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your-fave-is-crippled · 3 months ago
hi!! we're open once again!!
the blog is revamped and you can send in your requests!!
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thelifeinmyshadesofgrey · 1 month ago
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I am come to be judged by the dead.
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gothamcitycentral · 1 year ago
This ending ate so much can I say that
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laf-outloud · 9 months ago
Lots about the show but also:
The CW Might Not Survive Without Jared Padalecki Ever since the CW first launched in 2006, Jared Padalecki has been a part of the network. For the first fourteen years, it was as Sam Winchester on Supernatural, but in 2021, he pivoted from Vancouver to Austin to take on Walker as Texas Ranger Cordell Walker. Padalecki has been as vital to the CW as a network as DC Comics superheroes have, and with both on the chopping block this year (Superman & Lois has likewise been canceled after its upcoming fourth season), it's a wonder what the network is hoping to become.
Mr. CW, indeed!
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somberstarr · 1 year ago
Death Note Pony au where all the characters in Death Note are ponies, but instead of Ryuk, Moonlight just has regular old Discord for a Shinigami
Oh boy, you wont BELIEVE what the concept I had for Ryuk was…
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While not exactly the same theres still some major Didcord/draconequus inspo that I took. It just fit him so so well
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bonefall · 1 year ago
NGL: Stuff like Brambleclaw being a terrible namer is like. really fun but also kinda hits with the 'he;s not some meglomaniacl villain hes just a shitty guy'. like. you could see squirrelflight finding that really endearing. IDK if this is some mastermind shit, or if i'm just reading wayyyyy to into this, but i like how you give characters that are pretty bad dudes very humanising qualities. Especially when they're silly/cute. Kinda reminds you that like. theyre like. a person. well. cat but yknow. and they chose to do bad shit, with influence from their past, rather than being inherently terrible. 👍
YEAH MAN, that's what I'm SAYING
Abusers, ideologues, and other terrible people are not masterminds. They aren't born evil. They're not inherently smart OR stupid. They can love, they can be funny and polite, they do things they believe are justified and want to be good people. They don't think of themselves as villains.
Evil isn't complex. It's really, really not. I feel like that's the #1 cause of confusion when I get a question like, "Why does this person do this malicious act, when it's bad/inconsistent/mean?" The answer is always simple;
They wanted to control someone.
They wanted something and didn't mind who they hurt.
Spite and short-sightedness.
Look for anything deeper and you will not find it. Heroics are complex, being a good person is ongoing and changes over time. We're in a constant state of growing. Malice is childishly simple; it feels good to get what you want.
With Bramblestar especially... it always goes back to what I said here, when talking about the idea of an Evil!Bramble. He's a person, and you ruin everything that's so interesting about him by stripping away that nuance. Squilf and Bramble loved each other, truly, and legitimately. He can be charming. He can be nice. He still hurts her. Reconcile with this.
He is not wiser for what he went through, as a child. His pain doesn't make him better. Man's just a jerk... that's it.
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Will you share your chestervelle parenting thoughts/headcanons? 😃 I just love them as parents so much
This got long but even if you don't care for Dean/Jo I encourage you to give it a read!! I worked hard on it and it's got good Jo lore and character analysis!!! 🫶
OOOOOH great question thank you!! Me too!! Their parenting styles are soooo fascinating to me because their upbringings were vastly different so they have different views on things
Jo is such a cool mom!!! Imagine the older sister that lets you do stuff you're not supposed to do and introduces you to indie music and lets you watch PG-13 or scary movies and lets you look at her knife collection and even shows you how to do a sick knife trick (don't tell dad though). That's the vibe of Jo as a mom and we love to see it!!!
Dean is the goofiest dorkiest most fun dad ever and we love to see it!! He builds forts, he gives book characters funny voices, he makes everything into a game, he watches cartoons with them, and makes pancakes with gummy bears in them. He brings so much sunshine into their childhoods 😭😭😭 I'm so emotional about it. And when they're getting into their teen years he's embarrassing on purpose (it's the older brother in him lol) and also sometimes not on purpose, cause he's just a big dork.
Jo has a much easier time with the "cry it out" phase as babies than Dean does. He's a mother hen, it's hard for him not to nurture 😭 In a similar vein, Dean lets their kids sleep in their bed some nights longer than Jo thinks they should cause he's suchhh a softie. He can't help it. At a certain point, Jo has to be the one to put her foot down about it lol
We've seen it in canon but it's so important to me so I'm mentioning it anyway, Dean is so so gentle with kids 😭😭😭
An important quality Dean and Jo share as parents is they really listen to their kids. They don't do the whole "because I said so" thing, they don't don't talk down to them, they talk things out and respect and validate their emotions, autonomy, and boundaries.
