#so they just make gwen do it anyway. that's my current theory
humanimalgam · 1 year
i know gwen sleeveless cooks bc cooking all the cult's meals is one of his many unpaid jobs there but like. is he even any good at it or is he serving cafeteria slop i want to know
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nebwashere · 2 months
I wrote this in May and I need to catch up with tmagp since I'm only on about episode 16?? So this could be entirely irrelevant now but I don't think I ever posted it so may as well yk
So I've been thinking about how unlike in the magnus institute the oiar workers are able to leave like the first thing we hear in the actual podcast (not including the trailer) is someone leaving BUT I don't believe it would be that simple so what's the catch??
While there's a lot of things that could stop them from leaving (later on in the podcast) I just had a thought - what if they can, but they won't?
So we know that the fears in this reality aren't as distinct/aren't the same as in tma (or maybe they're more precise like in the case classification system?? I'm aware that's like a main point that the lines between the fears aren't so simple but that's not the point) so my theory is the oiar is aligned with a fear somewhere between the Eye and the Web, potentially a fear of your secrets being known and used against you/being used to manipulate you
The Eye part is probably self explanatory but hear me out on the Web bit
• at least to me it seems like the connections are starting to appear earlier
• currently there's several different "threads" going on in each episode (gwen's situation, sam and the magnus Institute, etc) and they're starting to connect with each other and the cases (mostly thinking about the magnus Institute and bonzo with this but still)
• hilltop road has been mentioned so we can probably assume the Web or adjacent is involved somehow as well as other realities (celia you make me suspicious)
AND we've already seen gwen using this fear against lena??
She essentially manipulated lena into giving her a promotion by blackmailing her DO YOU SEE MY VISION HERE
OH YEA ALSO lena says "all these forces need to be monitored and balanced" hmmmm sure sounds a lot like "the other fears need to be known and manipulated by my entity"
BUT ANYWAY COMING BACK TO THEM NOT LEAVING IN THE FUTURE DESPITE BEING ABLE in the interview Sam was asked about the worst thing he'd ever seen and as far as we know lena asked celia the same thing
So they won't leave because they'll be afraid of 1 leaving and not having any information from cases so not having that form of defending themselves and 2 HAVING THEIR SECRETS/FEARS/EXPERIENCES USED AGAINST THEM??? WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE??????
And the way that (imo, at least for early season one stuff) they're interfering a lot more than in tma (eg gwen being sent to give the letter to bonzo which becomes a case) which could be them doing the manipulating for the Web/Eye/adjacent (and in turn being manipulated to do so)
ALSO I JUST REALISED okay so we don't know who Augustus is there's theories but we don't know BUT the other 2 main voices are Jon and Martin
Other than the Lonely and the Eye Martin was closest to the Web
And jon was obviously an Eye avatar
Probably reaching here but yk you gotta do what you gotta do
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erytt · 2 months
Assistant noah+ the dynamite duncan thing in all stars = yes
There he was. His hair was wet, the stick of dynamite held aloft in his hand. His tormenter. His enemy. His friend. Duncan was a lot to Noah, but more than anything-
He was a good person.
A good person with a horrible attitude, and so many issues. Everyone but him had seen it. Noah felt stupid, which wasn’t something he was accustomed to. How had he not seen this coming? It was almost too obvious. The insistence on being the bad guy, always finding ways to be hated… he was scared.
And they all ignored it. No, they invalidated it. Gwen forgave him and Courtney settled her score and now everyone assumed he would move on. But if Duncan is a good person, then bad things aren’t going to just go away.
That was his theory anyways. Noah couldn’t say what was going through Duncans brain right now. He was staring, unseeing to the mansion before him. His eyes tilted, and met Noah gaze.
“Don’t. Try to stop me,” Duncan said. There was no question about what he planned. He smiled, and Noahs heart sank. “I’m gonna show them all who the real villain is.”
“Duncan don’t, this is more than a game, this is your future we’re talking about!”
“Shut up! I never had a future, not after this hellhole of a fucking show!”
Noah paused. He was right. All of them had been robbed of their teenage years, their reputations, everything. But he couldn’t let this happen. He wouldn’t watch another person self destruct and ruin themselves.
An explosion of that size could leave Duncan in a hospital. But he also knew what happened to major injuries on this show.
“Please. Please don’t.”
Noah was experienced at holding his tears. He knew when to keep his emotions inside. But somewhere along the line it seemed more practical to keep them down all the time.
It was harder to let go now. To let his voice crack and tears fall.
But he didn’t know what else to do.
Something hit the floor. And suddenly he was being embraced. He thought to pull away but found himself melting into the embrace. As Duncan shuddered, and heaving sobs escaping his throat, Noah held him.
And they stayed like that for a long time.
so my fic currently has a uncertain future as i move into more work intensive parts of school, so i might start writing snippets that ive planned and really wanna make but might not get to.
No context we die like i am with schoolwork rn
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not-logan-paul · 2 years
I was thinking about that one episode where David gets attacked by a wolf? (Edit: The Forest) and that entire episode is just a parallel of David and Max.
When David first sees the wolf, she wants to eat him right? She's actively trying to hurt him, and David doesn't try to hurt her back, but just make sure they both stay safe and alive.
Well later on, when the wolf is chasing David and they get to the cliff, she's not trying to hurt him anymore. She's trying to save herself, and hurting David as a byproduct.
After they fall, David is really pissed at first. Like, he's debating freaking killing her, but then he calms down and realizes that she's just trying to survive. So then, instead of smashing her head in with that rock, he helps her get better and eventually, even though the wolf wasn't very fond of him at first, they both began to heal.
Now, who does this remind you of? Max. At the beginning of the show, Max is just trying to keep himself from getting hurt, especially after the whole ordeal with his parents sending him to camp just to get rid of him. There are points where Max is actively attempting to hurt David, whether to make him feel what he feels, or if he thinks it's just another byproduct of surviving.
The episode with the whole eagle ceremony is where things start to change. (Edit: The Order of the Sparrow) David starts to understand Max and what his thoughts process is like, starting to grasp the idea that everything he's doing is to keep himself safe. On the other side of things, this is the point where Max realizes that not everything has to be dog-eat-dog.
The other thing I could think of that might take the place of the last example is Parents Day, specifically the part where David, Max, and Gwen go to get pizza. Again, David coming to terms with Max's situation and Max starting to get the fact that it's ok to accept help every once in a while.
After these two episodes, Max and David beging to coexist, and while they still fight a lot, they're simultaneously trying to help each other out instead of everyone fighting for themselves and only themselves.
Anyways, I'm probably thinking to deeply into this considering it's a dumb cartoon, but Camp Camp is my current obsession and it's the only thing that's gonna be in my brain for a while. So yeah, ✨theories✨
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villaincrush · 3 years
Anyways I think it’s obvious Belos is the first human. From the depictions of him in the outro/ trailer when we get a glimpse of him with his hair out and we compare that to THIS IMAGE
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And now let’s compare him to how he’s drawn in the outro
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Now let’s see him in the show without the stylistic shit:
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Same hair ! Same color!
Now there’s the doubt that “that’s just the art style”
Well let’s delve more into Belos as a character vs the new information we got about the first human from Eda’s mama
Belos has one current goal- to get the suitcase that turns into a portal to the human realm AND back to the magic realm. This should make you ask questions beyond the obvious “why” and more so HOW. How does he know about the suitcase?
Then you can piece together the other question of “how” - how did he come into power on the isles? Especially when ppl didn’t really KNOW where he came from.
And now we might have an answer to some of these
According to Gwen we now know the human came through a tear in the human realm created by Titans blood. WHO DOES BELOS CLAIM HE CAN TALK TO??? the Titan!! The Titan whos blood opened the portal FOR HIM to accidentally stumble upon.
Belos is a character who came seemingly out of nowhere claiming all these nonsense about the Titan and became a ruler for idk how long ( someone can let me kno in the replies or commemts! ). All of this can be pieced together with the first human who just suddenly appeared due to a dimensional tear caused by Titans blood.
Another thing I want to highlight is that Belos makes different magic. Similar to luz he seems to make magic without casting the same type of circle spells other witches do. Maybe this has to do with the possibility of him being human. Maybe him CONSUMING the souls of those little wood bitches is his way of retaining magic
Or, now hold on now while I throw this at you - I like to think of how the series will end. How Luz will inevitably end up back home in the human realm, maybe forever. She can’t stay in the magic realm…but why? Not because of her family but maybe the realm of magic will harm humans after a while? Just a random theory but Belos’ desperation to go back home and his odd behavior with consuming magical beings ADDED with his age - if u put him being a human into the equation, it just points to “ magic realm bad for humans “.
Anyways I hope u enjoyed my rambling!! Feel free to barf out ur own theories too!
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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wowheadquarters · 4 years
don't be shy, drop ALL your Kel'Thuzad headcanons~
All of them? Hm. I don’t know if I remember all of them. Also, I stopped keeping track of WoW some time in the middle of the Battle for Azeroth, because it can either be WoW whcih I enjoy or shitwreck, and I chose WoW, which isn’t what Blizzard/Activision is currently serving- I meant to say that most likely my headcanons aren’t Shadowlands compatibile.
Anyway. Kel’thuzad headcanons of various importance as I remember them.
Kel’thuzad is his actual given name, it’s not a pseudonym or anything.
In Thalassian “kel’thuzad” mean “seeker of the truth”. (In Darnassian the same phrase is “keil tassad” and in Zandali “kel’ta sad”.)
Kel’thuzad speaks Common and Thalassian fluently. Before the Dark Portal opened he knew some phrases in Dwarven (conversational) and Gnomish (related to transport industry and mathematic). He can also speak Zandali with varying accents (mostly Amani), but he knows only five or six Zandali signs (he can sign his name, but that’s it).
After the Dark Portal opened, Kel’thuzad tried and failed to learn Orcish. He gained the skill later when it was a trial-and-error learning by communicating with Ner’zhul. Due to that Kel’thuzad’s accent when speaking Orcish is not “Human,” but distinctly Shadowmoon.
He also learned Nerubian from... well, the dead Nerubians. He can now both speak and write fluently even with encryption.
(There are 3 ways of Nerubian ecryptions and they can be simultaneously applied. This way there exist 7 versions of encryption plus 1 unencrypted text. These are known as the Eight Webs of writing. Plain text is written in the First Web, triple encryptin is the Eighth Web.)
He can read (but not speak) Nathrezim, and somewhat read and speak Shath’Yar, the language of the Old Gods. He would understand Quiraji if he ever encountered it, because it is very close to Nerubian (like Czech and Slovakian, I imagine).
The Language of Death, by the Scourge usually referred to as Deathspeak, is an artificial language created by Kel’thuzad. It is based on all languages he knew at the point of creating it, and is fairly easy to learn if you find a willing teacher. It was created for the members of the Cult of the Damned to understand ach other without them feeling like one language/race is put above the other, and to partially control their thoughts, as the language specifically hasn’t got some words or phrases (such as “rebellion”). Orwell would be proud.
He was brownhaired, but he greyed out fairly quickly when Ner’zhul settled in his head without paying any rent.
He was from Kul’Tiras. (I still want him to necromance a sunken ship. And a chalk cliff.)
His family name is Naxrierre. There is a theory that Naxrierres were a witch coven that became civilized with years, which is mostly spread by naysayers to explain the family’s talent towards magic. Another theory claims that they are a part-elven bastards which would besides the magic explain the name.
