#society if i could just put a show on while im working and not get too invested 🏙️🏙️🏙️
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years ago
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say sike right now
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fabled-fiction · 2 years ago
i see you write for hobie brown omg i like audibly giggled when i read that 😭 i’m so excited he’s finally getting his recognition !!
if you write for him, maybe some relationship hcs?? (gn reader would be perfect!) bonus points if reader and hobie are around the same height
Hobie Brown Relationship Headcanons
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Summary: Headcanons for Hobie Brown in a relationship. From PDA to your private moments to how he acts when you aren’t around
Word Count: 961
Warnings: Talk of injury, POSSIBLE SPIDERMAN ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE SPOILERS (I’m just putting this here to be careful)
A/N: I hope this is good!! I wanted to include bits and pieces of what I thought could be a glimpse into some of the softer parts of Hobie!!
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🕷️ First of all, this man is a charmer
🕷️ One of his love languages is words of affirmation and trust me this man is always finding ways to compliment any and every part of you
🕷️ His goal is to show how much he appreciates you…but also he just loves seeing how hot your face can get. How flustered he can make you.
🕷️ He gets a confidence boost everytime ngl
🕷️ Especially in public.
🕷️ “Aye, ‘ow good does (Y/N) look?”
🕷️ Once you’re settled into the relationship he will never call you by your name-atleast not fully
🕷️ He expects the same. Call him Hobart and he will be visually confused and apauled
🕷️ “ Im sorry, who? I dont see a ‘obart in the room wif us.”
🕷️ Its always nicknames of your name.
🕷️ His go to pet name is “babes”
🕷️ On a seperate note, Quality time is also a super big thing whenever you get together
🕷️ Cause sometimes he’ll feel bad that his time is essentially split into thirds. Between being Spiderman on his Earth, a part of the Spider Society, and his time as Hobie Brown
🕷️ So he finds any and every opportunity to just soak you in
🕷️ Obviously you have the swing dates. Where he’ll usually take you to the top of whatever building has the best view for the night and have a picnic
🕷️ But thats usually for special occasions.
🕷️ Your usual spot it cuddled up with each other either just watching TV or a movie or sharing earbuds.
🕷️ His favorite is when you’re just doing your own things but together. Being in eachother’s presence
🕷️ Normally he’ll be tuning or playing his guitar, writing down cords that work well together while you have a book or sketchbook in your hand
🕷️ When it comes to late nights together, sleepovers and what not his favorite thing is when you two are cuddling.
🕷️ His favorite thing is to hold your face
🕷️ Because of his spider senses he gets to memorize the smallest of details on your face
🕷️ Also this man, if you get his head on your chesr earlier on in the cuddle session he is OUT
🕷️ Your heart beat is his personal lullaby. His security. It calms him down. Especially if he’s having trouble sleeping after a particularly rough patrol. Expect him to just haul your ass onto the bed and just bury himself into you.
🕷️ Also this man is not SUPER into the traditional PDA, dont expect to get any long kisses from him in public or you sitting in his lap.
🕷️ He has his own form of PDA though. He ALWAYS has to be close to you.
🕷️ If someone is standing next to you? No they’re not. Suddenly he’s (not so subtly) making his way back into HIS spot next to you and then standing shoulder to shoulder.
🕷️ This is something he will not move on, his spot is next to you and your spot is next to him. Whatever surface he is laying on or sitting on he expects you to be next to him or sitting between his legs
🕷️ He’s not a full on hand holder (the most you’ll get is a pinky hold) but he is the type to either always have his arm on you SOMEWHERE. Whether that's resting his elbow on your shoulder, arm around your shoulders. He’s just always touching you in some way.
🕷️ He’s always slinging his body over you, smothering you. THATS his favorite form of PDA.
🕷️ Or if he’s just feeling especially territorial he'll have his hand in your back pocket.
🕷️ Its not because of any superficial reason, this guy is the opposite from that. He’s just solid in the relationship, and prefers the super intimate physicalities to be just between you two.
🕷️ Unbeknownst to him though, its not really needed because this mf is ALWAYS staring at you with the most lovey dovey love sick puppy eyes.
🕷️ Whenever he talks about you to Miles or Gwen or Pavitr or Miguel…really anyone that will listen
🕷️ They usually have to tell him to get back on topic.
🕷️ Also always expect to be wearing SOME article of his. Its his way of…making sure he’s always with you. Totally not because he’s vocal about you being his ans when he’s not with you others gotta know.
🕷️ And he’s the same way. He’s always got one of your jackets around his waist or one of your tees. Anything you’ll let him wear (steal) to show off that he’s yours. It gives him the biggest shit eating grin.
🕷️ If you’ll let him, he’ll go as far as to take an old tee you were planning on getting rid off and add a patch of it to his vest.
🕷️ Also uhmm…this mf never stops texting you. ESPECIALLY if he’s away in another universe he’s sending selfs.
🕷️ He expects selfies back, and it gets to the point where his wallpaper is a collage of all the selfies you’ve taken and he’s taken…candids or not.
🕷️ Its also usually the most unreadible shit, because he’s convined he can text and swing which you’ve told him NOT to do
🕷️ On the topic of his wreckless swinging, you two have a rule
🕷️ He doesn’t want you involved with his Spider stuff. He’s got that part of the stereotypical spiderman mentality. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
🕷️ But for your sanity, any injury he has you take care of (if you can). If gives you some sort of peace of mind to know how he’s going in and what to expect.
🕷️ Ever since you both got together he’s been more careful.
🕷️ Cause he’s actually got something to come back to on his earth.
🕷️ When you get together he’s more passionate about his cause
🕷️ Because now he has a much more personal goal to work for.
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blackswan446 · 11 months ago
Hello Evieee!, im new to your blog but i already read lifetime and thief and i really like it. Can I request part 2 of lifetime where oc tries to escape and get punished by jungkook and then oc tries to be obedient then wants to request something that makes jungkook hesistant to consider? ☺️ thank you 💗
lifetime || two.
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→ pairing: yan!jjk x reader
→ synopsis: we live for so many years, why not make them the happiest you can?
→ wc: 3584
→ cws: manipulation, guilttripping, murder, implied dub-con
→ notes: originally wasn't planning to do a part two on this cus i didn't have any ideas for what could be next, but this ask sparked inspiration so i'm really excited :)) thank you for asking!! <3 also the ending kind of suggests a part 3 and i have an idea for it but i dunno when it'll come out sooo
part one || m.list
the last three months seemingly dragged by like years. every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. you were like a bird, skittish and anxious to escape the cage they had been locked in by a cruel captor.
to any outsider, your misery would come off as nothing but ingratitude and paint you as a finicky, spoiled brat. and honestly, you couldn't blame them for it. because anyone who peered through the tall glass windows of the luxurious mansion was bound to see just that--luxury. all they would see is the glass chandelier, the marble counters, and the endless indicators of money and class.
what they wouldn't see is the basement. the dark, damp, cold basement that you lived in--not physically, but mentally. you were trapped in this imaginary basement, and as much as you tried to claw at the concrete walls, and bang on the metal door, you couldn't escape it, not if you dedicated your entire life to it.
aside from the obvious, your life was perfect, at least by society's standards. you had everything you ever wanted and could get anything else you wanted at the drop of a hat. nice clothes, expensive jewelry, high-end makeup, flashy accessories. but you never really used them, since you didn't exactly leave the house, unless if it was time for you to play dress at one of jungkook's fancy work events, and cling onto his arm, following him around the whole night, your youth and beauty grabbing the attention of his rich business associates and peers, while you hoped that the pleading look in your eyes would alert the otherwise-blind millionaires to your distress.
since you didn't leave the house much, jungkook thought ahead and considered the inevitable boredom you would face. he stocked the house with as many hobby supplies as he could get his hands on. art, baking, reading, you name it, it's there. and anything that wasn't there would show up a mere hour after you requested it. not that you ever did, but jungkook practically bent over backwards to sweeten the pot for you, to put the rose colored glasses over your eyes and prove that being there with him was a good thing.
but none of this changed the fact that you were miserable. you missed the outside, you missed your life. you missed your achievements and the payoff of your hard work, which proved to do nothing for you inside of the prison you were trapped in. you missed the serenity of your street and the walk to your favorite coffee shop. you missed being human. physically you were a human, of course, but in your eyes, you felt as if you were nothing more than a shell, who didn't feel the pain of everyday problems and the joy of solving those problems. as much as you complained about them before, you would give anything to get out and feel those emotions again.
but after months of sulking, you finally had a plan. jungkook had placed security around the house--partly for his own protection and the safety of his house, and partly to keep you from getting out. you had never spoken to them, and they never spoke to you. but today, this would change. stuffing as many shiny jewels, expensive shoes, and silky dresses into the biggest and most expensive handbag you had in your closet, you put on a pair of basic shoes and the only black jacket you could find.
exiting the closet, you descended the grand stairs and looked around for the guard. not just any one in specific, but the one that stood by the front door. you needed to talk to this one only, it was crucial that you extended this offer to him and only him. why? you had overheard him talking in a hushed voice with a fellow guard, practically erupting with envy and awe at the house he found himself in. you knew he would fold immediately at what you had to offer and not say a word about it, which is why it was so important for you to talk to him.
you spotted him, in his usual spot by the door, staring straight forward with a blank look on his face. you took a deep breath, and approached him, and as you did, he shifted to stand more in front of the door. "do you need something?" he asked you. you looked around quickly, checking for any other witnesses before you began to speak.
"please, i need to get out of here. you need to let me leave." you pleaded quietly. the man shook his head. "no can do. i'm sorry." he said coldly, not even bothering to look at you. sighing, you held up the expensive handbag at rested at your side, and opened it to reveal the mess of jewels and fabric you that hid inside. "please," you repeated, "just let me out, and it's all yours. this, and whatever else you can grab from the closet before he comes home."
he peered into the bag, and he didn't need to say anything for you to know what he was thinking. but he didn't let up. shaking his head again, he returned his attention back to the house in front of him. you sighed in frustration. "please, i can't stay here anymore. you can tell him i jumped out of a window. you're not allowed to go up there anyways, right? you won't get blamed. besides, you can sell all this stuff, or give it to your wife, or-"
you were interrupted when the guard abruptly reached out and yanked the handbag from your trembling hands, holding it behind his tall figure. he didn't look down again, or say anything, but instead he stepped sideways, revealing the knob to the front door and the surprisingly simple latch that unlocked it. you laughed, out of relief and partial disbelief. the relief, though, was kind, and warm, and it washed over your mind like water and undid the tense knots in your body.
it was also very brief.
in that moment, the exact moment that you had regained your sweet freedom, one set of footsteps managed to make it crash down around you. "princess, is that you?" jungkook called, swiftly entering the foyer where you and the guard stood, caught red-handed in your scheme. you whipped around quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly, and your guilty eyes met his suspicious ones. "what's going on here?..." he trailed off, taking in the sight of you in tennis shoes and a jacket, and the guard holding a very familiar, very expensive handbag behind his back.
inhaling deeply, an eerie calm took over the man, his earlier confusion evaporating as he put the pieces together. you swallowed thickly, heartbeat deafening in your ears as he looked back and forth between the two of you. without a word, he grabbed you by the bicep and yanked you closer to him, the clean soles of your sneakers squeaking on the shiny floor. he then stuck his hand out towards the guard, fingers open as he shamefully returned the bag. "i deeply apologize, sir. i was wro-"
"stay here, mr. ahn. i'd like to have a word with you later." jungkook said coldly, turning on his heel to ascend the stairs behind him, dragging you with him. you glanced down from the top of the stairs at mr. ahn, who wore a look that could only be described as pure terror. he knew what was next for him, he knew that he had messed up beyond repair.
leading you down the maze of hallways and identical doors, jungkook finally stopped at a new one, and also the biggest one you had seen, which was obviously his own room. shoving you forwards towards the bed, which was on the other side of the grand room, he pushed you down to sit on the edge of the bed and went to shut and lock the door behind him. it wasn't until he had returned, and took a seat next to your shaky figure, that he spoke.
