#so you might as well vote for the one who at least has *some* really good policies.
it sucks that the choice between the fascist telling people that haitian immigrants are eating their dogs and the woman who worked for the legal system in an effort to do good things is such a difficult choice. like wow there really is no lesser evil between the guy who said covid would just "disappear like a miracle" and the woman who thinks people should be able to have bodily autonomy and access to vital healthcare. it's so unfortunate that there is absolutely zero difference between the guy who said we would "never have to vote again" and the woman who wants to raise taxes on the ludicrously wealthy. what a shame that there's just absolutely no way to choose between the man who thinks disabled people should just die and the woman who wants kids to never go hungry and never get shot at school. and the choice between the guy's side-guy who wants woman to be nothing more than baby-making maids and the woman's side-guy who thinks period supplies should be easy to access? forget it, that's an impossible choice
what a truly terrible, terrible, election where neither party is acceptable in any way. voting just simply doesn't matter because they're both utterly abhorrent people with absolutely no differences at all
[reading comprehension disclaimer: this post is thoroughly sarcastic and intended to mock people who insist that voting is meaningless and that both parties and candidates are identical]
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potofsoup · 3 months
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Happy July 4th, everyone, and good luck to the UK voters out there!
Wow it's Year 11 of doing these!! Here's the AO3 link to the past 10 years, and here's the tumblr link.
Reminder that this is a long game -- some of the judges making decisions were appointed back in the 80s. Many of the cases that were decided this round were from Trump's term. So it's going to take long-term, consistent voting over a decade to start tipping things in the other direction. (Which I talked about in 2018 re: Trump shenanigans and 2022 re: Dobbs).
A lot has been done by the Biden administration (I'm assuming most folks have seen this post by boreal-sea with their very helpful sources), and much of that will be overturned by Trump, especially if he gets the Senate, and especially now that he would have a blank check for anything "official". So let's make sure that doesn't happen.
And even if Trump does get elected, your decisions down-ballot might effect control of the House or Senate, or might make it easier to vote next time, plus the whole plethora of state and local issues. It's Republican state attorney generals who are challenging climate regulations, for example.
Plus, when you really get down to it, only one of the candidates plans on pardoning himself and all his friends if he wins, and attacking the government if he loses. Maybe that guy shouldn't be the President.
If you're new to voting, remember to check voter registration deadlines! I'm a permanent vote-by-mail voter and it's so nice. :)
Transcript under the readmore
Page 1: Sam and Bucky meet up with Steve for a picnic. Steve: Thought you guys were still in Sudan? Bucky: I’m forcing Sam to take a break.
Sam collapses onto the picnic blanket. Sam: Oof, it just never stops, does it? Steve: Nope.
Bucky hands Sam an orange popsicle. Bucky: Eat and relax for a bit, Sam. Sam: Thanks.
Page 2: Bucky asks Steve: How are things state-side? Steve responds: HORRIBLE. Bucky: I thought you’ve been tentatively hopeful about what Biden has been able to achieve? Steve: I was! Student loans, child care, climate regulations, infrastructure, labor, trans rights … he’s quietly done a lot through regulatory improvements and congress bills. But now all people will talk about is how he’s OLD. And then there’s the Supreme Court’s decisions … Chevron and immunity… Steve puts his head in his hands, while Sam and Bucky look on with some concern.
Page 3: Bucky hands Steve a blue/raspberry popsicle: Steve, take a deep breath, and a popsicle. Sam: Sounds like we missed a lot. What’s going on? How bad is it? Steve: Pretty bad. The Supreme Court has made some decisions that give the Court and the President A LOT of discretionary power. Sam: Yikes, that doesn’t sound good. Steve: Well, the Chevron thing means that judges with life-term appointments can override policies made by government agencies. And now it’ll be harder to hold a President accountable because he will have immunity for any “official” actions.
Page 4: Sam: So if the President tries to, say, overturn a democratic election result, he’ll be allowed to as long as it’s in his job description? Steve: I don’t think threatening state electors is “official” business, but that will be decided by federal judges. Who get their jobs by approval from both the President and the Senate. Bucky: Yeesh. No wonder you’re stressed. Any good news? Steve: Well, thanks the Biden and the razor-thin Senate majority, the newer bills don’t rely on the Chevron deference. Still not great but not catastrophic. Sam, squirting ketchup on his hot dog: So what I’m hearing is that it’s now more important than ever to have a President and a Senate who you can trust to appoint fair judges, pass bills, and not commit crimes.
Page 5: Steve: Plus all of the state level offices, now that more and more deciding power has been thrown back to the states — abortion, LGBTQ rights, voting access… Bucky: Hey, at least this is a big election year so we can actually do something! Steve, with his arms crossed, looking surly: Except that all people want to talk about is how Biden is “too old” and “not doing enough,” as if that is on par with Trump’s desire to dismantle basic rights! As if the candidate who doesn’t embody ALL their ideals is not worth voting for! Bucky interrupts with a smart and a loud “PFFT.”
Page 6: Bucky: Um, Steve. YOU were like that in 1940. Sam, nudging Bucky: “Oh, this I gotta hear. Spill, Barnes.” In sepia, Steve is pacing around their apartment while Bucky is sitting and reading a newspaper. Steve: I can’t believe he’s running for a 3rd term! we need a fresh candidate to vote for! This is hardly a choice at all! AND he refuses to engage in Europe! All of Europe under fascist control and we’re just twiddling our thumbs? He’s letting millions die through his inaction! Bucky: Most people don’t want another war, Steve. If he came out for it, he would lose. Steve, indignant: But Buck, it’s your Polish relative who are in danger! Bucky, closing his newspaper and looking at Steve: Yeah, and between FDR and Willkes, I trust FDR to help if he could.
Page 7: Steve, in sepia, looking away: Should he be encouraged to do more? Maybe I should vote for Browder. The Communists have historically be Anti-Fascist.
Sam interrupts off-screen: Waitaminute! STEVE was going to PROTEST-VOTE? Steve: We were in a Blue State, Sam! Sam: But what about the down ballot races?! Steve: RELAX, I did my due diligence down-ballot. I wanted a senate that’s more progressive than the President.Voted LaGuardia for Mayor, too. Steve hesitates: Then, when I got to the President… I realized that the Best case scenario would be that my vote did nothing, versus if it actually spoiled the election. And when I asked myself who I could trust to work with my Senator… well, FDR had a good record with Labor. (sepia shot of young Steve voting) Bucky interrupts: Hold on, Steve.
Page 8: Bucky, eating a cookie, arching an eyebrow: You didn’t vote for Browder? Why didn’t you tell me? Steve: And have you say “I told you so” for the next century? Bucky: Heh.
Steve, with hand on his chin: What’s weird was that, despite everything, I still felt HORRIBLE when I ticked that box. Sam: Sounds like you built up the meaning of that vote far too much in your head. Logically, we know that a single box can’t represent all of the complexity of a whole system, but the desperately WANT it to. Just look at how people have built up so much around the term “Zionis” that it’s made productive conversations difficult.
Page 9: Sam and Steve speak in the background while Bucky reaches into the cooler and pulls out a box. Steve: Sigh. And that’s something that goes beyond the election. Sam: Which is why we need to vote, AND do other things. Bucky, looking at Steve and Sam: Like how Steve works to push organizations on the local level? Or like all the work you do as Captain America? Sam: Exactly. Vote AND.
Sam looks at Bucky fondly: Like how you vote AND make me and Steve take breaks. Bucky, looking stern because he can’t handle compliments: Shush, Sam.
Bucky holds up a cake that has the number “107” on it: It’s time for cake. Happy Birthday, Steve.
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slavghoul · 11 months
Interview from Sweden Rock Magazine 10/2023
Hi, hi. There is an interview with Tobias in SRM’s newest issue, but it’s in the subscribers only section, so I thought I’d translate/share since I guess not many people will be able to get their hands on it. It is about Prequelle and it’s part of SRM’s „200 best Swedish hard rock albums of all time” series. Prequelle placed #68. The other albums may have scored higher, but for now we don’t know the whole list. Either way, enjoy. Very insightful. 
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„Do you think that "Prequelle" is Ghost's worst album?” Now that’s an unusual opening question. Especially when the interview is about an album that Sweden Rock Magazine's writers and qualified Swedish hard rock musicians (including Tobias Forge) have voted as one of the 200 best Swedish hard rock albums of all time. The question wasn’t planned, but comes spontaneously, as a reaction to the first thing Tobias Forge says when we sit down on opposite sofas in the record company office. I'm here for a two-part interview, partly about the EP "Phantomime" (published in #6 2023), partly about "Prequelle". Neither record companies, artists, voters, nor even our writers who conduct interviews for this series of articles have any idea what placement an album has received. Interviews are often done well in advance and we simply don't want placements to leak and become public long before publication.
No Ghost album has ever been on the list before. The idea is actually to end the day with the "Prequelle" talk, but when Tobias Forge suddenly starts with a funny little comment that this album is probably the one that those who have voted think is Ghost's worst or least popular album, I just have to take the opportunity to ask the question: Do you think that "Prequelle" is Ghost's worst album?
No, absolutely not, he says and laughs. If I'm going to be completely pragmatic, I'd say: "How many songs do we actually play from that record?" There are songs that work damn well live and sit where they should. So it's a pretty strong album.
But is this what you are basing it on? "Prequelle" was released after Ghost had become really big so it can't be compared to "Opus Eponymous" and "Infestissumam" which you don't play many songs from. I mean, no matter what kind of record you had released when "Prequelle" came out, you would still have played many songs from it and they would have worked precisely because Ghost's songs nowadays are moulded more to the arena format.
I don't know how to answer that, it's difficult. If the album had been different, it would have been. If I'm going to talk somehow both artistically and practically, I know that for every record we have become exponentially bigger. "Prequelle" was definitely no exception, but it also took us a big step forward and upwards and we became bigger and broader. To the extent that when we introduce old songs in the live set, you notice that there are elements on albums one and two that make some songs more difficult to play. Not technically, we can play the songs, but they don't work in quite the same way as the later songs, which means that there is a slight favouritism.
I asked the original question about whether you think it's Ghost's worst album only because you directly said that this means it's the least popular one.
I'm just so full of myself I assumed all the other albums are also in the top 200, which may actually be incorrect. This might be the best album and the others aren't even there, haha.
It wasn't long after "Prequelle" was released that you were self-critical of the album in interviews, saying that it was too ballad-heavy and a bit too soft. I haven't noticed that before, you being so self-critical shortly after the release.
Yes, but I still feel that way. If, as an artist, I am only going to look at the work with the criticism that one can feel towards one's own work, I think that if things had been different or if I had more time, I might have wished that I had managed to get maybe two more hard songs. Maybe one more hard song would have fit on the album and another harder song might have phased out one of the ballads. Now five years after the album came out, I know that the two ballads ("Pro Memoria" and "Life Eternal"), which I may not think are bad, are one too many. But I know that many of the people who like the band like both of them, so it's kind of a useless argument.
Who sets the length of an album? Have you set a limit, that it can't be longer than this and have no more songs than that?
No, but it must fit on an LP disc and there is a physical limit. I think the absolute pain threshold is 46 minutes and that's 23 minutes on each side. Now maybe Mikkey Dee (co-owner of Spinroad Vinyl Factory) will raise his hand here: "But I can make it longer!" And it's maybe 48 minutes, I don't know, but I do know that when a disc starts getting so full that you start getting close to the sticker, it starts to sound bad. Especially nowadays, because recordings today are so very maximalist in scope. It's one thing if you record 60s music with drums, a guitar and bass where the sound is cleaner and finer or if you play acoustic stuff with just vocals. Bob Dylan records could have eight songs on each side and it worked all the way through. But this kind of fairly compact music doesn't work well. Not only am I a militant vinyl advocate, I think we should respect the fact that most artists don't manage to create more than 45 minutes of good music on a regular basis. A lot of famous double records are not that good. I don't think the Rolling Stones "Exile On Main St" is very good. It might as well have been on one disc. And if I'm actually going to turn it into something completely mundane, I'd say that I think it's irresponsible to sit and make records with twelve songs if it results in the record being 63 minutes long and you automatically have to make a double record. It's pretty wasteful.
When you said that it's irresponsible, I thought you were going to say that it's irresponsible to print a double vinyl because of the environmental destruction that it entails.
Of course, if we're going to be completely straightforward and not do anything that harms nature, we shouldn't even release any records, so I say this with reservation. But with that in mind and for the sake of art, I think more people should embrace the actual given format that has been the most prevalent in rock history. There is a reason why a film is usually one hour and 30 minutes. You can’t take any more. There's a certain dramaturgical structure and there’s a certain comfort in it. Then the CDs came along they screwed that up, and suddenly there weren't two sides anymore but it started one way and ended another. Now that the CD is no longer important and we've gone back to vinyl, creators should follow suit and start embracing the physical rules.
Are there songs that have been rounded off just because you thought „I have to round off here, because if I continue, it won't fit on the vinyl disc"?
We actually had that problem on the last album. „Watcher In The Sky” ended the A-side and the outro is much longer on the CD and digitally. Two minutes longer I think. Much, much, much longer. It's long, noisy and has all these dives. It's a very chaotic soundscape. You get the feeling that it goes on and on, and on the vinyl it's just the beginning of an outro and then it drops almost immediately. I think that was a huge mistake.
So the overall sound quality was more important than vinyl buyers getting everything? Because you could have pressed the vinyl and it would have fit, but you would have had to compromise the sound quality.
Yes, exactly. You can get the song to just keep going until the vinyl simply runs out. Then it just starts spinning in the middle, depending on what kind of record player you have. But the problem then, if you want to anticipate events at a creative stage, is that people today buy and listen to vinyl records and are sensitive. It's quite common for people to complain that the record is broken. I don't just mean our records, but people complain a lot about the presses. If you make ten songs, it's therefore stupid to have a too thick soundscape towards the end of song number five and song number ten. If you want to be really good and old school, that's where you put a piano ballad because it's an easier sound to handle so far into the record. This is what I think about when I make records. But clearly sometimes I miscalculate.
This must cut right through the record collector Tobias Forge's whole body and soul, that "Watcher In The Sky” is shortened by two minutes on the vinyl of all versions.
Well... I don't toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it anymore. But when it happened, I was livid. Luckily it was just an outro. It would have been worse if it had continued with some kind of narrative into the next song. Now I can't remember in my head how long "Prequelle" is, but if I'd had to go back in time and just re-construct it, the re-construction wouldn't have had much to do with the existing material, I would have just wanted to add a scene. And it's not a scene that's missing, it's just for the sake of balance. It became asymmetrical in a way that bothers me a bit.
You've talked about this before, but it was before "Prequelle" that you really started to talk a lot about how you were thinking about what kind of new songs might suit the live show. Can you get stuck in that mindset, thinking more about what songs are needed live right now rather than creating an album that will last 30 years?
Hmm... (long pause)... The reason I'm sitting here thinking is because I'm trying to come up with examples of other bands that I think might have gone through something similar. I’m looking for examples to the answer I'm about to formulate and that is that: yes, I think there comes a point in the career when most bands make a record because they simply feel they need to… Because what we're talking about is that when you go from playing in small smoky clubs in front of an already inveterate audience that already understands the perhaps a little more chewy expression, that experience can change if you start playing in front of a larger and especially a different type of audience. When a different type of audience comes and you play in a different format, you discover that this song doesn't work very well, it doesn't sound very good and it's difficult to get the sound right. Then there's usually a record or two or three during your career when this transition happens where you start filling in with songs that work better live. Look at Piece of mind", "Powerslave" and "Somewhere in time". There's a reason why Iron Maiden didn't play a lot of the first two albums there and then, because it was easier to play the new songs. You get to that point somewhere in your career and it's very difficult to say when it is - there's no given rule and there are artists who continue to release relevant records and have an amazing ability to release new records and just play the whole new record. Well, now Iron Maiden does that and tests their audience a little bit in that way, but then they will always compensate by doing like a "best of" set the following year so everything is forgiven. Now we're in the middle of the "Impera" period here and have a very strong set, but I'm starting to feel that now that I'm about to start writing a new album, it feels like it's not really on my agenda to write three more albums that will change the live setlist ten years ahead. I think we already have the blueprint for what is Ghost's setlist, especially if you include the entire catalogue. After a while, each new record you make becomes a little less important. It's really hard to know when that point comes, but the truth is that new records don't matter in the same way. Slayer didn't have to release "Divine Intervention”. They definitely didn't have to release "Diabolus In Musica". I didn't care about it and I just wanted to hear the old stuff. If they had just come up and played "Reign In Blood" I would have been soooo happy. And that's the way it is with most bands. Nobody would be sad if the Rolling Stones came up and didn't play anything from "Emotional Rescue". And that's just the way it is. In the future, I can see a scenario where there is probably a basis to possibly build up an alternative setlist. There are so many songs that we do not play and that I have nothing against - I love them too! But it would almost be easier to build up a completely alternative setlist and run a show with only the odd songs. There are so many songs now. There's no reason not to build on that. But when I want to make a new record, it's irresponsible for me not to consider that there might have to be some songs that are a bit more direct. But it doesn't hurt me if we have more songs that we don't play live. I don't know if this answers your question...
