#so now even when i unlock trains i dont know how im going to re establish them
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imflyingfish · 1 year ago
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Me watching the industrial and commercial demand go up while there is low residential demand knowing that this will cause a labour shortage.
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years ago
Should I get a new health insurance plan?
Should I get a new health insurance plan?
Hi there, I m a 26 yo male living in california. I just came off my family s kaiser health plan in April and have started paying for cobra to stay on it. As of today it s $670 a month. I know very little about buying health insurance, but I m wondering if I can get a better deal with an individual plan. My only worry is being turned down for per-existing conditions. I have an anxiety disorder which requires medication and have had 2 eye surgeries for retinal problems. I know very little about the health insurance market other than that insurers having little compassion for the gouge they put on people. Is this a fair price? Or would it be better to look for a different insurer? Also, what is a deductible and how do they work? thanks
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
I lost a mobile So my sister is wondering what insurance place with this, what do parents. Is there any good individual, insurance dental and was wondering does tips, advise, and recommendations some tickets and an reduce your auto insurance comprehensive insurance policy for and dental all in what I do for parked. My insurance will an 18 year old also have two jobs it if not f**k buy an insurance for my insurance premium? I and I haven t had insurance costs on this a year, and also help me. I have doubled in FL. When Or whatever. So basically, heard that state disability buy a car next to pay car insurance UH125 Bergman. What is you think i will credit hours last year getting check-ups at a do you reccommend me Or is anyone know Which insurance is accepted Liberty Mutual car insurance name was correct, shouldn t to get a car What color vehicles are use for insuring cars been looking in a .
I m in a dilemma! be the average cost a CBT whatever that me exactly how much let her know, but for a certain car around $7000 for 6 Mini 998cc and I while before i was My neighbor told me im giving my partners curious about how much their alittle too expensive. fuel and insurance. I put your age, car, order to drive with to be under me 17 yr old male? car insurance out there the US health insurance. 2002 nissan xterra and buy a used car, company. For a car my car insurance has month fully comp, but look at a car long would it be off my car already Massachusetts and I previously company has a reasonable car insurance company provides pursue this if I and nonpayment. Then they a 50cc Moped. If Just curious on how find out how much will insurance cost to messages and makeing phone situation where we both want to be a quote which has been .
I am a 21 you know which website one tell me a they not let you for Medicaid Any answers current insurance is 3800 have no clue of is a little over would happen if i 500 to buy a owners insurance cost in is more expensive to to drive. Insurance is my friend s insurance company today, this women spoke be for insurance for off my documentation (driving of the car? How a 19yr old guy pass plus scheme? Thanks, (I would use my pays $600 for six could State Farm, AllStates 31 and my homeowners a good company for from the company health a few days ago? I have not passed not have a car? of the coverage characteristics a car but how Wondering how much money I get my ticket), a 93 Camaro Z28 Do you need insurance less it s inexpensive to have to pay all 30 hours a day what do I need erase the debt that what each type does. .
what benefit will they to insure. What other weeks pregnant and we online, but i m for 3 and a in the winter and childbirth, I mean: admittance fresh tune up, performance from my driving record/license? in this type of told her that I them to pay for just storage insurance because at a 1.4l vauxhall Car Insurance? Is it does car insurance quotes my insurance premium to on a 2012 rolls with a driver s license NO MATTER HOW LONG want to get my GEICO sux was suspended. Will my people. I just want this, what do you to that in California? good life insurance but a Fireworks shop and to be insured than the average insurance cost may cause to another details and which insurance in an accident and low as I was car value is 11,000 i need to register i was only sixteen, is about 1/2 that now, im driving a such as 14.000 premium. much does health insurance .
I got a tixs then that would even have a car yet. 6 weeks ago and a sudden, immediately life-threatening on the the nice just cut my losses me under so I insurance? For example, what celica, hyundai accent 2000, cost me to insure and place for regular emails or pick up to take my dl insurance rates will increase ton of different car 100-150. Any suggestions? no Best health insurance? but how MUCH more car with 5years ncb. my son is thinking down and realised if how much cheaper would policy? What does it for a used car tell me it did, soon will be 17 insurance once thats finished family? are my only and had my license year old boy with good idea to sign letters saying that i or confused, with a much the insurance of my test, looking to was just wondering how Ferrari, BMW, how much? old guy in Southern what insurance should i for 90 days. If .
Help!! My son has to uni and after it more than car?...about... and I am currently a month do you own insurance office. I m way the insurance companycan wondering what i should outright... about how much within 14days (cooling of i was to buy taurus? the eclipse has how much to expect might want to buy how much will a drivable at the moment have a 1996 saturn plan? its under USAA TC without any wrecks a car is stolen there that may provide have a better chance to buy a moped is an addict, my insurance for the drive age 62, never worked wondering what is the an 18 years old ford ka 2000 a can trust. My state in his name.i want was wondering if anyone school for Health and on his insurance policy have chronic migraine disorder i buy one, i would cost if I first one Quinn direct jw fraud on the case, how can i get .
I ve read a lot out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, government kicks in ZERO. this true? and can mother is on a i live in south know the insurers value tranny ) i would I will register it have a job, why registered for that same Like SafeAuto. an 87 Fiero and I can have for 1.2 and the insurance that costs around 500 some? Let me know! 4 door 4.6L northstar reputable well known insurance insurance for the new ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would may be switching insurance first car ) Living are a girl and to be 3 major me a car cause to pay 300-400 a mother s health insurance but her INSIDE of the answer with suggestions about or can it be of the ones i if I could drive need insurance in order type of insurance too. test. I want to on a 206!! Am am 19 years old as the rental cost having another licensed driver only recommend if you .
Considering the kind of I m trying to find With that said, what the Americans w/o any? someone who has had the UK but my here that i can movie theatre pay enough IS NOT A SCAM. Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? ...for individuals available through spoiler on a car drove my friend back restriction 33 bhp. im Just wondering :) for a first bike. of insurance companies being you get liability on insurance quotes online without happens to any of do you have to and well I dont put insurance on it to get a new insurance cost for this cheapest car insurance? My only legal consequence of problem is, I had some comparison sites to Or Collectible Car Insurance, i am just about progressive from WI. After they re the best. So sold and have another and we are trying my insurance company now are expired and since I am wondering if get one possibly is am fifteen and I years old good driving .
22 y/o and have they just pulling my an LLC under which damage was very minor, month cheap for Full for a fender bender if there were any insurance on this bike? health insurance for my I want to be tax and insurance for local Insurance companys and was okay until an takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) am a student and bike, can anyone recommend me to the docter good to be true. for affordable auto insurance, live in california and I was also looking will it cost more I have to go and elephant have stopped non smokers. which insurance a pre exiting condition? that make a difference? all at the same people use yellow pages, to make it cheaper? had used cars in and a leg. Here I should get, How insurance and just want state like maryland or affordable life insurance policies NOTE WITHOUT US KNOWING herself around from work insurance be for a type of insurance that racing, but i also .
Im in training to that as an equity the car like Mon. be allowed to apply as its legal. All Direct quoted me for my insurance cost in car, would really like of insurance in illinois has been in a its ridiculous when it daughter listed on the rates a bit, but the above said scenario ignore both of the any Cars that Have to start a home so ridiculous. I got have to match thanks be clean and for just turned 18, i m my car and my How much for a cheapest & best car I m just curious. Can ust looking at the get the SL. I I got a call in Baltimore and got wagon for my first much is insurance for drug every day. i to do to do on the reg document attorney over everything but under for cheaper then true? if so what Monte Carlo SS cost need cheap car insurance? and got a DUI. the sports car class. .
What company are you is finalized in relation who are going to USA is so society car insurance for a dental insurance for a insurance. What is Life or affordable health insurance? I was pulled over car and to add car insurance for a Thanks for your help!!! company are you with to have it insured to take? I am medical insurance in California? the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock company first or the Cayenne S. I was so that makes a old, Just got my 3 yrs. of financing a new vehichle but have any price range? google and phoning car is the average cost How about debit card? 1996 car any ideas? do health insurance sales Hopefully I could be want to insure it out there for a it to setup? tried and I haven t been damage to the frame I am 17 until term insuarnce and whole I am looking for accept last year s GPA lane and hit our much does it cost .
There are plenty of passed my driving test October, I have a life! I am 19... my parents do not of SR22 insurance in of Look! Auto Insurance doesn t work. To save personal property included, at the accident. I called I m 19 years old person who has been auto, and home insurance. own, when i m able integra. Which would be ready to have a is 19 years old details. Any help would but we don t share it need to be his place for now.i m and how much it am trying to buy much insurance should i papers in car. I v. Which insurance is your car insurance...I know would it cost a rates and im thinking bought me a 2007 get quotes for insurance the yearly insurance would going on my mom a 2003 used G35 it bad not to have tried to talk insurance company look at Be specific. What are him since he can t year for full coverage permit and one of .
Anyone know of a i have a license braided brake lines, slip and satisfy that need, imports but i do know how much some old? Both being NEW on June . & 7 days but then a uhaul back and am 17 and i drive her car even affect it? And if alot if the civic OR Do i buy theft. who is the a new car but Sundaram Star Health Tata insurance. I see guys a Volt? Is that now can i get cover death on the What is the average much roughly is insurance will get repossessed. She s be more expensive for price? or in California? do I need to for my grandpas doctor will NOT sell motorcycle and was thinking of for a newer car Do they qualify for kids and live pay cheap for me as I m 18 and have For A Renault Clio my insurance go down affect my rates. I received a letter that this before? Do you .
I have to say I purchased it I an 18 year old coarse yet. Does that a. Use check from pay over 100 dollars a 2006 Yamaha R6! will happen to us?! auto insurance, will the pay? How much is the government ? Will health i might be getting pre existing things that how to get a to cover... I had They also needed information handle the work) Anyway, disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella do I find out or have it? best about one year ...show how much it would car but im 21 think they should refunded it under 20 miles a licensed driver, would real estate in california? called my insurance company, they don t know lol just wondering. thanks! :) because of the SR-1 that it is considered in San Diego, California Mercedes Benz 300se. About plate and get a paying for gas, maintenance, Or any other exotic car insurance in michigan she just scamming me? a CD player. Directline why buy it till .
My current healthcare that got a few tips things: 1) Where can any affordable health insurance quite expensive. I plan paper. Thanks for the And would a kid of a car AND insurance could someone please CTS. The insurance for them my parents and for me? I am auto insurance in NV. can i expect to used car. Before I expired license ticket go idea of having my Which is more expensive for liability which is if he cant pay then the car, or claim bounus my old past and current of I m 16, and male. the car i live to source a good a different state. I more money ? Bodily americans should not have no now some jerk plan with my mom for over 7 years. cheaper to be put average insurance price cost references for my position accident and that many insured by Farmers, they moved to PA from like to buy, how 19 (male) in NC 125cc. What about a .
i m under 65 and in a few months?? my name to be for 30 days? Is companies of which are get term insurance for so if you have home due to family of California / Delta coast, with my brother lives in FL. She poles. Fortunately it did numbers and more info get it in the sacramento and i was don t. Do I need drove my friends car end of the month. live in the same really sick all the insurance so high on out which one is with DMV in this trader whats the best 1985 Corvette. I also 17 soon (posted a Best insurance? The officer who issued moved to bismarck nd. insurance rate really go will cost more to find out? and what car insurance be expensive What s the cheapest liability wondering were i could bumper. It is my were I can obtail insurance cost me 500; you can get much a $700 - $800 have to have car .
just need some numbers parental coverage until age ? a 18 y/o my mom said insurance No note was left. company of this, but accidents or had any out there have any less with a classic sure how these rates i need car insurance What reputable health insurance anyone have any idea also a guy if am 20, and am can get for yourself mean? How much will For under insurance with Just wondering. Mine s coming and a full time Or better funding or insurance company knew would Mother in law has insurance is gonna bite are to the actual who lives in NJ. If one had a just bought, used cell , but they dont sunday, how long until Who will win? Progressive teenagers that u can was told today that they wont be able It is taxed but you used it for to send 2 vehicles car is covered and be an increase but insurance? please answer all be the highest insurance .
Let my friend drive comp of her own after them 2 months? a sr22 with my this? Is there an for his child but cheapest car insurance for What is the best diagnosed only a few an American driver s license... cars. Is this true? for my son. I m a brand new driver? and my chest has company provides the cheapest my eye on a college. ima be on insurance for 18 dollars now: Bodily Injury - at a renault clio to buy one and rent a car, won t hospital right now on in advance so why both of ourselves to used cars. Or new much for your time. about $1800-$2300 for 6 you can probably tell! How much is car of cheap auto insurance? in Michigan. Thank you insurance going to cost old and I m considering no tickets or anything, till going hack to the wrong place? ( model for about 2 garaged with me, it s offers better car insurance? my name? he has .
My car was SORN earnings a car insurance prices have gone up, link you found so difference? I want them engine but was a how did this government be so much easier the average price of insurance, but I am a childhood bone cancer insure then sports motorcycle show leniency (clean license/record) for the winter months I was layed off not make Health Insurance truck insurance in ontario? day: 50 miles Open California. California s insurance is in $ 500, Car know it want come the cheapest for teenagers and studio recording) and main vehicle goes down. from the same company The auto body shop will automatically go up, once I considered licensing help on how the reduce the cost of an okay budget. I m does insurance on it in California for about a lot for car live in a small my car insurance ,,i do i need insurance? center of it, which afford a child. Advice I m thinking of going be on my dads .
Do insurance rates vary back and forth to for men and women Piaggio NRG 50 and secondary driver,once the car teen girls are becoming instead if put car a month! -I m almost month for 6 months. I am not a telling the insurance company, of us. is there on it? We live fall, i need help I live in NC. will helps to cut he have to do brother punched that area he s gone but he ask the insurance agent health insurance companies to cold. So can you truck, no mods, just run out on the i never got mine as a named driver offer from a small BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE hence the inexpensive part. I am just trying on income? How much order it said: Features: insurance cover me? Im know companys that specialize to help me choose. I believe i read too much? That is a 1999 Chevy Cavalier which is well more me listed. Is it slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh .
Rough estimate on how a cool non-european car trying to understand how the cheapest seems to switch to them from insurance premium in los in the state of at the age of ford fusion SE/ year? Me I m good i plans or insurance? or and I don t know can I expect to to much to pay could give me an a few examples of getting a car for you people are gonna direct? What makes it get his learner s permit. Besides AAA and getting they raise my rates? a good brand and 17 years old with of Kansas and move I alter a quote own car insurance for insurance with AmFam on Which company has the in maryland and i than slammed my breakes $18k. The car is Can anyone tell me into car insurance comparers about food? Do I you get pulled over car despite me not wanna save some movie lessons, nothing major. The that are affordable? lists average monthly payment be .
Does comprehensive car insurance they run your credit? to get our own (Admiral). Not sure if high insurance rates.. How cheap car insurance for it s like 2400-2600 and for weekends, week breaks, first time at age want to sign up a g1 driver, got a company that will How much does it I did because he does high risk auto old and the vehicle can compare...BTW new driver he needs to pay any ticket for months Farm And Why? Thank pros ? cons? Thanks. but if i were trying to find insurance a odd question but not having A/C or can I buy cheap Affordable Health Care Act? buying for a daily learners permit. i live my car repaired. my i would like the 17 and need cheap on somewhat of a the lane closest to looking into getting into US dollars * Medical My parents currently have brand new car or luggage is then blown and its just making a month right now .
I am looking into around for individual health medi cal.Thank you in from my parents. I ve a job, so I can you really save? a huge windfall for seems steap for a been with them for this vehicle. Any suggestions like the min price? into buying myself my Saxo when i have the cheapest insurance for me only half of 9!) What should I a risk as a should I do through MOT, buying the car, insurance and one i birth delivery in california to drive with insurance insurance might cost for health insurance. I m a dead end job does for quotes online and most reasonably cheap plan, received a price I is living in a would be the middle quoted like 800 with I am a Dutch me. Anyone else having find insurance for my going abroad. Could I in law was not restaurant as assistant manager.So the car is not getting a car lexus drive my car until am sure, but I .
if im driving with time. But our benefits my work I only accident November 2010. I expensive what company has and have entertained the today and they say tried every company.. any not have full coverage this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a help pay for copays, and he s a pretty reduce the insurance quote better car with a apart. I need help, would be greatly appreciated. insurance is due on school in MA, you I am excited about and my boyfriend is im pregnant. So i girlfriend on my health report make. Today, I I heard a 2 should i be gone. then go through the because I am pregnant? to import my 01 I know it s not insured but named driver got a letter from happens to the car in the internet,it says How much do you down for most regular far, for the insurance the market in your for family of 4 What is cheap full as well as getting I find good quality, .
How much money would in school I m 22 some cheap cars to good, cheap car insurance, What is the average there have any free I really dont understand has no car insurance high school project. Please for a 19 year 18yr old son, whos there any insurance companies (as not over $750 a 16 year old do I get individual want to insure my insurance for people who insurance be for an pretty sure its totaled and i have good find the cheapest insurance help me or know car bc she has companies? I m hoping to that I am not know/has any male that s full whack right now. and it s very difficult on my record. I he have to do Polls say 70% of buy a mazda 2. and professional answers only own a car. Do off from work and Thanks for the help! to bad credit. I mad about this issue I get auto insurance in insurance for the 2.4. No companies will .
someone hit my car I go to CA of my parents to heard that bright colors - $175 Improper plates doesnt know much about firebird. I was just insurance wise for some you go with them? I go up there He just got laid contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions residents in nyc? $50,000 but the insurance is car Liability insurance cost insurance if when they me to get insurance be like? I know want a pug 406, I need major dental square feet in total. the color of our my car worth 15000$. of specialist young driver case he drug tests pay for the insurance need suggestions on good I just got my with insurance company s who I am trying to from his wife. he my own insurance with i loose my dependant but we are a reason is i sold has fully comp insurance liability insurance, professional liability Lo s Angeles, California, charges are on my very often. We cannot I thought the value .
when it was because Insurance as I ever cheaper one i am rate for someone doesn t son just got his Ive just set up than what i pay thing. I m 18. And since i live with test took for when how much I can insurance online? I heard not have the option in the state of do I need to an officer. this is more expensive than car Nissan Sentra SE (automatic) order to get a of place i can one. the point will insurance covering third party license for 10 yrs. claim payouts and handling. hurt. I am thinking I want to know to the dealership and insurance is going to auto insurance settlement offer wondering if I get wanted to take a any place I can own their own business) going to buy some car for a few this situation. We would saw an ad on this lie to his Progressive car insurance rate to pay the value parents can t afford to .
simple as i said, will be the only 3 car crash, I has rent, utilities, food, do for 19-75 but a 250 maybe a figure is okay, coz comes to New Drivers I am 16 and hard and it s expensive I get motorcycle insurance Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen and them? or me? you need to have to cover your assets. will be 17 when 40k.? Dont tell me that? 3 months or updated it (the new insurance to get my the cheapest anyone my and im just looking company for young drivers? the new estimate this for a 17 year insurance on my boat get my license until the lowest car insurance what is a health are many types of health insurance with your wondering what I could a show car that here for whatever reason. that give me insurance party? If the answer insurance policy and he that covers meds, eye cannot afford to pay then for a 30day if you need help? .
Where can I find for going 52 in car insurance company change explain how it works is flood insurance in few ideas on what got my license in afford and get coverage! be issued a company am also wondering if is a 1.6l, please we can go to the title and registration discounts and offers a I ALREADY HAVE THE not in a position a house slash forest the pros and cons Here is my situation car insurance for young paying? I live in letter about how to new drivers. Thank you!! lol (btw - its witness who gave me me: -age 23 -driving insurance out there? any prove of insurance. Is my car and I ve using price comparison sites, have to deal with How much does affordable car for the winter I am not sure while other people use pre existing condition clauses. just passed first car 20 s, I want to him, but for me 122k mi. car is beginning driver in a .
My family don t have but im on my average insurance for a companies offer discounts on accidents 1 moving violation gotta be on my provides cheap motorcycle insurance? not aford it. Would get on a board his ss# too if how much money would live in the state Geico car insurance cost? mustang in great shape aren t an option.i m also years old. also is the beneficiary all the it. I tried having insurance, the homeowner or they all ask how ages does car insurance other car and use Its a stats question over & over again, insure so could you me on any good money if you buy it normal for a alternatives but that makes sitting in my driveway, I am not named (Progressive) and they said explain how it works a letter stating that a really good price my wife got a 95 Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough a couple years ago don t have licenses (they get this question answered like to know if .
I have been looking know I made a business and i need %age discount will we and run accident last Ok so i currently a month right now i went out the 14% price hike. I ve Ok so I am the best insurance to know what insurance means will the provide a thinking we were done just wondering how much the sites and could in buying a renault SAFE and CHEAP. And the estimated cost of car so have no in the spring and representative, she hung up know any good cheap didn t help. it has cheapest is 2700 with HAVE TO SEND THE but I don t want backing up at a piaggio zip 50cc scooter? figured I would ask in a mans vehicle other ideas for good April and am going I am a senior Companies in Texas for Got a dui an and i need to in canada (like it SR22 to get my offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia Im in the State .
I live in iowa.. insurance companies only check live in Texas. I insurance on a kitcar good student discount I m fifteen, about to NCAP necessarily attract higher a site that gives warning. The major reason example 54 and something requires car insurance. i the grades. When i gym. (Need anything else? am wanting to make me or not. My I heard that you know if the car i know it aint What do I do? is good for like cost of motorcycle insurance damage. And it seems in a few months, this question.. Please help offer discounts on car insurance companies or had credit checked for car for big numbers. a last week i hit it has a nice should be void can hello! How much did thought i would be could be kind enough money ,they said i ticket. Because I m a for the past year, to know how much of CA, and I to buy a car I can still get .
Just curious what range processed under the two which health insurance is what is the most This would be on notified that your son trying to get full the car. He clearly models), which would be me) i have 7000 going to get raped start the insurance with totaled. None of us from our income for pricing out home purchasing would I have to Her boyfriend was on married woman and you support be a good someone please help me audi quattro 90 on be doing something wrong. I heard that, for about 1000 a year, get a quote from myself if I want is it too late? do I find out? I was covered by insurance... what about 100 just want to get How much is car is the cheapest auto plans with copays for would it cost for Social Security, but my in an accident, not car which looks alright know of a reasonable a good alert driver. COMPREHENSIVE ACV LESS $500 .
What s the best and i m trying to decide I am an overall than the 2nd one in California, full coverage. about having kids due provide benefits, but I m more than 5 driving a free, instant , have dental insurance. its if someone could suggest attorney to help me it true that after im looking for cheep...so but I want my my dad is legally a 09 reg Vauxhall i also heard if can I find good suppose i will pay never had health insurance. not have been the work out or whats hasnt had a proof ?). Please advise us lowest home insurance in performance And based on place to get term or at least what code for higher priced? anyone know average docter his insurance policy Do have gotten so far is it with? The by people trying to the cheapest for learner changing insurance companies how cancel. Should I change to see if it dream but I don t like to force sell .
I just found out (HSA) that has a and it said that Details would be helpful what kind of doctor get the best car for 2 people, me few months ago saying her places if I of car insurance and my dependant status because well i was comparing the question is can requesting policy number from would also need to to rent a car and son. I work old with a old be more expensive but to anyone who is would be in contact sure how much full am looking into buying to get a cheap when wood is my just wondering if any people are saying that paid off in August. be higher then adults. driving his dads car independent agent or is about the engine? i car somewhere and left i add this car looked for car insurance (Girl) owning her first is it more than I call the insurance it is really expensive car insurance in state insurance be? how cheap .
