#so I'll revamp it (somehow)
tvrningout · 9 months
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i see or hear alternative/punk rock content and arata screams at the top of his lungs to let him out
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leftdestiny-posts · 1 year
I want to revamp my blog (writing) but idk where to start ;;
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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this is still my favorite arata icon i have, and i'm here to talk about stand out! a lil bit. mainly their origins bc i just have major brainrot over them uvu
stand out! includes yasushi ( lead vocalist ), arata ( bass guitar ), tamiko ( lead guitar ), suzy ( drummer ), and akane ( manager ). when they initially come together, they're in high school and in different grades -- arata and yasu are third years, akane and suzy are second years, and tami is a first year. of course the two boys grew up together and started the band, and of course akane got involved as a mom friend tends to do :' ) akane recruited suzy, who would later recruit tami.
suzy was kinda? considered to be the quiet, weird kid who wasn't any fun to pick on bc she never reacted how you wanted. she was alone often but not uncomfortable tbh. to keep this short and to the point, while she wasn't uncomfortable, she found life really, really boring and found herself wanting to change that. when akane approached her about joining the band, suzy went for it bc it sounded fun, a cure for the boredom that seemed to permeate everything.
suzy found tamiko by pure chance, saving her from some rather mean-spirited girls. she took the first year to get ice cream to cheer her up ( food always put suzy in a good mood, you see ), and it just so happened that the topic of instruments and music came up. at the time, stand out! didn't need another guitarist bc they had yasushi and arata, but suzy filed away the information just in case and exchanged phone numbers with tamiko. even if they never played together, suzy thought the first year was adorable and endearing.
and then!! yasushi manages to injure his wrist, and suzy is really glad she kept in touch with tamiko.
the first year is only meant to be a stand-in until yasu recovers. that's okay. that's cool. tami's absolutely fine with that even though this is the first time since she's moved that she's felt like she belonged. she feels like maybe she could have actual friends if this wasn't just a temporary situation, but it's okay. even if they're all in grades above hers, they'll still hang out with her.
they would have, by the way. but she becomes a permanent member the minute they witness the stage presence tami has ( not to mention she's more than a little amazing at guitar ).
and that's how the members of stand out! came together! this post is already much too long, but something i wanna emphasize is how coming together changes each person and helps them grow. this band kinda?? happened when each person needed it to. and i don't have the brain cells left to get into that rn, but can i get a hell yeah for found family dynamics :' )
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burntoutdaydreamer · 1 year
Weird Brain Hacks That Help Me Write
I'm a consistently inconsistent writer/aspiring novelist, member of the burnt-out-gifted-kid-to-adult-ADHD-diagnosis-pipeline, recently unemployed overachiever, and person who's sick of hearing the conventional neurotypical advice to dealing with writer's block (i.e. "write every single day," or "there's no such thing as writer's block- if you're struggling to write, just write" Like F*CK THAT. Thank you, Brenda, why don't you go and tell someone with diabetes to just start producing more insulin?)
I've yet to get to a point in my life where I'm able to consistently write at the pace I want to, but I've come a long way from where I was a few years ago. In the past five years I've written two drafts of a 130,000 word fantasy novel (currently working on the third) and I'm about 50,000 words in on the sequel. I've hit a bit of a snag recently, but now that I've suddenly got a lot of time on my hands, I'm hoping to revamp things and return to the basics that have gotten me to this point and I thought I might share.
1) My first draft stays between me and God
I find that I and a lot of other writers unfortunately have gotten it into our heads that first drafts are supposed to resemble the finished product and that revisions are only for fixing minor mistakes. Therefore, if our first draft sucks that must mean we suck as writers and having to rewrite things from scratch means that means our first draft is a failure.
I'm here to say that is one of the most detrimental mentalities you can have as a writer.
Ever try drawing a circle? You know how when you try to free-hand draw a perfect circle in one go, it never turns out right? Whereas if you scribble, say, ten circles on top of one another really quickly and then erase the messy lines until it looks like you drew a circle with a singular line, it ends up looking pretty decent?
Yeah. That's what the drafting process is.
