#so much information. so much left out.
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ru5t · 7 months ago
A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, or a ‘What you will notice about my muse’ cheat sheet. Copy from template meme: x , don’t reblog. 
Sex: Feminine. Notes: afab and has never encountered a reason not to just go with that, though really she doesn't strongly feel pressed about presenting as any particular gender, like. She's Tech. It's sort of a non-thought? Gender is a performance and she is the show's tech crew.
Race: Caucasian
Complexion: Fair and freckled; holds a little color, but even now she's more likely to freckle further (or even burn) than tan very deeply. Pale girl struggles. (At least she's not as pale as Vi-)
Height: 5'2"
Build Type: Slight. Other / More Details: In terms of physical development, she fell behind in her preteen years for a variety of reasons (but mostly because of interference/side effects) and never caught up or reached her full potential. She's not frail, but she'll never be particularly strong, and she struggles to put on any mass, muscle or otherwise (also for many reasons but mainly because of that interruption in her growing years.)
Hair: Varies a little from a shorter bob (close to her chin) to kind of medium (touching her shoulders) with choppy layers and a slight wave texture Color: Naturally red; it was lighter when she was younger, almost more strawberry blonde, and got darker as she got older, into coppery, rusty shades. These days it's usually california poppy orange, a streak of green, maybe her roots showing a little; when she's in the city she uses a temporary (wash-out) color product to make it look an unassuming brown. Style: She wears it up a lot to get work done, often putting it into a ponytail or sometimes a big jaw clip or with a hair stick. Lots of smaller clips for the many little flyaways. When not working she generally leaves it loose, because having it up for long periods tends to give her a headache or make her head tender
Eye color: Hazel Notes: Often described as curious, sharp, and/or seeing. A little wide-eyed vibes, too, sometimes.
Scars: Quite a lot of little ones, largely work-related (burns and cuts on her arms and hands) and from that whole survival thing. Some more notable ones include: one through her right eyebrow, one on her outer left arm, the Many on her outer left thigh, and the entry and exit wounds on her upper back and chest respectively. It's probably worth noting that before her reeducation she had different scars, including one through her bottom lip, which were 'scrubbed', so anyone who knew her before would probably note she looks different, even if they couldn't exactly place why.
Fashion Style: A little tomboyish at times. She's got some clothes purely for functional reasons when dealing with bigger scale projects, and the rest of the time it's very... early thousands punk-y/grunge girl, spiky updos and all Notes: In terms of silhouette, think like Linds.ey Lo.han and her on-screen friends in Freaky Friday - actually kind of just early thousands Lindsey most of the time? Avril La.vigne(!). Early thousands P!nk a little bit. Whichever of those Mary-Kat.e n Ash.l.ey movies is the one where they have this vibe.
Typical Clothing: More fitted tops, t-shirts and tanks, paired with looser bottoms that are usually cargo-pants in spirit if not literal application (pockets!!! a must-have.) Sometimes she has a jacket or secondary loose layer over top, sometimes she does not. It's not usually Noticeable with a capital N I don't think but there is a pattern/fact of her shirts never touching her neck- they either have some kind of dropped collar to begin with or she will alter it. She dabbles in clothing theft, but usually more for sleepwear than every day. Loves a good giant shirt for sleeping.
Color Palette: Maybe like.... orange, green, pink? A dash of teal and yellow? All over the place if we're honest. The more regular note is: stripes. She wears a lot of striped tops in particular- she's owned no less than three different orange striped shirts. Her pants, if only because she likes the cargo style, tend to be the more neutral part of her outfits, ranging around in khaki and dark greens, dark blues, grey- you know. Cargo pants colors. She's owned at least two pair of camouflage colored/patterned pants, one of which she cut into shorts at some point (and the second pair to replace the first lmao)
Jewelry & Piercings: Her ears are double pierced on the lobes; she tends to wear studs in the higher/second set, and likes dangly bright charm earrings in the lower/first set. She had a septum piercing at one point but I don't know if it's still there. She does not and will not wear necklaces (though may occasionally pull her goggles down and leave them there, while she's working. Mostly they go up on her head though.) She likes woven bracelets, and anything clicky-clacky (but not jingle-y) like wood and plastic. She picked up the habit of wearing 'bad luck beads' from a certain someone.
