whispersofalostsoul · 1 month
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7- Greece https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/758100377092620289/runaway?source=share
Chapter 8 - Dinner 2
A week had gone by, and Dalia was  unaware of time moving along. Each morning, she woke up feeling on top of the world, eager to dive into another day filled with possibilities. The sun would stream through her window, casting a warm glow that mirrored the excitement bubbling within her. She and Lando were practically glued together, their connection palpable to everyone around them. Their friends couldn't help but notice the undeniable spark that ignited whenever they were near each other, especially when they started stealing kisses in front of everyone, making it all official. Those stolen moments, brief yet electric, sent ripples of joy through their circle, and laughter often erupted as they playfully teased the couple. Every day felt like a fairytale; they went on countless dates, each one more enchanting than the last. They explored quaint little cafes tucked away in the corners of the city, shared ice cream cones on sun-drenched beach benches, and wandered through streets, losing themselves in the beauty of the pieces and each other's company.
Lando found himself sharing secrets with her that he had never told anyone else, feeling completely at ease in her presence. It was as if the walls he had built around his heart were crumbling, brick by brick, and he welcomed the vulnerability.He craved her presence, her touch, her scent every moment. The way her laughter danced in the air, brightening even the dullest of days, was intoxicating. He would often catch himself daydreaming about her, replaying their moments together in his mind like a cherished movie. And when they had to part ways at night, he felt an instant pang of missing her, a hollow ache that settled in his chest. The world felt a little dimmer without her , and he would find himself counting the hours until they could be together again.Each moment spent together was a treasure, and with every passing day, their bond deepened, solidifying a connection that felt destined. Lando felt it in his bones that what he was experiencing for the first time was something incredibly intense and passionate.He was ready to do whatever it took to safeguard this newfound connection. The stakes felt higher than ever, and he understood that the path ahead was fraught with challenges. Yet, the thought of losing this feeling, this spark, was far more daunting than the prospect of jeopardizing his own career. He envisioned the sacrifices he might have to make— multiple travels, late-night calls, difficult conversations, and the potential fallout from those who might not understand his choices. But in that moment, none of it mattered. The intensity of his emotions overshadowed any fears or doubts that crept into his mind.
Dalia called out from the living room, "Who wants ice cream?" and everyone nodded in agreement. The sun had been blazing all afternoon, and after their invigorating swim in the sea, it felt like the perfect way to cool down. While Dalia and Lily decided to go to the nearest shop,  the guys were lounging on the terrace, sprawled out on sunbeds, soaking up the sun and listening to music. The playlist was a mix of upbeat summer hits and nostalgic tunes that made them reminisce about past adventures.
Out of the blue, Oscar, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up and asked, "So, how's it going with Dalia?" The question hung in the air, and the atmosphere shifted slightly as the guys turned their attention to Lando. He paused for a moment, the weight of the question sinking in. After a brief silence, he finally admitted, "I'm considering introducing her to my parents." The guys were taken aback, their expressions a mix of surprise and intrigue. Lando had always been the more reserved one when it came to relationships, often keeping his romantic life under wraps. The thought of him taking such a significant step with Dalia, who had quickly become a central figure in their summer escapade, was unexpected.  "Wow, that's a big step," Alex said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're ready for that?" Lando shrugged, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I mean, I really like her. Plus, my parents are always asking about my love life. I think it might be time to show them I'm serious about someone.""I'm happy for you Lano" Carlos smiled. "Dalia seems great. Just make sure you prepare her for your mom's cooking. It's... an experience." The group erupted in laughter, the tension easing as they teased Lando about the potential family dinner.
The girls stumbled upon a little shop that had souvenirs and ice cream.Lily, ever the curious one, decided to check out the inside to see if anything caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dalia approached the fridge,  scanning the array of flavors displayed behind the glass. Chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, and the ever-popular strawberry swirled before her eyes. Just as she was about to make her choice, a familiar voice broke through the hum of the summer afternoon. "Looks like you're living it up," the voice said, smooth and casual. Dalia felt a jolt of recognition, and just as she was about to turn around, a wave of familiarity hit her, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of cigarettes. "Hey, Dalia," Noah grinned from beneath his cap, his eyes glinting mischievously in the sunlight. Dalia froze, her heart pounding in her chest, feeling a mix of surprise and unease. She hadn't expected to see him here, not in this little corner of the world. It was as if he could read her thoughts when he added, "You're probably wondering how I knew you were here," taking a puff from his cigarette before crushing it underfoot with a practiced ease. "Well, I have this incredible talent for tracking people down," he said with a sly grin, leaning casually against the fridge as if he owned the place. His presence unsettling. 
"Or maybe you just have a talent for popping up where you're not exactly welcome," Dalia shot back. "Oh, look at you! Have you developed a bit of a backbone since hanging out with him?" he said, leaning in closer, invading her space. "I'm intrigued," his tone shifted to a low, dark whisper. "Are they taking turns with you, or is it a group thing?" Dalia, filled with rage and disgust, raised her hand to slap him, but he effortlessly blocked her move. "Not today," he grinned. Noah leaned closer, his voice low and conspiratorial, "I think I have something you'll want to see." Dalia shot back, her tone sharp and defensive, "Not interested," as she struggled to pull her hand away from him. The warmth of his grip felt like a brand against her skin, and she was desperate to reclaim her personal space."Oh, I bet you will be," he replied, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he finally stood up straight and released her, "Look out for a message from me tonight," before turning to leave.  As he walked away, Dalia felt a knot of unease tighten in her stomach. This whole situation left her feeling off-kilter, as if the ground beneath her was shifting. She couldn't shake the feeling that Noah was up to something, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine.Just then, Lily came over, her brow furrowed with concern as she noticed Dalia's pale face. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine worry. Dalia forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil brewing inside her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, waving it off dismissively, but the tremor in her voice betrayed her.
When the girls returned to the villa, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement from their day out. Lily, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, hurried to the terrace, eager to show Alex the colorful souvenir she had picked up from a local market. Meanwhile, Dalia, feeling a bit overwhelmed, made a beeline for her room, her mind racing with thoughts of the strange encounter she had earlier. As soon as he spot her entering the villa, Lando trailed behind her, wanting to have a quick chat. Carlos's voice broke through the chatter. "Where's the ice cream?" he asked, his tone playful yet expectant. It suddenly hit Lily that Dalia hadn't picked any up during their outing. "She seemed a little off," Lily admitted, her brow furrowing with concern."What do you mean?" Oscar asked, sitting up in his chair, his interest piqued.  "There was this strange guy talking to her, and I think he made her uncomfortable," she explained, her voice lowering slightly as if the memory was still fresh. The guys exchanged glances, shrugging it off with a casual air. They were all too familiar with the island's locals, who often had a reputation for being overly friendly, especially towards tourists. "It's probably nothing," Alex said dismissively, but Oscar couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
Lando grinned as he tapped on the door, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet hallway. Dalia was doing her best to mask her shaken state, her heart racing as she smoothed down her shirt and took a deep breath. "Hey," she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady.Lando stepped into her room, his expression a mix of excitement and apprehension. He looked pretty anxious himself, nervously rubbing his neck as he glanced around the space." Uh," he began, his voice trailing off as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Dalia felt a flutter of unease in her stomach; she could sense that whatever he was about to say was important. "I wanted to ask you something," he finally managed, still avoiding her gaze, his eyes darting to the floor as if it held the answers to his unspoken questions. Dalia's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in slightly, encouraging him to continue. "My folks were in Athena, they're sailing towards Santorini and wanted to make a stop here. I thought it would be nice if you joined us for dinner tonight. I'd love to introduce you properly."
Dalia felt a jolt of excitement when she got the invite. The idea of hanging out with Lando and his family made her pulse race. But with that excitement came a twinge of nerves. She couldn't shake off the thought of Noah being there, watching her, which made her stomach churn. What was that message he said he'd send her going to be about? As she prepared for the gathering, Dalia found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She rummaged through her closet, trying to find the perfect outfit that would make her feel confident yet comfortable. She wanted to impress Lando's family. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was going to have fun, regardless of Noah's presence. After all, this was about Lando. But as she glanced at her phone, half-hoping for a message from Noah, she couldn't help but wonder if the evening would bring clarity or chaos.
Lando's folks were just amazing; they invited them over for dinner on the boat, and it turned out to be such a beautiful experience. The gentle sway of the boat on the water, combined with the warm glow of the setting sun, created an atmosphere that felt almost magical. Dalia could easily tell that Lando was a cherished kid, with parents who adored him but also understood the importance of giving him space to grow and explore. Their laughter filled the air, and the way they interacted with Lando showed a deep bond, one built on love and mutual respect.Throughout the evening, Lando held her hand, his grip firm yet tender, almost as if he wanted to keep her close every moment. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about how he felt about her. He couldn't stop chatting about her, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he shared stories of their time together. Dalia could see how proud he was to introduce her to his parents, and she felt a warmth in her heart knowing that he wanted them to see the person who made him so happy. 
While Lando was busy helping his dad get dessert ready, leaving the two women to chat. His mom leaned in towards Dalia and said with a smile, "I must admit this is the first time Lando has introduced us to a girl he's dating". Dalia felt her cheeks heat up as she smiled back, a mix of surprise and delight washing over her."I know my son very well," his mom continued with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And I can see he's really into you." Dalia's heart raced at the compliment, and she felt a warmth spread through her. It was one thing to feel a connection with Lando, but to hear his mother acknowledge it made it all the more real. "Ta-da! The pièce de résistance!" he announced, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I hope you're ready for this, Dalia. My dad's secret recipe is legendary."Dalia laughed, her earlier embarrassment fading as the atmosphere lightened. "It looks amazing! I can't wait to try it," she said, her enthusiasm genuine.
As the night wrapped up, Dalia and Lando chose to head back to the villa, even though his parents wanted them to stay on the boat for the night. Lando's dad stepped forward as they prepared to disembark. He pulled Dalia in for a cozy hug, enveloping her in the familiar scent of saltwater and aftershave. His embrace was warm and fatherly, a gesture that made Dalia feel both welcomed and cherished. Leaning in closer, he whispered softly, "Make sure to look after our boy and don't break his heart," all while grinning widely, his eyes twinkling with a mix of humor and sincerity. Dalia chuckled, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. She appreciated the lighthearted warning, knowing it came from a place of love and protectiveness. 
As Lando and Dalia stopped in front of her room, they exchanged a few playful words, their laughter echoing softly in the quiet hallway. But as the moment lingered, Lando found himself reluctant to leave. The doorframe seemed to form an invisible barrier, one that he was hesitant to cross.He stood there, his heart racing slightly, hoping for a sign, a gesture that would invite him in. He could feel the magnetic pull between them, a tension that crackled like static electricity. It was as if the air itself was charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the gap between them, but he held back, unsure of how she truly felt. As he gazed at her, he noticed the way her hair fell softly over her shoulders, the way her lips curved into a smile that seemed to invite him closer. The moment stretched, and he could sense the hesitation in her eyes too, as if she were weighing the same thoughts.
Suddenly, the phone buzzed, breaking the spell of silence that enveloped them and pulling both of them back to reality. As Dalia reached for it, her eyes widened, and a nervous smile spread across her face. "Goodnight, Lando," she said quickly, her voice a mix of warmth and urgency, before slipping into her room with a soft click of the door. Lando was caught off guard by how fast everything changed. One moment, they were suspended in a moment filled with unspoken words and shared glances, and the next, he was left standing alone in the hallway, the echo of her voice lingering in the air. He felt a rush of emotions—disappointment, confusion, and a flicker of hope. He leaned against the wall, staring at the closed door, wondering if he had missed his chance.
 Dalia hurried to the edge of her bed, her heart pounding before she even had a chance to check the message. With trembling fingers, she unlocked her phone and tapped on Noah's notification. Her eyes went wide in disbelief, and in a panic, she quickly dialed his number to get some answers.
Lando was tossing and turning, unable to get Dalia out of his head. The night was thick with silence, but his mind was a cacophony of thoughts and emotions. Every time he pictured her face—her warm smile, the way her eyes sparkled with warmth, the gentle curve of her lips—a smile crept onto his own. He rolled over, trying to find a comfortable position, but the sheets felt constricting, as if they were wrapping around him, holding him back from the truth he was desperately trying to avoid. As his thoughts raced, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks, making him sit up straight in bed. The weight of it was overwhelming, and he could hardly breathe. He was in love.
"Did I wake you?" Dalia whispered, her voice soft and melodic, catching him completely off guard. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, as he turned to face her. The moonlight spilled into the room, casting a silvery glow that illuminated her features, making her look ethereal."What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to steady his nerves, his heart racing in his chest. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, and he hoped the darkness would hide his embarrassment. Without a word, she moved closer, her presence filling the space between them with an electric tension. She reached for his face, her fingers brushing against his skin with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine.And then, she kissed him deeply. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that conveyed everything he had been too afraid to say. Her lips were soft and inviting, and as he melted into her embrace, all his doubts and fears began to dissipate. In that moment, nothing else mattered. The longing that had consumed him transformed into a sense of belonging, a feeling that he had finally found what he had been searching for all along.
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whispersofalostsoul · 1 month
Tumblr media
Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7 - Greece
The Greek breeze felt amazing against Dalia's skin, like a cool splash of refreshment. Syros, a lesser-known gem compared to the more famous Santorini, was just the right spot for celebrities wanting to escape the spotlight. Its charming streets, vibrant culture, and serene beaches offered a perfect retreat from the relentless attention of the media.Carlos, Lando, Oscar, and Alex had booked a spacious villa on the outskirts of Ermoupoli for their summer getaway. The villa, with its traditional Cycladic architecture, boasted whitewashed walls and blue shutters that mirrored the colors of the Aegean Sea. As they stepped out of the car, the intoxicating scent of blooming bougainvillea and jasmine filled the air, wrapping around them like a warm embrace."Finally!" Lando shouted, his voice echoing with excitement as he parked the car beside the stunning villa. The sight before them was breathtaking: the place was nestled among gorgeous plants and flowers, with a sprawling terrace that overlooked the sparkling sea. Lily, Alex's girlfriend,  dashed toward the terrace, her eyes wide with wonder. "Look at this view!" she exclaimed, leaning over the railing to take in the panorama of the coastline. The azure waters stretched endlessly, dotted with small boats bobbing gently in the harbor.