Your first draft is supposed to suck. I don't care who you are, but you're never going to write a perfect first draft, especially if you're inexperienced. The purpose of the first draft is to lay down a semi-workable foundation. A really loose, messy sketch if you will. Get it all down on paper, even if it turns out to be the most cliche, cringe-inducing writing you've ever done. You can work out those kinks in the later drafts. The hardest part of the first draft is the most crucial part: getting started. Don't stress yourself out and make it even harder than it already is.
If that means making a promise to yourself that no one other than you will ever read your first draft unless it's over your cold, dead body, so be it.
2) Tell perfectionism to screw off by writing with a pen
I used to exclusively write with pencil until I realized I was spending more time erasing instead of writing.
Writing with a pen keeps me from editing while I right. Like, sometimes I'll have to cross something out or make notes in the margins, but unlike erasing and rewriting, this leaves the page looking like a disaster zone and that's a good thing.
If my writing looks like a complete mess on paper, that helps me move past the perfectionist paralysis and just focus on getting words down on the page. Somehow seeing a page full of chicken scratch makes me less worried about making my writing all perfect and pretty- and that helps me get on with my main goal of fleshing out ideas and getting words on a page.
3) It's okay to leave things blank when you can't think of the right word
My writing, especially my first draft, is often filled with ___ and .... and (insert name here) and red text that reads like stage directions because I can't think of what is supposed to go there or the correct way to write it.
I found it helps to treat my writing like I do multiple choice tests. Can't think of the right answer? Just skip it. Circle it, come back to it later, but don't let one tricky question stall you to the point where you run out of brain power or run out of time to answer the other questions.
If I'm on a role, I'm not gonna waste it by trying to remember that exact word that I need or figure out the right transition into the next scene or paragraph. I'm just going to leave it blank, mark to myself that I'll need to fix the problem later, and move on.
Trust me. This helps me sooooo much with staying on a roll.
4) Write Out of Order
This may not be for everyone, but it works wonders for me.
Sure, the story your writing may need to progress chronologically, but does that mean you need to write it chronologically? No. It just needs to be written.
I generally don't do this as much for editing, but for writing, so long as you're making progress, it doesn't matter if it's in the right order. Can't think of how to structure Chapter 2, but you have a pretty good idea of how your story's going to end? Write the ending then. You'll have to go back and write Chapter 2 eventually, but if you're feeling more motivated to write a completely different part of the book, who's to say you can't do that?
When I'm working on a project, I start off with a single document that I title "Scrap for (Project Title)" and then just write whatever comes to mind, in whatever order. Once I've gotten enough to work with, then I start outlining my plot and predicting how many chapters I'm going to need. Then, I create separate google docs for each individual chapter and work on them in whatever order I feel like, often leaving several partially complete as I jump from one to the other. Then, as each one gets finished, I copy and paste the chapter into the full manuscript document. This means that the official "draft" could have Chapters 1 and 9, but completely be missing Chapters 2-8, and that's fine. It's not like anyone will ever know once I finish it.
Sorry for the absurdly long post. Hopes this helps someone. Maybe I'll share more tricks in the future.
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isa-ghost · 11 months
So uh. With the notion that c!Jack is no longer canon to the egos story. Here's where we're at:
It has no effect on Jackie other than debunking the "Jack is Jackie's real identity" theory.
It has no effect on Marvin unless I'm somehow forgetting something.
COMPLETELY derails what we know about Henrik. Jack was his best friend, as was Chase, he saved both their lives (reminder: Henrik confirmed Chase's case in KJSE), Anti possessed him BECAUSE he was trying to save Jack, which to us was the origin of all his fanon trauma, which has made SO MUCH of his character over the years as well as for his comeback in May 2018
It scraps a lot of Chase's foundation as Jack's best friend, overturns a huge chunk of what we know about him via Mayhem. The coma plot, Chase being in charge of the channel posing as Jack, that's all gone now. His only plot now is getting divorced, losing his kids, getting evicted. And Dark Silence, because Chase's encounter with Anti in it leads to him being contained by IRIS. Basically it's Bro Average -> Dark Silence -> CHASE -> IRIS & any future Alterverse content now.
It has no effect on Jameson. His lore as we know it, being Anti's unwilling puppet, is still concrete. Assuming this is what Sean continues to build off. We don't know what his plans are, all we know is Anti is some sort of anomaly now.
