#song of the hopeless ones
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"She's puking blood! She has a fever, she can barely stay awake, she has bruises all over her body, hyung nim, she's 8! Please! Please, I'm begging you! Don't let anything happen to her! Take her to the hospital, please! Please, I'm begging you, don't let my baby...!" That was when Han Seo heard it, amidst his crying, his torn soul, Ae Ra's moans and her heavy breathing. Like the sound of a bell, deep and heartbreaking. Han Seok's voice suddenly echoed, cold, profound and dark, his fiery eyes burning his skin and heart. Saying the words that would seal his fate and that of his pup. "Fine. Okay, fine! I'll take her to the clinic!" And he began to burn to ashes. "But you're staying!" On Sunday, April 30, 2023, eleven days after turning eight years old, and after being born and living her entire life in captivity, Ae Ra would be the first to leave the basement.
Song of The Hopeless Ones, chapter 23.
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koifsssh · 1 year
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oh! he's a hopeless romantic i don't know what to tell you!
he is so! bah! he will play you love songs on the piano regardless if you know of them, and sing such! oh! i cant with him!
he daydreams, he writes poems, oh he draws little hearts over his "i"s instead of dots...
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it's about the empathy, the compassion, the love, the gentleness...reaching out to say "you're not alone; I am here with you, and I understand your plight, because I've walked this road myself and I am living proof that there is always hope"
You are not the only one for whom the flowers weep.
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eric-the-bmo · 6 months
"Need a light?"
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(very huge thanks to @sm0kebreaks for this commission of my vampire and his sire! I'm going to go insane in the tags now, i adore this with every fibre of my being [also: vers with no piercings under the readmore, bc I love that one too])
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onceuponaneverafter · 8 months
so i might have sat down to play the piano and improvised a couple of songs from evangeline’s perspective and guys,,, you all know what we need? an OUABH musical.
the way i would write this if there was any way it could be a real thing 😩💗
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edge-oftheworld · 23 days
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r0ttingsystem · 4 months
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suns-blood · 4 months
When I was analysing self titled line by line it was my favourite album
When I was analysing regional at best line by line I called it my favourite.
Now I'm picking apart vessel line by line and I can't help but marvel at themes. Currently I call it my favourite album.
I'm sensing a pattern
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voltas-do-mar · 4 months
something about you and that miracle / i will never see again something about truth and your lungs of gold / same as it was back then
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cosmogyros · 1 month
I wish I had more songwriter friends. It would be so cozy to be able to grumpily text each other
"Ughhh I'm stuck on this one line and can't figure out what to write"
"What's a good but somewhat unexpected chord to stick into a song in the key of G?"
"Tell me if you get what I'm going for with this verse, I'm trying to walk the line between too vague and too explicit"
...or even sit around in person working on our songs together 🥺
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Finding daddy wasn't difficult. Jang Han Seok. Everyone in South Korea knew Jang Han Seok. He was the man. Jang Han Seok, chairman of Babel Group. That was her daddy. Alpha Jang Han Seok, young chairman of one of the leading conglomerates in Korea. There were so many pictures of him. But there was nothing to connect him to her mama, to any Han Seo. Nothing about his family (his mate, his offspring). Ae Ra thought of all the ways her daddy and mama could be bonded, beyond just a mark on mama's neck. Mama had marks all over his body. He had some scars. On his forearms, on his ankles, on his wrists. But she never asked why the scars were there. She just thought they were mama.  Releasing the breath she had been holding, Ae Ra's fingers glided over the computer keyboard as if it were some kind of terrible, overwhelming hunch, and there, on the screen, all that suddenly appeared in the search bar were five words that Ae Ra had written while fear ate away at her soul: Han Seo Korean Missing Omega
Blood Underneath The Rug, chapter 1.
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sundaynightlive · 1 year
Talk Me Down (Steddie)
First Part | Last Part | Next Part
Eddie is such a fucking fool. He can’t believe how absolutely stupid he is. 
He paces back and forth in front of the phone. It’s too soon. It’s been two days, and it’s too soon. But the quiet is killing him. The anxiety he’s felt for the past forty-eight hours is worse than what he felt for those couple homeless weeks after his parents gave him the boot. How could he let Steve stand there in that kitchen where they shared food, shared space, shared breath, and tell him he loved him, and not say it back?
He’s a fucking coward. He ran away.
He ran away.
From a boy who loves him.
His hand flies to the phone. He dials the number he knows by heart, his own thudding wildly in his chest. He may pass out. He may already be crying—he’s not totally sure.
It rings once. Twice. Three times—Eddie’s sure he’s not going to pick it up—and then—
“Baby, I love you,” Eddie says—it escapes him like a breath, comes as naturally as breathing. It feels like a cold glass of water on a hot day, to admit that. Not just to Steve, but to himself.
He loves him. And that’s not a bad thing.
“I’ll say it wherever you want to whoever you want,” Eddie says, “Fuck—I’ll climb up on the lunchtables at school and I’ll tell the entire student body. I love you and I was scared and I’m sorry that I fucked up this bad but I’ll do anything to make it up to you. You’re my best friend, and I love you, and if I lose you because of this stupid fucking fight I will never forgive myself, Steve.”
There’s quiet.
“If you never wanna talk to me again, I’ll understand, okay? Just tell me.”
A shaky breath across the line.
“I can’t.”
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hyde-the-toad-bard · 7 months
What I really need in my life right now is an AMV of Mammon from Helluva Boss lip syncing to "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd
Or better yet, Michael Cusack singing "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd
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treasuredplanet · 5 days
Okay now I gotta know which Sabrina/Tessa songs you considered adding to the playlist lol 😅
… he’s working late. cause he’s a singer dj.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
🎨 🖼️ 🌈 🩹 🧍🏽💡 🔮⚡️☄️
You’re the Inspiration by Chicago
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nilefreemans · 30 days
I was definitely a Badlands girly, I had every song memorized and when I got spotify it was the first album I downloaded
the iconic cover art lives rent free in my brain
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