I would actually like to ask exactly the same question again, because I wonder if you yourself feel that you get stuck during the making of the record. You said that you would have liked to include another hard song because "Prequelle" doesn't have the balance that you would have liked to have in retrospect.
Exactly, but the explanation for that has more to do with my mental capacity there and then. I simply couldn't cope. I felt that I had probably maxed out… It was probably about as much as I could do that year. That's the simple explanation. To get another song that would have fit and that would have fulfilled this requirement that I now in retrospect would have wished I had, it would have required something that I did not have there and then. The only thing that could have made it easier is if I had more time. It is difficult to reason about it, you see.
I was in the studio for a few days during the recording and it's one of the few times in all these years that I've done interviews where someone has started crying during an interview. It was quite obvious that everything that had happened with the split of the band affected you.
Yes. Of course. It did.
Is "Prequelle" a difficult album to listen to for you? Can you sit and listen to it all the way through? 
Well, at the moment I have to do that from time to time, and listen to all the records, because we're just about to start rehearsing again and then I sometimes have to go back and just listen to the record to go: "Fuck, is that really how I sing?" Especially when we start rehearsing, I can be a bit like: "Damn, who changed this bit?” Then I usually sit down and it hits me: "Oh, it's me who has changed my song!" You simply do that over the years, you start singing it in a slightly different way. So sometimes I have to go back and listen, but it’s more practical. I don't think it's fun to listen them. I do it until they are finished. I listen over and over and over again and really try to listen with all the imaginary ears and all the imaginary perspectives you can have. "How would I have listened to this if I had heard it from this perspective?" Just to get as "objective" a perspective as I can until I'm satisfied, but then it's like „No, I don't want to hear this anymore". But I have to say that I think "Prequelle" is a very tolerable disc despite everything that interfered with the process. Therapeutically, it works quite well considering that we are still playing at least half of the album. For every artist there are songs that you want to play, and there are songs that you don’t want to play because they feel too personal. I don't feel that way about this one, it's more like: "Ah hell, they're part of the setlist and people like it and it sounds good. So that's what we're doing."
On a personal level, was Tom Dalgety the perfect producer for you, the way you were feeling at the time? Tom feels like the kindest, sweetest producer you can meet. He wasn't the kind of producer who pushed you very much, it was more of a nice atmosphere between you.
Yes, really, and it would have been different if Klas Åhlund, who is more confrontational, had been in the room. Now Klas and I are great mates, so it would certainly have been very therapeutic also, but it would have been a different process. If an artist comes in who is in such bad shape that they can't make a record, or a band where the main songwriter has just left them, then a Bob Ezrin goes in and says: "If you don't make the record, I'll make the record myself.” And he goes and makes Kiss "Destroyer" or Alice Cooper records. I'm not saying they didn't make them, just that you hear that Bob Ezrin made "Beth". It's a type of producer that's very different from a lot of other producers who maybe act a little bit more like buddies and cheerleaders and make the atmosphere good. Bob Ezrin doesn't care so much about the atmosphere in the room. Klas is somewhere in between, I would say. Given the condition I was in during "Prequelle", the result could probably have been different if Klas had come in. Ironically, there was actually talk of him doing it, but he didn't have the time and we'll never know how it would have turned out. I only know that it would have been different, but right there and then Tom was fantastic. I know that a lot of bands like to work with him because he is technically brilliant. He's really good at those typical sounds that people like: cool drums, guitar, bass, tone and clarity. He is also very "happy go lucky", a nice guy who sits and jokes all the time. Even if he has a bad day, it doesn't affect anyone else, which is convenient.
Let me compare it to when a writer contacts me after an interview and says "that was such a nice interview". For me, "nice" is not something positive in such a work situation and the result is often better when there is a little friction.
Mmm, and that is more Klas. There is more friction and more confrontation. And I was much better equipped for that at "Meliora" and later at "Impera". I felt better and was simply stronger. There wasn't the same survival instinct as on "Prequelle". If I think back, not about how the album turned out and how I have to live with it, but if I think back to the situation I was in, I was very anxious all the time. Even though I'm happy with the result, I wouldn't want to go through the recording again, even though Tom was great. Because it's hard to work when you're under attack. I realised that now when I made "Impera", when it was no longer like that. You are much more comfortable, it doesn't feel the same, you are more mature, you make better decisions, you are more controlled or dare to be uncontrolled. When things are this serious, you can end up in a freeze mode. Maybe that's also why there wasn't another song. The song that I miss doesn't exist because I simply squeezed out everything I had. If I had been in a different emotional state, I might have been more comfortable working out something at the last second from bits and pieces. But I felt that I really just wanted to get it done, deliver it, get back out on tour and start over again.
When you described being more mature during "Impera" you sounded like a 70-year-old, kind of like all the Aerosmith-like bands that have been fighting all their lives and now that they're in their 70s they say "we're soooo mature,” haha.
I think with all artists, especially when they're required to work in a group, there are many recordings that have been a collision with a wall because you're expected to function in a context all the time, whatever and whenever. But you do change and from one year to a few years down the line there can be a huge difference in a person's drive, hunger and priorities in life. Whether you have the same band structure as I do or whether you play in Metallica, people come in one state and they may end up in another, because you have different priorities at different times. It's unfortunately against the whole rock myth. I think that's the biggest problem for bands and businesses, that you always have this idea that if you just get to a certain stage - not just monetarily or career-wise, but you get to a certain stage of fun - then we've reached the status quo. But that is never the case! Never! There’s always something. Even in the best moments when everything is working, the band is awesome, everyone is working well, the crew is awesome, everyone is laughing, it's just a party all the time mentally, you have the world's best tour manager, everything is flowing and the tickets are selling, there will always be someone who doesn't like it and then has to break away and want to do their thing because it's no longer fun. It's usually somewhere in the lead-up to a stage where it's interesting and then once you've achieved it, it all becomes a bit boring. Just like in a relationship some people may eventually think, "well, that's a bit boring, I have to go out and do something else".
Since I was in the studio when you were laying down guitars on "Witch Image", my heart beats a little extra for that song and I thought it would be a great live song, but you've barely played it (at the time of writing it's Ghost's forty-fourth most played song live).
We did it during the "Prequelle" tour, or "A Pale Tour Named Death" as it was called. Then we did quite a few "an evening with" concerts, for better or worse. The advantage was that if you were a big fan of the band we actually played a lot of songs and actually a lot of the first albums, like "Idolatrine" - or "Witch Image". We did a set, a break and then a whole other set. That was a bit of a taste of what I was talking about earlier: doing a slightly larger set and then a slightly smaller one. You just shouldn't do it on the same night because it gets a bit stale. We played for two hours and 30 minutes or something and that wasn’t a good idea, haha. At least we did "Witch Image", but it has fallen behind a bit and it doesn't mean that we will never play it again, just that we don't do it right now. What I've been happy about is that there has been a feeling for the records that we've made recently, "Prequelle" and "Impera", that people still want to hear the new stuff. We haven't gotten to that stage that I talked about earlier when it doesn't matter anymore. Then it's very fun to try to find a new way to perform the songs, not technically, but suddenly a song like "Witch Image" might fulfill a very nice purpose between a completely new song and another song.
Let me speculate: in 30 years, I think "Rats" will be considered the great hard rock song, "Dance Macabre" the great hit and "Life Eternal" the great ballad. What do you think? Will this in the future be seen as the three big songs of the album?
Yes, that makes sense, I think. I understand that an instrumental song automatically ends up in the wake of a "best of" collection, in the sense that you do one in 30 years. I realise it's not a hit but the instrumental "Miasma" is a big part of our live show. It's strong and feels like such a keeper. Now we don't play "Life Eternal" very often actually, but it was very well received. For some reason people like to get married to it, I don’t know why, hehe. It's nice but it's also a bit like U2’s „I still haven't found what I'm looking for" and you don't use that one at a wedding. But people like it and I guess interpret it differently to me. It’s also a song that I don't think is fun to play live.
And why not?
Because I find it hard to play ballads. Physically, they don't feel the same as rock songs. I miss the "dunka dunka". Now everyone who plays music today knows what I mean - sorry, readers who don't play music - and it's that there's a small problem with having in-ear monitors. This means that you have to reach a certain frequency of beats in order to feel the music, unlike when you played at clubs with only a guitar amp behind you. You felt every single note you made and it just went through your body. Nowadays, I think it's sometimes hard when you play slow songs, because you have to trust that it sounds good, whereas when you play a rock song, you feel that it sounds good.
Does it also apply to "He Is” which is such a huge ballad, not least live?
Well, just the intro and then it gets going quite quickly and suddenly becomes a hard and rather fast-paced song. The classic ballad concept has always been that you play so-called edge beats to make it sound soft, while "He Is” is actually a rather hard-played song considering that it is a ballad. Once the drums come in – boom, boom – it's got AC/DC bite to it. It has a rock feel to it that "Life Eternal" doesn't really have. As I said, I don't think that "Life Eternal" is a lot of fun to perform, but that doesn't mean that it isn't quite good to listen to. It’s just that when I play "Dance Macabre" or "Mummy Dust" I feel that I can express myself physically more in line with what the text says and what it means.
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iizzeee · 4 months
Guys, I am begging you. Please please please please please PLEASE do NOT vote 3rd party, or not vote at all.
I get it. I really do. Biden’s handling of Israel has been, not gonna mince words, dogshit. Abominable. Unspeakably bad.
But we cannot afford to protest like this.
We don’t need Biden as president. We do need to keep Trump out of office. And to those who respond “well, I don’t want just the lesser of two evils,” please, for the love of god, grow the fuck up.
For one, why wouldn’t you want the lesser of two evils. It is, by definition, LESS EVIL.
“Why can’t we just have no evil, why isn’t that an option.” I really wish it was. Just as much as you. But it’s not. These are our cards, and we have to play our hand to the best of our ability.
Which brings us to two.
Trump is more evil. Like, so much more evil. We’re comparing apples and oranges here guys.
I understand that a lot of you might doubt that. The largest demographic of people advocating for third party or non-votes are in the 18-26 range. New voters, with one or no elections under their belt.
So they don’t remember.
Most of us (I myself fall under this age range) don’t remember 2016. The election, that is. They don’t remember how so many people protested Hillary vs Trump by going 3rd party or writing in joke votes, because they saw the two as equally bad. And Trump won.
Half of us don’t remember the Trump presidency. We’ve heard he was a weird, bad, bigoted president, but don’t fully grasp the scope of how bad.
So off the top of my head, here are some highlights of real things Donald Trump did while he held office.
- threw toilet paper at hurricane victims like he was trying to shoot a 3-pointer
- fired the man investigating him for election fraud
- called African countries “shitholes”
- appointed members of the Supreme Court who would go on to overturn roe v wade
- stole classified documents from the white house to hide at his resort
- tried to instate a Muslim Ban
- incited a insurrection to try and keep himself in office, and maybe hang his VP if there was time
- looked directly at an eclipse. Like no glasses, full on.
- fueled covid conspiracies. Also told people to “drink bleach” to fight the virus
- withdrew us from the Paris Climate Accord
- cofefe. Remember that? What a fun, normal thing for the president to tweet at 2am.
- employed literal white supremacists
- called Nazi’s “very fine people”
- got endorsed by the KKK, and refused to condemn David Duke
And that’s just what I can remember right now.
So if you’re angry at Biden about Palestine, please please please do not think for a fucking second Trump would be better. He would almost certainly actively be worse. He would give Netanyahu the green light. If you think Biden has used a loose leash, at least it’s some kind of leash. Trump would be all in. Full chips, flying to the Middle East to send in the bombs himself.
If you’re still hesitant, consider this last plea.
Things are bad. These shouldn’t be the only two choice we have, but they are. You can’t look at the menu, which is offering either bland soup someone spit in or actual rat poison and go “could I have some steak”.
You can order the soup and live to write a one-star review on Yelp, maybe call health inspections on the restaurant or contact the owners and say “you guys know your menu has only two options and they’re both dogshit. If you don’t add more, you’ll be unemployed soon.”
Or you can order rat poison and die.
If we elect Donald Trump in the fall, we will be eating rat poison. He has repeatedly said himself to be in favor of a dictatorship. He quotes Hitler. If he is put in office, the change we all want and so critically need will not be fucking POSSIBLE. Because with Biden, it’ll be hard, and tedious, and long, and exhausting, but at least it will be goddamn possible.
So, come November, please don’t order the rat poison.
Please just eat your shitty ass soup so we can live to get really angry about it.
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alwaysbewoke · 10 months
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our entire political system is flawed, but
you're not going to change it in one election to perfection; what you can absolutely do is make everything worse in one election. also, you can acknowledge that the system needs work and that you want more without lying and pretending as if it has produced nothing positive for you. the problem right now with many people is that you guys want an instant solution. you want an instant fix. however, there is no such thing. there will not be one election or one candidate or one bill that's going to fix this. this is going to take long-term, strategic, methodical work for us to make it right, and i can tell right now that many people are not up for the task. they're too weak, but they won't be weak enough to complain, make videos, tweets, ig posts, reels, tiktoks, blog posts and whatever whining when shit hits the fan. they'll be the first ones howling at the moon and gnashing their teeth without taking responsibility for the part they played in the shitstorm.
here's some simple advice: pack the senate and congress with hardcore progressives. hardcore progressives. and then go to your local election and pack that with hardcore progressives again. but by no means should any of us accept any talk or strategy that gives the republicans power. at some point, you've got to stop playing checkers in a chess game.
however, the problem is this point of view should have been adopted in 2016. i fear that it might actually be too late because people played checkers in the chess game knowing full well that whoever won that election was going to have at least one supreme court pick. that winner actually got three and now has set this country back for the foreseeable future. generations are going to be feeling that pain. we missed out on critical years to address climate change. the voting rights of black people have been completely undermined. the educational opportunities for black people have also been undermined. discrimination against gay people has been affirmed. we saw the death of millions of americans at the hands of a global pandemic that was profoundly mishandled, and yet having seen and experience all of this people are willing to entertain the idea of allowing those in power who did all this to get even more power again. UNBELIEVABLE! people like that deserve ridicule.
if you actually care about black lives, people of color, trans rights, gay rights, healthcare, education, palestine, dr congo, police brutality, child poverty, climate change, restoring democracy, voting rights, equitable access to all levels of education, ending the prison industrial complex, women's rights, and etc do not entertain any talk about taking actions that will give republicans power. not in the short term. not in the long term. don't let your anger and your disappointment force your hand into making things worse for yourself and others. there's already been widespread voter suppression so if you think you're going to give republicans all that power and then vote to take it away from them down the line when everything is more to your liking, you are delusional. if you really want to change things (like for real, you're not just talking shit about "progress"),here are some insightful videos:
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wonder-kid-pugh · 1 year
The Beautiful Game and Books - Alessia Russo x reader
Hey guys! So I had this idea for a fic which I really liked. But as I was writing it I realized how long it was and saw that I could make it into a 2 parter. And when I put it to a vote you said to post the first part so here it is!!!!! This is my own little take on a jock x Nerd fic so I hope you enjoy! I am working on the second part but I am swamped at the moment but I will post it as soon as possible. But for now I hope you like this!
