#somebody help jinx please
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alumy0 · 3 months ago
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listen vi i know it's our job is to help your sister but what if we kissed each other
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madebycloud · 1 month ago
What Would I Do Without You?
jinx/powder x reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: you've been through hell and back with jinx, and despite it all, you couldn't leave her behind. (requested by anons) warnings/themes: HEAVY ANGST, character death (reader), blood, hurt no comfort harhar words: 2.6k notes: first time writing something so angsty like this haha i hope this is angsty enough... (this takes place when jinx rescued isha in prison) a repost cz tumblr is shti!
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You could run.
You could run right now, escape with Isha and Sevika.
How can you? You can't just leave Jinx alone—not now. Not after everything. Not when she's facing off against this monster.
Why didn't you listen?
Why did you have to play the hero?
Why, why, did you choose to stay?
“What are you doing?!” Jinx screams.
And that's the last thing you hear before you face off against the beast, watching as it launches itself at you-
At the last minute, you duck.
Too slow.
Too slow and too late.
In one quick motion, the beast tears into you.
It claws straight at your stomach-
You can feel the air leave your lungs.
You hit the ground.
Blood blossoms on your shirt.
But… it worked. The beast backed away. It fled.
You managed to scare it. You've saved Jinx. You've protected her. This is a victory.
Why do you hurt so badly?
You look down, and your stomach is-
Oh no...
Everything is red.
There's blood. There's blood everywhere.
Your blood.
You hear the sound of running footsteps. “NO!”
It's her voice.
“PLEASE, NO!” Jinx kneels next to you.
Your mind goes hazy, clouded by pain.
Arms grab you and move you into a sitting position. She's holding you. “Please, please,” she's sobbing as she puts pressure on the wound. “You're going to be okay. You're going to be fine.” You know that's a lie.
You cough. Red bubbles on your lips and slides down your chin.
“No, no, you're okay,” she repeats. “Don't go,” she sobs. “Don't you dare go. Look at me. Look at me.” She grabs your face, trying to angle your face up towards hers. “Please, stay with me. Stay. With. Me."
You feel so tired. You want to sleep.
But she needs you to stay here.
“Sevika!” she screams into nothingness, holding you tighter. “I need help, please come over here!”
The pain is still there, but the adrenaline is starting to wear off.
Your body hurts. Your eyelids flutter, but you force yourself to focus on her face.
She's crying. Her whole body is shaking. She's a wreck, but even like this, she's the most breathtaking you've ever seen.
You think that if you were to die, you'd want the last thing you ever saw to be her face.
She's still holding your head as she screams for help. “SOMEBODY—SOMEBODY PLEASE GET OVER HERE!”
Your body is getting cold. You can hear your pulse, thump, thump, thump, thump, in your head.
There's an arm around your back, supporting you as you slowly slump against her. Your head rests on her chest, and you can hear her heart beating loudly.
“I'm scared,” she whimpers. “I'm so scared.”
She is scared.
She's scared that she'll never taste your lips, never feel your breath on her neck.
She's scared that she'll never again feel your fingers on her hip, or your hands on her waist, or your face in her hair.
She's scared that you'll never hold her close, or tease her, or say her name in a way that makes her heart flutter.
She's scared that this is her last moment with you.
“Jinx.” You call her name one last time, her heart breaking when she hears how labored your voice is. It sounds so unlike you.
“No, no, don't say my name like that,” she begs. “Don't say my name like that—it can't be. Please, it can't be.”
She's crying, her tears fall onto your face. You taste saline and sweat and sadness.
You look into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, full of tears. The eyes that made your heart pound faster and faster whenever you met her gaze.
You think of her face, her laugh, her smile. You think of her hand in yours and the way she looks in the light of dawn. You try to remember her smell, her voice, her skin.
You know this is probably the last time you'll ever be this close to her.
You love her so much.
You try to reach up and touch her face, to wipe away her tears. Your muscles protest and scream at the movement. But you try, anyway.
She catches your hand, presses it against her cheek. Her skin is warm and soft, and you memorize the feeling of it. You hope you'll always remember how her face feels.
“I love you,” you manage to say.
Her lower lip trembles. “What?”
“I love you.”
“No, no, no… don't say that,” she cries. “Don't say that. You're staying right here. You aren't going anywhere.”
She can't let you go. Not like this. Not after she just got you. Not after being so close to a life together. Not after finding someone who loves her so much.
You'd give anything for a few more minutes together. An hour, a day, a week.
You want to stay with her. 
You want to stay and be with her and see her grow into the woman you know she'll be. You want to watch those eyes light up at a joke and see her smile. You want to sit by her side as she laughs and talk to her for hours. You want to hold her, for as long as you can, and tell her you love her.
You try to muster a smile. “It's okay,” you whisper. “I'm here, right now. I'm… I'm not going anywhere,” you lie.
She nods. She tries to wipe away her tears.
“Please don't cry. You're too pretty to cry.”
She scoffs as she smiles through her tears. You love her like this. Even just hearing her scoff, even if she's upset, makes you happy. 
“I'm a mess,” she says. “I'm a crying, snotty mess.”
“I'll love you anyway.” 
“Don't say that,” she pleads. “Don't say that, please.”
Her voice breaks. “If you keep saying things like that, I'm not going to be strong enough to let you go.”
“You won't have to.”
“Don't say that either,” she whispers. “Don't make promises you can't keep.”
“I'm right here.” You try to speak louder. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“Stop. You don't know that.”
And you don't. But you want to believe it. Oh, god, if anything, you want to be right.
You reach up again, brush the hair from her face. You try to be gentle so she won't notice how much it's hurting you to move at all.
“Please tell me a story,” you breathe. “Please. I want to hear your voice.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Anything… anything at all.”
She takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, and bites her lip in thought. “Okay,” she says after a moment. “I… I have an idea. Do you want to hear it? It's a story, if—if that's okay.”
You slowly nod and take her hand. She's shaking so hard. You run your thumb over her knuckles. 
“When I was a little girl,” she starts quietly. “I used to watch the stars. They were so pretty… I'd stay up past my bedtime, just sitting by the window and trying to find the brightest ones in the sky. I always looked for that one star, and I knew I could find it no matter what time it was. I know it's silly…”
It doesn't feel silly to you. You like that she's talking, and even if it's a dumb story, just hearing her is making you feel better. 
“I—I wanted to know if there were worlds up there. I didn't know about planets and stars yet, so I'd sit there in my room and imagine all these worlds, full of people who had entire lives I couldn't dream of.”
Closing your eyes, you focus on the sound of her voice.
This is the last time you'll get to hear her talk. The last time you'll get to see her. The last time you'll get to hear her voice. The last time you'll feel her touch. The last time you'll get to be with her.
You smile.
Despite the pain.
You smile.
Even as things start to grow dark.
You smile.
Because even though it won't be for much longer, you know she's still out there.
And she will find her way through this, because you know she can.
Even without you.
“Whenever I couldn't fall asleep,” she continues, “I'd look at the stars and imagine what it was like to live there and what people there were like. I liked to think people on the other worlds would look up and see the same stars and wonder the same things, just like I was. I wanted to see those stars and know that, even if I was by myself in my room, I wasn't really alone.”
“I wanted to know what it was like to explore those other worlds,” Jinx murmurs. “What it was like to be one of those people, with real adventures and fun and families. No rules, just… freedom.”
She keeps talking and talking and talking and-
She notices your hands. Cold. No.
Her hands are shaking, but she reaches out. She reaches for your cheek, caressing it as her fingers tremble. Her hand trembles, and she can't focus on anything but the fact that she's touching your skin, that she's touching you-
She feels the blood on her fingers, trickling down her hand, but she pushes that out of her mind. She doesn't care. You're the most important thing. Always.
She watches your chest, your stomach, waiting for a twitch, a breath, anything to show her that you're still here. That her worst nightmare isn't happening right in front of her eyes.
But there's nothing.
She presses her ear to your chest. Come on, she thinks desperately. Come on, please.
Her fingers fumble to find your pulse on your neck.
Her world collapses around her.
No, not like this.
Tears blur her vision. She blinks them away, trying to fight off the tears so she can see you. Can't see you. She doesn't want to. She can't. Not now.
One minute.
Just one more minute, that's all.
Just a few more seconds.
There's a pressure growing in her chest. It's so tight, it's hard to breathe. She can't breathe. Why can't she breathe? She needs to breathe. She needs to breathe, she needs to breathe, she can't stop crying, she can't stop because you're-
No, no, no. Don't think it, don't think it, don't think it-
“Hey, c'mon,” she says. “This isn't funny. Wake up.” She grabs your shoulders, shaking you. “Wake. Up.”
You're not moving. You're not talking. You're just-
Cold, limp. Nothing's different.
Please, not like this.
“You can't do this.”
“You have to wake up.”
“You have to wake up.”
Please, please, please, please.
“You don't just—you don't just get to do this to me!”
This isn't real.
It can't be real.
She closes her eyes.
She reopens them, looking down at your body.
It's real.
“Please wake up! I need—I need you, please.”
She's begging you, to the wind, to the moon, to the stars, that maybe if she pleaded hard enough, hard enough to the whole universe itself, maybe fate would be on her side just this once.
But fate was never on her side.
Life did this to her, it took everything she had and loved and was precious, it took away the only person she knew loved her. Life wasn't good, it was cruel and cold and harsh, and it was taking away everything she had. It was taking everything.
She hates this.
She hates what life was doing to her, what it had done to her. She wants to scream and pull her hair out. She wants to burn the world down and scream at the top of her lungs, at life, at the whole universe, begging it to bring you back.
Just. Bring. You. Back.
How many times had she watched you laugh, watched you smile, and done something as simple as breathing? How often had she watched you speak and talk and joke about something?
How many times had she told you she loved you, how many hours had you lost track of just the two of you talking? How many good moments had the two of you had that she would never be able to experience again?
It had been taken away from her.
You'd never laugh or smile again, that beautiful voice of yours is only a memory now.
And it hurts.
It hurts so much to think about how she's never going to hear your voice. How she's never going to see you walking around the hideout again. She'll never be able to see the smile you give every time she says something stupid.
She'll never be able to hold your hands, to kiss you, to lay her head on your lap. She'll never get to hear you laugh or feel your hands on hers.
She loved you. Every piece of you.
Every smile.
Every laugh.
Every word.
Every tear.
Every kiss.
Every touch.
Every moment.
Every single time.
Every single time you were there for her.
Every single time that you'd given her the best hugs when she'd cried on your shoulder.
Every single time the two of you slept on a small couch just so she could feel safe.
Every single time you'd hold her in your arms.
Every single time you talked her out of a bad mood.
She'll never get to have those again.
She'll never get to experience all of those wonderful, beautiful things again.
And she wants to do it one more time.
One more time to hear you laugh. One more time to feel you put your arms around her. One more time, she wants you to tell her everything is going to be alright. To take her face in your hands, look into her eyes, and say that.
Just one more.
Because what would she do without you?
How would she go on living without you when you were the person who had kept her going for months?
For the longest time, you were the one person that she trusted. The one person that she felt safe with.
Without that, what was the point?
She can still remember the first time she met you. She can still remember the butterflies in her stomach each time she saw you, the way her heart raced whenever you spoke to her. She can still remember that first, awkward kiss, how you held her close in your arms afterwards and didn't let go.
She can still remember the first time the two of you had said, “I love you.”
It was so hard for her to say it because she hadn't felt loved in a long time. And she's nervous, she's scared. But you spoke first, you pulled her close.
It was a whisper, a quiet “I love you” spoken in her ear. And then she started crying, she turned and buried herself in your arms.
I love you.
She'll never hear those words again.
But she can still remember what you sounded like.
That had to be enough.
That has to be enough.
Those three words have to be enough for her.
They have to be.
But they weren't.
Because now, you are gone.
“I love you too,” she murmurs. “So much-”
But there's no one to hear it.
She closes her eyes again, letting the tears roll down her face.
This is what love is, she thinks.
This is what loving someone does to you.
She'd never hated something so much in her life.
“How am I supposed to live without you?”
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notes: forgot that singed is literally right there… (might write pt2)
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months ago
Oh man I have ideas..
Sevika has a home back in Zaun but she has to have an apartment in Piltover because of councilor duties until she fully adjusts to topside and accepts the insistent offers of a manor. Imagine being her wife and just helping her relax after her first day, cuddling and all that whilst adjusting to the fancy apartment bigger than your old house.
Sevika taking her wife out for a walk in Piltover, admiring more of the garden as the plants grow upon new soil. A talk about the future whilst holding hands.
Them renewing their vows, having that damn fancy wedding of the dreams.
