#someone who is proud of their behavior and do not want to apologize... what is the point of 'apologizing' for them?
wewontbesleeping · 2 months
wow... the sexism i'm seeing towards kamala harris right now is really messed up, guys. i just want to say, as a man, that i'm not like that. and i apologize on behalf of all of those other men, who are bad (not like me, who is good). actually, they aren't even really men. real men would never do that. and yeah, i mean. i'm not going to say anything when my male friends "joke" about women being inferior to men, but please know that i'm silently disagreeing in my head. even if i also laugh along, i disagree and i'm not really like that. anyways. i just wanted to remind everyone that not all men are like that. can someone please tell me that i'm a good person now?
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hxrukii · 2 months
Hello! I really loved the Pinkie Pie!Reader you did :) I was wondering if you were willing to do anyone else from the mane six; specifically Rarity? If possible can it be with Leona, Vil, Idia and Lilia? It’s cool if you don’t want to, really like your writing ^-^
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❝But I've learned that standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are.❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Some of the NRC student with a Fluttershy!Reader.‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Jamil Viper, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Floyd Leech, Malleus Draconia, Riddle Rosehearts. ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader is female and is implied to be Yuu. For the second request, I will also be doing a Rainbow Dash!Reader sometimes soon!
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ Some spoilers for book 1, 3 and 4. ɞ‧✦
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Will be kind of put off by Fluttershy!Reader's kindness, not something you see everyday at NRC, but there are a few exceptions. (Like Kalim and Silver.)
Thinks that Fluttershy!Reader's ability to communicate with any animal is really helpful, sometimes, when she's free, he will ask her to help take care of the animals in Scarabia. Though this will only be the case after his overblot 'cause I don't think that pre-overblot Jamil will even entertain the idea of being helped.
Helps Fluttershy!Reader carries stuff around when he sees her struggling from time to time. Kind of pissed off by Crowley always taking advantage of her kindness and giving her work all the time.
Will stand up for Fluttershy!Reader when he thinks that someone is taking advantage of her, and encourages her to stand up for herself, though he force her if she's not comfortable.
Once saw Fluttershy!Reader get mad at a student for insulting an animal, was actually slightly scared of her, was also kind of proud of her.
Finds it entertaining to see NRC students get scolded by Fluttershy!Reader's bunny for taking advantage of her. (Secretly encouraging the bunny, much to Fluttershy!Reader's dismay.)
Fluttershy!Reader 100% forgot that she could fly when overblot Jamil yeeted her, Kalim and the tweels to other side of the dorm, and they only realized that she could've easily flown back to Scarabia, though it wouldn't have done much since she couldn't have carried them either way. Jamil was really close to lose his composure and laugh in their face.
Helps keeping Kalim in check when is bubbly personality becomes to much for Fluttershy!Reader.
Very impressed with Fluttershy!Reader's singing and wishes she could sing more, but understands that she's not comfortable and won't force her.
"You should stop being afraid of standing for yourself y'know. Most NRC aren't kind enough to respect your boundaries. Hm? Would I help you if they go to far? Hah, what do you think?"
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Well, aren't you a cutie?
Thinks Fluttershy!Reader is really fun to tease, and tease her every time he sees her.
Used to be suspicious of Fluttershy!Reader.s kindness at first, since no NRC are kind without a hidden motive behind, heck, most NRC student can't even pretend to be kind.
Was surprised to say the least when he found out that Fluttershy!Reader is just kind by default.
At first, it would look like he doesn't care when someone messes with Fluttershy!Reader, but the next thing she knows, the person who was being mean to her earlier is now apologizing profusely for their behavior, leaving her confused.
Is slightly annoyed whenever Fluttershy!Reader forgives someone too easily for his taste but doesn't do anything.
Will threaten the crow to give Fluttershy!Reader less work. Though he won't tell her about it since she would probably scold him.
Leona, and the rest of Savannaclaw, actually find it terrifying when Fluttershy!Reader gets mad, since most of them come from Afterglow Savanna where women are more respected and definitely stronger than men.
Because of Fouttershy!Reader's affinity with animals, most of Savannaclaw, including him, seems to like having her around. Not that they will admit it though.
Likes to mess around with Fluttershy!Reader's pet bunny, find there reaction to be hilarious, especially their look of disappointment when they are trying to knock some sense into Fluttershy!Reader for not standing up for herself.
Though he is glad that there is someone to defend Fluttershy!Reader when someone is taking advantage of her, even though he won't admit it.
"Oi herbivore, get these annoying bird off of me, can't sleep with 'em chirpin' non-stop."
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Before his overblot, Azul would definitely, 100% try to take advantage of Fluttershy!Reader at first.
Was stopped by her pet bunny, still holds a grudge against it till this day.
Was surprised when Fluttershy!Reader actually stood up for herself when trying to get Grim and the two first years from Heartslabyul free from his grasp. Guess she really does loves animals and her friends huh.
After his overblot though, honestly feels a little bad for trying to take advantage of you and tries to redeem himself. Though he feels like Fluttershy!Reader forgave him a little too easily compared to how normal NRC students hold grudges, a win is a win in his book.
He would've gotten the tweels to protect Fluttershy!Reader when someone is trying to take advantage of her kindness, but feels like the tweel's presence would overwhelm her so he takes it upon himself to step in.
Will blackmail anyone who tries to make fun of Fluttershy!Reader.
Azul himself is scared of heights since he is a merman, but he finds it kind of ironic that Fluttershy!Reader, who can literally fly is scared of heights. Though he wouldn't make fun of her for it, since he understands that being made fun of is a horrible thing.
Was surprised by how little Fluttershy!Reader can carry, since he as an octopus merman has quite some strength, Azul was definitely shocked to learn that Fluttershy!Reader can't carry more then two bunnies at most.
Uses his blackmail against he crow headmage to get him to lessen Fluttershy!Reader's workload.
Tries to get Fluttershy!Reader to sing at the Mostro Lounge, though she doesn't seems to like to go on stage so he convinced her to sing backstage instead, where no one can see her. After some consideration, was really happy that Fluttershy!Reader agreed.
"My dear, if a student over bother you, you know that you can always come to me right? Of course I'll help you! After all, Octavinelle is based on the spirit of benevolence of the Sea Witch."
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Well, aren't you a cutie? Pt. 2
Floyd loves to mess around with Fluttershy!Reader every time he sees her.
Whenever he's having a bad day, Azul or Jade will bring him to Fluttershy!Reader and his mood immediately brightens up. Though the plans always tend to backfire since as soon as he's forced to leave Fluttershy!Reader his mood immediately does a 360 much to Azul, Jade and Fluttershy!Reader's dismay.
Also likes to mess around with Fluttershy!Reader's bunny, and always finds it's reactions to be hilarious, prompting him to annoy the bunny even more.
Sometimes makes Fluttershy!Reader sing or play music with him, and is always sad when she refuses. But since Fluttershy!Reader is to kind for her own good, she usually makes up for it by conducting a choir of birds instead. Though Floyd sometimes scares the birds away.
Likes to make Fluttershy!Reader fly with him, and found it funny when Fluttershy!Reader, Jade and Kalim (and him) all forgot that she could fly to make it back to Scarabia's dorm faster during Jamil's overblot.
Floyd definitely tends to overwhelm Fluttershy!Reader sometimes without realizing it, probably tries to make up for it but ends up changing his mind midway through.
Didn't really get shocked when one day Fluttershy!Reader yelled him for overwhelming her, instead encouraged her to stand up for herself more and laughed her for apologizing for yelling at him, telling her that he wasn't really bothered.
The only times Floyd seems to listen to Fluttershy!Reader is when she gives him 'The Stare'. But even then his mood swings tends to get in the way of him listening to her.
Ever since Floyd was seen hanging around with Fluttershy!Reader, no NRC students where seen trying to mess with her anymore. Since messing around with her mean suffering Floyd's wrath, and nobody in their right minds wants to go through that. Heck, Even Riddle started staying away from Fluttershy!Reader sometimes, in fear of being caught by Floyd.
"Shrimpy~ that bunny of yours if being mean to me again! Do something about it!"
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When Fluttershy!Reader first met Malleus, he ended scaring her so much that she nearly fainted.
At first he thought that it was because of him being the Prince of Briar Valley or something, but turns out, she didn't even know that he was prince.
Proceeded to be confused on why she was scared. Turns out, she was just nervous to face a dragon.
And as they started getting along, Malleus was delighted to see Fluttershy!Reader getting more and more comfortable around him.
Whenever Fluttershy!Reader has a question about dragons, Malleus will happily answer her questions.
Now that most student at NRC knows that Fluttershy!Reader is friends with the Malleus Draconia, safe to say that anyone who dared to mess with her is nowhere to be found. Not that anyone will dare to mess with her ever again though.
Whenever Fluttershy!Reader goes on a rant about all different types of animal from her world, Malleus listens happily, just like Fluttershy!Reader does when he goes on a rant about gargoyles.
Would encourage Fluttershy!Reader to speak out more, but doesn't really have anything against her shy personality.
Sometimes invites Fluttershy!Reader to perform with her choir of birds since he knows that she probably is comfortable with singing.
When he learned that Fluttershy!Reader once turned into a... vampire... fruit? bat, he was intrigued to say the least. What is that? How did it happen? So the bats feeds on fruit juices instead of blood? There a different types of fruit bats? Vampire fruit bats and normal fruit bats? What is the difference?
Malleus finds Fluttershy!Reader's pet bunny to be really interesting, since it's personality seems to be really close to that of a real human, he has never seen a bunny behave like Fluttershy!Reader's bunny does. Would like to get close to it, but is worried that he'll scare it away so he keeps his distance.
Malleus wonders why is it that Fluttershy!Reader has wings but is scared of heights. Is it because of trauma? Is so, then what exactly happened? He doesn't ask though, since it might be to insensitive.
"Child of Man, would you like to go look for gargoyles in the forest behind NRC? Who know' we might even run into a few wild animals."
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When Riddle first met Fluttershy!Reader, it is safe to say that she was quickly overwhelmed by the aura that Riddle gave off.
Fluttershy!Reader tried to avoid getting on Riddle's bad side as much as possible and was always very tense around him at first, but started to relax as times went on.
Riddle is often encouraging Fluttershy!Reader to at least speak louder when spoken too, and encourages her to not let other student take advantage of her kindness.
Speaking of kindness, he was also shocked by how kind Fluttershy!Reader can be, especially with how easily she forgave him after his overblot. Not something you see at NRC that's for sure.
Whenever someone tries to take advantage of Fluttershy!Reader or be mean to her, Riddle is the first one to come to her rescue. And will behead anyone who dares mock Fluttershy!Reader.
Seeing how much Fluttershy!Reader loves animals, Riddle often invites Fluttershy!Reader to come see the hedgehog and flamingos. They even take care of them together, he won't let Fluttershy!Reader take care of the flamingos if she's not wearing pink though, that's against the Rule N. 249 of the Queen of Hearts: "Flamingo caretakers are to don pink attire."
Riddle looks like the type of person who was only allowed to listen to classical music or something, so he will probably love to hear Fluttershy!Reader conducting a choir of birds.
When he first saw Fluttershy!Reader, needless to say that he was absolutely terrified. But personally thinks that if you can get even Fluttershy!Reader to get mad, than you deserve to be screamed out. He might be slightly biased, but who cares? Certainly not him. Riddle now makes sure to never say or do something that'll make Fluttershy!Reader get mad at him.
When he first met Fluttershy!Reader's pet bunny, he was conflicted to say the least. On one hand, it is against the rules to bring an untrained familiar at NRC, but on the other hand, the bunny is often the one standing up for Fluttershy!Reader. But since the headmage himself doesn't seem to care, Riddle himself also turned blind eye to it. He is clearly biased some would say.
"Would you like to join me in taking care of the hedgehogs today? Hm? What about the flamingos? Well, it's not your turn to take care of them is it? And also, you are not wearing pink are you?"
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Jamil, Leona, Azul, Floyd, Malleus, Riddle's Masterlist❞
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Welcome back ! Would it be ok if I request Yan Luffy for the yandere alphabet? Y , X , S , N , M please 💗
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, not at all. This man is very open and proud about who he is. The Luffy that you see vs. the Luffy that everyone else sees is the same exact person. He has no shame about what he's doing, nor does he think it's wrong, so he doesn't care to hide anything from other people.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I've touched on this in a different post discussing the Straw Hats punishing a darling, but his go to method is isolation. Luffy hates being alone and knows how painful it is, and while he isn't happy about it, he knows that this will work to get his point across. Oh, you want to be left alone despite having such a loving boyfriend and crew? Alright, let's see how much you like it after having several days of seeing no one. It takes a lot to push him to this point, but once he's there, there is no amount of backpedaling that you can do to get out of the punishment. After you're out, you'll be so desperate for human interaction that you'll eagerly soak up every bit of attention that he gives you.
That's the only big thing that he does, everything else he does mainly boils down to exposure therapy and ignoring your behavior. If you try to run, he just grabs and yanks you back without even looking up from what he was doing. If you try to escape his affection, he's coiling around you like a damn snake. If you try to vocalize that you don't like what's happening, he shoves some food in your mouth to shut you up. It's possible to get him to hit you, but he strictly only does that in retaliation of you hitting him first. He'll only hit you as hard as you hit him, so you won't have to worry about getting the same treatment the people he seriously fights get. Afterwards, he won't apologize until you apologize for hitting him first.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Oh, it was 100% his childhood. Between being abandoned by his entire biological family and his crippling fear of loneliness, it really isn't surprising that he's so extreme about keeping a significant other around. He doesn't want to be alone or abandoned again, and he'll do anything to make sure that you can't do that to him. All of his behavior feels normal and justified to him. In this world, you have to fight for what you care about. Why wouldn't he do that for his darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He loves you dearly and would do anything for you, but I wouldn't necessarily call what he does worship. His obsession for you makes him extremely loyal and supportive. No matter what, he's got your back, and he'll go through hell to keep you safe and happy. Same goes for your goals in life, he wants to do everything he can to help you achieve them. You're on the same level as anyone else in the Straw Hat crew, you just get extra affection and kissed sometimes.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
It's a combination of fast and slow, if that makes sense. His initial interest in you happens quickly. You do something the piques his interest and makes him want you on his crew, and you will be before the end of the day. At that point, he's already yandere for you, but only platonically. As time goes by, the romantic feelings very slowly start to grow. He starts seeking you out more than the other Straw Hats and is even more touchy than usual.
It doesn't click for him that he's in love until someone else points it out to him. Then he goes back to moving very fast. Once he gets it, he gets excited. This is like a new adventure to him, and he's eager to explore every facet of it. I wouldn't really call it snapping, he just suddenly starts suffocating you in his love.
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mdhwrites · 26 days
Recently, I've been poring over the 'TOH critical' tags and, as someone who wanted to properly watch the show, seeing just how many flaws the writing and characters have kinda turned me off from even starting for a bit. Before I found these tags, I would have assumed Owl House was some kind of flawless untouchable masterpiece. Now, I can see that it is immensely flawed. Not bad, but flawed. It has great ideas that it just spaffs up the walls. In some cases that I've seen, it goes against its own message, which brings me to the point of this.