You let out a sigh as you entered the familiar house hoping it wouldn't be long. Your evening was busy with plans of laying in bed rewatching either The Vampire Diaries or Harry Potter, whatever you were in the mood for honestly.
But your plans to rush home had been interrupted when your mother had texted you to make a detour.
The Russo residence was a place you frequented often. What with your mother being best friends with Carol you were over to their house often whether it was just for regular catch-ups or for weekly dinners. It also wasn't lost on you that with their daughter being the same age as you and going to the same school that your parents had hoped you and Alessia would become best friends just like them.
Probably to give them more excuses to hang out.
But unfortunately for your mothers, their plan didn't work. You and the youngest Russo just didn't click really. Maybe it was just that your personalities didn't work. You were always quiet and very timid and enjoyed reading and kept to yourself. While Alessia was always the friendly outgoing loveable girl who was always outside playing football.
Don't get it wrong, you didn't hate each other. You were civil with each other when at each other's houses and when the two families were together. But your conversations didn't go much past how you were finding classes you shared or some stupid school gossip.
Honestly you probably got on better with her brothers than you did with her.
You were so familiar with the house that you entered without knocking and called out, "Mum?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the small joke of 'which one' your mother and her best friend shared as you walked into the kitchen where they were.
"Might as well be talking to Carol. At least she wouldn't forget to pick me up from school and leave me abandoned" you tease as Carol chuckles as she gives you a side hug just to tease your mother further.
But your mother takes it in stride as she rolls her eyes with a scoff. "It was one time. You would swear I'm neglecting you. I just got the days mixed up".
Which you fully understood you knew that you were usually busy studying in the library after school most days but after the library had closed for some small renovations for the week it meant you got to go home after school. Something your mother had forgotten and you were ready to walk home when Carol who was already picking up Alessia offered you a lift.
But that doesn't mean you couldn't tease your mother for it.
"Your only child. Left forgotten and abandoned at the school gates. About to walk the dangerous streets alone home if it wasn't for Carol" you sigh dramatically as you lean into the Russo woman who laughed at your dramatics.
"Maybe Carol can look after you then" Your mother quipped back as she sipped her tea.
But Carol quickly interjects with a shake of the head. "Oh I don't think so I think 3 is enough for me. Besides" she starts with a grin, "she's definitely your daughter. She's almost as dramatic as you".
"Hey!" You and your mother call out in unison. "I am not dramatic/ Almost?" You and your mother glare at each other before it's turned on the Russo as the two of you hear her giggle at you both.
"So how has school been?" Carol asks trying to quickly move on with the conversation.
You just shrug, "Eh. Fine. Nothing new. Learned some stuff, corrected a few teachers and helped a few people after school. The usual".
The best friends shared a look of amusement over their cups of tea. Honestly where your studious nature and love of books came from was lost on your mother. It definitely wasn't from her and your father wasn't exactly the brightest either. But you had always been academically gifted even going so far as to point out corrections to teachers in school.
A small part of her thought it was because of your father leaving when you were younger but that wasn't something either of you talked about.
Your teachers had gone to your mother a few times saying you would be better off looking into schools with a bit more challenging course work for you or at the very least maybe skipping a year or maybe two. But you were perfectly content where you were.
You and your mother against the world.
"So the call I got from the school earlier then?" Your mother prodded, "About Mr Wickerman?"
But you just shrug nonchalantly, "Personally I don't know what his problem is".
Your mother raised an eyebrow at you, "Well do you want to give me a heads up on the 'inappropriate writing assignment' you handed in so I'm not blindsided when I have to meet with him tomorrow?"
You held up your hands, "Hey I hit the brief!" You sighed as you were fixed with a look by both women. "The assignment was to write a short story about a secret gradually coming out" you explained to which they both nodded prompting you to continue. You ran a hand through your hair, "So I wrote about a girl's parents finding out she was dating someone. Only when they are finally introduced, they meet her girlfriend rather than her boyfriend". You shrug, "If anything I hit the brief twice. It was a secret gradually coming out AND an actual coming out! Not my fault Mr Wickerman is a homophobic prick".
Your mother gives you a stern glare before you relient a bit like a small child being scolded, "Sorry". For such a quiet and intelligent girl, your mother was forever scolding you for your language.
She always told you had a mouth like a sailor.
Your mother sighed before giving you a reassuring smile letting you know you weren't in trouble, "I'll sort it out".
And while you knew you were in the right you couldn't help but feel guilty in that instant. Knowing that your mother already had enough to worry about without having to defend your actions to the school.
Even if it was against homophobic asshole who should just retire already.
But like always it's as if your mother can read your mind as she reaches over and squeezes your hand with a soft look in her eye. "I've never liked him anyways" she jokes, making you let out a laugh.
"So now that I'm not in trouble…does that mean I can go home? I have plans" you try but your mother just scoffs.
"And plans you mean to sit in your room and watch Netflix" she says looking at you knowingly.
But you just smile at her, "You just know me so well". "Does that mean I can go?" You try again angling yourself towards the door when your mother stops you again.
"Actually no. There's something we need to talk to you about…"
That gets your attention as your eyes flicker to the Russo woman before landing back on your mother, "We? What's going on?"
But your question is interrupted by the front door opening once more and another call of "Mum I'm home" breaches your ears. It isn't long after the youngest Russo makes an appearance quickly moving to her mother and greeting her with a kiss on the kiss and then greeting your mother with a smile.
You just about barely got a nod of recognition.
Not that you really cared.
"Hey Honey how was training?" Carol asked as Alessia was already moving towards the stairs.
"Good" she answered simply before throwing a thumb over her shoulder, "I'm going to have a shower. I'm meeting some of the girls in town".
But just like you she was quickly stopped by her mother. "Actually Alessia we need to have a quick chat first".
She paused her movements but did as her mother told her. She briefly looked at you as if silently asking if you knew but you just gave her a shrug. Letting her know you were both clueless about whatever this is.
Carol's voice dropped slightly as she fixed her eyes on the brunette. "Less, the school have been on to us about your grades".
That was all Alessia needed to know what this was about. However, you could tell by how her eyes quickly glanced at you that she didn't feel fully comfortable talking about it in front of you. But that didn't stop her from pleading her case.
"I know Mum" she said quickly probably not wanting her to say anything else in front of me. "It's just with football it's hard to keep up all the time".
Carol quickly nodded and it was one of the things you loved about her, she didn't show any signs of anger only understanding. "We know Less. And we are so proud of you and we know how hard you work". "And even though we know how hard you work doesn't mean you don't need a hand" she says soothingly.
Once again her eyes flickered at you, "Mum can we please talk about this later?"
But she stood firm, "Less we decided that you need a tutor if you're going to keep up with both school and football".
You could tell she was displeased with the idea immediately. "Mummmm" she groaned and you had to withhold the scoff as you swore you could almost hear the childish footstomp to go with her tantrum.
"Alessia we only want what's best for you. In football and in school" Carol said firmly letting her know she wasn't budging on this.
She's quiet for a few second before sighing, "Fine. I'll find one later".
But it seems it was your mother's turn now. "Actually we already have one in mind" your mother said as she turned to you.
You could feel your eyes widen as they all turn to you. "Me?" You asked pointing to yourself.
"Your top of your class and don't think I don't know that Luca and Giorgio go to you when they need help with homework" Carol says as you blush.
"Not really…" you try but from the look of the two older women their minds were already made up.
"How about the two of you go upstairs and get started?" Carol said looking at the both of you. When you looked to your mum you knew she wouldn't save you.
"But mum!" Alessia whined once more but Carol was having none of it.
"Alessia don't be rude" she scolds as she nods towards you who awkwardly stood there as Alessia eyed you up.
Albeit grudgingly, Alessia sighed and nodded, "Fine". She then turned and quickly went up the stairs making sure to make her footsteps thump that little bit harder to let everyone know of her displeasure.
You gave them a tight lipped smile as you turned and followed her. Already dreading this. Like you siad you had nothing against Alessia but you knew if it wasn't for Carol you definitely wouldn't be helping her right now. Especially as it wasn't like you wanted to do this either.
You last about 45 minutes before you made the excuse of going home to plan future sessions which Alessia is only too happy to accept. You couldn't take the awkward looks and the weird tension. And it was clearly mutual as Alessia just busied herself on her phone instead of trying to actually talk to you apart from short answers anytime you tried to make conversation.
But you knew there would be no getting out of this. The Russo's were practically family after all. So when your mother asked how did it go on the drive home. Of course you gave her a fake smile and a nod saying it went well.
You made sure your mother seemed happy with your answer before you leaned your head up against the window and prayed that tomorrow with Alessia would be a bit better.
Who knows maybe you'll actually end up friends by the end of this?
Yeah you can forget about you and Alessia being friends.
Your day went about normally. You kept your head down and carried on with your classes as you usually do. Talking to the few people you usually talk to. You wouldn't classify them as friends, you didn't know them well enough for that.
It was more people you sat beside in some classes. They were the kind of people you would give a nod to in the hallway as well as just casual conversation in classes. Just so you wouldn't have to sit in that awkward silence.
The closest thing you would say you would have to a friend would be Ben. You sat beside each other in English and were both a bit of loners. And you bonded over the fact that you both hated Me Wickerman. As well as the fact that you both had the same teasing sense of humour. But again you wouldn't really talk outside of school apart from the odd time.
It was the end of the day and everyone was rushing out of class to their lockers to try and grab their things and run home. You walked out of English with Ben as you teased him how you scored higher than him (like always) when you spotted Alessia talking with her friends.
You waved goodbye to the boy as you ducked your way through the crowd. You had agreed yesterday that you would meet with Alessia to study but you hadn't said where so you decided you better catch her before she goes home as well as probably get her phone number so stuff like this can be avoided.
You didn't think it would be a good idea to get her number from her brother's. As they were still looking for revenge for the prank you pulled on both of them.
Let's just say they learned never to ask you to put in a good word for them with their crushes again.
But it was times like these that reminded you that Alessia probably forgot you went to the same school. Because she probably would have been more careful about being overheard if she did.
You had been walking up to her little group of friends when you could overhear their conversation. "Cmon Less everyone's going!"
You slowed down not wanting to interrupt their conversation. But you couldn't help but overhear them.
But the brunette just sigh as she rumaged through her locker, "I can't I have plans".
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her disinterest. It wasn't like this was your first choice either. You didn't exactly get a choice in this either.
Her friends just groan, "But everyone is going! You have to come. Just come!"
While you can't see most of their faces, you could already tell they were slowly trying to convince Alessia. Not wanting their ringleader to miss out. But you weren't worried. This is Alessia. You knew you weren't the closest but you knew her. There was no way she would just blow you off like that…
"Yeah…maybe" Alessia started but you could see her resolve crumble as she looks at her friends. "Fine" she sighs, "I'll sort something out".
You honestly couldn't believe it. You knew you didn't know the football player well but you've known each other since you were babies. And Alessia was always the nice friendly girl. You honestly couldn't believe what you were hearing.
You couldn't stop the loud scoff from slipping out. But it must have been louder than you thought as it seems to catch the brunette's attention.
A tiny part of you enjoys how her eyes widen and an obvious blush tints her face at the fact she's been caught. But you just hardened your glare as your crossed your arms ignoring all the curious looks you received from her friends.
"You know I don't exactly want to do this either. But I thought you would at least have the common decency to at least not blow me off when your the one that needs help" you snipe. But you can tell but the way that Alessia couldn't look you in the eyes that you wouldn't be getting an answer you liked. "Whatever" you scoff before turning away to walk home.
Thankfully it was one of the days you were walking home so you didn't have to deal with your mother investigating your foul mood as she had work. And how you clocked Carol's car before she spotted you and you steered clear of the car. The last thing you wanted right now was to be in the same car as the brunette.
You were fuming the entire way home once again thankful that no one was home and you already had all your homework for tomorrow done. As the second you got home you slammed the door behind you, rush up the stairs taking 2 at a time and flopped into bed hoping that Harry Potter would help forgot the foul mood the football player had put you in.
You sighed as you heard a knock on the door. You leaned your head against your propped up fist not even turning to the door, "Mum I'll be done in a minute I just need to finish this up".
"Yeah not your mum…"
You looked over your shoulder unimpressed as you see Alessia standing nervously by your door. But don't say anything as you instead turn back to your work. "What are you doing here Russo?"
"I uh tried to find you after school but that guy you hang out with uh Ben? He said you left early" Alessia reveals.
You can hear her sigh as she moves behind you. "Look I know your upset with me. And you have every right to be". You heard her sigh as you pause your work again as you look at her over your shoulder letting her know you were listening.
"You were right" she sighed as she played with her hands. "It's not exactly like you wanted to help me either and I should be grateful that you're even willing to help me". Her cheeks darken with a blush as she pursues her lips, "That is if you still want to help me that is".
But that seems to do it for you as you scoff and drop your pen finally turning back to you. "What? Finally realise that you actually need my help?" You scoff as you shake your head, "I don't know why I expected any different".
"It's not like that" Alessia tries but you don't let her off lightly.
"Oh give me a break Russo" you spit out harshly. "Your only here cause you need something. Because no matter how sweet and kind you maybe seem everyone is the same. Everyone's looking for something and I've already been burned before and I rather not go through that again".
Your just about able to bite your tongue and you silently fume thinking back on that time. But you shake your head once again scoffing at the Football player, "You haven't even said your sorry".
"You're right" Alessia said after a small pause. "I'm sorry" she said, "I'm really sorry". There's another brief silence before Alessia asks, "Why didn't you tell my mum?"
While you were able to dodge her yesterday successfully, it didn't work today as she had caught me when she came around to drop something off to mum. She had asked how it was going with Alessia and I didn't have the heart to tell her what happened.
She only wanted what was best for her daughter.
"Because she's like a second mum to me and I didn't have the heart to tell her" you tell her honestly. "She adores you Alessia. I didn't have it in me to tell her that the apple of her eye decided to ditch me last minute".
"Thank you" she said shyly but you could tell she was genuinely grateful for you not snitching on her.
You nod before you were interrupted by your mother shouting up to you that dinner was ready. Alessia didn't even have a chance to escape as your mother already had a plate ready for her.
Dinner was another awkward affair but thankfully most of the heat was off you as your mother focused on Alessia asking about what she's been up to and how the studying has been going. Afterwards you were both excused to go back upstairs to study.
You both awkwardly sit in your room once more neither of you knowing what to say. Until it was Alessia who once again broke it.
"You said before" she starts cautiously, "that you already got burned once before". She eyed you carefully, "What did you mean by that?"
Your eyes close for a second as you really regret letting that slip out. But you knew you had no other option really. "I think it's obviously I'm not the most popular in school" you said jokingly trying to ease yourself into it. "So you can imagine my surprise when one of the guys on the soccer team started talking to me".
It took everything in Alessia not to correct you but she knew she was already on thin ice. That and it seemed that it wasn't exactly the time to joke about something so small.
You played with your fingers as you shrugged, "It was nice. And I let myself believe he was actually interested in me. When it turns out he was just interested in the fact that I could do his homework for him".
You couldn't stand the pitiful look the Brunette sent you. "Like I said Alessia. Everyone wants something". You shrug emotionlessly, "Probably should have suspected something earlier. I mean who would be interested in me right?"
There's a second silence which made you think Alessia was about to agree with you. But then you heard shuffling and you looked up to see her standing from your desk chair moving to sit on the bed beside you.
"I'm sorry" she started gentle as the two of you sat shoulder to shoulder on your bed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. That he was too much of a jackass to see how amazing you are. And I'm really sorry that I was a right idiot as well. You didn't deserve any of that".
You just accepted the apology with a smile as you looked down at your clasped hands together.
You couldn't help but let out a tiny snort, "Don't you find this funny?" You grin as Alessia tilts her head at you. "I mean we've known each other since babies but I'd say we know hardly anything about each other other than the obvious".
Alessia thinks for a second before humming as she realizes how right you were. Beyond the basics, she couldn't think of a single thing she could say about you.
Which was highly concerning seeing as like you said you have literally known each other since you were born.
"How about we change that so?" Alessia asked as it was now her turn to grin as you turned to her confused. But she simply held out her hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Alessia Russo. But my friends call me Less".
You couldn't stop the grin blooming on your face at how stupid this whole interaction was. But that didn't stop you from shaking her hand. "It's very nice to meet you Alessia".