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head at Lily's enthusiasm. "Just wait until you see the sunset from here. It's like the sky is on fire," he said, joining her at the railing. Alex, meanwhile, was already unpacking their bags, his mind racing with plans for the week ahead. "We should hit the beach" he suggested, glancing back at the others. "I heard there's a secluded cove not far from here. Perfect for some sunbathing and swimming without the crowds."Oscar nodded, already envisioning the adventures that awaited them. "And we can explore the local tavernas for some authentic Greek food. I'm craving moussaka and fresh seafood!". "Hey Carlos, how did you end up with this place?" Lando asked as he stepped onto the porch. "I thought you already knew," Carlos replied, looking a bit puzzled. "It was your buddy Max who suggested it." Lando just shrugged. Meanwhile, Lily had left with her boyfriend to pick out their room. Carlos leaned in closer to Lando, still gazing at the stunning view. "Looks like this is your chance," he said with a grin. "I'm not so sure," Lando admitted, looking confused. "Last time she called our situation a 'friendship,'" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And you want to keep it that way?" Carlos shot back, giving Lando a playful jab in the groin and chuckling. "Come on, Lano, grow some cojones!"
The hallway seemed to go on forever, filled with tons of rooms. Dalia peeked into each one, searching for the right choice. On her fifth attempt, she flung the door open wider and was blown away by the stunning room. The decor was pretty minimal, featuring white walls and a spacious double bed. A classic wooden nightstand fit right in with the dresser. There was a window showcasing a beautiful vase of colorful flowers and a balcony that offered a direct view of the sea. In its simplicity, the room radiated elegance, comfort, and a refreshing vibe. "Have you set up you mind ?" Oscar asked leaning against the frame. Dalia nodded in contempt. "How about you ?" she asked. He sighed heavily and plopped down on the bed. "I'm really trying to steer clear of the room next to Carlos. That guy gets up at the crack of dawn and starts working out. Plus, I want to avoid Alex and Lily too, you know," he said, making a face at Dalia. "Those... weird noises." Dalia chuckled at his words. "What about the room at the end of the hall?" she suggested. "Ghosts," he shot back, looking dead serious. "Wait, you actually believe in ghosts?" Dalia laughed as he went on about how every horror movie shows those rooms as haunted. Just then, they heard a voice. "Have you made your choice?" Lando asked, standing by the door. "Yeah, I'm taking this one," Dalia said. "Cool, then the next one is mine," Lando replied. "No way, I already called dibs on that one," Oscar interrupted, chasing after him. The two guys bickered for a while, while Alex and Carlos just watched, clearly entertained. Eventually, they all decided to settle it with a card game.
The private villa beach was just a short stroll from the back garden. The chairs and sunshades were already set up, ready for a day of fun. The guys took off first, sprinting toward the sparkling blue water, while Lily and Dalia decided to whip up some lemonades and snacks before joining in. Dalia felt lucky to have Lily by her side; she was such a sweet girl and had opened up to her pretty quickly on the way here. Unlike the typical image people might have of F1 drivers' girlfriends, Lily seemed like someone Dalia could really connect with. "So, are you and Lando a thing?" Lily asked, slicing a lemon. Dalia felt her cheeks heat up at the question and replied, "No, no, we're just friends." "Hmm," Lily said, taking a bite of a lemon slice. "The way he talked about you was a bit different." Dalia's heart raced at the implication, and she couldn't help but ask what Lando had said. "I don't know, things like 'Oh, Dalia is such a gorgeous woman; you all are going to love her. '" Lily waved her arms around, trying to imitate Lando's voice. "You know, not in a 'just friends' kind of way, but more like an 'I find her attractive' vibe," she said, giving Dalia a cheeky smirk and a playful wink. Dalia's eyes lit up with curiosity. "You should totally make the first move!" Then she sat up straight, her face turning serious. "I mean, I know Lando, and even though he seems all confident, he's actually pretty shy around girls." Lily shot Dalia a playful grin. "He just needs a little nudge."
The water felt amazing, and Dalia just couldn't get enough. While everyone else headed back to the beach to soak up some sun, she chose to stay a little longer. With her eyes shut, she soaked in the soothing sounds of the cool waves and the warmth of the sun on her skin. It was like she had found her own little slice of paradise. The water started to ripple a bit more, and Dalia spotted Lando swimming her way. He flashed her a smile and said a quick hello as he reached her side. His eyes, reflecting the blue and green of the water and his sun-kissed skin made him look even more attractive. The way the water cascaded off his toned arms and shoulders only added to his allure, making her heart race a little faster. "Hey," she replied, trying to keep her tone casual, though her cheeks felt warm. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, suddenly aware of how the sunlight danced on the surface of the water, creating a shimmering backdrop for their conversation. "So do you like it here?" he asked his eyes not leaving hers. "Yes I do, thank you for the invite" she smiled shily, "Of course" he whispered as if his thoughts were trailing away.
Lando couldn't take his eyes off the woman standing before him; it was a feeling he had never experienced. When he caught sight of her in her swimsuit, he was taken aback. She usually wore baggy clothes, so he had no idea her figure would be so appealing. Her skin appeared incredibly smooth, and the blush on her cheeks made her utterly captivating. Those round brown eyes sparkled with a mix of innocence and warmth, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a turning point, a moment that would change everything.  The thought both excited and terrified him. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined again whatever they had ?
Dalia caught Lando's gaze drifting from her eyes down to her lips, and her heart raced. The world around them faded into a blur, the sounds of water dimming as the intensity of the moment enveloped them. Finally, she thought, he's going to kiss me! The anticipation was electric, sending shivers down her spine. Oh please, just kiss me already! Dalia's pulse quickened, and she bit her lip, a nervous habit that only seemed to draw his attention further. She could see the flicker of desire in his eyes, a silent conversation passing between them that needed no words. Her thoughts spiraled, imagining the softness of his lips against hers, the warmth of his hands cradling her face, the way time would stand still in that perfect moment. But as she waited, the seconds stretched on, and doubt crept in. What if he didn't feel the same? What if she was reading the signs all wrong? No way! I won't let these doubts take over again. Just when she was about to lean in, her heart racing with anticipation, Lando suddenly plunged into the water with a splash that sent droplets flying in all directions. The moment was so unexpected that it startled her, breaking the tension that had been building between them. He stayed submerged for a bit, and Dalia held her breath, half-expecting him to resurface with a serious expression, ready to address the unspoken words hanging in the air. But instead, he popped back up, his hair slicked back and water glistening on his sun-kissed skin. "Come on! It's time for dinner!" he urged as he started swimming back towards the villa.
Lily was spot on; Dalia had to take the initiative. The thought of stepping out of her comfort zone sent a shiver down her spine, but deep down, she knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her life any longer. It was time for a change, she thought as she slipped into her light green dress adorned with tiny white flowers. With Lily's help, she styled her hair into a messy bun that framed her face beautifully, allowing a few delicate strands to cascade down her neck. The casual elegance of her look made her feel more confident, and she could see the excitement in Lily's eyes as she added the final touches. "You look amazing, Dalia! Tonight is your night," Lily encouraged, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Dalia took a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and exhilaration.They decided to have dinner at a cozy outdoor spot in a traditional Greek restaurant, where the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled meats and fresh herbs. The soft glow of string lights overhead created a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a night of new beginnings. As they arrived, Lando, dressed casually in his white shirt and black shorts, felt his heart race when Dalia appeared.
She looked stunning, and the dress highlighted her complexion perfectly, accentuating her natural beauty. The way the fabric flowed around her as she walked made it seem as if she were gliding rather than simply moving. Her hair pulled up showcased the lovely curve of her neck and shoulders, making it hard for him to catch his breath. As she approached, Lando couldn't help but notice the sparkle in her eyes, a reflection of her newfound determination. "Wow, you look incredible," he managed to say, his voice slightly shaky. Dalia smiled, a hint of shyness creeping in, but there was also a glimmer of confidence that hadn't been there before. "Thank you" she replied, her voice steady and filled with a newfound. They were all gathered around the big table, the atmosphere buzzing with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Oscar and Carlos sat across from Dalia and Lando, while Alex and Lily were at the end of the table enjoying the view from the window. As the conversation flowed, the Australian driver wasted no time in complimenting Dali's appearance. The compliment hung in the air, and Lando felt a slight knot form in his stomach. Without really thinking about it, Lando reached his arm around Dalia, gently brushing against the bare skin of her back. The warmth of her skin sent a jolt of electricity through him, and he immediately regretted the impulsive gesture. Dali was surprised by the unexpected touch, her eyes widening for a brief moment as she processed the intimacy of the action. However, she quickly adjusted to it, leaning slightly into Lando's side, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she turned her attention back to the conversation.
As the night wore on, the conversation ebbed and flowed, with jokes and playful teasing filling the air. Lando and Dalia found themselves gravitating toward each other, their connection deepening with each passing moment. They shared plenty of close moments, their conversations punctuated by playful nudges and knowing smiles. Occasionally, Lando's hand would lightly brush against hers, a fleeting touch that lingered just a bit longer than necessary, sending a ripple of warmth through them both. Sometimes, she'd notice him gazing at her, his eyes twinkling with delight as he absorbed the sound of her laughter. There were also times when he'd lean in to whisper something in her ear, his breath warm against her skin, sending delightful shivers down her spine. The intimacy of those moments was intoxicating; she could feel the heat radiating from his body, and the way his voice danced just above a whisper made her pulse quicken. Each time he leaned closer, he couldn't resist taking in the sweet scent that surrounded her—a delicate blend of floral notes and something uniquely her, a fragrance that lingered in the air long after he had moved away. 
As the evening stretched on, the group figured it was time to head back to the villa since exhaustion was starting to set in. When they arrived back to the villa, Dalia grabbed Lando's hand, halting him from joining the others inside. The suddenness of her grip surprised him, and he turned to her, a bit confused, waiting for her to say something. Dalia felt a wave of panic wash over her, fidgeting nervously as she tried to muster the courage to go for that kiss she had been dreaming about for weeks. "Are you alright?" Lando asked, puzzled, his brow furrowing slightly as he searched her face for answers. "No, please don't say anything," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper, as she gazed up into his eyes. The intensity of his gaze made her heart flutter, and she felt as if the world around them had faded away, leaving just the two of them in this suspended moment. She could see the concern etched on his features, but all she could think about was the way his lips curved when he smiled, the way his laughter echoed in her mind long after it had faded.
Without further thinking, she leaned in closer, closing the distance between them. Lando's breath hitched as their lips met, a spark igniting between them that felt like fireworks exploding in the night sky. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in the intensity of their connection. Dalia jerked back, laughing nervously, "Oh my god, I actually did it!" Her heart raced as the adrenaline of the moment coursed through her veins. The thrill of spontaneity had taken over, and she couldn't believe she had just kissed him. Lando, still in shock from the moment, blinked rapidly, trying to process what had just happened. "No way, that doesn't count," he replied. he moved with a quickness that took her by surprise. In a fluid motion, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. The warmth of his body enveloped her, and she felt a rush of electricity at the contact. He closed the distance between them, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was soft at first, a tentative exploration, but it quickly deepened as they both surrendered to the moment. Dalia felt herself melting into him, her worries and doubts dissipating like mist in the morning sun.
His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer, and she could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest. Each gentle caress sent shivers down her spine, awakening a longing she hadn't realized was there. Dalia's fingers tangled in his hair, feeling the softness of each strand as she deepened the kiss, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.Time seemed to stand still as they explored this new territory together, their breaths mingling in the cool air. She could taste the sweetness of his lips, a flavor that was intoxicating and addictive.
In that moment, nothing else mattered. The chaos of life, the expectations, the fears—all of it faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other.
As they finally pulled away, breathless and wide-eyed, Dalia searched his gaze for reassurance. The warmth in his eyes mirrored her own feelings, a silent promise that this was just the beginning. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, emboldened by the spark that had ignited between them.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Lando held tightly to Dalia's hand as he rushed out of Oscar's apartment, leaving her little time to grab her phone. They exited the building, and Lando hurriedly led her to his car parked outside. Dalia's bare feet felt the rough pavement beneath her, each step a reminder of how unprepared she was for this unexpected escape. "Get in!" Lando ordered his voice a blend of annoyance and hurt. He opened the passenger door for her, and she slid into the seat, the leather cool against her skin. As he jumped into the driver's seat, she caught a glimpse of his expression, his eyes sparkling with frustration. 
Lando tightly gripped the wheel, attempting to steady himself, while Dalia remained silent, not wanting to provoke him any further. After a prolonged silence, he finally uttered, "I refuse to believe," his frustration evident. Turning to her, he repeated, "I refuse to believe that you are this type of women." "I am not!" she pleaded knowing what the situation looks like. She recounted the events that led her to Oscar's place, and as Lando learned of what Noah had done to her, his eyes darkened once more. Before he could say anything, she confessed, "I was thinking of calling you first...but I couldn't..." Her gaze fell to her legs. "I figured you'd still be mad at me." Silence once again enveloped the two, leaving the tension lingering. Lando wanted to take her hand when he saw how upset she was, but he didn't want to frighten her off. Dalia looked up at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said," she finally stammered. "You're not like that at all..." tears began to fall. "And I've ruined our friendship..." Lando couldn't hold back any longer, quickly reaching for her hand, despite wanting to hide, and said, "And I regret giving you the wrong impression about me. I'm not in a relationship with Magui, and I wasn't trying to deceive either of you."
Dalia felt a wave of relief wash over her as she listened to his words. She had been carrying the weight of guilt and misunderstanding for far too long, and now that it was finally being cleared up, she felt a sense of liberation."I believe you," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and not giving you the chance to explain. I should have trusted you more."He reached out and gently wiped away the tears that had started to fall down her cheeks. "It's okay, Dalia. I understand why you felt that way, but I promise you, there was never anything between Magui and me. You are the only one I care about."As he spoke those words, Dalia felt a warmth spread through her chest. Instantly feeling embarrassed by his small confession, he cleared his throat and gently put back his hands on the wheel, not knowing what to say next. "Um...have you had breakfast ?" Dalia shot him a bright smile, trying to lighten the awkward vibe between them. Lando happily nodded and drove his car toward the closest coffee shop.
A week had passed since Dalia and Lando resolved their issues, and they were now in constant communication, texting and meeting whenever possible. Even during summer break, Lando's schedule remained packed with personal commitments like golfing with friends and family visits, alongside professional obligations such as events with McLaren and his own business. Meanwhile, Dalia was busy with her agency, having not exchanged a single word with Noah since the incident, except for work-related matters. Despite his numerous attempts to apologize, Dalia remained unwilling to accept it. On her last day at work, Dalia was wrapping things up in the late afternoon. As she stood by the agency door scrolling through her phone, she noticed Noah beside her. She tried to brush him off, but then he broke the silence, puffing out cigarette smoke, "I think Lando's waiting for you." Startled, she glanced over as he pointed across the street. There it was—a sleek, fancy car parked there. "You don��t see a McLaren 750S around here often, and it just so happens to be one of Lando's rides," he said casually, exhaling another cloud of smoke. Dalia stayed quiet, not wanting to give him any satisfaction, and focused back on her phone to text Lando. Noah flicked his cigarette to the ground and shrugged, "Alright, guess we’ll just have to see if it’s really him." He then wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Dalia's heart sank when she felt his lips brush against her cheek.
