#someone pls hit me with a brick so i can pass out
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faun-writes · 1 day ago
sorry to my lzard baby the lights are off early tonight bc I'm battlong demons and the light is my enemy
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iho6hi2 · 9 months ago
Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Matsuno Karamatsu/F! Reader
Summary: Getting kisses from a hot lady? Karamatsu would love that. Almost getting ran over by a hot lady? Not exactly on his bucket list, but Karamatsu checks it regardless.
Warnings: Near Death Experiences, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Light Angst, Drinking, Getting to Know Each Other, Feel-Good, Ridiculous
Word Count: 8,037
A/N: MY HOMESLICE 🧀🧀 Karamatsu deserves someone he can be a flop with T__T BTW Im so insecure about this so pls either give me a 10 page essay on why this sucked or one 'this was cool Lol' otherwise ill kms
Karamatsu ambles near the bridge, his usual hotspot for courting women in this cruel game life likes to call love; or more accurately the place where he stands still like a traffic sign with the hopes of someone giving him the time of day for once (huge spoiler alert: nobody does, as expected).
He chuckles, feigning smug amusement as he runs a hand through his hair in one smooth motion. "The stars must not favor me today, for all of my Karamatsu girls are nowhere to be seen. Heh, if that is the fate of a sinful man, I shall accept it and retreat with peace.''
The looks passersby shoot him border on mentally perturbed and downright horrified, because who the hell monologues atrocities like these out loud? Without being under the influence of something, nonetheless.
With that declaration out of the way, Karamatsu straightens up and decides to head home for the day, deeming it appropriate. What with his love endeavors turning out to be unsuccessful once again, also to no one's big surprise really.
On his way home, whenever the opportunity presents itself, he stops to window-shop every time he passes by a fashion boutique and admires clothes his broke bum probably couldn't afford.
Of course, he attempts not to appear interested, and instead only crosses his arms critically and gives the mannequins clad in clothing the stink eye (even if he's wearing shades of all things) while the workers glance at him warily through the window.
Before another demented sentence is said, suddenly all chaos breaks loose and there are people yelling and instantly he's all too aware of the motorcycle nearing him with each passing second. Karamatsu shrieks so loud he's sure everyone from the next town over had heard him.
"Get out of the way!" The biker shouts and waves a hand to the side for emphasis, and he feels like a fly being swatted away, but even if Karamatsu wanted to move it's almost as if his legs are rooted to the ground.
A wave of panic washes over him and strangely enough there was still enough time for dread to settle in the depths of his stomach. Even if it may be cliché, his life does end up flashing before his eyes - and it's just plain sad how fucking boring it is.
"Get out of the way," you repeat, though you sound more adamant, your tone coated with a sense of urgency.
Ahhh, Mommy! I'll die a virgin, I'll die a loser! Karamatsu cries in his mind. If I survive, I'll get a job, I swear! I'll even stop talking in English, just please! He pleads mentally, to whom is unknown.
Suddenly, you remember that brakes exist and you swerve with such mastery you weren't even aware you possessed up until now, coming to an abrupt stop right in front of your spared victim, tires screeching harshly against the pavement. Karamatsu deadpans, God had a real sense of humor.
He's still frozen in place, barely containing the natural instinct to piss himself. Though he's also pretty sure the urge to urinate will hit him like a shit ton of bricks post-shock.
Fortunately, he's not Ichimatsu and so he doesn't shit himself in front of the cute girl getting off of the motorcycle, even if she barely missed out on becoming his murderer.
You approach him cautiously, expecting the berating of a lifetime. Though judging by his state - him shaking like a leaf despite his thick leather jacket, also not to mention the buckets worth of sweat rolling off him -, you doubt you'll get an earful.
"Are you okay?'' Obviously, he's not. ''You're not hurt or anything, right?''
Karamatsu shakes his head timidly despite not even listening to a word you said. Then, he gulps and raises a trembling hand to his face, lowering his sunglasses just a smidge to take a good peek at you. ''H-Heh, you have, um, nothing to worry about my dear Karamatsu girl..."
You do your best to smile at him in response, but the need to physically recoil is understandably strong. ''Oh, uh, that's good to hear. I'm sorry for, you know, almost killing you and giving you a fright... It happens a lot for some reason.''
You need to get your license revoked, Karamatsu's eye twitches but he smirks regardless, willing to disregard everything that had occurred just because you were one hot lady. Plus, he is a gentleman, if nothing else.
''As if! You have no reason to fret, mon amour. The thrill of living or dying, chasing that high is what makes or breaks a man! Such a thing couldn't possibly scare me."
''Are you sure? 'Cause I'm certain I heard you scream,'' you grin with more teeth than you should. It'd be such a pleasure to knock him down a couple of notches, you think.
''T-T-That was most definitely not a scream, my darling, I assure you! It was but a noise of excitement at the divine gamble, ahahaha, that's all!'' Karamatsu stutters, stumbling over his words.
You blink, positively unimpressed. "You were excited to get ran over?"
After that, an uncomfortable silence stretches between the two of you. You're pulled into reality by the fact that just about anyone could see your number plate, so it was time to leave and flee the supposed crime scene. You're not getting fined for this, hell no. If anything, you're the one who's in desperate need of reparations after this degenerate conversation.
You mount your motorcycle again and look at him with an almost impish smile, ''You have weird tastes, man." And with that last comment, you're gone in the same breath, leaving behind only a cartoonish dust cloud.
Karamatsu's legs give out and he collapses, falling to his knees. Nobody helps him up.
Karamatsu doesn't really visit clubs often. Going by himself makes him feel strangely out of place, going with his brothers makes him feel like a circus attraction, though it's not like it has ever bothered him before.
He would usually lie through his teeth and strive to come off as unbothered and remarkably experienced; a well-seasoned veteran among premature ejaculators, but crowded places like these aren't his scene, at all. Never really have been in the first place.
Perhaps that's why he thinks he doesn't belong here as he observes the rest of the partygoers live it up on the dancefloor while babysitting his beer, one sip at a time.
The music isn't even good, Karamatsu frowns and pinches his eyebrows together, deep in thought. Man, did this place fucking suck. How much did they have to cough up in order for others to rate it a 4-star club?
Well, he supposes it doesn't really matter in the end. As long as the booze's good, that's all he needs to forget this horrible day. A 'nice' hangover is all it takes to wipe his memories clean, which isn't much to brag about.
''Oh, it's you!'' Someone exclaims and he whips his head forward before spitting out his alcohol. What are the odds? You point at him, just as shocked as him at this turn of events, ''Mr. Painful!''
Karamatsu chuckles, raising his glass full of beer as a greeting. ''Madame. Charmed to see you here.''
You roll your eyes but that doesn't hinder you from grinning back at him, ''Oh, the pleasure is all mine, trust me.''
''I would hope so. What are the chances of our paths crossing once more? It leads me to believe that this is no chance encounter. Hmph, why it must be fate.'' Karamatsu blabbers on, implementing wild gestures into his dialogue, takes his sunglasses off and his eyes shine with what you presume is a romantic glint.
You cough a little and wipe the bar clean with a towel, ''Yeah, no. I just work here.''
''The universe works in mysterious ways.''
You laugh. ''Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.'' Then, you pat the back of his hand twice. You watch him jump up in surprise and tilt your head to the side, confused.
Karamatsu clutches his hand to his chest, but realizes how fucking ridiculous he must look and simply clears his throat with that same proud expression.
You squint your eyes. ''You're not sick, are you?''
Karamatsu hurries to shake his head, which did nothing but give him a sense of déjà vu. ''N-Non, non! Don't worry your pretty little head over my health, angel. I'm nothing else if not alright, haha.''
You narrow your eyes at him further.
His hands are bundled over his crotch and he has one leg crossed over the other and if Twitter had taught you anything useful at all, it would mean that these are early signs of cock shame. And all of his prior mannerisms, could it be that he is... ''A virgin?''
You did not mean to say that out loud.
Karamatsu's face turns blank for a brief second before he's flapping his hands left and right in firm denial. His face is flushed, panicked, and you swear he's on the brink of tears.
When you said that you wanted to knock him off his high horse, this wasn't what you had in mind, at least not exactly. As a matter of fact, you feel sort of bad for the poor guy.
''Hahaha... What are you talking about, my Karamatsu girl? You should be able to tell by now that a man like me is sought after, which is one of the many punishments I must endure!'' He announces, posing with his index and thumb on his chin, a shaky smile slapped on his sweaty face.
You blink, then prop your elbows on the front bar, lean in and ask, ''And in reality?''
Karamatsu sits back down in his stool, then promptly downs the rest of his beer. ''A jobless virgin who lives in his parents' house.''
You register the somber look in his eyes. You sigh under your breath and open up the fridge, pulling out the same brand of beer he had been drinking until now and pass the bottle to him casually.
Karamatsu looks up at you in disbelief, glancing between you and the bottle of beer frantically. You flick his forehead, ''Drink up, it's on the house just this once.''
Karamatsu stiffens and then smiles gently, rubbing his wet eyes with the sleeve of his jacket, snivelling. ''Thank you, my Karamatsu girl!''
You cross your arms and huff, ''It's [Name]. And besides, I almost ran you over earlier today, it's the least I can do for you.''
''Thank you, [Name].'' Karamatsu parrots himself and happily takes a swig of his new, freshly refilled drink.
You watch him out of the corner of your eye while serving other customers. When a majority of the people disperse, leaving the two of you mostly alone again, you quickly scribble down your number on a napkin.
''Here,'' you call out to him as you hand him the piece of paper. When he shoots you a curious look, you redirect your attention elsewhere in mock embarrassment. ''You seem like fun, let's drink together for realsies next time. My treat.''
Karamatsu gasps, screaming like a banshee with a voice mutation and you think he emotes a strange, outdated gag while leaping ten feet in the air.
His head hits the ceiling but he comes back down just as quick, blood dripping down his face. Planks come crashing down on top of him, somehow on fire, and you clench your jaw. This will definitely be deducted from your paycheck.
Karamatsu wakes up, but he doesn't remember how or when he got home.
He ruffles his hair, only to find his broken shades and several bandages wrapped around his head. He attempts to jog his memory and yet the only thing he's able to recall is slamming face-first into a roof and... And...
He sits up and Olympic dives straight into the couch, barbarically searching for that blessed piece of paper which could very well change the entire trajectory of his life.
When he pulls it out of his leather jacket's pocket, he breathes heavily and fakes a falsetto, opting to roll around on the floor in some sort of wild frenzy.
This is it. I'm finally presented with an opportunity to abandon my virgin ways, Karamatsu thinks with a serious expression, shadows covering his eyes dramatically.
He raises a lone victorious fist in the air, cutting through the Matrix itself. Then, Karamatsu gulps and surveys the area, noticing that the living room is empty, which can only mean one thing. Now is the perfect time to plan a romantic rendezvous with you.
Tip-toeing his way to the hall where the landline is located, Karamatsu muttered curse words whenever the floorboards creaked under his weight.
When he reaches the house phone, he gently unfolds the napkin and smoothes out the wrinkles, then sucks in a deep breath and forces his balls to turn into pure steel.
Dialing your number with practiced caution, he bites his nails and anxiously taps his foot. The longer he waits for you to pick up, the more he loses hope.
Just as he was about to hang up and snap back to his miserable reality, maybe cry for an hour or two, your voice croaks out a, ''Hello, who is this? I can hear you breathing, creep. Helloooo?''
''A-Ah, [Name]! This is, uh, Karamatsu.'' He stutters and twirls his hair around his finger. ''I was pondering over the possibility of us taking a stroll together, bathing in the sun and sharing masterful pastries-"
''A date. You want us to go on a date.''
''Yes,'' Karamatsu admits, or rather embraces the simplified idea of it all. ''It's okay if you don't want to, of course, m'lady! I-I wouldn't force you or anything, it's entirely up to you.''
You pinch your nose on the other line, ''Karamatsu, shut up, 'kay? Yes, I wanna go on a date with you, otherwise I wouldn't have paid for your broke ass last night. Now give me a time and place.''
''You do? You actually want to willingly hang out with me?'' He questions and you can practically smell his meekness and self-doubt oozing out of him even through the phone.
''You're the one who hit up my line first, no takebacks hotshot.'' You say, half-joking.
''Why, yes of course. As expected of my favourite Karamatsu girl!'' My only Karamatsu girl up-to-date. ''Obviously, you desire to spend every waking moment together with me, just as much as I do.''
''Time and place, please and thank you.'' You cut him off mid-effusion.
After arranging the date and going over the details, Karamatsu giddily spins and hugs himself. Then, he slaps his face and nods to no one in particular, as a form of confirmation to his invisible hype men.
Choromatsu stares at him judgementally from the stairway, face twisted in its usual sociopathic manner.
Osomatsu leans over in order to whisper in his ear, "What's up with him? He's acting weirder than usual."
Choromatsu scowls. "I don't wanna know, besides if we show interest that means we're going to have to put up with him."
Osomatsu nods in agreement and rubs under his nose with a finger, "True. It's way too damn early for his theatrics." Then, he throws in his assholish laugh for good measure.
The two of them choose to close their eyes and pretend this never happened in the first place, trudging up the stairs and going right back into their shared room without a care in the world.
You check the time and grimace. He's awfully late for someone who asked you out first. You wouldn't say you're the most punctual person in the world, but even still you decided to get all dolled up and ended up arriving early for a change of pace.
At first, you didn't mind waiting for him. Life happens after all, right? Maybe something came up last minute and he couldn't put it off, but if that were the case he would have informed you beforehand, right? Right?
You feel as though you're a step closer to becoming a wacko, but suddenly shake your head to rid your mind of such thoughts and smile to yourself. He'll show up, you're sure of it.
But after thirty more minutes of this nonsense, you're on the verge of throwing a tantrum and disrupting the public tranquility because you got stood up. What a fucking jerk, you think and puff out your cheeks.
Just as you're about to leave, maybe actually run someone over and kill them to make yourself feel better and perhaps blow all of your money on cheap gigolos, you stop and widen your eyes at the sight that greets you.
There's no mistaking those sequinned pants and shiny cowboy boots. Your date, with his wounds all gone and miraculously healed, saunters over to you like he's a runway model, catwalking with a bit of an attitude as if he didn't keep you waiting for half an hour.
He halts when there's barely any distance between the two of you, takes off his shades and flashes you his pearly whites which emit an ominous sparkle and you're temporarily rendered blind. ''Sorry for the wait.''
You grind your teeth together and force yourself to grin, ''Don't worry about it, but what took you so long.''
Karamatsu nervously chuckles and glances to the side, looking anywhere but you.
How the hell is he supposed to tell you that he spent most of the time hiding and sneaking peeks in your direction, but simply didn't have enough courage to approach you and that it took him at least twenty minutes to muster it? Simple, he won't tell you.
Instead, he strikes a pose under the nonexistent limelight. ''A star like me is obligated to be fashionably late.''
''Well, the star better make sure it doesn't happen again or it'll be one sad day for your fanbase,'' you threaten with an innocent smile, batting your eyelashes.
Karamatsu gulps and nods, but an invisible light bulb turns on above his head and he snaps his fingers. ''Oh, yes! How can I forget? I got a present for you, my Karamatsu girl."
You 'ooh' and 'aah' in curiosity, while he retrieves whatever he brought along with him in the meantime.
When he pulls out a tank top with his face on it, the exact same one he's wearing as well, you don't know what to say in response. In fact, your brain might actually be buffering.
Have we lost the impact of shame in our modern-day society? You think in disdain, fighting off the pain in your ribs.
He blushes and hands it to you nonchalantly, ''Here, wear this so suitors know not to mess with you. Once they see you and I together, matching garments and walking hand in hand, they shall understand who the one true power couple is.''
You blink twice and slowly accept the gift, then without any hesitation whatsoever you put on the tank top and wear it over your clothes. You're in too deep already, anyway.
''Thanks a lot, Karamatsu. I, uh, don't know what to say,'' you fake flattery at his sincere act of courtesy, though you're not necessarily lying either. You genuinely have no idea what to say to this entire ordeal.
''No need to thank me, sunshine.'' He pirouettes in slow motion and when he stops, he stretches his hand out for you to take. There is an aura surrounding you and you can make out dreamy bubbles floating around him. And where did the harp come from? ''Now allow me to whisk you off to paradise.''
You grab his hand and excitedly lead him to your parked motorcycle. ''Great, let's go!'' You pat the pillion and stare at him expectantly.
Upon noticing his silence, you stop ushering him to the seat. ''What's wrong, Karamatsu?''
He scratches his nape and lets his head droop low. ''Is it... Um, do we have to get on top of that...'' He points a weak finger at the bike and trembles. What can he say, he has a fear of motorbikes now.
You pout at his inquiry. ''What, you don't wanna? But I thought you were into stuff like this. Why else would you wear a leather jacket?''
Karamatsu winces and immediately rushes to pacify you. ''No, no! That's not it! I was testing your limits, my dear Karamatsu girl. I apologize if-''
You laugh and place a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. ''I was just kidding, but if you're really scared we don't have to. It's my fault, after all.''
Karamatsu juts his lip and furrows his eyebrows in determination. He draws a breath and wraps his fingers around your wrist with ease, advancing towards the vehicle with you right behind him.
You gaze at him with something akin to awe, or is it incredulity? He plants himself on the seat and looks back to address you.
''A real man knows better than to turn down a lady and disappoint her,'' he states conclusively. You chuckle and follow suit, sitting down on the saddle.
You grip his arms and move them so they're wrapped around your waist. You twist and turn the key and the engine roars to life in one swoop. ''Hold on tight, [Name] boy.'' You tease his way of talking and take off without a second warning.
His head smacks against your back with a rather rough thud and Karamatsu's clasp around your midsection is already tight enough to cut off your air supply. And even if you feel his tears dampening your clothes, you don't comment on it. Instead, you pick up even more speed and in turn, Karamatsu's hug deepens.
''Shouldn't we be wearing safety helmets,'' Karamatsu yells through the lump in his throat, his ears ringing and head spinning.
You shout back at him, ''Who even wears these things nowadays?'' At the lack of your elaboration, he figures you're dead serious and he's petrified all over again.
You laugh maniacally, or at least you do so in his mind, as you go off course, making sharp turns left and right at every corner to wreak havoc on innocent people's lives.
You narrowly dodge two pedestrians and Karamatsu is finally desensitized enough to smile and blush as he takes in the ever-changing view.
There's something sweet in the way you repeat a certain motion whenever you hear him chuckle and cheer, he can't pinpoint if that's the starving desperation that thirsts for touch and companionship or something else entirely.
But then something punctures your tire and he's pulled out of dreamland all at once.
The two of you wobble on the unstable bike for a bit before you pull him by the jacket and jump off the motorcycle, rolling on the ground like you two were in an action movie. The motorcycle continues on its way without your guidance and eventually crashes into a tree, exploding.
A tire with a flame on it flies over your heads and you study the fire, unimpressed with pursed lips. ''Thank god it was a gift from my ex, otherwise I would've been in some deep shit.''
Karamatsu sinks to the ground and curls up in a ball.
You plop your ass on the grass next to Karamatsu, handing him a soda you bought from the convenience store nearby. Karamatsu mutters a small 'thank you' and takes a sip.
The two of you sit in complete silence on the riverbank and you're too abashed to begin talking first, finding the whole outcome to be your fault. You've given this man too many apologies for them to feel truthful at this point. Maybe he should do the most logical thing and start evading you. You deserve it.
Amidst your inner conflict, Karamatsu fixes you with a solemn look and chooses to break the ice. ''[Name], am I ugly?''
Taken aback by the unusual question, you cock your head to the side. ''Huh?''
''Tell me, am I ugly?''
You consider him for a moment longer and then gently cup his face with your hands, inspecting it from every possible angle you could manage.
You narrow your eyes in concentration before ruffling his hair. ''Not at all.''
''Not in the slightest. Well, at least I see the appeal." You shrug noncommittally. ''Why're you asking, though? That pretty much came out of nowhere.''
''Because if I'm not ugly, then why would you want to kill me? Every woman I meet either ignores me, beats me half to death or hates me. Why? Am I really that painful? Is that going to be my fate for the entirety of my life?''
You blink and hum in thought, placing a finger on your chin. ''Very, you're real painful but not enough for me to want to kill you, I guess. I think you just have extremely bad luck.''
Karamatsu frowns and crosses his arms, ''You think so? Is it really just bad luck or is there something bigger at play?''
The two of you ponder over what the real cause of Karamatsu's misfortune may be before your stomachs growl in protest simultaneously.
This seems to revive his alter ego because Karamatsu jolts and he appears pleased, almost as if he had been waiting for this exact same moment. He chuckles and spreads eagle, facing the sun. You're concerned he's going to get a heat stroke.
''It's finally my turn,'' Karamatsu announces, though you're not sure he knows what he's talking about. ''I shall take the princess to an exquisite place, where she can try real fine dining!''
He strokes his imaginary facial hair, winking. Even his eyebrows seem more refined. ''Follow my lead, dove.'' You were going to do just that even without him saying anything, but you salute him regardless.
Even though mere minutes ago it was still sunny, for some reason it's already dark out. You and Karamatsu trek for what must have felt like hours until he stops dead in his tracks. You wonder why until you spot the lonely food stall and smile.
You and Karamatsu make yourselves comfortable on the bench and he greets the owner, ''Yo, Chibita! How's your night been so far?''
It just turned nighttime... You deadpan.
''Y'know, dealing with jackasses of your kind-,'' Chibita scoffs before pausing, turning to you with unblinking eyes. Then, after he's done assessing you, he redirects his attention to Karamatsu. ''You payin' for rental girlfriends again? Get some dignity, man.''
You raise an eyebrow in question, but sneer and hide it with your fist. ''Rental girlfriend? That's a good idea, why didn't I think of that?''
Karamatsu's expression sours. ''[Name] isn't a rental. Besides who are you to talk, Chibimi?''
''Shut up, don't remind me! I was in a dark place, idjit,'' Chibita yells in response and smacks him on the head with a ladle and you watch their antics with a hint of amusement.
''Anyway,'' Karamatsu waves him off, despite the large bump he earned on his forehead. ''Give us the best oden and beer you've got in store, I'll make sure my woman eats right tonight.''
You shudder in surprise as Karamatsu takes your hand into his own, gazing at you with what must be an entire galaxy in his eyes and you wonder where he found those E.T. contact lenses. ''Don't hold back, order whatever your heart desires. It's all on me.''
Chibita complies with the request, serving two portions of oden and the beverages Karamatsu asked for. Though, he can't help but want to sate his curiosity. ''With what money?''
''With the money I exploited from my Mommy,'' Karamatsu boasts like that's something to take immense pride in.
After three to four rounds of drinking and pigging out on Chibita's oden, it was time to wrap up and call it a night.
Karamatsu snakes his hands in his pockets in search of the money he claimed to have, but he freezes as he finds nothing instead. Turning his pockets inside out, a fly flutters out of them and Karamatsu pales.
You seem to get the memo and nod conspiratorially his way.
You square your shoulders as Karamatsu nervously clears his throat. ''Chibita...,'' he begins before throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. ''I'm so sorry, I'll pay you back someday!''
Chibita stands still for a couple of seconds, processing. Afterwards, he lunges over the counter and begins chasing you. ''Damn it, idjit! You promised you'd pay, get back here! Damn it!''
With Chibita hot on your heels, Karamatsu goes through several alleyways as last resort shortcuts, and you come to the conclusion that Chibita is probably really scary if Karamatsu's going through so much trouble just to lose him and shake him off your trail.
"You can put me down now," you grumble and make a face. Karamatsu panics, just now realizing what predicament he had put you in, and sets you down with extra care.
"I apologize for that," he huffs out, attempting to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. You rub his back, acting as his emotional support.
Looking around the vicinity in search for any signs of Chibita, you come up empty. Helping Karamatsu to his feet, you deliver the good news. "He's gone, so you can stop looking constipated."
He sighs, relieved. "Such is the result of an eventful night. However, I will make sure your journey back home is undisturbed."
You shake your head in disagreement and throw an arm around his shoulder. "I think you've had enough, tough guy. Here, how about I take you home?"
Karamatsu seems distraught at the very idea of it, but for your sake he flips his hair and leers. "Your wish is my command."
With his directions, you manage to escort him back to his house safe and sound. Karamatsu opens his mouth to blurt out something, but is caught off guard by the abrupt change in the weather.
You both run with impressive speed under his house's roof to take cover and you deduct that the rain wouldn't be letting up for a while.
"Well, this sucks," you point out the obvious. Karamatsu nods wordlessly.
You think about calling a taxi, but something gets draped over you. You look down and are pleasantly astonished to discover that it's Karamatsu's leather jacket.
Said man is quivering in his flimsy excuse of a tank top, licentiously grinning at you with a very obvious snot bubble emerging out of his nostrils. "C-C-Can't le-let my favorite Karamatsu girl catch a cold." He elaborates for whatever reason.
"Well, I can't keep my favorite [Name] boy out for much longer, either." You give him a brief hug and were about to pull away, but Karamatsu is apparently not done dishing out surprises.
He grips your shoulders with resolve, before leaning in and kissing you on the cheek. It's a quick, demure kiss and if you were to blink, you would've missed it.
Nonplussed by his own boldness, Karamatsu stumbles towards the door with two left feet, barely succeeding in opening it.
"Get back home safely, [Name]!" He bids you farewell in true virgin fashion and slams the door shut in your face. You cackle, violently laughing to yourself and then crack a small smile, pressing a palm to your kissed cheek.
You must look like a fool, standing out in the rain while wearing a loser's clothes, but honestly? You've never felt better after such a tragic date.
You sigh and sling a towel over your shoulder, more than a little happy to finally clock out. Tonight had been particularly busy for some reason and working with a slight hangover was far from ideal, but it wasn't something you couldn't handle.
You dab your fellow bartender up, not even bothering to spare him a glance, and begin packing up your things with fervor.
He issues you a sly wink, ''Going home so soon, [Last Name]?''
Get a clue, wise guy. You internally roll your eyes, but only offer an exhausted smile. ''Not necessarily, got to make a pit stop on the way home.''
Akihito, you remember, folds his hands behind his head, rocking on his heels. ''Paying your boyfriend a visit?'' He hums cheekily.
You blink. ''Huh?''
He gestures towards the paper bag in your hands, which barely concealed the shitty leather jacket you were so generously lent.
You furrow your brows and scratch your cheek with an awkward expression. ''Wouldn't really call him a boyfriend...''
Akihito stretches, whining, ''You can be so cold, y'know. I feel sorry for the poor guy.''
''Another word and I'll really make you sorry.''
Akihito throws up a peace sign, grinning from ear to ear. ''Night, [Last Name]!''
You grumble under your breath and throw the towel on the ground. Akihito hears you say something along the lines of 'thought so' and other such death threats, but he feeds off your negativism. He odiosynthesizes and you know that, which makes you feel better about brushing him off, at least.
The walk to Karamatsu's place is as unmemorable as can be, and while it wouldn't kill you to see him again and chat for a bit, you don't think you'd be able to put up with him for long (or anyone else for that matter). When you spot his house, you brace yourself before sharply knocking on the door.
Well, you were supposed to knock but somehow developing last-minute Spidey senses, Karamatsu tears open the door to his balcony and puts a stop to your supposedly evil schemes. ''Don't'!'' He manages to both whisper and scream at the same time.
''What are you doing here at this hour, angel? Trying to get me crucified, perhaps?'' Karamatsu interrogates you and considering how disheveled his appearance is, you reach the conclusion that his fictional persona is merely an afterthought at the moment. You find a peace of mind at the conjecture.
''I'm just here to return your jacket,'' you say like it was obvious, which it should have been.
''I see.'' He doesn't see jackshit. ''But I cannot help but wonder why you didn't call beforehand. I, too, need my fair share of beauty sleep, sweetheart.''
Your eye twitches and you ball your fists, but remember to count to ten in your head.
''For your information, I called three times but maybe if someone bothered to pick up, I wouldn't be robbing you of your sweet dreams,'' you hiss in reply, proud of yourself for not chucking his damned jacket in the trash can in his presence.
Karamatsu rubs the crust from his eyes, though he does appear sheepish to a degree. ''My sincere apologies.''
You scoff, glad to have come out on top at this pointless back-and-forth.
Karamatsu anxiously chews on his lower lip, trying his best to conjure up a plan that will avoid his certain death at the hands of his brothers. Not even for waking them up at three in the morning, but for the mere fact that he was 'romancing' a hot chick.
Then he grins and looks down at you like a mad genius. He couldn't be further from the word.
''Climb up and join me on the roof, [Name],'' he suggests and acts as if it was a perfectly reasonable demand.
You undeliberately blank out for a second before chuckling lowly and nodding in understanding. ''I get it now. You're actually fucking nuts and escaped from a correctional facility.''
Look who's talking, Karamatsu wants to retort but he keeps it to himself. He beckons you over encouragingly, ''Please, [Name] dearest. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be your guardian angel.''
You're acutely aware that something will definitely happen, so you only click your tongue, still apprehensive about the proposition.
Karamatsu continues to stare at you with that tender smile, though it's different this time. His hair is sticking out in different directions, ungroomed. His eyes are heavy, bloodshot and sleep still clings to him as he staggers slightly in his step. But he's smiling at you, it's real.
You put aside your concerns for now and exhale slowly, biting the handles of your paper bag.
You jump and grab a hold of the portico, flailing your legs to help stabilize yourself. Your fingers burn because this is the most physically exerting thing you've done in your life thus far.
You push yourself up on the portico and, just like a mollusk, inch forward bit by bit. Karamatsu tries his hardest not to laugh at your misery, but he's unable to take you seriously. You're moving slower than an old man with two broken legs, plus you look like you have a stick shoved up your ass.
Once you're a safe distance away from the edge, you extend your arms and Karamatsu takes this as his cue to act and be useful.
He grabs your hands and hauls you up on the balcony, but this quest is not over just yet. You have to conquer the final boss; the rooftop.
''I have an idea,'' you both blurt out at random. You don't care much about that, but Karamatsu is over the moon at the perfect synchronization.
Coincidence or not, the two of you end up cooking up the same strategy.
You get on top of Karamatsu's shoulders and with the sudden added height, reaching the roof is a piece of cake. After settling your ass down on the tiles, you grit your teeth and clasp hands with him for the umpteenth time, having him work his way up as well.
With a heave-ho, Karamatsu is free to lie down beside you.
You're hit with a much needed reality check. All of this over a second-hand jacket? Unbelievable.
Tossing the paper bag on his lap carelessly, you scowl. ''You're welcome, asshole.''
''C-Come on, my dear Karamatsu girl. It wasn't that bad, right?''
