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Ok, because I have literally no self restraint: elvish NASA patches:

(Also, check if you're in the right place and have clear skies to see the comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas! I saw it last night and it's SO COOL!)
I came up with the concept for and potentially faulty etymology of Elvish NASA (VEV, Vardildi Elengolmo Vilciryamoyë) here, so I won't go into that again. I did this in a couple colors and ended up liking the concept for the purple one more, but the blue one came out much nicer, visually speaking. Purple is less...loaded, I think, with specific Elvish connotations (house of Ñolofinwë my beloveds), and the blue was my second choice even though dark blue represents the sky well because I wasn't trying to copy NASA, just be inspired by them.
I stuck the Valacirca (big dipper) in there, and again--I prefer the silver of the purple one conceptually, because those stars are created from Telperion's dew, but they stand out against the white way less well. Also, I didn't cut the thread jumps on the gold ones, and I really love the way that gives the distinctive silhouette of the constellation.
The tehta of the acronym was going to be a stylized shooting star, but literally the moment I was starting to digitize that bit was when I got called to see the comet, so I just had to try to make it a comet instead. My inability to properly digitize gradients continues to be a problem, so it isn't a great representation of a comet's tail, but whatever. An attempt was made.
The star is white, because Varda apparently has a tendency to appear to elves in a glowing white fana. It has fourteen points for theological reasons.
I really wanted to stick a stylized sun in the lower right and moon in the upper left, but I know I have a tendency to make things cluttered so I left them out. But I might try that in the future, because I really want to try out a stylized floral moon.
I have no experience with logo design, but this was a fun concept even though I have to clean it up a little! And maybe now I'll be able to work on the things that actually need doing!
#machine embroidery#pityahano#silm#silmarillion#craft#space#seriously take a look at the comet if you can it's awesome#vev#elvish nasa
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Noche del 18 de octubre del año de Nuestro Señor de 1889. Nave en Canary Wharf (Londres).
El señor Dreeg se puso a pensar acerca de la tonadilla que ahora surgía de la caja de música de Hoid. A pesar de su capacidad para recordar todo lo que hubiera visto, oído o leído, esa cancioncilla no le sonaba. Empezó a teorizar acerca de si pudiera ser algún tipo de clave musical, como la que se decía que usaba Napoleón, pero no estaba claro.
Volví a sacar a colación el tema de que la tal Kairós era la maestra de Hoid, cosa que él de nuevo nos corroboró pero de repente empezamos a escuchar una extraña voz a nuestro alrededor, parecía venir de todas partes a la vez, reverberaba en las paredes pero no éramos capaces de entender exactamente qué decía. De repente, cesó por completo. El señor Dreeg no consiguió identificar el idioma en que hablaba...
Baine nos dijo que había visto algo mientras sucedía aquello, como si hubieran gotitas de Quintaesencia por todas partes. Cuando volvimos a mirar hacia el cuadro de la mujer morena con piel oscura vestida de forma extraña y escasa nos dimos cuenta que había desaparecido su imagen, dejando un lienzo totalmente en blanco. Hoid también se dio cuenta y nos llamó la atención acerca de aquello.

