#so its a conscious choice
1o1percentmilk · 1 year
considering he/she pronouns bc theres absolutely no way people can misgender me with she now
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paimt · 3 months
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loosely based on a true story
support my fast food addiction
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curioscurio · 2 months
Me when I have to establish and maintain a boundary even though it makes people unhappy with me because that's what it means to prioritize your own needs over other people's feelings
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
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If I were the devil, the first thing that'd I'd do is come off like I ever gave a damn about you. I'd let you catch a peak of all your greatest desires, then I'd watch the flames in your eyes burn like hellfire…🔥
Because why snap when you can plot, and righteously take away what’s most precious to everyone who wronged you, served out over ultimatums accompanied by a roaring bonfire?
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cryptocism · 7 months
i know you've said before that you had a lot of missed opportunities with moments between three and four in the past, (mainly to keep the story moving through six's perspective,) and i'm just curious if you have any specific instances in your brain that you'd like to share? i wouldn't blame you if you didn't but i love these guys and i thought i might as well ask !!
oh yeah there was a handful of scenes i had outlined. originally my idea was to have short flashbacks from Three's POV at the beginning of each chapter, basically functioning as a simultaneous vehicle for empathy and to flesh out his backstory. A lot of it was going to be retellings of canon Inertia Moments from Three's perspective, sort of like "missing scenes" in canon.
a lot of those discrete moments i ended up reusing and combining into the scene that Six witnesses, but originally they took place over a handful of instances.
one of those "missing scenes" bits was going to be referencing F:FMA #7 where Four brings CRAYDL some CD's from the past:
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basically taking place in the gutter between those last two panels. lots of drama and unspoken tension: four's much more positive relationship with CRAYDL, the fact that CRAYDL calls Four "Thad", and lil sprinkle of foreshadowing for the CD's and other "artifacts" from the past that are clearly ferried to the kids in the basement without Three or Four's knowledge.
throughout the flashbacks would be a narrative thread where Three is holding tight to some hypothetical future where Four lets his guard down and Three can kill him and take his place. Then gradually the existential doom of the situation seeps in through the cracks of Three's psyche while he watches Four (failing, despised by hero and villain alike) and realizes that existing as Inertia is just a shadow of a real life, and that taking Four's place would doom him the exact same way. plus the bonus drama of wanting Four around even when he's terrified Four is going to come back, connecting neatly with the way he keeps Four's corpse in the future because he needs the reminder that Four is dead but can't stand the thought of letting him go.
anyway it all ended up staying in the outline phase because at that point i was more committed to Six unwillingly bearing witness to the past in a bid to avoid his doomed future bc it felt like it got more mileage story/character-wise. as much as i love Three and Four's insanely toxic dynamic, i think if i wrote out their scenes as originally outlined the tone would really blend together as one long bummer.
however i did really like this one line that went something like: "Being without powers was a helplessness that caught in Three's throat like a fish hook." so rip to that one ill have to find a way to repurpose it in something else.
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 months
Hi! What do you mean Oda didn't give him an internal monologue on purpose? I am so interested please tell me I want to know! :O
in one of the little Q+As at the end of the manga chapters oda said he never gave luffy a thought bubble or anything that reveals what he's thinking bc luffy should be the kind of guy who like. you literally cannot figure out what's going on up there and it's more exciting when he just Makes Choices lmao. i think it really works for the kind of protagonist he is but i cant remember which chapter it was in! if i track it down i'll send it over :)
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
Hello! Do you ever think about how Captain Marvel would probably be someone who helps out in the soup kitchens or raises awareness for actually good charities and homeless shelters (because Billy Batson has experience with which is bad and which is good for obvious reasons) and so because he's such an influential/charming hero it works and the charities, shelters and many other things just get an immediate and overwhelmingly amazing response afterwards with many donations and such and then it's sometimes on the news and Batman sees the news or reads an article as Bruce Wayne and just smiles a bit and thinks back to how his kids were struggling and thinks "another charity to my list of donation worthy ones" and then asks Alfred to prepare a cheque of about a ridiculous amount of money (because he's a billionaire and he wouldn't care if his bank account had a dent in it) and just showers the charities, and then Superman is like "hey! My pal Marvel is vouching for these places and works there sometimes, maybe I can get more people to donate by having an interview with him!" And so basically every Leaguer helps out in their own way and Captain Marvel becomes like the unofficial guy who let's everyone know about the charity/donation thingy and if it's good or not and he becomes a big fan favourite among the lower class and his merch becomes more widespread but because he personally asked the corporations making these (and also with the help of Bruce's lawyers) to make the merch cheaper and more accessible for everyone because he hates when things that bring joy are so overly expensive and unaccessible for people in the lower class and that just makes him an even bigger fan favourite, and whenever he passed by stores in his Billy form and sees people able to buy his merch for cheap with such happy smiles on their faces, he can't help but feel giddy and self indulgent at times and buy a pin or two, maybe a hoodie, the hoodie is just for the extra hilarity because one time he passed by Clark when he was looking for Cap and Billy was in the hoodie and he nearly lost his mind
Ohh my god this is such a lovely idea. Billy being the unofficial sponsor of all these charities and nonprofits and volunteer organizations. Because Billy knows what it's like to have nothing (because he still materially has basically nothing and emotionally he's so distant from his friends coworkers comrades fellow league members and he wants other people to feel better and good and loved) so he just. Pours himself into doing good, not just by punching bad guys and sealing rifts in dimensions but by volunteering at soup kitchens and talking people down from rooftops and rescuing cats from trees.
