#so like... having to take breaks and naps in between cooking is a LOT for her
briarpatch-kids · 5 months
One of my IRL friends is pregnant and dealing with clinical level fatigue for the first time and God, I forgot how frustrating it is. Poor woman is bored to tears.
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luveline · 5 months
JADEEEE i'd love to see an interaction between hotch and teacher!reader outside of school? maybe jack sees her first and step away from hotch for a moment to say hi, hotch gets scared when he realizes jack left but reader comes with him just a moment later because she's panicking too like 'why are you alone? where's your dad?' and jack takes her to him. is that ok??? i hope so! love you <3333
I love you ty for your request! —Hotch flirts with Jack’s favourite teacher, because he’s never as subtle as he should be. fem, 2k
Jack reads a couple of books a week now his dad is home more often. His mom used to read to him some because he loves them, but she preferred to tell her own on the fly. His dad isn’t as good a story teller, and when he does try the stories don’t end up very happy, so they read. Sometimes two or three books a night if they're short ones. 
With Jack’s library card they can borrow ten books. With his dad’s, another ten. Twenty altogether, enough to last the month if they’re careful or if dad gets called away a lot, which he usually does. 
“Can I look for Super Pup?” Jack asks his dad. 
Aaron sits on a chair a little too small for him in the kids section. “What?” he asks, looking up from the back of the large picture book Jack’s just handed him. 
“Super Pup?” 
“I’ll help, buddy.” Hotch looks like he’s going to stand, then hesitates. “In a second. Don’t go where I can’t see you, Jackers.” 
Hotch is tired. He didn’t come home until very late, but he’d woken Aunt Jess anyway and, when Jack woke, there his dad was sleeping in the beanbag by his bed. He’s sore all over now and exhausted from a restless night. Jack feels sorry, as much as he can for being six nearly seven, but he also knows that his dad doesn’t mind the hurting. It was nice to wake up together after a few days apart. 
And now he’s brought him to the library, and after that they’ll go for groceries. Jack should be quick. If they get home before dinner time his dad will ask him if he wants to nap together, which is the best. They just lay there in the big bed with the fan on and snooze until it’s too late to cook, so his dad breaks out the takeout menus, and promises he won’t do it again with a quick hug from behind. 
As though it makes him a terrible parent for feeding his kid. Jack can’t know how guilty it makes Hotch feel to do it, and Hotch doesn’t seem to notice how much Jack loves these days where his dad is exhausted and totally his. 
Jack runs around looking for Super Pup. Hotch’s phone beeps in his pocket, and he fights to keep his eyes open.
A ways away, you browse the fiction section in a crouch, knees somehow totally under your skirt, flicking aside spines of skinny books for something you can read at lunch time. Something that doesn’t require much attention, and could be read in short intervals. You used to demand a half hour to yourself when you first started teaching, but that was before the lonely kids started cropping up. Kids with no friends, or sad smiles, who want company and quiet alike. 
You reach for a pink-spined Japanese translation as a little hand pats your elbow. You’re so used to kids you say, “What’s up?” before you remember you aren’t at work. 
You turn in your crouch to look behind you. “Oh, hi, Jack! What are you doing here?” 
“Me and dad are looking for books.” 
You smile at him genuinely, happy to see your favourite student, even if you’re terrified on the inside at the prospect of his father. He’s the most gentlemanly man you’ve ever met. He’s arduous in how respectful he is, he’s understanding, and he’s tall, dark, and handsome. It is a chilling collection of traits. You stumble whenever you have to talk to him. 
But Jack is easy. You and Jack talk every day. “What sorts of books? Just for fun?” 
“I want to read Super Pup.” 
The kids love Super Pup and his magic bark. You stand promptly, suddenly much taller than Jack as you brush down your skirt. “Wait,” you say. Mr. Hotchner gets called away for work all the time, but he wouldn’t leave Jack alone, would he? “Where’s your dad? You’re not by yourself, are you?” 
Jack laughs. “No! I’m looking for Super Pup! Dad’s tired.” 
You can’t decipher exactly what those two things have to do with each other, but you can guess how panicked his dad will be to find Jack so far from the kid’s section. Fiction is the other side of the library. “How did you end up over here?” You offer your hand. “Should we go back and find your dad?” 
“I saw your skirt, Miss L/N. I like the flowers.”
He takes your hand, clumsy to your gentleness. “Thanks, honey. Let’s go find dad before he calls his scary friends and has your name on the news.” 
You get to the kids section slowly. Endearingly so, but nerve-wracking, too, because Mr. Hotchner can be intimidating. Jack likes holding your hand, you think, clinging to your fingers as he guides you across the library, past the staircase down to the first floor, and back to the kids section. 
“Jack?” Mr. Hotchner asks loudly, turned away from you both near the graphic novel selection. “Jack.” 
“Mr. Hotchner,” you say. 
He spins on his heel. His shoulders relax noticeably, but the stress in his gaze remains. 
“Jack, I said stay where I can see you,” he says, not half as scolding as he could be as Jack lets go of your hand and runs to his legs, where he stops. “Please, buddy. You gotta listen to me.” 
Jack turns between you and his dad with a smile, “But look, it’s Miss L/N.” 
“I can see,” he says softly. 
Mr. Hotchner leans down, taking Jack up into his arms with impressive ease, and begins the walk to you where you’ve stayed. 
“I hope he didn’t interrupt you,” he says. 
“Please,” you say, “he’s my favourite. Just–” You wince. “Don’t tell anybody at school I said that, Jack. Please.” 
“I think we can keep this secret,” Mr. Hotchner says. 
“He was just telling me that you’re looking for Super Pup. If you don’t find it, we have copies at the school library. And we can always order you one.” 
Mr. Hotchner gives you a small, and what you know to be rare, smile. “I don’t think he even looked.” 
“I did look!” Jack disagrees, though his disagreement barely has any attitude to it, a credit to his upbringing. 
“You clearly weren’t looking in the right place.” 
“I was too. How would you know, you were sleeping!” 
“I wasn’t sleeping,” Mr. Hotchner says to you. 
You tuck your hands behind your back. “It’s okay, Mr. Hotchner, I believe you. In my classroom we like to say we’re resting our eyes.” 
“Aaron,” he says, as he says whenever you speak to each other, and as you always forget to call him. Not a demand but a suggestion you’d swear to be bordering affectionate. 
You’ve been Jack’s teacher for two months this year, and almost the entire year previously. In the summer when they leave, you’ll find out if you’re moving up a grade with him, but until then, you’ve made the most of such a nice kid, and you aren’t shy to tell that to Aaron. You don’t mind that Jack spends his lunch time with you. He embodies all of the reasons that pushed you to become a teacher in the first place. 
And his father is a good reason to stay. He’s one of the only nice (hot) dads. 
You do worry often that he can read your expression. His lips have quirked into a bemused smile, what’s so funny? He’s terrifying. 
“Aaron,” you rush to say, and fill the silence you’ve made, “It’s nice to see you.” 
“It’s nice to see you, too. You’ll see me on Monday, so you’ll be sick of me by Tuesday.” 
You rock ever so gently on your heels. “You aren’t working.” 
“It’s Jack’s birthday.” 
You nod, pleased. “I know! I know, we already talked about what cupcakes he wants, didn’t we? Everybody’s gonna have rainbow sprinkle, and for a treat we’re going to watch a movie before lunch.” 
“Do you do that for every kid?” 
“I do.” 
“How do you afford it?” He lowers his gaze. “I just mean, it’s expensive to do that for every birthday.” 
“Luckily for me and unluckily for the kids, quite a few of them have birthdays outside of term time. Thirty students is three trays of ten, and that doesn’t usually break the bank, even if things get tight. But… I don’t know, I guess I just have to make room when it does. It’s special to feel special, and,” —you smile, exuberant and a little shy at once, clutching your elbow in your hand— “Jack always makes everybody else feel special. ” 
The boy in question turns into his fathers chest, pleased beyond words. 
Aaron gives you a long, long look. “Thank you,” he says. 
“Oh, you’re welcome.” 
You say goodbye to Aaron and Jack and wish them both a good weekend, which you spend wondering what the pressure of Aaron’s hand would be like on your shoulder, and if you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking about it at all. He seems like he’d give a good hug. You catch yourself picturing him opening a door and ban yourself from thinking of him at all. 
Monday morning, you stand at the door ushering your students inside, and you can’t help beaming when Jack and Aaron arrive. 
“Aw, Jack, where’s your birthday badge?” you ask, fall air nipping your nose. 
“He was feeling too shy,” Aaron says. He’s in casual dress again. Some men should be banned from half-zips, it’s inhumane. 
“You were?” You bend just a bit, hand in your pocket. “Well, I thought you might be, so I brought my badge from home. It’s super shiny, bud. What do you think?” 
You show Jack the badge, It’s My Birthday in silver against a rainbow backdrop. 
Maybe it was silly to bring, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t want to wear one, and maybe he should. He deserves for all his friends to give him some attention, and to have them fight over who gets to sit with him at lunch. 
“We have something for you,” Jack says. 
You stand straight. “You do?” 
Aaron hadn’t been expecting to be the one to give it to you, that much is obvious. He hesitates for a second before he passes you a small brown box, the top of which is made up of four leaves folded into a dome. You have an inkling of what it might me. 
“Thank you… Can I open it now?” you ask. 
“I think you should wait for lunch,” Aaron says. 
You raise your eyebrows but abide by his suggestion, murmuring another thank you as Aaron bends to give Jack a hug. “Have a good day. I’ll be here to pick you up, I promise,” he says.
It’s a great day. The kids are excited for cupcakes and overjoyed to get them before lunch. Not a crumb goes uneaten, and as they all sing for Jack with his borrowed badge, he’s actually happy for the attention. He doesn’t eat with you at lunch, which is a great thing even if you love his company. 
Alone, you fold back the leaves of your mysterious box and smile like an idiot when you confirm what’s inside. A cupcake slightly more sophisticated than rainbow sprinkle spreads icing across the brown carrier, and a business card leans against the other side. 
The front of the card is as you’d expected it to be spelling out Aaron’s contact details from work, and you combust thinking he wants you to call him, but it’s the back that you’d been meant to see. You read it as you fold down the leaves of the cupcake carrier, 
Thirty students, three trays of ten. What does that leave for you? —Aaron. 
Flirt, you think firmly, happily. He’s such a flirt. 
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pinkynana · 2 years
cw : stepbro!nahyuck x fem reader, stepcest, mention of somnophilia (but not written in detail), pussy eating, threesome, blowjob, degradation, praising, unprotected sex, breeding kink, breast play, dumbification, tell me if i missed anything
a/n : i'm sorry for being away for a month. i'm gonna disappear for another month, i think. sorry. also, this was an anon request that i wanted to do longer (and might be a series)
living away from your parents bcs of college was normal. what (didn't) irritate you are your two annoying step brothers, hyuck and jaemin, who constantly visit you. and by constantly, this means everyday and sleepovers during the weekend. you always say they bother you but it actually gives you company. living alone can be scary for young women like you. 
one morning, you bent down to grab your bowl in the lower cabinet. what surprises you is the feeling of jaemin's hips meeting yours. you squeaked and gasped when he even pulled you closer to him. "good morning. having breakfast?" he asked innocently. 
