#she wants to conquer the world she has an army of hidden clones
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namelessprince · 1 year ago
tbh the worst part is that we just dont know who is or isnt a black ops. admiral grandma didnt say "soldiers" were replaces, just that "targets" were. that could be anyone. pirates, queens, elders, random people on the street. anyone could be a fucking navy clone.
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 3 years ago
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rewrite
Alright, I’m going to preface this with an unpopular opinion: I enjoyed the Sequel Trilogy. It did everything I wanted a Star Wars trilogy to do, and I liked all three movies. I do not get the pure hatred for them by many people - although I do understand the critiquing by most of the fans. However, I do know there are issues with the Sequel Trilogy, and that they can be made better. So, I decided to do a rewrite of the trilogy. It’s not perfect by any means, but I had fun writing it, and that’s what matters. So please, hope you enjoy!
Keep in mind for this, Clone Wars is canon, Rebels is canon, and The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett is canon as well. The only change I made is that Maul did not track down Obi Wan on Tatooine, keeping him alive.
Post Episode 6:
After the fall of the Empire, the remaining Imperial Forces escape across the galaxy, remnants holding up in the Outer Rim. One faction, led by Rae Sloane and her subordinate Brendol Hux, head into the Unknown Regions, following the Sith Wayfinder that Rae took from the Death Star’s treasure room after it crashed. They arrive at Exegol, and set base in the old ruins there, where they encounter Snoke, a deformed clone of Darth Sidious. He becomes their benefactor, giving the planet as a base of operations and the resources that come with it. The remnant gives up the name of the Empire, instead becoming the First Order. After two decades, they have rebuilt themselves and their army, and begin plundering worlds all across the galaxy since Exegol has run out of resources.
Maul, who is running the Crimson Dawn criminal organization, has gained massive control over the Outer Rim territories Underworld, only a few planets such as Tatooine and Mandalore being out of his control. When word of the First Order gets to him, he immediately begins supplying them with information and resources, wanting to keep his organization running.
After the fall of the Empire, the Rebel Alliance brought the New Republic into existence, a democratic confederacy of systems. They have built themselves over the decades, having good control over the Core and Inner Rim planets. They have an army, but it is not very big, leaving many planets without protection. 
Luke has been training Force-Sensitive people in the ways of the Force. His school for Jedi is well underway when his nephew, the son of Leia and Han, Ben Solo, comes to train under him. However, a band of pirates attack the New Jedi Order, and end up killing several padawans. Ben and a few other padawans, enraged, kill the pirates and are about to pursue them throughout space when Luke stops them. Without thinking, Ben attacks Luke, who defends himself. Luke easily beats him, but then a wave of Dark Side Force Energy comes from Ben, and Luke instinctively raises his lightsaber in response. Ben and the other padawans misunderstand this, thinking Luke was going to kill him, and they leave Luke’s planet. Snoke reaches out to Ben, and corrupts him, turning him to the dark side, while the rest of the padawans become the Knights of Ren.
Distraught, Luke destroys his school, and travels to the Outer Rim after telling Han and Leia what happened, desperate to rediscover the original Jedi ways. He leaves a map for people to find his location, but it is incomplete.
Thirty years after the fall of the Empire, the First Order begins their assault on the galaxy, openly raiding and attacking worlds along the Outer and Mid Rims, slowly getting closer to the Core, using conquered planets as bases to keep their real base at Exegol hidden. The New Republic mobilizes their army, led by Senator Leia Organa. Several people in the army include Poe Dameron, and Lando Calrissian.
Episode 7: The Force Awakens
Desperate to find Luke again, Leia tracks down the location of Luke’s map, which has been entrusted to a man on Jakku named Lor San Tekka, an old explorer. She sends Poe Dameron to retrieve it, whereupon he places it safely in BB-8. However, before the pilot can leave, Kylo Ren arrives with a force of Stormtroopers, and burns the town and people in it; capturing Poe and killing San Tekka. Unbeknownst to him, BB-8 escapes into the desert. One trooper, FN-2187, is disillusioned by the First Order, and doesn’t fire upon the civilians. On his ship, Kylo Ren tortures Poe for where to find the map, and learns of BB-8. He sends his troops to comb over Jakku again. 
A young scavenger woman climbs through the wreckage of an Imperial Star Destroyer, swinging from rope to rope and collecting salvage; using small bits of the Force to pull things closer to her. She comes across a strange artifact: a small crystal that seems to hum with power. After finding her scrap, the woman, Rey, leaves the wreckage to go turn it in for portions.
