#some of the best money I’ve ever spent
lunarrosette · 4 months
Idk if y’all on here are familiar with the tiktoker custom wood burning but I ordered a beautiful piece from her and I thought I’d share with the class
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I’ve always been a pretty good liar. As an adult I’ve come to a moral place in which I don’t use that skill set unless it will explicitly benefit someone. But when I was a kid all bets were off.
I think tiny child me was doing their little autistic best but recognized that some situations would be best navigated by lying as telling the truth never netted positive results. Whether it was because my needs often went unmet or ignored, or because I didn’t see any reason not to lie if it would be more favorable, I’m not sure.
This is the story of my proudest lie. The best lie I ever did. A lie that looking back I still go, damn, I was eight.
Our story begins in second grade. I was eight. My school was having a book fair and I spent my small stipend on Gulliver’s Travels. No idea why. Lacking further funds I wandered the fair and came upon the greatest sight known to man. Frog erasers. They were so cute and I was extremely into animals of all kinds.
The whimsy. Who could have known they made erasers in such wonderful shapes? I mourned that I’d spent my money already, and played quietly with the little frogs in their bin. That’s when I was approached by a few other kids from my class.
I didn’t know most of them very well, but enough that it was civil when they asked me, “Are you going to buy those frogs?”
“I’d like to,” I admitted, “but I spent all my money.”
“Why don’t you steal them?”
“I thought about that, but I don’t have pockets.” Indeed, stealing had crossed my mind but it had been a brief temptation. I wasn’t even scandalized that the other girls suggested it.
“Caitlin has pockets,” the leader of the pack said. And indeed, Caitlin in her purple overalls did have pocket space for two frogs. So Caitlin and I became partners. My role in the escapade was just... wanting frogs and walking out with her. We stole two frogs, a yellow and a purple, and united by the misdeed we played together with them at recess despite not really being friendly prior.
After lunch I was called from class to the library. The principal herself was there waiting for me. She had a somber air, almost mournful that she needed to punish me. It was self evident to me that I was here for frog crimes. Caitlin had cracked and taken the fastest route to forgiveness- snitching on an accomplice. Despite the fact that my role was just: wanted frogs, I knew I was going to be in trouble.
Now, I could have told the truth. Pulled a Caitlin and ratted on the girl who told us to steal them. But clearly I’d still be in trouble for having gone along with the morally bereft plan. I was mad at Caitlin for telling but not enough to foist the onus back into her.
“Do you know why you’re here?” The principal asked kindly.
“Is it about the frogs?”
“Yes, Caitlin told us you stole the frogs.”
I quivered my lip and drew myself up indignantly. “I didn’t steal them!”
She blinked at my vehemence but since I looked near tears she carefully asked, “What happened?”
“I really wanted the frogs, but I didn’t have any money. So I asked the librarian if I could take them and bring the money tomorrow! But she was really busy and lots of people were talking to her, and she said yes! But maybe she was saying yes to someone else? And I thought it was to me but Caitlin didn’t, but I was going to bring money tomorrow!”
The principal. Was flummoxed. This was a situation in which I clearly thought I’d done no wrong, in which she couldn’t prove I had done anything wrong, and which the librarian would almost certainly not be able to weigh in. She regarded me not with suspicion but rather vaguely confused as to how to handle me.
I got off with a slight warning that I should pay for things before taking them, despite not having been the one to take things in the first place, and the frogs were confiscated.
I was vaguely worried they’d call my parents but years later when I admitted the story to my mom as an adult she laughed herself sick and said she’d never gotten a call.
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rockingbytheseaside · 3 months
Hiii I really love the one with the harbingers where reader calls them words of endearment from their homeland, can you do one where reader cooks for them food from their homeland? pantalone's part was so cute <33
✦ You cook them their favorite home meal, based on their homeland
(Or trying to guess what food the not-yet-playable characters might like based on their region, culture, or language. ) 
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Childe 
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✧ It is to no one’s surprise that Pierro, the Director of the Fatui, would easily drop everything to grant your needs. Just blink and the world’s spoils are at your feet, bestowed by your beloved. Expensive clothing, jewelry, art pieces, weaponry, or lavish dishes. With his money and status, plus being a connoisseur of the ancient lores of Teyvat, The Jester can easily acquire anything you require on a silver platter. 
But this time, it was you who tried to gift him something on a silver platter.
On an unsuspecting day, Pierro returned home only to be greeted with a strong scent of baked goods. The smell wafted all around the living quarters, warm and sugary. Glancing curiously, the Jester marched to the kitchen, where he found you grumbling to yourself. You stood with your oven mittens, a tray of voluptuous Kanelbullar presented in front of him; some were cut as you tried to take an analytical bite of the cinnamon rolls.
“Trying your hands at familiar recipes, my cherished?” - The man asked with a welcoming glance while you mulled and judged the taste of your cooked goods.
“Ah, Pierro, you’re right on time. Here, try this one for me. Does it resemble traditional cinnamon rolls?”
When the Jester took a bite, even his icy eye widened for a moment. A wave of nostalgia and warmth lanced his memories, ones he thought were long forgotten. The cinnamon rolls you baked were not the average confectionaries one could easily purchase, as the taste resembled traditional Khaenri’ahn Kanelbullar. A simple treat that all children and adults used to enjoy in their free time.  
“Well…? Oh no, don’t tell me it’s that bad?” - you awaited his response, but Pierro quickly shook his head.
“It’s rich and potent in taste, but not too sugary. Just like the ones in our Homeland… I didn’t think replicating such intricacies was possible. What did you add this time?”
Your eyes light up. Finally, some progress. “Really? I’ve been mulling over it for hours, I thought my taste pallet was going numb. I tried to find any local ingredients that might add the flavor of saffron and cardamon.”
“Like the golden Saffron…? They were a local specialty back in Khaenri’ah. Although some variants exist in Teyvat’s soil, they are not used as cooking ingredients here.” - Pierro pondered, amazed at your ability to combine other local spices to imitate the taste of the past.
As both of you mulled over how to achieve the most accurate results for these traditional Cinnamon Rolls, half of the tray was already gone.
“Although now that I think about it, my divine, I don’t think it would be an issue to send an expedition to obtain that rare spice for you. Especially if the result is such exquisite home pastry.”
✧ In this house, Il Capitano is the master chef. The man is proficient in the art of survival, thus, his skills in outdoor cooking are especially shown. From simple meat and vegetables, the Captain can come up with the best meat skewers you ever ate. Not to mention the topic of sustenance and growth is intertwined with a good diet. A man his size and capabilities puts immense care into outdoor survival and health.
But even a strong Captain deserves some spoiling for his hard work. 
After a wearying day spent honing the skills of his Fatui troops, a group of soldiers that will prepare for an upcoming expedition, Il Capitano was greeted with a surprise visit from you. You arrived right on time for their break, and as always, the Fatui soldiers couldn't help but eavesdrop on the Harbinger’s exchange with his beloved…
“I brought you your meal for today, Bife de chorizo. You need lots of protein.”
“Thank you.” - The Captain stood obediently, holding the lunchbox you brought.
“With Pico de Gallo and avocados. I also put some almonds and walnuts as a snack.”
“I understand.” 
“You are preparing for another important expedition. You must take care of your body after such intensive training, Cappy.”
“You are right, you are right.”
“And I don’t want to see anything left from the lunch boxes. Make sure to eat all of it, okay?”
It sure was a sight. One would think the Harbinger was the student as he stood nodding vehemently while you scolded him. With one hand on your hip, you gave him an earful as you checked up on him, generously providing him a full-course meal neatly packed in a mealbox.
The Fatui soldiers were slightly jealous. Even they could easily tell that behind that pitch-black helmet, Il Capitano was absolutely joyous to have his beloved visit him and provide such mouthwatering nourishment. 
✧ Today, you were ready to tackle and kill Il Dottore. Why? Because that man barged into your kitchen and confidently announced himself as the culinarian for today’s dinner. A simple and kind gesture, right? You would rather starve than have The Doctor implode your kitchen again.
“Stop exaggerating as if I let your Serenitea Pot house crumble. It was just a little fire.” - Dottore defended himself, watching closely as you made him stand back from the stove. 
“I had to replace the whole walls, Zandik!”
The two of you stood in the kitchen, with the Harbinger peeking from behind your shoulders as you claimed dominion over the frying pan. The whole day, he was made watching you prepare Sumeru Kibbeh meatballs, since the last time he decided to dabble in the art of cooking, your house was put at stake.
He was a scholar, not a chef, unfortunately. But The Doctor is not ashamed to admit his impatience and lack of skill in the kitchen. Hence, he helped you as much as he could while you diligently taught him how Kibbeh is properly made. He remained silent but pleasantly subservient. The sight of your sleeves raised, hands tactfully molding the Kibbeh was oddly amiable. Especially when your face was so focused on the task, he couldn’t help but stare. 
Yet every time you fried the meatballs and set them aside on a pan lined with paper towels to drain, a sneaky hand would try to steal some. You’d slap his hand away.
“Nope. Hands off! Wait till dinner”
“They’ll end up being consumed anyway. I’ll just have a small tas-”
And it continued for a long while, all the way to the end once you finished cooking. When the two of you finally sat down and began eating, Dottore would often remain silent. You were too busy relishing the dish, unaware of the Harbinger’s appreciation for your home-cooked meal. Sustenance is just a waste of time that the human body must go through to gain its energy. But it’s not the same when he is sitting with you casually, the warm afternoon sunlight wrapping the dining table, and the warm food steaming with an appetizing aroma.
For him, eating with you was different. It was simple, but it was home. 
✧ Scaramouche may huff and scoff all he wants, but when it comes to appraising your Unagi Chazuke, no master can compete with you. Perhaps because he is a puppet, but Scaramouche has a delicate pallet. He despises strong flavors and always preferred simpler dishes, to appreciate the unique flavor of a singular ingredient. He would never admit it vocally, but he would often crave your chazukes, and it was easily written on his grumbling face.
“Come on, just say it.”
The Balladeer lamented.
“Say it. My home cooking is the best, and you just want me to cook for you today.”
“...I won’t. I don’t have use in consuming any human meals.” - he mumbled in response, arms crossed. You sighed and with a wide smile, you turned away.
“Oh well. Guess you don’t want any, huh…? And here I thought I could prepare your favorite Unagi Chazuke today. But I guess it’s foolish-”
“No, Wait-!” - The Harbinger wished to bite his tongue but it was too late. He already called out to you in a moment of weakness, and your goofy grin only widened with his desperation. 
He gave up. With reluctant embarrassment, the Balladeer admitted your victory - “If you may… Can you prepare another one of your signature Chazuke? Please.”
And that’s how you two ended up by the dinner table. You couldn’t just deny him after such a heartfelt request. You prepared the unagi meat and rice diligently, showing him how to prepare green tea to add mild bitterness to the salted rice. Topping off with some dried Nori leaves, and sesame - two bows of Unagi Chazuke were ready and looking artistically grandiose.
Light and sublime, that’s what Scaramouche thought. A true definition of soul food, as he held his bowl and chopsticks close. A rare but sincere smile would always grace his features whenever he ate your cooking, but he of course would conceal it by clearing his throat.
“Hm, okay fine. Maybe your cooking is adequate after all. Especially when you don’t make it too sweet.”
You’d laugh at his reaction. At the end of the day, it was you who taught him how to cook what later would become his signature dish, even if his identity as a Harbinger was wiped away. 
✧ Being the richest man in Teyvat like Pantalone means dealing with lots of bureaucracies and business. Sometimes, after a prolonged day in the office, the sight of stacked papers becomes dreadful and negotiations with the Snezhnayan elites may go fruitless. Thus, The Regrator would often slum by his desk, removing his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose and sigh in exhaustion.
Now what would the richest man in Teyvat do to relax after a bad day at work? Go to the most expensive five-star restaurant? Perhaps purchase a fancy drink that costs more than his subordinates' monthly salary? No. He would head straight back home, where he knows you are awaiting him with open arms.
A single look at him and you would know he is fatigued. Leaning up to embrace him, you plant a tender kiss on his cheek - “How about I make us a quick snack, hm? You can go and take a shower in the meantime.”
Pantalone would try to conjure up a faint smile and nod. As he winds down for the day, subconsciously he knows your home cooking is like a balm to his soul. No matter how many exquisite restaurants he tried, he’d easily sacrifice all of them for a bite-full of your culinary.
And here you are, merrily handing him his childhood favorite - Mora Meat Roujiamo. A simple meat sandwich, but a staple street food in Liyue’s culture. That’s all the Harbinger desires after a tough day at work, as he gobbles the sandwich wrapped with a paper towel.
