#so now my house looks off and weird and theres trees that need to be taken down and paths that are over textured
imflyingfish · 3 months
I gotta be less hard on myself. Annoyingly i know that my best work comes from when i am hard on myself. But i keep stopping myself from doing things i want to due to perfectionism. Annoying.
#atm i feel like im just chasing interest after interest after interest#ive been working on my mimecraft base a lot but i have. complex feelings about the base atm#im happy with it and its paradise.#its too paradise that it makes me unsettled#which is nonsense its my place and my build#but i feel a lot of pressure to make it perfect#even though I and vee are the only ones who go there and i dont really care about the likes on my posts anymore#it still makes me feel. odd.#i love the work though i love the style and i love using it as a means to imagine a better world#atm im really enjoying just spending time on the server hanging out with vee#but i get into my own head a lot about the base#its not even just the base im talking about everything but the base is the example#i built a bit of a weird interior today i just went crazy with the terracotta and the plants and a pool of water#and i keep thinking on if it was the 'right' thing to do#and if i will be able to complete it properly to a high enough standard#it also doesnt help that ive improved over the course of the last 2 years in building#so now my house looks off and weird and theres trees that need to be taken down and paths that are over textured#but i find the process of doing it and the feeling of completion really deep and important#i dont know. i feel like im constantly in a battle of pushing myself to be better but limiting myself at the same time by having fun or sthn#i feel like i should be making youtube videos or at least prepping to#but i havent because i cant figure out how to organise mods and its freaking me out. theres just loads of excuses stopping me#i dont know.#the annoying thing is pushing myself creatively has resulted in massive benefits for me lately creatively#partly i think why im feeling odd with the base atm is because ive suddenly gone for being barely able to play an hour a night to having all#the time in the world so its created a sudden influx in development#idk. this is rambly#fish talks#i want to download a minec@ft map and remove the suburban housing to replace with higher density properties becsuse ive been watching too#much socialist urban planning videos again and c1t1es skyl1nes just isnt cutting the cheese rn#thats the wrong saying. fandoms censored to avoid crosstagging
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
your life stories are always so interesting so i shall poke a stick into the cage and ask for more. do you have any fun stories of near death experiences? personally i choked on a lifesaver as a child and could not breathe
personally? not really. ive got a pretty decent hospital story though.
see, my grandpa was in charge of the easter pageant in my state. its a big mormon thing, a lot of other churches come because its just good easter worship. anyway, in part of the pageant, theres a pony for jesus and mary to ride around on. technically supposed to be a donkey, but ponys are just so much more photogenic. anyway this happened when my little sister was going through her little-girl-pony phase, so this was so major-league shit to her. so much so that my grandpa, who i still miss so much, brought this pony to our house so she could ride it.
my little brother? he also wanted to ride it. and i didnt really want to ride it, but they were both so small someone kind of needed to hold those two onboard, and i was the lighest person capable of doing so, (didnt want to overload the pony) so i went on the back too.
and it was a stellar time until the donkey went under a tree, then my little sister hit her head on a branch and fell left, and her fall took my little brother out because he was holding onto her, and both of them took me out, so we all fell off the pony, but me with 2 kids on my left arm.
god blessed me with a third elbow that day.
here are the things that followed after the Miracle of the Third Elbow
my autistic dad came outside to check on me. id broken my arm the year before, so i knew what it was, and i knew what it felt like, so i was able to pretty clearly go "yeah, dad, i broke my arm." and he was able to go "whew. yeah. thats like, harry potter broken." and i was able to say "yeah. yeah it hurts pretty bad." and he said "oh, yeah, definitely. that looks horrible." and then i basically said something like "hopital" and he was like "right" and then we left. my memory after that gets weird.
i can remember driving up main street, and seeing this guy dancing. like, full on dancing down the street. and i asked my dad about why that guy was dancing, and he said that man was a schizophrenic, and he was medicated, but the medication had just made it so that his voices told him to dance instead of hurt himself. now he danced all the time. i should clarify that my dad worked in the ER so he knew a lot of the local homeless on a life-story kind of level. my dads a good guy.
i can remember sitting in the waiting room with a magician that had sliced his right hand open pretty bad while cooking. he was trying his best to keep us entertained with his cards, but because he was doing all his tricks left handed, he'd mess them up sometimes and it was actually kind of more fun to watch than just him in expert mode. another good guy. very friendly, but visibly repulsed by my arm.
i can remember being in a bed, and a nurse coming up to me and saying that they could give me some painkillers, which i was super stoked about, but the IV from the painkillers basically required being stabbed with a needle as thick around as a pencil. she recomended saying the alphabet backwards when she put the needle in, and i said i didn't know how, and then she stuck in the needle in. over 4 seconds i was able to go from z to c, a feat i have never since been able to replicate.
after the painkillers, i watched a tv show called Jackie Chan Adventures, which was an animated cartoon with an animated Jackie Chan, voiced by the real Jackie Chan, solving mysteries. i actually assumed that whole thing was a hallucination until i was an adult, and i was describing it to my wife, and she was like "no, that actually happened." which was funny to happen to me, because when me and her started dating, she just kind of dropped how awesome it was that obama was the first muslim president, and i was like what, no hes an episcopalian, and it turns out that her dad, who sucks for many reasons, had told her that obama was a muslim, and she was sweet enough to believe that, and also to just be like oh, neat, our president is black and a muslim, we are truly moving forward as a counry." i love her so much.
no memories of it after that. not even sure when i got home. just a straight up weird time.
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catostrofiqu · 10 months
Warnings for: Gore, decay
"My friend and I didn't know whether to call this place the creepy house or evil nun home." Sure seems like a weird name for a building I thought. Google maps sure let's you get away with weird stuff. Whelp time to go explore it.
I brought a torch with me, it's got a sturdy pointy part at the end which I normally use for getting in-between gaps but I guess it could be used as a weapon in a pinch and I forget to change the batteries. Which is a stupid and simple thing to do but I continued on thinking I'd have plenty of light.
It was a genuinely a creepy area, seemed like an abandoned church, there was a room filled with pews and another filled with religious peices. I had to turn away from the last set of outside doors when my torch dimmed significantly signally that it would die soon.
Thats when I realised the thing that set my nerves off, despite everything that said this place was abandoned was that there was no graffiti. No tags, no nothing to say that anyone had been there and yet as I think back to all the rooms I'd been in everything had been standing. No overturned pews, no quite noises created by any nearby creatures and no noise from the nearby highway. I'd parked in backstreets but the highway was near enough that I should've heard something. There was no dust either. Only rust and decay.
I had had enough of the creepy house. A bit spooked I start the short trek back to my car when I run into my Brother.
"What are you doing here" my Brother asked seemingly distressed that I was there.
What am I supposed to say. I'd technically just broken onto private property despite it being abandoned. "Exploring." There nailed it.
"You've got to leave, now."
"I need to get everyone out of that building before they get back." He points to the church.
"There's no one there." Because there was no one there... unless I missed something in the door.
"What do you mean theres no one there." My Brother seemed surprised and almost slightly angry that'd I do something like explore and abandoned building in the middle of the night.
"I mean there was the last set of doors that seem like separate from the main building itself. I haven't looked there yet I guess." That seemed like the right thing to say. I probably wouldn't escape the lecture over what I was doing but I could delay it till later.
"You stay here or leave. I'm going to get them."
"I'm not leaving"
"Then stay right here behind that tree, where you'll be hidden."
"Those are both stupid ideas. I'm coming with you."
My brother wanted to continue arguing but seemed to think he didn't have time, so instead he said.
I was ecstatic I never win those kinds of arguments without mum present to tell my brother to let me come. Whining I know but it's normally I just need a lift somewhere like a train station.
We turned to the back to the building and started walking. "Why're you even here bro." My Brother didn't seem like he was going to share.
We reach the doors and the surrounding silence continues. Nothing but the sounds of two pairs of footsteps and our light breathing.
"The doors locked. Maybe there's a key." My Brother steps back to look around the floor to see if there's a key on the ground. I look at the lock and find its almost rusted through. Maybe if I use the torch and a good shov- I did it.
My brother looks up from his searching. Gives me a thumbsup and walks through the door. The smell that came out can only be described as nose cancelling. Not noise cancelling. Nose cancelling. I pull my shirt up to cover my nose and hopefully not get sick from the stench. I don't even want to ask what's in here from fear of inhaling more. My brother has pulled out a cheap face mask and continues on looking uncomfortable with the smell but dealing.
I follow him into the building. This room is covered in dust. A pathway looks to have been worn into it. Steps can be seen reflecting from the dwindling torch light. We turn a corner and find five people. Dust and dirt covered people. It look like they haven't eaten properly in weeks. They're all huddled in the corner of the room. Dust flies around the room disturbed by the draft from the door. The people have a small pile next to them. It consists of a bucket hat, four phones and a single rusted lighter.
"Who're you." The oldest looking barely croaks out.
"Help." My Brother says looking around the room for any kind of trap. The room has one long thin window not even an arms width, spaning the length of one of the rooms walls.
"Nothing here, let's go." My Brother tells us walking over to help the poor people up. I follow to go help one of the people up when I here a noise from outside. "Footsteps." I say quietly. My brother heard them aswell. "They're here."
My brother goes to walk back outside and I follow, turning my torch off in the process. What I see shouldn't make sense. Five more people, these ones wearing dirtied white clothing. There's two males standing much taller then the rest. The way the ambient light hits there face its almost like their eyes are black. "Get them." The shorter of the tallest says before running for my brother and I.
I scream the loudest scream I ever will. It echo's and carries far but not far enough.
"They won't hear you here little one." The closest one says to me.
My brother seems to be trying to kill the two attacking him.
The taller ones stopped and were watching him seemingly unconcerned about me or the one circling me like an unprovoked wolf.
Then they lunged and I took the only item good for fighting on me and hit her. Her skull seemed to shatter under it under it. Brittle like a thin sheet of glass. That deffinetly wasn't right. Skulls should be solid and yet as soon as I hit them they crumpled to the ground blood pouring out in dark rivulets, coating my shoes in the sticky substance.
The two male's turned to stare, almost surprised that I managed to take down one of their own. But then they smiled, a smile too wide and too bright for the lighting we had. The tallest runs for me, uncaring for the ground beneath him and uncaring for the dead one.
I can't do anything except try and get a good position and hope that their skulls shatter just as easily.
The tallest lunges for me and I take the torch and hit him twice. Both into the skull, he crumples to the ground just as easily as the already dead one but he still moves, trying to get back up and I do the only thing I can think of and stomp my foot down into his head. Brain matter and Shattered bone go everywhere.
I pause for a breath only to here an enraged shriek as the second tallest mourns the death of the one I just downed. I look to my brother to find he's killed only one of the two he's fighting. A pocket knife glints in his hands.
I'm looking to my brother before bracing as the last one picks me up taller then I thought he was and much much closer then he should've been. He's screaming and frothing at the mouth trying to squeeze me to death and rip my hair out with his teeth. I barely manage to get my arm free and try hitting his head only to find that he skull is normal. His skull is solid and that that is going to be the death of me. A skull acting how it should.
I'm loosing oxygen when I realise one of his eyes is less black. But that wouldn't matter because I take the freed hand hold the torch and plunge it into his eye socket. He releases me and screams. My brother had taken down his last opponent and trips the screaming man. He flails in pain upon the floor voice cracking before falling silent as my brother takes the pocket knife to his throat. The man splutters choaking to death on his own blood.
"We should call the cops." My Brother says unalarmed at the man dying.
"What was that?" I ask adrenalin leaving me. I had just killed someone. Something. Whatever the man and the rest of his group were definitely weren't fully human.
"Don't know. Don't care. Let's call the cops and leave." My Brother says wiping off the blade on his shirt.
"What about the people inside?"
"They'll be fine now the cloaking has worn off. The cops should be able to find this place now. " as my brother speaks I realise I can now here stuff outside of the small circle again. I can hear the highway and I can hear a bunch of sirens getting closer and closer.
"We should go now unless you want to try to explain what just happened."
This is based on a dream I had. I think I was too warm when I slept. Being warm always gives me strange dreams. In the dream the people in the building were people I knew. This was honestly the goriest dream I've had. I can't write gore well but just take what I said and picture it worse. Yes my brother was in fact fighting the other 2 in my dream.
I'm pretty certain that my brain took the place name off of somewhere on google maps. It took the idea from somewhere and i don't know where.
The only thing majorly different from this and my dream was that 2 of the five people fighting had on the nun headgear thing.
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missingyou77 · 2 years
12/10 11:52PM
today was very weird for me. i mean i get manic often but not like this. my eyes have never been so dilated from being manic. but when im manic i always try to take advantage of it and do what ive been putting off. i was on my phone til around 2am, then i started manic cleaning my room til 9am. my room wasnt very messy to begin with, but with my autism, cleaning is SO overwhelming. it could be the easiest job for someone to do but just the site of my messy room and knowing i was going to try to clean it would put me on the verge of tears. ffs i paced around my room for a good 5 minutes with a shoe almost crying not knowing where to put it. i tried on almost every article of clothing i own while cleaning my room, and i had to just try everything i found in my room. such as perfume, makeup, video games i lost, whatever. it took me hours to clean because my brain is so stupid. 
my mom called me and told me she had forgotten her vape at her house before leaving for work so she asked if i could bring it to her and she would give me some gas money. so i did that and my dad had also given me some money so i bought gas and a hair straightener, i cut my bangs yesterday so i need to straighten them to look good. on my way home from that i got that god complex and decided im over my ex.
my friend picked me up and i went out of town with her, her friend, and 2 of our guy friends. we went to the hotsprings and it was amazing. it was snowing but we were warm. i live in a v small town so theres no fast food so we also got some mcdonalds. her friend was very nice, she sat next to me the whole way i mean there was 5 of us in that tiny car so there wasnt much room but we were talking the whole way and shes rlly cool. 
then i got home and ate dinner with my family and my sister and her boyfriend came over so that was nice. 
my dad bought a fake christmas tree this year, its white and it has lights attached to it so i set that up on the table. its a small one. we have to have it up because we have 8 wiener dogs who r very annoying and they like to ruin everything. theyre so cute so its fine but jfc.
this time of year is sad for me, just like a lot of people. but its hard for me because i feel like nothing will ever be the same. im not wrong there, i mean last year i was probably wrapped up with my ex in his bed and feeling complete bliss. but now i am in my bed, writing about my day on tumblr. oh how the tables turn. nor will anyone read this im sure. this is mainly for me tbh, but it would be cool if someone gaf enough to read this shit. not like my lift is crazy, im just a alcoholic teenager going through a breakup. boohoo. 
now i am on the phone with this boy. hes nice, i met him back in 2020 but we stopped talking for a while. last night while we were on call, i asked if we could play fortnite but i said it in some sort of pouty voice so he said “heh. youre cute”. does that mean he likes me? i mean i cant get in a relationship or anything. i need to work  on myself or smth but i used to like him a lot and i like him now too. its just different now because of my trauma and im scared. but he is really nice. 
anyways if u read this far, i love you. 
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I let you pick the characters for this because honestly I love your take on all of those characters: Character reacting to Reader proposing to them? I need some fluff pls
I’m picking the more dramatic mfs, also I did something similar on Ro’s blog but I forgot to sign it so theres that.
Asks are open!
- You have played him for a fool!
- This tall man is absolutely losing it.
- First it was a nice date, not a super fancy one. Just a playful one you two went to a carnival that was in town and had a blast!
- He won you so many prizes after finishing all the rides of course, and the fair food was amazing!
- Raihan captured every moment he possible could.
- You have been dating for three years now and it’s the best thing to have ever happened to him.
- Or so he thought.
- You two ended taking the long way home, deciding walking would be better.
- Your prizes stuffed into a bag that he also won you.
- Raihan was carrying a few prizes that you won him rambling on about the plushies names and giving them silly backstories and personalities.
- “Hey Raihan?”
- “Yeah babe?”
- “Can we take a break here for a bit?” And he agreed.
- Placing the prizes on the bench next to him along with yours. Smiling happily making sure his new children were fine.
- It’s a nice park, the trees branches fall perfectly here he notes, almost cocooning, you two here away from the rest of Galar, he stares up at them thinking.
- “Raihan, I hope you know these last three years have been the best of my life.”
- He flashes you a toothy grin “same here.”
- “The longer in with you the more in love I fall for you.”
- Now he is suspicious. Tilting his head down he takes a sharp inhale.
- He isn’t a traditional man, but seeing you kneeling in front of him with a personalized ring bout turned him into a house husband.
- “I want nothing more than to spend many more with you, if you’d let me, marry me?”
- You think you almost went deaf from the screech he gave, tackling you to the ground smothering you in so many kisses.