Tattoos: N/A
Other Information: Gloves! Fingerless. Sometimes practical but more often a fashion/cultural thing, the patterned useless kind. Headphones sometimes, and welding goggles of some kind, I haven't settled on a particular style. I'm still not sure I'm committed to the cat ear helmet, but. Potentially there is also the cat ear helmet sometimes (<- which would not be in that color but that is soooo the vibe, the energy, if she does have one)
General Facial Expression: Fluid and ever-changing, even when she's otherwise placid. It would be incredibly heart-on-her-sleeve if not for the fact that her expressions and moods don't match the way you'd expect. (In fact, it often counterintuitively serves to obscure what she's thinking; people generally have a hard time reading her expressions (and sometimes body language). More information does not always mean better clarity.)
Default Body Language: Much the same as her expressions, though a little more traditionally matched. Small for scared, fidgety for nervous, tall shoulders for angry. The problem is more that she doesn't really seem to have anywhere to settle. There is no default, only wherever she's at that day.
General Movements: Cautious and guarded. A hand-talker, though she's often known to keep herself strictly contained in unfamiliar settings— she's typically an incredibly high self-monitor, constantly aware of where she is in a space, how much of it she's taking up, if she's in the (apparent) way, how close people are to her, etc. etc. Thus, she gives off this sort of... tightly wound energy. Like she wants to go big, but won't commit. When at work on a project she's very nimble and clever, generally confident, almost a whole different vibe: she's great at tiny fiddly machines and wires.
Presence: In person, usually pretty innocuous. She's colorful yeah but in home setting that's the norm, so she doesn't generally stand out in a crowd. She mostly just wants her own space, but with her wandering expressions and habit of talking to herself and the occasional little tic, some people are put off and/or rude to her. She also... doesn't necessarily Miss social cues, but will fail to initiate them first, or the way people expect. She's just... a bit odd. Has some crazy currency. Over the transmitter she's an absolute menace and regularly antagonistic to anyone who gets on her nerves even a little.
Appearance: Always at least a little wild looking— her hair messy, her clothes crooked. She (accidentally) ends up with tears in the knees of her pants a lot. A little like... you know how people dress after they develop a personal style but before they get it in their head to be self-conscious about being "put-together"? It's kind of like that. There's an energy and a vibe just not necessarily a huge amount of polish — things she likes, rather than outfits she puts together for people to look at. Also, with all her workshopping and tendency to bump her elbows and scrape her knees ... a little bit spicy kitten feral. A dash of mad-scientist. Odd little bug.
Scent: Ignoring the obvious notes to be made about people in apocalyptic-esque settings (although I really think. Personal HC disclaimer or whatever but I think it's not that bad, broadly speaking. No-showers georg probably exists but... there is a city actively manufacturing things, and a thriving smuggling scene, and an entire trade system, and sort of prairie-culture more than apocalypse wasteland, you know? it's more about conserving the safe water than not having the access to the necessities, I think. Dry alternatives are probably popular. ANYWAY-) I think anything else noticeable might be... a little bit of a (good) cat-smell, because of how much time she spends with Glitch+how often he's sitting standing or laying on her.
Voice Description: Honestly I have never had a particular association other than knowing she talks fast.
Accent: (This was presented as a "yes/no" question and I am here to say: Everyone Has An Accent.) More information: There's a kind of... zones accent? That isn't formally plotted out but just sort of developed as we were writing. It involves lots of dropped consonants + some Spanish influence and rapid-fire sentences ft. all that slang. To me it's always seemed almost... American South in terms of vibe? But that might be a biased take on it. I don't know that it necessarily sounds that way, like with the same vowel placements, but it reads that way to me.
