#some more spider kid with his annoying older brothers
haveihitanerve · 2 months
Sam: *sick* oh look at me, I’m a super soldier with perfect health and a fast metabolism and super strength so I don’t have to work out or try at all! Peter:… I just asked if you wanted soup Bucky: relax Samuel  Sam: oh fuck both of you so much
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons why I, Husk, will not get involved with the spider demon known as Angel: (now complimentary to Angel's list on why he wanna be fucked by BE WITH Husk)
Literally why would I? He’s so damn fake. And his movies suck. And he talks so damn much.
He’s too damn tall. What am I supposed to do? FLY to kiss him?Note: His annoying older brother is significantly shorter. But TOO short. Also not my type. Not that Angel IS my type.
Alastor wouldn’t like it (but who the fuck cares what some radio bastard thinks)
He’s decorated in hearts. IM decorated in hearts. That’s too many damn hearts.
Too many damn arms. Would probably be a good cuddler and I’d never get out of bed. Leading to both of us being killed by the radio demon.
He’s trying to get into heaven. I’d just mess it up.
Literally has any better option and deserves better.
He’s probably get into my stash and drink me dry.
If we’re both power bottoms at rock bottom how would that work?? (AN: this is just a joke from the song 😂 Husk may not be one)
We’re both under soul contracts. Our lives are messy enough as is.
The princess might explode from happiness.
Niffty’s gone on killing sprees against spiders in the past. Don’t want to get him tangled into that.
Don’t want him to get tangled into ANY of this
I purr around him. I am NOT a cat.
I’m stupidly soft around him. I’m NOT soft.
I’m an addict. He’s trying to recover.
He has a cute pig that eats all my damn cherries.
I don’t want to ruin whatever the fuck we DO have. He’s not his trauma, but there is trauma and I don’t want him thinking I’m using him for sex like everyone else seems to.
I lost the ability to love years ago.
Shitty ass poker face.
Drinks the fruitiest damn cocktails that are honestly an affront to bartending.
Looks TOO good in drag (looks too good in anything.)
Too good a parent to Niffty. Kid will get even more spoiled.
Would I really date someone named ANGEL DUST?
His mafioso brother would probably kill me if shit happened
Sounds too good when speaking Italian
Gives people a way to hurt us.
It's better if I'm a man with nothing to lose. (It might be too late for that now though.)
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starandcloud · 11 months
Little Tsawksyul
Neteyam Sully X Human!female!reader
ATOW Masterlist
There was a different between affectionate nicknames ones that are purely for torment. You're dancing a fine line between them with Neteyam.
It started as something to get his attention quickly.
Something sweet and attention grabbing.
It was something simple and he would respond to but now...
Neteyam wanted to kill himself and you. Gently smacking his head against a tree he cursed under his breath. The sun gently warmed the earth in the early morning, he just wanted to go with Kiri to see her mom before everyone woke up. He wasn't expecting you to be awake.
"Your little human is calling you~"
Kiri teased as she walked past her brother, her tail gently swaying as she walked. Neteyam's eyes cut over to her, if looks could kill Kiri would've been a pile of ash on the floor.
"Tsawksyul- Y/N is not my human Kiri."
Neteyam corrected, walking behind his older sister. Granted she was only older by a year but still, she insisted she was better than him because of it.
"Neteyam. You call her 'Tsawksyul', water lily. You adore her and you know it."
Clicking his tongue, Neteyam gently shoved her before rolling his eyes and stepping into the lab. The methodic hissing and whirling of the air lock brought a sense of comfort to Neteyam. As soon as the air lock twirled open your arms wrapped around him, your bright smile was the first thing that caught his attention. Your smile was always the first thing he saw when it came to you, how could he not? It was so happy and loving that there just wasn't anyway he couldn't. Gingerly, his arms wrapped around you; slowly lifting you off the ground to hug you back. You were so... breakable compared to him. Your human bones made you like paper, so... fragile.
"Guess what!?"
Your voice was laced with excitement, coaxing a smile from Neteyam as he held you up and stepped inside the lab.
"What Tsawksyul?"
His Na'vi went over your head as you looked smugly up at him.
"I"m an inch taller, five foot six now. I'm gonna be taller than you soon."
Shaking his head with a grin, he gently pushed your head making you laugh and then lean back to dangle off his arm. As you leaned back, his heart raced. He panicked he wanted to grab you back up and press you tight against him to keep you safe he wanted to keep you away from any type of danger and in his arms... Maybe he did adore you, but so what? It was a stupid crush that would fade quickly. Or that's what he's told himself, you were one of Spider's best friends. You grew up with the Sully's... you were raised alongside them. You weren't anymore liked by Neytiri than Spider was but... it was something about you that always brought forth that protective side of Neteyam. Even when the two you were kids he had this... sense to protect you from others. You were his lifeline most days. If he had a bad day, he was at the lab. If he had a rough hunting trip, he was at the lab. If he had gotten yelled at by his dad, he was at the lab. Even if it was something positive; he was at the lab, telling you about it. You were his reason to breathe and wake up every morning, you were why he decided to be out on the battlefield more often than to be home. To keep the sky people from hurting you, even though you are one... He knew it was an odd mindset to have, to protect a sky person from the other sky people but... you were to precious to him to lose... Setting you on your feet, he nodded attentively as you talked about some flowers you had found. He wasn't actually listening though, he was focused on your voice. Not your words. Stumbling to find a seat, Neteyam sat down. Watching you drift about the science tables talking about your favorite plants again, you always ended up talking about Pandora's plants. One way or another they found their way into a conversation, anyone but Neteyam would be annoyed. He found your interest in his home's plants... adorable. How you were so interested in the plants and life around you, it made him stupidly in love with you. Watching you flutter around the plants watering them, he had tunnel vision. Seeing you and only you, you were... so beautiful and graceful... every step you took had purpose and was gentle as not to hurt anything... you were so kind and gentle with Tuk and Lo'ak, despite both being taller than you. How patient you were with him mom and her short anger... How happily you volunteered yourself to help her with hunting and gathering or anything else just... to be out in the forest without the fear of being hurt. You were so... sweet with every living creature you came in contact with, no matter their intentions towards you. You were kind.
"..am?" "Ne...am?" "H..lo?" "SMURF!?"
Snapping back to reality he jumped back and fell off the stool, you were casually standing on a step stool in front of him. Watching him fall and hit the floor laughter bubbled up and out of your chest as you doubled over in laughter. The stool rolled out of the way as you lost your balance and fell on top of Neteyam, your laughter never ceasing as you came in contact with his hands. His arms had instinctively gone out to catch you, they gently cradled you as they pulled you into him. Cushioning your fall. His arms protectively wrapped around you as he felt your body shake as you laughed and his heart melted. Hearing your laughter and feeling how hard your body shook as you laughed... it was almost perfect.
Hours passed in what felt like seconds as you adjusted your face mask and walked along side Neteyam well... you jogged to keep up as he calmly walked. You're short and stubby human legs weren't doing you much good compared to his longer and more muscular ones. Neteyam noticed your jogging and slowed down more, just so that you could walk with him. Watching you clutch your satchel close, his heart warmed. You were so anxious with your steps as you walked along the Mother Tree's branches. You knew you wouldn't fall, Neteyam wouldn't let you. You trusted him with everything in you, you'd do whatever he said.
You asked, making his blood go cold. You never used his actual name, not that way not in such a short sentence not in that tone.
You stayed quiet and calm as you stopped on a limb of a tree, you watched the wildlife around you before continuing.
"Would you catch me if I fell?"
You asked, looking down at the ground below. You just wanted to know, you were curious.
"Of course." "Do you promise?" "To the Great Mother."
You smiled gently as you felt his presence suddenly become closer, you listened to the birds around as you felt one of his hands gently trail up your back and over your shoulders. To pull you into a hug. You stood there for a while, just... watching the world around you before you continued towards the base. The silence was... sickening as you walked, every sound seemed amplified as you quietly walked. At some point your hand had found Neteyam's and the silence became bearable. Peaceful almost, your eyes softened as you watched the wildlife. The surroundings becoming soothing as the sounds of camp drew closer.
When you arrived, you felt your stomach drop... So many were wounded and it made your stomach sick.
"Where is Lo'ak..?"
You asked, as Neteyam branched off from you. His strides long as he searched for you, you tried to keep up with the people around you but... being so much smaller you weren't handling it all well. Backing up you bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry, I'm loo-" "You're fine Y/N"
His voice cut you off and you whipped around.
You yelled as you hugged him, digging your palms into his back you let out a shaky breath before grabbing his Queue and giving it a gentle yank.
"Where the fuck were you!?"
You yelled before hugging him again, he was like a little brother to you... and he had scarred the shit out of you. The way you expressed your concern was... confusing to Lo'ak. Who gingerly hugged you back. The hug was short before he picked you up, and placed you on his shoulders.
"I can walk Lo'ak." "You're short, you'll get crushed" "Fuck you Lo'ak"
You said, making him laugh before he walked towards the medical tent. Where you both found Neteyam who was listening attentively to his father. There was a tension that seemed thick enough to slice through as Jake spoke in a hushed voice. Lo'ak carefully put you down and walked over, standing beside his brother he listened. You wanted to call out Neteyam's name but... the glint in his eyes... scared you. The angry and vengeful look in his eyes made you physically take a step back, you were terrified of what that look meant. You'd never seen Neteyam like this, you'd seen him gentle and caring. You've seen him cry and laugh and annoyed but... you've never seen him angry. You watched from the side of the door for a moment but when Neteyam's eyes flicked over to you.
You fled.
You legs burned when you rushed back to the science base. You legs burned as you ran and was littered in cuts and gashes when you returned. Slamming the door shut, you panted heavily. Ripping the mask off, you put your back to the wall and slid down it. Sitting on the floor you heaved for air. The look in Neteyam's eyes was murderous and deadly, you didn't know what to do. You felt like a deer in headlights. Fight or Flight kicked in, and you flew.
The next few weeks, you tried not to anger Neteyam. You cut back on your remarks and sass, you went to the base less and always seemed to have an excuse to be out on Pandora. Trudging through the wildlife and making friends with the animals and analyzing the plants. Your distance hurt Neteyam, he didn't know what he did to make you avoid him like this. He thought he had always been so... careful. Around you. Not to hurt you or scare you. So he did the most logical thing a teenage-boy could do, and asked his sister.
"What did I do Kiri?"
He asked, slumped in the medical tent as she tended to Navi and Avatar fighters.
"Did you scare her after that big fight?" "What? No! I... I don't think so..."
Neteyam said, letting his head loll back against the animal skin hut. He had been so angry that day. So angry and afraid. He hadn't been able to find Lo'ak and his father had to talk to him and once Jake had started talking about needing to cut back on his visits to you because of the sky-people... he looked at you. He watched your body language, the curiousness of your eyes as you watched them. How innocent and small you were... How easily you could get hurt here, how easily you could get lost, how easily you could be taken by Quaritch, and... how easily he could lose you. His fear only grew as he realized how quickly he could lose you, how easily you could die on him. How easily you could be shot or pierced by an arrow, or hit by shrapnel or or or or or... Fuck he was afraid. If that was even the right word, he was fucking terrified of losing you, what would he do without you? How would he know what day it was? How would he know which stars were which ones, not that he really needed help with that. How would he live without you? You were the reason he woke up everyday, the reason he was breathing, the reason he remembered to eat, and the reason he kept himself in such good shape. So he could protect you. He could honestly care less about the girl in the clan, they could take care of themselves. But you? You couldn't protect yourself, you were so small and breakable... Just like a Tsawksyul, and he'd be the protective rocks at the edges of the pond that kept out those pesky snails that would hurt you...
"Where were you yesterday?
Kiri asked as she galnced at her brother but didn't stop her work.
"What?" "Yesterday was Tuesday? Where were you?" "Oh fuck..."
Neteyam groaned out and pushed his hair from his face.
"That was yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday? I thought it was Monday..." "God, you're really a mess without Y/N, aren't you?"
Kiri asked, laughter filling the medical tent as she chuckled at her brother's situation.
"You should go see her, she should be home, I doubt she'd... and he's already gone. Guess we won't be seeing him tonight woill we?"
Kiri asked the warrior she was patching up. Making a smile break over his face and a small chuckle leave his lips. He hissed in pain as he pulled a stitch and Kiri immediately applied a soothing salve to the deep wound.
Neteyam rushed through the Great's Mother's terrain. He barely noticed the way the pricker thorns cut his arms and how leaves got stuck in his hair or how hard his feet hit the ground as he ran or how he had a slice going across his cheek. He barely recognized how he had rushed through the air lock or how the harsh metal of the lab cut into his kneecaps as he fell to his knees in front of you. His arms wrapped around his arms around your waist and buried his face in your shoulder. You had tensed up and screamed but... he didn't hear that over his own heartbeat.
"I'm sorry..."
Neteyam whispered out, you weren't entirely sure how if he had said it or not but... You quietly placed a hand on his back. The xhilled skin of your palm against his warm, and sweaty, back made him shiver.
"I'm sorry if I scared you I'm sorry that I didn't apologize soon I'm sorry i was a bad friend i'm sorry i didnt realize soon im sorry i didnt tell you sooner i-" "Woah... Woah, tell me what..?"
You quietly asked, slowly moving your hand up to the base of his neck. Sending a pleasureful shiver down the boy's spine. Neteyam was silent but his grip on you didn't falter. He held you closer and pressed soft kisses to the exposed skin on your shoulder, it was only then he realized what you were wearing... It was the sweater he had snagged for you off one of the older sky-people's bases. He remembered how he was going to burn it but noticed how... pretty your eyes went with the color of the fabric so... he gifted it to you instead. It was the way your fingers gently traced along the side of his hair and how gently your other arm wrapped around him that brought him back, that rebooted his system enough for him to lift his head. Neteyam stared into your eyes and one of his hands came up and gently caressed your fact. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut and you relaxed into the palm of his hand and how your melted into his touch.