“Made your favorites. I added some extra meat since I know you like it juicy.” - you gave Pantalone soothing pats on the back as he ate up.
“You’re a lifesaver, honey. You would not believe how frustrating work has been today,”
Pantalone would rant and confide in you about his work. He would rather do that than delve into the nostalgic feeling that Mora Meat sandwiches gave him. It was indeed his childhood favorite. Yet it also reminded him how in the distant past, when food or money was scarce, starvation and desperation were his only companions as a lowly child. Thus, on better days when he acquired some change just to purchase simple Mora Meat - these sandwiches felt like a king’s feast.
Such an unadorned dish, but one that brought warmth and sustenance to a starved child, telling him that everything would be okay. Today, this starved child is the richest man in Snezhnayan. Nevertheless, he still relished these sandwiches from your hands like divine wealth, telling himself once more that everything would be okay. 
✧ Tartaglia was bedbound for some while, bandaged heavily after a massive battle he faced during one of his missions. The young Harbinger would never tell his family where his scars hail from, except for you and his father maybe. But after an earful of scolding, you took care of your reckless boyfriend and sighed.
“You made me worried, you know. I don’t want to see you move a muscle around the house these days, are we clear? You must recover first.”
“Y-yes, captain.” - Childe chuckled humorously, suppressing the soreness his cuts provided around his body. “It’s just… there is only one remedy that could save a fallen soldier like me.”
“Hm? What is it? Do you need something, Ajax?” 
“Please, dear… come closer.” - he said with a pained expression. 
You did so he could whisper to you what he wanted. Your concern was only heightened, oblivious that his dramatic words were playing you - “The secret to my healing… is…”
“Yes?” - you leaned even closer.
“... Some yummy food.”
You blinked at him, and Tartaglia immediately gained a comically “passed out” expression on his face, as if your cooking were his last death wish. You let him plop to the pillow and gritted your teeth - “Why you little-...! Ugh, you’re lucky I am worried about you. You just want me to pamper you.”
“Oh, come on, is that such an unrealistic request? You told me not to move a muscle and I would receive your scolding no matter what. Please, sweetheart, just anything you would like - cook it and I would happily gobble it up!”
You crossed your arms. You hate to admit it, but his puppy eyes were working effectively and if his appetite was returning, that means he is on a good path of recovery anyway.
“Fine… I’ll make something nutritious and easy for your stomach.”
Tartaglia's eyes lightened up in an instant. He was a simple man - if you cooked him something, he would drop on his knees for you instantly. That day, you pondered whether you’d make him some Piroshki or Borscht, but he needed something light. His health was your priority, after all. Even though Childe fancied himself a master at concealing his painful whinces, you are no fool. You always notice them.
Thus, your beloved was presented with Ukha fish soup. A warm bowl with fresh herbs, imported calla lily, and nutritious fish.
“Easy now, I know you like Calla Lily Seafood Soup, since you often had it in Liyue… So I decided to go with the local version of it. Now make sure to eat all of it, or you won’t feel better.”
Like an obedient child, Ajax felt pampered and delighted. Lunch by the bed? His sweetheart feeding him? The injuries were worth it as he happily ate the Ukha fish soup.
“If getting injured makes me taste food more worthy than the gods themselves, maybe I should get wounded more often, haha- Ow!”
Your response was another fistful nudge to his shoulder.  
Kanelbullar - in Swedish, Cinnamon Rolls Bife de chorizo - in Spanish, Argentinian beef cut Pico de Gallo - in Spanish, Mexican salsa/dip Kibbeh - in Arabic, bulgur parcel stuffed with minced meat filling (in Genshin, they just called it meatballs lol) Chazuke - in Japanese, green tea poured over a rice meal (Scara's signature dish)  Mora Meat - had to look this one up, apparently Genshin is referencing RouJiaMo (肉夹馍) meaning “meat in a bun". Ukha fish soup - in Russian, also known as fisherman’s soup. Childe’s signature Calla Lily Seafood Soup is probably a variation made with Gēng found in Chinese cuisine. But there is a Slavic variation that reminded me of his signature dish. 
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theonottsbxtch · 2 months
Cool for the Summer | LN4
an: i’ve been trying not to just blow up the timeline with a bunch of smau but thanks to @isaadore and @diycriptheory i finally chose one thing to post!
synopsis: in which lando goes to the same resort each summer and he befriends the owners daughter who works there
fc: pinterest!
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liked by carlossainz55, maxfewtrell, yourusername and 592,362 others
summer break in full swing 🤘
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userone: sun looks good on you
usertwo: look at those back muscles
userthree: WHO is that girl?
landonorris: her name is yn! she works at the resort we stayed at and was our personal guide, check out her dads resort @/resortname
userfour: just yn? 🤔
carlossainz55: why didn’t you invite me cabrón?
landonorris: “i don’t want to go on holiday with you, i see you too much” - do those words sound familiar?
carlossainz55: not at all, who said them?
landonorris: 😑
userfive: yn is us, reading on the beach
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, danielricciardo and 864,436 others
much needed break 😴
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userone: is that yn?!
usertwo: did he meet up with the girl from last summer?!
carlossainz55: i was also on that holiday
landonorris: were you? i must have missed that
carlossainz55: gringo
danielricciardo: there is no way this beats an aussie summer
landonorris: oh but it does
userthree: carlos went on holiday with him 🥲 my carlando heart
yourusername: i was quite enjoying the idea of a summer not working
landonorris: but unfortunately for you, your dad loves me
yourusername: wrong, he loves your money
carlossainz55: lol 😹🫵
userfour: don’t shoot me but landoyn
userfive: 🔫
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, yourbestfriend and 2,371 others
he got some hours in this summer - also check out this vase i started earlier!
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userone: pottery queen
landonorris: child labour
yourusername: you’re 23
landonorris: exaclty 😞
usertwo: each summer i get excited knowing we get landoyn posts
userthree: if they don’t get together i may cry
userfour: and now they kiss
carlossainz55: best boat rider? driver? chauffer? ever!
yourusername: skipper! but thank you :)
carlossainz55: but you don’t skip?
yourusername: it’s a dumb name i know 😭
userfive: it’s the way she’s friends with carlos too
yourbestfriend: @/landonorris how does it feel to steal my best friend each summer?
landonorris: pretty good actually
yourbestfriend: 🔪
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, carlossainz55 and 462,382 others
finally was trusted enough to see how pottery stuff is done
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userone: i come alive once each year for the annual post
usertwo: lando is a summer child
carlossainz55: don’t lie. you paid her €100 to let you in the room
landonorris: that was not meant to be public knowledge
userthree: lando is such a simp bc why did he pay €100 to watch a girl do some pottery
userfour: but it’s not just SOME girl
userfive: it’s THE girl
yourusername: €100 well earned
landonorris: you and i are no longer friends
yourusername: whomp whomp
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, oscarpiastri and 3,472 others
spent the summer saving the people’s favourite driver from drowning
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userone: thank you for your service
oscarpiastri: not my favourite driver
yourusername: facts me too
carlossainz55: @/landonorris: shots fired
usertwo: parents
userthree: okay maybe not this year but next year 😞
yourbestfriend: *cough* i actually was on lifeguard duty most of the summer
yourusername: shhhh
userfour: help can lando not swim
yourusername: no
landonorris: she’s lying, i can
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liked by your username, oscarpiastri, mclarenracing and 934,635 others
ahead of the hungary gp i had a personalised helmet created to fit in with the rich culture of the country, following the gp i will put this up to auction for a children’s charity - see you on track!🏎️🏁
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usertwo: i am sick
userthree: landoyn is so real
userfour: 2024 is the year
yourusername: nice helmet! wonder where you got it from?
landonorris: some pretty, talented woman made it for me
yourusername: what a lucky lady, you speak highly of her
landonorris: ☺️
oscarpiastri: does the artist take commissions for next year?
yourusername: potentially!
landonorris: back off piastri
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend and 6,422 others
this summer i learnt how to do a handstand
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userone: don’t freak out calm down too late i’m freaking out
landonorris: that’s a headstand actually
yourusername: chat to me when you have a olympic gold medal
userthree: THE LAST SLIDE
oscarpiastri: photo credits?
yourbestfriend: i took that actually
oscarpiastri: that’s from my sunbed actually
yourbestfriend: we were on the same bed dufus
userfour: 👀
carlossainz55: the son of a bitch did it
userfive: CARLOS HELP
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liked yourusername, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 937,361 others
i love summer
*tap to load more comments*
usertwo: the way she looks at him 🥹
oscarpiastri: @/yourbestfriend we are feeding the landoyn fans
yourbestfriend: that we are
userthree: someone check in on the landoyn fan base
userfour: miss rabbit has fainted
yourusername: i think i may love summer too 🤭
landonorris: 🥰
yourdad: i approve
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emma-needs-attention · 9 months
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I don’t shave every day. It’s not that I don’t “need” to; I have very dark, dense facial hair that grows quickly and remains pretty visible after shaving. When I do shave, I don’t try to cover it with makeup (beyond some powder to reduce redness). In most other ways I present very feminine, but I always have fairly obvious facial hair.
And it makes me feel terrible.
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I started electrolysis a couple months ago. It’s excruciatingly painful, expensive, and it takes forever. In an hour-long session, my electrologist is able to remove hair in only a small region (about 1 square inch). A few weeks later, much of that hair comes back. I am told that it will take two to three years of regular treatments to remove it entirely. On top of that, I apparently have a condition called Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, which causes the skin in affected areas to darken after treatment. For nearly two months after completing a single pass over my upper lip, my mustache was more visible than it had ever been, despite having significantly less hair.
And it made me feel terrible.
I know this is the best way for me to permanently remove my facial hair, but I just canceled all of my upcoming sessions and at the moment I have no plans to begin again.
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If I could pay to have my facial hair instantly and completely removed I would empty my savings account. I am intensely aware of it any time I go out in public. If it makes me so uncomfortable, why do I not do more to hide it?
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I feel incredibly privileged for a trans woman. I have a loving, supportive family. I have a well-paying job. I live in a very accepting area. I have never had a single person say anything negative to me about my gender identity, which was certainly not what I was expecting when I came out. It is important to me that I be visibly queer, and in my privileged position I am able to do that without fear. A year ago I didn’t think I would ever transition; now I want people to know that I’m trans.
I am disappointed with myself for wanting to remove my facial hair, for changing my voice. I am determined not to have to do more work than a cis person does. Cis women don’t have to shave their face every day. Cis men don’t have to shave their face every day. Why should I? This is who I am, what my body does. Shouldn’t I be proud of that? Am I not supposed to love myself the way I am?
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But by that logic, why am I even transitioning in the first place?
I am doing more work than a cis person does. Cis people don’t transition, and transitioning takes effort. I know that there are cis people, both men and women, who do shave every day. Am I lying to myself? I’m a trans woman; aren’t I supposed to want to get rid of my facial hair? Shouldn’t I be trying harder? Doesn’t this give me dysphoria? Am I pretending not to have dysphoria so I don’t have to put in the effort? Does the fact that I’m not trying harder make me… I don’t know, less trans? Non-binary? Is it ok for me to call myself a trans woman? Am I lying to myself?
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As a woman who was a man until thirty, there are things about my body that I must accept, that I won’t be able to change no matter how much money I dump into my transition. I’m tall, I have broad shoulders, I have large hands. No amount of surgery or hormones will change these things.
But there are many things that I can change, and while none of them are requirements for being a woman, they may still be changes that I want to make. Where do I stop? Am I finished transitioning when I’ve done everything that is physically possible? My goal isn’t to “pass,” at least not in the way that word is generally used. In a time when cis women are being assaulted because people think they’re trans—because they don’t “pass” as women—the idea of what it means to pass becomes blurry. Often when we say that we want to pass, what we really mean is that we want to be conventionally beautiful.
I am a woman. Therefore, I look like a woman. My transition goal is to pass as myself. I’ve spent the last year trying to figure out who I am so I can look like her. I don’t care whether people see me and think “that’s a woman.” I want to be able to look in the mirror and think “that’s me.” But it can be extremely difficult to separate your own image of yourself from society’s idea of what you should look like. Am I self-conscious about the size of my body because it doesn’t feel like me, or because I’ve been told that women should be smaller? There are tall cis women, there are broad-shouldered cis women, there are cis women with large hands. Those traits don’t make them less womanly.
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For the aspects of my body that I do have control over, I am stuck wondering whether I am changing things to become myself, or changing them because I have internalized that the way I am is wrong. At the moment, facial feminization surgery is something that I think I might like to do. But how do I know that I want to do it for the right reasons? I don’t hate my face, but when I catch a glimpse of myself from certain angles I can’t help but think that it isn’t feminine enough. What I should be asking is if it’s Emma enough, but how can I know that? How do I know who I’m supposed to be?
