#an attempted panorama
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freepassbound · 2 months ago
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years ago
The triplets’ birthday came and went without fanfare.
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Now that she was a teen and therefore basically all grown up, Joanna was certain she had life all figured out--and what life was about was making money. She was going to be the richest person in Panorama one day, she didn’t care how. And not that she was looking to get all sappy and fall in love with the first person to bat their eyelashes her way, but having some good dance moves wouldn’t hurt a person’s chances.
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James couldn’t wait to get out there and start putting some moves on the ladies of Panorama. He had no intentions of committing to any one person any time soon--maybe never--but if he were to settle down one day, it would have to be with someone who dressed well and didn’t mind letting him be the breadwinner.
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Justin was starting to think that it was time to branch out and form some stronger relationships with people outside of his family. He hoped his future girlfriend knew how to cook; he was sick to death of grilled cheese. Even better if she was a little curvy--as long as she wasn’t too old.
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harmonysanreads · 2 months ago
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Dr Ratio x [ Gender Neutral ] Reader
Synopsis: There is a wilted daffodil resting between the pages of Ratio's memories. Tags: POV Dr. Ratio, Fluff and Humor and Angst, Hurt/Comfort (?), Slow-burn (oh my), Right Person Wrong Time (oh dear), Strangers to Friends, Reader is Older than Ratio, We speak in the Language of Flowers here, Literary References and Allusions, Exploration of Academic Struggles, Jealous!Ratio, Exploration of Grief, Slight Yandere!Dr Ratio, My Interpretations of Ratio's Past and Ideologies (because hyv won't tell me), Brief Aventurine Appearance TW(s): Toxic Relationships, Toxic Family Dynamics, Implications of Physical Abuse (not condoned by Ratio) Author's Note: At long last, my ‘thesis’ on Dr. Ratio is finished :') I've been working on this fic since June 2024 and finally gathered enough willpower to push through the rest of it. I started this fic with the sole goal of torturing Ratio but ended up falling in love with him halfway through this fic- as such the direction may have shifted orz Please forgive any unintentional errors and get cozy <3
「 Word Count : 11k 」 「 Artwork Credits 」 「 Read On AO3 」
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i. Panorama.
They say, the best years of a human's life are spent before boards painted with chalk scribbles and around those of one's ages, filled with careless laughter and weaving hopes for the distant future.
Veritas Ratio has always disagreed with this belief and backed his own with a multitude of reasoning. For one, those so crowned ‘best years’ are not to be wasted through wishing your fantasies would come to fruition on their own. Secondly, his experiences run contrary to the images illustrated by the majority of the population. Which, fall as it might within the grounds of personal grudge, has enough weight to not be disregarded entirely, he'd argue if necessary.
If confronted on his bitter feelings regarding the schooling years of a person's life, there is a possibility that the erudite Doctor will falter and then incoherently mutter something about it not being a downright horrifying experience.
The chances of receiving further clarification from that point decreases significantly and will be entirely dependent on Ratio's mood, which, isn't perceived to be the most agreeable on most days.
In the rare case that luck shines upon the inquirer and Veritas Ratio's stern edges soften with nostalgia, there will be but one name that'll leave his lips in an uncharacteristically somber cadence.
If certain events had transpired differently, the recollections of that day would've been far sweeter than it is now — but still, the parasite known as nostalgia begs to alter his memories. It attempts to soothe the cuts gained from reaching towards aspirations far beyond his capabilities with cursory glances from the sun, and daisy petals hidden in the crevices of dusty tomes.
In the days Veritas Ratio treaded in an environment where nearly everything was twice his height, carrying expectations no one would bother to understand, he'd pledged to himself to not fold before irrational demands just because he wasn't a sight one would normally see in an institution full of burgeoning adults.
He was no stranger to the attention his genius brought, far more so the unwanted part of it.
Which was why he'd stubbornly made his goals clear to his titular peers within the first week of his attendance, much to their bewilderment.
Any suggestions for free ‘assignment completion service’ was shut down curtly and neither did the prodigious new student bother to partake in other youthful activities — but surprisingly, Veritas's distant countenance hadn't succeeded in putting a dent to his overall popularity.
Perhaps that is the reason the requests for private tutoring sessions and borrowing of notes never did cease, because despite his attitude, no one could deny his intelligence. And that, ultimately became his label in that university. Consequently, no one went out of their way to seek him out unless it concerned academics — except one person.
Ratio thinks he might've been witnessing a meteor streak the night sky instead, because relatively speaking, he couldn't trace where you appeared from with just his bare eyes.
(Though now that he thinks again, it might've been because he'd not bothered to look beyond the white board of the lecture halls, haughty as he'd been.)
—And as momentary as said event, you'd stunned him with an inquiry that did not match any of the others that'd preceded your kind.
“Why are you all alone during lunch, little boy? Whoa, you're studying even now?”
He’d barely missed the astonished gleam in your eyes when he parted from marking an important section from his book in a flinch. The unacquainted sight beside his desk had put the functions of his brain at a temporary standstill, before resuming with a barrage of questions as you observed him rather amusedly.
The small smile that appeared on your face next halted any of those inquiries from gaining voice as Veritas's reflexes worked to catch the objects tossed his way.
“Take these for now. Skipping meals isn't good for you, you know? You can't achieve your dreams if you don't take care of your health first.”
Veritas blinked owlishly at the apple and sandwich now resting on his lap, the words of advice you stated in a rather sing-song tone barely registering in his head as he vacillated between demanding your identity and scoffing at your audacity.
Much to his chagrin, you evaded his burning stare and waltzed out of the vacant lecture hall before he could even open his parched mouth, again.
(What he recalls first before this peculiar interaction now is how the usually mundane sunlight had embraced your form that day.)
He only saw more and more of you from then onwards, much to his initial displeasure. For some mysterious reason, you'd made it your hobby to nag at and subtly coddle him in ways that made any other passing student raise eyebrows.
Whether it be dragging him to places and sometimes forcing him to eat lunch or separating him from his beloved books to 'refresh his mind' at some other corner of the campus, you never faltered ; despite all the scowls and passive aggressive quips he sneaked in.
Only after some research did Veritas discover you to be one among the seniors and, he'd admit it somewhat begrudgingly, you were a senior in every sense of the word.
Although, that knowledge did not aid him in answering the most begging question: why were you going out of your way to guide him through the perilous terrains of university? He'd initially suspected you to demand recompense in the same ways the others coveted. 
Perhaps you were an expert manipulator, struggling to wrap up your last year in the institute and as a result, decided to prey on the genius through teasing words and coddling.
Ratio was fully prepared to face you when you showed your true face — except, his hypothesis ended in utter failure as that expected unravelling never came.
So, on another of your usual kidnappings meetings under the old oak tree at the far end of the campus, Veritas decided to soothe the scorching paranoia in his head.
“It’s because you remind me of my little siblings! It's been such a long time since I've seen them and I just really miss them, you know?”
He doesn't know. Neither the sentiments that are apparently driving you to take care of him nor whether you're being sincere.
Here's the most annoying thing about you: despite how much of a genius Veritas is crowned to be, he's experienced repeated failures in deducing what lies beneath that benign smile of yours.
At least there are formulas and theories to explain or, get closer to the enigmas of the universe. But whatever and whoever moulded you into your present state had clearly forgotten to leave a loophole behind for curious minds like his to decipher.
“Besides, I understand how you must be feeling in this environment where everyone is half a decade older than you — even though you like to act tough. I know that there's a seed of loneliness that's ready to burst into a giant tree with the right incentive and you're just holding onto the last of your sanity to not let that happen.”
Ratio's fingers halt midway through flipping to a different page of his book. Your observation silences him long enough to make the rustles of leaves permeate the atmosphere, before he forces his brows to furrow and his lips to quirk down.
“It’s rude to make assumptions about someone you barely know.”
The purple head watched as you leaned against the palm of your hand, as though the sneer on his face was nothing worth fretting.
“Aww, did I catch little Veri off guard? No need to be in such denial, I saw you gape like an owl at my words. But owls are my favorite bird, don't worry!” The hostile expression on his face morphs into surprise as you ruffle his hair with your free hand with more enthusiasm than required.
“Rest assured, I'll take care of you for as long as I'm here, little Veri.”
“I’d appreciate it more if you don’t.”
That earned him a laugh and messier hair.
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ii. Anamorphosis 
Little Veri.
If there was something he despised more than the shrill voices of his classmates, it'd be that nickname. You might've been accurate in your choice of words in a literal sense, but for the first time, honesty had bruised his ego.
The prodigy was not accustomed to being treated his age, he was always commended as ‘mature’ and being ‘beyond his years’. Yet you had never even bothered mentioning this and instead, always poked at the suppressed child that slumbered at the deepest corner of his heart.
What he loathed even more was how every repeat of that ridiculous nickname actually made him feel quote-on-quote ‘little’. No, how you allowed a leeway for that teenage heart to peek through from under a canopy of knowledge and caution.
Intentionally or not, you carved a shelter for that little boy to crawl beneath in moments that no one would care to glance at.
It was a matter of great shame although, while his teachers had handed him the basics to deciphering the laws of the universe, no one had bothered to teach him how to respond to such kindness.
Upon further digging, the genius was surprised to find that your merit resided in the top five of your entire year. While he hadn't taken you for a dimwit (he'd rather eat dirt than utter such sacrilege) his astonishment stemmed from the fact that he'd never seen an academic material accompanying you on campus.
He’d even thought your sole task was to bother him with your half-a-decade years old wisdom upon a particular session of agitation. But after clarity grasped his mind, he realized that his suspicions were simply baseless in an institution as competitive as Veritas Prime.
Instead of journals and papers concerning your major, Veritas often saw you seeking refuge in musings soaked in fantasy and your rationale behind such escapades puzzled the mind of his younger self greatly.
“And then the male lead gave a bouquet of bluebells to the female lead, declaring his feelings! Isn't that so romantic?”
Ratio scrutinized your form hunched over from giddiness derived from materials that appeared alien to his eyes, stacks of textbooks wept at the corner of the table in abandonment.
“Bluebells? I thought people gave roses for matters like this?” sunset orange eyes swept over the incredulity blooming on your visage.
You sighed as though he was the most exasperating person you had the misfortune of dealing with, “It’s because bluebells are the symbol of eternal and undying love. Roses are undoubtedly lovely but as you said, if anyone was to give roses to someone, everyone and their grandmas would have an inkling about what is happening between them! Giving someone a bouquet of bluebells on the other hand, is far more secretive and exciting.”
“I don't really understand but alright.”
Ratio almost drops his pen at the flick to his forehead, “So unromantic! You're never getting a girlfriend if you continue being like this, kid!”
His free hand whips up to shield his skin against further damage, he feels the muscles of his temple twitch in profound irritation. “I don't need—”
“Yes yes, you're too preoccupied with the pursuit of knowledge to bother with fickle things like romance blah blah blah.” Ratio's eye roll almost synchronizes with yours.
Veritas knows and he isn't ashamed to admit that he's not a romantic person. The path he walks on has no necessity for abstruse emotional attachment and sentimentalities.
On the contrary, what he abstained from seemed to be the centrepiece of your interest.
Your eyelashes flutter as you rest your elbows on the table, eyes searching for a trace of your wishes among the litany of bookshelves, “But if anyone was to confess to me, I'd want them to give me a bouquet of bluebells instead of trying to articulate their feelings.”
Ratio raised a brow as your sigh echoed throughout the grand library, “And how, pray tell, would they know of your preference?”
“That’s the thing, little Veri!” you snapped your fingers as though you'd solved the greatest dilemma plaguing mankind, “I wouldn't talk about these fantasies to just anyone. If someone was to give me a bouquet of bluebells, it'd mean that we're close enough to know these secrets and then there'd be a high chance that the feelings are mutual. No awkward moments, we'd know what we are without even speaking!”
The purple head observed as you rambled, the light from the sinking afternoon sun filtered through the stained glass shone on you. A scoff escaped him before he could stomp it down, his arms crossed almost derisively.
“And is that your sole ambition in life?”
“Of course not,” your reply was brisk and simple, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You met Ratio's perplexed gaze with an unusual calm, “If by ambition, you mean what I want to do after all this studying, well — I want to be a teacher.”
Veritas couldn't hold back the surprise from soaking his words this time, “A teacher? Why?”
But you seemed to find great entertainment in his reaction, if your twinkling eyes was anything to go by and the genius isn't even taken aback this time; your sources of amusement would never be the guesswork of anyone.
Your shoulders shifted as you shrugged, “Why not? Teaching is one of the most noble professions out there, but it warrants great caution and wisdom. Hmm, come to think of it— what do you want to be, Veri?”
Ratio nearly flinched as you expertly shifted the attention to him, glossing over it with a fake cough. “I…” his throat constricted as you leaned in ever so slightly, “—don’t know.”
“Whaaaat?” you backed away just as quickly, dragging the syllables of that word to emphasize your disappointment. “Tsk tsk, so you're just studying blindly without any clear goal? That isn't going to get you far, regardless of how intelligent you are.”
He knows that, but what is he supposed to do if his mind blanks when he tries to envision himself in any conventional field? In fact, he considers it as one of the flaws of the educational system. How a student is always urged to find their place in the grand scheme of matters but never guided through them ; or, at least, given clear pointers.
It'd also be careless to label Veritas completely clueless about his situation. What he does cradle, or was compelled to bear was not borne of his personal wishes. But with time, his mind accepted it as his own, though a part of his heart always ached with emptiness.
You cleared your throat upon noticing that a great conflict had rendered the genius speechless, “Well... as for the reason as to why I want to be a teacher, it's because I want to help those students who struggle to find their way in this vast world. Regardless of where they rank in the merit position or what ‘status’ society has assigned them. Granted, this struggle may continue even after someone has graduated and while I may not be able to help every single person, I still want to try my best. After all, that should be the goal of our educational system — in my opinion, at least!”
You chuckled somewhat bashfully afterwards, remnants of it settled on the way your lips curled. There was something so succinct yet undoubtedly natural about that smile, like petrichor and he felt a pang of regret hitting his ribcage for not noticing it before.
Although it might not appeal to some, to many it brought solace even before the sun could sweep aside the canopies of darkened clouds.
Something that's appearance was preceded only by the tears of the skies, it stunned the mind that such beauty could be unearthed from a phenomenon so seemingly insignificant.
And that realization appalled the young scholar.
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iii. Tenebrism 
Ratio did not comprehend the value of your presence until he was deprived of it.
Due to certain circumstances, the genius had learned to be contingent with the fact that he'd have to navigate the majority of his life all by himself. Of course, ignoring simpletons and self-centered personnel came easy to him as well.
What the scholar wasn't conscious of, or was too prideful to acknowledge was the harrowing vacancy in some obscure corner of his heart that yearned for a deeper connection. It would take little effort for him to rationalize this longing with his age and return his attention to far more pressing concerns.
But it seemed that the more he tried to silence the wails of his feelings, the more cacophonous they became.
You'd spoiled Veritas a good amount, with your willing enthusiasm to tail after him whenever you had the reprieve.
So, when you abruptly stopped your usual pursuit in exchange of accompanying another person whose face he couldn't bother to remember, the young scholar was left to deal with a surge of emotions he had little control over.
Said emotions, were tame enough to be kept under check within the first few weeks as he learnt that the purpose of this sudden acquaintance had been for the completion of a group project.
Where the scholar's composure did start to falter was when you maintained your distance from him even after the fulfilment of said project.
And Ratio despised the sparks of resentment that'd flare up in his chest each time you'd pass him by while chatting so deliriously with that no-name stranger.
He was thrown in a limbo the first time he witnessed someone else in the position that he held and although he stubbornly convinced his mind that it was for the best ; each time the scene would replay in the corridors and crevices of the university, Veritas could see yellow hyacinths bloom in his peripheral.
He's certain now that he must've been losing his mind, or at least was on the verge of (and for such a childish cause at that) because he took shelter in a superstitious practice and ignored as many meals as he could in the futile hope that you'd come back and reprimand him again.
Ratio would have applauded you if he hadn't been so consumed by all those unsavory chemical reactions in his mind.
It didn't help his case that the first time he'd bothered to take in the environment, he was reminded of the fact that, you had others who'd accept you, but he only had you.
His frustration must've reached a new peak, because not even the most persistent of his irritable classmates were brave enough to approach him as he continued to brood hopelessly.
It wouldn't be long until he would gather the motivation to finally propel himself out of that dark space, but the method his younger self employed to do so, embarrasses the present him to no end.
“They did what?”
Veritas needn't open his eyes to picture your visage colored in shock, he opted instead to maintain his somber facade, arms folded, and brows furrowed to complete the act.
“But I never thought them to be that kind of person, quite the opposite, in fact.” followed your reluctant admission.
Ratio outstretched his palm as though enticing you to accept the news, “One can deduce so much about the ocean by gazing at its surface. The facts are before you, with substantial evidence. Whether you believe them or not depends entirely on you. I only thought I should inform you before it reaches the Principal, that is.”
He could envision your eyes oscillating between his firm countenance and the unseen prospects proposed by his words. Discreetly, he peered at your fidgeting and unconsciously held his breath.
He'd done the calculations before approaching you, the worry oozing from your gaze confirms that you've heard word of it from his ‘associates’ already and the fact that you didn't try to defend the person further tells him you've done some digging through the news portals of the university yourself.
Step by step, you've unknowingly assisted in concluding this problem.
The young scholar silences the quivers of his conscience before they can rage and foil all progress. As for this friend of yours, there were embers left behind from misdeeds of long ago. He merely reignited that flame so that those crimes would face proper punishment — although which was not his principal goal. To make sure you don't get caught in the inferno was, or at least, that's what he tells his conscience.
A half-resigned hum from you saves the scholar from spiralling, “I’ll believe you and will avoid them for the time being. Though I have my own theories, you have a point. There is no telling what is beneath a person's exterior.”
Veritas simply nods to that conclusion.
Your eyelashes flutter as you drift into a brief reverie, before fixating on his rigid person. “Ah, but what is going on with you, kiddo? You've been skipping meals again, haven't you?”
The young scholar blinks in stupefaction at the shrunken proximity between you two, the single finger beneath his chin with which you scrutinize his visage nearly burns his skin. He can hardly process what observation you're making through the dizzying fragrance of jasmines.
“I am in perfect health, as you can see—”
“For so long! It's only a matter of when that you'll faint while calculating nonsense.” you sharply interject and withdraw the searing contact. Strangely, Ratio makes no face this time.
“Come to think of it, it's been a while since we've had lunch together. Oh, I have so much to share with you! Let's not waste anymore time, let's go!”
There is good cause for why the wise warn against temptations. Bit by bit, piece by piece, oh so painfully obstinate — you fed him that poison, rendering his sharp mind a mess of inebriating chemical reactions.
You were none the wiser to the impact your fickle gestures made on him and soon, Ratio's biggest weakness, curiosity silenced the prodding of his conscience.
He gained little incentive to step far away from the leering shadows, as the brilliance of the sun made it so his fixation wouldn't stray towards the darkness.
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iv. Tachisme
“Suffering is part and parcel of extensive intelligence and a feeling heart. A man who is really great, it seems to me, must suffer considerably here below.”
Your sigh weighs down on the silence of the university's library, a dull thud causing a crack on it as you set down the tome on the dark wooden table.
“I couldn't help but think of you while reading this novel.” bright orange eyes watch the way you cushion your cheek against your knuckles minutely.
“Suffering, misery, sadness, whatever you name it is inconsequential to any human being. But I feel like, those who are labelled as being ‘different’ than the majority experience a certain kind of those challenges. The ones that are weighty on the tongue when they attempt to express it, perhaps inscrutable to even themselves.” Ratio mulls over your musings, briefly closing his eyes.
“Everyone’s experiences are bound to be different.” comes his easy response.
The furrow in your brows suggests the conflict his words stirred instead of assurance, “You take everything so coolly, but I can't help but worry for you. You may be calm and certain about everything now but there's no guarantee you'll always be this way. On top of it all, you reject close relationships, thus narrowing your options to lean on someone should a sizable problem come.” 