"i'm not mad, princess." he said calmly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "i'm just confused. why would you try and escape? what were you thinking?" he asked himself, scoffing in annoyance. "are you really that unhappy?"
you turned your head to him, slowly, and stared at him in utter disbelief. "i mean, i knew you would need time to adjust. but running away from me? after everything i've done for you?" he continued, shaking his head. "why did you do it, angel? just tell me. why'd you try and leave me?"
"because this place is a prison. you kidnap me, and take me away from everything i've ever loved, and lock me in this cage, and try to distract me with all these fancy clothes that i can't even wear to anywhere, and give me these stupid ass baking pans, and art canvases, just to try and dumb me down, and make me forget what you did to me! so you tell me, jungkook. why do you think i tried to run away?" you exploded, giving him a nasty glare as he nodded slowly, in a way that made him look more amused than anything.
"is that what you think it is? a prison? after everything i've done for you. the money i've spent. the blood that has been shed, the dirty blood of that whore, that i watched pour from her head after i hit her. i do all of that just for you, and this is how you repay me?" he seethed. "honestly, [name], i'm hurt. i thought you would be happier here, but apparently, i was wrong." he said, the white-hot tone of his voice now gone and replaced by a remorseful murmur. your glimmer of hope shined through once again at the idea you thought he was suggesting.
"i know i shouldn't be mad at you. it's all my fault that you're so unhappy here. all alone, all day long. it must be awful. you must be so lonely." he said quietly, fiddling with his hands as he stared down at his shoes. "i'm so sorry, [name]." you didn't respond to his apology, and you let it bounce off your heart and onto the floor in front of you. "i'm going to do so much better. okay? i know what i can do!" he smiled, a wicked idea forming in his mind. "i can change my position at work, and instead of going there everyday, i can do my work here, and stay home with you!" he exclaimed, smiling proudly at his new plan. your heart sunk to the floor at his words. the last thing you needed was jungkook sticking around here with you all day long.
you shook your head. "no, jungkook. you don't-you don't need to do that." he waved his hands in denial. "nope," he vetoed, "it's decided. i'm telling everybody tonight. trust me, princess, this is for the best." he sighed contentedly, before his voice got low and serious. he stood up from his spot next to you, and stood right in front of you. "now, we may have solved the problem, but we still need to address what happened earlier. what you did isn't okay, angel. it was rude, and stupid, and it hurt me a lot. how do you think that makes me feel as a provider? as someone who loves you? honestly, [name], do you enjoy hurting people like that?" he asked.
though you had tried to resist it, the dagger of guilt had managed to stab you, right in the gut. jungkook sounded hurt, and the way he put things made you feel like a total piece of shit. you shook your head again. "but, you're not the only one who did something wrong. mr. ahn's actions told me all i need to know about his loyalty and how much he cares about his job. so the only right thing to do now is punish those who were wrong. that sounds fair, doesn't it?" he asked innocently. you nodded, stomach sinking at the direction this was going in. "use your words." he commanded, putting a firm hand on your shoulder. "yes, that sounds fair." you whispered weakly.
"now, there are...a few ways...i could punish you right now. but you're not the only one who messed up. and besides, i think those other ways would be better reserved for when we're home together. yeah?" he joked, the smirk potent in his sweet voice. "so here's what we'll do. mr. ahn was unloyal to me. he didn't do what i asked him to, and i don't go for that. but, i'm going to leave it up to you,"
"should i go and kill mr. ahn right now, or,"
you shook your head frantically. "jungkook, no. please, don't. it's my fault, okay? i'm sorry." you pleaded. he nodded. "yeah, princess, it is your fault. and now, you're paying the price. so, i could go and kill him right now, or,
i could burn down this entire house with everybody in it, including us."
your stomach lurched at the sick words that fell from his mouth so easily. tears brimmed your eyes, blurring the glow of the chandelier above you into a mess of golden light and black suit fabric as you looked up in disbelief. it felt like every organ in your body somehow stopped working and kicked into overdrive all at once. "please, jungkook. you don't have to kill anybody. please, i'm sorry. it's my fault. just do whatever you said earlier to me. please, don't hurt anybody else." you choked out, cheeks slick with tears.
he shook his head. "those are the only two options for you, princess. i like your enthusiasm, though. so what'll it be? kill one man who deserves it, or bring down ten other innocent people, including yourself?" he probed, pushing your jaw up to look at him. "now, [name], or i'll choose for you." he warned.
"the first one!" you spat. "now, which one was that? don't be shy, princess, i want to hear that sweet voice of yours." he teased, smirking at your distress. "kill mr. ahn." you said weakly, your blurry vision just able to make out the smug grin on jungkook's face. he shrugged nonchalantly, dropping your jaw from his hands and letting it fall as you laid your head in your hands, barely biting back uncontrollable, heaving sobs. "if you say so."
he left, strides long and shoulders back, and the seconds once again felt like hours as you were left alone in the unbearable silence. though you preferred deafening silence over what was next. the yelps of pain, the pleas, and the deafening sound of bones cracking and bloody knuckles meeting bruised flesh. even from a floor away, you could hear the atrocity from the bedroom. you clasped your hands over your ears, hoping the blockage and the sound of your own crying would mute the tortuous sounds.
after a disturbingly short amount of time, you heard the thrashing and struggling grind to a stop. taking your shaky hands away from your red ears, you pulled them close to your chest, crinkling back into a fetal position on the bed as your wails echoed off the walls of the bedroom. tears flooded from your eyes, onto the fabric of the comforter and into your hair, and only got worse as you heard the sound of dreaded footsteps drawing closer to the bedroom.
as you wallowed in the pits of hellish guilt, you made a promise, to both yourself and to everybody else that stood in the unpredictable path of jungkook's rage and violence.
this was never going to happen again.
❀⊱ ═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════ ⊰❀
this time, you were confident. there was no way your plan could go wrong. this was your guaranteed ticket to freedom.
you spent months being obedient. conforming yourself to be the perfect one for him. ever since that horrific day, when an innocent man died because of your careless decision, you committed yourself to the mission of making sure something like that never, ever happened again, not if you could help it.
so you listened. you let him say whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted. you were more than just his ragdoll, though, you played along. you smiled at him sweetly, and listened to his words, and told him you loved him with a kiss on the cheek every night before sleeping.
of course, it made you sick. knowing the hands that grabbed your waist and played with your hair and made you dinner and everything in between were the same ones that brutally ended the life of innocent people made your stomach twist in ways it never had before, and you hated it.
every night, you felt so marked, so unpure, so dirty. like the blood that he washed down the drain like nothing that day had stayed on his hands and left smudgy, sticky handprints all over you. but maybe, just maybe, your trying days and sleepless nights would finally pay off.
knocking softly on the wooden door, you didn't need to wait for jungkook to respond before you opened the door. looking up, he smiled happily as he saw you come towards him. "there you are, princess!" he greeted, closing his laptop as you smiled back at him. you greeted him quietly as you shut the door behind you. "come sit, darling." he beckoned, tapping his lap as he pushed his chair out, "i missed you today."
you obliged, a sharp tinge of disgust striking through your heart as you straddled his lap, resting your chin on his shoulder. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and sighing deeply. "how was your day? do anything interesting? i wish i could've stayed with you today." he said wistfully, rubbing his hands up and down your back gently.
you shook your head. "not really. it was good, though." you replied. sitting back, you met his eyes, the hesitated look on your face acting as the dangling carrot in front of the hungry rabbit. "what is it, sweetheart? you look sad."
you shrugged. "oh, i don't know. it's kind of silly. don't worry about it." you chuckled, fiddling with your fingers as you spoke. eyebrows knitting together, jungkook shook his head. "no it's not, baby. tell me what's going on." he probed. for a second, just a split second, your mind began to wander into the waters of uncertainty.
"come on, you know i like to hear your sweet voice."
your heart lurched at the sentence, one that was forever stuck in your mind as a painful reminder of that awful day. suddenly, the uncertainty was gone, replaced by an urgent sense of eagerness and determination.
"i just miss my old life." you admitted. "i was just...so proud of everything that i made for myself. not that i don't like it here with you, but i miss my routine. i miss going to the store, and getting my coffee, and walking through my neighborhood. it took me a long time to finally gain happiness, and i wish i could've held onto that for a little longer." you said sadly, eyes welling up at the memories of the life you once cherished.
jungkook nodded slowly. he stayed silent, but you could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered your confession. "and, i was kind of wondering, if..." you sighed shakily, "if it'd be okay for me to go out? just for the day, sometimes. and i'd come back here every night. i would just want to go back to my apartment, and get my old clothes, and have another one of my favorite drinks, and visit the old park i used to walk at."
looking back into his eyes, you were met with his own eyes being focused on the floor. he had a thoughtful expression, and the oh-so sweet glimmer of hope that had been extinguished for so long finally regained its spark. he stayed like that for a while, as if he were picturing everything you just said and everything that could go wrong.
"i'll think about it."
your eyes widened, eyebrows raising and the corners of your mouth curling upwards. "really?!" you exulted, sitting up in his lap. he smiled and nodded again. "yeah, really. you've been a good girl, i think you deserve a reward." he grinned. "thank you, thank you!" you cheered, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug and kissing his cheek.
"of course, darling. anything for you." he beamed. "why don't you go to the kitchen and have someone start on dinner? i just have one more call to make, and then i'm all yours. sound good?" he hummed. you nodded happily, hopping off his lap and bubbling out of the office.
it worked, it worked so well! the glow of freedom was so close, you could practically feel its warmth absorb into your skin as you skipped downstairs. everything seemed brighter now; the lights illuminated the room in a different way, the vases of flowers were more vibrant, and your soul felt like it was shining more than it had in months.
if only you knew the storm cloud that was headed your way.
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theambitiouswoman · 2 months ago
how do you deal with shame? bc i suffered with severe depression and im just getting my own apartment at 30 years old. i still have no degree, the job i go to in ashamed everyday even though it pays my bills and take care of my kids because i see everyone who i went to high school with graduated and some got their masters. im ashamed of what i been through and ashamed of where im in at my life and im carrying deep deep depression and shame because i feel like im not enough and embarrassed of where im at because i know i could’ve did more with my life.
I really want to answer this because I also remember feeling behind at one point and I definitely remember my friends comparing themselves to me because we didn’t make the same life decisions.
Just want to warn you I’m going to give you some compassion combined with a little tough love.
I’m really, REALLY sorry you’re feeling this way. No matter how different your life looks to others, it’s your life. It’s easy to compare yourself to people who seem to have it all figured out, but their paths aren’t yours. Just because you are seeing someone during the good times in their lives, doesn’t mean it will always be that way or that it won’t be for you when the time is right.
I remember feeling so much judgment because all my friends were married, had serious boyfriends, or kids. Back then, I’d leave our dinners in tears, feeling like a failure. Looking back now, the pressure I felt seems almost comical, but it was painful at the time. For context, I’ve been engaged more than once, yet I wasn’t ready to settle. Now, many of those women are divorced and starting over, often without financial independence, while I’m at a high point in my life and considering settling down on my own terms.
The lesson here is that life isn’t a race or a checklist. It’s not linear, and it doesn’t have to follow a timeline. Some people hit their stride at 20, others at 30, 40, or beyond—and that’s okay. Life is meant to be experienced, not rushed. The lessons we learn along the way shape us. Society’s timelines and standards are just that—standards. You don’t have to follow them to live a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Depression is incredibly hard to deal with, and it’s not something I take lightly. But since you’re committed to working on yourself, it’s so important to remind yourself to keep pushing forward. That said, I think you’re being way too hard on yourself right now. Who wouldn’t feel overwhelmed? But let’s take a step back—you have your own apartment for the first time, which is incredible! You have a job that allows you to provide for your kids, putting food on the table and showing up as a parent who loves them deeply. How lucky are they to have you?