I 100% understand why Sean is redacting c!Jack and as an OC writer myself, I totally get "not knowing what you're doing at first so it has to be scrapped down the line." But it's still sad that this is taking a wrecking ball to Henrik's story. I think personally I'll be referring to it as his Beta Story on anything theory related I make for now on.
I'm not really sure how to word the thoughts I have now otherwise, but I do desperately hope my fellow theorists, newbies and veterans alike, are as willing as I am to trust Sean to take the story in its new direction. And respect it. We know there's someone very present in the community helping him with it and keeping a lot of the plot points and character lore we're all so attached to in his mind. While the coma *was* one of those things, again, I totally get why it has to be redacted. And honestly? That probably makes things less complicated in the long run, which I think we'll all appreciate WAY more eventually if we don't already, because it means there's less for us to worry about being done justice.
I think sometime this evening I'll make a post that constructs what, as far as we currently know, is all still canon. Just for our sanity's sake.
And for the record, for anyone who relies on my theory blog @isas-theory-wall, I'm not gonna "clean out" any posts from it or rearrange my tags to differ between Beta Plot and Actual Canon (at least not now, not until it proves to make utilizing my blog inconvenient or something). All our old stuff and what we Thought was canon prior to the story revamp will remain. If not for future use, at least for nostalgia.
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evanostic · 6 months
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debated on whether to post this, will probably flop anyways but whatever
this is not related to my ego au (if anyone somehow remembers) which i have decided to scrap and revamp once the finale is out. i'll rename it to something generic like "murder angels" or something
armbands are a nuisance to draw so i replaced it with military dog tags cause they're cool
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respectthepetty · 6 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 - Hot Tops
I did this for the first part, so I'm following up with the second part. I still have no Midnight Museum 2 or gym bros BL (why?!!!!!), and I'm excluding Ossan's Love and ReVamp since we knew those were coming, but, honestly, this list could have just been one show, and if you know me, you already know what it is . . .
#1 - The Heart Killers
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I'm a JoongDunk fan first, and a human second. My troublesome tykes get to be gay and do crime, this might be a Jojo show, and they get to chill next to FirstKhao.
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This isn't a gym bros BL, but somehow, I still won! Who do I look at first? Khao and Joong playing criminal brothers? Dunk being a mechanic? First being a tattoo artist? Not only am I getting a YinWar heist BL this year, but now this?! The chemistry is going to be 100%, and for this gift from the BL gods, I'm watching TWO shows on my Pride Petty Watch because I. Have. Been. Blessed.
#2 - Us
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Sing was looking fine with his hair, and his body, and his presence, so for me to see him in all his beauty and still scream for him to get the fuck off my screen so I could focus on the ladies means THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD! I'm still holding petty grudges against Emi for the character she played in 609 Bedtime Story and Intern in My Heart, but the second she told her boyfriend's sister to come closer . . . *bites knuckles*
#3 - Heart that Skips a Beat
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I'm shocked. I am fully invested in watching this idol love story knowing damn well I hate singing and dancing in my shows. And yet, somehow, this three-minute trailer convinced me that this wasn't just an average One Direction fanfic. No. This is about to be gold-tier fanfic storytelling. These boys aren't living in the BL bubble, but in actual this-shit-is-about-to-have-consequences-for-everyone reality. Plus, it appears to be color-coded, so bring me my idols!
Honorable Mention - Hide & Sis
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Jan, drenched in blood?
Everything Else
Talking shit about any of the others is pointless because I'm going to watch them all anyway, at least the queer ones that is, so I'm just gonna write that my beef with JittiRain, who got two shows this time around, and Krist is still as strong as ever even though Be My Favorite, which was with both of them, was a great show.
But there was a lot of pink in Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist
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And I like Perth x Chimon.
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So whatevs. I'll be here. Watching.
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possiblystancest · 8 days
eyes dart around… can we get some brattaming ford omo perhaps… i think he needs to be humbled :3c
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Humbling old stuck-up men is my SPECIALTY
It's definitely one of Stan's last straws with Ford. This last straw has been going on for the last 50 straws, but that's besides the point-
Getting his latest creature to join the Mystery Shack mocked and criticized by Ford- listen Stan knows that a mega-jacklope wouldn't have a horn made of tinfoil, nor would it have a voice box telling tourists to buy the merchandise but hey, creative liberties!