The show seems to have a message of 'be a weirdo! Be who you want to be and don't let anyone tell you to be something you're not'. This 'be yourself' message is fine in a vacuum, but then there's a character who's treatment in the show goes against this. Hooty! From the moment he's introduced, Hooty is presented as a weird creature. Even other people in the Demon Realm find him unnatural. He's kinda in his own world, and he says and does things that are weird. This would work well for the message, but the problem arises from other characters' treatment of him.
Everyone fucking HATES Hooty! They loathe him! They call him names, they hit him, they put him down constantly, the works! Everyone holds him in open contempt! I wouldn't really have an issue with this at first, but Luz also takes part in some of these actions. It would be one thing for negative/antagonistic characters to be doing this, but the self-proclaimed 'weirdo' main characters? She seems annoyed by Hooty's very existence. Don't get me wrong, he IS annoying, but he's also just being himself. He's a proud weirdo and doesn't let anyone stop him from being who he wants.
Why doesn't Luz love him?
He is exactly the type of person(?) who she should feel connected with. And the fact she joins in on some of the bullying is real shitty. Keep in mind Luz was ridiculed and ostracised for being weird, so her then turning around and being all dismissive and annoyed by someone who is, for all intents and purposes, just like her is shitty.
Personally, I would have had it that Luz really likes Hooty. She admires how he's so unapologetic in his weirdness. You could even still have Eda hitting him and calling him names, which Luz calls out. She knows what it's like to be put down for just being yourself, and she's not gonna stand to see someone else get the same treatment.
Or, another idea, Luz starts out sharing Eda's view on Hooty and being annoyed by him. One time, he does something or shows Luz something he's proud of. She calls him or it or both stupid, and Hooty just....cries. I don't mean overblown waterfalls-out-the-eyes crying, I mean he turns his head down and looks visibly upset.
Luz sees that her words have genuinely hurt Hooty. This could be her realising that Hooty isn't just some weird talking punching bag to hurl abuse at. For his weird actions and appearance, he's a person too. Her being mean to him just for being himself, she realises, makes her no better than her bullies.
Then, to make this even more shitty, the characters DO start being nicer to him later on, but only after he's proven himself useful. So that's a good message, isn't it? 'Love is conditional!' It really makes the 'found family' aspect of the Owl House residents feel all the more forced.
Tl;Dr It's okay to be a weirdo, unless you're Hooty!
(But that's just me! I hope all of this made sense and you can decipher what I'm trying to say😊)
So the short answer to this is that Hooty is essentially character/thematic assassination on... Everyone? Because the show wants to say "Be who you are! Have freedom! Express yourself!" Hooty however is constantly mocked, belittled and literally hurt by others with at best an apology. People treat his portable form as gross despite that letting him experience more of life and the one time people begrudgingly acknowledge he is truly good, they then force him to promise to not repeat the helpful behavior. He is not allowed freedom, expression or to be himself without ridicule, EVEN BY LUZ.
This... However has a bigger problem. Hooty is a bit character after all. If you want to claim he doesn't matter because he's just a joke... There's okay precedent for it. The problem is that then you have to ask what he's mocking. After all, gag characters are all about mocking a certain archtype or the like. King's whole point is to mock children who think themselves as self important and point out how deluded and funny that is, or how funny a deluded sense of self grandeur in general is, at least in the first season. As such... What is Hooty?
Hooty is Sheldon. Not literally but spiritually and this is gonna get kind of rough but here me out. For those who don't get the reference, Sheldon is the main autistic representation in The Big Bang Theory. He is also the most antagonistic force within the friend group. Not because he's evil or anything but because he his own certain ways of doing things and ways he looks at things and as such actually has a lot of episodes about expanding his perception of the world and of others learning to understand who he is and why he is the way he is. The show is actually shockingly respectful in this way, at least most of what I have seen of it, and I can portray this with the best joke I can recall from the series. It also will help me later in why The Big Bang Theory is better than TOH at one certain element people REALLY want to say TOH is great about.
The setup is that the other three main dudes are at a white board, discussing plans to go so see a movie. Every plan they devise runs into a road block because of allergies, time, etc. like that, not even only just because of Sheldon's quirks. However, then the lead, the Ross of the group, stops and goes, "I see it." The others squint and look closer before he adds, "It's the only way." The other two agree... And then they all just leave without Sheldon coming with. Sheldon pauses, looks at the board and goes, "They're correct. It was the only way."
I LOVE this joke... Because it's not mean AT ALL. One might think if they're overly sensitive that it is. I mean, how could they leave their friend behind!? But Sheldon is very honest and up front about his quirks and habits. These guys know him well enough that they know better than to force him out of his comfort zone. That he doesn't function that way. Sheldon KNOWS THIS TOO. As such, when presented with the options of telling Sheldon they can't go because they can't go without him or still having a good night and not making their friend feel bad for being why they couldn't go out, they choose to go out and Sheldon agrees that it was the correct option. They respected him while still living their lives.
And this is because The Big Bang Theory's pitch is not to be offensive to nerds like many online people like to make it out to be (I fucking hate people who call it 'Nerd Black Face') but to just make fun of us like any sitcom would. Sitcoms are parodies of real life. They always exaggerated characters we know are somewhat true. We know a Kramer, we know a Ross, we know a Barney, we know a Lorraine. Are they exactly like this? No, it's cranked up so that it's a comedy, that's the fucking point. But this comedic framing also allows it to be honest about ALL sides of nerd dom.
Sheldon is BY FAR made out to be the most successful, intelligent and wealthiest of ALL the guys. Also, all the guys are doing well in their fields and monetarily. Do they have widespread fame and acclaim? Not really but they're not discredited or anything, they just have interdepartmental bickering. That's accurate from literally every scientist I have seen talk about the subject. It's genuine about the good and the bad of the nerd experience while being entertaining.
So what the fuck does any of this have to do with The Owl House? And especially Hooty? It's actually quite simple. While TOH champions having a nerd protagonist, it presents the 'gentrified nerd'. The convenient nerd. They know about fanfiction but won't force you to actually hear about it. They have interests but not hyperfixations. They don't ever get lost down a rabbit hole because they're passionate about something or just want to tell you a neat fact.
Do you know who does though? Hooty. Hooty just wants someone who is willing to listen about his day. He has some weird quirks to how he behaves and he likes some strange things like bugs. He will talk to you for hours on a subject, randomly and just because he can and might forget that you might have other things to do. To me, those are very, VERY accurate parts of nerd life... And we're supposed to fucking HATE Hooty for these things. Remember the only person, in the ENTIRE SERIES to actually befriend Hooty instead of treating him at best as a convenience is Liltih... At the start of her becoming a joke. The only person who shows him real, genuine compassion... Also becomes 'The Cool Aunt' who hyper fixates on niche architecture and has her trauma of working the EC mocked as just being really bad at her job.
It is, genuinely, kind of gross to me. I've actually talked about this before that the show is so hyperfocused on a very specific, very small set of people for who it approves of, which is essentially whoever fits into Luz correctly, that anyone who felt excluded by the show is extremely valid. And yes, Luz has a montage at the start of silly, over the top and extreme behavior... That doesn't continue. At all. The one time she subjects someone to an Azura rant is to torture Eda enough to go to the Convention and that's only because they were already on the subject because King was interested. She quotes Azura but quickly and doesn't lose the thread. She might say a cute word like 'Snorses' but not even enough to make a break in the conversation.
She is convenient. Gus is only interested in human stuff when it's convenient. Willow will put aside her interest in plants when it's inconvenient. Amity just stops giving a shit about being an intellectual AT ALL post her getting a crush. Hunter wears a wolf t-shirt and gets into Cosmic Frontier enough to cosplay it for Halloween... But only Halloween. These are people who are extremely socially acceptable in every way.
Which... explains why nerds love them actually. See, I think Big Bang Theory does deserve criticism, it is by no means perfect and I would be VERY interested in hearing what the Jewish community thinks of Howard who is easily the most problematic character in the show but not all of the criticism is genuine. I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that we're used to a side, gag character representing the kind worst parts of us... But we're not used to being the focus. We can laugh at all the broke bitches who show up in Sitcoms or the jock failures who are meatheads, etc. like that... But laugh at ourselves? Why would we do that? Why would we allow that? We're better than what this show depicts, even if we're not.
It is inconvenient to the narrative we wish to tell ourselves that we are still the outcasts. That are we not part of the dominant culture and so it is unfair to mock our interests and lifestyle. But like... Marvel movies have been the biggest blockbusters for well over a decade and no one bats a fucking at that. D&D is quickly becoming a household name due to its ever expanding influence. We are not the outcasts anymore. Being into a weird cartoon is not some shocking thing like it was 12 years ago when Bronies first made people aware that this subculture of nerds existed. Times are changing but we still wish to see ourselves as only the victims, even as more and more our spaces show that they are just as evil, corrupt, manipulative and cruel as any athletic superstar or pretty boy actor's club.
A lot of these nerds want to believe they are Luz. Never wrong, never giving anyone a reason to dislike them, and always just passionate about the things they like, never annoying. And you know who those people would mock? Who those people HAVE mocked?
Hooty. Because he's more real. He's the demon they wish they didn't have to face in the mirror. See you next tale.
I really do want to re-emphasize this: FUCK HOWARD. Big Bang is NOT good for the jewish community and I don't think if I watched it nowadays I would be able to tolerate his depiction AT ALL. Also, Raj is also probably all sorts of rough too. I'm ONLY defending the nerd portrayal part of Big Bang.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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caelisblade · 11 months
¡! oh, those ocean eyes | tartaglia
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cw: fem reader (use of term wife but other than that no other pronouns); mentions of pregnancy; smut, very mild breeding / impreg kink ???, pet names (baby, sweetheart, angel)
wc: 3.4k
a/n: i hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it, it's one of the longest things I've written in a long time
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"welcome our soldiers and heroes back to our homeland after they have completed their task for our queen, the tsaritsa. please, welcome back the knave, ms. arlecchino and mr. tartaglia!“
your eyes widened at the announcement echoing throughout the entire nation. 
how come you were not notified of his return? by the tsaritsa, you were so close to murdering someone in anger but this frustration quickly faded when you came back to the realization that your husband finally was home. 
you immediately grabbed your jacket and went outside into the familiar freezing cold, everybody who knew you and your relationship with ajax congratulated you for his return which you returned with 'thank you's. 
a small part of you wished they would just shut up and let you run to finally let you see your husband after four long months. 
what state is he in? is he alright? 
the questions and worries in your mind were so overpowering that you started to ignore the people who congratulated you and just started running on the slippery, icy grounds. 
luckily, as you had become very familiar with these grounds, you didn‘t slip and fall; quickly arriving at the big entrance to zapolyarny palace where you were — again — stopped by the guards. 
"halt! you can‘t simply enter the— oh, it‘s you! apologies, ma‘am, i had not noticed it was you. you may enter. welcome!", the guard said, tone firm, yet in some strange way, welcoming as well. 
"thank you", you replied with a soft smile, as you entered the icy halls of the palace, immediately trying to figure out where your husband was. 
"oh, hello, y/n!", arlecchino greeted you, as she was about to leave. "he‘s in the infirmary, getting patched up.“
before you could inquire about his current state, she just disappeared. with no further thoughts about this, you just ran towards the infirmary, finally spotting your husband in just a hospital gown as he bit into the pillow in pain when the nurse applied some disinfecting cloth on his wounds. 
"hey, hey! stop! you‘re hurting him more like this“, you yelled, pushing the nurse away. being used to his … adventurous behavior, you had figured out how to take care of him as pain-free as possible. "can i take care of my husband myself?"
the nurse nodded before she rolled her eyes, mumbling something along the lines of 'why even let me do my job, just pretend you know it all better' which pissed you off even more. 
"listen, you little bitch, you have no idea what i went through these last four months. now shut the fuck up and let me do my job. and not to forget, i was a nurse here with the fatui, too, for way longer than you probably even lived, until i married this idiot and he insisted on how he doesn‘t want me to work for my money. now piss off."
the nurse scoffed before she left and you were finally all alone with your husband. 
"oh, you stupid, stupid idiot. how many times do i need to tell you to be more careful", you mumbled as you brushed some strands of hair out of his face. 
ajax groaned in pain as he lifted his head, still trying to laugh to lighten up the whole situation. "if only you knew what i did all this time, you‘d be so proud of me", he laughed, making you smile. 
"oh, i am proud of you either way, baby", you replied, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "you did so amazing. i can't wait for you to tell me everything. now, shut up, and let me get somebody to bring you home. alright? i’ll personally take care of you until you’re fully back to your health.”
you quickly stood up, calling for somebody and a low-rank agent arrived, greeting both of you with a quick bow; asking how he could be of assistance. 
"i need somebody to escort me and my husband home. i'll be taking care of him myself in our home. would you please arrange a car for us?", you asked the agent, who eagerly nodded, excusing himself before he left the infirmary. 
"let's get you dressed, honey", you mumbled, carefully helping him to turn around; wincing as you heard his groans in pain and you quickly ready his clothes to put them on. as he was finally dressed, the agent returned, and announced a car was ready for departure. 
"hold on, dearest, may i talk to you?", the cold, yet sweet voice of the one person you always loved to chat with echoed through the freezing hallways of the palace. 
you immediately stood, bowing slightly at the sight of the tsaritsa. “of course.” you quickly turned your attention to childe, telling him you’d be back shortly before you followed the usually icy queen to her only warm and comforting room. 
“is there something i can do for you, your highness?”, you asked carefully; after all, she was an archon. as much as she asked for some casual chats and invited you for tea because of your relationship with childe – and because she never got to have somebody to chat with as she does with you–, she was still the person you worshiped all your life. at least, before you got to meet her as childe’s fiancée for the first time personally as he went to her for her blessing. 
his loyalty to her was something else, and if you weren’t just the same towards her, you’d probably be incredibly jealous. 
“just tell me… is he doing okay?”, she asked, her voice soft and at the brink of breaking. 
it was unbeknownst to all but childe was somehow her favorite of all her harbingers. it was not because of his successes but because of how courageous and yet caring he was despite his young age, especially compared to all the other harbingers. “he will be fine. i’ll take care of him. he is doing quite okay, the medic on the travel home made more than enough notes on his recovery process to allow me to personalize a therapy plan. he will be out of commission for a few weeks, however. i’ll try my best to get him back on his feet as soon as possible.”
“please, don’t be afraid to contact any of the agents if there is anything you require. we will make sure ajax is well taken care of.”
ajax. she rarely called him that – actually, she never did; in your presence at least. your eyes teared up as she offered you her full support, and before you knew it, you were already embraced in her arms and sobbing, seeking comfort in one of the two only people you had placed your trust in throughout your entire life. 
“i’m sorry, your highness, i did not mean to break down like this.”
“no need to apologize, my child, you have every right to feel this way. i can’t even imagine living with the most horrible thoughts of your loved one in danger with no chance of communication on his well-being. please don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need, yes?”
