#so peter parker should be egged
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guide to ao3 tagging
by someone who has used ao3 enough to develop tagging pet peeves
ok so i'm going to kind of walk through a process for tagging your fic, aimed at anyone who feels confused or uncertain about tagging or has ever added "i'm bad at tagging" to their tags (because i presume if you have you would benefit from my little guide)
to start off with, what are the purposes of tagging? i think there are two: to tell a potential reader who has found your fic what to expect, and to help someone who wants to read your fic to find it easier
so. i'll breeze through characters and relationships just because i think additional tags are where people have the most issues? this based on zero concrete evidence
step 1: character tags
characters are probably the easiest part. who's in your fic. write them down. you don't have to add them in order of most significant to least significant, but it can be a nice touch if you feel like it. if you're thinking, "this character is briefly in my fic/is talked about a lot but not actually there, you probably shouldn't tag for that character. people filtering for or against that character will find or miss your fic when they don't want to, and it's not going to affect anyone else.
step 2: relationship tags
slightly more involved than characters, and very much a topic of debate. my advice: start by identifying your main relationship. the shorter your fic, the more likely it is to focus on one ship or relationship dynamic above others. tag that first. then any additional ships, if applicable. any ship tagged should receive a considerable amount of focus within the fic, eg the characters have to interact in some way. background ships should most likely not be tagged, as you can add an additional tag for background (that ship) instead, letting people who have found the fic know that it will feature minimal amounts of that ship. ao3 will filter anything in the relationships section as that ship's tag. just because you added "background" or "a tiny bit of" or something, your fic will still show up under searches for that ship, which most people consider annoying and/or misleading, to a degree.
moving on to the additional tags section: this is something that can be tricky to figure out. bear in mind that if you have a short fic, you probably won't need to use that many tags, which is fine. people will still find your fic if they would be interested in it. overtagging can make your work look suspicious, if the word count seems unreasonably small compared to the number of tags. similarly, undertagging a long fic can make it hard to know what will happen to make it worth the word count.
step 3: themes
once you've got all your characters and relationships sorted, consider the main theme or themes of your fic. it is a character study? focused on two characters getting together? a fix it? add probably one to three (ish) tags for themes, depending on length and complexity. this is for the general genre of your fic, and is going to be really crucial for helping people find your fic. if your fic is a relationship reveal but you don't tag it as such, someone reading only relationship reveal fics is not going to find your work.
step 4: vibes
what is the main mood of your fic? the longer the fic, again, the more moods you're likely to go through. so, an 800 word drabble is probably going to just have one vibe, but a 50k slowburn is going to go through several different phases with different moods. this category is for more abstract tags like fluff, angst, humor, crack, etc.
step 5: tropes
did you just write a fic utilising one or more tropes? add them as tags. people love tropes. people are going to filter for specific tropes. tag your tropes. tropes include: character in specific job role, character exhibiting specific personality trait, "peter parker's field trip to stark industries". often the tropes will be fandom specific, unlike themes and vibes. utilise ao3's tag search capabilities to check if your trope is an existing tag. still add it if it isn't, and it'll get wrangled appropriately. (shout out to the tag wranglers, who do god's work daily)
step 6: anything else important
look it's a catch all final step wow. is there anything else that features significantly in your fic that you think people should know about? add it. add anything that is significant and could be a trigger, a selling point, or a hard pass. a good way to think is if you were trying to find the fic you just wrote, what would you filter for to find it? add that.
hope this helped someone out, i am by no means an expert so add anything you feel is relevant. i know tagging is a bit of touchy subject sometimes but i think i've kept this general enough to do more help than harm.
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Essential Avengers: Avengers #196: The Terrible Toll of the Taskmaster
June, 1980
Annnnnnnd we’re back.
Sorry for missing days. When I get sick I get sick bad and also grumpy.
But now we’re back and continue with Taskmaster’s inaugural story.
He has an interesting costume.
So last times: The Avengers were having a slow day for once until a guy called Selbe burst in and asked for help. Some orderlies from the Solomon Institute of the Criminally Insane came to retrieve him but Wasp felt something was amiss and perhaps decomposed in the nation of Denmark. So she followed them back to the Institute, snuck in, and got captured.
The Avengers followed Wasp and Yellowjacket and Ant-Man snuck in, and got captured. But then they fought their way free and got captured again.
This has just been a very repetitive day for the insect-themed size-changing superhero cadre.
This time:
Taskmaster has mastered the task of thinking about how to keep shrinking superheroes captive and put the three in clamps that apparently atomically bond with the wrists and ankles so if they try shrinking, they’ll lose their hands and feet and those are important for superhero work.
Also Taskmaster talks in a very casual, colloquial way. Drops his g’s off the end of words and such. Makes him sound more muscle than the guy who masterminded a series of mook training academies but its possibly part of why people like him so much.
Wasp asks who he is and Taskmaster decides the best way to show what he’s all about is ordering a squad of his trainees to try to murder him so he can show off by beating them up.
Pro-tip: If a teacher ever asks you to physically assault them, its probably a ruse and you’re going to get your ass kicked to make the teacher look good. Its the Ushan DeLucca method. That and a hefty dose of fantasy Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Anyway, Taskmaster promises ten grand to any trainee that masters the task of murdering him and then kicks all their asses.
He shows off his shield throwing technique (just as good as Captain America’s), his Daredevil-tier billy club technique, his Spider-Man-esque gymnastics, and archery that could be compared to Hawkeye’s.
And then after he beats up the trainee squad, he docks them pay for sleeping on duty while Wasp marvels vacantly at Taskmaster’s skill.
Wasp: “Th-that... that was incredible! But how -- ?”
Taskmaster: “I’d like to say I work hard at it, sweetcheeks, but t’be perfectly honest, it just comes natural. Y’see, I was born with what the shrinks call ‘photographic reflexes.’ That’s somethin’ like ‘photographic memory,’ only it’s a whole lot scarcer!”
He discovered it growing up when he would watch cowboy shows on TV and then perfectly pull off the same rope tricks he had just seen without any practice.
And it wasn’t just rope tricks, obviously. Otherwise he’d be... the Lassoman or something. He realized he could duplicate any action exactly just by watching it done. He made himself the hero of the football team by watching one pro-game.
He even considered become a superhero to make more of his special talents but realized that the big bucks were made on the criminal side of things.
But he realized that the downside to becoming a criminal was all the superheroes that all of a sudden wanted to punch you so he prepared by watching newscasts, documentaries, and anything that showed the heroes on film so he could pick up their sweet moves.
Hence why he carries around what he carries around. He picked up all of Captain America’s shield moves, Hawkeye’s archery, Daredevil’s billyclubbery, etc. Also he carries around a lasso because I guess you just don’t forget your first.
But in the midst of all this learning, Taskmaster realized something else. Being a supervillain could be lucrative but it could also get you beaten up by superheroes a lot and who needs that hassle?
So instead he decided to set up a string of academies where he could train goons for the idiots on the frontline getting beaten up by superheroes.
He’s a very pragmatic guy. He once mentioned during Avengers Academy that he just works for whoever pays the best. He’s not in it to rule the world or make the big score. He’s happy getting a continuous supply of income by providing a necessary but probably illegal service.
And his operations have been running smoothly AND secretly for years.
Then Dr. Solomon went and ruined all of that by getting superheroes involved.
Way to be, Dr. Solomon! After Taskmaster trusted you with an administrator job!
Taskmaster tosses him to the ground but says he’s a fair man and will give him a chance to defend himself. If he beats Taskmaster, despite Taskmaster just having beaten an entire squad of trained warriors and Dr. Solomon never even holding a firearm before, then Dr. Solomon gets to live.
I’d give you one guess as to what happens but you don’t even need that many.
Dr. Solomon fires some kind of gun (it was on the table with Ant-Man’s helmet so its possibly Yellowjacket’s Disruptor pistol but he doesn’t even use that anymore) but the recoil was so bad that it hit Taskmaster’s shield without Taskmaster even having to move the shield.
That’s just really bad, Dr. Solomon.
But before Taskmaster can kill Dr. Solomon, something happens to stop him.
Dr. Solomon has a heart attack and dies while complaining what a common way to die it is.
And Taskmaster just declares him a wimp.
Anyway. Now that disciplinary proceedings are done, time to get the business back on track. They need to kill the superheroes so operations can resume and age up Selbe so he can replace Dr. Solomon so nobody notices he’s missing.
Meanwhile, outside, the Avengers continue to stand around in the snow and wait.
But while they wait, Iron Man thinks some Thoughts about how far the Avengers have come.
Iron Man: “Funny, I should be thinking about the danger we may soon face -- but I can’t keep my mind off of us, the Avengers... and how we’ve changed. Use to be we’d bicker at the drop of a hat, squabble over any little difference. But now it seems we’ve hit the right combination -- or maybe we’ve just matured.”
As an example he thinks of Wonder Man, who lost nearly a decade in suspended animation, and Beast, who went overnight from acclaimed scientist to a blue, furry freak. Harsh words, Tony.
But they accept one another not just as coworkers but as friends. No matter what they look like or how they act. And he reflects that its a shame ‘normal’ people can’t learn to behave similar.
Also: while he’s reflecting on how it takes many kinds to make a fruit cup, some ants crawl over his face and obstruct his vision.
Which he realizes is a signal from Yellowjacket or Ant-Man!
Time to stop standing in the snow and Avengers Assemble!
Meanwhile, inside, Taskmaster contemplates on what to do with his captive heroes. Maybe use them as target dummies in his dagger-throwing class?
To be fair, they are all dummies. Ya dummies.
But then the Avengers make like famous X-Factor member the Kool-Ade Man and OH YEAH right through the wall.
Iron Man: “We’re the Avengers, mister. And you’re holding three of our friends against their will.”
Captain America: “Will you release them now -- or do we have to start breaking things more painful than walls?”
According to Wasp, before the helmet was taken away, he was the one who managed to signal for his ants to get help.
Taskmaster: “Well, I guess that’s just o’ matter of live an’ learn, dumplin’.”
So he signals a group of specialists he just finished training for Hammerhead. Cyber-Squad X!
Who look touch but Iron Man isn’t worried and decides to see if they can stand up to a full-intensity wide-beam repulsor blast!
Apparently they can.
I won’t lie. I love it when comics do gags like that.
Apparently one of the Cyber-Squadders X had a device that could reflect Iron Man’s repulsors right back at him. Which means there’s nothing for it but for the Avengers to get in the thick of things and scrum.
... Apparently Vision shot someone in the face with his eye lasers but more than that Beast apparently makes people smell his feet as a battle tactic.
Truly the ways of superheroes are fantastical.
Selbe (remember him?) realizes that all these people are risking their lives for him (not true, they’re here for the Wasp) and decides its time he did something to help them.
He grabs a piece of rubble and KLOPPs a guard in the head to knock him out and steal his gun and blasts the stasis controls, freeing Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Yellowjacket!
Yay, Selbe!
And then Ant-Man quickly puts his helmet on because maybe all these criminals have seen his face already but god forbid the Avengers do!
Ant-Man: “My daughter’d kill me if everyone else found out my secret identity before she did!”
And the various superheroes continue to fight the Cyber-Squad X while Captain America and Iron Man break through the fight to confront the master of tasks himself, the Taskmaster.
Cap attacks Taskmaster but Taskmaster perfectly counters his moves and when Iron Man circles behind to try to sneak repulsor attack, Taskmaster fires a disruptor arrow to neutralize Iron Man.
He knew that Iron Man would circle around because its what he would have done and he masters tasks. ITS IN THE NAME.
Taskmaster: “Man, what an opportunity! I could take the Avengers on, one-on-one, an’ maybe, with my reflexes... I could defeat them all! But then again, maybe I couldn’t! There ain’t no bucks in feedin’ an ego -- an’ it’d be awful hard runnin’ business from a jail cell!”
So he kludds Cap with his shield and then kraks him with a bow and then makes a break for it. And he even closes a blast door behind him so Iron Man and Cap can’t follow.
New plan. He’ll run to central control and flood the entire facility with sleep gas, which will take care of everyone but Iron Man and Vision and then-
A metal woman?
At some point Jocasta snuck away from the group so she could be standing in Taskmaster’s way right at this moment. And also he doesn’t know who she is so he doesn’t know what she’ll do.
He throws his mighty shield but Jocasta just puts up a force field. So he shoots an electro-shaft to short the field out and Jocasta blasts the arrow so the electrical energy is released near him instead.
Taskmaster: “Blast you, robot! I’ve never seen you before! Don’t know what you’re gonna do next! But just gimme time, an’ I’ll --”
And then Wasp and Yellowjacket shoot him in the face.
Because Jocasta bought time for the rest of the Avengers to clean up the Cyber-Goon-Squad X and catch up.
Iron Man: “So now it’s just you and us, Taskmaster. And I suggest you come along peacefully. Unless you think you can take all of the Avengers on at once!”
Which he doesn’t think he can do. And he’s not willing to roll the dice on it either. So he makes like a Dragon Ball character and uses some magnesium flares to blind the Avengers so he can expeditiously retreat.
By the time Iron Man gets his vision back (having been fortunate enough that he had peril-sensitive shades built into his helmet, basically), Taskmaster has already gotten back to his super high tech ship which is jetting away.
Vision was the second to get his vision back, humorously enough. I mean, I find it humorous because I kept trying to capitalize the V when I talk about vision the idea of seeing and not the synthezoid.
Iron Man tells Vision that Taskmaster is gone but he has a feeling it won’t be the last they hear of him.
Anyway, back downstairs to check on the people who aren’t as good at recovering vision like Vision.
Iron Man tells the Avengers that Taskmaster got away.
Captain America: “That’s too bad. But at least we’ll be around to have a next time -- thanks to Jocasta. Lady, we’ve had a tendency to overlook you in the past, but I think I speak for the whole group when I say -- that’s about to change.”
Vision: “As one who has discovered the benefits of companionship in a similar manner, Jocasta... welcome.”
Jocasta: “‘Welcome’...? You know, I think I like that word. Yes... I think I like it very much.”
You will believe that even an android without tear ducts can feel like crying but not physically be able to!
I mean, sucks that it takes literally saving the entire team for them to give her the time of day but finally! Justice for Jocasta! Small talk and conversations and anecdotes! Give unto her your socializing!
Just please. Writers. Give her stuff to do! Don’t let this be the Falcon again except she was on the team longer and has done LESS.
That aside: Taskmaster?
I think he has a good showing for why he’s a lasting and beloved villain. He doesn’t really have the motivation to try to take over the world or become god or kill that blasted Richards like Dr. Doom but he’s not really a villain of the week like Sandman or Stilt-Man either. He has bigger ambitions than robbing banks but smaller ones than robbing worlds.
He figured out a good pragmatic way to rake in ill-gotten gains without having to go out and engage in fighting superheroes himself.
And when superheroes did get involved in his work he had the clarity to see that discretion was way better than valor. Like 1000 times better.
And his powers are interesting, if not flashy, and present a way that he can punch way out of his weight class.
Some writers take it too far where super reflexes just means he wins unless you can come up with something unexpected when really even if he can imitate moves perfectly, he shouldn’t be able to do them with the same power or speed as some of the people he’s imitating.
But he’s an interesting dude and I can see why he stuck around.
Even if the way the story started wasn’t the strongest. I feel like there’s a disconnect between ‘growing a clone for free organ transplants’ and ‘super academy for training supervillain goons’ and I get that part of the point is that Dr. Solomon goofused up by spending resources on this and then got the Avengers involved when Taskmaster would have been running things on the DL forever.
But I feel that ‘growing a clone for free organ transplants’ is an interesting enough concept in its own right, even if it is now several movies, that it didn’t need to just be the opening band for Taskmaster.
And more could have been done with ‘super academy for training supervillain goons’ too honestly. I feel that its a hell of a secret to keep that all these supervillains are getting their goons from one place and the superheroes have remained oblivious.
It feels like there could have been a story in the Avengers trying to unravel the mystery of who is training these nerds and it ends up at Taskmaster.
But I don’t want to judge the comic on what it could have been. It was an interesting enough story of the Avengers saving someone who is not legally a person because the rights for clones are indeterminate in the Marvel Universe, not helped by most clones being grown to mess with Spider-Man or so Mr. Sinister has an inexhaustable supply of Marauders.
Next time, another three part storyline. But one that tangentially relates to Godzilla? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Follow @essential-avengers because when I was sick I felt bad about not doing posts and that’s good work ethic! Reward me!
#Avengers#Taskmaster#Jocasta#Ant Man#Yellowjacket#the Wasp#Iron Man#Captain America#Ms Marvel#Carol Danvers#the vision#Beast#Wonder Man#Essential Avengers#Essential marvel liveblogging#This proves that news coverage of superheroes only helps supervillains#so peter parker should be egged
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The Hint
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Synopsis submitted by @jasmine11685: Peter gets jealous when you have to flirt with someone on a mission
That was the only word Peter could say as you descended the staircase in a form fitting black dress. The slit up the side added an elegant touch, something needed for the ball you were going to.
“You look pretty “wow” yourself.” You smiled shyly as you lifted the hem of your dress to walk towards him. “The suit is a nice change from the flannels, though I do love those.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no words formed in his brain. As soon as you put your hands on his collar to tuck it under his suit jacket, his name was lost on his and all he knew was yours.
“So this is what it’s like to be speechless.” He chuckled nervously as you straightened his jacket.
“Shut up.” You giggled as your face flushed. “Your ties a little crooked.”
“Thanks.” Peter whispered as you adjusted his tie. “You look beautiful. Like, the kind of beautiful that makes you want to cry when you look at it.”
“Thank you.” You laughed again, out of habit. You looked at Peter through your eyelashes as your shaking hands slid down his jacket.
“Nervous?” He asked softly when he noticed your unsteady demeanor.
“A little.” You smiled weakly. “It’s uh, it’s a shame I’m gonna have to waste all this beautiful on some douche who won’t appreciate it.”
“Well I appreciate it.” Peter assured you. “All of it. What is your mission exactly?”
“I just have to get some information out of Harry Osborn. Apparently he’s the only one who knows what’s his father has been doing up at Oscorp. We have to find out his plans before he does something dangerous. Could you help me with this?” You asked as you handed him a diamond necklace. You turned around and Peter carefully moved your hair off of your back.
“Oh.” He said in surprise as he clasped the necklace around your neck. “And how are you planing on getting that information?”
“I’m gonna flirt with him like my life depends on it.” You said confidently as you turned back around. “Because who knows? It might.”
Peters face twitched in confusion as his eyebrows knit together. He felt a white hot jealousy run all the way to his scalp when he learned about the plan.
“You have to flirt with that asshole?” Peter laughed nervously and cleared his throat. “He’s a total playboy. He’s probably never done his own laundry a day in his life.”
“I think I can handle him.” You winked at him as you touched your your lipstick. “And his laundry.”
