#so here goes nothing
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mouchiiiiie · 1 year ago
Since I don’t really find a lot of cross-stitch patterns of Nick and Charlie and I REALLY wanted to make something Heartstopper related… I decided to learn how to create a pattern just to make this! They are not perfect but I’m still really happy with the results!!
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querkynchaotic · 4 months ago
mary macdonald microfic - canon compliant
(quoted choices by messermoon for dumbledore's first line)
The first time she thought about it was when Marlene died.
It had been months since she had used magic and years since she had stepped foot into Diagon Alley. Actually, after Hogwarts ended, the only time she had seen a wizard or a witch who wasn't one of her friends was in St Mungo's, when Lily had given birth to Harry.
The problem is, once you think about something, there is no unthinking it. The more she tried to get that idea out of her head, the more she thought about it. And as things got worse, that little voice in the back of her mind became more and more oppressive.
"What if you just forgot about it all ?"
Forget about the bullying in school, the glares, the insults, the double standards, the spells behind her back. The death eaters who had already killed so many of her friends. The attacks on Muggles she felt were directed against her. Knowing who had done it, knowing why, and having to hear the explanations the muggle news gave. Knowing the truth.
Knowing became too much. And she understood why they all wanted to fight -- James Potter wouldn't be James Potter if he wasn't risking his life to make the world a better place -- but she just. Didn't have anything to fight for. The wizarding world didn't mean as much to her as it did to them, and she didn't see why she would fight for a place where she was so unwelcome.
So she thought about it. Forgetting everything. But there was too much to forget. And Lily was still here, Sirius was still here, and they needed her. She couldn't be that selfish and let them down.
So, she only thought about it. As something to calm herself in the middle of the night, the kind of horrible thought that weirdly brings you comfort, thinking "if everything goes to shit, I'll just forget about it."
She just never imagined it would get that bad.
Because after Marlene died, Dorcas went a bit crazy. And then she died. And then Lily disappeared. When Harry was 6 months old, her and James went MIA. Sirius wouldn't tell her anything, they mostly talked about Remus, and the more they did, the more Mary wondered how they would ever come back from that. But she never wondered if they would come back from that. I mean, they were Sirius and Remus, for goodness' sake.
And then.
And then.
And then Lily died. And James. And Sirius had betrayed them. And he had killed Peter. And the world fell apart.
She's in Dumbledore's office with Petunia Dursley, ready to leave, when Dumbledore says :
“You will leave Harry Potter where he is. You will not speak to him, you will not write to him, you will have no contact with him at all.”
She feels like she's in a dream. She's outside of her own body, watching herself in that office, with that man. Right now, she doesn't see a war hero, or a rebel, or a headmaster : she sees the reason why so many of her friends are dead. No, not "so many" : all of them. Because the two who are left might as well be.
"He can't..." Her voice sounds weird, like she's hearing it on tape. Like it's someone else speaking. It's completely void of emotion, as well. It catches her off guard. But maybe she doesn't have anything left to feel. "He can't know I exist ?"
The old man smiles, all trace of coldness gone. "I'm glad we understand each other."
"Then I want you to obliviate me".
The voice in her head isn't a voice in her head anymore. It's not an intruder telling her "you could forget about it" ; it's her thinking "I'm going to forget everything". It's her saying it out loud.
"I beg your pardon ?"
"You heard me. You want me to leave Harry alone ? That's the thing I ask in return." Her voice is mechanic, daring, like her emotions are turned off. Usually, that's not a good thing, because it's even more of a mess when you turn them back on. Hopefully, this time, she won't have to go through that.
"I don't understand. What are you asking ?"
God, she had forgotten Petunia was here.
"Obliviate. It's a spell that erases your memory." She doesn't bother waiting for Petunia's reaction, turning her attention back to Dumbledore. "You said I'm reluctant to being involved, right ? Well, this is me not getting involved. With any of it, actually. I don't want to remember the war, I don't want to remember how it ended, or why it started, I don't... I don't even want to remember your stupid school. I want to forget that magic exists."
A surprised gasp comes out of Petunia's mouth, and then the mask is back on, and she looks full of disdain once again. "I understand that. I always told Lily it was better to be normal than a freak."
Mary wants to tell her she's wrong. She wants to tell her that magic can be beautiful. But right now she doesn't remember why. Magic is beautiful when it's someone's magic, and everyone magical Mary loved is dead.
