#so it may not even be coherent lol
catalise-comenta · 1 year
I like geggism for how unexpectedly clever and wild it is, like yeah! Fuck the government, the state and the federation! We're all Gegg!
But if I was to take it realistically, then insaneduo are the best candidates. It may be, as other people are saying, a cultural divergence where we just don't believe in such idealistic movements as a "council" or a "let's everyone take the decisions together" sort of thing, but honestly if it were, like, real life politics and some candidates proposed such thing I'd just laugh and roll my eyes at it.
But this is just a block game, with a fake electorial system and that it's in no way to be taken seriously, so yeah, I'm voting for Gegg for sure!
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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finished dhes & kel's character pages so here are the lil edits i made for both of em :-)
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good-beans · 1 month
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I am not immune to cheesy anime one liners and stunning gender ambiguous swordsmen.....
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pepprs · 10 months
doing really bad in ways i can’t talk about which is making it worse
#just cancelled a meeting so i could cry in the office LMAOOOOOOO 🥰👍#purrs#the mortifying ordeal of my therapist being on her honeymoon rn 😹😹😹😹😹#i think i am just a bad person and my needs hurt people who need me. and it’s not fair to them and idont know what to do with that.#i think i may have to move out sooner than i am ready to and not listen to anyone telling me to keep waiting. this is not sustainable. it’s#not sustainable for my family because i hurt them with my needs. and it’s not sustainable for me to be unable to need and get what i need#without hurting them. i think what’s so hard about this is that i have to do it alone and everyone is against me doing it but i have to do#it anyway. i don’t know. i don’t want my sister to see this and get hurt. if you do see this im sorry i can’t be what you need. im sorry my#needs hurt you. but they’re needs. i have to be selfish even though my brain is screaming at me in your voice that i don’t. i just need to#escape it all. i am allowed to need independence and alone time and im sorry i was cruel about asserting it but i need to assert it and no#one at home understands why but I need to. im not talking coherently i just feel so wretched and sick to my stomach with guilt and grief and#frustration and shame and i have to facilitate a huge session in an hour and a half.#delete later#like my friends / mutuals / mentors / etc can tell me until they’re blue in the face that i am not a bad person and i deserve to live an#independent Life etc etc but none of you are actually in my house and you don’t see how it is and how i am the cause of all of it and how im#stuck and making things worse. and i can’t summon my strength or calm down or anything. i don’t know. i have to get ready for the session i#just can’t even think straight. my family is right and i am also right and i can’t assert my rightness over theirs. so im stuck forever.#if i could i would leave work early and go home but there’s no one to take me home and home is actually the worst possible place to be#right now LOLLLLL. i just need to curl into a bed and cry. also im about to get my period so thats probably why im like this lol
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
(JJK 223 Spoilers)
Same with the demise of the Zenin clan, we’re well past the return of the higher ups and how they’ve been running things now that it appears all are dead. very curious to see what will take place after all the fighting and how jujutsu society will change. the story is looking bleak but it’d be nice to circle back to those concepts if everything doesn’t go to hell at the end
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6ebe · 2 months
Replying to my thesis supervisors emails like what if we all just kill ourselves
#had a crying breakdown over my thesis 1st draft feedback LOL#And you know it’s bad when I cry bc I only do that like 4 times a year#it wasn’t even anything negative just suggestions of other things to include or ways to structure it more coherently#but it just felt so overwhelming when my capacity for work atm is so low#and I just feel overwhelmed like the thesis is due on#2ish weeks. then I have an essay/exam due 10 days after that (5000 words) then another exam 2 days after that#like if the thesis was feeling moderately sorted I’d feel fine abt the rest of it but just. ffs#I’m just disappointed in myself bc first 2 terms of this masters went so well#and I was MONTHS ahead on this thesis#then suddenly major mental health moment hits and I’m scrambling#and I just don’t have that stamina of undergrad me anymore to just live in the library until it’s done#but also I’m just so burnt out in general bc I’ve been doing the ridiculous oxford workload for 4 years straight and I just don’t#have it in me anymore#but then I remember that this degree is over in a month and thays even more horrifying#bc who am I when I’m not a student anymore and specifically a student here#and I do at least have this internship lined up for afterwards but I also only get a 2 week break after finishing this degree before going#straight into 3 months of full time work#like everything feels terrifying rn and whilst I may enjoy day to day things in life#it’s this kind of existential terror at the nebulous ‘future’ that has me reliably wanting to k/ms#and I’ve felt this way everyday since I was like 10 years old and now#I’m 21….
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lavnderwonu · 6 months
6:15 | Kim Mingyu
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pairing: boyfriend!mingyu x fem!reader
genre: smut, kinda fluffy at the beginning
summary: your boyfriend wants to cook you dinner and help you relax after a hard day at work... is that too much to ask?
warnings: contains smut (!!!), alcohol consumption, gyu in grey sweats, tongue kissing, gyu calls reader baby a lot, clit stimulation, unprotected sex, couch sex, creampie, praise kink, size kink (kinda?) im prob forgetting some lolol
word count: 1.3k
author’s note!: kinda self indulgent lolol. i also had mingyu from that live of him on that couch in my mind. i still haven’t moved on. 🧎‍♀️i was drugged up with cold medicine while i wrote half of this so hoping its coherent! im pretty good about editing but some things may have slipped through the cracks. this is also my first smut so… umm be nice please lol enjoy!🍴
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It had been a particularly stressful day at work, filled with important meetings and upcoming deadlines.  The only thing getting you through to the end of the day was the fact that you would see your beloved boyfriend, Mingyu.
The jingle of your keys hitting the counter as you nearly throw them on the counter nearly echoes as you walk in your apartment. You sigh with relief as you slip your shoes off that you have been nearly dying to take off since you put them on earlier. Placing them by the door, you suddenly hear noise coming from the kitchen.
“Gyu…?” You call out as you go into the kitchen, only to find your giant-puppy boyfriend standing at the counter, knife in-hand, chopping away at vegetables.
Mingyu turns around, and you see his expression light up.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
Your heart swells at the statement. He knew how stressed out over work you’d been lately and he wanted to help you de-stress and get your mind off of it.
“You’re too sweet,” You smile. “I had a lot of stuff going on today, I just want to forget about it.”
Mingyu hands you a glass of red wine that he had already poured for you. How thoughtful of him.
“Here, I figured you’d need it, I already had some myself.” He says as you take it from him. “What happened?”
“Nothing, just lots of deadlines and stuff I was worried about.” You take a sip of your drink.
“Sure I can’t help?” Mingyu approaches you, successfully backing you up against the counter as he practically towers over you.
You barely even have a second to answer him before he’s tilting your chin up to kiss you. He grabs your waist to pull you against him, making you gasp.
Mingyu takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, and you moan as you can taste the wine on his tongue; somehow it’s sweeter from his lips.
You briefly break the kiss, practically breathless. “Gyu, wait, what about dinner?” You whisper against his lips.
“Who gives a fuck.” He replies back, kissing along your jaw.
You quickly glance at the clock on the stovetop.
Oh. So this is how tonight was going to go.
“Mingyu…” You whine, as your boyfriend’s lips trail down your neck, nearly giving you chills.
“Hmm?” Mingyu innocently replies as he kisses your lips now, before kissing your jawline, leaning in closer to your ear. “Tell me what you want, baby.” 
His hands slide under your shirt, making it nearly impossible to focus.
“Y-you… I need you.” You breathe out, grabbing a fistful of his black t-shirt, mumbling out a hushed “c’mon” as you practically drag him to your couch, too needy to make it to your bedroom.
Mingyu playfully smirks to himself at your futile attempt to push him back onto your couch as he falls back, spreading his thighs apart already to give you space. 
His hands grip the back of your thighs and he pulls you impossibly closer to him, “I’ve been dying to take this off the minute you walked in, baby.” he mutters as his hands find the zipper of your skirt, swiftly unzipping it and sliding it down your legs.
“I could say the same for you,” You move to pull your shirt over your head, Mingyu’s hands gently sliding up the back of your thighs as he watches you intently. “Standing at my kitchen counter wearing those sweatpants.” You continue, throwing your shirt on the floor with your skirt as he licks his lips.
You eagerly climb into his lap, shamelessly grinding against his growing bulge in his sweatpants, making him grunt beneath you.
“Fuck…” He sighs as he leans his head back, his hands moving to your hips as he grips you, forcing you down harder. Your mouth falls open and a sigh escapes your lips as your clothed clit grinds against him.
“Keep doing that, baby.” He mutters, as his hands quickly move to pull his shirt off, and he tosses it with the other clothing that are now scattered haphazardly on the floor.
You unhook your bra, and slide your underwear off with mingyu helping you, after you struggled to get them off all the way.
He kisses you fervently this time, as his fingers find your clit, his thumb applying light pressure making you moan against his lips. 
“Mingyu…” You whine, your forehead still pressed against his, as his fingers dip between your folds, gathering your wetness before bringing his fingers back to your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Mingyu pauses for a second before he pulls his hand away, making you wince at the loss of contact. “I need to be inside you, baby.” 
Mingyu grips the back of your thighs as he pulls you to sit up, and you have to brace yourself on his shoulders so you don’t fall into him considering how strong he is. He pulls down his boxers and sweatpants in one go, as eager as he is.
He strokes himself a few times before he’s aligning himself with your entrance. “You ready, baby?” 
You eagerly nod in anticipation. “Uh-huh.” You reply as your hands grip his shoulders to ground yourself.
You slowly sink down on him, the mere size of his cock nearly taking your breath away; it always did. Mingyu leans his head back against the couch, watching his cock disappear inside of you as you take every inch.
You release a shaky breath as you bury your face in his neck, giving yourself a second to adjust.
“You okay?” Mingyu gently asks you, and you can hear the concern in his voice.
“Yeah, just gimme a second…” You breathe. “You’re too fucking big…”
“But you take me so well, baby, fuck.” Mingyu grunts beneath you as you clench around him at the praise. “Show me how good you can take it.”
You slowly grind your hips against him, gaining a steady rhythm as his hands slide up your thighs and settle on your hips. “Like this?” 
“Yeah, baby, just like that.” Mingyu tells you, his voice strained and you can tell he’s refraining from pounding into you. 
You brace yourself on his thighs, lifting yourself up and down, angling your hips & driving his cock right into your sweet spot, making you gasp.
“Shit.. right there, right there…” You whine, driving his cock into the same spot over and over until your legs shake.
“Fuck…” Mingyu grunts, his chest heaving as he grips your hips tighter. “God, you’re so pretty like this.” He pulls you down to kiss him, as he slides his free hand between your bodies, applying pressure as his thumb circles your clit.
“Mingyu…” You cry, your fingers tangling in his long hair.
“I know, baby. I know.” Mingyu’s forehead falls against yours, your noses brushing against each other as he moans against your lips. “Look at you, taking it like a good fucking girl.”
“I’m so close.” You whine, your walls clenching around him as your orgasm is fast approaching, and his fingers don’t let up on your clit.
“Come for me, baby. Let me feel you.” He grunts as he feels you get tighter.
“Mingyu, oh fuck-” You gasp as your body tightens, and you shake as you slowly rock your hips to fuck him though your high.
“Fuuuuck.” His fingers dig into your hips as he throws his head back, letting out a throaty groan as his cock throbs and he releases inside of you.
You collapse into his chest, lazily playing with his necklace and pressing light kisses on his jaw as you catch your breath.
“That was…wow.” You lightly chuckle as you sigh, still in a daze.
Mingyu smirks at you, kissing your forehead gently. “I know, you’re fucking incredible.”
You both sit in silence together for a moment before Mingyu speaks up again. “Were you hungry? I can finish dinner if you want.” He gently asks, almost as if he just remembered.
You shake your head. “Not yet, I don’t think we’re quite finished…”
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cat3ch1sm · 4 months
This is so awkward, but I was wondering if you could write hcs for if the reader called L, Mello, Near, and Matt "daddy" or "sir" or something else along those lines during sex? 😭 (if not that's totally fine I just got a mental image of Mello being like "what-" and I'm seeking other opinions lol)
🐸~ loll!! don't worry i have gotten much worse requests than this, this isn't at all awkward. this request seemed fun lol i hope u enjoy! i love u lots and thanks for ur support<33
nsfw ahead, gn!reader, sub!reader
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how they'd react to being called daddy/sir during sex~ wammy boys
~ it just slipped from your lips in the heat of the moment. you had been really hazy and a bit delirious and matt had been deep inside you when it just popped out. and yes, it did catch him by surprise for about half a second since he wasn't expecting it and it wasn't something you'd ever called him before. but in the same half a second he was caught off guard, matt decided he loved it. he doesn't say anything about it in the moment, but it was the way you said it, with your shaky voice barely coherent and your pretty eyes crossed, overwhelmed with pleasure. matt takes it as a sign that he's doing a really good job, and best believe he makes it his mission to get one of those out of you again every time you two get intimate. on the other hand, expect pretty relentless teasing about it. matt both finds it amusing and a hell of a turn on how easily he can get you off, how he can make you just lose yourself like that.
~ "hey, matt, can you get that over there for me?"
~ "don't you mean daddy?"
~ "you are the worst."
~ mello is someone who enjoys being in control during sex. so when you moan that in this pathetic, trembling voice, pleading with tears pricking the corners of your eyes for him to keep going, it's really such a rush for him. the brief moment of surprise at the unexpected title is quickly swept away by the surge of pride, almost arrogant in its nature. you've fully surrendered yourself to him; your pleasure is in his hands; you've acknowledged his power over your body. he'll probably get rougher in the moment, and later on in future intimate encounters he'll outright make you say it, denying you any release until you do, over and over and over.
~ although near does usually prefer it when you both are equals during sex, he can't help the swell of satisfaction in his heart when you call him that. after all, he has an ego like every other man on this list, and near gets something out of being at least somewhat in control, even in your sexual encounters where he does normally prefer not for anyone to be dominant. it's not like he needs to hear you say it every time, but near certainly doesn't mind when you do. besides, it means you like what he's doing and he's making you feel good, which is what he wants most.
~ he probably spends the most time being surprised out of anybody else on this list. he doesn't have anything against it- besides, it would probably kill the mood if ryuzaki paused mid-sex to ask about it and what brought it on- but he just is somebody who likes having answers. so he may or may not literally interview you about it later- did he do something different? is that something that might happen again? what prompted you to call him that? he must know, even if you can hardly even sit up or form a full sentence yet.
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reidbae · 1 year
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summary: You’re always nervous around your professor, which he has taken note to, but had chosen not to speak on. It’s not until you come to his classroom late to turn in a missing assignment that he decides to ask you about it, and he’ll do anything for the answer.
warnings/mentions: dom!spencer x sub!reader, teacher x student relationship, tall x short, reader is 22+ and spencer is 32+, age gap, AFAB reader, use of Y/N in slowburn but pet names used during smut (sweetheart, baby, doll, honey, etc), degradation, praise, choking, fingering, rough sex, hair pulling, vaginal sex, office sex technically lol, literally just filth dude
wc: 4.4k
a/n: hey, i’m kit! i write a lot in my free time and i think it’s high time i made a tumblr. this is my first post and the first smut i’ve written in a while. this is partially slowburn but it’s MOSTLY smut. anyway, hope you enjoy and also know that i take requests!
You knocked on the classroom door before entering it, shutting it quietly behind you. “Professor Reid?” you called out, unsure if the intelligent doctor was even here so late.
He looked up from his desk, his nose previously buried in paperwork. He was no doubt grading assignments, and you felt a twinge of guilt for interrupting him.
You nervously cleared your throat, beginning to approach his desk. “I’m sorry for interrupting you. I- I know it’s late. I just have that missing essay you wanted me to make up?” you explained, holding out the essay that you had finished shortly before you got here.