Alessia gives you a wide grin one that you've only seen when she's around her family or playing football. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship".
Honestly you could tell why Alessia was failing.
"Less! C'mon you need to focus!" You groaned as you can see her start to doodle on her page.
This was your second study session with the football player and you were already losing hope. It didn't take much for the Russo to lose focus. It didn't help that for the past half an hour her brothers kept coming in for the dumbest excuses. It seems that they heard about your struggles to help tutor their sister and used it to their advantage to exact revenge.
Any other time you would have found their distractions hilarious but not right now when you're failing to help Alessia.
"I'm sorry" Alessia sighed as she dropped the pen. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration and you couldn't help but feel bad, "I just can't seem to get this".
You take a deep breath as you slowly let yourself calm down. "I know I'm sorry. I'm sorry".
Alessia pouted as she stared at the book. "I don't know how you understand all this. I can't even keep focus long enough to actually get through it".
You roll your eyes as you lean against your fist. "I'm starting to think that the only time you're really focused is…" but you trail off as your eyes land on a random football in the corner of her room.
Alessia looks at you as you fall silent. But she jolts when you suddenly pop up from your seat. "What's wrong?"
But you don't answer as you grab both the football and the textbook in front of the brunette and stand up. "New plan. Get up c'mon". Alessia eager to get away from all her failed attempts at notes, gets up and follows you.
Her brother's both give you strange looks but you just wave them off as you lead her to their back garden.
"Here. Catch" you said as you throw Alessia the ball.
She just about catches it as she starts to mess with the ball in her hands. "Okay? So what now?"
You shake your hand at her as you try to explain it to her. "Can you do that thing? Where you mess with the ball? Just like kick it around?"
Alessia just scrunches her face as she tilts her head. "You mean juggling? Like juggle the ball?"
To be honest you're not even listening to her really as you flick to the page you left off at. "Yeah sure that". You look up as Alessia to see her giving you a strange look but eventually just starts playing with the ball.
You give her a minute or two to just mess about with the ball before you focus on the page in front of you. "You have to study the formation of a waterfall right?" You ask as you look down at the page. Alessia just hums but that's enough to show she's listening.
You smile as you start to read out of the textbook. Your smile widens when Alessia without looking up from the ball asks you to repeat the last part which proves to you she's listening.
You do as she says as you continue to read. Occasionally stopping in order to reread a section or to answer a question Alessia has.
When you finally finish the section you put the textbook aside as you stick your leg out and poke the ball away from Alessia who looks up at you with a pout. You couldn't help but chuckle as you pick up the ball. "Okay then. Tell me how a waterfall forms".
But her shoulders drop as she sighs with her hands on her hips. "You already know I can't".
But you just shrug with a smile throwing her the ball, "Humour me".
Alessia frowns at you but then slowly starts to explain as she repeats back what you just read to her. You can't prevent the smile spreading across your face as you almost dance on the spot. "Less! That's right!"
Her head snaps up at you, "Wait seriously?"
You clap your hands together with a nod, "Yes! That was practically perfect. Like it was right out of the book".
Alessia blushes at the small praise as she smiles, "I don't know how I did that". She scratches the back of her head, "I guess I just understood it better when you explained it to me".
You smile and nod, "You're an auditory learner".
She scrunches her face at you as she tilts her head obviously confused. "What?"
You can't help but giggle at her finding it a bit adorable at how clueless she was. "You learn better when someone is reading or explaining it to you rather than when you read it" you explained.
Alessia nods before throwing you back the ball. "Then what was the whole point of the ball?"
You shrug as your throw the ball between your hands. "You were too worked up. I thought messing around with the ball would help you relax a bit. Seems I was right".
Alessia smiles and can't help but squeal as she hugs you, "You are an actual genius! Thank you!"
You're shocked but you slowly hug her back. You let her hug you for a bit longer before you pat her back, "I try. Now c'mon we've got more studying to do".
Alessia groans but quickly shuts up when she narrowly dodges the ball you throw at her head.
"You do know we could just reschedule this right?" You said as Alessia makes sure she has everything she needs.
But Alessia just shakes her head as she tosses her gearbag into the boot, "I can't". She shuts the boot as she sighs and you can see it in her eyes how stressed she is, "We have that test coming up and I can't afford to fail".
You couldn't help but soften at the sight of her. You could see how worked up Less was about this test. She knew she was good at football and that is what she wanted to do. But she also knew that scouts would look at more than just her football ability but would also look at her academic ability.
But more importantly she didn't want to let her family down.
……or you
"Less" you say softly as you grab one of her hands. "You've been working so hard lately. We can all see it. You have been doing so good and I just know you're going to pass that test".
You're happy to see the small uptick in Alessia's lips as her eyes shine a little brighter. "You really think so?"
You don't know why but a small part of you feels warm at the fact that she seeks your approval. That your opinion really means that much to her. "Of course I do" you say gently, letting your genuinity shine through truly wanting her to know how much you really mean it.
You grin as you bump your shoulder against hers not wanting her to be nervous on the way to her match. "Do you seriously think I would be joining you and your dad on an hour's drive to watch a soccer match if I didn't have full faith in you?" You scoff in mock disbelief, "How dare you!"
Alessia laughs as she nudges you back as you lean back against the car.
You couldn't explain it. It was just something about the way she smiled and laughed made your chest feel lighter. It just made you want to keep her smiling and laughing always.
If you were being really honest, you wanted to be the reason she was smiling and laughing.
"And it's football not soccer weirdo" Alessia corrects you.
Honestly you didn't really care whatever you called it. You just liked to rile the poor girl up for your own amusement. "Oh so when my mother calls it soccer you have no problem. But when I do it, it's suddenly wrong".
But Alessia just tsks and shakes her head sagely, "That's because she's American. You on the other hand have lived here your entire life and should know better".
You roll your eyes and click your tongue at her, making her laugh. You open your mouth to argue but you're interrupted by her dad coming out to the car saying you better set off now if she doesn't want to be late. The two of you climb into the back seats getting your books out to study on the drive to the game.
Her dad tried to make small talk with you, probably not used to the quiet in the car. But it's surprisingly Alessia who shushes him.
You and Mario lock eyes in the mirror before you look over at her amused as she is fully concentrated on her (your) notes. As predicted she only lasted another 20 minutes before she begins to whine and beg you to read them out to her. Claiming as always it's easier when you read them to her.
You raise an eyebrow at her but the second she pouts at you, you crumble holding out your hand to take the notes. To which she passes them to you, a bit too happy in your opinion.
You start to read as Alessia leans up against you so she can follow along on the page while also looking at the different diagrams and graphs. Honestly you had become so use to her lying her head on your shoulder but you still had to school your face every time you could feel her breath brush against your neck.
The first few times it had happened you had thought you had actually bored her to death and she had fallen asleep. But with the occasional question or asking you to explain something to her, it was enough to know she was still following along.
It was almost funny how well the two of you worked together. It was almost as if you worked off each other. It was all the small things. How Alessia would turn the page for you (although you had a feeling that was also because she didn't want to compromise her comfy position). Or how when strand of hair fell in her face you would gently brush them behind her ear. Small little actions done without even having to communicate with each other.
Or how you knew when Alessia had a problem with a certain part as she would bring over your favorite treats as a silent apology for all the questions and help she was about to ask you for.
Or how Alessia would wordlessly take some books to carry for you cause you are the biggest bookworm she knew and didn't know how you carried all these books as she even struggled to take all of them.
It was all those small little actions which had not gone unnoticed by your mother's.
But that's entirely whole other problem.
Sooner than you think Mario lets you know you're about 5 minutes away. So you decide that enough has been done as you put the notes aside. Alessia tries to object but you just shush her as you tell her she should take a break and relax before she has to get ready for the game.
She lifts her head to pout at you but let out a sigh as she drops her head right back into the burrow of your neck. The car is silent for the rest of the drive as you allow her to get focused on the game. Even you take the few minutes to rest your head back and close your eyes. Not even opening them when you feel Alessia start to play with the rings on your fingers.
But you don't say anything as you just smile and close your eyes once more. A few minutes later you can feel the car roll to a stop as Alessia squeezed your hand thinking you might have dozed off.
The two of you stretch feeling slightly stiff from being stuck in the back seats for a while. But as Alessia takes off her seatbelt, you gently touch her arm stopping her from getting out.
"Good luck" you smile at her as you squeeze her arm, "you're going to smash it".
Alessia doesn't say anything but judging by the megawatt smile spreading across her face she appreciated the encouragement. With one small squeeze on your hand in thanks, she gets out of the car and grabs her gear before running over to some of her teammates.
You couldn't help but follow her as you watch as she joins over to some of her teammates before they rush off to the dressing rooms.
The car is quiet for a second before Mario snorts out a laugh. You look at him quizzically as he looks back at you in the mirror amused. "You haven't a clue about football do you?" He asks, grinning at you. You shake your head but you couldn't help but smile.
"Not a clue".
Mario laughs as he shakes his head as he nods his head, "Alright then. C'mon let's go find seats".
And after 90 minutes you still hadn't a clue. Honestly you didn't see the appeal. Chasing a ball around for 90 minutes. But that didn't mean you didn't find ways to entertain yourself. For one you found it highly amusing how worked up Mario got over the game as he acted as if it was the be all and end all.
And what also surprised you was how sassy Alessia got when playing. You spotted the sweet polite girl often talking back to the referee and making (what you could only guess) snippy comments to the other teams players.
But you did find it sweet how when she scores, she looked up to find her dad. Although you were probably easy to find due to Mario's loud cheering.
Honestly it was kind of refreshing to see the girl smiling. With the amount of studying the two of you had been doing and how much she was stressing over her upcoming test, it had been a while since you had seen her properly smile or look so relaxed.
But honestly it was worth standing out in the cold for the better part of 2 hours as when Alessia came over to us and Mario made a whole song and dance over her.
"Dad!" Alessia groaned as Mario cheered and swept her into a massive hug gaining looks from everyone around. "Dad, stop it!" Alessia whined as her face burns red. Her eyes narrowing when she sees you giggling at her embarrassment.
"Nothing wrong with showing everyone how proud I am of you" he says sternly but you can tell he's enjoying messing with her.
You take that as your chance to join in on the ribbing, "Yeah superstar. I mean you did score the winning goal after all". It seems that Alessia's mood considerably brightens at the reminder.
Mario laughs, "Yeah I don't think I have ever seen this one so excited. Much less over football".
You shrug, "Still don't see the appeal of Football".
But obviously that was the wrong thing to say as Alessia took that as an opportunity to try and explain to you every reason why football was appealing.
Even as you climb back into the car, Alessia continues on why football is the greatest sport alive as you nod along. Until you're completely drained and now the roles are reversed as you rest your head against hers. Alessia pausing her rant to let you settle softly against her.
She still continues on but in a softer tone until she sees you drift off. She feels your head start to slip off her shoulder as she wraps an arm around you and pulls you against her.
She practically holds her breath as you shift in your sleep. Her face darkens crimson when she realised your face is buried in her neck as your breath hitting her neck sends shivers down her spine. She tries to shift back a bit but realises she can't when she sees that you have her shirt balled up in your hands leaving her no chance to snuggle back up with you.
When Mario looks back, he smiles softly as he sees the two of you sound asleep in each other's arms peacefully leaning into each other for comfort.
Your eyes widen and you blink at the girl who shakes her head ag your reaction. "Sorry. Say that again? Because I definitely must have miss heard you". You shake your own head as you with out a small chuckle, "Cause I could have sworn you said you were going to teach me football".
It was a usually weekend dinner with the two families. But with the weather being unusually nice they had decided to move if outside to take advantage of the rare sunny day. So while both of your mother gossiped about God knows what and Gio and Luca helped Mario with a barbeque, Alessia had decided to drag you out to the garden.
Although you weren't expecting this.
But the footballer just smiled amusedly at you as she grinned at you, "No you heard right. That's exactly what I said".
You raise your eyebrows at her but you continue smiling at her, "You are insane".
"C'mon!" Alessia groans as she throws the ball between her hands. "You help me study for classes. I think it's my turn to teach you something".
You pouted and stomped your foot with a whine a bit like a petulant child but you didn't really care. Even though you rolled your eyes when you saw Alessia giggle at your antics. "But that's different! I'm helping you study for your education! That's important!"
Alessia pouted now tilting her head at you, "Football is important too".
You fixed her with a look, "Too you! Football isn't important to me!" You clarified knowing she had a point. Her whole life practically revolves around the sport.
But Alessia ignores your entire argument and instead grins smugly at you, "You called it Football".
You let out a loud groan that I'm sure your mothers could hear from their seats across the garden. "Really? That's all you got from that?"
But she doesn't say anything, only shrugs her shoulders with a grin. She drops the ball and starts juggling it with ease. "See look, it's not that hard!" She kicks it higher and catches it, "You're always saying I'm too clumsy. So if I can do it then so can you".
I raise an eyebrow at her, "First of all I stand by that statement. You are the clumiest person I've ever met. But at least on a soccer field you know what you're doing. I haven't an athletic bone in my body!"
Alessia grins widely, "Well that's about to change cause we're doing it!"
You groan but Alessia takes no notice as she kicks you the ball to which you squeal and slap the ball away. Alessia gives you a very unimpressed look as you just shrug at her as if to say 'what?' Before she rolls her eyes and goes to get the ball.
For the next hour and a half the two of you became the entertainment for both your families as they watched Alessia fail to teach you football.
"No no no you're meant to pass with the inside of your foot!"
"Hit it with the laces"
"You have to have power behind the pass or else it won't make it that far….imagine it's Mr Wickerman…NOT THAT HARD!"
Eventually you flopped onto the ground as you fail to get the ball off the Russo and she gives you a particularly hard shoulder that sends you to the ground.
"Okay I think I'm done" you say as you curl up on the grass. "Just leave me here to die peacefully".
Alessia just rolls her eyes at your dramatics, "It wasn't that bad".
You barely lift your head to look at her before dropping it back down with a thump, "Oh yes it was".
Oh course it was then her brother's decided to join you as Luca messes with your hair and Giorgio sits on your stomach as you let out a grunt before pushing him off you. "No she's right, that was painful to watch".
"She wasn't that bad" Alessia tries although very weakly. It was obvious that anything athletic wasn't your strong suit.
"Up for a 2v2 then?" Luca suggest as he tosses the ball in his hands. "Gio and I versus you two?"
"But those teams aren't fair!" Alessia argues immediately to which you lift your head in offense.
"You said I wasn't that bad!"
She sends you a sorry smile, "Yeah I lied". You scoff but wave her off letting her know you were only messing. You were genuinely terrible. And you didn't know how Alessia lasted so long with you.
It wasn't long after that you were all called for dinner as you ate together. Although it seemed this time it blended much easier with both you and Alessia actually conversing. Unlike before where it would be a civil conversation now the two of you actually sat beside each other.
Only after Alessia had to wrestle Luca out of his regular seat beside you.
"But I always sit there!" Luca complains as Alessia smiles in victory over having successfully pushed him off the chair beside you.
"Not anymore" Alessia mocks as she sits happily in the chair as you giggle at the siblings.
"Mom!" Luca whines while Carol just shakes her head.
"Luca it's just a chair" Carol sighs but has a hint of a smile on her face. Clearly amused by her children's antics.
"But I always sit there!" Luca argues once more. He looks at you, "Tell them Sherlock!"
You shake your head at his nickname for you but hold up your hands declaring neutrality, "Sorry Watson".
He looks at you betrayed as Alessia wraps an arm around you pulling you into her slightly as she smirks smuggly up at her brother. "Sorry, looks like she has a new favorite Russo now".
Luca sighs sadly before he eventually takes his new seat beside his brother as he mopely eats his food.
Everything after that was fine apart from the few teasing comments thrown around.
It was later in the evening as you recovered from your evening of playing soccer and nursing your little food baby that Alessia suggested the two of you watch a movie.
You were playing on your phone as she dropped beside you on the couch. "Here" she says as she holds out a bowl for you.
You peek into the bowl, "What is it?"
"Skittles" Alessia answers simply before holding up her own bowl, "Don't worry I took out all the green ones".
