#so throwing diana at him instead
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Prompt: 13. "Come with me, hurry."
Fluff-ish, season 6: Diana throws Mulder a surprise birthday party. Chaos ensues. (wc: 1,461)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 13: Don't Forget The Cake
“So,” Mulder asks her, his hand rummaging in his pocket, looking for his keys, “what are you in the mood for? Pizza? Chinese?”
“It’s your birthday,” she replies, her stomach grumbling. At this point, any food will do. “You decide.” Mulder finds his key and grins at her. He’s been in a good mood all day and it’s infectious.
“I think I’m in the mood for-”
“SURPRISE!” A group of people yells as soon as Mulder opens the door. He tenses up next to her, standing stock still. She puts a hand on his back, just to remind him that she’s there, but she’s not sure he even notices it.
“There you are,” Diana says. Of course, it’s Diana. Who else would plan a surprise party for Mulder? “I was just about to call and ask where you are. It’s late. We’ve been waiting for you.”
“I- I didn’t know,” Mulder stammers.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” she says with a big grin that showcases her way too white teeth. Scully’s eyes narrow. Either Diana hasn’t seen her yet, or she’s ignoring her. After all, she didn’t even invite Scully to this surprise party.
“Well,” Mulder says, clearing his throat. “I’m definitely surprised.”
“Happy birthday, Fox.” Diana practically purrs his name before she grabs him by his shoulders to draw him closer. The lingering kiss she puts on his cheek grazes the corner of his mouth and Scully finds herself inexplicably seething. She doesn’t count the seconds (though she almost does), but the kiss doesn’t end. Just when she’s about to interfere, and save Mulder from Diana’s grasp, she lets go of him, pulling him further inside – and away from Scully.
She’s never seen so many people in Mulder’s apartment. And so many of them strangers. She’s looking for familiar faces among them. Clearly, Diana must have invited someone they know. She sees Colton lurk in a corner with a beer in his hand, smirking. There are a few agents she’s seen walking the halls, but she doesn’t know their names. She doubts Mulder does. Even if, none of these people are his friends. Scully can’t find Chuck or even Skinner. Then, right when she’s about to give up, she sees the Gunmen.
“Agent Scully,” Frohike says with a dreamy smile, toasting her with a glass of champagne.
“We weren’t sure Diana would invite you.” Langly doesn’t beat around the bush.
“She didn’t,” Scully says, grabbing one of the champagne flutes from the table. There’s a small buffet, too, but the hunger she felt a moment ago has vanished.
“Then how did you know?” Byers asks her.
“We were going to watch a movie together.” It sounds lame, but it’s the truth. The smile Mulder gave her earlier when she asked him what his plans for tonight were – he didn’t have any – and whether he wanted to spend the evening together, is chiseled on her mind. He hasn’t stopped smiling since. Well, he has now. She watches him with Diana, nipping at her cheap-tasting champagne. Across the apartment, Mulder’s body language is wooden. He keeps trying to smile whenever someone wishes him a happy birthday, but every attempt falls flat.
“I think you better go save him,” Frohike mumbles, making Scully wonder how much he’s had to drink.
“Excuse me?”
“That woman,” Frohike says, pointing at Diana, who only has eyes for Mulder. “Is bad. I think, and you cannot tell anyone this, Scully. Promise.” Scully bites her lip, nodding. She’s sure now that the shortest Gunman is indeed drunk.
“I think she’s actually evil.”
“Okay, I think maybe you had too much to drink.” He shakes his head, turning away from her, and guarding his champagne flute like a treasure.
“She’s evil, Scully. She is. I like you so much better than I ever liked her. You can’t let her take Mulder.”
“She’s not going to-” but she stops herself. She doesn’t want to believe that Frohike is right and that Diana is evil. However, she can’t deny that she doesn’t trust that woman one bit. Mulder, however, does. It’s clear that he wants to please Diana by going along with her surprise party, even though he hates it. How can Diana know him so little? His eyes find hers from across the room. They’re pleading with her.
“What can we do?” Scully asks Frohike, her eyes still on Mulder.
“Leave it to me,” he says and she can only watch as Frohike twirls once and then throws himself across the buffet table. The resulting chaos frees Mulder from Diana’s tight grip who clamors and complains as she tries to fix it.
“Come with me,” Mulder breathes into her ear, making her shiver all over. “Hurry.” He reaches for her hand, pulling her with him. No one stops them. Scully can’t help but wonder how many people even know what Mulder looks like.
“Wait,” Mulder says before they’re out the door. He grabs the small, untouched birthday cake from the kitchen table, throwing Scully a mischievous grin, and then they’re gone. Mulder’s gurgling laugh as she pounds her palm against the elevator button, makes her giggle like a schoolgirl.
“Where can we go?” Scully asks. She’s out of breath, feeling exhilarated.
“Your apartment.” His answer surprises her. “There’s no way Diana will show up there.” She nods, though she isn't sure what Diana will or won't do. All of this will have an aftermath. She is sure of that much.
In the car, Scully is holding the cake that reads “Happy birthday, Fox”. She can only imagine how pissed Diana will be when she finds out that not only the guest of honor disappeared, but his cake, too.
“I’m sorry, Scully,” Mulder says out of the blue.
“For what? It was a surprise party. You couldn’t have known about that.”
“No, but I know Diana. A few days ago she said something about a surprise later this week and I completely forgot.”
Scully glances at the cake and considers Mulder’s words. What if she’s getting this all wrong?
“Can I ask you something?”
“It’s personal.”
“Ask away.” Mulder’s voice is soft.
“It’s none of my business, but are you- you and Diana, is there… did you- ever since she came back, have you two…” she can’t say the words. She doesn’t even want to think them. She knows how alluring an ex can be, no matter how much time has passed. In hindsight, everything looks rosier, easier.
“Have we? No. No, we haven’t. I mean she tried and I- I did kiss her once. I could tell she wanted more and Scully, I can’t lie, I thought about it. But I couldn’t go through with it.”
“Why not?” she blurts.
“I think you know why.” His words are simple, but his answer is anything but.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“Hm, I owe you a lot and I’m glad you asked, Scully. I should have told you, but how do you let your partner know that you didn’t sleep with your ex without it sounding strange?”
“You know, Frohike told me to save you. He said he thinks Diana is evil. I think he was drunk.”
“Oh, I’m sure he was. But I’m also sure he believes it.” Mulder gives her another one of those bright smiles he’s been throwing her way all day.
“You’re not all worried about your apartment?”
“No. The Gunmen will make sure everyone leaves.”
“What about Diana?”
“She too. I think it’s time I change the locks. I have no idea how she got into my apartment.”
“She doesn’t have a key?”
“Why would I give her a key?” Mulder sounds genuinely surprised. “We’re here.” He parks the car in front of her building and neither makes a move to get out. “Diana is going to be so angry that we stole that cake and ate it ourselves.” He’s grinning from ear to ear.
“You don’t think she poisoned it, do you?”
“Let’s find out.” He uses his finger to dig into the cake and Scully watches as he licks the dough off of it. “Not bad. You want some?”
“I prefer to eat with a fork.”
“Let me just give you a little taste.” She doesn’t know what to expect, but it’s not Mulder leaning over and pressing his mouth to hers. She tastes lemon, dark chocolate, and Mulder. Her favorite taste of all, she decides.
“Happy birthday to me,” Mulder whispers as he leans back into his seat. “Still want to spend the rest of the day with me?”
The rest of my life, she thinks.
“Yes,” is what she instead. “Let’s go have some cake.”
“And more?” he asks, his hand on her back leading her inside.
“We’ll see.”
#fictober23#i wanted to throw mulder in front of a car for his birthday#but i already did that in 2020#so throwing diana at him instead#msr#xf fanfic#my writing#my fic
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Uncertain Home was so so so good! Absolute masterpiece! But I cant help but think about the rest of the Batfam's reactions when they find out about what happened. I just imagine that whenever any of the Batboy's are within range of Clark and Diana with Mouse, they just do that "Dont touch the child!" meme. This one if your not familiar with the meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKHiIyNbE0o Just imagining them just appearing out of nowhere like the gremlins they are ready to bitch slap and throw hands at anyone who tries to hurt their mouse again is so funny to me for absolutely no reason at all.
A masterpiece? Thank you so much, that's incredibly flattering!!
Oh, the rest of the family is pissed for sure! The day after you're brought home, Bruce gives them the run-down and shows them the little contract you two made, reiterating that while he's not happy about other heroes intruding on Gotham excessively, he isn't outright banning anybody from the city. You, of course, are reassured that your family welcomes and loves you with open arms, content in the knowledge that they would do anything for you.
Your brothers all exchange looks with each other and unanimously decide that Clark and Diana aren't allowed to come by for a while, unless it's a world-ending emergency or something similar. If they try, each one will back up Damian's initial threats with little add-ons of their own.
"Oh, Flittermouse is home so you've gotta go!" Tim smiles politely up at Clark, refusing to let him past the front door. "I think you should stay in Metropolis, actually, unless explicitly invited here. Wouldn't want my dad's contingency files getting leaked to the wrong people, like, oh I dunno, Lex Luthor or something! Just a little thing to think about...bye!"
Diana barely makes it past the perimeter of the city before Jason, wearing the Red Hood getup, intercepts her with a not-so-casual wave.
"Y'know I really admire you," he says. "You're from a whole island of warriors, which is so badass. Warriors like..."
And then he just starts name-dropping her sisters. One by one. And her mother. And then mentions how lovely the architecture of the buildings are, in explicit detail. And then wonders aloud how difficult it might be to breach said buildings, how flammable the material constituting them could potentially be, and by the way, how hot a fire has to burn before bodies get reduced to ash...
Diana leaves quickly, face pale.
If they do have to come to Gotham for an emergency, Dick has you practically attached to him by the hip. His demeanor doesn't emotionally change — he smiles politely and cracks jokes like it's any old day — but the arm that isn't supporting you is clenched into a fist, and he won't allow either of them within five feet of you. If Clark happens to brush up against him by accident, he finds out real quickly that the escrima sticks on his back aren't resting in their usual sling, but instead a lead-lined compartment because the ends have been coated in a thin layer of kryptonite.
Bruce, knows what they're doing. Of course he does, he's their father and the world's greatest detective. He figured they'd go to extremes like this in a heartbeat.
The only reason he hasn't stepped in is because he's done the same thing. Your auntie Diana and Uncle Clark aren't the only ones in trouble, after all. Uncle J'onn is just the only one smart enough to receive a threat and not push the envelope.
#el speaks#batfam x reader#littlest wayne au#justice league x reader#superman#wonder woman#martian manhunter
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*chugs a full half and half Monster Rehab*
So, you know how Darkseid is looking for the Anti-Life Equation? Well, Danny and the other Halfas are kinda Anti-Alive. Idk, my mind is going to how Thanos is trying to impress Lady Death in the weirdest ways possible (like killing half the universe or making her side piece immortal), and changing the names to Darkseid and Danny.
Darkseid attacking the earth was far from a rare occurrence. Usually his attacks were centered on the Justice League, but around every 1 out of 5 times he would just show up on a regular Tuesday with his army pouring through various Boom Tubes in every major city.
This wasn’t even the first time Darkseid had attacked like this since Danny had joined the League. The only difference was that instead of flying to Fawcett City to help Captain Marvel fight the invaders there, Danny had been in Gotham helping Bats and Diana with an artifact smuggling ring. The two of them immediately got in the Bat-Plane and headed towards Metropolis as fast as they could and Danny had been dragged along.
Darkseid was already holding Superman by the neck when they flew overhead. Diana jumped out to help Supergirl fight some messed up guy in a pink robe while the two Superboys were beating up an old lady. Batman gained Darkseid’s attention by firing missiles at the space tyrant which froze him to the ground and knocked the struggling Superman from his grip.
Darkseid’s glare followed the plane as it flew overhead. Then it started actually following as his Omega Beams burst forward.
“Hang on!” Phantom yelled, grabbing ahold of Batman and turning them both intangible just as the beams destroyed the plane around them.
He gently flew Bats on the ground. Bats did his customary grunt of approval he gave out if you saved him from certain death and ran to help the two heroines take out cloak man as Danny flew over to help take down the grandma. A few other heroes were focusing on keeping the Parademons flooding through the portal contained. Danny recognized a few, mainly Steel, Booster Gold, and Black Lightning, but there were even more that he didn’t.
He turned back to his own fight just in time to avoid getting hit by the old lady’s baton.
“Sorry, Grandma!” Phantom smirked, phasing through the attack. “Any chance I can let you pinch my cheeks and we call it a day?”
“Temping, porkchop, but an old lady needs her hobbies. And conquering planets is one of Granny’s favorites,” the old lady laughed swinging at him a few more times, only for each blow to pass through him like the last.
“Well, next time we’ll just invite you to bingo night,” Danny remarked, grabbing her wrist on the last blow and twisting it behind her back. The older Superboy tackled her through the Halfa as the younger one flew up high and plummeted feet first into her head, knocking Granny out.
The fighting seemed to be winding down. Diana had the guy in the pink robe tied up in her lasso while Batman ran over to help the Atom close the Boom Tube and Supergirl flew over to help her cousin fight Darkseid.