Observando el cuadro, ahora en blanco...
Hoid nos comentó que quería intentar encontrar el momento exacto en que la imagen del cuadro había desaparecido, y si había algún motivo para que aquello hubiera sucedido. Preparó sus utensilios e inició su viaje atrás en el tiempo. Tras unos instantes, Hoid se arqueó de dolor y empezó a desvanecerse poco a poco delante de nuestros ojos.
Esperando que sus habilidades de "prodigio" le permitieran absorber la Quintaesencia de su hechizo y quizás detenerlo, Baine se abrazó con fuerza al cuerpo de Hoid.
Por mi parte, apreté fuerte el cilicio de mi muslo y usé una de las letanías Bahari para intentar unir mis Esferas de Espíritu, Vida y Materia para intentar mantener el cuerpo de Hoid con nosotros. Al hacerlo noté un dolor tremendo en mi interior, como si algo me hubiera quemado por dentro.
Hoid estaba sano y salvo, regresó de una pieza y al cabo de unos momentos despertó de su ensimismamiento. Nos dijo que veía que el cuadro ahora era un espejo. Se vio reflejado en él, y aquella voz extraña que habíamos oído era realmente él diciendo algo desde el espejo. Era un tipo de ciclo, pero no tenía la frecuencia correcta...
Tras todo aquello, decidimos salir de aquel lugar. Sonaba a lo lejos la campana del reloj de la Torre del Parlamente, el "Big Ben": eran las 00:00 horas del día 19 de octubre.
En la calle volvimos a poder hablar de manera normal. Siendo la hora que era y para recapitular sobre lo ocurrido allí esa noche, Aitor nos dijo que podía llevarnos a un lugar que él conocía bastante cerca de allí. Era uno de los diversos lugares donde solía ir a tener relaciones sexuales sin temor a ser descubierto por sus gustos amatorios. Al menos no estaríamos expuestos en aquel lugar tan peligroso...
Estaba bastante cerca, al entrar un hombre le reconoció y le preguntó si quería su habitación de costumbre. Aitor le dijo que quería la que estaba insonorizada y nos miró a todos los presentes, 5 hombres y una mujer...
Entramos y tras cerrar la puerta, proponemos usar un ritual entre Hoid, yo misma y Aitor para intentar recordar todos el sonido de aquella voz y que Dreyfuss pudiera recordar los sonidos con su memoria eidética y transcribirlos fonéticamente. Pusimos en común lo que íbamos a realizar, incluyendo una extraña lámpara que colocó Hoid encendida contra una pared.
Pusimos en marcha el ritual pero algo fue mal... Me sentí desvanecerme. Había regresado a la habitación de la nave donde estaba la pintura en blanco y que, como nos contó Hoid, ahora era un espejo. Algo que llamó enormemente mi atención fue el marco de aquel espejo, tenía formas extrañas que me recordaban a los glifos Bahari pero no cesaban de cambiar ente mis ojos. Me di cuenta que el resto de mis compañeros estaban también allí, todos quietos, con sus ojos en blanco. Vi su reflejo y sus cuerpos empezaban a cuartearse, se iban desvaneciendo ante mis ojos poco a poco. Noté un dolor terrible en mi interior, como si me estuvieran arrancando las entrañas. Miré en el espejo, y en vez de mi reflejo estaba mi Avatar, la niña pelirroja que llevaba conmigo siempre. Ella estaba sufriendo daños físicos masivos: su cabello se caía, su piel se agrietaba y sangraba abundantemente,... Intenté usar mi Esfera de Espíritu para ayudar a mi Avatar. Conseguí retirar las extrañas nieblas que nos rodeaban a todos. Había una sombra, una criatura oscura que estaba masticando con múltiples bocas, devorando a mi Avatar y a mis compañeros, que empezaban a disgregarse. El dolor que seguía en mis entrañas se incrementaba segundo a segundo. Me concentré, aquella criatura de oscuridad parecía un Espectro pero no lo era exactamente, conseguí usar Espíritu para empujarle y alejarle de mis compañeros y de mi Avatar. Noté cómo alguien me cogía por detrás y me arrastraba hacia él.
Mi Avatar en el espejo, dañado por la sombra.
Estaba de nuevo en la habitación del tugurio con mis compañeros. Nos pusimos a hablar acerca de lo ocurrido. Me contaron que al iniciarse el ritual todos habían vuelto a la habitación de la nave, al igual que yo, el cuadro era ahora un espejo con un marco en el que cada uno veía una cosa diferente: Hoid vio notas musicales y cifras matemáticas; Aitor vio ojos; Baine vio el vacío del espacio con alguna estrella a lo lejos; Dreyfuss había visto letras en todos los idiomas y mi fiel criado Angus veía el marco como un río de sangre. En el reflejo del espejo en vez de estar yo estaba mi Avatar, la niña pelirroja, ella sangraba por varias partes de su cuerpo pero lo mismo sucedía fuera del espejo: ella ocupaba mi lugar y gritaba de dolor. Vieron una sombra con varias bocas que estaban atacando a la niña pelirroja. Aitor intentó acercarse al espejo pero empezó a disgregarse. Dreyfuss intentó quitar a la niña de delante del espejo pero le fue imposible. Pero al ver que no podían hacerlo, consiguieron salir de allí (aunque pensaban que con algo de ayuda del exterior) Yo les conté mi parte de lo sucedido y probablemente la ayuda que recibieron para salir fuera mía...
Angus nos comentó que quizás deberíamos hablar con Lady Sommerset y aunque no teníamos el dinero que ella pagó al falso Terence St. Trewes, podríamos darle el resto de las obras de arte que estaban en la nave a cambio. Y ya de paso, podríamos ver qué piezas tenía ella en su casa. La idea era muy buena, decidimos seguirla. Pero no podíamos dejar en la nave el resto de las obras de arte sin vigilar... Baine se encargó de avisar a un grupo de conocidos para que llevaran a cabo el traslado de todo hasta uno de los almacenes del banco, cerca de la mansión de mi tío en la City. Trajeron una carreta con una mula y me encargué de que lo llevaran todo con sumo cuidado dándoles una buena gratificación de 5 libras esterlinas. Lo cargaron todo y nos preguntaron qué hacían con el cadáver del pintor, el auténtico Terence St. Trewes. Acordamos que llevaran el cadáver a la buhardilla donde vivía el falso Terence, lo dejaran allí junto a él durmiento la mona, pero que se encargaran de preparar una escena de crimen creíble en la que claramente se supiera que el falso Terence había asesinado al auténtico con un arma blanca... Angus acompañó a Baine y a los hombres a llevar las obras de arte hasta nuestro almacén.
El resto regresamos a la mansión de mi tío, donde la mayoría se fue yendo a la cama a medida que las horas transcurrían. Yo me quedé despierta hasta que Angus y Baine regresaron, a eso de las 5 de la mañana. Les hice irse a dormir mientras yo terminaba de leer una carta que había llegado recientemente a la casa a mi nombre. Clara me la entregó nada más entrar, iba dirigida a mi persona (cosa extraña, normalmente las misivas iban dirigidas a mi tío Alastaire...) La abrí y vi que se trataba de una invitación que venía a decir:
"A la atención de Lady Moira Eritrea Dunsirn. Se le invita a la mansión de Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster a las 00:00 del día 20 de octubre para tomar un té nocturno en su compañía."
Leyendo la invitación de Lady Penelope.
Si la Primogénita Toreador quería verme es que algo habíamos hecho... o estábamos a punto de hacer. Preparé una carta de aceptación para que fuera entregada a primera hora de la mañana por uno de nuestros criados y, sobre las 6 de la mañana, me metí en la cama y pude descansar un par de horas ininterrumpidas.
A eso de las 8 de la mañana el ajetreo normal de la casa me despertó, me aseé y me vestí antes de bajar al salón. Allí ya estaban listos para salir a la calle Dreyfuss y Hoid. Mi "erudito" había quedado a las 9 horas con sus contactos en la biblioteca para recoger los datos recabados acerca del periodista Ernest Park y sobre la Sociedad Ludibrium. Les dije que tuvieran cuidado y proseguí con los quehaceres típicos de mi posición en la casa y en el Banco Dunsirn. Mandé una carta con un criado a Lady Sommerset, informándole de lo ocurrido y que me personaría en su casa ese mismo día para aclarárselo todo. Me aseguré que llevaran esa carta y la respuesta a la de Lady Penelope a la mayor brevedad posible. Mis heridas internas se habían curado durante mi tiempo de descanso, eran de naturaleza espiritual, pero eso no me quitaba la preocupación por lo que habíamos vivido la noche pasada.
Baine, Angus y Aitor bajaron al salón cerca de las 11 de la mañana. Tras una noche tan movida como la que habíamos pasado, vi bien que recuperaran el máximo de fuerzas por si la siguiente iba en el mismo camino... Angus se preocupaba por mí, pero le aseguré que las dos horas que había dormido eran más que suficientes. Además, nos habían preparado un buen desayuno tardío (o almuerzo temprano) para recuperarnos.
Cuando acabábamos de empezar a comer aparecieron Dreyfuss y Hoid. Pedí a Clara que colocara dos platos más a la mesa y les sirvieran lo que desearan. Yo pude disfrutar de un buen plato de carne, sin duda era lo que de verdad necesitaba. Angus disfrutó también de una ración similar.
Dreyfuss nos comentó en la sobremesa que sabía dónde se reunían los miembros de la Sociedad Ludibrium. Precisamente en la otra parte de la Isla de los Perros, donde habíamos estado la noche anterior cerca del puerto, cerca de Canary Wharf. También había conseguido la dirección de Ernest Park, el periodista.
Yo tenía que hablar con Lady Sommerset esa tarde y aclarar el asunto de las obras de arte de Terence St. Trewes. Para esa tarea sería conveniente que fueran conmigo tanto Angus como el propio Dreyfuss, por si tenía que memorizar algo de lo que viéramos en su casa.
Hoid, Baine y Aitor irían a buscar al periodista. Barajamos varios planes acerca de cómo aproximarnos al tal Ernest. Finalmente, propusieron ir a su casa una vez hubiera anochecido...
Nos preparamos y cogimos un coche de caballos para dirigirnos hacia el palacio de Lady Sommerset, muy cerca de la casa de mis tíos en la City. Tras bajar del coche, un mayordomo nos recibió en la puerta y nos condujo de inmediato a presencia de Lady Sommerset, parecía que esperaba con ansia nuestra visita desde que recibiera por la mañana mi carta.
Le expliqué todo lo ocurrido con el falso Terence St. Trewes, cómo se había aprovechado del verdadero pintor y escultor, y cómo se había hecho pasar por él para quedarse con las 500 libras esterlinas que ella pagó para que le hiciera la estatua. Por desgracia, no habíamos podido recuperar el dinero. Además, el autor verdadero había sido asesinado por el falso Terence, pero ya se estaban encargando de que pagara por sus crímenes los agentes de Scotland Yard. Lady Sommerset lamentó la muerte de Terence, ella estaba dispuesta hasta a ser su mecenas y acogerlo en su casa... Para recuperar el dinero perdido, le ofrecí la opción de quedarse con el resto de las obras de arte que habíamos encontrado en la nave del puerto. Lady Sommerset aceptó encantada y se ofreció a mostrarnos su colección de piezas.
La acompañamos hasta la sala donde tenía varias obras de arte de Terence:
Un cuadro con una mujer rubia con brazos y piernas metálicos;
Un cuadro con una mujer asiática y un dragón oriental;
Un cuadro con un exótico hombre japonés;
Un cuadro con una hermosa mujer pelirroja sonriente;
Un cuadro con un anciano sucio con un cuervo;
Un cuadro con un legionario romano muy atractivo;
Un cuadro con un soldado romano con una máscara metálica;
Un cuadro con un hombre con extrañas señales en su cuerpo;
Una extraña imagen que mezclaba un animal con un entorno raro...
Estuve unos instantes observando detenidamente los cuadros y el último me pareció que podría ser un "grillete", un objeto importante para un Espíritu Sin Reposo, pero era como si fuera algo muy ténue... Quizás se trataba de otra cosa que no había visto hasta el momento.
Nos despedimos de Lady Sommerset, asegurándole que antes de que terminara la tarde recibiría el resto de las obras de arte.
De camino a casa Dreyfuss se detuvo a recabar algo de información acerca del periodista. Los niños que estaban vigilandole le dijeron que no había salido de su casa en todo el día, pero que la noche pasada había recibido dos visitas. Un hombre que estuvo un breve espacio de tiempo en su casa y otro que se quedó hasta el amanecer pero al que perdieron la pista con la niebla de las primeras horas del día.
Al regresar a casa, ya anocheciendo, nos encontramos con que Aitor, Baine y Hoid se habían marchado ya hacia la casa del periodista.