Ratio catches himself before his eyes can roll sideways, “Surely you didn't drag me out of a lecture just to nag me again?” his subconscious notes the reduced exasperation that prospect stirs within himself.
You often worry for a future that has yet to seize anyone. While the young scholar commends your far-sightedness, he really cannot understand the use of losing one's mind over events that haven't happened yet.
Thinking ahead is helpful, turning that habit into an obsessive frenzy is not.
He observes the way your frown expands, deepens and ultimately loosens up with a sigh. You refrain from broaching the topic further, another quality he appreciates.
Though you don't make an attempt to defend yourself, you refuse to voice out anything else as well, settling your eyes to a distant point in existence.
For once Veritas is ruffled by the silence, so he makes an attempt to change the subject — because counting your eyelashes isn't the most productive thing for a scholar to do.
“It’s not everyday I see you carrying something that doesn't have hearts and glitters on the cover page.” his eyes settle pointedly on the book before you.
You scoff, “One does not survive in Veritas Prime simply from reading light novels.” there's a trace of pride in your admission.
“Oh? So, what does ‘one’ do to maintain their spot in the top five?” Ratio quirks a brow, holding your gaze.
The witty response he anticipates gets replaced by another sigh, puzzling him for an instance, “I’m assuming this is about me never studying within campus. Well, I just like keeping my study space and my socializing space separate. Listening to lectures here and doing the heavy lifting in my room. It's what works for me, in any case.”
There's genuine interest in his next questions, “And what do you do when you get bored while studying? Or when you feel like you can't concentrate anymore?”
You twirl a stray lock of your hair, cheek still resting on your knuckles, “Take a bath to sober myself up, I guess. When your mind is full of garbage, your body will likely not be the cleanest either.”
You shrug, your nonchalant attitude renders his mind to a blank slate. For a while he does nothing but think about your words, though the response he gives matches none of the context.
“I feel like there is so much I don't know about you.”
It's your turn to be surprised, but unfortunately for Ratio, the sight is still too brisk. You break into a fit of laughter, wiggling your brows as though you know something.
“Silly little Veri, let me tell you something. People are like icebergs! We can only see their tips with our bare eyes but to know them in their full capacity, we have to dive down.”
“But the waters are cold.” the young scholar pushes.
Your giggles soften to a smile, “That’s exactly the point.” and you refuse to elaborate further, again.
To reach the heart of the iceberg, one must push through the freezing depths of the ocean. Whether Veritas Ratio has that willpower, is a question left for his future self.
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v. Sotto in su
As the days lapsed, more and more memories anchored themselves in Ratio's mind. They brought with them a different seed of emotion, every exchange with his enigmatic senior nurtured and coaxed it to sprout tender leaves.
Before his syllabus could be replaced, the fact had been known to everyone regardless of their relation to the prodigy. If your recurring appearances in Ratio's life and his noticeable tolerance for your presence was anything to go by, it was apparent to anyone with a conscious mind that his opinion of you was at a level above everyone else's.
Exchanges between different years wasn't an uncommon phenomenon, but a friendship with the notoriously detached prodigy was an understandable bewilderment. Though, the students at Veritas Prime quickly learned to use it to their advantage rather than criticizing it — a unanimous realization that Ratio was just a bit more agreeable in your presence.
Not that Ratio was unaware of their schemes, the fact that they construed that he'd tolerate them solely because of your connection further cemented his belief that all these wannabe researchers were still light-years away from the truth they speak to seek.
Albeit, after noticing that he'd been more approachable for students who genuinely wanted to learn rather than to fulfill some pecuniary purpose — he begrudgingly admitted that, there was an influence taking place.
Veritas swiftly ignored the rumors. While not one to waste his time, being with you brought along perspectives that challenged his thinking style. To him, truth has always been beautiful because it will not change, even through the failures in understanding it.
But you're a human being, change is rooted in your constitution.
The cycle of erosion and accretion that makes you you hinders even a brilliant scholar like him in grasping the characteristics of your soul. This form of beauty he was not acquainted with before, admittedly.
Relying too much on either rigidity or malleability will pose problems. It is through the search of a balance can we discover the answers.
It may not be obvious at first glance, but you aspire to guide others through the murky depths of ignorance while pondering this apparent equilibrium — since neither extremes can be eliminated. As strange as that selflessness initially appeared to him, Ratio has developed a sense of respect for your ambitions.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for him, it seemed as though you knew exactly what was transpiring.
In fact, you were conscious of a lot of things ; it's just that you preferred to pretend that you didn't for reasons that he hasn't comprehended yet.
For the longest time he interpreted that thoughtful sparkle in your eyes as just another play of light. Whenever his reactions to your teasing would come off as more animated than last and the flush that he'd try so hard to not let extend to his cheeks do just that — you'd have that nearly imperceptible realization reflected in your eyes. It scratched at the parchedness Ratio hadn't even recognized to be there.
His fear was confirmed to be true one afternoon in a vacant lecture hall, though not through words.
“Is this for me?” sunset orange eyes shone against the shadows that fell on his back.
“Well, do you see anyone else here?” your huff and his eyeroll synchronize.
You patiently held the book covered in elaborate illustrations of flowers for his taking, though what captured the scholar's attention most was the single yellow bloom tied atop with a violet ribbon on the book. He recognized the book to be a copy of the floriography manual he often saw tucked between your collections.
“You’re probably wondering ‘what value will this book bring to you’. Well, as I've said before, studious scholars should never limit their perspectives.” you almost shove the gift into his hands in response to his stunned countenance.
“And,” an accidental brush of your fingers against his hand sends an unwanted shudder through his arteries, “Happy birthday, little Veri.”
You withdraw just as quickly, the hues of the setting sun softening the smile on your face.
Ratio forces himself to look elsewhere, "You're still going to use that ridiculous nickname, huh? What a way to welcome me into adulthood." he mutters, the words leaving a bitter aftertaste that he tries to mask with sarcasm.
He feels your chuckle probing at his heart, taunting the quickened pace in which it revolts against its cage. You shift your gaze to the golden petals resting atop the book, a somber sigh tumbling from your lips.
“— Fair daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon ;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not yet attained his noon.”
Many see fit to celebrate their first step into adulthood with enthusiastic celebrations, Ratio's eighteenth birthday brought with it a clinging bittersweetness — not that he allowed himself to dwell on it for long, his future plans taking precedence over sentiments.
The lone daffodil had been tucked between a random section of the book you gifted, hidden away from his sight. The border between cowardice and courage was thin, nearly translucent in the manner the result dictated what it would turn out to be.
The journey of uncovering the mysteries of the universe is a similar pursuit. Emerge victorious and you'll be brave, fail and you'll be heralded foolish. Ratio was far from a coward or a foolish man, sometimes not going head-fast into uncertain territories is the mark of intelligence.
He allowed the daffodil to wilt and turned not a page, for he knew in some deep crevice of his subconscious that it'd blight the clarity of his mind with another flood of emotions he did not have the capacity to process.
Luckily, his agony met a premature end as you departed from Veritas Prime by the end of the year with a certificate in hand.
Who knows how many sleepless nights and crushed dreams paved the path for the ink lines on that single piece of parchment. Ratio had been there as the first to congratulate you, it was the least he could do.
He did not proceed farther than that, as you'd made it clear that there would forever be a line he would be unable to trespass.
Ratio was fully aware of the limitations the silly crush that accumulated over the time in your acquaintance brought and he expressed no interest in pushing those boundaries either.
He found solace in the fact that he'd met you at all. He wouldn't say you illuminated his life, for even you always believed it was the individual themselves who possessed that power.
You nudged him towards the path to find his light and that lesson, he wanted to honor all his life.
The memories of your time would stay treasured in his mind and the curve of your smile would be preserved in marble. Without the echo that his ears yearned to capture, he saw fit to isolate his senses from unnecessary stimulation.
Though you'd never grace the corridors of Veritas Prime again, the footprints of your presence etched deep in the genius's memories would never fade.
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vi. Trompe l'oeil
His next encounter with you was a tad unexpected, just at the horizon of Ratio putting the full stop to his years at the university.
Veritas’s fingers slackened around the handle of his umbrella, a page or two of the manuscript of his thesis slipping past his grip and drifting along the roaring wind — but his eyes couldn't chase after them. Much too fixated on the way your shoulder bumped with theirs, not at all by accident.
The rain soon cloaked your figures from his spying gaze, the droplets soaking the ends of his clothes failed still to snatch his attention away. In spite of the thunderous cries of the sky, the echo of your laugh was all he could hear.
Time never ceased its relentless march; life followed its direction and events moulded more memories.
For the sake of productivity, he had no choice but to push back his curiosity and stay away from your life. His studies and workload helped generously in keeping his mind from wandering to frightful territories at inconvenient instances, though a certain spark nestled deep somewhere in his subconscious.
Before long, his name resounded far beyond the gates of Veritas Prime.
Veritas Ratio, now Dr. Ratio, felt his nerves flare again as he looked at the latest discussions on the university’s online forum, the words “Dr. Ratio Will Surely Snag A Place At The Genius Society, Won’t He?” in bold only tickled his annoyance further.
Ordinarily, he would stay as far away as possible from discussions concerning himself — which was easier said than done.
Aggrandizing anything always leads to disappointment. Ratio's surroundings loved to goad his path, but he knew, such chatter would morph to whispers the moment their expectations were proven false.
Dr. Ratio’s brooding came to a halt at the collision, his reflexes acted and he clasped onto the stranger’s arm before they could fall. He heard leaves crunching under his boots, strangers threw cursory glances at the near-accident. 
His lips parted in what a spectator could assume to be the beginning of an apology, but paused upon noticing the words resignation letter on the paper in the stranger's grasp.
Orange eyes flickered, trailing upward, within the fabric of scarlet you burrowed deep in search of comfort from the scare.
You mimicked his earlier attempt, craning your neck for a second to meet his gaze and halting in recognition.
“Veritas… Ratio?”
The addressed scholar blinks, blurting out before he could think, “That’s not what you used to call me.”
There's a scintilla of surprise in your eyes at his unintentional jest, he anticipates a laugh next, but only an awkward quirk of your lips greets him.
Your eyes dart around your environment, before returning to his grasp. Feeling the weight of your stare, he releases his hold with a fake cough.
“I… apologize.” his hand found refuge on the nape of his neck.
“It’s okay, accidents... happen, you know.” you wave him off with your free hand.
A breeze passes through the gap between you two.
It might've just been Ratio’s misjudgement, but he felt as if you were about to run away for a millisecond. Your fingers tightened around the paper in your hold, you gathered yourself with a deep inhale.
“Congratulations on obtaining your fourth doctorate degree! I often discuss your papers in my classes, you are an inspiration to so many people.”
A flicker of sunlight filtered through the leaves above fell and there appeared that smile he knew. Years had gone by, yet the mystery in it remained still out of his reach.
“Thank you,” he tilted his head downward, “I’m glad to hear that you pursued your dream.”
Ratio sneaked a glance, your nod faded into silence. His gaze lingered on your face, the concentrated flush on your right cheek made his brows furrow.
He was no fool to the tension in the air and your unusual fidgety demeanor. He briefly contemplated if he should just depart.
However, he couldn't deny the fact that questions had accumulated throughout the interval of your absence from his life. The differences between the you before him and the you from his memories begged him to probe, to study and learn.
He felt himself drawn to the paper in your hand again, a glint on your ring finger caught his eye. Among the myriad of inquiries battling to escape his lips, the one that’d warred the longest emerged victorious.
“Did they…” he began, uncertain.
“Give you a bouquet of bluebells?”
Your flighty gaze froze to confusion for a moment as you tried to decode his words, Ratio mirrored your gaze as you failed to answer. You quickly blinked away any hints of shock, a forceful bite stopped the trembling of your lips.
(He felt a twist somewhere in his heart.)
“Can we… talk somewhere else?” you suggested. Despite it being the middle of autumn, there's a storm brewing in your eyes. 
Veritas could see splinters on the cup in his grip, the dark beverage within threatening to spill.
A passing waitress threw the table a concerned glance, but could not find the courage to intervene. The sight of your antsy wringing of hands in his peripheral alerted him to breathe. He loosened his grip on the poor cup of coffee just in time, a burdened exhale following suit.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “So, what do you intend to do now?”
You fiddled with the band on your ring finger ; within the vacancy of the cafe, to Ratio, it felt as if even such an insignificant gesture gained voice.
The insistence of your silence prompted him to continue, “The culmination of your hard-work, one that stole almost all of your life ; all of those sleepless nights, unsaid sacrifices for the sole wish of helping others — all of it, you're going to let go, just like that? Just because an idiot claims they know better?”
Dr. Ratio could not understand, no matter which angle he looked at it from. The answer to your dilemma was crystal clear to the scholar, he’d be willing to bet it’d be clear to anyone with a functioning brain — and yet, you hesitate.
You continue to shuffle and avert your gaze, sometimes parting your lips to speak but withdrawing the next second.
A person that's found the tunnel’s end should run towards it, but you remain at the precipice of darkness.
“I…” The purple head straightens up at the sound of your voice, it is weak, hopeless ; a complete stranger to who you once were.
You abruptly gather your things, “I’m sorry, please forget I ever said anything —” an innocent glass is knocked off in your haste.
Cold, your hand is chillingly cold as Ratio grabs it, preventing you from running away. The unnatural temperature of it temporarily unsettles the man, but the situation at hand prompts him to push the observation back.
You try to force your wrist out of his grasp, but he presses on, “Can’t you see, that they are ruining you? This is not who you used to be! Your so-called 'fiance' is destroying you, they’ll not stop until you're nothing but a shell of yourself and they can reshape you to their liking!”
“I really have to go —” a vein pops on Ratio’s forehead, the wanton glass hits the floor.
“And why go? To receive another slap from them?” he feels your palm dampen from sweat, pieces of shattered crystal splaying across the tiles.
You look at him in disbelief and he blinks, the sharpness of his words finally cutting him.
The incipiency of an apology gathers at the tip of his tongue, but you halt it from escaping.
“Whatever happens between us, is none of your business, Veritas Ratio.”
If your hand was simply cold, your glare is freezing. It stuns the scholar enough to make his clasp loosen, you quickly snatch your hand away.
You’re two steps in when Veritas rushes to add, unwilling to back down, “But it was still you who reached out to me.”
The scholar hears the pause in your heels, you don't turn to address him and he doesn't move to obstruct your path either.
The bell signals your departure as the waitress from before rushes to clean the broken glass, leaving Ratio alone with his thoughts.
Veritas Ratio has had scarce attachments to worry about in his life.
For better or for worse, it appeared as though the direction of his life was steered towards one particular destination, everything else proved to be transient.
While his surroundings eroded and flourished within the touch of mortal delights, he remained but a spectator, destined to observe but never indulge.
Love. A simple word, yet any singular meaning behind which could still not be agreed upon.
He saw it in the way parents cradled their children, in the eyes of a couple that brushed past him in the streets. Flighty like the union between another pair of his former classmates, strengthened like the wrinkly hold of that couple that sold flowers down the street ; its form, just like its definition, is infinite.
The scholar thinks he's felt it somewhere in his past, or at least the vestiges of it — within the glow of a cryptic smile and a mind that did not yield.
Troublesome as it’d been, it did not conquer him. Ultimately, he wielded enough willpower to move on.
Some say, brilliant minds that toil too long in the territories of the unknown, become dense to the simpler aspects of life. Ratio did not see the inconvenience in this notion for a long time, not when it aided him more than burden him.
That is, until the encounter at the cafe.
If nothing else, it was clear to the prodigy that you had changed, for the worst at that.
The 'you' he’d known would know how to pick yourself up, or more accurately, that ‘you’ wouldn't have allowed things to escalate this far at all.
You would've left this rotten excuse of a relationship the first time they raised their voice, you would never concede to that fatal act of disrespect, under no circumstance would you let such an excuse of a human have such control — he… he hoped.
Ratio leaned back in his chair, a frown creeping in to his face.
For all these outrageous claims that he's been making of the you he was familiar with, how much did he actually know?
Is a year’s observation enough to grant him that badge of familiarity?
It is as you said, who is he to judge you at all?
Within the gloom of his study, his eyes unconsciously met with those etched in marble, the curve of a sun-kissed smile. He hand moved on its own, turning the table-lamp towards the sculpture and indeed, the light has always suited you more than him.
His recollections backtrack to the hazy gaze he saw that day, the encumbrance in them hoisting him up to chase after the itch for answers.
An uncounted number of hours passed, only after perusing a decent pile of tomes did it finally click in his head.
Ratio had no excuses or motivation to defend himself, he most certainly handled the situation poorly.
When the average attempts of leaving such relationships is between seven and twelve, it was insensitive of him to confront you like that.
Cognitions clouded in rage, he ignored the questions he should've asked, the sense of security he should've provided — the one you sought from him — and cornered you abruptly.
Foolish foolish foolish — he felt his fingers tug at his hair, breaths stuck in his lungs. Rationale does not always succeed in helping others see reason, how could he be so careless with you, of all people?
He didn't even know what stage of this hell you were at, how many times you’ve attempted to leave and what leverage they have over you.
Well, it would be most accurate to say he didn't know anything at all and yet, he arrogantly told you to 'just leave'.
The purple-head forced himself to breathe, the self-loathing could be shelved for a later day, what's more important now is finding you again.
He stood up from the heap of tomes, only to pause, does he deserve to seek you out again?
He betrayed your trust and you shut him off for good, should he even bother now?
A distant tug held him back.
Much like before, there is that line between you two that he cannot cross, must not cross.
He’s no longer a teenager in documents, but he doubts you see him as anything more than that ‘little Veri’.
The echoes of passing vehicles ricocheted around the streets, but Dr. Ratio’s attention stayed transfixed on the ivory petals in front of him.
A week or so had passed, the ruminations of those doubts kept him away from the confrontation and stole his nights.
It would be easy to cure this ailment, finding you would be but a matter of a few swipes. But that uncertainty, the ghost of a past insecurity, clung to his resolve. As such, peace abandoned him for a while.
A zephyr whispered to him, “Asphodels,”
He hummed without much thought, sunset orange eyes tracing the dulcet lines in those blooms. 
“ ‘My regrets will follow you to the grave’, it's not everyday you see someone looking at these flowers with such care.”
If anyone looked straight into the scholar’s eyes at that moment, they'd for sure be able to witness the cogs turning in his brain in them.
Ratio finds you startled once he whips to his left, your presence finally registering in his head.
A prayer, a yearning, your name escapes his lips. But any further speech is obstructed from taking shape.
You’re the first to recover, “I apologize for running away like that the other day. It… was cowardly of me to tell you to mind your own business when I was the one who confided in you first.” your head lowers in appeal.
He’s sure of it now, you must be on the quest of giving him a heart-attack, what with these continuous surprises you’re throwing at him.
Well, if not a fatality, they're at least doing a wondrous job in preventing him from processing the fact in its entirety — you're here, you’re here, you're here.
You found him, again. Just like all those years ago in the lecture hall, all those times he was skipping lunch, on his eightieth birthday and that other day ; it was always you finding him.
(Has he ever broken through his pride and cowardice and tried to find you instead?)
The scholar hastens to join you, “No, it was my incompetence in failing to understand your situation that pushed you to leave. I completely failed to provide you with safety when you trusted me. For that, I beg your forgiveness.”
He couldn't see it, but he could picture your disbelief at his behavior. Your fist mirrored his, “No, it was clearly my stupidity—”
“Nonsense!” his exclamation earned him a flinch from you. He subconsciously straightened up to drive his point across, “It was me who —”
In the hurry and flurry of emotions, your head bumped with his, ending his tirade prematurely.
Your eyes settle on him, a car runs past your perplexed figures and then, the streets get cloaked in quietude ; before being filled with your giggle.
Against his control, his lips twitch and laughter bubbles in his chest. He allows them to gain voice and join yours.
You fan your face with your hand as the chuckles skid to an end, Ratio feels his cheeks warmed when he inhales. But none of you bother addressing the previous argument, its result apparent.
You take a deep breath and exhale. The scholar sees sun-glitter in your pupils, “I left them, by the way.”
That sobers him.
“Fianc��, yes. Or well, ex-fiancé now.” as if on cue, Ratio catches your now vacant ring finger.