Kel’thuzad took the elf-Naxrierr theory to heart and in his ambition for one of his sons to make it somewhere else than the navy agve him a Quel’dorei name.
The suffix -ramas in Nerubian signifies not encessarily a necropolis but any place to permanently home dead bodies. “Naxxramas” is basically “Nax(rierre)’s tomb” but in Nerubian. 
As a mage in Dalaran Kel’thuzad studied arcanophysic, a way to describe and measure magic. This field is where all the calibration of spells or even negating spells comes from. He became the sole teacher of it in Dalaran, because he was the only one enthusiastic enough about it to bother.
He was that type of teacher who didn’t give homeworks, he hated correcting them. He also had his classes in the most unreasonable hours, such as 3 AM, because he had a busy schedule and non-existent sleep pattern.
Since Kel’thuzad’s banishment the knowledge of arcanophysics among the Dalaran mages has drasticaly declined and is nearly nonexistent nowadays. All books Kel’thuzad had written on it have been sealed away, which removed nearly all reliable sources from the public access.
Kel’thuzad actually had good relationships with his colleagues. He helped Alonda with her fild research on Trolls (hence his speaking Zandali).
His closest friend was Anthonidas. They used to be classmates once upon the time.
What really undermined Kel’thuzad’s trust and belief in Kirin Tor was what happened to Khadgar. He realized that Kirin Tor is not going to act if given a warning, and not going to help if hearing a plea.
He still tried to warn Kirin Tor before what he didn’t know was the Scourge. He had noticed the Amani “moving out of the way”. “Whatever will happen, and I believe that this time it will be the dead, because the demons haven’t tried that yet, it will happen in a single line from Lordareon to Quel’Danas. We know the Amani can see into the future, and they are clearing out of this path.” Dismissed as a doomsayer, he wasn’t really persistent in his warnins.
Ner’zhul’s talks to Kel’thuzad began as especially persistent migraines. Whenever Kel’thuzad tried to tell Anthonidas that his condition is serious, he was sent off with a mug of peacebloom tea and an advice not to stay up so late, and maybe lay off some stress.
The teacher who taught Thrall in his early years such stuff as writing, that was Kel’thuzad in disguise when he was rectuiting in and around Durnholde Keep.
No, Kel’thuzad has no idea the little pet-orc he was trying to groom and later kidnap for the Cult of the Damned (What a better liteunant than the one you raise yourself?) is Thrall, the Warchief of the Horde.
Kel’thuzad was tasked with finding and preparing the perfect new host for Ner’zhul. He was trying to overthrow the Lich King, so he picked Arthas as a paladin of Light whom he believed strong willed enough to handle it. And at the start of the story Arthas was.
His second choice for Lich King would have been Kael’thas.
He shuffled his cards in the deck of “Scourge politics” so that Bolvar Fordragon would take the Helm of Domination after Arthas. Players greta victory? Just according to keikaku.
He had (and still has) a “wanted poster” for Garrosh Hellscream. He really wanted him into the Scourge army. The reward was a whole necropolis with units.
Naxxramas had a dedicated “catkeeper” tasked with taking care of Mr. Bigglesworth and cleaning the acid/slime vats. Her name was Gwendoline, usually called Gwen, she is now one of Garrosh’s ghost children. Gwen died during the attack on Theramore where she was working as a spy for the Scourge.
Liches feed off people emotions and minds. The Lich Kign keeps it secret (even from Kel’thuzad) to keep them starved and obedient. The passive “nibbling” causes that people around liches start to be unfeeling.
Kel’thuzad has developed the Cure for the Plague quite early on. Ner’zhul made him test the plagues seeds on himself.
Speakig of that, Ner’zhul (and later Arthas as the Lich King) had a complete control over Kel’thuzad’s body, so if he refused to carry out an order, Ner’zhul could just make him do it anyway.
Additionally, the Lich King could kep him going despite injuries, exhaustion &c. Arthas fancied himself thinking that h killed Kel’thuzad, but the truth is that the cumulative injuries (several broken bones, stab wounds, a concussion, frostbites, poisonings), exhaustion and starvation were enough to kill Kel’thuzad twice over, no hammer needed. Ner’zhul just in that moment let Kel’thuzad die, because that was what he needed.
He used to play Hearthstone a lot when he was alive. He had a very good Hunter Murlock tribal deck.
He is asexual, and quite possibly aromantic too. In his words: “I believe in love on the first sight. And I am probably blind or something, as it seems.”
His favourite colour is purple.
Shortly before the capture of Bolvar Fordragon Kel’thuzad re-bound his phylactery from the whole urn to a single shard. The shard was sold by a cult of the Damned agent in Kul’Tiras to Taelia Fordragon as a lucky amulet.
Whenever as a lich Kel’thuzad regained his form, he always found himself knee-deep in water due to some fucking coincidences, starting with the Sunwell.
Speaking of Sunwell, he carries in himself  “a spark of Sunwell”. this has many benefits, such as power or not giving a fuck about Light being super-effective against the undead. It is a thing to be revealed out of the blue without prior warning when we need to reset the Sunwell (again).
He has enough knowledge of Troll and Orc shamanism to be considered a shaman, and too analytical and scientific mind to be actually good at it.
He also had made an oath to the Amani tribe that everything he’s learned from them would never be used to harm any Troll. It is why Kel’thuzad was not responsible for the havoc wrought in Zul’drak.
Naxxrams “responds” to Kel’thuzads emotions and feelings and even physical state. When he gets discorporated (killed), Naxxramas enters “save battery” mode. Naxxramas’ usual is “cold and static” and “cold and slightly shaking” which is Kelthuzad’s “bored” and “irritated” respectively.
He doesn’t like sweets, but he enjoyes crunchy stuff, be it cookies or fried potato slices. He craves the crunch.
He ate the flesh of several sapient beings. In several cases he knows it and the memory of ti makes him retch, even now when he is dead.
He likes dragons. He wants his own dreagonflight. (I have a headcanon abbout Sapphiron’s “Ivory” dragonflight of undead dragons.)
He has a saronite armour to match with the Bloodsurge. It decorates a ziggurat somewhere in Plaguelands. el’thuzad honestly doesn’t care. The armour has spikes on the inside, so if you put it on as a living being, you can’t take it off without bleeding out. A very emo move.
And I am tired now, so this will have to do for now. It’s not all of them, I am sure I haven’t thought of some area. But here we go.
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gay-jesus-probably · 4 years
What's up fam does anyone want to hear my new theories on Paranatural JUST KIDDING YOU'RE GETTING THEM ANYWAYS
Okay so first things first: of all the medium's we've met so far, I think that Isaac and Johnny are the only normal ones. And also maybe Walker? Cause during the flashback at the start of Chapter 7 he uses his mute powers with his bare hands, and doesn't seem to use a tool to fight. It'd explain why his flashback aesthetic is so aggressively 70's even though the flashback is set in the early 00's and his usual style is 'cowboy' - makes sense if his flashback look is a symptom of possession.
...That's not the point. Flashback Walker being a medium is completely unrelated to this.
When Possessed Max was threatening Doorman in ch 3, the Doorman immediately identified it as 'a broken god'. Given that the spirit mentions it "didn't end up with the sense of humor", the broken part is probably very literal. Then later on while talking with Nin, Doorman says that Max is "unaware that he carries one of the s-". While the last word is cut off, my guess is it's the start of a number, and refers to how many pieces the Broken God is in.
So that leaves us with three major questions: 1. What is the Broken God and why is it broken? 2. Where are the fragments? 3. What do they want?
Under the read more, because this is 3k words and I’m not an animal.
What is the Broken God, and why is it broken?
While it was whole, the Broken God was a terrifyingly powerful entity with apocalyptic levels of power. It might have been a spirit all along, or it could have started as something else entirely. If that's the case, then the act of breaking might have 'killed' it, turning the fragments into spirits. Whether it was originally a spirit or not, it couldn't be destroyed completely, but being shattered left the fragments weakened and gave the rest of the world a chance against it. It's possible that it hadn't done anything to warrant being attacked, and it was just shattered out of fear of what something that powerful might do, but I think it's more likely it was a very active threat that needed to be brought down.
So who broke it?
Ron Swanson; it burned his hand so he punched it
Bad jokes aside, I think something that powerful would push the Godzilla threshold enough to make a lot of groups put aside their differences to bring it down. Judging by what we've heard about them so far, I assume that early versions of the Cousinhood of Man and Paranatural Activity Consortium were involved. The two organizations might have actually been founded in response to the crisis, or were originally a single group that had a schism after. I don't think it was just them, but I do think the Cousinhood and Consortium were major players in the whole mess.
Which brings us to...
Where are the fragments?
I can't say for sure how many pieces it's in, but judging by the Doorman's comment, my guess is it's a number that starts with S. That's a lot of options, but I'm guessing six or seven, because any higher numbers that start with an S would just be ridiculous - six or seven is manageable, but double digits or higher is way too much to keep track of, the story would never be able to give all of them the focus they deserve.
So we've got six or seven fragments of a broken god. Where are they?
Fragment One: Possessing Max, which is the only thing currently confirmed by canon. This is a very recent development, as Max isn't showing any physical symptoms, was able to cross the barrier to enter Mayview, and his spectral abilities didn't kick in until his first day of school. Given that Johnny starts seeing shades roughly twelve hours after his possession, that implies that Max was possessed the day he moved into Mayview.
I think Max's fragment was stuck outside of Mayview, and looking to get in. It came across the Puckett's heading towards Mayview, and hitched a ride by possessing Max. This is backed up by the fact that Max began to awaken as a spectral before having noticeably interacted with anything supernatural - on his first night, Max could hear Hissin' Pete, saw PJ as a shade, and PJ was able to physically interact with him. If we compare that to the timeline of Johnny being possessed around midnight and seeing his first shade by lunchtime the next day, Max would have been possessed at some point in the late morning of the day he moved to Mayview.
Max's fragment is not Scrapdragon. I think that Max is a little like Mr. Spender, in that he's a medium whose also wielding a tool. Max's fragment is very chatty, revealing itself to the Doorman with no prompting, speaking in long, eloquent sentences, and even talks at Isaac about the concept of school buses and his own morality. On the other hand, Scrapdragon's communicated only in angry screeching so far. Also, Scrapdragon is obviously the source of Max's magnet powers, and he can only channel them through the baseball bat that Scrapdragon's possessing. I don't think Scrapdragon likes the fragment either - despite being a grudge, it seems fairly neutral towards Max, and only gets angry when he accidentally hits it. I don't know if Scrapdragon is trying to oppose the fragment the same way Lucifer fights the Shadow, but I don't think Scrapdragon wants to hurt Max, and it might end up helping him.
Fragment Two: Alright so now we're getting into speculative territory. I'm not numbering these by order of introduction btw, from here on out I'm looking at this via connections.
Boss Leader is possessed by a wight that the Consortium's been studying for a very long time, and is fairly non-hostile. Although it can't communicate clearly, it can express its emotions to BL, and she seems to have a lot of trust in it. Despite Boss Leader's shenanigans, it's been repeatedly shown that she takes the safety of spectral kids very seriously - if she thought there was any chance her wight would be dangerous, she never would have introduced it to two teenagers and a toddler, especially not just to explain the concept of a wight. This is also backed up by the wight's actions during that conversation - it's clearly paying attention, but it doesn't show any hostility, and the only thing it says is "PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED". Hell, it even seems to be a little disappointed that nobody reacts to the wight/white pun.