In Niima Outpost, Rey saves BB-8 from being turned into salvage by Unkar Plutt. Later that day, the First Order forces sweep through the area, and Unkar tells them about Rey and BB-8. However, before they arrive at Rey’s AT-AT, she gets a Force-Feeling, and abandons the place, escaping into the desert.
Onboard the First Order ship, FN-2817 helps Poe escape on a TIE Fighter, where they crashland in the desert. Finn starts walking oddly in a seemingly random direction, and they come across Rey and BB-8 in a scrapyard. There, Poe tells them that he needs a communicator to contact the New Republic Army, and they use scrap to build it, and Poe calls for reinforcements. After a few hours, the First Order catches up to them, and begins to capture them when the New Republic Army arrives, fighting off the forces. Rey and Kylo have a staredown, the latter sensing her Force-sensitivity and the crystal she found.
Han Solo and Chewbacca pick Poe, Finn, Rey, and BB-8 in the Millenium Falcon, taking them to the Army’s main base in D’Qar. The war council looks at Luke’s map, and sees it’s incomplete. R2-D2 provides a holographic map of the galaxy to show it’s in the Unknown Regions, but it’s not enough. Rey gets another Force-Feeling, and grabs a piece of paper. She draws the shape of the missing part of the map, and under guidance from Leia and the Force, draws the remaining portion. Rey is officially declared Force-sensitive. Han, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 are sent with Rey on the Falcon to find Luke, while Leia, Poe, and Finn stay behind to help prepare for the next confrontation. Finn meets Rose, a nervous former trainee Admiral for the First Order, and expert hacker, and they start bonding. Leia gives Rey her old lightsaber, just in case.
On their journey through hyperspace, Kylo Ren finds them above Mustafar, and captures the ship in their tractor beam. The group sneaks through the First Order ship to the hyperdrive engines, and split up to start placing charges to blow up the reactor. However, Kylo Ren finds them, and confronts his father on the walkways between the reactors. This scene happens just like it did in the movie, but Han triggers the saber, not Kylo (not revealed for a while), but the heroes don’t know that.
Chewbacca shoots Kylo with his bowcaster, injuring him. Rey places the final charge, and detonates it, escaping to the hangar before Kylo catches up to try and capture her. Rey distracts him with a lightsaber duel, and uses Force agility and his mental hesitance to trip him up enough for her to get onto the Falcon, and for Chewie to fly them away. Heavily damaged, the First Order ship crashes on Mustafar, not far from Vader’s Castle. General Brendol Hux chastises Kylo, who kills him.
With assistance from Rey’s Force-Feelings, Chewie lands the Falcon on one of Ach-To’s islands, where they explore it to find Luke and Mara Jade. Rey holds out Leia’s lightsaber silently, asking for Luke’s help.
Post Credits Scene: Across the galaxy, on Vandor, Maul receives a message from the First Order about Rey and the Republic Army, and mobilizes the Crimson Dawn organization.
Inbetween Episode 7-8:
Kylo Ren, trapped on Mustafar, learns through a vision with Snoke that he has but a few lessons left to complete his training. Desperate to stop the conflict in his heart and commit to the dark side, Kylo begins searching through the ruins of Vader’s castle for what he needs.
The New Republic officially declares war on the First Order, and General Leia Organa receives word of Han’s death. She hands over leadership to Amilyn Holdo, a decision contested by Poe.
Episode 8: The Last Jedi
Luke takes Leia’s lightsaber from Rey, and holds it reverently. He asks Rey what she wants, and she explains that the New Republic needs his help to stop the First Order; along with her being Force-Sensitive and needing training. Luke, who has grown disillusioned with the Jedi because of his experience with Ben, declines, saying he has a new life with another Force-Sensitive, Mara Jade, who is shown to be pregnant. He walks away, ignoring Rey’s pleas.
On Mustafar, Kylo discovers the Sith Wayfinder, and accidentally triggers an illusion of Darth Vader, and Kylo scrambles to fight it. Upon coming back to himself, he comes across a Darkghast, and kills it. Kylo takes the Sith Wayfinder, and returns to his fallen ship, where Rae Sloane’s flagship, the Supremacy, has come to take him and his crew away.
Mara Jade and Luke talk, and she convinces him that he can still help, even if he is no longer a Jedi. Conflicted, Luke searches the Jedi texts in the ruins of Ach-To, and learns about the Gray Jedi. He agrees to train Rey in the ways of the Force and lightsaber, along with Mara Jade.
