pulling Alucard in just shows they are compatible for one another. Even the playful banter between them is cute.
The discovery of the stones in the walls leads Greta and Alucard to his childhood bedroom and they find Saint Germain where he reveals he’s opening the Infinite Corridor to bring back Dracula by using death magic. Petty Saint Germain, I do not like him bro.
They have to deal with him later though to fight off the night creatures that got into the castle. Greta still holding it down.
Trevor and the vampire guy is still fighting but, Trevor being so tired he’s slowing a bit, and honestly I don’t know how he’s still able to function at this point. Sypha shows off her powers like a G that she is and Zamfir is doing some great damage with the knives she’s got and that’s crazy how little knives can do to the body.
Did Sypha always have lightning powers? I don’t remember. If it’s new I love it! Trevor’s almost killed but a woman and child save him in time but, unfortunately Zamfir is stabbed in the stomach when the vampire moves to kill them both. I’m going to be honest I didn’t really care for Zamfir’s character she was just…there lol.
Then that scene with Sypha basically incinerating the rest of the monsters is fire!!! No pun intended lol. Varney finds the mirror and steps through it where Saint Germain is. Trevor and Sypha goes through the mirror as well but in a different location in the castle.
Episode 9: The Endings: This whole episode was literally the best of the best in any other seasons. The fight scenes, the banter, the main three…oh my God I loved it all. Noooooo, the dolls!!!!!! You bastards!!!! Trevor and Sypha’s entrance was perfect. Muah! Perfecto! The rock monsters really confused me on how they were killed but you know what who cares?
Alucard has wings?!!!!! What?!!!!!!!!! The general of the caravan have brought in the man woman thingy to Saint Germain. Death has appeared. His character design is dope af. Noooo not mom and dad!!! Nooo! Poor Alucard had to witness his parents literally in pain and of course Trevor ends it again, somehow Saint Germain redeemed himself almost?
The four vampires fighting the main trio had me running for my money. I liked the whole scene it was nice to see at least one or two vampires almost have the upper hand on the main trio.
That general vampire? His fight was wild, throwing his arm as it was about to explode and use it against Trevor was genius. And main trio…they don’t need to have a plan to fight they just work so well together that it works out in end.
Trevor vs. Death. Also was that the first time Trevor told Sypha he loved her? I can’t remember. Anyway, back to the final battle. The quality of the fight, the sheer power between both characters, and then he goes and sacrificed himself like Trevor are you deadass? You deadass died? Unacceptable. And then episode just ends.
Episode 10: It’s Been a Strange Ride: Lenore died so lame, and she was drunk as well when she died. I really won’t be missing her because she was just a character I very much disliked. Hector is finally free, little dumbass.
I wanna see what Issac is up to and Morana and Striga seems appropriate. But oh well, I hope they are happy wherever they are.
Tombstone for Trevor, it’s not real. He ain’t dead, I don’t believe that. Omg, Greta and Alucard are together?!!! Whoooooo!!! And the village kids are calling him father? Yasssssssssssss!!!!! I’m here for it. Alucard saying he’s not used to people is 100% me in public I don’t like being around a lot of people and it doesn’t help I have anxiety either. Sypha being pregnant was a given she looked a little thicker in the hips from episode one. She can’t leave…we need her. Really Castlevania creators? Y’all gone play with all our hearts? Thinking Trevor was dead and he gone pop up on a horse?
And look at this⤵️⤵️
He’s smiling, happy, soft, has a boo thang I’m….😭😭😭I’m so happy.
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Y’all….all in all this was a great ending to the show…a great ending…
Oh wait…wait…wait wait wait, mom and dad are alive?!!! But how? You know what I don’t care their going to travel to England and their heart shaped embrace is everything. Oh no I’m crying again….
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mysteryhackin · 3 years
Look my blog description does say music recommendations and half of these songs I discovered from listening to Gravity Falls playlists on 8tracks, so it’s kosher ;)
Rules: make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
I was tagged by the ever excellent @presidentstalkeyes (thank you!)  Some of these are not the original band because I like the covers better (I’m sorry).
Also sorry you get explanations- music is very important to me and I will never shut up about it
M Mykonos- Fleet Foxes (I first heard this as a remix but the original is so good)
Y You’ll Accompany Me- Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band (From a Stan playlist- listen to these lyrics I want someone to sing this to me)
S The Stranger - Lord Huron (I knew this song before I knew Gravity Falls, but tell me this song isn’t about Ford and Bill Cipher)
T This Year - the mountain goats (From a Stan playlist- I have been singing the chorus since 2020)
E Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron (Great invitation, sad resolution- I’d say yes and go on the adventure)
R Ring Of Fire- Johnny Cash (I was on my way to starting something very scary and important, but I was sick on the drive there and therefore even more worried, but this song came on the radio and somehow I knew I was going to be OK)
Y You Can Call Me Al- Rough Island Band (from a Stan playlist- somehow the melodica and the banjo in this version makes this song even better)
H Humility- Gorillaz (I always loved this song and the music video, then I listened to the lyrics post finding Gravity Falls and... bruh, it’s all about Stan (also the music video has roller skating in short shorts, so it’s doubly his song))
A  Always Gold - Radical Face (I first heard it on a Stan and Ford playlist and cried my eyes out)
C Carry on Wayward Son- Kansas (I’ll own it)
K Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door- Blakwall (this version is dramatic butter super fun, so)
I (It’s Only a) Paper Moon-  Ella Fitzgerald  (From a Stan playlist but (in Stan voice) “It’s just like my life!!! ...in a way))
N Not Dark Yet- Bob Dylan (I saw a play with an actor I love and this song played during the final scene, and was just a little too loud and basically took over your senses, and that combined with how good the play was and the way they did the final scene made me literally cry- also the lyrics are amazing)
I tag @grrunks and @no-strana and whoever else!  (I’m going to kick myself for forgetting someone, I’m sorry)
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 134 Poll Results
The chapter poll closed with 1747 responses. This month’s poll results were brought to you by /u/_Puppet_, /u/berthototototo, /u/staraves and @momtaku​.
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,675 Responses
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Chapter 134 “Depths of Despair” was another solid chapter with an average rating of 4.52, making it the highest rated chapter of the volume and 15th highest since we started keeping records.
The art was incredible
The best chapter in the volume, bar none.
it was really fucking cool and a definite step up from Chapter 133. This chapter does well to inform you that we *are* at the final battle now, and nothing is stopping this story from crashing to a sudden end pretty damn soon.
This chapter, like every other in the volume, feels like it was stretching. I was actively bored reading it. With so few chapters left, does Isayama really have time to stretch this much? He has so many loose ends to tie up and it's concerning. He obviously wanted a volume cliffhanger with the alliance facing Eren so I hope that his pacing next volume is much tighter because this ain't it, chief
This has easily become one of my favourite chapters in the while manga. [...] Overall, it's as good as 112, 122, 131 and other popular "masterpieces" in my opinion
Bruh I have been waiting for this so long and Isayama fucking DELIVERED. I was so worried with all the build-up and sometimes sloppy pacing that the final Eren vs Alliance showdown wouldn't live up to the hype but NOPE, it was amazing and beyond expectations. The moment where the refugees realize that Paradis forces had come to save them?? Gold. Beautiful. 10/10. Isayama I am sorry for ever doubting you, you are a god and I am thankful for your existence.
Rank this chapter a 5 for the Source of All Organic YEEKS.
Is there any button to press in order to rate this chapter 20/10?
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It was a very close race, but “the crowd attempting to save the baby” ultimately came out on top and once again demonstrated the fanbase’s affinity for despair… or was it hope this time? In a close second comes Armin’s cliffhanger question to Eren, third place going to Reiner stomping the Beast Titan, which beat the rumbling scenery across the world by a single vote, which beat seeing the final audio by a single vote. If the extremely close results mean anything, this chapter certainly had something for everyone.
The crowd lifting the baby to safety is an image that will leave a permanent mark on me. I don’t have words to describe that scene.
Honestly, each goddamn panel is impacting, exciting or badass. I love the Historia scene, the chaos and destruction left me speechless, Karina and Mr. Leonhart's reflexion was heartbreaking, as well as the Marleyan general's.
“That Fucking Monkey!”
Reiner Helos was the most hype part of the chapter.
I could never really decide what’s my favorite scene or anything, it’s all just amazing.
as an eren stan it was rly brutal and eye opening to actually see all the innocent people and kids dying, overall it was a great chapter, just very gruesome
Reiners armored body slam and Levi’s monkey comment were best moments. Really appreciated seeing the worlds POV one more time.
I loved Reiner's moment but otherwise boring chapter.
I loved armin in this chapter he finally looks like hes acting as a commander.hopefully we will get more of this.
I love how much of other countries we get to see through rumbling, it helps to show more details for the wolrd building.
I liked Levi calling Zeke a “Big, furry bastard”.
We finally see Eren's new titan for doing something other than moving forward, and the beast titan scene was epic.
i cried when i saw the families saying goodbye. seeing eren as the founding titan hurts too.
Amazing. Literally lost for words. The last panel with Armin was so emotional/amazing. His character growth is phenomenal. Cannot wait for the next one
The tower guard's words were too much but I LOVED the moment with the baby on the cliff. I wasn't expecting something like that.
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As well as earning the favorite moment this month, the crowd at the cliffs also scored a collective MVP, showing that teamwork does indeed make the dream work. Closely coming in second is Reiner, no doubt from his valiant attack on the Beast Titan, and in third place is the commander of the alliance, Armin.
I love reiner so much :D
The final pages just shows why i love Armin so much
Karina's regret was one of best parts of this chapter.
Reiner such a badass.
Wow just wow, the crowd, the alliance with their shit together (for the most part) can’t wait to see how this ends
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28 months since we last saw Historia in the present time, and now we finally see her again. But is this one page worth the wait? 36.6% are glad that this plot point is finally coming back, 33.1% are glad to see her but wish we’d gotten her side of the story, 12.3% are glad it seems to be a real pregnancy, and 11.6% are done with Isayama’s handling of her in the story.
I thought she was only like five months pregnant.
i hope she survives this :(
I just want this subplot to be over.
It's alright? I still wish she would have joined the scouts in the final battle instead of the pregnancy tho…
I'm so disgusted by the whole Historia situation. The execution of this plot point was abysmal from the beginning and I hate it
None of the above options square with how I feel. Historia's perspective (in addition to Eren's) is being set up as the final "basement"; so while I can see why some are frustrated, it has actually piqued my interest to see where this may end up
EH is endgame
EreHisu would ruin the manga
Each chapter I become increasingly pessimistic about Historia as a character. In the beginning of this chapter when we got the close-up of her eyes as she closed them in pain, I was certain the next page would have her inner monologue as she thought back on how she got into this position. But instead it cuts away, us seeing absolutely nothing from Historia, and I'm back to thinking she really has no agency anymore. Even if she is super important in the ending and a pivotal player in determining the state of the world after the rumbling, it won't be worth what she's been reduced to. To be fair, she was in one scene in Return to Shiganshina, no scenes in Marley arc, and this arc... well, we know how she's been treated. So maybe I should have seen this coming, but it was still disappointing for Isayama to hint that she will have a role this arc like in Uprising arc, only for that to be a breeding machine.
Why Historia was crying when she was having a child?
She finally is realizing the regret of the pregnancy decision and that she once again chose something she didn't necessarily want to do.
her life was always miserable and I don't believe that she will get some ray of light. She was the happiest when she had Ymir by her side. Now, even if she survives and has her child with her, she will always feel the heavy weight of her decision and the blood of millions innocent people will always stay on her hands.