EEEEEEEEK okay lets do some councilor sevika (also isha and jinx are still alive in this story because i said so. she doesn't need to suffer so much to still be an incredible leader. give her her girls!!!)
men and minors dni
you were the first person approached about sevika representing zaun in piltover's new council post-war.
you were a little concerned to find councilwoman shoola and three members of her personal guard on your front stoop-- and for just a moment you had a flash of anxiety that she was here looking for jinx or isha.
"councilwoman. hello." you say, still surprised. you've met the woman a few times before, both of you attending various re-building efforts around the undercity. she holds up a hand.
"please, dear, we've built a bookshelf together, you've seen me at my lowest. you can call me shoola."
"h-how can i help you counc-- shoola?" you ask. she smiles.
"i'm here regarding your wife."
you frown. "...is she in some kind of trouble?" you ask, already mentally planning how to worm sevika out of her trouble. the councilwoman chuckles.
"quite the opposite, actually. i'd like her to join the council... as an ambassador to the free nation of zaun." she says.
you nearly shit yourself at her words-- sevika's life work casually mentioned like it's just a sidenote. "the-- free?" you ask.
she smiles. "while the deaths of the other councilmembers in the war was a horrible loss, there are some issues i could never get my late colleagues to agree on. now, though... i've been given full authority to reorient the power structure of the council to avoid anymore kirraman's taking over-- and i've always been of the belief that zaun should be free."
"and w-what... you want to arrest jinx in exchange for it?" you ask.
shoola chuckles. "no."
"y-you want isha?" you ask. shoola laughs again.
"what could i want with a child? no!"
"so... what do you want?" you ask, your voice shaking as the reality of the situation sinks in.
"i just want your help talking sevika into the job. i know she can be... stubbo--?"
"bullheaded?" you guess as shoola searches for a kind word to describe sevika's stubbornness. she chuckles at your description of your wife and nods.
"here." she hands you a stack of papers. "i've outlined the full responsibilities of the job. as well as the benefits she will receive for serving. please. look it over and talk to her, would you?"
you do.
it's an excellent proposal.
as the undercity figures out how it wants to self govern, piltover will fund zaun's public infrastructure as if it's their own-- meaning that the undercity will, practically overnight, have access to things like clean water. and schools. and welfare. they will provide these services for up to fifteen years as zaun finds it's footing.
the position outlined for sevika in piltover's council is a way to assure piltover doesn't back out of their promises-- that somebody is there to call them out when they try to cut corners in helping the young nation of zaun find it's footing.
and, while your wife might miss the more physical aspects of her old work, you can see her chewing out some stingy old councilors for their greed in your minds eye, and you can't help but smile.
"what're you smilin' about?" sevika asks.
you jump and slam the folder in front of you closed, blinking up at your wife.
she's back from her meeting with ran, scar and jericho. the four of them have grown close in these past few months as they coordinate rebuilding efforts for various neighborhoods across zaun. you have to gulp, trying not to get dizzy with the possibilities of what sevika's job offer means for them as a team. as team zaun.
"h-how was your meeting?" you ask. sevika raises an unimpressed eyebrow at you and you huff. she sinks across the table from you, easily pulling the folder out of your grasp.
"meeting was fine. the elementary school bein' built in firelight's territory is almost ready to open. first school in zaun." she says with a smile. "now, what were you smiling at?"
"i was approached by councilwoman shoola this afternoon."
sevika raises an eyebrow at you. "did you two try to build a chair this time?" she teases. you groan and kick her shin, before tapping the folder in her hands.
"no. i was asked to convince my stubborn-ass, incredibly loyal, strong, beautiful, hard-fucking-headed wife to join the fucking council."
sevika blinks. "what?"
"they want you in the new council. serving as an ambassador. to the free nation of zaun, sevika."
sevika blinks again, and then she rips the file open, her silver eyes flying across the confidential text. "the fr-- the free nation of zaun?" she asks, her eyes flying up to yours to confirm. you grin and nod.
sevika flies out of her seat and crawls across the dining room table to reach you, tears flowing down her cheeks as she kisses you like her life depends on it.
you're there when shoola and sevika finally sit down to discuss the opportunity. shoola's the first piltoverian to not turn her nose up at the messy state of your small home-- she even grins at the sound of jinx and isha bickering from their bedroom. "you two have made a lovely home for yourselves, here." she says, sitting down at the table and jumping a bit when a toy squeaks under her bum. "i can almost see the love leaking out of the wallpaper."
"could be black mold." you whisper. sevika and shoola both sputter surprised laughs.
"sevika. have you considered my proposal?" shoola asks.
sevika sighs and nods. "i have a few conditions before i agree." she says.
this surprises you. as if the prospect of representing a free zaun isn't tempting enough, you saw the salary sevika's being offered. it's the kind of money that could buy you a house big enough that all four of you could have your own bathrooms.
(secretly, though, you hope you live in a tiny house forever. you like tripping over your family-- being within reaching distance at all times.)
"first. i'd like you to assign me the budget to employ three of my trusted confidants as advisors. i can give you their identities if you'd like, but i give you my word that they're good peo--"
"done." shoola cuts sevika off, scribbling a quick note in her journal before looking back up at the pair of you with a smile. "what else?" she asks.
you smile a bit. sevika blinks, then gulps. "jinx and her little friend ekko get a full ride to the university up top. they're incredibly gifted, and with a little proper education they could advance zaun--"
"you don't have to convince me, i remember how the war went. without them, we'd all be dead. i can arrange that."
"i don't want to leave zaun. i can't represent these people if i'm not living here. i'll need a car to get--"
"would you like a personal vehicle or a driver each morning and evening?" shoola asks.
sevika blinks. "a-a driver." she says, a little shocked.
"anything else?" shoola asks.
sevika nods. "o-one last thing." she reaches over to grab your hand. you have no idea what she could possibly want beyond what she's asked for-- she's taken care of her friends, her family, and her transport.
"anything." shoola says. you think the woman might mean it.
sevika looks down at her lap and sighs. "we... we never really got married." she says. you blink, not at all understanding why she's telling the councilwoman this. "i mean... we had a party and we exchanged vows," she says, a smile tugging at her lips. you squeeze her hand and her eyes flick up to yours, before shyly darting away like you guys haven't been married for a decade now. like you guys don't have two kids together. "but we never... nobody gets married in zaun. 's expensive. the trip up to the justice is too far. and..." sevika gulps, her voice getting shaky as she looks back up at you. "and you're the reason i've fought so hard for our home in the first place." she whispers.
tears start to well up in your eyes and you let out a shaky laugh. "what, 're you proposing to me again?" you ask. sevika snorts and shakes her head before turning to shoola. the woman's drying her own tears.
"will you arrange to have us married? officially?"
"i'd be honored." shoola agrees.
the wedding is small and intimate, you and sevika, jinx and isha, vi, ran, scar, jericho, and shoola.
the councilwoman took you to a beautiful little garden a few blocks away from the council, and she married you, officially, as the sun set and your girls threw handfuls of confetti into the sky.
your whole party marches through the streets of piltover and back to zaun for the afterparty, councilwoman shoola laughing happily as you introduce her to the zaunite tradition of barcrawling.
each bar you enter, jericho happily announces that you and sevika have been freshly married. sevika, being the new spokeswoman of zaun, is quite the celebrity now. all of this is to say, you spend the night drinking many free drinks, hugging many drunk strangers, and kissing your wife on request about a thousand times.
it's the best night of your life.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@lavandasz @strawberrykidneystone @sevikasfan @fict1onallyobsessed
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forsworned · 1 year ago
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Simon has an onlyfans pt.1 (nsfw)
Simon has an onlyfans pt. 2 (nsfw)
It's (not) just sex (nsfw)
Baby makin' (nsfw)
Use your heart (nsfw)
Let me hear you (nsfw)
Blow out all the candles (nsfw)
Hush, don't think you've made it under my skin (nsfw)
Four-leafed clover (nsfw themes)
Family affair
Hot and bothered (nsfw)
Predator and prey (nsfw)
Soft (nsfw)
Like a tattoo
Sexy stretching (nsfw)
Casual (nsfw)
So wrong (nsfw)
Johnny can't help but overhear the conversation you're having with Kyle about your hook-up gone wrong...
𝗌𝗒𝗉𝗇𝗈𝗌𝗂𝗌: 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗅 𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇𝖺 𝗈𝖿 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇𝗇𝗒'𝗌 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗍𝖺���𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁. 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝖼𝖾𝖾𝖽?
Jinx! you owe me a soda (nsfw)
Breach of privacy (slight nsfw)
The Penitent (nsfw)
Sweet nectar (nsfw)
Failed mission blues
Bumblin' fool
Crazy cat lady
Tears and taunting
Espresso many feelings
Y/n loses a bet
Dream blunt rotation
Androgynous y/n
I wanna take a read on your disco stick (nsfw)
Something good can work (nsfw)
Whispers in the Woods: A Stranger's Shelter ft. OfftheGridCowboy!Keegan Russ (nsfw)
Dirty little daydreams (nsfw)
Passenger seat lovers (nsfw)
Munch (nsfw)
No pictures, please!
No one noticed (nsfw)
Crush (ft. bluecollarworker!logan) (nsfw)
I always feel like somebody's watching me (nsfw)
Like father like daughter
Like father like daughter pt.2
God knows I tried (nsfw)
⤷ "Hey guys, I'm with my boyfriend, ____" trend. ft. TF141
Keegan despises new age slang ft. Kick and Merrick
Divorcee Hesh
What if you and Johnny were so close... (nsfw??)
I feel like if the boys didn't join the army they'd all be blue-collar workers...
Johnny definitely gets turned on when you grab his ass...
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this-user-is-new · 27 days ago
for my own sanity, i try to stay away from caitvi discourse, but it’s truly baffling that some people still actively defend caitlyn hitting vi and are "dumbfounded" that it is enough for people to stop shipping them and voice their discontent about their relationship in s2.
one of the most common and dumb defenses i’ve seen is that caitlyn only hit vi once, as if the frequency of the act changes its nature. even a single instance of violence is still violence. highlighting that it happened only once does not negate its significance. it still happened, and it still matters. really, it's simple ...
but the dumbest attempt to defend this moment is comparing caitvi to other ships in arcane, when no other relationship in the series has a similar dynamic. in other pairings that involve physical conflict, both characters fight back or retaliate in some way, whether it’s jinx and ekko, viktor and jayce, or even vander and silco. but caitlyn hitting vi is entirely one-sided. vi does not hit back, and it is not framed as a fight. this moment is not a confrontation between equals but an instance of caitlyn exerting power over vi, someone who has already been through a lot of trauma (years of imprisonment and being beaten by enforcers), which caitlyn is very aware of.
but that’s if you watch arcane as a whole and not just for the relationship, because caitlyn hitting vi is a moment charged with systemic inequality. caitlyn represents the very institution that destroyed vi’s life. when she strikes her, it's not just an individual betrayal, it echoes the violence of an entire system that has oppressed zaunites for generations. it’s impossible to disregard that the historical and social power imbalance makes the scene feel so disturbing if you actually watch the show with your eyes open.
and it’s a major red flag. for caitlyn to hit vi, knowing what she has been through, is not just an act of violence but one that disregards the weight of vi’s suffering. she fails to see vi fully, not just as somebody willing to help her, a potential partner, or a fighter, but as someone wounded by her past.
also, i take back what i said about the dumbest attempt to defend this scene being comparing caitvi to other ships. the dumbest one is when people minimize caitlyn's action by defending the enforcers in general ... because no, the idea that the backlash against caitlyn hitting vi in arcane is simply a matter of an “american lens” is dumb asf. a lot of what's in the show mirrors the kind of systemic violence seen in many parts of the world, not just in the usa. y'all are not exceptional. class struggles, institutionalized oppression, and the abuse of power by those who hold privilege aren't exclusive to america. please wake up. these are themes that transcend national and cultural boundaries. vi’s trauma from imprisonment is not an american experience alone. the psychological and physical toll of being incarcerated is universal. how dumb do you have to be to actually think otherwise?
anyway, even if i don’t like that arcane didn’t frame caitlyn’s action as a serious issue and that it is treated as just another moment in their relationship, the willingness to ignore or rationalize it says more about the fandom’s biases than the actual content of the show imo ...
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aothotties · 7 months ago
Mommy Chaser pt. 3
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Previous Chapters: (1)(2)
Warnings: swearing, masturbation, protected sex, riding, cunnilingus (m & f receiving), biting, fingering, multiple orgasms, pet names, lots of kissing!
Word count: 3.9K
Note: I am SO sorry it took me this fucking long to post this but I hope you all enjoy it!! :)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Mika, I don’t want to jinx anything with Eren but he’s damn near perfect.” You gush to your best friend while you pace back and forth. 
