#I skipped around this film for the fun of it and then proceeded to stumble upon THIS juggernaut of a scene that left me :O
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red-moon-at-night · 3 months ago
The Trojan Horse/La guerra di Troia (1961)
Ignore the complete mischaracterisation of Helen and the inaccuracy of events, you need to see this sequence of how Paris dies. It's absolutely WILD.
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alj4890 · 4 years ago
Choices September Challenge
Day 16 I'm Sorry
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries/The Royal Romance Crossover drabble.
A/N This is actually a fic I have had sitting in my draft folders forever. Someone a while back requested another first time meeting gone horribly wrong for this OTP and I kept getting stuck on the ending. Once more, let’s get these two stubborn people together, LOL!
@choicesseptemberchallenge20​ @xjustin-ethansgirliex​ @lovealexhunt@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove​     @annekebbphotography​        @hopelessromantic1352​   . @sunflowergirl05​   @desireepow-1986​  @greywitchyshots​   @moodyvalentinestories​  @emceesynonymroll​   @my-heart-beats-for-ya​ @aworldoffandoms​   @ab1901​     @lolablackwrites​     @flyawayboo​   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​   . @trappedinfandoms​   @kate-mckenzie​
Great Expectations
Olivia quirked an eyebrow in question as Amanda walked into her suite.
Instead of the usual calm, sweet greeting followed by an attempt to coerce her into doing something fun, Amanda threw her purse across the room and let out a strange, strangled noise that sounded suspiciously like a string of curse words trying to be smothered by guilt.
"I would ask what is wrong, but I assume you are about to tell me." Olivia drily remarked.
"Remember when I was excited that Maxwell invited us all to come here and see how The Royal Romance movie was going?" Amanda asked.
"I believe I recall you skipping down the palace halls." Olivia responded.
Amanda narrowed her eyes at her. "Well, the skipping is done." She flopped face down on Olivia's couch. "I hate everything here." She mumbled into the cushions.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Must we succumb to overly dramatic behavior?"
Amanda turned her face toward her. "Are you seriously asking me this when just last week you threatened to throw every dagger you had at the waiter for accidentally calling you Madeleine?"
Olivia flicked her hand dismissively. "Details." She sat down in a chair across from her friend. "What happened?"
Amanda closed her eyes. "It all started this morning."
Around 8 a.m., The Beverly Wilshire...
"Wake up!" Maxwell burst into Amanda's suite and proceeded to jump on her bed.
"Wha?" Amanda rolled off of it in a tangle of blankets. "What time is it?"
"Time for you to get ready and go to the studio." He leaped off her bed and went straight to her closet. "Hmm." He pulled one dress out after another. "Is this all you packed?"
Amanda stumbled over to the closet. "Why are you going through my clothes?"
He finally settled on a skirt and sweater. "I need you to go to the studio and give this to Thomas Hunt.” He held up a large manila envelope. "Within this lies the very heart of The Royal Romance."
She blinked sleepily a few times. "Why do I have to do this?" She gestured toward his body. "You're already dressed and fully compos mentis."
His dimples deepened with his grin. "You shouldn't use Latin if you are trying to get out of this with the excuse that you are dumb with sleep." He gently pushed her into the bathroom. "Get ready. I arranged a surprise for you."
"What kind of sur--" her words were cut off by him shutting the door.
She dropped her head back in frustration while going through a list of reasons why she shouldn't crawl back into bed. It was then followed by a list of reasons of what Maxwell would do to get her to do this. After a quick three minutes of debate, she reluctantly started the shower.
Olivia’s suite
"So, this is about making you get up early this morning?" Olivia snorted. "This is why I don't give my room keys to anyone."
"It wasn't that horrific event that cemented this burning hatred of mine." Amanda turned over on her back and stared up at the ceiling. "It was that jerk, Thomas Hunt."
Olivia did not bother to hide her surprise. "Wasn't he the reason you had that little hop to your skipping?"
Amanda closed her eyes. "They say never meet your heroes."
"He's a hero?!" Olivia wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Does the man even know how to fight?"
