#i Love to talk . dont be my roommate i love to talk. i think fondly of falling asleep after digimon rambles
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year ago
being into a work that is ongoing is a really interesting experience especially when its something like a manga/comic which takes a Long time (what an insane art form im always thinking about this) im waiting for the water to boil for my pasta im so hungry for dinner. Ok well by the time im posting this i ate like 40 minutes ago maybe an hour im so tired of eating dinners that do not have a side dish
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 4 months ago
5k Masterlist
5 Seconds of Naughty (ao3) - sir_red luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 5k
Summary: Shameless smut about 5SOS.
Arthurian Romances (ao3) - therjolras michael/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Ashton’s in a bit of a tangle when he’s rescued by a purple-haired knight-in-leather-jacket.
Dating Protocols of Santa’s Elves (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/luke T, 5k
Summary: Or: 5 times Luke brings a kid to Santa’s Grotto and 1 time he brings himself
do the things that you’d only read about (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke N/R, 5k
Summary: When he looks over, Michael’s eyes are open and he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you.”
He smiles shyly, eyes rolling fondly. “I love you too, Michael.”
or, book worm Luke & bad boy Michael
he’s got blue eyes deep like the sea (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 5k
Summary: He groans, a sickening pain shooting through him. He can feel something wet beginning to trail down his leg, and in his hazy mind, he just barely manages to put together that it’s slick, and he’s just presented.
Fuck, he’s an omega.
(or, the one where luke goes into his first heat at a party, and it all goes downhill from there.)
he was sunshine (i was midnight rain) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 5k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are roommates, which sounds perfectly fine, but Ashton is the biggest grump according to Luke. At least, only during the Christmas holidays. Luke makes it his mission to get Ashton to like Christmas by the end of the month.
hiraeth (ao3) - Oceanii OT4 T, 5k
Summary:  hiraeth - (n) a homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was —– or; a 5sos au apocalypse style. 
i always wonder where you’ve been (ao3) - mukelftv (eddiethebanisheds) michael/calum T, 5k
Summary: Luke was on the brink of giving up dating for good.
It started out a game… (ao3) - SilentlyFighting michael/luke G, 5k
Summary: It started out a game - a joke - but slowly became the truth ….but was I ready to accept that?
I will pick you up if you fall to pieces (ao3) - michaelclfford luke/ashton, implied michael/calum G, 5k
Summary: Ashton has a really bad day and he realises that, just like Luke says, being a big boy doesn’t necessarily mean being invincible.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn’t home and then he gets caught wearing them..
make you blush (ao3) - dazedlight (opinionoutpost) luke/ashton T, 5k
Summary: “Luke peers up, and he’s sure his heart does stop this time as he shrinks in on himself, worrying at his bottom lip. He really doesn’t need this right now. In fact, he needs the opposite of this – he really, really doesn’t want to talk to Ashton Irwin at this moment, or any moment, to be honest, because he thinks his stomach might fall out of his ass if he tries.”
Or, Luke is a dweeby Year 10 who has a crush on the star of the musical.
Rockstar - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) T, 5k
Summary: “I’m gonna buy you a drink.”
Ashton mumbles, his cheeks feeling hot and his body feeling lost, “Just one.”
And it really is just the one.
It’s just one drink.
Roses Are Red (ao3) - mukeclemmings luke/calum, minor michael/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Ashton and Luke open a flower shop next door to a tattoo parlor, and relationships blossom (quite literally).
say you want me and dont be nice (send those shivers running down my spine) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum N/R, 5k
Summary: :+: Calum and Michael are in gangs, and when Calum gets slightly turned on by the gun in Michael’s hands, things get dirty :+:
something of you (ao3) - theonlyreason michael/luke M, 5k
Summary: Out of all the three, Luke had always considered Michael the closest to him. He never felt uncomfortable about the way Michael flicks his ear randomly, pushes him a bit too hard in interviews, headlocks him on their way to the stage where most of the time, he could swear he felt a muscle tear, stuff like that. It was a playful manner. Luke had always seen that in Michael, and for some ironic reason, he felt safe with it. But things start to get weird after Luke had the most erotic dream involving Michael, and he enjoyed it himself.
taking flight (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum, michael/ashton G, 5k
Summary: Luke likes routine. He likes getting up every morning in his tiny apartment he shares with Michael and getting the same train to the airport every morning. He likes going to the dive bar on Hunter Street on fridays with his friends. He likes his routine.