“Y/N! You must like him if you’re talking like this, are you sure you two haven’t slept together yet?” She asks somewhat playfully, Jean is sitting right next to her waiting for you to answer. 
“Ha ha, you know I haven’t slept with him. I can’t lie to you and say I’m not curious though.” You lay on the bed and bite your lip at the memory of your last encounter. 
The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils when he wrapped his arms around you for a hug. Or the comforting feeling of his muscular abdomen against your fingertips. 
“Are you still there?” You’re drawn out of your daydream by Mikasa and feel heat rush to your cheeks. 
“She’s probably thinking about getting dicked down right now.” Jean mumbles and your jaw quickly drops at such a wild, but somewhat true, accusation. 
You hear a smack and a yelp from Jean before Mikasa apologizes for his vulgar statement. 
“Please ignore him, we’re playing drunk board games and somebody’s having fun.” 
You can feel the poor woman’s embarrassment through the phone and let out a giggle to reassure her. 
“That sounds like fun, and even though your husband is an idiot…he’s not completely wrong.” You can’t help but admit defeat as more reminders from the other night flood your mind. 
“Oh my he’s really on your mind, isn’t he? I say go for it; I’ve known him for a long time and he’s a good guy. You deserve to move on and be happy.” You feel your worries die down the more she speaks, it’s almost like she’s giving you her blessing. 
“He’s corny as hell and eats enough for three people!” Jean adds and receives another light smack, this time he pulls Mikasa on top of him. 
You laugh and roll your eyes at his drunken words. You stare at the phone in confusion when there’s a lingering silence, soon followed by whispers and giggling. 
“Y’all, I’m still here. I’ll call you guys tomorrow night. Love you!”
“We love you more! Let us know how everything goes, Jean!” You hear your friend let out a fit of giggles before the line disconnects. 
You swipe over to your messaging app and sigh nervously. Your thumbs hover over the keyboard for a few minutes, you chew on your bottom lip and let out a sigh. 
You’re not even sure why you’re so anxious about all of this. Your baby girl is with her grandmother for the weekend, you don’t have to stress about working at all. It’s quite literally the perfect weekend for him to come over. 
“It’s now or never.” You mumble to yourself and start typing on the screen below. 
You smile at the last message before double-tapping it and leaving a heart. The feeling of the soft mattress and warm blanket have you drifting off. 
On the other side of
town Eren is acting like a teenage boy. If he could bounce off the walls in excitement he absolutely would, he’s only slightly ashamed of the bulge in his pants forming. It’s not his fault you’re the most divine woman in his eyes, you’re just so perfect. 
The thought of knowing that he’s going to finally get to see all of you, he’ll finally get to touch and squeeze your perfect breasts. All the nights of imagining what you look, feel and taste like have him leaking precum. 
He pulls off the suffocating boxers and lets out a hum of relief when the cool air makes contact with his hot tip. A thick hand wraps around the base and drags up, massaging the pink tip each time. 
“Y/N” He whines as he rapidly fuck his fist, his free hand grabs the sheets below as he gets close to his release. 
His tipping point is the thought of what your tight pussy is going to feel like wrapped around him. The hand grabbing the sheets slaps over his mouth as he moans loudly into his palm. 
He falls back onto his pillows and lets out a sigh of relief as he catches his breath. He looks down at the mess on his hand and huffs sleepily. 
“Just one more day.” He mumbles to himself while wiping the sticky fluid off himself. 
The next day finally rolls around and you’ve never felt more nervous for anything in your life. 
“Pull yourself together girl, you’ve had lots of sex before.” You say to yourself in the mirror while gently patting your cheeks. 
Your pep talk comes to an end when you hear the doorbell ring, you look over yourself once again in the mirror before shutting the light off. 
“Who is it?” You ask as you walk up to the door, a smile forms when you look through the peephole and see Eren on the other side. 
“It’s your future husband, open the door, sweetheart.” He responds playfully and you shake your head to refrain from laughing. 
You quickly unlock the door and move to the side so he can walk in. He drops his bag on the floor and removes his shoes before pulling you into a hug. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you in closer. You take a deep breath and get a whiff of his cologne. 
“You smell nice.” You mumble against his chest, he rests his chin on top of your head and hums contently. 
“Thank you, I was thinking of you when I bought it. Are you hungry? I brought snacks for us to have.” He sets you back on the ground and you shake your head in response.
“I had lunch not too long ago, I can make you something if you’re hungry.” You politely offer and he’s the one to shake his head.
“I ate beforehand too, and when it’s time to eat dinner will be on me. I’m gonna be treating you today. Now show me one of those movies you were talking about.” He turns you towards the living room and you both sit on the couch.
“It’s called Bridgerton Eren.” You correct him, he playfully rolls his eyes and turns on an episode he’s never seen.
You get comfortable on the couch and cuddle up to Eren. You focus closely on the screen and give your full attention to the show.
In the few months of you two meeting one another, Eren has never understood why you love this show so much. 
Maybe it’s the attractive cast members, or maybe it is the plot, he’ll just have to watch and see for himself. That only lasts for a few seconds before his eyes land on your focused state. 
He grins at how entranced you are before the sound of moaning catches his attention. His eyes lock onto the TV and he raises an eyebrow. 
“So this is what you watch when I’m not here?” He smirks at you and you shake your head. 
“Not all the time! Sometimes I watch Modern Family or Brooklyn 99.” You say matter in rebuttal. 
He nods his head and hums in response before giving his attention back to the screen. He watches closely as the actors kiss and caress each other so tenderly. 
He shifts around on the couch to relieve some of the pressure in his underwear and glances to make sure you don’t notice anything. Thoughts of his hands groping your body and his lips kissing down your neck flood his mind as the scene goes on. 
You’re no better, there’s wetness pooling in your panties at the thought of him ravishing your body. Oh, how you long to be able to feel his mouth on yours, whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you come from another orgasm. 
You look over at Eren and are surprised to see how intensely he’s staring at the television. His Adam’s Apple moves up and down as he Mswallows nervously and keeps his eyes on the screen. 
You sit up and hold back a laugh at the blush that forms on his cheeks. 
“No I’m good, why are you alright?” He rubs the palms of his hands and his jeans and you nod in response to his question. 
“I’m doing great, if you want we can watch something else.” You reach for the remote, he gently grabs your hand and shakes his head. 
“You don’t have to do that, it’s fine. I’m fine.” He reassures you with a smile and a pat on the leg. 
“You know what's nice about being a mom?” You tilt your head and run your fingers through his hair. 
He inhales deeply and hums in relaxation at the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp. He looks over at you and gives you a tired smile, he can’t help but crumble under each stroke of your fingers. 
“You can almost always tell when someone’s lying.” You whisper in his ear and watch as he has a full-body shiver. 
You place a finger on his lips to silence him. He swallows nervously but refuses to take his eyes off yours. 
You find yourself climbing into his lap as if it’s your throne. The finger that was covering his lips traces the outline of his mouth. 
He wraps an arm around your waist to pull you in closer, you close the space between you two and press your lips together.
You release his hair from its ponytail and tug gently at his roots, a groan falls from his lips at the sensation and his hands steadily move down your back, they hover above your ass and you pull away from his lips.
“You can touch me Eren, I want you to touch me.” You stroke his cheek with your thumb and he nods his head, he pulls you down by the back of your neck and slides his tongue in your mouth.
This time you’re the one that’s making sounds, you whimper into the kiss when his large hands rub the fat of your ass. His hips buck abruptly and your whimpers turn into moans, you can feel his hard cock against the fabric of your shorts.
Your hands grab at his shirt, urging him to take it off quickly. He gets the hint and pulls away from your lips to remove it. You bite your lip at the sight of his body from under you, you can’t help but trail a finger down his abdomen.
“Don’t be shy baby.” He teases and takes your hand trailing it down his body at a teasingly slow pace. 
He smirks at how shy you’ve suddenly become, only watching his body and no longer making eye contact. He takes your hand and stops the movements at the waistband of his pants, you gulp and feel heat rush to your cheeks.
“Do I make you nervous, pretty girl?” He chuckles and tilts your chin upwards so that you’re both face to face.
You shake your head and take the opportunity to massage the outline of his dick through his sweatpants. 
He hisses in pleasure and throws his head back against the couch, you experiment by replacing your hand with a roll of your hips.
“Fuck baby, do that again.” His hands help your hips grind back and forth, you fall forward and smash your lips on his. 
He smirks against your lips as your moans get louder with each buck of your hips. He pulls back from your lips and raises your tank top, he leans forward and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. 
“Eren!” You gasp in pleasure and dig your nails into his shoulder. He groans at the sting and gently bites down on the bud.
Your fingers tangle in his hair and you fear that you might come in your pants if he doesn’t let up, not like he would mind that anyway.
He pulls away and places a gentle kiss on your breast before taking the other bud into his mouth to give it equal attention. Your back arches and you feel more of your arousal soak into your panties, you know for a fact that there’s a wet spot on Eren’s pants.
Eren feels like he’s in heaven with the feeling of your hands in his hair and your clothed cunt grinding against him. He pulls off of your nipple with a pop and falls back onto the couch, he takes a moment to catch his breath.
“I’m not too much for you, am I?” He asks in all seriousness, you give him a genuine smile and shake your head in return.
“No Ren, not at all. If I’m uncomfortable then I’ll let you know.” You reassure him and press your forehead against his, craving the feeling of being as close to him as possible.
“I’m gonna touch you now if that’s okay?” He plays with the waistband on your shorts as he waits for an answer. 
You permit him by moving next to him so you can slide your shorts and panties down simultaneously. 
You move to sit back in his lap and he quickly stops you. He lays you back against the pillows on the couch and looks over your body.
“I want to get a good look at you first.” He praises, his eyes take their time as he scans every inch of your body. His dick hardens in his pants at the sight of your wet cunt right in front of him.
“Just a quick taste, yeah?” He asks more himself than you, he spreads your legs and makes eye contact with your heat.
His pink tongue licks a gentle stripe up your clit and you shudder at the feeling. After the positive reaction, he dives deeper into your cunt, and your hands immediately grab the couch. 
His large hands securely grip your thighs and his tongue darts in and out of your dripping hole.
Your back arches off of the couch in response to the immense pleasure between your legs. He moans into your cunt as your juices flow down his throat, he rubs your clit with the pad of his thumb and watches you squirm around.
“E-Eren!” You gasp as you feel your orgasm creep up on you. Eren replaces his tongue with his fingers and licks your sweetness off his lips.
“You gonna come on my fingers, baby? Go ahead, princess.” His long fingers curve upward and you grab his wrist with a sense of urgency.
“I'm gonna cum Ren, f-fuck I wanna cum on you!” He pouts when you stutter and nips at your exposed neck, he places kisses up your neck and stops at your ear.
“You will baby, I want you to cum on my fingers too. I want you nice and wet for me.” He pulls you closer with his free hand and pumps his fingers at a quicker pace.
You pull him into a kiss and moan against his lips as you release on his hand, you bite his lip as you pull away and he removes his fingers from your cunt. 
He slides a finger into his mouth and closes his eyes as he saviors your sweet nectar. You copy his actions and suck on his middle finger, making sure to maintain eye contact with him.
“You’re trying to kill me.” He says jokingly, his dick on the other hand jumps when you pull off of his finger.
“Not quite yet, I still have to return the favor.”
You press against his chest and undo the tie on his pants, your fingers drag along his thighs as you pull his pants and boxers off. 
You watch in awe as his dick springs free and rests on his stomach. You wrap a hand around the base of his cock and massage the base, he sighs in pleasure at the feeling of your soft hand against his warm skin. 
His eyes widen when your thick lips wrap around his sensitive tip, he looks down to see your brown eyes staring into his green ones.
You mentally pat yourself on the back at the look of deep pleasure displayed on his face. You take more of him into your mouth and relax your throat with each inch you
Eren gathers some of your hair and holds it up 
into a makeshift bun, he hisses and watches you in admiration. 
His eyes close tightly and he finds himself gripping the cushions on the couch. The feeling of your wet tongue massaging the veins on his dick has him seeing stars. 
His grip on your hair tightens after you fully take him down your throat. Your moans send vibrations to his dick that spreads pleasure throughout his entire system. 
“Fuck baby girl, you take me so well.” His grip loosens on your hair and he guides your lips up and down his shaft. 
You moan at the salty taste of his precum coating your tongue, you take a look at the man above and squeeze your thighs at the imagery. 
His head is thrown against the back of the couch, his chest heaving up and down as little pants leave his pink lips. His abs flex with each suction of your lips, and his pretty brown hair falls in his face when his eyes meet yours. 