- He slips the ring on and he is spamming all his social media’s with pictures and him screaming about this.
- Oh he is mentioning it ALL the time now.
- Leon winning a match against him again? “At least I’m getting married unlike you, loser.” Playfully of course.
- “Me and my fiancé frequent that café all the time.”
- Anytime in his everyday life he will let everyone know.
- Raihan is definitely printing fliers that say “have you seen my fiancé? They aren’t missing or anything I just really love them and thought you should see their greatness.”
- He likes to think he isn’t as loud as his brother.
- He is wrong.
- Emmet had taken off work, not for any particular reason he just wanted to spend some time with you, so he took the week off.
- That’s what he tells you.
- In reality for some reason Ingo forced him to.
- Weird but whatever, Emmet is more than happy to spend quality time with you!
- Two years of dating you and two years of growth he absolutely believes he found the one.
- Today was a normal day, you suggested a picnic and he loved the idea! So just before the sun was to set you two packed everything and left for a park.
- You both picked a secluded part where it could just be the two of you. Releasing your respective Pokémon so they can run around and have fun, you two ate and laughed, sharing stories of the week or jokes.
- Emmet felt so content, this is what he wants, if he could stay in this moment forever he would.
- “Emmet?”
- The subway boss is instantly on alert, you rarely call him by his name, it’s always a nickname or pet name.
- “Yes darling?”
- You gaze at him, eyes filled with love. He looks away giggling as he blushes.
- “I love you so much, you’re perfect in every way, you’re everything I could want and more.”
- “Oh darling!” He covers his face trying to hide his flustered expression.
- “I mean it! You’re the love of my life, I want you by my side, always…so.”
- When he doesn’t hear you continue. Just the sound of fabric moving, he lowers his hands, the air leaves his body.
- On your knees at his side with a beautiful white and black ring.
- “I love you, I fall in love all over again just being with you, I want to spend the rest of my days like that with you, please Emmet, marry me?”
- The second the two words left your lips he screams the most joyous scream, tears are running down his face. Nodding frantically he lets you put the ring on his finger before he yanks you and pulls you into his chest.
- “Darling! My sweet darling! Yes! Nothing would make me happier than to be your husband!”
- You cannot stop him from showing off that ring.
- He does exaggerate things with that hand specifically JUST so people will see it and ask.
- When he tells any of his friends or family he is holding that hand out showing it off and gushing about it.
- Some poor sap asked him about that ring and Emmet pulls out a whole out wedding planner like “oh so glad you asked, so me and my fiancé were thinking-“
- Ingo literally has to drag Emmet away from people cause he won’t stop talking about it.
- At home he is the softest things.
- Just laying his head in your lap, looking up at you while you run your fingers through his hair.
- “Can you say it again? Please?”
- Chuckling you do as asked “I can’t wait to marry you, Emmet.”
- “The other one.”
- “You’re my fiancé, Emmet.”
- Laughing when he squeals and hugs your waist.
- He never gets tired of hearing it.
- oh this extravagant man was already thinking about it.
- You’ve been with him for many years, through thick, thin, and damn near the end of the world.
- You’re the perfect balance to his calm and graceful personality. You make him feel like a kid again.
- He had already spoken to his dear friend Steven about a ring and got one for you, he was still thinking about a matching one for himself, but he couldn’t place it.
- He booked you both a private reservation at a high end restaurant.
- While you were thinking of something less over the top. You laugh at thinking you could have anything simple with him.
- To you he is like a peacock in human form.
- You thought it was just because he wanted to have date night.
- Which is partially correct.
- The evening was going great, laughing and sharing a bottle of wine. The wait staff was so polite and kind but made sure to not stick around for long.
- Leaving just you and your boyfriend of five years.
- Alone.
- You’re both almost finished with dinner anyways.
- So you thought it would be nice.
- “Wallace?”
- “Mm? Yes dearest?”
- “I love you.”
- He laughs softly “my, I love you too, truly you are my light.”
- “And you the holder of my heart, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much joy and love in my life, you bring so much light into my life, like the moon reflecting off a calm night at sea.”
- Wallace smiles, his heart is pounding against his rib cage. You’re so sweet to him.
- You reach into your pocket. His light blue eyes widen.
- “Dearest.”
- You pause “yeah?”
- “Are….are you about to propose to me?”
- The look of heart break on your face makes him panic
- “No no it’s not bad! It’s just.” He reaches into his own pocket and pulls out a small black box, opening it to reveal and ring.
- You stare and pull out your own little black box, opening it to reveal a white and teal ring accented with small purple gems.
- It matched him and the ring he bought perfectly.
- Wallace leans back in his chair laughing. His laugh echoing loudly.
- “Oh hush.” You chuckle.
- “I-I just can’t believe we had the same idea!”
- You two slip the rings on. The gym leader just admires it and you.
- “Dearest come here, I want to hold you.”
- He has you across his lap. Placing soft kisses everywhere he can reach.
- Steven, the elite four, and the gym leaders NEVER hear the end of it.
- He keeps it away from the media for a while cause he just wants to bask in these moments.
- Can, will, and has told the ‘we proposed at the same time’ story every time he talks to someone.
- You can hear Steven sigh from the kitchen “Wallace, you have told me this story eleven times now, I GET IT.”
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teddy06writes · 4 years
PLEEAASE 😭😭 I'm begging you for some hurt/comfort resolution for the last karlnapity x reader and sleepy bois brothers!! I just want them all to be happyyy. If the 3 lives was implemented, or if reader came back like ghostbur and the hurt is raw for the loved ones, the fallout and fixing, the love and regret i- (I loved the fic, your karlnapity are my favorite!! keep up the awesome work!! <3)
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader + sleepy boys x silbing!reader
trigger warnings: mention character death (it’s you, your the dead one) yelling, swearing,
requested by the anon above, another anon: “ngl after reading that angst fic I can picture y/n ( even tho I know y/n came back with knowing who the boys were ) coming back kinda like ghostbur knowing the boys voices but can't exactly place their names and who they are to them or something like that ?? idk my brain went think of more angst after that fic - also sorry this is just me rambling. love your work btw !!” 
as well as @tobiostfu @theprocrastinatingshipper @pastelvixenbeauty  and probably some more folks I might have missed
premise: this is a part two to the other angst thing from the other day, so I recommend you read that for context, this is a resolve (ish) to that 
(y/n/n)- your nickname
“blep”- talking
‘blep’ thinking
You had drifted the lands of the SMP, and L’Manburg for sometime trying to remember what had happened, and why everyone was always yelling.
You’d try to talk to Karl, after Alex and Nick had left, but he just ignored you.
Now you were perched on the top of the stage, looking out ‘why are the walls gone?’, and then looking down, confused, at the strange, cage like structure built at the center.
You heard a sigh, and turned to see Eret looking up at the cage as well, you hopped down off the stage and concentrated, “Eret?”
They jumped, looking around, “What the hell?”
You screwed your eyes shut ‘please see me please see me please-’
You opened your eyes to see Eret looking at you in shock, “Eret! I’m so glad to see you! Everyone’s been ignoring me lately, and acting like I’m not here, and I don’t get it.”
“(y/n)?” His voice was shaking.
“Yeah, Eret. It’s me!” You giggled, “What’s going on here? Did I miss the festival?”
You looked at her confused, “Yeah. W- whats-”
“(y/n/n)?” A teary voice behind you called.
You grinned turning around, running to hug him, “Karl! I missed you! Why did you keep ignoring me?”
He began to cry as you sailed through him, “(y/n/n).”
“Karl? Karl love why are you crying? Eret what’s going on?”
Karl all but fell to his knee’s burring his head in his hands, muffling his sobs, “(y/n/n)!”
You sat beside him, continually trying to wrap your arms around him, but instead they just past through, over, and over, and over and over again, “Wh- why can’t I- what’s- what- Eret whats?”
Tears similar to Karl’s began to roll down your cheeks, as you looked down at your hands, only now noticing how gray your skin looked, “What’s going on?”
“(y/n),” You could tell Eret was fighting to keep their voice from shaking, “Do you not remember?”
“Remember what? What’s going on?”
Karl sobbed louder, and Eret shook her head, “(y/n), I- theres a path, through the woods, behind- up behind the hill. I- I need you to go up there, as far as it goes, alright?”
You nodded, “Why?”
“Just go. I’m going to take Karl back home. Maybe- maybe don’t come back to his house for a while.”
Eret gently helped Karl up, and led him away, his sobs still echoing in your head.
‘what the hell is going on here?’
Slowly you drifted up towards the hill Eret had spoken of, ‘hey, pogtopia is this way! maybe I’ll go see Wil an’ Tommy an’ Techno! They’ll know what’s going on.’
You continued to drift up the path, humming quietly and wondering what Eret had sent you to look at, and why Karl had been crying.
You looked up and around at all the trees, trying to remember them. It was in bits and pieces, Tommy yelling about about freedom, Wilbur saying how proud Phil would be.
You remembered the forests burning, ‘who had done that?’, hiding in the woods after- after something- tnt, blow- after L’manburg had been blown up.
You stopped moving, looking down confused at the stone you had come across, it as large, flat and upright, and you looked at the words confused.
‘(Y/n) brave beyond words, hero of L’manburg’ there were various flowers scattered around, a sword stuck out of the ground, a flower chain wrapped around it’s hilt, there was a uniform jacket, one you vaguely recognized as your own and a bandana, also tied to the hilt of the sword.
Someone dropped something, a sword, “(y/n)?”
“Techno! I missed you! Everyone down in L’manburg is being wierd and when I finally got Karl to stop ignoring me he just started crying, and there’s this weird thing up on the stage and the walls are gone, and Eret told me to come up here, and why is my name on this headstone?”
“(y/n/n) I’m sorry,” Your brother fell to his knees, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too! They made me!”
“What are you talkin about Tech?”
“How are you back here? I’m sorry! This is my fault I did this to you!”
You were surprised to see your brother crying, “What’s wrong Techno?”
“You don’t remember?”
“(Y/n)?” Another voice asked.
You turned, looking at Wilbur, “Wilbur what’s going on? No one’s answering me again, and I’m scared that they can’t see me again! And I’m really confused and I made Karl cry and I don’t get it!”
“(y/n) your dead, you died, you- how are you?” Wilbur stuttered.
“Wha- wh- d- dead? What do you mean?” You watched as Wilbur carefully placed himself between you and a still crying Techno.
“You died, a few days ago. (y/n/n).”
You sank to the ground, fading away so that your brothers wouldn’t see.
~~ “So you don’t remember anything?” The man with the rams horns asked.
You shook your head, “Not everything. Just a lot of things. Wilby says I’m dead, which I guess makes sense now.”
You’d continue drifting around L’manburg, for a while, trying to figure out what had happened on your own, and ended up sitting dejectedly outside the white house, you could remember making it with Tubbo.
“Well I’m Shlatt.” He shuffled around in his desk, looking for something.
“Shlatt?” You paused, trying to remember him, pretending not to notice to see the fear that flashed in his eyes, “Your.. you were here before L’manburg right?”
“Yeah, uh, here.” He pulled out a book and quill, “Uh, write down what you remember, that might help.”
You looked at him quizzically, “I can’t touch things, uh- or manipulate objects in the normal world with out using huge amounts of energy.”
He frowned and quickly picked up the pen, “You dictate then.”
You hummed, “Well, things I remember....”
Alex woke with a start, sitting up from where he was hunched over his desk, blinking at the harsh afternoon light that was drifting through his office window.
He still hadn’t been back to the house since the fight after the execution, and had been forcing himself into work to mask the grief.
“So is there anything else? It doesn’t seem like you remember much.” Shlatt’s voice was muffled by the wall.
“Well it’s a bit foggy towards the end, and the beginning Ooo! I remember Alex and Nicky and Karl too! I could never forget them!”
Alex froze at the familiar giggle.
“Yeah, you never used to shut up about your boyfriends.” Shlatt chuckled.
Alex was running down the hall and slamming the door to the presidents office open before he could register he was moving, “Shlatt am I going insane or...”
He trailed off as your floating grayish form turned to him, “Alex! I couldn’t find you! And I didn’t know what was going on and everyone was ignoring me then I saw Wil and Techno and they told me I was dead. and then I found Shlatt! And he’s helping me write down what I remember! Have you met Shlatt? He’s nice!”
“Shlatt what the fuck is this?” He spoke through you as if you weren’t even there.
“Your partner. Apparently no one around has been helping them sort things out,” The president stood up and moved around his desk, “Ghosts tend to forget things of there past lives, and no one was helping them, so I am.”
“Did you tell them what happened? Why there fuckin- floating around instead of being here with us?” Alex spat.
Shlatt sighed, “Quackity listen this is a delicate thing. Right now it’s be better to help them remember than just tell them. So go find your stupid boyfriends and tell them the situation!”
“I cant Shlatt, we broke up. They don’t want to see me.”
“Is that what you were yelling about?” You asked quietly.
Alex looked at you, shocked, “You heard that?”
“Yeah. You and Nick made Karl cry. And then I couldn’t do anything about it,” you looked down at the floor, “w- is it my fault y- we’re broken up now?”
Alex remained silent so you continued, “I’m trying to remember what I did. And how I died. But if I did something stupid, or something to hurt you, I’m sorry.”
You were crying again, and Shlatt glared at Alex, which somehow surprised you, “This is why is trying to fucking handle this. Leave. Tell the others or not I don’t care, they’ll find out eventually.”
“Wh- Shlatt they- How-”
“I said get out,” Shlatt said firmly, “At least let me try to fix things I’ve fucked up.”
Alex shook his head before turning and heading out of the office, only ducking into his own long enough to grab something before stalking out of the building.
Shlatt turned back to you, already starting to pick the pen back up, “So what else do you remember about.. uh, your last few days. What do you remember right before the end?”
“Did they really break up because of me? If I did something I should go apologized.”
“Hey, hey, no, it ain’t your fault. I’ll go yell at them later. Tell me more about what you remember about the festival.”
~~ “Why the fuck are we here Shlatt?” Tommy half yelled.
Tommy, Technoblade, Wilbur, Alex, Nick and Karl were all gathered in front of Shlatt in the holy land.
“So, some of you may know, some of you may not, (Y/n) is back,” He looked over all the faces, Karl already looking like he was about to cry, and Nick frozen in shock, “For the past week or so they’ve been wandering and apparently none of you have been doing anything to help them.”
“Ghosts don’t remember much from there past lives, so good job on all of you that knew, you left your partner or sibling lost and confused,” He dropped the book you’d written together on the table, “I did my best, they remember everything that's written down here. I couldn’t tell them much about what they forgot, because it’s not my place.
“If you guys want, I can keep talking to them, and doing my best, but incase you haven’t noticed I’m also the fucking president. I can’t spend all my time helping educate a ghost. They disappeared yesterday, after saying something about Karl and how they saw you fools yelling, so, this is in your court now.”
Shlatt turned a walked away, heading back towards Manburg.
With shaking hands Tommy took the book, reading aloud,
“Things I remember: Home, fire, Phil finding me, Wilbur never having seen a child before, Techno swearing he’d protect me, fire, Tommy trying to spar with me before he could walk right, Techno teaching me to fight, finding the SMP lands, L’manburg, fighting for independence, fire,
“the forests burning, seeing Nick for the first time, Babysitting Fundy, winning independence, Eret leaving, fire, destruction, L’manburg thriving, the sun, Tubbo and his bees, more people coming to the country, meeting Karl, finding Alex, when we got our act together and finally all started dating.
“Wil threatening Nick and nick not being scared, Techno threatening all of them and making them terrified. Pogtopia, the cavern The festival, the dunk tank, Techno almost crying, my boys, fire.”
He looked up at his brothers, “You knew they were back?”
“I was in shock,” Techno was staring at his boots, clearing his throat uncomfortably, “Y’know I swore I’d protect ‘em, but- I- I killed ‘em.”
Nick grabbed the book from Tommy, “We have to find them.”
“Fundy can you turn the page for me please?”
The fox nodded, “Course (y/n).”
Most of the shock had worn off, and now he was mostly just happy to see you again, even going and finding an old photobook Wilbur had given him a while ago.
“Oh I remember this!” You pointed to a photo, it was taken a year after Phil had found you, “There was a big fire across the field, and while they were taking care of it I got scared and ran away, Techno found me in a tree.”
Fundy laughed, “3 year old you got in a tree by yourself?”
“Yeah, furball, I was in a tree when Philza found me too.” You chuckled.
“Hey Fundy, have you...” Niki burst in the door, tailing off as she saw you.
You waved “Hey Niki.”
“Uhh, Your brothers, and your partners are looking for you.”