For Lily's sake, for all the times Mary held her while she cried missing her sister, she wants to tell Petunia she's wrong. That she loves being a witch. But she's so tired. And right now, she really doesn't.
She wishes she had someone on her side, to argue with Petunia so she doesn't have to. To jump into the fight for her.
But isn't that what they did ? Jump into the fight for people like you ? And where did that get them ?
Absolutely fucking nowhere.
"How far back are we talking about ?" Dumbledore's voice snaps her back into reality. He's looking at her with piercing blue eyes. God how she hates him. But she's also relieved, like this man is finally gonna take away some of the pain he caused her.
"Everything. Just erase everything from when I was eleven years old."
"I would not recommend that. You would wake up with ten years of your life missing, and you would start asking questions. Trying to fill the gaps."
"Can't you..." She sighs. She's so fucking tired. And more than anything, she wants to go to sleep. Physically and metaphorically.
"Can't you leave some stuff then ? So I don't wonder and get nosy about my own life ?"
"One simple way to do that would be for you to extract your memories from your brain. That way we could choose which ones..."
"For you to have them ?" She cuts him sharply. "And keep them in little bottles and look through them whenever you like ?" She scoffs "That's not bloody likely. Aren't you supposed to be a good wizard ? Like, really talented ? Can't you manage to... I don't know, make your obliviate a little selective ?"
"I could leave some memories of school, the ones that don't imply magic, but it would be very blurry. You wouldn't have much. And I can't let you keep any memories that date from after school. That would leave too many blanks you would want to fill."
She sighs. Closes her eyes. Lets that sink in.
He's going to do it. He's actually going to do it. This is it. This is where her pain stops.
What a bastard though, she thinks with a chuckle. She opens her eyes.
"It's fine. Just... Imply that we fell out of touch after school. I have a lot of memories that don't include them. I'll be fine."
"Very well. Mrs Dursley, if you would like to step back."
And suddenly, she sees everything. Like she's going to die and her whole life flashes before her eyes. All her magical life, anyways. It's like her brain knows what to focus on, in a last desperate attempt to keep it.
She's going to forget Lily's wedding. She's going to forget Harry. She's going to forget Sirius' and Remus' flat. She's going to forget Marlene's 19th birthday party. She's going to forget the trip they all made to France.
She's going to forget about Quidditch. James flying on his broom, Marlene and Sirius throwing bludgers at each other, Lily cheering them on, Remus reading in the stands, Peter with a red and gold scarf and pink cheeks.
She's going to forget how it feels to fly.
She's going to forget about potions. Lily giggling when they made Amortentia. Marlene mortified when hers smelled like Dorcas, Sirius and Remus thinking theirs didn't work because they were brewing it together.
The classes. The spells. Peter's magical chessboard, the owls, running in the Forbidden Forest, enchanting objects so they would dance, getting back at the boys and pranking them, getting drunk with Firewhiskey in the Leaky Cauldron, ...
She's going to forget Hogsmeade.
Trying to do magical make up. Sirius' magical moon phase tattoo. The first time she saw a unicorn. James' elf Minnie. The magical fireworks on New Year's Eve.
She's going to forget how it feels to cast a Patronus.
All there, in a second, she sees Lily smiling and Marls dancing and Remus...
When she comes home from university, she finds pictures of her school friends on the floor. She doesn't remember taking them out of the boxes, but she's feeling a bit light headed and really, really tired, so that must be it.
She picks up a picture of her and the girls. God, she hasn't seen them in ages. She smiles. She wonders what they're up to now. Mentally tells herself off for not having made the effort to stay in touch. It wouldn't make much sense to seek them out now, four years later.
Isn't it crazy, how you can spend your entire time with people, live with them, and then... They all went to different universities and fell out of touch, or at least that's what she assumes because right now she can't remember discussing their future, or what Lily wanted to study.
Oh well. She's ready to bet one day she'll turn on the sports channel and see Marls on TV, though she can't remember which sport it was she was really into. Or she'll stumble across a book written by Remus at the library, though she thinks she would remember if he had gone on to study Literature just like she did ?
"I really need to sleep" she mumbles to herself.
She picks up the photos, puts them back in their box, and goes to bed.