''Speak for yourself...''
Karamatsu props up his elbows, craning his head up just enough to be able to see you. ''It's such a shame, however. The view from here is perfect, all that's missing is my guitar. Too bad my precious brothers are sleeping soundly.''
''Yeah, about that. I don't know what any of your brothers have to do with this, 'cause whatever the fuck this was could've been easily prevented.'' You cross your arms and turn away from him, establishing a decent amount of room between the two of you.
''You wouldn't understand, darling. Yes, even if I did give you an explanation.'' He responds, and you feel as though he was reading your mind. You shiver at the sheer thought.
The two of you don't indulge in idle chatter afterwards since you're too busy looking back on all of your previous life decisions, trying to figure out what led you to go down such paths. Karamatsu, on the other hand, is gliding himself closer to you.
You notice his ventures and decide to cut him some slack. You shift, erasing the previous space you set and move a hand to place on his shoulder. He hiccups at the touch and begins stammering, playing with his fingers. ''Hahaha... your eyes shine so brightly under the moon's glow.''
You shush him, still not in the mood to listen to his poetic nonsense and bullshit of similar nature.
The two of you stare each other down and Karamatsu does his best to put up a brave front, but you're not blind and you see the way he peers at you from under his lashes, sweating like a musclehead.
Before things could escalate any further, which you doubt is something that would have happened considering who exactly you're dealing with, the both of you slip off the edge.
You're falling and Karamatsu is too, and while you're mostly accepting of the scenario, he isn't. You're more surprised at the fact that this man-child's shrill wails aren't waking up the entire neighbourhood, though they're probably accustomed to these kinds of phenomena by now.
In order to break your fall, Karamatsu adjusts mid-air so as to be under you. He shoves your face into his chest, embracing you but his actions prove to be the wrong move as they merely speed up the process of nosediving into the concrete.
The two of you flop like prepped meatballs on a grill, a sinistrous thump resonating at the dead of night.
You briefly register the sizzling elbow pain you've obtained and Karamatsu's jaw headbutting you at the last second, but other than that you took it pretty well - all thanks to Karamatsu's interference. Perhaps chivalry isn't dead?
While you got out of this with barely any injuries, just small scratches, the same couldn't be said for Karamatsu, who was currently experiencing concussions.
You pat his chest lightly to snatch up his attention. Karamatsu groans, seeing stars floating above him. You make yourself comfortable despite the joint strains, snuggling up to him. ''I'm egging your house soon, be aware.''
He passes out before he could formulate a coherent reply.
You haven't seen neither hide nor hair of Karamatsu ever since the rooftop fiasco. And you don't want to sound needy, or downright crazy for that matter, but you miss the man with horrible pick-up lines and over-the-top attitude. Him and his awful sense of fashion, not to mention the strong cologne.
Perhaps you've been infected with some new kind of mental illness, one so new and fresh out of the oven it has yet to be diagnosed by teenage girls with too much free time on their hands.
First, you visit Chibita for any sort of intel he might possess.
''Karamatsu? Sorry, him and his brothers hadn't stopped by as of recent.'' He shrugs apologetically and whips out oden skewers, serving them to you.
You nod and grin at him in understanding, paying for the food before scurrying away on a full stomach.
Next, you consider what other options you have at your disposal. Calling him has proven to be absolutely useless and you're not sure if paying his house a visit would be a good idea, given how worked up he got over such a possibility last time.
You search far and wide, in every nook and cranny, not leaving a single stone unturned. But alas, no dice. Not a trace of him anywhere and you speculate the probability of him glitching into The Backrooms.
You're about to give up, hunting Karamatsu for sport and worrying about him won't do you any good.
You're not getting paid for this, you also don't know him all too well to be actively seeking him out. His dramatic temperament has rubbed off on you, but you're ready to wash it off.
See if I care, you huff and kick a stray can in your way. You're aware of how childishly you're behaving, but you bluff fake indifference as if anyone would be stupid enough to believe you.
You stomp angrily and punt another can with your foot, but accidentally hit someone when doing so.
You flinch and prepare to half-ass an apology before realizing you hit the man you've been getting grey hairs over.
''Karamatsu?'' You blink and crouch down to shake him by the shoulders. ''Hey, what's wrong?''
Karamatsu weakly smiles and shuffles away, offering you a seat next to him on the curb.
You frown, ''Seriously, what happened?''
Karamatsu laughs, manspreading. ''I'm grateful for your concern, but it's... Well, it's simply a foolish thing to be upset about.''
''If it upset you, then it's not dumb.'' You respond, reassuring him to the best of your ability. ''Now, spill the beans.''
''I've been thinking about my personality, I guess?'' He mutters and cracks his knuckles, he tends to fidget quite a lot. ''Like, am I annoying? Trying too hard? Should I stop?''
You listen to him and stay quiet, occassionally rubbing his back. ''I want to be liked.'' You quirk an eyebrow at that, but don't interrupt him otherwise.
''It's lame at my big age to want to be popular, but I wanna be kissed. I wanna have a girlfriend and go on dates, but I'm afraid my personality will drive everyone away."
For fuck's sake, he was called Shittymatsu and frankly, he's surprised you were able to withstand him for so long.
''Karamatsu, want me to be completely honest,'' you ask. He nods rapidly at you. You hum softly, ''I didn't lie before, you are painful. You say so much corny stuff, I'm impressed you can even look yourself in the mirror.''
He cringes, but you pay him no heed. Instead, you continue, ''I mean, really? Who wears tank tops with their face slapped right in the middle, what a fucking dork. But, y'know, I kinda like it now.''
''I think that type of shit grew on me, for better or worse. I, too, have become a member of the cornball community." You admit and you shudder at your mushy honesty.
You rub the back of your head in embarrassment, "When you say all of these dumb nicknames and act like you own all of Akatsuka Ward a small part of me wishes I die on the spot, but I don't necessarily hate it.''
You hug him and bring him closer to you. You snicker and peck him on the forehead, ''Don't worry so much about who ignores you or hates you is all, when you have someone who likes you despite every cringe one-liner right in front of ya.''
''You're right.'' Karamatsu returns the hug, sniffing and holding back tears. ''[Name]?''
''You're a true Karamatsu girl.''
Getting kisses from a hot lady? Karamatsu would love that. And the prospect of you being the one to give them to him, with that warm smile which makes your nose crinkle up, makes the scenario sound even better.
But for now, he's content with you simply pressed up against his side, where he can easily peer over at you and study your face until it's burned and etched forever into his brain. Subtly, of course.
You look up at him with a raised eyebrow after feeling him drill holes in your head since forever, which in turn leads Karamatsu to let out an urbane chuckle and lamely pretend to fix his stray strands of hair, and you can't help but snort at his usual theatrical character.
You sigh and rest your forehead against his. "Painful," you mumble under your breath, though definitely loud enough for him to hear, then giggle.
Karamatsu playfully frowns in response. "My flower, you should know by now that no pain means no gain." He tuts with an exaggerated wag of his finger, eyes animatedly glittering.
You laugh in utter disbelief before shaking your head, wrapping a loose arm around his waist. "Sorry, sorry. You know damn well I don't mean it, right?"
Karamatsu hums and his lips curl upwards to form a small, fond smile. He places his chin on your shoulder and you lean into him even more.
Yeah, Karamatsu could get used to this. For now, that was more than enough for him.
Getting kisses from a hot lady really would be nice, but watching the sun set on the cold pavement with you next to him feels good, too. And hey, you are a hot lady, so what's there to hate?
And to think all of this was thanks to your irresponsible driving.
Osomatsu whistles, nudging Choromatsu as they stared at the two of you from afar. Despite their earlier sentiments, curiosity got the better of them and they decided to investigate their brother's own private time. It's not like he could file a restraining order against them, he would be tortured.
"Kudos to Karamatsu, I actually salute him for managing to bag a real human being. Didn't think he had it in him." Osomatsu snickers, hands deep in his hoodie's pockets.
Choromatsu appears depleted beyond belief, eyeing you both with evident disapproval on his facial features, "What sort of lobotomized romance was this? Felt more like a simulation."
Osomatsu and Choromatsu sigh, both fully synchronized, and groan out, "It should have been me."
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kasagiggles · 8 months ago
HIHIHIIIIII I've been following your blog for a while, and I'd like to say I love your writing SO SO MUCHHH <3
(Im new n idk if I'm pressing the correct button or not help-)
Anw, can I request a fic with lee! Tsukasa?(Ilovehimsomuch) and maybe with ler! Kaito (don't blame me he's such a father) or just anyone else that you like!
I'm not forcing you so pls don't feel pressed! Take caree, I can't wait for more of your amazing post! ❤❤
first of all i just wanna say i am so sorry for how long this took!! i finally pulled together some motivation and got it done and i thought this was so fun to write!!! i love kaito and tsukasas father son relationship sm 😞
and also welcome to tumblr!! tbh i still don’t know how to use this app but oh well! i love this community
i hope you like it!! :3
warnings: tickles!!! ☆
lee: tsukasa
lers: rin, len, kaito
his sekai was always a place he would visit when we was feeling under the weather. the bright colours and happy atmosphere always cheered him up. but today just didn’t feel the same. he dragged his feet, looking for someone to talk to. he stopped when he noticed that familiar blue haired figure, kaito.
maybe kaito would be able to help him.
“kaito…?” he approached the tall man. he was greeted with a friendly smile like always.
“tsukasa!! what brings you here today?” kaito had a sense that something was different, tsukasa wasn’t the same today.
“i just… needed an escape.” he muttered, avoiding eye contact. kaito hummed.
“how about a hug?” he smiled, opening his arms wide, inviting the boy warmly. tsukasa didn’t hesitate, immediately going to hug the blue figure. kaito always had the most healing hugs. tsukasa could never deny an embrace like that, for it made him feel so warm inside. normally when kaito hugs tsukasa, he can begin to feel the troubled boy loosen up his body, as the tension melted away. but this time, he was still as stiff as a brick. a simple hug wouldn’t do him any justice. kaito closed his eyes, thinking of ideas as he continued to hold him in his arms. and then it hit him.
“can you wait here for just a moment?” he gently pushed tsukasa away, firmly holding his shoulders. tsukasa replied with a gentle nod, sighing. kaito quickly made his way towards the stage.
“rin? len?” he called, searching for the twins. he was quickly greeted with two friendly faces.
“what’s up kaito?!!” rin cheered, her energy was through the roof as usual.
“hey you two, i need your help with something.” he said, getting straight to the point. the two blondes immediately listened in.
“so here’s what i wanna do…”
as time continued to pass, tsukasa sat alone on his favorite bench, fiddling with his fingers and tapping his foot. what could kaito possibly be doing? a slight tug on his sleeve snapped him out of his daze, it was one of the plushies.
“kasa…! can you please come help me? my friend got stuck on the ferris wheel!” the small animal cried. tsukasa was definitely not in the mood to help anybody right now, but as a star he needed to learn to put other people first.
“yeah, sure.” he said with a gentle smile, picking himself off the bench.
he followed the plushie for a few minutes, occasionally sighing. for some reason, the lively and festive atmosphere wasn’t making him feel any better.
eventually the boy realized, they weren’t heading in the direction of the ferris wheel at all.
“hey, the ferris wheel is that way.” he said quietly, scratching his neck.
“oh! ah… yes! i just need to get something real quick! please come with me!” the plushie begged, something was definitely not right. he nodded, following the animals trail.
he ducked through the entrance of the tent, only to find that he had lost the plushie.
“hello?” he called, looking around him. as his eyes wandered the stage, he felt somebody gently tackle him to the ground, hopping on top of him. he grunted, instinctively struggling. he stopped as soon as he recognized the person on top of him.
“rin? what are you doing?” he scoffed, squirming under the girl. he was too distracted to notice the second person behind him who had quickly grabbed his wrists. “h-hey?! what’s the big idea?!” at this point, he was getting frustrated, he didn’t have time for their antics today.
“tsukasa, please just try to relax.” that familiar voice came back, kaito finally made his reappearance.
“kaito? what is going on here?!” he snarled, the vocaloids were taken aback, for they rarely saw their star in such a foul mood.
“please, just trust me, i think this will help.” kaito warmly smiled at him, leaning down and brushing his bangs out of his face.
“can you close your eyes for me?” he asked, his voice laced with kindness and warmth.
tsukasa sighed, trying to make sense of this all, there was no point in trying to get out of this, for he was effectively pinned down on the ground.
he slowly closed his eyes, his body still tense. he heard faint mumbles coming from his attackers. “ah!! this is…. where do… first?” he recognized that voice as len, the one holding his arms up.
eventually, he began to get lost in his own thoughts. his body had finally begun to loosen up. but this moment of relaxation would cease to exist after he felt ten nimble fingers gently stroking his stomach. he choked, holding back a laugh. the sudden feeling instantly caused him to squirm and fight for his freedom.
rin and len were stronger than he thought… he really couldn’t escape their grasp.
“k-kaihahato?” he said through laughter.
unfortunately kaito decided to make his presence known by sneakily slipping off his shoes and gently scratching at his socked feet.
the poor tsukasa screamed and began to kick, as laughter uncontrollably poured from his mouth.
he couldn’t keep his eyes closed at this point, he opened them to be met with three smiling faces.
“TICKLE ATTACK!!!” the twins cheered at the same time.
“WHAHAHAT?? let mehe gohoho!” he squealed, bucking his hips as rin began to gently squeeze his sides.
as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was stuck, with absolutely no way of getting out of this predicament. after minutes of struggling, his body finally gave up as he gave in to the tickles, laughing like crazy.
the unpredictable fingers dancing on his feet and the gentle squeezes of his stomach were driving him mad. he pulled at his arms as hard as he could, but len had them tightly secured.
“STOHOHOHOP!!!” he pleaded, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. his smile was extremely bright, despite his previous bad mood.
the fingers dancing along his skin felt like little zaps of electricity that sent shivers down his spine. the tingly feeling was unbearable yet enjoyable.
rin mischievously lifted up his shirt, revealing his flushed stomach. damnit! kaito must’ve told them about that…
“nohohoho!!! not thahat!” he squealed, beginning to squirm around.
rin grinned, as she gently wiggled her finger in tsukasas belly button. he screamed and laughed incredibly loud, bucking and squirming to try and escape the tickly feeling. as embarrassing as it was, his belly button was extremely sensitive.
“ILL DO ANYTHIHING!!” he pleaded, shaking his head with bright explosions of laughter.
after several more minutes of the tickly torment, the three vocaloids finally got off of him.
all that was left was a blushing tsukasa panting for air, as he clutched his now sore stomach.
he hated to admit it, but it worked. his mood was effectively boosted, and all of his tension and frustrations had melted away.
kaito leaned down beside him, “are you feeling better, star?”
he nodded with flushed cheeks, embarrassed that something so silly was able to make him feel better like that.
he felt a hand on his shoulder, “we will always be here for you tsukasa.” kaito grinned.
tsukasa couldn’t help but smile, he would never be where he is today if he didn’t have this friendly faces supporting him all the way through. and for that, he was truly grateful.
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clown-femme · 1 year ago
My tummy hurts I'm sore and achey in random places and I cannot sleep. Can someone hit me with a brick so I pass out pls
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monniemonniee · 1 year ago
wish i'd known, that i had all i could want, in our tiny apartment, above the chinese restaurant.
pls listen to, "above the chinese restaurant" by laufey whilst reading for maximum HEAT.
All Harry knew was being drowned.
Always drowned in empty bliss.
Always coveting this feeling of an alcohol's kiss, more than anything.
His stomach is sloshing with alcohol, brain muddied, and head spinning. He tilts his head, saw that he was accompanied by hordes of bottles, far too many to count with the fingers he can't even see straight.
He laughs.
He laughs and laughs, and punches the air. His hand gives out, falling on the soft surface of the bed, and lets his feet wander until it hits an empty bottle letting it thud on the ground.
He laughs too hard, he feels the air escape his lungs, never bothering to try and catch some back.
He laughs, because he's aware of how pathetic he's been.
He laughs, because that's all he can do. Whilst his brain is incapacitated, his body heavy and his thoughts circling to the same pang of regret and anger and wariness.
He loves the torture, the way it makes him feel light and heavy at the same time.
He loves the way it keeps him sane, the way he can't hear his own thoughts echo inside his room, in this forsaken house.
All for the sake of not remembering the ache in his heart.
All to avoid the fact that the bed he lays on used to have more than one person, and not the memories of him.
You were all I had. You're all I need. Leaving me is beneath you.
"Harry! I found us a place. It's not too shabby, isn't it?"
Atop the hill was a cottage, looking somewhat rundown and obsolescent.
It had the usual crummy look to it; red bricks placed in an ordered fashion albeit being broken and missing along some parts, windows cracked, and the leftover curtains littered with holes, letting the sunlight pass. The door, barely even hinged, even as far as echoing every time someone even tried to move it.
Draco scrunched his brows. Harry laughed. It was whole, and he felt his stomach turn up and down inside him.
Harry realized he's done this way too often when his blonde is around. Draco made him feel this way often, he felt good, and he couldn't get enough of it.
"Now before you say anything, I thought this was a pretty bloody s'well idea! I mean, no one would think to--"
Harry kissed Draco's cheeks, which were flushed. His hands were steady on his face, forgetting the luggage that now sits neglected on the floor. They were faced, eye to eye, albeit Draco being a few inches taller than Harry.
Draco grinned in surprise, and Harry wanted to eat his smile, so he kissed him once more, this time a quick peck on his lips all to savor the temptation in front of him. Draco admittedly turned a new hue of red from the affection.
"P-Potter, isn't it a little early for this," He coughs, and bashfully touches his lips softly, exactly where Harry left his own.
"Desperate, aren't we?" He held his composure, and a smug tone could be heard, but Draco was betrayed by his own face, the way it was an intensified red forming on his cheeks.
Harry beamed.
One of the things that Harry loved about him, the way he can easily tell when to kiss his fluster away, knowing the embarrassment his blonde feels.
Albeit causing more heat, ironically.
"I think it's a brilliant idea, Draco."
"Yes. But then everyone would know, because you're Harry Potter," Draco argued. "And we both agreed we wanted somewhere the media wouldn't find us. I doubt they'd come trolling down here in muggle areas."
Harry nodded to that. "Yeah, to be fair, they wouldn't expect me living in "
Harry carried their luggage up the flight of stairs,
(unfinished, discontinued)
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love-toxin · 3 years ago
rq: "Sooo i watched demon slayer s2 and I have to admit that uzui and his gorgeous wives literally stole my heart. is it possible to have a yan headcanon for them (together or separate) please🙏🏼?"
a/n: pls forgive me if these are a little wack, i haven't got this far in the anime so i did some....external research.
warnings: super long bc i got carried away lol, yandere uzui/uzui's wives, dubcon, object insertion, cuckoldry, kidnapping, gaslighting, forced marriage, forced polygamy.
☆ hc / ♡ spicy hc / ♀️♂️ gendered hc / ‼️ dark hc (🔒 virgin hc )
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☆ So, somehow or another, you've got the attention of Tengen Uzui. Doesn't really matter how, does it? It just matters that he can't take his eyes off of you, no matter what.
☆ You wouldn't attract attention for the reason he might notice you first, because you're not all that flashy, or at least not like he is--but there's something within you that just makes something click inside him, and he wants to figure it out. But the only way to do that is to get closer to you, and the more he sees you and talks to you and just spends time with you in general, the more you won't get off his mind and the more he wants to pick you apart until he figures out why.
☆ The first of his wives to notice it is definitely going to be Hina, and she'll be the one to find some time to speak with Tengen about it privately. She's the one to reassure him that he has nothing to fear, that she, Suma, and Makio will always love him, and that's when he'll finally talk about his problem openly much to her amusement.
☆ "It sounds like you might be in love, my darling." The comment hits him like a brick to the face, and though he's quick to deny it in the face of one of the three people he loves most in the world, Hina knows it's true immediately and so does he, deep down. But the thought makes him so antsy. If he's fallen in love with someone new, then there's room for one or two or all of his wives to feel left behind, and that's the last thing he wants. He's just being greedy, he assures himself, and decides from that moment on to cut all ties with you for the sake of his wives.
☆ And that lasts for about a week, maybe two, until he's absolutely falling apart at the seams. The girls are the only things keeping him together at this point, but all three of them are so tied up with keeping him company in this rare period of weakness and depression that nothing else can get done. Despite not wanting to go behind the back of her husband, Hina will end up telling the other two about Uzui's problem with you--and somehow both her and Makio will find themselves being dragged along by Suma to go search for you, the youngest insisting that they get a look at the person that's causing their beloved so much heartbreak!
☆ When they find you and sneak up to spy on you, though, the picture is pretty similar to their poor darling. You look tired, sad, sitting by your little campfire all alone, and as if by some strange higher power....all three of them look between each other, coming upon the unanimous realization that they're not leaving without you.
☆ You, on the other hand, have been wondering why Uzui's shut you out so suddenly. You thought you'd made a good friend, and maybe you wouldn't feel so lonely traversing the wilderness all by yourself if you had a mentor to talk to. But after he stood you up when you agreed to spar together and avoided your presence following that, you haven't been able to shake this feeling of rejection that just makes you want to cry out all your frustrations into the night air.
☆ Luckily (or unluckily) for you, you won't have to dwell on those feelings for much longer. Because before you can breathe, a pair of hands are on you and your vision darkens, and the last thing you see is the ground and two pairs of sandal-clad feet approaching as you pitch into it and pass out into unconsciousness.
☆ When you finally awaken, you find yourself laid out on a futon bed, the air of the room warm and your clothes nowhere to be found beneath the thick blanket. But you're not alone, the oldest of Uzui's wives kneels at your side, and when she catches your eyes fluttering open, she lends you nothing but a smile as your explanation and gets to her feet to hurry out of the room. By the time you have the strength and fear-stricken curiosity to get up and dress yourself in the simple yukata that's been left next to you, you can already hear the chatter and clinking cups from the room across the hall, the door sliding open with ease when you finally find the courage to do so.
☆ Light spills out into the hallway, and inside you're met with the sight of Tengen and his three wives, sharing a meal around a small table with a seat left open by his side. He meets your eyes with the smallest amount of excitement, like his heart flutters just seeing you enter the room, and all four of them are eager to welcome you to the spot they left for you.
☆ There's really no room for you to question anything--the three women talk excitedly at you, bouncing from topic to topic so that you can barely keep up, and you're sat so close to Uzui with his arm just barely grazing your back that you honestly can't think straight anyways. It isn't until they get deeper into conversation about a wedding that you start to clue in, along with Uzui's possessive smile as he feeds you and then drops his hand to stroke your thigh. And when he tries to murmur something into your ear, you lean away and scramble to get to your feet without bothering to hear what it was.
☆ This is where the threat of danger spikes the terror in your heart, and when you try to backtrack and insist that though the meal was lovely and you're very grateful, you need to be getting along and return to your campsite. You don't even know why you're here or how you got here either, which you don't dare to mention--but when Makio reaches up to grab your wrist and prevent you from moving an inch, her grip too strong to even try, you know for a fact that something is going on and that you should have left the city while you still had the chance.
☆♀️ "Be a good girl and sit down. We can't plan your wedding without the bride, can we?"
☆♂️ "Are you trying to make me mad, little prince? Behave in front of the girls, and don't be a brat."
☆ However you feel about the situation, you really have no choice. You'll sit right back down where you were, except for being almost half a foot further away from Uzui than before--which he remedies quite easily by reaching his hand around your waist, and pulling you in so close that you practically fall into his lap.
☆ It's clear that you don't have a say. The four of them go on to talk at length about this so-called wedding, with Uzui rubbing and grabbing your thigh so possessively the entire night. Once it comes time to go to bed, the girls take separate rooms from the master suite so that he can have some alone time with you, and the night is spent in quiet horror as you ponder this new development, too frightened to sleep in case Uzui decides to take advantage of you while you're unaware.
♡♂️ And if you're a male, then he kind of will. He's just so curious, he hasn't ever felt this way about another man until you came along. His hand will creep down between your legs, those huge fingers pawing at your cock through the yukata and feeling it firm up as he keeps touching you. How can a man be this cute, how can you make such beautiful sounds as he strokes you that cause his heart to skip a beat? It's too much, if that's at all evident by the way his erection presses up against your back, and he slides it up along your cheeks as he growls into your ear that you're the reason he's this hard. He'll ask if he can fuck you and you'll probably say no, please don't, and he'll jerk himself into an orgasm in part with his hand and part with your ass, and finally leave you alone once he drifts off to sleep afterwards.
☆ The least you can do from then on is hope somebody enjoys all the food and belongings at your campsite, because it's obvious by the second day that you're not going back. Uzui and his wives make you comfortable in his home, giving you access to your own private room and cooking all your meals for you, and it's clear by the way they treat you that your relationship with them and Uzui is different from the ones they have with each other. Whereas Hina, Suma, and Makio are all self-sufficient and take care of themselves and Uzui, they all dote on you unlike they do each other and treat you more like a lover than they do a co-spouse. So there's no expectation for you to work very hard or to try and take on anything yourself, because all four of them have caring for you at the forefront of their minds.
☆ Besides, it's certain enough that the three of them have their own affection for you based on the frequency with which they visit you in your own room. Sometimes it's truly just for some bonding time, but others it's so that each of them can have their turns with you and tend to your needs as good wives would.
♡♀️ They've got their own appreciation for having another wife in the family. Hina visits you the most often, usually just to spend some time with you and chat or read something together, but on her conjugal visits she likes to focus on your pleasure and sit you on her lap, absentmindedly rolling circles into your clit to watch you come undone on her fingers. Makio often needs stress relief, and will gladly indulge in scissoring you to get out all that frustration that tends to build up inside her. And Suma's usually just bored, and will either eat you out or make you go down on her, happy to pull you away from whatever you were doing so she doesn't have to whine for your attention.
♡♂️ As a second husband, their efforts are focused more on "testing your abilities". Uzui thankfully has no problem with them doing what they like with you, and as a result, you'll often have the girls tugging at you to play with your cock or trying to seduce you into fucking them in various spots around the house, sometimes in front of Uzui himself. And he's happy to watch, a smirk splitting his face as you pound Hina's, Makio's, or Suma's pussy two feet from him, your breath lagging as you struggle not to cum too early and waste a good session. Little do you know that Uzui's always at the ready in that case, fully prepared to grab you and split your little ass in two with his cock as punishment if you dare to cum before his wife does.
♡ In Uzui's case, he feels pretty entitled to your body as a whole. He will wait if you insist you're saving yourself for marriage, but if you don't think of that ahead of time or if you're not a virgin, he'll show you just what he's going to do as your husband and as your lover. He'll leave bruises and sore spots just from how strong he is naturally, and no matter how big or tall you are, it's almost certain you're smaller than he is, thus he's going to revel in how adorable you look all snuggled up in his arms while he ruins you in a full nelson. He loves it when you scream, when you moan, when you insist he's too big to fit and when you cry at the overstimulation because he just can't stop making you cum. You make him feel so special and he's reassured that this gift his wives gave him was the best one he's ever gotten, and he couldn't be happier that you get to share his bed with him now. You're much better as his lover than he is as a mentor, anyways.
♡♀️ In the case of you being a woman, the only way to describe his lovemaking is that he's addicted to your pussy. He has to get into a position where he can watch you whenever you have sex, just so he can see his cock as your cunt swallows it up and drool over how it can manage to take every inch of him if he tries hard enough. He's also obsessed with making you squirt, because even if he can't quite manage it, he wants to get the creamiest, sloppiest orgasms out of you that leave his lap soaked and your pussy leaking with both your cum and his. And don't be fooled, he's not finished until he gets to end the night with you seated on his face, his tongue working overtime to lick up all those delicious fluids while you suck his cock clean to return the favour. Though, more often than not, it ends up with him hard as a rock again and growling into your skin, needing to warm his cock with your pussy again to finally calm down.
☆♂️ For a male, he's honestly much rougher. Call him old fashioned, but he figures you can take it, and he loves to see how far you can go before you try to tap out. Contrary to popular belief though, he can already assume that a lot of prep will be needed, so he'll spread those cheeks of yours and stuff his tongue inside to get you loosened up right away. He's pretty fascinated with your cock too, so he'll touch it and play around with it and eventually start sucking at it until he's satisfied with how sensitive you prove to be, before he starts trying to stick it in your ass. It'll definitely take a while with his size, but once he manages it, he's totally dead to the world for a minute or two. It's such an unfamilar but certainly not unwelcome feeling, and the girls will surely be able to tell when Uzui's finally started fucking you when he starts groaning loud enough to shake the walls. He's totally lost in it and won't even realize you're cumming untouched until you start trembling and crying out his name, and by then, he'll just want to watch you do it again as he licks the cum off your chest and teases you for liking anal this much. He'll have to do a little more to turn a whore like you into a good house-husband, won't he?
☆ Speaking of which, the wedding is a non-negotiable part of this whole arrangement. Whether you've accepted Uzui's obsession with you or not by then, you'll still be all dressed up and given vows to read at your private ceremony, Uzui's huge grin almost unsettling as he locks the two of you into your new marriage. And rest assured, it's legally binding--divorce is the only way you'll ever really get away from him if you want to, and he will never let that happen.
♡🔒 And as an inevitable part of the wedding, if your purity is still intact by then, it won't be any longer. Denying him really isn't an option, if you've even still got the mind to try it and you haven't been manipulated into accepting this relationship like it's something normal, because you're married now! You have no reason to wait anymore, and he really can't stand another minute without ripping your clothes off of you.
♡🔒 At the very least he tries to be gentle, despite being hung like a horse in every sense of the word. The only real way to shape you to fit his cock is to break you first, so even if there's tears or a bit of blood he's so reassuring, his hand coming down to stroke your hair as he keeps pushing in and swearing to you that the pain will go away soon. You're such a good little doll, you take your husband so well, and he promises to fill you with so much cum and to make you shake so hard when you finish that you won't even notice the aches and soreness.
☆ Honestly, with more than one person reaffirming that this is all normal, you'll be inclined to believe it more sincerely than you might if it was just Uzui. He's brilliant at making you feel as though your fear and anxiety is nothing to worry about, thus slowly negating those gut feelings you get whenever you spot one of the many red flags in your relationship. Even when he refuses to let you walk around outside by yourself or reach out to one of your friends or family, it doesn't really click that it's a problem as much when you have three other women telling you that it's okay and that they'll be the ones to support you instead of all those other people, they probably don't even care the more you think about it.