"I love you Tsawksyul... I love how your hair glows in the early morning sun and how you always have some sort of fun fact for me when I come over and how gentle and kind you are how you are so careful with where you step when you're out in the forests and how you appreciate every life you come in contact with. It makes me so happy to know that there are people that see the beauty and god be damned I'm so happy I get to see one everyday. I get to see you everyday, that I get to see the most beautiful being on this planet. I love how precise you are and how good you are with my siblings... and my mother, especially my mother-
He said, making the both of you laugh.
"But most importantly... I love you..."
He said, his eyes finally meeting yours. A dusty blush had rushed across his cheeks and god you thought it looked so pretty... A similar blush had rushed over your cheeks as well, your face burned as you stared into those beautiful amber eyes of his. You could easily get lost in them... You were silent for a while, you could see his ears fall back ever so slightly. He was expecting rejection. What he didn't know was that you had loved him since you were kids. Since you had found out what a crush even was, since you had watched him break a kids nose for taking your oxygen mask. You'd never forget the look of horror on Neteyam's face when he saw you gasping for air, when he remembered Pandora air was leathal to humans... You'd never forget the terror that flooded his eyes and how he frantically helped you.He was so angry that day... It almost scared you... But the way he held you after and hugged you tight reminded you... he'd never hurt you...
"Neteyam... I... ]"
You had to think for a moment, how would one even react to this information?
"I accept your feelings..."
You whispered out, your eyes still meeting his. You watched his face creep closer to yours, how he anxiously flicked his eyes from your eyes to your lips. When his lips finally met yours, it felt like fireworks were exploding within your stomach walls. You wrapped yours arms around his neck and let your eyes flutter closed. You weren't sure how long the two of you kissed but.... when you pulled away your watched as Neteyam stuffed his face in you neck and peppered gentle kisses to the sensitive skin there.
"Mnn... mine... minemineminemineminemineminemine mineminemine.."
You listened to him repeat, that simple action made laughter bubble up in your chest as you relaxed against him. You knew better than to think he'd let you fall afterall... The way his arms protectively wrapped around you... it made it hard to think he'd let you get hurt.
@tumblingdevils @elvyshiarieko @christinechickiee @stefcatgirl @neteyamyawne
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onskepa · 8 months
Can we get a neteyam x human reader?? She's lyle's daughter, also human and made friends with spider. When lo'ak comes to save him, he wants to take her with him but she can't just leave her dad here
You can end it however you want
Hellooooooooooo sweetie~!!
So I hope you dont mind this being a short one, but its a good one! Enjoy~!!
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“Do you ever think we might see them…?” Young spider asks his sister at arms, Yewn. The young girl thinks about the question and shakes her head. “I don't think so, they are dead for a long time. It is like Jake said, good riddance” she replies. 
Both lay down on top of the old lab shack, staring up at the night sky. 
“They were bad guys, and killed a lot of the na’vi…” Spider says, convincing himself of certain feelings. 
“Exactly. So stop thinking about our dads, I bet they won't even care if they do come back from the dead” 
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“Kid, you won't last another day if you don't eat, '' Lyle Wainfleet says. He bends down looking rather tired and slightly annoyed. 16 year old yewn just stared at him as if he was the worst shit on the entire planet. To which he is in her eyes.
“Fuck off” was all she says time and time again.
“Shut up, don't call me that. You have no right to call me that!” yewn yells at him in anger. A lot was happening in such a short time. Her friends were attacked and held hostage, went to help, spider’s mask broke, stayed behind to help him, only to be taken and be separated from him.
The room is cold, colder than the labs. Everything was so lifeless. She hated it.
But there is nothing more she hates, than the man, or dreamwalker in front of her.
“If you don't eat, you will die, '' Lyle tells her again. And again, yewn just hisses at him.
“Good, I would rather die than confess anything to you or that old bitch!”
Lyle rolls his eyes, hopefully quaritch has better luck than him.
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Her plan was cut way too short. Spider took the lead in showing the recoms how to climb, run, and jump through the big vines and floating mountains. Spider was a true expert in that field, so yewn stayed a little more behind. By adding more pressure to the weak points of the vines, the goal was to tear some down but the recoms would step on them by their own body weight. Spider was doing the same, the plan was to have them all step in a weak vine so that they can fall to their deaths. 
Obviously that didn't work. 
Lyle was quick to catch what she and spider were doing. While he did not report to Quaritch what they were quietly doing, lyle took it upon himself to straighten the kids out. 
“If you want us dead, it will take a lot more than that” he tells Yewn. And yewn would take note of it. Next time, she will do better. 
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“Getting the hang of it now” Lyle says as he flies on his ikran with yewn. The girl missed flying up high in the sky. The thrill of doing amazing tricks, how nete-
No, while Yewn is still in the human's custody, no thoughts of him will appear in her mind. Anything can happen and they can use whatever she accidently shares against her. 
Besides, there is something else occupying her mind and her full attention. 
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“Come on bro! We have to get them, they are still on the ship!” Lo’ak pleads to neteyam. It didnt take much to convince the older brother, nodding eagerly, both head deeper to the ship to find their friends. All the while trying to avoid enemies all around. 
Quietly they climb up some pipes and hide, lo’ak points downwards to see spider and yewn being shoved somewhere. 
“We get it! We are going, fucking bastards” spider cusses at the humans behind him. Him and yawn look really annoyed, but oddly compliant. Taking the chance, the brothers jumped and began to attack the humans. 
Yewn and spider were surprised to see them but quickly catched on. Fighting as well, the four managed to take down the humans around them. Taking the weapons, neteyam, lo’ak, spider and yewn were armed and ran for the edge of the ship. 
“Come on, come on! We are almost there!” neteyam yells, shoving yewn forward until bullets were being shot. 
“GO GO GO!” spider yells, he and lo’ak jump first into the sea. But yewn and neteyam couldnt in time. 
“Yewn get back over here!” 
Neteyam turns to see a false avatar, his gun pointing at him. 
“I won't tell you again, come here now!” the fake shouted. Neteyam looks down and sees yewn shaking. Was it fear? Hesitance?
She was close to taking a step forward but neteyam stopped her. 
Yewn looks up at him, ready to cry. 
“Are you insane!? Lets go, he won't hurt you again” neteyam burgers her, shifting her closer to the edge but yewn fights back. “No no! You don't get it! I can't just leave him!” Yewn shouts. Her fear and desperation growing. 
“Yes you can, he hurt you!” neteyam shouts back. But yewn only looks back at lyle, their eyes making contact. Yewn knows he is silently pleading to go to him. That part yewn is afraid of. To go back to lyle means to go back to those horrid conditions the general had her go under. 
“No! I just cant leave him like this-” 
“And why the hell not?!” 
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“Hey lyle-” 
“You know, you can call me dad if you like…” recom lyle informs yewn in an awkward way. Yewn looks up at him, almost in a disapproving look. There was a few seconds of silence before Yewn walked on the other side of the room, not continuing what she was going to say. 
Lyle walked over to see what she wanted to tell him. “Hey, im sorry, I thought that it-” 
“Would be easier for me? Think again, you are just forcing yourself. I will never call you dad. You don't deserve that title. Not now, not ever fuckface” Yewn states with disgust in her tone. Lyle sighed, hanging his head low. Just when he thought where was progress, he took 5 steps back.
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“He is my dad….and I just cant leave him….” Yewn cries out to neteyam. This was massive news to him. But he concludes that staying in the massive prison was messing with yewns mind. Making her think things that are not true. 
If they weren't in such a situation, lyle would hug her and say sweet words in her ear. Finally yewn accepted him, but now there is a problem that lies between lyle and yewn. Just one bullet should be enough to take down that savage boy of Sully’s. 
“YEWN!” he calls to her, his daughter turns to look at him, her eyes distraught, not knowing what to do. 
“Please yewn, we are so close! Come on, he is not your dad! He is dead! I won't let you be surrendering to him or any evil sky demon!” Neteyam shouts loud enough for Lyle to hear. And it is ticking him off. 
Neteyam guide yewn close to the edge, their hearts racing. To calm her as he leads her to the edge, he places his hand on her shoulder, urging her more to jump. Neteyam can finally save her!
Yewn was looking down at the sea, her ears ringing. Could she go? Could she leave lyle and-
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed this one! Until next time! See ya!
Yewn = express convey (a thought or feeling)
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
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SUMMARY: As Spider-Man's older sister it's your responsibility to make sure he comes home no matter the state. It's also your responsibility to question strangers who claim to be versions of him from other dimensions.
PAIRING: Miguel O'Hara & Female Reader
WARNINGS: Angst, enemies-to-lovers adjacent (if that makes sense???), minor descriptions of injury, heavy alcohol use, mention of vomiting, inappropriate language.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: OKAY SO this was originally supposed to be a hefty one shot but after much consideration I've decided it's going to read best as a series so you're getting not one but three parts! Hopefully y'all like it 'cause this is my first time writing for Miguel and I'm kind of nervous? :')))
 “May, for the millionth time I’m not—“
Before you can even finish, Aunt May’s hands are on her face, pushing on the frustrated expression that laces through her features. She’s annoyed, as per usual. Exhausted, just like the pale and veiny hands that rest beneath the dimness of your dining room light, pulling at wrinkled skin. 
“I just think he’d be good for you, you know? Harry’s nice and attractive and—”
“Norman Osborn’s son?”
“Okay, but it’s not like the boy’s anything like his father.”
“That you’re aware of.”
She opens her mouth, a small huff releasing straight from her chest, knowing already you’ll never budge. You’re too stubborn like your father —like her nephew who so effortlessly had a counter for every argument he wound up tangled in. Like you, he’d fight to the death for every little thing and she knows it, causing her to merely frown. 
“Fine, fine but just know you’re missing out. He’s a real catch.”
You scrunch up your face, resisting the urge to gag knowing how much May chastises you for being childish. You’re an adult now, act like it! You practically hear the words echoing through your mind as you reach for the glass of wine in front of you, gripping the stem tightly as you take a huge gulp.
“Okay then, if not Harry, are there any other men?”
You almost cough into your glass, unprepared to answer. Sure there were men. Here and there you’d had some dates and flings and almost, maybe boyfriends. You played the field like any other twenty-something woman in Brooklyn trying for their shot at love by going out to bars or hopping on dating sites. Like everyone else, you scrolled through the endless faces and bios, picking and choosing your fave ones; having moments of is this the one with far too many boys who turned out to be nothing more than just a memory.
So yes and no, you decide, telling May the latter, knowing if you choose the former she’ll get too excited and start asking questions.
“You know you’re not getting any younger, kid.” 
“I know.” 
You also know that you should be offended. You should be pissed off or annoyed —any sort of negative emotion but all you feel is exhaustion, considering you have this conversation at least once a week. Sometimes twice if you have to drop by May’s or the shelter. 
Every time she sees you it’s as if she needs to put this pressure on you. To throw this burden on your shoulders so that she isn’t the only one thinking of it. Because if you’re thinking about it maybe you’ll do something about it, right?
“You should find someone to love —to settle down with.”
You want to. More than she knows. It’s lonely here in New York, living in your busted-up one-bedroom apartment with a brother who’s never around. Day in and day out you’re forced into a space of solitude you never asked for, moving aimlessly from bedroom to subway car to office and back again. 
It’s not ideal, especially when you have to watch Peter and his double life. Sure, it’s stressful —a burden sometimes more often than not, but at least it’s exciting. At least there’s substance.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed soon. The lab needs me early for testing,” you lie, smiling tiredly, hoping that May won’t notice. 
This time she doesn’t. Or at least, she feels worn down enough not to ask questions. A fact you’re thankful for as she nods her head and kisses your face, saying her usual goodbye before scurrying out the front door with a wave. 
When she’s gone you let out a heavy breath, running your fingers through the roots of your hair. You’re not sure how long you can keep living this way. Flowing from place to place like an aimless ghost. It hurts too much knowing all the potentials. All the crazy things waiting for you just outside your door. More than anything you want to experience them —to live them just like Peter. 
Secretly, you think you want to be like Peter. To be looked at —adored or hated, it doesn’t matter. Desperately, you want a pair of eyes to look at you as something other than you: a tired lab assistant just trying to survive. You want someone to see you, to know your worth in a way that doesn’t involve Petri dishes or DNA swabs. 
You want to feel needed, you decide. Not in a life-changing way per se. More needed in the sense of being someone’s first choice like MJ is for Peter. To have that one person you can rely on and vice versa no matter the circumstance. A ride or die. 
The thought makes you groan into the base of your hands as you pull at your roots, the vibrations against your skin making you pull away. It’s only eight and, embarrassingly enough, you’re ready for bed, your body weighing down in the chair you currently reside in. Already your eyes are starting close, their function slowing decreasing by the second as you reach for your glass of wine and down the rest in one gulp.
It’s disgusting but regardless you pour yourself another, already knowing you’ll need it to actually go to bed. 
You don’t sleep well when Peter’s out.
Blinking tiredly you pull your phone out of your pocket and shoot him a quick text. Are you good?
You don’t expect an answer but still worry when you don’t get one, causing your body to twitch as you continue to sit, downing glass after glass until the bottle’s empty and your head starts to feel like it’s swimming through molasses. 
By then it’s nearing nine. The lights of the city shine brightly through your window as you blink and rub your eyes, taking one last dizzy glance at your phone to see that Peter’s replied. 
He’s fine. What’s your address?
Scrunching up your face, you stare at the words in front of you, sounding out each letter so many times that it begins to blur in your mind. He’s fine, you read, knowing for a fact that Peter would never talk about himself in the third person. 
He’s not that weird.
Quickly, you disregard your rule of no phone calls in favour of answers, listening to the dial tone for a good minute before the other end crackles to life and a sigh pushes through. 
“Pete, what the fuck are you talking about?” 
You can feel your older sister instincts kicking in. Every worrying thought pushes itself through your brain right out of your ears to make room for a rage you haven’t felt in forever. Almost instantly it burns you from the inside out, attacking your chest with hot, heavy beats that have you standing from your chair and moving towards the front door in a rush.
As you do, the voice on the other end mumbles something you don’t quite catch, prompting you to yell. 
“Excuse me? Who are you? And why do you have my brother’s phone?”
“My name doesn’t matter.”