The only fight that was still going strong was Superman and Darkseid. Neither Titan was willing to bow to the other. Supergirl flew in between them, snapping Darkseid’s head to the side with a well placed kick. The space tyrant staggered for a moment before grabbing her leg and throwing her at Superman. The two Kryptonians fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs as Darkseid charged up his Omega Beams.
Danny didn’t even think. One second he was floating next to Jon and the next he had teleported in between the ruler of Apokolips and the two Kryptonians. He barely managed to throw up a shield in time. The Omega Beams shook the shield and kicked up dust around it, but Phantom gritted his teeth and managed to keep it steady. He only let the shield finally fall once the dust had settled.
“Impressive, child. Not even a Lantern Ring can shield from my Omega Beams. What are you?”
“You know, just a dead guy who doesn’t really know how to stay dead,” Danny chatted, keeping Darkseid’s attention on him. The portal was directly behind the tyrant. Wonder Woman and the Superboys threw their respective bad guys back through the portal.
“How can you be both dead and alive?” Darkseid asked. If he was confused, he didn’t let it show. Batman gestured at the two Supers behind Danny. They gave him a small nod and looked at the tyrant. Danny raised a hand to stop them.
“Back everyone up and cover your ears,” Danny whispered under his breath at a level only the four supers could hear. The Superboys quickly got everyone away from the portal while Superman and Supergirl gave him looks of confusion, but eventually relented. The entire time Darkseid’s attention was on Danny and Danny alone.
“Guess I’m just that stubborn,” Danny chuckled at the dictator. “I died, it didn’t fully stick, now here I am as a ghost.”
“You know what else is breathtaking?” Danny sucked in as much air as he could, not that he really needed it, and released a wail.
At once, all windows on the street shattered. Everyone covered their ears and the heart breaking cry sweep through the area. The Supers all collapsed to their knees, the sound even worse for those with super hearing. Tears threatened to spill from everyone’s eyes. Everyone but Darkseid.
The Dictator of Apokolips seemed almost stunned. Blood streamed from his nose and probably his ears, though those were hidden in his helmet. The sound waves slammed into him and he did nothing to fight back as the waves set him careening head over heels back towards the portal.
Darkseid barely managed to grab the edge of the portal and the wail stopped and Danny fell to his knees. White rings flickered around him and started to change him back into Fenton, but he managed to stop them before anyone could who wasn’t already looking could see. And the only one looking was Darkseid.
“Someone close the portal!” Batman yelled. All of the heroes staggered to their feet and tried to run to the Mother Box as Darkseid just stares at Phantom.
“Such beautiful cries of pain,” Darkseid muttered. His gaze never left the exhausted Phantom. He realized almost too late that the heroes were going for the Mother Box. He charged up his Omega Beams and shot them at the closest hero, Wonder Woman. She managed to ricochet them off her bracelets, but the beams kept coming back for her. The other heroes had to back up in fear of getting hit or getting in the Amazonian’s way.
Suddenly, a yellow blur swept through the area, knocking Diana out of the way are replacing her with an unconscious Parademon. A figure, this one white and red, landed on the Mother Box, destroying the device. Finally, a red blur ran in and punched Darkseid in the face, sending the tyrant careening through the closing portal.
“Sorry we’re late.” Flash chuckled, as a frustrated Kid Flash and Impulse stopped behind him. “What’d we miss?”
A series of groans ripped through the heroes as they just sat down and waited for the Javelin to get there for med evac.
You’d think Danny’s first time fighting Darkseid would be a bigger deal, but it was honestly not as big of a deal as everyone made it out to be. Danny had been fighting genocidal inter-dimensional tyrants since he was 14. What was one genocidal space tyrant making the list?
Batman apparently didn’t think it no big deal, though, if the worried version of the patented Bat-glare and Bat-grunt were anything to go off of. It had been a few days since the fight and the Bat had finally managed to wrangle everyone who had been involved in the Metropolis fight to the Watchtower for a debrief.
The meeting was supposed to start five minutes ago, but only the Flash was still missing. Danny, Conner, and Kara had been making jokes about it to a groaning Kid Flash and a pouting Impulse when the Boom Tube opened.
Everyone jumped to the ready. Batman pulled out a Batarang. Wonder Woman readied her lasso. Superman, Super girl, and the younger Superboy all started floating while their eyes glowed red. The older Superboy got into a fighting stance that Booster Gold quickly copied. The Atom shrank. Black Lightning’s hands sparked with electricity while Danny’s hands glowed with ectoplasm. The two speedsters vibrated in place.
They were ready for anything to come through. Except for a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, and a severed head of a yellow, bald alien. As quickly as it opened, the portal closed again. Kid Flashes summed it up best.
“What the fuck?” The yellow speedster yelled.
“Is that-“ Diana piped up, only for Superman to interrupt.
“It’s Mongul,” the Man of Steel growled.
“Who would send a severed warlord’s head with a bunch of romantic gifts?” The Atom piped up from where he stood on Booster’s shoulder.
“Well if it’s not poisoned, dibs on the chocolate,” Impulse gave a nervous laugh.
Batman and Black Lightning approached the table. Batman took a device of his belt and scanned the head then chocolate, each one coming back clean. Lightning picked up the bouquet and found a note.
“To Phantom,” he read out loud. “Your screams of agony resonated through my very being. You are the answer to my billion year search for the Anti-Life Equation. Join me and together we can enslave the universe to our will. Darkseid.”
The room fell into silence. Everyone had various looks of disgust on their face. The silence was eventually broken by Danny groaning and rubbing his eyes with his palms.
“Why do I only attract fruitloops?” He yelled up to the ceiling.
“GUYS!” A red blur yelled as he burst into the room. Flash had finally arrived. “I saw Desaad buying flowers in central city! And then Granny Goodness showed up with a box of chocolates and they Boom Tubed away! Hey, they actually looked a bit like these. Holy shit! Is that Mongul?”
Black Lightning just handed the Scarlet Speedster the note. Flash summed it up the best.
“What the fuck?”
Idk, let me know if I got to continue.
#dc x dp#dp x dc#Darkseid is a creep#i’m so sorry#sometimes the sleep deprivation hits when you think about rare pairs#you know?
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Tragic Ships Tournament Semi Finals
Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi (Madohomu) from Puella Magi Madoka Magika VS

Propaganda under the cut!
No propaganda submitted, but cmon. Pull out the giant essay.
"Okay so our buddy Jigsaw here, John to his friends, puts Adam and Gordon in a trap in the so-called Saw Bathroom.
Adam wakes up from unconscious in a full bathtub and gasps for air trying to get out. In doing so, he inadvertently pulled the plug. It is pitch black in the room. A voice calls out from the other side of the room.
The voice is Gordon. His name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor. For a few moments his voice is all there is until Gordon turns on the light. They are both chained to metal pipes in opposite corners. They introduce themselves. There is a dead body in the middle of the room.
Neither man trusts the other. In attempts to escape, they find clues: a clock that is brand new and as such the opposite of the rest of the room; an envelope with a cassette in Adam's pockets; and a casette, a key and a bullet in Gordon's. The key opens neither man's chain.
But there is a casette player in the hand of the dead man in the middle of the room.
With some difficulty, Adam is able to reach it so that he can play his tape which detailed his crimes (as according to John) and how he will either watch himself die or do something about it. This is a poetic trap on John's part as Adam is a voyeur and is paid by various people to follow others around and takes photos on them. As for Gordon? Well, first he sends his tape to Adam to hear first before hearing it himself. His crime is that as a doctor (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) he spends his days telling people they're going to die, giving them their death sentence. Now he must carry out that sentence himself. He must kill Adam by 6 o'clock or Gordon's wife and daughter will die.
The dead man in the middle of the room was one of Gordon's patients.
The recording gives them several other clues and soon they find a plastic bag in the toilet with two hacksaws and a bag of photos inside. Adam throws one to Gordon and immediately begins on his own chain. The saw breaks.
In anger, Adam throws it at the mirror which smashes. Gordon realises the saws are not for the chains but for their legs. This is when they realise they've been abducted by Jigsaw. Gordon mentions that Jigsaw had previously tried to frame him for murder by leaving his penlight at the scene of one of Jigsaw's crimes. Adam grows distrustful of Gordon because that's a weird detail to mention, huh? And in a fit of panic and anger, he takes the broken mirror shard and threatens to kill our boy Gordon (Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) unless he explains what the hell is going on. Then he notices that the mirror is a one-way mirror. He smashes the rest of it until he's cut through the glass and they see a camera.
A camera watching their every move. Adam soon learns that the camera is protected by another pane of glass, this one shatterproof.
Gordon, bless his heart, is able to calm Adam down and he begins to tell Adam about his family. He has a wife named Alison and a daughter called Diana. Adam asks if he wants more children, Gordon replies no as he doesn't think Diana gets enough time with her parents as is.
This nice conversation is ruined when Gordon tossed Adam his wallet so Adam can look at the picture of them in his wallet. That picture isn't there; instead, there's a picture of them tied up and gagged in their apartment. Adam doesn't want to worry Gordon so he quietly pockets it and just says the photo isn't there. This photo also has a clue that leads to Adam asking Gordon to turn off the light at which point they see a glowing X and are able to get the next puzzle in the trap. (It's a very drawn out trap compared to Jigsaw's more oftenly used one and one em traps) Gordon retrieves a box with a lighter, two cigarettes, a note saying the cigarettes arent poisonous (factually untrue consideeing lung cancer but John's an engineer not a doctor) and a phone. The phone can't be used to make calls so no 911 can save these white boys right now.
Adam, who doesn't know about the note, asks for a cigarette. Gordon says no.
Gordon asks Adam how he knew to turn off the light. Adam tries to lie, like a liar, and fails, like a failure, and is forced to reveal the photo. This is how Gordon (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) is able to come up with his big plan. He, having figured out it was poidonous, dips one cigarette into the blood of the dead man in the middle of the room. He turns off the light again. He explains his plan to Adam.
Lights come back up, Gordon gives Adam a cigarette and a lighter. Adam takes a drag. Suddenly what? Oh no? He's dying? Never mind, he's being electric shocked through his chain because boy howdy can that boy not act.
Also, when you turn off the lights, people can't see you. They can still hear you.
Gordon points his anger at Adam for the failure of the plan though again, he did just tell Adam the plan by talking. Like that's not that secure. But the electric shock triggers something in Adam. He remembers his abduction and having no one else in the room to talk to (besides the dead body), he tells Gordon about it. Their traumas are entwining. Then the phone rings. It's Diana. She begs her dad to save them. Then the phone is given to Alison who tells Gordon that he can't trust Adam and that they've known each other for a long time. Gordon confronts Adam. Adam admits that he's known who Gordon was for a few days. He'd been paid to follow Gordon around and take photos of what he was doing. Adam shows him the photos. Which photos, you ask? The ones in that bag that were in the plastic bag in the toilet. I'm sure you've forgotten about them now. They argue and Adam admits he followed Gordon to a hotel where Gordon was meeting up with one of his students, Carla. They were about to start an affair. Adam knows about this. As does John. That's the real reason Gordon is in this trap. A Welcome Home Cheater sign? No, no. This one gets the Saw Bathroom.
Convinced that whoever hired Adam must be Jigsaw, Gordon presses him on it. Adam relents. It's not Jigsaw. It's a detective who's convinced Gordon is Jigsaw.
They fall silent again. They figure out one of Jigsaw's henchmen is a guy called Zep who's an orderly at the hospital. The time runs out. The phone rings again. It's Alison! She's broken free! They're saved! Gunshots. Diana screams. Gordon cries. The chain electric shocks Gordon into unconsciousness. Adam immediately tries to wake him up, terrified Gordon is dead. He's not. But he's broken down. And when he was being electrocuted, he'd chucked the phone out of reach. Out of all other options, Gordon (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) uses his shirt to stanch his leg and begins to cut his foot off. Adam begs him not to and to just calm down, but Gordon's too far gone. When the deed is done (which you don't see in the film by the way, the first Saw was very tame when it came to gore surprisingly enough), he crawls to the dead body in the room and takes the gun out of the man's hand. He loads the gun with the one bullet he has. He shoots Adam. Adam falls back like he's in Looney Tunes. Gordon screams at the camera and begs them to save his family. And then Zep comes in. He was the one holding Gordon's family hostage. Gordon tries to shoot him. Gordon had one bullet in his gun. His shots are unsurprisingly ineffective. Zep is unimpressed with this. It is just a rapidly paling man missing a foot shooting an empty gun like he's in a water pistol battle in a county undergoing a drought. He decides to kill Gordon as he didn't kill Adam by 6 o'clock. And Zep is from the county over and has plenty of water to spare. He aims his gun at Gordon.
But he forgot about Adam. Like a Bugs Bunny reborn, Adam comes in from behind with the toilet tank lid. In his fear and pain and anger, he beats Zep over and over and over with the lid until Gordon is able to calm him down. They stare at each other like sad gay men. Gordon tells Adam that if he doesn't get out, he'll bleed to death here. Adam begs him to stay. Gordon promises to come back for him. Adam begs him not to leave him. Gordon crawls out the room. Adam is left alone, a bullet in his shoulder and his heart crawling away. He's all alone. Apart from John Kramer. He was the dead body in the middle of the room this whole time. He stands up. He tells Adam that the key to his chain was in the bathtub. The one that Adam had accidentally pulled the plug out of. He leaves the room. Game over.