I feel like I was supposed to be a cis woman, but… why? Who am I to say that I wasn’t supposed to be trans? That I wasn’t supposed to transition at thirty, to have both a male puberty and a female one? Being trans has made me more self-aware, more open-minded, more empathetic. The totality of my experience is what makes me who I am. Maybe there’s a world in which I was assigned female, maybe there’s a world in which I was put on puberty blockers as a kid. But the girl in those worlds isn’t me.
Loving yourself and wanting to change are two feelings that can coexist. I tend to think of body positivity as simply accepting yourself as you are, but it is more nuanced than that. As a trans person, who I am inside is not the same as who I am outside. Which one am I supposed to love? I do love myself, but I also love who I could be. I’m transitioning so that someday they’ll be the same person.
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Over the past year I have become both my biggest supporter and my biggest critic. I constantly tell myself how pretty I am, how brave I am, how fucking cool I am (hey, nobody else is saying it and it’s true). This forced positivity has been fantastic for me. I can confidently say that I truly love myself for the first time in my life. But I sometimes feel guilty that I don’t love myself more.
I can’t help but stare at myself in the mirror all the time now. I actually bought a new mirror so I didn’t have to walk as far to do so. I’ve taken more selfies than I did in my entire pre-transition life. After many months on HRT, I finally see myself in my reflection. But my eyes refuse to focus on my stubble. Sometimes I catch myself thinking “I’m going be so beautiful once I get rid of this facial hair,” and it feels like a betrayal. Fuck you Emma, I’m already gorgeous.
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bunni-v1 · 11 months
Could I ask for your headcanons on how the staff would take care of/look after the reader? I’m a sucker for the fics where they take a parental role
How The Staff Takes Care of You
TW: None!
Info: Crowley, Crewel, Trein, Vargas and Sam x Reader (Platonic)
🍓This one is short but sweet. I’ve spent a lot of time on the event, but I want to start on other requests outside of it too. This one looked fun and easy so I got it out within about an hour or so. I hope you enjoy!
Tags: @kitsun369 @bloomstruck
-Lets get one thing straight, Crowley does not take care of you
-It’s hard to even say that Crowley cares for you. It’s hard to say he cares for anyone other than himself.
-Still… he does do some things correctly.
-He gives you a place to live (which he threatened to take away), food (which he threatened to take away), and funding (which he… threatened to take away).
-He DOES come to ACTUALLY care for you, just… not in the traditional sense, I suppose. 
-He has frequent check ins with you to ensure that you are doing well.
-Occasionally he stops by ramshackle just to chat with you and ensure you have company.
-Believe it or not, he set up a lot of the things you do specifically so that he can ensure you are getting along with other students and have a support system here.
-He lets you keep grim around — even though he has cause countless issues for student and staff alike.
-He’s like your weird uncle. You hardly ever actually see Crowley around, but you know that he is looking out for you in his own way. 
-Thats all that matters, right?
-Crewel is also anther oddball when it comes to how he shows that he cares.
-He is… aware that Crowley does not do a very good job at caring for you, and he’s a bit easier on you because of that.
-He’s probably harder on you homework-wise than most other students though.
-He wants to see you excel and succeed in his class.
-It would be the biggest fuck you to Crowley ever, so he works hard to make sure that you prove yourself to everyone.
-He makes sure that you’re sleeping and eating well, and if he sees that you are not, he makes you stay ofter class to talk to him so you both can find a way to solve this issue.
-If it’s money issues keeping you from eating, don’t worry. He’s now making you a lunch — or at least he gives you some money to eat.
-The nicest thing he does for you, however, is he gets you clothes.
-Your uniform is pretty… bad, and he feels bad for you.
-So, he takes matters into his own hands and gets you a nice new one that actually fits you.
-He and Trein have a rivalry over who treats you better and who you like more. (Trein is winning by like one point and it drives Crewel crazy).
-Crewel very much is the one to tell you “Boys are stupid, don’t date — especially not the ones here.” Lol
-Again, more like a very ambitious uncle who just really loves his family but never wants kids of his own.
-Oh, also, his dogs love you. So that’s a plus.
-He has two girls of his own, and he really does love kids, he’s just… jaded from years of being a teacher for snotty kids like Ace.
-You though? He likes you a lot.
-You’re a troublemaker, sure, but you always try your best in classes and have been making the best of your situation.
-Speaking of, Trein hates the way Crowley is so lackadaisical about your position and treatment.
-You are a living person? How could he just leave you to almost starve or freeze in your rickety old dorm?
-Trein visits your dorm frequently after his school day is done, just to ensure you have food and are able to stay warm/cool in the respective seasons.
-If he finds that you do not have enough food or cannot afford it, he talks to both Sam and Crowley and scolds them into lowering prices for you and raising your passive income.
-He still buys you things with his own money.
-If you fall asleep in class and you look like you need it, he won’t bother you. 
-Tells you that you can always come to him if you’re having trouble with anyone, and he will most definitely deal with them.
-Do you need extra help with homework, he’ll stay late just to ensure you’re understanding the material. 
-Seriously the number one dad at NRC, and he’s really happy to have you around since you remind him so much of his girls.
-The resident promoter of a healthy lifestyle and great workout routine at NRC.
-You don’t really spend that much time around Vargas, so you two aren’t close, but he knows about you through the other members of staff.
-He knows how Crowley treats you, and while he isn’t one to play favorites… he can make an exception.
-Especially since he knows you aren’y always eating enough thanks to your limited budget.
-The last thing he needs is a student passing out in his class.
-He still pushes you to work out and participate, but if you’re looking like a ghost when you walk into class he’s going to make you go change and get some rest.
-He’s a gym nut, not a monster.
-He’s good with dieting though, so he’s able to tell Trein and Crewel and Same what would be best for you to eat in your condition.
-So yeah, he’s likely the least involved in your life, but he does help you from behind the scenes.
-It’s better than Crowley, so that’s a win in his books.
-Other than Trein, Sam probably sees you the most frequently out of everyone.
-You come into his shop at least once a day for something.
-At first he treated you the same as every other student, charing you ridiculously hight prices for typically cheap stuff.
-Then one day you came in looking for something to eat, cause you’d run out of what little Crowley gave you, but you didn’t have enough money.
-He nearly cried at how heartbroken you looked when you realized you couldn’t get anything.
-He gave you the whole meal for free, didn’t even ask for what you had.
-Trein is also on his ass about how high his prices are, so he purposefully has a “discount” every time you’re there to buy something.
-He also gets to know you through your shopping and makes and effort to talk to you to feel out where you are physically and mentally.
-He reports what he notices back to Trein and Crowley, just to make sure someone who has the power to is taking care of you.
-You’ve got a friend in Sam, that’s for sure.
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sanarsi · 2 months
Paid internship
professor!Reed Richards x student!f!Reader
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Summary: You don't have enough money to pay for your internship. Prof. Richards finds another way for you to pay him back. Warnings: +18, MDNI, rough sex, student!Reader and professor!Reed so AGE GAP (but not specified), unprotected PIV, cheating (yeah he’s married), no orgasm (what a jerk), sex for work situationship, insults Wordcount: 1,7k An: The Fantastic Four: First Steps is already behind us so LET’S GO SLUTS Music I worked with: Toxic - Britney Spears
Getting an internship under Professor Richards himself was a dream come true.
As his assistant, you could learn more than in any school. This job gave you opportunities. Future prospects.
So you tried, working your ass off. And Reed was happy about it. So you quickly became his personal assistant. You had access to almost everything. You were someone important.
But luck eventually had to run out on you. In the worst possible way. No money to pay off your internship.
No money to pay off your dreams.
It was like a knife in the back.
You felt like a wreck standing in the professor's office.
"You don't have money to pay for the next six months?" he asked again to make sure he understood your sloppy jumble of words. You clenched your hands tighter behind your back and nodded. It took a lot of energy to maintain eye contact with him. His gaze bored a hole in you as he remained silent, thinking about your words.
"I'm really sorry, Professor..." you began, feeling even worse as he sighed heavily and looked away. He silenced you with a gesture of his hand, so you immediately fell silent. Your stomach was eager to throw up today's breakfast.
“Yeah, well…” he began, looking back at you. You could see the decision in his eyes.
You could barely stop the tears from welling up in your eyes.
“You were one of the best assistants I’ve ever had.” He smiled fondly. You pressed your lips together tightly and nodded, unable to say any words. The lump in your throat barely allowed you to breathe. “Your access card won’t work on Monday morning.”
Those were the last words he said to you.
You spent the rest of the day thinking about it. Everything you did almost ended in an accident because you couldn't focus on anything. Your last day was the worst. You couldn't even swallow water, let alone eat dinner.
You wondered how you could have acquired so much cash so quickly. No weekend job would have given you even half of what you needed.
You could have sold yourself a few times in a brothel, but… no. That was out of the question.
So you had nothing left. You felt like your whole life had collapsed.
That's why you were the last one to stay in the lab. You didn't want to accept reality.
If you went out through that door, you'd never come back.
That thought was enough for you to organize papers until late at night. Out of curiosity, you even looked into some of the files. But when you finally found something interesting, the main door opened with a bang.
You jumped in place, turning in that direction and your gaze immediately crossed with that of Professor Richards. He stopped mid-step, looking at you with an absent gaze.
"I didn't think anyone else would be here at this hour," he spoke first and looked at the documents in your hands. You blinked a few times, trying to gather your thoughts.
"Um, yeah, I stayed to clean up a bit," you explained, pointing to a few boxes lying on the ground. Reed raised an eyebrow, looking at the mess that was bigger than the order that reigned around you.
"I can see you really care about this internship," he said, returning his gaze to your lost eyes. You smiled nervously and an uncontrolled snort escaped your lips.
"Yeah..." you nodded with a crooked smile. You immediately cleared your throat and straightened up more. "I mean, yes, I care. A lot," you repeated professionally.
He was silent for a moment, looking at you carefully. His gaze, as usual, pierced your soul through and through. Sometimes you were afraid that maybe he could read minds. But then he would definitely fire you.
Considering how many naughty thoughts you had about this married man-
"How much?" he interrupted your thoughts. You hesitated, frowning at this strange question.
"How much do you care about keeping this internship?" he repeated and began to slowly close the distance between you. You swallowed hard, tightening your grip on the documents.
"A lot," you answered confidently. And you really were able to do almost anything to keep this job.
Reed stopped in front of you, not breaking eye contact with you even as he took the documents from your hand. He glanced at the name of the folder and a smirk appeared on his lips.
"You're lucky I need you," he said to himself before throwing the papers on the counter behind you. His gaze landed on you again and you felt like he was fighting a battle within himself. Your breathing quickened a bit as he stared at you like that in silence.
You opened your mouth to say something but he was first.
"Those documents are top secret, you know that?" A wave of cold shivers ran through your body. You opened your eyes wider, glancing at the boxes on the ground.
"I- I didn't know. Shit- I'm sorry," you began to stutter, trying to explain yourself. You bent down, wanting to start collecting all the folders you had managed to take out, but his sharp command stopped you.
"Leave it."
You immediately straightened up like a string. You had always been so damn obedient to him. Now he understood what a curse it was for him.
"You're lucky today," he announced and you didn't even know how to react.
His argument with his wife gave you a one in a million chance today.
For you, it was a lottery ticket and for him, a guilty conscience for the next while. But now he was too angry to think about what would happen when he got home.
"Professor?" you spoke gently, seeing the thoughts on his face. That was enough for him to wake up and quickly cover the distance between you. You inhaled loudly before his hand tangled in your hair and his lips crushed yours.
You stepped back from the force of his pressure until his body pinned you to the counter. His kisses were strong, not giving you the chance to fight him. Not that you tried to fight him.
His hands slid down your body, gripping your breasts tightly. You moaned into his mouth as he briefly gave them his attention. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that you could barely hear how hard he was breathing.
His fingers easily unbuttoned your pants and in one movement he pulled them down to your knees. You caught a deep breath when he pulled away from you for a moment to pull your panties down. You moaned at the cold wind hitting your heated skin before his lips attacked yours again. His tongue forced you into submission with each kiss.
Suddenly his fingers were on your pussy, testing how wet you were. You moaned into his mouth as he ran his fingers over your wet slit, spreading the moisture along her entire length.
A quiet growl left his throat as he turned you around with one movement and pushed you onto the counter. You laid down on the cold table, bent over for him like a slut. Another growl filled the room before you heard him lower his pants. You burned between your thighs as you realized what was about to happen. Shit.
"Your wife-"
"Not a fucking word," he growled, silencing you. And after a moment, you felt the tip sliding over, lubricating himself before he entered you in one movement.