♡‼️ However, if ever he needs to really put into perspective how lucky you are to be a part of his family, like if you try to escape or you agress against him or one of his wives, he has a punishment well thought out for you specifically. He'll strip you naked, force you into his personal training room, and fuck you with the handle of his katana. If he's feeling nice he'll undo the chain and just use the hilt, but if not he'll push them in uncomfortably alongside it and watch you cry and shake as he does so. Pray that you don't end up cumming from the stimulation alone, because if you do so while he's reprimanding you, he'll threaten to fuck you with the blade instead since you liked the other side so much. He won't really, but you don't know that. And when he's done punishing you, he'll forbid you from wearing clothes for the next seven days, thereby reserving the right to not only humiliate you enough that you'll never disobey him again, but also so that there'll be nothing stopping him from fucking you whenever he damn pleases, and he can blame it on you seducing him by flaunting that cute body of yours around.
♀️‼️ "This is what you deserve, don't go around saying I'm unfair. Now smile for me....there's my pretty princess. That's what I like to see."
♂️‼️ "Shame you couldn't be a good boy, like I asked. At least you're cute when you're being punished....and I think your ass misses me stretching it out, so maybe I ought to punish you again?"
☆ In the end, it's easier just to accept it all and take it in stride. Uzui is determined to have you be part of his family, and his wives adored you from the moment they laid eyes on you, plus being their captive in some way allows you to remain safe from the demons and other dangers that lurk outside the door of the manor. You may be trapped in this commitment for a lifetime, but if your life is filled with being doted on and cared for and loved, well....it's not so bad. Is it?
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beccascribbles · 4 years ago
It angst time bby!🤪 Could you maybe pls do a Iwa,Tendou and Tsuki x reader/manager scenario where their s/o gets bullied because they are the manager of the team. Also it goes that far that the girls threaten them to leave the vb club/ end their relationship bevor it will be much worse for them. ( a fluffy end would be nice because I saw lots of angsty fics today kndjsjsna)
a/n - you asked and i shall deliver. sometimes we just have a craving for angst. i’m a little bit obsessed with it myself (think a large part of my blog is angst tbh). and don’t worry, they are fluffy endings i think... hope you enjoy!
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"i can't do this anymore," you sobbed, finally letting the tears fall. iwaizumi reached out for you desperately, hand curling around your waist and pulling you into his chest. his arm, corded with muscle, wrapped around your waist protectively, holding you close to him. his other hand held the back of your head. “i can’t, haji. they won’t stop. it won’t stop.”
“shh,” he murmured, stroking the back of your head as your tears dampened his shirt. part of him was confused, the other part focused entirely on offering you support. he had no idea who this mysterious they was. it wasn’t surprising that he didn’t know, the girls choosing moments when iwaizumi (and anyone who might inform him of what was happening) was gone to be their cruellest. “who’s they?”
you stiffened slightly against him then, mind pulling their most recent assault to the forefront of your mind. taloned fingernails had dug into your shoulders before pushing you harshly, your back hitting the brick wall behind you harshly. rough brick had dug into your back, the pain not enough to distract you from the words they spat at you. you had flinched away, looked for an escape, but there was nowhere to go. one girl, clearly the ringleader, had yanked at your hair, pulling your face towards her.
“you stupid little whore,” she had hissed, letting out a cold laugh at the wince that escaped your lips. “if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop managing the team and leave iwaizumi while you’re at it. you don’t deserve him and he sure as hell doesn’t need you.”
her words had been echoed by the other girls with her, and when the tears had finally began to prick at your eyes, they had decided their needs had been satisfied for today. she had turned back to look at you one last time before leaving you with her parting words. “remember what i said. if you want it to stop, you know what to do.”
“y/n?” iwaizumi questioned, his voice cutting through the memory. worry laced his tone, and he had pulled you away from his chest to be able to see your face. you blinked up at him, a dreadful realisation coming over you. you knew how to make it stop. it was simple. you just had to force out the words.
the texture of his skin was rough against yours, his hands calloused from a childhood spent playing volleyball. you wanted to surrender to his warmth, to downplay everything you were feeling, to blame it on some simple reason such as school, anything to be with him for just a little longer. but you couldn’t. it needed to be done.
“i want to break up,” you said, forcing the words out, fresh tears beginning to fall from your eyes. the weight you had expected to be lifted was not. instead, remorse crushed you. for a moment, you struggled to breath, the air trapped in your throat. it was only iwaizumi’s gentle nudging, the way he guided you through your breathing, that helped you regain a semblance of calm.
“no you don’t,” he said calmly, seeing right through you. there was never any point in lying to him. he could see right through any lies that slipped from your lips. “i also won’t let you.”
your eyes widened in fear, her face flashing to life in your brain. your scalped tingled in remembrance of the way she had yanked your hair. suddenly, you began to shake, wrapping your arms around yourself. you let out a wretched sob. “hajime... please.”
“no,” he said, rubbing your arm soothingly in an attempt to calm you. “you need to tell me what the fuck is going on. no hiding from me. we’re sorting this out and i’m going to find out who put such stupid ideas into your head and they’re going to pay.”
you shook your head weakly, but his hands were quick to stop your movements, thumb reaching out to brush away the tears collecting in the corner of your eye. he leant forward, resting his forehead against yours. “we’re sorting this out, okay?”
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really, you should’ve known he would understand. you should have known that of anyone who would understand how helpless you were feeling, how truly you believed leaving the team was your only escape from their torment, was tendou. he had opened up to you, told you about his childhood, his experience with bullies. yet, you couldn’t open up to him, couldn’t tell him what was happening to you.
“why weren’t you at practice today?” questioned tendou, the first words out of his mouth when you opened your dorm room to him. the second thing he did was press a kiss to your lips, his hands going up to hold your face tenderly. “you’re not sick, are you? i hope not, otherwise i shouldn’t have kissed you. i guess we can be ill together though.”
“i quit,” you said, moving away from him and collapsing onto your bed, picking up the magazine you had discarded moments before. you opened it, using it as a shield to protect you from tendou’s gaze. his eyes narrowed as he looked at you. 
“why would you do that?” he asked, moving over to the bed and sitting opposite you, reaching over to remove the magazine from in front of your face. you let out a grumble, though did little to actually resist.
“i didn’t feel like doing it anymore,” you lied, studying the wall behind him. it was painfully obvious you were avoiding his gaze, just further proof that you were lying to him. “it wasn’t fun anymore. besides, i need to focus on school.”
“tut tut,” he admonished, waggling his finger at you. him reprimanding you caused a small smile to tug at your lips, one that quickly vanished when he persisted. “why would you really quit?”
you crossed your arms over your chest, physically turning your body away from him. the quiet rejection did little to discourage him. instead, he reached for your hand.
“i saw you with some girls yesterday,” he admitted, taking careful note of the way your whole body suddenly stiffened. he chose his next words carefully, not wanting you to pull away, to refuse to confirm the suspicions he already had. “you looked upset. are you okay now?”
it was at those words that you finally turned to look at him, fresh tears making your eyes seem to shimmer. it was an oddly beautiful sight, mused tendou, reaching out with care to brush a finger along your jaw. sudden anger twisted your features, shattering the illusion and causing him to jerk his hand away.
“of course i’m not fucking okay,” you spat, yanking your hand from his landing a solid hit the mattress you were both sitting on. “it’s fucking pathetic that i let them have their way just because i was scared.”
you pushed up from the bed, turning around wildly, looking for something, anything, that would ease the emotions currently rushing through you. they were hard to distinguish, coming together to leave you craving for a release. tendou stood up to join you, holding his hands out in front of him.
“punch me,” he stated, stance adjusting so he was properly balanced. you didn’t even question it, balling your hands into fists and launching a fist into his palm. the crack of skin on skin echoed around the room, and you felt the release. he praised you, “solid hit. need to go again?”
you shook your head, stepping forward and leaning your head against his chest, fingers curling into the flimsy material of his shirt. his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight.
“what am i going to do?” you sighed. tendou shuffled backwards, pulling you along with him until he was sat on the bed, your legs either side of his own as you sat on his lap. he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up to look at him.
“you’re going to re-join the team,” he explained, before a smirk twisted his features, “and i’m going to enlist some help to go and confront some bullies.”
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he doesn’t say anything to you, doesn’t really do much to acknowledge the tears rolling down your cheeks other than to wrap his arm around your shoulder. you are tugged into his lean body, and are quick to turn your head into his chest to hide your tears from view. admittedly, it was a bit late at this point, the majority of the team having already passed you on their way into the gym. you had simply waved away their concerns, not thinking you could find the words to explain, to tell them you were leaving.
“so,” mused tsukishima, letting your bury your face into his chest, your hands clutching onto the material of his top. ordinarily, he would have told you to stop stretching the fabric. however, you had been off for a couple of days, more withdrawn, and he figured he was close to finding out the reason why. “what happened?”
you let out a stifle, finally looking up at him with red-rimmed eyes. “i left the team.”
“that doesn’t really answer my question though, does it?” he prodded. something told you he had an inclination at the cause behind it. there was no solid evidence to prove his suspicions, however. all he could go off was the look of trepidation in your eyes, the way you body would tense when certain people approached.
you shook your head, fists clenching tighter. he let out a soft sigh, his other arm coming around your body to hold you more securely against his chest. he reprimanded you softly, “you could have told me, or at least someone else on the team if you didn’t want me to know. i wouldn’t think any less of you because you’re being bullied.”
“they said it would get worse if i told anyone, if i didn’t do what they said,” you hiccupped, relaxing in his firm hold, soothed by the steady rise and fall of his chest.
“y/n,” he sighed, tilting his head down to look at you, “they’re just pathetic nobodies who are jealous of you. do you honestly think they could actually hurt you more if you told someone? i’d like to see them try.”
his hold brought you comfort, and you found yourself calming down. he released you, reaching down to take your hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, dropping a kiss to the top of your head in the process. as he walked back with you towards the gym, he murmured darkly, “i might just give them a small taste of their own medicine.”
“kei,” you warned, hand tightening on his, “don’t.”
“i’m still going to talk to them.”
“you don’t even know who they are.”
“i can guess, or you can tell me.”
you just shook your head, his words bringing a distraction from the emotions still just beneath the surface just as he knew they would.
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ifmywishescametrue · 4 years ago
"You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better." for buckytony pls 🤓
thank you for sending one! it got kind of out of hand lol so here's 2.2k of breaking up and making up. hope you like it!
Tony loses track of what the fight is about fairly quickly. He knows it started with what seemed like playful bickering, the kind their relationship was practically built on, but somewhere along the way the jabs turned much more pointed. Barbed wire wrapped around them, until each one was like a knife wound.
The first real cut came from him, he knows. Bucky's witty comment hit a little too close to one of his hundred insecurities, and reflex made him return it with too much sharpness. He can't blame Bucky for reacting, but they're both to blame for letting it get this out of hand. That’s not something that matters in the moment, though.
In the moment, all that matters is the careless insults and merciless words they lob back and forth. They chip away at each other and their relationship until it’s crumbling around them, but even that doesn’t matter. It becomes secondary to getting in the last word and one-upmanship, like it’s a competition for who can hurt who the most that they both desperately want to win, consequences be damned.
“You know this is why people keep leaving you,” Bucky says. “At some point it should be pretty damn obvious that it's you, not them.”
Tony laughs bitterly because the only other choice is crying. “Cause you're a real fucking prize, right? Bet people are just lining up to date a guy they're barely allowed to touch. And God forbid you ever try to do something nice for him, because it'll never actually be right.”
“Better than a guy with daddy issues so severe it'll take him two years to even tell you he loves you. Don't bother saying it in the meantime to him either, because he'll run off to hide for a week after each time.”
“Well, you know what, I'll make it easy for you, then,” Tony says, backing away to grab his jacket. “You don't have to worry about me and all my issues anymore.”
He forcefully shoves his arms into the sleeves and grabs his keys from the hook by the door. Bucky watches with a clenched jaw and doesn't try to stop him, not even when he pauses to give him the chance.
“What are you waiting for? Go ahead and run off. Prove my point.”
Tony shakes his head, an ache already forming in his chest that he ignores. “I’m not proving your point, because this isn’t running. This is breaking up with you because you’re a fucking asshole.”
He lets the door slam shut behind him and speedwalks down the hall, repeatedly pushing the elevator button. It doesn’t come quickly enough, and he flings open the door to the stairwell to rush down them. His vision blurs dangerously, and he can hardly see where he’s going, but he doesn’t slow down. The tears come freely with no around to see, until he’s out on the sidewalk and violently swipes them away with the back of his hand. He doesn’t pay attention to where he’s walking, only on getting as far away as possible.
Where he ends up shouldn’t come as a surprise to him. It’s muscle memory to come here at this point, a walk so familiar he could do it in his sleep and still manage to avoid all the cracks and uneven parts on the sidewalk on the way.
He stands outside of Shield’s Bar, neon lights coloring his face blue and pink, and he contemplates going in. It’s a Thursday, which means Clint is working the bar until midnight. Natasha will be waiting tables, and Steve will come in to replace her at ten.
All Bucky’s friends. He won’t get any of them in the breakup.
Steve will be the first to turn his back on him with his unwavering loyalty to his best friend. Clint will follow next because he hates tension and it’s the easier side to take. Natasha will be last, and she’ll claim that she loves them both and choosing sides is childish and ridiculous. But she’ll go, too, eventually. When none of her other friends will be in the same room as him, and all of their usual hangout spots become off limits. It’ll grow awkward and uncomfortable until promises to meet up turn into vague excuses and texts spaced months apart.
But where does he have to go if it isn’t here?
Rhodey’s on base in California, and Pepper moved back to New York the second her business degree was done. Staying in Boston was never the plan, not until Bucky and his found family welcomed him into their lives and made it feel like home. Where is there to go if home isn’t an option anymore?
He stands there long enough that people start to whisper as they pass by. They must think he’s lost his mind, staring blankly at a brick wall and hardly blinking, but he doesn’t hear what they say. Doesn’t hear anything but his own thoughts running in circles, going from anger to regret to shame and back again.
He wonders if Bucky’s right. If he truly is the reason it never works out. He knows he’s too insecure and emotionally unavailable. He demands too much and gives too little in return and doesn’t know how to communicate.
He used to watch his parents fight, orbiting around each other with avoidance and unspoken words until the dams broke and silence turned to screams, and he would swear that he would be better. If he was lucky enough to be in love with someone and have them love him in return, he would understand just how rare and beautiful that is and never take it for granted.
Easier said than done. Harder to face the fact that sometimes his words sound exactly like his father’s once did and sometimes he feels like his mother when he quietly lets himself be walked on and overlooked. The worst of both of them is tangled up inside of him, and it always kills whatever he touches.
Natasha finds him there eventually. She opens the door roughly, with intention that falters momentarily before she asks, “Do you plan on coming in at some point or are you staying out here all night?”
“I should probably go,” he says, quietly enough that it’s nearly lost to the wind.
Natasha watches him for a long moment, then steps out of the doorway to take his hand. She leads him over to an empty booth and slides into the opposite side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?”
She shrugs, “Steve will be here in a few minutes. No one’s going to die if they have to wait for their beer.”
Silence stretches on, and he stares down at his hands on the table. It’s warmer inside the bar, and he doesn’t realize that the cold has turned his fingers numb until they begin to unthaw.
“People coming in here were talking about some guy loitering outside. Some were saying he looked sad, some said lost. A few less optimistic people voted for strung out on drugs, but I think it’s safe to rule that one out now. Same with lost, seeing as you’ve been here a thousand times. That leaves sad, which means you had a fight with Bucky, and you didn’t come in, which means you think it’s your fault. Am I right so far?”
Tony nods, hanging his head low, and she continues to ask, “Do you want to talk about it or drink about it?”
“We broke up,” Tony mumbles. “I did it.”
She takes a long breath, and her hand is warm when it slips back into his. “Are you planning on fixing it?”
“Not sure it’s fixable. I said some things, he said some things. Can’t really take any of it back now.”
“People say things they don’t mean all the time. Doesn’t make it unforgivable.”
He shrugs like his heart isn’t broken. “Maybe it’s better off this way.”
Natasha sighs, “Tony.”
“Go home.”
“Pretty sure I don’t have one of those anymore.”
“Of course you do,” she says softly. “I promise you that he wants you to come back.”
Tony shakes his head. “You weren’t there, Nat. You don’t know what happened.”
“I don’t have to know what happened to know that he wants you to come home. If he feels even half as terrible as you look, he wants you. Just because you broke up doesn’t mean it’s over. It’s only over if you don’t go back.”
Tony bites his lip to keep it from quivering, and he asks, “What if you’re wrong? What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
“Well, it can’t exactly make things worse, can it?”
He huffs a humorless laugh, “I guess not.”
Natasha slides out of the booth, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Go home before he comes out looking for you, and text me in the morning to tell me I was right.”
She walks away, greeting Steve as he comes in, and Tony lingers there for another minute before getting up. He waves to them both on his way out and tries not to think about what she’ll tell Steve about his reason for being there.
The walk back to his and Bucky’s apartment seems quicker than the walk away from it, and Tony resents it for not giving him more time.
He takes the stairs again and hesitates outside the door, what ifs overwhelming his mind. What if he walks in and all of his things are packed up for him? What if Bucky isn’t even there or all of his belongings are gone instead? What if he can’t fix it and this is where it really ends? He doesn’t know if he could recover from that.
Turning the key in the lock, he opens the door slowly and holds his breath in trepidation.
Nothing looks different. No packed boxes, no smashed picture frames, no sign that anything ever went wrong.
Bucky is on the couch, curled into the corner with his legs held tight to his chest, and he doesn’t seem to notice that he isn’t alone anymore. It’s painfully quiet, and the single light that was on before isn’t enough now that it's grown darker outside, but he hasn’t turned any others on.
“I’m sorry,” Tony says into the silence. It’s as good a place as any to start. “You didn't deserve that. Any of it. The whole stupid thing. You deserve so much better. I should be better at this, but I’ve done a real shit job of it lately, I think. Maybe not even lately. Maybe I’ve been a terrible boyfriend the whole time, and in that case you should probably tell me to go and not come back, but I’d like to think there were at least moments where I was sort of okay, and I’d like to try to be more than just okay if you’ll let me.”
Bucky stares at him, lips parted and red-rimmed eyes unblinking. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Tony freezes, unsure of how to answer that, and Bucky unfolds himself to walk over and stand in front of him.
“You broke up with me,” Bucky says.
“Yes, but I -”
“No,” he interrupts. “You broke up with me.”
Tony frowns in confusion and slowly says again, “Yes.”
“That means I do the grovelling here, because I fucked it up. I beg for the second chance, because I crossed the line so far that you left. And I did it on purpose, too, because I had a shit day so I pushed until you pushed back,” Bucky explains. “And apparently I did such a good job being horrible to you that you think it’s your fault.”
Tony tries to process that, but it’s taking some time to work through. A complete turn around on his thoughts that almost makes him dizzy.
“Why did you have a shit day? What happened?”
“Is that really what you’re focusing on in all of that?” Bucky shakes his head in disbelief and runs a hand through his hair. “God, it’s you that deserves better. That’s what I’m telling you here. You were right to leave, and I should be the one telling you I’m sorry.”
“You had a bad day and took it out on me. How many times have I done the same to you? You never once left.”
“Doesn’t make it right.”
“No,” Tony agrees. He reaches for one of Bucky’s hands, because he needs the contact and has a feeling that Bucky does too. “But it doesn’t mean it’s not worth working on. I meant what I said about wanting to be better for you.”
Bucky nods, looking down at their joined hands. “I want to be better for you, too. How do we do that?”
“A lot of talking about our feelings, probably.”
Bucky pulls a face. “God, that sounds terrible.”
Tony laughs, taking his other hand to pull him in closer, “Yeah, it does, but we’ll get better at it eventually.”
“Can we start tomorrow?” Bucky asks. He leans down to rest his forehead against Tony’s. “I’d really like to just hold you tonight.”
“Yeah, baby,” Tony murmurs. “Hold me tonight. It’ll be better in the morning.”
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bopbopstyles · 5 years ago
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RATING: R/smut, maximum angst levels unlocked
CATEGORIES: friends to lovers
a/n: this is part two to Residue, the camping!harry fic to which i owe so much. thank you for loving my little one shot, here’s what happens next! massive s/o to @havethetimeofyourstyles​ for beta reading, @bfharry​ for helping with concepts, and @meetmeinfleetwood​ for encouragement. much love xoxo
also i’m currently uploading a series called The Only Exception - i’d love for you to give it a read!
pls reblog and share with your friends 💕
He was gone so fast that when the door shut it was quiet, the sound defeaning in your ears. You slid down, back hitting the wood of the cabinets and the metal knobs, but you didn’t care. Your arms collapsed around your knees, tucking them into your chest, and the tears threatening to break free fell, coating your cheeks in your regret. More than anything you wished none of this had happened, that you hadn’t ever asked him who the song was about, that he had never told you it was you, they’re all about you, the words echoing in your brain. You wanted it to be like it was before, unrequited feelings that might have been confusing but never caused you to question your ability to be around Harry. They never got blurred, never reached into the category of dangerous to your heart.
And here you were, crying on your kitchen floor over the last boy you thought would ever hurt you.
Y/N and Harry are really good at being friends, but the something more? Not so much.
Waking up in Harry’s bed never quite got normal to you. You had slept together before the camping trip that changed everything, but not like this. Before, you never woke up naked between his sheets, his arm curled around you in a vice grip that you didn’t understand how he maintained overnight, and him, fully naked, lightly snoring on the pillow next to you. Last night he had called you at midnight on the way back from a bar with some friends you didn’t know, smashed and begging for you to come over. You made him add a stop to his Uber ride to pick you up from your apartment and the minute you’d entered the car he had his hands all over you. He had ended up with his head in your lap, your fingers running through his hair, in an attempt to get him to calm down. By the time you were at his house, he was asleep and you roused him.
You had had sex last night, albeit nothing crazy since Harry practically passed out the minute he came, sweaty chest on yours, but you let it slide. He was drunk and tired and you knew he’d make up for it in the morning. A month and a half had passed since the camping trip, and the nights when Harry called you had numbered more than the nights when he hadn’t. You called him just as much, though, so it wasn’t a one-way street. But the difference was that you knew what you were feeling.
Harry was a fucking brick wall, though.
Usually you were good at reading him—you’d known him for long enough, seen him at his most vulnerable, done just about everything together. But in the weeks since your relationship had changed, you couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Because something definitely was wrong, and you weren’t sure if it was your fault or not.
The morning after no one mentioned anything, and neither did you and Harry. Not sure what was going on, or how you wanted to handle it, you kept your distance. You didn’t touch him in any way other than as friends, no PDA, no obvious signs anything had changed. And unfortunately, it had set the tone for the weeks since then.
He had insisted that he didn’t want to tell your friends yet. At first, you were okay with it—you got to have Harry in the privacy of your homes, your moments together fully yours without any peering eyes. But then you’d go out together and you desperately wanted to dance with him, like really dance with him, and you couldn’t. You couldn’t give him a kiss outside a bar or cuddle in the taxi with your friends. And more than anything, it severely limited who you could talk to about what was going on, which meant you had all of these thoughts and fears swirling in your head and no one to talk to about.
And it wasn’t like you were unhappy. Harry was one of your best friends and the sex was fucking insane; you had never had someone touch you like he did. But you also knew that you weren’t your happiest. You wanted more and you didn’t know how to ask for it without ruining the shreds you did have with him. You didn’t know if you could go back to what it was before, the friendship and none of the intimacy you now shared. The thought of him being with someone else made you want to vomit, the idea of someone else’s hands on his skin made your blood boil.
But he was a brick wall and you didn’t know what he wanted. So you stayed in the dark, knowing that at some point things would probably end but you tried not to think about that time.
“Y/N?” You turned your head from where you had been staring at the ceiling, your thoughts moving a mile a minute. “Fuck, my head. I think I drank too much last night.”
“No shit Sherlock.” You sat up when he pulled his arm from your side, his hands running down his face to try and wake himself up.
“Wait--come back, missy.” He pressed a line of kisses up your spine, his favorite thing to do to get you back into bed with him for some shenanigans.
You looked at him. “Do you remember what happened last night?”
He furrowed his brow at you. “Called ya. Picked you up. We came back here, had sex.”
You rolled your eyes at him. Of course he didn’t. “You fell asleep on me literally the second after you came.”
“I’m serious.” You pull away, pushing off the mattress. After that you just wanted to start the day, you didn’t have the energy for this.
He grabs your hand though, forcing you to turn and look at him. “I’m sorry I was too drunk to make you come, baby. Can we have a re-do?”
It would be so easy to say yes to him--he was damn hard to refuse when he gave you his puppy eyes. But you really didn’t want to give into him that easy. He should be forced to wait after last night. “Not really in the mood,” you tell him, holding fast. “And you smell like beer.”
“Y/N….” He said, drawing out your name, but you just shook your head.
“I’ll start some coffee, you go shower.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, nodding at you. “Kissy?”
It was moments like these that him not being all the way yours hurt the most. When he acted like he was yours, that you were his. Because you were his, much to your disappointment. You pecked a kiss to his lips, giggling against your will when he tugged you back for another. “Harry…”
“Fine!” Finally he released your neck from his hand and you got out of bed, pulling on a shirt of his from his drawers. He grabbed at your ass, barely visible under the edge of his shirt, and you swatted at him. He was so fucking cheeky in the morning.
In the kitchen, you started a pot of coffee, playing BBC1 on your phone as you watched the coffee drop into the pot. You could hear Harry’s shower upstairs, the subtle humming of a Top 40s song he’d been obsessed with lately. It was moments like this where the line between what you were doing (what were you even doing?) and dating blurred, and you didn’t really know how to clarify it.
You leaned against the counter, your cup in your hands, and stared at the countertop across from you. Last week he had fucked you on it, both tipsy after a night out, your clothes littered on the ground. You had always had memories in his house, but now they were a different sort. Somehow, in the past month and a half, the memories of his house were associated with places you’d had sex, places you had cuddled and kissed, places your clothes had laid. And the prospect of coming into his house and still having to see them but not being able to act on your feelings was one you didn’t like considering.
“Where’s mine?” You looked up and Harry stood in the doorway, shirtless except for his sweats. You nodded to the cup next to you and he smiled. His arms boxed around your body as he reached for it, leaning against the counter with his hip to look at you. “You okay?”
No. “Yeah, fine. I should go—got some errands to run today.”
“Oh. Uh, okay. Want a ride?”
You shook your head. Any more time with Harry would have you further in your head than you really wanted. “I’ll Uber. We’re going to that party at Nick’s tonight, right?”
He blew on his coffee, always scared of it singing his tongue. “Yeah. I can come grab you if you want.”
“No, I’ll take the tube. Thanks though.”
You knew he could tell something was wrong, but he didn’t push it thankfully. He just nodded and let you gather your belongings, waiting for you in the hall to let you out. He kissed your cheek and you reciprocated, stepping out into the warm summer air without a second glance.
The party was in full swing when you arrived, eyes panning immediately for Harry. Most of the other people coming were Nick’s coworkers, people you had met but didn’t exactly know, but Harry was your safety blanket. He was also always painfully on time, hating the idea of someone waiting for him and didn’t mind being the first to arrive. Knowing him, he was probably 15 minutes early.
You found him in the kitchen making a gin and tonic, speaking to who you thought was another DJ at Radio 1, Nick nowhere to be found but you weren’t surprised. He looked good, as usual, a white button up tucked into flared black pants, a pair of sunnies pushed up on his head and his rings glinting in the kitchen light. You painted his fingernails a few days ago a rosy pink and the color was still on, albeit a bit chipped from playing guitar and cooking, knowing him.
His eyes lit up at the sight of you, the reaction turning your gut. You were still feeling weird after this morning, a sense of uneasiness lingering despite all you had tried (a bath, a cry with your friend Jordan, a bowl of pasta). “Y/N!” You made your way over, accepting the arm he offered around your shoulders, and the drink he shoved into your hand. The gin and tonic he had just made—your favorite, something he knew well. “Y/N, this is Miles. Works with Nick. This is Nick and I’s friend Y/N.”
The word friend jolted you for a second, although it wasn’t anything new. He’d been introducing you like this for years, and had continued in the past month. There wasn’t ever a discussion about it—the consistency in what he called you. It just…never changed, and you didn’t bring it up. “Nice to meet you.”
You sat in the conversation for a bit longer, engaging where required to seem like an attentive member of the chat, but in reality your mind was focused on where Harry was brushing his fingers up and down your back, his hand having drifted from your shoulder. He did this sometimes—touched you when he knew no one could see, the two of your backs facing a wall. Usually it had your skin on fire, but tonight you didn’t want him touching you after calling you his friend. “Have you seen Nick?” You asked him, pulling away just enough so his hand dropped away.
“Uh, yeah, out in the back.” His gaze drifted over your face, trying to understand the change in pace, but you didn’t give him the time to analyze it.
You said goodbye to Miles and walk towards the back, pulling open the sliding door leading to the back patio. Nick was holding court, as usual, to a circle of people who were all laughing hysterically. Yet again, as usual. It was exactly what you wanted—something to entertain your mind, maybe even pick up your night. You had been thinking over last night constantly and you couldn’t put your finger on what it was that pissed you off so much, but it had and you couldn’t shake it. Slipping in between Annie Mac and another one of Nick’s friends who you didn’t know, Nick’s eyes caught yours and smiled, not pausing in his story he was telling about interviewing some celebrity.
Annie turned to you and asked about work, which you happily answered, enjoying having something to chat about. Eventually, Nick finished his story and the group dispersed, him making his way over to you and Annie.
“Did you find Haz?” He asked, giving you a peck on the temple like he always did. “He was lookin’ for you earlier.”
You nodded, lifting your glass. “Present from the bartender. He was talking to your coworker—Miles?”
“I’m going to go say hi,” Annie said, squeezing your elbow. “Talk later?”
“Love to,” you replied before she walked away, leaving you and Nick alone.
Nick gave you a hard look, one you knew well—it meant he was about to give you some truth, free of cost. “What’s wrong, Y/N? Look pissed off at someone.”
And he was correct, unsurprisingly. “I’m fine. Thanks though.” It’s not like you could tell Nick—he was specifically one of the people Harry and you hadn’t told.
“Bullshit. What’d Harry do?”
You twirled the cup in your palm. He always saw through your shit, every single time. “How’d you know it was Harry?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “The first thing he asked when he got here was where you were and then watched the door like a hawk. Could tell somethin’ was up.”
“He was a dick,” you said, hoping that would cover the bases. It was the general idea, without specifics.
“Not surprised. What happened, love?”
Well you couldn’t exactly tell him that the two of you had sex and then Harry fell asleep before you came, forgot about it in the morning, and made you feel like shit without even realizing it, could you? “It’s nothing. Just need some time to stew in it.”