And think of his mantra: "Do good, and good will follow", and then seeing how his own acts of kindness, unthinking and conscious, are influencing the hero community and branching outward from there, that this Gotham City billionaire cited Capitan Marvel as his inspiration for his most recent donation to a Fawcett City organization, and Superman is following in his footsteps. I bet Billy saves up his money to buy his own merch for himself and also to pass out to people to help them feel better after a loss or a scary moment.
Also, both Billy and Clark are wearing Captain Marvel hoodies and Billy is fully like "is superman impersonating me??" before realizing, no, that's Superman's secret identity, walking around, looking for Billy, in a Captain Marvel hoodie. Absolutely he loses his mind.
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carpsoup · 8 months
honestly that evil art style challenge sounds fun but I cannot figure out if i even have that much of a consistent art style to make an opposite version of it
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mabaris · 3 months
it's almost funny, in a pathetic way, how certain fans give the writers credit for """"subverting stereotypes"""" with cassandra. people didn't think she was gay because she has short hair. people wanted her to be gay because she's hot and you could flirt with her for fully half the game before she finally turned you down.
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intertexts · 3 months
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volivolition · 5 months
Empathy for the character bingo? :3c
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dear god i have so many headcanons about him and theyre all spoilers lmao… who knew writing a 24-chapter empathy-centric fic gives you a bajillion ideas about the guy!! anyway headcanon that empathy smells like seafoam and saltwater tears and the air before a heavy rain and the underlying scent of whoever or wherever you last felt you were at home :)
also its not everyone, but people who reduce him into the pure always-sweet baby cinnamon roll skill are wrong. dont infantilize him! give him nuance!! let him have character!! raughh!!!
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gaystropod · 16 days
People will be like 'jesus christ perch why r u so upset i left u on read?' And i'll be sitting there like sorry man my bad pretending like i wasnt having nightmares about u hating me so much u killed me every night the last week about like. Man it sucks for me too idk.
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ardenigh · 9 months
More questions on Tegan & Lucky!
What sort of media would Lucky be interested in?
What sort of books and journals are in Tegan's collection?
What bike did Tegan have and what is Lucky's? How did Lucky get his?
What are Tegan's associates doing about Lucky being around instead of him?
Whether for his curiosity of meeting new people and places or distancing himself from Tegan's social circles, would Lucky consider moving somewhere else?
Since Lucky is still legally seen as Tegan, would he get his name changed?
Since Tegan is the king of street racing, would it be fitting that he also has an unbeatable skeeball highscore in every arcade he's been to?
i was going to open this answer by going "well it's your lucky day" but i just made myself cringe with it lol
it is time for boy lore!
What sort of media would Lucky be interested in?
I think he likes weird mixed-media and self-published stuff, honestly. Audio dramas, video essays. Things he can put on while he’s on the road or stretched out watching the clouds. Reading is nice, too, but he focuses best when he's just gotten up and isn't moving yet.
He likes a classic slasher from time to time, too, but only with other people. Corn-syrup blood and cheesy practical effects are just kind of better enjoyed together.
What sort of books and journals are in Tegan's collection?
Make no mistake, Tegan was a NERD. Aeronautical anthologies, astronomy texts, those weird Barnes & Noble historical coffee table selections. Poetry, like a lot of poetry. Tegan's very much a Yeats boy, although he was also fond of Rilke and Rimbaud. There’s also, like, a few dusty language textbooks, the sort that you buy on a kick and never get around to actually studying. And he wrote a lot. Memo pads and leatherbound Walgreens journals, that sort of thing. Crack one of those suckers open and you get a free tongue-in-cheek existential crisis in mechanical pencil, 'cause that's what he had on tap 80% of the time.
What bike did Tegan have and what is Lucky's? How did Lucky get his?
Tegan had a 2012 BMW F800ST! Torquey and balanced and really well cared for. Midnight blue with some subtle yellow and white accents, little bit of a Van Gogh homage (nerd).