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faithandfairies · 5 months ago
Re-visiting Antoinette
So, I've been re-watching the show and it has me coming back to Antoinette. Which, I think I always come back to Antoinette because she is important, just not in the way a lot of people think.
The thing is, Louis and Lestat don't communicate properly so you have to look at their actions to figure out where they are at mentally and emotionally at any given time. And painting a more complete picture of Lestat's actions in relation to Antoinette and her purpose according to Lestat does that.
You see, I think by the time Antoinette enters, Lestat feels like he is losing Louis. Their relationship is going down the drain because they're not communicating properly and on top of that Louis isn't feeding well so he doesn't have energy for the parts of their relationship that do work. Louis' lack of proper feeding though is tied to his feelings, his humanity. And his shame of what he is, for which Lestat partly blames himself because of how he handled Louis' turning and their relationship.
And so Lestat starts trying to re-write history to get Louis back. Fix the mistakes he made in the past that Louis holds against him to get Louis back in the present but also as a way to remind Louis of the good times. And he uses Antoinette to do that.
As such Lestat casts Antoinette in the role of Ernesto. Because that's where everything started to go wrong in their relationship. Louis being disgusted with how and why Lestat kills. In Louis' opinion Lestat should never have killed Ernesto. At the very least not in the way he did.
Just like Ernesto Antoinette is a musician. And just like with Ernesto as she leaves Lestat is looking at her like he wants to drain her but he doesn't at that point even though I believe he wants to.
He then also uses Antoinette to remind Louis of his courting period with him. I think Lestat's intention with Antoinette is for Louis to miss him during that two week period as he lavishes all of his attention on someone other than Louis only to then try to seduce him at the end of it, recreating the first time he and Louis slept together after their two week courting period with Antoinette in the role of Lily. Also using the fact that Louis is hungry to try to get him to feed.
I genuinely think Lestat would have killed Antoinette if his plan had worked here. Drained her with Louis most likely. Ernesto's death, but with different circumstances. No humiliation, no torture, just pleasure and lulling her into a false sense of security so Louis can feed. Trying to listen to the objections Louis had to the way Lestat killed. Because the killing itself is non-negotiable, but the circumstances can be negotiated. Lestat is willing to hunt for Louis, and in whatever way that will make it more likely that Louis will feed human.
Lestat's genuinely trying to find viable alternatives for Louis to feed on. Because Louis isn't opposed to feeding on animals. But that isn't a sufficient diet. So what is the human equivalent of an animal to Louis? Louis is opposed to feeding on black people because he considers them his people. Louis is also gay, attracted to his own sex, so all men might be off the table. So I think Lestat goes, would white women suffice? Would that be impersonal enough? Or do you need it to be more personal? Would a white woman that looks like me make you angry enough to feed if you can direct your anger at her? Since male criminals don't do the trick? Or do you need variety of the sexual sort? Do you need to have sex that then devolves into you draining your victim in the heat of the moment?
And I mean, Lestat hit the nail on the head too, you've got to give him that. He knows Louis very well. Because Louis in Paris feeds on humans when he hallucinates his victims as Lestat and directs his anger at them. And in San Francisco Louis sleeps with his victims then drains them. They need so much therapy by the way.
But then here that doesn't work. Louis leaves to feed on animals instead of joining Lestat and Antoinette. So Lestat's like okay, I've got to go back even further. Fix every mistake I've ever made with Louis. Not kill Lily, not turn Louis two weeks into knowing him and use Antoinette to represent that. And so he continues to cast Antoinette in the role of Lily and adds Louis-stand-in and doesn't kill or turn Antoinette. Instead he continues a relationship with her as a human.
But I think Lestat's also realizing it won't make a difference, even if he has learned from his mistakes. I think his relationship with her devolves into a form of self-flagellation through her then. Because he can't turn back time and not turn Louis after only two weeks of knowing him, ease him into things so that Louis doesn't hate Lestat and himself for what they both are. So that he doesn't want to hurt himself and Lestat for what they both are.
I think Antoinette also ended up becoming a way to bridge the gap between Lestat's vampirism and his humanity to save his relationship with Louis when Louis became hard to reach, because Lestat stopped being able to read Louis' mind to understand him and because they didn't communicate well. And because Lestat kept making missteps that created an increasingly larger chasm between them.