From my perspective, you’re incredibly strong. You’ve faced depression and still found the courage to keep building yourself up. That’s no small feat. Don’t let negative thoughts get in your way—practice reframing them. Instead of focusing on what you feel is lacking, focus on how far you’ve come and the amazing things you’re doing right now. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.
You may not like where your life is now, but you have to realize that it is under your control. If you want to change your life now, today, you can. Your life will start to change when you yourself commit to change. And that starts with your thoughts. Work on your perspective. Don’t beat yourself up for what could have happened or didn’t happen because you’re wasting even more time for absolutely nothing. You feel like you’ve wasted years, why would you want to continue wasting any more?
Shame often stems from the story we tell ourselves, so try to shift that narrative. You wouldn’t shame your friends for struggling; you’d remind them of their resilience. Focus on small wins— change your perspective. Start focusing on showing gratitude for the things you do have and what you’ve overcome. Gratitude for everything and anything. Gratitude attracts miracles and abundance. I know this sounds dumb or unrealistic, but it’s true. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to try.
I’m very proud of you and you can do so much more, anything you want if you just had a little bit of faith in yourself. Your worth isn’t defined by what you’ve been through or what you’ve accomplished. It’s defined by the fact that you’re here, trying and pushing forward. That alone makes you more than enough.
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justmeinadaze · 3 months ago
Late Night Circus (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I'm on my period and Im feeling some type of way so sue me lol When you picture the club and performances, think of it like Moulin Rouge. That's kind of what I pulled from as well as the scene in The Lone Ranger (a terrible movie you probably didn't see) where they go to meet Helena Bonham Carter.
This dynamic is a bit different than what I normally do but I dont want to quite put a label on it. Just know these three care for each other and are needy as hell lol
Warnings: I'm gonna call them escorts definitely leading more towards subby Steddie & leaning a bit more towards dominate definitely confident and commands a room plus size fem Y/N, SMUT, sub/dom dynamics, dirty talk, lingerie, etc.
ANGST, I'm going to explore it more later but both boys did sign up to work at the club so they aren't there quite against their will but it is made clear that they can't just leave. This is an established relationship and they do all care about each other but there is still angst fodder for later (i.e. power dynamic, her status in society, etc.)
Mentions of the readers weight but very brief (she talks about people underestimate her and think she can't get a date because of her size), Y/N is definitely possessive of them, Mentions of Steve getting hurt (punished) not by Y/N, mentions of them becoming being protective over her (hating the thought of people talking about how she looks)
Word Count: 4797
"Welcome to the late-night circus Where you could be a freak on purpose Under the sheets, you know I'm lurking You know me, do you like what you see? Do you like what you see?"
The Late Night Circus was one of the best kept secrets everyone within the city knew about. 
People went to the club shaped like a dent during the weekdays but only the elite graced their presence on the weekend. No one would ever expect you to be there. You, a successful woman of parents who were prominent members of society. 
Carrying a confidence that intimidated so many, you never seemed like the kind of person who would pay for sex like the other rich assholes around you who fucked women out in the open at parties with no shame. 
What they didn’t know was you weren’t paying for sex but time. 
Time with not just anyone but them.
While everyone in the lowly lit building wore a masquerade mask of some kind both men always knew when you were in the room…out in the audience…watching. While other women wore elegant gowns, you wore a pant suit that not only showed off your juicy curves but commanded respect, not just from the performers but people around you. 
Your heels would click along the floor over the loud sounds of laughter and conversation around you as you found your table in front of the stage. 
The Ringmaster would begin to speak, asking people to take a seat and quiet down. If only he knew the power he wielded. No one could tell these rich pricks anything but they always listened, finding a place to sit as the show began. 
It was always an elaborate of affair of gorgeous men and women dancing in lingerie or revealing garments that showed off the goods they had to sell. 
You waited patiently, appreciating each performer for their talent and beauty but when the electric guitar began to play a shiver of excitement ran through your body. 
You smirked as women danced around him while a cigarette dangled from his lips and his long, thick fingers strummed the strings of his guitar. Sweat clung to the tattoos on his bare chest and the tight black underwear they had him donning left nothing to the imagination. 
Dipping his head back, he shook his long hair away from his eyes, meeting yours hidden behind a black mask before winking your way. 
Eddie was a charmer and his kind heart combined with his crass attitude was something you mentally devoured. You could listen to him talk for hours but they were only yours for the night. His lips could move a mile a minute as he spoke but between your legs, he was slow and methodical as his tongue repeatedly pushed you to the edge. 
A spotlight illuminated the sexy back above the stage in a swing as he slowly descended and the cheers erupted around him. You didn’t need to see his face to know who it was. You had licked up and down his spine numerous times while your strap on pushed deep inside him as he begged for more. 
Tonight, they had both men matching with this particular boy in a black G-string that could barely contain him as the garter and lace along his legs had your breath catching in your throat. Steve’s best feature may have been his hair but no one could deny how delicious his chest looked with abs that you desperately wanted to kiss. 
You appreciated the spectacle at The Late Night Circus but the show was more for everyone else. At this point, everyone knew that Eddie and Steve were always taken on Saturday nights by the mysterious woman in all black. The Ringmaster insisted that they were still apart of the show and had to perform, however. Steve sat pretty on his swing showing off his muscles and Eddie usually played his guitar as dancers moved around him. 
If anything, it pissed you off more that people were staring and eye fucking something that belonged to you. 
As the show came to a close, you listened as people around you spoke in vulgarities about the people they were going to choose. Some of them had the audacity to mention them and it took all your energy not to snap. 
“VIP members, if you will follow me.”
You rose with your money in hand, waiting in line for your turn to finish your deal.
“Ah Lady in Black, how are we tonight?”
“Just fine, Ringmaster.”, you reply flatly as you hand him the bills and he grins wickedly.
“Wonderful. You know the rules so I don’t need to reiterate.” You nod, stepping forward into the back area where the private rooms were located before his voice gives you pause. “Oh, and by the way, Steven may not be 100% so don’t go too hard. You never do but…”
“Why wouldn’t he be at 100%?”, you asked with an edge to your tone that had his head tilting in amusement. You were one of the few people that had the nerve to speak up to him and he appreciated that…to a point…
“Let’s just say he disobeyed so he was punished.”
“You put your hands on him?”, you growled.
The Ringmaster chuckled sarcastically, turning to face you as he glared. 
“They may be yours on Saturday nights, baby, but they’re mine the rest of week.”
You two stared each other down until you finally backed away allowing him to think he won as you headed for your room. You hated the décor of these cheap little dorm style areas they shelled out for the night. For the price you were paying, the least they could do is allow you to bring them home or put you in a nicer area.
After taking off your mask, you untie your hair and shake it out as the sound of a door slowly opening filled your ears. Strong arms wrapped around your stomach and you finally allowed yourself to smile as you leaned your head back to meet Eddie’s lips with your own. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hey.” When he lets you go, you turn to hug Steve who winces slightly in your grip. “Ringmaster told me he hurt you. Why?”
The boy smiled at your concerned tone, cupping your cheeks to kiss you before taking a seat on the mattress. 
“Between the show he has us putting on every weekend and the clients we service through the week, honey, you’re our only reprieve. You are the only thing we look forward to.” As he speaks his voice breaks as he tries to keep himself in check and your heart breaks. “He’s been talking about filling your slot so I confronted him.”
“Excuse me?”, you grumble in immense anger, not even thinking as you turn to go confront him before Eddie hastily grabs your wrist and places you back between them. “I’m not going to allow that. I don’t care what I have to do.”
Steve smiles up at you as the long-haired boy pets your head and kisses your temple. 
“How did he punish you?”
“He, um, had his asshole goons hurt me. Not the face though…just right here.”, he gestures absently at his torso. 
Taking a couple steps towards him, you sink to your knees between his legs and a heavy sigh left his chest when your hand lightly grazes his ribs down his sides. 
“Right there? Am I hurting you, baby?”
“No, no. I just like when you touch me. Even if it’s just this.”
You softly smiled as you leaned over and gently kissed his skin. When your lips trailed along his tummy, Steve took hold of your face, tilting your head to kiss you. 
“I’m so sorry you’re hurting. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“You can’t make that promise, princess.”, the metalhead exhaled sullenly as he came to sit beside his friend. 
“Yes, I can. You can come live with me and I can take care of you.”
“I have money.”
“Why would you put your money up for us? I mean you won’t even tell us your name, Lady.”
“Do you not want to live with me, Edward?! Would you rather stay here?!”, you screamed, agitated by his questions.
“Lady, this has been our life for so long I barely remember anything else. Add in the fact that in our experience people don’t care enough to keep us around. You’re the longest relationship we’ve had and we only see you once a week. And he’s right…we don’t know your name.”
Huffing in frustration, you rise to your feet and begin to pace. 
“I like you calling me Lady. When I met you that’s what you called me and I didn’t think to tell you my real one. Here…I’m Lady in Black. Out there I’m the ruthless business minded bitch daughter of a power couple who gave me a section of their company. I have no one out there…”
“Then…then maybe we should keep things as they are.”, Eddie murmured softly as he collected you into his arms. “Trust us, we’re a bit of a pain in the ass. You don’t want us in your life 24/7.”
The boy chuckled but behind his words you heard the pain as he broke his own heart. 
“You’re right.”, your sighed causing both their gazes to snap in your direction. “Maybe, I should go…”
As you began walking to the door, you heard the bed creak before strong hands turned you around and arms wrapped around your waist as Steve pressed his face into your belly. 
“No! No, honey, please. Don’t leave. We’re sorry. We just—”
“Shhhh. I know…I know, baby.”, you cooed as your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing him closer to your body. “Let me take care of you, sweetie.”
He smiles softly up at you, a desperate, needy energy sounding him that you couldn’t get enough of. There’s nothing in this world you enjoyed more than seeing them happy, although a close second was watching them fall apart while they were inside you. 
Gripping his bicep, you motioned for him to rise and guided him back to the bed to sit beside his friend. 
“I love these little things he’s got you both in.”, you grin as you lightly pull on the garter around his thighs making their own smiles grow. 
Any genuine emotion or facial expression you bestowed upon them pierced their souls in a good way. It was rare in their lives to see such a thing as everyone around them including the other “performers” were seeking control. They were taught early on that genuine emotion was weakness, even by their families. 
Didn’t change the fact that they still craved it and you were the only person to give them what they needed in more ways than one. 
“One day he’ll put Eddie in one of these.”, Steve teased as the other boy laughed lightly and leaned his head on his shoulder. 
“I don’t look half as good as you in lingerie.”, the long-haired boy mumbles lightly against his skin as his lips linger along his warm flesh. 
Outside this room they hid their affection for each other but for you they were open and honest. That’s all you ever really asked of them; for them to be themselves. 
“I disagree. I think a good little see-through lace corset would look amazing against your tattoos.”, you smile as you crawl over to him and straddle his waist.
“What about you, baby? You’d look so fucking sexy in something like this.”, the other man beams at you as he gestures at his ensemble and falls back against the bed to be shoulder to shoulder with Eddie. 
You knew immediately that their compliments were never part of the package that came with them. They weren’t saying things solely to make you feel good but because they were telling the truth. Men out in the real world underestimated you constantly not just because of your gender but because you weren’t the stereotypical thin girl with “elegant” features. 
When you revealed your tenacity, a new stereotype took hold. 
“Of course she’s amazing at business. She’s not distracted by dating or a social life because she fat.”
