#so i ate ice cream after dinner but i regret it because even after an hour of doing my after dinner ritual? routine? to make myself clean i
kyorru · 5 days
GOD why do i make bad decisions
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astralis-ortus · 4 months
thunders of rage
✱ boyfriend!bc x gn!reader
— even through the worst days, you're still my priority.
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w.count → 1.1k genre → fluff, comfort warning → mild cussing, reader had a bad day and lashes out at chan :(, one time jump, kissies, chan referred to as chris, reader referred to as baby and babe a.n → based on this request! tysm for requesting♡ ⋆ see masterlist
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the word terrible doesn’t even cover the magnitude of bad luck you’ve been facing for the past 10 hours.
from waking up late for work, buses not operating due to a strike and causing the subway being jam-packed, getting absolutely roasted by your supervisor for someone else’s mishap, having your work ruined by a coworker, to barely surviving the somehow never-ending rush hour while running only on a single piece of toast you had in the morning—you’re absolutely in no condition to socialize, even for the slightest bit.
“hey, babe,” your boyfriend’s cheery voice was the first thing you heard as soon as you stepped inside your shared apartment. noises coming out from the speaker on your living room were the thing you noticed next—and you swear you’re so close to losing your sanity.
“how was your day? i saw you barely ate your breakfast when i got back from the gym. are you okay?” oblivious to your nonexistent reply, chris had his eyes glued to the game while he continued to talk. “i haven’t decided what to make for dinner, by the way. do you—”
“can you decide that on your own?” you finally cut your boyfriend off, tone of your voice catching chris off guard. you’re not one to speak sharply—you know it might offend the other party even when you didn’t mean to, and chris knew that about you.
so when he heard that tone being used against him, chris knew something is absolutely wrong.
“let’s get ice cream, then?” chris immediately paused his game and shifted his focus onto you. he sees it now—the seemingly permanent subtle frown on your forehead, the nonexistent glint on the reflection of your eyes, the messy bun on top of your head.
something stresses you out. bad.
chris watched your exhausted trudge head towards the kitchen and grab a glass of water, contemplating the best course of action to get grumpy you to cheer up even just for a little. “and some pizza? or some dimsum? while we wait i’ll run a bath—”
“goddammit, chris!” the loud sound of cup slamming on the countertop startled chris out of his sentence, eyes wide when confusion, irritation, and hurt started to mix in his chest. “i just told you to decide it on your own! stop bothering me! do i need to make every decision for you? god!”
the room fell silent as chris tried to digest the words you aimed at him—but it felt like his head was on static. it only took him a second to get up and grab a hoodie, suppressing any reaction his instinct was telling him to do before he said something he would regret.
“i’m gonna go cool off,” chris quietly said as he headed towards the door, momentarily stopping to look at your tense back. he desperately wanted to stay—but he knows you needed time to be on your own.
“you should cool off too.”
and with that, chris left.
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it’s been nearly two hours since chris left, and after a cup of warm tea and a long bath later, guilt finally caught you up in its tight grip.
you knew what you did towards chris was wrong—chris was simply trying to make sure he’s getting something you like because he knows only then your mood would seem to improve, but instead, all you did was accuse him of trying to bother you.
thoughts ran through your head while you stare at your boyfriend’s phone number, thumb hovering over the green button as you try to piece an apology in your head. you’re genuinely worried—it’s getting later in the night, and you still haven’t heard even a single peep from chris. you can’t help but feel worried.
but just as you were about to press the call button, your ears finally picked up the sound of your front door cracking open—chris is home.
“baby, i’m ho—”
chris stopped in his tracks as he felt warmth suddenly enveloping him—you’re hugging him tight, face buried on the span of his chest.
“i’m sorry,” you quickly whispered, barely allowing him time to process what happened within the span of 5 seconds. “i was wrong. i shouldn’t have acted like that. i just really had a terrible day, and—”
“hey, hey, hey,” chris couldn’t help but chuckle, finally wrapping his arm around you after he finally set down the plastic bags on the countertop nearby. “breathe, baby. slow down. you’re okay.”
peering up at chris, your guilt only seemed to dig its claws deeper when you saw his dimpled smile, beautiful eyes gazing right at you even after the sharp words you threw at him.
you felt like crap.
“i’m really sorry,” you croaked another apology, now near tears with the tip of your lips turned down. “i really acted like an ass back there but you still became the bigger person between us. i would’ve understood if you shouted at me, but—”
“baby,” chris shook his head as he gently cradled your face, pads of his thumbs running softly against your cheeks, “i would never forgive myself if i ever raised my voice at you, even during a fight. you’re my girlfriend—you’re someone i need to protect, and that’s what i’ll always try to do.”
the way chris loves you never fails to render you speechless.
some might say you’re the bigger romantic between the two of you—date plans, endless whispers of ‘i love you’s, constantly wrapping yourself around his arm. it’s all what people would see; but you know the nights chris would pull you closer when he notices your tossing and turning, allowing you to settle to the rhythm of his heartbeat. you know the days when he would buy you a single stem of the prettiest sunflower or the loveliest bloom of rose, all because you said you’ve always liked flowers but never the huge bouquet. you know how he would always walk on the side nearest to the road, and the way his arm never left the curve of your waist.
you know the subtle ways he remembers—his ways of saying i love you, and you would never change that for anything in the world.
“kiss me.”
a chuckle rumbles in chris’ chest to your request, beautiful twinkle in his eyes turning you warm and fuzzy. he then gently tipped your chin, whispering a soft ‘i love you’ as he brought his lips onto yours, relishing in the way swarms of butterflies burst under your feverish skin.
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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You really hurt my feelings
It was finally summer which meant all the hughes boys had a break, luke and I were currently driving to his house in canton. When we make it to his house I immediately get out the car while luke goes to the trunk to get our luggage, as I go to knock on the door Ellen opens it “y/n honey how are you” “im doing good I missed you so much Ellen” I say before we hug “nice to see you too mom” Luke says “oh hey Luke” I just giggle in response to what Ellen says “luke honey go take the luggage to your room y/n and I have so much to catch up on, Jim went to pick up Quinn and jack from the airport they should be here any moment now” as ellen and I sit down on the couch to talk about all the recent drama in canton luke comes down from his room and sits beside on the couch “hi baby” I say as he leans his head on my chest “mmm my favorite pillow” I give him a light slap on head “luke not in front of your mom” ellen just laughs “are you two hungry” “no thanks I ate in the car” “nah I’m good mom” right after luke finished his sentence Jim walks in with the two boys trailing behind him. As soon as jack walks through the door he spots me “Y/N” “hi jack” I say as I walk over to him and hug him after my hug with Jack i over I give quinn a hug “hi Quinn” “hey y/n/n how are you” “doing good quinner” Luke quickly hugs all all boys and his dad before he sits back down.
At dinner
“Y/n did you do something with your hair” jack asks me “I did actually I lightened it” “looks good” I blush a little because he was the only one who seemed to notice, not even luke noticed, I looked at luke and he just rolled his eyes i furrow my brows in response.
After dinner
The boys and I decided we would go to the basement and watch a movie, I was the first one on the couch because the 3 boys were up stairs getting ice cream and pop corn. I hear the stairs creek and down walks jack “hey y/n/n” “hi jackey” he sits down beside of me and puts his arm behind the couch which I thought nothing of “so what are we watching” “I don’t know i really can’t decide” “here let me pick” he says as I give him the remote. As he’s choosing which movie to watch Luke walks down the stairs before he does a double take “dude jack why is your arm around my girl” he sounds a little mad “ chill I didn’t mean it like that” jack says as he removes his arm from the back of the couch, luke walks over to the couch but sits on the other end “lulu sit beside me, I wanted to cuddle” “I’m fine right here y/n” y/n he never calls me y/n it’s always babe or baby or even sometimes honey never just y/n “it’s ok y/n/n I’ll cuddle you” Jack says before I let out a giggle “I think I’m good thanks for the offer tho jack” soon enough quinn walks down and looks at me and mouths “why isn’t luke next to you” I just shrug.after the movie is over luke and I walk into his room he gets right into bed as I take a shower after I walk out the bathroom I see Luke in bed on his phone he doesn’t even spare me a glance, weird. As I get into bed I speak up “lulu wanna cuddle” he just ignores me “luke what’s wrong” he ignores me again “seriously luke this is getting annoying” he finally answers “oh you wanna know what’s annoying you flirting with jack, why don’t you just go sleep in his bed, or better yet just go date him” “what are you talking about” “Y/N GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM” he yelled he never yells at me. I slowly get up from his bed and walk out of his room tears spilling from my eyes as I walk into jacks room, I slowly knock on jacks door when he opens it he sees my tears “y/n/n what’s wrong” “I think luke just broke up with me” I say as I cry into his arms. He walks me into his room as I cry jack calls quinn into his room and tells him what happened, as soon as quinn heard what jack told him he walked angrily into Luke’s room. Quinn returns about 5 minutes later to jacks room with Luke in tow I look up at look and he had regret in his eyes he walks to me as jack and Quinn both walk out of the room. “Y/n/n baby I’m sorry I was just jealous I didn’t mean to scream at you or make you cry I promise I’ll never ever break up with you, I love you so much baby I promise” “lulu you really hurt my feelings” I say still crying “I know love and I’m sorry”
This has been sitting in my drafts for so long, also luke is officially a New Jersey devil, it’s bittersweet I’m sad they lost but happy he’s moving on to bigger and better things. Also if you like this plz make sure to follow me, reblog, and heart the post!!!🥰
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purplesurveys · 1 year
How long has it been since you moved out of the house you grew up in? I haven't moved out yet, but it has been 15 years since we moved out of my childhood house – a duplex that my immediate family, my mom's brother's family, and my grandparents shared.
What color shirt are you wearing? Chestnut.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? I can't even remember when that was anymore... it may have been spaghetti from Jollibee? My mom had ordered a massive tray of it so it lasted well into the following day.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Shoyu caramel.
Do you regret anything you've done in the last 24 hours, and if so, what? Yes, everything that happened that led to us getting lost on our way to Nasugbu yesterday and somehow ending up back in Taguig after already making it to SLEX and wasting 1.5 hrs worth of time and gas. It's too complicated to explain and no one here will get the directions anyway so I won't bother to explain, but that has been the worst part of this weekend and is another reason why I hate the south and driving in it.
What is your favorite type of soup? Mushroom soup and miso soup :)
When was the last time you saw a beautiful sunset? Two months ago when we joined this dinner cruise thing in Thailand.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Dust by Seventeen is beautiful.
What are 5-10 things you love about being you? - I always have a stubborn determination to be good/do better at things I want to be good at; - I look out for other people first before ever considering myself; - I love animals; - I take no issue being on my own and doing fun things on my own; - Mistakes no longer bother me as much as they used to.
What is your favorite board that you've made on Pinterest? I don't spend enough time on there to be making boards.
Do you get on Facebook or Instagram more? These days, probably Instagram.
What color is your favorite sweater? I don't have one.
What are three things people would never guess about you just by looking at the photos you post on social media? - I'm into punk rock and had a phase in my life when that was all I listened to; - My dad works abroad so I've seen him infrequently my whole life; - For a long time my mental health was on a continuous decline.
What is one thing you have too much of? Receipts that I need to throw out.
What was the last thing you ate or drank that was blue raspberry-flavored? Maybe some candy. Idk. I rarely have anything in blueberry.
What are three of your favorite scents? Vanilla, coffee, anything ocean-y.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? Lemon iced tea.
When was the last time you wore your hair in a fishtail braid? I don't think that's ever been done to my hair.
What is one annoying thing your computer does? There's nothing I don't like about my laptop, as old and slow as it's gotten over the years. This is my baby to the very end and I'll only ever replace it once it decides to sign off for good.
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Avocado, if I eat any fruit at all. I generally try to avoid them.
How often do you go out to eat? Once a week on average, typically on Sundays with family.
What would your dream wedding dress look like? No idea, but a peg I'm likely to use is Audrey Hepburn's 1954 Oscars dress. Only things I'd tweak are the length and the floral design.
Which fall flavor do you prefer: pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon? Neither are flavors I see myself leaning into, but I mean I guess I'll go with apple cinnamon only because I have no clue what pumpkin spice tastes like? I won't be having a good time though lmao.
What is the most annoying thing about your life right now? This upcoming work event that we can't seem to pin a date on. I just want to get this shit over with as I've recently discovered I have much bigger life things to tackle now.
Which holiday treat do you like better: candy corn or conversation hearts? Candy corn because at least I wouldn't find them cheesy.
What is your favorite apple-flavored treat? Does it count if I say apple pie only because I like the pie crust?
What are you counting down the days to right now, if anything? My hypothetical new job. I don't think that'll stay a concept much longer anymore.
What was the last book you read about? It was BTS' memoir so I'll let that explain itself.
Have you been daydreaming a lot lately about a scenario you wish would happen? I can say that about the last two days, yes.
What are three of your favorite things about camping? I've never gone camping before.
If you could choose what month to be born in, what month would you have chosen as your birth month, and why? I'm not sure I have a preferred birth month. Any would have worked lol.
...and what is your actual birth month? It's in April.
What are three of your favorite things to do on a rainy day? Turn on my BTS-on-a-rainy-day playlist, fix a cup of coffee, stare at the rain.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? I'd try watermelon. I've never tasted it.
Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes? Milkshakes.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
When was the last time you felt nauseous? Last night.
What was the last thing you ate that made you feel nauseous? I don't really get sick from food.
Do you enjoy going to your local county fair? Idk I've never been to any, we don't even have 'counties' here.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? About an hour or so away.
Do you prefer zebra print or cheetah print? Cheetah, if anything. Generally not a fan of animal print though.
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hopip99 · 2 years
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A/N: So, this is my first ever fanfic that I’m writing because there are not enough Two Night Stand fanfics and Alec is adorable. I left it unedited, so I apologize for any grammatical/punctuation errors that might be in there.
Summary: Three years after a rollercoaster of what was supposed to be a one night stand, Alec finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant.
WC: 1897
Warnings: Fainting, Swearing, Mentions of Pregnancy, Financial Troubles
Part 2 Part 3
No Matter What, We’ll Be Okay
New York City was always active, but there was an unusual lull in the activity with the news of an imminent blizzard due to start in a few hours. Blizzards rarely overtook the city in the time that Y/N had lived there, but when they did there was no way anyone could go anywhere for at least a few days. That was how she’d met Alec only a few years ago when she was a fresh college graduate with no idea what direction her life was heading after having her heart crushed by her fiance. At the time she was just looking for a one night stand to try and ease herself back into the dating scene, but she ended up trapped in Alec’s apartment for the entire weekend. The first few hours after her attempted walk of shame were tense, to put it lightly, after Alec had accidentally suggested that she sought out hookups often and she had told him that he was absolutely terrible in bed. After a while, they both relaxed and spent their time really getting to know eachother and they even gave themselves a do-over from their initial mediocre hookup. They’d given eachother criticisms and decided to put their theories to the test “for science” as they’d insisted at the time. What neither of them would admit was that they were already unfortunately and irrevocably smitten with eachother. Y/N had opened up to Alec about some of the things she’d had a lot of trouble discussing with anyone else, and she’d deeply regretted that choice when she discovered the photos of Alec’s girlfriend Daisy. The photos and the closet full of women’s clothes were enough to send Y/N running despite Alec’s desperate pleas for her to hear him out.