“I have no doubt in your abilities. I just wish you didn’t have to use them on him.” Peter said, mostly to himself.
“It’s fine, Pete.” You assured him. “I’m actually excited to do it.”
“Excited?” Peter began to sweat.
“Yeah.” You grinned in excitement. “This is the biggest role I’ve ever had in a mission. I really want to do a good job so I can impress my dad. That means I’m gonna have to pull out my best flirting.”
“Your best flirting?” Peter was really beginning to panic now.
“Yup. I need this boy to fall in love with me.” You told him. “Watch, by the end of the night, he’ll be putty in my hands.”
“I don’t think you should do this, Y/n.” Peter blurted. “I think we should get Natasha or someone else to do it. You shouldn’t have to be the shiny object we use to distract the enemy.”
“I’m fine with it, Pete. My dad didn’t give me this role because I’m pretty. He gave me this role because I have good communication and manipulation skills. Plus, I’m closest to Harry’s age. It all works out.”
“He could be really dangerous.” Peter protested. “You could get hurt.”
“I’m really dangerous.” You stated. “And he’s definitely gonna get hurt.”
“Just be careful, okay?” Peter sighed, making you look at him. You walked over to him and cupped his face in your hands, making his breath hitch in his throat.
“I got this, Petey.” You said gently. “I know you’re worried about me, but you have no reason to be. I can do this. And you, Sam, and my dad are gonna be listening the whole time. We’re gonna catch this guy. I know it.”
“I just don’t want you getting hurt. If things go wrong-“
“They won’t.” You cut him off. “Go ask my dad. He drew up every possible outcome of this plan and they all end with Harry getting his ass kicked.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded and gave you a smile. “I’ll go talk to Mr. Stark.”
“You just had to believe in her.” Peter grouched as he barged into Tony’s office. “You just had to recognize her talent and trust her enough to carry the mission.”
“I’m sorry. Is that anger directed towards moi?” Tony touched a hand to his chest. “Are you mad at me?”
“Yeah, I am.” Peter said. “You know I like Y/n and sent her off to flirt with the richest playboy in New York City?”
“Hey.” Tony said sternly. “Playboy is my thing.”
“Why did you have to make her do this job?” Peter whined. “She’s gonna fall in love with him and forget all about me.”
“He’s a criminal, Peter.” Tony reminded him.
“So? Girls love that!” He protested. “You remember how she acted around Loki.”
“Don’t remind me.” Tony rolled his eyes. Peters face shifted back to his forlorn expression and Tony saw how much this was hurting him.
“Look, kid, don’t sweat this mission.” He said as he put a hand on Peters shoulder. “She’s just gonna get the information she needs from Harry and you’ll never have to worry about him again. You can go right back to your little will-they-won’t-they bullshit or whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I have a plan.” Peter insisted. “And Harry is going to put a serious wrench in my plan, thanks to you.”
“You have a plan?” Tony doubted. “Ive been watching you pine after my daughter for years. When is this plan going into action exactly?”
“I’m just going to think really hard about how I’m in love with her and wait until she realizes.” Peter mumbled as he adverted his eyes.
“Yeah?” Tony cocked his head. “And how’s that going for you?”
“I think she’s just about to get the hint.” Peter said and Tony let out a groan.
“Kid, just ask her out.” He reasoned. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“She could hear me.” Peter stated. “And then say no.”
“She’s never gonna take the hint unless you actually give her the hint.” Tony reasoned. “Why don’t you try tonight? She’ll be all giddy from successfully completing the mission. Perfect time to confess those bottled up feelings.”
“I don’t know.” Peter sighed. “Maybe.”
An hour later, you were making eyes at Harry from the bar. After locking eyes a few times, you signaled for him to come over.
“Hey.” Harry knocked on the bar twice and looked down at you. He sized you up before smiling in approval and sending you a nod.
“Hey.” You gave him a sultry smile as he sat down.
“You all by yourself?” He asked as he drummed his fingers on the bar.
“I was.” You took a sip and looked at him through your lashes. “Until you came along.”
“Mind if I stay?” He raised an eyebrow as he flagged down the bartender. You made a face as he ordered a drink before smiling at him.
“I prefer it.” You flirted.
“Good.” He accepted his drink and took a long sip. “I don’t like being told no.”
“Then you better give me something to say yes to.” You leaned on your hand and leaned towards him. Inside, you were gagging at his arrogance. On the outside, you were eating it up.
And that made two of you.
“Oh God.” Peter gagged as he listened to the banter through his ear piece. “This is torture.”
Sam, who was standing next to him as they both kept an eye on you, gave Peter a look.
“Relax, kid.” He sighed. “She’s just doing her job.”
“You’re a pretty bold girl. I like that.” Harry cupped your chin before releasing it. “Just not as bold as me.”
“Oh yeah?” You raised an eyebrow, grabbed his drink, and downed the rest before slamming the glass down. “How about now?”
“Oh, you are going to get me into trouble.” Harry chuckled and he scooted closer to you. Peter watched in disdain as the jealousy coursed through his veins again.
“That doesn’t sound so bad.” You crawled. “Don’t you like trouble?”
“I love it.” He insisted as he held out his hand. “My names Harry Osborn. You’ve probably heard of me.”
“I have.” You smirked as you shook his hand. “I’m Y/n.”
“Why is she talking like that?” Peter whined upon hearing your flirty tone. “She never talks like that.”
“Because she’s not trying to sleep with you, dummy. Thats why.” Sam snorted as he continued to watch.
“What?” Peter snapped his head towards Sam. “She’s not trying to sleep with that guy. She’s just getting information out of him.”
“Yeah well, guys tend to talk a lot more once you’ve tired them out.” Sam shrugged as he sipped his own drink. Pete’s face fell as he stared Harry down with daggers in his eyes.
“She wouldn’t do that.” Peter mumbled.
“Shhh.” Sam waved his hand. “I’m trying to listen.”
“So,” you took another sip from your drink, “Whats it like being the son of one of the most powerful men in the city? Wasn’t your dad like, 25 when he founded Oscorp.”
“23, but who’s keeping score.” Harry shrugged as he looked around the room. “I’ll probably do something like that soon. Maybe something even bigger. I already have a lot of ideas. Pretty impressive, huh?”
“Totally.” You egged him on but rolled your eyes when he looked away. “Do you ever get to watch his experiments?”
“Baby, I’ve seen just about all of them.” Harry bragged as he played with your dangling earrings. “He’s done things you wouldn’t believe. Things that aren’t even legal.”
“Yeah?” Your eyes widened in excitement and you leaned in closer. “Like what?”
“I can’t tell you here.” Harry pulled away suddenly and sighed. “I don’t want anyone hearing.”
“Alright.” You purposefully took the bait. “Then let’s talk somewhere else.”
“Do you know a place?” He played nonchalant as he put a hand on your knee. Peter watched the scene in front of him and looked away.
“Yeah. My bedroom.” You smirked and stood up. “Let’s go there.”
“Bold.” Harry rubbed his hands together and stood up as well. “You’re dangerous.”
You took his hand and lead him towards the elevator, feeling the gun that was strapped to your thigh brush against your leg as you walked.
“You have no idea.” You mumbled. You passed Sam and Peter and gave them a nod as you lead Harry towards his interrogation. Peter looked like he was ready to fight someone and Sam looked entirely amused. You gave them a thumbs up before leading Harry upstairs.
“What’s the craziest thing your dad has done?” You asked as you sat down on the bed. You flicked your leg out and pretended to examine your heels to draw his attention. Harry took the bait and held your ankle in his hands, admiring the fancy shoes Mr. Stark had given you for the mission.
“Why do you want to know?” He asked coyly as he looked up at you.
“Because I like to get a little crazy myself and I want to know how much you can handle.” You shrugged as you shook your hair out. Peter gulped as he listened, feeling his jaw tighten in anger. Tony joined him and Sam at their post and looked around for you and Harry.
“How’s the mission going?” He asked when he didn’t see you anywhere.
“Horrible.” Peter grumbled.
“She didn’t get him to the secondary location?” Tony worried.
“She did.” Sam cut in. “Peters just mad that his girlfriend just found herself a boyfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter snapped. “Maybe she would have been if Mr. Stark wasn’t a destroyer of young love.”
“Parker, quiet.” Sam commanded. “I’m trying to listen.”
“How do I know I can trust you?” Harry folded his arms as he looked down on you.
“You can trust me.” You told him as you reached up to grab his tie. You used it to pull yourself up and off the bed before planting a kiss right on his mouth.
“What was that?” Peter touched his fingertips to his ear piece when he heard silence from your end.” Why did she pause?”
“She didn’t pause.” Sam shook his head as he checked his watch.
“Then what-“
“She kissed him.” Tony cut in while giving Peter an apologetic look.
“She kissed him?” All the color drained from Peters face and Tony felt he was to blame.
“You know the Green Goblin?” Harry asked once you pulled away.
“That’s my dad.” Harry admitted, and Tony and Sam quickly wrote it down.
“No way.” You pretended to be impressed. “I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true. He was dying so he invented this serum to keep himself alive. It ended up giving him all these crazy abilities.” Harry boasted, incriminating himself further. “And he’s got this glider that he can fly around on. You’d love it. It’s very shiny.”
“Wow. I love shiny.” You gushed, fighting the urge to punch him in the throat then and there. “How much serum did he make?”
“He has one more vile that he said he’d give to me when I’m older.” Harry tweaked his eyebrow as he smirked.
“So you’re gonna be the next Green Goblin? Isnt he a bit of a bad guy?” You continued to draw information out of him as your fingers danced around his collar.
“Maybe I am bad guy.” Harry shrugged. “Like father, like son.”
Harry leaned in to kiss you again but you dodged it and laughed as you moved away.
“Bad, huh?” You composed yourself so you wouldn’t be suspicious. “What else has he done?”
“He gave one of our scientists these metal arms. They can rip a person in half. Ive seen it happen.” Harry continued to brag and you recorded every word of it.
“Dr. Occtavius.” Tony realized. “That’s how he got his weapons.”
“Thats crazy.” You gasped and played with his hair. “What’s your dad gonna do?”
“He’s basically forming a league of bad guys.” Harry shrugged like it was no big deal. “Guys way worse than the Avengers.”
“Does he have a problem with the Avengers?” You wondered.
“My dad hates them. I hate them too.” Harry scoffed and you held back a laugh. “That’s why we’re gonna wipe them out. New York can’t rely on a bunch of guys in dress up, and we’re gonna show them that.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“With an attack on New York City on the 8th.” Harry told you, and Tony immediately wrote it down. “The Avengers won’t know what hit them.”
“That sounds pretty scary. Will you keep me safe?” You batted your eyelashes at him and he ate it up.
“I can’t listen to this.” Peter took out his earpiece and slammed it on the counter. “I’m going in there.”
“Parker! Stay where you are and - you know what? I don’t care.” Sam shrugged it off and continued to listen to your conversation.
“Of course baby.” He cupped your face in his hands. “It’s gonna be a direct hit on the Avengers tower. A pretty thing like you won’t be anywhere near there.”
“Actually”, you took his hands off your face and dropped your smile, “I will.”
“What?” Harry’s face faltered at your sudden mood change.
“Did you get that guys?” You touched your fingers to your ear piece and waited for the confirmation. “Copy that, dad.”
“What?” Harry’s face twisted in anger. “You’re an Avenger?”
“Look at you! So smart. You figured it out.” You said sarcastically.
“No.” Harry shook his head. “I don’t believe you. There’s no way you’re an Avenger. You’re my age and a chick.”
“Not just an Avenger. I’m a Stark too. Want me to prove it to you?” You asked casually.
“How?” Harry raised an eyebrow. You gave him a swift punch to the throat that knocked him on his back.
“Like that.” You blew your hair off your forehead as you checked your nails.
“You bitch.” Harry wheezed from the floor.
“You see, I can’t have you and your father attacking my friends.” You crouched down beside him and shrugged. “I’m gonna have to take you in.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Harry swiped at you but you dodged it.
“I know. But this cute little microphone recorded everything you said and sent it to the police.” You pouted and pointed to your mic. “They should be here soon. You might want to wipe the lipstick off your face before the get here.”
“I’m not going to prison.” Harry grumbled as he sat up.
“Aw, but you are.” You said as you pulled him off the floor and put his hands behind his back. “Daddy can’t bail you out of this one, like how he bailed you out of your 17 parking tickets.”
“How do you know about that?” Harry asked as he looked over his shoulder at you.
“I know everything, bitch.” You leaned into his ear to growl.
“No. I’m not going down for this.” Harry broke out of your hold and swung at you. You dodged the first one, but he got you right in the jaw with the second one. You stood up and got ready to fight him as he put his fists up.
“You’re not even that pretty.” He exclaimed as he swung at you again. Right as his fist collided with your face, Peter burst in the door.
“Yes she is!” Peter shouted as he jumped on Harry’s back. Harry threw Peter onto the bed and lunged for you again. You close-lined him with your arm and dug your heel into his back once he was on the ground.
“Peter? What are you doing here?” You asked as you stepped on Harry’s back harder with your heel. “I got this.”
“There’s something I have to tell you.” Peter panted as he got off the bed.
“You won’t get away with this. I will sue!” Harry writhed around beneath your heel.
“Can it wait?” You asked as you pulled Harry off the ground. “I’m a little busy.”
“It can’t wait.” Peter shook his head as you shoved Harry against the wall. “There’s something I’ve been holding in for a long time and I need to tell you.”
“I wouldn’t even bother dude.” Harry said with his face squished against the wall. “She’s a total bitch.”
“Was I talking to you?” Peter growled before shooting a web at Harry’s wrists to handcuff him.
“Ohhh I see.” Harry laughed humorlessly. “Spiderman is mad that I stole his girlfriend.”
“Can you shut up? I’m trying to have a conversation here.” You barked at Harry. “I’m sorry, Peter. Please continue.”
“I didn’t want you to flirt with Harry tonight because you can do a lot more than just sit still and look pretty.” Peter began.
“I know that, Peter.” You nodded.
“I also didn’t want you to flirt with him because I was jealous.” He confessed.
“Jealous?” You asked as you put Harry in the hotel chair and began to tie him up.
“He likes you, stupid.” Harry grumbled. You shot Harry and angry look, but when you looked back at Peter, he was nodded.
“He’s right.” Peter admitted , taking you by surprise.
“You like me?” You lips twitched into a smile as you tightened Harry’s rope. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared you wouldn’t like me back. You’re my best friend, Y/n.” Peter said softly. “If you didn’t like me back, everything would change. We’d still be friends but it wouldn’t be the same. I didn’t want to risk that.”
“I’m sorry.” You frowned. “I should’ve been more clear then.”
“Do you seriously have to do this here?” Harry whined and you smacked him on the back of the head.
“Clear about what?” Peter wondered.
“That I like you too.” You smiled sheepishly at him. Tony listened to the confession over the ear pierce and smiled to himself.
“There you go kid.” He mumbled to himself. “She got the hint.”
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Anon asked: maybe a continuation of the peter b parker kid thing where they finally confront the mom and get the readers things back 😩💞💞
a/n: ask and thou shall receive! this spent so long in the drafts bc i felt so insecure about it tbh, so any feedback is appreciated! I love seeing messages about what you guys think! really keeps me motivated! also, requests are open
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Peter was sitting at the kitchen table, constantly looking at the clock. It was almost 5pm, you were supposed to be home an hour and a half ago. Yes, he keeps track of everyone's schedules, yes he knows the exact second you should be walking through the door. He's already texted you, but maybe you had detention. Nah, you were a good student, he highly doubted you'd have to stay after school.
His phone finally rang, and he was way too quick answering it.
"You okay?"
"I need some help."
"What is it?" he was already out the door.
You sighed, knowing he was probably going to give you an earful later.
"Well, it's a really long story, right.. But my mom showed up after school-"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I think. Anyways, we got into it on the way home, which is no- Not normal." you adjusted how you were sitting, "And since she was dragging me back to the house, I figured I'd just get my crap and come home, right? Makes sense, saves us the tri-"
"She took you without permission?"
"Technically she is my m-...Parent. I guess, y'know, legally she can do whatever- But..Okay." you began to feel bubbles of anxiety and pain and even resentment form deep in your core, "She locked me out." You rubbed your neck.
"Are you," he paused, looking around at all the faces passing by him, "Still there?"
"Yeah. Unfortunately. I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? Don't apologize, you didn't do anything."
"I keep causing problems for everyone."
"Not for me. Or Mj."
It was quiet on your end.
"You still there?"
"I'll be there in like ten minutes."
"You probably shouldn't."
"Nah, nah." He said, having a sudden wave of anger rush over him, "Let me take care of this."
And true to his word, Peter was there in ten minutes. You hopped up from your spot on the porch as he made his way up to the door and knocked on it as hard as he could. He gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
The door swung open, and your mother seemed awfully surprised and confused to see some random man just standing there. Peter held no emotion has he looked her dead in the eye, "Can we come in."
She opened the door wider so that way you two could step in.
"Go get your stuff." is all Peter said to you.
Wasting no time, and not wanting to be in the middle of a potential argument between the two, you skedaddled to your room. It almost felt like too much to be in there. It looked so empty and barren compared to your room at Peter and Mjs place. Seems really dull. Lifeless, almost. Dust covered every surface, which meant that nobody had ever even bothered to see if you were even still in there.
You heard their voices from the living room, but they seemed so distant, seeing as all you could focus on was every shitty thing that woman put you through.
You remember the day that you got bit. It made you deathly ill, and you just thought you were dying from some sort of allergic reaction to the spider bite. You tried to get her to take you to any doctor or anywhere that could help because all you could seem to see were stars.
Everything then was so loud. Everything was so bright. It was all too much, and you were certain that the reaper was waiting for you. What did she say?
"Suck it up and stop pretending. Everything has to be so dramatic with you."
Or that time you forgot a single item on the shopping list. You got this whole speech about how stupid you had to have been. To forget one item. It was the world's most useless item.
Everything else seemed to play all over again, all at once. Like a waterfall. It should've made you sad. It should've made you cry, or scream.
You recounted all the times you wanted to fight back, or just run away. Leave everything behind and just run until your legs gave out. But you never did. You always found some reason to linger.
The conversation was growing louder where Peter was.
"You aren't going to do this to them ever again. Sign the papers."
You nearly dropped your last belonging on the floor as you scrambled to your door. Papers? He wasn't serious. Well, obviously he was. He just said it.
"Fine. It's not like the-"
"Zip it. Sign the papers."
"Who are you anyways? The law? If so, whatever they've told you is a b-"
"Listen, lady. I didn't ask for any attitude. I told you to sign the papers." he seemed to huff in annoyance, "That doesn't require talking."
"I'm a good mother."
"And I'm the king of France."
"Really. I gave them a good home. I have fed them and kept them warm-"
"Really? You think you did all that? Or are you convincing yourself that you did all that?"