Adam will die in this room. It was always going to end like this. One of them was going to die in that room. If Adam lives, Gordon must die. If Gordon lives, he must kill Adam. There is no way in the world for these two to survive, not together. There was always going to be a dead body in that bathroom."
"madoka magica aired 12 episodes in 2011, with a sequel movie titled “rebellion” released in 2014. it’s been over 10 years since then, and these two have become the face of yuri. if someone makes a meme about loving yuri and makes a collage of example ships, madohomu are 100% gonna be present. video essays, fanart, fics, music videos and all kinds of fan projects featuring them are still wildly popular on all social media platforms.
but let’s talk about them (without going into too many spoilers, so this will be about the thematics in their relationship). they are light and darkness. the ying and the yang. forever intertwined. one would not exist without the other, yet they cannot exist together. for madoka has too much love for every living thing and too little for herself. and homura has too much love for madoka it blinds her to everything and everyone else, and she struggles with deep self-hatred. madoka has forsaken her own existence for the world, and homura has forsaken the world she created for her. the show has a lot of religious imagery, and madoka is akin to a god; there’s a shot of homura, who grew up catholic, kneeling at the feet of a gigantic statue of madoka, praying, but her hands stain her clothes. because if madoka is god, then homura is lucifer - specifically, iblis, the muslim version of lucifer, who loved god so much he betrayed him, for he’d rather defy him than bow to his creation, humans. and homura would rather defy the sanctity of madoka’s wish, rather than obey its laws, for she will take madoka’s happiness in her hands, if she refuses to. in the movie, dolls representing homura’s inner machinations yell, “gott ist tot”, for homura’s god, madoka, dies in the movie, when homura remembers that madoka was human first, and godhood was something she reached to save everyone, against her best interest and happiness. their relationship is one of love, kindness, obsession, devotion, hope, faith, worship - they are the thesis and the antithesis, the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, an unstoppable force and an immovable object. forever locked in a struggle, never fully embracing, for madoka will always sacrifice herself for the world, and homura will always doom the world and herself for madoka."
#“Why did you change the Chainshipping pic?” You say#Because I think this is the og version and I think the one I was using before was a color corrected one I found on Google okay#And it kind of parallels with the Madohomu pic#chainshipping#saw#saw 2004#lawrence gordon#adam faulkner stanheight#shipping#ships#fandom#polls#tragic ships tournament#pmmm spoilers#pmmm#madohomu#madoka magica spoilers#puella madoka magica spoilers#madoka magica#two giant ass propagandas
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Yandere Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
Dc x Pjo
Part 9
It was now morning, the air was humid and the chariots were lined up, everyone on the sidelines was packed with food, every second you wish you were in those benches
"One... Two.... Three... GO!" Tantalus yelled and the campers roared
The Ares chariot was quick, but the Hermes chariot led by the not twins Travis and Connor Stoll, Connor was shooting rocks in between the wheels of chariots
Leading first is the Hephaestus chariot led by Charles Beckendorf and his brother, second is Poseidon Chariot led by Percy Jackson and Tyson the cyclops
No way you were going to let them win
Your sister Yvonne Bailey Daughter of a multi-million fashion designer grabbed some arrows, her step mother (Aphrodite approved) was an Olympic archer, she taught Yvonne everything she knows
Which is lucky because in this race your opponents either throw arrows or bombs, even luckier cause someone on the Aphrodite cabin knows how to make arrow bombs (you duh)
And you may or may have not taken green arrows design but it's not like he can sue you, I mean come on you're dead
"No hard feelings (Name)" Annabeth smiles as her chariots bumps yours
Yvonne recovering from the shock stood up again quickly "You did not just do that", she prepared an arrow and shot at their left wheel, tried to shoot at least
The arrow instead hit the Hermes chariot and it crashed onto the Hephaestus chariot
Well they say it's better to destroy two chariots with one arrow
Now it was just You and Yvonne, Annabeth and her brother, Percy and Tyson
For some reason, even if they were stuck at the back of the track trying to get he ricks out of their wheels, they managed to bypass the other burning down chariots in their way
It was fine, you liked a challenge, Then Stymphalian birds (flesh eating demon birds) started raining down from the sky and started pecking at the campers
A flock of these birds started to attack your chariot, without thinking you grabben an arrow and shit at them...
... without proper space distance, making the explosion close to you chariot
Yvonne grabbed you and ducked down and the horses who were carrying your chariot went feral trying to avoid the demon birds themselves
Percy who slipped out of the race, managed to grab a boom box and played this awful music that made the birds screech, but stopped them from attacking
The Apollo kids took this as a chance to shoot them down
And when you thought it was over, Clarisse came running through with her chariot and won the race
Despite the injuries of the racers and the non racers, they cheered
Jason grumbled at the sight of his family, gloomy, "Hey, Breakfast has been ready for hours now, Duke is waiting!"
"I know but I found new information, according to here, Empousa only drink the blood of their victims, not eat them, that would mean there is still a body-" Tim has been researching every Greek monster ever since, trying to find a clue on how to see them properly
Diana had explained this most that covers the mortal eye from the divine world, with the announcement that the gods are real...
People have been starting to get stressed, since the most is still in effect, people are accusing each other of being monsters in disguise
"I don't get why you're doing so much for a fake" Jason glared, true he was shocked at the death, but... It's not like this was the first time (Name) died
The little replacement to protect dad's sanity was dead, so?
According to Tantalus, we should be punished, because according to him the stymphalian birds were just minding their business and only attacked because they were bothered by Percy's horrible chariot driving
"go chase a donut!" Percy stomped off as Tantalus continues to yell at him and Tyson scurries behind behind Percy
I grabbed a piece of fruit from a table that managed to survive the attack and waved it around so Tantalus could see
And I ate it in front of him.
"Okay you too! Both you and Percy and the monster will be washing the dishes tonight" he yelled
"what, that's bull, everyone eats" said a brother of yours
"leave my sister alone, you're just mad you can't eat" said another brother
"how are you cursed to never eat and still be fat, that doesn't make sense" said one of your sisters
Annabeth's brows furrowed "That's not fair! (Name) Just ate! You can't punish her for eating!"
"alright smarty you're punished as well! Everyone cleans this mess! And make dinner for Clarisse if you want, a banquet or something, but stay the fuck away from my sight" now it was Tantalus's turn to stomp away
(Name): eats*
Tantalus who was cursed to never eat: I'm offended
@delias-stuff @sadslasher13 @ellaprime7 @wpdarlingpan @mountvesuvu @chinxinsomnia @nathaly36 @vanessa-boo @bat1212 @ceramic-raven @sweetconnoisseurgardener @dhanyasri @bella-wolf100 @shortnsweetsposts @roseapov @d3sperate-enuf @d3kstar
#warmyanderepjoxdc#percy jackson#dc universe#percy jackon and the olympians#dcu#percy pjo#yandere batfam#yandere#yandere platonic
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Title: autographs
Fandom: DC
Characters: wonder woman, batfam
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: Bruce x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, ftm reader, fluff, sexual themes between Bruce and reader(mentions of sexual things like slick and such)(they get interrupted by the children and reader simps for his husband), the bat kids are kids, happy family, reader is a stay at home dad
Summary:reader works hard to care for his big family and Bruce decides to swallow his pride and get his husband and son an autograph of a hero the two love
Bruce sighed while holding two photos of wonder woman for said woman to sign.
The things he did for the ones he loved.
His husband and second eldest loved her, watching her fights on the tv and Bruce knew they were too shy to ask him to get autographs but he was willing to do this for them... Their faces would be worth it.
Finding her was easy, the woman towering over her peers with Amazonian height "wonder Woman, I need to speak with you for a moment" Bruce spoke seriously and Diana raised an eyebrow but followed him into another room of the watchtower "what's the matter, batman?" She asked seriously and Bruce sighed "I have a request..." He pulled out the photos "my husband and son are quite the fans of you and are too nervous to meet you themselves..."
"They want autographs?" She said with a soft smile "yes, they look up to you quite a bit"
"If you ever want, I could always make an appearance for them" she signed the pictures and handed them to him "I think Jason would lose his mind at that"
"And (name)?"
"Would explode"
"Well I guess I should make a trip to Gotham sometime"
"Perhaps you should"
(Name) Was helping Alfred with chores, handling the laundry while having his children help via making it a game "gogo! Throw it as fast as you can!" The fastest kid to throw their laundry in the machine got two packets of gummy Candy's instead of one! Little baby Damien strapped to his chest while Tim and Duke tried to put their combined laundry together while Jason and Dick cheered them on, as the older ones they knew they could reasonably get a snack whenever but the littles didn't have that freedom get because they would have another juice incident.
The girls were out with (name)s mother for the day, having some girl time without the boys and all the chaos that came with them.
Frankly (name) was happy that his mom was willing to take a role like that on, offering the girls a female role model of realistic expectations was critical at such a young age.
"Woooo! You guys did great!" The boys cheered, happy they 'won' but actually just helped do chores "now why don't you follow your brothers for a snack?" He ushered the boys out and they cheered at the extra snack and (name) Pat the elder twos heads while Damien whined "yeah yeah, it's naptime buddy..." (Name) Unhooked him and brought him up to his nursery, kissing his little head "you get good sleep and dream good stuff for me, alright?" The babe babbled and (name) began mumbling a lullaby, gently rocking the crib.
Eventually Damian fell asleep and (name) went to go check on his hellions he lovingly called children and smiled when he saw them playing video games, the littles on auto mode as they haven't quite figured out how to properly play video games but still be included. He loved that his kids got along so well-- well most of the time.
Deciding to take a minute, he slinked down into the cave for a needed moment alone without his little ones making demands, Alfred keeping an ear for them and with a baby monitor he decided to take a nap on the small seating area in the corner while he waited for Bruce to return. Taking care of eight children was no easy feat but him and Bruce made it work, it being the weekend the whole family was home, typically it was school and preschool, little Damien and Cass with a nanny while (name) helped Alfred or was out with Bruce doing public things.
(Name) Woke to the sound of the engine of the batmobile, lifting his body to see Bruce step up in full suit and made no attempts in hiding his blatantly roaming eyes "you see something you like?" Bruce teased taking off his cowl and (name) hummed "you have no idea..." The man was ready to climb the dark knight like a tree and do things most unholy.
"Well hold onto that, I have something for you" Bruce teased and pulled out a rolled picture and handed it to (name) gently unrolled it "no fucking way..." (Name) Whispered before looking at him "babe... You got her autograph?!" He jumped up and Bruce chuckled "she was more than happy to sigh for you and Jason" holding out the other picture (name) had a love sick smile on his face "oh he's gonna lose his mind, you're a good dad" (name) pulled Bruce close by his hips and kissed him gently "I try what I can..." Bruce mumbled and resumed kissing him, always a sucker for his husband's lips.
Jason was getting ready for bed when he saw the photo on his bed, immediately clutching the picture to see it's authenticity and hopped out of bed and ran down to his parents room and knocked on the door "papa? Dad?"
(Name) Froze his actions when he heard his son and looked at Bruce "sorry, baby" he whispered and they immediately put pants on, (name) wiping his thighs and cringing at the slick between his legs... "Eugh" he grumbled and pulled on Bruce's shirt before going and opening the door "what's up jaybird?" He asked his second eldest and let him in "look!" Jason showed the autograph "your dad got you that, why don't you go thank him?" (Name) Gestured to Bruce who smiled at his kid, Jason immediately running and hugging him "thank you! Thank you!" Bruce hugged him tight, kissing the top of his head aggressively and making the boy laugh "oh no! My son fell into the dad hug trap! He will never escape!" (Name) Teased quietly and Jason laughed and gave non committal plea for freedom and Bruce let him go but not without another kiss to the forehead.
"Now go back to bed, Birdy" (name) said to his son "you can show your brothers tomorrow, yeah?"
"Ok! Love you guys!"
"Love you too baby"
(Name) Waited till he couldn't hear the footsteps and immediately turned to look at Bruce "you're a good dad" he walked over and got situated in Bruce's lap, Bruce admiring his handsome husband who gently cupped his jawline "and you're a good husband for putting up with me"
"Someone's gotta make sure you take naps and eat" he teased the man who grumbled "and I gotta make sure you don't wear your binder too long" Bruce teased back and pinched (name)s butt cheek "yeah yeah!" He teased, the two grinning and kissing each other "now where were we?"
"now I kind of just wanna cuddle...."
".... What movie then"
"the princess Bride :)"
#batman x male reader#batman x reader#batman x ftm reader#bruce wayne x male reader#bruce wayne x reader#bruce Wayne x ftm reader#fluff#smut themes#good dad bruce wayne#batfam
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Absolute Captain Marvel
I was thinking about the Absolute universe that’s coming, an au where heroes are still heroes despite not having one of their core aspects. Where Batman isn’t rich and Martha is alive, Superman was raised on Krypton so was an adult when landing on Earth, and Diana wasn’t raised by Amazons, but by Circe in Hell.