Maul, along with the fully assembled Crimson Dawn, attack the New Republic Army base on D’Qar, and easily gain the upper hand. The Army tries to fight back, but is surprised and overwhelmed, so they retreat to Crait. Poe protests, but Finn and Rose stop him. On the salt planet, they take refuge in an old Rebel Alliance Base, and prepare their defenses. Leia and other members of the Army stay on the Raddus while the others get ferried off.
On Ach-To, Rey learns how to make her own lightsaber using the kyber crystal she retrieved, the crystal turning yellow. Splitting it in half, she turns her quarterstaff into a double-sided lightsaber-staff, and continues her training with it. She goes down into the cave, and a vision of her Sith-self surprises her, making her let loose Force Lightning. Scared, she leaves the cave and runs into Luke, who senses the darkness in her, and tries to explain, but just then, Chewbacca receives the distress call from the New Republic Army, and Rey leaves to go help.
The Crimson Dawn land their speeders on Crait, and begin approaching the base, while the Army uses the derelict canons and speeders to fight back. Clearly outmatched, this only gets worse for them when the First Order arrives with the Supremacy, and they land their own AT-AT machines, along with a cannon to blow down the doorway to the old Rebel base. Other members of the Army answer the distress call, and begin landing their own troops down, while ferrying away the injured. However, the First Order sees this, and launches ships from the Supremacy to counteract this. Kylo flies on his TIE Fighter and is about to destroy the ship Leia is on, but pauses. Before he can destroy it and one of his few connections to the light, one of the other TIE Fighters destroys it, and Leia is blasted into space, injured. Miraculously, she Force-pulls herself to the Raddus, where only herself, Poe, Finn, Rose, and Holdo remain. She convinces them that she will sacrifice herself, and lets them escape, before lightspeeding the Raddus into the Supremacy, destroying Rae’s flagship. Kylo watches this, and with his heart in fluctuation and enraged, he flies down to Crait.
Poe, Finn, Rose, and Holdo arrive on Crait, and Poe gets promoted, leading the entire remaining force. In their run to the base, Finn does some more Force-Feeling stuff, like dodging blaster bolts without looking. One of the arriving New Republic Army ships carries a fleet of Mandalorians, led by an aging Din Djarin, who still wields the Darksaber. He fights Maul, and puts up a decent fight until Kylo and the Knights of Ren land on the ground to join the fight. Then the Millenium Falcon arrives, dropping Rey on the ground to fight Kylo. The rejuvenated Army begins to fight back harder, but then the cannon blasts through the base, causing massive damage. It begins charging up again, and Finn is about to leave to disable it, in which he would be sacrificing himself, but Rose stops him, instead hacking a signal into the Rebel Base that stops the cannon, allowing them to destroy it with an empty speeder down the barrel.
As Din beats and captures Maul, Luke appears to confront Kylo while Rey goes to help her friends, and Kylo becomes enraged. The two fight, Luke never once being touched or touching Kylo. Luke explains himself, but distraught, Kylo calls him a liar and tries to stab Luke. However, this reveals Luke is a Force Projection, and Luke disappears, dying from the effort under Mara Jade’s sad watch. Angry and saddened at this, Kylo accepts that Luke hadn’t been trying to kill him all those years ago, and turns his anger to Snoke, and leaves Crait to try and kill him. With Kylo leaving, the Knights of Ren follow. The New Republic Army is victorious once again, although they have suffered heavy losses. 
Back in Exegol, Snoke promotes Armitage Hux to Supreme Leader of the First Order, and they recall all forces to the Sith planet in order to focus on the ‘next phase’. The clone senses Kylo’s anger, and grins, knowing everything is coming into place.
Post Credits Scene: The New Republic holds a funeral for Luke and Leia, which is also attended by Mara Jade. After it, Rey asks for her help to train, and from the crowd steps out an elderly Ahsoka Tano and Cal Kestis.
Inbetween Episode 8-9:
During a timespan of over a year, Rey has been training under tutelage from Mara Jade, Ahsoka, and Cal. She has become extremely skilled, and can rival the skills of Ahsoka. She has an upgraded Lightsaber-Staff, the main portion of the weapon being make of Beskar. The time has come for her final test, but she is conflicted about the rules of the Jedi, not wanting to get rid of her attachments.
Kylo Ren has been on a warpath throughout the galaxy, destroying anyone in his way, First Order and New Republic, slowly making his way towards Exegol. 
Maul, who has been captured after the Battle of Crait, escapes his cell and retreats to Batuu, where he hopes to join back with the Crimson Dawn. 
