#variant invincible
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 days ago
Second Chance At Love Pt. 3
Variant! Invincible x gn! Reader
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Warnings: angst, blood, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, not proofread A/N: don't worry, this is not over yet! and sorry to all the og Mark fans lmao
[A few minutes earlier, Pentagon Medical Ward]
"So you left my friend alone with this freak the whole time?!"
Cecil's thumb was hesitating on the trigger for the high-frequency device, not wanting to stain his relationship with the original Mark any further - but after witnessing what his variants were capable of, he's certainly not taking any chances.
"Calm. Down." he urges the young Viltrumite while trying to remain amenable at the same time. "We needed to take care of the active threats beforehand, and also...he seemed quite fond of your friend." That last part he regretted immediately after saying it aloud.
"You can't be serious!" Mark now screamed, dramatically throwing his hands in the air, thus making all nearby agents cower in fear. "It was you who told me that one of those psychos tried to lure my mom out to kill her! What else do you think this is? He made my friend believe he's me, to play some sort of wicked game!"
All that had happened those past few days...the death and destruction...Mark blamed himself for all of it, because at the bottom line everything was inevitably caused by his own lack of resolve.
And there he was, hiding away at Eve's sickbed like a stubborn child, cowardly refusing to take responsibility as earth's last hope, while others were risking their lives to correct his errors, hell, while his brother and mom were still out there!
Once again he let everyone down.
But Mark won't let any more people he cares about suffer because of his own shortcomings. This time he won't hold back...
...he'll kill this variant and make him pay for what he's done.
Picking up his mask from the counter, he bids his still comatose girlfriend one last look, very well aware how disappointed she'd be at his latest decisions. She'd want him to go. So he mutters a silent apology before rushing into the hallway, with Cecil following closely behind.
"Teleport me to them. And you better send as many backup reanimen as you can."
[Current time]
"Careful Mark. If our observations are correct, this one is way stronger than the others." The hero huffs in annoyance upon hearing Cecil's voice from his earpiece, watching his other self come out of the debris with not a hair out of place.
Well, most of the variants probably never faced any real threat or even slight disadvantage in their lives. There was simply no reason for them to train properly, since the powergap between Viltrumites and any other species was just so ridiculously high.
This version of Mark however spent his entire life preparing his vengeance on Omni-man for taking the one and only thing he truly cared about...
...and his hard work seemed to bear fruit, since a single counterattack of his was painful enough to temporarily stun the original. He seized the opportunity to pin his opponent down, landing one severe blow after another until both of them were completely covered in the original Mark's blood.
"NO!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, having thrown yourself onto the variant's back as you - brave yet very foolishly - tried to to get those two behemoths away from each other. And in the end, your struggle and pleas actually made the variant stop in his tracks. "Please...don't kill him."
For a split second you see the look of heartbreak and betrayal in the man's face, since seeing you still care so much for the original erased all hope he had started to harbor.
Your world's Mark has everything he ever wanted, and he doesn't even understand how lucky he is.
This is so fucking unfair, it's driving him insane.
The Viltrumite raises his bloodied knuckles to his temples, his jealousy spiraling into a violent, irrational urge to tear the original apart and take his place.
And yet he tries to keep it together for your sake as he couldn't bear to cause you any more sorrow. He glares you down with so much malice "That was self-defense" he scoffed through strained breaths, desperately trying to prevent himself from having a mental breakdown. "I wasn't actually going to-"
Now it was the original Mark's chance to turn the battle around, grabbing the variant by the throat as he crushed him against a mountain not far from the hill you were on.
While your former friend was completely disregarding you, rationality overthrown by his wrath, the other Invincible's eyes were practically glued to you in concern for your safety. At first he was holding back, letting the attacker use him as a punching bag in hopes it'd calm him down...
...but when he recognized the capsules transporting reanimen falling from the sky, he pounced on you with no forethought, shielding you from the impact with his own body.
"Shit, are you oka-" Another time he was torn away from you, with Mark yelling at him to keep his filthy hands off of you. And yet with every move, no matter what, the other Mark did a way better job to prevent any harm than the one who came to 'save' you from that very same man.
"Dude, that's exactly why we cannot fight here!" the variant reprimanded his counterpart while severing the head and limbs from several cyborgs. "Think about your partner's safety! We both only want what's best for them, right?"
"Huh?" The original Mark gave a puzzled look at that statement, the word 'partner' obviously made him think of Eve, but his eyes briefly flickered towards you. "What's that supposed to mea- ah, whatever."
In any other context you would've probably been so embarassed that you wished for the earth to swallow you whole - but this is neither about you, nor was it the time for this kind of talk. And luckily, Mark didn't overthink the variant's words but focused on the truth in them instead, swiftly throwing you over his shoulder to bring you away, so that they could continue their battle without endangering you.
"Let. Me. Go!" You repeatedly punch against Mark's back, horrified to see your newfound friend down below trying to stand his ground against the reanimen. "Tell them to stop! None of this is necessary!"
"Hey, it's me!" Mark tries to soothe you, convinced that you're just overwhelmed by today's events. "The real me, okay? Stop being so irrational!"
"Yeah, I know that, you blockhead!" you blurt out in anger, "And you're one to talk! You let your emotions dictate your actions, as always! I thought Invincible spares the bad guys and tries to talk it out?"
"...not anymore. We all saw today how that way of dealing with villains turns out." Letting you down so far away that you can't even see how the variant is holding up anymore, Mark is about to leave and finish the job when you manage to get a hold of his wrist. "Wait. Listen to me, that Mark is not entirely evil!"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" So not only did you know it was a variant, but now you're also defending him?! "The trauma messed with your head or something. Let Cecil's people pick you up and check on you."
"Seriously, Mark." He finally turned around to take a proper look at you, grinding his teeth as he recognized that naive, caring attitude of yours that always had a positive influence on him in the past. It made his heart swell with both admiration and envy...
...because why the hell were you advocating for a malicious version of himself, especially after throwing away your friendship over something he had no control over?!
"You know this guy one fucking day and suddenly you're on his side?" the hurt in his voice was so tremendous, you felt as if the guilt of it swallowed you whole. "You were supposed to be my friend, and he's the one who participated in making mine and many other's lives a living hell! So why?!"
"...it would be a waste to kill off a potential ally of this strenght, would it not?" Your reasoning got accentuated by the sound of metal and flesh clashing in the background, and you secretly hoped the variant was doing okay. "Maybe he can be rehabilitated."
"God, you sound like Cecil...but even he draws a line at some point. This guy is irredeemable!" Mark ran a hand through his hair, pacing around in circles to clear his head - and yet it was like your role in all this was the one drop that made the pot boil over. "He needs to be stopped! You've seen it yourself, he leveled several cities to the ground and killed a great amount of heroes! Shit, he's caused millions of deaths, do you have any idea what that means?!"
There was nothing to add to this. He was right, about absolutely everything. And yet...
"He-he needed to fullfill his part of the bargain, or Angstrom would've-" A loud bang echoed through the air as Mark's fists met the ground in frustration, effectively cutting you off. "Fuck, do you even hear yourself?! He always had a choice to join the fight on the right side instead of wasting his time chasing after yo-" There was a gleam of epiphany in his eyes that made you a little anxious whether he had picked up on the hints.
"Look, I'm not trying to justify his actions." You pry one of Mark's fists open, intertwining your fingers with his. "But we need him..."
"...we, or you?" That question caught you off guard, but when you wanted to stumble away but Mark pulled you right back. "What he talked about earlier...are we a couple in that other dimension?"
Sometimes you tend to forget that he isn't as dull as he comes across. Damn it.
"I-I-I....it's more complicated than that. I...died in his world." You shouldn't even be arguing about something so pointless right now, and you also don't want to burden him any further, but he keeps prying.
"So what, you want to become the moral support of a mass murderer?" Worded like this it does sound pretty awful. "I know you cut me out of your life, but I still care about you. No way I'm gonna let that happen. It's too dangerous."
Those feelings you harbored over the past decade were like a chain weighting heavy around your heart - but instead of communicating like an adult, you dwelled in self-pity and pushed your friend away. And as crazy as it sounds, over time you convinced yourself there's no way out of this, nothing else awaiting you...
...that was until you met the other Mark, however.
No better timing to free yourself than now, you thought, but Mark connected the dots faster than you were able to confess. "...why did you never say anything?"
"Oh c'mon, you've been doting on Eve since highschool." Mark was not the person to back out of a friendship like this, even if though he didn't reciprocate. If you had told him he'd certainly would've found a way to make this work, since he didn't want to lose you. And yet you didn't want to give the two of you the chance to overcome this, rather choosing to hurt him before you get hurt.
What a stupid, selfish teenager you were back then...
"Now it all makes sense" he speaks to himself, shyly glancing over to you again as he covers his blushing cheeks with his hands. "Fuck, I'm such an idiot..."
"Nonsense, I'm the ass for ruining our friendship over a silly crush." That was the understatement of the year - you were head over heels for this man.
He seems almost melancholic thinking back to all the moments he should've noticed what's going on. All this time wasted going no-contact when you could've worked things out instead...but it takes two to do that, and he's certainly not the one to blame.
Turning his head towards the noise of the ongoing fight, he shakes his head in disbelief. "This is so fucked up..."
"Tell me about it" you chuckle, playfully poking his side in an attempt to lighten the mood, and both of you give each other an appreciative smile. "But we shouldn't make rushed decisions in our current state, right?"
