#solo drabble
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intothecrush · 11 months ago
It's A Kind Of Magic
The journey so far...started terrifying, she had appeared into the world in front of a massive metal lion, quickly running out into a mountain range, and down those mountains into the forests below.
Once she'd managed to get the hang of hunting the small bird like dinosaurs populating the woods, she had been slowly making her way towards any signs of civilization, and now, as she saw a couple of humans passing by...riding atop metallic spinosaurids, looking down at her phone, it identified them as "GalvaSpino Zoans" , the amphibous quadrupeds drawing large wagons of cargo behind them, sails collecting solar energy as they went, she knew she had to be close.
She followed the path they were walking down, and eventually, she came upon a sign that said "Welcome to Solvana", the first glance it briefly looked like some sort of circles with minor kanji involved...before her brain adjusted for the language.
As she walked into the town, she noticed a plethora of other fox people, and what seemed to be some sort of mechanical humanoids, multicolored armored plates serving as a sort of skin lawyer over the gears and wiring that served as simulacra of organic biology. The two very different kinds of people interact relatively peacefully, walking hand in hand, and as the girl made her way to the closest town hall or something of the like, the presence of the two races driving cars took her by surprise. She couldn't help but marvel at the sights. ...and as she looked behind her, she noticed the little purple llama still following her.
"...Maybe I can sell you to make some cash until I can figure out what I should be doing for work-" she mused picking the chibi creature up and staring her in the eyes for a brief few moments....and as she slowly lowered the llama...she noticed a building labeled "Adventurers Guild." "...Well what do you know-" she looked down at her phone for a moment in thought, from her hunting earlier, she'd gained quite a bit of experience points to use for that whole skill tree thing she managed to bargain herself into having with that goddess. "...Alright so let's take some sword skills and-" as she pushed the buttons on her phone to claim those skills, she received a complimentary basic sword, seemingly made from the tail of a lesser zoan. And as such, she put the llama down, and walked in, eager to accept one of her first quests! However...as she walked to the counter in the guild hall and started to sign up, she froze up for a few seconds when the woman behind the counter asked her for her name. She thought and pondered 'wait...but... I have a female body so..."
"Oh, I'm...I'm " she paused for a brief moment, and thought of...of Pokemon fanfic she wrote back home, ...that...umbreon OC. "O..oh, I'm...Bre. Bre Porter" she explained. And from there, she got an ID made...And began doing quests for the area around this town. ...It'd be a week or two of sleeping in a nice farmer's barn before she could really afford to start staying in the town's inn. ...When she did finally get to stay in an inn, she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time since she'd arrived in this world.
Was...this allowed? "I'm...cute?" She thought to herself, cupping her chest in the mirror briefly and blinking, was...was this ALLOWED? Was she allowed to enjoy this? ...Was she allowed to...allowed to be a ..be a girl? She stood there and felt tears flowing down her face. ...She...was happy with this. ...but why?
She had learned a lot since she arrived, that the country she was in was Xavara, that the Province was East De Cura, that there was an annual race against giant mechanical raptors once a year, but it seemed she still had a lot to learn about herself.
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tartppola · 1 month ago
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deucey & yuu, earlier into their friendship, takes place after book 2, before book 3, early in the school year there were people who didn't take kindly to the prefect entering nrc
slightly related comic
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lilacgaby · 6 months ago
thinking of childhood friends to lovers with katsuki :(
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you and him who's parents were close friends in high school and got pregnant at the same time.
the photos of you two as little babies, dressed up in matching outfits courtesy of his fashion designer parents.
having playdates and sleepovers every other weekend, the two of you clung to each other as you moved around his little playroom, katsuki pouting whenever you had to leave.
the first day of kindergarten together, holding hands as your parents fussed over the two of you, taking photos as the two of you walked in together, choosing spots next to each other always. you thinking he was so cool for his quirk, and him vying for your affection without even realizing it.
even in his middle school years, he'd get so upset when he even thought about the other guys who had a crush on you, he'd t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶n̶ talk to them and let them know that you were taken already.
and when he entered U-A and finally confessed his feelings to you, so relieved to know you felt the same.
and getting married as proheroes, with your parents talking about how you two were destined to be together </3
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harrywavycurly · 2 months ago
The Almost Bumble Fumble: Impressed
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
Tag List: @georgiarose94
A/N: This is just some fun fluffy goodness that popped into my head the other day! I have a part 2 in mind if y’all want it? Enjoy!
Summary: Harry Styles shows up on your dating app and you’re convinced it’s not really him✨
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Harry only has one reason why he finally caved and downloaded the bright yellow dating app, he likes the fact he can’t be the one to message anyone he matches with first. It takes some of the pressure off of him because it’s hard to think of an opening line that is catchy and engaging enough to actually make the other person respond, and while he may be a talented songwriter he is absolutely horrible at trying to be witty and flirty through a screen and over texts. So not having to worry about reaching out first allows him to just sit and wait to see if anyone is actually interested enough in him to send him a message and so far, much to his disappointment and only a slight blow to his ego he hasn’t gotten more than a few random hellos.
Even though he hasn’t gotten the kind of response he thought he would since he downloaded the app just a few days ago, he still finds himself checking it a few times a day and that’s exactly what he’s doing now as he gets comfortable on his couch with a glass of wine in his hand. He scrolls through a few profiles and doesn’t swipe right or hit the heart button on any of them until he lands on one that seems interesting. Your profile picture is of you grinning as you stare at a piece of what he thinks is cake that’s on a plate in front of you that has a candle in it, there’s a little caption under it that says “if you can make me smile the way this cake did, you’re a keeper” and he chuckles to himself as he continues further down your profile. The most important thing he likes to look at on people’s profile is what they’re looking for on the app, because Harry knows he’s ready for a relationship and he isn’t trying to have his time wasted nor waste anyone else’s if he knows they aren’t looking for the same thing in the end.
He feels a smile tug at the corners of his mouth when he sees your response to that prompt if the exact same as his, looking for something long term. Harry takes a sip of his wine as he looks through the photos you posted on your profile, enjoying the tiny look at what you do for fun since you have a few photos at concerts and other events such as the classic group photo during a girls night out but the one that sticks with Harry the most is of you sitting on a couch with a glass of wine and a book in your hand that someone took while you weren’t looking or at least that’s how it appears. When he reaches the end of your profile he doesn’t give himself a moment to overthink it he simply swipes right and continues on his scroll through the app trying not to get too anxious as he waits to see if you’ll match with him and find him interesting enough to message.
After a few more minutes of scrolling he lets out a sigh before he takes a rather large sip of wine, just when he’s ready to call it a night and leave the silly little dating app he sees that he has a new message. He quirks an eyebrow as he goes to his messages and he can’t help the grin that takes over his face when he sees it’s from you, meaning you have to be online now since he just swiped on you not even ten minutes ago and you’ve already sent him a message.