Sobre las 18 horas, ya de noche, Aitor y Hoid se quedaron esperando mientras que Baine fue y tocó la puerta de la casa de Ernest Park, pero nadie contestó. No parecía haber nadie que le pudiera abrir, así que usó sus conocimientos callejeros para forzar la cerradura con cuidado, intentando dañarla al mínimo. La puerta se abrió, entró en la casa y se encontró en mitad de su dormitorio a Ernest de rodillas, retorcido de dolor e inmóvil. Baine vislumbró con sus habilidades especiales lo que pasaba en aquella habitación y se dio cuenta de que el periodista tenía a su alrededor como una mancha oscura. Lo tocó y sintió un dolor agudo y penetrante, como si algo le hubiera quemado por dentro. De alguna manera, aquella cosa oscura le recordaba a algunas criaturas de la Umbra de las que siempre había huido. Así que decidió entrar en la Umbra por si notaba algo extraño allí también. Para su sorpresa así fue, había una especie de babosa enorme que intentaba atrapar y devorar a Ernest, él tenía una especie de esfera de sangre dentro de su cabeza que parecía estar protegiéndole pero poco a poco iba perdiendo efectividad frente al ataque de esa criatura.

Ernest Park afectado por la extraña babosa....
Hoid y Aitor decidieron subir a la casa al notar que Baine había desaparecido del enlace mental que los tres estaban compartiendo. Subieron hasta la casa del periodista y vieron la puerta entreabierta, entraron y en el dormitorio se encontraron solo al periodista de rodillas con gesto de dolor. No había rastro alguno de Baine...
Aitor decidió entrar en la mente del periodista con sus habilidades. Desde la Umbra, Baine notó que habían aparecido dos figuras cerca del periodista y cómo la babosa parecía alargarse y tocar a esos dos recién llegados, atacándoles.
En el mundo real, Hoid y Aitor reciben daños internos. Baine entiende que esas dos sombras que percibe son sin duda sus dos compañeros, pero no puede hablar con ellos porque desde que ha entrado físicamente en la Umbra su enlace mental con ellos se ha cortado. Así que sacó su revólver, lo apuntó contra la babosa y abrió fuego, aparentemente dañandola con el disparo, consiguiendo que ésta soltara a sus dos colegas. La criatura detectó a Baine e intentó atacarle con uno de sus tentáculos lanzado directamente contra él, pero por suerte falló su golpe. Temiendo que aquel combate pudiera acabar mal para él, regresó al mundo físico.
Hoid y Aitor se asombraron al ver aparecer de repente a Baine, pero no pudieron decirle nada ya que todos oyeron a 3 personas en la casa, entrando en la habitación a sus espaldas. Uno era pelirrojo y parecía tener algún problema físico en uno de sus ojos. Otro era enorme, con barba, fumando una pipa y con múltiples cicatrices por varias partes de su cuerpo. El tercero llevaba un sombrero y fumaba un puro.

El hombre pelirrojo con el ojo tuerto.
Baine sintió algo extraño en el aura del hombre de las cicatrices. En el del puro parecía haber una babosa como la que estaba atacando al periodista, pero éste parecía estar bien con ese hecho. El pelirrojo parecía estar preparando algún tipo de hechizo por la acumulación de Quintaesencia en su persona...
El hombre de las cicatrices se lanzó contra Baine para golpearle. Éste disparó su arma contra él, haciéndole un boquete en mitad del pecho del que no salió ni gota de sangre, solo arena. El hombre le dio un puñetazo que mandó a Baine a la otra punta de la habitación, del golpe lo dejó en el suelo aturdido.