"I don't mean that kind of hero!" Amanda muttered. She let out another strangled, frustrated sound. "I admired him. His movies are some of my favorites."
"And you certainly never shied away from admiring his underwear modeling days." Olivia artfully dodged to the right when Amanda threw a decorative pillow at her. "Wasn't there a poster in your bedroom at one point?"
“FINE! I THOUGHT HE WAS ATTRACTIVE!" Amanda shouted. "Today proved differently."
"Was he not in his underwear?" Olivia easily batted a second throw pillow away that was aimed for her face. "What did he do?"
Earlier that day, at the studio…
"I've seen your picture in magazines."
Amanda smiled at the intern escorting her toward Thomas Hunt's office. "Hopefully, I didn't look like I normally do." She shuddered. "I take horrible photographs."
"I thought you looked pretty." The hopeful actress replied. "You and Queen Riley were laughing at Maxwell Beaumont."
Amanda chuckled at that. "So, a normal day was photographed?"
The girl's phone vibrated. "I have to go handle this." She apologized to the duchess. "Mr. Hunt's office is the last door on the left."
"Thank you." Amanda watched her leave, then pulled out Maxwell's packet for the script. "Why did I agree to deliver this?" She mumbled as she continued down the long hallway.
When she reached the door, she paused before knocking. Voices raised in what sounded like anger could be heard.
Not wanting to walk in on an argument, Amanda checked to make certain no one else was in the hallway. She then pressed her ear to the door.
"You know I don't have time to cater to a rich, spoiled woman! Maxwell is now suggesting that I take this--" Thomas checked the text message once more. "This Lady Amanda on not only a more in-depth tour of the studio but also to some of the historical sites around Los Angeles." He slammed a drawer shut to help rid himself of his mounting irritation. "If I ever act remotely interested in another story from some playboy royal, you have my permission to have me committed to the nearest asylum."
Holly rolled her eyes at his dramatic outburst. "Then don't take her out. It's a simple fix."
"If Maxwell's unhappy then the studio heads will become upset." He explained. "Next, it rolls downhill on us." He glared out the window. "What right does this duchess have to demand I take her around as her glorified tour guide?!"
"It might not be so bad." Addison pointed out. "She must be important to Maxwell if he asked you to do this."
"Apparently she is his bff or whatever acronym he used." Thomas spat. "I would rather deal with practically anyone else on this planet than babysit some snobbish, probably doesn't even know how to act in public, idiotic woman."
Amanda took a step bac from his door. Her heart sank at discovering the director she had so admired was in truth a spoiled jerk.
Her lips firmed in a frown as her anger slowly took over her sadness. 
“He--I’ll show--oohhh!” She gasped, unable to get a complete insult out. 
She took a deep breath and returned to the receptionist desk. “Something has come up.” Amanda explained. “Would you mind giving Maxwell’s notes to Mr. Hunt?” She nearly strangled on his name.
“No problem.” The young intern replied. She tilted her head in question. “Are you okay?”
Amanda nodded quickly. “I am.” Or at least I will be once I get away from here, she thought. I will NEVER spend a moment in that loathsome man’s company.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this angry." Olivia's eyebrows were lifted in surprise as she observed Amanda pacing about the suite. "Why didn't you confront him?"
"Because I don't do that kind of thing." Amanda snapped. She quickly apologized to her friend. "You know I try and be nice to everyone." Her eyes narrowed. "Something about that man got under my skin. How dare he judge me without meeting me?!"
Olivia's lips turned up somewhat. "What will you do when we are all at the set tomorrow?"
"Maybe I shouldn't go." Amanda muttered. "I can't embarrass Maxwell by setting Thomas Hunt straight."
"Now I'm making you go." Olivia announced. "I think it's time you felt that sweet relief of finally unleashing your temper." Her smile grew. "You don't know what you have been missing all these years."
“We’ll see.” Amanda murmured. “Do you know where Maxwell is?”
“No. Why?”
“Because I am going to make sure that I am never put in the path of Thomas Hunt again.”
The Blvd restaurant, The Beverly Wilshire...
"There you are." Amanda said between clenched teeth.