The days following her departure from his apartment were torturous for the both of them. Alec was desperately searching for a way to find Y/N so he could apologize properly and Y/N had buried herself in comforters and ate far more ice cream than she should have. It all came to a head when he’d gotten her arrested for breaking into his neighbor’s apartment while they were snowed in. She never had figured out why he’d even imagined that getting her arrested would make her want to see him even though he’d tried to pay her bail. By some miracle, though, it had worked as she said she’d call him if she ever laughed about the situation. Her anger lasted less than an hour, though, because he’d given her a horribly cheesy red balloon that read “I’m Sorry” on one side and “I’m an asshole” on the other.
The memory makes Y/N laugh quietly as she prepares their dinner, unaware that her boyfriend of three years had snuck into their shoebox of an apartment just in time to hear her laugh. Ordinarily, he’d have been content to prop himself against the wall to admire his girlfriend for a moment after returning from work, but his curiosity as to why she was laughing was overpowering. He bites his lip gently in concentration as he sneaks up behind her and winds his arms around her waist, letting out a quiet chuckle as a startled squeak escapes her throat before she relaxes back into his chest.
“What’s so funny?” he asks with a half smile, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek as she simply shakes her head fondly. He raises an eyebrow expectantly as she laughs again and turns the stove off, moving the stir fry she’d cooked away from the heat. “Come on, tell me what’s so funny,” he pleads with a tiny pout as she spins in his grip to drape her arms over his shoulders and press a kiss to his lips.
“I was just thinking about how you managed to worm your way back into my life after being an ass,” she says with a smile. “That stupid balloon should not have won me over as easily as it did, but I don’t regret forgiving you for a moment.” At her admission, Alec smiles and shakes his head as his cheeks and ears flush a light shade of pink in embarrassment. He suppresses the urge to groan at the memory of one of the stupidest stunts he’d pulled in his life, but he was still content with the result of that decision because he managed to win over the girl he loved.
“I’m just glad that the balloon worked, I would’ve been miserable waiting to know if you would ever forgive me for everything I’d put you through back then,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I thought you were planning on making pork chops tonight,” he murmurs in confusion, glancing at the stir fry that sat cooling on the stove. There was no malice behind his words, the confusion came from the fact that Y/N rarely changed the plans she had for the day because it would throw off whatever rhythm she had going for the day. In spite of his confusion, though, he notices the subtle change in her expression. She’s still smiling at him, but the smile had fallen slightly and no longer met her eyes. “What’s wrong, Y/N?” he asks as he fully registers the anxiety his girlfriend was now feeling.
“I… I couldn’t cook the pork chops tonight,” she says quietly, trying to avoid meeting his eyes. “The smell made me nauseous, so I decided to make something else. I’m just glad I managed to finish it before you made it home.” While what she had said wasn’t completely a lie, she was still working up the courage to tell Alec why she had been feeling sick the past couple of weeks. She’s pregnant and she’d found out a week ago, but she’s terrified of telling Alec because they were already struggling to keep up with their bills even if Alec wouldn’t tell her as much. To her dismay, Alec doesn’t accept the answer and pushes her hair back gently to be able to look into her eyes a little better.
“Babe, you know you can tell me anything. Whatever is bothering you, I really don’t want you having to deal with it by yourself,” he says gently, his expression quickly filling with worry when he sees her eyes fill with tears. “No matter what is going on, we can get through it,” he murmurs, using the pad of his thumb to brush away the tears that begun to slip down her cheek before pulling her head against his chest. Y/N melts into his embrace, allowing a weak whimper to break the silence. She takes a few moments to collect herself, gently pulling herself out of Alec’s hold.
“Alec, you should sit down,” she whispers pleadingly, but Alec refuses. He doesn’t want to sit away from Y/N when she is clearly upset. Begrudgingly, she accepts that Alec isn’t going to sit down and she draws in a deep breath. “Alec, I’m pregnant,” she breathes, searching his face for some hint of how he would handle the knews. She’s not entirely surprised by the sudden blank look on his face, but she had anticipated a look of panic. “Alec?” she asks quietly, snapping in front of his face to try and break him out of the state of shock he was clearly in. The snapping didn’t do much to quell the sudden lightheadedness he felt at the news, he isn’t upset at the prospect of having a child at all. Rather, he is terrified of not being able to provide for his girlfriend and his child while they are already struggling financially. His mind is still reeling at the new information when he feels the world tilt under his feet and black overtakes his vision.
Y/N lets out a panicked gasp when she sees Alec’s eyes roll back and his body start to drop, barely managing to slow his fall enough that he doesn’t slam his head on the ground. She shifts a bit and settles his head onto her lap, tapping his cheek gently in an attempt to wake him. “Alec, sweetheart, I need you to wake up. Passing out is kind of a fucked up response to finding out you’ll be a dad,” she whispers jokingly, trying to calm herself down because panicking would not do any good for her or her presently unconscious boyfriend. Thankfully, it takes just under a minute for his eyes to flutter open. “Hey, asshole,” Y/N whispers. “You scared the shit out of me.” She quickly presses her hand to the center of his chest when he attempts to sit up. “No, you’ve got to lay down for a few more minutes. If you try to get up too fast you’ll just pass out again.”
Alec nods reluctantly, and grabs her hand gently. “Sorry for scaring you,” he murmurs softly, pulling her hand to his mouth to press a gentle kiss on her palm. “I didn’t mean to pass out, I just got dizzy trying to figure out how I’ll be able to take care of you both,” he admits with a small frown. “New York City isn’t exactly a cheap place to live, but I’ll manage. I’ll make sure we’re okay,” he promises, carefully pushing himself into a sitting position before pulling her into his lap. “We’ll manage and we’ll do our best to give the baby the best life we can.”
Y/N smiles slightly, tears filling her eyes again as she buries her face in his neck and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “Thank you,” she whispers, her voice shaking as she withholds the sobs she wants to let out. “I should’ve told you sooner, but I was scared. I didn’t think you’d leave, but I really expected you to panic and for this to become a fight,” she murmurs, even though she knew the thought was irrational given that Alec had always been an easy going guy.
Alec nods slightly in understanding, kissing the side of her head gently. “Even if I had panicked immediately, I would’ve tried not to make it a fight,” he says reassuringly. “Besides, I know that you know I’d never intentionally start a fight, especially over something like this. Condoms break, so it’s not your fault. It’s going to be hard and it’s going to take some figuring out, but I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to take care of both of you,” he murmurs, squeezing her gently. “I love you, Y/N.”
She nods quickly against his neck and pulls back some. “I love you too, Alec,” she whispers and presses a gentle kiss to his lips, which he returns with a bit more eagerness. With a small smile, she pulls away from the kiss and giggles at the pout that is now etched on Alec’s lips. “You kissing me like that is the reason we’re going to be parents,” she jokes with a playful, teary eyed smile. “Now, get up. Dinner is getting cold,” she says, standing up and holding her hand out for him to take.
As Alec gets to his feet, his hand still firmly grasping Y/N’s, she knows one thing for certain: no matter what comes their way in the following months, they will be okay.
Part 2 Part 3
Taglist: @milestellersimp
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Do I Wanna Know?
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: You and Pietro’s friendship could best be described as a relationship that never was, it was constant flirting that you both brushed off as just a very close friendship. A friendship so close that sometimes you flirt with others, so when feelings get hurt; dynamics are crushed. But those who are meant for each other will always come crawling back. Vaguely based off the song “Do I Wanna Know?” by the Arctic Monkeys.
Warnings: Slight angst, kissing, fluff, all that :)
Word Count: 2.3K
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It all started when you first joined the avengers, a few months after the battle of Sokovia. Tony had a last minute thing with Pepper and assigned Pietro Maximoff to show you around the compound, which he initially whined over. Not wanting to do anything more than stay in bed on his day off, he begged Wanda to take over for him. She agreed under the circumstance that he’d make dinner for a week.
Sitting on the couch watching whatever was on TV at the moment, Pietro munched on some chips, enjoying his day off to its fullest extent. He heard some chattering behind him and turned his head to see his sister Wanda and another woman with her head turned the other way, who he could only assume was the newest member to the team. Waving a small hello to his sister he turned back around and continued his program, but of course Wanda wouldn’t let him off that easy.
“Ahem,” Wanda said, clearing her throat as she now stood next to the couch Pietro sat on with the newest recruit, you.
“Y/n, this is my brother Pietro. Pietro, this is the newest addition to the Avengers, Y/n.” she said with a smile, mentally slapping her brother for being so lazy. Pietro gave you and Wanda a half-assed glance ready to wave you off, but he did a double take when he saw you. Choking slightly on his chips he stood up abruptly and brushed himself off, extending his hand out to yours.
You started to feel hot under his gaze as you gladly accepted his hand and shook it; he had a firm grasp that made you want to melt into the ground.
“So, what’s your thing printcessa?” He asked smoothly, slipping his hand out of yours, making you frown slightly as the loss of contact. But then you quirked your head to the side, not understanding his question.
“He means, what powers do you have?” Wanda interjected, clarifying his question.
“Oh you know, telekinesis, super strength, some healing abilities, the usual.” you joked
“Hey we could’ve really used you a few months ago during the battle of Sokovia. This asshole nearly got himself killed!” Wanda said, raising her eyebrows at her brother.
“Ahh sister you worry too much, I was fine!” Pietro insisted, waving her off.
“Sure you were. . . we’re going to finish this tour now okay?” Wanda said, turning around and getting ready to show you the rest of the compound. But of course Pietro had something to say about that.
“And take this gorgeous new Avenger away from me? You know Tony assigned me to show her around, right? So rude of you to just steal her away like that. . .” Pietro said, rushing to your side and taking your hand, pulling you along.
“I thought you wanted to-”
“Sorry! TV is too loud, I can’t hear you!” Pietro said running off with you, making you giggle.
The rest of the tour Pietro slipped in little compliments and flirty touches; in fact, the rest of your time there was practically the same. You had an innate attraction to Pietro, and he was drawn to you from the moment he laid eyes on you. But yet, nothing ever actually happened between the two of you, which quite frankly annoyed the hell out of the team. Having to constantly watch you two flirt and cuddle as if it was nothing was borderline ridiculous.
It’s been four months since you’ve joined the avengers and your tension with Pietro was higher than ever, and with another successful mission down Tony decided to host another one of his famous parties. You saw this as the perfect opportunity to look irresistible for Pietro, but when you walked out onto the dance floor in your sexiest dress and saw Pietro at the bar with some blonde bimbo caressing his muscles, and you damn near lost it.
Rationally, you had no right to be angry at all. You and Pietro weren’t an item, you never were. But seeing him in such close proximity to some girl who's name he probably didn’t even know practically made steam come out of your ears. You disregarded your fellow teammates saying hello to you as you entered the party and the compliments thrown your way as you made your way towards Pietro, ready to give him a piece of your mind.
But you were too late, no more than 10 feet away from Pietro the nasty blonde he was with pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. You watched in horror and pain as you felt your heart break into a million and one pieces. You rushed off to your room before any tears could spill from your eyes, staying there for the rest of the night as the party raged on, only imagining the worst in your head about Pietro and that bitch he was with.
What you didn’t see was Pietro promptly pushing the blonde away from him, and Wanda finding her brother soon after slapping him across the face.
“What the hell, Pietro?!” Wanda shouted at her brother, drawing attention from the others at the party.
“Suka! What was that for?!” He exclaimed, holding the left side of his face in pain.
“That was for kissing that girl when you know Y/n’s been pinning after you for months!” She yelled, not caring about the excess attention from the others.
“She doesn’t feel that way about me. We've been over this a thousand times Wanda!” He fired back, anger and hurt lacing his voice.
“Yes she does! Did you forget I can read minds?” She said rolling her eyes, a little red glowing in them. Pietro got quiet and turned away from his sister.
“You better go and apologize to her and tell her how you really feel before she changes her mind after what she just saw!” Wanda pointed out, causing her brother to rush off, leaving streaks of blue in his place.
You sat with your back pressed to your door as you sobbed quietly, jumping when you heard a knock behind you.
“Y/n?” You heard Pietro call out. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“I don’t have any condoms Pietro, go ask Sam.” You said bitterly.
Standing on the other side of the door your words were like knives in Pietro’s chest; he wanted to respond and tell you how he really felt, but after your harsh comment he turned away and went back to his room. Wanda visited him when the party was over and he gave her the same bitter attitude you had given him hours ago.
“I don’t know what part of her head you looked into but she definitely doesn’t feel the same way, so thanks a lot.” Pietro said harshly, making Wanda leave without another word.
Things were a lot different in the compound after that night. You and Pietro were no longer lovey-dovey, now holding nothing but contempt towards one another. It changed the whole dynamic of the team, none of them knowing how to act around you two now, or even what happened.
It had been about three weeks since you and Pietro last spoke to each other, and here you were at 3am sitting on the couch crying while you ate ice straight out of the carton. You sat silently as the tears streamed down your face, jumping when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning around you saw a very tired looking Wanda.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked quietly.
“No, but your thoughts did. I never knew someone’s thoughts could be so loud when they’re heartbroken.” Wanda said, sitting down next to you.
“Pfshh, I’m not heartbroken! What in God's name are you talking about?” You said casually, pushing your emotions back down as you set the container of ice cream down on the table in front of you.
“You know, he’s torn up too.” Wanda said, turning to face you.
“And you expect me to believe that why?” You asked, neither of you noticing the new presence that stood in the kitchen.
“Did both of you magically forget I can read minds?” She asked with a laugh, making you feel small.
“Okay well even if he did have feelings for me at one point there’s no way he still feels that way. If he did he wouldn’t have let that girl kiss him at the party,” you said bitterly.
“You have no idea how much he regrets that, and for the record that blonde kissed him. He pushed her off after you ran away.” Wanda explained, putting more hope than you’d cared to admit in your heart.
“He’ll come crawling back to you soon enough, I promise.” she said with a small laugh, patting your back as she got up and left you alone on the couch. Wondering if your feelings for Pietro flowed both ways.
A little more than a week had passed since that night as you were constantly tormented by the question, “Do I wanna know?” because if Pietro did feel the same way towards you at one point, how would the recent events change how he feels for you now?
However now was not the time to dwell on the question racking your head; now you were on a mission with the rest of the team getting some much needed intel from what you thought was an abandoned HYDRA base. But when gunfire erupted you immediately took cover and soon followed Steve’s orders to fall back and head to the quinjet. Running back you tripped and fell face first into the dirt. Getting up you winced as you looked around and saw the last person you’d want hurt.
“Pietro’s shot!” You scream into your comms as you crawled next to him as he laid up against a tree, falling in and out of consciousness. You started to cry worrying your powers wouldn’t be enough as you placed your hands over his wounds, mustering all of the power you could. You thought all hope was lost until you heard a loud gasp as Pietro grabbed onto you and held you close to his chest.
