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The Nanofather
hey steepies! picnic with a p here back with another (<- lie this is the first) theory post about The Adventure Zone: Steeplechase. this week: the nanofather (aka creaky man aka the weaver aka geltfrimpen the infinite dragon aka dirty jeremy)
basically i had a lot of thoughts abt the nanofather and the role he played in the overarching story of the podcast so i wrote several thousand words breaking down his prologues, his appearance as geltfrimpen, and the greater ramifications of him and his lore. it’s LONG so i put it below the cut. TL;DR at the end. enjoy!
The Nanofather first appears in the second episode of the current season of The Adventure Zone, Steeplechase. Originally, he functions as a comedic framing device for the Steeplechase story, a “book that [he’s] written” (ep.3). These prologues also usually contain a little piece of worldbuilding for the Nanofather and his environment, revealing other characters such as Shoeckles and Kevekka or weather patterns like the rust storms. Because of the stark differences between the Nanofather’s world and the world of Steeplechase, the Nanofather seemed to be largely detached from the universe and story of the main campaign; a funny attachment to help Justin overcome his stage fright. In fact, Justin himself has attested to the fact that he does not plan out what the Nanofather will say ahead of time (wiki, unknown ep.).
There is a however.
At the end of episode 20, Montrose, Emerich, and Beef [hereafter referred to as Poppy’s Angels] make their way into the lair of Geltfrimpen the Infinite Dragon, where Geltfrimpen speaks in what I believe is the voice of the Nanofather.
The implications of this are, obviously, immense. I’m here to unpack them!
So, first, for any of this to have a basis, we need to accept that the character speaking through Geltfrimpen was the character we know as the Nanofather. I say speaking through Geltfrimpen because it is stated that the voice is NOT Geltfrimpen (ep. 21). The second part of this analysis is dependent on this assumption. Firstly, however, we need to talk about the Nanofather.
Most of the Nanofather’s prologues discuss his world, with all the rust-storms and muck farmers and that. These are evocative, but largely irrelevant to the conversation here.
I transcribed all of the Nanofather’s prologues so far (https://docs.google.com/document/d/102bNt_UICNtIUJXlCq8eYgR7wEkJ-ahch8neOo03V_Y/edit) and have ranked them from most to least important, prioritising direct references to the ongoing campaign and worldbuilding. Keep in mind, this is a subjective ranking. To summarise: episodes 16, 18, 21, and 22 are the most important, sharing the S-rank. The majority of my analysis is going to centre around these prologues, with a few additional sections at the end.
In Episode 16’s prologue, the Nanofather references “the story … changing” (ep. 16). We can assume that the “story” the Nanofather is referring to is Steeplechase from the Nanofather’s multiple references to Steeplechase as a story he is telling (ep. 6-8, 12, 13, 15) [note: the Nanofather occasionally says “weave” or “spin”. For simplicity’s sake, I’m assuming that he means these as synonyms for tell (a story). We’ll get into the exact mechanics of his story-telling later]. The precisions of how the story is changing are of interest here: it is possible that another character within the Nanofather’s world such as Kevekka or Shoeckles is sneaking in and changing the story, if we assume that Steeplechase is a big book the Nanofather has written (as he claims in ep. 2). Far more interesting, however, is the idea that the story is changing itself; that the characters within the story (Poppy’s Angels) are acting with true agency, and not how they are expected to act. This in turn implies a far more dynamic relationship between the Nanofather and Poppy’s Angels, and could be a clue as to the reason the Nanofather revealed himself to the Angels.
In Episode 18’s prologue, the Nanofather seems to be talking to another person, and refers to an anonymous third party, saying “they haven’t even begun to fathom it.” and “they’re not ready.” (ep. 18). The ‘they’ in this case appears to be Poppy’s Angels, for a few reasons. Firstly, episode 18 is the beginning of Ephemera arc, where Poppy’s Angels eventually encounter Geltfrimpen. Secondly, the Nanofather’s ‘tale’ so far has concerned itself with Poppy’s Angels. It follows that the Nanofather would continue to be referring to them. Thirdly, the podcast is about them. Why would the Nanofather be talking about somebody else [note: this may come back to bite me in the ass if another rival group is revealed]. This is the prologue that truly started this line of thought, as it suggests a larger plot taking place around the Angels. The prominent questions raised here are a). What are they not fathoming? b). What are they not ready for? And c). Who is he talking to? We can assume some basic answers to these questions: they aren’t fathoming the larger plot unfolding, they’re not ready to be swept up in its machinations, etc. The most interesting to me is the last question; who is we? The context of the adventure would suggest that the Nanofather is talking to Kenshell Denton, the upstart member of the Denton family who sent Poppy’s Angels to Ephemera at the end of the previous episode. This theory implies the following
The Nanofather exists within Steeplechase
The Nanofather and Kenshell are working together
And, therefore,
The Nanofather is important (or useful) enough to know a Denton
From here we can extrapolate. My theory is that the Nanofather is Carmine Denton, founder of Dentonic. The timeline of Steeplechase’s creation is uncertain — it is certainly possible that the campaign is taking place within Carmine’s natural lifespan. I don’t have a source for this, but Carmine dissolved his empire to build Steeplechase in 2030. Assuming he was 50 or so at the time, that would give a window of about 50 years for the campaign to be set in, post Steeplechase’s creation. It’s also possible that the campaign does NOT take place in Carmine Denton’s lifetime, and that the Nanofather is instead a hardlight recreation of Carmine Denton ala Scott Boldflex. Now, whether or not this hardlight recreation IS Carmine Denton is beyond the realm of what’s being discussed here (I’ve got a solid enough grip on the philosophy of identity so I could talk about it, but it doesn’t quite seem relevant). The Nanofather could also be a robot containing Carmine’s brain jacked into the Steeplechase network for life support, allowing Carmine to send his brain around. The second two possibilities are the most likely, as we can deduce this from a line Geltfrimpen says during his death monologue to Poppy’s Angels: “I was in one of those vans as you made that thrilling escape … I have watched you from the porch of Ustaben” (ep. 21). As noted on the wiki, this heavily implies the Nanofather either is hardlight, has a way of hijacking hardlight constructions, and/or has a way of inhabiting them. The possibility of the Nanofather being the flesh and blood Carmine Denton seems prohibitive to the process of inhabiting Geltfrimpen, especially as he seems to imply he cannot come out of the corpse of Geltfrimpen when asked (ep. 21) and describes himself as being “in many places at once” (ep. 21).
