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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
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I'm just here for the headline
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mannytoodope · 5 months ago
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Captian:(reading)"Long is the way and hard that out of hell leads up to light.”
Somerset: It’s from Milton.Paradise Lost.
Captian: All right, I’m confused.
Somerset: It means that this is beginning. This was found behind the same refrigerator. It was written in grease. There are seven deadly sins, Captain: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust…
…and envy.Seven.
Captian:Hold on. This is not even my desk.
Somerset:You can expect five more of these.
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dalishruby · 2 days ago
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Some portatifs inspired by the Dragon Age Keep romance tiles. Just a small selection of the ones I’ve done. I finished all of the VeilGuard companions and am working through the BG3 ones now.
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staggbones · 6 months ago
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Karen Summerset was one of the children who lived in dark falls at the time of the chemistry plant malfunction. Dark falls was a small, tourist community of everyone who knew everyone, it was tight knit. At least, until mysterious men began to show up. A chemistry plant was established, run by men in black suits. At first, they claimed that they were studying a chemical that could power hundreds of cities at a time, and then when the workers began to experience odd burns, they claimed it was to help American soldiers while they were at war. Along with the chemistry plant came noise and smog, the air was thick and visitors to the small, scenic town became slim, until they became none. Jobs were lost because of this, forcing more and more of the people that lived there to work in the chemistry plant to try to keep their families fed. Karen Summerset's father was one of the people working at the plant when it malfunctioned. With so many people working at a plant out of desperation instead of knowledge, it was bound to fail. It was almost like the men in black wanted it to happen. A cloud of noxious gasses was released into the smog over Dark Falls, trapping it above the small town. They thought things were fine, they were assured that everything would be fine... and then.. the burns appeared. Skin started falling from bone, nobody could keep food down, hair was falling out. These people were rotting before they were even dead.
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imflyingfish · 1 year ago
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Me watching the industrial and commercial demand go up while there is low residential demand knowing that this will cause a labour shortage.
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bobherse · 4 months ago
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herederadelosdunsirn · 5 months ago
Noche del 18 de octubre del año de Nuestro Señor de 1889. Nave en Canary Wharf (Londres).
El señor Dreeg se puso a pensar acerca de la tonadilla que ahora surgía de la caja de música de Hoid. A pesar de su capacidad para recordar todo lo que hubiera visto, oído o leído, esa cancioncilla no le sonaba. Empezó a teorizar acerca de si pudiera ser algún tipo de clave musical, como la que se decía que usaba Napoleón, pero no estaba claro.
Volví a sacar a colación el tema de que la tal Kairós era la maestra de Hoid, cosa que él de nuevo nos corroboró pero de repente empezamos a escuchar una extraña voz a nuestro alrededor, parecía venir de todas partes a la vez, reverberaba en las paredes pero no éramos capaces de entender exactamente qué decía. De repente, cesó por completo. El señor Dreeg no consiguió identificar el idioma en que hablaba...
Baine nos dijo que había visto algo mientras sucedía aquello, como si hubieran gotitas de Quintaesencia por todas partes. Cuando volvimos a mirar hacia el cuadro de la mujer morena con piel oscura vestida de forma extraña y escasa nos dimos cuenta que había desaparecido su imagen, dejando un lienzo totalmente en blanco. Hoid también se dio cuenta y nos llamó la atención acerca de aquello.
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Observando el cuadro, ahora en blanco...
Hoid nos comentó que quería intentar encontrar el momento exacto en que la imagen del cuadro había desaparecido, y si había algún motivo para que aquello hubiera sucedido. Preparó sus utensilios e inició su viaje atrás en el tiempo. Tras unos instantes, Hoid se arqueó de dolor y empezó a desvanecerse poco a poco delante de nuestros ojos.
Esperando que sus habilidades de "prodigio" le permitieran absorber la Quintaesencia de su hechizo y quizás detenerlo, Baine se abrazó con fuerza al cuerpo de Hoid.
Por mi parte, apreté fuerte el cilicio de mi muslo y usé una de las letanías Bahari para intentar unir mis Esferas de Espíritu, Vida y Materia para intentar mantener el cuerpo de Hoid con nosotros. Al hacerlo noté un dolor tremendo en mi interior, como si algo me hubiera quemado por dentro.
Hoid estaba sano y salvo, regresó de una pieza y al cabo de unos momentos despertó de su ensimismamiento. Nos dijo que veía que el cuadro ahora era un espejo. Se vio reflejado en él, y aquella voz extraña que habíamos oído era realmente él diciendo algo desde el espejo. Era un tipo de ciclo, pero no tenía la frecuencia correcta...
Tras todo aquello, decidimos salir de aquel lugar. Sonaba a lo lejos la campana del reloj de la Torre del Parlamente, el "Big Ben": eran las 00:00 horas del día 19 de octubre.