"yeah, you want some?" you pushed him away gently. "sure. you'll make some for me?" you nod, taking two bowls instead of one. "how do you like to eat your oatmeal?" you finally turn around to see your step brother's face. 
"aren't you such a good girl?" you felt shivers run down your spine when he slid his finger down from your chin to your jaw. you didn't know why he was looking at you with such eyes. "huh?" 
"asking me what i like." this time, he trapped you in between him and the counter behind you. both his arms next to your hips and his head tilted. you blinked, feeling a weird hot tension. 
"i like mine with honey." you said with an awkward smile, trying to break the tension in between you two.
"sweet." he kisses your cheek. 
he does that all the time. so does your other step brother, donghyuck. you thought it was just a sweet gesture between step siblings but these days it felt different. 
jaemin finally left you alone so you could make him the breakfast you promised. but just few minutes after, donghyuck came along as he smacked your ass with no guilt whatsoever. "hey!" you frowned. "that's not very nice." you weren't sure why you felt embarrassed. siblings joke around like this all the time, right? including step siblings, right? 
donghyuck licked his lips before saying "you've no plans today?" he asked, looking at you in your pajamas still. he knew that if you had plans, you'd wash up before breakfast or sometimes you'd just grab breakfast outside. but you're here in the kitchen with no signs of going out. 
"it's a lazy day, i think." you shrugged. "how's this?" you scooped a little bit of your honey oatmeal to his face, asking him to have a taste. if only you knew that he couldn't care less about whatever the fuck you're cooking. so he pushed away your spoon. 
"wanna have plans with me?" 
"i said it's a lazy day." 
he rolled his eyes. "yeah, the plan is to have a lazy day together." 
"i don't mind but you know, if you're gonna stay here might as well-" 
"i'll be in your room." and there goes your hopes of having your brother to pay rent with you since they've been hanging around a lot with you. of course you love them but it's a capitalist world you live in. 
"jaemin, if you don't get here and eat your oatmeal, i'll put strawberries in it." 
"we can just watch movies?" hyuck suggested. "that's boring." jaemin pushed him slightly. "i can teach you guys how to crochet? or maybe cross stitch?" you smiled at your own suggestion.
"honey, it's a lazy day, remember?" hyuck looked at you. 
"fine, i'll just take a nap. you guys do whatever you want." you stomp your feet to your room, acting upset to your step brothers. 
"look what you did, you upset our baby sister!" jaemin complained. "shut up, let her sleep. she said we could do anything." donghyuck smirked, which made jaemin immediately understand his ideas. 
having a dream where both your step brothers grope you in your sleep shouldn't feel that good. waking up with wet panties with no one by the side of your bed shouldn't feel this lonely. is lonely even the word you're looking for? 
you wonder if it's a bad thing that you want to touch yourself to the thought of those two. you've never touched yourself for someone in real life. it's always fictional men that make you feel this way. so why is it that your brothers are the ones you thirst for at the moment? 
riding your pillow with nothing but your undergarments on while thinking of hyuck's fingers that touched you in your dreams. the kisses that jaemin gave you on your stomach, your breast. thinking that your step brothers had leave your apartment, you let out loud moans, calling out their names. 
you felt your body jump when suddenly your bedroom door opened with jaemin and donghyuck. you don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that donghyuck literally had his dick out, jerking himself off. you blinked in confusion. 
"i thought you left." you said. 
"when our baby is this sexually frustrated? of course not." jaemin held your chin up so you'd look at him. embarrassment was the only thing you felt at the moment. you probably looked like a disgusting whore to your brothers. 
they loved it. 
"want us to help you, baby?" though you were ashamed, you couldn't help but say "please." 
"up, now." you sat up so jaemin could remove the pillow you were riding. he sees the wet patch on it and on your panties. "dirty girl." he smirked. "i gotta clean you up. lay down for me, pretty." you obliged. 
as your head fell on your pillow, you see donghyuck still jerking off on his dick. it made your mouth water. his cock looked so delicious to you. 
while you fantasized of giving hyuck a blowjob, jaemin had taken off your panties and gave your pussy a kiss. "you can move whenever you want, okay?" he said before finally devouring your nasty clit. with just the feeling of his lips there, you were already pulling his hair and moaning like a bitch. 
"fuck, you look like a cheap slut like that." you hear donghyuck said. "ride his fucking face, whore." you weren't even aware that you obeyed donghyuck's order. you moved your hips on jaemin's lips like they had their mind of their own. "wanna suck you.." you looked at your step brother who was degrading you. 
"oh, you really are a fucking whore." hyuck was nowhere gentle with you. he pushed your face down into your pillows as he climbed on your bed, kneeling in front of your face before giving you what you thirsted for. 
in just a few seconds, hyuck was already thrusting his cock into your throat. "that's right. since i made you cum in your sleep you gotta make me cum in your mouth, got it?" and when he said that, you couldn't help but smile.
so what happened before wasn't a dream? they really did touch you while you were asleep. or could this situation still be in your dream. 
"so fucking sexy. you look so sexy smiling with my cock in your mouth. of course i gotta reward you with my cum, right? wanna swallow my cum, huh? you dirty slut?"
before you could nod, you felt jaemin's dick enter you hole that he made out with earlier. and suddenly everything felt so good. you were practically in heaven. you couldn't believe that you questioned your morals while you masturbated earlier. who cares about morals when you could have big dicks inside you? 
"her real reward is my cum in her womb. gonna make sure she gets pregnant today." jaemin said as he thrusted into you harshly. "my good girl. always obeying me. always make me feel good." your head went dizzy with the praising from jaemin and degradation from donghyuck. "you're squeezing me so tight, baby. that feel good?" jaemin's balls hitting your cunt felt like the thing that has been missing in your life. you finally understood the tension you felt from earlier this morning.
you wanted to have sex with your step brothers. 
"gonna cum." hyuck grunts, still thrusting at your mouth. "gonna cum and you're gonna swallow, alright? be the fucking whore that you are." donghyuck holds your face on his last thrust, keeping it steady like that so he could cum deep in your throat. he sighed once he released his hot liquid and pulled out. "what are you?" he strokes your hair. 
"lee donghyuck's cumslut." your answer gave you a kiss from your step brother where he could even taste his cum on your lips. you then smiled happily before you continued to moan from the feeling of jaemin's cock throbbing inside you. 
the moans went louder as his hips went faster. it didn't help that donghyuck was now sucking on your bouncing tits. 
"fuck fuck fuck, need to fill this hole up." jaemin groaned as you felt him pour his cum into your pussy. it was no surprise that you loved every feeling of it. 
as jaemin pulled away and went to the bathroom, hyuck stayed right there with you, still sucking on your boobs.
"dude, i'm going home." the both of you hear jaemin half yell from outside of your room. 
"yeah, you go do that. i'll have fun with my little fucktoy." donghyuck intertwined his fingers with yours, adjusting his position so his dick meets your pussy.
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One Piece characters as S/Os on your birthday
Yo ho it’s my birthday so here’s some completely self indulgent head canons for some of my faves. (Fem reader implied) (unedited because I've been working all day)
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Luffy (just a sweet baby even tho I don't really simp for him)
He forgot he remembered a week ago and got you a present.
Scrambled for something to give you and found the present he forgot he got you
It was perfect. Then remembered that he remembered last week and woke up today forgetting it was your birthday
So technically he didn’t forget.
Nags Sanji to make you your favorite flavor of cake (or dessert) even though he’s already started on it along with the rest of the feast.
Spends the entire day plastered to your side, doing whatever you want
When the feast comes, he shares some of his food. SOME. You can have a bit, but the bites you do have are the best ones from his plate :)
You better believe you're getting the best oral you've ever had tonight. Man's tongue knows how to EAT.
He pulls out all your favorite positions AND kinks
His stamina takes over and leave you boneless and cumming over and over on his dick.
ALL the praises (degradation or not, depending on what you like) during it, but aftercare is so sweet.
Like bath or shower, cuddles, snacks, water. He would walk around butt naked though so you gotta remind him to put on pants.
Gives you another present, one that is meaningful and sweet. He put a lot of thought into it :) and it definitely did not make you tear up and sniffle when you hugged him.
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Zoro (I simp so hard for this man. I'm the type who thinks I can get him to shower. Fight me.)
Does he know it's your birthday? He doesn't remember right away, and it's only when someone wishes you a happy birthday at breakfast (Sanji probably) that he remembers. Give him a break he's a sleepy boi
Is sweet to you, doing small things that add up to make you feel loved by him.
He's not glued to your side. He gives you your space and time with the rest of the crew, but he does train on the deck so he can be near you.
He already knows the cook is making your favorite foods, so he's not worried about that.
He watches you closely, trying to count the number of times he sees you smile today to make sure its enough. He loses count when he gets focused on his training.
You might be worn out by Luffy's endless energy that is focused on celebrating your birthday, so he'll basically kidnap you to go take a nap so you can have a break.
Will take a shower before the feast for once.
He drinks at the feast, but not as much as he normally does. He won't get drunk because he wants to remember every moment of this night as clearly as possible.
If you don't drink, he'll try sips of your drink between his alcohol, trying to compare it.
If you do drink, he'll cut you off as soon as you start to get a little more than tipsy. He wants you to have the buzz that you like, but wants you to remember and experience the night clearly.
This man has been fantasizing about what to do to your body all day. How can he draw the most sounds out of your pretty lips?
He says the filthiest things in your ear, nipping your earlobe and sending shivers down your spine
Foreplay is usually pretty quick with him, both of you wanting to get to the meat (lol) of the night, but not tonight.
Tonight he basically worships your body according to what you like best. degrading? "your hole is perfect for me, slut. Such a dirty little whore for me". Sweet praise? "god you're perfect you know? feel so good around my fingers. Taste better than any sake"
Don't want to do the work? Good thing he factored it into his training earlier.
if you want to have him begging for release, he'll start getting whinier and whinier as the foreplay continues. He's enjoying this as much as you are.
If you're the one who wants to be begging and screaming, prepare for the time of your life. Every kink he can fit into one night is happening. Every position that hits just right, he folds you into.
Will cum wherever you want him to.
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Law (Me? trust issues? Lol but he's smart and a nerd and has tattoos piercings and is just a badass and sdlifhosighsofj okay? He fine as HELL)
Honestly Bepo reminds him that it's your birthday
He thought it was next week, so hadn't gotten a present for you yet
Panics but doesn't tell you
Finishes his work the fastest he's ever done it, and skipped studying for the day.
By the time he sees you, it's lunch. He feels so bad (doesn't really show it but you can tell)
You hug him and rub your cheek on his goatee for scratchies, and it makes him feel better.
Crew celebrates that night with games and food and just a party in general
Law sticks to the side nursing his drink, not one for joining in on parties.
You jokingly ask him to dance with you, but he agrees.
You have to end up leading because he's about as elegant as Corazon when it comes to dancing. He picks it up quickly though.
If you're not a dancer, you play card or board games with him. You can't tell if you're lucky or if he's letting you win.
Either way, he eventually drags you to his office and admits he doesn't have a physical present for you. But if you want a piercing or tattoo, he can do that for you.