Now what Harry isn’t prepared for is what your message says, having only gotten the different variations of Hello so far as opening lines so when he opens your message the laugh that escapes him is genuine and he feels as if you just sent him a one liner you’d possibly use on him if you saw him at a bar and wanted to start a conversation with him. He reads the message again and shakes his head as he chuckles to himself while also feeling a bit of an inflation to his ego because your opening line is tailored to him, it’s something that you wouldn’t be able to use on just anyone. Because even if they were an obvious One Direction fan it would be very risky because they might not know the lyrics to the song and be extremely confused.
“If the room was burning, would you really not notice?”
He finds himself instantly replying and when he hits send he suddenly starts to get nervous that maybe he should’ve waited a bit to reply so he doesn’t seem too eager and possibly scare you off before he can even really get to know you. But it’s too late now, so he just sips his wine and stares at the small screen in his hand.
“Honestly I don’t think I would. My mind would be too preoccupied by someone and their ability to tell little fibs.”
When he sees a new message appear beneath his he lets out a small sigh of relief because already this is the longest conversation he’s had on this app so far.
“Right well thank goodness you’re fireproof.”
He quickly replies to you and waits with a new feeling of excitement brewing in his tummy to see what you’re going to say next. But he can’t help but wonder how long you can keep this up, he will happily play along because he doesn’t want to be the one to change the subject and possibly ruin the mood.
“Exactly. I’m also very good at finding my way through dark places as well.”
Luckily for him he doesn’t have to wait very long and your response has him laughing and he’s grateful that he lives alone so no one can walk into his living room and ask him what he’s laughing at while cuddled up in the corner of his couch.
“Oh does that mean you’re not scared of the dark? Because if you are that’s okay I won’t let anything get to you and drag you down.”
He is typing out his reply and hitting send before he can even fully lean over and put his empty wine glass down on the table.
“That’s lovely of you to say but no I’m not scared of the dark. Not even a little bit. The only thing I get a little unsettled about is how quickly the night can change.”
As Harry waits to see what you’ll say he can’t stop his mind from wondering if there’s a possibility you’re doing something similar right now, sitting comfortably on your couch or maybe in bed smiling and laughing at your phone like an idiot. Because surely it can’t just be him that’s enjoying how easy the conversation is flowing, regardless of how silly it may be.
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You read the latest message from this “Harry” person and laugh at how he goes about avoiding the exact lyrics of the song night changes, you quickly type out a reply so you don’t have to keep him waiting for too long.
“It does change fast doesn’t it? I’ve always thought it was a bit rude how everything you’re dreaming about is just is gone in the morning.”
After hitting send you reach over to your nightstand and grab your glass of wine and take a sip as you go back to visit his profile. You narrow your eyes as you bring the screen a little closer to your face as you scroll down to the few photos he’s chosen, most of which are also on his Instagram so you don’t let the thought that you’re talking to the actual Harry Styles cross your mind. Especially since a lot of the information needed to make a profile on the dating app the two of you are currently messaging on is very accessible, it’s just a simple scroll through Google. The only thing that makes you quirk a brow is one photo he has at the very end of his profile, it’s a photo of him sitting at a table with a smile on his face while holding a glass of wine and it’s one you’ve never seen before but that also doesn’t mean anything because there’s tons of photos and videos of Harry you haven’t seen.
When you saw you matched with him you couldn’t stop yourself from instantly messaging him, because even though you know it’s just someone using Harry’s photos to get attention you figure you might as well have some harmless fun. You know eventually you’ll decide to move on and maybe report his account depending on how weird he gets. You’re brought back to the moment when you see you have a new message, you take another sip of your wine as you read what he wrote.
“It’s very rude but there is something that even the night can’t change. Do you know what that is?”
You bite down on your bottom lip as you read the message and you get an odd feeling this person might be trying to flirt with you because the next line of the song he’s talking about is a rather romantic one, but then again you can’t really be sure. You take this moment to test the waters a bit as you type out your reply and hit send before you can second guess yourself and delete it.
“It’s you and I right? Because nothing can separate us?”
You know you’re going to have to casually change the subject soon but you can’t help but want to see just how long the two of you can keep indirectly quoting One Direction songs in a way that has ended up with the two of you in a rather pointless conversation. You feel your cheeks get warm when you read his reply, of course this Harry impersonator would send you lyrics to Stockholm Syndrome.
“Precisely. It’s safe to say you’ve got me tied down.”
You finish off your wine and place the empty glass on your nightstand before figuring out how exactly you want to reply. There’s a few ways you could go about this, but instead of going the obvious flirty route you choose to go for the comedic approach instead because that’s more of who you are anyway.
“I mean I can’t have you trying to escape the city and follow the sun now can I? Because that would just break my heart and I don’t even know where I’d go if that happened.”
You giggle to yourself as you scroll to the top of your messages and reread them, well aware that if anyone were to read them they’d be extremely confused. You also have to admit that this person is very well educated on their One Direction lyrics and you’re a bit impressed. When you get to the bottom you see “Harry” has replied and what he says makes you lean your head back and laugh as you drop your phone into your lap as you try to get yourself under control.
“I’d never try to escape because if your heart is broken and you’re just wondering around that makes me worry people will try to steal you away from me and I can’t have that. Not to mention I also have no clue where’d you go with a broken heart and I’m honestly so shit with directions so I’d be left with no choice but to walk around shouting your name.”
After a few moments you quickly type out a response and double tap his last message letting a red heart appear next to it so he knows you really enjoyed that creative use of lyrics from two songs.
“Walking around shouting my name? Absolutely not. Don’t embarrass me.”
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Harry doesn’t even bother trying to hide his amusement at your message, enjoying how you managed to give him an easy way to go along with your subtle change of conversation since he notices a very obvious lack of song lyrics in your reply. And Harry being the romantic that he is finds this a great opportunity to ask something, and your answer will be one he might possibly tuck away in his mind to remember at a later date.
“Not one for big declarations of love then?”
As he waits for your reply Harry takes a moment to process the fact that even though the two of you haven’t even really had a true conversation he already can tell by your sense of humor that he’s going to enjoy getting to know you more, if you let him that is. When he sees your response he laughs and runs a hand through his hair with his hand that’s not holding his phone.
“I’ve never had anyone do a big declaration of love for me before so I’m not sure how I feel about them. What about you? Do you need a Jumbotron proposal during a sporting event or a billboard dedicated to how much I love your hands?”
Harry looks at his free hand and wonders if you’re being serious about loving his hands or if that’s just an example you picked to show him what you would be willing to write on a billboard about him. As he types out his reply his mind begins to think of things that could be considered big declarations of love or feelings that maybe you’d like, because even though he doesn’t know you he figures having some ideas on the back burner can’t hurt and who doesn’t like coming home to an outrageous amount of flowers or a maybe even having the radio play nothing but your favorite songs for a whole day.
“I am open to all types of declarations of love. Big, small, handwritten or painted on a billboard. I’m not picky.”