Nick eyed you, probably deciding whether to push or not. “Well, I’m always here to talk, you know that. Love you both to pieces but sometimes the two of you can be so thick.”
This time it was you who was confused. “What?”
“Fuck,” he mumbled, eyes falling to the ground. “I—nothing. Forget I said anything.”
Usually Nick was one for some gossip, but it seemed this wasn’t something he wanted to dig into, even though you were intrigued by his meaning. Had Harry said something to him? Or did he actually know what was going on, but chose not to say anything. “Ok. Well I’m going to go get another—want a refill?”
“Love one,” he told you, hand to your back. “Lead the way, mi’lady.”
You stood in the hall, pressing Confirm on your Uber ride, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You knew who it was before you even turned around, Harry’s cologne permanently imprinted on your brain. The entire night you had tried to avoid him, not wanting to have to hear him introduce you as his friend all over again, but it seemed he had found you anyways.
“Heading out?”
You nodded and eyes fell to his lip, which he had bit slightly. “You too?”
“Was about to call a car. Want to share?”
Your was heading to your apartment, where you had a bottle of wine and a warm bath waiting for you. “I’m heading home.”
He ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly. “I—could I come over?”
The correct answer would’ve been no. Keep the distance you’d established, let your thoughts collect and calm before you put yourself in a situation you knew wouldn’t be good. But unfortunately, you had never been good at saying no to him. “Okay,” you told him, and changed the number of seats in the car from one to two.
He fiddled with his phone as you waited, trying to talk to you but your brain was working a mile a minute, trying to figure out what you wanted to do tonight. Did you want to do anything? You supposed you could just let him sleep on the couch. But would he be offended? Was this the path to the end of your friendship? The icy distance between you was so cold you tensed when he placed his hand to your back when the car pulled up, something you knew probably bothered him. You couldn’t help your body’s reaction, though.
At least you didn’t have to keep him busy in the car ride. The Uber driver recognized Harry immediately and asked him a slew of questions, all sweet ones, and asked for an autograph for his daughter who was eight and a huge fan. You just watched in silence, the interaction one you had seen time and time again, but this time it made you annoyed—you wanted to stay mad at Harry, but he made it so hard when he did shit like this.
The lock slid shut on your door and you toed off your sandals, your bag lying on the hall table and keys in the dish, letting Harry follow behind you to the kitchen. A neutral space, one without obvious seats that would require close proximity.
“Water?” You asked him pulling down a glass for yourself before grabbing the bottle of filtered water from your fridge.
“Yeah, thanks.” He rested against the counter opposite you, shirt unbuttoned one more button than it had been at the party. You didn’t know when he had done that, but the sight of chest, the tips of the swallows, made you turn away and pay attention to the task at hand.
Suddenly, his body was behind yours, breathing in your ear, inches away from you. It was consuming, the feeling of him close to you. Usually, you would twirl around and smash your lips together, probably happily let him have his way with you on the floor of your kitchen. This time, though, it made you falter, water jug hitting the countertop.
It was silent in your flat besides the faint sound of honks and sirens from the streets below, so Harry’s breath in your ear was all you heard. That and the sound of your own heartbeat, clattering in your chest. “Y/N.” Your name on his lips was a question, an obvious beg. “Talk to me, please.”
“Nothin’s wrong,” you said. You didn’t want to have this conversation, because you feared it would mean the end. The end of everything between you, and you didn’t want that.
“Bullshit. You’ve barely looked at me since this morning, ignored me at Nick’s, and I can see the wheels turning in your head. I did something, but I don’t know what, and I need you to talk to me.”
He needed you to talk to him? That set you off, the anger boiling inside of your chest, body whirling around to face him. “You want to know what’s up? Fine. You begged me to come over last night—begged—and then when I did, you fucked me and fell asleep, not a second thought as to me and what I needed. This morning you had no memory of it, acted like it was normal and completely fine. But me? Harry, I felt fucking used last night.” The word slapped him in the face, body flinching at its intention. But the minute it was out, it felt right. That’s how you felt.
“Fuck, Y/N, I didn’t know—“
You held up your hand, cutting him off. “But that’s not even it. And I know this might spell the end of us, but I cannot take the song and dance anymore, Harry. You introduced me tonight as your friend, meanwhile I’ve been in your bed nearly every night for the past month and a half.” He was staring at you, his words like whiplash, but you didn’t slow. You needed to get it out before you lost your nerve. “And I’m fucking done. If that’s all this is going to be—me warming your bed and making you coffee in the morning and pretending like nothing’s happening when we’re around our best friends, I’m done.”
Harry was quiet, eyes flickering between yours as your chest rose and fell, adrenaline pouring through your veins at your confession. When he finally broke the silence, his words were a broken record in your ears. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to make you feel like that, I thought we were fine—“
“Get out.” The words punched him in the gut and you didn’t care. It was past apologies and he knew it. You knew it and you weren’t going to stand for it anymore. “Get out, Harry. Get out of my apartment.” He didn’t move though, and the anger was coiling in your belly, the tears searing behind your eyes. “Get out!” You screamed at him, finally forcing him into action.
He was scrambling to grab his things, one last look at you before he was out of your place, the door slamming shut behind him.
He was gone so fast that when the door shut it was quiet, the sound defeaning in your ears. You slid down, back hitting the wood of the cabinets and the metal knobs, but you didn’t care. Your arms collapsed around your knees, tucking them into your chest, and the tears threatening to break free fell, coating your cheeks in your regret. More than anything you wished none of this had happened, that you hadn’t ever asked him who the song was about, that he had never told you it was you, they’re all about you, the words echoing in your brain. You wanted it to be like it was before, unrequited feelings that might have been confusing but never caused you to question your ability to be around Harry. They never got blurred, never reached into the category of dangerous to your heart.
And here you were, crying on your kitchen floor over the last boy you thought would ever hurt you.
Harry knew he was an idiot, but that wasn’t news. In most of his relationships he had been an idiot in some way or an another, but this? This was the worst it had ever been. It had taken every ounce of his soul for him to tell you the truth of how he felt, and not he had dug himself into a hole of avoidance with the girl he loved.
It was true.
He loved you.
He had told you before, but not since that first time. The words had been caught in his throat and he hated that. Because his feelings hadn’t changed, only grown. It drove him crazy that it had taken you yelling at him to get out of your apartment, him hurting you (and himself) tor realize it, but at least he finally had.
It had settled for him when Camille texted him a few days after your fight. He was pissed off and sad, alternating between running miles on his treadmill, trying to outrun his own thoughts, and lying in bed watching Love Island re-runs because you loved watching it and it made him think of you. It was unhealthy and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop. And then Camille texted him that she was in town and thought of him, and the part of him that still wondered if they would ever get back together overpowered the part of him that was smart, and he replied.
They ended up talking that night over a glass of wine in a tiny bar they used to frequent when they were together and in London, and when he looked at her, he didn’t feel anything. The only thing he could think about was you, about how you had held him when he cried and helped him piece himself back together, and here he was in front of Camille and felt nothing. You would probably be proud of him in a way, but at the same time, the reason he wasn’t feeling anything for Camille was because his emotions were yours. His heart belonged to you. And he told Camille because he had to tell someone, and she listened, surprisingly. Told he was an asshole, which was something he frequently had told himself over the past few days, and to get over himself and talk to you.
And he had every intention to. He kept picking up the phone to call you, opening your contact and hovering over the message button, but then he realized he didn’t know what to say. Not because he didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what not to say. He had so many things he wanted to say there was no way to write you a text or call you and most likely leave a voicemail. He had enough to fill an entire notebook with, write an album of songs, a symphony even, of his feelings and thoughts about you.
Because he was in love with you. Hopelessly, endlessly, in love with you.
He felt it in the very depths of his soul and he never wanted to forget it. He didn’t want to get over you. He didn’t want to have to stop talking to you, to scrub the memories of you from his home, which were everywhere he looked. To wash his clothes that you wore so many times that the scent of you finally left them, to return your belongings that had ended up in his closets and counters. To put the photos of the two of you in a box and hide them, to stop buying your favorite wine at Tesco, to avoid your favorite bars and restaurants so he didn’t have to see you. To wonder if you’d be at a party and if he should go, because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
He didn’t want to do any of that. He wanted to love you, to bask in the feeling that came over him when he saw you, to linger there and let himself burn in the sunlight that was you. Anne told him he was a hopeless romantic, but for you, he had all the hope in the world because he could see you being together forever. And to lose you…the thought was too much for him to bear.
All of that brought him to your door, the rain coming down in sheets around him, his shirt and pants soaked through, shoes squeaking on the stairs as he climbed to your apartment. He knew the building code by heart, not even having to ring your apartment to get inside, which he was happy for. He wanted one less place for you to refuse him entry. He pushed his hair back, the droplets flickering over his skin, and wondered what he looked like right now. Probably a bit on the crazy side.
But that was okay with him, because he was. Crazy for you.
He stopped in front of your door, 2A and the knocker staring back at him, mocking him, wondering if he’d have the guts to do it. Your face popped into his brain, and he wondered what you were going to say. He had a speech prepared—one he had figured out as he drove here, mulling over the words and their meaning, over analyzing it all to make sure he said exactly what he wanted because if he got in the door he couldn’t risk fucking it up again. Before he could stop himself, he rapped the knocker on your door, stepping back and taking a deep breath.
The wait was the worst part. The wondering if you would open the door at all. He knew you were home—saw your lights on from the street and your bike locked up outside. He played with the hem of his tour tank top, trying to squeeze out the water in the material.
And then all of a sudden he heard the hinges of the door squeak and you were standing there in shorts and an oversized shirt, glasses on your nose and hair up in a ponytail. It made his heart ache to see you after so many days apart, especially days spent thinking of nothing but you.
“You’re wet,” you said bluntly, taking in his appearance.
“Raining out,” he replied, eyes fluttering over your face, trying to take in your demeanor. You seemed on edge, which was understandable, but not angry. Exhausted, maybe, judging from the look in your eyes. “Can I come in? I—I need to tell you something.”
He didn’t you wanted to talk, so he just said tell you something. Because if that’s all it was, that’s all it was, but at least then he’d have been open and honest with you. Laid it all out there, bare and vulnerable. “Yeah,” you said after a beat, opening the door wide enough for him to slip through before shutting it behind him, sliding the chain in the lock.
Standing in your apartment was surreal to him, the rugs and warm lights and books scattered on every surface possible, a big piece of art he’d given you for your birthday last year over the sofa, the faint smell of cinnamon. You stress baked, just like him. He wondered it you did cinnamon rolls, one of your favorite things. His eyes flickered back to you, leaning against the back of your couch and staring at him, waiting for him to speak. He took one step forward so he was farther into your place, and then opened his mouth, the speech he had prepared flowing easily from his throat.
“I love you,” he started, the catch in your breath making his heart skip a beat. “I know I told you on the trip, but I haven’t said it since, and I think for the same reason as why I didn’t call you my girlfriend. I think my brain had built up for so long what it would be like to be with you that when it actually happened I didn’t know what to do. How to be your boyfriend, how to date you, how to be with you like I’d always thought. So I just reverted to what I knew, but with the added sex.
“And that wasn’t fair to either of us. It eroded all the things I love about our relationship—how we talk about everything, how honest we are. Made me feel like we were pretending in front of each other, but I didn’t know how to stop it after it had been happening for so long, you know? And the prospect of fucking it all up and losing you was worse than letting the in-between thing just stretch out. So I just didn’t say anything, even though it was eating away at me.
“I thought you were fine with it, actually. You never said anything, so I thought we were fine, generally speaking. But I know now that was bullshit not only because you told me, but because how could you have been fine with it? I had told you I loved you, confessed all these feelings, and then told you I wanted to keep it all a secret because I couldn’t get my own brain in order. I think that I thought if we told people it would be real, and it being real frightened me to bits.”
He ran a hand through his hair, the droplets coating his rings. “I know that all probably makes no sense to you, but what I’m trying to say, Y/N, is that I love you. I haven’t stopped loving you.” He laughed nervously, his heart seizing. “I don’t know how to not love you. And I don’t want to stop—I can’t lose you, not again. I need you, even though I know I’ve been shit to you these past weeks. So I’m here and I’m begging you to forgive me, to let us try this out properly. To be my girlfriend, tell all of our friends and family, do it for real this time.”
The silence stretched between them for a second, then two. His eyes stayed on yours, gaze locked as you processed his words. And just when he was about to open his mouth again, to tell you he would leave, you were crossing the distance between them and your lips were on his, an answer to his question.
Kissing you was like returning to an old friend. It felt right in every part of his body, the way you leaned into him, the way you curled your fingers through his hair and touched him, hands on his chest. His lips chased yours, desperate for anything you would give him, a stray dog begging for scraps. His hands wrapped around your waist, holding you close, sighing at the feeling of your warm skin on his.
Your lips parted and returned, lovers in a well-rehearsed dance. A song they knew all the words to.
Your hands pulled his wet t-shirt over his head and he tugged at your now damp one, kisses to the rise of your breasts that made you arch into him and gasp. Your sounds were music to his ears, a chorus he had been dying to hear again. You stumbled over one another’s feet as he moved you to your bedroom, desperate to see all of you. He knew you felt the same from how you pulled at his hands, tugging him into your room and flipping on the light by your bedside, the soft glow allowing him to see shadows of your bodies on the walls.
“Y/N,” he breathed against your neck, “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” you replied, tugging hips to yours and rolling against them sinfully. “Need you.”
That had him moving faster than he thought possible. He shucked off his pants, then yours, leaving you in a pair of blue cotton underwear that he ripped without a second thought. You yelped but he didn’t care, he’d buy you another he whispered to you, a promise he had no intention of breaking. He’d buy you the world, no matter the price.
Your hands pressed against his chest, forcing him onto the bed, body bouncing. Quickly he clamored back, gaining more space for the two of you and you followed, a lion on the hunt. You knees pressed to either side of his hips and rolled softly, a groan flying from both of your mouths before they met again.
He pulled at the clasp of your bra, needing to see you bare for him and it was a sight he had missed desperately. Leaning up, hands holding your chest in place, he rolled your nipple into his mouth, a cry falling from your lips that spelled his name. “Fuck,” he murmured into your skin as you rocked over him, bare clit on his dick. “Can feel how wet you are, baby.”
“All for you,” you said, your words a whimper that had him groaning and suckling on your nipple immediately. He loved every moment with you, but these ones were near the top. When he had the raw, unfiltered you, witnessing your body respond to every thing he offered you, taking and taking and taking. And he didn’t mind. You had given him the opportunity to love you and that was enough for him.
His hand found its way down your body, a torturing path that had your squirming in his arms, before his fingers brushed your clit. You arched into him, breasts flushed with his chest, head lolling into the crook of his neck. He played you like an instrument he knew by heart, knowing exactly what you needed. A slow circle, then fast swipes clockwise, a pinch to your clit. A teasing brush to your slit, his name on your lips before he pulled you into him again. He got distracted with your lips, but you didn’t seem to mind. You found your own pleasure, rolling your hips over him repeatedly, the wetness of you driving him insane.
The feeling of you over him, completely bare, was enough for him to come right there and then.
“Love,” he said, throat gravelly as he spoke. “I—I’m going to come if you keep that up and I want you to come before I fuck you.”
But you shook your head, lips pressing into his jaw, where a brush of stubble had grown over the past few days. He knew you liked it, how it felt against your skin, something to remember him by. “I just want you,” you told him, eyes meeting his. “Want to come with you.”
His head dropped back because those words brought him to the brink. “You’re a dream,” he whispered, pulling you down with him before rolling you over. “This okay—like this?”
You nodded, pushing his wet hair back so he could see you better. “I like it like this. Know it’s simple, but I can see you.”
He knew exactly what you meant. “Me too.” Without meaning to, he shifted his hips and his tip brushed against your clit, a wanton moan exploding from your chest into your bedroom. “Ready, baby? Ready for me to show me how much I love you?”
Your arms locked around his neck and you nodded, capturing his lips in yours again. “Show me everything,” you whimpered when he brushed against you again, teasing both of you. “Everything, Harry.”
His name on your lips did it. Reaching a hand down, he found his dick and he moved so he could brush your slit, your head tipping back. “Look at me,” he said, and you looked back at him, chest rising and falling. And with that, he pushed in slowly, letting your walls capture every inch of him.
Watching you when he pushed into you was one of his favorite things. Could take photos of your face like that for hours, put them in an art gallery because it was art in its finest form. “Oh my god,” you panted, hands scrambling at his back, his shoulder blades, searching for purchase. When you found it, your fingernails dug into his skin and he hissed, loving that he would have marks of you on him tomorrow.
With that, he pulled out and then back in, watching you as your jaw dropped open. “Feel me, baby? Am I deep for you?” The words tumbled from him without a thought. Somehow having sex with you just made his brain melt away—he wasn’t like this with other people, but with you, he wanted to tell you everything. Wanted you to know every thought on his brain.
He rested his head on your chest, your hands drifting from his back to his scalp, tugging on the hair and a moan ripping through his body. His hands rested next to your shoulders, helping him find strength to push in and out of you at a rhythm that was both not enough and everything all at once. “Need more,” you moaned. “Please, H.”
Your wish was his command. He drew back before slamming into you, hips meeting yours with a smack that had your legs coming up around his waist for better access. Hands met skin as you held on, your body moving up and down on the duvet  as he pushed into you. His lips missed your skin, so he rectified it with a nip at your collarbone, sucking into your skin harshly, leaving a mark for tomorrow that he would top up in the morning. It would be like a tattoo on your skin, reminding the world that you were his. Finally.
“So deep.” Your words made him see stars. He was close already, he was close before even entered you, but the feeling of being so deep inside of you was making him teeter dangerously on the edge.
You yelped when he pressed deeper, brushing against the spot he knew you loved. “Never gonna make you made ever again,” he said, words a jumbled mess in his brain. He could feel the sweat between your bodies and he loved how your skin stuck to each other, not wanting to part. “Promise, Y/N. You don’t deserve that.”
“Then keep fucking me and make me cum, maybe I won’t be mad anymore,” you said and your words made him slam into you.
“Yeah? Want me to make you come?” He wanted to you see you finish.  He knew you were taunting him but he didn’t care, it made him work harder for your orgasm, it a prize he desperately needed tonight. “Gonna make you come baby, promise. Need it. Need to feel you squeeze around me, fuck you’re so good, need to feel you come for me. That’s all I want, love. All I want is you.”
You pulled his head, lips meeting and he rocked into you, teeth gnashing as he brought you closer to your release. He caught your moans in his mouth and sent them right back, a tinge of his own mixed in. Lips fought for dominance as he cradled your head in his arms, holding you tight to his body. He wanted to have you close when you came, wanted to feel you shake against him.
When you did, it was tidal wave that he felt before he heard it. He felt you clamp down around him, your spine arch. Then, he heard the shrieks from your mouth, the ones made up of purely his name, Harry a chant on your lips. It had him coming to his own release immediately, the feeling and sight of you finishing around him, eyes wide and staring into his, knowing he loved watching you. He slammed into you, hips stuttering as he shot into you, ropes of come painting your walls that had goosebumps covering his skin as he shivered.
It took him a few beats to regain his breath and when he did, you were running your fingers down his spine. He loved it when you did it, the feeling of you impossibly close in more ways than one.
“I love you,” you said, voice hoarse in his ears before pressing a kiss to his nose. “Endlessly.” You pulled him flush on your skin, forcing him to let go and let you shoulder his weight which he knew you didn’t mind. Quite liked it actually.
His fingers wove through the strands of your hair scattered on the bed that had broken from of your ponytail. “I love you too.”
“We’re going to do this, huh?” You asked him and he chuckled.
“Yeah,” he told you and you giggled in his ear. Giggled. He loved that sound, the childish glee in your voice. “Want to show you off, show everyone you’re mine.”
He went to pull out of you, but you held him fast. “Can you just, stay here for a second?”
His gaze shifted to your eyes and he nodded. “Nowhere else I’d rather be.” He rolled slowly, taking you with him and keeping himself sheathed inside of you. It felt impossibly close, like he was inside of your skin, and it was everything he needed. After being apart from you for days, and even before that not having you like this—your heart, mind, soul—it was a euphoric feeling.
“I’ve got cinnamon rolls for the morning,” you said out of nowhere.
He brushed a kiss to your shoulder and felt you smile against his skin. “One of the many reasons that I love you.” You nuzzled into his neck and he sighed.
He was home.
talk to me about Residue here | masterlist here
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quicksilversquared · 4 years ago
Move to Safety
After Adrien just happens to spy Nooroo in his father's office, he's sent into an panic. His father is Hawkmoth, which means that Adrien is in serious danger.
Thankfully the Dupain-Chengs are more than willing to step up to the plate and lend a helping hand.
links in the reblog
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Adrien didn't know what he was going to do. He paced, he grabbed at his hair, he made a couple stabs at making plans to run away but found big, gaping holes in his plans almost immediately when he actually managed to take a half-step back and look at them again.
His father was Hawkmoth, and Adrien Was Not Dealing.
"I can't sleep here, what if he finds out about me?" Adrien asked frantically for the twenty-fifth time, carding his fingers through his hair. "Or what if he already knows? What if he suspects something and decides to put up a camera on my window? What if-"
"Okay, first of all, I do check for things like cameras and hidden microphones all the time," Plagg said loudly, cutting through Adrien's panicked fog for the first time in- well, for the first time in however many minutes it had been that Adrien had been freaking out. "There aren't any over here or any even pointed in this direction, which is a bit odd considering how often you sneak out but maybe it's because people can't really sneak in this way. Second of all- can't you move out? You were planning on doing that when you went to university anyway, right?"
Adrien nodded, then shook his head. "I'm too young to move out yet, I still have a few months before I'll even be able to sign a lease. And if I move out right away- then he'll know that something is up. It's better not to arouse any suspicions, but I don't want to be close enough for him to get any suspicions about me."
"He's had years to get suspicious about you, though," Plagg countered. "It's not like you just started being Chat Noir."
"Yeah, well, I've had years to get suspicious about him, too, and look at where we are now!"
Plagg looked. His usually picture-perfect Chosen was a frazzled mess in the middle of his room, hair sticking up oddly from him pulling at it so much. He could see where Adrien had been pacing in the carpet, the little loops scuffed more than the ones around them. Scattered pages of notes from his half-baked plans covered the top of the desk, some things circled and others crossed out (and some circled and then crossed out).
It was a somewhat unsettling picture.
"Okay, so first of all, don't let on that anything is different," Plagg said, because apparently he had to be the cool-headed thinker between the two of them now. "If you do, your father will investigate. Second of all, you have locks on your doors, right? Lock them at night."
Adrien shook his head. "It won't make a difference. Father has the keys to all of the rooms. At best, I could set an alarm so that I would wake up if someone came in, but that would be hard to do without anyone noticing. What if I set it at night, had to go out for a morning akuma attack and forgot about it, and one of the maids tried to come in? Then the alarm would go off and Father would be so confused and annoyed and would investigate and-"
Plagg watched, unimpressed. "I think pigtails is wearing off on you with the over-the-top unrealistic panic scenarios."
"They aren't unrealistic! You've seen what Father is like. Paranoid and controlling and- he's a supervillain, Plagg, it's not unrealistic for him to notice something off in the room and wonder about it and then he would try to lock me down even more while he tries to figure out what's going on and why I have an alarm system set up on the interior doors of my room."
...his Chosen had a good point. So Plagg sighed, floated down to desk level, and actually gave it some more thought.
Tikki would be so proud of him right now.
"Okay, so you'll definitely have to tell Ladybug sooner rather than later," Plagg started, because while the discovery was earth-shattering for Adrien, he still had to think like a superhero. "And then, uh..."
Yeah, so maybe he was coming up a little blank.
"Yeah, that was about as far as I got, too," Adrien said moodily, flopping down in his desk chair and spinning around. "I mean, once I turn eighteen and can rent a place, I could just escape at night and run over there to sleep. As long as I set an alarm every night, I should be able to get back here before anyone notices that I'm gone. And I would only need to buy a mattress to keep over there, at least until I move out for good. And at least I can afford it," he added. "All of the money from my modeling and commercials and all the other stuff that I've done- that's in my account, and no one can take it from me. I made sure that the account was entirely in my name last year, when I started thinking about moving out. Neither Father nor Nathalie can touch the money in there, I made sure of that."
That still left several months between now and then which- well, again, not ideal. Maybe they would defeat his father before then, since they knew where to find him now, but if they didn't...
"Lots of sleepovers with friends, maybe?" Plagg suggested weakly. Adrien laughed, then sighed.
"Yeah, I wish. I think Nino might start to wonder if I showed up at his house every night for three and a half months, though. And his parents might call Father, and I don't want that." Adrien slumped in his chair again, then straightened with a yelp when he caught sight of the time. "Oh! Crud, I'm meant to be going over to Marinette's house today so we can all hang out today. I don't want to be late for that. C'mon, Plagg, let's go!"
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  Adrien was undeniably, irrefutably, most definitely feeling off. And it was showing. He had lost the last three games of Mecha Strike to Nino, of all people- and he had lost badly. Thankfully his friends seemed willing enough to write it off to exhaustion from too many photoshoots instead of interrogating him on his distraction, and so Adrien got off scot-free.
That wasn't good if he was so obviously distracted, though. Nathalie would see through his squirrely behavior in an instant. She knew that he didn't have an overly loaded schedule- well, no more loaded than it usually was, at least- and she would be more likely to ask question.
He wondered if she knew about his father. She had to, right? There was no way that she could miss it when she was working in the same room as him day in and day out-
-she was Mayura, wasn't she. The thought hit Adrien like a brick wall, and he swallowed hard, feeling a little ill. His father was his family and Nathalie had been like family and they were the supervillains terrorizing Paris, the ones that he had to fight against almost every other day.
He was going to be sick.
How Adrien made it through the rest of his get-together with his friends, he didn't know. It seemed like time flashed by in an instant and then Nino and Alya were leaving, headed out the door together arm-in-arm and without a care in the world. Adrien was about to follow them- now that he was nearly eighteen, he was actually allowed to walk between Marinette's house and his own instead of having the Gorilla drive him for the few short blocks- when a slender hand slid around his wrist, stopping him before he could get more than a couple steps. Confused, Adrien blinked and turned around to see Marinette staring up at him, concern written across her face.
"Something is bothering you, isn't it?" Marinette asked, tugging Adrien gently away from the door and letting it close. "You've been off the entire time that you've been here."
Adrien tried for a smile. "It's nothing, just photoshoots-"
"You haven't had a photoshoot in three days, and you were just fine after the last one," Marinette shot back, and belatedly Adrien remembered that oh, right, Marinette had an open invitation to all of his photoshoots and knew when they were. "And if you were tired, you would have passed out on the couch while we were playing games. Instead, you were almost fidgeting out of your skin. And you suddenly got more distracted partway through- you looked like you were about to be sick."
"Start-of-summer cold?" Adrien offered up weakly. Marinette looked even less convinced, brow furrowed with concern as she gazed up at him. All of a sudden, Adrien couldn't do it anymore.
"My father is Hawkmoth," Adrien confessed in a rush, practically collapsing in on himself. "I was passing by his office today and I saw him talking to Noor- to his kwami, and it was a butterfly, and then he pulled off his necktie and was rubbing this brooch underneath it and why would he hide any jewelry if it weren't the Miraculous? And Nathalie knows, she has to, she's in the same office all day and she has to be Mayura and I'm living in the same house as two supervillains and I can't move out for a year without them getting suspicious and what am I meant to do?"
Marinette looked rather as though she had been hit by a truck, she was so surprised. Adrien winced.
...he definitely could have broken the news better. Maybe she wouldn't want to be near him now, because it would be dangerous to be near the son of a supervillain even though he wasn't a supervillain, he was a superhero, and wasn't that ironic? He had to fight against his own father.
That was really, really messed up.
Marinette's expression shifted from startled to confused, and Adrien heard her mumble "But how does he know what-?" before her grip suddenly tightened around his wrist and she turned his hand, just enough to see his ring glinting in the sun. She let a tiny oh, and suddenly Adrien knew without question that somehow she had just figured out his secret identity.
A soft thud behind them caught Adrien's attention next, and both he and Marinette swung around in time to see Mr. Dupain startle, righting his tray before another loaf of bread could fall off. His gaze returned to Adrien as soon as he had ensured that all of the bread was safe, and- okay, apparently Marinette's dad had overheard him.
He hadn't planned on letting people know, let alone this many. Marinette's family was perfectly normal and completely functional and he shouldn't be burdening them with his family's problems. But now Mr. Dupain was setting down his tray to come over and wrap Adrien up in a hug, and when had Marinette started hugging him? Adrien couldn't help but stiffen up in surprise at first, before practically collapsing into the hug.
Adrien hadn't been hugged like this for so long. Two sets of arms wrapped around him, and Marinette's hands were rubbing up and down his back. It was absolute unquestioning acceptance, and Adrien couldn't even manage to be embarrassed about the tears that he could definitely feel starting to leak down his cheeks. Marinette's cheek was pressed against his, and she clearly had no reservations about holding him close.
"Does your father know that you found out about him?" Mr. Dupain asked, pulling back but only enough so that he could see Adrien. "Or doesn't he know?"
"He doesn't know," Adrien said at once. After all, he hadn't lingered much in the atrium once he saw the kwami- Nooroo, Plagg had called him- before making a hasty (and quiet) escape to his room. In fact, he wouldn't be 100% sure of what he had seen if it weren't for the fact that Plagg had seen it, too, and had even zipped back to try to eavesdrop for a bit. "I left right away, and he wasn't facing the door. But I just- I can't believe that I've been sleeping under the same roof as a supervillain. Two supervillains, if you count Nathalie."
"You don't feel safe sleeping there anymore, do you?" Mr. Dupain asked at once. He was frowning. "I know that I wouldn't."
Adrien nodded, burying his face in Marinette's hair and trying not to sound like he was about to cry. He was pretty certain that he wasn't succeeding. Also, he was definitely getting snot all over her hair, and he would have to apologize for that later. "Yeah. I was planning on moving out once I started university, and of course I can get an apartment once I reach my birthday and then just sneak out to sleep there, but I would have to wait for that."
"And it's very possible that your landlord would still reach out to your father," Mr. Dupain said, and Adrien's head flew up in alarm to stare at him in alarm. He had only done a little research on apartments, enough to figure out that he had to legally be an adult to rent without a guardian's signature, but he had a source of income and a savings account of his own and surely that would be enough, right?
Marinette was frowning, too. "But surely if he asked the landlord not to say anything, they wouldn't?"