“They tried to beg me to stay. But to be honest, it was not the first time they appealed to my sympathy.” you find interest in the pavement, searching for the remnants of your memories in their cracks. 
“... But I really put my foot down this time. And oh, I didn't quit my job either, in case you were wondering.” you heave, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
“And where are you residing now — if you don't mind me asking?”
“I’m temporarily staying at a friend's house. Don't worry, I’m at a safe place.” you reassure, detecting the underlying concern in his inquiry.
Ratio’s shoulders sag as he exhales, the receding adrenaline dulling his worries. Turns out you didn't really need his help, not that he's astonished. It was in your nature to extend help towards others but thinking twice before asking for help.
(Although he's in no position to criticize, he so wished that you’d find it in yourself to rely on him a bit more.)
“If you ever need anything, just give me a call or a text. You still have my number, correct?” he glances down to gauge your expression.
When you nod, he murmurs a faint ‘good’ and silence takes over. He contemplates if he should add anything else, but the serenity in the atmosphere prompts him to push back those concerns.
“Well, goodbye for today?” you suggest, snapping him back to reality.
He raises his hand to do just that, but a different thought alarms him.
“Let me walk you home.” he pushes back the cringe at the excess firmness to his tone, rushing to add, “Please?”
For a blink or two, you looked at him as though you’ve just sighted an alien. He assumes it's the ‘out-of-character’ tendencies he’s been portraying that has you double-check. It seems that he was not the only one comparing the present and the past.
Luck appeared by his side — or perhaps it was just your pity — and you conceded without any complaint, letting him join your steps. The scholar barely hid his glee through his gait.
The planet that housed Veritas Prime would get decorated in the lovely shades of ripened maple leaves around this time. Civilians gathered in groups beneath these scenes, some enjoying a leisurely picnic, others focused on getting their desired pictures.
Ratio noticed your wanton glance at a pair on a picnic mat, his lips tugging down at the tell-tale signs of where your thoughts ran towards.
But before he could do anything, you turned away and picked up your pace ; the pair’s laughter but background noise.
With some haste, he caught up to you. Racking his brain to distract your mind, he found himself empty-handed.
Four doctorates and yet, his mind goes blank when he needs it the most. He couldn't be any more disappointed in himself.
Just as he’s about to start a mental berating though, you side-step a rock and Ratio’s hand bumps with yours, their frigidity alerting him.
He stops in his tracks, and you do too, looking up quizzically at him.
He extends his palm, “Give me your hand,”
Your confusion only increases, “What? Why?”
“It’s too cold. Are you certain you aren't sick?” he thinks back to the encounter he had with you at the cafe, the chill he felt when he grasped your hand. He initially thought it a coincidence, but now, he was really concerned.
“Ahh, this, you see,” you flex your fingers, a feeble attempt at warming them up. “My hands kind of respond to the temperature? Don't ask because I don't know exactly why either, during winter, they're usually cold like this. But in summer, they're very warm.”
Ratio quirks a brow, “Just the fact that it tends to happen doesn't make it any less uncomfortable, does it?”
“No…” you trail off, “But! That's what my fiance— I mean, ex-fiance would always tell me, to just get used to it.”
Your eyes flicker back to Ratio’s, the disbelief in them telling you enough of what you need to know.
The scholar ran a hand through his hair, he shuddered to ponder what other garbage they had fed your brain.
His sigh is carried by a passing breeze, “It’s okay. They aren't here to dictate your life anymore.” he once again offers you his hand, another hope-filled prayer.
You look at his extended palm and back to his patient gaze, your fingers fisting in themselves for a moment before loosening.
He sees the ebb and flow of doubt and hope in their movements, inching closer and closer to his.
He cradles your hand when it reaches him, your fingers slipping easily through the gaps of his. The difference in temperature alerts his reflexes for a second before he calms them down.
He stuffs your intertwined hands in his coat pocket — your gasp fades behind you as he resumes his gait.
Ratio does not dare glance in your direction, but he knows you're watching, scrutinizing him. It reminds him of the look you had at the end of your university days, the memory of the incident that followed makes his throat parched.
Your grip is unusually weak, combined with the knowledge of your situation, the scholar can't stop himself from adding.
“Have you been eating well? Tell me if you haven't, I'll take you to have a proper meal. But don't lie about these matters, you can't achieve your dreams if you don't take care of yourself first.”
You freeze at his words and Ratio makes the mistake of returning your stare.
Seeing no change in his serious expression though, you shake your head with a chuckle, assuring him of your health.
The clicking of both of your shoes against the pavement is the only thing keeping his heart-beat at bay, his attention from focusing too much on the feel of your hand in his and the myriad of chemical reactions flooding his reward system.
When the coldness in your hand has been completely replaced with the warmth from his, you gesture to him that you’ve reached your destination.
He feels an unexpected reluctance in letting you go, something in his gut pushing him to hold on — but he ignores it.
You pause before opening the gates, glancing at him from over your shoulder.
He looks up in time to see your smile, it's not like all those times you’ve smiled before — no, no. This time, lilac petals cling to its corners.
Ratio covered his mouth with his hand, hiding the stupid curve of his lips from anyone's eyes. The lingering warmth from your hand finally allowed his heart to beat with fervor.
He wanted nothing more than to give you a bouquet of bluebells at that moment.
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vii. Sfumato
The day Dr. Ratio returned to your side with the pledged bluebells, was beautiful.
The canopy of winter had begun to be swept aside as nascent leaves heralded spring, twitters of birds ornamented the breeze.
When fresh fountain ink meets parchment, it spreads with a thin halo of blue — the sky of that moment brought back this image in his mind. The sun found amusement in steering behind ivory clouds ; a cheeky, one sided game of hide and seek played with light and dark.
The sun made a mistake, a sidestep allowed rays to escape and fall on the lace ribbon of the bouquet.
Sun-glitter followed the lead of Ratio’s arm, over the arch of his wrist, finding their way from beneath the crevices of his fingers — shining, glimmering, as lapis petals caressed the tombstone.
How strange, didn't it usually rain and roar for scenes like these in those light novels of yours?
Veritas could not feel his breaths, it's as if the mechanisms of his respiratory system halted for that matter, he couldn't even feel his eyes flutter.
He contemplated turning away altogether, what was he even thinking, bringing bluebells to the cemetery like a young lover?
A dead leaf crunched from his retreating step, the note stunning him in place.
Perhaps he should've brought the chopped off, bleeding excuse of a skull of that man — if only, if only if only any being, any listening existence in this wretched world would reassure him that it’d bring you back. 
The scholar felt his fingers lax from their cocoon, but he knew, that would be impracticable. If a life for a life resurrected the other, his fingers wouldn't tremble in usurping that leverage and bringing justice to your final moments.
But he knew, oh how the erudite scholar despised knowledge for the first time in his life — that it’d soothe him, but leave a hollow far worse in his heart.
A sigh forced its way past his lips, onerous was its euphony. Windswept locks of violet poked at the way crystalline orange held onto the engraving on the silver stone ; the name, once his boon, now his bane.
Splinters of marble flew, papers, pens, innocent objects were tossed aside like fickle trash. Rouge flecked once pristine alabaster. Midst the carnage, a book fell betwixt Veritas’s path.
A withered daffodil lamented rationality’s fall.
Newspapers and channels boldly flashed the incident for a week — individual apprehended for the charge of murdering their ex-fiancé — before being swallowed by other, more fascinating pieces of events.
Ratio found himself scoffing at their tone, picking apart their every word and spacing, frowning at how quick people's interest moved on.
Indeed, the world waits for none. The ones lingering are always tormented.
With the last person in close association with you behind the bars of the psych ward and your acquaintances grieving, the scholar took it upon himself to deliver your files and belongings to your family.
But that decision turned out to be a lesson, the universe once again pointing out without mercy the mediocrity of his knowledge.
“Does that mean we’ll have to turn to the streets now?” whispered a little too loudly, a little too carelessly, your step-mother to your father.
Perhaps Ratio’s disbelief had been too loud on his face, for your father shushed her quickly and attempted to smooth over the slip-up with a barely-strung lament.
But the scholar had learned what was to be surmised from this family, all of their next speeches effortlessly ignored by him.
So the reason you ultimately didn't quit your job was for them, Veritas's eyes dimmed. Feelings were never his forte, this messy heap of them he had no clue what to do with.
And the siblings you used to so dearly miss back in your university days? The second-oldest after you put back her headphones after he finished delivering the news and the youngest couldn't even recall your name.
Ratio seldom used the phrase, but it was truly a miracle he left that fetid establishment without causing damage.
He decided against disclosing your remaining belongings to them and instead, gave them away for charity as written in a journal he accidentally stumbled upon while sorting through them.
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you knew this would happen.
But you refused to confide in anyone, tolerating the farce of a content life.
Ratio could not understand, did not even know where to begin in decoding what was going through your head when you lied to him and what had coerced him into believing it.
Of course you didn't leave them, that would've been too perfect and too merciful an end and clearly, the universe would not allow it. Of course he needed to be shown how much of an idiot he still is, the extent of his wishful thinking.
Ratio concurs he deserves it.
But did you deserve to meet such an end? No, your life shouldn't have been shaped this way to begin with! And yet, it had been.
For long did he stare off into vacant space, casting aside the need for slumber, attempting to answer what was to be done now. The silence beckoned him, that it was nothing.
Perhaps, you were at peace now at last.
Perhaps the craving for this serenity was what had prompted you from not fighting off that axe.
Perhaps, you had closed your eyes without any regrets.
When the haze in his head cleared a bit, he visited your grave again. Dust had gathered on the lifeless petals of the bluebells he’d left, the scholar tenderly rid them from the surface.
He dug a section beside your resting place and planted fresh asphodels. An elderly woman saw the scene in passing but did not comment, pity clung at the edges of her eyes.
In fear of the tides of time burying the traces of your foot-steps, Ratio chased after them. The places you spoke so fondly of, the flowers and stories you cherished and the students you stood proud beside.
They spoke of your passion, your vision and your resilience to him.
They say, even a lifetime of ‘knowing’ someone is not sufficient in knowing them.
Although he’d known you for a miniscule timeframe, he squandered no effort in trying to understand you. Only at this juncture, did your nature become clear to him. You were an expert in keeping your lips shut, a seasoned performer of half-truths and no stranger to the art of survival.
It was no coy act, you trusted no one with your actual thoughts and motivations — that was the naked truth.
So then, it begs the question, what exactly did you try so hard to eradicate?
Supposing that this universe suffers from a common ailment, and it is so persistent, so adhesive, so elusive that it plagues the dullest to the most brilliant mind — that despite all attempts at curing it, only its surface has been scratched. And this truth had been so frustrating, even you could not stand back.
Ratio tapped his fingers against his desk, what other malady does an educator aspire to cure other than ignorance?
Foolishness? Idiocy? Stupidity? All synonymous, yet capable of clasping and corrupting irrespective of a person’s standing in the path of life.
To rid them, scholars, researchers and teachers attempt to disseminate knowledge with the vow of indiscrimination.
But Dr. Ratio knew, the oasis of knowledge is but a mirage in the desert of ignorance. For the populace to reach that base awareness, to recognize that mirage — that, is what is needed.
The scholar saw the early light of dawn from betwixt the crevices of his window, the hinges groaned as he pushed them open and for the first time — the sun embraced him and the shadows fell behind his form.
But the meteor that briefly illuminated his sky, is gone — as tends to be their destiny. He can do nothing but carry the memories of its glow.
Light glinted over the edge of the cone, approaching footsteps reminded the doctor to tuck it away from prying eyes.
Ratio tsk-ed upon feeling the absence of his headpiece, cracks on the alabaster had demanded a remake.
The scholar’s eyes met with the ones cradling the remnants of a bygone sunset, melting into hues of ocean blue.
“Doc! Didn't expect to see you here.” drawled an unfortunately familiar man. Ratio offered a blink in greeting.
“Yes, how astonishing it is to see a member of the Intelligentsia Guild in its corridors.” the doctor muttered plainly, the Stoneheart in the spotlight merely maintained his smile.
Ratio noticed his other hand to be occupied, “And what about you? Busy squandering your time as usual, gambler?”
Contrary to his expectations, the quirk of Aventurine’s lips widened as though he’d struck gold, he smoothed over the lapels of his suit. The erudite scholar subconsciously braced himself for whatever trick was to be brought next.
“Now now, it's not squandering if you're spending it with a dear person.” he winked.
Veritas caught a silhouette peeking from behind the blonde, “Meaning?”
“Ah, how uncourteous of me.” though there's a note of glee in his voice. “Allow me to introduce you to…”
Dr. Ratio observed as a figure emerged from Aventurine’s shadow, the passing question of how he hadn't noticed them sooner was pushed aside as they joined the Stoneheart in the spotlight.
“My dearest, precious jewel or— how did you prefer it again? Hmm I can't seem to remember~” an elbow to his side and huff broke through his theatrics ; the vacant halls gained life through laughter, petrichor bloomed in their notes.
“Just kidding, my bluebell.”
A meteor crossed the orbit of Ratio’s life again.
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© harmonysanreads | do not cross-post, translate, plagiarise, copy on a different platform or use my works to train ai.
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missadangel · 5 months ago
The Heart of Rome (Marcus Acacius x OC)
All Chapters List
V. The Council
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Hi, guys I did some research on Rome, and they don't use the word princess. instead, they use rarely: filia regis so I mentioned in the story. But I will use the princess word to make it easier. I will make Geta softer than he looks in the trailers, but not much obviously. In history Caracalla kills Geta so I am writing my fic according to real history places, and tradition, events. if you have any advice let me know, thank you for all your support, so enjoy the episode...
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Si scio quid sit amor, propter te est.
If I know what love is, it is because of you. H.B.
The streets of Rome were fairly tranquil at night, in comparison to the bustling activity that characterizes the city during the day. It was particularly the case with the roads leading out of the city and into more remote areas. The general's villa was situated on one of these remote roads, and it was a somewhat lengthy journey to reach the city on foot. It might have been a good idea to use a horse or cart to traverse this road. But you were determined to continue on your journey, despite the discomfort you felt. You voiced your concerns to yourself and even considered turning back. You would have been pleased to rest in Marcus' bed, next to his warm body, his strong arms.  Yet, you were worried that you might regret not going ahead with your plan if you didn't do it. Even though you had these concerns, you decided to keep walking. As you got closer to the entrance to the big city, you suddenly noticed what sounded to be footsteps behind you.
You were reluctant to turn your head to see what was happening because a shiver ran through your whole body. It was as if the darkness of the night, which had been your friend a moment ago, had now become your enemy. Sounds, shadows and endless dirt roads were now his companions. When you started running, your legs were not as strong as you had hoped, and you experienced more discomfort than you had anticipated. Nevertheless, you ran with all your strength to reach the stone roads.
Subsequently, upon noticing your breathing becoming more rapid, you decided to take a moment to catch your breath. You were somewhat surprised but grateful when you realised that you were no longer being followed. Upon reaching the stone streets, you were somewhat reassured, but on the other hand, you felt a pang of sadness because you were further away from Marcus. The morning was fast approaching, with dawn on the horizon. From your observation point at the foot of the Venus statue in one corner of the street, you were clinging to the marble at the very end of the column and looking at the city panorama ahead, attempting to calculate the direction of Palatine Hill. The Colosseum is in a great spot, right in the center and visible from all sides. It's a bit of a landmark. So, it made sense to adjust the route to go forward and to the right. You still had a way to go, so you kept walking. You never expected it to be so difficult.
It's particularly when you're passing through these streets, places you've passed before, that your memories start to haunt you. It's as if these streets, which you used to pass by horse and cart, have now turned against you, becoming your enemy's friend. After a few quiet, dark streets, you stopped to rest under the triumphal arch. As you drove under the arch, you noticed something you hadn't seen before and were surprised.
The colossal statue of a former emperor that you had seen it before, but you hadn't had a chance to look at the inscription.
‘Imperator Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax Augustus’
Your knees gave way, and you found yourself unable to stand. The stone pavements felt cold against your skin, but you remained still. As you gazed at the statue of your father, you found yourself thinking that perhaps things might have turned out differently if he had been there with you. You had never had the opportunity to witness first-hand what kind of an emperor he was, but from what you had heard, he had been quite successful. You spoke to him, your gaze fixed on his stone eyes, and wished he had heard you: “Father, my lord, I have made my decision. I have been thinking since I learnt about the letter. I came here even though you warned me, even though I knew it would be hard. My heart hurts, father, but I am not afraid. I met love, and I am not going to lose it. I love him so much. I know you hear me, and I know you understand. I am not angry with you. In fact, I am grateful. I met my brothers. You were right about Caracalla. Provide guidance on Geta. I saved him, Father, and I'm ready to face whatever comes next. I know you're with the Gods now, so I'm asking you to help me. I'll do whatever it takes for Rome. Open my eyes and ears, give me strength.”
You wiped away your tears and remained in a seated position for a period of time. However, when the cold became unbearable, you began to shiver. Before standing, you heard the distant cry of a horse, followed by the sound of hooves striking the ground. You wrapped your cloak around yourself tightly, burying your hair and face within it. The sound of hooves echoing in the silence of the night only served to heighten your nervousness.
As the horse drew nearer, you became aware of a slight tremor in the ground beneath your feet, caused by the horse's hooves striking it. You turned your head and observed a man who clothed in a dark cloak.
'My lady,' he greeted you.
When you looked at him, you felt a little surprised and perhaps a little uneasy, and said nothing. He opened his cloak and jumped down from his horse and approached you, still holding on to his horse's harness. The horse snorted noisily and you involuntarily took a few steps back.
"It is imperative that you come with me, as the situation is too perilous for you to remain here at this hour.”
"Who are you that I should agree to accompany you? Was it you who followed me previously?”
He bowed his head and replied, "Yes, my lady. I am a slave of Master Macrinus and I must take you to him."
You narrowed your eyes. ”What if I decline your offer?”
The man laughed, 'He thought you would say that. He said if she doesn't want to come, bring her by force, before she does something to hurt herself. Don’t let her to do, so.’
It was your time to laugh, 'How thoughtful of him. Tell him I appreciate the advice, but I have somewhere else to be right now.’
As soon as you turned around, you heard him coming towards you.
“My lady, I have to do as I'm told,” he said, coming up quickly behind you and grabbing your wrist. You tried to pull back with all your strength, but he was too strong. When he got close, you had a chance to get a good look at him. He had a very muscular and large body, which reminded you of warriors fighting in the Colosseum.
“Let go of my arm!” you cried.
But he had no intention of letting go, his strong hand locked around your wrist as if you were chained.
As he drew you closer to his horse, you heard another horse neighed from down the street, followed by a voice you recognised from before. It was a voice you would not forget, even if you were dead, a voice you felt your ears were made to hear.
The general spurred his black horse into a halt in front of you two. The horse reared under him and uttered a cry. He leapt down from the horse with one swift movement, his face as angry as ever, his eyes fixed on the other man. The general seized the man's hand that was gripping your wrist, pulled it and pushed with such force that the man staggered backwards. But he seemed to be angry too, and quickly regained his composure.
“How dare you lay a hand on her? State yourself, who are you?”
The General moved in front of you, taking charge and protecting you. You were relieved to see him. From behind, he appears to be dressed only in his tunic and cloak. It seems he may have left in a hurry, perhaps he was so worried, you wondered if he had opened the letter yet or not.
"General Acacius, Master Macrinus has given me a mission. I will complete it.”
"Macrinus? I just remember where I saw you before. Tell him I am Marcus Acacius, and I will prevent you from completing your mission.”
The man frowned and tensed as one hand went to the sheath of the sword at his waist. He was not afraid of the General at all.
"Marcus," you gently grasped his cloak and gave it a slight tug. He did not turn to you, still glaring at the man.
"Macrinus would like to take me to the council meeting, I believe he wants to ensure my safety until then. I apologise for not telling you before, I hope you can forgive me.”
Acacius turned his head and looked at you. His eyes conveyed a multitude of emotions, including anger, frustration, and longing.
"Nevertheless, I am unable to allow you to accompany him. I will take you to the meeting if that is your desire."