Now only part of that statement is a lie, Harry truly does enjoy any type of declaration of love that his significant other is willing to give him but he is a tiny bit picky. But that’s something to discuss at a later date, because it doesn’t really have anything to do with what the two of you are discussing now, he’s picky about other things but not how someone is willing to tell him their feelings about him. As Harry is getting up and grabbing his empty wine glass off his coffee table and heading into the kitchen he gets an odd notification at the bottom of the message thread between the two of you.
*accept video chat*
But before he can even hit accept or decline the message is gone and he sees you’ve typed out a quick little explanation.
“Oh god I’m sorry! Finger slipped and hit the video chat button! Sorry!”
He quirks a brow as he scrolls to the top of the messages and sees what looks like a FaceTime icon near the corner. Having not noticed it before he becomes curious and maybe it’s the wine or maybe it’s just that he’s interested in you and thinks this is a smart way to “meet” for the first time to get a better feeling of if the two of you actually can hold a conversation or not but either way Harry is typing out a quick message and hitting send before entering his kitchen.
“It’s okay. I didn’t know it was an option, I’m fine with a video chat if you are?”
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You stare at his message for a solid thirty seconds before you even blink, not knowing why on earth this person would want to video chat with you when you know they aren’t Harry Styles. It’s going to be awkward and embarrassing, for them of course not for you because you already know you haven’t been talking to the tall tattooed international superstar but maybe this is for the best so you can tell whoever it is how impressed with their One Direction song lyric knowledge you are. And maybe, just maybe you’ll still find whoever it is attractive and it won’t be a total bummer of a Friday night. So against your better judgement you send him a simple response before you climb out of bed and head for the kitchen to refill your wine.
You catch your reflection in the door of your microwave and instantly place your phone on the counter next to your fridge so you can adjust the monstrosity that is your messy bun. Once that’s as good as it’s going to get you look down at your faded band t shirt and decide that it’s good enough for whoever it is that’s about to video chat you, it’s after nine at night on a Friday after all so in your mind them seeing you like this is just preparing them for what they can expect in the future. As you’re reaching for your bottle of wine you see a new notification appear on your screen and you feel nervous as you pick your phone up.
*Accept video chat from Harry Styles*
You hit accept and the screen goes black before suddenly you’re looking at someone’s ceiling and you squint your eyes and bring the phone closer to your face as what appears to be half a forearm comes into view.
“Sorry love it seems I’ve dropped you.” You feel your heart begin to beat so fast you’re afraid it’s going to explode as a British accent comes from the phone, you swear it sounds exactly like Harry’s but you simply shake your head at that idea because there’s no way he’s on the other end of this call.
“Oh wow you sound just like-”
“I sound just like who?” Harry asks as he finally comes into view after he picks the phone up from where he accidentally dropped it on his counter while trying to open his wine bottle one handed. Your eyes go a bit wide as you move your phone away from your face, you feel your cheeks get hot and out of pure panic you place your phone against your wine bottle and put both hands over your face making Harry raise an eyebrow at you.
“Are you okay?”
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re Harry Styles.” You mumble into your hands but Harry hears you just fine making him chuckle as he pours some wine into his glass. “You weren’t supposed to actually be Harry Styles.” You explain as you spread your fingers allowing you to get a small look at Harry through the gaps, it’s almost unfair how much better he looks while taking up your phone screen than he does in his photos.
“Who was I supposed to be?” He questions as he grabs his phone and his wine glass and heads back into his living room.
“Some weirdo just acting like you to get attention on a dating app.” Harry doesn’t quite like that answer, he doesn’t like the idea of someone pretending to be him just to get attention and possibly hurt people in the process.
“Do people really do that? Pretend to be me on things like this?” You just shrug as you slowly lower your hands from your face and Harry is glad he’s already sitting down because even with your pink cheeks and distraught look in your still slightly wide eyes he can’t get over how pretty you are.
“I’m not sure? You’re actually the first Harry Styles I’ve ever come across but I mean I just-I didn’t think it was really you.” You admit with a laugh as you reach and grab your phone so you can get to your wine bottle, deciding you now more than ever need to refill your glass.
“Are you disappointed it’s really me and not some random weirdo?” He watches you raise an eyebrow and make a humming noise as if you really have to think about it before answering him.
“Honestly I’m relieved it’s actually you because if it wasn’t then I would’ve had to tell a random person how impressed I was with their One Direction knowledge.” You answer after you fill your glass up with wine, Harry chuckles as you make a face of disgust at the mention of telling someone you were impressed with them. “But since it’s you-”
“Oh are you saying you’re not impressed with my One Direction knowledge?” He says in mock offense as he watches you walk through what he can only assume is your kitchen based on the oven he sees in the background.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” You answer without any hesitation and Harry’s face breaks out into a wide grin because the look you give him is one that tells him he should’ve known that was going to be your answer.
“Well I’m quite impressed with your knowledge and your opening message was-”
“Oh god.” You say with a groan as you head into the living room, your cheeks turn a light shade of pink as you take a seat on your couch making Harry give you a soft smile to try to help ease your clear embarrassment of what you sent him because he thought it was great.
“Don’t feel embarrassed love.” He quietly clears his throat and takes a sip of his wine after the petname accidentally slips out of his mouth. “I thought it was brilliant that’s why I responded and kept it going.” He explains making you smile and it’s not until this very moment do the two of you really sit and look each other in the eyes and Harry feels his own cheeks get a little warm as you stare at him through the phone.
“You’re really pretty.” Harry laughs and runs a hand through his hair as you blink a few times and realize what you just said out loud.
“You’re really pretty as well.” He says with only a small hint of nervousness evident in his voice because he doesn’t want to come across overly flirty but he also doesn’t see the harm in telling you the truth, you are very pretty.
“Thank you.” You smile and get comfortable on your couch. “I guess it’s good to get all this embarrassing and awkwardness out of the way now right?” Harry just nods and smiles at your choice of words, giving him some hope that you’ll want to maybe do this again or possibly meet up in person if you feel comfortable enough.
“Exactly.” Is all he says with a grin making you return his smile as you sink into your couch and toss a blanket over your legs to get comfortable because something tells you that you’re about to be on the phone with Harry for a while and you don’t mind. You silently thank your lucky stars that you decided to message him when you saw he matched with you because you can’t imagine the level of regret you’d feel if you somehow found out you fumbled the opportunity to talk and possibly get to know Harry just because you thought it was a fake profile.
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superbat-love · 8 months ago
Officer: So let me get this straight. You two were fighting on the streets because of a…fan war?
Clark: He started it! He was tearing down all my ‘Batman is the #1 Superhero’ banners! As the president of the official Batman fanclub, I had to do something!
Bruce: Your hero is a miserable weirdo who skulks around in caves like a rabid flying rat. How can someone like that be the #1 Superhero? Obviously, it should be a good role model like Superman. Besides, you protested against the final round of the annual popularity poll and tried to get our votes invalidated, didn’t you? This is payback.
Clark: Because it’s rigged! Batman was clearly leading the poll until a million votes for Superman appeared out of nowhere. I bet you bought those votes, you rich crook! And don’t call Batman a weirdo, he’s just misunderstood! He’s a hundred times braver than Superman!