Despite this, I believe that Sandman is a fragment of the broken god. Not so much because of how it acts, but because of its connection to other possible pieces.
Fragment Three: Dr. Gwen Burger and her husband got stuck inside the prison of an unknown Wight. It was imprisoned by the Consortium before the current Boss Leader took power, it's lonely, dangerous, and really wants out. If it escapes, the results probably won't be pretty, time works differently in its prison, and its dream is connected to Gwen's. I think that Gwen might be its medium, given how warped her appearance is in the dream world, and that the wights prison relies on it being bound to a medium.
Gwen's wight is seemingly hostile, given that it attacks the group at the first opportunity, but what it wants is hard to say - its only line so far is "LOOK AT ME", and it may have been responsible for the demise of Gwen's husband. It also looks very similar to Sandman, implying a connection between them. Given that it's already been established that a Broken God is out there, it only makes sense for Sandman and Gwen's wight to be more fragments.
And more importantly, they're both very clearly connected to another powerful spirit.
Fragment Four: The Shadow, which has been possessing Richard Spender for at least thirteen years now. It's obviously powerful, given how much it scares Spender and Lucifer, and how being its medium has affected Spender's reputation. Given how he reacts to Forge saying he 'defeated the strongest spirit', that likely refers to Mr. Spender's past experience with the Shadow, and the circumstances that led to his possession.
Apart from its power, the main reason I think the Shadow is a fragment of the Broken God is because of its connections to Sandman and Gwen's wight. With Sandman, they look incredibly similar - the Shadow's face resembles a sun and is noticeably missing an eye, while Sandman's face resembles a crescent moon, and its only clear feature is a single eye. This suggests that Sandman and the Shadow are directly related to each other. As for Gwen's wight, it's connection to the Shadow is made clear by Rick's reaction to being attacked by it - while everyone else reacts, Rick freezes up and starts shaking in terror, either recognizing it as being similar to the Shadow, or having a flashback to his obviously traumatic possession. Probably both.
There's also the reactions of Sandman and Gwen's wight. When the group is attacked by Gwen's wight, the framing of the scene heavily implies that it's reaching out to grab Spender - Boss Leader and Walker are moving to defend the others, Gwen's almost completely hidden behind Walker, Mina's reflexively shielding Rick and Ed, Ed's hidden behind Walker and Mina... and Rick is perfectly centered at the back of the group. Furthermore, the way the wight attack contrasts to Rick's flashback heavily implies that it's reaching for him specifically. Meanwhile when the kids are introduced to Sandman, while it's kinda hard to track its line of sight, it seems like it might be staring at Rick the whole time. What the two wights say could also be interpreted as them speaking directly to Rick - Gwen's wight wants him to look at it, while Sandman begs him not be scared. If the two wights are fragments of the Broken God, they might be able to recognize that Rick is the medium of another one, and react accordingly. Gwen's wight wants him look at it, possibly realizing that he's frozen in terror and wanting to keep him that way so that he's an easy target. Sandman also realizes that Rick is traumatized and keeps its distance, asking Rick not to be afraid, as it doesn't want to hurt him. The point is, the Shadow, Sandman, and Gwen's wight are obviously connected to each other, and the most likely reason is all three are fragments of the Broken God.
I believe the Shadow was imprisoned at the bottom of Mayview Lake, though not by the Consortium. Thirteen years before Max came to Mayview, its prison was somehow broken by group that wanted to free the Broken God, though they were widely disorganized. Somehow a young Rick Spender wound up in the lake as the Shadow got free, and it pulled him under before possessing him. Given that Spender dying would free the Shadow, it's possible that the Shadow needed to possess a medium to escape its prison, and was trying to drown Rick right away to free itself. Lucifer intervened, pulling Rick out of the lake, and the two of them have been imprisoning the Shadow in Mr. Spender ever since.
Fragment Five: The Angel of Mayview.
Yeah, I know, she's definitely an enemy of Max's fragment and seemingly means well, but hear me out. When she speaks with Nin and Doorman, she pretty much immediately says she doesn't deserve to be called master. She also seems invested in Forge getting a second chance, not just to advance her goals, but also just for his own sake. These two details give me the impression that she's done some seriously bad things in the past, and is actively trying to make amends for it. Being part of the seemingly evil Broken God would qualify.
My other evidence is what Max's fragment says in Chapter 3. It specifically says that it "didn't end up with the sense of humor", implying that it's unable to find things funny. And right after that, the fragment and Doorman have this exchange: Doorman: Your return changes nothing, schemer. My master does not fear broken gods. Fragment: She should. Would if she could. The comedy your ignorance breeds is wasted on my ears.
This suggests that the Angel isn't scared because she can't be scared. Like she didn't get the ability to fear things, because another fragment has it. Max's fragment also suggests that it knows more about the Angel than Doorman does, and that considering her an enemy of the Broken God is ridiculous. All of this heavily implies that the Angel herself is another fragment.
Fragments Six and Seven: At this point I'm mostly out of obvious suspects. There's really only two major players unaccounted for, and while I do think both are fragments, I think they might both be fragments I've already discussed.
The great power that sleeps in Mayview is heavily implied to be a Big Deal. That being said, I think we've seen it already - who do we know that's a suspected medium for a fragment of the Broken God, and is permanently asleep? Yeah, I think the sleeping power is referring to Boss Leader. Her physical body is comatose, making her completely defenseless in the real world, and if Sandman is a fragment, Boss Leader is obviously very powerful. If Boss Leader's real body is in Mayview, then she's definitely the sleeping power.
Alternatively, it might be referring to the Shadow being imprisoned in Mayview Lake. Forge hasn't been in Mayview in a long time, so it makes sense that he wouldn't know the great power he's seeking was released over a decade ago. His attempt to command the pixelhounds also makes it clear that he's not above using evil methods to try and do what he thinks is right, so it'd make sense that he'd be willing to try and take control of it to help the Angel. It'd also explain why Mr. Spender starts laughing when he hears that, despite the fact that he's literally being tortured - Forge doesn't realize that the power he's looking for is right there. Mr. Spender also calls Forge misinformed right after that, suggesting that he knows what the sleeping power really is. Could be that he knows it's Boss Leader, but it could also mean he knows it's him. Either way, Forge is looking in the wrong place, and Mr. Spender knows it.
As for the other unexplained mystery, we have Penny Spender and her white spectral energy. That's a trait unique to wights and their mediums, which suggests that Penny is the medium of a wight. And given that all wights seen so far are probably fragments of the Broken God, it's likely that her wight is as well... but I think her wight is the Angel. We know fragments can speak through their mediums if they want, and the Angel hasn't made any personal appearances yet, only speaking over the phone. And the reactions of Nin and Doorman imply that's normal for her. Penny's obviously hiding that she's a spectral, so the Angel might be hiding that she has a medium to protect them both. As for why the Angel is possessing Penny, well Richard and Penny are obviously siblings, and Rick first got possessed when he was thirteen. If Penny doesn't know there's something horribly wrong with her brother, I'd be very surprised. I imagine we'll find out more about her, but whether or not Penny's possessed by the Angel, I think she's somewhat aware of her brothers situation and is trying to save him. Whatever her situation is, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Penny Spender, and I really hope she appears at some point in Chapter 7.
So now that we've got a rough idea of where the fragments are and why, that brings us to our final question.
What do they want?
I don't think they all have the same goals. Max's fragment saying it didn't end up with the sense of humor is an extremely informative sentence if you think about it - it means that the different fragments got different aspects of the Broken God's personality, and therefor will want different things.
The Angel and Sandman both seem to be non-hostile (for now at least), and the Angel is actively opposing other fragments. She also seems to be trying to make amends for the Broken God's actions, and feels deep shame over her past, leading me to believe that the Angel has the Broken God's remorse. The other pieces don't feel bad about what they've done because they can't. Likewise, I think Sandman might have inherited its fear, as it almost looks like it's trying to hide itself under blankets, and putting its medium's in a coma allows it to hide from the waking world.
Given their actions, I think the Angel and Sandman are against the Broken God's original goals, and are fairly benevolent. They do not want to become whole again.
Meanwhile, the Shadow, Gwen's wight, and Max's fragment all seem to be hostile. I believe Gwen's wight definitely wants to rejoin with other fragments, given that it seemingly tries to grab Rick. Max's fragment is harder to judge; it's definitely opposed to the Angel, but the Doorman's words imply that it's not really a powerhouse like the others. Max's fragment is the manipulator, the schemer - not the fighter. If it's the weakest of the bunch, it makes sense that it would want to become whole again. As for the Shadow, given that it's first move upon getting free is to attack Max and Isabel, it's definitely an active problem. The fact that it's indirectly described as 'the strongest spirit' implies that it got the most raw power out of all the fragments. I don't have any evidence that it wants to become whole again, but something about it gives me the feeling that it does. Here's hoping Mr. Spender realizes Max is possessed before either of their fragments makes a move. And no, I don’t think the Shadow realizes Max has another fragment yet; he’s still in the early stage of possession, so I think the only way for Max’s fragment to get caught is if it exposes itself. But Max’s fragment definitely knows where the Shadow is after chapter 4, so that’s bound to turn into a nightmare at some point.
Also on a probably unrelated note, the Shadow is a spirit of darkness that chooses to look like a sun, and if you look closely at Rick's memory getting possessed, you can see the Shadow had a massive slasher smile as it reached up to grab him. So uh... I think I know which fragment got the sense of humor.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I look forward to being proved wrong about all of this. But I also kinda really hope I’m right. Either way, if anyone writes fanfic using my theories, I will love you forever.
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Okay, so like, I tend to get ahead of myself when watching shows, especially if I know lots of spoilers, which I do for Merlin. So I know tidbits of information and as I get more information my brain cobbles things together to make sense of what out of context spoilers I have so they have context. And so far I've been oh so very wrong just about every time. And I think I'm going to be wrong again, at least I hope I am, but im going to voice it anyway. I am currently right before episode 4 of season 5. I know who dies this season, I just don't know for certain when. I do however have a theory/ bad feeling that Elyan dies in The Dark Tower. Concidering my friend did identify that episode as one id cry at, I think it likely. However: my outrageous hopefully incorrect claim is I think Morgana influences Gwen into killing Elyan. I hope to hell I'm wrong. I feel like I would have seen something by accident if I was correct. But that's my theory. As much as I would love to know now, I'll probably get to Dark tower tonight, so just no one confirm or deny if im right quite yet
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somnilogical · 5 years
transfem protestors released info that moved 350000$ of donations from miri. because miri is an evil org, they decided to lie about why they think it happened and say its really confusing. i know the answer to this ~mystery~, i know why this year was different; i can talk about it in public, they cant. cuz im freeee from CDT PR. i can decide to lazily choose an algorithm that optimizes utility in multiverse, not just institute whatever choice seems to give most utility "going forward".