El hombre de las cicatrices.
Hoid intentó ralentizar el tiempo contra los 3 individuos. Consiguió que bajaran a 1/3 de su velocidad el del puro y el pelirrojo, sin embargo el hombre recosido no parecía quedar tan afectado por su hechizo.
Aitor intentó convencerles de que les dejaran marchar con su compañero herido. El pelirrojo tuerto miró al hombre del puro con sombrero como esperando sus órdenes. Les dijo que recogieran a su amigo del suelo y se lo llevaran de allí. "Nuestro amo solo necesita lo que sabe el periodista..." dijo con voz profunda.

El hombre del puro.
Entre Aitor y Hoid recogieron a Baine del suelo y salieron de la casa. Dieron un rodeo antes de ir a la mansión de los Dunsirn, por si aquellos hombres les siguieran. No parecía ser el caso, Baine echó mano de unos cristales que llevaba consigo y fue recuperándose del brutal golpe recibido tras consumirlos.
Sobre las 21 horas los tres llegaron a la mansión Dunsirn y me contaron todo lo ocurrido, tal y como he relatado en este diario. Baine se encargaría de hacer correr la voz entre su red de contactos para que vigilaran a aquellos individuos.

La mansión de Lady Penelope.
Cogí un coche de caballos junto a Angus para acercarme cerca de la medianoche a la mansión de Lady Penélope. Fuimos recibidos por un mayordomo que nos permitió entrar. Angus se quedó junto con el resto de los criados y yo fui conducida hacia la biblioteca de la casa. Allí fui recibida por la Primogénita Toreador, Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster.

Lady Penelope Hope Lancaster, Primogénita Toreador de Londres.
Me ofreció una taza de té con un cierto tono rojizo, que acepté, pero que en ningún momento llegué a probar. Me dijo que sabía que estaba dirigiendo los negocios del Banco Dunsirn en ausencia de mi tío Alastaire, que me iba a marchar en breve a París, que estaba realizando una serie de encargos para mi Familia antes de partir... Me dijo claramente que el periodista Ernest Park no debía sufrir daño alguno y que debía acabar su artículo. Por supuesto, permitía que hiciéramos lo necesario para convencerle de que dejara fuera del mismo los nombres que el Banco precisara, pero sin dañarle. Como ha ocurrido algo recientemente con el "embajador" Cosimo Giovanni, ella estaría dispuesta a ayudarme con alguna de mis asuntos en París. Mientras permanezcamos alejados de los asuntos de su Chiquillo James Abercrown y de su amigo Edward Crossbower todo irá bien. Antes de marcharme hacia París me invita a visitarla de nuevo para comprobar que todo lo relacionado con Ernest Park esté solucionado y me dará las referencias que necesito para París.
Tras esto me despedí de ella y junto a Angus regresamos a nuestra mansión a la 1 de la madrugada del día 20 de octubre. Teníamos que hablar acerca de lo que había ocurrido con el periodista y cómo salvarle antes de que fuera demasiado tarde...
Continuará en: la 3ª sesión...
#Diario de Moira#2ª sesión#Interludio Victoriano#Crónica: El Siglo de la Magia#Muse: Moira Eritrea Dunsirn#MDT#MLA#M20#VAM#VEV#Hecata#Giovanni#Dunsirn#Ghoul#Maga Huérfana#Bahari#Aitor Amezqueta#Baine#Dreyfuss Dreeg#Hoid Schumoc#Lady Sommerset#Las obras de arte de Terence St. Trewes#El espejo#Mi Avatar en peligro#El burdel de la Calle Cleveland#Ernest Park#Los 3 matones#Visitando a Lady Penelope#Primogénita Toreador
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Birthdays 2025
In the last month, several members of the household have celebrated birthdays! Here is my attempt to chronicle them.
So - for starters, Dey turned 10 on December 17th, but due to the craziness of the holiday season and our impending Italy trip, we didn’t get to celebrate it with much fanfare. It was his wish to have an official birthday party at his favorite trampoline park in our area, so we promised him that if he was willing to wait till after the holidays, we’d throw him a belated party with his friends. And we made good on that.

The funny thing is, we chose to throw this belated bday party for Dey on MY actual birthday 😂 The main reason is because it was an official school holiday on that day, so we knew his friends would probably be able to come because without school, their parents would likely be only too thrilled to have somewhere for them to go. So, I donated my birthday to Dey. But, Dr. Spouse made sure we celebrated my big 4-6 as well, with a dinner out at our family’s favorite Japanese spot in our neighborhood, followed by some delicious gourmet gluten-free desserts from a local bakery.

Fast-forward to this past week, and we celebrated Vev’s 12th birthday! Unlike his party-animal brother, Vev eschewed a big party with friends, in favor of a low-key, family-only celebration involving two of his favorite things: delicious and bougie sushi from his FAVE vegan Asian Fusion restaurant in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Following that, we spent a little time at a tiny but well-curated local museum of naval aviation, right next to the runway of FLL airport. So, sushi and planes - his favorite things!