Her dad shook his head. "Not necessarily. I assume that you would pick something small and relatively cheap, at least for the time being," he said to Adrien, and Adrien nodded in confirmation. He didn't want to spend too much money right away, after all. "Right. Some of those landlords- well, they're not the best, to say the least. They would know that you come from money and they might try to exploit that. It's not legal, and all you would have to do to get them to back off if they were trying to push for more than what's in the lease is report it, but if something like that happens or you forget to pay on time they might go to your father, and once is all you need for him to find out."
Adrien nodded, his heart sinking.
"And frankly- Adrien, you're still a teenager. You're still a kid. You shouldn't have to be spending your money on essentials yet, and I'm not comfortable with letting you do that." Mr. Dupain glanced towards the bakery, where Mrs. Cheng was still working the front counter. "I'd have to discuss it with Sabine, of course, but- Adrien, we do have a guest room that rarely ever gets used."
Adrien's jaw was practically on the floor at the implied offer as soon as it sunk in. "I- I mean, that would be- are you sure?"
Mr. Dupain smiled, clapping Adrien on the shoulder. "You're a kind young man, Adrien. If you don't feel safe at home, we'd be more than happy to help. I will have to tell Sabine about your father, though, to convince her that we're actually helping and not just trying to steal you away from your family. Not that she would be entirely opposed to that, of course."
If it would get him a place to stay at night, that was fine. He would just have to trust that the Dupain-Chengs wouldn't get akumatized before he and Ladybug could take Hawkmoth down. "Of course."
"Good, good." Mr. Dupain gave Adrien's shoulder a squeeze before stepping back and picking up his tray of bread again. "Why don't you two head back upstairs then? If you can stay for dinner, Adrien, then maybe we can discuss how this is all going to work out?"
Adrien nodded obediently, glancing back towards Marinette. He certainly wouldn't mind staying longer- the Dupain-Cheng home was so warm and friendly, so very unlike his own- and he also had a few things that he needed to discuss with Marinette. Namely, the fact that she had figured out that he was Chat Noir.
Adrien's mind was racing as he and Marinette headed back upstairs. He was trying to figure out where to start. Should he try to deny her discovery? Would she even believe him if he tried? Something told him no.
"We're going to have to figure out how to time things so that your father doesn't catch on," Marinette said as she ushered Adrien back upstairs towards their living room. She sent him a sharp look. "Though I suppose that you being able to just slip in and out from your window makes things easier."
...yeah, he wasn't even going to try to deny his secret identity. Marinette hadn't phrased it as a question. She knew.
Adrien sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. Ladybug wasn't going to be happy about someone finding out his secret identity, but at least- well, at least they knew Hawkmoth's identity, too, so an end to this whole fight was in sight. Hopefully. "Yeah, it makes things a lot easier. But speaking of that..."
Marinette glanced up at him. "Yes?"
"We really need to talk."
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killjoysfromyesterday · 4 years ago
all her skies are yellow
new drabble! wrote this during english today. not proofread whatsoever but it’s 10pm pls cut me some slack lmao
summary: set a few months after sing, jet survived.
content warning: slight su*cidal ideation, bl**d, raygun usage
word count: 2,176
"you let us die. why were you the only one to get out? you're a monster, jet." jet can imagine the way kobra's lips turn up into a snarl with his words, the same way he'd talk to dracs during claps, and jet recoils.
jet can't even get in a word to kobra because poison's stepping up, footsteps always so hard, and once again he can see it in his head: poison's eyes always lighted with fury that almost matches the cherry red of their hair.
"you think you're brave? that you're a killjoy like we were? you can't even see anymore." their voice is cruel and jet's heart is going rabbit-fast in his chest, he's pretty sure he's gonna pass out.
"it's all dark, isn't it? that's what you deserve." ghoul pipes up. jet can't help but agree.
and then there's soft footsteps around him, and he braces because he expects to be kicked, but then somebody's got a hand hooked under his jaw to force him to look up. of course, he can't see who it is, but their presence feels familiar. too familiar.
"you're nothing." the voice says, words light as feathers but hitting jet like a ton of bricks.
the hand on his face is snatched away, and he barely manages to catch himself with his hands and avoid faceplanting onto the ground below him.
there's a cold barrel of a ray gun pressed between his eyes. he knows it's her, because he can hear the far-off cackles of ghoul and the venom siblings.
his ma is going to kill him. he disappoints her that much. he wants to talk, wants to beg for his life, but he can't. the words are stuck in his throat. why would he beg? it's not like he's got any purpose here any more. the girl's got pony, doc, and cherri; she's in good hands. he only weighs them down, hiding away in the shadows and never leaving his room. he's another mouth to feed, and he can't even fucking see now.
"you should've been a better son." she says, voice just like he remembers it as a kid when she sang him to sleep, except now it's nothing but knives that cut straight through and lodge so deep he thinks her words are just enough to kill him. he wants her to just shoot, he doesn't want to think about it anymore. he hopes the witch has room for him.
except she doesn't shoot, just rears back the barrel of the gun and hits him between the eyes so hard that the blackness of his vision fuzzes and spins before he jolts awake with a start, still in his bed at the station.
he's gasping for air, hands flying up to his throat because it feels like his lungs are simultaneously working double time and not working at all, he's getting lightheaded and there's alarms going off in his head.
it's all so loud, he needs it all to stop. he can't think, it's so, so loud, he can hear his blood rushing in his ears. his ma's voice is playing over and over in his head, he can't, he just needs it all to shut up, he-
"you're nothing." her voice repeats like she's standing right there next to him, and he falls off the mattress trying to flinch away from her. he's scooting back, the noises of things falling and breaking with his scared movements are so loud. something falls and he whimpers, clamping his hands over his ears.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i don't know, i'm s-"  he's choking, coughing and sputtering and he thinks he's dying. maybe this is how he's supposed to go, the witch just kept him alive for longer than the others as a cruel mockery. she's gonna come and take him away any minute.
poison's talking again, and it's drowned out by ghoul's cackling and kobra's snarling. he's got his legs curled to his chest, and he buries his head between his knees.
he wraps his arms around his torso protectively, trembling so hard he can barely keep himself backed into the corner. his shirt feels wet, and he knows he's most likely torn a few of the stitches on his chest. the stitches over the raygun blast that nearly killed him that night. he wishes it had.
he can still feel the hood of the car, he's staring up at the city sky, thinking the witch was gonna take him. no, instead she had just frowned at him in his dreams and swiped her hand over his face, and the sight in his working eye was no more.
now he's sniffling, arms wrapped around himself so tight he can feel his ribs. he needs to eat. that's what doc tells him. maybe doc would agree with his mom, he's a failure. who would willingly parent such a wreck?
he's twenty-three, he's lived in the desert his whole life. he should be able to process death by now. but instead, he's hiding and shaking like a stray dog. witch, the blood is seeping through his shirt now and onto his hands.
the words of his ma and the others hit a crescendo and he digs his nails into his face, hands clapped over his eyes. he wants to hide. he knows he's probably getting blood all over himself, but better that it's his own than someone else's. he's had too much blood of others on his hands, both figuratively and literally.
he can hear other voices, there's footsteps out in the hall and he knows they're looking for him. shit, he woke them up. he just hopes the girl hasn't woken up.
the door creaks open and he cringes, and little footsteps patter across the floor. well, that question is answered. he grimaces.
"found him!" the girl shouts back in the direction of the hallway.
"you should go back and rest." cherri's voice is hoarse with sleep. it makes jet feel a million times worse.
"but-" she asks, voice trailing off.
"girly. go on." doc says. he sounds the same, he's likely been up for hours. he almost never sleeps anymore. the girl huffs but her footsteps disappear down the hallway and jet assumes she's gone back to her room.
"you opened your stitches." cherri says. he's closer now, his voice is soft. jet doesn't answer, and when cherri goes to touch his arm, jet's hands tear away from his face and he curls himself closer into the corner.
"oh, jet..." pony's voice is behind cherri now, soft and sympathetic. jet wraps his arms back around his torso, fingers digging so hard into his sides he knows he's gonna have bruises. it's the only thing grounding him right now.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" he's rambling again.
"sorry for what, tumbleweed?" doc asks. doc hasn't called him that since he was a kid. it just makes jet feel even worse.
jet doesn't know how to answer him, doesn't know how to tell him he's sorry because he lived and they didn't. so instead he just shakes his head and digs his nails even further into his ribs.
he doesn't know how to tell doc that he feels so alone, that his bedroom feels like a prison and he thinks he'd be better off with his mask in the mailbox.
doc always tells him the girl needs him now more than ever, but jet has a hard time believing him. jet can't even see her anymore, her smile has been replaced by the permanent black fuzziness that is his vision now.
poison and kobra are yelling in his ears again, and ghoul sneers so sharply it makes his head hurt. he just wants it to stop. his ma was right. he's nothing.
why did he have to be the one to get out that night? and not the others? poison is- no, was (it hurts to correct himself) poison was a natural born leader, kobra was a genius, and ghoul had so much spirit.
who was he? just the damaged, desertborn kid they hauled around with them? the fact that he made it out was a sick joke.
witch, it's all too much. he's gonna be sick.
"c'mon, let's get you cleaned up." cherri says. jet doesn't want to get up, he just wants to be left alone, but he still stands up on shaky legs and follows cherri to the bathroom.
jet slides onto the edge of the tub, hands gripping onto the sides harder than necessary. cherri's turned the sink on, jet can hear the water running.
"look up." cherri says, and jet tilts his head up so cherri can swipe a washcloth across the scarred mess that is his eyes to wash away the blood that smeared from his chest to his hands and ultimately onto his face when he was panicking. it reminds him entirely too much of the encounter with his ma in his nightmare, and he resists the overwhelming urge to pull away.
"jet, i'm sure you can understand why we're worried." cherri says. his way of enunuciating every syllable is odd to jet, city kids in general are weird, but kobra and poison never had the poshness in their voice like cherri does. it doesn't match cherri, jet thinks.
"these nightmares are getting worse. you're not eating too well, either. you of all people should know how important food is." cherri says.
jet knows that cherri didn't mean it that way, but his words felt like a jab at the fact jet was homeless as a kid. jet just clenches his jaw as he hears cherri put the washcloth away. cherri turns back to him, sitting on the edge of the tub next to him.
"what's really going on?" cherri asks. and then the words are tumbling out of jet's mouth before he can stop them and shove them back in, permanently bottled up in the pit of his stomach.
"i'm a monster. it's my fault, isn't it?" jet asks quietly. the question's been weighing in his head for so long that it feels strange to speak it out loud.
"what?" cherri asks.
"it's my fault they're gone."
"jet." cherri's voice sounds firmer than before.
"no, it's true. please don't try to-"
"jet, you're not a monster. you're like a little brother to me. the others were too. and doc? doc can't handle losing you too. he's already gone a little funny in the head, he's asking where kobra and ghoul are constantly. the girl, she's..."
"she's fine without me." jet interrupts, voice small.
"you have no clue." cherri sighs.
"she's not okay without you. she's so scared, jet. pony dropped a pan yesterday and she ran like a bat out of hell. she thought it was a raygun blast." cherri says.
"she misses you so much. you know, she still sets aside the blue crayons for you when she colors. all her skies are yellow now.” cherri chuckles sadly. jet can imagine it in his head, and it makes him too damn sad to think about it for long. the girl setting aside his favorite color for him, and he's barely left his room since they both came back.
"i'd just scare her now." jet mutters. the texture of his face is enough to tell him he doesn't look the same. the gnarled scars covering his face are mostly healed now. sure, he's been missing his right eye since before the girl was born, but it wasn't as bad. she grew up knowing the singular, thin scar across the bridge of jet's nose. what she doesn't know nearly as well is the raygun blast scars from that night, the ones that hit him before the final shot to his chest that sent him back against the hood of the trans am.
"i know you think you're doing the best thing for her by staying away, but she needs you, jet. now more than ever."
"you're slipping, jet. we don't want to lose you too. the girl can't handle losing you." cherri says, and his voice sounds suspiciously tearful.
"you won't."
"then promise me. promise me things will change and we won't have to have this same conversation in a month." cherri's practically begging now. jet doesn't answer.
he can't.
they've had this exchange before, and nothing changed. he can't promise to cherri that things will change this time either, because witch, it's so easy to just hide away. it's so easy to curl up in his bed and think about what could've been. it's so easy to sit there until the grief washes over him like a wave and he's practically drowning himself to feel past the ebbing and flowing numbness that settles in his bones now.
"if you're not gonna do it for me, do it for her. please, jet." cherri pleads, but jet barely hears him because he's thinking about the girl drawing pictures with yellow skies.
"i promise.”
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daimonhalos · 4 years ago
Aight this is the second time I watch it but I'm gonna do a commentary on the latest bad's lore stream! Just for funsies, I might have honestly already forgotten some stuff so I wanna keep my thought process :3 let's go, commentary under the cut.
There's also some small theories/analysis in some points but nothing too much, just me rambling cause pain.
The pre stream song. Faster and Bad never change please.
I love so so so much the ominous soundtracks he puts as background for lore man it's just so coooool.
Reality check pre/post lore my beloved 💜
that little meh eh eh. is everything
he's just on a boat at night and but can already see he's got shaders on, this means PRETTY VISUALS AHEAD. Also i really like bits beginning with the character alone heading towards their destined direction, it's just pleasing
Can't believe I got to hear "muffinhead" in lore voice.
Not even inside the room and HOLY SHIT they covered it all with the red bricks block IM AAAAH IT'S SO PRETTY. Like before the vines were all put at random but now they're neatly placed and it's actually aesthetically pleasing? I love it
The table. is . so. is so . it's so prebby,,, help like i'd live there man
Bad being overwhelmed by the egg's voice and lowkey scared. FINE IM FINE
No other choice. And the way he repeated it like a mantra? Kind of like to convince himself? AHHH
small,, small egg staircase
haha fuckign pain. p a i n. just pain it sounds a lot like Skeppy before actually stayed with Bad cause it annoyed him how much he wanted to hang out like old times,,,,, my heart pangs
I CARE ABOUT YOU *passes out*
bad scared the egg is skeppy's bff now /j (have to joke through the pain,,)
BADBOY i swear to god he knows his audience. he just does.
Bad doing whatever he can to even just hang out a few minutes with skeppy. Bro, the tears inside
"I'm comfortable right here." "Skeppy I know you are-" THE WAY BAD'S VOICE BROKE HERE HOLY SHIT LEMME CLIP IT.
He talks to chat. HE TALKS TO CHAT THIS MEANS WE ARE CANON THUS we are either little angels or demons around him or a mix or, we're particles that make up Rat ♥
"All of this is for him" okay stab me next time it'll hurt less
s- w- skeppy kept the egg alive? okay so ive been thinking about the fact that skeppy became completely red and like wow what if it kinda is that hes literally become a small part of Egg? like, i wonder if someone breaks it, if he feels pain
Skeppy so dry with his responses. stop i will cry
bad. bad why are you bringing up selfies to a lore stream bad-
"why are you still talking to me" "okay..." stop stop PLEASE STOP-
smol growls, he's getting frustrated
idk why but skeppy talking about the perimeters made me laugh it was just funny how far away he was and just started talking about it randomly
"i think it looked a little bit better before" thoughts being thunk
"what's it gonna take for you to stop talking to me?" literally i am deceased s t o p
Bad shouldn't be so happy about just having "one last walk around" with skeppy so he "stops bothering" him tHIS HURTS SO MUCH the egg has fucked them up so much
Skeppy doesn't hear it huh? Maybe it whispers different things to everyone
so no dance? *slams phone on the ground*
When skeppy says his line about never seeing anything close to a party there, idk what it is about it but his tone just hits, man he's so good preesh
"Oh my goodness you're going back to the egg" HE'S SO SAD. HE'S SO SAD CAUSE HE COULDNT KEEP HIM WITH HIM A LITTLE BIT LONGER HES S
"you know what? i invite you" i wanna read this in a certain way. The egg was feeling like bad was so frustrated he started doubting the egg, so it was like alright let's use skeppy to get it closer to I can manipulate this bad boy better :)) motherfuck
are they about to kiss-
egg cockblocker
"okay don't come back" end me rn
ngl when sapnap joined I got real scared for a moment.
"it's not about power! it's nor about control! i'm you friend skeppy!" "I mean ... you can think that" FUCK U NO IM NOT DEALING WITH THIS RN
"We're friends, right?"
"In your head we can be best friends, we can be whatever you want" BDI ANYONE??????? also whatever- whatever he wants? :eyes: okay sorry no ill see myself out
"We're m- we are friends sk-" M- MARRIED WAS HE GONNA SAY MARRIED DID HE PULL A QUACKITY OH MY GOD I HATE THIS GUY OH MY GOD /pos but also like in a bawling my eyes out way
the egg is more than just a friend? skep u good there pal do u have smth to tell us
"You don't know what it's like." OH HERE HE GOES. HERE HE GOES HERE IT COMES OH NO.
The way Bad stutters i really thought he was gonna say something REALLY IMPACTFUL
"I have done so much for you, for our friendship and now you're trying to tell me we're not friends anymore?" LEAVE ME ALONE
I JUST CAUGHT THE BLOOPER HE SAID ON ME INSTEAD OF HANG OUT WITH ME IM CRYING OH MY GOD BAD HOW DID U FUCK THAT UP oh my god I imagine him mentally going like oh my gosh out of all the things that could be messed up THAT WAS SO FUNNY
ahaha my dads are fighting help
"You think you've done anything? You seriously think that?" *looks at my fic where bad feels worthless because the egg said so* ahah... I'm sorry?
"You left me for a long, long long time before you even checked up on me, okay?" he's not wrong,,,, he's not wrong why does this hurt sm,,,,, "and now all of a sudden you care about me?" OH MY GOD PLEASE I HATE THIS EGG
I see them... i see them approaching the lava blocks..
"the past doesn't matter" the egg wanting to erase their relationship so much,,,, i wanna cry because then if bad doesn't have skeppy he just has nothing right and then,,, then he can be another empty vessel for the fucking egg I hate this mI hate this so much
Also!!! little things I noticed!! Bad taking away part of the vine and also mining a red block? Without being affected at all? MHHHH
"I just wanted us to hang out like we used to" BAD'S VOICE CRACKING AGAIN STOP I WILL CJRYSD
"I did all of this for you and I didn't want the egg to take that away" you see how fucking tragic this is. Like Skeppy sacrificed himself so his friend could stop being infected. Bad sacrificed literally the whole server himself included to get him back. And then it comes down to this. The egg separating them a thousand fucking miles away. I hate this it's so sad
the selfish bit please no stop
the fucking shaking with rage thing got me BROOOO I LOVE WHEN BAD DOES THE LITTLE THINGS IN GAME
"IT'S JUST A STUPID EGG" FUCKING FINALLY YOU TELL HIM BAD but then oh no oh no would you look at that huh. cant fucking have shit in dsmp. the way he immediately just screams for him right after
YOU CAN HEAR THE TEARS IN HIS VOICE and also mine hi I'm sobbing again
(Dreamscape?)Skeppy being actually concerned with him haha this doesn't hurt at all!!!
*stares at black screen* I'm fine.
Thank you for listening to my ramble I am hurting so much bestie
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lushjin · 5 years ago
Young & Free|
Genre/Warnings: Smut & angst. Multiple sex scenes, creampie, fingering, oral (male & female receiving), violence, drinking, use of drugs, gambling,& alludes to gang activity.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 15k
Summary: You live in a perfect little bubble, sheltered from the rest of the world. Your life seems to change when you meet a mysterious guy on the bad side of town.
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The party had started long ago, but somehow you were still here babysitting your best friend. You loved her, but you weren’t sure if it was worth going to a party on this side of town. Especially since you had to watch her like a hawk the whole time. Maybe if you’d just gone to the club by campus, you wouldn’t need to keep such a close eye on her.
“You’re being a party pooper y/n,” Eunji slurs before taking another gulp of her drink.
“I’m not being a party pooper. I'm just tired. Can we please go home now?”
“Don’t be a bore, be a whore!” She starts chanting, and the group nearby joins in. You feel your cheeks heat up immediately. It takes everything in you to not dump her ass and go home.
“Eunji, please. You’ve had enough to drink.” You plead. You attempt to take away her red solo cup, but she smacks your hand away.
“Fine,” you huff. You’ve had enough, and you weren’t just going to leave Eunji at the party, but you definitely needed some fresh air. “I’ll be back.” You yell into Eunji’s ear over the loud music. She just gestures for you to go. You really wish you would have never come out.
When you go outside, the cold wind hits you. Fall is coming soon. You should’ve dressed a bit warmer, but usually, modesty isn’t your choice when you go out.
You lean against the wall of the house, your back pressing into the cold bricks. You take out your phone to check if you have any missed messages.
Lisa: hey I missed you tonight
         where did you guys go?
Usually Saturday nights, you went clubbing with your roommates, but for some reason tonight, you agreed to go to a house party on the other side of town.
You: party on the Southside
Lisa: omg pls be careful!
Your roommate was right to worry. The crime rate was a lot higher on the Southside, and it was just a sketchy place in general. Before you can respond to Lisa, you’re distracted by a noise you hear. It sounds like leaves crunching, and it’s too dark to see anybody. Your heart starts to race as you notice a figure moving towards you. Run run! You think, but your body stays frozen. You really hope this isn’t how you die. You’ve heard so many horror stories about the Southside. Your mind starts to think of every bad scenario that could possibly happen.
Suddenly the figure comes closer to your line of vision. Still, you cannot make out the face, but you can tell it’s a man. You gasp when he moves closer to you.
“Did I scare you?” The figure says in a deep voice. Finally, you are able to see the face of the man that stands in front of you now.
Even in the dark, his features are sharp. His dark curly hair covers his eyes. He takes a cigarette between his lips and then proceeds to light it.
“Uh— kinda.” You finally say after you take a moment to realize what just happened. Which was actually nothing. You’re sure you look like a fool, but still, you feel uneasy in his presence.
“Sorry.” He takes a drag of the cigarette, turning his head to the side before blowing out a cloud of smoke.
“I guess you’re not from around here.” He speaks again.
“No.” You admit you’re not even sure why you’re still here talking to him. You should be back inside where your Eunji is.
“Northside girl?”
“How’d you know?”
“Just a hunch.” He shrugs before taking another hit. “So, what's a Northside girl like you doing over here?” He blows out smoke again.
“Why wouldn’t I be here?” You try to sound as strong and confident as you can. Not letting your voice waver.
“Usually pretty uptight girls like you don’t hang out places like this.”
“You don’t know me.” You defend annoyed by his comments.
“Right, so let me guess. You’re here because you wanna rebel, huh?” He asks condescendingly. He eyes you up and down, and you can feel his gaze burn right through you.
“You’re wrong. I’m only here because my friend invited me.”
“Ah, so she’s the one who wants to rebel. You’re just the one who came along. Am I right?”
“I guess.”
“Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t hang out here alone.” He takes another drag of his cigarette. Then steps on it to finally put it out. “You’re lucky, it’s just me. Any other guy would’ve seen this as an opportunity.” He says.
“Uh, I better get going now.” You don’t know how else to get yourself out of this situation.
“Just be careful.” He warns, and you respond with a nod.
You move through the crowd in search of Eunji. There are too many people around, making it difficult for you to find her. It’s such a tight squeeze that you bump into someone. You turn around to apologize, but before you can, the person is quickly snaking their arm around your waist, pulling your back flush against their body. You try to pull away, but their grip becomes tighter.
“Baby, where are you off to in such a rush? Don’t you know it’s rude to run into someone.” He whispers venomously into your ear.
“Let go of me.” You say, struggling to get out of their grip. Their lips ghost your neck, and you pull away even harder.
“Jin Hyung, get off of her.” You hear a familiar deep voice.
“You’re no fun Taehyung, I’m just having a good time right, darling?” The sleazeball asks you. You attempt to pull away again. Your eyes coming in contact with the guy from outside. Taehyung, you guess his name is.
“Let go of her Hyung; she’s mine.” He barks, and suddenly the arms that were tightly wrapped around you let go.
“Boo, you always get all the good ones,” Jin complains, ultimately giving up and moving on.
“Are you ok?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah— I’m fine.”
“I told you to be careful.” He berates you. “This isn’t a place for a girl like you.” You knew he was right, you didn’t belong here. You needed to find Eunji and get out of here.
“Where’s your friend?” Taehyung asks with a stern look on his face.
“I don’t know, I can’t find her.”
“I’ll help you, then you need to get out of here.” Taehyung offers his assistance.
Twenty minutes later, you find Eunji drunk and unwilling to go home. If it weren’t for Taehyung, you don’t know how you would’ve gotten her out of there. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. Once you get outside, he sets her down. You weren’t sure why he was so nice to you, but you were grateful for it. Or else you would’ve never gotten Eunji out of there and in a cab. Before you can thank Taehyung, he’s already gone.
It was a strange night, and you couldn’t wait to go home.  
“Eunji, how could you!” You yell at her. Causing your hungover friend to wince. It’s the next day, and Eunji has finally sobered. You're so ready to give her a piece of your mind.
“I’m sorry y/n I didn’t realize I got that drunk.” She lamely apologizes.
“You could’ve gotten rapped, Eunji!!” You exclaim. “We were on the Southside, which is dangerous enough as it is. We should’ve just gone to the club instead.”
“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have been able to see Jungkook!” Eunji complains.
“If he liked you that much, he would’ve gone to the club with us instead, and not left you at some random party.” Jungkook was one of the few people on campus that was from the Southside. He was stringing Eunji along, but she’s too blinded by love to see it.
“I wanted to go, I didn’t think he would just leave me.” You can see the tears welling up in her eyes as she speaks. “I’m sorry, y/n.” She lowers her head in shame.
“It’s okay.” You forgive her bringing her in for a hug. She should’ve never gotten involved with Jungkook. Dating a Southsider was just asking for trouble. Her tears stream down her face as she lets you envelop her in a hug.
A few days later, you’re walking to your class. When you notice Jungkook. You hadn’t seen him since that fateful night. He leans against his pickup truck with some girl pressed up against him. Of course, he was seeing someone else. How typical. You stare at them from a distance. Watching carefully as Jungkook stuck his tongue down her throat.
If you were more confident, you’d go tell him off, but who are you kidding? He’s a Southsider, you’d never build the courage up to tell him off. So instead you keep walking. Hoping he doesn’t notice as you pass by.
“So, I thought we could wear matching costumes!” Your roommate Yara suggests. You sit at the table surrounded by your roommates. You pick at your salad tossing the leafy greens around with your fork. You’d much rather be eating with something carbs, but Lisa is on a new health kick.
“Yeah!” Eunji and Lisa agree in unison.
“What do you say, y/n?” Eunji asks, looking at you from across the table. The other girls look at you expectantly.
“Um— sure,” you agree.
The three girls share a look before looking back at you. “Is everything ok, y/n?” Yara asks.
“Just tired is all.” You lie. The truth was all your mind could think of was Jungkook with that other girl. You went back and forth with yourself, deciding if it was the right thing to tell Eunji. You were conflicted, and this information you acquired was eating you up.
“Oh well, maybe you should get to bed early and get some rest. Then tomorrow we can go shopping for the Halloween party!” Yara smiles at you, patting your arm. She picks up your plate for you and takes it to the sink.
You bid the girls goodnight, and you're off to bed. Sometime around 2am you wake up from a nightmare. It was a normal thing you experienced. You didn’t want to be alone, and usually, when you had nightmares, you always went to Eunji’s room. Vice versa.
You pad down the dark hallway towards Eunji’s room. You see the light glow from the cracks of her door, which tells you she’s awake. It’s strange for her to be up at this time. Maybe she’s cramming for a test, you think. You have second thoughts about going in, but you decide to anyway.
You push the door open, and you poke your head in the room. Before you can make out the scene before you in the dim lighting, you hear strange noises, like panting. Your mind doesn’t register it right away, so you stay put. Finally, your eyes land on your roommate's bed, and what you see causes you to shriek. Jungkook balls deep in your friend. His hips that were pounding mercilessly came to a sudden halt. Your friend looks over Jungkook’s shoulder in horror.
“Get out!” Eunji yells at you, and you are quick to leave her room. Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you run back to your room.
“Holy shit.” You say to yourself as you enter your room. You wish you would’ve gone with your gut feeling and didn’t go in. Now the image of Jungkook fucking your best friend was forever imprinted in your mind.
The next day you wake up with a headache from lack of sleep. After that incident last night, you couldn’t coax yourself to sleep for a while. Getting a grand total of 3 hours of sleep. You start to get ready for class dressing in comfortable high waisted loose-fitting jeans, and an oversized shirt that you tucked in at the front. You grab your bag and head out the door.
Once you’re home later, you’re plopping yourself onto the couch. Kicking off your shoes messily. Which you know Yara will be on your ass about later. But right now, you could care less. All you cared about was sleep. You didn’t even have the strength to go to your bed. You shut your eyes and fall fast asleep.
“Y/n,” you hear a voice call out to you. You feel them shake your body.
“Mmm, five more minutes.” Your groan sleepily with your eyes still closed.
“Y/n, wake up. You fell asleep on the couch. It’s like 8pm.” You recognize the voice to belong to Eunji. You open your eyes finally, squinting until your eyes adjust to the light.
“Wow, I didn’t think I’d pass out for that long.” You say as you sit up.
“It’s ok, you needed the rest anyway,” Eunji speaks purposefully avoiding eye contact.
“Are things weird now?” You ask your friend, and she finally looks at you.
“I don’t know, are they?”
You sigh because you know what you have to tell her. “Eunji—,” you start off and pause for a moment, thinking of how to word this. “I saw Jungkook the other day with another girl.” You hold your breath waiting for her response.
“Oh,” she frowned furrowing her eyebrows. She takes a second before she speaks. “When?” She questions.
“Yesterday.” She deflates at your answer. He had been with someone the same day he was with her. You knew it had to hurt, and you felt so sorry for her. You reach out to squeeze her hand, and she pulls away. “Eunji?” You call out her name, confused as to why she’s looking at you like she’s upset with you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She spits. Her back straightens, and her arms cross in front of her chest.
“I-I didn’t have a chance to.” You admit.
“Really?” She scoffs. “Y/n, you could’ve saved me the pain of sleeping with him if you just would’ve told me straight away.”
“I’m sorry, Eunji. I didn’t know what to do.”
She frowns and shakes her head. “I’m sorry y/n I’m taking out my anger on the wrong person.”
“It’s ok, babe.” You forgive her and go in for a hug.
“So, what should we be?” Lisa asks as you walk through the mall. The Halloween party was in two days, and you hadn’t chosen your costumes yet.
“I don’t get why we have to dress up,” Eunji complains.