So I’m here thinking what would be the twist on Captain Marvel. And I got suggestions.
1) Instead of being a child in an adults body, he doesn’t get an adult form. He also doesn’t get to age. So it’s eternally being underestimated because of his small form despite being much older than most heroes (having started in the 80s). It would bring a nice contrast to child being told to grow up and adult being told to stand down.
2) Billy and Mary die, so Captain Marvel and Lieutenant or Mary it Miss Marvel is actually C.C and Marilyn Batson grieving their children. Motivation: making sure no goes through the pain of loosing children like they did.
3) Billy gets no family. A lot of Billy’s character is that he finds and makes his own family (Mary, Freddy, the Vasquez’s, the Bromfields … Ect). What if he just, decided to skip all of that. He’ll still be the same, but instead of having the power of friendship, he’ll just have the power of litteral divin wrath. Maybe he got trauma from relying on adults that should have cared for him (I’m looking at you Ebenezer). Maybe he’ll have a “learn to rely on adults” arc with the Absolute Justice League.
4) I know I’ve talked about this before, but what about a Marvel that cares more about Magic than Humans. Instead of being more aligned to “Earths Mightiest Mortal” title, he’s close to “The Champion of Magic”. It would be such a cool concept to have a more magically inclined Cap. Especially when we are getting a Wonder Woman who will be raised by the OG witch herself (Circe). Let them throw magic spell combos.
5) More side effects of the Time Bubble au. War veteran Billy. A city that’s extremely displaced. Norms being now illegal, a whole city of people who need to deal with the fact that any friend, relative or even life outside of Fawcette is just out of time. Have a Cap who struggles with heroics and, well, people outside of Fawcette and the overwhelming guilt. Also, give me a Fawcette city that evolved differently from the rest of the world. They maybe be lacking in technology in some departments, they are extremely advanced in other departments. And maybe sprinkle in some Magic City Fawcette. Or maybe some time shenanigans Fawcette. You get the gist.
Anyways, a lot of these are just some thoughts and durables I’ve taken inspiration from. Let me know if you have any Absolute Marvel Ideas that don’t take away from him being a hero.
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Rebellion of the bats
Ok, here’s another one that’s going to get a little wacky. As a reminder never look for canon here, for I do not know her.
We are going to start today's madness with some build up before the main event. It is important to me that you understand that in this one, Tim Drake does not take after Bruce Wayne. Tim Drake takes after Alfred (feral planners, whose truest love and calling is to care for their loved ones, coated in a veneer of respectability). In fact it is Alfred who teaches Bruce how to prepare for any eventuality.
And the Tim of this universe is prepared for any eventuality. Including having a plan for ‘Jason has come back from the dead, has been lied to, appears to hate the family, and is trying to attack me for taking Robin’. So Jason attacks Titan’s Tower and is very surprised to find that, instead of beating up Robin, he finds himself being dragged back to that Manor by an excited Tim Drake (No matter how long or short after the fact, Jason is still not sure how they got from Jason wanting to beat up a teen to being convinced to come home).
Jason, Dick, and Bruce all bond over the abrupt realization that Alfred and Tim are absolutely feral and that if either decided to go rogue the universe was screwed. They also realize that it is part of their Vigilante assigned duty to keep Both Tim and Alfred from needing to take over the world.
This helps stabilize the relationships among the Batfam, this common goal. So by the time Damian arrives, their relationships are much stronger. Bruce, Dick, Steph, Cass, and Jason each try to talk Damian out of his assassination attempts (more for Damian’s health than Tims). Tim, because Damian is now his brother and is 10 years old, allows Damian two assaination attempts without consequence. Damian’s third, and final, attempt ended with a finger broken on Damian’s non-dominant hand…and no proof that Tim caused it.
Because of this stronger, more stable relationship Tim was actually able to pass Robin on to Damian before the Darksied happened. Tim took up Red Robin with Jason’s approval.
Darksied sends Bruce on his bounce through time. There are still rumblings of what could become a war for the cowl (including Cass, this time because grief can do weird things to people and I think she should get to throw her hand into the ring), but instead Tim finds the clues Bruce had been leaving. And this is where the biggest departure comes.
Because all of the Bats are there, and they believe Tim. They have no reason not to (I will get to that in just a minute). In fact, they all treat this revelation as a relief and begin to work out a schedule for keeping up the Batman pretense until Bruce can be retrieved.
Dick as Batman goes to the Justice League (during a JL meeting) with the news that Bruce is lost in time, and they need substantial Justice League resources (and realistically it would need to be substantial and/or unique resources, or Tim would have used WE industries or his own resources) to retrieve him. And look, Dick looked at none of Tim’s evidence so when asked how the Bats know, Dick as Batman answers immediately with ‘Oh, Red Robin said’.
The other members of the Justice League glanced at each other. It is Diana that very gently brings up that Wonder Girl had told her that Red Robin had been very intent on cloning Superboy, trying to avoid outright saying that it seemed like Tim might have lost touch with reality in his grief. Everyone very kindly ignored Superman’s flinch at the mention of both his dead mentee and cloning.
The Justice League gets to watch as Dick misses the point so completely that they can practically see it over the pointy ears of his cowl. He actually perks up and goes ‘Oh yeah, he mentioned having Ivy check over his methodology for that. She said it looked good but her specialty is plant genetics’. Like that is not an objectively insane thing to say.
From Dicks, and in fact most if not all people who spend enough time in Gotham, perspective Tim was not insane for his attempts to clone Conner. He had a plan to mitigate harm for innocents (potentially viable clones who were not Conner), was not attacking/involving other people, had another affiliated expert look at his work before he pushed the big red button, and he even stopped when it was pointed out that it would have been against Conner wishes. To a Gothamite that means Tim is practically reasonable in his 99 attempts to clone Conner.
The Justice League can only conclude, after some carefully phrased questions, that the Batfam have unfortunately lost touch with reality due to grief, understandable grief but also very out of touch. Dick does not realize this is what is being thought, as he is just so relieved that they are on track to get Bruce back that he does not hear the incredulity in the questions, until a majority vote rejects the use of JL resources for the purpose of searching for the former Batman in time (it should be noted that The Flash-Barry- and Superman both voted to try. Diana abstained).
We are going with the idea that it is more than just massive resources or expertise that the JL would provide, but some resource, item, or device, that is unique to the Justice League that cannot be procured by any individual member.
So Dick has to go back to 3 family members (Jason, Cass, Damian) who have all had significant exposure to Lazarus water, which is known for emotional outburst overriding common sense, Steph the daughter of a supervillain (Arthur Brown may have been a d rate supervillain, he was still a supervillain), Barbara the all knowing Oracle (whose morals have adjusted to working with former Rogues) and her cadre of Birds of Prey, and possibly the 2 most frightening people on the planet (Tim and Alfred) with the news that the JL will not help them. This is also Dick, whose anger issues and need for revenge built Robin.
The only restriction that Dick manages to get them all to agree on is that they will not make trouble for Superman, Flash, or Wonder Woman (Jason throwing his own support in no trouble for Diana). Then, with full and loving knowledge of what he was doing, Dick set them all loose upon the world (making it clear to the JL that Bruce is the only one who could reign them in).
It takes six weeks before the decision to help find Bruce and retrieve him from the timestream is approved. In that time:
Cass and Steph become the rulers of a small country, ruling with an iron fist but enough morals that most of the populace loved them.
Jason, with the Outlaws, managed to take out the League of Assassins (and incidentally managed to humiliate not one but three different Green Lanterns, mostly by accident).
Damian met, became offended by, and dismantled a faux government organization in the midwest in possibly the most attention attacking way he could.
Oracle wrote and released a highly tailored virus that released random ‘scandalous but not overall dangerous’ secrets on a schedule for every politician in the world. Her Birds of Prey kept Gotham running, along with Batman!Dick. At some point during this time the Joker ended up dead, but no one is admitting to who did.
Tim and Alfred did indeed become a major world power within the first three weeks. It wasn’t until week four that they gained nuclear power status, but quickly had a seat offered to them at the UN. They had just started considering if they should be expanding into the reaches of space when the JL capitulated.
Bruce is brought back into a world where his kids are more feared than he is.
#batfamily#batman#bruce wayne lost in time#jason todd died#jason todd#damian wayne#tim drake red robin#tim drake#dick grayson#cass wayne#stephanie brown#humor#crackish#fanfiction prompt#bruce wayne#alfred pennyworth#Tim Drake is feral#Alfred Pennyworth is feral#and would be terrifying if they went evil
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~{ Heyyy, So this is a post made with the help and suggestion of @villainmirabelmadriga so go check them out and now to the post! }~

Diana and has been invited by the God-Queen to heavens.
This was a great surprise for Diana as unlike the legends would say her stepmother adores her husbands children and often gives them her support the only reason for her reputation for hating her husbands children is because when she finds out she beats the hell out of Pariah while his children watch.
And speaking from one of the lucky children who have gotten to see it for herself it is amazing and definitely not with the added pluses of eating the sweets that her stepmother gives and petting her peacocks while talking with Lord Ares and Lady Eris who also like watching their “Father” get his ass beat.
Anyway Diana is certainly excited to visit her stepmother and she could ask why her father has been quiet for so long.
It has been over 300 years since Danny home-world has been eaten by their sun and over thousands since Danny himself had fully died by the hands of his parents and the G.I.W.
When Danny had first died he was a mess and was never able to fully recover from his death when he had to start fighting the over ghosts and beating the G.I.W but the second time around Danny was much better prepared for it and he got the hang of being a full ghost very soon as it’s not that much different from being a half-ghost.
And he was mostly left alone unless it was his children Dawn and Dusk who he absolutely adores and his afterlife was calm until the Observers decided that with Pariah Darks madness mostly worked its way through that he was able to become king again but for everyone’s safety and to make sure this didn’t happen again they needed a Queen who would be able to put down any and all attempts for domination.
So Danny was chosen to become Queen as he was the only one able to beat him down and shove him back into his tomb so now Danny was the Queen.
And his life was good apart from having to kick Pariahs ass every few years it was fine especially when he got the most adorable Stepchildren out of this.
Speaking of stepchildren maybe he should invite Diana and Marvel over.
•Little Facts•
•The Gods often change gender so for Diana to see her stepmother as a man it is normal
•Danny has no romantic feelings for Pariah Dark, he mostly just beats the shit out of him for his lack of respect for women and putting his children through shit
•Dusk is Ares and Dawn and is Eris (mostly for the chaos part)
•Danny keeps on saying “Don’t worry about it sweetheart here have some [Insert Greek sweet]” whenever Diana asks where her father is
•In the past Pariah Dark kids would go to Danny when their father would be an asshole and watch as their stepmother beat the shit out of him and it was Glorious
•Captain Marvel has met Danny and Danny treats him like he does his stepchildren,And Marvel isn’t complaining he likes the sweets Danny gives him before he goes to beat Pariah back into submission while yelling “RESPECT WOMEN YOU BASTARD”
•Pariah Dark is still around Danny just throws his ass in the nap-time box when he pisses him off
•The reason the legends say that Danny hates Pariah Dark kids is because when he beats his ass they mistake the hate for the kids instead of him
•Danny is the Ancient Of Marriage and Family
•Dawn goes to pick up her little half sister and brother with some good old ghostly bonding and the JL think that Eris kidnapped her for Hera :)
•Dawn and dusk know Billy’s not their actual brother but their mother likes him so honorary little brother!
•~{The DC part is in Diana’s pov because even if I have no clue how to write her I’m worse that writing Billy}~

[I wanted to put him into the 70s type thing but I couldn’t find one I like so you gremlins get this]


[^One for when he’s fighting and one for chilling^]

~{ And that’s it! Hope you gremlins like it byeeee }~
#dc x dp#that weird thing in the woods#dp x dc#dc x dp crossover#danny phantom#dc x dp prompt#that-weird-thing-in-the-woods#dc x dp fic#dc x dp fanfiction#dcxdp#dp x dc fanfic#dp x dc crossover#dc x dp au#dp x dc prompt#danny au#wonder woman#I’m basing this version of Wonder Woman where she is Zeus kid and I don’t know much about her so sorry if this is wrong about her character#dp x dc au#danny fenton#redeemed pariah dark#God-Queen Au#dpxdc
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WIP tag game!
(again muahahaha 😈 thank you for the tag @heylorrain!)
i love these little threads because i always have SO many WIPs that i get impatient to share ..
MILENAAA MY GIRLL i love you forever muah muah
no idea if i'm ever going to finish these but.. we'll see
yule ball nonsense ^^ i feel like im spoiling my own posts with this.. pls guys you don't know all the context stick with me !!! (+bonus points if you can guess who the characters in the third one are)
+ little snippet to a three part pre-HL mousey fic?? 👀
Athol was absolutely certain he was the most miserable soul to ever set foot in Hogwarts.