Another possibility is that the Nanofather is talking to Kenchall, but instead of being Carmine is simply a truly sentient hardlight construct. Possibly an AI somehow in control of the rest of the hardlight in the park? Another possibility is that he’s simply a master hacker that Kenchall somehow controls.
Another possibility is that the Nanofather is not talking to Kenchall Denton, but instead is talking to his cat, Bart Shoeckles, a known friend and companion of the Nanofather (ep. 4, 7, 8, 11, 22). This would mean that the “it” they “haven’t even begun to fathom” (ep. 18) is a plan constructed possibly beyond the scope of Kenchall Denton’s ambitions, with Shoeckles at the head, or serving some higher up.
In any case, the question needs to be asked: why does the Nanofather care about Poppy’s Angels? Is it simply because he’s been following their story? Or is he possessed of some oracular vision of their importance to a greater plot he has stakes in?
In Episode 21’s prologue, the Nanofather talks about “mostly [being] with them now [sic].” Again, we can assume the “them” is Poppy’s Angels. Him nearly being with them implies that the Nanofather is Geltfrimpen, who Poppy’s Angels meet and slay in this episode. Interestingly, the Nanofather actually speaks through Geltfrimpen for the first time at the end of episode 20. There are a few explanations for why he then later says “mostly with them”.
The prologue is a flashback to just before Poppy’s Angels enter the room at the end of ep. 20
The Nanofather is somehow barred from Poppy’s Angels by the form of Geltfrimpen — or the expectations of Geltfrimpen he must meet while inhabiting him (evidenced by the line “I do have to keep up appearances, you know” in response to Beef asking him to stop attacking them). This explains why the Nanofather doesn’t properly talk to Poppy’s Angels until the animatronic is destroyed
The Nanofather is still drawing himself together from the “many places around this world” (ep. 21) he inhabits
The Nanofather is not only adrift from Poppy’s Angels in space but in time, and has only now caught up with them chronologically
The last theory mostly draws upon the similarities between his line “I’m … mostly with them now” and the recurring line said by the narrator in The Adventure Zone: Balance “You’re nearly caught up”, a reference both to catching up the memories of those who forgot and catching up with a group who had moved 100 years through time. It’s probably nothing, but the presence of Taako could suggest otherwise).
To get into theory 3, we need to talk a little more about Geltfrimpen.
Firstly though, in the episode 21 prologue, he also talks about the “them” being “smaller than [he] imagined.” This could be because of the size of Poppy’s Angels in comparison to Geltfrimpen, a literal dragon.
After Poppy’s Angels slay Geltfrimpen in episode 21, the dragon collapses and a real conversation between the two parties opens up. Before this, Geltfrimpen offered mostly compliments on the attacks made against him [note: I’m going to refer to the Nanofather as Geltfrimpen in this paragraph, to distinguish between lines pulled from the prologue and lines pulled from the interaction with Geltfrimpen. I am still considering them the same character], including expressing attraction to Scott Boldflex once he’s summoned (ep. 21). A line worth noting from the combat is “I’m having trouble staying here though, so if you could move as quickly as possible”. This reinforces the theory the Nanofather is elsewhere, possessing/controlling/inhabiting Geltfrimpen. I won’t transcribe the full conversation here (if you’d like to read it, it’s on the same document as the prologue transcriptions, here again: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102bNt_UICNtIUJXlCq8eYgR7wEkJ-ahch8neOo03V_Y/edit), but will provide a brief summary of interesting points.
In response to Beef asking if he can come out of Geltfrimpen, he responds “Would that I could.”
States “I am not Geltfrimpen. I am here but I am not Geltfrimpen”
Explains he is “many places throughout the world” and that e.g. Geltfrimpen, the porch of Ustaben, the vans in Gutter City
Explains the part of him that was in Geltfrimpen was trapped, and that by destroying Geltfrimpen the other parts of him are more concentrated
Explains it takes quite a bit for him to be there
Asks Poppy’s Angels to find him
Says he doesn’t know what he is
1 firms up the theory the Nanofather is simply occupying Geltfrimpen, and not physically either, so through hacking or some hardlight magic.
2 corresponds with theory Nanofather is Geltfrimpen
3 introduces an interesting new piece of information. Following the hardlight AI theory, it seems to imply that the Nanofather is an AI somehow splintered across Steeplechase, compartmentalised for some reason. Possibly so Dentonic can use him to run hardlight constructions — or possibly so he is not powerful enough to threaten Dentonic.
4 firms up this theory, establishing that there is a limited amount of Nanofather spread between several places/constructs that can be coalesced into one singular entity.
5 can be taken as evidence following this theory. The Nanofather is spread ridiculously thin throughout the park, and focusing all his attention on Geltfrimpen and the discussion is taking a lot of effort. This corresponds with the earlier line “I’m having trouble staying here”.
6 is obvious, but raises questions again of why Poppy’s Angels are so important to him. There are obviously thousands of other adventurers who come through Geltfrimpen’s Lair, and an equal number of dubious park employees similar to the Angels. Why them? What does he know?
7 can be taken to show the mental strain he’s undergoing to “be there” (see point 5).