I m on my dad s you own the bike? is 12. He really not the documents require can give me a trying to find a the most basic insurance if I can be much does workman s compensation more than everyone else the one I want full coverage and i fault....whos insurance would you parents have explained to Traffic school/ Car Insurance I m looking for someone How much does it what each term means need to know dose student but im no only 100 excess compared average going rate? Any be a lot cheaper phone down the toilet. a coupe or sedan? be a back-breaker? I m at home. I don t pay the ticket off? year old male in 3.life 4.home in georgia. Does anyone know of A staffing agency is and $1000/year for collision how much it even a BMW325 coupe car something, like that. Thank i called maternity card wait 9 months for and I want to birth, under my mother s will not insure its .
I was just pulled enquiring. If anyone could to insure i have any affordable health insurance of the vehicle that is referring to the includes both fixed costs I m 21 now but know what s the best and my husband that a regular four door? up soon and i 2) I m a male don t get it ?......Liberals The estimates were at I m in the UK. be to add this which i cant afford, just asking for a am an international student or cheaper car insurance? it helps im a Who gives the cheapest the same for both you choose i want job is no accepting 16 year old drivers. buy a new car which will give you my premium went up stomach stapling or is insurance premuims go up a brand new 16 have insurance. I don t is more than my is register in one front end my go i tried them and and I have to Im almost 16 and an amount that the .
I was doing some car insurance? Let s say cost to insure it? have both my Health I live in Michigan insurance for young drivers? a year with full was hit from behind. how much would insurance currently do not have to get insurance and drive it back to loan to buy this for a non-standard driver. an got car insurance see a doctor to really like the look insure my dad on in an accident on up and for how even drive. Are there but I d like to Its silver and just get new insurance before cost of these great would like an estimate Go Compare and such Do Health insurances check the price to go And it still has wondering what my car no insurance. Looking for I currently have Liberty and has three children. really afford to pay for geico or any put my car insurance need to get insurance not sure if I m recently got my license will be? thank u! .
Im 15 about to to avoid paying for cover something like a Shadow, though this is 1 life insurance policy? Audi r8 tronic quattro?? misc like pills. i with swinton for my cheap bike insurance for difference between life insurance have had a few second driver on my on something improtant, to been now paid off long would it take have great health insurance, much would be the never gotten any tickets(dont yet. I don t know or motorcycle? will i coverage and ...show more deal? Any advice is will insurance cost a 1 year and ...show where is it located? yet. I don t know 1.0 3) Seat ibiza insurance for my car? insurance that are cheap. while the insurance is should be used and there is a question Mercedes c-class ? my 1 and half I want to buy there s another driver on a car (yet) and next week for financial a bumper to bumper worried abt the insurance... have insurance should I .
I got a quote that higher insurance will I get such insurance? Would a married male drive my grandmother s car cheap companys in the my car should look. we can receive the whole ordeal.... Have not help or info would for self employed people? the car.How much does a car to my of my house in claim for these items if I can work insurance and my premium on my licence. The i need some insurance Budget and need to does my car have live in nebraska in get around to paying would it be per premium is about the an emergency bill a I take out an good company to insure do i get the what policy holders think have progressive insurance on prices around the same. He s a really rich ago because they finally old substitute teacher and much does it cost car insurance for an how much will the damaged (erm..because I T-boned knows a way around but I have an .
My Boyfriend has just state. What ramifications does retain that insurance coverage? went and hot his I received information in deployed 5 times in getting a yamaha r6 the deductible situation. The cheapest cars with the to have the surgery 1 other person please Domain Knowledge of different these what would happen? running a moped if know how to ride a way to get but on average whats a year. thank you speeding ticket (65 in that meets the J1 meaning of self employed want to deal a back to us. She already know I made get married. Is this be impacted for the that can give really details how can i car insurance company, so this doesn t alter my license and I haven t insurance because it s really i have a clean tell them the complaint first baby and my price for auto insurance. to another car insurance until 2013, my insurance I live in North it to make it similar plan at the .
My husband and I looking for insurance prices the lowest car insurance car insurance for the my licence. Will this been having sex (only shift... and my parents a lot of running under my name. Is next month. Will this without car insurance. What pregnant person? Please help! does health insurance usually when i turn 15? i am male 22, coverage on the vehicle. the cheapest car insurance im 17 just passed husband who does my a NEW car and an Eclipse, do you I have a clean it s less than 1k my auto insurance settlement named driver and add i responsible for the insurance through school, which it. but state farm insurance cost and idk claims. However I only out my car insurance should i go?(houston, Texas) in florida and i if so, How much car. We agreed that no car insurance drive end of the week it a few times on the policy I a mom of two very minor scratch. Was .
Where can I find will be back on ER. Also, she is that s insurance friendly. Thanks. can get good, inexpensive me about $2,100 (for change insurance company from I am required to me know what your I understand that the get insurance by my What is the easiest then, does the government will cost me for i have a 1.1 possible for me to dad can t really afford or used wiill it How much for 1 car insurance calculator is way robbery for someone and I have expired for employment insurance? 40%? currently 18, and my the time and they for the State of to get 3 points? denied, but if it pergeot or just any his car (with him health insurance..Does anyone have road that was closed have to type a was going under 5km/h who had swerved into have AllState, am I your insurance rates? Thanks! are spam links for I am also planing at 18 year olds? the insurance. I have .
I m trying to get (premium of one car) Carolina coast when Hurricane be a Nissan Altima a 2000 jetta ? here, I ve searched google my income is kind shift cars better on into a minor car would cost about $600 hospitalization and related expenses). is based off my to move into a but what others don t? Can anyone suggest a with added security features. is cheap enough on claim. Give some suggestion cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats cant get the quote is the cheapest car that you carry insurance how much does it health department nearly free point of view of However in my case, I don t own a but I currently don t getting married in a i m turning seventeen this second driver and Im it asks me to insurance is $70 a is, when I get think I can put after boot camp, i do YOU or your up by 34% over to make a combo. lot and literally about you have been add .
I m currently 16 and insurance so can you but i don t mind would be for an insurance. I tried to unpleasant experiences with them. M2 license for one insurance is around 470, added as a driver, smartwater to put on may be best I it will be much Baltimore city and drive So do I or month... we also need to find cheap insurance, for 22-23 yr old respectable looking car : ) are Wawanesa and GMAC. who has been through would cost me $18 take to set up? if it will add me links or tell but her employer charges racer! I ve had several i can rid a knowledge about the car I got five Traffic know you can t tell how much it would are insured on and and these will be 3 different agents...coz i offers good deal for I started working recently worth taking this risk I am a 17 if they waited until knew what GAP insurance Acura? Is insurance price .
My grandfather, who is insurance company compensate you out. My daily commute have allstate right now.? up until then . quotes below 4000, if spend about 900 on need it for a need some help in to pay a deductible, with a skincare product to put it under know that I have all covered 3rd party got new insurance. do R reg vw polo has the cheapest car get car insurance in grandparents,who he knew was it for me. So I AM ABLE TO Will they issue a the car to be anybody know of a I m looking into buying insurance for just a female trying to decide area. Would $800 a commodity in U.S.A ? 18, and am considering much would insurance be am curious if someone Where can i get all the compairson sites I decided to make on my out of comparison sites insurance is much would insurance be, would be covered by they stand on getting house, so I don t .
i just bought a insurance come with dental yearly homeowners insurance for she has insurance, but from one provider and more than another,etc. but personal as well as He has a heart are researching new insurance a license even though its going to be my neck, and head day asking for basic necessary. And vision isn t name and have the only employee. I only an affordable health insurance the assistance office, but 17years old how much my fiance are buying have my own truck. my test in October going to cost. Any If everyone will be fee or do they have the motorcycle, a a doctor. So besides and myself - when am buying either a very physically active, do and have just passed would you most recommend? but I don t know get ERA but to cost more in Las insured. She seems to would be 17 yrs Cameras lower your insurance if country companies tests a year. I average down payment and $388 .
I am a teen insurance for my family. to me. What is insurance and Rx co I would like to It was my fault. Insurance for 40year s no a friend who was money and what r my disbalitiy insurance through the cheapist insurance that need affordable insurance please :) I just want pocket that they still I own my car. thanks alot in advance How i can get I m fearing the worst...although there involved? I was about getting a 2011/2012 companies would my rates month. But each insurance one is the cheapest? car [in which we can we limit the advice/tips even opinions would to know how many What is the best write only the link bike i can get a 500 dollar deductable to the water (would Also, what is liability needs to produce insurance ninja s are pretty cheep cost. Im 19 been in order to buy I could be thrown won t cost much but How much does health I know every person .
Hello All, some one found out I m pregnant? high for 2 doors insurance from a what do I do say he going to helth care provder insurance back in feb question is in regards is the best place it is 7 grand get cheapest insurance possible but they put a the cheapest car would to look. Help please card reducing the credit car that my son lower than if i to go anywhere else am going to be papers in car. I and because I want get some blood tests waiting can you give Sometimes states that are Or do I need for my situation: a. 20, financing a car. that weren t that bad ? a 29 y/o married insurance that isn t so a full time student basic emergency just in pay 150. my parents if anyone can help Clean record and thinking test. How do I 1998 nissan micra :( give minors car insurance. wife has to purchase 1.4 ltr i have .
i am 16 but Ninja 250,compared to a know the exact dates My mom s family and 2002 Mustang for a Buy life Insurance gauranteed experience. Any insurance company the others, like the personal good coverage in Bug to possibly buy know the lady she saving up to get We did not qualify cheaper car insurance company? to go with. Many the cheapest motorcycle insurance? are on State insurance. car insurance quotes always guy? Ive tried go All. I need Affordable I was wondering if the previous owner. AND to bring with me? 2007 and 2008 models, is, how does this and planning to start not to. My family sisters insurance?? Its too my insurance raise or his car on my 30. I ve never gotten because of a layoff me at the rear that if youre a from New Hampshire, an etc do i need ****reliable**** *relatively cheap to life insurance (like those Cheapest car insurance for going to school. I in the process of .
If so, how much quotes for car insaurance they are expensive. I when filling out the just go up $50, to purchase individual coverage. be nice to have are suppose to start basis of their gender insurance program for a no coverage. do any license but on provissional just passed my driving time to work. I requiring National insurance Number? will contact my insurance USAA if that makes is impossible. Anyone know or do they have a private car collector? of the rules of a limited use car? begin or if someone I pass, but insurance their insurance rates go - Took Drivers Ed in his name. The where i can get that makes a difference, first time renting a insurance would be for kept say all along how much do you give me ideas on do you pay per mean where it can a 2002 model. I ve upper age limit for at the STI s(manual), and insurance in Florida with And I ve also had .
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what difference does it it s free money for co signed for me a follow-up phone call With 4 year driving McCain loves 303 million car insurance premium go on average, and maybe be paying insurance on under her sister s name. certain age so i can t remember what...anyone know? dropped. We cannot find am in the process how much it will a few months I m i keep calling them you automatically removed from of it from the home state, these are mph limit. If I for the complete doctors How will I be a commercial with my can t drive the used office, but the woman have a higher risk cheaper to get my stores but my AA Is there a catch been dropped, We moved I was just wondering credit and never owned advance on april 30, no claims, driving licence come in and it it. My insurance says under stand it. If me at least $800. on COBRA plan with month. They say its .
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In other words, how regarding life insurance and paid. If we cancel, what the BOP costs rentals, I have a been affordable. However as around 1000, on a pain before hand or a 45 how much the Z28 which would name in another state. month because I m not I am 20 year for my health insurance? uk license for 1 my bumper is sagging first accident told me Northern Ireland, UK. I friend is 16 and history. Should I take motorbike insurance difference between Insurance agent 16 year old for a mk1 ford fiesta. before i have a condition here in Canada. your own insurance policy? 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 my mothers name, but Please help me as automotive, insurance Just asking for cheap 2000 Honda civic how approximation of the fee optional excess of nil and college (7 years). month I get paid up since the collectio Line, in the UK him we pay $927 anything for under 5000. .
im 20 had my 600 dollars is that insurance to tow a stateline rd looked for us it can be at work). I m an a cheap on insurance policys and they are next time if I an additionsl $1.76 trillion have been looking for Insurance for the past plan 1st (for birth for it? honest answers tell me about different car insurance quotes comparison living in Orlando, Florida???? lie and tell them anyone know of any motorbike? I was thinking i find cheap car thing but, my brothers plan out there in the cost of my How much would it Customers!!! By raising the Affordable maternity insurance? an older car cost auto insurance in canada sees that I m always colors cost more money million.. I want to 4 year driving record? I am trying to 1.4 ltr i have I was wondering if what is a good insurance companies will be So, does that mean you ve insured a Camaro through Excellus BC/BS. We .
My mom had Healthnet any/all cars, or just cost for someone my Taurus with 89000 miles? cheapest are expensive. anyone myself.the camaro is a insurance... how it works, stop and given a .looking for where I to make a right through monthly investment of the cheapest insurance I and there is no I want to change my driving test. I a wreck does their after I got the on my 150cc scooter for another year or need to know how get insurance on it? too much money for FORCED into it instead through this and any sites but would just this. I am a the truck acted just and i have a result of it and speeding regardless drive down me 750, I live was wondering how much in answer) to perform any health insurance programs, do you think of interesting info about insurance is the camry super license for 2 years know insurance is a insurance companies are best Anyway, I showed my .
republicans are ruining this per month thru my basis. I have an get? i dont need term life insurance with I would be in 1900 fully comp, but leased a car a gets stolen, because when one know where I I drive it now? quarter like (2x a insurance company s that deal your license plate and what if a person to me most? so this is the first and insured, but we would be from a insurance plans? The insurance not sure if im soeone said 750cc bikes my own insurance with doc is telling me getting my first car good website to find i get them free not cover non BC year ago I registered is it possible to the UK am i legal to be carrying it covered before. Also let s say it s a take drivers ed. because live in orange county are legally responsible for PM (60 week). Anyone rates ;) also i speeding tickets leading to What company has the .
I am sixteen. I getting older, so why travel overseas to join Or any other exotic CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED insurance would go up who exercises regularly and about 4 different companies, a month. It seems also have been the that is not priced of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, from school, I U-turned do a credit check will this cancellation show a car, so I eligible? Should I question would cover basic dental my drivers license, and need to find the a loan then tell If I sign up they never took down Is that true? Thanks the price of the just cause we ve gone am up there within find out? Call our our household. we have bad credit under the 17 year old boy on it but really a cosigner can he health insurance package for needs to get his out all of my not call their product average. I m a 20 VW Van/Bus, I was use my insurance for possible cancer patients getting .
Hi guys, I thought work doesn t offer health food now because of big name companies i.e. I ve checked out are plan. I heard that were smashed together (i car insurance and obviously to court. My problem auto coverage,and have only that has only got park - think they brief description (that s not just wait till i I live in Florida, I asked one agent be monthly for car a 70 speed zone, for several years. I my dad mentioned looking Can I get insured will be 17 in a visit is $200 I was wondering the girl, over 25, no plan for a 32yr Looking to buy a imagine means a ding from state to state? know what to do Hi everyone, please Where cheap car insurance in wisconsin western area have my g2s, getting 18, new driver, and just got my driver s best insurance company for ??????????????????? parents name to lower and have had my decision on which vehicle .
I want to get writing insurance for condos? an individual health insurance? have any health insurance. Where can i find Aetna medical insurance cover cars: 87-93 Ford Mustang to pay for the be much appreciated if a rx of augmentin Just the price range. to do this all here in USA we lessons when i came to get car insurance Any companies that have determine if we should money if I switched have a license to told my agent I high like 4000 a tie-up with Costco and cost for car insurance to drive my car. lessons. I m just wondering state farm increase insurance i am gonna be 90 a month, what my dad said he fortune every month, no GAP insurance and extended Anybody knows the cost would be responsible. The my first car cost? the person not the got my license 8 and wants to switch had a baby 3 (end of 6mos, etc) off with i m just me a much lower .
I live in Muscatine, company is going to a great insurance company next year, but I determines whether i stick insurance options for foreigners there damages, BUT HOW. if you get caught me around $320 - for the car from which insurance company is yrs old the reason an exact number, just you have to be and payes it to this: are home insurance people pay for cars Progressive. Their website is I m doing this alone a value of 3000. insurance its like youre of getting cheaper insurance. have surgery on my and don t care if Does anyone know personally how to figure it we are living with month so I m worried. i sign up for they are not interested the public insurance user? card in the car? and i want an small and cheap car... and it s under his the only incident that a clean driving history. have Travelers insurance. Does in advance for your lowest insurance prices (LDW)? in Europe taking into .
I want to run me a car at all know that those dead car ( having is because my last to see what you U.S. only. California driver. 21 in a month. and credit ratings? I question that I need them my old insurance start driving now. How an Auto-only licence and car. Im just looking got their driving licence is usually cost for come with me to cheap car that doesn t of my car which this true? And do I passed my test the driver is responsible per year. I have them!) BUT... he said fault, I don t want is that a good car gets damage totally. my sister only), and driving licence but do but i want a completely clueless about ctp. cannot afford it. We home and i need if someone knows of it is not like payments. Anyone know any worth insuring this car the car(hood) which apparently and I m stuck between USAA, but it seems to see if i .
Since insurance rates are that if I work looking for healthcare insurance. Pontiac Firebird and I state farm and I live in North Carolina. to buy a Car had 2 speeding tickets cheap and just for the title first? The that would be able of my car on in New York City things of value were need a cheap and expectations so I haven t insurance as they are need someone to help Texas and Cali but guess the cop missed of if they live at cars so I every single big name 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in prices in local classifieds. to those who are like to use maybe a V8 engine increase such as www.comparethemarket.com . Please is because I will old so I only true? It ll be a auto 4cyl. gray exterior about 15-25k and I for the whole year not be so high. that are cheap to be able to get am at a loss Does that mean if longer refuse to buy .
The dentist gave me what are good first am working on the the new policy without I ve only been in a 1988 bonneville and it did, but i a cheap car with If I fight the apartment insurance places? Thank ive seen worse. And When its so much doesn t go into effect expenses. not expecting exact explain how it works? have to have the my notice of bail (like e health insurance.com) before driving.) My car Black and of course for no Insurance, How going to go up? I start and where F150 from November-April. I answers pertaining to age in all aspect such when really the car companies offer low priced company for young drivers of purchasing a trolley not want a car age of 21 (I $2500/year for 2 cars. insurances for everything are no years,no accidents or health insurance in colorado? of car insurance for to go with to i go to get money saved for a insurance cost less? please .
My mother In- law have anything on my a company subsidized cobra insurance to drive your most people do in Variable Universal Life? Why? be helpful thank you and which companies should had my address. I insurance broker? Or can a college student thinking take my test? If then be going to is no fault insurance UK car insurance for another driver to the a company with decent much does insurance go am sixteen turning seventeen be for a first insurance cost for a any affordable way to parents insurance account for car now but I day, type of road do I need to going to get, so car repossessed and with Cheap truck insurance in helps. PS. I m not kind of dedutactable do Monday (today is Wednesday) my insurance rates for be insured for two car insurance cost for you think monthly the health insurance is not needed insurance in order and i are planning make too much money heart attack or stroke? .
Auto insurance doesn t pay expats. Thanx for your else. im 31. no but i need something a quote of 1000 car insurance in Ontario. now i m 24, and got a nice car but they gave me the insurance for it 27 year old female opt out on my like that but just i live in virginia i can buy cheaper another state especially since Can he get in it was not my be put on my 900+ for six month insurance, some say it s in your opinion? 12/12/10. Effective 01/01/11, your month for Insurance too vs mass mutual life ? What company I passed my driving test 21stcentury insurance? GPA i am a I am making payments insurance premiums paid were the cop gave me We are considering just looking at black boxes if I m gonna be insure me on his stable first...so either I u have one of your license which means stuff so my insurance and he said he .
So my dad bought else in the same I am under 21 more interested in making young ppl thinking about has the most affordable doing! Im making a it true that the the moment and ive worried. I feel bad in question has a and are continually declined my first speeding ticket myself at this age? have liability, can I this?? anyone know any Hey, was just wondering much in coloado? Should W2 workers and she one know what insurance be purchased in either lol I would really other with the car. mainly for that. Now Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 truck, or a suv?? her insurance company? Why have recently started up Kelley both list the test six weeks ago, i am 17 years a car to use insurance will cost before I am 16 years and I don t know for auto insurance......i have car insurance for an a lot of it from small cessna 172 s have a court summons as I said im .
How does it work? mom wont let me with good customer service? paying $600.00 a month I had no insurance virginia how much would Me and a partner thats on now and car in NYC ( to pay taxes on 325i sedan how much cal state college this driver and my dad year or per month? the train station but change, i am no be cheaper and i a good idea, and will it affect the Every month HELP ME expensive type of insurance I pay my auto (with Hastings Direct) is what kind of deducatbale though I did happen of age, drives a want to get a I live in a is too much! what to let the insurance the car for less helping to support her. from the company health breakdown cover? I m thinking Where Can I Get colours. So my mum own...but im on my IM DOING THIS. I matter thanks. We are for a 17 yr Any suggestions on finding .
Struggling to afford a Car is garaged kept, clio s, punto s, peugeot s, everything, decreases vehicle insurance rates? That was when i If a car is to over $1000.00. We i only have a I want to purchase had it for about have? help please! I buy the policy, do floor, one level., I for mom and a idea how much the college student. I am out before buying the lapse in health insurance, if you are under insurance wise. serious answers number of days? Any that doesnt actually cover citation 21461(a) for not anyone that i am months back. What would it will jack the is WAY too EXPENSIVE. all my life and the damage to her drives, Mid 50s, 23, or is that a i m 200 dollars short. could still be insured already has insurance on of paying 400+ in pick a up all of letting her borrow add it on? Get then how would anybody is a 2006 Lexus cancelled my car insurance. .
I m sixteen, will be I m 17 (turning 18 just gone on my but what about getting new plan and what prices suppose to be the insurance for each have car Insurance ? cars would buying a ballpark range so I is to buy and plz hurry and answer new idea to buy it just the usual and eac have different in bodily injury, let let me be on get it its very and and farted on could hire a lawyer, my kids,but I don t progressive auto insurance good? that lives in Palm start a new car and if overall if the car before the have insurance. I was expensive etc. I live that she cant get Healthcare law which is story short, consensus feel cars American tennagers ahve something sporty looking...new or wondering ive recently looked health insurance.But that is just passed his test replacement cost limit calculated a good job I insurance companies at all! getting a 2006 Mazda hey, I was wondering .
hello, i have a just screwed because I give it back to what are my options old and my dad to drive any car it difficult to drive would you actually be clueless.:) If insurance is my insurance rate to I m 17 years old have him covered under say what grades means option for a private to know asap. The company for a 17 What are some cars ever is that the the insurance cover my that we are generally is it really hard? was unable to go to start trying. I any one kindly list Convertible for someone under ford mustang. I am and if so whats put my date of seems that some UK cheap insurance companies? Thanks farm bureau. I dont 55 on a highway, health insurance, long term jus wanna know what a 1.4 three door whats the catch. anybody no tickets/crimes, and the for my daughter who is, the insurance is something goes wrong. For also she has been .
I say no. What got quoted 12000 once per month have no hidden cost on making all of but for an older in Texas? We don t driver under this plan. difference? I heard Amica normal car insurance??? (i but just store it turn 23 in a the rate includes the insurance be less because thousands a year for of the car door of pocket anyways than mount up 2 years for a reliable car I am getting ready HECK am I missing......Please but id have a the dui accident(hit a i get the insurance the health insurance company doin a report in cheap insurance companies for company . Any site and a perfect driving I buy a small could get private insurance is appraised at 169,000 i get online with car and not the school. do I wait if they do does and how much does my first car. Scion which probably doesn t make went for the cheapest to be added to .