En la calle volvimos a poder hablar de manera normal. Siendo la hora que era y para recapitular sobre lo ocurrido allí esa noche, Aitor nos dijo que podía llevarnos a un lugar que él conocía bastante cerca de allí. Era uno de los diversos lugares donde solía ir a tener relaciones sexuales sin temor a ser descubierto por sus gustos amatorios. Al menos no estaríamos expuestos en aquel lugar tan peligroso...
Estaba bastante cerca, al entrar un hombre le reconoció y le preguntó si quería su habitación de costumbre. Aitor le dijo que quería la que estaba insonorizada y nos miró a todos los presentes, 5 hombres y una mujer...
Entramos y tras cerrar la puerta, proponemos usar un ritual entre Hoid, yo misma y Aitor para intentar recordar todos el sonido de aquella voz y que Dreyfuss pudiera recordar los sonidos con su memoria eidética y transcribirlos fonéticamente. Pusimos en común lo que íbamos a realizar, incluyendo una extraña lámpara que colocó Hoid encendida contra una pared.
Pusimos en marcha el ritual pero algo fue mal... Me sentí desvanecerme. Había regresado a la habitación de la nave donde estaba la pintura en blanco y que, como nos contó Hoid, ahora era un espejo. Algo que llamó enormemente mi atención fue el marco de aquel espejo, tenía formas extrañas que me recordaban a los glifos Bahari pero no cesaban de cambiar ente mis ojos. Me di cuenta que el resto de mis compañeros estaban también allí, todos quietos, con sus ojos en blanco. Vi su reflejo y sus cuerpos empezaban a cuartearse, se iban desvaneciendo ante mis ojos poco a poco. Noté un dolor terrible en mi interior, como si me estuvieran arrancando las entrañas. Miré en el espejo, y en vez de mi reflejo estaba mi Avatar, la niña pelirroja que llevaba conmigo siempre. Ella estaba sufriendo daños físicos masivos: su cabello se caía, su piel se agrietaba y sangraba abundantemente,... Intenté usar mi Esfera de Espíritu para ayudar a mi Avatar. Conseguí retirar las extrañas nieblas que nos rodeaban a todos. Había una sombra, una criatura oscura que estaba masticando con múltiples bocas, devorando a mi Avatar y a mis compañeros, que empezaban a disgregarse. El dolor que seguía en mis entrañas se incrementaba segundo a segundo. Me concentré, aquella criatura de oscuridad parecía un Espectro pero no lo era exactamente, conseguí usar Espíritu para empujarle y alejarle de mis compañeros y de mi Avatar. Noté cómo alguien me cogía por detrás y me arrastraba hacia él.
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Mi Avatar en el espejo, dañado por la sombra.
Estaba de nuevo en la habitación del tugurio con mis compañeros. Nos pusimos a hablar acerca de lo ocurrido. Me contaron que al iniciarse el ritual todos habían vuelto a la habitación de la nave, al igual que yo, el cuadro era ahora un espejo con un marco en el que cada uno veía una cosa diferente: Hoid vio notas musicales y cifras matemáticas; Aitor vio ojos; Baine vio el vacío del espacio con alguna estrella a lo lejos; Dreyfuss había visto letras en todos los idiomas y mi fiel criado Angus veía el marco como un río de sangre. En el reflejo del espejo en vez de estar yo estaba mi Avatar, la niña pelirroja, ella sangraba por varias partes de su cuerpo pero lo mismo sucedía fuera del espejo: ella ocupaba mi lugar y gritaba de dolor. Vieron una sombra con varias bocas que estaban atacando a la niña pelirroja. Aitor intentó acercarse al espejo pero empezó a disgregarse. Dreyfuss intentó quitar a la niña de delante del espejo pero le fue imposible. Pero al ver que no podían hacerlo, consiguieron salir de allí (aunque pensaban que con algo de ayuda del exterior) Yo les conté mi parte de lo sucedido y probablemente la ayuda que recibieron para salir fuera mía...
Angus nos comentó que quizás deberíamos hablar con Lady Sommerset y aunque no teníamos el dinero que ella pagó al falso Terence St. Trewes, podríamos darle el resto de las obras de arte que estaban en la nave a cambio. Y ya de paso, podríamos ver qué piezas tenía ella en su casa. La idea era muy buena, decidimos seguirla. Pero no podíamos dejar en la nave el resto de las obras de arte sin vigilar... Baine se encargó de avisar a un grupo de conocidos para que llevaran a cabo el traslado de todo hasta uno de los almacenes del banco, cerca de la mansión de mi tío en la City. Trajeron una carreta con una mula y me encargué de que lo llevaran todo con sumo cuidado dándoles una buena gratificación de 5 libras esterlinas. Lo cargaron todo y nos preguntaron qué hacían con el cadáver del pintor, el auténtico Terence St. Trewes. Acordamos que llevaran el cadáver a la buhardilla donde vivía el falso Terence, lo dejaran allí junto a él durmiento la mona, pero que se encargaran de preparar una escena de crimen creíble en la que claramente se supiera que el falso Terence había asesinado al auténtico con un arma blanca... Angus acompañó a Baine y a los hombres a llevar las obras de arte hasta nuestro almacén.