Mark lets out a shuddered sigh, realizing just what kind of hole your absence has tore in his life. But you'll manage to get back to how things were between you. This was a ray of hope cutting through the storm he's been caught into, ever since becoming a superhero.
"God, you have no idea how much I've missed you..."
There's no more time to waste, everything else has to wait until much later. Mark brings you back with him, a safe distance away from where the variant was still battling reanimen that just kept coming. Upon seeing Invincible he raises his guard again, but much to his surprise he's not attacked again, quite the opposite.
"Cecil, stop them!" your Mark exclaims into the comm as he jumps in between the crowd of cyborgs, giving a quick nod of acknowledgement to his other self. "He won't resist if we take him prisoner, right?"
"Sure..." the variant murmured, raising a brow in confusion. But indeed, the mechanical soldiers stop and he gets immobilized by Mark without fighting back. He looks up to you as if seeking your approval, and you quickly rush to their side, scolding Mark for being so harsh with his precautions.
"Are you hurt?" you whisper as the GDA agents transport you back to the Pentagon by helicopter, only the real Mark having flown ahead. You however refused to leave the variant's side, even though you've been strongly advised to go home, at least until the situation was less intense.
"This is nothing..." The Viltrumite huffs in amusement that you were worried about him of all people. He looks down to the shackles around his arms and legs that could never actually hold him, daring to crack a smile which you gladly mirrored. "But thanks that you stood up for me...even though I still don't understand why."
"Because I believe in you, so you better not disappoint me!" you chant, whearing a quiet whimper escape his throat when you put a reassuring hand on his knee. "Everything is gonna be alright, I'm sure of it. We're gonna figure it out...together, okay?"
A few hours later and you were still waiting in a hallway of the GDA, the feeling of suspense only worsened by all the pitying and disgusted looks some of the agents were shooting you. It was understandable, of course, since they probably saw you throwing yourself at the enemy live and in HD.
"I couldn't care less about whatever you two got going on" Cecil explains with his usual stoic manner, "but he refuses to talk and we don't have time for this."
You knew the opportunistic geeze was at least partly bluffing - he's most likely already planning on how to utilize Invincible's affection for you to control him.
Upon entering the prison cell you gasped at the gigantic apparatus containing him, all of his limbs encoated by a metal you didn't recognize in order to keep him from making any move. Honestly, it felt like no matter what they tried, he was only here because he wanted to be. If you told him to break out right now he'd most likely wreck this place in one milisecond.
The variant's defeated features brighten as he recognizes who was paying him a visit, but the initial excitement was soon pushed back by his newfound guilty conscience. He didn't expect to ever see you again, let alone you voluntarily entering the lion's den.
"I'll accept whatever punishment you deem necessary" he rasps, greatly worried at the possibility of them using you against your will. "Just leave them out of this."
Cecil nudged the bridge of his nose, groaning exaggeratedly. It sure isn't easy making objective decisions when you're that emotionally involved with the Grayson family - although he'd never admit the soft spot he had for them.
Not to mention, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get his hands on one of the two literal strongest men on the planet.
"Well for starters you'll help with rescue and rebuidling" he ultimatively decides, talking to the young man like one would scold an unruly child. "Consider this your last chance. And don't you dare taking a break until this whole planet has recovered from the aftermath of your crimes. I don't want to see you eating, sleeping or even breathing without any supervision. Got it?!"
"Yes, Sir..."
A single gesture of his hand enough to make his underlings free the Viltrumite from his confinements. "Give him a new costume so he doesn't scare the survivors...and insert an ultrasonic implant, just to be sure."
Mark rubbed his sore wrists, baffled with this decision. He had expected nothing less than torture, that they'd experiment until they'd find a way to execute him...but this? Ridiculous. Hardly a punishment.
Not that he's complaining, though.
At long last, you were facing each other again, those brief hours of separation feeling like an eternity apart. Crazy to think you barely even know this man - well, the fact that he was so much like the original Mark may have messed with your perception of time...
...or you were simply going crazy as well, who knows. Anyways, it did not feel wrong. If anything you've never been this happy in years.
The Viltrumite seems conflicted, his muscles occasionally twitching out of the desire to be close to you, to touch and hold you and never let go again. But then he detects the tears of relief in your eyes, misinterpreting them negatively and backing off even further.
Right...he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near you.
"You didn't need to...you shouldn't be here." He faces the ground in shame, blinking back tears of his own as he speaks. "Not after what I did."
"Damn it, Mark..." you half-yell, half-whine as you run straight towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso as if to press all of his broken parts back together. "Just...shut up. I'm capable of making my own decisions, whether you like them or not."
What a strange one you were. He wasn't even sure if his dimension's version of you had been that amazing of a person.
"Can't argue with that..." His hands tentatively finding purchase on your sides, and you instantly feel him melt at the feel of your body against his. "But it seems like we won't be able to meet each other for a while..."
"I can wait..." you shrug, beaming up at him with an almost playful tone. "...as long as you promise to take me on another date, would you? Without robots and death-matching yourself next time, if possible."
Mark smiled.
He did so many times ever since you met of course, but it always seemed like he was mimicking genuine human interaction, as if he was forcing himself to put on a facade in order to make you comfortable.
But this one, right here, right now...it was real, and so, so beautiful.
Hopefully you see more of it in the future.
"Oh, I think after you've seen how far I'd go for you, it's safe to say I can't deny you any wish..."
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earlgreylatte · 3 days ago
Hello, You
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(Invincible Variants x Reader) Of course he would come to see you. You’re the reason he’s here, after all.
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After hearing the news to stay inside as the attack of Invincible copycats decimated cities across the globe, you hid under your blanket, the light from your phone illuminating your face as you watched the broadcast for any sign of your Mark.
You could only hope that he was alright, that he wasn’t blaming himself, that he knew you were waiting for him to come back safe. He already has enough problems as is.
Your distress is momentarily tempered when you hear your window slide open and your floorboards creek. When you don’t hear Mark immediately greet you or tease you for being bundled up, any concern you felt for Mark becomes overshadowed by fear for yourself as you hear footsteps near your prone form.
You can only tremble, clutching your blanket close to your body until the room goes silent. You shakily exhale, becoming confused when another quiet beat passes. When your breath returns to normal, the blanket is ripped off of you, eliciting a scared yelp.
For a moment you only stare in confusion at the sight of your boyfriend’s estranged father before realizing it’s not Nolan Grayson that stands before you, but Mark clad in a costume similar to his father’s. His face is impassive, mouth a firm line, so unlike the expressive nature of your Mark.
He calls your name. Quietly, yet there was something heavy in his tone. Something you could almost delude yourself into thinking was longing.
His hand brushes against your cheek, moving down your face before resting on your shoulder, a finger pressed against your pulse.
“You sound healthy,” he comments, deceptively neutral in his delivery, but even behind his goggles, you could feel his gaze burning into your face, “In my world, you had cancer. By the time the Viltrumites reinforcements had arrived, it was too late. All that talk about life changing technology and medicine, but it ended up being utterly useless to me.”
Your breath hitches, but he continues, “But here there’s a me that rebelled and an you that never got sick. That got to live past high school. That’s just the way it goes, I suppose.”
His hand travels lower, brushing past your collarbone before resting on your breast, your heart hammering beneath his palm.
“Do you know why I came here?” He wonders, his free hand planting itself on your bed, as he moves his body to hover above yours until the only thing you can see is him.
“No,” you whisper, staring into black lenses.
“Because even after all these years, the only heart I wish to know, to hold, and to cherish is yours. I was willing to play human for you, to tolerate the presence of the idiots that breathed the same air as us, but then they all had the audacity to outlive you. And I can’t move on. So the selfish man that I am, I’m here to take you. To have you by my side again, no matter how much blood I have to spill,” He declares before pressing his lips against yours, muffling your gasp and cries, gripping your wrist when you try to shove at him.
He only pulls away when you start to feel lighthearted, looking down at you as you struggle to catch your breath.
“You can cry and protest all you want. You loved me once, you can do it again,” he asserts, bring your wrist to his mouth, leaving a kiss against your pulse point. “This world was doomed the moment your Mark decided to rebel. I won’t let you die because of his delusions.”
“…I’m not her,” you speak up. “I don’t know you, not really.”
“I know,” he responds, “but every inch of my body is crying out to you, and I’d rather kill everyone on this planet before I let you go again.”
He releases your wrist, instead sliding both hands under your shirt, gloved hands savouring the feel of your skin, your warmth seeping through the fabric.
“…you’re shaking,” he notes, throwing a glance at your discarded blanket on the ground, “I’m sorry, I’ll warm you up. I promise.”
“Mark,” you say, out of instinct more than anything else, your mind coming to a blank.
“Shh,” he hushes you, voice gentle but firm, “Let me take care of you. Like I always do.”
A part of you is relieved that he hasn’t taken off his cowl because you knew you’d crumble under the emotion that would undoubtedly be in his eyes. The same eyes that always held so much love and adoration towards you.
His lips press against yours again, more demanding and heated, as hands travel higher and higher until—
“Looks like I wasn’t the only one that thought to come here,” an amused but familiar voice drawls out, the Mark on top of you pulling away, body covering yours protectively.
Another Invincible sat at your window ledge, black and yellow costume starkly contrasting the rest of your room. He smiles at you when you peak around Mark’s arm.
“Honestly, you were acting so high and mighty earlier, but you’re pretty desperate, huh?” He mocks as the other Mark’s face becomes stonier. “But, really, you should fuck off somewhere else because that’s my girl you’re feeling up right now.”