You frowned, “Are they still my partners if I’m dead?”
Niki gave you a sad look, “Come on. Sapnap hasn’t seen you and he’s worried.”
“They all fought because of me, I’d rather stay here,” You looked out the door warily, “I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.”
“They need you (y/n), you brought them together.”
You drifted around Fundy and towards the door, “Making things worse isn’t something I want to do.”
You went through the door, past the group of people, making your form fade as much as possible so as not to be noticed, from there you wandered down to the docks, sitting on the edge to look over the channel.
“Phil sent a letter, said he’s devastated your gone, but overjoyed your still here.”
You looked up at Techno, “How’d you know I’d be down here?”  
“You always liked the water,” He chuckled, “Specially if there was a fire goin on somewhere else.”
“I don’t want to make things worse, if your here to take me back there.”
“I’m here to apologize. I know you don’t remember, but in case you do, I’m sorry, I had to do it.”
You laughed, “Your my big brother Tech, I doubt I’d be mad at you if I remembered.”
He smiled sadly, sitting down next to you, “Why do you think you’ll make things worse?”
You sighed, “Well when I first came back, I thought everyone was ignoring me. And when I found L’manburg again Karl and Nick and Alex were fighting about something I did, and then when Eret finally saw me Karl started crying, and then when I found you and Wilby you started crying and I just- I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”
Techno looked at you, “If anything it’s our fault. All of this.”
“Techno, can we talk to (y/n)?”
You froze at Nick’s voice, but your brother was already moving, and Your partners were taking his place.
“(y/n/n), we’re sorry-”
“Stop,” You cut Alex off, “Whatever’s happening stop. You can’t apologize to me for shit I did that I can’t remember.”
“(y/n/n), we aren’t apologizing for that, that's not even your fault. We’re apologizing for fighting as soon as you were gone.” Nick said.
“Please come back with us. Don’t disappear,” Karl’s voice was barley a whisper, “We can help you remember.”
You bit your lip, sobbing, “I don’t want to make things hard on you guys. I didn’t even want to come back like this! Before I woke up again, it was just darkness, and it was horrible. but somehow staying there for eternity seems better than this.”
All three sets of arms passed through you, all of your boyfriends forgetting they couldn’t hold you, only making you cry harder.
“I want to be resurrected.”
It had been a week and a half since the day at the docks. You hadn’t gone back with them, though you had continued hanging around Manburg, talking mainly to Shlatt, and by now you just wanted to go back to the normal you remembered.
“Resurrected?” Dream looked at you curiously.
“Yeah. I want to go back. If I can’t stay dead the normal way and I’m stuck here then I want it to be normal. I want to hug my boyfriends, and ruffle my little brothers hair!”
The man behind the mask merely cocked his head, “So why did you come to me?”
“You’re essentially a god in these lands. I figured you might know someone or someway for me to be resurrected,” The mask shifted and you could almost here the plan formulating in his mind, “And if it ends up failing I don’t want it to hurt anyone else.”
The man sighed, “It would be a very complicated process. It’s been what, three weeks since you died, what ever was left of your body is going to be- less than in good condition.”
“What was left?” You questioned.
“Oh, (y/n), didn’t they tell you?”  Had the mask been gone you would have seen the gleam of wickedness in his eyes, “You went off with a bang.”
“You’re planning what?” Shlatt yelled, incredulous.
You’d told Shlatt about the plan for resurrections, seeing as he was one of the only one who really still talked to you, “I have to do it Shlatt! I can’t stay like this! I want things to be normal! I want-” Your voice grew small, “I want to take back what you took from me.”
Fear flashed in the horned mans eyes, “He told you.”
“Even you wouldn’t,” You said dejectedly, “I thought you were my friend.”
“I- I was your friend, At some points at least.”
He watched as you floated away, “I suppose we’ll see once I’m back.”
As soon as you were gone Shlatt was hurrying out of his office, “Quackity! Quackity, some shit is about to hit the fan! You better call the idiots in Pogtopia!”
It didn’t take long for him to assemble your brothers and partners, frantically telling them the situation, “Dream is up to something with this people! He obviously is doing some manipulation shit!”
“Why do you even care Shlatt?” Tommy asked, “Your the bitch who killed them, so why should you care if they come back?”
“Sorry that the one time I’m willing to look past shit you don’t trust me?” He groaned, pulling a bottle from his coat and taking a swig, “Sorry that I’m trying to help.”
“How would he even turn this against us?” Nick asked, “Resurrections isn’t something he can do, he’d put Bad in charge of that, and we all know that Bad wouldn’t corrupt someone.”
“It’s possible that they won’t remember anything, at all, and people who’ve forgotten are the easiest to manipulate.” Shlatt sighed.
“We have to help them.” Karl decided.
Darkness, darkness, darkness.
You had finally found your way back to that dark abyss, though now it was filled with strange chanting.
It felt like you were bein dragged across the length of the universe, losing everything of your being along the way.
‘stop! stop stop stop! I want- I want to remember’ you begged the darkness.
The hell you found yourself in seemed to stretch, continuing for infinity, the darkness, called you, begging you to stay, to give up the last of your essence to it.
The chanting grew louder as you tried to scream, the sound lodged in a throat that no longer existed.
All at once you became nothing, and then you felt the weight of a thousand suns crushing you back down into a body.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, to a blinding white world.
“It worked! There awake!” You heard Bad yell.
You started to smile as you heard Alex yell, “Get the fuck away from them Dream, you can’t manipulate anyone else!”
You sat up, starting to look around, but still, you saw nothing but light, “Alex? Wh- It- why can’t I see?”
“They remember!”  you heard Karl rejoice.
“Why can’t I see?” You asked again, raising your hands to your eyes.
“(y/n) what do you mean?” Nick asked.
“I can’t see.” You said desperately, reaching out you felt your boyfriends wrapping there arms around you.
“I think I know how to fix it!” Bad yelled triumphantly.
Everything went black again.
This time, your trip through hell was not as bad, though you seemed not to notice as your existence and identify was striped away again.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, the feeling returned to your body, and slowly you sat up, looking around at the odd group of people gathered around you, “Who are you?”
As soon as the world came out of your mouth a mousy haired man in a colorful sweater burst into tears, the man with the beanie next to him quickly pulling him into a hug.
“I- Who are you?”
“Do you not remember?”  
You shook your head, “Remember what?”
you turned to the pink haired man, “I know you don’t I? I swear- I- I know I know you. Why don’t I remember you?”
A demonic looking man quickly closed a book, “You guys should clear out. a third party might be better for this.”
~~ The man- Bad, had explained basics of things to you, who everyone who’d been in the room before, and the said that you would have to stay at his house in the Badlands for a few days.
The next day was better.
‘holy shit it worked!’ you thought, looking down at your arms, ‘I’m back’
Quietly you got out of the bed, rushing through the room and towards the stairs of Bad and Skeppy’s house, “Guys! Guys it worked! I’m alive again!”
You turned another corner to see you brothers, looking at you shocked, “(y/n)? You remember?”
You grinned, quickly pulling your brother into a hug, “It wasn’t your fault Techno! You didn’t mean to it’s okay!”
You turned again, “Karl! Nicky! Alex!”
The next thing you knew you were in a pile on the ground, your boyfriends all hugging you tightly.
They brought you home soon after, and from there you had good days and bad days.
There were days where you remembered it all, days where you found yourself lost and confused in an unknown house, and days where you could on recognize certain things around you.
Still, you were back with Nick and Karl and Alex, and you would make it through, together.
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
It's been a year! Transcript: 8/3/21 Here is also a google doc of the transcript if that is easier to read!
*Starts out with happy birthday on a guitar playing*
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthdayyyy to meee, Happy Birthday to me
*Drinks a swig of alcohol*
Ah. Yeah it’s my birthday today, which um seems odd, it doesn't feel like i've been here that long… but I have. Cheers everyone uh. I realise I haven't really done much in a while.
I woke up this morning, rolled out of bed, put out this cake I made three months ago and uh, that's kind of been it, but yeah… I don’t think I’ve left this room in 80 days. About 80 days… How long is 80 days? I- I- that's a lot of months… that's been a long time… Also my vision just went black, I’ve been drinking a lot, um this is that possibly catching up with me um please return vision, I’d really like for it to be back, well I can hear things so at least i'm not deaf ya know? The lord has kept my hearing but I am blind, no um yep there we go.
I decided to get dressed up as well. I figured that would be nice, ya know? I’m pretty sure I was part of them back when I joined, so.. .I don't know if it felt like it made sense to dress up again. Um, fucking hell, I have not cleaned. *sighs* I’ll be honest, in the time I was gone, not very… not very much has happened, uh, it turns out you need customers to support a hotel, and I don’t know about you guys but I haven't seen one on this place for a pretty long while. So uh, basically what I’m saying is… the big jack manifold hasn't been going too hot, god, you don’t provide these guys with food for eighty days and they all go bones and evil.
LEAVE out you bard, you-
The point is, very little has been done here for quite awhile, and um I haven't been outside or seen anyone, and I- I didn't’ finish the pub. Um, you may be asking me, “but jack wasn't that the only thing you were working towards? I know but with the failure of the hotel, I kind of realised that again pubs also rely on customers and the very limited people on this server, as we can all see it really ah um, well it didn’t seem very fruitful. So um, we're kinda just here, living here rent free ever since we claimed this place… I actually don’t know who pays the rent.. Maybe Tommy still does um. I Don't know- anyway since I’ve been here for a year and I haven't really looked around in three months, I thought we would go and look around at everything that we once saw, you know?
I must admit the investment of the alcohol from the pub has been the only thing keeping-.. I shouldn't say that, let's not speak about that part. Yeah it turns out that this place, look I haven't been outside in eighty days and I think maybe since I’ve been here for a year I can go back and have a look around at everything. And um as I said I dressed up for the occasion, so um you know… lets see what's changed hmmm?
Anyway let's walk around shall we? Well this didn’t change, we still got mcpuffys here. Hehe, no one noticed my balls sign hehe, no one noticed, I forgot about this, no one noticed I replaced whatever the original one was with balls in hope they wouldn't notice and they didn't. Ahh that's good, I like that. Anyway, there's the duck and Ponk’s tower that seem pretty much the same.
This looks different, this was a hole.. Who are you? Alright? You know we are the only two people on the server right now? (talking to shroud) This basically means we gotta become friends. So.. tell me about yourself.. Sir? Madam? Shroud, alright. Oh Ohhh I stole some of these! Did I ever give them back? Whoops, oh well. Ahh, it's been quiet without him ya know tommy. I’ll be honest, theres been very little to do, with him gone, um, the fuck did ninjas house go? Why does it look like a very small mcdonalds?
Right, this tower, this seems pretty much the same. Does the sewer still exist? Hm oh wait does it not? What ohh no what happened to the sewers? Aw, there was a whole sewer system out there one time and oh wow. Why is there no longer a sewer there? Wait oH OH it is down here!
One of the first things I remember is me tommy and tubbo and quackity, before he even joined and was still in juvy we, hehe, we did a little heist on everyone and we stole the poo machines and stole everything and then we had a little room, and it was here and we stole the phantom membranes. It was a good time, it was a good time, I liked that and then ah there had only been one war. It's crazy to think there's been more, I thought we’d figure it out the first time, you know? It was fun. And we were called the beatles. Either way yeah.
Why the fuck is half of this place beatroots? Why are half of these beetroots and the other half potatoes? Why is it all farm?? Why? Why is it beats? Wait where did gay target go? Why is there just a beacon here? At least there's huts pizza. Employee of the first two days, of dunderbeatlin… the fuck is dunderbeatlin? What's this? Why are there new things? I know it's been eighty days but why?
This is the L’manburg museum, bearing in mind I'm dressed like this I should go see it.
Oh! It's like different things. This is like the community house, okay that's cool and that's the egg.. This is a replica it won't hurt you… oh it doesn't it won't actually hurt you. I guess they remade that shit. What even happened with that thing? I remember it tried to possess me once and then I bathed in the holy water and I was good again. Oh wow it's like a map of the whole server and there's egg gunk. And then and then and then here.. Where am I? Oh… is that lmanburg? Where is lmanburg? Oh wait oh yeah yeah wait I forgot…. Oh…. yeah….. Um….heh yeah….
OH its the lmanburg walls! I remember tearing them down and rebuilding them a lot and the hotdog van! Does it have the declaration in it? No it doesn't… It is blue. Ohhh…… I joined the day after this (the final control room) God, it's been a whole year since then… What's this? Wait… I feel like there's missing lines here. I don’t know if sorry, you know? Oh, look here, oh it just says i'm sorry. (erets apology book) I’m not all that sure that sorry quite cuts that. What's this? Oh this looks unfinished. Oh here's a map of old lmanburg! OH that's ze house! Before… I burnt it down and decided I wasn't gonna have manifold land anymore.. I miss that, I miss lmanburg.
It was a lot easier to dream when we were friends. Everyone feels so distant now but maybe that's because I haven't seen them, maybe that didn't help I mean no one came to say hi to me. Oh, oh, my main takeaway was that, wait it's not glass anymore, it's like a cavern, it was glass the last time I was there, it's changed since I was here to remember what happened… Why does it look like this? Hmm I don't know. Ah this was my cove, and it was untouched until I burnt it down fuck you.
Oh and theres my secret base that I never finished, FUCK YOU - fuck I hate him, anyway… oh there's the big obsidian bridge, oh isn't this where tommy was exiled? Over this way? I think… That means it was somewhere along here that… wait no it was right here… right? We turned on these stairs, stepped down, and pretty sure it was right here… he dug this.. I don’t think I want to visit this place. I want to go back, this isn't really where I want to be.
Anyway um, I wonder if Snowchester has changed. Lets go visit, okay um, that's weird that's freshly planted. Let's head over to Snowchester its that way. Since when was Tubbos' house back? Didn’t Tommy burnt it down? I swear this got burnt down.. I remember the ruins of it, there was a nether tree farm then in it… anyway…. Let's go check out fundys place. I haven't seen him in FOREVER. The last time I saw him was the last war… the day… the last war… WHY ARE THERE BIG MUSEUM THINGS EVERYWHERE??
Where's fundys house? I built it. I remember building it as a prank and then he liked it and lived in it.. Where's my tower? It was here next to the fox, his little fox hole… my towers were gone, it was definitely here, it was a million percent here and it was right next to it. It was somewhere there was a button it had a button. There was a big sign made out of obsidian…
I don’t know if you can tell, but I’ve been pretty purposeless for the past eight days… what the fuck? That's a HOLE. That's a big ass hole! That wasn't always there?! When did a hole show up?? There's a HOLE in my hotel!! I'm trying not to lose my cool and you know when I go the day that I joined, and the first person that greeted me was tommyinnit and still, I wish, I just wish someone logged in and said “hey jack happy one year” and I try to build them a pub and one of these *drinks a swig of alcohol* I mean at least..
Every time….. Everything here and how come it's all the things I care about that get blown up? Lmanburg… Manifold Land- Well I did manifold land but I was pissed off - Everything I care about on this server gets blown up, or destroyed or taken advantage of or.. Betrays me, that happens a lot. I’m not sure if I wanna be here anymore.
I’m not sure if I want to have anything to do with this… maybe that's it. Maybe that's it. What does this place bring? What does this place bring? Ever since I have been part of the “Dream SMP” Things are given to me that are eventually taken or destroyed, friends leave, DEATH, not everyone has died on the server and come back to life admittedly, I have now but the point is, I AM VERY DEFINITE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS SERVER ANYMORE… Alright? Almost everyone that has promised me something has turned their back. Almost everyone. The last thing anyone said to me was “Ah when las nevadas comes about, we will have a deal jack.. I’ll make it big” Yeahh.. .he really brought a lot of business. How's Las Nevadas doing?? Because when I HEARD it would be done and bring me customers, surely not another person would give me false hope.
Tubbos was the only one I can trust, Tubbo and Niki. I know Niki has become an anarchist or whatever but at least she's happy, and Tubbo was always kind.
I think Las Nevadas is somewhere over here. Let's go look at how “done it is” and how ready for business they are… Looking PRETTY finished for me. Big sign, big building, nice roads. Looking pretty… done. Pretty ready for a business deal. Isn't that a shocker… Isn't it weird yet again that someone promised me something and it fell through again?
So FUCK IT I don’t wana see Snowchester, I dont want to see anything, My WHOLE TIME on this server has been doing things for other people and fighting peoples wars, right? Keeping up hotels and pubs for people to stay, trying to kill people at worst that wasnt me and fighting for them. I haven't done anything for myself. ANYTHING AT ALL. And I said the hotel was for me and look where it got me- in a room for 80 days and a giant bottle of cider I have yet to finish- so fuck it! I’m not dealing with anyone else anymore. The “DREAM SMP” I’m gonna go out and start my own thing. I’m gonna call it the “Dream SSP” survival single player because I’m not dealing with anyone else anymore. Alright?