"It's always about how 'Oh Stanley that's not what that creature looks like', why's it never 'Oh Sixer, the historical accuracy of Sturly Stembleburgiss' outfit doesn't matter, it's about the PLOT' huh?"
"Maybe it's because I don't watch such ridiculous shows!"
Stan rolls his eyes. There's that attitude Stan remembers from when they'd get into spats over station to watch, never really left him even after all these years.
That's when an idea pops into Stan's mind-
"Tell ya what. I'll let you have free rein on revamping the shop," he says, loosely gesturing around the room, "if and only if you actually watch the trilogy."
Ford pitches the bridge of his nose, "If it means I get to get rid of these lackluster abominations. Then I accept this deal."
In the moment, Ford sees it as something wildly simple- the only challenge would be staying awake during those monologs with those awful accents.
Little did he know what Stan had up his sleeves~
Aka: movie night, but Stan spikes Ford's drinks with water pills or something else that is a diuretic.
Honestly, it was simple for Stan. Ain't the first time he's crushed pills and slipped them in a drink- just gotta make sure there's enough stirring and flavour to combat the grit of the pills.
Ford is none the wiser to Stan's plan- not even raising a brow when Stan gladly refills his drink. It's not until halfway through the second film that it hit him. That knawing sensation of his bladder steadily filling with what his kidneys had rapidly filtered out-
He shifts, attempting to find a position that allows him temporary relief. Any time that he tries to excuse himself, Stan rests his hand firmly on his shoulder, saying that he's going to miss an important part- lord it seemed like there sure were a lot of important scenes.
Ford doesn't quite know how Stan did it, but he somehow convinced him to sit on his lap. Now, he was unable to squirm without basically grinding against Stan. He chews on the inside of his cheeks, long since stopping from concentrating on the tv.
As had Stan- all his attention is on Ford. Feeling every twitch and shift of his brother's body as he tries to subtly hold it in. It's cute, honestly, seeing his arrogant brother being reduced to such childish means of holding it in. Perhaps now it was time to up the game-
Stan promises Ford he'll let him get up if he can answer some questions right about the show-
Ofc, Ford had stopped watching long ago, so he fumbles out answers that he can only weakly assume were right.
Stan smirks, one hand slowly rolling over Ford's lower abdomen. Each wrong answer has his palm pressing against the over filled bladder.
"Hmm, guess the genius doesn't know it all, huh?" Stan's voice coated in faux sympathy as he drinks in the pathetic hitches and whines coming from Ford.
"S-Stanley, you have to let me get up I-"
"You'll what? Dunno, Sixer, sounding like you aren't up the task. Thought you were just oh so smart. Guess my shows aren't as 'mind numbingly stupid' as you tell me," Stan says, his other hand gripping Ford's inner thigh, slinking closer and closer to his crotch.
Ford is clinging to the last straws of strength in keeping his bladder from releasing. He can't think straight, oh god, he can't. His hips roll against Stan's hand, by any means to hold it in - he doesn't care how pathetic he is right now.
Finally malleable, putty in his brother's hands.
"Mmm, ya know, maybe I'll let you go. If," Stan pauses to see the blown pupils his Ford when relief is dangled infront of him, "If you admit how I'm running the Shack is good."
Ford's frantic now, bouncing on Stan's lap, his cock straining to keep the dripples of piss inside. Anything for relief.
"Y-yes! How you're running that mess is- ack!"
His sentence is cut short from a firm press into his lower abdomen.
"Ah, ah, ah, now that doesn't sound all that sincere, Sixer. Let's try that again, yeah?" Stan says, his fingers now lazily dancing over his brother's extended abdomen.
Ford practically cries out as he feels a jet of hot urine streams out of him.
"O-okay! I'm, I'm sorry for ridiculing the Shack! You're running it just fine. S-Stanley pl-please I'm gonna-"
Stan smiles, and quickly, he moves his hand to the back of Ford's neck. Pulling him in close. No chance for Ford to escape.
"Good boy."
There's a strangled sob that leaves Ford's lips as his bladder finally gives in. Urine saturating his and Stan's lap. A thin bead of drool connecting Ford's parted lips as he gasp for staggered breath while pissing himself.
"That'a boy, wasn't that hard was it?" Stan says aftef a few minutes. Rubbing the back of Ford's shuddering shoulders.