You hated that assessment for many reasons but the biggest one being that your size had nothing to do with how smart and headstrong you were. Eddie and Steve seemed to recognize that immediately and you appreciated that. 
“I have a ton of different lingerie’s at my house.”
They exchange a glance before choosing to ignore your comment as Steve leaned towards the metalhead’s shoulder and trailed his kisses up to his neck. 
“Y/N.” Both men’s attention turns to you as you straighten your back and your eyes shift towards the tacky comforter pattern behind their heads. “My name is Y/N but please don’t stop calling me Lady. Like I said…I like it.”
Ringed fingers slide effortlessly into your hair as Eddie’s palm pulls your lips to his. 
“Beautiful. Just like you, sweetheart.”, he whispers. 
“Our Lady.”, Steve murmurs into your ear as his arm circles around you to hug you both closer to his chest. 
With a smile stretched across your face, you tenderly kiss down Eddie’s body allowing your mouth and tongue to linger over every tattoo you passed. You patiently took the time to refamiliarize yourself with his smell and his taste that you missed every other day of the week. Pulling down the tight black underwear, his cock sprung free and you marveled at his size as your fingers took hold of his girth. 
Steve followed your lead and left kisses of his own down the boy’s chest. His lust ridden eyes watched you as you stroked Eddie’s length, utilizing the beads of precum as lubricant to aid you. 
“His cock is so pretty, don’t you think?”
“Yes.”, the man breathed out, licking his lips at the sight. 
Snaking your hand behind his head, you brought him closer, kissing him softly before guiding the other boy’s tip to your lips. 
“Fuck, he always tastes so good.”
“Yeah, he does.”, Steve purred as he subtly began grinding against the mattress underneath him. 
“Hey, now, needy boy. You have to control yourself.”, you lightly scolded, your eyes locking with his as your tongue darted out to lick Eddie’s slit. 
“Fuck, baby, please.”, he whined as his fingers pet your hair. 
“Can you behave?”
“Yes, honey, I promise.”
Seemingly satisfied with his response you offered him what he wanted and he graciously enveloped Eddie’s dick into his awaiting mouth. 
“Look at you. Taking him so well. I could watch you do this for hours. Just let him keep coming down your pretty throat.”
“T-That’s it, Steve.”, Eddie whimpered as the man took him all the way to the back of his throat leaving a cascade of drool in his wake. 
“Do you want him, Ed? Do you want to taste him?”
“Yes, Lady, baby.”
Gently pulling at his hair, the boy comes off him with a pop and aggressively leans towards you to capture your lips. 
“Not yet, sweetie. Let him taste you. Sit on his face.”
Grinning like a kid in a candy store, Steve bounces up the bed and straddles Eddie’s face, groaning when hands cling to his thighs and his tongue flicks at his entrance. Taking over where he left off you open your mouth wide and flatten your tongue as you bob your head along his length. 
“Shit, Eddie. Your mouth…your mouth feels so fucking good.”
Your eyes flick up to watch as the metalhead sucks on one of the other boy’s balls causing an obscene sound to fall from his lips as he aggressively strokes his cock with his fist. 
“Slow down, Stevie. I want you to cum inside me.” Seeing his face twitch with need, you fly up towards him and cup your hands to his cheeks. “Don’t fucking cum, Steven. Tonight you’re both mine and I want you to cum while my pussy is squeezing your dick.”
“Baby, please.”, he begs as his palms cup your face in return. “I’m so close.”
You tap on Eddie’s chest and he promptly stops what he’s doing eliciting a moan to fall from the other boy’s lips as his hands fall to hold your wrist. 
“I’m sorry, honey. I’ll be good, I promise.”
Tilting his head, you kiss his forehead and the soft action sends a chill of pleasure through his body. They both loved and needed your affection like a drug they never wanted to stop taking. 
Watching with needy eyes, their irises followed you around the room as you casually removed the rest of your clothing. In anticipation, Eddie slowly stroked himself, zeroing in on the slick that was glistening on your inner thighs. 
You were just as hungry as they were but you were better at keeping it reigned in. 
“She’s so fucking perfect.”, he murmured to his friend who nodded earnestly in agreement.
“Are you ready for me, baby?”
“Always, sweetheart.”, Eddie grinned as you climbed on top of him with your back facing him. 
He held himself steady, watching between your bodies as you slowly sunk down on his cock. 
“Goddamn it, Lady, your pussy feels so fucking good. You have no idea.”
After a few cursory rolls of your hips, you leaned your back against his chest and he held you tightly as you kissed his cheek. 
“I feel good?”
“Yeah, princess, you do. So fucking tight.”
Planting his feet into the bed, he thrust up into you immediately hitting that spot inside you only they had ever reached. 
“Ah, my god.”
The feeling of electricity shot through your body and when your fingers reached down, they were promptly tangled into Steve’s fluffy head of hair between your legs. His tongue flicked out again to play with your clit and that feeling of ecstasy ran through you again as you embraced it. 
You pushed him harder against you and in return he flattened his muscle allowing him to lick you and Eddie as the boy thrust upward. 
“H-Harder, Eddie.”
His thick fingers dug into your sides as he honored your command, slamming you down as he pumped up roughly. 
“Cum, pretty girl. Please…I—mmph—I need to feel it.”
A string of ahs fell from your mouth as your fingers tugged at their hair and they moaned loudly at the action. Your body shuddered against them as the ball fell and Eddie grunted in your ear as you road out your high. 
With his palm firmly around your throat, he forcefully turned you so your nose grazes his and his pants warm your lips. 
“Can I cum, Lady, please? Will you let…me fill up…your pussy?”
“Yes, Eddie, honey. I need you to.”, you whisper, softly smiling when his eyebrows furrow together in focus and you kiss his forehead just as he paints your walls with his release. 
“Good…Good boy, baby.”
Steve’s hair tickled your thigh as he tenderly kissed along the other boy’s legs, massaging your own with his palms as he patiently waited for his turn. 
“Are you ready for me, Stevie?”
“Yes, ma’am.”, he replied, looking up at you with wide, glassy eyes like a puppy waiting to be praised. They were always so polite but became extra so when they were desperate for a release. 
Extending your arms towards him, the man practically glowed as he smiled wide and lifted you up before placing you on your back with your head against the pillows. You studiously watched his face as his knees opened your legs wider and his face scrunched as he guided himself easily inside you. 
“Careful.”, you warn lightly causing his amber eyes to search your own features. 
“A-Are you ok? Are you sore? Am I hurting you?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his kindness as you shook your head. 
“No, baby. I just don’t want you to hurt.” 
At your words, you place your palm on the side of his ribs. Blinking rapidly, it was almost as if Steve forgot he had been hurt in the first place. Eddie leaned towards him, placing a small kiss just above your fingers and at the action, the man heavily exhaled as he fell fully on top of you. 
“I’m ok, beautiful. Fuck—you’re always so good to us. W-We miss you when you’re away.”
While he spoke, Steve pumped his hips as you clung to his shoulders and he set a steady but firm pace. 
“Yeah, sweetie? I m-miss you to—mmm—so much.”
“Don’t let him take us away from you.”, he begged and again your heart broke as your possessive side took over.
“I won’t, Steve. You both are mine.”, you growled as you shifted your gaze to lock with Eddie’s. “Mine.”
“Yours.” At his heavy pant, he pounded into you and the bed underneath you three shook as you clung to his sweaty frame. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…I’m gonna cum. Can I, baby? Cum with me.”
His statement was a mix of a request and a command. 
You honored both by nodding and giving your approval.
Steve’s body trembled against yours as your cunt spasmed around him and he sloppily slammed his seed inside you. 
Falling to your side, they both gently kissed your neck and down your skin as they did what you had done, absorbing your smell and taste. 
Committing it to memory to save until next time.
“I meant what I said. I won’t let him take you both away from me.” You huffed angrily as they ignored you again and you pushed them to the side as you sat up between them. “I CAN bring you home.”
“Lady…”, Eddie sighs as he sits up next to you. “It’s not just that Ringmaster will make it hard for you to take us but…”
“But what? Be honest.”
“Where would we go?”
You look at Steve like he just asked you the most insane question you had ever heard. 
“You’d stay with me, of course. What…why would you think you wouldn’t?”
“So you’re just going to tell your family and friends that these two guys are staying with you indefinitely? We don’t hide our faces like you guys do. People will most likely recognize us and since you’re the only one elite member who purchases us—”
“I DON’T…purchase you…” Your voice cracks as you glance off to the side hating their wording. “I…I like you. I like spending time with you and talking to you. We…we don’t always have sex when I’m here.”
A sudden realization hits you that you’re unsure you’re prepared to hear the answer for.
“Do you see us like that? Like I’m just…another transaction?”
“No, hey, no.”, Eddie quickly responds without hesitation. “No. You’re different and we know that but that doesn’t change how the world out there sees this. He’s right, baby, we don’t hide. I imagine the bulk of the people that come here on Saturday are probably people you see on a day to day. You could lose everything for two whores you barely even know.”
You scoff at his statement, pulling back the covers as you search for your clothes. 
“What? What’s bothering you, Y/N?! Is it the truth?!” At the sound of your name, you glare Steve’s way and he waivers slightly while still standing his ground beside you. “I’m sorry.”
“No, for your information. I’m just starting to see how this dynamic is being seen differently than I thought it was.”
“Fuck you!”
“HEY! You want us to go with you, plead your fucking case and give us a reason to hope!”
His particular phrasing causes your head to tilt but you allow the thought to pass as you throw your items back down to the floor. 
“I don’t see you that way.”, you start as you gesture towards Eddie. “I don’t see you as whores or anything like that. I’ve just always seen you as…mine. We’re guarded, the three of us, and I get that. I may not know everything there is to know but…I do know that you both are incredibly kind. Steve, you are one of the most protective people I’ve ever met and Eddie you’re so funny. I like hearing you talk about…anything really.
I know that you both smoke because I smell it lingering on your skin after you fall asleep holding me. Even if I didn’t see you playing guitar every Saturday, Eddie, I would know because I can feel the callous and indents on your fingers when you touch my lips or my skin. I know Steve takes care of his hair and puts extra product in it because I feel how soft it is when I run my fingers through it while you both talk.
I know that you both have demons you don’t talk about. I see them in your eyes and on your skin. I see them every time you walk out that door. I may not know all your details but…I’m asking for the opportunity.”
When you finish, they glance at each other having a silent conversation before their little laugh echoes through the room. 
“Geez, sweetheart, I don’t know what you do for work but you definitely know how to speak.”, Eddie teases as he takes hold of your wrist and pulls you back to bed.
“What would you do if someone found out about us? If we lived with you?”, Steve asked as he climbed in beside you. 
“The truth. Your mine and I care about you. If anyone demeans you or says something nasty then I can handle it.” Both men grin, getting more comfortable once again within the sheets. “Honestly, though they’ll probably be snotty with me…find a way to bring my size into it. ‘The only way she could find someone is to pay for it.’”
At your words, they become more alert as you see their eyes darken in a way you had never seen before. 
“People out there talk about you like that?”, Eddie rumbles as he sits up on his elbow. 
“I mean, I’m used to it—”
“You shouldn’t be.”, Steve growls equally angry. “I bet it’s one of these fuckers in here to. I wish we knew who.”
“Because we’d fucking hurt them.”
“Hey, hey.”, you coo as you try to bring their attention back to you. “I’m ok. I appreciate you wanting to protect me.”
“Some of the guys talk about us and our bodies. We hate it. Some fucking asshole demeaned Eddie in front of me and I almost killed him.”
It was your turn to sit up on your elbows as you tried to control your breathing. 
“I’m going to get you out of here. I don’t care what I have to do.”
“Yes! Can I fucking assist you!?”, the Ringmaster shouts in frustration as he swings open the door you had been banging on for the last few seconds. “Lady in Black. How can I help you at 8 in the goddamn morning?”