In just a few seconds, they spotted Lando leap out of the car and dash across the street towards them. Dalia could tell he was furious and might take a swing at Noah. Before she could step in, Lando was already right in front of him, yanking him by the collar. "Hey Lando, I'm a huge fan," Noah quipped casually, completely unaware of how the F1 driver's grip had him pinned against the door. "Don't even think about laying a finger on her again," Lando muttered through gritted teeth, his hold on Noah's collar growing tighter. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Noah chuckled. "I was just messing around, trying to give her a friendly goodbye kiss for the summer." He raised his hands in a joking surrender. "Come on, Lando, it's not worth it," Dalia jumped in, worried that someone might catch sight of him. "Let's just take a breath and calm down, okay? There's no need for violence here," Noah amused as his felt Lando's hand letting go of him. "I'll get you next time" Lando threatened as Dalia was leading him away towards his car. Noah's expression turned from mischievous to serious, rubbing his neck from the pain. He reached for his phone and snapped a picture.
The car rolled up to Dalia's house, and she let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, relieved that everything had turned out okay. "I really appreciate you coming through, Lando," she said quietly, flashing him a thankful smile. Lando's expression softened as he looked at her, his eyes drifting from her gaze to her cheek. He lingered for a moment before reaching out to lightly brush it, almost as if he wanted to wipe away any memory of Noah's kiss. Dalia's heart skipped a beat at the touch, feeling a rush of warmth spread through her. She couldn't deny the chemistry between them, the unspoken tension that had been building since they first met. As he pulled his hand back, Dalia's eyes met his, and she saw a flicker of something in his gaze - desire, longing, maybe even a hint of vulnerability. The phone vibrated, breaking the moment. Lando coughed and adjusted in his seat. Awkwardness lingered. Seizing the opportunity, Dalia decided to leave the car. "I wanted to ask if you'd like to go on a trip," he said, gazing at her. She turned to meet his eyes. "I thought it could be fun to spend the summer together," Lando said, a blush tinting his cheeks.
As she contemplated his offer, Dalia couldn't ignore the butterflies in her stomach. The idea of spending the summer with Lando, exploring new places and creating memories together, was incredibly enticing. She knew that taking this leap would mean stepping out of her comfort zone, but she also couldn't ignore the spark of excitement that flared within her. "I...I would love to go on a trip with you, Lando," Dalia finally replied, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The awkwardness from earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of anticipation and possibility. As Lando's face lit up with joy, Dalia knew that this summer was going to be an adventure she would never forget. 
Noah's room was dimly lit, with a large desktop made up of three oversized PC screens and high-tech hardware components. There was a pepperoni pizza on a plate and a bunch of junk food scattered around the keyboard and table. Noah sat in his chair, staring at the screen, looking at pictures of Dalia and Lando from earlier, as well as one of Oscar and her from the night of the party. He exhaled smoke from his fifth cigarette and reached for his second cellphone, which he only used for private matters. He dialed the number and waited for a response.
"Hello" a female voice responded.
"Hi, you might not know me, but I have something that might interest you" Noah spoke.
"Excuse me ?" 
"Check your WhatsApp, I have sent you something ". He heard her tapping on the phone and knew she opened the app. 
Then there was silence.
After a long pause, during which the woman was deep in thought, he finally heard her say, "I'm all ears."
"Good, very good Magui".
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping in
Dalia was astonished that so much had transpired in just three days; it felt like an eternity to her. Oscar had offered her a ride back to the UK on his private jet, but she turned him down. She didn't want to risk being photographed with him, and more importantly, she wanted to steer clear of making excuses to her team, especially to avoid Noah's sharp-tongued remarks. With the F1 summer break underway, Lando had mentioned in an interview that he intended to travel extensively, hopping between Spain, Greece, and of course, Portugal. Time has slipped away, and not a single message or call from him has come through. She knows she shouldn't be waiting for him to make the first move; after all, it was her harsh words that drove a wedge between them, causing her to lose everything they had built in that brief moment. The weight of the workday was becoming increasingly burdensome, with piles of materials needing editing after the hectic race week. With a deep sigh, she reclined in her chair, just as Noah leaned in and asked, "Hey, would you like to join me for a small party tonight?" It turned out one of his friends was celebrating a birthday at a cozy bar downtown, and Dalia thought this might be the perfect opportunity to lift her spirits and embrace a more positive outlook.
The journey lasted almost an hour, and as Noah drove, it felt like they were leaving London and heading towards the suburbs. "Change of plans," he explained as he double-checked his GPS. "The bar was fully booked, so Dean decided to move the party to his grandma's house on the outskirts." This made Dalia a little anxious. When she thought the bar was in the city center, she was comforted by the idea that she could easily take public transport home if she had enough. But now, she was relying on Noah, which didn't make her feel very secure. The gathering turned out to be larger than anticipated, leaving Dalia feeling overwhelmed. She sought refuge next to Noah as he began mingling with the crowd. A friend of her colleague noticed her presence and jokingly remarked, "Well, well, look who we have here. It's been ages since I've seen you with a lady!" Noah chuckled in response, subtly introducing Dalia by placing his arm around her shoulders, an action that sent a ripple of discomfort through her. 
As the night went on, Dalia's discomfort continued to increase. Initially, she thought it was due to her negative mental state, which made it difficult for her to connect with Noah's acquaintances. However, as time passed, she realized that the issue lay with these individuals. They were rude and acted like bullies, many of them being journalists or bloggers who enjoyed gossiping about celebrities. It dawned on her that her own words towards Lando mirrored the toxic gossip these people engaged in. She was repulsed by this revelation, realizing Noah had influenced her negatively. Dalia was taken aback when she overheard a tipsy girl launching into a tirade against Lando. Unable to stay silent any longer, she immediately sprang to his defense. The onlookers were taken aback and chuckled at her strong protectiveness towards him. "Careful, guys, she might be sleeping with him," Noah teased from the back. Surprised by his disgusting comment, Dalia shot him a fierce look before making her way to the door.
Noah hurriedly followed her, struggling to maintain his composure. "Hey, Hey, hey, what's gotten into me?" she shouted, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's more like what's gotten into you! Why do you always have to make those kinds of assumptions about me?" Tears welled up in her eyes. Noah ran a hand through his hair, expressing regret. "Please, just come back inside," he implored as they both stood outside the house. "No, I want to go home," she insisted. "Well, clearly I can't drive you back," he admitted, indicating his intoxicated state. "Let's stay here for the night," he said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. He moved closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and suggested, "We can share a bed," leaning in for a kiss, his breath warm on her skin. Dalia's heart raced, caught off guard by his sudden boldness. She quickly jumped back, her instincts kicking in and her mind racing with a mix of surprise and indignation. In one swift motion, she firmly slapped him across the face, the sound echoing in the stillness of the dark front garden.
He took a step back, his expression changing from surprise to irritation. He rubbed his cheek and said coldly "fine! then find your own way home" before walking away. Dalia took a deep breath, her heart racing from both adrenaline and a whirlwind of emotions. She had the urge to cry for numerous reasons - She misjudged Lando because of his celebrity status, only to realize that he wasn't the one who mistreated her, but the shallow and manipulative Noah, who fed her all of those toxic thoughts. She was also stranded in the dark suburbs with no ride. She fought back tears, knowing she needed to figure out who to reach out for help. Her first instinct was to call Lando, but he was probably still upset with her and enjoying, at this very moment a night out somewhere in southern Europe. After a moment of thought, she dialed a number and waited for a response.
When the clock struck 2 am, the cold began to settle in. Dalia's sleeveless white dress was doing little to keep her warm, but she'd rather freeze than go back into that house. After what felt like an eternity, she heard a car crunching over the gravel, and headlights lit up the area. The car pulled up to the gate, and Oscar jumped out, frantically looking for her. "Are you okey ? What happened ?" he asked, holding her shoulders with concern. Dalia knew she couldn't keep it from him; she had to explain why she called him so late and had him come all this way. So, she opened up about everything that went down with Noah. Oscar, fuming, looked towards the house and snarled, "Where's that jerk?" Dalia quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him from going after Noah. She knew that violence wouldn't solve anything and all she wanted in that moment is to get as far as possible from that place.
The ride in the car was quiet. Oscar didn't want to bring up what happened, so they drove in silence. Dalia found solace in Oscar's jacket as she leaned against the window, eventually feeling safe enough to close her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, she slept for the entire journey. When she felt the car stop, Dalia woke up suddenly. "Hey, it's okay," Oscar reassured her in a soft voice. "Where are we?" she asked, looking around the dimly lit underground parking lot. "I wasn't sure where you lived, and you were asleep, so I brought us back to my place," he explained apologetically. "If you're uncomfortable, I can take you home now." Dalia appreciated the offer of company at that moment, feeling a sense of security with Oscar, so she shook her head and thanked him for the invitation. 
His place was way bigger than her office, and it was super tidy, which totally matched Oscar's vibe. He ordered some food and got the guest room ready for her. He even lent her some of his clothes to keep her comfy and plopped down on the couch, opening up the takeout boxes. They were joking around and laughing about random stuff, chatting about F1 and other silly topics, but Oscar had one question nagging at him. When he finally mustered the guts, he asked her while munching on a chicken wing, "So, you like Lando?" He said it softly, trying not to look her way so she wouldn't feel awkward. "Yeah," she replied quietly. "I couldn't help but overhear what you said to him back in the club," Oscar chimed in. Dalia's expression suddenly froze. "About us drivers being rich playboys," he teased with a playful grin, watching her cheeks turn red. "I'm sorry" she stuttered, trying to regain her composure. "I didn't mean to imply that you all fit that stereotype."Oscar chuckled, the sound light and infectious. "Oh, but you have to admit, some of us do live that lifestyle." He ran his fingers through his hair and said, "But not Lando," biting his lip and already regretting his honesty. Leaning his head against the couch corner, he stared up at the ceiling. "I've known that muppet for a couple of years now, and yeah, I get that his first impression is kinda similar to yours. I mean, with all those parties and events he goes to. But honestly..." He paused and smiled. "He's really just a soft-hearted hopeless romantic." Turning to look at her, he grinned, "He just hasn't found his true love yet." Dalia's demeanor softened. She remembered the words she had said to him and how harsh they were. Perhaps he was just being a good friend to her, maybe his true love was Magui and he was slowly opening up to her. Regardless, she knew what was important: "I need to apologize," she said aloud. Oscar rose from the couch and smiled at her warmly."It's late now, the conversation can wait. You should get some rest."
IShe had the most restful sleep she'd had in ages. The guest room bed was unexpectedly cozy, and the sheets were so soft, it felt like she was floating on air. As she heard some sounds coming from the kitchen, she knew Oscar was already awake, likely preparing breakfast or brewing a fresh pot of coffee. The thought of his cheerful presence and the aroma of something delicious wafting through the air filled her with warmth and anticipation. "Good morning"  Dalia greeted Oscar with cheerful smile. He motioned for her to sit at the table where he had prepared a scrumptious breakfast. "and voila!" he exclaimed with a grin, placing an extra plate of egg, cheese, and English muffins in front of her. "Wow, this looks amazing!" Dalia exclaimed, taking in the sight and smell of the delicious meal before her. She couldn't help but feel touched by Oscar's gesture of preparing breakfast for her. Moments into their peaceful breakfast, the doorbell chimed and Oscar sprang up to answer it. "Hey," a familiar voice rang out, sending a shiver down Dalia's spine. She felt her heart skip a beat, a mix of anticipation and anxiety flooding her senses as she set down her fork, her appetite suddenly forgotten."Thanks for lending me this, mate..." he began, his voice trailing off as he turned to face the room. His eyes widened in shock when they landed on Dalia, who stood frozen in place, caught between surprise and a rush of emotions.
The air thickened with unspoken words and lingering glances, as the tension in the room shifted. Dalia could feel the weight of Lando's gaze, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. The warmth of the breakfast they had been enjoying faded into the background, replaced by the electric charge of an unexpected reunion. "What are you doing here ?" Lando finally found his voice. "Oh, she stayed over last night," Oscar replied casually, as he moved the box from the counter to the corner. Lando's breath caught in his throat, barely managing to whisper, "What?" His gaze darted from Dalia's face to her attire, realizing she was dressed in Oscar's clothes. A whirlwind of thoughts flooded his mind, emotions swinging from hurt to anger to sheer disbelief. Lando's heart raced, each beat echoing the questions that spiraled in his mind. How could she? How could they? 
Lando's fists clenched at his sides as he struggled between confronting them and walking away. He knew he shouldn't interfere, especially since Dalia had expressed her lack of interest. Overwhelmed with emotions, Lando turned and left. Oscar noticed the mixed feelings on Dalia's face. He propped himself up on the counter, and as she looked at him, he flashed a bright smile and said, "I think it's time for that conversation." Just as she was about to reply, Lando popped back in, strolled over to Dalia, took her hand, and dragged her out of the house.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight
the paddock was incredibly busy. People were bustling around in all directions, getting ready for the big race. The sound of engines revving and the smell of fuel filled the air as mechanics worked tirelessly to ensure their cars were in top condition. Drivers could be seen walking around, deep in thought and focus as they mentally prepared for the challenge ahead. The energy was palpable as fans gathered around, eagerly anticipating the thrilling race that was about to unfold. As the sun began to set on the bustling racetrack, Dalia and Noah found themselves surrounded by a sea of famous faces. From actors to musicians to athletes, the star-studded event was a whirlwind of excitement. With so many interviews to conduct, Olivia knew they needed extra help. She quickly hired a temporary cameraman to capture all the action, while Dalia and Noah worked tirelessly to get the scoop from each celebrity. The pressure was on, but they were determined to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Noah shouted out for Dalia, capturing her attention within the bustling crowd. As soon as she turned, she saw him gesturing towards a particular direction, where Oscar was passing through. Dalia acknowledged with a nod and skillfully navigated her way through the people. Oscar was focused on reaching the other side of the track to his garage, but upon seeing Dalia waving to him, he halted with a grin, eagerly anticipating her presence. Despite his initial intention to avoid interactions, he welcomed the unexpected interruption. "Hey Oscar," Dalia gasped, glancing back to check if Noah was with her, "Could I bother you with a few questions? I promise it'll be brief." Her plea was met with a charming smile of agreement. Noah managed to catch up just in time to begin recording with his camera. Dalia pulled out a neatly printed booklet with a set of questions for each driver, specifically prepared by Olivia. She quickly scanned through the pages until she found Oscar's name. Clearing her throat, she glanced back at Noah, indicating that she was prepared. Oscar observed her with amusement, finding her nervousness endearing. Despite being in a hurry, he stood patiently with a smile, waiting for her to begin asking her questions.
