#so when Kakashi told her he was going she just kinda
Do i think Kakashi would choose Noctowl for his team? No.
Do i think this man spots a Noctowl one day and catches it without hesitation because he saw a glimpse of his mother in Pokemon form and he needs her to see it for herself.
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stu-dyingstudent · 30 days
Sakura Haruno fic recs: time travel AU
I'm finally getting around to recommending some good Sakura-centric time travel fics! There are plenty of them out there and they can be kind repetitive, but I always eat them up. Typically speaking, I really don't care much for the whole introduction bit at the start where it's the actual process of her being sent back... So just make it past there before you decide whether or not to continue!!! Also, I'm starting to think this list is getting kinda long, so maybe I'll do a second one?
I've been dying to post some of these fics in a list, so please enjoy!
Started: 2024.08.16
Last Updated: 2024.08.26
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Sakura - lilac haze || ffn/ao3 || M || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
AU. Non-Canon. Time Travel. Please see inside for full warnings. Cross posted on Ao3. On his deathbed he was granted eternal peace and place to rest for all of time. Of course that was not appealing to him. Ever unpredictable to the end he had a counter offer. One that the Sage had to consider. In which Sakura's going to have a rough time. A really rough time.
If there is one thing I want you to take away from this list, it is this fic right here. I kid you not, Sakura is one of the best fics I have ever read. I have never felt so gutted, so heartbroken, so giddy, so stressed, all from one work. It's a masterpiece all while being criminally underrated. The characterizations and storytelling are beautifully done. You feel for the characters and the relationships formed along the way are truly great. Please share this author some love.
Check TWs before hand!!
The Misadventures of Kakashi and the Girl From No Where - Goldfishlover73 || ao3 || kakasaku || M || time travel AU || complete
When a girl called Sakura seemingly falls in the sky, Kakashi is skeptical. Far more skeptical than the rest of Team Minato are. War is approaching quickly and this strange girl is leaving more questions than answers in her wake, Kakashi must decide where his trust and loyalties lie in a constantly changing world.
Told in the perspective of Kakashi in his youth! Really interesting take and I love how strong Sakura is in this in addition to the fact that we get to see a different side of Kakashi that we aren't used to.
Anachronistic Drift  - Elesrea  || ffn || gen || T || time travel AU || incomplete
Her plan was flawless. Save Shisui. Save the world. Time-travel, Sakura-centric AU
Sakura spends years training to be sent back in time and save the world from Sasuke. Whilst masquerading as her younger self, she poses as an unofficial ANBU to stay anonymous in her efforts of changing the shinobi world for the better.
Tourniquet - lilac haze || ffn || T || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
She was his tourniquet. She stopped the bleeding, she stopped his bleeding. She stopped his pain, his despair, his loneliness. She was the first face he saw. She was the first person he trusted. She was the first person to keep his secret. She was his tourniquet. He did not love her. He only loved the idea of her. SakuraXMinato. Time-Travel Fic. Alt. Universe
I quite honestly think this is a hidden gem amongst time travel AUs since I never see people recommending it, but Touriquet is so good! What's interesting here is that it isn't Sakura that's playing with time, but rather Minato. The night of the Nine-Tails attack, rather than dying, he is sent to the future where post-war Sakura is the one to find him and keep the former Hokage alive. It's a delicate situation and one which is kept a secret from many, but through Minato's depression and difficulties with his new life, Sakura becomes a close confident.
Same author as Sakura! I gotta read more of their works
Armour-Sleeved Single Hit - thatdamnuchiha || ao3 || T || madasaku || time travel AU || one-shot complete
Sasuke always told Sakura she was weak. Even after she trained with Tsunade for years he only had eyes for Naruto whom he considered strong. She would forever be invisible to him no matter how many mountains she toppled. Being a member of Team Seven despite Sasuke’s refusal to acknowledge her meant she got herself into her fair share of sticky situations. Getting stuck a hundred odd years in the past had to take the cake though. But she was just a weak little girl and compared to the shinobi of old she’d be ridiculously pathetic. Sasuke had said she was weak to him – a modern day shinobi who hadn’t been forced into battle after battle like they did in the Warring Clans Era. Obviously she’d be nothing more than a spec of dirt in the eyes of the Founders.
Sakura manages to find herself in founding-era Konoha! While trying to prove that medical ninja are capable fighters she unknowingly gains the affection of Madara Uchiha. After all, the Uchiha find beauty in strength. Super cute read!
here are the fruits of your labor (would you like a cherry on top?) - snickiebear || ao3 || M || shisaku || time travel AU || one-shot complete
Shisui smiles and it is unlike any smile she has seen before. She cannot remember the last time she had seen a smile. 
Sakura manages to fix everything and now tries to live her life in a past she doesn't know. Shisui is the first to find her and the two of them form a close relationship that continues through her journey of recovery.
The Moon Knows Best - darth_healer || ao3 || E || madasaku || time travel AU || complete
The Moon has played a cruel trick on Madara. He's still home, but it's not the same. Instead of a tranquil forest, there's a colorful vibrant village. Instead of the cliffside he knows so well, it's a collection of Senju faces, one of which belongs to his good friend Hashirama. And instead of Hashirama, Madara is saddled with a very interesting, pink-haired girl. MadaSaku in which young Madara goes forward through time.
Madara finds himself far into the future where the first to stumble upon him is Sakura. He's such a brat, but his and Sakura's interactions are rather entertaining.
In the Magic Hour - summersirius || ao3 || E || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
It's not perfect, but everything is beautiful. —Minato/Sakura
A sharingan mishap lands Sakura in the past where she drops down in front of team Minato. With her hope of returning to the present time dwindling, Sakura excepts her new life and tries to make the best of the situation and the new bonds that come with it. The dynamic between Sakura and the older generation is quite refreshing and her mentor relationship with the former team 7 is great.
Stumble - writer168 || ao3/ffn || gen || T || time travel AU || complete
Sakura wanted to die.Sasori was fine with staying dead.But it seemed fate had other plans for them, because when they both wake up younger with blood pulsing through their veins, they had to remember how to live again.Time Travel AU
Sasori and Sakura are both sent back in time and they try to make a difference in their respective villages. Told in the perspective of both characters, but primarily Sakura. She ends up forming a pretty sweet bond with Ibiki and Genma (which I love) and they help her through some things. Sakura has a rough time
A Twist in Time - wolf08 || ffn || sasusaku || T || time travel AU || complete
With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is.
With Sakura frustrated at being back to where she started in her becoming of a shinobi, she begins to train with Sasuke. This time around in her life, her relationship with her brooding teammate isn't so strained. Pretty cute read imo
Return & Rehash - SpaceNugget11 || ffn || sasusaku || M || time travel AU || incomplete
"You," Sakura snarled with bared teeth. Sasuke gagged for air, clutching at her forearm, but she only pressed harder into him. Her green eyes crackled, and she wished she could burn him alive with the heat of her anger.
Sasuke and Sakura certainly did not end in their last life on goods terms and it is prevalent from the moment Sakura awakens and attacks her teammate.
An Inch of Gold - KuriQuinn || ffn || sasusaku || T || time travel AU || complete
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Sarada lands herself back in time all while crashing into another team 7 mission gone wrong. An Inch of Gold is in multiple perspectives, but they're all done quite well. Sasuke and Sakura are obviously rather flustered by the situation and the fact they have to deal with it in front of the team makes it quite entertaining.
These Eyes of Mine (I Can See) - tsukuyue || ao3 || gen || time travel AU || complete
They've lost. Naruto was dead, killed at Kaguya’s hands. Along with him died any illusions of hope that they could win. They couldn’t win, but perhaps they wouldn’t need to. In attempts to stop the Fourth Shinobi War from ever occuring, Sakura is sent back in time to the moment of her birth. Protecting the people she cared about would be much easier if she knew all the facts. OR Where Sakura can see the dead, and Danzō deserves to die.
I'll be honest, I can't remember much, but I do remember that it was really good! I believe a large focus is the Uchiha massacre.
Trials of Change - Espoiretreves || ao3 || gen || time travel AU || complete
Haruno Sakura made a promise. Looking in the eyes of her Shisou and the reanimated Hokage, she took on the most important mission of her life. Go back in time and try to prevent the 4th Shinobi War. Now, Sakura is back to her 5-year-old body, with all the knowledge and haunting memories of the future. She vows to keep her precious people safe and stop certain events from happening, without altering the timeline too much. The trials her emotions and logic put her through have her questioning her very existence, but for the sake of peace, she has to push forward. No matter what.
If you love Shisui then you'll definitely like Trials of Change. Him and Sakura form the most wholesome friendship ever and try their best in taking down ROOT. A huge cast is present here and the whole thing is just great. It seems as if everyone has some character development lmao.
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
I always like the ones where Sakura isn't fully aware she time travelled. I find it interesting in this fic to see how oblivious Sakura is to her situation, she's a four year old in mind and body. However, she still feels the need to make a difference in the lives of the people around her.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done.and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Sakura decides that her first order of business after traveling back in time is to infiltrate ROOT and that's exactly what she does. Sai, Shin, and Shisui are all great characters and team Ro is present as well. Very good!
Update: just found out it was recently completed!!
Q: Do you guys like my little comments? If you look at my other lists you'll probably notice that I tend to reuse some of what I say (bc I'm lazy), but for the most part I try to add something new whenever I put a fic on a list. I know that descriptions aren't always very helpful, so I like to put a little something for y'all to get a better idea of what to expect!
Send me recs if you have any!!!
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usuratongaychi · 6 months
Drawings + Rants + Headcanons/Naruto AU
i finally had some time to draw my versions of tean seven (minus kakashi). im gonna detail more of my AU later in the post but here are the designs and some notes.
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For sasuke, in one of my other posts i had the theory that sasuke keeps his hair short to avoid resembling itachi, and thats why it is longer in time skip, because he is coming to terms with his trauma and still loves itachi. I also gave him similar creases to itachi, just from stress.
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tbh im not too sure about this naruto design…but at least he isnt balding like before💀.
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for sakura, i actually really like her older design, so i just drew her working. she would have her hair up and i gave her sakura blossom hair pins and eyeshadow.
also i havent drawn in forever so..thats why its messy.
(the rest of this is me rambling on..)
Now for changes i made to the story:
1. Narusasu endgame (yk im a stan)
I would have both of them be joint hokages, so technically both are the 7th. I know Sasuke is referred to as the shadow hokage, but that doesn’t really entail anything. I think it’s important because Sasuke would know just how important reform is for the village and shinobi system, but since people are still suspicious of Uchihas, Naruto would be the face. This fulfills Naruto’s dream, which when you really think about it, his dream was just to be loved, not really to be a politician. Naruto has seen how unfair and corrupt their society is, so he would completely work with Sasuke to make sure things like Danzo and Hiruzen’s corruption, child soldiers, hyuuga slavery and the “Uchiha Incident” dont happen again. I could explain more of this in a later post.
