#so yin/ghost
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killershrike · 6 months ago
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: None
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Alien vs Predator (2004), Aliens vs Predators Series - Various Authors, Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Predators (2010), The Predator (2018), Predator
Relationships: Original human female/Original yautja male
Summary: “I admit, I've had a deep love for him since I was a child and first read his story. I dreamt of him often. He is such a.. hero. I would imagine him coming to rescue me, muscles glistening with sweat while he killed everyone who ever hurt me...” The way So-yin sighs is longing and saccharine with love. Ghost might be extremely jealous, instead of only slightly - if not for the fact that the human warrior had long since died. Even if he lived, Han-e’sain would happily battle him for his precious So-yin. Hercules may have bested his 12 trials, but he would fail his 13th.
“Nothing could stop him. And his heart was so big. He suffered and bled so deeply for his wife and children. For something he was tricked into doing. He didn’t even blame Deianira for accidentally poisoning him. Hercules was very hard on himself. He held himself to a standard higher than any other human. Like you.”
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 year ago
Yin Yu: There are five people and three chairs. What will you do?
• The heaven officials:
Lan Qianqiu and Xie Lian: Get two more chairs
Shi Quingxuan: Cut each chair in half to make 6
Mu Quing: Tell them to get their own chairs
Feng Xin, fearfully: Are there women among them?
Pei Ming: The women can sit on my lap
Quan Yizhen: You only need one chair to beat them all with
Shi Wudu: Force them all to sit on the floor
Jun Wu: Natural selection. Make them fight for their seat
• The ghost kings:
Hua Cheng: Ignore them if it's not related to gege
He Xuan: Feed them to his fishes
Bai Wuxiang: Kill five people
• Not belonging anywhere:
Qi Rong: Eat them all and hog the chairs
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bitzi-bee · 1 year ago
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memory game ooooo
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dovabunny · 2 years ago
Why is Ghostsoap a god tier angsty ship?
It goes both ways.
Traumatized silent giant who built his walls so high to keep others out and to keep himself together, and the bright busy-body that scaled those walls with a grin like he was climbing a tree. The ray of sunshine and cool blue eyes that keeps him grounded with their touches, voice, and presence that brings light into his lonely, cold life.
Hyper fire-starter in a constant struggle with his insecurities and need to please, and the quiet, steady rock that helps him cope and stay grounded. His pillar who let's him fidget, talk endlessly, and offers him a place to hide when he feel overwhelmed without judgement
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thegreatyin · 8 months ago
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madicham · 26 days ago
"Xie Lian did nothing wrong" NO! he did ONE wrong thing and that is be mean to Yin Yu
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xianzhoualliance · 1 month ago
supremes getting pointy ears and ppl making he xuan look creepy is my favorite thing everrrr
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kirstenly · 10 months ago
I am working on some stuff for Feng Xin Week... and also possibly Yin Yu Week
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gatoburr0 · 2 years ago
Guys look at what I found
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killershrike · 6 months ago
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(my bad yall turns out it still needed shadows, now it's done lmao oh nooo you have to see Ghost again that's sooooo awful what a tragedy)
shadows make him even sexier that's for sure, no wonder so-yin ran off to a literal new world with him after like two days all I'd need is two damn seconds and I'm packing my bags
still credit to @karritakar check out their art! and as always feel free to reblog!
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kolbietheaggrievedwriter · 1 year ago
Day 102034 of my OT3 Chen Ge/Zhang Ya/Xu Yin not getting the love and recognition it deserves...
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crazydaymycrazyway · 10 months ago
Xie Lian: So what is San Lang's type?
Yin Yu: Brown eyes, strong, kind, smart, self-sacrificing, long brown hair, oblivious, used to be a crown prince and adopts a lot of children
Xie Lian: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends
Yin Yu: Did I mention oblivious?
Xie Lian: Yeah, why?