“I want to buy their freedom.”
You sigh in annoyance as you push past him into his apartment above the club and turn to face him after he closes the door. 
“Eddie and Steve. I want to buy their freedom. How much?”
The Ringmaster chuckles as he casually strolls to his desk nearby and grabs a cigarette from a pack, lighting the end before throwing his body on to the couch. 
“You want to take my stars, baby girl.”
“Don’t call me that.”, you seethe. 
“Oooo. You want something from me yet you won’t play nice? How did you make your millions again?”
“Let’s just cut the bullshit, Ring. You and I both know all you care about is money. You don’t give a fuck about your performers so I’ll ask again. How. MUCH?”
Seemingly intrigued, he tilts his head back as he blows smoke in your face. 
“How much do you make in a year, Lady? I read somewhere it’s in the ballpark of 5 million.”
“That’s how much my parents make a year combined with investments.”
“Hm, well…”, he pauses as he exhales. “Better get mommy and daddy on the line then. I’ll give them to you for 10million. 5 for Ed and 5 for Steve.”
Your nostrils flare as you try to hide how much the number throws you off guard. But you made them a promise and you were do anything you could to get them out of here. 
Chuckling, the man rose to his feet, running his fingers through his greasy hair as he tossed his cigarette out the window. 
“Best get a move on, baby girl, and I’d make sure to book them quicker this time around if you can. They have a lot of eyes on them and people are jumping at the chance to experience them for themselves.”
@myherometalhead @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @hardladyheart @utterlyinsanity
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sunnycitymac · 2 months ago
omg idk if uve posted an explanation for transmasc chase but if u havent id LOVE to hear?!?!?! im trans and i love house so :3:3
I've never made an explanation, but here's my list of headcanons:
as for my explanation, I believe he struggles with his masculinity in a uniquely transmasc way. People that headcanon him as transfemme will notably say that he's "performing gender", overcompensating to portray a sense of masculinity that he doesn't feel internally. But I disagree (for one, he's not hypermasculine in any sense that could be construed as a performance). This is because he has to actively work to be perceived in a masculine manner, and be treated as a man within the structure of the society he lives in, which would almost always come automatically if he were cis (again, he's white, "straight", well off in the beginning of the series, and able bodied. these aspects should put him at an advantage he clearly doesn't have). While there aren't any particular examples, you can clearly tell that characters like House, Wilson, and Foreman really aren't being perceived in whatever way Chase is. He's almost treated like a woman in the context of the series, particularly by House. He's always being described as "pretty" (by everyone) and a lot of House's jabs come from this perception. And this is clearly something he's uncomfortable with. I believe if he were to be a closeted transfemme this would either ease into comfort or become more uncomfortable around season 6 when he does become much more visually masculine (buzz cut, stubble, etc). While he was in no means comfortable at this point (Cause, you know), it clearly isn't discomfort in his identity, it's the natural discomfort of being freshly divorced from a whirlwind marriage. His relationship with Cameron also highlights his transmasculinity. Obviously, Cameron has her dead ex husband. Chase struggles with the fact that Cameron will never view him in the same way as she did her ex husband, like he'll never be the same to her or even enough to her. Especially enough as a man. I think the choice to show Cameron's attachment to her ex through his sperm specifically is a very interesting choice. There's the easy route of going "haha get it he doesn't have his own sperm", which is valid, but sperm and using it to produce children was something that at the time was largely unique to men and traditional masculine gender roles. Showing Cameron keeping her ex's sperm not only conveys that she wouldn't view him as a good and adequate husband, but more specifically as a good and adequate man, which puts a serious strain on their relationship. The show could have just as easily used something else, like a ring, and would be just as cinematic. The choice of sperm specifcally is interesting to me. And killing Dibala, which leads Cameron to end their relationship, was another example of Chase's relationship with masculinity. Dibala tells Chase, who is clearly uncomfortable around him, that "real men stand up for their values", which leads to Chase killing him. And this still isn't enough for Cameron. His relationship with his father is another signifier of his gender. Clearly, his father doesn't view him as a son, going so far as to cut him out of the will. And his religious trauma again gives him a uniquely transmasc vibe, but I can't put my finger on it.
And I hate to bring this into it because I believe you don't need to look a certain way to be a gender, but yeah, he does have some pretty feminine traits physically (soft hair, baby face). But these traits do slowly disappear throughout the show, signifying him going further into his transition (although in reality Jesse Spencer is a cis man and this is just the natural aging process, however Chase is meant to be a few years older than Spencer). Also, Jesse Spencer is transphobic and headcanoning him as transmasc is, to me at least, a great way to reclaim the character, and I view it as fitting much better into the storyline and his character than him being transfemme (I do believe that only a small portion of the fandom actually does view him as a cis man). So yeah. I didn't mean to go on a total yapathon, nor did I mean to invalidate or be malicious to anyone with a different opinion. These are just my thoughts on the subject.
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thenixkat · 10 months ago
Hi sorry for asking im just genuinely curious, what are all the changes you'd make to the sun/ moon anime? Stuff like lusamine, guzma, etc. I love seeing you pop up in the guzma tag to rant abt how they butchered my guy, and im curious of all the stuff you'd personally change abt the anime bc it. It has problems. Sorry again for asking i just love disecting my fav media and discussing its flaws and how to better them!!!!
The biggest change would be letting Lusamine be a villain which in turn would let just about every character that got shafted actually get to have their stories.
Not shying away from her abuse which caused both Gladion and Lillie to runaway from home taking pokemon that were tortured by Lusamine with them. (Hell, you could even hint at some of the issues in Alolan society with overlooking/not talking about or helping with abuse)
Getting rid of the pokemon school angle since, the trial captains literally have only approximately an 8 year that they can be trial captains if the age cut-off is twenty and folks are expected to start their island challenge at 11. Those kids don't have the time to be dicking around at school, especially not the older ones like Kiawe and Mallow. Like, being a trial captain is a huge fucking honor in their society and they'd likely prioritize it over other stuff. Also, I don't care for nerfing characters for no good reason.
Storywise, I think using a combination of the story from the Sun/Moon game with some of the stuff from the Manga version of the story that managed to use stuff from Ultra without downplaying Lusamine's shit could make for the best adaption of the story with a few tweaks. -> Instead of the pokemon school plot, why not have Ash try his hand at being a research assistant? It'd be something new to do with him, give him a reason to be around and work with the professors, give him extra reason to explore Alola, and interact with Aether Foundation, and come in conflict with Team Skull. -> I can also see him trying his hand at the Island Challenge b/c of course, he's the protag. Hell, he can even make friends with the trial captains along the way.
-> Let Lillie be the deuteraganist proper! Let her be an actual trainer to Nebby! I hate some much that the games want us to have her pokemon just cause its the fucking box legendary, that's her pokemon and by all rights it would make more sense for her to catch it b/c that would be safer for Nebby in the long run. -> Not putting Hau on a damn bus for 97 episodes! He's the game *rival*, he's a major fucking character. Let this boy be present from jump and be both Lillie and Ash's rival. Explore his feelings about being stuck in Hala's shadow, the MC's shadow, and his sympathies with Team Skull.
-> ( A complaint I have with the games is I don't think Team Skull should be as rude or distant to Gladion as they are. Like, why would they make fun of him for being homeless if they're squatting in a rundown building? If Team Skull are supposed to be a group of homies and found family against the world, why wouldn't they adopt Gladion's prickly ass and tease him for being an edgelord? Also, just while Guzma acknowledges and respects Gladion for also escaping from and abusive household and wanting to get as strong as he can, I want more to be done with that than just paying lip service. Let them bond. ) -> Ah, yes, where was I? Gladion as a member of Team Skull. Not just hired help/an enforcer like in the games but an actual member. Let him bond with them damnit. And also keep him in a rival role to Ash while being a bad guy. Hell, its been a long time since I've watched the older pokemon seasons but it'd be fun to have a bad guy who keeps a long-running win streak over Ash. Let him keep his anime win streak and be a 'bad' guy.
-> Let Guzma have his role as the decoy big bad! Don't nerf him, don't slander him. Have folks mention him and have him show up at several points and have those eps be fucking heavy for one reason or another. He is a problem of a trainer and knows strategy and covers his team's weaknesses. -> While I hate everything the anime did slandering my guy making him the 'Undefeated' b/c he's a chicken that only targets weaklings, I wanna see Guzma being called the 'Undefeated' for serious, like folks thinking he's a chicken b/c of his ace and not taking every challenge sent his way but no he's actually good like that. I wanna see him beat Ash multiple times, yes Ash needs to beat him at some point to kickstart Guzma's character development but I wanna see him struggle to get that victory. -> You have no idea how much I want to see Guzma interrupt anyone who tries to use a Z move in a battle with him out of pure spite instead of just standing around doing fuck all while folks chant and do the poses. It would make so much more sense if he had his golisopod just sucker punch a pokemon in the middle of the z move stuff. It would be a good way to show that he's ruthless and very intent on bucking tradition. -> After I realized that like Guzma got possessed by a nihiligo in the of games and the manga and we were denied a perfectly good opportunity for a monster!Guzma rampage and opportunity to show how much Team Skull cares about each other that a 'I know yer in there come back to us Boss' and a 'help us save our Boss' could have added, I feel a bit miffed. Like I even commissioned fic to have just that and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends. -> I do like that Team Skull didn't disband at the end of the anime. Them breaking up is one of the things I don't like about the games. Like, the can reform and stay together. (I also commissioned fic for Team Skull reforming while staying together and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends)
-> Plumeria would have more things to do if Team Skull in general had more things to do and were taken a lil more seriously than they are in the anime. I do like the idea of her scouting and scoping and infiltrating in disguise. Also, I think she should make it farther in the pokemon league conference than she did b/c she's also a good trainer, and smart, and ruthless too. -> I think if she did make it further in the pokemon league conference and had to fight Guzma then that would be a great opportunity to show that the two characters are actually really good friends and know each other well. Certainly, I'd have Guzma win that fight, I'd also have that fight be the only one where he actually shows good sportsmanship towards his opponent. B/c he likes and respects Plumeria.
When it was on Netflix a few years ago I do remember watching some of the Pokemon Sun/Moon eps. And I remember how strange it felt that the ultra beast stuff had like a goofy Power Rangers type bend with folks suiting up as like a task force to deal with the things and just... idk maybe we should play the aggressive and fearful pokemon from another dimension more seriously. Darker at least. Cause like... ultra beasts kill people, they're a lot more dangerous than pokemon, they can do a good number on the environment more so than the invasives that are native to the dimension that the series takes place in.
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kvthgok · 2 years ago
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Surprise? | Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary - Durning a mission you get hurt and try to hide your injury from Miguel
Side note - IM SO SRRY YALL THAT I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATELY 😭🙏. SOMEWHAT PROOFREAD BTWWWW (ALSO to those who did request ideas I DID read them and am currently writing them 🤍🤍)
It was like any other day in the spider society. Fighting and sending anomalies back to their earths. But things had taken a slight little turn.
You had asked Miguel if you could tag along on a mission with him. It had token some convincing but half of it was just you begging. Miguel didn’t really like the thought of you going on actual tricky missions. He would normally send you on missions to catch the anomalies of the week. But not serious dangerous ones, especially the new anomaly Spot.
As you and Miguel were standing on a building Miguel was going over emergency plans.“Okay kid if anything goes downhill and you open a portal back to HQ immediately. I’ll be fine and finish up the mission myself.” Miguel looked at you trying to reassure you that he would be fine if you needed to leave.
Miguel sighed and then looked at the mission in front of you. “Ok you ready?” He asked you. His tone shifted back to a bit more stern and serious.
Yup!” You Said putting on my mask
The two of guys both put on your mask then swung off the building to the chaos down there.