I'm dropping the series after this. It just hurts seeing a queer-coded character like Historia constantly being beaten and reduced to literally nothing. First it was Ymir's death. Then Zeke's plan that involved her having children to be eaten by them (WHY NOT HAVE ZEKE IMPREGNATE WOMEN? WHY MUST IT BE THE QUEER FEMALE CHARACTER?? WHO'S ALSO THE QUEEN?). Then all the talk about her as a mere breeder, as a not-so-walking womb. Then the awful, awful ship-tease with Eren. Then her not opposing Eren's plan?? This is just it.  I was holding onto the fake pregnancy, but now I envy the people who dropped the series once they saw the first panel of her pregnant.
I am tired of Tumblr crying over Historia. You are taking this pregnancy plot way too seriously. Newsflash: women don't automatically lose their agency when they get pregnant, kinda problematic of you to think that's what's going on. Historia has a plan and we will hear it
I think this may be a HUGE death flag for her. I mean if he can kill Sasha off with a gun says who histortia can’t be killed off by child birth?
Historia gets what she deserves. She agreed to help Eren and now A LOT of innocent mothers and children is losing their lives in the rumbling. Historia has their blood on her hands and she won't be free from it. I don't feel sorry for her, at all.
If there's any character, besides Eren, who has humanity's blood on their hands, it's Historia, and her labor acting as a prelude to the moment that will decide the fate of humanity is incredibly poetic.
Hisu's baby is definitely having a titan inherited. So someone with titan powers will die in the final battle.
Don’t care about her
Well I guess she aint faking it after all
She's committing to the bit. There's no baby, it's all an act
Why did she want this child?
...all i can think is why does yams draw mouths/teeth like that? it’s so weird...
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We get to see new corners of the earth… just before seeing them crushed. 37.3% found the cliffside of chaos to be the best, 31.3% enjoyed seeing Onynakopon’s London-esque homeland, and 23.9% enjoyed the scenery of the shrines in what could be Hizuru.
the panel with the people praying in the shrine was amazing also the cliff,  these rumbling chapters are really dark yet visually beautiful (maybe I'm sick for finding it beautiful lol). "
The Titans drove Pennywise off that cliff
I really liked how it shows the different places where the rumblings is effecting like the Snk London etc
I’m a little confused about the timeline and placement of the cliffs and where the Titans are. Can someone explain how the Titans were seen pushing people off the cliff sides (also how were so many people herded into the middle of nowhere to be shoved off the cliffs?) and then also seen heading toward the fleeing Eldian/Marleyans? Are those two different places, a montage, etc? Do we suspend some disbelief to take in the apocalyptic scene of people falling from the cliffs into the sea? The opening scenes had me a bit turned around.
These shots where absolute nightmare fuel and they did an amazing job at showing how horrifying this situation is
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Let’s just rename the series “In the Depths of Despair”. 39.2% think this chapter ranks near the top of the darkest moments in the series, 28.1% think Ymir’s daughters cannibalizing their dead mother is the darkest, while 19.1% hold to the other incredibly dark rumbling chapter we got with Ramzi and Halil.
All are equally dark.
Eternal winner is Udo trampled to death by a crowd while trying to save crushed Zofia
Every scene of children's deaths are all gruesome. Not one tops each other.
the mother throwing her baby away hoping to save them made me feel something and it broke my heart
I didn't think the cliff scene was that dark tbh, it was actually faintly uplifting. Though I also felt that way after reading chapter 131, so maybe I think that about any tragedy Isayama depicts.
Kruger saw his entire Family burn to death
It's a dark moment but I also think it's sort of hopeful, that humanity isn't completely fucked and they're all eager to try save this child rather than let it fall and die.
The entire imagery of masses of people barely hanging for their lives at the edge of a cliff is so abyssmal and daunting. This is seriously peak bleakness SnK. I still can't believe that there are people that support Eren after this.
he opening panels of the Rumbling were some of the most horrifying so far, especially the one with the baby.
This was, to me, possibly the single most powerful moment in the ENTIRE series -- and that's not something I say lightly.
Very little about this manga shocks me anymore. This moment is really no worse or better compared to every other disturbing scene
All the above are horrendous. I cannot choose.
TV Tropes has an entry called Darkness Induced Audience Apathy and that pretty much sums up my feelings at this point. Everything is so unrelentingly bleak and miserable that I’m rapidly losing my ability to care about these characters and what happens to them anymore.
The Rumbling; Yam's biggest middle finger to the world. Can't wait for this shit to end so my life can continue. Forever Yeagerist, because I am free, and Floch did nothing wrong.
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In the face of annihilation, the general stationed at Fort Salta has an epiphany on the path that brought everyone there. A solid 60% of respondents thought it was a great speech – it covers perhaps the grandest theme of the final arc of the story and someone needed to hammer home the message. 27.3% liked the message of the speech but thought it was a little too ham-fisted for the moment, but 6.8% just thought it was silly.
The general at Fort Salta’s words were really... desperate. It showed the truth of Eren’s rampage as the founding and I think it showed that Eren was more than what he hoped to become. He shows no pity now: I don’t even think he cares about the 104th and co. anymore. Really dark and I’m living for it.
The parts with no speech was great. Isayama is great with visuals which I love. The Marleyan speech was very cringe unfortunately.
Great to see the world let go of their hatred for the enemy. Still, Eren's stubborn charge is pissing me off!
FUCKING FINALLY. All this bullshit and guilting of the children and Eldians and we finally get SOMEONE owning up that their bigotry is the fucking problem here. And of course, too fucking late. But that seems to be how real history is
Nothing unrealistic about desperate people about to die thinking of second chances.
Great message, but would've meant more if it came from a more significant character such as Magath
Great speech showing that people always have the biggest realization when it's already too late and you can only count on miracles
I think it was honestly fine, but one tiny change could have been made to make it flow more naturally and not be so jarring to so many people: Rather than having the general talk about "us adults", and how "we" used hatred, I think it would have been more natural if he only talked about himself. This is a very common trope in war movies, and we're all capable of reading in between the lines and understanding how what he says applies to the different characters and the world as a whole. For him to point it out for us is a little jarring
hammy, but on theme
I feel like it's isayama's way of forcing his audience to understand his narrative by spelling it out for us. indicating that he has failed as a writer to just make his narrative naturally understood
IF the rumbling get stopped are they gonna still gonna keep their promise
In context it is fine, but I'm cautious about it being the end solution.
It was a desperate man's final words, and it showed.
It was a fitting speech that showed the Marleyans were finally ready to let go of their hatred towards the Eldians. It also felt like last-ditch speech to try to move Eren into reconsidering flattering the whole world with the Rumbling, but knowing Eren, the speech wouldn't sway him at all.
It was way to convenient and unrealistic for the general and the liberio Eldians to realize that they were wrong and I hope they die. That is all.
It was good to see they realized how terrible they were but as a wise man once said... “It’s too laaate to apologiiize. It’s too laaaaaaaate! Ay. Ay. Ay.”
Its good because its shows the message of the series of trying to stop the cycle of hate by either changing our actions or by sacrificing others for the "greater good". Placement is not bad tho, the general is realizing it is the true end
It’s okay, everyone has their own opinion. The general's opinion just happened to be like that.
I understand it, but I’m also bothered by the suggested idea that it took total annihilation to make people decide to finally “be considerate” of each other. It also feels very black and white to me, some of the subtleties of this whole situation was lost I think.
It was a great speech and super satisfying moment to see non-Eldians recognize how they played a part leading up to this, but there's no guarantee there won't be residual hatred for Eldians once all of this is over.
i honestly loved it. i don't mind the cheese one bit
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There are many bad parents in SnK, and Karina has certainly been one of them. The majority of fans accept her seeking redemption, while 25% think it’s too little too late. 20.8% are willing to give her a chance if she proves she means it through her actions.
I liked the moment between Karina and Mr. Leonhardt. Awful parents unite. XD At least they showed a change of heart, even if it was too late.
Felt like she just wanted to live a normal life
Anyways, Karina saved the chapter. We've seen a more logical character evolution than in Annie's father, and at least she got to see Reiner again.
IF the rumbling stopped are they still gonna keep their promise
the attempt to make me feel sympathy for Karina Braun was just obnoxious
Only took advantage of the boy
I’m glad Reiner mom is realizing her mistake of using her son as a tool but there’s not really much she can do.
Fuck Karina in particular.
Am I the only one who thought that Karina and Mr Leonhart looked good together? 😳
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Karina mentions that she only ever used Reiner as a tool for revenge. 31.1% think he was a tool to use against her former lover, 19.1% think he was primarily a tool for Marley, but 47.9% believe it to be a mix of both purposes.
All of the above and perhaps just a general narcissistic “I’ll show all of you how special I am by proxy of my child. Reiner being a Warrior means I am a Good Mother TM”
Reiner was a tool to make Karina feel like she had worth in a world where everyone, from the man she may have loved to her nation to the rest of the world was telling her she was worthless.
Karina hated Paradis' Eldians for "abandoning" her and the others to the mainland and wanted revenge on them for that.
Clearly revenge on his father and if anyone thinks Karina intended on Reiner being used to get revenge on Paradis is really reaching to villify Karina.
She said it on panel: Why did Karl Fritz leave them in Marley's power?
I believe it's "both of the above", but with the revenge on Paradis being from Karina, not Marley, as an allegory for Reiner's father. She always talks about how Paradis abandoned the Eldians on Marley, and I figured this was her way of expressing the sorrow and anger at Reiner's father for abandoning her and Reiner. So she did believe Paradis were devils who abandoned them, but that was fuelled by her personal issue
I didn’t and still don’t understand what Karina means by revenge.
It was both but also to give herself a higher status given her self-hatred.
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That was unexpected! The Beast Titan showed up, but not in a way we saw anyone predict. A very close tie between it being Zeke’s beast being controlled/manipulated and it being a War Hammer formation created by Eren, with the former just edging out the latter. 14% believe Eren can make titans however he wants via the Founding Titan/paths, and 2.4% think this was just straight up Zeke.
Don’t know, very confused. But whenever I don’t clearly see the eyes of a character, I usually feel like something fishy is going on....
Eren ate zeke and took his power.
Eren using the WHT to generate a Zeke dummy, using Zeke's titan blueprints.
I think he used the Founding Titan powers, not the WH. Ymir/the founding titan is the one that builds the titan forms so I think that makes more sense.
I do believe eren is  controlling him since his titan was attached to eren at the neck, and then reiner broke that off.
I think it's Zeke being mind controlled and treated like a puppet by Eren.
I think Zeke is crystalized somewhere in the Founders body and Eren is using him to create a zombie Beast Titan.
It could be Zeke in there, it could be a clone. Nonetheless it's a puppet and he still needs Zeke to do a complete exact rendition.
It took Eren all three powers of the Founder, WHT, and Beast Titan, combined to pull this off. The WHT alone can create anything with hardening but i doubt it could create another titan moving by itself.
It's obviously a War Hammer construct, but I can't stop laughing at the idea that the Alliance don't realise how vastly different he looks. It kind of reminds me of when they would go "There's no opening in the Armored Titan's armor, it's covering everything" even though there's clearly spaces in between where you can see the red muscle
YFW another Beast Titan clone shows up next chapter
if monke isn't a Warhammer construct, where the heck does he get those rocks?
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So we’ve discussed what you think the Beast is, now what do fans think of the development from a narrative standpoint? Most fans are happy with this development finding it cool and surprising, with 17.9% being happy just to see monke again. 12.1% feel it’s another ability coming out of nowhere, and 9.4% don’t like Zeke being handled this way. 4.4% think Zeke is in full autonomy, which is somehow 33 more people than when that was an option last question...