Throughout the interview, Oscar spoke eloquently and passionately about his experience on the track, recounting key moments and strategies that had led to his success. His enthusiasm was infectious, and Dalia couldn't help but be drawn in by his genuine love for the sport. With the final question left, she glanced at her sheet, "Are the rumors true about you breaking up with your  girlfriend ?" Dalia was taken aback by her own question as she read it out loud, and glanced at oscar with concern. Despite her surprise, he maintained a calm demeanor and replied nonchalantly, "Yes, it's true. We actually ended things almost three months ago... We tried to keep it under wraps, but I guess word got out." He attempted to lighten the mood with a laugh, and Dalia couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She apologized softly, and Oscar simply nodded in understanding. Wishing him well, she watched as he walked past her towards the garage.
No need to apologize, it's all part of the job to ask questions like that," Noah reassured, taking the camera from his shoulder to give his muscles a break."Come on, let's go watch the race with Olivia," he urged, noticing her frozen stance as she saw Oscar walk away. "Actually, I have a pass to watch from the garage," she explained, handing him the microphone. Noah raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, Lando?" he asked, fixating on her reaction. She nodded. With a chuckle, he remarked, "Imagine the scene - you standing right next to Magui - the girlfriend, and the side chick." Although intended as a joke, Noah's words crossed the line. He always had a way of causing her more pain than comfort with his words. Despite his feelings for her, sometimes his behavior came across as insensitive and rude. It could be jealousy or perhaps his frustration over her avoidance of their conversation since yesterday, but it was clear he was on edge. Dalia angrily stomped away without a word, leaving the tall man staring after her as she ignored his remarks.
The engineers and staff displayed remarkable organization and structure in the cramped garage, effortlessly maneuvering around each other amidst the chaos. Dalia found herself at a loss, until a friendly, tall man in a black shirt and pants, with a badge similar to hers, kindly led her to the back to watch everything unfold. Engaging in conversation with strangers was a favorite pastime of Dalia's, and she thoroughly enjoyed listening to him explain and prepare her for everything that was taking place. A flash of blond hair caught everyone's attention as Magui made her grand entrance. The way she carried herself exuded confidence, as if she believed the whole world revolved around her. Her superficial gracefulness was evident as she greeted Dalia and the man beside her with a smile before retreating to a corner to focus on fixing her hair and makeup. Dalia couldn't stand girls like Magui - superficial, overly feminine, and often arrogant. Her childhood experiences with bullies who resembled Magui had scarred her perception of such women. Despite her efforts to not generalize, Dalia found herself proven wrong time and time again.
Dalia spotted Lando entering the garage a few minutes later. She watched as he adjusted his earphones and headed directly to his race engineer. Even though she disliked how much he affected her, she couldn't deny feeling drawn to him as her heart raced upon seeing him. Abruptly, Lando turned and began scanning the entire garage, seemingly looking for something or someone. When his eyes met Dalia's, a broad smile appeared on his face. Dalia felt a wave of nerves creeping up on her with each step he took. She was at a loss on how to greet him - with a handshake, a simple hi, or a high five. Before she could decide, he wrapped his arms around her, closing the distance and hugging her tightly. Dalia was so shocked that she froze, feeling his embrace tighten slightly as he whispered through her hair, "you came!". After what seemed like an eternity, Lando let go, flashing a wide smile at her before turning to hug the man standing next to her. "Hey dad," he greeted simply.
Dalia was completely caught off guard, unaware that the tall man was Lando's father all along. "Allow me to introduce you to Dalia," Lando said, redirecting his attention towards her. His father kindly explained that they had a chat before. "You never mentioned your dad was joining us," a voice chimed in from behind. "Oh, hello Magui," Lando greeted, offering her a half hug. Dalia found her very annoying, with her fake laugh and the casual touches on Lando's arm despite talking to his father. As she shook her head in disbelief, she felt ridiculous for having such thoughts, after all, that woman was who Lando chose to date. When she looked back at Lando, she found him still staring at her, with an endearing look, as if he was genuinely happy to see her. He approached and whispered to her, "If I win P1 today, I'll take you out to a proper dinner" he winked and walked back to his car, leaving Dalia in a nervous wreck.
And in fact he did. Lando emerged victorious in P1 following an intense race. Hamilton secured P2 while Oscar claimed P3. The team's garage erupted in excitement, with everyone rushing towards the stage to celebrate. Lando's father guided Dalia through the jubilant crowd until they stood right behind the front line of engineers. Anthems were sung, champagne was popped, yet Dalia couldn't shake the twinge of sadness every time the camera shifted from Lando to Magui's joyful expression on the big screen. As the celebrations began to ease, Dalia politely excused herself from Lando's father, explaining that she had to rush off to meet her team. "I'm sure Lando would love to say goodbye before you leave," the kind man suggested. "I'm really sorry, but my boss just messaged me about an urgent meeting we have to attend," she lied. The overwhelming emotions Dalia felt in the presence of Lando and Magui were causing her to feel disoriented. She needed to distance herself in order to regain her composure. The familiar self-critical and self-loathing thoughts were becoming too overwhelming, filling her mind with a powerful mix of anger and sadness.
Dalia hurried through the crowd, desperately searching for the nearest exit, when she accidentally collided with Oscar. Despite her frazzled state, she couldn't help but be uplifted by his beaming smile. "Congratulations!" she exclaimed with the last ounce of energy she had. "Well, thank you, ma'am," he quipped as he drew closer. Oscar noticed that she was clearly in a rush, evident from their brief conversation. Just as she began to walk away, he called out, "Wait, I wanted to invite you..." He paused for a moment before adding, "....a...and your team, to our F1 after party." Dalia was too preoccupied to fully process the offer, so she simply returned his smile on which Oscar took this as a positive response. He then asked her to exchange numbers, and bid her farewell as she hurried towards the exit.
Taking a long, warm shower helped her unwind, spending what felt like an hour under the calming stream of water. Olivia and Noah decided to treat themselves to some pizza, and Dalia found it to be the perfect comfort food for her current mood. Her coworkers were thrilled about Oscar's invitation, but Dalia had completely forgotten about it until she checked her phone and saw two missed calls from Lando. Suddenly, the tension started to build up again as she remembered they were supposed to have dinner. She called him and patiently waited for his response. "Hey!" he said enthusiastically. "Hi, sorry I missed your calls, I was in the shower," she explained. "No worries, when should I pick you up?" he asked. "What about your afterparty?" she inquired. "I don't want to attend it, plus, I'd rather have dinner with you," he chuckled on the other end of the line. Dalia couldn't shake off Magui's image in her mind, and all those dark thoughts flooded back. She recalled Noah's warning about the drivers and her vulnerability. Anger surged within her - how could he even think of dating two women at once? Is he that shallow?..."Hey?" she heard from the other side. "Oh sorry Lando, I won't be able to go out to dinner tonight" She wanted to say more, she wanted to ask for clarifications but she didn't want to seem pitiful, she wanted to scream at him for playing her like this, she wanted to tell him so bad that she liked him but none of these came out of her mouth. "Are you feeling ok ?" he asked worriedly, " No, I'm just tired and need rest that's all" she lied.
Dalia pondered the recent events while sitting on her bed, feeling guilty about her interaction with Lando. She knew he needed to learn a lesson, but she also wondered if it was time for her to move on. Perhaps Noah was correct in saying that her attachment to Lando was based on his fame, and his sweet gestures made her feel important. However, she questioned if that was truly her genuine feeling. Frustrated, she abruptly got up from the bed, craving a drink. Suddenly, she remembered Oscar's invitation and thought it was the perfect opportunity to forget about everything, especially since Lando wasn't going to be there.
And damn, there he was, and Magui too. She spotted him despite the crowd and the flashing lights of the nightclub, dancing next to the DJ with Magui right by his side, like a shadow. Feeling the familiar ache in her chest, she knew she needed a break, the atmosphere was just too much for her, and the two drinks she had didn't make it any easier. She made up her mind to leave that place as soon as possible, little did she know that Lando had already seen her. "Finally," she sighed as she reached the back patio of the club. Closing the metal frame behind her, she sat down on the second step. Suddenly, the door swung open again, and she turned to see a tall figure that followed her.
Oscar tilted his head curiously, "Feeling alright?" he inquired, sitting beside her. "This place isn't really my scene," she admitted, casually tucking her hair behind her ears. "I can never feel comfortable at these fancy parties," Oscar chuckled. After a brief pause, she apologized for asking about the breakup earlier, a concerned look in her eyes. "Don't worry about it, I've moved on," he reassured her with a soft smile. Dalia let out a sigh of relief and leaned her head against her knees. Oscar hesitated internally for a moment, but eventually mustered up the courage to ask, "Is there someone special in your life?" Little did he know, his question hit a sensitive spot. Dalia burst into laughter, the alcohol clearly taking effect, "My special someone is in there, dating that hot Portuguese model Magui something," she teased, turning to face Oscar and catching his astonished expression. "Lando?" he asked incredulously, studying her face intently. Dalia's eyes widened in realization.
"Please don't tell him anything" she panicked and quickly covered his mouth, a gesture she clearly didn't think through. "Um, what's going on?" Lando asked as they both turned to him in surprise. He was puzzled as he witnessed Dalia standing up abruptly, frozen and completely silent. "How long have you been standing there?" Oscar asked. "Were you trying to kiss her?" Lando ignored his question and asked his own. "Of course he wasn't, I was just...just..." Dalia felt her face flush as she struggled to find the words. "It was just a silly game," Oscar explained, coming to her rescue. Once more, Lando paid no attention to his teammate and shifted his focus to Dalia, requesting to have a private conversation with her. Oscar hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to ensure she was comfortable with her decision to stay alone with Lando, before returning back inside the club.
 "How did you manage to get in here?" was Lando's first question to her while she avoided his gaze. Dalia took a deep breath and decided to handle the conversation with confidence. "Oscar invited me," she responded, looking up to meet his eyes with a defiant glare. "And what about you? What brings you here?" she retorted. Lando sarcastically replied, "Oh, I had no intention of showing up until you bailed on our dinner plans." He stepped closer to her, his eyes filled with annoyance. "But I suppose you preferred Oscar's company over mine." She couldn't believe he had the audacity to be annoyed with her. Irritation consumed her as she realized he was the one manipulating her, not the other way around. "I didn't cancel because of Oscar, I canceled because of YOU!" she spitted. Lando shot her a puzzled look. "You think I'm gullible and easy," she accused. "I have never thought that," he quickly responded, but Dalia was too upset to care. "Yes, you do! It's part of your identity and how you live your life!" she argued. "Excuse me ?". "You're an F1 driver, you have money, you spend your time in nightclubs and fancy places, and all you do is hook up with supermodels and women that are easy to get." These words had been weighing on her, but she finally let them out. Dalia thought she would feel better after saying them, but instead, she felt worse - hurt and regretful, especially when she noticed Lando's posture soften with disbelief in his eyes. "Is that how you perceive me?" he softly asked, a pang of pain crossing his face.
Dalia's words hung heavy in the air as Lando processed what she had just said. He had never thought of himself in that way, but hearing it from someone he cared about hurt more than he could have imagined. He had worked hard to get to where he was in his career, and he never wanted to be seen as just another rich playboy. Dalia's perception of him was completely unexpected and he couldn't believe how quickly things had turned sour between them. "Our worlds are different, we are different '' she murmured, running her hand through her hair. Lando realized he needed to clear things up, but before he could make a move, Dalia had already disappeared.
Lando had no more desire to keep celebrating or to drown his thoughts in alcohol, so he decided it was time to call it a night. He summoned his driver and got into the car, eager to leave that place behind as quickly as possible. To his surprise, Oscar joined him in the car, something he rarely did unless it was a trip to the track. Lando didn't mind though, he just gazed out the window as the car slowly pulled away. The events of the evening replayed in his mind, and he debated whether or not to call Dalia as he pulled out his phone. "She thinks you're dating Magui" Oscar's icy words cut through the air and In an instant, clarity washed over Lando's mind. He lifted his head to meet Oscar's intense gaze. "I didn't bother correcting her," his teammate stated firmly. In that moment, no further explanation was necessary for Lando to grasp Oscar's true intentions. As they locked eyes in a silent exchange, it became clear that, in that moment, their rivalry extended far beyond the confines of the racing track.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner
Dalia was waiting in front of the apartment, anticipating the arrival of Lando who was just 5 minutes away according to his last text. The neighborhood they were in was relatively quiet, with a good selection of small restaurants. She shifted her feet nervously, trying to calm herself down, when she heard a familiar voice greeting her from behind. Apparently, Lando had parked his car further down and walked up to meet her. He was dressed in a brown shirt, denim jacket, blue jeans, and a black mask on his face. "So I don't embarrass you," he joked, gesturing to his mask. Dalia chuckled and thanked him for being considerate. "So, where to?" he inquired, gazing into her eyes. The mask somehow made him look more imposing. She shook her head, unsure of where to go for a meal. "I thought so," he chuckled. "Follow me, I know a place nearby". The shop was merely a couple of blocks away, yet the journey there seemed longer, particularly due to the silence that lingered between them. Uncertain of what to say, she simply attempted to keep up with his brisk pace. Upon entering the shop, they were greeted by the owner who welcomed Lando like an old friend, promptly locking the door and flipping the sign to closed. With a quick motion, he pulled down the curtain to shield them from prying eyes outside. Lando took a seat, positioning himself to face her with his back to the window, hastily removing his mask as if it were constricting his breathing.
"I used to come here with my friend max whenever we were in Belgium, I know the owner for quite some time, and let me tell you, he serves the best kind of fries" he explained with a large smile. Dalia was delighted, she let Lando order on her behalf and watched as he exchanged a friendly chit chat with the owner. He turned his attention back to the woman sitting across from him, crossing his arms on the table and leaning in slightly. "So, how are you enjoying the F1 event?" he inquired with a smile. Dalia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she gushed about her amazing experience. Lando listened intently, his gaze shifting to the little red bump on her nose as she mentioned the incident. "I followed Oscar's advice and put some ice on it," she joked, but before she could continue, she felt Lando's gentle touch on the wound. She froze, meeting his serious gaze as he carefully massaged the bump. After a moment, he asked, "What do you think of Oscar?" before withdrawing his hand. Dalia's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected touch, her cheeks flushing as she tried to compose herself. She cleared her throat before responding, "He seems like a genuinely nice guy." Lando's gaze remained fixed, almost as if he was suppressing his thoughts. He relaxed into his seat and watched as the owner served the cheesy french fries. As soon as his friend left, he took a bite and casually inquired without making eye contact, "Is he your favorite driver?"Dalia gave him a puzzled expression, "You mentioned McLaren was your favorite team, but never told me which driver you were rooting for" he nonchalantly remarked. Dalia's heart skipped a beat as she confessed that he was her favorite driver.
Lando's face beamed with joy upon hearing her confession, he chuckled and continued eating, trying to conceal his own embarrassment. Throughout their conversation, Lando couldn't help but be captivated by Dalia's effortless charm and sincere curiosity in sharing her thoughts and experiences. He listened attentively, studying every feature of her face - from her dimples to her curly hair, glasses, and oversized hoodie. Every detail about her piqued his interest, and as she grew more comfortable engaging in their playful banter, he found himself increasingly drawn to her.