Skip time after fight (cuz I’m to lazy & suck dookie at writing fight scenes🤭)
Miguel had met back up with you and was checking to make sure you were alright.
“You alright kid?” Miguel said having a tiny hint of concern in his voice.
He was about to say something else but stopped himself. He didn’t want to seem to over protective.
“The mission was a success. Good job kid.” Miguel said instead with a slight proud smile
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah you alright kid? You didn’t get injured out there right?” He didn’t look too concerned but he had that same small hint of worry in his voice.
“Mhm yeah im fine.” I Said with a Small smile.
You had lied. Your hand was hurting like a bitch. The anomaly had stomped on it while fighting. You only lied to Miguel so he didn’t have to worry. Your lie seemed to work though.
Skip few days
These past days Miguel has noticed you had been laying off one of your hands and questioned you one night about it.
“Kid remember that time on the mission when you told me you weren’t hurt?” Miguel asked with a neutral expression.
“Yeah..why?” You said trying to act normal.
Miguel sighed and looked at you for a few seconds. “Don’t try to act like your normal. I’m not that stupid. Show me your injured hand.” Miguel’s tone had shifted back to being stern.
You still tried to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
He sighed out of annoyance and called out for Lyla telling her to scan you. She did find something. Your hurt hand.
Miguel was more annoyed then anything at this point. He had known you were lying to him this whole time. “So your telling me you’ve kept this injury hidden for a few days and didn’t tell me?” Miguel asked you while looking annoyed.
You nervously smiled not knowing what to say, “Surprise?”
He had a pissed off look on his face as he looked down at you, “Your not funny.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had an injured hand when we got back to headquarters. I could’ve done something about it.” Miguel said with a stern tone.
“I didn’t want to you worry that’s why I didn’t say anything about it.” I said scratching my head looking down
Miguel looked at you for a few seconds. You could tell he was trying not to lash out. He sighed a bit and then spoke. “The next time you have an injury like this tell me please. This injury could’ve gotten a lot worse if you kept quite and let it fester for long periods of time.” Miguel spoke with a gentle tone even though he was pissed.
Miguel looked down at you once more. He could see that you had learned from this mistake. “I get it you didn’t want me to worry. Just don’t make that mistake again.” Miguel said looking a little less annoyed about this.
“Sorry Miguel” I Said in a low tone
“Its alright kid but next time just tell me. I want to make sure your always safe alright.” Miguel spoke with his eyes looking slightly softer and less stern.
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octuscle · 1 year ago
Goddamn dude you’re two for two, I’d fucking kiss you if Boss wouldn’t have my ass for it. He says I’m all hisSNDNFIDDN
Shit sorry, hard to type while I’ve got a weapon of mass destruction up my asSKSHFDBD
Okayokay shit I’ll make this quick ‘fore he breaks my phone. He doesn’t like it when my attention ain’t on him. I know you’re probably sick of all my requests but I really need this one from you man. I don’t want Boss to be my boss anymore. Or, not just my boss. I…I-uhh wannaAJSFHRI
AAAH FUCK okay I want ‘im to be my husband. Lock him down so I can always be his and he’ll be mine and all that sweet shit. Call me a romantic, or a whore I don’t care. My problem is, apparently our situation is “unethical”. Yeah he’s Big BoOPSNXD
Fuck! He’s Big Boss to me and all the guys under me but even he’s got assholes in charge of him and they’re already breathing down his neck for all the private meetings with me. But I don’t wanna leave this job. I love the guys, I love leading them and working with ‘em, they’re like family. So is there a way you can make boss above all those dickheads in suits above him? Or maybe just persuade them or make them more understanding of our—oh shit, am I gonna say this? Of our lovVEGEIDHHK
CHRISTONABIKE alright fuck it dude I’m sending this shit as is, just please help me out again, I swear I’ll do anything you ask for it. FUCK yes sir I’m putting it down I’m putting it down—-
This is a sequel to this asks here:
Dude, like I always say: Never fuck the company! That's why my supervisor always makes me a muscular employee at KFC when he has a craving for my cock. But that has not been the question at all.
It didn't take long for word of your affair to spread all the way to the board. And it only takes afew hours that you have an appointment with the CEO and the head of HR. To relieve the stress, you had another quick fuck in the bathroom. Now your suits sit reasonably well over your muscular bodies again, the wide open shirts show a lot of your hairy chest! You look great, unlike the two fat guys sitting across from you in the conference room. They've certainly never seen the inside of a gym or stood in the mud of a construction site in their work boots.
Head of HR begins his speech. "It has come to our attention, Jack, that you are having a sexual relationship with one of your co-workers and are doing so in the workplace." Your boss or daddy raises his hand, asks to interrupt for a moment, puts one hand in the inside pocket of his jacket, pulls out a ring, takes your hand, puts the ring on it and says "Just to clarify, this is not just a co-worker but also my fiancé." You can't help but stick your tongue down his throat. For a brief moment you forget about the two assholes in the room. But when you end the kiss and look back at the CEO and Head of HR, they both look changed. Most noticeably, their stern expressions have given way to an almost cheeky grin. And somehow there's the shadow of a beard on their flabby chins. And the facial features are starting to become less flabby.
"So Jack and Mike," the CEO begins. "You know that diversity is extremely important in the company. We think it's great that the two of you as a couple set such a great example of an open and colorful society." You grin. Your fiancé and you tend to wear black. Black suit and black shirt at the office, black leather at night. Colorful? Well… The head of HR continues: "We know it's not really your job, but could you imagine being the faces of our new recruiting campaign? Both take off their jackets and hang them over the backs of the conference chairs. Fuck, they spend every free minute in the gym. You secretly stroke Jack's bulge under the table.
The CEO is no longer so discreet. He stands up and sketches the campaign schedule on the flipchart with one hand. And has the other in his sweatpants. And his colleague is also kneading his bulge. The two of them are barely older than you. Certainly a few years younger than your fiancé Jack. The head of HR turns to you, looks you in the eye and licks his lips. The CEO leaves the flipchart and goes to Jack, stands behind him, runs his hand down his unbuttoned shirt and starts playing with Jack's nipple. A few seconds later, the Head of HR has lowered the blinds and dimmed the lights via the building control app.
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After an intense interaction, Peter and Steven have given you the rest of the day off. You should celebrate your engagement. And the two of them have a lot planned for the rest of the day anyway.
Pic of your CEO and head of HR found @maxx-magnum
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quirekey · 2 months ago
Hallooooo! I'd like to request a match-up, as per my prior question... The match up can be of any tf-fandom, I really dm :3.Here's some information about me!
My name is Atlas, but I've been given the nickname Eye/Eyes. Im pansexual and use She/they as my pronouns :3 My personality type is Infp.
I absolutely LOVE drawing and reading, I'm just way too shy to show any of my drawings to anyone. I mostly read books about Mythology, Past wars in my country and paranormal Activity. I also like to play some games occasionally, like Genshin or Reverse 1999! If I'm not reading, drawing or playing games I'm mostly zoning out with music in the background. Some of the artists I listen to are Melanie Martinez, Glass Animals, The Hu, Will Wood and Mitski.
I'm usually quiet, but if I'm around my select few friends, I let loose. Think Bee from TfOne. I love to ramble for hours to my friends about my interests, if they're willing to listen of course. I'm also rather helpful, and will jump at every opportunity to help others.
There aren't a lot of things that I hate. I think the thing that annoys me the most is tardiness, or overall when someone makes no effort in plans. Another thing I can't stand is blatant discrimination towards anyone. I mostly try to not get annoyed but given I do have a short temper, I usually get heated and start an argument. Though lately I've grown out of my snappy attitude if I were to get annoyed :3
I hope this was enough!
Have some more red pandas bc they're the best animals to ever exist
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MATCHUP FOR @atlas-tbh-idk-what-to-do   
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[ Transformers x Human!reader ]
These can all be seen as platonic or romantic :)
- Chase would definitely understand ur disliking in things and maybe even relate to some himself. When somebody is late it really buzzes you both off or if somebody puts absolutely no effort into a project it ticks you both. If you both are punctual, why can’t the others be? About hypocrisy, you both despise that too. Your advice also counts onto you for a reason. Because of this, you both have an understanding of hate about people who don’t try to at least be somewhat careful.
- You definitely like Mythology and it got Chase interested. Sure, Chase prefers ‘undercover and crime’ shows but he is willing to try something new. When you tried to explain to him about what Mythology is, how it works and how worldly spread this topic is, he was both shook and confused. Made-up stories to tell morals or legitimately just make-beliefs and lies are world-wide? Why? Chase took most of the things you said seriously so you had to explain that it’s all just imagination and wild thoughts, nothing real
- When it’s a quiet day, you like to pass the time a little and play some RPG games like Genshin Impact. You aren’t the best but you aren’t the worst at it, it’s all about the fun. You sometimes play Genshin while driving in Chase since he can drive on his own. Eventually, Chase does ask what you are looking at when you should be doing patrol instead. You tried to explain the game and how it worked but the laws in Genshin made no sense. A massive factor that caught Chase off-guard is that you were killing ‘enemies’ that were considered ‘aliens and non-human’. This did offend Chase since he is ‘an alien’ as well.
- You both are quite big yappers but for totally seperate things. You talk about your interests and connections while Chase talks about the law and how it affects society. You both understand this so you guys just take turns talking about what you guys are passionate about.
- Chase is usually told that he can be a bit too up-tight and stressing when it comes to the law so he is told to loosen up and relax. Because of this, he has learnt human-humour and some jokes that can be considered strange and awkward. He would tell you jokes and ask you for newer ones he could tell to others, you try your best to help but humour probably isn’t your biggest strength. It’s hard for you to not cringe since you feel bad but it gets to us eventually.
- Your music type varying of Will-Wood and Mitsiki does confuse Chase. You are attached to songs that go wild online or ones that just relax you. Sometimes you’d put on the radio but Chase is tense when you do this. Chase likes to do his patrols with either silence or socialisation, he thinks music takes you away from the present and distracts you from what happens around you (even though talking to somebody does the same thing… He just says it will help him improve with future human interactions, fair.)
- Ever since you’ve been improving with your temper (good job), Chase has been proud bro. You need to have hella patience to deal with criminals so he is glad you are improving yourself.
- Chase is a little frightened by your interest with paranormal activity. Yes, he has handled a paranormal emergency, but it doesn’t mean it still does frighten him a bit. He isn’t scared that much but it gets to him when you’re suddenly talking about how scary it is to go Ghost Hunting.
Only non-platonic one:
- Chase definitely shows you a lot of affection and hated PDA. He thinks it’s best to show his love for you in private so you two can do whatever you want without questions. You guys aren’t that freaky, it’s more just soft-romance than anything else.