Before he can respond, another voice interrupts him as you notice yet another Mark, floating behind the one at your window.
“Fucking seriously? How did you even get here before me? I bet you halfassed your locations,” The Mark with a mohawk that has you raising your eyebrow complains, “I literally called dibs on this one! Find someone else!”
Feeling the tension build up, you only hope that Mark checks in and saves you from the bullshit you’re witnessing as they begin to snarl and yap at each other like feral dogs.
Why me, you lament.
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Shiesty Mark: hey, babe, it’s Big Dick Friday—why the fuck are you all here??
Why is there no Omni Mark content, he and that shiesty mark were my favourite…
I feel like omni mark is the definition of ‘quite literally hates everyone but you’
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pastelclovds · 5 days ago
invincible is dragging me back by the ankles
thinking about a human!reader who has lived a pretty decent, normal existence. at least, as normal as it could be with all the hero's trying to exterminate world ending threats daily, and leaving major cities in ruins afterwards. the death of the guardians made the threats worsen over time.
one day, as you were taking your usual midnight stroll, you were stopped by the one and only, omni-man. his only excuse? he said and i quote.
“human, it has come to my attention that you’re releasing strange, aphrodisiacal pheromones; and it has become a problem for me.”
you blink once, twice, thrice, and you’re eyes widened as you finished processing his sentence. you were releasing sexy pheromones?? where was it during your days in college? your vision on omni-man’s flushed face trails down to his pelvic region, where his ragging boner was making itself known beneath his suit.
cue to nolan dragging you to an empty alleyway, stripping you both butt naked, and riding you until you left his hole gaping and filled to the brim with your cum. he let out an uncharacteristic, longing moan as he painted your chest in white.
turns out he’s been wanting you for a while ever since he first caught whiff of your scent that one afternoon a week ago as he was defeating a kaiju.
as for the “aphrodisiacal pheromones” you seem to unknowingly release daily: it only seems to affect nobody else but nolan. you don’t have a problem with it though, as long as you continue to fuck the number one super “hero,” you don’t need anything else.
that’s until mark appears before you with an embarrassed grin and a hard on of his own. then his other variants appeared like beasts in heat, and now conquest. yeah, you’re a viltramite magnet.
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invoncible · 22 hours ago
RUNNING INTO INVINCIBLE VARIANTS DURING THE WAR ft. mohawk!mark, viltrumite!mark, nogoggles!mark w/ gn!reader
— you were special to them, in another universe... — in which reader is not with the mark in the main universe, but has history w/ the other variants
the news said to stay inside. couldn't they have broadcast just 10 minutes earlier when you weren't in your car on the way to work? heroes resembling invincible were wrecking cities and taking lives left and right, and you were stuck in a traffic jam, trucks and vans crammed against your doors.
you climbed over the center console into the backseat, squeaking in surprise when the car rocked you off balance. some idiot decided to bulldoze through the traffic carelessly.
"fuck." you cursed, hurriedly opening the sunroof, climbing out and sliding down the hood. unfortunately for you, before you could even get off your car, you were stopped by—
a joyful whoop made your head snap towards the incoming missile bulldozing through the congested traffic, trampling cars, snapping bodies in half, toppling buildings over onto the highway.
he flew right past you, bumping your car over to the side. your eyes were stuck on the building that was teetering closer and closer to tipping over. the resonating crrrreak sealed your fate as it came crashing down—
this is how i die. you let your eyes fall shut.
they were promptly forced open a second later when invincible crashed into your stomach, throwing you over his shoulders as he bolted out of the area of impact.
"holy shit!" he stopped in the air, holding you up proudly. "y/n!"
"wait!" you gripped him tightly, nails digging into his skin. you coughed when the dust plumed upwards, the fallen building settling against the broken road.
he hissed at the sensation but laughed; laughed like he was a kid in a candy store. "don't worry, i won't drop you. you trust me, don't you?"
"i..." you gasped, catching your breath as you studied him. he looked crazy, but after what he just did, looks wasn't where the insanity stopped. "i don't know who you are."
he frowned momentarily, holding you against him by your waist. "really? this world's me is lamer than i thought. i mean, look at you." he leaned in close, burying his face into the crook of your neck. "you smell the same. god, i missed this." he inhaled deeply, crushing you in his embrace.
you flattened your hands against his chest and pushed him back a little. "what are you—?"
"hey. i saved you. can a guy get a thank you?" he playfully scolded you, but with him, you couldn't tell if he was actually joking or not.
your eyes trailed over the calamity beneath you. thank you? as bewildered as you were, you played into his hands.
"thank you," you mumbled, a small smile spreading on your lips for good measure.
"you're welcome." he grinned, flying over to the top of an untouched building and setting you gently on the roof's surface. you stumbled onto the concrete until his hand steadied you.
"you say you don't know me. but i know you. and we are so good together, baby." mark said softly, backing you onto a wall. for all the blood on his suit, he handled you so gently. "what d'you say? let's get reacquainted."
your breath caught in your chest as mark shot down from the sky, sending ripples through the asphalt road. you screamed as your vehicle floated in the air for a split second, enough time for your heart to skip a few beats too many.
mark sped over to you, stopping abruptly right in front of your car. the impact of his sonic boom made your car shoot backwards, sending your back into the windshield mirror with such a force that the glass broke under you.
you didn't even have time to blink before he grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards him, dangling you in front of him like a child inspecting a toy.
"you look just like them." he mumbled under his breath, brown eyes narrowing.
you just stared at him dumbly, horrified by the splatters of blood over his otherwise pristine white uniform.
in stark contrast to the barbaric way he introduced himself, he collected you in his arms and floated away from the disaster on the ground.
"wait—" you protested weakly, but he cradled you closer to his chest.
"dad said you'd come around. that after we took over the planet, i could keep you and you'd eventually stop fighting me." he sighed, heavy. "my mother did. she eventually stopped fighting my dad."
your eyes were wide and vulnerable, unable to tear away from who could be your murderer. what was he talking about?
his grip tightens involuntarily. his jaw clenches. why aren’t you reacting the way you should?
"don't you recognize me? or does the invincible of this world direct his... affection somewhere else?"
mark can feel himself getting frustrated by the look of confusion on your face. you didn't recognize him and it makes him want to kill the invincible of this world even more.
on his world he went to earth to conquer it by his father's side. he didn't expect to ... fall in love with you. love is what his father told him he was feeling, a human emotion that he could only have for something small and harmless. like a pet.
"mother will like you," he muses to himself. "it's been a while since she's seen someone from her home."
"i don't—"
"shhh." he softened as he looked at you, a ghost of a smile on his face. "i'll take care of you like i promised. it'll be just like before. we'll be so happy together. right?"
something told you to nod your head if you wanted to live.
"boo!" mark touched down right in front of your car, a wild grin plastered on his face. this bitch looked insane, the wide-eyed delight he had on his face from causing the carnage around him.
you screamed and slapped him impulsively, a loud crack echoing around you. oh fuck. holy shit, i am so dead.
but he laughed. he giggled all giddy and massaged his jaw. "holy shit, you've got a good arm on you. do it again."
"huh?" you spluttered, scrambling up the hood of your car away from him.
"wait," he frowned, grabbing your ankle and pulling you back down the windshield. "i said do it again."
as frightened and perplexed as you were, you couldn't stop your mouth from running. "you... want me to hit you?" what the fuck?
"i'm not gonna ask again." his eye twitched imperceptibly. "c'mon, give it your best shot. it'll be fun!"
when you continued to hesitate, he jerked forward. you flinched, sending your knee into his nose.
"haha!" he beamed, swiping at the trail of blood underneath his nose. "this is more fun than the heroes. you're so..." he gripped your shoulders, squeezing experimentally. "small but—"
your hands curl around his biceps in an attempt to deter him, your nails digging through his suit. he hissed, clicking his tongue as he laughed lowly.
"ughh it sucks that i've gotta go kill some heroes now..." he said under his breath, unmoving as you squirmed against him.
mark leaned back, stretching his arms like he hadn't just been breathing down your neck. "you're lucky I'm in a good mood." he tilted his head, as if reconsidering. "or maybe you’re unlucky. guess we’ll see, huh?" he huffed a laugh, his expression wild.
he took your hand gently, almost sweet, lifting it up and pressing your knuckles against his bruised jaw.
"go on," he whispered. "give me one more for the road?"
© invoncible
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wordsofwhimsy · 4 days ago
𝙀𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙔𝙤𝙪 - Pt. 1
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[​🇦​/​🇳​]⦂ I'm not specific with his looks or costume so this can be any variant that tickles your fancy! Just know tho that for me, that's Mohawk Mark 👀
【PAIRING】 ⦂ Variant!Mark Grayson x Reader
【WARNINGS】 ⦂ Violence, possession
【INSPIRATION】 ⦂ 100% inspired by reading tokoyamisstuff‘s Variant!Mark fic called “Second Chance At Love” (it’s a 2 parter and SO GOOD – you MUST check it out)
You were fucked. 
There was no sugarcoating the situation – things were looking grim.  Your breathing was labored as you laid face down on the pavement beneath a car.  There was a constant rumble in the ground as buildings collapsed all around the city, the sound of desperate screams overlapping one another and turning into a stomach-churning cacophony of horror.  The day had switched so abruptly from calm and peaceful to utter chaos that your brain didn’t have time to fully comprehend what was happening.  One minute you were enjoying a light lunch at an outdoor café, and the next you were cowering for your life under some random vehicle. 