That’s most of what can be gleaned from the conversation with Geltfrimpen, and it presents a pretty solid explanation of things once analysed. The Nanofather is likely a true AI in charge of Steeplechase, forced to spread himself too thin, likely by Dentonic, and begging Poppy’s Angels for help.
The problem is, this doesn’t explain the prologues.
In Episode 22’s prologue, the Nanofather is talking to Shoeckles again. Before he starts talking about cumin, he talks about pushing himself “as far as [he] could” and worrying if it was “not far enough”. The implications of this seem clear enough: by analysing Geltfrimpen’s dialogue we can come to the conclusion that he was already straining himself to be present with Poppy’s Angels. The question now is why has he returned to the world the prologues seem to be set in, with the rust storms, muck fields, and other things he describes [note: from here on out, I’m going to be calling this place the Rustfields]. Obviously, the Rustfields function as a sort of base for him to operate from as he effects the world and story of Steeplechase, but if he is, as we have previously assumed, an AI broken up into many parts and spread throughout Steeplechase, then how come he has a place where he is concentrated enough to drink pollen broth, play psy-chess, and tell stories to children? Off the top of my head, there are a few possible explanations that can be supported with evidence.
The Rustfields are a sort of mind palace or a mental construct of the AI
The Rustfields are a layer of, or at least a location in, Steeplechase, with the core housing of the Nanofather AI
The Rustfields are real
Theory 1 is the most cohesive with the current working theory. The mind palace idea contextualises the prologues as a coping mechanism of the Nanofather, constructing this world around him to help him understand and contextualise whatever it is he’s doing. Following this theory, the “horn” through which he hears the spirits could be the way Kenchall Denton (or whoever he’s talking to in prologue 18) communicates with him; the story of the podcast would be how he explains his actions to himself; the rust storms could be power outages, etc. What it does NOT explain is the other characters present in his world. While Shoeckles is the immediate thought, the cat doesn’t actually have any speaking lines. However, in episode 9, a child’s voice can be heard speaking through “the horn” (ep. 9). The Nanofather addresses this child as Kevekka, and tells him to “get away from the horn” (ep. 9). The presence of another being with agency in what we are presuming is the Nanofather’s mind palace seems illogical, meaning this theory is unlikely barring some revelation. It is possible that Kevekka is one of the ‘parts’ of the Nanofather he talks about in episode 21, but he also refers to all of his parts as himself, not as independent actors who he needs to oversee (or scold, in this case).
Theory 2 is an interesting one, purely because I’d like to see Poppy’s Angels actually travel there. This theory explains most of the worldbuilding the Nanofather presents, as these can be actual phenomenon. While it is possible for the Rustfields to be an actual layer, open to the public and all, it is also possible that the Rustfields are instead a section of the Buttercream, where the Nanofather is hidden away. This theory can even contain the previous theory’s explanation for the horn within it. The presence of children that the Nanofather tells stories too is also explainable, either if the Nanofather is an attraction on the Rustfields layer or if the children are Buttercream residents themselves.
Theory 3 is my favourite. I’ll tell you why.
If we assume that the Rustfields is a real place distinct from Steeplechase, that all the worldbuilding contained in the Nanofather’s prologues is true and accurate to the world he lives in, we’re left with three possibilities:
The Rustfields is somewhere else geographically
The Rustfields is somewhere else temporally
The Rustfields is somewhere else metatextually
Theory 1 seems the most reasonable, though it requires the abandonment of the most probable theory, that the Nanofather is a trapped and divided AI. It supposes the Rustfields is a fucked-up swamp or something somewhere that’s undergone considerable environmental damage. The Nanofather, living within, is likely a hacker or the like, engaged in high level sabotage against Dentonic and constantly having to maintain multiple invasive presences in the Steeplechase system. This aligns with the theory that the Nanofather was talking to Kenchall Denton in episode 18, another actor aiming to bring down the leadership of Dentonic.
Theory 2 is a little more out there, but a lot more fun. This takes the Nanofather’s descriptions almost more or less literally, making the Rustfields a post-apocalyptic world that the Nanofather lives in, projecting himself backwards in time to affect the world of Steeplechase and talk to Poppy’s Angels, possibly to divert the coming about of his explicitly environmentally hostile world. The Nanofather’s talking about “push[ing] it further” in the prologue of episode 22 can be understood as him pushing himself backwards through time: Geltfrimpen saying he is many places can be understood as the Nanofather pushing himself back to different places in the same time over the course of his efforts. Additionally, in episode 23’s prologue he mentions “echoes of things yet to be”, making the time travel angle seem more possible.
Theory 3 is a little boring. It basically puts the Rustfields in a completely unrelated textual universe, fully acknowledging that Steeplechase is just a story the Nanofather is telling. Anywhere it seems like there is a connection between the Nanofather and the story of Steeplechase is a pure coincidence under this theory: it is the only one bought up here that disregards the assumption that the Nanofather is Geltfrimpen. Simply put, I don’t think it’s much worth considering.
Before I go, I want to quickly highlight episode 26’s prologue, an odd poem that fascinated me but eluded my efforts to fit into any analysis. It reads:
Ever faster, ever closer, ever never slowing down.
Ever nearer, ever clearer, ever nipping at the gown.
Ever spinning, ever grinning, ever hearing what they please.
Ever growing, ever knowing, that they are the disease.
That’s more or less all I have to say on the matter right now! I might write more as more prologues/Nanofather appearances come up, but I expect the mystery will probably be making itself clear soon … hopefully. As wiki commenter taakosleftshoe said on the Nanofather fandom wiki page: “This is the most important page on this wiki”.