Because that's one of the problems, although Lestat understood where Louis thought he went wrong enough to try to fix it I don't think Lestat fully understood why Louis thought certain decisions Lestat made were wrong, why Louis saw things the way he did. Lestat acts on instinct a lot, having been a vampire for as long as he's been by the time he meets Louis and having embraced it as he has. He just doesn't think about things the same way Louis does or at all.
He left Antoinette human as long as he did because it was beneficial to him, because it meant she could help him understand Louis' human side, to be a confidante and a sounding board, but it also genuinely offered a layer of protection to him and Louis for him to be seen with a woman when he and Louis were suspected to be lovers by the town.
Until of course it was more beneficial to have her as a vampire. And of course her love becomes a stand-in for the love he wishes he got from Louis, that he feels he could have gotten from Louis if he'd handled things differently with him.
The thing is, just like everything else in Lestat's mind his involvement with Antoinette is for Louis. It's just that Lestat being Lestat everything he does or thinks he does for Louis alone he's usually also doing for himself.
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its-stupidhours · 5 months ago
I love drafting fics <3
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like to kiss his bald little head. reblog to kiss his bald little head
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quarantineddreamer · 1 year ago
✨ B's RebelCaptain Rec List ✨
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Apologies in advance as I have NO DOUBT that I missed including some very talented individuals and their works in this list. (This is by no means comprehensive.)
I haven't been here all that long, but wow--since day one I've been blown away by the talent in this fandom and the dedication of all the creators.
So, thank you lovely souls for sharing your beautiful art (in all its many forms) for us to enjoy--and thank you RC community as a whole for being so lovely and welcoming this past year! I am truly grateful to be screaming/crying/rewriting canon with you 💖
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Give Up the Ghost by @frostbitepandaaaaa
I mean...what can I say? I love all of Frost's writing, but this was the first work I ever read of hers and it is devastating and gorgeous and will make you lose your mind. I remember the first time I read it just...lingering on certain sentences because I was in awe of how beautiful they were. Just read it. Trust me. (And then check out her WIP 12 Days afterwards!)
threshold by @astromechs
Another writer whose works I love. (Okay, that's pretty much everyone on this list--the RC fandom is so frickin talented). But for me, this fic in particular stands out as one that gives incredible insight into Cassian's character--and an adorable story overall. Heartfelt and beautiful.
built on hope by @luciechat
I am particularly obsessed with chapter 3 of this collection of prompt-writes Getting Back Together (in the Cold). Lucie paints the picture so clearly and the tension throughout is delicious. Highly recommend reading this RC Hoth fic--and Lucie's other amazing works!
we were never going to make it by @fulcrumstardust
Okay off the bat: be mindful of the tags! This was a whumptober fic and it is BIG SAD. But it is also so, so beautiful. The emotion woven throughout cuts to the bone and as painful as it was, the premise of the story was very well executed. (And if you're looking for a lighter read--maybe a spicy one--Moria's one-shot SOLAR STORM has such an incredible setup. The sexual tension is so well done.)
The RebelCaptain Romance Collection by @agentjackdaniels
I couldn't choose just one from this collection! Luce writes the softest, sweetest, fluffiest stories for RC that you will ever read. (Which makes perfect sense if you're lucky enough to get to know her because Luce is such a genuine, sweet soul.) These fics are like a warm-hug for the soul--just what you need after watching Rouge One.
the things you said by @gaygingersnaps
Again: I am not usually one for Modern AUs but I think the RC fandom is changing me and the first I ever read was Eli's amazing fic. I am obsessed with how Eli writes Jyn's internal dialogue. It's so in character and sharp and will make you smile and shake your head and go "Oh, Jyn!" This collection of stories is idiots-in-love like nothing else and you will fall in love with the world Eli has so thoughtfully crafted for a modern-day RC.
objection, your honor by @andorerso
I'm not usually one for modern AUs, but this fic is just so much fun. The banter between Cass and Jyn is so in character and so sharp and witty and the whole time I was reading I had a grin on my face. (These two idiots.) I love all the little details Sissi considers in this AU (Chewie being the dog for example), but that's no surprise! She is the queen of AUs!