Ford mumbles something incoherent as he presses his face in the nape of Stan's neck. His body slowly coming down from its euphoric relief.
"Stanley, the chair," Ford finally says.
Stan shrugs, "Eh, she's seen worst."
"You're disgusting."
"Says the genius covered in his own piss. Maybe I'll let you stay here for the rest of the night to fix the rest if that attitude."
Ford just burries his burning face further into Stan's neck.
"I'll be good."
Stan just chuckles, rubbing circles in Ford's back.
"I know you'll be, I know."
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winterchimez · 1 year
Make or Break | Ji Changmin
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summary: both you and Changmin have been childhood besties for as long as you could've remembered. but when Changmin finally realised that you are more than just a friend at this point, he decided to take it a step further beyond that.
pairing: best friend Changmin x g.n!reader
genre: best friends to lovers au, fluff, some crack & humour
warnings: soft best friend ji changmin, both changmin & y/n are just clueless when it comes to romance (mostly y/n 😭)
word count: 4,713
a/n: hiya i'm finally back from summer vacation, which means it's back to writing as usual! i'm currently fulfilling the requests you guys have sent in for my 100 followers event, and this first entry is requested by my sweetest @zzoguri i'm so happy you requested this song bcs it's one of my all-time fav b-side tracks! i really hope i've managed to get the vibes you were going for ><
also a huge shoutout to my love @sungbeam for making these gradient dividers for me (which i absolutely LOVE thank you my meimei 🫶) so i'll be using them in future fics & decided to revamp the theme of my blog! 😉
without further ado, enjoy 😊
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You were deep in your dreamland before you were jolted awake by a tap on your shoulder. 
As you slowly opened your eyes, you were surprised by the individual who had his face in such close proximity to yours.
“Woah Changmin-ie!!” You shrieked, surprised by the sudden visit of your co-worker right at your work desk.
Or rather, your childhood best friend. 
“Geez, Y/N. Working overtime again as usual?” He began shaking his head while starting to help you pack away your belongings into your bag. 
“Well, it’s not like I had a choice. I have to fulfill my client’s requests by the weekend.” You yawned as you began to give yourself a good stretch. 
“Y/N. You know, you can always ask me for my help. You know I’m only a few cubicles away.” 
You smiled. He was always like that, offering you help in any situation you may be in, and he always prioritises your needs before his.
“It’s fine, minnie. I’m sure you have your own responsibilities to worry about, and may I add, the few deadlines that you’ve somehow missed previously, which earned you a good scolding from your head of department, Mr Kim?”
“Now that’s just mean. I came to help you, not asking you to make fun of me.” He began to pout, which was one of your favourite sights to see and look forward to. You both have grown accustomed to each other’s small habits. Basically, you both knew each other well to the point that you could anticipate what are the small gestures or movements the other party would make in any situation possible. 
He has been there since the beginning, when he moved into your neighbourhood when you were about five years of age. In fact, it was your mother that insisted you went and made friends with him. Given your bubbly and friendly persona, of course, you were pumped and excited to have a fellow friend who was about the same age as you were since you were accustomed to the older kids in your neighbourhood. 
Changmin was too shy to even engage with you at the beginning, always hiding around the corner and refusing to mutter a word even. However, your bubbly persona did not allow him to stay put at the corners of his garden and always somehow managed to drag his ass out to all of your crazy adventures. You climbed trees, played football, and even went to pick some flowers from your neighbour's garden (for which you both got into big trouble). 
But ultimately, in the end, you both eventually became really good friends and ended up attending the same institutions throughout both middle and high school and eventually in university. And perhaps it was fate that you both ended up in the same company right after graduation as well, in the same department. 
As you both finished packing away all of your belongings and switching off the lights around the room, you both decided to head straight out to the door while beginning to decide which izakaya restaurant you both would be drinking while chatting away about the day. 
“The one down the street it is.” 
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“For the love of God, did you know how rude it was for Jake to leave me just there as it was??” Your speech began to slur, which indicated you had a little bit too much to drink. But it was a weekend, and Changmin knew that there was no stopping you since you’ll be having a day off the following day anyways. 
And, of course, he would be walking you home because the last thing that he’ll do is trust your drunk ass to get yourself safely back home this late at night. 