Officer: Listen, gentlemen, can't we resolve this peacefully? After all, these two superheroes are on the same team — the Justice League. You should be showing support for both of them!
Bruce: You’re delusional. The Superman fan events were a massive success nationwide, clearly demonstrating his popularity. Where's your evidence that I was buying votes, Mr Investigative Journalist? Even you can't deny it: Superman, the visual king, inspires the masses more than that ugly, sad excuse of a gargoyle you call a hero.
Clark: Ugly?! [holds up a life size standee of Batman] You call someone with this chiseled jawline and these sculpted pecs ugly?
Bruce: [punches a hole through the standee]
Clark: Ahh! How dare you hit Batman! [lunges at Bruce]
Officer: Hey! Hey! Calm down!
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starzgaze · 10 months ago
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pairing: yandere!sjw/reader
UNFINISHED incoherent drabble brainrot on yandere!sjw hahaha... this is so unfinished but it fried my brain so badly all i can do is draw this out later because i cant write for long periods of time 😒 also english isn't my first language so this is really ERRR not good also no proofreading we die raw
tw: froth and nothing much
This era of jinwoo was so cute he looked so squishy I'm biting my bedsheets. This time is the perfect moment where jinwoo gets his reasons on why he's a little cuckoo over [y.name].
Jinwoo always came home covered in bruises and maybe with a dent in his mental health. I mean not only you face life threatening monsters but you also face the words of your fellow hunters that consists of demeaning and degrading your whole existence does horriblewonders to Jinwoo's mental health! After when his mother came out of the picture by falling ill to the Eternal Slumber, Jinwoo had to face the expectations on becoming the breadwinner and help to keep his family a float.
Jinwoo doesn't have ambitions or anything during this time, not when he's too focused on trying to feed Jinah and pay the bills. He's a blank pitiful slate who's being driven by desperation and the promise he made to his mother to take care of his sister. He doesn't have anyone to turn to and he can't tell what he's experiencing to his sister because that'll make her worry for him! Jinwoo doesn't want his sister to flunk her studies because he made her worry for him... so he's basically alone.
Until you come in to the picture. [y.name] one of the few people who saw him as a person instead of some weak pitiful excuse of a hunter. It doesn't really matter how you meet Jinwoo, whether it be through connections, after a dungeon raid, or you randomly meeting him on the street, what matters is how you perceive him as a person and how you turn his miserable world upside down.
When [y.name] entered his life, it felt like a ball of light entered his dim world but not as if [y.name] was extremely energetic or what not. It was more like that [y.name] ignited something within Jinwoo. [y.name] would stop by and talk to Jinwoo, solidifying his self as a person. They would talk about ideals and goals and even encourage Jinwoo to maybe create his own when they found out that he didn't had any of his own. Jinwoo felt so warm inside whenever he'd spent time with [y.name]. He felt so inexplicably happy.
Jinwoo decided that [y.name] is his goal and the driving force of his ambitions.
Jinwoo limped a bit as he walked towards his small apartment he shared with his sister. It was what remained when his mother was sent to the hospital for falling ill. He groaned silently as he clenched his arm that was throbbing in pain. Even after being recently healed by Joohee, he could still feel the pain of his arm being battered to smithereens.
He wondered how many dungeon raids left till he'll perish by the hands of some low ranking monster.
The young man approached his door before suddenly being called out by a familiar voice. Jinwoo turned around and his bleak mood was changed into a more joyful one.
"Jinwoo! I caught 'ya this time!" [y.name] giggled as they skipped over to Jinwoo, a small mischievous smile plastered on their features. Jinwoo chuckled at [y.name]'s words as he admired [y.name]. He wondered what did he do in his life to meet [y.name]
Jinwoo hoped that the next dungeon raid isn't the one where he'll perish by the hands of a monster.
Jinwoo would probably avoid contacting [y.name]. After realizing he has a new opportunity to get stronger. His mental health before wasn't the best, he often thought he was pulling [y.name] back and has this mindset that he didn't deserve any of the kindness he was receiving from anyone especially from [y.name]
But now? he has now the chance to pay them all back by becoming stronger and become someone they can all rely on. So randomly... he'll just disappear from [y.name]'s life randomly. Jinwoo feels horrible but he isn't ready to face [y.name] again but he promises to himself that he'll meet his darling[y.name] soon.
Jinwoo would admire [y.name] from afar and sometimes do this just for the sake of answering to his personal question of: "I wonder how are they doing now?". Jinwoo is aware how much it hurts to [y.name] that he randomly disappeared from their life without a word especially how worried they were for him.
When Jinwoo finally deems he's prepared and worthy enough to face [y.name] he almost forgotten how different he looked when he last met [y.name]. Jinwoo almost scared [y.name] away when a devilishly handsome tall young man approached them with a bouquet of flowers in hand. Thankfully, [y.name] recognized the man from the slightly meek demeanor he showed.
Maybe after a few more meetups and catch ups, [y.name] would notice the many changes on Jinwoo's overall.. being? like aside from the fact he's now built like a sculpture made by the gods, he's more confident and charming?.. Jinwoo of course didn't miss the way how [y.name] would quiet down and stare at Jinwoo, taking note every little different detail on Jinwoo. This fed the hunter's ego and was proud how his hardwork paid off.
While [y.name] was admiring Jinwoo, they didn't notice how Jinwoo added a few of his shadows into [y.name]'s shadow. His love for [y.name] during their absence has doubled a thousand fold and the lengths he'd go for [y.name] is now boundless. Jinwoo's goal of achieving [y.name] might not be impossible anymore if he pushed himself a bit more just like what [y.name] says.
After meeting up with Jinwoo, [y.name] bid the hunter goodbye as they exited the cafe. [y.name] was pleasantly joyful that Jinwoo didn't forgotten about them and met up with them again after a few years but this still didn't made [y.name] pissed off over the fact he basically ghosted them for a few years too!
[y.name] walked down the cold street that was dimly lit up by the lamp posts around the area. They shivered a bit as they tried to warm up their hands by shoving one of them in their trenchcoat's pocket. [y.name] was on their phone when they suddenly bumped into a man by accident.
"ow.. oh? I'm sorry I didn't notice you there I'm really sorr—" [y.name] stammered out as they bowed their head in apology but then they felt a hand pushing them hard enough to be stumble back into a lamp pole, hitting their back pretty hard. The man reached out to [y.name]'s trenchcoat's pocket and pulling out their purse then he ran away with their purse in hand.
"agh! what the- my purse?!" [y.name] yelled as they rubbed their back to ease the throbbing pain as they tried to run after the robber.
Unfortunately for [y.name] he was fast on his feet and after for a while they lost him. [y.name] panted as they decided to not give up yet and looked around the now lightless and eerie street, it seems like the robber ran into a more abandoned side of the city.
[y.name] roamed around the street and would peak occasionally inside of alleyways hoping to catch the man but much to their dismay, they haven't seen any glimpses or hints. They mindlessly walked around, slowly losing hope until they heard a quick shriek then a hard thump from a nearby alleyway. A cold sweat went down their neck as they froze in place... Did something happen?