As the clock neared midnight, they mutually agreed to end the evening and escorted her back to her apartment. The cool night air drew them closer together, seeking solace in each other's company through shared laughter and joy. Lando carefully considered reaching for her hand multiple times, but ultimately chose not to in order to avoid surprising her. Instead, he opted for his jacket pockets."Thank you for walking me home," Dalia expressed gratefully as she approached her door. "It was my pleasure," he murmured, hands tucked into his jacket pockets. Despite his initial intention to leave, he found himself lingering, captivated by her. The desire to kiss her remained in his mind, unsure of her reaction. However, when Dalia gave him her familiar puzzled look, he realized they were not on the same page. Feeling a sense of embarrassment, he bid her a quick "cheers" and hurried away. The irresistible urge to kiss her took him by surprise, a feeling he had never experienced before. Perhaps it was the way she appeared so small and warm beneath her fluffy hair and hoodie, or the sweetness that always radiated from her lips, whether she was speaking, smiling, or simply lost in thought. There was something about her that ignited a spark within him, a mixture of joy and fear.
Dalia and her team woke up to fantastic news the next day. Their interview video had gone viral overnight, leaving fans ecstatic about Olivia's questions and creative game ideas. Viewers were eager for more content showcasing the drivers' personalities. Luckily, the day's schedule was less hectic, prompting Noah and Dalia to head to downtown Brussels for technical supplies instead of joining Olivia at the track. With the sun shining brightly, they decided to relax at a nearby coffee shop while waiting for their materials, while treating themselves to mouthwatering ice cream waffles. "So..." Noah began, "are you dating Lando Norris?" Dalia was surprised, almost spitting out her food, quickly grabbing her iced tea to soothe her throat. Once she regained her composure, she explained everything to Noah, clearing up any misunderstandings. 
"hmm" he spoke " I mean I know its your personal life, but I can't shake off this feeling of concern," he expressed, gazing at the pigeons soaring in the sky above the bustling square. Her gaze intensified as she awaited a more detailed explanation. With a mouthful of waffle, he elaborated, "You see, drivers often engage in hook-ups frequently, and the most accessible targets are usually the females surrounding them, who are often invited models or journalists." His eyes remained fixed ahead as he spoke. Dalia stood her ground, insisting they were just friends. but a nagging feeling persisted within her that there was something deeper between them. Despite her limited experience in relationships, she was not oblivious to the subtle hints of flirtation. The way he looked at her and the closeness of his touch and how it caused her heart to flutter. "You know Dalia, women like you are easy targets" Noah glanced over at her, pushing his sunglasses down his nose. "Um, excuse me?" she asked, a hint of irritation in her voice. "Oh, no, that's not what I meant," he quickly backtracked, "I meant that innocent and kind-hearted ladies like you tend to attract them. Once he realizes you're not easy to catch, he'll just move on to someone else." Dalia found herself at a loss for words, feeling a pang of pain in her heart as if it had been shattered by the countless daydreams she had entertained about the slim chance of anything happening. Noah's expertise in the F1 world, not to mention his gender, seemed to validate his opinion. She shook off these disheartening thoughts, trying to reassure herself that Lando only saw her as a friend and would never consider dating her. 
As they returned to the track to set up the materials, Dalia found herself overwhelmed by negative thoughts. Earlier, she had been looking forward to the chance of seeing Lando again, but after her conversation with Noah, she just wanted to finish the task and head home as soon as possible. It was qualifying day and Olivia called for a meeting in the conference room to talk about future strategies. Noah rushed over, while Dalia decided to take a quick coffee break before joining them. She was taken aback when she spotted a couple of drivers chatting near the coffee shop, so she quietly made her way to the counter to place her order. "Wow, it looks pretty red," a deep familiar voice remarked beside her. She turned and greeted Carlos, surprised that he still remembered her. He was kind as he checked in on her and engaged in some casual conversation. He suggested they walk together since the Ferrari hospitality was close to her destination. As they went past the McLaren building, Dalia noticed a young, beautiful woman with blonde hair and a slim figure entering. Suddenly, she heard Carlos sigh as if something was bothering him. She turned to him and asked, "Who is that?" Carlos hesitated for a moment, considering whether to tell her or not, given that she was a journalist. "Magui Corceiro," he simply replied before changing the subject.
The team was still stuck in the conference room with Olivia trying to organize their busy schedule while the qualifying had started 20 minutes ago. Luckily, there was a TV set in the room so they could follow what was happening. Dalia sent an encouraging text to Lando wishing him good luck, but when he asked her to join him in the garage, she had to decline due to their meeting. Lando made her promise to be there the next day, which warmed her heart. However, that warmth quickly faded as she remembered the mysterious figure she had seen earlier. While Olivia was occupied on the phone, Dalia leaned towards Noah and quietly asked, "Who's Magui Corceiro?" She closely observed his reaction as Noah's honey eyes shifted from surprise to what appeared to be concern. "Hmm... She's rumored to be dating Lando Norris." She felt a sudden chill as she sat up in her chair. It was like a ton of bricks hitting her in the head. It was clear now that Lando was never into her. All those flirty moments were just figments of her imagination. Of course he'd be into someone like Magui, tall and stunning, not into someone like her, which was the total opposite.
She couldn't believe she had been so blind to the truth. It was a harsh reality to face, knowing that she had built up this fantasy in her mind only to have it come crashing down around her. As she sat there, feeling the weight of rejection settle in her chest, she felt Noah's hand gently placed on hers. He told Olivia to take a 5-minute break and pulled Dalia outside with him. They stood on the balcony overlooking the track, where Noah lit a cigarette and offered one to Dalia, who politely refused. Despite the noise of the F1 cars, the crowd, and the commentator, Dalia felt like she was surrounded by silence. She despised how much it affected her. She was upset with herself for feeling so devastated over something so premature. "You know," Noah's deep voice interrupted her thoughts. "The lonelier we are, the more we yearn for love, and the more likely we are to make foolish mistakes." Dalia wanted to argue, to defend herself, but deep down she knew he was right, and she resented how transparent she was to him. " I know it's a dreamy idea to feel loved by someone important and famous" he exhaled more smoke before facing her, "but a remarkable woman like yourself shouldn't seek validation from someone like that to feel worthy," he spoke sincerely. His intentions were meant to comfort, but they ended up stinging instead. 
She slowly shifted her gaze to finally lock eyes with him, seeing the soft concern in his expression. Noah, a bit taller than her, with his messy black hair, and his usual nonchalant demeanor, always seemed to have a soft spot for her. She flashed him a grateful smile for his kindness before turning her attention back to the track. In a daze, she felt compelled to confide in him, "It's been ages since I've been on a date. Sometimes it feels like I never have, or that men just aren't interested in me." Her words were met with a chuckle, prompting her to turn and see Noah grinning at her. "You've got to be joking," he said with a hint of amusement. Confused, she shook her head. He extinguished his cigarette and turned his tall frame towards her, leaning slightly against the wall. "Why do you think everyone opens up to you so easily?" he asked. "I always bring you along when shopping for the cameras because the owner enjoys chatting with you and ends up giving us a discount because he finds you charming and sweet. Olivia hired you despite a tight budget because she found you intelligent and inspiring. And I..." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing softly, "I want to always be by your side because... I like you."
Dalia's mind raced as she tried to process the weight of the words that had just been spoken. She had never expected this confession, never imagined that the person standing before her could harbor such feelings. The air around them crackled with unspoken emotions, the tension thickening with each passing moment. And as they locked eyes, a million thoughts and questions swirled in Dalia's mind, leaving her frozen in shock. She struggled to find the right words, to make sense of the situation unfolding before her. Just as she was about to break the tension, the phone chimed with a text from Lando: "Guess who's in pole position! Have you seen it ? Can't wait to see you tomorrow!"
59 notes · View notes
whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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RUNAWAY ---- a Lando Norris image Fanfic
Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
Chapter 1 ------------
Chapter 2--------------
Chapter 3 ---
Chapter 4 ---
Chapter 5 ---
Chapter 6 --- Confrontation
Chapter 7 --- Greece
Chapter 8 --- Dinner 2
Please leave your comments to help me improve the story ! would also love to hear your opinions !
40 notes · View notes
whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter 2 - Belgium
It's been two days since the encounter between Dalia and Lando, and she couldn't shake off the memory of their meeting. Somewhere between fascination and regret, she couldn't help but feel like she may have come off too strong with her emotional opinions. She worried that she might have scared him off, not wanting to be seen as just another crazy fan. But in the end, she realized it didn't matter what he thought of her, since they won't simply meet again. She stared at the blank computer screen in front of her. She knew she had a deadline to meet, and she couldn't afford to let distractions get in the way. Sportsrace, a successful online sports channel, was owned by Olivia Abebe, a 45-year-old Nigerian British entrepreneur. Starting as a journalist, she had worked her way up to owning her own company. The team was small but efficient, with Dalia handling digital content, Henry and Noah taking care of shooting and editing, and Olivia being the face of the channel, conducting interviews and directing. Other services were outsourced to freelance agencies.
Olivia warmly greeted everyone with a "Good morning" before leading the way into the meeting room. As Dalia and Noah joined her, Olivia couldn't help but notice Henry's absence. Concerned, she asked, "Where's Henry?" Dalia quickly explained that he was still on sick leave, a fact that Olivia had overlooked when signing his leave request. Olivia panicked, realizing he was having surgery. "Relax, he'll be fine, it's just an appendix surgery," Noah said nonchalantly. "What are we going to do? We have to cover this weekend's F1 race!" Olivia announced. The two colleagues were stunned by the unexpected news, their eyes widening as they sat up straight in their seats. Their small company had never even dreamed of being able to join the prestigious journalists at an F1 grand prix. Olivia shared that she had received an invitation from the F1 communication department for them to cover the Belgium race weekend. If they performed well, there was a chance for future invitations. As Noah, a huge F1 fan, excitedly jumped around, Dalia couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps Lando had a hand in this incredible opportunity. "Alright everyone, let's keep it together", Noah exclaimed with a spark in his eye. "It's all under control. Dalia, you've got the mics covered, and I'll assist you every step of the way. Trust me, we've got this. Right?" Noah's determination was contagious, Dalia couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Great! then I'll take care of everything else" he continued.  Little did she know, she was about to see Lando again sooner than she expected.
As the sun rose on Thursday morning, the small team assembled at the paddock entrance, ready to begin their day. Noah handed out cameras to Olivia and Dalia, assigning them to cover different entrances to capture the arrival of the drivers. Dalia made her way to the other door, passing by the Mclaren hospitality area. She quickened her pace, hoping to avoid a certain someone she didn't want to run into. Upon reaching the rear entrance, Dalia encountered two journalists eagerly waiting. One of them graciously offered to help her adjust the camera settings. Engaging in a friendly chat with them, Dalia was able to momentarily forget about the cold morning and instead enjoy the chance to interact with new individuals and hear about their adventures in the dynamic realm of motorsport.
In just a few minutes, someone caught the attention of a journalist who excitedly exclaimed, "Look, there's one!" as he prepared his camera. From afar, she spotted a bright red top and a group of fans trailing behind, signaling the arrival of one of the Ferrari drivers. Quickly raising her camera, she began snapping photos as the driver approached. It was Carlos Sainz, and he appeared to be in a rush. As a bigginner photographer, she made the mistake of not moving out of his way, resulting in a slight collision. "I am so sorry," they both exclaimed in surprise. The camera knocked against her upper nose, causing her to instinctively reach up to massage it. "Are you okay?" he inquired, pointing to her nose. "Yes, I'm fine, don't worry," she assured him with a wide smile before allowing him to continue on his way. He cast one final concerned glance at her before hurriedly making his way towards the hospitalities, followed by a crowd of fans. While carefully inspecting the camera to ensure its safety, she spotted a wallet lying on the ground. Upon picking it up, she discovered Carlos' driver's pas. Their collision might have caused the item to fall from his back pocket. Dalia found herself in a dilemma, torn between returning Carlos Sainz's lost wallet or missing out on other drivers' arrival. After a moment of uncertainty, she decided to follow her conscience and chased after the crowd. As she caught sight of his distinctive red shirt disappearing into the hospitality area, she realized he was heading towards the McLaren building - a place she had been intentionally avoiding all morning.
The lack of security at the hospitality was surprising, with no bodyguards or staff at the entrance to monitor who entered. It was almost too easy to walk in. Perhaps her media badge gave her an air of legitimacy. As she wandered through the empty corridor, she couldn't help but question if this was normal. Shouldn't there be a bustling cafeteria or lounge? Lost in thought, she was startled by a stern voice behind her, "You're not authorized to be here," she turned around to face the intense gaze of none other than Oscar Piastri. His eyes, half-closed and intimidating, slowly shifted down to her badge before meeting her gaze once more. "This area is strictly for drivers," he stated with a dry, cold tone. Dalia suddenly realized she had wandered into the drivers' rooms area. "I apologize, I must have lost my way," she said, feeling her face flush. It was a dangerous place to be, especially when trying to avoid Lando. "Here," she pushed the wallet towards Oscar, who stood unfazed. "Carlos lost his wallet, and I wanted to return it after seeing him walk through here." "Hmm, yes, he must be in Lando's room," Oscar explained, gesturing towards the door behind her. A cold sweat ran through her body at the thought of him being so close. She reached for Oscar's hand, placed the wallet in it, and hurried back towards the exit.
After a couple of moments of navigating through the building, Dalia discovered the cafeteria, bringing a sense of relief. She confidently approached the counter and requested a refreshing cold cup of tea to calm her nerves. Finding an unoccupied table, she settled in with a sigh of relief. After a brief moment of composing herself, Oscar approached Dalia and sat beside her, catching her off guard. "I wanted to apologize," he confessed, fiddling with the wallet. "I realized I may have been a bit too harsh earlier, and you were just trying to help." He spoke without making eye contact. Dalia paused to process his words, then timidly reached out to pat his shoulder with a smile, showing her acceptance of his apology. "Have you not handed him the wallet yet?" she glanced at his hand. Oscar hesitated for a moment before replying, " Carlos is with him, didn't want to disturb." Oscar's voice was soft as he continued to look down at the wallet, almost as if he was concealing his emotions. However, Dalia could sense it. The tension between the two teammates may still exist, but from her last encounter with Lando, she could tell that Oscar genuinely cares about him. He's making an effort to connect, but he's afraid of how Lando might react. "well" She hesitated before speaking, realizing she was delving into a topic she had been avoiding. "You have a better understanding of Lando than I do," she said, meeting his gaze. "The incident during the last Grand Prix wasn't his fault, or yours. He knows that. I believe he will eventually move past it... He just needs some time to come to terms with everything," Dalia tried to present a neutral perspective. "So, do you think I should put in more effort?" he asked, with curiosity and innocence, revealing a side of him that contradicted his cold intimidating public persona. It was a rare glimpse of his socially awkward side, showing genuine concern for his teammate. She smiled in response, and he reciprocated the gesture. "Okay, Miss Dalia," he declared as he got up. "I'll go take my chances. And if he ever feels like punching me, I'll make sure to blame you for it," he teased before making his way to the rooms section.