Here are my current top two theories surrounding the Nanofather
He’s a sentient hardlight construct (similar to Scott Boldflex) of Carmine Denton, the founder of Dentonic and Steeplechase, being used as the AI controller of all the hardlight in Steeplechase. He’s currently working with Kenchall Denton on Kenchall’s plan. The Nanofather world is a layer of Steeplechase and the Nanofather himself is an attraction, telling stories to the visitors
He’s a hacker from an apocalyptic future, projecting himself back in time at multiple points along the timeline to guide Montrose, Beef, and Emerich into preventing whatever calamity causes the world to be like that
Admittedly, the first one is more likely, but i’m fond of the second one and it’s variations (he’s a hacker from the present day, the world outside steeplechase is an apocalyptic wasteland, he’s trying to bring down Dentonic to save it. Y’know). I think it would make for a great third act twist, similar to Balance’s.
If you want to hear my reasoning behind these conclusion and also read some other fun ideas … read the post lol
#taz#the adventure zone#steeplechase#taz steeplechase#the adventure zone steeplechase#emerich dreadway#montrose pretty#beef punchley#the nanofather#theory#theory posting#long#seriously very long#also this is my first time attempting a long theorycraft post like this#and my first time even properly theorycrafting#so please. tell im wrong#i wanna hear what other ppl have to think abt this
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im finally getting out of my art slump so my style is getting a lil better/ more natural again
some doodles based on my gameplay of drv3 from last night,, im at the start of chapter 2 still (i already know all the trial outcomes but its fun anyways cuz i never watched/played it fully)
if you couldnt tell i am spending all my free time events with kokichi.. hes silly please.. i gave him a hammock and he was flabberghasted
#shuichi saihara#my art#drv3#kokichi ouma#PLEASE give me art ideas in my ask box especially drv3 related#saiouma#tell me if the japanese is wrong i beg im a beginner#text bubbles are of actual dialogue from the game#theyre so silly im losing it#danganronpa#drv3 art#gay people are REAL#NO LITTLE JAPANESE BOY! DONT GO INTO THE CASINO!
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I've seen a lot of different takes on Fear Toxin/other fear causing stuff (Yellow Lanterns Ring or something)(later just called Fear Toxin cause I'm lazy) but here is another one.
Danny seems like he isn't affected by Fear Toxin because his biggest fear is that his accident changed him so much he is no longer human, he can no longer truly experience human things.
So when he gets lungful of fear Toxin, he feels normal. He was antsy before, because c'mon, it's a rogue attack but it's not worse. Or so he thought. Because the anxiety lingers. Not enough to register as abnormal just this slight hypervigilance that makes you see things about yourself and your surroundings that you'd never realize otherwise. He'd realize he doesn't blink as often. He'd realize that if he doesn't consciously focus, he sometimes seems to not touch the ground. Forgets to breathe. He can't feel his own pulse at time. He'd realize people will miss him when he's walking down the street as if he was invisible (people just don't care about everyone they pass by). When he'd look straight into his reflection, he'd look slightly to the left. Not enough to actually name anything that was wrong but just stretched enough to fall on the wrong side of the uncanny valley. If he just caught his reflection in the peripheral vision, it'd be vaguely shadowy creature with glowing green eyes and white smoke instead of hair. Overall he'd be just wrong enough to be distinctly not human.
For everyone else, he'd be just a dude. Literally couldn't find more normal dude than this dude. Will pass as absolutely normal human unless someone is specifically looking for ecto-ghost stuff. Even most magic users wouldn't clock him at the glance
Tldr: Fear Toxin makes Danny perceive himself as some sort of eldritch horror but not enough to make him believe he'd actually be affected, while from outside perspective he's Just A Dude™
#dpxdc#dc x dp#dp x dc#dcxdp#fear toxin#please no Ghost King#nothing against this au but i don't think it'll mesh well woth this idea#probably works best with danny soon after accident#maybe still believing all of his parents anti-ghost propaganda#that'd add to angst for sure#idk why he is somewhere where he could be affected#idk who would realize something is wrong#up to whoever wants to do expand on this prompt#he'd cry when someone tells him he's been in fact affected by fear causing thing#because this means he *is* human and while he was fundamentally changed by his death#it didn't fully get rid of his humanity#but he won't tell that too busy being relieved so whoever delivered the news would be in for the ride#actually it'd be cool if it was someone who has superpowers but they showed up later in their life#parallels y'know#... i may still not be normal about “i wonder what could lie beyond infinity” by Numinous_Scribe on ao3...#top notch fic go read it great Clark characterization#anyway because plot kinda escaped me#hope this idea scratches someone's creative braincell or something#im curious what y'all will make out of it#yellow lantern#have a nice day dear stranger who got to this part
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oh you know it's all latestage capitalism but the thing is. how are you supposed to be a person inside of this. a person trying to be a better version of yourself.
oh, you started working young, which was kind of hard, but it's just the way stuff works sometimes. and it was 2008 and your family couldn't afford heat. but it's fine, you grow a spine and get used to the professional world and besides it was the suburbs we're talking about here, like, your life could have been actually hard, so what if your father lost his job and you can't afford to move or turn the lights back on. and once you start making money, it's good. you keep doing that. because now they're relying on you. so you have to do that.
oh you were in thousands of dollars of debt at 17 years old so that you could go to school, because you have to go to school if you want to get a "real" job. you even did it "right", you worked parttime and attended community college before you transferred to a public school. you were under so many merit scholarships.
which is fine. you pick yourself up and you say like, okay. i graduated college. i'm holding down a job. i'm doing the Adult Thing, which looks and acts like this, according to all the books i've read. you start with the shitty job and then you climb that corporate ladder.
but the shitty job doesn't cover rent and you stretch yourself too-thin so you get sick. good luck with that. the shitty job no longer pays for your meals. everyone asks why you don't just move, but there's nowhere to move to. and with what money are you going to be moving? and then the loans come back, because they were never going to forgive them, because you were 17 and trying to do the right thing, which was stupid. people are now saying you shouldn't have even gone to school.