You give him a slight smile and he flashes you a weak one in return, he gently pulls you off his cock and back into his lap. He closes the gap between you both with his lips and sighs into your mouth. He pulls your shirt off and throws it somewhere in the living room. 
You moan passionately as his soft hands roam your body so freely and delicately. He pulls away to catch his breath and gives you a small laugh. 
“Not to ruin the moment, but there’s condoms in my bag.” He rubs your thigh with his thumb and you nod in remembrance. 
“Oh shit, yeah you’re so right. Duh!” You ruffle through his book bag until you find the small aluminum package. 
Tearing it open with your teeth, you raise your hips so you can properly slide it on him. He bites his lip and more precum can be seen dripping from his tip as the condom goes on. 
You throw a leg over his waist and hold onto the back of the couch to maintain balance. He rests his hands on your hips and massages the skin to ease any nerves. 
You lower yourself slowly and gasp at the feeling of his tip nudging its way through your entrance. Eren helps guide you down his shaft at a slow pace, his fingers grip your hips tighter and you moan at the stretch. 
“T-take your time pretty girl. We’ve got all day.” He rubs your cheek with his thumb as your thighs tremble with each inch your pussy swallows. 
You nod your head and focus on getting as much of his thick cock inside of you as you can. Erens mouth falls open at the way your tight heat sucks him in with each movement. You finally bottom out after a few more seconds of pacing yourself, he tangles his fingers with your manicured ones and kisses your hands. 
“You okay?” He wraps a finger around one of your coils and you nod your head in return, he leaves small pecks on your cheeks to ease your mind. 
“You’re a lot um, t-thicker than I imagined.” You sheepishly confess this brings a smirk and chuckle from the man below you. 
“Is that so baby? You’re telling me my confidence didn’t give it away.” He teases, you hit his chest and he thrust upward in retaliation. 
The sensation of his thick tip hitting your sweet spot draws a sultry moan from you. 
“How do we get that sound to happen again?” He experimentally bucks his hips again from under you, you dig your nails into the couch at the stretch from his cock and the pleasure it’s bringing to your body. 
“ ‘Ren! F-feels so good.” You throw your head back as you bounce up and down in his lap. 
The green-eyed man below you watches in content as you set the pace and fuck yourself silly on his hardened cock.  Jolts of pleasure course through his veins, and his heart rate speeds up with each movement of your hips. 
“ c’mere beautiful.” He pulls you into another kiss and pistons his hips upward to fuck against your g-spot. 
He holds you in by the back of your neck when you squirm in pleasure, your whines are swallowed by his groans which only egg him on further. 
On your end, you feel another orgasm building up in your lower stomach. The feeling of satisfaction is drawn out of you each time his thick cock head taps your cervix. Your gummy walls draw him in more each time he fucks into you. 
“I-I’m gonna come Eren! Please don’t s-stop.” You cry out as your second release quickly hits you, you fall limp against his lap and his thrust keeps you moving. 
“Am I too much baby? You’re such a pretty girl.” He compliments you and watches as you try to weakly bounce atop him. 
You shake your head and whimper as you climax against him yet again. 
“I didn’t even do anything that time, I didn’t realize my sweet girl was so sensitive.” He playfully pouts and kisses your cheek delicately. 
“ m-my legs are tired Ren.” You huff and he nods while giving you a sympathetic nod in return. 
“ ‘s okay mama, let your man take care of you, just a little bit longer like this. You feel so good.” He praises through gritted teeth. 
He has you wrap your arms around his shoulders while he holds the sides of your hips. He massages your smooth skin with his palms before controlling the speed of your hips, a low growl leaves his lips as your cunt drips down his eager cock. 
“Oh my god, yes yes fuck!” You cry out as your climax rushes upon you again. 
Any moans that Eren was holding fall out of his mouth as you clench and cream all over his thick shaft. He pumps his cock into you a few more times to ride out your orgasm before pulling out abruptly. 
“Can you handle a little more baby?”
That was the last thing you remember before you awake from a deep slumber. The room around you is dimly lit by your bedroom lamp, which you didn’t even realize you made it to…
Your thoughts are interrupted by Eren peeking his head in the door with a bright smile. You return the gesture and signal for him to join you on the bed. 
“Did you get enough rest? You were out for like 2.5-3 hours.” He holds back a laugh as you look away in embarrassment. 
“Yeah, I think I’m well rested.” You let out a yawn and groan loudly as you stretch, your head turns to look at the time and your eyes widen. 
“8:30?!? Eren you came over at like 1:45! Oh my god, are you hungry?” You rush out of bed and head to your kitchen, only to be surprised by takeout on the table. 
“I told you, dinner and everything else today was on me.” You hear from behind you, you turn around and cross your arms. 
“Well, don’t you just have the answers to everything?” You walk up to him and smile. 
“Yeah, something like that.” 
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pinkleaaves · 3 months ago
Can somebody help me out here
There was this TikTok I saw about a Timebomb actors au
It kinda went like this:
Jinx and Ekko had a photo taken by paparazzi outside, then there was an article with said picture that had rumors of them dating, jinx’s hair was short too and they were holding hands
I have tried so hard to find it, I went through my search history and still can’t find it
Help please
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laneybishop89 · 27 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the incredible @pimento-playing-hopscotch and @anewkindofme
Look who finally as words to share!!! I'm making no promises, but I'm pretty sure the next chapter of A Little Comfort will be out this weekend ☺
“So Buck never told you about the last time somebody used that word?” Hen asked when Eddie expressed his sincerest doubt about jinxes.
“The gods took it out of contest!” Buck pouted petulantly, making a face as Hen dived in to tell the story.
“That’s rough, buddy,” Eddie said, patting his shoulder and suppressing his laugh at the story of Buck and the dishwasher.
“It was out of context!” Buck protested.
Bobby turned and smiled down at him fondly, chuckling at his memory of a sudsy, bubbly Buck. He might not strictly believe in jinxes – at least, that’s what he would tell everybody – but he did have a feeling that they were going to be in for a long day, no matter how many scenes they were called out to.
Their first call was one for the books – a man having duct taped himself to a bulletin board, the publicity stunt causing a car crash. After that one, it seemed that maybe the universe was calming down and not going to take Ravi’s utterance of the Q-word into account. Everything seemed like it was going to calm down until nearly the second Bobby pulled the baked mac and cheese from the oven. Chimney poised to cut in to it, Buck running over expressing his apologies and then right then, the alarm went off. And just like that, the universe had decided that they did need to be punished because for the next several hours, the calls came one after another, the macaroni was burnt to high heavens, and ordering in wasn’t even an option because no one would have a chance to eat anyway.
At the end of the call rescuing a little boy from a washing machine, Buck felt his tummy turn a little and he put his hand over it, trying to quiet it down. He’d never gotten a chance to eat and now his stomach was letting him know that he needed food, but there was no time because he hadn’t even been let off the rig before they were pulling back out. At least, if they were on a call, his mind would be preoccupied with helping. They headed into the party supply store talking about Eddie having seen Ana Flores, Christopher’s teacher, and just as soon as that conversation started, it ended as they took in the turned over helium tanks on a man fully dressed as a clown.
“Interesting,” Buck said, looking at the scene.
“Help me move some of these tanks to relieve the pressure,” Bobby said.
Buck started to giggle, turning to Eddie who was doing the same. The helium was not turned off and, as a result, Bobby was sounding like Mickey Mouse.
“Come on!” Bobby said again.
Even more giggles came from the two of them, their eyes squinty from laughing so hard even as they moved to start helping.
“It’s your voice!” Buck said.
“Buck!” Hen said. “Be a professional!”
Hen chiming in her own two-cents did nothing to make either of them stop laughing and, instead, they both doubled over to help get the helium tanks off the man. Afterward, Buck kept giggling as he followed Bobby back to the fire engine.
“You sounded like Mickey Mouse,” Buck giggled. “Can we get a helium tank for at home?”
“It’s not good to breathe in that much helium,” Bobby said, his voice back to normal.
“But you sounded like Mickey,” Buck pouted. “Please?”
Bobby shook his head fondly and cupped the back of his head before directing him onto the engine and going to get the front. They weren’t thirty seconds down the road before they were rerouting from station to another call which, according to Eddie, was nice and simple and proof that they weren’t cursed.
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realrichinmyhead · 7 months ago
﹡ ' 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐳 ' 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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( ૮₍´˶• . •🎀₎ა ) : ────────── dialogues taken from niki's album , ‘ buzz ’ . dialogues range from happy , sad , angry and more . edit and change as you deem necessary . please like and / or reblog if using and consider following !
❛ be a big boy and face the fucking truth. ❜
❛ what happened to making a light of every problem? ❜
❛ but real love is a verb, i get it now. ❜
❛ i don't need to know where you're at. ❜
❛ . . .but i'll be fine cause i always end up just fine. ❜
❛ not to jinx it, but i wanna be the reason your future lovers keep changing with the seasons. ❜
❛ who am i if i can't be everybody's strong girl? ❜
❛ my youth is in your past. you'll always have that. ❜
❛ so you wanna talk? ❜
❛ what is it that you want? ❜
❛ life is a gamble, and you'll have to live with that. ❜
❛ but you still smile at a stranger, and you still make your weekend plans. ❜
❛ did you like her in the morning? ❜
❛ i feel like hot shit. ❜
❛ is this what the kids call petty? ❜
❛ though it didn't last, i hope our paths cross again. ❜
❛ soften up where i used to harden. ❜
❛ no one will ever save you. no one and nothing can. ❜
❛ so what do you say? ❜
❛ no, guys, i swear he's not emotionally unavailable. he's just traumatized. ❜
❛ you came crashing in like an act of god. ❜
❛ goddamn it, i'm at least somebody's strong girl. ❜
❛ i wanna be an itch you can't scratch. ❜
❛ did all the pretending help you forget? ❜
❛ i get the feeling that you're something that will surely go wrong. ❜
❛ no, you don't get to drop my name. ❜
❛ and you look around your bedroom, you're all alone again. ❜
❛ did you laugh over cold cups of coffee that you hate but still drink anyway? ❜
❛ the difference may be subtle, but it would have saved us. ❜
❛ wanna make out in your car in the lot of a drug store. ❜
❛ you put on a show when there's nothing else to say. ❜
❛ so you take it easy and i'll take my time. ❜
❛ i couldn't care less if this ends, in the end. ❜
❛ so you hang up, and you're not sure if you wanna cry or laugh. ❜
❛ now i'm always afraid to take up space, yet doing it anyway. ❜
❛ are you the exception or do i just like your music taste? ❜
❛ you care more about being good than being good to me. ❜
❛ people fall in love and fuck up. ❜
❛ and take my word for it, knowing you made me better. ❜
❛ it's like you've known me through all my past lives. ❜
❛ say it with your hands and we can talk all night long. ❜
❛ and i've kept you at an arm's length but now my shoulder's sore. ❜
❛ i look like a tough shot in the dark on a good day. ❜
❛ and now you expect me to wanna get brunch? ❜
❛ i wanna be wherever you are. ❜
❛ now i may very well have just lost the one. ❜
❛ maybe it won't be a sure thing, but it sure is a good thing. ❜
❛ did you like her touch at night time? ❜
❛ do i think you deserve this? my answer doesn't matter. ❜
❛ i'm tired of playing pretend. ❜
❛ i know it'd be easier if i just didn't ask, but it'd also be easier if she wasn't your last. ❜
❛ i hope that it was worth it. ❜
❛ i don't wanna be your friend. ❜
❛ what are the odds that you actually like me, and not just the chase? probably embarrassingly low. ❜
❛ the song's about to start. can you hear it? ❜
❛ and i'll take the dog on a drive somewhere. and you take care. ❜
❛ fuck, i think i'm falling for you. ❜
❛ why can't you look at what's in front of you? ❜
❛ well, you look like you're gonna break my heart. ❜
❛ it's out of my hands to wanna feel yours. ❜
❛ i hope she stubs her toe next time she texts. ❜
❛ i'm about to fall for you. ❜
❛ does it feel heavy now to look at me instеad? ❜
❛ but i don't believe in mistakes, i know that's convenient to say. ❜
❛ i get the feeling that this feeling isn't one meant to last anyway. ❜
❛ yeah, i'm gonna play the shit out of the blame game. ❜
❛ something's always missing ❜
❛ guess what i'm trying to say is i'd rather die than be friends. ❜
❛ bro, if you like her, just go and fucking tell her. ❜
❛ no, guys, i swear he's not a lost cause, it's just he hasn't met the girl that'll fix his life. ❜
❛ wish you'd focus on what's in front of you right now. ❜
❛ you can do your own thing, look, the choice is yours. ❜
❛ baby, look me in the eye and say you don't got it bad. ❜
❛ wondering why you're so nervous 'round a so-called "friend". ❜
❛ did you hope the nights would never ever end? ❜
❛ something tells me this is gonna hurt someday. ❜
❛ but i can't help that i'm the thing you're looking for. ❜
❛ don't talk to me about your last date. ❜
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grigori77 · 8 months ago
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 98 (THE LIVE SHOW!!!)