It’s a man on the other line. An older one that sounds almost as angry as you.
“Listen here, pal, I swear to god if you don’t tell me—“
“Peter’s fine. He’s a little banged up but we’ve got it under control. Just give us your address and—“
“We? Who’s we? What the fuck are you talking about?” 
Instead of listening to your demands he just groans again and asks for the address, making you groan right back and give it to him, too overwhelmed to care that some stranger and his friends have decided to take Peter into their mysterious hands. 
After that he hangs up the phone without a goodbye, prompting you to respond with an angry growl that has you stomping all over the house in preparation for guests you weren’t prepared for. 
“Stupid fucking piece of shit,” you mumble drunkenly, pacing back and forth through your small living room, unable to sit still knowing that something happened. 
Something happened and you weren’t there to help, like usual. A thought that eats you up inside every time this happens because what can you do? You can’t fight crime like he can —you don’t have powers. You can’t heal his wounds —you’re not medically trained. So really, all you can do is offer him company when MJ isn’t around and rotate his ice packs. Make him food here and there but even that’s difficult when you spend most of your days at the lab.
Essentially you’re just another useless civilian who knows too much, leaving you distraught as you sit on the sidelines, praying to whatever god there is that he arrives home safe.
Thankfully tonight they managed to answer you in some capacity. Instead of dead, he’s just badly injured and as annoyed as you are, you’re still thankful for the outcome. Still thankful for the stranger on the phone despite the angered secrecy. 
You decide when he gets here you’ll apologize for the yelling. It’s the least you can do considering he and his friends probably have to drag poor Peter’s body out of some alleyway across the city. A difficult feat you’ve done a few times over the last decade or so. 
It’s not something you’d ever wish upon anyone. Not even the grumpy stranger over the phone whose gruff voice still rings through your ears as you anxiously move towards the kitchen and open the freezer, checking to see if there are any ice packs readily available. Shuffling through the frozen goods inside, you count four as well as a large bag of frozen vegetables, deciding then that you should probably wait to see the damage before even thinking of running to the pharmacy.
Out of the two of you, you’ve always been the worrier. The one whose mind constantly races at the sign of danger. Peter’s the fight and you’re the flight, and even before he became Spider-Man it had always been that way, which makes the waiting that much harder. The anticipation of what’s to come flooding you in waves of dread that leave you too unsettled to calm down. 
Continually you pace throughout the apartment, moving from kitchen to bedroom to living room in an endless loop that has you swirling around in such a stupor you barely hear the window of your bedroom being tapped on. 
The sound confuses you at first, knowing that it’s most likely just some bird. Peter would never make them take him up the fire escape but then it gets louder —more frantic. The tapping speed doubles as you stand disorientated in the living room, narrowing your eyes as if that’ll help your ears focus.
You realize quickly that it’s a someone tapping and not a something and immediately you spring into action, rushing to your bedroom window to see a trio of bodies all dawned in spider suits of their own. 
It leaves you breathless but still active as you push up the window, breathing out heavy breaths as you watch the smallest of the three —a lithe spider with pink webs stained over white— bound into the room to help pull Peter inside. 
“What took you so long?” 
It’s the voice from the phone, grumbling from the fire escape. He’s taller than the others —thicker. His suit black and red with an emblem that fills his broad chest with bold lines that drape down the front of his arms.
“Give her a break man, she’s probably scared to death.” 
Beside him, another Spider-Man whose suit looks more like Peter’s stands. Both of them grip your brother’s lower half, gently passing them over to the spider in your bedroom, prompting you to rush over to help.
“What the hell happened?”
He’s worse than you’d like to admit. The majority of his mask has been ripped apart. One of his eyes is completely uncovered, blooming with fresh bruises that cause it to swell almost completely shut. On his cheek, he’s got a pretty huge gash along with a few others around his chin and throat.
Immediately, tears begin to form at the corner of your eyes as they all move to lay him on the bed, making sure to be as gentle as possible. 
“It doesn’t matter what happened. What matters is he’s safe. Let’s go.” 
You turn to stare at him —the one who’s already caused you enough grief to last a lifetime. Angrily, you narrow your eyes, fighting the urge to yell as you watch his friends simultaneously shake their heads. 
“Seriously, man?”
“Miguel, you can’t just leave her with this.” 
They speak in unison, both of them matching your unimpressed response as you move in closer, pressing a finger to his chest. “I swear to god if you don’t tell me what happened I’ll kick your ass faster than you can say—“
He pinches the bridge of his nose and gives in, something that feels uncharacteristic even though you’ve just met. “He got a little beat up fighting someone he shouldn’t have, alright?”
“Alright?” you scoff, glancing between the three of them. “No, not alright. Not even a little bit. What do you mean he was fighting someone he shouldn’t have?”
“What do you mean what do you mean? Am I not being clear?”
“Not really, no.” 
He huffs, loudly. A heavy plume of air pushing through his mask. You can feel it fan your face as you take a small step away, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the newfound presence of other spider people. 
You were almost certain Peter was the only one. 
“Maybe one of us should take the reins on this?” The blue and red one asks, prompting the other to nod, motioning for him to take over despite Miguel’s silent protests. 
“Look, we uh, we’re… we’re —how do I even start this? What do you guys usually say?” 
Without missing a beat, the shortest one takes off their mask to reveal a young girl with blonde hair. She looks familiar in a way you can’t quite place, her features bold and big and full of life, giving you a weird sense of deja vu. Have you met her before, you wonder, staring at her eyes and cheeks and mouth, picking apart the details until you’ve decided you definitely have. Somewhere.  
“Hi, I’m Gwen. This is also Peter and Miguel.”
She motions them to take their masks off but Miguel doesn’t budge. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest as Peter awkwardly peels his away, revealing a face that looks almost identical to your brother’s. 
Which obviously sends you into panic mode, seeing the somewhat distorted face of your brother on the body of someone else. It’s older —heavier, maybe. Unlike your Peter, this one’s eyes are filled with exhausted age and crow's feet. His lips are thinner and coated in a thick five o’clock shadow that takes up the lower half of his face. His figure is thicker, holding a bit of a gut but not enough to notice unless you’re staring.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Miguel says, but the two of them continue, moving through the conversation slowly to gauge your response. 
“Your brother isn’t the only Spider-Man,” Gwen tells you. “At least in general. In this universe he is but uh, there are lots of others which is where we’re technically from.”
You look at your brother confused, wondering if he’s always known or if this is newfound information for the both of you. If it’s new, you hope he’s okay. That once he’s awake and able to process everything that this doesn’t send him over the edge of sanity. 
He’s already hanging by a thread as it is. With family and friends and both of his jobs waiting in the wings at any given moment, the poor guy's constantly overworked. If he isn’t taking pictures for the Daily Bugle he’s studying at school or going on patrol as Spider-Man or laying on the floor in a heap of pain.
He doesn’t need any more stress.
“Listen, I appreciate you bringing him here but I think it’s probably best you guys go, yeah?” 
You smile as warmly as you can through the fog of alcohol that has you reeling. Simultaneously, you’re angry and confused —dizzy at the amount of so many new faces. You’re overwhelmed, to say the least, and knowing Peter he’ll end up the same when he wakes up. 
“Of course.” 
It’s the first time Miguel speaks with any sort of sincerity, his tone dulling down to a quiet calmness that sends a chill up your spine as you watch him fiddle with a watch-like mechanism on his wrist. 
In unison, both Gwen and Peter look at you with sombre expressions, their lips pushing into thin lines of almost disapproval as they watch you move towards your brother, completely forgetting that they’re even there. 
“Tell him if he sees anything suspicious to reach out,” Miguel adds, looking directly at you as he says it.
Cautiously, you look back and nod your head, trying to imagine the face underneath. You bet it’s old, based on the never-ending rage that it seems to radiate. He’s got the kind of attitude an old man would have, making you imagine bushy brows and forehead lines that have developed through continuous frowns. You imagine deep scars that have sat untreated for far too long. An overlay of bruises constantly decorating his frame due to misuse of the body. 
Standing next to your Peter, you imagine he’s the kind of guy who acts before he thinks. At the sign of danger, he spontaneously leaps to remedy any given situation regardless of details. He’ll do whatever it takes. 
He’s a fighter just like Peter. 
“It was nice to meet you,” Gwen waves before throwing on her mask. Old Peter does the same and even though you want to smile —to thank them for everything they’ve done, all you can do is nod and watch as Miguel presses the face of his watch, prompting an angular, orange portal to appear right in front of your window. 
The sudden presence of it somehow stirs Peter awake, prompting him to groan next to you. 
Immediately you move to his aid, kneeling near his face with concern as you press the back of your hand to his partially exposed forehead, feeling the beads of sweat that collect rubbing against your skin.
“Are you okay?”
He mumbles under his breath and moves to sit upright despite your protests. Slowly, he catches himself on the edge of the bed and swings his legs to the floor, doubling over in pain to watch as the three of them turn to face him one last time.
“You good, kid?” Old Peter asks.
“Never better,” he says back, moving to grip his stomach with his forearm, a bloodstained smile spilling across his face.
Despite the pain that’ll inevitably heal in the days to come, you know he’s being honest. Thanks to them, he’s never been better and upon hearing that you find yourself frowning, already knowing what that means. 
He wants to see them again. You imagine it’s because, in some capacity or another their appearance has made the burden of his existence easier. For once, their arrival has created a light inside him you’ve only seen one other time. It was when he finally told MJ that he was Spider-Man. 
As cliche as it was, he described it as this weight that had been lifted off his shoulders, and as you watch him smile at his new friends, you know that’s exactly how he feels now knowing that he isn’t the only one going through the motions. No longer is he the only one forced to navigate this life full of tangled webs. No, now he has friends. Partners that can aid him in the development of his career as Spider-Man. 
People that can help him better than you can.
Before they leave Miguel repeats the statement he asked you to relay to Peter. “Call if you see anymore anomalies.” It’s phrased differently. Molded in a way you’re not meant to understand, making you all the more angry as you watch them leave through the portal. 
“What does he mean by anomalies?”
Peter, now without his fellow spiders, winces as he takes off what’s left of his mask, ignoring your question in favour of repositioning himself back on the bed. Shakily, he sighs as he readjusts, trying his best not to disturb the injuries that cover his aching skin. 
“Can you at least tell me what happened?”
He’s silent for a moment, his mouth half open, unable to fully close thanks to the shiner located on the lower half of his cheek. Then, he cranes his neck towards you. “Some Doc Ock from another universe showed up,” he tells you, his voice low. “I was in the middle of dealing with a robbery when he showed up out of nowhere and caught me off guard.” 
You swallow hard, watching him lick his lips. They’re dry and cracked and covered in old blood that makes you want to cry because you hate seeing him like this. So tired and broken. 
“He didn’t look like our Doc. He was skinnier —younger. And his tech was completely different. He kept talking about me, or I guess his version of me and I was so confused.”
“He got me a couple times. Threw me around but then they showed up and I guess sent him back home. I don’t know, by then I’d blacked out.”
His story is easy enough to follow but still leaves you with questions. How did this Doc Ock jump into your universe? Did he have one of those bracelets? Did Peter have one? And if so, has he too gone to different universes?
The urge to bombard him with every single thought that races through your mind settles as you hear his strained breath, reminding you he’s in pain. Quickly, it resets the order of important tasks in your brain, sending you flying towards the kitchen to grab every ice pack you own and start stacking them along Peter’s wounds. 
Carefully you place one along the huge gash on his face, moving his hand to hold it steady before moving to his chest and placing one on either side of his ribs. 
“Are you okay? Like actually, no lying.” 
“Yeah, are you?”
You’re not. Not in the slightest. In fact, if it weren’t for the state he was in you’d be screaming by now, demanding more answers. Something he knows by the way you curtly nod your head instead of speaking. 
“I’m sorry, Miguel can be a lot.” 
Like always, it’s as if he’s read your mind, making you roll your eyes and scoff. “Are you friends with that guy?”
“Not really. I’m only really friends with Peter and Gwen. Everyone else are kind of like coworkers. They’re nice and we get along but aside from work we don’t keep much contact.”
“Aside from like, anomaly stuff?”
It’s weird to uncover such a big secret from your own brother. He’s never been the type to keep things to himself, at least with you. So why this? Why them? 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure, but make it quick I’m about to fall asleep.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me about them?”
If it weren’t for the pain radiating through his shoulder you’re almost certain Peter would’ve responded with a shrug. A wordless movement of uncertainty that he instead replaces with a soft I don’t know that has you imagining Miguel and his idiotic mask telling him to keep his mouth shut.
“Was it Miguel?” 
It’s an uncomfortable statement to say out loud —an even more uncomfortable one to have confirmed as you watch Peter nod his head, a guilty expression plastered over his face. It makes you feel almost guilty yourself as you try your best not to explode at the thought of some asshole telling your brother what to do. At the thought of him controlling what he can and cannot tell you about his life. 
You wonder if it’s illegal for regular people like you to universe hop. It probably is but that doesn’t stop you from imagining a world where it isn’t anyway. A world where you rush through a portal of your own to find Miguel on the other side.
You’d give him a piece of your mind if you could, scold him for ever thinking he could keep such a broad existence a secret. You’d push that stupidly broad chest with all your force and tell him what’s what. That no matter how important he is amongst the spiders, you’re still Spider-Man’s sister and deserve the right to know what’s going on. 
“He’s not all bad, you know.”
Giving him an unimpressed look, you watch as he smiles, a small laugh pushing through his lips. 
“No, I’m serious. Sure, he’s a little rough around the edges but he means well.” 
“How so?” 
You’re unconvinced but still curious. Who wouldn’t be after discovering the existence of other universes? 
“He cares about people in his own way. Kind of like you.”
Should you be offended? 
“What I mean is, he’s only mean because he cares like you. You guys have that same intensity.”
You scrunch up your face. “I’m not intense.” 
Peter snorts as he rolls onto his side, hugging one of the ice packs as he moves to direct his back towards you, thus signalling the end of the conversation. 
“Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, sis.”
Peter isn’t answering your texts and it’s starting to stress you out. 