“Because it’s fun!” Yara says, not convincing anyone. The only reason you all dressed up for Halloween was for her.
“Well, I think we should be something unconventional.” You suggest as you walk into the costume store.
“So, not slutty bunnies?” Lisa asks as if that was actually going to be her suggestion.
“Hmm,” Yara pauses to browse the racks. “How about slutty nun?!” She suggests as she picks out a skimpy black nun dress from the rack.
“Ooh ya, and we can pair it with fishnet stockings!” Lisa says, pleased with her idea.
“Is this really what you guys want to go as?” You ask, not too convinced with the idea of doing a slutty theme.
“Oh c’mon y/n, it will be fun! We’ll actually be sisters!!” Yara exclaims.
Ultimately you agree on being a slutty nun. You go ahead and purchase your costume. The outfit itself consists of a short, skin-tight black dress. Paired with fishnet stockings, a nun headdress, and a gold cross necklace.
Two days later you’re in your bedroom getting dressed for the party. You pull up the tight dress over your hips, and you hope it zips.
“Yara!” You call for your roommate, and she comes straight away. “Can you help me, zip?” You ask.
“Of course!” She sings happily, helping you pull the dress up the rest of the way. She clutches onto it before pulling the zipper up. “Perfect! You look so hot!”
“Thanks,” you say, and you don’t know why but you blush at her compliment.
“I’m gonna go finish getting ready,” Yara says, and she’s on her way out of your room.
You finish getting ready, applying some makeup, and adding on your accessories. You take a look at yourself in the mirror, and you have to admit you do look hot. You smooth your dress over one more time before grabbing your purse. You wait in the living area until the rest of the girls are ready.
“So, where is this party anyway?” You ask as you stand on the curb waiting for your Uber to arrive. It’s already starting to get cold, and you begin to shiver. Maybe you should’ve brought a jacket. Oh well, hopefully, you’ll warm up soon.
“Uh, I don’t know, actually. I think it’s actually close to the south side.” Lisa says as she stares at the maps app on her phone.
“Why the hell would the party be all the way down there?” Yara asks, she’s nervous as ever.
“I guess they couldn’t find anywhere else to throw it at.” Lisa shrugs, and Yara just sighs.
“Well, let’s be safe!” Yara exclaims. “And let’s not get too wasted.” She says, and you all look at Eunji.
“Hey!” She frowns. “It was only a couple times!” Eunji swears.
“Sure,” the rest of you say in unison.
Soon the Uber is picking you up. The guy seems a bit shady. He eyes you guys up and down. Probably his dream come true, a car full of slutty nuns.
“Be safe.” He comments as you guys step out of the car, and you don’t miss the way his eyes linger. You shiver in disgust.
“What a creep,” Eunji whispers as if the man could still hear her.
The house is huge but a bit run down. You enter holding hands with Eunji as Yara and Lisa lead the way.
“If we split up at some point, let’s agree to meet at the front of the house at 1am,” Yara says. She’s usually the more responsible one. You could say she’s the mother of the group.
“Isn’t that too early?” Eunji complains. Sure Eunji seemed like a sweet girl, but man did she like to party. She went harder than the rest of you usually did. Nevertheless, you still agree on meeting at 1am.
Soon the house starts to fill up more. Pretty much half of the school was at this party. While the other half was at some Halloween party at a fraternity back on campus. After freshman year. You all agreed that you’d never go back to a frat party ever again.
You have a few drinks, and soon enough, you’re feeling good. The bass booms through your body as you dance up against Eunji. There’s something in the air that seems to shift. Everyone who was dancing happily and drunk suddenly comes to a halt. Your body is still pressed close to Eunji. You turn to look over your shoulder, and that’s when you notice the familiar dark curly locks, and you realize it’s the guy from the other night. Taehyung was his name, you think. His gaze penetrates right through you. Everyone stares at his group as they walk into the house. The crowd backing up as the head deeper into the house.
“Hey, who invited south siders?” You hear a voice yell from across the room. Quickly your body tenses, and you stay close to Eunji. The music lowers, and everything goes radio silent.
When Jungkook appears from behind the group, that’s when the party goes back to normal. Jungkook and a few other Southsiders were the only ones really welcomed by your classmates. When Eunji notices Jungkook, she’s leaving your side. With a weak apology. Of course, you think. She must be a masochist to go back to Jungkook.
Soon the rest of the Southsiders start to disperse heading to different areas of the house, but not Taehyung. Instead, he strides over to you. You reel with anticipation as he slowly makes his way towards you.
It was now that you actually took the time to really look at him. He’s gorgeous, his features are sharp, his eyes are big and brown, and they gloss over. And currently, they gape at you. He’s watching you as you start to move your body again dancing to the rhythm of the music. Your hips sway from side to side, and your hands move touching all over your body.
He doesn’t greet you when he reaches you. His body is close but not close enough to touch you. He leans into you. “And what are you supposed to be?” He asks his voice low and gravelly. Sending shivers throughout your body.
It was pretty obvious what you were. At least, so you thought. Either way, you tell him. “A nun.” You say breathlessly, and he just smirks.
Taehyung was reluctant to go to this party in the first place. He knew Northsiders threw lame parties anyway, it just wasn’t his scene.
“C’mon Tae, it’ll be fun. We’ll score some pristine virgin pussy.” Hoseok said as playfully smacked his younger friend with the back of his hand. Maybe getting virgin pussy was enough for him to agree to go. He wanted something different. So why not go to a party on the north side?
“I see,” Taehyung says, as his eyes pierce through you. He eyes you like a dog eyed a piece of meat. Like he could devour you in any second. That look made your core throb.
Taehyung isn’t much of a dancer, and to be honest, he’d much rather get you alone. He leans in closer his lips, ghosting your ear. “I’m going for a smoke.” He insinuates and that’s all he needs to say for you to follow him outside.
“So, what are you doing at a party like this?” Oh, how the tables had turned, you thought. You felt confident, especially now that you were on your own turf. You both sit on the worn-out patio furniture that you found in the backyard.
Taehyung takes out a spliff from his back pocket. “You smoke?” He asks, completely disregarding your question.
“Nah, cigarettes aren’t really my thing.” You say. You tried it once in high school, and you hated the taste.
“This isn’t a regular cig,” he says, taking the bud of the spliff between his lips.
“What is it then?” Taehyung has piqued your interest.
“It’s a weed cigarette.” He proceeds to light it.
You figured that’s what it was when he said it wasn’t a regular cigarette. Weed is something you've never tried before, but it was always something you were curious to try.
“I’ve never smoked weed before.” You sheepishly admit averting his gaze.
“I figured. Wanna try?” He takes the first hit then blows out a big puff of smoke. Unlike the time before he doesn’t move his head to the side. Instead, he blows the smoke directly into your face, and you begin to cough.
“Sorry,” he apologizes lamely. Either way, you accept it. He hands the spliff over to you. You take it between your thumb and your pointer finger. You hold it out in front of your lips, second-guessing on whether or not you should do this.
“Trust me, it’ll feel good.” Taehyung eases your doubts. Without thinking, you take the bud between your lips and take a small drag. Quickly you’re blowing out the smoke your lungs rejected. Causing you to go into a coughing fit.
Taehyung takes the spliff from you and then proceeds to pat your back. “Atta girl.” He watches as your eyes water, and you continue to cough.
“Fuck,” you say when you finally catch your breath.
“That will happen the first few times,” Taehyung tells you before he takes another hit. “But, you did good.” You don’t know why, but you glow at his compliment.
“Want another?” He asks, offering you the cigarette again. You didn’t feel anything yet, and your sure only one hit wasn’t going to do anything. So you agree and take another drag. This time you don’t cough, but you still feel the burn in the back of your throat.
A few more hits, and you’re feeling light. “Maybe this should be your last one.” He says as you take another hit. You were getting addicted to the feeling this high was giving you. “Easy there, tiger.” Taehyung takes the spliff away from you before you can take another hit. “Even if it’s just a spliff, it’s your first time. You have to take it slow, or else it will hit you all at once.”
Taehyung was right suddenly, you feel like you’re floating. All those hits you took finally taking in their full effect. In an attempt to ground yourself, you clutch onto the armrests.
“Feeling ok, there, champ?” Taehyung asks as he finishes off the spliff. He eyes you with a bit of concern. Hoping you’re not one of those types of girls who freak out when they’re high.
For some reason, the nickname irks you. “Don’t call me that. My name is y/n.” You snap still holding onto the armrest as if you’d fly away any second. Your mind starts to race. What kind of weed was this? You thought you were supposed to feel chill when getting high.
“Ok then, sorry y/n, you gonna tell me how you feel?” Taehyung starts to worry now. “You don’t look that good.” He says, and that’s probably not what you want to hear. But you were looking a little uneasy.
“I— I think it’s not working like it’s supposed to.” You say.
“Just relax. C’mon, breathe with me. In.” You both take a deep breath at the same time. “Out.” And then you both exhale. “You just gotta let it happen. Don’t overthink it. Or then you’ll get paranoid.”
You take Taehyung’s advice and try to calm yourself. You close your eyes and focus on your breathing. It seems to work because the anxiety starts to wear off.
“Feeling better?” Taehyung says when he notices, your body start to relax.
“It feels good.” You admit. Suddenly feeling like you’re on cloud nine. Your body is completely calm and heavy. You open your eyes and find Taehyung staring at you. The eyes that were once filled with worry dissipate. He looks at you with hunger in his eyes now.
You don’t realize it, but the way you sit in the chair totally lax. With your legs spread wide, you give him a full view of your cotton panties. He’s high, like hella high, high enough that he might do something stupid. Because man you were hot, and what was sad is that you probably didn’t even know it. Taeyhyung wanted to be the one to show you just how beautiful you really are. What the hell was he thinking? You were nothing but trouble for him. A guy like him didn’t belong with a girl like you. You are actually going somewhere in life. You have a bright future ahead of you. He couldn’t fuck that up for you.
“Taehyung,” you say in almost a moan, and he swears his cock stirs in his pants.
He clears his throat. “Uh- yeah?” You stare at him with hunger in your eyes now. Not so innocent as you seem. He starts to wonder if you were actually sitting like that on purpose.
“It feels so good,” you say in a breathy tone. You were soaring high, and there was no sign of you coming down anytime soon. You gawk at Taehyung as he sits in front of you with his jaw clenched. You could tell he wanted you, by the way his eyes shamelessly raked up and down your body. The dress you wore was skin tight, letting him see all your curves perfectly. You noticed where his eyes would constantly fall, which was between your legs. You’d be lying if you said you were unaware of the way you were sat. You could feel the cool breeze between your legs, but what you really wanted was Taehyung between your legs.
“Taehyung,” you call his name again. Your eyes lock, and you grip the chair harder under his intense gaze.
“How does it feel like to have sex when you’re high?” You’re not sure what prompts you to ask this. Maybe it’s your inebriated state. Or probably how your panties start to feel damp from just looking at Taehyung.
A low chuckle emits from his throat. He cocks an eyebrow at you as you patiently wait for him to answer. “It feels fucking amazing.” He doesn’t lie. He’s done it countless times before, and every time was good.
Your heart starts to race and your core begins to ache. Your mind vividly starts to picture how sex with Taehyung would feel. You bet he’s big, so big that the stretch would sting a bit. You stare at his crotch now imagining what it would be like if he just took it out right now. Suddenly your legs snap shut your imagination getting to you. The ache is too much and you need any friction you can get, so you squeeze your thighs shamelessly in front of Taehyung. Which is now looking at you with desire in his eyes. He couldn’t believe the scene in front of him. He would have never expected a girl like you would be so turned on by him doing nothing at all. He guesses that’s what weed does to you. Heightens all your senses.
“I wanna know.” You finally say after a few quiet minutes pass by. “I— I wanna know what it feels like.” You admit to him your cheeks flushing, and if it wasn’t for the weed in your system right now, you would’ve never had the balls to say this.
“Feeling brave, aren’t we?” He patronizes you with a smirk on his face. There’s not a bone in Taehyung’s body that doesn’t want to fuck you. You look delicious in front of him, and all he wants is to fuck you until you can’t walk straight, but he can’t. He can’t just get a Northside girl high and fuck her. That’s just asking for trouble. Taehyung leans back in his chair and spreads his legs wide. He’s conflicted about whether or not to play your game. It’s a dangerous one, and he doesn’t want to lose.
Your hope was that Taehyung would show you. That he’d bend you over the glass patio table and fuck you until you felt euphoria.
“I’m just really high and horny.” You confess boldly. God, you really were high. Taehyung chokes on his own spit, not expecting you to go that far. The sweet innocent north side girl was just a facade.
“I can’t help you out there, babe.” Taehyung shuts you down. Ultimately deciding its best not to fuck around with a Northside girl.
“Why not?” Your lips form a pout.
“You’re high, like really high. I just can’t fuck you. It’s not right.”
“But, I’m asking for it, Taehyung.” Your voice is low and whiny. Just the tone he loves to hear. You’re driving him crazy.
If Taehyung wasn’t going to touch you, then you were going to touch yourself. You spread your legs wide again. Your hand dipping in between your thighs. The pads of your fingers run along the fabric of your underwear. Coaxing your arousal out of you. Damping the cotton fabric. You don’t break eye contact with Taehyung the whole time. He wets his lips before pulling them into a smug smile. You in fact were such a dirty girl he thought, and that made him hot all over.
“Fine, c‘mere.” He’s patting his thigh, offering his thigh as your seat. You’re getting up with shaky legs. Your body feels heavy, and you feel like it takes you ages just to walk over to Taehyung. “Face forward.” He instructs. You take a seat on his thigh. Your legs on either side. Your back is towards him, and his arm curls around your waist. He pulls you back closer to him so that your back rests against his chest. “Just relax,” Taehyung says in a soft voice.
Your heart is racing, so you begin to focus on your breathing again. The hand that isn’t wrapped around your waist finds itself between your thighs. His fingers run along your covered slit until he finds the nub that has you sighing. He presses light circles against your clit.
“Is this okay?” Taehyung needs to hear it one more time.
It’s more than okay, you think. “Yes,” you breathe, and he presses harder. You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on the pleasure that seeps through your body as his touch becomes harder.
He was completely right; it feels fucking amazing. If it felt this good just barely being touched, you could only imagine how it would feel with him stuffed inside you. The thought only makes thrust your hips into his touch.
“Ok, calm down now.” He says into your ear. You didn’t realize it, but you were actually thrusting your hips a lot faster than you thought. “I’ll give you what you want,” his promise is enough to soak your panties thoroughly.
His large hand slips underneath your panties. His bare touch on you causes you to shiver. He tests the water by sliding one finger at your weeping entrance.
“Oh god—.” It feels so good you can’t believe how much you’re affected by just one finger entering you.
Once he’s in all the way, he curls his finger, slowly beginning to thrust his finger. “How is it?” Taehyung asks. He couldn’t help but nuzzle into the crook of your neck. Taking in your sweet strawberry scent mixed with sweat.
“So good,” you moan. He’s getting you there quickly. You feel slightly light-headed when his second finger enters you. You grip onto the armrest as Taehyung’s pace quickens. You’re so far gone now, you’re just relishing in the pure pleasure that Taehyung is giving you.
It would be a great lie if Taehyung said he wasn’t affected by you. His cock twitches when your ass accidentally rubs against his crotch. Keep it in your pants Taehyung, keep it in your pants. He kept telling himself. It was so hard considering were complete putty in his hands right now. You’re tight around his fingers, and he can only imagine how your cunt would feel around his dick.
Your head falls back against Taehyung’s shoulder. You gasp out loud when you feel his finger brush against your sweet spot. “Holy shit,” you keen. The pressure between your legs quickly building. It becomes too much, the feeling is overwhelming. Taehyung's fingers are now mercilessly fucking into you, and your hips move unabashedly against his touch.
“Think you can take another?” Taehyung asks his voice low and gruff. All you could do is nod in response. You were in no condition to form proper sentences.
“Greedy girl, aren’t you?” Taehyung goads, but secretly he loves it. Taehyung’s third finger enters you. Slipping in with ease. With each pump of his fingers, you’re getting closer and closer to your release. He can feel your walls tighten, and he can tell you’re close. He moves his fingers rapidly, curling them so that they repeatedly hit your g spot.
“Taehyung!!!” You’re crying out your hand clamps onto his wrist. “Oh shit shit shit,” you bleat. Your walls convulse around Taehyung's delicious fingers.
“Atta girl cum around my fingers like the dirty girl you are.” Taehyung grunts getting lost in you. Without even noticing, he begins to rut his hips against your ass. Desperately seeking any friction, he can get.
The pressure is too much for you to handle. Suddenly it snaps like a rubber band. Pleasure oozing through your whole body. You’ve never come this hard in your entire life. Your chest heaves, and your muscles tense. Your eyes are rolling back, and you struggle to moan. Your hips rut against Taehyung’s hand, milking every last drop of your delicious orgasm. You rut until you can’t no more. Sensitivity quickly takes over, causing you to yank Taehyung’s hand out from between your legs. He opts just to wipe the stickiness on his black jeans.
“I just came, holy shit,” you pant still trying to wrap your mind around what just happened.
“I know,” Taehyung chuckles. He shifts in his seat, his erection becoming uncomfortable against his pants. “Need a minute?” He asks, sitting up straight in the chair. Your body still limp on his.
“Yeah,” you breathe. You attempt to collect yourself, but your body feels even heavier after your orgasm. You are so blissed out that you swear you could fall asleep on Taehyung right now.
Suddenly Taehyung hears footsteps you are still too far gone to even notice. “Uh- hey, we should get going.” He says.
“Can’t move,” you admit, your body slack.
The footsteps get closer, and Taehyung has no choice, but to get you off of him. You stand on your weak legs almost falling over, but Taehyung is quick to catch you.
“Y/n!” Yara calls out to you, her voice laced with worry. When she sees you, she runs up to you, grabbing out of Taehyung’s hold.
“What’s going on here?” Yara questions austerely as she pins Taehyung with a brash look.
Taheyung doesn’t really know how to respond. What was he going to say that he got her friend high and finger fucked until she cried? “We were just hanging.”
“Well, what the fuck is wrong with her?” Yara questions as she holds your wobbly body upright.
Just then, you start to laugh. This whole situation is so funny. If Yara would have come 60 seconds earlier, she would have found you in a very compromising position. For some reason, that makes you laugh.
“She’s high,” Taehyung states the obvious.
“Y/n honey, are you okay?” Yara asks you, cupping your face as she looks into your eyes. Which were completely blown out.
“Just peachy,” you smile brightly, and Yara just sighs.
“Need help?” Taheyung offers because it looks like she might need some help to get you out of here.
“No, I got.” Yara shoots Taehyung a dirty look. And he’s not sure why she’s blaming him for you getting high.
“Sure.” With that, Taehyung’s walking away. Even though a part of him felt like he should stay and help, but it was made very clear that his help wasn’t wanted.
The next morning you wake up with a massive headache, and your mouth feels dry. You lay on your bed, whining in pain. With your eyes still closed, you feel around for your phone until you find it. You peek through one eye to see the time displayed on the LED screen, it reads 2pm. Damn, you had knocked out for a long time. Reluctantly you pull yourself out of bed and head to the bathroom for a warm shower. As you shower pieces of last night, start to come back to you. The memories of Taehyung touching you flood in vividly. Your thighs press together at your thoughts. You begin to crave his touch again. Your fingers ghost where his fingers were just last night. The rest of your shower is spent thinking of Taehyung as you use your memories to get yourself off.
“What was that about last night?” Yara asks as she hands you a sandwich, and your mouth begins to water. You had eaten in hours, and it’s the first time you’ve had carbs in forever.
You take a big bite of the sandwich, washing it down with water before you answer. “Honestly, I don’t know.” You’re not sure what had gotten into you last night. You acted entirely out of character. You weren’t sure how to explain yourself.
“Y/n, you can’t just go around getting high with random guys,” she chastises. You knew she was right, but technically Taehyung wasn’t a completely random person.
“I knew him.” You say, and it’s not entirely a lie. You just didn’t mention just how much you knew him.
“You knew him?” Yara cocks an eyebrow in suspicion.
“Uh- yeah, I met him at a party on the Southside.”
“You what?” Her mouth drops at your revelation. “He’s a Southsider? Y/n, you were hanging alone with a Southsider?!”
“Calm down. He’s not that bad, and you see, I’m fine.” You say nonchalantly.
“You’re fine because I arrived just in time. Y/n, this isn’t like you?” As if she knew who you really were.
“I’m fine because he’s a good guy. You’re just too prejudiced to see it.” That was a bit cold, you have to admit. And you can tell by the look on Yara’s face.
“Whatever.” With that, she’s storming off to her bedroom. Leaving you to finish your food alone.
Jungkook slumps onto the couch. His head falls back as he feels the weed slowly take over. “So, what were you saying?” He asks Taehyung who is currently sitting next to him.
“I said how much do you know about—,” Taehyung pauses, trying hard to remember your name. Not that you weren’t memorable, because you definitely were. He was too far gone that night, and he’s sure you only mentioned it once. “Y/n?” He finally remembers.
“Hmm,” Jungkook hums as he thinks about what he knows about you. It wasn’t much, he knew that you were friends with Eunji, but other than that he knew squat. “Not much, I know she’s Eunji’s friend. She’s a quiet one. She’s never really talked much to me.” Jungkook says, taking another hit of the blunt before passing it to Taehyung. “Why do you ask?”
“I might’ve fingered her at the party last week,” Taehyung admits taking a huge hit, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling.
“Nice,” Jungkook says, encouraging his friend's sexual encounter.
Taehyung wasn’t sure of what to make out of this situation. After that night he couldn’t forget you. He got off to the thought of you later that night and the days to come. It was like you encapsulated him. His thoughts only consumed of you lately, and he didn’t know why he found you so intriguing. Maybe it was because you were forbidden fruit.
“Want me to set you guys up?” Jungkook asks. His eyes closed, completely high off his ass.
“Nah.” Taehyung didn’t need Jungkook of all people to set him up.
“You sure? Because there’s a party this weekend and you can come with me if you want.” Jungkook offers.
Taehyung mulls the possibility of going to the party. “How do you know she’ll be there?” Taehyung asks.
“If Eunji’s going, then y/n’s going.”
Would he really go to another northside party again just to see you? Or was that too desperate? Taehyung was confused as to why he was feeling this way.
The next time you see Taehyung, it’s a Saturday night. The party is coming to an end, and you’ve been here long enough. Your limbs ache from dancing too much. You’re ready to go home soon. You’re about to collect your friends when you notice that familiar black curly head of hair. Your eyes zero in on his face. He sports a new tattoo on his face that reads “a shadow like me.” You have to admit your stomach leaps when you see him. You were disappointed at the thought of never seeing him again. You never expected him to show up to another northside party.
Naturally, you begin walking towards him. Pushing through the crowd until you’re face to face with him. “What are you doing here?” You breathe, and his hand curls around your neck, bringing you closer to him.
His forehead pressed against yours, and you feel his warm breath on you as he speaks. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He admits, and you hold your breath as you anticipate his next move. His lips crash onto yours, and you finally get to taste him. His lips move feverishly against yours.
You stay like that for a while lips smacking, bodies grinding up against each other, and groping whatever you can get your hands on. The next thing you know, you’re in Taehyung's truck. His hands grazing your cheeks before he pulls you into another kiss. Eventually, you pull away, lungs burning for air. “I wanna make you feel good.” You say in a quiet voice. You look up at him with expectant eyes.
Taehyung stares at your swollen pink lips before answering. “How?” He’s intrigued by your offer.
“Anything,” your voice is shaky. “I just wanna return the favor.” It was only fair, you thought.
Taehyung contemplates whether or not he should or shouldn’t. He’s already gone this far, why not keep going? How is he supposed to deny you? Especially when you look at him through your lashes practically begging to touch him.
Your hands reach over the console, you palm him over his pants. Taehyung watches you with curiosity. You can feel him stiffen under your touch. For effect, you shrug off the straps of your dress off. Revealing your breasts to him. Nipples coming to a perk from the cool air. Taehyung shamelessly stares at your chest. Tent already forming in his pants.
You lean in closer, undoing his jeans. You can see how hard he is through his boxers, the outline of his dick prominent. Impatiently you take his cock out, and he’s rigid under your touch. You’re like a kid on Christmas, anxiously unwrapping your present. When his cock springs free, your eyes widen. He’s just as big as you imagined him to be, and he isn’t completely hard yet.
Your breasts hang low as you hover over Taehyung’s dick. Taehyung watches you intently as spit drivels from your mouth onto his hardening member. You use your saliva as a lubricant. Taking him in your hand and stroking him until he’s firm under your touch.
“You know,” Taehyung breathes hard through his nose. “When I first saw you, I never pegged you for such a dirty girl.” He grits his teeth when you squeeze the tip. “But here you are, spitting on my dick as you salivate over it.” His haughty smile makes your chest fill with pride.
You hold him at the base while your tongue teases the tip. Slowly licking up the prominent vein that bulges. Finally, your lips wrap around the sensitive head, and you begin to suck lightly. Taehyung draws a heavy sigh at the sensation. Slowly you bring as much as you can fit him into your mouth. Your mouth widening before your lips suction a seal, causing Taehyung to hiss. Your head begins to bob up and down. Taehyung doesn’t miss the opportunity to entangle his fingers in your hair, getting a good grip. Things start to get messy soon. Your saliva coating his whole dick, as you taste his bitter pre-cum on your tongue. Your hand is covered in your own spit as you jerk whatever you can’t fit in your mouth. Your wrist working a quick twisting motion.
“Fuck—,” Taehyung says as he tosses his head back against the headrest. He revels in the feeling of your mouth on his cock. “Who taught you to suck dick like that?” He questions with an exaggerated groan. All you can do is hum in response, causing Taehyung’s grip on you to become tighter.
“Shit— I’m gonna cum,” Taehyung warns. You pull away, jerking him with your fist. You look up at him, admiring the way he looks right now. Jaw clenched, eyes screwed shut. When he cums, it’s with a drawn-out groan. “Ahhh—,” he hisses as your hand grips him tighter. His cum spurts everywhere. Painting your face and dribbling down your fist. Taehyung lets out a sigh before looking down at the mess he’s made. God, you look so hot right now with his cum decorating your face. You were driving him crazy.
“Fuck, here you go,” he hands you a T-shirt that he has in his back seat. You use it to wipe off the cum on your face. Taehyung knows he’ll probably regret asking this, but you literally just blew his brains out, it’s the least he could do. “You need a ride home?”
Just then, your phone starts to vibrate. “Actually, it’s my friends. They’re looking for me, but uh, thanks anyway.” Suddenly there’s an awkward pause. Both of you not knowing what to say.
Taehyung can’t believe he’s going to ask you this, but he knows this isn’t the last time he wants to see you. “So uh- there’s this race next Friday night. Do you wanna come?”
Your stomach leaps at his invitation. You didn’t expect him to ask to see you again. And to be honest the thought of not seeing him disappointed you. “Yeah,” you say, trying to sound indifferent. When really you were freaking out inside.
“Cool, Jungkook’s gonna be there, so I’m sure your friend is going too.”
“Right, I’ll just hitch a ride with her.” You say, hoping Eunji's ok with you tagging along.
“Okay, so I’ll see you then.” Taehyung doesn’t understand what’s come over him. He’s usually not this awkward around girls. With that, you’re climbing out of Taehyung’s truck. Going off to find your friends.
As you walk home with Eunji after class a few days later. You try to figure out how to ask her if she’s going to the race. She doesn’t know that you’ve been seeing a Southsider. Although she shouldn’t be one to judge since she’s been dating a Southsider herself. An unfaithful one at that. You start to wonder if you’ll ever get to that point with Taehyung. Or was this just a fling. Was he even interested in you? Or did he just like to mess around?
“Anyways, I was thinking of maybe dropping my Psych class.” Eunji pulls you from your thoughts. She’s probably been babbling this whole time.
“Why?” You ask, pretending you’ve been paying attention.
“I just said, because I’m not sure if that’s the route I wanna take.” Eunji has always been so indecisive. Already changing her major twice.
“Oh, right.” You lie. “So, this weekend, do you have any plans?”
She walks particularly fast, and she doesn’t answer you right away. She knows you’re not a fan of Jungkook, so you assume she’s contemplating whether to tell you are not. Before you give her the chance to possibly lie, you go ahead and ask. “Are you going to the race with Jungkook?”
Her eyes widen slightly before she answers. “How’d you know about the race?”
“Taehyung told me about it, Jungkook’s friend.” You explain. “I- met him at a party a few weeks ago.”
“Oh, I see. Well, I guess you can come with if you want.” She offers. 
“Yeah, I said I’d go with you. If that’s okay.”
“Yeah, it is.” You’re grateful she said yes. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone? You said his name is Taehyung, right?”
“Mhm, I’m not really seeing him. We just met at the Halloween party.” You say. You’re around the corner to your shared apartment. You want to cut the conversation short because you don’t want Yara to overhear. “Anyway, thanks for letting me come with.”
“Of course, babe.” She smiles at you sweetly. At least you could count on her not to judge you for wanting to see a southside boy.
Friday night, you start to panic about what you’re going to wear. It’s one of those times where you hate everything you have in your closet. You dig through your wardrobe, looking through it as if something new will magically appear. Ultimately you decide on a silk dress paired with stockings and a leather jacket.
At midnight when Eunji comes to your room to see if you’re ready. You’re a bit nervous about going to an illegal street race, but you push those thoughts away. You’re just excited to see Taehyung again, and you’re willing to go to the race to do so.
You meet at an abandoned parking lot somewhere in the southside. You have to admit you’re a bit scared being out in the southside so late. When you don’t see Taehyung right off the bat. You start to get nervous. You stick by Eunji’s side, and you can tell it annoys Jungkook. Soon though, you see Taehyung’s truck pull up. Your stomach flutters with excitement.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later.” You say to Eunji and Jungkook.  But they’re too much in their own world to pay attention to you.
Taehyung gets out of his truck and as soon as he notices you he’s headed your way. He shamelessly checks you out, and you cheeks heat to a flush. He greets you with a simple ‘hey.’
“Hey,” you return lips pulling into a smile.
He pulls you in for a kiss, that’s enough to make your panties damp. You melt into the kiss, and his arms wrap around you. Inching towards the curve of your ass. He pulls you in even closer by his hold on your butt. To your dismay, eventually, he pulls away.
“I’ve got to say hi to some people, wanna come with?” You nod in response, and you follow his lead as he walks towards a group of guys. They currently stand around and lean on the cars. Smoking what smells like weed. When you walk up, Taehyung doesn’t bother to introduce you. Not like they care who you are because they totally ignore you. You watch as they all greet each other. They talk about stuff that you can’t quite piece together. Once Taehyung’s done, he’s grabbing you by the hand.