"I am-"
"Can I be honest with you?"
"I've never said this about anyone, ever. I don't like speaking to or about anyone like this.. Ever, but, you? I think you're a piece of shit."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, look. You finished signing the papers. I'll take those. Thank you."
Realizing that it was your time to go, you stuffed your blanket into your duffel bag and rushed out the door and down the hall. Peter looked at you, expecting to see at least three bags. But he only saw the one.
"Where's the rest of your stuff."
"Uhm," you shuffled around, pretending as thought you dropped some, "This...This is all my stuff."
"That can't be ri-" He laughed a little, and noting the expression on his face, you saw that he was NOT happy. "That? That single duffle bag is all you have? That's it?"
"Yes..." you took a step back, "This is all.."
"I can't believe it." he said, "You're joking! One bag worth of stuff?"
He turned his attention back to your mother, who, for the first time in your life, actually looked like she got caught red handed, "You're pathetic. Absolutely pathetic."
"But they're so u-"
"No! No, you don't get to talk anymore. You've done enough."
You awkwardly shuffled behind him, in the event that you two had to make a mad dash out the door. That and you needed to not be seen as you tried to hide your almost evil grin.
"The hell is wrong with you? You have this amazing kid, and THAT'S all you've ever gotten for them? And you sit there and call yourself a mother? Absolutely, without a doubt, bullshit. I'd be ashamed of myself to call myself a father if that's all I've provided for my kid. Don't even get me started on you as a person, we made that clear."
It almost felt cursed to hear him swear, seeing as he made it a point to tell you to not swear. Every time you did, you have to give a quarter to the swear jar. Mj was always on your side, though. She'd say a swear that was much worse and have to pay a dollar. Each word had a value.
"Maybe we should just go." you suggested, tugging on the sleeve of his arm, "She's not worth it anymore."
"She was never worth it, it seems."
You finally made eye contact with her, and the look in her eye. It's like she understood, but was choosing to not do anything about the situation. She could look sorry all she wanted, but you knew she wasn't.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. You know that right."
"That means nothing to me."
"I can change."
"If you can change now, that means you could've changed then. You just chose not to."
"But I'm your mother, you should realize how I feel. You should want-"
"You're not my mom. You stopped being my mom the first time you-" You turned towards the door and started walking towards it, "Whatever. You mean nothing to me."
You practically kicked open teh door just to leave, and Peter was right behind you, shouting about how he'd make sure to egg her house everyday, just to piss her off.
"Do you really think I'm amazing?" you asked, the walk home feeling rather quiet.
"I think you're more than that. Just can't put it into words."
"Did you really mean it...That we could egg her house?"
"You want to? There's a store right on the way home."
"How about tomorrow."
"I'll have to clear up my busy schedule. See if I can work in a drive by egging. Well, swing by egging."
"You promise?"
"You kidding? I haven't egged anyone's house since college."
You had so much more you wanted to get off you chest, but you opted to just talk about it at home, with everyone present. You wanted to talk about how you felt about everything, and the papers. Whatever those were. But you were, for the moment, busy laughing about Peter's story about how he used to Egg this one reporters house. Someone named Jonah.
You wonder if Jonah ever put two and two together.
#marvel imagine#marvel x reader#into the spider verse x reader#into the spiderverse imagine#peter b parker imagine#peter b parker x reader#peter parker imagine#spiderman imagine#spiderman x reader
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Cherry Bomb Teaser!
Okay so I really wanted to have this finished and uploaded for you all tonight but it is turning into a literal monster of a one shot. I just hit 10k and I still haven't finished but I am so proud of what I've written so far and want to give you a little teaser. I am so close to finishing this but the edit is also gonna be killer and something I wont get through tonight. I will however have it finished and up in it's entirety tomorrow. If you want to be added to the tag list for this when it goes up as a whole, just let me know.
Just a quick recap of the premise; this will be a few one shots set in a slightly altered version of the MCU we all know and love. It's a reader pov set of mini stories revolving around the reader being Stark's Niece who becomes best friends/room mates with Yelena and Kate and on one of their girls nights out meets Andrew's Peter Parker (In this timeline Tom's Spider-Man doesn't exist and Spider-Man exists but isn't an Avenger). It's basically a bunch of young heroes living life in their 20s in the city that never sleeps.
(No Spoilers for NWH!)
Warnings: 18+ (Smut will be involved when the whole thing is live) but for this teaser it's just a bunch of 20 somethings drinking at a college party.
Teaser below the cut...
There was suddenly a commotion coming from the kitchen and you just knew it was something to do with Yelena. You pushed through the small crowd until you found a space just inside the doorway. At the kitchen table sat Yelena with 5 shot glasses in front of her. Across from her was some douchey gym bro who also had 5 shot glasses in front of him. There was a low rumble from the crowd as Yelena picked up her next shot. She lifted it into the air in the gym bro's direction, before knocking it back quickly as the crowd cheered.
When you looked across to the gym bro though for his next shot, he was starting to look a little green in the face. His mate rallied around him, jostling him slightly, trying to encourage him. “Come on Brad, she's a small girl, you can take her.” but the more they jostled him, the worse he was beginning to look.
“Come on Brad, you can do it.” Yelena goaded him from across the table.
Brad lifted his shot glass slowly and shakily. He brought it up to his lips but they quickly puckered and he exhaled as he moved it away from him, worried he was gonna chunder. “Come on Brad.” one of his mates said again, but Brad had his eyes closed now and he was shaking his head slowly, his breathing really heavy. There was another shout of 'come on Brad', but Brad was suddenly up and moving quickly towards the closest window. There was a loud sound of disgust from the crowd as he threw up in a plant pot on the fire escape.
“You American's are such babies.” Yelena said rolling her eyes and knocking back her fifth and final shot which got her a cheer from the remaining crowd. “Hey Y/N, even you guys over in England can hold your drink better than these guys.” Yelena scoffed.
“Don't drag me into this.” you shout back at her.
“Come on, who wants to lose to me at arm wrestling?” she shouts to the crowd. One of Brad's douchey friends who were egging him on, eagerly steps up to the plate, taking his spot in the recently vacated seat across from her.
“Come on Barbie, you're going down.” he challenged.
“Barbie? Who are you calling Barbie?” she questioned, staring him down as a couple of girls stepped forward to clear the table so the arm wrestle could commence. “Oh wait, wait, wait.” Yelena says before reaching for another shot of Vodka and knocking it back. “Okay, ready.” she said placing her elbow on the table and holding her hand out for the guy to take.
“How does she drink so much?” a soft voice came from beside you.
“She's Russian, she's been drinking since she was like 5.” you say as you turn to look at the tall stranger who had crept in beside you. He's cute, if not a little scruffy, definitely looks like he should have been a skater kid in high school.
“I haven't seen you guys here before. Do you guy's go to Empire State too?” he asks curiously over the crowd.
“Oh no. No. We are way to reckless and independent to continue on with higher education. However I think my friend Kate went to some private college or something just outside the city, but she got kicked out. I'm sorry, I don't really know how the whole school thing works over here.”
“You're English?” He asks.
“Yeah, well sort of. My Mom's American but she married an English man so I was kind of raised over there.” you try to awkwardly explain. There's a slight awkward silence between the two of you, before he speaks up again.
“How did she get kicked out?”
“I'm sorry, what?”
“Your friend. How did she get kicked out of her school?” He asks again a little more clearly.
“She um, broke some really old clock tower, or something. She was um showing off and fired this arrow to see if she could make the bell ring, but then the bell kind of broke off and fell through the tower.” you attempted to explain messily.
“Wow. That's impressive.” he says slightly stunned.
“Yeah.” you agree.
There's a large cheer that brings your focus back into the room as the douchey guy's wrist is slammed into the table by Yelena and the crowd cheers.
You take another sip of your drink as the next guy takes his place at the table to compete. You wince again at the now mostly warm cup of beer. “Uh that's so disgusting.” you complain into your cup.
“Oh yeah, don't drink that.” your new friend says as he takes the cup out of your hand and turns to place it down on a narrow built in shelving unit behind you both. “Here try this.” he says holding out his own cold bottle of beer to you.
You raise an eyebrow to him but he silently insists. You take it from him, your eyes never leaving his as you take a sip from his bottle. You are pleasantly surprised, your face giving you away. “Better?” he asks.
“Yeah.” you agree, letting out a small chuffing sound through your nose in satisfaction. “You know you're very trusting of a stranger you just met.” you say almost accusatorily.
“What can I say, I'm a very trusting person.” he blushes with a small smile, his eyes unable to look at you for a second as he takes the bottle back for another swig of his own. When he does look back up to meet your eyes, you realise how close the two of you had become. You intentionally take a step back, slightly embarrassed by how attracted you feel to him.
“I'm Peter by the way.” he introduces himself as he hands the bottle back to you once more.
“Y/N.” you say as you take it from him.
“Y/N. That's a nice name.”
“Thanks. People normally just call me Cherry though.” you say awkwardly, the blush on your cheeks only glowing at hearing your name come out of his mouth. There's another loud cheer as Yelena ruins another man's fragile ego and she stands and lets out a deep cackle in triumph.
“Hey, do you wanna maybe... I don't know, go and sit out in the hall where it's quieter and continue to, I don't know just get to know each other, maybe, if you want to.” Peter asks, fumbling over his words, worried he's being too forward.
“You know what?” you chuckle a little, “I think that's the best offer I've had all night.”
I've tagged everyone who has liked the original post so far but some peoples names aren't working, I'm sorry. If you want to be added let me know.
@mxtantrights @ade1la @xxsiriuslyinsanexx @bastisch-fantastisch @inurmomsroom @boss-ahsoka @ninigram @radcollectivesoul @michelle-jean-eud @prxxtymf @onlyangel-444 @fandoms-unite373 @meetmebhindthemall @b0mbdotc0m @fuckamara4 @writingintheshadowsforever @simonsbluee @deafeningsharkslimeempath @thesakeofpotatoes @naturallyspontaneous @agentfitzsimmons24
#mcu fanfiction#mcu x reader#mcu x stark!reader#andrew!peter x reader#andrew!spiderman#tasm!peter parker x reader#peter parker x reader#yelena belova#yelena belova x reader#kate bishop#kate bishop x reader#black widow#hawkeye#young avengers#cherry bomb#marvel au
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omg omg omg could i please request like a 5 + 1 trope with natasha based on Older? like like the 5 times she’s smugly teasing people who crush on reader and the 1 time she actually gets jealous? shfjsnfn
Gif credit to @marvelgifs Find the full set here Natasha Romanoff masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Natasha doesn’t get jealous because she’s confident in her relationship with you. In fact, she eggs on people who try to ask you out. Correction, she eggs on MEN who try to ask you out.
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Word count: 926
Warnings: Implied smut
Author’s note: I did it a bit differently because I couldn’t get to six situations but here’s three and possessive Natasha for you.
In your whole relationship with Natasha, you had never once seen her jealous. Mostly because both of you are very much femme lesbians. You so much so that most lesbians don’t even try to hit on you. In fact, it had taken Natasha a damn long time to discover you are into women. After securing her relationship with you, she started enjoying having a girl on her arm that most men desire. He loves to see you wave them off and slip back to her side. After a few months of dating her, she started egging men on to ask you out. The look on your face when you refused them, the look on their face when they realized you were with Natasha. It is pure gold to her. Her preferred mode of entertainment.
The first time she did it, your relationship was quite fresh. She had just asked you to be her girlfriend mere days ago when she saw a new recruit eying you up and down while you were working out. At first, it was just to test your relationship. She wanted to make sure you weren’t playing with her feelings just to say that you got Black Widow in your bed so she wanted to bait you if you were lying about being attracted to women. She went up to the recruit and told him to wipe the drool off his chin. He apologized to her for staring and she asked him why he should apologize to her. “Well, because, ehm- It’s very unprofessional to drool over your superiors,” he stuttered, “but I have to ask-” “Let me guess, you want to know if she’s single?” He nodded. That’s when the idea popped into her head. “I’m not sure. You should go ask her.” She watched contently, arms crossed in front of her chest with a cheeky grin playing on her lips. It took less than a minute until the shocked eyes of the recruit met hers. That was wonderful.
Natasha kept egging men on. When you were going out, when new recruits were eying you, whenever she could. But the day Peter Parker asked her if you were single was the crown jewel. She had never seen his face so flushed and his face flushes a lot. She laughed about it for days while you pleaded with her to drop it for the sake of Peter but you knew she wouldn’t. Secretly, you thought it was funny as well.
And then you started making use of her tactics, using them for a cheap night out. You’d always sit down at a bar together and Natasha would go to the bathroom until a man would join you and started buying you drinks. It never took long. More often than not, they didn’t realize you weren’t into men and you got a free night out of it. ‘Hey darling, can I buy you a drink?’ You look up and smile, expecting a man to have asked the question. No, a woman stands beside you with a flirty grin on her lips. ‘Oh, ehm-’ You can see Natasha approach from behind the woman. A devious thought creeps into your head. She never gets jealous but what if she did? ‘Yeah, that’d be nice,’ you say flirtatiously as you put your hand on the woman’s arm. The woman slips into the seat next to you, the seat that Natasha had taken before. She orders drinks for both of you but notices you aren’t watching her as she is watching you. ‘So who are you trying to make jealous,’ the woman asks when the drinks are placed in front of you. You give her a questioning look. ‘Oh come on, you’re not even looking at me,’ the woman laughs, ‘who is it?’ ‘My girlfriend. She never gets jealous.’ ‘That’s just because you attract men, not women. I’ve seen you here before.’ She gently lays her hand on your thigh. ‘Is she looking?’ ‘Yes,’ you gasp. ‘Good.’ The woman grins and leans closer to you. ‘Alright, that’s enough,’ Natasha barks as she drags you away from the woman and out of the bar. She’s pissed but you feel a little proud. As the two of you walk down the street back to the Avengers tower, Natasha refuses to look at the grin plastered on your face. ‘I made you jealous,’ you speak proudly. She scoffs but doesn’t reply. ‘You can say that you were jealous. I would be too.’ ‘Of that woman? Never.’ ‘Oh, so I can go back and finish my drink?’ It happens in a flash. One second you’re on the sidewalk, the next you’re pushed against the wall in an alleyway. Natasha holds both of your hands at the wrist above your head, leaving her with a free hand that harshly digs its fingers into your hip. You gasp when she leaves a trail of wet kisses down your neck before biting down on your collarbone for a second. ‘You’re mine.’ Her eyes meet yours. They’re blown out with lust and anger. You’ve never seen her like this and you’re going to make the most of it. ‘I never took you for the possessive type,’ you tease but she makes you swallow your words when her hand dips under your dress and starts playing with the lace of your panties. ‘You want to see how possessive I can get? I’ll make you scream my name right here. Make the whole town know who you belong to.’ ‘I belong to no one.’ ‘We’ll see about that.’
#natasha romanoff#natasha x reader#natasha x y/n#natasha x you#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha x fem!reader#natasha romanoff x you#natasha romanoff x female reader#natasha romanoff x y/n#black widow#black widow fanfic#black widow fanfiction#black widow x reader#black widow x female reader#black widow x you#black widow x fem!reader
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all these years - part four
a/n: part three is posted - these are queued before my temporary studying hiatus, so it should be posted on my page right before this one. if you send me a message/ask and I don’t respond, it’s just because I’m taking that break - I should be back again by mid-december! warnings: language, more jealousy jealousyy pairing: college!peter parker x reader word count: 3.9k summary: even though it’s been years since you and peter broke up, sometimes it feels like no time has passed at all
masterlist ~ requests are closed!
Peter turned bright red while Liz started awkwardly laughing. As soon as Flash started egging them on, and everyone else who had been drinking joined in, it was pretty clear what was about to happen.
And you had to get out.
You were sure no one saw you duck back into the kitchen, as they were clearly all focused on getting Liz and Peter to kiss because of some stupid tradition. With a little force you managed to get Ned's back door open, and closed it quietly to go stomp onto the steps and sit down on his patio.
Something was really, really wrong with you.
Why did it bother you that much that they had kissed? Everyone was drunk, they were getting peer pressured, and you were sure it didn't mean anything. And even if it did, so fucking what? You weren't together anymore. You didn't have feelings for him.
Also, did you not just recently encourage him to date people? Did you not just rant about how you wanted to be with someone again?
It just felt weird. Maybe you were pulling too much from your high school insecurities. Liz was the prettiest girl in school back then, and Peter had a massive crush on her your freshman year before you began dating. You remember your worst times, when you thought you were just a second choice next to her - almost seeing him kiss her tonight brought all those feelings back.
But why?
"What are you doing out here, Y/N?" You nearly flinched when Miles spoke, not even hearing the back door open. "It's like twenty degrees."
"Oh, just uh, wanted some fresh air," you said quickly, turning around where you sat. Miles was giving you a funny look.
"They didn't kiss, you know," Miles said flatly, and you frowned at him.
"Okay?" You tried to brush it off, but you couldn't help the relief that those words brought you. But why did you feel to relieved?
"Peter might be kind of thick in the head, but he's not that stupid," Miles glanced back at the house, before coming up and sitting next to you on the steps.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Yeah, you do."
He didn't say anything else other than roll his eyes at you, which made you frown even more. As young as Miles was compared to you and Peter, he was pretty smart and observant - he also knew exactly how to read people, which could be annoying something.
"Where's Barbara?" You changed the subject, wondering why his girlfriend wasn't hanging near. She was pretty outgoing, though, so you wouldn't be surprised if she was already getting along with all your friends.
"She and Cindy are talking about some show they both watch," he paused. "I snuck away when I saw you leave cause I had something to ask you that...I didn't really want her to know about? And I don't know if it would be too personal, or just not my business to ask about."
You raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm a pretty open book, Miles, you can ask me anything."
"Why did you break up with Peter?"
You stared at him blankly, "What?"
"I know that's probably a touchy subject," he said quickly, his eyes wide, "And you totally don't have to answer. But Y/N, I really like Barbara - and I have a feeling that you and Peter didn't work out because of Spider-Man, and I haven't told her yet that I'm also - you know, so I just...I just want to know how to do it right."
Like you said - Miles was an incredibly observant person. You only met Miles this year, and you weren't sure how the subject could have come up as to why Peter would tell him that you used to date.
"You can't tell Peter any of what I tell you," you said seriously, though you knew Miles respected you enough to keep this conversation a secret. You doubted he even planned to mention it to Peter at all. Still, you liked your friendship with Peter, as touchy as it had been lately - and you didn't want any old feelings to mess that up.
"Of course not," he agreed. "You-you don't have to be specific, I just-I just want to know if the reason was Spider-Man. I'm worried that if I tell Barbara..."
He didn't need to finish his sentence for you to guess what he meant. He was worried she would flip out when she found out he was Spider-Man, too, and break up with him. He wanted to know if that was why you ended it with Peter. It was easy to assume.