2. I would have Hinata look up to Sakura more, instead of Naruto.
I think it makes a bit more sense, Sakura is brave, outspoken and independent, just like Hinata wants to be. I would have Sakura be her first friend, since she can’t stand to see people be excluded or alone. That leads me into changes I would make for Sakura’s story.
3. Sakura. In the original, I would keep her kind of bratty attitude until things get serious in the Zabuza arc. Seeing her close friends so close to death, while not being able to help much would challenge her to become a protector. This also gives motivation for her to learn healing and medicine when Tsunade comes around. Sakura would be the “rock” or “glue” of team seven, which makes sense because she is the only one of them that came from a stable home.
Sakura initially resents Sasuke for betraying the team, but seeing how dedicated Naruto is to saving him, she decides its worth it to help bring him back. Besides if she didn’t, naruto would just endager himself trying.
4. Sasuke. I would have Sasuke after he realizes Itachi was manipulated into a genocide to protect the village, still go through him “i’m gonna destroy the village” phase, but when Naruto defeats him, they make a promise to change things, so no one else will have to suffer like that. I would also show more of the psychological effects of witnessing Itachi’s murders. One of my headcanons is that he’s pretty thin, since trauma survivors tend to have chronic stomach pains. He’s probably pretty paranoid about others betraying him, so he does it to them first (probably why he pushes naruto away so much). Sasuke is also probably still ostracized or “othered” for being an uchiha, since that is what the village is told about them. People still pity him, but dont come near him.
5. Naruto. 😭I actually made up a whole theory on why Hiruzen didn’t take great care of naruto, bc to me it just doesn’t make sense. it’s kinda a dumb theory and doesn’t rlly have anything to do with canon, but- what if Minato wanted to expose the corruption in the hidden leaf and get rid of the foundation, so as a sort of revenge, or just general distaste for Minato, Hiruzen doesn’t really provide for Naruto. 🤷‍♀️idk. A change I would make is to have naruto mature more to match his age. Like ofc it makes sense for him to act out for attention esp when he was younger, but i feel like past shippuden..he didn’t really mature at all? maybe thats just me. I’ll probably have more stuff to add for him, i’ll think of it later or put it in my headcanons post.
😭im so tired yall i will make a better post later on.
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sea-owl · 9 months
Now let me preference this by saying I HATE when a characters parents or loved ones are turned into abusers just because. This, for me, includes Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno, Sakura's parents. I have said on here before that I have a preference how I wish they were brought into the story more as actual stable adult figures for team 7.
But I do think there is a potential story to be told in Naruto about assumptions vs. reality and how someone can be in pain even if it doesn't look like your's using Sakura and her parents. In general, we know very little about Sakura's parents, Kishimoto said he could never figure out how to include them, and official designs weren't released until the Road to Ninja movie. In the movie they kinda lightly touched on this idea but then people lost their shit because God forbid Sakura vents to a close friend about being doubted just because the people doubting her are her parents and Naruto, despite being one of the most empathetic characters in the series, just so happens not to have those so she should automatically being walking on eggshells around the topic. But back to the idea.
Now I probably wouldn't make her parents physically abusive but more along the lines that they are extremely nelgectful of her. Or take on the idea that Tiny_Dncr had in the fanfic Her Experience where something happened and Sakura HAD to become the adult too young but due to her young biological age , it's not reconized as that.
I would probably set this, or at least start around the genin era. Specifically after Sasuke yells at her about how she has no idea about loneliness because in his, and probably Naruto's eyes too, among all those orphans on team 7 Sakura has the perfect life. Then I would pull it back into Sakura's pov for us to slowly discover that hey, something isn't quite right with her home situation. Her basic physical needs are being met, but no one is ever home, Sakura's parents ignore her or never talk to her to critique her. Sakura could come and go as she pleased, and her parents would never notice unless she did something wrong in their eyes.
Sakura also sees this behavior as normal because it's all she's ever known. Or if she starts to feel bad about her situation, she talks herself out of it because, hey, at least she has parents it could be worse.
Kakashi once in a while catches some hints Sakura's home life is not ok but he's so preoccupied by Sasuke and Naruto, who are more similar to him and their signs he can easily more recognize, kinda brushes it off. The longer team 7 is a team, the more cracks that start to show.
Then let's say Sakura got hospitalized from a mission for a few days. Word was sent to her parents that hey, your daughter is in the hospital, but neither of them show up. Team 7 has been to visit and they notice that besides them she's been alone. Naruto and Sasuke think hey this is weird. Kakashi is on high alert now.
During one of team 7's visits, Sakura's neglect comes out when a doctor asks her point blank where her parents are because to discharge her, they need to release her into the care of an adult. This is when Sakura reveals that her parents had left for a business trip that morning. There is no adult coming. Several minds come to the realization that she's been in the hospital for days and her parents never cared enough to even make sure she was still breathing. The worst part about it is that she said it so nonchalantly, like it was just a fact of life.
This causes a double take because Sakura that isn't right, but again this is all Sakura's ever known so she thought it was normal.
Would probably go on with Sakura, eventually coming to the realization that what her parents did was not ok and her feeling hurt over it is valid. Would also have team 7 bonding and learning from one another.
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kankuroplease · 7 months
How would chiha's relationship with everyone be if it were the ninja world
I’ll just do the Konoha 12, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Gaara, and Iruka since those are some of the important people in Naruto’s life. We’ll just say they’re twins for the sake of not stretching out the timeline for her birth
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Naruto - they get along great, but argue they argue like most siblings do over personal possessions and home decor. Naruto will also go and fetch her for free ramen when it’s offered. She wouldn’t know how to feel about his hokage dreams (if they were truly possible), but she would support him
Jiraiya - Gives her the ick. Like she gets that he’s a sannin and a sage.. But he’s a pervert. And he took her brother away for two years. Two thumbs down
Kakashi - She would probably ask him more questions than he’d be willing to answer. he’s so cool, but he’s also kinda weird (cause who just reads icha icha in public??)
Iruka - cool teacher. She’d like him for saving Naruto and looking out for them, and view him like their older brother
Sasuke - Doesn’t really know him, but he concerns her and she’s not sure why he and Naruto can’t just get along. THEY’RE TEAMMATES
Sakura - she gets along really well with Sakura, even if it’s in an annoying little sister way, and giggles over some crushes. She doesn’t get Sakura’s crush though, especially when they could become sisters if Sakura-Chan gave her brother a chance
Shikamaru - thinks he’s a smartass and Pakkun should’ve but him harder. They don’t get along, but he is kinda cute when he’s cloud watching and she will never admit that. Especially to him.
Choji - she likes Choji because he’s sweet and polite. Also gave her her first hug for giving him her bag of chips he apparently really liked. They’re good friends!
Ino - she wants Ino’s hair andeyes. Life’s not fair, but at least Ino is nice to her! They share village gossip and fashion tips.
Hinata - they know each other and Chiha thinks it’s funny to act like Naruto is there when he isn’t just to see that hard blush. Overall she thinks Hinata is alright, but needs to put some might in her words
Kiba - she told him she liked cats and dogs equally and they have not gotten along since
Shino - she forgets he exists frequently but doesn’t have an issue with him. In fact, he got her a roach to release in Iruka’s house once as a prank that went terribly wrong
Lee - his enthusiasm is funny to her and they get along well. She would probably make the mistake of challenging him to a exercise contest of some sort and never do that again
Tenten - now this would be her best friend. All the ghost stories and weapons to be had, plus some funny tales of how it is to work with Gai Sensei, Lee, and Neji
Neji - they wouldn’t get along simply because of their personality differences. No hard feelings though; he just wouldn’t want to entertain her hyper moments and she doesn’t enjoy getting angry glares for being silly.
Gaara - PANDA BOY! Not saying she would make him be her pen pal, but she would be very fascinated by him, who is a jinchuriki like her brother, and his sand. So once he’s made kage, she would send him a congratulations letter along with an origami gourd with glitter in it
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pennysperfectpolls · 9 months
Adoption poll preliminary match 12
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Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Qiqi (genshin impact)
Venus (solarballs)
Bernadetta von Varley (Fire Emblem)
Only two will move on
Propaganda under the cut
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) Propaganda
He joined the lower ranks of the Ninja-Military at like five and then Dudes Father killed himself, he does not have a mother, when he was like six because he was bullied to death by the entire village for refusing to heed a rule that would have made him sacrifice a teammate of his.
After that he lived alone in the house where his Father killed himself and got like an obsession with not breaking the rules and they just let the kid keep running around in the Ninja-Military and a teammate of his "killed" right after he went "maybe sacrificing people for missions isn't good" pushing him out of the way of a bunch of rocks and then he got his dead teammates Red Ninja Eye transplated into his skull.
His other teammate killed herself by impaling herself in his hand in order to protect the village because she had a creature implanted into her that was supposed to come out and destroy everything, kinda like a living bomb.
I think this all happened before he was approximately thirteen.
And you know, there's only one more thing you can do now, as his teacher who's the highest governmental authority in the village and also dies by the way decided. Put him into the super secret (everyone knows about them) assassin murder furry corps. Where he spent like a decade before being spontaniously kicked out to go from professional government Killer to Teacher of possibly the most fucked group of children known to men, two third of which are tied to people from his past.
He's like twenty-seven and just another Orphan in Orphan Town. There is no one in your way, custody is ripe for the taking.
I'll be honest, I haven't seen Naruto, but I do know a good part of the Lore through other means. The guy reminds me of a rescue dog.
Qiqi (genshin impact) Propaganda
My girl tragically died trapped in a cave due to a demon battle, dying with sad thoughts so sad it gave her a Cryo vision. The Adepti felt bad so they revived her, but she came back as a murderous zombie so they had to seal her in amber for a long time. When she finally came out, she was peaceful but has a terrible memory and must follow commands now. In order to break her out of a command that makes her “stuck”, she has to be hugged and told that she’s loved… and when her main guardian tries it, it doesn’t work. And poor Qiqi has become the poster girl of “losing the 50/50” within the fandom, there’s even a whole lamenting song about “I pulled a Qiqi”. Well maybe I *want* a C6 Qiqi and am frustrated I keep pulling Keqing and Tighnari!
Venus (solarballs) Propaganda
Cute lil grumpy planet that has a gruff voice n hates being called by his namez meaning!!
Bernadetta von Varley (Fire Emblem) Propaganda
My Beautiful Bernie Bear! She needs to be swaddled in the comfiest blankets and gifted all the stuffed animals and insectivorous plants in the world. Her dad was super abusive beating her friends and tying her to chairs and her mom hired someone to kidnap her to send her to the officers academy. There she’s basically a child soldier but at least she’s away from her parents and gets a real found family.
She has so much anxiety and is constantly paranoid of everything so she spends most of the game locked in her room. She only comes out on specific occasions and in the one route where she feels comfortable.
She’s often the first person I talk to each in game month and she’s such a joy. She’s so creative and kind and ah! I want to adopt her so bad!