[y.name]'s eyes narrowed down on the alleyway where they assumed the sound originated from. They contemplated for a bit whether they should check it out before they decided to see what it was, clinging on the possibility it might be their purse. [y.name] slowly peeked their head in the alleyway and immediately gasped at the sight.
The man who stole their purse on floor, wriggling in pain before a dark figure. Froth was coming out of his mouth as dark inky shadows circled around his throat. His ankles looked twisted but in a very unnatural degree that it looked grotesque.[y.name]'s eyes shakily looked at the soon to be a corpse then up to the figure who was holding their purse. They blinked blankly at the figure.. [y.name] recognized him?!
"Jin..woo?..." [y.name] murmured underneath their breath as the figure looked up to see [y.name] who was pretty shaken up. The light finally hits the figure's and it revealed it was indeed Jinwoo... but he had this soulless glint in his eyes that suddenly brighten up at the sight of [y.name]
"ah. [y.name]" He called out as he walked past the struggling man and approached [y.name] who took a step back away from Jinwoo. This made his heart wrench.
"don't. don't move away. it's dangerous at this time, you shouldn't be alone" Jinwoo continued as he was finally in front of a terrified [y.name]
"you shouldve accepted my offer walking you home"
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readerforexiao · 29 days ago
Jinwoo can't get drunk. So he gets drunk on you
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ddejavvu · 5 months ago
and how do we feel about han’s hands on your hips tugging you down to sit on his lap in a cantina. your cold fingers bracing against the peek of hair on his warm chest as he dismisses your protests, saying it like you’re stupid: “everybody’s too drunk to notice anyways.” and repeats the same mantra when he’s rimming your little pussy with his rough fingers under your skirt
'dismisses your protests, saying it like you're stupid: "Everybody's too drunk to notice anyways'
'rimming your little pussy with his rough fingers under your skirt'
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and he doesn't say that because it's true he says it because he's already reaching into your skirt and he knows you're worried about it. the urge hit him to stick his hand into your cunt so he's gonna say whatever he needs to say to get you to stop fussing so much about it and he's gonna forcibly tuck your face into his neck so that you can't get all in your head about someone seeing. there's not anyone watching, but if there was he'd make dark, poisonous eye contact with them while keeping his hand buried inside your cunt, obscuring it from view. he's not trying to put on a show here: audience members are not invited.
he just keeps soothing you in that deep, gruff voice of his, as considerate and soft as it'll get, 'don't worry, sweetheart. no one's watching. no one's seein' straight in this place, they couldn't even if they wanted to. hm? no, no one's comin' over. they walked out. don't worry, god, you're so fussy. hey- hey, if you keep worrying about it, you're never gonna loosen up. let go a little, there we go. relax, can't get anything in there if you're a big bundle'a nerves. loosen up for me, come on.
he feeds you a couple sips of whatever he's drinking like 'here. take some of this, and get out of your head. this'll make it a little easier for you to stop worrying so much, stupid.'
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hanasnx · 1 year ago
"Don't get shy on me now," HAN SOLO chides, those big hands clamped on your thighs to make sure you stay pinned where you belong. Your hesitance is demonstrated through the tremble in your legs, wrestling with the instinct to hover over his mouth while his strength overpowers you, muscling you into your seat. “the fuck are you going?”
“Han, give me a second.” you plea through a whimper, but he yanks you down, his lips kissing the ones between your legs as the roughness of his shaved face scrape your soft tissue.
“Mm-mm,” he denies, muffled by your flesh as he mouths your folds, enveloping them in wet warmth that makes your eyes flutter. Thick arms lock around your thighs, cords of muscle swollen atop your lap, taking advantage of your position to jostle you gently over him. A rhythm is set, one your body adapts to within seconds, obeying his silent command to grind. The new sensation that comes with wetting his entire face with your slick tightens your grip on the headboard, releasing a burst of air in a gasp as you chase that growing feeling in the pit of your stomach. Encouraging groans sound underneath you, seemingly enjoying this just as much as you, heightening in volume as your enthusiasm becomes clearer.
Juices drip down his chin and the sides of his face as you ride it, listening to the sounds of sex fill the room as he continues to liven your efforts with his flexing biceps, rocking you on him with fervor that you meet with eager cooperation. He ducks his head, straining his neck from the weight of a body on it, but he ignores the pain, reaching his tongue to circle your hole, shoving it in. A sharp keen is drawn from you, one so vulnerable it rips you out of the trance. Another wave of heat is swift to bloom on your cheeks, and briefly you slow to cover your mouth in embarrassment. It's reprimanded as quickly as it occurred, Han's massive hand swatting the fat of your ass to imprint the colored shape of his scold. You yelp, jumping forward that brushes your clit against the tip of his nose.
The feeling introduced to you shoots electricity up your spine, and you follow it. You aim your hips just as he angles his head, reading your mind. He nuzzles your bud, puffy from stimulation, as his tongue traces the outline of your sex. One of those powerful and low moans of his, vibrating you, is enough to corral you to the edge. Your hips quicken, grinding down, desiring more and more pressure as your swirl your clit around his nose. You can feel him surge as he tugs you down—it's a wonder how he's not suffocating yet—desperate lips latching onto your delicate tissues, swiping side to side on your sex, painting himself with your new layer of cream. One hand releases the headboard to fist his hair to which he groans obscenely about. Your fist tightens, digging him into your hungry sex, letting him devour you as you direct him.
Since you're going at it on your own, he unlocks you, those callused hands running up your body, molding your pretty flesh in his grasp as he wanders your torso and chest. He gives your tits a hearty squeeze, pinching your nips between his thick fingers, before running down your back so he can get at your ass, groping you.
"Just like that, Han, almost there, just like that," you whisper, winded from effort, riding his face without a shred of inhibition. Your clit swipes across the bridge of his nose, hitting the bone, and your cry out as the coil snaps. Sweet juices flood, pouring out of you, drowning Han just like he wanted. Arms wrap around your hips, keeping you moving while your orgasm takes you over, squeezing your eyes shut as your body locks up like its got a mind of its own. He's not gonna let you chicken out, forcing you to keep grinding, overstimulating your abused clit. Even your fist banging haphazardly against the headboard, nails of your other hand digging into his scalp doesn't deter him. Choked noises of pain and pleasure release from deep within your gut, and the violent spurts of your pussy gradually slow to a stop. Your hole flutters, and carefully he lifts your leg for you, pushing you to lean to one side so he can extract himself. He envelopes you in his arms, tucking you into his chest as you breathe hard.
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yan-randomfandom · 6 months ago
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Beanie Stanley Pines x Reader
"Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?"
— Sailor Song by Gigi Perez
You kissed Stan.
Actually, it's more of he kissed you.
When you finally leaned away, his gaze at you felt so endearing, so warm, and so full of love. His eyes have always held in a heavy weight of tears, but for once, they're finally out of happiness.