The two practice sessions were a success, with Lando setting the fastest time and Carlos and Oscar close behind. Dalia had the opportunity to capture photos and videos for their online pages, as well as conduct brief interviews with celebrities and staff, all with Noah's guidance. She was truly enjoying herself and felt reinvigorated in her chosen profession. After a long day of work, the team gathered at a coffee shop near the Ferrari Hospitality to have a very late lunch. "I have some great news for you all," Olivia announced excitedly after taking a bite of her ridiculously overpriced chicken sandwich. "I've secured an interview with the McLaren drivers." As Dalia listened, her heart started racing. "We'll be interviewing Lando and Oscar in about two hours, so I need everyone to be prepared." The rest of lunch was spent coordinating and organizing, and Dalia barely ate anything as she became increasingly nervous with each passing minute. 
By 7 pm, the team had already settled into a private room within the Mclaren building, diligently setting up for the interview under Noah's direction. Dalia expertly adjusted the lights and arranged the microphones. Suddenly, a group of Mclaren staff entered, with Olivia in tow, causing Dalia's nerves to resurface. Despite her anxiety, she composed herself, took a deep breath, and stood confidently next to Noah, warmly greeting everyone. Oscar was the first to arrive, flashing her a charming smile as he walked past. Soon after, the man who had been on her mind for days entered the room. His presence was magnetic, drawing everyone's attention towards him. With his suit hanging on his hips, messy hair, and a black bottle in hand, he exuded an air of confidence. His eyes met hers with a knowing look, as if he had anticipated her exact location. Casually greeting Olivia and Noah, he finally stood in front of Dalia, offering a simple "Hi" accompanied by a playful smile. 
Dalia's heart raced as she felt the tension in the room rising, why was he affecting her like this? Summoning her courage, she stole a glance and found his gaze locked on her, just like the first time they met. With a deep breath, she finally reached for the microphones and made her way towards the two drivers. Choosing to start with Lando, she stood before him with a smile, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for his shirt collar. "May I...may I put the mic on the hem of your shirt?" she asked, avoiding his eyes. "Yes, you may," he replied with a chuckle in his usual playful tone. " I want to thank you " Dalia expressed, breaking the silence. "I believe you played a role in our media invitation." She glanced up to see a warm smile on his face. He simply nodded in acknowledgment of her appreciation. "So, where are you staying?" His question caught her off guard, causing her thoughts to race. She felt her heart pounding and did her best not to show her flustered state. "We...we booked an Airbnb not too far from the track," she nervously replied. "Well...I would like to invite you for dinner," he added with a smile. "As a token of gratitude for that delicious carrot cake you brought me last time." He smiled, closing the distance slightly. Dalia was visibly embarrassed and couldn't find the words to respond. After finishing fixing his mic and preparing to move on to Oscar, he whispered softly for her ears only, "I'll text you." But how could he? He didn't even have her number. Then again, if he could arrange an invitation to an F1 grand prix for her company, she was certain he could easily obtain her contact information.
"So ,I see you didn't get punched eventually" Dalia teased, a sense of relief evident in her posture. "You're lucky I didn't," Oscar replied with a warm smile, "But it looks like you weren't as fortunate." He reached out to gently touch the top of her nose, concern in his eyes. "It's from earlier when I accidentally bumped into Carlos with my camera. Is it red?" Dalia inquired, unfazed by his touch. "Yes, slightly," he replied softly, brushing his finger over her nose. "Ice will help prevent any further swelling. Trust me, I'm an expert in ice baths," he quipped, eliciting a small laugh from Dalia. As she turned to resume her position behind the camera, she couldn't resist stealing a glance at Lando, who was now giving them a dark, mysterious look. Taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor, Dalia quickly returned to Noah's side and signaled for Olivia to begin her interview.
By the time they returned to the rented flat, they were all completely drained. Luckily, the place had two showers, so they didn't have to wait for their turn. When Noah suggested ordering food, Dalia's phone buzzed with a notification. "Hey, It's Lando," she read the message that appeared on the screen.
D: Hi lando how are you ?
L: I'm good, so when can I come by to pick you up ?
He appeared eager to skip the small talk. Dalia quickly reassessed her feelings about the situation before picking up the phone to respond.
D: 10 pm sounds good, However I have one condition.
L: ??
D: Let's forget the fancy restaurant, and go somewhere more casual. And please don't come picking me up with a fancy car. Something discreet will be nice.
L: Oh I get it now. You don't want to be seen with me.
D: I'm sorry but I can't afford to risk my job.
He stayed silent for a bit, before he started tying again.
L: I'll come pick you up in 20 mins. See yah.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
Tumblr media
Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3- Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 1 - The encounter
Dalia has always been dreaming of living a beautiful love story since she was a little girl. She believed that finding a man who would truly love her seemed out of reach, thinking she wasn't the type of woman men desired. On the contrary, her sister Sara, who shared her age, mocked the idea of love and indulged in short-lived romances until she met her perfect match effortlessly. Despite not having the same luck in love, Dalia was dedicated to her studies and just secured a prestigious job in London. She chose to focus on her exciting new chapter in life and leave behind the worries of being alone.
"Watch out !" a man on a bicycle shouted as he zoomed past her, struggling to maintain his balance in the heavy rain. Dalia flashed an apologetic smile in response as she made her way to the coffee shop. The London sky had looked promising when she woke up, prompting her to explore the nearby town. However, the sudden downpour had caught her off guard. "I finally understand why English people always complain about the weather," she thought to herself as she entered the deserted coffee shop. The young waiter welcomed her warmly and led her to a cozy table by the window.
Dalia couldn't help but feel a sense of peace as she sat down, watching the raindrops race down the window pane. The cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment of solitude. As she gazed out at the rain-soaked streets, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected moment of tranquility. Maybe, just maybe, this new chapter in London would bring her more than she had ever hoped for.
As the doorbell chimed for the second time, a new customer entered the room. Dalia's attention shifted back to the menu, where she found herself pleasantly surprised by the array of options available. The choices somehow lifted her spirits, putting her in a cheerful mood. After a brief perusal of the menu, she gestured for the waiter's attention. It was then that she realized the customer was seated at the table across from her. Despite the mask covering his face, his eyes seemed captivated by the rainy town view outside the window. Slowly, he turned his head, almost as if waking from a trance, and locked eyes with Dalia. Caught off guard, she nervously smiled, only to be met with an inscrutable gaze. His reaction remained a mystery, hidden behind the mask that covered his lower face and the dark brown wet curls that partially obscured his upper face.
In that perfect moment, the waiter arrived, saving Dalia from the uncomfortable staring contest. As she opened the menu to place her order, she couldn't shake the feeling of the stranger's eyes on her, heightening her nerves. "Alright, ma'am," the waiter said with a smile, walking away. Suddenly, the stranger stopped the waiter and started ordering from the menu as well. Dalia felt relieved and foolish for thinking the man's gaze was focused on her; he was simply waiting his turn to order. This realization was quickly followed by familiar thoughts that Dalia had struggled with for years. Thoughts like "Why would anyone look at me? I'm not even attractive," or "You're ugly and undesirable, no one would ever want you..." Ironically, the more she listened to these thoughts, the more her nervousness faded, and she found herself becoming more relaxed around men, allowing her to speak without stuttering or feeling anxious, simply because she believed, in that moment, that no man would ever be interested in her. As she nurtured that belief, her anxiety diminished, replaced by a sense of calm.
"Em..Excuse me" She called out politely to the man across from her. With a slight raise of his eyebrows, he looked up, clearly taken aback. "I have something to propose, sir... if it's alright with you, of course." English wasn't her first language, and she was almost in a panic, trying to be as polite as possible. Leaning forward slightly, he seemed to be giving his approval for her to continue. "Um... I was thinking, since we're the only ones in the coffee shop... maybe we could have a meal together. I mean, only if you don't mind..." The idea sounded friendly and endearing in her mind, but as she heard the words leave her mouth, she panicked at how it might sound creepy, like she was trying to flirt with him. He paused, his eyebrows still lifted. During the tense silence, Dalia panicked. Frantically gesturing with her hands, she struggled to explain herself, stumbling over her words, her face flushed as she nearly knocked over the salt and pepper in front of her. As she fidgeted like a startled cat, the stranger rose from his seat, clutching his small black hat, and made his way towards her table.
 Dalia was doing her best to compose herself, knowing that she had been the one to invite him over. She couldn't afford for this encounter to become any more awkward. As the stranger took a seat across from her at the small table, Dalia began to notice things about him as if she were seeing him for the first time. The first thing that struck her was his scent - a blend of strong musky male fragrance and a soft sweetness, like the perfect combination of fire and ice. Next, she noticed his physique. Despite his hoodie, she could tell that he was a well-built man. Then, she was captivated by his eyes. They were a mysterious color that seemed to change depending on his movements, the light, or his mood. At that moment, they were a beautiful blend of green and blue. As his cheeks lifted , Dalia realized that he was smiling behind his mask. "I'm sorry," she said, leaning back in her chair, trying to recover from her awkward introduction. "I'm Dalia, nice to meet you," she extended her hand. "Nice to meet you, Dalia," he chuckled and reached for his mask, slowly removing it. "My name is Lando..." his amused laugh became clearer as the cloth finally let his voice breathe. In that moment, nervousness crashed over her like a sudden storm. Her heart raced as she realized who was sitting in front of her. "...Norris," he finished with an amused smile.
Observing her response was a familiar sight for him, accustomed to catching people off guard. Despite not enjoying the constant exposure, he maintained a positive image for his fans. However, the unique reaction of this woman intrigued him. Her embarrassment brought a smile to his face, indicating she was not the typical fan seeking autographs or slipping phone numbers into his pocket. She simply intrigued him. "I assume you're aware of who I am," he chuckled in his well-known playful tone. "You can go back to your table", she exhaled, "excuse me?" he inquired with a mix of laughter and astonishment. "I didn't mean it like that," she gestured disapprovingly, "I just didn't intend to interrupt you..." she finally expressed, despite feeling starstruck. "It's fine, you're not bothering me," he chuckled as the waiter set the food on the table."So you ordered three kinds of cake slices ?" he noticed, " Is this why you called me over ? to help you eat all of this ?" he laughed attempting to ease her into a casual conversation. Dalia's face flushed and responded "I...I was feeling cozy because of the rain, and craved some homemade cake", he shook his head in approval as he was reaching for the first bite.
After a brief pause, Lando broke the silence, "So, what is your profession, Dalia?" "I work in sports content creation." "Interesting," he mused between bites, "Which sports do you create content for?" His eyes showed genuine curiosity as he looked at her. Caught off guard, she hesitated for a moment before admitting quietly, "Formula 1." This confession elicited laughter from Lando, who playfully teased her, "Were you stalking me?" Dalia's flustered reaction only amused him further, causing her to fidget nervously as she tried to explain herself. "I'm curious", he said between bites, " who is your favorite driver?" As he leaned forward. Dalia paused, looking a bit uncomfortable. So he decided to ask another question "Okay, how about your favorite team?" he grinned. She hesitated, looking out the window, before admitting softly, "Mclaren." Lando couldn't help but chuckle, "Ah, so you're definitely keeping tabs on me then!". "I swear I'm not ! This was pure coincidence" she pleaded. Lando realized that his teasing had gone too far and he felt a pang of guilt as he saw the distress in the girl's eyes. He quickly changed the subject and turned his attention to the delicious carrot cake in front of him, hoping to lighten the mood. Dalia, on the other hand, took the opportunity to run her fingers through her hair, a calming gesture to collect herself and regain her composure. After taking a deep breath, she finally allowed herself to relax and enjoy her long-awaited hot chocolate, savoring every sip as she let go of the tension that had built up inside her.
"Have you watched the last weekend Gp ?" He inquired still looking down at the desert.Dalia was well aware of what he was referring to - the Hungarian Grand Prix and all the team drama that unfolded. She responded with a short yes, choosing not to elaborate further. However, Lando persisted, "Do you think I should continue driving for McLaren?". The clinking of a fork interrupted the silence, catching Dalia off guard with his question. She met his gaze, noticing a mix of seriousness and frustration in his expression. "My opinion doesn't matter," she replied, hoping to avoid the conversation. He simply shrugged and leaned back in his chair, "I still want to hear it," he said, softening his tone as he realized he may have unintentionally made her uncomfortable. "well.." she started "In my view, driving for McLaren is definitely the right move." she confidently responded meeting his unmoved expression. The silence from him begged for more details, so she continued, "Your team took a bold yet promising approach a few years back by hiring young staff. While their experience may not be as extensive as other teams, like what happened in the Hungarian GP, there's undeniable progress being made." Lando listened closely, but he couldn't resist glancing out the window to avoid getting too involved in the discussion. Dalia hesitated to speak further, fearing she might upset him. "You know the switch cost me points for my championship," he muttered, unable to contain his frustration. He looked at her, waiting for a response. She apologized, silently agreeing with him. Before he could say anything else, Dalia felt compelled to interject, "You don't have to be ruthless and selfish to become a champion," she blurted out, capturing his attention once again. "I know you think the only way to beat Max is to do it his way," she said in a calm yet slightly doubtful tone. "It's the only way," he responded. "Says who?" she challenged. "Says all the champions before... Max, Lewis, Seb..." he explained, his voice tinged with irritation. "Lewis learned the hard way that losing a teammate isn't worth the championship... it's not the only way," she pleaded. "Maybe you'll be the first one to prove that it's not". 
Lando couldn't look away from her, taking a moment to process her words. This wasn't the first time he had encountered such opinion, whether online or in conversations with colleagues. However, what truly captivated him was the sincerity, purity, and optimism reflected in her plea for him to reconsider his beliefs. It was as though she, despite being a stranger, genuinely cared about his well-being. The sudden ring of the phone snapped him out of his thoughts and he glanced at the screen with a chuckle, "Speaking of the devil." It was Oscar on the line, and from their brief exchange, Dalia understood that his teammate was concerned. All she could gather was that Lando had stormed out of a team meeting at the factory, leaving Oscar in a bit of a fix. Despite Lando's attempt to appear calm, it was evident that he didn't want his friend to worry. After wrapping up the call, he put on his black hat, saying, "Well, I should probably get going now." With a smile, he stood up and expressed his gratitude for the lovely meal. Dalia returned the smile, wishing him good luck as he headed towards the door. Just before leaving, he paused and inquired, "By the way, where do you work?" Dalia was taken aback by the question but answered, "Racesports." "Ah, I see," he replied casually, making a mental note. "Cheers," he bid farewell before leaving the coffee shop.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 years
Best Beloved ch 2
"Jiraya sensei...Uchiha Itachi..." she softly looked at the trembling terrified woman, who seems to have a few years ahead of her " Rin Nohara". The older Uchiha stood on his feet look at his Akatsuki attire, he flexed his hands a couple of times before he would finally speak " is this what I think it is? " he asked looking back seriously at the tired Konishi. She simply nodded with a soft smile. " Where you the one to do so sakura ?" the silver-haired man asked proudly "why? Is there a war? ". Sakura laughed at his statement, it was funny how the first thing ninjas think about is battle, even during the most joyful moments. " No sensei, it's just that…some people need you ".