Also one of the ways people use her in game is to keep her at as low health as possible and that’s so mean and I need to protect her.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Red Lights and Fox Fire AU during the Gaara rescue arc has me by the throat at the moment.
Kakashi and his Next Gen Sannin team that is only still under him as leader because they want to be sprinting for Sand the second they hear Gaara was taken and wherever they go there are people who see them and know.
Granny Chiyo tries to square up with Kakashi only to be met with the actual white gang reborn in the form of a snarling Sasuke right in her face, daring her to try to attack his brother in law (the facts that Kakashi and Aki aren’t technically married and Sasuke was never officially adopted by Aki in the first place notwithstanding) again. Naruto who rests a hand on Sasuke’s arm with a brilliant smile and cold eyes and he assures them both that any blood spilt today wouldn’t be Kakashi’s. (Those slitted pupils and flashing fangs promised it. There was no missing what he was. Why Konoha had sent him. Only a Jinchuriki could understand a Jinchuriki after all and it’s clear Naruto was willing to hunt Gaara’s captors tot he ends of the earth to get him back.)
Sakura heals Kankuro as normal before they’re ready to head out.
Naruto is at the head of the pack leading them just as much as Kakashi and Sasuke’s summons are. Like he can feel Gaara’s location. Like he’s being dragged there.
Until, all at once, he falls, missing the branch he was going to leap from with a shrill, enraged, shriek clutching his head as he plummets. Pain. Loss. Rage. All in one sound.
Sakura cat he’s him and red eyes look back at her before he forced himself back to his feet.
He knows. They all know.
Still they push on.
(Naruto would want his body brought home. Would die before they let them use Gaara like a fucking puppet like Oro-sensei told him Sasorinliked to do. The master would not get two Kazekage puppets if Naruto had any say in it.)
They run to it Not-Itachi not long after, and Sasuke scoffs.
“You’re not my brother.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Did I stutter? Stop wearing a corpse as a mask and meet me face to face nii-san.”
After a short battle, they end up at the seal with team Guy (with six instead of five this time because I said so) and sasuke just shrugs and take a radio.
(The doppelgänger fight with Sasuke is… far more destructive than any of Team Guy’s fights. He doesn’t seem to have broken a sweat even as he jumps out of the fucking crater him and his double left behind)
Sakura’s fight goes mostly the same with far more singlehanded puppet distraction. (Not many changes can be made when she can’t get hit tbh.)
Naruto and Kakashi wreck Deidara (kinda) and Naruto so about to throw all caution to the wind and use one of Orochimaru’s many forbidden jutsu to bring Gaara back himself when Sakura and Chiyo roll up.
(Sasuke and team guy finish off Deidara for real tbh because Sasuke won’t forget his brother screaming as he realized his friend was dead)
And it’s the first time that anyone outside of Konoha sees these three powerhouses and realizes they are the future.
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akamikazae · 1 year
I have come to look forward to not only your writing and drawings but also your answers for your asks! You bring me little but such impactful joys :)
What do you think are qualities of Akami Kakashi secretly loves or hasn’t told her (yet) and vice versa?
As always, Thank you for sharing your creativity!
Oh thats so sweet thank you nonnie<33 And oh there are many! Some of which they’ll own up to throughout the story—also I will say I find gross stuff kinda cute and sweet, and they are my lil weirdos
-Kakashi likes that Akami is very protective and passionate about what she loves—though she can be over-protective and stubborn at times he find’s it cute when she’s bossy and that she doesn’t like to share
-Akami likes that he’s sensitive, she picks on him for it, but really admires it. And she thinks he’s a good influence on Sasuke because he isn’t afraid to embrace his more emotional side 
-Kakashi loves Akami’s teeth—not her smile or lips (which he does also love) but specifically her teeth  
 -Akami likes the way he smells (besides his soap/cologne-she likes his sweat)—she mentions -and I quote - at some point  “I miss the way you stink” and proceeds to shove her face in his armpit 
-Kakashi likes her hands, she has long fingers and so his hand isn’t much larger than hers just a bit beefier. But he likes knowing and feeling how strong she is when they hold hands—something he’ll do as often as possible
-Akami likes that Kakashi is secretly very competitive, and likes to win. She thinks it cute how seriously he’ll take it when they play board games with Sasuke.
-Kakashi likes her dry and dark sense of humor, and is often surprised how quick and witty she is. He also finds it amusing that she's crass and vulgar and will laugh at dumb jokes.
Thanks again for the ask dear nonnie <33 I could keep going but I'll stop myself here! -🐍
P.s. I think a new chapter will be up sometime tomorrow ;)
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luffythinker · 9 months
Oh no I didnt want them to forget about Sasuke i was rewatching that arc in the anime Tsunade and Jiraiya was just so advent on him giving it up, I understand Jiraiya cause hes all i did this with orochimaru and it didnt work and he told Tsunade keep him here while he goes to investigate but Tsunade she just seems so against Sasuke when she talks to Naruto and I dont know why like she keeps saying in a way that sounds like "Sasuke isnt that important" or "I know you wanna look for him but there are more important things" yeah there kinda is but that's that kids best friend she seemed a little understanding at first but he kept hounding her and I guess she got fed up? I dont know
And the ANBU thing I didn't really mean for Naruto to actually join them (I dont know enough about the ANBU I barely remember the sai crap I'll have to go read about it rewatch Shippuden) it was just the idea he thought of cause there is always a crazy round about way of getting to a goal with this kid. Tsunade want let me go -> the ANBU get to go do investigation on Orochimarus where abouts -> if I was ANBU she couldn't tell me no cause I'd be working with them -> investigating Sasuke is technically investigating Orochimaru -> find Sasuke
That was my thought process trying to think like Naruto would trying to get Tsunade to let him go cause Jiraiya just up and left him only giving him "I got something I have to do" and ran off. This honestly should take away Naruto's trust in them a little bit because they keep doing this to him and not believing in his abilities when even though hes a little lazy shit who complains a lot so far hes been doing good on his missions, the bridge builder was I think Kakashi said like a S rank mission or whatever high mission and they were not prepared for that but Naruto and Sasuke ate on that mission, that alone should be able to carry him to at least allowing the ANBU to test him they would train a child I they trained Kakashi and I think Sai was a child in the ANBU so he would meet him early on but I never plan for him to Join the ANBU but might let him temporarily
I just think it's adults who have lost their hope in the world and can't seem to understand anymore that a kid gives this much importance to their friend. I also think for them, it's the easiest way if Naruto gave up because they wouldn't have to care too
Our dear Naruto is too good for that, he wouldn't lose faith in them, i think the first time we see him break is when Jiraiya.. yk.. i think that's the first time he feels genuinely hopeless
I think naruto would hate being in the ANBU so it's good that he won't join it frfr but i like your thought process here, it would make sense for him to at least be allowed to be tested, just so it can show Tsunade he's really serious about his. maybe it's the thing that tips her over and she allows him to go on an attempt to rescue Sasuke again
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I don’t really want ro defend Kakashi for calling out Sasuke on being willing to kill Sakura, cuz Sasuke really was just defending himself
But at the same time Kakashi clearly stated that Sakura’s plan was stupid and wasb’t going to work before he said anything to Sasuke
Like, dude was not playing
He looked Sakura in the eye and told her flat out her plan to use the knowledge of poisons Shizune taught her would never have worked
Man knew the only one between the two who was capable of killing the other was Sasuke, so i kinda get why he said it
But also Sasuke had every right to fight back even if Sakura’s plan wasn’t going to work and Kakashi (and so many others) should have scolded her a lot more for what she did
Like we don’t even see Lee and the boys get mad at her for knocking them out, which is BS cuz she did that. She knocked her friends out to go after Sasuke alone when chances are all of them would have gone with her to help and Kakashi would have e had to reign them all tf in
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
it's my birthday so I'm making a req that's been on my mind for a MINUTE... naruto boys reactions to meeting a girl and finding out she has a kid 👀
A/N: Happy Birthday!!! I wasn’t sure what characters you wanted so I picked the most simp–able characters imo. If I missed a character you really wanted, just ask and I will do them as well!
I strayed from the prompt just a little bit, but it still has what you wanted!
Feat: Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Gaara, Gai
I would say that with Naruto, you don’t have any initial fears about approaching him with the topic. He’s an open minded guy.
He's also never done anything to make you assume he doesn't like children.
You're super casual about it, just stopping by Ichiraku with your toddler holding your hand. Naruto doesn't even notice you until you tap his shoulder.
The way his eyes light up when you first introduce him to your son. You swear, he was shining brighter than the sun.
He immediately wants to take your kid out and have lots of fun, eating ramen, training, pranking people.
I feel like he’s one of the only guys that would have no qualms about you having a kid, not even an ounce of hesitation.
He is ready to dive head first into fatherhood.
After a while of dating, your son buys him a mug that says something along the lines of “World’s Best Dad” and when I tell you that this man sobbed like a little baby…
Isn't overprotective at all tbh. Sometimes he forgets your son left the house to play with friends. He's so surprised when he goes to check the kids room and they're not there…?
Very forgetful too. Does not remember birthdays, has to rush the day of when buying presents.
Is embarrassing without realizing it. "Is she your little girlfriend, s/n?" "Did you remember your ointment?" 100% says things without thinking first.
Gets jealous when you make special bento for your child to take to school with them, and cries for you to make him one too. He literally needs you to cut his fruits into heart shapes or he might die of neglect.
Essentially, he is a big baby himself.
5/10 on the dad scale
Yeah, let's just say he is not happy. At all.
He honestly considers breaking up with you because he 1) doesn’t like children and 2) does not want any more responsibilities put on him than need be.
Also, I completely believe he would be the type of guy that's upset you were in a serious relationship before him. Sorry ladies, but he’s a little bitch like that.
You hoped that he wasn’t going to react this way, but in your heart, you knew he would be negative. You worried over telling him for months before you finally came out and told him.
It took all the courage you had just to stumble out the words.
“Sasuke, I have something to tell you. It’s kinda important,” you mumble to him, and he just waits for you to continue. You’re shaking, and you hold your hands under the table between your thighs to keep them from quivering so much.
“Well, what is it?”
“I want to introduce you to my daughter.”
You deliberately break eye contact with him when you see his eyes darken.
His brows furrow, and you watch his shoulder tense under his cloak. He’s not exactly mean about it, but he’s honest with you. He tells you he’s not thrilled, that he needs a bit of time to process this new aspect of you and your relationship before he decides what he wants.
When he meets your daughter, he is Awkward. He tries to talk to her, but in the end your daughter ends up crying and hiding behind your legs. You tell him that she’s just shy, but he knows he messed up. He’s just not good with kids.
He tries to bond with your daughter over time, with a lot of encouragement from you and Naruto. He’s not a good dad, but at least he tries.
3/10 dad
“You have a kid?”
He’s somewhere in between shocked and completely exhausted. This mans is tired as hell just living his life, and now you throw a little gremlin in the mix? God damn.