You noticed Spencer’s eyes darting to your clothing, lingering there for a few moments as he seemed to be taking in the view of you. You’d pulled on the first thing you’d found in your closet, a skimpy red dress that was tugging forcefully against your body. Ultimately, however, Spencer didn’t say anything and cleared his throat, then accepted your paper from you.
He looked it over for a second, then spoke up. “This is a lot of work, Y/N. It only needed to be two pages,” he pointed out to you.
You began to sweat at that comment, gazing at him with an apprehensive expression. “I- I know, sir. I just wanted to make up for the fact that I’m turning it in late. I hope you won’t take points off,” you explained. He may have made your palms sweat, but you did still care heavily about your grades.
“I’m not going to,” he said with a soft smile, placing your essay down on his desk. “Your essay seems to be well written, as usual, from what I’ve read so far.”
You could feel your face heat up at his praise and you gently nodded. “Thank you. And thank you again for giving me an extension.”
He nodded, too. “You’re welcome. But I hope you’re aware that I won’t always be so understanding, Y/N. I was glad to give you an extension this time, but I won’t shy away from taking points off if this happens again. I want you to learn to be more punctual,” he sternly continued.
It was conversations like these that made you heavily aware that no matter what you felt, Spencer was still your professor, and he wasn’t afraid to remind you of that. Shyly, you nodded your head, becoming more nervous as the seconds went on. “I- I understand, Professor Reid. I promise that it won’t happen again,” you could barely stammer out, coherent sentences beginning to fail you.
He smiled up at you and gave you another respectful nod. “Good. Make sure you live up to that,” he said firmly.
Did he have to be so overly stern? “I will,” you simply returned. You weren’t really sure what to say at this point now that the reason you’d come here had been addressed. You took a shaky breath, then nodded in finality. “Well, um, I guess I’d better get going now. Again, sorry to disturb you so late, Professor. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you timidly told Spencer, turning on your feet and starting to walk towards the door.
Spencer’s husky voice stopped you dead in your tracks. “Can I ask you something, Y/N?” he asked you. Nervously, you turned back around, looking at him.
“What is it, sir?” you politely responded, giving him your best innocent smile.
“Why are you always so nervous around me?”
Your eyes widened as your cheeks flushed red, caught off guard by his sudden question. You knew that, at some point, he would confront you about your continued nervousness around him that had started the second he became your professor three months ago. You were awful at hiding it: You blush and sweat, you stutter and stammer, and you toy with your hands and hair when he talks to you. You couldn’t be blamed for your attractiveness to the handsome doctor, but, really, you wish you were better at burying it.
“N- nervous?” you responded, in a feeble attempt to sound clueless. “I- I’m not- What makes you say that, Professor?” you asked, knowing exactly why he was asking.
“You seem much more nervous and tense when you talk to me as opposed to when you talk to others. It’s something I’ve noticed since the beginning of the semester,” he explained to you, folding his hands atop his desk.
“Uh, well, you know,” you nervously laughed, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs. “I’m just shy.” Yeah, right.
“You’re loud and exuberant around your other professors, along with your classmates. I’ve heard you laugh and joke with quite a few people. It seems like this nervous demeanor is only saved for me,” he pointed out, sounding completely convinced that he was correct in his observations. He paused for a brief moment before continuing on. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
Your expression turned shocked at the fact that he could possibly think that anything he did would make anyone uncomfortable. “No, no, I swear, it’s not like that,” you mumbled shyly, shaking your head.
“Forgive me for thinking so, Y/N, but my words do hold some truth to them. You are aware of this behavior that you’ve constantly displayed towards me over the last few months, though, correct?” he asked. His words came out so fluently, as though he had been meaning to come to you about this for longer than you’d anticipated. In regards to how you were speaking at the moment, you wish you could say the same.
“S- Somewhat,” you admitted.
He looked more intrigued now that you had confirmed the fact that you were nervous around him. He leaned back in his chair now, hands in his lap as he stared up at you. “Then, tell me what it is that’s making you nervous. I’d like to clear up whatever it is.”
You immediately shook your head, eyes still averted from the brunette professor. “I- It’s nothing.”
“It’s not ‘nothing’ if you’re constantly stuttering when you talk to me, or fidgeting with your hands when I walk by your desk,” he said, his stern tone growing increasingly prominent with each word he said. “I want to know what’s going on, Y/N.”
“Nothing’s going on,” you instantly defended. You were not in the mood to blow your cover about this. Not today, and maybe not ever.
“Oh, really?” he asked you in return, cocking an eyebrow. “You just told me you know that your behavior has been odd over the last few months,” he sighed. He grabbed a pen on his desk, clicking it a few times before continuing. “You and I both know there’s something wrong. This issue will never be resolved if you don’t discuss it with me. I promise that it will be to your benefit.”
You couldn’t help but remain silent. If you spoke, you’d stutter, only further proving Spencer’s point. You didn’t shake your head or give any sign at all that you’d heard him.
At this, he sighed again, shaking his head from what you could see out of the corner of your eye. “Am I going to have to figure it out for myself?” he asked you in a genuine tone. His voice, you noticed, was notably lower than it was before.
You only rolled your eyes in response to that. The fact that he had asked why you were nervous was one thing, but the idea of him attempting to figure it out was much more daunting, and you weren’t looking forward to it.
“Don’t give me that, Y/N,” he demanded when you rolled your eyes, tone fierce. “If you can’t verbally tell me what’s going on, your body language will.“
“My body language has nothing to tell,” you tried to correct him, trembling hands finding your hair and messing with it anxiously, eyes still torn from Spencer’s.
“You seriously believe that?” he almost scoffed, shaking his head. “I teach you how to read this stuff. Your body language has nothing to tell? You mean your shaky hands, stuttering, and red face have nothing to tell? Or, what about the fact that your hands are tangled in your hair? Or, that you can’t even look at me?” he went on, and he didn’t stop there.
“Do you want me to list every possibility I can think of until you tell me why you’re so nervous?” he asked. There was no tone of joke in his words: You knew that he would do it, and he’d do it with pride, at that.
“No,” you told him, the first word you’d said since the beginning of his ramble.
“Are you sure? Maybe that’s what you need.” Maybe it was the hour or the context of the situation, but you could swear for a second that this sentence had some air of teasing to it.
“I- I don’t, Professor Reid,” you stammered out.
“Tell me something, Y/N. Why are you the only student I have who still calls me ‘Professor Reid?’” he questioned.
“It’s respectful,” you tried, but it sounded like bullshit even as the words left your tongue. Spencer wasn’t that far off your age. Every one of your classmates called him by his first name, as he had said he was comfortable with several times. But you knew that calling him by his first name would put him on the same level as you, and if you didn’t see him as your professor, you weren’t sure you’d be able to control yourself.
“I’ve said several times that it’s okay to call me Spencer. All of my students do, and some even call me ‘Reid,’ they’re that comfortable. Yet, you only use ‘Professor,’ ‘Professor Reid,’ and ‘sir’ to address me,” he went on. You slowly started to realize that he was profiling you, and you felt your face grow redder, already knowing the outcome: He would figure you out.
In hopes of making yourself seem clueless, you shrugged. He wasn’t buying it, and asked, “Does this have anything to do with your continued nervousness around me?”
“I- I’m not nervous,” you could barely manage to get out, let alone lie properly. Deflection was your last hope of getting Spencer to drop this topic, a hope that you were almost positive would not be worth hoping for.
“Look at me, then, Y/N.”
No. Immediately, no.
“If you’re so ‘not nervous’ around me like you say, then look at me. If you’re not anxious, or shy, you should have no problem doing so,” Spencer said in a confident tone.
“I- I can’t look at you,” you immediately returned. You wanted to, but given the context of this situation, you knew he’d easily get you to talk if you did.
“Why?” he asked, his tone one of pure and utter confusion. Because I’m afraid of what I’ll say if I do.
“I just can’t,” you repeated, rubbing your eyes.
He sighed again, sounding genuinely exasperated. “Do you need me to profile it out of you, Y/N? Because I have no trouble doing that,” he said sternly. “I want you to feel comfortable around me. But I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on with you.”
When you didn’t respond, he took a deep breath, tapping his fingers on his desk before standing up and continuing. You were really looking away now. The fact that he was at least five inches taller than you was not helping.
“You show common signs of tenseness when I’m around you, like a stiff jaw, sweating, shaking, and, above all, avoiding eye contact,” he started, and you scoffed. Fucking profilers.
“Your body language offers common tells of your continued nervousness around me, like touching your face, constantly fidgeting with your hands and hair, and turning red when I say your name.”
“Stop,” you managed to say, your face growing darker at his words. But he continued.
“You’re talkative and open with others, but closed off and shy with me. You talk with your hands during class but they find their way into your hair the second I’m in your presence,” he went on.
“Stop,” you tried again, your voice growing quieter and your singular word coming out in a low whisper.
“You’re my only student who seems to refuse to call me by my first name. You can present in my class without flash cards but are unable to form clear, coherent sentences around me-“
“For fuck’s sake, Spencer, I’m attracted to you!” you finally blurted, unable to take any more of this.
He stopped talking, looking at you as if he was physically unable to process what you had just said. “What?”
“I’m attracted to you,” you repeated again, finally looking up at him and now realizing how hard it would be. Your cheeks were clearly flushed red, and your body was trembling.
He chuckled for a second, then immediately stopped. “That’s what this is?” he asked you in disbelief, his tone evidently amused, as if this was something he heard on the daily basis. “Attraction?”
“Yes,” you returned.
“And it makes you this nervous to talk to me?” he asked you genuinely, but his voice still showed underlying tones of amusement.
He thought for a moment, truly taking in your words. Then, a faint smirk danced across his face as he walked around his desk with his hands in his pockets, stopping a few feet away from you.
You refused to give him whatever satisfaction he seemed to be gaining by teasing you and looked away as he looked at you. He chuckled, stepping closer. “You’re nervous because of a little crush? Come on, Y/N. How old are you?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes again and remained silent.
“Look at me,” he said sternly, taking another step closer. There was now minimal distance between the two of you. It would be easy to lean and kiss him. What the hell is he doing to you?
All you did was shake your head. Absolutely not.
He reached out to cup your cheek, caressing his thumb over it as he looked down at you with a smirk, from what you could see out of the corner of your eye.
“You’re always so good in class. Be a good girl for me now, won’t you, Y/N?” he cooed, continuing to smooth his thumb over your face. You felt yourself growing redder by the second.
You shook your head, not at him, but at yourself for what you were about to do. You were too easy. You made eye contact with him, gazing lewdly up into his auburn eyes.
“That’s it,” he murmured. You were correct: He was smirking at you. He spoke up again. “Three months is a long time, sweetheart. How many fantasies have you had about me in that time?”
You blushed harder at that, stuttering out, “A lot.”
“Voice one to me,” Spencer continued in a raspy tone. His voice was riling you up, and you were almost unsure of how to answer. “What’s on your mind?”
“I- I’ve thought about-,” you tried, but you stopped, unsure if you should even speak the explicit fantasy that came to your mind first into the universe.
Noticing your hesitation, Spencer said, “You can say it, sweetheart. What have you thought about?” he demanded, although his words were almost sweet.
You took a breath of courage before replying, “A- About you, bending me over your desk,” you barely managed to stutter out.
He chuckled even further at your shy admission. “Doing what to you?” he asked in his teasing tone.
You let out a small frustrated groan. Isn’t it obvious?
“Fucking me.”
He gave you a flirty smile at your words. “What do you want, sweetheart?” he now asked you in a raspy tone, the distance between you becoming too hard to resist closing.
“To take you across this desk,” you openly admitted, finding it difficult to stare at his eyes when his lips were so close.
“Then do it.”
His words mixed with his proximity gave you the confidence to finally pull him in, wrapping your arms around his neck and fervently kissing him. To your surprise, he reciprocated instantly, roughly grabbing your waist and backing you into his desk.
He lifted you up with ease and sat you on the only part of it that wasn’t filled with papers, his lips never leaving yours as his tongue explored your mouth. After a few minutes, there was nowhere his hands hadn’t roamed, as he shamelessly grabbed your neck, cupped your tits, and squeezed your ass.
His fingers found their way under your dress, his cold hands meeting your warm skin. You shuddered at the contact, moaning surprisedly into your kiss. You could feel him tugging at the hem of your panties as he pulled back from you, breathing heavily.
“Professor,” you breathed out, calling him ‘Professor’ out of habit. He shook his head at you in response to it.
“Say my name,” he demanded of you, continuing his movements with his hand as he looked down at you.
“Sp- Spencer,” you stammered out, breath quickening at his dominant tone.
“Attagirl,” Spencer praised, hands dipping suddenly into your panties. You gasped, looking up at him with a sultry stare. His fingers slid in between your soaked folds and you involuntarily let out a whorish moan.
“Fuck, doll, you’re already this wet?” he asked you in a tone that was a mixture of both surprise and excitement as his fingers felt all of your built up arousal. “Is this all for me?”
You didn’t know what to say, in pure and utter shock that this was even happening.
He gave you a look that screamed both pleading and demanding at the same time. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he cooed, moving his fingers in no particular direction, which made you moan softly anyway.
“I- It’s all for you, Spencer,” you stammered.
“There you go. I like hearing that pretty voice of yours,” Spencer cooed. He buried a finger into your cunt, and you groaned at the sudden intrusion. He started slow, making sure you were comfortable with this sensation, then stuck another in, quickening his pace.
You arched your back as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting a spot that you had never been able to reach when you were touching yourself alone. He knew exactly what he was doing, using another finger to rub slow circles around your clit. He pumped his fingers in and out fast, eliciting several moans of pleasure from you.
You leaned in to fiercely kiss him as he continued to finger you, sliding your tongue into his mouth. He accepted it gladly, gently choking you with his other hand as the two of you kissed. You groaned into it, his use of force getting you closer and closer to your high.
He pulled away, then started on your neck, kissing and sucking harshly as he continued to finger you below. His pace was getting faster, pushing his fingers deeper with every second that went by. When he curved them further than he had before, he found exactly where your pleasure point was: Your G-Spot.
“Fuck, Spencer,” you groaned out, your climax directly around the corner as he left kisses and no doubt hickies all over your neck.
He payed close attention to your reaction, making sure to continue to finger you directly where you needed him and continuing to rub your clit in quick motions. You were nearly there, and he surely knew that. However, suddenly, all movements ceased, and he pulled away from your neck to lustfully look down on you, retracting his fingers from your wetness.
You looked up at him with a mirroring lustful expression, but only because you were so close to releasing, and he had just taken that away from you.
“Sp- Spencer? Why’d you stop?” you stuttered out a little frustratedly.
“Because that’s not where I want you to finish,” he said, like it was the most simple thing to humanly comprehend. He backed up a step, then lifted you from his desk, spinning you round and bending you over it in one swift movement. You gasped as his hand found your lower back, his crotch pressed up on you and his bulge pressing into your ass.
“You said you saw me bending you over across my own desk, right?” Spencer reminded you in a low voice.
“Y- yeah,” you returned in a needy voice.
“Thought so.”
You could hear him unbuckling his belt from behind, working quickly to undo it with his only free hand. The sound was followed by that of his zipper, and then of him shrugging his pants partially down. He then turned his attention to you, pulling your dress up and revealing your red panties that matched the color of your dress. He chuckled, no doubt at that fact, then pulled them down.
He took his cock out of his boxers and pumped it up and down a few times. You tried to turn your head back to look, but he used his free hand to turn your head back around. You were about to say something about it, until he suddenly thrusted deep into your cunt, and you let out a whorish moan.
“F- Fuck, you’re so big, Spencer,” you couldn’t help but moan out. He was far inside of you, and his throbbing cock was no doubt seven inches minimum.