Speech Mannerisms: Sort of wobbles between some natural leanings and just a little bit of putting-on — she tends to exaggerate her 'zone accent' a little bit when she's feeling either superior or inferior or if she's just trying to make a Point of something. Naturally a chatterbox, though it might take her a bit to warm up (and sometimes she also goes entirely nonverbal). Time alone during years she should have been expanding her social skills led to her talking to herself out loud a lot, and sometimes she forgets people like to be able to respond. If she gets snapped at or fussed at specifically for talking a lot/too much she's incredibly likely to A) snap back and then B) become a lot more stiff and/or outright refuse to speak with a person anymore. Practices being brave about things she doesn't want to say by saying them AllinOneBreathWithNoSpaceAndVeryVeryQuickly
Anything else to add? People who think they have her figured out off a first impression and go on to try and predict and/or direct her behavior typically set off several alarms for her, and always fuck it up one way or another. This is largely lefftover from the way her mother treated her. I know what specifically sets it off, and how to avoid it but don't like to announce it because then people. try to Outwit it. and it annoys me.
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dollypopup · 9 months ago
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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kwillow · 7 months ago
What kind of sound are Theo's... noises... intended to be? Snorts? Mouth sounds? Choking sounds? Stuffy nose sounds? I feel like I imagine them as a different thing every time I read them lol
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Almost all of the above, really! Nasally grunts, snorts, whines, growls, guttural noises that sound like he's clearing his throat or choking on his own air... Theo makes all manner of noises. Not on purpose.
His "noises" are unconscious vocalizations most of the time. They're akin to vocal tics. The utterances are louder, more pronounced and more frequent the more stressed he is. It takes quite a bit of effort and discomfort to suppress his noises once he feels the urge brewing (if he even catches it in time, because most of the time he isn't even fully aware that he's doing it). He does his utmost to keep them choked down, but to his embarrassment, some grunts and gags always slip through.
Also, often his laugh can sound like "a noise" since it can be more of a gargling wheeze than a proper expression of mirth. His smoking habit hasn't helped the, er, phlegminess of its sound.
A counterpoint to his common stress-sounds is his habit of making quiet humming noises when he's feeling contented and relaxed. He only does it when in exceedingly good spirits - so as you might imagine, he hasn't had much cause to hum in many years.
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red-moon-at-night · 3 months ago
The Trojan Horse/La guerra di Troia (1961)
Ignore the complete mischaracterisation of Helen and the inaccuracy of events, you need to see this sequence of how Paris dies. It's absolutely WILD.
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pickled-flowers · 11 months ago
I only vaguely know my Mysqueery Gang lore but Lila is honestly a mystery to me even tho I see her all da time ... What's her deal :0
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So clear isn’t it
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stephofromcabin12 · 1 month ago
WHY YES OF COURSE! I am always terrified of accidentally being insensitive (ocd tendencies who? where?) so I have kept NOTES from all the NC peeps sending me the lore bc I want to make it believable.
Trust that if you send me NC facts, I will keep them stashed away with my story notes bc I like to learn and also not write about stuff I don't know at all lol.
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jgnico · 1 year ago
please nico i beg you to explain the sukuna 4 eyes being a copy of six eyes theory 🙏 it sounds really interesting
I was going to make a joke about you triggering my trap card, but yes, I would love to explain the Eyes Theory.
First, I wanna lay down some groundwork before I get into why I believe that Sukuna having four eyes functions as a nerfed version of the Six Eyes technique.
Thanks to statements from Todo and Mechamaru during the Goodwill event, we know that normal sorcerers can see cursed energy and follow its flow/behavior. With Todo, he's able to see the flow of Yuuji's cursed energy and how it lags behind, which leads to him teaching Yuuji the basics of cursed energy manipulation. Later in this same arc Mechamaru is able to see one of Panda's cores by looking at where his cursed energy is concentrated within his body.