You screamed as his hips crashed hard against yours. A long groan escaped his throat at the feeling of your tight wet cunt wrapped around him. You could barely catch your breath feeling the pain and pleasure at the same time. But he didn't give you time to think.
His hands gripped your hips tightly as he began to thrust into you. You moaned loudly with each hard movement he made. His hips slammed loudly against yours and his cock hit deep inside you. He growled and sped up his movements, making your moans sound like squeals.
“Fucking bitch, can’t appreciate what she has,” he began, panting. “And you would jump off a bridge if I asked you to.”
With each word he thrust harder, thrusting into you so deep you didn’t know where the pain ended and the pleasure began. He leaned closer, slowing his movements a bit so you could finally catch your breath.
"You would, right?" he whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes,” you cried, feeling your pussy clench around his hard cock. A smirk formed on his lips.
“I can see,” he said with a haughty smirk before he straightened up again and began thrusting into you.
Fast and hard.
Caring only for his own pleasure.
You felt tears in your eyes as his sharp movements began to bring your orgasm closer. You breathed shallowly, feeling your legs begin to tremble.
"Fucking slut," he growled, digging his fingers painfully into your hips. You cried louder, feeling your pulse begin to throb and a moment separates you from a painful orgasm. But then he suddenly pulled out of you.
You moaned pitifully, feeling the desired wave of fulfillment begin to disappear. Reed focused on making a few hand movements on his cock before he came on your ass with a loud growl.
For a moment there was silence, interrupted only by your heavy breaths. You were barely able to move when he already adjusted his pants and ran his fingers through his hair, looking impeccable again. He cleared his throat, adjusting the collar of his shirt and looked at what was left of you.
"See you on Monday," he said professionally as usual and moved towards the exit. After a moment, all you heard was the slam of the door as he left you alone.
Used, dirty and unfulfilled.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[9:35 pm]
“I don’t think it’s ever been this quiet when I’ve been here,” you told Fratboy!Jaehyun.
He laughed, “you’ve spent the night before haven’t you?”
“Well, yeah but you have nocturnal friends. I can wake up in the middle of the night and find 3 people awake and yelling at their computers,” you reply, playing with Jaehyun’s fingers.
“I think Taeyong offered to buy them all dinner or something,” Jaehyun shrugs running his unoccupied hand through your hair.
“For all of them?! That’s a lot of money!”
“He left out that they’d all be sharing McDonald’s nuggets and fries, I think he wanted to give us some alone time.”
You blinked up at Jaehyun innocently, “what could we possibly do with all this privacy?”
A cocky smirk took over his handsome features, "I can think of a few things."
Your laugh at his cheesiness was interrupted by his mouth meeting your own. Your hand untangled from his own in favor for meeting the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck. His lips were warm and slightly chapped as his lips met your own for a chaste kiss. He pressed a series of close mouthed kisses to your lips before he slowly trailed the kisses to your neck.
"Love you Jaehyun," You sighed dreamily, distracted by the kisses that were being placed against a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
"Yooo, what is goin' on?!" You heard.
Your eyes snapped open instantly while you pushed Jaehyun off of you to straighten out your shirt and try to act natural. Though it was entirely too late for that now based on the fact that Mark was standing in the doorway and you heard the rest of the goons running over.
You groaned, burying your face in the pillows to hide away from the upcoming onslaught of questions. Seconds later you heard them talking over one another, "what happened?" "What were you doing in Jaehyun's bed?" "What's on your neck?" "Why is Jaehyun on the floor?"
"Yo, so I came in and they were all over each other kissing and moaning and all gross with each other and then I heard, I love you Jaehyun," Mark recounted as he imitated your voice (quite horribly).
"When did that happen?" Johnny asked.
"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Yuta quickly added.
"Why wouldn't you pick me?!" Haechan screamed.
Jaehyun shot him an annoyed look before he sighed and addressed the rest of the group, "I wasn't ready to tell you guys because I knew you guys would get weird. Like, I get it, we're all friends but I don't really know why I owe you all these answers."
"Hello!" Johnny interrupts, "We live together, we're best friends, we want to see you happy- both of you."
"I just wanted us to have a little more time to ourselves before you guys all got too overbearing," Jaehyun replies sheepishly. At the sight of his ears starting to turn red, you take his hand into your grasp and rub your thumb on the back of his hand comfortingly.
"When have we ever been overbearing?" Doyoung asks.
"Mark came in without asking or knocking and now there are 6 guys standing in the room and 2 sitting on the bed. Before you all found out I'd get a text from at least one of you each week telling me to make a move because it was painful to watch us pine after each other and Jaehyun would quote never have the balls to make a move," you deadpan.
"Is that so wrong of us?" Jungwoo questions from the foot of the bed with puppy eyes.
"Yes!" You and Jaehyun exclaim.
"We were practically on the brink of making love," Jaehyun replies.
Mark laughs, "No you weren't bro." You snort, using a hand to cover your laugh before you try to mask it as a cough and avoiding Mark's gaze to avoid laughing.
"You can leave now," Jaehyun snaps, snatching his hand from your hold to cross his arms over his chest.
They all grumble as they shuffle out and roll their eyes. You go to speak but Jaehyun stops you with his index finger held up, "Haechan, that means you too. Get out."
"Whatever, you're my least favorite half of this couple anyway. When you get tired off his flat ass, call me," Haechan scoffs.
a/n: little shit haechan is my favorite recurring character in jaehyun works bc i love him
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urdadsceilingfan · 12 days
So I just found your Reverse Portal au and I really like it, I think your version of Reverse Portal au is my favorite so far. I also kind of feel bad for Mabel in your au she feels left out... I sure hope this won't have any lasting consequences.
Speaking of consequences where is Bill in all this and what has he been up to?
Anyway I hope you have a nice day!
I’ve been getting lost of ask about this so might as well answer!
Don’t worry guys Mabel is fineee, no lasting consequences here
As for Bill, a couple days after Stan had fell into the portal Ford had gone into a heavy depression not caring about Bills antics anymore
With Ford sitting around all day just waiting for Bill to do something drastic, Bill became bored of him
What’s an evil triangle supposed to do to get some reaction here? Break more bones? Eat more spiders? Nothing works anymore
Bill decided to play one last game, the waiting game. He knows Ford wanted it to end (even if it means death) so he decided to pull a trick Ford never saw coming, leaving him without a word waiting for Ford to finish the job himself
This sent Ford into complete paranoia mode, going as far as getting a metal plate installed into his skull by a shady doctor (best money he ever spent)
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mrsrdlw · 1 month
You Belong With Me
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wc: 2.9 (i got excited lol)
warnings: angst/conform!; eddie!xfem!bestfriend!; there is a smutty scene but nothing too serious; depreciation and low self esteem; friends to lovers!- they’re just obsessed with each other
tell me if i’m missing something!
a/n: Hi guys, i’ve been off for a while, a little longer than expected, but i needed to organize some stuff from my personal life. Anyways, i wrote this, of course is not super original, but i’ve been with this ideia of using songs, this one in particular, to write stories. As a source of inspiration. I hope you like it! <3
You and Eddie have been friends for a long time, longer than it seems, and he has always been there for you. When your mother yelled at you for some reason and you got upset or for when you needed money and he helped you, even though he didn’t had any and you knew it, he help you anyway or when you graduated and he was held back but he got happy for you and even took you out on a fancy dinner, to celebrate. He was always by your side and you were always by his.
There was kind of a rule between the two of you, if one of you gets sad or mad about anything is an obligation to call the other. Honestly it was just another reason to see each other. And today, well, you can tell it was not your happiest day ever. You were fired from this job you got five months ago in a bookstore because they couldn't pay the rent and the place went bankrupt. You were so happy with this job, genuinely, but you guessed that wasn’t enough.
So you didn’t waisted a minute and immediately called Eddie, it was a super emergency meeting that you wanted to spent all your money (the money that was left over) in ice cream. But he didn’t answer. You tried one, two, three times, but there was no answer. So, instead of trying a fourth time, you headed straight to the trailer park, a place which the way you already knew by heart.
It was already dark when you parked your car in front of his trailer and there was a red car, a BMW. That was odd. Eddie had a van that you were yet not sure how it was standing by itself and Wayne had a truck. You just ignored the car standing there and went to the door. As you got closer to the door, you could hear loud music coming from inside, to be more specific it was “Sex and Outrage” from Motörhead. You just ignored and got in, you knew that if you kept trying to call him from just knocking at the door, he wouldn’t listen. That’s probably why he didn’t answer the phone in first place.
So you walked down the little corridor to where his room was but stopped the second you heard a voice. A girl’s voice. And she wasn’t talking. You also heard his voice in the same tone as hers. You risked taking a look and there was the girl you had heard, on top of him bouncing up and down in the yellow lights of his room. Her hands squeezed and held his hand against her breasts. They both were moaning as if they were in a porn movie. You felt your eyes burning with tears. This girl was no stranger.
Margaret Fowler, or Maggie as everyone called her, was one of the most popular girls in your school. You weren’t in her class, she’s two years older than you and graduated before and yet people still talked about the most talented cheerleader and hot chick to walk through those corridors. To be with her was just a a fantasy, or at least it was what the boys said.
You couldn’t believe that she was there, naked and fucking your best friend. She opened her eyes and saw you standing there behind the little slit of the door like you were a perv watching them fuck. It didn’t took you long to run away before she could say something. You didn’t wait another second to start the car and get out of there as soon as possible. Tears started to fall from your eyes. When did that happen? You haven’t seen him in a week or so. How did Maggie end up there with him. It seemed like a lie, because most girls stayed with Eddie either to lose their virginity or to see what it was like to be with the freak. You hated yourself for thinking like that, but it was the truth, or at least it was what he told you. But you never understood how no one saw him the way you did. He had a charm, something that even you couldn’t explain. It was some sort of magnet that pulled you to him even though you didn’t want to.
But of course you never told him. How could you? The only person who knew was Robin. You had such a good relationship and how could he like you. Now it was all you could think about.
“Please, wake up, will you? Look at her. She has an amazing body, she was the cheer captain, popular and with beautiful hair and friends AND she’s older than you… and him. Most men like that, right?. And you… you wear t-shirts, you’re a bookworm, average non-interesting girl that on school games, were always on the bleachers waiting for your friend to play with her band.”
Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop……..
Without even realizing, you drove to Robin’s house and started to desperately knock at her door
It only took you two 30 minutes to put on a stupid movie and open some ice cream pots. You cried more and explained everything to Robin.
“I should have just walked away, it would’ve saved me all these tears. I’m so fucking stupid. On my head, he belonged to me!” You said looking at her TV and putting the spoon in your mouth. “They really mean it Robin, when they used to say that she looked like an angel!”
Robin just mumbled “Believe me, i know…”
“And i feel really bad because i should be happy for him right? I mean, i’m his friend and… oh wait, what if they’re dating? Oh no, then we can’t be fri-”
“Y/N! STOP WITH THAT! I’ve heard you and i’m here for you but won’t stand listen to you go all crazy on your own assumptions, and i won’t stand neither of this treatment i’m seeing here. Do you see how bad are you talking about yourself? You are so much more than that! So please… why don’t we wait until this whole…. thing settle down and then we can talk about it, maybe go to Eddie’s and see what is actually happening?”
In the moment she stopped talking you heard someone knocking at the door.
“Oh fuck! Oh shit it’s him, i can feel it!”
“Calm down woman. You stay here, i’ll go check.”
You shrunk on the couch as you waited for her to answer the door.
“Thank god! Hey Robin, is she… is she here?” You heard a very familiar voice coming from behind you. So he knew that you were there, great! Just awesome!
“Look Eddie, do you know what day is today?” I could see the face she was making and i had to hold my laugh. Eddie stayed quiet. “Today is my sacred day! Full of mundane activities such as watching movies and eating a lot of ice cream and not giving a damn about the world outside and now, with this kind of unexpected visit of yours, you are interrupting my peace so if you please just… go. That would be great! I’m not being rude, it’s just the day, remember.” Robin was closing the door, i could hear it squeaking, but then there was a stomp. “Eddie… if you want to talk to her, why don’t you go to her house?”
“What, do you think i’m fucking stupid? i tried to call her, but she didn’t answer the phone then i drove there and kept knocking at the door for minutes but nobody was home so i came here, hoping to find her and now, for your behavior, you just turned yourself in. So please, i really really have to talk to her.” He spoke with no pauses, all just rushed. You had to really pay attention to understand every single word.
“Where is this girlfriend of yours? I mean, that’s none of my business but, how come you were having sex with like, the most popular girl we know?” Robin changed the subject in a not so natural way. You mentally thanked her for trying to help you.