You nod, and he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. “Troublesome, but what can I do? If I love you, I gotta love the kid, right?”
He’s not gonna play catch or take them to amusement parks anytime soon. The first time he meets them, he sits them down in front of the Shogi board and patiently plays match after match with them until they get the hang of all the moves and some loose strategy. He only lets them win one time, though. Just for a bit of confidence.
It’s the only way he knows how to bond with others. It’s what he played with the two father figures he had in life.
And your kid really likes him. They think he’s the smartest guy in the entire world, and they ask for sleepovers all the time so they can play board games all night.
He doesn’t mean to be such a rad dad, but he honestly is. He’s chill and never yells or loses his temper.
Secretly, he loves making your child smile and giggle, and he adores when the little one jumps into his arms for a hug. He’d never say that aloud though. Some things are too embarrassing.
He definitely does not have the energy to go and be all overprotective, helicopter parent. He basically lets them do whatever they want as long as they finish most of their homework.
One of the most functional men of them all, and a great influence, albeit a bit lazy. You make a lovely family.
7/10 dad
This man loves babies. He doesn’t get to see too many of them, but he really loves to swaddle them up and carry them around the house as he does his daily tasks.
He'll quietly talk to them as he does stuff, explaining what he's doing as he goes about his business.
They can't talk back either, just goo goo gaa gaa. That's a plus.
You tell him on the third date after getting to know him a little better that you have a newborn daughter. In your mind, if he can’t accept your baby positively pretty early on, then he’s not the right man for you.
He asks a lot of questions at first. He’s curious. You’re just happy he doesn’t seem turned off by the surprise. He almost seems excited.
And quite honestly, you are shocked. He's one of the toughest shinobi in the village.
That night you walk home together to the house you share with your parents. It’s hard being a single mom, Kakashi completely understands. He’s so nice about everything. He has such a cool and calm demeanor that makes you feel so comfortable.
You let him into your house, entering the living room where your mother was sitting in her rocking chair, gently tipping back and forth with the baby in her arms.
“Ah, Hatake. I’ve been wondering when my daughter would bring you home.” Yeah, you might have talked about him a lot. Totally not in love already, haha...
Let's just say, Kakashi is a baby whisperer or something. Whenever your baby cries, you hand her over to him and suddenly she's all giggles and smiles.
You're a little jealous.. like come on, you birthed her and she betrays you for some gray haired weirdo. Smh.
Also, he's not opposed to having more. Just say the word, and you shall recieve, Y/N.
He's not around too often because of work, but when he is, he is more than happy to play house. For once in his life, there is a sense of normalcy for him.
He never anticipated having a child, or even a domestic partner, but now that he did, he was completely in love with the feeling.
Is embarrassing on purpose. Most definitely threatens to kill boyfriends once she starts to date. Tells her friends embarrassing things she did as a baby too. Asks why she's wearing makeup to school and tells her to wipe it off, "Who are you trying to impress? You're 14."
So yeah, he can be annoying.
But he always makes up for it.
He is thriving as a father figure. Perfect man.
10/10 dad, but maybe im biased.
When you finally tell him after talking for a few months, he's upset. Not in the way you would expect, though.
He is overwhelmed with emotions. He's nervous and scared. He's never been good with people, and he hadn't interacted with many babies in his life.
He only really knew his sister's child.
Still, he felt a bit of giddiness in his stomach. You were sharing an important part of your life with him. You trusted him so much.
God, he loved you more and more everyday. He would do anything to keep you happy.
You are pleasantly surprised, but really, you should have expected this out of such a kind soul like Gaara.
You have to coax him out of his anxious state, convincing him that everything will be fine and your baby will absolutely love him.
And they do.
He is so gentle with your child.
He takes them through his desert gardens and shows them each and every plant, educating them on the care they need and the uses.
He lets them sit in his office when he's doing his Kazekage work. Even if it's a little disruptive, he doesn't care.
Tells them all about his friends from the Leaf Village, especially Naruto. Your child's bedtime stories are definitely tall tales of 12 year olds' on their adventures.
He loves his little family above all else. He would straight up die for you two.
9/10 dad.
He's ecstatic, of course he would be.
"Gai, I'd like you to meet a few people who are very important to me. Can you stop by my house around dinner time tonight?" you ask him, knowing he will say yes.
You just need time to prepare everything. You'll make a fantastic dinner (not that Gai is picky) and clean your house enough to be presentable.
"Sure thing, my beautiful flower of the Leaf. I will be there at 6, not a second later!" No conversation with Gai would be complete without some dramatics. He gives you a thumbs up as he runs away, continuing his training.
He arrives at exactly six just as he promised.
"Y/N, who are these children in your house?! And why do they look just like you?!"
He is so shocked that you have twins, but the brightest smile grows on his face.
He scoops them both into his arms and swings them around. The man is too strong for his own good. He doesn't even know he's acting like a lunatic.
You eventually have to stop him, telling him it's time for dinner and afterwards you could all sit around and get to know each other.
He's kind of an overbearing father. When you all move in together, he wakes your kids up at the crack of dawn for "training". You have to remind them they aren't shinobi and in no way will run 20 miles every morning.
He is super protective as well. He is the type of dad who will not fall asleep until both kids are at home safe and fed a proper dinner.
Rock Lee is definitely your go-to babysitter too.
He can be wildly embarrassing too. Cheering a little too loud at school events and bragging about them to Kakashi.
He's a good dad, just really extra at times.
7/10 dad.
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sea-owl · 11 months
I have a new sasusaku au idea.
So say after the third shinobi war, Leaf and Sand made a peace agreement via arranged marriage. The sand would provide a relative of the Kazakage's family to be a bride for one of the head families of Konoha's clans.
The Uchiha clan was chosen to receive the bride. It wasn't decided yet if she would wed Itachi or Sasuke but she would be for one of them.
As for the bride herself, there was a debate to send the Kazakage's daughter Temari, but then Suna's council remembered that Karura had a sister who had a daughter.
Sakura knew her whole life that she would eventually be sent to Konoha as a peace bride. Her childhood was kinda lonely because of it. Suna's council started her ninja training young because they knew the Uchiah's were a ninja clan by trade and that they value strength. They gave her to Lady Chiyo to train. Sakura never really took to puppetry, not like Kankuro, but she did excell under Lady Chiyo's posion teachings and beginner medical training.
When Sakura wasn't with Lady Chiyo, she was with her cousins. She was closest to Gaara since both of them were being raised to be used in service to the village (Gaara as a weapon and Sakura as a peace offering) which left them both pretty isolated as children. This isolation also left Sakura a little oblivious to the village's fear of her favorite cousin. All she knew was that Gaara was a sweet boy who just needed some extra training to control his powers. Yes, she did know that Gaara had Shukaku in him and sometimes he lost control of his powers, but like most kids, she doesn't fully understand what that means.
Sakura and Gaara's relationship took a hit when their uncle, Yashamaru, tried to kill Gaara and then proceeded to blow himself up. Gone was the sweet boy who wanted to love and be loved. Gaara was now colder, and while Sakura still cared greatly for her cousin, it felt like he only tolerated her now. She was still one of his closest relationships, along with his siblings.
When Sakura was twelve, she was given two items. The first was a chain with a ring on it. The ring was silver with a red jewel. Purple chakra swirled in the jewel. The second item was a headband with Konoha's symbol on it.
It was time for her to go to the Leaf Village.
On Konoha's side after the Uchiha massacre the council looked for ways to keep Sasuke in line. They remembered the deal with Suna and made the arrangements to officially betrothed Sasuke and Sakura. Not that they told him.
The deal was that once Sasuke graduated from the Academy, they would bring Sakura to the village and assign her to his genin team. Kakashi about damn near had heart failure when his third student was escorted in with two Sand anbu behind her. Gai had to console him later.
Sakura looked around curiously at everything as she followed Kakashi to meet her other teammates. There was a lot more color in Konoha than Suna, especially the color green. Her teacher was curious, too. He introduced himself as Kakashi Hatake. Hmm, the only Hatake Sakura knew about was the White Fang Sakumo, and Lady Chiyo wanted him dead. She wonders if Kakashi is related.
Sakura is behind Kakashi when he opens the door to a classroom and an erasure falls on his head. A loud laugh was heard from the inside. Was that her betrothed or her other teammate?
"That's what you get for being late!" The voice shouted.
We're they late? Sakura winced. That was probably her fault. Kakashi did have to get her from the Hokage's tower.
Kakashi only humed as he stepped into the room, Sakura following behind. Two boys turned their stares from their sensei to her. She scanned them, one was a blonde with whisker like marks on his face, the other had black hair and eyes. While she couldn't verify via the Uchiah symbol, Sakura had to guess the dark eyed boy was her betrothed Sasuke. She was told the Uchiah's typically had darker features.
Kakashi humed again. "My first impress of you three, I hate all of you."
Well damn, that's not good. Sakura needs allies if she's gonna survive here and make sure to maintain the peace agreement. Having her sensei hate her right off the bat doesn't bode well for her.
They're led up to the roof where Kakashi has them introduce themselves, not that he offered up much info.
The blonde boy started. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen, especially the ramen at Ichiraku! But I hate having to wait the three minutes for it to cook. And my dream is to be the greatest Hokage!"
Well, he was energetic. But this did confirm Sakura's suspicions.
Sasuke spoke next. "My name is Sasuke Uchiah. I dislike a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anyone. I don't have a dream because I will make it a reality. I will restore my clan and kill a certain someone."
Oh, well, there's some familiarity of home with her betrothed. At least she'll have some knowledge on how to approach her betrothed thanks to Gaara.
The boys turned towards her and Kakashi tilted his head. We'll go on.
Sakura blushed. Oh, right. "I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like, I mean, um-" Damn her accent slipped, and after her tutors worked so hard to make sure it was perfect. "I like studying. . ." Can't say posions, won't look good since she's suppsed to be a peace offering. ". . .medical plants and the effect they have on the body. My dislikes are um. . ." What was safe to say? She didn't get a chance to study her teammates before, and there wasn't much info her anbu escorts gave her either.
Kakashi seemed to take pity on her. "And your dream for the future?"
That was easy. "To maintain the peace and alliance between Konoha and Suna."
"How come we've never seen you before?" Naruto asked her.
The boys looked at her confused. Sakura looked at Sasuke confused. Why was he confused? He's the other half to making this peace agreement work.
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Sakura is from another village, but she has been put on this team as part of an alliance agreement. Now for tomorrow we'll have our first mission."
Sakura tensed as Kakashi explained that of the graduates only nine ever make it to genin and the rest are sent back to the academy. What does that mean for her? Would she be sent back to Suna? That can't happen, not if they want to peace agreement to work out, she can't fail this!
Sakura went to speak with Sasuke after they were dismissed. She knows they officially just met but they did need to talk about their engagement. Kakashi pulled them both back.
Kakashi pulled a silver ring on a chain out of his pocket. Sakura knew that ring. It was the matching ring to the one she wore around her neck, except it had her chakra in it instead of Sasuke's. Why would Kakashi have it?