"No, the emperors may think you've been hiding me all this time. I won't let this happen to you because of me."
He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, as if trying to suppress his anger.
“Don't you realize how much I care about you? They've already seen you with me, so I'm prepared to face whatever consequences may result.”
You frowned. "I would never want to cause any damage to your reputation."
"Is that why you decided to leave me? What exactly you were planning, I wonder?”
You bit your bottom lip. “To go to Geta and tell him everything.”
Acacius' eyes flashed with anger. “I'm hoping you're joking right now.”
“He said he owed me, I thought he'd understand.”
“Do you really think he's as pure and kind-hearted as you? How can you be so reckless?”
"Perhaps he'll reconsider when I tell him I'm his sister.”
Acacius shook his head, “Wrong. He won't. He'll kill you on the spot, I'm sure of it.”
You were fairly certain that what he said was true, but you still had the inclination to believe it wasn't. Then, two more riders came down the street towards you and dismounted next to the other man. The General immediately sensed a potential threat and pulled you behind him for protection.
Macrinus knew exactly what he was doing and he was determined to see it through.
It is probable that his slave felt emboldened by the arrival of the other men, as evidenced by his demeanor, which shifted from apprehension to confidence.
"General, I advise you not to cause us any trouble. We're taking the lady with us.”
Acacius drew his sword and looked at them with a glint in his eye, ready for whoever or whatever was about to come at him.
"I dare you to try.”
They seemed to hesitate at first, looking at each other, then drew their swords, the tension rising. You swallowed hard.
"Three against one. I heard you were a good soldier, but you don't stand a chance against three of us." He smiled, but it seemed a little cruelly.
"You must have misheard then. I've killed more when I was in a worse situation." His voice was threatening, making the other person uneasy.
"Indeed, I had the opportunity to observe it at the Colosseum. However, we also fought there, so it would be unwise to underestimate us."
They fought there? At the Colosseum? Gladiators?
You had observed the combatants in action during your time there; you had witnessed it first-hand, with your own eyes, and it sent a chill down your spine.
You moved in front of the general, who was still pointing his sword at the others.
“Marcus, you need to let me go with them.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Please, hear me out, the council meeting is just around the corner, he can't do anything to me, he needs me.”
You grasped his other hand tightly with both hands and looked into his eyes.
“Please, I ask you to trust me.”
“He's the one I don't trust.”
“I know. I don't trust him either but I need to find out what his intention is before the meeting.”
Marcus looked at you for a moment, considering your words. Then he sheathed his sword. "Very well. You're right.”
The others seemed relieved, but they tried not to show it.
"A wise choice, General," the man said, his voice firm and his gaze steady. He gestured for the others to put their swords back, then approached you with purpose.
"Come with me, my lady," he held out his hand to you and the general caught it in mid-air.
"Who gave you permission to touch her?"
He pushed his hand away and grabbed your wrist. "I will be accompanying her.”
The man laughed and looked at you with disdain. "As you wish. That's fine by me."
As he walked away towards his horse, the general turned to you.
"I'm assuming you've ridden a horse before?"
You didn't ride much in Egypt, given that you lived inconspicuously.
"Well, sort of.”
The look on your face made him smile. He pulled you close to his horse. His black horse lifted one leg and just the tip of the hoof touched the ground, snorted heavily. Acacius stroked the horse's back gently. "You should know how lucky you are to be carrying this beautiful woman, Dromos. Be gentle with her.” The horse lets out a soft whinny as a reply, and Acacius smiles.
“Yes, I named him that because he runs so fast.”
“I see.You seem to be quite good friends,” you said with a smile. Hesitantly you reached out and stroked the horse’s neck, ran your fingers through the black of his mane.
“Indeed we are,” he agreed. He placed his hand on the stirrup and held it for you. “Place your foot here and I'll lift you up."
You did as he said, then he put his hand to your waist, lifted you easily and sat you on the thin saddle. When the horse moved, you grabbed onto the horn of the saddle to steady yourself. Then you felt a soreness between your legs but forced yourself to ignore. Acacius quickly climbed on top of the horse and positioned himself right behind you, gripping the reins. You felt safe as you felt his muscular body caressing yours from behind.
“Lead the way,” the General said loudly to the other man, you felt his warm breath just above your ear. The man nodded kicks his horse forward. Acacius gave a gentle pat to Dromos, he neighs, and starts to move faster. Acacius moves a little, closing the gap between you, his arms around you from either side as he holds the reins. Your body shook with the movement of Dromos as he galloped at a moderate speed through the streets of Rome. Your back kept bumping against the General's strong chest, and you even felt his chin in your hair. You gasped. Was he doing it on purpose?
You glanced over at his face and noticed a smile at the corner of his lips, even though his eyes were fixed on the road ahead.
“I’m guessing you’re upset with me?" you asked as the General pulled the rein to the right to steer it, top of your shoulder bumping his chest.
"For leaving me in bed and abandoning me?"
"And for not mentioning the letter before."
"That too.”
When you turned to look at him, a few strands of your hair got caught in his beard. The hairs kept flying with the wind, brushing against his face. He seemed pleased with them.‘
"I must admit that I was eager to find out who you are, but this is beyond what I could have imagined. I can understand why you did it, but I'm still hurt. I wish you hadn't left me in bed. You broke my heart.”
You swallowed, “Forgive me, I didn't know what to do. Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever done. Will you let me heal your heart? I'm Medicus, you know?" You blinked your eyes under your long eyelashes, he smiled.
He buried his lips in your flowing hair and whispered in your ear.
"My heart is yours to heal. You don't need to be a medicus for that.”
You smiled as you felt his lips on your cheek, your lips yearning so much to touch his. At that moment, as you rode with him on his horse, you wished that he would take you far away, to a place where no one could find you two, you were willing to give everything for it.
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Macrinus’s Villa…
The men on horseback dismounted and led their horses into the courtyard. Acacius gently pulled his horse's reins and rode in a circle, glancing towards the villa. It seemed as though he was hesitating. Soon, Macrinus appeared in the doorway and grasped the bridle to the right, turning it around to face him.
"My lady," he bowed his head and greeted you. "General Acacius?”
Acacius ignored him and dismounted, one hand still clutching his horse's harness.
“Sir Macrinus, have you stationed your slaves outside my villa to keep watch? Or should I say your gladiators?”
Macrinus smirked. “I needed to make sure Lady Aurelia was safe.” He turned his eyes to you.
“I think you can rest assured that it's not something you need to worry about, especially when she's with me.”
“Which is why you must have accompanied her here, I see.”
“Apparently.” Acacius muttered.
“Then let me invite you in,” he gestured with his hand.
Acacius turned to you and held out his hand. “My lady.”
You smiled, initially surprised that he was addressing you with respect for the first time, but then realising how much you liked it. You took his hand and dismounted the horse and allowed yourself to be embraced by his protective arms. He took you gently and lowered you down.
As your feet touched down on the ground, you felt the throbbing return and let out a quiet moan.“Are you alright?” Acacius's voice was worried.
You regarded him with a somewhat hesitant expression. "I'm a little sore from..." You pursed your lips.
Acacius stroked your disheveled hair with his big hand. "I wish I could relieve your soreness.”
You blushed at the memory of witnessing how well his passionate lips worked on your body before.
“I'll take that as a promise for later, General.” You smirked mischievously.
“At your service, my lady,” he grasped your hand gently and kissed it.
As your heart melted in the warmth of his smile, Macrinus watched you from afar, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny. He felt something very different. He controlled his expression though and cleared his throat. You and the General looked at him, his warrior slave standing beside him. Acacius held out his hand, offering it to you.
“Shall we?”
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Sitting in his garden, you realized that Macrinus' villa was bigger than the General's. The fountain in the center of this big courtyard was rectangular, and in the center was a statue of the queen goddess Salacia, the wife of Neptune, the goddess of the sea and water. She's holding a bucket just above her head and the water is gushing out of it.
The columns ahead were white and straight, half covered with red marble, with ionic protrusions at the corners. They proudly stood among various trees and plants, but this beauty was nothing compared to the Domus Severiana. That palace was magnificent and wonderful.
Although you couldn't see it clearly because it was still dark, you were wondering what kind of flowers were behind the fountain when Macrinus' gladiator slave stood there, blocking your view. You met his gaze and turned to the general, who was standing next to you. He seemed uneasy and reluctant to sit down. His body language showing his tension. You reached out and grasped his hand.
"Would you perhaps like to sit with me?"
"My lady, I believe I will be more comfortable like this," he replied, his eyes on the gladiator who crossed his arms and looking at Macrinus as he approached.
“Apologies, I am expecting an important guest, I wanted to make sure he arrived safely,” he sat down opposite you and crossed his legs. A delighted smile spread across his face.
“I assume you brought the letter with you, my lady?” he said, looking at you.
You glanced at the General, to whom you entrusted the letter. He crossed his arms and looked directly at Macrinus.
“Prior to that, elucidate your intentions regarding the council.”
"I'm going to make sure our lady gets her 'filia regis' (princess) title back and gets what's rightfully hers. You know, general, you were what, twenty? You must have been about that age when Aurelia was born. Septimius gave me the task of taking her away to protect her. He made me promise.”
"I was nineteen," the General stated, his eyes distant as he recalled those days. "And you were the one who made up the lie that she drowned in the river when she was little? You actually took her to Egypt? With that man, Vicius."
He turned his head to look at you, to see your expression. You felt sad when you remembered him, but you gave the general a half-smile anyway.
“There were three hundred days of mourning throughout the empire,” Macrinus gave you a half smile. “Then it was forgotten when it was time for Caracalla's fifth birthday, but the people of Rome must still remember their princess. The year you were born was a very prosperous one, the fields were full of new crops, there were hardly any beggars in the streets.”
A soft smile spread across Acacius' face, you wondered why, but you didn't feel comfortable to ask when Macrinus around.
“Wine,” Macrinus ordered one of the other slaves. “My lady, please eat something,” he said, indicating the food on the table. “You need to gather your strength.” Then he looked at Acacius who shook his head. “I should head out to dress properly for the Council,” he said and turned to you and got down on his knees. "My Lady, I will be ready to provide any assistance you may require at the council today."
“No, General, I cannot allow you to do that.”
He looked confused.
"Perhaps it would be better if I said that I've kept my name a secret from you.”
“They've already seen us together,” he protested. “I don't think they'll care about that.”
"Lady Aurelia is right, General. It would not be good for you to make your side clear, at least from Geta's point of view. Half the council already knows everything and we have the upper hand."
"Marcus, please," you grabbed his big hand with both of yours. "I don't want you to stay in the middle of this.”
He took both your hands in his, his beard brushing against your skin. "As you wish. but know that if things don't go our way, I will do my utmost to ensure your safety." He kissed you gently on the top of your hands and stood up. "I will see you at the Council then." He nodded and left the courtyard. With his leaving, you felt abandoned, out of place.
Macrinus' gladiator-slave accompanied the general out into the courtyard and returned a moment later. As his eyes met yours, you turned your head.
“I wonder why you keep gladiators as slaves in your villa?”
Macrinus smiled, shaking the wine glass in his hand, “Choosing gladiators is an art, they often become prisoners of war, just like other slaves.”
“So you buy them, train them and put them in fights,” you looked at the gladiator without turning your head. "What is the return on investment of this strategy? Is this the best way to gain the trust of the emperors, by providing entertainment?”
Macrinus laughed. “My lady, you have the right angle, but I don't think you see the whole picture. Perhaps you could save your thinking skills for the council, as it is almost time. My slaves will be ready to dress you properly," he said, rising to his feet. "If I may ask, as you still haven't given me the letter."
One of the girl slaves came as you stood up. “The general has the letter, I'm sure he will bring it before the council.”
“I must say, I am rather surprised at the extent of your trust in him.” Macrinus narrowed his eyes.
“I trust him more than anyone,” you said confidently. You couldn't bear to hear him speak unfairly of the General. You took a step back, looking around to avoid making eye contact with him. “Now, where do I get dressed?”
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Roman Forum…
The Roman Forum was the centre of day-to-day life in Rome: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's leaders. This was where the Senate—as well as Republican government itself—began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttering the area.
By the time the carriage carrying you and Macrinus arrived, the morning sun was already brightening the streets. The streets were now filled with Romans, spread around, going about their daily routines. This particular street was noticeably more crowded than usual. A considerable number of people had gathered in anticipation of the emperors' attendance at today's significant meeting. Among them were individuals with pending court cases, spectators eager to witness the new gladiators' initial contests, distinguished patricians and their wives, and those in need, who had come with the hope of receiving alms from them. Additionally, there were individuals who were to be dedicated as priestesses to the temple of Vesta and their companions, as well as those with business at the state house and, of course, the esteemed members of the senate and their wives.
Women were allowed to walk around the Roman Forum, but not in the Curia Julia, the senate building. Of course, the empress managed to sneak herself in - to see what was being said behind her sons' backs and what plans were being made - so it was inevitable that no one would pretend to know about it.
Today, Julia Domna managed to get herself into the Curia in the same way, but you couldn't see it because the entrance was too far away. Macrinus got out of the carriage and looked in towards you.
‘My lady, you will have to sit here for a while, you know women are-.’
‘Yes, sir, I know.’
He turned his head and squinted at something in the distance.
‘Acacius,’ he murmured.
Upon hearing his name, your heart began to race with excitement. He was the only person you desired to see at that moment. Macrinus took a step back, and the general's footsteps could be heard just outside the carriage.
"Did you bring the letter, General Acacius?" Macrinus asked.
You stuck your head out, eager to see his face. Cato was beside him, he took your letter out of his leather bag and handed it to Acacius, he handed it to you. You reached for it, and he turned his head to meet your eyes, making you realise how much you had missed him, even in such a short time.
“My Lady, I would like to return this to you.” The General was dressed differently today, in a toga worn on formal occasions. White in colour, it covered almost his entire body, with burgundy stripes around the edges. The shawl was of the same colour and pattern, the sleeves were short so you could see the thick gold bracelets on his arms, it looked perfect and neat.
“I am grateful to you for ensuring its safety,” you said quietly.
Macrinus cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should go inside now to start the session."
“Sir Macrinus, you go first.” Acacius said in a detached manner, his eyes locked on you.
“My lady,” he bowed his head, turned around and made his way towards the wide stairs of the Curia.
"Are you feeling a bit nervous?” His voice softened for you.
“A little,” you lied.
He smiled and put his hand on your cheek. “No need to be, you have nothing to worry about. It's your birthright, like every Roman. I think that's the only thing Macrinus and I agree on.”
You touched his hand on your cheek and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I know, thank you.”
He tilted his head towards you, almost close enough to touch you with his lips. “I will always be there to protect you, my beautiful lady, no matter what the outcome.” He held your eyes captive for a moment with his eyes, then pulled himself back. He looked ahead, frowning.
“They're here,” he said, squinting.
“Our Emperors!” Someone in the crowd shouted at the top of his lungs.
Your swallowed, feeling your heart began to race. Acacius stroked your hair gently, "There's no need to be so distressed. They can't do anything to you. There are very few people in the Senate who likes them. As much as I don't like him, I have to hand it to him, Macrinus knows what he's doing, almost succeeded in convincing the entire council,’ he said. 'I must go in now, Octavius will accompany you in,' he said, kissing your hand for the last time before leaving. You inhaled deeply while holding the letter in your hand tightly, praying to all the Gods.
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Curia Julia…
All councillors were present and awaiting the commencement of the session, with the oldest councillor taking the lead in opening the meeting. The murmurs of the members of the Senate reverberated gently off the walls of the Curia's spacious, high-ceilinged meeting hall. When their names were announced a little later, all the congressmen stood up and showed their greeting as the Emperors entered the hall from the great hall, albeit somewhat reluctantly. They took their seats in the western corner of the round hall, their attire differing from that of the members of the senate in that it was rather more ostentatious and therefore perhaps less appropriate.
The longest-serving member of the council approached the emperors and stood on the ledge in the centre of the hall to offer them his greetings. He surveyed the room with a gesture that seemed to convey a desire to embrace everyone. “What an auspicious day. Many gave their lives so that we could stand here once more, for the sake of an empire, a government with laws.”
All the members applauded him, except the emperors, who seemed bored already. Acacius was in the lowest tribune and sat quite close to them. Many were surprised to see him at the meeting today; he rarely attended, and no one even knew he voted in the elections.
“In honouring them, I would like to mention that we must pay our respects in your presence to General Marcus Justus Acacius, commander of the southern armies, General of the Legio III Augusta and protector of Rome.” he said, raising his hand and pointing to him. “He demonstrated remarkable courage in defending the Rome and is worthy of our respect and gratitude.”
The members started clapping more enthusiastically. They were all chanting the General's name together. Acacius stood up to show his appreciation and then sat back down.
“Senate is now in session. I invite Sir Macrinus here to make his speech.”
As oldest member approached the tribune to take his seat, Macrinus rose from his seat, came to the centre and greeted the emperors and members.
“Your Majesties, esteemed council members. The reason we are gathered here today is not a matter of government or politics. It is a matter concerning our former emperor, Emperor Septimius Severus and his family.” As he extended his hand towards Emperors, Geta turned curiously to Caracalla.
“What is he saying, brother?” he whispered.
Caracalla answered without looking at him. “Patience brother, you’ll understand soon enough.”
“So you knew?”
He did not answer, which made Geta angry and curious.
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By the time Octavius came to get you from the carriage, you were pretty bored sitting inside.
“My lady, it's time.”
You nodded and got out of the carriage with his help, taking a quick look around as you walked together through the crowd. The gladiator fights had taken a break, and people were discussing what was happening in the Curia. One of the trials was underway. A man and a woman were crying, as if they had been convicted of some crime you didn't understand. As you made your way up the stairs of the Curia, one after the other behind Octavius, one of the guards at the entrance blocked your path with an outstretched hand. Octavius brushed his arm away with the back of his hand.
"She is no ordinary woman, and the council members are waiting for her."
"Forgive me," he said, stepping back to allow you to pass.
You and Octavius entered a large hall and proceeded between tall, imposing white pillars. After a short while, you heard the voices of several men. Was there a disagreement in the council? Octavius stood near two large, thick pillars and looked in the direction of the sound, raising his hand towards you. "Perhaps we should wait a moment."
As the big iron door swung open, you could hear the voices inside a bit better.
"Are you saying that our sister is alive?"
It was Geta's voice, sounding angry. "Where has she been all this time?"
"As I said, Your Majesty, your sister was sent to Egypt on your father's orders. She wasn't there when I went to find her, but she is here now. Your sister is waiting outside with the letter your father, the Emperor, wrote to her. Shall I bring her here now?"
Macrinus' voice was loud but persuasive.
“Yes, the council wants to see her!” Someone else's voice was louder than his.
The voices that rose and echoed in the great hall were positive, a flicker of nervousness swept through you. Soon, Macrinus appeared in the doorway.
“My lady, remove your cloak, please.”
You did as he said, Octavius held it for you, and you felt a little reassured that he was there.
Macrinus accompanied you into the meeting room, his demeanor somewhat less reassuring than you had hoped. “Walk with a little more confidence, my lady, you will soon be declared 'filia regis’ (princess).”
His confident face was only working in his favor. It had nothing to do with you. You were trying to look ahead as you descended the stairs one by one, the councillors began to murmur, you didn't feel ready to look at them, and soon you heard Caracalla's hysterical laughter, you were startled and looked in the direction of the sound.
He pointed his finger at you. “You! It must be a lame joke!”
Geta was silent, only his eyes locked on you, leaning forward and marveling under his eyebrows. Caracalla stormed out of his seat and came over to Macrinus.
“What does this mean?”
“You told me my sister was coming, but you forgot to tell me who she was?” he scolded him in a low voice.
“It's pure coincidence that you've met her before, Highness.”
He then looked in the direction where the general was sitting, and you had the opportunity to observe him and the others. All the members were dressed in white togas, similar to the general, but with black embroidery around the edges of their clothes. It was a large hall filled with men, and it was somewhat awkward and uncomfortable to be in the middle of them as the only woman.
"She resembles her mother," one individual posited.
“Indeed, she is an exact match, both physically and genetically," another concurred. “Just like in the records.”