"It was," you said simply, his expression falling. "But you need to understand some things, Miles. It was way more complicated than just him being Spider-Man. And your relationship with Barbara is different than mine was with Peter."
You weren't sure exactly how much Miles knew about your relationship with Peter - before this conversation, you wouldn't have even assumed he had known you two dated.
So you started from the beginning. Miles was a good listener.
You spared any unimportant details, trying to focus on telling him exactly why it was that you felt like you needed to end things. Peter was the most amazing boyfriend, especially compared to some of the relationships your friends had in high school. You never would've pictured breaking up with him if it hadn't been for Spider-Man - more specifically, how being Spider-Man caused him to constantly be physically hurt and in danger.
One of the nights that it had become more clear to you that you weren't strong enough to deal with what he went through, coincidentally was the first night you told him you loved him.
"Hey, I thought we weren't doing presents," Peter complained, staring at the gift bag you just plopped on his lap.
He was sitting on your small apartment balcony the Christmas of your sophomore year, nearly eight months after you began dating. At this point, you knew he was Spider-Man, and you were both about as close as you could be as a couple. Your friends were finally over their teasing phase of when you began dating.
"Yeah, but I got the idea a few weeks ago, and it didn't cost me any money," you promised, laughing at the look he gave you. "Just open it, Pete."
"Fine. But I have something at home that I'm going to be giving you soon, too."
"Hypocrite," you accused, and he just grinned and started opening the bag. He pulled out something that you had been working on for the last couple of weeks, since you decided to pick up knitting as a hobby. It wasn't perfect, but you knew Peter would get a laugh out of it - a bright red and blue scarf.
"It'll keep you warm during patrol," you chuckled, "Even if it does look stupid as hell."
"Hey, don't call this stupid, my girlfriend made it," Peter frowned at you, making you laugh even more. "And I love it."
Either way, he put his mask on and then wrapped the scarf around his neck, and you tried your best not to laugh at how he looked.
"I should probably work on my knitting skills," you winced, but Peter shook his head, pulling the mask back up.
"This is the warmest I've felt in weeks," he reassured you, and you couldn't help the smile growing on your lips. He always did his best to make you feel good about yourself, even if it was in little ways like this.
"Wish I could make you something to keep you more safe," you said quietly, your eyes following some of the bruising along his jawline. No amount of May's concealer could really cover that up, and you could tell he had been trying.
"Knowing I have you waiting for me is enough to keep me from being reckless," he said softly, and you couldn't help but snicker at that. "What? I'm trying to be cute and romantic here."
"That was so cheesy," you complained, but you didn't really mean it. If anything, you hoped it was true - you didn't know how much more you could take of seeing him in pain like this, or knowing he was constantly in danger.
"And you love it," he grinned, and you gave him a light push and rolled your eyes.
"I love you," you corrected, and then froze when you realize what you just said. You knew for a long time that you loved Peter, but you had never said it out loud before.
But you didn't have time to start panicking before a wide grin spread across his face.
"I love you, too," he said sincerely, placing his gloved hands on either side of your face. "I'm so in love with you, Y/N. I can't believe you beat me to saying it first."
"You can't blame me, you were being really cute and romantic," you quoted him from earlier, and you were smiling just as widely as he was. You never doubted Peter's feelings for you anymore, but hearing him say that he loved you out loud was another feeling all together.
You didn't go into too much detail with Miles, just getting straight to the point and trying not to think about how much you missed those times with Peter.
"Ultimately, I felt like I couldn't stand seeing him hurt anymore," you summed up, "I think that it came to the point where I felt like I would go crazy seeing him come by my apartment covered in bruises and blood. I know Peter is a lot more careful and better at being Spider-Man now, so you wouldn't know how it was in the beginning, but it wasn't something I could stand to sit by and watch happen."
"So him being hurt...that's why?"
"It was more than that," you shrugged, "I mean, that was the overarching reason. It was also how it felt like he didn't care that he was getting hurt, and he didn't try to do anything to prevent it. He constantly pushed himself to the limit, didn't sleep, barely ate, and every night he'd stop by and I would have to see what he was doing to himself. And he constantly brushed it off and disregarded his own health and my feelings about it."
"Do..." Miles paused, seemingly trying to figure out how he was going to say what he wanted to say. "Do you think it could have been avoided? If he did something differently?"
"Miles, I don't regret anything more than how I regret breaking up with Peter," you said quietly, "That being said, it wasn't exactly one sided. He didn't try to fight for me, either. I know that isn't fair, and that I was the one that walked away, but...but it was like he didn't even care. We had one fight and that was it, over and done. If he had done something differently, it could have been a lot different. If he had talked to me, or if we had come to a compromise, or anything - we might still be together."
"So, if I tell her and she freaks...I should fight for her?" Miles said slowly.
"Yeah - I mean, if she really puts her foot down and has to repeatedly tell you she doesn't want to be with you anymore, then leave her the fuck alone," you said seriously, though you knew you wouldn't need to - Miles was one of the most respectful boys you had ever met. "But make her first see that you care about her and don't want to lose her. I say this with all honesty, though - she seems tough and she also seems to care about you so much. Not to mention, you and Peter being partners means neither of you get as hurt because you always have someone watching your back. I don't think this is something you need to worry about."
"Thanks for the advice," he said sincerely. "I think-"
He stopped when you both heard the back door crack open, and Peter was coming out. He didn't seem surprised to see you both out there, and you hoped his super hearing wasn't so good that he could hear your conversation.
"Barbara's looking for you," he nodded at Miles, who got up quickly.
"Thanks, man," Miles gave you a thankful look before heading inside. Peter stood awkwardly by the door when you didn't immediately get up, and after a second, came and sat next to you where Miles had been.
"What were you guys talking about?" He asked curiously, but based on his tone, you had a feeling that he did hear more than you would have wanted him to.
"Miles needed some girl advice," you smiled a little, knowing that wasn't really the truth, but also not a total lie. "I am his best option for that, no offense, Peter."
"Ouch," he laughed a little, but went silent pretty quickly. You almost forgot about the talk about the bet from earlier, as well as when you apparently very obviously ducked out of the room when him and Liz were caught underneath mistletoe.
It was pretty cold out, considering it was December in New York, but it wasn't snowing. There was only some partially melted snow on the grass in Ned's backyard, and the sky was fairly clear. It reminded you of many nights you spent back here in the summers with your friends, having s'mores from Ned's fire pit and playing with his dogs - perks of having a friend that lived in the suburbs.
You could always tell when Peter wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it. He was tapping his fingers against his knees, staring up at the skyline, where the last bits of sunlight were peeking through the trees. This time of day was your favorite - it used to be your favorite time to spend with Peter, because the receding light made his brown eyes look gorgeous. His freckles would be even more visible and his skin would usually blush a light pink when he caught you looking at him before making a face that would ruin the moment, but made you laugh, too.
It was hard for you to look away from him now, but you didn't want him to catch you staring, either. He was visibly different than he was when you were kids, not just physically. Yes, his jawline was sharper and his features more defined, but he was also so much more sure of himself. He still had the same habits, though - like now, when he was clearly trying to bring up a topic that he probably knew he shouldn't.
As if reading your mind, he finally said something.
"I didn't kiss Liz."
"I know," you gave him a funny look. Funny how Miles had also started the conversation earlier with the same announcement.
"Oh - well, I saw you leave, so I wasn't sure what you thought...happened," he said awkwardly.
"Yeah, well, Miles told me. Doesn't matter though, you can do whatever you want," you didn't mean for that to come out as bitter as it sounded, and you could tell Peter noticed.
"I didn't want to," he emphasized. You had to meet his eyes this time, narrowing your eyebrows slightly.
"Okay?" It felt like he was trying to tell you something without just outright saying it, which was irritating. You didn't want to try and read through whatever he was saying and make an idiot out of yourself by jumping to conclusions.
He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "You know what the problem is? We've never talked about it."
"About what?"
"About anything," he said slightly louder and suddenly seeming angry, which came out of nowhere. "We break up, we avoid each other for maybe a few months, and then we're friends again. And I'm not upset about us being friends, but why have we never addressed things like-like boundaries? What am I supposed to think when one second you're encouraging me to date other people, and the next I see you leave the room because me kissing Liz is going to upset you?"
"It doesn't upset me," you grit your teeth, annoyed that he thought he could just assume how you felt - even if it was correct. "You can do whatever you want. I made that clear."
"I know you too well to know when you're lying, Y/N. It does upset you, and there's no shame in admitting that. You think I wasn't upset when you said you were going out with Cindy? Why aren't we just being honest with ourselves?"
"What do you mean by that?" You snapped, suddenly as mad as he sounded, "I have been honest! I said we should start dating people, because we should. I went out with Cindy and you had an attitude about it without saying why, and now you bring it up again when it's irrelevant, because Cindy and I aren't even seeing each other!"
"It's not irrelevant," Peter interrupted your, his calm tone somehow worse than when he was just yelling, "It's always been relevant. Anytime anyone has asked you out, I have been upset by it. Seriously, Y/N, are you blind? Why can't you just admit how you really feel? Not to mention how you clearly are affected by the very idea of another girl and I being anything more than friends, just like it has been even before we were dating."
Instead of registering anything he just said, you only got up at his last comment. "You're an asshole, Peter. You can't just come out here and try and force me to say admit something that isn't true and try to embarrass me for what I do or how I feel. What's wrong with you? Where did this all even come from?"
"I'm not trying to embarrass you, I just want us to talk about-"
"No," You shook your head at him, "I don't want to talk. It's pointless, I don't - I don't even know why this topic was brought up. We were doing fine avoiding it."
"But we shouldn't avoid it! All we've been doing this whole time is pretending and avoiding, and it had to reach a breaking point as some point," he pinched the bridge of his nose. "It wasn't a problem when we weren't dating other people. It wasn't a problem until suddenly, out of nowhere, you suggest that we move on and finally start dating other people. How can either of us properly move on, when we never officially had an ending? Shouldn't we have some kind of closure, Y/N?"
That was the problem. You didn't want closure. Closure meant the end, and even though you still didn't have the guts to admit it out loud - you didn't want the end. Realistically, you and Peter ended a long time ago. But without that final conversation, without the closure - it wasn't really an end, just an open end. A possibility for something to rekindle.
You couldn't believe you were finally admitting that to yourself. Still, you couldn't manage to tell Peter that - the idea of him laughing in your face or getting mad that you had the audacity to still have feelings for him, kept you from saying anything of the sort.
"No," you forced out, but you couldn't say anything else. Instead you quickly turned back to the house, ignoring when Peter called out your name.
You nearly ran right into Cindy, who appeared to be on her way out the back door.
"Oh, hey I was just about to come see if Parker was bothering you," she was smiling, her face a little red, as if she'd been drinking. Her smile dropped when she saw your expression. "Hey, everything alright?"
"Totally fine," you forced out, "They haven't done the ugly sweater contest yet, right?"
She looked like she wanted to bug you further, but decided not to, "No, but they're about to. Your friend Flash, weird name but whatever - he was trying to teach Miles and Barbara drinking games, which they thankfully refused. But everyone else was getting in on Cards Against Humanity, which was why I was coming to find you and see if you wanted to join."
"He's not really my friend," you grimaced, "But yeah, let's join them."
She didn't ask anything else about why you were talking to Peter or why you now looked upset, which you were grateful for. Luckily, it seemed like no one else had noticed you dip when the Liz and Peter situation happened - they all just cheered when you sat down and grabbed some cards to join the game.
For the rest of the night, you tried to enjoy yourself. Peter came back in a little after you, and no one seemed suspicious - everyone except Miles and Barbara had a little too much to drink, so they probably didn't even notice. You didn't miss the glances Peter kept giving you, and you knew you couldn't avoid that conversation forever.
He was right. It made you mad that he was right, but it didn't change the fact that he was. However, you remained firm that having that conversation at a party with your friends in the other room, was not appropriate. On top of that, you didn't want to have the conversation at all, especially not if it involved you both yelling at each other.
You hadn't fought like this since you broke up. You knew why - he was right in saying that you had both been avoiding it for years, and it had only sparked because you went on a date with someone, and because Liz brought back old nasty feelings of jealously. If neither of those things happened, maybe you would both still be pretending that being friends without closure was fine.
Miles ended up winning the ugly sweater contest. He had found a truly authentic ugly Christmas sweater, that was themed around a family - it had their last name embroidered in horrible coloring, and several snowmen that everyone guessed were based on different members of said family. The best part was that it had the year stitched into the back, which was 1998 - before most of you were even born.
He refused to say where he found it, but it was a unanimous decision that it was the ugliest sweater anyone had ever seen.
Everyone sobered up enough to go home around one in the morning - Miles and Barbara left much earlier, as they both had a curfew, and you were glad Peter ended up going with them to make sure they got home safe. You didn't miss the glance he gave you before leaving.
For the rest of the night, you had hung out with MJ and her partner and Cindy, who were all getting along really well. You were glad you chose this time to introduce Cindy to the rest of your friend group - she fit in really well with them, and you could see her joining everyone on movie nights and random hang outs, too. It was nice that you found such a good friend in college, even if she wasn't going to be anything more than that.
But your thoughts remained on Peter.
taglist: @lilbeatlebear @somefuckshit1 @hufflepuffseeker
#peter parker x reader#peter parker fic#peter parker reader insert#spider-man x reader#spider-man fic#spiderman x reader#peterpparkerwrites masterlist#my writing
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I'm here re-watching a few scenes from NWH and this one is particularly heartbreaking.
Peter: "Strange, we can't send them back. Not yet"
Stephen: "Why?"
Peter: "Some of these guys are gonna die"
Stephen: "Parker, it's their fate"
Peter: "Come on, Strange. Have a heart"
Stephen: "In the grand calculus of the multiverse their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives. Sorry kid, if they die, they die."
I would love for this scene to have a continuation in MoM for three main reasons:
1. Stephen is thinking of Titan and the battle in EG when he's saying that. To have Peter say to his face that something can be done, that their fate can be changed and their lives can be saved is both a reminder of who Stephen used to be before he met the Ancient One (someone who thought he could control everything [remember the chat about surrendering to the river's current?]) and a slap to the face: I bet he's thinking "I couldn't save Stark and Romanoff, I had to trade half of all the universe so we could all be here and now, and this kid is telling me he knows better?".
He's convinced there's nothing that can be done not only because he truly believes they have no chance to save them but also he needs to believe there's no other way - otherwise his plan to sacrifice 5 years and countless lives wasn't the right one, he made a mistake and many people suffered from it.
2. Peter ended up healing them and things worked out just fine for them. They met with their respective Spideys and returned to their universes perfectly healthy and with their fates changed. This is a gut punch for Stephen. Surely this is going to make him ask himself so many questions:+14 million outcomes weren't enough, he should have seen more, could something had been done differently or changed in order to save Stark and Natasha and everyone else...
3. This could make him revert back to who he used to be (obsessed with fixing absolutely everything and refusing to compromise) or hurt him deeply and leave him drowning in guilt. Either way everything that happened in NWH can't be pushed aside like it meant nothing for him... this is of course assuming that Stephen remembers casting the spell even though he has forgotten that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
And I suppose that's the loophole Marvel could use to act like NWH didn't affect him but I really really hope they don't do that. It's such a great opportunity to explore Stephen's character and the weight he carries over his shoulders that I hope they address it.
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it was semi-believable back when there was hardly such a thing as an accessible internet, BUT no one could feasibly have a secret identity as a superhero these days due to social media lemme just. okay.
we have paparazzi for celebrities, its gonna be 100x more for superheroes realistically. they would have a fanbase online who would clearly want to find out who they are. plus i think c*ps might be trying to find them.
let’s take spiderman as an example. it should have taken a few months at most imo. even though he has a fully body suit, we still have criteria for him
- male (spider*man*, stereotypical body shaping, ‘masculine’-coded voice, etc) - young. age bracket would be about 15-25, and though they wouldn’t exactly expect someone that young, people are going to be lenient with age. and he’s clearly not very old - again, voice, use of language, appearance - primarily english-speaking w/american accent. - you can get a very accurate height from photos & videos (as we know from that one dude on tiktok), and there is a LOT of media of spiderman - lives in NY - muscular to an extent, athletic physique, somewhat thin.
ofc you can be like “well that barely helps” but heres some stats.
7 billion ppl in the world.
8.4 million in NY.
4.2 million men in NY (roughly)
504,000 men in NY between 15-24 (about 12% of NY.)
352,800 men in NY between 15-24 whose first langauge is english/would likely have american coded accent (added a bit bc ppl with other langauges may easily still have an american-coded accent like Spiderman’s)
137592 men in NY between 15-24 similar accent height close to tom holland’s (which is current spiderman: 39%)
42654 men in NY right age right height right langauge/accent similar physique (69% americans considered overweight or obese)
38389 ‘’ who do not have a disability which would make it actually not possible for them to do what spiderman has done (note: i still firmly believe anyone could be spiderman, à la the entire movie about Miles Morales and a cartoon pig and a black and white old detective movies guy etc etc, but videos and stuff from THIS specific reality have shown spiderman do certain stunts, walk without aid for long periods of time, etc. this list is not about ‘who can be spiderman’ but about ‘who from his universe could be this person whose superhero identity is spiderman’)
so now we’ve narrowed down 8.4 mil to 38389. just under 0.46% of NY is still eligible by discounting ppl on very basic facts. thats still a whole lot, but its... a significant amount less. now we make some assumptions.
he’s at an age where he would be at school, college or an apprenticeship. let’s be real, none of those are particularly flexible. you have a new criterion: search for ppl with high absences in education OR absences whenever spiderman is around during the day. its only a little, but its all you need. all you need is access to some school records, and it seems like just about anyone with any interest in tech in the universe spiderman is in, has the skills to break into literally all records ever, so this isn’t even a reach. (peter obviously would have to meet this criteria, plus being ‘lost’ on field trips an awful lot)
another group you would search would be anyone close to tony stark or that works at stark industries, for possible candidates. we know he’s getting tech from somewhere and is seen w the avengers on occasion or where they are. (peter’s... internship... meets this criteria. the fact that its sorta unofficial and unexplained makes it that much dodgier.)
another group is young men of over-average IQ or do ‘intellectual’ things. boys who are really into science, essentially. cause he had to make his suit somehow, he has to be keeping up grades to some extent, he has to be smart to get away w it, he has to manufacture web fluid. you’d search participants in competitions, awards that are handed out to school and college students, scholarship programs for science, etc. (peter does meet this criteria in fact; academic decathalon, science school, high grades.)
so essentially your method would be:
to go through (students) + (ppl close to stark industries) + (highly intelligent). we can assume a candidate would meet AT LEAST ONE of these points (peter meets all 3).
file out anyone who isn’t in that, like, less than 0.5% of people who fit his physical description
suddenly you have a far more concise list, of which you can count out anyone who has an obviously different body shape/features/etc which completely don’t coincide with all the images of spiderman
suddenly you have a far more concise list of people to track.
from here, you want to find anything dodgy, like the weird stark internship thing which sorta just got made for peter parker, or ppl with excessive injuries, sick days, etc
AND this is all based on the assumption that no one’s been snapping shots of him while even a small bit of his skin is exposed (eg if he is injured), or that he’s never given any information whatsoever about himself like having an aunt or what colour his hair is or his favourite flavour soup. and that no one has ever followed him home at least a short way.
if we use some of those, then
we would know he’s either white, very light-skinned or has vitiligo (depends how much skin exposed)
we would know he’s vaguely from queens & surrounding area
we could discount people whose favourite soup flavour is tomato or something idek
my point being, it gets narrower and narrower. you’d end up with at most like 30 subjects, who you would monitor and someone might even leak the names. this is just something fans (who don’t care about his safety much) could do, but imagine if you were his enemy and actually had to find him. or stark did it, right? it’s just not particularly hard. i very firmly believe ppl would find him. i dont agree w it, cause tbh i’d rather a superhero keep their secret identity or else they’d get prosecuted and stuff by c*ps, but ppl would likely do this. and this is a superhero whose face we have never seen, much less his skin or eye colour hair colour etc.
tl;dr clark kent needs to fucking step it up my dude
#long post#mcu#dc comics#marvel comics#superman#spiderman#peter parker#tom holland#superhero#powers#identity#statistics#science#science side of tumblr#wren speaks#soup#clark kent#stark industries#science project#100
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Comfort in My Shadow
Chapter 1: Hand in My Pocket
By @iwritedumbshit for @iron-mum
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds, James “Rhodey” Rhodes
Summary: Soulmates are definite in the universe. Nobody knows exactly why they exist, or what dictates who is bonded to who, the only thing known is that they are never wrong. But Peter's not so sure about that.