“It’s okay Pietro, I’m here, you’re alright,” you whispered as you started to feel very tired. He ran his fingers through your hair as he stared down at you, in awe of your abilities. You looked back at him with tired eyes.
“I’ll always come crawling back to you,” you said as sleep took over your body. Pietro took it upon himself to speed your sleeping figure back to the quinjet, setting you down as you snored softly. He admired you, but only for a minute as Wanda embraced him in a big hug from behind.
“You have got to stop making the sacrifice play, brother.” she said, more than relieved that he was okay.
“Now I just might. I wouldn’t want to put this beauty under so much stress again right?” He joked, motioning to your sleeping figure. Wanda smiled brightly at him.
“You better not mess this up again, otherwise I’m finding her a more suitable partner.” Wanda joked, punching her brother in the arm playfully.
“No one is more perfect for her than I.” Pietro said with a cocky tone. Wanda only sighed in response, not wanting to admit that he was right.
You woke up slowly in a dimly lit room; looking around you saw a familiar man with silver hair asleep in the corner of what you now recognized as the compound’s recovery room. You smiled contently as you used your telekinesis to bring the chair he slept in next to your bed. You reached out for his hand and gently ran your fingers over his knuckles, sighing tranquilly
Pietro slowly awoke as you just stared shamelessly at him.
“Dragosté!” Pietro exclaimed, now fully awake, jumping up and embracing you in a tight hug. He pulled away but kept his close distance, his hot breath fanning over your face as your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. A few more stolen moments passed by before Pietro closed the space in-between you two and pressed his soft lips to yours. Moving lazily against each other he slowly pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
“I’m so sorry for everything, I should’ve seen it sooner.” he said sweetly, pressing another kiss to your cheek as you smiled.
“It’s okay, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.” you said, bringing your hand up to the side of his face, admiring his cobalt blue eyes. His eyes filled with the most love-struck look you’d ever seen as he pressed his lips back on yours, grinning from ear to ear.
You’d have some explaining to do to your other teammates in the morning when they’d inevitably find you both sleeping together in the cramped hospital bed though.
Hi all!! I hope this short imagine was fun for you all to read! Some of my more recent one-shots have been getting a lot of attention lately and it makes me so happy! I am over the moon that I’m not only writing again but gaining some traction. Thank you all so much! Don’t forget that my requests are open and feedback is encouraged! Also I just hit 100 followers and I know it’s not much but I’ll be starting a sleepover tomorrow!
Much Love,
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plant-flwrs · 3 years
ruined parties // older brother draco (implied fred weasley)
a/n: i didn't know how to label this without it looking like an incest fic and I just want everyone to know it is most definitely not an incest fic and I don't know how to make it look better why is this my life
i just saw this in my inbox unreasonably late and I loved it sm so I wrote this little overprotective big brother draco fic :) I wanted to thank @gaycatlord-stuff for the message and the meme because I loved it sm and it rly got the juices in my sahara desert brain flowing.
summary: Draco is a relentlessly overprotective brother who ruins all romantic opportunities for you.
Sometimes, you wondered how different your life would be as a muggle. You wondered if your wealthy parents would have shoved you off to a nanny rather than house-elves; if you would have gone to a muggle boarding school and studied classic literature for an actual class and not just for fun, which Draco loved to remind you was one of the weirder things about you; if you would have learned to do laundry and wash the dishes and comb your hair without the brush levitating with a flick of your wand.
You wondered, most of all, how Draco would manage to beat up all the boys who showed interest in you as you grew up.
Draco went through his phases of the ways in which he would 'protect' you. He had really enjoyed the bat-bogey hex for a while in your first year. In second year and most of third year, he went with the safe option of the jelly-legs jinx. By fourth year he had matured to more advanced methods of transfiguration. He had managed to turn Michael Corner into a raccoon for at least a whole day when Michael had offered to carry your bag for you in the hall.
Fifth year was bad. He had been taken in by Snape, who offered him a number of tips and tricks in the world of dark magic. You insisted Draco didn't need dark magic, and he insisted that you mind your own business.
Draco was irritable and nearly unbearable by sixth year. He hovered over you like a vulture, sending glares to anyone who even looked at you. Your friends started calling him Bloody Mary because he was always haunting over your shoulder. You knew it was because your parents were putting a lot of pressure on him and his crush on Harry Potter was becoming inhumanely large, but still. It was annoying.
It was even more annoying when Draco seemed to have met a suitable match in Fred Weasley.
You had a bit of a liking for muggle things. The school year was your only chance to inhabit this hobby, with your father removing all your muggle posters from your room the second you left for the train. You took Muggle Studies and begged Dumbledore not to tell your parents. You had mostly muggle-born or half-blood friends, which you also told your parents nothing about. Draco found this all the more reason to 'protect' you.
"You ought to dye your hair," you gritted out, sulking over your breakfast and resisting the urge to kick Draco's shin under the table.
Draco didn't respond, shoveling beans into his mouth with an unamused look.
"Seriously," you continued. "Your hair doesn't match your energy. Black would be very striking. You and your boyfriend would be matching."
Draco kicked your shin under the table, making you regret not taking your chance earlier. Harry was a sore spot for Draco, but Draco had just done a wandless spell on Ernest Macmillan before he could ask you to Hogsmeade, and he deserved it.
"What are you reading?" He grunted, offering an unspoken truce he knew you would take.
You shielded the cover, "Killing your brother 101. Enlightening."
"How far into it are you?"
"Almost done. I'd prepare yourself if I were you."
Draco hummed, unfazed by your murderous threats.
"You finish the notes for Charms?" you shut your book, stealing a piece of cantaloupe from Draco's plate.
"Yes," Draco looked at you eating the stolen fruit unapprovingly, pulling some sort of older brother superiority with just one look at you. Infuriating.
"What's the time?" You abandoned the Charms notes, no longer willing to admit you didn't do them.
"Just past 7," Draco pushed his plate away from him, standing and straightening his tie.
"See you at dinner," you began putting your things away and Draco mumbled a goodbye, setting off for his own classes. You were just shoveling the last of the beans he left on his plate into your mouth when a foreign group of bodies were across from you in your peripheral.
You lifted your head, hunched over the beans and still chewing, to see Fred, George, and Lee.
You squinted, chewing slowly and leaning back as to avoid any sort of tripwire for a prank.
"Malfoy," Fred said pleasantly, which was not how people usually said your last name.
"Big brother leave you by your lonesome?" Lee added, also not taking the cruel tone most would when talking about your brother.
This was odd.
"What do you want?" you swallowed your food, eyeing them suspiciously.
"I thought she was meant to be the better of them," George stage-whispered to Lee.
"We are here to formally invite you to a party we are hosting," Fred continued, unperturbed.
Lee and George watched you, waiting for your reaction.
"Alright," you agreed and stood, joining your friends in the hall to walk to class.
"That was easier than I expected," Lee said cheerfully, visibly relieved now that he was not in your presence.
"I told you," Fred puffed his chest out confidently and place his hands on the table as he stood, "Without Draco around, she's perfect."
The party was in full swing and Draco was drunk. With one guess, you would have to assume it had something to do with the way Harry kept offering to top off his glass, his hand hovering on the small of Draco's back as they talked into each other's ears.
Drunk Draco was a luxury you were not often afforded. Drunk Draco meant living a life of your own, doing things without his watchful eye.
So you also got drunk. Your friends used the term 'waisted' the next morning, but we will say 'drunk' for maturity purposes. And drunk you got!
Fred was always suspiciously close to you, and suspiciously nice once you thought harder on it. You tried not to leave any drink unguarded while he hovered and stayed with friends as often as possible.
You eventually found yourself on a large leather couch in the center of the room. Ron was next to you, stoned out of his mind, and digging around in the pocket of his flannel for more rolling papers. On the other side of you, Luna's head rolled around her neck, falling onto your shoulder and the couch and finally landing on Ginny's lap when she passed out. You watched Ginny stroke her hair, occasionally tracing a line down her nose. Sighing, you accepted the blunt when Ron finally passed it your way.
You were passing it back, sufficiently stoned out of your gourd, when it was plucked from your hands. You thought you had dropped it, jolting back and looking around frantically until you saw those awful, bony, white fingers dangling the now soggy blunt in front of your face.
"C'mon!" Ron groaned, face twisting through the stages of grief as he saw his ruined creation.
"Pot?" Draco said as if he were 40 and with a mortgage.
"Pot," you replied as if you were 17 and at a party.
One of you had an accurate hold on reality. The other held a soggy blunt.
Ron took the soggy blunt and attempted to salvage it, sinking down to his knees to work on the coffee table in front of you. Draco took his seat and set his drink on the table to his side. He didn't drink from it, presumably because of a blunt that had been swimming in it for a moment.
"I thought you were with Harry," you said slowly, torn between wanting to hurt Draco if something had gone badly with Harry and actually wanting to know why he wasn't still with him.
"Yeah, he went up to bed," Draco answered, not sounding pitiful and mournful like he had a habit of sounding after interacting with Harry.
"He didn't take you with him?" you slurred, leaning into Draco's strong and seemingly sober shoulder.
"Shut up," he chuckled, wrapping an arm around your side and hauling you off the couch. You reached into his pocket, finding some loose bills you knew would be there, and slipped them to Ron as compensation before you left.
You felt accomplished, drunk and high, leaving a party after a fun time. It was also a highlight to have given Ron Weasley Draco's drug money.
As per usual, you didn't have a date for Hogsmeade. Your friends were all in Madam Puddifoot's with their dates, gazing over the table at each other like lovesick puppies. Draco currently had you in a headlock while he rubbed his knuckles into the top of your head.
You shoved your heal into his foot, making him release you.
You both returned to your drinks with slightly labored breaths and scowls.
Draco was upset because Harry wasn't at Hogsmeade and you were upset because you were in Hogsmeade with Draco. You would have fallen at his knees and begged him to release you from the chains of this sibling dynamic if he weren't the one buying lunch today.
You ate, still scowling, and walked around scowling, and returned to Hogwarts scowling. You hugged each other, scowling, before bed and went to your respective dorms.
It was hot and there was no wind. Really, absolutely no wind. The water on the black lake was eerily reflective and the trees were unmoving.
You were walking with some friends, charmed fans moving around you as they blew cold air in your faces. You were returning from Hogsmeade with ice cream, very happy from the outing without Draco.
Regretfully, Draco did not seem to be as happy.
Stepping into the courtyard, you felt a drop of your ice cream land on your hand, sticky and cold and messy, and at the same time, you saw Draco hurl himself at Fred Weasley.
Fred sprawled across the courtyard, landing on some poorly transfigured pillows that you guessed were the product of George's wandless magic. His head was cushioned from what would have been a nasty hit on the stone. He squirmed under Draco, long arms and legs flailing against the steady weight Draco was putting on him.
You watched Lee and George leaning against a wall, presumably letting Fred fight this battle on his own.
You decided to do something similar.
You watched as Fred wrangled himself free, both boys tripping over the pillows until George vanished them. In the free space, they circled each other with their hands raised. It was funny to see two pure-blood wizards fighting so viciously without a hint of magic.
Draco took a step forward with his left foot, tricking Fred out to lunge at him from the right. He had Fred's leg and then Fred was on the ground again, grunting in pain. Draco flipped him and pinned him, knee resting on Fred's back and hands holding his arms together. Deciding Draco had enough fun, you walked over.
"Fight Club?" you offered, quirking an eyebrow.
"Did you go to Hogsmeade?" Draco ignored you, panting slightly. Up close you saw he had a nasty bruise on his cheekbone and some blood coming from his nose. Fred must have gotten a few hits in.
"Yeah," you licked your ice cream, "bloody scorching out."
"Hm," Draco hummed, adjusting his grip on Fred's arm and causing Fred to yelp in pain.
"How are you?" you asked politely.
"Alright. You?"
Draco nodded.
"So, what's this about?"
"He said he was going to prank you," Draco said, shrugging and adjusting Fred's arm again on purpose.
You gasped in faux shock, crouching down to look at Fred.
"A prank?" you asked him, smirking.
"No!" Fred yelped when he tried to move his arms.
You looked to Draco, whose eyebrows were furrowed. "I heard you! You said you were going to take her out!"
"Draco!" Fred yelped, finally getting his arms loose and crawling from underneath Draco's grasp.
"Oh my fucking god."
"Merlin," Fred mumbled, looking at your face and then Draco's guilty expression.
"Oh," Draco said simply, head tilting as he added up the moment's events in his head.
"Oh my fucking god," you repeated.
Draco got his feet under him.
"Oh my fucking god!" you hurled your ice cream cone at his back, hitting him hard as he ran. You chased him, narrowly avoiding the trail of melted strawberry ice cream he was leaving through the halls.
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cemeteryrocks900 · 2 years
1) hi besties I’ve missed you, I’ve kinda just been in interesting and just posting random shit and getting off
I wanted to say I’ve been doing bad with restriction then almost gatewaying into binging but not quite, and it’s embarrassing for me because it makes me feel like I have lack of control
I’ve been teetering on and off with wanting and not wanting to recover. And soon I will have to start and more than likely after prom I’ll be starting this journey
I’ve been stressed the hell out because I have presentations, final projects and final in class stuff going on
I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night throwing up in my mouth from just eating a small amount of food
My heart rate lately has been extremely high due to many different issues and idk what to do
My arfid has been overpowering my an and then they fight and it gets bad, so eating has been really damn hard, I should say eating balanced, because all I ever want is sweets bc I have no energy
I’m getting worse but since I have the mini binges I gain a little weight and my vitals restore a little bit and then they think I’m ok
I’m doing bad guys. I can only eat a few bites of stuff before I feel like throwing up.
This is scary and I don’t want to recover and my body dysmorphia has been severe, I was about to start abus!ng laxs but my dietician is mad about it and my mom took them from me, my stomach Is so fucked up
I see my dietician tomorrow, I’m also going out to dinner tonight then out to lunchish thing tomorrow and my dietician is weighing me tomorrow so I’m scared. I cried to my parents about this crap about eating and how good stresses me out
Here’s my food from today and my ice cream from yesterday (that I regret)
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1)graham canyon ice cream parfait thingy with Oreo, m&m, choc cov pretzel, and hot fudge (hot fudge Mickey parfait is the name) they were out of cookies and cream ice cream as the base so… but ya I regret eating this I should’ve gotten dole whip
2)I wanted to try and have breakfast so I went to look for Cinnamon Toast Crunch and it was all gone even though that was MY cereal so SOMEONE ATE IT (ik who.)
3)had more of my beef/potato/corn/cheese thingy, so good
4)half of a buttercream cookie from a polish bakery (ik it’s not a polish thing but it’s from the polish bakery) it was ok but the cookie was too hard and stale :(
Going to Texas Roadhouse tonight v nervous
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
modern AU levihan as kids: Kenny babysits Levi, and doesn't let him play with any kids after school bc he thinks all kids are brats, but he approves of Hange so he lets her come over to play with Levi. And Hange always brings dandelions that she picks from the ground for Kenny, Levi, and for Levi to give Kuchel whenever she comes home late from work
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"I'm going out," Levi announced, coming downstairs already dressed and with his backpack on.