“C’mon.” He says as he leads you to an older BMW that looks like it’s been fixed up. A tall slim guy sits against the hood, beer in hand. Taehyung actually introduces you this time. You find out his name is Hoseok, and that he’s Taehyung’s friend. He barely greets you with a tight smile and a nod.
Soon the parking lot starts to fill with more cars. A lot of them you don’t know the names of. Then again you’re not really interested in cars. In fact, if any other guy asked you to a race, you would’ve declined, but there’s something about Taehyung that you can’t deny him. You watch as Taehyung smokes a cigarette while sipping a beer. He talks to Hoseok for a bit about some sort of deal that they’re doing. It makes you wonder what kind of business Taehyung is into.
The cars start to pull up in a line, side by side. You think the race will start soon. Taehyung slips one arm around your waist. Pulling you closer to his side. You can feel the warmth of his body, and your heart starts to race. When you look up at him, he’s completely focused on the cars as they rev their engines. Excitement looms over you as you see the cars begin to take off. Tires screech and rubber burns, leaving a cloud of smoke in their wake. You stand there and watch as Taehyung holds you tight. You feel an adrenaline rush, watching the cars zoom off. You guess the rush you felt was also the same feeling as being with Taehyung. He was forbidden, dangerous, and unpredictable. You shouldn’t be with him, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Fuck, Kihyun, better win this race.” Taehyung spits at the older man next to him.
“If he doesn’t, he owes us a fuck ton of money,” Hoseok says as he sips his beer.
“The bastard doesn’t have anything to his name. He won’t be able to give us shit.” Taehyung shakes his head. You’re not sure what they mean. You didn’t know who this Kihyun guy was and why it was so important for him to win. You assume Taehyung is betting on this race.
The cars run the first lap, and everyone starts to cheer. One more lap and you figure the race is done because the cheers become louder.
“Son of a bitch.” Hoseok grumbles, throwing the beer can on the ground, before smashing it with his foot. You take that as Kihyun lost the race. He walks off, leaving you and Taehyung alone.
“I’m assuming Kihyun didn’t win?” You break the silence.
“Definitely not.” Taehyung shakes his head.
Just then, you notice Changbin, an all-star athlete at your University with a pristine reputation. What was someone like him doing here?
“Who won?” You ask out of curiosity. You weren’t really paying attention, so you did get to see who came in first.
“The guy in the Porsche.” Taehyung gestures with his head to the direction of the car. That’s precisely where you see Changbin standing. With the guy who drove the car and won. The guy gets out of the car handing the keys over to Changbin.
“Wait, so who won? Changbin or the guy driving?” You’re confused as to why the guy was using Changbin’s car to race.
“Wait, you know that, kid?” Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow.
“Yeah, he goes to my school.” You explain.
“Of course, he does.” Taehyung scoffs, but you don’t push him about it anymore.
Next thing you know, you’re at a party. It’s at a rundown house, it's small and quaint. There aren't many people at the party.
“So, who are these people?” You ask into Taehyung’s ear. As you sit on his lap on a torn-up couch.
“Just a few people from my group.” He says vaguely. You want to ask more, but you know he won’t tell you anything.
You felt like you stood out. As if everyone knew you lived in the Northside. You figure somehow the word got out. You sip on the drink Taehyung made you, and you’re starting to ease up. The music’s boring and to be honest the parties kind of dull. Not like the first Southside party you went to, which was a total rager.
As if Taehyung can sense your boredom, he speaks into your ear. “Wanna get out of here?” Taehyung asks in a low suggestive voice.
“Yeah,” you agree in a breathy tone.
Before Taehyung can lead you to a bedroom or wherever he was going to take you. There’s a loud banging at the door. Suddenly everyone’s running out the back. Including you, because as soon as Taehyung hears the first knock. He’s already pulling you onto your feet, you both dash out the back along with everyone else. Well, at least with the people who were able to escape. Luckily Taehyung’s truck is a few houses down. Since the parking at the house was overcrowded. You run through a few backyards before you reach the truck.
“What the hell was that about?” You question as you pant once you’re in the truck.
“Don’t worry about it. At least we’re out of there.” Taehyung is speeding off without another word.
After that night, Taehyung never invited you to the Southside again.
You spend the rest of the semester hanging out with Taehyung any chance you got. He’d always pick you on the outskirts of town, and he’d drive you around until there was no one in sight. Since meeting Taehyung, you got pretty comfortable with smoking weed. You’d sit in his truck hotboxing it, which eventually led to something sexual. Sex with Taehyung was amazing. He understood your body so well, and always satisfied your needs. He truly fucked like a pornstar. You could honestly say it was the best you’d ever had. You both hadn’t established whether you were in a relationship or not. But you assumed you were exclusive. You didn’t sleep with anybody else, and you made that clear to Taehyung. You also made him promise not to sleep with anyone since you weren’t using condoms. You only hoped that Taehying was keeping his promise. As for your friends, knowing about Taehyung. They didn’t, except for Eunji. It was like an unspoken rule that you and Eunji didn’t talk about your relationships. You didn’t pry on her relationship with Jungkook, and she didn’t pry about Taehyung.
“I wonder when we’ll actually fuck in an actual bed.” You complain as you climb into the back seat of Taehyung’s truck.
“I’ll rent us a hotel room if that’s what you're asking.” Taehyung shimmies down his jeans, the tip of his cock peeking out the waistband of his boxers, the head shiny with pre-cum. He’s already rock hard since your little makeout session from before.
“What am I a hooker?” You ask unimpressed.
“If that’s what you’re into. We can role-play.” Taehyung jokes. He knows you want him to bring you to his place for once, but he won’t let that happen. He’s driven you there once, but that was to “drop something off” you assume it had to do with his “business.” That he also won’t tell you about.
“I just wanna be wined and dined, ya know?” You lean down to situate yourself in your hands and knees. Pulling up your skirt over your ass. Dropping your back and displaying your plump ass for Taehyung.
“Wine and dined, huh?” Taehyung repeats, his hands going to grab at your ass cheeks. “We can arrange that,” he leans down from behind and begins to kiss up your spine, before continuing on.“At a hotel.” He smirks even though you can’t see him.
“Fine, at least let it be a nice one.” You bargain. Closing your eyes as Taehyung’s lips meet the juncture of your neck.
“Only the finest for this sweet little pussy,” he coos. His lips sucking pink marks into your neck, that you know, you’ll have to cover later.
You had definitely become more comfortable with Taehyung. He wasn’t as intimidating as he was when you first met him. You just had to get to know him to see he wasn’t a bad guy. Maybe he did questionable things, but you’d never know. He never liked to share that side of him.
Taehyung’s fingers on your folds is what brings you back from your thoughts. He teases, running his fingers along the slit. It’s a light and ticklish sensation. Soon enough, you’re sighing out loud when you feel his fingers dip into your core. You’re wet, but not wet enough. Two of his fingers feel inside of you. Not fucking you just yet. It’s enough though to get you wetter than you were before. When he finally decides to finger fuck you. You toss your head back and relish in the feeling of his fingers rubbing against your slick walls.
“Can you take another?” Taehyung asks, speeding up the pace of his fingers.
“Mhm,” you nod. With that, a third finger is delving in. You rock your hips backward, meeting every thrust of his fingers. And just like that, your arousal starts to flow out of you. The lewd squelching sounds filling the truck as Taehyung is knuckle deep.
“Oh God, Taehyung, I’m gonna come,” you warn.
“Don’t,” He commands. Taehyung knows you're close by the way your pussy has a death grip on his fingers.
“Why?” You whine you’re so close. You don’t understand why he doesn’t want you to.
He doesn’t answer, though. All he does is retract his fingers from your warm wet hole. Leaving you quaking and your pussy pulsating around nothing.
“Fuck, Taehyung.” You make a whining noise from your throat.
Taehyung places a soothing kiss on the small of your back. “Just wanted you to cum on my cock first.” He teases, rubbing your ass cheek before smacking it. Your body jolts forward, and you moan out loud. “You like that?” He asks.
“Yes,” you moan.
Taehyung would play with you more, but he’s feeling pretty restless today. Something happened with “work,” and he definitely won’t tell you. All you know is he’s had a pretty bad day, and all he wants to do is blow your back out. That being his exact words.
Taehyung finally releases his cock from the confines of his boxers. Letting spring out before taking it into his hand. He uses the hand that’s sticky with your arousal to stroke his dick. He brings the tip to your folds. Rubbing the head against them. He’s sighing at the sensation it causes to the sensitive tip.
Without even a warning, he’s plunging straight in. Causing your back to bow. “Unghhh,” you groan when Taehyung quickly draws back and thrusts forward with a heavy weight. Holy shit, he must’ve really had a bad day, you think.
His hands are on your hips, guiding you with every thrust. His hips consistently hitting your ass, leaving red marks behind.
“You like it when I fuck you hard?” Taehyung asks through a groan. And you nod profusely in response.
He’s fucking his frustrations out, and you feel it, deep inside you. The truck shakes with every movement. Soon the windows fog shielding you from the view of a prying eye. Your fingers dig into the leather seats. As you barely hold yourself up.
“I’m close,” Taehyung admits. Usually, he wouldn’t cum this fast, but either way, you embrace it.
“Oh—” you say at a particularly hard thrust. “Cum in Taehyung, please! Fuck— I need it!” You sob. You reach for your clit hurriedly rubbing at it. Hoping to get where Taehyung is soon.
“Fuck, you want my cum baby?” He asks as if you would deny him. He just loves the confirmation.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” You chant. The pressure threatening to explode.
Taehyung’s thrusts are carnal, his hands leave bruises in their wake. Bruises that you have to explain when you’re changing in dressing rooms to your friends. You’ll lie, though, and they’ll probably see right through it.
“Fuck, you’re gonna take this dick and my cum you hear me?” Taehyung growls. His cock twitching inside of you, his end nearing soon.
“Oh fuck yeah—,” you sob, ready to take him all.
“For fuck sake,” Taehyung groans. With a few more hard thrusts, Taehyung is filling you up. His hips still as he lets his cum shoot into your pussy. You’re moaning when you feel his cum fill you up.
Knowing you haven’t cum yet Taehyung keeps fucking you. His cum threatens to spill out, but with every pump, his dick is pushing it back in. His cock coated with a mix of his cum and your sticky juices. He slides in and out so effortlessly, causing the most delicious sensation. With a hand on your clit and Taehyung’s relentless pounding, you cum with a strangled moan. You feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. Your muscle tense as you ride the wave of pleasure. Once it’s over, you gasp for air.
“Fuck,” Taehyung hisses as he pulls out, his sensitivity in overdrive now. “You okay?” He asks, panting. As if he hasn’t just fucked you into another dimension.
“Mhm,” you hum, slumping down on the leather seat.
You’re weak, but you still manage to clean yourself up. Taking the cum rag to wipe yourself before sliding your panties back on. With heavy bodies, you both get into the front seats. You sit there for a moment, recuperating. Eventually, Taehyung takes you home. And you can’t help but think of him for the rest of the night.
Taehyung has disappeared on you once before. He was M.I.A for a few days. No texts, calls, or anything. Then out of nowhere, he just reappeared like nothing had happened. Dismissing your worry as an overreaction. This time though, things felt different. It had been over a week with no sign of Taehyung. Jungkook has even been missing. Eunji was a mess, thinking it was Jungkook breaking up with her again. He made a habit of this. It made you wonder if that’s what Taehyung was doing to you. You didn’t think so, though. He was pretty straight forward you’re sure if he didn’t want you he’d just tell you, right? Something doesn’t sit right with you. You make the rash decision one night to go find Taehyung.
You know you shouldn’t be here alone, but Taehyung left you no choice. You walk into what seems to be an empty house after no one answers. The doors unlocked so you were able to come right in.
“Taehyung,” you call out, and no one responds. You look around the house, and it appears to be abandoned. You know it’s not, but it seems like whoever was here just picked up and left.
“Tae,” you call out once more. No response. Once you reach the glass sliding door at the back of the house, you can see two figures. You quietly open the door stepping out. You can hear a few curses, and when you come closer, you notice it’s Taehyung, and you think Changbin. You walk closer towards them. Their yells become louder.
When Taehyung’s fist comes in contact with Changbin’s jaw you wince. His fist is relentless. Each blow harder than the other. It takes you a moment to process what was happening. Once you come to your senses, you’re running towards Taehyung.
“Taehyung, stop!” You scream, pulling Taehyung off the younger man.
Taehyung turns around, looking at you with crazed eyes. “What the hell are you doing here, y/n?” He questions letting go of Changbin. His body drops limply to the ground.
You can’t seem to speak, you feel your throat tighten, and tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You were scared. Who was this person? This wasn’t the Taehyung, you know. Or at least you thought you knew.
Just then, Hoseok is walking out of the house. “What the fuck is going on here? I thought you were going to take care of it.” Hoseok’s voice is rough, scaring you even more.
“Hyung, I need you to take over.” Taehyung gestures to Changbin, who’s still lying on the floor. His body seems to be lifeless.
“Fine,” Hoseok spits. “Next time, keep your bitch in line.”
Taehyung’s bloody hands grab you by your wrist leading you back into the house.“Y/n, what the hell are you doing here?!”
“You— you didn’t answer my calls.” You stutter. You stare at Taehyung blood-stained hands.
“That’s no reason for you to come looking for me. What the fuck were you thinking?” Taehyung raises his voice, and it causes you to finally start crying. You let go, tears streaming down your face and all you can do is bow your head.
Taehyung has no sympathy for you. “C’mon.” His voice gruff laced with annoyance. He pulls you by your arm once again, leading you to the truck.
Once you’re on his truck, you find the strength to apologize. “I’m sorry.” Your voice is still scratchy from crying.
“Whatever, just don’t come looking for me again?” He grips the steering wheel harder.
“You could've got fucking hurt y/n. Hoseok doesn’t fuck around. Plus, it’s too fucking late for you to be hanging around the southside so late by yourself.” Taehyung berates you. You can feel your tears come again.
The rest of the car ride is silent.
Taehyung pulls into your apartment complex. He puts the truck in park, and he sits there for a second. Finally, he sighs, lowering his head. “I’m sorry you had to see that shit.”
“You almost killed the guy Taehyung.” You sob.
Fuck, he really wishes you hadn’t shown up. “He’s going to be fine.” Taehyung dismisses you. He was only roughing up the guy, he thought.
“What did he do to deserve that Taehyung? He was innocent.” You knew Changbin hung around the southside sometimes, but you never expected him to get beat up by Taehyung of all people.
“Pfft, innocent?” Taehyung shakes his head. “The guys a piece of shit. He fucking robbed us. So I had to take care of it.”
Take care of it. The words ring inside your head.
“So what you were just gonna kill the guy?”
“What? No! Y/n, I don’t even have to explain myself to you.” He shakes his head again. “You know what, just get out.”
“What?” You feel like you’ve been punched in the gut. Your body moves slowly, slipping out of the raised truck.
“Go on,” Taehyung instructs. You listen and carry your heavy body back to your apartment.
The next morning your eyes are puffy from all the crying. You look at yourself in the mirror for just a second before quickly looking away. You needed a hot shower. Steam fills the bathroom as you scrub yourself clean. It’s hot and humid, and you feel like you’re being enveloped in heat. Somehow you find it comforting. Once you’re out of the shower, you dry off your wet skin, slipping into comfortable clothing.
“Y/n.” Yara knocks at your door.
“Come in.” You yell.
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast with the girls and me?” She asks sweetly, suspecting something is wrong.
“You guys go ahead. I’m not feeling well today. I just wanna stay at home.”
Yara just nods, going in for a quick hug. “If you need anything, just let me know.” You nod in response, and with that, she’s leaving your room.
You throw yourself back onto your bed. You check your phone, looking for messages from Taehyung. You know he wouldn’t text or call. Still, you can’t help but check. You toss your phone, and it lands somewhere on your bed. You roll over to your side face squishing into the soft pillow. Eventually, you fall back asleep again.
Thump Thump.
You’re woken by loud banging at your front door. You get up disoriented as you trudge to the front door. The girls must not be back yet, you think. Once you get there, you rub your eyes first before opening the door.
“Taehyung?” You’re face to face with the older man. His hair is damp, and his face is cut up. “What the hell happened?” He bleeds from his busted lip. You step aside, letting him in.
“They fucking got me.” Taehyung spits, he the bridge of his nose.
You’re quick to grab him some ice. “Come here.” You watch as Taehyung drags his feet toward the kitchen. He sits on the barstool at the island. And you walk over to him, pressing the ice against his bruised eye.
“Shit,” he hisses. Wincing at the cold sensation. He grabs ahold of your hand.
“Who got you?” You ask, letting Taehyung hold onto you as you ice his eye.
Taehyung takes a deep breath. He pulls the ice off him and lets go of your hand. “Fucking north siders.” He shakes his head. He’s pissed, beyond pissed actually. “Last night, after I dropped you off. I ran into a few of Changbin’s buddies. They ended up jumping me.”
“What? How?” You gasp. This was all your fault if you hadn’t gone looking for Taehyung none of this would’ve happened.
“They broke my fucking window. Pulled me out of my truck, beat me, and left me on the side of the road.” Your eyes widen as Taehyung explains to you what happened to him. How could something like possibly have happened on the North Side?
“Tae—,” your voice trails off. You feel so guilty that any of this happened. You should’ve just stayed out of it. If it wasn’t for you, Taehyung would never have been here, and this would’ve never happened to him.
For some reason, it drove Taehyung crazy the way you called out his name like that. Sure, you were a pain in his ass and caused him nothing but trouble since you came into his life, but he couldn’t help the way he felt when you looked at him like that.
“It’s whatever,” Taehyung says indifferently.
“Here, let me get you something to clean up the blood.” You walk towards the sink. And Taehyung can’t help but stare at your ass as you walk away. You slept in the skimpiest of short. Probably because they were comfortable, Taehyung thinks.
“Here,” you say when you’re in front of him again. You begin to wipe off the blood with a damp rag causing Taehyung to wince once again. “I’m sorry,” you frown, but you continue to clean him up.
“I should get going.” Taehyung pulls your hand away. “I only came by because I was finally conscious enough to move, and you were the closest place I could think of.”
“Wait, don’t go just yet.” You gesture for him to stay put. You go to the bathroom in search of some Vaseline or something to help with the cuts. “Here,” you say when you come back out.
“Vaseline?” Taehyung questions with a cocked brow.
“It will help close up the wounds,” you state. You take the jelly onto your fingers and lightly rub against the cuts on Taehyung's face. You stand in between his spread legs. You can feel his hot breath against your skin as you continue to rub Vaseline on him.
You missed being this close to Taehyung. Against your will, you pull away after applying the jelly on the last cut.
“Thanks,” Taehyung mutters. His eyes trained on your lips. There’s a moment where you both contemplate on whether or not to act on your desire. Taehyung is the first to choose. He leans in the rest of the way brushing his lips against yours. He leaves it to you to finish the kiss, and you do. Your lips pressing together then parted by Taehyung’s tongue. You can taste the blood on your tongue as your lips smack together.
You moan into the kiss, and instantly, Taehyung is picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist, and his large hands cup over the swell of your ass, holding you up. He places you on the kitchen island, your legs spreading wide for him. He nestles in between them, his crotch pressing against yours. A slow grind with every movement if of the kiss. You missed Taehyung's touch. The way his hands grip onto you. The way his tongue tastes like stale cigarettes. A taste that you grew to love. Everything about Taehyung is hot. The way he stared at you with a hard gaze was enough to make your panties wet.
He’s hard between your thighs. As the outline of his cock grinds against your clothed cunt. You throw your head back as you break away from the kiss. Your lungs need air, and you gasp for it. You reveal the soft skin of your neck as your head tosses back. Taehyung takes the initiative to suck a mark onto your neck.
“Tae—,” you moan, your hand coming up to entangle into Taehyung’s curly locks.
“Mmm,” he groans into your neck. He grinds against you harder. Desperate and hungry to feel anything you’re willing to give. And right now, you’re eager to give it all. Desire fills your body with every thrust. Your core aching to be filled.
“Tell me to stop,” he grunts. And that’s the last thing you want him to do. “Tell me you don’t want this.” But you can’t lie to him. Because every fiber in your being yearns for Taehyung.
“Please,” you beg your hand, wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer. “Taehyung, I want it.” You admit to him whispering into his ear with a low voice. He was no good for you, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted him.
He’s pushing onto your back, and you shiver when your back presses against the cold countertop. Taehyung pushes your shirt up over your chest. His lips kissing and sucking the expanse of your tummy. Soon enough, he’s heading down south, kissing his way down. He’s quick to pull down your shorts and underwear until the slip off your dangling legs. Your ass is bare against the countertop, and you’re sure if your roommates knew what you were doing on their perfectly clean white marble top, they’d freak.
Taehyung crouches onto his knees. His head between your thighs. He sucks a hickey into your inner thigh. When his tongue is finally at your core, you arch your back into it. His tongue moves languidly against your folds. Slow and torturous, but enough to let pleasure bloom. Your body feels hot all over, and you can feel your body shine with perspiration. Taehyung grips onto your thighs, spreading them wide, using them as leverage.
Eventually, his tongue is lapping in your juices. His tongue curls with every drag. His wet muscle licking up your slit until he’s met with your swollen clit. Your body goes stiff as he begins to make out with your cunt. Sucking on your nub, causing you to grip onto his locks. His tongue and lips are enough to coax your arousal out of you. It drips out of your wet pussy down to the curve of your ass.
Taehyung breathes heavily as he buries himself in your pussy. You’re crying out loud, and you can feel the weight of his hand. He presses against your lower abdomen, keeping your hips still. Though your hips wanted to move freely. He loved how greedy you were for him, he wanted to give you everything you wanted.
“Please, Taehyung,” you plead in a whiny voice. All you needed was his fingers, and you’d come undone. He knows exactly what you want. Two digits dip into your leaking entrance. He curls them upward before he begins to pump them.
“Oh,” you mewl. You’re met with his mouth on your clit again. He sucks relentlessly, causing your hips to move unabashedly. He can no longer control the way your hips move, and he lets you have it.
Your moans become louder, and the room fills with the lewd noises of Taehyung slurping up your cunt. Time stops for a moment, and you’re coming undone. Your walls pulsing around his fingers. As you’re plunging straight into your orgasm. You slump back down onto the kitchen counter. Your body now welcoming the coolness of the marble countertop.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Taehyung admires you as you lay there. Legs spread wide for him, your chest rising and falling, and your hair splayed all over the counter. You’re completely fucked out, and his chest swells because he knows he made you like this. A crying, panting mess for him, it was all for him.
“Taehyung fuck me please, I want it so bad.” You cry you want to feel him inside you. You want to feel complete.
Taehyung rises to his feet. His hands moving quickly to unbuckle his belt. He pushes down his pants and boxers in one go. His dick springs free, and your core begins to throb again. He’s taking his cock into his hand, rubbing the tip against your folds. You sit up to watch him, and he picks your legs up from the back of your thighs. Holding you as he finally pushes in. There’s no resistance whatsoever as your warm wet walls welcome him in.
“Ahh,” you huff feeling him stretch you open.
Taehyung’s hips begin to move. He has no mercy, he’s desperate to cum. His thrusts are short and hard. You feel the head of his dick continuously brush against your sweet spot.
“Off,” you say, tugging the hem of his shirt. And momentarily, he drops your legs. Lifting the shirt over his head and tossing it on the ground. Quickly his hands go back to lifting your legs to continue to fuck you.
His muscles flex with every moment. And now you can admire his tanned skin adorned with his tattoos. You run your hands over his chest and down his abs. Everything about Taehyung was so hot.
“Fuck your pussy feels so good, baby,” Taehyung says through gritted teeth. His hips moving erratically now. You lie back against the island again. Pulling up your shirt gives him a good view of your breast as they jiggle with every thrust.
A particularly hard thrust has your crying out. “There— don’t stop, please!” You beg. His dick hitting you perfectly that you can feel your orgasm building up again. You feel the weight of his hips on yours as he slides in and out.
Soon, the pressure is building up between your thighs. To steady yourself, you grip onto the edge of the island. Your back arches as your pussy takes a beating. You suck in a deep breath, and you let go. Your muscles begin to liquify. Letting your sweet release take over.
“Oh my god— I’m cumming!” You say gasping for air. You swear you blackout for a few seconds the pleasure being too much.
Taehyung is mumbling a few curses with every other thrust. Your walls spasming around his dick makes him groan. His cock engulfed in the sweet sea of your pussy. Taehyung’s balls begin to ache to release soon.
“God, I want your cum so bad.” You say in a drawn-out whine. Your walls are still so sensitive, but you push through.
Taehyung’s dick twitches inside you at your words. “Fuck baby, where do you want it?” He grunts.
Without a second thought, you beg for him to cum on you. You could care less where. You just wanted him to taint you with his cum.
With Taehyung’s end nearing, you wrap your legs around his torso, pulling him close to you. His thrust are shallow now with the close proximity you hold him at. His hands are on either side of your waist. Holding onto you as he pushes you against his thrusts. Your hands grip onto Taehyung’s bulging biceps, as thrusts become more relentless.
“Tell me you want it,” his voice hoarse. He just wants to hear it come from your mouth.
“I want it, so bad—,” you gasp for air, his thrust becoming incredibly hard. “Give it to me, Tae!” You sob, pleasure increasingly taking over your body again.
With your pleas, Taehyung is quickly pulling out of you. His hand pulls rapidly on his engorged cock. With a clenched jaw and muscles taught, he’s cumming all over your tummy. Ropes of cum shoot out, landing on your soft skin. He tugs on his dick between spurts dragging out every last bit of his orgasm. When he comes down, he’s gently letting go of you. His hands press against the cold marble. Leaning against his arms, his body slumps over yours. The tip of his cock rutting into the mess he’s made on you. His head hangs low, and you push away the strands that fall against his eyes. His usual intense gaze is gone as he only looks at you with soft eyes. You cup his face, and he leans down gingerly, placing one last kiss on your lips.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” whispers, his eyes shutting.
After your breath becomes steady again, you suddenly realize where you are. In your kitchen, almost completely bare. “Tae,” you say as you sit yourself up on the counter. “My roommates, they’ll be back soon.” You say, worried they’d come in at any second.
“Could we maybe shower?” Taehyung asks, looking at the state of both of you. You’re covered in his cum, and he’s covered with sweat and dirt from last night.
“Yeah, my rooms that way.” You point over to the slightly opened door of your room. Taehyung helps you off the counter, and you both head to your room.
You have to admit showering with Taehyung was nice. Having him lather soap all over your body felt amazing. Especially when he massaged your scalp, you swear you were cumming. It was such a sweet sentiment that you were sad when Taehyung was getting dressed to leave.
“Stay, please,” you say timidly. You hope with everything in you that Taehyung would agree. That instead of leaving, he’d stay and spend the day with you in bed.
“I can’t,” he says, his eyes averting yours.
“Why not Taehyung?” You can feel the familiar tightness start at your throat. Deep down you already knew why. You and Taehyung weren’t meant for each other. You came from opposite worlds. It didn’t make sense for you to be together. “Just for today Tae, please stay,” you plead one last time.
Taehyung looks down to where you currently lay on your bed. He’s so conflicted his mind is telling him one thing, but his heart is telling him another. Ultimately Taehyung decides to stay. Regardless of what your friends might think when they come home and find you two together. You both don’t know what will happen next, but all you know is that you have him here right now. 
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this thank you to the anon that requested this prompt! Please let me know if you enjoyed it! Your feedback is greatly appreciated! (:
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bangtansbun · 5 years ago
The Lucky One || Taehyung
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Pairing: idol!taehyung x army!reader
Genre: pure smut, just written porn essentially with touches of plot
Word Count: 3,026
Synopsis: After performing at the Grammy’s and feeling completely frustrated and used by the western music industry, Taehyung needs to let off some steam and you just happen to be the lucky person he decides to fuck into oblivion
Warnings: casual sex, insinuated unprotected sex (pls use condoms my dudes), degradation, slight praise kink, dom/sub themes, oral (m. receiving), cursing, mentions of hard kinks and limits, light impact play, lots of dirty talk, gagging/deep throating, some cute aftercare because Tae is a good boy
a/n: you can tell when I started writing this given the plot, but I’ve finally finished it, and a special thanks to my friend Phil for telling me to write this after I brought up the topic. 
It was Grammy weekend and you and your friends decided to go to a local bar to have drinks and watch the Grammy’s. You especially wanted to watch to support your favorite group, BTS’s, performance. You were hoping they would get a Grammy nomination this year, considering their most recent album Map of the Soul: Persona was a massive hit worldwide. However, the Grammy’s snubbed them, even though they claimed to have “diverse nominees,” and were, instead, performing with another artist that was nominated.
You guys had downed a few drinks and sang along to some of the other performances. You appreciated Alicia Keys’ shoutout to kpop and you were ready to have your eyes glued to the screen for their performance. You finally hear the music for old town road come on and within seconds you see your favorite boys. They looked mouth watering. It was like they had leveled up and you were now scared to see their final form for fear of ascending to heaven as a consequence.
But just as quickly as you had started jamming out to their version of the song, it had ended. It felt like 30 seconds – was that is really?? You couldn’t believe that was all you got to see of them. You watched a bit more of the show, but you felt no point when you noticed that BTS themselves had even left the Grammy’s after their performance. Feeling a bit dejected on behalf of the boys and your buzz wearing off, you decided to head home without your friends. Not wanting to explain how much of a blow this felt to you, you just told them the alcohol was making you feel sick and you’d just get a Lyft home.
As you’re waiting outside the bar for your Lyft driver to arrive, a large black SUV with tinted windows rolls up to the curb. The window rolls down and to your astonishment, it’s Taehyung who’s peeking out at you through the window. “Hey, what’s your name?” he asks you loud enough for you to hear but not loud enough to attract too much attention. “Who? Me?” you ask walking closer to the car and he nods at you. “Oh, um, y/n” he smirks at you. “Pretty name, you wanna come with me back to my hotel?” You felt like you were about to pass out, was this some kind of prank? “Y-you want me to come with you?” Your eyes going wide and your nervous stutter coming out. “Yes, but only if you want to and only if you decide quickly because it won’t be long before someone notices me and I don’t want to make a scene. I promise, you have nothing to worry about. So are you in or out?” his eyes turning into crescents as he shows off his charming grin.
Without saying anything you got into the SUV quickly. You felt like your head was spinning. You couldn’t believe this was happening. The Kim Taehyung, has asked you back to his hotel room. You’d literally fantasized about this about a hundred times but you never thought in a million years that it would ever happen. He brought you out of your trance by lightly touching your shoulder to let you know you had arrived.