Living at the group home had taught Peter a lot about laying low and how to stay alive when nobody cares. But he'd always clung to the hope of the shadow at his feet reflecting his soulmate that had watched over him for years.
Typical that his soulmate is actually a superhero that Peter is convinced shouldn't want anything to do with him. Maybe, just this once, the Universe was wrong.
But Tony Stark is desperate to prove that it is right.
Ch 2 // Ch 3 // Ch 4 // Ch 5 // Ch 6 // Ch 7 // Ch 8
The red glare of the setting sun set the City That Never Sleeps in a persistent glow as the last of the golden rays disappeared behind the pillars of the city, outlining every shadow. There was the silhouette of buildings, of cars racing along the road, of people stalking down the street in the usual New York bustle, and there was the shadow of Spider-Man as he swung overhead. Not that it was really his shadow.
Where there should have been a perfect replica of the boy clinging to a web as he dipped low (one that outlined his lumpy goggles and rumpled suit) there was instead the poofiness of fluffed up hair and sharp slacks. The movements of the shadow replicated the boy, like they were supposed to, but nothing else indicated that this shadow belonged to the vigilante swinging through the street.
And Peter liked it that way.
Observing the difference between people's shadow had always been a game to the boy, to watch a thin woman walk around while a curvy figure followed her, or too see a little boy being tracked by the silhouette of a tutu and puffy hair. Until very recently, the teenager had loved to stare at his Aunt and Uncle's shadows whenever he could, always fascinated by the way they reflected each other with a broad smile on his face.
Now, though, neither of them had shadows, and Peter didn't smile as often. He didn't feel like there was much reason to. It had been his fault, after all. His fault they'd never get to see flashes of each other when their shadows disappeared in the dark, his fault they'd never walk under the sun with their shadows in line with the other. It was his fault they'd bled out in an alley so dark their shadows hadn't even been there to comfort them as they left.
Spider-Man rattled an anxious, forced breath through his tight lungs as he propelled himself upwards on his webs. He instinctively looked for the taped together watch he kept on his webshooter to catch the time, though he knew he had plenty. Still, after his last time missing curfew at Queens Pinehill Group Home for Boys, he wasn't anxious to repeat the experience. And he did have to swing across the bridge to make his way back to Queens since he'd branched out to Manhattan for the night.
The cracked watch read that it was barely seven, though, so Peter still had a few hours before he had to be back. Mr. Fowler didn't care much what they did as long as they were back before ten, unless it was one of his "days," which really just meant he was as drunk as a skunk and completely willing to smack a few boys upside their head and be unreasonably dickish about the rules. But other than that, Peter was usually left to his own devices to patrol around the streets of his city and try everything in his power to make up for what had happened barely six months ago.
But it would never be enough.
Peter stopped on top of a billboard that clung to the side of a building, landing clumsily and only barely managing to slip his fingers around the poster for a new movie. His world swam--just a little bit--as he regained his bearings. He shook his head at the dizziness that had become a constant ever since moving to live at the Queens Pinehill Group Home for Boys, but it wasn't like it was their fault. All the boys were reasonably well-cared for, with regular mealtimes, a generous curfew, and easy access to schools, but they weren't really equipped to deal with Peter.
The teenager held back a sigh as his stomach grumbled painfully. He'd eaten the last of his stash of granola bars that he'd bought after a tourist he'd helped had forced a few bills on him. He didn't like taking money, but he couldn't deny that those bars had helped for the two weeks that he'd made them stretch.
Forcing down a hungry grumble of annoyance, Peter turned to survey his shadow instead, the one that had always been the same. Ever since he could remember. Even when he'd been in kindergarten, there'd been the tall and protective shadow of his soulmate behind him. Despite everything, and despite how selfish it felt, it was comforting to look down and see that familiar crop of hair. He reached a hand up to touch his head, never quite used to the way his fingers brushed up against cloth but the shadow underneath him swept through fluffed up tufts.
His soulmate's hair today was messy, not as poofed up as it usually was. Today must be a casual day for him or something, which weren't very often, but when they did occur they often lasted for days. Other days he could make out the outline of glasses and the sharp angles of clothing that made him think of a business suit, though he couldn't be sure. They were only a shadow after all. Peter wondered what his soulmate thought about his own shadow, if he'd noticed anything odd, but, then again, Peter's shadow probably just looked like he was wearing a hoodie all the time, and maybe what could pass as some pretty obnoxious glasses. He'd used to have those anyway.
Peter tilted his head, enjoying the way the hair on the sidewalk underneath him flopped with him. For some reason, Peter found it very amusing when one had hair showing and the other didn't. It just looked a little ridiculous. Recently, it had been the teenager who had been donning the hoodie over his head, but Peter assumed that his soulmate was usually wearing something too. More often than not, he'd look down to see the hair gone, covered by a sharp outline that really had him questioning his soulmate's fashion sense.
The thought brought a snicker to his lips. He nestled more comfortably atop the billboard. There hadn't been any good action in a while anyway.
"Where do you think we should go next?" he asked aloud, and he didn't know if he was asking himself or the shadow of his soulmate underneath. He didn't know why, but he'd always felt like they'd give really good advice. "There hasn't really been much going on, and I haven't seen any of those alien-weapon guys since the knock-off Avengers robbed that bank. Maybe we could try and find out whoever you are again. That'd be kind of fun."
'Kind of fun.' Yeah, right. It was the only thing Peter looked forward to anymore.
Before, he'd always been excited to graduate, to go through college and apply to Stark Industries, his Aunt and Uncle's smiles egging him on the entire way. He'd looked forward to band and robotics and, while he'd stayed, decathlon too. It wasn't as fun as it had been before, but Ned was still there. Liz too. They were nice, and it was good to see their smiles and hear their occasional pitying encouragement that usually only pissed him off (not that he'd ever let them know, they were just trying to help after all), but they weren't what Peter was looking for.
Then again, Peter wasn't 100% he knew what he was looking for either.
He was pretty sure his soulmate was something to look forward to. Ben and May had always described what it felt like to find your soulmate, to be able to stare at shadows your entire life until you found who you were looking for. You would touch their hand and your shadows would switch, and when you let go, the shadow remained to your universe approved bond again. The satisfaction of finally piecing together the flashes you got whenever both shadows disappeared into the darkness. It was something Aunt May and Uncle Ben had always enticed him about, always encouraged.
Maybe if he could find his soulmate, everything would be better. Everything would be perfect, like May and Ben had always proclaimed.
But that was childish, and Peter knew it. Soulmates didn't fix everything, and meeting his soulmate certainly wouldn't improve his situation. They were a regular person with a regular life. He was a second-rate vigilante that had been orphaned twice. Besides, nothing could really help Peter. Not that he needed help. He just needed to grow out of the system so he could make something that actually felt like life rather than the scraping by that it had become.
By the time Peter moved from his spot, it was because his shadow had dimmed with the entrance of New York darkness. He stood up, barely able to make out the faintness of his soulmate, and flicked his wrist out. He still had a little bit before he had to be back at the group home, so he reckoned he'd be fine. He'd be back in time that Mr. Fowler wouldn't give him another strike and he could still eat dinner. He'd do his homework, go to bed, and the next day would be the same horrible numbness of before.
"Any ideas on where the best crime is, Matey?" he asked his shadow, "Maybe superpowers can leech over to soulmates. That'd be really cool actually. Soulologists haven't been able to prove anything other than memory flashes. We could break that entire field of study if that were true."
His soulmate, of course, didn't answer. But the scuffle of a fight and a warped sound unlike anything the teenager had ever heard, did.
Tony glanced around his emptying lab, a tired glint in his eyes as he did. Large portions of the tower had been emptied and organized into large crates as they anticipated the move from the tower to the compound. Most of his lab had stayed the same throughout the process, as staff weren't allowed up here, leaving it mostly up to the billionaire himself to pack up his things. Glancing around at the piles of disheveled work and unfinished projects, he might have to get some help anyway. Or, if he started packing now, he'd have plenty of time to do it by himself.
He turned back to the suit he was working on.
The horribly challenging nanoparticles as part of his newest suit were barely coming together. It was incredibly difficult, which made it the most fun thing he'd worked on in a while, which also meant he'd been working on it for two days straight. It was a good thing Pepper was working in another country at the moment and wasn't there to make him go to bed or take a break or anything worthless like that. Then again, he guessed Pepper wasn't the only one with the power to do that.
"Sir," Friday started, "You are approaching your extent of working without a break. I suggest you go to sleep."
"I'm almost done, girl," he replied at the same moment the gauntlet he was working on sparked. He hissed in pain as he withdrew his newly burnt fingers, his vision swimming slightly. He blinked furiously to clear the dark spots from his sight. "Okay, maybe a break isn't such a bad idea."
"Great choice, sir."
"Don't patronize me," he scolded, grabbing a nearby jacket to throw over his stained shirt and a pair of sunglasses despite the late hour, "I'm taking a break, not going to sleep. Keep the lab running for me, I'm gonna go grab a coffee."
"Might I suggest a calming tea instead?"
"You most certainly may not."
Tony stepped into the brightly lit elevator, staring down at his shadow as he usually did when he was alone. The sight of the usual hoodie brought a smile to his face. His soulmate must have a hoodie addiction as strong as his coffee one, though he usually preferred whenever he could see the kid's curly hair before it was eventually tamed down by what he guessed was a godly amount of hair gel.
His soulmate had turned fifteen recently, he knew. August tenth was the first day he'd had a shadow, one of a tiny baby curled up at his feet. He remembered fondly what it had felt like to look down one random morning and see the dark blob at his feet, the confusion and the joy as he'd realized it moved with him. After thirty-one years, a soulmate of his very own.
He'd loved to watch them grow through their shadows, though his favorite was the little snippets he'd get of their life. Like for everyone else, they were very rare, especially in the bright cities he was accustomed to living in. There was always just a little bit of light somewhere in New York, but he remembered vividly the little snatches he'd managed to get from his soulmate's life when both of their shadows faded into a shade of the dark completely.
A deeply nerdy room with Star Wars posters. The bustling streets of a city. And, more recently, dark alleyways that had made him more than a little nervous. His soulmate was only a kid after all, but it was a bit hypocritical for him to be any kind of judgmental after his own teenage years, and it wasn't like he could do anything.
Other than what he was doing now.
The flashes of the streets he'd seen in his soulmate visions had reminded him deeply of New York (though they could just as easily have been from another city in the States), so Tony had made the effort to go out more whenever he could. Usually he couldn't stay for long, he was pretty busy after all. Still, local coffee shops and street vendors had become frequented by Tony Stark as he'd searched. He knew it was a little ridiculous to parade around the streets of New York City in the hopes that he would stumble upon his soulmate, but after everything that had happened with the team, he could at least try to throw in a little optimism.
The mechanic blinked out thoughts of the broken team as the elevator opened on the empty bottom floor, making his way through the darkly lit lobby and out the door into the streets. Street lamps were lit brightly, and, coupled by the headlight of cars and the alternating colors of traffic light, his soulmate was able to walk alongside Tony as he crossed the road and began down the sidewalk.
"Any recommendations for a good coffee shop, my little shadow?" Tony asked his soulmate. The people on the street paid him no mind, not that it was unusual for people to talk to their shadows. "If you do live around here, you must have at least a few recommendations. Well, I guess you are a kid, but I drank plenty of caffeine when I was your age, so."
He shrugged to himself, stopping at a street corner and pursing his lips as he thought. He'd really only explored Manhattan when looking for his soulmate, but walking across the bridge into Brooklyn and Queens would take much too long. He did want to get back to his project after all.
Tony made a turn, resolving to just find whatever new café he could. Maybe he'd explore Brooklyn or Harlem after the move. Or maybe Queens, he had been wanting to try and meet that Spider-Kid for a while anyway. He'd thought he'd had an opportunity when Rogers and his merry band had taken Barnes and left in Germany, but everything had gone by just too quick and he didn't even know the guy's identity. Not for lack of trying. The guy was pretty good at avoiding cameras, it almost made Tony jealous.
The billionaire walked for about fifteen minutes, passing by every coffee shop he'd already been to in search of a new one. There were plenty in Manhattan, but Tony had been to so many at this point it was a little ridiculous. He stopped, ready to pull out his phone and see where the nearest one he could find was, when he caught sight of a man out of the corner of his eye.
He frowned. How long had that man been following him? A few blocks at least, he recognized that green jacket from when he'd passed by Beany Business.
The light turned from an orange hand to a white silhouette, and Tony hurried across the street. He hadn't brought any kind of weapons with him, and he really wasn't in the mood to cause some kind of scene. If he was quick, he could probably lose this guy and still get to his coffee shop without some kind of annoying disturbance.
Tony allowed himself to be swept up in the crowd of late-goers, moving with them quickly. He let that crowd trickle by and joined another, and then joined one more of a drunk afterparty before finally slipping down an alleyway when he could no longer see the green jacket. He blinked in surprise as he caught sight of a coffee shop just across the street, bright red letters reading 'The Coffee Club.'
He smiled. Perfect.
Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he strolled down the alleyway towards the cheap looking café. And then a figure stepped in the entrance, blocking the view from across the street and slapping Tony's easygoing smile off of his face.
The billionaire immediately tensed as his eyes roamed over the green jacket, the covered face, and finally the gun pointed towards him. His eyebrow raised as his gaze rested on the weapon that wasn't really a gun. It was splayed out like a robotic arm, shiny and just a little bit clunky but clearly dangerous.
"Hands in the air, Stark," the man ordered. Slowly, he followed the man's orders. "Phone and glasses on the floor. Now."
"I'm gonna have to move my hands for that," Tony snarked. The man gave him a slight snarl.
"Just do it. Slowly. And throw them over here."
"Sure," he agreed, fishing his phone out of his pocket and taking his glasses off of his face before letting them clatter to the ground. The man kept the robotic gun trained on him as he grabbed the devices, placing them in a pocket in the thick of his jacket. Tony frowned. "So, what is this? A kidnapping? Taking my wallet? Genuinely interested."
"I've been watching you for a while, Stark," the man said, "You go out at night a lot. I knew it'd only be a matter of time before I could get what I want from you."
"And I would love to know what that is. As well as where you got that neat little arm-gun there. Is that Sokovian?"
"Shut up, Stark. I don't need your snark, just some information, and I'll take your wallet too."
"Mind leaving me enough cash for a coffee?"
The gun cocked. "What did I just say?"
"Hmm, I forgot."
"Very funny."
"Thanks, I thought so too," Tony joked. "Anyway, back on topic of what this is all about."
The gun whined and then quickly shot, whizzing past Tony to burn the wall just behind him. Tony turned his head to glance at the large ring of smoke before facing the man in the green jacket again.
"Shut up," he ordered again. "No more words from you unless they're the password into the DODC."
"There's more than just one password. You got a pen? This could take a while."
"No, you're coming with me."
"Oh, so this is a kidnapping."
"I can't have you changing the passwords and alerting anyone of this," the man answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but Tony could already count five thousand ways this could go wrong for Green Jacket Guy. One being that Tony wasn't up for being kidnapped at this moment in particular, and he definitely wasn't going to let this schmuck take him while he was just trying to get a decent coffee. "Keep your hands in the air and don't move, or else I'm hitting you with this."
When he gestured to the gun, Tony just gave him a bored look. "You know you're not getting any passwords or anything if you kill me, right?"
The man flicked a switch on the gun. "It's set to stun. It won't kill you, but it will definitely knock you out for a few hours."
"Good to know."
Green Jacket Guy approached, a pair of cuffs poised to slip around his outstretched hands. The man's steps were jauntily hesitant, but clear apprehension didn't stop the man from grabbing his hand and forcing the first cuff around him. He moved to click it around the billionaire's other wrist, but was met with a snapping punch to the face.
Green Jacket Guy stumbled back, a hand pressed against his newly bloody nose in a grunt of clear pain. Tony dove when the man quickly gathered himself and raised his gun, forcing himself behind a trash can as it whined and then fired. The trashcan forced itself against Tony, slapping the mechanic against the wall with a shouted groan, his shoulder barely breaking his fall. That was going to bruise in the morning.
Forced to his knees, Tony scrambled back up only to be faced with the robot-arm-gun pointed directly in his face. It charged up in its now annoyingly familiar warped whine, and there was nowhere to go. He was trapped and he was not excited to be blasted by this thing and if he got kidnapped again Happy was going to have a heart attack, he might as well--
"Hey! Watch where you're pointing that thing!" called a squeaky voice. Tony and Green Jacket Guy both turned as a red blur shot into the alleyway, a thwip! knocking the gun from the man's hand and the red blur knocking into him. The man was barreled to the ground with a pained groan before he was covered in a flurry of webs, the Spider Guy standing over him. "Pointing guns at people is illegal y'know! Sorry to be a party pooper, but I will be calling the police."
Tony blinked, forcing himself to his feet fully as the vigilante turned around, the lenses of his goofy goggles widening in comical shock.
"Oh, whoa."