which is fine. but because you have no other option, so you do the shitty job, and you apply every day for like 5 new ones, and despite the fact everyone says "there's no one who wants to work!" it's actually just that nobody is fucking hiring so you can either work for 13 dollars an hour in the shitty place you know (where at least you have a passingly friendly relationship with the manager) or you can start from scratch again with a different 13 dollars an hour without knowing how much abuse from the new job you'll be taking.
and if you quit you lose your insurance. if you quit you lose your housing. if you quit, you'll be another burnout kid. the lazy ones. these assholes, look at them!
and you come home to a family dinner and you hear from your father the same old thing. how he worked hard at his job and yes it sucked for a while but he was able to provide for the family and then the house and the dog and the rest of barbie's dream vacation. how the insurance did cover some of it. how you just really need to start speaking up more in manager conversations so they know you're a go-getter. you want to tell him - did you know we're actually doing more now hourly than any previous generation? - but you can't remember where you heard that statistic, and you're far too tired for the fucking argument. and then he starts in on his usual bit. where's the house? where's your kids? where's your ambition.
the same job the same money the same hours doesn't do it anymore. the same nose-to-the-grindstone now just shreds your face off. there's no such thing as upwards mobility, not really. and as far as you're aware, the money certainly is not trickling. you do the soulless stupid shit you signed up for because you fucking have to or else you literally risk your life (food, the apartment, the insurance), but it's not getting you anything. you download the stupid "save more" app and you budget and you do every right thing and then the price of eggs is 7 dollars and you say - oh great! another thing i have to fucking worry about now!
and you go to your stupid job and everyone in your father's generation just tells you to be better about being an adult. they have their homes and their savings account and their bailout and they say. well have you tried not drinking starbucks. well your generation just spends too much on clothing. well you might just be too addicted to travelling. and you - because you need the job - you bite your tongue and don't say i am being held prisoner and you're suggesting i stop pacing my cell if i don't like the scenery and you don't say what the fuck do you think i've been doing with my money and you don't say i haven't spent a cent on something nice in literally forever much less coffee you arrogant asshole. you open and close your bank app and check your loans and check your credit score and check fucking zillow and ziprecruiter and apartments.com just one time more. and still they give you that demeaning little grin and say - see, what you need is -
what you need is for your meds to stop being so fucking expensive. what you need is for the housing bubble to explode into dust. what you need is for billionaires to choke on their wealth. what you need is actual help. what you will get is more economic advice from people who are older-and-wiser.
and above you, almost in a glimmer, you can see the wedged smile of your debt getting toothier, wider.
#i hate when people try to tell me i didn't do it right#what should i have done better#i did it ALL the right way#(not that there is a right way)#it's just that others feel comfortable believing that THEY did it the right way and that's how they made money#whereas i must have just committed a sin somewhere in there! i MUST be doing it wrong!!!#and i'm not a victim!!! im simply experiencing consequences!#and im like. where . where. wherewherewherewhere#i graduated top of my class. i was almost the student speaker.#i have always excelled at work and i work hard#i have been working since i was 13#WHERE !!!!! IS MY FUCKING !!!! MONEY!!!!!!#ps please do not make the assumption i am ablebodied or neurotypical.#i am neither of these things.#it DOES get worse if u are either of those things. so fuckin much#but @ the one anon who was like ''u could be X that would be worse u don't know how lucky u are''#.... don't i?#do i need to be luckier than someone else#or is it possible we are BOTH victims?#and that we need to work TOGETHER to resolve it#not just wave it off since it COULD be harder for someone else... it can be true we BOTH deserve better
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20 years isn't that old.
18 (and 1/2) is only two years less than 20. At eighteen, Two-bit lived in his laughs and jokes as the world around him deteriorated. The two kids he once babysat would be torn apart. He would say his goodbyes to one without knowing it, leaving the other dead inside.
17 is three years younger than 20. Dallas Winston and Steve Randle would have been in their last two years in high school. The two, instead of worrying about their futures, were forced to run, both taught how to keep their hands visible and keep their heads low when sirens passed by them on the street.
16 is four years younger than 20. Johnny Cade and Sodapop Curtis, the second youngest group in the gang. One dead in an attempt of being a hero, the other working to the bone to be the other pillar of support to help sustain a household. Sixteen is much closer to twenty, but still not far from ten.
14 is six years younger than 20. Ponyboy Curtis, not even fourteen for over two months, living through the unthinkable. Nearly burned alive, five people dead in less than a year, all but forcing him to live a nightmare.
20 isn't far off from 18. 18 isn't far off from 17. 17 isn't far off from 16. 16 isn't far off from 14. 14 isn't far off from 20.
Darrel Shaynne Curtis Jr. was 20 years old.
#guess who was stuck between the role of a brother and a father#loll wasn't me but u know who#idk what the point of this was i just wanted to spit out the fact that DARRY IS ONLY 20#hes not an adult either you know#my dude is still learning how to be an adult himself#the outsiders#darry curtis#the outsiders 1983#ponyboy curtis#sodapop curtis#johnny cade#dallas winston#steve randle#twobit mathews#its near 1am again so im sorry if it makes no sense 😭😭#i dont even think their ages are rightt💀#please tell me if they're not right bc i might die if these are the wrong ones
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(OC Lore and design time!)