Luke works at Starbucks at Sydney International Airport. Calum is a security guard at the same airport. Luke spends most of his mornings looking forward to when Calum comes for a coffee on his break. Calum spends most of his mornings looking forward to when he gets to see Luke on his break.
taking the long way home (ao3) - softirwin luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 5k
Summary: “May we have your attention for flight BA8227,” the tinny voice of the announcement says, and Ashton’s stomach sinks. They never announce anything he wants to hear; there’s never any we’ve upgraded hardworking and broke session drummer Ashton Irwin to first class, he’s also been given unlimited air miles and a refund on his overpriced tuna melt. “We are sorry to announce that this flight is delayed by approximately seven hours. This is due to unforeseen adverse weather conditions. I repeat-”
aka their flight is delayed au
We’ve been waiting for a smell like yours. (ao3) - Abbypd ot4 M, 5k
Summary: “Are you alright?” he asked, and Luke turned his head to face the boy. He opened his mouth to answer but the boy sniffed him and pulled a face Luke could not quite place. “Fuck, want me to get you to Ashton safely?” he asked, and Luke looked at him, confusion very obvious in his eyes. “The scent isn’t very strong yet, but it’ll get worse within a few minutes.” He explained, though Luke still didn’t understand. Niall started pulling Luke with him. “What is going on?” the youngest blonde asked, following the boy towards the exit of the classroom because he didn’t really have a choice.
Or where Luke goes into heat in a class he doesn’t share with his three alpha’s
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catnherthoughts · 2 years ago
my roommate confronted me with the idea that I mat be lesbian and I have no idea how to feel about it. like, i don't like me that like me back but when a man doesn't like me i am obsessed with them. if i healed the trauma with kayla would I even want to be with a boy? i dont know and this is scary. especially with her not liking me anymore again its just like brah wtf. I honestly am very scared I could be. i ahd sucha big crush on loopet but now that he likes me the feelings have gone away. ben 10 roams my mind insanely because we left thigns but when we were talking everyday i considered dropping him. but when we were talking everyday I loved it and i loved the time that we spent together. I look back on our memories very fondly. he made me happy right??? RIGHT??? GUYS WHAT THE HECK. am i a lesbian??? i think i liked him yeah I really do think that i liked him. like i thought he was pretty to look at. and i liked him for who he was as a person. and i thought he was a good guy.I AM PRETTY FUFKMING SURE THAT I LIKED HIm. okay yeah. i liked him. and the sex wasa great and i liked it. men are gross are sometimes but thats everyone. i dont like a good amount of women too. but does every woman have flaws? actually yes. so then i can say i am not a lesbian. wow. W O W. Some things he did were ewlk but things are ewlk about everyone right??? well nothign was like that about kayla but we were in a long term relationship and the abuse we shared was ewlk. but there was nothing about her that i could look back on and say was gross or weird or that I didn't like. she never gave me the ick. but straight girls get the ick all the time. maybe the icks would not matter if we dated for longer. ben10 is my only example tho because we were the only ones to share the amount of what we had together. lawn was out of being insanely horny. goof manipulated me. brazil was just a hookup and i did not like him. so there is only ben 10. he was sweet and kind and occupies all the thoughts so i liked him. and that i s that. I AM NOT A LESBIAN.
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writingsbychlo · 5 years ago
i dont know if you use tiktok a lot but theres this trend where girlfriends / wives walk in on their men playing video games or doing whatever buttass naked... how do you think dylan and his characters would react to that? (not fiming it for tiktok obviously)
you guys, I seriously had so much fun writing this.
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Sending another snap to the girls, you typed furiously at the screen, each of their bubbles lighting up at the bottom with speech bubbles as they all typed, equal sounds of irritation from all of them.
[Lyds 💋 - it’s saturday. there’s nothin goin on. whats he doin???]
[Alli  🏹 - if that was isaac he’d be begging for forgiveness by now.]
[Ki ⚡- you brought him lunch!!! and he didn’t even kiss you?]
[Me - he grunted a vague thx in my direction.]
[Lyds 💋 - unacceptable. we’re girls. we demand kisses. & equal pay.]
[Mal 🍕- u should get naked. stiles is weak to sex.]
[Me - that might acc work. he really is, it’s almost embarrassing.]
[Ki ⚡- omg, I rlly bet that would work.]
[Lyds 💋 - if he won’t give u attention, u have to take it. the only way.]
[Alli  🏹 - wait pls film his reaction. Isaac wants to laugh too.]
