#so much death
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nadinescholtes · 2 months ago
Soo abt the horror au..Do Eclipse and Puppet know abt the Virus?
Well, there are three possibilities,
I don't think they use normal phones but computers to communicate through other dimensions because the virus spreads only through phone calls from phones (or phones the animatronics have in their body).
Monty could warn them not to contact anyone in their dimension anymore until they figure out how to cure the virus. He did not call or anything, he threw a letter through a portal. Right after, Clips visited to see what the heck was going on, Moon, and Monty showed him locked up Solar and Jack. Explaining to him what they found out about the virus and that they can't use portals or they'll burn to death.
They told him to stay away and block every contact from this dimension until the virus is gone. They plan to come and tell in person when it's over.
Clips and Earth said their goodbyes and promised to hang out as soon as the virus was gone. Clips is still waiting.
2. They might do phone calls pretty rarely with other dimensions and haven't called yet. When they found out about the virus Monty could warn them through the letter.
3. They did normal phone calls and in the other dimension is now hell too. Monty kept in contact and gave them updates until they didn't.
Clips was the first one infected he tried to attack Puppet, and they locked him up and the next was EAPS Laia who tried to attack, she was locked up too. Both later escaped. They aren't married but they hunt together like Sun and Laia.
When the virus progressed and they couldn't find a cure still. Puppet choose to take their own life by going close to a portal and burning to death because if they go crazy they might repeat what they did to their home. And because she dies so does Ruin (because their lifespans were linked), he accepted it because he didn't want to go through hell again. He was with them when they took their own life.
Sunlight and Moonlight are the second pair who hunt together but it's not like they had a choice. They became like a second Bloodmoon.
FC killed and ate Foxy.
Puppet, Ruin, and Foxy are dead, and the others are infected and hunting. The non-infected are the ghost kids, Jake and Andy left Clips and Laia but have each other. Andrew stayed with FC, I don't know if it was by choice.
And before anyone asks, I'm not going to write something about every dimension they were in contact with. If they had phone calls with them, they are infected, end of story. 🤷‍♀️
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starrblossom12 · 5 months ago
I wanted to post this Wildcard theory I thought of three days ago: "The session length still really interests me, i doubt it’s due to too many extraneous deaths or even a “win state” for the wildcard (ex: boogeyman apocalypse in which there are no survivors) so it’s probably due to the uptime and intensity of the wildcard, which seem to be ramping up from ep1 passive (you need to interact with it) to ep2 (you need to pay attention to it, mainly every hr or so when it randomizes) so i’m guessing whatever this is will be rather active (perhaps never going away or actively hunting down players). so with that said: - given that grian has known that this episode would be dropping on or very near halloween maybe it’s smthg spoooooky, ghost haunting or spooky monsters or hunts a la phasmophobia… bigb joins the hunting crew, mainly evidenced by etho mentioning everyone was screaming and crying - speculation on no downtime makes me wonder if somehow players are unable to get back to or access their own bases, the main thing that would do that is dimension hopping w/ permanent nether or end or given the “budget” comment perhaps a custom dimension, you may also add a custom monster hunting to this dimension, ex: grian creates the actual back rooms inspired by his HC10 “please hold” shenanigans, speaking of HC10, have you ever heard of the thought experiment of an immortal and intelligent snail hunting you down slowly, methodically and eternally? yeah… monster ideas, lmao"
I was so right and so so wrong at the same time,
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strawberryshortcake1495 · 2 months ago
Part 3: Snow
It’s been 10 years since Snow was taken to the International Institute of Oddology by Stanford Pines.
The middle-aged man was staring at them as if he planned to publicly execute them, but they found themself being wrapped up like a present and taken to a different wing of the institution where the walls were painted pink and different anomalies resided. Apparently, this was their “rehabilitation center”. Snow thought this was stupid, and apparently Ford did too. He wanted this sinful creature gone but other brilliant minds like himself thought it would be best to “tame it” here. Snow hated it. They didn’t want to leave that cave alive, and now they’re gonna be stuck in a sparkly prison for a crime they didn’t commit.
They still remember the day so clearly. The day everything changed. The government had deemed Shermie’s “project” too dangerous and the military raided the Ark, seeking to destroy Snow and hide evidence of their existence. Lights blared red as four scientists along with Snow and Stanley ran for their lives to the laboratory, where only one escape pod resided. It could only fit 5 people though, and in the middle of the crossfire, one of the scientists swung the door shut and Stan got left behind. Snow remembers screaming their head off as their best friend struggled to successfully launched the escape pod. Then that military officer ran in with that gun and…and…
Stan was dead on the floor in a second. A giant ugly wound that tore through his chest and out his back, staining his striped shirt with blood. He was actually the lucky one in this situation, he died instantly because the bullet went straight through his heart. But Snow was still very much alive and the scene before them was not good for them in the long run.