BRENNAN?!!! Hi! Mah boy! We're feeling so great, Bennan! Even those of us who AIN't in LA ... yes, we are excited. There's AUSSIES here? You mad bastards, that is COMMITMENT ... and he has NNOUNCEMENTS!!! Okay, then ... yeah, please don't jinx us, Brandan, we DO NOT want a live TPK right now ... oh the cosplays ... THE COSPLAYS!!! :3 Oooooh ... SOCKS?!!! Sweet ... ROLE!!! ROLE!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! DO THIS!!! DO THIS!!!
Oh, here they come ... ASHTON LIVES!!! Holy fuck, Travis! And the booty! Orym! LAUDNA!!! IMOGEN!!! My god Laura you're so CUTE!!! Nice suit, Rob! Awwww ... so Fearne! And then there's Matt ... so chill and casual ... I mean he COULD have cosplayed Essek at least ...
NordVPN? Oh dear gods ... what's it gonna be, then? oh, it's ALL the girls? Nice ... we're imaginary? Interesting ... yeah, we pretty. Yup! Happy Pride to YOU TOO ... boogie? Oh dear gods no ... a ZUNE? So early 2000s ... oh boy ... yeah, this is getting surreal now ... oh, now Marisha's getting in on the act ... of course she is ... I love how she's doing Laudna's Bane dance ... XD
LIVE recap this time ... okay ... ah yeah, the purple Hot Boi gets a cheer AS HE SHOULD ... oh, the howling ... that's so cute ... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOT DORIAN!!!
No, that's not it, no, he DIDN'T do that, Cyrus WASN'T his fault ... wait, so ... that WASN'T an attempt to taunt him, then? What WAS that?
FIRST ROLL!!! OKay ... 24? Of course it is. How is it Liam ALWAYS rolls so well? It's almost uncanny, is he a halfling FOR REAL?
Laura: "Mmmmm ... I'm gonna make a mistake and ..." O.O Oh shit ... "... cast Detect Thoughts." Holy fuck, Imogen ...
A Wisdom save? Of course ... here we go, then ... PLEASE roll decent, Laura ... A NAT1?!!! Holy fuck ... O.O again ...
CRAP!!! That fucking Ruidian storm again ... her mother? Oh hell no, there's NO WAY she'd EVER say THAT to Imogen ... yeah, she doesn't believe that FOR A FUCKING SECOND ... seriously, Imogen don't trust ANYTHING this fake ass bitch has to say ... yeah, that's my girl ... "destroy the Pinion"? Hmmmmmm ...
CHetney: "You talked to your mom? That's what the demon showed YOU?!!! I'm going to hell." Ashton: "Probably pretty soon!"
Oh yeah ... Tevan is SEXY ... "Roleplay?" Oh boy ... REALLY, Laudna?
Gods yeah. Fearne really DIDN'T think this shit through, did she? Oh, she's so adorable in her cluelessness, I love it ... and now Dorian's trying to help "lawyer" her way out fo this ... XD
Tevan: "When it's done, I'll be waiting." Oh boy ... so she's, like ... BETROTHED now? Really? O.O
Which way to go? Yeah ... decisions decisions ... oh, split up? Really? Don't you know the Gold Rule?
To the left, then ... hmmmm ... oh ... that's not, like, OMINOUS or anything ...
Laura: "We're gonna DIE at the Greek!"
Matt: "Iogen sends her little balls into the room." Uh huh ...
Perception check! What do you smell, Chet? 17 ... okay, then ... a silver door? SILVER? Yeah, that's rather pointed ...
Burgandy scalemail? Interesting ... is that loot? Or is Taliesin right? "Chemical goop" ... Matt questions his good friend's past in knwogin what THAT smells like ... as he should ... O.O
Oh, it's a CLOAK? Interesting ... oh yeah, that's definitely loot ... IN THE BAG!!!
Orym hears something move VERY SUBTLY close by ... of course he does ...
"Read the Runes" ... Laudna uses Eyes of the Runekeeper ...
Travis really is rolling BALLS tonight ...
So what IS that breathing behind the door ... somebody's anxious and ready to run, apparently ... but they're definitely NOT a demon, interesting ...
Dorian just does "Shave & a Haircut" on the door ... and somebody finishes it? ALSO Interesing ...
A guest? Oh cool ... SAM RIEGEL?!!! Sam's back? SAM'S BACK!!! He's back! Oh my fucking GODS!!! Cute jacket, Sam! It'sd very loud ... not to mention the fucking HAIR ... Liam: "I do hope this doesn't awaken something within me ..." Yeah, you and the rest of us ...
He's a MINOTAUR?!!! Wow ... oh yeah, our boy's FINALLY playing to his ACTUAL height ... oh man ... he's had his throat cut? FUCK!!!
No, I don't think THIS is Dominox, somehow ...
His deception roll is a 4 ... so EIGHTEEN? Holy shit ... Divine Sense? Whoa ... okay, so is he a cleric or a paladin? Wait ... this guy KNOWS who Tevan is? Hmmmm ...
Who's his god, then?
Yeah, they already KNOW all this, new guy ... Ashton gives him a health potion ... so he's able to regain 4 HEALTH POINTS because Tal rolls balls ... XD
Dorian's Cure Wounds works a lot better ... 24 points back! Okay ... he Lays Hands on himself to cure himself the rest of the way ... Yeah, that's JUST as dierty sounding as you THINK it is ...
He's flirting with Fearne already ... oh boy ...
Oh, he infiltrated the Vanguard? With some friends? Oh, the rest of them died? Oof ... yeah, Dominox has been BUSY ...
While they talk Ashton gets a little needle from the evil demon ... 14 WITH advantage ... great ... oh no ... NO NO NO NO ... don't do this to him, PLEASE ... no, not FCG ... Matt Mercer you evil fucking bastard ...
Go off, Rock Boy ... you are SO awesome for this ...
Braius Doomseed ... oh, cute character art ... oh, the PLatinum Dragon? DID HE? Chetney Insight Checks ... wow, that is QUITE the fakeout cockblock, Riegel ... I mean who does he REALLY serve?
Something tells me Tevan's more invested in this "relationship" than Fearne is ... XD
Oh he is DEFINITELY the servant of some DARK GOD indeed ... yeah, Dorian's right, he's gonna fit RIGHT IN here ...
"Herald champion" ... oh yeah, definitely a paladin, then ...
Dorian's already trying to "mentor" him ... this is adorable ...
Oh, that is DEFINITELY the ancient Aeorian engine in question, isn't it? PURPLE CRYSTAL!!! Yup, that's definitely it ... the Pinion of Service, yes ...
Robbie: "I've literally never done this ... Insight check?"
Yeah, I DO NOT like the way those chains are moving AT ALL. That is just a nightmare waiting to happen ...
And now Braius is starting to flirt with ASHTON ... yup ...
The door was already open? Oh yeah ... that's great ...
Oh, Ludinus went TOWARDS the engine room? So he might already be ahead of them in this ... great ...
OF COURSE Ashton just wants to BREAK IT ...
A small girl? Oh great ... Travis is ALREADY noping out ...
Ah ... so she's a really CREEPY little girl ... yup, that's Dominox ... Imogen: "She's kind of cute." Laudna: "Yes! She's fun scary!" Orym: "But what's the ratio of that?"
Laudna really is tempted to just ADOPT this freakish little Japanese horror movie icon, isn't she?
Braius casts Bless on the group ... in a really cheesy way ...
Laudna: "We should've had him when we tried to do the porn." Dorian: "Some things are better off missed."
Fearne casts Locate Creature on Ludinus ...okay! Ah shit ... it's REPELLED? Oof ... bad sign ...
Chetney and Tevan are going into the chamber with their weapons at the ready ... okay, then ... Fearne and Ashton follow ... then Orym and Essek ... now Dorian's fluttering above for cover ...
This really doesn't feel like a smart place for a fight, people ... oh, and now they're clearly locked in ... Chet wolfs out ... MIrror Image for Laudna ...
Did Dorian just quote Hasbin Hotel? :3
Persuade the Grand Demon? Marisha rolls a Dirty 20 ... okay then ...
Matt makes Travis nope out again ... yeah ...
Fuck, Ashley ... INSANELY good roll there ...
Important door alert! Yeah ... oh, she doesn't like THAT at all ... oh, and now she's ATTACKING?!!! Fuck ... OUCH!!! That's nasty ... wait ... 21 FAILS?!!! Holy fuck ... NO!!! Chetney's been caught!
Wait ... Braius is climbing straight up for the Pinion? Hmmm ... this is going to be interesting ...
No, she's really NOT single ... O.O whoa ... Imogen WHAT?!!! Careful there ...
The TRUE form of Dominox ... oh yeah, no, REALLY don't set THAT SHIT free ... that's just HORRIBLE ...
Imogen casts Telekinesis to try and grab the crystal ... Laura: "Oh, there are so many dice in front of me!" Liam: "Who did that?" And he's FREE!!! Nice ... but now he has to follow through ... yeah, that didn't go well at alll, did it?
And now we got a massive demon thing in the middle of the room INSTEAD of the little girl from the Ring ...
CAREFUL, Orym ... crap, he's been rumbled ...
A|nimate Object ON THE DOOR?!!! That's SERIOUSLY bold, Laudna ... Robbie: "It's Doorie! Brother!" XD
Laura has to roll for repurcussions ... what did she get? How bad is it?
Roll Initiative! When we get back from the break ... O.O
BATTLEMAP!!! Sweet fuck that is an EPIC creation ... and it's moving an everything ... FUCK ME that bastard is TERRIFYING ... Robbie: "I always knew I'd die by furry!"
Time to roll Initiative, then ... cue Marish'a Wizzkids plug!
Sam: "I missed this!" The audience loses it ...
Tevan goes first ... oh, he's going RIGHT for the kill ... Divine Smite! 68 points of Radiant damage? Holy fuck ...
Orym holds his action for JUST IN CASE ...
A FUCKING LAIR ACTION?!!! Now EVERYBODY has to rolls dexterity? Fucking chains ... Oof ... Laudna, Ashton, Imogen and Fearne are now grappled with chains, but Braius' Aura of Protection saves Dorian, Orym, Essek AND Braius himself ...
Holy fuck Dominox is an EVIL fucker with this brutal attacks ... suddenly it's starting to look like a TPK may actual be genuinely IN THE CARDS for the night after all ...
Wait ... Dominox is SUCKED INTO A VOID by Ashton? Where the fuck did it just go? Oh, he drops the demon ON THE CRYSTAL ... which just BOUNCES IT RIGHT OFF some invisible forcefield ... right onto Fearne? Oof ...
Travis (chuckling): "A Grand Demon just fell on your ass!"
Dorian casts Shatter at the centre Spire ... 18 points of Thunder damage! Nice! Whoa ... this that ALREADY spring the crystal free? Holy shit, Flyboy! Bardic Inspiration!
TWO Legendary Actions? Holy shit ... he tries to BANISH Tevan but LAUDNA COUNTERSPELLS!!! Wow ... Perception Check to make sure she CAN ... 14 ... YES!!! It works! Fucking badass, Dead Girl!
Braius is the Herald of ASMODEUS?!!! They group go apeshit as their suspicions are confirmed! Poison Pen? Interesting ... so THWWACK with that massive flail thing ... oh, it's IMMUNE to poison damage? Balls ... so only 22 points of damage ... okay ... second strike WITH Inspiration ... Divine Smite means another 23 points! POW!!!
The door is now Animate! NIce one, Laudna! The room beyond is now OPEN!!! In she goes with Orym in tow! Oh, there's somebody inside ... fuck, is it Ludinus? Perception check! 17 BOLLOCKS!!!
Laudna (screaming: "LET HIM OUT!!!" Tevan: "You will do NO SUCH THING!"
Form of Dread!
Fearne is free, at least ... she Wildshapes into a little mint-green wombat? Wow ... interesting choice ... she bolts to the crystal and stuffs it into her marsupial pouch ... bloody hell ... and when Dominox tries to swipe at her Matts CRIT FAILS THE HIT!!! Awesome ...
Chetney charges at Dominox ... Misty Step! He retrieves the crystal from Fearne and stuffs it in the Bag of Holding ... wow ... this is bizarre ... Dominox is now REALLY PISSED at Chetney and makes the post terifying threat possibel at him and the wolf starts to BRICK HIMSELF ...