[Mal 🍕- I could use a laugh, I'm pretty bored too.]
You giggled at the idea, the girls blowing up the group chat as they encouraged you to do it, and you headed away to the bathroom, stripping your clothes down and folding them neatly, before slipping Stiles’ flannel up over your arms, holding it closed for modesty as you began the video.
You grinned into the mirror, before turning the video around and dropping the item to the ground so they could see it. Filming ahead of yourself, you took several steps forward, your hand on camera pushing open his door, and you called out to him.
He simply hummed in response, not even bothering to turn around, and you flipped him off behind his back, knowing Isaac and Allison would get a kick out of that part, before you sighed loudly. “Fine, I guess I’ll go be naked downstairs, then.”
“Wait, what?” The man spun around, the marker dropping from his lips as he finally tore his attention from the crime board before him, his eyes widening as he looked at you, his eyes scanning over you appreciatively and he let out some noise between a growl and a moan, before he finally met your eyes. “Are you filming me?”
He didn’t even give you a chance to reply, a smirk on his face as he paced across the room toward you, crushing the phone and your arms between you both as he backed you into the wall, his hands cupping your face so he could land his lips on yours in a hot kiss. Lifting your finger from the record button, you hit send, dropping the device to the floor and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Grunting into your mouth, his hands skimmed down to your thighs, scooping you up from the ground as the continual chimes of the group chat receiving messages faded into the background, your back meeting the mattress.
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You sighed, moving around the bathroom as quietly as you could. You knew Stuart was in a work call, he’d told you so himself. His group was doing some big project lately, and you were trying your best to stay out of his way as he worked.
You had run your bath, bubbled decorating the surface as the colours from the scented bath bomb swirled in the steaming water, the scents of berries and vanilla filling the room as you tied up your hair with the scrunchie from the counter. Catching sight of the back of the door you noticed the hooks hanging empty of towels, and you turned, glancing to the shelves, only to see them empty too.
You debated just leaving it, but you had no idea how much longer Stuart would be in this call, it had already been almost four hours and when you’d passed by your bedroom half an hour ago to run a bath, it hadn’t sounded like he was anywhere near finishing. You had already thrown your clothes into the hamper, and you knew all the fresh towels were in the basket in your bedroom.
Groaning, you peeped around the bathroom door, noting Stuart sitting up against the headboard, laptop balanced on his lap and he didn’t even look up to see you, earphones plugged in as he occasionally talked and added his say to the group, and you decided it was safe.
The bedroom as far colder than the bathroom, goosebumps running over your skin and your nipples hardening at the contrast, your feet soft on the carpet as you stayed out of view, bending over to dig through the basket, snatching two towels from the stack and standing straight, turning around. Stuart’s eyes were fixed on you, or more precisely, where you had been bent in half to gather your towels. Dragging his eyes up along your body, he looked like he was almost drooling, and he swallowed thickly, dark gaze meeting yours.
Holding his microphone to his lips, he cleared his throat, not even bothering to look back tot he screen as he mumbled an excuse to them all; “Uh.. yeah, sorry guys. I have to go.. do something. Bye.” Clicking ‘hang up’, he yanked his earbuds out, discarding the device and the wires to the desk as he stumbled over his feet toward you, your eyebrows raised, a sly grin on his face.
“So, I’m a something now.”
He groaned, his hands sitting on your bare waist as his fingertips dug into your flesh. “You’re absolutely everything, sweetheart.” With that, he spun you around, snatching the towel from your hands and pushing you back onto the bed.
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The buildings around paradise had certainly come a long way since the small fabric tents they had been in the beginning. Small huts had been crafted from wood, and soon stones had followed up on the walls, washed up on the beach and chipped from the rocks until cabins with real rooms and walls had started to be crafted.
When you had woken up, the bed had been cold, and muffled voices from the main room of your home disturbed your peace, making you stir in the sheets, rolling over with a quiet groan and shielding your eyes from the morning sun rays. Wrapping the thin sheet blanket around your body, you got to your feet, running a hand through your messy hair and shuffling from the room.
Thomas saw you first, his smile lighting up the second he saw you and the blond he was talking to paused in his chatting, turning around to greet you as you moved through the small home, fishing an apple from the bowl of fruit on your counter. Thomas wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you into his side and placing a sweet kiss to your lips, bumping the tip of his nose against yours.