Maxwell looked up. "Hey! How did the meeting go?"
She sat down across from him. "Why did you decide to ask Thomas Hunt of all people to give me a tour?!"
His blue eyes widened when he realized she was upset. "Because you've always been crazy about him."
"I have not." She snapped, refusing to accept she remotely found the director anything other than repulsive.
"Really?" Maxwell folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. "I would like to present to the jury, exhibit A: The Calvin Klein poster of one man, Thomas Hunt, in nothing but boxer briefs." He shuddered at the memory. "I still suffer from PTSD whenever I see your closet door cracked open."
Angry spots of color appeared on her cheeks. "I was young and stupid and had horrible taste in men."
"Exhibit B: You own all his movies, including the one he has a brief cameo in." Maxwell continued.
"I own a lot of movies." Amanda muttered. "He just happens to make some."
"Exhibit C:," Maxwell pointed out. "When I told you, I had been offered a chance to have The Royal Romance turned into a film, you literally chanted that Thomas Hunt needs to direct until I talked to my agent."
"I wanted your story to earn critical acclaim." Amanda averted her eyes.
"Exhibit D--"
"Enough!" Amanda hissed. "I get it, okay?" She leaned forward, looking directly into his eyes. "Don't ever force me to--"
"Thomas!" Maxwell yelled out, waving toward the director.
Amanda felt her stomach drop when she felt his angry presence pause behind her right shoulder.
"Maxwell." Thomas greeted curtly. “I waited for as long as I could on your,” his tone hardened, “Lady Amanda, but she never showed up.”
Maxwell turned his attention to her. “You didn’t deliver my notes?”
"I did." Amanda snapped, her eyes darted to Thomas. "But I didn’t want to spend a single second in your company."
His eyes widened. "I beg your pardon, what--"
"I refuse to spend the day with a man who so readily judges a person without meeting them." Her chin lifted. "You made it quite clear this morning what you think of me."
Thomas remembered his intern bringing in Maxwell's notes. "You were the one who came by today." His temper snapped. "On top of everything, you listened in on a conversation that wasn't any of your business. Why am I not surprised?" He mocked.
Amanda moved quickly out of the booth until she was standing directly in front of him. Her eyes flashed as heated color flooded her cheeks. "It wasn't hard since you were yelling like a petulant child." Her mocking smile appeared. "I'm grateful that I found out what type of egotistical, judgmental, miserable old man you truly are before being forced to accept your escort anywhere."
"Nowhere nearly as much as I am." Thomas barked, stung by her insults. "I wouldn't escort you a single inch across this room. You've proven that I should continue to trust my gut instinct when it comes to people like you." He bowed in an exagerated insult. "Thank you, Lady Amanda, it has been a pleasure that I hope is never repeated."
Unable to think of a proper insult, Amanda’s eyes sparked with unshed tears. She didn’t want to give this wretched man the satisfaction of thinking he had hurt her to the point of crying.
Without a word, she shoved past him and quickly left the restaurant.
"I had that going differently in my mind." Maxwell said once Thomas sat down. "Maybe after she cools off, the two of you could--"
"Maxwell, there will never be the two of us if Amanda is a part of that equation." Thomas stated firmly. "I will never spend a moment alone with her."
Olivia’s suite, again…
"You should have used one of the butter knives on him." Olivia told her. "I've trained you in the places on the human body that will cause the most pain."
Amanda sighed.
"At least you stood up for yourself." Olivia continued.
Amanda nodded silently.
"Don't tell me you regret this?" Olivia prodded at the lack of verbal response.
"I'm exhausted." Amanda finally said. "I haven't lost my temper like that in years." She ran her hands over her face. "I just stopped by to let you know I'm not going out tonight." She got up and gave a swift hug to Olivia. "Thank you for letting me vent again."
"Don't let that man keep you from going out." Olivia ordered. "Take a nap. I'll make certain you're not disturbed, and we can join everyone else for dinner."
Amanda neither agreed nor disagreed. She gave a halfhearted smile and left.
That night...
"I want everyone who has a spare key to my suite to return them." Amanda announced at dinner.