"Oh, whoa," Peter breathed as he caught sight of literally Tony-freaking-Stark dusting off his pants as he stood up. His eyes instinctively fluttered to the man's shadow, expecting the long hair and slim figure of Pepper Potts but catching sight of a short and rumpled man instead. Huh.
"Whoa yourself, kid," Mr. Stark responded, stepping over to where the man was knocked out cold and webbed to the ground. He dug through the man's exposed green jacket and pulled out a pair of glasses and a sleek phone, but Peter's eyes were locked onto the strange gun on the ground. His eyes narrowed at how similar it looked to the ones at the bank. "What're you doing out here? You're a Queens guy aren't you?"
"Oh, uh, yes-yes, sir. Usually, but I was just, uhh, I was just around and I heard the fight and, and yeah..."
Mr. Stark turned to look at him, an eyebrow raised in suspicion as he glanced over Peter's ratty superhero suit. He shuffled on his feet nervously, trying desperately to keep himself still and untense his shoulders, not that it had much affect. The teenager choked down agitation, trying his best to not glance at his watch. It was getting late and, while Iron Man was his second favorite Avenger, the last thing he needed was Tony Stark finding out his secret identity.
"What's your name?" Mr. Stark asked.
"And your real name?"
Peter paused. "Spider-Man. On my birth certificate and everything."
Mr. Stark frowned, and Peter thought he was going to demand a legitimate answer, when he shrugged and stepped away from the guy on the ground. "Fine. You helped me out, I won't bother you about it. For now."
Peter let out a low sigh, muttering, "Thank you, Mr. Stark."
"I am going to bother you about other things though," Mr. Stark said, "I've been meaning to talk to you, and no time like the present."
"Oh, uhh, I kinda have to--"
Peter was interrupted by the painful rumble of his stomach. His face turned as red as his mask, and he was thankful the man couldn't see his embarrassment, not that that stopped the superhero's teasing smirk. With a wave, the man stepped out of the alleyway. "C'mon, let's go."
"Go--go where?"
"Coffee. I came to get a good black coffee and I refuse to leave without one."
Peter glanced down at the guy he'd webbed. "What about him?"
"My AI already called the police. They'll be here soon. Now, c'mon. I'm not gonna ask you twice."
"Yeah, yeah. Ah, okay, Mr. Stark."
Peter shuffled his feet nervously, his arms crossed and constantly turning so that he could peer at the time on his watch. Twenty minutes. Not looking great, but it wasn't like Peter could really leave while Mr. Stark ordered his coffee. That would be rude, and plus it was Iron Man, so, overall a bad idea.
He glanced over from where he was leaning against the brick wall of the coffee shop to stare at the clear door. Like a final answer to his prayers, the billionaire stepped out, a drink carrier in one hand and a small brown bag in the other. The man didn't look exactly like he'd thought he would. Tony Stark had always been almost hilariously imposing in his mind, with a sharp suit and a sharper goatee, but this man was softer. Rougher.
His clothes were stained, his leather jacket rumpled, his hair messy and his face worn with the lines of memories. He seemed almost familiar somehow, and it unnerved Peter just as much as it comforted him.
"Here ya go, kid. Black coffee for me, hot chocolate and a snickerdoodle for you," Mr. Stark said once he'd walked over. Peter blinked in surprise, but managed to accept the drink and the bag with stumbling fingers.
"Oh, wow. Thank you, Mr. Stark, but you really didn't have to."
"Billionaire here, Spider-Kid. I can afford a cookie and a drink."
Peter thanked him again and, after a moment of hesitation, pulled his mask up to just above his nose, starting on the cookie. It was almost impossible to not fork it down immediately with how starved he felt. Mr. Stark waited patiently until he was finished with his snickerdoodle to start speaking, and Peter's ears burned.
"So," Mr. Stark started, "New York's benevolent vigilante that directs tourists and saves kittens from trees. Doesn't seem like a very exciting gig."
Peter narrowed his eyes, shuffling on his feet again nervously. What was his game?
He shrugged, taking a sip of his hot chocolate before answering, "It doesn't have to be exciting. I'm just trying to help out."
"Why--why help?"
"Exactly," Mr. Stark pointed, and suddenly he wasn't strangely familiar, he filled up the whole street. "Very few people help just to help, and even fewer dress themselves up in something that embarrassing just to help a few old ladies across the street. Why are you doing this? I gotta know. What's your MO? What gets you out of your apartment and into that onesie in the morning?"
"It's not a onesie," he muttered. Peter forced his fingers not to grip around the cup as images of a bloody street and dying shadows filled his head, instead redirecting the agitation into the scrunch of his face. He imagined he had his usual and embarrassing puppy scowl right now. He tried to release it with a sigh, but he didn't feel much better as he answered. "Because...because I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers six months..."
Mr. Stark hummed in confirmation, goading Peter on. He swallowed down sick at the image of his aunt's brown hair drenched in blood before he continued. "I...I tried to move on at first. Just, hey! I have powers and I'm just gonna ignore it and showboat it. But...when you can do the things that I can, but you don't...and then the bad things happen..." He took a deep breath as Mr. Stark leaned in closer. "They happen because of you."
"So you wanna look out for the little guy? You wanna do your part? Make the world a better place, all that, right?"
Peter nodded fervently. "Yeah, yeah just looking out for the little guy. That's--that's what it is."
Mr. Stark nodded, his eyes glanced Peter up and down quickly before he asked softly, "And what about looking out for you?"
Peter startled, glaring at the man defensively. Did he just look like shit that much?
"What are you talking about? I'm doing fine."
"You reek of someone who hasn't been taking care of themselves, kid."
"I'm not a kid," he muttered, "And I'm fine."
"Yeah? Your arm's shaking."
Peter glanced down to see that, yes, his arm clutched around the hot chocolate was indeed shaking. Peter switched the drink to his other hand before shoving his arm in the pocket of his hoodie. "Just tired."
"It's barely ten."
"And I've been patrolling for--did you say ten?"
Mr. Stark seemed perturbed by his sudden shift, but Peter couldn't be bothered at the way his voice had lowered and shaken with slight fear or the way his entire self had tensed. Peter tore his hand out of his pocket to glare at the watch on his wrist. 9:57. Shit.
"Shit--fuck!" Peter exclaimed, pulling his mask back down. "Oh, shit. Sorry, Mr. Stark, I gotta go. Thank you so much for the hot chocolate, sir!"
"Kid, wait--"
He flicked out a wrist onto a nearby building, bending to leap when Mr. Stark's hand wrapped around his wrist.
Peter blinked at the odd sensation, holding back a flinch at the unexpected touch and tensing as his vision seemed to leap just a foot to the left before fizzing back to what it had been before. It left him dizzy and disoriented, but he only had a minute to get all the way from Manhattan to Queens. Maybe if he made it home within ten minutes he could get away with it or--
"Oh, my God..."
Peter turned at Mr. Stark's voice, realizing the man's hand was still gripping his wrist. He followed the billionaire's horribly stricken gaze to stare at whatever had left him dumb. Peter's jaw dropped as he caught sight of his shadow. It was his shadow.
The fluffy hair of his soulmate was suddenly gone and, instead, Peter's masked silhouette stood in its place. He glanced down at Mr. Stark's shadow, actions slow and jerky as he caught sight of it perfectly reflecting his own perked up jacket collar and outline of glasses. Carefully, Mr. Stark let go of his hand in a motion that felt like he was testing the waters. The shadows switched. The hooded figure shadowed Mr. Stark while the fluffy hair stood where Peter's shadow once had.
"What the..." Peter trailed off. His breaths felt lighter all the sudden. Fast. Too fast. The street was closing in, the cars passing nearby too loud and too bright and oh God his soulmate was Tony Stark. He swallowed painfully, tears biting at his eyes as he struggled for a breath.
His soulmate wasn't supposed to be Tony Stark. Peter couldn't--Peter couldn't live up to that! Mr. Stark had saved the world and he was an Avenger and he was the smartest man in the world and Peter was just some useless kid who got bullied and had a curfew and Jesus Christ he was going to be so late Mr. Fowler was going to be so mad and--
"Kid?" Mr. Stark asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Peter flinched and ducked away, the cup he'd been holding clattering from his hands as he stood opposite the man. Defensive. A shadow flashed against the man's face.
Peter read it as disappointment.
"I'm sorry," he choked out. He shot a web and leaped away, but he could never escape his shadow.
Ch 2 // Ch 3 // Ch 4 // Ch 5 // Ch 6 // Ch 7 // Ch 8
#friendly neighborhood exchange#peter parker#tony stark#spiderman#Iron Man#ironman fanfiction#spiderman fanfiction#marvel fanfiction#irondad#spiderson#irondad and spiderson#soulmate au#platonic soulmates#not st*rker
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You Coward!
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Peter Parker x Male!Reader Summary: You show your love to Peter in a weird way. Word Count: 1,133 Request: hey! i was wondering if i could request a peter parker x reader fic where the reader and peter are dating, but nobody knows everyone thinks they actually hate each other because they have that kind of relationship where they constantly insult each other to show affection. thanks a ton!
“The real treasure was the memories we made along the way!” The team hears the two youngest avengers enter the base, coming back from a shield mission.
They were always apprehensive in sending you and Peter on missions because you guys are young - you should live your life out. They’re even more apprehensive when they send the two of you together on a mission, knowing that you two somehow don’t have a pleasant relationship.
“I almost died!” Peter exclaimed as both Tony and Steve raised an eyebrow at Peter’s exasperation.
You chortle laughter, throwing your head back, “Ah yes, that was my fondest memory.“
“You’re a prick,” Peter snapped.
See, what they hear is you and Peter once again arguing, throwing each other under the bus and insulting each other. What they don’t see is the fond smile the two of your share, the love and admiration in your eyes as you lovingly had your arm over your boyfriend’s shoulder. That’s right, boyfriend. You really don’t know what it was about Peter or how you got together, but the two of you had mutual respect for each other.
Again, it was weird how you two came to be. You were a cynic, pessimistic and probably realistic at best - you don’t have high expectation to be disappointed that easily. Peter was full of life, he saw the glass half full and always optimistic, sometimes it’s sickening. Your mutual friends like to tease you two when you’re together at school, you somehow are a further progressed relationship of Enjorlas and Grantaire from Les Miserables.
When Tony and Steve enter the front room to see you and Peter, they witness you pushing Peter - though seconds before, you had tenderly ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.
“Do we want to know what happened on the mission,” Steve asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
Tony sighed as he pats Peter on the shoulder, gripping him and pulling towards himself, “Steve, keep your boy on his leash - will ya?”
Steve standing by you like a protective dad, “Back right at you, Stark.”
You raised both your eyebrows at your boyfriend to signal him good luck as he rolls his eyes. Tony leading Peter away before something bad between the two of you happens. You sighed, stretching your back as you looked at Steve, who raised an eyebrow at you.
“What?” You asked, almost offended.
“You need to be nicer to Peter.”
“I am nice to Parker!”
“Perhaps, start of by calling him by his first name?”
“I am nice to Parker!”
“(L/n) gave me a 'get better soon' card,” Peter spoke as he was looking at his homework.
Tony and Bruce looked up from their work as Tony spoke, “Aw, that's so sweet!”
Peter scoffed, “I wasn't sick. He just thought I could do better.”
There is a lot of hints that you two had despised each other, but those things were just things you did to each other to keep your relationship fun and fresh. It just so happen the team missing out on the cute stuff and overhearing or walking into the ruthless antics the two of you display.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked, holding a can of soda in hand.
You were lying on the ground, “My best.”
Peter scoffed, stepping over you as Clint and Natasha watch in disbelief as Peter calls out a dig at you whilst you put the middle finger behind his back before getting into a comfortable position on the ground.
It always seemed to be Steve and Tony that your antics get caught out by. It’s always funny to see their reaction which egged you and Peter to continue to be horrible to each other, of course within the respected limit.
“Aren’t you sugar and spice and everything nice?” You leaned against the breakfast island with Steve looking whilst Peter was on his laptop with Tony looking over his shoulder.
“Well, aren’t you rudeness, and sarcasm and everything...” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend who flushed red.
You smirked, looking very smug, “No, go on. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and makes sense and I’ll stop acting like an asshole.”
“Shut up-”
It got to the point that the team was very concerned and had planned to sit the two of you down of intervention. But, they never seem to get a good time to sit you down, everyone was busy and despite their concerns, they actually enjoy the words that were being thrown about between the two young lads of the team.
“I am here to grace you with my presence,” You announced as you enter Peter’s room.
Natasha and Clint hearing Peter groan, “Oh Lord, what have I done to deserve this?”
Ten minutes later the two hear you laughing as you exit Peter’s room, “Get a hobby!” Peter shouted.
“My hobby is making fun of you when you talk!”
The insults don’t stop there, it happens everywhere and anywhere, even at dinner with the team as you sat across each other, playing footsies under the table.
“I’m a highly educated person, for your information,” You were offended.
Bruce was about to intervene from Peter saying something hurtful but he was too slow as Peter replied, “Doubtful,” As you gasped, you saw the twinkle in his eyes that everyone seemed to miss, “ Sometimes, I wonder if you were dropped when you were a baby.”
“Fuck you, Parker.”
“Boys-!” Steve interjected as the two of you fall silent.
Your insult battle had even appeared in a battle with the bad guy, somehow you and Peter wormed in a conversation in the middle of fighting the bad guy. You’d think the team would actually appreciate the banter if they actually knew that you and Peter were dating and meant to no harm to each other
“You're annoying,” You hissed as Peter smirks at you.
At that point, the team was about to raid the living room to start a meeting with the pair of you that you should be nicer to each other. However, they were stopped short with Peter’s reply.
“But, you love me.”
You scoffed, “Doesn't make you less annoying.”
Standing in the open archway, the team looks on at the two boys who had no idea the team was behind them. Peter tackles you into a loving hug and mounted you, as he put little kisses on your face as you struggle to get out of his grip.
“Peter!” You moaned, pouting, “This isn’t fair!”
“Don’t care,” He snaps back and goes back in kissing all areas of your face, “Let me love you, you coward!”
The team leaves the two boys in the living room, thinking they didn’t need to worry about you two at all.
#peter parker#peter parker imagine#peter parker x male!reader#x male reader#Avengers#avengers imagine
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They showed Peter Parker grieve his close ones who became zombies whereas Bucky was like "I should be sad but I’m not lmao bye". Marvel continues butchering his character.
Right? I don't understand it, it's just so weird to me. But yeah, that's why I decided to stop watching after EG, basically 🤷🏻♀️
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5 Stages of A Heartbreak 1/5
A/N- I did something like this a couple of years ago but I got a little insecure about it and deleted my whole account... over one story. However I found some of the plot and decided to rewrite it. My lovely friend read it and gave me the confidence I need to repost it. I hope you enjoy it!
Category~ ANGST (my fav lol)
WARNING (Triggers) - A tiny description of a Panic Attack
Peter Parker Masterlist

“Please. I- I don’t have anything, just please don’t hurt me.” you pleaded with the robber who was currently holding you at knife point. How did you get in this situation? Lord knows, but no matter where you were, trouble was always around the corner.
The man pushed his head back with a laugh, allowing the smell of alcohol to escape his mouth invading your senses. “Come one now darling don’t give me that crap” the robber spat as he began to get close to you. "You were just asking to be hurt. I mean what sane person goes through an alley all by themselves in the middle of the night , huh?” he asked you, sliding the knife down your cheek causing a chill to run down your spine. He opened his mouth once again only to be cut off by a familiar voice,
“Hey now why wasn’t I invited to the hang out”
’Oh thank God, it's Peter’ you thought to yourself. To afraid to move you stared at the multicolored brick wall accompanied by the rusted fire escape that looked too old to do any real good in any real emergency,
“Spider-man?” The robber questioned looking around trying to place a location on the young hero. Spider-man gasped dramatically, “You know who I am? Who would have known I had fans around this part of town?” He asked sarcastically as he swung from the roof onto the alley floor. Seeing Spider-man getting closer, the robber placed the knife against your neck as a warning. “Woah now let’s not get too excited” he added as he put his hands up for the robber to see
“Yeah, well we were just having a little chit chat, weren’t we darling?” the robber asked you, adding pressure to his hold on you making you whimper against the pressure.
“Tsk tsk tsk” Spider-man responded walking closer to the robber “Now thats no way to talk to the lady now is it '' he asked shooting a web onto the robbers hand pulling him away from you.
Seeing that he was in a losing battle,the robber dropped his weapon holding his hands up, “Wa-wait we can work something-” but before the man was able to say anything else he was swept off his feet and on the ground groaning in pain. Within minutes the robber was tied up and left for the clean-up department, a.k.a the police officers.
“Spider-man?” you called out. Your voice was raspy and you couldn’t control the tears that started to flow down your face with such ease. His full attention was on you, walking over slowly, he placed one hand behind his back and the other reaching out for you to grab, “Milady?” As you placed your hands upon his, he swept you off your feet and into the air. At first your eyes were closed due to the spontaneous change in altitude, but once your body calmed down you opened your eyes. Face to face with the dazzling stars that illuminated the night sky. Looking down at the city lights you could tell Peter was taking you but it didn’t stop the question from leaving your lips, “Are we going home?” you asked your voice no higher than a whisper. Peter answered your question with a gentle squeeze but not a word was spoken until you two landed on top of your building's roof.
“Peter- I mean-” you cleared your throat a bit nervous,“Spiderman. Uuh- Thanks” you said, feeling the blush creep up your neck. You were used to speaking to Peter, but never when he was in his suit, it almost felt too- unreal.
Peter snatched off his mask from his face, searching your body with his eyes for anything out of place. Only then did you notice the way his breath was almost shaky, like the reality of it all just hit him. Any other day you would have looked away too afraid to be caught staring, but the way he stood there watching over you like it was his only reason to live had you memorized. The only thing that took you out of his trance was the crack in his voice as he grabbed your shoulders, “I thought, I thought I lost you. I heard your voice but I didn’t think it was you- or- I, I don’t know but I just knew I had to come and then I did and he had a knife against your throat and- oh God '' he cried taking in a sharp breath. Placing a hand on his cheek you rubbed the tears away with your thumb. He put his hand over yours, caressing it ever so gently staring into your eyes. You tried to think of something to say, something that may ease the shock he had on his face but before you could even form the words he pulled you into a kiss, only coming up for air to look into your eyes and kiss you all over again.
After a moment Peter stopped and looked at you for what seemed like forever, “I know this is sudden but-” Peter pulled a candy ring-pop from dropping down on one knee. You chuckled looking between the boy you’ve loved for so long and the sugary treat he held in his hand. “This ring pop is- well a little smashed up-” you both laughed at the statement, you couldn’t figure out if it was the adrenaline or pure happiness but you felt like you could run a mile. “- But I was hoping that you would still at least let me do my romantically cringy speech” you nodded and he chuckled nervously, “ Okay here it goes, y/n?”