From his place on a sofa, Kenny put down his beer and raised an eyebrow.
"May I ask where are you going?"
"You may not," Levi retorted, his face dark. Kenny had to admit - for a little boy, his nephew had an impressively fierce glare. Even some adults found the kid to be unnerving. Not Kenny, though.
"Oi, brat, you better tell me where you're going. Or," he smirked. "I'm going to call your mother."
At that, Levi pouted and stomped his feet. He continued to glare at Kenny for a little longer, before surrendering with an irritated 'tsk'.
"I'm going out with Hange," he said with a sulky pout. Of course, it was Hange, Kenny had no doubt that Levi was meeting with the bespectacled kid from across the street. He asked him simply to see that awkward and constipated look on his nephew's face.
"Is your curiosity satisfied? May I go already?"
"You may not," seeing Levi's wide-eyed expression, Kenny felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Teasing the kid was so much fun. "Wait for a bit, until I get my shit. We'll go together."
"What? No!" Levi protested, clutching hands into fists. "I'm going with Hange! Not with you!"
"Your mother asked me to look after you," Kenny reminded, putting on his best ‘stern adult’ expression. "So I'm going to chaperone you and Hange. I'm sure she won't mind."
"I will mind," Levi grunted stubbornly.
Kenny rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Levi, stop with that tantrum. I'll drive you two to the park, get you some ice-cream, let you have some fun."
"While you keep watching us like a creep?"
"While I keep an eye on you two to make sure you won't get into trouble."
Crossing hands on his chest, Levi considered him. "You won't let me go without you, right?"
"Levi!" Kenny slapped him on a back with a loud chuckle. "And here I thought you aren't sharp!"
It earned him another glare from his dear nephew, but then Levi sighed, accepting his defeat.
"Hurry up, old man. Hange is probably waiting for me already."
"I'll be quick as lighting," Kenny winked and dashed to get his keys and wallet.
Once he was dressed and ready to go, Levi opened the front door. Hange was standing on their porch, her arm raised to the doorbell.
"Oh." She gingerly lowered her hand to the side. "Hi, Levi. I was just going to call you."
"Sorry, it took me so long. My uncle decided to go with us and I had to wait for him."
"Mr. Ackerman is going with us?" Hange's eyes widened. "Awesome!"
"See?" Kenny walked out, patting Hange's head with a smile. "I told you Hange wouldn't object."
"Of course, I wouldn't," she smiled. "You're so cool, Mr. Ackerman!"
"That I am," Kenny grinned, looking at Levi's disgruntled expression. "But please, Hange, we've talked about this. You can just call me uncle Kenny. Mr. Ackerman sounds like I'm an old man."
"You are an old man," Levi argued, scowling.
"No respect for his elders," Kenny shook his head, feigning disappointment. "C'mon, kids, let's get into the car."
Once Hange and Levi were seated at the back of his car and once Kenny made sure that they put on their seatbelts - Kuchel would have his head, if they didn't - there was only one thing left.
"So, Hange?" Kenny met her eyes in the rear mirror. "Where do you want to go?"
"Huh?" she bit her lip. "Why don't you ask Levi?"
"You know him,” Kenny said flippantly. “He'll go wherever you want. So. Have you decided?"
"Um," Hange glanced at Levi and leaned closer, whispering something in his ear. Levi gave her a small nod, and Hange smiled broadly, showing her still missing tooth. She turned to Kenny, giving him thumbs up. "We want to go to the park, uncle Kenny!"
"Your wish is my command," he winked, starting the car.
"Here you go," Kenny pushed two plates of ice-creams - mint chocolate chip for Hange and lemon for Levi - towards the kids.
Hange accepted hers with a loud and genuine 'thank you' while Levi just grunted something under his breath. Instantly, children dove into their desserts.
Sitting across from them, Kenny sipped on his coffee and watched them eat. It was quite fascinating - how different they were. Levi ate slowly and carefully, wiping his face with napkin whenever ice-cream got on his face. Meanwhile, Hange noshed enthusiastically and messily, her cheeks already stained. 
As soon as he saw the state she was in, Levi paused and put the spoon down. With a barely audible sigh, he took the napkin and gripped Hange's chin between his fingers, making her look at him. Then he proceeded to thoroughly wipe her dirty face, cleaning the remnants of the ice-cream from her cheeks and nose.
"You're such a clean freak," Hange muttered when Levi was finished.
"It's not my fault you're such a pig, four-eyes," he shot back, making Hange throw her head and laugh.
Kenny watched their interaction with amused expression, regretting that his sister wasn't too busy with work to witness this.
He had a feeling, however, that she saw a fair share of this back at home.
Kenny put the hat lower, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. It was quite boring, just sitting there, but at least Levi had calmed down a bit. After they arrived at the park, Hange had dragged him out somewhere, claiming that she wanted Levi to see a pretty butterfly she found when she had visited the park with her parents.
Kenny wanted to follow, but one glare from his nephew, and he surrendered, taking refuge at one of the benches.
He let them go, because as much as he enjoyed giving Levi shit, Kenny knew that he was smart. Careful too. He was confident that Levi wouldn't get in any trouble. Besides, the kid deserved to have some fun with his best friend. It was the reason he brought them there in the first place.
He wished the kids would come back sooner, though. The heat and bright sun were making him quite drowsy.
Kenny looked around the park, and when he noticed that there was no sign of his nephew or his friend, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting them rest for a short moment.
"Uncle Kenny! Uncle Kenny! Look what I've made!"
"Oi, old man, wake up," Kenny felt a sharp poke into his side and groaned, waving his hand to get rid of the source of pain.
"Wake up." Levi repeated, poking him again. "Hange wants to show you something." That was followed by another pock.
"Stop it," Kenny hissed. "I woke up, woke up! Just stop pocking me!"
He opened his eyes and was greeted with the too familiar scene - his nephew, glaring at him with all the fierceness a six-year old boy could master. Once he took a good look at him, however, Kenny had to rub his eyes, because he could not believe it.
His gloomy and grumpy nephew was standing in front of him, holding a long wooden branch in his right hand. And on his head, he wore a flower crown, made of weeds and poppies. Kenny clasped a palm over his mouth, stifling his laughter. He cursed himself for not taking his phone with him. He should have taken a picture, Kuchel had to see this.
"Uncle Kenny!" Hange's loud voice attracted his attention. Kenny turned away from Levi, facing the other kid. She was wearing the same flower crown as Levi. In her hands she held another one - this one made of dandelions. Smiling from ear to ear, she handed it to Kenny.
"I made it for you!" she exclaimed, and something deep inside Kenny's chest warmed at the sight of her. "Would you like to wear it?"
"You better wear it." Levi threatened quietly, giving him another pock. "Four-eyes put a lot of effort into making it."
Kenny smiled, endeared by Levi's protectiveness.
"Of course, I'll wear it," he said. How could he say no these bright eyes? He took off his hat and lowered his head, letting Hange put a flower crown on top of it.
"Ah!" she clasped her hands. "You look so handsome, uncle Kenny! Just so you know," she leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper. "This flower crown is special."
"Oi!" Levi interfered, glaring at Hange. Despite his angry face, Kenny couldn't help but notice that Levi didn't pock her with his stick. Someone was clearly showing his favoritism. "You said that mine was special!"
"And yours is special!"
"A-ha," Levi shook his head. "There can't be two specials."
"Of course, there can be!" Hange flailed her arms around. "It's just different kinds of special! Your flower crown is a special best friend's crown, and your uncle has the coolest adult's crown!"
"He's not cool," Levi muttered, but he seemed to accept the explanation all the same.
"What's the stick for, kid?" Kenny asked, pointing at it with his chin.
"Levi was a knight!" Hange answered for him. "He was fighting a fierce dragon and to win this battle, he needed a magical weapon! It was forged by the forest gods!"
"A fight with a dragon?" Kenny whistled. "Were you s princess then, Hange?"
"Nope," she replied with a wide grin.
"She was a dragon," Levi muttered.
"Oh." Kenny should have anticipated something like that. "Did it mean that you lost, Levi?"
Instead of answering, Levi kicked him in the shin.
"We took a recess," Hange said, pushing the glasses up her nose. "The dragon was getting kinda tired."
"Right," Kenny looked up at the sky, the sun was already setting. "Let's go home then. Your mother is probably back from work by now."
"I have flowers for Mrs. Ackerman too!" Hange opened her backpack, showing a small bouquet of field flowers to Kenny. "You'll give them to her, right, uncle Kenny?"
"Why don't you give them yourself, Hange?" he offered. "You can join us for a dinner, I'm sure Kuchel won't mind."
"My mom's making pasta this evening," Levi added, looking a bit shy. "And if you want, we can watch cartoons after that. Have a sleepover."
"I would love that, Levi!" Hange pulled him into a hug. Levi made a face, but- didn't protest.
"Thanks for joining us today, uncle Kenny!" Hange told him after she let go of Levi. "It was the best day ever!"
"You're always welcome, my dear," Kenny's lips curled into a rare, sincere smile.
"Let's get back to the car," he said, standing up.
"The first one to they car chooses the cartoon!" Hange shouted and sprinted off. Levi rushed after her, but Kenny couldn't help but notice - his nephew was purposefully running slower than usual.
Soon Hange reached the car and started jump around in victory, while Levi made a show of looking defeated. 
Kenny chuckled, watching them. It was good to know that his nephew had a friend like that, the one who made him so happy. It made Kenny happy too.
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merryfortune · 3 years
Sunlight wasn’t streaming in
Written for 100ships on Dreamwidth
Prompt - #12 Sunlight
Ship: Hitch/Sunny
Fandom: My Little Pony: A New Generation
Word Count: 1,470
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Pre-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, Grief, Pre-Relationship
   Even now, Hitch felt anxious to enter the Starscout resident. Phyllis’s warning still rang clear in his head even now but it was important to him that he visited. He hadn’t seen Sunny in a while, not since… not since her dad had passed away. No one had seen her, actually, and Hitch figured it was his duty as a strong arm of the law, peace, and justice that he perform a welfare check on her but he still felt a tremor of unease. 
   There was something drastically different about the lighthouse today. Sunlight wasn’t streaming in through the windows, all the curtains had been drawn shut. It was solemn. Silent. Unnerving. Even so, Hitch pulled through and nudged open the door. It was open. As safe as Maretime Bay was, all the other ponies in town locked their doors lest a Pegasus or a Unicorn come a-knocking but of course, silly and idealistic Sunny wasn’t like that. Not even when she was grieving so deeply, she wanted to be left uncharacteristically in the dark.
   Hitch swallowed a lump in his throat as he crept in through the door and he glanced to the side of it, the framed photo on the wall of Sunny and Argyle was askew. Hitch fixed it. It wasn’t right just to leave it crooked. After that, he swung his head out and then he called for Sunny.
   At first there was no response but then he heard it. A muffled go away but that only propelled Hitch further into the lighthouse. Onwards and upwards, he figured. He couldn’t just leave Sunny like this. So, he made his way up to her room, using all the contraptions that had impressed him as a young colt but now, just seemed dangerous now. He was certain this madhouse was breaking many by-laws but it didn’t seem appropriate right now to count them all.
   “May I come in, Sunny?” Hitch asked the door to Sunny’s room.
   “Since you're here… you may as well.” Sunny mumbled back.
   With her permission, Hitch came inside and closed the door behind him. Even up here, where the light house should get the most light of all since it was Sunny’s inner sanctum, it was very dark. Dim. Grey. It unsettled Hitch as he drew in closer to his childhood friend who languished in her bed, under the covers.
   “Are you okay?” Hitch asked.
   Sunny dragged herself out from under the covers and glared, “No,” she snapped, uncharacteristically, tears in her eyes, loathing herself for being angry but loathing Hitch for asking, “my dad just died. Of course I’m not okay.”
   “It’s fine.” Hitch mumbled. “Be angry, be sad… I just want to make sure you're getting it out, not bottling it up.”
   “Thanks, Hitch.” Sunny murmured as she lowered her head back into her bed. 
   She swallowed a sob but Hitch reached out to her, placing his hoof next to one of hers and she nodded. She knew she didn’t have to be strong or stoic around Hitch, trying to be the sunniest possible version of Sunny even in her grief and so, that repressed sob became a bawl. Hitch nudged his hoof against Sunny’s, consoling her wordlessly during her sobbing and hysteria. She was loud and wet and he could only make a most bittersweet expression but for it, Sunny did feel lighter of her burden of mourning.
   She lifted her head up off her pillow and took a breath, “Thanks Hitch, I needed that.”
   “I can tell.” Hitch replied. “If you need anything else, I’m your guy.”
   Sunny smiled.
   “In fact,” Hitch added, thinking he was being equal parts helpful and sly, “when was the last time you ate? I can go fetch you something if you want.”
   Sunny wanted to protest, that she was fine and that Hitch didn’t have to go to any extravagant length for her but her belly betrayed her by giving a huge growl, as though on cue. Hitch snickered and Sunny fumed, embarrassed but after her huge cry, it did feel good as well to hazard out a little bit of laughter at her own expense.
   “I only want something small… I really don’t feel up to eating anything huge.” Sunny murmured.
   “Got it, how about I bring you up a smoothie, then?” Hitch asked. “It's your favourite, after all.”
   “That would be lovely, Hitch.” Sunny replied with a gracious smile.
   Hitch winked at her and told her he would only be a moment. He trotted off down the contraptions again and into her kitchen. The idea of it being just Sunny’s kitchen weighed Hitch down as he fossicked through her refrigerator and her counters. It had been a long time since he had been in her kitchen, watching her father bake cupcakes for his little filly. Hitch’s mouth turned sour as he realised that he never accepted one from what was going to be the last batch that Argyle would ever bake. That filled him with regret.
   Eventually, he got the blender working and topped it full of whatever he could find. He wanted it to be healthy for Sunny but he also wanted it to be a comfort so he ended up tossing all sorts of fruit and vegetables in there, ice-cream and honey too and the resulting concoction was pungently sweet. He knew - hope - that Sunny would love it as he put a replacement lid with a sippy on the glass blender and brought it up to Sunny’s room again in its entirety.
   “Er, drink it at your leisure, obviously. But don’t let it get too warm or it’ll taste bad.” Hitch said.
   Sunny giggled as she accepted the entire smoothie. She could smell how strongly sweet it was going to be through the lid but it just made her giddy rather than anything else. She took a smiley sip of it, even if her cheeks were half-dried with tears, and enjoyed it. It was made with love and that’s all she could ask for, even if the flavours didn’t exactly harmonise, she couldn’t begrudge Hitch for trying his best for her.
   “It's delicious.” Sunny replied.
   “Not as good as the ones that you make, I'm sure.” Hitch sheepishly replied, toeing the wooden floorboards under-hoof in earnestness.
   “I appreciate it.” Sunny continued, her voice soft.