“She is not my girlfriend! This was casual fuck.” He yelled at her, but then he got himself back together. “Not that i need to explain myself but we were playing at the Hideout and she was there on the crowd. I was surprised to see her there. As far as i knew, she was just one of the many boring popular kids in school that only got popular because she looked twice her age. But she started to hit on me and i was miserable, ok! I just needed to forget everything. And you know how it is, i don’t have a long list full of girls that wants to be with me. So i just acted easy and… well.” I could see his face now. He was ashamed, with those big puppy eyes.
“Can you wait here?” It took her a couple of seconds to absorb everything he said and to speak again. He probably just nodded because i heard the door close.
“You have GOT to go there! Come on, go talk to him.” She yelled-whispered to me
“Robin, i can’t, not now.” I said getting up speaking in the same tone
“Why not?”
“If i see his face, i don’t think i can take it, i’m too weak now, i’ll just fall into his charm again! I need to be well enough so i won’t ruin everything.” You know that if you walked past that door, in this moment of weakness, you would cry your eyes out again and you would beg him to be with you. In short, you would just humiliate yourself.
“Nonsense! You go there and face it. It’s right there outside, you can’t runway from that man which is by the way your best friend. Honestly, i know that you got sad but, that man is Eddie. You know how he is, he would never do those things that you were saying.” Of course you were being dramatic, it was easier to just start assuming things than actually having to face them.
You just nodded and walked to the door. With a very fake bravery, you opened the door once more. There he was, all anxious, grumpy and smoking a cigarette. You always find it funny this little pout he puts on.
“Hi sweetheart… can we talk, please?” His words came out softly from his lips, contrasting with the way he was talking to Robin, and he threw the cigarette away.
You just nodded and closed the door. He was analyzing your swollen red eyes and as if it would protect you, you cross your arms.
“I’m sorry that i ran away like that, i didn’t mean to ruin your night or to concern you but i just didn’t think it would be good if i stayed, you know? And i had a very shitty day and…” The breeze of the night hits your face and you feel lines under your eyes getting colder than the rest of your body. Great, you were crying again! “I just really needed a friend and i was completely wrong to invade your house like that, i’m really sorry for that too, i just heard loud music and i thought that you were there practicing or whatever. I just… sorry Eddie.” You could hold anymore and you broke into tears again.
He was listening very carefully and didn’t waist a second before giving you a hug, a very tight and gentle hug. You started to ground yourself in his arms.
“I’m not going to force you, but would you like to tell me why was your day so bad?” He said still hugging you.
“I got fired, it’s a long story but the bookstore is closing and i was going to yours so we could call the night you know?…” He hummed and caressed your hair. “And you know the rest.”
“I’m sorry i wasn’t there for you. I was also going to call the night but then… i think you heard it too?” It was your time to hum and you broke the hug.
“Look, i’m just going to say it, because i’m holding it back since i realized and i think if you’re smart enough, you’re going to connect the dots anyhow so… i think it’s better just to tell you.” He was still close to you, looking at your eyes anxious. “I like you Eddie, i really do! Not in this cute little friend way, i’m not talking about that. I’m talking about complaining to Robin and Steve every time you hook up with a girl because i know they don’t know you like i do, they don’t get you humor, your music and what is means to you, your friends and the club, and a whole different part of your life that only i know. I keep telling them ‘you guys don’t understand what i’m talking about, but i’m telling you, he belongs with me!’. You belong to me and not some other random girl who is not interested in the Eddie that i know. And i get even more angry after realizing that even knowing you enough, I wouldn’t be enough to be with you.” At this point, i just seemed like a foolish spoiled girl, but i didn’t care anymore, i needed to say everything, all those words. “I know i don’t sound completely sane right now but it is exactly how i feel. And i didn’t want to ruin everything by telling you just so you could open my eyes that i was being delusional and we could never be together.”
He just stood there, without saying a word. You just took deep breaths hoping he wouldn’t think you were too crazy.
“First of all, you heard that i said i was miserable right? That i just accepted Margaret, not because she is Margaret, but because a she was a girl who wanted to do something with me?” You just nodded your head too scared of what would be the next words coming out of his mouth. “Sweetheart i was miserable because Steve talked to me earlier, he said that you wouldn’t stop talking about some guy, and how your eyes would be in heart shape every time you looked at him. And even though i bugged him to tell me who it was he didn’t. I went crazy! I wanted to know why were you into some guy who was probably everything that i was not. I felt like shit, i just took advantage of her. I know it’s not right but i just needed someone who could fuck my thoughts out of me and she was there. Believe me, that moment you saw us, she was not on my head at all.”
You were in shock. You didn’t say anything, you probably couldn’t even blink. Was he really declaring himself back to you?
“And second of all, why lady, why did you think that you were not good enough to be with me? Is very amusing, i’m not gonna lie, the fact that you think that i am good enough for anything.” You were about to interrupt him but he was faster, he just spoke louder than you. “You don’t have the right to tell me what to think of a girl, if she is good enough or not. I decide that, and believe it or not when i tell you that i was the one thinking that i wasn’t good enough for you.”
He caught you by surprise! You didn’t expect to be scolded like that. You didn’t have words to describe what you were feeling and, probably, neither did he. You just kept looking at each other not knowing what to do next.
“We’re really stupid, you know…” You said and he giggled. That sound made you smile. You felt lighter with that.
“What now? What are we going to do?” He said putting his hands in his pockets.
You just wanted to do something so this weird vibe was gone. So you hugged him. It took seconds before he hugged you back. It was even better than the first one.
“Sorry that i turned this into a huge confusion…” You said in a barely above a whisper
“Only if you forgive me too.”
You separated a little just so you could see his face. You didn’t say anything, just leaned into a gentle kiss which he fully accepted. His soft lips met yours and you could feel butterflies flying in your stomach. His hands that once were in your waist came up to your neck. His big hands grabbing and pulling you closer to him. Your hands also traveled and they stopped right on his chest. You could feel his heartbeats and they were faster than ever. That only made you smile into the kiss. Like it was contagious, he smiled too and with that you just separated your lips and leaned your foreheads.
“You guys i NEED to go there and hug you both, so pleeeeease tell me i can just go there!” Robin said. anxious. Of course she was listening to everything.
You and Eddie laughed and called her to come out. After talking about this whole misunderstanding between you two, Robin invited him to have a night with you girls, only this time, it wasn’t about bad events but to commemorate!
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pukicho · 2 years
So puki you make music, whats your setup like? Audio interface, software, etc etc. Askin cuz I wanna get into the scene
Well I wanna preface this with a few things!! I have spent 90% of my money on music stuff! I love it and have spent like 13 years acquiring this shit, but here is my studio from like 6 months ago
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A FEW THINGS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THIS! I no longer have the Pro 3 and swapped it for… nothing! I just sold it, also I cleaned up those cables.
To keep it simple, I have an Apollo x8 audio interface, its the best sounding interface I’ve ever owned, all my synths go into the Apollo, I don’t have a mixer but I 100% need one, I have so many little synths not in use as a result of my lack of inputs!! I have an 8 channel midi host hidden behind some shit, and that really fucking helps. For the love of god don’t use USB midi for big synth setups like mine, it sucks. It pays to learn MIDI shit.
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My current synth tower includes the Moog Matriarch, Udo Super 6 and the prophet 6 - under the desk is my OB6! I also own a few doodads like the elektron octatrak mk2, the eowave quadrantid swarm and the 0-coast - I use Adam A77x speakers and some nice headphones!
This is all stupid overkill and not necessary to make good music, I am just a whore, and I have lofty plans and projects! All u need is a focusrite (or a UA volt preferably, sounds better) a good vst like serum or vital (free serum but less presets and worse effects) and some samples u can get from splice or some shit - and maybe a nice MIDI controller - as for daws I suggest FL since its great for learning, or ableton if you plan on going ham with beat making, logic is also a beast for apple users. Most importantly, have fun and don’t be a dick. Also if u think ur music is good 2 years in, it probably isn’t, always something to learn. Byebye
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just-a-ghost00 · 6 days
You got mail 💌
Let’s find out what the person on your mind has to say to you. Pick one of the following emojis and discover your reading.
🌍 🩵 🌄 🤠
Group 1 🌍
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I may not show it to you but I am really happy we met. Everyday with you feels like a new adventure. Though we are worlds apart and so different from each other, I really feel like we match perfectly. You make me feel like I belong. Every moment spent with you is so much fun. It makes me want to jump forward and explore. You are so sweet and generous, so playful that I can’t help but to play along. I feel so lucky being with you. There is so much I want to do with you. I want to hang out with you and get to know you more. Maybe we could have a couple drinks, play in a park, have a little date by the river… if you wish. I feel so boring compared to you. With me, everything is always black and white. But you, my love, are so colorful and bright. I wish we were a family. I wish I could wake up in the morning to find you sitting at the table, eating breakfast with a smile on your face. I wish I could share with you my favorite spots and take you to every place I get to see. I wish I could find a way to express all that you mean to me. I tend to see the glass half empty. But when I’m with you I want to believe everything is possible. You have filled my cup with your love and I am so thankful for that. I can’t find the words to tell you how much I owe to you. You’ve made me a better person and I feel like I could never return the favor.
Group 2 🩵
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I may look like all is well and fine but to tell you the truth I feel hollow. And I could use some fun. I always seem so busy, always the life of the party, making everybody laugh and ensuring they have a good time. But deep inside, it’s getting tough. As the days go by, I feel my energy depleting and my motivation as well. I don’t even know why I do this anymore. I force myself for the sake of keeping appearances but honestly I’m not sure I like it at all. I’m afraid that if you dig deep enough, you wouldn’t like what you find there. I am much more fragile than I seem. Also much more mellow and soft when I get the chance. But lately I’m more of a zombie than anything. I don’t think I could bring you much joy nor comfort. I’m afraid I’ve turned bitter. It’s all about work and making sure the money gets in and less about enjoying what I’m doing. I need to pay the bills. There’s competition around. I can’t afford to lose. Everyone’s counting on me. People look up to me. I sacrificed a lot to get there. I can’t back down now. Who would I be if I did? I can’t disappoint. It’s all a masquerade but it’s for a cause. It might not look great to you but it means a lot to me. So, sorry if I’m acting cold but… it’s all for you baby. Don’t go thinking I found someone better. Believe me I don’t have the time for that.
Group 3 🌄
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Hold on a minute ! I know what you’re gonna think. What the heck is he/she saying? But hey, let me explain you’ll get it ! I may not be the strongest, the wisest or the most impressive of them all but one thing that’s sure about me is that I only have good intentions for you. I am ready to fight for you if that must be done. Thought I’m not good at that. Listen, my point is I really like you. I want to be with you, have fun with you, chat with you. I want us to take our time and get to know each other and hopefully to grow old together but that’s another story. With you I feel like a kid again. Sometimes, I gotta say, the feeling can be irritating. But at the same time it is freeing. I don’t have to chose a side. I don’t have to act a certain way to be accepted by you or understood. And that’s crazy! I’ve never experienced that before. Usually I would try to conform and play nice, show my best side and stick to the plan. But ever since I met you I want to free myself of those restraints. I want to find my home. I want to express my full potential without fearing being rejected or not belonging. I know you’ll never kick me out. Because you are the same aren’t you? The things I’ve seen, what I’ve been through, you’ve been there as well, right? I want to make a promise to you. Whatever comes our way, I swear I won’t run away. Even though it is scary and seems impossible, I will always work hard and do my best to make it. I may not be exactly your type or what you imagined a partner should be, but I am willing to learn. I am willing to tune to your melody and shelter whatever we may build together, not matter how unstable it may seem. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you to feel as safe with me as I feel with you. So if you’ll let me, let me fulfill that promise. You won’t regret it.
Group 4 🤠
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To be honest, at first I didn’t get the best of vibes from you. I was a little intimidated and didn’t want to get to know you. Especially considering what people were saying about you. But I tried to see past your exterior and once I got to know you I found out that you were very chill. Maybe it was because I didn’t know you. Maybe I feared the unknown territory you represented. Maybe I was just afraid of going deep. But curiosity got the best of me. And luckily for both of us I stayed around long enough to make my own opinion. And I have to say that you are quite surprising. I won’t lie, being with you asks a lot of efforts on my part. But every second spent with you is worth it. In your presence, I feel comfortable. Being with you reminds me of my childhood. I think of my mother and my family, of the days we spent together before I moved away and followed the wind where it took me. Every page of our story takes me deeper within. I see sides of myself I never noticed or didn’t want to remember. I remember the innocent days where doing something new weren’t as terrifying and meeting new people sounded like a thrill. Being with you I feel blessed and content. There’s a light heartedness and a warmth in my heart I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I’m alone at home you’re all I think about. When I’m at work also. There isn’t a single moment when you’re not on my mind. When I’m with you I feel hopeful. I think that maybe life isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. That maybe there is more waiting for me. Please, show me more of your different sides. Tell me more about what makes you happy. Let me in and let me see for myself what you are made of. I’m begging you don’t shut me out. I want more of you.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
quinn hughes x fem!reader
part of the Speak Now Fic List
summary: in which y/n attends her ex-boyfriend, Quinn’s wedding and can’t hold her peace
notes: barely any dialogue. like i’m so serious, very little dialogue. also not proofread and i think i hate this but it’s fine because i don’t think i could do any better and i worked way too long on this.