From what you could gather from your small window of sight, someone who resembled the hero named Invincible was making short work of the city – why?  You couldn’t even begin to guess.  You were never overly interested in the life and goings on of supers, and made no effort to keep up with the latest happenings in their world.  As far as you were concerned that was all way above your paygrade.
But even with your bare minimum knowledge, you knew that Invincible was one of the good guys.  And from the few glimpses you saw, this super had a slightly different costume.  Whatever the situation, you couldn’t help but kick yourself for choosing to stay in the city.  Your mother had been nagging you for ages to move back to your rural hometown, claiming that it was safer and better for your health.  You’d hate to hear what she was saying about the current events unfolding…
The cramped and shaded spot you were hiding in abruptly became open and sunny, the sound of creaking metal almost deafening overhead. “There you are!” a voice rang out.  Turning slightly to look up towards the sky you’re greeted by the darkened silhouette of a super, the small shine of his teeth illuminated in the shadow.  With one arm he held the car you were hiding beneath casually over his head. “I knew I’d find you somewhere around here.”  He tossed the sedan into the café a few yards away with as much ease as you would have tossed a crumpled sheet of paper into a trashcan.
You curled into yourself, arms attempting to cover your head in response to the car crashing into your favorite lunch spot. In the midst of the mayhem you didn’t even notice you were off the ground until you realized all of the ear-splitting clamor seemed quieter and farther away.  Cautiously lowering your arms, you opened your eyes to the view of Invincible’s face as he smirked down at you.  Had you been saved?  That is what heroes do of course, but to save just you in such a widespread catastrophe seemed… well, really fucking weird.  “W-What’s happening?” you manage to choke out.
“A lot of fucked up shit,” he responded starkly, his stare raking across the destroyed landscape below.  You kept your eyes fixed on him, refusing to see how far up you really were.  After a second he returned his gaze to you, the almost wicked smirk still pulling at the corner of his lips. “Aren’t you so glad I got to you first?”
“F-First?”  As if on cue, another voice identical to Invincible’s boldly stated,
“Find yourself a toy?”  Spinning midair to face the voice, you were beyond confused to find another Invincible, this one different enough to clearly tell they were indeed not the same person yet somehow they were still identical. 
“Fuck off and mind your own business,” the one holding you spat back.
“Didn’t mom teach you not to play with your food?” Alarm bells were blaring in your mind, and any thought of this being a rescue mission quickly melted into an abduction story.
“Didn’t she teach you how to shut the hell up?”  The other Invincible choked down a bitter laugh before turning away from you and saying,
“Whatever.  More universes for me to conquer then.”  With a sonic boom he was gone, barreling through buildings on the streets below and leaving nothing but rubble and fire in his wake.
“What a prick…” The Invincible holding your mumbled. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Before you could think to ask who the hell was that, who the hell was he, what the hell was happening, or anything at all, you were moving through the sky at a speed that left you hanging on just to breathe.  You were cradled in his arms like a child, still curled into a tight ball with your fingers locked desperately into his suit. 
After some time that felt like an eternity, Invincible made contact with solid ground.  Feeling safe to lift your face up and away from his chest, you immediately recognized where you were.  “Why are we in Fernville?”  Setting you down on your feet, you felt your knees shake as if about to give way beneath you.  You gripped onto his arm to steady yourself.
“I figured you’d want to see this place one last time.”  Looking at him with wide eyes, you’d finally had enough of the confusion.
“For the love of god can you please tell me what the hell is going on?!”  For the first time you saw an expression on his face that seemed almost out of place – heartache.
“Wait – you don’t remember me?”
“I mean, sure, I know of you.  I think everyone knows who Invincible is.”  Now his face turned to a look of mild relief.
“Ohh, I get it now.  You and this Mark never got close.”
“Who the hell is Mark!” Your words came out more as an exclamation than a question, your feelings really running your actions at this point.
“You used to make drinks for me at Coffee & Capes.”  You studied his face closely, and after several moments in dawned on you who he was.  The tension in your eyebrows lessened.
“Oh wow, Mark...  I remember you now.  I-I can’t believe you’re Invincible!”  And just like that his smirk was back.
“That’s what they tell me.” You shook your head in disbelief, your mind reeling to try and make sense of what was happening.
“But hold on, you said “this Mark”.  What does that even mean?”  He rolled his neck, eyes glancing wearily in the direction of town.
“It’s complicated.  And honestly a lot to explain…”
“I mean,” you scoffed, throwing your hands up. “I guess I’ve got time.”  He looked back to you again, this time showing a softness and almost adoration.  You quirked an eyebrow, and then suddenly you were being gripped tightly by your upper arms and pulled into him. Without any further warning, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss. It’s not gentle or tender. It’s forceful, full of a twisted need that leaves no room for you to breathe or think. His kiss felt like a claim, a possession rather than a moment of affection.
After a moment of being frozen in shock, you tried uselessly to pull away.  Noticing, Mark pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his expression dark but oddly satisfied. "It’s been so long since I’ve had you…” His voice dropped, a sickly sweetness to it. "I’m not going anywhere.  And neither are you."
【Part Two】
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controld3vil · 2 days ago
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pairing(s): lensless!invincible x reader
synopsis: In this version, where Mark only ever saw you as a comrade, you were spared the worst. You escaped the fate that awaited you in every other reality.
notes -> dare i say he's my fav variant.... reader has hellfire powers (backstory inspired by raven from teen titans) cw: slight angst, canon typical violence
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The Invincible War erupted, and everything shattered. Entire cities fell, crumbling under the weight of unrelenting destruction. Thousands of lives are snuffed out with every passing hour. The world seemed to spin out of control, and every known superhero and villain on Earth rushed to its defense. But why? Why Earth? Why this planet? Day by day, the world weakened, a hollow shell as the Invincible doppelgangers tore through everything in their path, leaving nothing but ruin in their wake.
Not even the GDA could stand in their way, and they couldn’t reach you until hours after cities like Chicago and New York had been obliterated. 
Cecil, the head of the GDA, was the first to contact you as you sat in the quiet of your living room, watching the television blare with the devastating news. Headlines flashed – each more grim than the last. The damage was escalating by the minute, and with every rescue team sent to save the lives of the innocent, more lives were lost. The world felt like it was coming apart at the seams. 
“You seeing this?!” Cecil’s voice crackled through the phone, sharp and frantic, sending an uncomfortable twist through your gut. You’d never heard him like this before – not once, not since… Since everything fell apart. You grabbed the remote, silencing the TV as the sound of chaos from the broadcast still hung in the air. Your eyes shifted to the window, watching the dark sky stretch over the city, a subtle sense of dread creeping up your spine.
“These fucking Invincible variants are everywhere,” Cecil snapped, his irritation thick with something darker, something bordering panic. 
“Where do you need me?” It wasn’t concern that pushed the words from your mouth, nor worry about yourself. It was the promise you had made to the GDA months ago, after Omni-Man’s destruction of Earth. Cecil had worn you down, tried to convince you over and over to join the fight, but you’d always refused. You’d never been interested in joining some cheesy, pretentious superhero team. But now? Now the world was burning. Now, there were no more excuses. No more questions. You didn’t need to ask how you’d deal with it. Cecil will give you the coordinates.
A heavy sigh echoed through the line, exhaustion weighing down on Cecil’s voice. “The Guardian’s headquarters. One variant’s tangled up with them, and I need someone to make sure he doesn’t walk away from this fight.” 
It wasn’t that Cecil didn’t believe in Immortal and the others – they could handle powerful foes, sure. But this wasn’t just any enemy. This was Invincible. The strongest person on Earth, now multiplied. Eighteen versions of him, each with the same terrifying strength. Cecil needed someone who could match that raw power, someone who wasn’t afraid to step in when things were beyond even the Guardian’s reach.
The gravity of it all settled in. You didn’t have to say anything more. 
“You got it.” You didn’t waste a second, immediately dialing your watch to set your coordinates for the Guardian’s headquarters. The familiar ding echoed in your ear, confirming your destination. You paused for a moment, the weight of the situation creeping up on you. 
“How long do you think this will last?” The question slipped from your mouth, though you already knew the answer would be a hollow one. 
“God, I don’t know.” Cecil’s voice was tight, raw with the tension of the situation. “But the numbers don’t lie. We’re looking at a catastrophe, with lives on the line by the second. You need to go – now– before it’s too late. “ 
The finality in his voice made your stomach twist, a cold sense of urgency washing over you. No more hesitation, no more questions. You were already moving. 
In the next breath, the world around you warped and shifted, the familiar comfort of your home replaced by the stark, sterile walls of the Guardian’s headquarters. The air was heavy with tension, filled with the metallic tang of battle and the distant sounds of chaos outside. You’d prepared for this moment, tucked away your emotions, and steeled yourself for the inevitable. But nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to witness. 
As you made your way through the facility, the reality of the destruction that had already been wrought and the carnage still unfolding hit you like a wave. This wasn’t some distant theory anymore. This was real.
As you drew closer to the barricade, the air was thick with the piercing, frantic screams of those caught in the confusion. Hang in there, Immortal. The words resonated in your mind as you steadied yourself, fingers brushing the switch hidden at your waist. Every step brought you closer, but you could feel the weight of what was pressing down on you. You never imagined it would come to this – not in a million years. Never would you have thought you’d be the one forced to end Invincible’s life. He and Cecil had never seen eye to eye – his opposition to the GDA was clear, but you always respected him. Hell, you admired him. He fought for his family, for the ones he loved with a determination that you could claim for yourself.