“Emhmm” you tried to contain your smile with your hands but you were sure it could be seen from miles away.
“Uh-huh” you said, egging him to go on. Suddenly his facial features changed like there was something wrong. “Peter you're scaring me what's wron-”
“You’re gonna be late?” he said drooping the candy ring pop looking around
“Peter what? What are you talking about'' Peter grabbed your hand pulling you closer to the edge, “Peter you’re scaring me what's going on”
“You have to wake up”
“What-” He shoved you off the building and as soon as you hit the ground-
“Peter!” You popped up huffing as you looked around only to meet face to face with your mother.
“No it’s not Peter, it’s your mother. It’s about time you woke up” your mother yelled as she picked up the dirty clothes that were on your floor and placed them into a hamper.
“Mom, you scared me! I think you just ended my life…. in my dreams!”
“Yeah, well if picking up your dirty clothes at this age is going to be a normal activity of mine, I guess my life ended ages ago. So you can call us even.” she said without hesitation while taking the hamper exiting the room, “You need to be out of the house in twenty minutes!”
“Yes ma’am” You said sighing as you swung you leg off the bed
I mean of course it was just a dream. Perfect Peter would never do anything that heroically romantic...Not to you at least. You guys had been friends for over 10 years- no, not just friends, best friends.So close that he feels the need to tell you every single detail about his crush, Ms. Liz freakin Allen. As if your love for him wasn’t already impossible, he goes and crushes on the rich ‘cheerleader’ with brains. Not to mention he talks about her all the time, even at this very moment! I guess you don’t mind his little rambles, or at least you pretend you don’t. It gives you an excuse to admire his features a little more. Like his mesmerizing lips that moved so elegantly as he talked. Making the most boring of subjects an entertaining sport. The way he casually bit his lip as he smiled or when his tongue would tease you with a quick game of peek a boo as they swept across his bottom lip. Or the way he just said your name so sweet like the morning dew on a summers day.You loved the way your named rolled off his tongue with… wait-
“Y/n!” Peter called, you looked up at him confused, why on earth was he shouting your name like that? “Y/n are you even listening?” Peter Parker asked, making your stomach drop a bit. Of course you weren’t listening; he was ranting about Ms.Perfect, but you didn’t expect to be quizzed on the subject.
Giving a chuckle you pulled on your sleeve out of habit, “um of course, I just.. Zoned out for a second.. Or two” you explained looking down at your half eaten pizza. The school pizza didn’t look all that appetizing, but anything was better than looking into Peter’s eyes. That boy could read you like a book with no cover. You heard him give a small chuckle, that made the ends of your lips curve up. His soft laugh gave you the ability to look up at him. At the moment he was combing his fingers through his hair as he bit the side of his lip, something he did quite often to stop from smiling but his smile was almost memorizing. The way his smile could melt you from the inside out was almost scary.
He looked back at you shaking his head jokingly, “Well I guess I’ll just have to tell you again won’t I? I was telling you guys that I finally asked Liz out” he said simply. It took you a moment to process his words. You were waiting for the punchline, the “Ha you should have seen your face”. Yet the only thing you got was the gut punching feeling in your stomach that made you want to throw up your half eaten pizza, and the breakfast you thought would have been devoured by now. It’s not that bad, keep it together just nod just do something just don’t- “Y/n?” All eyes were on you. Peter. Ned. Mj...Peter. You could feel the lump in your throat building and your breath begin to shorten so you smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath, and then another but it was as if your lungs had stopped listening to orders.
You heard Mj grab her bag and grab yours too, “I just forgot me and Y/n have a project we need to work on-” she said handing you your stuff and pushing you towards the cafeteria exit
“What right now?!” Peter asked, you were still walking, afraid a tear would slip if you turned back now.You could hear MJ talking to him in a rushed voice. Something about a deadline and in a hurry.When she finally caught up to you she led you to the nearest bathroom and locked the main door.You leaned onto the bathroom counter trying to focus your breathing as she looked under each stall until she was satisfied no one was in there.
“I can't- I can’t” your chest tightened and the lack of air made your face feel like a thousand needles were poking at it. Panic attacks weren’t very foreign to you but they didn’t happen very often, however when they did Mj was the first to help you. To be completely honest she was the only one you were comfortable helping you in this state.
“I know I know, sit down okay just sit and look at me, just like last time remember” You nodded as she took a deep breath and you tried to mimic her.She continued to do this until you remembered how to breathe. In between she would ask you silly questions to get your mind off the obvious.
Once you were calm you sat there looking at the wall, “I knew he would never love me but it still hurts” You explained your voice cracking as the tears built back up. You and Peter had known each other for ten years and you guys were immediately besties. You caught feelings after two year.. And after all this time you finally get your heartbroken by Perfect Parker. “I was never going to be good enough...was I?” You sobbed into Mj’s shoulder.
“It’s okay, let it out” Mj said, holding your sobbing body. One second you were fine, having a normal day with your friends, and in a blink of an eye your world came crumbling down. The only piece of dignity you had left, went out the window the moment you sat in the corner of this dirty bathroom crying your eyes out about a boy who would never think of you as more than just a friend.
I heard a story about a girl who loved her best friend. She spent days watching him as if her feelings were nothing more than a friendship. Her heart tugged as she heard him talk about his new profound love. It made her stomach twist with the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about a girl she knew wasn’t her. The butterflies she once had, had grown into jealous moths ready to attack any sort of light left within her.Every insecurity she had was labeled as another reason her best friend didn't view her like he did other girls.I heard that she continued to smile as if nothing was wrong. She even laughed when the timing was right. I haven’t gotten to the end of the story yet..The girl does seem kind of stupid though huh…

Chapter 2

#peter#peter parker x reader#peter x reader#peter x y/n#tom#tom holland#angst#peter parker#peter parker angst#tom holland x you#x reader#newauthor
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parkrstark rec list
I finally put together a list of links to my fics, even the ones stuck in multi-chaptered ficlet collections. I tried separating it as much as I could as clearly as I could.
If you like my fics, maybe consider supporting me on ko-fi! If you’re interested in commissioning a fic, email me at [email protected]
Click the read more to see the full list!
One Shots:
his guy in the chair (Interwebs, Iron Dad, 2k, may and tony co-parenting)
sick peter (iron dad, ficlet, tony takes care of a sick peter)
mind control pt 1 (iron dad, ficlet, peter is mind controlled to hurt tony)
mind control pt 2 (iron dad, ficlet, tony is mind controlled to hurt peter)
12.15.17 (Iron Dad, 4k, Star Wars nerds)
in color (Iron Dad, 4k, Christmas fic)
Honorary Parker (Iron Dad, 3k, Christmas fic)
when the sun shines (we shine together) (Peter&Ned&MJ, Iron Dad, 1k, the Lipsync battle video)
To My Son (Iron Dad, 3k, Tony teaches Peter how to shave)
hell on the heart (Iron Dad, 1k, the ferry scene)
see what i see (Iron Dad, 2k, Peter is being bulled)
don't quit your day job, kid (Iron Dad, 2k, Tony is sick)
our boy (Iron Dad, 4k, Peter uses BARF to cope with Uncle Ben’s death)
there you'll be (Iron Dad, 2k, Peter gets his wisdom teeth removed)
concrete angel (Iron Dad, 3k, Skip is Peter’s teacher, tw: noncon)
i hold on (Iron Dad, 2k, Peter starts college)
my arms will hold you (keep you safe and warm) (Iron Dad, 3k, Peter and Tony have oxytocin withdrawals, better known as cuddle withdrawals)
somebody must have (prayed for me) (Iron Dad, 4k, Bad guys use the sonic taser on Peter and Tony)
i followed your ashes (into outer space) (Iron Dad, 2k, Endgame Speculation)
make me strong (Iron Dad, 10k, Skip is an old friend of Tony’s, tw: noncon)
so tender and mild (Iron Dad, 3k, Tony holds babies to help with his insomnia)
the eleventh commandment (Happy&Peter, Rhodey&Peter, 6k, Skip is Peter’s coach and Happy finds out, tw: noncon)
i pour my heart into your hands (Iron Dad, 1k, Tony has insomnia)
you had to pick on me (Iron Dad, 9k, parallel of Peter and Tony being bullied)
the talk (Iron Dad, Iron Bros, 3k, Tony and Rhodey give Peter the talk while they’re drunk)
almost home (Iron Dad, 2k, whump)
cryin' for me (Iron Dad, 3k, Peter dealing with Tony’s death post EG)
little miss magic (Iron Dad, Peter&Morgan, 1k, Peter gets invited to Morgan’s birthday party)
my old man (Iron Dad, 8k, Peter and Tony get into an argument while on a trip and are kidnapped)
if something should happen (Iron Bros, Iron Dad, 3k, Rhodey has to look after the family once Tony is gone)
you shouldn't have to (Iron Dad, 1k, Peter is terrified of needles)
you're gonna be (Superfamily, 3k, Baby!Peter is sick)
from now on (Iron Dad, 16k, Peter and Tony are stuck in a blizzard, Peter loses his arm)
i will, i promise (Iron Dad, 1k, Peter’s hurt and Tony’s protective)
ben's old number (Ben&Peter, Iron Dad, 5k, Uncle Ben angst)
without you (i was broken) (Iron Dad, 4k, Peter doesn’t feel his spidey senses around Tony)
always on duty (Iron Dad, Happy&Peter, 4k, Tony is hurt at a gala)
would have loved her (Iron Dad, 1k, Peter is a dad and missing Tony post EG)
father knows best (Superfamily, 3k, Peter gets bit by the spider)
Iron dad-iversary (Iron Dad, ficlet, Tony and Peter had known each other one year)
Iron Dad Reunion (Iron Dad, ficlet, Peter and Tony reunion post iw)
interwebs get together (Interwebs, ficlet, Peter kissing Ned in the scene when May walks in on them right after Ned finds out his secret)
peter is a father (iron dad, interwebs, ficlet, dad!peter)
tony stark defense leader (iron dad, ficlet, peter has a tony stark stan blog)
peter’s birthday (iron dad, ficlet, peter’s birthday being celebrated post IW)
ned and peter’s relationship is discovered (interwebs, May&Peter, Iron Dad, ficlet, may and Tony confront Peter about Ned)
bucky&peter (Bucky&peter, ficlet, stuck in the sou stone)
the talk (iron dad, ficlet, tony gives peter the talk)
Multi-Chapter Fics:
danger or trouble, i'm there on the double (Iron Dad, 5k, underage drinking at a party)
i see myself (in you) (Iron Dad, 28k, Peter and Tony swap bodies)
standing in the gallows (Iron Dad, 59k, Peter is kidnapped by Justin Hammer)
just believe (Iron Dad, 18k, Christmas fic, It’s Wonderful Life vibes, tw: noncon)
one makes me want another (Superfamily, 12k, Steve and Tony adopt another kid and Peter feels out of place)
mr. misunderstood (Iron Dad, Harley&Peter, 19k, Peter and Harley meet and don’t immediately get along)
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) (Superfamily, 14k, Tony, Peter, and Steve are stuck living their worst nightmares)
fortune and glory (Steve&Peter, Stony, Iron Dad, 29k, Indiana Jones AU)
Whumptober/Whump Bingo
your heart is a masterpiece (and i will keep it safe) (Stony, 1k, tremors)
stabbing (iron dad, ficlet, hurt!peter)
bloody hands (iron dad, ficlet, Uncle Ben angst)
insomnia (iron dad, ficlet, tony has insomnia)
“no, stop!” (iron dad, ficlet, panic attacks, skip westcott)
poisoned (iron dad, ficlet, peter drinks a spiked drink meant for tony)
betrayal (iron dad, ficlet, peter talks to norman osborn at a fair)
kidnapping (iron dad, ficlet, tony and rhodey rescue peter)
fever (iron dad, ficlet, sick!peter)
stranded (iron dad, ficlet, peter has a Really Bad date)
bruised (iron dad, ficlet, may’s abusive boyfriend)
hypothermia (iron dad, ficlet, peter and tony kidnapped)
electrocution (iron dad, ficlet, tony watches peter be tortured)
“Stay!” (Iron dad, ficlet, peter buys his first apartment)
torture (iron dad, ficlet, peter is water baorded)
manhandling (iron dad, ficlet, people try to kidnap peter at school)
bedridden (iron dad, ficlet, peter is stuck in bed)
branding (iron dad, ficlet, hurt!peter)
rescue (iron dad, ficlet, tony rescues peter from torture. pain meds don’t work)
serial killer (iron dad, ficlet, peter is kidnapped by a serial killer)
murderer (iron dad, ficlet, bad guy tells tony to kill an innocent person or peter)
infinity war au (iron dad, ficlet, tony dies after thanos stabs him)
ripped from each other’s arms (iron dad, ficlet, tony and peter kidnapped together)
one way window (iron dad, ficlet, tony watches peter be tortured)
attempted rape (iron dad, ficlet, peter saves tony)
mouth stitched shut (happy&peter, ficlet, hurt!peter)
explosion (happy& peter, ficlet, someone tries blowing up happy’s car)
chained to a bed (iron dad, ficlet, peter is kidnapped for 7 months)
5 times tony forgot peter was just a kid (Iron Dad, 12k)
5 times it wasn't a hug and the 1 time it was (Iron Dad, 31k)
it's always sunny (in the rich man's world) (May+Peter & Iron Dad, 7k, Peter’s financial struggles)
5 times peter clung to tony (Iron Dad, 21k)
waving through a window (Superfamily, 9k, 5 times peter says he’s okay and one time he means it)
Stardust & Nightmares Series (tw: noncon)
baby, don't cry (Iron Dad, 7k)
don't scream (Iron Dad, 5k)
just close your eyes (Iron Dad, 8k)
and pretend (Iron Dad, 7k)
it's a dream (Iron Dad, 40k)
Asexual!Peter Series
the broken radio (Iron Dad, 4k, realizing he’s ace)
here to stay (Iron Dad, 3k, Peter deals with bullying)
these are my people (Iron Dad, 3k, Tony takes Peter to a pride parade)
life ain't always beautiful (Iron Dad, 2k, Peter has his first heartbreak
Darling, Don’t You Ever Grow Up Series
with arms wide open (Iron Dad, 14k, Tony and Pepper get pregnant, written pre IW)
5 times peter saved aurora (Iron Dad, Aurora&Peter, 39k, ...and 1 time they save each other)
follow your arrow (Iron Dad, 1k, Asexual!Peter)
what brothers are for (Iron Dad, 5k, Peter protects his little sister, tw: noncon)
i will keep you safe (Peter&Aurora, Iron Dad, 3k, Peter and Aurora get stuck while hiding a birthday present for Tony)
Baby Mine Series
close to my heart, never to part (Iron Dad, 63k, Peter gets turned into a toddler)
give me back my kid (Iron Dad, 5k, Peter with the Avengers as a toddler)
Superfamily Series
Sick Peter (Captain Pops, ficlet, Steve takes care of a sick peter)
plane ride (Superfamily, ficlet, Peter gets nervous on a plane ride and his dads try to calm him down)
After school Nap (Captain Pops, ficlet, Peter comes home to see Steve napping and joins him)
Artist Steve (Captain Pops, ficlet, Steve draws Peter)
GPS and Road Rage (Captain Pops, ficlet, Peter annoys Steve while he’s trying to drive)
boy (run like you're bulletproof) (Superfamily, 3k, Peter comes home from patrol with a bullet in his stomach)
without a fight (Superfamily, 5k, Peter gets angry at his dads before they go to a mission and then they’re presumed dead)
with me by your side (Superfamily, 2k, Peter is kidnapped and a bomb is strapped to his chest)
but i'm stuck (in colder weather) (Superfamily, 3k, Peter falls into a frozen lake)
you should never blame yourself (Superfamily, 4k, Peter needs his appendix removed)
give 'em what they want (without being too different) (Superfamily, 2k, Peter discovers he is asexual)
fear is a liar (Captain Pops, 1k, Peter struggling with his trauma of a past abusive relationship, tw:dubcon. self harm)
bloom (me and you) (Superfamily, Parksborn, 3k, Peter is bullied at school for being asexual)
take my heart clean apart (Captain Pops, Parksborn, Superfamily, 6k, Peter and Harry working through their relationship when one of them is asexual and the other is not)
how can it be time already? (Captain Pops, Superfamily, Parksborn, 15k, 6 times steve stopped tears and 1 time he couldn’t)
can you hold me? (Captain Pops, Superfamily, Parksborn, 75k, Peter and Steve are kidnapped)
Constant as the Stars Above Series
peter's stars (Captain Pops, Stony, Superfamily, 175k, Steve is Peter’s biological father and they are homeless)
chapel, little apple (Superfamily, 3k, Slice of Life)
stars in the city (Superfamily, wip, sequel)
Stony Bingo
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator (Superfamily, 1k, “go be a hero”, AU, baby Peter)
sometimes, it all gets a little too much (Stony, 1k, Cuddling)
walking a tightrope with you (Stony, 2k, AU: canon divergence, steve and tony share a bed in clint’s farmhouse)
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Happiest Place on Earth
Modern!Reggie Peters x Gender-Neutral!Reader, Luke Patterson x Alex Mercer
Based off of: #95 from my bucket list, Spend the whole day at Magic Kingdom
A/N: This was requested by @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic ! This is mostly going to be based off of research and memory. I’ve been to Magic Kingdom before, but only when I was 7 so I barely remember anything. In school a couple years ago I used to plan out which hotel I was going to stay in and which rides I wanted to go on lol. It’s such a shame that the pandemic had to hit. Also I’m basing this off of Disney World in Florida because I’m more familiar with that one. This is super long and not great, but hope you like it!
Summary: Y/n, Alex, Luke, and Reggie spend the day at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Y/n and Reggie stay together while Luke and Alex pair up. Both groups try to hide their relationships from the other, until everything magically unfolds.
For reference, if you’ve never been to Disney World and have no idea what the rides are, I’m including links to pictures I used to write this.
For “Peter Pan’s Flight”: Youtube video, Google Images link
For “Be Our Guest”: Disney World website, Pinterest image
For “Pirates of the Caribbean”: Youtube video
For “Splash Mountain”: TikTok from Pinterest, Youtube video
The warm sun rose on the concrete. Thousands of people lined up outside the gates to purchase their tickets for the giant themepark. Them and the boys waited anxiously. They were just about to get to buy their tickets but there was a giant family of 7 in front of them. It felt like years before they called the next people. It felt like centuries before they were allowed to enter the paradise. The four of them split up into pairs; Alex and Luke, and Y/n and Reggie. They wanted to go their separate ways and go on all the rides possible and occasionally meet up to get food and relax.