You smiled softly at that. "You remembered?" You asked as you recall telling her in one of your study sessions that you loved Skittles but hated the green ones.
"Of course" she smiled at you before turning back to the TV, "I also remember you saying you love Harry Potter so which one are we going to watch?"
You smile softly before telling her your favorite one as she puts it on. You watch the film for a little while before Alessia moves beside you but your eyes remain locked on the screen. She calls your name and you hum showing that you're listening.
But when she doesn't say anything you look over at her to see her fiddling with her fingers. "Can I ask you something?" She asked quietly and albeit a bit nervously.
Seeing how nervous the girl was, you paused the movie and gave her your full attention. "Of course Less. You can ask me anything" you say as you take one of her hands and rub your thumb over her knuckles.
She watches how your thumb glides over her knuckles softly before she sighs. "What's up with you and Luca?"
You practically choke on air as your eyes widen at the thought. "What?"
But Alessia just shrugs as she looks at the paused screen showing a freeze frame of the golden trio. "It's just...at dinner. He seemed really upset that he didn't get to sit beside you. And you have those nicknames for each other...." she explains before trailing off.
You scrunch your face before shrugging, "I mean it's nothing? It's like he said. We always sit together. And he always calls me Sherlock just because he thinks I'm smart and help him with homework sometimes. So I just call him Watson in return".
She looks at you for a second longer before looking into your eyes, "So there's... nothing going on between you two?"
It takes a second for you to grasp what she's insinuating but once it finally clicks you gasp. "What! Wha? No! No no Less! It's not like that at all!" You almost gag at the thought, "God no!"
You shake your head, "No Less it's nothing like that. We just get along really well. God he's like a brother to me!"
Alessia laughs at how off put you are but the mere suggestion of the two of you dating but judging by the small blush on her face you can still tell she's slightly embarrassed by asking that now.
You take her hand and again give it a small squeeze paired with a smile, "Trust me Less. I will never date Luca. Ever". You give her a wink, "Like you said. I have a new favorite Russo after all".
She smiles brightly at the reassurance. Her head drops into your shoulder as you nuzzle into the back of her head. You stay like that a moment before the two of you decide to turn back to the movie. It's not long after the two of you are leaning up against each other discussing which Houses you would both be in.
It wasn't till later your mother came to tell you it was time to go home when both your mother and Carol found the two of you curled up together as Alessia had her arms wrapped around you as you were settled into her leaning your head against her shoulder.
Honestly you didn't wake up today expecting to be rugby tackled. Let alone by a soccer player of all people.
You had been at your locker gathering books for your next classes when you had heard rapid steps coming up to you. You didn't even have time to turn as there was suddenly arms around your waist and your lifted off the ground.
You let out a yelp as you drop your books clinging onto the arms around you in fear of being dropped. When you finally are put back on the ground, you turn ready to rip whoever had the audacity to touch you, but you quickly stop when you see Alessia smiling brightly at you.
"Less! What the hell is up with you?" You whisper shout at her as you brace yourself on her arms trying to ignore the small thought in your head as you realise her hands were still on your waist.
But she doesn't say anything. Instead she just pulls out a sheet of paper as she holds it up doing a small little dance on the spot. "I passed!" She cheered as she shows you proudly the 84% marked at the top of the test.
Your eyes widen before you smile. "Less! You didn't just pass, you aced it!" You beam as you smile up at her. "Gosh Less I knew you could do it!"
Alessia is practically bouncing on the spot in glee before launching herself at you once more this time in a hug. The embrace nearly sends you to the floor if not for you balancing the two of you against your locker.
Honestly you weren't used to much affection apart from hugs from your mom and occasionally Carol.
But since you started to become closer with Alessia you were slowly getting more comfortable with touch. Purely because Alessia was very touchy. The girl had an affinity for hugs and small touches.
But it wasn't even that you just got use to the touches.
It was how patient she was with you when she found out you just weren't use to unfamiliar touch. How she noticed the first time she hugged you, you froze up. Or the time she grabbed your hand you flinched away. She was starting to think it was her until you sheepishly smiled and told her you just weren't used to touch.
It was then how she would always check to see if it was okay first. Instead of grabbing your hand she would offer it first. How she would usually wait for you to make the first move for a hug or anything physical as to make sure you were comfortable.
She was patient with you until you grew okay with her touch. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you probably had started to like it a bit too much.
Like in this instance, where you can feel yourself sink into the hug. Liking how safe and warm you felt in her arms. While you usually cursed your height difference as it gave the Russo girl something to tease you about, it worked perfectly for hugs. As you slotted together perfectly with your head tucked right into her neck. With hers rest on the top of your crown. In her excitement she gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
But reality seemed to hit you all at once as you started to recognize the looks and whispers from your classmates.
You suppose it was an unusual sight to see the resident nerd with the school's soccer superstar and It girl.
You cleared your throat shifting slightly uncomfortable under people's stares but still gave Alessia a smile. The girl was so escatic that she didn't even notice.
"Seriously I couldn't have done it without you, I don't know how to thank you" Alessia said, grateful.
You couldn't help but soften at that as you momentarily forget about all the eyes on you. You shook your head lightly, "This was all you Less. You worked hard for this". You squeezed her forearm lightly, "You deserve this. I'm proud of you".
That seemed to turn the girl shy as she smiled with a light blush dusting her face. She cleared her throat before realizing your books were still laid on the floor.
She quickly picked them up for you as she slipped them back into your hands with a smile, "I better go I'm going to be late to class I just had to tell you about the test". "But I'll still see you later then yeah?" She quickly asks as you zip up your bag.
That made you raise a brow. "You still want to study together? But you passed?"
There was a subtle roll of her eyes but you ignored it. What you couldn't ignore was how she bit the bottom of her lip almost as if she tried to contain a smile. "Yeah but I still need to keep the grade up now don't I?" She teased making it your turn to roll your eyes.
She giggled but smiled at you, "Despite what you might believe I actually enjoy our study sessions now and would hate for them to stop".
She smirked, "Besides, our mothers like us hanging out. And I'd say they will have a fit if we went back to how things used to be. They enjoy using us as an excuse to hang out I think".
You let out a laugh with a nod agreeing with her.
She started backpedaling as she realized she was about to be late for class. "So I'll see you later?"
You nodded, "Yeah I'll see you later".
She smiled and turned making her way through the sea of people. You couldn't describe how you feeling as you watched her walk down the corridor.
It wasn't until your breathing hitched as she turned to look at you over her shoulder. Even though she was half away down the hallway you could still see her beautiful blue eyes paired with her perfect beaming smile.
It was only then you realized how fucked you were as you came to the realization.
You were being to fall for Alessia Russo.
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personne-reblogs · 2 years
The shouts of the crowd are fading into white noise. 
The curtains are closing. 
The lights are dimming. 
The air still feels filled with static, though. 
This is a fight Donatello had known he couldn’t win, logically. The competition had been all fun and games, but this challenger was another story. No amount of support or hype could make up for such a gap; the bone deep certainty didn’t leave room for hard feelings. 
Struggling to catch his breath, battle shell against the wall, Donatello looks up from where he’s been getting some rest - not passed out rest, mind you. More like a beauty nap.
He lets out a genuine chuckle. 
Shigeo Kageyama is simply standing there, as he has been for most of the fight. 
“Sweet Marie Curie,” he puffs, keeping his voice level. The roar of the crowd hasn’t entirely died down, but he knows he is heard. “You don’t even have a scratch.”
The one they call Mob is giving him a stare. He still seems a little out of it. 
“You fought well,” he states calmly, and Donnie giggles. 
“Oh, please. I’ve been losing tournaments at home for as long as I can remember. You don’t need to feel sorry for me.”
At that, Mob flashes a grin. “I’m not sorry,” he says bluntly, coming over in lazy steps. “But it hasn’t been easy, either.”
He sits down, legs stretched out in front of him, and Donnie can now see that his breathing is a little heavy. He feels himself get cocky. 
“Well, I wasn’t about to just let you win. If I had to go down, might as well give ‘em a show, right?”
Mob sends him a sideway glance. “You really are all about dramatics.”
“What can I say?” Donnie sighs theatrically, proving his point. “This whole competition is about being swag. I could hardly disappoint.” 
“I don’t think you could," his opponent utters. “You’re very expressive.”
Donnie raises a perfectly drawn eyebrow. This is something he hasn’t often been told. He looks over to Mob, and the tension in the boy’s shoulders makes him hum in thought. 
“I don’t know who’s next, but you are going to crush them,” he provides. When Mob gives him a nonplussed glance, he goes on. “And even if you don’t, it’s still the last one. How good does that sound?”
“... it has been getting a bit much, to be honest.”
“Yeah, this is wild,” Donnie agrees. “Anyway, what are you gonna do with your trophy once you get it?”
Mob’s smile is a little shy, but he seems happy with the distraction. “I don’t know, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one. What would you do?”
“Well, you see, there was this one time I won the Lair Games…”
In the next room, a very proud sensei and three worried brothers are getting impatient. 
The student and the sibling don’t seem to care at the moment. 
The crowd is gone. 
The curtains are closed. 
The lights are off. 
For now, making small talk with a former rival is just enough.
EDIT: there is now a sequel!
Disclaimer: I have never read/watched mp100 and I deeply apologize for making him probably very ooc. Just wanted to celebrate this beast of a match in my own way, which is wishing I could draw and deciding to heave words on a doc instead lol
CONGRATS ON MOB!! The final match between mp100 and undertale is gonna be soooo funny but I think Mob's gonna win this thing like it's nothing tbh (he has my vote at least)
@autismswagsummit thank you for reblogging all that Donnie propaganda, I genuinely think he never would've made it this far without the signal boost!
All my thanks to the Rise fandom for these past few days! You guys have made such powerful content and there's been so much hype I'm shocked. SHOCKED I TELL YOU
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utilitycaster · 15 days
How can Molly's death be considered a major mistake? It's the crux of the entire campaign.
so I think about this a lot, because you're right, and it really comes down to like...a lot of factors in how people interact with fiction, and some stuff I feel about fandom.
The short answer is that Molly is some people's favorite character, and they really wanted to watch him for 141 episodes and not just 26, and they didn't get to, and so it's valid to feel sad about that. But I think what personally grinds my gears is the idea that it's a mistake and because this is a Fan Favorite character he SHOULD have come back. Setting aside the fact that he had both his fans and his detractors from the start and a lot of people (myself included) who found him irritating didn't say much for a good chunk of C2 because, well, he was dead, this isn't a fucking competitive reality show. You don't get to vote on your phones to decide who wins a resurrection.
I think the longer answer is that there is a certain type of person in fandom, born of a certain type of person in social media communities, who just...is not willing or interested in considering not just that their experiences, preferences, and philosophy are not universal, but also that they are not objectively best and correct and that everyone who disagrees is wrong. It's often really common in, though not exclusive to, people who have particularly limited experiences - young (like, teenager/early 20s), people who haven't lived in a diverse area or in multiple different areas, people who for whatever reason do not get out much - which both makes sense (haven't been exposed to a ton of different perspectives irl) but also means that you get people who, for all they may talk about global politics, kind of unconsciously seem to act as though everyone they interact with online is a variant of someone from the same 3000 person town in the United States in which they've spent all 21 years of their life. ANYWAY getting back to the main point I feel like Molly attracted a lot of that kind of person, who just...doesn't get that while Molly is, to them, a deeply validating expression of gender identity, for many people he is "guy you meet at your friend's birthday party in a two-bedroom 6 floor walk up and within 5 seconds he has pissed you off so profoundly with his overfamiliarity that you go into the kitchen and mainline as much vanilla vodka as possible to not stab this guy with a secondhand knife that says "CHEESE!" on it even though you hate vanilla vodka and it's summer in NYC and you're on the 6th floor in a small apartment with too many people so it's approximately 117 degrees Fahrenheit in this kitchen and the vodka isn't much cooler, and you succeed in this goal, and then after sending your friend who couldn't make it because they were at a family thing that weekend a picture of a rat on the tracks of the 3 train with a caption "this u?" at 1:54 in the morning you're like "so this guy Molly was there" and they're like "oh my god I met him at Cameron's last party, he SUCKS" and you're like "I KNOW". Like a lot of people just do not get that Molly was very popular with their circle, and also a lot of people either were neutral-to-not-feeling-it. This is before we get into the post-death idealization of who he was that takes him from "irritating but I think he'd have grown on me in some ways eventually had he lived" to "horrible and insufferable fake-ass bitch."
And then we get to the true impasse: the idea that something that does not fulfill every single one of your personal wishes might still be a great story.
I'm certainly not perfect, and there's things I thought I wanted for the end of C2 that I didn't get, and there's some things I do wish we'd have gotten to see (or that we'd have done in C3), but I like to think that I try to remain at least partially open to the possibilities. I like to think that my enjoyment of a story isn't contingent on whether one single character survives, even if they are my favorite (and I say this as someone whose favorite ASOIAF character was immediately Ned Stark, a statement that should surprise no one who follows me) nor that the story precisely reaffirms my existing worldview. I want stories to tell me something new and interesting that wouldn't come from my own head, and I want them to sell me on it. I think that a lot of people lost the thread of the importance of representation, namely, they forgot that while it's great to see people like you in a story, you should also be trying to see people not like you and perspectives that aren't yours. I am extremely defensive of my and other people's right to say "I didn't like this story and here is why" without someone being like "Give it a chance! Here's why I think it's good" but at the same time, there is a difference between "I really wish Molly had stayed alive and I don't like that he died," and "everything that happened after he died was A Mistake because it wasn't what I Wanted, and someone should fix this." Like that's what toddlers do. That's not an adult way of interacting with narrative.
So those people don't even get to the point of "the entire campaign is deeply influenced by the loss of Molly; that is what binds the rest of the Nein together and makes them what they are; the fact that Lucien wears the face of a departed friend is crucial to the entire final arc comprising about 20% of the campaign; and the fact that he does not come back, but someone new, with new chances and new choices to make does is emblematic of a campaign about people who find that they cannot undo their pasts, but neither are they trapped or damned by them." They're stuck at "guy I liked died and I'm throwing a tantrum 6 years later."
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 finds out they were not your top pick
genre: reaction, comedy, sad for some
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: reaction when they find out you didn't one-pick vote them or they weren't your main pick
established relationship unless stated otherwise, yujin's context is friendship only, bullet point reactions, lowercase intentional, junhyeon and jeonghyeon make an appearance!
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
"babe i have a confession to make"
you sounded so serious and you looked so nervous, so he put down his phone to put all his attention into what you were going to say
then you confessed that you were so busy during one-pick voting you didn't get to vote for him consistently and it was eating you alive
he released a sigh of relief then laughed
is kinda endeared with the fact that you blurted that out to him and that it warranted a "confession"
honestly was kinda unbothered
he made it in the debut group and that's all that matters to him
stands up to place a kiss on your head
"that's it? don't worry about it babe "
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
he founds out because he finds your voting certificates screenshots
he kinda deadpans and goes "ricky? you voted for ricky??"
and you have to explain that you were sure he was gonna land AT LEAST 2ND no matter what, so you had to vote for other people you wanted in the lineup
he agrees with your stance
and commends your argumentative reasoning
you end up talking about the strategies you applied in the different rounds of voting, and he shares about his strategies when choosing concepts for each mission
you're both very smart people that understand how survival shows work
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
when you tell him that you alternated voting him and zhanghao during the one pick round he jokes that maybe that's why he ended up in 2nd place
but he's genuinely joking, he says that whole sentence with a huge smile on his face
you don't take it a joke and you start crying
full on tears
"i'M soRRY it's my fault as to why you don't get your own song"
you look like this (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) at this point
he giggles and kisses your tears away
"love...i was joking, please stop crying"
"i cAN'T"
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
actually....this one might cause a fight
he actually has to leave the room for a while to think it over
i can see him being so sad over it like :(( "i thought you only supported me"
keeps bugging you to ask who you ended up voting for
when you answer jiwoong he sorta just goes..