Dean has never thrown away a drawing or handmade thing they've ever made. There's drawings on the fridge, a handmade leaky mug turned pencil cup on his nightstand, clay handprints, popsicle stick ornaments on the tree, etc etc etc. The most sentimental dad ever
Jo is not a fan whatsoever of playing princess (or super girly girl stuff in general) but Dean takes his princess/mermaid pretend playtime and tea party duties incredibly seriously. He gets very into character he is literally Andy Dwyer
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In general Dean loves dressing up and Committing to the Bit. We know this and it's one of his strongsuits as a dad for sure and the kids love it so much
Not to get sad but I think Jo's dad would play pretend with her and she would beg him to play when he got home and they had so much fun together 😭 but anyways 🥲
Board games!!! Omg Dean and Jo are so competitive I can only imagine their kids would be too and family board game nights would be intense and sometimes it ends in fights and Dean and Jo start to think that maybe they should set a better example and not be so competitive with each other because it is just a game after all... but also they can't help themselves 😂 they're not perfect lol
In general though, I don't think they ever fight in front of their kids. They definitely bicker and tease each other but that's just their dynamic lol.
The supernatural books are definitely a thing and I think the kids would inevitably find them. Dean's excuse would be that he used to be buddies with the author and he used his and uncle Sam's likeness and they're totally 100% fictional. Who wants ice cream (immediate change of subject)
Dean obviously has a good amount of scars, some strange looking ones, that his kids would definitely have questions about and he makes up fantastical stories about each one. But he can't always remember every detail he tells them and forgets what he said last time all together, and the kids are suspicious lol
Now for the lore and analysis side of things...
I think with her dad on the road a lot and Ellen being busy running the roadhouse and answering calls from hunters, Jo was left to her own devices for the majority of her childhood. She was very much a free-range kid lol. But she was never alone, she always had Smokey (her childhood dog, which I talk about in this post) and when she was younger, he kept her from wandering too far off and would herd her back towards the roadhouse. But... I think that definitely changed after Bill was killed. Ellen became much more protective of Jo, and I think we all know how she felt about that. So I think Jo would be much more open to the idea of their kids just doing their own thing without constant supervision, whereas Dean would be veryyyy nervous about that because he's incredibly protective, it's been hardwired into him. So that's a common battle between them, trying to find a good balance for their kids safety and autonomy. Though they grew up in very different environments, they both felt like they weren't given the freedom of choices. So that's something they can agree is important to give their kids.
We're all very aware of how Dean's childhood (I use that term loosely) was so I'm not gonna sit here and explain it lol. So understandably as a dad he would definitely really struggle when it comes to discipline. Jo would have to be the bad guy.
Unrelated but I strongly believe Jo becoming a mom would actually be very healing for her and Ellen's relationship. It would provide them with not just a common ground, but a new common ground to bond over which helps them to let go of their history. Also, it would give Jo perspective on what being a mom is really like and give her a better understanding of her mom and her childhood. That being said it would definitely also bring its own set of problems, because I'm sure Ellen (though she means well) would have her opinions and advice on parenting that Jo would not agree with lol. But generally speaking, I think it would do them some real good.
Similarly, I think becoming a dad would force Dean to confront some things emotionally about his own father and his childhood and come to terms with the fact that "yeah that was actually really fucked up" in a very visceral way. I mean, think about Dean watching his innocent little kid playing in the yard and he thinks how he can't imagine ever handing that child a loaded gun and teaching them to kill. I don't think that would be healing for him to experience I just think that would be the reality.
Also, this doesn't need to be explained, but Dean for sure suffers from PTSD and it's really hard adjusting to civilian life as a parent. He learns to cope in more healthy ways than he used to, but it's a very real struggle.
I also think Dean would be mostly sober once he's a dad. Only drinking on celebratory occasions or when he just needs to forget the nightmares and settle his nerves so he can get back to sleep.
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tenderwulf · 1 month ago
today I started writing my fic again, after not having written a single sentence in months. I have two things to say: god, I missed it, and god, I'm rusty
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your-fave-is-crippled · 3 months ago
Locked In
[locked in]
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a "your fave is xyz" blog for cripples
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this blog is meant to spread awareness for canonically phys disabled characters and characters using aids!
we welcome headcanons as well but to a minor extent, we still focus on canon.
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sombra - any - #hacker out
sparrow - they - #sparrow posting
lyric - they - #lyric chimes in
genji - he - #🐲
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freepassbound · 2 months ago
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imminent-danger-came · 2 years ago
Here's a clip comp of all the times MK repeats the things the people around him say! Or at least all of the times I've noticed!