Oh by the way, you seem really cool dude and YES SOMEBODY WHO ENJOYS PARANORMAL ACTIVITY! Your awesome. Thanks for the red pandas btw ^^
- To @atlas-tbh-idk-what-to-do   
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tarathoughts13 · 4 months ago
okay this is a very long post and i apologise - i didn't mean to have this many thoughts on bit city but i do so i would really appreciate if you read through this whole thing and hear me out completely:
so, i think we can all agree that the smosh main channel right now isn't doing so well, this time last year, most of their videos on main had a good 1 million+ views, especially after food battle. but nowadays, most of the bit city sketches get from 400k - 900k on average views, 2024 youtube sucks is the only bit city sketch to get above 1 million views.
i think a big reason for this drop in numbers is for 2 reasons, 1. the fact that smosh put hold on all their other sketches that they were doing on the main channel for bit city, and took a whole 2 month break for it, for the end result being, well, average. and the 2nd reason being is that, well, bit city as a whole isn't the best show and while it has it's strong points, it's not a good enough show on it's own that will make your average viewer want to tune in and it's also just, not, that good. now im a big smosh fan and i only want the best for the channel, which is why im gonna try and break down the reasons why bit city isn't really working and how to fix it, hopefully if we spread this around a little bit in the smosh fandom here on tumblr, we'll be able to spread some news (ill post this on reddit as well).
okay now the breakdown. let's start with the concept of bit city, from what i've gathered, bit city is basically trying to be the 'snl'/late night with jimmy show of smosh, the all in all sketch show that has a bit of everything (like a variety show). now i don't watch snl much but from what i know of it, snl episodes have a typical format that they fall into, they start with a cold open, followed by a monologue, then 2-3 sketches, then commercial break which is where a lot of commericial parodies happen, then a musical performance, then weekend update, and sometimes an addtional performance by a musical guest, and then credits. and you can see smosh borrowing some of those segments for bit city, now this as an idea is great. i think that smosh could pull it off if they wanted to, they have a whole multiverse (literally) of characters to choose from for sketches, they have multiple cast members who are great at hosting and who are able to carry segments on their own, and they have a good enough budget to pull different parts of these segments off.
however, where smosh breaks away from the snl format is the fact that they have structured their show more like a late night show would, having a host and a guest, now this is where smosh starts to lose me a little bit. not because i hate the idea, but because, late night humour is very different from sketch comedy, late night tv's comedy typically relies on topicality (meaning the current things going on in today's society like politics, pop culture, etc.), interviews with guests and recurring segments (think mean tweets on jimmy kimmel), yes they do have sketches, but the format of the sketches is very different. that being said, i think waht smosh was going for in the end, which was a 'late night' esque show where the 'guests' are characters or impressions by the cast, is a geneuienly great idea.
where bit city starts to fail or let me down is the execution, now they cast chanse and angela as the hosts, which i do actually really like since i think they both have a lot of personality, they both are entertaining to watch, and they have a good dynamic which viewers can watch and be entertained by. so i think it was a good choice to have them be the hosts. where i think bit city starts to really lose me is, well, the bits, the sketches.
so far, there have been 6 episodes of bit city, and so far, the bits and characters that have stayed in my head and that i think are truly memorable include the one direction reunion, the "straight eye" cast, the kardashians bit and the ianthony bit (although i personally was let down by that it was very popular in the fandom so im including it), that is it. every other bit has been either average or forgettable, in fact, the only episode of bit city which i think lands on every level is the straight vs gay episode.
why? let's break it down.
bit city as a show follows a general structure, the show opens with a 'cold open' of sort where angela says something like 'XX PERSON DID WHAT?' and chanse replies with something along the lines of 'yeah bitch' or some one liner response, after that they have a bit of bantering between chanse and angela which goes on either too long or too short, before cutting to their first set of commercials, after that they return with their first sketch or bit which is typically an interview or a reunion with the 'guest' being either an impression or character by the cast, in the middle of the interview they cut to the commericals again before returning to the bit again, after the bit hits it's "climax" of sorts, then they cut to a third set of commercials, before returning for either an improvised segment with members of the cast as themselves playing games ie. straight vs gay trivia. or the 'hot goss' section where they have tommy read off a teleprompter some jokes about modern day pop culture before interviewing another guest (sometimes they cut to commercials here as well but not always), before having the show come to an end with chanse jumping over a car.
now, let's go bit by bit (pun not intended) on every part of this show and break it down bit by bit (okay this time intended).
the cold opens - imo this is one of the weaker parts of the show, i get what they're going for with it, but it just feels so dry and bland, i get that they can't do a full opening monologue and they need something to open the show in that way, but eveyr joke in the cold open section has since fallen flat for me, so really, my only advice here is get better writers or write better jokes.
the banter/improvised section - this is one of the better parts of the show which i do like (althooguh i do think that it does in some cases go on for way too long) but it's mainl because chanse and angela are such likable people that it works, recently they've started adding in some bits to this section like the rib cam and the erewhon taste testing, so i think if i have any real advice for this section of the show, it would be to a. shorten it and not make it drag on as long or b. if you're not gonna shorten it, then at least add more improvised or bits like the rib cam to this part of the show, this would be also be part of the show to bring back segments like smoffice or let's do this on a smaller scale (although ill add more about let's do this later) to have somehting entertaining for this part of the show
commercials - the commercials are one of the most disappointing part of the show to me not because they're bad, but because they could be so much more. like the concept of parody commercials in a sketch show is SOO good, for one, it can help point out flaws in advertising and commercial industry in general, but they can also just be the perfect ground space for character building ro for expanding the smosh universe, but every bit city commercial, the the humour jsut feels so, generic? and it falls so flat every time. and this falls into one of my main critiques of the show, which is, so much of the show feels like such average level humour, like this is smosh, the channel which literally thrives off of characters and over the top bits, so why aren't they utilising that? i can't think of 1 commercial which has stayed in my head or which i would call memorable in this show so far, besides maybe the straight vs gay 'straight boyfriend os' commercial (but even that cuold have been better imo). my real advice for the commercials in the show is a. cut it down, don't have 3-4 commercials in every bit city episode (especially if they're gonna be so average), but b. if you're gonna have this many, use them to expand the smosh universe. have commercials like idk, Mr. Pervert's coffee shop, now hiring, or Fred Dart's new single just launched, anything that will actually add value to the smosh universe and not just be some one off. but if they want to do one off commercials, they could also return to their 'apple product commercial' esque skecthes, like the apple vision pro sketch they did? yeah, do that and split it up into 4 parts instead of all at once, and you have 4 commercials for a bit city episode.
interviews - the interview segments have been okay so far. i liked the one direction reunion, i liked the kardashians one, i somehwat enjoyed the old smosh reunion (but im not that much of an og smosh fan so i didn't enjoy it as much as others) and i really liked the 'straight eye' cast one. i think my main critique for the interview sections of bit city is the same for the commercials in that, it could jsut be SO MUCH more. i for one would love for them to maybe do stuff like a 'smosh the sitcom reunion' with all the characters like kevin, krungle, young sebastian, chosen, etc. or a 'chosen special' where chosen gives us a deep dive into being a chosen, waht it takes to be a chosen, who is or isn't chosen, etc. these sketches in my opinion would be a. more funny than just random pop culture references, and b. interesting deep dive into the pre-existing characters of smosh. and that's not me saying that i think they need to completely erase the pop culture elements of the show, im jsut saying, lean into more of the smosh specific character work of the cast instead of focusing more on the pop culture elements, you can still have reunions like the hsm or the teletubbies reunions (which btw i think were top tier smosh sketches) but just don't make that the focus of the show. also i do think at one point having actual guest features for this section of the show could be interesintg, but seeing how things are going right now, i don't think that will be happening in the near future.
improvised 'games'/recurring segments of the show: so far, what i think they're trying to do in the second half of bit city episodes is try to have one of those 'recurring segment' bits like they have on late night tv with the smosh cast, basically where the cast and host s play improvised games, now this isn't a bad idea but imo it is kinda pointless. liek i don't hate it as a segment, but i think it takes up a lot of run time which could instead be used for stuff like, idk, actual sketches? but if they are trying to do bits like this, i think what would be better is to bring back the 'google search history/watch history' sketches they used to do for this part of the show, since it actually fits quite perfectly. also, my advice for this segment of the show to elevate it a bti more is to really lean into the audience participation part of the show, i think they're trying to do that with the 'crew stories' part but so far they're kinda falling flat/hit or miss, so i think what would be better is to do stuff like have audiecne shots liek they do in real late night tv, play games which involve the audience, or if you wanna involve the crew stories,maybe do it in the format of like in the live show for under the mistletoe (or maybe it was UTI i dont remember) where they have one crew memeber or audience memebr on stage interacting with the cast in characters (like in UTI they had lisa's exes) or just have the crew member tell a story from their life and show them in the audience. that would be better imo.
hot goss - now for every episode where they don't do an improvised game or recurring segment, they do hot goss, which i think you can tell is trying to act as like the 'weekend update' of this show btu more leaning into pop culture elements, which, im sorry, i love you tommy, but this segment is very hit or miss. i don't hate tommy as a host, i think he has a lot of personaltiy which makes him likable and entertaing to watch at times, but this segment is just, very glass half full for me. i liked the stephen king's son episode i think that was well done, but i think my real advice for this segment is the same for the rest of bit city which truly is lean more into the character element of smosh, do stuff like 'deep dive into krungle's dating life' or 'GERALD CAKES TELLS ALL' stuff like that. or if you really want a segment to be about pop culture, then i think a better way to do that would be to maybe bring back the teleprompter bits that they used to do in smosh pit weekly back in like 2016 or so, OR, just get better writers (also cut it down - we do not need like 10 mins+ of amanda being chappell roan and sabrina carpenter's agent - which btw is SUCH a good idea for a character, but as all bit city bits, it fell flat).
--> ,however, i think a better way to do this type of 'weekend update' type show is bring back a smosh pit weekly esque segment - smosh weekly or bit city weekly - and THAT'S where you bring in the topical element of bit city, it's a much better way to do it imo. and you can still keep hot goss if you want to for as i previously siad the character gossip deep dives or the pop culture characters, but alos have this weekly show drive the 'topical' parts of bit city.
chanse jumping over a car - really have no commenrs on this one, i like it as a bit, i think it'll get old really quickly, but for what it is, i like it
@lilac-hecox @smoshkidtv @guessitrunsinthegenes @wazurenaide
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hiemaldesirae · 8 months ago
Okay so my idea is Vox was an omega in life and hid it because he wanted to be a producer and at the time omegas were rarely allowed such autonomy and freedom. So when he dies, he just naturally falls back into his pattern of hiding his nature, especially because he knows he wants to be an overlord and another enterprising demon could take his power if he mated with the wrong person.
At first, Vox hated being an omega, but as the years went on, he realized what he actually hated was the constrictions Earth's society had put on him and he began to feel more comfortable and assured in his designation.
When Vox feels comfortable enough to start exploring his sexuality and possibly having partners for his heats, he drafts an NDA that all his potential partners have to sign so his secret can never get out. It works great and Vox learns what he likes and doesn't like and his secret is secure.
When Valentino approaches him for a partnership, Vox is already established as a small time overlord. Valentino flirts relentlessly but Vox remains completely professional until one day Val comes into work to find Vox leaning on his desk with paperwork of some kind. Vox tells Val he just needs his signature real quick and so Val signs it without reading. As he finishes, the contract glows and disappears and Vox grins before pouncing on Valentino and kissing him ferociously.
They fuck like crazy for the next week while Vox rides out his heat. Val was shocked to discover his business partner was an omega and a wicked lay but he was most shocked when he tried to call Vox his little omega and found himself saying "my little beta" instead.
Vox smugly informs him that he'd signed an NDA and that he was bound by it for the rest of eternity, but that if he played nice, maybe Vox would let him spend his next heat with him again. So every year, about a month before Vox's heat, Val rolls out the red carpet just so he can have the pleasure of being Vox's heat partner.
Vox will never tell Val, but after their first time together, he'd decided he didn't want anyone else. Nevertheless, it's good to keep Val on his toes-and he likes being showered in gifts.
OUGHHH wait oh my god this is honestly pretty fucking genius . i love this idea soo much and its actually so fun i love twists on a/b/o even though i myself typically pivot to more rigid dynamics. the idea that vox likes to NDA people he sleeps with is SOOO fucking funny and im now imagining a situation where valvox eventually start wanting more than their current situationship and vox in a show of trust nullifies the contract and NDA for val only, even though val still doesnt breathe a word of voxs secondary dynamic unless vox says its all good because hes just That Whipped 😭😭
theres also a crazy amount of potential angst here that i feel i should point out with the idea that perhaps voxs aversion from revealing his actual dynamic stemmed from past unfortunate memories in life + even what led to radiostatic breakup if we're following canon timeline here . like the idea that vox first revealed his dynamic to alastor and then al in his typical "I Have Never Interacted With Another Human Being Before" manner proceeded to use it against him and then broke voxs trust forever (<- you can tell i never got over the twist in freak-a-zoid) and now vox is learning to get over that wirh val... Aough. i dont know i think staticmoth can be sooooo cute sometimes
this prompt was wonderful nonny thank you for sending it in (and i promise ill find some time to start dusting off the other asks in my inbox eventually. just... maybe not now because im still irrationally scared of them)
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cottoncandytomu · 2 years ago
I've decided to start working on a new fic that will hopefully be out this weekend!! It's a Ellie Williams x F!Reader x Abby Anderson love triangle - reader being in the middle of it! Here is a photo I edited of said story. It's titled "Torn." (More descriptions of the story below!!)