<<Our fundraiser fell well short of our $1M target this year, and also short of our in-fundraiser support in 2018 ($947k) and 2017 ($2.5M). It’s plausible that some of the following (non-mutually-exclusive) factors may have contributed to this, though we don’t know the relative strength of these factors:>>
they then go on to list eight pretty thin excuses. you know perfectly well why this year is different from all other years, MIRI. your ""speculations"" are fake.
a small group of transfems moved ~350,000$ from your ineffective charity.
i suppose eight of these factors also account for why CFAR extended their fundraiser 5 days longer than announced after donations were super low?
or maybe there is a more compact generator for both of these events: whistleblowers protested what you have been doing releasing lots of marginal information and donors saw this.
i know why this year is different, you know why this year is different. Colm Ó Riain you are facilitating MIRI lying, hoping that if one doesnt mention something, people wont pay attention to it.
like lying in such a way that you wouldnt be held legally culpable, because you could say in front of a court with low schelling reach "you cant prove what i was thinking". except i dont care about legal culpability, i care about causal entanglement. you heard about the protests (or, much less likely, were kept from hearing about these protests somehow by a distributed version of this algorithm set one personstep back), you have > 1/100 intelligence. your omission of this is deception.
is <<In past years, when answering supporters' questions about the discount rate on their potential donations to MIRI, we've leaned towards a "now later" approach. This plausibly resulted in a front-loading of some donations in 2017 and 2018.>> really more plausible than "there was an entire protest against MIRI and CFAR's support of UFAI. people reacted strongly to this, it shows up in the donations.¹"?
it would have come up on a list that scrapes the bottom of the barrel for plausible causes in a counterfactual world in which you werent optimizing for good PR. an AU in which you were searching for and publicising how things were causally entangled.
¹see, for instance, the Patrick LaVictoire who had aggregate donations of:
25,885$ november 26 2018
35,885$ august 29 2019
117,199$ february 14 2020
giving diffs of 10,000$ and 81,314$ to estimate 2018 and 2019 donation periods. iirc at some point the diff was 81,000$, id guess at some point afterwards they donated \floor{100π}$. https://web.archive.org/web/20200601000000*/https://intelligence.org/topcontributors/
and then went on to do the standard antitransfem thing calling ziz a "gross uncle" style abuser who just wants status like brent.
with their evidence being someone kaj said it, and kaj's evidence being that ziz said:
<<> I asked Person A if they expected me to be net negative. They said yes. After a moment, they asked me what I was feeling or something like that. I said something like, “dazed” and “sad”. They asked why sad. I said I might leave the field as a consequence and maybe something else. I said I needed time to process or think. I basically slept the rest of the day, way more than 9 hrs, and woke up the next day knowing what I’d do. [...]
> In the case that I’d be net negative like I feared, I was considering suicide in some sense preferable to all this, because it was better causal isolation. However, despite thinking I didn’t really believe in applications of timeless decision theory between humans, I was considering myself maybe timelessly obligated to not commit suicide afterward. Because of the possibility that I could prevent Person A and their peers from making the correct decision for sentimental reasons. [...]
> I was very uncomfortable sharing this stuff. But I saw it as a weighing on the scales of my personal privacy vs some impact on the fate of the world. So I did anyway. [...]
> I tried to inner sim and answer the question. But my simulated self sort of rebelled. Misuse of last judge powers. Like, I would be aware I was being “watched”, intruded upon. Like by turning that place into a test with dubious methodology of whether I was really a delusional man upon which my entire life depended, I was having the idea of Heaven taken from me. [...]
> I made myself come up with the answer in a split second. More accuracy that way. Part of me resisted answering. Something was seriously wrong with this. No. I already decided for reasons that are unaffected. that producing accurate information for person A was positive in expectation.>>
which doesnt sound at all like brent or other people ive encountered who were chronically angsty about status.
im going to write more about this and others in another post but like okay:
[1] ppl with high current or natal testosterone (centrally but not exclusively cis men) keep doing this thing where they mind-project that everyone else has the same degree of status sensitivity and unreflecticity upon it as them when actually this is hormonally mediated.
ziz has a natally & currently estrodized brain and from my observations doesnt have that submodule testosteronized. people with PCOS like ilzo have mentioned that they had masculinized status sensitivity modules, lex somni and some cis guy all tried increasing testosterone and noticed status-sensitivity went up, without looking for this effect in the first place. there are papers on it. your experiences are not universal.
[2] but also this isnt really a "belief", its a coordination mechanism. in the same way "its in black peoples nature to be servile" was a coordination mechanism for slavery rather than a "belief". humans actually can use evidence efficiently and see, for instance, in the antebellum south that black people were human just the same as anyone else. but the local social positionality and what they valued made it more advantageous to verbally report otherwise.
similarly for any minority. "*phobia" is the wrong word, its not fear its a schelling coordination mechanism that humans can expect most of society to have their backs on when bad times happen. which tracks what social justice theorists mean by this stuff being "structural". its not about some emotion of hatred or fear against the specific phenotype of "black skin" or "gender divergence" its about what humans can coordinate against.
hence the use of "antitransfem" instead of "transphobia", i picked this up from ziz and gwen and later noticed it mirroring the form of "antiblack". i wonder if antiblack was coined after encountering a similar issue.
[3] you parted with a marginal 71,000$ (compared to what id expect in a counterfactual world without a protest given your lifetime donation total was 35,885$ and you donated 10,000$ last year.) to protect a UFAI org. is this not an amazing amount of "subservience" to MIRI? anarchotransfems getting together to protest the present omnicide isnt "subservience". the transfems protesting against google being evil werent "subservient", but the employees at google who fired them out were.
its amusing watching this one narrative being tiled everywhere, but with different targets. the authoritarians did the same thing to emma goldman. ▘▕▜▋ says emma and somni are haxing a clueless ziz to "bully" people, linta said somni was infohazardously corrupting people, CFAR affiliates say ziz was 'whipping people into a frenzy' and 'demanding subservience' from them. im going to write a post about this.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Ocean au (part 11)
N/A: Ok, further the plot. MJ is a spy for Killmonger and others stuff happen.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
"Ok, remember your line?" MJ asked Peni Parker as the Korean teen finally put her cellphone down and as MJ suggested is using that typical cliche of Kawai Asian girl to her advantage as no one will question why a cute girl is doing in such place.
"Yes, yes" Peni mutters impatiently "I´m an America-Korean girl and you´re my loving aunt taking me to a fun weekend in New Gotham" and fake baiting her eyes as a cute girl would until she morphs into a grin. "I got it, the cover must be believable and not attract the wrong type of attention, I´m not a moron...I´m a pro, MJ" Peni belittles and MJ sighs as she just wants to make sure.
The Hilton Hotel was very expensive, but, as it makes part of their disguise. "Wait, you´re Dexter Maximon´s wife" the receptionist is a bit flabbergasted as Dexter´s Maximon is a legend and the hotel has an unspoken rule to treat everyone under Dexter´s name as VIP.
(Dexter´s wife is a red hair just like MJ. And his wife has a sister who did marry a Korena man and had a daughter with features like Peni, thankfully, the staff does not keep up with the current Dexter´s family or they would notice some discrepancy on Peni and the real Dexter´s niece)
Peni looks amused as the receptionist gives the key for their room and when MJ asks for discretion as her husband is crafting something important, the receptionist, the loyal fan, promised to be discreet as possible.
Peter Ross is in the Hilton Hotel to pick up a friend and as he leaves the lobby, his friend is waving at him, Peter passed down MJ´s red hair and almost make the man make a double take but as Gwen waves at him again, Peter decided against.
Besides, it's not like he´ll see that woman again.
"Thanks to meet me here, Gwen, I want to show you something!"
"Lead the way, Peter"
Ororo is a woman who prefers more a nice cup of tea than coffee, yet, she often has some 5 minutes free to take one with her oldest friend, Logan Wayne. Usually, the conversation takes place on New Gotham´s newest freak show or Logan´s undying love for Talia.
Today, however, is different as Logan is more silent than the usual and stares at Ororo, internally, she knows what´s this will be about, but, pretend to be dumb just to avoid such conversation.
"Ro, we know each other for years, you´re one of my oldest friends, so, why are you doing something like that?" Logan asked having some theories on his own but still wanting to hear her version.
"Logan...there´s things that are better not knowing" Ororo respond keeping her cool down and refusing to share any more information and, of course, Logan is not taking this nicely.
"So, you just ask Columbina to steal the ruby for you just because?"
"That ruby is from Wakanda, Logan, and is not what it seems ...Logan, if we do get involved in this, we may start an international conflict that may result in war"
"For a ruby?"
"For Wakanda"
"Can I trust you, Ororo?"
"Is all I can ask you, my friend"
Felicia waves at Kitty in the gift shop of the museum where the ruby is still in display among with many, many other valuable things who are getting many flashes from cameras and tourist guides offering explanations about its origins. Felicia is dressed modestly and is hard to conceive she´s married to a billionaire.
"Hey, Felicia. Got any cute monkeys?" Kitty asked taking a plushie in her hand carefully. No one dares to question the origin of the monkey, the plushie. Is New Gotham after all, so, everyone is better not knowing the murderous origin of monkey, the plushie.
"Bruce has enough cute plushies for life" Felica jokes as no one would believe that Bruce really is a fan of plushies. "Anyway, I want to ask you something, two things" Felicia starts walking around with Kitty in the gift shop(who would suspect of two women talking, even more, when one of them is holding the secretly murderous monkey the plushie in her hand?!)
"If this is about boob window, rest assured, Lorna told me is a bad idea, so..." Kitty sighs forlon and almost heartbroken "no boob window for me" and Felicia is unsure if she laughs or takes pity on Kitty, then she resolves on both, both are perfectly fine.
Once stopping laughing and patting at Kitty´s hand in sympathy and getting a stink eye from Kitty. Felicia starts again. "No, I want to know about your future, do you plan to be a  freelancer forever?"
"I...don´t know, I´m really good at this so...not sure if I can migrate to any other area" Kitty then adds quickly still holding the murderous plushie before Felicia can say anything else. "Your case was different from mine. Bruce loved you very much and still do, me? I don´t have billionaires after me and I´m not sure if I can be hero material. I can help, sure, but, I can´t call myself one. I know you, Meggan and Wanda are thinking, but, no...I think the Robin Hood person suits me better"
Felicia would like to argue, but, then again, Dark Claw did make a good point, only Columbina is not talking about joining the group and that´s the only opinion they should take in consideration.
"Fine, I think you´re wrong, but, fine. So, my next question, are you dating someone?" Felicia asked amused and adds before Kitty can answer. "Kitty, if you are to tell me you did date an eldritch abomination at some point...I would believe you and be extremely worried"
Kitty looks at Felicia. Felicia stares at Kitty.
"Kitty, I´ll scream and cause a scene if you say what I think you´ll"
Kitty looks at Felicia. Felicia stares at Kitty. And Felicia throws the monkey, the plushie out of Kitty´s hand and points her finger at Kitty who is really amused.
"Ok, so, let´s say that at the moment, I´m single....why?" Kitty replies taking another plushie one that has even more obscure and scary origin story, but, is New Gotham and hardly anyone will notice it.
"Kitty, Bruce will give a party and you´re invited and you must have a date," Felicia said tossing her plushie out again.
"A date? Wait, what if I went with a woman? will your husband...." Kitty asked and Felicia shakes her head.
"Frankly, as long is human, scratch that, as long is not evil and making a drama, Bruce won´t care"
"So your son is giving a party...and you´re inviting me?" Ryder asked with his basket full of clean clothes now. His grin is enough to make Logan reconsider the invitation "I didn´t know you care and people will talk..." Ryder teased amused as people love to speculate Logan´s sexuality much to the older man´s chagrin.