On the way up to the room, he begins to talk to you again, breaking the silence. “So, I know this may seem strange, but I promise, nothing weird is going on here. I’m just having a bad evening and want to let off some steam.” He was speaking to you very seriously now. “Yeah, I saw the performance! You guys were incredible, but it was so short.” He looks at you with his brows furrowed. “Are you an army?” You nod shyly at him and start to fiddle with your fingers. He chuckles to himself, “didn’t really expect that considering I just randomly chose you, but it’s nice to know you understand somewhat.” The elevator door opens to your floor at this point.
He leads you to his room and you catch a glimpse of Namjoon walking into his room and shouting a quick hello to Taehyung. The reality of all of this hits you again, but this time like a ton of bricks. Your heart is starting to race now as he ushers you into his room. It’s a decent size with a king sized bed, desk, separate sitting area with a tv, and a nice sized bathroom. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable, we have some stuff to go over before this happens. Can I get you a water or anything?” You move to take a seat on the couch and take your jacket off, “some water would be nice, I had been drinking earlier.” He grabs you a water bottle and turns on some jazz music to play softly in the background before he grabs some papers and heads toward you.
He lays the papers out in front of you and you realize it’s a non-disclosure agreement. “Hopefully you can understand, but I’ll need you to sign this in order to continue. We like to keep our personal lives as private as possible given the circumstances.” Of course you understood, so you take the pen and sign your name after looking over everything. “Thank you,” he says sweetly to you in his low voice, smiling at you now. “So, some other things we should discuss. I don’t know what you’re into, but I want both of us to be comfortable and have fun tonight. Do you have any hard limits? Kinks that would make this better for you?” Your mouth had been bobbing up and down at his words, but now you were trying to gather yourself. “Um, uh, I’m not into water sports, or anything too hardcore like gagging or rough impact play. Spanking is fine though. I- um, I don’t mind degradation and dirty talk helps a lot and ohmygoshicantbelieveimtellingyouthis” you cover your face from embarrassment. He reaches out to peel your hands away from your face, “hey, it’s just me and you here, no need to be shy, sweetheart.” He smiles his cute boxy smile at you and you feel like you could melt right there. “Okay, is there anything else you’d like to tell me? Because to be honest, I’d really just like to kiss you now, your flushed face is so cute.”
You blink at his words and half way through a shake of your head he leans in to gently press a kiss to your lips. It takes you a second to relax into it, but soon enough you start kissing him back. His lips are soft and plush, and he’s taking things slow. There’s something about the way he’s kissing you, so gentle as if he’s worried about taking care of you.
You move your hand to brush it through his silky soft tousled waves. He deepens the kiss as you do that, placing one of his hands on your hip. He breaks away for a second to look at you, leaving you to slightly whimper. You’re dressed in a tight black cami-strapped dress. “Ah I didn’t really get to look at you earlier, too worried about getting everything taken care of, but you look beautiful.” Your face instantly goes red and you dip your head a little, “thank you, you look amazing yourself.” In fact, he looks so good you’re practically drooling at the sight of him. He takes two of his fingers to lift your chin up so you’re looking at him. “So shy, cute. Now come on, I want to make sure I take good care of you.” He grabs your hand and leads you into the bedroom.
He quickly takes his shirt off and is eyeing you up as you sit on the edge of the bed. His tummy looks soft and there’s a tiny trail of hair leading into his pants. “Are you just going to stay clothed throughout this whole thing?” he chuckles as he says this. Realizing what he’s asking of you, you take off your dress, leaving you in just your pretty mauve pink thong. It quickly hits you how vulnerable you feel considering the situation and you start to cover yourself up with your arms. “Considering you got into my car earlier, I didn’t really think a little slut like you would be so shy. Come on now, stop playing coy, baby.” His words hit you in just the right way, making your core feel warm and tingly.
“Okay, but you have a lot more clothing on than I do right now,” you countered back to him. “A little sassy, huh? Well, I was actually hoping you’d help me with them, sweetheart.” Not wanting to disobey too much you move to undo his pants and pull them down off of him. You’re left with a thick print of his hard cock under his black boxer briefs. You run your hand over it and a light moan escapes his lips. His voice sounds so enticing that you lick a stipe over the print.
“Don’t tease me, I know you want this cock down your throat just as badly as I do, right?” You nod your head and pull his boxers down. He’s already leaking precum so you use that to lubricate him a little more. He has such a pretty dick, you don’t think you’ve ever seen one as pretty as his and this worries you because he may ruin all other men for you after tonight.
After stroking him a few times you take him into your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks and creating suction. He grabs at your hair and pulls your head back slightly, “such a good little cock slut for me, but I want you to keep your eyes on me while I’m in your throat.” Your panties were completely soaked through by this point simply from his words. It only made you want to be even better for him. His length was long, but you thought you could probably take most of him if you focused. After bobbing back and forth for a little while you back off a bit to give some kitten licks to his pulsing red head, causing him to shiver and moan, before you take him back in as deep as you can. “Fuck baby, I didn’t think you’d do that.” He pushes your head even farther down and you start to gag a little, but he keeps you still with the palm of his hand on the back of your head. There’s spit dribbling down your chin now and you’re concentrating hard to breathe through your nose. “That’s right, use your pretty little mouth to warm my cock.” You moan at his words and the vibration causes him to mumble out curses. He yanks your head back off of him and his dick comes out of your mouth with a loud *pop*.
“Up on the bed now, head down ass up” he says giving you a rough smack to your bottom. You do as he says, hurrying into position on the edge of the bed. He comes up behind you and admires your bottom, running his hands over your cheeks before adding another swift smack. You whimper as he adds another to the other side. “This ass was made for me, baby.” He bends down slightly to leave a few kisses to your cheeks. You’re so wet and needy, and you’d do just about anything right now to have him buried inside of you. He notices you try to push back against him, for some sort of friction. “Feeling eager are we? Does my little slut need a cock inside of her?” You nod at him, a little teary eyed, but reeling at the possessiveness of that sentence. His hand comes down hard on your ass, “use your words, sweetheart.” A whimper escapes your lips before you respond with “yes, yes plea-” And before you can even say anything else, he begins to slide into you. “That’s my good girl,” he coos at you as he starts a fast and steady pace.
Soon enough, the room is filled with your dulcet moans and his heady grunts. Your back arched and hair tightly wrapped around his wrist as he fucks into you. His once soft tousled waves are no hanging over his face with beads of sweat dripping from them and onto your back. His large hands had a firm grip on your hips and it didn’t appear he was going to let up anytime soon. It was all becoming overwhelming. The way he spoke as he continued to ravage you, the pure fact that it was him of all people, and the way that he was paying special attention to your kinks. The heat in your core felt like in was singeing, in the best way possible, with every perfect thrust he pushed into you. It was as if your senses were heightened in that moment and you could feel every vein, every pulse. You didn’t know how much more you could take. “Fuuuuck, fuck, fuck, Taehyung,” you cried out to him. 
He lets go of your hair to press kisses to your back and rub his hands up and down your thighs. “Does my little cock whore need to come? Look at you, all red and dripping. Go ahead sweetheart, touch yourself.” And that’s all you needed to hear. You began to rub your clit, using your juices to make it all the more pleasing. Your breathing, already ragged from the way he’d been pounding into you, was getting caught in your throat as you neared your climax. “Ohhh my god, pl- please don’t stop,” you whine out to him. “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t plan on it.” You continue the circles on your clit and you can feel that you’re right on the edge but you need some help. You’re frustrated that you can’t push yourself over the edge and whimpers start to leave your mouth, tears coming down your cheeks. “Oh does someone need a little help? Come on, you can do it. I want you to come all over my cock.” He says this as he moves your hand out of the way and does the work for you. All while still fucking deep into you. Your moans getting louder now, and you could feel yourself about to break. “That’s it baby, come for me,” and that’s all you needed to have the coil inside of you snap. 
A string of almost incoherent curses and his name are all that you can manage to say. Your high so intoxicating that you swear you lose your vision for a moment, seeing stars. He’s slowly helping you through it now, laying more kisses on your back as you come down. “Fuck you got so tight, I’m not going to last much longer,” he warns you, but you’re still recovering from the intense orgasm, and all you want in this moment is for him to feel the same bliss as you. His thrusts start to become staggered and his moans turning into mere stuttering breaths, then suddenly he pulls out and finishes on your ass. “Shhhit,” he lets slip out as rope after rope of his silky seed drips onto you. He falls on the bed to catch his breath with you for a few minutes, but he quickly realizes that he should clean you up before his cum starts to dry. He comes back quickly with a damp cloth and wipes you clean, a soft thanks coming from you. He smiles at you and goes to grab a towel. “I’m going to shower off, you’re more than welcome to join me too.” Given how sweaty you were, you felt like you couldn’t pass up the offer.
The shower was innocent enough, him sharing his bath essentials with you and even helping with the condition process when he realized how tired you were. He helped you dry off and gave you some of his sweats to change into so you were more comfortable. “Thanks for everything,” you say shyly to him, the reality of everything that just transpired hitting you. He gives you a big smile, “no, I should be thanking you! I feel so much more relaxed now.” He continues drying off his hair and puts on some sweats too. “I’ve arranged for a driver to take you to wherever your home is, and our bodyguards will make sure everything is done discretely, but there’s something I’d like to ask you..” He looks down now at his feet and smiles shyly, almost as if he’s nervous. You’re looking at him with your eyebrows knitted in confusion as he finally looks up at you again. “I’d like for this to be a regular thing for us when we’re in LA, that is if you’re around and you’d want to?” The question threatening to make your knees buckle and cause you to lose consciousness. “Uh- um, sure i-if that’s what you’d like? I’d like that.” He smiles brightly at you now, that boxy grin a million times more charming in person. “Okay, great, I’ll have the paperwork sent over to you and you can just send it back to me whenever you get the chance.” 
With that, he ushers you to the door and gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek, “thanks again, sweetheart.” The nickname he’d used on you all night making your heart swoon. “Wait! What about your clothes?” you say in a hurry. “Keep ‘em, we’ll see each other again anyway,” he says this last part with a wink and you’re on your way. The memory of the night being etched into your brain as detailed as humanly possible. You never wanted to forget how incredibly lucky you felt to be his for a few hours, and now possibly for more in the future. Unable to share with anyone, you just climb into bed quietly and hope that your dreams are even half as good as your reality is, drifting slowly into sleep.
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endless-whump · 5 years ago
S/O: A Lie
CW: box boy universe, discussions/conflict about consent and the ability to consent, head injury, self blame, guilt, mentions of past torture/captivity, blink and you’ll miss it mention of past noncon/fear of noncon
Note: takes place right after Run
Fills the @badthingshappenbingo​ box for “doesn’t realize they’ve been injured” requested by @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow​ ! Sorry it took so long to get done lmao
Oliver ran.  Street lights were a blur as he sprinted past them, cars whipping by and thankfully not slowing down to question the small, barefoot boy running like his life depended on it.  Everything felt like it was spinning and he was so dizzy but he couldn’t stop, not yet.  He couldn’t take a break and risk someone having followed him, or spotting him in the open, or giving them enough time to track him down.  He felt like a hunted animal, wild and lost and desperate in his attempts to get as far away from the danger as possible.
“Now go”
That's what Simon had told him, with an urgency that sent chills down his spine.  As much as he wanted to fight back against it, to stay and help and not leave Simon, he couldn’t say no to such an urgent order.  Simon said he’d come back though, he promised.  
His feet burned on the icy sidewalk as he ran, chills taking hold of him even with the heavy hoodie he’d thrown on, clinging to it like a lifeline. He needed to hide, he needed to be out of sight. He tried to focus enough to get a hold of his surroundings, looking for somewhere to shelter.
His leg hurt, he wasn’t ready to run this far, the adrenaline rushing through his veins only did so much.  He had to keep moving, though, running and running and running-
Oliver cried out in pain when he turned a corner too sharply, clipping the wall and being sent crashing to the ground.  His hands felt on fire, blood staining his skin as the asphalt tore his palms and forearm. His head was spinning, breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. He needed to run, he needed to keep going. He was going to get caught, they were going to drag him back and he was going to be in so so much trouble, they’d hurt him again, they’d hurt Simon again.
The smell of gasoline filled the alley as Oliver dragged himself up, gravel digging into his knees, legs bleeding. He couldn’t go back, he felt like a coward for listening, for running. That’s all he ever did. He ran and he left everybody behind, too blind in his own fear to even protect the people he loved. The person he loved.
He shivered on the ground, clothes dampened from the icy rain, shivers wracking his body as he pressed his forehead against the ground, choking on sobs. He’d abandoned the one person who always protected him, left him to be hurt and dragged back.  After everything Simon had done for him, Oliver left.  
He remembered what Marie had told him, about saying no to Simon.  That it was good to be able to say no.  He failed, he did what he always did and obeyed and thought he was being good but he failed.  He should have said no, should have stayed to help.
He could do nothing but lay there in the cold, hoping by some miracle he didn’t just condemn the person he loved to die, or worse, by his mistake.
Oliver shuffled along near what seemed to be an empty parking lot, glancing around warily.  He was freezing and desperate for any amount of comfort, looking for a spot to hide.  He just needed somewhere to curl up and avoid the feeling of being watched, the darkness of night unable to help him hide anymore.
There was a dumpster beside a building, looking mostly empting. Oliver approached it, peeking over the edge with shy curiosity, eyes widening at what he saw. There was a jacket, looking heavy and exactly what he needed in the chill of the morning.  It was just sitting there, and he couldn’t resist the temptation to grab it.  He grabbed onto the top of the dumpster to pull himself up, reaching a hand in without hesitation to grab it.
Oliver froze, elbow deep in the dumpster.  There was a man approaching him cautiously, a trash bag in one hand. The boy glanced at the exit of the alley, heart thudding in his chest as he tried to figure out an escape.
Trust nobody
“Easy, kid.  I’m not-”
Oliver bolted, scrambling down from the dumpster as fast as he could.  There was a shout behind him, but he ignored it in favor of his mad scramble away from danger.  There was a flash of pain in his foot, the breath forced from his lungs as he slipped on the slick ice, the world spinning as he went down.
Static filled the air, copper filling his senses as the world went completely silent.  He groaned, rolling over onto his stomach to try and push himself up.  There was a hand on his back but it meant danger, it wasn’t safe, he couldn’t trust anybody.
“-go get my phone, stay still,”
There were footsteps there and then gone and it was silent but everything was so loud, he needed to get out.  Pure flight instinct took hold of him as he got to his feet, swaying.  He blinked, trying to clear his vision as he stumbled, leaning against the wall.
Escape escape escape, it was all that was filling his mind as he walked, staggering clumsily through the alley.  He didn’t care what corners he turned, what buildings he passed, he just moved and moved until he was gone and lost.  He needed to be lost.  Lost meant nobody could find him to hurt him.  Lost was safe.
He crumpled against the ground near a wall, hidden behind boards of wood stacked carelessly on the ground.  Everything was so cold and loud and disorganized, his breaths ragged and panicked.  He covered his head with his arms as he curled up, forehead pressed against the cold brick of the wall he was pressed up against.
He wasn’t sure how long he laid there, the spot under his head growing warm as blood pooled there, and he didn’t even realize it.  He let himself drift, his fingertips numb, his bare feet and legs burning with the contact to the icy ground.  He stopped shivering, after a while, his chest tight, making it hard to breathe.
The hand on his shoulder made him flinch, whimpering as he curled up against the wall.  A hand slid behind his head gently, turning Oliver to face the blurry but always familiar face kneeling beside him.
“..S,Simon?”  He murmured, voice strained.  His teeth had stopped chattering a long time ago, the energy to gone.  He quickly tried to sit up, head pounding and vision swimming as he struggled to cling to Simon.
“Simon, Simon you’re ok, I,I,I’m so sorry I left you’re ok-”  He was crying now, fingers shakily grasping onto the others shirt as he struggled to see through his tears.  “I’m..I’m so sorry, I’m sorry please be ok it was, was all my fault-”
“-Hey,”  Simon interrupted.  “Slow down, I’m right here.  None of this is your fault, I need you to breathe.”
Oliver obeyed, sucking in a breath as he tried to push away the growing darkness at the edges of his vision.
“Are...um, are you ok?”  He asked, his voice barely a whisper. His hands shook as he raised them to Simon’s face, dull, tired eyes somehow filled with an urgent concern as his gaze drifted across the bruises, the blood smeared on the others face. “Y,You’re hurt.”
“I’m hurt? Jesus- I’m fine, Oliver. You should see the other guy.”  Something heavy and warm was wrapped around him, arms supporting him as he was guided to stand. “Hell- you should see yourself.  Let's get you home.”
“Mfine,”  Oliver tried insisting, attempting to push himself into a standing position.  Simon grabbed hold of him to pick him up, taking his full weight as the boys legs gave out.
He could barely protest as he was scooped up, one arm hooked under his knees and another under his back to hold him close.  The world spun, his head falling limply against Simon's shoulder with the dizziness.
“God..you’ve got blood all over you, what happened?  Did someone follow you?”
“Fell..hnn, Simon I’m sorry..pl..please..”
A warm hand rested against the back of his neck, holding onto him tightly.  
“Shh, you’re ok.  I’m safe, I promise you I’m safe.  Both of us are.”
There was a car door opening, his back settling onto something soft.  He was hit by the sudden warmth, more heavy blankets wrapped snugly around him.  He let his eyes close, leaning against the warm touch.
“-he hurt?”
There were more voices, soft and concerned and familiar.  They were safe, he could relax.  He didn’t have the energy to run anymore.
“He hit his head, got blood all over him but it's mostly dried.  Legs are all scraped up..fuck he’s freezing.  I should have come straight for him instead of getting the car.”
The familiar scent of grass and coffee washed over him, warm arms holding him tight.  Oliver smiled slightly, eyes fluttering as he struggled to open them.
He’s safe, Simon's safe, I didn’t kill him
“I didn’t kill you,”  He murmured, pressing up against the comfort.  He didn’t kill Simon, he was so relieved.  Tears were warm on his face, breath hitching with a sob.
“Oliver..Ollie what are you talking about?  Of course you didn’t kill me, I’m right here.”
“I,I left you,”  Oliver choked out desperately, sobbing.  “I left you and I, I thought you were gonna get t,taken back, Simon Simon please, I thought I, I killed you,”
A kiss was pressed to the top of his head, a warm hand on the back of his neck to hold him steady as the soft movements of the car rocked the pair.
“Can’t get rid of me that easily,” Simon hummed, smiling against Oliver’s hair.  “I’m fine, I promise.  I went to the house thinking you might have turned up there, as soon as I saw you weren’t I got Mia and Kendric and we came looking.  I’m so sorry it took so long.”
Oliver murmured in acknowledgment, feeling light and airy.  It didn’t hurt so much anymore, the pain in his head reduced to an odd spinning feeling.  His feet and the tips of his fingers felt tingly as they started to warm up, like muted pins and needles.
“-hey, can you stay awake until we get home?  Just a few more minutes.”
Oliver tried to answer, only a muffled whimper escaping him in his exhaustion.  He was shivering again, nuzzling against the warmth of Simon’s shoulder.  He felt like he was spinning, Simon the only solid thing he could grab and hold onto for the stability he so desperately needed.  Everything was ok now that he knew Simon was safe, though.  Nothing else mattered.  
The voices continued but he couldn’t quite tell what they were saying anymore, his focus drifting.  The blankets were thick, the material soft and warmed from body heat against his fingertips.  He could feel the seatbelt crossed over the two as they sat, one in the other's arms, in the back seat of the car.  He could feel a spot of dried blood against Simon’s shirt.  His breathing was even but shallow, chest rising and falling with a twinge of pain at the movement.  The grip around his shoulder tightened as the car turned and stopped, the two swaying with the motion of the car.  He closed his eyes as he was maneuvered out of the car, not missing the way Simon swayed slightly, feeling off balance.
“I can walk,”  He said quietly, pushing away to try and lower to his feet.  “You’re..you’re tired, I-I can walk.  Not hurt.”
“Nope,”  Simon hummed, keeping him held tight.  “Your feet are all scraped up, I’m worried there's glass or something, and you’ve probably got a nasty concussion.  Just let me do this.  Please?”
Oliver sighed, letting his head fall back on Simon's shoulder in resignation.  He wanted to resist, to try and put up more of a fight about it, but he simply didn’t have the energy to be stubborn.
The walk up the stairs was a precarious one, Oliver’s shaking fingers gripping onto Simons shirt tightly.  The bedroom door was pushed open, shutting and clicking as he locked it.  Oliver didn’t question it, knowing the wariness and fear behind the action.  He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he would’ve asked Simon to lock it anyways.
Now that the need for survival, for escape was gone, the wave of terror and pain and memory was given room to wash over him.  He was shaking as he was lowered into what he recognized as their bathtub, flinching when the faucet was turned on.  His breath hitched as fingers grabbed the hem of his shirt, hesitating for a moment.  He didn’t want to have to be good right now-
“Need to get you warmed up and in dry clothes, you ok with that?”
He nodded jerkily, letting his shirt be pulled carefully over his head.  The shower head was switched on, a small spray of warm water hitting his back.  He couldn’t keep himself from tensing, muscles aching under the bruises but eventually relaxing under the warmth.
The bruises around his throat were tender as Simon rubbed his fingers gently across the skin, trying to get the dried blood off the back of his neck.  He pulled his knees to his chest, resting his forehead against them as he tried to will the dizziness to stop.  He wanted to forget the restriction around his neck, just another layer of memory to the choking and smothering and drowning and all the ways people took complete control over him.  The way Cedric always did.
“I didn’t know where the others were, I wasn’t lying about that,”
Oliver lifted his head slightly, swallowing against the nausea it caused.  He made a confused noise, trying to turn to look at Simon.
“I, um, I wanted to stop them.  I would have, if I knew. When they were..making me watch, I would have told them what they wanted if I knew.”
He heard the unmistakable sound of a sniff, a hitched breath to stifle a sob.  Oliver shifted, forcing himself to lift his head enough to look at Simon, his eyes red and filled with tears.
“A,And it scares me, that I would have done it.  I would have..I would have given up those people, our people, if I could’ve.  If I could keep you safe.”
Oliver didn’t know what to say.  The sound of the water filled the silence, blood running down the drain a faint, muted red.  Fingers ran through his hair, pain flaring up in the spot where he’d hit his head.
“It scares me that I’d do it without even thinking, throw someone else under the bus like that.”
Oliver gripped his sleeve, dazed eyes staring intently at him. Simon refused to look him in the eyes, staring down with his lips pressed together.
“Look at me,” He begged, tugging weakly at his sleeve.  “Please?”  Simon looked up hesitantly, eyes full of doubt and fear.  Fear of himself.
“Simon..” He started, swallowing thickly, serious but nervous.  “Simon, I want you to promise me you’ll never choose me over them.  If..if there's people in danger, especially a lot of people, don’t, don’t you dare sacrifice them for me.  Don’t you ever do that.”
“Oliver you know I can’t-”
“You can.”  Oliver insisted, swaying a little and holding onto the other for balance.  “Please promise me.  Promise me this one thing.”
Simon looked away, dropping his head to press his forehead to his arm.  He took a shaky breath before nodding, reaching a hand out to turn off the faucet.
“Let's get you dry.”  He murmured, going to reach for a towel.  Oliver didn’t let him go, jerking harder than he should have against Simon's sleeve.
“Promise me.”  Oliver begged, voice strained.  Water dripped into the bathtub, the noise feeling loud in the now quiet, slightly echoing room.  
“I..I promise.”
And they didn’t push it any further than that.  Simon let him change into dry clothes, only helping when he asked.  Bandages were wrapped around his feet and where he’d scraped his legs, a fever reducer handed to him to drink, just in case.  They were both silent as Simon helped Oliver to bed, the pair wordlessly hugging each other close as they crawled into bed, subconsciously glancing at the door, still locked.  Hums and soft touch and words of reassurance coaxed them both to relax, warmth and familiar sheets and smells reminding them both of where they were, who they were with.
Oliver went to sleep soundly, warm and in the arms of the person he trusted the most.  He trusted out of his own will, his own judgement.  He trusted out of his own love.  He smiled as he fell asleep, nuzzling against Simon's neck, feeling warm breath on his shoulder where they were slotted together perfectly.
But while Oliver went to sleep, Simon stared at the ceiling with a heavy, guilty heart, knowing for what might have been the first time ever, he lied to Oliver.
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skzzthingss · 5 years ago
Next Door ~ Hyunjin
Summary: (Requested) Hi~! I’d like to request for Hyunjin pls~ where they are next door & window neighbors and she has a huge crush on Hyunjin. But one day she builds the courage and strip teases him through the window. I don’t know~ something like that~!! >//
Warnings: Smut.. smut.. smut!
Request here
Tonight was just like every night. You got ready for bed and got on your pjs, going to tour window and opening it. Almost at the exact same time, your neighbor Hyunjin opened his. You both did this every day; talk to each other through your windows.
"So, how was your day?" He asked, leaning his head on his hand.
"Fine, nothing much much happened, how about you?" You answered crossing your arms and resting your chin on them.
"More dance, but it's fun," he shrugged, flipping his hair from his face.
You couldn't help but watch him talk. Admire him in the moon light. Everything about him, you saw was beautiful.
Night passed, day came and you thought you would have some fun with your nightly routine with Hyunjin.
You went got ready for bed, but before changing into your pjs, you opened your curtains, giving Hyunjin a full view into your room. You waited, then when time time came, you removed your shirt first, watching Hyunjins reaction through the mirror in your room.
At first you saw his eyes widen and his mouth open. Next you took your bra off, seeing Hyunjin leave his window.
You felt bad now thinking he wasn't interested, but he returned a few minutes after, holding a handful of small rocks. You knew what he was planning and went to turn on some music. Soon you heard the small thuds of the rocks on your window, Hyunjin trying to get your attention.
You continued to ignore him, dancing a little to the music. You swayed your hips to the music.
Hyunjin eventually ran out of rocks, and you expected him to get more, but he didn't. You saw him eventually stop moving and just stare at you.
You slowly got dressed, still dancing, and you saw Hyunjin hide behind his curtains, but only his body. You could see that his eyes were still on you, peeking past the curtains. Eventually you were fully dressed, going to open your window and pretend you forgot Hyunjin lived across from you.
You opened your window and froze. Hyunjin left his window open and you could hear his moans. The way your name left his lips in breaths. You could only see a little bit of him behind the curtains, but you could see he was jerking off, and quickly. Everything stood still when he tried to peak at you again, only to see you watching him.
"I know what game you were playing," he smirked, tucking himself in his pants, but not bothering to even try to hide the fact that he was hard.
"Game? I don't know what you're talking about," you said exaggeratedly.
"Come over if you can," he said, not in the mood to continue playing.
"Can't, my parents are still awake at this time."
"Do they check on you?"
"Then climb through the window," he said, motioning for you.
"How?" The gap between your houses wasn't large, but it wasn't something someone could easily jump.
"Our houses aren't that tall, jump out and I'll pull you in here," he instructed.
Hesitantly, you climbed out of your window feet first, dropping yourself onto the ground below. The drop wasn't too far. You crossed to Hyunjin's window where his arms were hanging out for you. You reached up and he pulled you up, with help from the bricks of the walls of his home. With some effort, you eventually made it into his room.
"You better make this worth it," you huffed, "that was a lot of work."
"Don't worry, I will," Hyunjin smirked before pulling close to him by your waist and kissing you deeply.
You let him, kissing back and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He began to kiss down your neck, sloppy open mouthed kisses. You tilted your head back giving him more access and letting out a breathy moan.
He slowly moved the two of you to his bed. You felt the mattress against the back of your knees and Hyunjin gently laid you down. He removed his shirt before climbing on with you and resuming his kisses. You sat up and he removed your shirt, followed by your bra.
He then laid your head against the pillows, kissing down your body, paying extra attention to your nipples, until he made it to the hem of your pants. He removed your pyjama pants, pulling them down along with your underwear.
"Finally," he mumbled before his tongue licked up your center, from your hole and flicking your clit gently.
You moaned, but them bit it back nervous his parents might hear.
"Let me hear you, they aren't home," he smiled, kissing the inside of your thigh sweetly.
He continued, his lips and tongue on your clit and you felt him push a finger into you. You moaned and grabbed his hair, pulling his face closer. He moaned and sped up, adding a second finger.
He you could feel him smirk when you tightened around his fingers. He sped up, quickly bringing you to orgasm then helping you ride it out. As you caught your breath, he stood up and removed his own pants, his erection springing up, causing him to sigh in relief.
You leaned forward to grab him, but he stopped you, "not right now, I want to be inside you."
"Ride me," he mumbled, sitting against the head board. You climbed to straddle him and he grabbed his dick to guide himself into you. Both of you groaned in satisfaction you sunk yourself onto him, his hands going with to hold your hips.
He guided your pace, moving you with his hands. It started slow, almost loving.
"You feel so good," he moaned out before tilting his head up to kiss you. Your movements slowed as you kissed, but his hands on your hips kept you going.
When you sped up, he let you take control, his hands moving to knead your butt, spanking you slightly.
"I'm so close," you breathed in his ear. He nodded before pulling you off, making you whine.
"It's okay," he assured you, kissing your lips as he laid you down. He entered you again and built up a quicker pace, hitting your sweet spot perfectly. One if his arms was by your head, preventing him from crushing you, the other caressed your body, a stark contrast to his pistoning hips. His hand went down your body, before stopping at your clit and rubbing it.
He matched it with his hips, quickly bringing you to orgasm.
He watched you twitch and moan out, holding your hips in place as he kept going, chasing his own high.
Withing seconds, he pulled out and released on your stomach before dropping beside you to catch his breath.
"Hyunjin, you made a mess," you mumbled after a few seconds of silence. He looked at your stomach.
"Sorry, wait here," he got up and left the room before coming back with a wet rag. You reached out to grab it but he pulled it away.
"Let me clean you," he insisted, pecking your lips. He stated between your legs, spreading them and gently wiping you down before wiping his cum off your stomach. He threw the rag onto the floor before climbing back in bed with you, still naked. He pulled his covers over the two of you and pulled you close.
"I shouldn't sleep here," you said, getting up, "my parents will find out."
"Let them," Hyunjin pulled you back down, "then just tell them we're dating."
"Since when?" You asked jokingly, giving in and cuddling into him.
"Since today, you're my girlfriend now."
"Cool, I can work with that," you smiled up at him and he kissed you before you rested your head on his cheat, falling asleep to his heartbeat.
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