You didn’t have that kind of bond. Not the way he did. When the GDA took you in, they gave you something to fight for, but not like that. You couldn’t help but wonder how different your life might have been if someone had fought so fiercely for you as he did for them. 
“Man, you guys are great! Has anyone told you that?” The alternate Invincible’s voice was filled with gleeful excitement, completely devoid of remorse for the destruction he was wreaking. It was as if he was savoring every moment of it like he was enjoying playing the lives of others for sport. “I wish I could’ve fought you all in my world!” 
“You monster!” Immortal shouted, his body surging toward the doppelganger, fists flying with explosive force. “You’re nothing but a pale imitation of Invincible!” 
But the variant barely flinched, almost as if Immortal’s rage was beneath him. His eyes glinted with dark amusement, a twisted smile creeping across his face as he weaved through his punches, savoring the power he held over the Guardians. It wasn’t just a battle to him – it was a performance. And he was relishing every brutal second of it. 
It was unnerving how effortlessly this Invincible absorbed the blows. He looked identical to the one you knew – same yellow, black, and blue suit – but the absence of the familiar goggles left the mask slightly askew, offering a glance at his face. That small glimpse, however, was enough to send a chill down your spine. The eyes that stared back weren’t the eyes of a hero. 
“I mean – I don’t need any more motivation to kill you. But sure, insult me.” There was something deeply unsettling in his words and smile, a twisted satisfaction that lingered like poison in the air. He delivers a sucker punch right beneath Immortal, propelling him straight up. 
But he didn’t expect the searing, agonizing heat of fire. Not just any fire – hellfire. It burned through his suit, sharp and relentless, as the flames pricked at his skin. He spun in mid-air, his expression shifting from cocky amusement to genuine surprise as he locked eyes with you. Hovering a few feet above, he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“Well look who it is!” His grin stretched wider, and you noticed the blood dripping from his mouth, the unsettling detail sending a jolt of tension through your chest. Instinctive fear gripped you, cold and unrelenting. “Nice to see you, babe!”
You hummed, taking slow, deliberate steps toward him. “Hey, how’s it going?” Your voice was a perfect mask of indifference, deadpan and steady, your gaze unwavering. Every fiber in your body was focused on him, eyes locked onto his every movement. You could feel Immortal somewhere nearby, floating in a daze with a shattered jaw. But for now, you’d play along with his twisted game – wait for the right moment to close the distance.  
Invincible’s eyes raked over your figure, utterly unfazed by the absurdity of the situation. It was a chilling thing – how easily he could make this moment feel like something else entirely. “God, you look good!” he smirked. “Say, why don’t we do a little one-on-one, huh? For old time’s sake?” His feet lowered slowly, hovering just above the ground, but not enough for you to act – yet. “Actually, did the me from this world ever get to–” His voice trailed off, curiosity glinting in his eyes, but you felt his confidence faltering just enough for you to know that the game was far from over. 
“No,” You remarked, your tone casual. “We’re not exactly close.” But there was something in his intense stare that unsettled you – something that told you he wasn’t sharing everything, that there was more beneath the surface. “But I’m guessing in your world, that’s not the case.” 
“Sharp as ever,” he commented, a slight admiration in his voice. You could see his defenses lowering, just for a moment – a crack in his composure. You knew you needed to seize that opening. “God, I’ve missed you.” 
You raised an eyebrow, the faintest trace of surprise crossing your face. “Really?” you asked, voice steady, trying to mask any hint of emotion. Knowing how highly sensitive Invincible’s ears were, you fought to keep your cool, burying whatever reaction threatened to surface. 
But it was difficult. The entire situation was absurd, like some twisted dream, a distorted reality you couldn’t fully understand. Because the truth was, you’d never been close to Invincible – not even in the slightest. If anything, you were only acquaintances, by virtue of Cecil’s influence, a fact that had always kept the distance between you two. And that was probably the biggest barrier to any kind of connection – his life, his choices compared to yours were completely separate paths, never intersecting.
You worked for Cecil, and despite all his moral wrongdoings, you empathized with it. He had often justified his actions with the words, the greater good, in that you knew the cost of it would do. And yet, you stayed. You were bound to him, just as your parents had bound you, long before you could even understand the gravity of the pact. You were the result of a deal made in the shadows, your very existence tied to secrecy that shaped your role in this world – the dark passenger, the one who stalked the dead, the agent of the sacrilegious world. Damien Darkblood would’ve been the first to concur that you were always the outsider, never belonging to either side.
Invincible, on the other hand, had lived a life before all this. He’d had the luxury of freedom – to grow, to experience what it meant to be human before the weight of the world fell onto his shoulder. The weight you, on the other hand, were born into. The fabric of your very existence already sealed your fate long before you could even question it. Your paths were never meant to cross, and yet here you were – confronting a man you barely knew, who now stood before you as an echo of the person he used to be. 
“Yeah, it was a shame we didn’t spend much time together,” Invincible said with a tone that straddled the line between genuine and condescension. “You know before I had to kill you.” 
“Huh.” It was all you could muster, a single syllable to mask the disbelief rolling through your mind. Was this really happening? Was this how it was going to play out?
“But,” he continued, his voice softening, the edges of it pulling in something like sorrow or even remnants of a past he wasn’t sure how to navigate anymore. Finally, his feet touched the ground, and he took a slow, purposeful step toward you. His dark brown eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that was all too much to bear – something in that gaze that reminded you of the inferno you had long buried inside. It was raw, it was fierce, and it was just as dangerous as the man standing before you. “Believe me when I say this… I did care about you.” 
A bitter laugh bubbled up in your throat, but you swallowed it down. You raised a brow, your gaze was firm and unwavering as you studied him. Was this some kind of joke? “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Your voice was laced with venom, each word cutting sharper than the last. You couldn’t even begin to understand what he was trying to do – what he was hoping to achieve with these sorrowful words. His confession, if that’s what you could call it, fell flat, if anything, it only stoked the flames of your frustration. 
You looked at him with wicked disdain, your expression indifferent, though behind it, a storm was brewing. His words weren’t enough to make you falter – not even close. The audacity of him to think that now, of all times, he could manipulate you with some half-hearted attempt at remorse was laughable. It didn’t stir anything in you. It only made you sick, as the man standing before you was a hollow version of what he was supposed to be. 
You had no time for his games. Not now. Not after everything. 
With a quick motion, the air around you began to warp, thick with the heat of something far more ancient and menacing than anything in the room. The flames that burned inside you, that had always burned inside you, began to flare to life. Heat prickled against your skin, and your fists clenched as a surge of power thrummed through your veins. 
It erupted from your palms into a burst of molten energy, crackling with an intensity that could melt stone. Invincible’s eyes widened as he barely managed to block the first wave of fire. The flames scorched his skin, blackening his suit, but he did not back down, Instead, he grinned – a wide, maddening smile that only angered your temper further.
“Impressive,” he said, his voice tinged with admiration. But it was also laced with mockery too. “You think that’ll stop me?”
You didn’t respond. 
With a roar, you threw another wave of hellfire at him, more intense this. The green flames surged toward him like a tidal wave, hot enough to sear through everything in its path. He dove sideways, just narrowly escaping the inferno as it roared past him, setting the ground ablaze where he had been standing. 
You summoned more, your body surging with an overwhelming heat and anger. It radiated off you in pulses, making the air itself shimmer. Invincible hesitated for a split second, and that was all you needed.
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gksweetdreams · 5 days ago
Sinister Mark x Reader
This is set in where all the Mark variants are coming into Marks World and how the reader who has Spider Man abilities deals with Sinister Mark taking a interest in the reader.
The sky above Earth broke open and there lines of multiverse chaos, came in like glass breaking. The multiverse has broken open, and Mark Grayson—multiple Mark Graysons found themselves in a world not their own.
Among them was Sinister Mark, his suit darker than the others, with eyes that burned a deep. Unlike the others, he did not arrive confused or to ruin the world. No, he had been seeking something or yet someone.
He hadn’t expected her. (or maybe he did?)
Y/N moved with the fluidity of a predator, swinging from web lines between collapsing buildings, her suit clinging tightly to her frame, very different from the one Sinister Mark remembered. She wasn’t his Y/N, but the way she fought, the way her eyes burned with hope—it was too close.
Sinister Mark landed before her as a battle erupted around them. The other Marks were already at each other’s throats, trying to establish dominance, but he stood still, watching her.
“You’re in my way,” Y/N said, looking defensively, her lenses narrowing as she readied her web-shooters.
He smirked a rare thing for him. “I don’t think you understand, Y/N.” His voice was smoother than the Invincible she knew, but laced with something dark, something... longing. “I was looking for you.”
Her stomach twisted at his words, but she held firm. “Yeah? Well, I don’t do well with stalkers.”
Sinister Mark took a slow step forward, his cape blowing in the wind. “You’re not her,” he admitted, his voice carrying a weight even he wasn’t used to. “But you remind me of someone I lost.”
That made Y/N hesitate. A crack in her focus.
“Sorry,” she said, launching a web toward him, “but I’m not a replacement and you’re kind of a enemy.”
He caught it. Mid-air.
Her eyes widened as he yanked, pulling her toward him in an instant. Before she could react, his grip was firm around her wrist, though... it was oddly gentle.