El resto regresamos a la mansión de mi tío, donde la mayoría se fue yendo a la cama a medida que las horas transcurrían. Yo me quedé despierta hasta que Angus y Baine regresaron, a eso de las 5 de la mañana. Les hice irse a dormir mientras yo terminaba de leer una carta que había llegado recientemente a la casa a mi nombre. Clara me la entregó nada más entrar, iba dirigida a mi persona (cosa extraña, normalmente las misivas iban dirigidas a mi tío Alastaire...) La abrí y vi que se trataba de una invitación que venía a decir:
"A la atención de Lady Moira Eritrea Dunsirn. Se le invita a la mansión de Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster a las 00:00 del día 20 de octubre para tomar un té nocturno en su compañía."
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Leyendo la invitación de Lady Penelope.
Si la Primogénita Toreador quería verme es que algo habíamos hecho... o estábamos a punto de hacer. Preparé una carta de aceptación para que fuera entregada a primera hora de la mañana por uno de nuestros criados y, sobre las 6 de la mañana, me metí en la cama y pude descansar un par de horas ininterrumpidas.
A eso de las 8 de la mañana el ajetreo normal de la casa me despertó, me aseé y me vestí antes de bajar al salón. Allí ya estaban listos para salir a la calle Dreyfuss y Hoid. Mi "erudito" había quedado a las 9 horas con sus contactos en la biblioteca para recoger los datos recabados acerca del periodista Ernest Park y sobre la Sociedad Ludibrium. Les dije que tuvieran cuidado y proseguí con los quehaceres típicos de mi posición en la casa y en el Banco Dunsirn. Mandé una carta con un criado a Lady Sommerset, informándole de lo ocurrido y que me personaría en su casa ese mismo día para aclarárselo todo. Me aseguré que llevaran esa carta y la respuesta a la de Lady Penelope a la mayor brevedad posible. Mis heridas internas se habían curado durante mi tiempo de descanso, eran de naturaleza espiritual, pero eso no me quitaba la preocupación por lo que habíamos vivido la noche pasada.
Baine, Angus y Aitor bajaron al salón cerca de las 11 de la mañana. Tras una noche tan movida como la que habíamos pasado, vi bien que recuperaran el máximo de fuerzas por si la siguiente iba en el mismo camino... Angus se preocupaba por mí, pero le aseguré que las dos horas que había dormido eran más que suficientes. Además, nos habían preparado un buen desayuno tardío (o almuerzo temprano) para recuperarnos.
Cuando acabábamos de empezar a comer aparecieron Dreyfuss y Hoid. Pedí a Clara que colocara dos platos más a la mesa y les sirvieran lo que desearan. Yo pude disfrutar de un buen plato de carne, sin duda era lo que de verdad necesitaba. Angus disfrutó también de una ración similar.
Dreyfuss nos comentó en la sobremesa que sabía dónde se reunían los miembros de la Sociedad Ludibrium. Precisamente en la otra parte de la Isla de los Perros, donde habíamos estado la noche anterior cerca del puerto, cerca de Canary Wharf. También había conseguido la dirección de Ernest Park, el periodista.
Yo tenía que hablar con Lady Sommerset esa tarde y aclarar el asunto de las obras de arte de Terence St. Trewes. Para esa tarea sería conveniente que fueran conmigo tanto Angus como el propio Dreyfuss, por si tenía que memorizar algo de lo que viéramos en su casa.
Hoid, Baine y Aitor irían a buscar al periodista. Barajamos varios planes acerca de cómo aproximarnos al tal Ernest. Finalmente, propusieron ir a su casa una vez hubiera anochecido...
Nos preparamos y cogimos un coche de caballos para dirigirnos hacia el palacio de Lady Sommerset, muy cerca de la casa de mis tíos en la City. Tras bajar del coche, un mayordomo nos recibió en la puerta y nos condujo de inmediato a presencia de Lady Sommerset, parecía que esperaba con ansia nuestra visita desde que recibiera por la mañana mi carta.
Le expliqué todo lo ocurrido con el falso Terence St. Trewes, cómo se había aprovechado del verdadero pintor y escultor, y cómo se había hecho pasar por él para quedarse con las 500 libras esterlinas que ella pagó para que le hiciera la estatua. Por desgracia, no habíamos podido recuperar el dinero. Además, el autor verdadero había sido asesinado por el falso Terence, pero ya se estaban encargando de que pagara por sus crímenes los agentes de Scotland Yard. Lady Sommerset lamentó la muerte de Terence, ella estaba dispuesta hasta a ser su mecenas y acogerlo en su casa... Para recuperar el dinero perdido, le ofrecí la opción de quedarse con el resto de las obras de arte que habíamos encontrado en la nave del puerto. Lady Sommerset aceptó encantada y se ofreció a mostrarnos su colección de piezas.