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it was the last thing i expected.
to receive the elegant white cardstock that sits in my hand. flowers of muted colors are printed across the bottom, cursive lettering across the top.
‘You Are Formally Invited to the Wedding of Quinn Hughes & Lindsay Carter’
it’s not that i didn’t think this day would come. quite on the contrary, i feared it would come sooner. i know firsthand how special Quinn is. i knew some lucky girl would lock him down. Quinn is the type of love that you never let go.
but i did.
i made the mistake of letting go of his love.
letting go of him.
and now i’ll be forced to watch as he marries another girl. one who provided comfort and a shoulder for him to cry on when i broke his heart. one who helped him glue the pieces back together after i left.
we had both known the risks. getting together despite the warnings of his brothers. and Jack was right.
“romance is not worth risking a lifelong friendship.”
because in the end, i lost both.
i lost the love of my life and my best friend since kindergarten.
now reduced to awkward tension at conjoined family events, and pity invites to major events like these. more awkward to invite me than it is to face me afterwards, knowing that i knew what was happening and was deliberately left out.
setting the invitation on the counter, i check yes on the guest list website on my phone. confirming that i’ll be in attendance.
despite the envy that weighs heavy in my heart, and the irrational feeling of betrayal that eats at me, i know i’ll feel worse missing this milestone in Quinn’s life.
i’ve had months to prepare for this moment. to guard my heart and get ready to watch the only man i’ve ever loved, get married to another woman.
and in spite of that, all i’ve done is the very thing i spent the last two years keeping myself from doing.
asking about Lindsay.
i never thought they would get this far. under the impression that this was a fling and wouldn’t last long. the only thing i knew for two years was that they were opposites.
Quinn is a responsible, down-to-earth guy, focusing on feelings and equality in relationships. whereas she was more materialistic; never attending Quinn’s games unless she was guaranteed a photo opportunity, using his card to buy luxury items, and according to Jack, constantly reminding Quinn how low he had felt before she came into his life.
and now, after asking around and learning everything i could, i can guarantee that Quinn doesn’t know half the things that i do.
i can guarantee he doesn’t know that she was a bully in high school, that that mean girl attitude never left. i can guarantee he doesn’t know that she brags to all her friends that she bagged a rich fiancé and she’ll never have to work to afford her luxury lifestyle, or that she has no issue in saying he isn’t attractive but his money makes up for it. and i know he doesn’t know she’s been sleeping with her personal trainer when Quinn is out of town.
and i know what i must do today, despite my nerves.
there’s still thirty minutes until the ceremony actually begins, and no matter how much i’ve steeled myself, i’ll never be ready to face the pity filled glances and the sympathetic words of Quinn and i’s families and friends. so, i wander the halls of the stuffy church, thinking about how unlike Quinn this all is.
perhaps he’s changed his mind since we had fantasizingly planned our own wedding. laid in bed, the golden sunrise lighting his face in a greek god-like way, speaking in hushed whispers, discussing our dream wedding. nothing like this one.
my feet pause on their own accord as yelling reaches my ears, and i identify the sound coming from an open door down the hall as Lindsay.
“are you stupid?” her voice drifts out of the room, carried by the empty space. “i told you to get nude heels, not cream!”
i make quick work to pass by the room, catching just a glimpse of the blonde bride, her fluffy white gown swallowing her.
heaving out a relieved sigh, i try to ignore the pounding in my chest, turning left down the hall and towards the main room. maybe it’s best for me to just get the pity and commiseration over with.
my heels click against the hardwood floor of the crowded room, and a hush falls over most of the right side. Quinn’s side.
scanning the room, i’m grateful to find Trevor and Cole. i know Quinn’s family is with him getting ready, but i at least have these two to bring me some comfort amongst the sea of strangers.
“y/n, you came!”
pop! the comfort bubble has broken. i thought i could trust Cole to treat me normally, but the gentle incredulous tone of his voice tells me otherwise. a mix of shock and sympathy.
“yeah, of course i did.” my lips quirk in a forced smile, shoving any resentment and nerves down deep inside me. “i wouldn’t miss Quinny’s big day.”
“y/n/n, you know you don’t have to act strong in front of us, right?” Trevor’s hand rubs my arm, providing the perfect grounding for me.
“yeah, no, i know that.” i nod. “but seriously, guys, i’m fine. i knew this day would come.”
“it’s not too late.” Cole jokes. “the priest does say that whole ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ thing, right?”
i let out a genuine chuckle at the deep and ominous tone he uses to imitate the priest; the first real laugh i’ve had all day. if only he knew.
i join Trevor and Cole in finding seats, sitting in the 4th row. not quite at the front, but also not quite the middle. i perch in the seat closest to the aisle, open for a quick getaway if needed.
the guys engage me in small talk, asking me about my job and frowning when i give the generic answer of ‘it’s okay.’
but i couldn’t tell them the truth, could i? that i hated it. that i regretted ever taking it. that it wasn’t the job that was bad, but rather that i was filled to the brim with resentment that it took me away from the man i love.
i knew i had brought it upon myself. i made myself this miserable. i chose this job over him. i got the internship and thought Quinn and i could withstand the distance while i was in Boston, but i was wrong. we didn’t make it more than two months before i was forced to watch our relationship crumble before me; knowing there was nothing i could do to fix us, i had to let him go.
i knew he would live on. i knew he would be able to put our relationship in the past. but i was only more disconsolate than ever. stuck in a mournful heartbreak. unable to move on and unwilling to try.
i’m shaken from my thoughts by Cole, who points out the mother of the bride walking down the aisle, signifying that the ceremony is getting underway.
i strain my back, twisting around in my seat. my eyes are drawn to the open double doors, where Quinn makes his entrance. his parents on either side of him.
my heart races in my chest, my nerves settling low within my stomach. he looks breath taking. but i can’t help noticing the lack of spark in his eyes. the once lively eyes that used to be so full of emotion, now seem empty.
my gaze tracks his movement, following as he walks down the aisle and to the altar, coming to a stop in front of the priest. his parents take their seats as he scans the room, seemingly searching, and when our eyes meet, he seems to stiffen. his back straightening and his jaw locking.
i can only hope my eyes convey everything i’m thinking.
i’m sorry.
please don’t do this.
his brothers are quick to follow down the aisle, decked out in navy blue suits, joining him at the altar as his groomsmen.
Jack’s lips quirk up in a smirk when he sees me, and he sends me a wink, but i can’t muster anything more than a simple straight lipped expression.
the next 20 minutes go by in a blur, a haze of bridesmaids and eventually Lindsay making her entrance.
“dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore - is not by any - to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly - but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly.”
the priest begins, and i’ve been to enough weddings to know what comes next. steeling my nerves, i take a deep breath in, letting it escape back past my lips with a silent whoosh.
“should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
a silence falls over the room, the priest looking out over the seated crowd.
my hands tremble by my sides, anxiety growing deep within me, but i know this is my last chance.
i rise to my feet, slowly and shakily. i can hear whispers start from the left side of the room, and i glance around to find everyone staring at me with horrified looks. everyone but Quinn’s immediate family and friends.
Jack and Luke share a glance before letting out relieved sighs; but i’m only focused on Quinn, who stares back at me with wide eyes and parted lips.
“go on.” the priest urges me, an annoyed expression painting his face.
Lindsay’s face turns red, hands balled into fists at her sides.
“don’t say ‘yes’.” i plead of Quinn.
“y/n-” he sighs, and my heart skips a beat in my chest, the well-known effect he has on me.
“you need to hear me out.” i beg. “Quinn, i’m sorry. i’m sorry i let us go, i’m sorry i didn’t fight harder for us, and i’m sorry i ever even took that stupid internship. but even if i’m too late to win you back, you deserve better than this.
“she’s been using you for your name and your money.” i continue, but Quinn squeezes his eyes shut in disbelief. whether he’s in disbelief of Lindsay or me, i can’t be sure. “and she’s been cheating on you.”
gasps sound out across the room and his eyes snap open wide again. his gaze flickers between me and his bride, who has now turned a pale white; all color draining from her face at my accusation.
“she’s lying! she just wants you to herself! she had her chance and she lost it and now she doesn’t want you happy.” Lindsay cries out.
“i have it on good authority that she’s been sleeping with her trainer when you’re out of town. you know i wouldn’t say anything if i weren’t completely sure. if i didn’t have proof.” i tell him “and you don’t deserve that. you deserve someone who will be absolutely head over heels, purely, and loyally in love with you. and i’m not saying that i’m that person for you. this isn’t me begging for a second chance, even if i am still out of my mind in love with you. i just can’t stand idly by and watch you make a mistake. i can’t let you marry her without knowing the truth.”
i take a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. silence plagues the room, astonishment written all over the faces over every guest in attendance.
“okay, that’s all i wanted to say.” i purse my lips and nod, stepping out into the aisle. my heels click against the floor as i make my exit, not staying to see the outcome of my outburst.
i sit on my couch, staring at my hands fidgeting in my lap; my phone shut down entirely and sitting face down on the coffee table in front of me, not ready to face the consequences of my earlier actions.
a movie plays on my tv, but i pay no attention, only having put it on in attempt to escape my thoughts and avoid the quiet.
it’s been approximately twelve hours since i objected to my ex’s wedding. now midnight, and my anxiety has not lessened. i have no clue whether Quinn carried on with his marriage or if he took my words to hold the truth. too afraid to find out.
i’m broken out of my trance by a heavy knock sounding out on the door of my apartment, and i stand frantically. i expect that it’s Jack or one of the many other friends in attendance of the wedding this afternoon, but my heart rate picks up when i look through the peephole to find the very man i confessed my love to today.
my hand shakes as i unlock the door, opening it to reveal Quinn. he’s no longer in his tux, rather adorning sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he still looks handsome to me.
“i didn’t say my vows.” he rushes out.
“what?” i question, fearing i heard him wrong.
“i didn’t say my vows.” he repeats, pushing past me and into my entry hall. “she tried to deny what you told me, but i trust you. i held my ground, and she confessed everything. you were right.”
“Quinn, please.” i plead. “i’m happy that you’re not upset with me but i can’t-”
“i’m so glad you were there.” he cuts me off, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me flush against him. “were you telling the truth?”
“Quinn, you just said she confessed-” i push against his chest, tears gathering in my eyes.
“about being sorry. about still being in love with me. were you telling the truth?” he clarifies, his free hand coming up to hold both of mine in his clutch, and my arms go slack.
“yes.” the tension in the air is palpable, and i’m unsure whether it’s worrisome or comforting.
“say it again.” he breathes out, a subtle smile resting on his lips.
“i love you.” a lone tear spills over my waterline, rolling down my cheek. “i am absolutely and irrevocably in love with you.”
his lips crash upon mine in a bruising kiss, finally letting go of my hands in favor of resting his right one against my cheek. i stiffen against him, seizing up in his hold, and he pulls back. his eyes scan my face, his face etched in worry.
“did i do something wrong?” a hoarse whisper, our faces still millimeters apart.
my hands raise to cup the back of his neck, pulling his lips back down to mine. my eyes flutter shut,this time it’s slow and passionate; holding my heart on my sleeve as i pour my soul out to him in the form of a kiss.
he pulls away, pressing his forehead against mine, but my eyes remain shut. we’re both silent, nothing but the sound of our mingling breaths and the tv lowly drifting in from the other room.
“i love you too.”
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silenttrxxs · 6 days
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mafia/assassin choi san! x reader
mentions of violence, swearing, blood, possible smut
another day, another dollar they say, but some thing was different about today, the air was thicker in a weird sense, something was not feeling right to you and you usually had a good sense for figuring something out before it happened it’s what got you into this mess in the first place.
you woke up as per usual slipping on your house shoes before truding your half asleep body to the shared kitchen flicking the kettle on before standing there and rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you team mates ushered around speaking nonsense about the days plans before you could even utter a word your view was blocked by him.
You tutted and rolled your eyes and turnt to stir your tea and moved around him, going and sitting down on the kitchen island next to Wooyoung, the teams accountant, well that’s what he liked to call himself if anyone wondered, he usually spent his nights counting up the money from the days work and ensured each member had the right shares and all profits were accounted for.