"You´ll have to bring a date, Ryder, and try to bring someone discreet, last year you brought one of your flings...who you were double time and it was uncomfortable for everyone"
That takes a peg on Ryder who is a bit more modest now. "No more, I promise, and yes, I´ll bring a nice date, promise"
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smolmagicalmuffin · 5 years
In the Hands of Magic
Finally wrapped up my s4 ep 5 inspired fic. I’m not really confident with this one... especially with the way I wrote the ending. Feedback is appreciated and if anyone wants to recommend a better title that’s fine.  SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 5
He had met the octopus before. It was an unusual sight to see the creature perched on a chair, wearing a suit and wiggling its tentacles about. Its voice vibrated the vacuum that surrounded them. It was peculiar but he knew that he was in the presence of something divine. Something bigger than him and older than the universe itself.  The experience had changed him. It delivered much needed confidence and the last message he received… it stuck with him for a while. Which is why he wanted to pay the being a visit. He was hungry for information, sneaking around, hunting down items in the woods, and finding a peaceful spot… all to see it again. It was a difficult process. Quartermaster scared him away from the shed that he was searching for documents in. He had pulled up the wrong plant, earning him a few days of itchy red welts. Entering the dimension again was a bit bumpy. It took a few different chants and almost a month of attempts but eventually he arrived thanks to the full moon. “We meet again Harrison.” “Uh… hello?” He had appeared on the same tea party style table as last time. A football, rocks, a stuffed elephant and a playing card floated past them. The dimension wasn’t as empty as Harrison thought from his first trip. “I figured you would try to enter on your own. You seemed very curious. Be careful with your search for knowledge… might get you into trouble someday.” The octopus waved its tentacles around, words echoing. “I have so many questions.” Harrison grabbed a playing card as it drifted by. He returned it to the deck in this pocket.
“What do I call you? I don’t know your name and I’ve been seeing you as an it? Which just feels rude to me?” He pointed at the octopus, hand shaking.
A chuckle came from the ancient being. “Ah humans. I can tell you have a loving heart. You worry about offending me? That is almost impossible. I am not bound to the labels that your kind tends to adopt. I’ve been called several things throughout millennia. My gender is infinite. You may call me what you wish.”
It took a moment for Harrison to process that. He looked up in shock. “I can name you?”
“Yes. No pressure though. I can understand why it would be a burdensome task.”
Harrison fiddled with his fingers. He glanced at the suit that the octopus was wearing. Today it was a muted green with a yellow bow tie. “I’m not sure… I could name you Gray? You are gray but at the same time that seems stupid?
“That I can accept.” 
“Seriously?” “You worry about the approval of others too much. No need to fret. The name you assign me can be simple. Each name I’ve been assigned by mortals has a unique energy signature. Even if it is the  same name used by separate beings. It binds us together. “ “Should I be concerned?” 
“I am a neutral being assisting and guiding who I desire. That connection will not harm you. Let us make this connection official.” Harrison stared at his companion’s tentacles. “You want me to shake one of you tentacles?”
More laughter erupted from it. “Not necessary.” A tentacle reached out and pressed up against his forehead. The sensation was cold at first but it turned warm. His whole body shivered as energy passed through.
The newly named Gray took its tentacle away. “Complete.”
Harrison shook his head. “That was something.”
“It was nothing more than a simple ritual to bind us together. Do you have any more questions for me?” 
“How can I come back here without all of the work? Where are we?” Harrison waved his hands around.
Gray let out a soft chuckle. “This plane of existence has many names. It is a crossroads between multiple dimensions. Not every being can access this place.”
The stuffed elephant from earlier floated by again. “Stuff I made disappear is here? Is… my brother here? You told me that he said hi.” “Your abilities are quite talented for someone of your age. With some practice I can see you returning completely on your own. That I can teach you. Your brother? I have seen him around here. Do not worry. He is well taken care of.” This confused Harrison. If his brother was floating around in this plane why couldn’t Gray just bring him back? At the same time he was honored to have the attention of a higher being… even if it was a little creepy and slimy. Gray seemed to be trustworthy and a possible… friend? Yes. Harrison wanted to work on a relationship between the both of him. If the octopus couldn’t return his brother maybe it could pass on the knowledge to do it himself. Gray oddly blinked. “You have many thoughts at the moment”
Harrison shot it an offended look. “You read my mind?” “I admit to taking a peek. I was curious of your opinion. If this does disturb you I can be less obvious about it.” “How about you don’t take any peeks?” he snapped. “That I can not do. I have access to the minds of most mortals. They chatter and chatter. It is quite interesting if you give it a try. I do not advise that you attempt to look into mine. It is too incomprehensible and I would hate to lose a wonderful soul like you to insanity.”   “I...okay? Why would I do that? Its rude.” Harrison stammered. “You have goodness in your soul but I sensed a bit of darkness being held at bay. Nothing wrong with a controlled release of your darker wishes and desires. Prevents it all from boiling over.” “Dude you are creeping me out right now and I have no clue how to feel.” “Do you wish to go back?” “No. I want you to teach me things. I’ve been looking for someone to help me with my magic.” The fear in Harrison’s voice was replaced with confidence. This didn’t surprise Gray. It knew the boy viewed it as a potential teacher. He was a bit skeptical  and skittish but willing to listen. 
“I am afraid that this current visit must come to a close.”
Harrison titled his head. “So is that a no?” “I am willing to educate you on the use of your powers. However it will not be easy. We will meet very soon.” Harrison’s surroundings started to turn white. As everything around him faded he heard one last thing. “The hat you own and hold so dear is the key for your return.” He woke up in the forest laying on his back. The stars glittered above him. His hat was beside him. Harrison gazed at it while thinking about Gray’s last words. He made things appear and disappear with the hat. Perhaps it was a portal of some kind. Would stepping into the hat bring him back? But how could he return once he arrived? Wouldn’t that trap him? Could Gray just teleport him? His mind was buzzing with questions.
Harrison sighed and stood up. It was late and he needed rest. He could practice tomorrow. He walked along the path towards the circle of tents. Leaves crunched under his feet and he could have sworn that Quartermaster was behind him at some point. He stepped into the tent he shared with Preston. The young theater kid was snoring quite loudly. Harrison rolled his eyes. This was normal but that fact didn’t make it less annoying. Oh well he was starting to adjust and he was exhausted anyway. He slipped under the covers of his sleeping bag and instantly fell asleep.
“GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!” David’s cheerful voice rang through the recently repaired loudspeaker. Neil had helped and earned extra dessert as payment.
Harrison grumbled and rolled out of his sleeping bag. He got dressed and then shook Preston awake. His hearing was slowly starting to decline so Harrison decided to be a decent friend and help him out when needed.
“Did I miss announcements again?” Preston stretched. “They just started.” On cue they droned in the background. Gwen mentioned “Banana Pudding Night” and there was something about a dodgeball competition later in the week. Preston started humming and walked over to the corner of the tent to change. Clothes flew in Harrison’s direction. He picked those up, eyes rolling. “Hey next time keep your clothing on your side of the tent.” He left the tent.
Preston looked in his direction. “What?” Today’s plans were easy. Eat breakfast, do whatever activity the counselors set up, sneak off to practice magic and test his theory.
He mostly kept to himself. Normally he would be trying to get the other campers to view his illusions but the summer was almost over and he had a mission for the day. Nerris approached him during breakfast which made him both annoyed and oddly happy. Harrison was beginning to enjoy her company and the bickering between them was slowing down. Of course, since they were both children they would fight and argue but they found themselves more as friends than rivals these days. After a long and exhausting hike with David and the others Harrison decided to hangout behind his stage to practice. He made a mental note to update Nerris and Preston on his recent adventures after his next visit to Gray. He felt guilty for his distance lately.
He stared at the inside of his hat. “I don’t see anything?” He shoved his hand in and pulled out a rabbit. It sniffed at him before hopping off. 
“That didn’t work.” For the next half hour Harrison tried multiple things. Screaming into the hat. Jumping on the hat. Shoving his head inside the hat… which got him the closest result. He could see the dimension and was that Gray waving a tentacle to say hi?
He was close.
Harrison sighed and placed his hat on the ground. Instead of jumping, he would step into the hat. Maybe this would work? It was a more controlled action. 
He did just that. Once both feet were in the hat he was sucked downwards, landing face first onto the tea table. “There goes my tea. What a shame.” Harrison lifted his head up. Gray was directly in front of him and his suit was covered in tea. “My bad.” “That is no problem. I am used to this sort of thing.” In a flash of light Gray’s suit was clean again and Harrison was sitting in a chair.
“Congratulations. You discovered a way to get here on your own.”
“I mean… I did before?” He shrugged. “Ah yes. It was not smooth and simple like this time however.” Gray almost laughed. “I don’t know. Is almost throwing up as I’m hurled towards another plane of existence smooth?” Harrison’s voice raised in pitch with annoyance. “You will adjust. Travel is not rest on your mortal body.” “Quartermaster? How are you two connected? I don’t think I ever asked about that. And… what did he mean when he said that the world needed to be saved very millennia?” “Those are some difficult questions.” “Not really.” “Remember when I said that your search for knowledge might get you in trouble some day? This is what I meant.”  Gray’s eyes glowed for a moment causing Harrison to shiver.  “I can answer some of your questions but others will have to wait for the future.” “I’m sorry.” Harrison quickly apologized. Gray stretched out a tentacle and patted him on the head. “Humans like you make me have faith in your species. It is not very often I notice purehearted individuals. Without that… well Earth may no longer exist.” This concerned Harrison for a moment. Why was the octopus so focused on the idea of destruction? Yet so encouraging of his better traits and oddly trustworthy? He grew silent and awkwardly stared up.
“So what can you teach me?”
The next few weeks were very busy. Harrison’s perspective on Gray slowly begin to shift from fear to an acceptance of the odd habits that the being displayed. With every visit they grew closer and  eventually there was a friendship of sorts. Gray was annoyed but amused with the constant string of questions from Harrison. The young magician was also getting more powerful and beginning to stand up for himself and his friends.
On the last day of camp, Harrison decided to check in.
“Here again?” 
“I just wanted to say hi really quick.” He leaped up from his chair and began to float. “Still not used to this.” Harrison slowly did a flip in the air as he drifted away from the table. It was like he was underwater with a lack of gravity.
Gray began to glow. Harrison found himself in a different but yet familiar section of the dimension. Lots of objects surrounded him. His heart pounded as he realized the significance of the objects. It wasn’t just one or two objects that he made vanish before. It was almost everything. Which meant…
A figure came into view.  
Harrison stuck out his arm. Kicking his feet, he got closer and closer to Blake. He did the same in response, yelling out in glee. His hand finally met his brother’s. He wrapped him in a big hug. “I’ve missed you so much...” Blake looked at Harrison with wide blue eyes. “Are we going home now?” “Yes we are.” In a poof of smoke they both vanished.
Pride was a rare emotion for Gray’s kind but with Harrison, it had those feelings towards the boy. Maybe in the future he would make a wonderful guardian, a similar role to Quartermaster. Humanity as a whole was going to be okay. Magic was in good hands.
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nemorialex · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Shan OOC Contact: Tumblr IMs, Discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Alex Miller, 20 (as of 2019), Explorer/Adventurer who spends their time studying the supernatural and magical elements of the forest.
Due to (semi)recent events, they are a reluctant god of space/creation and live on a new planet populated by at least 3 other sentient species, aside from humans.
Points of interest:
Maroon-red hair with a poofy curl of bangs, incredibly pale, floor length black trench coat, jeans and boots: This is what they look like 99% of the time.
A thick journal, an array of knives, and a few useful magic charms: this is what is in their coat pockets 99% of the time.
They are studious, attentive, and a little people/socially awkward. And near always willing and excited to help where and when it’s needed.