I just wanna see Zeke :(
I was so happy to finally see Zeke but all along it was just a puppet Beast Titan :(
If Zeke is just going to be a mindless powerup for Eren to keep Levi or Reiner busy, he'd better have been dead. We already had the Warhammer doing that job, why this again?
Tired of the Eren OPness to be honest, its stale and old and overall poorly writter. It's clear from the start Isayama's willing to bend backwards to not only power up Eren randomly but to try and justify everything he does.
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Despite us fans freaking out every time we see Ymir, the alliance doesn’t seem to care. 43.9% believe they’ve just been a little too busy to focus on the minutiae of the lore, while 39.5% just have no idea. 11.1% don’t think they saw her standing there in the first place.
Did any of them really know who the little girl was?
Easier to focus on what they know than what they don’t
Do they recognize her! Are they familiar with the iconography of this creation story? Either way, they’re probably at the “Oh look, Eren’s in his child body and standing with a little girl who is the progenitor of our race. This might as well happen.”
I'm pretty sure they at least discussed it and formed a plan in the plane
They don't wanna face the fact they have to kill Eren, plus killing the beast titan may be easier than killing the founding titan
They still are still not as informed of the relationship between Eren and Ymir, their first goal is to rid the connection of royal blood to Eren preventing further destruction
Wait, are you saying we as the readers can see Ymir but the others can't? in that case, Ymir may have appeared multiple times throughout this mess and yet we've only seen her for Ramzi's death and when the alliance were in paths…
Only Eren can see Ymir since he has the founding Titan, as well as Zeke since he has royal blood. The rest can see Eren because he has the founding Titan and is connected to all Eldians and Ackermanns via paths.
seems like they hold Zeke more accountable to the rumbling than Eren himself. Yeah I get it, he's their friend. But fuck that, humanity is at stakes, and when Zeke turned against the warriors, they accepted that they had to kill him, even if they didn't wan't to (especially Pieck), even if he was their comrade and leader, even if they grew up together, because it needed to done.
They’re saving it for when they discuss Levi’s hand
They're like Ramzi -- they have no bloody idea who this loli is.
Nothing to do with the question but I'm bummed the official translation for this image was not "THAT FUCKING MONKEY!" like earlier ones
Alliance are stupid Motherfuckers
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Surprising no one (except for 5.6% of you from last month who predicted the blimps would deal a decisive blow), Eren tore through the bombing fleet like it was nothing. On a 1-5 scale from “Abysmal” to “They tried their best, okay?”, the plurality of you have decided to lend some sympathy to the squadron, with some erring on the side of neutrality. Low expectations seem to have prevented disappointment, as not many people are criticizing them in the write ins either.
as a WWI nerd I really disappointed by the airship "battle." Isayama has done his research on some aspects of early modern day tech (like the detail on the firearms), but then has the airships dropping what looks like submarine depth charges instead of zeppelin bombs (I was like--why are they dropping oil canisters?!) and then has the airships go down in Hollywood-style explosions from having rocks thrown on them.
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35.4% of respondents loved Reiner’s dynamic entry, followed by 23.6% of respondents who loved Levi’s war cry of MOONNKEEEE. 17.1% were happy to see the image of Armin leading the charge that we’ve been expecting since hearing that final audio sample. 9.1% embrace the ongoing Avengers theme of everyone jumping into battle at once. 8.3% appreciated Onyankopon’s sweet fighter pilot moves, and 5.2% liked seeing the Eldian evacuees getting a glimmer of hope.
Finally, shoutouts to the handful of people whose favourite moment was Pieck bounding out with the bombs like a happy dog with sausage links.
This chapter was pure adrenaline. The Alliance's entrance in the plane was seriously badass. I can't wait for 135!!
Reiner with the Buddha's Palm. Respect!
I love how Levi is still so focused on killing Monke.  Avenge your husband, sweetie.
Armin is finally grabbing Eren by the collar again and I like that. Safe to assume we're going to see more of the Eren vs Armin showdown now. Armin delivered a truly powerful line, "Which part of you is free" and I'm curious how Eren will respond to that
Reiner's transformation is probably my favourite one, and seeing the rest of the alliance jumping down in a tense but at the same time epic scene was priceless.
It was impossible to choose what part of the plane scene was the best, it was *chef's kiss* all of it.
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Chekhov’s bombs are now in the hands, er, mouth, of Pieck Finger, via grabbing them from the plane and transforming into a titan while holding them. About half of fans had no issue with this, seeing that titan transformations are just summoning flesh around you. 17.5% did think the transformation explosion should have detonated them, and 30% are just wondering how she also managed to perfectly unravel the bombs midair.
Bold of you to imply Isayama cares about physics after the wet gun and the plane being ready in 5 minut... 1 hour excuse me.
Bombs are detonated through fire reacting to the gunpowder right? Do we know that the Titan's 'explosions' are made from fire?
Pieck has probably done this many times before, the cart titan is mainly used as a war mule after all.
She's just very very gentle ok ?
Cart titan has experienced in carrying things in different situations and the explosives shown could be improvised. Also, these types are initiated with fire and will not explode with any impact occurred.
I assumed that she let go of the bombs, transformed, then caught them. This does not bother me in the slightest.
I think it's kinda like Eren with the spoon, the objective was holding it, which is why it wan't damaged when Hanji noticed it. Same thing with Pieck and the explosives.
Rule of Cool, doesn't matter either way to me.
No, Cart Titan is especially a strange titan to begin with and a use for delicate and ambushing situations(read the chapters where Pieck transport Bertold in a barrel before the attack on Paradise)
It's kinda unrealistic, but falling from 50 meters with all your body burned and survive is way worse.
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Reiner being Helos has been a popular theory for a while, and now he seems to be acting as a hero to those left at Fort Salta.  54.4% believe this is the start of Reiner embodying the idea of Helos, while 12.9% are holding out for if he kills Eren.  27.9% don’t believe Reiner to be connected to Helos in any way.
Appeared as a small hope
Are people really still going on about Helos?
can he kill Eren? If he can, then hes Helos
What is Helos
Half-Eldian, half-Marleyan -- he represents so much more than Helos ever did.
He could be Helos, but I think Armin will be the one to save humanity, but Reiner can join him
I dont really like the whole X is helos thing, reiner definately is acting the part of the hero but i think its more redemption for reiner than trying to be some kimd of savior of humanity and i think that fots his character better.
The real "Helos" is not just Reiner, but the whole alliance.
He going to be Helos not when he kills Eren, but when he makes a sacrifice of some sorts.
He's not Helos, and will never be, but he is definitely a big hope
Who is Helos
Reiner does not deserve to be a ‘Helos’
He'll do something sick
Helos was a fake hero, just a mask. Their is no comparison with Reiner's journey to maturity..
I won’t compare him to Helos. But this is sure a hero moment
Captain Suicide to the rescue
I think he’s helos but it’s gonna be armin who saves the day
I’m not sure if he’ll be helos but he’s still going to be essential to the story
Helos was a hollow and fake historical figure made up to push the "Eldians are evil" narrative. Reiner, on the other hand, is someone who was raised with a hatred for Eldians and committed atrocities because of it, but came to face his past actions and save the world as a true hero. Reiner isn't Helos, he's so much better than that.
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The question of how far Eren would go to achieve his goal of freedom has plagued the community for a while, and this chapter seemingly confirmed his willingness to even kill his friends, as seen by the deadly projectiles that the alliance only narrowly avoided. 61.8% of respondents aren’t surprised by this, despite Armin and Mikasa, who were in the line of fire, being voted as very unlikely for Eren to willingly kill last month. While 16.6% were indeed shocked by this, 19.1% believe this can be explained away by Eren knowing his friends aren’t in any serious danger.
Eren has to kill everybody, the rest of the world and if they don't stop even the alliance. Otherwise this story will be worse then Game of Thrones Season 8.
Scared that eren is fine with killing the friends he wants to protect
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Eren’s quest for freedom and Armin’s quest for understanding come to a head in this chapter’s cliffhanger question from the latter: “What about you is free?” More of you think he is still in the reasoning stage (37%) than those who think the question was an affirmation of his determination to say goodbye to his old friend (30.1%). Some of you think the callback to chapter 112 is indicative of Armin believing Eren to be controlled in some way (27.6%).
Armin is trying to manipulate Eren like what he did with Berthold but I think he will 100% fail .
Armin is really being built up here for an amazing redemption. These last three chapters we've seen him carefully being inserted into the pivotal role in the series just like in RtS.  I'm 90% confident the biggest plot twist of the entire series is coming, and Armin is the catalyst as he's always been for every amazing moment in the show prior to chapter 91. I think the ending is going to blow everyone out of the water, and that everyone predicting a side to win is missing entirely how the manga will end.
I'm so happy to see that Armin is basically done coddling Erin. He's ready to take him out, especially since he's become the commander
in line with what kenny ackerman said, armin thinks eren is a slave of his own obsession.
Please stop blaming Eren for everything, he needs Help. It makes me sad to see Eren has to face his best friends, and I dont like Armins way of confronting him,  it looks like Armin has erased his memory of his best friend…
He's a fucking clown, I can't stand his shit. Still selfishly trying to talk Eren out of it when he's causing the fucking apocalypse and asserted many times that no, he won't stop. Who cares about Eren's vision of freedom when he's killing millions of people ? Just nuke him, you're supposed to be the colossal titan ffs
Their ideas clash at the moment. However, Armin still believes that his friend behaves unnaturally and won't let go until he discovers the truth.
we have continuously witnessed Eren being a hypocrite it makes perfect sense why he would say that
We need Armin's POV to know if he's now fully prepared to kill Eren or not
What I think is that armin might think that eren is being controlled by the attack Titan
Perhaps to get a rise or reaction out of him? Or just a cool way to introduce himself to the conflict!
that seashell fucker joke of a commander still wants to talk rather than kill him when Eren repeatedly made it clear that he won't ever stop the rumbling.
Hoping to see how this ideological conflict between Eren and Armin will end.
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This chapter’s repeated motif of humans coming together to save children, especially infants, has been noticed by many. As for what it means for the survival of the ones in this chapter, the majority of readers believe Historia’s child is in the clear (81.4%). The children at the fort appear to have much less of a chance (32.8%), but are believed to be comparatively less doomed than the baby at the cliff (26.1%). On the bright side, only about a hundred of you (7.6%) think they will all perish.
Great chapter showing the contrast between a child being born in Paradis and a child dying on the other side of the world.
Sometimes people will trample each other to escape (as we've seen in Marley), but sometimes through the mindless fear people try and protect a tiny helpless thing for a few moments. Whether the baby lives or not it was amazing imagery.
The crowd trying to save the baby from the cliff as the Wall Titans arrived was very dark, but I still think Ymir's daughters eating their own mother is still the darkest moment in the series involving the children, while the runner-up is Faye's death.
we all theorized that the final panel was Historia's child but maybe it's the baby at the cliff. Eren might actually win and destroy the world, then through the wreckage he approaches the child and picks it up and tells it that's it's free
Cliff baby is toast
While the Rumbling is still as horrible as ever, this time it didn't feel quite as hopeless as when we saw Ramzi and his brother. The baby lifting scene was chilling and yet strangely inspiring.
damn bruh seriously the poor kids
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With the story presenting us a complicated situation, does Isayama’s approach lead to the wrong conclusions?  Almost 70% of fans believe that he wants us to view both parties as at fault for the current situation.  About 17% believe the hatred of the world is squarely to blame, while 8.3% think it all lands on Eren for his own actions.  5.3% think Isayama is just really clumsy with his messaging.
this chapter makes you realise that eren is actually at fault. I used to make more excuses for him, but this chapter really sealed the deal for me atleast. No one deserves this pain. It is not marley vs eldians anymore it is everyone vs Eren.