All in all - our family birthday fetes were enjoyable!
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Obi-Wan Enters the Uscru Entertainment District
STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:20:21
#Star Wars#Episode II#Attack of the Clones#Coruscant#Galactic City#Senator Simon Greyshade’s custom XJ-6 luxury airspeeder#Obi-Wan Kenobi#Uscru Entertainment District#control joystick#Aurebesh#Vev#twin turbojet engines#Esk#narrow-beam headlight#powerful audio system#Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber#lateral repulsor array#running-board
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I made this fanart to make a card for russian VA for Vex and gifted it him on one fest! And i did it! :)
#STILL HAPPY ABOUT IT#Made two cards! One with his authofraph for me and one for him from me with a little message!#He was so nice and left his message as Vex for my card asfgfdsf#saba#sackboy a big adventure#vex#saba vev#sackboy a big adventure vex
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AU where Ganon surprise adopts toon Link the first time they face each other.
1- Link tells Tetra to free the girls while he focuses on Ganon and the Helmaroc King to keep them from being seen. But as he's fighting, the bird isn't really trying to hurt him- just grab him, which is admittedly difficult with the kid swinging the Master Sword at it, but eventually it manages and takes Link up.
2- Upon being deposited in the broken ship atop the fortress, Link quickly learns that the Master Sword will not bring down Ganondorf- who corrects him on the name- and doesn't even seem to touch him. Instead of explaining why, Ganondorf sits down and pats the floor, and begins using one of his secret skills: lying. Ganondorf is like "look, boy, I don't know who told you that old sword would kill me, or how you even found it, but they were using you. Was it those pirates? You should stop trusting people who shoot you out of cannons." Link is offended on the King of Red Lions and Tetra's behalfs, and his reaction tells Ganondorf enough.
3- "Ah, well, I suppose I can respect that. You know, long ago my people kept a fortress not in a sea, but a desert. Some hylians, fleeing the civil war or their kings' cruelty, would make it though the desert. Those who could survive that were granted protection, and those who could break into our fort were welcomed as warriors into our tribe. Not the first time they did, but if they continued trying after that first failure." Link is like "uh huh" and only half paying attention because he's trying to figure out if Tetra got all the girls out before he books it himself.
4- he does start paying attention when Ganondorf then says, "Welcome to the Gerudo tribe, vevko." At Link's confusion, Ganondorf just asks "Well, as the newest son of the Gerudo, who else could be your parent but me?" Link then has many protests, some about his grandmother but most about his sister, and Ganondorf nods. "I will let you decide then, if you agree to stay. Will your sister stay here with us, or would you send her away?" Link just wants Aryll safe at home, so Ganondorf nods and the Helmaroc King goes to frighten Tetra and Aryll to the ship, as the younger girl was trying to run to her brother instead of following the pirate. Ganondorf says it's very wise of Link, sending Aryll away means she can return to be welcomed into the tribe as well, as a warrior sister. Link does not want his little sister in danger or fighting at all, and Ganondorf recommends he get over that, because as much as he once felt the same about his kinswomen, reality demands more. The Ganondorf claps him on the shoulder and orders a few monsters to start helping prepare a proper child's room, discussing how they're going to get to get Link into some proper clothes, and eat some real food, because he can't imagine a child ate all that well on his own. Link protests that he's of age, and wears the hero clothes as custom. Ganondorf is like "hmm yeah no twelve is not adulthood, let's go vevko." and ignores Link's five attempts to attack him as he figures out a room situation for the kid.
5- Ganondorf's motivations are not as pure as he claims, as always. He does feel some gratitude for Link drawing the Master Sword and unsealing his full power, while also being sure the boy himself isn't a threat as the Sword didn't have the power it did in the hands of a true hero. Keeping the boy and the sword here might draw the Princess and the Real hero out, however, allowing him to collect the Triforce. Especially since the "collect children" plan didn't work, so the current daughter of the royal family might be an adult and harder to narrow down. Also, the kid genuinely impressed him with his breaking and entering skills and doing all of that for his little sister, so it's not like it's babysitting some crying brat all day. The Ritos', Valoo's, and pirates' attempts to get him away or hurt so they can grab Link also make Ganondorf dig his stubborn heels in: this crazy kid is his vevko now, if they wanted him they should have done better with the sword situation.
#vev= child. vevev= baby. vevhi= daughter. vevko= son.#Ganondorf IS going to try a lot of telling history from his current side (you know where he doesn't admit to using mind control on the#Gerudo who didn't want to go to war and didn't share his temporary wins to enrich his whole people just. got a lava moat installed at his#new castle)#but also with some very fair digs at the hylian crown and everything else going on there#however uh toin coss if Link is ever actually listening to him or just planning the next escape attempt#pocket talks to people#anon#ask game#hey quick question why was Ganondorf only kidnapping hylian girls when looking for the princess like#doesnt he remember the whole 'hiding as sheik' thing even if hes got some gerudo assumptions about how often girls are born into that line#well. if they are assumptions. considering Hylia the ratio could very well not be a average 1:1. but STILL even if 90% of royals are#princesses named Zelda. the whole Sheik thing!#anyway tangent over
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i might. be working on a new girl that i might add to the roster--
say ‘hi’ to Velvet, she’s a human time patroller--
#▎* remember there's a reason for everything you like to do / ( mun art )#[ she's for private RP stuff for now and she's also super new; so she's underdeveloped#but i really love her design so much and so once i figure out more stuff about her i might just.#add her to the roster-- ]#[ i figure i'd take a crack at doing a time patroller and seeing what i can make of that ]#( vev visage tag tba )
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Ne vev ne vev ne vev. Ne vev, ne vev ne vev.
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Space is so fucking awesome. We're headed to one of JUPITER'S MOONS!
Every time a launch happens, it makes the latent space enthusiast in the back of my brain jump up and down. It also derailed all my plans for today. I did have plans.
Instead, someone made one comment about how I could now maybe make mission patches on my embroidery machine, and the space thing crossed over with my current hyperfixation (silm) to produce THIS:

Mission patch for the launch of Gil-Estel! A bit messy, but a good place to start!
Design and linguistics details under the cut, because I put WAY too much thought into it and now must talk SOMEONE's ear off about it. Feel free to ignore this bit:
So, to start: Elvish NASA. I chose to call them Vardildi Elengolmo Vilciryamoyë, or VEV. The Followers of Varda, Astronomers and Astronauts. This could very much be totally wrong. Vardildi is Varda+the suffix used in Yavannildi, the followers of Yavanna. Elengolmo comes from the coined word for astronomer, Elengolmë (star-lore), with the -o suffix from nolmo, wise person. Vilciryamoyë takes the vil- from the root of vilya, meaning air, sky. ciryamo is mariner, and yë is the suffix added to the second word meaning 'and'. (I may be very, VERY wrong on this! If anyone has better ideas, I very much welcome input/guidance/constructive criticism)
So I stuck the tengwar for this on either side of the patch. (None of the tengwar is all that legible, though, I'm working on getting that sorted out) Most NASA mission patches don't actually have NASA on them, but I put it on anyway. Here is the tengwar and the start of a logo I made an attempt at (the tehta is supposed to be a shooting star, but that did NOT come through clearly in the embroidery [because it's tiny]):
(Probably going to try to make an elvish NASA patch before too long, honestly)
Most NASA patches (from research I did with great self-restraint here) have the (last) names of the astronauts. Not sure if they also have the name of the craft or if that's generally somewhere else, but I put both--Eärendil Ardamírë (his fathername and mothername) are the tengwar at the bottom of the patch, and Vingilotë is written on the keel of the ship. None of these are legible because they are small, and my machine has limits. It's a work in progress. Also I apologize for the bad lighting in the photo.
NASA patches sometimes also have a mission motto. That's the tengwar across the top of the patch here-- aiya Eärendil elenion ancalima, Hail Eärendil, brightest of stars (a common cry among elves and Frodo [when facing Shelob]).
(I half wanted to do something a bit more funny--maybe something like 'Now I have become Venus,' or 'Do I get to come down?' but this was a bit easier since it comes pre-translated into Quenya and tengwar, and also I have no faith in my Quenya translations that are any longer than a word)
The horizon is flat because Númenor exists, in the middle there between the shore of Middle-Earth and a teensy bit of Valinor and the Enchanted Isles.
The design for the Silmaril is sort of taken from the heraldic device Tolkien designed for the Silmarilli (though it isn't clear), and it is rayed with the six-pointed star from Eärendil's device. (I stuck the moon phases from the same source around the edges as well)
This was really fun, even if it might be the silliest thing I've ever made! It definitely needs some workshopping--i don't mind the black lines framing some sections from the background fabric, but I might try turning all the tengwar into lines of stitches instead-the satin columns really are illegible.
I now need to restrain myself from doing some sort of NASA/Astronaut Earendil AU, because it now sounds kind of fun (I do not have the background knowledge for this)
NASA patches here: https://www.shopnasa.com/collections/patches
Quenya translations here: https://www.elfdict.com/
Tengwar transcriptions here: https://www.tecendil.com/
And if you want info on the Europa Clipper mission, here: https://science.nasa.gov/mission/europa-clipper
Embroidery digitization done with Embrilliance Stitchartist 1, embroidery done with a Brother SE630 machine. Thread is Brothread Cotton and YLI cotton bobbin thread, with a little sulky rayon on the Silmaril. Cloth is a black linen from Fabric Wholesale Direct.
#earendil#silmarillion#space is cool#machine embroidery#pityahano#craft#surprisingly pleased with how this turned out#since it was less 'trace this colored pencil drawing by Tolkien'#and more 'what does a ship look like in 3000 stitches or less'#space#astronaut earendil#vev-elvish nasa#lord of the rings#silmaril
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Happy nearly 10-years of The Vev Nungaround - I have had this idea in my head for years and decided to make it a little animation!
Audio source
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Transcript/description under the break
Homestar Runner fan animation with characters rendered in a polygonal flat-color style. Audio is from a review of The Velvet Underground's debut LP by theneedledrop, wherein Anthony Fantano talks to his roommate/alter ego Cal Chuchesta. In this animation, Strong Sad is depicted is Anthony and Coach Z is depicted as Cal. Kansas Mash from the Homestar Runner Official Soundtrack plays softly underneath.
Coach Z stands in Strong Sad's bedroom doorway wearing a pair of orange aviator sunglasses. A poster for The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" is visible on one of the room's purple walls. As Coach Z speaks the view briefly cuts to Strong Sad looking blankly back at him, a rendering of The Velvet Underground & Nico visible on the wall as well as a record shelf containing B-est of B-Sides by Sloshy.
COACH Z: If you're gonna be reviewin' a super cool band like The Vev Nungaround, you're gonna need me--mehs--my super cool sunglasses.
View cuts to Strong Sad who is now wearing the sunglasses.
STRONG SAD: I couldn't possibly accept your cool-guy sunglasses.
View cuts back to Coach Z who is no longer wearing the sunglasses.
COACH Z: But you are... Right now.
Strong Sad places his hands on the side of his face in disbelief and makes an excited expression as the view cuts back to Coach Z, who waves his arms back and forth while sliding down toward the bottom edge of the screen.
#homestar runner#strong sad#coach z#hsr#animation#the needle drop#velvet underground#cool guy sunglasses#cal chuchesta#anthony fantano
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Our family’s winter break this year was awesome. After a busy and difficult few fall months, we had a treat of a winter vacation to take the edge off, and give us much to smile about. This winter, we traveled to Italy for a vacation full of sightseeing, historical delights, and every manner of delicious foodstuff to savor. What a fun time!
The kids’ school calendars ran through Friday, December 20th - and we wasted no time, with our flights booked to depart for Italy on the 21st. Interesting aside: we had planned out and booked our air and accommodations on October 20th, not realizing that a short 8 days later, we’d be living through the Horror Movie - and of course, in the aftermath, we had several moments of doubt and anxiety about whether we ought to travel at all for the holidays, and certainly whether we should leave the country. In the end, we coped by purchasing some $$$ but full-coverage travel insurance, and then we just powered through and set to making plans.
Our itinerary was interesting, in that we flew into one city and out another, with one city-to-city one-way flight and a few train rides in the middle. In our family though, recall that all things aviation- and transit-related are a part of the fun - and so this was actually a positive point of our journey, and it definitely gave folks the thrills we had hoped it would.
Days 1-3 of our vacation were spent in scenic Venice:

We did all the things one does in Venice. Gondola ride, tour ed the Palazzo Ducale and Basilica San Marco, walked the narrow streets and alleyways, crossing footbridges over canals and window-shopping at all the cute boutiques and heavenly-smelling bakeries. We did a short water-bus ride to the island of Murano, where we toured a glass-blowing factory and window-shopped some more. And of course, we got our first few tastes of real Italian food - mmmm! Venice is a nice first stop in Italy because there are some beautiful and picturesque things to see and do, but not *too* much - so you get to mentally adjust to being on vacation, and just enjoying the views.
Soon, it was Day 4 - Christmas Day! We headed to the airport, and took a short domestic flight to Rome, where we would be spending a total of four days.