Across from you, Harry and Gwen sit chatting amongst themselves, sipping on what’s most likely their fourth or fifth drinks based on the way they’re leaning in and giggling as you call your brother for the ninth time.
It’s been nearly a month since the incident —two weeks since he started patrolling again— and despite knowing he never answers his phone, you’re still worried. He told you he’d be here an hour ago to escort you home. Something he always did when you got dragged out by the rest of the Oscorp staff. Being a woman, wandering the streets of New York at night wasn’t an option and even though you were technically a geneticist for a mega-corporation you weren’t about to cough up at least fifty bucks to get home, so Peter was agreed to be the next best thing. 
Or at least, he was supposed to be. 
By now you’re well past drunk. Your head is heavy and you can’t stop squirming in your chair because of how restless you feel. Your skin is hot under the fluorescents of the bar lights, their weird shade of neon pink beating down on you like a synthetic sun.
“I think we’re gonna head out,” you hear Harry say. 
You must’ve zoned out because both he and Gwen are already standing, grabbing their coats off the back of their chairs with grins too big to be deemed anything other than mischievous. 
You know immediately they’re going back to his place to fuck. It’s what always happens when Gwen drinks too much and decides that, just this once, she’ll indulge the boss's son. Unfortunately, though, this is probably the fifth time in the last year that this has happened, leaving you certain it’s more of a common occurrence than she lets on. 
“Is Pete still coming to get you?” Gwen asks.
You nod your head, unwilling to admit that he probably isn’t. That instead of flying through the air you’ll most likely be forking over way too much money to sit in some dingy car that smells like piss. 
“Okay, text me tomorrow. Let’s go for brunch!”
The two of them leave hand-in-hand, a detail that doesn’t go unnoticed as you continue to stare, trying to decide how the hell all of that started. It’s not like they’re friendly to each other. At work, Gwen is constantly complaining about Harry’s silver-spoon upbringing. Talking about how privileged he is despite her dad being the police commissioner.
A detail you’re always tempted to bring up, knowing that neither of them has ever truly known what it's like to struggle. Having grown up in big houses with paid tuitions and a never-ending family to love, their lives are completely separate from yours.
It’s why you resent them so much, you think, because growing up, you and Peter never had that. When you were young your parents abandoned you with May and Ben, falling off the face of the earth soon after. Back then you always wondered why but now you know it’s because they weren’t ready. They were young and in love and despite thinking they wanted to extend that love into children, it became quickly obvious they’d made a mistake. A mistake May offered to fix.
You liked May but she wasn’t your mom. Same with Ben. As time went on, you let them think they were your real parents, listening to them when they gave you advice; following their rules so long as you lived under their roof. You didn’t call them mom or dad but you respected them as if you did. At least up until Ben died and Peter got powers and everything got sort of complicated after that. 
And since then, it continued to be complicated. Each year that passed, something new and strange always happened, leaving you there to try and pick up the pieces. 
Most of it always involved Peter. Peter becoming Spider-Man; Peter nearly dying to Doc Ock; Peter nearly dying to Vulture; Peter nearly getting infected by Venom. It was like clockwork year after year, tending to the needs of your brother while trying to live a normal life. 
You couldn’t imagine how he felt. Sure, things were hard for you but for him? God, it must be hell.
Which is why you feel so guilty for phoning him. He’s probably busy dealing with some more important shit like stopping murders or break-ins or maybe even more anomalies. 
You really hope he’s not dealing with the last one. Because if he is it means Miguel’s in town. 
God, you hate that guy.
After the incident, Peter updated you on pretty much the whole anomaly thing. Apparently, in another dimension, there was this headquarters where spider people from all over the universe came to report various issues with their home worlds. 
Overall, the details were a bit confusing —you remember Peter saying something about them being a secret society and that Miguel was their leader but not much else stuck because honestly after that you sort of zoned out. At least until he mentioned that he was officially a part of it all, earning himself his own little watch. 
Upon hearing that, a part of you was proud. A much bigger part though, was skeptical, considering your immediate distrust of Miguel. In that one meeting alone he was rude and weird and you didn’t want Peter hanging out with him.
Not that you had any say, because Peter does what Pete does and that’s fine even though he can be a little bit too trusting —the kind of guy that always sees the good in people. Opposite to you, his trust is extended to whoever, whenever which you know is what ultimately makes him a good Spider-Man. People see that and immediately think of safety —of security in a situation that otherwise isn’t.
As a true New Yorker, you trust no one. Not even the guy that steals the seat across from you with a smile. 
“You here alone?” 
Your phone is still pressed to your ear as you stare him down, the line continuously ringing over and over and over again until it goes to voicemail and you lazily repeat the process. As you do, you continue to pay little mind to the man in front of you, merely watching him glance around the building, a glass of beer tucked tightly in his hand. 
“You calling your boyfriend?”
You shake your head and he grins in the way that hyenas do when they’ve found fresh meat. Under the bar lights, his teeth look malicious and jagged, taunting you in a way that makes you internally nervous but externally confident. 
On the outside, you do your best impression of someone brave. Someone like Peter or even Miguel. Your forehead scrunches to form unimpressed lines, your eyes narrowing to match the way your lips tightly push together. 
Across from you, the man continues to grin despite this, looking you up and down and up again with a fire so fully lit inside his eyes you can already feel the oncoming burn.
You hang up and decide to call May. It’s a last resort, knowing that once that phone rings even once you’re in for an earful. You shouldn’t be out so late, kid, you know better! 
Even though you’re in your mid-twenties May still chastises you about the dangers of the city. Working with those less fortunate, you assume it’s because she’s seen some shit. The city’s a fucked up place as you know from both her and Peter but it’s not like you’re unprepared to handle it. You always have a plan! A getaway or an escape route. It’s not your fault that tonight’s plan accidentally fell through.
As you go through your contacts to click on May’s number another body takes the seat next to you. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late.”
The voice sounds nicer than you remember, almost pleasant despite who it’s attached to. Awkwardly, you lock your phone and turn to look, noticing the unfamiliar features of a man you’ve grown to hate. 
Damn it, he’s attractive. And not nearly as old as you imagined him. He’s probably mid-thirties tops, you guess, surveying the texture of his tanned skin. It’s nice. Not as aged as Old Peter’s but you can see some of the same lines around his eyes as he glances between you and the man across.
“Can I help you?”
Miguel’s expression says it all. Fuck off. You can see it in the way his dark brows pinch towards the top of his long nose, showcasing his anger. The kind that’s almost impossible to replicate, the man quickly discovers, prompting him to merely sigh and leave the table, admitting defeat.
Once he’s gone you let out a heavy breath and sink in your seat. Never in your life did you think you’d be happy to see Miguel, and yet here you are. 
“Thank you.” 
Without so much as a glance, he stands from his chair and motions to the exit with his chin. Like usual, he’s got an air of arrogance you can’t quite stand, leaving you annoyed again as you roll your eyes and grab your coat off the back of your seat. 
He’s halfway out the door by the time you catch up to him. Your head, still drunk off the many pints of cheap beer you’d downed throughout the night, sloshes through the crowded room until it smacks dab right into Miguel’s back, prompting him to turn with a glare. 
“C’mon, let’s get you home,” he says. 
Despite wanting to, you don’t protest. Instead, you just follow him out of the building and down the street where he cuts into an abandoned alleyway and stops, checking on you with concerned eyes. 
“If I didn’t already know you were also Spider-Man I’d definitely be freaked out right now,” you say, trying your best not to slur as you lean against the wall of one of the buildings. The brick feels cool against your face.
“How much did you drink in there?” 
“At least five but probably more?”
“Five what?”
You shrug. There’s a moment of silence after that. One where you can feel your eyes fluttering in and out of focus, watching the way Miguel places his hands on his hips and stares you down. 
You can tell that he hates you now, officially. What once was merely a single conversation gone bad has turned to two which means you’re now considered a burden. A problem.
His problem. 
“I’m going to assume that travelling by air is a no-go,” he says; sighing because it means he’s probably going to have to walk you home.
Which you’re sure he doesn’t want to do considering he’s in charge of all the spider people. He’s probably got better things to do than to walk home his employee’s sister. 
“Where’s Peter?”
You’re on the move again before you know it, walking at Miguel’s side, watching the way he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“He’s out with the others. Another anomaly showed up when you called. He was busy so he asked me to come get you.” 
“Why’d he ask you?” 
Unfortunately for both of you, your filter is absolutely obliterated. Gone with the drinks you’d downed throughout the night. Every aspect of the embarrassment you’d usually feel right now is gone, your innermost thoughts quickly bubbling to the surface like the head of your last beer. 
Miguel, realizing this, shrugs it off and continues walking. Every so often he has to stop to make sure you’re alright —you are most of the time, but every third or fourth time you begin to slow he watches as you double over knowing that you’re probably going to throw up. 
“You good?”
Slowly you crawl to the ground until you’re on all fours, your hands gripping the edge of the sidewalk despite knowing how dirty it is. Beneath your palms and it’s cold and damp from the rain, prompting you to gag even harder because that means there’s probably mud on your hands. Dirty, gross mud from the bottom of people’s shoes. 
You feel a hand on your back. Carefully, it rubs a line back and forth along your spine, causing you to inhale and exhale and focus on the sudden calmness of his voice. 
“You’ll probably feel better if you just let it out.” 
“I know it’s gross but I promise it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
As if he’s blessed you with the promise of no judgement, you vomit on the ground, feeling your throat burn with the familiar acidity. As you recover, he continues to rub your back in long, slow movements, making you thankful that at this moment he doesn’t hate you.
Or at least, he chooses not to show it. 
“Thank you, again,” you mumble. 
This time he at least nods, acknowledging your words as he helps pull you to your feet, giving you one final pat on the back before you continue to walk in silence.
Miguel insists on staying until Peter’s back, despite your protests. 
His face, heavy with exhaustion looks at you, unwilling to budge on the matter as he pushes himself through the door. “Peter told me to take care of you,” he tells you. “So I’m gonna do that, okay? End of story.”
Now that you’re somewhat sober from the long walk home, you can feel all the hatred you have for him flowing through your system. Sure, he may have walked you home —comforted you in a difficult time but he’s still a dick. Under that sympathetic Spider-Man act he’s still the man that makes you want to scream every time Peter mentions him.
“Fine, but the second you hear anything from Peter you have to tell me.” You wag your finger at him intensely as you wander to the kitchen, feeling your mouth begin to dry up from the amount of water you’ve managed to avoid all night. 
He sits on the couch without another word, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt. Underneath, his watch emits a warm toned glow, prompting you to look over as he presses the face revealing a small hologram lady. 
“Wow, so nice of you to finally drop by! What’d you do, take her out for more drinks?”
Miguel groans and leans back into the couch, his body practically melding into the cushions. “Is there any news about the anomaly?” 
The woman crosses her arms over her chest and gives him a look —one you can’t quite place as she pulls the pink-heart glasses down the bridge of her nose. “I’ll tell you but only if you tell me how your night went.” 
Her voice is full of mischief, causing Miguel’s head to practically smack into the back of your couch, his eyes finding refuge in the ceiling. He’s embarrassed, you realize then. Probably because instead of being the superhero like everyone else he was demoted to babysitter. 
“The night was fine. She threw up, we walked home, end of story. Update, please.”
“We walked home, huh?” She wiggles her brows and darts around, the light from the watch moving around to get what you assume is a better look at your apartment. “Is she there?”
Even though his head is still hung uncomfortably over the edge of the couch, Miguel still manages to threaten you with his eyes. A warning you reluctantly accept as you move further into the kitchen, making sure you’re out of view.
“She’s sleeping.”
“Ooh, and did you tuck her—“
“Lyla, can I please just get an update?” 
You’ve never heard him so defeated. So tired. It’s like all the fire inside of him has suddenly burnt out and all that’s left is the remnants of ash. His eyes are almost closing without warning, threatening to cut him off from the outside world as Lyla tells him about someone named Hobie and how he’s with your brother. 
Apparently, they’re on Earth-58163. Another universe you know nothing about and probably never will because Peter refuses to talk about it. He always tells you it’s too complicated to explain —too intricate. “If I tried, it’d probably break your brain,” he tells you, brushing off the conversation time and time again. 
It’s annoying in a way that makes you feel like you’re kids again, the child-like jealousy overthrowing your desire to be a good person and just drop it. You need to know more. To understand how this all works so that you’re not just some outsider looking in like usual. 
When you hear Miguel say goodbye to Lyla you practically sprint over to the couch and plop down beside him, deciding that if Peter won’t tell you, you’ll go right to the source. 
“What’s your universe like?” 
There’s still a buzz sitting at the back of your brain, egging you on to set aside your differences in favour of answers. 
“That’s classified.” 
“Classified? Are you serious?”
“Yes, that’s why I said it?”
He doesn’t understand that you’re making fun of him. Or, at least, if he does, he refuses to comment.
“Peter never tells me anything about you guys.” You sink into the couch like Miguel, your arms resting limply on either side of you. “It’s not fair.” 
“Life’s not fair, niña.” 
You scrunch up your face. “I’m not a kid, old man.” 
“Are you under the age of thirty?” He raises his brow. 
There’s a moment where you think about reaching over and smacking him in the face. Just a small, lightly placed tap, similar to the one you give Peter when he’s being annoying, but immediately you retract such thoughts knowing he’d probably just yell at you. 
“Just because I’m younger than you doesn’t mean I’m a kid.”
“No but it means other things.”
His head turns to face you, his cheek half pushed into the backing of the couch. “That you’re inexperienced.”
“I’ll have you know I’m actually very experienced.”
“That’s what someone inexperienced would say.” 
“Says the guy who runs a secret society of spider people and still manages to get benched for the night.”
You expect him to yell at you then. To suddenly uproot himself from the couch and give you the kind of lecture May would but instead he just snorts and shakes his head, moving to rest the back of his head on the couch again. 
It confuses you if you’re honest. You don’t know Miguel in the slightest, but based on what you’ve heard you assume he’s the kind of guy who harbours a high temper and an unrealistic demand of respect. A boss in every aspect of his life. Because of this, you assume he can’t take a joke. That he doesn’t understand the concept of teasing or banter because his ego takes it too seriously. 