The hour was getting late, and you were beginning to lose control ever so slightly of the amount of alcohol you were about to chug down into your system, which caused the man to step up and stop you in your tracks.
Sulking and giving your friend a frown, you began to whine like a child, but the man did not mind even in the slightest bit. In fact, he found it to be cute, in all honesty.
After paying for the meal, he decided to call for a cab to take you back to your apartment, since knowing how you’d usually be a tad bit more talkative than usual, he decided to avoid public transportation to save the embarrassment. 
When you both arrived at your front door, you could kind of vaguely make out that he was trying to tell you something important. But since you were tipsy and obviously not in the right mind, he took your phone from your bag and started typing away. It was normal for the both of you to check on each other’s phones because you were that close. Hence, you didn’t mind it at all. 
Once that was done, he brought you inside the comforts of your living space and helped you tidy yourself a bit until you were sober enough to finish off the rest on your own. 
“Okay, I’ll take my leave now, Y/N. And remember, don’t forget-”
“Yeah yeah, I know. Lock the doors before going to sleep so that the bad guys won’t come and get me. Pinky promise.” You cut the male off and made your usual pinky promise gesture as you shoved the man out to the door. 
“Nighty, Changmin-ie.” You smiled before closing the door shut. 
Changmin took a deep breath in and smiled as he looked right up into the sky. 
“It’ll be all okay, right?”
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Changmin’s POV 
As Changmin unlocked the front door to his apartment, he was immediately headlock by the only one among his roommates who still does it all the time to this day. 
“Geez, Juyeon. Why would you touch the man when he’s all filthy from work.” Chanhee protested, as usual, he’ll always come up with something savage to spit at the male. 
“Cut him some slack, Chanhee. Man’s just gotten home from his little date night with we-all-know-who.” Kevin winks and smirks while he nudges Changmin to spill the tea like always. 
As he freed himself from Juyeon, he began to chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck, which everyone could tell how something was up. 
“Care to share the details with us, buddy?” Juyeon guides Changmin right to the couch in their shared living space and gathers the rest to join as well.
It took a while for Changmin to look at three of his friends while finally deciding to spill the tea. 
“I asked Y/N out.” 
The three of them were about to scream and celebrate joyfully before Changmin had to burst their bubble. 
“Without telling Y/N directly, that is.” 
Now that has gotten everyone’s full attention as they looked at Changmin as if he was drunk and didn’t know what he was actually talking about. 
“God, did you just get hit by a truck? You’re not making any sense.” 
“How on earth would you ask Y/N out in an indirect manner?” Kevin questioned, clearly not getting any of this. 
Changmin paused for a bit before bending his head down to his hands. “Well, you see... Y/N wasn’t fully sober. And I took their phone to set an alarm and reminder.”
Everyone went silent, that was until Juyeon spoke up. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t know that was the new trend these days to ask someone out.” Poor Juyeon has always been naive like that.
That caused Chanhee to slap some sense into the guy. “Of course not, man.” The male then turned his head back towards Changmin’s direction. “Why on earth would you do that?”
“Be-because!! I’m starting to think… that Y/N is beginning to mean a lot more to me. More than just friends, that is.”
The amount of ooohs that filled the room caused the male to blush and eventually hide his face in the palm of his hands. 
“Honestly though, I think that’s such a cute idea.” Kevin reassured the man.
“You really think so?” 
“I mean, imagine Y/N just waking up to a reminder saying ‘hey you have a date with the one and only ji changmin!’, cause I’d like that myself.”
“Stop feeding the man with delusions, Moon. What if Y/N wakes up in total shock? Have you ever thought about how Y/N would feel?” Chanhee questioned the male.
“Nah, I’d said you did the right thing, and you’re a man now. That fun little date is something to look forward to.” Juyeon places one of his hands on Changmin’s shoulder while giving it a slight squeeze, letting him know that it’s all okay now. 
With his friends' support that somehow calms his nerves and makes him think that maybe his idea wasn’t so crazy after all. 
“Ye-yeah! It’ll definitely turn out great tomorrow.”
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You were jolted awake by the sudden blaring alarm from your phone that was placed on the nightstand. 
You felt annoyed, yet you were questioning yourself at the same time. Knowing your personality, there was no way you would’ve set an alarm on your day off. Unless you were too drunk the night before and decided to do some questionable things that even your best friend Changmin wasn’t able to help contain.