Tethered (to the Story We Must Tell) by @dilf-din
I just absolutely loved the setup for this fic. Jess manages to fit these characters into a magical world so seamlessly by embedding the most incredible details from the Star Wars universe. (I was obsessed with the "stormtroopers".) Jess's writing is so smooth and rich and will immediately grab your attention.
Coping Mechanisms by @mosylufanfic
I think this was the first fic I ever read of mosylu's! I love the way she writes Jyn--always perfectly in character, strong and sassy. But in this fic in particular, I love the softness she brings to Jyn in how she cares for Cassian. I found it to be a very beautiful, healing read. (But if you're looking for something a bit longer or more upbeat! I mean, take your pick. Mosylu is another author who is amazing at AUs and her works are always such fun reads.)
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RC Proposal by @ninsletamain
I could have put any of nins' pieces down as a rec. (Like seriously go scroll her feed she's insanely talented and her work blows my mind everytime without fail). But I chose this one because it is just so rich and full of detail, I love the story it tells, and you cannot help but smile whenever you look at it.
Claw Machine by @winterdruid
Definitely an all-time favorite for me. I remember making a joke about claw-machine as a first date when I was doing a RO rewatch with some friends and then this masterpiece showed up on my feed and my jaw dropped?! It's so fun and cute and well-done and I reblog it every time I see it soooo.
Seashore (for RC Fluffbruary) by @adeptnenyim
I love the scenery, their poses, their expressions, the quote?! Ahhh all of it! Nen's art is so soft and special and gives me all the feels and this one is no exception.
BTS of RO Inspired by @art-question-mark
I have always loved the picture this piece is based off of. In my head, it is happy Jyn and Cass. In my head, it is canon. Natalie's style is so beautiful and I love some of the quotes Natalie pulls from the Rogue One novel to go with the art!
Pretty Cute by @muguathepapaya
This piece is super cute and exactly what they deserved. I'm obsessed. Gives me all the warm and fuzzies. Sunshine on a rainy day, so gorgeous.
Time to Wake Up by @eegnm
Okay are you noticing the theme yet? I love seeing these two happy, and this scene in particular is just so...warm. I love the cuddly vibes, their expressions, all of it. You can feel the love in it.
losers by @necr0mancers
I am obsessed with the look they are exchanging. Very conspiratorial and so true to them. I also just love the style of this artists' works and the sense of humor woven through many of their pieces.
Elevator Scene by @satmolly
Nope I actually do not have words for this one. I think it says enough. (This happened, and it happened just like this and it is so very beautiful).
Favorite Scene (beach) by @dramaticmusicplaying
Another one that leaves me speechless. (Okay, they ALL do I feel like I am not doing these artists justice I'M SORRY). I just think this piece captures the beach perfectly and I love the style and all the colors and I kinda need to cry after looking at it okay?!
Jyn/Cassian Smooch by @barrikae
I am totally obsessed with this artist's style and this image in particular is just: ahhhhh! You know? Like look at themmmmm. Thank you for this barrikae.
Space Travel by @freebooter4ever
Your honor, they are holding hands and they are so very sleepy and I am so very in love with this piece. I love the artist's style and again, amazing scene set. Lives rent free in my mind.
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Tagging creators for this one vs specific sets (cause you CANNOT make me choose honestly) and linking this post I wrote awhile back about how incredible I think you all are! (As in: I specifically had RC creators in mind when I wrote that post.)
*This is the list I am most nervous about cause I am almost certain I am forgetting people so if you see this and you make gifs for RC please know I love you and your work <3
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panda-of-the-trash · 1 year ago
Official listing
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Looking for angry goth girlfriend/boyfriend/partner
Will you be the Crowley to my Aziraphale?