Konoha at the same time
"you know you'll catch a cold if you stay here for too long" Kakashi spoke as he slowly walked towards the Raven haired man. sasuke sat every night, after sakura has left, on that same bench he first left her when they were young. He couldn't understand why his feet would spontaneously drag him to that same spot every night over the past year, somehow it became his favorite place. He nodded discreetly acknowledging his former sensei's presence. " Do you think she will come back?'' he spoke after several moments of silence. ''You came back eventually'' Kakashi replied leaning back into the bench.
Sakura was always that strong link that would hold them together, she was always there to reunite them, force them to interact and be sure everyone was happy. Once she was gone, everything shook...everything fell apart. Naruto was able to accept his parent's sacrifice...he was able to befriend the monster inside him, he fought to bring his friend back home, he moved on from his sensei's death, he always overcame the biggest of challenges with a smile and a strong will. But when it came to Sakura, he was weak, devastated not able to verge upon her absence. He then understood how he had never realized that she was that small discreet fire that would drive him forward. She's one the one to believe in him, trust his decisions and fight by his side. She loved him through her reassuring smiles, her scolding, and her painful punches. It was her own way to push him to become a better person.
Even tho Sasuke refused to voice it, but Sakura always had a special place in his heart. He sure was the clumsiest when it came to expressing his words, but the pinklette and his other two teammates where always present in his mind. He would forever be secretly thankful for both of them for never giving up on him. Especially her. To feel loved by such an amazing and genuine person was the greatest gift ever, and he deeply regretted not telling her this sooner.
Kakashi looked up at the night sky while the breeze tickled his hair. He couldn't understand when and how did Sakura have this effect on him. When did she break all his barriers? Everything was fine until she left. the streets, the training grounds, the ramen shop … Nothing was the same without her. He missed her terribly. He would sometimes hear her voice through the crowd and instantly jump on his feet hoping it was really her, only to be disappointed afterward. When he lays on a tree branch reading his orange book, he could help but wait for her to show up and annoy him, as she always did. Sakura was all around, leaving her scent everywhere. Kakashi's mind slowly drifted towards her image, trying to revive her existence inside of him. He remembered her sweet fruity smell that would tickle his nose whenever she was around. Her short silky hair emphasized her green emerald eyes. She was a young and beautiful woman.
A woman that he never knew she was important to him until she left.
A sudden Chakra signal alerted both ninjas on their feet, they stood for a couple of minutes trying to decode it. "Kakashi, Sasuke!" came running Naruto. '' Did you feel it too " the old man spoke eyes not leaving the exit way of the village. Naruto nodded "Yes, but something is strange about it " the blond narrowed standing in a defense mode. And before the ex-sensei could ask him further explanation, three silhouettes appeared from behind the dark trees. the three shinobi's heart clench as they recognized their charge, and only second after their doubt was confirmed.
Itachi, Jiraya and Rin.
End of Flashback
Sakura slowly stepped out of the bathroom, and slowly walked towards Fujio nad the old lady. '' Ok let's do this'' she frowned as she holds the scroll.'' Have you made a decision? Cause this is the last one'' the old woman warned '' Why would it be-", "No Sakura" The woman interrupted '' This is the last one, you promised '' she urged reaching for the young medic's left hand. She softly caressed the black spot forming in her forearm.'' You have been abusing your Chakra, if you don't stop this, it might get worse '', "I have a perfect Chakra control" Sakura tried her best to reassure the worried old woman. After all, she was her mentor, trainer and the closest thing to family. '' Yet you haven't figure how to heal this" she replied looking up to the young medic '' Just promise me this is your last one''. ''I promise Obachan''.
"Who is it going to be sakura? you mother or you father '' the old man asked. Sakura only replied with a sweet smile before she sat on the floor. Her delicate pale hands gently unrolled the scroll, tied her hair up in a ponytail and took a deep breath preparing herself. Seconds after, her diamond activated sending several black lines towards her body. Eyes still closed, she placed her palms flat on the scroll and spoke the Jutsu. The young kunoichi couldn't help but feel an intensifying pain in her arm, she was sure it was from her black mark, nonetheless, with greeted teeth, she made sure not to flinch whilst the Jutsu was working its way. After the light gradually decreased, her breathing quickened and she couldn't help but to smile to the body laying beneath her touch. '' Ayaka, welcome back'' she whispered blood dripping from her nose. ''A-AYAKA !" Fujio yelled as he threw his arms around the young little girl. Meanwhile, Fujima hurried to the young medic, holding her still in her place. '' Thank you...thank you...thank you so much !'' The old man spoke tears coming down his face. Sakura smiled back weakly, as she looked at the sweet sight of their embrace. Ayaka died because of a disease, Sakura and Fujima couldn't help but feel devastated since they got close to the man and his daughter during their travel.
"You have done it again sakura, you revived someone other than your parents. why ?" the old woman spoke, gently whipping her bleeding nose. '' Because I moved on Obachan" Sakura admitted eyes still not leaving Ayaka and her father. The old woman traced her hands down sakura's and couldn't help but feel her heart tighten when the black mark was now spread over half her forearm. She met the young konishi's eyes with worry. They both knew the consequences, they didn't know how to cure or stop it, all they concluded is that it's something that's eating her body slowly. Before Fujima could speak, Sakura held her hand closer and said ''Let's go home Obachan, I want to die at home''.
It took them three days to travel through sea from Magome to the lightning country. Once arrived at the land, they decided to walk south hoping to find someone to give them a ride.
Sakura had proposed to Fujiu and his daughter to come back with them to Konoha, after all, they didn't have anywhere else to go, and the little girl grew fondly of both women, they become a small family. It was spring, and they were lucky enough to witness so many beautiful sights " I missed this" sakura sighed suddenly feeling nostalgic. '' I have been stuck in the forests country for too long, I forgot how amazing the rest of the world is''.
The journey was enjoyable, they stopped several times for camping or for rest, after all, Fujui and Ayaka were only civilians, and they didn't match stamina both konichis had. '' One san, how did you meet obachan ?'' the girl asked while biting on her garlic bread. "We met during a mission I did for my home village '' Sakura smiled back, '' Tell me more, " The little girl asked excitedly. The young konichi laughed at her cuteness and after a small pat on the cheeck she continued '' It's nearly four or five years ago, I went on a solo mission, in order to gather some pieces of information about a very bad guy…'' Sakura spoke in a spooky voice gainning an adorable giggle ''...That guy used to gather scrolls of very bad jutsus...like spells...in order to make bad things with them. He was very powerful but he needed someone as strong as obachan to activate those juts-...those bad spells'' Akaya's eyes widened as she followed the story word by word, however, the old woman and tall man didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm."Obachan was a prisoner, I got her out of there after we both stole his scrolls and put them in safe hands" she finished with a smile. '' And what became of the bad guy ?'' Everyone froze at her innocent question.'' He died '' sakura cleared her throat flashing her a forced smile.''So you saved obachan !". '' Actually, she was the one who saved me'' the pinklette looked up at the old woman with the warmest smile she had.
She was truly thankful to her.
After the second day of traveling on foot, they had finally approached the borders between sound and fire country. The weather became painfully cold, and the food was gradually decreasing. Suddenly, both konichis halted in their places signaling to the man and his daughter to no move. '' Can you feel them?'' the old woman whispered to sakura " Three shinobis, two in their late twenties and one in his thirties, I guess they are from mist since their chakra contains water flow''. '' How far?". '' Two miles, but they are fast'' the young konichi replied. The old woman was very proud of what come of her training, it was extremely rare to gather that much information from a chakra signal at any distance, but with sakura's intensive training for this past years, she managed to control chakra beyond anyone. If she was still a ninja at the leaf, she would be officially declared the strongest konichi in the world. trees rustles shook Fujima out of her thoughts, she immediately took a defensive position as the three men stood in front of them.'' Haruno Sakura" the older one smirked '' We were actually looking for you", " How did you find us '' Sakura spoke with a threatening tone. The young ninja had been spending her energy masking their chakras and changing their signatures so that no one can detect them, another feature her old mentor was proud of. '' Pure coincidence sweetheart, we heard you were in the forests country, we were just heading there when you suddenly show up !" he laughed taking a step forward. Sakura cursed her luck. '' What do you want?". The man's laugh disappeared and she knew he was now down to serious business '' Only the scrolls" he rasped. '' But I bought them from the mist ninjas '' Sakura spoke confused '' Yeah, see this is the problem…'' the man stepped closer " those rotten rats stole the scrolls, the boss had never approved of their sale''.'' and how is that my problem?'' Sakura's blood boiled at the sight of this shameless man ''Because a big shot ninja like you should have never bought forbidden ninja scrolls from the black market" he spoke amused. Sakura's eyes narrowed '' So what now?". " Either you come with us or either we kill all of you'' before he could finish he sentence sakura stroke him with a powerful punch sending him flying in the air. '' You fucking bitch" the two other ninjas moved fast running towards the koinichi.
the door knocked for the fifth time but the silver-haired man chose to ignore it, snuggling closer to the warm body against him. Her hair was messy from yesterday's steamy event, and the sweet fainting smell of sex was taunting him to take her once more, only to be interrupted by the sound of the knocking again. He stood up lazily and grabbed his pants in order to make himself decent. He yawned walking towards the door and finally opened it "Oh hey Kakashi " the old man spoke eyes half-asleep '' What are you doing here so early ?'', '' It's 1 pm Jiraya sensei. Is Tsunade here ?'' the Hokage spoke nonchalantly.
After Jiraya prepared tea for his guest, he went back to the bedroom, sneaked through the covers and planted soft kisses all over the blond woman's bared shoulder '' I know you are awake, you can't keep avoiding him''. Tsunade stayed still, debating whether to face one of the three men she has been keeping away from the past year or, to stay on the bed hidden from the world. Finally, her decision opted for the first option, the stubborn man she knew he was, he'll certainly never leave until she shows up. The ex-Hokage stood quietly, golden locks falling at the side of her shoulders, she crawled out of bed, grabbed her nightgown and headed towards the living room.
This simple sight of her never failed to make the old man's heart flutter.
''Kakashi" she spoke firmly, and he only responded with a nod. She sat across from him, soon followed by her lover. '' What do you want ?''. '' So cold of you tsunade-sama, aren't you at least going to ask me about my new job ?'' he mused with an eye wrinkle. '' I know you didn't come for small talks Kakashi, so just get to the point " her eyebrows twitched, and Kakashi knew right away he needed to stop. he took a folder from inside his black vest and pushed it to her side of the table '' I have this proposition I need your support on it ''. Tsunade reached for the document and couldn't help but feel her heart clench at the sight of the title '' Kakashi...you know I can't do this …'' she whispered guilt taking over her voice. '' You can't or you won't ? " he spoke sternly eyes narrowing. Tsunade has known Kakashi for a long time, yet there were only rare moments where the man could be either very angry or very intimidating. He was able to kill someone by just looking at them. His eyes, even without the Sharingan, were very intimidating. And after Sakura left, those seemed to be the only two expressions on his face whenever he looked at her. She knew he secretly blamed her, maybe even hated her. Whenever she saw him she would always remember the big mistake she did during her ruling, a mistake that cost a friend, an apprentice even a daughter to leave her homeland.
Tsunade took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves, "Listen kakashi... I know you blame me-…'',''My feelings have nothing to do with all of it, I m doing this because I think it's the right thing to do '' he interrupted with a firm tone. "Besides…'' he met her eyes once more time '' It is our chance to redeem our mistake with Sakura". Tsunade stared at him for a while, her eyes darted back to brown file, reading the title one more time 'Memorial for Haruno clan', her heart clenched as painful memories flew back into her head.
The day Sakura was never the same.
Tsunade walked through the cold hospital halls rushing towards room 405. She has been told that Sakura returned from her 3 months mission, one that she have never approved of. The man the elders wanted to send Sakura after was a very dangerous missing-nin, who collected and traded dark jutsus for money. Not only he was strong but smart and well guarded. Even though the mission was just to seek as much information as possible, the blond hokage couldn't help but to worry, knowing that sakura would definitely intervene if she saw the perfect opportunity. Indeed that is what she has done. She couldn't deny the proud feeling she felt when she was informed that she had brought the scrolls back with her, however, she didn't know that it will cost the young medic something far more important in exchange.
"Sakura !" Tsunade called as her eyes laid on the pinklette. She seemed uninjured.
'' Tsunade-shishou, the mission was a success! I have brought with me a prisoner who they planned to use for the jutsu " Sakura explained introducing the old woman '' Her name is Fujima Takayaka, and she has perfect chakra control '' the young medic's hands still working on her own injuries. The Hokage couldn't help but suspect the old woman, she approached her slowly and asked '' Are you a ninja?'', "Yes Hokage-sama, I used to be a sound ninja, but I retired and resumed to traveling around the country'' the old woman responded honestly "What are you seeking ?'', "Nothing in particular, I am just peacefully waiting for the end of my time'' she smiled back. '' With the chakra skills you have, your time is very much far from near" Sakura joked making the old woman chuckled.
Two months have passed by that day, when finally the night came of the massacre Konoha will never forget about. It was a blur in her mind, all she could remember was rushing through the rooftops after the village siren went off. Soon after she noticed three men rushing beside her. Sakura's teammates. Everyone panicked as the smell of rotten and the red color of blood that was taking over the Haruno clan district. They finally stopped at the entrance of the compound '' What the fuck happened to hear " She heard Genma yell from behind. Without adding another word the ninjas run inside searching for the one soul they fear for. Sakura.
And she was there, alive, on her knees, covered in dirt and blood, Holding between her hands two dead bodies. She was frozen, looking back at the bloodbath in front of her emotionless. Next to her was Fujima Takayaka, standing beside her calm body. She looked tired from fighting and hold a couple of injuries on her body. Kakashi moved first, slowly getting closer to sakura like if he didn't want to scare her, and he gently whispered '"Sakura…". She didn't react, she only took a deep breath still looking at the bloody houses and replied "He came to take revenge, he killed my clan…'' her voice was surprisingly calm, yet even though her face was covered with crimson blood, Kakashi was able to see teas sliding through. His heart shattered in million pieces at the sight of her. He reached for her shoulder and carefully caressed her, trying to reassure her. "I killed him Kakashi, he's finally dead…'' she turned towards him at last. As soon as she met his eyes, Sakura couldn't take it anymore. She broke down in tears and sobs hiding her face into his jonin jacket. He held her back tightly slowly dragging her away from her parent's corpses.