The day Tommy died, I said I was done with manifold land because the only thing it ever stood for was trying to get rid of him, and although it was also about getting back at him, it was about other people, but this time, I have something new in mind, something completely different…
NEW Manifold land will not cater to anyone else, not fight for anyone else, to I don’t know be anything for anyone else really. New Manifold land will stick very strictly to the name and persist of purely Jack Manifold, and I might steal Godzilla back from Tubbo (his arctic fox). Because as much as I said Niki was kind and Tubbo was kind, where they been the past 80 days? No one came to the hotel. No one came looking for me to which point, I say I’m gonna find myself my own little place. I’m just gonna live. I’m gonna do what I want, the only thing is, I need to find an area of my own, we need to travel. So let's get moving hmm?
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snapefiction · 4 years
#4. Snow - Snapemas Challenge
A/N: Day 4 of #Snapemas! This one is a bit shorter but I hope you still enjoy it! :)
Idea from @deepperplexity ´s Writing Challenge ! Check her Writings and the other Snapemas posts out! :)
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word count: 1115
Y/N - Your Name, Y/L/N - Your last name
#4. Snow
,,Do you really need to work on Christmas?“ Pouting you sat next to the burning cabin huffing at your husbands actions.
,,Just in case you didn’t noticed it yet, but it’s not even close to Christmas. There’s still one week left until the  24th.“ He lectured you with a small smile. Knowing how excited you alway got around this time of the year. ,,But to answer your Question: Yes, I do. But i´ll try to be as fast as I can, okay?“ Now looking over to you he awaited your response.
,,Sure.“ Sighing you got up to grab an Book from the Shelf behind the Couch. Looking over all those Covers you decided to read an old fairy tale book of yours again just for the melancholy but before you sat down you walked to your husband to kiss his cheek. ,,I love you, Professor.“ Blushing he looked at you to grab your chin and give you a real kiss. ,,I love you too, darling.“ He hated it whenever you called him Professor, preferring something like love or dear. But for the sake of silence so he could continue his work he accepted your wisecrack.
Reading all the Muggle fairy tails you knew since you were a child you felt sad about this years Christmas. It wasn’t like any other Christmas you had before. You didn’t bought a Christmas Tree, didn’t baked any cookies yet, haven’t watched a Christmas movie nor did it snow. It just didn’t feel like Christmas at all. Thinking about buying a Christmas tree you wanted to ask Severus for help but you promised him to give him his space. So you had to try something else. Laying the book aside you tried to remember where you put all the Christmas Decorations. Were they still at your Place or on Severus Attic? Soon you found yourself wandering through multiple cardboard boxes. The most of them contained old books, jars and even Potions. Nothing. Not even a single Christmas tree ornament was laying around. 
 ,,I didn’t like that fucking Penguins anyways.“ You mumbled upset over another failure. Brushing off spiderweb from your shoulders and arms your frustration only grew. Back downstairs you went straight to the Kitchen. Grabbing the cookbook you gifted Severus last Christmas. After the third ingredient you discovered again that something was missing. This Man didn’t even had Flour in his Household. This must’ve been a joke. Nothing seemed to work as you planned to. ,,Sev? I´ll go to the supermarket. Do you need anything?“ Pulled away from his thought he looked at you with a puzzled look. ,,Uh, no. I don’t think so. Want me to give you a ride?“ Laying the Quill down he followed you to the Entrance. ,,I´ll just walk. What’s the worst thing that could happen?“ As Severus crossed his arms he just laughed lightly. ,,It could start to rain or-“ Interrupting him with a kiss you just smiled. ,,That was a rhetorical question. Please, just hurry up.“
The Air was so cold you wished that you would’ve taken your scarf with you or even a thicker Jacket. The Street got lit by the Lanterns and the colourful decorations of all the Neighbours. At least one thing that would cheer you up. Soon, before your fingers froze you reached the Supermarket. Gladly it was one of those Stores that also sold Decoration Stuff. Without thinking about it you started to buy everything you needed to get in the Christmas Mood. Some fairy lights, Ornaments for a tree you planned to buy, Stockings with your and Severus Initials, Christmas Themed Candy and last but not least the Ingredients you still needed for the Cookies and Dinner landed all in your shopping cart. To be honest you spent twice as much as you actually intended to (and didn’t have a Christmas Tree at this Point yet) but you didn’t cared. Carrying Four Bags back to Severus House you feared your Arms could possibly just get ripped off. But it didn’t matter. You decided that today would be a good day. Forgetting your earlier Frustration you now got finally into the well known Christmas Excitement. Not even the Rain that now hit your Face merciless could ruin your mood. A few streets before you reached back Home Severus Car pulled up next to you. ,,Need a ride?“ Relief you quickly put the Bags into the Back of his Car and then hurried to the seat next to him. ,,You’re the best.“ Smiling Severus just kept driving. ,,I was wondering if you could find the Christmas Ornaments?“ Confused you looked over to him. ,,Did I even told you about it?“ Chuckling he just got out of the Car, holding his Jacket over his Head until he reached you so he could hold it above your head to shield you from the rain.
,,Get in, I´ll get the Bags.“ Running back to the Car he did as he told and followed you. ,,Thank you, Sev. I really don’t deserve you.“ As he helped you out of your thin Jacket you realised how much you started to freeze. ,,Theres something else I have been preparing for you. Go to the living room.“ Following his instructions you barley couldn’t believe your eyes. He had set up a Tree and turned on your favourite Christmas Song. Pouting, this time out of happiness, you just hugged him. ,,Thank you.“ Admiring the tree you were in loss of words. ,,How- How did you know?“ He smiled shamefully. ,,You looked so sad- I had to know what’s on your mind. And I actually bought the Tree a few days ago. I planned to surprise you on Sunday after the Order Meeting.“ Using his Legilimency was a weakness he just used whenever he wasn’t sure how to start Conversation or felt like something was off. Not being able to be mad at him you just smiled and were certainly happy about his effort. Thanking him again with a kiss on his cheek you went to the kitchen to take care of your Buyings.
At the End of the day you sat on the Couch tugged in multiple blankets and in your Husbands arms. The House smelled like the Cookies you just baked and like Cinnamon, the fairy lights lightened up the room and the cabin rumbled in the Background. ,,Want me to read some poems for you?“ Nodding you just cuddled closer to him and with a small movement of his wand Severus pointed to the tree and little snowflakes landed on the branches. Being grateful for everything this man does for you you watched the snow fall and hear your husband whisper to you.
Taglist: @deepperplexity , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4
Let me know if you want to be added in my Taglist. :)
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Maribat ideas I will probably never write
Now, before we start.
I realize that those may have already been made but I've never seen them and everything here came from my mind. But if you remember the titles, please tell me them or send a link to the stories, I'd love to read them.
This can be whatever ship you want Connorette, Daminette, Cassandra x Marinette, Brucinette... Any ship.
Here I'll refer to them just as the bats or one of the bats, or just choose a random one of them simply because I don't know the exact person that'd fit in the au with Marinette so I'm just leaving it up to you but... yeah.
[And yes, I know I said it could be Connor or Jon or anyone else, and I know they are not part of Batclan but for the lack of better word, just roll with it]
Yes, you can use any of them, but please tag me (i really want to read what you came up with) and include the link to my post so maybe someone else could use any other of these.
And if want to add anything or just brainstorm in the comments I'd love to do it with you, so don't be shy and say what you think (constructive critism only).
Maybe i will update this, but for now feel free to use any of these over 20 (i think at least) ideas I came with in these past 2 weeks cuz i was bored.
And before you start, I'm thinking of making mafia boss! Marinette AU, but i don't know what ship it should be... Suggestions? (Just not the love square please)
Hope you like it.
Violinist Marinette. The Waynes got invited to a concert in which Mari played a solo. And they're all just enchanted with her talent.
Marinette a Badass Dancer. None of the bats is a dancer in this AU and I don't really have any direction where this would go, but i just had a scene where she kicks their asses even though she doesn't have much (or any) exprience in martial arts. Just her spinning and kicking one of them mid-spin in the face or... somewhere else...
So the scene is a Wayne Gala, right? Jagged Stone dares Marinette to sing a song on a stage (there’s live music band, i guess?). Everyone’s mesmerised by her voice and Jagged can be heard screaming “That’s my niece!” in the backround. I really want her to sing Creep , a cover by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart or Crazy in Love , also a cover made by Sofia Karlberg, though any other song is fine too
Bats and Marinette in a band. That's it. That's the whole AU.
One of the bats is sitting under a tree, all peacefully and relaxed, but then they look up to see a random girl with dark blue hair (??) just hanging upside down from a branch like an actual freaking bat. She gives them a heart attack.
Another Au with singing Marinette lol. In this one Marinette likes to sing in a park every other day and Damian comes here one day and hears her and is like “wow.”, and since then he comes there everyday in hopes of hearing her sing and getting her number. And maybe Luka or Adrien play while she sings, that’d be cool
Guys, Marinette and the Waynes being neighbours. No, but imagine. Them seeing some girl watering plants every week for a month or two and then not seeing her for a long period of time, and they're kinda worried, but then she's back and they're confused, because where the hell she'd been, the house looked like not used and just where the hell was she? Marinette seeing some... Weird things happening in the Wayne backyard. Balconies being in front of each other, so they're balcony neighbours too (the romance, the fluff, even the angst, guys). Marinette going to them with baked goods and introducing herself as their neighbour. Them going to hers and welcoming her with a basket of Alfred's cooking. 
Jason has to participate in a dating show because he lost a bet and Mari's one of the participants too...
Duke needs a date to a wedding (i don't know whose, your choice) and Marinette's his best friend, so be my fake date to this wedding?
Marinette as Tim's daughter??
The greatest showman AU. (Sibling dickinette. On the trapeze-)
Forget rouges, superheroes and vigilantes. Underground dancers. Because it's what i need, y'all
So in this, WE is a dance company, and Marinette's maybe an intern in a fashion department. One day Dick's going to one of the practice rooms where's been scheduled a meeting with a designer for his costume for the next show. Instead he's met with a girl he sees for the first time, practically flying on the dance floor. Just as he's about to reveal himself the rest comes and it turns out this is the fashion designer and it seems as no one knows she's an amazing dancer too
Teachers AU + Rivals AU = utter chaos. Them teaching the same subject and competing for their class' loves and/or arguing whose close is better. [Bonus points if everyone's thinking they hate each others guts, but they're secretly dating]
Fencers AU - on the same team on different teams, your choice. (And this honestly suits with Kagami too. I'm up for kagami x bat/marinette)
Damian in the park with Mar'i, but he's having trouble, because this kid has so much energy. How?? Just when he thinks he can take a breath, he notices Mar'i has wandered off and is talking to a young woman, so he rushes there and try to apologize, but she says it's no problem at all. Suddenly this gorgeous girl offers him her help. It looks like Mar'i has taken liking to her and he's so tired, so he agrees and for the rest day watches two Mari's play together and falls in love with the older one. Plotwist: this was plan all along. Mar'i is the ultimate wingwoman.
All the Wayne siblings decided to go to one of those haunted houses for a halloween and there's this petite girl who tagged along their group somehow. They didn't expect to see this tiny girl punching the worker dressed as a monster and knocking the daylight out of him. But it was so worth getting kicked out.
Marinette's a ghost and these four men came to her house and apparently they're doing a ghost investigation?? I mean, she was getting a bit lonely and bored, maybe it's time to "gain some friends" (read: scare the living out of them).
Pretty much the above but with bat/s as ghost/s and Marinette as the paranormal investigator with her team (i honestly want one of them to be Kagami, i don't know why). In both you need to decide who's a skeptic and who believes. It's fun, the ghost is trying to scare them off, but they're stubborn.
Sibling dickinette where Marinette calls her older brother everytime she wants to get out of a date and so he pretends to "arrest" her. (And then maybe dick decides to play a matchmaker and sets her up with one of his adoptive siblings)
Marinette as a lawyer. Her going against LexCorps who framed Wayne Enterprises for something. Or maybe Bruce was accused of murder (that he obviously did not commit) and now she has to prove his innocence. I just really want to read about badass lawyer Marinette, guys
Merlin AU. Is there any AUs with Marinette being Merlin and saving Arthur's ass (I honestly think it should be Chloe, no joke)?
Mominette where she adopts Cassandra. I just imagined them going to ballet lessons together and cooking and now I'm soft.
Marinette got dared by her friends to set a trap for the passerby that involved eggs, toy train and glitter and to then to pretend they're her ex and they cheated in her, and Jason had the misfortune to be that passerby. (Yes, this is probably crack lol)
Tim can rap. Marinette can rap. What could go wrong?? (Yes, this is probably crack too)
There's this girl they see every year when to go on trick-or-treating and she always has the most amazing or scariest costumes. But Damian will not go without a fight and so every year they compete over who has the better costume. This year they just so conveniently dressed up as the famous Halloween couple.
Jon is 17 now and it seems as no one is interested in him. He jokingly tells Damian he supects theres a ghost that's in love with him and they keep away any potential lovers from him. He doesn't know how much he's right. Marinette though, is freaking out.
Marinette decided to take a part-time job at a local pool as a life guard. There's a sudden increase in people coming to said pool but also a dramatic increase in people pretending to drown. Conner is one of them.
Marinette plays a therapist to all of the batfam. The amount of the ridiculous problems she had to listen to... She could write a book and she would make millions out of it, she swears.
"Some say "revenge is a dish best served cold.", then i read "revenge is sweet", so i came to conclusion revenge is ice cream." Huh, so that'd explain the sudden disappearance of ice cream in whole Gotham Jason had been hearing about for the past week from Bruce. The question is, what that petite bluenette is planning to do and who is going to be a victim of her ice cream revenge?
Tim had been in coma for a month after the drug bust, and he has just woken up. The first thing he does? He picks up the argument he and Marinette had been having before he's been put into a coma.
The couple at the place Jason had been at, started making out loudly, so he started making loud noises while eating his ice cream. They stopped. And he got this cute barista's phone number when she was walking past him.
Marinette's at the spa when she overhears two guys betting who can eat more slices of cucumber (that were supposed to be put on their eyelids) and she decided to participate. Safe to say they were all banned from all the spas in Gotham
Can i please get Jason/Duke/anyone making up a bedtime story for Marinette after she woke up from a nasty nightmare? I need it
Every morning and night Marinette pretends to be asleep just so she can feel Damian pull her closer, kiss her temple and whisper how much he loves her
Roy listening to Jason complaining about each first encounter of her girlfriend with his siblings and Bruce. Each is more ridiculous than the one before. He listens to it, after he and Marinette had gone through their own weird af first meeting.
Dick was so busy laughing at the bluenette who'd just walked into a post, he ran into the same post minute later. She asked him out... After she finished laughing and telling him karma's a bitch
Dick likes to think he's the reason Jason and Marinette got married. To his last days he will brag about how at his and Kori's wedding Marinette caught the bouquet, tripped and Jay caught her.
Jason asked Marinette on a date to one of the restaurant the WE owned. Then as a test, he told her he couldn't pay for all the expensive dishes they ordered. She took his hand and they ran out of the building. He's convinced he's going to marry her.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
3rd part lmao imma be writing this shit until I die damn bro. also tw drugging, doesnt come until the end tho
running from 4 symbiotes (one of them being a god) wasnt too fun, especially considering the fact that your legs were starting to burn. but toxin never stopped for a second, he only kept on running from the fight behind the two of you.
when you tripped and fell, he picked you up and carried you, giving your legs a well deserved break.
the two of you continued on like that for a while when you were both met with the end of the large forest. it was absolute silence besides the breathe of you and toxin.
although it was faint, you both were able to see the city line, glowing like a light house in the middle of an ocean.
however, before the both of you were able to figure out what to do next, you heard a screech come from the forest. the large footsteps of someone running, their feet pounding into the ground.
"______, where the FUCK are you?!"
well, theres carnage.
toxin wasted no time, setting you down, leaning you onto a tree, and pretended to be inspecting your wounds. hes not gonna fall for that, toxin, you thought, hearing the stomping approach the two of you.
toxin wasted no time, and looked at you with a I'm sorry look before creating a sharp nail and making a small cut on the back of your lower leg. you hissed, and while it was unbearable, it wasnt a nice feeling.
carnage appeared right after, looming over the two of you, before looking at your leg and seeing that it was bleeding.
toxin was faster then carnage, however, and he quickly healed the wound faster then he made it.
carnage seemed to calm down a bit before he picked you up and motioned for toxin to follow him.
carnage carried you all the way to a little run down apartment, not the same one you remember before the wars but an apartment all the same. he set you down in front of the door before dragging you inside.
toxin followed, and saw the shitty conditions of the apartment. the walls were cracked, the countertops and floor were covered in either dust or dirt, the paint inside and outside was peeling and to top it off, it was cramped. extremely cramped.
carnage let you go before heading to the kitchen area, and came back with some water.