(it got longer again ... sorry ... idk how to make things short, i just need to talk, but i guess if you can read the written stuff in the pic thats the barest bare bones of what i wrote here)
i was asked what new lore story stuff i had thought about that made me sad which i mentioned a bit ago, and while that is too hard to explain given all the missing context i thought i could at least talk about lore having to do with it :D
so, (Lord) Eadrya is one of my fav OCs (big blue lad, here a rough sketch in humanoid form) they are both one of if not THE most powerful demon alive and the most battle trained;
at the mid point of the story the demon world gets invaded by the celestials (the angel inspired things i talked about in the previous lore post with Xaror) and Shargon, as the king, should be their first and only frontline, but at this point his life is only being sustained by maschinery after being mortally wounded, he cannot fight (he realizes what is going on, rips himself off the maschinery to get at least his youngest child to safety, barely managing it before dying- the guardian, the demons god, takes over his body to attempt to fight against the celestials but cant keep itself alive long enough since its host is already dead) Eadrya takes the role of the frontline fighter (despite being very full of themselves and aggressive they care about their 'job' of protecting their own, also giving them the chance to show off just how strong they are); the fight was going well for them all things considered, but when the guardian activates it drains the power of all elemental lords (which Eadrya is one of, and since they have the most strength it also takes the most from them), so much so that they lose the fight and suffer deadly wounds (the worst being a spear through the chest made of a material that grows hard, root-like formations when in contact with demonic blood like a fungus but worse, also stopping any self healing processes) after the guardian falls apart it creates a huge shockwave of energy that stuns every living thing within a certain distance and possibly more-
Eadrya (in true demon form, so like a blue whale in size at least) was likely taken through an active gateway to the human world in a large tidal wave also created by the guardians fall; they wash up in the harbor of a small secluded village, the head of which is 'lady 13'; although never having seen a demon before and everyone being afraid (largely thinking its a strange hurt animal, only she suspected otherwise), they still gather all villagers to pull out the celestial spear, which is diffcult and brutal given that its already taken root, but the village lacked both knowledge and means to help any other way- doing so damaged their heart which is how they were able to collect samples of all three demonic blood types ('normal' -red like humans-, energy -essentially purely magic- and heartblood -highly concentrated energy only found within the heart of a demon and the only one to contain genetic material) (this is the start of Eadryas character arc, having to deal with the fact that their world is likely destroyed, them failing what they didnt think they could fail, having lost a battle so badly (even if not really their fault) for the first time and not knowing if literally anyone else has survived .. also being now stuck in the human world, which they dont like)
Lady 13 (placeholder name? stands for experiment 13) is a human that was tricked by demon hunters to enroll into a series of experiments trying to create hybrids of demons and humans, which they hoped would be powerful and easily controllable tools for their endeavours, though the two are inherently not compatible, they tried grafting body parts of demons on humans to make them compatible- all experiments failed except for her, more or less, though she never got to see the hybrid she carried and was then told it had died too, they threw her out believing she wouldnt survive much longer either and all such experiments were cancelled due to the high cost of human life, research material (demons are still rare) and upkeep with no successful results Lady 13 survived though (perhaps even via the pirates picking her up?) and she ended up living in said small village far away, hiding her half demonic body, though most know there soemthing 'wrong' with her (her being this tall when it doesnt fit the rest for one), only few know the full extent; she enjoys the life she has now, perhaps on the more poor side but safer and more loved than ever before; she largely lead the efforts to try and help Eadrya when they ended up in the harbor, though there wasnt that much anyone could do it was still enough- they leave immediately after waking up, but return after really having nowhere to go and struggling to deal with everything that has happened; over time (probably years) they start to open up towards the people there (though not .. very much) enough to get rather close with Lady 13 too- she actually falls madly in love but after Eadrya (extremely aro/ace) rejects all her attempts quite clearly she respects their boundaries
However, after hearing news of potential demon sightings Eadrya decides to leave in hopes of not being the last demon left after all; Lady 13 then decides to reveal her secret to them (though hearing and seeing what lengths hunters would go to for their experiments makes them absolutely seething with rage- she insists on not being out for revenge) and asks if they would be willing to donate a small amount of heartblood; shes always wanted to be a mother but is now incompatible with humans too- through things she picked up back at the experiments facillity, hers and her doctors research she is sure that is all that is needed, she dares to ask since she does not know when, if ever, she will meet another demon, much less one she could actually trust enough for this though Eadrya hesitates (why would she want to go through the same thing again that didnt work and threatened her life, if it does work, do they want to be involved with any of this? what if hunters find out it worked after all?) but after her ensuring that they would have no part in it other than giving up a little blood and would not be considered a parent in any way, nor made responsible for anything that might happen to her, but considering it all in the end they agree to it
only for her to reveal shes had a small bottle of it already, along with multiple samples of the other types, which she collected when Eadrya was bleeding out into the harbor not knowing if they will survive, though not wanting to make use of it without their consent either way (they are actuallly rather touched by this)
alot later the main group returns here and it turns out to have worked (though she is unable to walk/bedridden for a long while bc it did alot of damage to her body, which can heal since its demons parts, but only really slowly bc she does not have a full functioning system and no demonic blood of her own -she uses the other samples for the healing process-) though its a little awkward to explain, especially considering that 13.1 took alot after Eadrya xD (their theory as to why it worked so "well" that time is that even though the sample was already taken, them giving their consent for it still made it less likely to be rejected; demons dont need partners to have offspring, and all can do it, they just have to decide to- so them agreeing to it, even though its long been outside their body, still had an effect on the blood sample)
#ganondoodles#art#ocs#original art#oc lore#demons#monsters#WHY does writing things liek this take me so long#i spent two hours again on this and im falling asleep as we speak bc its almost 2 am#ANYWAY this was alot again ... sorry#but its a relatively new storyline that i have been afraid of telling#since it touches on things im afraid might come across wrong and uses themes im a lil uncomfy with#but i found it interesting ... and works well with eadrya as a character bc it challenges alot about them#yes im wrote and mean this genuinely#i would have made the cut from her human body to the demon parts more smooth ... but this hard cut is the point#so that she looks rather normal on the upper part and can hide the rest#thoguh im unsure about the color scheme and if maybe i should be more creative with the demons parts#then again its largely just legs lol#if anyone actually reads this ........ i hope it comes across correctly#i like to use darker and more mature themes but am riddled with anxiety over how it will be understood#im gonna work on zelda comic stuff again now .. sorry for all the oc spam#but if there are questions PLEASE feel free to ask im pretty sure i have answers to almosst anything?#also i havent thought of a name for her or the kid .. though im starting to like lady 13#13.1 wont do as a name though poor kid deserves a proper name after already being a weird hybrid that shouldnt exist#either way ... going to bed now GOODNIGHT q-q#(any typos are excused by me being deadly tired ok)
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Emmrich nation hear me out:
Phantom Thread/Daniel Day-Lewis as inspo for Emmrich and/or the romance. I mean. Really. Let's be so honest.