So we know that sorcerers can see the cursed energy of other sorcerers and curses even without Six Eyes, but to drive this point home...
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We get a panel of Sukuna looking at the cursed energy of the people within the city around him in the very first chapter. This lets us know that not only can he see cursed energy, but that he can see the limited cursed energy within non-sorcerers.
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Where Six Eyes possibly differs in this aspect of its use is the precision with which it sees cursed energy. In the top panel here we're able to see Gojo's view of Toji's movement thanks to The Worm he's carrying, which isn't only brighter/clearer, but the traces between Toji's movements can be seen despite Toji's speed making him basically invisible to the naked eye.
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It's thanks to this view of cursed energy that Gojo is able to do things like discern a person's technique or see if someone is a sorcerer to begin with. [ch. 69, 70] But, I'd like to point out that Sukuna has done something similar, for both of the previously listed feats. Not only is he able to figure out Megumi's technique during their fight, similar to how Gojo figures out the curse users technique in his respective fight, but we've repeatedly been told by The Angel that Sukuna only needs to see someone do something once in order to replicate it himself.
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This isn't only how he was able to turn himself into a cursed object, despite other ancient sorcerers being unable to do so, but also how he's able to understand how Gojo was "healing" his cursed technique and do it himself afterwards. Likewise, this is also the foundation of why he wanted to use Mahoraga against Gojo after seeing how the shiikigami operated in Shibuya: to get a blueprint of how to get past Limitless. Despite multiple guesses from multiple characters about how Mahoraga adaption works (namely of which was Gojo), Sukuna is the only character that's seen it adapt multiple times, and therefore, knew that its adaptation process differed with each use.
So if we know that Sukuna can see and interpret Cursed Energy at a level on par with Gojo --save for some clarity through how the Six Eyes takes in information vs the eyes of other Sorcerers -- what about the other benefit that Gojo gets from his eyes: high amounts of Cursed Energy Efficiency?
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Well, we get the answer to that from the person -- outside of Gojo and Sukuna or even Kenjaku -- that would know the most about Cursed Energy Manipulation. Keep in mind that Kashimo, regardless of his death, was someone who kept his place among the strongest by only using his CE reserves. By right of his skillset, he's no slouch when it comes to the topic, and per his assessment, Sukuna's efficiency would be better than Gojo's if he didn't have the Six Eyes to replenish his CE in the way that it does.
This is the only real substantial difference between the two, that Gojo's Six Eyes gives him more cursed energy, which allows him to burn ridiculous amounts of it, even without perfect efficiency. To balance it out and keep them somewhat equal, Sukuna has a tighter hold on his efficiency rate and a lot more cursed energy to compensate for what he uses up.
But why do I think that Sukuna having extra eyes is his own version of Six Eyes specifically, rather than a visual buff alone?
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Well, we told explicitly that Sukuna's extra limbs and organs make his body perfect for sorcery. None of these modifications to his body are purely aesthetic. Extra hands for signing, an extra mouth for chanting --both of which greatly increase the potency of your attacks-- an extra heart and lungs to make sure it all keeps running smoothly.
The only feature that isn't mentioned is his extra pair of eyes, which is odd given the fact that they're arguably his most noticeable and present feature. Even outside of his true form, his eyes are manifested on his vessel while his extra mouth and arms aren't. Even when he's not in control of his vessel --as with Yuuji's case-- his eyes still remain on his face, only closed.
If all of his extra limbs and organs have a purpose that makes his body perfect for sorcery, then why would his eyes be different? And what better eyes to immulate than the ones that are highly valued within the jujutsu world for the advantages they give in terms of sorcery and have also been around in some way for as long as Sukuna has?
While I won't argue that they're better or even the same, I will say that they are at least (arguably) equal in two of the three main benefits that the Six Eyes grant their users; perception and interpretation of cursed energy.
That's the theory, at least.