Essek unleashes a Lightning Bolt right into Dominox ... 38 points of Lightning damage ... but it's HALVED due to resistance? Okay then ...
Ashton shifts into black and white as he charges and drops into the ground, books it towards the open door but attempts to destroy the engine on the way ... 19 hits! Phew ... 21 points of damage cracks it BADLY ...
Travis: "Does Dominox have an opinion?" LIam (as Dominox): "I'm big on crypto!"
Ahston makes another heavy slam into the engine ... another 16 points of damage! it's getting VERY messed up ...
Imogen gets as close as she can to Chetney and uses Telekinesis to pick him up and YEET HIM towards the door ... he barrels RIGHT THROUGH IT ...
Ludinus (almost REIGNED): "My goodness ..."
Yeah ... Ludinus almost CASUALLY baps him away from him with a Shield spell.
Oh fuck ... the tether yanks Domiox away and INTO Braius? Oof ...
Tevan attacks Dominox twice ... Smite away, Hot Boi! 22 damage from the first, then 36 for the second! Nice! And NOW the monster is FINALLY starting to look messed up ...
Orym chugs down his Speed potion and STREAKS back towards to Dominox to attack him ... 20 damage for a GOADING attack which he FAILS to resist ... second hit lands 9, then he hastes but the next THREE miss ... Action Surge! 19 points of damage and he trips it ... and then he Crit Fails ... oh shit ... so he skims away and BRAINS HIMSELF on the wall ... ricochets back and comes right back with another attack and SLICES AWAY at him again ...
Now Wee Man is just spinning like a dizzy top ...
OF COURSE Dominox IMMEDIATELY attacks him right back ... oh fuck ... 46 points of slashing damage ON THE FIRST HIT?!!! Dear fucking GODS ... MInd Feast? Sweet fuck ... this one's aimed at Ashton ... and he fails to resist ... 14 points of Psychic damage ... and he's drawn right towards him and HEALED?!!! Son of a BITCH!!!
Ludinus FUCKING Da'Leth swoops into the room right behind Dominox and casts Gate ... O.O ... wait, he's genuinely trying to HELP right now? Is this for real?
Dorian's turn ... oh, Robbie can't BELIEVE it's now up to HIM ... so he psyches Dorian up and casts Otto's Irresistable Dance on Dominox at SIXTH FUCKING LEVEL?!!! And Braius uses Sorrowful Fate to CHANGE DOMINOX'S SAVE so it's a FOURTEEN, which is a FAIL!!! Holy shit ... it FORGETS to use Legendary Resistance, so the Grand Demon starts to BOOGIE ... Matt has SO MUCH FUN describing what happens ... and even starts BOPPING HIMSELF ... I am IN AWE of the moment ... LOL
Braius turns his focus to Ludinus and casts Moonbeam at him ... oh my gods and Sam DOESN'T EVEN KNOW what that does ... O.O ... Dominox saves, but Braius still inflicts five points of Radiant damage ... so he Bonus Actions Hammering Horns to PUSH Dominox ten feet back ... which he ALSO fails to save against ... holy FUCK Samuel, HOW OP'd is your new character? Now the demon is IN HELL just inside the portal ...
Laudna tries to work out if this is THE Ludinus or just SNOWdinus ... no idea ... okay, she tries something COMPLETELY untested on him now ... she conjures up the spirit of Vess Dorogna as Spirit of Death to attack him ... only for him to Counterspell ... so she just Counterspells RIGHT BACK?!!! Holy shit ... so she succeeds in her plan ... HOLY SHIT ... so now, FOREVER he is permanently HAUNTED by this vengeful ghost? HOLY SHIT, Dead Girl! You're so awesome!
Fearne casts Polymorph on Ludinus ... SWEET FUCKING FUCK!!! This is BEAUTIFUL ... 25 on his save? BALLS ... that was almost SO awesome ...
Chetney turns back and turns Invisible, then holds his turn ...
Essek casts Gravity Fissure on the remaining spires, shatters them so they pierce into the portal and IMPALE Dominox ... damage is halved bu that's STILL 20 piercing! Holy fuck ...
Ashton takes a passing swipe at the engine ... 22 points of damage ... oh shit ... it just slowed to s stop! He takes one more swing ... 23 points and it is SHATTERED!!! Nice ...
Imogen runs as close as she can to the gate, tries to grab holdo of Ludinus with Telekinesis ... and he FAILS to save, but instead uses his Legendary Resistance to wipe it off instead! Asshole ... so she Lightning Bolts him at 7th Level instead ... most of the damage is deflected, but she still deals 12 points ... it's something, at least ...
Tevan charges in to attack Dominox, misses his first hit but catches the second ... oh, and it's the KILL hit? The live audience goes NUTS ... Matt: "How do I wanna do this?" He carves the demon in two and it just ASHES ...
Orym runs up the wall and then uses Grasping Vine to swing himself up behind Ludinus ... Pushing attack! 18 damage and he fails his save so Ludinus is SHOVED towards the gate! Ludinus drops the gate so Orym just attacks him hard with his sword instead ... come on, Wee Man! Kill this bitch!
Ludinus flies into the tunnel just past Chetney, then turns back to face them all ...
Wow ... fanboy Braius actually GETS HIS AUTOGRAPH from Tevan ... nice ...
Here we go ... cue arrogant self-important monologue from the supreme douchebag ...
Wait ... Imogen's goint to FOLLOW HIM?!!! Well OF COURSE Laudna's gonna follow her ... looks like they're ALL going, then ... I hope this isn't a problem ...
And now Braius is flirting with ORYM ... Orym: "Bro, you're HUGE." Braius: "It's okay." Wow ...
Heading deeper in, then ...
The Occultus Thalamus, then ... here we go ...
Here comes ANOTHER overblown monologue from Ludius, then ... he really does LOVE the sound of his own voice, doesn't he? At least we're getting some information while he's at it ...
Blah de-blah de-blah-de-blah ...
Okay, FINALLY something's happening ... hmmm ... "the memories of Aeor"? And now he's ACTIVATING this thing ... oh shit ... is this a BAD THING? Are we too late?
Brennan: "Light!" Yup ... here we go indeed ...
So ... are we setting up another Exandria Unlimited flashback game? "Is it Thursday yet?" Oh shit, yeah, I think we might be ... sweet ...
What an AMAZING way to end this most interesting Live Show ...
Oh ... so we gotta wait until SECOND WEEKEND in July for more? Makes sense after a LIVE show, I suppose ... I was already half prepared for the wait, really ...
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voidcat · 28 days ago
hey bby 😘
🍓🥑🔪🦷 for the truth & dare ask game please 💖💖💖
hey hey hey babygirl:3
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
mention her often like a sappy lover but @myelocin my dear nicole was basically inspiration to get into fic writing. i think the funny thing is though i started purely to write platonic stuff and bc dialogue was smt i was always weak at- as someone who yearned for platonic content and sick of romance n smut idk how this blog ended up like that lol
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
hmm some r inactive here and this is a mix of trust and trust in knowledge but @casefile-115 fedya/spoon (deactivated their acc but idc) @noctidhaze @rxnwanism @ymupaem also not tagging them but my twin bc chances are we were alr in it tgt lol
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
answered in maris ask ! its queued so i cant link
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
hmm when asked i forget these but ig one is to not talk abt upcoming certain stuff sometimes s to not get jinxed (tested and approved years of advice lol) crumbling up baking sheet helps to place it on the tray so it wont twist on itself. start with semi melted butter and sugar for baking and always add the flour last. theres a reason the wets and dry ingredients dont go at once*- i dont think it classifies as one but to seperate urelf from screens for maybe 15 mins before sleep bc the blue light emitted from them (phone tv pc etc) makes it harder to sleep- blue is a color that keeps the mind awake oh and if you feel yourself about to faint(pass out, crouch down, rest your hands on your knees and take deep breaths. triggering the vagal reflex isnt necessary but to ground yourself like this literally helps fight it off a lil and if you do faint/collapse, your chances of a head trauma is lesser.
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catindabag · 1 year ago
TBOSAS on Crack short take (71)
*Escorts are tour guides, right?*
Prof.Sickle: Children, sit down. I am here today to tell you-
Gaius: Is it P.E already?!
Felix: I’m allergic to pushups!
Hilarius: Are we dancing again?
Florus: I’m a fragile baby!
Festus: I don’t want to run laps!
Coryo: I’m not ready!
Sejanus: Babe, you’re never ready. You hate P.E.
Coryo: Of course I hate it. I’m sh*t at running.
Lysistrata: And climbing.
Clemensia: And jumping.
Domitia: And throwing.
Iphigenia: And-
Coryo: I already know that I suck at gymnastics, okay?!
Iphigenia: You’re so skinny, Coryo.
Coryo: Thanks. You too.
Vipsania: I love P.E.😊
Juno: Of course you do, Ney Ney. Of course you do.🙄
Palmyra: What’s P.E? Is it pie?
Livia: Obviously.
Prof.Sickle: Settle down. Gym class was yesterday.
Coryo: Oh, thank Panem.
Festus: Thank you, Panem!
Vipsania: Curse you, Panem!
Prof.Sickle: Right. I’m here to tell you brats that-
Urban: Professor, is this about the bastard who stole our pretty little red skirts yesterday?
Dennis: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about our missing skirts! So where are they?
Palmyra: Were they stolen by Dean Highbottom?😀
Io: Was it the janitor?
Florus: Was it Plinth?
Sejanus: It wasn’t me.
Florus: Was it Strabo Plinth?!
Sejanus: What the heck, Flory!
Felix: Don’t tell me it was Hilari’s creepy old man again!
Hilarius: It wasn’t.
Felix: Don’t jinx it, Heavensbee!
Arachne: It was Professor Demi-Dementia-Gloss, wasn’t it?
Gaius: I hope not.
Prof.Sickle: Who?
Coryo: Professor Demigloss. Was he the skirt stealer all along? I mean, he does have a “secret” spy cam teddy bear sitting inside his office.
Androcles: I stole it.
Prof.Sickle: You stole the old man’s teddy bear?
Androcles: Yup! I stole Mr. Fluffy Feet just because.
Prof.Sickle: Just because?!
Androcles: It’s now hiding inside Dr. Gaul’s “totally legal” creepy laboratory by the way.
Sejanus: Nice! Good job, Andie!
Prof.Sickle: You hid what where?!
Androcles: For science.
Felix: And research.
Io: Peace and love!
Coryo: We want the monster gone.
Prof.Sickle: What the heck are you brats even spouting about?!
Urban: Somebody stole our skirts in the changing room yesterday and that bastard has to pay for it!
Hilarius: And just to clarify-
Prof.Sickle: Clarify what?
Hilarius: This time, it wasn’t me.
Prof.Sickle: This time?!
Hilarius: I’m pretty sure that I was drunk and high on morphling the last time I stole a red skirt from someone other than Coryo or Urban-
Urban: Hilari, did you steal my f*ckin’ red skirt again?!
Hilarius: Do I look like a skirt stealer to you?
Everyone: Yes, yes you do.
Urban: Heavensbee!
Hilarius: No, I did not!
Pup: Not this time.
Urban: F*ck you, you freak!
Hilarius: Ban Ban, I swear to Panem that I didn’t steal your sh*tty red skirt!
Urban: Prove it!
Hilarius: I was with Sejanus and Coryo when the skirt stealing happened!
Sejanus: He’s telling the truth.
Coryo: We were stretching.
Hilarius: Coryo was crying.
Coryo: I wasn’t! It was just sweat!
Hilarius: Snowy was wailing because he can’t finish 10 pushups without his boyfriend’s help.
Sejanus: *giggles* I touched Coryo’s ✨sacred ankles✨. They were so frail and skinny.🥰
Lysistrata: That’s hot.
Hilarius: See!
Coryo: Shut up, Heavensbee!
Hilarius: Seji Pie was also taking pictures of Coryo’s sweaty body and backside.
Sejanus: I was!😍
Coryo: Babe, please!
Sejanus: I love gym class!
Hilarius: And I was busy taking pictures of Coryo’s pretty feet.
Clemensia: We don’t want to know!
Lysistrata: I want to know.
Dennis: Are the pictures for sale?
Sejanus: How much?
Hilarius: 50 bucks for a set of Snowy’s feet pics and sexy skinny shoulders.
Coryo: What the actual f*ck, Hilari! My sexy shoulders and porcelain feet are not for sale!
Hilarius: I need money!😫
Coryo: We all need money!
Hilarius: But I’m poor!
Coryo: Aren’t you rich?!
Hilarius: My evil parents kicked me out of the family’s ✨Queen Bee Mansion✨, remember?!