Yin Yu: Just checking
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biboomerangboi · 7 days ago
Actually Hua Cheng just leaving Ghost City the second Xie Lian shows up is so fucking funny because that man radiates neurosis.
You can not tell me every second he spent not searching for Xie Lian he was not micromanaging that city with a fine tooth comb literally acting as mayor, judge, law enforcement and James Gatsby probably while learning some niche new information on the side. Dragging along his equally workaholic desperate to be useful sectary with his designated emo phase mask and a shovel for like 600 years only to immediately yeet all his responsibilities onto Yin Yu’s overstimulated lap with a hair twirl and giggling about his Gege.
Like I think 4 months after he comes back and is chilling in the honeymoon phase he’ll wake up at 3am realise he hasn’t looked an abacus in over a year and go on a rampage fully fuelling Yin Yu into a fully formed wrath with sheer insanity because THERE IS WORK TO DO. He’s gotta paint the city from #8B0000 to #DC143C all before Xie Lian wakes up and realises he’s let his city go to ruins.
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shizunitis · 8 months ago
Ghostfire Shen Yuan loyally following the lonely, undying, forgotten Luo Binghe from the original outline.
They never even met.
Shen Yuan had died long before Luo Binghe’s story was set to start. Abandoned by his System, he was left wandering the realms, searching for anything to latch onto, anything to stave off the darkness encroaching on his consciousness whenever he stopped. He keeps himself entertained with little jokes and references that will never reach anyone. At least back home, there were other people on the opposite side of his screen reacting, seeing. Paying attention.
He never would have thought he’d miss the times he was perceived by others. He’d give anything, though. Anything.
He stumbles upon the protagonist as he’s ascending the stairs of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect for the first time. Dressed in rags and heaving with the effort, Luo Binghe is exactly as Shen Yuan had pictured: a little bun, soft and kind and so very brave.
The excitement wears off soon enough. When the tea ceremony is held, Shen Yuan watches, hopelessly trying to stop the cup from hitting Binghe’s head. He lunges at Shen Jiu; let him be identified and exorcised, at least he would have done something with himself, however useless. It doesn’t work. Of course not—nothing can come between Luo Binghe and his fate.
Shen Yuan thinks about leaving. Many times. But every time he considers the possibility of going back to wandering the world, or just passing on… Well. There’s still a lot to see, isn’t there? It will get better. It will.
Only, it doesn’t. Not really.
There’s no harem; there’s no warm comfort offered to Luo Binghe by a sympathetic beauty, no wedding celebrations, no moments of gentle companionship, however brief, however superficial. There’s no camaraderie with his demon underlings, his generals, his allies; it’s all casual cruelty and dismissals, before it’s violence and subjugation.
There’s no joy. There’s no hope. There’s no ‘better’.
Something is wrong, that’s clear. Something is wrong, and Shen Yuan has no one to blame.
This is not the Proud Immortal Demon Way he knows.
Centuries later, when Luo Binghe begs for the heavens to allow him to die, Shen Yuan hears. When Luo Binghe rages against the passage of time, alone in the wreckage of his palace, left behind by everyone he’d ever known, Shen Yuan accompanies him. When Luo Binghe lies down in the Holy Mausoleum and refuses to get up, Shen Yuan waits, as he had for centuries, until Luo Binghe opens his eyes again and takes to the road.
They end up in a hidden realm so filled with Yin energy that Shen Yuan can channel it to manipulate his form into that of his former body. It’s not detectable by the living, but it’s there. He feels stronger, too. He can walk, float, fly, interact with what few other ghosts they encounter.
Still, Luo Binghe cannot see him.
Luo Binghe doesn’t talk much. Well, that makes sense, he was never in the habit of talking to himself, but still. It’s lonely.
They end up in a town where a diviner takes one look at Luo Binghe and offers him a free reading. Shen Yuan can’t enter her tent, well-warded against foreign entities as it is, so he waits outside.
She tells Luo Binghe of the little hanger-on he’s got. A powerful one, too, though he’s still getting used to his powers. He’s been here for a long time, she says. Since he was a child. He comes from far away—farther than even the most distant star.