The other team members being Yeosang, the teams hackers, or like he liked to call himself, a messenger of sorts… well he was more allusive than that he would give himself the name of Blue Bird. Hongjoong, the sniper, or what he wanted to call himself was the best shot out there… he wasnt exactly wrong. He never missed a shot ever. Then there’s yunho, the resident navigator, he’s always in charge of ensuring everyone is in the right position and that the plan is to go without a single hitch, next was yunhos best friend and right hand, they both worked together, Mingi being the slightly stronger of the pair made sure that yunhos back was always covered, if something was to happen it was Mingi who would protect the team, but he did have a slight favour for yunho and it showed. Jongho, he was the pure muscle aside from the leader he made sure that all logistics was managed and that everything was accounted for although he was the youngest looking at the group it’s self you would be mistaken that he was the oldest. The oldest being Seonghwa, the resident doctor, ensuring everyone’s health was in the best shape along with ensuring that the comfort of everyone was guaranteed, some would say he was like the mother to everyone, he certainly gave that vibe off.
Lastly was the shadow covering your small frame as you stirred your tea. The leader of the group. Choi San, the most feared name of the city, the sheer mention would make the worst people quiver in their boots and run in the opposite direction.
The name struck fear into many but not you. You had been roped into this group after being caught in the wrong area at the wrong time and San had managed to sweep you off your feet and took you back to the bunker. And now you’re here 6 years later, sparing your life for the sake of money and goods, the goods were made and collected to spread a bigger message and everyone in the group believed that the system that was there was screwing people over more so than helping them so it was about time that people fended for themselves and took what was rightfully theirs.
You took the time bringing the cup to your lips as you raised your glance to meet his eyes, the same eyes that had been screaming hellfire at you for the night allowing you what 1 hour of sleep, this being noticed by Seonghwa that just tutted and shook his head as he passed by.
“What do you want san?”
“Nothing you usually make us both a tea but looks like you are feeling a little selfish today?”
A loud scoff leaves your mouth as you roll your eyes taking another sip.
“You know where it is san, I’ve barely slept because of you and today is a big day”
San sighs and looks at you, his anger and frustration subsides as you look at him, sheer exhaustion dripping entire body. He walks over to the kettle flicking it on and making his tea as he sighs running his hand through his hair before grabbing the cup and sitting next to you on the stool, taking a sip of the tea.
“Today is gonna be hard, you know I don’t want you out there y/n”
“You don’t have a say in the matter, im part of this team am I not?”
“Yes I just don’t want you hurt y/n”
“It’s part of the job San, you are always coming back late, I’m always finding you cooped up with Seonghwa getting treatments for your wounds it’s worrying”
You let your gaze fall to his chest as speak, remembering the mission that caused the relationship between you both to fall apart at the seams.
You had been given coordinates from yunho, positioning yourself at the bridge, gun cocked and ready for the opposition but a slight detail was missed, they had one more member than you, the opposing teams member emergered from the shadows without you being able to process a single second to breathe your body was falling, into the abyss of water below, the last sound you managed to process was the snap of the necklace that you had spent your entire life protecting, given to you by your late father. The water cascading over your body as it swallowed your body, the only thing you remember was waking up in the bunker, the bright light of Seonghwas torch shining in your eye as he completed his checks making sure you was as good as you could be given the circumstances. The night took a turn, screams and curses being thrown at each other, not a single one of you being entirely sure why you was so mad at each other but something was bothering you both. You had always had feelings for him, but never wanting to be the one to spark a single thing you held back watching from the wings as he lead the team, being at his beck and call at any moment, you caught the sly glances he would share to you but waved them off, trying to ensure your delusions were not fed.
Now you’re here, mad for the lack of sleep and the fact that your necklace was lost, and mad you couldn’t look at the man in front of you without your heart beating ten times more faster than normal. You looked at San again the hurt flooding your body as as you allow the memory of when he had been shot invade your mind again waving it off as much as you could you took a sip of your tea again and sighed.
“Look I’m sorry, I am just as worried about you as you are for me, I think there is something I need to tell you”
“Hmm I’m listening”
“I-I have feelings san, for you… that’s stupid and insane for me to say, I can’t be falling for you that’s going to cause chaos for not only you, being the leader and all… but you know my history…”
“Yeah I pulled you away from the enemies side for a reason y/n, you think it’s just you feeling this way, it’s not, I’ve been watching you for years without you even knowing… but for you to feel this… the same feelings that I feel is … not what I expected but it’s certainly not something I’m willing to allow to fall through the cracks of my fingers”
San stands moving your stool for you to face him, you gasped as his hand was holding your chin urging your face to look up at him.
“Y/n I am in love with you”
San smiled as he leant into you attaching his lips to yours as he pulled your body closer to his, the kiss becoming heated as your feelings mixed together like a deadly potion that could kill everyone around, the air becoming thinner as the unsteadiness of your thoughts spilled from your body into his.
San felt every emotion that was possible, the sheer joy radiating from his body as he melted into the kiss. His hands finding purchase on your hips as he lifted you from the seat, taking your body to the couch, laying your body down gently as his lips found your neck, peppering the skin with burning kisses, marks being scattered along your skin as he looked around. His breath catching as he tried to compose himself.
“God you drive me crazy” he breathed out before pulling his phone out and ushering the entire team to stay in their own dorms as he dealt with his situation.
“Please San” you breathed out as you moved against him.
Will make a part 2 as … my brain isn’t braining … hope you enjoy…
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thirstyforlulu · 4 months
Could you write some headcanons or an small scenario with Integra and her Shy vampire maiden that after some months of hard working and saving money to ask Integra out on a date, she finally asks her out really nervous and put a lot of effort to look nice for her and making her have a nice dinner?
The biggest thing holding you back from asking Integra out was your fear that you weren’t good enough for her
She’s the head of the Hellsing estate for Christ’s sake!
Surely she only only enjoys the finest things life has to offer
Working for her was wonderful
Every day you could catch a glimpse of her, and if you were lucky, strike up a conversation
After chatting with her for a while, you finally worked up the courage to save up and ask her out
You wanted to treat her to a night worthy of her status, so you saved up for months, taking any overtime you could get
To actually ask her out, you even bought a box of expensive candies
You were over the moon when she said yes
You went out that evening and found the nicest dress you could find, one with a brand name you couldn’t even pronounce
The reservation had been set for weeks, so all you had to do after that was pick her up on the day of
Thankfully, she suggested you take her car
Because of her title, she has to be extra careful when leaving, and renting a vehicle with those kinds of protections would have been a nightmare
The evening of your date, you got all dressed up and headed to the front of the manor where you agreed to meet
Integra was already waiting, smoking one of her fancy cigars while she stood beside the car
She was dressed in a lovely suit, frillier than her usual and pressed to perfection
The sight of her made you weak in the knees
She complimented your outfit then helped you into the car
You two spent the entire ride to the restaurant in silence, you were too intimidated to speak
All you could do was admire her
When you got to the restaurant, a waiter led you right to your table and the two of you sat down
Outside, Integra’s team of bodyguards got into position just in case
“So, have you ever been to this restaurant before?” Integra asked as she picked up the menu
“No… actually,” You admitted, hiding behind your own menu
“Then what made you pick it?” She asked
The prices on the menu were already making your head spin, so you weren’t sure how to answer
“I wanted to take you somewhere nice.”
You focused on reading the menu, but then, she reached out and lowered yours so she could see you
She had a gentle smile on her face
“Y/N, don’t tell me, were you trying to impress me?” She asked
You blushed madly
“N-Not exactly! I-I just wanted to treat you to something that was up to your standards.”
Integra’s smile deepened
“Y/N, I came on this date because you were the one who invited me, and I would have said yes even if you invited me to cheap pub with questionable clientele, but I do appreciate the effort you put into this.”
Your brain was malfunctioning the entire time you listened
Was she really saying she has and has had feelings for you?!
“I couldn’t take a refined lady like you to a pub!” You insisted
“Naive little girl, I’m not some sheltered princess, even I enjoy a good greasy take out once in a while,” She laughed
Her laugh put you at ease
The rest of the evening, you two were finally able to talk without your fear of not being good enough getting in the way
When the meal was over, she even put her arm around you to walk you out
“Next time, I’ve got an adorable place in mind that I think you would enjoy. It has to best kebabs in the world,” She said as you got into the car
You nearly cried with joy knowing she was already planning your next day
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Widow!Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Ever since Alicent Hightower’s husband died her life had changed exponentially. It’s a hard thing, knowing what to do with freedom you’ve never had. In her attempt to expand her horizons she reaches many bumps in the road she didn’t realize existed, until she met you. Tags: mentions of death, sexuality crisis, struggling to accept change, heavy anxiety, eventual smut and a lot of self-healing. Author’s Note: @ilikeitbetterangsty THIS IS FOR YOU BABES💕 I really hope I did your request justice . Thank you so much for being an amazing mutual and beautiful person. Ps I’ve never been on a date, let alone a first date so I’m sorry if that scene was a little awkward. ALSO dividers are made by @saradika !!!!
His death was expected, anticipated even, yet the day she woke up next to a cold corpse seared itself inside her brain forever. She should be mourning. She should have been more upset, shed more tears for her husband of nearly twenty years. Instead, all Alicent could feel was an odd relief, a weight being lifted from her shoulders. She was finally free.
However, what does someone do with freedom when they’ve never had it? She could do anything in the world, she had more than enough money for it. But what do free people do? Alicent had to read up on what widows were into. They travel, indulge in hobbies, and go out for brunch and gossip. The main factor in all of these is they’re never alone. 
Twenty years of marriage and four children and Alicent couldn’t remember a time where she wasn’t alone. She had no friends, too busy caring for a sick old man, children, and running a company. Alicent didn’t want to be alone, she didn’t want to die knowing she had never truly loved. There was nothing holding her back, no father pushing religious guilt, no husband taking her time, and no children to judge.
At first, she made no moves for change. She continued staying at home and running her life as she always did. Although now she spent more time fussing over her only child at home rather than Viserys. Unfortunately, Aegon, her eldest and most troubled child finally declared he was moving out. He also said she needed to get a life in the exact same sentence. 
It was time to take a real look in the mirror at the woman Alicent Hightower had become. It was not the best feeling in the world. In the past she was happy, determined, and beautiful in some eyes. Now she was tired, a bit of a pushover and unbearably lonely. All she had done her whole life was serve other people, her father, her husband, her children and never herself. Alicent needed to change that before she died old and miserable. 
There was another thing she needed to come to terms with. She never loved Viserys, she never loved any man for that matter. Marriage wasn’t something she enjoyed but endured. Alicent wanted to love someone, which was something she never truly had. Except for once when she was young until she married her friend’s father. Maybe she didn’t hate sex just who it was with. Maybe she was capable of love just not for men. Maybe it was time she started attempting to live her truth.
That was the final push she needed to do something. So, Alicent took a leap of faith after reading a pop news article and downloading HER. It’s an app for lgbt dating, specifically lesbians… It still sounded like a dirty word even if she only said it in her head. There was still a twinge of guilt when she made her first match. It’ll pass, the article on women struggling being their true selves said so. 
Twenty years of marriage and Alicent didn’t even know how to flirt, let alone with a woman. The first woman she matched with was only slightly younger yet had no children. She called Alicent a milf, which is a compliment nowadays. It didn’t go much farther, the lack of knowledge on slang really did not bode well with people. 
Anyone younger than her wouldn’t do, so she changed the settings. The second match was one that made her excited. From the outside they seemed to share the same values and she was a mother too. They went on a singular date that might not have been the greatest. Alicent was a little awkward, still too insecure about herself to initiate anything, and avoided the goodnight kiss that was offered. It didn’t seem to bother the woman, which made her believe this could be the one. They could grow together, maybe even build a new life together. Alicent genuinely thought she found the perfect one. Until they ghosted her. 
The app was deleted that same night. Maybe dating wasn’t in the cards for her. It stung, surprisingly worse than when Viserys died. For a few days she sat in her house and sulked. She strictly ordered takeaway, and binge watched the housewives of Orange County. Braunwyn was without a doubt closeted, it was like looking in a mirror, a very fucked up mirror. 
Alicent did a quick deep dive only to find out her suspicions were correct. Right now, Braunwyn was happily outed and living with her girlfriend… It was a mix of jealousy and hope. Someone just like her was living her dream life, which was unfair, but maybe it meant she could manage to live her dream too. 
She finally decided to get off her ass and do something. She was a free woman, she could do whatever she wanted, she told herself as she did a rather intense spa routine. All of her expensive skincare products and fancy tools were being put to use today.  Alicent actually changed out of her pajamas and into a nice dress she hadn’t worn in ages. It was a black bodycon dress, the only one she owned. Very out of character for her but she was a free woman, she could wear whatever she wanted.