   “You’d do the same for me, or anyone, really…” Hitch murmured and he realised there was only a very small pool of Ponies - only him - would ask for Sunny to do the same or do the same for Sunny. He cleared his throat. “So, um, if you need anything at all. It can be small or silly or big and huge… You know who to call.”
   “I do.” Sunny replied, having another sip of her smoothie. “You're the best a mare could ask for, Hitch.”
   “Aw, shucks…” Hitch mumbled, his eyes going wide but he was enjoying the praise. “Your, um, really important to me, Sunny, I mean it.”
   “Thank you, Hitch.” Sunny said.
   She leaned out over her bed for a nuzzle and Hitch awkwardly reciprocated. They rubbed their cheeks and muzzle on each other and Hitch held his breath for it. Sunny was all too soft and sweet for him, so Hitch pulled back first. Sunny sighed but she didn’t seem disappointed by the succinctness of the affection.
   “I’ll, um, give you some space.” Hitch said. “And remember to have something solid for dinner tonight, a smoothie is most certainly not dinner.”
   “I appreciate it, Hitch, and I’ll let you know if I need anything, I promise.” Sunny said.
   “Good,” Hitch said with a smile full of bravado, “because I want to see you rabble rousing on your roller skates again as soon as possible.”
   “On it,” Sunny said and she shrugged, “and Hitch?”
   “Oh? Yes?” he said, surprised to be prompted so soon.
   “Could you do me one little favour before you go?” Sunny said and she seemed rather embarrassed by the indulgence that she was about to ask for. “But, um, could you open the curtains for me? I think I need the sunlight.”
   “I think you do, too.” Hitch agreed.
   He trotted over to the curtains on the far side of Sunny’s room, he bit down on the rod and with a heft, he let so much sunlight into Sunny’s room and she basked in the warmth. She smiled, relieved and loved, and made Hitch feel like he had done really good today. The lighthouse was really only the lighthouse, Hitch thought, if it was all lit up, one way or another.
   Thus, with his welfare check performed, Hitch pardoned himself and Sunny promised she would be out and about in the town again soon, she knew her father would want her to be busy and happy. Hitch, too, of course.
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lokis-astvinur · 4 years
Valentine’s Day.
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One Shot: Tom Hiddleston x Reader.
· Word count: 1358.
· Warning: fluff and swearing.
You gulped and growled, you finished your drink in one sip and you felt your throat burn while the liquid went down. "Easy, easy," Benedict, your mentor and a friend said. "Benedict, I am going to punch you," you replied.
A chuckle from the door called your attention, you looked at the man standing there holding two glasses with what you believe was water. "Why is he here anyway?" you asked Benedict. "Darling, I was here before you came in," Tom said offering Benedict a glass. "Thank you," Benedict said, "Tom and I were in the middle of something," he explained. "Brilliant," you hissed, "Let me know when you are done gloating," you grinned squinting your eyes annoyed. "I haven't said a word," Tom rolled his eyes. "I can see that damned smug, Hiddleston," you growled. "Oi, oi," Benedict interrupted, "You, my dear need to take it easy, Tom is not doing or saying anything, plus you need to rest," "Of course!" you fake laughed, "You're kicking me out too!" "I am not kicking you out," Benedict said softly, "I want you to stop drinking and rest," "Why did he dump me a week before Valentine's Day?" you whispered, tears accumulating in your eyes. "Do not do that to yourself," Benedict comforted you, you nodded and you bit your lip, a pout in your mouth while you looked at Benedict. Tom looked at you and made him feel bad, you didn't deserve that, you could be annoying or too friendly to his eyes but you were a nice woman, you were kind, loyal, even fun sometimes. "He doesn't deserve you," Tom murmured. "What?" you asked, you heard his murmur but not what he said. "I said he doesn't deserve you," He replied. You looked at him shocked, he seemed upset and you have never seen him care that much for you. You nodded and gave your glass to Benedict. "I should get going," you babbled, "you probably had plans and I am interrupting," "You can stay in the guest-room tonight," Benedict added, quickly. "No, it is alright," you smiled, "I've got to buy some stuff anyway," "Let me know when you are home," Benedict. They both walked you out, Benedict kissed your cheeks and Tom nodded your way. You waved them goodbye and walked away. You stopped by Sainburys' and got some ice-cream, chocolates and beers.The next day you went out for a stroll around Hampstead Heath, you need fresh air. A few people recognized you and asked for a picture, you smiled and posed for a few, afterwards you just wanted to be by yourself. You sat down on the nearest bench and got lost in your thoughts. You texted your friends to meet up that night before your flight back to Atlanta, filming starting earlier. "Hello, my dear friend," you smirked over the phone as if Benedict could see you. "You idiot," he replied, "How are you doing?" "I am fine," you answered, "getting some vitamin D on my body," "I do not want to know those things," Benedict hissed. "Sun, Benedict, sun," you laughed. "You are the worst, honestly," Benedict murmured, "I was planning a date night for us," "Were you now?" you giggled. "I want my friend to be happy and herself while she is filming," he added. "Okay," you replied, "when?" you added. "Tomorrow night, I will send you the address," Benedict explained, "Please, wear something nice," "Ugh, formal," you faked gagged. "Yes, like a date," he said. "Okay," you sighed, "I will see what can I do." You walked back home, you spent the day watching movies and answering fans over Twitter. Early morning, you made some easy and quick breakfast. You showered and went for a run. After lunch, you went shopping and bought a nice dress to wear for your dinner with Benedict.   He texted you the address around noon and by 7 PM you were ready and waiting patiently for your cab. You were planning on drinking as much wine as you could, Benedict will drop you off anyway, you thought. "This must be a mistake," you spat, confused. "Glad to see you, too," Tom said, rolling his eyes. "Where is Benedict?" you questioned, squinting your eyes inspecting the room. "He is not coming," Tom answered. "But," you babbled. "I knew you would decline my offer that's why I asked our dear Benedict to do it for me," Tom explained. "Why would you want to dine with me?" you asked, confused. "Because you deserve more than just takeout," he replied, calmly. "Tom, I am confused," you said, "Honestly, you do not tolerate me," "I do tolerate you," Tom replied. You looked at him unamused, "You do not," "Darling, long before our disagreements started I had the biggest crush on you, I never said a thing because I did not know if you were interested and when I tried, you informed Benedict of your fling with that imbecile that Aaron was," Tom explained. "You shitting me right now," you laughed, you glared at him, your mouth fell open in surprise. "Surprise," Tom added. "Thomas William Hiddleston," you hissed, "Do not play with me right now," "Darling, that was the past, I have moved on," he shrugged. "Oh," you whispered, those words made you sad for some reason. "So, will you accept my truce for a few hours and dine with me?" Tom asked.
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“Benedict, I need you to pick me up at the airport," you said over the phone. "Bloody hell, it's 4 in the morning," Benedict growled, clearly asleep. "Please," you pouted, forgetting he couldn't see you. "Be there in 20 minutes," he sighed. "You are the absolute best," you said, kissing his cheek. "Why am I the one picking you up from the airport?" he questioned, driving out into the cold London night. "Because it is a surprise," you smiled. "I'm starting to regret some decisions I've made in the past," he said. "You love us," you giggled. You arrived at Benedict's house and went straight to your assigned rooms. You needed to rest at least five hours before your surprise. Benedict woke you up for lunch, you ate chatting about your filming and flight. He told you all about the things you have missed and what time you would be leaving the house. A few hours later, you got ready and Benedict dropped you off. You tiptoed around the house as quietly as possible. "Hi boy," you whispered to the pup. He licked your face and you giggled. He led the way into his owner room and you held the flowers tightly. He was reading, concentrated on his book a glass of wine accompanied him alongside the fireplace making sparks. "Now, that's how you spend Valentine's Day?" you smirked. He turned so fast he nearly fell over, his book fell on the floor while he struts towards you, he hugged you so tight it provoked a shiver on you. "What are you doing here?" Tom asked. "Surprise," you whispered. He chuckled. "A surprise indeed," he said, dragging you to his chair. "I thought I could drop by and invite you to dine," you said. "Why for?" he asked smirking. "I heard you were going to be alone," you said. "Bobby is here," Tom smiled. "God's sake Hiddleston," you hissed, "Will you be my Valentine?" "Are you playing with me now?" he asked, playfully. "Thomas William Hiddleston," you sighed, "I love you... If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on," you confessed. "I am honoured," Tom replied. "Are you rejecting me?" you asked, your lip trembled. "I am telling you that I wish to be called yours and not Tom nor darling or dear anymore," Tom whispered, his eyes flying from your eyes to your lips. "Mr Hiddleston," you murmured, getting closer to him. "Mrs Hiddleston," he murmured, his lips brushed yours, you chuckled, "Too soon?" he chuckled. "I like it," you smiled crashing your lips on his.
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sevlgi · 4 years
not-so-sweet secret
requested: yes
group: blackpink
pairing: jennie x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
contents: school!au, rich girl!jennie, secret relationship
warnings: none
synopsis: What you had with Jennie Kim used to be your sweet little secret. But recently, as Jennie starts publicly dating someone else, it doesn’t seem so sweet anymore.
a/n: yes you can! I love this prompt, thanks so much for requesting! also thank you all so much for 700 followers 😭 you guys have questionable taste but I love you all
word count: 2.6k
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You always knew that what you had with Jennie Kim would have to stay a secret.
To be honest, you had no idea how she had even developed feelings for you. While she as the queen of the school, you were a nobody, just another wallflower who admired her. Somehow, she liked you enough to ask you out, and everything began from there.
At first, the idea of a clandestine relationship exhilarated you. The thought of sneaked kisses behind closed doors, of weekend dates in places no one would recognize you, managed to make your heart beat faster.
And that’s exactly how it was at first. You stayed late after school so that Jennie could drive you home in a car that smelled like her perfume, and you sneaked out at night for the first time to see the stars with her. She stared at you in your shared classes, and you slipped notes into each others’ lockers, each one of hers signed with a kiss printed in lipstick.
It was all you could have ever asked for, even if both of you pretended the other didn’t exist in the presence of other people. Sure, it wasn’t ideal that you couldn’t sit together at lunch and share food like other couples, or that Jennie could barely give you a passing glance in the hallways, but it was enough to know how she genuinely laughed, how she liked to hug the people she really loved.
You wanted to be with her publicly, but you also wanted to give Jennie time. You didn’t want to rush her into doing anything she wasn’t ready to do, even if it meant you had to suffer in silence because of it.
In private, she was the sweetest girlfriend you could have ever asked for. She visited your house almost every afternoon and brought you fresh-baked sweets, and she cooked dinner for both of you whenever your parents weren’t home. Jennie stayed over so often that you kept a special blanket and pillow for her right next to yours.
But in public, she was always a whole other person. Whenever you went on dates outside, even if the two of you were in a different town, Jennie hesitated to even stand to closely to you, to smile that cute gummy smile specially reserved for you.
Especially at school, Jennie hung out with her popular friends, those crazily beautiful and rich kids who never looked your way. When she was with them, she was no better, fake-laughing at insensitive jokes and burning money on designer clothes.
That was the price. To be the butt of those insensitive jokes, to be on the receiving end of falsely sweet smiles and to be unable to love Jennie as much as you wanted. But you were sure it would all be worth it in the long term, as long as you kept your sweet little secret tucked close to your heart.
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“Hey, jagi,” you smiled, getting into the car and tossing your bag at your feet. “It’s so nice to see you.”
Jennie gave you her customary gummy smile, eyes turning into pretty crescent moons. “Hi, baby. You look really pretty today, you know? I wanted to tell you in math, but Eunchae kept talking about her new Mercedes.”
You blushed lightly, kissing her on the cheek as she started the car. “Really, another one? Didn’t she crash the last one while drunk?”
“High,” your girlfriend corrected. “Remember, there was that huge party at Jackson’s place? He got drugs somehow, and Eunhae got so high that she backed her car into a wall.”
Rolling your eyes lightly at the mention of the party, you reminded Jennie, “I wasn’t there, remember? Nobody in their right mind would invite me to a party. Pretty sure they don’t even know my name.”
“Well, they should. You’re the greatest,” Jennie cooed, giving you a big smile. “Although, you don’t like those parties anyway, right?”
“Nah,” you shrugged, looking out the window at all the passing houses. Unsurprisingly, Jennie lived in a different neighborhood than you, hers with a gate for every house and at least 4 expensive cars parked in every driveway. Despite that, she drove you to and from school every day. “Although, your daily recap of who started dating who is pretty funny.”
Jennie laughed lightly, and you could hear your heart beating faster just at the sound of her. You had been dating for so long, but just the tiniest action of hers still managed to make you flustered like crazy. “I know you don’t enjoy it that much, you just like to let me talk.”
“Maybe,” you joked, getting out of the car when it parked at the curb of your house. “Do you wanna come in? I bought the ice cream you like so much, milk flavor.”
She pouted at that, not getting out of the car, which was enough of an answer. “No, sorry, Junsoo made me promise to tutor him in math today. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow,” you answered, waving as she pulled the car away. You did your best to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach, like a huge stone had been dropped there. It was hard not to get jealous when Jennie routinely hung out with people way better than you, but you always reminded yourself that your girlfriend loved you and would never cheat on you.
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“Good morning,” Wheein greeted you, sliding into the seat right next to you. You smiled in greeting, still copying the notes down from the board. The girl had been your assigned Chemistry partner for a few months now, and you could maybe call her a friend. 
“Hi, Wheein.”
“You won’t believe what happened today,” the girl started saying. She was a bit gossipy at times, but she was still considerably kind to you, so you always let it slide. “Junsoo started dating Jennie!”
Your head snapped up, your hand slipping and drawing a huge mark over your notes. Wheein winced at the huge black arc on your paper, passing you an eraser. “What? Jennie? Like Jennie Kim?”
“Well, what other Jennies are in this school?” Wheein giggled, cocking her head at you. “Why?”
Jennie. Your girlfriend, Jennie, was dating Im Junsoo, quite possibly the biggest asshole in the entire school. You knew she would do a lot to hide your relationship, but you didn’t think she would go that far. “No reason,” you mumbled, starting to scrub at your paper.
That sweet secret that you kept close to your heart started to feel not so sweet anymore.
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You didn’t want to believe what Wheein said, and that was the only reason you took the long way to lunch and headed by the cluster of benches where Junsoo held court during lunch. At first, you couldn’t see him or Jennie, a group of other popular kids creating a barrier between you and them.
But you heard her voice, that gorgeous voice that only called you ‘jagi’, flirting shamelessly with Junsoo. You wanted to leave, to pretend like you didn’t hear anything, but the crowd shifted just enough for you to see the happy couple, Jennie practically sitting on Junsoo’s stupid lap.
She was definitely flirting with him, practically giving him bedroom eyes in the middle of the cafeteria. Her friends cooed over them, only fueling the stupid smug expression on Junsoo’s stupid face.
Jennie caught a glance of you when she looked up, and you knew that all she could see was betrayal. And that was exactly what you felt as you turned on your heel and walked away.