A multitude of voices were present, yet your attention was directed towards Caracalla, who directed a finger at the general.
"For how long have you been aware of this, General Acacius?”
“He didn’t know!”
As your voice echoed through the vast hall with a ringing effect among all the male voices, the other voices gradually faded and Caracalla turned to look at you. Then you handed him the letter.
“I got the chance to open it on the day of the ceremony. That's when I found out everything. General Acacius had no idea.”
This time you said it looking at all the council members as your eyes met Acacius. He was staring at Caracalla, looking a bit angry. Geta arose from his seat and approached Caracalla. He took the letter from his hand and read it over, then looked at you.
“Why didn't you say anything that day?”
"I was planning to," you replied. "I was uncertain of your reaction and what you would do," your eyes shifted to Caracalla. Another councillor approached and examined the letter.
“This is the seal of Emperor Septimius Severus,” he said, looking at the other members. Caracalla grasped the letter and held it up. “But a broken seal and a piece of paper which doesn't prove anything.” Geta reached out to take it from him, but he pushed him away with his elbow, tore the letter into pieces and threw it on the floor.
You were filled with anger. "That was the last thing left of my father," your voice was higher than you would have cared to have it be.
Macrinus interjected, "Your Majesty, while I understand your concerns, I believe it would be beneficial to hear the rest of the speech before making a decision.”
“I want to hear it.” Geta sat back in his seat.
Caracalla nodded and reluctantly joined him.
You clenched your fists, looking at the pieces of the letter on the floor, some of them scattered on your sandals. It was hard not to cry, your father's seal lying on the ground like something worthless. How could he be so cruel?
"Sir Macrinus, if I might be so bold, I would like to say a few words before you speak," said the oldest member of the council.
As he stood up and came to stand beside you, the room fell silent. "I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet Lady Aurelia before she disappeared," he said, looking at you. "Her eyes and hair are similar, and her face has retained a remarkable resemblance. The emperor Septimius affectionately titled to her as 'Aurelia' due to her blonde hair. I am the one who made it official, and I have my signature and seal included in the record book. It is an honor to see you again, Lady Aurelia.” He bowed his head.
"I am truly grateful for your kind assistance, sir.” Your voice broke.
The crowd began to murmur again, with only a few objecting. The general was looking at you with a soft expression, and you smiled back, though you quickly turned your head away to avoid being noticed. Macrinus thanked the elderly member, waited for him to take his seat, and then he turned to the council members.
"I was fortunate to be able to visit Egypt four years ago at the Emperor's request. I went in search of the lady Aurealia, who was residing with Vicius, Septimius' personal medicus. I had a brief encounter with her, but it seemed that she was still unaware of the truth about herself. Vicius was of the opinion that the Emperor had not sent me. Perhaps he considered himself to be more closely aligned with the Emperor than I was. I am still curious as to what the Emperor may have promised him,” he said sarcastically.
“He did a good job of hiding her,” Caracalla said, teasingly.
The crowd found his behaviour amusing and laughter echoed through the great hall. Geta joined in with the laughter. The mood in the hall started to lighten, but you frowned. It wasn't right to disrespect his memory.
“Sir Macrinus, you mentioned seeing the lady Aurelia around four years ago, which is around the time we lost Septimius Severus.” One of the councillors said.
“I know what you're implying, but I've always had the trust of our emperors since they ascended to the throne. I couldn't bring your sister because I returned here as soon as I heard the news of Septimius Severus' death.” He said, looking at him and then back to the emperors. “He gave me a task before he died and told me to get it done. But I'm not the only one. There's someone else he assigned. With your permission, I call consul ordinarius Gaius Septimius Severus Aper here.”
Once more, the great hall was filled with murmuring. Macrinus  turned  towards you. “Your cousin,” he explained. You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“I hate him,” Caracalla growled. Geta didn't seem to like him either.
A moment later, Gaius entered the great hall with another letter in his hand, greeted everyone and came over to you. He appeared to be in his thirties, well built but not soldierly, with an attractive but stern face.
“Lady Aurelia, we meet at last,” he said, smiling at you. You nodded, but didn't have anything to say, and were pretty surprised.
“Another letter?” Geta enquired.
“It seems our father has written letters to everyone but us,” Caracalla said, making a face.
They stood up and gave their cousins the kind of hug that was pretty clearly insincere. It was obvious that they didn't get along. Gaius held the letter up for everyone to see.
“I was with my uncle when he wrote this letter, he sealed it in my presence.” Gaius said.
“Before or after you fled to Leptis Magna?” Caracalla asked. Geta burst out laughing.
He ignored them and spoke to the council instead. "Members of the Senate, I break the seal in your presence," he said, and broke the seal of the letter that the father had sealed himself and opened it.
Macrinus asked permission to take the letter and summarised it for the council members.
“It seems that our Emperor has directed Gaius to ensure that upon the eventual return of Lady Aurelia, she will be duly restored to her full birth rights. That makes two of us sir Gaius.” Macrinus and him exchanged looks that made you sure they talked about his before.
“I am privileged to be able to convey greetings from your relatives in Leptis Magna to you. The entire Severan Dynasty salutes you, my lady,” Gaius said, bowing to you. “And of course you, our emperors,” he bowed to them, as a reply Caracalla turned his head in disgust.
Oldest member of council came towards you again with few members beside him.
‘Then, before our emperors and your esteemed councillors, I extend an invitation to all to welcome our filia regis princess Septimia Aurelia Marciana, first of the name, daughter of Emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax Augustus and his first wife Paccia Marciana, patroness of Leptis Magna back to her home.” He sang out.
"A very warm welcome back to Lady Aurelia!" someone stood up and said in a cheerful voice.“Welcome back, filia regis Aurelia!” another joined him.
And all the council members repeated in unison.
Geta approached you in a cheerful manner, clapping his hands. “Welcome, I embrace you as my sister," he said, kissing you on the cheek. You were somewhat startled, but you kept your composure, your cheeks blushed. "We must celebrate this," Caracalla said, kissing you on the other cheek, smiling involuntarily. You forced a smile in return, although he still made you feel somewhat nervous.
“My brother is right, we must celebrate!”
All the members were now standing and applauding, their enthusiasm evident in the resounding applause that echoed through the great hall.
"Sir Macrinus, bring the new gladiators to the Domus Severiana tomorrow. I want new games!" Caracalla smiled with joy.
"As you wish, your majesty," he bowed his head.
"But brother, tomorrow is the festival of Saturnalia," Geta whined.
“Well? That's better, it'll add some excitement.”
While they were chatting, you scanned the room, looking for the General among all the men.
Caracalla turned to you. “As our sister, you're supposed to come with us now?”
This was something you hadn't planned. You didn't factor in the idea of living under the same roof with them. Why didn't you think of that before?
Geta stood between you and Caracalla. “Mother must be pretty shaken up, perhaps you could go and find her first, I'll accompany Aurelia, she's a bit wary of you,” he grinned at you and took your arm.
Caracalla smirked. “Fine by me.” But you could tell he was watching you two.
'Come on, sister, there's lots to do.' You were a little surprised by how fast they welcomed you, but you feel grateful somehow.
The council members were all standing and chatting, and although you wanted to go to the general in this crowd and talk to him, you had to put it out of your mind for now. Before Geta pulled you along by the arm and led you out, you looked back at Marcus for the last time and saw that he looked worried. As you descended the stairs of the Curia with Geta, cheers and applause erupted from the crowd outside.
“Emperor Geta!”
Guards surrounded you to protect you, the crowd chanting Geta's name with enthusiasm.
Geta raised his hands high and greeted them. Then he grabbed you by the wrist and raised your arm.
"People of Rome, allow me to introduce you to your filia regis, Lady Aurelia!"
You didn't expect it to happen so soon. The crowd fell silent. Caracalla came running up behind him and grabbed Geta's other arm.“Eager much, brother? We must announce at the festival tomorrow.”
After a brief period of murmuring, the crowd suddenly began clapping and shouting again. You were taken aback when Julia took your other arm. How long had she been there?
"I would like to invite you all to welcome Lady Aurelia!" she sang.
"Welcome Lady Aurelia!" someone shouted loudly and cheerfully.
“Lady Aurelia!”
Just like in the hall, the streets of the Roman Forum began to echo with your name. It was a strange feeling, a bit frightening, exciting, and proud. You weren't used to any of it, but you were born that way, a princess. It will take me a while to get used to it, you thought.
“See? They love her already,” Geta winked at Caracalla, then pushed back the hair that had fallen over your shoulder. “Smile, sister.”
For him it was easy to say, for you it was all so sudden and you would have to adjust to this new situation. As the crowd chanted your names, the general, who had been observing the proceedings from a distance, seemed somewhat displeased that Geta had managed to touch you with such ease.
He hated to see another man touches you, even if it was your half-brother.
"General Acacius, it's been a long time," Gaius came up to him.
"Sir Gaius," the general nodded. "You are correct, I had just been appointed commander of the southern armies when I arrived at Leptis Magna. It must be decades." His eyes were watching you from afar.
"I must say that you played a significant role in the success of the battle there," he said. "I believe our people are still grateful to you." He was also observing you and Geta.
"I believe you stayed there to hide the emperor's letter. I understand why you chose to stay away from the capital," the general's eyes shifted to Caracalla.
"I believe he may view me as a potential threat to the throne, as he has done in the past. However, I believe it is my duty to remain here and complete my mission," he said with conviction.
The general observed Gaius' gaze and perceived that he was focusing it on you.
"I must ensure the safety of Lady Aurelia."
"But perhaps it would be wise to ensure your own safety as well? I believe you may be in more danger than she is.”
Gaius picked up on the hint in his voice. "Sir Macrinus told me a little about your relationship with her. I'm really grateful that you protected her while I was away."
The general stayed silent and waited, obviously sensing Gaius' intentions with his man instincts.
"I'll ask the emperors for her hand in marriage. I'm sure she'll be safer in Leptis Magna. She can't be happy with them – look how uneasy she is with them.”
The general looked tense. "I wasn't aware you were a widow," he said.
"Yes, I got divorced a while ago," he replied with a smile. "I would like to remarry, as a widow, you know what I mean, I guess."
Acacius returned his smile with a disgusted expression. "Could Iask why you believe Lady Aurelia will marry you? I am merely cautioning you in advance, Sir Gaius, because I am convinced that you will be rejected." He smiled wryly at him, then turned his back on him and began to ascend the stairs.
Macrinus approached him as Gaius glared angrily after him." You were right – there is something between those two."
"Don't worry, tomorrow at the festival we'll take the first step to get rid of Acacius once and for all."
Gaius turned to him, looking angry. "How can that be? He's someone everyone respects. He's the biggest obstacle in my way."
He touched his shoulder. ”The gladiators are ready to fight, we just need Majesties’ approval tomorrow. Then Acacius will find himself in the Colosseum, and then we'll get rid of him for good. Then there will be nothing in our way, my friend." He smiled confidently.
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Palatine Hill…
As the morning sun shone on the crimson-red roofs of the Domus Severiana, the birds chirped cheerfully and flew around, their songs of joy filling the air. Yesterday was a turning point for you. Things moved pretty quickly, and it was a bit of a challenge to adjust. When you first arrived with your half-brothers last evening, it was a lot easier than you thought it would be. Julia, their mother, was pretty quiet all night, but she didn't react badly to you, which surprised you even more. e. You got the feeling that she could be pretty ruthless, even though she seemed pretty calm. The idea of living in the same house with them wasn't appealing to you. In fact, it made you feel uneasy. Geta was the only one who didn't make you nervous, but you knew he was unpredictable like his mother.
You opened your eyes in your new room and bed, looked around, and closed them again. This room was big and luxurious, much more so than your room in the general's villa. A bit too much, you thought. You pulled the silk bed sheet over your head and sighed deeply. You would give anything to open your eyes to the new day lying next to Marcus, in his arms.
You were no longer a slave, nor a Medicus, nor could you go to his villa as a commoner. It seems that even as a princess, you don't always get to choose. But you missed him so much, his strong arms around you, his sensual lips, all the memories you had in his villa.
A gentle knock at the door momentarily distracted you from your thoughts, which seemed to fade into the elegant surroundings of this splendid room.
"Please come in," you said, sitting up in bed.
A young slave girl entered the room.
"My lady, I am pleased to see you are awake," she said, her voice conveying a sense of concern.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Yes, it's about Emperor Geta."
You removed the bedclothes around you and got out of the large bed.
“What happened to him?”
“He asked me to take you to him quietly, he doesn't want the Empress to hear.”
‘Hear what?’
‘He seems a little unwell.’
‘Take me to him,’ you said quickly. You were concerned that the poison might still be present in his body.
You left your room and went into the main hall to leave your chamber. Your room was in the east corner of the other courtyard. They said, it was your mother and father’s chambers when they first married. You strode up the stairs and entered Geta's chambers. It was still early, so the room was quiet. The other slaves looked at you with concern as you approached the door of the room where you had come to heal him the last time. They greeted you and opened the door for you. You were surprised to see a couple of young slaves lying on the floor. Their bodies were naked, which made you blush with shame. It was clear that your brother Geta had a lot of fun last night. There were two girls in Geta's bed, but he was nowhere to be seen. You looked at the latrina (bathroom, toilet) door and heard a coughing sound behind. He should have been there, but you had no intention of finding him naked.
You cleared your throat and called out to him.
“Highness? Geta? Brother?”
There was a brief interlude of laughter, and then he looked up at you through the latrine door.
“I need to get used to this, a woman's voice calling me brother.”
His face was as white as marble.
"Is everything all right? You look a little pale.”
“It's because I started the damn day throwing up.”
You looked down at the wine glasses on the floor and sighed.
"You must have had a lot to drink. You're just recovered, so you need to be careful about alcohol.” As you approached the latrine door, he was coming out, you almost bumped into each other. You quickly backed away and turned around, it was a bit stuffy in there, you moved to open the big window.
Geta looked like a little boy, messy hair and all, far away from an emperor.
"Do you think it's because I didn't drink your herbal thing?" He threw himself into the armchair by the window, covered his face with his arm.
“You didn’t?" You looked at him in shock. “How could you not? You had to drink it all to get better.” You were angry.
“But it tasted like cow dung.” He whined, lifted his arm up, gave you a mocking look. “What, are you scolding me?”
You swallowed. “Your Majesty,” you said suggestively. “You must drink the concoction for your own health.”
“I can't.”
You crossed your arms. “Don't you want to get better?”
“Because of that stupid whore, she broke the bottle. That's what happens when you bring a whore from the whorehouse.”
When you heard that word, you thought of Decima. You faced the fact that you had left her behind while you were dealing with everything.
“Could you make the mixture again? It's a festival day and I want to feel good, I don't want to look unwell especially when I’m with Caracalla.” He mumbled.
“I will, but may I ask something in return?”
“Aha! You don't act like a saint anymore, huh?” He laughed. You ignored his joke, approached him.
“Please, brother, a small favor?” Perhaps it seemed to you that you were looking at him in a pleading way. But to him, it was seductive, though he didn't show that. He cleared his throat.
“Alright, what can I do for my lovely sister? What is it you want, I really wonder?”
You smiled hesitantly. “A platoon of soldiers.”
Geta opened his eyes wide, let out a hearty laugh, stood up, and then laughed again, clapping his hands. You tried to stay calm and wait patiently.
He laughed so hard that the slaves on the floor and the ones in his bed all woke up and quickly left the room.
“You know, you really are an unbelievable woman.” His childish smile spread all over his face. He let out another laugh. Then he crossed his arms. “What are you planning to do with all those soldiers? I am genuinely curious.”
“I'm going to save my friend.”
He put his hand on his chin, thinking, narrowing his eyes.
“Why don't you ask the General Acacius for help? He can do alone what a platoon of soldiers can do.”
“Because he won't like what I'm going to do,” you were sure of it.The mere thought of it made you nervous, so you had to get it done as soon as possible.
Geta laughed again. “Something Acacius wouldn't like, hmm, sounds delicious. The soldiers are at your service, sister.”
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Whore House…
In the early morning, the street where the whorehouse was located was not very crowded, even quiet. Compared to other parts of the city, it might have been the quietest place in the mornings, but not today. You had come to this street with a group of ten soldiers with a single purpose. And this time you had the power to do it. Not as Aya, but as Princess Aurelia.
Walking with confidence among the soldiers, not paying attention to the people looking at you. You paused in front of the door, and the soldiers stopped with you. You'd already told the commander what was going to happen. He nodded and kicked the door open. The soldiers scattered inside to make sure you got in safely, the last two entering with you, standing next to you, protecting you.
Juturna, the woman who owned this place, looked like she had just woken up. She was surprised to see the soldiers; her pupils were popping out of their sockets.
Then she saw you and pointed her finger at you.
“You! What the?”
The room where they were holding Decima was upstairs. You ignored Juturna's whine and headed for that room. The soldiers were waiting for you downstairs, and one of them came behind you to protect you. When you stepped in front of the room, you rushed inside. Decima was lying on the bed, her wrists still cuffed with chains. She looked a little weak and hardly looked at you. You were incredibly angry. You grabbed her chain and looked at the soldier.
“Uncuff her!”
The soldier nodded and grabbed the collar of one of the guards who had come after you.
“You heard the lady!”
The guard was frightened, he quickly uncuffed her, and Decima's bruised face lit up with a ray of hope. When she was free, she hugged you.
“Aya, but how?”
“Never mind now, let's get you out of here first.”
You grabbed her arm and led her out of the room. As you made your way downstairs, you heard Juturna's cries.
“Lady you can't do this!” she lunged towards you, but one of the soldiers pushed her back.
“Pay her compensation,” you ordered one of the soldiers. He handed her the pouch full of coins.
“This girl is now my slave, send the necessary papers to the Domus Severiana, and if you have any objections, try the Emperor Geta.”
She swallowed hard, knowing full well that she'd never want to contradict him. You smiled triumphantly as you and Decima walked out of there with the soldiers behind you. Then you stopped suddenly when you saw the general standing next to your carriage.
When did he come?
You led Decima inside the carriage and looked at him. He'd called the commander of the troops to him and was talking to him. He punched him on the chest, but not so hard. Was he scolding him?
As you approached him, the soldier was coming towards you, rubbing his chest where General had hit him.
“The General says we're done here, my lady, if you'll excuse me.” he bowed his head.
“The General is right, you can go,” you said, looking at General.
“You really do whatever you set your mind to, you are so stubborn, my lady.” He muttered.
“How do you know I was here?”
Acacius crossed his arms and squinted at you. “I am the General, remember? All the soldiers in this city are under my command.”
"I see. I understand why you might be upset with me for not asking for help. I thought you could stop me from coming here, so I asked Geta for help."
"I can see that you and your brother Geta are close. I believe he asked you for something in return?”
"I promised to make the herbal concoction to heal him."
"I'd like to hear the real answer."
He smiled, but his eyes were sharp. It was impossible to lie to those eyes.
"Perhaps I told him you wouldn't like it," you said, biting your lower lip.
“This is the answer I'm looking for.”
“I didn’t want you to upset, I’m sorry.”
“It's not something you should be sorry about,” he said, looking at the carriage behind you. “You did it for your friend, I understand.”
Her eyes softened, and he was smiling once more, which prompted you to return his smile.
“I miss you,” you said in a low tone.
"I miss you more, my lady. "There are memories of you all over the villa. Facing those memories makes me sorrowful." His brown eyes were warm. "I find I miss you more when I'm in my room. There are so many reminders of you there," he said, his lips curving in a mischievous smile. He leaned his head towards you, close to your ear. "Especially in my bed." You gasped as his warm breath hit your face, your heart racing.
You almost forgot you were in the middle of the street. You were ready to throw yourself into his arms. You pulled yourself together with his giggling, he must have been amused by your facial expression. You jokingly nudged his muscled arm with your elbow.
"You're pretty shameless, General. Seducing me right here in the middle of the street.”
“Apologies, my lady,” he said, laughing.
"Are you coming to the festival today?”
“Yes, I've been invited and I would like to take this opportunity to talk with the emperors.”