While it makes sense for them to feel regret, I still disagree that its their fault. Like look at Grisha's parents, they didnt do any wrong to deserve this. They just lived their life the way they were told to. Thats why i dislike the argumentations. Most people just were forced to hate someone they never met, so I dont this like the speech that much.
i think isayama states that the alliance is at fault too because they decided to still fight on eren's side until it was already too late and he activated the rumbling. not because they are killing people directly.
while I think that Eren is the main culprit of the Rumbling, true peace cannot be reached if everyone acts all high and mighty ""well, it wasn't MY fault"". After all this, the whole world has to be humble and willing to work together, otherwise it has all been for nothing.
I find it weird everyone (SC, warriors, the world) is blaming themselves for everything and readers are using their pre-death laments as a confirmation that Eren is right/justified. I don't like Eren being portrayed just like the product of his context, especially because he himself deny it and many chapters exist to reforce that (100, 121, 123, 130, 131, etc). I feel nobody is treating Eren as an individual, but as a force of nature coming to punish humanity for their sins. It's uncomfortable, because he's just a person like everybody else and not a god even if he has some god-like powers.
I don’t think the narrative is on eren side, but it also doesn’t absolve the rest of the world, the narrative shows that both sides have good and bad people, innocent and guilty, how each decision affect each character, and what they feel about it all. This story is about a cycle of hate, eldia used titan power to attack the world, then the world revolted and decided to attack eldia, now eldia (eren) attacks the world again, cycles have no end unless someone interrupts it, the question is; What is the most effective way to end this cycle?
Eren already lost. He wanted protect people on Paradis, his friends and Historia but it looks like his actions only have created more sadness and misery. A lot of people on the island died when the walls collapsed and now they most likely will have a civil war. Two of his closest friends are already dead and the rest feels depressed and miserable. The things for Historia don't look good either. Even if he fully rumbles the world, he will never really save anyone.
I think genocide is the solution to stop Racism
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Onyankopon flew the alliance where they needed to go, but the plane’s in trouble and he might be as well! 44.5% think he’s going to die or has already died in a crash, 41.3% think he’ll land with injuries, and 14.2% think he’ll be a-ok and join the onlookers for the battle.
Onyankopon is probably dead but I really hope he’s not. 
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Going into the final battle, it’s useful to have some data on everybody’s predictions, as well as a follow-up to the same question that was asked for the chapter 127 poll, back in March. The characters who were voted more likely to die than survive are led by Zeke, who has a clear majority (78.1%), followed by Connie (59.8%), Onyankopon (59.2%), Levi (57.5%) and Eren (54.6%). Coming close, but still more likely to survive according to voters, is Pieck (48.9%), Reiner (47.9%) and Yelena (44.9%). Gabi (11.5%), Falco (15.1%), Armin (16.2%) and Historia (17.4%) are expected to make it till the end.
Interestingly, as we approach the end, every single character who was present in the March poll has increased in perceived likelihood of dying. Except for one, Yelena, who dropped 6.6% in votes, perhaps due to her injury rendering her a more sidelined and subdued character. The characters that the fandom changed their mind on the most are Levi (+39.1%), Onyankopon (+37.3%) and Connie (+23.8%). The characters that have remained relatively unchanged include Gabi (+3.5%), Jean (+1%) and Kiyomi (+1%).
if he kills Jean without giving him anything important in the whole arc I'm going feral.
I really hope there’ll be no casualties to any of my favorite characters
i hope reiner didn't die untill the last chap
I sadly think everyone will die besides the main three and levi since he’s an ackerman.
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Monthly waits between chapters are rough, but so are the years between seasons! Luckily we have both with the next chapter and the Final Season coming out within days of each other. 57.9% are more excited for the next chapter following the pretty popular 134, and 42.1% are more excited for the anime to kick off.
Can't wait to see what will happen 135 and beyond!
I am overall completely hooked on the manga chapters, and I love Eren’s characteristic traits and mental strength. I am really excited on the final season.
can't wait for the final season!! It's going to be EPIC
Super emotional, everything seems to be leading to a tragic crescendo and all of this is going to look bonkers if MAPPA adapts it well for the final season
Cant wait for the next chapter and the final season!!
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The top 5 words used to describe the chapter this month are below. As opposed to the usual superlatives as well as a resurfacing of pain, the standout this month is monke, thanks to Zeke’s return. We seem to be fully done with the recipe shenanigans after a few months.
Amazing [60] Monke [38] Epic [36] Pain [33] Awesome [31]
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At the statue unveiling on November 7th, Isayama dropped another clue in the ever evolving mystery of when this series will end. His new estimate of 1-2% would translate into two more chapters (!). That estimate did little to dissuade our fandom from our most popular choice of 138.
Between Isayama's comments and this chapter, I'm really afraid there's 1 volume left and Isayama might rush everything, thus giving a shitty ending for everyone.
I really hope it doesn’t end at 135, there’s no way Isayama can muster a proper conclusion out of that unless it was all a dream or some dumb shit.
I'm confused as to how there is 1-2% left. Is Isayama really going to make Eren a cold-blooded killer after all the character development, I wonder. Honestly, I constantly feel like it's going to fast and that there are some things that need to go into more detail.  
I fear the ending could feel too rushed if it really ends in ~4 chapters from now.
I'm glad we're closer to the ending. I just want to leave this series behind me and never look back again.
idk but i just dont want it to end too fast😭😭😭
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The countdown clock is ticking away but there are still plot points to be completed and mysteries to be solved. To kick off what is likely the final volume of this series, nearly half of us hope the focus next month is The Alliance vs Eren (45%). In second place with slightly over 1/5 of the fandom, is interest in Eren POV (21.7%). Falco’s Flying Titan (9.2%), Historia (9.1%) and Zeke (8.1%) fill out the remainder of the pie with the smallest fraction (5.6%) wanting to know what is up with OG Ymir.
I still want to see Eren redeemed and saved, as that felt teased too much. Eren vs Zeke also felt teased too much. I also wanted to see Historia in action again. And how will Annie and Falco fit into the equation? And what of the titan powers? And the aftermath?
Kinda want to see this conversation between Eren and Armin more than anything
I want to see more Mikasa action.
i want armin to shift into the colossal titan and give spider-eren a big smooch on the lips
I personally would like to see Historia's pov because we still haven't gotten it and I want to know if Zeke is actually dead or not
I want to see more of Historia
v excited to see Zeke again, same w historia, hope eren pov is soon, liked seeing more of the world
Has Hajime forgotten Riko or will she have an interesting role in this ending? Can she be the child's mother in the end?
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It’s official, after months of steady growth since we allowed multiple social media to be chosen, twitter has finally dethroned reddit on the polls as the most popular platform to discuss SNK. The more distant third place goes to real life, which managed to overtake discord again after falling behind a little last month. And 38 snapchatters now! Are you multiplying?!
this chapter got me fucked up.
Isayama: Hold my plum wine.
I haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet but in one of the manga panel you can see levi holding his sword in his way as if he had all his fingers back. So I think he does.
Save for chapters 130-131, the manga has been noticeably become underwhelming since 124. Like I implied above, there are many hints that this manga is going to have a GOT season 8 tier ending. Eren will be defeated and all the hate in the world will magically disappear. There will be some sort of unity between Marley and Cringevengers that brings peace to the world even though it shouldn't realistically be possible. And lastly, that baby near the cliff will end up living at the last moment and will end up being the baby from the final panel. "You are free", most likely being held by Armin or Reiner.
Go get him, Armin!
I wish it were longer but no thoughts my heart is heavy
I know Eren wants to destroy the world but HOLY FUCK.
I just, really hope that baby will be ok
I’m just really excited to see what’s gonna happen on the next chapter because everything is really chaotic and I’m just curious what’s the ending really like after years of making up theories and stories in my head.
I’m just so ready to see what’s really going on with Eren and which side will win. Also Armin is amazing in this chapter and his last question to Eren in this chapter gave me chills
I think Isayama is trying too hard to excuse Eren. Despite everything, he exterminted humanity instead of saving it. Other have gone trhough worst and would never have gone that far.
I’m not sure how to word it for English isn’t my first language, but it’s kinda sad to see a fictional world realize their mistakes/bad things they’ve done and how hatred can affect things
is the baby in the final panel (the « you’re free » one) the one that was saved or historias??? 😳
I'm so tired.
I think it will be more clear if we got eren pov sooner
I think that it doesn't make any sense if Isayama gave us Historia in labor for nothing. I want to know more about her and her baby, how have they been all these times after the squad left the island and before the rumbling. And Zeke, too. We haven't seen him for a while so i'm glad that he's back, but i think he's under Eren's control now. The chapter is kinda short for me. It's gonna perfect if we have more scenes of Historia and her baby, or at least Zeke's POV.
I think that we will have a lot of deaths in the next chapter
I think the current titan shifters will die. And then it will be reborn by historia's child. In short, the titan shifting powers won't end
I think this will end bittersweet at best
I think what Eren will do when seeing his friends are fighting him. Does him will hurt them back
Big fan of seeing Historia again, and that baby being held up is a very chilling image we haven’t seen the likes of for a few months.
I think with all the hype, it still was a setup chapter  and I think the last 4-6 chapters will be monstrous and very bitter sweet.
I think zeke is there but only partially controlled, but the titan is formed by warhammer capability
I thought it was a very good chapter to end the volume off of. Now I expect the next 4 final chapters to be amazing Isyama writing we are use too.
I thought that it was interesting because we got to see zeke again and the alliance going to try to save eren and to fight again
I thought that that eren will go back to mikasa
I want a goodass ending
Rumbling hits Hiruzu but the base is still there? That can't happening at the same time.
i have no idea I just stressed out with this chapter.
Safe pregnancy for Historia
the art is amazing but i'd like to see more dialogue
so much happened in a single chapter, i can't believe we're reaching the end
I've been here since 2013, and it's finally at the final volume, AND I'M NOT READY! ALL HAIL ELDIA! ALL HAIL EREN!
Isayama's art keeps evolving every month, it was live watching anime key frames before any color was applied.
it made me cry so much i hope it will have a happy ending
It was a rollercoaster of hype and regret lmao
yams says fuck dem kids
Can’t wait to see this animated
It was awful. All those big questions without answer... And I hate what he did with Hisu. I hate it as a woman.
It was cool like always hope isayama feels good like we do
It was cool, but it had some cheesy moments. Does the title suggest that History is in despair too? Is she having complications in her labor or is feeling guilty because of the rumbling? Or both?
It was cruel, it made me uncomfortable, I don't understand Isayama's joy in drawing scenes of suffering without a reason. And Historia, wow, I don't even know what to say, I still don't understand why she's pregnant.
wondering why she’s giving birth 2-3 months earlier, and why she lied to the mps. Unless it’s a premature birth but I doubt it.
astonishing, astounding, surprising, bewildering, stunning, staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering.
At last the end is near, but despite that the ending is not clear, it can end in so many ways but I don't think Isayama will disappoints us.
Avengers will beat the bad guy.
The biggest victims are always innocent children and that's the darkest and saddest part for me.
Great setup for the final battle, and that cliff scene broke me.
i tilt with helos theories :)
Armin and company, except Mikasa, are NOW ready to fight Eren to the death. Eren is also prepare to finish what he started, no matter who dies. Final result could go either way as Falco, Gabi, and Annie will come eventually, and their arrival will turn the tide one way or the other.
I hope armin and the gang can get through to eren :(
I hope eren kills them all
i hope eren win, to show the consequence of hatred
I just don’t care anymore
I just dont want that if the alliance wins, the marleyans and other races forgive eldia because that does not even make any type of sense
If it somehow wasn't clear before, this manga's message is about peace. It is NOT some n*zi propaganda, and it never has been. This chapter perfectly conveyed that.