La acompañamos hasta la sala donde tenía varias obras de arte de Terence:
Un cuadro con una mujer rubia con brazos y piernas metálicos;
Un cuadro con una mujer asiática y un dragón oriental;
Un cuadro con un exótico hombre japonés;
Un cuadro con una hermosa mujer pelirroja sonriente;
Un cuadro con un anciano sucio con un cuervo;
Un cuadro con un legionario romano muy atractivo;
Un cuadro con un soldado romano con una máscara metálica;
Un cuadro con un hombre con extrañas señales en su cuerpo;
Una extraña imagen que mezclaba un animal con un entorno raro...
Estuve unos instantes observando detenidamente los cuadros y el último me pareció que podría ser un "grillete", un objeto importante para un Espíritu Sin Reposo, pero era como si fuera algo muy ténue... Quizás se trataba de otra cosa que no había visto hasta el momento.
Nos despedimos de Lady Sommerset, asegurándole que antes de que terminara la tarde recibiría el resto de las obras de arte.
De camino a casa Dreyfuss se detuvo a recabar algo de información acerca del periodista. Los niños que estaban vigilandole le dijeron que no había salido de su casa en todo el día, pero que la noche pasada había recibido dos visitas. Un hombre que estuvo un breve espacio de tiempo en su casa y otro que se quedó hasta el amanecer pero al que perdieron la pista con la niebla de las primeras horas del día.
Al regresar a casa, ya anocheciendo, nos encontramos con que Aitor, Baine y Hoid se habían marchado ya hacia la casa del periodista.
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Sobre las 18 horas, ya de noche, Aitor y Hoid se quedaron esperando mientras que Baine fue y tocó la puerta de la casa de Ernest Park, pero nadie contestó. No parecía haber nadie que le pudiera abrir, así que usó sus conocimientos callejeros para forzar la cerradura con cuidado, intentando dañarla al mínimo. La puerta se abrió, entró en la casa y se encontró en mitad de su dormitorio a Ernest de rodillas, retorcido de dolor e inmóvil. Baine vislumbró con sus habilidades especiales lo que pasaba en aquella habitación y se dio cuenta de que el periodista tenía a su alrededor como una mancha oscura. Lo tocó y sintió un dolor agudo y penetrante, como si algo le hubiera quemado por dentro. De alguna manera, aquella cosa oscura le recordaba a algunas criaturas de la Umbra de las que siempre había huido. Así que decidió entrar en la Umbra por si notaba algo extraño allí también. Para su sorpresa así fue, había una especie de babosa enorme que intentaba atrapar y devorar a Ernest, él tenía una especie de esfera de sangre dentro de su cabeza que parecía estar protegiéndole pero poco a poco iba perdiendo efectividad frente al ataque de esa criatura.
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Ernest Park afectado por la extraña babosa....
Hoid y Aitor decidieron subir a la casa al notar que Baine había desaparecido del enlace mental que los tres estaban compartiendo. Subieron hasta la casa del periodista y vieron la puerta entreabierta, entraron y en el dormitorio se encontraron solo al periodista de rodillas con gesto de dolor. No había rastro alguno de Baine...
Aitor decidió entrar en la mente del periodista con sus habilidades. Desde la Umbra, Baine notó que habían aparecido dos figuras cerca del periodista y cómo la babosa parecía alargarse y tocar a esos dos recién llegados, atacándoles.
En el mundo real, Hoid y Aitor reciben daños internos. Baine entiende que esas dos sombras que percibe son sin duda sus dos compañeros, pero no puede hablar con ellos porque desde que ha entrado físicamente en la Umbra su enlace mental con ellos se ha cortado. Así que sacó su revólver, lo apuntó contra la babosa y abrió fuego, aparentemente dañandola con el disparo, consiguiendo que ésta soltara a sus dos colegas. La criatura detectó a Baine e intentó atacarle con uno de sus tentáculos lanzado directamente contra él, pero por suerte falló su golpe. Temiendo que aquel combate pudiera acabar mal para él, regresó al mundo físico.
Hoid y Aitor se asombraron al ver aparecer de repente a Baine, pero no pudieron decirle nada ya que todos oyeron a 3 personas en la casa, entrando en la habitación a sus espaldas. Uno era pelirrojo y parecía tener algún problema físico en uno de sus ojos. Otro era enorme, con barba, fumando una pipa y con múltiples cicatrices por varias partes de su cuerpo. El tercero llevaba un sombrero y fumaba un puro.
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El hombre pelirrojo con el ojo tuerto.
Baine sintió algo extraño en el aura del hombre de las cicatrices. En el del puro parecía haber una babosa como la que estaba atacando al periodista, pero éste parecía estar bien con ese hecho. El pelirrojo parecía estar preparando algún tipo de hechizo por la acumulación de Quintaesencia en su persona...
El hombre de las cicatrices se lanzó contra Baine para golpearle. Éste disparó su arma contra él, haciéndole un boquete en mitad del pecho del que no salió ni gota de sangre, solo arena. El hombre le dio un puñetazo que mandó a Baine a la otra punta de la habitación, del golpe lo dejó en el suelo aturdido.