"....ok fair"
but he's still going to be sad about it
is very open with you that he feels disappointed
your relationship is very new though so he's trying to be understanding
you work 10 x harder to reassure him that you're his #1 priority nowadays
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
he's lying on your lap when he asks "you voted for me everyday right?"
immediately sits right up
"you see, there's just so many talented people, i couldn't really choose....and well..."
you're trying to make up words as you go, rambling at this point
the truth is you voted for him every damn day you just wanted to see his reaction
he's so patient with you and holds your hands as you're trying to explain
makes direct eye contact with you, eyebrows knit awaiting the point you're getting at
you realize you took it too far
so you just bring out your phone and pull out your album of voting certificates
"i'm joking. sorry, i just wanted to get your reaction"
literally smiles so big and takes the phone from your hand as he scrolls through the album
album name: for taerae's dream
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
this one is an actual fight, well, a petty one
you're getting ready to go to dinner with friends when ricky facetime calls you
"i heard from taerae that you like jeonghyeon"
and you're like ??? "yeah i think he's talented, why?"
"he's your one-pick?"
"if you're asking if I voted for him, then yes i did"
then he just hangs up
he ignores the calls and texts you send after that, and literally doesn't reach out to you again until the next day
he caves when he opens your 50+ unread messages & sees the pictures of a long handwritten apology in 3 diff languages (yes, idol-like apology)
he smiles, then realizes he's supposed to be annoyed, then smiles again
he didn't mean to be this petty so he calls you back to apologize as well
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
when you're playing truth or dare and he asks you who your one pick was
he instantly regrets it
"don't feel bad okay, but it was gunwook"
he pretends it doesn't bother him but it does
mainly because he previously compared himself to gunwook a lot and he's starting to think that even in dating you, there's competition
and it doesn't help that you guys are so fresh into the relationship
he forces out a little laugh but I guess you can tell it's fake
bc you distract him from his thoughts by kissing his nose
"stop overthinking silly, i said it WAS...was like past tense"
takes your word for it, and holds your hand tightly, intertwining your fingers
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
never let him find out .
i'm serious never .
mainly because you know how gunwook gets
he likes it when your attention is on him 100% of the time
but that failed when one of your alarms went off and it said "vote for junhyeon"
he just looked at you like ᯣ_ᯣ what do you mean vote for junhyeon
you had to explain that you had another device where you were voting for junhyeon every day too so that he could debut with his best friend
while you expected him to be kinda pouty he totally wasn't
he just looked at you softly before tugging you into a warm embrace and said
"thank you for always thinking of me"
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
(not romantic) (if you want to know why read my important announcement)
after the finale, the class groupchat blew up full of congratulatory messages for yujin
in midst of the chaos, of your classmates exposed you for being a gyuvin stan
classmate a: yah y/n, why are you typing you didn't even vote for yujin
classmate b: all you did was talk about gyuvin everyday
yujin sends a photo of gyuvin's autograph he promised to get you
yujin: guess this is going in the trash, y/n
you: waIT NO plEASE yujin i voted for you up until we could only pick one
yujin just seenzones you
everyone laugh reacts at the message exchange
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A/N: this was funny thanks for requesting!
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✉︎ request
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Second wild theory based on some thoughts and your tags that all Phee and Tan want is a confession: what if that's true? What if Phee and/or Tan gets the gun and starts an exposition drop about Non while holding the remaining boys are gunpoint and demanding answers and THEN THEY GET ATTACKED BY THE KILLER WHO IS NON'S BROTHER???
First, I need you to know that on a scale of "being completely normal about this show" to "if this show fails me, it'll be my villain origin story" that I'm currently FAR PAST the latter.
So with that being stated, I'm operating off of Wild Ass (Slasher) Theory 101 for this show aka
We've already met the killers and brother.
TLWR: Non is still alive. And it's all Dr. Sammon and Pit Babe's fault.
All the players are already on the board. We've seen all them in the first half, so now we are being reminded that we have seen them in the second half, like how the woman Keng was speaking to on the phone in episode seven about the money laundering was there in episode six.
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And Perth's character was there too. (In the background in the purple/black jackets with the grey shirt)
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So we've already met the brother somewhere in the first six episodes. Considering that two of those episodes were set in the past and Non would've noticed his brother, that means that we've seen the brother in the present.
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We all keep stating White or Tan is Non's brother. There are some theories Perth is Non's brother, but he didn't notice him the gambling hall, and if the parents are really sending money to their gambling son then what is life?
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White is my vote for final gay, and yours too. White is morally superior to the rest of the group and he is clever, which are two qualities a final girl must have. He also has a thin background story - he is dating Tee. Tan has no background story. He is simply everyone's friend who came along AFTER Non went missing; therefore, he is Non's brother.
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And I think that Phi and Tan wanted the boys to confess to whatever they did to Non. Phi's dad was and perhaps still is a police chief. Tee's uncle is possibly going to jail, but wanted Non dead. Perth's character might be an uncovered reporter like the lady speaking to Keng was, and maybe, just maybe, the knowledge of what happened to Non could be of use to somebody beyond just Tan and Phi.
So scare the living shit out of the boys? Sure! Terrify the hell out of them? Of course! Maybe stab them a little bit here and there? Well, when in Rome (or the woods), do as the Romans do. Give them some hallucinogenics? Duh! Yet I don't think they intended to kill any of them (well, at least not until they got the confession).
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But Por just had to run into the damn tree after seeing something in the camera.
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Which caused Phi to ask Fluke how long he could keep Por alive since they planned to get that confession before the next vehicle arrived. But then Fluke cancelled their Uber.
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White found the walkie-talkie that could be called for help. White found the gun that Fluke is now waving at everyone. White found the knife. White realized there was no cell phone service. White saw the tape. Pure and innocent White just keeps doing ALL the things that nobody asked him to do when WHITE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO EVEN BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
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But now we have Jin seeing Mr. Keng, and Fluke spilling all the tea as he screams that "these fuckers killed someone," so Tan is going to get what he came for one way or another, even if a couple of dead bodies have to be exchanged for him to finally hear what happened three years ago to his brother?
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And all of this makes sense in my head. Tan and Phi just wanted a confession. They didn't want anyone to die. However, they couldn't control every aspect of this weekend plan and shit went off the rails. Por ran into a tree. Fluke got a gun. Their Uber was cancelled. And now they have to figure out how to finish this murder mystery party when half the participants are losing their effing minds.
But then there is Uncle Dang.
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And our Troublesome Trio looked genuinely shooketh when they saw what had become of him.
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In Wild Ass (Slasher) Theory 101, nothing is supernatural. The killer can be everywhere because there is more than one killer, and that's why I'm praying Non is still alive.
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The boys made Non the killer. Jin said since Non wrote the killer, Non would understand him better than anyone else.
Uncle Dang died first in the original film. Por was the director who took Non's writing credit. Top was the next to die before he screamed "cut!" at everyone. Fluke was probably next after that. Tee replaced Non, so it would have been Tee and Jin in the end, and Jin was the original main character and final gay as he deserted Non in the woods.
Non is finishing his movie, the way he wrote it.
And this is where my crazy really kicks in.
Phi knows.
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Por, Fluke, Tee, Top, and Jin did a very bad thing to Non and ALL have seen and heard something out there in the woods.
White is Tee's boyfriend. He came around after Non went missing. He has seen a rash on his skin.
Tan is probably Non's brother. He wants a confession, but Tan saw something in the house that scared him.
Phi has seen . . . nothing. Phi has heard . . . nothing. He knew how to work the security system. He keeps giving orders. He continues to state the killer is a person.
And he'll do anything for Non.
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He was very upset at Non, but he did tell Non he'd forgive him . . . if Non got lost and died.
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Por, Fluke, Tee, Top, and Jin couldn't decide if Non was missing or dead, and the mafia is sending death threats and putting hits out on Non, so perhaps Non took a note from Pit Babe's Charlie and died. Or maybe he took a note from a different Tan and died (after killing his boyfriend).
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Dr. Sammon, the writer behind Manner of Death, and Pit Babe's writers are the writers for Dead Friend Forever. Pit Babe is based off a novel, but in the Venn Diagram of BLs in which someone fakes his death the overlap is very slim with Chains of Heart being the third, and surprisingly, the screen writer for that series also wrote the screenplay for Dr. Sammon's Make a Wish. The world is small.
So why not disappear? Why not fake his own death?
But also, why wait three years to show back up?
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Because the main threat is neutralized and awaiting jail time, but maybe, just maybe, Non hasn't been completely quiet for three years.
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Mr. Keng very well might have died from the mafia. He was warned to watch out knowing how dangerous investigating them could be.
But . . . what if somebody else killed him?
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Like I wrote at the beginning, I'm being crazy about this show. Wanting Non to be alive is very wishful thinking, but in my mind, if anyone is attacking these boys, I want it to be him. Tan seems pissed, but the most he has done is (intentionally) lose Top in the woods, and Phi is busy protecting Jin (because he wants to save him for last?), so they might start demanding answers in all this chaos, but if Phi's boyfriend died like Pit Babe's Charlie, don't you think he'd be like Barbie and forgive his boyfriend if he came back into his life magically? And don't you think he'd be willing to help his boyfriend get revenge on all the boys who left him for dead, especially the one who is about to leave the country forever?
Because I think he would.
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But, then again, Non could actually be dead and Jin could be a good guy who I keep incorrectly blaming for everything.
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Because it wouldn't be the first time Dr. Sammon killed a gay.
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But it would be the first time she kept him dead.
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So is this gonna be like Director Tee & Co. finally skipping out on a time jump when I needed it the most in Hidden Agenda even though that's what he is known to do, or is Dr. Sammon and the Pit Babe crew going to stick to the game plan and raise the gay from the dead?
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I guess I'll have to wait and see.
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
do you think there's a considerable amount of (young) people refusing to vote for biden because of i/p, or do you think theyre just a loud minority? i cant really tell, myself
I have been keeping a fairly close eye on polls (at least the good high-quality large-sample ones, not the numerous trash ones which currently flood the sphere), actual voting results, and other empirical data that relies on non-social-media blathering. And while we will still need more data and see if anything changes, at this point I think we can presume that any electoral effect of the I/P situation is already baked into Biden's expected results and performances, and I honestly don't think there's much, if any, of a measurable effect.
I say this because first of all, one of the most recent high-quality, large-sample youth polls (I think it was YouGov, but I can't be sure) had precisely 0% of voters between 18-29 listing foreign policy as their top priority in 2024. There were other expected priorities: the environment, the economy, American democracy, abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, etc -- but not foreign policy. Now, caveat emptor about this being only the people who respond to polls, the fact that most polls have been largely junk this primary cycle (notably, they have way overestimated Trump's performance and way underestimated Biden's), and so forth. However, even in libertarian New Hampshire, which tends to wander more than the other solidly-blue presidential election New England states (as a number of them still have Republican governors), "ceasefire" only garnered 1% of all write-in votes, and Biden won commandingly despite not being on the ballot. In South Carolina, he just won 97% statewide, and even the Democrats who skipped the primary due to it not being particularly interesting or competitive (as compared to the highly competitive open primary in 2020) still generally say that they plan to vote for Biden in November. So overall, Biden is doing even better at this point in the primary cycle than he was in 2020, where Sanders' early wins in Iowa and NH were generating chatter about an upset. Once again, this is early and we are working with a limited sample size, but despite everything, I think we can posit that the "Democrats/Black people/Hispanics/young people won't vote for Biden because of xyz issue and therefore We Are All Doomed" thesis is at best, considerably overinflated and at worst, totally untrue.
Likewise, to be blunt: the loudest voices shouting about how they will never vote for Biden because of the Gaza situation either don't vote at all, only voted once in 2020 under extreme duress and haven't voted since, and otherwise aren't being taken into account either in polls (which are bad data because they are by nature experimental and speculative) or actual voting results (which reflect the way real people actually voted in elections). The reason the YouGov sample might not have pulled any voters between 18-29 listing foreign policy as their top priority very well could be because these people flat out don't vote and therefore won't pass any "likely" or "registered" voter screens, so despite all their yelling on social media, there's not been any actual impact. Now, this is not to say that there won't be; there has, for instance, been speculation that Biden might be hurt in states like Michigan, which have a large Arab-American population. Michigan is obviously one of the traditional Blue Firewall states that Hillary lost in 2016 and which Biden retook in 2020, and any electoral wobbling there would be ominous for his overall results. However, this is also reckoning without the fact that there is now a largish chunk of old-school GOP/independent voters who say they will not vote for Trump under any circumstances, with that number growing if he's explicitly convicted of a felony. Some of these voters might sit out, or vote for Biden, or maybe decide to vote for some stupid crackpot like RFK Jr., but the point is, if they do in fact not vote for Trump or even vote for Biden, that changes the electoral math.
Likewise: there are about 40,000 Arab-American voters in Michigan. Biden won the state by 154k votes, or 3.35%, in 2020. Even if every single one of those voters voted FOR Trump this time (which would be insane, but never mind), that alone would not be enough to flip the state from Biden, and that's reckoning without the votes that Trump will lose elsewhere. I've seen a few left-leaning publications such as the Guardian picking up the "will Biden's stance on Gaza hurt him in November" question, and the loud social media blabbermouths want to insist that it will because it makes them feel important, but at this point, I honestly don't see widespread electoral evidence of it, because, put bluntly: Democrats vote. Posturing social media "progressives" largely don't. Therefore for all the screaming they do, their views do not get incorporated into the actual results, which is a damn good thing for us.
So in short: No, as of right now, I don't think there is in fact a substantial anti-Biden protest vote, and the people threatening it the most were never going to vote for him anyway. This has gone on long enough that if it was going to flag up as a major thing, I think it would have. There will always be the idiots throwing away their vote on some stooge like Cornel West or Jill Stein (lol), but once again, these people were never going to vote for Biden in the first place and it is not necessarily the case that we need to put undue credence in their threats. Not that we can slack our vigilance, as we cannot and every single person who can vote blue in 2024 needs to fucking do so if they're interested in continuing to live in a democracy, but the situation is not apocalyptic, and yet again, the Online Leftists are far from the most reliable metric of how effective their screaming actually is. So, yeah.
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matan4il · 4 months
Watched Eurovision last weekend and tried to only pay attention to the music but oof, the Israel derangement was horrid. Were any of the other contestants nice to Eden or at the very least not total assholes to her because where's she's from? Please tell me someone was decent or even mildly professional.
Hi Nonnie!
I'm glad to tell you that there WERE people who were personally decent to Eden and the Israeli team, from what I've heard.
One of the parts that suck is that it feels like talking about it too loudly might bring those people into the line of fire. I can say that about myself, that while I was treated awfully by some people in fandom, I've had people be absolutely wonderful to me, and I've had to keep my mouth shut and not thank or celebrate them publicly, because that would have drawn the fire to them. They absolutely do not deserve that. And it sucks that I can't even be openly grateful. Same with the people friendlier to Eden, we Israelis have heard stuff, so we know of them and are thankful, but I don't think anyone has said anything too public, because no one wants to endanger them.
Still, I hope it's been long enough since the final, that we can safely share a few things. Also, I'll emphasize that most of this is hearsay, I can't verify any of it, because it wasn't published officially, this is just the stuff we hear.
The Israeli singer who grew up in and was representing Luxembourg was really lovely with Eden. Tali could have easily avoided ANY association with Eden, so I give her credit for not doing that. The German singer was the nicest to the Eden and Israeli delegation, and I also heard that Germany actually stood up for Israel when the EBU wanted to disqualify it, rightly pointing out the differences between this situation and Russia's ban. I heard good things about the Austrian singer as well, the Latvian, and the Georgian singer. There's probably more that aren't popping into my mind right now, but this is a start, and it's nice knowing kind people, who won't bully a 20 years old singer just because of her nationality, do exist, right?
Another part that sucks is that even some of the people who were nice backstage to Eden, were only willing to do so away from the public eye. I think the most extreme one is the 2023 runner up, Finnish performer Käärijä. He ran into Eden backstage and was totally cool with them doing a short, quick rendition of his ESC song together (which you can see in the link below). It was clearly just two people who love music having fun together, but once the vid was posted online, people started attacking him for supporting genocide (because that's not a leap of logic at all), and he quickly put out a message denouncing everything he's said and done ever, including being born. Then he just had to reassure all of his bullies that he's "okay" even further. The Norwegian 2023 singer who was supposed to deliver her country's jury results had already announced she won't as an anti-Israel measure, so when he was supposed to give the Finnish jury vote, he simply announced he won't, letting people make the connection, and figure out for themselves that it was an anti-Israel move.