Coryo: You still have your savings!
Hilarius: My creepy old man and mommy confiscated all of my possessions and froze my bank accounts too!😭
Coryo: Then cry harder!
Festus: Coryo, don’t be too mean. Heavensbee can’t even pay rent or feed himself without me dumpster diving for free food coupons.
Hilarius: I’ll pay you back!
Festus: No, you won’t.
Hilarius: Someday!
Pup: How the might have fallen.
Livia: So who was lurking and dancing inside the changing room before you, Loser Bee?
Hilarius: Anderson-
Livia: Not that I care. I have a million extra skirts in my closet.
Dennis: We know, Liv.
Livia: Just saying.😌💅
Everyone: *suspiciously side eyes Androcles*😒
Sejanus: Andie, did you perhaps-
Androcles: I’m innocent! I swear on my mother’s crimes and camera crew that I’m innocent!
Coryo: On your mother’s crimes?!
Androcles: Yeah. My weird mommy blackmails people for a living.😔
Coryo: Oh. That’s why you’re rich.
Juno: Like mother, like son.
Androcles: I don’t blackmail! I “borrow” stuff and don’t return them for a long period of time!
Juno: Same thing, you crook.
Androcles: They’re not the same!
Lysistrata: Anderson, just tell us the truth. Did you steal our skirts yesterday?
Androcles: I may have stolen your pens, notebooks, plushies, car keys, lipsticks, wallets, and erasers before-
Felix: Andie!
Androcles: But I am not a pervy skirt stealer like Hilari!
Hilarius: For the last time, I am not a pervy skirt stealer!
Prof.Sickle: Children, quiet!
Androcles: Professor, I’m not done confessing my crimes and defending my poor innocent self yet!
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Anderson!
Clemensia: Innocent?! Andie, you’re literally telling Panem what you’ve stolen from this class yesterday!
Androcles: Which makes me innocent!
Clemensia: How are you this dumb?! Who made you this stupid?!
Androcles: Why are you even bullying ✨The Amazing Andie Anderson✨ anyway?! What did I do to deserve your wrath?!
Clemensia: You’re a crook!
Androcles: Is this because I stole your little fluffy bunny plushies last week?!
Clemensia: You stole my pretty Mr. Paris Patty?!
Androcles: And your most cherished Mrs. Helen Melon! Happy?!
Clemensia: You kidnapped Mrs. Helen Melon too?! You monster!
Felix: Andie, please shut up. You’re just making things worse.😞
Clemensia: *tackles Androcles to the ground* You b*tch! Where are my expensive fluffy bunny plushies?!
Androcles: Clemmie, get off me! You’re crushing my ribs!😭
Clemensia: *starts choking Androcles* where’s my pretty little Mr. Paris Patty?!
Androcles: *is choking* I- I don’t know! Felix, help me!😫
Felix: Clemmie, please stop choking the school’s local klepto on broad daylight!
Clemensia: You liar! Where’s my lovely Mrs. Helen Melon?!
Felix: They’re both hiding and drinking expensive champagne inside Andie’s secret closet right now!
Clemensia: Are they?!
Felix: No. I just made that up.
Androcles: Clemmie, I’m sorry! I- I’ll give them back! Promise!
Clemensia: Really?
Androcles: Maybe.
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Anderson!
Androcles: Clemmie is killing me! She’s killing me without remorse!
Hilarius: Lol. I’m recording this.
Festus: Nice! Send me a clear copy, will you?
Hilarius: 20 bucks.
Festus: Pay your rent!
Juno: I’m telling Capitol News.
Prof.Sickle: Ms. Dovecote, please stop choking Mr. Anderson-
Clemensia: Never!
Coryo: Clemmie!
Clemensia: Not before this little b*tch gives me back Mr. Paris Patty and Mrs. Helen Melon!
Prof.Sickle: Ms. Dovecote, do you want me to give you 5 demerits right now?!
Clemensia: *stops choking Androcles* No. I’m allergic to demerits.
Prof.Sickle: Then I will have to tell Dean Highbottom about your weird behavior today.
Clemensia: Please don’t! I’m allergic to drunk delusional people!
Prof.Sickle: Then sit down!
Clemensia: Fine! But this isn’t over, Andie. This isn’t over!
Androcles: I still didn’t steal no skirts though! I still didn’t steal no skirts!
Felix: Andie!
Androcles: I’m an innocent baby! I’m a pure little lamb surrounded by mean snakey snakeys!
Persephone: Am I a cute snakey snakey too?😀
Androcles: No. You’re more like a deranged coyote on crack.
Persephone: At least I’m fluffy.😞
Prof.Sickle: *sighs* Peace at last.
Livia: Peace my ass.
Prof.Sickle: Ugh. I’m just gonna make this short. You brats will be providing food and other essential supplies for your Tributes throughout the Hunger Games-
Felix: What?! What do you mean throughout the Hunger Games?!
Prof.Sickle: Starting today, you brats are going to be their official escorts and food suppliers.
Festus: Escorts? What’s an escort?
Palmyra: Escorts?! That sounds fun!
Pup: Are we getting paid to escort?
Hilarius: Am I getting paid?!
Florus: Are we going to take our Tributes on dates?!
Prof.Sickle: Dates?
Florus: Yeah. Like take them to the best restaurants and buy them expensive clothes and stuff. . .
Prof.Sickle: Why would you even-
Coryo: *raises hand* Professor, I already have a rich sugar daddy. So I can’t go on romantic dates with my Tribute.
Sejanus: I’m Coryo’s sugar daddy-
Prof.Sickle: We know, Mr. Plinth.🙄
Festus: And I’m dating Percy Price!
Persephone: Meow.
Festus: She’s a cat right now.
Coryo: All I’m saying is that Lucy Gray can’t be my side chick. She’s a bird! And I’m allergic to talking rainbow birds!
Urban: Same.
Sejanus: My Coryo, my love, Marcus and Lucy Gray can go on a double date with us!🥰
Coryo: Babe, Marcus will probably kill you and burn your body before that happens.
Sejanus: He’s just shy.
Coryo: And Lucy Goosey is currently in love with Panlo’s hair curlers.
Sejanus: She’s just crazy.
Palmyra: Like me!☺️
Domitia: No, Monty. Not like you.
Palmyra: Why?🥺
Domitia: You’re clinically insane.
Palmyra: Like Coryo and Felix and Festus and Percy and Hilari and Flory and Urban and Ney Ney and Nia and Lizzie and-
Domitia: We get it! We’re all clinically insane!
Clemensia: Except for me. I’m the normal one.
Androcles: Doubt.
Prof.Sickle: Right. You’re also expected to use your class fund-
Felix: But our poor class fund is on life support!
Io: We’re already planning its funeral.
Prof.Sickle: Then use your rich family’s money!
Felix: I can’t! The Vice President of Panem will disown me!😭
Prof.Sickle: Your mother will disown you?
Felix: She’s allergic to charity, freedom, and poor people!
Coryo: Oh, Panem, help me! I’m poor! I’m f*ckin’ poor!
Hilarius: Same.
Festus: My pet rats and I can’t even afford a new mattress!
Prof.Sickle: Well, that’s not my problem. This is your punishment for almost forcing Dr. Gaul to resign from her position as the esteemed head of our government’s War Department.
Florus: Almost?!
Felix: She didn’t resign?!
Prof.Sickle: Unfortunately.
Coryo: That’s too bad. Now we have to make another plan.
Prof.Sickle: What was that?
Coryo: Nothing. My fiancé just gave me another electric fan.
Sejanus: I did?!
Coryo: Do you want a kiss?
Sejanus: I do!😍
Io: So. . . Are escorts tour guides?
Hilarius: Am I going to start wearing a sexy dress to get paid?
Coryo: I don’t care. I look good in a sexy dress.
Sejanus: I can buy you a hundred sexy dresses, my love!😍
Pro.Sickle: Ugh. I give up. Somebody get me a gallon of pure whiskey. I need to get drunk AF.
Florus: By the way, where’s Apollo and Diana? I haven’t seen them since yesterday.
Felix: Yeah! You’re right. Where are the Ring Twins?
*Meanwhile, at the Ring Mansion*
Apollo: Diana, my dearest sister.
Diana: Yes, dear brother?
Apollo: Why is Urban’s red skirt hanging on our front porch like a cute bloody war flag?
Diana: Oh, that’s just my new art piece.
Apollo: The installation kind?
Diana: Yup!☺️
Apollo: But why is Coryo’s sl*tty skirt under your pillow?
Diana: It smells like roses.🥰
Apollo: And why is our mother’s golden statue wearing our Class President’s cute mini skirt?
Diana: The skirt of Felix Ravinstill is a symbol of power.
Apollo: And where did you get those? *points at Diana’s plastic bag of red skirts*
Diana: Our classmates gave them to me for free.
Apollo: Really?
Diana: Maybe.
Apollo: Okay! So can I wear them?😀
Diana: Sure!
Apollo: Yey! Free skirts!
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ghost-town-story · 29 days ago
FebruarOC Day 3: Claude
(Claude's "hero" name is Luciole, and René is another person who plays Revenant (and you'll find out their civilian name later ehehe). Warnings for violence, panic attacks, implied past abuse, and guns)
“How are things going on your end?” Luciole asked over coms.
René let out a long sigh, leaning against a ledge so they could peer off the rooftop and at their surroundings. “All quiet here for the most part,” they responded. “Boring, but that’s a good thing I suppose.” Except for the fact that the quietness meant that Despereaux was likely in a different section of the city tonight if he was out at all, and René missed their little mouse.
“Good,” Luciole said. “Don’t jinx yourself.”
As if on cue, René heard the sound of shattering glass from somewhere nearby, immediately followed by the high wail of an alarm.
“Speak of the devil,” they sighed, pushing themself upright. “Sounds like somebody decided it’s time for some breaking and entering.”
Luciole huffed. “Jinx,” he muttered. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Always the plan,” René said sweetly as they headed in the direction of the alarm.
It didn’t take long for them to find the location, a jewelry store with the windows smashed in and a lone figure standing out front, presumably keeping watch. She was wearing a dark suit with neon patches over the elbows which René didn’t recognize, but new villains were popping out of the woodwork at every turn so really they shouldn’t be surprised by that. The rest of the street was deserted, the usual night life or night owls vanishing to avoid being caught in the crossfire if/when the “heroes” arrived.
René sighed and leapt down the fire escape of the building they were on, tucking into a roll as they hit the street to break their fall. “Hey,” they called to the villain standing guard as they approached. “Really?”
The villain startled and whirled around to face them. “Hey guys!” she called into the building behind her. “Revenant’s here!”
“Oh wonderful,” René said dryly. “You already know who I am. That makes introductions easier at least. And you are?”
Mid-stride, René’s joints locked up. They yelped and tried to catch their balance, but ended up crashing to the ground, unable to move. Fuck oh fuck please—
René didn’t recognize the voice, but they still clung to it, trying to find something to help drag themself out of the grey fog of panic that was settling over them. More villains had appeared by the first, in those same dark suits but different placement of the neon patches. The one who had spoken had his on his shoulders.
“We’re the Puppeteers.”
“Fun.” Even through their vocoder, René’s voice sounded thin and wheezy. “I was wondering who I should hire for a children’s birthday party—”
René’s arm jerked, and their words immediately froze in their throat as the panic reared its head again. Somebody spoke, but the words were lost in the fog as their body was dragged upright against their will. Through blurry vision they saw somebody approach, but they closed their eyes tight, unwilling to watch, unable to do anything but listen to the blood rushing in their ears as they waited for hands to close around their wrists or throat or waist—
A sharp crack echoed across the street, and René stumbled as the invisible hold on them was released. They blinked their eyes open, the world spinning for a few moments before they remembered how to breathe and it steadied into a starlit street and not a dark room tucked away at the top of a high-rise.
Ahead of them were the villains—Puppeteers—absolute fucking assholes, cringing away from a brand new hole in the wall above their heads. René turned around and could have cried at the sight.
Luciole stood at the other end of the street, his shotgun still raised and aimed at the villains. “That was a warning shot,” he said, his voice low, before flicking his eyes over to René. “Bien?”
René still couldn’t make their voice work, but they nodded and took a few stumbling steps towards him, grateful beyond belief that he was here.
“Dude, what the fuck?” one of the Puppeteers asked. “Aren’t those illegal?”
Luciole turned back to them with a withering look that René couldn’t help but gasp out a laugh at. “You’re joking, right?”
The Puppeteer in question wilted under his gaze, but the others were undeterred by it. Luciole stiffened in place, but to his credit he barely reacted other than his eyes widening almost imperceptibly. “Huh.”