She was going to take herself on a date, to a fancy restaurant. Alicent arrived at the venue feeling nervous but excited at the same time. It was the first time she had gone here alone; the servers were quite surprised to say the least. As she was led to her table, she noticed the looks she was getting from some of the other diners. Maybe it was the dress, or maybe it was the fact she was alone for once.
It didn’t matter, she told herself. “Hey, is this seat taken?” Her head whipped to the side, “N-oh! No.” You let out a small laugh, “I'm only joking, I have my parents waiting for me. How’ve you been Ali?” The last person she expected to meet was Aegon’s old tutor. You hadn’t seen each other in several years maybe. It wasn’t a bad surprise, actually it was amazing to see you again. “I’ve been great, better than ever! How are you?” 
“Oh, I’ve been thriving! After quitting I went on a self-healing journey and haven’t gone back.” Your smile reached from ear to ear, you were absolutely glowing in every sense of the word. Alicent was captivated, maybe a little nervous trying to find the right words to say. She hasn’t felt this way since she was what? Fourteen and heavily in the closet. So, she did something way out of her comfort zone, a first step of sorts. 
“If you’re free, I’d love for you to come over for dinner sometime and hear more about how you’ve been.” You seemed shocked, cocking an eyebrow at her question. “Is the Alicent Hightower asking me on a date?” She froze, it didn’t even cross her mind what she was actually asking. 
So, she blurted out the first thing on her mind. "I...um…if you want it to be." You flashed a smile that was different from the one from earlier. You picked up a napkin, scribbling something on it. “Let me know the time and I’ll be there.”  She let out a sigh of relief when you walked away, feeling as if she was going to burst any moment now. Her head was spinning, her heart was racing. She actually asked someone out, on a date no less.
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She was nervous, it had been so long since anyone besides her immediate family came into her home. At least it was clean now that Aegon wasn’t here to make messes everywhere he went. In her opinion the modern green color scheme looks great but maybe you hated green. Or maybe she was overthinking this. 
Alicent hadn’t ever really cooked besides a select few times the personal chef got sick. In her mind it would be more meaningful for her to cook something for the both of you. However, making homemade penne vodka was a lot harder than she thought. 
She wanted it to be perfect, she wanted to impress you in every way. The dining table was set with a vase of roses, her best silverware, and very expensive wine she was saving for a special occasion. She even bought a new dress for this evening, a form-fitting silk one with flowing sleeves.
It was a few hours into her cooking when you rang the doorbell. Alicent took a deep breath, telling herself to remain calm and not make a fool of herself. It didn't stop her from tripping over the edge of the rug on the way to the front door. She jumped up, dusting off herself.
You were there, just as beautiful as you were earlier. "Hey!" Your smile was contagious, making her grin in return. You looked absolutely gorgeous, dressed in a white button-down shirt and black jeans. You pulled her into a hug, you smelled like strawberries, and a scent she could only describe as happiness.
"It’s so good to see you!" She ushered you in, letting you take a seat while she went back to finish cooking. You looked around, taking everything in. “It's still as big as I remember, though you definitely changed the decor.” She snickered, "Well it was in desperate need of a facelift, I just couldn't stand the red and black anymore."
Ali returned with a big bowl, carefully plating both of yours. "I didn’t know you knew how to cook! I thought you had personal chefs for this kind of stuff.” She grinned proudly, "Well, I wanted to do something special for you tonight." 
"Aren’t you romantic," You smiled at her. You took a bite, letting out a pleasured sigh. "So good!" Her smile was practically radiant at your praise. You made small talk during dinner, talking about anything and everything. Catching up on what’s happened in the few years you hadn’t seen each other. 
She told you about how Aegon is doing, how he has a girlfriend now. You told her about how he was the reason you inevitably quit teaching and decided to travel. You talked about your life, how you took the time to really get to know yourself, and how that was the best decision of your life. She vaguely talked about hers, only giving you bits and pieces. 
What you did learn was that she was fucking hilarious, and so much more welcoming than other rich housewives you’ve met. You didn’t ask about the dead husband; it was pretty clear by the lack of a ring and her finally smiling. 
Alicent listened to every word intently, her big brown eyes staring into yours. She used to always have a sad look inside them but now she was practically beaming. It might have been the wine flushing her cheeks, but you chose to believe it was because of you.
At some point you ended up on the couch watching housewives, at least pretending to. You were both still talking over the noise, slowly leaning into each other each time you laughed. 
You leaned forward, brushing a stray hair from Alicent’s face. Your lips brushed together, “you’re beautiful, you know.” Alicent let out a laugh, "You're too much." Her eyes closed, taking the lead and kissing you first.
 When your lips met her, it felt as if fireworks had gone off. Your lips were soft like peaches but tasted sweet like cherries. Your hands touched her face gently, leaving trails of electricity where your fingers were touching. 
Her own hands gently tracing down your neck, shoulder, and side to rest on your hips. Alicent’s body sunk down on the mattress, letting you move on top of her to do as you pleased. When she broke the kiss to take a deep breath, you kissed down to her neck and jawline, sending vibrations throughout her. She made a sickly-sweet sound that made your ears tingle. 
Her hands moved slowly, almost cautiously as she moved your shirt up to feel your bare skin. She delicately traced lines up and down the curves of your waist. Your sweet kisses trailed down her neck, chest, and slowly you lifted up the dress she was wearing. Moving to suckle at the skin around her core, worshiping her thighs. 
Alicent let out a soft moan, curling her fingers into your hair. Her soft noises only encouraged you. Your fingers traced her folds, moving their way around the fabric. You looked up, watching her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. A simple nod was the encouragement you needed to continue.
Your lips kissed over the fabric, hearing her breathe become labored. Her fingers tugged lightly at your hair. You pulled down her underwear, moving it down to the end of her legs. It was your turn to blush, seeing how wet she was already.
Her hips twitched when you dragged a finger through her slit, your finger coming back glistening. You eased it inside of her, quickly finding the sweet spongy spot. Her back arched as you moved your finger, soon another one joining. Your tongue sucked at her clit, moving in circles.
Alicent bucked her hips into your hand, her moans filling the air. Her eyes were shut as you made her legs shake. Your tongue moved faster, hearing her sweet cries. She pulled your hair, pressing your mouth harder against her. Her walls tighten around your fingers, letting you know she was close.
Alicent shuddered, gripping your hair harder as she came. Her back arched off the couch, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Her body finally relaxed, laying on the couch. Her eyes closed, a blissful smile on her lips.
You crawled up, leaning over her. You brushed her hair behind her ear, gazing into her brown eyes. They were still sparkling, like two polished stones. Alicent slowly moved her hands down your back, lifting your shirt over your head. She sat up, kissing you softly. 
Her hand slowly moved down, grasping your thighs and opening them. Her kisses trailed down your neck, breasts, and stomach. You let out a small noise as she rubbed you through your pants. Her kisses got hungrier as she undid your belt and pulled down everything that covered you.
You let out a squeal of surprise, feeling her pull you on top. Your cheeks flushed red, as she angled your cunt above her mouth. Alicent was precise, her mouth sucking at you gently. Her hands pressed against your hips, keeping you in place.
Your fingers threaded into her hair, holding her face to your cunt. She flicked her tongue against you, moving it in circles. Her hands moved up to squeeze your ass. You grinded against her face, your juices coating her chin and the couch. Alicent hummed against you, the vibrations sending shockwaves through you.
Her fingers pressed into you, curling up to prod at your sweet spot. She let out a purring noise, making you move your hips faster. Your breath hitched as she moved her fingers faster, sucking at you with a new intensity. Her tongue moved quickly, lapping up all the juices coming from you.
Your thighs quivered as you came, your voice shaking as you did. Alicent kept going, eating you out until she was satisfied. Your legs gave out, dropping you in a pile on top of her. You laid there, letting her wrap her arms around you as you caught your breath. 
"Did I do good?" You laughed, leaning forward to kiss her. "You were amazing,” you peppered kisses on her face, eliciting the cutest giggles you’ve ever heard. You rested your head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Her fingers played with your hair as you both laid there, tangled in each other's arms.
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Last night had been one of the most out of character nights of Alicent’s life. She never invited someone over, let alone hooked up with someone. It was new, it was exciting, it was also borderline terrifying. Now that she was alone again her thoughts could once again consume her. 
You texted her back, at the very least you weren’t ghosting her. That eased the part of her that was afraid the sex was so bad you would never speak to her again. But now there were other things that bothered her. Your question, to be more specific. “Would you want to be my girlfriend?” 
It was too soon to do anything drastic, like a real relationship. Did she want that? The idea of being in a relationship with you was something that sounded nice in her head, But would it be good in reality. Not only was she freshly widowed as well as struggling to come to terms with her sexuality. By now, she should be over caring about what other people thought… She wasn’t over it in the slightest. 
There was still this guilt and overwhelming anxiety that was holding her back, the same things that held her back her entire life.  Alicent laid in her bed, trying to figure out how to answer your text... “I’m not sure if I’m ready, yet.” She wanted to say more, but her thoughts were quickly turning into a jumbled mess. 
“I used to tutor Aegon in mathematics… I’m very patient;)” Alicent rolled her eyes at the winky face, feeling the corners of her mouth twitch into a smile. “But…  I bought two tickets to the Bahamas last week… and my mom canceled so there’s an opening.” Her fingers hovered over the screen, she had never been to the Bahamas before. 
To be fair, she had never been anywhere but home. Alicent wasn’t one to drop everything and go on vacation… 
You made her want to.
Her thumb hovered over the send button for a moment.
Why was this so difficult?
She was free now; she could leave anytime she wanted.
So why did she keep waiting?
She could just let her phone fall out of her hand and pretend she didn’t see the text.
It took everything in her power to hit send, “I’d love too:)” 
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You had been talking to each other every day for weeks. You’ve gone on several more ‘dates,’ which all ended in someone’s bedroom. She hadn’t ever felt this happy, but right now she was freaking the f out. She might have under-packed or maybe over packed her suitcase. What if the swimsuit didn’t fit like it did in the store? Should she have brought snacks? What if she forgot to lock the house? 
The airport was crowded to the point it made everything feel excruciatingly hot. Maybe it was her anxiety that was making her hot. Alicent glanced around at everyone, a million scenarios running through her head. There was no reason for her to be this nervous. Except there were a thousand reasons, she’s never left the country, the plane could crash, and maybe you wouldn’t show up. 
The last one wasn’t realistic. You promised to be waiting at the terminal. You always kept your promises, so she had no reason to worry. But what if you changed your mind? What if the flight was canceled? Or you got sick and didn't feel up to flying.
Was her mind just coming up with different scenarios so she wouldn’t get on the plane? Maybe she should turn around and go home. No, she was free now, she was finally over all the bad that happened. So, there was no reason to not get on the plane.
She had been so caught up in her own thoughts she didn't realize they called her boarding group. She slowly made her way to the gate, getting in the very back of the line. Alicent glanced around the terminal, no sign of you anywhere. She started picking at her fingers, a bad habit. When she was younger, she used to dig at them until they bled. 
The line moved at an excruciatingly slow pace. Every second felt like an hour and every step felt like a mile. However, she had made it to her seat on the plane in one piece.  She was able to get a window seat, something she was thankful for. At least if something bad happened Alicent could watch the plane crash into the waves.
You still hadn’t shown up and her heart rate showed no signs of going down. She could turn back right now, walk off this plane like nothing happened. She could go back to her old life, tucked away safely in her home. She could stop taking risks, what was she even trying to prove? There were thousands of excuses to turn back, and she was using them all. 
By letting this plane take off it meant a new beginning, a real one. The real first step, proof she was living differently and for herself. That scared her, did she even deserve to live for herself? What was her worth if she wasn’t serving someone else? Her fingers dug deeper into the bed of her nails; this was a stupid fucking idea. 
Alicent heard the flight attendant preparing to close the doors, She glanced down at her leg, preparing to jump out of this seat and run out the door. 
Back home.
Back to safety.
Back to what she was used to. 
“Hey! Sorry I took so long I was sat in the wrong seat,” your voice was soft and sweet like honey. Alicent turned around, staring into your eyes. You were gorgeous, to the point it made her temporarily forget what was going on in her head. "You made it," she spoke breathlessly, realizing she had been holding her breath the entire time. 
“I wouldn’t miss going on a trip with you for the world.” You smiled at her, intertwining your fingers with her own. A sense of calm washed over her, like the waves hitting the sand in the early morning. She finally let herself settle back into the seat, letting her eyes flutter close.
This was okay.
She could do this.
This is freedom. 
Alicent Hightower was finally living, 
For herself.
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