I'm losing my mind. They look perfect. I don't imagine Emmrich would be even remotely like Woodcock as a character mind you, but... Please picture:
"Kiss me, my girl, before I'm sick."
From this.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
#please dont mind me#just mixing two of my favorite pieces of media for no reason other than i simply can#tell me im wrong tho#dd lewis is just emmrich and ive thought about this consistently#FUCK and that line.... ooooh give me something so gutting for emmrich bioware#my life will be yours#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age#emmrich volkarin#dragon age: the veilguard#datv
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too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
#lewis is unarguably more famous than nico. like i feel like this a fact. and yet every other day nico is in the press saying some crazy shit#about lewis. if i was famous i woulda shut that shit down soo long ago. my ex-bf is in the press talkin bout me constantly??? that feels#like such bad pr and yet!!! lewis has not done anything. why? cause he likes it!!! cause they've never moved on from the 1st moment they#broke each other's hearts. like this is genuinely insane.#im always so nervous to post my thoughts on brocedes cause so many of you were here b4 me and have a better understanding on them#and like being a wrong is like a death sentence to me but still please tell me if i got them completely wrong#i have a lot of thoughts on lewis and his reluctance to talk about nico... most of them being that one quote from emma#if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more#ok obligatory disclaimer: a lot of this is hyperbole. i don't think that they're asking lewis that ? every other month#but there are like at least 5 interviews where he talks about karting like they're his most precious memories#so make of that what you will#and obv i don't know these people but as someone who's brain chemistry has been permanently changed by them#i think i'm allowed to not only project onto them but also make stupid little posts analyzing them#anyway yeah#f1#lewis hamilton#nico rosberg#brocedes
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the finnish food tasting segment finally dropped and there is quite literally nothing funnier than maffhew who desires the approval and opinion of his great beloved captain in what he considers him an expert in aka finland so honestly does his opinion really matter in the grand scheme of things if sasha doesnt like said food?
match made in terrible eating manner heaven, amen
#matthew tkachuk#aleksander barkov#florida panthers#2425#“what. am i having. here. some fish 🤖” you can tell he was the funny kid who did quirky voices in class huh#sashas proper “herRING” because eng is his third language meet maffhews drawly midwestern“HERRIN'”#“DUDE I ACTUALLY LIKE THAT BETTER!!! no joke 😯” “...im not a fan...” (backpedals in people pleasing) “...youre not a fan...?”#“i dont like that one...still love your country though!” like we had any inkling youd suddenly hate your husbands country because of mustard#“barky hates this one so i dont know maybe my judgements wrong” girl who will dog on her boyfriend for being picky#but also wait im having second thoughts 🥺🥺#god disgusting give us more of these interactions#sasha so terribly in love with maffhew and viceversa...#every new video that releases about the 1619 date the more of a date it becomes truly
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crash imminent
#fuck you jimstraining order#go to hell justin bienber#jimbortion#jigglemyballs is my fav probably#mouthwashing#mw#wrong organ#mw fanartmoum#mouthwashing fanart#jimmy fanart#jimmy mouthwashing#mouthwashing game#im sorry curly :(#JIMBO WHEN I GET U JIMBO#beginner artist#digital artwork#beginner artwork#small artist#digital artist#fan art#GUYS LETS CALL HIM JINGLE BELLS BC CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP AJAAHAHA#oh no jingle bells made an oopsie :(#my friend through first slide was daisuke's head sliced ipen???? wtf???? its jimbo looking behind himself is that obvious IS IT NOT OBVIOUS#OSMEONE PLEASE TELL ME#hey does anyone wanna go beat this mf up w/ me <33#hes looking behind himself to make sure im not coming for him(i am but im hiding in the walls so he cant see me)#hi whoever is still readymng my tags do u wanna get married someday 🥺🥺🫶🫶??#got my bridal outfit all ready n everything. oh and a grooms outfit if you prefer being the bride.
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do i Look normal about them
for the sake of the joke, we're ignoring the whole okiya subaru | akai shuichi | kudou yusaku | edogawa conan | kudou shinichi ordeal that episode 781 had going on, okay. that's just furuya coming to akai to file another complaint.
og posts are linked below the cut !!
otpbutmakeitspicy with i suffer from 'men are hotter banged up' disease (preach)
whatsappauntie with ever since i was a little girl i think might have been deleted since the link and qrts dont work
H1TWOM4N with punished for my jests (+1 for the image)
fic tagged as "trust me" i say as i drive backwards (fandom: spiderman)
link to drug dealer? no man. hug dealer. come here (via me because i don't know what rb etiquette there is)
clouis-loumentine with what is a rival (again, sorry, via me because the link doesn't work ??)