Episode 9: The End of the Jedi
Rey, upon failing her final test due to her attachments to her friends, reads about the Gray Jedi, and calls upon their teachings to grow, a decision supported by Mara Jade, Ahsoka and Cal. She begins learning about Dark Side Force abilities, and nervously attempts to purposely use her Force Lightning, but fails. She is then called upon to find Maul and question him about Snoke and Exegol, and she leaves with Finn, Rose, and Chewbacca on the Falcon. Poe is feeling lost about his role in the New Republic Army, since he was field-promoted by a tiny force, and they’re all the Army has left; making Poe feel like he doesn’t deserve to lead.
Kylo arrives on Exegol, and fights his way through the forces, and attacks Snoke. He is easily defeated, and captured in a cell, and taunted by Snoke.
Rey catches up to Maul on Batuu, and duels him. The battle is short, and Rey successfully uses the Force Net technique to capture him. She interrogates him about Exegol, and receives the coordinates. Maul also reveals that Rey is a Palpatine, causing her to falter, but is then killed by Finn, who was warned of Maul’s counterattack by a Force-Feeling. Rey and Finn discuss this.
The First Order rises under Snoke’s command, and a new fleet of Star Destroyers has been made, each with a planet destroying cannon underneath it. Snoke sends out a message across the galaxy, declaring them all under his rule, and sends a few Destroyers to blow up the New Republic’s Core Worlds. 
Poe is sent off to Mandalore with to send a broadcast, and he misinterprets this as a punishment. While there, he runs into his old spice-running crew, who are very proud of him for joining the Army when the call came out. Emboldened by this, he sends out a call with a really awesome speech asking for the help of everyone able and willing to fight for their freedom. He mentions he was a spice-runner and that anyone can help the alliance if they believe it. Lando arrives and says he will stay behind in case more show up. From there, Poe leads what meager reinforcements he can back to the Army base, where they broadcast the map to Exegol in case more come. Holdo sends the remaining portions of the New Republic Army to Exegol.
The Falcon leaves Batuu after hearing Snoke’s broadcast, and arrives at Exegol before the New Republic. They begin attacking the underbelly cannons, but are quickly chased off by numerous TIE Fighters. The ship gets destroyed, and they crash land on a Star Destroyer. Finn, Chewie, and Rose escape while Rey is captured and brought before Snoke. Rose, remembering her old training on First Order ships, sneaks them through a Star Destroyer and gets near the bridge. Chewbacca accidently gets seen, and the trio get captured and brought to the hangars for execution by Captain Phasma.
Rey and Kylo are brought before Snoke, and they attempt to kill Snoke but fail. Snoke taunts Kylo about his parents and Luke, while attempting to bring Rey to the Dark Side since she is a Palpatine. He shows her a vision of herself as Empress, and she is tempted by it until she senses her friends getting captured. She defies him, and breaks free of his Force hold, summoning her lightsaber to fight him, but Snoke just sends his Praetorian guards after her.
The New Republic Army arrives at Exegol, and begins fighting the TIE Fighters. Finn, Rose, and Chewie are nearly executed, but Finn deflects a shot from an outside blaster cannon, and they stay alive. Finn grabs a weapon and fights Phasma while also using the Force until she falls off the hangar and falls back to the planet. Meanwhile, Rose finds out how to shut down the guns on the Star Destroyers, and begins hacking into theirs to send the signal to all of them. 
Rey fights off the Praetorian guards, and kills them all, using both light and dark side Force powers. Wary of this, Snoke attempts to sway her again, but she instead attacks him, forcing Snoke to pull out his own saber and fight back. Kylo breaks free of the Force Hold then, and grabs his lightsaber to fight alongside Rey, and the two charge at Snoke, engaging him. Rey gets knocked aside for a minute, and a vengeful Kylo screams at Snoke about his manipulations, and Snoke reveals that Kylo was always just a pawn to him, and would never amount to anything. Distraught, Kylo collapses, and Rey takes over the fight.
Outside, the First Order fleet overpowers the New Republic Fleet, leaving barely any left. But as they give up hope, Lando Calrissian arrives, leading the Citizen’s Fleet. They turn the tide, and begin destroying the Star Destroyers, which have their weapons now disabled due to Rose’s hacking. She, Finn, and Chewbacca escape the Destroyer, and are picked up by Lando on his ship. 