His gaze flickered over to René again, and they almost hated the amount of understanding they saw there.
René broke the look, jerking their attention back to the stupid, petty-ass villains that had still managed to trigger a goddamn panic attack. They were whispering amongst themselves, likely trying to figure out their next steps now that Luciole was here. And, judging by the fact that René could still move freely (ignoring the adrenaline still jacking their system and making every move a little too abrupt), they could probably only hold one person at a time.
Okay. They could work with this.
René glanced at Luciole. “ETA?”
Years of working together meant Luciole could fill in the gaps René didn’t want to say out loud. “Maybe five.”
René nodded, slowly easing a knife out of their belt to avoid attracting the attention of the Puppeteers. Ideally, one throw would be enough to break all their concentration again, but if it didn’t, René still wanted Luciole to be able to run. Which meant the best targets would be the one with patches over her knees who was whispering fervently to the shoulder-patches guy, or the one with patches over their hips who kept startling at every little breeze.
René eased a few steps back, now level with Luciole. “Ready?” they breathed.
Luciole nodded.
René threw the knife.
Knee-patches screamed as the knife buried itself blade first into her side, causing Hip-patches to yelp and jump and whirl around and stumble as they lost their balance. At the same moment, René and Luciole turned and bolted down the street.
They turned the corner and René couldn’t help but grin at the familiar truck idling half a block away. They angled for the driver’s side, but Luciole checked them out of the way.
“Absolutely not.” He flicked the shotgun’s safety on, then tossed it to René. “No way in hell I’m letting you drive like this.”
René huffed but couldn’t find it in them to argue, so when they reached the truck they vaulted into the bed and turned to make sure they weren’t being followed by any dumbass Puppeteers or early “heroes”.
Thankfully, there was no pursuit as Luciole shoved the truck into gear and tore off down the street, but René still didn’t relax until they were several city blocks and multiple turns away. Only then did they sit back and let their head fall against the back window of the truck.
“Are you actually okay?” Luciole asked over the coms.
René turned their head to see him looking at them in the rearview mirror. “I don’t want to talk about it,” they muttered.
Luciole blinked slowly and turned his gaze back to the road. “Fine,” he said. “But we’re retiring for the night.”
René didn’t feel like arguing, or doing anything past curling up in bed and forgetting the entire fucking world existed. “Fine.” They slid down and let their eyes go unfocused as the city flew past them.
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nellyellie · 4 months ago
Regarding Jinx
(Aka a copypasta of Regarding Twilight Sparkle in honor of S2)
Dear Elon Musk,
This may the be the strangest message you'll ever receive, but I do hope you'll take the time to read it & consider what I have to say. To put it simply, I would really appreciate it if the next time your birthday comes around you would request that your smut artist friends (who like to give you sexually oriented fanart as gifts) draw somebody other than Jinx for you.
The reason I ask this is that Jinx is my fiance, & we're planning on getting married next June or July should everything go as planned financially speaking. And yes, I have actually found a wedding chapel that will let me marry someone that most people would consider a fictional character. Now before you go thinking "This guy is either completely crazy or just screwing with me.", please hear me out on this.
You see, I'm totally head over heels in love with Jinx from LoL. I have been for about 11 months now & at this point I'm in a committed relationship with my Jinxie. By that I mean I don't date anyone else, I don't sleep with anyone else, & I have zero interest in having any kind of relationship with anyone other than the woman I adore. I love her with all my heart & I'm 100% committed to that love.
To express my love in a real tangible way, I have a beautiful life size custom Jinx sexdoll that I can hug, kiss, cuddle up in bed to go to sleep with at night, & take out on the town to do all the fun things together that normal couples do. I take her out to blow things up, we go to shooting ranges together, I take her out for coffee, & we do social activities together like hanging out with friends, seeing movies, etc.
And I talk about her as if she is Jinx because to me she very much is. When I look at her I see Jinx. When I talk with her I'm talking to Jinx. When I hold her in my arms & kiss her there are no doubts in my mind that it's the woman I love whose lips are pressed against mine. And every morning when I open my eyes & see her head on the pillow next to mine, with her gorgeous magenta eyes staring back at me, I can't help but wonder how I ever got to be so lucky as to have a partner as smart, funny, beautiful, & all around wonderful as her.
All my friends & the people who know me well say that my love is a thing of beauty & quite admirable, but from the outside perspective of someone who doesn't know me you're probably going "Wow. That's pretty damn crazy." & wondering why I don't just go get a real girifriend. The truth is, I've had plenty of real relationships & sexual partners in the 60 years I've been around. A few short relationships & one failed marriage. So my love for Jinx isn't out of a lack of real world intimacy or relationships, I just fell in love with her & my heart didn't give me much of a choice in the matter.
But you know what? I'm totally happy with my love & my relationship. It may seem weird to you, but it fills me with joy every single day of my life & I've never been happier. So what if it's weird? If it makes me happy & it doesn't hurt anyone, then where's the problem? I don't think there is one, & anyone who knows me well will tell you the same.
Now, you’re probably wondering why I'm telling you all this & how it concerns you. To you, I'm sure Jinx is just a cartoon character you think is really hot, so I imagine you wouldn't think anything of having your friends draw sexually explicit art of her as birthday gifts for you. And hey, I think she's really attractive too, so I get where you're coming from there. I often go on e621.net & Rule34. Paheal to see what new erotic art people have drawn of her.
But to me she's more than a cartoon character who's sexually attractive: she's my fiance who I love with all my heart & soon to be my wife. So it's been bothering me lately every time I go on those sites & see a dozen or so pieces of art people have drawn depicting my lady in various sexual situations with the same person over & over, & that person happens to be you.
Don't get me wrong here though: this isn't a jealousy thing. I'm very secure in my relationship. I know without question that Jinx is just as faithful to me as I am to her; she's actually sitting on the couch next to me tinkering with her bombs while I type this. She's very real to me, & I know she's not sneaking out in the middle of the night to go have kinky sex with some famous artist. And I do respect your talent as an artist & an artist's creative freedom to draw whatever they want, that's cool.
What bothers me is that in all these birthday images you've been getting, Jinx is always depicted as if she was your sexual plaything, drawn wearing a collar with your name on it or with a speech bubble saying something that would somehow suggest she was your property. And I know quite well that Jinx is not your plaything nor your property, she's my fiance. So that bugs me a bit.
What I find really loathsome, though, is your pension for degrading my partner in both your art & the fanart you've been receiving lately. Jinxie is a sensitive (albeit kinky) mass murderer with serious insecurities, & she definitely does not deserve to be portrayed as some kind of sexual slave who likes getting screamed at, being hit, etc. She's not into that kinda stuff & the fact that there's someone out there in the world such as yourself who would desire to treat Jinx that way, & have his friends support & validate his desires to demean & mistreat my partner by drawing pictures of him doing so, really does bother me. I don't take any issue with people having kinky sex as long as both parties consent to it and enjoy it, but I know quite well that my Jinxie greatly prefers being praised rather than degraded.
So next year, when your birthday comes around, keep in mind that Jinx isn't just a lifeless cartoon character to objectified for your sexual gratification. She's the partner of someone who loves her very much, & by that time their wife. So both myself & Jinxie would greatly appreciate it if you'd pick someone else to request erotic art of for your birthday. Based on the very large amount of different LoL women you draw art of, I imagine there has to be many other criminals you find sexually attractive.
I assume you'll probably just dismiss this message as the ramblings of a crazy person & likely ignore it, but if by some chance you do take what I've had to say to heart, well... we'd appreciate it.
Jeff Bezos
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silcosprincess · 2 months ago
Hello! Can I have a matchup please? I'm okay with both girls and boys!
I'm a female she/her age 19 (I don't mind age gaps tho) I'm okay with poly!
If I were in Arcane I would live in Piltover however I would take a Zaun side
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile. I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked!
People call me funny! I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) Like I said before I love to make people smile and laugh with my jokes and overall make them happy with my presence.
My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao. When it comes to annoyance I also like to annoy people, it's so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! I often act like an asshole but this is just for jokes. Like I said I don't want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im very clumsy
Someone can be mad at me a bit and I would about to cry already. Cute things makes me also want to cry… Overall like I said I am very sensitive. I feel guilty about everything 24/7 even if I shouldn't feel guilty
I also have anger issues and its very easy to make me angry.
My biggest love language is words of affirmation, I would say "I love you" and stuff like that very often. The second one is probably physical touch, but sometimes I might not be in a mood but otherwise I love hugs and kisses!
Likes: Everything related to horror, food (especially sweets), games, cute things, plushies I do art!
What I like in someone: Someone strong and smart. I like them crazy! I like when someone is not judging me. Understanding, sometimes I really like when somebody is opposite of me.
What I dislike in someone BIG arogance, when that someone is ignoring me all the time
I hope thats not too much and thank you!!
Have a great day/night!
Hellooo, thank you for requesting <3 @bunnoxy
I match you with:
Tumblr media
The two of you met when she was running from the enforcers in the city, and she found herself in your house while you were drawing. Of course, she was really distrusting of you at first, but since the enforcers ran right past your house she didn't feel like she had anywhere else to go without getting caught. Your understanding of her situation got her to slowly but surely trust you more (even though she literally broke in lmao but look at her shes so cute).
Your playful sense of humor aligns really nicely with her chaotic and unpredictable nature, and she absolutely loves whenever you crack jokes with her, even when they're really childish ones. They make her feel like her old self, and while that can be overwhelming for her sometimes, it feels easier when its you making her feel that way.
In intense moments between you two, like if you upset her somehow, she can be really awkward about being apologized to after everything she's gone through with Vi. But she tries her best to take your apologies seriously because even if shes upset over something, she's still afraid of losing you and doesn't really want conflict between the two of you. She's just scared of messing things up above all else.
She loves that you aren't judgemental of her eccentricities, shes really tired of people always trying to tone her down or look at her like shes some type of demon whenever she messes up somehow or she's just causing her everyday chaos, but you've always made her feel accepted which is something she rarely feels.
Jinx is also creative and she loves sharing her random ideas with you while also admiring yours, and while her style can be really difficult to interpret, she enjoys taking time to explain things about her art or invention to you because she wants to impress you in a way, and you can't tell her that you love her art if you don't even know what it is.
I wouldn't say she's the most romantic person, and touch really freaks her out sometimes. But as long as you don't break her trust, she's open to trying new things with you and she finds appreciation in things you do for her, whether its giving her a hug or a kiss, or just telling her sweet things. She will always try to reciprocate that for you, because deep down there's still a girl who wants to change and get better, which can start simply by just opening up more with the one person who will show her the love that she never thought she deserved.
This leads to her randomly surprising you sometimes, with cheeky little hugs or cheek kisses, while these are big steps for her she still loves doing it because she loves the smile it gives you, and that's always enough to brighten her mood all the same.
Her fits of anger and chaos, are almost always ways for her to mask her vulnerability, and she hates feeling vulnerable since it just reminds her of the times in her past where she felt useless or completely powerless. She may accidentally lash out at you sometimes if there's miscommunication, but she quickly realizes what she's doing almost every time, and while she may not apologize as frequently as you would, she still feels incredibly bad and will do what she can to make it up to you, whether its just taking a day to just spend time with you and show you love or spend some time making something nice for you, like a mechanical baby animal or get you a game that you'd like.
While she can be really hyper-focused on whatever project she's working on, she still can't dream of ever ignoring you especially when you make her feel so secure. She doesn't want you to ever feel insecure or feel like she isn't interesting in what you're saying or doing, since the project is probably with you in mind anyways. She will always try her best to make you feel included in whatever she's doing, and since she usually likes the ideas you come up with, she'll even let you take part in what she's working on. This girl just loves your presence 24/7!
Overall, your relationship with her can be a little chaotic at times, but the love is strong and she would never put you in any kind of danger that she'd usually be causing otherwise. You help her to cope with her insecurities in ways other than fits of violence, while still keeping true to her nature, and she loves that she finally has somebody who she feels safe being vulnerable with. All she wants to do anymore is show you that she appreciates and loves you!
Thank you again for requesting and I hope you enjoyed this one! <3
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nicollekidman · 27 days ago
I think Mel should be also mostly genuine but clearly manipulating Jinx at parts to encourage acts of service and Jinx simultaneously being fully aware of this but craving approval and somebody holding her leash that she looks past it until it gets increasingly messy with Jinx going out of her way to build and put forth an effort with building things for Mel and Mel becoming more radicalized to try and destroy and call noxian bullshit to help Jinx Jinx becoming ANOTHER revolutionary figure and uhhhhh yeah just some co dependency stemming from utility to genuine affection and they should k-
silco’s ghost in all of this is making it even sexier like please write this!!!! i’m first in line!!!!
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