"here." he said, handing the glass to you. you gave a nod before gulping it down, a new thirst coming from your absolute marathon in the woods.
toxin sat on a foldable chair next to the wall watching as you handed back the glass to kasady, who had changed back to himself
cletus looked at the glass for a moment, inspecting the bottom of the glass, before smiling and going back to the other room to put the glass away.
you turned to toxin, whispering, "what are we gonna do?"
toxin replied, "we stay here. dont you remember the rule of the adoption wars?"
you smiled and had to stifle a laugh.
"you know, when I made that nickname for it, I wasnt thinking they were gonna go this far for me."
toxin was about to reply but cletus came back in and looked at the both of you, before saying, "____, you must feel really tired right now, dont you?"
you looked at him, puzzled for a second, before the confusion turned to drowsiness. you went to stand up but instead you had to hold yourself up with a nearby table.
toxin quickly went over to you, and helped you back onto the chair. he looked at you, seeing your eyelids droop, before he turned back to cletus.
cletus gave an innocent smile before he said, "is she tired or...?"
toxin turned back to you, and seeing you almost fall over made him look for a comfortable place for you to sleep. he saw a room that probably led to a bedroom and putting one arm around his shoulder, he dragged you into the somewhat nicer looking room and plopped you down onto the bed.
when he was sure that you were asleep, he turned back to the doorway, seeing cletus leaning on it. he stood up straight, puffing his chest out.
"I dont think it's a good idea to try and drug her again, cletus. wont make her trust you."
cletus' smile vanished as he walked away.
"listen here, kid, I don't like doing it anymore then you do, but I need her to be calm so te others wont find her here. besides, this place is temporary I'm getting a new place. one where itll be much more harder for any of them to find her. so calm down, relax and make sure she doesnt try to leave, will ya? I'll be back in a bit."
as cletus was enveloped by carnage, and he opened a window to swing out of, toxin was starting to wonder why he even put up with anyone's bullshit
ack I finished it and my fingers are sore. I'm thinking of just submitting these stories but then I would have to reveal my identity which makes me uncomfortable for some weird ass reason. also is his name spelt with a c or a k I've been saying cletus for all my life I dont he has another way of spelling it but I could be wrong lmao. anyway thanks for reading this, I have no idea what to do with my life - knull anon
Wow! You’re really delivering with these, Knull anon!! I get excited whenever I see you send another one in😊. And yeah Cletus is spelt with a C but Kasady is with a K.
Also, I think you can submit anonymously but if you’d like you can send a test submission in and if you’re username pops up I can just delete it but if you’re still uncomfortable with that then it’s all good😊.
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uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 4 years
This is a surprise!
cw, attack, killing, slight demspey x richtofen, and religion, theres a good bit of that in there
[i wrote this awhile ago so theres not much of shipping material in this i was just like oh yeah this sounds cool]
[ 1 ] chapter 1 ; bump in the road 
Demspey hums a song to himself, something he heard while going through the teleporter awhile back. He wasn't sure what the name was or the lyrics, it was just a catchy tune. If he had to guess, it came from the future. The sounds in it were definitely not from the 1930's.
Rictofen laughs and looks at Dempsey, "Dempsey, what does LMG stand for?" Dempsey smirks at this, turning to look at the doctor. He knew what to say, thanks to training the recruits. Maybe he could punch Richtofen for being stupid, just like he did to the recruits. 
While Dempsey gives a minute of silence while looking over at the German, who takes out the summoning key, counting over his items before summoning the rift to their next place. “You sure you want to know?” He chuckles. 
“Why of course! Why, I wouldn’t of asked if I knew already.” Richtofen hums, confused by the American’s laughter.
"If you say so. It stands for Lick My Gibblets." Dempsey struggles to hold back his smile, knowing his foreign teammate wouldn't really understand what he meant - not to mention he’d look stupid for not knowing what it really meant. What a funny thing. 
While the two were conversing, Nikolai and Takeo had stepped into the rift, Dempsey following suit before Richtofen grabs him, "I am certain you were lying. What does it really mean?" He demands.  
Dempsey grunts, pulling Richtofen off him while saying. "Let me go, dumbass!" Dempsey sighs, walking through the portal between worlds.
Richtofen failed to specify where exactly, but, at this point the American wasn't surprised though he wasn't any less annoyed. 
"I wasn't aware it was LMGD..." The German ponders before following the bunch with a chuckle.
Tank steps out of the rift, meeting the other two, but it takes him to realize he stepped out into something he didn't expect. "What the fuck?" Dempsey is surprised, not prepared for the foot of snow on the ground. Pine trees of many kinds surround the area, being in a secluded area. Everything is covered in snow, pretty much abandoned. 
"Oh my, this is quite the surprise." Richtofen speaks up, making his presence known as the blue rift crackles and closes. 
"I wasn't prepared for this myself." Nikolai speaks up now, giving a slight shrug. "German," he addresses, "with the time traveling I'm sure you'd know where we are." He doesn't believe the legitimacy of Richtofen's surprise, Dempsey can understand why. 
Takeo chooses not to speak, fixing his pants to go over his boots so no snow falls inside of them while Dempsey watches the Russian and German grow tension.
Takeo stands upright. "Let us talk with honor." He looks at the both of them and nods.
Richtofen looks at Takeo, sighing before nodding. "If we came here there is something we need, so let's go look for it. We'll have to hurry up and find a spot to 'bunker down' before the next wave arises." The German man had done air quotes before pointing a lanky arm towards the large gothic church a-ways ahead of them.
The front of the quite beautiful church is a triangular shaped building, much like a house or meeting hall that extends into a tower that looks very much similar to a clock tower with a bell, considering there's a clock on the front.
 There's other rooms on the side of it but a lot of wires and metal rods are sticking out on the top of the tower. There's designs in the stone, stained glass of religious figures. Such a shame the full beauty was lost when the glass is cracked and broken in areas, boards nailed over any thought of entrance. 
Something's off about it though.
As they trudge through the snow, Dempsey notices the metal rods. He looks to his left to see Nikolai, the man who seems unbothered by this cold.  "Hey Nik, maybe Richtofen's right about something being here. As much as I hate to give him the benefit of a doubt, the wires and rods on the clocktower gives me the idea something's here." 
Dempsey raises his hand and points at the clock tower briefly, giving Nikolai enough time to glance it over. The Russian man follows Dempsey's hand, taking a second before seeing the same. "Perhaps, American. You do have a point." 
[ 2 ] chapter 2 ; welcome to hell, american
There's a blue beam of light, signifying the existence of the mystery box inside the church. Demspey hums, quite happy about that at least. Hopefully Samantha was nice enough to spawn some hidden ammo stashes for when they ran out or get low – he was quite notorious for being trigger happy and running out of ammo quickly. 
Hey, at least he took care of his gun when he had the time to.
They continued to make their way through the snow, had it only being less than ten minutes of arrival. Dempsey noticed that Takeo and Richtofen were colder due to not having jackets or long sleeves like he and Nikolai had. Richtofen seemed extremely cold although, compared to the headstrong Japanese man who refused to admit he was cold. Tank sighed heavily, taking off his jacket and holding it out to Richtofen. 
"Dempsey? Why are you giving me your jacket? You're-" Dempsey held up his hand, making Richtofen take it. "Doc, you're shivering more than any of us. You're also the one we have to follow here, I don't want to hear you whine about wanting some soup and your nose being stuffy." The American rolls his eyes, forcing a shiver from surfacing. 
Richtofen thanked him and put on the marine's coat. It was warm from his body heat, and quite soft on the inside. Dempsey wasn't going to lie, Richtofen looked quite cute in his coat. 
"Oh focus Tank!" He shakes his head, yelling at himself in his mind. Dempsey powered through the cold the best he could, not wanting to really show how cold he did feel in just a t-shirt. His pride wouldn't let him.
Eventually they reached the entrance, wooden planks nailed over the two doors to the church. Nikolai takes his hammer from his belt and starts to pry the nails out of the boards. Dempsey helps without speaking, pulling the bloodied planks off and stack them aside. It was kind of nice how they silently agreed for once.
Unfortunately for them, it took a good bit to clear the entrance to the church which means they had to sit in the snow and cold wind longer than they wished. Things were placed behind the doors, benches and heavy boxes filled with bibles and books, being barricaded from the inside. They moved into the hallway after forcing those things aside, Takeo giving a shiver. 
"I expected it to be... warmer." His nose wrinkles as he breathes in the stale air, looking to the side to one of his friends. Dempsey had to agree, but he took a step forward, walking down the carpeted hallway to double doors that were once barricaded. Emphasis on once. 
The items that blocked the doors were knocked and spread all over, blood that seemed old and semi-recent splattered on the ground and walls. He hummed, why was there new blood? To be honest he never saw any zombies openly bleeding and spilling their guts out randomly unless they were shot or killed. 
This was the room people would come to pray and listen to someone speak about religion, sitting on the wooden benches. 
Dempsey suspects that someone or something is here, and he's not sure what. Maybe he's not as dumb as the others say he is.
At this point, Dempsey couldn't give a damn about how Christian churches worked after contemplating it. He just wanted out. 
"Scan over this area, I'm gonna take upstairs." He says to the three who had gone and caught up with him, to which the others nod. He goes to walk towards the stairs, placing his hand on the metal railing. He halts at the third step to turn back to the group. "Richtofen." He calls. 
The German seems a bit startled at first, "Yes, Dempsey?" He strides over to Demspey on the stairs. "How about you come with me, we'll do two and two. That way none of us die for good." Demspey offers, though it sounds more like a command. 
Richtofen hums, tapping a finger on his chin before saying. "Fine Dempsey! Let's go take a look around, shall we?" Demspey nods, heading up the stairs with Richtofen behind him.
"Take that room, I'll be over here." He points to a random room on the left, it looks like a storage room. Dempsey walks down the hall a bit, getting a gut feeling to draw his pistol so he does. He pushes the door open to a room with furniture, sheets placed on top of them. 
"Right out of the horror films," He laughs a bit. He walks around the room, looking for crates, chests, anything that looks like it would stash ammo. 
There's soft footsteps behind him as he's rummaging through a box. He notices them as they stop, getting up and turning around to see who he thought was Richtofen. "Did you f-" 
Dempsey couldn't finish the sentence before getting attacked by an old woman, but she wasn't a zombie. He falls to the ground, his pistol clattering against the wooden floor. "Get off of-" Something sharp sinks into his shoulder near his neck. Her fucking teeth. 
He starts to reach for his pistol while fighting against her grip, eventually grabbing ahold of the gun and shooting the lady in the head. God, he hoped she wasn't someone important.
He begins to sit up, her blood spilled all over his shirt. He grunts, throwing her body off. Richtofen comes running in, "Dempsey! What happened?" He looks at him, getting up. 
"I'm fine Doc, I killed it. She must've just got affected by the 115, that's all." He reassures him. 
"Why don't you help me look around in here? Take these sheets and use them for bedding, might be good." Dempsey causally changes topics, stepping over the corpse and taking an already dirtied sheet to clean the blood off himself. 
Now that he thinks about it, he feels a little weird. There’s tingling around where she had bit him. Dempsey knows that isn’t a good sign, especially in his book. 
sorry if its super long, im on mobile !!
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confetti-bones · 5 years
The Truth Untold
Witch Yoongi X Reader (Oneshot)
Warnings: future smut, virginity loss, cursing, forced marriage
A/n: this is my second attempt at writing smut. It's probably not the best but I tried, also sorry for making this so long, I don't know how to do the keep reading link thingy on mobile anyway, I hope you all enjoy.
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"Are you sure your okay with this Y/n?" Your father asks you worriedly as your hair is getting done. You nod your head and sigh,
"Yes I'm fine with it. It's for the best" you respond, glancing at your tired form in the mirror.
Today is your wedding day. A day you've been dreading for months. When you were younger youve always thought about getting married, to someone you love and having children with them. Someone you chose to be with. In the situation your in now it's quite the opposite. You see, your family is quite poor and in need of money, so when the Min family offered marriage in exchange to give financial support to your family your father couldn't turn it down and agreed offering you. At first you were completely against it, constantly bickering with your poor father until you noticed how tired and how often he had to work so your family could survive.
Your family consisted of three girls, with you as the oldest. Your mother ran away with another man when you were younger leaving your father and your sisters alone. It's been tough but all of you have been able to bear with it.
So when your father came home one day looking exhausted from work you knew you had to stop arguing and agree to marry Min Yoongi.
Min Yoongi was known as a strange man. He didn't have much family and often kept to himself, locking himself in his house and never going out for days or even months; and when he did go out he was seen in the woods picking random plants from the ground and bringing them back to his house. Some say he's some mythical being, like a witch and others say he's just weird.
You've never seen or spoken to Min Yoongi, these are all just things you've heard from some residents of the town. All you could do is hope that the rumors were not true and that he was a nice guy.
"Alright Y/n your done" the woman getting you ready says before walking away. You turn to look at your father who is sat on a chair looking at you with sad eyes.
"You look beautiful Y/n, I'm proud of you and I really appreciate what your doing for our family" your father smiles. You nod your head and smile back.
"Thank you Father." Your father then walks up to you and pulls you into a hug.
"If you need anything just let me know. I'll always be here for you" your father says still clutching on to you tightly.
Once the two of you break the hug you notice that your father's eyes are watering as if he's holding himself back from crying. You feel yourself tear up a little to, but you wipe your eyes before anything could fall and ruin your makeup.
"It's almost time for the ceremony, are you sure your ready?" Your father asks you.
"I'm sure" you smile.
It's eventually time for your wedding ceremony. Your stood outside the church doors with your father.
As soon as you hear the familiar tune of here comes the bride being played you know it's time for you to enter.
As soon as you step inside you look around the church. The majority of people here are your family, theres only six unfamiliar faces, each man handsome within the group. Those guys must be apart of Yoongi's family. You think as you walk twords the alter.
While you walk twords the alter you look at the unfamiliar man that you are to be wed to. He looks handsome, he has black hair, chocolate brown eyes and plump lips.
Eventually you get to the alter and face Yoongi. Yoongi takes your hands in his and gives you a small reassuring smile. You smile back at him and give his hand a squeeze. Now that you really get to look at him, he's quite beautiful. You really don't think you'd mind marrying him at all.
"Do you, Min Yoongi take (full name) as your lawfully wedded wife?" You glance over at the priest then back as Yoongi. When did he get to this part? How long have I zoned out for?
"I do" Yoongi says.
"Do you, (full name) take Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks you. You nod your head.
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride" you then glance over at Yoongi unsure of what he's going to do. Yoongi then leans into you and places a soft quick kiss on your lips before backing away with a small blush on his face and looking around the room.
You turn to look around the room too, only to see your father being held by one of your sisters as he cries. He's such a softy you think with a smile. You then turn over to where Yoongi's family is stood, if their even considered family, and see them clapping and cheering happily for the two of you. You can't help but smile and look over to where Yoongi's stood. That wasn't too bad.
Eventually your wedding ceremony was over. You had to say your goodbyes to your family and go home with your husband.
The two of you sat in the carriage silently. The only sound being the horses feet hitting the ground.
As you gazed out the window watching the scenery go by, you couldn't help but feel nervous. When you get to your new home are you and Yoongi going to consummate? You barely know him, and you really don't feel like your ready for that. You take a quick glance over to where you husband is sitting. He's gazing out the window with a far away look in his eyes. He really is handsome. Your sure your children will turn out quite beautiful in the future. You just really hope that it's not the near future.
Eventually the carriage gets the two of you to your new home. It's a beautiful two story house. House? Should you even call it a house? It's more of a mansion now that you think about it. The 'house' as Yoongi called it on your way here, was painted black and had lots of plants around it. You notice a garden with lots of flowers and a little bench under a tree to the side of the house that you know that you'll visit a lot.
The two of you step out of your carriage. Yoongi goes to grab your luggage as you attempt to make your way into the house without ruining your beautiful white dress.
Once the two of you get inside, Yoongi silently carries your luggage upstairs, so you quietly follow him.
As the two of you walked you noticed paintings hung on the walls, some with the faces of the handsome men you saw at the wedding and some unfamiliar faces that you assume are family to Yoongi as well.