Rey convinces Kylo to stand up and fight back, and Kylo returns to Ben Solo, his lightsaber blade turning white. The two fight Snoke to a standstill, but the clone of Palpatine uses his Force Lightning to fatally wound Ben. Rey uses the same method of redirecting Force Lightning that Yoda did in Episode 3, blasting Snoke back. She then uses her own Force Lightning to disintegrate Snoke, ending him and the Sith. The First Order Fleet is decimated without their weapons, and all the ships are defeated. The fleet and the Army leave the Sith planet, and begin their post-fight celebration, cheering happily. Rey checks on Ben, who is nearly dead. She attempts to heal him, but Ben refuses, saying he wants to see his parents again. He dies, and Rey leaves in a TIE Fighter, arriving on the planet the New Republic landed on. She reunites with her friends, and the war is won.
Post Credits Scene: Finn wakes up and walks outside of a hutt on Ach-To, and sees Rey sitting outside on a rock, while the other former Jedi are in the background archiving the Jedi texts there. She smiles at him, and asks if he’s ready for his first day of training.
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andhereisthetea · 5 years ago
Entrapta Headcanons I've starting to think about during lockdown
• Entrapta's parents aren't death, or maybe one of them died but there is one still alive.
• There's absolutely no reason for Entrapta not to have siblings.
• If the above theories aren't true, Is very likely Entrapta's parents might have been older than most royalty and they had Entrapta at 40-50, maybe her mother died in childbirth and her father was the older one. Reason for the robo-parents. Following thus, they knew they weren't going to be around before their daughter reached adulthood.
• Most of their story was lost or was kept secret by the Dryl's kingsdom, the kingdom traded metals and minerals to Bright Moon and other kingdoms, making their relationship mostly diplomatic. Is very likely Dryl stayed neutral that way, but it might be also possible they had connections with the Scorpion Kingdom. I support a lot @cruelfeline headcanon about The Scorpion being evil monarch, something that helped Hordak to create a rebellion against them. But I think Dryl stayed neutral until the end.
• Entrapta's intelligence and even physical resistance (fighting her own war bots, resistance even to be electrocuted, total lack of self-preservation bcause girl knew...) Is actually a genetic inheritance from the vestiges of a lost rune stone.
• But her hair is actually a creation of her own; a cybernetic neural implant.
• The reason behind why Dryl is such a hermit kingdom which seems not to be connected to any element of Etheria is because they don't come from Etheria, but are descendants of the First Ones.
• The Dryl royalty used their rune stone, there are several hints about that, from the first season to the final ones:
> Alternatively they might have created an artificial rune stone with First One's tech.
> Entrapta has a high affinity to humanize robots, but this is not a coincidence when you think that maybe one of her powers is to bring life to inanimated objects, maybe using a hidden ability without understand it quite well, might be because is just something instinctive in her and she has no reason to explain it, she sees is as completely normal and thinks everyone does so, or she doesn't even realize what she is doing. That is one of the reason why her robots, MOST of them in Crypto Castle, have runestone sharps as "hearts" and their light are purple, and also most of them, including Emily, respond to Entrapa's emotions, or even to her friend's emotions as well.
> One of the main reasons behind that theory is supported by the observation of Emily changing her color from Horde-red to Dryl-purple, without any explanation at all, just at the same time the bot started to develop intuition and became sentient.
> Entrapta might have picked her runestone from Dryl's mines without realizing it and because she has been studying first one's tech for quite some time, she didn't even mind to explore a deeper connection with the thing beyond the scientific data, even if there was already a connection going on.
> Absolutely ALL Dryl's lights are purple, and the castle seen to attract electricity.
> Is also a headcanon of mine that Entrapta isn't actually connected to a specific runestone but actually to an electric node which connects all Runestones in Etheria, reason for her to understand them almost instinctively.
> The Dryl's runestone might even been something similar to a nuclear reactor, and when activated looks like Chernobyl.
> The first time we saw the Evil First One's tech she found in Dryl's mines, the things was Galactic Horde's green, but it turned Red and stayed that specific way until it was destroyed by Scorpia in White Out. This might be a hint to her relationship with Hordak, specificlaly his colors; he was a clone from the Galactic Horde who turned from green to red when disconnected from Prime's Hive Mind, creating his own evil army in Etheria.
• The Crypto Castle is bigger than it seen. What is visible is just the front door. The kingdom is inside the mountains, ans is actually very inaccesible to outsiders if they don't know how to enter it. In other words, the Horde conquered shit in season 4.
• Entrapta killed her parents
No really, heard me out
She killed her parents.