Luo Binghe begins talking to him. Shen Yuan isn’t sure why, but he’s not complaining!
Luo Binghe also begins meditating again, trying to soothe the damage done by Xin Mo over the centuries. For every meal, he places a few fruits or snacks across from him on a plate he’d made himself, which he eats only after finishing his own dish. He makes space by his side whenever he walks on a narrow road. He stops at every landmark and tells stories about them, always starting the same way.
“Do you remember when…” becomes Shen Yuan’s favourite phrase.
One night, Luo Binghe sighs and looks across the table. Shen Yuan places himself so that he’s in Luo Binghe’s focus.
“What is it, Binghe?”
Luo Binghe doesn’t answer him, of course. Still, it feels like a conversation, when he says:
“I wish I knew your name.”
Shen Yuan frets. He’s been trying to manipulate the physical world, but he never got the hang of it. He’d tried drawing in sand, with water, just pushing things off shelves. And yet, nothing.
“I’m sorry, I wish—” he tries, but Luo Binghe is already talking again.
“I wonder if we ever crossed paths when you were alive.” He’s expressed this thought more than once. Shen Yuan never likes to think about how they’ve missed each other, how they’d been set up for failure from the start. “I wonder if we would have been friends.”
Shen Yuan scoffs. Of course not. Him and the protagonist? No way.
But—those cold star eyes, blindly searching for him, trying to land on him… They make him want to say, I would have liked that.
He reaches a hand out to touch Luo Binghe’s forehead. He’s taken to doing it whenever Luo Binghe broods, or makes a silly joke Shen Yuan wishes he didn’t find funny. It’s soothing.
He wishes Binghe could feel it.
When his finger touches the demon mark, it blazes. Luo Binghe gasps, that heavy gaze settling on Shen Yuan’s face.
Shen Yuan startles, and jumps away.
“No! Wait!”
Shen Yuan hesitates. Luo Binghe is looking around himself, eyes begging for even a wisp of Shen Yuan’s shadow.
He can’t deny Luo Binghe this.
He can’t deny himself this.
He reaches out again. This time, he cups Luo Binghe’s cheeks. When those eyes clear of panic and widen in awe, he whispers, softly, “Shen Yuan. My name is Shen Yuan.”
Luo Binghe looks like he’s been handed a treasure so precious he’s afraid to touch it. He hesitates, raising his hands in careful starts and stops, before taking Shen Yuan’s face in them, gently caressing the soft, cold skin of his face. His eyes dance with the haste he takes in memorising Shen Yuan’s features.
Then, he smiles. Helpless and weak and so, so precious. Shen Yuan has not seen hope so bright in Luo Binghe’s face since that fateful day on Cang Qiong Mountain.
“Hello, Shen Yuan.”
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mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess · 11 months ago
With Xie Lian in Ghost City, he no longer has to collect scraps and eat off the ground, right? So Hua Cheng tells him to go explore, get himself something nice idk spend his money cause thats what its there for, right?
So, a few hours later Xie Lian returns all embarrassed like "omg i spent so much money!"
And Yin Yu, who's keeping the books, expects something like half the treasury or whatever
Meanwhile Xie Lian spent the equivalent of like...20$
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vaztori · 2 years ago
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wonwoo reading list / fic recs part 3 !