You heard the hint in his voice, but you didn't understand it. His grin made you even more curious. He never smiled when he talked about emperors, so this was weird.
‘What are you going to talk to them about, I wonder?’
Acacius held your hand and looked into your eyes. "If it pleases you, my lady, I will tell them I ask your hand in marriage."
You froze and opened your eyes wide, unsure if you had heard correctly. Acacius smiled and kissed your hand.
“You can give me your answer after the festival. You might want to head out now, as preparations are about to get underway.” He put his arm around you and pulled you towards the carriage.
You looked at him before getting in, “I'll be waiting for you there, Marcus.”
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@myownwholewildworld @orcasoul @pedroslut4eva @immyowndefender @lailathepedritofan @screechingchildfury @shinymusicpanda @somedayheaven @ivoryandflame @negrita2345 @music-lover09 @javiismyhsbnd @idontcareihavenoidea @jisungandpedrolover
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daceydeath · 19 days ago
Did You Steal Them?
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Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader Word Count: 1.4k Genre: Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI. explicit material
Funny how one missing item can change the whole night.
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"Pretty baby hurry up we will be late for our reservation" he called as you rifled through your draw once more. You had done your hair, make up and picked out your dress but for the life of you, you couldn't find the underwear you had planned to wear. You knew you couldn't just wear another pair they would show under your dress so taking one last look in the mirror you gave yourself a once over to check that it wasn't too obvious you were going commando.
"I'm ready" you smiled trying to hide the nerves, you had never left the house without underwear and with such a short dress you were hoping everything would be alright. Hongjoong did a quick double take when he saw you step out of his bedroom and into the living area of the dorm making you flush with shyness and miss the smirk that crossed his face as he noticed how his two members looked at you before returning to what they were previously doing.
"You look gorgeous my stunning baby" He hummed stepping towards you and placing a soft kiss on your temple "shall we go?". Taking your hand in his Hongjoong led you towards the door to help you with your shoes before escorting you downstairs to the waiting car.
"So will you tell me where we are going now?" you asked taking his hand in yours to hold.
"It's a surprise baby" he sighed dramatically "this whole night is meant to be a surprise".
"I know but I'm just excited" you pouted cutely hoping to melt his resolve but he just laughed at your attempt bringing your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
You arrived at the restaurant that provided perfect panorama views of the twinkling city lights and were swept off your feet by the private table that he had booked for you that was waiting with a bottle of champagne and a beautiful red rose that sat on the side of the table that you were to sit at. With his organization of everything all you had to do was sit, sip your wine, enjoy the view and enjoy being with your beloved boyfriend. After several glasses of wine even the food you had eaten couldn't stop the effects of the alcohol making you feel far bolder than you usually would.
"Joonie?" you giggled biting your lower lip as you watched him.
"Yes my pretty silly baby" he grinned back his sweet gummy smile not hiding the mischief that was evident in his eyes.
"Did you take something of mine before we came out?" you dragged the tip of your finger around the rim of your glass.
"What do you think that I took baby?" he chuckled watching you with darkening eyes, as he raised an eyebrow challengingly.
"I'll give you a clue....they are black and made of French lace" you whispered leaning across the table towards him.
"Are we talking about my favorite things baby?" He leaned towards you almost meeting you in the middle as though you were the most unsubtle people in the place.
"We are!" you giggled loudly your eyes bright as he played along making him lean back to laugh at you properly.
"I didn't steal your underwear" he rolled his eyes still chuckling at you.
"Well who did then?" you huffed crossing your arms dramatically "I had to go without because they were gone".
"Baby...wait...are you telling me you aren't wearing anything under that dress?" he coughed on his own saliva as you looked at him innocently the pout still sitting on your lips.
"Uhuh" you nodded picking up your glass to take the last sip of wine that remained in it.
"Shit" he breathed before waving over a waiter from the other side of the room "Can we get the bill please?".
After promptly paying and getting you back into the car as gracefully as he could you headed back to the apartment.
"Joonie?" you frowned his hand having not left your body since you left the restaurant was now holding your thigh his fingers caressing your bare skin in teasing circles that kept creeping higher. "If you didn't take them who did?". Hongjoong simply hummed not answering the question before you were distracted by a bright neon sign that you hadn't noticed previously.
The dorm was quiet when you walked inside you couldn't hear either of the other members so with an amazing lack of awareness you crept your way noisily towards Hongjoong's room trying not to giggle the entire way as he continued to occasionally steer you in the right direction around door frames and large pieces of furniture using your hips. After depositing you safely on his bed Hongjoong checked his phone and noticed that Wooyoung was doing a live that appeared to be at the company with Seonghwa and Yeosang so that left just Jongho, who he guessed was probably out with San.
"I am going to fuck you in that dress baby" he grinned wickedly unbuttoning his shirt and dropping it messily to the floor his face changing as you spread your legs to see exactly how wet you were. "Such a little slut going out with nothing but this little dress to cover you" he murmured against your calf kissing his way up your leg leaving a trail of wetness where ever his lips touched your burning skin.
"Stop teasing me Joonie" you pouted as you arched off the bed his breath fanning across your wet folds before he changed legs and kissed his way down to your other calf.
"You are the one who's teasing baby" he smiled against your skin "and I will thank whoever 'stole' your underwear".
"Hongjoong" you gasped trying to speak but failing and his fingers slid along your slit collecting your juices before spreading them and gently circling your clit. Unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants as he played with you so sweetly, he lent forward kissing the tops of your breasts and up your neck to your jawline mouthing at this skin to leave faint marks all over you.
"Who knew you were such a little whore? I wanted to fuck you right there at the table, just bend you over and show everyone how much you love my cock" he groaned feeling your hips bucking against his fingers slipping two inside you to feel how much you were already clenching for him.
"Need you inside me Joonie" you whined loudly rolling your hips to fuck yourself on his fingers.
"Oh you'll have me baby just not yet" he snickered sliding his finger out of you and sticking it in his mouth licking it clean "First I want my dessert" spreading your thighs apart further only forced your dress up your hips leaving even more of you on display but you couldn't find it in yourself to care as your boyfriend yanked you closer to the edge of the bed and sank to his knees between them. His hot breath tickled your sensitive skin as he pulled your thighs over his shoulders and licked a long hard stripe through your folds.
"Shit, Hongjoong" you mewled wantonly your fingers threading into his hair and scratching his scalp. sucking your clit between his lips he suckled on you until your thighs were shaking only changing to flicking your swollen nub when he felt you getting too close to your high "Fuck just like that, don't stop". His deep groan vibrated against your core making your moan loudly pulling his hair unconsciously.
Pulling away from your puffy lips you cried out in frustrated disappointment only to have your breath knocked out of you and Hongjoong slammed his cock inside you roughly.
"Ah...Ng" You sobbed unintelligibly coming hard around his length as soon as it kissed your cervix.
"Aw, my pretty little slut already creaming on my cock?" he mocked slamming his hips against you again setting as frenzied pace.
"Joonie" you hiccuped gripping his shoulders, the loud sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the room. "Oh God Hongjoong".
"Be a good girl and take it" he growled sexily, his hands gripping your hip and leg so tightly that he was going to leave you with marks for days, out your second climax sneaking up on you as making you scream his name like a prayer. He grunted his hips becoming erratic as he followed you over the edge, his thick hot seed filling you completely. Gently pulling himself from you he grabbed some tissues to clean himself up before pulling you into his arms. You laid in silence each trying to catch your breath when you noticed.
“Hongjoong…” you started your voice tinged with confusion.
“Yes baby” he hummed, kissing your temple while his hands grazed over your still buzzing skin.
“Why are my knickers hanging on the back of your door handle?”
a/n: Thank you for reading my lovelies, all you likes, reblogs and comments warm my half dead heart xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar
@tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @mrsseals16 @fawnpeaks
@leeknowinggg @tanzen-ist-gold @uno7 @ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser @skersey33
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freelancearsonist · 9 months ago
in our ivory tower
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➔ Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x f!Reader
➔ 1.1k words
➔ You enjoy the view from the top with your boss.
➔ Rated MA // unprotected p in v sex, creampie/cum play, gratuitous groping, semi-public sex, a little dash of exhibition kink, power dynamics kind of // reader has female anatomy and uses feminine pronouns, reader is generally able-bodied
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The view from the top floor of the Statesman skyscraper is breathtaking. You’ve been here for months at this point and you still don’t think you’ll ever truly get used to it. You swear you can see all the way to the other end of Manhattan from here–miles and miles of glistening steel and glass that make you feel so inconsequential, so anonymous. It’s a good feeling. 
The Statesman tower is a far cry from the little apartment in Hell’s Kitchen that you share with three roommates–this is luxurious, decadent. Everything is modern and brand new, everyone is dressed to perfection in clothes that probably cost more than you make over the course of a month. You’ve always felt like you don’t quite belong here–you might’ve even quit by now if it weren’t for your gorgeous view and the gorgeous boss.
The panorama of the city skyline is only elevated by the gut-clenching thrill you get when you’re pressed up against the sturdy, full-length window like this, with your boss pounding into your pussy from behind like there’s no tomorrow.
There’s always a little paranoid thought in the back of your mind, as you look down at the street a hundred stories below you, that you’d be fucked if the glass gave way. Not that Jack would ever let anything happen to you–he’s proven time and time again just how capable he is.
“That’s it, hmm?” He grunts with a particularly delicious thrust that slams his cockhead right into your g-spot. “Righ’ there, sugar?”
He’s always been able to find it with seemingly no effort. He folds you over like it’s nothing, hands sliding up from their tight grip over the bunched-up skirt on your hips so he can grab greedily at your breasts through the soft fabric of your shirt. His skilled fingers can find your nipples with ease even through the layers–it never fails to impress, much less to draw a loud moan from your lips.
“Atta girl.” He growls–a sound so low and animalistic that it makes your walls clamp down around him–so close to your ear that you can feel the bristly scratch of his mustache and the warm, panting breaths that are punched from his lungs with each thrust against your neck.
Your thighs are trembling with every vicious stroke of his cock, desperate for the release he’s been steadily working your towards. He’s always liked to play with his meal–to draw it out until you’re begging and crying for it.
You can feel the delicious friction of his denim-clad thighs against the back of yours, hear the clink of his belt buckle as his hips work. It’s easy to forget that anyone could walk into this conference room right now, anyone could look up out a window and see you being pulled apart.
Your fingers clutch uselessly at the smooth glass in a feeble attempt to steady yourself, but there’s no saving you. Not when you’re this close, not when you can feel his plush lips ghosting against your pulse point and his fingers are shoving under the neckline of your shirt to get a better feel of what he’s been pawing at.
“God damn, this cunt,” he grunts lowly–his thrusts are losing their rhythm, you know he’s getting close. “Sweeter ’n stolen honey.”
One of his broad palms gives up the delightful attack on your chest to skate down the length of your stomach and find your clit. He’s familiar enough with your body now, after months of sneaking around together like this–he knows exactly the right pace and pressure to use in order to have you crumbling in his arms.
And crumble you do–with a moan that you try to muffle behind your bitten lip, you shatter. Your entire body shakes with the force of your orgasm, barely held up if not for your palms against the glass and Jack’s hands moving swiftly to your hips to steady you.
He’s not far behind–a couple more deliciously firm thrusts have him pressed balls-deep into your messy cunt, filling you to the very brim with his cum until it’s leaking out around his softening length.
There’s a blissfully long moment where he stays crowding you against the window, hot breath flickering up the length of your neck from where he’s pressing open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder. 
“A’right, darlin’?” There’s something so tender behind that whispered question in combination with the way his lips can’t seem to leave your skin. Almost loving.
You choke down whatever feelings you’re perceiving–imagined or real–and give a little nod. “Mhm.”
He pulls out with a quiet groan that makes it sound as if he’s in pain over being parted from you. One of those warm hands of his comes up and curves around your jaw, pulling your lips to his in a sweet kiss that’s a far cry from the way he was fucking you just a moment ago. He pushes his tongue against your bottom lip as his other hand sneaks down between your legs, fingertips ghosting against your over-sensitive cunt before he pulls your ruined panties back into their proper place.
“Clean these up for me?” 
You’re accepting his cum-smeared fingers into your mouth before you can think of a response. His jaw drops open at the way you swirl your tongue around them, always so dedicated to doing exactly what he asks of you. Always striving to go above and beyond.
“Should give you a raise,” he murmurs, his voice a little high-pitched in a way that makes you smirk proudly.
You let his fingers go with an audible pop. “I wouldn’t turn it down, Mr. Daniels.”
You try to ignore the steady leak of his spend dripping into your underwear as you tug your skirt back into place. It’s only just past noon–you have plenty of work to get done, starting with clearing the conference table of all the rubble left behind from the meeting that concluded shortly before Jack got his hands on you.
You see it as he’s tucking himself back into those sinfully tight jeans–two smudgy handprints on the otherwise impeccable glass. You feel vaguely guilty on behalf of the cleaning crew who’ll have to deal with that tonight.
Jack doesn’t seem to have the same inclination. He shoots a wink your way as he picks his black Stetson up off the conference table and sets it on his head. “Have those meetin’ notes ready by the end a’day, ‘kay?”
“Yes sir,” you answer dutifully. It’s only one of the many reasons you’re his favorite employee.
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➔ beta: @schnarfer ; dividers: @saradika-graphics
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lovers-rck · 7 months ago
a guide to (not) sleep
pairing ellie williams and fem. reader
this is something new im trying out. it happens in the tlou universe (meaning: there is an apocalypse happening, but it's not the *main* theme) with some changes like ellie and abby not trying to kill eachothers everytime. wow, the magic of fanfiction!!
the original idea was to do a big long fic but i wanted to do a short version first to test the waters and see how is welcomed.......... so if you like it you can tell me by commenting, reblogging or whatever you want!!!
also the title is the first thing that came to mind so maybe i will change it later? i don't know yet.
ok too much talking. goodbye. enjoy.
love isn't for ellie.
she tried, and tried and tried; it never worked for her.
riley was the first one, but we don't talk about her.
then it was cat; she had short hair, a face sprawled in freckles and a cool gun tattoo machine. ellie and cat lasted a good 3 months.
after cat, dina appear. her big smile and nasty jokes was what got ellie walking on walls for weeks before she had the courage to talk to her, and when she did, they matched perfectly, or that was what ellie wanted to think.
dina was perfect; funny, kind, beautiful, and all the good things, but ellie was not, and that was the problem; they didn't match with certain.... qualities.
that and the fact that jesse was crushing hard over dina.
so that was ellie's panorama; with two (three) failed relationships, she began to accept that maybe -just maybe- love wasn't for her, and that she had to take care of the things she was good at, like killing clickers; riding shimmer; critiquing joel's coffee, among other mundane things.
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the months passed, jackson's ice froze and thawed, shimmer's shiny fur revealed among the tiny snowflakes melting in the first warm temperatures after a long, hard - too hard, if you ask her- winter in that new society.
the pages of ellie's journal absorbed every drop of ink that swore how in a world like that there was no place for love, with pretentious adjectives that ellie once read in an old dictionary that maria gave her as a birthday present and has already forgotten the meaning. page after page, clotted ink and textured paper bore witness as ellie swore, with all his life, that dina was the last shot, the last bullet left in that gun, and that ellie had wasted it.
but then you showed up.
ellie began to notice how her body unconsciously gravitated towards yours, seeking your accidental touch and your comforting closeness; ellie sometimes fantasized that it was the lack of vitamins in her body, the last traces of hypothermia showing up in her immune system provoking little hallucinations.
she doesn't know if it was the effects of the poor quality of care she was taking of herself, or if it was something else, but it was enough for ellie to consider that maybe - just maybe - her gun had one more bullet available; one more attempt, timidly hidden among the barn sawdust and tree leaves, waiting to be used.
that and you were fucking fun to be around.
"so, abby came and she hug me by surprise" you say, laughing and smiling at the memorie "i was so scared. i thought it was a clicker"
ellie nods, thinking who the fuck abby is. she doesn't know if she wants to know.
"that's fucked up" is the only thing ellie utters. abby? is abby that red haired girl that is in charge of the improvised supermarket at the end of the -again- improvised street? no. that can't be her.
"right?" you say, eating a piece of cake that ellie did or did not steal from the birthday of her neighbor "i told her that"
ellie ate a piece of it too. she didn't know how cakes tasted before the apocalypse, but she thinks this is okay.
"so what did she say?" ellie asks.
you shake your head, sucking your index finger, wiping off the frosting "she laughed"
maybe it was that girl you taught to ride last month. ellie remembers you said it was a lot of fun.
but what kind of riding were you talking about?
"so who is abby, anyways?" ok. easy. that was good, ellie thought. no one could ever suspect anything.
you looked at her for a second, an expression that ellie couldn't decipher but quickly faded.
"uh... remember that girl who killed two clickers at once on patroll? like, she choked them with her arms at the same time and knocked them down?" you say, the beginnings of your eyebrows coming together in a frown, looking at ellie.
oh, she remembers. she remembered very well.
"mhm, no, not really" ellie acts nonchalant, looking at her short and damaged fingernails.
"she has a braid, a blonde braid" you say, recalling
ellie purses her lips, shaking her head slowly "mh, no, i don't remember her"
she remembers. she remembers so vividly how envy consumed every bone in her body when she heard that news, seeing how your eyes widened in surprise and your smile widened so wide it reached your ears as you listened to the great deed that this abby had done, telling that story like she just found the cure; ellie wanted to roll her eyes so bad.
"dude!" you say, holding out your arms "muscles? like, very big ones?" you ask and ellie shakes her head once again.
"mm, no, sorry, i don't think i know her" ellie mumbles and has to restrain herself from snorting.
"well, whatever" you say "the thing is, i thought i was gonna die right and there"
ellie nods again, and her body slams into the mattress of her bed.
today was a rest day. jackson was resting quietly, some patrols were coming in and out frequently, absurd patrols to just kill the time and pretend to do something productive.
the town was having a good run the last few days, the amount of clickers around the area had almost halved, the injured people had been cured, and while food wasn't in short supply, it wasn't alarmingly scarce either, and that was something to celebrate at times like these.
it was a quiet day in wyoming.
so you and ellie were trying to kill time before getting back to the routine, and the hours seemed to be ticking away.
ellie was too proud of her room; it was comfortable, warm, and hers. on the walls were posters of savage starlight that joel kept getting for ellie on his patrols, warm christmas lights taped up, polaroid pictures with the image too faded from the sunlight coming through the window, sketches and chords of songs.
you loved ellie's room, you thought it was the coolest thing on the planet.
"you going for a nap?" you say, putting the cake away.
"uh, i don't know, maybe?" ellie murmurs, rubbing her face "i don't know what else to do. i'm bored."
"yeah, i could do a nap too" you say "I'm a bit tired"
ellie nods, a bit dissapointed that you go away so early, but she finds herself surprise when you grab her blanket and accommodate yourself in her bed.
ellie will have looked at you for a long time before you feel her eyes on you.
"uh, it's okay if i stay here?" you murmur, looking at her and ready to run away if she tells you to.
ellie finds herself in a trance that forces her to come to her senses as fast as she can "yeah, yeah" she says.
"are you sure? you don't seem so sure"
ellie wants to slap herself on the face.
"no, please, stay. you can stay if you want" she spoke, and regrets immediately by how needy she sounded.
you giggle and nod, curling up against one of her many pillows, the blanket resting on your body like a marble sculpture of a veil "thank you ellie" you smile slightly "have a good nap".
ellie can't seem to find the words so she turns over, afraid to move to much to the point that her bones will fall out of her body as she feels you so close. ellie can feel, hear, how your breathing slows down as the minutes pass, becoming calmer.
she doesnt know how much time passed on, but ellie feels her body take on a cold temperature, so she does what anyone would do; she reaches for the blanket to cover herself.
but she brushes against your body.
ellie's hand, as clumsy as her owner, accidentally brushes against your body as she reaches for the blanket. she doesn't know which part of your body it was, and she has the feeling that it's better this way.
ellie has never been with a woman. oh, well, maybe she is lying because she has, in fact, been with cat, but that was just a few touches right and there, more curious than desirous, nothing too affectionate to make an impact on ellie. but the thing is, she has never been with a woman, never slept with a woman.
like, really sleep, rest, take a nap, rest your eyes -as joel often says-
it was something so intimate that ellie had never been able to do with anyone. it was the moment where she was the most helpless, the most adrift, the most vulnerable. the time where all her baddy personality destroys itself to show her true self.
so ellie thinks, thinks, thinks, thinks and thinks but there is only one question that keeps coming up in different formulations, but it always remains the same:
how is ellie williams going to sleep with you next to her?