> Her control over inanimate objects could have been the reason after the disappearance of her parents and also why she doesn't even seen to even realize something weird is going on and is not normal to have robots as parents, is because her special bond with tech and even first one's technology led to those both robots to take care of her when all things went wrong, be it for a sudden tantrum when she was a girl, or something accidental, which led to the death of both king and queen, and she was left orphaned until her connection to the technology around her led to THAT technology to take care of their creator.
• She says she is the designer of the Crypto Castle's labyrinth, but why a labyrinth with hidden bobby traps??? Which leds me to the theory that Entrapta has unconscious need to follow a plan that has no reason whatsover even when she seen to be the most logical character in the show: basically, Entrapta made a plan to shut herself out from the world, following an order that precedes her own reasoning, and even added traps around in her own castle that are very much designed to kill whoever who gets near her. Was she really the creator of all that? That has no scientific reason, has no purpose to collect data, but its motivation seen to be fear. She even seen not to understand her castle at all, which is very unlikely from someone who lives to remember all kind of data, specially about what she creates.
• Following the headcanon of her family being First Ones, she knew Hordak's portal equations, she was quite familiar with the theory. But who more in all Etheria could have been playing with the idea of portals?? Curious.
• Most of her memories about her parents and first ones are hidden in her unconscious, that explain how she can understand what is going on during the Portal episode, hy she can translate and understandand first one's language so well, even when she has a king of instinct to do so without a translation, just like Adora, who is firt one as well. She just know, and when the mystery is related to herself, she seen to don't even want to explore it futher, which leds me to the question...
Is she hidding something, and she doesn't even know what it is?
• It seems that Entrapta has an almost instinctive need to lock herself in an endless maze, or even someone before her had that need and was handed over to her when she was little, she just went on with the job without questioning the reason, especially when you are a child who grows up in an environment far from normal behaviors, and your parents or guardians tell you that setting traps and creating meaningless mazes is the right thing to do. In the end, it seems that everything, more than being entertaining, is a work led by a feeling of paranoia, not towards an external element, but towards something internal.
• She works via impulsivity, but it seen to be a behaviour more complex than that; she seen not to take into account the consequences because she might have been taught not to ask more questions beyond the data she collects. Think of it as a defense mechanism, the only thing that matters is the results of the experiment, not the past, not the emotions or the intuition that something is wrong. This can lead to ignoring your own emotions because you have been instructed not to listen to them, listening to your instinct would awaken something in you that you do not want, or you were instructed to ignore, something like selective memory. In the Portal episode she just knows what is happening, and works with the equations but never stops to even think why I can sense something is wrong when everyone around me seen to be lost in their own heaven??
• Other reason for this might be in fact she has had brain traumatisms in the past, something addresses by herself in the show (doesn't remember the specific ep), when explaining she uses a recorder around because she has survived explosions of her own experiments, but suffered amnesia afterwards, and this also can be connected to her selective memory and even past traumas.
• Other headcanon favorite of mine is the one by @etherian-affairs about Entrapta having robotic prosthetic limbs, specially on of her arms, due to her lack of self-preservation and several past lab accidents.
• Entrapta's soundtrack very much hinst to the convination of magic (very harry potter-ish) and science, but gets crazy and darker in the end. It doesn't seen to be the same when is mixed with Hordak's music, because the mix hints affinity.
• Entrapta knows how to use magic, but her high skills with science are enough for her.
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 years ago
I have more info! First, I'll introduce two of the characters and then give more info about the world. Tagging: @ratracechronicler and @merigreenleaf!
The first character is one of the POV characters. She's a student under a villain, and her power allows her to redirect pain into strength for her. She does not feel any pain she would have felt, and instead she gets stronger proportional to the intensity of the pain and only for the amount of time she would have felt the pain. She loves being reckless and throwing herself into fights, which is how she ends up with broken bones even in scripted fights. She has a crush on the student of a hero, and she regularly fights against him. But he's got a lot of issues himself, so he isn't ready for a relationship yet. I don't know tons about her yet, but she's fun!
The next character is the Real Villain. She has a power that whenever she puts on a mask, she can clone herself. She can't make too many clones, and it's harder to have the clones do something unique from the others. The clones last until she takes the mask off. I know why she made all the heroes and villains disappear, but I'll get to that in the next section.
Turns out this story actually is going to be in close contact with my Isolation Story and Metalblood. These heroes and villains and the students are living in a simulation that some aliens made up, and they're hidden away on one of the bigger moons orbiting Kai's planet. The aliens are using these simulations and giving the humans powers to make an army that will destroy the Gallants (the conquering humans) once they have done what the aliens want them to do. The students figure this out once they escape and decide to fight against the aliens who are doing this. They'll probably run into Kai and/or the Adventures on a Creepy Moon crew and get to team up with them!