Confusing but interesting alliance is making me angry they don’t understand Eren still think he’s being controlled
When a host for one of the Nine Titans dies without being devoured, their powers are transferred to an Eldian child through Paths. If one, some or all of the Nine Titan holders die during the current battle, would it be possible that the newborn, which is also of royal blood, inherits the Titan power?
Death Flags for Armin give me joy…
Why are men so afraid of letting lesbians be lesbians
did eren awake? will the wall titam fall off the cliff because it sweeps the area there? i always think about this, does eren have any secret plans behind this rumble? lol maybe, find a path tree and destroy it? lmao
downer chapter, I expected something better for the chapter where we see the final audio at last
Eren already won.
Eren and the rumbling is reminding me of Shin Godzilla
Eren best character
Eren goat, hisu goat
Eren holding his and historias baby in final panel seems more and more likely  
EreHisu would ruin the series
Eren, please stop the Fucking rumblimg. You killed A lot of innocent people.
Eren's eaten Zeke, and that's why he can form and control a beast titan. Sorry Levi, the only person that your gonna beat up is Eren yet again.
eren’s face with this dino titan just creeps me the fuck out, and i don’t look forward to the transformation being animated.
It was definitely surprising for me when I saw historia while some people predict she will die when giving birth although that could be a possibility I see her dying due to either old age or somehow her inheriting the beast titan since the Ymir curse exists
It was epic!
It was great but can we see eren and Mikasa moments in the upcoming chapters before the manga ends and also show some light on how to cure ymir's curse and stuffs
It was great to see Historia again.
It was necessary to show all the chaos Eren is doing, and i'm so excited to see the Alliance fight him!
It was really good set up for 135
all the violence !! Like was this even necessary ?? No ! Too much violence just "kills" the whole thing ! Damn it was just awful and a waste of time to read for me !
This is probably going to be the most disturbing episode in the show's history once it gets animated, even if it's heavily censored. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up having to put a disclaimer at the beginning as well. I can already see it now, God this is going to be insane...
This is the first chapter that has really felt like the end REALLY is here.  The gang is engaged in battle with Eren, there is no turning back from this point.  They will either succeed, or perish in the attempt.
This story used to have the character growth and the plot at the center of the focus. I'm sad that it is all blown away in favor of cheap spectacle.
This won't end well, for anyone. I know Isayama has something significant planned for Historia's baby (my pet theory is that all the titans will die without heirs, be recombined with OG Ymir, and then she can finally be reborn and GTFO of PATHS), but thanks, I hate it.
Armin already grew up. he was from a coward child and now he is a brave man. i wanna cry
Geez, I hope the alliance can stop eren
This is all a series of bad plot choices falling like domino. Are things gonna work out once we get to final revelations? Probably. Is it gonna feel earned? At this point I doubt it. I miss the passion in this story. Char. develp. has never been the finest but they've always been human. Historia's a uterus. Eren just cares about his freedom. Dialogue falls flat as if Isayama didn't believe in what he writes and he's trying so hard to force feed the reader. If the rumbling is the final stop why was half of this necessary when it gave no closure to any character? But if it isn't, we deserved a real build up of events.
Zeke finally back but we still didn't know if he being controlled or willingly
Zeke is not being controlled and instead helping his brother, Eren is going to win and killed some of his friends, Levi is going to survive, Historia is going to survive with her baby and showed up at the final chapter. That's all I'm sure at this point. Mark my words.
it was sad
It was so cool but very chaotic I feel like I need a flashback or something or a tiny break.
It was so depressing, I can't imagine how Isayama would end this manga in only 1-2 chapters, it definitely need more
Omg this chaoter make me cry and relived, im just relieved that marleyan know they are wrong, that paradis not a devil blooded
one of the best chapters
Poor pacing and seems like a lot of unnecessary convolutions to the overall message
Pure masterpiece! Thanks Isayama
The chapter is fine but ,The story is leading to an obvious ending .I want to be wrong about that . I want a satisfying end . But part of knows that is not possible , let's watch isayama handle this shitshow he created.
The chapter leaves you with just the right question.
Even if I don't want many people to die, I think that everyone will die, humanity will go extinct :(
Ever since 133, it's two chapters which have amazing elements but ultimately falls off as dissapointing. The plot needs to move forward. I thought we were going to have Bertholttalk and Ackertalk. 132 was such a masterpiece of a chapter that it becomes a let down.
Everyone told Eren early on that he'd have to abandon his humanity to make a difference, to save Paradis- especially Armin. Regardless of whose on which side, its ironic that now Armin is the one who can't accept this.
There are two panels where Levi and mikasa are showing a shocked expression, idk if it’s just coincidence but can this possibly be relating to the Ackerman instinct?
This chapter is amazing good job isayama thx for a another masterpiece chapter
This chapter is really intense. Also, I wish I could've seen Zeke's POV.
Waiting for royal blooded Armin
was good until it spoke
We miss you, Hange, fly high our angel
We're finally at the final showdown boys and girls
We're truly at the beginning of the end for my favorite anime/manga series, huh?
What a series!
What happens with Yelena when either Falco or Annie transforms on the ship? Kiyomi said she‘s ready to sink with it but Yelena?
i hope eren isn't the father
What’s up to come seems uncertain.
Where is Ymir
falco or annie is definitely gna come flying in sooner or later
I really hope we don’t get a peace treaty ending.
I really hope we get a good ending... not happy necesarily....but good.....
I really just don’t care anymore. Yet I come back for more every time. Curse my completionism nature.
I really liked it. Definitely worth the month wait.
I really love the detail from this chapter and my favourite was when seeing Isayama drawing all those colossal titans and those people being crush. That's so amazing.
The end is near. I think we'll see Eren's next (final) POV in the final chapter.
Very cinematic, impressive setup/start to the alliance vs Eren fight
Very devastating
WHY is historia pregnant? (idc about father) Please give us the real answer yams! It was nice to see final audio. I loved Armin’s final comments and can’t wait to see the EMA confrontation.
Wonderful chapter, it's nice seeing another of Armin's plans. Reiner decking the beast titan was hype. The babies and the rumbling were a great juxtaposition too.
Would love to see if eren is really being controlled or if he’s willingly doing this to be stopped and perhaps killed?
I still wanna hope Hänge IS alive
i still wanna know how the hell eren's titan moves forward. the only thing i can imagine is some of the big bois carrying him. i can't get over it
I suffer
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crystalirises · 4 years
Clouds V.2.
Help girl, I think I’m confused./j
I swear I posted this??? Huh??? I can’t find it on my blog? Bruh???? 
Sorry if I did post this and this becomes a repost, I just can’t find the original post (am I being dumb wtf???)
Anyway... uh... second version of the Clouds fic I posted. Again, sorry if this is a repost I literally am so confused rn. Help ;-; (did I delete it??? omg I can’t remember whut)
It can also be found on Ao3 but Tumblr is being weird for me rn so I can’t add the ao3 link ;-;
Edit: I found the original post but it doesn’t appear unless I click on the fundy tag on my own blog but if I look at just the blog it doesn’t appear... I am so confused tumblr what did I do.
So, same warnings as the previous Clouds fic.
TW: Poisoning and Major Character Death
The pitter-patter of his footsteps echoed loudly against the cobblestone, wringing his hands together he wondered if it would be too inconsiderate of him to cancel at the last second. Ghostbur would be here at any second. The thought only fueled the terrible anxiety that had taken over him the moment Ghostbur had suggested his idea. He should just pretend he was sick... Yeah. Yeah. He could do that, right?
His ears twitched at the top of his head, drooping as he recalled that today was supposed to be a happy one. Phil had come over and Eret had shown him around the castle as Fundy watched from behind the corner. Phil had given nothing away, his lips set into a thin line as he took in the stone walls of the structure. Fundy felt his heart pound at the recent memory, he really thought Phil was going to refuse.
"As you can see, there's plenty of room here for Fundy. I was actually planning to give him this entire wing of the—" Eret was a great host, a perpetual smile on their face despite the tense atmosphere between them and Phil. Fundy didn't know how Eret could keep their calm when he was over there panicking.
"That's enough, Eret. I've seen enough." Phil's voice cut through the air. It was the only time he's spoken since the tour began. Eret turned to face him, their flurried movement muffled by the soft red carpet beneath their feets.
"What's the verdict, then?" Eret's voice was soft, a hint of their own nervousness coming through his tone. Fundy was shaking. He liked Eret. He really did. But Phil... He didn't know what Phil knew about Eret but—
"You're a kind person, Eret, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into this adoption thing." Phil let out a sigh, gesturing to one of the rooms. "Shall we look at the papers then?"
The two disappeared into the room, leaving Fundy to his thoughts. Eret had left the door open a crack, an invitation. Fundy couldn't bring himself to hear Phil break the news that, no, he wasn't getting adopted. Not if Phil had anything to say about it. Fundy sat down in one of the alcoves, forlornly gazing out the window at the clouds that drifted into view. It felt as if an eternity had passed before he heard the creak of the door.
He looked over at the two, a warm grin on both their faces. "You'll be a great parent, Eret. Take good care of him." Phil patted Eret on the back. "If they ever do you wrong, Fundy. Don't ever hesitate to tell me."
And with that, Phil walked away, declining Eret's offer to escort him out the castle.
He looked at Eret - his dad? mom? ren? - disbelief on his face as he realized that it was over. He... He had a parent again!
"D-dad?" The word felt foreign against his tongue... but it felt right.
Eret smiled, opening up his arms. "Come here, son."
He practically jumped into his new parent's arms, a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time bubbling from within him. "Thank you."
Fundy awoke from the memory, a smile had climbed its way to his face as he thought of the events of the morning. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with Eret but Ghostbur paid him a visit. The ghost looked pale - well paler than a ghost should be - he flickered in and out of view so fast that Fundy thought his mind was playing a trick on him. Fundy expected that visit, but he didn't expect what Ghostbur wanted to say.
As blood seeped from the ghost's chest, he had fallen to his knees (uh... Fundy wasn't sure if the ghost tail could be counted as knees), begging Fundy to give him one last day to be a father. If it had been the old Wilbur, Fundy would have said no. But... He couldn't help but pity Ghostbur. He was trying so hard to fix his mistakes… and it wasn't like he knew what he had done in his life. How could Fundy leave him in such a desolate state?
He should have said no. What would he even say? There’s so many things he wished he could say. But Ghostbur… he wasn’t Wilbur. Wilbur was gone, replaced by a pitiful remnant of the man’s spirit. Maybe he should just leave and say he was sick—
“So— Fundy!”
Shit. Too late to go back now. A shiver ran down his spine as the ghost’s presence made itself known, Ghostbur’s low voice causing him to jump a bit as he turned to look around. Ghostbur had a soft smile on his face, his complexion paler than before. Phantom blood clung to the man’s yellow sweater, dripping every so often only to dissipate the moment it reached the ground. Fundy could only hope that Ghostbur’s blood didn’t end up inside the picnic basket he was carrying.
“Hey. Hey, Wil. So, what’s with the picnic basket?”
“Oh! I was wondering what we could do today and then I remembered. Remember when you were younger and we would have a picnic near the riverbank?” There was a glint in Ghostbur’s eyes, Fundy swears he’s seen it before. “I… I thought we could do that.”
Fundy doesn’t have the heart to tell the ghost that... technically… the only person who’ll be eating was Fundy. He sighed, nodding as an answer to Ghostbur’s question. “We used to do it with mom.” He does not miss the way Ghostbur’s smile disappears, grief flickering on the ghost’s face at the mention of his old love. The sad emotion faded just as quickly, replaced by that infuriating smile as if nothing had just happened. “Lead the way then, Wil.”