Of course, Janus had mixed feelings on the whole racing thing, but he also recognizing that having a motorcycle was an integral part of his brother’s identity, so he arranged for a replacement — a Sprint 1050. They are both sort of sharp in the front, and honestly, like, a bike is a bike. Only thing is that a bike is not a bike, and so while Lucky does get things done with the Sprint, it’s a little bit too finicky for his taste. He ends up trading with another local bike enthusiast for something a little more his style, and that — a Yamaha FJR1300 — ends up being his trademark bike. He gets it done up in his colors and everything. :)
What are Tegan's associates doing about Lucky being around instead of him?
Aside from the fact that he just isn’t around as much as they’re used to, I think that most of his acquaintances are just convinced that Tegan sort of got scared off the scene by the crash. First one of his career, right? And bad enough to take him off the map for months. I think that what strikes them as the strangest is the way that he just doesn’t seem to engage in the racing game at all anymore — he just seems to be a full-time courier, now.
When they ask, though, he’s genial. Maybe a little vague. Something's ever so slightly off about him. It’s weird, but who wouldn’t be? The crash was pretty bad. I’m still sorting everything out. Everyone doing okay? Nothing like an NDE to really mellow someone out. He’s still welcome, though, and sometimes he takes people up on invitations on the town, but the atmosphere’s a little different now that Holloway doesn’t step up and dazzle whole rooms like he used to.
Tegan’s best friend is canny enough and close enough that she knows what Lucky’s deal is — anyway, she’s been busy in the interim with trying to suss out what got him killed in the first place. How is she coping with the recent development that the bestie has been format wiped and now perceives way more and also way less than she is comfortable with? Uh. Really well. Don't ask her any more questions.
Whether for his curiosity of meeting new people and places or distancing himself from Tegan's social circles, would Lucky consider moving somewhere else?
Lucky would love traveling, I can tell you that much. You know those people who will tour from one coast to another with a backpack and their bike? That's right up his alley.
As far as leaving permanently, though, Lucky is a creature of sentiment. He's got ties to the city, inherited though they were, and once he starts making them his own, it'll get that much harder to actually leave it behind.
He is going touring though. Someday.
Since Lucky is still legally seen as Tegan, would he get his name changed?
Maybe after enough time’s passed. Feels disrespectful to immediately start over, you know? I think a part of Lucky seeks to understand who Tegan was, and it might just be sentimentality, but wearing the name feels like a part of that, almost? You wear the name, you read the journals, you find the person still lingering in the apartment, the idle nail-carvings on the end table, the weighted blankets and sleep playlists.
In the end, if he gets too used to it, he might just start telling people that he is Lucky, yeah, but he was named after a brother who passed away. Maybe Tegan would be amused.
Since Tegan is the king of street racing, would it be fitting that he also has an unbeatable skeeball highscore in every arcade he's been to
YES. Is it anywhere near as prestigious? Absolutely not, but it's fun to see the neighborhood teens placing bets to see who can beat him.
Did Tegan have any tattoos? If so, what where they and what meaning did it have to him?
He’s got a simple one stretching horizontally above his shoulder blades, the phases of the moon. He would’ve had more, but he had too many ideas for them and often sketched down concepts in his journals and never actually committed to them. Lots of thought went into maybe getting a line or two from poems he liked inked, but he never got the chance.
If Tegan did have tattoos, would Lucky be interested in getting one as well?
The first tattoo Lucky gets might be for Tegan. Some poem on his bicep or chest. But in you is the presence that / will be, when all the stars are dead, maybe. A lonely impulse of delight / drove to thus tumult in the clouds. That one will take some thought.
Other than that, maybe a spade? Is that too on the nose?
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growling · 2 months
Yeah unfortunately I don’t think I’m gonna pick Hundred Line up. I highly dislike the monster designs, I’m not a fan of the combat/gameplay and in my humble opinion this is Kodaka’s least creative work. It really does just feel like DR AGAIN….I’m a huge fan of Kodaka’s games and Raincode is actually soso good. Was a huge fan of Akudama Drive and World’s End Club as well so I’m not trying to be a hater. lol
The whole game just seems to. uninteresting to me. Like all the other Kodaka media (that I know of), even if not my favourite or something I'll actually buy have that Something that makes me excited about it. And THL just kinda has nothing aside from 490825603 danganronpa references and Forge of Empire mobile ad ass gameplay. It really does feel like it's the least creative work of Kodaka as of yet lmao
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meringuejellyfish · 8 months
being into a work that is ongoing is a really interesting experience especially when its something like a manga/comic which takes a Long time (what an insane art form im always thinking about this) im waiting for the water to boil for my pasta im so hungry for dinner. Ok well by the time im posting this i ate like 40 minutes ago maybe an hour im so tired of eating dinners that do not have a side dish
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gender-euphowrya · 5 months
it's 2024 can we stop letting it be possible to lose Hours of game progress if you don't save often enough because the autosave only triggers at bullshit times
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