Kakashi handed the chain to Sasuke. "Did your parents ever tell you about your engagement?"
Sasuke's face fell into a scowl. "What?"
Sakura began to grow mortified.
"The alliance agreement between Konoha and Suna was sealed with an arranged marriage between the Uchiha clan and a relative of Suna's leader, the Kazekage," Kakashi explained. "Sakura is the Kazakage's niece, and per the agreement, you two will be living together from this point on."
Sasuke turned his glare on to Sakura. Sakura was thankful she gotten used to Gaara's glares.
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kakashish0e · 3 years
Confusion || Kakashi & Yamato x Reader
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♥︎ Master list
Pairing: kakashi & Yamato x fem! Reader
Warnings/Content: Unprotected Sex, Fingering, Virginity Loss, Age gap, Marking, Cheating mentioned, Praise kink, Rough Sex, Alcohol Consumption, Jealousy, Hair Pulling, Doggy Style
-If you ever come across any word errors, please ignore them. Thank you ♡
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Kakashi and your best friend anko have been dating for a couple of months now. When anko broke the news that her and Kakashi started dating, it felt as if your heart was ripped out of your chest, you had fallen in love with him and when you were about to confess your feelings, they had already told you that Kakashi was dating someone else.
You felt like screaming right in front of them, yes you were devastated. But you had to be happy for anko, her past wasn't easy compared to yours and you wanted her to be happy. Even if that meant you couldn't be with the person that you had loved for several months.
You didn't feel like seeing the both of them together so you stayed home for a couple of days trying to recover from your heartache. Anko always tried her best to get you to come out but you never wanted to get out of your house. She always asked you what was wrong and you never answered her, how can you tell her that you're jealous and want Kakashi all for yourself? All what you ever told her was that you were a bit sick and decided to stay home for a little while.
You knew that this was an unhealthy problem for you, obsessing over someone that might not even notice you. So you tried going on blind dates to get Kakashi off your mind. The relationship between anko and Kakashi was your main problem, and all the men you have dated never really caught your interest. The only man who was perfect was Kakashi, although you probably thought he sees you as just a friend and he's off the market so you had a low chance of being with him.
You went on a date with another guy, Seeing each other's likes and dislikes, their favorite hobbies and see what you both had in common. He mostly liked all things you seem to not have much interest on, he was also the type of guy that never drank or went to parties before. You couldn't describe him in the most respectful way but he seemed to be the opposite to what you liked, you tried your nicest way of saying that you're not interested in him.
"Hey Listen... You're a really nice guy but you kinda don't interest me, I'm so sorry." His big smile faded and it turned into a frown that you most often see when you turn someone down, "it's alright, people always do this to me, but it was nice getting to know you for a good ten minutes." He smiled again and offered to pay for the tea that you placed an order on. You were truly a nice person and every rejection you gave crushed you.
Just every look of disappointment from each person made your heart coil into a ball. You left the cafe, yet your third date this week didn't go as good as you thought it would.
You really thought you would find someone new, but yet another epic fail made you loose more of your confidence in making a relationship today. Just a few yards away, you noticed anko and Kakashi strolling through the village holding hands and laughing like they were the most perfect couple in konoha. Your eyes were focused directly on Kakashi and didn't notice on what was in front of you.
Just a few seconds you bumped into someone, you both landed on the floor. So much scrolls scattered across the ground and you offered to help pick them up.
You frantically apologized after helping him, but he said everything was okay. "It's alright, i wasn't even looking either" He said in an apologetic voice as he scratched the back of his head and smiled. His smile made you blush a little bit, "Oh- my name is Yamato, that's if we ever see each other again" You chuckled and tried to brush off the fact that someone else that wasn't Kakashi obviously made you blush, "Well Yamato, I'm sorry that I caused trouble for You"
You both said your goodbyes and left. You giggled under your breath as you were remembering his warm smile, constantly replaying it over and over in your head. Could he be the one you're looking for? That question seemed to be flooding through your head as you made your way back home.
You opened the door to your small appointment, exhausted from today. You took off your shoes and changed into more comfortable clothes, you sat on the couch thinking about what to do for tonight. The most random thought was to go to the bar to get a few things off your mind like a guy named Kakashi hatake. Maybe drink until you pass out. That was a good option, better than staying home and dwell over kakashi as always. So you got dressed and fixed your hair in a messy bun, and wore a white short sleeve shirt with a pink skirt that seemed to be acceptable to use for tonight.
You put your shoes on and left the house. On your way to the bar you were deciding what to drink, you were craving bourbon and sake. Either one would do just fine, as long as you had a good time and receive stress then it really wouldn't matter what you drank.
You entered the bar and looked around to see if you could find anyone you knew but fortunately you didn't, all you seen we're just a group of jonin that you didn't really talk with so you just took a seat.
You asked for tequila and took a few shots, you started to get a bit tipsy but still drank. You gazed to the side thinking about Yamato, him and his warm smile. It started to make your stomach flutter just by thinking about him. He made you feel the same way you felt around kakashi. Even if Yamato isn't around, You were blushing like crazy. You continued to drink until your dizziness grew more to the point you couldn't think straight.
"Well, I didn't think I'd find you here" Someone said from behind as they sat down beside you. Even if you only met him for only ten minutes, but you were very familiar with his voice. You turned to the side and seen the familiar brown hair and big smile. "Oh, hey Tomato" You looked at him trying to focus your blurry vision. He laughed at your response and corrected you. "It's Yamato and I didn't really catch your name, what is your name actually?" "Oh me?" You stayed silent for a moment, trying to remember your own name. "Oh that's right. My name is y/n, do you want one?" You offered a drink to him. "Oh thanks"
The both of you drank and flirted with each other for quite a while. He started to whisper dirty and perverted jokes in your ear while rubbing your side. All those Dirty thoughts rushed through your mind all at once, causing your face to turn a bit red. Just the thought of him on top of you tonight made you give a devilish smirk. But you suddenly felt an ache in between your legs that was starting to form,
‘you really need him right now? Damn you're so horny y/n’. You tried to get it off your mind, thinking it will go away in a bit. You couldn't help but look down at his pants, you had a slight shiver as your eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Yamato had a fucking boner.
You looked back up at his face to make sure that he hadn't caught you looking down on him. But he didn't seem to be paying attention since he looked as if he's about to pass out.
"Hey isn't that y/n over there?" Anko pointed right at you from outside the bar. "That doesn't look right, Let's go inside and just watch over her. Just to make sure things go alright" Anko looks back at kakashi with concern, "Alright then, ladies first" Said Kakashi as he walks over to the entrance and opened the door for Anko so she could go in first. They both sat in a table where they were a bit far away but where they could get a clear view of what was happening.
They started to watch the both of you, even if you were drunk you could still feel eyes watching you. You grew a bit suspicious about it but you didn't want to look behind you. You started to lose your balance, so you leaned against Yamato for support. He didn't mind, but you noticed that he looked around the bar to see if anyone was looking at the both of you. When he looked at Anko and Kakashi, They were pretending to have a conversation and didn't know that you and Yamato happened to be here as well.
Yamato didn't really think much of it and turned back to you. His breath was beginning to grow heavy against the side of your neck, and gave you heated kisses on your jaw and cheek. His hand that was placed on your waist snaked further down under your skirt, and he hooked his index and middle finger on the fabric of your underwear. You already got the hint of what he wanted and you giggled a bit. "Mmm... Being pervy now are we?" you said teasingly. He nuzzled his face against your neck, pecking small kisses.
"Kakashi... What is Yamato doing to y/n right now? Because it looks as if he's literally touching her in public. Not to mention, how do they even know each other?" Anko said with anger in her voice as she was pointing out how close he was to you. She was definitely at her limit and had the urge to just pull you away from Yamato's grasp and to just drag you back home where you were supposed to be. Kakashi on the other hand wasn't really doing so well. With his keen nose, he could easily smell your arousal, that was growing stronger by the second. He had a blank expression on his face as he clenched his fists on his thighs begging not to get hard because anko was literally beside him.
Yamato's fingers let go of your underwear and pushed them to the side. He started to rub your folds and stroke your entrance. You were put in the most uncomfortable position. Getting touched in public made you really nervous, just holding back your sounds pressured you even more. Your face turned into a light shade of red as Yamato guided your hand over his erection. You squeezed his bulge, feeling how hard he was as his fingers played with your sensitive little nub and teased your wet hole.
You looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall and realized that it was getting late. You patted his hand that was buried underneath your skirt, he slipped out his hand and licked his fingers. "You don't seem well y/n, maybe you should come to my place so you can rest" He suggested, But you kindly refused his friendly gesture and said that you could go home just fine.
Your legs were trembling and your vision was really blurry, and you didn't even know if you could walk or not. So you mostly held onto anything that was beside you, you made your way to the exit and didn't even notice Kakashi and anko as you just walked right passed them. Yamato just sat there looking at you, with the utter look of satisfaction.
As you headed home, already exited the bar and used the walls of buildings to keep you in balance, you felt a pair of strong hands easily pull you backwards. You were now in a dark alley and all you could see was a tall figure standing in front of you, Yamato slammed his hands against the wall and his muscular thigh went in between your soft ones. Preventing you from leaving this time, "You really thought you could leave me that easily, huh?" he said with a growl in his voice as his lips went back to the soft skin of your shoulder and neck.
This time he was sucking and licking your skin, leaving red marks everywhere. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your fingers played with his messy brown locks. His hand already went back underneath your skirt and pushed your underwear to the side, already feeling your wet folds, he rubbed your entrance for a little bit and plunged two fingers inside you.
He rubbed different spots around inside of you, trying to find a spot where it pleased you the most. It was your first time getting fingered by someone, almost anywhere he rubbed felt good. "You know... I was just touching you to get you more wet. Would you like to turn around for me?, Pretty girl" He said as he pulled out his fingers and allowed you to turn around, and he automatically pinned you to the wall. Your chest and hands were pressed against the wall and you pushed your ass towards him, giving him better access to your virgin cunt.
"Such a pretty sight" He said with a smirk on his face, and unzipped his pants, pulling out his hardened length that was patiently waiting for you. He pulled down your underwear and they fell down to your ankles. You closed your eyes as his finger guiding his length to your entrance, already positioning his tip to your aching wet hole. "Are you ready y/n?" He asked as he already seen that you nodded, Yamato started to slide inside you, his tip already making it past your wet entrance.
Sliding in deeper during every slow thrust. It was your first time, and to be really honest. It hurt, it felt as if your insides were burning and you wanted to scream. But yamato's pace was slow and steady, you were really tight around him so he could barely do much.
Yamato got too comfortable and dug his hands under your shirt and bra. Playing with your breasts and pinching your nipples as they began to harden. It was a weird sensation you felt but you slowly started to like it. Small sounds coming from you, and his brief panting filled the alley, and almost could be heard by others who walk by.