“OH! Right!”
Ghostbur floated beside him, the cobblestone pathways gave way to wooden bridges and wooden bridges gave way to grassy plains. Fundy wondered why Ghostbur wanted to have their picnic away from New L’Manburg when there was a river nearby its borders. He would ask… if the ghost didn’t keep changing the topic every second. Ghostbur alternated between telling what he had done that day to what Fundy had done that day. Fundy could hardly keep up with the conversation at all. It was almost as if the ghost was rambling.
“I helped Niki with her bakery today—“
“Oh? That’s great, Wil—“
“Have you talked with Niki recently?”
“Well, I—“
“Oh, I also had a small chat with Phil!”
“Uh huh.”
“He eventually had to leave for something, mentioning Eret and a meeting…”
“That’s probably cause—“
“You like Phil, right?”
“Yeah, Wil can you pick one—“
“Oh I also picked some flowers and some berries today.”
“That’s great, Wil.”
“I made you a salad!”
Fundy tuned out midway, seeing as Ghostbur didn’t really care for what he had to say. He looked up into the sky instead, watching the clouds float by, their ethereal presence soothing him a bit. He began to trace their edges, imagining a world within the clouds. If he looked closely, he could almost see a cloud that looked just like a salmon. He felt a sharp pang in his heart, a memory from his childhood echoing from the recesses of his mind.
“My little champion, look at you. When did you get so big, huh?” Wilbur held him closely to his chest, a calloused hand caressing his hair as they made their way through the grassy field. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, a beautiful day… a peaceful day. “What present do you want, huh?”
He looked up, the clouds that floated above their heads looked like the marshmallows that his uncle Tommy had once given him. He pointed at one that looked suspiciously like a flower, “Clouds.” Wilbur laughed, holding his son closer.
“You deserve the world, Fundy.” He placed a small kiss on the top of Fundy’s head. “Someday.”
“Hurry up, you two!” His mother’s voice drifted across the field, the sunlight tangled in her long red hair. She had gone ahead to unpack for the picnic. Fundy could remember her smile, her deep love for him… but… he… he can’t recall what she looked like…
“Fundy?” He tore himself away from the memory, his mother taught him to see the shapes in the clouds, didn’t she? there was a cold hand pressed against his cheek, Ghostbur’s eyes peered down at him from above. The steady noise of a rushing river registered in his ears, how long had he zoned out? He moved away from Ghostbur’s touch, the heat returning to his cheek. “We’re here.” The ghost gestured to the idyllic spot they had stopped at… it almost felt familiar…
“Huh. Sorry, I was… thinking.”
“It’s alright, so— Fundy. Here, sit down.” Fundy looked at the patch of grass his father had pointed to, the picnic basket having been placed down beside it. “Are you hungry? Now, we both know I’m not a great cook but I… tried my best with the salad.”
Fundy hesitantly looked inside the basket, nightmares of Wilbur’s… less than stellar cooking coming to mind. The salad looked dangerously pink, a multitude of berries mixed into the strange creation. Fundy looked up, the chill of Ghostbur’s eager gaze eventually forced him to take the salad out of the basket. He tries not to jump as Ghostbur claps his hands together, spinning mid-air with an almost manic glee.
“It… looks great, Wil.”
No, it did not look great, but… Ghostbur seemed so happy, and Fundy hasn’t even taken a bite yet. Ghostbur giggled, floating down to sit beside Fundy. “It took me a while to gather everything I needed.”
Fundy looked at down at the pink mess of a salad and shakily took a bite. He tries not to gag at the bitter taste on his tongue. Ghostbur looked so happy and he didn’t want to ruin the poor ghost’s efforts. He sighed, shoveling more of the muck into his mouth. The sooner he finishes eating, then the sooner he can get back home to Eret. Ghostbur hummed beside him, seemingly satisfied as Fundy continued to eat.
“You know…” Ghostbur’s voice broke through the silence. Fundy looked up, shaking his head a bit as the world blearily spun around him. “I… don’t like Eret.”
“Wil… the papers were already signed, okay?” Fundy nearly snarls. He didn’t come here to talk about this. “It doesn’t matter what you— I-I thought you wanted to spend time with me!”
Ghostbur blinked down at him, his mouth agape in surprise. “W-wha— Of course I do! I-I’m just… I-I don’t see why you need another father when I’m right he—
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, Wilbur. It’s been fun, it’s been great. But if this is all you wanted to talk about then I’m leaving.” Fundy sighed. He didn’t know what he expected, but he had heard enough. His head was starting to pound… he turned to stand up, “You know what, Wil—“
He shuddered, falling back onto the ground as the world faded into a blur. He felt weak, his head beginning to ache… was he… was he sick? He shivered, curling into himself as a wave of nausea rolled over him.
“Wha— Wil… What did you—“
“I’m sorry, Fundy.” Ghostbur floated into view, a halo of white around his form as he placed a cold hand on Fundy’s head. “I… I tried! I want you to be happy Fundy but I just... Eret? You want Eret as your dad?”
He felt those ghostly hands gently caress his hair, exhaustion seeping into his veins. “It took me a while to find those foxgloves… Niki almost caught me… b-but you have to understand, Fundy, I’m doing this for you!”
“I—“ Fundy whined, his headache worsening as his vision began to blur. He felt so tired…
“I know it hurts, but I promise it’ll be over soon.” Wilbur let out a small huff, wrapping his arms around Fundy’s shivering form, wishing that he could provide some semblance of comfort. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Just… you must be tired, huh?”
Fundy cried as Ghostbur began to hum a familiar tune.
‘I don’t want this.’
‘I don’t want to die like this.’
‘Why did I trust you, Wilbur?’
Fundy began to weep, Ghostbur’s constricting embrace the last thing he feels as he finally falls into sleep.
“It all started on a day like any another”
Fundy woke to a bloody red sky.
“All the salmon had swum to the sea”
The sun was setting in the distance.
“When my lover she darted, away from the stream”
Fundy felt the soft grass that tickled against his skin.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me”
The clouds were beginning to drift away.
“And my chest though it ached, there was hope”
Where was he?
“A little beacon of light”
He knew that song. He looked up, a familiar silhouette stood nearby.
“Though my sunniest days were now stolen away”
There was a satisfied grin on Wilbur’s face.
“Hello, son.”
“I still had our son by my side.”
I am so confused I swear I posted this ;-; (maybe I deleted it idk...)
So yeah this is the second version, hope you guys liked it! Sorry if this is annoying, I’m trying to sort out some stuff on Tumblr cause some of my posts are just *poof* ;-;
Anyway, bye bye.
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anniecohens · 4 years
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(romee strijd, cis female) - have you seen annie cohen? annie is in her senior year. the dance major is 22 years old & is a sagittarius. people say she is disarming, playful, compulsive, and volatile. rumors say they’re a member of kincaid society. i heard from the gossip blog that she dropped out of this past summer semester last minute to check into a psychiatric unit.
it’s me, tessa, back again with an older muse of mine! she holds a big ol’ chunk of my heart, so we’re testing the waters and seeing how she does at yates. ~big fish, big pond~ i’m going to try and keep this bio brief(ish) and then just run with things, so bear with me, we’re throwing everything to the wind with maybe, potentially very little information :D fun! if we end up chatting about our muses i’ll be able to tell you more, this is just what’s coming to me.
name: annie luelle cohen nicknames: a, lu age, birth date: about to turn 22, december 1, 1998 hometown: napa valley, california major, university: dance, yates university sexuality: pansexual
annie is the only daughter to jameson cohen, single father and vintner. they live on their winery in napa valley, a large expanse of land with neighbors such as domain chandon and beringer vineyards.
annie’s parents had her young—at the ages of 21 and 22—which resulted in her mother leaving shortly after her birth. she doesn’t know much about her, save for her name (emmeline), how she looks in a few old photographs, and the shit talk comments her paternal grandmother mutters under her breath about how she must be galivanting off in italy or greece to this day.
growing up with her father had its difficulties, seeing as he was plenty busy running the business and estate. still, he did his best to prioritize her upbringing and devote a lot of time to her. and when it got to the point where it just wasn’t possible to juggle everything, he hired an au pair (fr). madeleine, 24 and from france. she quickly became something of an older sister figure, even teaching annie almost perfect french over the years.
seeing as she was still pretty lonely in that big ol’ house, madeleine suggested that james enroll annie in dance classes at a very young age. this would end up being a cornerstone of the girl’s life, from your standard baby’s ballet class (well, pre-ballet) to advanced pointe technique.
insert montage of this bright blonde kindergartener girl running around a stage, dad and maddie in the front row, to twelve year-old annie in the role of clara in the nutcracker, to a young adult seventeen year-old annie as juliet in romeo and juliet.
she was definitely ‘the dance girl’ throughout middle and high school, taking four sick days in a row every winter to perform in the annual nutcracker production. carrying her dance bag around so that she could go straight to rehearsal after school. always saying, sorry, i can’t, i have dance.
truly, though, she adored it and still does, which is why she’s pursuing it as a career (as well as taking some business courses here and there in the case that she has to manage the winery at some point).
tw: mental disorder / bipolar: around her sophomore year of high school, annie started experiencing rapidly changing moods and confusing emotions. for a small while everyone deduced it to “hormones,” but after what was revealed to be a manic episode, she was diagnosed with bipolar I and put on medication by her new psychiatrist.
however, she kept the situation on the DL, only her father and maddie being aware.
enter university. annie graduated, got accepted into yates due to stellar grades and her impressive pursuit of the arts, and was off to the east coast.
however exciting, the downside was that she started slacking on taking her medication. not often or for long periods of time, but still. everything seemed to be going along seamlessly, though, so she didn’t take it as seriously as she should’ve.
that is, until this past summer. she’d registered for classes throughout the summer semester, but a week long episode that resulted in spotty memory and regrettable decisions prompted her to drop the classes just before they started and check herself into a psychiatric unit a few towns over.
now she’s back for the fall semester and her senior year, giving the cover story that she decided last-minute to take the summer off and visit home after all.
tiktoks for a bit of a vibe: one, two, three
and my personal acc tag for her: here
+ sweetheart, playful, outgoing, a bit of a flirt - in that fun, lighthearted kind of way
- compulsive, stubborn, withdrawn when upset
emotional, which really can be here or there, depending on the situation
looks like a hiiii girl, often acts like a bruh girl
“sorry i told you about my trauma, do you still think i’m hot?”
“noo, don’t take care of me, it’s rotten work aha”
romantically calls you dude, platonically calls you babe
but also
stay away from people who make you feel like you’re hard to love
you are such a soft and messy thing, nobody knows how to take care of you
???? you know ????
the kind of person that doesn’t act out for attention, but doesn’t at all mind attention, either
she’ll get up and dance on the table with you, she’ll approach someone and tell them they’ve got pretty eyes, she’ll repeatedly raise her hand in class, she doesn’t mind being looked at
loves horror films/shows, but especially the type that are driven by story or are psychological (think the conjuring franchise, hill house, midsommar). one of her favorite things about watching or reading anything is talking to someone about it afterwards and going in-depth.
 is either wearing sweats and a basic crop top type deal or knee high boots and a short skirt, there’s no in-between
honestly awful at WCs, so i started a tag on my personal acc and am slowly starting to reblog with random ideas
maybe a kind of darker counterpart to her brighter personality. sort of like unexpected friends?
guy friends she fucks around with (not literally!) like fun idiots
girl friends she takes out on friend dates and calls beautiful 24/7
down to just plot the basics (oh, they’d recognize each other from x! they’re in the same society! maybe she probably, most likely would have a  small crush on them! etc.) and then just go with chemistry from there.
believe me when i say i’m down for almost anything, though, do your worst (best?)