Maxwell and Olivia ignored her request.
Drake quirked an eyebrow at her. "How many keys were you given?"
"I thought just one." Her eyes narrowed. "Yet, I've had no less than four people enter my room today."
Hana blushed and handed her key card over. "Maxwell told me to help with picking out a dress or two."
Riley slid hers over. "Me too."
"I appreciate the concern." She narrowed her eyes on Maxwell as he raised his menu up to hide his face. "But it is not necessary." Her bitterness then settled on Olivia. "Nor was the wakeup call."
The red head merely shrugged. "I'm not going to allow you to lock yourself away to wallow in guilt and misery over Thomas Hunt."
"I wasn't wallowing!" Amanda snapped. "I was sleeping because Maxwell woke me up after at practically the crack of dawn!"
"As soon as you awoke, you would have started the misery and guilt trip." Olivia calmly stated. "It never fails to happen once you lose your temper."
"It's true." Maxwell added.
Amanda slumped in her chair. All the fight left her. She knew they were right.
“Don’t worry about Thomas.” Maxwell told her. “Tomorrow, he’ll be so busy with the movie that he won’t even notice you’re there.”
The next day...
Thomas surreptitiously peeked over the script each time he heard Amanda's voice or laughter. Seeing her this way made sense that she was friends with the group whose story he was filming.
She wasn't the irrational shrew he had unleashed the day before.
She looked like a different person. Gone was her insulting temper. For some reason, he was puzzled by her appearance. She hadn't bothered to wear any jewelry other than a watch, which she kept glancing at. He expected her to dress according to her station. Yet she looked like she would easily blend in with a crowd.
He suspected that he would have spotted her immediately.
His eyes moved down her figure when the group followed Addison, leaving him to review today's schedule. Since their altercation, he had been unable to get her off his mind. He had even dreamed about her.
It was disturbing that he woke up in a cold sweat over her. The dream had him ending their fight differently. That was the last thing he wanted to do with her.
Thomas couldn't hear what she was saying, but the entire group were laughing at an observation she made.
He swallowed the last of his coffee and decided to get another cup as the group moved closer to craft services.
"Where are you going?" Holly asked.
"Coffee." He muttered, wondering why Amanda wouldn't look his way. He had expected glares the entire time, not being completely ignored.
“Three cups of coffee wasn’t enough?” she asked.
"What?" He asked.
"You've had three cups." Holly pointed out. "You never have more than that in the morning."
He couldn't think of a clever enough retort, so he walked off without a response.
"This might be my favorite part of filmmaking." Maxwell teased as he reached for one of the fresh pastries Addison offered.
Amanda's smile disappeared when Thomas approached. She moved away from the table, pretending interest in a prop, when he came along next to her for the coffee pot.
He glanced at her back, deciding to force her to acknowledge his presence. "Is there anything I can get you, Lady Bridgerton?"
Her shoulders stiffened. Without looking at him, she automatically responded. "No thank you." Before Thomas could say anything else, she quickly walked over to the set that was a recreation of the palace's hedge maze lit by moonlight.
Her lips curved. She was impressed with the attention to detail the film crew had done. She walked the familiar path, turning to see the swing she had spent a great deal of her childhood on.
Thomas appeared beside her.
She stubbornly looked straight ahead.
"What do you think?" He prodded.
"About what?" She responded, folding her arms across her chest.
"The soundstage? The sets?" He motioned around. "I know you were wanting to tour a studio. Does this meet your approval?"
"It does." She couldn't quite hide her excitement at seeing something like this in person. "I find it fascinating."
He blinked at her words. "I'm…glad."
She stiffened once more at having inadvertently complimented him and tried to get around the hateful man. "If you will excuse me,"
"Perhaps I can--"He began, surprised at the thought of trying to rectify her opinion of him.
“Good day, Mr. Hunt." She tried to escape yet saw that he blocked her path. When he seemed unable to move, she squeezed past.
Their bodies brushed one another, causing her to pause.
Their eyes met and she quickly wiggled free.
He watched her hurry off to rejoin the others.