Anko and Kakashi left the bar looking for you. They were really worried as they seen a devilish smirk painted across Yamato's face before he left to go follow you. Anko started to yell your name and Kakashi just looked around. Yamato covered your mouth with his hand to prevent anyone noticing the both of you. He knew that you'd get louder if he picked up the pace. "Y/n I'm about to cum, please bear it a little longer, okay?" He said in a quiet voice as he quickened his pace, and was trying his best to suppress your moans.
Just a few seconds you felt that he immediately pulled out and Yamato's presence seemed to slowly disappear, so you looked behind you and seen the familiar face of the copy ninja, Kakashi's hand on Yamato's shoulder, trying not to let him get close to you again. "Hey whats going on here? Me and y/n were just having a little fun together." He said as looked at your trembling body, hearing you catch your breath.
The alcohol was still in your system and you got frustrated, "kakashi why'd you do that? We were almost done" Kakashi was annoyed and pissed but he knew you were just confused. "Alright, I know where Yamato lives. You escort y/n home and make sure she actually gets home" Anko said as she was about to guide Yamato home. But he put his length back in his pants and tried reaching for you.
"Woah buddy, you've done quite enough, I'm pretty sure that y/n doesn't need any more." Anko said as she pulled Yamato farther away from you, "Come on Yamato, kakashi take y/n" You were still against the wall, catching your breath. "Hmm... Yamato where have you gone? We aren't done yet, let us finish where we left off and then we can go home" You spoke softly as you looked at anko and Yamato with your blurry vision.
-"Yamato you sick bastard, look at what you did to y/n. She looks like a slut."
-"Maybe that's what she really is, she's my slut. Come here y/n" Yamato tried to walk towards you.
You sensed a presence beside you, kakashi quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you off the wall. Preventing you from being in Yamato's grasp. You landed into kakashi's arms, and he hugged you tightly. You could feel his erection press against your lower stomach. Already making your legs grow numb, You could easily tell that kakashi had a bigger one, and it made you eager for more. You didn't give a damn if kakashi was dating Anko, you wanted him inside you.
You waited until anko left to go take Yamato home.
And that meant you and kakashi were together and alone. After ten minutes of walking, you decided to make your first move. Since you and kakashi were walking side by side, one arm grabbed onto his vest for support and you had an open hand. Kakashi mainly focused on the road, making sure you both don't run into anything as you both made your way to your apartment. You smirked and dug your hand into his pants. You immediately squeezed the base of his cock and messaged his balls.
His grip on your waist tightened, "y/n you don't wanna do that" He hissed, as a warning to tell you to stop. But You didn't care, and kept pushing him further to his limits. "Kakashi, I've noticed that you have gotten hard ever since you and anko separated me and Yamato, why is that?" you said in an innocent voice, but Kakashi was left speechless, he honestly didn't know how to explain your question.
Kakashi did something he'd never thought he would, he slowly rubbed your belly and dug his hand into your skirt, already feeling your bare skin. "Were you not wearing anything underneath?" You shrugged and continued to stroke his dick. He didn't think about touching you.
In his eyes, you were just a drunk little lady who was only confused. But he couldn't seem to resist you, just the way your hand gently stroked him, making his knees grow weak. Yes it was wrong that you were drunk and that he shouldn't do anything without your consent. It didn't really make a difference since Yamato had already done something to you. He knew it was wrong, but a part of him just wanted to fuck the living shit out of you to the point all of konoha could hear the two of you.
You finally reached your home, you pulled your hand out from his pants. You tried to open the door but it was locked, you scratched the back of your head trying to remember where you had left the spare key. "Oh that's right, it's under the mat" You bent down reaching for the key, it completely slipped from your mind that you weren't wearing anything underneath your skirt. It was dark and your hands were wandering around the floor, looking for the key.
Kakashi was tempted to look. If he ever did look, then he wouldn't be able to hold back from slamming his cock into you. But the fact that yamato's scent and yours were mixed together, pissed him off a bit. "Found it" You waved the key in the air before unlocking the door. He knew he should be going back to anko right now, but he wants to make you his. "It wouldn't hurt anko to wait twenty- no thirty more minutes" He said behind you, You were confused on what he was talking about, but you just ignored it and unlocked the door.
You started to feel heavy breathing against the back of your neck as you opened the door. As soon as you walk in, you expected kakashi to be gone already. But he was still walking behind you, as you both walked in. You felt his arms wrap around you. Pulling you really close where there was barely any space in between the both of you. He pulled down his mask and looked at your shoulder, seeing all the hickeys that Yamato left on you. He started to lick and kiss over them, covering yamato's scent with his.
"Kakashi..." you moaned softly, as he continues to kiss your neck
He began to grind his erection roughly against your ass, making you feel that hard bulge in his pants rub roughly against your soft skin. You were just teasing him, you didn't actually think he'd want it. "You'll be mine forever y/n" He said as he starts to tower over you, making you remember how small you were compared to him.
He shoves you to the ground the moment you both get past the front door, he put two fingers in his mouth and starts to soak them with his saliva. He kneels down behind you and rubs your entrance attempting to get you a little more wet. He inserts his fingers gently rubbing your sensitive walls.
Kakashi had never touched a lady, but he knows how to please them. Kakashi and Anko never made any sexual interactions with each other. And he had always been touch starved, it was his first time touching someone. And he wants to make the best out of it. Once again, being fingered was a new sensation. Almost anywhere felt good. As his fingers reached your g spot, your breathing started to get heavier.
"Y-yes Kakashi right there....Ahhh" He understood and kept stroking, your walls started to tighten around his fingers. You clawed the floor as your walls clenched around his fingers. To be honest, his fingers worked better than yamato's. Kakashi's fingers stayed in your pussy, and used his other hand to unzip his pants.
You felt his fingers slipping out, he stroked his length with your juices that was left on his fingers. His body hovered over yours, his tip rubbed against your entrance as a way to tell you that he's about to start, before forcing his fat cock into you so quickly. He wanted to know how it felt being inside someone. The way your warm walls wrapped around his length very tightly surprised him a bit. "You're so- tight. Hah, Shit." He groaned as he was fully inside of you, Just the sound of your sweet moans as the warmth of your wet cunt made him even more hungry than before. He sat up on his knees and gripped your hips as he began to thrust.
His pace was rough and fast, like an animal. His body weight pinned you down on the floor, you really couldn't do anything other than moan his name.
"You're taking my cock really well, but can you handle more, Baby girl?" You couldn't respond as the instant pleasure coursing through your body. Yes it's true, his dick was better but you really didn't want to admit it just yet. The way he stretches out your walls, you have waited for this moment your whole life and now you finally get to feel what you have longed for. But of course this was only gonna happen once in a lifetime, after all this is over he's just gonna go back to anko and forget all this happened.
What if anko finds out about this? Your best friend finds out that you've fucked around with her boyfriend. How would she react to this?
You started to feel ashamed, you shifted your head. Getting a glimpse of kakashi who was enjoying himself at every thrust. You closed your eyes as your walls started to tighten a little once again. You felt his pace slowdown a little bit, you might've thought he calmed down a bit. So you start to get up and move a little. Kakashi was almost to his release, and you squirming under him kinda bothered him a little.
-"But we're not done yet, princess" He said as one of his hands left your hip and reach for your head.
Grabbing a fistful of hair and pulled your head backwards causing your back arch. "I'm not thinking to stop until your pretty little pussy is full with my cum" Even if you wanted to leave, you weren't really sure if you could escape him. "Kakashi... We should stop, what if anko finds out about this" He starts to laugh and picks up the pace. "Y/n... you have me all for yourself and the first thing that comes to your mind is anko, how disappointing"
You could feel your walls grow tighter during every thrust. "Kakashi...im close"
"yes I know, just wait a little longer for me" You gave a slight nod and tried your best not to make your second orgasm. You really couldn't wait anymore as his tip gave a big fat kiss on your cervix. You let out a loud cry as you couldn't hold it any longer. "I'm sorry kakashi..." You shut your eyes with tears rushing down your cheeks, Your walls clenched all around him and he stopped moving.
But lucky for you, he was already at his release. His grip on your hair tightened even more as his cock twitched uncontrollably inside you. Your moans and his grunts filled the dark living room, painting your walls white with his seed. He was on the verge of collapsing on top of you, but he managed to keep himself together. He was really tired but he wanted more, he just couldn't get enough of you. "You make me feel like a different person y/n, I have to make you mine"
His grip on your hair loosened, and eventually letting you go "kakashi..." He gave a faint smile and tucked some of your hair behind your ear so he could get a better view of your face. "I love you, y/n" You just stared up at him without any facial expression, you obviously didn't believe him, how could he just cheat on anko like that? "Just drop the act kakashi, you just want me for sex. Nothing more than a short pleasure, isn't that right?" you looked up at him, waiting for what he had to say.
Kakashi had figured that you might've gotten the wrong idea already, yeah it was so sudden that the both of you randomly had sex on the floor.
He stayed silent for a moment, but you were already expecting a response from him by now. Kakashi wasn't even looking at you, you became irritated at the complete silence. You let out a sigh in frustration and began to get up and go to the bedroom to just leave the awkward silence from him. "So I was right, wasn't I Kakashi? I'm just your sex toy" You tried your best not to cry, but you were the emotional type. "You can go now kakashi" You began to walk to your bedroom wiping tears that were rushing down your face.
"Y/n wait! Don't leave" He got up as fast as he could and rushed down the hallway to stop you. He pulled you backwards and hugged you tightly. "Y/n do you honestly think I'd use you like that? A sex toy? Are you being serious right now?" You didn't know what to believe, you just stayed there in silence hearing him out. "Y/n I have loved you since the beginning, I just never knew how to express my feelings"
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, "oh yeah? Then why are you dating anko?" He looked up at the ceiling and chuckled. "Well the reason I dated anko was to get closer to you, but that didn't work out didn't it?" He buried his face in your neck, giving you one last hug before he needed to leave. "Y/n I have to leave soon" You turned around and hugged him back, "No kakashi, don't leave. Stay here with me..." He had finally confessed his love and now he has to leave.
"Anko is probably waiting, she'll get suspicious if I stay longer. I promise I'll come back tomorrow and sort things out with you" He grabbed your hand and brought you to your room, "you should sleep, you've had a long night thanks to me" He scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously.
He tucked you in bed and kissed your forehead, "goodnight y/n, and I love you"
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animeomegas · 3 years
I read the Naruto Omega request with the alpha commenting about how their kid is just like their Omega (and I loved it so much) but what if the kid is just like their Alpha parent? Like the Alpha hit copy/paste of their kid and it's obvious to everyone, especially their Omega parent.
(Hehe, the reverse, interesting! I got a bit carried away in some places, but this was really fun to write! Enjoy~)
Naruto - Naruto knows his pup looks a lot like his alpha, but they're also like him!! He can see it just fine! You see the way they don't like reading kanji? He didn't like reading kanji when he was their age! You see the way they scratch their head sometimes? He does that too! As far as he's concerned there is lots of him in his child and he doesn't know why no one else seems to see it. He will definitely dress them in the worst orange clothes and style their hair like his to try and get everyone else to notice the similarities.