The first stop for y/n and Reggie was to Cinderella’s castle for pictures. Reggie dragged them by the hand to get as close to the castle, pushing past a lot of people in the process. In their bag was a polaroid camera. It probably wasn’t the best idea to bring something like that to a theme park where it could easily be misplaced or stolen, but memories, right? Y/n took pictures of Reggie first. He did some poses both facing away from the castle and facing the castle. Next was y/n’s turn. Now, y/n was smart. They bought some Disney related things way before the trip. They bought Mickey Mouse earrings and ears for their outfit. Y/n did the same as Reggie and took pictures facing away and towards the castle.
Next stop was to It’s a Small World in Fantasyland. Y/n and Reggie sat in the boat together and swayed to the music as they started moving in the ride. The animatronics were cool but really creepy at the same time. “What if one of those just exploded like in a sci-fi movie,” y/n laughed. Most times y/n was capable of correctly anticipating what would come next in a ride. They could tell that this was just a chill ride, but it’s always fun to imagine the unlikely.
“If that happens, you should just snatch one of them up, and then we just have to run,” Reggie smiled as they laughed. Y/n and Reggie were always the ones in the group who thought that way. Obviously, they wouldn’t actually do that, but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be cool if they did.
Next they went to Peter Pan’s flight. Peter Pan had always been one of Reggie’s favorite characters because of his youth. Obviously before getting in line y/n had to take a picture of Reggie. God, he was gorgeous.
The wait was longer than what they had expected but it was worth it. The scenery was a beautiful sight. When they finally got to the end of the line, they gingerly entered their cart. The ride was chill like the one they had been on before. Reggie kissed y/n on the cheek before laying his head on y/n’s shoulder as they travelled through Neverland. All the animatronics looked so life-like and accurate to the movie. It would be crazy not to take just a few pictures.
The pair got off the ride and went on to the next one, then the next one, until they got hungry. Reggie texted Luke and Alex to find a place to meet up. They decided on the Be Our Guest restaurant. Once they all arrived, they felt underdressed. The restaurant looked exactly how you’d expect it to if you were living in the castle. The walls and tiles were yellow and blue, and the ceiling was painted with a renaissance-like picture.
“You guys seriously couldn’t have picked a more low-key place to eat?” Luke grumbled. This kind of thing had never been his style. He “hated” talking about the Disney princesses, he said they were too “feminine” for him.
“We came for the vibe, not the reality, loser,” Alex said. Reggie and y/n shook their heads. Sitting down for a little bit was quite refreshing. All 4 of them ate all the food they ordered, and it was a lot. But hey, they need their energy!
They sat in a little silence as they waited for their bill to arrive. They were all ready to go on more rides, but also ready for a nap. It’s too bad they were only spending the day there. A kick to the foot knocked y/n out of their daydream. “Ow,” they shouted.
“Oh sorry,” Alex said. “Me and Luke are going to be right back.” Y/n and Reggie looked at each other and laughed.
“Reggie, get your friends,” y/n laughed. Alex and Luke had been like this for a while now, and it was a little weird.
“I think they just went to take pictures,” Reggie shrugged. Y/n laughed.
“Yeah, of each other’s lips,” y/n said. Alex and Luke being a couple was always a theory that y/n and Reggie would talk about. After all, most times movie nights are with a group of people, not just with one person. Well it’s not like y/n and Reggie could speak on that either. They didn’t want Alex and Reggie to know about their relationship because they just wanted to keep it to themselves.
Then the couple pair came back. Alex looked completely normal while Luke’s shirt was super wrinkled.... like as if someone was grabbing at it.
“So where did you two go,” y/n asked with a smirk. Bothering Alex when he’s flustered was always a funny sight. He would never be able to say a single thing without chuckling or running his fingers through his hair.
“We uh-” Luke had to pause to think. “We went to go find a map.” Then he pulled one out of his back pocket, which he totally had way before. Le-let’s go on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride,” He stuttered.
“Thought you don’t like that stuff,” Reggie smiled.
“Well now I do,” Luke said as he grabbed his stuff.
The walk to Adventureland was long, but funny. Reggie couldn’t stop talking about that one time he dressed up as Jack Sparrow for y/n’s costume party last year. The same costume party where y/n and Reggie expressed their feelings for each other. The same costume party where they purposely hid in the closet so that nobody would know that they were officially together. The same costume party that nobody knew the full story about. “Guys, it literally was like 7 minutes in heaven,” Reggie beamed. “I felt like I could’ve gotten married right there.”
“Hey Reggie, do you remember how we agreed to not talk about that party,” y/n lied. They never had an actual agreement. Y/n just thought that neither of them would get close to exposing the truth.
“No, y/n,” Alex put his hand up. “I want to hear this one.” Y/n gave Reggie the look, hoping he’d understand and stop talking. He didn’t.
“Are you and this person still together,” Luke asked. Stop egging him on!!
“Obviously,” Reggie smirked as he put his arm around them.
“WHAT!” Alex and Luke yelled at the same time.
“I knew it, I knew it!” Alex cheered.
“Can you guys shut up?” Y/n grumbled.
“Yeah, are you guys going to get on the ride,” the operator asked. Woops.
“My bad, y/n,” Reggie whispered.
“It’s fine,” y/n said.
“It’s not fine,” Luke yelled. “This is huge, why didn’t you tell us?”
“You know what, Luke,” y/n turned around to face him. “In this ride there are probably real skeletons being used as props. If you don’t leave me alone I will donate yours to this ride when you die.” Luke sat back in his seat and fell silent. Saying things like that always worked with the guys.
When they got to the battle part, Reggie reached to hold y/n’s hand in his. Y/n squeezed his. They weren’t mad at him, they already knew Reggie was an airhead. This would have happened one way or another.
The four of them decided to go on Splash Mountain next. Y/n did this on purpose. They knew none of the boys knew that they’d get splashed on the ride. Perfect payback.
“Luke and Alex, I think you guys should sit in the front for this one,” y/n smiled.
“Why,” Alex asked.
“What, you don’t want to be the first ones to see everything,” y/n said sarcastically. The two boys shrugged in response.
They got into the raft with Luke and Alex sitting in the front and Reggie and y/n sitting right behind them. “So why are they sitting in the front,” Reggie whispered to them.
“It’s so that they’ll get splashed the most,” y/n laughed. And they did. On the first drop, they were moving their soaking wet hair out of the way of their eyes and screaming profanities. It didn’t help that there were little kids on the raft with parents yelling back at them to stop cursing. Y/n and Reggie sat back and laughed as their friends got soaked.
Luke and Alex were mad when they got off the ride and saw that y/n and Reggie were completely dry. “Y/n you did this on purpose,” Alex shouted.
“Yeah, I did,” y/n laughed. “So when were you guys going to tell us that you were dating?”
Alex and Luke’s jaws looked like they were going to hit the floor. “How did you know?” Alex asked
“You guys literally left us to go make out,” Reggie pointed out.
“Riiiiight,” Luke blushed.
“Yeah, so Reggie and I are going to go do ‘official couple’ things like go find Mickey and Minnie,” y/n smiled. “Let’s go, Reg.”
@flashoe @carnationcreation @camihoran00 @joyjoyner @prongsy-parker
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And You Kissed Me - Peter Parker
Summary: You’re the one to make the first move after MJ tells you that Peter likes you. Of course she would be the one to tell you.
Warnings: lots of fluff, unwanted flirting, some physical violence
Pairing: Peter Parker (TH) x Reader
“You don’t know what you’re talking about MJ.” You waved her off, anxiously eating your lunch as you processed the new - and probably false - information.
“I always know what I’m talking about,” her response seemed effortless, “he’s definitely into you, have you noticed the way he ogles over you? It’s like a 90s movie where everything just sort of slows down and there’s a love song in the background.” You chuckled at the somewhat specific reference, but nevertheless continued to deny it internally. “You have to face the facts and make a move, it’s honestly a sin that you guys aren’t together.”
“Who said I liked him?” You asked, your mouth halfway stuffed with food as you saw the boy in question begin to walk over with his tray.
“You didn’t have to.” MJ just smirked and took a bite of her apple as Peter got closer. “Face it, he’s not going to make a move. And what’s the worst that could happen if you just... make one yourself?”
You were about to respond but just as you opened your mouth Peter set down his tray with a bit of a suspicious glance. “Are you guys talking about some girl stuff because I could just... walk away.” You just smiled and shook your head, hearing MJ chuckle at the chemistry you two clearly had.
“Not at all, please do sit.” Peter smiled sheepishly and sat down in front of you, where he always sat. You weren’t aware of the fact that he sat there just to look at you and feel like he was actually having a conversation, but Peter and MJ knew. Which is why as soon as Peter looked back at his tray, MJ mouthed ‘make a move’, and you responded with a harsh glare.
“Hey, Peter?” You walked up to his locker as he was taking out the last of his things. He seemed surprised by your voice and shut his locker a bit so he could see you - you seemed to grow increasingly beautiful each period.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Are you doing anything right now? Like after school?” He swallowed harshly, he wasn’t sure what your intention was and he could literally never say no to you... but with his patrol he wasn’t sure if- “I was just wondering if you’d want to take the bus with me. There’s this dude on there and he’s... been kinda freaking me out but I don’t have any other way home.”
Peter didn’t hesitate to be your hero. “Oh, yeah, of course. Who is he? Did he like... touch you or hurt you because I’ll-”
“Easy there, tough guy.” You chuckled, putting a hand on his shoulder. Though you weren’t showing it, your heart was literally beating out of your chest as you replayed your plan over and over in your head. “It’s fine, he’s just overly flirty.” Peter let his guard down a bit but he would make sure he didn’t make you uncomfortable today. His chest swelled with pride in knowing that you felt safe around him, and his smile brightened at the thought.
Once you got to the bus, Peter was on guard. And you could definitely tell based on how stiff he was. “Okay Superman, listen.” His eyes darted to your face at the sound of your voice, his features softening as he looked down at you. “It’s okay, relax. I can handle myself I just feel like... maybe he’d leave me alone if I actually had a friend with me.” Peter felt his heart sink at the mention of ‘friend’ but once again, he nodded and tried to relax.
And your bus finally arrived, where you led Peter to the back of the bus, you usually there sat by yourself with a book and a pair of headphones. You smiled back at him as he walked shyly behind you, not having been on a bus for a while since he could literally swing himself home and take the sub in the morning. Peter sat with you in the back, taking the aisle seat as he figured he could potentially block you from... he didn’t know what, it just felt better.
That’s when Peter heard it: “Hi again, hot stuff.” He felt you shift in your seat as his friends behind him laughed and practically egged him on.
“Bradley, not today please.” You rolled your eyes, continuing to look out of the window as the bus started to move. Peter looked up at the senior, his dark hair was pushed back into a snapback and he wore a letterman jacket with school colors. He wanted to say something, but he bit his tongue, figuring you could handle yourself until it got too uncomfortable.
“What’s wrong baby girl?” Ugh, even he felt uncomfortable hearing that. “Come on, let me bring you to one of my games and you could... watch me win.” Peter cringed a bit, not wanting to sink into his seat but seeing you there just brushing it off made him feel like he could too.
“Yeah, I’d love to see you wrestle around with a bunch of dudes in the dirt.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, knowing it wasn’t going to stop even if Peter was there. “Please just... leave me alone.”
“If I do will you let me take you out?” Peter felt his body heat up, clearly this dude didn’t know what the word ‘no’ meant or how to properly talk to women. That’s probably why he couldn’t land one, the thought almost mode him smirk but he kept it down. “Oh come on, baby. Lemme take you out, I’ll show you a good time during...” He reached over his seat and started to reach for your hair, “and after.”
“Hey man, she said leave her alone.” Peter said, smacking his hand away before he could touch her - he also stood up so he could be level with Bradley, even though he stumbled a bit due to the motion of the bus.
“Don’t touch me, geek. She knows she wants it... she’s just in denial.” The way he looked at you nearly sent Peter into a frenzy, and you could tell from the way his breathing started to pick up. “Get out of my face.” The jock shoved Peter against the wall of the bus, and it didn’t hurt that bad due to his strength but it still startled him a bit. Now some heads were turning.
“Don’t fucking touch him.” You stood up, putting a hand in front of Peter as you saw him getting ready to launch at the jock. “Let it go.” You said softly, and from the way you were looking at him, he let out a breath and tried to calm down. “Come on, we can just walk the rest of the way.” Taking Peter’s hand, you began to lead him down the aisle with wobbly footing, knowing it would be worth it.
“So lame, the geek needs a girl to protect him.” Before Peter could even turn around you shoved past him and slapped Bradley directly across the face, hearing some cringes and ‘oohs’ from around the bus.
“Peter doesn’t need anyone to protect him. If anything I was protecting you from a fucking broken nose.” Peter just felt himself smile, seeing the jock having to recover from the force of the slap. His eyes also widened from seeing this new side of you, this defensive side, especially over him - it managed to be cute and hot at once. Stop it, now isn’t the time.
“I know you don’t actually need this bus to get home, but I do. So the next time I get on this bus, your ass better be walking to your fucking house.” Peter just stood there in sort of an awkward position, but unable to keep his eyes off of you and your angered figure. “And if I hear any more complaints about you harassing women on this campus, I will literally kick you into next Sunday, got it?” Bradley didn’t need to say anything, you knew it was more of a rhetorical question, so you grabbed Peter’s hand and practically stomped down the aisle.
Your ears were ringing from the energy that rage took to get out, but you swore you heard some claps and cheers emerged from the bus seats.
“Thanks, by the way.” You said as Peter walked you to your house, even though you insisted he didn’t have to do that. It was a stupid insist for many reasons. 1, of course he wouldn’t leave you to walk alone. And 2, where else would be go?
“F-For what? I didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t think I would’ve done that if you weren’t there. And when he touched you I just... something clicked.” Peter just nodded, holding on to the straps of his backpack as he walked slowly beside you towards the complexes. It would be a long way, but it was worth it if he got to talk to you. “Sorry for making a scene. I just... I get defensive.”
“I’m just happy you stood up for yourself,” Peter smiled at you, “you don’t deserve that. Nobody does, but I’m positive you scared him, so it should be over.” You nodded, smiling sheepishly back at him, and once again he refused to make eye contact. “And uh... if it doesn’t and you.... want help I can... help you, y’know if you want.” You thought it was cute, the way he seemed to get nervous around you, and of course you just thought it was his natural awkwardness, but MJ made it apparent that’s not what anyone else thought.
“Thanks, Parker. I can always count on you.” And then there was a short pause, where all you could hear was passing cars and the sound of your shoes clicking against pavement. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Oh yeah, don’t worry about me. It didn’t hurt that bad, for someone so big and labelled as ‘tough’ you’d think he’d shove harder.” You laughed, throwing your head back against the wind and Peter just admired you with a loving glance. He almost couldn’t stand how beautiful you were, there wasn’t one thing to fixate on, everything about you just stood out to him and it was blinding.
“You’re funny, I think I’ll keep you.” Now it was his turn to laugh, and yours to admire. You had to admit he was one of the cutest kids at your school, which made you wonder why girls weren’t practically throwing themselves at him. Sure, he was considered ‘nerdy’ and he was pretty awkward, but he didn’t deserve the pushback he got for it. Peter liked Star Wars and building computers, and cheesy pop culture references, but he was one of the smartest people you knew. He was also the sweetest guy you’d ever met. He seemed like the whole package.
By the time you actually got to your house nearly an hour had passed, but it felt like nothing since it was filled with laughter and unknown loving glances. You spent most of it gaging how you should continue with your plan... how and if you should continue with it.
“Okay, this is me.” You smiled, guesturing towards the upper floors of the tall apartment building you lived at. Of course he knew, he’d been over a few times to help with homework where nothing ever got done, you ended up watching movies together on the couch and eating May’s awful cooking. “Thank you, honestly you didn’t have to come with me.”
As you pulled him in for a hug, he chuckled lightly against your shoulder. “It was my pleasure honestly, I love hanging out with you.” You smiled at that, your heart pounding in your chest as the internal battle of thoughts began. “Thanks, by the way.” He said, pulling away from you and you gave him a curious tilted look. “For calming me down. It’s hard sometimes with me but you always manage to do it and i never properly-”
You kissed him. You were barely paying attention to anything he was saying you just... kissed him. As quickly as you had pecked him, you pulled away with a look of shock on your face, attempting to apologize profusely but the words were stuck in your throat. “...and... you kissed me.” He was just as shocked as you were, and you stood there in heavy awkward silence for a couple of seconds before you blurted:
“Yeah I uh... I’m sorry. I just... I like you. A lot.” You regretted the words the instant they came out, seeming to turn pale as the embarrassment and shame washed over you.
“What?” There it was, the inevitability of rejection - you felt overwhelmed with emotion, all of the worst thoughts beginning to take over your mind and heart. You were about to start crying until he uttered: “(Y/n)... I-I really like you too.” Your head shot up at his words, and he was almost surprised at how shocked you were. “(Y/n) I’ve literally... had a crush on you since... god, since elementary school.”
“Y-You have?”
“Yes! I-I thought it was obvious but... I figured you didn’t like me back so I didn’t say anything about it when we actually became friends because I didn’t want to mess anything up but...” He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, once again unable to make eye contact with you. “(Y/n), can I kiss you?”
Without a response, you just closed the distance you’d created by drawing back and pressed your lips against his. He was a bit surprised at the sudden contact but he tried not to hesitate, returning the kiss as softly as he could. Your hands grabbed both sides of his face, you could cry at how much raw passion and emotion you had bottled up inside.
Peter felt your sudden urge grow and he felt himself beginning to match it, years and years of frustration, pure adoration and... love just pouring out at once. You opened your mouth and Peter felt your tongue slide into his, nearly pulling back at the sudden surprise but something about it just felt right. This was Peter’s first kiss, but he didn’t know - and couldn’t tell - that it was yours as well.
You pulled back for air, both of you wide eyed and staring at each other before breaking into giggles. Peter didn’t want to let go of you but he gave you space, you both needed to catch your breath. “Do you uh...” You chuckled at yourself, deciding fuck it and just going for it, “do you wanna get something to eat?”
Peter smiled endearingly, still love drunk from your lips and unable to focus on anything but you and your blinding glow. “Like... like right now?”
“Fuck it, right? Let’s just... let’s just get something to eat.” Peter chuckled at your state bliss, the love in his heart for you just growing more and more with each second he looked at you. “Yeah?” You asked, hopeful when you saw him smile.
“Yeah! Yeah, l-let’s go.” You two didn’t have a plan, but that’s what he liked about it - you lived in New York so you could basically stop anywhere nearby and get something cheap. And you felt alive, with Peter any moment felt new and rousing, and even though you didn’t know where you stood label wise, you decided to enjoy this moment.
Peter’s hard practically stopped when he felt your hand take his, smiling down at you as you showed him your brightest smile. He already felt so comfortable around you, as if you’d been dating for many years, and even though he didn’t know where you two stood label wise, he decided to enjoy this moment.
He hoped for many more years by your side. If you’d have him, of course.
taglist: @averyfosterthoughts
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