The rain drummed against the window, as if trying to mock him with its relentless rhythm. He flopped back onto his bunk with a theatrical sigh, arm draped across his face. “I don’t get it,” he muttered to himself for probably the fifteenth time that morning. He peeked out from under his arm to glance at the little collection of odds and ends on his windowsill—a bracelet, a scraggly flower, and a wooden snake that still had a chip in its tail from a very unintentional duel. His first few years at Hogwarts had felt like it was packed with endless laughter and ridiculous adventures. Now? It was like staring into the soggy bottom of a cauldron someone forgot to clean. Thunder rumbled in the distance, the kind of dramatic punctuation that perfectly matched his mood. If life were fair, it would strike right outside his window to really drive the point home. Instead, the storm just kept drizzling on, indifferent to his misery.
It wasn’t like he was entirely friendless. There was his bunkmate, sweet Duncan Hobhouse, who always had a kind word and a dozen excuses to avoid trying anything remotely exciting. But Duncan didn’t fill the gap left by Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis.
The fight—the great betrayal as Athol had taken to calling it (in his head, anyway)—had turned his fourth year into a gray slog. He had hoped, maybe foolishly, that things would blow over. Instead, Sebastian seemed determined to act like Athol was a ghost haunting the Hogwarts castle.
At first, he’d been immensely angry with Sebastian. How dare he blow up after one small comment, then completely ice Athol out of his life? As if he were nothing? And now, although the anger at Sebastian’s dramatics still remained, he just missed his friends.
They hadn’t even talked since the second week of the school year - it’d now been 37 days.
Athol groaned, throwing his head back. What could he even do about the whole situation? He couldn’t apologize, no. His pride wouldn’t let him, and he didn’t even believe Sebastian deserved an apology in the first place.
(I HOPE THIS MAKES AT LEAST A BIT OF SENSE LOL.. i feel halfway illiterate when writing 💀💀)
no pressure tags! : @myokk @choccy-milky @syaolaurant @traceyc-uk @diana-bluewolf @dwightschrute11 @rypnami @iatnen @lycowarrior @dom1re @siboom777 (ANDD anyone who wants to join!)
#umm okay first time posting writing on here I'M SCARED#i just haven't written anything since middle/high school LOLL#anyways. i want to draw so BAD#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hogwarts legacy art#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#sparxyvdoodles
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A Heart Divided -2-

|2| Finding a new sanctuary…
Summary: You try your best to focus on your studies and training for the upcoming swimming competition, but with Eddie and your sister making it difficult for you, you’re left with no choice but to turn to Steve for help.
Warnings: swearing, Eddie and your sister being arseholes.
Tagged: @somethingvicked @ali-r3n
As soon as you heard your parents were home, you immediately went back to your place so you could ask permission to stay over at Chrissy’s.
When you stepped inside, you heard your sister ask your father in a babyish voice, “Daddy…”
“No!” Your father sternly interrupted.
“But you don’t know what I was going to say,” your sister whinged, as she followed him to the kitchen, where your mother was unpacking the groceries.
“Well whatever it is, the answer’s still no,” your father retorted.
“Come on, honey,” your mother said to your father. “Just hear what she’s got to say.”
Your father sighed, before asking your sister, “Well, what is it?”
“I need to borrow fifty bucks,” your sister replied.
You rolled your eyes at the word borrow. You knew that what she meant was, “I need fifty dollars from you for my selfish gain and will not have any intention of returning it.”
Thankfully, your father wasn’t stupid to fall for whatever your sister says. After he declined to give her any money, she started to throw a tantrum, “But Daddy, it’s not fair. I’m supposed to go out with Roxy and Diana to this new club tonight. How am I supposed to go without money?”
“Simple, get a job like the rest of us, and not lounge around all day,” your father sternly told her. “Or better yet, not drop out of college in the first place.”
Your parents started to argue about your sister. After a year at college, your sister had decided to drop out as she felt it was more tiresome to study than go out and partying all night. While your father had always gave discipline, your mother on the other hand, coddled her. As your shoes squeaked against the kitchen floor, everyone stopped arguing, noticing you.
Your father quickly smiled, as he greeted you, “Hey pumpkin, where have you been hiding?”
“I was over at the Cunningham’s,” you replied.
Your mother approached you, as she asked, “Darling, why’s your face red? Have you been crying?”
“Let me guess, over a boy?” Your sister snidely asked.
“Enough from you,” your father scolded her.
You wanted nothing more than to snitch on her for being with Eddie, knowing how your parents felt about him, despite him always being polite to them when he used to come over for the tutoring. However, you didn’t have the energy to do it. So instead, when your father asked if it really was over a boy, you lied to him, “No Dad, it’s not. I guess I’m just a little overwhelmed, with finals coming up and the final two swimming competitions…”
You deeply sighed, when your father put his arm around you, comforting you, as he said, “You just do your best. Even if you get third place in the competitions, I would still be proud of you.”
You gave him a small smile, as you thanked him, before hugging him, ignoring your sister’s sour faced expression.
As your father let go of you, you began to ask him, “Actually Dad. I was wondering if I could stay over at Chrissy’s tonight? She’s asked me to help her with her homework.”
You figured that your father would say no, but instead he replied, “Sure pumpkin.”
“Well, are you still having dinner with us?” Your mother asked. “I’m making vegetable lasagna.”
You politely shook your head, before telling her, “Chrissy said that I can have dinner with her and her family.”
You then excused yourself from the conversation, so you can gather your overnight stuff and your sleeping bag. You were about to go upstairs when you stopped and told your father, “Oh by the way, I had to leave work early today, so I need to work an extra couple of hours to make up for it.”
“Of course, pumpkin. Do what you need to do, just don’t overdo it, okay?”
You nodded, before rushing up the stairs, overhearing your sister complaining about you, “That’s not fair, why does she always get what she wants, but I can’t?”
You got the guy I wanted, you thought. Isn’t that enough for you?
Meanwhile at Gareth’s place, Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin were rehearsing for the next night. While everyone was in the zone, Eddie found himself distracted. He thought about Chrissy’s sudden change in her demeanour when he saw her.
After noticing that Eddie was messing up the chords, Jeff raised his hand, prompting everyone else to stop.
“Eddie,” Jeff called out, making Eddie stop and turn to him. “What’s going on with you man?”
Eddie huffed, as he took off his guitar strap, placing his guitar in its case.
“It’s Chrissy,” Eddie spoke, as he scratched his head.
“What about her?” Grant asked.
Before Eddie could answer, Gareth exclaimed as he pointed at him with his drumstick, “I knew it! You’re secretly dating her, aren’t you?”
“What?! No! Of course I’m not!” Eddie denied.
Suddenly, the other two boys chuckled when Jeff mentioned, “Well, you’ve been really friendly with each other since the end of the semester.”
No longer tolerating their teasing, Eddie stomped towards them, as he angrily said whilst showing his index finger, “First of all, we’re not dating! She’s a client and a friend. And secondly…” He showed his index and middle finger, as he blurted, “I’m already seeing a woman.”
The rest of the boys’ faces fell, hearing Eddie’s confession, which led them to ask so many questions…
“Wait what?”
“You’re seeing someone? Since when?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Is she hot?”
“Who is it?”
“How far did you get with her?”
Having enough of them bombarding him with questions, Eddie bellowed, “SHUT UP!”
The boys became silent, not wanting to piss off their leader.
Eddie took a deep sigh, before answering them, “I’ve been seeing her since spring break, and yes, she’s like super hot…”
“Super hot like Phoebe Cates?” Gareth asked.
“Way hotter than her,” Eddie pointed out.
The boys excitedly exclaimed, before Jeff asked, “So, who is it?”
Eddie smirked, as he crossed his arms, before revealing it was your sister.
The three of them stood still, as their jaws dropped, before repeating your sister’s name.
Eddie nodded gleefully.
“No way, she was like the hottest girl in the school,” Jeff commented.
“Not to mention rich,” Grant said, before asking if your sister and you were neighbours with Chrissy.
Eddie nodded, before revealing that after he went to see your sister, he went to see Chrissy and asked if she wanted to watch the band rehearse. “It’s weird,” Eddie told them. “Today at school, she was friendly with me, but when I went to visit her, she gave me the cold shoulder.”
“Did you say something that might have pissed her off earlier?” Grant asked.
“Of course I didn’t, I don’t think so anyway. Although…” Eddie then mentioned that Chrissy glared at him from her window earlier after saying goodbye to your sister.
The boys glanced at him in confusion, wondering why Chrissy changed her attitude towards their leader when Gareth exclaimed as he banged his cymbal, “Aha!”
“What?” Eddie asked.
Gareth scoffed, before asking him, “Dude! Isn’t it obvious?”
Before his confused bandmates could ask, Gareth told them, “She’s jealous.”
Jeff and Grant disagreed while an astonished Eddie furrowed his eyebrows.
“There’s no way she’s jealous,” Jeff told Gareth.
“Plus, she’s with Carver,” Grant mentioned.
“So?!” Gareth retorted. “Just because she’s with that douchebag, it’s doesn’t mean that she still wants to be in a relationship with him. Maybe,” he raised his drumstick, as he continued. “Just maybe…she’s finally come to her senses and wants to leave the dark side.”
Eddie raised one of his eyebrows at the drummer, thinking about his theory. He couldn’t lie, he did once have a small crush on Chrissy when they met at the middle school talent show, but that faded over time. Even when they reconnected during the first deal, he didn’t feel that way again about her, especially as he actually liked…
“I’ve just realised something,” Grant spoke up as he interrupted Eddie’s thoughts.
“What?” Jeff asked.
Eddie shifted his attention to the bass player, as Grant asked Eddie about you.
Eddie huffed, crossing his arms, as he asked “What about her?”
“Well, weren’t you like into her?”
Jeff and Gareth faced each other in realisation, before commenting that they remembered that Eddie did once comment how amazing you were for helping him get his grades up and how happy he was to see you watch the band at the Hideout.
“So?” Eddie retorted, as he glared at them.
“So what’s changed?” Grant asked. “I mean, you gave me a hard time earlier for acknowledging her. How did you go from her to her sister?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, as he exhaled in frustration, before telling his bandmates, “You wouldn’t believe me even if I tell you.”
“Try us,” Jeff replied.
Eddie shifted his attention between the three boys before revealing why he chose your sister over you.
Staying over at Chrissy’s house was something you definitely needed. Although you were still upset about Eddie and your sister, Chrissy did her best to cheer you up after you helped her with her homework, as you both watched both Grease movies and listening to your favourite songs to lift your spirits up.
When the next morning came, you were dreading, not only potentially bumping into your sister as she would go out to see her friends for morning coffee, but also going to school and seeing Eddie.
You clutched your backpack, feeling nauseous when Chrissy placed her hand on your shoulder, as she assured you, “It’s going to be okay.”
You nodded at her, thanking her before heading to your front yard to grab your bike when you heard a vehicle horn honking. You turned around, worried that it was Eddie’s van. Instead, you sighed with relief as you saw Jason’s jeep parked.
You heard him call out Chrissy’s name, as he greeted her, before asking her if she was ready.
Instead of answering him, Chrissy turned to you and suggested, “Come to school with us.”
“Well…” you hesitated. “I don’t-“
“Please?” Chrissy begged.
Unable to resist her puppy eyes, you accepted Chrissy’s offer, which made her smile.
As you headed to the jeep, Jason raised his hand, stopping you getting in. “Woah!” He exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing? After what you treated my girlfriend-“
“It’s okay, Jason,” Chrissy interjected. “We’ve talked things over and we’ve made up.”
Jason turned to his girlfriend, before shifting his attention to you, as he huffed, whilst signalling you to get in.
You thanked him, as you and Chrissy got in the vehicle.
Throughout the day, you avoided any form of contact with Eddie. You even reluctantly acknowledged the rest of the Hellfire club, as you didn’t want to aggravate him any further. Whilst you avoided him and the others, you were unaware of the cold expressions on the older boys’ faces as they watched you walk past without acknowledging them.
As you headed into one of the classrooms, Jeff commented to Eddie, “You were right about her. She doesn’t even have the guts to look at us.”
Meanwhile, Jason gave Chrissy a peck on the cheek, before heading to his next class, leaving Chrissy to walk alone to the next class she shared with you.
As she walked through the hallway, Eddie called out to her, as he waved at her.
Instead of waving back, she silently glared at him, before stomping to the classroom.
“Dude, she is definitely playing hard to get with you,” Gareth told Eddie, as he patted his shoulder, while Eddie glanced at the door, wondering if Chrissy is really jealous and wanted him or if she just genuinely dislike him.
Later on before your shift ended, you were packing up and getting changed in the staff room when you heard the door bell ring.
You then heard Steve say, “Welcome to Family…Oh, hey Chrissy.”
You popped your head out of the door, seeing Chrissy dressed up in a baby pink dress with matching sneakers. You smiled, as you greeted her, “I’ll be right out.”
You went back to the staff room, to collect everything as you were listening to Steve and Robin talking to Chrissy.
After sorting yourself out, you rushed out in your black jeans and your Iron Maiden shirt, as you told Chrissy, “I’m ready. How are we getting there?”
“Well, Aimee said that she and her brother Tony can drop us off,” Chrissy replied. “But I’m not sure how we’re getting back.”