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orcelito · 5 months ago
Several months late, the landlord finally picked up the dehumidifier from my kitchen
Would've been nice had I been told they were coming though 💀 so I could've cleaned up the grocery bags on the floor that I hadn't put away yet 💀💀💀💀💀
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foggyfanfic · 3 months ago
Woe that I had a team of researchers to help me make my period drama fanfiction as accurate as possible, but alas all I have is duck duck go, some old photos claiming to be from the right time period, and Wikipedia
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navree · 4 months ago
you really have to admire my dad's cousin for not even telling us my great aunt was sick until she's literally about to go into hospice care while we're all across the ocean, that's such a nice thing to do :)
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namelessprince · 1 year ago
tbh the worst part is that we just dont know who is or isnt a black ops. admiral grandma didnt say "soldiers" were replaces, just that "targets" were. that could be anyone. pirates, queens, elders, random people on the street. anyone could be a fucking navy clone.
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lobotomy-maybe-bestie · 5 months ago
i love tumblr telling me medical condition x (which i have) comes with a risk for medical conditions y and z and i should go to a doctor i do not have and ask for a test i cannot name or describe. only managing to make me anxious as fuck. thanks everybody.
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field-of-sungflowers · 6 months ago
I feel like activism misstepped severely with how hard people swerved to "No one is required to educate you" It started in a good place but has instead turned into a massive roadblock in the availability of knowledge.
There's a huge difference between "Don't demand constant effort from the marginalized people you know to educate you" (reasonable, fair) and what I've seen, repeatedly, which is "You HAVE to google it, if you ask questions (even in public groups that don't target any specific person) you're going to be reprimanded" as if Google isn't horrifically unreliable now, as if even in the best days you were always going to get a mixed bag for topics around any sort of bigotry
Marginalized people don't exist to be educators and it shouldn't be expected of them, but people who want to learn need to be able to ask good faith questions.
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cheriafreya · 6 months ago
I spent all day catching up w/ Fontaine's story and oh my god... that was such a ride, what just happened...
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pears-trinkets · 7 months ago
#really randomly fell down a weird rabbit hole today#i was watching the X-Files and finally felt like reading up on david duchovny#like i see u fellow slav what kind of slav are you#so i opened up his wikipedia article and saw that his dad was jewish and from ukraine and went like AHA WE ARE THE SAME#and just out of curiosity looked up the place he's from because im curious about jewish shtetls in the ukraine#because my whole family except my biological father is from several of them and i thought hey maybe they were neighbors#which they fucking are omg theyre just 20km apart#my greatgreatgrandma is from makhnivka which i even found articles and history about and how the jewish population grew & declined#even though i did not find any steinbergs in the archives#anyway when i read up on Berdychiv where duchovnys family is from it said#early settlement by the Chernyakhov Culture#which was an archeological culture between 200 and 500 CE existing at the same time as the roman empire#....... is this how i finally find out where my name is from??????? like?????????#i wish i knew so much more than i do#like i only found out that im not russian i was just born in russia like 7 years ago or so??? because my mom never tells me anything#all the information about my great great grandparents and where theyre from is from my grandma#and her dementia is really bad now and shes just angry and screams and calls people names#my russian is too bad to properly read up on stuff like that and theres barely anything in english or german#i just want to know idk#but genetic testing is too expensive and also very america centric and the only family i have in the us is super conservative#i had to block them on facebook when my grandma made me write to them once over 10 years agl#and i know a huge chunk of my grandmas family moved to israel too so i dont want anything to do with that either#although id be curious if it would actually find my half siblings i found out about also like 8 years ago#i just wish there were more archives and more people i could talk to about this#on my grandfathers side theres nothing really left#my grandfather passed suddenly and apparently before he did he took ALL THE FAMILY PHOTOS AND DOCUMENTS somewhere to maybe digitalise them#but we dont know where so theyre literally gone for ever#but his whole family was from kiev and is apparently named after this culture era#his dad was a higher up at a sugar factory and i still cant find anything#my grandma had so many cousins and they were so interconnected and knew so much and i literally just have my mom and no one else
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good-beanswrites · 2 years ago
Reposting my Shidou/dance drabble -- I realized I’d accidentally included literally everyone except Kotoko and I felt so bad 😭It’s all super minor edits to make it happen in T1 and give her like two lines of appearance, but I really wanted to lol
“I am not doing that.”