You're stoked. The two of you discuss where, (design it if it's a tattoo), and set aside time for tomorrow. Both of you are too tired tonight.
If you're not into body mods of any sort, I feel like he can draw decently well, so he would admit that he doesn't have a present for you because he thought your birthday was next week, but he'll ask you what you want him to draw.
All I gotta say is that this man knows his anatomy, and knows your body probably better than his own.
He studies and memorizes your reactions in an instant.
Whether it be giving you head, or feeling you around his cock, he hits that one spot over and over.
His aim is incredible, and knows that a steady pace can make you cum much faster than a varied one (you lost track of how many times you came, twitching with oversensitivity)
The words that fall from his mouth are filthy but you love it
He might actually focus more on praising you and making you feel loved while absolutely ruining you with orgasms because he feels bad he forgot your birthday
I think he can go like three rounds max in a night, so he'll basically edge himself until you're begging or demanding for him to cum.
He will bring out your kinks to make up for forgetting your birthday, but the aftercare is so sweet.
He'll be so sweet and gentle with you during the aftercare and whatever you need or want.
The two of you fall asleep still naked, and he holds you in his arms as he kisses you on the head, whispering "Happy birthday, my love"
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tinykonig · 2 years
Ghost x reader headcannons
im so glad you guys are enjoying these??? i love making them and its helping me procrastinate finals :) as always these are written for afab, and sometimes include references feminine terms. if you like how i write for ghost, send me a lil request and i might turn it into something :)
NSFW indicated in post 🤍
Genuinely it takes fucking forever for Ghost to admit having feelings for you. He is in denial for soooo long
What finally makes him crack is getting critically injured on a mission and all he can think about is how he should have told you
He resolves to tell you once he comes to in the hospital. He figures it would be stupid to waste any more time
You come to see him and you think he doesn’t want you there because he can’t make eye contact with you and that’s rare for him
You just kind of awkwardly apologize for coming and turn to leave and he just barks out “Wait.”
When Ghost is getting something off his chest he gets it all out. So he’s just very bluntly telling you that you were all he could think about when he thought he was going to die and he doesn’t see the point in hiding how he feels any longer
At the end of his speech he looks at you and you are getting a little emotional and this motherfucker has the audacity to be like, “… why are you crying?”
Like you just spilled your heart out to me give me a break!!!
His entire body relaxes when you tell him you feel the same way. He didn’t even realize how tense he had been
You don’t leave his side until he’s recovered and able to fully function back to normal
He doesn’t say thank you with his words but rather his actions. His eyes tell you everything anyways
Sometimes he will glance around him to make sure no one else is watching and then just lift you into the most earth shatteringly wonderful hug
Puts you down after a few seconds and returns to whatever he was doing without a word. You grew used to this eventually
So protective. Like wont even let you walk on the side of the sidewalk thats closer to the road. Puts himself between you and any dangers
You will be his passenger princess. There is no way he lets you drive sorry thats his job, he looks damn good doing it so you dont mind
(holds your hand over the center console)
Big on acts of service. Does little domestic things for you like folds your laundry while you take a nap and offers to cook dinner every other day
Stares at you when you sleep. He thinks you look so angelic and peaceful and it makes him feel all warm inside but he’s definitely scared the shit out of you a few times
Not a fan of going out a lot. He’s a homebody when he’s not in the field
The best listener!!! He will offer advice when you ask for it or will just lend you sympathy when you don’t want advice
He does have his moments where he needs his space, and if you try to push him he can get mean
After he’s recharged and feeling back to normal he is touch. starved.
Likes to spoon, likes to watch movies with you in between his legs and laying on his chest, likes standing behind you while you are doing anything and just holding your hips
He always buries his face in your neck and just breathes deep. Could drown in your scent and be happy
It takes him awhile to remove his mask freely around you because its a feeling of vulnerability that just gnaws at him
He warms up to it over time and you see his face more and more often. Loves that you act the same either way
He has dimples (fist fight me if you disagree)
He can grow a killer beard, but trims it based on your preference because he doesn’t care either way
Very thoughtful with gifts and always remembers your birthday (sometimes forgets his own)
Knows your order for every restaurant and will make sure its correct and if its not he IS letting them know. How dare they
Literally mocks whatever accent you have constantly. Playfully but he’s brutal
If you are being stubborn he is not against just picking you up and slinging you across his shoulder
Sleeps like a rock this one
Likes to watch sports on tv and catches himself cheering his team on and then gets embarrassed (its so fucking cute)
If his mask is off and he sees any exposed part of your skin- he’s biting
And then going about his business like he didn’t just bite you???? So weird
The biting happens in the bedroom too, specifically when he cums. Your neck will have teeth marks
Switch, switch, switch
His bedroom eyes are soo severe , he just gives you a single half lidded stare and your clothes are coming off
He loves to degrade you, he doesn’t talk a lot but when he does he is telling you how pathetic you look crying on his cock
Loves to be degraded too :) Whines if you call him pussy drunk (because he is)
A little rough but king of aftercare
Loves watching you come undone on his fingers. Has a thing for wearing his gloves when he fingers you
Against the wall is a specialty of Simons
Grunts a lot, growls sometimes when he is close
You go down on him and he sometimes lets go and moans
Always returns the favor
Doesn’t do quickies or risky places
Will do about anything else
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kivino · 10 months
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my masterlist
Word counter - ~900 words
Tags/Warnings - pure fluff!
A/n - ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE ANON <33 i can't really post a complete fic rn because i'm working on another midterm essay so here y'all go! I also have another fic with Roommate!Soap planned out, so stay tuned sdkflskdfjs
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You two met through his sister, you, being her college friend, visited her and her family during breaks many times, and that’s where you met Soap. You two were on pretty good terms, and he would sometimes call you when he or his family were not able to get ahold of his sister when she would go out to parties (usually accompanied by you). However, the two of you became roommates only later in the future, when he decided that he didn’t want to live with his family anymore, but leaving an apartment all empty for months on end would just be foolish. So that’s when he decided he needed someone to co-exist with, and you casually made your way into his life.
Whole Task Force 141 plus Laswell know about you, because of how homesick he gets sometimes! And you don't always respond to messages, you have your own life after all (plus, Soap knows you're not good with texting back, so he tries not to pressure you). However, unintentionally he starts to remember or mention you in unrelated conversations. And that's how everyone around him knows that it's time for him to go on his leave.
Not a lot of people are allowed to call him Johnny. He still gives his older sisters shit for calling him that sometimes. You and Ghost, however, are both allowed to do it. Not like his discontent would’ve stopped you though.
More often than not talks about you in a way that makes it appear like the two of you are together, with how he’s all smiles during these conversations. Describes you like he’s an infatuated teenager and then gets confused when someone assumes Soap is talking about his significant other. It's not that he is oblivious to his feelings, or a dumbass, of course not, it's that his feelings lasted for so long that it's very much normal to him and he doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary with it.
The love language that you both share is bullying and insulting each other relentlessly. Soap is less harsh with his words, but you’re just merciless. Sometimes it also grows into play fights and roughhousing between you. Soap tries to be careful, because he knows that he’s stronger (he’s in the military, duh), but he still won’t go down without a fight. So he goes easy on you.
We know that Soap has a whole sketchbook, filled to the brim with many drawings of various quality, his thoughts, and different garbage he picks up when he has the opportunity. A pretty leaf? Snatch. A random receipt from when you got groceries with him together? Snatch. A note you scribbled for him to finally wash his damn dishes? Sad snatch. When he's on leave he takes the opportunity to sketch you as much as possible, so he remembers every single detail of your face, the expressions you make, or the way you position your body. Soap does it to be able to replicate it when you’re not around him. He has millions of sketches where you’re napping on the couch.
When he’s absentmindedly doodling something during the briefings and meetings he draws small figures that resemble Task Force and you. One time he bought some colored pens so he’s not bored out of his mind on base, and the assigned color to draw you was blue, while he drew himself with a red pen. Gaz got green and Ghost he draws using a black pen, both Laswell and Price share the fact that Johnny draws them with a pencil.
One of the small traditions that you have when he’s on leave, is cooking something for each other while some show you’re not paying attention to plays in the background. The kitchen in the apartment is pretty modest, so two people cooking and moving around at the same time is a bit too much for such a small amount of space. When you get too into the process of mixing or cutting something and Soap needs to squeeze past you, he gently puts a hand on your lower back and you instantly know what he wants, because of how much he does it. It’s never arrogant or invasive, instead, it’s gentle and a bit playful.
Johnny’s very sociable and likes going out to drink frequently. You, however, prefer to not get involved in his escapades as often, so you stay home, instead telling him to call whenever he needs you to pick him up. On multiple separate occasions, when he came back home a bit tipsy, he would stumble into your room and fall on your bed, getting knocked out almost in a second. Soap’s snoring is pretty loud when he’s drunk or has a stuffy nose. Plus, he’s as heavy as a damn rock and you can’t move him because of it, so instead you sleep on the couch, sacrificing the health of your back for Soap’s sweet dreams.
Johnny is pretty good with his hands. If anything broken needs fixing, or anything heavy needs lifting he’s always happy to help. He’s also a decent cook, so if you’re not feeling like cooking dinner after you’re back home from work he’s ready to throw something together for you no problem. Partially because he knows that you’d do the same for him if he asked. And, well, he just cares about you. He’s ready to cook dinner for you for the next decade if it means you’ll feel better.
Your texts with him are filled to the brim with stupid videos and photos you send each other. If Johnny sees something that reminds him of you, what you like, or some random inside joke – you best believe he’s already snapping a photo and sending it to you.
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check out my masterlist for more fics or send me a request/comment!
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S/O is the owner of a cat Cafe. They let Skeleton order stuff and hang out with the 10+ kitties for free anytime.
Undertale Sans - It was fun and all until you came back in the dinner room and found no Sans, nor cats. After looking after him for half an hour, you see him curling up in one of the cat scratching posts, napping in a small ball, and cuddling with the cats. No cats is interesting in any of the customers, they just want to nap with the giant weird-looking skeleton cat.
Undertale Papyrus - He loves to help around the place! Even though he's not working here, most customers think he is because he's taking orders, feeding the kitties, and even doing the dishes. After all, he thinks it's fun. You feel bad he's doing all of this for free and end up making him the co-owner of the cafe.
Underswap Sans - He's not there often, but he's glad the place exists when he's stressed between two shifts at the police station, which is just in front of your cafe. He's there during all his breaks, just to vent and pet the kitties for a few minutes before going back to work.
Underswap Papyrus - He's banned from the Cafe, but that doesn't stop him. Being allergic to cat, staying around a lot of them can be dangerous for Honey. Unfortunately, Honey also loves cats and will do everything he can to sneak inside your Cafe to pet the kitties, sometimes with the craziest disguises. He can't hide for long though, first because he's not exactly small, and second because he starts sneezing non-stop after three minutes and he can't breathe, literally. You put a forbidden sign with his face on the door. So now, Honey stays behind the window, staring at you with sad puppy eyes, all day long until you accept to let him in.
Underfell Sans - Finally! Normal cats that are not trying to kill him! He's taking a break from Doomfanger in your cafe and he finally lets his cat-person side flourish. He actually loves playing with the kitties. And he also loves free food, so it's a winning-winning situation. For him, at least. For your money though...