It throws you a bit, your mind suddenly questioning all your previous opinions. You suppose then it isn’t fair to judge him so harshly. Considering the job title, he’s probably under a lot of stress. With such a high volume of people looking to him for guidance, it’s more than likely Peter’s right. He’s not that bad. 
“Okay, well, if you won’t tell me about your universe because you think I’m inexperienced will you tell me about you?”
He’s silent. Or at least dormant, his breath steadily flowing as he slides further and further into the couch. You can tell then that his body is hanging by a thread of consciousness, subtly stirring in pace with his breathing. Slowly, his chest rises and falls, pushing his elbows in tandem as his mouth begins to fall open, making you yawn. 
It’s probably best you go to bed too, you decide, considering the only reason you’re still awake is to get information. If your informant is out cold there’s no sense in prolonging the inevitable, so instead of delaying you quietly stand and stretch your back. Loudly, it cracks, creaking with an age you’re certain now that Miguel would chastise you for. “You’re too young to be creaking like that,” he’d probably say. 
Another yawn filters through as you wander over to your bedroom and grab an extra blanket, throwing it over your shoulders like a shawl as you walk back to Miguel. 
“What are you doing?”
His voice scares the shit out of you, making you jump and embarrassingly let out a shocked squeal, your heart pounding violently in your chest. 
He’s still frozen in place but this time his eyes are half-opened, looking at you with interest. 
“Getting you a blanket.” 
“I don’t need a blanket.” 
“Okay, well, I didn’t know that? I’m not a mindreader.” 
“Why not?”
He may not be Peter Parker in his universe but he certainly retains the same sarcasm, leaving you annoyed as you tear the blanket off and toss it onto his head. 
“Goodnight, old man.” 
“Goodnight, niña.”
TAGGING: @fandxmslxt69 (if you'd like to be added fill out this form)
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ele-sme · 1 year
What if...
What if Mo'at adopted Spider
Mo'at was wondering around new hometree, walking next to her people, that always brought her serenity even after her home was burned down, she and the clan had gone on, fact of she was very pride.
When she arrived at the center of the hometree she spotted her youngest grandkid, which it wasn't difficult to see since he was walking on his hands with his legs up, next to him his brother and sister and another much shorter pink child.
What is a sky person doing here?
As she walked over to the kids she could figure out some more features of the child, his hair were blonde and in locks that remembered her of Jake hair.
As soon that her little girl saw her, the game that Lo'ak was performing finished.
"Grandma, grandma!" Kiri yelled coming over the older woman who easily picked the four year old in her arms.
The other kids followed behind, although the pink child (who seemed to be a boy) seemed to be cautious.
"Grandma, he is Spider" Neteyam said presenting the sky child.
"He is almost six!" Lo'ak said, his tone sounding like being six was the most amazing thing in the world.
"He is veryyyyyy nice" Kiri added giggling in her grandmother arms.
"Is a pleasure to meet you Spider" Mo'at said putting Kiri back on the ground.
The boy made a shy smile at the woman "hi"
As she and the boy exchanged looks, which were strangely comfortable at least for Mo'at, an avatar came to them.
"Mo'at" Norm greated the woman, who made a surprised gasp before standing on her full height to great the younger man.
"It is already time?" Spider asked with his tiny voice.
His voice is adorable
"Yes Spider, you can't stay out this much. It is dangerous" Norme explained picking up the child in his arms, and he rolled his eyes when all the presents children made an annoyed sound.
"Bye bye" Spider said meanwhile in the avatar arms who was raking him away, although he was saying it to everyone he looked at Mo'at eyes, which warmed her heart.
He seems to be such an adorable child.
Later on that day, when Alpha Centauri was on the end of his path Mo'at finded herself at the tree of souls.
As she connected to the tree, she was surprised to be surrounded by the green forest, Eywa not often made her have an encounter with someone, and when she saw her mate, Eytukan she couldn't do anything but smile at him, coming closer to him, to stand at his side.
He was watching as they're childern were playing in the nearby trees.
"How are you" he asked to his old mate, who made a sight.
"Honestly? Really tired. There is this big ceremony coming for the memorial day since it will be five years since it all happened, me and Jake are trying to do something perfect but it is so difficult" she explained quickly, lying her head on the other shoulder.
He maded an unsympathetic sound.
"Things can not be perfect, nothing is perfect" he reminder the woman, who stayed silent watching the little girls play.
"You met someone today haven't you?" Eytukan asked after a while.
"How do you know?"
"Resting with Eywa have is benefits" he responded.
"He is a human child," Mo'at started "he have this long sun hair, and the most adorable voice my ears ever listen to"
"Maybe you should try to talk with him more, since his voice is so adorable" Eytukan said with a mocking tone and Mo'at nudged him lightly.
"Is there a reason I was allowed to see you today?"
"Find it out yourself darling" he have her a kiss on the forehead side.
Then her eyes were open again, her ikran at some meters waiting patiently.
As she got to him, she explained the strange chat with her deceased mate, and as she connected the animal suggested to not go home immediately.
They flew for a few kilometres arriving at the place called hell gates, usually she would go there monthly to met Grace avatar, but this time she asked to be met with the child.
As they tell her the path she needed to do a few questions were raised.
"Why do you want to meet the child?"
"Have him done something stupid?"
"Do we need to put him in time out?"
"Do i need to spank him"
The last one maded shiver her, but ignoring all the questions she simply got to where the child was supposed to be.
As she entered what seemed to be an area of food, she founded the boy to be sit on a chair, drawing.
"It is you!" He said happily.
"It is me!" She responded picking the boy in her arms when he got to her.
Their embrace for some seconds, and as she breathed his smell she was pleased to see that his smell was nice unlike the others of his species.
As he got down her arms, he showed her all of the drawings he was making, and with the most impressed looks she watched each of them.
Her routine became the one of visiting the boy everyday, till the night before his six birthday.
When she came into his small room, she founded a child who had no idea of how to put the shirt of his pajamas on himself.
"Maybe is best if you sleep without" suggested
"But if I catch a cold?"
"Spider, it is mid August, i doubt you will catch one" her reasoning was that good that the boy undressed all of himself leaving only the underwear.
Mo'at carefully placed him in his bed, listening to what he had to say about the day he met and the day he was about to met.
"Would you like to come live with me?" She asked him without even realizing, those words came out of her mouth like it was the most normal thing she could ask a sky person.
"Yes yes yes" His eyes light up in excitement, putting his arms around Mo'at body, who soon hugged back too.
The very next day, she was in the Pod of her daughter, watching as the kids were playing on the ground with their toys.
Spider came in, and when he saw Mo'at he practically runned to her for an hug, which she reciprocated.
"Last night, you were seriously?" He asks her still in her arms.
"Yes, yes i was. Happy birthday sunny boy, now go play with the others" she said giving him a big kiss on the head.
Neytiri and Jake were confused next to her, looked at her for a few seconds before Neytiri could say "emh...Mother, what was that?"
"From December till now, i speded at least every evening with this child, we grown affection for eachother and i decided that he will come and live with me" she responded, her eyes on the kids, who were playing now all together.
"What?! But he is a demon!"
"He is a child. No child is a demon, not in Eywa eyes or mines" she darted back to Neytiri.
"You are trying to replace Sly with him? Don't you?!"
A slap was then spread across Neytiri face, causing all children to stop playing and Mo'at got up.
"Don't you ever say something like that again"
And with that she picked Spider in her arms and got away.
Sorry for eventuals errors, i did it half asleep.
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Jason Todd
Jason is as someone else put it succinctly "a mass-murdering terrorist and tax-evader". He does evil, the story constantly condemns him as evil and sinful and thuggish and stupid and uneducated and overemotional. He does have a lower and more selective kill count than Luke Skywalker, John Wick, Disney Mulan, etc. So you got part of the fandom writing an annoying flood of fan fiction about him being a warm soft nice guy skipping through the daisies with his fam (hey have fun, guys). Then you got another side picking out the worst ex-canon comics for him (while they ignore the worst ex-canon comics for their own fave characters i.e. "my fave only did evil because of a mind-control potion, but Jason always chooses to be evil even though the story and the writer himself said he was crazy and broken and suffering from magic insanity")... and accuse him of being a cop (he is a cop-hating cop-killing terrorist murderer criminal thuggy thug thug constantly being hunted by law enforcement in a world bursting to the brim with actual copaganda while the heroes regularly cooperate with police—so many anti-fans are misusing the term copaganda because they hate this fictional character to the point they want to train people to be blind to actual copaganda). Jason is absolutely a villain—and he returned to his hometown when it was a battlefield with hundreds killed in the latest conflict, ruled over by a child-killing torture-enthusiast. War is always wrong and evil, and Jason was raised to be a soldier in that war—and when the promises of justice and safety never came true, he decided to seize power through murder. Jason is evil. He is inarguably a lesser evil than what usually plagues the town. Innocent people are alive because he got his hands dirty. He is such an asshole. People like him should not exist. He shot a 10-year-old in the chest, and nobody not even the 10-year-old cared the next day because it really wasn't a big deal. He was kidnapped by a billionaire with a taste for young boys, and it's literally not a big deal. His crimesagainst fashion are unforgivable tho.
Batman's adopted son and second Robin that got killed by the Joker and came bag to enact a revenge plan by becoming a Gotham drug lord. He had a duffel bag of 8 decapitated heads at some point and planted a bomb on the Batmobile and then got his throat slit by Batman to save the Joker. He stole his older adoptive brother's (first Robin) identity and blew up a high school but he forbade Gotham's drug rings from selling to children and actually became an anti-hero in Gotham and killed the people Batman wouldn't (rapists, drug lords, etc.). He attacked his little adoptive brother (third Robin) and beat him to a bloody pulp. He also slept with Batman's baby mama. He raised a fucked up Superman clone with kindness. He has lead teams of Outlaws on multiple occasions that love him. He's on good terms with many (not all) of Gotham's vigilantes.
Listen. I love the guy, I love him dearly, but I feel like people these days are trying to make him like completely justified in everything he did?? And like you can see where he’s coming from, sure, but my man did absolutely beat Tim Drake, a teen, half to death for the crime of being Robin. He’s morally gray! He had decapitated heads in duffle bags! Let my guy be morally gray please stop woobifying him
Jason Todd is regularly stripped of his autonomy in fandom to make him more palatable and “redeemable”. They attribute his legitimate trauma, annger, and pain driven actions to “pit madness” a side effect of the way he was resurrected. Not only that but so many people don’t even know what he actually does when he comes back, it’s like a shitty game of telephone where each person tells the next a slightly altered version of his return and at the end everyone thinks that Jason hates the kid who took up the Robin mantle after him and wants to kill him and that he is mad at Bruce for no reason and all Bruce needs to do is tell Jason that he is loved (despite Jason having a lot of evidence to the contrary) and everything will be all better. His values and beliefs and convictions are treated as invalid and his trauma is something he needs to just get over because it’s inconvenient and harmful to everyone else and doesn’t he know that everyone else was also traumatized by his death?
vigilante who kills people • traumatized as hell • has trouble differentiating between good deeds and selfishness • shot his little brother on the spine • tried to kill his other two brothers • operates under the belief that controlling evil is the only way to help innocents • has an immesurable love for the people of Gotham and really wants them to be happy and safe!! • please for the love of god fandom stop talking about him as if the bad things hes done are forgiveable AND as if the good things he's done don't matter
Gonna be honest even canon misinterprets him. There's no winning. All you need to know about DC universe is that multiple different writers have had a go at writing him and every time he is wildly different which is maybe why people interpret him very differently?? Canon interprets him in a he did everything wrong way a lot of times and fanon interprets him in a he did nothing wrong way because he is blorbo to many, when he is very much someone who did a lot of shit wrong but also had a lot going on, while thats still not an excuse for like, a lot of maiming and murder, and (usually) later in the timeline he is less trigger happy and has evened out from villain to morally grey, his whole "redemption" to being morally grey is usually up to fan interpretation whether or not they're chill with letting him keep murdering bad people or they say no murder in general, and whether or not bats is chill with the whole he keeps murdering people thing since he has a staunch no murder stance. Also!! a lot of people in fanon write in the whole pit insanity thing as a way to excuse a lot of the things he did while in his full on villain era, and like,,, i don't think that was canon??? like i straight up think the whole pit madness thing was made up but a lot of DC canon is wibbly wobbly already so its hard to say. hope this wasn't too word salady but i hope you understand that whenever you are consuming any piece of media, canon or fanon, with this man in it you have literally no idea what you are stumbling into you, you are playing fucking spin the wheel, which flavour of Jason Todd are we reading about today. I will say though, canon does objectively treat him like dogshit and only really brings him back every now and then as a punching bag for Batsy whenever they want to have edgy emo abusive dad bruce wayne because comic writers think found family is for chumps and so is being a good parent and actively resist it with every ounce of their soul :/ so I understand why fanon strays so far away, it's just that fanon also can't seem to agree on the degree of morally grey he is?? idk someone save Jason it's the worst custody battle of the century between canon and fanon.
Miguel O'Hara
he is dj internalized homophobia. he is so so sick in the head
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Okay but what would the rest of the Sully family’s reaction be, cause they left to protect their kids (which sucks but I don’t blame them for that) only to find out no one is looking for them really (I mean, Quaritch was always the main one looking for him) anymore. And finding out they are now at Home Tree?! And that the teens of the clan saved Spider and pestered the recoms into becoming good.
at first, when all they had was news from norm, they were confused to the high hells. a group of teenagers, those who were friends of spider, and they not only got spider back, but successfully did what jake up an left The People to do, in a few weeks, simply by being annoying little kids and giving a bunch of RDA puppets an identity crisis.
then they get back, after its clear there's no outright danger, and finding a bunch of shaken, distant-eyed, and equally confused recoms. neytiri wants to kill them, jake just about might let her, but then he watches Zdog take one of the kids under her arm during meal time, quaritch holding spider close, prager and ja pushing themselves past their own mental fog to play with some of the younger few kids in the village as their older siblings watched on. while the sully's wanted to be angry, it was more then clear that something was up and they should at least hear them out.
the kids reunite with their old friends, their brother, and find that, yeah, the recoms aren't that bad. each one had apologized to them, individually, and had strived to make it up to them, both long term and short. spider promises on his life that they can trust the recoms, that even if they share the same name and face, a few memories even, they aren't the same people and that they would do anything to prove that.
max and norm vouch for that, so do all of the kids (again, very convincing, and equally annoying). jake is swayed, slowly, he knows what the RDA is capable, making clones isn't surprising, cutting corners and letting them go stray wasn't necessarily surprising. neytiri is swayed by her own mother, who is basically petting lyle's bald head, calling him "loi re'o" (egg head). mo'at confirms they've been accepted by eywa, by The People, by her as tsahik. neytiri is kinda forced to go with it.
after that its malicous compliance between jake and neytiri and the recoms, turned begrudged teamwork, to frenemies, to "they will never admit it but they would die for each other" type friendship that they are admittedly bad at hiding.
all the kids are happy, the recoms are pretty fun and surprisingly good 'parents' to their ragtag little family.