Before you could respond, Steve interjected, “I can take you two home. Robin and I going later anyway, so we can all go home together.”
Chrissy beamed, as she thanked him, earning a wink from him, which made her giggle. Suddenly, you heard a car beep from outside. You and Chrissy turned to see her fellow cheerleader, waving outside the car window. “Oh, that’s Aimee,” she exclaimed, as she grabbed your hand, and pulled you. “We better get going.”
After you said goodbye to Robin and Steve, you and Chrissy started walking out when you overheard Robin and Steve bantering.
“What?” You heard Steve ask.
“You’re gonna tell me why you winked at the head cheerleader?” Robin retorted.
“It was just a wink. You know, a friendly wink.”
“That was so not a friendly wink.”
You stifled your laughter, as you caught up with Chrissy.
A few moments later, you and Chrissy got out of Tony’s car, as you thanked him for the ride.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Aimee called out.
You and Chrissy waved as Tony drove off, before you turned around and faced the entrance. In that moments, your body froze.
“I don’t know if I can do this, Chris,” you mumbled, wanting to turn away. However, Chrissy stopped you, and held your hand, as she said, “You’ll be fine. If Eddie says or does something, we’ll just leave, okay?”
You nodded, and started walking into the building, as she placed her other hand on your back.
As always, the Hideout was filled with a crowd of five drunks. You looked over at the stage, finding Corroded Coffin performing, before swiftly turning away, trying to avoid being noticed.
You and Chrissy headed to the bar to order your drinks, as your fight-or-flight kicked in. You clutched your chest, as your breathing began to increase. Chrissy noticed this, and placed her hand on your back, as she said, “Deep breaths.”
She inhaled and then exhaled with you until you felt better.
“Thanks Chris,” you replied, as the barmaid placed your drinks on the counter. After Chrissy paid, you both grabbed your drinks and headed to one of booths, further away from the stage. As soon you two found the booth, you heard feedback from the microphone, before Eddie announced, “Are you ready to rock again, Hawkins?!”
After a few claps from a couple of drunks, Eddie announced, “The next song we’re gonna play is Fire Shroud.”
As the band started to play, you couldn’t help but bop your head to the music, realising how much you missed hearing them play.
However, you stopped enjoying yourself when you noticed your sister’s friends, Roxy and Diana, were sitting at a table close to the stage.
If they’re here, then that means… you thought when you noticed your sister coming out of the bathroom.
“I should’ve known,” you grumbled.
“What?” Chrissy asked, not hearing what you said.
You swiftly turned away, avoiding your sister and her friends. Chrissy turned to you, before shifting her attention back to the stage, realising that your sister and one of her friends were heading towards stage to dance together. Chrissy gave you a sympathetic gaze and squeezed your hand , as she asked, “Do you want to go?”
Before you could respond, the last voice you wanted to hear shouted over the music, “Well well well.”
You turned to find your sister towering over you two , as she leaned against the table, continuing to snidely ask, “What do we have here? Shouldn’t you two be at home playing My Little Pony or something like good little girls?”
You took a sip of your drink, trying to ignore her, whilst Chrissy glared at her.
However, your sister kept trying to push your buttons, as she asked you, “Why are you even here? No one wants you here.”
Before you could answer back, you realised that the band stopped playing, as you watched Eddie and the rest of the band heading towards your booth. “Hey, what’s going on, princess?” Eddie asked your sister, as he wrapped his arm around her.
“Well, I was just saying to my baby sister that no one wants her here,” your sister smugly replied.
“It’s a public place,” Chrissy retorted. “You can’t ban someone because you don’t like them.”
“True,” Eddie replied. “But like she said…”
He then glared at you, before finishing his sentence, “No one wants you here.”
You quickly stood up, as you angrily retorted, “That’s bullshit! It’s you two that don’t want me here-“
“Actually,” Gareth coldly spoke up, which caused you to turn to look at him. “Neither of us want you here.”
You gazed at him with confusion, as Jeff told you, “Eddie told us, so don’t try to deny it.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked Jeff, before asking Eddie, “What have you told them?”
“Figure it out,” Eddie coldly told you.
You shifted your gaze at everyone, before turning to Grant, who avoided eye contact with you when you asked, “So, you don’t want me here either Grant?”
Grant continued to avoid you, as you turned your attention to Eddie and your sister, with tears brimming in your eyes. Without saying another word, you grabbed your belongings and stormed out, ignoring Chrissy calling out to you.
Chrissy turned to Eddie, and angrily told him, “I don’t know what’s going on with you Eddie, but you’re being a real asshole, and as for you…”
She then turned to your sister, and scolded her, “How could you be like this to your own sister? What did she ever do to you?”
Your sister blankly looked at Chrissy, before retorting, “Exist, that’s what.”
The next thing that no one anticipated was Chrissy slapping your sister across the face. Before your sister could retaliate, Chrissy grabbed both drinks and threw it at both Eddie and your sister, which made her gasp, before whinging that her outfit was ruined.
“You two deserve each other,” Chrissy spat, before running off to find you.
While your sister ran to the bathroom with her friends following her, Eddie grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket and dried his face off, as Gareth blurted out, “I guess Chrissy’s not into you after all.”
Eddie turned to silently glare at the drummer before heading for the door, giving you and Chrissy a piece of his mind.
Meanwhile, you and Chrissy were sitting on the ground, as you sobbed while Chrissy comforted you.
“I don’t understand it, Chrissy,” you sniffled, unaware that Eddie was eavesdropping. “I mean, I’m sure that I would get over their relationship one day.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, thinking that you were pulling the poor me act when he heard you ask Chrissy. “But what did I do to make Eddie hate me so much?”
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, confused by your question. At first, he thought it was just an act, but then he wondered if you were being genuine. But then, he shook his head, as he thought, No, I’ve seen enough to know how she actually thinks about me and everyone else.
Before he could step out, he noticed Steve’s car parking near the building.
Not long after, Robin and Steve came out and rushed over to you and Chrissy, checking if you were okay.
After Chrissy explained what happened, Steve immediately said, “We’ll take you guys home.”
As Robin and Chrissy put you in the car, Steve noticed Eddie lurking by the doorway of the bar, and shook his head at him, before getting in the car and drove off.
You silently sat in the backseat with Robin and Chrissy, as both girls comforted you.
“Everything will be okay,” Chrissy quietly told you, as she squeezed your hand.
Everything will be okay.
That was easier said than done. Although you’ve managed to avoid the Hellfire club at school, you couldn’t avoid Eddie and your sister at home. Every time you tried to do your homework, they always had loud music playing from her bedroom, drowning whatever they were doing. You wanted to go over to Chrissy’s place as it was a sanctuary to you. However, thanks to your sister snitching on you both to your parents and Chrissy’s mother, you were no longer allowed to go over, which drove you to go to the basement just so you can finish your studies in peace.
But what aggravated you the most was that you had a swimming semifinal competition coming up soon, and you needed to practice. However, you couldn’t even practice properly as Eddie and your sister decided to make out whilst lounging by the pool.
But the final straw was when the two of them decided to jump into the pool, preventing you from practicing all together.
Having enough of them splashing around, you aggressively splashed the water towards them, as you growled, “That’s it!”
You swam to the ladder and climbed up, as you heard your sister mock, “Aww, can’t handle a little competition?”
Without thinking, you grabbed your sister’s radio and threw it across the yard, smashing it to the ground.
As you stomped back inside, you heard your sister call you a bitch, which made you flip both of them off, no longer caring being called that.
As you were getting changed in your room, you were trying to decide how to practice without interruptions. You couldn’t go to Chrissy’s as you were banned from going over. And you weren’t allowed to go to the school swimming pool after hours without a teacher supervising you. Also, the community pool wasn’t great for practice if it’s crowded. The only solution was…
“Harrington,” you muttered, as you finished getting changed, you packed your spare swimsuit and goggles, before calling Steve at work, asking him if you could stay at his place for a while so you could practice.
“Sure, you know where the spare key is,” Steve immediately told you. You thanked him, before hanging up, so you could call your father to let him know that you were going to Steve’s to practice.
You thought that he would say no. But knowing that how much the competition meant to you, as well as getting the scholarship, he decided to let you go, before telling you, “But don’t stay out too late.”
As soon as you got to Steve’s house, you found the spare key under the flowerpot and let yourself in. You had managed to get a good half an hour of practice when you heard the door slide open.
You turned to find Steve coming through the door, as he greeted you. “Not interrupting you, am I?”
“No, I managed to do thirty minutes so far,” you replied, before continuing to swim up and down the pool, checking your lap time on your stopwatch.
Suddenly, Steve walked towards your stopwatch and picked it up, as he said, “I’ll time you.”
“Okay. Thanks,” you replied as you swam to one end of the pool, while Steve sat one of the lounge chairs.
After Steve started the countdown, he shouted, “Go!”
At once, you swam as fast as you could, back and forth for about five minutes, until Steve called out to you to stop, as he pressed the button on the stopwatch to stop.
You swam towards the ladder and got out of the pool, before grabbing your towel, as you asked, “How did I do?”
As you wrapped your towel around you, you sat in front of him when he showed you the lap times. You grabbed the stopwatch and sighed with relief, as you managed to break your record.
You looked up at him, as you said, “Thanks Steve. I wouldn’t have been able to practice today if it wasn’t for you.”
Steve smiled, before asking, “So, why did you ask me if you could practice here? Is because of your sister and Munson?”
You lowered your head down, facing the ground, not wanting to cry as you thought about them ruining your week.
You heard the chair creak, as Steve moved to sit to you. “I’m sorry,” Steve apologised. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
You shook your head, telling him, “Don’t worry about it.”
You lifted your head, and sighed before telling him, “I wouldn’t have minded them being together if they weren’t such arseholes. But…I don’t know what I’ve done to Eddie to make him despise me.”
“Hey, I’m sure that you’ve done nothing wrong, okay?” Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulder, as he said, “Whatever his problem is, that’s on him. The same goes with your sister.”
You leaned against his shoulder, as you said, “If only I wasn’t born in the same family as her. It would’ve made things less complicated.”
Steve had a sympathetic expression on his face, as he lightly ruffled your dampened hair, which made you smile a little bit. Suddenly, you both heard the phone ring.
“I better get that,” Steve said as he moved away from you, getting up on his feet, before heading inside to answer the phone, leaving you alone to pack your stopwatch in your bag, before taking out your diary and started writing…
No longer tolerating with the so called valour bard being seduced by the succubus, and being banished by the acrobat’s wicked mother from seeing her friend again, the mermaid swam to the other side of the island to find a new sanctuary where she found the young fallen king. Despite his former status, she got on well with the king, and he was willing to help her any way possible, even if it was to talk about her problems. There were times that the mermaid wished she was a part of the king’s family and not have a sibling like…
You stopped mid-sentence when you heard Steve call your name.
You looked up, as you closed your diary.
“It’s your dad,” Steve informed you. “He wants you home right away.”
You felt deflated, hearing the word home. With the way things were at the moment, it didn’t feel like home.
You sighed as you shoved your diary back in your bag, before grabbing your dry clothes and ran inside to get changed.
Shortly getting changed, you immediately ran for the door, as you shouted, “Thanks Steve. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” Steve called out, as he raided his fridge when he turned to find you left your bag behind on the lounge chair. He rushed to pick it up and ran out of the house, as he shouted, “Hey, you forgot-“
By then, you had already gone. Steve shook his head, before going back inside to get his car key.