Underfell Papyrus - The cats all come from the shelter he's working in and he's encouraging people to adopt them. He's glad it's working, and it gives him more time to stay around his S/O so he's very happy. The only problem is Doomfanger, who beats the shit out of you both every evening because you dared to cheat on her. Now you have a routine where you have to change clothes as fast as possible when you get home before Doomie comes to the door to inspect your pants. You can only enter the house if you smell normal.
Horrortale Sans - You stopped counting how many customers asked if they could see the cat purring so loud it makes the walls shake. They're all so confused when you point the big skeleton behind the counter, eating cupcakes with like five cats on his lap and shoulders, making tractor noises. Oak is hanging there all day long. There are food, cute cats, and you, that's all he needs, really. He's keeping himself occupied all day long, playing with the cats or bothering you while you're cooking to have a treat. Just another cat, really.
Horrortale Papyrus - He loves to hang out in your cafe to chat or to bring old people he's taking care of at the retirement house so they can do something else with their day than just watching boring TV games. He loves cats, it's no secret, and he even convinced you to adopt some of the cats from your own cafe because look at them. They're baby. He's a menace.
Swapfell Sans - He comes here when he wants to work in silence, far from his brother's antics. It's hard to resist telling him he looks like a super villain with his suit, old man glasses and distractedly petting a cat like he's plotting against the government. It's hot though. You are working with a nice sight and it could be far worse. You're even sad when he's not here.
Swapfell Papyrus - When you can't hear him, you know it's bad. Like that time he made all the cat's souls blue so they could catch flies on the ceiling. Or that time he puts sunglasses on every cat in the room or that time he made a pile of cats on the head of a kid, or that time he tried to stuff his hoodie with all the cats... Each day is something new. He can't behave, you swear. He never runs out of new ideas somehow.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't like cats so it's rare he comes. He really must be desperate to have your attention actually if he dares to walk in. You can see him sitting awkwardly in a corner, trying really hard to escape your cats that are somehow all attracted to him. If he finds cat hair on his clothes, he's burning them lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You made him a quiet corner in the cat restroom so he can hang out all day, paint, and have kitties to cuddle with. He's very happy and he's mostly there all day, sometimes randomly getting out of his room to hug you before going back away from the people to watch some Disney movie cuddling with the kitties. He's happy he gets to stay near you all day.
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archivistofnerddom · 4 months
The Batch + Life In Retirement On Pabu
Slightly AU: Tech lives, though he’s got a prosthetic leg as a result of his fall.
Hunter’s fashion sense swiftly nose-dives into that of every dad at an amusement park. Don’t ask why that happened so quickly. It just did. He’s rocking cargo shorts, corny shirts, and comfy shoes like they’re going out of style. (Crosshair gave him a tactical fanny pack as a joke. Hunter wears it all the time with all due seriousness.) It takes years for the rest of the Batch to get him to branch out from that.
Tech alternates between his space jeans and sweatpants, depending on his mood. The sweatpants were necessary when he first got his prosthetic leg during his post-Eriadu recovery process. He too starts wearing ironic shirts, but somehow makes them more fashionable than Hunter.
Crosshair has the widest selection of island-appropriate hats and sunglasses anyone has ever seen. No one knows how he gets so many, and he’s certainly not going to tell on himself. Omega is the reason why he has so many floral-print shirts though.
Wrecker discovers overalls and pretty much lives in them. No less than half of his overalls have the legs cut off at the knees. This is more practical than fashionable though. He’s just so big that he has a hard time finding pants that fit him at the waist and have a long enough pant leg.
Omega finally gets to decide on her preferred style now that they’re permanently in one place. She still wears a lot of hand-me-downs from her brothers though. Omega spends a lot of time helping out around the island, so she needs clothes that no one minds her getting dirty or ruined when she’s working on a project.
Echo has an extensive collection of sarongs he stores on Pabu that he only busts out when he’s visiting. Rex knows not to ask Echo to do anything if he sees him wearing one. (Visiting the family on Pabu is the only time Echo gets a break or a chance to relax and destress.)
Batcher gets a pretty collar and a massively cushy bed. Someone starts bringing her sweaters to wear when she gets cold. (Crosshair is the leading suspect. Hunter won’t confess to anything.)
Wrecker has an extremely extensive cookbook and recipe collection. He picks up cooking as a hobby post-retirement, and he is really good at it. Given the diversity of people and species on Pabu, Wrecker spends a lot of time learning different recipes from across the galaxy.
Crosshair and Wrecker go fishing together pretty regularly. They don’t say a lot during those times, but that’s okay. Crosshair enjoys spotting where the best fishing areas are. Wrecker just sits back and lets his baby brother take the lead on this. (He brings snacks and a cooler of drinks to keep them fed and hydrated when they decide to make a day of it.)
Tech upgrades the Archeum to improve how things are stored and protected. Omega helps out. They spend a lot of time adding details about the specific items housed therein, including any historical details, cultural relevance, and any notes about how best to handle the items. They’re working with Phee on an oral history component to the Archeum as well, so that the stories about the items in the Archeum and the residents of Pabu are preserved.
Crosshair makes hammocks and strings them up around the island in random places. He says it’s so that he can take a nap wherever and whenever. Really, it’s just his contribution to life on Pabu. (Plus, making hammocks were good physical therapy when he got his new prosthetic hand.)
Omega instituted regular family game night. (Echo is expected to be there as his work with Rex allows.) Depending on their moods, Batch family game night is either extremely chill or extremely cutthroat. There is no in-between.
Wrecker is the first one to “move out” of the shared family house. It’s only because he built an upgraded kitchen with a huge family room attached. The shared family home couldn’t accommodate those upgrades. His house is two houses down and is still where everyone eats dinner almost every night.
Tech moved out second. He moved in with Phee. It was a combination of their evolving romantic relationship and him wanting to be closer to the island repair shop that he runs in his spare time. (Tech became the island’s mechanic once he recovered from the injuries he sustained on Eriadu.)
Hunter develops a massive green thumb. The family shared house (which eventually is just him, Omega, and Crosshair full-time) is overflowing with plant life. He built and maintains a greenhouse for Wrecker to grow speciality plants for his cooking.
Echo usually crashes with Wrecker when he comes to visit. Wrecker renovated part of his house to be prosthetic leg friendly and got a really comfy recliner for Echo. Crosshair put in a hammock for Echo in the backyard.
Crosshair, Hunter, and Omega go on early morning runs together. It’s their bonding time.
Tech upgraded the whole family’s prosthetic limbs many times over the years. Hunter made a point of keeping the older models as a reminder of how far they’ve come since they retired.
Batcher is the most spoiled dog on the island. She adores the attention and winds up becoming the unofficial therapy dog for every new resident and refugee who finds their way to Pabu.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
👉🏽👈🏽 spare any jjk faerie au headcanons you have cooked up for a desperate lass?
of course because man do i have some thoughts as a lover of faeries. i could probably go on about this for hours
gojou satoru | elf
a prince hailing from a seelie court
his very birth shook faerieland as foretold by the stars red, blue and purple stars that soared through the sky the night of his birth and his eyes are ones that can see mana and the shape of the soul among other things
presents himself as a revel-loving fool he simply enjoys games, but he is a lot more observant and calculating than he lets on
in his youth he often toted on and on about the stupidity of love, likening it to more of a curse and an ailment that turned the sane into fools so outside of the obligation of having heirs, he doesn't desire love in the slightest
until he meets falls in love at first sight with you, a banshee who saved his life when you coincidentally happened to be passing by after he found himself in a bloody situation
causes the entire court to go into an uproar when he immediately announces his intentions to make you his queen never mind the fact you haven't even accepted his proposal yet
his mother doesn't like you in the slightest. she gave birth to one whose very birth has shaken the earth and if her son is going to marry anyone it is going to be someone more fitting of that position
satoru ignores all that in favor of doing his best to woo you now that you're stuck living in his palace until a revel thrown in your honor passes
yes he knows this very much so makes him a hypocrite but he doesn't want anyone else
asks you all sorts of question about being a banshee. how your cries work, if there are different wails for different situations, how long you've been heralding death
at least you know the man is nothing if not passionate. it's hard resisting his charms as he asks you gently each time to marry him. you think you just might say yes when you feel the ghost of his lips against yours
getou suguru | phouka
if he isn't being an advisor to seelie prince satoru, suguru is a human-hating phouka who is, unfortunately, stuck living with one
unlike humans, the folk are creatures who keep their word so when you are able to best him in something for a favor he's inclined to keep his promise
and yes, he promises that he won't harm you or your loved ones after your deal has come to a close. yes, this includes things you personally consider harmful ranging from murder to physical attacks
for a human, you're quite clever in looking out for any loopholes. you apparently weren't lying when you said you were a faerie enthusiast
but that's the extent of suguru's praise when he learns why you were so adamant to find a faerie to help with your problems ー
apparently you took a botany elective thinking it would be an easy A only to now be just barely passing the class
yes, that's right. you want a member of the folk, a phouka, to be a glorified tutor until the end of the semester just to make sure you don't get a failing grade. apparently, suguru gave you far too much credit
still, you end up growing on him overtime with your sense of humor and you're way of looking at things. he hates to put it so simply but he supposes you aren't like other humans he has come across
(suguru later nearly destroys your textbook because he himself grows frustrated with your class. the human sciences are just as confusing to him as it is you. but your grade has technically improved since he began helping you so it's not entirely a loss is it?)
nanami kento | elf-kobold hybrid
an elf-kobold hybrid with horns that gently curve atop his head akin to an imperial demon
a record keeper often has work writing down events as they take place as well as organizing historical texts as he sees fit. it's a tiring and thankless job but it is something his family has been doing for generations and he sees no reason to break tradition now
the one saving grace he has are naps he enjoys taking between late afternoon and dusk, religiously, by a lake close to the palace
you're a swan maiden who calls the lake home and his quiet company. it's winter in the human realm and rather than fly south with your flock, you decided to spend the season in faerie and decided that particular lake would be home
you're a playful, impish thing who enjoys presenting nanami with riddles as he grows tired and you watch over him to keep him safe while he sleeps. a deal you've both made in favor of him bringing you delicious sweets from the palace
it's quite the favorable deal for you both
of course, inevitably you two get to talking and find yourselves having more and more in-depth conversations as the week goes by
what would nanami do if he decided to break family tradition?
where have you traveled in the human realm?