“You can take it,” he groaned back, placing his hand on the back of your head as he moved slowly but deeply into you. His hands roamed your body again, settling on your tits. He used a hand to grab one, eliciting a mewl from you. He fondled it with force, running his thumb in forceful circles around your tit as he pounded into you relentlessly.
“You like being fucked like this, sweetheart?” he cooed in your ear, voice audibly raspy as his movements didn’t cease.
“Yes, sir,” you responded in a slutty voice, calling him ‘sir’ for the first time in what felt like years.
“Such a, fuck- Slut for me,” he said in between thrusts. His pace was getting faster now as he rammed into you from behind, going at a speed you were finding difficult to not readily climax from. His words only enhanced this feeling.
He grabbed the back of your head by your hair, turning you to face a part of the classroom to your left.
“That’s where you sit in my class. Perfect view of my desk. Do you fantasize about this when you look at it?” he asked. His words came out in groans as he tried to both talk and maintain his quick pace.
“Maybe,” you breathed as you looked at your own desk where you had been sitting mere hours beforehand, never in a million years anticipating this.
“That’s not an answer,” he forcefully said, ceasing his movements and beginning to pull his cock from your cunt.
“Wait- Fuck,” you sighed, whimpering when you no longer felt him inside of you. “Yes, I do,” you admitted, telling him exactly what he wanted to hear.
He chuckled at your needy attempt to feel him inside of you again, teasing your wet entrance with the tip of his cock. “That desperate, huh?”
“Y- Yes, sir,” you said softly, finding it hard to get any words out as you took note of his teasing. He thrusted back into you, pushing hard and fast.
“Slut,” Spencer grunted. He pulled your head back by your hair, managing to grip it gently despite his rough pace. “My fucking slut.”
You moaned at his use of degradation, feeling your climax beginning to bubble up inside of you again, but you held it back, wanting to prolong the pleasurable feeling that you were receiving.
“Such a, fuck- Slutty dress,” he suddenly commented, toying with the hem on your dress. “Always wearin’ skirts hiked all the way up to your ass. Hoping I’d notice that, sweetheart?” he asked, the hand that was pulling your hair roaming over to your neck and choking you.
All you could do was nod as your words failed you, coherent sentences vacant in your head and absent from your mouth, as they usually were regardless.
“Use your words, baby,” he demanded of you, squeezing down harder on your neck.
You groaned out, complying and stammering, “Y- Yes,” in response to his question.
“That’s a good girl. Doin’ so fucking good for me,” Spencer praised you.
You were moaning loudly now, the sound of both of your grunts filling the air as Spencer continued at his quick speed. You could feel your eyes watering at the pressure and size of his cock that was deep into your cunt, and your climax was approaching as fast as his pace was going.
“Spencer,” you whispered, cheeks hot and absolutely flushed.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Spencer groaned back.
“I’m close,” you breathed, words breaking.
He let out a soft moan at your words, then moved his hand away from your neck and down to your clit. He rubbed it in quick circles as he had done before, gladly helping you to reach your high. You bit your lip, loud moans and whines falling from your mouth.
“That’s it, doll. I want to hear you,” he demanded of you in response to your moans, his long fingers moving on your throbbing clit as fast as his cock was pounding into your cunt.
You happily complied, continuing to moan out as broken murmurs of his name fell from your lips. He let out his own moans as he chased his high, too. He used his free hand to grip your ass, holding you roughly as he groaned behind you.
“Come for me, sweetheart. Let it out,” he groaned.
His words pushed you over the threshold, being all you needed to finally moan out his name loud as waves of pleasure crashed through you. Spencer groaned out your name, too, as he finished inside of you, gripping your ass as roughly as he possibly could.
When you were both done, he pulled out, breathing heavily as he returned his cock to his boxers. You pulled your panties up and your dress back down, breathing heavily too as you looked back at Spencer with tousled hair.
Spencer stuck the two fingers he’d used to finger you into his mouth, sucking away whatever elements of your release he had managed to get on his hand. You let out a soft moan at the view as Spencer looked down on you. He moved his other hand on your waist.
“You taste sweet,” he whispered to you, caressing his thumb over your hip. Your legs were shaking, and, taking note of this, he picked you up and sat you on his desk. You smiled tiredly up at him as he did.
“I take it this means I’ll get a good grade on my essay?” you joked, giggling.
He smiled down at you, planting a sweet kiss onto your forehead. “A+, baby. A+.”
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fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
Hi may i please request swerve trying to be the human liason on the lost light's wimgmech untill they jump grab his shoulders do a pullup and smooch him.
Thank you! Hope your flights arent horrifically delayed.
Thank you for the request, and sorry for how long it took to finally get it out lol! Coincidentally my flights ended up being okay despite the hell I went through to get onto the planes.
I put a lot of thought into this request, and I wasn't entirely sure what you meant with Swerve being the reader's wingmech, so I went down this route. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it's on the shorter side. Thanks again! :D
Pairing: IDW Swerve x Human Liason Reader
Word Count: 2181
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Summary: After noticing you are lost in love with an anonymous mech, Swerve decides to help you prepare for going after the secret crush you have.
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  Swerve has been watching you for a while now.
  It’s not uncommon for the Lost Light’s crew to focus on you. You are, after all, the only human aboard the Cybertronian exploration ship. Though you’ve been here for months, no bot can help but find you fascinating. And Swerve? Well…he’d never admit it to anyone, but his interest in you goes well beyond mere fascination. Yes, you're small, smaller than even him. Yes, you're soft, and squishy, and adorable, and sometimes he really wants to scoop you up into his arms and kiss you right on the lips after confessing his love-
  Okay. So maybe he has a bit of a crush on you. But that’s all it is! A crush that compels him to  keep tabs on where you go and what you do. He’s learned about you from the various conversations he’s listened to during busy nights. He knows you adore dogs and melt at the sight of cats (What are dogs? What are cats? Like hell he knows. He isn’t particularly caught up on his Earth knowledge). He knows you like to turn in early and wake up late. He knows you aren’t exactly a party person, and sometimes being surrounded by robots three times your size is incredibly overwhelming. And following that little tidbit, he understands you don’t like coming to his bar.
  So why are you here now?
  He’s watching you while he makes drinks. Your little form is tucked away in a corner at one of the smaller tables reserved for minicons, hunched over a notebook, eyes focused on the pages of written material he can’t read. Even when he zooms his optics in, your writing is far too small for him to coherently pick up on from this distance. With one hand propped against your cheek and the other idly tapping a pen against your head, you look far too troubled for someone who’s currently spending time in a place where all troubles are drunken away. It makes him curious and concerned. Why would you, someone who hates large crowds and loud environments, be writing in such a place?
  He needs to get to the bottom of it.
  Now, he knows what someone might say about this: “Swerve, it's none of your business. Swerve, they clearly don’t want to be bothered. Swerve, eavesdropping is bad.”
  Well, you know what he would say to all of that? “I’m a bartender. My business is everyone else’s business. That’s what being a bartender entails.”
  So yeah, he’s snooping. But it’s all for a good cause. Being around you is worth it. He’ll always take the chance to talk to you if he can.
  “Whatcha writing?” he asks when he pops up behind you with surprising stealthiness. You let out a surprised shriek and nearly jump right out of your seat. He barely catches a glimpse of your notebook’s contents before you slam it shut and cover it with your arms.
  “Swerve!” you yell, fleshy human cheeks flushing a wonderful pink color (Oh, how he loves the way you blush like that. He wants to make you do it more). “Don’t scare me like that!”
  “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. You humans make the cutest sounds when you're startled.” He folds his servos behind his back and leans forward a little. “I don’t see you in the bar often. A place like this isn’t really the best for writing stories, ya know.”
  You sigh and slip your notebook into the knapsack you always carry around. Darn, he thinks, how will your secrets be spilled to him now? “I’m not writing stories. I’m just…doing research on something.”
  “Research,” he says. “In a bar.”
  “Yes. Research in a bar. Is that so hard to believe?”
  He does a quick scan of your features. The blush on your cheeks has deepened to a shade of red that almost matches his paint job. You're fiddling with your knapsack and guarding that notebook with your life. Suddenly, it comes upon him like a tidal wave; his smile widens with the victorious air of someone who just won a medal. “Oh, I know what's going on here,” he says. “You've been spying on someone, haven’t you?”
  Your reaction only further proves his theory. You look horrified, and the way you frantically rush to defend yourself is like a bright neon arrow pointing directly at your head. “What? No! Nonono, why would you think that?!”
  He laughs. “Oh, you totally are! Your notebook is probably chock-full of evidence, amiright? Wait, don’t tell me! Let me guess!”  He circles the table and plops down across from you. “Is it Ratchet? Nah, too grouchy. Cyclonus? Mm, too weird. Oh, oh! It’s Rodimus, isn’t it? It has to be Rodimus!”
  “What are you talking about?” you ask him.
  He leans forward and smirks. “You're in love, little one. Am I right, or am I right?”
  “I-I’m not-there’s no-” You stutter for a moment longer, then get a hold of your emotions and reel them in. Sitting back and going stone-faced, you stare at him with only the color of your blush signaling what you are currently going through. “I’m not in love.”
  Does it hurt to know you have a crush on someone who isn’t him? Absolutely? But telling you that would mean admitting the feelings he has for you, and no way is he doing that now. His spark aches with the sting of rejection, but he hides it well and decides messing with you will make him feel much better. “C’mon, squirt. You can’t lie to me. It’s as clear as day that someone on this ship has you smitten.”
  “It’s not someone on this ship. I’m a human.”
  “You being a human and us being mechs means nothing. How many months have you been aboard this ship?” He counts off his digits. “Two? Three? No, it’s been five months, hasn’t it? Five months with us and your little spark has finally decided humans just don’t compare to mechs anymore. Aw, how adorable.”
  You look like you want to jump across the table to snap his intake shut. Instead though, you slump back in defeat and groan, rubbing your hands across your face. “Is it really that obvious?”
  “To me? Yeah. But that’s only because I’ve picked up on your reactions. Plus, the fact that you came here to jot down ‘notes’ means…” Now he gets excited. “It has to be someone in this bar.”
  You regard him cautiously. “And what if it is? What will you do about it?”
  He shrugs. “Nothing! My job is to pour drinks and listen to people’s woes. What kind of reputation would I be giving this fine establishment if I were to go around tattling on my loyal customers?” He taps his index digit against his dermas. Scrap, this is really going to hurt him. But he wants to see you happy. “I could help you, you know.”
  “Help me?” you echo.
  “Yeah, why not?” he forces himself to say with enthusiasm. “I’m always ready to help a pal! I’ll be your wingmech! How’s that sound?”
  A wide smile splits across your face and you cover your mouth to muffle your giggle. “Wingmech? Seriously? That’s so cheesy, Swerve.”
  By the Allspark, hearing your laughter is music to his ears. He’s envious of whoever you are crushing on. They’re one lucky mech to have someone like you chasing after them.  But he swallows down his jealousy for your sake and puffs out his chassis proudly. “Cheesy or not, I’m sure I can help you woo your future sweetspark. All you gotta do is learn to use a little bit of the ol’ Swerve charm and bingo, this bot will be yours in no time. So, whattaya say? You wanna employ my humble services?”
  You bite your lower lip and look down at your knapsack. “I don’t know. The Swerve charm may not exactly work on the mech I’m thinking of.”
  “Aha!” He stands up and points at you. “So you admit you're in love!”
  You give him a pointed look. “Alright, alright, fine, I admit it! Yes, there’s someone on this ship I really like. I’ve been writing down things he may or may not enjoy so I can come up with ways to show him that…that I want to…askhimout.” This last part comes out as a weak mutter. It’s obviously difficult for you to admit it, but oh boy is Swerve glad you have.
  “So it’s a he. Hm. IIIInteresting. Mind telling me what he’s like?”
  You smile. “Well, he’s outgoing. And very enthusiastic about what he does. He always has an upbeat attitude and definitely knows how to make me laugh. Some might think he’s a bit of a wise-ass though.”
  Swerve chuckles. “Sounds like a real dream boat.”
  “You…have no idea.” The way you say it sounds strange to him, but he doesn’t think any more of it. You drum your fingers against the table. “What…what would you do if you wanted to tell him that…that you like him?”
  I wouldn’t. I’d tell you I like you and no one else. “I’d probably do something bold. Something that would really grab his attention, ya know?” He thinks. “Does he like you back?”
  “Well, you see…I-I think so? I’m not sure. I talk to him a lot, but we’re…kind of different. I’m definitely not like him, but we get along. The more I hang out with him, the more these feelings grow.” You stare at your hands. “I don’t know if I should be admitting all of this.”
  “No, no, it’s okay!” He’s quick to reassure you. “I want to help! Seriously! I said I’d be your wingmech, and I’m going to uphold my word! So, let’s think! You think he likes you, and you definitely like him back. He’s the extroverted type, bold and brash…so give him a show! Really show him that you want him and you to be together, and you appreciate all of the good company he’s given you since you boarded the ship. The key is to really hit him here.” He thumps his chassis. “Right in the spark. It’s all emotions, squirt! Nothing else to it!”
  “Emotions, huh?” Once again, that odd look crosses you. “Do you think we could…practice?”
  “Yeah, like, working on what I’ll do when I finally admit my feelings to him? Would that be okay with you?”
  “Oh, yes, totally!” He stands up. “C’mere, let’s go through it. Think about what you want to say, and then act it out to me.”
  You stand up as well and walk over to him. Looking down, he sees just how small you are compared to him; you barely make it up to his chassis. You study him, biting your bottom lip. You look so nervous. It makes him want to be gentle.
  “Don’t be shy,” he says softly. “There’s no reason to be. It’s just you and I here, yeah? No one will pay attention to us.”
  You draw in a deep breath. “Okay, Okay.” Shaking out your arms, you fixate on him determinedly. “I’m not going to say anything. I’m going to do something. Is that okay?”
  “Oh,” he says, a bit confused. “Sure, yeah! What are you going to do?”
  You take a step back. Then, you jump forward, and he’s startled when you grab his shoulders and pull yourself up. His optics widen when you lean in and give him a short kiss. Every mechanical nerve in his body sings when he feels your lips on his, and he seems to lose control of himself, becoming nothing more than a statue.
  Then, it’s over. You let him go and drop back down, taking a step back and looking at him anxiously. He stares at you, air whooshing in and out of his intake as his systems attempt to cool.
  “It’s…It’s me?” he whispers.
  You lower your head and nod.
  He can’t talk. He can’t make a sound. It’s only for a good few seconds, but when he finally regains control of his vocalizer, he begins to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And then he’s picking you up and spinning you around in a tight hug. “You like me!” he cries. “You like me, you like me!” He couldn’t care less if anyone else in the bar is watching this. The one he’s been crushing on for months has been crushing on him back!
  You laugh along with him. “It took you this long to figure it out? I’ve been dropping hints since we started this conversation!”
  “That’s why you’ve been doing research in the bar! Primus, how did I not realize it sooner?” He holds you back so he can see your brilliant smile. It makes him melt. “I can’t believe you really like me,” he whispers.
  You cup his faceplate in your hands. “I’m guessing your happy about it, Mr. Wingmech?”
  He kisses you again, leaning into your touch. “Well…looks like my humble services paid off.” He pauses. “So…what did you think of the Swerve charm?”
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lassify · 2 months
Behind Test Subject 007: The Science of Anya’s Telepathy
Okay guys… I’m gonna come clean. I’ve had some scientific hypotheses brewing for a while now (not least to use in my fanfic, lol), but since we might be getting close to getting an Anya arc in the SxF manga, I figured that now was as good a time as any to actually try to arrange those theories in something resembling coherent and share them with you all. 