Rome is awesome - a true world metropolis, and also one of the most important ancient cities in the world! The former Latin geek in me is always so thrilled to be there. And to land on Christmas Day! Christmas is such a special season in this Catholic country - it was really an experience of a lifetime to behold. We did SO much in Rome - toured ancient Roman public baths, took a tour at the Vatican and Basilica San Pietro, tossed coins in the Trevi fountain, gazed at the skylight of the Pantheon, strolled the Christmas market at Piazza Navona, walked around in the Colosseum and all over the ancient Roman Forum, and toured the San Sebastián catacombs and the crypts of the Capucchin Friars. We stayed across the street from the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, so we got to visit that too on our last day. There was so much more, but I forget! Oh and obviously - we ate ALL THE THINGS. Side note: I gave up gluten nearly a year ago (the hope is that it helps with nagging chronic joint inflammation) - and Italy is one of the most gluten-free friendly countries I’ve ever visited! There is a high incidence of celiac disorder in Italy apparently, so the government has made strict rules for food labeling on menus, and presenting gluten-free options to diners. There wasn’t one meal where I felt deprived of the tasty delights that the rest of the family was enjoying!!! Rome was especially great because not only did we gorge all kinds of traditional Italian food, but we also ventured into the “Italian” versions of other cuisines, like Chinese, Indian, and Lebanese. All were delish.
Soon it was time to pull up stakes and head to our next stop: Naples. We took Trenitia for this sector, it was about a 1.5 hour trip and very comfortable/efficient.
Alright. So, this was Dr. Spouse and my second trip to Italy together, with our first time being hour honeymoon in 2006 (and technically, it was my third trip to Italy, because I visited Rome for a week in 2016 for a work event). It was our second time to Naples. I have always felt that I have a pretty good memory — so I have to admit I was a little shocked when we got to Naples, and it was completely different than how I remember. Namely (and I’m sorry to say this! but) it was FILTHY!!! The entire city was absolutely disgusting. The streets were COVERED at every turn in garbage, overflowing trash bins and dumpsters, cigarette butts, overturned food containers, and dog shit. EWWWW!!! We literally had to hold our noses while walking and I was in constant high-alert, screeching at Dr. Spouse and the kids to keep their eyes trained on the ground in front of them so they wouldn’t step into dog poop. Was Naples like this on our first visit??! I swear I don’t remember it being like this! Admittedly, we were there at a super busy time of year - we hadn’t gotten the memo that Naples is a popular vacay destination for Italians for New Years, so it was absolutely PACKED and everywhere we went, there were throngs of pedestrians just clamoring to move through the streets. It was overwhelming. But even so - I couldn’t believe the poor sanitation. Also, the motorbike/scooter drivers in Naples are kind of assholes, and do not give a rat’s ass if you and your children are walking across the street, during a red light, when the pedestrian “walk” sign is on. They will try their very best to run you over intentionally. Lastly, this is a problem that is likely unique to New Years - but apparently there is ZERO fire code in the city of Naples, the firefighters are completely checked out and unbothered, and it is perfectly okay for any dipshit out there to buy industrial-grade fireworks and set them off absolutely anywhere they want. Like giant, EPCOT-9pm-Fireworks-Show-sized rockets in the middle of a street, with mopeds zipping by, cars parked on the curb and sidewalks full of pedestrians?! Totally okay! Those same gigantor rockets off the rooftops of buildings, while people have their babies in arms on the balconies below, and are then suddenly showered with a billion hot sparks?! GO for it! Jesus Christ. We watched it all in simultaneous amazement and teeth-gritting anxiety, from behind the thick glass windows of our Airbnb balcony. Anyway…. in sum, I’m so sorry to be critical, but OMG - Naples, you are so beautiful, and such an important city from a historical standpoint. Please — do better!!! I felt like Miami Beach and the New Orleans French Quarter had mated and had a little drunken Italian baby who keeps shitting his pants 😂. Man…I lived in rural India for a year and had actual cows shitting on the roads I walked, and weird dudes who would collect all manner of garbage like car batteries and used tires, and build literal bonfires out of them to dispose! - and I didn’t feel so disgusting and endangered walking through the streets.
But despite the filth - we had a good time. Naples is, to me, an absolute essential destination for any student of history, and particularly for Latin/ancient Roman civ geeks of all ages… because Naples is home to one of my favorite museums of all time, the Museo Archaeologico Nazionale di Napoli. At this museum, you find some of the most intact, phenomenal artifacts recovered from archaeological sites like Pompeii and Herculaneum. So awesome! A few hours in this gorgeous, peaceful, and well-curated museum is totally worth a few days of wandering through streets full of dog dookie. Another cool thing we did - we turned the Galleria Borbonica, or Bourbon tunnels, that run underground throughout the city - these tunnels have been important at various historical points over the centuries, first as an escape route for the Bourbon kings of Naples in the 17th century, then later as bomb shelters and makeshift hospitals and vehicle storage areas during the World Wars. Also, Naples claims to be the birthplace of pizza, and so they take great pride in their pizza creations - and with good reason, bc they were amazing.

Naples is also an essential destination because it’s a great jumping-off point for a day trip to Pompeii and Herculaneum! I was crazy excited to take the kids to these cities. And more so because while Dr. Spouse and I had visited Pompeii before, it was our first time in Herculaneum - and it did not disappoint!! This was a long day for us all, with Whip-Cracking Mommy (i.e. yours truly) barking everyone awake before sunrise to catch an 8:30 am train to Pompeii, and having a midday hourlong train ride between Pompeii and Herculaneum — but the entire family was gracious, patient and supportive of Whip-Cracking Mommy, and indulged me.

All too soon, we were on a train back to Rome for a short overnight stay at an airport hotel, so we could catch our return flights to the U.S. Precisely ZERO members of our family were happy to be going home - every single one of us was depressed and groaning. I think the sensory and gustatory escape that Italy had provided, the fascinating history we got to learn, and also the mental/emotional escape it gave us from a bleak few months prior - all were factors. I also think that awareness of the upcoming presidential inauguration of the returning Dumbfuck In Chief did not add a single iota of joy to the equation. But oh well. It was time to go home.
But in our family, getting there and back is part of the fun. So there was one good set of surprises left for the kids. We hadn’t disclosed to the boys what airlines (plural!) we’d be flying on this trip. So both the inbound and outbound airlines, as well as our Venice-Rome flight, were kept as special surprises for them.
Our journey from Miami to Venice was aboard Swiss Air! Vev was so excited. He lives for adding more airlines to his roster.

Then, in and around Italy, we had flights on ITA Airways (formerly Alitalia) - another thrill. We also got to take Trenitalia, the vaporeti (water busses) in Italy, a gondola, the local Metro (subway system) in Naples, and local commuter rail lines to/from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Both kids also did some plane-spotting in our layover city of Zurich, in Venice, and in Rome, enjoying the opportunity to see airlines that they don’t ordinarily have chance to see, like some specialty European and Asian airlines. Car enthusiast Dey enjoyed seeing lots of Italian vehicles on the road, such as vintage Vespas and Fiats. We had fun with all manner of transit!