Thomas tossed his untouched coffee in the garbage and returned to work.
A few days later, they bumped into each other inside the hotel.
"Lady Bridgerton." He gently grasped her arms. "Nice to see you again."
She grit her teeth. "Please stop calling me Lady." Her eyes narrowed. "Since I discovered your opinion on nobles, I know you mean it as a verbal jab."
He quirked an eyebrow. "Then what should I call you?"
"Amanda." She replied. "But I don't believe I will hear it often since we will never spend more time together." She smirked and left him.
He knew he was supposed to meet with Maxwell, but instead decided to follow her into the hotel's restaurant.
He talked the hostess into seating him in a booth beside Amanda's. He couldn't recall a time in his life when he desired to annoy anyone as much as he did her.
He settled his gaze on her after ordering a drink.
Amanda gripped her menu and purposefully kept her eyes averted.
After a few moments, she dropped her head into her hands. "Why are you trying to drive me crazy?" She practically pleaded. "You can’t stand me, yet you sit there on purpose to stare!"
"You never allow me to finish what I’m saying.” He countered, scooting around his booth.
“Why should I?” she snapped. “You are only going to hurl more insults my way.”
“How do you know?” He asked. “Do you dare presume to know my mind?”
She scooted closer, eyes narrowing. "You don't like me!" She hissed. "And I'm not too fond of you." Her eyes searched his. "Why are you trying to talk to me? I made certain to not bother you at the studio and have not returned each day when the others have."
Thomas propped his arm on the seat and leaned closer to her. "I don't know." His eyes touched on her hair softly curling toward her cheek, guiding his eyes to her lips. "But you have been on my mind." His eyes lifted to hers. "Perhaps it is because I have yet to meet the real you. I’ve seen you at your worst, and yet with those you care for…you’re a completely different person. Who is the real, Lady Amanda?"
"I assure you; this is the real me. Regardless of how irritated I am at the moment this is me!" She quickly thanked the waitress for her drink. "Now, I think we--"
"That we should eat together, I agree." Thomas rose and told the waitress he would be joining Amanda.
He slid into the booth, bumping into the shocked duchess. "I recommend the lobster frittata."
"I'm allergic to shellfish." She said in a stunned voice.
"Then I will order something else." He remarked. "I'll have the steak and eggs." He handed his menu to the waitress. "Shall we have a bottle of champagne with brunch?"
Amanda absentmindedly ordered the cheeseburger. Once they were alone, she settled back against the seat, intent on pretending she was dining alone.
"I'm considering taking time off once filming wraps up." Thomas announced.
"What about the sequels?" Amanda forgot about her plan to ignore him. "You aren't going to let someone else direct, are you?"
He shook his head, turning more toward her. "The screenplay for the second part hasn't been completed yet. Ryan and Chris both have obligations to other directors that they will complete in between the first and second part."
"I see." She tried to ease away from being so close beside him, but her skirt was caught under his leg. He apparently was not inclined to give up his hold on her.
"Amanda, have you been on any other tours?" He asked when she became stubbornly silent again.
"I have." She replied. Her smile held a hint of mischief. "Ryan took me to some points of interest."
Thomas narrowed his eyes. "Did he?"
"Yes." She propped her chin on her hand, attempting to have a dreamy far off look. "He was a perfect gentleman."
"He's seeing someone." He informed her, wondering at this new irritation he felt.
Amanda shrugged. "Like I said, he was a perfect gentleman."
"I expect to hear news of his engagement at any moment." Thomas continued.
"Then perhaps you should be drinking champagne with him." She kept a pleasant smile on her face. "For you and I have nothing to celebrate over."
"I disagree." He countered.
"Of course, you do." She pointed at his shirt. "I would call this blue, but I'm positive you would say it was another color."
"I always thought it was more gray than blue." He said to purposefully needle her.
She ran her fingers through her hair. "Of course, you would."
Their food was brought out and each focused on eating while ignoring the emotions the other was causing.
He poured her a glass of champagne then lifted his in a toast. "To expectations."
She searched his eyes for some hidden meaning then tapped her glass to his. "Cheers."
"What are your plans today?" He asked.