Alex has a dreamcatcher necklace charm that they made themself. When flipped like a coin, it opens a portal of bright light, color, and lightening which can transport the user to “anyplace of their dreams” AKA, think of a place and you’ll be there when you step through. It is their main source of long-distance travel. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
Taking care of their pets (3 dragons, 1 giant chicken, 1 cat, 1 dog)
Studying their new home, either by hands-on hiking through the woods or by checking out several books at a time on the history, myths, and trivia of the planet.
Traveling to/waiting inside the ruins of a temple where their boyfriend is currently asleep until an undetermined point in time. 
(This is an IC secret but) Alex just finished the main construction of a seaside house on a cliff for said sleeping boyfriend.
Studying a handful of magic related books to come up with new potions and/or charms from the existing spells.
Practicing their given god abilities (with mixed/little success, due to personal doubts)
Making a list and retrieving or crafting gift items for the upcoming holidays.
Where to find them:
In the woods on a hike, probably mapping out a trail or sitting and watching wildlife (specifically dragons)
In the City, either getting supplies (for magic or building,) food, or books (as stated above)
At the cabin, keeping busy with smaller tasks
At the apartment of Zack (brother), Frenchie (Moirail/best friend), and Toby (their son) usually for a family related activity like babysitting or dinner
At the ruins of the temple for the Page of Mind (as mentioned above)
A classified location (seaside cliff) for a classified reason (building a house)
Sometimes within the temple for the Prince of Breath (Ghostie’s place)
Current plan:
Mostly their “plans” consist of just... Doing what they’re doing now. Finishing projects, studying facts, playing with magic. Biding their time.
The idea of a proposal has been tossed back and forth.
Later, when they feel more “settled” (aka, everyone is awake, safe, and counted for) they will go off to more extreme adventures, or at least those that are farther from home/take a lot longer to complete.
There’s a very vague plot in the rough draft phase right now, but it’s more targeted to another pair of OCs... :3c
Desired interactions:
New people to meet! And not just a casual “hello” over the internet, but genuinely new friends that they can interact with. 
An exchange of information! Even if it’s just you talking endlessly about something you think is common in your life, if Alex hasn’t heard of it they will drink in every word.
A new exploration! Pretty much the same as above, but with locations rather than just information.
(they have a very, very small curiosity about pitch dating)
Offered interactions:
UNfortunately, Alex is a bit shy, so they won’t directly reply to stuff. FORTUNATELY, that means you can purposefully misunderstand what their “dash watching” post is about and strike up a conversation or press for answers.
As one might expect, Alex will ramble for days on end about both first hand knowledge as well as personal theories they might have on a supernatural subject, like the difference between dragon varieties or species developments or why a full moon and a new moon have magical properties.
Not that they’d ever ask, but test subjects for magic are welcome. Or better yet, throw an idea at them and they’ll accept the challenge.
In person interactions are absolutely a thing, especially because of their portal and their willingness to toss themself into spontaneous adventures of bored enough. 
Current open post/s:
Basically any IC post is free for interaction, plus the inbox is always open and stuff. 
Anything else?:
UH, idk what else to add, honestly? My mobile links should be working and the pages are (FOR THE MOST PART) up to date if you want more detailed info. 
I have 3 other muses that are related to Alex.  - affluentialspikes Zack (Brother through adoption) These two are in an AU of sorts? It’s tricky to explain, but they know different versions of the Millers - heartsandkrafts Shar (Niece of Aunt Alex) - astutescientist Gwen (Student/apprentice of Uncle Zack AKA Mr. Miller)
Tagging: Yours, ripe for the taking!
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Upon learning that they would be able to make a move to save their captured teammates and strike out against the Phoenix Five, the remaining Avengers gathered together to debrief and strategize. They were joined by a few new mutant allies and a powerful but familiar face.
SAM WILSON: Things were rough. From the beginning there had been an expectation that this was going to be a difficult right, but this wasn’t just difficult. This was the impossible fight that they somehow had to make possible. Everyone in the debriefing room looked beaten and torn like they had seen better days – and they had. But at least they were alive at all. That was more than a lot of their friends could say. There were dents in his shield and a chunk missing from his wings but Sam Wilson was glad to stand before his remaining team at all. “I know it’s bad out there,” he cleared his throat. “More than half our team is gone. But we can’t quit now. We had some information piled on our current status. I know some of you are missin’ loved ones, but we need you to hold out to the end so we can get through everything. As it stands: the Asgardians have no leader. Odinson was taken hostage by Emma Frost and we lost Valkyrie on the moon to Wither. She’s in the med bay along with all of the other infected patients. Don’t touch them for any reason or you’ll get infected too. Prince Ahura is now King of the Inhumans after Namor killed Crystal. Other casualties include Lana Baumgartner and Nathan Summers at the hands of Magneto. Billy Kaplan was wounded by Magik but we managed to retrieve him from Antartica. Wolverine managed to survive a fight with the Phoenix Cyclops as well, but most of our fights against their hosts haven’t gone well. Confirmed hostages include Kate Bishop, Gwen Stacy, Scott Lang, Jessica Drew, Janet Van Dyne, Doctor Stephen Strange and Rikki Barnes among others. Susan Storm was last seen in Latveria but we’ve lost all communication since. We’ve also had some wins though. We evacuated the Hellfire Academy, Madripoor, Subterranea, Tymyr Peninsula and Wundagore Mountain. Our goal was never to take hostages but currently have the younger Scott Summers and Sebastian Shaw in custody. To those of you who have won your fights, congratulations. Our infirmary has filled up faster than we have room to accomodate. I know it’s a lot, but we don’t have a choice in all of this. Which brings me to my next point,” Sam sucked in a lungful of breath. “We have to bring more protection to Wanda and Jean if we’re going to beat the Phoenix. So far we’ve kept their location a secret but we’re running out of options. Carol and I have been talking and we trust you all enough to tell you that they’ve been in Citrusville, Florida. It’s the Nexus of all realities and we hope that’s enough to amplify their powers. Both Jeans and Wanda have been instructed not to leave but that clearly was not obeyed as last night the elder Jean Grey left Florida for Krakoa and hasn’t been seen since. We’re assuming her husband, Scott, has her so that’s one less option for solving this. Anyone have any suggestions?”
ERIK: “Jean and Wanda are not left defenseless.” Erik spoke up after Sam had finished. He had just been outed to the group as a murderer– which was completely true– but he steered clear of that topic for the moment. “The elder Jean trusted me with their safety, but I had not anticipated her departure.”
AHURA: Ahura sat at the table, arm in a brace from a sprain he received from his fight with Sebastian Shaw, who was currently held in his custody. He had his father and fallen king on one side and his cousin’s lead guard on his left. He did his best not to hold judgement on Dante for what happened to his cousin. “I understand stand that we’ve been trying to keep this as isolated and small scale as possible but I think we’ve all learned that’s not an option.” The new king spoke up. He was beginning to grow tired of Magneto and how everything appeared to revolve around Jean Grey to him, therefore he made it the center of everyone’s attention. “This is a war so let’s treat it like one. I have two armies currently at my disposal along with the most advanced inhuman technology, and I assure you both are eager to avenge their queen and those who died during the attack on Atillan. I’m sure the proud warriors of New Asgard feel the same and just seek a figure to lead them. What I’m saying is that it’s time for drastic measures and full scale offenses less we end up like the other half of our comrades.”
RIRI: “We were trying to do something.” It was the first time that Riri had left her room in over a week. She worked better alone and time kept slipping by. “Originally it was the create a vacuum to suck the Phoenix from its hosts. Still the plan, but we’re also trying to triangulate the locations of those who are missing. The mutants have to be holding them somewhere. Between all your murdering you didn’t happen to hear anything useful did you, Magneto?”
ERIK: “Not so much.” Erik winced, but his expressions remained steady. “There was not much chance of rumors reaching me since I was alone on Genosha. I was brought to Jean and Wanda and that’s the extent of my knowledge.”
LOGAN: “I’ll go after Jean.” Finally Logan spoke up. “She understands the Phoenix better than anyone. We need her.” And he needed to make sure she was okay.
CAROL: Carol was sitting near Sam, though she wasn’t participating as much as she should have been. Instead, she was slouched in her chair, picking at her lips, lost in thought. She’d been dealing with the guilt of allowing the Phoenix to possess the five mutants — she’d been trying to be pacifist instead of putting an end to it then and there, like she should have. Like she would have. But Carol had been trying to fill the shoes of Steve Rogers, and that meant going in with a steady head. “We screwed up.” She finally spoke, offering what input she thought was necessary, despite the leading conversation. “I hope you all understand that we have no friends on the other side right now.” She glanced at Erik, but let it pass. “If you’ve learned anything, it’s that they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. That includes injuring and killing us. If you haven’t put your war paint on already, it’s time to start now.”
SAM WILSON: “No offense, buddy, but if she didn’t come back I’m not likin’ your odds and we’re short staffed as is.” The Captain folded his arms over his chest as he addressed Logan. He spoke once more after Carol finished. “Just in case it hasn’t been said, your majesty, we’re sorry for your loss. There’s too many of our men falling. The Asgardian’s don’t have a ruler but I’m betting they’re willing to avenge their King as well. Us having an army isn’t the problem. They just keep cutting them down. Who here’s gone up against a  host? What do we know about what they can do one on one?”
LOGAN: Logan might have sided with the Avengers, but he wasn’t part of the team. He didn’t have to follow their orders. So he tucked the idea of going after Jean away for later. “I did.” He spoke up again. “He kept goin’ on and on about how all of us were wrong, and that the five of them were going to change the world. He was overpowered and overdramatic.”
SAM WILSON: “You and Val went up against Wither, Dr. Brashear. Only one of you is here so we know it didn’t go well, but did you notice anything?”
JOHNNY: "Sounds about right.“ Johnny said from his place at the table, where he absentmindedly toyed with a pen. "So how are we going to get them back?” he looked straight at Sam, expecting an answer. “And how will we find Sue?”
BUCKY: “Why don’t we ask someone who actually took a hostage?” Bucky spoke up and looked towards Lorna, pointing at her. “She was the one I fought in Wakanda. And she took Rikki with her.”
ADAM: “I got the chance to examine Mr. Ford’s powers in great detail. I’d never seen something quite like it. It was fascinating.” He responded leaning in over the table, some of his injuries still remained. “What I did learn is that his powers now cause the atomic corrosion of any state of matter, including in its negative state, down to the subatomic level. In theory he can destroy anything. Furthermore. I trapped him in one of my opaque light field generators I made in order to protect the earth from threats the like of a supernova or world ending astroid and he was able to burst forth in less than a minute.” In truth, adam had never felt so overpowered by an opponent.
REED: Reed glanced between Johnny and Sam as Sue was brought up. But before he could add something to the conversation, Bucky brought something new to the table. “Right to the source– that’s always the best course of action. That’s how we’ll find her. So–” He turned his attention to Lorna. “You’ve been awfully quiet during this conversation. But it’s come to light that you have valuable information.”
FRANKLIN:  Franklin was sat next to his uncle Johnny. He was terrified about all of this. If this had just happened a little bit longer ago he probably could have just willed the phoenix into being a pigeon but now his mother was gone and his powers weren’t what they used to be. “I can’t find her. I keep willing it but I just can’t find her.” He said seemingly looking to the others for answers. “I’ve always been able to find my Mom since I was a baby and now. Now I just don’t know.”