When they reached Earth, every single scientist that accompanied Snow in the escape pod was found dead. Their mortal bodies sprawled out as blood smeared the walls with angry messages. The government saw this as the evidence they needed to frame Snow as a killer. They’ve been on the run for 30 years until that night in 1992. By that point, Snow had grown to resemble a 17-year old teenager and lost the will to live. Their shoulders slouched as they were entranced by the gun Ford drew at them, but immediately scowled as their arm was aggressively pulled.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The year was 2012 and Snow had grown a reputation in the rehab for being this quiet mysterious entity who’s always hiding in their solitary confinement, but they weren’t alone. Snow had a cellmate named Bill Cipher, who’s been here since 1982. Bill was well-known for his quirk and charisma, that clashed well with Snow’s silence.
As summer was rolling around, Snow sat alone in their confinement when they heard a hushed voice.
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“Hey, kid!”
“We’re both stuck in this hellhole but I have an idea on how we can get out of here. You see, I was eavesdropping at breakfast today when I heard Sixer’s niece and nephew are coming over for the summer. I have a plan on how we can escape this dump, but we’re gonna have to work together.”
“I’ll explain the details later, but I heard they’re supposed to be arriving next month. We have all the time we need to figure this out. If you get me outta this place, I’ll owe you big time!”
“So, do we have a deal?”
“You don’t have to accept it, but don’t come crying to me when I get out of this-“
“Well well well, the snowman talks!”
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peregrinethegryphon · 7 months ago
I think Clangen has traumatized me more than the entirety of the Warrior Cats series.
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atiianeishaunted · 8 months ago
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something i threw together before i go on vacation to give some incentive for people to get into this dumbass au thing i got goin on, the premise sounds insane but once you let go of any common sense its pretty chill over here . i swear !!!! ignore how i type liek a 13 year old on deviant art btw im cringe but free.....
some funfacts to make this ,. worth reading plus to give context:
this started because one of my ex best friends was REALLY into danganronpa and we were rp partners for a hot minute and liek . i ended up having a dream that kazuichi souda and keith kogane went to the mall together, told them about it n we were liek "hah thats funny" n then the danganronpa au was born even though i wasnt even into it at the time (became a major hyperfix and still is :'/)
the reapers canonically do fall within different age groups, all have unique deaths which play into their designs somewhat, uhh liek sheepdog got drowned and he has a lot of blue in his design, rein froze to death and also. is blue.,,,, a surprising amt of blue in these bitches ?.
sheepdog is a fan favorite and also alot of his fans turn out to be some flavor of freak and not in the funpilled way :( .. SIGH
when i mention fan favorites n fandom i mean on pixilart dot com i am .. heh a bit of a celebrity /j [i only have 5k] [ive been on there for liek 7 years atp
theres a whole prequel to the reaper project that follows an artifical god, and also theres technically 3 fake nations i made for this but like 1 of them is a pangea of the other two, also fake religions n cultures YIPPEEE
the reaper concept started with morse because i texted my friend red at liek 2am or smth n was liek "keith kogane corpse theory" and then i was liek "that sounds kind of epic" n now we are here ,,,,
one of my MAJOR dreams is to like see people with reaproj layouts, i make custom art for it n everything so if you end up getting into this request ur fav ill do it man
feel free to ask me questions or what have you, glad to answer, in fact begging for people to get into this i want friends !!!!!!!! and silly people in my phone!!!!!!! also this has been ongoing for liek 5+ years atp ,,,, unfortunately my special interest i fear but like s so epic i SWEARR, theres a lil smth for everyone, theres probably a reaper for your fandom, maybe, hence, the fandom tags, tried to tag every reaper's source media
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^ do you see how many bitches there is in here!!!!!!!!! look at that!!
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^ heres a further wip el oh el look theres morse and keith kogane normalpilled version, youve seen those two ! i think! sorry in advance if u were jus lookin for cool fanart n stumbled upon this but what is up, im lee,, i make cool art sometimes, known to haunt pinterest with a certain version of shep
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anyway if u read all this ily hello! ur free to comment wtf or whatever, i encourage you to express whatever feelings of bafflement you may have, kissing u on the forehead
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tinseltownie · 5 months ago
Oh I just can’t stop crying for these boys
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llamaisllama777 · 7 months ago
I was just thinking about this...