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El hombre de las cicatrices.
Hoid intentó ralentizar el tiempo contra los 3 individuos. Consiguió que bajaran a 1/3 de su velocidad el del puro y el pelirrojo, sin embargo el hombre recosido no parecía quedar tan afectado por su hechizo.
Aitor intentó convencerles de que les dejaran marchar con su compañero herido. El pelirrojo tuerto miró al hombre del puro con sombrero como esperando sus órdenes. Les dijo que recogieran a su amigo del suelo y se lo llevaran de allí. "Nuestro amo solo necesita lo que sabe el periodista..." dijo con voz profunda.
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El hombre del puro.
Entre Aitor y Hoid recogieron a Baine del suelo y salieron de la casa. Dieron un rodeo antes de ir a la mansión de los Dunsirn, por si aquellos hombres les siguieran. No parecía ser el caso, Baine echó mano de unos cristales que llevaba consigo y fue recuperándose del brutal golpe recibido tras consumirlos.
Sobre las 21 horas los tres llegaron a la mansión Dunsirn y me contaron todo lo ocurrido, tal y como he relatado en este diario. Baine se encargaría de hacer correr la voz entre su red de contactos para que vigilaran a aquellos individuos.
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La mansión de Lady Penelope.
Cogí un coche de caballos junto a Angus para acercarme cerca de la medianoche a la mansión de Lady Penélope. Fuimos recibidos por un mayordomo que nos permitió entrar. Angus se quedó junto con el resto de los criados y yo fui conducida hacia la biblioteca de la casa. Allí fui recibida por la Primogénita Toreador, Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster.
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Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster, Primogénita Toreador de Londres.
Me ofreció una taza de té con un cierto tono rojizo, que acepté, pero que en ningún momento llegué a probar. Me dijo que sabía que estaba dirigiendo los negocios del Banco Dunsirn en ausencia de mi tío Alastaire, que me iba a marchar en breve a París, que estaba realizando una serie de encargos para mi Familia antes de partir... Me dijo claramente que el periodista Ernest Park no debía sufrir daño alguno y que debía acabar su artículo. Por supuesto, permitía que hiciéramos lo necesario para convencerle de que dejara fuera del mismo los nombres que el Banco precisara, pero sin dañarle. Como ha ocurrido algo recientemente con el "embajador" Cosimo Giovanni, ella estaría dispuesta a ayudarme con alguna de mis asuntos en París. Mientras permanezcamos alejados de los asuntos de su Chiquillo James Abercrown y de su amigo Edward Crossbower todo irá bien. Antes de marcharme hacia París me invita a visitarla de nuevo para comprobar que todo lo relacionado con Ernest Park esté solucionado y me dará las referencias que necesito para París.
Tras esto me despedí de ella y junto a Angus regresamos a nuestra mansión a la 1 de la madrugada del día 20 de octubre. Teníamos que hablar acerca de lo que había ocurrido con el periodista y cómo salvarle antes de que fuera demasiado tarde...
Continuará en: la 3ª sesión...
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hopitty-hop-hop · 1 year ago
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Repostober of my longest played DnD character, Adelaide. She’s grown a lot over the years.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years ago
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Connar is going through a horrible phase at that moment. His aspiration is always in the red and he suffers the most from being a werewolf. He takes it out on Aribeth...
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Poppy though soon takes revenge.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year ago
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fuck it. ahkrinaak in a ponytail
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butchyena · 2 years ago
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damedianariggalbumphoto · 6 months ago
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Diana et Naomi Watts dans "Le voile des illusions" d'après Sommerset Maugham.
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practicalsmagic · 7 months ago
I forgot what it’s like to watch and enjoy the ride. I seek out spoilers way too much akdjdjdbsjan
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dalishruby · 5 days ago
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I don’t think I’ve ever shared my Rook?
This is Cyrus. They are based off my Circle of Stars Druid by the same name.
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theknifeinyou · 5 days ago
Ronnie was still new to the whole interacting with people thing. Mostly she had avoided interactions as much as she could because no one ever understood her, just called her crazy for her love in the supernatural. It was nice that Zach seemed interested and she appreciated it more than he could probably know. Taking a sip from the coffee, she sighed. Was it doable? "With October in charge of things, yeah, definitely possible. It'll take a lot out of her though. Locking it out involves surrounding the property with a salt circle and then a blessing - the problem is, it's not something that is one-on-one. It needs to be done every so often an I'm not sure how long that is, that would be for October to say so, I don't know. I do know that if anyone can do it, it's her. "It's fine to ask questions, you can. At least you want to be informed."
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"Fair enough," he muttered, barely audibly, again in a not-so-serious manner. He was genuinely interested in what she was working on and even more curious if she would give him an answer. It was easy to tell someone they should mind their own business but for some reason, Veronica didn't strike him as someone who'd tell him to get lost. Zach took a drink as he listened and hummed curiously. He would probably regret his excitement if he were to deal with what they'd captured on the video, but sipping his coffee, in safety he was excited to hear she deemed the video legit. "Hm... What do you mean... Lock it out of the place? How? In a place like that?" He cleared his throat apologetically. "I mean - is it doable?"