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prince-liest · 4 years
I get all twitchy everytime I read chapter 95, that's the most we've seen of the Commission in a single chapter. They're meta-ing about Shigaraki? Hng, knowing Shig and Kei have paralleling backstories I'm just- wow, Hawks grew up around these grouchy assholes. How much do you wanna say we get 2.0 of All Might's retirement with them? Let me take these words. 'You fool. We lost Hawks' quirk and for what?' 'The world now knows of (insert any war crime hawks committed here)' (1/6)
'The Wing Hero as we knew him is gone. The people of this country know it, the villains know it too.' This is what we get for always relying on one man.' *side-eyes everything hawks did solo* I wonder if we could paint a picture on what the hc is like, some of these guys are reoccurring characters. One of them was pushing hawks in horikoshi's anime ep debut sketch. Getting handsy there. You can't pull that with any other hero. (2/6)
Something sounds off to me when they say they gotta prove they can do more than taking in the villains the heroes defeat? It's like, the wrong kind of ambition. What are you gonna do to get yourself some more credit just cuz your not satisfied with the fact that the villains are being stopped. Nah, you wanna go ahead be the ones to do it. So they send Hawks. Now logically 'course they can't do anything, heroes are the only ones licensed to fight them. (3/6) 
Investigations make sense, making plans behind the scenes. But like, can't you make charities or organizations or literally anything to help rehabilitate villains or maybe stop them from going down that path? Like, public lectures more 'be nice to each other' policies sorry that sounds lame. But your civilians! (4/6)
Public safety, can't you have a say in non-hero related matters and take a look at your justice system so people like Twice don't end up with a bad record over an accident that wasn't even their fault? Smh, they didn't even do much for the investigations. You got two men on that, Tsukauchi and Gran Torino are the only officially named people on it. Congrats, you caught Kurogiri then traumatized Mic and Aizawa. Who actually deserves the credit??? And with Hawks???? (5/6)
He did everything himself. And now it ended up a total flop. Well boo hoo, the hc can't take anything from that are they gonna dump the failure on them??? Oh people riot, children were in danger! Ah, it's U.A's fault, their students. Sorry for the spam, if u wanna answer I hope this could go under the cut. and um am I just totally wrong bc I saw it praised somewhere how willing they are to make changes :D and I'm just here like 😒 Bruh, where? (6/6)
I think one of the big things about the Hero Public Safety Commission that characterizes why it has inevitably turned to some form of corruption or another is that hero popularity is a big part of the ranking system, and subsequently how heroes and the HPSC earn money. Maybe I’ve listened to too many of my dad’s ‘America is a capitalist nightmare and I miss Soviet Kazakhstan’ speeches, but honestly, people generally aren’t evil. They’re just greedy, and it always comes back to money and power.
If you make a system where attaining money and power is prioritized, particularly in a way that prioritizes things like popularity contests and incident resolution rates, you’re going to end up with an organization that is not going to be spectacularly incentivized to, say, lower the heroes’ incident resolution rates by lowering the number of incidents. It's likely not even be deliberate - rather, it’s just an ingrained attitude of This Is How This Works.
On top of that, there’s a pretty strong attitude among many societies that criminals and villains don’t “deserve” kind treatment due to their actions, which often gets in the way of taking actions that lower crime rates.
Studies show that providing free basic housing to the homeless reduces taxpayer dollars spent on the homeless because basic housing costs less than the ER visits homeless people make when they don’t have a shelter and get sick (which taxes then cover because a homeless person obviously cannot). 
Countries like Denmark and Norway that have prison systems with significantly more lenience, freedom, family contact, and life coaching for prisoners have much lower recidivism rates than countries like the US that don’t. (There are likely other factors such as cultural homogeneity in play,  but this is a big one.)
Despite these things being known, the reaction to ‘let’s provide housing for the homeless’ or ‘let’s be more supportive of our prisoners’ is very often indignity and offense, because ‘why should my hard work go to hand-outs to those people who don’t work hard at all’ - so between all of these things, I’m very unsurprised that the HPSC is not particularly prioritizing rehabilitation.
(That said, I emphatically disagree with the people who believe that offering rehabilitation to Twice was selfish of Hawks. You can’t be so anti-social that you’re harming people without a care for those around you unless they’re your friends and then say it’s all society’s fault that you fell through the cracks.)
All of that aside, I think a lot of people are speculating that the raid failing is going to be dumped on Hawks’s head and he’s going to be cast aside by the HPSC, and to be perfectly honest I disagree and am not entirely sure where that came from. Hawks is over a decade’s worth of investment and the Commission’s golden child. Sure, he’s also an abused child soldier, but they’re not going to dump him to the wayside when an incredibly difficult solo-mission he did with zero support risks failure due to things entirely outside of his control. If he loses his wings, it’s likely he won’t be able to be a hero anymore, but given that Endeavor and some others noted knowledge that he was behind the intel they got for the raid, I see it as much more likely that he’s going to go down as a hero and a martyr with most of his darker deeds unpublicized - and martyrdom in particular is largely in-touch with the themes of his arc so far.
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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Summary: Online relationships don’t make the feelings any less real
A/N: Wanted to try my hand at a dialogue heavy piece. Let me know how I did.
Content: Friends to lovers? I dunno.
Word Count: 3.3k
And away, and away we go!
drumming_heartbeats: Hey…
jetblackrose: Hi!
drumming_heartbeats: Saw your post about how you met Ashton. That musta been cool, yeah?
jetblackrose: Oh, it was hella cool! I was like super fuckin nervous and he was so chill about it. Honestly probably shouldn’t have fangirled as hard as I did lol. 
drumming_heartbeats: Lol, why do you say that?
jetblackrose: I’ve only been a fan for like less than a year lol. I know people have been a fan for years and still haven’t gotten the chance to meet him, or any of the other members so yeah. Feel like I haven’t done my time yet or something. It’s stupid.
drumming_heartbeats: Nah, that’s not stupid. That’s actually really cool. Your picture with him is fucking adorable btw.
jetblackrose: Aw thanks, lovely! How’d you become a 5sos fan? Assuming you are one?
drumming_heartbeats: Lol! My friend got me into them. But yeah, been a fan for awhile. I’m Tom btw. 
jetblackrose: Ooo a boy fan! Sick! Nice to meet ya Tom. I’m Gen. 
drumming_heartbeats: Shocking I know, but us guy fans do exist, lol. So I take it from the looks of your blog Ash is your favorite?
jetblackrose: I mean… I love them all equally for different reasons. But yeah, Ash is my fav. Something about that cheeky lil grin he does. And he’s so… I dunno, more mindful than the rest? Like they’re all dorks, don’t get me wrong. But he also gives off an old soul vibe I really connect with too if that makes sense. 
jetblackrose: Lol, sorry for rambling. 
drumming_heartbeats: Nah, it’s cute. And I totally get it. He definitely does seem to have that wisdom that comes from going through some heavy shit. 
jetblackrose: Rightfully so. I mean, he seems pretty open about the shit he’s gone through. And the fact that it’s only seemed to make him a kinder person is part of why I love him so much. 
drumming_heartbeats: Yeah. Like it’s very easy to let the demons win and give into the bitterness of it all. But he seems like a happy dude, so good for him. 
jetblackrose: Good for him indeed! Like all I want in life is for that man to be happy. Like, we all deserve that, but him especially. God, that sounds dumb doesn’t it? That I can feel so attached to someone I maybe talked to for like 5 minutes. Like I know realistically he will probably never recall our encounter or think twice about it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t wish him happiness all the same I suppose. Sorry… rambling again. 
drumming_heartbeats: Nah, that’s not dumb at all. If anything I think it shows how caring of a person you are. Which the world could use a lot more of.
jetblackrose: Lol, thanks! You’re sweet to think that. But it’s definitely dumb lol. 
drumming_heartbeats: Not even the slightest. Fuck, I’m about to pass out. Talk later?
jetblackrose: You know where to find me. Night-o!
jetblackrose: Hey, Tom?
drumming_heartbeats: Yeah?
jetblackrose: Probably a dumb question but where do you live? I feel like I keep you up hella late. 
drumming_heartbeats: I live in LA.
jetblackrose: Shit, no way?!
drumming_heartbeats: Yeah, lol. I mean, I travel a lot for work but yeah. LA’s home. 
jetblackrose: Oh that’s awesome! Are you traveling now?
drumming_heartbeats: Nah, I’m home for the time being. Resting up. Gonna be a busy year.
jetblackrose: Yeah? Hopefully good busy.
drumming_heartbeats: Oh, yeah. It’s always good busy. Hey, did you see the new stuff 5sos put up?
jetblackrose: Yes! Holy shit! Are they TRYING to kill their fans or what?!
drumming_heartbeats: Lmao right? Like fuck, bruh…
jetblackrose: More like fuck me please, lmao! Quick question! And you don’t have to answer if this is way too personal. But are you gay?
drumming_heartbeats: No? I mean, I don’t have a fragile male ego. I can freely admit that men are handsome. But I’m not like… I dunno. If anything I’d probably say I’m bi. I just… labels are confusing.
jetblackrose: Yeah, I feel you on that. Like I just love who I love. I don’t feel the need to explain it much beyond that.
drumming_heartbeats: Exactly! I mean, but I’ve only ever had female partners so… the assumption is straight I suppose.
jetblackrose: I’ve only had male partners. Well, I’ve kissed girls. But I’ve only ever dated dudes.
drumming_heartbeats: Oh, I bet your bf loves that, huh?
jetblackrose: I wouldn’t know. I frequently had my attraction to women from the dudes I date so I don’t get the creeps.
drumming_heartbeats: So no bf…?
jetblackrose: Lol, that’s what you get out of that? You’re such a dude! But nope. No bf.
drumming_heartbeats: Damn, that sucks.
jetblackrose: Why do you have a gf?
drumming_heartbeats: No. I did. But we broke up like a few months ago.
jetblackrose: Aw, sorry to hear that.
drumming_heartbeats: Lol, I think you’re the first person to say that. Normally people are sorry to hear I’m IN a relationship, not out of one.
jetblackrose: Wtf? That’s so dumb, lol. You’re my friend, Tom. I want you to be happy.
drumming_heartbeats: Aw, I’m your friend?
jetblackrose: Yes…? I mean, we’ve talked all day every day for like what? A month? I swear I talk more with you than my real life friends lol.
drumming_heartbeats: Aw, that’s so cute! You’re my friend too, btw. If that wasn’t obvious. I really like talking with you.
jetblackrose: I really like talking with you too! Like, I know it’s probably really stupid to say, but I never really got how people can become friends online. Like how can you feel connected to someone you never actually met, you know? But talking with you, I get it. I’m glad you messaged me.
drumming_heartbeats: Aw, Gen baby, you’re gonna make me blush! That’s so fuckin’ cute. I’m glad I messaged you too. You feel more real to me than the friends I actually see lol.
jetblackrose: Looks like we’re both gonna make the other blush… Dude! Honestly, I think it’s because we can only talk. Like, we can’t actually see each other, so we have to rely on these messages. And it’s a lot easier for me to not be shy when I message someone. Because I can delete what sounds stupid!
drumming_heartbeats: Lmao! Nothing you say could ever be stupid.
jetblackrose: You say that now… Trust me though, in person I’m a fuckin nervous idiot. Like I talk too fast or not at all.
drumming_heartbeats: I bet you’re fuckin cute in person.
jetblackrose: Lmao, are you hitting on me?
drumming_heartbeats: Too much?
jetblackrose: Nah, lol. I don’t scare easy. I just bet you’re way cuter.