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You didn’t wait in the parking lot for Jennie that day. Instead, you hitched your bag up on your shoulder and walked home yourself, ignoring your phone when it started buzzing in your pocket halfway.
You didn’t pick up when she called you, and you didn’t read any of the texts she sent. Instead, you spent your time in the garage fixing up your old bike so you could start getting to school easier.
Maybe it was just a rumor, but you had a bad feeling, one that told you something had gone incredibly wrong. You ate dinner with your parents for once instead of going up to your room and video-calling Jennie.
It all felt wrong, but you weren’t ready to talk to her yet. Once you picked up on one of her calls, you knew the truth was going to come out, and you weren’t ready to hear it just yet.
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You managed to avoid Jennie for a full 3 days. To be honest, it wasn’t that hard; you didn’t have many classes together, and there was no way she could get alone enough to approach you.
Saturday was the day you were dreading, because you knew Jennie would show up. That was the day she usually came over, because neither of your parents would be home and neither of hers would be watching her. She didn’t need to be let in, since you had given her a spare key, and she had her own car.
It was only a matter of time before she confronted you, and you were not looking forward to it.
Unsurprisingly, you heard the front door unlocking at exactly 9:33 in the morning on Saturday. Luckily, you were already awake, cooking breakfast in the kitchen a few steps away. “Let yourself in, why don’t you,” you called out sarcastically.
“Y/N?” Jennie answered, setting her keys down on the counter and closing the door behind her. “Have you been ignoring me?”
Blunt as always. You turned around with an eyebrow raised, taking in the sight of her. She looked unfairly good, glowing as always, as if she wasn’t worried at all about the fact that you hadn’t talked to her in days.
Under usual circumstances, you would have immediately rushed to her, kissing her and running your hands through her immaculately curled hair, but instead, you stood there, holding the plate of food. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask your boyfriend?”
It came out more spiteful than you had intended, but it did the trick; your girlfriend flinched, regret settling into the brown eyes you loved so much. “Y/N...”
“Jennie,” you deadpanned, staring right at her. “Go ahead, explain if you can.”
“It’s not real,” she implored, stepping closer to you. “I don’t like Junsoo, not at all! He’s just a friend, please, Y/N.”
“Then why did Wheein tell me the big, amazing news that he’s dating you this morning?” you demanded, not caring about the fact that you sounded like a crazy, jealous girlfriend. 
At the sound of your deskmate’s name, Jennie’s expression changed. Instead of the desperate scrunch of her eyebrows, a jealous twist of her lip brought spite to her eyes. “Wheein? I don’t like that you talk to her so often.”
“Don’t turn this around on me!” you exclaimed, your voice echoing off the walls of your kitchen. “Are you serious? Wheein’s my friend, not anything like your official boyfriend Junsoo. We’re talking about you right now!”
Jennie’s expression changed again, into a slightly pained one as her hands scrunched into the fabric of your shirt. “Y/N, you know I’m not ready to come out yet. I don’t know how people will react, much less my parents.”
“Yeah, I know, and I understand that! But dating someone else right in front of my face? What the hell, Jen?” you challenged her, anger furrowing your brow. 
She chewed on her lower lip and looked down at the floor. “I… I think it’s best if I leave right now. You’re obviously angry, and I get it. I don’t want to fight.”
“Okay, then leave,” you scowled, turning back to your food. You could feel a sour pang in your chest as you heard the door close softly behind your girlfriend, but you ignored it. You had a right to be angry when your girlfriend started publicly dating someone else, but was it worth it to hurt each other like that?
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A week or so passed without you or Jennie speaking a single word to one another. That was one of the things that made the two of you not such a great match; both of you were incredibly stubborn, and neither of you would give up without a fight.
It hurt, of course, but you wanted her to approach you first. After all, it wasn’t your fault that she started dating someone else and ruined your relationship.
Stumbling in on Jennie kissing Junsoo in an empty classroom was the last straw.
“Excuse me, who are you?” the boy demanded, scrambling to stand in the empty classroom. Behind him, Jennie stared at you in horror, lipstick slightly smeared and her blouse just a little bit wrinkled.
You couldn’t help the horror on your face, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to expose Jennie. It was stupid, maybe, wanting to protect her after all the heartbreak she brought to you, but instead of saying anything, you mumbled a hurried “Sorry” and darted right out of the door.
You didn’t expect her to run after you, and you definitely weren’t expecting the hurried clack of heels behind you and the feeling of her warm hand clasped on your wrist. “Y/N, please wait.”
“What…?” you stared at your wrist and then at Jennie’s pleading eyes, begging you to stay. “Um, Jennie?”
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “I’m really, really sorry. I never should have acted like I was ashamed of you, I never was! You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Dumbly, you opened and closed your mouth like a goldfish. Whispers sounded around the two of you, dozens of eyes glued to the two of you as you stood in the middle of the hallway. All you manage to say is “I think we should talk about that” as you pulled Jennie out of the school.
Neither of you talked until you were far enough out of the campus that nobody you recognized was there. “What’s going on? Aren’t you happy with your popular, rich boyfriend?”
Jennie winced, shaking her head pleadingly. “Please, Y/N. I know I don’t deserve it, but I really love you. I want another chance, and I promise I’ll never keep you a secret again. I’ll come out to my parents, and I’ll announce our relationship--”
“I never wanted to force you to come out,” you sighed, stepping closer. You knew that what she did wasn’t right, but you didn’t exactly handle it well either. “I just didn’t want you to date someone just to cover us up. I felt like you were ashamed of me.”
“I promise I’m not. Please, I’ll treat you right this time,” Jennie promised, still holding on to your wrist.
Biting your lip, you looked at the ground. Obviously, you loved Jennie; she was the best person in the world to you, despite what she did, and you didn’t want to let her go. “One more chance,” you suggested, looking back up to her again. “We’re starting over, we’re not continuing our old relationship.”
Jennie nodded fervently, giving you the familiar gummy smile you were so familiar with. “Okay. I’ll take you on a date tomorrow, and I’ll treat you so well. I promise.”
“I’ll be waiting,” you laughed, wrapping your arms around her in a hug and inhaling the familiar sweet scent of her perfume once again.
You felt sweet. Not sweet in the way that your old relationship was, not the kind of sweet that still had a bitter aftertaste. No, you were on cloud nine, and you could stay there forever if you just had Jennie.
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB Oneshot: Crystal Clear
AN: Part of an art trade with @plutonis in honor of her upcoming wedding. She tasked me with writing an introspective piece for a Brinky wedding. The art piece I requested is for the next chapter of Nova, so you’ll see the finished product there. 
Prompt given by Pluto: I was wondering if you could do a little fic in which Brain is walking down the aisle on his wedding day, and we hear the thoughts going on in his head. What is he thinking? How is he feeling?
AO3 Link
If Brain had his way, he would’ve taped himself to the table leg with extra strong industrial strength duct tape and remained there for the rest of his life.
But Romy wouldn’t let him attach himself to said table leg, and Wakko already ate the duct tape to prevent him from getting it. All other binding materials, including the shoe strings and gluesticks, had been placed on a shelf mockingly out of his reach.
And since he was already in his wedding dress, he couldn’t even climb the shelf to retrieve the necessary materials.
“Dad, you’re killing the glarb,” Romy complained as he pried Brain from the table leg.
“Unhand me at once or so help me, Roman Numeral One!” Brain shouted, trying to break free from Romy’s grip, but it seemed their son had inherited Pinky’s unusual strength.
Wakko wasn’t any help either. He just watched the spectacle from his perch on the dresser, chomping on a platter of garlic prawns swiped from the catering company. Thankfully, Brain had the foresight to order plenty of garlic prawns for their celebratory dinner.
As soon as Romy’s grip loosened, Brain broke free and reattached himself to the table leg.
Funny, how he wanted this for so long. Yearned for it. And when the time came, even after all the progress he’d made, he was still afraid for reasons he didn’t understand.
It was illogical, he knew. He trusted Pinky more than anyone else, even himself.
But even that wasn’t enough to get him moving again.
“Guess someone’s gotta tell Ma you’re not coming,” Romy sighed.
Brain’s fingers dug into the wooden grooves.
“He’s definitely gonna cry. Probably gonna curl up on the couch and watch daytime soap operas with buckets of triple fudge ice cream or something,” Romy continued.
Sweet, innocent Pinky being heartbroken at his own wedding. Running off and doing who-knows-what, because he could be very unpredictable when he was truly distraught. His simple mind eroding away because of the unhealthy combination of trashy soap operas and ice cream diet.
Brain’s heart clenched uncomfortably at that mental image. With great reluctance, Brain let go of the table leg and marched over to the mirror to smooth out the wrinkles in his wedding dress to keep his hands occupied as he quelled that troublesome idea.  
“You’re gonna tell him that Brain’s in here, right?” Wakko asked.
“Sure,” Romy replied.
Wait...everyone knew of his intentions to see this wedding through to the end. And he'd never let the hard work and efforts of their wedding plans go to waste.
It was just a ploy.
Brain took a deep breath. To lose his temper before the ceremony would surely spell catastrophe. He wanted to keep this an emotionally satisfying occasion, for Pinky’s sake.
“Romy, I won’t deny that your tactic was effective. But you will refrain from using my fondness for Pinky against me in the future,” Brain said.
Perhaps Roman Numeral One took after him more than he thought. It was impressive and aggravating at the same time.
"Sorry, Dad." Romy's head dropped as he handed the bouquet to Brain.
Like with Pinky, Brain just didn't have it in him to remain angry once an apology was issued. He transferred the bouquet to one hand and lifted Romy's chin from its downcast position.
"Look alive, Romy. This is a celebration," Brain ordered as he turned back to the mirror. "And Wakko, you're not touching our wedding rings with prawn-stained hands."
Wakko pulled out a kitchen sink from his hammerspace and started washing his hands without removing his gloves. With the soft hum of Happy Birthday in the background, Brain turned back to the mirror and examined himself one more time. They didn’t have long before the ceremony began.
His dress towed the line between simple and extravagant. Ruffles in the right places, but not so many that it would hinder movement. A small hole had been cut to fit his tail, carefully sized so that it was easy to thread the stiff appendage through. His sleeves cut off at the elbow, white fabric giving way to a delicate flower pattern, lending an elegant and dignified quality to the outfit.
It hadn’t been easy obtaining this dress. He’d lost track of how many toy aisles Pinky had dragged him down, and he didn’t want his outfit to come from the toy section of Walmart. Pinky had eventually called Dot for help, and with her connections, she arranged for a fashion designer who specialized in making clothes for dolls to help them out.
And while they eventually put the issue of clothes behind them, they had a fair number of arguments when Brain found a reason to reject all the dresses Pinky suggested. Especially with that gaudy puffed sleeve dress Pinky loved but Brain hated.
“I realize we must’ve been insufferable for the past few months,” Brain said. Planning for a wedding wasn’t anything like planning for world domination, as he learned the hard way. But it was Pinky’s wedding as much as it was his, and after one vehement disagreement, Brain had realized he was pushing out Pinky’s contributions to impose his own.
It wasn’t easy, but he did try to turn over some aspects to Pinky, just to see how he did with them. And Brain didn’t regret that choice, because the results were absolutely wonderful.
“Yeah, you and Ma were ruining my vibes,” Romy gave a lazy smile as Brain nudged him in retaliation.
Romy had said something similar when he’d first run away from home, but mischief had long replaced the anger. Though Brain still didn’t think ventriloquism was a lucrative career, he’d made his peace with Romy’s lifestyle while repairing their relationship. And Romy wasn’t the only one who derived happiness from working with dummies.
“Regardless, we’re grateful that you came,” Brain said.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Romy shrugged. “Better save your sap for the ceremony though.”
“I’m not being sappy,” Brain muttered out of principle rather than true irritation.
It was 2:55 pm. Five minutes until the ceremony began. He was running out of time.
He quickly fixed his leaf crown and attached veil so that it was less crooked. In years past, he never would’ve been satisfied until a golden crown with embedded jewels rested atop his head. But now he found the leaf crown was worth so much more than gold.
Then he made sure the transparent veil covered his face. The thin fabric didn’t hinder his vision, but he felt like he was looking through a lens.
Everyone would be watching him. He wanted that thin wall of privacy between himself and the onlookers. Seeing outside, but concealing his feelings within.
He didn’t have to. He knew he didn’t. But old habits die hard, it seemed.
The clock chimed three. It was time.  
What could go wrong?
“Don’t worry!” Wakko exclaimed as he picked up the purple velvet cushion with their wedding rings. “I didn’t mistake these for tiny Ring Pops this time!”
Brain was a fool. A sentimental, lovestruck, starcrossed, and twitterpated fool.
Wakko brought up the lead as they marched through the twisting hallways of the enormous property they’d rented for their Hawaiian wedding. Surprisingly, coming up with a location for their wedding hadn’t been difficult. After a stressful day of making other arrangements, they’d chosen a scenic, relaxing travel documentary to unwind.
As soon as the documentary showed a beautiful Hawaiian beach at sunset, they both agreed on making Hawaii the destination of choice for both wedding and honeymoon. Brain gripped the flower bouquet tightly, careful not to crush the petals between his fingers. Romy’s hand was on his elbow, light enough to not be intrusive but quick to react so Brain didn’t run into a wall.
He’d assigned Pinky to the task of flower selection, and Pinky had researched the meaning of flowers extensively with an unusual amount of focus. If Pinky had his way, he would’ve gathered one specimen of every flower in the world and brought them to the wedding, though Brain eventually convinced him to narrow his list down to a single digit range.
Brain was only familiar with the rose as a symbol of love, and he recalled the meaning of only two other flowers within their wedding. The rest were completely lost on him. The first was the magnolia, which represented perseverance. As such, a white magnolia stood proudly in his bouquet, nestled among the red roses of passionate love. Pinky had chosen the magnolia for Brain, and insisted Brain choose at least one flower too.
Though Brain didn’t place much stock in what the websites claimed, he just went along with it to humor Pinky. But he’d settled on the colorful freesia, just to thank Pinky for his friendship, faith, and trust for all the years they’d known each other.
Their miniature procession stopped at a glass sliding door that separated them from the rest of the proceedings.
Brain gulped and clutched the bouquet to his chest.
Beyond those doors, the wedding guests mingled with each other on the grass. A gorgeous, azure beach formed the perfect backdrop to the ceremony. White, fluffy clouds dotted the sunny skies, and the beauty was rather foreign to him. He’d spent far too much of his life hiding away in the darkness of a sterile lab.
It seemed the entirety of their Animaniacs coworkers had shown up for the wedding. He was surprised by the turnout, but it seemed that everyone had been clamoring for him and Pinky to tie the knot for years.
And while the usual toon antics were prevalent among the guests, Brain’s attention was drawn to the very front, where Pinky was arranging flowers on Pharfignewton, who’d jumped at the offer of being Pinky’s best mare.
Back then, the sight would’ve incited a feeling he’d come to realize was jealousy. Now he was just grateful that Pinky received some physical affection from someone when Brain couldn’t give it to him.