LORNA: A call out. How lovely. Lorna had been mostly unsure about whether or not she should come. Word of her father switching sides hadn’t meant much to her. She had been working with Remy more than him anyway and all Erik had been as of late was a headache. If he had his little epiphany or whatever that was his own business. The only reason she was there was the mutants and the fact that they were no longer safe under the Phoenix Five. "No matter what your whack powers tell you, she’s alive. They all are. Even some of the dead ones. Not all of  them, mind you. We can just say that sometimes things look worse than they are. Krakoa didn’t want them to harbor hostages on him, so they got creative. What do you know about the mutant who took Sue out? Her name’s Blink and she’s… Well, she used to a good friend of mine before this. Definitely not the type to teleport the air out or someone’s lungs like she did your mother.”
TOMMY: Tommy couldn’t handle looking at his dumb face any longer. Erik killed them and he was just supposed to sit here and act like everything was kosher. Not happening. Even if it was petty and childish it would be worth it. Time seemingly slowed for Tommy as he began weaving around to the opposite end of the table. Taking a firm grasp on Eriks nipples through his shirt and twisted with gusto before returning to his seat and acting like nothing happened.
GWEN: Trouble trouble trouble. He was trouble. Gwen had been doodling out the hanger battle from Civil War in beautiful stick figures when there was a slight breeze. Cackling slightly she shook her head at the mini speedsters antics while she kept drawing. Half of the Fantastic Four were here and she’d have to lock lips with one at some point.
ERIK: Doing his best to pay attention but also keep quiet, Erik suddenly was caught up in a sharp pain. He winced, taking in a sharp breath of surprise and then laying a hand over his chest in confusion.
HANK: “Quite frankly I don’t care about whose friend they were or how good of people you once found them to be. They’re threats not just to the planet but the galaxy.” Hank finally spoke up feeling annoyed. “I understand wanting to end things peacefully but as Captain America stated, we have no friends on the other side, so let’s not act like we do.” Hank replied as he began fussing with his toolbot as few items came together. “Back to the vacuum concept. It’s promising if it works and that’s a big if. However, there are band-aid solutions that we can use to by time, to name a few, Quantum realm, neutral zone, negative zone and microverse. Banishing even just one there may by us the time we need to perfect a solution and test the effects of what happens to the phoenix when it’s split up between dimensions.” He said ignoring the fact that there was sentient life in most of the places he suggested. He thought it would be best not to bring up the topic of creating a man made blackhole and taking the phoenix five into them in hopes of shredding them to pieces.
REED: Reed huffed in frustration. “The fact that they are dangerous to the world doesn’t need to be debated currently. We need the hostages back.” He shot Hank an annoyed glance before turning back to Lorna. “Her mutation allows her to create portals for teleportation, correct? I’m assuming you wouldn’t bring her up if she hadn’t played a bigger role in this than we are aware of.”
LORNA: “Of course not. And I’m not saying we should go easier on her because she was a friend. I’m saying that that thing looks like Blink but isn’t. I’m no Phoenix expert but if it did that to her I don’t know what to say about the others.  Kevin was always a little more rough so I’m not as surprised. He and Clarice are more separate from Emma, Scott and Namor. They’re a team but I don’t think they’re as much in charge. Blink used her Phoenix powers to boost the mutation of Magik. Illyana controls Limbo so together they pulled part of the hell dimension to Earth. Consider it a nightmare realm. That’s where your friends are. Blink and Wither are currently guarding it and you saw what happened when he touches you. Maybe it doesn’t kill you at first but it doesn’t take long to spread completely. If you want your people back you have to get through both of them and Limbo. I’ve never liked humans or how our people have been treated, but too many of us agree that this isn’t the way to fix our problems. We’re making the world worse, not better. The entrance is Cape Dezhnev in the Bering Strait. As for the Phoenix vacuum, well, I think you’d have to talk to my darling big sister.”
TRAUMA: Trauma had been silent just about the whole meeting and finally decided to chime in. “I’ll go… Go to the Hell on earth or whatever you want to call it.” His powers were magical in nature and that’s all he really knew. Between that, his experience with fear, and being able to be the perfectly tailored opponent for any individual it felt like volunteering.
SAM WILSON: "I’m sure we can make a sign up sheet.“ Sam’s voice was wry. "We’re glad you’re here, Polaris. Gambit as well. This isn’t Avengers against X-Men anymore. It hasn’t been for a while. If we’re going to save the world we don’t have a choice but to work together here.”
REMY:  “Speakin’ of X-men,” Remy was standing near Lorna as he spoke, hot on the heels of her words. “It’s come to our attention that us mutants don’ all share t'e same ideals as Emma, Scott, and Namor. I know it’s hard as hell to go against people like you in support of people who not only aren’ like you, but also don’ like you, so I don’ blame t'e mutants t'at fought for other mutants, even if it were under Emma and t'e rest. However, Lorna an’ I will be givin’ t'e mutants t'at are left a chance to leave the Phoenix behind. It won’ be easy, but as many as we can get to go against the Phoenix Five will be more t'an we currently have.”
LORNA: Her head inclined towards Remy in agreeance. “We can’t get you onto Krakoa, but we can help you rescue the hostages and let you know what we do. I understand my father has stopped being a raging prick and you have most of the Grey-Summers dynasty as well. Between them and Wolverine you’ve already got an important chunk of the mutant leadership.” Lips twitched at the thought of everyone they were forcing to work together. “So we do our part. What are you doing to stop the Phoenix? If you’re taking the Limbo guards out you better have a plan.”
SAM WILSON: “We don’t have as much of a plan as we should.” Sam admitted. “These last few weeks we went through a lot to keep Wanda and Jean’s location secret in Citrusville, but between one of the Jean’s bailing we’re making exception to our rules. Wanda?” He looked to the door to where he knew she was waiting. “Your turn.”
ERIK: What Erik responded with was almost an eye-roll, but not quite. It wasn’t that he was annoyed with people bringing up his horrible actions as of late, but it made him uncomfortable. “I wasn’t in my right mind. It does not excuse anything I have done, but that part of me is gone now. My mind has been made right again.” He glanced over to his daughter, trying to express how sincerely he felt about it all. “Things will be different from now on.” That was all he had to say for now– and he let the room focus on Wanda and the task at hand.
WANDA: Leaving Citrusville for the first time in weeks hadn’t been as  freeing as Wanda would have hoped. Anxiety still knotted her gut and tensed her spine. She belonged back at the Nexus but instead she stood before the war battered group of familiar and foreign faces. It was a conscious choice to ignore her father, knowing that he had made choices she couldn’t condone but didn’t want to discuss. “Vacuuming the Phoenix will only work to a certain extent. I overheard Dr. Brashear say Kevin broke free quickly. It will do the same, and the power will condense itself.” It was hard to explain. Wanda wasn’t a scientist but this was something she felt. “If you go tomorrow to face two of them, send a group after a third. Isolate them. Jean and I will monitor the energy from Citrusville. We need more time.”
CAROL: “So we have two missions then,” Carol interjected. “Rescue the hostages and separate the Phoenix. We will send a team to rescue the hostages, and another to battle the Phoenix. Assignments will come at a later time, but be ready. As it’s been said, this is war.”
VISION: “It’s possible that we could track down the location of a Phoenix Five member.” From his place next to Wanda, Vis took a small step forward to address the room. “I’ve learned that it is best not to bore you all with the details, but there are methods at my disposal that could be utilized. But this meeting has gone on long enough– Wanda should be getting back.”
SAM WILSON: “Of course. We appreciate everyone takin’ time to come out at all, especially since it’s so bad outside.” People had families to protect while they could. “Lorna and Remy will be sticking around even though Erik will be going back to Citrusville with Wanda. Vis, if you could come see me after you drop them off that would be great. Assignments will be sent out tonight about where to go from here. We got any other questions before we wrap up?”
ERIK: “Let’s just be done.” Erik interjected before anyone else had a chance to answer Sam and keep them all here. He glanced back to Vis and Wanda and then swept himself quickly out of the room to wait for them outside.
SAM WILSON: "Your discretion will be appreciated.” Sam nodded his head towards the door. He waited a long moment before following behind. The lights clicked off and the latch turned. They made it through another day. Hopefully they’d be as lucky the next.
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owenandnoahtdi · 5 years
Theory: How Alejandro got everyone eliminated
Hello everyone, I came up with a theory!
We all know that Total drama has some BS eliminations, but never is that more clear then in World Tour. So many contestants were given the boot on so many stupid reasons.....
Or were they? It is to my belief that most eliminations were part of the master plan of none other then WT's main villian...
Now, I am going to go through every elimination and explain how Alejandro ties to it. With manipulation, charm, and a bit of luck, this is how this suave Latino won the million. And I will explain the most BS elimination in this season.
Now, we will start with when the teams are made, With Al's team having Tyler, Owen, Noah, Sierra and Himself. He's at first angered, but then he thinks; Owen has done well in both seasons, Noah is smart, Tyler has connections with team Victory, and Sierra... No one knows anything about her, so he can't really be mad. The switch of Izzy and sierra doesnt really play in to his plan, but he's worried about Izzy screwing up. Knowing how everyone hates Zeke by his actions on the plane, he know he will screw up and make his team lose. Zeke losing the stick confirms this assumption. Zeke's gone... For now, at least. On to Japan, where Alejandro's plan kicks in. He starts with Victory, but why not the Team Amazon? Well, Alejandro assumes that Cody and Sierra are deadwheights to team amazon, and Courtney Gwen dont trust Heather. He figures they'll take themselves out before he can start anything. (Remember this, its important later) Plus, Team Victory has some influential team members that, if left alone, could be a problem later on. He starts his elimination spree with Harold. Why? Like Owen, Harold has done well in both seasons, and is very smart. So he wants to get rid of him before he figures anything out. Alejandro convinces Harold to quit and he agrees, according to his plan. Next, he pins Bridgette. Why not Leshawna? Because, as we all know, Bridgette is the host of The Aftermath Show, so she has ties with Chris. And our villains gonna do some dirty inside stuff later on, and if Shes still in by that point, she could find out and tell the cast, leading to his elimination. So he swoons her into a pole, sealing her fate to her elimination. Next is Leshawna, who has ties with a lot of the cast, which, if he ignores, will hurt him. So he gets rid of her to ensure this doesn't happen, and she's gone, leaving Lindsay and DJ remaining as the last two members of team Victory.
Now, Alejandro wants to make an alliance with DJ that will help him from a couple of episodes. So he gets rid of Lindsay, but its risky, because she remembered Tyler. If she didn't, it would be simple. But if Lindsay leaves and its obvious he's the reason, he'll lose Tyler's trust, and he cant risk that now. So he throws the challenge in the Amazon for some time to think about how to do this. Luckily, it's a reward challenge. He knows that if team Victory loses agian, Lindsay and DJ will vote for each other, leading to a tiebreaker. And, to his dismay, its a fashion challenge. Yet, to his surprise, DJ wins and Lindsay is eliminated, keeping his plan going and keeping Tyler's trust. Now to get DJ on his side. We see this happen, but why did he pick Owen to suggest the alliance? Well Izzy would probably scare him, Tyler is still mad about Lindsay being eliminated, Noah is a bit risky, since he's generally disliked by the cast, and risk is something he can't afford, which leaves Owen to make the alliance. Al will get rid of DJ in the next episode, all part of his plan. Izzy was just a side effect.
