#chuck versus jupiter and Cosmo? who would win?
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Ocean au (part 11)
N/A: Ok, further the plot. MJ is a spy for Killmonger and others stuff happen.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
"Ok, remember your line?" MJ asked Peni Parker as the Korean teen finally put her cellphone down and as MJ suggested is using that typical cliche of Kawai Asian girl to her advantage as no one will question why a cute girl is doing in such place.
"Yes, yes" Peni mutters impatiently "I´m an America-Korean girl and you´re my loving aunt taking me to a fun weekend in New Gotham" and fake baiting her eyes as a cute girl would until she morphs into a grin. "I got it, the cover must be believable and not attract the wrong type of attention, I´m not a moron...I´m a pro, MJ" Peni belittles and MJ sighs as she just wants to make sure.
The Hilton Hotel was very expensive, but, as it makes part of their disguise. "Wait, you´re Dexter Maximon´s wife" the receptionist is a bit flabbergasted as Dexter´s Maximon is a legend and the hotel has an unspoken rule to treat everyone under Dexter´s name as VIP.
(Dexter´s wife is a red hair just like MJ. And his wife has a sister who did marry a Korena man and had a daughter with features like Peni, thankfully, the staff does not keep up with the current Dexter´s family or they would notice some discrepancy on Peni and the real Dexter´s niece)
Peni looks amused as the receptionist gives the key for their room and when MJ asks for discretion as her husband is crafting something important, the receptionist, the loyal fan, promised to be discreet as possible.
Peter Ross is in the Hilton Hotel to pick up a friend and as he leaves the lobby, his friend is waving at him, Peter passed down MJ´s red hair and almost make the man make a double take but as Gwen waves at him again, Peter decided against.
Besides, it's not like he´ll see that woman again.
"Thanks to meet me here, Gwen, I want to show you something!"
"Lead the way, Peter"
Ororo is a woman who prefers more a nice cup of tea than coffee, yet, she often has some 5 minutes free to take one with her oldest friend, Logan Wayne. Usually, the conversation takes place on New Gotham´s newest freak show or Logan´s undying love for Talia.
Today, however, is different as Logan is more silent than the usual and stares at Ororo, internally, she knows what´s this will be about, but, pretend to be dumb just to avoid such conversation.
"Ro, we know each other for years, you´re one of my oldest friends, so, why are you doing something like that?" Logan asked having some theories on his own but still wanting to hear her version.
"Logan...there´s things that are better not knowing" Ororo respond keeping her cool down and refusing to share any more information and, of course, Logan is not taking this nicely.
"So, you just ask Columbina to steal the ruby for you just because?"
"That ruby is from Wakanda, Logan, and is not what it seems ...Logan, if we do get involved in this, we may start an international conflict that may result in war"
"For a ruby?"
"For Wakanda"
"Can I trust you, Ororo?"
"Is all I can ask you, my friend"
Felicia waves at Kitty in the gift shop of the museum where the ruby is still in display among with many, many other valuable things who are getting many flashes from cameras and tourist guides offering explanations about its origins. Felicia is dressed modestly and is hard to conceive she´s married to a billionaire.
"Hey, Felicia. Got any cute monkeys?" Kitty asked taking a plushie in her hand carefully. No one dares to question the origin of the monkey, the plushie. Is New Gotham after all, so, everyone is better not knowing the murderous origin of monkey, the plushie.
"Bruce has enough cute plushies for life" Felica jokes as no one would believe that Bruce really is a fan of plushies. "Anyway, I want to ask you something, two things" Felicia starts walking around with Kitty in the gift shop(who would suspect of two women talking, even more, when one of them is holding the secretly murderous monkey the plushie in her hand?!)
"If this is about boob window, rest assured, Lorna told me is a bad idea, so..." Kitty sighs forlon and almost heartbroken "no boob window for me" and Felicia is unsure if she laughs or takes pity on Kitty, then she resolves on both, both are perfectly fine.
Once stopping laughing and patting at Kitty´s hand in sympathy and getting a stink eye from Kitty. Felicia starts again. "No, I want to know about your future, do you plan to be a  freelancer forever?"
"I...don´t know, I´m really good at this so...not sure if I can migrate to any other area" Kitty then adds quickly still holding the murderous plushie before Felicia can say anything else. "Your case was different from mine. Bruce loved you very much and still do, me? I don´t have billionaires after me and I´m not sure if I can be hero material. I can help, sure, but, I can´t call myself one. I know you, Meggan and Wanda are thinking, but, no...I think the Robin Hood person suits me better"
Felicia would like to argue, but, then again, Dark Claw did make a good point, only Columbina is not talking about joining the group and that´s the only opinion they should take in consideration.
"Fine, I think you´re wrong, but, fine. So, my next question, are you dating someone?" Felicia asked amused and adds before Kitty can answer. "Kitty, if you are to tell me you did date an eldritch abomination at some point...I would believe you and be extremely worried"
Kitty looks at Felicia. Felicia stares at Kitty.
"Kitty, I´ll scream and cause a scene if you say what I think you´ll"
Kitty looks at Felicia. Felicia stares at Kitty. And Felicia throws the monkey, the plushie out of Kitty´s hand and points her finger at Kitty who is really amused.
"Ok, so, let´s say that at the moment, I´m single....why?" Kitty replies taking another plushie one that has even more obscure and scary origin story, but, is New Gotham and hardly anyone will notice it.
"Kitty, Bruce will give a party and you´re invited and you must have a date," Felicia said tossing her plushie out again.
"A date? Wait, what if I went with a woman? will your husband...." Kitty asked and Felicia shakes her head.
"Frankly, as long is human, scratch that, as long is not evil and making a drama, Bruce won´t care"
"So your son is giving a party...and you´re inviting me?" Ryder asked with his basket full of clean clothes now. His grin is enough to make Logan reconsider the invitation "I didn´t know you care and people will talk..." Ryder teased amused as people love to speculate Logan´s sexuality much to the older man´s chagrin.
"You´ll have to bring a date, Ryder, and try to bring someone discreet, last year you brought one of your flings...who you were double time and it was uncomfortable for everyone"
That takes a peg on Ryder who is a bit more modest now. "No more, I promise, and yes, I´ll bring a nice date, promise"
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