Disclaimer: I am not trying to position myself as an expert. I have studied Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at university level, so just for fun I ended up doing a ton of research on this, and I’ve got a lot to cover, so… wish me luck 😅 References will be embedded in the text!
Heads up that this is on the long side and complex as hell and my head physically hurts, so I’ll tackle it in sections:
Part 1: Psychology
My actual subject, but I’ll only skim over a couple of theories…
Part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience (Structural basis)
In which I will look at the individual brain areas which could be relevant to telepathy
Part 3: Cognitive Neuroscience (Functional basis)
In which I talk about how those brain areas communicate to each other
Part 4: Physics
I’ll admit, not my strongest subject, but I’ll mention a couple of theories which could be relevant
If you're ready for your brain to melt, feel free to keep reading...
Part 1: Psychology
There are 2 main theories in Psychology which could offer some explanation for Anya’s psychic abilities. 
Theory 1: Theory of Mind
In short, this describes a person’s capacity to understand other people. It is similar to sympathy or empathy, but actually it is the ability to understand that another person is different to ourselves, that they have their own desires, motivations, and thoughts, and that this is reflected in their behaviour. Even more importantly, it’s about being able to decode other’s mental states, whilst still being able to differentiate it from our own.
Any parent will know that it is a real effort to teach children about trying to understand other people’s perspectives: this is because children typically have an undeveloped Theory of Mind, and it is something that continues to develop even into adulthood. In adults, having a developed Theory of Mind helps us to understand other people’s perspectives, predict other people’s behaviour, and use both empathy and deception. 
Anya has a really strong Theory of Mind, which is actually so impressive for her young age. She understands the complex web of all the secrets: that Twilight is a spy, Yor is an assassin, Yuri is in the Secret Service, and Bond is precognisant. She also understands who knows what about each other, and how she can use all of this information to her advantage - those are some crazy cognitive skills!!
In terms of how this is related to telepathy, you could argue that someone with a strong Theory of Mind (like Anya) may be more likely to:
Understand that people have hidden feelings that they don’t show 
Demonstrate empathy for emotions 
Collate information about their likes and dislikes and past behaviour to predict future behaviour. 
If she is highly sensitive to these things, then it could look like telepathy (even if it isn’t). 
Theory 2: Hyperesthesia.
Many people will have heard of synesthesia, which is a synthesis of the senses to the extent that the sensory information overlaps, but hyperesthesia is about being highly sensitive to external stimuli of the senses such as sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. 
I can imagine an overlap with Anya’s hyperesthesia and her Theory of Mind to pick up on the nuances of other people’s behaviour, to the extent that reading behaviour could inform the sensation of “reading minds”. 
In a science-fictional world like SxF we could imagine that hyperesthesia could stretch into the sense of extra-sensory perception, by being sensitive to the electromagnetic signals in other people’s brains (or even geomagnetic - more on that in Part 4). From this, it is possible that Anya could “read” people’s minds through deciphering the electromagnetic waveforms that people’s brains might project (more on deciphering brainwaves in Part 3…). 
Part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience - Structural Basis
I think we can all agree that Anya’s telepathic powers would largely be supported by the specific structures of her brain, especially given that Endo has already dropped hints of neuroscience in the manga, and we know that he’s very much interested in accurately depicting psychology and neuropsychology in his story. 
The best way to encourage certain brain areas to develop is by doing exercises and tasks which would use that part of the brain repeatedly: for example, consistent gymnastics practice would enhance the cerebellum, the centre of balance and motor coordination. But, I can picture the experimenters in SxF trying something a lot less… humane.
Like, experimental neurosurgery. 
For example, theoretically, they could artificially enhance certain brain areas by using a neural growth factor serum (this doesn’t exist in real life, but let’s indulge the science fiction elements for a second), and, theoretically, if the experimenters used glycoproteins as the serum’s main content (like laminins and netrins), they could control the pace and direction of neurons growing in a brain, choosing to focus on cellular growth in certain areas. Then, they would be able to view the activity of the targeted areas using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and measure it with electroencephalography (EEG, see Part 3 for more on this).
If Anya ever had experimental neurosurgeries during her childhood, they would have likely focused on the following areas: 
Corpus Callosum: The corpus callosum is the thick structure of white matter that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, allowing each hemisphere to send signals to the other. With an enlarged corpus callosum, Anya would be able to process neural signals at a much faster rate, and at an increased volume, helping her to process the additional load required for telepathy.
Wernicke’s Area: Named after German neurologist Carl Wernicke, this part of the superior temporal gyrus (usually of the left hemisphere) is a major part of being able to understand language. With an enhanced Wernicke’s area, Anya would be more sensitive to decoding the neural signals associated with linguistic thoughts, effectively enabling telepathic communication through language. (As an aside, this would also give Anya an advantage in understanding other languages… which could explain her natural talent with Classical Language!)
Superior Temporal Sulcus: This is another area that is important for processing human speech, and is critical for processing social cues, such as understanding others’ intentions (including Theory of Mind!). With experimentation in the STS, Anya would be better able to decode the subtle cues in others’ brains relating to thoughts and emotions.
Inferior parietal lobule: As well as assisting in the interpretation of language and sensory information, the IPL is also involved in tasks like perspective-taking and understanding others' mental states. By increasing connectivity in this area, Anya can "tune into" the thought processes of others. It’s also well-known for its’ role in visuospatial processing, which can help Anya see visual thoughts as well.
Anterior Cingulate Cortex: This system is composed of a number of different parts of the brain, all working together to be able to process things like attention, decision making, inhibition and emotions. Most interestingly, it is associated with detecting conflicts and errors. Increased sensitivity to the ACC would likely help Anya to detect cognitive dissonance and conflicting thoughts in others (the perfect formula to eventually understand tsundere tendencies…).
Amygdala: The amygdala is often known as the centre of fear, but actually it is hugely important in threat detection, emotional processing and emotional memory. If Anya’s amygdala was enhanced, this would aid her ability to detect threats quickly, as well as her empathy skills and help her to intuit others’ emotions and thoughts. (A negative side effect of an enlarged amygdala would be that Anya may be more vulnerable to the effects of toxic stress, possibly making her less resistant to the effects of psychological trauma.)
Mirror neurons: Mirror neurons specialise in helping us to carry out and understand other people’s actions and behaviours, playing a key role in empathy and Theory of Mind. These hold internal representations of thoughts or actions, and could potentially be the key for Anya to be able to translate another person’s thoughts or intentions, assuming that she has a particularly active mirror neuron system.
Precuneus: The precuneus is really difficult to research and is super complex, so I’ll do my best to keep this simple: Located in the medial parietal cortex, this part of the brain is essential for visuospatial imagining and processing, as well as episodic memory, self-reflection, and some aspects of consciousness. I suppose the main thing is that it has a big role in mental imagery, including being able to model other people’s views, therefore helping Anya to process the mental images in other people’s thoughts.
Broca’s area: This is very much non-canon, but I imagine that if Anya ever developed the ability to project her thoughts, the Broca’s area would be key for this. While Wernicke’s area helps with speech understanding, Broca’s area is key for speech production. In my fanfic (SSS), Anya’s Broca’s area probably functioned normally for most of her life, but in the recent experiments imposed on her, the ability to project her thoughts was ‘unlocked’ through the increased activation of the Broca’s area.
Part 3: Cognitive Neuroscience - Functional basis
The thing is, it’s not enough to just know which parts of the brain work for what - there is also the question of how they connect and work together to be able to fulfil their functions. 
Think of it as the wiring which connects the parts of a computer: a motherboard, mouse, keyboard, and graphics card (as examples) are built to fulfil their specific functions, but the real magic is in how they connect and send signals between each other so that everything works smoothly.
That’s where neural oscillations come in - otherwise known as brainwaves. These are generated by the action potentials of nerve cells, and their different speeds can be measured using electroencephalography, or EEG machines, which can measure the patterns of activity across a brain.
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Let’s bear in mind that I’m really skimming the surface of this subject, so I won’t go into all the types of brainwaves in too much detail, but I will focus on the ones that I think could be more relevant to Anya’s telepathy:
Gamma waves
This is the pattern of neural oscillations which are correlated with large-scale brain network activity, and are largely predominant in learning, working memory, and processing new information. In other words: gamma waves help Anya to connect all the different parts of her brain which are relevant to her telepathy, so that all the areas can communicate to each other.
(Just as an aside: I found this hilarious study that looked at the effects of different types of nuts on brainwaves, which saw gamma wave responses being improved through pistachios, while peanuts aided in generating more delta waves. I wonder if the lab scientists of SxF caught on…) 
Theta waves
Theta waves are especially prominent in childhood (during sleep). I imagine that the lab may have recruited children partially for this reason (the other reason would be that brains have more plasticity at a younger age, and so can be altered easier than an adult’s brain). In adults, theta waves are also prominent in hypnotic or meditative states, mind wandering, and the early stages of sleep.
I think it is really interesting that theta waves occur during deep relaxation, as well as the early stages of sleep, making it the only brainwave that can activate both during sleep and during wakefulness. (From what I can tell, anyway.) This could make theta waves an important component of Anya’s telepathy - for example, if her telepathy was important to her survival, then it is critical for her to be able to detect thoughts during sleep, and her amygdala could alert her if the thoughts were at all threatening.
During wakefulness, I can imagine that Anya’s theta waves serve as the precursor for the activation of psi waves…
Psi waves
Just to confirm, Psi waves are definitely fictional, but my rationale is that historically, ‘Psi’ (ψ) has been used to denote the unknown factor which is linked with parapsychology and psychic phenomena. 
My theory is that psi waves would be the frequency required for telepathy, which would allow Anya to detect and interpret other people’s thoughts through their pattern of neural activation. In other words: she can probably read brainwaves. 
Modern science is already trying out methods to interpret people’s brainwaves (which is honestly both supremely cool and extremely terrifying), so it’s not too far out of the realm of possibility that Anya would be able to do the same thing just by unconsciously using her psi waves. The psi-waves would essentially mimic a brain-computer interface in being able to process and interpret neural activity (aka thoughts).
If you require a bit more concrete evidence to believe me, I’ve made a list below.
Right now, we can analyse brainwaves using EEG to:
Decode whether someone answers “yes” or “no” to conversational questions 
Control the movement of simple robots, including wheelchairs, which can be locked/unlocked using EEG (and EMG) as a biometric security system
Detect and interpret what emotion someone is feeling, as well as learn how strong that emotion is (at an accuracy rate of 80-94%)
Deconstruct the cognitive processes underlying social interaction in people who struggle to verbally express themselves
And this study analysed brain activation using fMRI to interpret and reconstruct visual images
Neuroscience is really crazy, guys.
Part 4: Physics
So… this is the part I am the least confident about. Please be patient with me and forgive me for any mistakes 🙏.  Also, this is the perfect time to remind you guys that I am really engaging with science fiction here. Emphasis on the fiction 😂. 
Basically, there are 2 main theories from Physics that I think could explain Anya’s telepathy, as well as her weakness(es):
Theory 1: Geomagnetic Field Sensitivity:
All brain waves are generated by electrical activity in the brain, and they also generate electrical activity of their own, which creates an electromagnetic field around the brain.
Anya’s abilities could be tied to the geomagnetic field of the earth, especially during the New Moon: when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, this could affect the field’s strength. The subtle alteration in the geomagnetic field could disrupt the electromagnetic field generated by Anya’s brain, thus disrupting the neural processing. 
In other words: the New Moon could interfere with Anya’s own electromagnetic field around her brain, via sensitivity to changes in the geomagnetic field, which could be why she can’t read minds during the New Moon. 
Theory 2: Resonance:
Resonance can be observed in physics, acoustics, musical, electrical, and mechanical systems - but now scientists are even looking at resonance in consciousness, and resonance in brain waves on a quantum level. 
Without going into too much detail (I am not qualified), I think Anya would generate a resonance frequency of her own that helps her to facilitate telepathic communication: through resonance, Anya could synchronise her Psi waves with the brain waves of another person, and it is this synchronicity that helps her to interpret the other person’s brainwaves. 
If Anya ever encountered another telepath (as she does in SSS), I imagine that they wouldn’t be able to read each other’s minds because their resonance frequencies would cancel each other out. 
In SSS, I also introduced the idea of a sub-auditory sound wave which would stop Anya from being able to use her telepathy. The idea behind this was to introduce another weakness for Anya: when this sound wave is emitted or detected, it interferes with the brain's natural telepathic frequency. This is because the sound wave oscillates at a frequency that masks the neural signals required for telepathy, and means that Anya can’t interpret those signals as easily. 
Thanks for reading!
I told you this was long. Sorry 😅
The above is really just a collective mishmash of stuff I’ve been slowly putting together for about the last 6 months, and I fully accept there will be parts that are more plausible than others. 😂 But it was fun, and more than anything I am really excited to see what we get to find out in Anya’s backstory arc (when it gets here…), and if I see any mentions of brains or neuroscience in SxF I will literally die of joy
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thehandsresisthim · 4 months
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“venus im pelz (venus in furs)”
contains: sub!könig/dom!fem!reader, master/servant (altho it’s all pretend), wayyy too many references to venus in furs, könig fucks a pillow lol, dry humping, kinda pet-play-ish(?)
word count: ~1.400
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You yawn and place your left hand back on your thigh. Your legs are currently draped over the armrest of the big chair you’re sitting on as you look down on the monarch sitting in front of you.
“So? How do you like it?” you ask him in a straightforward tone as you move your other hand to the fur of the coat he gifted you.
His eyes are immediately trained on your hand - watching your ringed (courtesy of his gifts) fingers as if he was a moth circling a flame. You pet the elegant fur over and over again, occasionally digging your fingers in.
You wouldn’t have been surprised if he started drooling. Sadly, neither saliva nor speech leaves his mouth.
“Answer me, Sir.” you demand now, your face turning to marble.
“I… I like it.”
His lips part and he looks pained. His light blue eyes glance up at you, and then down again.
“I see. So I fulfil your vision of a domineering Venus?” you speak and he feels like you’re pulling out a rug beneath him.
“I-“ he begins and feels like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
You look down at him, your gaze turning to stone. Luckily for him, before you can mock him any further, a loud noise originating from the fireplace interrupts you.
The wood - which he so neatly arranged in the fireplace just two hours ago - has crumbled. Slowly, the flames stop licking the last bits of wood away, and it dies.
You both watch.
“Your Majesty. Fix this. I am already cold.” you say, as if you were commanding a bothersome dog.
He almost falls over, scrambling to roughly grab multiple planks of wood at the same time.
Under your cold eyes, he shrinks as he places the new firewood. Although the less coherent stability of the arrangement doesn’t escape your mind, you let it slide.
His trembling hands grab the box of matches and he attempts to light one.
He fails. Miserably.
Under your cold eyes, he withers further. “S-sorry…”
You sigh. “Are you quite sure that you will let your Goddess degrade herself by pursuing such a bothersome task?”
König looks as if he wants to cry. “No! No, never!”
He bites his lip and tries again. He lets out a cry of relief as it finally works. With a shivering hand, he lights the wood on fire.
His eyes flicker between the flames licking the wood and you, the need for approval visible on his face.
You indulge him again. “You did a good job, my servant. You may sit before me and touch the fur on my coat.”
He doesn’t even bother to get up properly and just crawls towards you on all fours. You laugh.
“You are quite an amusing pet.” you say, and he wonders what might be colder - the look in your eyes, or your tone? He shivers and ends up kneeling right before you.
His hands tremble as he hesitates to touch your luxurious fur coat. You giggle as his big hands stay just a few centimetres away from the soft fur of the clothing.
“I already gave you permission. Go on, you may touch my coat.”
He awkwardly pets the fur for just a moment, then digs his fingers in. Amidst him closing his eyes as he rakes his fingers through the fur, he makes a fatal mistake.