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mokulule · 1 year ago
Take Out for Dummies - Part 2
Ship: Dead on Main Previous | Masterpost Note: So I was planning on sitting on this until I was about done with part 3, but then @yeetyeetedyote, who tumblr doesn't allow me to tag, did a meme for part 1 and I couldn't help but post it. So hope you enjoy. Jason did not know what to wear. It was Red Hood who had a date, but going in his full uniform seemed very excessive somehow. But there was also no way he was going unarmed. He pondered his closet with a frown. What clothing did he even own that were suitable for a date? He’d never had to ponder this before. What level of formality was expected? Probably not formal, considering there would be no dinner. Also he was Red Hood, there was no way he’d do formal, he had an aesthetic.
He finally settled on jeans, a red henley and the brown leather jacket he used as Red Hood. He held up the jacket and inspected it critically for blood spatters, that at least he felt certain wasn’t appropriate.
One hour later saw Red Hood rolling up to the curb in front of the building. Only one person was leaning against the brick wall there, absorbed in their phone; it had to be Danny. The rest of the people there were just walking past. It was Crime Alley, Red Hood barely got a glance of interest. Gotta love Gothamites.
Jason had not been able to really get good visual on Danny in the dark, aside from the fact that he was rather short and had dark hair, the night vision in his helmet could only do so much. He had not been prepared for how he looked up and the wide blue eyes crinkled as he smiled. Nor the way the button down shirt and the jeans hugged close to broad shoulders and slim waist in a way the hoodie he’d worn previously had clearly not.
Somehow in all his musings about how this would go Jason had never considered the possibility that Danny would be hot.
“Hi,” Danny said still smiling as he came up to him. He raised his arms out from his sides a bit helplessly before letting them fall back. “So how do you want me?”
Jason’s brain screeched to a halt as those words brought a decidedly not appropriate image to his head. He was so glad he was wearing his helmet right now. Jason must have stiffened or given away his embarrassment some other way, because Danny’s cheeks flushed as he too realized how his question could have been understood.
“I meant on your bike.”Jason hunched over, shoulders shaking with barely suppressed laughter. Because that was not helping at all.
Wordlessly Jason held out the extra helmet. Danny took it gratefully and stuffed it over his red face.
“Front.” Jason said over the radio connection between the helmets.
Jason had to give Danny a hand to get him situated in front. He had to hold on near the center of handlebars and he didn’t really have good place to place his feet and had to hold them curled up.
It was neither safe nor legal, but Jason was not about to have a potential assassin at his back and besides who was gonna arrest Red Hood for traffic violations? The small hitched gasp when Jason curled around Danny’s back to reach the handlebars had his lips quirking up, and he might have pressed him just a bit further forward just for that.
“Where to?”
“Sommerset.”Jason raised an eyebrow at that as he kicked off the curb. Carefully, as he got a feeling for the different weight distribution, he drove them in the direction of the Trigate Bridge.
“If a tour of Old Arkham is your idea of a date, I think I’m gonna have to shoot you.”
Danny scoffed.
“I promised you fun, didn’t I?”
At Jason’s lack of response, he slumped further.
“There’s a traveling carnival on the fair grounds at the edge of town.”
“Huh.” Jason was trying to think of a time he’d actually visited a carnival as a visitor and not a vigilante to stop some villain plot. He was coming up short. There was a feeling in his chest he had a hard time identifying, an uncertain thing, but it wasn’t bad. If nothing else he was gonna have an experience? Oo o oO
They parked the bike in the attached gravel parking lot near the fair grounds. Jason had to step off the bike first and then promptly had to catch Danny as his legs refused to carry him when he stepped off the bike.
“Oh wow, my legs fell asleep there.” He laughed and stepped away on wobbly legs as he pulled the helmet off. He handed it to Jason who put it into its compartment.
He took another wobbly step forward and Jason couldn’t help the way he reached for him to steady him. Instead Danny grabbed his hand firmly. Jason was baffled at the action looking from Danny to their hands, uncertain how to react, but Danny just smiled and changed his hold so their fingers were twined together.
He looked mightily satisfied about it too as he tugged Jason forward toward the fair grounds. A fair bit of the rides were visible because of their heights and Jason could easily imagine how the place would light up with multicolored lights once evening came.
Once they entered the fair grounds they drew quite a lot of attention. Lots of people stopped and pointed at Red Hood and his companion. Phones were pointed in their direction and Jason found himself tensing.
Danny leaned closer and spoke lowly, “Don’t worry, nobody will believe them. Regular digital cameras are odd around me, so they won’t get usable footage.”
Jason’s mind raced, what did that mean? Did he have some sort of jammer? Was it a meta ability? Was it related to his ability to sneak up on vigilantes on Gotham rooftops?