as a swan maiden, you seldom ever take off your cloak of feathers. there's no reason to ask, nanami knows the rules that swan maiden and selkies follow. should your cloak or coat be taken, you're forced to follow their will
as such, nanami never refers to your coat in the slightest. he never even asks about it
it's a great sign of trust among your kind to ever be vulnerable with your cloak. something nanami learns first hand when he wakes up one particular evening and finds that you have covered him with your cloak to make sure he stays warm
fushiguro toji | boggart
a lord in an unseelie court of faerie, who works in service to the high king as his sword
had a mortal wife who died centuries ago and together they had a half-human son
his son lives among humans presently and while they don't readily talk to one another, toji often has his men sent to the human realm to watch over his son and give him reports on his wellbeing
doesn't imagine himself ever loving someone he did his wife again until running across you a human who stumbled into the wrong mound
allows you to stay in his fief until it is otherwise safe for you to return home
you say you're a dancer so you dance for him and keep him entertained as a sort of thanks for not promptly killing you when you trespassed on his territory
the tension between you both is palpable to many. his staff who are forced to wait on your hand and foot as his guest and to the gentry you see at unseelie revels
the ones that gossip about how it isn't strange for toji to take human lovers
and yet despite that, no matter how close you get, toji keeps a distance between you both that. he fell in love with a human once, still remembers the sting of watching his beloved wife grow old and wither away in front of his very eyes
it's a pain he doesn't want to revisit ever again
okkotsu yuuta | human
unlike most stories of selkies and their evil human spouses, you're marriage with yuuta is quite the happy one in the seaside town you call home
yours was an accidental love story where he accidentally caught you in his net, only to release you
the next day, you brought piles of fresh fish and crabs and shrimp by his beachside home as thanks, much to his confusion as to where the catch came from
you usually followed his boat when he goes to fish and he learns how to recognize you, often laughing sheepishly when he saw you, warning you not to get too close so you don't end up in the net again
it isn't until a stormy night when yuuta fell overboard that you did anything drastic such as save his life, taking him to the shore and giving him cpr
you stayed with him all night until the storm passed keeping him warm
when yuuta woke up to seeing a beautiful, naked person by his side, he was understandably surprised. even more so when you transformed into a seal right in front of him. that was his introduction to the folk, to magic
now he's surrounded by you and your ocean-filled magic everyday in your little cottage by the sea
you come and go as you please, sometimes for weeks sometimes even for months at a time depending on the time of year
but you always come back and yuuta is happy to see you every time
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uglypastels · 1 year
okay how about something comforting and cutesy like Eddie just absolutely coddling you and babying you since you had a rough day, idk maybe he helps calm you down
i swear i need an eddie right now. especially needed one yesterday. thank you for the request! i did my best (might be a bit rusty since i haven't written properly in a while )
warning: reader is having a hard day. exhaustion. idk. nothing else i think
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Eddie knew something was up the second he stepped past the threshold. He could practically smell it in the air… or maybe the burned bitterness was coming from the kitchen as a dark grey cloud of smoke. Or maybe he figured it out by listening to your curses at the oven and the pitch-black baking dish you threw down at the counter. The metal clanged loudly, causing you both to flinch. 
‘Baby?’ Eddie asked apprehensively, not wanting to startle you. He half succeeded as you turned around harshly but immediately softened your features at the sight of him. ‘Are you alright?’ 
You don’t answer since both of you already know the answer. All you do is take the steps to break the distance between the two of you, lips are dragged down into a horseshoe-shaped frown, and tears threatening to burst at any second. Eddie catches you into a tight embrace, pulling you in. 
‘Hey, shh, it’s ok.’ He had just returned from work and must have been driving with the windows down because his hair smelled of the summer wind. 
‘I just wanted to make you some dinner, but it got burned– I’m so sorry, honey.’ You sniffed out. 
‘Is that all?’ He felt it was quite an extreme reaction for a burned casserole [or whatever the ashes in the dish were supposed to be. Truly impossible to tell by the state it was in.] Then again, he knew how much work you put into your cooking and especially after a long day having something go this wrong could be the last straw, but knowing you, there must have been something before already to put you in this mood. 
‘It’s just been… a lot.’ You didn’t feel like talking about it. Would much rather forget everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. 
‘I understand, baby. Do you wanna sit down for a bit?’ He pulled away slightly to look you in the eyes–which were now red and beginning to puff up. Besides that, he saw how frazzled your hair had gotten throughout the day and how tired you looked. He could only assume he looked about the same, if not worse. 
‘No,’ you wiped at your eyes, ‘I should make us some dinner. There should still be some—’ 
But Eddie was quick to cut you off. ‘Oh, no. You’re not cooking anymore today. C’mon, you need to rest. We can order something.’ He already saw your frown reappear, not happy with that idea. After all, you really wanted to do something nice for Eddie. Though now the surprise aspect of it all was gone anyway, you might as well enjoy a nice takeout. Eddie grabbed your hand, swinging it side to side. ‘What do you feel like? I could personally kill for a pizza right now.’
‘Pizza is fine.’ You nodded, but Eddie wasn’t too sure just yet. 
‘Sure? Or are you just saying that because I suggested it?’ 
‘Can’t it be both?’ You brushed some of his hair out of his face. Even though he had put it in a ponytail, most of the shorter strands framing his face had come loose. Eddie looked at you for a moment before nodding.
‘The usual, then?’
‘Mhm,’ you simply replied. Then Eddie told you to get comfortable on the couch before placing an order. You sat down feeling tired and restless simultaneously; there was so much you needed to get done, but you had no energy for any of it. By the time Eddie returned, your eyelids were already betraying you, becoming heavier and heavier. The shift of weight beside you was just enough to stir you from the nap. 
‘Sorry,’ Eddie whispered. ‘I didn’t want to wake you.’ 
‘I wasn’t asleep.’ You rubbed your eyes, sitting up straight next to Eddie. 
‘Of course not.’ He chuckled and took this opportunity to bring you in for another tight hug. He practically pulled you into his lap, kissing your cheek, mumbling, ‘I missed you today,’ between a kiss here and there. 
‘Missed you too.’ You kissed him back. ‘And I’m really sorry about dinner, again.’
‘I’m banning apologies in this house tonight. You have nothing to be sorry for.’
‘I nearly burned down the kitchen!’
‘That’s an entirely different problem, then. We still get to have dinner, but if you had burned the kitchen down… ‘ he exhaled deeply, and something inside him lit up at the sight of your smile cracking through the hard shell the day had built up around you. For the next half 20 minutes, he kept making dumb jokes to get your smile to grow bit by bit. Most of the time, you would roll your eyes at him or smack him playfully on the arm, but anything was better than tears. 
Then the doorbell rang, and almost automatically, you got up, but only a few inches off the sofa before Eddie grabbed you by the hips.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ 
‘To get our food?’ You said whilst the doorbell rang again.
‘No, you’re not,’ he pulled you back onto the seat and got up. ‘You’re resting.’
‘But you should be resting too!’ You wanted to shout out, but he had already left the room to open the door for the delivery boy. A minute later, Eddie returned holding several takeout boxes that contained no pizza, but you knew exactly what it was instead. 
‘I thought we decided on pizza?’ You asked, puzzled as he put the food on the coffee table before you. 
‘Yea, but I thought you might like this better.’ Eddie shrugged, beginning to unpack the boxes. ‘Felt like it would do a better job making you feel better than pizza… usually does, at least. But if you’d prefer pizza then I can still quickly call–’ 
‘No, it’s perfect. Thank you.’ You kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you for everything.’
the end.
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
Funny / dramatic moments between fake prince!Zoro and his equally fake royal advisor!Robin:
She doesn't advise him for shit.
What actually happens is that Robin sits to read under the shade of some pretty tree while Zoro trains (shirt on to cover his scars) nearby and they discuss their thoughts on what could be going on in the kingdom.
From afar everyone thinks they are gossiping (typical of young royals), but everyone who's near enough to listen is incredibly impressed and intimidated.
This is the trip where Robin realized that Zoro barely knows how to read and decided to do something about it.
Aka Robin learns a lot about swordsmanship from the books she picked for Zoro and Zoro includes reading in his training regimen.
Zoro baits at least half a dozen people into asking Robin for "a hand". She responds by making a third hand appear out of nowhere. Every. Single. Time.
Robin is fascinated by the amount of lies that Ussop can tell about his fake childhood as the Prince's best friend. She has the memorized just in case, but it's still entertaining to see Ussop struggle.
And also very entertaining to tease Zoro with those stories. Peak royal advisor behavior.
Robin and Zoro are absolutely bullying those old men. They pass judgemental looks during their (meant as practice) court sessions that have the (very very real) captain of the royal holding his laughter.
EKRJKFJDKDK RESTING BITCH FACES not really but those people swear the smirk and relaxed behavior means Zoro and Robin are planning to murder them. No one knows if they are being sarcastic.
When they finally leave the King laments long and loud that his court sessions will never be as funny as they were with Robin and Zoro around.
They're like three different times when Robin covers Zoro with something-turned-blanket while he naps, including one time when Zoro raised his cape and invited Robin to rest her head on his shoulder and take a nap with him.
Robin is the first to notice that a) the captain of the royal guard is the real prince and b) the dude has a crush on Zoro.
She's also the only person who notices that Zoro is in love with Sanji and that Sanji is starting to realize he's not jealous of Zoro for getting to play prince, but uncomfortable at how much it makes Sanji see a different side of Zoro that he might like. A lot.
Which means that every comment she makes is undecipherable to Zoro, but means to help him realize his, uh, situation.
The local cook thinks that Robin and Zoro are together and that Chopper is their son.
Zoro chokes on wine and Robin laughs when they hear the old cook calling someone a homewrecker in the middle of dinner.
Sanji and the real prince go red in a second, which is funny on its own right.
When the fire breaks out in the castle, Zoro is the one that saved the book Robin said she really needed for her research. The way he captured the culprit was by jumping from the library window and landing on the guy.
There's a moment when they almost go on demon mode after they find the basement full of chained children in the abandoned castle. It's only almost because the children awoke when they approached and both acted all light to not scare them.
The kids get eldest daughter!Robin and oldest brother!Zoro instead. They end up with their white suits all covered in mud + blood, but there's definitely something to see them walk in through the main gates carrying so many children, soft expressions and relief on their faces.
The glint they have on their eyes when Zoro asks about the story of that castle is enough to send the castle personnel on their knees. It's only when it's revealed that the king of that particular "castle" died a few weeks ago that Zoro and Robin turn back and everyone breathes again.
Somehow they develop a kinda dry(?) sense of humor that they share mostly with smirks and the most mysterious comments ever.
Robin takes on calling Zoro "your highness" from time to time.
Zoro takes on cleaning and sharpening Robin's knife from them on.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
cod characters alphabet: activities
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, Valeria Garza
Warnings: none
Prompt: Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with their s/o?
A/N: hehe new year new event i’m excitedd. also yes gaz’s ice cream choice is mine too don’t hate.