don't forget to like + reblog fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*。
A Winter Interlude (fluff, light angst, children's book illustrator!wonwoo) by @/ wondernus
Introduce Me A Good Person (fluff, angst, friends to lover, doctor!wonwoo) by @taeyegu
The Peephole (smut, roommate!wonwoo, obsessive tho) by @rubyreduji
Work Husband (fluff, smut, slice of life, coworker!wonwoo) by @bitchlessdino
I Found Love in Your Smile The Series (fluff, angst, doctor!wonwoo x lawyer fem!reader) by @wonlouvre
Bloodily Safe (smut, psychopath!wonwoo) by @starlightxsvt
Pretty Boy (fluff with smut, gamer!wonwoo) by @/fvllingflower
The Other Woman (implied smut, angst, fluff) by @idyllic-ghost
Silk (smut, established relationship) by @angelwoozi
Underlying Pretense (smut) by @lovelyhan
The Bore Next Door (smut) by @ncteez
Blown Up Love (fluff, gamer!woo, university au) by @starsstuddedsky
With Wonwoo (ceo!wonwoo x ceo!reader, fluff) by @wonlouvre
Nameless (fluff, some angst, firebender!wonwoo) by @twogyuu
Until It Feels Like You're in Heaven (smut, fluff) by @odetojeons
Sweet Chaos (angst, light fluff, assassin!wonwoo) by @viastro
One for The Tales (fluff, royal au) by @leejungchans
X + Y = You and I (smut, rivals to lovers, college au) by @angelwonie
Bookworm (fluff, highschool au) by @viastro
Your Mess (smut, angst, fluff) by @onlymingyus
Rich Girl (smut) by @blushnote
Jeon's Anatomy The Series (neurosurgeon!wonwoo x pediatric!reader, Grey's Anatomy au) by @hansols-yoda-boxers
A Moon Without Stars (angst, smut) by @chocosvt
Pomegranates (angst, royal au) by @idyllic-ghost
Knuckles to Ink (fluff, humor, literature agent!wonwoo) by @dropsofletters
Ten Questions (angst, contains blood, violence, guns) by @chocosvt
Off Limits (fluff, angst, smut) by @hinaaspanda
Campus Crush (fluff, tutor!wonwoo) by @starlightxsvt
Play Again (romance, fluff, mild angst) by @shuarush
Loving Him Was Red (fluff, angst, sugar daddy/ceo!wonwoo) by @boowanie
25c Magic (all flufffff!!!) by @thepixelelf
Matters of The Heart and Capri Sun (fluff, angst, strangers to lovers) by @twogyuu
You Mean The World To Me (fluff, angst) by @svtskneecaps
A Boyfriend for Christmas (fluff, friends to lovers) by @junkissed
Game On (smut, established relationship) by @ahloveisboo
Wonwoo : Protector [Tales from The Pack] (mentions of smut, angst, werewolf!wonwoo) by @gamerwoo
Love Sonnet (fluff, established relationship) by @ann-non
Danced Around an Impossibility (fluff, angst, humor) by @dropsofletters
Sweet As Peach (romance, friends to lovers) by @xddaengx
Players (smut, slowburn) by @smileysuh
the way wonwoo kiss (fluffy and soft!) by @/gyuslcve
yin and yang (all fluff!) by @/boosari
drabbles below are made by @/pepperonidk
In this Life and The Next (fluff)
loving moments with wonwoo (all flufff!! <3)
the drabbles below are made by @hansols-yoda-boxers (wc. above 1k)
day (smut)
night (smut)
how to spice up a lecture (smut)
"bite me." "if you insist." (smut)
this sofa costs fifteen thousand dollars, don't you dare to ruin it (smut)
wonwoo x nipple play (smut) by @/sluttyminghao
andante, andante (smut, 3.1k words) by @sluttywonwoo
lazy days with bf!wonwoo (fluff, smut) by @/ressonancee
just as we are now and will always be (fluff, dad!wonwoo) by @februaryflowers
valentine's day event (fluff, kinda humor tho) by @etherealyoungk
and they were newlyweds (fluff, husband!wonwoo) by @viastro
wonwoo + pda (fluff) by @jeonhwang
별로 not enough (fluff) by @cheolsblackgf
in deep shit (fluff, college au) by @yjncty
late night (fluff) by @idyllic-ghost
wonwoo as synaesthesia (this is so beautiful please you have to read this) by @fairyhaos
tickling tendencies (fluff) by @heavenshoon
wasted (fluff) by @leejihoonownsmyheart
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