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mixed-up-media · 5 months
We've been aging up Coraline and Wybie for years, aren't we forgetting some kids?...
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Before anyone asks, if we can age up Agatha (I know we do it) then we can age up these dead freaks.
But seriously there is not enough content on these guys. Sure Other Wybie Makes it into some fanworks, but we as a fandom have three mostly personality-less characters waiting to get stories. This is a fan content factory.
I like to think up in heaven (or whatever afterlife you believe in) the ghost kids are besties and then find Other Wybie. They all end up being really close cause they were all killed by the same spider demon. Here is a list of rolls in the friend group, and my personal headcanons.
Sweet ghost girl. She's the leader of the dead kids. Up in the afterlife she developed a bit of an attitude. Still watches over her sister and grandnephew. She's a bit bossy at times, but still has her heart in the right place. Still a sweetheart.
Huck Finn Jr., You know that annoying younger brother character in cartoons who's constantly flirting with the older girls in the show ? Yeah that's him. He's the gremlin dude who just stirs up chaos. He really does care about the others and is a great emotional support person.
Pioneer girl, The mom of the group. She was the first one killed, and the oldest when she was killed, so it was just kinda natural for her to take care of everyone. Says "Girl" every 5 sentences. Overly protective.
Other Wybie, Quiet and incredibly loving. He's kinda always been a little weird, considering he was created by the nightmare that killed all of them. However He loves these three kids like they are his family, and in a way they kinda are. The Other father essentially adopted him and the two live with the rest of the dead Lovatt family. Wybie's parents are pretty chill about the whole thing.
The Other father learned how to play chopsticks on the piano and is very proud of himself.
The crew absolutely hangs out with Aggie whenever she's not busy being a ghost and annoying Norman.
They have been to the dream fair, and have met Wendell and Wild.
Other Wybie kinda acts like Coraline's "Guardian angel" type of thing. So he watches over her and OG Wybie, and does angel stuff (I'll flesh that out more later)
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jemstone55 · 2 years
Small idea/thought of a avatar various x fem!reader
I'm just writing out whatever story i just thought of, don't judge me :")
(first time using tumblr posting something so i am not sure if i did this right tbh)
Atwow various × Kanao Tsuyuri!reader
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Y/n lived in a very poor place and had been abused when she was very young. After being beaten,starved and miserable almost everyday,one day she broke psychologically and became an empty shell.
One day,she was eventually sold off into slavery but got saved by two sisters who are scientists. The sisters adopted and raised y/n as their sister. The younger of the two sisters named Shinobu Kocho was reluctant to adopt y/n at first but warm up to y/n and took care of y/n with her older sister. The older sister ,Kanae Kocho, gave y/n a coin and instructed y/n to flip the coin if she needs help making a decision.
As a few years went by, the kocho sisters were given the chance to go to Pandora as a part of the good scientist there. They brought y/n along to Pandora as they couldn't leave y/n behind and wanted y/n to also have a better life in Pandora. (Set two years before the twow)
When the three sisters got there,they were amazed with the sceneries of the planet. Kanao went out exploring one day and was just looking around, distracted by the life in Pandora,she didn't notice four pairs of eyes on her.
All of them being entranced by her beauty. The smallest of them all accidentally step on a twig and cause the human to turn around quickly in surprised. All four beings starts to panicked looking at the human while y/n just stares at them in a calm posture but have sweat dropping and feel alert.
The four pairs of eyes being Spider,Lo'ak,Kiri and Tuk.
They slowly come out of their hiding spot and all of them just have their eyes looking into y/n eyes. After a while of having a mini staring contest,the reader ran away quickly. The four quickly ran to y/n catching up to her. Then they talk cautiously to y/n,then y/n just flips her coin when they asked her some questions. Sometimes she just smiles and didn't answer the question,sometimes she answers them but in short sentences. This makes them all even more interested and curious about this human girl. All four of the strangers likes y/n's voice and wants to hear more so they ask y/n lots of question. At the end,after getting to know each other more,the three teens sorta have small unnoticeable crush on y/n while Tuk really likes y/n as a mysterious friend. They talked until dark and went back their respective home.
The Sully kids all talked about y/n to their brother, Neteyam, and their parents. They met y/n and likes her but is kinda weirded out by her using the coin making decisions. Wonders why she does it but doesn't ask since it's not really their business.
Neteyam,like his siblings, is mesmerized by y/n's beauty. Never thought a human could look this pretty-
Does feel a little envy that his siblings and friend got to know y/n first.
Neytiri was cautious and doesn't really like Y/n at first but starts to like and accept her seeing how y/n helps healing and protecting her kids(especially Lo'ak) when they go out doing something reckless and also because of how y/n isn't annoying or pretending to be one of them like a certain someone she dislikes *ahem* spider *ahem hem*
Like her children,she also likes y/n's voice and would make an effort to get to know y/n and sometimes would talk to y/n.
Jake just thinks of y/n as another daughter and would know his children is infatuated with the human girl.(Neytiri knows as well)
Y/n is always called by the Sully's kids +spider to hang out in their place or the kids use the excuse of showing y/n around to actually hang out with y/n
Y/n starts to help around the clan as she doesn't wants to be a burden when she's going around in their territory.
The clan accepted y/n as their own because of how the human helps around a lot and is really nice even tho she is mysterious and a bit weird in their opinion.
When the forest was burning,the kocho sisters sacrifice themselves for y/n to escape safely.
Y/n then also fights the humans with the na'vi as her sisters wish for her to help and protect the place and its people. Y/n became slightly colder but the Sullys are there for her and it kinda makes them a bit worried when y/n doesn't cry for her sisters death. She finally told them her backstory and how her brothers got killed just for crying,making the Sullys,the clan and others feeling sorry and protective of her and even more angry towards the sky people.(i really want someone to write their reactions towards characters backstory)
Y/n kinda just get adopted by the Sully family.
Jake decides to bring y/n along with them to the metkayina clan because she also got caught by Miles Quaritch with the others and he is worried that y/n is also gonna be targeted.
At the metkayina clan,ofc the clan members were angry,scared and wary of y/n's presence. The Sullys held a protective stance in front of y/n, Kiri hold y/n's hand to soothe y/n(or herself). But they didn't really need to, with the way of how y/n is,being calm and quiet,made the members intrigued by her. Her smile is so pretty that the members let some of their guard down. Ao'nung and Rotxo couldn't really make any remarks about y/n as they were mesmerising her beauty. Tsireya couldn't help but stare at the pretty human girl as well, intrigued and in awe.
Ronal harshly criticized y/n but stopped when y/n never say anything and have some thoughts that maybe this "demon" isn't quite bad.
After being accepted into the clan,the reader tried her best to learn the metkayina ways. She impressed almost everyone with how she learns fast and really well. Tsireya always wants to hang out with y/n to get to know each other.
Rotxo and y/n starts to have a pleasant friendship.
Ao'nung and his friends tried to taunt y/n but she just smiles and say nothing,making Ao'nung and his friends a bit frustrated. But Ao'nung can't help but wants to get closer to her,since he's not good with feelings and wants to keep his reputation infront of his friends,he just bullies y/n for being a "demon" and also taunts her about her coin.
The Sully kids gets really protective of y/n when they see Ao'nung and his gang trying to bully her.
One day,Ao'nung just gets really frustrated with y/n that he just threw her coin into the water. Y/n just panicked and franticly gets into the water to find her coin. Ao'nung and his gang was just surprised to see her like that since she's always in a calm posture. They did laughed at y/n but starts to worry as she didn't come back up for a while. The Sully kids,Rotxo and Tsireya saw the entire thing and did quickly ran to the scene but was too late when y/n rush into the water.
Y/n was so focused on finding her coin that she forgot her breathing lessons and just starts to drown without much care tbh, she's just thinks about the coin,the coin is the last thing she got from her late sister,it made her thought of how she lost the coin like she lost Kanae and Shinobu again.
Ao'nung quickly rush to save y/n while the Sully kids,Rotxo,Tsireya also dived into the water wanting to save y/n while Ao'nung's friends all waited for them to come out.
Ao'nung did saved y/n,but she was unconscious,everyone grew even more concern and scared.While rushing to Ronal to get y/n treated, the Sully kids and Tsireya all scolded Ao'nung and Rotxo just wanting to bring y/n quickly to the Tsahik.
The adults(Tonowari,Ronal, Neytiri and Jake) asked what happened. After telling them everything, Ronal and Tonowari just gets angry at Ao'nung and scolded him then make him apologize to the Sullys and especially y/n after she wakes up.
The metkayina na'vi then asked about the coin,then the Sullys just explained about it and told them y/n's backstory.
Ao'nung and his friends felt even more terrible after hearing what y/n had gone through as a child and now the metkayina clan knows why y/n is like this. This make the metkayina leaders have a sorta soft spot for the girl. They and the clan does accept her as a good sky person and also fully part of their clan.
Ao'nung changed and starts being nicer to y/n after the event. Developing a nice friendship. This made the Sully kids a bit jealous like prince fish lips was a big bully and now he's just being nice like all of a sudden stealing their best friend.
They were also jealous when the metkayina people starts to hang out with y/n more,making them spending less time together. But they feel less jealous when y/n always says they'll never be replace by these people.
Now the sully kids and the metkayina kids starts to have a competition of stealing y/n's attention wherever or whenever they can.
Now i feel embarrassed
I wrote too much lol
Once i start writing,i couldn't stop
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minquiec · 8 months
Jia + Interactions
These are kind of under the implication of either 1: this is after atsv and all is well again or 2: the conflict of atsv never occurred and theyre all friends and miguel is just a tired overworked dad (this one preferably I jus want them to all be friends is this SO hard to ask)
- actually really good friends
- they trauma bonded over that one time hb bought chinese food (fondly, or not, remembered as The Incident)
- Verging into annoying little brother and equally annoying older sis territory
- Really really snarky that it might be bullying atp
- I like to think pav is a little nosy esp w drama (did u see the way he was w gwen and miles like cmon 😞) so jia would gossip a lil. she tries to not but eeeuyghhhhh maybe just this once [it was in fact not just this once]
- because! he's a nosy little fella i think he'd enjoy watching some dramas w rlly outrageous plot lines. jia enables by sending him reccomendations so he can watch w gayatri ajajaj
- I drew this once but in anomaly hunter au pav constantly pesters jia for credits so he can buy food cause he spends it on knives AHSBJAS
- bullies him but gets bullied back
- I have no idea on how jia would fit into the timeline of events within the canon lore hence the preferred implication of how atsv conflict never happened and I can make shit up HAHDHWHS but gwen was the offical spider to bought jia into the hq
- I made a comic abt this WAY EARLY of making jia but it was abt miguel and his slow ass descending platform LOLOL but yea they kept in touch
- they used to be that polite friendly but slowly got more unhinged over time
- flicks web balls/rubber bands(??) at the other
- share similar swinging patterns by jia is a bit more sporadic and leans towards a parkourish style while gwens likeee gymnastics?? I forogor the word
- bullies her for fun abt miles
- oh ☹️☹️
- ik i literally said that these are under the impression of the events of atsv not occurring but if jia ever saw miles' like full story (from itsv to atsv) she honest to god would've been like ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
- this is literally just me projecting but if y'all remember the scene in itsv where aaron found out miles identity AND THE SCENE WHERE HE LOOKS SO FUCKIN SCARED OF HIS UNC AND LOOKED SO SMALL CAUSE HES (13??14?? I forgot) and I think the only thing she would've said is just
- he's just a kid ☹️
- he was just a boy ☹️☹️☹️
- She would've been really sad and he makes her really sad cause he was so young
- her son btw ‼️‼️
- also bullies him abt gwen
- sheeeee doesn't exactly respect him as much as she should but she also doesn't care enough to disrespect him straight up??
- it's more bc the first impressions of him has always been very unserious so she doesn't take him very seriously 😭
- Especially after watching him descend so incredibly painfully slow on his little elevator platform
- gen z employee and tired boss vibes
- She calls him bossman which he's like 🗿stop calling me that but she's just 😆 idcccc
- Also calls him 老大 for fun too and it basically means like,,,boss or head honcho or top dog or something along the lines idk how to translate it
- only reason she's seen around him is cause she likes lyla and thinks she's cute
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koolcece22 · 7 months
Spider-Verse: Enter Venomgirl Ch.2
Shade’s pov 
My head was pounding, I didn’t want to open my eyes knowing it would make the headache worse. 
“ Shade. Hey! Shade, wake up!”  
 I can hear Kuro in my head, trying to push her away if was in front of me knowing she was just in my head. I groan
“Five more minutes, Kuro.”
“ Fine. don’t say I warned you.”
Just then I felt a jolt of energy that got me up. I have taken deep breaths to calm myself down. By the Great ones, I hate when she does that. I look around realizing I’m not at home I’m in a cell-like room. Oh no.
“ Yeah, we got caught because you got too worked up.”
I sign Kuro is right. Nine years and I still can’t control my emotions The fact I haven’t got caught by now is a miracle in itself. I got up to look around to see if they a place I could break out I noticed that there was an orange see-through wall I looked out to see other people in the same cell as me. But they all look different. Like I’m looking at different art that is alive 
“Wh-where are we?”