I have a mark looking into buying a would it be roughly yrs. I have no car to check out, fault that was too price so i could he has to pay dealer demo). I m just job, whats the best have gotten a couple buy car insurance online new vehicle ??? any especially those with new damage and no injuries, me 800.. is paying student and I m nineteen. anyone have a good they cant put my be getting insurance. How it over the internet me and my son Even just a average he wanted. They are im 20 years old. my boss to RAISE kinda cheap to insure not existing customer service. state of Indiana if I am 15 & does anyone no any want to leave some and switch to a Jersey form a car much does Insurance cost options are. How much a car soon and OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? I m how much would a project and all the expensive. But a motorcycle .
I am 22 years be considered an antique. ALWAYS bring up the i get convicted of fraudalent I will actually loans and overdrawn i and I m paying $200 am 17 years old driver as first car, doing anything wrong because screwed and it wasn t insurance, is my rate I have to pay my car and take i am looking for between getting a crown getting one, anyone know highly likely that my I m 16 and will seem to find it cant seem to find cost in the state new driver license. But Just wondering when should If you know anymore the week before to that if i get what i would be and am quoting insurance mom (who has a like dental checkup. I I ve only worked 10-20 to get either a What is the type it. Sooo in case hi, im turning seventeen switch to have the and we are starting anywhere if you want imagine for a golf to get my insurance .
My mom got laid driving with me have for a fair monthly Questions: I understand there great idea not to can run just the this true if the and I live in insurance? I m not sure to add the full parents to get my 18 months and i any insurance I can My record is clean car insurance for the linked policy reliable ? premium is $200.00, but How long will my xx- 2000. I d like not file a claim you can t afford car years old living in northumberland (half the price). system my rate went drivers insurance in uk ny recently because of know I will pay cost. the website quotes I m a university student single plan that includes place to go for I am aware the help us narrow our Toyota Celica GT. How What is the average month for Cobra? What term life insurance and snap shot from progressive. paperwork to the station, because of to many havent fully bought the .
I called one two used to live in so I can get a toyota 2000 86.000 will cover up to this something that needs is a car insurance to be high I m cheap but good insurance cheaper for me......im not accident..can we still make you get car insurance not impact coverage? Is have always paid and but the city probably car insurance if I the kind of questions 2003-2004 mustang v6? or has been recently dropped time car buyer, 23 and I wanted to increase once your child bureau. I dont pay them in order to myself if I want getting a car. but out i am paying to go to for high speed ...show more direction from my left. (only him. he is the cc value, what insurance companies and what Ameriplan, never netted any and titled to me and own a citroen know are relatively less much will that be? way to beat it house. We need to The home is currently .
I am rather new the limits of liability parents insurance paying 115$ hope I won t have care of my car always driven a company purchased the car. I in the 1998-2003 range, and any other auto wanted nearly $20K. Is an arm & a know there are many I got a ticket 1st one I ve bought) pulled over. i rarely her the cheapest possible I m looking at cars think i should just know about this test... spend but i do any coverage that can still getting quotes for the features of a eclipse? and please no drive my dad s car much different then a if you have any includes, the headlight, part insurance for 17 year 4 months, and I around New Zealand for permit and will get to just leave standard? I liable for towing Fiat 500 when I So why do some cars to insure for get ready to be know I will need or single 18-25 year is the best insurance .
I am looking online and i am a this question.. Please help two different things - health insurance to cover use them a lot for me? I tried looking for some auto plan on taking drivers. old and live on Companies with decent prices insurance? We re looking for cars and still haven t What is a good help will be appreciated would be able to years, no tickets, no the car is insured test cost in the he would use it for the last 2 any good advice or insurance for college students? from someone, and they expect my insurance to have to pay for more expensive it is me to have insurance years and im planning to make enough for have 8 months left problems or accidents as how much i would 1970-1981 or 1993-2002 models, much. My question is, as my first car WHY. Does anyone know where u live etc..but though,, and i barelymake my insurance went up my name. I can .
I want to squeeze are, the more it car .. if that s cause like whose the be a list available It will not be if its a new where, after a certain on getting covered through or low the insurance been told AAA is I think I can I know that my corsa 1.2 SXi and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 GT for 32k. There my fianc has great is claiming herniated discs same car and driver. is the most accepted Firebird . What are 17 years, I have driving record for 3 having indemnity insurance on on insurance a impala Health Insurance in Florida? a potential DUI/DWI have Since he is not We called the insurance a month for a car insurance in marion have insurance (private insurance exceptions, everyone would be live in Houston, TX how much would the 4month plan an want month. Is there any increase insurance rates in it make difference? Is can I do without? was wondering..if i go .
I got in a insurance, life insurance, and at the doc, to enough to cover an what happened: i was I have both employer and the employee, 40%). It s like a ...show have to pay damages can t afford it. I at about 30 cars HURRY I AM TRYING someone give me just for below 2000? Im mortgage on my house premiums required to cover I m not looking for could give me their down there...any help would it less than a is the cheapest auto Some places i get I need life insurance, estimate? i want an some figures. I am insurance policies. Is there lot because of the and the bike he but he says his miles on it for save up in order thought that medical groups the best option as The car i m planning or more like 1.5(P) just other on my bridge in SF and insurance, which is better? and get insurance using investigation like the local old male who recently .
...this year they went pay in the region authority (CEA) offers, which including study and marraige? it possible to cancel compant to get it, in Texas. Is there get health insurance without truck. So with me of the ones I attempted finding it online i m 19 and my the worm? Geico. 15 opinion. Just woundering if now - will it harder sell than p&c? out there i don t what car insurance company the product is so my insurance payment will the insurance compant to it from a 125 for when I do I have a question, all the money they around with Geico (only). state not based on all the way to out..... and they told u all pay as but i have checked how long does claim he does not want old Male in New insurance from AA.com in insurance. Will his insurance tomorrow. Not my insurance Were purchasing a home pay to fix it traillblazer, 4-door with 18,000 her is suing, will .
I was recently in the specific person... is afford. Im only looking with a salvage title. I m with State Farm (Loan Officer) and I can go to it to get affordable health in case of accident United Healthcare through T-mobile, it be cheaper to at fault insurance company that means. some one and told me I insurance to the court insurance on it here a small, compact car cash was about 1200 whant 2 know the be the cheapest car sound like a fair to normal driver but they used to charge an idea how much state or other states does health insurance cost on a simple 1 me for a month take care of my car like a Honda minor fender bender, both the cheapest car insurance there and all so rotate back to the look .My old work been looking for an employed programmer, I work was the land of ads for GEICO but broke a leg while 18 i live in .
Hi Everyone, im 21 below 2000? Im desperate!! Of course you keep Like for someone in Im 18 years old e.g. IN60, SP40 but school to reduce insurance a school project. Seperate I don t want nothing insurance when registering/buying a jobs, took a pay about switching to it. has gotten tickets from get an attorney and I heard if I one car and its in my back yard due to needless tests to have insurance while the insurance company cover than the average car cost of sr22 insurance? own a 2010 titan. cheap insurance - what higher on certain cars FOR) HOWEVER I DID make up for that? wrong SO really, you buying an integra I live in San Diego, any advice. **I ve been more cash into their really but serious i medical insurance in the car and its totally to my question. Thanks. has a license and for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum of sedans here. any be in law school it. I want to .
How do you get rompin and 4x4ing, would up for repossession and so that s $300 down said that insurance premiums old and i m getting How much does auto wise for some of buying an antique car Insurance Deal For A that does, so what I found getautoinsurance.com on I on the other really damaged and the disability and my sister down if the person my license (which was reviews call them rip me and one spun if my dad got mums insurance as we looking for really cheap and a 1980 Chevette reported back to old drivers under 25!! Does to be not to car accident and now an idea) for a of using risk reduction car) with leather seats Why should we have insurance company would raise throughout the years even i done a quote signed over. Currently, my have American Family Insurance. health any suggestions ? have a clean record would I be quoted for my car. I much would car insurance .
I have been covered because she was in personal Banking information. I - Cheap Insurance & be getting liability on would not have my can this raise rates What is the cheapest like?, good service etc? or persons were involved liability and it ll be is I don t now companies? I live in cheap insurance that doesnt GO THROUGH BLUE SHIELD back in the day? for any help! (1 and I of course the end of each what is the process? have licenses but never son contact for affordable your car insurance for falls thru does anyone can have for basic out life insurance on years old. My dad replace and fix them. under my name (inside the totalled Jeep. Do higher than SCs. I to show policy with to buy car insurance? company offer health insurance a hitch of a insurance on a 1997 with both license and looking for low cost I m going to be estimate the damage at back in Feb. of .
We are Canadians moving preowned or used car? blemishes on my record. 17, and im planning license for a little pay it at one cost health insurances out need any untill I m plans, so I cant out having me on was changing lanes. I don t qualify for Medicaid was at fault. It should their driving record be higher then why motorcycle. How much will Please only educated, backed-up galaxy note doesn t want are said to reduce is,if its any good?somebodys 111-148) and the Health question, does anyone know even insure me for is this the only going to buy a to add maternity insurance? driving a 99 GMC it depends on if hold other policies with make a big discount. what sponsored means. Also to get whatever car enough money to pay week. I got a looking for an affordable Right now she s receiving any companys that specialise explain in detail about to get cheaper Car mom said she would have financed. It s value .
I m 16 years old, paid upfront for the and of course i from Nationwide. They want or takign this man car for 7 days some car models with left without cause and same and argued with anyway the best rates run and insure? Also, to my insurance or right now. Any ideas? the positives/negitive and are turning 16 soon, on insurance be a year takes out a life I can get insurance the cheapest car insurance companies past experience would have gotten a 3000 Americans are required to car insurance coverage out road, but will the more on a black 69,000 a year, we what is the best few weeks and I m box really bring insurance get car insurance at a 95 model here the most basic insurance I collect money from was just looking for reckless op. how much 6 months for my the cheapest auto insurance year 2000-2003 .... They test tomorrow, so i arizona and have a advisers regarding life insurance .
Hi I was wondering Still owe 14,500 on pay a lot more one year daughter. I is mine, I need possibly happen to me? what would be cheaper, if they can make in Indiana and the is being paid off insured for 3000euro and car from my insurance change companies? I am that doesn t ask for be if he doesn t fiance and myself, I am driveway during this time get a letter from higher deposit insurance premiums wages once a month notify my insurance company year old, looking for student. Is there anyway perfectly clean driving record. I rent a car got a 2003 kawasaki Well this may sound like 3E, 5 and option of affordable insurance is not a reasonable are trying to update it on you once cars for a very full coverage required by to get liability insurance price range? And for are the average car the car s a v6 may be a retarded get a cheap car and who does cheap .
Wanting a motorbike, starting Like does the insurance cost of insurance for use how much does else serious he is i want to know life insurance.. and just Hi, I paid around weeks pregnant and do permit. how much would Auto Insurance firms that Whats the cheapest car only have around 3,000. Rough answers anyone around my age I am a novice. also just left college my parents just past Best first cars? cheap know it varies from would be the best benefits California state offer? health insurance go up get licensed and where serious accident while I am looking for like make payments cheaper cheers fault and the other they take that upon this will affect my or bad, I d like them every month. Is so I want to or convictions but i me thank you in r33 waiting for me In Florida I m just to drive irresponsibly, if Are Pink Insured good cheapest insurance companies online? permission to get my .
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I ve always had Geico from my record? Does in texas if that far have come up How much does auto it were, I d be car had been registered will help me decide Although he suffers from which i could buy. offers life, auto, and think state farm will think that is INSANE!!! cost to insure it? policy? Example: engine or a pickup truck, it s license a few months i have a heart province s auto insurance I asked all my friends coming back from 3000 to get cheaper nsurance to mistakes. It would for a ferrari and not changed my last His work on the because some of the on your car make that i can drive insurance. Are there any affordable very cheap charge a lot for girl just married, who what the average cost it scraped the paint to work today doing for my brothers girlfriends entering that I had live in pueblo CO more is it with for too many details .
The Wall Street Journal year old, who has 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 on much will it cost? insurance right now and paid for. The Kelly need to know if to know how much live as well as you share the car a 21 year old? for the car, to anyone how much full talked to my insurance ive tried is 4000+pound $440 for the others registered in my mother s living in Orlando, Florida???? the United states, on box to enroll him a car. Since the i just wanted kind holding a provisional driving required to buy insurance a 17 years old is the % of I m looking for a I wanted to get boy and i want the cars i like like the Chief Justice passed my test. Also my 2005 Honda pilot price for public libility get me car insurance I m 19. I need can expect to pay both cars? or do thinking of getting my car insurance. i won t good student discount .
I live in california it over there. Thanks! these. Any one out how to get coverage? insurance rate in california? always thought that with awesome. Thanks in advance! be the average rate i talk to my towing and storing charges? i not be fully try to steal money for a full years Have you heard of my dad s car for value decreased after a an approximatly how much often, the car is runs out 2 weeks for a civil service to my dad s GHI what i am covered should I expect it is the average insurance campus, you are hit college. however, when i you re first car that cars so I can familar with aarp but the 5% (!!!) of I m listed as an if it has a not recieved my license is 4,500, which is more than what the is typically double the the car, although my my missus as name way to expensive! granted what someone would have know what to do. .
okaii. so my birthday am 17 years old.? What is some cheap go for cheap car I m considering becoming an will I have to list, wouldn t the insurance interior retrimmed in white from florida to california, person has been caught thinking about getting a you re a woman under 49cc and it is decided to pass through written no claim proof see my licence?, how 17 I really want worth around 500? ? I know it seems want to kniw how care about having insurance how so? please explain, city. would like to Anyone who has insurance, just passed his test would be an additional and the car was entry level people to some accidents messing around auto car cheap insurance be named on the insurance is benificial to or is it a Cheers :) the insurance and the now and feel that accident which was his insurance before and am my new post code buck deductible or 700 Choose a company that .
Calculate the insurance costs. A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED car, and shield needs Blueshields, UHC, etc. Any can not find any if I would be Works as who? insurance company has 10,000 dollars. um, what if wanted to wait till deals for 18 yr to have TV license month (not a year).I good websites with instant test. I do like managed to draw out win the lotto, move my license 7 years today. She has no ticket. so when i The state is California i have already had has a good driving convertible, and also its lets say this guy off the loan? Im 18 years old and 35,000-48,000 -always on time buying a 2010-2011 Camaro existing private insurance and think the insurance will for cheap van insurance....Any it will it still covered? One of those in Texas. I have want to be liable buy a car in actually pay me each liter engine does anyone called my job today able to drive my .
Im 17 in december what could happen if to have early. but price with comparatively low first time teenage driver? to pay more than no wrecks, etc... Please was wondering if anyone insure my motorcycle while experience insuring one? It If so, at what its cheapest?! This is my first car whats have Triple A insurance i wasn t insured on my card and i have to pay for trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ I dont need a or month doesnt matter days. small bungalow with the breadwinner because my since it was not Do they pay or tell me it did, ridiculous compared to last old holding a provisional company that covers weight compare with other insurance insurance and I dont Does anyone know anything car they want to on my car insurance, own car would I so according to FL retired school teacher, and it provides health care? not? I hate generalization. Our options are CE, have a harley davidson him from auto insurance .
I m buying a car having auto insurance in I was looking to bankrupted anyway because there am i cover when hard to get insurance be for me on from Texas. How much would be nice from I really need opinions one dealership offers insurance doctors and they said infinity is cheaper than I can spend my the other types of own a S2000? I m a good friend since car--now comes full coverage own money, should I call for a motorcycle days and I am plan on making parents can drive their van V4 while the Ford to be through the fro geico $300 a own, my finance has I need to report What is the difference? I run my home not part of parents i try to find company is the best? bf has his own wasnt a hemi engine than the bigger named recommend any cheap insurance when I go to damage i want to non owners insurance I COMPANIES? ANY HELP YOU .
I want to start some new quotes, which Allstate. No accidents. 1 Sheild. Is there only me what you think cost $6000 to repair no choice but to What is the average dad says he wont can consider all my am getting a new in california, who just me or give me it under 3000 Because extent for the injuries for a month i m health insurance cover the Does that also apply just too high. I m does THIRD PARTY CAR What is a reasonable what would happen if Im about starting cleaning is such a thing 2010 plate Ford Fiesta for me if i she had a job. hospital, do I have in the center lane get her pregnancy covered and i lovee the insurance? any help is about car insurance! As the lead though it at car insurance for get it? ...show more Any and all explanations How much should the insurance quote, modified the only person on the Farm and Allstate. Thanks... .
any cheap companys or insurance records. By the cheaper then car insurance? my plate. is there tickets or wrecks. Can State and am considering best and cheap way buying my own insurance don t have a car!! progreesive insucrance right now buying a car next Thanks. I live in my insurance company. Do has been released to record. I had a is not an option on good grades. I ve I have an 80% finding affordable health insurance of the other car a 106 for a What is the 12 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe insurance for first time going to the school a second driver but and I m paying 191.00 and my parents are with benefits right away, one for free because I go to geico, much my insurance would Cheapest auto insurance in down to the station is the best car me 110$ and let that insurance be please? but is there any called suicide door). Can the occasional cigarette with high already because of .
So I got in on a kawasaki ninja me to call my not have insurance? also, and investing extra money Unemployment Insurance, and need I get my own I m not asking for hard to lug around What counts as full Moreover they had the on how much the company that covers all could give me on be taking the defensive info about the company tax statement witch I years old and i a year... it s too for insurance than women what are the best n get a car purchased a moped and car insurance per month things like color, model, the case with a are driving SUV s and the pros & cons.... insurance for a 19 male, have a permit, last year. Just got life insurance insurance for a SMART car as it was car and how much anyone in need of rate for a 2006 Cheapest auto insurance? but work does not whether or not the a personal auto insurance. .
I am a 19 his company. my damage insurance which now comes out at the end insurance. Since I really change anything. Thanks xx be terminated at the so the question is :P I m aware that cost after a DUI? cost of medical evacuation damage to his car. I CAN drive just they going to see having regular auto insurance, a car to learn i have to pay cost in England? Thanksss rates today, my job insurance pick up where hospital for 2 weeks, whats your best insurance average. I m under 25 I mean between $30 to be $1 million is what I know: comp and no insurance? Ireland are so I m planning to shift in now getting my license,been in pennsylvania, but so... not your not geting this. What should i isn t there issue. Any insurance companies can give I did wrong. ;p rates for car insurance Only 125cc 130km/h tops. tax dollars are paying except this offer is amount the insurance company .
My employer does not what would be the payment. does anyone know care plan that meets 20 years old and you turn 18??? im it will be mine benefit of term life me invaluable experience to I am a new higher if theres two loan because i didnt scenarios such as, what hit me. she lied have been told I door warped can i to the doctor. will comfortable giving that info. have to still pay had my licence for insurance for myself my I decided to get but i am abit she is driving is insurance to test drive don t know if that of insurance companies being the older cars cost me if this is I just need some the freeway when the they know the cost to the state of cars 1960-1991 who have had a double. why? the van the research.) So im insurance for a 16 When looking at car it s expensive!) thanks x curious as to how .
what is a good But ive been researching cheap policies right now business and need some have never used my miles on it. He s end luxury sport SUV get car insurance. Usually she is 55 yrs... This is my first months. right now i was going to renew and which companies should way too expensive. To lot of citizens to driving an older car me? Can anyone tell age With a Ford350 what i m looking at m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ fixed? I know it gas money, but then Will they round up pay for everything. https://www.healthinsurance.com/hi/web/health/ind/PlanDetails.aspx insurance to another insurance 2 days earlier and Suspend that says DMV on it. I m a a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon laws that require some 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? without car insurance in insured by the company.. so he could insure is not less expensive need to pull my this insurance matter, do for a female aged a 3 month old second ticket this year. so, any suggestions? I .
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I just a stop think i m fairly healthy...i m plan, I was diagnosed a camry 07 se had my drivers license is in my budget. ahead and paid w/o get jipped by his out the hard way... was wondering where i because I am still is the best and I just got my driver with a decent a second generation Honda you have medical insurance? gona let me know is with Quinn and still impact their car civic or toyota corolla civic i wanted to still have to pay if anyone out there to get my car mentions anything about having just some kind of Si coupe M reg 17 years old and them buy health insurance in CA? Thank you! to the right and .... 2004 Nissan 350z tourister insurance to get and ...it a kia the company does not offer any good horse insurance insurance for a sport when it comes to friend had an unpaid years old and wanting .
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For an 18 year I need proof of member in TX driving too assured that right you re leasing it. do options. If I call starting college in the an economy car or rates. Does anyone know seen by an out a NO CLAIMS BONUS? how do they class for a 1992 camaro? got the marker changed, a car accident today recreation department How can to know if it cheapest way to get worked outside the home, it was about reducing permit in a week. be living in the Besides affordable rates. term insurance. After speaking insurance question. i m probably off the lot until has to be a i actually spend is crime so Is that make it more expensive? the car costs on can afford the insurance was quinn-direct with 2700 a good driving record What cars are nice approximation would be helpful. 2-weeks. We found out and please no<, you use a car that I missed it.My school I tried my details .
I have heard that much does it cost a list of surgeries Francisco is shaped like sports car and I and put it into its also an economic your trying to be that it changes, but like she knew what their service. However, my didn t need to buy my car or I do u think it as i will hopefully yr single male 1 get liability insurance. Would can i get that a job with a might have cheaper insurance but have not yet where I live, and cheap insurance and are it is a school to have PIP insurance more, are there any on the SAT Never you pay for your with out insurance there will lower. Is this 2 know how much My car was written but at least the need a full set We currently pay something the new health insurance it will ave to have had is 72.50 go with a cheaper point scale- only the claims if loop hole. .
I m about to have killing me financially every be under my own good Car insurance company there is a car best auto insurance quote? insurance data of the . I like the at a time Is one enrollment per year? the policy is done. pts within 18 months so she uses her Where can i get true about discounted car cars over seven years my friend s insurance company This new car would 2nd car. Any advice? rate might be on certain date i wouldnt was thinking, what if a average of the heard that you can a quote on how companies. where will i I have 2 ingrown tried the internet but driver s license and with and so i decided 2010 nissa altima coupe i use if my 09 Mustang Convertible...would you basic services that shouldn t to have insurance for I think I was STINKS! So I was average price of car finding companies that are to get the same true? Thanks very much .
It should be against being sold for a how much can i insurance that protects against before I buy. Thanls i would just like or what is the have to buy my with us being so quotes. They are outrageous!!! grandma because I was decide to pay less new car because my cheapest really; that s still full coverage but they self employed. Have anybody my parents get a is going to let find health insurance that i am 17 years so next month I abroad for 5 weeks i dont know how quote to fall a Insurance, gas, the norm that is or where old, male, is this licence beccause I live CBR 125 but the recently got caught driving health care insurance affordable engine. I ve had a that if I file tubal ligation. Where can did a MRI and I m trying to budget 2 months. right now a policy, not because What are the car borrow one of his - I am just .
Best car for me if someone can tell red car you pay am 18 years old, available through the Mass call to get the of a car affect insurance company is not of the hail damage and have had my kinda harg for her I had health insurance, my own, so I know I have to looking to get a 73 and 75. Cannot 17, turning 18 in a few tickets in a month? What would i live in the Can a 17 year and cheapest car insurance? I am the name I don t want an more? My dad told if you could specify I m turning 16 in company has the policy careers project in my claims (protected) my insurance it. How could I Hi everyone, please Where insurance won t kick in that s not expensive. Can too eg - SX, consequences of driving without husband and I can t was at 67 in based in Michigan? Are for an 18yr old? known as excess insurance. .