His right thumb, accidentally, brushes against the skin of your décolleté.
Immediately, you shove him away - his eyes open wide in shock as he falls back, catching himself on his hands.
“H-hey-“ he starts to protest, but one look from you is enough to put him back in line.
“Sorry, Goddess.” he mumbles and looks at your feet.
You just stay quiet, as you know exactly what he should be saying to you next.
“How… how can I make up for my mistake, Herrin?” he asks.
At his use of the German term for ‘mistress’, you smirk. Whenever he starts using some words in his native language, you know that he has been pushed further into subspace. It’s a sign that he’s letting go, that he trusts you.
Although it’s not exactly in character for “Venus in Furs”, you lean forward and affectionately run your fingers through his hair. He looks up at you and smiles.
As he glances at your eyes, he understands what you’re doing - silently checking in if he’s still up for the play.
“I’m good,” he says quietly, “I’ll tell you if anything gets uncomfortable, I promise.”
Your affectionate smile turns cold again as you resume your “role” as Venus. You harshly tug on his hair, reminding him of what he should be saying now.
“I’ll do anything to make up for my mistake…” he blushes as he speaks.
“Remove your clothes.” you instruct.
He nods and starts tugging on his pants.
“H…herrin…” he begins, as he humps against the pillows. “Touch… me… bitte…”
“The answer is still ‘no’, König, no matter how you plead. Your leaky cock would just dirty the pristine furs that I wear.”
He whimpers and bites his lip. “O…okay….”
You sigh in mock indignation. “If only you could control that thing. Look, it’s leaking like a faucet. You know, like this, it’s almost cute.”
König groans when you call his dick “cute” of all things. He wants to protest, but decides against it. Pissing you off by being bratty right now is a really bad idea.
“You agree that it’s cute, right? Adorable, even?” you taunt, lips curling into a smile. “Tell me, Your Majesty. Tell me how cute your dick is.”
“Ich… Ich… Herrin…” he stutters, now seemingly having lost all English speaking capabilities.
“Your Majesty?”
“My… c-cock is…” he says quickly, trying to get it over with, “süß…”
You just stare at him with cold eyes.
“Sor-”, he interrupts himself with a moan as his swollen cock accidentally brushes against the zipper on the pillow, “sorry…”
“My cock is… cute.” he says the word like it causes him pain.
“That’s right!” you say enthusiastically. “It’s adorable!”
He winces, but nods awkwardly, pretending to agree. It’s so pathetic and sweet that you decide not to chastise him again.
“It’s so adorable that I want to see it cum.”
König sighs with relief, his eyes focusing on you. He looks like a devout worshipper - well, except for the nudity. And the way he’s humping the pillow.
“Hold still for a minute.” you instruct, and watch as his hips stutter and then stop. He whimpers.
You slowly get up and grab another pillow, then place it on top of the one that he’s already humping.
He shivers as the colder fabric touches his sensitive cock. It’s not yet soiled by his warm, sticky cum, and feels awkward.
You place one of your hands on the pillow. “This should be better. Fuck the pillows. It’s all your leaky dick deserves. You are allowed to cum.”
König nods, hums, and starts… fucking the pillows. It feels very weird. Sure, the fabric is nice, and the friction helps get him near the edge, but… it doesn’t compare to your cunt.
Still, after just a few seconds, he starts moaning and saying your title. It’s quiet at first, and then picks up traction.
“Ahh- Mistress, Herrin… Bitte…”
However, the pillows are nowhere as tight, as warm, and most importantly - it’s not you. You’re not touching him, just holding the pillows down so that he doesn’t knock them over by his rapid humping.
He can barely catch a whiff of your scent, and it’s hell.
“Herrin, bitte… lass mich nicht… alleine…” he rambles. The plea for you to not leave him alone sounds pathetic, so unlike the strong soldier that he is, too.
“F-fass mich an, berühre mich, Herrin, bitte, bitte!” König continues, frantically humping the pillow sandwich, constantly looking into your eyes.
The begging for you to at least touch him is so adorable that you fold and gently place your hand on his neck. Your other hand still holds the pillow in place.
“Thank you, Herrin, oh, Herrin, thank you! Danke!”
That does him in, and unceremoniously, he cums onto the pillows.
You chuckle at the way his body trembles. “I hope you’re prepared to continue, König.”
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Thank you for reading ❤️
For more fics, check out my masterlist :)
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Hi! I saw your tags on a post talking about car trouble as one of the great good omens fics and I've put it on my tbr! I wasn't really active in the fandom after season 1 so I feel like I missed out on all the great fics. I know about Demonology and Slow Show and I know about others from Aziraphale'sLibrary from their classics tag. But I was wondering what your list would be, your list of what the best and greatest good omens fics are. I'm young, so I have time to read lol
this will be a mixture of genres and a lot of them are well known so may well already be on the AL classic lists (but, well, theyre classics for a reason imo) but im just gonna dump them here; these are literally just off the top of my head so won't be very coherent/in order - i'll give the links and ratings, but will leave you to peruse the synopses directly (most will be human AUs, they're my particular favourites), just to save making what will be a huge post even longer!!!
Car Trouble (E)
Petrichor and Parchment (E)
Memory of Eden (M) (and its sequels - imo The heartbreak series of all time. i sob like a baby) (it's written pre-s1 release, so book!omens, but i find it relatively easy to re-imagine if tv!omens is how you imagine them too etc) (no seriously if i ever get any fic professionally bound into a physical book, it's this series)
For Want of a Seed (T) (and also a huge shout out to Right of It also by cassieoh but it's unfinished - ive had it open as a tab in my phone for like a year? in the fervent hope it'll be updated, which fair enough if it isn't!!! but it's beauuuutiful)
Stranger in Paradise (E)
Infernal Bodyguard (M)
Wicked Thing series (E) (and anything by phoenix_soar, frankly. just... damn🫠)
i then also want to shout out a couple of fics from some amazing people on tumblr here (listed in no particular order!) which you may have already seen? but definitely worth mentioning because they're similarly insaneeee:
Shoot to Thrill and Learning on the Job (both E) and tbh anything by @teddybearbutchh, otherworldly affinity for not only writing in general, she's so talented, but her smut is 🫠
How Do We Turn On The Light? (M) by @moonyinpisces is soooo good as a post-s2 fic, she's really captured how i personally imagine aziraphale and crowley to act after the feral domestic, i love her characterisation!
The Loophole (E) by @fellshish is a different take post-s2 but incredibly funny and the apology dance is. life changing
Chemistry (E) by @twilightcitysky, i simply revisit their works time and time again, but this one is a particular favourite!!!
and im sure there are some lovelies that might read this and want to add their recommendations too, or self promote???💕✨ but these are my faves, like i said, right off the top of my head!!!
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Head Filled With Demons (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Ok, a few things here. First I played fast and loose with demon mythology as well as a lot of the themes from the episode of Black Mirror this is based on. There are no spoilers for that episode so don't worry. I guess you could say this is an AU Steddie as in this world they are relatively well known demons in their mythology. I pulled some stuff from the show but...you'll see. No spoilers for either show here lol
I hope this is coherent and makes sense lol I had fun with it and I still have more chapters to go :) .
Warnings: Demon Steddie X Human fem reader; SMUT and ANGST with a dash of fluff. The smut has sprinkles of Dom Steddie (spanking, scolding, dirty talk), Mentions of a sick parent and death of another parent, small scene detailing domestic abuse (may be triggering), Steddie gives the reader visions so she sees bad things people in Hawkins do including the end of the world, there is a murder (very brief; blood is mentioned), y/n and Steddie mention a lot of themes regarding feeling stuck and unhappy.
Word Count: 6842
You jump as the customer in front of you slams her items on the counter. 
“I’ve been waiting here for five minutes for service! Are you going to ring me up or not?!”
“Yes, ma’am. I apologize.”
“Don’t apologize. Just do your fucking job.”, she grumbles as you begin scanning the things in front of you. 
This will be the thousandth time TODAY you got caught daydreaming about being anywhere else but this stupid department store in the Hawkins mall. After graduating high school, you thought your options would be endless but once your father got sick, you knew you had to stay home to take care of him. You thought about applying to colleges nearby but everything was too expensive especially with the added medical and regular bills around the house, you needed to find employment fast. 
After the mall was built, you knew there would be a plethora of available positions and found one with a good hourly wage. The problem was it was incredibly boring. Some days you felt like running out of the store and just flipping over the railing to the second floor. At least you might finally feel something. Add in customers like this one and it was a good mix of pain and annoyance to drive you through to the end of your shift. 
“Are you done or what?!”
“Yes ma’am. Here’s your receipt and, please, have a great rest of your day.”, you say with the biggest fake smile you can muster. 
“You need an attitude check, missy.” She spat before turning and walking out the store. 
“Wow, you sure leave an impression.” Carol comes up behind you and leans against the counter, popping her gum obnoxiously. “Mr. Cline wants you to take those boxes to the basement.”
You glance where she’s pointing at the three boxes stalked against the wall that are taller than you both. 
“My last break is coming up. Why can’t you do it?”
“Because he didn’t ask me to. He asked for you.”, she sneered. “Is there a problem?”
“No,”, you grinned in a thin line. “No problem.”
You huffed as you threw the boxes on to the ground, not even pretending to care if there was anything delicate within them. Leaning against the wall to catch your breath, you look around the illuminated but still extremely creepy basement. 
Most of the stores in the mall kept a lot of their miscellaneous stock down here, segregated to different areas. Your department store usually kept overstocked clothing items like shoes and jackets until the ones upstairs were sold out or someone asked for something specific that was no longer kept on the shelf. The area was right next to the security guard’s desk but today he didn’t seem to be there. 
You walked over to it, glancing at the papers strewn all over the place. 
“Jesus Christ, Paul!”, you exhale as you grip your chest. “Scared the crap out of me.”
“Good.”, he chuckles. “See anything interesting?” He laughs harder when you shake your head. “I’m actually glad I saw you. I found something on the floor here the other day I thought you’d think was cool.”
Paul digs into his desk drawer and produces a necklace with a gem tied to the end. 
“Beautiful, huh? The stone looks kind of like a guitar pick, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, it does. Where did you find it?”
“Like I said, it was on the floor kind of near your stores cage. I’ve never seen you guys sell anything like that and I know you’re into that gems/crystal mumbo jumbo so… I thought I’d give it to you to take a look. At most, maybe, you could ask Richard if they got some new things in.”
“Uh, yeah, ok. Thank you, Paul. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Of course, hon. Tell your dad I said hello!”
You couldn’t stop staring at the little stone connected to the chain as you rode the elevator back up to the main part of the mall. It did look like a guitar pick which wasn’t an abnormal design in the 80s since almost every single metalhead you passed had something like it but this one was different. Usually those necklaces were cheap, the stone on this looked expensive and old. The gorgeous red color shimmered against the light and pierced your eyes in a way that had a small moan leave your lips at its beauty. There were symbols on either side you couldn’t quiet make out. 
It was so odd. As your fingers ran over the material, you got this feeling in your chest, like this thing in your hands was meant for you…
The elevator dinged, startling you back into reality as you quickly hid the item in your pocket and headed back to the store to finish your shift.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, dad. What are you doing moving around? You should be in bed.”
You father walked over to give you a hug as you greeted him in the kitchen. 
“I know but I just wanted to wait for you. See how your day was.”
Sighing, you reach into the fridge to grab a snack before turning towards him so he could see your playful frustrated face. “Oh, you know. The regular; angry housewives and bitchy coworkers.”
He chuckles as he takes a seat at the dining table. 
“Y/N, you know you don’t have to work so hard, right?”
“I know, dad. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of.”
“Sweetheart, I’m fine. I can handle…” His cough cuts him off and you quickly run to the cabinet to hand him his medicine. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”, you smile as you lean over to hug him again. “I’m fine. Trust me. I’m going to go munch on this junk and then crash.”
As you head towards your room, you hear his shaky exhale before taking another puff of his inhaler.
Sitting at your desk, you examine the necklace Paul gave you further and make notes on what you see. Tomorrow, you had the day off so when you went to the library you wanted to be able to have all the information you could. 
-silver chain
-Red Jasper stone 
            -support for stress
            -brings tranquility and wholeness (balance)
One side has a baseball style bat with thorns… Nails? 
            -Maybe meant for protection
Other side is a guitar from a long time ago. 
This is definitely beautiful. I wonder where it came fr—
“Ow! Shit.”, you wince as you place your thumb in your mouth. While looking at the gem, the bottom sliced through your skin causing you to bleed on your notes and the stone. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You run to the bathroom to grab a tissue, wrapping it around your finger before wiping it along the piece of jewelry. The feeling of wind on your back caused you to hastily turn around. It felt like someone had tried to touch your hair making a shiver run down your spine. 
Shaking away the jitters, you turned around, prepared to clean the blood off the paper when you noticed it was already gone and replaced with red, inked words. 
“I could have sworn…”
“Hello, sweetheart.”
“Did I write that? I don’t think—” You’re not sure what made you do it. Maybe it’s because you were so exhausted or just seeing the word sweetheart triggered a warm, safe feeling in your belly. You scooted your pen below the sentence and responded with a nice, little… 
“How are you tonight, pretty girl?”
“Jesus Christ!” Your chair falls to the floor as you stand and back up towards your bed. Your hand covers your mouth as you watch more words appear on the paper. 
“Y/N!? Are you ok?!”
“Um…yeah! Yeah, dad, I’m fine. Just… tripped.”
Slowing inching your way forward, you read the notes in front of you.
“Nice going, Ed.”
“Shit. It’s not my fault! I would be scared to if words magically appeared in front of me.”
“Oh my god. It’s finally happened. I’ve lost my mind. I’m going crazy.”
“You are NOT going crazy. I promise you, babe. What’s your name?”
“A sentient paper is asking me my name. Uh okay… I’m Y/N.”
“Aw, I like that. It’s pretty like you.”
“Y-y-you can see me? Right now?”
You yelped when you felt a breeze again move past your arms.
“Wh-what’s your name?”
“Make you a deal. You give us permission to enter your realm and we’ll tell you our names.”
“Two sides, honey. Two sets of markings on the stone. Two…people.”
You could swear you hear chuckling in the air. 
“Don’t mean to rush you, princess, but we kind of need you to make a choice. Yes or no?”
“I, uh, I don’t—”
“Come on, Y/N. Just say yes. It’s fine. Yes, yes, yes…”
Suddenly, the word “yes” begins to crowd the page repeatedly until it spills over on to your desk. Your breathing picks up as your heartrate increases. Is this really happening? Is this in my head? What’s the downside to this?
Everything in the room stills as the words in front of you disappear. Two words begin to slide across the paper as you lean forward to read them. 
“Good girl.”
The light above you snaps off and you hear the sound of heavy breathing coming from your bed. Your eyes widen as you fall to the floor at the sight of two horned, demon looking figures sitting on your mattress. You cower in the corner covering your eyes as you begin muttering to yourself. 
“This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t—”
“Oh, uh, I forgot humans don’t have people like us running around. Um, sweetheart, what form would make you more comfortable?”
When you don’t answer, they sigh as the bed squeaks when they stand. One creature shuffles beside you towards your door where your poster of Tom Cruise in Risky Business hangs. The other moves towards your picture frame on your dresser of you during your meet and greet with Motley Crue. 
The sound of two sets of snapped fingers fill the room with a glowing red light and when you dare to sneak a peek from under your arm, you no longer see monster legs but a set of sneakers. A strong but soft hand touches your skin and your head shoots up as you push yourself as far back as you can. 
“How’s this? Better?”