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srisrisriddd · 6 days ago
No-Mind - Sunset Birds Mountains Clouds - No-Self
Q: What's No-Mind?
A: No Clinging, No conceptual crutches, No
     Subtle attempt to reinforce illusions of self
- Dr Devang H Dattani
- Infinite SriSriSri DDD
See Sunset Birds Mountains Clouds nature landscape panorama animals birds Video
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite Sri Sri Sri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#nature , #artists , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #quotes , #life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spirituality , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #health , #mental health , #consciousness , #good , #god , #life , #thoughts , #nirvana , #tantra , #yoga , #soul , #esoteric , #mystic , #spirit , #spirituality , #magic , #cottagecore , #aesthetics , #world , #photooftheday , #painting , #landscape , #panorama , #illustration , #wild life , #animals , #nature , #funny , #play , #birds , #human , #photography , #video , #pun , #fun , #laugh , #cute , #animal , #panorama , #wellness , #wellbeing
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carmesi-butterfly · 1 year ago
kiss me and bite me
vampire nishimura riki + female human reader. word count 1,8k. vampire au/fantasy au. warnings mention of illness and death. not proofread.
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"Riki..." you murmured, the hard breathing leaving your mouth was accompanied by the soft wind, both sounds making a pleasing melody for the youthful boy, who was enchanted by you.
"Hm? What?" responded, leaving the panorama of the clear sky to look at you with curiosity, only to stumble upon your eyes shedding a few tears. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" his body moved fast, leaving his spot where his figure lay down on the grass to reach near your body, now your faces were just a few centimeters distant from each and the closeness between your forms created a more comforting aura, appropriate for the two young lovers.
A few more tears left your eyes before you could reply, "I'm afraid of what's going to happen in the future…" your words unleashed an unstoppable sobbing by your side, leaving your lover confused for a second. After a few sobs, you took a deep breath, in an attempt to clear your throat and mind, the words stood clear in your heart searching for being released. "I'm not recovering, Riki, I'm just getting worse" you cried, "the doctor visited me yesterday… he did not tell me anything but I spied on him talking with my parents, my health is just declining and it would be a miracle for me to last long from now on" you broke the news for the boy who seemed impacted by your words.
"What are you saying…" The boy broke the silence, filled with confusion and anguish.
"I'm losing my strength, I'm tired. Soon I won't be able to get out of bed, I will lose my senses, and probably it won't take much for me to be completely worthless" Your clarifications developed more than an ache in his heart, it felt like being stabbed on the chest over and over again.
If being a vampire implied that things as such strong emotions could not be felt, why did his soul hurt this much? He felt like dying, perhaps the sin of love could kill an immortal spirit.
His body distanced from yours, not simply cutting all physical contact but also creating more distance between the two of you, getting up on his feet and looking at you from above with an indecipherable gaze.
"No… Are you going to give up this easily?!" his words hurt, from the bottom to the top of you being you were also hurting, and even though you cried incessantly, Riki didn't notice.
"I'm dying! What do you want me to do?!" your voice reciprocated his, increasing itself trying to show all the feelings it holds. "You would never understand it, because you can't die!" your body followed him, standing up from the grass to confront the situation, "you don't conceive the idea of death, because it's not something meant for you to experiment. You will never pass through the illness, your friends or family will never die, and you will never understand what is to perish in this agony" The discussion escalated quickly, reaching its end at the same peace. The things you said defined the end of this senseless conversation and for Nishimura Riki, your words didn't feel like stabs anymore, the heartache remained and his feelings got hurt, but this was the reality hit he needed.
"I know I'm being selfish…" As an abrupt act, he got on his knees desperately hugging your legs and clinging to the end of your dress, holding as if his endless life depended on it. "But I don't want you to die, please, let me help you… I c-can turn you into a vampire" Big tears ran away from his eyes, and the sobs impeded the words from coming out properly, "I know you don't want this, but please, please… I can't live without you…" you could notice a ramble was coming, about all the reasons you had to accept the proposal and how it would benefit all of you.
"How would you do that?..." your weak whisper could be hardly heard by your lover, whose ears were plagued by his cry.
The question made his body react, his head raised leaving its spot on your legs. "I can turn you into a vampire, I just need to bite you, we can do it right now if you want!" Riki rapidly got up, his hands holding your shoulders excited.
"But… What am I going to tell my parents?" The idea of becoming a vampire crossed your mind more than twice, all these thoughts generated by the presence of the youthful Nishimura who appeared in your life unexpectedly and changed the perspective of your life as a normal person in a small town.
"U-uhm… They don't have to know" he said, without giving it a second thought.
"Yes, it's a good idea because they are not going to notice that I'm not dying anymore, furthermore that I'm not getting old" Your sarcastic reply got him out of the fantasy cloud he had the opportunity to stay in for a few seconds.
"You're right, then… I will tell them! No parent wants to lose their daughter, and even if they are against the idea, we can run away together" Both pairs of hands connected, intertwining their fingers looking for more contact. "I have my family and my friends to help us! Jungwon was converted by Jay, it's secure to ask them about it"
The course of the actions being so sudden didn't help your already blurred mind, your disease has been part of you and your current life for most of it, always having hope about successfully evading the so-frightening called death, and the show up of your couple finished wrecking what lasted of your sanity. How could life be so cruel? Assembling two opposite individuals to fall into something so deep as love, the first one; was a vampire, a fortunate specimen blessed by nature, who didn't have to worry about the expected loss of life. And the second one; a poor human, the dangers of the surroundings being enough for such a weak personage.
Between your relationship was a line, an invisible border that could only be crossed by the weakest one and possibly now was about to fade.
"I don't want to die" Your lips dropped, maintaining that low tone you used before, full of fear and worry, "Let's do it, Riki"
And then, under the shadow of a big weeping willow, the connection between both bodies becomes stronger, your lips fused in an act of pure love after a few minutes of discussion that felt like an eternity.
When the sun went down and the secretive night welcomed everything that reached its perimeter, the figure of your loved one could be seen from your window, stealthily letting himself into your room.
"Psst, hey y/n, wake up" With light footsteps, he moved closer to your bed, where you lay comfortably while sleeping.
"Hm?" Your eyes opened slowly, trying to adapt to the nonexistent light in the space, "Riki? What are you doing here?" asked while changing your position, taking a seat on the mattress and patting softly on your side inviting him to do the same.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait anymore" Imitating your action he got comfortable on your side, talking with the lowest tone he could manage to, "I spoke with my mom about this, she was a little… concerned? But in the end, she permitted me to do it" said with his characteristic big smile. "I also talked with Jay and Jungwon, the conversion should be something easy, just a bite"
"Okay, we should do it now then?", you offered, "Mom and Dad, they… we can tell them later" Searching for contact in this moment of nerves, your hands reached his. His head nodded in response, "But wait!" your voice raised, luckily not enough to be noticeable by the other people in the house, "First, kiss me"
"Why? Do you need me that much?" The boy asked playfully, teasing you up a little bit.
"I want comfort, I'm about to be bitten you know? What if this turns out wrong and we can't kiss anymore? Of course, kissing is not the only problem, what if I die? Or end up defective? I may be immune-" a verbal vomit built by anxiety came out of your mouth, only being stopped by your boyfriend, who placed a peck on your lips.
"You don't have to worry, I'm not an idiot to do it wrong," said, with a jolly smirk and a bit of an "arrogant" manner, nothing new to see on the young Nishimura.
"Okay, let's do it…" With that the conversation ended and the so-called conversion ritual began.
Riki didn't want to bite your neck, not simply for being a pretty visible zone but also because he did not want to inflict you more pain than the one you're already passing through, evidently, something like sinking his teeth into her lover's skin wouldn't be painless, but if he can avoid generating her additional pain than the needed, that's okay. Your arm was grabbed so softly and delicately, the tact being so gentle that you could feel like he was holding a porcelain doll, both hands pressed smoothly in your extremity, finding the perfect spot.
"Should I count to three? Maybe it will help" suggested by pure courtesy, his body positioned and mouth near your upper limb waiting for you to give the green light.
"Please," you responded, accompanied by a few scared nods.
"One, tw-" and then, completely omitting the countdown he suggested, sank his fangs into your left arm, drilling your skin and releasing the poison.
You barely had any time to react to the puncturing pain of two deep needles piercing your skin, it hurt so much that you felt like you were burning, groans departing your mouth, such was the case that utilizing your free hand you had to seal your lips, and then, a huge wave slam your senses, sharpening every one of them; your ears? Possessed by an incessant whistle; your tact? It was overwhelming, even the slightest fold in your clothing could be felt; and probably the most shocking one, your vision; nothing could escape your new falcon view, small details on your walls that you hadn't noticed after years of living there were now extraordinarily detailed, the presence of tiny bugs hosting on the corners of your room is now detected, everything felt clearer.
By the time he was done, you had fallen into a trance, the venom running through your veins made your body temperature increase, and an unpleasant sensation spread to your teeth focusing on the fangs, implicating that the transformation already started and soon your hunger would awaken, and as an act of love between two vampires, he could ask you to kiss and bite him.
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
Caveat Lector 🚨🚨🚨
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Donald Trump supporters have been creating and sharing AI-generated fake images of black voters to encourage African Americans to vote Republican.
BBC Panorama discovered dozens of deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president.
Mr. Trump has openly courted black voters, who were key to Joe Biden's election win in 2020.
But there's no evidence directly linking these images to Mr. Trump's campaign.
The co-founder of Black Voters Matter, a group which encourages black people to vote, said the manipulated images were pushing a “strategic narrative” designed to show Mr. Trump as popular in the black community.
A creator of one of the images told the BBC: “I'm not claiming it's accurate.”
The fake images of black Trump supporters, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), are one of the emerging disinformation trends ahead of the US presidential election in November.
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Unlike in 2016, when there was evidence of foreign influence campaigns, the AI-generated images found by the BBC appear to have been made and shared by US voters themselves.
One of them was Mark Kaye and his team at a conservative radio show in Florida.
They created an image of Mr. Trump smiling with his arms around a group of black women at a party and shared it on Facebook, where Mr. Kaye has more than one million followers.
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At first it looks real, but on closer inspection everyone's skin is a little too shiny and there are missing fingers on people's hands - some tell-tale signs of AI-created images.
“I'm not a photojournalist,” Mr. Kaye tells me from his radio studio. “I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller.”
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Disinformation tactics in the US presidential elections have evolved since 2016, when Donald Trump won. Back then, there were documented attempts by hostile foreign powers, such as Russia, to use networks of inauthentic accounts to try to sow division and plant particular ideas.
In 2020, the focus was on home-grown disinformation - particularly false narratives that the presidential election was stolen, which were shared widely by US-based social media users and endorsed by Mr. Trump and other Republican politicians.
In 2024, experts warn of a dangerous combination of the two.
(continue reading)
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bcacstuff · 1 month ago
Over the Amphu, Into the Khumbu (P1)
Part 3 of Jake Norton's blog
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There’s a character to the alpine world that is perhaps indescribable, a tenor to the air and sky and wind and light that permeates everything in such a way that it defies words, defies any attempt at pinning it down in mere words. It is a feeling, an immutable presence enveloping everyone and everything, pressing down upon not in a negative, but in a profoundly positive way, a way that reminds without any pretense subtlety that we humans are but tiny specks, simple visitors to this wild realm, creatures of such little consequence to the magnificence and omnipotence of the surrounding vastness that we might as well not even be there.
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Sam Heughan and Jhanak Karki trek through the Upper Hunku Valley near Seto Pokhari.
And yet there we were, awestruck.
Leaving the windswept hamlet of Kongme Dingma, our team entered into that world immediately. A short climb from the valley brought brought us to panoramic views of the high peaks: Chamlang (the ever present), Kali Himal (AKA Chota Ri), Baruntse, and far in the distance, the imposing South Faces of Lhotse and Nuptse with Everest peeking out just above. Stunning.
From here upward, the Upper Hunku Valley is reminiscent of Khumbu - broad valleys and rushing water flanked on all sides by impossibly high, jagged massifs - but with one huge difference: no people. Up here, unlike Khumbu, there are no villages, no lodges, no trekkers or helicopters, no cell service. In the high Hunku it was as it had been for days before: just us.
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Jhanak, Aashish, and Sam play some intense Rummy 500 trailside.
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Chamlang and camp, Upper Hunku Valley, Nepal.
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Seto Pokhari catches the reflection of Lhotse, Nuptse, and Peak 6764.
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Hem Rai enjoys the views in the Upper Hunku.
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Seto Pokhari and the peaks of the Upper Hunku Valley.
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Paanch Pokhari luminous in the Upper Hunku.
We had three days in the upper valley, following a faint-but-solid trail that meandered along the turquoise Hunku; its glacial waters - beginning in the lakes of Seto and Paanch Pokhari - carry fine sediments ground out of the high peaks, sediments so tiny (just a few microns in diameter) they remain suspended in the water, absorbing most blue light and reflecting back the natural green of the water (with some blue) - plus the natural sunlight - creating an otherworldly vividness in this stark world.
With each step upward, altitude records continued to be set for Sam and Jhanak, and new view emerged for us all. Here a peek of Makalu, there a new aspect of Kangtega, Peak 41, Chamlang, or any of the countless unnamed jags of the valley. The toils of altitude, the panting lungs and burning legs, all dissipate under the spell of the high country.
Eventually we made it to our final camp, a beautiful scree shoulder above the upper Paanch Pokhari (paanch means five, and pokhari means pond or small lake) and just below Kami Himal/Chota Ri and the Amphu Laptsa. The December cold set upon us quickly, so we made it a brief evening with heartfelt goodbyes to most of our team: going over the pass would only be Sam, Jhanak, Tshering, Harka, and I along with three porters, Manbir Rai, Hem Rai, and Septa Rai, while the rest would trek together back to Chheskam.
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Peak 6764 rises high above the Hunku.
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Kali Himal (Chota Ri) stands guard over high camp and Sam's tent in the Hunku
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The team at dawn: Jhanak Karki, Sam Heughan, Tshering Dorje Sherpa, and Harka Kulung Rai.
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Sam Heughan moving up high on the south side of the Amphu Laptsa.
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Panorama from midway up the Amphu Laptsa, looking south down the Hunku Valley.
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The wild summit of Peak 41 rises into the blue sky.
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Sam Heughan making his way up the Amphu Laptsa at about 18,900 feet.
A short night with a full moon found us awake at 5:30 AM ready to begin the climb. It’s not a long one up to the Amphu Laptsa - an ascent of just 1,200 feet - but that is compounded by the altitude plus a technical descent and long walk on the other side making for a solid day. And, a primary rule of the mountains is to always leave a window of daylight just in case: hence, an early start.
From camp, the route up the Amphu is interesting, but never desperate or dangerous. Steep slabs offer significant exposure, but are well-protected by via ferrata-style fixed lines added in recent years. After about 1.5 hours, we crested the prayer-flag crowned top and allowed ourselves time to savor the hard-earned view. From the Amphu, the landscape seems of a dream, and unreal mosaic of spires and walls, glaciers and lakes, blue skies and solitude forever. As I always do, I placed a few kathas at the highest point, offerings of blessings and remembrance for my family, my friends, for humanity, for our world, uttered a silent prayer to any divine presence nearby, and returned to our group a couple dozen feet below.
It was then that a problem arose. I’d like to say it was someone else’s, but ultimately as leader the bock stops with me, so it was mine, and I own it. During trip planning, I had insisted that all members planning to cross the Amphu - and especially any porters - must have traction devices (crampons or microspikes) at minimum. While mountain-hardy and well-heeled, our porters Manbir, Hem, and Septa are still of course human, prone to error and missteps. And, on the descent from the Amphu, an error or misstep will quite quickly lead to a cartwheeling 1,200 foot fall to the valley below. In short, death.
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Sam Heughan atop the Amphu Laptsa, pointing to Everest in the distance.
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360-degree panorama from the top of the Amphu Laptsa.
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Footprints lead down into the abyss, looking east from the top of the Amphu Laptsa.
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A katha I placed on top of the Amphu Laptsa.
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Steep slopes on the north side of the Amphu Laptsa.
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Jhanak Karki (left) and Sam Heughan (right) high on the Amphu Laptsa Pass in Nepal. Lhotse and Everest are the primary peaks in the background.
Obviously not a possibility I was willing to even entertain, so I was more than surprised to look down and see them beginning to descend fixed lines without any traction, only Chinese sneakers on polished snow and ice. Yikes.
After letting my stomach stop flip-flopping for a moment, I quickly put on my crampons and rushed down to our porters, our friends, and began making the situation right. There was no way to magically make traction devices appear, so I did what was my only option: made them drop their loads - I’d shuttle the gear to safety - and help them descend safely, chopping out steps where needed, having them stand on my boots when necessary, and hold on to both me and the fixed ropes for safety. It was a long and tedious process taking the better part of 1.5 hours (along with lowering the loads down a particularly steep section with help from Tshering and Harka), but eventually we got it done.
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Sam Heughan silhouetted against the South Face of Lhotse (and Imjatse barely discernable in the foreground).
As another twist, in my haste to ensure the porters were safe, I had left Sam and Jhanak atop the pass with no more than a Schwarzenegger-esque “I’ll be back�� to keep them safely in place. Fortunately, I know both of them well enough to know they’d be fine: the top of the pass is safe, the skies were clear, and both are level-headed people. Sure enough, when I got back up, they were concerned, but no worse for wear. We began the descent, with both Sam and Jhanak making it look like second nature, clipping fixed lines, rappelling steep slopes, and using crampons and technical equipment without issue.
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Sam celebrating in the valley above Chukhung.
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Amphulaptsa Tsho below the north face of Ama Dablam.
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Tawoche and Cholatse in fdaing light above the village of Chukhung.
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Twilight on the high peaks.
With a sigh of relief, we reached the valley floor - all eight of us - a couple hours later, all in one piece. The hazard was behind, the stress abated, and all we had left was a 6-mile stroll through mesmerizing country to the village of Chukhung and our first roof and bed in 10 days. This last bit was uneventful-but-sublime, softening light warming the massif of the Lhotse-Nuptse wall as we strolled, alone, down valley.
We’d now shifted gears in a big way, we’d left the solitude and remoteness of the Hunku for the relative modernity and front-country-ness of the Khumbu. I won’t say it was bad - I’ve made many a trip up the Khumbu since my first in 1993, and it’s always wonderful, always showing its charms. But, after being utterly immersed in a landscape for some time with no distractions, nothing but us and the mountains, sky, and wind, it was more than a bit jarring for us all to reenter the world once again, phones pinging and helis overhead.
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Harka rests at a chorten near Dingboche.
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Pack horses rest at memorial chortens for fallen climbers at Memorial Hill above Tukhla.
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Our gang!
See part 2 here
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whispersofalostsoul · 7 months ago
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7 - Greece
The Greek breeze felt amazing against Dalia's skin, like a cool splash of refreshment. Syros, a lesser-known gem compared to the more famous Santorini, was just the right spot for celebrities wanting to escape the spotlight. Its charming streets, vibrant culture, and serene beaches offered a perfect retreat from the relentless attention of the media.Carlos, Lando, Oscar, and Alex had booked a spacious villa on the outskirts of Ermoupoli for their summer getaway. The villa, with its traditional Cycladic architecture, boasted whitewashed walls and blue shutters that mirrored the colors of the Aegean Sea. As they stepped out of the car, the intoxicating scent of blooming bougainvillea and jasmine filled the air, wrapping around them like a warm embrace."Finally!" Lando shouted, his voice echoing with excitement as he parked the car beside the stunning villa. The sight before them was breathtaking: the place was nestled among gorgeous plants and flowers, with a sprawling terrace that overlooked the sparkling sea. Lily, Alex's girlfriend,  dashed toward the terrace, her eyes wide with wonder. "Look at this view!" she exclaimed, leaning over the railing to take in the panorama of the coastline. The azure waters stretched endlessly, dotted with small boats bobbing gently in the harbor.