“And,” Danny continued, “if anyone asks, we can always say you’re a cosplayer.”
Jason grimaced. Danny slapped his chest as if he could see right through the mask.
“Hey! Cosplay is a great creative hobby.”
“That’s not- I’m a former crime lord. I don’t understand why anyone would dress up as me.”
“Pffft, don’t sell yourself short. Also you have a cool recognizable thing going on with the helmet. It will be especially funny if someone critiques it for not being accurate.”
Jason couldn’t help his chuckle at how gleeful Danny looked at the prospect.
“This is the real reason you want me to claim I’m cosplaying?”
“It would be so funny, admit it!”
Jason huffed. It would be pretty funny.
“Ha! I’ll take that as a yes. Okay, time to show off some of those shooting skills and win me a plushie.” With that statement Danny pointed towards a game booth with truly ridiculously large unicorn plushies hanging from it and tugged Jason forward. It was only at that moment he remembered they were still holding hands. It was…
It was nice.
Danny glanced back at him and he was smiling, warm and excited. Jason didn’t remember the last time someone had smiled that much at him. Jason found himself smiling back, and he was suddenly grateful he couldn’t be seen behind the helmet.
The shooting booth operator eyed Red Hood warily until Danny broke the tension in a voice that carried, “my friend’s cosplay is pretty awesome right?”
The operator’s shoulders fell and he chuckled, “pretty brave of him to wear that this close to Gotham proper.”
“Sure is! But not to worry if there’s any trouble I will protect him,” Danny said seriously, with a glance and a wink at Jason.
The man took in Danny’s skinny and less than imposing appearance and burst out laughing, and just like that any remaining tension was gone.
The operator explained the game. There were different tiers with bottles lined up on shelves and flat rings of different widths balancing on top. You got points if you knocked the ring down over the bottle neck. The slimmer rings offered more points.
It was a pretty simple game.
Danny put down cash for the game and looked at Jason expectantly. “Show us some of that Red Hood skill.”
The operator chuckled. Jason rolled his eyes and stepped up.
Immediately, as he picked up the air gun it felt clunky in his hand. It was sharp-edged where it should be smooth and was weighted all wrong especially with the pressure cable attached to it, but that was not going to stop him. He loaded it with one of the five cork stoppers the operator handed him. He seemed to be enjoying Danny’s teasing as much as Danny himself.
Out the corner of his vision he saw Danny lean forward expectantly as he took aim.
He pulled the trigger.
The cork stopper was ejected with a loud pop and promptly hit the edge of a shelf bouncing backwards to land on the floor where it rolled around three times before stopping.
Danny looked at him wide eyed before bursting out in helpless snickers. Jason shoved him in revenge, but he couldn’t help smiling. There was just something refreshing about how despite knowing he was the real Red Hood he was so completely unafraid of him. Not even his family was that relaxed around him.
He didn’t want to bring his mood down contemplating that, so he reloaded the clunky gun and took aim again. He considered the points on the rings and the available prize tiers. Four shots left, with a bit of luck he could still do decently.
Aiming higher and slightly more to the right of how he would aim a real gun he shot the first maximum point ring down around the bottle neck. Three more fell in rapid succession.
Danny cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
“That’s four hundred points, that gives you the choice of a large prize,” the operator said impressed.
He pointed at a large unicorn plush, it wasn’t quite the extra large ones that hung on the outside of the stall, those required cumulative points from at least two games, but it was still a very decent size.
Danny was the very opposite of disappointed when Jason handed it over. He squished it in his arms and absolutely beamed up at Jason. Jason looked away, embarrassed for feeling so satisfied and warm just for winning a silly game.
The operator snorted giving them a knowing look. “Have a nice evening boys.”
“You too,” Danny replied, sidling up close and entwining their fingers again as he pulled them away and off towards the various rides.
Jason eyed their once more joined hands in bemusement, not really sure what to think, but he’d already allowed it once. It sold the appearance of a date, made it all the more likely to the bystanders that Jason was just some cosplayer with a death wish, so it was smart to keep holding hands. And Jason found himself reluctant to give it up.
It was an easy illusion to give into.
He squeezed Danny’s hands and he turned his head to look at him, smiling like this was a real date and not one of his odd jobs. Jason nodded towards the bumper cars and Danny’s grin turned into feral delight as he dragged him in the new direction. It was so easy to pretend Jason was just here to have fun with a friend who was maybe just a bit more.
That was something he could have had maybe. If he hadn’t been Robin. If he hadn’t died and come back wrong. If he wasn’t a former crime lord just trying to find his footing with a family he wasn’t sure wanted him and not just the dead boy he’d been.
But for just a little while he could pretend.
Until Danny turned out to actually know he was supposed to kill him, until everything crashed and burned like usual, he could allow himself a little fun.