The demon in front of you had formed into an everyday man you may see come into your store every now and then. His brown hair fluffed up perfectly and you pushed down the notion to run your fingers through it. Instead of his original rough looking skin, he now donned a soft but muscular form hidden under your typical style polo and jeans. His beautiful brown eyes scanned you over with concern as he kneeled in front of you.
Your eyes flicked to the other one across the room who was now checking himself out in your full-length mirror. His attire was much more torn and rattier than the other ones. His jeans had holes in many different places and the Dio vest was fringing near the bottom. The leather jacket and boots made your tummy flutter. He looked like the kind of man you would have dated back in high school. His long, wavy hair moved quickly as he turned around to face you both, digging into his jacket pocket and producing a cigarette.
“Um, please don’t…my dad…”
He pauses as both boys exchange a look. 
“Don’t worry. He can’t see me or inhale anything I smoke.” They watch as you slowly rise to your feet. “Oh shit. Manners. We made you deal. I’m Eddie. This is Steve.” He wiggles his fingers in a waving motion.
“Why is this happening now? Please. I can’t go crazy yet. My dad still needs me. I—”
“Again, not going crazy.  See, you found our thing here.”, Steve gestures towards the necklace. “You called for us so here we are.”
“No, no, no. I accidently…I didn’t mean…I…”
“Look, we don’t make the rules. We just follow them. Blood. Stone. Permission. Demons. It’s not that complicated.”
Steve rolls his eyes at his friend’s crassness. 
“Yeah. It’s not that big a deal really.” Eddie draws a sharp intake of breath he turns towards to you. “I mean not entirely a big deal. Um, you just have to kill a few people or else the world will end but hey! Demons.”
Your eyes turn into saucers as you stumble to the bed. “I-I-I what now?”
“Three people to be exact.”
“Eddie, stop it. You’re scaring her. Y/N, honey…”, Steve kneels in front of you and places his hands on your thighs. Jesus, his palms are huge. “You do have to kill some people I’m afraid but you will be saving so many lives.” 
“Holy hell.”, Eddie sighs in frustration, snapping his fingers. 
The room around you is suddenly burning as sirens wale in the distance. Running to the window, you looked outside to see all of Hawkins in flames. You sunk to your knees as you covered your ears to muffle the screams of people outside. As quickly as it appeared, the images vanished and you were back in your regular room with two demons staring down at you. 
“I know. It’s not pretty, is it?”
Your world went black as your eyes closed and your head hit the floor.
When you shot up the next day, you clutched your chest as you quickly looked around finding only yourself. 
“It was just a dream. Oh my god.”, you exhaled as you laid back down, laughing under your breath. 
After a quick change of clothes, you grabbed your notes and the necklace to head to the library. You peaked into your dad’s room to make sure he was still ok, leaving him a note on the table to tell him where you were. As you entered the library, you immediately did some quick research that led you to a mythology section of the building. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the placement. Hawkins could be so backward with a lot of things. When you started doing more digging on stones and auras when your mom got sick, this was the same section you found yourself in. This town’s definition of myth was extremely broad. 
You found the book you were looking for and slide down to the carpet to lean against the wall. You flipped through, stopping when you found the symbols that matched the ones on the gem. The baseball bat did have nails and represented the demon that referred to himself as Steve. 
“Steven is a known demon of protection, protecting any soul that calls for him by any means necessary. He is known as one of the more violent demons killing many beings and monsters with his signature sword. In later millennia, it is believed that he was cast out of his realm for killing one of his own kind to protect another relatively violent demon, Edward.”
“Edward is one of many demons known for music. Throughout history it was reported that Edward played for souls who were suffering. His music lulled many unsuspecting creatures towards their demise, however. It’s also been noted that not only did he use this tactic for war but for lust. He was accused of killing the King’s daughter and was hunted across the realm. Steven found him first and they both went on the run. The King banished them both, casting out Edward as well.”
“They walked from realm to realm before finding a talisman that wasn’t what it appeared to be. The gem belonged to another being who forced them into a life of servitude, trapping them within its material unless set free by a soul who summons them. Any soul that calls for them must kill three individuals or bring about the end of the soul’s world.”
“See? We weren’t lying.”
“Jesus!”, you jumped out of your skin at the sound of Eddie’s voice. 
Both men were now sitting on either side of you, arms circled around their knees. 
“It’s not a bad gig. I mean at least we still get to move about and watch people die. I wish we had more of a hand in it but…”, he shrugs.
You bring up the book you’re holding just enough to hide your face as you turn slightly toward him. 
“You’re real?”
“Yes, we are.”
“And this…this is accurate? The world will end?”
“That is correct.”, Steve responds.
“You have the wrong person for this. I-I can’t kill people.”
“Uh, technically, we didn’t choose you. You chose us. And WE can’t kill people. You can.”
“What? I—”
“Actually, we can kill people but only if they are hurting you.”
After getting up from the floor, you place the book back before powerwalking out the door. 
You let out a small squeak when they appear in front of you. “Can you stop doing that?”
“Can you stop running so we can clear the air?”
Bypassing your usual route home, you cut through a forest area so no one would see you talking out loud at what would appear to be yourself. 
“Clear the air. Ok, let’s clear the air. How do I know I can trust you? How do I know what you showed me was real?”
“Besides the fact that we LITERALLY showed you the future?”
“How do I know it’s not a trick? Like…killing three people would kick start the apocalypse instead of stopping it…”
“Well, we’re trapped in this realm to so…an end of this world would be the end of us.”, Steve sighs. 
“You’re trapped here?”
“Actually, it’s either here or a blank realm we fancily titled Oblivion.”, Eddie chuckles. 
“Yup. Just a whole lot of nothingness except me and Ed here.”, he grins as he pats him on the back.
“I still don’t understand exactly why you’re stuck here. Why can’t you go back home?”
“Did you read the book or not?”
You scowl at him as you cross your arms. “Did you kill the king’s daughter?”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed as his sarcastic smile fell. “No, I didn’t.”
“Then why did you run?”
“That’s none of your fucking business.”
“That book said you lured people in not just to kill them but to fuck them. Is that why? Was she like a conquest or something? Is that what I am—”
His hand suddenly wrapped around your throat as he roughly pushed you back into a tree. 
“You don’t know anything, little one, so shut your fucking mouth. Do I make myself clear?”
Your eyes widen as you nod and he tosses you to the side.
Steve kneels on his heels as you cough on the ground trying to catch your breath. 
“You’re not a ‘conquest’, Y/N. Trust me, we prefer doing shit like this ourselves. It just…is what it is.” 
When he reaches out to take your hand, you swat it away, rising to your feet and continuing your walk back home. You hear them murmuring behind you the entire way.
“Hey my angel. How was your day?”, your dad grins as you step into his room. 
“It was good. I went to the library so…nothing too exciting.” He laughs along with you pausing to cough and gather more air. “I’m going to make dinner now, ok?”
You smile when he nods, gradually leaving the room completely ignoring both demons who are silently waiting for you. As you turn on the faucet to wash your hands, you feel warmth by your side and the sound of snapped fingers before the room around you turns completely dark. You’re no longer in the kitchen but a bedroom from a house when you were much younger. A voice you hadn’t heard in so long echoes through the hallway and you turn to see your mother grinning as she enters.
“Sweetheart, let her sleep.”
“She is sleeping, honey.”, your dad smiles tenderly as he cradles baby you in his arms. “I just can’t believe she’s finally here; you know? She’s going to have the best life. I don’t care what I have to do.”
“Ok, tiger. Calm down.” Your mother pats his back as he carefully lays you back down in your crib. “I understand what you mean though. She deserves the world.”
As she reaches down to caress your cheek, you hear another snap and your current reality comes back into view. You turn to Eddie as a tear falls from your eye. 
“I’m sorry…for…snapping at you.”, he struggles as he tries to apologize. “I thought MAYBE this could be my way of making it up to you.”
“You can see the past and the future?”
His tongue presses into the inside of his cheek as he nods. 
“May I have a moment alone please?”
With that they were gone and you allowed yourself to cry as you began making your dad’s meal. 
After checking in on everything, you grabbed your jacket and headed out the door. 
“Where are you going?” You rolled your eyes at Steve’s question. “It’s not safe to walk around at night, ya know.”
“Well thankfully I have two demons looking out for me.”, you respond sarcastically. 
They follow you as you walk around the town, trying to ignore them as they continue to verbally push you. 
“Hawkins is just rife with people who need to leave this plane of existence. I mean that one there…”, Steve snaps his fingers and images fill your mind. “…he steals from his grandmother to buy drugs for himself.”
“This one…”, Eddie snaps. “She bullied a girl so hard she ended up having a break down and was hospitalized for a year.”
“STOP! Stop it.”, you seethe. “It hurts.”
“It hurts you? Imagine how their victims feel!”
“You don’t think you can kill people. Fine. Why not kill people who are causing harm?”
You sprint till you end up in the woods near your house, skidding to a stop when they appear in front of you again. 
“I can’t ok!?”
“Look, we understand—”
“No, you don’t! You don’t understand! I’m a good person. I—”
“Miss? Are you okay?” Abruptly turning you find a man, standing a few feet from you with worried eyes. “Do you need help?”
“N-n-no. I’m alright.”
“What about him?”, Eddie gestures. “He’s definitely not a good guy.”
“No!”, you whisper.
“No? Are you sure, miss? My home isn’t too far. I can call a doctor or something.”
Fingers snap and images cloud your brain again. 
“He hurts his wife any chance he gets.”, Steve’s voice fills your ears. “Last week she came home from work two minutes too late according to him and he beat her within an inch of her life.”
Something heavy filled your palm as Eddie continued on your other side. “Didn’t even take her to the hospital. She laid there crying for hours till she was finally able to crawl off the floor onto the couch. The next day he took care of her, apologizing.”
“Why do you make me act this way, honey? You know how bad my temper can be.”
“I…I know. I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
“I know, baby.”
Anger filled your heart as you swung your arm, trying to get him away from her. The visions left your eyes and as you looked down you saw the man now bleeding on the ground. Your hand holding the now red stained rock shook as you dropped it and ran.
As soon as you got back home, you headed straight to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you as you began to pace. 
“Way to go, pretty girl!”, Eddie clapped from his sudden spot on your bed. 
“One down, two to go.”, Steve followed. 
You continued to move as they spoke, not hearing a word they said. 
“Hey, hey. Come on now. You did amazing.” The metalhead looking boy reached to touch your hand but as soon as his fingers made contact with your skin, your hand flew out to smack him across the face.
“This is your fault. I didn’t want to do this! I just hurt someone.”
Eddie growled as he rose to his feet and slowly began stepping forward. “No. You didn’t hurt someone. You killed someone. Let’s get that distinction right. Congratulations, sweetheart, you’re one of us.” His chest bumped into yours knocking you back towards the wall, his hand pressing up against it near your head as he glared down at you. 
“The only difference is we’ve killed way more people than you can even imagine in so many different ways. In our realm people were afraid of us. Remember that the next time you think about hitting me.” His face leans in so close that his breath hits your lips making you shiver. “I can hurt you and not even think twice.”
Your sudden giggle surprises him as he leans back to look at your face. 
“No, no. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh but… you can’t hurt me. He won’t let you.”, you gesture towards Steve who sighs as he folds his arms. “He said he’s supposed to protect me from ANYONE who tries to hurt me, even you.” You tilted your head to the side as you continued. “And people from your realm must not have been that frightened by you if the banished you. Hell, you didn’t even fight back! You ran!”
“I like her.”, Steve smirks as the other man’s own eyes scan you from head to toe. “She kind of reminds me of—”
Eddie raises his palm to silence his friend. “Hit me again.”
“What? You just said…”
“I know what I said. Listen to what I’m saying now. Hit. Me. Again.”
“Oh, come on, little one. I know you want to. Just like I know you want to fuck me. Well us.”
You laugh at him again but this time it comes out more shaky than earnest. “Pfft, someone has a big ego.”
“That’s not all we have that’s big.”
Pushing him away, you start to head for the door but it’s still being blocked by Steve. 
“We are yours for the next 3 weeks. Unless you kill two other people pretty quickly…which, let’s face it, probably won’t happen.” He kicks off the wood with his foot stepping forward as you slowly back away from him. “How long has it been, honey, since anyone has made YOU feel good?”
Abruptly, you run into something hard thinking it’s the adjacent wall before Eddie’s arms wrap around your stomach. You should tell him to stop, tell him to leave you alone and not touch you but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel comfortable in his embrace. 
“You took care of your mother when she was sick and now your father. You missed out on opportunities like school and leaving this fucking dreadful town. You work at a job you hate where people degrade you and make you feel worthless. Your last relationship ended because he cheated on you with your coworker yet you still pretend to not know and let her boss you around. Every night you come home and lay in that bed…feeling empty and alone…yet you don’t complain.”
Your head hangs as you try to control the tears from escaping. Fingers snap and you lean back against the other demon’s shoulder as you see the wife of the man you killed grinning as she sits on the floor of her new home cooing at a baby beside her. A man walks in with a wide smile and descends to the woman’s level kissing her lips as she giggles against them. 
“You saved her life, Y/N. If she had stayed with her current husband, he would have killed her within 2 years. He’d go to trial but be out of jail within a year due to a good lawyer and an appeal.”, Steve whispers in a soothing voice. “Now, in three years, she meets this new person who makes her feel loved and respected. He never once lays a hand on her and she finally feels safe. She has two kids with him and dies at 80 a few months after he does.”
He snaps his fingers again and your mind clears for a moment before becoming foggy for a different reason as Steve leans down to kiss your forehead. Your entire body lights up at the feeling of his lips against your skin. Is that normal for demons or is it just him?
Soft kisses trail down your jaw till they attach to your neck making you hum in approval. The hands that had been resting on your tummy glide to your jeans and carefully unbutton them before sliding his fingers through the waistband of your panties. The cold metal of his rings startle you slightly as you push your lower half against his.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I got you.”, Eddie whispers. Your arm loops around to cling to his neck as your fingers tangle in his hair.  A tiny moan leaves your throat when his thick digits run through your folds. “You are so wet, pretty girl. Let us take care of you. Let us…” You head tilts against his shoulder again as two of his fingers plunge into your core. “…relieve some of this stress you’ve been carrying.”
Steve descended to his knees, tugging your pants and underwear with him, biting his lip at the sight of how his friend’s hand was glistening with your slick. You whined when Eddie removed his fingers only to whimper when it was replaced with the other demon’s exceptionally large tongue.
“Oh my God…”
“No, baby. Don’t say his name. Say ours.”
Your eyes roll back as his lips connect to your throat, sucking on your flesh as your fingers reach down to run through Steve’s hair. The world became hazy around you as his mouth wrapped around your clit while pressing and flicking his tongue in just the right way. Eddie carefully lifted off your shirt and removed your bra, throwing them to the side. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Do you know that?”, he asked as he rest his chin on your shoulder, looking down at your body as his palms roamed purposely avoiding your tits. 
“Mmm—how-how many people have you said—fuck—said that to?”
“Steven, she’s still able to form sentences. I think you might be a little rusty, my friend.”, he chuckled.
“Oh…oh God…”, you mewled as he began to lick faster, sliding his fingers into your cunt as he pumped them into you matching his pace. 
Eddie grabbed your chin roughly, turning you to face him. “What did I say? You moan our fucking names.”, he snarled through gritted teeth. 
“Eddie, stop.”, Steve warned, replacing his tongue with his thumb. They glared at each other but something in his stare scared even you. “Not tonight.”
“I’m…I’m…” Your knees buckled and the demon behind you quickly gripped your body to keep you from hitting the floor as you came harder than you ever had before. 
“There you go. Good girl. Good fucking girl.” 
As you gradually came down from your high the demon in front you stood up and lightly kissed your lips. A fire ignited in you, through your soul, and straight to your core. Your arms needily wrapped around his neck as you pulled him closer, walking with him backwards to the bed till you both fell on to it.