“Good morning, Tommy.” You teased, biting into your apple and wiping the edge of your mouth on the back of your hand to gather up the excess juice. “Mornin’ Newt.”
“Good morning, love. Sorry to interrupt your morning, I figured you both would have been up by now.” You blushed, Thomas smirking as he squeezed his arm around your waist tighter, the loud crunches of your apple being consumed sounded out as your boyfriend chuckled.
“We had a late night.”
You slapped at his chest, shaking your head as your cheeks heated up, and you peeled yourself away from his side, shaking your head at him fondly and leaning up to press a kiss to Newt’s cheek as you wandered on past, chucking the apple core into the small bin in the corner of the room as you left, and the boys picked their discussion back up. With a cheeky grin, you paused in your room as you looked at the bare bed, before a smirk took over on your face.
Sticking your head back out of the door to peep at your boyfriend, his eyes caught yours over Newt’s shoulders, a single brow raising as you winked at him, stepping out into the room to stand before him, Newt’s back still to you and he had no idea what was going on. You watched as your boyfriend’s jaw tightened, his eyes as wide as saucers when he watched you let go of the handful of material that was holding the cover-up wrapped around you. The fabric dropped to the ground, baring your nude body to him and you licked over your lips slowly, biting down on your bottom lip and disappearing into the bedroom as his jaw fell slack.
“Newt, I love you, man, but I need you to get out. Like, right now.”
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Both you and Dave had decided to stay on campus for spring break. Your family wasn’t really expecting you home, and Dave’s mother and sister had gone to Disneyland for the break as a treat to Stella, and Dave really didn’t feel like spending two weeks surrounded by screaming children and standing in queues for hours on end.
Never when Dave had started college did he think he’d be this happy by his spring break. He’d started as a heartbroken freshman after Aubrey had dumped him weeks prior to his first-week beginning, and he certainly never expected to end up dating one of the hottest chicks he had ever seen, from the most popular sororities on campus.
The two of you had settled on hanging out in his dorm over spring break. His roommates were out, but a couple of the girls had also stayed behind, and so you wouldn’t quite have had the privacy at the house you did here. Dave was on his third day of lounging in his sweatpants and playing videogames. He had a pizza menu ready beside him, and his head popped up in your lap as you played with his slightly grown out hair, your phone buzzing in your hands every so often as you played with the hair under the band of his headset, running your fingernails over his scalp soothingly as he hummed under his breath at the feeling.
“Dave, I gotta’ go.” You spoke quietly as not to interrupt the flow of chatter going on that you could hear coming from the ears of his headphones, and you eased yourself out from under him, the boy groaning as he turned to look at you, brows raised as his focus left the shooting taking place on the tv screen.
“Where you goin’?”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you stood up from the bed, stretching out and brushing the wrinkles from your pyjamas. “I’m going out with some of the girls today, I’ll be back later.” He pouted, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips to placate him, a smile on his face when you pulled away.
“Okay, have fun. I’ll miss you.” You grinned, and you could hear the teasing coming from the other end of the headphones, excessive amounts of kissy-noises and declarations of love sounding out as Dave scoffed and told them all where to stick it, and you rooted around in the drawer he’d cleared for you to put your weeks worth of clothes in. Selecting the matching black set with the pretty yellow and white daisies on, you tossed it onto the bed, searching for a pair of shorts when Dave cleared his throat, his eyes wide as he held up the bikini bottoms from one finger, and he raised his brows. “What’s this?”
“It’s a bikini. It is spring break, we’re going to the beach.”
You shrugged, finding the shorts you wanted and pulling them from the drawer, and Dave hummed, clearing his throat and gripping the material tightly. “So, you’re going to be all wet, and half-naked, and tanning, and half-naked and did I mention wet?”
You laughed loudly at his words, and he shoved the headset down from his ears as the boys on the other end went wild, and you nodded, fishing the suncream from your bag and waving it at him teasingly. “I’ll be all moisturised and soft and shiny, too.”
“Fuck.” He mumbled, and you giggled, shaking your head and putting the bottle back in your bag, before peeling your shirt up over your head, dropping your sleep shorts to the floor and picking them up, a growl sounding beside you as Dave watched you, jaw slack. “Guys I’m tapping out, turns out I’m going to the beach.”
Within seconds he’d logged off, and he was tossing the controller and the headset away to the floor. “You’re coming to the beach?”
“Yeah, but first you’re cumming right here, at least twice, so get over here.” You shook your head at him, his body flopping back into the bed as you squealed, crawling up his body as your lips met his.