“thank you, your highness. i will return to him now and get him home. i’ll make sure he’s well taken care of”, you stood up, bowing slightly in front of her before you made your way back to the infirmary, smiling slightly as you saw childe bickering with an agent about how he could walk by himself and does not need any support. 
“leave it to me. i know how to handle this big baby here”, you chuckled, shaking your head. “can’t you just agree to play the sick and hurt card here for once? i want to pamper you like you deserve, my dearest prince.” 
“you know i can’t”, he laughed lightly, grabbing your hand as you both walked out of the infirmary and the palace as quickly as he was able to. once you were ready for departure, you leaned against his shoulder, taking in a shaky breath.
“did you cry?”, he mumbled, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. you could only nod, tears rolling down your cheeks as you embraced the emotions you tried so hard to suppress all this time; finally allowing yourself to be so weak in front of your husband and it felt so good as you cried, sobbed and he comforted you with occasional “shh”’s and “it’s all okay”’s. 
once you arrived home, you helped him out of the car and towards the house, smiling as you saw the bunch of flowers and tiny gifts scattered all over the front porch. “everyone’s so happy you’re back, it seems”, you giggled. “as am i, love. i missed you so much.”
you settled him on the couch, firing up the woods in the chimney, and sat down next to him, gently brushing through his hair. “please, let me know if you need anything. i’ll be here for you, yeah?”
“stop stressing out so much, baby, just lay down with me here and let me hug you. i missed your touch too much to stay away from you right now.” 
you sighed lightly, chuckling softly as you laid down next to him and looked up at him, staring at his sparkling eyes as he stared at you with so much love in his whole body, it seemed like the pain he was feeling suddenly didn’t matter, simply because he was with you now. 
“i love you so much, sweetheart. i never meant to worry you as much as i did. i know that you cried when her majesty asked you for a quick talk. i heard your sobs. i’m okay, though. i’m safe and with you now, hm? just give a couple of days and i’ll be up on my feet again”, he chuckled lightheartedly, kissing your forehead softly. 
“yeah, right. as if i’m going to let you”, you scoffed before you giggled, shaking your head. “you, my good sir, are going to stay laying right on this couch until i allow you to get up. i might let you go to our bedroom, though, but chances are low as of now.” 
“we’ll see about that”, he whispered suggestively, smirking as he saw you biting your lip. 
“you know what? maybe i should just tie you up to our bed, hm? so, that you can’t escape me”, you replied with a giggle. “you’ve been away from me for way too long, i just need to be with you here.” 
“and you have me, right here with you. i don’t plan on leaving until you clear me for missions and her majesty has another task for me. i love you. so much, baby. you deserve the world for always being so patient with me whenever i get sent on a mission over a long period of time. and i would give you the world if i could”, he whispered. “you’re so incredible for the patience you have with me.” 
the moment he kissed you properly for the first time after four long months, and it was the most gentle and sensual kiss you experienced in a long time. and despite his injuries, he didn’t hesitate to pull you on his lap, promising he wasn’t hurting as much anymore as he did earlier. 
“you take care of me so well, sweetheart. i owe you at least one bit of indulging”, he chuckled, softly brushing through your hair. “it’s just your little reward for being such a good and patient girl for me, baby.” 
you shuddered at how he was speaking to you like he hadn’t just returned from one of the longest battles of his life. “mhm, i missed the way you feel against my lips. i missed the way you taste, the way you whine when i pull away for a short breather. you’re still my beautiful needy girl, aren’t you, baby?”, he mumbled, peppering gentle kisses all over your neck. 
you were only able to nod, sighing in bliss as you started getting distracted by his soft ministrations. “i am”, you mumbled, smiling innocently. and he was so whipped for you, that he wasn’t noticing any of the pain he was experiencing because of the way you made him feel. 
“that’s a good girl”, he mumbled, smiling as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips. 
over the four months he had spent on travels, he had been waiting the most for this moment – to finally hold you in his arms, kissing you as gently as possible – because he had missed you so, so much. 
it was all that was in his mind when he fought that all-devouring narwhal for almost two months straight with no break whatsoever. all he could think of was holding you in his arms again, having you on top of him, underneath him, just having you with him. it didn’t matter, nothing mattered to him as long as you were there. 
“i love you so much, sweetheart”, he whispered once more before he kissed you so desperately, yet so lovingly, it made you feel so dizzy. ajax poured all the love he felt for you into this kiss, as he slowly made moves to remove your clothing, having missed the feeling of you naked on top of him. 
“n-no, ajax, we shouldn’t. y-you’re hurt, and… i could never forgive myself if i ever hurt you in this way”, you mumbled, trying to get up from his lap but he stopped you with yet another kiss, smiling softly. 
“i’m doing a lot better, angel. don’t worry about me, yeah? i’m okay. and i just want to be close to you. let me remember how good it feels to be with you. it has been way too long and way too lonely all this time”, he tried to milden your worries. 
with slight hesitation, you nod, slowly helping him remove his clothes, too, as he winced when a short bit of pain coursed through his body. “i’m so sorry, i knew this was a horrible idea”, you sighed, shaking your head. 
“shh, relax, sweetheart, i’m okay. don’t worry, i can handle a little bit of pain”, he chuckled, shaking his head. “you worry too much, angel. i’ll be fine. if i can’t handle you right now, it’s because you’re too fucking hot.” 
your cheeks were burning as you heard his stupid compliment – he always knew how to make you embarrassed and feel so stupidly in love with him. sometimes it felt like, ajax wasn’t your husband but you two were still stuck in the freshly dating stage, just because of how random his compliments were. 
“idiot”, you mumbled, smiling as you leaned down. the fire in the chimney was keeping both of you warm enough, yet the way he touched you had you shivering. 
“well, i’m your idiot. there’s no way you can get rid of me”, he chuckled, slowly starting to tease your clit with his thumb as you let out a needy whimper to which he couldn’t help laughing. “cute.”
“stop teasing, idiot”, you whined, “i need you.” 
“mhm, baby, i know you do. you’re so wet for me already, drenching those cute little panties of yours because you missed me, huh?” you could only nod as he increased the pressure on your clit, eyes rolling back as the pleasure coursed through your body. 
“mhm, oh, fuck”, was the only reply you could get out. 
“god, i missed those pretty little sounds you let out”, he groaned, slowly pushing the fabric of your panties aside and aligning his cock with your entrance, before he slowly pushed himself inside, having you cry out as you felt so full of him, your body needing a moment to adjust taking your dearest husband in again. 
“so full of me, aren’t you, angel?”, he let out a grunt as you slowly started moving up and down his cock, whining as he filled you up so good, making you feel dizzy from all the pleasure each time his cock hit your g-spot. 
“mhm, ajax, please”, you cried, thoughts started to blur as you slowly got closer and closer to the edge, you felt pathetic for being unable to control yourself but the need you had felt throughout the long time of distance from your husband was overwhelming you. 
“wanna cum, baby? mh, please, come for me, hm? make a mess, i don’t care. just make yourself feel good on my cock. i’ll come deep inside of you if you do, angel; gonna give you that baby we always wanted, hm? how does that sound, sweetheart?”, he babbled, eyes rolling back as he, too, got closer to his orgasm. “gonna fill you up so good, angel, just make me proud and come for me.” 
it was as if on cue when you suddenly shuddered and lost all control of your body for a moment. the dizzying pleasure was overwhelming every fiber of your body as you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore and just slumped down on his body, hugging him as carefully as you could. 
you clenching around him so tightly triggered his own release as he let out a groan, finally coming buried deep inside of you. 
“i missed this. i missed you, ajax. much more than i could ever put into words”, you whispered. he chuckled softly, nodding. 
“same for me, angel. i missed you a lot and am so happy i’m back with you now”, he replied in a slightly breathless but content and happy tone. “and perhaps… we can focus throughout my time off in recovery on us and… maybe attempt for the baby we always wanted? her highness gave me the go for as much time off as i require and… i don’t know… that was all i was thinking of all this time.” 
“well… in that case…”, you started, biting your lip in excitement. “i have great news.” 
you got off him, giggling as his cum trickled down your thighs, and grabbed the gift box you had prepared for him. he sat up confusedly, watching your every move until you returned to him and gave the box to him. 
he opened the box and inspected the insides as he picked up the baby shoes and the positive pregnancy test result from your doctor and looked at you with a confused gaze in his eyes. as the realization hit, his eyes teared up and he smiled so brightly. 
“are you…?”
you nodded excitedly and giggled when he touched your tummy and you saw the happy tears roll down his cheeks. “i went to the doctor when i just couldn’t stop feeling nauseous and constantly throwing up. and then he just… confirmed my suspicions actually. i had a feeling it might be a pregnancy but i just didn’t want to… believe it, i guess? but yeah, uhm, this happened when i… well, we, had our… goodbye fuck”, you giggled as you couldn’t find a better wording. he laughed with you, shaking his head. 
“and since you’re clear of any missions for the time being until you’re back to your duties, i thought this was the perfect moment to tell you.” 
“you made me the happiest man right now, baby. wait… does my family know?”, he chuckled. “they do, don’t they? that’s why teucer sent me a letter saying that you got a surprise for me, hm?” 
you giggled as you nodded. “i did tell him not to tell you anything but he asked if he could at least do that. and the thought of teasing you all the way over here was too tempting.”
“you’re such a fucking minx. i love you, so much”, he mumbled as he pulled you into a hug, cuddling as you relaxed in his arms. “another question… did the doctor clear you for sex? i hope this wasn’t too much on you just now. god, now i feel terrible for talking you into–” 
“shh, you didn’t force me or anything. i’m fine. the doctor said it’s alright”, you giggled, kissing him gently on the cheek. “let’s sleep a little, huh? let me grab a blanket quickly and let’s sleep.” 
once you cleaned yourself up and grabbed a blanket, you laid down next to your already sleeping husband, hugging him as you, too, slowly fell asleep in the comfort of his arms and finally were able to sleep properly through one night with no worries in your mind.
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Starlo apologist speaks again
this picture right here.. i hate it sm.
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#1 Starlo's name is uncool on purpose might literally mean 'Starloser' It fits his character arc. In other words, he's not the cool, badass sheriff he pretends to be (he's not 'North Star'), but a kind, friendly farmer inside
#2 He definitely DOES care about Clover. Why else would he keep saying he's proud of them, praise them, believe in them, get worried about their safety, send them a warning letter, immediately run to check what's going on with them, get angry at Clover for not staying HOME (yeah he really did consider the Wild East their home) tell Martlet to bring Clover to safety, and jump at Ceroba to try and protect them? don't question the love of star daddy
#3 Undyne actually IS a badass. Starlo isn't. He's a softie who cares about pretending to be cool bc he's insecure, even when in a situation where he could die. He wants to be a hero. He wants to be SOMEBODY, not a NOBODY. Maybe he also cared about his own status more than his town, friends and family (which could be the reason he brought a bb gun). Or he just wanted to buy time so the others could hide. Now that I think about it, it's the latter. Why else would Dina say this in genocide after you kill Ceroba: "He was more of a hero than you'll ever be." That's the whole point of his geno fight that, and a lil bit of angst when roba finds him dying IT'S CALLED CHARACTERIZATION
#4 He kidnaps Clover bc they're a human. The only human who's ever set foot on the sands of the Wild East. He's obsessed with human culture. His whole life ARE westerns. Why? Whether it's the sense of justice cowboys represent, the exciting lives they live, or both, Starlo feels like he matters thanks to this nerdy interest, like he can contribute to his community
#5 i see Martlet as a big sis not a mom bc of how young she is, despite that one joke in bits & bites, but to each their own Star jails Martlet bc of the potential of the Wild East getting shut down. She did threaten to report them to Asgore and well... according to him, better safe than sorry. He even admitted he doesn't feel right doing it
#6 It WAS wrong of him to blame and attack Clover like that, all for his own status and ego (and to get his friends back) It's called a flawed character making a fucking mistake. Or did you expect someone perfect, with no room to grow and develop throughout the piece of media? Also, Clover is not an infant, they're a child. If it was meant to be a joke, it ain't funny bucko
#7 he either actually forgot about the fact he himself kidnapped Clover bc he wasn't in the right mindset (understandable), or purposefully ignored the information to avoid responsibility for his actions & shift the blame onto Clover (he IS flawed and thats more than ok)
#8 in neutral, he doesn't apologize bc Ceroba doesn't come and snap him out of his fantasy & mindset
#9 he did his best with the apology. you can't blame starlo. He's not very good with expressing himself and emotions in general (that he has been avoiding for so long via escapism; he also uses escapism to help Ceroba instead of talking openly with her)
#10 he doesn't know how the ceroba & clover interaction played out bc he was unconscious. Maybe he thought Clover had managed to talk her outta fighting. He says in true pacifist "Yall had a fight?? and the deputy won??" In other words he didnt know they had even fought. To add fuel to the fire, his bff just died and star, being the forgiving sweetheart he is, had wanted to give her a chance at redemption, but never got the chance to. He never got the chance to say goodbye, either.
#11 just bc starlo's an adult doesn't mean he can't have these flaws/behaviors. Every individual is unique. Starlo is deff deeply insecure and most likely autistic, too. Please think about that in the future, thank you
my current feelings can best be described by good old Axis
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Pair of disappointment
lo'ak x navi reader
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content : lo'ak x reader, sully kids x reader, and tonowari x daughter reader, ronal x daughter reader, family problems
avatar masterlist
You are the second daughter of Tonowari and ronal, and unlike your sister Tsireya and older brothers you were seen as disappointment or shameful child to your parents and clan. As you could never do anything perfect on your family eyes, and you always seem to bring shame to you parents no matter what you do. Over the years this had started effecting and you never thought you will make your family proud. While your siblings seem to be your father and mother pride and joy you seem to be their shame, this had made you feel alone in the world. Unknown to you soon you will meet a boy that felt the same way as you, when it came to his family.