He removed his red beanie, carrying it in his hands like it was fragile, before offering it to you. You tilted your head in curiosity, a never-ending smile on your face.
"What's this for?"
"...I just wanna see how you look wearing it."
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fuyuu-chan · 8 months ago
Snuggling To Keep You Warm
Characters: Neuvillette, Kamisato Ayato, Vyn Richter, Jing yuan, Sung Jinwoo (+ some characters you like or you think fit)
Genre: Fluff
Fuyuu-chan: idk why i suddenly stopped posting when i have a lot of fics in my drafts 😭 maybe because i feel lazy lol
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You just hopped into shower and just started when the water turned cold out of nowhere not to mention in a cold weather. You contemplated for a minute before deciding to continue, no choice as the heater isn't heating the water and you're already wet since first its hot water but it betrayed you so you decided to take the cold shower now. You dry off your body and hair all while shivering. I mean who wouldn't after taking an ice cold shower?
After dressing into comfy clothes and finishing your routine. You went to his office and asked if you could cuddle, he invite you to seat on his lap as he hugged you. Asking what happened.
"I'm cold, I took a cold shower since the heater decided to betray me" you answered.
"Oh? Why didn't you tell me about the heater?" He asked as he brushed your hair.
"Well you're working and I don't wanna bother you" you said as you snuggled.
"Y'know I would drop anything just for you right?" he asked as he held you a bit tight.
You hummed. "Can I stay here?" you asked as you peeked at him. "Of course, anytime besides is that even a question?" he answered as he put your head back onto his shoulder for you to lean on. "Do you want us to go to the couch? It will be more comfortable for you, we could also watch something while we're at it" he added. "Hmm but you're working?" You asked.
"Nah I just finished besides I wanna cuddle you" he answered.
"Okay then" you nod because you love hanging out in his office, its comfortable and the couch too. He carried you to the couch and placed you down. "Stay here, i'll make us some hot drink, it will help on getting your body warm again"
"Alright" you said. He kissed your forehead all while smiling before he left to go to the kitchen. You were playing on your phone when you start feeling cold again, you got up and decided to grab a blanket from your room. You exit his office and was heading to the room when you saw him coming back to the office. "(name)? where are you going?" he asked as he was holding a tray containing two cups filled with hot drink and some snacks.
"I'm still cold, just gonna grab a blanket, you go ahead" you replied as you smiled and he nods. You quickly go to your room and took a blanket before going back to his office. Inside, the tray he was carrying earlier was now in the coffee table, and there he sat at the couch waiting for you while scrolling down picking your favorite show so it will be ready. "I'm back" you said as you sat beside him draping the blanket on both of your laps.
"Welcome back, are you ready?" He said and you nod eagerly. He took both cups handing one to you as he put his arms around your shoulder after playing the show. After watching some few episodes you fall asleep as your head fall onto his shoulder, feeling your head on his shoulder he lean on top of your head as he pulled you closer to him and grabbing the blanket up to both of your shoulders covering the two of you.
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media, Thank you.
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erosmutt · 2 months ago
 ★ Captain Save A Hoe ⨟ H. Solo
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﹙characters﹚︰Han Solo, Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin, Thrawn
﹙pairing﹚︰Han x DARTH VADER'S APPRENTICE!reader
﹙synopsis﹚︰Master let his little apprentice go on a mission all by herself. It took some convincing from the Admirals, but she soon found herself on Tatooine, searching for a certain smuggler, and their run-in is far different than what she anticipated.
﹙content warnings﹚︰semi-public sex, bathroom sex, quickie, blowjob, face-fucking
﹙word count﹚︰2.0k
⠀★⠀⠀─⠀⠀WRITTEN BY EROSMUTT 25.01.14
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Every time you step into the conference room, you absolutely dread what's to come.
Rebels this, rebels that. Stationed here, stationed there.
The only plus to this specific meeting was that for once, Tarkin was not the one doing the talking. It was Thrawn.
"This man is not to be underestimated."
You sit at the table, fingers drumming on the surface in a steady rhythm, the only sound other than the soft beeps and boops of the control module as Thrawn navigates it, although both are being drowned out by your Master's obnoxiously loud breathing.
Nobody is really paying attention, for that matter. Except Tarkin, as always, kissing the Empire's ass.
Your eyes, previously clouded and distant, suddenly focus as the Admiral's words lift your veil of contemplation. You look up at the flickering screen displaying a mugshot of a man who, at first glance, seems unremarkable. "The man in question," Thrawn begins, his voice echoing through the conference room, "is Han Solo."
An involuntary scoff leaves you, drawing the attention of every high-ranking officer present. You lean forward slightly, your demeanor a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "Pardon the intrusion," you interject, your tone measured. "but, what exactly makes him so perilous? He looks utterly unexceptional."
Unfortunately, Tarkin is the one to speak this time. He scrutinizes you with an intensity in his narrowed eyes that can only be perceived as disapproval, which it is, because he does not approve of you. However, he tolerates you.
"His danger lies not in his outward appearance, but in the information he possesses, and the circles he keeps. He's a smuggler, one with a network of contacts that stretches across the Outer Rim and beyond." He takes a breath before continuing, eyes never leaving your face. "Solo has been known to associate with the likes of the Rebel Alliance's top leader. His ship, the Millennium Falcon, is used to ferry critical information and supplies to the Rebellion's strongholds."
Maker, what an earful.
Tarkin's gaze turns back to the mugshot, distaste clear on his face and in his voice. "Furthermore, he's been a thorn in the side of the Empire. He's evaded us for years, always slipping through our grasp at the last moment. In doing so, he's become a symbol of defiance, a beacon of hope for the discontented masses."
Is he done yet?
"Perhaps you'd like to aid in his capture, since you have such curiosity."
Of course not.
"Excuse me?"
The pale blue of Tarkin's eyes fall back on you, studying your expression. "I recommend you take personal charge of this mission to apprehend Solo. Your... unique skills and background may prove invaluable in navigating the underworld he inhabits."
A sound akin to a garbled scoff is heard from beside you. It's clear that Vader isn't happy with this new development. The Grand Moff, ever the antagonist, raises an eyebrow. "Do you disagree, Lord Vader?"
Yes, he does disagree. One thousand times over, absolutely. Yet for some reason, he can't find it in himself to argue with the Admiral today. A few moments of silence pass before Vader speaks.
"Very well."
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That's how you found yourself on Tatooine.
Fate decided you would be dropped onto this podunk, backwater planet, and so here you are, feeling stranded on the desolate sands of Tatooine. The scorching heat of the binary suns above bears down upon you, your skimpy clothes given to you for the mission doing little to shield you from the temperature.
Vader had told you he had an inkling that the rogue would be lurking in one of the planet's countless cantinas. Sure enough, as you make your way inside of a particular dive bar, his intuition proved correct.
It's loud. Too loud.
The raucous noise of the patrons and music combined is an unwelcome and very stark contrast to the usual eerie, dead silence you've grown accustomed to in Imperial dwellings. It all grates on your ears, overwhelming you. As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting, they fall upon a familiar face across the room.