Still I think you can take the ones who weren't loudly nasty to Eden, and assume most were nice enough to her privately, even if not publicly. To figure out who those probably were, on top of the ones I mentioned above, I'll just give a short rundown of the performers who were being awful about Israel to different degrees (so you can figure out who was at least decent by way of elimination): Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, the UK, the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, San Marino, Denmark.
I hope I helped... Have a good day! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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the poor Unpopular dudes-Solomon
not gonna lie surprised you guys voted Solomon as the least popular one, has 630 words
because the RAD Newspaper held a popularity contest that was rigged you tried to do one of your own well kinda you just decided to see who people like least and it was just you using Magic to get a piece of paper with the name of all the important people on it which would return on it´s own after somebody answered it and thinking about it the Winner or Loser depends how you want to see it, was Solomon his reputation in the Devildom really made this one obvious
you don´t even know if you want to tell him about it because you don´t know if he already knows or if that would hurt his feelings, you guess even if the first is the case his feelings would still be hurt when he learns about this so keeping it a secret it is but that could get pretty difficult because not only is he a very curious person he get´s a lot worse with everything concerning you and you are a shit liar so you hope you can just stay out of his way for a while at least, it won´t happen you know that but you can still hope for it
but it seems like luck isn´t on your side today because you can already see Solomon and he noticed you too, he even seems very determined to get you because he just started to walk really fast now and you decided to do the only s art thing you could think of in such a short while and it was to just eat the paper with the result on it
wasn´t the first time you did that either so you are pretty much used to the taste of chemically treated dead trees, still a weird thing to witness though that you can admit but it also never stopped you from doing things
Solomon either didn´t notice what you did, which you doubt, or he choose to ignore it, which does sound more realistic, he even seems really happy to see despite what you did
“MC! there you are I was looking all over for my adorable and wonderful apprentice, I made some Lunch and was wondering if you wanted some” honestly eating a whole stack of paper sounds a lot more pleasant than taking Solomon up on his offer
“oh how nice of you Solomon but uh… I already ate something” technically not a lie but he doesn´t seem to be convinced by it “no problem I can give you the leftovers to take home with you” he was smiling and it´s honestly a crime that he´s so horrible at cooking that it kills otherwise you would have eaten it but you don´t look forward to pain today, you kinda regret eating the paper now because you might have used it to buy you time to escape or distract him
“you know thinking about it Sol did you hear that there was a poll floating around? I think it was asking about the least popular person in the Devildom?” he looked thoughtful for a moment before he replied “ah yes Asmo already told me, a shame I was crowned least popular but it can´t be helped” he seemed a bit upset but nothing more than that, kinda sad thinking about it now “you knew I had the results didn´you?” he gave you a mischievous smile “well I do think it´s funny to see my dear apprentice panic and come up with the craziest of ideas, but eating the paper was very tame for you I hoped you would have teleported it away or even used magic to turn it into something else”
“I feel tricked…” all you got from Solomon was a laugh at your dramatic antics…
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fascinatedscrawls · 1 month
A Nice Day
"I don't know about this, Tucker. I just feel so," swiping another hand through the waist high water, Danny wrinkles his nose and fumbles for the right word. Not slow like when he can't keep up with Dash (ha, accidental pun!) at PE, but more, "Sluggish."
"Dude, it's just water." His friend points out unnecessarily before splashing a bit at Danny just to see him sputter. "How is this any worse than when you fly around in the Zone? Don't you, like, swim around in ecto?"
"No," well, actually, "kind of, but not really. It's more like flying - I will it to happen and the ecto responds."
Halfway through another splash, Tucker pauses. "Wait, if that's how you fly then how do you do it without ecto everywhere?"
Not waiting for him to recover, Danny retaliates by swiping an arm through the water. It feels even heavier at this speed, but it sends a respectable wave at Tucker who sputters.
"He uses his ecto, duh," Sam answers from under her dark umbrella a safe distance from the pool. Her boots are missing, but she looks even paler than usual as her dark clothes clash with the bright summer day. Pulling down her sunglasses she grins at them before asking, "how does it feel flying around in all that ghost blood while in the Zone?"
Tucker makes a grossed out face, but that thought occurred to Danny ages ago so his mind immediately applies that logic forward instead.
"I wonder if swimming in actual blood would be easier?"
"Come on, man," Tucker complains, "I'm trying to have a nice day!"
Conversely, Sam perks up. "Well, considering we're mostly water, I'd guess pretty similar to the pool, right?"
"Probably a little more like a salt water pool," Jazz chimes in from where she's sunbathing, an activity Danny's convinced she's doing wrong considering how much sunscreen she put on. "That wouldn't help Danny's 'sluggish' issue as I believe that's denser."
"Ugh, no thanks. I'll take normal pool water over that."
"Why not go intangible then?" Tucker asks, exasperated.
Well, it's worth a shot. A moment later and the pool water goes rushing into where Danny's standing. Swiping a hand through the water, he frowns as it meets no resistance.
"This is somehow worse," he complains, then gives Tucker a flat look when he tries to splash him again. He gets an annoyed look in return when the water goes right through him.
"Yeah, how am I supposed to win the splash fight like this?"
"You weren't going to win anyway," Danny refutes before abruptly turning tangible. All the water that rushed in immediately displaces itself and Danny uses Tucker's flinch to press his advantage, ignoring how Jazz and Sam complain from the poolside as they both get some splash damage.
"Oh, yeah?" Tucker finally manages, spitting out a bit of water before grinning back at him in a way that has Danny wondering what the trick is. "Well, at least I won't be the loser!"
Danny doesn't understand how that's possible before two more fighters enter the pool looking for revenge. He yelps, but can't quite go intangible fast enough to dodge all the water coming his way.
When he resurfaces it's to laughter and more blessedly cool water on this hot summer day.
He might lose, but Danny thinks it's still one of the nicest days in a while.
Thanks again for voting on the prompt! This one may be a little long, but I typed it on mobile and Tumblr won't let me check the word count lol
I'll be putting the next poll up shortly if you'd like to help me pick my next prompt!
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colleybri · 2 months
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Reading the Rogue One novelisation really brings home the failure of the Rebel “Alliance” in this scene. Unlike in the film, the novel emphasises that this was a meeting that took place over several hours, with presentation of all the available evidence regarding the Death Star … And still the Alliance voted against attempting to steal the plans. No wonder Jyn feels abandoned, as has happened so many times in her life already.
Andor season 2 will hopefully explore the conflicting voices within the disparate rebel cells (the groups Saw scornfully lists as “Lost!”)… the deals and compromises needed to make the Rebel Alliance as well as the cooperation. But I think it's quite telling that the Alliance effectively fails at the moment when it's needed most. In the face of the odds, the consensus is… not to fight. Jyn simply can’t believe her ears when she hears talk of surrender. She had at least thought that the Alliance would do something! Honestly, it’s one of the darkest moments in the entire film. In the entire Star Wars franchise.
The official decision leaves it to Jyn, Cassian, Chirrut, Baze, Bhodi, K-2SO, Melshi and a relative handful of other brave volunteers to take Jyn's words to heart. They know that they might well run out of chances. They accept that. They feel they have no choice.
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Cassian first made that discovery five years previously, but it's implied that he has been gradually spiritually brow-beaten by the accumulated darkness of what and who he has lost and what he has had to do. Jyn has rekindled the flame in his soul… she’s reminded him of his purpose because when he looks at her, he sees so much of himself. When he volunteers, she says "I'm not used to people sticking around when things go wrong."
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His reply is the beautiful "Welcome home". It's as if the union of the Rogue One mission is the family she's been looking for all her life. Cassian’s already proved unswerving loyalty to her by disobeying his order to kill her father. These people have known each other only a few days, and some of the unnamed volunteers now are complete strangers to her. But in giving their lives as individuals, devoting themselves to this their new family, - the true "rebel alliance" as in an alliance of a handful of genuine rebels - will ultimately triumph.
Mon Mothma looked suitably ashamed when she told Jyn "I'm sorry… the odds are too great". She seems aware of the failure of the political method. Thank goodness for the bravery of those who sometimes decide that the right thing to do is to disobey orders. Even if that means paying the ultimate price. 
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“Make 10 men feel like 100” is a great line. But honestly… for every 10 men here, there should have been 100.
Rogue One: thank you for your sacrifice….
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…A sacrifice that unites them forever.
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yzafre · 7 days
who wore it better – 2003 v 2012 episode comparisons
I said I wanted to do this in my 2003 thoughts post, and I’m gonna. I've been picking away at this for a couple weeks now.
I’m focusing on places where they actually recycled a storyline rather than adapted general concepts.  Fugitoid and the space arc is an example of the second method – Robot Scientist with a connection to a Dangerous Machine is a shared concept, but the stories are different.
“Ohhh how did we end up here we’ve GOT to figure out how to get home, our Dad might still be in danger” versus “we HAVE to collect the McGuffins before the enemy or earth is going to EXPLODE. AGAIN.” You know?
Comparing those types of adaptations could be done, but it’s not what I’m interested in here.  I specifically want to look at the places that made me think “oh, 2012 just copied this” while I was watching 2003.
Now, obviously this is extremely subjective.  So take this as me defending my nominations for winner in these categories, rather than some sort of objective truth.  I am presenting my dinky power-point on why you should vote for my favorites.  Ect.  Your preferences may be different!
My ramblings on the episodes got long (should I have split this into parts? maybe! didn't though), so uhhhh...
tl;dr: Scoring got weird at 3.5 to 2003, 3 to 2012, and two draws.
Key takeaways: 2003 better matches my personal tastes, and what makes 2012 good is the stuff specific to its iteration, rather than copying 2003
With all that taken care of, here’s my opinions, in very messy order.
Meet Casey Jones vs The Good, The Bad and the Casey Jones
So, this was the very first episode that made me sit back and go: wait.  This is just.  The same thing? 
Raph loses a fight, loses his temper violently over it.  He then goes out to get some air and runs into Casey, getting into a fight.  Raph goes back and apologizes to his brother, and then they have to deal with the Casey situation.  Eventually they’re friends.
That being said, they do handle things a bit differently inside of those plot points, in a way that makes me very split on which one is better.
So, this episode is doing two things: introducing Casey (at least to the turtles, in 2012’s case), and spotlighting Raph’s anger issues, and the shows handle both of them differently.  So let's look at them:
Raph and his anger
I want to start with the positioning of the episode within the wider series.
This is the 4th episode of 2003.  At this point, they’re still setting up the characters and your understanding of them – so this is really here to say hey, our Raph has a temper, that’s going to be a thing going forward. (I'm watching '87 right now, and while I've heard Raph gets more of his anger late in the series, at the beginning he is... not that. So signaling this for people who might have watched the previous show is valid.)
After this, I don’t remember there being other episodes that are Explicitly About Raph’s anger issues?  That’s not to say there aren’t any – there very well could’ve been some that were just so boring I don’t remember them, which would be a whole other issue – but what I remember of him being, to quote the show, a “hot-head” is integrated into other stories.
For 2012, this is nearly halfway through season 2, and is one of 3 episodes I can think of off the top of my head that at least start out framed as a lesson on Raph’s anger issues.  (The one with the guy that turns into a spider mutant, this one, and…. Okay so I don’t remember the details but I’m Pretty Sure I remember there being another one post-space arc).
Now, in theory this is good – having a sort of long-term journey recurring throughout the series.  In practice… eh. 
This is very subjective, but from the way the topic was constantly put on the shelf until they wanted to use it for an episode, to the way it was all extremely surface level and used mostly for jokes, it didn’t do much for me.
That aside, let’s look at the content of the episode itself:
Raph's anger issues have two different tones here.
2003 Raph’s snapping at Mikey is framed a lot more seriously – and a lot more dangerously – than 2012 Raph going at Leo.  And, accordingly, ‘03 Raph is a lot more horrified at his actions, whereas ‘12 Raph is more petulant, unwilling to fully own up to his mistake.
That carries over to when they’re “getting some air” - ‘03 Raph is blatantly angry with himself, where ‘12 is complaining about his brother’s not getting it.  I do think some of that frustration with himself is buried underneath, but it's interesting to note the difference between how aware of it they are. (Of course, ‘12 also didn’t try to brain his brother over the head with a metal pipe.  So.)
The two different versions also shifted what they chose to have “spelled out” versus implied.  What I mean is.... okay, so ‘03 had Raph explicitly say “What is wrong with me” – that frustration with himself I mentioned earlier – where it’s kind of buried underneath for ‘12.
On the other hand, ‘12 Raph flat out says he wasn’t angry, just “determined to win,” when explaining himself to Splinter, whereas with ‘03 the reasoning comes from Raph’s “You think you’re better than me?” line during the fight (and a bit of Mikey’s taunting, the menace), allowing you to (very easily, let's be real, I don't know that you can really count this as subtext) connect the dots on how it escalated.
So, that leads to their fight with Casey – where they both get carried away, before coming to their senses and questioning what they’re doing (and subsequently getting surprise-attacked).  The difference here is that ‘03, upon calming down, went back to trying to talk some sense into Casey (using the lessons he’s obviously trying to absorb himself), while to me ‘12 Raph just kinda seemed disoriented by it all?
Which. Fair.
Next step: the apology.  VERY different receptions.  The ‘03 brothers greet Raph with worry and care, and take his apology quietly and warmly, whereas for ‘12 they act like this is another Tuesday, a bit dismissive, and tease and taunt him through his apology.  I’m not trying to disparage the ‘12 turtles here – not exactly – more so observing the difference in tone once more.
When people say the ‘03 turtles feel older, I think this is a huge part of it – the ‘12 turtles’ behavior feels very “stupid teenager”.  And I mean that in a genuine, fairly affectionate way.  I remember being that age, I was dumb.  You don’t know how to handle all these strong feelings, you have no impulse control. Also around 2012 I remember being genuine being deeply uncool, so. But ‘03 are demonstrating a higher level of emotional maturity, compared to that, and it does make them feel older.
Anyways, after that you get the reunion with Casey, having very different tones.  ‘03 purposefully tries to reach out and rehabilitate help Casey get himself under control, whereas ‘12 diverges into a surprise attack by the Foot where Raph and Casey bicker their way into teamwork.
Overall, ‘03 takes a more... introspective? Approach to Raph’s anger, where ‘12 flickers between being slightly emotional and using the situation for humor or cool action scenes – it feels like setup for an arc that I never felt we got satisfying payoff for.
For my tastes, I think I prefer ‘03 for the Raph part of the episode, if only because it remains thematically cohesive till the end.  From start to finish, Raph is trying to impart the lesson he wants to learn to Casey.  With 12, it feels like the “Raph’s anger issues” thread got a bit lost/abandoned in building up the Raph-Casey dynamic.
Speaking of...
Casey Jones
I think ‘12 is the better Casey intro episode.  There, I said it.
I know, I know!  It’s not technically where we meet Casey, we already saw him interacting with April (also scenes I like), but... although having finished 2003 I think ‘03 has the better overall Casey (mostly because they give him like. Actual personal connections to the world), ‘12 has the better initial burst of character, in my opinion.
His little intro monologue is so stupid, and I love it.  The skates and the little taser-gloves he obviously put together himself (and the fact that we only got one episode of Donnie and Casey bonding over this kind of engineering is criminal???).
The initiative to follow Raph down, his reactions to Splinter, the entire subway tunnel chase scene, where his and Raph’s rapport is building up... it’s good stuff!  I like it!  Maybe there’s a bit less depth in some places – we don’t get the personal connection with the Purple Dragons, how it ties back to his family – but his character voice, his initiative and impulsivity, and his creativity all come through.
It’s such a shame they didn’t do more to add to his character throughout the series in ‘12, because he had a fantastic early showing.  But then, that series didn’t seem interested in doing that for any of their characters, to me.  Sigh.
But... just looking at the episode itself, I'd give the Casey have to 2012.
So... draw?  Great way to start off, I know.
Shredder Strikes Back vs The Invasion (or: Leo gets thrown through a window)
So, this is a tough competition, we’re gonna have to take this point by point, I mean -
2012.  It’s 2012.  Are you kidding me.
Okay, look.  2012 already has an advantage just on moving this from halfway through season 1 to the season 2 finale, but, I mean... come on.