So, I had another dream, and it gave me inspiration for a new story. I have been watching a superhero anime, so that's why this story is the way it is. I know I have too many stories already, but why not? :) Tagging: @ratracechronicler and @merigreenleaf!
No More Heroes (or Villains):
Superpowers are common, and every city has a rotating group of heroes and villains who pretend to fight, as heroes and villains do. The heroes and villains enjoy the dramatics and theatricality of playing their part (since the villains, especially, aren't actually wanting world domination or anything like that). Until an actual villain comes along, announces her presence, and makes all the heroes and villains disappear. ...Except for the students of both. Now, the students, who are not prepared to pretend-fight each other, let alone fight an actual villain, have to team up to figure out what happened to the heroes and villains and to defeat her. But their chosen roles have been ingrained into their heads, so dramatic hero and villain speeches, "angsting" about working with the other side, and more hero vs. villain tropes ensue!
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vrsales-co · 6 years ago
Steam Summer Sale 2019
hello again my friends as you probably know the steam summer sale is now officially on and so I want to share with you my picks for which VR games are worth the discount now we have a lot to get through I'm covering over 50 games here so to keep this at a reasonable length I'll be going in a summary bullet list kind of fashion but if you want more info on any of these games I will link to the two minute review of all of them down below so you can take a deeper dive to get more information on those games if you want without further ado let's get started with some action games starting with naked Sun VR it's basically a wave shooter there's a little bit of story but it's basically a wave shooter having said that it's a very good looking wave shooter that's a lot of fun at 70% off and just three dollars it's totally worth it space cats with lasers VR is a quirky but also addicting casual shooter it's 50% off right now so it's just 250 containment initiative is an asymmetrical co-op game with one player on the PC playing the sniper and the VR player on the ground level inside a zombie apocalypse it's a fun and action-packed asymmetrical game and with the discount it's just three bucks Xion or ex ion is a fun and hectic arcade shooter where you build your own custom ship from scratch like Legos after the 60% discount it's just four bucks in death is an absolutely beautiful bow and arrow dungeon-crawler set in the afterlife it's very difficult but also very addicting and it's 70 percent off right now to be $9.00 crisis verg aid is basically time crisis in VR it was originally six dollars now the regular price is nine dollars but with the 40% discount it's now 540 this is also a very challenging game but if you're looking for time crisis in VR this is your ticket evasion is an interesting one because it was originally 40 dollars when it came out it has a new regular price of $20 and with a 25% discount it's now $15 it's a story campaign shooter that she could play single-player or in co-op it's all around well made exciting and challenging with the discounted price of $15 I recommend it ok moving on to some adventure games we have a lot to cover in this category the two biggest ones would be Skyrim and fallout they're both 50% off and they're the only triple-a open-world VR games right now so if you haven't played those yet I definitely recommend those next adventurer is kindled cavern at the original price of $5 it's a little much because it's so short but at 50 cents it's an incredible bargain a beautiful Zen adventure dimentional is an obstacle course puzzle adventure game have covered many times before but it's worth mentioning again because it's 70% off and just $1 54 how much you get in this game it's a killer price torn is a narrative puzzle adventure that stands out in its quality of voice acting and storytelling I've never seen it at this steep of discount before it's 66 percent off which makes it 10 bucks rune sage is the real hidden gem it's a scavenger hunt set in a magical world you use your wands to cast spells and reveal hidden areas to gain new abilities and solve puzzles eight to ten hours of gameplay here and with the discount it's four bucks pixel ripped in 1989 I've recently covered in my newest top 10 video but it's a retro nostalgia lovers dream come true and it's 50% off to be 13 bucks in the assembly you solve puzzles and look for clues in a high-tech facility while alternating between two characters stories it's a fantastic modern adventure and it's a steep discount at 60% off to be 12 bucks the invisible hours is another great story game check out the detailed review below but basically think of it like an interactive movie where you are an invisible observer 60% off $12 man what can i really say about moss if you've watched my channel for any length amount of time you've heard me rave about this game right now it's 34 percent off to be twenty bucks and I can't recommend it enough budget cuts is like a mix between portal and robot assassination a physically active and very exciting game half off $15 when lands - recently made the number one spot in my top ten list for June both relaxing travel and an exciting adventure 25% off 23 bucks Psychonauts is a comedic and family-friendly narrative puzzle game it features an incredibly steep discount of 85 percent off which