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justteddyq · 1 year ago
"The Lost Pardner"
by Badger Clark Jr -- [ published in 1919 ]
I ride alone and hate the boys I meet. Today, some way, their laughin' hurts me so. I hate the mockin'-birds in the mesquite - And yet I liked 'em just a week ago. I hate the steady sun that glares, and glares! The bird songs make me sore. I seem the only thing on earth that cares 'Cause Al ain't here no more!
'Twas just a stumblin' hawse, a tangled spur - And, when I raised him up so limp and weak, One look before his eyes begun to blur And then - the blood that wouldn't let 'im speak! And him so strong, and yet so quick he died, And after year on year When we had always trailed it side by side, He went - and left me here!
We loved each other in the way men do And never spoke about it, Al and me, But we both knowed, and knowin' it so true Was more than any woman's kiss could be. We knowed - and if the way was smooth or rough, The weather shine or pour, While I had him the rest seemed good enough - But he ain't here no more!
What is there out beyond the last divide? Seems like that country must be cold and dim. He'd miss the sunny range he used to ride, And he'd miss me, the same as I do him. It's no use thinkin' - all I'd think or say Could never make it clear. Out that dim trail that only leads one way He's gone - and left me here!
The range is empty and the trails are blind, And I don't seem but half myself today. I wait to hear him ridin' up behind And feel his knee rub mine the good old way He's dead - and what that means no man kin tell. Some call it "gone before." Where? I don't know, but God! I know so well That he ain't here no more!
[ inspired to post this by this fantastic video: LINK ]
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dearly-somber · 1 year ago
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golden-headband · 8 months ago
Just finished season 5….
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Gonna go lie down now
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teathattast · 10 months ago
life is a funny thing. there's some things that don't make sense until you age
and that heart kept in your cage is just screaming to get out
so let it be free with the one you love
tomorrow isn't promised to us
and if tomorrow never comes
i'm glad i spent my last night with you
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Wedding P2 - The Actual Wedding
The wedding went…surprisingly well when two of the people on the planning committee tried to make the altar out of knives (It was Jaiden and Elq).
Elq was all nerves the entire day, you could barely talk to him without him glaring a hole into your head. Slime offered him weed like twice but Elq just said that he needed to keep a stable head. He hung out with Jaiden a lot during it, mainly cause she wanted to help and he needed something to distract him before he started stabbing people.
When the wedding started, Elq just started throwing rocks at people to get them to shut up. It wasn’t effective.
You know how when Slime objected, Etoiles immediately just started attacking him? Yeah, Elq did that as well, no hesitation. Unfortunately, he is very bad at fighting so be barely managed to scratch Slime. At some point during Slime’s whole ‘Me and Cellbit absolutely made out when he first came to the island’ speech, Elq made eye contact with Richas and just nodded and that was all the permission Richas needed to kill someone.
It was actually a really good tension reliever for Elq cause he had been so anxious for something bad to happen and then it did. And it was MINOR. They instantly killed Slime, and everything went on fine. The bad thing had happened and nothing came of it. He was much more relaxed for the rest of the wedding.
Elq definitely laced the venue with TNT but less in a ‘Jealous’ way and more in a ‘I am feeling so many emotions and I have no idea how to process them all’. He was planning on blowing it up once everyone went home but he got too antsy and did it after the ceremony like in canon.
After that, everything went like normal! There were festivities, cake, and the bouquet was thrown. A missing guest went almost completely unnoticed.
In every universe, Quackity is cared for and his disapperance is noticed.
But in this one? It was noticed just a bit faster. His closest friends were the grooms getting married, and they noticed his disappearance the moment the speeches started. Elq wasn't one for making speeches that weren't extremely ominous or threatening but he promised to make a speech during that portion. And Elq always kept his promises
It was a bit concerning but they ignored it. Elq wandered off without a word all the time and he came back fairly soon if an event was happening. But then he didn’t.
The speeches went on, and he still didn’t reappear. Once the speeches slowly began to come to a close, Cellbit got nervous and started asking where he went. No one really knew.
Roier and Cellbit are loyal to a fault, so they went looking. Still dressed in their best suits, they went looking for their closest companion and the wedding party went with them.
Even if most of them weren’t exactly on the best terms with Elq, who were they to simply ignore the grooms being concerned about their best friend (or boyfriend).
The problem arose when no one could find him.
There was no trace of him, very odd since Elq was notably very bad at hiding his tracks, and it was as if he disappeared into thin air.
Or a very deep void.
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