ft-an with called you bro but im kinda in love with you
teaboot with the found family
theft etc is from a fic i wrote. the title was not chose intentionally and it's not even for dcmk (actually 'i wrote' is a lie. its an abandoned little child, oops)
jessecase with the extreme cold alert with the recommendation to check up on your local elderly fbi agent
oate and the ongoing argument
#IF I GOT SOMETHING WRONG PLEASE TELL ME#im posting this b4 going to sleep and i am so tired im not sure if this fits together#like if link doesnt work or the ALT is completely fucked up#dcmk spoilers#detective conan spoilers#case closed spoilers#if someone can comprehend okiya subaru | akai shuichi | kudou yusaku | edogawa conan | kudou shinichi enough for it to be a spoiler ig#anyway. yeah im back on my bs#dcmk#detective conan#case closed#magic kaito#kuroba kaito#kaitou kid#koizumi akako#haibara ai#furuya rei#amuro tooru#akai shuichi#okiya subaru#edogawa conan#hattori heiji#heishin#for the soul#hakuba saguru#im so sorry to not have found a screencap w him in it fr :(#dcmk textposts#<- the collection (as always)#was anyone going to tell me i had this tagged as “haib” and “furuy” respectively or was i supposed to find out myself
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Can you please get a journal
i assume you’re the same person who keeps sending snarky messages everytime i vent but you really do not have to follow me i know its annoying or whatever to see me vent time and time again but you literally do not need to see it
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Just finished reading house of Hades
Emotional trauma galore
#heroes of olympus#percy jackson#nico di angelo#annabeth chase#hazel levesque#frank zhang#leo valdez#jason grace#piper mclean#reyna avila ramirez arellano#goodness help me#cupid is a dickhead and i hate him more than octavian#i will kill him#bob is amazing and deserves the world#i want a whole book about reyna#she is so brave and perfect#also i felt like nico ment he was going to kiil himself when he told jason he was leaving forever once the quest was done#someone please tell me im wrong#i know he dosnt but still
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since we’re now talking about the racism in the phandom, i’m very glad it’s being brought to light so thank you to @dapg-otmebytheballs @demonqueenart and everyone else talking about this, i want to talk about cancel culture.
now i’m as white as they come, so before reading any of this i need you all to read the posts made by some of the people starting this conversation. here’s some links. xx xx xx xx xx
the reason i want to bring this up is because it’s something i noticed in a lot of the posts bringing up the behavior that dnp have/have had. its bizarre to me that we as a society, but especially we as a fandom, feel the need to disclose that bringing up problematic behavior isn’t an attack or call to ‘cancel’ someone!
to be able to have an open discussion where people CAN evolve and learn, bad behaviors need to be brought up without the immediate assumption that the person talking about it wants to bring harm to the other.
i am not here to defend dan and phil, they are well old enough to have these realizations on their own and stand for their actions, but, without the space to point out these behaviors, there will be no change. if these questions are being brought up within fandom spaces, why assume that the person means harm? excuse my metaphor but why would they set fire to their own house? i can understand wanting to take something with a grain of salt if it was coming from someone not in the fandom spaces at all, or someone not familiar with dan and phil whatsoever, but since it is the fans bringing this up, the absolute least you can do is believe them and listen.
wanting to see change is far from the same as wanting to see someone ‘canceled’ or lose their platform. these discussions are good and important to have, and i want to again thank everyone who has taken time of their days to speak up about this. it’s labor you shouldn’t have to do, and i really hope that we as a fandom learn from this. i know i will.
#if these conversations make you uncomfortable i strongly urge you to take a minute to reflect on why#im positive there are more people making posts about this but unfortunately ive only seen the ones tagged#if youve seen/written anything else; absolutely feel free to link it/tag them#and as always. support and uplift the people that start these kinds of conversations. they’re doing a kindness by educating so be grateful#additionally: if there’s anything i said here that was incorrect or in bad taste or if me saying anything at all is wrong! please do#do tell me. my intention here is to highlight and support and if im doing it the wrong way i’ll happily correct#the goal here is to create a welcoming space to ALL and if we cant talk to each other then whats the point#phandom#dan howell#phil lester#dan and phil#nebulae.speaks
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Can someone please explain to me what the enforcers Do. Like I was under the impression that they were the police force. So why the hell were they fighting in the war? Does Piltover not have an army? Are their police force and their military the same thing? Are you telling me each individual enforcer is trained both in police/investigative procedure AS WELL AS military tactics and strategy? 1) how the fuck do they have the time to invest THAT MUCH into each enforcer. 2) how fucking long is the training, especially considering how quickly Caitlyn joined the force 3) are you telling me the chief of police and the army general are the same thing? Are you telling me MARCUS was a trained tactician? A GENERAL?
Even if you argue they're all incompetent- are you telling me the Councilors were willingly paying what was probably exorbitant amounts of money to have a WEAK and ILL-TRAINED MILITARY? it's one thing for them to poorly train a bunch of cops, and maybe even carelessly allow a bunch of barely trained, "mindless gruntwork" soldiers- but eventually, the more they rise into the ranks, the more they'll have to scrutinize their skill. Are you saying their enforcers are structured like a standing army? Are you saying those pompous fucks wouldn't care if their military was actually capable of protecting them or not? How have they never been invaded before? How are they still around?!
#arcane critical#arcane criticism#im legitimately baffled#someone please make sense of this#i understand it might work differently in different countries but afaik riot is american#so unless they explicitly explain the difference in their worldbuilding i only have the us system to base this off of#arcane s2#arcane#piltover and zaun#like dont get me wrong american police and army arent super well trained either#but both of them take at least a few months to get into the lowest ranks#so if you combine both trainings that could literally take as long as 4 years (cop training time varies by state)#caitlyn is supposed to be in her early 20s. so how old was she when she started?#and you mean to tell me MARCUS was a GENERAL?#keep in mind they wear the SAME UNIFORMS for WAR as they do for their average day around piltover. tf.
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erm...! idk how to caption this but it's an idea that's been plaguing me for one billion years. Applejack = Fiddleford and Fluttershy = Standford. yup yup yup
#the colors are so BAD and MUDDY but i was hurrying because im hungrryyyyy#what is wrong with me i should have made the portal look more like the mirror from MLPEG...#oh well oh well OH WELL!!!#please ask me about who i would cast as who i will tell you#anyway#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#friendship is magic#gravity falls#applejack#fluttershy#should i tag the characters they replace?#yeah sure why not#stanford pines#ford pines#fiddleford#fiddleford mcgucket#my art
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