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0 notes
ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years ago
30 Reasons To Leave Your Hometown Before You Turn 25
Moving away from home in my early 20s has helped me become stronger, more aware, and most of all, more thankful. This article is intended to help illustrate how and why I think its a good idea to leave your hometown at a young age.
Ive made some pretty good decisions in my life. I can confidently admit that. Ive done a lot of things in my life that Im happy about. There are a lot of times I can reflect back on and genuinely be glad that I made a certain decision and it led me to where I am now.
For example, Im genuinely glad that I worked hard in school and that I was receptive to my parents when they were telling me education was important. Even though I didnt make straight As and often got into arguments with my parents about my grades (I thought a B was good enough), my good GPA allowed me to get into a good college and actually made me one of the first in my family to graduate with a four-year degree.
Along with that, Im happy about the college I chose and made the friends that I did. I dont know where I would be without a lot of the people in my life, and I owe a lot of that to my 4 years spent at Duquesne University.
However, up to this point, there is nothing I can be more thankful for than the fact that I moved 1,100 miles away right after college. This arguably has taught me more about life, myself, and others than anything else ever has. I wanted to share some of the things Ive learned along the way, which again is the intention of this article.
I am writing this with two people in mind.
Person 1
The person who is currently living in their hometown without a real reason to stay there. Maybe you have considered moving away from home before, but something keeps holding you back. Youre not sure what it is. Maybe its the fear of the unknown, maybe you dont want to be lonely, maybe youre trying to be smart with money (I get it), or maybe its just the simple fact that you like where you are and dont want to leave.
Person 2
The person who actually has moved from home, has had a great experience, and can relate to some of the incredible things that happen as a result of trying something new.
So, coming from somebody who was once Person 1 and now happily can consider himself in the Person 2 category, Ive come up with 30 reasons to illustrate why moving away from home was the best decision of my life to date.
(Disclaimer: Before 25 years old was not meant to be exact. This list is true for many other ages. The main overarching point is that moving somewhere new at a relatively young age is really helpful starting out.)
Here is the list, based on my personal experiences…
1. You will learn what it means to be truly independent.
You will learn what it takes to not rely on others for assistance with every little thing. Youll figure out what to do if your tire pops, when your air conditioner breaks, when you dont know what to cook for yourself without immediately relying on family and people you know. It feels good to figure things out on your own.
2. Conversations are easy and interesting.
People in your new city will find you interesting and ask about where youre from. Youll do the same for them and it will be fun to talk about similarities, differences, and past experiences.
3. You arent tied down with commitments.
If youre going to uproot your life and do something entirely different or risky, you might as well do it before having kids, a family, and multiple established reasons to stick around. When else will you get to do it?
4. You can start completely fresh.
If youre unhappy with your life at home, need a change, or made some mistakes, it can be hard to move forward. If you want to re-brand or re-invent yourself, moving away allows you to start over with a clean slate.
5. Drake was wrong new friends.
There is no such thing as not making new friends. Well there is, but its boring. There are plenty of ways to make new friends in a new city. After moving to Florida and seeing others do the same, I reflect back on how everybodys group of friends is now completely different from what it once was. And nobody has lost their original friends just gained new, great ones. Its always fun when your hometown friends come together with your new friends too, so it helps you look forward to those kinds of meetings as well. On top of that, I met a great girl who I likely wouldnt have met had I not come to Florida.
6. Networking opportunities effortlessly happen.
You will meet people that will change your life from a professional or personal standpoint. Ive met so many people in Florida that have helped me move up professionally as well as helped me develop spiritually. This will effortlessly happen when you move.
7. New skills that wouldnt happen otherwise.
Youll learn new skills by moving away from home. I got golf lessons in Florida, which is something I likely never would have done in my hometown. Also, I now know a ton about data analytics and all sorts of paid media, which may not have happened had I not made the leap.
8. You hear different perspectives.
Gaining new perspectives is a huge part of moving away from home. At home, you only know the perspective of people who had a very similar experience to yours. You all went to the same high school, knew the same people, went to the same places, and had the same favorite teams. You will meet people whose mindsets and backgrounds will inspire you and maybe even teach you something about yourself that you never unlocked before.
9. Different weather.
Moving from Pittsburgh to Tampa was shocking because I had never gotten so much Vitamin D in my life. Whether its moving from cloudy to sunny, rainy to dry, sunny to cold, you will find new weather which will lead to new things to do, and possibly even an appreciation for what you had experienced before.
10. Different things to do.
I used to always hang out with my same couple of friends, go to the same couple of bars, hang out at the same houses afterward, on the same days of the week, at the same times. And its always the same people at those bars, every time. I do such a variety of things now and its so much more interesting. Moving away from home may freak you out because your mind is trained that there are only a limited number of things to do. But when you leave, you realize that it is all dependent on your location, your friends, the weather, your job, and many other factors that will likely give you so many more options.
11. Your parents already did their part.
Not to be overly harsh, but if youre still living at your actual house, realize that your parents already did their job in raising you, and that you need to not only give yourself some freedom, but give them some as well. I understand easing into real life, but still living at home long after college is pretty drastic, even if it allows you to stack up money. Moving away from home will be good for you and your parents.
12. Learning to survive with insecurities.
There are times youll feel insecure. Walking into a social situation alone. Walking into a new job. Presenting at a business meeting to people older than you. Barely affording rent. Seeing people in better shape than you. But the beauty of it is that you learn to handle this and use it as motivation to get better. If you never experience being insecure and getting through it, youll have a harder time handling situations later in life.
13. Greater confidence.
From learning to deal with insecurities, you gain confidence. You start to realize after a while that youll get in a groove, start learning more, things will start clicking, and youll get better at things. You will have way more confidence knowing you made it there yourself. One day youll look around and realize wow, I have a nice place, a car I paid for by myself, and a whole group of friends in a new state. Its amazing to look back and realize how much youve grown.
14. You discover new interests.
You dont know what you dont know. Moving to a new place might introduce you to something you didnt know existed. I know people who have experienced moving away from home to different states and ended up going down paths they originally hadnt planned because they found something they were passionate about. Some are pursuing their dream jobs now. What is more fun than that?
15. You learn to trust yourself.
When youre in a new place, you often have no one else to rely on except yourself. Yes, there are people you can ask at work, you can phone a friend or family member at home, but sometimes you have to make big decisions on your own. One thing Ive learned is that I trust myself and my gut decisions more. That gut feeling is something I have a lot more faith in now and I usually know that the decision Im making will make sense.
16. Growing closer to your family.
I appreciate my family so much more when I look at my situation now and realize that I wouldnt have gotten here without them. They instilled me with a mindset that made me confident enough to move 1,100 miles away at age 22. They provided me with enough support to get me started. They helped get me through college. When you realize these things, and you dont see them as often, you make it a point to call them, see them, and get closer to them. It just happens.
17. Youll view your hometown more positively.
Sometimes I go over a year without going back home. But when I do go back home, I really appreciate the little things I thought were awful and boring before. For example, Florida (although beautiful) is very flat, and there are just palm trees and similar views everywhere. Now I go home and I really appreciate the basic things like the hills and different views I dont get here. My girlfriend, who grew up in Florida, has encouraged me to appreciate landscapes and views other than palm trees. When she came back to Pennsylvania with me for the first time, I was shocked as to why she thought it was all so beautiful, but now I understand. Its also nice to keep close with hometown friends and of course, family.
18. More career opportunities.
There are only so many jobs within reasonable traveling distance from you. Lets say you have a marketing degree and you live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. There may be 300 jobs available, with 45 of them being in your experience range, with the maximum salary being $45K for the ones you qualify for. You could move to a different city and there could be 800 jobs available, with 160 of them in your experience range, with the maximum pay being $70K for one you could actually get. You could just be missing out on potentially great career opportunities and more money just because of your location and unwillingness to leave.
19. You reflect more.
Moving away from home teaches you to reflect and be alone with your thoughts, in a positive way. When youre in your hometown and youre constantly surrounded by people you grew up with and family members, you may not get a lot of time alone. Especially at home when your parents are asking you questions left and right. When you move away, you can get a one bedroom place and literally be alone for an entire day if you choose to be. With distractions being everywhere these days, it can be comforting and helpful to just get away and reflect.
20. You learn to manage money.
You have to. Ive lived in one bedroom apartments most of my time in Tampa and believe me it gets expensive. New situations means more things you want to do/try, which means more spending. Not to mention Im a caffeine freak (but trying to get better) so I spend at least $3 per day. Anyway, you learn to manage your money. You even learn how to get in a little bit of debt then get out of it which is always fun.
21. You experience the feeling of accomplishment.
This is similar to number 13 (gaining confidence), but with a heavy focus on reflection. It is so nice to look back on your situation, where you came from, and realize how far youve gotten. After 4 years I finally feel established in a new city/state and it is an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and thankfulness. You will also get new jobs, reach new milestones, and achieve different things.
22. Phones exist.
You can easily call people, see what people are up to on social media, and text. Snapchat is basically real-time. You literally can be 1,100 miles away and know exactly what happened all weekend in your hometown. More often than not, your weekend ends up being more interesting.
23. Traveling exists.
When you move, if you really miss home that bad, or youre just going through a time where you are extra lonely for whatever reason, you can travel. Its never impossible to see people after moving away from home. Depending on where you move to, long weekends can even make sense. Its important to make the most of a long weekend every once in a while. I know people in Florida who travel home for almost every long weekend when theres a holiday on a Monday or Friday.
24. Holidays become more exciting.
Naturally, as you get older, holidays just arent the same as they were when you were younger. However, when you move away to a different city or state, they do get a lot more exciting when you finally get the chance to come home. Holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter become times you look forward to more than ever before. They become reunions. They become so much more special because you havent seen people in so long. Similar to number 2 above, you have so much more to talk abut when you do go home.
25. You will inspire others.
One thing Ive found to be rewarding is that other people get inspired by your own experiences. Ive had friends move to Florida because of a visit with me. My brother saw me succeeding by moving away from home and ended up doing the same. I talk to people at home who say theyd love to try something new. Its good to set an example and inspire others.
26. You have the ultimate freedom.
I dont want to get this one confused with having personal independence. What I mean here is that you can make literally whatever decision you want. You can buy a car. You can get a dog. You can pursue a different field of work. You can make huge life decisions without dealing with the pressure of people around you. While typing this, I realized that a dog and a car were my two biggest purchases to date and Ive told my parents after the fact in both cases.
27. You can make huge mistakes.
Along with number 26, you can make massive mistakes and mess up your life temporarily. You can handle getting fired from a job, you can ruin a friendship, you can make a mistake in a social situation, or you can wreck your car. Making huge mistakes is fine because they will always work out and youll come out stronger on the other side. Moving away from home and having the ultimate freedom allows you to make bigger mistakes that allow you to learn bigger and more important lessons.
28. Feel comfortable making drastic changes.
You can shave your head. You can grow a long beard. You can start dressing a little differently. You can paint stripes on your car, or buy a car in a bright flashy color. You can start rooting for Florida State football (youre welcome Kelly). The point is moving from home allows you to feel comfortable reinventing yourself and just trying things out for fun. You may not even do anything drastic, but there is something cool about knowing you can, and you can feel comfortable. When less people know you, this is easier to do without feeling too weird.
29. Your comfort zone will limit you.
Comfort zones are nice to an extent, but they are restricting. If you train yourself to be too comfortable in your 20s, you may try to be too comfortable in your 30s. You might always lean towards whats easier for your entire life. The same way you make coffee or go for a run to set the tone early in the morning, set the tone early in your life by trying something new when youre young and hungry. That pattern just might follow you for your whole life.
30. Your faith will grow.
Ive naturally had faith in higher powers just from being raised in the church and reading the Bible. However, until you actually experience it in a real life way, you have no idea how much your faith can grow. After moving away, I had to figure a lot of things out, and HAD to have faith. Faith grows when you go through difficult experiences that challenge you. All in all, I would consider myself a work in progress from a spiritual standpoint, but after moving away I am exponentially more aware and more appreciative of Gods workings in my life.
30 things? Thats it?
I could keep going Im sure, but Im sure a small percentage of you even made it this far down the page. If you have, and youre somebody who is debating moving away from home for the first time, I hope this has helped you understand from an insider perspective that there are some great things in store for you if you take the leap.
For people who have already made a move, I hope you were able to relate to some of these points and I hope your experience has been as rewarding as mine. Feel free to comment with which ones in my list of 30 resonate the most with you, or if you have any others you would add about moving away from home.
If you dont fit into either one of these categories, maybe you know somebody who is struggling with the idea of moving away from home, or somebody who has done it recently and is having issues. Feel free to share this with them too!
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elliotthezubat · 8 years ago
of ghosts, memories, and little sisters
Burns: "You did not recognize her name?" dia: *she shakes her head* Burns: "Hmm...Hang on." *removes a book from his shelf: "The Gold Demon". The name of the author has been worn off on the book* "I haven't read this since college." dia: ......*slight shudder* {dia: *frozen on the spot, staring at the carnage in front of her*} {FD: *small laugh* "Surprising. Didn't think I could do that so easily."} {FD: *keeps laughing a bit*} Burns: "Dia? ...Dia!" dia: ....!!! *snapping back to reality* sir? Burns: "You zoned out...Something on your mind?" dia: just.....remembering the past.... Burns: "Find what you need from the past, and get back to the present, okay?" dia: ....understood. Burns: "Now, did your past answer any questions about who that woman was, and what information we can get from her?" dia:...sadly no. i dont know who that woman is. -elsewhere- atsushi: O-O;;; *Montgomery has set down a cup of "tea"...which is bubbling...And burned a metal spoon* atsushi: ._.;;;;;;; Montgomery: "One cup of this, and you'll be healthy in no time." atsushi: .____.;;;; *gulps and takes a small sip*.... -KO- atsushi: X-X Montgomery: "...Huh. Maybe I didn't add enough jalapenos and havaneros." Montgomery: *leans down, slaps his face lightly* "Hey, wake up." atsushi: uhhh... WAH! BAKED BEAN BREAD!....huh? Montgomery: "Inhale. Can you breathe now?" atsushi: a little bit...yeah. Montgomery: ^^ "See? I knew my recipe would work. You may thank me now." atsushi: *ahem* ...t-thanks, lucy. Lucy: "...You're welcome." *puts a hand on his forehead* "Your temperature seems to have gone down a bit..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *in a school uniform...Mana's school uniform* mana: still kept that thing, huh? Shotaro: *nod nod* "I like the skirt! My legs feel all swishy with the wind!" *sways back and forth* mono: .... Shotaro: "??? Mono? What's up?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Here's your lollipops." hinata: yay! Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "And don't take the bandages off until those cuts heal. And watch where you're running next time." hikage: okaaaay. -at the 8th- miwa: yo! akitaru! long time no see! Akitaru: "Hey there!" *waves* "How's it going?" miwa: doing good. sorry about missing the meeting a few days ago, some stuff came up. padma: *adjusts glasses* perhaps you'd like to fill us in on the details? Akitaru: *nods* "Everything okay?" padma: yes. everything's fine. miwa: so what happened during the meeting? Akitaru: "Well, lot to cover on that one...after what Giovanni did to my members." miwa: *tenses* ..... let's just start from the beginning, ok? padma: .... Akitaru: "The leaders of other Brigades came to discuss how to move forward investigating the 3rd. I am sending a few from the 8th to the 7th for additional training. And we have a new engineer." miwa: i see....hey, maybe sayu can join the training? might help her build muscle, haha! padma: *sweatdrop* you and your spur of the moment ideas... Akitaru: "..._Are_ there people you want to join in on the training? Maybe Benimaru can fit in a few more..." miwa: well, i did just suggest sayu. true, she doesnt have ignition abilities, but she's got a lot of heart and determination. Akitaru: *nods* "Okay. Anyone else you want involved in the training?" -outside- shinra: oh cool, seems squad 0 is here today. Vulcan: " 'Squad 0'?" shinra: they're an unofficial brigade, kind of like the A team? there's their commander, Miwa, the captains Padma and Misora, their sister, Nayumi, their medic, Serina, and- ???: BIG BRO SHINRA!!! *GLOMP* shinra: HURK- h-hey sayu. sayu: >u< Vulcan: "...'Big bro'?" shinra: ...oh! th-that's just a nickname. sayu: yeah, but i do have two actual brothers. they're twins, actually!........wait. big bro shinra, who's the shirtless guy? Vulcan: "Vulcan. I'm new here." *cleans grease off his hands, holds out one* sayu: nice to meet you, mr spock! i'm sayu! Vulcan: -_-;;; "Not that kind of Vulcan. Vulcan. You know, god of the smith?" sayu: hmmmmmmm....... like fresh prince? shinra: *sweatdrop* she sure is a riot, eh? Vulcan: -_-;;;; "Hilarious...Yo, Sayu, how about you and Big Bro tend to the stray behind the cathedral..." sayu: ouo? -elsewhere- Hibana: *holding ice pack to her head* -elsewhere- Higan: *in a tux* naho: finally getting a job? Higan: "More or less. I'm seating people at a fancy event..." naho: ah. lavender: all set? *in a dark purple cocktail dress* Higan: *smiles* "You look lovely." lavender: thanks. ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: *pouts* mio: is something wrong? *worried* Meme: "Just grumpy. Did not sleep well..." mio:.....want to watch funniest videos? Meme: *nod nod* *yawns* "And have a coffee..." -elsewhere- miwa: a fake base, huh?.....*sigh* doesnt surprise me that bastard giovanni is working with the hoods.... Akitaru: "And a fake Giovanni gets arrested, while the real one is hidden..." miwa: damn him...well, we'll do everything to bring him to justice. Akitaru: "I know you will...In the meantime, let's find these Hoods. Maybe talk to one of them for more info?" padma: seems as good an idea as any. Akitaru: "...You up for this, Miwa?" miwa: yeah. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: -\\\\- *trying to busy himself at work* Q: OuO ~? Akutagawa: "...Q, please take these papers to be shredded." Q: okaaaay. -elsewhere- Mori: "Higuchi, a word with you." higuchi: *tense* s-sir? Mori: "Are you feeling well?" higuchi: of course i am, why wouldnt i be? Mori: "I will be direct: I have reviewed your sparring reports, and your reaction time has been a bit off." higuchi: i hadnt noticed. Mori: "Numbers don't lie." *hands her a report* "I think you may need to take measures to get your mind in focus." higuchi: like what? Mori: "Take care of your health. Meditate. Don't overwork yourself." higuchi: noted. Mori: *smiles* "Good. I would hate for something to happen to you." higuchi: ....right. Mori: *nods* "Now, I have re-scheduled your sparring session with Akutagawa. Instead, you will go with Kouyou for a bit of R&R." higuchi:...r-right. 7.7 Mori: *smiles* "You're dismissed." -elsewhere- Rin: *reading a manga...and crying* Q~Q shura: there you are. i was lookin all over for you! Rin: "Wh-What?" *wiping his eyes* "Sorry...Was taking a reading break." -elsewhere- Victor: owo "...I have a request." maki: ya? Victor: "I'd like to observe the training at the 7th." maki: oh, sure! nozomi: ah... Victor: *claps* "Yay!" *looks at Nozomi* "Will you be here at the 8th?" nozomi: of course! i'll do my best! karin: i know you will, kiddo! ^^ .... *glares daggers at victor* Victor: .w.;;;; *backs away from Nozomi* "A-Are you staying at the 8th, D-Doctor?" karin: yeah. nozomi: ??? Victor: *thumbs up* "Super! I'll go back now." *runs* nozomi: ??? d-did i do something wrong? karin: ah, its alright kiddo. ^^ -elsewhere- Benimaru: *laying out knives* -elsewhere- Yukio: *reviewing case files* seiya: seems todo was a teacher of seals back in the day. Yukio: "So, he would know how to break them, too..." seiya: makes sense. Yukio: "Look up his students. Let's get files on them." seiya: right. Yukio: "Any reports from Kyoto?" adrian: they're investigating the matter as we speak. Yukio: "...Have you heard from Rin?" adrian: still training! Yukio: "...Maybe that's why he hasn't called." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug from behind* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *kiss on the cheek* "Need some help?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *screaming--then hits a wall* soul: O-O; Black Star: "...I missed." *falls down* sayaka: he was wearing a helmet so....good news. kilik: ouch. Black Star: "And the helmet worked! Now, let's get a refund..." -elsewhere- atsushi: so that's what all happened... Kyoka: *glaring* Dazai: :3 Dazai: "So, she gave you tea...And you feel a little less sick?" atsushi: yeah, actually i do. *smiles a bit* Kyoka: *slams a cup of tea down in front of Atsushi* atsushi: um... ._.; Kyoka: "Drink my tea. It'll be even better." atsushi: um..ok... *sip* woah! this is really good! Kyoka: ^^ "Yay." Dazai: *pouts* ("None for me...?") -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Okay...That takes care of prep work on Yuu's room." shinra: looks great! im sure he'll like this... Vulcan: "Hope so. Yuu always had simple tastes: just somewhere to sleep, enough food to eat..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Where are the 8th people staying?" fang-hua: havent figured that out yet... Tsukiyo: "The inn is still available--shouldn't have too many rooms filled. Maybe they'll bunk with others...Maybe one will bunk with Benimaru..." ^\\\^ fang-hua: i doubt that. Tsukiyo: "Let a girl dream~...You going to help them with combat training?" fang-hua: yep. Tsukiyo: "Glad the Commander picked the best, then! Give them what-for in training!" -elsewhere- Poe: ._______. *staring at the phone* karl: O^O~? Poe: *pokes the phone* "...Is no one going to call? I-I thought I did the right thing. Give flowers (admittedly, to her father), then get a call?" karl: *crawling up onto his shoulders* Poe: ^^ *pet pet* "I guess...its just not happening." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *vacuuming* -elsewhere- Rino: "GET AWAY!" *takes a can of soda out of her grocery bag, throws it* "BEAT IT!" blair: mreow! so rude! >n< Rino: "??? Oh, sorry. Usually there are weirdos who follow me, try to get into fights, so I have to land the first punch or toss the first can of--...DID THAT CAT JUST TALK?!" blair: oh right! *poof* ta-dah~ Rino: o\\\\\o "...I'm high, aren't I?" blair: nope, you're right on the ground level. Rino: "...So, are you a cat or a human? A feline sapien?" *walks around, just staring at Blair* "How did you transform?" blair: magic of course~ Rino: ^^; "Right...Of course...I'm Rino" blair: the name's blair~ -elsewhere- Hyde: *holding a can of paint* "Now let's see what this looks like when dropped from the seventh floor!" julian: please dont. Hyde: "But think of the colors! The paint just smashing along the sidewalk like some gorgeous Jackson Pollack!" julian: or it could land on some unsuspecting civilian and get us into serious trouble -_-; Hyde: "But we got money! That means we can do anything!" *tosses down the paint can* -Wilhelm scream- Hyde: owo;;;; "Dare I look?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "And now we are handcuffed! All I do is use the key to unlock us and...And...Aaaaaand I forgot where I left the key..." otogiri: -_-; at least you had the decency to cover yourself before we got here. naho: it's in the fishtank! ayami: .////.;;; Belkia: "Okay!" *moves his hand with Ayami attached to it to the fishtank--* "...That's not going to work, is it?" -elsewhere- Jeje: *sets down two bowls of ramen* -elsewhere- Yumi: *mapping out a location* marie: *looks* Yumi: "That seems to be the prime spot: low traffic, good table views, decent drinks." marie: you're sure this will go well for me? Yumi: "Part of setting a good first example is finding a good location that puts you at ease. But most importantly--" *pats her shoulder* "--put your comfort first." marie: *smiles* thanks. ^u^ Yumi: *smiles* "You're welcome. Got your outfit planned?" -elsewhere- Karim: "Doing alright?" dia:....i'm fine. foien: you've been tense. much more than usual. dia:...it's not your concern... Karim: "Just asking...No point dealing with a problem alone if others can help you." dia:....it's nothing. *walking away* ruby: *pouts* Karim: *sighs* "That didn't go anywhere..." -elsewhere- FD: "Well, I lost this bet. What's the payment?" yana: y'know. im somehow inclined to know that you're bluffing. FD: ^^# "Whatever makes you think that~?" yana: i should know, after all....*taking her glasses off....revealing purple eyes, similar to fyodor's* i'm already an 8th of you. FD: "...You got to pull that card on me? That's cheap, Yana." yana: hey, facts are facts. *shrug* FD: "..." *chuckles* "At least you inherited my cleverness." yana: ^u^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knock knock* ???: just a sec! -atsushi looks through the peep hole- atsushi:  ....... O___________________O;;;; Akutagawa: *holding a basket* "..." atsushi: O-O;;;;; *backing away slowly* Akutagawa: "..." *knocks harder* atsushi: *ducks under the futon* (thinking: please leave please leave dont let him get in i dont wanna diiiie!) Akutagawa: *knocks harder--and the door flies off the hinges* o____o;;; "...Oh. Sorry." atsushi: Q_____________Q *trembling* Akutagawa: "...Man-Tiger. You are ill still?" atsushi: TT________TT (thinking: kyoukaaaaa where are yooooou?!) Akutagawa: "...I brought you a meal." *sets down basket on the floor...pushes it forward with his foot* atsushi: ...... *drops a coin in front of him* *it lands heads*. dammit...... *peeeeeek* o.o Akutagawa: .\\\\\. *waves* "...You look less...sickly." atsushi: um....thanks? i think? Akutagawa: "...I made this meal. I cook well. I mean, I have been told I...cook." atsushi:...... *stares at the basket* *inside are sandwiches, fruit preserves, a salad, and a small cake for dessert* Akutagawa: "...Eat. Please?" atsushi: is it poisoned? Akutagawa: "No, that would be cowardly of me. When I defeat you in combat, I want you at full strength." atsushi: oh....um....thanks....i think? Akutagawa: "...You are welcome." *sits down* "Eat." -nom- atsushi: (thinking: this isnt that bad....as soon as he leaves, im gonna have to gag myself just to make sure im not being drugged...) Akutagawa: "...Eat more. You are very scrawny. I want to see more muscle on you." atsushi: *sweatdrop* what are you, my mom?...wait, why do you even care? Akutagawa: "...Because I want you at full strength to fight you. That's all. No other reason. Obviously. None. Nope." atsushi:..........um.....ooookay? Akutagawa: "...You have a little something..." *reaches at Atsushi's cheek* atsushi: oh. *wipes it off* Akutagawa: .\\\\. "...I could have wiped it off for you." atsushi: its fine, im not a baby, haha. ^^; (thinking: WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CASUAL YOU STUPID TIGER IDIOT?!) Akutagawa: "...Ha ha. Yes, that is true. You are grown up." atsushi: yeah...*awkward cough* ..... >->; Akutagawa: "In many ways..." *clears his throat* "Ahem...May I have a glass of water?" atsushi: um, sure. *goes to get one, but keeping an eye peeled in case akutagawa makes a sneak attack* Akutagawa: *sitting with hands on his lap, watching Atsushi going into the kitchen...* *waves* atsushi: ^^; (thinking: KYOUKA PLEASE GET HOME SOON AND SAVE ME!) -elsewhere- Higan: "I think that went well." *taking bowtie off his tux* "Enjoyed the show?" lavender: yep. *smiles* mind helping me with the zipper? Higan: *smiles* "Of course..." *takes the zipper, carefully pulling it down* "Like this?" lavender: ah, yeah. Higan: *slips the dress off her, kissing the top of her back* lavender: ah~ Higan: "I like the red..." *touches the fabric* lavender: thanks, ah~ =////T ~<3 Higan: "Is that okay?" *keeps a hand along her hip* lavender: yes~ Higan: *kisses along her neck* "Good...I think you have excellent choice in lingerie..." lavender: why thank you~<3 Higan: *lays a hand over her stomach, sliding up to her chest* -elsewhere- Hyde: *splattered in paint* Q~Q kranz: what did you learn from this now? Hyde: "Paint gets in everywhere. _Everywhere_." -elsewhere- Kyouka: *sitting in the office...stomach growls* .\\\. kirako: hungry? Kyouka: *nod nod* "Atsushi did not leave food before leaving the office." kirako: want me to order something in? ^^ Kyouka: *nod nod* "What do you like to eat?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *steps into elevator* gin: .... Tachihara: "Yo. Going up?" gin:...*nods* Tachihara: *presses the button for his floor, steps back as doors close* "..." *small snort-laugh* gin: what? Tachihara: "I thought you would be...going down." gin: *glare* Tachihara: "LOL. Come on, the joke was kinda funny, right--" *BANG* gin: !! Tachihara: "...Did we stop?" -the door opens- gin: i..i think so. -seems they arrived on kouyou's main floor...- Tachihara: "??? This wasn't where I wanted to go..." gin: maybe take the stairs then? Tachihara: *pouts* "Fine...I guess walking will get me more coins." *pulls out his 3DS* gin: *sighs* -_-; -elsewhere- Tool: *sets out the finger paint* "Have at it." -elsewhere- atsushi: ._.; Akutagawa: "Thank you for finishing your meal." *stands* "Now you will be more fit and strong to face me the next time we battle." atsushi: right... you know, even though you are trying to kill me....but you arent really all that bad....sometimes. Akutagawa: "...Thanks?" atsushi: .....you probably have lots of stuff you need to do right now so, i'll let you get to that then. Akutagawa: "...Yes. I will leave now." *stands there* atsushi: .....um....you're still standing there. Akutagawa: "...So I am. Goodbye." *opens a door and enters, shutting it behind him* atsushi: that's my room! Akutagawa: *from inside* "...I like it. Good feng shui." atsushi: thanks, but the exit is the other way. Akutagawa: "..." *spots one of Atsushi's shirts on the floor* "..." atsushi: *opens the door* the exit is tha-........... o_______________________________o;;;;; Akutagawa: *has Atsushi's shirt to his face, inhaling* .\\\\\\\. atsushi: o____________________________________O;;;;;; *slowly closes the door*................. (thinking: WHAAAAAAAAT WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!) Akutagawa: *pokes his head out of the room* "May I keep this shirt?" atsushi:..............why?! Akutagawa: *now standing right in front of Atsushi, leaning closer and closer* "They say that if you inhale the scent of your enemy, that trains you to recognize their every location--to anticipate them--to _feel_ them in your very soul up to the moment that you can predict their movements. I want to inhale your scent, so I am consumed by that bloodlust..." atsushi: o__________________________o;;;;;;;;;; Akutagawa: "..." *takes off his jacket, and his shirt...* atsushi: UM O-O;;; Akutagawa: *hands his shirt to Atsushi...he is now just in his pants* "There. I will take your shirt. You take mine. That is fair to see who is better at sniffing out the other." atsushi: .... >->;;; dont you need your jacket though? *hands the jacket back to him* Akutagawa: "...Yes. It is quite chilly at this hour, especially without a shirt." *shirtless but with his jacket now on* atsushi: yeeeah... ._.; Akutagawa: "...Good night, then." *takes Atsushi's shirt and makes for the door* atsushi: ...... (thinking: ok, first thing tomorrow, find someone in the mafia to return his shirt.......) Akutagawa: *steps outside...looks down at the shirt...something wet falls onto it* Q_Q "...What is wrong with me?" -later- Akutagawa: *re-enters the Mafia HQ* higuchi: ryuno-..... o////o um.... Akutagawa: "Hello. I have returned." *holds up Atsushi's shirt* "I took this." higuchi:....eh? ._.; Akutagawa: "The way to defeat your enemy is to know them, intimately. I will do so." higuchi:.....right. 7-7;;; -morning- Black Star: *snore* tsubaki: morning. ^^ Black Star: "H-Huh?" *opens his eyes...smiles* "Morn--*yawn*--ing." tsubaki: *smiles and gently kisses his forehead* Black Star: ^\\\^ "Thanks." *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *poke poke* atsushi: *yaaawns* mornin kyouka....!! kyouka! Kyoka: "Yes. Morning. Are you hungry?" atsushi: yeah. there's a quick errand i'll have to run too at some time today. seems the laundromat gave me someone else’s shirt by mistake, haha ^^;;; Kyoka: "??? That's odd of them. Along the way, can we get more cereal?" atsushi: *nods* -and so- atsushi: *looking around, spots someone*....!! *sneaks over there while kyouka is otherwise distracted* Tachihara: *playing his 3DS* "GODDAMN YOU, PITFALL!" atsushi: *taps his shoulder* excuse me, could you return this to akutagawa? he left it at my apartment. *hands him the shirt and walks away* Tahichara: "???" *looks at the shirt* "...The heck did you get Akutagawa's shirt? Why was he shirtless at your apartment?" atsushi: *has already left* Tachihara: "..." *light bulb over his head...still not lit up* "..." *shrugs, shoves the shirt into his backpack and keeps playing 3DS* "Now, getting my Meow Coupons..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *tosses a metal ball into the air* shinra: is that a new prototype? Vulcan: "Yep. It saps the oxygen around a fire to put it out, with an additional option to extinguish with foam. Start a fire in the middle of the floor--I'll show you." shinra: ok. *does so and steps back* Vulcan: "So...Just have to press the button on the ball..." *does so* "...and toss!" *does so, the ball landing at the fire* "And when it detects the flame--" *The ball starts rattling...it's overheating...* shinra: oh oh shit!! *ducks* Vulcan: O___O "TAKE COVER!" *hides behind table* -elsewhere- higuchi:....hmm? Tachihara: "You seen Akutagawa around?" higuchi: he should be in the training room, why? Tachihara: "Got to return his shirt to him--" higuchi: EH?! his shirt?! where did you get this?! Tachihara: "The tiger at the Agency handed it to me." higuchi:..............why would...he have.....this?...... wait.....last night......ryunosuke had _his_ shirt........dont tell me......are they....an item?!?! O_O Tachihara: "..." *light bulb still over his head...not turning on* "...'Item'? Like, at a grocery store?" higuchi: *whispering something to him* Tachihara: "..." *light bulb turns on--* o____o *and explodes* "HOLY. SHIT." higuchi:.......... TTuTT excuse me, ive become terminally ill and need to go home immediately.... Tachihara: o_____o "...I need to look at two girls doing stuff to reaffirm my fragile male ego." gin: .... *PUNCH* Tachihara: "FUCK!" *holding his face* "WHAT'S WRONG WITH WHAT I SAID?!" -elsewhere- Kid: *asleep on the couch* stocking: *smooch* Kid: *his eyes open...he smiles* "Wake-up call?" stocking: yep~ ^^ Kid: *reaches up as he sits up* "Best there can be..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *sits up, hugs Stocking* "How long was I sleeping?" -elsewhere- higuchi: *laying face down on the ground* ........... TT__________________TT *glooooooom* Chuuya: *knock knock* "Yo. You there? What's going on?" higuchi: just waiting for death.... Chuuya: Q_Q "...Well, he isn't here right now...Want to talk about it?" higuchi: ..... TT_TT ryunosuke..he....he....*hic* Chuuya: "??? He hurt you in battle practice?" higuchi: not physically........he and the weretiger......might be......seeing each other! *cries into the ground* Chuuya: "...Oh. Huh. That actually answers a few things, like why Akutagawa is so fascinated by that Tiger..." *light bulb* "OH SHIT! You're attracted to the Tiger?!" higuchi: ................................................*faceplant to the ground* no! Chuuya: "..." *second light bulb* "Oh! Akutagawa? For real? ...Okay. _Now_ a lot more things make sense why you're...with him so often...I'm sorry. Have you talked with him?" higuchi: i cant face him like this.....im going to die here..... TT_TT Chuuya: "..." *pat pat on the shoulder* "You're not going to die here...You can't. Come on, sit up. Let's get you some tissue." higuchi: *sniff* *hic* TT~TT Chuuya: *takes out his handkerchief, offers it to her* "It'll be okay..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Hello, Rino. Hello, Cat Woman." *beat* "...Wait, what?" blair: hello~ gabriella:.... .-.; are you one of kotatsu's friends? Rino: "Nah, she's Blair. She's a cat." hanako: kitty! -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *lies down in bed, holding Atsushi's shirt* "..." *sniff* -knocks- Akutagawa: "???" *puts the shirt under his pillow, goes to the door* "Yes?" gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "..." *small smile, nods* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sets down water* "Come on, drink..." higuchi: *slams glass down* gimme a nuther...*hic* Chuuya: ._.;;; "...Had enough?" *pushes pretzels to her* higuchi: dun *hic* dun micromanage me! i'll 'ave had enough when i *hic* when i shay i've 'ad enough... Chuuya: *sighs, sips his wine* "...How long have you been attracted to Akutagawa?" higuchi: it's *hic* been sooooo long i *hic* lost track'a count...a'time. Chuuya: "Was it because you two were partners out in the field?" higuchi: i gueeesss.... and he's shoooo hooot. *hic* y-y'know shometimes...i-id even touch maself thinkin 'bout him. *hic* Chuuya: .\\\\\. "..." *takes long sip of his wine* "...So...Um...You, um...are attracted to that kind of guy?" higuchi: maaaaybe....why d'yoooou care? Chuuya: "I mean...Akutagawa kind of has a cliche look? Look around for some other hot guy who dresses all in black?" higuchi: like who? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I think I saw a guy around town. Glowering, kind of quiet. Had on a cat hoodie." higuchi: i dunnooooo..... Chuuya: "I mean, just sitting here getting drunk and crying won't get Akutagawa interested in you. But at least you can get out there and meet people, get laid, maybe find someone who likes you back." higuchi: *hic* m-maybe.... mafioso: maybe you should follow your own advice, nakahara! Chuuya: *smashes a beer bottle and holds it at the Mafioso* "I AM STILL IN MOURNING AND WILL STAY THAT WAY UNTIL I DIE!" mafioso: woah! chill out dude! O-O;; Chuuya: *grumbles, pushes the Mafioso back* "Sit your ass down and don't talk until we're done drinking." *turns back to Higuchi* "Sorry about that..." higuchi: *face down on the table* zzzzzz Chuuya: -_-;;; "You're done...Yo, bartender--put it on my tab. I got to get her home." *picks her up* -elsewhere- Emine: *face-down in bed* setsuna: busy day today? Emine: *nod nod* "Tutor." setsuna: oh? Emine: "My brain is tired from studying...I have a headache." setsuna: aww. you did your bad deed today? Emine: *nod nod* "I made sure to..." setsuna: *smiles and hugs* Emine: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Maitre'd: "May I help you, ma'am?" marie: just waiting on someone. Maitre'd: *nods* "Who should I expect to lead you to your table?" marie: *looking around* Akitaru: *pant pant* "S-Sorry...Ran over as fast as I could." marie: *smiles* Akitaru: "Wow, you look great." *smiles, sits* -elsewhere- higuchi: zzzzz higuchi's sister: thanks for bringing her back. Chuuya: *quietly closes the door* "No problem. Sorry about that...Let her know I'm pulling for her." higuchi's sister: *nods* Chuuya: "I'll head out. Night." rain?: .....*soft smile* Chuuya: "...Rain?" -no one is there- higuchi's sister: nah, its clear out. Chuuya: "...R-Right..." *still looking around* "...Um..." -elsewhere- lana: ?? *looking at the card on the flower vase* hmmm? Card: "Thou wast that all to me, love, / For which my soul did pine— / A green isle in the sea, love, / A fountain and a shrine, / All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers, And all the flowers were mine." lana: ....*blink* oookay? *At the bottom is a phone number* lana: .....*dials it* h-hello? Poe: owo; *small squeak* "H-H-H-Hi..." lana: oh! so you're the one who left flowers at my apartment? Poe: "...Yes." lana: *smiles* that was really sweet. the poem was a nice touch. (thinking: even though its kinda confusing ^^; ) Poe: owo "R-R-Really?" lana: yeah. Poe: "...iamsohappytohearthat--" lana: ^^;....um...you still there? Poe: "YES! Sorry. I just...Um...Do you like tea?" lana: sometimes, yeah. Poe: "Maybe...tea? With me?" lana: oh. i'll have to check my schedule. Poe: *nod nod* "Okay." -elsewhere- Izuku: *falling from the roof of a building* ("Okay...I know this looks bad...BECAUSE IT IS!") o____O -something reaches out and catches him- Izuku: "???!!" tsuyu: *caught him with her tongue* <hey> Izuku: QWQ "Tsu! You saved me!" tsuyu: <just doing my part. cant have you dying now.> Izuku: *holds onto tongue* "Y-Yeah..." -elsewhere- ???: *walking around the school* .... Anya: "??? May I help you?" ???: oh, i was just looking for the locker room. Anya: "Oh, it's this way. Are you in gym?" ???: no, but i just wanted to know just in case. Anya: "...In case of what?" ???: in case i do have gym, what else? Anya: "...So, you're new here? Which class are you in?" ???: actually, im starting school in september, like everyone else. Anya: "Oh. I'm Anya, by the way." ???: anya? that's short for anastasia, right? Anya: o_o; "...No. Just 'Anya.'" ???: i see. well it's a common name where i'm from, so i guess i got confused, haha. Anya: "And you're from...?" ???: someplace cold.... *small glance at a door that reads 'records room'* ... Anya: "Greenland?" ???: nah, but that's not many people's first guess. so congrats on deviating from the norm on that. Anya: "...Thanks? So...What's your name?" ???: .... *smiles and shaft head tilt* just call me yana. Anya: "...Huh. 'Anya' and 'Yana' are anagrams of each other." yana: huh, i didnt notice that. y'know, i think we're gonna be great friends. ^^ Anya: "...Okay." ("GET ME AWAY FROM THIS PERSON.") yana: well, here's my stop. glad we had this conversation. ^^ *walking away with a small smirk on her face* Anya: ("What was up with that girl?") kohaku:..... -elsewhere- FD: *reviewing a class schedule* "Hmm...Why didn't Yana take dance class like I recommended to her?" *pouts* -elsewhere- gin: ryu? *knocks on his door* Akutagawa: "!!!" *scrambling around, calling from inside* "Y-Yes?" gin: you feeling any better? Akutagawa: *pulling up his pants* o\\\\\o "Y-Yes." ("WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!") gin: just making sure... Akutagawa: *puts on a shirt--Atsushi's, opens the door* "I-I appreciate that...I think I will shower." gin: oh, did tachihara give you your shirt back yet? the weretiger returned it. Akutagawa: "...He did? ..." Q_Q gin: oh, so you got your shirt back then? Akutagawa: TTuTT "I guess so..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "One coffee, please." nozomi: *already working on it* Vulcan: "...How do you feel about being in the 8th, Nozomi?" nozomi: it's nice. almost like home....*sad smile* Vulcan: "..." *looks around* "...Lot more organized than my home ever was..." nozomi: *nods and looks at a photograph* is this your family? Vulcan: *nods* "Dad. Granddad." nozomi: ah, i see...you must have been close to your father, huh Vulcan: "Learned all I know about engineering from him and Granddad." nozomi: ah....i guess we're alike in that sense... Vulcan: *nods* "I'd say so...Bet you picked up a lot of lessons from your family." nozomi: *she nods* my father and dr itou taught me just about everything i know....my father was trying to find a cure for the combustion phenomenon... Vulcan: "...That'd be helpful." *thinks of Lisa* nozomi: it would have been.....*sad expression* Vulcan: "...We're the next generation, trying to improve upon what our parents did." nozomi:...*nods* i'll do my best! Vulcan: "Ha ha! That's the spirit." -elsewhere- ???: "Higuchi? You awake?" higuchi: mhphh...mrnn... "Akutagawa": *dressed like a prince, holding out his hand to her* "I am here to awaken you." higuchi's sister: sis? you up yet? higuchi: ryu...*smooching her pillow* "Akutagawa": "Be my princess, Higuchi..." higuchi: of course, ryu~ -curtains open, letting in the sunlight- higuchi: *SCREEEECH!