“ I don’t know. I just woke up a couple of minutes before you. I made sure I didn’t de-tranform, so you're still good.” 
I nodded as I put my hand on the orange wall. Even though it was seen threw it, it was solid. I was about to tell Kuro to turn my hands into claws till I looked down to see something on my wrist. It looked like the blue band before I could take a closer look I could hear people coming my way. 
“So Lyla said they try to figure out what symbiote variant she is?” 
“Yea. it's very weird, she's not a host to it, unlike the others. Her DNA is nothing Lyla had seen before. it is totally different.” 
I was trying to listen to them, I could recognize them, it was that girl and boy who were with that big guy. He wasn’t with them, thank the gods. There was about to pass my cell till got their attention. I want an answer, about where am I.
“Hey! Hey!” I called to them to try to get their attention. I also noted they weren’t wearing their mask. They both look so young, It made my blood boil thinking Alchemax made these kids into weapons. But try to get past that. One of them stopped, it was the one who was in a black and red outfit. Why does the red part make look like the armpits are bleeding?
“Oh, you up?” the black and red kid said. 
“Yeah no thanks to you guys. That hurt by the way.” I retorted 
“To be fair you weren’t listening and most anomalies don’t listen anyway.” The girl chimes in her hair was blonde and pink. Her outfit remind me ghost in a kind of cute way, but I try to focus 
“What? What an anomaly?” I asked. Before she can respond we all turn toward a new voice
“Gwen! Miles! What up brav!”
I saw two more people head over here. One looks like they have a punk-like outfit. Something I have seen in the underground back home. The other one had a red outfit with gold bingles. 
“Hobie! Pav! Where have you been?” the black and red one or Miles I think he called. Walk to Hobie giving a standard greeting I’ll see to teens or an older and younger brother would give. Choke holding and noogie to him. They must be close.
“Is this one anomaly you caught? I heard you two work with Miguel and she was spot on this earth. Wow, that's pretty rare.” Pav said as took a good look at me, like I was some kind of animal. I didn’t appreciate that and gave him a deep growl and showed my fangs. Pav put his hands up and backed away. Hobie did the opposite and got closer like trying to figure me out.
“Take a picture. It lasts longer.” I said starting to get annoyed by this situation, till he gave off a grin. 
“Oye, your Venomgirl from Earth-2424,” he said, I was shocked.  How does he know who I am? Am I some kind of evil being that passes down generations or something?
“Wait, you know who she is Hobie?” Gwen asked, I also want to know how he knows about me. I would have noticed someone who looked like that. 
“Oye, I have been her Earth before, they have awesome bread. I should bring guys there one day.”  Hobie then turns to me “So you got caught by the big cunt I see. Man can’t tell a freedom fighter if it bites him on the ass.”  I’m going to think the ‘the big cunt’ he talking about was a big red and blue spider guy. I’m guessing that the leader from the sound of it. I didn’t notice that Hobie was typing on the key lock to unlock my cell. The other three looked at him eyes widening.
“Hobie! What are you doing?! We can’t have variant walking around Miguel going to kill us. And when I say us, I mean me!” Miles said grabbing his head in panic. Something tells me Miles doesn’t get along with his boss. 
“Psst, he going to do squat. Man, more chill since he has proved to people he is still the leader. Hey, do want to hang with us?” this Hobie doesn’t see me as a threat. 
“ I like this one. He coolio spider let hang with him!”  
I look at my shoulder to see Kuro in her rabbit form and plop herself on, Gwen, Miles, and Pravitr seem to be taken aback by seeing her. 
‘Kuro get back in my body’ I told telepathy 
‘ Relax, they don’t seem like a threat to us. And if they were planning to experiment on us they would have done it. Besides, if they were Alchemax we can kill them, right?’
I look down not wanting to think on that thought. I’m not planning to start killing kids. Even if they work with Alchemax. I sigh and am about to rip this blue band till Hobie stops me.
“I wouldn’t do that mate.”
I glared at him thinking this thing was some kind of shock collar. I about ignored him till he put his hands up to show me the watch he had on his wristed. He took it off and after a few seconds he flashed in many colors and his body seemed to … ‘glitch’ out, like a videogame character. He quickly put the watch back on, and judging by the look on his face. It might be quite painful.
“None of us is from this earth, so you going be glitching out like that if you take that off.” 
I nodded not wanting to deal with that. I get out of the cell and see other different types of people here too. I was going to say something till my stomach growled loudly. I was caused to grab it and blush beat red. The four then stared at me while I was grabbing my stomach and glared at Kuro who just pretended to whistle like she didn’t know.
“Kuro. really?!”
“ Hey! Don’t blame me! you the one that skipped breakfast.” 
“HAHA! No problem brov. Let's head cafeteria. I was heading there too.” Hobie said as he led the way. Me, Gwen, Miles, and Pravitr follow, hoping I don’t cause too much trouble.
Miguel’s pov
Looking through all the screens showing the other Earths with anomaly issues. It has been two hours since I caught the anomaly that was spotted on my Earth which is rare. Lyla still running some blood work from the sample I got from her. Lyla still can’t figure out what type of symbiote she has. It is more bounded compared to most symbiote’s hosts. Which is weird, The good news i be sending her back home in another hour once we scan her DNA to see which earth she belongs to.
I see Lyla appearing on the side of me, I can tell a smug look on her.
“Stats report,” I said not looking up from the screen. 
“Well, DNA still be stored out of the anomaly you caught. The current flow of anomaly be sent through the Go-Home machine is normal. Oh, and the anomaly you caught today was broken out by Hobie. And we have a new food item-”
“Backup, what!?” Literally almost broke the panels when I heard what she just said. 
“The-Go-Home machine?”
“No! The Hobie broke the anomaly out. The one Me, Miles, and Gwen caught today?!”
“Oh yeah, to make you feel better she was in the cafeteria with him and the little group friends. And there bunch Spider-people there so if she was trying to something she outnumbers.” Lyla said glitching out around and showing me all the videos of them there. I growled at this. I was clawing at my console and wanting to scream. What the shock are they thinking?!
“Do you want me to send them here?” Lyla said 
“No, I go get them. The last time you said ‘we outnumber them’ they got away.” Still remember the whole chasing Miles thing. We still working on that, I’m still to this day wondering why all of them wanted to rejoin. I figure that that bootleg watch the Hobie made wasn’t as go as mine. 
“At least, I’m calmer now since I took the stabilizer.”
“Yeah, that was close. Didn't want to bring her back broken now.” 
I scoffed as I sat on my mask and headed towards the cafeteria.
Shade’s pov 
I hate getting stared at. Well to be fair, I’m like a prisoner that roaming free and not in her cell. Or the fact that Kuro and I are eating like we haven’t eaten in months. 
“Remind me to apologize to Peter for his eating habits” I heard Miles whisper to Gwen. She nodded. I try to slow down eating try eat more normally, but kind of hard since it's been a while since I talked ate with let alone talked to people. 
“So… so where am I exactly? You said I’m not on my Earth are you guys aliens or something?” asked I got snickers from them. like I was telling a joke to them. 
“No-No. We not aliens were human. You are in a different Earth. Have heard the Multi-universe theory?” Miles said 
“Yes. I watch movies on my … Earth. So you a different version of Arachnidqueen?” I asked. Depending on their answer I won’t attack, but that be dumb since I’m surrounded. Maybe keep an eye on them. 
“Who Arachnidqueen?” Gwen asked
“She her’s  Spider-women,” Hobie said beating to the question
“Wait! You meant her?” My eyes widen in surprise. I would have heard of him meeting Arachnidqueen on her stupid blog.
“Nope, glad I didn’t. She smells like a corporate pig. And her blog is so cringe.”
“Tell me about. But how heard about me?”
“She was bashing about you and seeing you doing the opposite of what she was doing you seem cooler than her.”
I was a bit taken aback, I’m not used being called cool. I have been called many things most aren't pretty. 
“It's so weird to see a symbiote outside its host body.” I heard him. I can feel Kuro not liking being called ‘it’, I also don’t like it when someone calls her that either . 
“She is a girl, and her name is Kuro. please reframe calling her a ‘it’. It brings back bad memories.” I said as I pet Kuro who had stopped eating and glared at Pavitr, the one who said it. He put his hands up in defense. 
“Wow, I didn’t mean like that. It just hasn’t had my symbiote Cannon event yet and most people didn’t tell me they look this cute.” Pravitr tried to pet Kuro, she was growling and lashed out her tongue at him at so high speed that I’m very surprised he dodged it. 
“Kuro! We're not trying to start a fight!” 
“ He started it! Stupid spicey spider tries to think I’m cute. I’m an apex predator Greats Ones damn!”
“Spicey?” Pavitr said as he un-duck from the table.
“Yeah, Kuro is bad with names for some reason. So I’m sorry in advance if she gives a mean name. She’ll refuse to change it once she makes up her mind.” 
Kuro stuck up her tongue and went back to eating. Which is great one less thing to deal with. I was about to ask them another question till I looked up to see Miles, Gwen and Pavitr’s eyes widen see behind me. Hobie eyes stay nonchalant and even has a smirk on his face. Before I figure out what going on a looming Shadow over me. I look above me to see the red and blue Spider-man. The one I saw with Miles and Gwen, he was much bigger than I remember. Then again I was trying to kill him.
“What are all of you doing?” I heard him say almost sounding like growled. I could tell he was pissed
“What? Just feeding a fellow hero that all.” Hobie said as put his feet on the table. Really not care about the situation we all are in. 
“You let an anomaly out! Do know how dangerous  that is?!” 
“I have a name. Its…
“Shade Usagi, yea I Know.” 
My eyes widen, he knows my name?  He then pointed to Kuro
“And that Is symbiote. That could take over anyone.”
“No, she wouldn’t! Not without my permission.”  I glared at this guy. Kuro hopped on my shoulder ready to fight if we have to. But he didn’t do anything he just glared at me.  Before I could react he shot me with red webbing and wrapped me up. I have been wrapped up in webbing before so it shouldn’t have been a problem to break out of it. Try to get Kuro to fuse back into my body, but she couldn’t
‘Kuro! What's wrong?!’ 
‘I don’t know?! The webbing is stopping me.’
I was shocked, his webbing was stopping me and Kuro fusing. I cant  go into my full strength without her. 
“This webbing is designed to stop you reconnecting with the symbiote.” He said as if he knew what I going to ask. I was about say something till Gwen stand up 
“Miguel! Stop! She wasn’t going to do anything. And if she did all fours would have took care of it.” Gwen said she was very upset, made me wonder have something like this had happened before with them. Miguel seemed not to not faze by her words, he pulled me closer to him as was still trying to break free in vain.
“It doesn’t matter, all four are going to be punished for this. You guys are luck you be going on a mission this week. Now all you follow me.” Miguel then dragged me with him, damn he is stronger then look which he does look pretty strong. Kuro bites through the webbing like an actually rabbit. Before she could do anything what seemed like a device floated above her and put her in a jar. The jar floats towards him with Kuro in it. My eye was widened if she out my range i’ll-
“Ten meters.”
I look at him try to hear what he just said 
“As long as ‘she’ is within Ten meters you be fine, correct?” Miguel said. I nodded still stunned on how he knew about that made me wonder how much he knew about me? I thought on that as me and the group followed Miguel to what Miles said his lab. I don’t like labs.
A/n: I'm starting the story up here. if want a better read its up on my A03
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afirewiel · 8 months
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: Overall Thoughts
What I didn't like...
First off, let me say that there is nothing that I hate about this show. The following things are just minor annoyances, not things that are putting me off from continuing to watch (assuming the shows is renewed). With that out of the way, let's continue.
I've posted about this before, but the lighting in this show could use some work. It's not a problem when it's taking place outdoors in daylight or a well lit room, but when it's a dark environment, it's too dark. I could barely see what was happening in the water park or Underworld scenes. How am I supposed to follow the story if I can't see what's happening?
That they only mentioned Annabeth's fear of spiders instead of showing it. I love that scene in the book. It's the first time we see Annabeth out of control and vulnerable. It's a reminder that even though Annabeth is a competent warrior, she is still human and still just a kid. It also shows us how mature Percy is. He's a 12 year old boy after all and a lot of 12 year old boys would have just laughed at Annabeth's fear and made fun of her for it. But Percy didn't do that. He showed understanding, sympathy, and support. I feel like we lost something by taking away that moment.
As much as I was thrilled to see Timothy Omundson in this show, I wish they hadn't introduced Hephaestus so soon as it kind of ruins it for when we do eventually meet him in the Battle of the Labyrinth. Same goes for Hermes.
That they didn't have Annabeth be the one to show Percy around camp. In the book, Annabeth was willing to step in and put a stop to Clarisse's bullying in the bathroom, but Percy told her he got this. By having her be there and just watch, it made me grimace and made it feel like she was complicit since she just let it happen.
That they took away Annabeth's crush on Luke. I get it, they wanted Annabeth to look more a mature than just a young girl with a crush on an older boy, but her crush is something that does cause tension later on in the series, with her wondering if her prophecy in TBL about "losing a love to a fate worse than death" was about Luke or Percy and it causing arguments between Percy and Annabeth because Percy thinks Annabeth still likes Luke even after everything he's done. And realizing she views Luke as a brother, and not a crush, is a big moment for Annabeth that is now lost.
Okay, I'm probably being very nit-picky with this one, but I'm annoyed that Percy keeps getting wet! In the books, Percy only gets wet if he wants to. It's part of his power. He's so entuned with the sea and his power over it that he doesn't even get wet. It's a little thing, I know, but it bugs me all the same.
What I love...
All the flashbacks with Sally. I love that they show that being a mortal parent to a demigod child is hard. Being a single parent is tough enough already, but when you throw monsters who want to kill your child into the mix, it's next to impossible. And Sally is really struggling. She loves Percy, but love isn't enough to keep your child safe and I think she deserves credit for how hard she worked to keep Percy alive and allowing him to grow to be his own person.