“No,” he murmured, his eyes softening just slightly. “You’re not.”
For a moment, they just stood there, the battlefield around them fading away. The connection was unsettling, yet... familiar.
Then, they hread a screamed as another Mark—bloodied and feral charged at them.
Instinct kicked in, and Y/N flipped back, planting both feet against Sinister Mark’s chest and launching off him. She landed in a crouch postion just when she was about to attack another varinat of Mark was killed by a powerful punch from Sinister’s Mark. Putting a hole in the other Marks chest
He turned back to her, a smirk twitching at the corner of his lips. “You and I? We’re going to get along just fine.”
Y/N exhaled sharply, knowing deep down—whether she wanted to or not—she had just become tangled in something far bigger than she had ever imagined.
And Sinister Mark?
He had just found something worth chasing again.
This is my first time writing a fanfic and posting it I am sorry if it does not sound good or if the grammar is off. This took me a really long time and I hope everyone who comes across it likes it and Enjoys it :) I am also sorry if it is not comic or TV show accurate.
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lara60 · 11 days ago
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grimmsbride · 4 days ago
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fic idea where mohawk mark is fucking reader while bald the other mark holds her legs wideeeeee..
and then they take turns..
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lanae111 · 5 days ago
Idgaf. I need them. ALL OF THEM.
All at the same time even. I promise I can do it please—please—please—please-
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 days ago
Hey! I just found your blog and I’m now obsessed with the variant marks! If it’s alright to ask, do you have any HC for them??
Invincible Variants x gn! Reader
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Warnings: pretty marysue, toxic relationship, angst, mentions of canon-typical violence and death
A/N: heya, love! so glad I infected you with the hype ehehe. since you didn't specify what kind of hc's you wanted I just threw in whatever came to mind. 💌
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Omnivincible idolizes his father to an unhealthy degree, but ultimatively if he ever had to decide beween him and you he'd choose the latter.
It was easy for him to get rid of all his friends and allies, hell, even his own mother...but he spared you, unable to imagine a life without you by his side.
He keeps the true nature of your relationship a secret, having convinced the empire that you're merely a slave for his personal entertainment, but he does consider you his legitimate mate. Be ready to get called his 'pet' a lot, but he'd rather have you like this than not at all.
While mostly in denial about all of the obstacles and dangers to this secret affair, he's relentlessly searching for a way to artificially extend your lifespan.
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Movincihawk is one of those people who are somehow stupid and smart at the same time. I bet his father never actually made him see a school from the inside, thinking their inferior human knowledge is beneath them. So while he's a capable fighter and strategist, you somehow have to explain the most trivial concepts to this man - and he's absolutely delighted every time, even though he's too distracted by your beauty to actually listen.
This one is all bark and no bite honestly. He's a bully and loves harmlessly pranking you but if anyone disrespects you in any way they're suffering dire consequences.
Behind closed doors he'd do anything for scraps of your approval really. Out of that very same reason he loves to brag and show off, as well as indulge you in any way he can think of.
Frankly he doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks about his feelings towards you. Not that anyone would dare speaking up anyways.
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I feel like Sinister is a born sociopath, and his universe probably is a tad bit more evil in general. Like there was no major event or anything that led to him being this way, this is just his default.
On the inside he is a deeply insecure person and tries to mask it through his god-complex. Rarely and only subtly he lets his guard down around you, just to become ten times worse afterwards, to compensate having shown weakness.
His fixation on you began when you dared standing up to him, unafraid despite being like a bug he could crush under his boot any given time. This fascination made him keep you alive long enough to develop romantic feelings for you, however he is still in denial about them.
Emotions in general are a foreign concept to him, so he keeps telling himself you're just a fleeting pastime. Even you are not safe from his sadistic tendencies, especially since he revels in trying to scare you away and knowing you'll always come back to him eventually.
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The immense arrogance of Target/Striped Mark stems from him being raised 'for greatness' from the very beginning. He spent his entire childhood secluded from any civilization, alienating him from earth's inhabitants.
Back during his teenage years, after his powers awakened, he gave in to his curiosity and explored the planet and their people incognito, meeting you by sheer coincidence. Although his upbringing had indoctrinated him to believe you to be a lowlife, he felt drawn to you again and again.
When you found out about his true nature, he didn't leave you any choice and instead abducted you directly. He is a very strict man and has high expectations not only in himself and his subjects, but especially in you. And even though he has a soft spot for you, you better not disappoint him.
Fun fact: Him shouting so much does in fact not stem from his obvious anger issues, but rather a training injury that left his hearing permanently impaired.
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No Goggles Invincible was probably raised the most merciless, being tormented both emotionally and physically from a very early age. This caused his mind to break at some point, which is the reason he's acting even more unhinged than the others.
In his dimension Debbie sided with her husband, and Mark greatly blamed her for not having protected him from Omni-man's abuse, ending up in him ultimatively killing both of his parents. So it's no wonder he has major trust issues, trying to control you through fear. Prepare for mood swings, regular break downs of his and random loyalty tests.
Due to his hardly contained sadistic site, he has a hard time restraining himself from harming you. On the other hand he also greatly enjoys you inflicting pain on him in any way possible. Sadly this is the only form of closeness he's used to, and being treated tenderly is actually frightening to him.
Once he almost killed you in a violent fit of rage and this mistake haunts him to this day. Ever since he's terrified of touching you.
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Viltrumite Invincible got abducted by Nolan shortly after birth and was raised among his people, only returning decades later to finish what his father started.
And just like the main timeline Nolan, he folded like a lawnchair after crossing paths with you. It was love at first sight really, and being subjected to true affection that was frowned upon in his culture was just the nail that sealed the coffin of the empire.
Several times he had tried to regain his focus, coming with the intent to kill you for distracting him from his goal, and yet much to his frustration he could never bring himself to do so. The last time he tried he ended up asking for your hand in marriage.
Unlike his father however he confessed the truth to you way earlier, claiming that meeting you made him reevalue everything he was ever taught.
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Prisoner Invincible got his scars as a punishment for rebeling against the Viltrum empire and trying to take over their reign. Actually they intended to rehabilitate him out of sheer desperation for their population was dwindling, but he couldn't care less.
Unlike the other variants who joined their father since it's the path of least resistance, he refused to after being told you wouldn't be allowed to be together. He is as much of a dangerous and ruthless individual as his counterparts, but he always remained loyal to you. It was the two of you against the rest of the universe, quite literally.
Even after finally being reunited with you his disfigurement never really bothered him, since the bond you two shared exceeded anything else.
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The most similar to the original Mark would be Unmasked Mark, at least in the beginning. Yet he soon realized that any resistance to the power of Viltrum was useless, so he just gave in to his fate and worked for a cause he deeply despised.
Even after his betrayal and you ending up joining the resistance you'll find yourself entangled with each other every time you'd clash. Until the very end you believed that he'd have a change of heart, never stopping to treat him with kindness despite being on different sites of the battle.
Over time he became so immeasurably hopeless and full of self-loathing that he killed you as an act of mercy, in order to spare you a gruesome death during their explotation of the planet.
He still listens to your old voicemails, it's the only way he can find some sleep.
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Fully Masked Invincible is the most sensitive of the lot but far from innocent either. He took the risk and tried to stop Viltrum from the inside, but their influence slowly but steadily corrupted him from the inside. And the less human he felt, the more he feared he wasn't worthy of your love anymore.
Viltrum considered his sentiments for you a flaw, and even though he ended the relationship to keep you out of harm's way, they got rid of you so you couldn't intervene with their soldier any further. He blamed himself for not having been there to defend you, haunted by nightmares of how he held your limp body as life left your eyes.
He was never able to fill the void in his heart, and with nothing else to live for he continued to work for the empire, growing callous to all of the carnage around him as everything seemed pointless without you.
Shall he succeed to get another version of you back with him, he's awfully overprotective, the mere thought of losing you again making him paranoid. Expect anything from constant surveilance over being imprisoned and even people close to you getting murdered 'for your own good'.
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earlgreylatte · 2 days ago
Variant Madness
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You thought he was your Mark.
Omni Mark and Shiesty Mark 2V1 you.
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Breathing in, you savour the fresh air of the mountain trail you find yourself on. You had visited years ago, but you decided to come again to enjoy the scenery. Maybe you could find a cool rock for Mark and Oliver, too.
You hope things are peaceful for them too, but even if there is another threat that needs to be taken care of, you’re sure Mark would be able to come find you easily enough.
You feel a bit pathetic that you already miss him, even though you’re going to see him in a couple of hours. You suddenly find yourself understanding Debbie’s usual amusement when she watched you two. You really acted like a lovesick puppy, sometimes.
Feeling your phone buzz from your pocket, you fumble for a second as you’re broken from your thoughts, rooting through your jacket to find it. Just as your fingers begin to pull it out a sudden rush of air hits you from behind, your jacket’s hood suddenly pushed over your head as you drop your phone onto the soil as dirt is kicked up into the air.
You whip around, to find…Mark? He was still wearing his black and blue suit, but his entire head was now covered, making him look a little intimidating, with his mouth and hair covered.
He stares at you wordlessly.
“Were you in that much of a rush to show me your new costume? I mean, you just got a new one from Art just a couple of months ago,” you speak up, rubbing the dirt out of your eyes, “Honestly, you could have caused a dirt storm or something…”
He breathes out your name.
You tilt your head, “Is something wrong? Did something happen? Are Debbie and Oliver okay—!?”