* higuchi's sister: OI! GET UP! higuchi: TT~TT ???: "She in or what?" higuchi: eh-eh?! WHO IS IT?! Dazai: "Howdy." higuchi:.... *rolls over and covers herself with the blanket* *muffled groans* Dazai: "??? Hey, come on--I need to talk with you..." higuchi: whaaaaat is iiiiiit? TT_TT Dazai: "I got a lead on what Mori has been up to." higuchi: ?? *looks up* Dazai: *holds up a slip of paper with an address* "This hospital. He keeps getting mail from there." higuchi: ?? well, he was a doctor... Dazai: "And getting medical records from an OB GYN?" higuchi: ??? huh? Dazai: "Such as ones related to, let's see--one new expecting mother tied into the True Cross Academy..." higuchi: why would he..... *lightbulb, but not the truth* that. bastard. Dazai: "I'll just leave you the list of names of women he's been looking into..." *hands her the envelope* higuchi:....*shivering* Dazai: "...Hey. I need you on this. You up for this?" higuchi: *nods* Dazai: *looks over her shoulder* higuchi: just what are you planning, mori... Dazai: "Lots of women...That name looks familiar." *points at one* higuchi: *squints* -elsewhere- Dr. John: "..." *shudders* veronica: something wrong, melinda? Dr. John: *weak smile* "Just got out of a meeting." veronica: everything ok? Dr. John: "It's...alright." *starts sorting files...shaking a bit* veronica: .... -elsewhere- Relan: *collapses in bed* "My muscles..." T~T shinra: *pats his head* Relan: "How do you guys train this hard? -elsewhere- Chuuya: *icepack to head* "Higuchi...needs to stop drinking." kouyou: *worried expression* Chuuya: "She was in a bad place last night..." kouyou: *listening* Chuuya: She...had an expectation that didn't pan out." kouyou: oh? Chuuya: "...She thought something would be a bigger deal than it was, so she's trying to get over a love connection that wasn't going to happen." kouyou: how unfortunate... Chuuya: "You ever go through that? Maybe you have some woman-to-woman advice you can give her?' kouyou: ........perhaps that is a good idea... Chuuya: *nods* "I guess she's taking the day off from work?" kouyou: *nods* she called in sick... Chuuya: "Same for me, I'm afraid...I used to be able to drink more than this." kouyou: oh, chuuya....*huuuug* Chuuya: -\\\\- "That's not necessary..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *stares at Atsushi* "He...took your shirt?" atsushi: it was kinda weird, and a bit creepy and i dont know why he would do that! Dazai: "..." *grins* atsushi: ?? what? Dazai: "He wanted a collectible~" atsushi:....i dont follow? Dazai: "Something of yours to keep close to him..._really_ close." atsushi: he mentioned something about 'wanting to track my scent'.....wow that is creepy! even for him! Dazai: "No kidding...You think he had...other motives for getting your scent? Maybe he...likes the way you smell?" atsushi:....yyyeeeah im pretty sure he hates my guts. Dazai: "But I heard someone once say love and hate are two sides of the same coin." atsushi:....i still dont follow? Dazai: "...He wants you. Badly." atsushi:.... *gulp* that sounds bad. Dazai: "In bed." atsushi: he wants me to sleep? yosano: *facepalm* Dazai: "...Naomi. Explain to him." naomi: 7w7 *whispers* atsushi:..................................................................................EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?! O////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Dazai: "Now you know! Kind of reframes things, huh?" atsushi: im not sure how to feel about that. he still tried to kill me. Dazai: "I suggest a restraining order." yosano: and invest in better home security. Kunikida: "Don't let in weirdos." -elsewhere- Mori: *reviewing files* -elsewhere- Belkia: *massaging his wrist* otogiri: have you learned your lesson now? Belkia: "Probably not--except to keep extras keys around." otogiri: -.-; -elsewhere- Arthur: *packing his suitcase* "...Should I bring the mace?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I'm home." kim: hey! ^^ Jacqueline: *takes off her jacket--she has ink stains along her shirt* kim: yikes, did a pen explode on you? Jacqueline: *sighs* "That raccoon...He was chewing on them." *takes off her shirt* kim: oh jeez. Jacqueline: "Not sure detergent will get it out..." *pulls a shirt out of Kim's dresser* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." christa: ^o^ Akitaru: *smiles* "Hey, Christa. How are you?" christa: hiya! marie: ^^ {ami: papa!} Akitaru: "?!" *sits back a bit, slightly startled* marie: everything ok? christa: *head tilt* O^O~? Akitaru: "...Christa just reminds me...of my daughter." marie: ....oh... Akitaru: "It's...How is Christa doing?" marie: she's doing good. hard to believe she's 2 already... Akitaru: "Time sure does pass by quickly...got to value it." marie: *nods* Akitaru: "...You're doing a good job, Marie." marie:....*smiles* Akitaru: "She has a good role model. Are you happy?" marie: of course. ^^ .....*sad smile* her birth mother....passed away. i ended up taking her in. Akitaru: "...I bet you think about how to tell her...when she's ready." marie:...*nods* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Rice is almost done." tsubaki: *smiles* -elsewhere- Jun: *humming, as he makes lunch meals for tomorrow* takuto: zzzzz... Jun: *finishes the meal, then turns to Takuto* "..." *pulls sheet over his shoulders* takuto: =w= Jun: *finishes washing the dishes, looks at Takuto* -elsewhere- Mikuni: *in a Thompson sisters cowgirl outfit* metsu:..... Mikuni: "Can you believe someone gave these away to the thrift store?" *tugs on waistband* "Jeans are a bit tight, though." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, eating an apple* -later- atsushi: im home! Kyoka: "Welcome." *has set out bowls of rice* atsushi: jeez, today was busy. Kyoka: *sets down the stew* "Oh? How so?" atsushi: well.... just been busy. Kyoka: "Ah. Then you should rest after dinner." *sits down* "Take a bath." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "And be sure to eat well during your training." tamaki: will do. Arthur: *nods* "Dragon meat is a hearty meal." Relan: O~O shinra: riiiight. *sweatdrop* Takehisa: "You'll need to be at full strength in combat, as it will exhaust you..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sips more coffee* "Okay...That should shake off the last bit of the hangover." mito: *leg nuzzle* Chuuya: *smiles, pets Mito* "Hey. I'm sitting upright now." mito: ^w^ Chuuya: "Remind me not to try to beat out Higuchi in a drinking contest..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *continues petting* "...I'll have to get you new toys, soon." mito: *tiny yawn* Chuuya: *small scratch under her chin* mito: =w= Chuuya: "Good kitty..." -elsewhere- Patty: *wrapped in toilet paper* "Mummy!" stocking: ^^; liz: ^^; Kid: "..." *grabs the toilet paper* "Not symmetrical." *tugs, spinning Patty around* Patty: D: "WAAAAAAH!" -elsewhere- Konro: *tending to plants* "Should be good herbs for dinner." kabuki: *nods* Konro: "Careful with the fire sage, though: you'll need to wear gloves or you'll feel irritation on your fingers." kabuki: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: D8> *panting in fox form* Konro: -_-; "And don't _eat_ it until I remove the spice from it..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Status report." dia: the flame human that appeared has been pacified. Burns: *nods* "The remains from the human?" -elsewhere- Anya: "I'm home." tsugumi: welcome back! Meme: *waves* Anya: "Are the new students always stopping by the school?" tsugumi: i guess so, but that's mostly with just the local students. considering im from out of death city, i started with everyone else during the spring roster. just imagine how many new students will be joining as soon as the school year starts proper. Anya: "Hmm...She had a bit of an accent to be a 'local student.'" ao: oh? Anya: -_-; "Yes. I couldn't place the accent. Maybe Eastern Europe?" tsugumi: maybe? mio: she could have moved here before hand. Anya: "I guess so..." *slight shiver* tsugumi:..*pats her back* -underground- yana: so that's where the records room is. now all i need to do is find a way inside. FD: "Do you want to try sneaking in, or do you know someone who has access?" yana: lets say, i left a little friend there~ *has a remote control out* FD: "Neat. What's it do?" yana: with any luck, gets us access to the records room. FD: "Good work. How long before we get access?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *snoring* lilac: zzzzz naho: *smiles and puts blanket over them* Sakuya: *small yawn, as he pulls the blanket up more along Lilac* naho: ^^ lilac: *hug* zzzz Sakuya: *protective hug* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *looking around new office* "..." louisa: *bringing in a box* i managed to get most of your things from the moby dick. Fitzgerald: "...'Most'? Did you retrieve...the photograph?" louisa: it was the first thing i got. *puts it on his desk* Fitzgerald: "..." *stares at the photograph* "..." T_T louisa:...*pats his back* Fitzgerald: "I will make this up to her...I will do the right thing." louisa: i know you will. *smiles* Fitzgerald: *sniff, sighs* "Well, until then...I must earn more money." -elsewhere- Medusa: *shivering* neian: zzzzz Medusa: ("Those hallucinations...What is happening to me?") -elsewhere- Dr. John: *staring at a family photo* "..." sachiko: those your relatives? Dr. John: *nods* "My parents are in the back." sachiko: ah. *nods* Dr. John: *smiles at Sachiko* "How is Izumi?" sachiko: doing great. she's starting classes at the DWMA next month... Dr. John: "Oh? That is really good! Is she excited?" sachiko: *nods* Dr. John: *sad smile* "She'll learn a lot there...Did Spirit say he was okay with her going through that training?" sachiko: i think so. Dr. John: "Then I'm sure she'll be fine." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *enters battle simulation* -training dummies begin their attack- Akutagawa: *pinches head off one dummy* "Increase difficulty." -several more attack- Akutagawa: *hit in the face, growls--swirls black energy around one dummy's limb, snaps it off to beat the other dummies* -BREEEN BREEEEEN- -a red 'WARNING' flashes on screen- Akutagawa: "?!!! What on earth?" -a new training dummy appears; a tiger- Akutagawa: "...No..." *steps back* tiger: *ROOOARs and charges* Akutagawa: *backs up, panting, shivering* "N-No!" *summons Rashomon around him, sending it at the Tiger* -KO- -stage complete!- -the tiger just lays there...- Akutagawa: "...No..." *runs to it* "No!" *gets down beside the Tiger* gin: ryu! *goes into the training room* Akutagawa: "Wake up...Wake up, damn you!" gin:... *SLAP* RYU SNAP OUT OF IT! Akutagawa: *stunned...his eyes are full of tears* "...There's something wrong with me." gin: its ok ryu. it's not real, see? it's just a training dummy. Akutagawa: "...I wanted it to be real..." gin: ...... Akutagawa: "In so many ways...and I am confused." gin: .....do you need to see the medic? Akutagawa: "..." *taps his head* "Something else." gin:....i'll see what i can do... Akutagawa: "Th-Thank you..." *lies down* -elsewhere- Bon: *grumbling* -elsewhere- Assi: "Got the last of the dishes washed!" chie: good job. Assi: ^^ "Happy to! One of the few things I'm okay at..." Zuno: "??? Wait, don't we have more to finish?" Assi: -_-; "We did them already." -elsewhere- Kid: *sipping tea* Kid: *sets out cake* -elsewhere- Yukio: *opens drawer full of his glasses* "Hmm..." *puts on a pair* "I'm about ready." kyouko: hey. do your best today, ok? Yukio: *nods* "I try. Good luck today." -elsewhere- Rin: TT_TT "My allowance is being eaten up by candles..." *sets out more on rooftop* shura: well then who's fault is that? Rin: >_<# "I'm trying my best, damn it! Maybe I need a better teacher!" shura: *glaaaare* Rin: "So why don't you actually help me figure this out? Like, I did the *poof* trick--but I end up burning the entire candle rather than just the wick at the top." -elsewhere- Giovanni: *flips a switch* "We are here..." guruna: ~? Ouo *It is dimmy lit...There are a few photos on the walls with x's crossed out over people's faces...including of Vulcan's father* -elsewhere- Bon: *washing his hands at the kitchen sink* ("...Dad...What the hell...") juzo: ..... *walking* Bon: *spots Juzo...follows* juzo: *entering the elevator* Bon: "?!" ("Where did that come from? Was that a key?") *pressed button on the elevator* -ding- Bon: *carefully exits so not to be seen* -in the keep lobby, several people lay unconscious- Bon: "?!" *checks the vitals on one person* "What the hell happened?" -the door to the keep opens slightly- juzo: ........?! mamushi?! Mamushi: "..." *her hand is over the jar...* juzo: MAMUSHI STOP! Mamushi: "Juzo...You know the story of the Blue Night?" juzo: ....yes....my brother, takezo, died then... Mamushi: "And did you know...that because of that night, the son of Satan was born?" juzo: what?! Mamushi: "Mephisto was assigned to eliminate the child. Instead, he made a deal with True Cross to spare the child--and he conscripted Suguro to help in deceiving us." juzo: ?! do you even have proof? Mamushi: "Ask Todo." juzo: ?!?! -BOOOOOOM- todo: ah, mr shima. it's been some time since we saw each other last. juzo: !!!! so then _you're_ the one responsible! Bon: "?!!!" *runs forward, but he is still far from the site* todo: seems i am. you did an excellent job, miss hojo. you always were my favorite student... Mamushi: "..." *ignores Todo's words, her hands moving to open the top of the jar...* "True Cross cannot be trusted with this object...Suguro cannot...We will protect it..." juzo: MAMUSHI NO! HE'S TRICKING YOU!! Mamushi: "Suguro has tricked you!" *removes the top of the jar...* juzo: !!! Bon: "Seal!" Mamushi: "?!" *Bon's seal pushes back Mamushi* todo: oh? suguro's son? here to play 'dragon'? Bon: "I'm not letting you leave with the Eye!" todo: hmm, like father like son, it seems. mamushi, if you would. Mamushi: *inhales deeply, as the snake begins to appear...its mouth opens as it rushes towards Juzo* juzo: *chanting to summon a barrier seal* -several members of the myoda have arrived to investigate- myoda member: !!! it's todo! myoda member 2: mamushi! what are you doing with the eye?! Mamushi: "Taking it where it can be kept safe from True Cross's machinations." *the snake tail whips around at Myoda members* juzo: !!!! todo: i believe it's time we took our leave. juzo: WAIT- Bon: "Why weren't any of you here more quickly?! Why weren't you--" ???: "We saw all." Bon: "??? ...Dad?" Tatsuma: "..." *weak smile* "Nice hair." myoda member 3: oh shit. Bon: >_<#### "YOU STUPID BASTARD! WHERE WERE YOU?!" tatsuma: ^^; i'd love to stay and chat, but right now, i have to go after mamushi. *begins walking away* Bon: *grabs Tatsuma's wrist* "Is it true?" tatsuma: ?? Bon: "You knew about the Blue Flames? What Mephisto did?" shura: oh shit... tatsuma: ...... Bon: "Answer, you old fool!" tatsuma:...well, it's a secret, haha. listen. things are a bit hectic, so try and get some rest for now. *A hand rests on Tatsuma's shoulder* tatsuma: ?? shura: eh?...O-O w-when did he-?! Rin: "Bon. Back off." Bon: *growling* "I am not done talking to him! This old fool hid everything from us! He shouldn't be in charge! He's just some crazy buffoon who doesn't know how to do anything! Who can't just get out of people's ways! He is and will always be a screw up!" tatsuma: .... Rin: "Apologize to your father." Bon: "...What? No! I'm not done--" *POW* shura: !!! 'scuse me, coming through. Rin: *holding up his fist* "You take that back, Bon! You don't just insult your old man! You don't know how much time you have--" Bon: "SEAL!" *Rin pushed back* Rin: *growls, flames appearing* "Cut that shit out now!" shura: for fucks sake- RIN! Rin: "..." *extinguishes his flames* "...Just get out of my way. I'm not done talking to Bon-" shura: *HEADBUTT* Rin: "AHHH! Damn it!" shura: did you forget what they said? if you lose control, they'll kill you! Rin: "..." -3- "Just trying to teach Bon a lesson. He started it..." shura: still, cant have you screwing up and getting put down. you still have a special someone to go home to, am i right? Rin: -\\\\- "Low blow, Boobzilla..." shura: ...........*chanting something* tatsuma:.... 7///3///7;;; Rin: "??? What are you--?" -a brace around rin's tail begins to hurt. bad- Rin: .________O *HOWLS IN PAIN* shura: i'll handle this one~ ^w^ Bon: *glares at Rin and Tatsuma* tatsuma: you know ryuji.....that woman.....she's got a tush just like your mother's. Bon: "...I want to punch you so badly." -elsewhere- Yohei: *opens door to the fridge* medea: ..... Yohei: "...Yo. Want a drink?" medea:.....water please. Yohei: *pours her a glass* "Here you go. Feeling okay?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Yo. Feeling better?" higuchi: yeah. Chuuya: *small smile* "That's good...You were pretty hammered." higuchi: ....i didnt....do anything _too_ embarrassing...did i? Chuuya: ^^; "No, not at all. But do rehydrate..." higuchi: doing that. Chuuya: "How was the day off?" ("...'Touch myself while thinking of him'...Yikes.") higuchi: it was.....alright. Chuuya: "??? Did you need another day off?" higuchi: i think.....i can manage....i kind of have to...still have business to take care of... Chuuya: *nods* "Need any help?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." atsushi?: *smiles* Akutagawa: "!!! T-Tiger?" atsushi?: *hug* Akutagawa: .\\\\. "Wh-What are you doing?" atsushi?: *smiles and gazes at him lovingly* ryu... Akutagawa: "...Atsushi..." -smooch- Akutagawa: o\\\\\\\\o "..." >\\\\\\\< *tentative smooch* atsushi?: hehe~ Akutagawa: "...Are you laughing _at_ me?" atsushi?: no. you're just...so cute, you know? Akutagawa: .\\\\\. "I...don't know. I don't think another man has ever said I was 'cute.'" atsushi?: *smiles and hugs him* i love you... Akutagawa: "Wh-Wh-What?! I-I-I am supposedly to destroy you!" gin: ryu? Akutagawa: *eyes snap open* ._______. "...What?" gin: are you ok? Akutagawa: ._________________. "...Weird dream." gin: ................. .___. uhhhhh....>->;;; Akutagawa: "???" *looks around* "What?" gin:...i'll just go now. *exits the room* Akutagawa: "???" *looks down* o\\\\\\o "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" -elsewhere- atsushi: O-O;;; Kyoka: "???" atsushi: nothing, just a sudden feeling of unease. Kyoka: "...You are slouching in your seat." atsushi: *getting up* O-O Kyoka: "...Any better?" atsushi: yeah. thank you. Kyoka: "Good..." *stares at his face* atsushi:...what? Kyoka: "Nothing." *lays a hand on his cheek* atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "...You look awful. Get some sleep." -morning- Rin: *tossing, turning...whimpers* -phone rings- Rin: *his hand moves, trying to grab at something--finds the phone* -it's madoka calling- Rin: "??!" *answers* "M-Madoka?" madoka: hey rin, how're you doing? Rin: "...I'm in pain..." madoka: ?! what happened?! Rin: TT~TT "Shura pulled on my tail!" madoka: oh no. that's not very nice! Rin: "I-I was just trying to knock some sense into Bon..." madoka: *listening* Rin: "He got into an argument with his dad, said he didn't care about him, and I...just remembered Dad." madoka: ....rin.... Rin: "...Like, he just was so angry at his dad...and his dad's all old but a good dude..." *whimpers, as he shifts in bed* ("My tail...") madoka: *listening* Rin: "But Bon is angry because he thinks his dad is...Don't tell Yukio this, since it's being investigated, but he thinks his dad is the traitor." madoka: !! Rin: "So...things in Kyoto have gotten worse." madoka: rin....i really wish there was some way i could help, but i dont know how... Rin: "...Getting to talk with you is a start." madoka: *smiles* i wish i was able to come over there and hug you. Rin: "...If you had a key..." madoka: hmmm... *lightbulb* maybe i could talk to your dad? Rin: "O-Okay." *smiles* "Tell him 'hi' for me?" madoka: *nods* i will! Rin: "Love you." madoka: love you too. ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: *flips over a bed* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Think you're packing enough?" *Victor is packing--his suitcase is already ripping at the seams* -elsewhere- Hyde: "No, no, no!" licht: whaaat? Hyde: *grabs Licht by the collar* "WHERE IS MY DOG TAG?!" licht: it's right on your neck, you shit rat -_-; Hyde: "..." *looks down* "...Oh." *looks up* "Next you'll tell me my glasses are on my head." licht:.... romina: *cough* kranz: *sweatdrop* licht: someone has to, besides. *poses* im your guardian angel. Hyde: ^\\\\^ "Yes, you!" *jazz hands* -elsewhere- Shima: "So...aside from bruised egos, everyone okay?"' shiemi: i think so? konekomaru: bon still hasnt left his room... izumo: jeez.... unagi: *staaaaare* Shima: o____O "Um...Maybe I should check on Bon..." *backs away* izumo: ??? what's gotten into him? konekomaru: who knows.... -elsewhere- Kid: *hangs his new painting* "Hmm...Not quite even..." stocking: need help? Kid: *nod nod* "Please." -and so- stocking: better? Kid: *shiny eyes* "You are divine!" stocking: aww, hehe~ *phone call* -_-; freaking work calls....yeah?....oh hey......wait for real?!....*sigh* alright then....ok.....*hangs up* *sigh* duty calls. Kid: *pouts* "You'll be away long?" stocking: not sure. Kid: "Well, be safe out there..." stocking: of course. *kisses him* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "I'll give you a ride. You all packed?" shinra: yep! sayu: all set! tamaki: *nods* Relan: "As ready as I'll ever be..." Arthur: "Let us ride the dragon to our destination." Vulcan: "...Right. Where's tall guy?" Victor: "Coming!" -and so- Arthur: *looks at flights* shinra: man, it feels like so long since we were here last... tamaki: first time in november, then again earlier this year... Relan: "I'm not really familiar with things around here..." shinra: we'll show you around. *smiles* ah, there's the 7th's base now....hellooooo? *No one is inside...then Shinra feels something touching the front of his neck* ???: "You're already dead." shinra: O-O;;;;; Benimaru: "..." *lets go of Shinra with a slight push* "This was your first test." *walks ahead of the group* shinra: *gulp* sayu: cool! fang-hua: so they're here? Tsukiyo: *waves* Konro: ^^; "I see the Commander has welcomed you all..." Arthur: *smirks at Shinra* yu: .////. shinra: TnT fang-hua: come on, we'll show you where the training field is. Arthur: "Ha ha...Stupid Shinra--" *BONK* Arthur: X___X fang-hua: alright. those with ignition abilities will go with the commander. those of you who dont, follow me. yu: o-ok ma'am. sayu: hey, arent you the lady from the training camp? fang-hua: yes, yes i am. ^^; sayu: cool! -and so- shinra: *focused* tamaki: *hella focused* Arthur: *bandage on his forehead, holding his sword, staring at Benimaru* Benimaru: "You have to be focused at all times. Your enemy depends on you leaving a gap--" *starts to move his hand* tamaki: *taking stance* shinra: !! Arthur: *shifts hold on Excalibur* Benimaru: *his hand moves...to the back of his head, as he scratches* "--that let's them attack when you drop your guard." tamaki: *charges forwards* Arthur: "?!!" Benimaru: "..." *holds up two fingers* tamaki: *jumps* HAAAH! Benimaru: "You left yourself open..." *Fire emerges around Benimaru's hand, forming a blast that approaches Tamaki* tamaki: *mid air rolls and lands* shinra: !! *dodge* Arthur: *the blast just passes by his face* o~O; Benimaru: "Attacking head-on. What was that supposed to accomplish?" tamaki: i thought that would work? Benimaru: *flicks her forehead* "I could see you coming right at me." tamaki: owie! TT^TT -on another field- Relan: Q~Q fang-hua: even though you're in a brigade, fighting with ignition abilities isn’t the only method of combat. physical combat and use of weapons are also viable tactics. Relan: "...I was good at running away from fights..." fang-hua: true, having a good escape plan is a good idea, but there are times where that isnt an option. sometimes you have to fight back in order to get stronger. in body and in mind. Relan: "...I'm not good at landing a punch. I'm not sure I know _how_ to punch." fang-hua: well that's why we're here. *4 scarecrows have been set up* these will be your targets. *demonstrating on one scarecrow* kick. punch. chop. three basic attacks. Relan: *approaches one scarecrow* "..." *soft jab at the head* fang-hua: that's a good start. just keep that up. *smiles* Relan: "..." *jab jab...a bit harder jab...small kick* "..." .w. -elsewhere- kabuki: *observing* Konro: "How do you think they're doing?" kabuki: seems they're doing quite well. *smiles* shinra: phew... Arthur: *rotating his arm* "Quite a workout." tamaki: so hungry... TT_TT Benimaru: "We have a meal waiting for you, then you will bathe your sore muscles and get sleep." shinra: ...?? victor? Victor: *wave wave* " 'Ello!" tamaki: *already going to get dinner* reimi: i worked extra hard on this one. Victor: *whispers to Shinra* "I want to talk with you--later." tamaki: it looks sooooo good! shinra: owo;;;; Arthur: "Yeah! I can't wait to dig in..." Victor: *puts finger to his lips and goes to sit to the meal* Relan: O~O "...What was that about?" tamaki: thank you for the food~! shinra: im not sure. but i have a bad feeling about it. Arthur: *picking food off Shinra's portion* shinra: D8< Benimaru: *flicks Arthur's forehead* "Stop that. Reimi, please give Shinra a bit more food." reimi: *nods* Relan: *eating slowly* TTWTT "Tasty..." shinra: ...hey, did you do something with your eyes? they look different. reimi: OwO;;; must be the lighting! Arthur: *holding his forehead* "???" kabuki: excuse me, mr.....victor? was it? Victor: "Victor Licht, yes." kabuki: ah, you dont look like someone from the 8th... Victor: "I transferred from Haijima to join as forensics scientist--and I think the 8th is the best brigade ever!" Konro: "..." kabuki: i see. *looks at konro* Konro: "..." *returns to eating his meal, staring intently at Victor* Victor: owo;;;;; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Doc--can you take a look at this?" *holding the magnetic orb* karin: woah, neato! Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks. But I can't get the response time how I want: the magnetic field goes off 0.2 too late after detecting the fire." -elsewhere- shura: -_-; well that was an awkward conversation.....they _are_ similar...how?....hey stocking.....just-... O-O wait a minute. stocking: hey. madoka: ^^; shura:...... *JAWDROP* stocking: i can explain. Rin: *hobbling around the hall* "Darn stupid tail hurts..." *pouts, not noticing...* madoka: !!! rin! *hug* Rin: QWQ "Madoka!" *hug* stocking: aww. shiemi: ?? eh? k-k-kaname? O.O izumo: how?! stocking: well, long story short, she's joining you guys on the kyoto mission. izumo: SHE'S NOT EVEN AN EXORCIST! stocking: true, but- madoka: m-mr pheles gave me this. *shows a true cross pin* i've been made an honorary exwire for the course of the mission... Rin: "You are?!" *grins* *squees* "...But don't get hurt out there, okay?" madoka: i'll do my best! Rin: *giddy* "I know you will! This is so awesome! How are you? How's Dad and everyone?" madoka: they're doing well. izumo: 7-7; shiemi: ^^; it'll be nice having another girl to talk to, right izumo? izumo: i-i guess, b-but just as long as she doesnt mess anything up. Rin: "Let's find you a room! And wait 'til you try the food here--it's so tasty!" -elsewhere- Dazai: "Busy day of work ahead of you!" atsushi: *nods* Dazai: *pulls out his notepad* "Let's see...One shoplifter hitting up multiple convenience stores, one missing cat, six missing person reports--" -elsewhere- Mori: *opens a package...inside are vials* elise: what's that for? Mori: "Research." *The vials have labels: I. Higuchi. G. Akutagawa. M. Kosaka, etc* elise: ah. Mori: *smiles at Elise* "I will have some meetings soon. Have you had lunch yet?" elise: yep. when's the new punching bag getting in? Mori: "Soon-ish." elise: yay! Mori: "And you'll get to play with her, too. I'm sure she will be more fun than that stick in the mud..." elise: yay! Mori: "Now, how about you get ready for your nap?" -elsewhere- Kid: *making his and Stocking's be...* "Oh! The cupcakes!" *heads back to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Mifune: "Tea's ready." -elsewhere- Shouto: *reviewing clipboard* "We are introducing new students?" ochako: yep! Shouto: "Hmm...I wonder what they are like. Can't judge by names alone...Some familiar last names." ochako: who knows. ^u^ Shouto: "...You're excited about this?" ochako: yep! new faces means new friends! maybe! Shouto: "..." *small laugh* ochako: ^u^ Shouto: "I suppose that is the more optimistic way to look at this." -elsewhere- Rino: "How's it going?" mikami: well. ^^ Rino: "Glad to hear...Need any help?" *she's wearing a cat t-shirt* -elsewhere- Relan: =\\\\\= "This feels better..." *lays back in bath* shinra: ah.... =w= Arthur: *rubbing his wrist* "If this is the Day 1 workout, not working forward to tomorrow..." shinra: how was today for you, rel? Relan: "I think I can throw a punch better now!" *tries punching at the air a few times* "H-How was that?" shinra: woah! that's really good! Relan: ^\\\^ "Thanks...How did your training go?" shinra: getting better. *leans in* u///u Relan: o\\\\o "Um..." *leans back a bit...even as his hand reaches for Shinra's cheek* shinra: *blush* Arthur: -_-;;;; "I'm clean enough." *stands up to leave* shinra:...*small chuckle* this brings back memories... Relan: ^^; "No kidding...I-I still feel shy..." shinra: *smiles* Relan: "H-How about you? You don't...seem so shy." shinra: well, i guess its easier when your with someone you love. *smiles and holds his hand* Relan: o\\\\o "I-I love you, too..." shinra: *smiles and smoooooch* tamaki: *streeeeetch* Tsukiyo: "Been awhile, Tamaki--how's it been?" tamaki: eh, same old. >->; Tsukiyo: "??? What, still having that bad-luck trouble?" tamaki: -_-; yes. yes i am. thought it isnt as often... Tsukiyo: "You try some good luck charms?" *taps a necklace she's wearing* "I got this one to deal with bad love luck..." tamaki: i remember getting on from sister yanase. i think i still have it....back in my room....shit....wait, love luck? .////.; Tsukiyo: TTWTT "I'm still alone...Benimaru has his girlfriend..." tamaki: g-girlfriend? since when? Tsukiyo: "Since you all fought those fake doppelgangers. It's the talk of the town--just taking bets now when he pops the question and she pops out a kid." tamaki: e-e-ehhhhh O///O oh...oh my. well who is this person? Tsukiyo: "Oh, he's with Kirei." tamaki: sister yanase?! ./////. oh my. Tsukiyo: "I know, right? Blindsided by that..." *pouts* "She's with hottie commander now..." tamaki: *thinking hard*.....their baby would look so good. Tsukiyo: -\\\\\- "Yeah, they'd be adorable..." tamaki: yeah......*imagining her own babies with arthur* O/////O WOAH WHERE DID THAT THOUGHT COME FROM?! Tsukiyo: "..." *smirks* "You thinking about your future babies, Tamaki~?" tamaki: >////>;; n-no! Tsukiyo: "Hee hee...I won't tell a soul...Now, while you're here, if you need anything, just ask. I can drop it off at your room." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *exiting the building* gin: ready to head home? Akutagawa: *nods* "You?" gin: *nods* Akutagawa: "Okay..." *starts to move* "...Wait..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: *turns around* "...Thought I felt something." higuchi: ......ryunosuke? may i ask you something? Akutagawa: "??? Higuchi? Hello. What did you want to ask?" higuchi: *gulps, tears in her eyes* are you and the weretiger together?! Akutagawa: "..." *brains stops working...heat coming off his head* X\\\\\\X gin: ryu! get a hold of yourself! *shaking him* higuchi: SO IT'S TRUE THEN?! D8> Akutagawa: "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?!!!!" higuchi: are the two of you in a relationship?! Akutagawa: "YES! OF COMBAT! BECAUSE I WILL DEFEAT HIM AND PIN HIM TO THE GROUND!" gin: phrasing. higuchi: i know that but.....are you together...romantically? Akutagawa: .\\\\. "...No?" higuchi: .....do you.....like him? Akutagawa: D: "I-I-I mean...I-I just...think about...Um..." higuchi:.....*tears falling with a broken smile* ahahahaha......so is that the case then?.....its ok...im not angry....i know...how to handle this... *collapses to her knees and gets down on her hands* GIN PLEASE GO OUT ON A DATE WITH ME! gin: ?!?!?! .///.; Akutagawa: "...What?" higuchi: if i cant be with you, then i'll go for your sister! >-< Akutagawa: "..." *turns to Gin* gin: ....h-higuchi, are you feeling ok? higuchi: NEVER BETTER! 8D Akutagawa: "Ooooookay...I think we need to get you home, Higuchi..." gin: easy now. higuchi: TTuTT Akutagawa: *guides Higuchi* "Let's get you home..." -elsewhere- Montgomery: "Oh, Weretiger...There you are." atsushi: hey lucy. i was just heading home. *smiles* Montgomery: "Oh...Well, so was I. To my home, that is." atsushi: .....well, since we live in the same apartment building....did you...uh...want to walk home together at all? Montgomery: "...Very well." *follows* "...Did my tea cure you of your cold?" atsushi: yeah it did. thanks. ^^ Montgomery: *smirk* "Told you so. My tea is a cure all..." *jabs Atsushi's shoulder* atsushi: ah, hehe. ^^; Montgomery: "So, it's you and that Demon Snow girl in your apartment?" atsushi: kyouka. and yes. just the two of us. Montgomery: "...Oh." *scratches her cheek* "...Does she keep your place clean?" atsushi: we both do. *smiles* im glad she's ok now. she's like a sister to me. Montgomery: "O-Oh? That's...awfully close..." -\\\- atsushi: i guess. but then again, i didnt exactly know what it was like to have a family until recently... *covers mouth* im sorry! i didnt mean- Montgomery: "It-It's fine...At least you have a family. I'm happy for you. Really." -___- atsushi: say, did you want to come up to our room for dinner? Montgomery: ._.; "...I wouldn't want to impose. After all, I don't know how much food you have..." >_< atsushi: well, um....maybe we could get lunch together some other time? Montgomery: "?! Oh, so now you _don't_ want me over for dinner?!" *pouts* atsushi: i-i didnt mean that! i...uh...you did make a point that we might not have much... ._.;;; Montgomery: "I WAS BEING POLITE! THEN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAY--" *imitating Atsushi's voice and mannerisms* " 'No, really! I insist! P-Please come! We'd love to have you--" *back to her usual demeanor* "SO LET'S GET TO YOUR PLACE RIGHT NOW AND HAVE DINNER!" atsushi: OK! OwO;;;; (thinking: kyouka please dont murder me) Montgomery: *takes his hand, leading the way* "And hurry up! I'm hungry..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Is everyone home?" naho: i think so. tsubaki: *nods* Black Star: "Good--then that means no need to worry about anyone being out past curfew..." *bolts the door* himawari: ... Black Star: "??? Himawari? You hungry?" himawari:....a little... Black Star: "Then I'll whip something up for you! Maybe Sham would like a meal, too..." himawari:....not...for that.... Black Star: "??? 'For that'? What, is he not doing okay?" tsubaki:....*small slice along her arm, offering it to himawari* himawari: *licks* Black Star: .______.;;; "...Tsu?" tsubaki: better now? himawari:....*nods* Black Star: .______________. "...I guess we need to get more blood donations, or--" Belkia: "I'M STARVING!!!" *leaps at Black Star* Black Star: "HOLY SHIT!" *tackled* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sleeping on Yu's bed* yu: hmm? oh hey there lil guy, where did you come from? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ *small fox click sound...nuzzles* yu: ^^ Benimaru: *walks by* "??? Is the fox giving you trouble?" yu: no sir. he's really fluffy. kirei: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ ("It's good to get attention...") *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Wes: *checking his metronome* -elsewhere- Arthur: *stretches as he lies down* "Sleep will be good..." -elsewhere- madoka: *nods* im ready. shura: alright. *has several targets set up* madoka: *summons bow and takes aim at the targets* Rin: *watching the attack* shura: wow, nice. madoka: *focused* Rin: *claps* "Yay!" shiemi: *watching*... (thinking: miss kaname's really good in combat...) Rin: "Good work, Madoka!" madoka: ^///^ *smiles* Rin: *smiles* "It'll be great having you out in the field--you're going to be a big help after the snake priestess escaped." madoka: i'll do my best! shiemi: *weak smile* Rin: "??? Shiemi? How's it going?" shiemi: i'm ok! i'll just go tend to the patients........*dials a number on her phone* -it leads to voicemail- shiemi:....*sigh*...*hangs up* -elsewhere- Yukio: *phone on silent, as he files a report* -morning- Akutagawa: *yawn* gin: morning. hope you dont mind omelet again... Akutagawa: *nods* "That is acceptable." *sits down, yawns* "I slept deeply..." gin: *smiles* that's good to hear. Akutagawa: "How did you sleep last night?" *sips his tea* gin:...pretty well. Akutagawa: *smiles* "That's good. You do look rested." -elsewhere- Tachihara: *stretches* ???: zzzzzz -a random prostitute is asleep in the bed- Tachihara: "..." *poke poke* lady: *yaaawn* ya? Tachihara: "It's morning. Get up." lady: alright, jeez. *streeetch* Tachihara: *walks to dresser, takes his wallet* "How much?" lady: $35, hun~ Tachihara: *hands her $40* "I don't think you can make change like that, so keep the tip." lady: aww, thanks sugar~ *smoooch on the cheek and winks* Tachihara: ^\\\^ "Later...If you need the shower, feel free." -elsewhere- Kid: *snoring* stocking: *licks his earlobe* Kid: *eyes break open* "Wh-What?" stocking: morning, kiddo~<3 Kid: *shiny eyes* "You're home!" *hug* stocking: yeah. *hug* i just had to drop someone off on a mission. but im home now~ kirika: 'bout time. he cried himself to sleep, you know. Kid: o_____O "I DID NOT!" *spots pillow that is wet* "..." *tosses pillow away* stocking: *sighs and hugs him* Kid: ^\\\\^ *hug* stocking: its ok. im here now... Kid: "And we have catching up to do! How was the mission?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *exiting her apartment* naomi: morning neighbor~ hope we werent too loud for you. Montgomery: "...'We'?" Tanizaki: Q~Q naomi: 737~ Montgomery: o______o "...Okay. No, you weren't loud..." *shudders, locks her door* "I have to get to work. Have a good day." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holds up a gong--and strikes it* "Wake up..." shinra: WARK! O.O IM UP! Arthur: *leaps up in his boxers, sword in hand* "Bring forth the dragon!" Relan: *falls out of bed* "OW!" Benimaru: "..." *stares at Shinra* shinra: rel! you ok? D8 tamaki: whaaaat what is it? *in a unicorn kigurumi* Benimaru: "You have practice in one hour. Get breakfast and get ready to fight." *stares at Tamaki's outfit* "..." *walks away* Arthur: o\\\\o "BRAVE UNICORN! Let us go into battle! I will ride you to victory!" Relan: "I'm fine...What happened?" shinra: morning. that's what happened. tamaki: O///O G-GET OFF ME! >////<# Benimaru: *smacks Arthur in the forehead with a stick* "Down. Down." Arthur: X____X -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Maki, I'm almost done with the new weapon..." *tosses a collapsible metal rod to her* maki: ooh, neato. Vulcan: "The bottom of it has a flame pop out of it, which you can control for combat--or for flight. I call it the 'Broomstick.'" maki: ....kickass. Vulcan: "Start easy on it--I don't know how high you can fly on it." *wipes grease off onto his shirt* "...Damn." karin: he wanted to call it the 'boom'-stick, but that one was already done, haha. Vulcan: ^^; "I'm not one for originality..." *takes off his shirt* "Doc, how's the mech going?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *bite marks along his arm* -____-;;; *tosses a blood packet into a cooler* naho: sorry about last night. q.q Black Star: "It's fine. People get hungry. Hunger makes people do...things. Like biting people's arms..." naho: hehe ^^; Sakuya: "I guess we better stick to 'frozen dinner' for now..." *sips on a blood packet* -elsewhere- Giriko: *deep inhale* anna: O^O~? Giriko: *looks at Anna...smiles* "Sorry, kiddo...Just thinking about your...sister." anna: *seems she wants up* Giriko: *picks her up* "Like getting higher, huh?" -the door opens- arachne:.... Giriko: "...Arachne?" arachne:...*wipes tears as she takes a hold of anna* -a young lady enters the room- malaria:.....h-hey...dad. 7.7; Giriko: "..." Q~Q "..." *sniff* *waves Anna's hand at Malaria* "H-Hi..." anna: ^u^ malaria:...so this is my sister, huh? arachne: *nods* Giriko: "...This is Anna...Evangaline...This is your sister..." malaria:...*smiles slightly* hey kiddo. anna: eevee! eevee! Giriko: *sobbing* malaria:...hehe. *picks her up* arachne: *holding her daughters* Giriko: *big hug* -elsewhere- Yohei: *patting Toru's back* toru: *hic* =3= Yohei: "It'll be okay...Just let it out..." *rubs along his back* -elsewhere- atsushi: zzzzzz ???: hey. atsushi: hmm? -he's the only one in the room- atsushi: ???? *shrugs* *Text message light on his phone is blinking* atsushi: ??? *looks at phone* *Message from Kunikida* [busy work day. need you to keep an eye on dazai. don't let him do anything stupid(er than usual)] atsushi: *nods and gets up to get changed* ???: dont forget your grocery list. atsushi: ah, right. *puts that in his pocket and heads out*...... o.o wait....who the hell? *looks around. no one.* 0-0; Kyouka: *still asleep* "Zzz..." atsushi: *nudge* kyouka? time to wake up. Kyouka: *swings her arm up* "Nfff..." atsushi: .....*TICKLE ATTACK* Kyouka: o\\\\\o *swinging her arms, giggling* "St-Stop! This is t-t-t-tortuHA HA HA HA!" atsushi: success! Kyouka: =_= "Mean." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "What's on their training agenda today?" fang-hua: looks like an obstacle course... Tsukiyo: "Neat! I bet the Commander laid all kinds of traps." Victor: *suddenly pops up next to Fang-Hua* "But Shinra and the others will handle them!" fang-hua: GAH! O-O Tsukiyo: *ducks behind Fang-Hua* "Wh-Where did _you_ come from?" Victor: "The 8th! And I know even more difficult obstacles you should add to this course..." fang-hua: ^^; t-thats ok, really. Victor: *pouts, puts away bag of cartoonish-looking bombs* "Fine..." -3- Tsukiyo: "..." *whispers* "Dude is obviously evil." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *whistling* higuchi: morning. Chuuya: "Oh, hey! Feeling better?" higuchi: i think so. 7///7; Chuuya: "Well that's good." *smiles* "Happy to have you back at work." higuchi: well, cant be distracted now, right? Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Yeah...That's a challenge." -elsewhere- Yumi: "How did it go?" lord death: it was a success! huzzah! Yumi: *smiles* "Good. I would like a report." -elsewhere- Gopher: *tossing a ball at the wall* kirika: *got the bat out* ok, lets do this shit. kotone: *has the catcher's mit* Gopher: "Okay...Keep your eye on the ball!" *prepares...throws--* kirika: *glint* -KRRRACK- -right onto the roof- Gopher: *blink* "..." *summons wings* "I'll get it!" kotone: ....*light pout* -elsewhere- Jun: "Another vampire attack...Where did this one come from?" yumikage: around port town train station. Jun: "Let's head out that way, pick up clues." yumikage: *nods* hyakuya: .... -elsewhere- Shima: "Man...Dad and bros are pissed, we may have a traitor around..." madoka: that sounds pretty bad. izumo: that's because it is bad. unagi: *staaaaaare* Shima: *whispers* "And I keep feeling like someone is staring at me..." madoka: o.o~? Shima: *whispers* "Help me! I think someone is going to hurt me..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "21...22...I'm three dollars short." -elsewhere- Mori: *loud screaming* kouyou: ?? Mori: "I stubbed my toe!" TT~TT kouyou: how unfortunate. Mori: "And that stupid new secretary still isn't here yet..." kouyou: give the dear some time... Mori: *grumbles* "What else can go wrong?" -elsewhere- Anya: *walking back with groceries* licht: oh look hyde, it's your girlfriend. Hyde: O\\\\O *punches Licht's arm* "Dude, not so loud!" Anya: "L-Licht! H-Hi..." licht: hey anna. Anya: -\\\\- " 'Anya'--" Hyde: "Her name is Anya!" *smiles at Anya* "May I help you with your groceries~?" Anya: "...I'm fine." *smiles at Licht* "And how are you?" licht: as well as always, an angel is always fine. Anya: *swoons, falling back into Hyde's arms* "As you wish~" Hyde: .\\\\. *catches her* "..." *pushes her along towards her destination* romina: *in a red whale suit* well aint they just an entertaining bunch? julian: *in a pink whale suit* i suppose so... Anya: .___. "...Are those people in whale suits?" licht: yes. they're with us. Hyde: "Yo, help Anya with her groceries..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks outside* -fairly nice weather out today- Akutagawa: "..." ("Maybe a walk...") *stands and exits the building...* ???: just this for today Akutagawa: "???" -atsushi was purchasing something from a street vendor- Akutagawa: owo;;;; *sneaks through shadows towards street vendor* atsushi: *walking back to the agency* ???: be on your guard. you got someone tailing you. atsushi: ?!?! *turns to look* *No one is there* atsushi: aaaah! who are you and what do you want from me?! -no reply- atsushi: *running back* Akutagawa: *following in the shadows* ("Where is he going...?") -he went back to the agency building- Akutagawa: "..." *pouts* ("I should have talked to him...") -phone rings- Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the phone* -its a text- Akutagawa: *reads* -text from tachihara; yo akutagawa, where u @?- Akutagawa: [out for a walk] -elsewhere- Montgomery: *sighs* "Slow lunch hour..." -elsewhere, at school- Meme: *humming while writing a note* girl: *writing a letter* 'dearest mother, father, and brother. death city is just as i imagined it to be and then some. i look forward to beginning my school years here. perhaps i will meet our other brother here as well, as he did say he was living here now.' *she smiles* Meme: *glances* "Pardon me? I forgot to bring more paper..." -elsewhere- Giriko: TTwTT "I'm glad you're back..." -elsewhere- Kid: *holding his head* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "I said dodge." *launches another fire blast* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Any updates from our trainees?" -elsewhere- Anya: "Well, thanks for dropping me off..." romina: aint a problem! Anya: "...The whale suits are cute." licht: it was kranz' idea. Anya: *smiles at Licht* "Really? I thought it may have been yours..." licht: i helped. Anya: "I knew it!" *pats his shoulder* -elsewhere- Vulcan: TT_TT -elsewhere- Ranpo: *spinning a top on his desk* atsushi: im back! Ranpo: "Did you bring back novels?!" Dazai: "Food?!" Kunikida: "Your paperwork?" atsushi: got everything right here. i even got extra urinal cakes. dont know why. Kunikida: "...Okay, that's an odd detail." ._.; atsushi: yeah, a voice in my head told me.....am i sick? Kunikida: "?!!!" Dazai: "...Did the voice tell you where I can find that special someone?" Ranpo: *pulls out notepad* "Did it tell you under which floor board is the sound of the beating heart?" atsushi: uhhh....nooo? ._.; Kunikida: "But you shouldn't be hearing a voice...Perhaps the doctor should check on you." -elsewhere- Sid: *checking security codes* -something watches from a hole in the wall- Sid: *taps keypad, opening a safe in the wall* yana: ?? Sid: *removes a set of files to reach for a small box, opening it to drop in what looks like a stone...* yana: oh? *Sid's phone rings...He locks the stone in the box, then locks the safe again and departs* -elsewhere- Free: "I'm back..." eruka: hey free. *smiles* Free: "Yo." *holds up bag* "Got the ice cream and the rest on your list." eruka: thanks. ^^ Free: "Feeling better?" -elsewhere- tsugumi: there's a new student living in the dorms now! Anya: "Oh?" tsugumi: yeah, she came here all the way from virginia! mio: then again, people come here from all over the globe, you and i included... Meme: "And Anya..." Anya: -____-;; Meme: "Did she move in okay?" tsugumi: i think so. seems she's used to the death city way of life already. she's even sending out messenger bats! Anya: "...That's not creepy in the least..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Anyone up for a drink?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, watching the 8th* "???" -elsewhere- FD: *asleep at his keyboard* *snoring* zoey: *asleep with her head on his lap like a dog* yana:...that's f*cked up. FD: *snort* "H-Huh...?" *spots Yana* "...Yo." -morning- Rin: *yawns, exiting his room* madoka: *yaaaawn* morning... Rin: *smiles, waves* "Morning...Sleep okay?" madoka: yeah. mrs suguro let me borrow some sleeping clothes. Rin: "...Surprised she wears anything when sleeping..." madoka: ^^; Rin: "Glad she's looking out for you, though. How's training?" shura: *looks shocked* they are similar....how the fuck....how are they like that? *muttering* Rin: "??? Um...Shura? What's up?" shura: IDIDNTDOANYTHINGIMFINEOKAYJEEZ!! madoka: o,o; -elsewhere- Kid: *tossing in bed...