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head at Lily's enthusiasm. "Just wait until you see the sunset from here. It's like the sky is on fire," he said, joining her at the railing. Alex, meanwhile, was already unpacking their bags, his mind racing with plans for the week ahead. "We should hit the beach" he suggested, glancing back at the others. "I heard there's a secluded cove not far from here. Perfect for some sunbathing and swimming without the crowds."Oscar nodded, already envisioning the adventures that awaited them. "And we can explore the local tavernas for some authentic Greek food. I'm craving moussaka and fresh seafood!". "Hey Carlos, how did you end up with this place?" Lando asked as he stepped onto the porch. "I thought you already knew," Carlos replied, looking a bit puzzled. "It was your buddy Max who suggested it." Lando just shrugged. Meanwhile, Lily had left with her boyfriend to pick out their room. Carlos leaned in closer to Lando, still gazing at the stunning view. "Looks like this is your chance," he said with a grin. "I'm not so sure," Lando admitted, looking confused. "Last time she called our situation a 'friendship,'" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And you want to keep it that way?" Carlos shot back, giving Lando a playful jab in the groin and chuckling. "Come on, Lano, grow some cojones!"
The hallway seemed to go on forever, filled with tons of rooms. Dalia peeked into each one, searching for the right choice. On her fifth attempt, she flung the door open wider and was blown away by the stunning room. The decor was pretty minimal, featuring white walls and a spacious double bed. A classic wooden nightstand fit right in with the dresser. There was a window showcasing a beautiful vase of colorful flowers and a balcony that offered a direct view of the sea. In its simplicity, the room radiated elegance, comfort, and a refreshing vibe. "Have you set up you mind ?" Oscar asked leaning against the frame. Dalia nodded in contempt. "How about you ?" she asked. He sighed heavily and plopped down on the bed. "I'm really trying to steer clear of the room next to Carlos. That guy gets up at the crack of dawn and starts working out. Plus, I want to avoid Alex and Lily too, you know," he said, making a face at Dalia. "Those... weird noises." Dalia chuckled at his words. "What about the room at the end of the hall?" she suggested. "Ghosts," he shot back, looking dead serious. "Wait, you actually believe in ghosts?" Dalia laughed as he went on about how every horror movie shows those rooms as haunted. Just then, they heard a voice. "Have you made your choice?" Lando asked, standing by the door. "Yeah, I'm taking this one," Dalia said. "Cool, then the next one is mine," Lando replied. "No way, I already called dibs on that one," Oscar interrupted, chasing after him. The two guys bickered for a while, while Alex and Carlos just watched, clearly entertained. Eventually, they all decided to settle it with a card game.
The private villa beach was just a short stroll from the back garden. The chairs and sunshades were already set up, ready for a day of fun. The guys took off first, sprinting toward the sparkling blue water, while Lily and Dalia decided to whip up some lemonades and snacks before joining in. Dalia felt lucky to have Lily by her side; she was such a sweet girl and had opened up to her pretty quickly on the way here. Unlike the typical image people might have of F1 drivers' girlfriends, Lily seemed like someone Dalia could really connect with. "So, are you and Lando a thing?" Lily asked, slicing a lemon. Dalia felt her cheeks heat up at the question and replied, "No, no, we're just friends." "Hmm," Lily said, taking a bite of a lemon slice. "The way he talked about you was a bit different." Dalia's heart raced at the implication, and she couldn't help but ask what Lando had said. "I don't know, things like 'Oh, Dalia is such a gorgeous woman; you all are going to love her. '" Lily waved her arms around, trying to imitate Lando's voice. "You know, not in a 'just friends' kind of way, but more like an 'I find her attractive' vibe," she said, giving Dalia a cheeky smirk and a playful wink. Dalia's eyes lit up with curiosity. "You should totally make the first move!" Then she sat up straight, her face turning serious. "I mean, I know Lando, and even though he seems all confident, he's actually pretty shy around girls." Lily shot Dalia a playful grin. "He just needs a little nudge."
The water felt amazing, and Dalia just couldn't get enough. While everyone else headed back to the beach to soak up some sun, she chose to stay a little longer. With her eyes shut, she soaked in the soothing sounds of the cool waves and the warmth of the sun on her skin. It was like she had found her own little slice of paradise. The water started to ripple a bit more, and Dalia spotted Lando swimming her way. He flashed her a smile and said a quick hello as he reached her side. His eyes, reflecting the blue and green of the water and his sun-kissed skin made him look even more attractive. The way the water cascaded off his toned arms and shoulders only added to his allure, making her heart race a little faster. "Hey," she replied, trying to keep her tone casual, though her cheeks felt warm. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, suddenly aware of how the sunlight danced on the surface of the water, creating a shimmering backdrop for their conversation. "So do you like it here?" he asked his eyes not leaving hers. "Yes I do, thank you for the invite" she smiled shily, "Of course" he whispered as if his thoughts were trailing away.
Lando couldn't take his eyes off the woman standing before him; it was a feeling he had never experienced. When he caught sight of her in her swimsuit, he was taken aback. She usually wore baggy clothes, so he had no idea her figure would be so appealing. Her skin appeared incredibly smooth, and the blush on her cheeks made her utterly captivating. Those round brown eyes sparkled with a mix of innocence and warmth, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a turning point, a moment that would change everything.  The thought both excited and terrified him. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined again whatever they had ?
Dalia caught Lando's gaze drifting from her eyes down to her lips, and her heart raced. The world around them faded into a blur, the sounds of water dimming as the intensity of the moment enveloped them. Finally, she thought, he's going to kiss me! The anticipation was electric, sending shivers down her spine. Oh please, just kiss me already! Dalia's pulse quickened, and she bit her lip, a nervous habit that only seemed to draw his attention further. She could see the flicker of desire in his eyes, a silent conversation passing between them that needed no words. Her thoughts spiraled, imagining the softness of his lips against hers, the warmth of his hands cradling her face, the way time would stand still in that perfect moment. But as she waited, the seconds stretched on, and doubt crept in. What if he didn't feel the same? What if she was reading the signs all wrong? No way! I won't let these doubts take over again. Just when she was about to lean in, her heart racing with anticipation, Lando suddenly plunged into the water with a splash that sent droplets flying in all directions. The moment was so unexpected that it startled her, breaking the tension that had been building between them. He stayed submerged for a bit, and Dalia held her breath, half-expecting him to resurface with a serious expression, ready to address the unspoken words hanging in the air. But instead, he popped back up, his hair slicked back and water glistening on his sun-kissed skin. "Come on! It's time for dinner!" he urged as he started swimming back towards the villa.
Lily was spot on; Dalia had to take the initiative. The thought of stepping out of her comfort zone sent a shiver down her spine, but deep down, she knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her life any longer. It was time for a change, she thought as she slipped into her light green dress adorned with tiny white flowers. With Lily's help, she styled her hair into a messy bun that framed her face beautifully, allowing a few delicate strands to cascade down her neck. The casual elegance of her look made her feel more confident, and she could see the excitement in Lily's eyes as she added the final touches. "You look amazing, Dalia! Tonight is your night," Lily encouraged, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Dalia took a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and exhilaration.They decided to have dinner at a cozy outdoor spot in a traditional Greek restaurant, where the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled meats and fresh herbs. The soft glow of string lights overhead created a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a night of new beginnings. As they arrived, Lando, dressed casually in his white shirt and black shorts, felt his heart race when Dalia appeared.
She looked stunning, and the dress highlighted her complexion perfectly, accentuating her natural beauty. The way the fabric flowed around her as she walked made it seem as if she were gliding rather than simply moving. Her hair pulled up showcased the lovely curve of her neck and shoulders, making it hard for him to catch his breath. As she approached, Lando couldn't help but notice the sparkle in her eyes, a reflection of her newfound determination. "Wow, you look incredible," he managed to say, his voice slightly shaky. Dalia smiled, a hint of shyness creeping in, but there was also a glimmer of confidence that hadn't been there before. "Thank you" she replied, her voice steady and filled with a newfound. They were all gathered around the big table, the atmosphere buzzing with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Oscar and Carlos sat across from Dalia and Lando, while Alex and Lily were at the end of the table enjoying the view from the window. As the conversation flowed, the Australian driver wasted no time in complimenting Dali's appearance. The compliment hung in the air, and Lando felt a slight knot form in his stomach. Without really thinking about it, Lando reached his arm around Dalia, gently brushing against the bare skin of her back. The warmth of her skin sent a jolt of electricity through him, and he immediately regretted the impulsive gesture. Dali was surprised by the unexpected touch, her eyes widening for a brief moment as she processed the intimacy of the action. However, she quickly adjusted to it, leaning slightly into Lando's side, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she turned her attention back to the conversation.
As the night wore on, the conversation ebbed and flowed, with jokes and playful teasing filling the air. Lando and Dalia found themselves gravitating toward each other, their connection deepening with each passing moment. They shared plenty of close moments, their conversations punctuated by playful nudges and knowing smiles. Occasionally, Lando's hand would lightly brush against hers, a fleeting touch that lingered just a bit longer than necessary, sending a ripple of warmth through them both. Sometimes, she'd notice him gazing at her, his eyes twinkling with delight as he absorbed the sound of her laughter. There were also times when he'd lean in to whisper something in her ear, his breath warm against her skin, sending delightful shivers down her spine. The intimacy of those moments was intoxicating; she could feel the heat radiating from his body, and the way his voice danced just above a whisper made her pulse quicken. Each time he leaned closer, he couldn't resist taking in the sweet scent that surrounded her—a delicate blend of floral notes and something uniquely her, a fragrance that lingered in the air long after he had moved away. 
As the evening stretched on, the group figured it was time to head back to the villa since exhaustion was starting to set in. When they arrived back to the villa, Dalia grabbed Lando's hand, halting him from joining the others inside. The suddenness of her grip surprised him, and he turned to her, a bit confused, waiting for her to say something. Dalia felt a wave of panic wash over her, fidgeting nervously as she tried to muster the courage to go for that kiss she had been dreaming about for weeks. "Are you alright?" Lando asked, puzzled, his brow furrowing slightly as he searched her face for answers. "No, please don't say anything," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper, as she gazed up into his eyes. The intensity of his gaze made her heart flutter, and she felt as if the world around them had faded away, leaving just the two of them in this suspended moment. She could see the concern etched on his features, but all she could think about was the way his lips curved when he smiled, the way his laughter echoed in her mind long after it had faded.
Without further thinking, she leaned in closer, closing the distance between them. Lando's breath hitched as their lips met, a spark igniting between them that felt like fireworks exploding in the night sky. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in the intensity of their connection. Dalia jerked back, laughing nervously, "Oh my god, I actually did it!" Her heart raced as the adrenaline of the moment coursed through her veins. The thrill of spontaneity had taken over, and she couldn't believe she had just kissed him. Lando, still in shock from the moment, blinked rapidly, trying to process what had just happened. "No way, that doesn't count," he replied. he moved with a quickness that took her by surprise. In a fluid motion, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. The warmth of his body enveloped her, and she felt a rush of electricity at the contact. He closed the distance between them, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was soft at first, a tentative exploration, but it quickly deepened as they both surrendered to the moment. Dalia felt herself melting into him, her worries and doubts dissipating like mist in the morning sun.
His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer, and she could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest. Each gentle caress sent shivers down her spine, awakening a longing she hadn't realized was there. Dalia's fingers tangled in his hair, feeling the softness of each strand as she deepened the kiss, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.Time seemed to stand still as they explored this new territory together, their breaths mingling in the cool air. She could taste the sweetness of his lips, a flavor that was intoxicating and addictive.
In that moment, nothing else mattered. The chaos of life, the expectations, the fears—all of it faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other.
As they finally pulled away, breathless and wide-eyed, Dalia searched his gaze for reassurance. The warmth in his eyes mirrored her own feelings, a silent promise that this was just the beginning. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, emboldened by the spark that had ignited between them.
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jaketec · 1 month ago
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18”x24” paint pen and marker abstract. Attempt to make a panoramic view of some building landscape I visited.
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vague-humanoid · 5 months ago
While the Tor project has tried to assure users that the network is safe, the team is calling for more information. Doubts are spreading about who really controls the network's servers.
The Tor network, used for communications and accessing the dark web, is a gold standard for online anonymity, as it bounces encrypted data through a labyrinth of servers worldwide. However, according to a new investigation by public broadcasters in Germany, its users might not be so anonymous after all.
Law enforcement agencies themselves operate servers on Tor and have developed a “timing analysis” technique to cancel out anonymity provided by the network, research conducted by the ARD political magazine Panorama and STRG_F (funk/NDR) reveals. This was once thought to be impossible.
The Tor project responded by saying that previous Onion service deanonymization attempts were possible because they relied on an old version of the long-retired application Ricochet. However, the organization does not have the documents related to the case and is calling for more information from its users.
“Like many of you, we are still left with more questions than answers – but one thing is clear: Tor users can continue to use Tor Browser to access the web securely and anonymously. And the Tor Network is healthy,” the Tor project team said in a blog post.
“For the great majority of users worldwide that need to protect their privacy while browsing the internet, Tor is still the best solution for them.”
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grey-sorcery · 2 years ago
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Visualization is a tool that harnesses the power of imagination and perception. Through the deliberate creation of detailed mental imagery and the infusion of unwavering clarity, one can navigate the vivid construct of the mind, fostering a profound connection between the envisioned reality and the path to its actualization. Aphantasia, a cognitive condition characterized by the inability to summon voluntary mental images, engenders a distinct disadvantage in the realm of visualization-oriented practices. This social bias, predicated upon the assumption that all individuals possess the ability to visualize, inadvertently marginalizes and devalues the lived experiences of those with aphantasia. Consequently, the prevailing emphasis on visualization as a means of manifestation perpetuates an exclusionary paradigm, reinforcing ableist narratives that ascribe lesser worth and potential to those bereft of this inherent cognitive ability.
How to Visualize
Visualization is a cognitive technique that enables individuals to create vivid mental imagery of desired outcomes. By skillfully employing this method, one can effectively construct intricate mental pictures, harnessing the faculties of imagination and perception. To embark upon this journey of mental creation, find a tranquil space where external distractions are minimized, affording the mind an undisturbed canvas. Close one's eyes, and let the mind's eye unfurl, summoning a scene of vibrant clarity. Immerse oneself in this vivid realm, invoking the senses to weave a tapestry of sensations that engulfs the mind. Envision textures and colors, conjuring a panorama rich in detail, akin to a masterful painting springing to life. With each breath, deepen the connection to your vision, rendering it palpable and immediate.
Pit-Falls of Visualization
Visualization is ubiquitously viewed as a means of manifestation and widely considered a form of energy work. This consensus couldn’t be further from the truth and is based on innate ableism and class separation, which is invariably tied to white supremacy (Ref. Law of Attraction & New Thought). Developing a reliance on visualization as the cornerstone of your practice rather than it being merely a tool, similar to correspondences, will result in rendering your spellwork ineffective at worst, and inefficient at best. Visualization operates within the confines of the human mind's perceptual boundaries, restricted by the limited range of experiences one has encountered. As a consequence, attempting to conjure images or concepts beyond one's experiential scope may prove evasive, as the mind can only reference and synthesize familiar elements. This inherent limitation hinders the user by immense amounts in terms of innovative approaches to witchcraft, responsibly processing UPG & biases, interacting with spiritual entities, and utilizing higher spatial dimensions in spellcraft.
Visualization in Use For Gnosis
Firstly, the process of planning spellwork, visualization serves as a cognitive map, aiding in the construction of a comprehensive framework within the practitioner's mind. This mental blueprint allows for the seamless integration of various components, such as symbolic representations, ritualistic gestures, or energetic alignments. Through the meticulous visualization of each step and component, practitioners establish a sense of coherence and intentionality, ensuring a harmonious orchestration of their magical endeavors. This also aids in generating a space that is free from distractions.
Secondly, By harnessing the power of vivid mental imagery and immersive cognitive projections, individuals can establish a connection between their consciousness and the decided state of gnosis they seek to embody. Visualization becomes a catalyst for heightened awareness, engendering a state of deep insight and transcendent understanding that could potentially surpass ordinary meditation.
Effective Applications in Spell Design
Visualization facilitates the embodiment of memories, correspondences, divine/spiritual connections, and abstract concepts, enabling practitioners to fully immerse themselves in the spell's essence. By mentally experiencing the sensations associated with the desired outcome, practitioners establish a continuous plan of action that encompasses all associated nodes, constructing a threshold with reliable accuracy. Furthermore, visualization can aid in conjuring emotions that one may use to fuel a spell, by then energetically channeling that emotion through the subtle body during the working.
Effective Applications in Energy Work
When first learning energy work, visualization can aid immensely by creating mental frameworks that can be used to guide energy into desired forms. As an example, by picturing a sphere in your palms, you may then begin to manipulate energies within and around your subtle body in order to get it to fit within the confines of the sphere. One may even visualize rotation within a construct, or other properties in order to have a better comparison for the desired outcome. Using visualization specifically for creating simple energetic constructs will always be effective and will likely not become a detriment. However, if visualization becomes too ingrained into your energy work, it may eclipse the genuine work you’re doing and replace it with imagination. Beyond this, visualization cannot be used effectively to create constructs in higher spatial dimensions. 
Other Potential Uses
Symbolic Empowerment: Visualization can be used as a tool to observe objects, talismans, or symbols within personal meaning and power, establishing a profound connection to harness their correspondences.
Divination: Practitioners can utilize visualization to immerse themselves in the imagery of divinatory tools like tarot cards, runes, or scrying mirrors, facilitating a deeper understanding of the symbolic messages conveyed.
Spell Component Activation: Visualization can aid practitioners, mentally, when charging and activating spell components through energy work such as herbs, crystals, or oils, imbuing them with desired qualities or intentions prior to their incorporation in spellwork.
Ancestral Connection: Through visualization, practitioners can engage in ancestral work by envisioning their ancestors to help when communing, seeking guidance, wisdom, and blessings from them.
Dreamwork: Visualization aids in dreamwork practices by actively envisioning and intending dream recall, lucid dreaming, or specific dream experiences, enhancing the practitioner's ability to explore and learn from the realm of dreams.
Effective Alternatives to Visualization
Conceptualization: Embrace the power of conceptualization to articulate and comprehend desired outcomes with intellectual precision.
Scientific Integration: Incorporate empirical knowledge and logical reasoning into spellwork, aligning intentions with a metaphysical understanding of how spellwork can interact and move through aspects of the current scientific model.
Abstract Concepts: Explore the realm of abstract concepts to fuel spellwork endeavors, delving into profound abstractions that transcend visual imagery.
Metaphorical Language: Utilize metaphorical language to create resonance and evoke desired transformations, tapping into the depths of the mind through symbolic associations.
Cause and Effect: Formulate spells by synthesizing theoretical constructs and understanding the intricacies of cause and effect in the manifestation process.
Energy Transference: Explore energy transference as a key aspect of spellwork, understanding how intent, passion, gnosis and energy work interact and influence outcomes.
Symbolic Representations: Embrace the power of symbolic representations to convey intentions, utilizing abstract symbols with personal significance.
Rationality and Spirituality: Harmoniously integrate rationality and spirituality, blending scientific comprehension with metaphysical exploration in spellwork.
Intellectual Precision: Focus on precise and clear articulation of intentions, utilizing intellectual faculties to direct the working towards desired outcomes.
Energetic Senses: By relying on senses inherent to the subtle body, visualization becomes obsolete when it comes to energy work. 
These alternative approaches empower individuals with aphantasia to engage in spellwork that transcends visual imagery, leveraging conceptualization, scientific understanding, and abstractions to manifest their intentions and connect with the depths of the mind.
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126 notes · View notes
doors-worstenemy · 7 months ago
Made my first like layered cuff and I thought it would be funny to take a panorama of it (was an attempt at a rotating cuff but it doesn't rotate well <//3)
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Cust^rd the th|rd
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