Your worrying is cut off when within an instant he has you crushed to his chest, arms locked around you as he buried his head against your neck.
“I just really missed you,” he whispers.
Looks like he’s a lovesick puppy, too.
You can’t hold back a dopey smile, “I missed you too.”
You jolt in his arms when you realize your phone is still vibrating; a redial, so possibly urgent.
“Mark, my phone—“
You’re interrupted again when he pivots you so your back hits a nearby tree, his mask rolled up enough to reveal his mouth which soon presses against yours.
Anything you wanted to say is forgotten as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into your mouth as his hands plant themselves to your waist as he places a knee in between your legs.
He moves from your lips to your neck, pressing adoring kisses against your pulse point before helping you shrug off your jacket, letting it to the ground as his hands slide under your shirt, gloved fingers brushing against your ribcage.
“Mark,” you breathe, heart swelling at the sweet intimacy he was more than willing to give you.
Your attention is broken again when you notice your phone is still ringing, your gaze sliding from the man nestled against you to the forest floor where your phone laid.
Your body stiffens.
The caller ID illuminating your phone was one you could recognize even from afar just from the amount of heart emojis you set for…your boyfriend.
The boyfriend that was currently with you.
Whose grip on you begins to tighten as your heart starts to hammer in your chest.
You shakily bring up your hands to hook your fingers beneath his mask, slowly pulling it up as he remains as still as a statue. The face is familiar, if not a little more worn, but the brown eyes you held so dear were now filled with a sadness deep enough to drown you.
This wasn’t your Mark.
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Mark was definitely lucky he was attractive, you decide.
If he wasn’t, you definitely wouldn’t have tolerated the sheer annoyance his two variants were causing you.
“Were you a virgin or something until now? Because you fuck like a noob,” A Mark with a wild rag mask laughed as the one that was dressed like Omni Man 2.0 pounded into you, your back pressed against an alleyway wall, the area long deserted from the destruction the two men unleashed on the city.
“I doubt you even know what you’re talking about, with how you talk like a preteen boy,” The red and white Mark huffs, tone passive enough that you’d think he didn’t care about his copy’s words if not for his pace speeding up and his thrusts going deeper and deeper until your voice reaches a new octave.
The other Mark scoffs, “Well, not that she minds, already looks cockdrunk off your tiny dick. Hey, sweetheart, bet I can take you to heaven and back with one stroke.”
“I will kill you.” The Mark fucking into you, tightens his grip, turning to death stare the now laughing Invincible.
“Aww, is daddy mad? Scared she’s going to want to run away with me once I slip my dick in her?”
You can’t believe you have to orgasm while listening to their dumbass argument…
“Hey, if you’re going to hog her pussy, at least move her so I can put that mouth to use—“
Annoying people really shouldn’t be so hot.
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The invincible tag is so good rn, I’m actually in tears…
Decided to do a 2in1 special because people really want me to make a part two of that other variant post…it will come…
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nightwingsjockstrap · 7 days ago
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Jason Todd x Invincible by Loskiart on Twitter
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angel-bitch-boy · 2 days ago
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Fun thing I made for the GC
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wordsofwhimsy · 3 days ago
𝙀𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙔𝙤𝙪 - Pt. 2
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【A/N】 ⦂ I am not even gonna lie to y’all… I am really excited about this fic lmaoo. I love the direction it’s heading in and feel soo inspired writing it. More to come! Also as a reminder I'm not specific with what variant this is so you can fill in the details at your own discretion. ALSO I have not read the comics!!! So I am definitely taking liberties here - apologies for anything that seems OOC. But I mean, this is an AU Mark so how OOC can he be? Lastly this wasn't proofread! Too eager to put it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
【PAIRING】 ⦂ Variant!Mark Grayson x Reader
【WARNINGS】 ⦂ Possessive behavior, talk of violence
→【Part One】←
The shock of the kiss still hung in the air, a lingering tension that seemed to buzz between you both. Your lips felt warm, a stark contrast to the cold weight of his hands still holding you at arm’s length.
Mark pulled away slowly, his smirk spreading across his face like he knew exactly what you were thinking, what you were feeling.  His eyes—dark, predatory—tracked your every movement, as if he were savoring the discomfort you were trying so hard to hide.
“Didn’t see that coming, did you?” His voice was low, smooth, and almost... satisfied.
You didn’t know what to say.  The confusion inside of you was suffocating, your heart still racing from the intensity of the kiss, but also from the raw audacity of it.  You had a thousand questions spinning in your mind, but none of them seemed to form into words.  Your hands instinctively pressed to your lips, almost as if you could wipe away the sensation of him still lingering on your skin.
Mark didn’t give you the space to collect yourself, taking a step closer, his eyes gleaming with amusement at the way you still stood there, stunned.  He could feel your discomfort, and it thrilled him.
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,” he teased, his lips curling up into a grin that sent a shiver down your spine. “You tasted it. I could see it in your eyes. Maybe you didn’t want it, but you liked it.”
Your chest tightened as you took a half-step back.  “I don’t know what the hell you’re doing, Mark,” you said, your voice shaking with both anger and disbelief.  “This isn’t... this isn’t how you act.”
“Oh, but it is,” he countered, his voice growing softer, but the edge was sharp enough to cut through the air between you. “Not the other Mark.  Not the one you know.  But this Mark?  The one who rules everything?  This is who I am now.”
He took another step closer, closing the space between you with an almost casual ease.  You wanted to pull away, to create some distance, but your feet felt rooted to the floor as if his presence alone had a magnetic pull on you.
“You’re so much more fun when you’re not pretending to be in control,” Mark murmured, his voice now a little deeper, more commanding. His hand reached out, almost gently, to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear, but the gesture felt anything but tender.  It was possessive, a quiet assertion of dominance.  “It’s cute, you know. The way you’re pretending like I haven’t already got you wrapped around my finger.”
You flinched at the touch, but he didn’t back off.  If anything, his smirk widened, and there was a dark satisfaction in his eyes.  “You’re not going to push me away,” he continued, his tone light, almost like he was savoring the power he had over you.  “You want this, even if you don’t know it.”
Mark’s eyes glinted as he stepped back, circling you slowly, like a predator toying with its prey.  “I know you’re confused. Hell, I know you probably hate me right now. But here’s the thing…” He leaned in close again, his breath warm against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.  “You don’t have to like it right away. You just have to accept it.”
Your mind raced, trying to make sense of his words.  Trying to force yourself to think straight when all you could focus on was the way he made you feel—uneasy, exposed, and yet, there was something else.  Something darkly thrilling that you couldn’t quite shake.  You wanted to turn away, to push him away, but every time you tried, you were met with that same confidence in his eyes—the certainty that he was in control.
“Y-you don’t control me,” you whispered, the words barely escaping your throat.
Mark chuckled darkly.  “You already belong to me. Whether you know it or not.”
He was so sure of it, so smug in the way he spoke, like he had already won some kind of silent battle.  The realization hit you like a wave, crashing against your ribs.  You were trapped in this game of his making, and he was relishing every moment of it.
“Here’s the thing,” he continued, his voice now turning slightly more serious. “I could have taken what I wanted from you already.  Hell, I could take it whenever I want.  But I haven’t.  You want to know why?”
You didn’t answer, but he could hear your heart beat faster at the question.
“Because I want you to want me too,” he said, his voice almost purring now. “And I’m patient.  I’ll make you see that this—” He gestured between you, “—is where you belong.  I’ll make sure of it.”
For a moment, you stood there, caught in the suffocating intensity of his gaze.  There was no room for doubt in his words—no room for negotiation.  He wasn’t asking for permission.  He wasn’t giving you the space to choose.  And yet, there was something unsettlingly magnetic about the way he carried himself.
Mark glances over his shoulder toward the quiet town, then back at you, his smirk shifting into something more strained.  “There’s a place. You’ll be safe there. For now.”
Before you can process, Mark takes your hand, his grip firm, his touch sending a jolt through you. “Come on, we’ll talk more when we’re alone,” he says, almost casually.  He starts to lead you down the path away from the town, the sun starting to dip beneath the horizon, casting long shadows across the ground.
Without having much choice in the matter you follow, wondering just what kind of explanation you were about to get—and whether or not you truly wanted to hear it.  Eventually you find yourself standing in front of the old abandoned factory.
The warehouse door creaks as Mark pushes it open, the sound of the hinges groaning against years of neglect.  It’s dimly lit, with the last slivers of sunlight struggling to reach the floor through cracks in the walls.  Inside, the air smells of dust and forgotten things.
Mark doesn’t say much, his grip still tight on your hand as he leads you deeper into the shadows of the large, empty space.  The silence feels heavy, oppressive—like something waiting to happen.  Finally releasing his hold on you he leaned back against a stack of crates, his arms crossed, watching you with an intensity that made you feel like you were being sized up, evaluated.  You stood in front of him, still trying to process everything—the kiss, the way he’d taken control, the questions swirling around in your mind.  
“You’re still trying to piece it together, aren’t you?” he said, voice a little more amused now, as if he could already predict your next move. “You don’t get it yet.  You don’t understand why I’m so different from the Mark you know.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Different?  You’re... you’re nothing like the Mark I know—and I barely know him.”
He smirked, pushing off the crates and taking a step toward you, but not too close.  Just enough to make you feel his presence, to remind you of how easily he could control the space between you. “I know.  It’s funny, really.  You’re standing here, trying to figure me out, but you’re so far from the truth it’s almost... charming.”