(Yes hi i´m a single and desperate nonbinary bisexual)
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jkriordanverse · 10 months ago
Books in store: I see you at the movies: Gem here! Birds don't sing:
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Gem*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✩ INTP ☆ fourteen ☆ Slytherclaw ☆ Febuary 22nd ☆ Tidemaker ☆ Cabin 4 ☆ aspiring artist ☆ leader of the grandma movement ☆ bejeweled 24/7 ☆ grandchild of many grandmas ☆
˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🌼˖𓍢ִ🌿˚.˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀˚˖𓍢ִ໋`🍰₊��𖧧°🌸₊˚ 🦢・₊₊𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒:✧˚.📷⋆𖧧°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚
Birds don't sing: TLDP ☆ beach bunny ☆ tv girl ☆ girl in red ☆ mitski ☆ olivia rodrigo ☆ mother mother ☆ six ☆ epic ☆ empires ☆ matt maltese ☆ jack stauber ☆ paris paloma ☆ sofia isella ☆
The breakfast club: tig ☆ kotlc ☆ ouabh ☆ sbg ☆ riordanverse ☆ potterverse ☆ tsoa ☆ tmr ☆ l&co ☆ iron widow ☆ ctc ☆ dotmg ☆ 1995 ☆ the naturals ☆ 1995 ☆ grishaverse ☆ thg
Burning pile: st ☆ sweet tooth ☆ tlou ☆ tmr ☆ l&co ☆ tua ☆ arcane ☆ goodbye earth ☆ life series ☆ empires (stan lizzie) ☆ 3 body problem ☆ tlou ☆ the breakfast club ☆ jjk ☆
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konmaao3 · 1 year ago
“I’m not backing down.”
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starcrossedjedis · 2 years ago
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Sairen Sun aka. “Sun the Siren” in “Bring me the Horizon” [One Piece Live Action // Shanks x OFC]
“I'm not the type of person people usually stick around for. I'm just a layover, not anyone's home port...”
tagged: @acabecca @akabluekat @arrthurpendragon @asirensrage @auxiliarydetective @bibaybe @bravelittleflower @chickensarentcheap @curious-kittens-ocs @darknightfrombeyond @darkwolf76 @drbobbimorse @eddiemunscns @elmunson @emilykaldwen @far-shores @fragilestorm @fyeahocsofcolor @harleyquinnzelz @if-you-onlyknew @jewishbarbies @juliaswickcrs @katiekinswrites @kingsmakers @mabonetsamhain @margoshansons @mystic-scripture @ocappreciationtag @sgtbuckyybarnes @stachedocs @susiesamurai @trash0saurus @thatmagickjuju (just let me know if you want on here as well ♥)
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supermacaquecool · 4 days ago
I barely even drew anything, i should've just gone to sleep
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cericreatively · 22 days ago
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@fhteehj if it's lore you seek, then lore you shall receive!
(related to the fanfic wip ask game)
(especially since this au is kiiiiinda connected to another fanfic concept wip that I've been partially hyperfixating on lately alongside Arcane stuff ahdjlkahdlkas)
This is going to be pretty long since there's so much lore I packed into this fanfic au concept, so buckle up for one heck of an infodump.
Okay, so the Birdcage Cycle is actually one of many stories that were part of this larger fic-universe named Shattered Mirages, heavily focused on the SCP Foundation as a whole. (It was a massive project, and one of its storylines was going to connect to another fic-universe I thought up, but that's a whole story).
So, the Birdcage Cycle's main storyline focuses on these two:
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(this doodle of these characters is from 2023-last year btw)
So the two of them are both working in the SCP Foundation: specifically, in one of its facilities in Italy. Caterina 'Trina' is a researcher (specifically a Level 3 researcher), and Ottavia 'Tavi' is a field agent. They're also really close friends (or are they? what if perhaps they became,,, something more? *cough*repressedwlwfeelings*cough*)
It should also be noted that Ottavia 'Tavi' is hard of hearing, relying a lot on hearing aids and sign language. She also suffers from amnesia, having little to no recollection of her childhood and past -- all that she knows was that she ended up being raised by her aunt (who shares the last name as her), and that her childhood wasn't exactly the best. (one of the things she and Caterina bond over, aside from a shared interest in both the sciences and the arts.)
Now, back to the story:
So one day, both Caterina and Ottavia are assigned to two different cases. Caterina is assigned to a case involving anomalous incidents where deceased bodies that have been partially-calcified and altered have started to pop up more in certain locations. Ottavia is assigned to a case involving an anomalous piece of sheet music that, when performed by musicians, ends up leading to disastrous consequences.
However, the more these two try to investigate into these cases, the more they find themselves delving deeper and deeper into a tangled web of mysteries and connections -- one that might involve several other SCPS, a cycle of tragedy that goes back centuries, and most of all, one that might involve their pasts catching up to them.