#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson angst#stranger things au
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mulder vs. scully and her period
-first off, he 1000% keeps track of her cycle - it's vital to his survival - but he would never ever ever ever tell scully that
-he learned to start keeping track after too many blunders during their first year working together. like, he'd had girlfriends in the past, obviously, but he didn't travel the country constantly with them day in and day out. even diana was rly reserved about her period, preferring to keep that sort of thing to herself. but scully is a medical doctor. while she may take issue with any emotional aspect, and be uncomfortable and embarrassed about that part, she is completely nonplussed by the physical aspect, and talks about it very bluntly and openly, and that took mulder by surprise at first. he wasn't used to being around a woman who wasn't bashful about it, and it made him uncomfortable at first, but eventually he was like "ok, this is going to be part of working with her, i need to get over myself and up my game"
-in their entire time working together, mulder has made one (1) "are you on your period or something?" joke. it was about six months into their partnership, and scully was (rightfully) irritated at him about something and he had tried for some levity. let's just say that he, ah... he has never made that mistake again
-he always has a tampon on hand. like, always. it is more reliable to ask mulder if he has a tampon than it would be to ask another woman in the bathroom if she has one. he started keeping them on him when she got her period on a three hour long flight that had an hour delay on the tarmac, and she'd accidentally forgotten to take a couple tampons out of her checked luggage, so he'd watched her shift around uncomfortably with a makeshift pad made of thin, coarse airplane bathroom toilet paper, and he felt really bad that he couldn't do anything about it, so on the flight back, he bought a travel pack pack of like, six tampons when he went to get sunflower seeds, just in case. then at some point he was like "mb i should keep a couple in my overnight bag for her," and that led to, "she's in my apartment a lot, i should throw a couple under the sink," until eventually he was King of the Tampons
-(he even has different absorbency levels, okay? like, he is on top of his shit)
-he used to buy chocolate for her on long drives when he knew she was on the rag, always saying something like, "it was two for one, don't worry about it," even when it wasn't, until he started to pay closer attention, and he realized she actually tended to crave salty foods instead of sweet ones, so he switched from chocolate to potato chips and pretzels. (he would play it off as though he got them for himself and then would keep offering her some, bc he knew that would help her not sit there and (completely needlessly) dwell over eating junk food)
-she gets really bad cramps the first day and a half or so, and he haaaates it, bc even tho she waves it off, he can see the way she clenches her jaw, and is hunched over whenever she thinks he's not paying attention. if she's over at his place when they're happening - even if they're working - he makes her sit with a heating pad and encourages her to drink the whole glass of water when she takes her midol. he has massaged her lower back on more than one occasion
-she stopped getting her periods regularly when she was going through cancer treatment, her body too sick and weak. about two months after going into remission, she bled through her slacks on some rural highway in arkansas, and although mulder listened to her complain and validated her frustration, he was secretly so relieved, bc he knew it meant that her body was really and truly starting to heal
-her periods become kind of a taboo subject in a way they hadn't ever been before once she learns of her infertility. she doesn't talk as openly about them anymore, but he's still always prepared and after four/five plus years together he doesn't need her to tell him how to make her feel better. he can intuit it. she doesn't say it, but he knows that she's grateful
-her periods become a dark topic when the ivf fails. the period that confirmed it didn't take was hard on both of them, and she spent every night of it at mulder's apartment letting him hold her and allowing him the privilege of caring for her, which she usually resisted
-he actually noticed that she missed a period before he was taken in oregon, but he had no reason to suspect it was anything but just a fluke, so he didn't say anything. when he glanced at his calendar and saw what week it was, though, he did have a fleeting moment where he was like "what if?" not in a serious capacity, but in a wistful way. i mean, they'd been going at it like rabbits and had never once even considered using a condom. like, why would they, right? but in his brief fantasy, he thinks about how she would react seeing a plus sign on a pregnancy test. it would be familiar - that look of disbelief and awe she got whenever they witnessed something unexplainable - and he would be the cause of it, and how amazing would it feel to be able to give that to her? to give that to both of them? but he knows it'll never be anything more than a pipe dream (bitch, you thought!)
-we won't get into sad later stuff, but i'll just say that he really, really resents the fact that he wasn't there to take care of her during her pregnancy. and he would have been fantastic at it. he would have toed the line between supportive but not overbearing perfectly. she would have had a beautiful nine months, like she had more than earned. he'll never totally forgive the universe for taking that from them
-and to conclude, let me just say for the record, mulder is all about period sex. orgasms help cramps, right? he's just being altruistic. ("YOUR orgasm doesn't help my cramps, mulder" "hey, we'll never know for sure unless we try")
-lay down a towel, lay down your woman, and get to it. bro eats crime scene evidence. there's no way he'd let a period stop him from fucking. god bless and amen
-the end
#as always this is just stream of consciousness nonsense#i think i switched tenses in the middle of sentences up there lol#don't take it too seriously#it was just on my mind grapes and i thought i'd share#otp: maybe if it rains sleeping bags#msr#txf#the x-files#diz writes conspiracies#diz spouts conspiracies
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Tragic Ships Tournament Quarter Finals
Propaganda under the cut!
No propaganda submitted however I think everyone should read this giant essay written by the submitter
"Okay so our buddy Jigsaw here, John to his friends, puts Adam and Gordon in a trap in the so-called Saw Bathroom.
Adam wakes up from unconscious in a full bathtub and gasps for air trying to get out. In doing so, he inadvertently pulled the plug. It is pitch black in the room. A voice calls out from the other side of the room.
The voice is Gordon. His name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor. For a few moments his voice is all there is until Gordon turns on the light. They are both chained to metal pipes in opposite corners. They introduce themselves. There is a dead body in the middle of the room.
Neither man trusts the other. In attempts to escape, they find clues: a clock that is brand new and as such the opposite of the rest of the room; an envelope with a cassette in Adam's pockets; and a casette, a key and a bullet in Gordon's. The key opens neither man's chain.
But there is a casette player in the hand of the dead man in the middle of the room.
With some difficulty, Adam is able to reach it so that he can play his tape which detailed his crimes (as according to John) and how he will either watch himself die or do something about it. This is a poetic trap on John's part as Adam is a voyeur and is paid by various people to follow others around and takes photos on them. As for Gordon? Well, first he sends his tape to Adam to hear first before hearing it himself. His crime is that as a doctor (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) he spends his days telling people they're going to die, giving them their death sentence. Now he must carry out that sentence himself. He must kill Adam by 6 o'clock or Gordon's wife and daughter will die.
The dead man in the middle of the room was one of Gordon's patients.
The recording gives them several other clues and soon they find a plastic bag in the toilet with two hacksaws and a bag of photos inside. Adam throws one to Gordon and immediately begins on his own chain. The saw breaks.
In anger, Adam throws it at the mirror which smashes. Gordon realises the saws are not for the chains but for their legs. This is when they realise they've been abducted by Jigsaw. Gordon mentions that Jigsaw had previously tried to frame him for murder by leaving his penlight at the scene of one of Jigsaw's crimes. Adam grows distrustful of Gordon because that's a weird detail to mention, huh? And in a fit of panic and anger, he takes the broken mirror shard and threatens to kill our boy Gordon (Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) unless he explains what the hell is going on. Then he notices that the mirror is a one-way mirror. He smashes the rest of it until he's cut through the glass and they see a camera.
A camera watching their every move. Adam soon learns that the camera is protected by another pane of glass, this one shatterproof.
Gordon, bless his heart, is able to calm Adam down and he begins to tell Adam about his family. He has a wife named Alison and a daughter called Diana. Adam asks if he wants more children, Gordon replies no as he doesn't think Diana gets enough time with her parents as is.
This nice conversation is ruined when Gordon tossed Adam his wallet so Adam can look at the picture of them in his wallet. That picture isn't there; instead, there's a picture of them tied up and gagged in their apartment. Adam doesn't want to worry Gordon so he quietly pockets it and just says the photo isn't there. This photo also has a clue that leads to Adam asking Gordon to turn off the light at which point they see a glowing X and are able to get the next puzzle in the trap. (It's a very drawn out trap compared to Jigsaw's more oftenly used one and one em traps) Gordon retrieves a box with a lighter, two cigarettes, a note saying the cigarettes arent poisonous (factually untrue consideeing lung cancer but John's an engineer not a doctor) and a phone. The phone can't be used to make calls so no 911 can save these white boys right now.
Adam, who doesn't know about the note, asks for a cigarette. Gordon says no.
Gordon asks Adam how he knew to turn off the light. Adam tries to lie, like a liar, and fails, like a failure, and is forced to reveal the photo. This is how Gordon (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) is able to come up with his big plan. He, having figured out it was poidonous, dips one cigarette into the blood of the dead man in the middle of the room. He turns off the light again. He explains his plan to Adam.
Lights come back up, Gordon gives Adam a cigarette and a lighter. Adam takes a drag. Suddenly what? Oh no? He's dying? Never mind, he's being electric shocked through his chain because boy howdy can that boy not act.
Also, when you turn off the lights, people can't see you. They can still hear you.
Gordon points his anger at Adam for the failure of the plan though again, he did just tell Adam the plan by talking. Like that's not that secure. But the electric shock triggers something in Adam. He remembers his abduction and having no one else in the room to talk to (besides the dead body), he tells Gordon about it. Their traumas are entwining. Then the phone rings. It's Diana. She begs her dad to save them. Then the phone is given to Alison who tells Gordon that he can't trust Adam and that they've known each other for a long time. Gordon confronts Adam. Adam admits that he's known who Gordon was for a few days. He'd been paid to follow Gordon around and take photos of what he was doing. Adam shows him the photos. Which photos, you ask? The ones in that bag that were in the plastic bag in the toilet. I'm sure you've forgotten about them now. They argue and Adam admits he followed Gordon to a hotel where Gordon was meeting up with one of his students, Carla. They were about to start an affair. Adam knows about this. As does John. That's the real reason Gordon is in this trap. A Welcome Home Cheater sign? No, no. This one gets the Saw Bathroom.
Convinced that whoever hired Adam must be Jigsaw, Gordon presses him on it. Adam relents. It's not Jigsaw. It's a detective who's convinced Gordon is Jigsaw.
They fall silent again. They figure out one of Jigsaw's henchmen is a guy called Zep who's an orderly at the hospital. The time runs out. The phone rings again. It's Alison! She's broken free! They're saved! Gunshots. Diana screams. Gordon cries. The chain electric shocks Gordon into unconsciousness. Adam immediately tries to wake him up, terrified Gordon is dead. He's not. But he's broken down. And when he was being electrocuted, he'd chucked the phone out of reach. Out of all other options, Gordon (his name is Lawrence Gordon, he's a doctor) uses his shirt to stanch his leg and begins to cut his foot off. Adam begs him not to and to just calm down, but Gordon's too far gone. When the deed is done (which you don't see in the film by the way, the first Saw was very tame when it came to gore surprisingly enough), he crawls to the dead body in the room and takes the gun out of the man's hand. He loads the gun with the one bullet he has. He shoots Adam. Adam falls back like he's in Looney Tunes. Gordon screams at the camera and begs them to save his family. And then Zep comes in. He was the one holding Gordon's family hostage. Gordon tries to shoot him. Gordon had one bullet in his gun. His shots are unsurprisingly ineffective. Zep is unimpressed with this. It is just a rapidly paling man missing a foot shooting an empty gun like he's in a water pistol battle in a county undergoing a drought. He decides to kill Gordon as he didn't kill Adam by 6 o'clock. And Zep is from the county over and has plenty of water to spare. He aims his gun at Gordon.
But he forgot about Adam. Like a Bugs Bunny reborn, Adam comes in from behind with the toilet tank lid. In his fear and pain and anger, he beats Zep over and over and over with the lid until Gordon is able to calm him down. They stare at each other like sad gay men. Gordon tells Adam that if he doesn't get out, he'll bleed to death here. Adam begs him to stay. Gordon promises to come back for him. Adam begs him not to leave him. Gordon crawls out the room. Adam is left alone, a bullet in his shoulder and his heart crawling away. He's all alone. Apart from John Kramer. He was the dead body in the middle of the room this whole time. He stands up. He tells Adam that the key to his chain was in the bathtub. The one that Adam had accidentally pulled the plug out of. He leaves the room. Game over.
Adam will die in this room. It was always going to end like this. One of them was going to die in that room. If Adam lives, Gordon must die. If Gordon lives, he must kill Adam. There is no way in the world for these two to survive, not together. There was always going to be a dead body in that bathroom."
"Charles is Erik's first friend, they are on opposite sides and actually fight eachother but they are still friends who sit down and play chess. Even when Erik is in the Pentagon prison for killing JFK. Charles spends a decade high because he feels betrayed by Erik doing that. Erik paralyses him and leaves him stranded on a beach. Despite being on opposite sides, Erik won't let his people insult Charles. Erik grieves when Charles dies, he sits and goes over their old chess games alone in a park. Erik was grateful the apocalypse had them spending time together again."
#chainshipping#saw#saw 2004#lawrence gordon#adam faulkner stanheight#shipping#ships#fandom#polls#tragic ships tournament#Xmen#cherik#magneto#professor x#charles xavier#erik lehnsherr
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Could we get a Franco Only headcannon list? I love how you make him so adorable and so sad. He needs the spotlight. He deserves it. (And then coil. Because you write him laugh out loud hilarious. But baby goes first)
You can't ask for Franco headcanons from me and not expect me to bring about the cringe,,, I apologize in advance.
- He has a little bit of a tummy and he's a little self conscious about it I'm not taking this one back.
- If he gets crying hard enough he'll start hiccuping, and it's almost impossible for him to stop once he starts. He hates it so much, it makes him feel stupid.
- His vision is kinda shit but he always assumed it was bc of the head trauma. He has an astigmatism. Get him a pair of fucking glasses please.
- His pokemon team would be Tentacruel (bc poison and water), Kangaskhan (he wishes he was the baby), Vullaby (baby should have a mean looking baby pokemon), Salazzle (poison and... i think you understand), Garbador (he's so stinky), and Weezing (poison gas).
- His top three animal crossing villagers would be Vivian, Diana, and Hazel. He likes the pretty villagers and the big sister ones :)
- He'd love a happy meal from McDonald's, but he'd want extra fries instead of apple slices and when he didn't get them he'd throw it back through the window.
- Would benefit from a weighted blanket. I think he likes to be smooshed flat, not just in the freaky way, but in the pressure stim way too. It's comforting, it helps him calm down, and it's warm and toasty.
- If he lost his pacifier he'd throw and entire fit until he found it again. Screaming, throwing shit, turning furniture over, fighting others, he needs it back and he needs it back NOW. Sucking his thumb will not tide him over, either, the lack of it hanging against his chest makes him anxious.