Dr. Spouse and I were most excited for Vev to experience the final surprise of the trip: our return flights to Miami on Lufthansa, which for whatever reason has been in the upper aeschalon of airlines he’s always wanted to fly. Not only that — I had gone out of my way to ensure that on OUR specific day of travel, that Lufthansa would be operating their Boeing 747-8, one of the only airlines in the world still flying a 747 for long-haul passenger flights. I had known for years that Lufthansa flies a 747 into Miami - often, my commute home from Uuuu! while teaching would entail me traveling north on the 826 Palmetto Expressway at the exact moment when that 747 would be making its final approach into MIA. So I’d seen it with my own eyes, countless times, and had filed it in my mind as #goals for down the line…. Well then, in recent times, Vev had frequently expressed that he hoped that before all 747’s were decommissioned, he’d get a chance to fly in one. I always found this both poignant and hilarious, because I spent much of my childhood flying back and forth to/from India for summer vacations, and I took them completely for granted. But knowing my aviation-obsessed child had this wish, and knowing we had to fly home from Europe one way or another — I worked hard to make some magic happen with this.
It was worth it. He was SOOO pumped for this. It made coming home that much less painful.

He also did a great job snagging a number of souvenirs from this flight, including a variety of airplane pillows/blankets, silverware from the in-flight meal, and so on 😂 I was amused.
Anyway! We landed in Miami on Thursday, January 2nd, which gave us a few days of decompression time before the kids started school on Monday the 6th. It also gave us time to reunite with Ajima, Thatha, and our feline family members, Pixel and Kali, who had been in their care during our absence.
Overall, our winter break was PHENOMENAL and will go down in the books as a memorable family vacation!
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Obi-Wan Catches Anakin's Lightsaber
STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:20:20
Kinto_M came up with this fun fanon explanation for the Aurebesh in this scene: "The Vrnie Einrv, a once-glamorous, now-passe arcology of residential towers with a population of just over two million. The name is a pun in an old Taung dialect. No one remembers exactly what it means."
#Star Wars#Episode II#Attack of the Clones#Coruscant#Galactic City#Obi-Wan Kenobi#Senator Simon Greyshade's custom XJ-6 luxury airspeeder#the POTU#Aurebesh#Vev#Resh#Nern#Isk#Esk#windscreen#twin turbojet engines#Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber#autonavigated skylane#Uscru Entertainment District#powerful audio system#narrow-beam headlight#Vrnie#Einrv
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Where do you even start in chapter 68 of Oathbringer? The dialogue between Shallan and Wit is just so rich.
“‘Well, I like sincere people,’ Shallan said, raising her cup. ‘It’s delightful how surprised they look when you push them down the stairs.’
“‘Now, that’s unkind, you shouldn’t push people down the stairs for being sincere. You push people down the stairs for being stupid.’
“‘What if they’re sincere and stupid?’
“‘Then you run.’
“‘I quite like arguing with them instead. They do make me look smart, and Vev knows I need the help….’
‘No, no. You should never debate an idiot, Shallan. No more than you’d use your best sword to spread butter.’”
That chunk by itself. And then it’s immediately followed by this:
“‘Oh, but I’m a scholar. I enjoy things with curious properties, and stupidity is most interesting. The more you study it, the further it flees—and yet the more of it you obtain, the less you understand about it!’
“Wit sipped his drink. ‘True, to an extent. But it can be hard to spot, as—like body odor—you never notice your own. That said … put two smart people together, and they will eventually find their common stupidity, and in so doing become idiots.’”
Shallan’s description sounds like a riddle.
“‘Wit,’ she said, ‘why are you here? In the city?’
“‘I’m not completely sure.’
“‘Please. Could you just answer?’
“‘I did—and I was honest. I can know where I’m supposed to be, Shallan, but not always what I’m supposed to do there.’”
Hoid background!
“‘You want to change the world, Shallan. That’s well and good. But be careful. The world predates you. She has seniority.’”
I like that by itself.
“‘We joked about stupidity, but in reality most people aren’t stupid. Many are simply frustrated at how little control they have over their lives. They lash out. Sometimes in spectacular ways…’”
That’s true.
“‘Be wary of anyone who claims to be able to see the future, Shallan.’
“‘Except you, of course. Didn’t you say you can see where you need to be?’
“‘Be wary,’ he repeated, ‘of anyone who claims to be able to see the future, Shallan.’”
Good to know. At the same time, I like how he makes her eat, like, “don’t starve yourself, kid. Ya gotta eat!” He knows she’s not okay, despite her holding up. He also tells her:
“‘You’ve got to live life, Shallan, enjoy life. Drink of what you’re proposing to give everyone else! That’s what I do.’”
He does this with her and with Kaladin, gives them moments of support.
“‘[The Cult of Moments] feast,’ Wit said softly, ‘and party. There are two general divisions among them. The common members wander the streets, meaning, pretending to be spren. But others up on the platform actually know the spren—specifically, the creature known as the Heart of the Revel.’
“‘One of the Unmade.’
“‘A dangerous foe, Shallan. The cult reminds me of a group I knew long ago. Equally dangerous, equally foolish.’”
That’s curious. What group? Is it the group that became the Shards? Because they got too close to god and spread humongous ripples across the universe?
“‘Their proximity to the Heart drives them to feast and celebrate.’
“‘Drinking in life?’ she said, quoting his sentiment from earlier.
“‘No. Hedonism has never been enjoyment, Shallan, but the opposite. They take the wonderful things of life and indulge until they lose savor. It’s listening to beautiful music, performed so loud as to eliminate all subtlety—taking something beautiful and making it carnal.’”
Truth to that.
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One of the problems with learning Aurebesh is being hit with the sudden realization that Star Wars ship names make. no. sense. For example: This is not a Y-wing. This is clearly a Vev-wing.
Why are we calling this an A-wing when its blunted nose makes it look much more like an Osk-wing?
Okay, sure, in flight configuration I guess it's a lambda, but in landing configuration it's a Trill-class shuttle.
X-wing? More of a weirdly symmetrical Aurek-wing.
U-wing heck, this is obviously a sideways Krill-wing.
And as for the B-wing . . . look, this has never looked the slightest bit like a B, so I feel no particular compunction to find a good match in Aurebesh. Maybe it's a Forn-wing? Sure, why not.
#star wars#star wars ships#not that kind of ship#aurebesh#why yes these ARE the kinds of things that keep me up at night
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I... I actually reached the 50th follower! I shall celebrate! What do i do... WHAT DO I DO??!!!! *PANIKKKK*
*throws my corrie ocs at you and runs away*
Vorn: What the Nine Corellian Hell is this shit? They misspelled my name! It's VORN with a vev like the tiger! Not with wesk! Fucking hell. Blaze: HA! Lily: It suits you alright, vod!
#thank you for your support and keeping me company here ♡#original clone character: vorn#original clone character: blaze#original clone character: lily#coruscant guard#the clone wars#star wars#tcw#my ocs#original clone trooper character#clone oc#mamuzzy draws stuff
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