Eventually Yoongi gets to a room and opens the door, walking to the middle of the room and setting your luggage on the floor and turning to face you.
"This is your room. I hope you like it." Yoongi states.
"My room? Arnt we to sleep together though? Were married now." You say, confusion evident on your face. Yoongi shakes his head.
"I thought it would be more comfortable for the two of us if we had separate rooms" Yoongi says before heading to the door. You nod your head.
"Ah well thanks for considering that I guess" you say.
"I wasn't really considering it for you, it was more for me" Yoongi shrugs as he walks out of the room.
"Oh and breakfast is at eight sharp. No earlier, no later" Yoongi says before walking away and leaving you alone. You sigh and close the door before heading over to your luggage to pull out your pajamas. Okay so, so far all we know about Yoongi is that he's rich, and a jerk. You think as you change out of your wedding dress into something more comfortable.
Hopefully he'll be nicer to me after he gets to know me a little. After all we are married now, you think as you lay down in your bed, before drifting off into dreamland.
The next few days are spent in boredom. There's not much to do around here. Everyday is the same thing. You wake up, eat breakfast with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears, you explore, eat lunch by yourself, explore, take a nap, eat dinner with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears again and you find something to do for some time before you head to bed.
It feels so repetitive, you wish Yoongi would take you out somewhere or tell you ways you could help around the 'house' (why do you even bother to keep calling it a house?) But once it's time for the two of you to eat together you can't help but feel at a loss for words. Your entire mind goes blank at the meer precense of Min Yoongi.
So here you are, sitting in the library you discovered not to long ago looking at a book that's in a complete different language that you don't understand. The book itself looks cult like. Some of the photos of the creatures and things in the book freaks you out a bit, but at the same time it's intriguing to you. Why does Yoongi own this book? Has it always been here or did Yoongi buy it? You think as you flip through the pages.
"Ahem" you look up from your book and see Yoongi stood in front of you. Face as blank as ever.
"Do you really think you should be reading that book? Surely you don't understand what it says." Yoongi says.
"Your right I don't know what it says, but it's interesting to me. What language is this written in?" You ask, glancing down at the book to glance at the page you were currently looking at. The picture on the page looks to be depicting what could be a vampire but your not entirely sure.
"It's written in a long lost language, that not even I know" Yoongi sighs as he grabs the book from you. Glancing down at the page you were looking at.
"Why do you own it then? If you cant read it?" You ask curiously. Yoongi looks at you with a quirked up eyebrow.
"Have you heard the phrase 'curiousity killed the cat?' " Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"Well maybe you shouldn't be asking so many questions" Yoongi says.
"Ah but your missing the other part to that phrase Yoongi. 'satisfaction brought it back'" you say with a smile. Yoongi smiles back with warmth in his eyes.
"I guess that's true. Well all I'll tell you is that my ancestors have used the book for thousands of years." Yoongi says before handing the book back to you.
"Enjoy any books you want in here Y/n. I have to get going, have a nice night. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow" Yoongi smiles. You smile back and reply,
"I hope you have a nice night too Yoongi"
The next day things at breakfast were different. Well at first they weren't but today Yoongi actually spoke to you at breakfast, so that's new.
"Y/n today I'm leaving the house to run a few errands." Yoongi says while taking a sip of his drink.
"What kind of errands?" You ask, tilting your head.
"It doesn't matter what. I just thought I'd let you know." Yoongi says before standing up from the table.
"Ah well I'll see you later then" You say questionly, you didn't mean to sound like a question but it did.
"Ah will my dear wife miss me?" Yoongi says playfully. This definitely surprised you, Yoongi's never tried to joke or be playful with you. You can't help but smile back at him.
"I think she might." You respond. Yoongi lips twitch up into a half smile before walking away. You can't help but hope the two of you have banter like this more often, it's already been almost a month and you've rarely spoken to your husband at all!
Once Yoongi left, you decided to explore a few areas of the mansion ( see your calling it mansion now) that you haven explored yet. Those areas just so happen to be the ones that Yoongi spends the majority of his time in.
As you walked over to the section of the house that hasn't been explored you can't help but notice that the temperature was starting to drop to a freezing cold. You could tell this part of the mansion wasn't as well taken care of as the rest; there was dust collecting on tables holding what once used to be alive plants. The paintings down this hallway also look creepy. Instead of normal family portraits, you found painting of supernatural looking people. One with sharp canines like the one in the book you found. Another that had a man that was hairier then the average person, he kind of looks like a dog; you notice as you pass by the portrait.
Eventually you get to the end of the hall where there is an old door. It looks a lot different compared to the other doors in the mansion. The other doors still look brand new compared to this one, which looks like it's falling apart at the seam.
You slowly walk over to the door, a sense of dread taking over you as you twist the handle. What could be in this room that's making you feel this way?
Once the door was open you step in and look around. It's too dark in here, you think as you try to manuvour through the room.
You eventually find a certain and pull it open to make the room lighter for you to look around.
You instantly see a cauldron in the middle of the room. There's nothing in it, but it looks fairly old and as if it's been used often. You then look at the shelves; there are some glass bottles filled with oddly colored liquids, and are those eyeballs?! You glance at other bottles and see dead insects and human parts in their own separate jars. What is this? Why does he have all this stuff and where did he get all this stuff? You think, feeling slightly panicked.
You then notice a jar with a glowing pink liquid in it. What is that? You walk to the jar and pick it up, you take off the lid and sniff what's in the jar. Roses? That dosnt smell too bad. As you go to set the jar down you hear a thud from somewhere in the room causing you to drop the jar, leaving the glass shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and the liquid to splatter on the ground. Oh god Yoongi's going to kill me! I need to clean this up. You wander around the room and find a broom sat up against the wall. This will have to do, you think as you go to clean up the glass pieces from off the floor.
Once the glass pieces were cleaned up you went to the nearest bathroom and grabbed a wet towel wiping up what you could of the liquid. Sadly the liquid stained the floor so all you could do was hope that Yoongi wouldn't notice as you left the room, heading to yours.
Once you got to your room you couldn't help but think about what you saw in there. Why did Yoongi have those bugs and human remains, is he apart of a cult? Could he be some weird witch wannabe? You couldn't see him being an actual witch, those don't exist right?
You and Yoongi sat at the table silently. It was time for dinner, and the two of you usually ate dinner together. The air was tense. You knew he knew that you went into that room, whatever that room was. It's not like he said it was off limits and he knows how curious you can be.
You still felt bad though, you also felt scared, and nervous and many other emotions. Your just waiting for him to say something anything about it. Maybe he won't? You sure hope he won't say anything about it. The two of you can just go on living life, you never go into that room again and live a happy life. That sounds nice right? Your honesty not so sure. How could he get those human remains? Did he dig up a grave, did he murder someone. Oh you hope your eyes were just tricking you while you were in that damn room!
"So Y/n, what did you do while I was gone?" Yoongi asks. Just the question you feared he was going to ask. What should you say? I went into your cult room? No that sounds like a terrible idea.
"I went to the library and found a nice book to read" you say as calmly as you can.
"Oh? And what book was that?" Yoongi asks with and eyebrow quirked up in question.
"Romeo and Juliet, it's quite a good book wouldn't you say?" You ask, glancing at the door wanting to leave as soon as possible.
"Hmm. I would think so yes. But Y/n.." Yoongi pauses. You gaze at him feeling nervous. What is it?
"We dont own Romeo and Juliet. I never bothered to buy a book like that nor did any of my family. Why don't we try again what did you do today? And the truth this time please." Yoongi states. You feel yourself grow incredibly nervous at this. Of course he doesn't how Romeo and Juliet! I'm so stupid. You smile nervously.
"Look, since your having such a hard time speaking I'll answer for you, I'm sure that you know I already figured it out." You slowly nod your head and gulp.
"You went into my little lair, and spilled one of my potions." Yoongi says.
"Potions?" You say with a high pitched tone. Yoongi nods his head,
"Potions. Y/n, I'm witch, or a warlock if you will; if you haven't figured it out already." Yoongi says. A witch? He's a witch?! I need to get out of here. You then stand up from the table.
"I think I'm going to go get fresh air. I'm feeling faint" you say as you start to head to the door.
"Hmm I don't think so." Yoongi then snaps his fingers, and you turn around against your will and sit back down in your chair. What just happened! How did he do that?!
"I know what your going to do Y/n. Your going to try and leave, and tell the town and have me burned to death. We can't have that now can we my lovely wife?" Yoongi asks. You feel yourself start to tear up. Is he going to kill me? Is he going to use my parts for those potions of his? You think panicked.
Yoongi sighs as he looks at you from where he's sat.
"There's no need to be afraid Y/n, I'm a good witch I promise. I don't plan to hurt you at all." Yoongi says with what looked to be sympathy in his eyes.
"Do you really promise?" You ask, voice cracking. Yoongi nods his head and snaps his fingers again. You suddenly feel like you have full control of your body again.
"Why don't you go lay in your room and rest. Think about it, and let the idea grow on you" Yoongi says. You slowly nod your head and get up from your chair heading to your room.
So the rumors are true. Yoongi really is a witch.
The next few days are spent locked in your room. You rarely go out except for lunch, the only meal you know you don't have with Yoongi. You really don't want to see him again. He promised he wouldnt hurt you, but you still felt a little scared about him. It's not everyday you meet someone who has magical abilities, so it's pretty understandable for you to fear the unknown like this.
The past few days Yoongi's left you alone, not coming to check on you or anything to your relief. Your glad he knows not to come; you really don't feel like seeing him.
As you lay on your bed as bored as you could be you hear three knocks on your door.
"Y/n? It's Yoongi. Are you alright in there?" Yoongi asks. Well there goes not seeing him.
"I'm fine" you stutter out, cringing at yourself in the process. Yoongi then opens the door and looks at your form lain out on your bed with a worried expression.
"You haven't been showing up to breakfast or dinner. I'm worried, are you eating enough?" Yoongi asks. You silently stare at Yoongi for a few seconds taking in his appearance. He looks handsome, you think.
"I'm fine" you state. Yoongi sighs before walking twords you. You try to scooch over to the other side of the bed to get as far from him as you can, while still being lazy and laying down in the process.
Yoongi gets on the bed and straddles you, leaning down so his face was next to your ear. Your face felt red hot and your heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles a minute. What is he doing?
"Y/n" Yoongi breaths. You feel all the air leave your lungs from the way he said your name.
"I'm your husband, you can't run from me forever." Yoongi says, moving his head twords your neck and leaving a small peck there before getting off of you.
"Ill see you at dinner, sweetheart" Yoongi says winking, before walking out of your room, making sure to close the door in the process.
You feel your heart still at a fast rate and your face is still red hot as you glance at the door. What the hell was that?
Later that night you find yourself sat with Yoongi at the dinner table. You didn't want to come; like you really didn't, but remembering the interaction the two of you had made you. Your still scared of him, he's a witch how could you not be; but the more you thought about it as you waited for dinner to come the more curious you became. How bad could he really be?
"Ah Y/n after we're done with dinner could you come with me?" Yoongi asks you. You look up from your dinner plate and look over to where Yoongi's sat, meeting his brown eyes. You slowly nod your head, and Yoongi's lips quirk up into a smile.
"Great, I have a gift for you."
Once the two of you were done with dinner Yoongi leads you to the library, where he has you take a seat in one of the comfy chairs before he walks away to grab something.
Yoongi then comes back with a book wrapped in a bow. Handing it over to you, he looks at you nervously, biting his lip.
"The other day, you said you were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I know we don't have it in our library so I went out to buy it for you" Yoongi says. You glance down at the book in your hands with the neat red bow wrapped around it. It's kind of sweet of him to go out and buy this you think, softly smiling down at the book cover.
You then look up at Yoongi and smile at him.
"Thanks for the book Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head. His face looks blank but you can see the happiness in his eyes.
"Of course. I should give gifts to my beautiful wife after all" Yoongi says. The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before Yoongi looks away.
"Well anyway, you should head to bed now. I'll see you in the morning Y/n. Have sweet dreams." Yoongi says.
"Have sweet dreams too Yoongi" you respond. Yoongi awkwardly nods his head and his cheeks tint a hue of pink before he walks away. How could he be so shy about giving me a book yet straddle me in my own bed? You think, glancing down at your gift.
The next few days continue on like that. Yoongi coming to you with a new gift. Be it new books or flowers. You can't help but to start thinking he's sweet. He's so much more different then when the two of you first met. He was rude and quiet, but now he's offering you gifts and trying to make conversation whenever he can. Maybe snooping around and finding out he's a witch is a good thing. He's definitely more open now. You think as you turn the page to a new book Yoongi bought you.
As you read your book you hear the sounds of a piano coming from near by. A piano? Do we even own a piano? You think as you stand up. Setting your book down open on where you left off on a table.
You then leave the room and search for where the beautiful melody's of the piano is coming from.
Eventually you make it to the end of the hall, right near where Yoongi's lair (I guess you could call it) was. That's where the piano was the loudest. You open one of the doors to see a music room. You walk into the room, instantly noticing the grand piano with Yoongi sat at it pressing the keys. Yoongi played with his eyes closed, skilled fingers dancing on the keys as his body swayed to the music. He's amazing you think as you walk into the room. You've never seen someone play the piano so beautifully before.
Eventually the song ends and Yoongi looks at you expectently.
"What did you think?" Yoongi asks curiously.
"You play beautifully" you smile. Yoongi smiles and pats the spot next to him on the bench. You walk over and sit down on the place next to him, gazing down at the piano keys curiously.
"Do you play?" Yoongi asks. You shake your head.
"Ive never been taught" you say. Yoongi nods his head.
"Would you like me to teach you?" Yoongi asks. You look up at him, meeting his eyes and smile.
"I would love that."
After a few days, you feel like you and Yoongi have really grown close. You've been spending a lot of time with him lately. He teaches you the piano during the day and at night after dinner the two of you go to the library where you read the books he bought for you out loud for the two of you enjoy.
Yoongi even let's you come into his lair (your still not sure what to call it) and watch him make potions.
At the moment that's what your doing. Your sitting in a chair in his lair while he says some freaky sounding incantations and mixes things into his cauldron.
Eventually a few more minutes of this the cauldren glows a pinkish red color notifying you that the potion was finished.
"Why do you need this potion?" You ask as you watch Yoongi take a bottle and a ladle to pour the potion in.
"It's the potion you accidentally spilled when you came in here." Yoongi says while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.
"Ah well what's if for?" You ask. Yoongi takes a quick glance at you before glancing back down at the half full bottle.
"Why don't you try some" Yoongi says, walking over to you, holding the glass bottle out for you to take.
"I don't know Yoongi," you say, nervously glancing down at the bottle.
"Do you trust me?" Yoongi asks. You look up and meet eyes with Yoongi.
After a few seconds of debating you grab the bottle and take a sip of the potion. It tastes like something. You don't know what that something is, but it definitely tastes like it. The aftertaste was just as odd as the actual taste of the potion.
"Tastes weird" you say scrunching your nose. Yoongi laughs and gives you a gummy smile muttering the word cute while you glance down at the bottle with the odd substance in it.
"Hey when's this thing gonna kick in anyway?" You ask. Yoongi smirks at this.
"Oh you'll know Y/n." You look at Yoongi feeling confused before feeling slightly sensitive.
"Ah, I think it's kicking in" you say, standing up. Yoongi looks at you slightly concerned, but not too bothered.
"You feeling okay Y/n?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"I think so, Im just feel a little sensitive and a little tingly. Can you please tell me what this potion does now?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs,
"That's it, it just makes you feel tingly and sensitive."
"Why would you need a potion for that?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs again.
"Some people use it for torture to get answers out of people, and some use it for sex" Yoongi states. You feel the air escape from your lungs. Sex?
"Do you want-" you start to ask; but Yoongi cuts you off, shaking his head.
"Not if you don't want to." Yoongi states seriously. You swallow and hold your breath. I think I do you think, as you start to walk closer to Yoongi.
"I think I do" you say, standing a few inches away from your husband.
"It's not an I think. I need a solid answer before you do something you regret Y/n" Yoongi says, glancing down at your lips and biting his own. You nod.
"I do. I want you Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head and grabs your hand leading you out of his lair and into his bedroom; gently pushing you to lay on his soft bed before capturing his lips with your own.
The first few minutes of kissing are sweet and passionate, before Yoongi licks your lips asking for access. You open your mouth for him and his tongue instantly explores causing you to moan.
After a few more moments of kissing, Yoongi breaks the kiss and attacks your neck. Leaving sloppy open mouthed kisses and occasionally sucking to leave hickey's. As Yoongi kisses your neck you grab his hand and lead it twords your bosom leaving him to grope you and rub your already sensitive nipple from the potion with his thumb, causing you to moan again.