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simon “ghost” riley:
alright so simon likes to spend what little free time he has doing something quiet and relaxing
he just needs a break from all the chaos and noise of wartime and so he’s not a big fan of going out or partying when he has spare time
i feel like at the beginning of your relationship he might take you out to dinner or on a date or something like that just because he feels like your relationship isn’t that strong yet
but once he gets really comfortable with you he’s much happier to spend his time indoors
simon usually will spend his free time reading or sewing (his masks get very dirty/broken very quickly so he needs to have a lot spare okay im sorry)
sometimes he might go outside on a walk/hike away from people so he can just catch a break
honestly when he’s alone he’ll like get into his chair, start whatever activity he’s doing, and then not leave until he’s done
like he will spend the entirety of his free time just sort of decompressing
again at first he was hesitant to let you in because it was sort of like his own self-care routine but he’s found that it’s much easier to take care of himself when you’re there
sometimes he’ll let you curl up on his lap while you nap/read a book/scroll on your phone, and sometimes you guys will sit together on the couch under a blanket
it’s very much a comfortable silence and honestly simon really prefers days like that than when you guys go out
john “soap” mactavish:
okie so soap is all about having new and fun experiences whenever he has free time
so much of his life is spent in the military and he wants to have a lot of fun memories that aren’t work related he can reminisce about when he’s old (or just while he’s bored at work)
whenever he has free time he’ll be spending it with you, even if you’re in the military with him
honestly he just wants to make sure he spends as much time as he can with you, that way if something does go wrong he won’t regret leaving you alone
he’ll take you out on all sort of fun dates and adventures
he loves taking you around town to try out all sorts of restaurants and bars
that being said he’s not a very harsh food critic and he’s mostly just going to try new foods so get ready for a lot of “christ this is so good try it” and “we have to come back here next time”
that being said, if you’re not up to going out or if the weather isn’t right or something, he’s more than happy to spend the day inside with you
he’ll try to cook something with you (the results may be questionable) but it’s okay because you guys spend most of the time laughing anyways
he’s also down to cuddle on the couch and binge a new tv show with you if that’s more your style
he won’t say this out loud (but it’s very obvious) but his favorite genre of tv is reality tv
he gets soo invested in all of the drama and he definitely eats up all of the overly dramatic videography and editing
kyle “gaz” garrick:
hmm so during his free time gaz really likes to listen to/discover new music
he’s got a really broad taste of music and so one of his favorite things to do when he has free time is go around to bars/clubs and just listen to the local bands
of course whenever he can he’ll go to concerts of his favorite artists but with expenses and his busy schedule those are pretty few and far between
he loves to take you with him on these little musical adventures though
many of your nights have been spent at crowded pubs listening to a band play while you guys talk about something dumb that makes you guys laugh
either that or having way too philosophical conversations that would probably be more suited to a university philosophy lecture than a pub with sticky tables and cheap beer
but gaz has had some of the best conversations of his life with you at those pubs so he doesn’t mind it
that being said, if you’re at that point in your relationship gaz really likes taking you to visit his family
he really loves his family, especially his younger siblings, and so whenever he has the chance he goes to visit them and check up on them
and it’s so much more fun when you come along
he’ll take you and the kids out for some ice cream at the old shop he used to frequent when he was a boy
he always gets lime sherbet and rocky road on a waffle cone whenever he goes
and do not yell at him because he swears that it is a good combination because you get sweet and you get sour and it’s not like the flavors even mix together that much so it’s fine
john price:
okay so price is a little bit like ghost in that he likes to spend his free time with just cuddling and sort of relaxing
usually with a crossword and a cup of tea, especially in the mornings
but when he has a little more free time he does really like going to see the arts
i’m talking theatre, dance, museums, concerts (but he tends to lean towards classical or jazz/blues, he just doesn’t understand rap/hip hop i’m sorry)
he’ll always take you with him if you’re down to go as well
and yes during christmas season he always takes you to see the nutcracker
that being said price isn’t really a fan of very many musicals
he feels like it’s kinda hard to understand what they’re saying during the songs and then he just has no idea what’s going on
afterwards he’ll take you out to a nice restaurant so you guys can talk about everything you saw
but if there’s nothing good around he’ll take you back home and make you a home-cooked meal
i feel like price definitely has two homes, a small house (or maybe apartment) in the city and then a cabin somewhere in the woods
what can i say the housing market was a lot different when price was buying his cabin
usually he’ll take you to his cabin during the winter, and then his city place is used for the rest of the year
alejandro vargas:
alright alejandro is a little older than soap and gaz and so his days of partying and going out are past him
i mean don’t get me wrong he can still throw a mean party but his body just doesn’t bounce back the way it used to
so like ghost and price he tends to spend his free time with you in a more reserved way
i think alejandro is probably a really good cook and so that comes into play a lot during his free time
whenever he’s home he’ll practically refuse to let you cook or order anything and insists that he can make it for you
he likes to spend his weekends testing out new recipes or making new foods that you can make when he’s gone
because he always drags you along to the kitchen with him and has you learn how to cook it with him
honestly he’s a teacher/leader at heart and so it’s almost like therapeutic to be teaching you how to cook and stuff
i mean it’s combining like three things he loves: cooking, teaching, and you
once he’s done making the food he’ll cozy up with you on the couch and turn on a show you’ve already watched while you eat, that way he can talk to you and ask you for feedback
honestly he’s a romantic and it shows when he spends his free time with you
he also really loves giving himself (and you) a little spa day a few days after he comes back from duty, just to really decompress and forget about all the stress of work
rodolfo “rudy” parra:
okay so honestly rudy doesn’t really have one thing that he loves doing during his free time
actually wait no he does it’s either building legos or watching other people build legos
that being said, he can’t always do that or sometimes it just gets boring and so really his favorite thing is just spending time with you
wherever you take him, he’ll follow
whether that’s shopping, doing chores, watching a movie, getting dinner
as long as he can look at your face, you could be telling him to jump off a cliff and he’d die happy
what can i say he’s absolutely smitten for you and he’s so like eager it’s amazing
that being said if neither of you have any plans he’ll beg you to stay in bed with him the whole day and you guys will just cuddle while you scroll on your phones or talk about random things
he likes to watch a lot of youtube and he’ll always point out little things he thinks are cool/funny for you to look at
and if you don’t understand it he’ll explain it all to you and why it’s interesting/relevant
honestly though, he really just likes cuddling or sleeping with you during his free time
he’s usually pretty exhausted or beat up whenever he comes home and so spending the day with his head on your chest just sounds like heaven to him
valeria garza:
alright let’s be real being a drug lord is no easy feat and so valeria doesn’t get as much free time as she would like
but when she does get time for herself she’s probably gonna be spending it on you instead
honestly i really see valeria as the kind of person to really spoil you
i mean being el sin nombre brings in a lot of cash so she certainly has the resources to do it
i think if she’s coming home to you, she’ll have to take a minute to decompress for a bit
even though she likes to be the provider in the relationship, she likes it when you hold her for a bit just when she gets home so she can let all her problems melt away
she wants to leave el sin nombre and all the cartels and drugs behind whenever she’s with you
even if you’re involved with it with her, she’d much rather keep that stuff out of her home life
once she’s rejuvenated though she’ll insist on taking you out
usually it’s shopping, dinner, a movie, a party, etc.
okay i’m gonna get into some like psychological stuff but like, i feel like being a woman in a male dominated field (the military and drugs), she feels like there’s sort of like a subconscious need for her to be more masculine, and so she does this by providing for you financially through gifts and stuff like that
but also when it’s all over and the drugs and the shopping and all of it is gone, valeria also just really likes cuddling with you
she’s a big fan of late night pillow talk because it’s a chance for her to release some steam/be vulnerable which she really can’t do during her day-to-day
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sakuralovespossums · 7 months
Yandere Dazai x Fem Reader
(Part 1)
Yandere Dazai x fem y/n story, where Dazai had kidnapped y/n and is determined to persuade her to commit double suicide with him on a specific date. So y/n has to try to avoid falling for his mind games, all the while trying to escape before the day of their planned double suicide arrives.
Warning: Romanticized talks of suicide
During your captivity, Dazai acts very patient and calm (pretty much like his everyday self) almost like he’s isn’t holding you hostage in his own apartment.
He studies your flaws, personality, fears, traumas, everything to figure out how he can best manipulate and break you.
Every day he’ll ask you if you’ve decided to commit double suicide with him in a casual tone or silly act. If you say no, he’ll shrug and ask again the next day. They still have plenty of time before the date of their double suicide, he’ll break you eventually.
There’s a high chance you will eventually break. This is Dazai we’re talking about out. He wasn’t known for being the Port Mafia’s best interrogator for nothing.
If you still haven’t broken by the due date, he’ll be surprised (and maybe a bit impressed) by your mental durability. So he’ll just use more aggressive manipulation tactics.
He’ll take away more of your freedoms (books, drawing, tv, etc) to make you feel more isolated. He’ll also focus on finding what it is that keeps your sanity intact and break it.
During the time of your captivity, he’ll be trying to get to know you more and always ask questions about what your life was like, any loved ones, interests, etc.
Not just so that he can manipulate you, but also because he genuinely wants to get to know you more and form a real bond. You’re gonna be his suicide partner, after all!
You probably won’t get to know much about him though since he’s already pretty secretive of his past life. But he’ll tell you things like his favorite foods, books, his associates at the ADA and how much he likes to bother them.
I imagine a lot of moments between you two being shared in peaceful silence. Like, you guys eating dinner in quiet, cuddling on the couch together while watching TV, reading, or napping.
Dazai loves those moments, while you’re playing along as you think of a way to escape. He knows this though but doesn’t say or do anything about it since he knows you’ll eventually give in and learn to love it as he does. If not, well………like I said earlier, he still has time to work on that.
He’s a very affectionate and cuddly person. Always has you wrapped in his arms whenever you cuddle, sleep, or when you’re doing chores.
It scares you the way he easily sneaks up on you from behind and wraps his arms around you as you cook your breakfast. He nuzzles against your neck before asking why you left the bed (putting on a fake pout). You simply play along into your strange “loving couple” facade and say that you were just craving French toast. He kisses your shoulder and asks for some himself.
“Well, I would make some for you. But someone ate all the bread!”
“But belladonna!! It was just too delicious that I couldn’t help myself!”
“……………maybe I can…….go out and buy some—”
The finality in his voice as he whispered into your ear felt like a knife slicing into your heart.
What terrified you the most about your captor wasn’t his final plan with you (as concerning as that sounds) but rather the fact that you could sense an underlying darkness to him that kept you on edge.
Beneath his smiles, goofy acts, loving acts, and comforting demeanor was a dangerous being who you had no idea if you could manage to outsmart or avoid not being killed/injured by.
“What if we made French toast our final meal together!!”
“I won’t do it, Dazai. Not matter what you say or do, I won’t let you drag me with you to death.”
“………………my love, who said I would drag you with me? When we both leave this life, I’ll make sure we do it willingly together.”
That might have been the most horrifying sentence you’ve ever heard.
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writingforstraykids · 7 months
Do you write soft thoughts for pairings between members as well? If yes..minchan please🫶🏻
Oh, please, we all know I can't shut up about those two...this is a little longer than the individual ones.
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They're both shit at taking breaks and getting some rest when there's work to be done. Nevertheless, none of them will shut up if it's the other one needing a break. Chan will pull a protesting, sweaty, and exhausted Minho out of their dance practice room any day. Minho will drive back to the company at 4am, making up some bullshit like feeling cold in bed for Chan to finally come back home.
We all know Chan is very cuddly, no matter if he's the one hugging or getting hugged. With Minho, that hasn't been as easy as he would've wanted in the beginning. But with time Minho would only playfully pull a face if he hugged him in public, but never back away. And back home, he melts into his boyfriend's strong, warm hug as much as he can. Sometimes he loves to surprise Chan with a tight hug or wraps his arms around him from behind, making the older man all fuzzy and giggling.
Minho loves to cook and challenges himself with new recipes whenever he finds time. By now, he knows all of Chan's favorite dishes by heart. Cooking for Chan is part of Minho's love language, and whenever Chan seems a little down, Minho will make time for it. The tired but happy smile on his boyfriend's face is everything he could ask for in return. Chan loves gifting him aprons with silly little jokes written on them, and his heart bursts whenever he sees him wearing them.