Y/n " ........" you and your siblings along with the sully kids were sitting in front of your father and mother, along with Jake and neytiri none of the parents were happy.
tonowari " how could you all do something so foolish and dangerous"
the kids " ........."
ronal " have you all have no shame of your actions" the group had gotten in trouble over, something that had to relate with payakan and some other outcast tulkun.
neytiri " you all could of been capture or killed a war would of started"
Jake " so tell us who bright idea was it"
neteyam " I'm sorry I should of talked everyone out of it"
Jake " no not this time Neteyam you are nor covering for you brother anymore"
lo'ak " dad we meant no harm I and y/n saw something that we thought could be helpful"
ronal " I knew it was all your fault y/n I always knew you were jealous of your sibling and everyone here"
y/n " mom no I didn't mean no harm we were not doing anything bad"
ronal " hush why can't you be perfect like Tsireya or good lie your brothers rotxo and aonung why do you have to be like this"
y/n " mom we are all wrong about payakan and the other outcasts, they mean us no harm maybe if we give them a chance"
tonowari " enough once again my daughter even if I can all you that, you bring shame to me and your mother ... once again ruining the family name do you know the work I and Jake had to do apologize to the others clans"
y/n " dad I meant no harm I promise I will make it up to you"
neytiri " you two are nothing but trouble and that what you two will always be trouble"
ronal " we will be Lucky enough to see if someone will want to become your mates, know your history the lucky navi will sear clear from you both for their sake and everyone else"
kiri " you are all being to hard on them they meant no harm"
Jake " enough I'm done with you all covering for these two mistakes, you all dong what you are told and can do it correct these two will never do anything correct or worth anything" lo'ak and you could feel your hearts and souls breaking.
tonowari " Y/n I think it best if you stay with someone else or else where in the clan until your behavior gets betters, you are worrying me and your mother to death and she pregnant"
y/n " dad I mean no harm to mom or my unborn siblings"
ronal " my baby is not your sibling until you can be a better daughter, as I see it now I only have one daughter and maybe this baby as second child but I have no child daughter"
y/n " mom please"
aonung " mom this is to harsh"
tonowair " no this has been coming for a whole until you sister can prove herself, she is no longer our daughter and no longer you sister"
Jake " same will go for you lo'ak I'm sending you and y/n if tonowiar approve to live with your grandmother she has enough, time and energy to deal with you to and maybe shape you two into perfect navi"
tuk " no dad you cant separate us sully stick together"
Jake " that only counts when you are a sully as I see it here neteyam my only son, until lo'ak can become mature and worth of the sully tittle"
neytiri " I will pray to eywa for both of you as it will take a miracle for you two to prove yourself once again"
y/n " please mom and dad don't send me away"
Ronal " it will be ronal and tonowair from here on now until you cna be the daughter we wish for, and not try to flee anywhere else we told the other clan and human none of them will help ... only the clan that mo'at with will help as everyone else it greatly disappointed in you both"
lo'ak " so that it nothing else we are no longer you guys kids"
Jake " you brought this upon yourself it for the bets for everyone you will leave tomorrow there will be no goodbye you all leave, and we will make sure you two are gone" soon the meetings had come to end none of other kids pose with you or lo'ak as they were taken awya by neytiri. no one looked at you that whole day as you walked around your home one last time before you left for a very long time.
The next day
y/n " hey"
lo'ak " hey"
y/n " thanks for letting me ride with you lo'ak"
loa'k " it okay"
y/n " you know they are all watching right from their homes, hey maybe they will through a festival when are are gone celebrating us being gone" you sound like your were breaking down lo'ak soon brought you into a hug.
lo'ak " hey you have me here you are not alone we can take on this world together, and see what the great mother has planned for us"
y/n " you are right lo'ak"
lo'ak " now come on lets go we have a long travel and I think my grandmother going to like you" you and smiled at lo'ak and soon you got into his ikran.
Lo’ak “ hold on tight” you do what Lo’ak had told you and soon enough you two had taken off into, the air together now flying in the air.
y/n “ ……..”
loak “ ……..” the two Navi teens had looked back at the village one last time. It will be a long time until the will return home and see everyone again. If they wanted to return as they will be adults soon, and they will mean they can make their own decisions and see if they wish to return to their home and clans or start a new life else where together.
later that day
loak “ we are here and there is my grandmother and few others”
y/n “ wow this is so beautiful we should go say hello” loak had nodded his head as the duo soon landed on the ground being greeted by moat and company.
moat “ welcome my grandson and y/n I have been told so about my dear”
y/n “ oh so you know I’m a shame and disappointment to my family as well” moat soon walked towards the girl and brought her into a hug.
moat “ you are now shame my dear today you both will go on journey that is different, from your family and clan … a path you two will walk together” you and loak looked at each other and smiled. Soon the clan had welcome you and Loak, into their village and way of life. You will grow up under the care and supervision along with some guidance by moat and some other older females. While loak had been trained by the best warriors and hunters, getting some guidance from them as well. As the years went by the duo will become close and soon enough a mated pair, when they become adults. The great mother was shining down on young couple as they will soon started a new life together and not forgetting their past.
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youunravelme · 1 year
hi kenn!! happy 1k i’m so proud of u! 🩷🩷
i’m not sure if i’m allowed to use multiple prompts so feel free to just use one!!
“what the hell was that for?” + “how dare you speak to me that way?” aka angst with either tito or barzy whoever u feel like!! :) 🫂
you are for sure allowed t use multiple prompts! and what angsty prompts you have chosen dear god. BUT i had fun with this! SEND MORE ANGSTY PROMPTS (they will probably all end happily because i hate conflict but oh well). because this is a little angsty i put some warnings below:
warning: volatile relationship with family (i.e. your mom)
you weren't exactly sure how it started, but you knew the second mat slammed the front door that things had to be over.
it's not like you wanted it to be, deep down you loved him but today, yesterday, you wanted to throttle him.
you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
no you didn't.
you loved him.
god you loved him.
so why were you crying on the couch? why were your hands shaking? wasn't love enough? couldn't it be enough? shouldn't it be enough?
"what the hell was that for, jackass? you're just gonna go ape shit on anyone who so much as looks at me the wrong way? i can't believe you!"
"me? you can't believe me? you're just gonna let her talk to you like that and i have to sit and watch? i can't do that!"
"she's my mother, mat! i don't know what you want me to say!"
"i want you to say that how she talks to you is horrible and unacceptable. i want to hear you say that you deserve better than to be undermined and compared to other people by someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally." you refused to make eye contact with him, staring at his shoes instead. "will you at least look at me?"
"it was none of your business, you should've just kept your mouth shut."
"like hell i am!" he threw his hands up. "i don't let anyone talk about the people i love like that, especially the love of my life. and especially when that person is a grown ass woman."
looking back on it, you weren't sure why you reacted the way you did. in mat's defense (which was a side you took often), you wouldn't have tolerated anyone talking bad about him either.
so why did you accept it from your mom? why did you accept that behavior from her?
when you closed your eyes you could still hear her shriek "how dare you speak to me that way?" you could see the fire in her eyes and the ice in mat's.
you should've kept your mouth shut. should've thanked mat for defending you. should've hugged and kissed him when you got home for sticking up for you yet again.
but you let this stockholm syndrome grip your mother had on you destroy the greatest thing that had ever happened to you, possibly irrevocably.
your hands shook at the idea of losing him, at not wearing his jersey to games, at not curling up in bed while you traced shapes into his chest. your heart ached at the thought of no longer calling him, yours, at not belonging to him anymore at--
mat stormed back through the door, so hard that it creaked on its hinges. but he did the due diligence of shutting it much quieter than he had before.
he pointed at you, his hand was shaking and when you got a good look at him, his cheeks were wet and his eyes glistened.
"i love you," he said. "i will love you until my dying breath and that means not allowing people to talk shit about you. i don't care if it's my friends, my fans, my family or your mom. i won't have it. i love you too much to let someone tear you down. so i won't apologize for sticking up for you, i will never apologize for advocating for you, but i will apologize for yelling at you and letting my ego get the best of me. i never want to hurt you, so if i did that tonight, hear me when i say i am so sorry."
to say you were a blubbering mess by the end of his speech would've been an understatement. you all but launched yourself off the couch and into his arms, where he readily accepted you.
you sobbed into his chest while he rubbed his hands up and down your back as he pressed kisses into your hair.
"i'm sorry, i should've been grateful, i should've been--"
"she's your mom, baby, i get it. just know that i'm never gonna let her disrespect you again as long as i'm around, okay?" he pulled you back just to cradle your face in his hands. "i love you."
you gave him a watery smile right as he kissed your forehead. "i love you too."
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milesdickpic · 1 year
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.78
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Hi, babes! We are back with anotha one! I can't thank you all enough for the unconditional love and support. Thank you for everyone that has returned to read my story! Thank you to the new readers who have taken interest in it! I love you all so much! ❤️ Happy reading and enjoy! 💕
A/n: This one is gonna do a doozy on some of you, besties. There is a lot going on here, BUT there is also a surprise coming 😈 Bradley is going through a million different emotions from the accident, how will this pan out? 🫣
Warnings: crying, cursing, description of injuries, signs of PTSD, PTSD behaviors, mentions of death, anxiousness, depression, sadness, self-doubt, but more love and excitement ❤️
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Over the next week, some of the days and nights, not all of them, it was rough. It seemed like anytime Bradley had fallen asleep or taken a nap he would succumbed to his dreams. He would wake up in a panic or wake up yelling. After his nightmares he would feel so defeated, he would cry and apologize to you endlessly. You felt horrible that your husband was going through it. You just wanted to take away his pain. All you could do was reassure him he was okay and it would get better. It was normal for this to be happening, he went through something traumatic. You’d be worried if he didn’t act this way. You continued to comfort and care for him day in and day out. You would do anything for him. He was everything to you. 
You were in the kitchen making snacks for everyone. Leia and Mav were outside playing in the backyard with Gunner. Phoenix and Hangman were gone at work. Austin was on the couch with Bradley playing video games. Bradley really started to confide in Austin about his troubles. He said it was easier to talk to someone that didn’t know anything about the military. It was easier to talk about everything instead of having to feel he had to hide some parts of it. Austin was happy to be someone that Bradley could confide in and help. 
You brought over a tray of snacks. “Bradley the doctor will be over today to see you.” You kissed his head. “I think he’ll be proud of you that you are able to get around on your own and do more.” You smiled and sat on the couch as you rubbed your belly.
“Austin do you think, you could go and get Leia and Mav for snack time? I want to talk to y/n for a little bit.”
Austin patted Bradley’s thigh and nodded. “Of course.” 
Bradley gestured for you to come and sit with him. He threw his arm over your shoulder. “Sweetheart. I want to apologize for everything.”
You furrowed your brows at Bradley. “Please Bradley. Don’t start, baby.” You placed your hand on his cheek.
He shook his head. “No. You’re having to deal with my issues, my pain, you’re having to care for me, for everyone…” He sighed and shook his head. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you. Not the other way around.” He looked at you sadly. 
You kissed his lips gently. “Bradley Nicolas Bradshaw, you stop that right now.”
“But sweetheart.”
You shook your head and held his face firm in your hands, “You are my husband. I vowed to always take care of you. Even if I didn’t vow I would do it in a heartbeat. You mean the world to me, Brad. Please don’t apologize. You’re going through a rough time, and I want you to know… no matter what I will be here by your side. No matter how hard. I love you so much, please don’t apologize.” You pushed the hair from his face and smiled. “It’s you and me forever, Brad.”
He laid into your palm. “What did I do to deserve you?”
You giggled, “Simple.” You kissed his nose. “You were you.” You smiled. He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes and kissed you.
“I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for loving me, always.”
Later on that day, the doctor came by to check on Bradley. They were surprised with the progress he was making on his own. They wanted to start him on slow and small physical therapy with his arm. He was to start moving it little by little everyday so it wouldn’t be so stiff when it came time to remove his stitches and staples. 
“Daddy, for therapy can we play the piano together?” Leia laid on his shoulder and smiled up at him.
“You know, that would be a great idea. It’ll help with little movement in your arm.” The doctor smiled at Bradley and Leia.
Bradley nodded at Leia and kissed her head, “You are so smart my girl.” 
Over the next week Bradley was doing more things around the house for himself. He was able to shower and change into his own clothes. He was progressing very well. He was really pushing himself to get better. Even though you told him you loved caring for him, he still felt bad that you were. He started to play the electric piano Bob got for Leia for Christmas, with Leia multiple times a day. He taught her about each note and how to read music sheets. She was so smart she was picking it up quickly.
Bradley’s POV 
“Daddy, can you teach me how to play Great Balls of Fire? I’m already an expert with twinkle twinkle. I think I need more of a challenge.” She raised her brows at me.
I chuckled, “Of course, I can baby. Maybe you’ll learn it quicker than your mommy.” I winked at her and you scoffed from the kitchen. “Okay, baby. Help daddy take his sling off, I’m going to need both hands for this.” She nodded and started to carefully take off my arm sling. 
“Is this okay, daddy? Does it hurt? Do you need medicine?” Leia rubbed my arm gently as the sling came off. 
I kissed her head, “I’m okay, sweetheart. Thank you.” I smiled and sat her in my lap. “You ready for this?” She nodded. “Okay we are gonna do the easy version until you get it, okay?” I kissed her cheek.
“No, daddy. I want the hard version. I can do it!” She bounced in my lap.
“Oh my goodness, Leia Rey!” I laughed, “Okay. We can try the hard version.” I grabbed her hand and placed each of her fingers on the keys. “Okay so you’re gonna have to spread your fingers out wide.” She placed her hands on the keys, “Okay, and you’re going to push this one.” I pushed her fingers down into the keys, “Then this.” I showed her the next ones. “This, and then these.” She nodded. “Okay. Show me baby. In that same order.”
She played the ones I showed her. “And then I’ll play these parts.” I started to play with my bad arm trying to get some movement. “So you’ll play at that pace as I play these okay? We will practice those for a while and go from there. Sound good?” 
She nodded and looked back to me. “Can you play the song first, daddy? So we can sing it again?” 
I nodded and kissed her head. “Of course baby. I’m gonna be a little rusty, Daddy is still trying to get strong okay?” 
“You got it, daddy. Don’t think. Just do.” She giggled. 
I stretched out my arm slowly. We went over to the dinner table and placed the piano on it. I played a couple of keys to get familiar with the feelings. “Okay here we go, honey. Momma, sing along too if you wanna.” I chuckled and began to play. 
-plays Great Balls of Fire-
I played slow at first trying to get a feel for it. It wasn’t bad so I picked up. 
“Too much love drives a man insane!” I shook my head as I sang and Leia jumped around. You sang from the kitchen as you were cleaning. 
“You broke my will, but what a thrill.” 
Leia jumped up onto the table. “GOODNESS GRACIOUS, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!” She threw her hands up in the air as she yelled it. 
I continued to play. The pain from the movement in my arm started to subside and it felt really good to get some proper circulation to it. I bobbed my head and continued to sing and play as you and Leia danced around and sang with me. 
“Kiss me baby!” Leia came over and kissed my cheek, “Oooooh, that feels good baby.” You and Leia both held onto me. “Hold me baby!” I started to chuckle. “I wanna love you like a lover should.” I winked at you, “YOU’RE FINE!” And I winked at Leia, “YOU’RE SO KIND!” 
Mav came into the front door smiling, I stopped playing for a second and waved over to him. He just came back from walking Gunner. 
“Papa Mav! Come and join us! We are singing while daddy does therapy!” She ran over to Mav and started to pull him though the house. He started to chuckle.
“Slow down, sweetheart!” He looked at me and smiled, “What are we singing?” 
I smirked, “A classic.” 
He nodded, “Let’s hear it.” 
“START IT FROM THE TOP, DADDY!” Leia pumped her fist in the air. I started to laugh. 
I restarted the song. I looked at Mav as I started up. He smiled big and shook his head. The girls started to sing as I played. “Oh come on, Mav don’t be shy now!” 
He nodded his head and chuckled. He started to sing with all of us. He picked up Leia and sat her on the table. He poked at her stomach as we sang, “You broke my will, but what a thrill. Goodness gracious great balls of fire!” 
He picked her up and held her against his hip as they danced around and sang. “I’ve changed my mind, this love is kind, GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!” 