"No, Kakashi sensei, you don't get it! I had to walk past Ichiraku's the other day and my pup started to cry because we were in too much of a rush to go in. They have great taste, just like me, believe it!"
Sasuke - Sasuke didn't think he was the sort to care that much, but he's honestly a little shocked. Uchiha genes are crazy strong, and he's surprised that his alpha's genes are apparently stronger. He also gets kinda embarrassed because he spent his whole pregnancy telling you that the pup was probably going to look a lot like him and he was very obviously wrong about that. But in the end, he honestly kind of likes it. He doesn't have the best self-esteem and he definitely holds a somewhat subconscious belief that the Uchiha bloodline is cursed, so he finds it relaxing for his pup to look so much like his alpha. It makes him feel like they have a chance at a good life, something he didn't even realise he was worried about beforehand. He prefers his pup to look as much like his alpha as possible.
"Huh," said Naruto, giving Sasuke's pup a glance. "If you were an alpha, I'd say your mate cheated on you, but I guess the pup came out of you, so I suppose you're all good."
"Tch, idiot," Sasuke scoffed, gently brushing his child's hair (his alpha's hair that he loved so much) from her eyes. "Don't be so crude."
Shino - He doesn't really notice, not at first, too enamoured by the fact that his pup is beautiful and amazing and someone him and his mate created together. But after a few comments from others, he starts to realise how little of him seemed to be part of that creation, and he gets a bit melancholic about it. Don't get him wrong, he thinks his alpha has amazing genetics and he loves them both but... he's been excluded from a lot in his life and the fact that he appears to have been excluded from this as well. It hurts. Thankfully, as soon as the pup is old enough to start dressing in the Aburame clan clothes, everyone immediately starts calling them a mini-Shino, telling him how much like their father they are etc. He always puffs up in pride and it doesn’t take long for his friends to notice and they make sure to say that as much as possible to him. I imagine his alpha also picks up on it and goes out of their way to point out the similarities.
"I had to pull him away from exploring in the woods today," you inform Shino, having just walked in from a walk with your pup to allow Shino some peace to clean the kitchen. "He didn't like being told he wasn't old enough yet. Much like someone else I used to know~"
"Is that so?" Shino felt like his heart might burst from happiness that his child loved looking for bugs in the woods as much as he did. "I'll have to take him there tomorrow. Why? Because I want him to be happy."
Shikamaru - If his child doesn't learn to appreciate the beauty of a nap soon, Shikamaru may just have to disown him. He's joking, of course, but he's another one who firmly believed in the dominant genes in his clan, so he is shocked to find that there is now a tiny clone of his alpha running around their house. His pup and his mate gang up on him all the time… poor long suffering Shikamaru. Apart from missing valuable napping/cloud gazing time, Shikamaru doesn't care that much, although he finds it distantly amusing that the future clan head looks nothing like a Nara. Maybe they’ll gain more of his traits as they get older, maybe they won’t, they’re his precious little pup either way.
“If I promise to give you some chocolate later, will you come and take a nap with daddy?”
“No, no, no! Don’t want to! Want to play!”
Shikamaru just let out a long-suffering sigh and resigned himself to being awake for the whole day. Troublesome.
Neji – Neji is so fucking over the moon, he can’t even put it into words. The second he sees his child’s eyes for the first time, Neji starts to cry. They have your eyes. In other words, they have no chance of developing the Byakugan and therefore no need to be given the caged bird seal. The weight that lifts off his shoulders is massive. He has no room in his emotions for any sadness that his pup doesn’t look like him, because he knows how unbelievably lucky he got with this.
You sat by Neji’s bedside, pup cradled in their arms, as you waited for him to come to after the c-section surgery.
When Neji’s eyes finally fluttered open, he immediately focused on the bundle in your arms.
“It’s a little girl,” you answered, understanding his silent question. “Either a beta or an omega.”
Neji didn’t speak, simply holding out his arms to take his daughter from his mate. But just as they transferred him his pup, they whispered something in his ear.
“She has my eyes.”
An unremarkable statement to most, but Neji startled and checked immediately. You were right. She had your eyes.
Exhausted, Neji burst into tears, leaning on his alpha for support and mentally thanking every power that may be for this miracle.
Iruka – Iruka doesn’t have any strong feelings either way. He just wanted someone to love and nurture, what they look like doesn’t mean anything to him. In fact, he’s pretty happy that his pup and his alpha are so similar because it makes him feel like he knows how to parent successfully. He knows his alpha better than anyone after all, so a pup who has the same personality and motivations should be easier for him to parent. He acknowledges every comment about how much his pup looks like you with a laugh. It’s true and it is a little amusing how similar the two of you are. (Also, does Iruka take all your baby photos and then stage matching ones with your pup because he thinks it’s cute how similar you are? Absolutely.)
“Here, if you eat all your vegetables, you can have some of this afterwards,” Iruka promised to his pup, brandishing a plate of both his mate’s and his pup’s favourite food. Without even a moment of consideration, his pup started to eat his vegetables.
Iruka smiled to himself. Works every time. (On both the most important people in his life.)
Itachi – Much like Neji, he’s very relieved that his child is unlikely to be able to unlock the Sharigan. The sharigan has brought Itachi very little good and so much suffering, so knowing his child can avoid that makes him extremely happy. Not to mention, the elders pretty much discard his pup as unimportant immediately, just how Itachi likes it, and while they do start harassing him about having more children, he would much rather that they were bothering him than his baby. He doesn’t let himself be disappointed that his child doesn’t look much like him. He has a healthy and happy pup that he loves with all his heart, and who is free from the perpetual harassment from the Uchiha elders. That’s the best situation he could have asked for.
“They don’t look like an Uchiha,” a blunt twelve-year-old Sasuke said, tilting his head at the bundle in his brother’s arms like he’d never seen a baby before.
Itachi didn’t take any offence and laughed softly, still very weak from the birth.
“Well, technically they are only half-Uchiha,” Itachi answered, absently stroking his pup’s head. “And I think they’re perfect.”
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starrybunnyarchive · 3 years
Kakashi worries about you even more when you're sick
he knows you're skilled enough to take care about yourself, but since you're his lover, he can't help but worry a bit when you're out for missions. and when you get sick, he relax just when he's with you, or when you get better.
Warning: kinda long but fluff (total words: 465)
you've been sick for almost a week. fever, headache, nausea and body ache. but today, you woke up feeling better.
Kakashi pays a visit to your house. your mom invites him to get in the moment she opens the door.
—i bring her some tea. i think she would like it.— he smiles gently.
—of course! she's awake now, why don't you go see her?— your mom says.
—i will. thanks. oh, and this is for you.— Kakashi gives your mom some flowers.
your mom treats Kakashi like a son, and he always shows his gratitude for this. she smiles, gently putting the flowers in a vase.
by the knock on the door you already know it's him. he opens the door, finding you sitting on the bed.
—hey honey, how are you feeling today?— he gives you a sweet smile.
—i'm feeling a bit better today. thanks.— you say, you eyes never leaving his.
—Bisuke told me you're doing well so i had to come see you and bring you some tea.— he sits by your side, giving you a cup full of your favorite tea.
—thank you. also, Bisuke is such a good boy. he helped me a lot and made me feel less lonely.— you say and take a sip, enjoying you tea.
Kakashi told to one of his ninkens to keep an eye on you while he's busy. and his dog did the job pretty well.
once you're done with your tea, he takes the cup, putting aside and kisses the top of your head.
—now rest, so you can recover quickly.— he makes sure you got your medicine and makes you comfortable in bed, fixing the blankets.
—actually, i was hoping you to stay a bit longer.— you take his hand before he's too far.
—honey, im kinda busy today. my team is waiting for me, im already late.— he says, crouching next to your bed. —but i'm coming again as soon as i'm done.—
—oh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to disturb you. hurry up already and go see your students.— you try to give him the best smile you can, but he knows you too well. he knows you want him to stay a bit more.
—you know what? i think i can find an excuse for being late— he gets up, smiling.
Kakashi joins you in bed, holding you against his chest.
—are you sure?— you look up at him.
—yes, i'm staying until you sleep again, okay?— he softly kisses your forehead.
—this is more than enough.— smiling against his chest, you squeeze him, making sure he's there until you sleep.
he got really late today, but he didn't regret it.
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thefairyletters · 4 years
NaruSaku Fanfics
I wouldn't say much – I love NaruSaku and I hate to see great works shadowed behind the piles of popular NS stories that I never have liked as much except for a few, which also I'll drop below in the list.
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I'll update this list whenever I come across a story that I particularly enjoy or finds worth spreading word across. So be sure to like and reblog this post so you can revisit it to add new story in your reading pile later.
Also, genres vary and are not mentioned, but does it make any difference as long as the story is good?
Warning: super long post featuring beautiful, beautiful stories that you wouldn't regret reading. I swear. I'm positive. Contains SNS and other side pairings.
Without further ado;
How I fell in love with my best friend: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
How the little blond boy Sakura had always known had changed, changing as well her feelings. The unfolding of their life, while Naruto worked to become the best Hokage and she faced her own emotions. Growing Love.
(I have nothing but upmost reverence for this story. This author writes one of the nest NS and I have loved all. NS is beautiful and Sakura is badass. Everything we already know is here and more.)
Dangerous infiltration mission: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
Naruto and Sakura are send by the Hokage for a difficult infiltration mission. They will have to face more than just the danger itself as they will have to keep their cover to be fake husband and wife credible. how it will impact the relationship between the two ninja. Growing Love. Misunderstanding.
(If you loved the aforementioned story, you'll love this one too. Mutual pining.)
All over again: Krapo || ff.net || M || post-war || complete
Sasuke come back, Team seven is reunited. But Sakura has lost Naruto. How will she make him fall in love with her again? What other difficulties lies ahead of them?
(Naruto loses memory. SasuSaku angst but not in romantic sense and I loved it all. Misunderstanding and more mutual pining. And I'm in love with this story too.)
Hit the floor running: Sakurablossom009 || A03 || M (but unnecessary) || Modern Hitman/Robbers AU || complete
Life was going great, Sakura thought. She was penniless, stranded in Europe without a way home, her fiancee had just dumped her for another woman AND her new companion was quite possibly a thief. How could things get any worse? Wait...was that guy pointing a gun at her?
(Now, personally, I don't prefer modern AU, but this story really had interesting characterisation and more character depth. NaruSaku is pretty spot on. It also features SasuHina and bamf!Hinata)
The greatest pretenders: snowyseas || ff.net || M || Borutoverse || ongoing
Fifteen years is a long time to not talk to someone you consider your best friend, and is made even more difficult when they (and you) are married. The things Sakura should have confronted Naruto about never came to fruition, but as an old saying goes, "the truth will always be revealed".