She set her glass down. "I'm going to see a movie."
"Really?" He slowly smiled. "What will you be--"
"There you are!" Maxwell walked over, his dimples deepening with his delighted grin. "I must have forgotten we were to meet down here."
Amanda took that moment to jerk her skirt out from under Thomas' thigh. She smiled with her newfound freedom. "I was just on my way out." She wished them both a good afternoon and escaped.
"I knew you two would hit it off." Maxwell boasted.
"And when exactly is that supposed to happen?" Thomas asked.
A few nights later...
"Everyone knows the drill." Maxwell whispered.
"Yes." Hana reassured him. "I spill my drink on Amanda."
"I drop a plate in Thomas's lap." Addison whispered.
"They are both forced to go to the master bathroom because I have food poisoning in the hall bathroom." Riley added.
"I get everyone to move to our suite." Liam added.
"I turn everything off." Holly glanced over her shoulder to make certain no one was near enough to hear.
"And I lock them in the bedroom." Maxwell announced.
"What about the phone situation?" Ryan whispered.
"Bastien is confiscating everyone's phone for security purposes." Drake explained. "And I have already removed the hotel phones from the bedroom and living room."
"You all have your missions." Maxwell looked around at his group. "Good luck."
Addison and Hana nearly bounced with excitement as they took their places.
Thomas sat down when Addison insisted yet again. "I still don't see how this helps the crick in your neck."
She rubbed the side while rolling her head. "Because it doesn’t hurt tilting it down, only up." She huffed. "You're too tall."
She eyed Hana and watched as the graceful lady stumbled, splashing her glass of wine down Amanda's dress.
"I'm so sorry!" Tears filled Hana's eyes. She grasped Amanda's hand and dragged her into the bedroom.
"I have something that will help get this out before it stains." Hana made Amanda remain in the bathroom. "It's in my room. I'll be right back."
Addison waited patiently, keeping Thomas talking. She then saw Hana give her the sign.
"...and then we should--" Thomas jumped to his feet when Addison dropped her plate.
"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."
He brushed her hand away and went toward the bathroom. He heard Riley's sounds of sickness and quickly backtracked.
"There's a bathroom in the bedroom." Maxwell pushed him toward it.
"Thank you." Thomas stepped inside and opened the bathroom door.
Amanda whirled around. "You startled me."
He glanced down at the red stain on her peach colored dress. "My apologies. We both seem to be the ones with accident prone friends tonight."
She wet a rag for him. His fingers brushed hers when he reached for it. Their eyes lifted to one another's.
Amanda looked away first. "You should take your jacket off first."
He shrugged out of it, thanking her when she offered to hold it for him. Thomas brushed at the different stains on his shirt and tie.
She did the same with his jacket.
The two worked quietly.
"Do you hear that?" She asked once the water was turned off.
He stilled. "I don't hear anything."
"Exactly!" The two hurried to the bedroom door.
It wouldn't open.
Amanda knocked on it. "Maxwell! We're stuck in here!"
Thomas leaned his ear against it. "There's no noise out there."
"I'll call someone to--" she twirled around. "Where are the phones?"
They searched throughout the drawers and closets. Nothing except a pair of pajamas and a nightgown were in the drawers.
"What is going on?" Amanda wailed, slowly backing away.
"I think," Thomas began, recognizing his pajamas from home. "that Maxwell and the others want us to spend the night together."
After changing their ruined clothes, the two sat down on the bed. It seemed that Maxwell had removed the chairs that had also resided there. He had also had the television removed.
"Now what do we do?" Amanda asked. "It's only eight thirty."
Thomas tried to keep from staring at her in her silk nightgown.
She guessed that Riley and Hana had taken it earlier that day when they kept having her try on dresses. His eyes traveled up her legs --
"Why don't we talk? Settle this...whatever this is between us?" He suggested as she stood up to pace.
Amanda quit her agitated movements and sat down in a breathless huff. She reclined on the pillows and attempted to not stare at how sexy Thomas looked in pajamas. That little bit of hair flopping over his forehead softened his angular features, making her want to run her fingers through his hair as his lips touched--
"I expected you to be different." Amanda began, lowering her eyes. "I think this might be as much my fault as yours."