Wakko opened the screen door, causing a stir among the guests in the back, which caused a ripple effect that spread to the front and prompted everyone to take their seats. Pinky slid off Pharfignewton’s back, bouncing on his toes and craning his neck to see Brain.
Even from this far away, Brain saw Pinky’s bright, goofy smile. It made him regret keeping the veil over his face, cloaking his happiness even from his partner.
“Testing, testing!” Yakko said into the microphone. When he’d been ordained to officiate a wedding, nobody knew for sure. He shuffled through the cards for his opening speech. “Alright, everyone. We’ve all been very impatient for this moment, so no more delays, capiche? Dot, start the music!”
A hush fell across the audience, and even the most rambunctious members of the Animaniacs crew fell silent as a soft piano arrangement of A Whole New World began to play.
Wakko proudly held the cushion with the wedding rings over his head and marched to the front. From the aisle, Mindy reached into her basket and threw pink flower petals into the air, and Buttons held onto her so she didn’t fall out of her seat.  
Romy released Brain and followed Wakko. Pinky greeted their son with an enthusiastic hug, and Bunny flashed them a thumbs-up from her seat.  
All the attention was on Brain now.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted it.
He wanted to flee inside the house. Tell everyone to go home and they’ll get refunded the costs at a later date. Take Pinky to city hall and sign a document to make their marriage official instead.
The audience whispered.
He saw the worry in Pinky’s eyes, a stunning shade of blue that popped out from the beautiful Hawaiian beach. They were too far from each other to speak normally, but Pinky laid his hand on top of the colorful freesia pinned to his white dress shirt, just over his heart.
Trust me, he was saying.
And Pinky had proven himself worthy of his trust long ago.
Slowly, Brain laid his hand on the magnolia, the centerpiece of his bouquet.
I won’t give up.
Pinky smiled that soft, knowing smile of his. Emboldened by his encouragement, Brain stepped out of the house and onto the white, silky path that had been laid out for him.
He took slow, methodical steps to steel his nerves. This was his reward, and he was allowed to have it.
No more electricity, no more fear of rejection.
The happiness of having someone by his side. The sorrow when they were separated either by force or by choice. The surprise of receiving gifts from Pinky when he’d done nothing to deserve them. The guilt that came from upsetting Pinky with morally questionable schemes.
Emotions he’d once derided as frivolous were now precious and dear to him.
All the good, all the bad, and everything in between. And this occasion marked a brand new beginning, a new chapter of their lives that would bring new happiness and surprises. Though they’d be sad, angry, or terrified sometimes, they’d always be together.
That’s what counted most.
The melody of A Whole New World floated gently through the air. An airy tune filled with wonder at a world previously unknown to them.
He and Pinky dueted this song so many times that the lyrics and background instrumentals were permanently etched into his mind.
Only now did he understand what the song was truly about. Leaving behind their defined roles, into a freedom-filled sky. Just the two of them, exploring a huge world together. The burdens of the past and worries of the future left on the ground, and all that mattered was the present.
Being themselves, and experiencing things they’ve never experienced before.
It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once.
He could hardly wait.
Pinky waited for him, taking Brain’s hand in his own. He was absolutely breathtaking up close.
“Narf,” Pinky whispered, and Brain would never tire of that endearingly stupid word. “You did it, Brain.”
“All thanks to you, Pinky,” Brain replied, and Pinky’s tail wagged at the praise.  
Together, they walked to that beautiful wedding arch with intertwining pink and blue flowers, stopping in front of Yakko’s podium. Brain gave his bouquet to Romy so he could properly hold Pinky’s hands. Romy gave them a lazy grin, and Pharfignewton lowered her head so Romy could have a good perch. Wakko proudly balanced the cushion on his head, and Dot stood beside her brother, giving him a friendly shove without knocking the wedding rings off.
And Brain realized he was still seeing the world through veiled eyes. Though his vision was unimpeded, he’d barely noticed there was a filter among all his doubts and fears.
He’d kept the veil for a transparent amount of privacy when he walked down the aisle, but now that he was with Pinky…
Well, it just wasn’t necessary anymore.
He brought Pinky’s hands to the veil. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them.
Then Pinky threw back the veil, and the filter he’d been looking through was completely gone. And Brain saw the...no, he saw his world through fresh eyes.
A bright, happy, silly mouse stood before him, a colorful burst of freesia on his chest, and beautiful sky-blue eyes filled with endless love, promising hope and warmth and companionship forever more.
“You’re so pretty, Brain,” Pinky giggled.
It was the most wonderful sound for his compass, his heart, and his world.  
No more tolerating. He fully accepted the undeniable fact of how much he loved Pinky, and Pinky loving him back from this point forward.
Never before had he felt so much happiness, and he was ready for everyone to see it.
Unable to contain himself, Brain leapt into Pinky’s arms and kissed him. Though he heard their audience reacting with shock, it was all just background noise to him. And he’d never been a patient mouse.
Pinky was surprised at first, but his strong arms wrapped around Brain to support him, and he kissed back wonderfully.
Fireworks exploded in Brain’s mind, or maybe the Warners set some off, he didn’t know. But he had to come up for air, and he released the kiss, though it seemed Pinky could keep going for quite some time.
“Technically, you’re supposed to wait until I say ‘you may now kiss the Brain’, but who am I to stop true love?” Yakko grinned.
“Sorry,” the mice chorused, though neither of them regretted the little break in protocol.
The audience burst into cheers, and Yakko led them in a standing ovation for a good five minutes before they all settled down enough for him to start his opening speech.
“Love you, Brain,” Pinky whispered as he put Brain down and took his hands again.
“Love you too, Pinky,” Brain replied, and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
Everything was laid out before them, clear as crystal and bright as day.
End AN: This is cheesy but I don’t care I love it and they’re married now. 
The Hawaiian setting is not a reference to the PatB fic Trouble in Paradise, it’s just that the last wedding I went to was in Hawaii and it was so romantic.
3rd time I’ve referenced A Whole New World in these fics. This song is just too perfect for them. 
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sunflowerim · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 41
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Harry was shook. It's like every good thing that had been happening came crashing down at once. And he couldn't even tell Louis. He'd understand. Of course he would, but he'd also get mad at his manager and he couldn't afford to see what would happen if Louis told his manager off.
How was he supposed to spend time with Louis and hide something this big? Louis would see right through him.
Harry checked the contract that was mailed to him. 2 month contact. Ends after the Oscars.
He had to manage everything for two months. He just didn't have a choice. He'd probably have to avoid Louis for the time being.
Tears welled up in his eyes at the mere thought of it. Harry had begun to feel like Louis was somewhat his family, and Louis came with the package of two adorable kids and a furry friend, who absolutely loved Harry. He couldn't do this alone. Harry really needed to see Louis, to hug him, to feel the assurance that no matter what, Louis wouldn't be mad. With a hard heart, he discarded that thought and at once set off for Niall's apartment- the only person he could turn to at this moment.
He crashed into Niall's apartment and over a tub of ice cream told him everything that had happened.
Niall was furious.
"How dare he? I could talk about his bitchy attitude on the radio and we'll see how THAT affects him."
"No Niall," Harry said between hiccups. He'd been crying for too long, "don't do anything. He told me not to tell anyone. And I suppose it'll be normal after 2 months."
"2 months Harry. You do realise that's long. 2 months brought you and Louis closer than ever and the same time could ruin things too."
"Don't say that," Harry whispered, breaking down again.
"I'm sorry Harry," Niall said, wrapping Harry in a comforting hug, "but you should talk to him-"
"I can't-"
"Then how do think you'll go on about this?"
"Perhaps I really need to cut down our interactions for a while."
"Not to be that person, but don't you think after yesterday, Louis will be expecting more of your presence?"
"I'll tell him I have work. I'll do anything. I don't want his career to come to harm because of me."
"I appreciate that Harry, but do you think you guys can talk it over?"
"No Ni, I just can't tell him about this."
"Okay okay," Niall continued in a soothing voice. "In that case I won't ask you anymore. Now let's bake something. It always gets your mind off things."
In the two days that followed, Louis actually got really busy at work, and Harry didn't have to make excuses for staying away. Although Louis did ask if Harry could come over and stay the night, but Harry excused himself saying that he was visiting his sister and so Louis didn't suspect a thing.
But on Wednesday, things changed a bit. Louis got off work in the evening and asked Harry if he wanted to grab pizza. Harry couldn't come up with a good excuse in time and truth be told, he didn't want to. He was already miserable and wanted to see Louis badly. Louis agreed to meet Harry at his house and when he finally reached Harry's door, he was surprised.
"What is all this?" Louis teased, "hoodie, beanie, sunglasses, mask, were going for pizza Harry, not to some mission as undercover agents."
"Oh I know, it's just, paps seem to get everywhere and I'm kinda tired, so-"
"Aw you poor thing, come here."
Louis spread his arms and Harry enveloped him in an instant, hugging Louis like his life depended on it. He didn't wanna let go, for the fear of not being able to do this again was eating him from inside.
Louis seemed to sense it.
"Everything okay Haz?" he asked, stroking Harry's curls. Harry's face was buried in Louis' neck and he hummed in response and Louis hugged him tighter.
After what felt like an eternity, Harry finally let go.
"Leave your car here. Let's walk."
Louis smiled but his brows furrowed the slightest. Harry seemed off.
They slowly walked down the lane to the pizza place 2 blocks away, their held hands swinging between them.
Louis tried to ask Harry if anything was bothering him, but Harry shoved it away, saying it's nothing and he was just tired.
For a moment Louis wondered if Harry regretted last night and was slowly distancing himself because of that. But that couldn't be right. Harry wouldn't be walking with him if he really did regret that.
Putting his worries aside, he tried to focus on the perfect weather and thought about staying back at Harry's place. Maybe some cuddles could make Harry feel better.
As they approached the destination, they suddenly heard some squeals. Looking to their right, they saw an excited bunch of people in the park next to the restaurant, running in their direction. They'd apparently spotted Harry over the fence and it surprised Louis how they'd managed to recognise him in this get up. Louis knew Harry was tired and tried to tug Harry inside quickly but to his surprise, Harry shook his hand free of Louis and stepped back. Louis was taken aback. If he could see Harry's eyes, he'd probably understand how apologetic Harry was, but those were hidden behind his shades.
"You go ahead, I'll come in a while."
Louis nodded and left, unable to give a proper reply, head clouded by a thousand thoughts.
Before disappearing inside the restaurant, Louis turned around once and saw Harry, mask off, talking to the fans and taking pictures, a smile plastered on his face.
He ordered a milkshake for him as he waited for Harry to join him.
As much as he tried not to think about what happened, it all kept coming back.
Why did Harry leave his hand like that? People already knew they were friends, it wouldn't have been a big deal.
Was Harry embarrassed of Louis?
Did he not want to be spotted with him?
Did Louis do something wrong?
Louis racked his brain to think of something he might have done that could upset Harry, but nothing came to mind.
The minutes were getting longer and Louis was growing impatient waiting for Harry.
His worst fears came to action when he got a call from Harry.
"Hey Lou," he panted, sounding exhausted.
"Harry, where are you? It's been almost thirty minutes, are they not leaving?"
"There's been a bit of problem, they weren't leaving, so I had to tell them that I'm heading back home. I didn't wanna crowd the restaurant. So I walked back towards home."
"Wha- are you kidding me?"
"I'm really sorry Lou, I'll make it up to you I promise. Please don't be mad."
Louis could feel Harry was lying, because the excuse was downright stupid.
Maybe his concerns were actually right. Maybe Harry was indeed avoiding him.
Louis cut the call with an abrupt "Yeah." He didn't know what to feel. Harry had left. Just like that. He was obviously upset at the fact that Harry was avoiding him, but he was more mad at himself. Why did he expect so much from Harry? Louis was clearly not Harry's type.
He tried to reason with himself, thinking that there surely must be a misunderstanding, something that was going on that Louis wasn't aware off. With the little hope he had left in him, he stood up and left for home. At least he's got Cliffy.
Harry, a sobbing mess, went straight to Niall's. He silently hoped Louis wouldn't be mad at him. He knew he'd upset Louis and that's the last thing he'd planned on doing but Harry didn't really have a control over things happening in his life anymore.
As if things could get any worse, even Niall wasn't home and his phone was out of reach. So Harry waited. It was an hour before Niall arrived and found Harry at his doorstep.
"Jesus, what happened?"
Harry burst into a sob upon seeing Niall and between hiccups and sobs managed to tell Niall everything.
"I told you to talk to him Harold. Avoiding him isn't a solution."
Niall let them inside and eventually stopped talking about it. Instead he made Harry a cup of hot chocolate and they both watched re-runs of How I Met Your Mother on the telly in silence.
Back in his apartment, Louis ate his dinner quietly and went to bed early. He didn't have a proper word to describe how he was feeling.
Last weekend had been so special. What changed.
He logged in to twitter from his burner account before going to sleep and the first post he saw, turned his emotions around pretty quickly.
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Harry looked happy. Not uncomfortable, as he seemed with Louis. Maybe Louis was the problem.
For a brief second he wondered if he should talk to Zayn or Liam about it but then decided against it because Louis didn't like discussing problem of these type. If there was a misunderstanding, Harry and Louis would figure it out themselves.
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escapewriter · 4 years
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Meet Again
pairing : sunwoo x reader
genre : slight fluff, angst
type : oneshot
wc : 2.2k
main masterlist || tbz written masterlist
read this if you would like to request something
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Looking outside the window of your apartment, you thought about how much your life has changed after you moved. You had to leave Seoul, your friends, your family, and everything you grew up with, but what stung the most is having to leave your best friend, Sunwoo. It was hard to leave him on your last day in Seoul, but it was also the most memorable. He took you to the arcade you both went to everyday in middle school, bought you ice cream from your favorite shop, went to the forgotten mall on the other side of town that you both spent most of your high school days. He took you down memory lane as a way to remind you that everything will be there and wait for you to return. But if you’re unlucky, not everything will wait.
You looked at the letter you wrote in your hands, debating on whether or not you should send it to Sunwoo. You both have been sending each other letters due to the bad internet connection you had. However, after months of waiting for a letter to arrive, Sunwoo had stopped sending. You on the other hand, continued to send in hopes that he would eventually reply. You thought maybe he was busy and didn’t have time to write, so you kept your head up and relied on the false hope you had created.
It wasn’t until three months had passed when you realized that maybe Sunwoo just didn’t want to send you letters. Maybe he was tired of you or thought that you would never return. Truth is though, you probably never would go back unless it was necessary. But the reason you’re conveniently sitting in a plane that is heading to Seoul right now is because your boss requested that you complete a project for him in Seoul. Maybe it was your chance to talk to Sunwoo again.
You only had one week in Seoul but only had to work five out of the seven days. Your boss knew that it was your hometown, so he gave you an extension to your stay there.
Throughout those five days of working, you had stayed with your parents, catching up with everything in their lives as well as yours. They had also participated in writing letters to you instead of texting, the only difference is that they made time for it. They knew about the situation with Sunwoo, for they have seen him around the neighborhood often, but they shouldn’t be the one to tell you what was going on in his life.