Shidou was always very polite, very calm in the face of any high-energy circumstances, whether it was a medical emergency or a raving party. The situation wasn’t quite either of those, but still he maintained his composure as the prisoners beckoned him forward. 
Yuno had cleared away some of the common room tables so she could teach Haruka a dance she’d seen online. His performance had attracted Muu, and their giggles had tempted Mahiru, whose enthusiasm had inspired Kotoko, whose intensity had found competition in Mikoto, whose teasing had recruited Fuuta, whose yelling had dragged in Kazui, and their spectacle had drawn in Shidou and Amane as an audience. 
“Aw, it’s easy,” Yuno was telling him, “just a few simple moves. I’m not asking you to pirouette or anything.”
Through his polite smile, he internally cursed Kazui for joining in; now he couldn’t use the excuse that he was too old for such nonsense.
Not that dancing itself was the issue. Shidou prided himself in being very good at the art: he knew several steps and moves, and had never been known to pinch his partner’s toes. He and his wife had received much praise for their dancing at their wedding. Before his work kept him out through the nights, she had talked him into a few midnight waltzes in their kitchen. He’d help his daughter twirl when she was feeling like a ballerina, and would sway with his son to the same music. 
But this amalgamation of hand gestures and hip swaying wasn’t quite the same to him.
He opened his mouth to decline, but the small stare in the corner gave him pause. Amane was watching the scene with feigned disinterest. She watched Shidou for his answer. All week he’d been encouraging her to involve herself with others more, telling her of all the benefits to her mental health. If he wanted even the slightest chance of her taking him seriously, he only had one choice. 
“I… will do my best.”
Before he had a moment to second guess the decision, Yuno grabbed his arms and yanked him into the circle. His eyes flashed around the group, quickly calculating the moves in order to follow along. Swing your arms this way, wag your finger that way, raise both hands, turn your body around, and so on. It was fairly repetitive. He had it down in no time. 
Or so he thought. Mikoto snickered at him.
“You look stiffer than a board. You’re supposed to loosen up, man.”
“I am loose,” he said, his limbs perfectly rigid as he moved them with the music.
Mikoto did the little turn, putting a bunch of extra movement into it. It was uplifting to see him enjoying himself. Ever since he’d left the smoking group, Shidou had been worried about his state of mind. “Not even close. You’re doing even worse than Fuuta, somehow.”
Mahiru circled her arms to the music. “I think he’s doing very well!”
Kotoko looked over. “You’ve got good breath control. It feels nice to work out like this, mm?”
“I suppose…”
Yuno was dancing circles around them -- literally and figuratively -- and she seemed to agree with Mikoto.
“Come on, you can relax here! Warden isn’t even around.” She swung her hips in fluid motions. “Let me see some rhythm!”
Shidou joined them for claps in sync with the beat, which he thought demonstrated his rhythm perfectly fine, but she kept prodding. 
Finally, he set his jaw. He wasn’t the type of man to get embarrassed. He could care less for appearances. Even if he was that type of person, he’d have reason to agree -- Kazui was completely showing him up. 
Though his movements were certainly ridiculous and clumsy compared to the others’, he tried to shift his shoulders and legs in similar motions. It earned him some celebration and some laughs from the others. He bent his knees, trying to put his whole body into the silly steps. 
He followed Yuno’s example, letting out a chuckle as he danced more ridiculously than he believed he ever had.
The song picked up, and Shidou turned triumphantly to where Amane sat in the corner. This would be a big step, showing her he was willing to put himself out there for the group. Maybe it would even convince her to come and join the dancers, now that she saw --
Her chair was empty. She had left.
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