Thomas stretched out beside her. "What do you mean about expecting me to be different?"
She ran a hand through her hair. "I guess I expected you to be nice." She grimaced. "I thought we would get along. Perhaps become friends or...something."
"I see." He said softly. "And I ruined that when you overheard, that I was expecting the worst."
"Yes, I mean," she dropped her head back on the pillow. "I was so disappointed that you were like so many people I have encountered at court. That you were so set on disliking me…I just thought why bother even trying to be nice."
“Ah.” He snorted softly. “And in my preconceived notions, I decided you had proven me right.”
“And now we are being tortured by our so-called friends.”
He turned his head toward her. "I don't feel tortured right now."
She turned too and realized how close their faces were. "You don't?"
He focused on her mouth. Perhaps he was being tortured. "No, I actually like being around you like this."
"So not hostile or hurling insults at you?" She teased.
He surprised her with a sudden smile. "If we must make that distinction, then yes, I prefer this version to any of the others I have encountered."
Her burst of laughter made him scoot closer to her.
“I must admit, it has been exhausting remaining angry around you.” Her warm smile was focused on him for the first time. “You sir, have kept me on my toes during every altercation.”
“You have been a worthy adversary.” Thomas chuckled when she solemnly thanked him. “I haven’t’ wanted to annoy any woman as much as I have you.”
The pair became quiet in thought after sharing another laugh.
Amanda turned on her side and studied his face. "Thomas?"
"Why do you think we have been snapping at each other all this time?"
"You've been doing most of the snapping lately." He reminded her.
"I suppose I have." She admitted. "Why have you been chasing after me though since I have been, you know?"
"Cruel?" He offered. "Cold? Mean?"
"I get the picture." She grumbled. "I apologize for my rudeness."
"I told you once before I wasn't certain what it is about you, but I think I might have solved the mystery." He inched closer.
"And that is?" She asked.
"I think we have some unresolved sexual tension." Thomas waited to see what her response might be.
He didn't expect laughter.
"Hold on.” she said once she saw he was serious. "You find me attractive?"
"I did even when I despised you." He admitted.
Amanda blinked. "Oh."
He cleared his throat. When she still remained silent, he prodded her. "Any chance you find me attractive?"
"I do." Was her hurried response. "I mean, I always thought you were handsome."
"Being thought handsome is not the same as being attractive." He reminded her. "Do you find Liam handsome?"
"Of course, I do." She sighed, knowing where he was going with this. "And no, I am not physically attracted to Liam."
Thomas gently placed his hand over hers. "Then, should we use this time to test out the waters? See if the fights can cease once and for all after we discover what this is?”
Amanda slowly nodded. Before she could think too hard about all the ways this could backfire, he had pulled her flush to him. Her breath caught as he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
His fingertips slipped down her neck and over her shoulder, sliding down before coming back up. She closed her eyes as he caressed her skin. His eyes followed his hand before flickering up to her parted lips. He closed the distance and placed a tentative kiss to them.
And then they knew why they had been fighting so much.
The next morning…
“There’s no noise.” Maxwell whispered. He had his ear pressed to the bedroom door.
“Either they are asleep, or they killed each other.” Olivia hissed. “I’m hoping he is at least bleeding out in there.” She smacked Maxwell on the back of the head. “Why did you persist in putting them together?”
“Because I know what I’m doing as a matchmaker.” He grumbled. “If you would only listen to me about you and Dra—“
She put her hand over his mouth. “I’m warning you, Maxwell. Do not ever link my name with his again.”
Addison pushed between them and pressed her ear to the door. “I say we leave their clothes here and quietly unlock the bedroom door. “I don’t want to walk in on something I shouldn’t see.”
“Good idea.” Maxwell carefully removed the chair he had wedged under the doorknob. He then unlocked the door and jumped back in case one decided to open it.
As his coconspirators sneaked out of the room, he quickly jotted down an apology in case he had been wrong and slipped it under the bedroom door.