He spun around with Leia in the kitchen as she giggled and held onto him tightly. “Papa you’re going so fast!” She was squealing and he was still singing to her. 
You placed your hands on my shoulders and danced behind me as I yelled the song at the top of my lungs. I started to dance in the seat and you started to laugh and kiss my head over and over again. 
I looked up at you and sang, “I’ma tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine!” You kissed my lips. 
I looked over at Mav and Leia. He was jumping around with her in his arms. 
Mav threw Leia up into the air, “YEE HAAW!” And caught her giving her a bunch of kisses before letting her down. 
“Papa that was fun! Can we do it again?” Leia clung onto Mav’s neck.
He started to laugh, “I would love to, sweetheart. But let’s get your daddy his medicine first.” He kissed her cheek and let her down. 
He came over to me with my medication for the day and some water. He rubbed my shoulder lightly as he checked the healing. “You’re looking so good, Rooster. It’s healing well.”
I took my medication and chuckled. “Thanks, Mav. I can’t wait to start working out again. I am so squishy.” I squished my stomach in my hands and raised my brows. 
“I love your scruff and your dad bod thats coming in. I think it’s really hot.” You kissed me on my cheek. 
Mav covered Leia’s ears, “All right, not around the Jedi.” He started to laugh. 
Your POV
Over the next couple of weeks, Bradley really progressed. It was time for him to go to the doctor and get his stitches and staples removed. He sat there patiently. He was excited to finally get them out. 
“Babe, I am so excited to get these freaking things out. I’ll finally be able to do more, start physical therapy. WORK OUT!” He sighed and smiled. “Finally!”
Mav came into the room with the doctor. They were laughing as they entered.
“Lieutenant Commander.” They came and shook my hand. “Are you ready to get these all removed?” 
He nodded and his eyes went wide. “So fucking ready.” You shot Bradley a shocked look. “I apologize. I’m just really excited.” 
The doctor laughed and started to check Bradley’s body’s progress to see how he was healing. They said he was on track with healing, if not already super ahead where he was supposed to be. They had him strip his shirt and they started to check his shoulder. 
They started to remove his staples from his shoulder. Bradley was super excited as they started to pull them. “I can’t even feel them, I’m so excited.” He smiled big at you and rubbed his hands together. The doctor held him still and chuckled. He was bouncing in excitement like a kid in a candy store. “Sorry. I’ll say still.”
As Bradley got his staples removed, Mav put his arm around you and leaned into you. “Sweetheart, do you think we could talk for a moment?” He gave you a sweet smile and nodded over to the door. 
“Yes, of course.” Bradley looked at both of you and you pointed to the door, “We’ll be right here, baby. We will be back.” He nodded to you and Mav.
Mav closed the door behind you and him, “Sweetheart. I’ll have to be going back to San Diego later on tonight.” You nodded and he rubbed your arm. “I am so sorry, I intended to stay longer, but I can’t take another leave.”
You smiled and gave him a hug, “Mav. Please don’t apologize. I am thankful you even took some time to come out here and help.” You hugged him tight.
He placed a kiss on your head and rubbed your back, “I really wish I could stay longer to help you and Rooster. I don’t want to leave you both and Leia.” He sighed against your hair, “Of course I came. I would do anything for you two. Anything you need, you just call me and I’ll make it work. I’ll find a way.” He hugged you tight.
“Thank you, Mav. For everything.” 
You and Mav entered the room and the doctor was finishing up removing the stitches and staples from Bradley’s clavicle. Bradley had a smile plastered on his face as the doctor let him know how many stitches he had left to be removed. When the doctor finally finished removing his stitches and staples, Bradley ran his hand over the area. 
“Wow, that feels really weird. I finally feel like I can stretch my arm up without splitting my cuts open.” He started to chuckle and he slowly raised his arm up. 
The doctor started to test his range of motion. They moved his arm up, down, side to side, gently and slowly as they made sure the healing didn’t constrict his range of motion. Bradley winced at some of the soreness he was experiencing with some of the movements. 
“Everything looks like it’s coming along, Lieutenant Commander. We are just going to do a couple of X-rays on your shoulder and chest to make sure everything else is doing well too. Then from there, we can schedule you to start more vigorous therapy to help you get stronger again.” They patted his back and gave him a smile.
Bradley looked over at you and smiled. “I can’t wait to fly again, sweetheart.”
The doctor quickly looked at Bradley when he mentioned flying. Bradley furrowed his brows at the doctor. “I will fly again, right?” His voice grew concerned. 
Bradley interrupted them, “What? You’re not going to tell me I can’t right?” He looked at Mav with hurt in his eyes, “Please tell them I’ll fly again. I want to fly again.” Mav stayed quiet and looked at the doctor. “Mav.” Bradley had so much hurt in his tone. He looked at you, “Sweetheart.”
He shook his head, “I won’t take no for an answer. I’m going to fly again.”
Mav came over to Bradley and rubbed his back, “Let’s just take it step by step, Rooster. There are steps we have to take to make sure you’re good to fly.” 
Bradley sighed and nodded, “All right.” He looked at the doctor. “So the X-ray now?” The doctor nodded and lead him to the X-ray room. You and Mav stayed behind.
Mav placed his head in his hands and you sat next to him placing your hand on his back, “Mav, will he fly again?”
He looked up at you and gave you a weak smile, “I hope so. He’s worked so hard to get here. He has to go about the board, they’re already doing investigations as to what happened. From my side, I see no foul play. This was purely out of his training instinct and trying to save his partner. It’s just the Navy is strict with pilot’s coming back from injuries. If they feel it is in his best interest he doesn’t fly due to his injuries…” He sighed and sat back in the chair.
“He’ll never fly again…” You said sadly and your heart hurt for Bradley. You knew how much he loved flying. How much he loved his job. How this was his way of feeling close to his dad. You knew he would be heart broken if he couldn’t continue to fly, especially this early in his career. 
Mav nodded. “I hope he recovers fully, has no issues. Because then without a doubt he will fly, but he has to prove himself to these doctors that he is capable and can do it.”
You laid your head on Mav, “Do you think he’ll make it through?” 
Mav laid on your head and nodded, “He’s just like his dad and his mom. He’s gonna do it. I know it.” He looked at you from the side of his eye. “Do you think he will?”
You nodded, “I know he will. He’s Bradley. He has that longing determination. When he wants something he doesn’t stop until he gets it. He’s like you, Mav.”
You felt Mav smile against your head. He chuckled, “He just does it properly, sweetheart.”
Bradley came back from the x-ray room and sat on the examination chair. The doctor went to go and get his x-rays to go over them with the three of you. Bradley sat in silence, slightly anxious for what his results were going to look like. You went over and kissed his cheek, “It’s going to be okay, baby. You’ve been doing so good. It’ll just take time, okay?”
He smiled and nodded at you, “Thank you, baby. You always know what to say.” He chuckled and kissed you back. 
The doctor came in and placed Bradley’s x-rays on the viewer. 
“Everything is look very well. You are healing fine. However, you will have to go through therapy to help stretch out that movement in your shoulder and clavicle. If it’s not treated properly, you can get stiffness in your neck. Limiting your mobility.”
Bradley nodded, “Let’s get this thing started then.” He smiled optimistically. 
You, Mav, and Bradley arrived back to the house. Everyone was home at the time. Mav had sat everyone down and explained that he was going to leave later on that night back for San Diego. 
Everyone was sad that he would be leaving, but they all thanked him for his duration of stay. Bradley took it the hardest. He didn’t want Mav to leave. He felt that he really needed him for help. 
Bradley’s POV 
“Mav, do you think we could talk before you go?” I patted Mav’s back. 
Mav nodded, “Of course.” 
We went out into the backyard and sat on the lounging chairs. He leaned forward and patted my leg. “What’s on your mind, kiddo?”
I took a deep breath and looked up at him. “It’s the nightmares. Negative thoughts. The flashes of memories. What I remember and what I saw.” I pushed my lips together and became tense.
Mav patted my leg and squeezed my knee. “Hey. It’s going to be okay. Tell me about all of it, Bradley.”
I gulped and took a deep breath. “I keep having nightmares. It's a reoccurring one where I save Riot and I’m going down. Phoenix is screaming for me. I get it nearly every time I close my eyes.” 
Mav nodded and wiped his hand over his mouth. “Hey, It’s normal to be having these nightmares. Do they always end the same? Or are there different endings to them?” 
“They end the same.” I looked down and my breath was shaky. “I die.”
Mav pulled his chair closer to mine and pulled me in for a hug. “Bradley. I am so sorry you are having this nightmare. It’s just a nightmare and that is all it will ever be. Remember. You are here with all of us. You are doing absolutely amazing. Do not let it take over you. It isn’t your reality.” He rubbed my back and I laid on his shoulder. 
“Mav, I haven’t told anyone this. Especially not y/n.” My breath heightened. “But I think I was meant to die.” 
I could feel Mav tense against me and hold me tighter. He started to shake his head. “Bradley.”
I pulled back and started to shake my head. “No Mav. I’m serious.”
“Mav. I don’t think I was supposed to be here.” I started to panic.
“BRADLEY!” Mav’s voice was stern. Snapping me out of my episode. I looked at his tearful eyes. “Please. Bradley stop.” His voice was shaking with every word.
“Mav. They were there.” A tear fell onto my cheek. He was still holding my face in his hands. His face grew with confusion.
“Who was there?”
I gulped. “Mom and Dad.” 
Mav straightened out his back and looked at me with soft, but wide eyes. “Bradley…” He barely whispered my name. He grabbed my shoulders and gave me a little shake. “Hey.” I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
I sniffled. “They were there, Mav.” I sighed. “I was going down so fast. The emergency chute wasn’t coming out after mine was shredded by the debris. When I hit the water, I felt so cold. I was fighting to get up, but it went black. I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper. It was so dark and cold. I was alone. There was no one, but me. I was in a dark place dragging my heavy soggy chute. My flight suit weighed me down. I was calling out for y/n. My babies.” I looked down and closed my eyes. It all started to play again. 
“Take your time, Bradley. It’s okay.” Mav rubbed my arm and placed his hand on my knee. “I’m here, kiddo. Talk about it.”
I nodded and sighed. I kept my eyes closed as I described it, it started to play again. Everything I saw. 
“I was walking alone. It was dark. I could hear the water swishing below my feet. I was lugging my chute, clenching the pictures I had of y/n and the kids. I started to cry because I was lost, scared, cold. Then there was a really bright light. It was so bright I couldn’t open my eyes to it. Then I felt warmth. I finally pried my eyes open and there they were. Holding me. Mom was sobbing and shaking her head as she held my face in her palms. I started to cry too. Dad was picking up my chute and helping me hold it as he held my mom and me.”
I started to cry. “Mom said I shouldn’t be here with them. But she was happy to see me. That she missed me so much, but it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Dad was crying. He held me tight and said I needed to fight. That it wasn’t my time, yet. I didn’t want to leave them. I wanted to stay. They walked with me through the beach they used to take me to all the time when I was a kid.”
Mav nodded. “I remember that beach. You got your first bad sunburn out there when you were 2.” He let out a little chuckle.
I wiped my nose and laughed, “Yeah. That one.” I cleared my throat and looked back up at Mav. “I showed them the pictures that I had. They told me I couldn’t leave them behind. That I needed to fight to be with them. I could hear y/n talking to me every day. Mom and Dad loved the way her voice sounded as it echoed through my lifeless body. Mom and Dad cried when I had to leave. But they promised me they are always with me. That they’ll always be with me.”
Mav pulled me in for a hug. “I love you, Bradley.” He held me tight in his embrace. “Your parents were right. It wasn’t your time. You still have to be here, for a long time. I thank god, that they sent you back. That you fought to be here. I couldn’t lose you. Y/n couldn’t lose you. The kids couldn’t lose you.”
I sighed and nodded into Mav’s shoulder. “I just feel so lost without them, Mav.”
Mav pulled back and placed his hand on my cheek. “You are a great husband, father, friend, PILOT. I know it's hard without them, but you have done so much. You paved your way.”
I looked down and gulped. “Are you proud of me, Mav?”
He sighed and chuckled. “Are you really asking me that?” I nodded. He playfully smacked his hand into my cheek a little harder and made me look up. “Bradley. I am so proud of you and all you’ve done with your life. You have exceeded anything and everything I wanted for you. I couldn’t be more proud of you than I am right now. But I know that's going to change because you’re going to do so much more with your life. I am so damn proud of you, Bradley. Don’t ever doubt that.” He smiled at me and patted my cheek. “How dare you ask me that.”
I started to laugh and he pulled me into him. “I thank god every day that your mom and dad brought you into my life.”
I smiled and hugged him back. “I thank god you became best friends with my dad. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Your POV
Bradley and Mav finally came back in from being out in the backyard. “Mav, I don’t want you to go. What am I going to do without you?” Bradley sighed as he looked at Mav.
Mav smiled and put his arm around Bradley’s shoulders. “I’m just a call away. If you need anything. You can call at anytime. I’ll always be here for you, kiddo. I’m not going anywhere. AND if it’s something urgent. I can be here within 5 hours.” He chuckled as he hugged Bradley. 
Leia laid on Austin’s arm and hugged him, “Does that mean you’re going home now too, Austie?” She looked up at him sadly. 
Austin ran his hand through Leia’s hair and kissed her forehead, he sighed. “Darlin, I don’t know how to tell you this.” He looked at her sadly, but then he looked at Phoenix with a smirk and she tried to hide her smile. 
Bradley rolled his eyes, “Oh god, what did you do?” 
Austin sighed and put his arm around Phoenix and Leia. “Well, I called my agency back in San Diego to check how my patient was doing while I was gone. They had informed me she had gotten a new care taker and I am officially on the market.” He looked at Bradley and smiled. “I asked if I could inquire in on a new patient and I gave them a suggestion of mine.”
Hangman started to laugh, “Oh fuck. You didn’t.”
Austin smiled and winked at Leia, “Oh, but I did.” He looked over at Bradley and smiled, “You, sir, are looking at your new caregiver for the next couple of months until you get back fully on your feet. IF, thats alright with you, Lieutenant Commander.”
Bradley started to laugh, “Holy shit.” He put his face into his hands, “Are you serious? They let you do that?”
Austin nodded, “Only if you want it.” 
Bradley was lost for words, “Yea. Holy shit. Yes. That’ll be great. Thank you so much, man. It’ll definitely be help to y/n as well. She won’t have to do so much for me.” Bradley got up and hugged Austin. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Austin patted Bradley’s back gently, “Of course, Brad.”
Later that night you were all saying your goodbyes to Mav as he was getting into Phantom’s Camaro to head to the airport. Leia ran after Mav and hugged him tight. “I’m going to miss you, Papa Mav.” She was looking down and frowning. 