You squeaked when your palm ran down his chest and you realized he was suddenly naked. Steve couldn’t help but laugh at your shock. 
“Remember, honey, all of this…”, he gestures at his body. “…is for you. To make you more comfortable. Not that I hate it. I’m kind of growing attached to the hair.” Your eyes closed as he started grinding his cock through your dripping folds. “This part is still me though. Do you want to feel it? Do you want to feel what a demon’s dick can do?”
Nodding, you prepared yourself as you reached around to cling to his shoulders. 
“Can you open your eyes for me? I want to watch those beautiful eyes as I stretch you open.”
As soon as you do as he asks, he grins, gripping the base of his cock and guiding it into your entrance. Just the tip of him had your eyebrows furrowing together. He was much bigger than anyone you had ever had and your walls were resisting his size. When he pushed in another inch, your eyes promptly closed again and his angry grumble immediately hit your ears. 
“Y/N, what did I say?”
“I’m…I’m sorry. You’re just…you’re so…”
“Look at me.”, he growled and your eyes snap open. “Fuck, you feel so good. I’ve never had a being as tight as you before.” This time he pushes in a little more forcefully making you groan. “We’re going to fucking ruin you for anyone else. Fuck me.”
Your pussy fluttered at his statement and a sinister laugh echoed from them both. 
“You like that, baby girl?” Steve’s forehead falls on yours as he finally bottoms out. “You like the sound of us ruining this little pussy? Say it.”, he commands in a firm tone as you nod.
“I want…want you…to…” He nods encouragingly, his nose grazing yours. “To…ruin my—mmm—my pussy.”
His hips roughly roll into yours and your jaw goes slack at the intense pleasure that courses through body. 
“Yeah? Ok, pretty girl. We can do that for you.” Steve leans up on to his knees, lifting your left leg up to chest as his palm holds your other open wide against the mattress. His eyes watch his cock as he begins thrusting into you.
Another set of hands suddenly appear and you quickly turn to see Eddie laying by your side as his fingers lightly play with your erect nipples. 
“You never answered my question. DO you know how beautiful you are?” He leans to trail kisses along your neck till his lips find your breast and you moan while he flicks against the bud as he closes his mouth around it. “I actually don’t say that to many beings. Personally, I think your kind is terrible.”
Your fingers thread through his hair as his teeth graze the sensitive area causing your hips to buck up as you moaned loudly. 
“You have to be quiet, sweetheart. You may be the only one that can see us but everyone can hear you.” Eddie leaned over you like you weren’t even there, picking your panties up off the floor, and shoving them into your mouth.
Smirking, he placed his fingers against his lips in a shushing motion before sliding his palm between your legs and rubbing them against your clit. Steve slammed his hips into yours and the world melted away around you. You felt like you were floating in space and the only thing keeping you grounded was their hands on your body. White light blinded your vision as you screamed which was rapidly muffled more by Eddie’s hand. 
“Atta girl, baby. Let go and just feel it.”
Your climax felt like it lasted hours as Steve slowed his pace, thrusting his cock as deep as he could while you came back down to earth. Suddenly, he grunted as you felt warmth coat your insides. 
“That’s it, honey. Fuck…your pussy is just begging for more of my cum. You’re clinging to my dick so fucking tight.” He hovered over your twitching frame, pulling the gag out of your mouth as he continued to slowly pump his hips, allowing your quivering hole to milk him. “Such a good girl. A good, beautiful girl. I know, baby. I know. It feels so good, you want more. It’s Eddie’s turn next. He’ll take good care of you just like I did.”
You whimper when he pulls out, sad at the empty feeling before your roughly turned onto your stomach and aggressive hands lift your ass in the air. In your state of bliss, you can’t make out the words entirely but you hear both demons exchange a few words. 
“Don’t hurt her…isn’t…like us…”
“Calm…not going to…”
Pushing up on your hands, you feel Eddie press his cock to your entrance before easily pushing himself in, your mouth falling open in a silent moan. He was thicker than his friend and even with you and Steve’s most recent orgasm leaking out of you, there was still resistance within your cunt. 
“Y/N, fuck, sweetheart. Steven, how—mmm—how did you control yourself from not just fucking pounding her into the mattress?” Your pussy fluttered at the thought and he groaned as he leaned his chest down against your back. “Yeah? You like the sound of that? Steve thinks—mmm—we need to be gentle with you.” As his breath warmed your ear, he thrust his hips, pushing himself as far into you as your bodies would allow.
“Naw… you’ve been careful your whole life, haven’t you? You just want to…to let go and be fucked so hard—damn—you forget how unhappy you really are.”
When your only response was your moans, he pushed off your chest and held your hips as he thrust into you. Eddie’s fingers harshly kneaded the flesh of your ass before occasionally slapping it making you mewl. Once again, it was like time and matter evaporated except for you and them. With each slap and thrust, you felt like you could see into another world; a better one. 
Your hair was abruptly tugged, yanking you to your knees as his ringed hand held you tightly. As your head tilted to the side, you noticed his eyes were closed as his face scrunched in pleasure. For a second, you forgot who they were and what they were here for. He seemed like any normal man just trying to make you feel good. Your lips moved towards him, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek causing his eyes to fly open and look your way.
Eddie’s movements slowed as he scanned your face, trying to get a read on you. He wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t like humans. He struggled to find any real good within them and quite frankly they reminded him of some of the lower level demons he fought back home. You seemed different than everyone else, you reminded him of her. 
He shook the images from his head, pushing your upper half back down against the mattress where you found yourself face to face with Steve. His fingers delicately pushed your hair out of your face before he softly slid them down your skin, reaching under your body and between your legs to rub your clit. 
“Cum again, Y/N. You can do it.” He grabs your panties and places it in your mouth again. “There you go, honey. Go ahead and scream. It’s ok.”
His palm firmly covers your mouth as you see that light once more, blinding you as you shriek and moan into your gag as your orgasm shutters through you.
“Fuck, baby. Yes.”, Eddie grunts as he holds your hips tighter, pumping his hips faster. 
“Good girl. I know. I know, sweetie. You did so well. You deserved this. Can you say that for me?”, he asks as he tosses your underwear back to the floor.
“I…I deserve…this.”, you pant. 
Your body jerks forward as Eddie gives you a few more rough thrusts and you feel his seed spill into you. Like his friend, he continues small pumps to make sure he fully empties into your pussy. Whimpering, he pulls out of your now aching core and collapses beside you. He twirls his fingers and a cigarette appears between them as he quickly lights it, blowing smoke towards the ceiling. 
“Y/N, are you okay?”, Steve asks as he rolls you onto your back and caresses your cheek. You mumble something he can’t hear as your heavy eye lids close. Rolling over to face Eddie, you intertwine your fingers with the free hand that’s between you as you push your back into the other demon’s chest behind you. It startles them both as they exchange a glance. 
Usually, the beings that summoned them wanted to get things over with as quickly as possible. When they were sexual with them, the summoner was a willing participant but was never intimate. They were demons who were going to leave them after they completed the task anyway so what was the point?
Your lips moved again and Eddie tossed his cigarette into a void before turning to face you, placing his palm on your side.
“Can you hear what she’s saying?”, Steve asked.
The other demon nods as he heavily sighs, pulling your blankets up over your waist. 
“She said ‘thank you’.”
576 notes · View notes
seravphs · 1 year
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Kneeling by your bed, rosary wrapped around your knuckles, lips pressed to the burnished rosewood, you pray. 
God, please send me another guardian angel. 
A blast of static from the TV behind you. 
The one you sent me- 
“Hey, how does the thing work?” Gojo says, accompanied by loud thumps. You cringe in silence. 
He’s strange. 
wc — 3.7k
tags — religion, Gojo has to reckon with the consequences of being the strongest, domesticity, attempted (failed) mugging/attack, Gojo kills a man for you (non graphic), Shoko’s a good friend, bs angel lore, I think of this like a prequel to reader’s villain arc lol,  title from closer by nine inch nails 
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You wake up to a man standing over your bed. Understandably, you scramble backwards, hands over knees over legs over feet, all your limbs tangled together, until you bump into your headboard. 
“Hi!” He says cheerily. “Wow, haven’t gotten that reaction in a while, not since- Anyways. I’m Gojo Satoru, your guardian angel. Please make breakfast, it’s 12 pm already and I’m starving. Your sleep habits are terrible.” 
You shake, terrified. Nothing he said has gone through your brain.
“Um, hello? Deep breaths now. It’s really not that serious, can you stop that? Hellooooo,” he’s snapping his fingers in front of your face, trying to get through to you. 
You panic and bat his hand away, but if you can touch him, that means he’s real. You’re not dreaming. There’s a strange man in your house calling himself your guardian angel. You try to pull yourself together enough to make a coherent sentence. What comes out is: 
“Um. Guardian angel. What?” 
“You don’t believe me,” he says. 
You’ve heard it can be dangerous for people suffering from delusions to be forcefully brought out of their dreams. “No,” you say carefully. “I’m sure this is all a big understanding.” 
“No, that’s okay,” he laughs. “I love getting to do this.” 
Massive wings unfurl from his back. It’s a strange sight. The air seems to ripple around them, iridescent ebbs and flows of the universe to make space for the impossible. They seem to sprout right out of his shoulder blades. 
It’s undeniable, irrefutable proof. Your brain can’t process this. It goes back to sleep. 
You wake up to the smell of bacon burning in the kitchen. 
Gojo hums as he cooks, his wings out. You’re almost worried they’ll get caught in the flames when suddenly you have something much more real to worry about. 
“Ow!” He’s about to stick his finger into his mouth when you intervene, scolding him without even thinking about it. 
“That’s dangerous! Don’t put your hands in your mouth, especially not if you’ve been cooking. Come here,” you tug him over to run his hands under the faucet. 
“Who's the guardian angel again?” He teases, amused. 
You answer him with another question. “Why are you cooking, anyways?” 
“You’re starving me! It’s so late and you haven’t made breakfast yet - you know I could report you to the authorities for angel abuse, right?” 
Somehow, you don’t believe him. There may very well be a division in heaven’s bureaucracy dedicated to looking after angels, but something about Gojo is just on the edge of unbelievable, like if you blink too hard, it might disappear without a trace. It’s the wings, probably. 
You’re good at compartmentalizing, so you ignore all of the normal reactions someone would have to an angel randomly appearing in your apartment to instead make breakfast. Gojo already burned your favorite pan, so you stick it in the sink to soak while you rummage around for your second best set. Then you check the fridge. You’re out of butter and eggs. There are just two pieces of bacon left. Is it presumptuous to ask your angel to run errands with you? 
You poke your head out of the fridge to look at Gojo, staring remorsefully at the burnt remains of his once-was-an-egg. He’s nursing the cut on his finger. 
“Do you want to go grocery shopping?”
He smiles at you, slow and syrupy and- 
He can’t do that. He’s beautiful as it is, as if God took extra time crafting him. Smiling only makes his beauty all the more painful, tugging at the strings of your heart. His snow white hair curls against the nape of his neck, a ruthlessly cute detail you notice when he tilts his head at you. 
“I would love to. What’s grocery shopping?” 
Introducing Gojo to the modern world is an exercise in both patience and childish wonder. There’s so much he doesn’t know. He tells you the last time he’s been on Earth was somewhere back in the 90’s.
“Like 1990? That’s pretty recent,” you remark. 
“Like 90 CE.” 
He’s delighted by everything, even the simplest of snacks, and begs you to add them to your cart. Ramune impresses him to no end. He’s enthralled by the taste of ice cream after the nice worker gives him a sample. You might really be reported to the Bureau of Angel Abuse at this point - all he’s interested in is junk food. It takes a while to finally wrangle him away from everything. In a way, it’s your fault because you hesitate to refuse an angel anything, and Gojo wants it all. You only manage to get him to agree to go home once you’ve tired him out. 
There was a sense of reverence, at first. 
There’s an angel living in your home. It’s hard to imagine getting used to that. Walking into the bathroom to the sight of Gojo brushing his teeth shirtless, his wings out, is a sight that will never get old. He manages to transform even the mundane into the divine. The sunlight strikes his hair at just the right angle to glow, giving him a faux-halo. 
“Good morning,” he smiles. “I think I used up all your toothpaste.” 
By day seven, you’ve wised up to Gojo’s tactics. If you don’t say no to anything, he’ll steamroll right over you, so you have to grow a backbone. 
“Oh, Christ? Yeah, we’re old pals. We go wayyyyy back.” 
“Please be quiet while I’m trying to pray.” 
“We’re in the same therapy group, actually. He texts me all the time for advice-“ 
“Gojo. Shut. Up.” 
He’s silent for all of a minute before he pipes up again. “I don’t think capital G up there would appreciate that.” 
You have never missed a day of prayer in your life. No temptation has been able to sway you from your duties. Hunger, thirst, and pain all were swept away in the face of your faith. Were you seriously about to start now, being annoyed to death by a particularly useless angel? 
The best solution to Gojo is always to ignore him. He needs attention like flowers need water. 
Without it, he stalks off to sulk. 
It’s night by the time he returns. He’s flying, which you usually don’t allow him to do, but you’ve driven out to a more remote, private church to pray. It’s owned by an old family friend, who handed you the keys without question. Half of this is for you, to experience god in the sanctity of nature, and half is for Gojo. You hate seeing him cooped up. Part of you feels like you’ve chained him down. You’re a trap in the form of a human, made to keep him grounded. 
He touches down next to you, hair slicked to his forehead in sweat. When he stretches his arms, his wings move simultaneously. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look more alive. He loves nothing like he loves flying, and you’re inclined to agree. 
Maybe you’ll let him take you for another ride tonight. You love the feeling of the wind against your face, the sight of the landscape beneath you when he takes you up, the feeling in your stomach when he tucks his wings in and free-falls for fun. You’re not scared. Gojo would never let anything happen to you. 
You might ask, later. Now, you send him off to the car ahead of you while you lock up. He’s cheerful as he heads off, whistling merrily. You’re glad flying has improved his mood. It’s equally painful for you whenever he’s upset with you. Perhaps it's simply a side effect of being a guardian angel .
The key is in the door when you feel the first hint of danger. 
“All the money in your pockets, ma’am.” 
Polite, for a thief. 
“You’re not from around these parts.” He says as you spin around. “Should’ve known better than to go wandering around these woods alone. Whatever happens next is on you, sweetheart. If only you’d been a little more careful.” 
He has a knife. 
“What do you want? Money? You can have it.” It doesn’t matter much to you. As long as he leaves before Gojo comes back. 
“Sometimes, ma’am, men don’t want anything but a thrill.” 
Then he lunges at you, presses you against the wall, and pins you with a knife to your throat. 
“Don’t scream now. No one would hear you anyways.”
He’s wrong about that part. 
You hear him coming up the path before you see him. 
“What’s taking you so long?” Gojo whines. “I wanna go home and watch Love Island already-oh.” 
“Run!” Gojo might be an angel, but you’ve seen him cut himself making toast. He can bleed like any other man, gold ichor, yes, but blood still. You don’t want to see him hurt. 
Instead, he sizes up your assailant, unfurls those beautiful wings - they always take your breath away - and in one swift move, simply tears you from his grasp. It’s faster than you can blink. 
The man makes a muffled sound of fear and shock as Gojo seems to blink back into existence. You know he’s only moving too fast for your brains to comprehend. 
“Stay here,” he deposits you on the grass behind him. It’s scorched, burned black from the temperature of his wings. 
He turns up the heat. You didn’t think it was possible, but he was clearly holding back. The air seems to melt around him, heat waves shimmering off his skin, his white feathers. They glow with an otherworldly light, radiating heat. 