So, I don't want to spoil a lot about this au concept wip, but here are some notable parts of it that I think are important to know:
Later on, Ottavia finds out that a cult might be involved in the cases involving the anomalous music piece -- a cult that might be tied to a childhood she can barely remember
Some of the SCPs involved in this au do end up being changed a bit, due to circumstances in this concept's past that end up changing their paths and all
There is an oc connected to this au who is also somewhat important since she was the first SCP Foundation oc I ever made:
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(these drawings range from roughly around 2021-2023)
So this girl here, is Katia Bertrand. She started out as my version of the POV character from the SCP Containment Breach game (which introduced me to the SCP universe), but as time went on and I got into newer SCP Foundation phases, her story changed a lot as I updated the lore, began to change bits of the au she was part of, and over time she became less of a main pov character and more of a character whose story began to connect to the plot's backstory, if that makes sense.
And also, some bonus doodles:
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Some of the other characters who were going to be part of the Birdcage Cycle.
Yes, I reference a bunch of other SCPS (alongside two ocs who were going to be part of the lore). Yes, I sometimes tend to draw said SCPS humanized because every piece of media I touch with non-human characters always seems to end up with me making gijinkas/humanized versions of them. Yes, this is a hint to the SCPS involved in this specific au.
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Some bonus worldbuilding bits for my fan-interpretation of some certain fashion/clothing/profession-related customs in one of the dimensions that's a part of this au (ft. an oc and a humanized version of an scp)
(on a side note, these bonus drawings also were made roughly around early 2024 (last year), since that was also the time I began hyperfixating on the SCP Foundation universe and this specific fanfic au wip concept)
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year ago
...hey guys completely random but i made a youtube channel 🚶🏻
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#i never thought id be doing this but#after encouragement from some followers/oomfs on twitter... i finally did it...#i recently got a mic so... after i finish uploading my impromptu twitter voice covers#im gonna hopefully start recording and posting proper covers.....!!!!?!!??#lmao#anyway no i dont think my voice is that great but#this is smth ive lowkey wanted to/fantasized abt for a while (uploading covers to youtube)#and ive already gotten bold enough to share them on twitter/here so#and ive been encouraged by a few nice ppl (bc else i would never do it skfbdnd)#so here goes nothing#🫡.....🏃🏻💨#btw if u have any advice for how to set up my channel/what to put in the description kdhfdk#oh also i put a new username bc milkbreadtoast(fluffberries as well) was taken...#might change it tho...#my singing#<--my singing tag btw LMFAO#edit: o sidenote this is smth personal but#ive also wanted to record covers with my pre-T voice#so that if/when i ever go on T... I'll be able to look back on them#idk if i ever will go on T but if I do this is smth i def want to do before that#o btw... im not... ive never considered myself a 'singer' and ive never sang in front of ppl irl either or taken classes/joined clubs etc#but this has become a lowkey hobby the past couple yrs#and its rly fun to try to find ways to improve my singing... ive def improved bc#when i listen to covers i recorded a few yrs ago im like oh my fking god my ears... hell no...#like even just 2 yrs ago#i think i improved a lot in the past 2 yrs... or since graduating...?#/since covid/quarantine lmao
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bluemusickid · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to the love of my life, the father of my children, my spouse (just need to tell him)
Love ya pookie bearrrrrr, remember 49 is just a number
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vamirotriestowrite · 1 year ago
Do you ever just wonder what would happen if all of us actually took up the space we needed? Like breathe a little better and exist beyond the space we get for typing our darkest thoughts anonymously on sites like Tumblr? Because this, the space I get on an A4 paper sheet to write my stories and my room are the only limited spaces where I can exist.
And not like breathe and exist to impress. To show off our clothes and our beautiful body features. But to just exists. Like feelings exist, like hunger in our stomach exists. Like the tears always exist when you want them to.
The existence which is more potent in its affirmation.
Imagine the world being that space.
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studythensims · 2 years ago
Round 2...
In an attempt to be relevant and like all of the amazing cool blogs I follow; I’m going to attempt to blog and share posts with more consistency. I realized my bio was insanely outdated (not even a student anymore) so it was time for a refresh! I feel like a poser (lol), but going to try to get out of my comfort zone and not let my crippling “if it’s not perfect I don’t want to share/play” ruin it.
Any simblrs that are new? I would love to follow! 
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thesongofthesiren · 23 days ago
Alright I have 3 months to learn Italian before my trip.
Wish me luck.
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