Mav knelt down and picked up her chin, “My little Jedi.” Leia looked up at him sadly, “Don’t be sad, I’ll just be a phone call away. I need you to take care of dad, okay? Be a big strong girl. Make sure he takes his medicine and he does his exercises everyday?” He nodded at Leia. “Okay?” He gave her a warm smile and she nodded slowly, “Hey, Jedi. Look at me.” She looked up and gave him puppy dog eyes. He chuckled, “Your dad used to give me the same look.” He kissed her cheek, “I need you to be a big girl. You’re gonna be a big sister. I know you’ll be the best big sister ever.” He pinched her chin, “I’m just a phone call away, little Jedi. Don’t be sad. It’ll go by fast and I’ll see you soon. Okay?” 
She clung onto Mav and didn’t want to let go. “Can you tell Uncle Rob, Rue, Mickey, and ‘Yote that I miss and love them, Papa Mav?” 
He nodded and kissed her hair, “I will, sweetheart. I love you, Leia.”
She hugged him tighter, “I love you too, Papa Mav. Give Penny and Amelia hugs and kisses for me.” She pulled back and gave him a small smile. 
Mav cupped her face and smiled. “Of course.” He kissed her cheeks and waved bye to everyone. 
Bradley started to go to therapy at the training facility near the tarmac. He was so excited to be near the jets again. His view was the tarmac so he got to watch as everyone would take off and land. He would spend at least 4 hours at the facility working on his mobility overall. Then sometimes he would stay to go and see his pilots on the tarmac. Bradley started to progress with his injuries and the doctors said his future with flying started to look promising. He even went about the board and they didn’t rule him at fault for the accident that had occurred, just like Mav had said. 
You were at home with Austin. Leia was over at Phantom and Evelyn’s house playing with Kaia and Kamalani. Phoenix, Hangman, and Bradley were at work for the day. Bradley was due to come back around 4 PM, but if he decided he wanted to stay longer he would usually text you, to let you know. 
You were standing at the kitchen sink doing some dishes from the night before. Austin was cleaning up around the house and doing the boy’s laundry. You all had started to get things ready for the boys arrival. Things were already put together in their room, the bags were packed, Austin had just finished washing all their clothes, and you just needed to put the car seats in the car. You were standing at the sink. You back was really hurting and you stood there. Austin looked over and saw you had your hand on your lower back and were trying to stretch it out. He came over and grabbed a chair for you.
“Hey, Darlin. Why don’t you rest and take a seat? You’ve been on your feet too long lately.” He placed the chair behind you and rubbed your lower back. “Here, have a seat.” 
You sat for a while and he massaged your shoulders. You chuckled and shook your head as you relaxed, “Aus, you’re supposed to be taking care of Bradley, not me.” 
He laughed and placed a kiss on your head, “Darlin, I promised to always take care of you. I can take care of both of you.” 
You patted his hands and he stopped massaging your shoulders. “I need to go and clean up for the day. It’s already noon and I am still in my PJs.” 
Austin sighed and nodded, “I’ll help you out.” He helped you off the chair and wrapped his arm around your waist as you started to walk to the stairs. “You ready?” He raised his brows at you.
You nodded and sighed heavily. You held onto your belly, “Let’s freaking do this.” 
Right as you took the first step you felt water start to rush down your leg. Your eyes went wide and you froze. “Oh Shit.” 
Austin looked at you with wide eyes and looked at the puddle that was soaking both yours and his socks. “Darlin… Did you just pee?” He was looking around at the floor. 
“Austin…” You were in shock and stayed still.
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m sure there is a lot of weight on your bladder from the boys, accidents happen. I can get that cleaned up. Don’t worry, honey.” He started to removed himself from under your arm.
“Austin… Wait…” He stopped and looked at you. “I didn’t pee…”
He looked at you with wide eyes and put his hand over his mouth, “Holy shit!”
BESTIES OMG. We are about to give birth to the twins! Finally! But besides that, I hope Dadley will be okay 🥺 The journey continues! I will see you all in the next one 🫣
My kids' godparents are in the comments 🫶🏼
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romanarose · 7 months
Puzzle Pieces Drabbles part 1
Ben Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're dating Tom, a whirlwind romance that came at a low point in your life. Within months, you live with him and he's not as nice as he was in the begining. Tom does things that upset you, Benny finds a way to make it better.
Warnings: IDK what to call this but it's def shitty behavior throughout. Will progressively get worse during the series but let's start with this. Drinking. Messing up something that you spent time on. Emotional cheating and eventually some kissing cheating. Im not doing full series warnings because I don't know what everything will contain. We'll do it chapter by chapter.
A/N: This will be a short series of comfort drabbles where Tom does something shitty and Ben makes it better. No smut. I'm at a low point rn and just want softness.
Tom was supposed to text you before he brought people over.
It wasn't that you disliked his friends, they were all very kind and respectful of your home. If one was dropping by or it was a spur of the moment thing it was no big deal, but you didn't like having all of them over without warning. There was laundry on the couch and no snacks ready. You were sure they'd be drunk.
"Hey baby!" Tom greets loudly as he walks in, finding you in the kitchen putting some chips in a bowl. He squeezes your ass as he kisses you. You didn't like when he did that around others, he said he was just showing off his sexy girlfriend.
"Hi!" You kiss him back, so excited he's home early you don't mind the booze on his breath. You turn around and set the bowl at the kitchen island, smiling brightly at Frankie, Will, Santi, Ben and a few friends you only sort of knew. It was Ben your eyes lingered on the longest, he was your favorite, always so much fun when he came over.
Ben grinned at you. "I see you finished the puzzle!"
"I did!" Sliding to the kitchen table, giddy to show off your project, you grab the corners. The puzzle was huge, a giant baby Yoda puzzle you were proud of after all the hours spent on it. Ben was over a few days ago when you were working on it. "Look!" You'd seen it on tin tok, practicing pulling a puzzle off the table and keeping it intact. With pride, you hold it up for Tom and his friends to see, beaming. A few so's and ah's came from the guys.
Tom laughed. "oh, is that what you were doing instead of laundry?" And you catch Will glaring at him.
You mumble an apology, and begin to try and lay it down when Tom insists you hold it up again. For a moment, you're happy he wants to see your hard work.
Until he smacks it down.
You watch in shock as all the pieces tumble to the floor, clattering at the tiles. Heat burns at your face in embaressment, unable to look up to see who is laughing at you, because some people are.
When you hear Frankie shout 'What the fuck, Tom!', Tom retaliates that it's just a stupid puzzle from a stupid show.
You're ashamed at having been excited for something Tom thinks is stupid.
The argument escalates but you can't see, kneeling down to pick up the mess. Fuck, the floors needed to be washed too. Tears burned in your eyes and you willed yourself not to cry. You hear Frankie say he needs to step out, and out of the corner of your eye you see Will taking him outside, being the only one who could match his height and weight.
You're tears blur your vision, you don't even realize someone is helping you clean. Wiping them, to see Ben on the floor with you picking up the last few before standing and putting them in the box. Christ he was tall.
"Thank you." You whisper, sniffling.
"Don't thank me." His voice was deep, a thick southern drawl you liked. He sat at the table. "C'mon, honey, let's get started."
When you stand, you look at him in confusion. "Huh."
Ben smiles at you. "The puzzle. Ain't gonna let you do this without me a second time. I love baby Yoda."
Tentatively, you sit at the table with him and get to work on fixing your puzzle. Chunks were still intact, so it wasn't a complete wash.
By the time the guys came back in, you were smiling and laughing again, halfway through the puzzle once more.
That's it, super simple.
I know I should be doing my DBF Joel fix today but I've had an awful time and just want soft rn
I'll do a separate tag list for this bc it's Garret, not Pedro or Oscar so lmk if you wanna be tagged.
or follow @romana-after-dark for updates
Tagging a few people I know read Benny fics
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @missdictatorme
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
okay this scene was insane INSANE
first syd complimenting his drawings and he did not even hear it like. oh carmy.
and then him being like "me talking to claire showed me how to let go of things" and like!! can't imagine why we didn't see that Important Scene. maybe b/c it's the result that matters and not claire? they're really not subtle
and oh my land, excuse the slightly wonky metaphor, but someone needs to tell carmy you never bring up the mistress in front of the wife
carmy: "this is good, right? cuz this is what you wanted"
syd: "yeah yeah. okay great. yeah. tell claire i said thank you then"
YIKES. girl that is DELICIOUS. that's pure jealousy right there -- if you really wanted to you could call it jealousy that claire's involved when syd's his partner in business, but...yeah that's jealousy on both the personal and professional levels.
and it goes a little over carmy's head. which is adorable yes but like. his "yeah i will!" like BABY
and then oh this argument. oh my laaaand. this is two people who honestly speaking have 1) no clear idea what they are to each other 2) have very little in the way of boundaries and 3) have an intimacy that they've been sort of neglecting. add all those together with the stress of the restaurant and it just...it's them literally caring loudly at each other.
proud of syd for apologizing first, proud of them both for going "it's not me or you, i'm just tired" proud of carmy for expressing how he's feeling, proud of syd for validating that and for once again complimenting his drawings. this was wonderful.
the point: syd is jealous here.
i'm not sure she knows she's jealous here, or that it's not just professional jealousy, but she's having to share carmy in a way that she's never had to, and it's getting her back up.
carmy's vulnerable and honest here, asking for help to know when he's not doing stuff right, asking her opinion, relying on her opinion in matters of his behavior and relationships -- it's beautiful, honestly. great work by both of them
syd is his deepest and most intimate relationship, the show isn't shy about that -- it plays it subtle-ish (depending on the scene, some are Blatant) as to the romance budding, but the show is very clear that at the heart of it all it's about carmy and syd and their relationship. syd's opinion is the one that matters most to him, and she's the one he looks to when he's not sure he's doing the right thing. carmy's opinion matters most to syd, and he's the one she looks to for direction and stability. when he's backing her up, she feels confident and like they can tackle anything
and the bear needs both of them
also the new hires in the kitchen listening to the two owners who they def thought were dating having a lover's spat and discussing carmy's friend-that's-a-girl like
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animeyanderelover · 11 months
What would inuyasha be like as a yandere?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, abduction, death
Yandere Inuyasha Hc’s
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🔴My god, the denial is strong with Inuyasha when it comes to his strong feelings he keeps in his heart for his darling. You can't fully blame him though. Shunned by humans and demons alike for his heritage and troubled past, he has about zero social interaction skills and is very wary. Inuyasha doesn't want to trust you for he fears that you'll push him away for his blood just like so many before you did. Why would he need you after all? He tries to play it down and intentionally acts mean to you. Does it work though? No. Instead his heart trembles after he's spit rude words at you and watches you walk away. Do you hate him? Will you leave him? Such intrusive thoughts trouble the half-demon through days and night yet he's also too proud to appear before you and apologize. It results in the possibly worst attempts to stalk you which always embarrass him as he just has to always say something in a loud and aggressive voice when he witnesses you spending time with someone else. He's so jealous!
🔴I'd say his strongest traits would be his very protective instincts, his very childish possessive streak and his jealousy. Inuyasha will always be around, whether in terrible disguises in order to stalk you or by really just trailing visibly behind you, yelling at you that he's free to go wherever he wants to go. He's not following you, you idiot! He's just walking into the same direction! He's acting like a brat most of the time but the moment he does sense something bad, he will fight with his teeth and claws to protect you. He's already lost enough in his life and protecting you becomes eventually a basic instinct. Whilst I see Sesshomaru being possessive in the sense of being downright territorial, Inuyasha shows a more 'harmless' way of being possessive. That is not to say that he can't act more scarily possessive in certain situations but most of the time he's just acting immature with his temper tantrums when you ignore him or don't want to see him in favor of meeting with someone else. Oh, he'll absolutely crash every activities of yours so he can be included.
🔴Inuyasha's jealousy is probably the part that will give you permanently headaches. Because he'd probably get into a brawl with everyone who does as much as looking at you for too long. Just imagine a dog who barks at anyone loudly until they're out of sight and you know what it's like being accompanied by Inuyasha. His childish demands to have you for himself really come through during such moments and if you think that he's been rude to you in the past, just wait until you hear him cussing and disrespecting at whoever irked him. The type to get into a physical fight if someone talks back, although he'd rarely really hurt someone. It's only to scare them away a bit. Literally will drag you away or even carry you away when his not existing patience is at an end. You always feel sharp nails dugging into the skin of your waist or hips before you're either dragged away or lifted up into his arms and he makes a run for it, still yelling at the person that this isn't settled yet.
🔴Inuyasha seems to value life a lot, surprising considering that most demons don't think too much about it. He is certainly someone prone to get into physical fights but most of the time those are evoked by his raging jealousy. That said he throws away all common sense if someone should ever dare to hurt you in which case he goes rather violent which can cause some serious damage to the culprit if he lets his feelings get the better of him. If someone seriously tries to kill you though? He completely loses it and maximum destruction will be achieved if he doesn't have his Tessaigan with him since his sheer wrath alone triggers his demonic blood to take over him. The aftermath is always terrible as he's destroyed in his sheer and suffocating anger the landscape around him and has torn the enemy to shreds, blood covering his hands and coating his mouth. You don't get away unscarred either as you end up getting injured in some way but Inuyasha, even in his full-fledged demon form that only wants to destroy, still makes sure that you're alive. Even in such a savage state, keeping you alive remains his core instinct.
🔴A part of me thinks that he wouldn't be fully willing to kidnap his darling since he probably has some common sense, especially if his darling has the happy family and life he never could have. Thinking about ripping that away from you has him recoiling a bit in disgust as this is a level he doesn't want to sink to. What happens far more often is that Inuyasha sometimes just whisks you away for his own purposes, specifically if he's feeling neglected or has noticed that you've spent very much time with someone else recently. He carries you somewhere away where you won't know the way back home and have to forcefully rely on him and I just know that he'll rub it into your face how you need to have him as your protector now. Considering that Inuyasha has never been someone who could hold back his emotions which oftentimes lead his actions. So it is likely that within the heat of a moment, he might grab you out of overwhelming anger and frustration and bring you somewhere far away from your original home. After he has calmed down a bit, he can't ignore the twinge of guilt but he's too proud to admit it.
🔴He's probably really acting like a dog at times, although he barely notices. Don't you even dare approach him reeking like someone else because it is disgusting. If he could have it his way, he'd burn the clothes right away. Scenting is a thing and whilst he doesn't calculate that humans don't have such enhanced senses as he has, it still satisfies a primal part of him. Your scent is also the one thing he will always detect even amongst a million other aromas. He loves it if you scratch him behind his ears, if you find the right spot his leg is actually stomping. He's instantly embarrassed about it as soon as he snaps out of it though. It's safe to assume that Inuyasha is constantly in a bad mood when other people are around since he sees everyone and everything as a threat that might steal your attention. Those feelings are harmless for the most part though. He usually avoids you during every new moon as he's too ashamed to be seen in his physically weakest state and it is likely that he doesn't even tell you and you have to find out by yourself.
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Jealousy headcanons
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ March 7th ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
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The cutie person that requested this want to stay anonymous
March is such a cutie patootie <3 and she is really strong too! I have good healers and even Aventurine and I still use her sometimes! (use March and Aventurine and you have ultra defense and infinite follow-up attacks!)