Now with team Victory gone, he turns to his own team. Alejandro has gained their trust, but some are catching on, most specifically Noah. Noah knows something is up, and Alejandro knows that if he doesn't get rid of him soon, he'll have his whole team turn on him. So here comes the kicker. We all see Noah elimination as complete bs, but what if it was intentional? Call me insane, call me actually Irrational, but what if the Alejandro rigged the challenge to get specifically Noah eliminated? Here's how it happened:
Alejandro goes to Chris, Chef, and "Jack" requesting that if his team wins, the win goes to team Amazon. Chris agrees, but in return, he doesn't compete in today's challenge. Its a deal, and the challenge plays out, during which, he convinces tyler to vote for noah. Now for Duncan. Duncan is placed on team Chris, and alejandro knows he needs Duncan's vote to get rid of noah, because he assume noah already got Owen to vote for himself. Due to them losing, Duncan agrees, and Noah is eliminated.
Now, here are the Teams as of right now.
CIRRRH: Alejandro, Duncan, Tyler and Owen
Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Cody, and Sierra.
Seeing his current lineup, alejandro decides to get rid of Tyler next. Why tyler? While Tyler is very athletic, he's also clumsy. And seeing how owen has been useful throughout the season, and Duncan's a cunning criminal, its clear who goes next. Its almost too easy when he sees Tyler looking uneasy. He asks him what's wrong, but Tyler is silent. Alejandro leaves it alone, For now. In Greece, he agrees to let tyler fight courtney, if he agrees to repay him later. Tyler agrees, and we see the result. Alejandro is pleased, not only has team Amazon turned on each other, but Tyler is seen as a jerk and loses his teams trust. He is eliminated the next episode.
Now, Alejandro needs to pick who to go between Owen and Duncan. And..... Yeah, Duncan's a way better player to keep then Owen. Plus, he knows that the merge is coming up, so he decides to keep him around a little longer to make it easier on himself.
The eliminations of Owen, Blainley, Courtney and Duncan are all reasoned the same way: Alejandro hoping that they don't get immunity, and getting the majority to vote them off.
Now were in the final four, where he realizes the flaw in his plan. Heather, Cody and Sierra have been a team since the beginning, and that could be trouble. Lucky for him, sierra goes overboard with her stalkiness and Cody enlists our Gillian for advice. Alejandro know this is the perfect time to form an alliance, so he does, and Cody agrees. Sierras elimination was a surprise to alejandro, but he was going to get rid of her with Cody anyway, so its good. Cody gets eliminated by the battle in Hawaii, and Alejandro beats Heather, winning the million.
And that is how Alejandro got most of the cast eliminated!
[S]Someone send this to Matpat, I've always wanted him to do a TD Theory
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traincat · 7 years
I love the gifset you reblogged with Pete and Gwen! I was just wondering what was wrong(?) with the Homecoming review you mentioned in your tags? What are your thoughts on Homecoming? :) Anyways love your blog and your writing! Have a great day!
Thank you! So I have somewhat unsuccessfully attempted not to be Really Negative about Homecoming, except on twitter where I’ve clearly given up altogether, but heads up: I’m about to be pretty negative because I care way too much about Peter Parker. My opinions are my own, etc. Right off the bat: I actually do think Spider-Man: Homecoming is going to be a fun summer movie. It’s probably well-written and engaging! It looks like a good movie about a teenage superhero coming into his own and I’m excited about the diverse cast. 
It also, in my own opinion, looks like a terrible movie about Peter Parker.
There was nothing wrong with the review (it was in USA Today) so much as that literally everything it described made me, a person who loves Peter Parker, cringe. Full disclaimer that I haven’t seen Homecoming yet and it’s plausible I might like it in the end! I won’t, but it’s plausible! So everything I’m talking about is based on interviews with the cast and creators/trailers and released scenes/etc. 
But I’ve got so much beef with this movie I practically own a cattle ranch. 
I’m just going to try to hit my main complaints: Ned Leeds, or, This Should Have Been a Miles Morales Movie, Peter as a New Yorker, Peter Parker vs Spider-Man: A Fake Argument, and Why We Actually Do Need To Know How Ben Died, Thanks. “Traincat, how much have you thought about this?” I don’t want to talk about it! Except I do, under the cut:
1) Ned Leeds. This has been pointed out before, but it bears repeating until all my metaphorical cows come home: Homecoming’s “Ned Leeds” is literally Ganke Lee, Miles Morales’ best friend. Look at Ganke. Now look at 616 Ned. Back to Ganke. Yeah. He looks like him, and he appears to act like him from the little we’ve seen. “Ned” knows Peter is Spider-Man, the way Ganke knows Miles is Spider-Man. Ned is enthusiastic about Peter being Spider-Man, the way Ganke is. Ned’s playing with Legos in a Homecoming trailer, Ganke loves Legos, etc. They didn’t even try to hide the fact that they stole a major Miles Morales character for the benefit of a Peter Parker movie. 
It’s possible Ned Leeds will resemble Ned Leeds more closely when the movie comes out, in which case I look forward to Spider-Man 3: Still At Home, where Peter passionately makes out with Ned’s wife and then Ned dies in Germany. But I have my doubts about that.
One of my problems is that I, personally, am not particularly interested in Peter Parker in high school. (WHERE is the movie where he is 30, teaching high school, and played by Alfie Enoch? I want it. You want it. We all want it. Look at him. He’s perfect.) If we’re going to do a teenage Spider-Man, why NOT Miles Morales, who IS the Spider-Man currently in high school, and who HAS been a kid since his introduction several years ago. Peter graduated high school in Amazing Spider-Man #28. There are over 700+ issues of Amazing Spider-Man alone. It’s time to leave the idea of Peter Parker as a character perpetually in high school behind.
BUT, if we were going to make a Teen Peter Parker movie, make it actually about Peter, because the way this is marketed (the gaming laptop commercial? The Audi one where he’s taking a driver’s test? The banking quiz? I cannot think of anything that screams Spider-Man less than German automobiles) sure looks like this is a movie about Relatable Teen Hero Boy-Man, who may be a good kid but he’s not Peter Parker, and who is here to sell you, the viewer, some stuff.
(I cannot believe consumerism giveth the Spider-Mobile, and consumerism taketh it away.)
2) New York! Where I am typing this post from, actually! True story: I never would have even read this review, but my mom read it and to quote: “There’s going to be a problem. Aunt May drives him around.” NAH. N A H. Listen, I know people in New York have cars. I know people in Queens have cars. I know this so well that I have my aunt’s car, which before me sat in a parking lot in Queens 360 days out of the year. Almost any scene you could tell in a regular car, you could tell in a subway car. Also, you can see Washington DC in the trailer, which means that at some point the movie is going to take Peter out of New York, a move I cannot possibly see the point to. I’m going to be an Obnoxious New Yorker for a hot second: Other superheroes might live in New York, but Peter Parker is New York. He has to have a relationship with the city itself. This is one of the things I think The Amazing Spider-Man movies did wonderfully: looking at New York actually felt like looking at New York. The scene with the crane operators, the webbed I LOVE YOU, Gwen’s fire escape, or when he jaywalks through traffic in Union Square. The big fight in Times Square. Homecoming already didn’t FEEL like New York from the trailers and now a chunk of the movie isn’t even taking place in it? Aunt May’s going to drive her nephew around? What’s the point? Why would you strip the New Yorker (”fuck you” means “have a nice day”) from a superhero defined by it? 
(PS it’s because Peter is a heavily Jewish-coded character and taking the New Yorker out of him makes him less so. See also, down below, the removal of his guilt/responsibility complex.)
3) He’s Just Always Spider-Man, Guys. The USA Today review also includes a quote from Tom Holland about how “Spider-Man is not Peter Parker” and they’ve “made quite a clear divide between the two” and not to be shady but I think the biggest mistake people make when writing Peter Parker is thinking that there’s ANY difference between Peter and Spider-Man, except that sometimes he has to pretend like lifting the couch takes any effort. He’s always Spider-Man. The kind of confidence you get from being able to throw a Jeep, or crush steel pipes with your bare hands? That doesn’t go away just because you take off a mask. It’s a shallow take. Peter, as a character, isn’t a very reliable narrator of his own personality – you have to look at his actions. Don’t get distracted by his jokes. There’s no divide.
This ties into my problems with the apparently heavy presence of Iron Man – the review calls him a “reluctant father figure” to Peter – beyond my disbelief over not trusting Spider-Man of all characters to carry his own movie. I understand that the MCU is as built over RDJ’s portrayal of Tony Stark as the 616 Universe is built on the legacy of the Fantastic Four, but one of the things I keep in mind when writing Peter is that he doesn’t truly respect anyone else’s authority but his own. As soon as that spider bit him, that was it, he was his own ultimate authority. And now he’s the “Kid Avenger” and Iron Man is making all his tech? Why, when Captain America: Civil War went out of its way to highlight that he’s a tech genius? Why the effort to make Peter Parker less than he is? Oh, right, Relatable Teen Hero Boy-Man. As an advertiser’s daughter, I don’t like being so OBVIOUSLY sold “Spider-Man! He’s just like you! Buy an Audi.” 
4) Ben Parker Must Die. Uncle Ben’s death won’t be shown in the movie, they said! HUZZAH, a million voices cried out, drowning out my own cries of, BUT HOW DO I KNOW WHO PETER PARKER IS IF I DON’T KNOW THE EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES OF BEN PARKER’S DEATH.
But this is fine, I said. This is okay. You don’t need to show Ben Parker’s death to feel the impact of it, of course! A skillful storyteller can get around that easily! 
Yeah uh so Ben’s death isn’t going to have a large impact on Peter in the movie at all, apparently, which is AN ISSUE when this is THE defining moment. 
From this article: 
As for why Ben was left out, Watts says he wanted to go all out on focusing on how awesome it would be to become Spider-Man, going from a geeky teen to possessing superhuman powers. Dealing with the fact that Peter is partially guilty for a loved one’s death would have put the dampers on that. 
Cool cool cool so you wanted the power and you didn’t want the responsibility. To quote tumblr user myvisagewasted: “Literally the thematic point of Spider-Man is that if you can shatter someone’s face, you GOTTA put a damper on that” and I 10000% agree. Peter, in 616, was initially selfish with his powers. He was an angry teenager who declared he’d only take care of his aunt and his uncle, and that “the rest of the world can go hang.” The Uncle Ben dies, and Peter starts to change. Putting “dampers” on the awesomeness of suddenly being as strong as forty men is called character development, and stripping the guilt complex from Peter is, whether intentional or not, further attempts to hide the character’s Jewish coding. You don’t have to dwell on how much of an impact Ben Parker’s death made on Peter, but I do strongly believe you cannot brush it off because it wouldn’t be fun. 
(Ask me about murder lovebirds Spideytorch, or, What If? Uncle Ben’s Death Didn’t Change Peter.)
How Ben dies also matters with regards to who Peter is – for example, in Spider-Man Noir, Ben dies before Peter becomes Spider-Man, and he isn’t shot but rather ripped to shreds and partially eaten by the Vulture. As a result, Noir!Peter is PRETTY COOL with guns and shooting people, whereas 616 Peter has an extreme aversion. If there’s no specifics about Ben’s death, how do we know who Peter is?
Anyway I also believe Peter isn’t his fully formed self until he feels partially responsible for the deaths of three loved ones, so. There’s that. (George Stacy Or Appropriate George Stacy Stand-In Also Must Die.)
Anyway, this has been Traincat’s Unpopular Spider-Man Opinions, the Homecoming edition, thank you for reading, I’m still gonna see the movie because I love Liz Allan and I am Doing It For Her. And also to see if I was right about 10 different theories. Send in the clones.
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