drumming_heartbeats: Not even! Have you SEEN your face?
jetblackrose: You mean this face? *picture*
drumming_heartbeats: Damn, baby!
jetblackrose: Fuck… is it really dumb of me to like you calling me “baby” so much?
drumming_heartbeats: I mean… I don’t think so? Like, I would hope it doesn’t bother you.
jetblackrose: No, it doesn’t bother me. I like it.
drumming_heartbeats: Cool! Cuz I like calling you that.
drumming_heartbeats: Is this your king? *picture*
jetblackrose: My brain literally went “oh daddy”... I DON”T EVEN HAVE A DADDY KINK! Ashton Irwin is going to be the death of me, watch. On my tombstone it’ll read “Gen. Killed by Ash’s hotness”
drumming_heartbeats: Omg lol!
jetblackrose: Too dramatic?
drumming_heartbeats: I mean…? Maybe?
jetblackrose: Maybe? Nah. What would be dramatic would be me saying how badly I want those arms of his wrapped around me. Like cuddling me. Choking me. I don’t even care. But those hands? I needs them on me!
drumming_heartbeats: You’re right. That would be dramatic lol.
jetblackrose: Like fuck… I bet those are the most restless set of hands. Like he’s a drummer. So like he’s probably constantly moving his fingers. Is it too much to ask that he moves those fingers across my skin? Like… bruh…
drumming_heartbeats: Omg, I love you dude.
jetblackrose: You what…?
drumming_heartbeats: Shit… I mean like… uh…
jetblackrose: Tom, relax. I love you too.
drumming_heartbeats: Shit, for real?
jetblackrose: Yeah. And… that kinda scares me? Like I don’t actually know you. I mean, I know you. We’ve talked every day for the past 3 months. But… I didn’t think I could ever feel this strongly for someone I’ve never physically met. Like, granted, it’s a very strong friendship love. But, I… I dunno if I should admit this… fuck it. I think I could actually love you. Like in a romantic way. Hell, I think I already do.
drumming_heartbeats: Omg, you’re the fuckin cutest!
jetblackrose: I promise I’m not lol. I just… fuck dude, I dunno. I just love you, alright? And it fuckin blows my mind that we live in the same area basically and haven’t met. Because I really wanna fuckin meet you. But also not. Cuz like I don’t want to ruin this. And that’s such a fuckin cop out response. But like I am genuinely terrified that if we met you won’t like what you see.
drumming_heartbeats: Why wouldn’t I like what I see?
jetblackrose: Because I can send you a message without stuttering like a damn fool. I can stare at my phone until I find the perfect way to phrase things. I can’t do that in person. In person I’ll probably just stare blankly at you and make weird sounds.
drumming_heartbeats: I would still love you, Gen. I’m not much better. I’m probably worse lmao.
jetblackrose: You’re sweet to say that. But I’m a very what you see if what you get type. I’m either hyper, loud, and obnoxious or I’m closed off and shy. I fluctuate from wanting to go on all the adventures to wanting to stay curled up in bed all day. It’s why I end up with failed relationships. No one can handle the wild mood swings. Which is fine. I get it. It sucks. But I get wanting a partner who can navigate middle ground.
drumming_heartbeats: Well all those guys are idiots because that sounds fuckin perfect to me. Like I’m a busy guy. And as much as I’m down for adventures, I’m also down to just do fuckin nothing. Like just being with the girl is good enough, you get me? An adventure can be as easy as building a fort and watching movies all day.
jetblackrose: YES! Like fuck, that’s all I want. Someone who gets it. Someone like you.
drumming_heartbeats: Good thing you have me then.
jetblackrose: Good fuckin thing indeed! God, I’m so glad you messaged me.
drumming_heartbeats: Me too.
jetblackrose: Fuck, I’m so stressed!
drumming_heartbeats: Aw, what’s wrong baby?
jetblackrose: Just lack of motivation. Like I need a mental health day. Only there’s too much to do that I can’t actually do that. Like if I could pause time, that’d be fuckin great.
drumming_heartbeats: Aw, sorry baby.
jetblackrose: It’s my own dumb fault. I know I have to get stuff done and I just… feel so uninspired I guess? Like I don’t want to do work. I want to do things that bring me joy.
drumming_heartbeats: Like Ashton lmao?
jetblackrose: Haha, very funny. But yes. And no. Like fuck I just wanna talk with you all day and bingewatch tv shows.
drumming_heartbeats: Yeah, I get that. But you’ll get through this. You’re strong. Love you, baby.
jetblackrose: Aw! I love you too, baby! Fuck, I can’t wait for my vacation in a few weeks.
drumming_heartbeats: Going anywhere or just like a good chunk of time off from responsibilities?
jetblackrose: Just a good chunk of time off. If I go anywhere it’ll probably just be around here. See some friends. Maybe go to the beach to get some use of the new swimsuit I bought.
drumming_heartbeats: I’m your friend. Can you see me?
jetblackrose: You wanna see me? You want to experience all this awkward in real time? Are you feeling okay?
drumming_heartbeats: I’m serious lol. Why not? We’ve been friends for how long now?
jetblackrose: Like 6 months? Holy shit.
drumming_heartbeats: So is that a yes? Can we meet?
jetblackrose: I thought you’re traveling for work?
drumming_heartbeats: My job is sending me off in spurts lol. Like I’m actually coming home this week. And then I’ll be home for like a month.
jetblackrose: And you want to see me on your time off?
drumming_heartbeats: Why not? Don’t you want to meet me?
jetblackrose: Of course I want to meet you Tom! I love you, you goof. But I’m nervous.
drumming_heartbeats: Lol, why?
jetblackrose: Because I love you this much with having never seen your face or heard your voice. I don’t want to see you and then have to say goodbye. If I get the chance to actually be in your arms, I’m not gonna want to leave.
drumming_heartbeats: Lol, good. Cuz I don’t think I’ll let you go.
jetblackrose: Okay, seriously, I could not love you more. Like are you trying to make me a flustered idiot?
drumming_heartbeats: Is it working lol?
jetblackrose: Yes! Okay, can I ask you a question?
drumming_heartbeats: You can ask me anything.
jetblackrose: Would… fuck I dunno why I’m so nervous asking you this… It’s no secret that we clearly care for each other. It’s also no secret that we love each other. But… is this all in my head? Am I confessing all these feelings and you don’t actually feel the same way in return?
drumming_heartbeats: Gen, baby, I’m serious. I… I want to meet you because I think we can be more than this. More than what we are here through these messages. Not that I don’t love our conversations. Not that I don’t want to stop having them. Because I love talking with you. I wouldn’t trade this relationship we’ve built for anything. But I want to keep building it. And I want to meet you to do that. If you don’t want the same, that’s fine. But that’s where I’m at.
jetblackrose: No. I want to meet you too. I’m just scared.
drumming_heartbeats: Don’t be scared. I love you, Gen.
jetblackrose: I love you too, Tom.
Gen sat in her car, frowning. Seven months of talking and she was finally about to see Tom. They had agreed on going to the beach as they both felt relaxed by water. But she was nervous all the same. Not only was she seeing her best online friend she had admitted to having a massive crush on, he was also going to see a lot of her skin, as she couldn’t exactly hide under jeans and hoodies at the beach. Not that she wanted to hide from Tom. She was just scared. She flipped down the visor and checked herself over in the small mirror. Then, she took a deep breath to steady herself and got out of the car.
She walked along the pier, the ocean breeze stirring her hair and bringing forth a calm steadiness within her. She leaned her arms on the wooden banister and waited. Her nerves had caused her to arrive a half hour early.
The water swirling around beneath her was hypnotizing. She wasn’t aware of time passing until a voice was calling out, “Gen?” followed by a small tap on her shoulder.
She turned, a smile on her face, nervous flutters in her stomach. As her eyes scanned up at her friend, her mouth dropped open.
The man giggled, a dimple indenting his cheek. “Surprise?”
Her eyes flashed behind her sunglasses and then her hands were shoving his chest. “YOU LIAR!” she shouted at him, her voice shrill.
“Whoa,” he said, grabbing her hands as she continued to push him. “Hey, I didn’t lie!”
“Yes you did! You said your name was Tom!” She ripped her hands out of his grasp, her skin lighting up in memorization at his touch.
“Clever, eh?” he smirked.
“Clever?! Lying to me was clever?!”
“I didn’t lie!”
“You lied about who you were, Tom! What else did you lie about?!”
“Just my name. I promise. And you don’t have to keep calling me Tom.”
Her voice shot down to a barely audible whisper as she told him in a horrified tone, “If I don’t call you Tom, then this becomes real. Really real. And then I’m the lunatic who just shoved my favorite drummer from my favorite band while screaming that he was a liar. And… STOP SMIRKING, ASHTON!”
Ashton held up his hands defensively and took a step backwards. “Alright, alright! I’m sorry, okay?”
“Sorry about what? Sorry you lied to me? Or sorry I’m mad about it?”
“Sorry you’re mad about it. I had to lie.”
“No. No, you really didn’t.”
“Yes, I did.”
“Do you see how you’re acting right now?! This is why I lied! Can you imagine if we had done this over messages?”
“I wouldn’t have believed you.”
“Your friend got you into 5sos… fucking… UGH!”
“Yeah, that was pretty clever wasn’t it?”
“Well, will you let me explain then?”
“Please. Wordsmith your way outta this one. Be my guest.”
“Okay,” he huffed, pushing his back hair out of his face. “I liked you the night of the party. When we actually met.”
“Oh, my God… my life is a fan fic…” Gen interrupted, eyes wide as her brain played catch up, still not believing this was actually real.
“I have to be careful, okay. It’s not that I wanted to lie to you about who I was. Not that I was. Everything I told you was real. My feelings are real.”
“Jesus, I said so many fuckin’ things to you. So. Many! I said you gave me a daddy kink! I said I wanted you to choke me! I said those things to someone I thought was a friend!”
“I am your friend!”
“No! You’re ASHTON FUCKIN’ IRWIN! And I’m… Gen,” she admitted, sadly. “I’m right where I was seven months ago. Meeting my idol and trying not to read too much into it. Only it’s worse. Because you’re aware of things I never would have told you had I known you were actually you. Please excuse me while I go die in a hole. Matter of fact, I’m just…” She walked towards the edge of the pier, placing her hands on the banister and pretended to lift herself up.
“Stop that,” Ashton scolded with a chuckle, pulling her off the railing and into his arms.
She froze, her body going rigid. “Let go of me.”
“No. I said if I got you in my arms I wouldn’t let go. And you said you wouldn’t want to leave. Now who’s the liar?”
“It’s still you by a fuckin’ mile!”
He let go but only to spin her around before his hands were gripping her shoulders. “I’m sorry if I upset you by keeping my identity a secret. I get if that changes things for you. But it doesn’t for me. I still feel the same way I felt towards you today that I did yesterday. And I’ll still feel the same way about you tomorrow and for the rest of my life.”
“Y-you do?” she asked, her eyes wide in disbelief.
“Yes. Maybe I went about this the wrong way. Maybe I should’ve asked for your number that night instead of waiting for the picture of us to surface so I could find you that way. Maybe I shouldn’t have hidden my identity. But I did what I thought was best. I don’t like being vulnerable. I don’t like putting myself out there. So I protected myself the best way I knew how. You still got the real me, though.”
She stared up at him. As much as she wanted to be mad at him, she couldn’t. He was still her online best friend, and she was still in love with him.
“Look,” he kept talking. “Maybe we walk off this pier and never speak again. Or, maybe you trust me and yourself. Maybe we make it. Maybe we don’t. But either way, neither one of us is walking off this pier the same person we were before.”
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