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March is an amazing girlfriend (according to her), she goes form being your best friend to a really caring and loving girlfriend, and a clingy one too! she just loves you too much to hide it or don't spend all her time with you (still, she is willing to give you your space if you need it, sometimes she also need time for herself)
March isn't exactly the type who gets jealous, she is more than getting a little annoyed and pouty for a things like you don't paying attention to her when she wants to show you something, but even so she knows to step back and come back later if you don't feel on the mood or even are busy (she will probably even apologize)
As much as March loves having your attention and having you at her side, if you want or even need to send more time with any other of the nameless she will totally understand, she doesn't get jealous over the nameless, only on those times where you have being spending too much time with them and haven't payed attention to her in a long time, is the only case and she end up being tease for it by the other nameless
The nameless knows you two are together and won't really dare to get between your love, all of you are like a big family after all! However, that doesn't aply for the rest of the worlds you visit, every new planets mean meeting new people, and there could be a chance that someone get an interent in one of you
Even so, if someone ever tries to flirt with you March won't exactly feel jealous, she is just annoyed that someone is not respecting that you two are together and if you don't say something quick she will (but if you do it will make March feel proud)
What will really make her jealous is whenever you pay too much attention to someone else, maybe someone you find them really cool or admirable, someone who has qualities or even a talent she doesn't have, and despite March not being easily jealous when she is quite obvious and it hits her hard
Still, she will not accept that she is jealous, not matter if you or someone else confront her she will deny all accusations and even try to change the subject or come up with a excuse of her behavior (even when is obvious that she is jealous or how she is really hard to make it seem like she is fine)
The more jealous she is the more obvious it is, and the more she will try to get your attention back, March can find a million of excuses of why you should pay attention to her instead, look this new cool movement she just learn! or look at this cool thing she just found! or what about go anywhere else to take some cool photos whit her?
Is only until she run out of excuses or that you pressure her enough that she finally will accept that she, indeed, was feeling jealous (and she actually feels embarrassed for it), and once she admit it it doesn't take much for her to express all the worries of her heart, how she was feeling jealous and insecure about you finding someone cooler! what if you think that person is better than March and leave her for that person?
March can be quite emotional with this and will need a lot of reasurance, as well she will grow more clingy, wanting to be with you to easy the pain in her heart, it will take a while but soon March will be as confident on herself as always! (and if the other person end up apologizing to her for making her jealous she will feel even more embarrassed and will apologize for overeacting)
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linawritestwst · 2 years
I like the s/o stubborn and naughty who always do some new mischief and that scolding works the opposite for them, it encourages them to be more naughty but s/o are very adorable in general idk xd so hcds with an s/o fem as well as in the description with pomefiore and neige <33
pomefiore and neige x stubborn and mischievous s/o headcanons (fem!reader)
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this is probably ooc for neige, but whatever, twst isn't giving us any content with him anyway, so this is how i personally see him *grabs rsa students and rollo* twst may not treat you right but i will. I WILL also ngl i had a lot of fun writing this!
vil schoenheit.
♡ sometimes.. he really has no idea how to deal with you. no matter how much he tries to scold you or make you stop, you do the exact opposite and you just keep causing even more mischief. seriously, you are more troublesome than some freshmen. some students have no idea why vil fell in love with such a chaotic girl like you and even vil himself wonders why it happened, but.. he feels like he knows the answer already.
♡ vil is the type of person who quickly adjusts and fixes your clothes first and only after that he asks what you did this time. you have to look good when you're apologizing for your behavior after all. vil can be very strict with you, but he has his weak moments too and sometimes, showing him your cutest smile or giving him your tightest hug can be enough to make you go easy on you. he's not proud of those moments though and other students can clearly see him blushing after that.
♡ maybe vil fell in love with you because you make his life more.. interesting? he would never tell you that because he knows just how much you would tease him after and he also doesn't want to encourage you to cause more trouble. though he has to admit that you really can be very cute sometimes okay most of the time actually and he loves seeing your smile even if it's that smile of yours that means you're up to no good.
rook hunt.
♡ he actually likes your personality a lot and doesn't mind you being a troublemaker at all! there's no way anyone would get bored when you're around and you can easily make everything so much more interesting! and just when rook starts to think that he has figured out how your mind works, you surprise him again. haha, you really are his little trickster, aren't you?
♡ rook sees nothing wrong with what you're doing, honestly. and if anyone tries to accuse you of doing something, he always knows what to say to make others believe that you're actually innocent. and yes, you running to hug him and kiss him on the cheek as thanks is part of the reason why he does that. he just can't help it, you're so adorable, he can't let anyone ruin your fun!
♡ you're so unpredictable, rook doesn't get you at all, but that's what makes him fall in love with you even more. he wants to know more about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, but he also wants you to remain a mystery to him at the same time. sometimes, when you talk to him, rook just sits next to you and looks at you while saying nothing and still listening to every word you say. and sometimes you say such things that can shock even someone like him. also, he hopes you don't mind him watching you from time to time, he just wants to understand you better, that's all, haha..
epel felmier.
♡ hello?? you're literally gonna be the end of him?? he's always either too busy begging you to stop or he becomes into a red and flustered mess because of your teasing. when he's around vil, he tries to act more calm and he usually sounds like this: "u-um, y/n, i'm sorry, but can you please stop doing this? i don't think it's polite to act like this, you know.." but when it's just you two alone, he's much louder and more honest about his feelings. you just think of it as him feeling more comfortable around you and you're glad that epel loves you this much <3
♡ of course, you love to tease him in public too! oh no, you're suddenly feeling very sleepy, you sure hope epel doesn't mind you taking a nap on his lap.. he is trying so hard to keep calm. he's so embarrassed, he has no idea how to act when you do these things to him, what if vil sees him??.. though it does feel nice to have such a loving girlfriend who's not ashamed to show her feelings even when there's so many people around. it sure makes him feel more confident, hehe. w-wait, what do you mean vil is also there??
♡ epel has most likely fell in love with you exactly because of how open you are about your feelings. sometimes he wonders if you have any fears at all, because you're so brave, so confident, so honest.. you never stop being you even for a second and you don't care what other people might think of you. epel is the only person who you can listen to and still, it doesn't mean that you will actually take his advice. and you know that this boy secretly admires you and wishes he was just as brave as you.
neige leblanche.
♡ you know what. i can see him secretly or not so being into people like you. don't ask me why. he just thinks you're such a fun and interesting person! he doesn't get why others always tell him to be careful when you're around, you're so nice to him?? you always ask him for hugs and kisses and more attention in general, seriously, you're so cute! so yeah, it's basically just you, making use of neige's innocence, neige, who's glad to give you as much love as you want and rsa students, who thought neige will end up with a soft and gentle "princess" type of girl and. well. not someone like you.
♡ neige genuinely doesn't understand why people describe you as such a dangerous person. sure, you do have that mischievous personality, but it only makes you more interesting, right? you wish your boyfriend would give you a more unique reaction though. you try so hard to fluster him more, but he usually just goes "haha, y/n, you know that i love you too, but don't you think we should do this somewhere more private? you know, um, i'm pretty popular and all.." he's not gonna lie though, sometimes you make his heart beat a little too fast.
♡ surprisingly, it's actually easier for you to make neige react when it's just you two alone. perhaps it's because he feels like he doesn't have to be this cute boy who always smiles and who's always kind and polite to everyone, when you're around? maybe he can express himself more freely when it's just you? he's still more calm than you'd like him to be, but when you see his cheeks becoming a little bit red (and it's especially noticeable because of how pale his skin is), you know that you've done a good job.
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shortnsnips · 7 months
twitter is really pissing me off with this. ( / wilbur soot , abuse )
love dream, hate dream, i don't care. you can think he's a terrible person, think he did terrible things WHILE ALSO acknowledging how well-spoken and important it was for him to say something. all of these stupid "he's doing it to save face!" or "this is an insane PR tactic" or even the "this is dangerous!!!" are actually so insensitive and to be quite honest makes you side with abusers!
dream is a victim of domestic violence and has been public about this for YEARS - it is so incredibly important that he spoke out in support of shelby while ALSO condemning wilbur's actions as a victim of domestic abuse to show solidarity, from one victim to another. to show that he KNOWS what it's like, he knows the behaviors and the tactics. he saw them in wilbur's bullshit "apology".
dream even says in his statement how encouraging it was to see, as a victim himself, that people were speaking out in support of shelby. how this was going to raise awareness to see the signs, to help encourage more people to speak out and not fear their abuser or just to be able to stand up for anyone who decides to speak out about it. to go on and completely diminish his words by saying "don't let this fool you!" is actually really gross. diminishing another victim's voice is gross. nobody said you had to like him for speaking up. did he have to? no. did anyone have to? also no! don't know why we're so upset and angry about having more uplifting voices, more support. we should be focusing on supporting shelby, not using another victim's message of support to shit on other people and bring external situations into this. it's gross and draws the attention away from the matter at hand, which is what the abuser tried to do in the first place.
since im here (probably won't be back to waffle until the tubbathon starts lol) i just wanted to point out the parts that really stuck out to me from his response because even though i don't really care for him anymore, i do think his support/condemnation has been the best worded so far.
"she had a reason to be afraid to say your name, but you shouldn't have been afraid to say hers"
i got actual chills from that one because FUCK it's so true. it bothered me so bad that wilbur was so vague about it almost as if he could AVOID it if he never attached her name to it. idk if theres really any legal stuff behind it or what not but other than that he had zero consequences for naming her directly. zero consequences for giving her a direct apology. his "apology" didn't even sound like it was TO HER. he isn't sorry, he obviously doesn't know what he has to be sorry for if he's too much of a pussy to address her directly.
"thank you for being brave"
it is so so important that he described her as such because not only does it continue to uplift her and encourage her to stay strong and continue to be brave, but it shows that speaking out against any form of abuse no matter what it is is BRAVE. it's admirable and hopefully sends encouragement to anyone else who reads it that speaking out against it is brave. point blank period. (and honestly everything in his apology to shelby was so incredibly well-worded - its really the fucking fact that dream who had no involvement whatsoever could apologize but wilbur didn't even know what he was supposed to apologize for lol.)
i've said this before, and i'll say it again. all of my love and support goes out to shelby. i am so incredibly inspired and proud of her for being able to stand up for herself, to speak out against someone even if they had a larger platform and raise awareness to the signs and pieces of shit within the community so we don't continue to support and platform dangerous people. i've watched shelby for such a long time, she was such an important part of my childhood and it actually breaks my heart that someone could even THINK of doing anything like that to her because she is such a fucking light and fuck ANYONE who would do anything to try and put that out. i wish her nothing but the best and all of the healing in the world because she deserves it so so much. my heart goes out to any and all other victims of wilbur, as well.
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luimagines · 1 year
That Dragon au Part 3
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter
@cafecourage dis is for you buddy!!! I feel like this is self explanatory now.  I hope you enjoy this cluster truck of a chapter. XD
Content under the cut!
Chapter 3: Secrets Revealed, Emotional and Otherwise
"I wanted to explain Cia's behavior as well as the rest of the nobles." Warrior sighs and leans into Enno’s touch. "I should have known better than to drop off and assume she wouldn't try anything else."
He hums and closes his eyes. "It’s about your headband and some.... traditions and rituals we have here. She knows about them. And Cia got a bit pissy when she saw I was following through with a few of them."
“I… see…” The events of the night were a tad bit clearer but it still seemed like they were missing a piece of information here. There is no way Enno would have had the grace to word things correctly but they had to ask, “So… you threw fire at her without the fire rod somehow?”
Warrior coughs and he turns away, looking at his vanity. "Something like that.... You...know what her deal is right? Why is she attached to me? She... was getting somewhat better but now?"
Warrior sighs. "This was just the cherry on top. I don't know how much more stern and firm I need to be with her. I’m going to have to get borderline violent."
“Mhm, honestly I forgot she survived and didn’t die.” Enno blurts. “Not that I wish death on her. I just… I guess I didn’t pay any attention. I tend to space out.” 
Saying that they didn’t willingly play her part of the story was a bit weird and not something he should know. “Why not run away from all of this? Seems a lot more trouble then what it’s worth. Maybe space would do her some good too.” Enno plants their face into his hair, “but I don’t know what is going on here so maybe just dropping everything to escape isn’t a good idea.”
Warrior snorts at their first sentence, quietly down to listen to you talk.
"Cia can see in every and any timeline. There's not many places I would be able to go without her finding me." He hugs them, letting Enno lean into him. "Good idea or not, it's certainly tempting. I just... I wanted to be subtle but I miscalculated. That headband is pretty special. Cia knows it. It's one of the few things  I didn't get rid of when-... when..."
He goes silent for a moment running his hands up and down your back. "I used to have a decent amount of stuff but Cia would hint at wanting it. So everything I knew she would like I tossed. Everything I have is either sentimental value that she can't fathom, want or knows about or new... The headband is actually one of the oldest pieces and it was her favorite but I... I couldn't get rid of it."
Warrior takes a deep breath. "My mother wanted me to give it to someone special. And it.. matched your clothes so I thought... well... who would be more deserving..." He sighs. "I was so caught up in wanting to do something right, I forgot she even knew about it."
"As for the nobles-" He continues. "It’s... typically tradition amongst them to give a gift to the one.... to the one you wish to court. Everyone knew my mother and recognized it. I'm sorry."
Enno stiffened up after hearing him fully out. Their mind goes back to the drawer in his dresser, the one filled with all the small trinkets and valuables. There is a lot they wanted to say to him now that he has opened up to them about this. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything.”
They tried to reassure him. “You didn’t ask for Cia to come over here and scream at the both of us. You didn’t ask to basically be stalked. You didn’t ask for literally anything that had happened to you. You’ve done everything right tonight. Don’t let that be twisted.” 
They restarted petting his hair just so they could do something else if their words couldn’t help him. It wasn’t their strong suit and they knew it. “I will protect that headband with my life. I never met her but I want your mom to be proud that you gave it to me.” 
The courting aspect of the headband went over their head, they were more focused on Warriors emotions.
"She would have liked you." He smiles. "I'm glad you liked it. But I still should have warned you about Cia at least, or told Zelda or Lana as back up or something. You didn't deserve it."
He holds them a bit tighter and tucks his face into the crook of their neck. 
"Thank you." He gives their neck a tentative kiss. "I'm sorry it’s been a mess."
They tilt my head for him, giving him access and laugh. “What are you talking about? The only thing that happened was me getting out of a social situation I didn’t want to go to. I think I deserve that.”
They wave him off. “I think I’m more pissed that Cia made you throw out stuff, then her screaming at me. It was like she is trying to make you hide your stuff like a dragon.” That was potentially a bad timed joke, “or like the Vet. God knows we only need one hoarder in our group.” 
They were as smooth as sandpaper.
Warrior snorts. "For one thing, we're all hoarders. Legend just has the most stuff. And another thing is that Dragons don't typically hide it. I simply had to or Cia would have taken advantage of it."
He yawns again, relaxing against them now that the danger has passed. "It's a shame but I've learned to live with it. I just have to rebuild what I had and it'll be ok again."