Han Solo. Just the man you want to see.
A warmth pools in your tummy as Han's piercing brown eyes meet yours, a cocky, charming grin spreading across his handsome face. Despite there being three girls at the table looking up at him like he hung the moon and stars just for them, you feel an inexplicable pull, a magnetic attraction drawing you towards him. Straightening your short skirt, the leather of it creaking a bit, you take a deep breath and make your way across the crowded cantina, weaving between the tables and assortment of patrons.
He sits at a sabacc table, boots kicked up onto it making no difference on the scratched up surface, his lips now fixed into a lazy smirk on the death stick between them as he plays the game with the ease of a seasoned gambler. As you approach the table, Han's eyes rake over your curves, a flicker of interest in his eyes. He leans back in his chair, one arm draped casually over the back of the seat beside him, a silent invitation. The others present, a mix of humans, humanoids, and aliens, eye you warily, sensing your potential competition.
"Well well," Han drawls around the stick in his mouth, his voice like velvet and sin. "Join us, darlin'." He gestures to the seat beside him.
As you settle in, your hand finds his arm, once again making a heat pool in your stomach. You can feel the warmth of his skin beneath the thin fabric of his sleeve, the firmness of his bicep beneath your fingertips. You lean forward slightly, looking at his hand.
Leaning forward, you watch as Han takes a long drag of his death stick, the embers glowing bright in the dim light of the cantina. He exhales a plume of smoke, his eyes never leaving yours. There's a challenge in his gaze, a dare to match his audacity.
The cards laid out before him are just a jumble of patterns and numbers to your untrained eyes. You have zero idea who has the advantage, but you're not here to play sabacc. You're here for him.
You hesitate for a moment, your stomach fluttering nervously as you glance towards the cantina's entrance. The noise of the crowd fades into a distant murmur. Han's presence, his raw charisma, is utterly consuming.
Suddenly, you remember the reason you came here. To apprehend him. Why does he have your body warming with attraction? You stand up a bit abruptly. "Excuse me," you murmur, hoping he doesn't notice the slight tremor in your voice. "I'll be right back."
Once again, you weave your way through the ridiculously crowded cantina, your heart pounding in your chest as you make your way to the refresher. It's a welcome respite from the chaos, the air slightly cooler and less smoky. You stand at the sink, staring at your reflection. Your cheeks are flushed, your eyes wide and bright. You look... excited, almost manic. You turn on the sink and splash some cool water on your face, trying to snap out of it and compose yourself.
As you dry your hands, another woman steps out of one of the stalls, approaching the sink and turning the water on. "Watch yourself with that one, sweetheart." She warns, tilting her head to the door, referring to Han. "He's trouble." She takes the towel from you, drying her hands. Just like that, she's gone.
The door swings right back open, revealing Han's imposing figure, the smell of smoke and whiskey brought with him. He strides in, each step eating up the distance between the two of you. At 6'2", his tall, muscular frame seems to dwarf the small bathroom, making you feel small and insignificant. Han leans against the sink, looming over you, his gaze boring into yours. A wolfish grin spreads across his face, and it takes every ounce of your willpower to not let out a whimper.
"You said 'right back,' didn't you?" His deep voice asks, sending a shiver down your spine. He hits a fresh pack of death sticks against his palm before tearing it open, tossing the paper onto the floor, and extracting one. With fluid motions he places the death stick between his lip and flicks open his lighter. Shielding the flame with his large hand, he ignites it, the embers glowing.
"Looks like the party's here now," Han sighs, flicking the lighter closed and setting it beside the pack on the counter. His eyes never leave your face. The air is growing thick with tension, the scent of smoke mingling with the lingering floral aroma of the hand soap and your own fear. You swallow, mouth suddenly dry, realizing the precarious situation you've gotten yourself in.
Thrawn was right. He is not to be underestimated.
"Loth-cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" He asks, growing agitated with your silence. "C'mon, darlin'. A pretty little thing like you, comin' here for a good time then runnin' away?" Han pushes off the sink, beginning to circle you. As he stops behind you, he stares with a heavy gaze, taking a long drag of his death stick. The smoke curls around his head like a sinister halo. "You know sweetheart," he taps the ash off the stick into the sink. His hand comes to rest on your hip, pulling you towards him, your back hitting his chest. "I could show you a real good time."
"A good time?" You question, laying your head back against his chest. "Mhm," he leans down and presses a kiss to your jawline, then to your neck, giving your pulse point a teasing flick with his tongue. "Turn back around f'me, sweet thing, face me." He murmurs, and you comply, now facing him. "On your knees."
"Yes Captain." Your voice in your ears is barely audible over the sound of your heart pounding in against your chest as you drop down to your knees. "You know what to do, sweetheart." Your hands find and undo his belt, the metal clasp falling open with a soft clink. Dragging down his zipper, you tug at the waistband of his pants, freeing his hardening cock. It springs out, thick and heavy, the musky scent filling your nostrils.
Tentatively, you wrap a hand around his velvety shaft, stroking it with a light touch. Han inhales sharply, his hips jerking forward slightly, seeking more contact. You lean in, flicking your tongue out to taste the pearlescent bead of precum glistening at the tip. The flavor spreads across your taste buds, salty and slightly bitter, but bearable.
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself, before taking Han's cock into your mouth. Inch by inch, you sink down, lips stretching around his girth. The head of it bumps against the back of your throat, making you gag reflexively. You fight the urge, determined to please him, to get him in Imperial custody as quick as possible.
Han groans, tangling a hand in your hair. "Kriff, hold still dollface," he mutters around the death stick before tangling his other hand in your hair, beginning to guide your movements. He sets a relentless pace, fucking your mouth with short, hard thrusts. Drool leaks from the corners of your mouth, hands on his hairy thighs. Your jaw aches, your neck strains, but still, you take him deeper, until the tip of his cock nestles in the tight clutch of your throat.
He grunts, grip tightening in your hair, holding you in place as he hilts inside your mouth. You shut your eyes, the tears that welled up in them finally spilling down your cheeks. With a deep, guttural moan, Han empties his balls down your throat. "Ohh, Maker," he drawls. "Swallow," he whispers hoarsely. You swallow, the hot, salty essence of his cum making you gag.
Finally, Han pulls out, his softening cock slipping from your used mouth with a wet pop. You gasp for air, strands of drool and semen connecting your lips to his crotch before they snap, decorating your chin with a sheen. You look up at him, eyes pleading and desperate. For what, exactly? You have no idea. Your dignity, perhaps.
Wait a minute. Aren't you on a mission right now?