makes it just $3.00 this is an amazing price I've never seen at this low for this game the gallery episode - heart of the ember stone is one of the best narrative puzzle adventures and VR right now 60% off $12 highly recommended runes The Forgotten path is a dark and spooky magical narrative puzzle game when it first came out I felt like it was expensive for the length but now with a discount it's just a little over six bucks pretty great value detached is a space adventure puzzle game it makes you feel truly alone in space with great sound design and visuals but only play this if you have an absolutely iron stomach I almost never get motion sick these days but this took me to the edge 80% off five bucks the solos project is one of the longest adventure games in VR out there I got over 10 hours of gameplay out of this and now with the discount it's just ten bucks okay to keep things moving along let's just cover all the escape rooms at once the unwelcomed temple of a Luxus cliff stone manor and inescapable underground all fantastic escape room games detailed reviews for all of those are down below and now on to puzzle games marble land is a beautifully designed marble obstacle course game a Zen peaceful atmosphere and very challenging puzzles 50% off 750 light repaired team number four is another Zen relaxing puzzle game and one of my personal favorites 50% off 250 paddle master VR breakout meets racquetball in this simple but chief casual game current discount makes it $1.00 in blind you've lost your vision and you need to solve many puzzles inside a mysterious mansion using sound to see things at 60% off it's just ten dollars which is a price i've never seen before it's the perfect time to grab it untitled is an abstract puzzle game with beautiful ambient music and right now it's less than a dollar in Waddle home you guide adorable penguins to the end of the puzzles a cute happy atmosphere and quite challenging at times right now it's 250 transpose is my number one favorite puzzle game you manipulate time and use clones of yourself to solve all the puzzles right now it's half off at $10 and it's a must buy zing the land beyond is one of the most beautiful VR games I've ever played solve challenging puzzles in the afterlife or just relax and enjoy the scenery 50% off $10 Carly and the repr man is an exceptional asymmetrical puzzle game with one player in PC another player in VR solving puzzles together 40% off $12 I am the sky is another co-op puzzle game that requires one player in VR and one player on the PC with the discount it's less than seven dollars VR furballs demolition is a fantastic Angry Birds clone there is an absolute ton of levels and special game modes in here half off six bucks obstruction is a massive puzzle game with over 100 unique levels a beautiful minimal design and it will melt your brain and right now it's just four bucks you've probably heard me talk about ten hearts very recently it's the best lemmings game in VR money can buy it's half off to be ten bucks and I highly recommend it gonna give a mesmerizing puzzle journey half off five dollars the Telus principle to my knowledge is the largest puzzle game available in VR right now and it's at a massive discount just six dollars now onto some strategy games tethered is a very polished ooh God game in a fantasy world it's one of the best put together VR strategy games I've ever seen it's 70% off right now to be 750 it's a killer price in cosmic trip you build and command your own personal bot army to conquer the map you fire our weapons alongside them or continue to build bases and it's half off for ten bucks devil and the fairy is a mix of tower defense and realtime strategy with a unique storyline features beautiful graphics and a nice tactile use of motion controllers it's at a great price at 250 or blabs is a real hidden gem you throw orbs to teleport yourself but also shield and distract too dangerous lasers it's simple but also addicting and right now it's a little over five bucks car tongue a death by cardboard is a strange blend of stealth maze and first-person shooter the design is equal parts cute and creepy in a weird charming way half off seven dollars sky trellis is essentially Sim City in VR built a custom city all within a single massive skyscraper half-off 1250 star shelter is a solo space survival simulator manage resources to try and stay alive half off 750 and now finally a miscellaneous category of sorts I had trouble really fitting these and two predefined genres starting with VR regatta which is a relaxing sailing game and the best of its kind right now which is a little over six bucks Echo grotto is a different and abstract exploring experience descend into minimally designed caves using some realistic equipment half off four bucks starboard taxi is a delightful and charming taxi delivery game fun for all ages but also challenging half off 250 [Music] VTOL VR is the best military flight simulator available 30% off 21 bucks thumper is a sit-down VR game that will get your heart racing execute the right sequence of events in a dark creepy and somehow beautiful atmosphere and right now it's a great price at five bucks battle zone is the best tank game in VR right now strategic gameplay and exciting action right now it's just under $9 unbreakable VR runner is part obstacle-course part rhythm punching game it's a fun workout and for an obstacle course game you get a lot of value for the price especially now because it's half off at 3 bucks
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