"Does that feel good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks as he makes his way down your body, sucking on the other nipple that he hasn't touched yet.
"Yes, feels good Yoongi" you sigh. You've never been touched by a man like this before. You've barely ever touched a man before as it is. The only man you've ever touched is your father, when he hugs you or kisses your cheek. This feels so good you thinks as you watch Yoongi kiss down your body towards where you need him most.
You feel an ache at your core needing to be filled, and there's no doubt that you've soaked your panties at this point.
Yoongi grabs the end of your dress and tries to pull it up.
"Can I take this off?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and do your best to help Yoongi get your dress off of you, throwing it on the floor somewhere.
Yoongi then makes quick work to take off your bra as well leaving you in only your panties.
"So beautiful" Yoongi says while gazing at your body. You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you smile at him nervously. Yoongi smiles back at you before heading back towards your core, opening your legs up for him to see.
Yoongi kisses the inside of your upper thigh while slowing moving his finger up and down your clothed slit.
"Please Yoongi" you say, biting your lip.
"Please what? What do you want sweetheart?" Yoongi says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You whine and blush feeling too embarrassed to say it.
"I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me sweetheart." Yoongi states, pulling your underwear to the side.
"Your so wet" Yoongi gasps, before glancing up at you.
"Is this all for me?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and give Yoongi a pleading look.
"Please" you whine again. Yoongi shakes his head.
"Yoongi I want your fingers." You say, feeling embarrassed. Yoongi quirks up an eyebrow,
"Where do you want them?" Yoongi asks, licking his lips.
"In me please" you beg. Yoongi smiles before taking your underwear off.
"With pleasure." Yoongi then shoves a finger in you, moving it slowly in and out of you.
"Is this good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and moan. It feels so good. Ever since you saw him play the piano you wondered how good his fingers would be.
"Can you handle a second?" Yoongi asks while contently watching his finger move in and out of you. You moan in response, so Yoongi adds a second finger.
"Fuck" you moan.
"Your doing so well baby" Yoongi says, before lowering his face to your core and licking your clit.
You instantly grip the bed sheets from the feeling, as Yoongi begins to get to work eating you out like a man starved.
Yoongi expertly used his tongue on your core trading between licking at your slit and sucking on your clit. Resulting in you moaning louder, getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Ah, Yoongi" You moan as you grab his hair and buck into his face. Yoongi grabs your hips and holds you down moaning into you causing you to cum.
"Im, I'm coming!" You yell as you the coil in your stomach snaps and you see white.
Once you come down from your high, you look down at Yoongi who's face was still in between your legs, looking up at you with blown out eyes full of lust.
"I need to be in you, please Y/n" Yoongi says. You nod your head and Yoongi quickly strips himself of his clothes. you gaze at your handsome husband in want. Feeling yourself get turned on again.
Yoongi then climbs on top of you, spreading your legs so he can rest perfectly in between them.
"Are you ready?" Yoongi asks you, grabbing his cock and moving his hand up and down to give himself some relief from how hard he is. You nod your head.
"Just please be gentle, I've never done this before" you say. Yoongi nods his head, and rubs his cock on your folds collecting the wetness from your arousel so he can slide in easier.
Yoongi looks at you again for one last bit of assurance before you nod and he's slowly shoving himself in.
It feels weird at first, it dosnt hurt like you heard it would, but it wasn't necessarily very comfortable either. Yoongi gets halfway in before bottoming out and doing a small thrust back in.
"You okay?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and experimentally squeeze causing Yoongi to groan.
"You better stop that right now sweetheart" Yoongi says before he starts to slowly thrust in and out of you.
After a few more moments you start to feel good from the way Yoongi feels and you let out a moan.
"Feels good now?" Yoongi asks, reaching for your hands, interlocking your fingers together and holding them above your head. You nod your head and let out another moan before Yoongi dives down and kisses you slowly and sweetly. Feels so good you think as Yoongi thrusts into you at a steady rythm.
After awhile Yoongi's thrusts start to stutter and he shuts his eyes closed.
"I'm close" he says. You start squeezing as much as you can and rocking your hips with Yoongi causing him to moan.
"Coming" Yoongi says giving a few more sloppy thrusts, before thrusting as deep into you as he can and spilling his seed.
After a few moments after Yoongi's orgasm he pulls out and looks over at you.
"Sorry I didn't get you to cum again" you shake your head and smile.
"It's fine Yoongi" you say as you move your body closer to his and laying your head on his chest.
"I'm glad you stayed after you found out about me" Yoongi says. You raise yourself from laying on him to look at his face.
"What do you mean? You used your magic on me so I got forced into staying" you say. Yoongi shakes his head,
"I only used my magic that once, throughout that whole time you did have an opportunity to leave. I used my magic on you that once to make you think about it." Yoongi says. You silently look at Yoongi and consider his words, before laying your head back down on his chest,
"Well then I'm glad I stayed too."
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ahoodgirl · 4 years
♡ marry me / surprise ♡ {victor tan (swat)}
> its gonna be a long one, folks! <
> warnings: sex – 18+ only! <
> words: 1,978 <
> listen to: marry me by train <
> author's note: to all my Victor Tan / SWAT fans! you're gonna love this! I love each and every members of swat, but Victor, oohf, i have a *very* soft spot for him, deeeep in my heart. So of course, I had to write something marriage wise, along with their first time and the flight to the winter cabin, etc., etc,. Theres gonna be three parts to this.. I like to change it up with the names in each story/fic I write so in this one, the girls name is Miya Ashleigh Daniels/Tan. Tell me what you think, if i should make this a series or not. So please, enjoy this long read of 'Marry Me / Surprise' fic imagine for Victor Tan. <
> P A R T O N E — the wedding <
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
It was the day everyone was looking forward to, the day that both Victor and I were patiently waiting for, and now its finally here... our wedding day.
We decided that, instead of a church wedding, we'd get married in our best friends barn in his back yard then have the reception at a close–by venue.
We got engaged exactly a year and a half ago, knowing we'd want a winter wedding, exactly a week before christmas. We found a little snowy cottage in the mountains that we wanted to stay at / go to for our honeymoon.
My dress came in last month, and it fits me perfectly. Vic had his since last year, knowing he'd have to keep in shape in order for him to still be able to wear it, when everything finally comes into fruition.
We only invited our friends and family, total wedding and reception maxing out 50, we invited 40. Plenty of room to have a good time.
My maid of honor ‐ Deacon's wife Annie - helped me get into my dress while my two other bridesmaids ‐ Chris and Molly ‐ did my hair and makeup. I was okay with Chris not wearing a dress, as she opted for a dark purple and black pantsuit instead.
Once I got dressed and Vic's best man came for me ‐ Deacon himself ‐ I do my best to keep myself together as we walk to the front doors of the barn.
Since my dad nor my mom is here to walk me down the aisle, Deacon took it upon himself to take on that duty, not taking no for an answer. So here we are at the doors waiting for the famous song to be played, and Deac turns to me and says, "your beautiful. Victor's gonna be a crying mess when he sees you." I laugh as I hold back tears. "Don't cry, your gonna mess up your makeup." I chuckle and reply "who needs makeup when you're in love with someone who loves you no matter what you look like, makeup or no makeup. But thank you, Deacon, for being my shoulder to walk me down the aisle. It means, a lot since my dad's not here to do it."
Before he could respond, we hear our signal and fix ourselves. I hang onto Deacons arm with my left hand while my right holds onto my bouquet and the bottom of my dress as the barn doors are opened. I see everyone standing, the only person standing out to me tremendously, my soon–to–be husband, Victor Tan. And just like Deacon said, once he saw me he couldn't stop the flow of tears from his eyes. I did my best to keep my composure so my makeup wouldn't look like a wreck if front of our guests. As Deacon hands me off to Victor and gets back to his spot behind the groom, I hand my bouquet to Annie and step in–front of Vic and grab both his hands as the officiant starts the ceremony.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." Victor smiles and leans in to give me one of the best kisses yet. We turn to our guests and the officiant says, "I pronounce to you, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tan!" We kiss one more time and walk out of the barn holding hands, smiling.
We get into the rented range rover and drive to a nearby abandoned building and park.
We both agreed to wait to have sex once we're married, but to also not wait once we're somewhere private, either. So we opted for car sex. Passionate, sexy and meaningful.
Once he parks, we hurry to the back seat, put both seats down and strip ourselves naked, making sure not to waste anymore time than we've already lost by driving to our 'abandoned–building–sex' location.
He wastes no time in getting behind me, pushing himself inside and roughly thrusting in and out, his fingers leaving bruises behind from the amount of pressure he's putting on my hips.
As he fucks me harder from behind, I hold onto the pushed–up seat in-front of me and groan out loudly, my mouth open wide giving him the opportunity to grab my face and pull it towards him, kissing my lips as his fingers dig deep into my hips, searching for his high.
"Vic, aagh!" hearing me moan out his name gives him the drive to push forward and hit my gspot rapidly, his orgasm hitting him like a train, his cum spewing inside my vagina.
Once we've finished our spontaneous adventure, we quickly clean ourselves up and drive to our reception.
Victor parks in the 'just–married' parking spot and shuts the engine off. We make sure that we're put together right and get out, then hand–in–hand walk to the doors just in time as our announcer announces us and we walk through the doors holding our hands above our heads.
We walk to our table and find our seats ‐ Mr. & Mrs. ‐ and sit down.
We eat our meal, and dessert ‐ you know I had to smash cake in his face; he did too ‐ before it's time for our first dance.
After everything's done, and the reception is finished, it was time for pictures.
Our photographer snapped many photos ‐ some we loved and some we didn't ‐ and everything was good. You could just *tell* how happy Victor looked. You could tell. That look he gave me, was the same one he gave me while we were fucking in the rental car, just hours before our reception ‐ pure lust ‐ my favorite 'private moment' between us so far.
After pictures, we thank eveyone for coming, then leave in the rental range rover and head to our hotel, where we'll stay the night, then early that next morning ‐ 3:40 am ‐ we'll get up, pack and fly to our honeymoon.
> P A R T T W O — the honeymoon <
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
After Victor unlocks the front door, we finally walk in the cabin we're staying at for our honeymoon, and drag our luggage to our room. We spend a few hours in our room to ourselves, not coming out until it was 3am ‐ we were both hungry so I had to make something ‐ then going back for the rest of the night.
We finally came out of the room at 2, deciding to go outside and adventure, along with a few snowball fights as well.
A snow war, two snow forts and a shit ton of snowballs later, we go inside for some hot chocolate.
Victor takes off all his coats and his boots then goes to the cabinet and grabs two packets of hot chocolate. I take off my coats and my boots as well then sit on the couch in front of the fireplace and wait.
"I can't believe you ambushed me! Your own husband!" I laugh as he hands me my mug of hot chocolate full of marshmallows. "Yeah, thats something you should get used to." he laughs and sits down beside me.
"do you think anyone knew what we did after they announced us?" I laugh so hard, I sneeze chocolate out of my nose. "I don't think they had a clue, but you did fuck me good though, I'll give you that." he smiles. "thank you. I'll except that compliment, and raise you higher on that tonight."
We finish our hot chocolates and go back outside to the snow.
It was two days before Christmas and we had already planned to stay at his moms until after New Years.
We pack that night and get everything ready for when we wake up early tomorrow morning to leave for the airport headed back home.
> P A R T T H R E E — home <
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
After an hour flight we finally land and grab our luggage and get off the plane. We go through baggage then head to security check. We walk outside to find his mom waiting for us. We stuff our bags in her car and she drives off.
An hour after we've gotten to his moms home, we settle in and get everything set and ready for Christmas ‐ and a surprise I've been waiting so long to give/tell him - as we both fall asleep peacefully next to each other.
On Christmas morning, Victor surprised me with breakfast in bed ‐ grits {w. cheese}, waffles, bacon, milk and orange juice ‐ then we go open presents with his mom in the living room.
His mom got me some stuff for our new house, I got her a new pot and pan, she got Victor some underwear and socks ‐ to which he was embarrassed that she knew his size ‐ and he got his mom a photobook full of his childhood and adulthood memories.
Victor grabbed my present from behind the couch and handed it to me. I opened it and was shocked ‐ an ornament with a picture of us at our wedding, saying 'Victor & Miya, our first Christmas 2019.' "aww, Victor. You didn't have to do this," I smile then stand up to give him a hug and kiss. "but my present is better," he looks at me in confusion as I grab the final box under the tree ‐ a small box ‐ and smile, handing the box to Victor.
He looks at me with a weird face, but unwraps the red ribbon and pulls the top off the box, then he looks at me. "w–what?" I nod my head as I take a sip of my hot chocolate. "you're, pregnant?" I set my mug down on the coffee table in front of me and turn to Victor. "I found out last week. I wanted so badly to tell you, but I figured since Christmas was coming up I might as well wait. So I put all three tests in this box and wrapped it up, then made sure it was hidden so you wouldn't grab it first." Vic's mom was so happy, she started crying tears of joy. We all hugged each other then threw away all the trash from the presents.
Victor's mom makes up food while I get all the drinks ready and set them on the table. He helps her plate the food and hands them to me to take to the table.
After we eat and Vic and I help wash dishes, we sit down on the couch and put on a movie.
After the ending credits rolled through, Victor realized I was asleep and carried me to the room, then got in beside me and also fell asleep with him cuddling me.
New Years Eve came around, and we had a party at our house. Everyone from SWAT was invited and we had drinks and plenty of snacks for everyone.
We all kept an eye on the time ‐ 10am became 2pm which then became 5pm ‐ until finally 11:18pm rolled around. Only 42 minutes left until New Years.
11:25, 11:35, 11:45, 11:55, then came 11:58, only two minutes until New Years.
Once it hit 11:59, everyone started counting down from 60 ‐ 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ‐ "5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!" everyone yelled out as Victor's lips found mine and captured them in a kiss, ready for whatever the new year brings us.
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awellboiledicicle · 5 years
Mok’s Mod List 2.0
Note that some of these mods require Content Patcher from the Nexus, and some mods listed need a bit of tweaking.
But thats not the point, the point is wanting to play Stardew Valley with Additions.
[cp] Babies Take After Spouse by Lakoria
What it says on the tin-- this mod lets your kids look like your kids! Its nice.
[cp] Dammit Clint Stop Hitting on My Wife by Rubecula
Tweaks Clint’s whole... thing to be closer to the whole “Guy with super bad social skills and anxiety about trying to talk to people”/”not really outgoing dude” and not so much “dude that literally watches Emily at her place of work and from bushes outside her house”/”Incel that you’d call the cops on if possible”. It correctly stops him hitting on emily when married to you. It makes him way more personable in terms of not setting off creep vibes. There’s a version available also of toning things down while being just friends. 
[cp] Elle's Cat Replacements by Junimods
[cp] Elle's Dog Replacements by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Barn Animals by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Coop Animals by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Horses by Junimods
Lumping these together because they let you customize almost every sprite of a thing on your farm. Different cats, different breeds of dog, and new cuter barn animals, and horses. 
[Cp] Seasonal Villager outfits by Tanpopnoko and ParadigmNomad
Changes the villagers outfits as seasons change. No more Haley walking around in a tanktop and short skirts while theres like 3 feet of snow. Cute sweaters! Evelyn with nice sun hats! George not covered in food mess!
[cp ]Stardew Lottery Letters by Jokerine
You wanna play the lottery without putting anything in, and get like, cake when you don’t win? Want surprise money at random? Of course you do. Thats what this does. 
[cp] Canon Friendly dialogue expansion for all friend-able characters by Gizzymo
You ever play a file so long you’ve heard literally everything the npc’s can say? Like several times? Get this and get v in character lines that are spread out over the years. 
Abigail Dialogue Expansion by farmerjack
More Abigail! More words!
Adjust Baby Chance by JertsukkaTheMan
Some of us want to start a game with the goal of having a family with an LI. Its nice, its cute etc. But sometimes the game just won’t make your spouse ask you about having kids. For years. So this mod lets you adjust the chance of your spouse asking. 
All Professions by cantorsdust
Tired of only having one set of proficiency? Long to be a titan of farming? think its bullshit that you can’t master raising cattle AND growing potatoes? This mod unlocks both professions as you level things up. 
Animal Sitter by jwdred
Let your pet feed, water, and care for your farm animals. Or have your spouse do it. Pay for it or don’t, set if animal things go in to your inventory or a chest. Is very good if you wanna have animals but also are bad at telling which you’ve pet and which ones you haven’t.
Better Fruit Trees by CatCattyCat
Do you want an orchard without having to space things like a dnd movement grid? 