Chan loves watching Minho cook, and sometimes he'll sneak up on him and wrap his arms around his waist, resting his head on his shoulder. Minho lets him, approving his presence with a soft, welcoming hum, and continues working. If Chan tries to steal a bite without him offering, he'll very gently hit his hand, making him pout. Which is a sight he can't bear for long, and he ends up kissing his cheek and poking the tip of his nose. At that Chan can't help but beam at him, giggling and giving him a loving squeeze.
Minho doesn't like talking when he's sleepy, but he does love to listen. Sometimes, when Chan's still wide awake and Minho's about to pass out after another 4am rescue mission, they end up in bed, Chan resting on Minho's chest. Minho lazily plays with his hair, softly humming in response whenever Chan seems uncertain if he should keep on talking. Chan grows more tired by talking, and Minho does by listening, getting lulled in by his soothing voice. He'll try and stay awake for as long as he can and sometimes he manages that Chan falls asleep first.
Whenever Chan gets really stressed or insecure about certain parts of a new choreo, Minho grabs his hand and pulls him right back after practice. He then patiently breaks it down for him, making sure to praise him for doing so well until he's blushing and hiding his face in his hands. It takes a lot of pressure off Chan, and Minho enjoys making him smile, so it's a win for both of them.
Minho still gets stressed out when he has to sing parts of the song that are English, worrying he'll forget the lyrics on stage or butcher the words. Chan is there to assure him he's doing amazing, telling him how to pronounce certain words or single sounds and making him feel more secure with it. Sometimes, when the mood is right, Chan tries to have a conversation in English with him, and Minho ends up huffing and hiding in his arms, complaining about how tiring this is for his brain. He appreciates his help, though, and wouldn't trade it for the world.
Chan doesn't like showing he's exhausted. He hates passing out in front of the others because he's so tired. He feels like failing them all when he does, worrying them about his health and happiness. Minho more or less forced him to open up with him, letting him help him out when he was too exhausted to think straight. So now Minho has become Chan's safe place whenever he needs a break or to take a nap.
Neither of them likes showing they're upset that openly, but it's harder for Minho. Chan's arms were the first place he cried in public, and that never changed. Sometimes, when he's at the edge of crying because he's hurt, frustrated, or so physically drained he can't move, he deliberately denies him the comfort of his boyfriend. He knows hugging him will snap that tight knot in his throat and unleash a flood of tears. Chan isn't stupid, though, and notices sooner than he'd like, taking him to a private area and pulling him into his lap, kissing his head and promising they'd be okay.
Whenever Minho picks up Chan and drives them back home, it's a different kind of vibe. It's just them driving on the nearly empty streets, lights passing by. Sometimes, the sky is so clear they can see the stars, painting it like a black canvas. Some nights, they turn on some music, letting that set the vibe, and others, they don't, enjoying the comfortable silence after a busy day. Chan's hand always finds Minho's, who changes gears with Chan's hand safely in his now. It hasn't happened only once that they stayed in the car for another half an hour or hour, sudden words flowing so freely in their shared privacy. Minho is almost never as open about his feelings for Chan and their future as right there, tired out, a little sleepy, and so full of adoration for his only hyung. Chan promises him the world right there, being as open as never about his worries weighing heavily on his shoulders. He can't stop smiling at his younger boyfriend, feeling safe here with him.
Chan spends a lot of time at the company and the studio, working on new stuff. Sometimes, when Jisung and Changbin aren't around, Minho joins him instead. He doesn't talk much, getting comfortable on the sofa in the background and scrolling through his phone. Chan doesn't need him to talk but enjoys the company nevertheless, flashing him a soft smile from time to time. Sometimes Minho plants himself right in his lap, cuddling him as he works and playing with his hair. Chan usually gives in after a bit and takes a break to cuddle him properly.
As passionate and crazy as they can get, sometimes they're all soft and lazy kisses. Due to their tight schedules, they're often so tired they don't really have the energy for more. But deep down, both of them love nothing more than holding onto each other, cuddled up close in Chan's room or their bed as their lips meet in slow, sweet, and loving kisses. Minho thinks he's addicted to the feeling of Chan's full lips dancing against his by now. Chan shares those thoughts out loud, whispering sweet nothings to him.
There's a reason Chan calls Minho his kitten. Because under all those frowns, glares, and seemingly cold distance, Minho is so sweet and needy for love. He enjoys being carried around on stage by Chan, getting pulled into a hug, or being chased around the stage as Chan giggles like a maniac. If Minho's the kitten, then Chan's the happy puppy, always looking for cuddles and wanting to share his love. This makes them the perfect match because Minho knows who to trust when he needs some comfort. He knows he can lean on his shoulder, no questions asked, and Chan will hold his hand, kissing his head and drawing small patterns across his skin.
Minho can't always be there, keeping his trained eyes on his boyfriend and making sure he's taking care of himself. So he loves leaving little reminders for him. He writes little sticky notes and puts them on the fridge to remind his Channie love to eat, threatening him to sleep on the sofa if not (obviously joking). Chan's heart bursts with love for the younger man whenever he finds another note that Minho simply wrote for him because he loves him. He doesn't tell Minho, but he's collecting them all in a box after writing small responses on them to give back to Minho once it's full.
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dullgecko · 22 days
Some Gukgak headcanons ^^
1) Riz has near-daily headaches from hitting the cliff stairway at the end of Sping Break.
2) He likes to hide in the Bad Kids' lockers occasionally and will attempt to jumpscare them when they open the door.
-on occasion he falls asleep in them, much like he does when he's in their backpacks.
-he also rigged Fabain's once to spray him in glitter. Instead of being mad, Fabian made no intention of cleaning up and waltzed around coated in pink and gold glitter for the rest of the day.
-he accidentally jumpscared a young student who mixed up her and Adaine's lockers, leading most of the freshman to be absolutely terrified of the resident Oracle and the goblin that they presume is just paid to live in her locker and protect her stuff.
3) While he isn't the best at cooking, he did it a lot when Sklonda had irregular shifts and couldn't be home for dinner. One day in middle school he learned that his mom's favorite comfort food was mac-and-cheese, so he mastered the recipe and makes the arguably best mac-and-cheese in Elmville. (After the end freshman year, he began to add a "mystery meat" to his recipe. No one except the Bad Kids and Sklonda seem to know what kind it is.)
4) Despite being traumatized from Kalina, Riz LOVES cats. A lot of strays hang out near Strongtower, so he often goes out to feed them.
5) He draws backgrounds. Like, a lot. From the school campus to Farhaven Woods to the little dining area of Basrar's. He isn't even passionate about art, it's just a passtime. Fig and Gorgug, who love to draw but can't draw backgrounds to save their lives, are constantly pestering him about it, but Riz always denies that he draws well, or tries to teach them and fails spectacularly.
That's all I got. Sorry if it's a lot XD
He doesnt mention the headaches to anyone, just takes painkillers and tries to move on with his day. Adaine is the one who notices that he has a bottle of headache tablets in his locker and another in his office and that its a new one practically every other week and gets concerned. She convinces him to go to the school nurse to get it checked out because he's been healed several times between when it first started and now and obviously that didnt fix the problem.
Riz gets extra credit in his rogue classes for breaking into places without being detected. Lockers are a good way to meet the requirement because he has to relock them somehow from the inside for no one to notice he's in there. Trap setting is also an extra credit so sometimes he does both at once.
He'll purposefully take a nap in one if he knows his friends arent carrying a bag big enough for him to hide in that day. He knows they'll have to swing past his locker eventually and will wake him up for his next class.
Mmmm, delicious dragon meat mac and cheese. Sadly, despite how good it was, the mystery meat leftovers only lasted a few weeks.
He likes cats a lot. They're soft and cute and aren't freaked out by his claws. Plus they purr just like him when you scratch the right spot between their ears. Dogs he's a little wary of though, especially the bigger ones. They dont seem to like goblins very much.
Riz taught himself to draw backgrounds just in case he ever saw a crime scene and wasnt able to pull out a camera without getting stopped. He's really good at sketching them out quickly and can hold onto the small details for a fairly long time in order to add them in later.
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luuvarisuu · 2 years
# 𝘀𝗳𝘄 𝗮𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘆𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼 !!
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— 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴. chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader
— 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. chishiya´s backtory spoilers?? a lot of "however", also most of the hc take place before the borderlands.
— 𝗮/𝗻. --
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✧. - ̗̀ A. Affection , ❨ How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? ❩
— i don't think chishiya is an extremely affectionate person but neither a cold one, especially when it comes to his partner. actually, i feel that he would like closeness and affection but behind closed doors. he definitely wouldn't tolerate it if you were in public, it would even make him feel uncomfortable. at best, he could discreetly intertwine his fingers with yours and gently caress your skin with his thumb. however, if you´re in a private place, then i feel that he would be much more affectionate. however, we all know that chishiya is touch-deprived, so everything related to the pda would be very new for him, although he would make an effort if it is about you. without a doubt, i feel that his love language would be gift giving. he would love to spoil you and buy the things you one day mentioned that you liked and surprise you with them. take you out to eat at your favorite restaurants, and give yourself meaningful gifts for no particular reason.
✧. - ̗̀ B. Best Friend , ❨ What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start? ❩
— literal definition of "power duo". you would definitely be one of the few people he trusts and is actually genuinely nice. he would tease you 24/7 (just his way to show you he actually cares). definitely you be the one he discusses his suspicions with during a game and tells of his plans to steal the cards. with his intelligence and your agility, you both would be an amazing duo at games. on the other hand, i feel like you and chishiya would meet before borderland and it would be in the hospital or in your medical classes, having to work together on a project or something.
✧. - ̗̀ C. Cuddles , ❨ Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle? ❩
— he won´t EVER admit it, but he scretely loves cuddling with you. especially after a complicated game or when something is bothering him is when he needs your comfort the most. however, obviously it will not be him who asks you, you will have to figure out what he wants and give it to him, otherwise he will not tell you. before he met you, all of that seemed a bit ridiculous to him, but after you dragged him into cuddling with you one day, HE MELTED IN YOUR ARMS. he secretly LIVES for being the little spoon (he would deny it to death), and the way your arms wrap protectively around his waist, instantly relaxing him with the closeness of your body and his. another of his favorite positions to cuddle with you is when he lies on your lap either to take a nap or maybe read a book, and you play with his hair. LOVES it when you play with his hair and gently comb the strands of hair, massaging him and making him fall asleep instantly.
✧. - ̗̀ D. Domestic , ❨ Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning? ❩
— i feel like chishiya is a very independent person, and he learned to do all his things by himself from a very young age. in part, that's why he never really thought about moving in with you and dividing up the household chores (he was always used to do everything by himself), plus he would need to fully trust you to be able to share his space with you on a daily basis and learn to get used to not being alone all the time. however, i feel that he is very good at all of that. something tells me that he is a bit obsessive with order and tends to clean very frequently, especially because he concentrates more on a clean place. on the other hand, contrary to what is believed, something tells me that chishiya is a very good cook and is good at preparing both simple and complicated dishes. on the other hand, it would be very strict and would take turns doing the chores between you two.