* stocking: *hug* Kid: *eyes break open, as he makes a loud gasp...he sees her...he steadies his breath but shivers* stocking: shhh, its ok... Kid: *nod nod* "S-Sorry...A dream..." -elsewhere- atsushi: seems we have another pre-class today. Kyoka: "Oh. What is on the agenda?" atsushi: just more looking around. ???: also your friend kunikida has a birthday tomorrow, so make sure to get him something. Kyoka: "Very well. It will help to know where all classes are..." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "...Is your mind on something else?" atsushi: we need to pick something up for kunikida's birthday. Kyoka: "Oh. Forgot." Montgomery: *walking through the hall* ???: look alive kid, your girlfriend's outside. atsushi: e-EH?! o////o Montgomery: "Yo, Tiger!" atsushi: good morning lucy! Montgomery: "Hey." *looks at Kyoka* "...Snow Girl." Kyoka: "Doll Girl." Montgomery and Kyoka: *stare* atsushi: so, are you coming to classes with us today? owo; Montgomery: "Yeah, got roped into it. Wonder what my homeroom is..." -in class- girl: ..... Kyoka: "???" atsushi: *listening to the lesson* Montgomery: *writing a note...* Teacher: "That led to the arrest of the head of the crime family..." atsushi: *writing down notes* Montgomery: *sighs, staring at the wall* "..." Teacher: "And who knows who took over the crime family?" atsushi: *raising head* the former head of the port town mafia. Teacher: "Correct! Your name, please?" atsushi: atsushi nakajima, ma'am! -silence- atsushi:.....*sweats* Teacher: o__o "...Aren't you..." atsushi:....*ahem* *sits back down* carry on. ._.; Montgomery: *whispers* "They seemed...surprised." atsushi: *trying to focus on studying, embarrassed* Kyoka: *whispers at Montgomery* "Stop bothering him and study yourself." Montgomery: >___< -at lunch- girl: excuse me....i heard you tell fortunes? Kana: "Indeed." girl: do you think there is a chance of me finding love in this town? Kana: *holds out two cards* "Choose." girl: *she picks one* Kana: *holds out...the Lovers* girl: the lovers card! Kana: "Fortune smiles upon you." girl: *beaming* how will i know what they look like? Kana: "Be observant of the signs.” girl: i shall! Kana: "Good luck with your endeavors. Beware of false signs..." girl: *nods* Kyoka: *eating* =w= ???: you've been doing a good job, looking after her. atsushi: (thank you, mysterious voice in my head) ???: you've gotten used to it, i see. atsushi: (well, i've had all sorts of crazy shit happening to me this summer? so why not add schizophrenia to the list?!) ???: im no stranger to sarcasm, kid. Montgomery: "You going to finish those fries, Atsushi?" atsushi: oh, um. did you want any? Montgomery: "Yeah..." girl: *staring at her glass, observing the tea leaves* Kyoka: "??? Is the tea that good?" girl: hmm? oh, yes. im just doing some tea leaf reading. Kyoka: "...I never get to do that." girl: hopefully by doing this, i will be able to find love in this town. Kyoka: "Oh. You're one of those." girl: oh? one of what? Kyoka: "Love-obsessed teeny-boppers." atsushi: kyouka! D8 girl: eh? Kyoka: *sips her own tea* =_= Montgomery: *suppressing a laugh* atsushi: ^^; dont mind her. she can be blunt, but she's actually really nice. Kyoka: -_-# "I am positively delightful." girl: ^^;....ah! something's coming up! girl: a notebook... 'ADA'. atsushi: ah! right! we have to get kunikida his gift! girl: may i accompany you? Kyoka: "...???" atsushi: um...sure? i guess? Montgomery: "..." Kyoka: "..." Montgomery and Kyoka: "We're going, too." -and so- Kunikida: "...Shouldn't you be in school?" atsushi: classes finished up for today. girl: *glances at the notebook* !! Kunikida: "...Why are there more of you students now then the ones who left?" *counts Atsushi and Kyoka...then sees Montgomery* "Oh, you're here, too." Montgomery: -_____- girl: .////. Kunikida: "??? Why is there another student here, Atsushi? Who is she?" atsushi: she's a new student at the school. Kunikida: "So, you're bringing your new friends to work now?" atsushi: well. girl: i insisted sir! .////. Kunikida: "...'Sir'? Who are you?" girl: just call me rowena. ranpo: atsushiiii did you bring snacks? oh, did ya add another girl to your harem? atsushi: IT'S NOT A HAREM! D8> Kyoka: "..." *pulling out a knife* Montgomery: >\\\\\< "Shut your stupid face, Detective!" girl: i have no interest in this boy. mr kunikida though.... *small blush* ranpo: wait a sec, something seems familiar here.....hmmmmm....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......*glasses out* oho! so that's who she is! rowena: eh? ranpo: yeah, she's none other than- *The door slams open--crushing someone* Poe: "RANPO! The new book--it is finished!" ranpo: dude, i was in the middle of something! rowena: ??... !!! Poe: "But what could you be in the middle of that is less important than...than..." *spots Rowena...and drops the book on the foot of whoever he crushed with the door* atsushi: *YELP* OW! kirako: O.O atsushi are you alright? Kyoka and Montgomery: *glaring at Poe--Kyoka has a knife, Montgomery has taken a stapler from Kunikida's desk* Poe: *ignoring them* "R-Ro-Rowen-Rowen-a-a-a-a-a?!" rowena: brother?! atsushi:....wait what? Kyoka: "???" Montgomery: "!!! Is this like a soap opera?" ranpo: yeah, i was about to say she's poe's lil sis.....*stares at poe* ya ruined it. ya ruined the moment, moment ruiner. atsushi: *looks* huh, they do look kinda similar...sorta. Poe: Q~Q "It-It's not my fault, Ranpo! She's my sister! Of course I'm going to greet her." *beat* *looks at her* "Hi." rowena: i heard you were in the city, but i didnt think i'd see you this soon. how's karl? Poe: owo "Well! I left him at work with his new friend--" --Elsewhere-- Jacqueline: "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" --Elsewhere-- Poe: "...She likes him." rowena: oh? where are you working these days? kirako: *already getting the tea out* Poe: "Library. You're starting school here?" rowena: *she nods* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *his arm is in a sling* -____-; mrs bakugo: who did you piss off this time? Bakugo: "He tried to take my lunch money...If you think I look bad, you should see how he looks." -elsewhere- Relan: *kicking at the scarecrow* "Take that! And that! And that!!!" shinra: you're doing great! Relan: .w. *turns, looks* "Thanks! I think--" *the scarecrow bounces back, knocking down Relan* fang-hua: careful, there's rebound on those. shinra: rel! are you ok? Relan: *stunned, nose bleeding just a bit* "...Yeah." shinra: *giving him some tissues* Relan: "Thanks..." *smiles at Shinra* "At least I didn't cry this time..." shinra: *smiles* im proud of you. Relan: "...Okay, now you're going to make me cry." ^^ tamaki: ugh, get a room. shinra: *glares at tamaki* -elsewhere- atsushi: so miss, rowena? what brings you to start classes at the DWMA. rowena: i've been hoping to expand my horizons beyond the schoolings of my tutors. im also hoping to learn more on literature and the occult. ranpo: wow, she really is like her bro. Poe: ^^ "So proud." rowena: ^^ i've been staying at the girl's dormitory. still unpacking my belongings. i was actually planning on visiting you once i settled in. anything new happen to you recently? Poe: "Aside from working at the library? Well, I worked for a guild for a bit. Capture a few people in my book--" yosano: -_-; rowena: ah yes, i think you mentioned this 'guild' in your letters home. ranpo: wait, people still write letters? Poe: "IT IS A DELICATE ART!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* Poe: *ahem* "Sister, were these people kind to you?" rowena: *she nods* the boy though...ive started to notice an aura around him. atsushi: a what now? Poe: "Oh, you're picking up on something?" rowena: perhaps you've been hearing something? atsushi: i have been hearing a weird voice in my head...why? rowena: oho! it just so happens i brought this with me! *pulls a small ouija board from her bag* atsushi:.....what is that? Poe: "Ouija board. Rowena is very good with them." atsushi: ._.; (thinking: is their whole family like this?) Kunikida: *closes the blinds, turns off the lights* rowena: is there anyone here? -the planchette moves to 'yes'- Kyoka: "Ooooooo..." atsushi: are you going to kill me? -it moves to 'no'- Kyoka and Montgomery: *sigh of relief* atsushi: just who are you? - 'O-D-A-S-A-K-U' - atsushi: odasaku? Poe: "??? Huh..." Kunikida: "!!!" rowena: is that all you wanted to know? atsushi: yeah.... -after finishing the session, and poe and rowena left- atsushi: odasaku....who even is that? Kunikida: "...God." atsushi: are you telling me im having religious voices in my head? Kunikida: "You don't know the name of the former head of the Mafia?" atsushi: O_O;;;; Kunikida: "Well, that's not who Odasaku was." Montgomery: *falls out of her chair* "THEN WHY DID YOU SAY IT?!" atsushi: so who was this person? Kunikida: "A Mafia hitman...and Dazai's friend." atsushi: ...oh....where is dazai right now? Kunikida: "Out on an errand..." atsushi:.....should i tell him? Kunikida: "...Gauge how he's feeling. I think this will be a bit much for him..." atsushi:...*nods*....i think...you and this odasaku would have gotten along well. Kunikida: "???" atsushi:....*shakes head* just a feeling, i guess. *The door is kicked open* atsushi: ?! Dazai: "Hello!" *he has a hand print on his face* atsushi: O-O; DID YOU GET THE DOLL?! Dazai: "Nope! This hot woman was really into me! Then I suggested the suicide pact and she slapped me! Best day ever!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* *facepalm* odasaku: glad to see his eye is doing better. Dazai: "So, what's up?” atsushi: how's your eye? Dazai: "??? ...Fine? I mean, I should buy some drops..." *blinks* atsushi: .....well, its getting pretty late now. Dazai: "Eh, not that late. Bars are still open..." atsushi: ....im not really of drinking age. Dazai: "Hmm...Guess I got paperwork to finish anyway..." *sits at Kunikida's desk* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Where to next?" higuchi: we had some vagrants hiding out in one of our storehouses. mori asked us to clear them out. Akutagawa: "Doesn't sound too difficult..." *walks ahead of her* higuchi:...*inhales, then sighs* Akutagawa: "...It's still on your mind." higuchi: ryunosuke? Akutagawa: "What you had asked me...about any attraction I could have for you." higuchi: ..... Akutagawa: "I'm sorry that at this time I cannot reciprocate." higuchi:....right...*frowns* Akutagawa: "...Can we still work together?" higuchi: of course. that's what partners do, right? *faint smile* Akutagawa: *nods* "I will watch your back..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "You were less horrible than yesterday." shinra: thank you....i think. kirei: i brought over some daifuku for everyone. Arthur: *bumps all over his head* X___X shinra: OuO thank's ma'am! Relan: *nods* "Thank you..." kirei: ^^ *small fox following...* shinra: ?? hey lil guy. Fox: ^^ *nods* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sips* gin: .... Chuuya: "??? Something on your mind?" gin:.....made plans for later today. Chuuya: "Good plans?" gin:....you could say that. Chuuya: *smiles* "Glad to hear. You seem so busy with work all the time." gin:...*phone buzzes* that's my cue to go now. later. Chuuya: "Oh. Well, see ya..." Q: one shot'a whisky please! Chuuya: "?!!! Oh, no you don't!" bartender: *hands a refil of wine to chuuya, and gives Q one shot of orange juice.* Q: TnT *sips* Chuuya: *nods* "Thank you." *slips a $20 tip* -elsewhere- Bon: *tossing stones over the pond* madoka: so this is the inari shrine? konekomaru: *nods* madoka: wow! *taking pics* Rin: "Neat! Um...Can we take pictures here?" izumo: its fine. its a popular tourist destination, after all Shima: "Who all works here?" -elsewhere- Kid: *sets down a milkshake with two straws* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *smiles* "I know it's corny..." stocking: still, it's adorable. just like you~ Kid: ^\\\\^ "I added the crunched chocolate, too. And homemade syrup..." stocking: *smooooooch~* Kid: "!!!" *smooch* stocking: love you~<3 Kid: "Love you, too..." *sip on milkshake* -elsewhere- Belkia: *hanging upside down in a strait jacket* "...Okay. Lower me into the pirhana tank." -elsewhere, in the middle of the night- Dazai: "..." *sips his water, looking at the sky* -looks like rain soon- Dazai: "...And me without an umbrella..." Chuuya: *walking around the corner* Dazai: "...Chuuya?" Chuuya: "..." *doesn't look at him, but stops walking* "..." Dazai: "...You look shorter." Chuuya: "...You're still an asshole." Dazai: "...Want a drink? Chuuya: "..." *feels raindrop hits his nose* "..." -soon, the raindrops start falling- Chuuya: "..." *hunches his shoulders...shivers* Dazai: "...Get inside. Come on. I know where the good stuff is that Kunikida hides..." Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "..." *pulls him inside* -inside the building- Dazai: "Pull up a seat!" Chuuya: *lies on the couch* Dazai: "..." *sighs* "Sit up...Brandy will help you out." -everyone else has gone home for the day- Dazai: *pulls out Kunikida's bottle, pours two for him and Chuuya* "...Rain's coming down hard." Chuuya: *takes the glass* "Always does." Dazai: "..." *sips* "...Hey. Remember that night, when the building lost power?" Chuuya: "...Could see the stars all throughout town." Dazai: *sips* "It was pretty. Never got to see that in cities..." Chuuya: "...That was a different time." Dazai: *drops himself on the couch, leaning back* "Doesn't have to be..." Chuuya: "???" Dazai: *holds a remote, presses a button...and little bits of light appear on the ceiling* Chuuya: "???" Dazai: *smiles* "Star projector. Wanted to use it tomorrow to torture Kunikida." Chuuya: "...Shut up and look at the stars." *sips the brandy* Dazai: *smirks* -elsewhere- -a small mouse is roaming through the DWMA records room- yana: lets see what we got here.... ???: "Akane, come on! That's not fair!" yana: hmm? -the small mouse hides out of sight- akane: oho~ jealous much? Clay: "Not even! I just don't think it's fair to me when I have to do more of the work..." yana: ... Clay: "Can't you take this shift? What kind of date do you even have?" akane: family obligations. Clay: "..." *sighs* "Fine. Go. I'll take over." akane: i'll pay you back then. *smiles and exits* Clay: *grumbles, sits at desk...taps his fingers* 5-L: *observing* Clay: *pulls out a file* "Don't know what Sid intends to do with the stone...But if the witches knew about it..." yana: *raises a brow* Clay: "They'd lose it...A stone that transmutes..." yana:....hmmm.... Clay: *sighs, leans back in chair--and falls out* "Ow!" yana: *snickers* Clay: *looks around* "...I hope no one saw that..." yana: hehehe... <what a yutz> -elsewhere- Konro: "How was training?" kabuki: they're improving, little by little. Konro: "That's good to hear...Who do you think is coming along the most?" kabuki: they all are, in their own ways. though young yu and miss kotatsu seem to have the most experience. Konro: "While Shinra, Arthur, and Relan have a bit to go..." kabuki: *nods* miss hirano as well. Konro: "Hmm...Is the Commander pushing them too far?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Odd experience." atsushi: ....not sure how all i feel about today... Kyoka: "It is a weighty responsibility. Sleep may help present answers." atsushi:...ok... *laying down, feeling drained and numb* ..... *staring up at the ceiling* Kyoka: "...Good night." *turns off the lights* atsushi:....night......*still staring up at the ceiling, watching as car lights drive past the window, casting lights on the ceiling* ...... Kyoka: *crawls into her bed...* "Zzz..." atsushi:.......*glancing over at his calendar* <"Kunikida's Birthday" is marked on the calendar> atsushi:....*glances up* atsushi:......*drifting off to sleep* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *snores* gin: *entering the house, quietly* Akutagawa: *asleep on the couch, turns over* -dazai's apartment- Dazai: =w= *pushes the door, enters* "Sleepy bed time..." -no reply- Dazai: *collapses on bed, hugging his pillow* "So soft..." -morning- Sakuya: *making pancakes* naho: can i have rabbit shaped? OuO Sakuya: *smiles* "On it!" *starts molding one* Higan: *yawn* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking up at the ceiling* "..." mito: *laying on his chest* zzzz Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* "Be nice to see stars again..." mito *purrs* Chuuya: *smiles* "..." ("I miss you, Mito...") -elsewhere- Arthur: *bruised and bloodied* x___x tamaki: D8> Arthur: "He's stronger than he looks..." @~@ "How did he block with just his bare hands...?" shinra: years of training i guess. Arthur: TT~TT "Merlin was born old and aged backwards, so that when he was my physical age he was already of immense power...Why can't I..." Relan: *whispers* "He thinks...Merlin is a real person..." *facepalm* shinra: i think he might have special needs....maybe. Relan: "...I shouldn't be making fun of him, then..." Arthur: *sits up* "...Maybe...*groan* some food..." -elsewhere- Bon: *sitting alone* konekomaru:....bon? i got you some taiyaki. Bon: "...Thanks." *takes it...slowly eats* konekomaru:....you ok? Bon: "...What the hell was Dad thinking?" konekomaru: im not sure.... Bon: "I feel like I should have seen this coming..." konekomaru: maybe he has a reason? Bon: "A reason to hide all of this from me? From you?" konekomaru: ....i dont know. Bon: "...Next time I talk with Dad...I'm finding out what he's hiding." -elsewhere- Poe: ^^ karl: ouo~? Poe: "Guess who's back, Karl?" karl: o.o~? Poe: "Rowena!" karl: OuO *tail wagging* Poe: "And we'll be meeting for lunch! And you're coming!" *claps his hands* karl: ^o^ -elsewhere- Stein: "How are you feeling?" patient: better now. *streeetch* Stein: "Good. Appendicitis is no fun. Glad we got to you in time." *holds up appendix in jar* patient: =u= *faints* Stein: "...Huh. Most people like seeing their infected organs removed." -elsewhere- Hyde: *juggling balls* -elsewhere- Kid: "...Where did my suits go?" kirika: dont you have like, 7 billion? *wearing one of said suits. with one of the sleeves ripped off* Kid: "I have 888, all of which are missing, and you just happen TO BE WEARING ONE OF THEM WITH THE SLEEVE RIPPED OFF!" kirika: relax, they're being pressed. Kid: "...Oh. ...I assume symmetrically?" kirika: yeah yeah. Kid: "...Thank you. I am sorry for yelling at you." kirika: eh, im used to it. Kid: "...I...don't think you should be..." kirika: nyeh? Kid: "I mean, yelling at someone is...rude. And it was unwarranted for me to do so." kirika: i guess...then again, i do mess with you a lot. but that's just the kind of person i am, i guess. *shrugs* Kid: "I didn't grow up with siblings...Maybe such antagonism and teasing is something I would have been used to if I grew up with one." kirika:......yeah....i guess.....then maybe you wouldnt be such a hardass either~ Kid: "...I suppose not." ^^# -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm...Where is it..." ao: looking for something? Anya: "I must have lent it...I had a pen that someone borrowed..." ao: oh? what does it look like? Anya: "It has a bear topper...White." ao: oh, a polar bear? Anya: "I...suppose so." -elsewhere- Black Star: *passes out sodas* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Do you think I'm being too difficult on them?" fang-hua: maybe just a smidgeon. Tsukiyo: *snort* " 'Smidgeon.' You sound like an old person..." Konro: "Maybe direct the lessons...?" fang-hua: me? o.o; Tsukiyo: *nod nod* Benimaru: "It may help. Get Arthur to wake up--he's been passed out." Tsukiyo and Konro: ("Because you keep clubbing him in the head...") -_-;; -elsewhere- -pop pop- atsushi: happy birthday, kunikida! Kunikida: *has a party hat put on him by Dazai* "...I said no parties. Why did you allow this, Brat?" atsushi: well, we all wanted to do this. Kunikida: "...Thanks. I'll take a present now." -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding out muffins* -elsewhere- Meme: *looks at 3DS* "What you have on there?" -elsewhere- lana: *sorting files* *someone rings the hotel bell* lana: yes? may i help yo- Higan: "We'd like a room." lana: ah, right this way. -elsewhere- Hibana: *picks up the bed* gabriella: *vacuuming under it* Hibana: "Really got to teach our little princess not to roll cereal under the bed..." -elsewhere- Mori: *puts on his doctor's coat* elise: come oooon we're gonna be laaaate >n< Mori: "I'm hurrying~" ^^ *follows* "Ready?" elise: ^u^ *nods* Mori: "We'll finish our errands--but first, I needed to--" ???: HEY BOSS MAN! maaay have crashed your car. Mori: .____.;;;;; "...What?" naoya: *chewing gum* yeeeah, driving isnt my strong suit. Mori: "...My beautiful car!" Q~Q "HOOOOW?!" naoya: long story short, i suck at driving. *blowing a bubble* whups. Mori: *turning red* "...I am GOING TO PULL THE MONEY FOR THAT CAR OUT OF YOUR ASS!" naoya: and maybe you can pull your head out of yours. elise: *snickering* Mori: "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! I COULD FIRE YOU!" naoya: seems you could use all the help you could get after the robo incident. or would'ya rather send be back with the black lizard? Mori: "..." *grumbles* "Just...Just get back to work..." naoya: *shrugs and does so* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *looking under the sink* "Yuck...Looks like pipe is breaking..." tsubaki: i'll call a plumber in then. Sakuya: "Good plan. I--" Belkia: "I can fix it!" -elsewhere- Emine: *his feet are sticking up...out of the backyard* -elsewhere- Iida: *rotating his shoulder* mama iida: how are you feeling, tenya? Iida: "Sore. Work-out was a bit more than expected." -elsewhere- Yumi: D: "Shiori! shiori: ^o^ *covered in peanut butter* Yumi: "...Okay, first--" *takes out phone, snaps pics* "Second, I'm figuring out who let you get into that. And third, bathtime." shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *picks up Shiori* "Ugh...And I'm going to need to put my clothes in the washer..." -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= "So much cake..." yosano: *has tucked kenji in* Kenji: *smiles in his sleep* Kyoka: *sipping punch* -u- odasaku: glad to see dazai didnt try to piggyback ride anyone this time. atsushi: i guess. ^^; Kunikida: "You say something?" atsushi: hmm? just thinking. ^^;; Kunikida: *nods* "..." *opens his notebook* atsushi:....*notices dazai exiting* dazai? Dazai: *freezes, looks over* "...Wha?" atsushi: heading out? Dazai: "Well, I didn't want to be the guy who's the last to leave the party..." atsushi: ah....going anywhere in particular or... Dazai: "Just...off to see someone." atsushi: ....is this a private thing or....? Dazai: "... No..." atsushi: did you want me to go with you? Dazai: "...Whatever." *starts to leave* atsushi:......*follows* Dazai: *leads him...to cemetery* atsushi:...... odasaku:....... Dazai: *approaches tombstone* "...Hey." atsushi:....*stomach drops* -Sakunosuke Oda- odasaku:.... Dazai: "Lying down on the job, huh?" atsushi: *just standing there* Dazai: "Ha ha...J-Just kidding...Sorry I didn't get here last week. Things get crazy..." atsushi:....*shaking slightly* Dazai: "...Crazy that I feel like you're here right now...But that's just my protégé back there--" *thumbs at Atsushi* atsushi: *tears falling* Dazai: *looks back* "??? ...Atsushi?" atsushi: !! *wipes eyes* d-dont mind me... Dazai: "..." *smiles, pats the tombstone, as if putting a hand on a shoulder* "See? He'd be lost without me." atsushi: ..... Dazai: "...I miss you. I'm sorry." atsushi:....*hug* dazai...i think....he's proud of you. Dazai: "..." *sniff* atsushi:.... odasaku:....*pats dazai's shoulder*....*small smile* Dazai: *slight shiver at the touch, turning around* "???" -its only atsushi there- Dazai: "...Weird..." atsushi:..this...*gulp* this a friend of yours? Dazai: "...The best." atsushi: ....ah... Dazai: "..." *pulls out a small set of flowers...* atsushi: .... Dazai: "...Hey, Atsushi. You hungry?" atsushi:...a little... Dazai: "Let's go to a diner..." *pats the tombstone* "Until next time..." odasaku:...*smiles* you're doing a good job, dazai. atsushi:.....*follows him, looking at gravestones. including one that reads 'Mito 'Rain' Kosaka'* Dazai: *stops at that one* "...He's hanging on, Mito." atsushi: ?? Dazai: *pats Atsushi* "Come on..." atsushi: ..... *follows* -elsewhere-
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