CJB Cheats Menu by CJBok and Pathoschild
Make fishing easier! Change walking speed! Change relationship levels! Complete that quest that you can’t find the thing for! Get chips for the casino! Get money i guess! 
CJB Item Spawner by CJBok
Decorate without being tied to the whims of everything else. Get things for quests. get ore without going mining bc mining is Danger sometimes. 
DokiDoki Dialogue Alex by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Elliott by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Harvey by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Sam by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Sebastian by alistairweekend
Collecting this together because it basically just adds more dialogue that makes the relationships much more convincing. 
Family Planning by loe2run
Lets you set the max number of children you and your spouse can have at a time. 
Free Dusty by skuld
Freedom for the doggo! Allows Alex’s dog Dusty to wander the town with Alex or wait for him in places. Not great irl, very good in game with the alternative being a way too small yard.
Gift Taste helper by tstaples
If you hover over the calendar on a birthday or on the portrait on your social menu, it’ll let you know what people like getting. A life saver. 
Happy Birthday by Omegasis
Lets you set a birthday for your Farmer, because really, you should have one.
Immersive Festival Dialogue by tangeriney
People now actually talk about the festivals happening around town! Like you know, normal people.
Instant grow Trees by cantorsdust
are you, too, impatient as shit? Want to have a syrup farm in a specific pattern but dont wanna wait? Get this and instant trees in the morning.
Kisekae by Kabigon [use Pathoschild unofficial update]
Like Get Dressed, this mod lets you alter the image of your farmer without having to pay the wizard. Why do you have to do dark magic for a haircut. It’s bullshit. So use this mod and get dressed up for festivals. The unofficial patch is on the compatibility page of the wiki.
Longjevity by RTGOAT
Adds more things to the game. Optional taxes, also adds more crops and clothing changes, and soda crafting. Can conflict with Seasonal Outfits, but can be worked in together. 
Map image exporter by spacechase0
Screenshots are now less of a pain
NPC Map Locations by Bouhm
“Where the fuck are they?” a sentence of the past! Adds markers to the location of villagers and shows if they move.
Paririe King Made Easy by Mucchan and PathosChild
Spelling Prairie is hard, but the games shouldn’t be. Makes you functionally immortal bc that minigame hurts me. 
Range Display by CatCattyCat
Displays a colored grid showing how far things cover. Scarecrows, beehives, and sprinklers. No more guessing where things reach!
Remote Fridge Storage by arjan3004
Fridge is tiny, is too small for mighty farming and foraging skills. Chest, though, chest is many and large together. Use chest as ice chest to store fridge, and cook with those things! No inventory management required.
Replanter by jwdred
Like Animal Sitter, but for the farm bit. Option for instant selling upon harvest. Also has option to put it into a chest for later. 
Part of the Community by bmarquismarkail
Ever feel weird about the fact you never get to know people through, like, social osmosis? Like if you’re super good friends with Sam, he’s probably talked to his family and friends about you. If you’re selling all these things to people, and helping people out, shouldn’t most people at least know ur a chill person? This mod gives a couple points toward your relationship to the citizens for every festival, for every thing sent in the box, and if you talk to people in a room with others, they all get a point or five. It’s very useful for keeping relationships going.
SBM Black Roof by ??
Mod i used to make my house pretty, but i can’t find it anywhere. 
Skull Cavern Elevator by Bifibi
Adds an elevator to Skull cavern, with option to change when the thing appears. No need to keep trying to not die every 10 floors only to need to do it again later.
Stardew Hack by bcmpinc
Basic thing that allows for below mod.
Wear More Rings by bcmpinc
You have ten fingers, why not so many rings? It would only make sense. So get your shinies on yall
Note 2: I have not included links in the post as links would make it not show up in the tags and thus would make sharing harder. Searching the Nexus modding website or the compatibility page will get you there. 
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mxtantrights · 4 years
MARCH 1985
"Alright you and I are going to get slurpies, and we're gonna talk." Steve says by my side.
It would be very hard to deny that something was bothering me. It's been a few days since I saw her and it's like she's still here. Like she's still got a hold on me. A part of me wants to blame it on my monthly duty but I know there is no running from it.
I told my dad. And he did listen. And he did understand. Two people know that I've killed someone. Somehow telling people doesn't make living with the guilt easier though. Or seeing the looks on their faces easier to forget.
"Steve I'm not sure if I can tell you." I answer him.
He stops walking by my side for an off second. But then he's by my side again like nothing even happened.
"Do you want to tell me?" He asks me as we head out the double doors.
I do. I really want to tell him. He has been nothing but an amazing friend to me. It was like we were fast forwarding through the weird and awkward stuff and getting to the comfortable part. Where he knows what faces I make and what they mean. And I know to trust him.
"I do but I feel like it's- it might change us. It might change everything." I didn't know my voice would sound so small or I wouldn't have said anything.
I wait for his answer but instead I get his hand. I get his hand grabbing mine, squeezing. I stop walking in response and look down at our hands. So he stops too.
"Remember you said it was both of us. Steve and Jessie."
"Steve and Jessie."
I watch over Steve as he sits there. Completely still, not moving. I'm not even sure he's breathing. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. It was better without him knowing. Now he's gonna give me that look. He's gonna tell me it's not my fault.
He nods his head slowly to himself. He's still not saying anything. All I can hear between the two of us is the wind hitting the trees. He drove us up here on this sort of look-out spot. The slurpies were inside the car, probably watered down.
I start pacing, unintentionally. He wasn't saying anything. He wasn't saying anything at all but I knew what was coming. The look. That stupid look was coming and I didn't want to see it from him. I didn't want to see it ever again.
He's still not saying anything.
I keep pacing in front of him. Except this time it's different.
What if he doesn't want to be friends with me? What if he can't be friends with a killer? I was already enough with the experiment thing. And then the mother thing. And now I've told him that I killed someone.
Way to put your boot in your mouth Jessie! Just had to say something! Couldn't bite it down or fake being okay. I can't believe myself! I'm such an idiot. Life gives me good things and I ruin it. I bulldoze right over it!
What if he just leaves me here? Gets in his car and reverses out of here? Stops talking to me at school, stops talking to me. Stops hanging around-
I feel my arm being pulled, and I stop to look at him. Steve pulls me by my arm closer to him on the hood of his car with no words. It happens slowly, so slow I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest.
He pulls me close enough to wrap his arms around me. Then even closer. He's got his arms around me and one of his hands is rubbing circles into my back. The other is holding the back of my head. I can feel his chin resting on top of my head.
I'm struck with confusion and fear.
He didn't have that look on his face.
And he's not telling me it's not my fault.
"This doesn't change anything, Jessie." He says to me, and I can hear him very well because I've got my face on his jacket.
I put my hands around him now, letting go of the breath I know I was holding in. I can feel him breathing against me too. I wanna thank him. For being different with me. But I also don't know how to do that.
And I also can't because my face is smushed into his jacket.
I don't think I need to.
MARCH 22, 1985
Why am I hiding out in the Byers bathroom? Nothing happened to me, everything fine. There's no opened gate, no demogorgon, no evil lab. Everything is okay and everyone I love is fine. So why is there this pain in my chest?
Like I'm hurting?
Why would I be hurting?
It's Will's birthday! All the kids are here. Me, Jon, Nancy and Steve are here. I'm pretty sure my dad and Hopper are going to drop in later.
Why am I hurting?
This is so stupid! I thought I was making progress here! Talking about my feelings with people, with my therapist. I thought I was finally letting go of everything! I can't believe I'm still in this place!
Why can't I get out of this hurt place?
I look behind me at my dad and his boss.
He and Hopper were cooking up something and I knew it. I could smell it. The last time my dad cooked up something for me I was singing at the valentines dance. As much fun as that was I don't feel in the mood to preform again.
It was fun, yeah.
That was when I thought I was getting over things. The realization hit me hard. I had thought that getting better meant going back to normal and letting go of everything. I mean that's what you see in the movies don't you?
Conflict resolution?
But after all the epic action scenes, after the movie credits roll, what happens then? Is a happy ending really that easy? And is it for everyone?
I walk though the front door and sit on the steps to the house.
I thought I would get sick and tired of hearing the emptiness and the crickets of Hawkins Indiana. All the stars that I could look up at and wish upon. The long roads, the two story houses. Past me is wishing that it would all just go back to the way it was.
And I'm doing the same.
I look up at the sky, the stars of the night.
Sure I could see stars in Texas. Not the same stars I see here, but they're stars. It was different back then, because I didn't have to wish on any stars. I didn't need them. Once I got here it was like I lumped them up together for myself.
So I could wish on one every night.
After that day in class where we learned about how many stars were in the sky I did.
"Hey Jessie."
I stop looking at the stars to see Will. The birthday boy. I watch him come towards me and take a seat right by my side. He was growing every single day. When I first got here and met him and he had that bowl but, he was still small.
They were all still small.
Now it's like he's- becoming a little man. Just like Mickey.
"You trying to escape for a little bit too?" I ask him with a knowing smile on my face.
He nods his head and looks up at the sky. "I love everyone but sometimes I just need a minute."
"Yeah I understand, kid. We all need a minute sometimes." I agree with him, looking up at the stars too.
Then theres a silence. Neither of us say nothing. Me and Will aren't alike. He went through something complete different than me. In no way can I compare the two situations. But it still left us with that feeling inside.
"I know how hard it must be to celebrate today." He cuts the silence.
He was really smart. I was hoping that it didn't show too much. Or that no one would say anything. It's like the elephant in the room. Or- the me at the birthday party. I really hope everyone doesn't see me as some precious piece of glass.
I look at him now, "I will celebrate everyone one of your guys birthday every single year. Just because I have a bad relationship with mine doesn't mean I can't do this with you guys."
He looks at me now, eyes right into mine.
"Are you sure?" The boy asks.
I can feel a tear threatening to fall from my eye. I really don't want to cry but I know if I keep on denying it it's not gonna do me any good. I also can't talk because I could literally fall apart like said piece of glass.
So I nod.
Will suddenly wraps an arm around my shoulder and leans his head against me. It's like- he knows that we're not that different from each other. Even though we are. It's weird and sweet. He's only a kid and he's so understanding.
"Hey did you hear that new song? It's by tears for fears?" I ask.
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genius11rare · 4 years
Figured id try this. AH  Chit chat livestream notes / QnA  7-10-20
because i'm weird i like “documenting” videos and (in this case) Live Streams. figured why keep this to myself so here. maybe one day ill just post a google docs link for a viewing copy but idk. So heres what i got for today seeing as the chitchat part will likely be cut off for the “real” video i may as well memorialize it. not perfect and may be kinda nonsensical but its what i could come up with.
Matt has a window…. With a balcony blocking above , pointless window. Red Web (trevors podcast)  “where he gets in over his head on the internet” “think if i just show them the episode of Technical Difficulties where i made garden lights into solar chargers i can get that tax kickback?” , Jacks neighbor with the tesla solar roof , having to train people to know how to install it . Ryan: “what are the odds he cant look outside at any given hour of the day and see atleast one human with a big piece of paper scratching their head” Elon Musk Starlink satellites for internet worldwide, Ryan “not saying that's _clearly_  a supervillain plot but if it was it wouldnt surprise me” , Ubisoft Far Cry teaser… oh its live action movie teaser clip- oh shit that's rendered!!! , teaser pick of a young Vaas with scars…. Ryan “Did he get them in the womb!?!?!?  Wanna know how i got these scars? Born with them don't know…”  “What is your fave type of cake?” Ryan: Chocolate (Lava)… don't put a sprinkle on it OR ILL SLAY YOU Jack: I mean is birthday a type of cake… Funfettis great Jeremy: both are stereotypical , Boston Creme cakes and Rum Cakes. Matt: Yellow cake with fudge frosting. “Pets and significant others are safe , what item do you grab in a house fire” Jack: Animation cel of the Dino DNA scene in Jurrassic Park (think i got it) Ryan: i mean my life looks alot like this corner , if i could burn this shit down to start with a new empty house i might even be happy. (chat Ryan your insurance is listening)  Jeremy: don't have much i really care about , just “well that sucks it burnt up” . Matt: first ever smash trophy i won , only one i still have. Chat answers “Photo albums , Ryans DeadPool Suit” “what games hope to be announced on microsoft stream?” Matt :  Fable 4 (Ryan ”surprised theyd try to bring it back past the press that is peter molyneu” Matt ” well now nothing holding them back , not those trees!”) Jack: not so much games but LockHeart the mini streaming Xbox. (Ryan: all those types of things have failed idk why they think - well they also made mixer and that went tits up so sure why not) Jeremy: microsoft doesnt really blow me away , arent really anything that im like “i HOPE they announce a sequel” Matt: know this isnt the right crowd but Banjo Kazzoie? Just added in smash , Crash Bandicoots got a new game it makes sense nows the time… i mean the time was already before this but fuck it do it anyway. Steffie says we are at almost 10 mil views on Achievement Knievel (9.95 mil)  Ryan “which one was that” (Jack and Jeremy) “that's Im Still In The Air” Ryan “oooohhh… now i know why i blocked it out… thought we titled it like “the greatest stunt ever” or atleast that's what we called it while making it” “rather fight 100 duck sized ChilledChaos (yey my boy chilled!) or 1 ChilledChaos sized duck?” Ryan “feel like the duck cuz atleast it still doesnt have thumbs” - Jeremy “or teeth , what is it gonna do it can bill and flipper you” Matt “i mean a bunch of tiny Chilleds can work together to kill you” Jeremy “right they will figure something out” Ryan “tiny chilled more dangerous he can infiltrate spaces i wouldnt expect to find him” “tv show / movie you could watch again for the first time what would it be?” Jack: Breaking bad and Endgame … but only if its with a crowd who is ALSO seeing it for the first time. Matt : The Office Ryan: Full Metal Alchemist (oh anime time) , everyone talks about Brotherhood but i really liked the original. Matt:  Brotherhoods a bit better but original is still good on its own (paraphrased). Ryan : had that twist at the end of “dafuq did this show just go?” made a movie based off it… skippable though. Jeremy: Futurama , *or erase all my knowledge of Whose Line* “Fave piece of Merch put out?” Jeremy: Geoff tanktop with the tribal skull. Ryan: *puts on classic gray achievement hunter hat* Jack: Extralife Posters if those count , like the Xmen AH one behind Ryan that Jon (Risinger i assume) and Pat (IDFK) made. Matt: Tiki Mugs. Jeremy “do you use those , make pina coladas?” Matt “often! When i get caught in the rain (GDI Matt) “ Chat alot saying FrontBack ,  one said Jacks Varsity Jacket. “Trapped in quarantine with a fictional character , who?” Jack: Macgyver maybe idk (Ryan: How about Dr Manhattan he could just fix it)  yeah like Q from star trek. Matt: GlaDOS but in potato form. Jeremy “theres a lot of anime girls id be ok being stuck with but idk their name” (i love jeremy)  a Matt: you want Lust from Full Metal Alchemist - Jeremy: That sounds great , (Ryan *Nods*) i can picture that i like it or if we keeping the Futurama train then Bender… think wed have A LOT of fun , and he wouldnt get me the virus! Ryan: no he would , hed deliberately try to get you  sick. Jeremy: hed bring people in “what occupation / person where you most surprised to find out was an AH fan?” Jack: Fun story im looking to learn how to Sauder , someone messaged me saying they're a fan if you need help , *hes the guy welding StarShip* Matt: well… anyone smart really… Jack (and Ryan) : the Dr Who Set/Prop designer (Ben) hes done some stuff us (think he snuck in a name plate on a show of Jack and Ryan name or something , saw a tweet about that before) Ryan: not really any that's surprising… there was the time Macauly Culkin wore our shirt (press my awesome button) “our” being RT  Jeremy: Cool meeting Xavier Woods but like we know hes a gaming fan and watches a lot of content like ours… still on Whose Line Johnathon Mangum is a AH fan , even messaging me at one point. Trevor in chat “what if president trump rode up in a Salad Chalice shirt” , Jack: one guy who bought it , like “im hip with the kids” Ryan: can you imagine someone less likely to be seen near a salad? Matt: I mean ryan he thinks he has to drink them so…. Jeremy: also been having a lot of solicitors recently for some reason… really annoying and during a pandemic. Ordered a sign thats basically “fuckoff im not answering the door LEAVE” , have a ring doorbell (some kind of doorbell app where you can talk to people at the door i guess?)  but when im recording cant be like “hang on a second - FUCKOFF” Ryan: i DO feel like you have the kind of job you could do that , if anything youd put them in the video like “hey you're live right now what you need” … Jack managed to crash 7D2D on my local system already that's a good sign (brief technical difficulties music playing as it cut to ryans screen in the game) 
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