With 2003, there was barely any build up with the Shredder.  We’d seen him sort of being in charge of the various villains since early on – but the turtles didn’t see that!  For them, he showed up, tricked Leo, Splinter gave some back story, they fought and then Splinter seemingly killed him.  It just... wasn’t that dramatic? To me??
So when you have Leo thrown through the window, whispering “he’s back”, I was just like... I see no reason for this level of dread.  It doesn’t feel that personal, or important, or.... anything, really.  I know 2003 came first, but having watched 2012 beforehand this was kind of a letdown.  Didn’t feel earned.
Now, 2012 on the other hand....
Shredder has been a constant, ever-increasing threat since the moment he showed up in Season 1.  It was already personal with Splinter, yes, but then he also became a subject of looming dread for the turtles themselves.  And it doesn’t come out of nowhere. 
Like, yes, we, the viewers, were aware 2003 Shredder survived, but otherwise he was just hanging out off-screen, doing who knows what.  He wasn’t on the mind.  2012, on the other hand, showed the way Shredder was slowly amassing power, planning for something.
And then you add the Kraang on top of it.
Like, seriously, making this a two-prong threat is. Mwah!  The boys are falling apart, stressed by the time-limit of the upcoming Kraang invasion, disagreeing on how to handle it.  And then the argument gets cut short by their home being discovered – they don’t even get a chance to choose their path together, because they have to run, and everything’s chaos, and they’re still focused on the Kraang.
And that’s when the Shredder comes in.
This is insult on top of injury with everything going wrong that possibly could.  This is an immaculate payoff to the set-up they’ve been doing all season. This is fantastic.
And when Leo is thrown through the window, you feel it – the dread, the horror, the regret.  It really feels like the breaking point of “we can’t take any more” that leads to them retreating.  It has a weight to it that 2003’s version was sorely missing.
When it comes to Leo getting thrown through a window, 2012 takes the win, hands down.  The stakes, the drama, and my investment are all so much higher than they were in ‘03, no contest, it’s my favorite part of ‘12.
What comes after, on the other hand....
Tales of Leo + The Monster Hunter vs Season 3a (or, the Farmhouse Arc)
Maybe it’s unfair to compare 2 episodes to 8 episodes.  And maybe this is diverging from my “only episodes that are directly connected” rule I stated in the beginning, but I need to get this off my chest.  Because I just.  I’m not impressed by 2012’s farmhouse arc. 
Warning: rant ahead, this is VERY subjective and heavily based in my personal tastes.  Reminder that I do genuinely enjoy 2012, I just think the farmhouse arc is the lowest point in the whole series and is representative of what I find to be the weakest aspect of the series’ writing across the board.  That being said.
I see what 2012 was trying to do, by drawing out Leo’s recovery over all those episodes, giving the characters some space to breathe.  But they didn’t do it well in my opinion, and honestly the whole thing.  Flounders. 
2012’s best feature is its plot writing, how one episode tumbles into the next, Rube Goldberg machine-style, across an entire season.  But at the farmhouse, they’re removed from the greater plot, and that’s not doing the writing any favors.
And it’s not that the episode ideas are bad – I generally think they’re pretty interesting!  It’s just that without the inter-connected plot, they need something else to push them from “okay” to “exceptional”.  Usually, this would be where deeper characterization and relationship building would kick in instead, but uh.  I don’t personally think 2012 is great at that.
They under-cut the message of the episode with Big Foot, the Casey and Donnie friendship doesn’t really go anywhere after this, every other episode where inter-personal issues are only dealt with on a very surface level become even more obvious and a bit annoying without the greater plot to distract from it. Yes I know this is a kids show, but A:tlA had already finished airing at this point, also on Nickelodeon.
I think there’s a consistent issue with character writing in 2012 where they do what looks like set-up with no intent to ever give a meaningful pay-off or significantly change the status-quo, and that’s very much on display here.
And it’s not that there was nothing good in the season – I liked what they were doing with Raph, and how he was trying to help/encourage Leo, while somewhat bungling it in very realistic ways.  It was a fascinating look at what this Raph acting at his best as the Lancer trope could be, and I genuinely wish they leaned into it more later down the line.
Also, I’m always thrilled to see the Leo-April friendship get some focus, so Eyes of the Chimera was a favorite.  But across the board... the season didn’t wow me, and the longer it went on, the more I could see the cracks.
It all tops off with Vision Quest, which was my biggest disappointment in the entire series, the point at which I had to really stop and reset my expectations on what kind of story the writers were interested in telling.  The summary describes them having to go on a spiritual journey to really face themselves and their weaknesses, and I was so excited!  But then it was just.  Really surface level.  And occasionally confusing.
Raph needs to work on his temper, sure – but how is this any different than any of the other episodes about it?  Do we look at all at where his anger comes from?  A deeper way to handle it?  No, of course not.
Mikey needs to focus, stop getting distracted – I mean, yeah sure I guess.  Not a particularly interesting way of handling it, though.  Also, even if he manages it here, I know it's not going to pan out to the rest of the show, they’re not giving up their easy source of humor for the younger demographic.
And Donnie needs to... stand his ground? What?  I was so caught off guard.  It’s not that it’s completely out of touch, we see him coming up with complex paths to his goals, trying to think his way around of problems, ect, but... it was never really highlighted or presented as a real problem other than maybe the episode on instinct over thinking too hard?  It just felt really disconnected from anything else they were doing with him.  A genuinely interesting pay-off scene, with no solid set-up.
And Leo.  Oh jeez.  My friends.  WHAT is up with how they handled Leo’s knee injury?  The pain is just in my mind? It's not real??  Really???  No, thank you.
Like... I think this was supposed to be a riff on what Splinter says about ‘03 Leo’s coma, and him being trapped in his head due to fear – but because in ‘12 they tied it to an actual, specific physical injury, the execution falls apart. 
(Especially when they use the same flash-effect they used on Leo having issues with his knee of Splinter having issues later in the series but I probably shouldn't take that into account here.)
I mean, his quest is the closest to being satisfying, because they had lain interesting groundwork with his struggle with recovery and his insecurities in previous episodes, but then they just completely bungle it at the end! Argh!
I was so excited for Vision Quest, but this didn't tell me anything new about the characters or progress the characters in any meaningful way! It had no effect on how the characters are written going forward. So – other than some admittedly very cool fight choreography – what was the point?  Was there one??  It felt like putting on the trappings of an emotionally deep story without any of the actual, you know.  Depth.
I am clawing at the walls. Look at all the potential you wasted.
And yes, I’m aware this is all very subjective, and again part of a show for kids, but that’s how it hit me.
The 2003 farmhouse arc, on the other hand, was very short, and I think it benefited from that.  It had two episodes, and it knew what it was doing with both of them.  They felt purposeful, in the larger arc of the story.
First episode: they make their way to the farmhouse, Leo’s in a coma (according to Splinter, one driven by his fear), and his family tells stories of when he was brave/strong as a little kid to try and bring him out.
Wonderful, amazing, I love this episode.  So much character work – both in the past and present!  By going back to when they were kids, it helps us contextualize the turtles’ relationships by making them simpler.
In showing early memories that probably started cementing their views of each other, we see the core around which they developed.  By seeing which memory each brother chooses to present, we get some insight into how they each see Leo.  It gives us a point A to our current point B, which allows us to extrapolate the line between the two, how they developed.
And then you also get the little moments of how the brothers are handling this catastrophic event, how they react to the stress, to seeing their brother so hurt – Raph especially!  It’s pure character work and I love it.
After that, we get one episode of shenanigans, which is both representative of that “space to breathe” after Leo woke up, and also gives space for the B-plot (which is the truly arc-important plot) of Leo, now awake, dealing with his own handling of this stressful situation.
Is the A-plot of this episode quite as good as some of the ideas for the 2012 episodes?  Honestly, no, but just the fact that it’s carrying the Leo recovery story pushes it ahead.  We see Leo struggling with his failure, Raph stepping up to herd him back on the right track – the idea of physically remaking his swords to remake himself!  And, though we don’t know it yet, how hard Leo takes this is great foreshadowing to how he reacts going into his season 4 breakdown.
And then, having done the character work they wanted to accomplish, the writers go back to the main story.  The characterization here matters (and also is good) in a way that whatever is going on in the 2012 farmhouse arc just.  Isn’t. 
In my opinion.
Okay, rant over, winner is obvious, moving on.
Again, we’re not comparing most of the space arcs, as that’s apples to oranges, but there are two episodes that caught my attention:
Rogue in the House vs Dinosaur Seen in Sewers!
Here we've got two episodes where the turtles find a Very Confused Triceraton and trick him into helping them.
I like the 2003 one better.
Honestly, it comes down to the context of the episode.  Rogue in the House comes after the turtles have been in space and when they know more about who the Triceratons are.  2012 on the other hand is a sudden introduction to a new arc.
2003 also... questions the ethics of their decision more, by the end.  It’s a bit more empathetic?  And I appreciate that.
I will give 2012 credit that translating “we’ve been dropped into the middle of a war where both sides are bad” over to be attached to the Kraang, which they’ve built up already as a powerful alien threat, was clever.  It doesn’t have the same edge of commentary that “and one of these sides looks just like us humans” has, but it is clever use of their existing world-building, and I like it.
The Arena vs The Arena of Carnage
The most obvious connection in the 2012 space arc – the turtles get thrown into a gladiator arena.
Now, 2003 does have an unfair advantage in this comparison, as The Arena is heavily bolstered by the set-up work done in The Big House, giving you a sense of place, stakes, connection to the other characters...
That last bit is where my bias and personal taste shows: I really love the turtles making any kind of meaningful connection with other characters, and I find this more convincing in the 2003 version than the 2012 one.
But 2012 also weakens itself in its own right by doing some setup here with no long-term pay off.  You’ve got your fellow prisoner, who turns out to be a Triceraton who objected to the leadership's decisions... and after this episode, that means nothing!  Cool, okay.
Like I get that was a part of the episode they’re pulling from, but if they’re not planning on reusing that long-term story, then they really could have cut that aspect all together.  I know they have enough creativity in them to adapt the concept of “stuck in a gladiator arena” to do something more interesting, they’ve proved they have it in them.  They just... didn’t, and the plot point didn’t translate well.  Ah, well.
2003 also wins this one.
City at War vs... City at War?(???)
Look, I am only comparing these because they use the exact same name.  Otherwise, it’s nowhere near a fair comparison.  For 2012, this is actually part of a couple episodes where they talk about there being a power vacuum after the Shredder is out of the picture, but...
Can we be so real?  They don’t even get close to the scale of 2003.  Like with the farmhouse, it’s not that they don’t have any good ideas – I like the Don Visioso episode quite a bit – but it never gets to the depth or scale I want it to. 
Like, 2003 made it visually obvious that the city is falling apart, that things are really out of control, in a way you can feel. Though, honestly, I’m not even sure 2012 could reach the levels of 2003, because they never put as much effort into making their NYC feel... real?  I guess?
Also, the 2003 City at War arc is just.  It’s really good, guys.  It did such great work on Leo and Raph’s characterization, the danger in the city is palpable, the tension is thick, and then you add Karai on top of it all?
You’d think 2012 could push this, given the added dimensions to Karai and her connection to Shredder, but it ends up falling short.  Point again goes to 2003.
What a Croc! Vs It Came From the Depths (Leatherhead)
So. I am painfully biased, because It Came From the Depths is my favorite 2012 Mikey episode, and I thought What a Croc! was... just okay.
I frequently bemoan that 2012 didn’t lean more into long-form character arcs for their story, and this is one of the central episodes that defined my desire for Mikey’s arc.
The instant compassion and understanding he has for Leatherhead – the way he recognizes and is willing to work with his trauma responses, but also is childishly impatient with the process when it gets messy later on, showing he still has some maturing to do – it's great, and I love it.  I didn’t find the same kind of depth in the 2003 episode.
On the other hand, long-term I like Leatherhead better in 2003, just because he’s more present as ally, friend, or even family.  2012 Mikey’s always excited to see Leatherhead, but you don’t exactly see them hanging out.
But this is about the episode, and for that, I’ll give it to 2012.
Renet (Time Travails + Return of the Savanti Vs Turtles in Time + Tale of the Yokai)
I’ll be real with you, 2003 gains points with me just because this is another example of 2012 poorly shoving in romance. I would like to make it clear – I don’t have an objective issue with the turtles being in romantic relationships.  It’s just... don’t put it in there if the writing's going to be so... bad. And boring. And unnecessary.
Additionally, this particular example put me off a bit more because... hm. Okay, the episode starts with Mikey going “I'm never gonna get caught up in all that!" Only for the show to do the writing equivalent of saying "of course you will, as soon as the right person comes along. And here she is!"
And uhm.  Okay, so, I’m asexual with a big ? when it comes to romance.  So that framing is..... nghghghgh I don't like it. Like I get the joke, but it still gave me the ick.
Also it was another infatuation-at-first-sight situation like Donnie which. Is a romantic trope that is So Stupid, you CANNOT tell me that's how it actually works, I don't believe you, and also it makes for stupid, boring writing. So there.
Once you get past that, there’s points to be made for both episodes.  The way the 2003 turtles find Renet just kind of tiring but can’t help going along with her anyways is very funny to me, but 2012 lets them do Tales of the Yokai, and I enjoy the concept of them getting to see what Actually Happened Back Then, rather than just hearing subjective stories of it.  Adds some texture.
I dunno on this one – if it’s Time Travails vs Turtles in Time, 2003 wins, but once you move on to Tale of the Yokai I give it to 2012.  Call it a draw?
Loosely inspired by
Okay. So. These are things where I can’t say “Oh, they were just doing this story again”, but where I think there might have been some heavy inspiration.  Your mileage may very on these, and you could think I’m completely wrong, but I thought they’d be interested to talk about.
Even if they are from Back to the Sewers.
The Engagement Ring to The Power Within Her
April gets magic jewelry that possesses her, goes on a rampage?  Admittedly, the set-up is very different, as is the tone, but... well, you have to wonder.
I thought The Engagement Ring was one of the better episodes of Back to the Sewers, but as entertaining as it was, I’m still going to give this to 2012, I think.  I like things that have more build-up to them, and they did pretty good at setting up this episode ahead of time, building up that dread.  And it just did more with the concept, you know?
Also, it fit well into my interpretation/re-write of April’s character, so.
Identity Crisis to Brain Worms
I mean.  Turtles get brain-washed by the Foot, have to be broken out of it by being reminded of memories/who they were.  Methodology of the brainwashing is very different, admittedly, which is why I put this down here rather than in the main section!  But it’s similar enough for me to connect them.
This is another situation where I think 2012 took a concept and further developed it.  The brain worms are fantastically gruesome, and really treated like the existential horror it should be.  The amount of fics I’ve seen expanding on the brain-worms concept is proof of how it hooks in people’s brains.
Another point to 2012.
So let’s run a tally.
I'm not sure the two Back to the Sewer episodes count, but I also maybe have broken my rule on the farmhouse arc... I guess we could count those as half points?
Casey Intro: Draw
Window: point 2012
Farmhouse: half-point 2003
Lost triceraton: point 2003
Gladiator arena: Point 2003
City at War: point 2003
Leatherhead intro: point 2012
Renet: Draw
Losely inspired: cumulative point 2012
So that's... 3.5 for 2003, 3 for 2012, and two draws? Pretty close.
Realistically, I think these should be the two takeaways from my opinions:
First, 2003 better matches my personal tastes. I'm a character arc girly, and 2003 gave a lot more attention to that aspect of their writing than 2012 did, and that affects my opinions. See: the Vision Quest rant.
Second, what makes 2012 good is the stuff that’s specific to its iteration.
The way they adapted the Hamato Yoshi backstory from 2003 to be about Splinter and Shredder, making Karai Splinter’s stolen daughter, and how that whole plot line plays out.  The way they make the Kraang a whole organization, and their alliance with Shredder.  The full season, Rube-Goldberg machine buildup of plot.  These are all the thing that make it excel.
So... yeah. That's my thoughts. Your opinions might be different, and - if you're nice about it, please - I would love to hear your thoughts on what I've said, which episodes you like better, and why you like them! Shows hit different people, well, differently!
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