You didn’t know true glory until this moment, and it frightens you. All other versions of blue fade in favor of Gojo’s eyes - a single, unyielding truth. He is a piece of heaven on earth, burning up. His anger is righteous. Holy. His true nature melts away his human appearance. 
He’s a seraph, one of the highest order of angels.  
You’ve never seen him fight before, don’t know how he gets his weapons or where he puts them. It just appears out of thin air. He carries a flaming sword in one hand, its pommel is white marble, its blade glass. Contrary to common belief, his voice doesn’t boom. In fact it’s all the more threatening because it is soft, a whisper so clearly heard it defies the laws of the world just because it can. 
He raises the sword like an executioner and judge all in one. 
You barely have time to close your eyes in horror when you realize what he’s about to do. 
Real angels are not like the watered down, commercialized ones you can find today in any young adult TV show. Real angels are bloody. Real angels are the hand of God, ruthless and violent.
Real angels have no mercy. 
You open your eyes again when you feel the now familiar heat on your skin. 
He’s standing before you, beaming. It’s clear he expects praise. In heaven, it might’ve been given to him. 
You can only stare at him in fear, not awe.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He steps closer, his burning wings flapping. “It’s okay. I got rid of him. You’re safe now.” 
You’re ashamed a split second after it happens because it’s so pathetic, but you can’t help it. Your animal instincts react instinctively to the threat, sending you skittering back on your palms and ass away from him. 
He freezes. His wings remain moving. Perhaps, like a shark and its gills, he simply can’t stop. 
“You’re afraid of me,” he says, stunned. “Why are you afraid of me?” 
The heat from his wings is baking your face. You’re afraid if you speak, your skin will crack. Still, Gojo shows no signs of leaving you alone. If anything, he’s about to get closer. 
“Stop,” you squeak. You throw out your hands in front of you like the world’s most useless shield. Your eyes are watering from looking into his radiance. 
Helpless, Gojo does something he hasn’t done since he was just a newborn angel. 
He asks for help. 
Shoko Ieri looks nothing like him, so that answers one question you’ve always had. Gojo tells you she’s another angel, although you don’t see her wings past the first minute you’ve met. After Gojo summons her to the scene and she catches the way you look at him, she keeps them carefully folded in. 
She helps you into the passenger seat when you can’t make your legs move to walk back to your car. You won’t let Gojo touch you, feeling torn at the look on his face when you flinch back from him. 
He’s sitting on a stool at the island while Shoko checks you over for injuries in the kitchen. There’s no major damage, just the after effects of shock and adrenaline working through your system. 
“You know I’d never hurt you, right?” He says, hurt and confused. 
“You fucking idiot. You colossal blockhead. You-“ Shoko pauses, not because she’s run out of things to say, but because she has too many. “It’s not about you, right now, okay? I know it’s hard for you to get your head out of your ass, but can you at least try to be supportive?” 
Gojo makes a noise like he wants to protest, but you shift your weight and that draws his attention back to you. The look on your face makes him fall silent.
Shoko leaves after she’s completed her examination, though she doesn’t leave you helpless. 
“Do you want to come with me?” She says, carefully. “I understand if you don’t want to be left alone with him right now.” 
You shake your head. 
“Listen, I know Gojo scared you. I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have. He’s always been too reckless - ugh. The stories I could tell you. But I promise you, he will never hurt you - not just because he cares about you, but because he’s literally not allowed to. He’s your guardian angel.” 
“I know,” you say, and that’s the end of that. 
There’s an uncomfortable silence after Shoko leaves. You’re not sure how to navigate the once easy relationship between you and Gojo now. Always unable to keep still, he breaks the silence first. 
“Do you want to talk about it now?” He says softly. Everything about him is dulled, even the gleam of his brilliant hair. He’s back within his human skin, even more modestly than before, as if he has taken care to seal up every crack that his true nature could spill out of. 
You choose your first question carefully. “Why has the lord sent a seraph to watch over me?” 
Seraphs are the highest level of the hierarchy of angels. They maintain the order of the world, fulfilling God’s will. For one to have come to you- 
True horror is sinking in. You love your saints. You worship them devoutly, knowing each story by heart. You could trace a path through the church library of all the books you’ve read on them, giving the history of each spine. 
You do not want to be one of your saints. 
Joan of Arc died at 19. Saint Agatha was canonized for being tortured violently.
By sending you such a strong protector, your lord may be condemning you to die young, but that’s not why you cry. You cry because you are too weak to fulfill his command. 
Life is sweet. You don’t want to give up the taste of tart oranges on your tongue, the feeling of the babbling creek over your feet, the songs of the birds in the morning. You don’t want to give up Gojo’s wake up calls, or the feeling of flying. 
All these selfish, worldly pleasures should mean nothing to you when faced with the lord’s call, and yet- 
You resent it still. 
You’re so confused by it all. Why were you given such a burden and told nothing about it? What does any of it mean? 
“I don’t know. I’m sorry. We don’t get told anything but who we were assigned to.” 
“Okay,” you say. 
“That’s it? Okay? I scare the shit out of you, and all you have to say is okay?” 
“Gojo, I don’t want to fight anymore. Let me just go to bed, please.” 
You’re woken up not by the light of Gojo’s halo, as you’ve gotten used to when he comes to your room demanding breakfast, but by the sun. The curtains are open, and sunbeams stream in over your pillow. 
Gojo is in the kitchen making - not burning - breakfast. He doesn’t turn when you pad into the kitchen on slippered feet, but you know he knows you’re there. You’re feeling much better. Sleep has refreshed you from the major shock to your system last night, and now you feel almost half bad for your reaction to him. He only wanted to help you, after all. 
It’s not his fault he’s strong. At the end of the day, he’s just another gear in the universe, like you. Neither of you are important enough to be privy to the greater, divine plan, not even a seraph. You shouldn’t have snapped at him. You’re in this together. 
You stand on tiptoe behind him to peer over his shoulder into the pan. 
“I’m making you breakfast,” he says. Is it just you, or does he seem almost shy? 
What an impact you’ve had on him. Your heart breaks. You’ve only known him to be bold and uncaring of human customs like politeness. You didn’t think it would upset you to see him learn manners, and yet- 
It’s a consequence of your rejection last night, as if he’s worried you’ll pull away again. This isn’t what you wanted, ever. 
“We should talk,” you say. 
“Yeah. We should.” He still won’t turn around, avoiding eye contact. 
Before you can speak, he blurts out, “ Do you not want me to be your angel anymore?”
“Of course not,” you say, reaching out for him. He’s hesitant to let you pull him closer, take his hands in yours. “Gojo, why would you think that?” 
“You’re scared of me,” he says, almost petulantly, like a sulking child. “You don’t like me anymore.” 
“Gojo,” you can think of nothing to say but his name. Sweet Gojo. Selfish Gojo. Gojo, who you’ve gotten used to having around. Gojo, who has infiltrated your life and now thinks to leave like you can kick him out like that. Like you would. Gojo, who you’re fond of in a way you can’t articulate, despite the way he takes and takes from you. Gojo, who you’re willing to keep, despite everything. 
Gojo, who you care about, enough to want him to stay. 
Gojo, who cares about you, enough to want to leave. 
He takes this like a rebuff and wrenches his hands out of yours. 
You grab his face and forcefully drag his attention back to you. His eyes are wild like a trapped animal, but there’s no sign of fire. He’s carefully dampened any kind of godliness in him.
“Oh, Gojo. Please don’t. I want you with me, I promise. I would never ask you to leave.”
“You don’t have to,” he says grimly. A soldier to the end. He knows how to do the hard things. Sometimes, you have to cut the rot out before the wound festers. 
“I am scared of you - please don’t make that face. You’re breaking my heart.”
“Your heart? What about mine?” He bristles. 
“I trust you. Let me prove it. Take your wings out again. Show me your true self.” 
“After seeing how you reacted?” He scoffs, turning defensive. You’ve exhausted his goodness, and now his emotions are getting the better of him, making the situation ugly. But you knew this would happen. 
You know him. 
And you know how to deal with him. 
“Come on,” you say.  “Think of it like exposure therapy.” 
“I don’t want to see you look at me like that again,” he admits.
“I know you won’t hurt me,” you say. “Please. Do you trust me?” 
He ends up on the ground cross legged, his wings spread, back to you. His wings are fiery, but carefully controlled. He won’t burn you. 
You start small, running your hands all over his wings. They rustle underneath your touch like startled animals. When you tug gently at the ends, extending them to their full length, you realize how monstrous his wingspan truly is. From tip to tip, they’re larger than a grown man is tall. Your fingers creep along the thin ridge of his radius, deceptively thin beneath your fingers. If you didn’t know better, it would snap easily with just the barest hint of pressure. 
He makes a small noise. You jerk back, worried you’ve actually bent the bone, but he’s fine. He pushes his wings back under your hands like a puppy seeking attention. 
From the radius, you trail along the top edge to his metacarpus, then down to his feathers, all the way back to his scapula. From there, it’s only a few inches over to his actual shoulder blades. He shudders when you touch him there, your fingertips lightly grazing over the bone. You press down gently. His muscles flex under your skin, tense and wound up. 
You realize that he's been suspiciously quiet for a while. He’s too still, as if he’s purposely holding himself in place. Have you hurt him without knowing? Would he tell you if you had?
“Gojo?” You pull your hands away from his wings and he shudders as if he’s been burned. “Look at me.” 
He won’t turn, so you grab him by the chin and force his head up so you can look him in the face. Even down on the floor like this, he’s tall. His face is pink, his eyes wide like he’s been stunned. He looks almost like he’s in pain.
“What’s wrong? Why didn’t you say anything? Does it hurt?” You fret over him. 
“Doesn’t,” he says hoarsely. “Feels too good.” 
You freeze. It’s this sight of an angel in all his celestial grace wrecked by your touch, brought down by just the brush of your fingers, that makes you realize it. 
It feels good to have an angel at your feet. 
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Back with another age guide post! Feel free to check out my other posts! I'll be making age guides all the way up to 13!
Intro to the age guide posts
One year age guide
Two years
Three years
I'd also like to just add in here, the goal of these posts is to help regressors find their regressed age(s) and to help caregivers help their baby when they are regressed to that age. I'd also like to add in that even if you regress to a certain age, you may not identify with every trait, like or dislike that this post has listed because regression is very individualized and each and every baby is different.
Now on to the post!
Agere Age Guide
4 years edition
Traits and Behaviors
☠︎︎ These cuties are learning how to count up to ten and learning how to tell stories and also recall certain parts of stories, they can also how confidently recall and identify certain things they want, most of the time these babies can also string together a coherent sentence "I want to read Goldie locks and the three bears for bedtime"
☠︎︎ You've made it past the terrible twos and threatening threes! These tots should be better at sharing, taking turns and following the rules of simple games. These tykes also enjoy the company of friends a lot more than they have before the fours, they love to chat and okay with babies their age
☠︎︎ Toddlers this age are starting to develope their own personality, they start to have a sense of humor, they become increasingly independent and they love to brag and show off what they can do
☠︎︎ As far as baby babbles go, that should be in the past for these fours, they're starting to tell longer stories and their pronunciation of words should be 100% clear and not just to mama or dada
☠︎︎ Running, jumping and playing are all exciting things for these little ones! They love to jump around and play catch and they're better at it than ever before. Be prepared to chase these babies around the house because they are filled with energy and they have some to spare
☠︎︎ Along with these new and exciting developments, you have to keep in mind that these tots are still toddlers and now that they have more complex personalities, you may start seeing more complex behavior. You're still going to see tantrums and defiance, these babies are still learning how to cope and feel their feelings.
☠︎︎ These tots are fully potty trained and have been for a little while! They no longer need help on the potty and can do it all on their own. Along with this, they can pick out their own outfits, and dress themselves
These teeny tykes can play lots of different games but now is the time to spark imaginative and creative play! They love lots of imagination and creative activities, follow the lost bellow to find an activity you or your baby will love
☠︎︎Dress up! Dress up is a great way to let your tot express themself, they get to try crazy new styles and costumes they don't get to try that often, this is a great way for your tot to get creative, missing and matching makeup looks and clothing to make costume is an activity packed with fun
☠︎︎Dance and Sing! Write and perform songs on your pretend stage with your tiny tot, let them sing and dance their heart out, pretend to be a famous singer who's touring the world or get a little crazier and pretend to be an astronaut performing for aliens! Either way, this'll be a fun activity for any rocker baby out there
☠︎︎Craft time! Preschool crafts are easy to look up and find, drive your baby to the nearest craft store and pick out some supplies, fancy paper, tiny pompoms, popsicle sticks, markers, and crayons, then, have a blast with it! See what silly crafts you and your baby can make, you'll have to put the amazing craft they did up on the fridge to show how talented they are!
☠︎︎Imaginative play is peek fun for tots in there fours so toys like barbies, calico critters, action figures, ponies, doll houses, shopkins, lol dolls, baby dolls and much more are all super fun toys for a growing imagination, they can out their toys in a bunch of different scenarios and play it out. It's their own little world and it'll be tons of fun for them to let their imagination run wild!
☠︎︎As stated earlier, these tots can play just about any game and it's time to experiment! These babies are forming their own preferences and individuality so getting them to try and have positive experiences with lots of different activities and games is super important, take them swimming, play catch, play rock star, and barbies, and dinosaurs and sharks, play trains and have crafting time, out together puzzles and cook together! Anything you can imagine, they have space for in their heart
☠︎︎The palate of a four year old is simple and you don't want to overwhelm them with too strong or too many flavors. A simple grilled cheese or ham sandwich will do and they'll eat it happily. It's hard to make three meals a day for tots and so you don't want to make a four course meal and you don't have too. These babies are happy with oatmeal and cereal, they like gold fish and pop tarts as snacks, give them some carrots and ranch and they'll be a happy baby.
Dinner time foods may get a bit more complicated but dishes like meatloaf and pasta are great choices for babies in their fours. Cook up some cheesey spaghetti and these babies will be happy
As far as sitting down three times a day to eat a full meal, that might be the hard part, so instead of forcing a small to sit three times a day for an hour or more, try offering small snacks throughout the day and serving smaller meal portions, this makes everyone happy because your baby doesn't have to sit down as long, mama/dada doesn't have to cook big meals and you're both fed
Shows and Movies!
Shows and movies that interest these tots are very individualized so you may want to ask your baby what their favorite shows and movies are but even with that being said, I'll still list some shows they may enjoy.
These tots fall into the same category as the twos and threes, they still enjoy bubbly, easy to follow cartoony characters, they also enjoy somewhat educational shows and movies at this age, their brain is super curious and wanting to soak up information like a sponge so try putting one of these shows on for your tiny tyke:
☠︎︎Doc mcstuffins
☠︎︎Story bots
☠︎︎Sid the science kid
☠︎︎Word World
☠︎︎Daniel Tiger
☠︎︎Bubble Guppies
☠︎︎Curious George
These aren't all the shows you could put on for you tiny tot, just a short list and a quick goggle search or scroll through your favorite streaming app, you can find a bunch of tiny shows for your tiny to watch!
Boundaries and Safeties
Now that all the fun stuff has been said, it's time to talk about the most important thing, knowing your babies boundaries before they fall into a headspace around you. Your main goal is to keep them happy and healthy and Safe so talk to them about what they like and what they don't Prior to them getting into baby space around you. Care giving is exciting but only when we're helping Not when we're harming.
Be open to listening if your baby has an issue or a need that's not being listened to or met. Your regressor is not attacking you when they talk about their needs, they're feeling hurt or neglected, they tell you about it because they Want to make your relationship work not because they're trying to hurt you.
That concludes this post! I hope this was helpful to any caregivers out there or heck even any age regressors trying to find where they fall on the age spectrum. Thank you for supporting my blog and reading my post!
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