You were eating dinner and talking with your parents on what you should do for the next two days you would be staying here. “Have you seen Sunwoo lately? I’m sure he would like to know that you’re in town.” You chewed slowly, staring at your plate as you thought of what to say. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in so long.”
Both of your parents watched as you transitioned from your fast eating to a slow tempo. You sighed and placed down your utensil, “I know what you both are thinking, but my feelings for Sunwoo have faded. Plus, I’m not even in the city or country anymore, so even if he liked me, it wouldn’t work out.”
They smirked at you, “We said nothing about your feelings dear, but we do believe that you should go and see him.” You huffed in frustration, knowing full well that the feelings you have for Sunwoo in high school will always stay with you. Even if he hasn’t written to you in so long and you haven’t seen him, your feelings never faded.
You sat in the same booth of your favorite ice cream parlor that Sunwoo took you to on your last day in Seoul. You looked outside the window, watching everyone pass by on the street and seeing people enter and coming out of stores. Across the street was a small restaurant that you were unfamiliar with, seeing that it had opened while you were gone. You watched the place pack with people as time went on, but what caught your eye was the familiar head of your best friend, holding the door open for someone.
You know you shouldn’t assume anything, but after seeing them kiss his cheek, your heart shattered. You looked away, not wanting to see him with someone else as you drank your ice cream float.
What you didn’t notice is that he looked around and in the window of the ice cream shop, he saw you. He felt his heart beating out of his chest, his eyes only focusing on the side of your face, but getting pulled away by his significant other. Maybe he was hallucinating.
You decided you would roam the streets of Seoul instead of seeing Sunwoo, for you had lost all hope you had and were only left with a broken heart. You went to all the same places he had taken you to, remembering all the memories you had made with him and that they’re all still here waiting for you. All of it waited except for one. You don’t blame him though; people grow and move on.
You were again at the dinner table, but your parents were not present as they had to attend work matters. You ate silently and thought about what you had seen today, but your mind kept going back to the ice cream shop. You wish you could forget it all and just move on like he did but you couldn’t. It made you feel so frustrated with yourself because you can’t control your feelings and you wish you could so then you wouldn’t be in this sort of predicament.
You stood up after hearing a soft knock on the door. You opened it, expecting to see your parents but was met with Sunwoo standing with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. You stared in shock at him, surprised that he showed up at your front door.
“You think I didn’t see you in the ice cream parlor?” No words left your agap mouth as you stood there. You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to rack your brain for an answer, but you just stared at him. “Are you not gonna say anything? You thought you were just going to come here without telling me?” If this happened a few months ago when he was sending you letters, you would have laughed at how he looked; holding a bouquet of flowers while saying those words to you in a harsh tone. But time continues to move and so have you and Sunwoo.
“Honestly, Sunwoo,” You took deep breaths, trying not to feel so nervous and to help calm your shaky voice, “I thought you forgot about me.” You looked into his eyes, seeing the regret and hurt behind them, “You haven’t sent me anything for months. I figured you were busy, and you are. You’re in a relationship and I’m happy for you, so I won’t blame you for not being able to send me anything.
He watched your eyes as they would move from his to something else around him. He was at a loss of words too. “When do you leave?” You opened your mouth, telling him that tomorrow was your last day here, “Save that day for me, okay?” He handed you the bouquet, a rush of deja vu hitting you at full speed, but this time it felt different; it felt like time was stopping for you two.
You nodded your head as he took a step back, “I’ll pick you up, we’ll have a good day tomorrow and I’ll explain everything, okay?” You smiled softly, the pounding muscle in your chest being heard in your ears. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sitting in Sunwoo’s car, you inhaled the familiar scent and looked out the window. You watched the people and the stores you passed by, knowing where you were going just by the route you were taking. “Are you taking us to the mall?” He smiled and nodded, “You know me too well.”
You laughed softly, turning up the faint sound of the radio and softly sang along to it. Sunwoo tapped the wheel softly to the beat, but also to debate if he should spark up a conversation. You beat him to it though, “So, how has your relationship been going so far?”
We broke up. “It’s going good. Why do you ask?”
“Well, when I saw you two the other day, you both looked so happy together.”
I wasn’t happy with them. “Haha yeah, I guess so.”
You glanced at Sunwoo, the frown on his face making it hard to ignore the tension in the car. You sighed, knowing you had to talk to him about what’s bothering him sooner rather than later. “Sunwoo, pull over.” His eyebrows shot up in shock, “What? Why?”
“Just pull over.”
He pulled into a parking lot and parked. He turned off the engine and looked at you, “Why am I pulling over exactly?” He nervously laughed and looked down at the space between the two of you. “Tell me what’s on your mind. What’s bothering you?”
He had an internal battle, debating on telling you how he’s felt for so long, or just making something up and putting the blame on you — he went for the latter. “I’m just irritated because you didn’t tell me you came home.” Your mouth fell open, disbelief that he’s actually mad that you didn’t tell him you were in Seoul.
“Are you kidding me Sunwoo? You’re mad at me for not telling you I’m in Seoul when you’re out here and can’t even bother to take a small amount of time out of your day to write a simple letter to me.” He scoffed, knowing where this is going to end, “I can’t always make time for you, I have a life—”
“And I don’t?” You looked at the side of his face, too stubborn to look into your eyes, “I can’t believe you Sunwoo. You know if you wanted to stop sending letters, you could have just told me.” You opened the door to the car, his head snapping to you, “What are you doing?”
“I’m going home, I don’t want to spend my last day in Seoul with you if you’re going to act like this.” You slammed the door and stormed away, calling one of your parents to come and pick you up.
Sunwoo sat in his car, staring at the wheel as he thought about how he should have just told you how he felt and what he did the day he saw you at the ice cream parlor. After he went inside the new shop, he wasn’t like himself and his date knew that too, which obviously led to Sunwoo breaking up with them. It wasn’t fair that he goes out with someone, pretending to be happy with them, when his heart belonged to another. He had to tell you before you leave.
You can’t imagine yourself in these types of situations where the protagonist chases after their prince or princess in an airport, yet here you are. You had hugged your parents goodbye, walking to check in your luggage, but was stopped by a hand holding you back.
You looked at Sunwoo who was panting and out of breath. “Please, just give me five minutes.” You nodded and led him to a seating area and sat down, waiting for him to talk. He wiped his hands on his jeans, trying to get rid of the nervousness before he spoke.
“I know yesterday was so bad and I didn’t mean anything I said back there.” He paused and looked into your eyes, sighing as he softly smiled, “My relationship, I ended that day I saw you.” Your eyes widened as you looked anywhere but him. “I broke it off because it wasn’t fair for them to be in a relationship that didn’t have any true feelings. It was fake.” He paused again, mentally preparing for his confession. His eyes gazed into yours and he took one of your hands into his, “When I say fake, I mean that my feelings aren’t directed towards them, but towards you.”
The butterflies you felt in your stomach erupted like a volcano, the feeling of euphoria overtaking your emotions as you smiled at him. However, you looked around as you heard your flight number echo in the intercom, causing your smile to drop and look back at Sunwoo who had a smile on his face. “Don’t worry. This time, I won’t ignore my feelings and I’ll make time for you.” You frowned, not wanting to leave him again like the first time.
He brought his left arm up, cupping your cheek as he rubbed his thumb against your soft skin, “Go, or you’ll miss your flight.” You both stood up, his other hand still locked with yours. You pouted, “I’m going to miss you Sunwoo.” He smiled softly, pulling at your hand as he brought you closer for a tight hug. It was the first hug you both had since you saw each other, and it felt amazing.
“I’ll be here waiting, until we meet again.”
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leejungchans · 4 years
random juliet moments.
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(a/n: this will probably be updated regularly as i think of more things to add!! i tried to organise these chronologically to the best of my ability but there may be some inconsistencies, so apologies in advance!!🤍)
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started crying when she saw yunho cry at their first fansign
when hongjoong forgot to say “dul, set” and said “8 makes 1 team” alone, san and juliet coincidentally said “1 makes 1 team” to clown him and they looked at each other like 👁👄👁
when san backwashed into his bottle of cola and hongjoong unknowingly drank from it which made her go 👁👄👁 and she made san pinky-promise that he wouldn’t do that to her
when felix, chan and somi hugged her when ateez got their first win on m countdown
when she wrote another one of their iconic instagram live “please leave” signs in her pretty cursive handwriting
she really said “𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 ❤️” 😭😭😭
when that one australian interviewer asked “if you don’t have any sexiness or charisma like me, what do you do then?” and she half-jokingly went “yeah, that’d be tragic”
cried at their concert in sydney and couldn’t sing for the remainder of the song they were performing because she was crying so much
said “sorry, this is his mission, i’m just here for moral support” when the employees at the pharmacy heard her speak fluent english and asked her to translate for mingi during ateez treasure film
(disclaimer: i’m pretty sure mingi mentioned in a v-live that the producers (?) of ateez treasure film told him to exaggerate the mission for entertainment purposes. so this is in no way trying to make fun of anyone’s english, and is intended to be light-hearted. as someone whose mother tongue isn’t english, and is currently learning a fourth language, i can say with full confidence that learning other languages is really, really hard and i’m so proud of the boys for their english!! in conclusion, mingi english king and mingi bestest boy!! 🥺)
climbed the sydney harbour bridge with seonghwa and mingi for the former’s mission
when they all went to juliet’s house in sydney to have dinner with her family during ateez treasure film; she also saw her cat in person for the first time in years and teared up because it had grown a lot
also cried during the confessional activity on the beach while filming ateez treasure film and clung to seonghwa and yunho for the rest of the activity
reacted to the ateez meme song with hongjoong
“ateez meh-meh song?” pls he’s so cute
*dying in the background* “MEME song” 😭
laughed for 5 minutes straight after seeing yunho in his thor costume
showed off a hydro flask that she customised during a v-live before going “sksksksksksksksk”; this moment went viral on stan twitter
eating fairy bread and toast with vegemite during a v-live
making the boys and their staff try vegemite
san: “ewwwww!”
almost said “fuck” once during a v-live with wooyoung and he immediately slapped a hand over her mouth
“everyone, i apologise on her behal—JULIET WAS THAT YOUR TONGUE DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND”
after joking about choosing a leader for the ‘99 line on idol radio, the djs asked juliet what leader she was, and she teasingly replied that she was the leader of k-pop’s “aussie line”; felix later brought this up in a v-live with chan to clown her
when it was time to shoot her solo scenes for the music video for answer no one could find her and everyone panicked until they found her curled up in a corner sleeping
was close to snapping during a group v-live because of the hate comments and didn’t bother masking her irritation towards the end; jongho had to pat her head to subtly calm her; this was the first time atiny’s ever saw her angry on camera and realised how scary she could be
when a few atiny’s brought juliet flowers during a fansign which made her incredibly happy for the rest of the event, so now atiny’s bring her flowers all the time
was so focused on eating during a v-live that she was completely oblivious to some of the boys quietly watching her eat adoringly
when an atiny told her that they hadn’t eaten yet at a fansign and she asked them to pinky-promise that they would eat something after the event
almost lost her shit with san when seonghwa rapped on weekly idol
covering “someone you loved” on weekly idol which went viral
almost died laughing when they sang “wonderland” in spanish on hello82
fangirled over basically every artist during mama 2019; clips of her just having the time of her life went viral and many asked about “the girl in the boy group who was jamming out”
when san almost gave her a heart attack by spinning the gold play button; she was still very impressed
rounded up all 8 of her members to sing “thank you” to them during “thank u” at their seoul concert and make them all emotional
during the same concert, she accidentally whacked herself over the head with her mic when waving to fans and went “ ᵃ ʰ ”
she’s babie :(
randomly asked “toes for fingers or fingers for toes” during a v-live and the other members looked at her like 👁👄👁 for a good minute
got very passionate about having fingers for toes being better than having toes for fingers
“how will you even find shoes that are big enough?” “custom shoes, duh🙄”
almost died laughing during san and mingi’s round in the “scream in silence” game during their v-live
nearly lost her cool from playing the “scream in silence” game with yeosang
“yOU I D I O T”
made friendship bracelets for herself, the boys, and some of their staff members on an episode of juliet’s archive; they can all be seen wearing the bracelets frequently
when she couldn’t attach the wristband to her lightiny and asked seonghwa for help, but he couldn’t do it either so they looked at each other in exasperation for a few seconds before deciding to give up together
wore her huge platform boots in a v-live so she could be taller than hongjoong, much to his dismay
when she tried to show her boots off by lifting up her leg, she forgot she was wearing a dress; seonghwa immediately panicked and moved in front of her to shield her from the camera, not knowing she was wearing shorts underneath the dress
watching seonghwa’s birthday v-live in the corner with san
when their staff brought out a “cake” that was built from packets of timtams for her birthday v-live and it made her so happy she almost cried
reacted to hongjoong’s cover of “black or white” during a solo v-live and teared up
when an atiny asked her to help with their maths homework during a v-live and she said “uh...i’m probably the last person you’d want to ask...”
cried during an inception music show performance because she got so into the performance; it scared atiny’s until she went on v-live explaining what happened
helping yunho expose san on weekly idol
when she imitated seonghwa’s “num-num” and did the “ottoke” song on weekly idol and made everyone on and off set soft for her
when her and wooyoung both lost it when yeosang sucked on a piece of radish on weekly idol during a game
when she said “i have the only braincell in ateez” and was almost immediately clowned by atiny’s who made compilations of moments when she acted questionably
“jeez, you guys didn’t have to come for me like that”
said “wow, geography king” when yunho said “thank you, scandinavia” for his “thanxx” acoustic poem during idol live tv
during a game on idol live tv, she caught wooyoung and yeosang copying the answer to the number of days since ateez’s debut from atiny’s live comments and subsequently changed her answer, unbeknownst to them
when even san didn’t want her to eat the “detergent hwachae” he, hongjoong, yeosang and mingi made on studiok
she ate it anyways and it was instant regret
“we’re not friends anymore >:(” — to jongho on ateez fever road after hongjoong found the real key which was attached to jongho’s bag all along
was so scared when the masked man appeared during ateez fever road that she hid behind hongjoong and they freaked out together
but started laughing when the masked man “kidnapped” wooyoung
“if we let you have him you won’t come back for us, right?” “yAH! BAEK MINYOUNG!”
then did the “7 makes 1 team” chant with the others, excluding jongho and wooyoung after the former suggested “saving” wooyoung
was slouching in a chair in the background of an ateez log but immediately got up and sat upright once the cameraman came over to film her while pretending nothing happened
when one atiny showed their cat during a video call with her and she went “CAT :D”
when she went on and on about her coffee preferences and opinions during a solo vlive without realising, and wooyoung had to call her for her to realise that she had been ranting about coffee for five minutes straight 💀
when she was about to fight hongjoong for slandering mint chocolate chip ice cream
being an iconic legend when she was on the kpop daebak podcast with eric nam (and also fangirled over him)
dancing to what type of x by jessi with san and yunho during their kcontact 3 interview
“jessi-sunbaenim i love you!!”
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(a/n: ajshakjska this is so long i’m so sorry 😔😔)
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