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Mitch was busy working, on all his important case files, hunched over his desk as he did his best to get through his jobs as quickly as possible. He’d finished his assignment three days early, and he was hoping that if he could get all the reports and briefs finished in time, that would give him a whole extra week of holiday off with you, a week he could spend cooking with you, and holding you, and fucking you senseless.
Unfortunately, since you hadn't been expecting him home, you had dinner plans with the girls and your dress was staring at him from across the room. A slim maroon number with spaghetti straps and a slit in the thigh, a pair of sleek black heels and a leather jacket to match. You were in the bathroom, and he had long since heard the hairdryer go off after your shower, and so he knew you were doing your makeup.
Around half an hour ago, your ringtone had snapped him out of his daze, and as much as he had tried to refocus, your sweet voice was muffled from the other side of the door but he could make out a few words, and he was still staring at the page on his computer, only four new lines having been added in thirty minutes. When the door finally clicked open, the smell of your perfume drifted out into the room, and Mitch’s mouth went dry as he looked up at you from his desk.
Your skin was shining and inviting, freshly moisturised and shaven, your hair falling in loose curls down your back, perfect spirals that bounced with each movement you made and your makeup was flawless. Your lips were painted a dark-red colour, the exact matching shade of your dress and it only made them look plumper and more inviting, and Mitch leaned back in his seat, legs splayed open as his cock twitched interestedly in his sweatpants, your naked body on full display for him as you held your phone to your ear and chatted away, unaware of the effect you were having on him.
Standing from his seat, he came up behind you as you fished through your drawer for some underwear, and he swiped your hair from your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your bare skin as his other hand came up to pluck the phone from your hands, lifting it to his own ear and ignoring the sounds of your complaints.
“She’s going to be thirty minutes late, sorry girls.”
Before you could protest, he’d hung up, a smirk on his face as he dropped the device tot he carpet and spun you around, planting his lips on yours and you sighed against his mouth, your arms slinging around his neck, giving in to the affections. His tongue teased at your lower lip, his own hands sliding down to palm at your ass in groping handfuls.
“Only thirty minutes then, huh?”
“Well, I’ve got to save the main event for when you get back, you only get a taste before you go out, because if I really got to have my way with you, there’s no way you’d be stable in heels. You wouldn’t be able to walk properly.” He hummed, pecking your lips and scooping you up under your thighs, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“Give me my sneak preview then, hotshot.”
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Sam (1920′s)
With a grin, you wrapped the red coat tighter around your body, nerves flooding your body as you watched the familiar beaten up truck of the man you loved beginning to make the way down the pathway through the fields toward your shared home. Sam had been having a tough time lately, this week had been a struggle for him, and as Friday night had rolled around, you knew he was looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and resting up, resetting himself and de-stressing in hopes that the next working week would go better.
It wasn’t something girls of your century did, but Sam wasn’t from your century, and he’d always seemed particularly fond of when you were naked. It was a struggle for you at first, you weren’t used to the idea of being nude, you were raised to be a lady and you could never be seen in an undignified way, but everything had changed for you when you’d met Sam.
The large red coat he so often wore was hanging on your body, your hair in loose waves down your back from the style it had been held in all day, and you watched from the top window as Sam pulled up in front of the house, and you dashed around the room and lit candles, pouring out glasses of the special occasion wine you had deemed appropriate to crack open.
The door opened and closed, and you heard Sam kicking off his shoes, locking the front door and making his way upstairs. You met him at the top of the stairs, a soft smile etching onto his frowning features as he looked up at you, before his brows were furrowing as he looked at you, his eyes scanning along your body and you shuffled nervously under his gaze. “Hey, doll. You look as pretty as ever.”
He took the final steps up, placing a sweet kiss to your lips and you returned the gesture, before splaying a hand out on his chest and taking a step back. With a deep sigh, you grinned up at his as boldly as you could, before releasing the hand the was holding the coat closed and the material fell open, your body exposed to him and his breath hitched in his throat. “Prettier, now?”
“You’re naked.”
“Yeah, I thought you deserved a nice surprise.” He beamed up at you, looking happier than he had all week and he pushed the coat from your shoulders, groaning as it fell to the floor and he smoothed large hands over your hips, pulling you in close to him, his lips brushing yours.
“I’m so in love with you.”
“I also opened a bottle of wine.” You teased, and he groaned under his breath, dipping down to scoop you up bridal style as he carried you toward your room.
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