✧. - ̗̀ E. Ending, ❨ If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it? ❩
— mostly his use of words would depend on the reason why you two are breaking up. if it was your fault, he'll have no problem being rude and using harsh words, spitting everyting he thinks to your face, not really caring about your feelings if it's you who hurt his. on the other hand, if you are the one who is breaking up with him, it would frustrate him at first. he wouldn't show any particular emotion to make you believe he wasn't affected by the situation, but in reality, something would break inside of him and just not know how to feel, collapsing silently once you're gone.
✧. - ̗̀ F. Fiancé, ❨ How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married? ❩
— actually, i feel like he would think about if often. if he´s on a relationship with you, he´s definitely not messing aroud, he will take it seriously. that is why he knows that getting married is taking a giant step in your relationship. while he wouldn't think about doing it early in your relationship, it would definitely be a constant thought going through his head and he would constantly weigh the pros and cons that might come with it. besides, thinking about what it would be like to spend a married life with you brings a blush to his cheeks and a feeling of warmth in his chest. he is not sure when or how, but what he is sure of is that he would love to have you in his life and place a ring on your finger one day. perhaps, in one of your conversations with him, he acidentally slips what he would like to do the day you two return and what his future would be like, always including you in those plans.
✧. - ̗̀ G. Gentle, ❨ How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally ❩
— he might not be really gentle with words, but i think he is very gentle with actions. sometimes, he gets a little carried away at giving his opinion about some stuff and probably would say some things you don´t really wanted to hear. anyway, i think he´s actually gentle when it comes to physic, and specially when it´s about you. but just half gentle, there are random times where he just enjoys engulfing you in a suffocating hug or gives you a particularly strong smooch on the lips.
✧. - ̗̀ H. Hugs, ❨ Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like? ❩
— HE LOVES HUGS. he literally loves the feeling of comfort and closeness that you give him, hugging you all the time. he doesn't usually ask for them at all, sometimes you're doing any other activity and suddenly feel his body sticking to yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. and if he´s feeling particularly clingy he would just come up to you and open his arms so that you curl up in them and he can hide his head in the crook of your neck, enjoying the sensation of calm that your aroma produces. will definitely get pouty if you just decided to deny his hugs, and would probably just sulk to you until you given in and wrap his whole body (whis isn't really hard cause he's kinda small) between your arms, feeling him relax under your soft touch.
✧. - ̗̀ I. I Love You, ❨ How fast do they say the L-word? ❩
— it will probably take him a considerable amount of time to get the words out to you, taking his time to think about the right moment. cishiya would have to trust you a lot to even think about the possibility of telling you. but sometimes he just can't help but feel his love for you so intensely, watching you and thinking how much he wishes he could say out loud that he loves you and really appreciates you. as he was always a very reserved person and with difficulties expressing his feelings, he used to always keep them to himself, never being able to verbally show the people important to him that he really loves them. however, i feel that without realizing it and without thinking too much about it, the exact moment when you simply do something that makes him fall more in love than before, he would say it without further ado, enjoying your expression and simply smiling without being able to contain everything that you make him feel.
✧. - ̗̀ J. Jealousy, ❨ How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous? ❩
— medium level?? like, i dont think he is extremely jealous but there are actually a few things that bothers him. what i mean is that he's not the type of person who would make jealous scenes over simple things or objectify you, in fact, he's very mature when it´s abou that. he doesn't feel the need to be possessive over you, mainly because he trusts you so much and he knows you would never do anything to hurt him. however, it would bother him to see you hang around with certain people (ehem, the militants, ehem, especially niragi). but he wouldn't make much of a fuss about it either, he would just watch the scene from afar biting the inside of his cheek and feeling an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach that he easily recognizes as jealousy (anyway don't mention it because you won't get anything from him). in the other hand, if it really bothers him, he'd rather sit down with you and talk about it like two adults than act childish and give you the cold shoulder or shit like that. and in case the feeling goes away quickly he wouldn't feel the need to say anything and he would simply brush it off.
✧. - ̗̀ K. Kisses, ❨ What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed? ❩
— he loves teasing you before he kisses you. gently rubbing his lips over yours, still without joining them in a kiss, getting close enough but moving away at the last second, caressing your lips with his index finger without giving you what you want, smiling when you try to get closer. and yet once he kisses you, you immediately forget about anything. the delicate and surprisingly tender way in which he kisses you, moving his lips and fitting them perfectly with yours. the softness with which his hands hold you around your waist and back, keeping you close to him as your fingers slip into his blond hair, making him sigh at the sensation, breaking away from the kiss and leaving short smoochs every now and then, without letting go of his grip on your body. chishiya loves it when you gently place a kiss on his neck or clavicle. he is amazed by the tingling it causes him, and the sensation it produces in the area once your lips move away from the particularly sensitive skin of his neck. and when it comes to kissing you, he likes to plant a tender kiss on your hand, especially when he's holding it. not being so affectionate in public and sometimes limiting himself to just holding your hand, another discreet gesture is to leave a short kiss on it.
✧. - ̗̀ L. Little Ones, ❨ How are they around children? ❩
— neutral ig. i mean, he is a pediatrician, he usually works with children so he knows how to deal with them and take care of them based on their needs. however, just because he knows how to handle them doesn't mean he's particularly good with taking care of the kids. in fact, he prefers not to deal with them too much outside of the clinical, not being too patient when they cry or when they yell for some reason. instead, he enjoys watching you deal with children more, making him feel butterflies in his stomach remotely imagining if you could ever start a family in the future.
✧. - ̗̀ M. Mornings , ❨ How are mornings spent with them? ❩
— i feel like chishiya is very productive in the mornings for some reason. if he´s not working on something he´s doing some other activity. if you are a morning person, he would most likely drag you to do those activities with him. however, if you normally wake up later, he would have no problem making you a breakfast or waking you up with the food prepared. you're pretty used to waking up to an empty bed, but there are days when he's tired and just stays with you until you wake up.
✧. - ̗̀ N. Nights , ❨ How are nights spent with them? ❩
— before borderlands, chishiya used to have a pretty messy sleep cycle. there were days when he would stay up until the late hours of the morning reading books or doing homework (or whatever related to work), and days when he would go to bed quite early. however after borderlands i feel like sometimes he wouldn't sleep at all, and would rather stay up late talking to you in specific places that you guys designated as your secret spots, staying there until the sun rises once again.
✧. - ̗̀ O. Open , ❨ When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly? ❩
— chishiya was always a person too closed for his own good. it would take a lot of work for him to open up for someone and let them into him, fully trusting that person. however, in time, he would know that you are too importantto him. chishiya eventually would get really attached to you, trusting you with his whole being. he would even trust you to the point of crying in front of you, i actually picture that happening after he tough he lost you in a game, or trust just by being totally vurnerable. but, going back to the subject, he would definitely end up telling you everything one night when it was just the two of you and he felt 100% comfortable.
✧. - ̗̀ P. Patience, ❨ How easily angered are they? ❩
— he trully can take a LOT of shit. i mean, he stands niragi daily (wich is WILD), so he literally isn´t bothered by absolutely nothing. keep a neutral face and his chill persona no matter what is happening. during arguments he most likely would never raise his voice at you and just listen silently and point out some things he disagrees with. but overall he´s always pretty chill about stuff and there are few things that can actually trigger him.
✧. - ̗̀ Q. Quizzes , ❨ How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything? ❩
— HE LITERALLY HAS SUCH AN AMAZING MEMORY. somehow he manages to remember everything about you. i think he would love to stare at you, and not only because he finds you deeply mesmerazing, also because he genuinely feels intrest about learning every detail about you, incluiding thing´s you like and thing´s you don´t. that´s why he also is able to always read you like an open book, literally understanding every thing you do. that´s why he randomly just brings up something you once said that even you forgot about it.
✧. - ̗̀ R. Remember , ❨ What is their favorite moment in your relationship? ❩
— i think his favorite moment in your relationship was the first time you kissed. it was unexpected, loving. after having returned much later than expected from a game, he couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of feelings and he simply couldn't think of anything else but to kiss you at that precise moment when he saw you enter through the beach reception, not even caring about what could happen after, letting you know how worried he was and how happy he was to see you return alive, to see your smile and feel your warmth once again.
✧. - ̗̀ S. Security , ❨ How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected? ❩
— chishiya knows full well that you are fully capable of defending yourself, and most of the time he doesn't intervene, enjoying watching you kick the ass of the person who was bothering. however, if it sees that your life is in danger, it will not hesitate for a second to jump, protecting you from whatever is happening. normally he would try to distract the person or do something before it gets out of hand. also, he would take care of you in case you were injured in any way, being a doctor and knowing full well how to deal with it. however, i feel that he would actually really like to feel protected by you. he will definitely smirk to mock the other person knowing he´s safe now you are involved. likes when you step in front of him, holding him protectively against you and leading him away from whatever endangered him in the first place.
✧. - ̗̀ T. Try, ❨ How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks? ❩
— he would definitely put in just enough effort when it comes to dating, gifts, or casual outings. on the other hand, if it is an important date, he will put a lot of effort so that everything goes according to plan. he doesn't try too hard for gifts, it being quite easy to get one for you since he knows you better than you know yourself, so that why they always have an special meaning.
✧. - ̗̀ U. Ugly , ❨ What would be some bad habits of theirs? ❩
— many times he does not usually notice when he hurts the feelings of another person, and sometimes, he does not even apologize for certain things he does wrong. in addition, it is a bit complicated for him to rely fully on someone as he learned to be by himself his whole life. anyway, i feel like he would make an effort to change those kinds of things, and it would take a lot of time and help from you.
✧. - ̗̀ V. Vanity , ❨ How concerned are they with their looks? ❩
— i think he wouldn´t really care much about it unless someone actually points something out or sum. but after he met you he would hope you notice the little effort he starts putting on his look. maybe more perfume, trying new products on his hair, AND EYELINER. he kinda wants you to compliment him 🤭🤭. but beside that, he´s very confident about his looks.
✧. - ̗̀ W. Whole , ❨ Would they feel incomplete without you? ❩
— Yes. i think it is extremely difficult for chishiya to fall completely in love with someone, but when he does, he falls HARD. that's why somehow in time he would give all of himself to you, and if you ever parted he would feel EMPTY without you, like a pile of living flesh and bones, without really a reason beyond. he would definitely be completely destroyed if you ever left his life and he would never be able to feel that way again with someone else.
✧. - ̗̀ X. Xtra , ❨ A random headcanon for them. ❩
— he would totally be the type of guy that takes a lot of pictures about everything. like i just feel he likes to take pictures of things he finds pretty. and also im sure he has a cat, probably a white one.
✧. - ̗̀ Y. Yuck , ❨ What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner? ❩
— he definitely wouldn´t stand someone who is too dependent. he usually likes to spend time with you and giving you his attention, but he would also like to do things at his own pace and his own way. so, someone who constanly need reassurance, too much time, someone who constantly need another person to speak up for them or shit like that probably would annoy him.
✧. - ̗̀ Z. Zzz , ❨ What is a sleep habits of theirs? ❩
— i don´t really know why but i feel that chishiya doesn´t like sleeping with a pillow lol, he once randomly told you an intresting fact about doing that and one day he just gave you his pillow and started sleeping like that.
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