(Your typical I-made-a-wrong-choice-but-now-can-be-done story but unlike many other stories in this they don't admit their love for each chapter at the first chapter itself. In fact, it feels so canon and you can almost superimpose it upon the canon. Sakura is mentally strong and knows what's right. )
He was the sun: SavageTrickster || ff.net || T || Canonverse || ongoing
He had come a long way - from a lonely orphan ostracized by everyone to a loved hero. He deserved all these. His Hokage dream to come true. All the ramen he could eat. - Her eyes fell on a certain Hyuuga seated close enough for accidental touches. Her heart sank a little at a harsh whisper of reminder - And a deserving girl...who could give him all her love.
(So far so good. It's ongoing, and is at chapter 3. Sakura leaves Konoha much like how Naruto did, to explore the world aka seeing my headcanon in writing.)
Wilderness: Kanji no Sakka || M || canondivergent || ongoing
As the war screeches to a temporary halt, Naruto leaves the battlefield on a unique mission only he can complete. Sakura is ordered to go with him. In the days that follow their bond is changed forever.
(Although I hate any explicit stories that involve characters below age 17, I give this a pass because of the uniqueness of plot and characterisation. It has fine lemons that comes with a good plot.)
How It Should Have Been: OfPaintAndOil || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Sasuke was supposed to be the dark one, the unredeemable one. Naruto was the bright one, the good one. It wasn't supposed to be like this, with blood on his hands and glowing red eyes and a grin. Naruto was supposed to make everything better, and maybe he did, in the end, but Sakura had never expected the end to look quite like this.
(Featuring Yandere!Naruto. It leaves you wanting for more and is a fascinating read. It's dark themed so proceed with caution as your favorite character might or might not be dead.)
The Best Dates are the Cheap Ones: Shivakashi || ff.net || T || post!Timeskip || Oneshot
The whole point was to get the best date; that meant the richest and classiest guy, right? Sakura realizes what she has taken for granted and Ino learns a lesson in value.
(Sakura learns her lesson and snatches her boy. InoNaru is worth noting. Not the best characterisation of Sakura but bear with her jealousy for that is the reason why NS fluff exists. Story itself is very light and entertaining.)
mangoes and strawberries: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
Sakura Haruno was elbow deep in Naruto Uzumaki's guts when he asked her to marry him. It was so not the right time. But she still said yes.
(This story just screams NS upon every single line. Diabetes warning. Too cute for this world. One of the best NS fluff I've read thus far. It kinda sticks to you forever!)
18 minutes, 23 seconds: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
in which Naruto asks Sakura about that time she literally reached into his chest and grabbed his heart with her bare hand.
(Heartwarming. We all know how Sakura held Naruto's heart on her palms and how we love that moment. This is memory of that moment reminisced by our cutie pies.)
One Big Uzumaki Family: John Smith || ff.net || T || postwar || Complete
A set of drabbles revolving around Naruto, Sakura, and their children. It turns out that, when the war ends, these two get busy. Real busy.
(IF YOU DON'T READ THIS MASTERPIECE HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF NS FAN?!!! READ!!! This story should be on the top of your reading list.
R e a d t h i s s t o r y and cry with me for this should have been canon. 100%)
My Life Would Suck Without You: peanutbutter126 || ff.net || T || oneshot collection
Sometimes it's the smallest things that matter the most.
(Read this and then One big Uzumaki family. You'll feel super satisfied. I promise.)
Colors and Carousels: Folle Sakura || ff.net || T || oneshot
She couldn't count the number of times she'd been mistaken for Naruto's girlfriend. Not that she minded. But Naruto acted like it was so… so… offensive.
(No words for this one. Just read and enjoy the confusion.)
Let's Get Married: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew?
(This is one of my few favorites that is also popular. Spot on characterization and beautiful relationship growth. This is one of the few stories that always stuck to me.)
Chasing Smoke with Bare Hands: soulaire || ff.net || T || oneshot
"I could have loved her," Sasuke says flatly. "If she'd just given me the chance—" "Sakura gave you all the chances in the world," Kakashi cuts in, stern. "You underestimated her. And you underestimated her ability to walk away from you. At the core of it all, that's where things went wrong."
(This story is for those who loves both SS and NS but thinks Sakura deserves happier life than what she got in canon. Features NS and slight SS.)
Touch: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || oneshot
Kakashi watches as his student grow to be more physically comfortable with one another. He finds it kinda ridiculous.
(Fluff. Feelings. Kakashi's fed up and might have diabetes from all the observation.)
Moonlight shadows: luvtoshi || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sometimes, the moon brings out hidden feelings to the surface.
(Beautiful literature. NS feels. You can almost mistake it for canon with the way characters are written.)
Seriously Serious: Damsel in Shining Armor || ff.net || T || modern AU || oneshot
He confessed to her when they first met. He confessed to her years after. He confessed to her almost everyday. Her response was almost always positive... So why the heck was he still single? "I love you." "Love you too. So is Sasuke-kun taken or not?"
(The only reason why I even picked this story is that it is a oneshot. I have very little interest in modern AU. But this one makes another exception. Pining. Love at first sight.)
It was always you: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
The war is long over. They have both grown. Now it's time to conclude their story. Naruto and Sakura.
(You know what, all stories from this author are just, Chef's kiss. )
A Safe Pair of Hands: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sakura heeds a stern warning to make it clear how she feels about Naruto.
(Feels. You'll love this if you like first person pov. This story told from Sakura's pov.)
Other Dreams: tricksie || ff.net || M || oneshot
"Naruto, you shouldn't endanger yourself—" "Stop it," he snapped. Dropping his arm to hook under her seat, Naruto pulled her firmly onto his hip, locking her to him. Sakura gasped, suddenly aware of just how very close they were.
(Sexual tension. Romance. Leaves you wanting. Also, high on feels and lust on equal measure.)
Heaven Unexpected: Folle || ff.net || M || oneshot
Because nothing can happen; it's Naruto. He always comes back. He's practically indestructible.
(Heavy on feels. There are chances that it might rain. Actually there are high chances. But oh well, it's beautiful and one of my favourites so here it goes.)
Shade of the Leaf: Ravyn || ff.net || T || canon divergent || complete
Sasuke is back. Naruto has joined ANBU. Sakura is spending more time in the hospital than in the field. Team 7 struggles to redefine itself, because sometimes you don't know what you really want after all.
(Featuring Mature but still in-character!Naruto, Badass!Sakura, (Bit)Supportive!Sasuke along with Team 7 friendship. Mutual pining. Ending but with a lot loose ends.)
Breaking Up Isn't that Hard to Do: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
This is not an epic tale of action, suspense and true love. Yeah, I'm disappointed, too.
(This is pure comedy. With a dash of romance. And insanity.)
Steamy Encounters: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
A flurry of coincidences and fateful machinations bring Naruto and Sakura together at the local baths. Can they rein in their animal passions? And do you really think that's the kind of story I write?
(Just r e a d. Please.)
Garden of Sanctuary: Nes Mikel || ff.net || T || Canon divergent || oneshot
An alternate ending to Naruto. The Heavens describe the Garden a peaceful paradise. The Hells describe the Garden a baneful prison. In here... which is it?
(This is part of a series which you can follow from the author's profile. This is the second part, but can be read exclusively. As far as the AU goes, this story and settings is brilliant and heartbreaking. This is told from Naruto's pov. To look at things from Sakura's, read the first part. It is multi-chaptered.)
Complications: Geno Calamari || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
While capturing the Kyuubi, Uchiha Itachi finds true adversaries in the form of Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto.
(Wanna see NaruSaku teamwork? This is it! You wouldn't find it anywhere better. Strong!Naruto, Strong!Sakura versus Itachi Uchiha)
Life is a waving feather: jusrecht || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Everyone thought they were inevitable.
(There's beauty in subtlety and this is that. Also, mentions of character death.)
Home: kirabook || AO3 || T || AU || complete
Shinachiku finds himself in a strange place with little to no explanation. Everyone he knows is there, but why are they acting so strangely? Why do they seem so different? And where is his home? 
(Cute and heartwrenching at the same time. Cameo Stalker. Read this for NS family feels pre-marriage.)
Things we never say: thekatthatbarks || AO3 || T || oneshot
She wished she knew how to hold things lightly. There were some things she was terrified of breaking. Whether it be from an honest misstep or simply because she could.
(Reminds you why we love NS so much.)
Open seasons: sazzafraz || AO3 || T || SNS || postwar || oneshot
The way Sasuke comes home is less myth and more devastatingly embarrassing happenstance.
(Featuring badass!Sakura, obedient!Naruto and normal!Sasuke, as well as Sakura's commentary on her life)
Five things Sakura will never tell Naruto: sowell || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Kunoichi know how to keep their secrets.
(NS relationship analysis story.)
Artistic purposes: StormyInk || AO3 || M || AU || Oneshot
Sai finds his favorite drawing subjects a bit lacking of late, and he sets a plan into motion to draw his team mates together. Simply for the sake of his art, of course.
(Aka Sai is fed up from seeing his teammates dancing around each other and decides to help them get laid–the story. You gotta admit Sai is the best wingman.)
I collect my tears (so I can drown you in them): amako || AO3 || T || AU || complete
The hardest thing is letting go. Or Sakura sees Naruto falling in love with Shikamaru a little more every day, and she does the only thing she can think of. Then it's only a matter of learning how to stop loving Naruto.
(Sakura and Angst that has nothing to do with Sasuke. Featuring Sakura-sensei. And Shikamaru. It's a great story if you know when to let go of canon)
Stranger than the wild: kiddattwell || AO3 || M || SNS || postwar || Ongoing
The war is over and Sasuke is home for good, but Sakura can't choose between the boys she loves. Sasuke still has his demons and Naruto still fights them and Sakura still follows them both, but this time down a path that none of them expected.
(This is canon. It is the best SNS story I've ever read. Story told in SNS POV in rotation. Slow burn, pining and relationship complication. YOU GOTTA READ THIS, I INSIST!!!! Also features SaiIno and InoShika.)
Bringing Back Sasuke: Blue Jeans || ff.net || T || post war || oneshot
Naruto brings Sasuke back to Sakura. Many, many times over. Sasuke does not appreciate; not the blood and definitely not the angst.
(I've read this story multiple times and it gets funnier and makes your heart hurt and swell simultaneously each time. NaruSaku wouldn't be blissfully happy together without Sasuke thrown somewhere in the mix, that's exactly why I love SNS. This story perfectly represents the dynamic of team 7.)
Yurei: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || AU || oneshot
The past should stay dead and buried, but it won't if Naruto can't let go.
(Not exactly my favourite story, but I liked the concept. We all know how stubborn Naruto is once decides on something. If he wants to become Hokage, he will become Hokage. If he believes in Sasuke, he will believe in him forever. If he loves Sakura, he will marry her – uh, or should have, very OCC of him that he didn't.)
Tag NS fan you know so they don't miss any of this!
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