You clenched your fists, feeling a surge of anger. “What are you talking about?”
Mark’s expression softened, just slightly, like he was about to tell you something profound. “I’m not from this universe.  Not like you.  I’m from a different one.  A parallel universe, to be precise.” His voice was cool, almost detached as he spoke. “I’m sure you’ve heard the theory before.  Alternate realities, alternate versions of ourselves, different timelines.  But this?  This is real.”
Your stomach twisted at the implications of his words. “You’re saying... you’re not really him?”
“No,” Mark replied, his voice almost wistful. “Not in the way you think.  I’m still me—at least, in the way that matters.  But in my world, I’m... different.  Stronger.  I didn’t grow up in your little world.  I wasn’t held back by rules or morals.  In my universe, I’ve taken control.  I’ve conquered everything. I’ve made it my own.”
You stepped back, the shock of his words hitting you like a punch to the gut. “You’ve... conquered the world?” The thought of him being stronger than the Invincible you knew seemed impossible.
Mark nodded, his gaze unwavering. “In my world, everyone answers to me.  Everything revolves around me.  But here?  It’s different.  This world—this version of Earth—it’s still weak.  It’s going to fall apart soon.  No one here is strong enough to stop it.  To stop the destruction coming for it.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and your breath caught in your throat. “What are you saying? That you’re... here to fix it?  To make it like your world?”
He stepped closer, his voice low now, tinged with something almost... desperate. “I’m here to make sure you understand.  That you don’t just stand by and let yourself die in this world. I’m here because, in my universe, you—” He hesitated, just for a moment, but then the words slipped out. “You were mine. You were the one I could count on.  You were the one who understood me.”
Your confusion deepened, a flood of questions tumbling out of your mouth. “But—why?  You said it yourself that that version is not me—it’s someone else.  So why are you doing this?  Why not just leave me in peace?”
Mark let out a slow, amused chuckle, shaking his head. “You really don’t get it, do you?  I’m not just here for you because of some twisted nostalgia.  No.” His tone darkened again, becoming more intense, more controlling. “I’m here because I need you.  You’re the one thing that’s missing from my universe.  You are the key to everything.  In my world, you’re the one person who could stop me.  But I need you to see it for yourself.  I need you to understand that what we had... what we could have... it’s the only thing that matters.”
Your eyes widened, and your voice trembling as you tried to process his words. “I don’t understand... you’re talking about me being with you in your world?”
Mark took a step closer, his hand lightly brushing against your arm, sending a shiver down your spine. “That’s exactly right.  This world is on the brink of collapse, and your fate is sealed unless you come with me.  In my universe, I ruled everything—but I was empty.  You were the one who gave me meaning, who made me feel something other than control.  I need you back.”
Your breath caught in your throat, but there was a part of you that was drawn to him, despite yourself. Why were you still listening? Why weren’t you running?
Mark smiled darkly, as if he could read your thoughts. “I know it’s a lot to take in.  But you’ll understand soon enough.”
“What happened to the me in your universe?” you ask, your voice quiet, unsure of what to expect.  Your heart was still racing, the adrenaline from earlier not yet having faded.
Mark doesn’t immediately answer.  Instead, he looks around, his eyes lingering on the crumbling walls and broken windows.  There’s something almost wistful in his gaze.
“This place,” he finally murmurs, almost to himself. “It’s where things changed for me.” His voice is strangely flat, but there’s a subtle weight behind the words.
You feel a chill run down your spine. “What are you talking about?”
Mark’s jaw tightened as if he was reliving something painful.  For a moment, his usual confident demeanor cracks, revealing a flicker of something darker, a vulnerability that was buried beneath the layers of control he’d built around himself.
He stepped closer, his eyes not quite meeting yours, but his presence unmistakable.  There was a heaviness in the air now—something that felt like it was about to crush you from lack of understanding.
“This is where it happened,” he says quietly, his voice low but edged with bitterness.
You blink, confused. “Where what happened?”
Mark’s lips curl into a thin, almost pained smile, though it’s empty, like it has been worn too many times. He gestures to the space around you—the cold, abandoned warehouse with the dark shadows and faded walls.
“This is where you died in my universe.  Right here.  This place.”
You stare at him, the words hanging in the air like a heavy weight. “What…?” Your voice falters, your heart sinking. “I—died?”
Mark’s eyes meet yours now, his gaze unflinching, but there’s a ghost of something in his eyes. “Yes.  My father killed you.  Right here.  And for me…” He inhales sharply, as if the air itself was too thick to breathe. “That was the moment everything changed.  It wasn’t just the pain of losing you.  It was what it did to me.  I was a different person before that.”
Your mind races as the pieces fall into place.  You can hardly process it, but feel a cold sense of realization creeping in—this moment was the one that had shaped him, the event that tore apart the humanity he once had.  This was the defining moment that turned him into the man he became.
Mark continued, his voice steady, but it’s clear he’s fighting the weight of his past. “My father didn’t just kill you that night.  He broke me.  I was nothing after that.  I tried to move on, but it didn’t matter.  You were gone.  And in that moment, everything that made me human, everything that made me care about anything—it died with you.”
His expression hardened as he took another deep breath. “That’s when I realized that I had to take control.  I had to make sure nothing like that could ever happen again.  No one could ever take anything from me.  No one could ever make me feel like that again. So I… I started my warpath.  I killed, I took what I wanted, and I built my empire.”
There was a long pause.  The silence pressed in on both of you, thick with his admission.  You feel a mix of pity and disbelief, but something else stirred deep inside of you.  You don’t know what to say. How could you?  You were facing a man whose entire existence was shaped by the loss of someone who, in his universe, was so important to him.  Someone who was you. The shock of hearing this leaves you stunned.
“I don’t know what to say…” you started, your voice barely a whisper.
Mark’s face darkens as if he’s bracing himself for your judgment. “I didn’t tell you this for sympathy,” he snapped. “I’m not asking for your forgiveness or your pity.  I’m telling you this because—because I need you to understand.  I’m not the person you think I am.  I’m not that Mark.  I’m not the person who would have loved you without destroying everything else.  I’ve changed, but…”
He trailed off, frustration building in his voice. “But I’m tired of it.  I’m tired of being this person.  I’m tired of pretending this is the only way.  You… you’re the only thing that could ever make me feel different.  You’re the one thing I haven’t destroyed.”
You feel a mix of sympathy and anger—sympathy for the pain he’s endured, and anger at the choices he’s made as a result.  You take a step back, trying to gather your thoughts. “Mark… I don’t know what to say.  I don’t know what you want from me.  But this—this isn't the answer.  You can’t just take control of everything and everyone around you.  You’re not the only one who’s been hurt, you know.”
Mark’s eyes flicker with something almost like vulnerability.  His frustration ebbed, replaced by something more raw. “I know.  I know you’ve been hurt, too.  But everything I’ve done, I’ve done for one reason—to never feel that pain again.  I’m offering you a chance at something more.  I’m not the man you know.  That man—he died here, in this place.  And what’s left... what’s left is a conqueror.  And the truth is for you, you either come with me, or you stay here and die all over again.”
His words swirl in your mind, all the conflicting emotions battling for dominance.  You felt the weight of his gaze, the gravity of the decision, but nothing inside of you felt certain.
“I don’t know,” you whispered, almost to yourself. “I can’t—”
Mark watched you, his expression unreadable, but there’s a flicker in his eyes. The silence stretches on, and in that moment, it felt like the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for your choice.
"You don’t have to choose," he said suddenly, his voice soft but dangerous. “You already made your decision, in my world—your decision to be mine.”
The air shifts, thickening with the pressure of his words. He steps closer, but this time, there's no teasing, no playful flirty tone—just cold certainty. “You don’t see it yet, but this is the only way.  You think there’s something here worth living for, but this world? It’s already lost.”
Before you can respond, the air around you ripples. The ground vibrated beneath your feet, and an intense light blazed through the shadows of the warehouse.  A swirling, pulsing portal begins to open before them—a rip in the fabric of space, shimmering with the promise of another world.
An amused, twisted smirk pulled at Mark’s lips.  “Well that was good timing.  I guess old Angstrom is sending me home.  I suppose I didn’t do my job good enough for him.”  Your breath catches in your throat as the sight of the portal becomes more real.  The decision is almost physically before you now.  You look between Mark and the swirling vortex, panic rising in her chest. “No, wait—Mark, please! I—”
But before you can finish your sentence, Mark’s hands are on you, pulling you towards him with an almost suffocating force. His grip is firm and unwavering as he holds your against his chest, locking you in place.
“Stop,” he says, his tone surprisingly gentle but commanding. “I don’t have time for you to second-guess this.  I’m not letting you waste your life on this dying world.”
You feel the cold edge of his words sink in, and before you can protest, the air around you cracks with an unnatural sound.  The portal pulsates, growing wider, threatening to consume everything.
Mark doesn’t wait for you to agree.  He doesn’t give you a choice.
He steps backward into the portal, pulling you with him, your feet slipping as the ground seems to disappear beneath you.  In the blink of an eye, everything you knew—the quiet town, the dilapidated warehouse—vanished, replaced by a blur of shifting colors, the world around you twisting and distorting.
And just like that, your world was gone.
【Part Three】
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tacnyanlol · 7 days ago
Hey guys, you guys could start writing a fanfic about this variant of Mark and William, right? (It was confirmed that this variant is gay.) If you already have one, tell me the names. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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