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@102hannah @addictedtohobi @literally-izzy @brooklynb8by @indyswife
@jameskellysgirl @lovebunanon @speaknow-sw @anakinstwinklebunny
@vrby9 @zapernz @jediavengers @enchant5d @trippyhippywitch
@valloos @piastricentric @gallerygourmet @anakinsbbgirl @ilovekmchenzie
@s1ck-skv1l @s1aywalker @t03soup @offthethirlwall @tfmerc
@starlmbed @slutforfinnickodair @geekforhorror @necromancerrrs @theladykassia
@thesassypadawan @cocobear18 @anisangeldust @fredswrite @byunnue
@d0llfilth @haydenslittlegirl @espinathena-17 @fallout-girl219
@mugwump327 @stepdadjameskelly @anisluvrgirl @xhunnybeeex @radiantvader
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @hayden-christensen-verse @ysrjune @dreamygirli3 @awhhayden
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xxsunoosprincess · 11 months ago
Heeseung jerking off for his friends
(nsfw video, minors dni)
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Just dropping in quickly to show you all this video of heeseung jerking off <3 look at his cute ears, no way that isn’t Heeseungie >_<
And it tracks, I mean… his pretty cock, lots of cum, and an affinity for sending lewd vids in the hyung group chat. It started off as just porn… big tit hentai girls that would make Jay send a thumbs up, pretty boys getting plowed that would have Jake sending a keyboard smash, but quickly evolved into Heeseung sending videos of himself for his band mates to admire.
“What do you guys think? Does hyung look good?”
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princess :)
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harrywavycurly · 2 months ago
Can you imagine you’re on your couch enjoying your second glass of wine and on your Bumble account, just checking to see if anyone new has joined recently that strikes your fancy when you come across a very recognizable photo of Harry. Making you instantly go to his profile and feeling a bit unsure about it since it’s not the most detailed thing on the planet and filled with things that someone could easily find on Google. But you decide to swipe on him anyway just to see what happens, and to your shock it says you’ve matched so it’s up to you to send the first message, that’s why you enjoy Bumble because it lets you control if and when you send someone you match with a message.
Thinking that this profile can’t actually belong to the real Harry Styles you quickly type out something silly that even a Harry imposter would probably get a laugh out of, hitting send before taking another sip of wine while you read the message again giggling to yourself.
“If it stays between just us can you please tell me if Olivia is a person, place, emotion or if it really did just rhyme?”
You expect the person to take a while to respond so you feel your eyes go a bit wide when you see a message suddenly appear underneath yours.
“Sorry I can’t talk about songs that aren’t fully finished yet but…I mean picking a word just because it rhymes? Talk about lazy songwriting.”
You lean your head back and laugh at what they sent you and for a moment, just a brief one, you think it might actually be Harry Styles who just messaged you on Bumble. But you quickly shake it off and assume this is just a very good Harry impersonator who knows the lore of Olivia not being finished and the lazy songwriting quote that was said back in an interview with Niall. So thinking nothing of it you message him back.
“Oh well since it’s not fully finished may I make a suggestion?”
You barely have time to take a sip of wine before a new message appears from “Harry” making you smile.
“I’m listening…”
You bite back a giggle as you type out one word, and it’s not the word the person you’re messaging is probably expecting if they really do know their Harry facts.
But unbeknownst to you only a few miles away tucked into the corner of his couch in his dimly lit living room Harry is laughing as he holds his phone in one hand and his whiskey glass in the other as he reads your suggestion. Taking a quick sip of his drink before leaning over and placing it on his coffee table his thumbs are typing back a message and hitting send before he’s even fully leaning back and getting comfortable again.
“You know what? That’s brilliant. I was thinking it needed some horns.”
Harry chews hit bottom lip as he waits for you to reply, a grin taking over his face when he sees your message appear just below his. He can’t help but find himself intensely enjoying the way the conversation, as silly as it may be, flows between the two of you making his nerves about even wanting to join the app fade away with each new message he receives from you.
“Don’t worry I won’t make you credit me or anything. At least this time.”
He doesn’t let even a minute go by before he’s hitting send on his reply and he wonders if you’re possibly doing something similar to him right now, just having an evening in with a drink and smiling at your phone like an idiot.
“Ah so your next suggestion won’t be free then? Is that what you’re saying?”
He runs a hand through his hair as he waits for you to say something, not sure if maybe he accidentally ruined the fun and easy tone of the conversation but before he can really begin to overthink anything he sees a message appear from you making him let out a quiet chuckle.
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just-before-dawn · 11 months ago
yknow in "mr mistoffelees" when tugger gets so carried away with hyping up misto, and then misto taps on his shoulder to get his attention and then whispers something in his ear, and then tugger's like "oh yeah! okay!!", and then misto goes up to the tire and tugger starts his "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! I GIVE YOU!!"
one of my fave parts ever
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tentaclemilkprincess · 4 months ago
Luke skywalker as an elderitch horror:
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As an angel with golden hair and a laugh that echoed something ferocious, sometimes, when Han turned to see his best friend—his brother—he could have sworn he saw a hundred too many teeth, pulsing like a star.
As a nervous rambler, endlessly endearing in his social awkwardness, sometimes Lando would see Luke from afar and, in that distance, no longer recognize the blushing boy he'd come to love. Instead, there was a blank slate—eyes not black, but hollow, scooped out with the promise of both devastation and creation. And then, Luke would blink, bat those pretty lashes, and all that inhuman abundance would vanish.
As a passive monk, all soft smiles and gentle movements, the Mandalorians believed they had seen him at first glance. But then, they saw him truly—in battle. It wasn’t the blood, thick and vocal against his blonde hair or caught between his white teeth. No, it was how he moved—like their bodies were just blades of grass to be trampled or avoided, but ultimately beneath him. It was not a predator's stalk, for nothing on earth could exist as his prey. No, they were simply… just like those blades of grass. Like those bodies.
Still, when Luke walked the dusty streets, it was easy to pretend, to almost forget—to forgive the shadow that hung just a few paces behind him. To ignore the unsettling feeling that being near him was like waking from a very long dream. It was easier to pretend that he walked slow and steady because he was a jetti monk and not because his soul was older than time itself. Because, to Luke, all life was worthy—but perhaps not in human form. Perhaps their greatest worth was to feed the flowers and birds with their bones.
Who was Luke Skywalker to Din Djarin?
A god waging a divine war between himself, a devil chained by the needs of others, a man - a boy born to be missuunderstod and die both afraid and afraid of, a monk with an attitude more akin to an adventurer or a jetti, the last of his kind.
For all of Din's love he wasn’t special- he too didn't know who or what his cyar'ika was - not unless Luke allowed him to see that is. Because Luke Skywalker had spent nineteen years feeling jilted, out of place and time, like a line just a degree off.
For all the power that he weilded he was always told that love would elude him so when Luke met Din - a man so force blind he couldn't feel the unnatural ripple of Luke's skin or hear how he never breathed, a man so sworn to protect all he loved even if the object of his affections was the most powerful being in the known and unknown universe, a man who kissed Luke like he wasn’t terrying or scary but just a boy or as Din says "a very pretty and powerful boy"
Din worships Luke, but not because of the vastness and eternity of him or the knowledge of the sheer power that his beloved holds no, Din falls to his feet in adoration and prayer because he's the only being to get Grogu to eat something other than frogs and strange meat.
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