- If not allowed to suck his own thumb, he will resort to sucking someone else's thumb instead. Yes, this is as horrifying as you think it is. Not as horrifying as him with the big grunt, but still, enough to make most reagents want to crawl under the docks for the rest of the trial.
- He's taking hangover naps in the middle of trials. He had one too many Wolf's Milks the night before and now he's groggy as shit. Catch him taking a nap curled up in a corner. A nice reagent throws a blanket/coat over him and he secretly gets emotional about it when waking up.
- If you make kissy sounds at him after he's made them at you, you better be ready to either run or kiss him. That's an invitation, this man is starved for every sort of attention, and he needs SMOOCHES.
Get this imp out of my head (I'm lying I love him being in my skull at all times)
#franco barbi#il bambino#outlast trials#outlast asks#outlast headcanons#headcanons#i wanna hold him while he cries :(
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Dreams See Us Through
Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Part 1: Don't Blink Part 2: Don't Turn Your Back Part 3: Don't Look Away
Catch and Release Prompt: "Solo"
Summary: Without the Doctor by your side, it's up to you to save yourself.
Soundtrack: If We Hold On Together by Diana Ross
Requests: Open!
Tag List: @nyxiethesimp, @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce -- If I could tag literally everyone who asked for a part 4, I would.
Warnings: Canon-Typical Peril.
"Doctor," the tinny voice of Jack Harkness piped up from the TARDIS intercom, sounding winded, "I found something I think you're gonna want to see."
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
When you opened your eyes, the Doctor was gone. In his place, a seemingly infinite field of flowers sprawled before you, with the sun shining brightly overhead. At first, you thought maybe you'd died and gone to Heaven, but as you looked around you saw that, to your right, nestled among some rolling hills, sat a pretty average-looking castle. You would've thought that, were this Heaven, the castle would've been grand and made of gold or something.
And, as you made your way through the meadow, you realized you recognized the flowers you brushed past.
So the angel hadn't killed you. And not only had it instead displaced you in time, it had also displaced you in space.
You were back on Earth.
Your next step was to find out when and where you were. Based on the castle overhead, your guess for location was a very broad "somewhere in Europe." That didn't help you much -- you needed more exact details.
You needed coordinates and a date.
You paused to look around, realizing that you never bothered to look behind you. Unfortunately, it didn't help much -- the castle was still your best bet for civilization. And from this distance, you couldn't tell what state it was in. If it was brand new or hundreds of years old.
Only time -- and a very long trek -- would tell.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
"Doctor," Jack greeted as the Time Lord swept into the room. His arms were held open as if for a hug.
The Doctor ignored the gesture and opted to instead stare at Jack from a distance, arms crossed over his chest. "Why am I here, Jack?" he asked, already tired of the man's antics.
"To look at this," Jack answered with an easy grin as he whipped out something from his coat pocket.
The Doctor stared at it in confusion.
"You called me all the way here for an Agatha Christie novel?"
"Really, Doctor. You think I'd resort to making up excuses to get you to come see me? Look at the cover," Jack told him, throwing the book over.
The Doctor caught it easily and did as Jack had told him. Up close, he could see the details and read the finer print. And a realization struck him.
"What's a hundred-year-old Vipiteran edition of the Mysterious Affair at Styles doing in a dingy apartment in 2008 London?" Jack asked aloud the question that had been forming in the Doctor's mind.
He didn't have an answer, so he shrugged and began flipping through the pages.
He was near the end when he stopped short, staring at something wedged between the pages. The Doctor pulled it out, staring dumbfoundedly at the old photograph he held between his fingers.
"Doctor, look at the back."
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The biggest problem was avoiding the creation of a paradox -- difficult, but not impossible.
Luckily, you'd found a town on the other side of the castle, and with it your date and location. May 16, 1922 in Tureborg, Sweden. That definitely made things easier, though there was still the challenge of getting the Doctor's attention without creating a paradox. Or... at least, not a world-ending one. Hopefully.
You unfortunately had very little on you -- really, only the book you'd bought on Vipitera that you'd kept on you in case you found time to read (so much for that), and a credits chip that was virtually useless now.
You also couldn't speak Swedish. That was a bit of a problem.
You were there only a few days when your problems seemed to resolve themselves. An English artist had stumbled upon the town on his way through the country and had stopped to take in the sights and paint a pretty picture.
More importantly, though, he had a camera with him, and that was enough to spark an idea in your mind.
Befriending the artist was easy -- he was desperate for the companionship of someone who could understand him and you were desperate to get back to the Doctor.
You used each other, as God intended.
Fast friends that you were, it wasn't long before the artist offered to take your picture, and it was an offer you couldn't refuse. In fact, it was an offer you'd been banking on.
And that was how you got a Vipiteran copy of the Mysterious Affair at Styles, with a picture of you tucked into the back and a date a few days into the future and current coordinates scrawled on the back, to London.
Now all you could do was wait, and hope.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The Doctor decided, as he set the TARDIS on course for the day and location you'd written on the back of that photograph, that the moment he saw you, he was going to tell you he loved you.
He was lucky, ultimately, that you'd found a way to leave breadcrumbs that were too small to upset the delicate balance of reality -- yet noticeable enough for him to pick up the trail.
He was lucky that you were smart, and bold, and courageous, and determined as hell. He was lucky that you wouldn't take death lying down. That you'd find some way to make it back to him.
He was lucky, he realized as he threw the switch that'd send him back to you, that you loved him enough to fight to get back to him.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Right on time, the sound of the TARDIS materializing filled the air. You moved to stand, waiting with bated breath and vibrating nerves as the blue box faded into view, and only a moment later the Doctor came bounding out, eyes scanning the scene for you.
He barely had a second to process the you-shaped missile heading his way before you were on him, arms thrown around his neck and holding on so tightly that he had to remind you that he needed to breathe.
"Shut up," you murmured into his neck, even as your arms loosened, "and fucking hug me back."
He obeyed without hesitation, his lips pressing to the top of your head as he pulled you tighter against him.
"I thought I lost you," he said into your hair. "I love you -- I promise I will never let anything happen to you again."
You believed him.
This experience had been enough to scare you both into being more careful. And even so, it wasn't over.
You pulled away from the Doctor, staring up at him with a determined gaze.
"Take me home. There's a Weeping Angel I need to take care of."
#tenth doctor x reader#tenth doctor x you#doctor who x reader#the doctor x reader#the doctor x you#reader insert#doctor who fic#doctor who fanfiction#doctor who#the doctor#david tennant#canon typical peril#catch and release prompt
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Small ideas of Eddie in DC
Finally watched Venom Last Dance last night and had a few crossover ideas. The lack of crossovers for him in DC saddens me so I am throwing this out there. I haven’t really thought of anything so it’s gonna be a short one but it’s a start and I’m okay with that.
So I know most of the time when there is anything Marvel x DC it’s usually Spider-Man (usually Tom Holland) and the Batfamily (who I will talk about) but putting Eddie in there instead is just funny to me. So this is in the perfect world where Venom doesn’t die in front of Eddie, now they have separation anxiety. Yippee!
So the first thing I want to talk about is the places and heros he can meet in their civilian identities because of his last job, which was as a journalist. In Metropolis? Clark, meet the new hire! Yes he looks like a mess and sometimes talks to himself, he’s a stray for god’s sake! It comes with the package! Diana, this mess of a man who looks like he’s about to break down wants to interview you. Please just do the interview so his stinky ass can leave the museum. Bruce, please for the love of god, you can’t hire him he will bring down this company. No you can’t pay him to interview you, he’s a mess not a charity case.
I can go on with this dude and the many ways he can meet the heros but let’s talk about Venom for a little. I think that regardless of who Eddie meets, if he meets the Justice League, or any hero in general, they are gonna be seen as a married couple or each other’s emotional support alien. I don’t care if they are shipped, they at the very least have a bromance because the second movie straight up started as a break up before they get back together. Some are gonna be concerned until someone tries to separate them, then it’s time for a feast and suddenly everyone is gonna be concerned.
I think if he ended up working with Clark, he would try to be friendly to Eddie which he appreciates but would probably damage some goodwill when he starts looking into him. I don’t think it would really harm their relationship since I think Eddie would understand Clark’s reasons for finding him and Venom and appreciate him trying to help and understand their situation but I don’t think he’d like them killing people, no matter how bad they are. So that’s the only real thorn in their friendship, otherwise I think the farm boy would be helping the poor disaster of a man back on his feet and back home.
I’m going onto Batman next mainly because of Jason and maybe Damian. So for Bruce, I think they’d meet because he decided to interview him, Bruce would immediately know something was wrong with this man and keep tabs on him which is the only relationship they would have if Venom didn’t need to eat. Bruce would know about the corpses left behind and hear about the new ‘citizen’ of Gotham, would be pretty hard to miss with it all over the news the first time it’s done. So Bruce puts two and two together and either gets 4 or some random other number because I do think he’d find out it’s Eddie but I think the idea of Bruce thinking of something 100 times worse is hilarious, and it is very possible with how paranoid and cautious that man is. If there is even the slightest chance Venom was like a virus or waiting for others to come to earth he will take it into consideration and find a way to prevent it. So it’s more of a one sided thing, Eddie could find out he’s Batman but would want nothing to do with him.
Now for the Jason and possibly Damian thing. I think Jason would be cool with Eddie, maybe friends because those two have no problem killing someone they think deserve it and I think that’s kind of what starts the friendship. Jason is likely gonna find out about the new arrival from either the news or the family but if Eddie ends up in Crime Alley I think Jason would be cautious at first. I feel like after a few encounters the two of them start their friendship and promptly piss off Bruce because Jason kinda keeps Eddie with him in Crime Alley so he can’t even get close. Last time he tried to see Eddie, Jason gave him a few warning shots. For the Damian part I imagine he tries to kill Eddie and Venom at first but eventually finds out about Venom using animals as hosts as seen in The Last Dance. If any of Damian’s animals, or animals in general, are compatible with Venom I think it’d upset Damian but once will eventually think it’s cool, especially if Venom tells him what the creatures thoughts are. He is very pleased to know his pets adore him, it’s the only reason he’s cool with the two and ever willingly talks to them (he just asks if they could see Venom with other animals).
For a little tidbit of the Batman side, I thought it’d be funny if Bruce or Jason had a thing for Eddie especially if they kill Joker. Jason in this situation would be absolutely pissed at Bruce because of his no kill rule getting ignored by the dude Bruce likes and letting him get away with it or being absolutely elated. Dawg is either gonna try and fight Bruce or judge him for having the rule since this wouldn’t even be the first time he had a thing for someone that kills and lets them get away from it unscathed. If Jason is the one with a thing for Eddie he is going to ask that man to either a) go on a date with him or b) ask to marry him, either way he is rubbing this in the others’ faces because the absolute garbage fire of a human being and his emotional support alien did the one thing he wanted that his family never did.
Next part I’m gonna talk about two of my boys, Billy and Constantine. I want Billy and Eddie to kinda latch on to each other because of different reasons, Eddie’s being ‘oh my god, this is a homeless child, what the actual fuck. Who’s child is this, if no one claims him I might actually listen to Venom and steal him.’ While Billy’s would be something like, ‘wowza a dude and his alien from another universe, that’s so cool, anyway I should probably help get them home.’ Both stick together, and with Eddie and Venom’s talk in the third movie there is a very real chance they decide to just stay to try and be parents, and as adorable that is I also think it’d be funny if this starts a wild goose chase of Billy trying to escape adoption while Eddie tries to watch over the kid, he would be hurt but Venom will not let this be so it’s mostly him forcing Eddie to chase after him.
For John, I mostly thought of him because he has fucked so many people and creatures alike. I am not over the fact he was with King Shark, but with this in mind the only reason I thought of him is because I do think he would try to sleep with them at least once. I feel the two of them would be drinking buddies though with them both being dumpster fires. If Venom was compatible with John I think he’d only ever go with him if something happened to Eddie that temporarily separated the two and was desperate for help protecting him. This would only happen after a while of them being friends or borderline friends because John would probably be the only person he would meet so far to trust so it would either be the first time John finds out about Venom or the first time they try it out. So if they were on the fringes of being friends then it would submit it though I can see both of them being in denial about that with their respective histories before going back to what they used to do but with the new title that they don’t acknowledge. Venom is not amused.
As previously stated, there is a very real chance John tries to sleep with Eddie but once again, romance is funny so we’re talking about this again. If John starts to get feelings for Eddie he is either going to be in much more denial or just confuse it with wanting to sleep with him, and if they ever do then that’s gonna be his ‘oh shit’ moment when he realizes that was part of what he was feeling but not even close to all of it. If Eddie discovers any romantic feelings for John it’s likely going to be because Venom wouldn’t stop pointing it out to him and would constantly joke around about it and try to force them to get together. Either way the shenanigans would be funny but also painful to see because they are both wreaks who do not think they deserve nice things, even if said things are equally as bad if not worse (they both have shitty taste in men).
Anyway that’s my rant, I disappear now.
#eddie brock#venom symbiote#venom#dcu#superman#wonder woman#batman#jason todd#damian wayne#billy batson#john constantine#crossover#and with this I shall disappear again
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