Just as he was about to leave, the note was slipped back with a response written.
You better book another suite for yourself. This one is ours now.
Thanks for locking us in together,
A & T
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bloggeranonymous36-blog · 7 years ago
Blog #1
Hello all, First and foremost, I am not affiliated with the hacker group known as Anonymous, while I appreciate some of the things they accomplish, I am not part of it. I am, what is going to be known as Blogger Anonymous. You may never know my name but, you will know a lot about my life. This is something I have never done before and never imagined I would ever do. Throughout my time doing this blog you will get to know who I am as a person and possibly more than you would want to know. Throughout my stories you will learn how I have become the person I am today, I am also hoping that you will learn a little about yourself along the way. You may not like this at first but, we can learn as we go, if you’re so inclined to stick with me. I don’t know really where to start, so I will start at the beginning (I guess that makes sense, I mean, no one starts at the end unless you are Quintin Tarantino). Anyways, as far back as I can remember, I was probably around 4 years old, I remember hanging out with my Grandma watching “The Ewok Adventure”. I was mesmerized and in love with the cute little bear looking creatures. I was in love with the world they lived in and all the animals, monsters even the forests they were in. That was one of my fondest memories of my grandma, well that and Pick-a-hand. You know the game where someone hides candy in one of their hands and you have to guess which hand it’s in, if you choose correctly you get the candy? Great sadistic game for kids, am I right? Later on when I became the age of about 6, there I was, watching movies with Grandma again. This time it was my first horror movie “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”!! Excellent movie if you haven’t seen it yet. I fell in love again with the genre and that sparked my love for “B” movies and Indie Films. I can appreciate what those genres can accomplish with so little funds. Oh, did I mention that this blog is going to be typed out how I really speak, so lots of jumping around, confusion, cussing and fun little surprises having no idea what is going to be coming out of my mouth. Good luck folks, Good luck. Ok, back on track. We will skip up a couple of years. I am now 10 years old. My brothers and I are outside playing as we did back then (I believe we were Power Rangers), all of a sudden, I get a flying side kick to my back; I spin around and start falling to my back. As I was falling I remember hearing my brother yell but I don’t know what he said, then it hit me, right in the back of the head. My head slammed into the corner of a concrete step. First I saw a flash of light, then heard an echo, then everything went dark. I was apparently out for about a minute or so because when I woke up I had my brothers, parents and a couple of neighbors standing around me. My mom looked so worried as did the neighbors. My dad on the other hand… not so much. All he could muster up was, “you should have been careful!” with a pissed off look on his face. At that point I could read his mind, he was thinking “this is gonna cost me an arm and a leg in ambulance and hospital bills”. That’s just the type of guy he was. So, I didn’t want to make him that mad so I managed to get up off of the ground with my blood soaked head and stumble (with mom’s help) back in to the apartment. Apparently, while I was semi unconscious going back inside, my hand touched the door, apparently it had blood on it and apparently my dad wasn’t happy. He came into the bathroom while I was trying to get the bleeding to stop, He asked “did you get the bleeding to stop?” I nodded and said “almost”. He said “Good, Go to your room!” I managed to get to my room while having a bloody rag filled with ice held against my head. Dad walks in, “you do know you got blood all over the door, right?” I said, “No Sir, I wasn’t aware of that. I could hardly see where I was going”. He took his belt off of his waist and told me to bend over. I did as I was told, as I always did and he proceeded to beat my ass with it until I cried. After my ass beating, I dropped the rag I had on my head and a couple of half melted ice cubes fell to the floor. He saw these couple little drops of water from where the ice cubes fell, walked back to me, grabbed the rag that I had picked up and proceeded to beat me in the head with it. That’s right, right where my laceration was, then he proceeded to scream some more telling me that I better not get blood on the floor, then he walked out slamming the door. This concludes this story from that era. Most of my childhood was a blur of beatings and verbal abuse. But, we will get to more of that at a later time. Just know that if you ever feel like you are being abused (physically and/or verbally) or know someone who has, there are people who can help 24/7. If you need too, Contact the National Child Abuse Hotline at 800-422-4453!!
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