Speaking of Sally flashbacks, that flashback with Poseidon! I know others have said this before, but it's so beautiful how Sally makes an offering (with ice cream that wasn't even hers) and Poseidon shows up mere moments later. It's wonderful to see him sitting there beside her, listening to her and supporting her. Telling her that she is a good mother, that she is doing great. That he knows it isn't easy for her and that as hard as it is, both she and Percy will be stronger for the decisions she is making. And I love how, instead of putting any blame on Poseidon for the situation they are in, Sally just asks if he wants to talk to Percy, acknowledging that he shouldn't as it's against the rules, but knowing how hard it must be for him to stay way, to not be there for the both of them. Showing that she trusts him and knows that he cares. And hearing Poseidon say, "One day..." how one day when Percy knows who he is and is ready to face his destiny, that he, Poseidon, god of the sea, will be right here beside his son. I just love it so much.
And speaking of Poseidon, that scene on Olympus! I could write whole essays on this scene. It is perfection! Between these two scenes, we get the Poseidon I never knew I needed. He clearly cares so much for Sally and Percy, but is just unable to say it, but shows it in the ways that he can. By being there when they need him the most. Even going so far as to surrender to Zeus, humbling and humiliatingly himself in the process, to save Percy's life. And the look on his face when Percy asked him if he ever dreamed about Sally! The pain...oh gads, I almost died. I just love Poseidon so much. He's the GOAT, imo, and I will accept 0 criticism of him. I love what they're doing with him and I hope we get much more of him in the future. I need more scenes with him and Sally. And more scenes with him and Percy.
Seeing Percy trying to drive was peaking comedy that I never knew I needed. Thank you.
Having Luke trying to get Percy to join him instead of simply killing him and only attacking him when that didn't succeed and having Annabeth show up to show she had had her suspicions that something wasn't right. Nice touch.
Having Gabe accidently turn himself into a statue. Having Sally/Percy purposefully do it to him just always felt so problematic to me, even if Gabe was an abusive jerk.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
ASOUE Spiderverse AU
- The Baudelaires -
• Mechanical Spider •
In an alternative 1949 on Earth 131313, the fate of three childrem change drastically after their parents die in a mysterious fire. Specially when while visiting the house one last time the youngest is bitten by a weird spider getting superpowers. Violet isn't this kid.
Instead she is an older sister that knows that with great love for your sibblings comes great responsabilities, that a baby isn't the best crime fighter and that Sunny is an unstopable force of nature. So she developed a suit that mimicks her sister abilities and joined her sister at the action. To everyone around is clear that she is the leader of the group and someone that knows what she is doing. Yes, a certain coffing man once raised the question in his wife's jornal that crimefighting in a cyberpunk gothic spider themed mecha isn't apropriated to a girl. But most people don't care and the other two Spiders totally are the reason his office is full of web and rude notes. In the end she is saving lifes and protecting her sibblings.
But Violet Baudelaire is a tired fourteen year old girl that is a bit done with the world bullshit and would preffer to be on her lab thank you very much. She loves her sibblings but also between so much incompetent guardians she is suddenly basically their mom and she is grieving and is tiring and she wants to scream with someone. Specially as their major villain: Count Olaf appears to follow them outside capes as well and their parents seem to have been involded in a secret multiversaw Spider people organization in the past.
• Spider Baby| Feral Spider•
While she is a baby and knows that she does rejects her popular name. After all she will grow up at some time and she has no intencion of stop crime fighthing. She was the baby that got biten in Earth 1313 and she knew deep down that all that books full of heroics her brother read to her had a meaning. The moment she discovered her powers, Feral Spider was ready to attack the Count and any other villain that appeared her way.
Sunny Baudelaire is a baby and not much different from Feral Spider at all. She likes to cook and to bite and she will violently protect people but also do her best to try to help them towards rehabilitation if they shown to be someone cappable of it. She is also really annoyed no one except her sibblings can understand what she says. Specially in costume because her quips are actually really funny.
• The Web / Aracnid•
Starting as their "man on the chair', Web was the informant of earth 131313 spiders. A name whispered around. There was no information he couldn't find in a book and he reads very quickly.
Recently a different hero joined as well. A boy called Aracnid. He is a bit serius and acid but clearly has a hearth of gold and the girls seem to be very familiar with him. The reallity is the Web is a lot of good things but none of them is patient and he got tired of waiting afraid his sisters wouldn't come back and drank a experimental serum he made with the help some books from his parents old libary (or the fews that survived the fire) to try to have powers. It worked but his powers are weaker than Sunny or than Violet's armor and a tad unstable and he is hoping he will find a way to fix it soon. He goes by aracnid because he considers more accurate than spiderman.
Klaus Baudelaire is the middle kid and he really wants to be usefull even if Violet thinks she can take everything by herself (she is strong but she needs a break as much as all of them) and just wants to help his sibblings. He would also like to be more social with people outside his Spider persona.
- The Quagmires -
• Spider Triplets•
[Spiderwoman • Spider Poet • Spider 2]
From Earth 333, Spider Poet is a member of the Spider Triplets. In an alternative 1980 Isadora Quagmire was a simple girl who loved poetry until her house catched on fire killing her parents. She and her triplets were able to survive but there was some weird fumes caming from the flames. She isn't sure what they are but they saved their lifes, specially her brothers Quingley that was in the middle of it all. Is during their time in a weird boardingschool that the trio realizes that besides saving them the fumes gave them weird spider powers.
Spider Poet gets her major name from the fact that she uses little poems to make fun of criminals as well as to calm down civilians. She is notably very nice, very smart, a bit sarcastic and very clearly a lesbian.
But Isadora is also just a girl afraid of losing her sibblings and done with her school, specially with their shitty principal and the annoying girl that keeps bullying them. Her only friends are her sibblings and she too is to insecure to put her poems in open readings and writing contests even though she is really talented. Oh and her parents were in a weird Multidimentional Spider Group. What was the deal with that?
[ Spiderman • Aracnoweb • Spider 3]
The one thing that Duncan Quagmire feels guilty about is that he used his powers as an intern on the Dailly Punctilio to make Aracnoweb the more popular name. Now while not feeling guilty for having a job he does regret working for a jornal that despises he and his triplets and what they built. But is only the start of his future carrear working for Moxie Mallahan. He knows it. But yeah right now he has to set up photos of he and his sibblings saving people and write news like "Are the Spider Trio Really That Bad? No" that after passing through the editing run some twelve times will end up becaming "Spider Trio: Really That Bad". But sometimes he is abble to make the truth scape and the misterious fashion columnist that seems to know things talked to his brother once so it has to be progress.
Duncan is just an akward kid that studies in a bording school, is an intern at a famous newspapper (by lying about his age) anf is finally on vacation and trying to keep it all together. At least their new guardian doesn't suck. Even if he doesn't want to help into their investigation onto their parents past or the heroism, Hector supports them into their endevours. And out of respect and love the triplets promissed to not look up onto Hector secret past.. for now.
[ManSpider • Spidoddle • Spider 1]
The eldest triplet keeps the silly names because he finds it funny and being the one that was actually inside the burning house and would be roasted if not for the spider regenerative powers he thinks he gets a pass on being overly silly.
Quingley is the more sociable triplet but also has no friends outside of them since the fire happened. Unless one can count the weird taxi driver/fashion columnist that talks to him sometimes and seems to be really cool and nice and treat him as a nephew but also appears to know way more than what he is saying and may want to recruit them into a multidimensional spider cult. While the three are all curious and trying to investigate what actuly happened that night Quingley is the one that goes the extra mile on it.
- Fiona Widdershins -
• Waterspider•
In an alternative 2031 (esrth 245) were global warning made so most of human life and society as a whole started to happen at sea: a young girl is abandoned by her father and later her brother as the new captain of their submarine (that follows all the regulations and security protocols as a proper submarine should).
Of course she tries to investigate it, to know why they left, and it's this search that meads the young Fiona into the ruins of the lab her dad worked in and into both a very dangerous and mortal mushrom but also a small spider that had just being living in the middle of radiation and DNA altering substances for a long time and it bited young Fiona. That was how she got her powers and florished into herself.
Just recently she discovered her brother IS a criminal but also that he is trying to get better. And she hopes he will.
Bônus: Olaf and Esme have Doctor Oc arms somehkow and are this universe new Doctor Oc.
All the book vilains are still villains but in a different scenario.
Carmelita is the Green Goblin, she was convinced by Olaf as a ploy to make Carmelita join in more risque plots without making Esme mad. She was very afected by the serum but can be saved.
VFD is as morally ambíguos here as it always is.
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fantasyinvader · 11 months
Today, I had a revelation.
In Kamen Rider Ryuki, there's a rider who looks like Batman. Ren aka Kamen Rider Knight. Even has a bat-theme going on, as he's partnered with a bat monster. Ren is involved with the Rider War, a (rigged) battle royale where they last remaining Rider gets a wish granted. Ren's wish is to save his girlfriend, put into a coma by his bat-monster. But while Ren is angry and abrasive, he also struggles with the idea of actually killing others. He has to defeat an unknown person brainwashed into being the final boss Kamen Rider Odin (only for another Odin to pop up. Again, rigged), but he also grows close to some of the other Riders.
It's an interesting inversion. Batman is famous for his no-kill policy, justifying it that if he begins to kill criminals it'll become easier and easier until all he only stops criminals by killing them. It's a slippery slope argument, why he doesn't want to be judge, jury and executioner, and something to take into consideration with how many stories speculate on Batman's mental health.
But this is what got me, the MC is a rookie journalist (with a respected female sempai) who tries to stop Ren from killing. Shinji Kido just wants everyone to stop fighting each other and instead focus on stopping the monsters from eating unsuspecting civilians. Everyone finds him annoying, but other Riders do grow attached to him. Kamen Rider Raia sacrifices himself to save Shinji after his fortune telling said Shinji would die, and he believed his fortunes were always right. Ren finds himself conflicted on the matter, even tries to cut ties with Shinji.
Ryuki was Toei wanting to show kids what heroism actually was (despite introducing the first evil Riders). And it's answer is being willing to sacrifice yourself for others. Ren puts himself through hell to save his girlfriend. Goro replaces his master as Kamen Rider Zolda so his master can die in peace to his illness. Tiger wanted to be a hero, even sacrificing his mentor who always preached “the needs of the many...,” but is recognized as one when he sacrifices himself to save a child from a traffic accident. Again, Raia died protecting Shinji and Shinji dies protecting a little girl from monsters prior to the final battle. Sacrificing others is not heroic, Shinji taught us that.
Shinji is... the show's Superman. That's what I realized today. The one whose example inspires others. His klutziness isn't an act like it is with Clark, but he'll help out people out of a genuine desire to help. It's how he's introduced after all, getting into a fight with a driver on behalf of someone in an accident. And in his main finisher, he jumps to the skies in a pose right out of the comic books.
In the end, it's Shinji's influence that convinces the female lead Yui, a mirror doppelgänger of the big bad's dead sister, to convince her brother to let his sister go. To not sacrifice the Riders (and the civilians who get killed as collateral) in order to save her, using his powers to prevent the Rider War from ever happening after who-knows-how many timeloops...where Shinji always got involved and messed things up for him.
I hated Ryuki's ending when I first saw it, since it retconned the entire show, but as I got older I appreciated it more and more. Now I love it. I wonder if the Superman parallel was intentional. I mean, it's not like Western Superheroes are unknown over there. Legendary mangaka Osamu Tezuka was the president of a Superman fan club once upon a time, and the guy who drew Speed Racer also made a Superman manga, while Super Sentai borrowed elements from a Spider-man show Toei made in collaboration with Marvel comics. So...maybe? But considering how Superman has been restored to being a hope maker after being so cynical due to Man of Steel and the New 52, it's nice to think that in the early 2000's someone, even in Japan, knew what he was about and served as an inspiration for another hero.
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krattgirl124 · 2 years
Onto the Dagala kids! Let’s go!
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Asdis is the eldest child and a twin, being a couple minutes older than her brother Halvor. This lead to her having the birthright to basically everything, from becoming the future Queen of Defenders of the Wing, and Chieftess of the Berserker tribe. It’s a lot of pressure to be put on this 13 year old’s shoulders but she’s doing her best on everything in order to make her parents proud of her. Because of all this, she only has one human friend, a Berkian girl named Raven. She has a Triple Stryke of her own named Blister, which Dagur helped her to train, and flies saddleless so there’s more freedom for her dragon. She was able to communicate to other Triple Strykes by using a tool Halvor carved for her, which is a stick with wooden balls that contain beads to stimulate the clicking of other Triple Strykes. She also has a wide variety of pets, some being a cat named Dog, an eel named Fluffy, and a spider named Princess. She and Halvor also get into vicious siblings rivalries which makes them both quite tolerant of many poisons.
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Speaking of Halvor, he’s next. Born minutes after Asdis, while he looks more like their mother, he has every bit of Berserker rage like his father. Unfortunately, meditation does nothing to calm him down so he whittles instead. He learned everything he needed to know about whittling from Throk, and even gave him his first good whittling project to him as a thank you gift. He normally whittles the dragons that live on Defenders of the Wing since he can get easy access to see them while he works, but he won’t hesitate to ask his cousin (both Heather’s and Hiccup’s kids) if he could make a carving out of their own dragons as a challenge. He doesn’t get a dragon of his own until he finds a Slitherwing that tried to move in and somehow managed to tame it (while getting poisoned multiple times in the process, thankfully the healer had the other ingredients needed for the antidote). He then named the Slitherwing “Peaches” because of the peach coloring on her face and crafted a poison proof suit to protect himself while riding her.
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Last but certainly not least, Speer the Psychotic. From the contents in his hand, you could probably guess why he’s called that. Born two years after his twin siblings, he’s more carefree and spends his time running around and playing with his dragon, a Terrible Terror named Skrill. Even though he’s more carefree, he still wants to make his parents proud of him and live up to their names. He officially got his full Viking name after a dragon hunter kidnapped him and tried to feed him to a Scauldron. Speer’s response to that was to throw shit at the hunter and stall just long enough for his parents to rescue him. Between his siblings, he has a closer bond with Halvor, despite also being the sibling he annoys the most.
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