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In this story you and Ellie are both Superheroes! (This ones for the comic nerds most defffff). Abby is the villain hehehe~ It will include angst, fluff, smut and dark themes (I'm putting everything in this bitch). So it will be 18+ no minors and ageless blogs are welcome to this story - or any of my content for that matter!
I haven’t made up any hero names so I’m just going to use their regular names for this 🫡🫡
Here's a brief summary below!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You and Ellie are one unstoppable superhero couple, constantly being in the public eye has sky rocketed you both to stardom. To the public you both seem to be an extremely skilled fighting duo. You wielding the ability of Psionics. Being able to move matter, read minds, teleport and see events before they happen. Whilst your beautiful, loved by all, girlfriend has super strength more powerful than any entity in the universe that is paired perfectly with her ability to fly. She is a natural born leader. Being the head of all heroes comes with great responsibility she doesn't take lightly.
You both fight crime and take on whatever challenges come your way to keep Seattle safe. The biggest threat to you all is none other than Abby. A force not to be reckoned with, her ability is to shape shift into anyone she pleases. This along with the power to wield the abilities of anyone she shifts into makes her a dangerous opponent. Her mind is set on one thing, making sure there are no more heroes left.
Abby isn't like the rest of society. She can see right through the little while lies of all the heroes. They're not the saviors the public perceives them to be. If she can be true to her wicked ways, not hiding who she truly is then why can't they? They don't care about the people they save. They only care for the cameras and flashing lights. The praise they get is laughable. All they do is fool the masses. It disgusts her.
You knew this all too well though. Having to deal with Ellie behind the scenes was enough to know how fake everything and everyone was. The duo everyone has known to love and obsess over is not the duo they think they know. Ellie is selfish and cruel. She won't let anything or anyone - including you - stop her from being the best there is.
What will happen when you're face to face with true danger, head to head with none other than Abby. Will Abby see you as the others or will she peel back the layers to recognize that your true intent is good. Will you be corrupted by her ways when she shows you what you could be instead? Will you finally accept the dark thoughts that have been clouding your mind since you were young? Will you truly understand Abby's true intentions? Or will you be just like the rest of them? Selfish and greedy for that spotlight. Torn between two choices, you must choose your fate~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
GOOD GRAVY!! IM HYPE FOR THIS STORYYYY I WON'T LIEEEE!! This will be my first ever slow burn fic so I hope you all enjoy it when it comes out!! Thank you all for reading! While you wait here's my Masterlist~ where you can find more of my works :)
Have a wonderful night/day you Beauties~
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cruel-as-sin · 1 month ago
get to know your mutuals
thank you so much @flowersforbucky for tagging me!
what’s the origin of your blog title? it’s two of my favorite taylor swift songs put together! cruel summer (my all time favorite song ever) + guilty as sin? (one of my favs from ttpd) = cruel-as-sin aka cas!
favorite fandoms? i only write for x-men right now but some of my other fandoms include star wars, marvel, critical role, six of crows/shadow and bone, genshin impact (don’t look at me), once upon a time, anything hugh jackman is in, and taylor swift!
favorite color? blue! specifically a darker blue but im not picky
favorite game? on the basis of it being top tier i have to say minecraft, but also- jedi fallen order and jedi survivor, starfield, skyrim, genshin impact, and a way out
song stuck in your head? disease by lady gaga
weirdest habit/trait? i talk too much. get me going and i will not stop. i talk to myself all the time too
hobbies? writing of course, reading when i find the energy (which is not often), video games!! dnd (as a player and a dm), tv and movies, music, editing, and i’ve been trying to get into some more artsy stuff lately as well
if you work, what’s your profession? i’m a full time college student majoring in creative writing- but on breaks, i work as an office assistant at a university
if you could have any job, what would it be? a fantasy author! (shocking i know)
something you’re good at? supporting others- i try really hard to be there for the people i care about. buying them treats to make them feel better, seeking out videos that i think will make them smile, being a shoulder to cry on, taking care of tasks for them, etc
something you’re bad at? anything requiring physical strength/exertion. you’ve got the wrong guy
something you love? the beauty of life. making someone smile, laughter, babies/newborn animals, watching different species connect with one another, nature, gently falling snow… i could go on
something you could talk about for hours? anything, and i mean anything. i am a serial yapper and everyone who knows me is a victim of this. please ask about my life i will never shut up about anything
something you hate? oh god so many things. i mean the obvious in todays society but more specific to me, people who are insincere. if you’re a hater just say that, don’t be fucking fake about it, don’t act like someone you’re not. pisses me off fr. oh and also loud people. i’m talking like no respect for others, banging on doors for shits and giggles, yelling and screaming while throwing parties, blasting music… all that stuff. that loud ass car won’t make your dick any bigger
something you collect? mementos! ticket stubs, receipts, little drawings, notes my friends and i passed back and forth during class, cards, letters, etc :)
what’s your love language? big fan of all of them but quality time is my number one
favorite movie/show? logan is my fav x-men movie but x1 is my comfort film for sure, tv show would probably be the mandalorian
favorite food? pasta is my go to, but i go CRAZY for some chicken and rice
favorite animal? cats :3
are you musical? yes! i’ve played guitar and ukulele for a few years now, and i also sing!
what were you like as a child? autistic. and no i am not exaggerating.. i spent a lot of time playing by myself as opposed to with others, had very few friends, and got bullied for seemingly no reason bc i was the weird kid 😭
favorite subject in school? english (no surprises here)
least favorite subject in school? math. no question
what’s your best character trait? loyalty. i am ride or die for the people i care about and i will go to WAR to defend them
worst character trait? i’m a chronic procrastinator… like, it’s BAD y’all. i’ve vowed to never have planned release dates for my chapters/fics for this exact reason
if you could time travel, who would you like to meet? david bowie! absolute icon
no pressure tags: @logansbaby @dilfverines @wlwloverwrites @thinkinonsense and anyone else who wants to join in!
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unlicensedmortician · 7 months ago
welcome to bad movies with j&j, the segment where @ghostcasket and i watch bad movies while alex is gone. this time it’s divergent.
- i’ve never read any of the books or watched any of the movies before. btw
- oh this is gonna be terrible
- they’re color coded,,,,,
- “there’s everyone else and then there’s dauntless who are cool hot sexy cops” jesus
- wow she doesn’t fit in,,, who could have seen this coming
- that is the most Blonde White Girl i’ve ever seen
- they can’t look at mirrors for too long,,,,
- and they’re fucking color coded
- there are literally five personality traits and that is a real explicit part of this media
- better lock into one of those personality traits miss white girl protagonist. wonder what it will possibly be
- i can’t believe their social organization system is literally just “so we’re gonna put every teenager on an acid trip and see what happens”
- white girl discovers she has multiple personality traits, is incredibly distressed
- what’s up with how this movie treats homeless people.
- i want to claw my eyeballs out
- wow this dialogue isn’t even stilted at all
- she picked 12yo boys in gym class. obviously
- hey is run boy run by wood kid ruined forever now
- yes girl climb that piece of infrastructure. is this a big moment for you or
- why pick the doing stupid shit option if you don’t wanna do stupid shit i guess
- i shrieked out loud when i saw the love interest. why he fugly
- it’s the pit 👍
- this is fucking crazy
- plot point: she’s too frail and delicate and skinny 🙁
- that tattoo is so stupid and also ugly
- she’s a threat to society because she is so so special and good at everything. i fucking guess
- ok. sure. training montage. i guess.
- he just looks so much older than her that this is unsettling
- so ur saying that u have to be fucking stupid to be a part of the cool hot people class. great.
- i cannot believe it’s real and a key plot point that the biggest threat to their society is people with multiple personality traits
- of course she’s getting on the train anyway. whatever.
- people actually thought this was good??
- imagine if christina and tris had been the main couple. it wouldn’t have solved anything but it would have been cool for me personally
- girl you are about to get so hazed. oh nvm it’s a zip line
- this romance plot makes me want to start killing and im being serious
- o shit her mother defected. lmao
- that’s not even a little bit how any of this works at all. fear serum? kill me
- this is so fucking stupiddddd
- this is just. crazy insane contrived.
- like what do you MEAN one personality type is leading the whole government. that’s crazy. i’m gonna start hitting people with cars. i’m gonna take up smoking.
- yeah of course this mf shows up to save her. as opposed to literally any cooler option. more points to the incredibly contrived romance plot.
- jesus fucking christ????
- hey i know u just showed me all of your worst fears. can u strip
- oh okay they’re. making out now?
- smart people evil. i guess.
- she’s just tooooo special.
- the only good thing about this movie is the soundtrack thank you hans zimmer
- oh my god one of her worst fears is boning
- hello what the shit is happening. oh my god they fucking shot him. damn this is crazy.
- gasp he’s divergent too who could’ve seen this coming except for literally anyone ever.
- of course they killed her fucking mom
- oh And her dad? equal opportunity parent killing!
- ok well. that movie happened. and made so much money. thank god it’s over. i’d like to be financially compensated
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niuniente · 2 years ago
NIU!!! were you taken by surprise at alrick and kizzie catching feelings? i know in the past youve mentioned that alricks never given much interest in dating in your stories, im so excited to see what made him change his mind!!!
Trust me, I was surprised by this turn of events, too! If I could decide, Alrick would stay single. But then, many things started to happen. Whenever I was thinking should I take the feeling of Alrick and Kizzie being interested in each other seriously a random love songs started to play. I considered this a lot because in the beginning of DHD, I did say that Alrick isn't interested in dating and him having a girlfriend would break the episodic nature of the comic.
In 1,5 years, things have changed a bit. DHD isn't as strictly episodic as I expected it to be but some events have "bled" over to other episodes. In that context, Alrick's and Kizzie's interest in each other would fit the picture quite well.
Then, Kizzie herself. She seemed like a character whose role within the story and also within Lywood's society would fit Alrick's work and role in the comic (more about this within the comic when I get there). I want to treat all my women well. Alrick's girlfriend can't be just a thought, a concept, and it would have been that if there was any other character than Kizzie. Alrick's love interest needs to be as fleshed and important as Alrick himself. It can't be anything like "Oh, he's dating this person you rarely ever see and her existence doesn't affect his life at all". Kizzie, due her nature and role, can have a certain distance to Alrick while the romance could still work and be fleshed well. I think it would serve this more adult type relationship, which I hope I'll get to show you (if I can decide) because I can't really put it into words but I know the comic will speak for itself.
I think I got the final kick in the ass when I was listening to my friend Laura Mauro speaking on a podcast. Laura is a professional award winning author, who writes for living. Laura said that every creator must be willing to kill their darlings, because sometimes stories need it. I realized that Alrick being single was "my darling" which I needed to kill, because it seemed like the best. I always preach about free expression and not limiting yourself when you create, so if I then didn't follow my own preaching, I would be a hypocrite!
Having said this, while I have wishes for how things turn out, I don't know what actually happens and where the limits for Kizzie's and Alrick's thing go without it disturbing Alrick's role and story and without it diminishing Kizzie either. We'll see!
By the way, the ship name is Kizzrick :3 Thank you Erin for coming up with the name on Webtoons!
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