Like ignoring every sign saying the bumper cars were not meant for driving into each other. The bored teen operator certainly didn’t care to uphold that rule. The bumper car ride was a war zone, a giant free for all and yet Jason managed to have only eyes for Danny. He was a tricky driver to catch. Jason had no idea how he managed to maneuver the car like that, it was verging on supernatural.
They were both laughing when they exited their cars after Jason had finally managed to bump into him proper instead of the earlier glancing blows.
“Remind me to call you if I ever need a getaway driver.”
Danny snorted knocking their shoulders together. “Only if I get part of the cut.”
I’ll give you more than a cut, Jason was about to say, but thankfully didn’t. Because what did that even mean? Instead he knocked his shoulder back.
They continued on towards another ride, a small rollercoaster, and as they queued Danny started telling him about how his dad’s driving was so infamous in his hometown that the local news included a segment to warn for it when he was on the roads. Because of that nobody had wanted to give Danny driving lessons and that’s why technically he didn’t have a license, but he’d once landed a space shuttle, so that should count for something. The story verged on so impossible it had to be true, but Jason was sure if a civilian had actually landed a space shuttle it would have been all over the news or at least known among superheroes - it was entertaining nonetheless.
Jason wasn’t sure when they’d started holding hands again only noted the absence when Danny left him by a bench several rides later with stern instructions to protect the princess with his life, aka the unicorn plushie.
The lights had flickered on a while ago and bathed the darkening grounds in multicolored lights. Jason leaned back relaxing against the bench. Taking in the lights and the happy atmosphere as people passed him by. There were a few people who pointed and snickered as they walked by, but clearly the unicorn plushie was just as good as Danny to convince people he was just a guy in a costume.
“It’s a pretty good costume.”
Jason turned his head to find a man with a superman shirt had stopped. He stayed silent waiting for him to elaborate. He obviously wanted to, there was something in his drawl.
“The casual look is pretty well put together while remaining recognizably Red Hood.”
“But-“ somehow there was a but- “if you were actually from Gotham you’d know that the real helmet is matte and the brow section is more slanted giving it an angrier expression.”
Jason stared incredulously at the man in the Superman shirt accusing him of not being a Gothamite. Never mind the helmet thing, that was just ridiculous but accusing him of not being a Gothamite, now that was an insult he wouldn’t be taking. Jason stood up to his full six feet and saw the way the man shrunk as he realized he might have made a mistake.
“There you are, babe,” Danny inserted himself smoothly into the situation snaking an arm around his waist and pressing close. It was distracting. “Come on let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
Jason snorted as he let Danny move them forward. He didn’t need the intervention, he wouldn’t have attacked the man or anything.
He couldn’t help but pull them to a stop however as they passed him.
“Your information is outdated, this is the current helmet.” He spoke lowly and ominously only made more ominous by the voice modulation.
The man eep’ed and scrambled to get away.
They watched him go with no small bit of amusement.
“I thought we agreed to keep it on the down low.”
Jason shrugged, “he asked for it, besides you said it yourself, nobody will believe him.”
“Alright then.” Danny left the place beneath Jason’s arm, he had only a moment to feel bereft however until his hand was grabbed again and pulled in the direction of the parking lot. “Speaking of proof, do you mind me taking a selfie of us so I can prove I took you out?”
Jason frowned. “I thought you said cameras didn’t work around you.” “They don’t, I’ve had to modify it to be able to take any pictures.”
“You gonna tell me what kind of meta ability you have?”
Danny chuckled. He pulled their joined hands up and pressed a kiss to Jason’s scarred knuckles. Jason was so distracted by the action he almost didn’t hear the, “I like you Hood, but that isn’t a first date conversation.”
There was a pause in their conversation as Jason contemplated the absurd idea of there ever being a second date, the fact that this one was nearly over and how he’d actually had a lot of fun.
“So, selfie?”
“Uh sure.”
Danny juggled the white plastic bag that Jason only noticed now onehanded as he pulled out his phone. It was a broad phone with actual buttons and Jason would believe it was modified alright. Danny smiled and leaned close as he raised his hand, a small flash went off and Danny looked the picture over in satisfaction.
“What’s with the bag?”
“Huh, oh this is food. Our next stop, if you’re still willing, is the ice rink, but I figured we could take a break on the roof and eat back to back or something, what with the whole-” he indicated the helmet by waving a hand in front of his face.
So it wasn’t over yet. Not if Jason wanted to continue. It was an easy out, Jason could just chose to drive Danny to wherever he wanted to be dropped off and he could go home and still make it easily in time for patrol - or he could prolong the evening.
Jason popped open the compartment under the seat of his bike and took the warm bag of food from Danny to put in as he considered. Danny had already put on the extra helmet.
Jason could practically hear the smile in his voice even if he couldn’t see it through the opaque helmet.
“Okay,” he confirmed.
The small fist pump was kinda adorable. So first part of the date, it was getting a bit long so I cut it in two, but hey that's the only reason I could even upload it. Jason is in trouble, he's just not quite realizing it yet XD I enjoy hearing your thoughts on the story, so please continue to share <3
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