Bloodmoon would have LOVED the opening to Deadpool & Wolverine!
He would have loved EVERY.SECOND.OF.IT!
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wilyzombie · 2 years ago
Well I’m dead now
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windandwater · 1 year ago
have started listening to a podcast about survival stories (my fucking. shit. let me tell you.) and they covered Ernest Shackleton and as I've mentioned before I have this newfound fascination with polar expeditions and explorers because it's something I would absolutely never do yet find it so interesting how people are successful (and fail!) at it.
cut for gross talk (not in this story but in similar ones)
because I listen to a lot of disaster stories, let me tell you, I was fully waiting for like. due to frostbite a dude's leg had to be amputated. and then he couldn't make it. and that's when the cannibalism started. everyone got scurvy and they started dropping one by one. you know. just because it's a survival story doesn't mean everyone survived. this expedition started in 19 fucking 14, some of them were in Antarctica for three years, and I had just listened to a mountaineering disaster from 2008 where 11 people out of 18 died over the course of a couple days.
but no. every single god damn one of them made it. all 22. and they weren't like--feeling great. but they were still completely alive.
at one point Shackleton and a couple others reached South Georgia Island but they were on the opposite side of civilization, in completely uncharted territory, surrounded by impassible cliffs, and to get down? they resorted to sliding down 1,000 feet of snow & rock. and survived. and went back to rescue all of the others still stranded, and it took three months to get past the ice but they made it.
they spent 456 days of that three years just. trapped in ice. their ship just sitting in ice. and at the end of that it completely sank into it and they had to abandon the ship altogether.
I think after listening to stories about how hard it is to get this right meant that this just fucking. blew my mind. everyone puts it down to his leadership and I believe it. I would say luck and planning, but this man had weathered multiple other expeditions & got everyone out alive then, too. you have to be smart as shit and able to keep everyone sane. I'm in complete awe and if you want to learn about polar exploration that went horribly wrong but also incredibly right, that's your guy to research.
the podcast is Against the Odds. it contains every content warning imaginable for different arcs so tread carefully.
another thing: I don't think people know that Antarctica is fucking. beautiful. it's something I knew--because my dad went there for work while he was at NASA. it's always been a pie in the sky bucket list item for me and now I want to go even more.
I had never looked up the price ticket for tourism out there? and. oof.
sole regret of my life: when my dad recommended getting a job washing dishes on McMurdo in my 20s I should've looked into it! wtf!
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greatbritishsimchallenge · 2 years ago
14 & 25 for the ask game!
14. do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
I don't have regrets, but sometimes the gameplay events are not what I want to happen at all. There are so many sims that I didn't want to die... at the same time, though, I much prefer my game being dictated by the rules of the challenge and the dice of destiny.
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25. what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
The answer for this one is here :)
Thank you for the ask!
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arlydarkfire · 2 years ago
Cars 2 is the boldest departure from any source material i have ever seen and it should be lauded as one of the few examples of a film that surpassed its predecessor in every way just on merit of car body count alone
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mysticmagics · 2 years ago
The New Era of Witches: Chapter 1 Is Out!
Hey there peeps, I finally got Chapter 1 of TNEoW done and posted to my AO3. This feels so good to finally post, cause I've been working on it for nearly a week now. Happy reading, my Umbran Sisters. (and misters!)
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hyena-woodie · 2 years ago
Just watched Avengers, Infinity War this morning. I... Ugh, that was beautiful :D
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djungleskogs · 27 days ago
it’s crazy how absolutely blatantly luigi’s constitutional rights are being breached and people seem more concerned about his appearance than a real, scary view of the power CEOs and the healthcare industry have over the legal system. like yeah he looks good in those photos i can appreciate that too but can we focus on the fact that the media is absolutely treating him as if he has already been found guilty. this could happen to anyone. anyone could be arrested over the death of a wealthy, influential person and the precedent being set right now is essentially that the prosecution can run wild and create documentaries declaring your guilt. like that’s really serious and scary.
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ashenquill · 1 month ago
[Tim and Jason watching Dick as he fakes his death for a mission]
Tim: Man, he really is peak pretty boy
Jason: Right? Like, stop serving while you’re dying. It’s disrespectful.
Tim: For real, like, at least YOU had your priorities straight.
Jason: Exactly, I—
Jason: Now hold up just a second—
Tim: I mean, you looked like shit when you died
Jason: THE FUCK, TIM????
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remarkingonit · 5 months ago
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"My mother needs me home." (x Agatha All Along, S01E09)
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