“Oh. Ok. So we aren’t dancing around the dragon thing.” Enno sighed in relief. They didn’t actually think he would tell them what he and the others are. Enno kept trying to keep him from unrelaxing, hoping to distract once more.
Warrior hums. "The dragon thing? What dragon thing?"
He blinks, looking up at them.
Enno blinked back at him, re-evaluating what he just said. “Nothing I misheard.” 
They go to play with his hair again, twisting and twirling it gently. “I’ve just noticed some things you have done, and it just reminds me of what dragons would do in the stories from my world. That’s all.”
Warrior moves his head and adjusts his position so that he's laying right next to them, face to face. "You have dragon stories? Tell me some. I'd love to hear them."
“Well- they aren’t all the same.” No longer having anything to do with their hands, they just awkwardly hold them out in front of themselves. Messing with the sheets, they speak again. “We have stories about good dragons, bad dragons. It’s really a mixed bag. A personal favorite is about a farm boy who finds a dragon egg and has to raise them while also figuring out what kind of dragon the baby is. I was able to see it unfold the same way as your adventure. If we’re ever able to go to my place I’ll show you.”
Warrior frowns at the loss of contact but he's quick to straighten his face.
"What happens to the dragon?" He says quietly. "How does the story go?"
He takes a breath and reaches over to tuck Enno’s hair behind their ear. He then reaches down to grab their hand and he laces their fingers together. "Is the dragon evil in this story?"
Enno laughed quietly, shaking their head. "No no no. If anything Mir is an idiot, but I love him and Evan." 
They take Warrior’s hand to use as a fidget toy. "There isn't an ending per say. But Mir finds out he is the last of his kind. Evan, despite being younger than the Wind at the time, was able to comfort his friend. They are under a pack, if one became evil the other would kill them. But even then, Evan once almost got possessed and Mir was able to guide him back and deny the power that was being pushed on him. They are both good boys."
Warrior smiles. "Sounds like it."
His thumb rubs against their knuckles, his other arm coming up to tuck itself under his head.
"There's some dragon stories here, but half the time we can still go meet the dragon behind it. Like... there was a rumor that Volga the dragon knight knew Time as a child." His smile drops a bit ruefully. "It was interesting to see that interaction on the battlefield."
"He's the guy that tries to fight you right out the bat right?" Enno asked, mostly because they didn't want to be so knowledgeable. Even though there’s very few people who knew about that. "He seemed annoying, please tell me he was beat up by a 7 year old."
Warrior chuckles. "Dang, you knew about that too?"
He lets go of them, pulling up his sleeve on his other arm. "He left this parting gift after that fight."
He lets his hand hang between the two of them. "That little boy..... almost burst into tears at the sight of him. Between wanting to run to him and his obligation to fight him, it left that poor boy frozen. Volga was equally horrified even as he took a fighting stance. I don't think he had a say in who he could fight."
Warrior muses. "Like a spell or something. Volga kept telling him to run, to get away. The rest of us were just confused."
Enno brought his arm up to give the wound a few kisses. Enno whispered, keeping his hand close to their face. "Depending on the timeline, Time either killed Volga or set him free. I didn't realize he was the same dragon from the fire temple. Is it normal for dragons to have Hylian forms?"
Warrior's jaw clenches and his breath hitches when they kiss his scarred up arm. His gaze softens some more. "He doesn't like to talk about it."
Warrior watches them intently, trying to take in as much detail as he can even through the dim lighting. 
"Yes." He whispers. "Every dragon I've met has a Hylian form."
Enno continues to give the scars attention. 
"Do I know of anyone?" They asked, bringing his hand to their face to nuzzle and kiss it, looking at him expectantly.
Warrior has been watching their lips as they traveled and his skin. His heart begins to pound when they reach his hand and cradle it gently. His entire mouth goes dry and he finds himself pinned under their gaze as you speak.
He has no other choice but to answer them honestly. To lie to them would be to dishonor both Enno’s and his own intentions.
"Yes." He says a bit breathlessly. "You've met quite a few."
Enno hummed, rubbing their thumb over his knuckles. "Really?" 
They were so close and they were actually shocked that he hasn't caught on yet. 
"May I ask who?" They asked again, trying to urge him to tell them. They mostly wanted to see his half form in a clearer way. Without anything blocking them.
Warrior keeps rubbing his thumb against your skin, endeared that you'd return the action.
He's silent for a while before he speaks. "Everyone in the group. With the exception of Pinky. And every Zelda you've ever met."
Enno moved forward, collapsing onto him and relaxing onto him. "Finally." They hugged him and tucked their face into the crook of his neck. Warrior blinked in surprise when they collapsed into him. He's shocked but certainly not complaining. 
"I didn't know how to ask about it. Can I see that other look you had when you came in? I've been thinking about it since then."
Then their other words register in his head. Warrior groans, wrapping his arms around them. "You saw that? That was completely unintentional."
He sighs but does as they request. He grows in their hold, his wings coming to wrap around them. "I'm not really the coolest or strongest dragon of the group, but I can certainly hold my own. My treasury isn't by any means impressive but you can have whatever you want from it. If you want that is. I had hoped to explain more in the morning."
Enno pulled back smiling, taking him in fully. "Coolest and strongest doesn't matter to me." 
They duck down kissing his face all over, purposely ignoring his lips. "Cute, cute, cute, cute." They whispered and hugged him again. "I'll help you rebuild your horde if that’s ok. You’re adorable."
Warrior's heart was pounding. Enno could feel it as they leaned against him. His eyes begin to gather some water around the corners. "Ah.... Ok."
He hugs them back, tucking them under his chin. "The size of my hoard doesn't really matter as long as you’re a part of it."
He trails his claws gently over their shoulder and back, watching in fascination as the hair rises on their arms. His tail sways behind him and he bursts into a powerful purr, vibrating against their very bones. "I doubt you'd even say that to my full form. But I appreciate the sentiment."
Enno let out a sigh as they felt his claws be drawn over their skin. 
"You’re right. You will be absolutely adorable" Enno stated, brushing his hair out of the way, giving a kiss on his nose. "I am happy that I wasn't crazy. I saw little flames from your mouth and thought I was seeing things."
Enno held back, trying to not go overboard on the compliments and shift to lay comfortably on him.
Warrior's eyes widen a fraction as he blushes scarlet. "I... can't always control that..."
He laughs nervously. He combs his hands through their hair, going down the length of their back then back up again. "A lot of dragons have a domain where they specialize in their power, or their magic. Volga and mine both have flame as our domain. He's bigger, stronger and older than me though. I went into that fight knowing I'd lose."
"It was adorable." Enno snorted. "You’re here now though. You’re alive and survived." 
There was a moment of silence as things felt content. "Right now though. You need to sleep." 
They gave him one last kiss on the jaw. "Tomorrow is going to come around soon, and it’s going to be a ride. So let’s rest and so we can support each other with clear minds."
"That sounds like a lovely idea." He breathes out, tickling their hair with warmer than normal breath. "You need to sleep as well.... And maybe this time, keep the door closed? We can deal with them when the sun is up."
He grumbles. "I'm not excited about it but I will have to answer for something’s... Maybe I can get away with it...who knows?"
A bolt of guilt shot through Enno at the reminder. “I’m sorry I won’t.” They nuzzled into him, trying to forget previous events. “And let me take the fall for you. I was the one that kicked Cia in the stomach.”
They snuggled up closer, drifting off a bit. “We will take on tomorrow together. Don’t forget we are a team now. “ Their words slurred together as they fell into a deeper sleep. “But it’s bedtime. Nighty night Mister.”
Warrior snorts, loud, and right into their ear. "I'm sorry, you did what?"
He giggles and lets it rest. "There's nothing to pin the blame on you anyway. I might have... set fire to some stuff. That's what I was talking about. Goodnight."
Enno smiled and finally fell asleep. Warrior waited for a little moment longer, taking the time to admire them in his bed. It was surreal. He didn’t think they would have agreed as quickly as they did. Maybe he simply had to ask. With his own smile, he lays down, curling over them with a quiet purr. He falls asleep within moments.
There is a loud banging at the door, waking both of them up. It also didn't seem to stop unless it received an immediate answer.
Enno let out a grumble, pinning Warriors down before he could get up. “We are pulling a prank on them.”
Warrior huffs and shifts back into his full human form. "I had my wings, sweetheart. Be careful."
He yawns and tries to keep the morning breath away from you. "What do you have in mind?"
The knocking hasn't let up.
Enno swooped down and started kissing him deeply, angling his face up so that they could get a better reach. Before Enno returned back to his lips, for good measure they messed up his hair. When they pulled back, they looked down and smirked. 
“Let their mind wander with what happened here.” I said, tugging his shirt collar down, giving him a more disheveled look. “They won’t bother us anymore if they don’t want to see what could be happening here.”
"This is unexpected." He moans. 
He huffed and pulled them closer, kissing and nibbling right back. Warrior moved up to entangle his fingers into their hair. He grunts. "This only works if it's both of us, Love." 
Enno laughed. “Not if I’m on top.” 
They tried to make their hair messier but only ended up fixing it in the process. They reached for their glasses. 
“There’s someone at the door. We can’t do any more.” Enno sighed out rolling next to him.
“Unless you want to take your shirt off to sell the effect.” Enno whispered. “Put on a show, why don’t ya?” 
Warrior raised an eyebrow and sat up. Enno had to move to make room for him. He shucks off his shirt. 
He smirks. "Better?"
He gets up, ruffling his hair for the hell of before he gets out of the bed. "I'm coming! I’m coming!"
He pulls open the door. "What?"
"LINK! ABOUT TIME YOU OPENED THE DO..." Lana shouts before she cuts herself off. There's a brief moment of silence where Warrior moves to stop her from looking into the room and seeing his company.
"....Zelda... needs you...." She speaks out. "Your friend too."
"Do they have to be involved?" Warrior sighs, leaning on the door.
"Fine." Warrior spits. "But we need to get dressed."
Lana squeaks again, her voice going up an octave. "Of course."
Feeling sheepish, Enno leaned forward. “If it means anything, I’m sorry Lana. I thought you were someone else. I probably should go back to my room to get dressed.”
Warrior spun around to face them. "Cia isn't going to let this slide. Hold on, I'll go with you."
He kicks the door shut with his heel, leaving Lana flabbergasted on the other side.
"I don't trust her as far as I can throw her." Warrior says, throwing on a different shirt. "I don't want her near you."
He throws his boots on, tussling his hair as he stands up again. Enno crossed their arms, turning for his own privacy. 
"Can I wear your scarf to annoy her more? I woke up and picked violence." A yawn managed to escape at the end of that.
Warrior paused, full on freezes and he methodically continued what he was doing. "Yes."
He coughed into his hand, not doing a good job of hiding the giddy smile that bloomed across his features. "What a brilliant idea."
"Great! You can show off those kisses." Enno joked, tracing small shapes on the door. "Can we keep the band here? I’d rather not have it get stolen. Unless you think it’s a good idea for me to have it."
Warrior walks over to his dresser taking out his scarf and walking back towards you. "The band can stay. It's ok."
He takes his time wrapping his scarf around them, making sure it fits snug and secure around their neck. 
"The scarf is enough." He giggles and steps back. He looks proud and happy. "Perfect."
Enno felt warm with it on, but it can also be because of their blush. “I know you are, thanks for reminding me.” They teased before leaving. “Come on, I’m not meeting with the Queen of all people in your pajamas. I know we want rumors to fly but I don’t want to be this dramatic.”
Warrior's smile was smacked off of his face and was replaced with a blush. "Well you don't have to say it like that."
He goes to reach for their hand, his finger just brushing against their before he pulls back, nervous. "You seem confident. Do you remember the way back?"
“Nope!” Enno grabbed his hand and began to swing it between us. “I can get lost in a paper bag. But luckily I have a lovely knight in shining armor to help.”
Warrior flushed warmly and squeezed their hand. "I am at your service."
He leads the way back in the way they came the night before but takes a different turn.
"If I remember correctly, Her Highness gave you the room with the western balcony." He muses taking the runs throughout the castle. He sees the door and b-lines toward it picking up speed. "You're going to have to be a bit quick. If what you have planned is going to work, we need to be in her face soon."
Time, who was nearby, now fully dressed as well, noticed them going to the room as well
“Seems like a busy morning.” He arrived with Pinky the night before and it appears that Wild was already in the room as well. He was still angry over the previous night’s events but it wasn’t as bad as it was before. He goes to open the door for all of them walking in.
Enno let go of Warrior and headed directly into the room. “Busy is another word for, I’m going to throw someone into the sun.” They headed to their stuff and dug around for a change of pants and for their belt with pouches. “If I stop a murder be proud. Because a stabbing might happen.”
Pinky perked up, finishing her food and looked at the door. "Oh hey Enno. You...." 
She looked at Warrior. "You know what- Tell me later. I want details."
Enon waved her off as she went into the other room. Warrior stood guard by the door.
"Time, Pinky wants to go shopping but she's broke as hell." Wild blurts.
"Wild!" Pinky tried to turn to him to shut him up but he was holding onto her hair, braiding it as they all talked.
"Get her something pretty while you're at it." He continues off handedly. "And get her a brush for her hair because this one is just plain awful."
"It's not that bad-" She got cut off.
"It's broken in three places and you said it yourself you've had it for years. It's time for a new one. I would have been done by now if it was better. " Wild pauses and points the brush at Time. "She needs her own stuff. Do it."
"Wild please." Pinky blushed out of embarrassment. "Time, I'm sorry. ignore him."
Warrior looks back in for a second. "There's Chelsie's off on Turner Street. You can buy clothes for all seasons there. Cheap but decent. It'll be enough to hold you over until winter. Then we'd have to get you some real protection."
"I don't have the money." Pinky waved him off as well. "I was just.. fantasizing about it. We're going out, right?"
She looked at Time. "I was thinking about what would be there. You know, window shopping." Cue the annoyed look towards Wild. "Not actually buying stuff."
Wild rolls his eyes, looking at Time. He mouths ‘she needs it’.
Time hummed and crossed his arm pretending to think about it. He knows he has enough money. That wasn’t the question. “Alright, let’s get you some new things Little Lady.” He gives the young woman a pat on the head before turning to Wild. “You coming cub?”
“I can tag along for a bit. But I want to meet up with Twi.” He says finishing the braid. “You’re good to go.”
“Wow, come out and everyone is leaving.” Enno laughs, coming out of the bathroom, still in Warrior’s tunic but the belt was giving it shape, making it look more like a dress. They had neaten up their hair and tried to put on the scarf the same way Warriors had done it.
Pinky flushed and looked away, trailing her hand over her hair. she brought it over her shoulder to look at it. "Thank you Wild."
The Champion winked. "Any time."
Warrior brightened upon seeing Enno and made his way to fix the scarf just a smidge.  "You look great."
Pinky nodded and stood up, clapping happily. "Looking good, Enno!" 
Time took a breath and nodded their way, showing his own approval. Warrior took their hand again without any hesitation. "You guys be safe. Enjoy what Hyrule has to offer."
Then, without any hesitation, he leaves the room with Enno in tow.
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