It was an unforgettable night for Knohoa, for the village had never thought it would experience another clan massacre after the Uchihas.
The day of trial came. Sakura was to stand in front of the Elders, the Hokage, and a few other elite Jonins in order to testify about the massacre that took place three days prior. Her eyes were puffy with crying, dark circles corrupting her silky pale skin, mouth dry and slouched tired body. She walked towards the platform and sat on the wooden chair directed towards the council and the Hokage. She began to tell what happened without hesitation, how stealing the scrolls and saving Fujima has angered the enemy to no end, how he came that night and silently slaughtered every Haruno member without mercy, and finally how she slit his throat without any single hesitation. "Alright then…'' one of the elders spoke when she finally resumed her telling '' We will be organizing a funeral tomorrow for the dead, Haruno Sakura will be the head of it '' He announced, ready to complete the trial. ''What? that's it ?'' Naruto spoke from behind. "It's the death of a whole clan that we are talking about here " Neji spoke next irritated. '' We do understand, but-...'' And before the elder could continue his explanation, Sakura stood brutally from her chair " Because it's not an Uzumaki, or a Kaguya or an Uchiha clan isn't it ?'' She yelled surprising every member of the council '' Because the Haruno clan is just a clan of merchants, no special Jutsu no worthy heritage, they have never been any use to you …'', ''Now hold on a second there Harun-'', '' NO , you shut up and listen to me! I am sick and tired of this village, all you care about is power. You killed a whole Uchiha clan because of power and now you reconciled with its last survival for power, you always gave Naruto special privileges because of his power!..." Eyes filled with infinite tears she looked back towards her team ''My sensei preferred to teach Naruto and Sasuke because of their powers, Even when they all left me behind, I went to Tsunade shishou to train me, because the only way I could be accepted by them and by this village is through power… I am sick of this …'' she looked back at her feet. No one could ever interrupt her, they knew that those words were the dark truth that no one dared to speak. She was after all one of the rare ninjas with civilian background, and as much as she worked hard and developed her capacities they were always one step ahead of her. Naruto's heart clenched at her words, he wanted to prove her wrong but he could find proof, when he thought back to it, they have always underestimated her under the excuse of '' love and protection''.
'' I am sick and tired of defending a village that has never valued me nor my clan …'' her hand reaching her headband ''...I am no longer a leaves ninja, I demand my right to leave this village and the duty-bound to it ''. A strong howl of surprise traveled through the room as Sakura turned to exit the hall. '' Sakura wait !'' Naruto yelled running behind her. ''You can't be possibly doing this '' he grabbed her by the arm. '' Either this or I kill you all, chose one Naruto ! '' she hissed back. Her teammates and the Hokage stood frozen at her statement, completely lost of words. '' huh, yeah I bet you think I can't do that right?!'' she laughed snatching her arm back. '' Sakura, please I 'll try to fix it " Tsunade pleaded, '' I demand a memorial for my clan, an official one, like the one you do for any other. I want the whole country to know about it, to pay their respects." , Tsunade stood there hopeless, scared of her next words '' You...you know I can't do this Sakura...The Elders..''. Sakura turned in her heels and exited the Hokage tower, still chased by her colleagues. Meanwhile, Tsunade frozen her place, eye-watering as she witnessed the loss of another important person in her life. She turned when she noticed another person standing beside her. Kakashi was looking at her with an expression she has never witnessed on him. He passed by her and simply said '' We all failed Sakura...But you …'' he looked at her one last time '' You are the worst.''.
End of flashback
Tears were already running down her swollen cheeks when her mind came back to reality, Jiraya held his arm around her softly burying her into his chest. Kakashi's look was passive but he understood the weight Tusanade was carrying. After all, he had his own too. '' Ok...I'll do it... I should have done it a long time ago...I should have fought harder'' she spoke between sobs, voice muffled under Jiraya's board chest. Kakashi let out a long sight and said '' Well it's better late than never '' he forced a smile. the Hokage gently patted her leg before standing to leave. '' You know what Sakura told us to tell you guys before we parted ?'' Jiraya spoke getting the full attention of both ninjas, as soon as he spoke the familiar name '' She said 'be happy'" he smiled to both of them ''She already forgave you ''.
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 years
Best Beloved ch 1
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This is my first naruto fan fiction
I hope you guys like it !
Might have rated M content I'm not sure
The early morning mist blew through the tall branches of the forest country, The tent danced slightly waking its inhabitant from their sleep. ''Dear god it's freezing out here" the old woman spoke as she struggled out of the tiny canvas, '' Sakura? Has Fujio returned yet ?". The pink-haired konichi leaped gracefully down the tree, approached the old lady with a gentle smile " I can sense him Obasan, he is near. I have prepared breakfast".
The sky has slowly enlightened the area, and by the time they gathered their belongings, a middle-aged man appeared from the clearing, breathing heavily. " It's about time ! '' yelled the old woman '' I am no Ninja obasan, I had to walk all the way to the village ! '' he complained trying to catch his breath. Sakura approached the man slowly handing him a bottle of water '' Any news mister Fujio ?'', he gladly took it from her hold and began explaining'' The mist nins...I found them...they are staying in a local inn'' he said between thirsty gulps. ''Good! They have done as we requested" Sakura smirked straightening her poster, she was about to carry her bags when the man added, "I also stumbled upon important news from Konoha ". Sakura froze at the mention of that name, it's has been a long time since she came across it, and as much as curiosity was taking the best of her, fear and anger were doing the same. '' Hatake Kakashi became the Hokage". The trees softly shaken leaves were the only thing to be heard as sakura stood silent after his last statement. The atmosphere has suddenly changed into a very melancholic aura. She smiled gently while looking at the old woman, who in return, was regarding sakura with a very sympathetic look, '' Who would have imagined !" the old lady spoke softly, '' It's must be Rin's doing ''Sakura replied with a sweet smile'' She is the only one who has a power over him'', '' is she ?'' the woman questioned handing the remaining bags to Fujio " We have to go now, we have a scroll to obtain".
Meanwhile in Konoha
Kakashi leaned back in his chair, contemplating his new office. He was a famously emotionless person, hard to read, and even harder to gain a reaction from. Hell, even susuke had learned, over the years, to show more emotions. He would smile more, speak his mind and engage in some of the social activities. Some say it was thanks to Naruto, and some suspect that since his brother Itachi came back, he became a totally different person. However, at this right moment, anyone could tell that the silver-haired shinobi, aka, the 6th Hokage, was anything but happy. '' Something is missing! ah yes, sake! '' Naruto yelled excitedly behind Sasuke, '' I am sure that that old hag was hiding bottles of sake somewhere here " he grinned searching through the closets.
The three shinobi came directly to the office after the celebration. Seeing them leaving towards the Hokage tower, everyone assumed that they were going to have an emotional team Kakashi private conversation, even Sai and Yamato didn't dare to follow in order to leave them to their moment. While in reality, all Kakashi wanted, was a quite place away from the crowds, and it happens that Naruto and Sasuke followed. "AH haaa " Naruto yelled holding a bottle of sake like a triumph '' I told you so ! ''. Sasuke brought tree cups and politely poured for the quite Kakashi first, he heard him breath '' Sakura". '' she is the thing that is missing". Naruto's grin was quickly replaced by a devastating sad look and sasuke, although his expressions remained the same, it was obvious that his body language has stiffened upon hearing her name.
Sakura was a very sensitive subject especially to the three of them and tsunade. Whenever someone dares to bring up her name in front of them, he would either be deadly glared at by three of the world's deadliest shinobis, or on some rare occasions, spot a very sad look in their eyes. ''I wonder if she's doing fine" Naruto mumbled holding up his cup, he slowly stood between his two friends and spoke '' To a teammate that shall never be replaced, to a dear friend that shall never be forgotten...to our Sakura" , '' To sakura" they repeated after him.
Magome village
Sakura entered the bar, hiding her long pink hair under her brown cape. She immediately spotted the two mist ninjas. One tall and thin and the other a short and muscled, with several battle scars on his round intimidating face. She slowly approached the table " Where do you want to do this ?" , " here Haruno, we don't want to be spotted", "Very well" she sat across the table and watched as one of them reached for his bag, '' I heard you are no longer a konoha ninja, that you decided to leave, is that true ?'' the other one spoke. She glared at him without responding, he quickly understood her rejection and didn't dare to speak more. Sakura Haruno was no stranger to ninjas, she was well known for her incredible straining with the fifth hokage Tsunade, and her accomplishments among the Uzumaki and the Uchiha during the great war. As soon as they recognized her- mostly by her hair color - no one dared to challenge her.
" Here is the scroll'' he handed her a bag that she immediately opened in order to check, she nodded in approval and handed them two small bags of coins, which indicated a large amount of money. "I heard a rumor'' the curious one spoke again halting the konichi as she was about to stand '' they say some of the dead are walking beside the livings again" he looked at her with suspicious eyes " Is it your doing? Is that why you want the scrolls''. The man was immediately hit by his comrade '' I apologize Haruno, my friend is a fool '' he smiled nervously, the pink-haired kunoichi kept glaring at him, debating if she needs to get rid of them both or let it pass. Apparently her thought were clear to them as the both men shifted nervously in their seats, intimidated by her threatening aura.'' a foul indeed ''.'' If you speak a word of this to anyone...'','' We won't, we promise" they both interrupted, panic all over their faces.
"So ?'' the young women heard from inside the room, ''I got it '' Sakura walked towards the bed, placing her package near the old woman '' Good then, when do you want to do it ?''. Sakura decided to take a shower first in order to calm her racing mind. She slowly undressed and walked pass the mirror, she briefly stopped contemplating her reflection. Her hair has grown longer and she had no desire to cut it back short, she had no motive to do so. Years ago, it was her way to prove herself, how silly of her, like a short haircut would make her stronger. But now, she does't have or need to prove anything to anyone. Not even herself. She slowly caressed a long scar that was openly displayed on her neck, she refused to completely heal this one, she needed to remember.
Sakura slowly stepped inside the shower and the warm water began caressing her stressed body, slowly making it relax, she closed her eyes and repeated '' you need to make a decision, this is it ", as her eyes were completely closed, her mind slowly drifted to a distant memory.
1 year ago somewhere in the lightning country
"Quickly obachan we need to find a hiding'' sakura yelled as she leaped though the rocks and trees. Blood was staining her eye vision but she didn't have enough time to stop and heal it. The old woman was also injured, but the strong konichi she was, she still managed to move in a great speed. A kunai was thrown towards them, and even if sakura barly managed to avoid it, it hit a tree branch underneath her feet, making her fall into the ground. the old woman heard groans underneath her, and quickly joined the injured konichi'' Are you ok sakura ?'', '' Damn it, I broke my foot '' she growled, '' Obachan, take the scrolls and run away!'' she commended handing her her bag. '' I am not leaving you here to die !'' the old woman yelled back. Before the pinklette could protest, they spotted a young little girl running towards them, waving her hands as she was trying to lead them somewhere '' This way, daddy will help you hide, come with me !''.
Sakura was carried by the old woman to a cave nearby were a middle-age man was waiting for them '' Come quickly, this way'' he took over sakura from the tired lady and led them further inside. They sat quietly making sure the enemy chakra signature was gone. ''They finally left '' sakura breathed '' Thank you sir '' she looked down at the sweet man.''No worries my child, here let me bring some water for your injuries",'' No, please don't bother yourself, I can heal myself, I am a ninja". The man and his daughter stood fascinated by her declaration, they watched with wide eyes as her hands glowed upon each wound, the scars disappearing in a matter of seconds. " I am Sakura by the way, this is Fujima, she prefers Obachan '' she teased, feeling the glares the old lad was shooting her. '' Oh nice to meet you, my name is Fujio, this is my daughter Ayaka'' the little girl smiled politely, '' We are traveling back to our village, we have enough food that can feed us all, let me make you something '' the old man proposed and sakura politely thanked.
After several hours of rest, they have decided to take precautions and spend the night in the cave. Sakura stood beside obachan handing her the scrolls '' Do you want to do this here ?'' , sakura nodded. It was nightfall and the fire they started wasn't obvious as they were settled deep into the cave, which reassured her that this was a perfect place to commend the Jutsu. ''And have you made your choice? who is it going to be ?'' the old lady spoke sitting beside sakura who in return, was silently studying the three brown scrolls. '' They said they were other scrolls of the same power'', '' What are you thinking? you only need two !'' the old woman questioned confused " don't you ?''. After several moments of silence, Sakura stood, took a deep breath and opened the three scrolls one next to the other. She closed her eyes trying to calm her heartbeat and focus on her chakra flow. The seal in her forehead activated and black lines traveled down her body '' Ok let's do this'' she murmured to herself. The Konishi performed a series of long and complex hand signs before placing them flat on the scrolls. ''Yomigaeru Tanashi no Karada Jutsu !''. and with that cue, three bright lights came out of each scroll slowly inflating through the cave, blinding everyone inside. Sakura's hands were still placed on the floor, this was taking a lot of her chakra, and even tho she had been trained and prepared for years for this particular Jutsu, her body was struggling to control the scroll's power. Eyes closed she focus on both providing the chakra as well as preserving her life, it was a very difficult task at hand at she was sure that only the old woman and she were capable of such control. Suddenly bruises appeared in several different parts of her body, her skin color went from creamy to pale to blue. Her heads stated hurting and her nose bled in an attempt to release its body pressure. '' Sakura, hang on there ! '' She heard a distant voice as darkness slowly took over her vision.
After a couple of long minutes, the light gradually disappeared and sakura slowly leaned backward. Thankfully, the old woman and fujio hurriedly grabbed her before she could hit the floor,'' Are you crazy ! what were you thinking summoning three bodies at the same time? '' the woman scolded the pinkette who was slowly regaining her consciousness. '' don't worry obachan, I can do it'' she laughed rubbing her eyes, trying to regain her normal vision. The impact of this Jutsu was very hard, the old woman warned her that she might faint, or lose consciousness for several days, or even die if she doesn't use it in the right way. But sakura was confident, and the side effect were slowly disappearing thanks to her developed healing jutsu- Tsunade would have been proud- a brief thought crossed her mind. Her vision slowly cleared, she looked towards the scrolls and her heart skipped a beat when she saw familiar eyes. The first ones were red and intimidating, the second ones were soft and sweet and third ones... were joyful and far more recognizable... "Sakura" the deep sweet voice breathed beneath a smiling face, " Jiraya-sensei'' she smiles back.
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