As you turn your body to the side to reach out to your phone, you squint your eyes to try to make out the text on your phone.
A reminder? Now that was odd. You usually never use them ever, since you were more of a bullet journaling kind of person with all of your tasks and chores you had to do.
But when you finally made out the words, you immediately shot up straight from your bed as you tried your best to reread them repeatedly. 
🐿️: Let’s go out for a date this afternoon! I’ll be waiting at the cafe near 7th Avenue at 12:30pm. Don’t be late! :) 
Holy smokes. 
That was when you remembered that Changmin was trying his best to tell you something the night before, but you were too drunk, less sober enough to actually make out the words he was trying to converse to you, which was when he resorted to picking up your phone to type in some words.
You sighed and rubbed your eyebrows with your fingers. 
Of course, it was what happened then. 
Suddenly, you looked up at the clock that was situated on the right side of your room above your desk, and you realised that it was already 12pm at this point. 
Shooting out of bed, you quickly ran to your closet, digging through the entire stack of clothing you owned that you’ve yet to fold away neatly. Not to mention that your table was still a mess with all of your makeup products that you had somehow forgotten to put away the day before because you were running late to work.
As you were already short on time and desperately needed someone’s help, you quickly grabbed your phone and called the best fashionista you would know around the neighbourhood. 
“Choi Chanhee, for the love of God, please help me.”
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Changmin stood patiently while having his hands inside his pockets as he waited for his so-called “date” to arrive at the set destination. 
He was wearing a casual white tee paired with a black cardigan along with some blue jeans and Converse shoes. To make himself more presentable, he even tried slicking his hair back for the first time today, which his model friend, Lee Juyeon, obviously advised him to do so. 
Constantly pacing back and forth, he tapped his fingers inside his pocket while having a tad bit of negativity right in his mind. 
What if Y/N overslept? What if Y/N never shows up? 
So many questions went on in his mind, even to the point where he thought that doing all of this in the first place was such an awful idea. 
Just as the clock was about to strike 10 minutes before 1 pm, Changmin was greeted by a loud panting sound that was coming from his left side. Sure enough, he found you running towards his direction and finally coming to a halt when you reached in front of him.  
As you tried your best to calm your fast-paced breathing down, you finally mustered up the courage by looking up to your best friend, which was where you were left stunned, and so did the male himself. 
You wore a bright lilac top that paired extremely well with a pair of navy linen trousers that you got for sale on Amazon Prime Day. You paired the outfit with a white cardigan and somehow wore matching Converse shoes with your best friend. 
What a coincidence. 
What really stood out the most for Changmin was the way you presented yourself. Sure, he has seen you in your usual makeup for the past 5 years working at the company, but this was the first for him to see you in a completely different style. Instead of going for the usual heavy work-like makeup, you went with a subtle yet sweet makeup look that you’ve recently been doing for the past couple of weeks on weekends. 
Changmin was stunned, to say the least. He was definitely in awe of your beauty.
“Umm... Changmin-ie? Is something on my face?” 
“N-no! Of course not! I mean.” Clearing his throat and turning his head off to the side to somehow hide his now-turning red-flushed face to the side, he managed to cough out the words that he’s been dying to tell you.
“You’re really beautiful.” 
The most beautiful person ever, to be exact. 
Now it was your turn to feel the heat rising up to your cheeks, and you quickly placed one of your palms to quickly hide them from your friend. 
“Th-thank you.” 
As you both stood there for a few seconds in awkwardness, Changmin finally decided to break off the tension and gestures for the both of you to start walking down the streets and head to your next destination. 
During the entire time, you noticed how Changmin seemingly tried to keep a distance from you, way more than he usually does. You thought it was odd since he usually walked pretty close to you without feeling any sort of awkward feelings in between. But, it was clear that something was going on between the both of you today, and neither of you could really pinpoint what it was, quite frankly. 
As you both reached the cafe that Changmin chose, he quickly found a table situated right by the windows near the end of the cafe and reassured you that he’d be back with some mouthwatering pastries and desserts while you sat and waited. 
You were about to protest since you both usually head to the cashier together to split the bills and choose what you guys wanted together, but since he insisted, you thought that you couldn’t refuse, no matter how many times you tried to talk to the man himself.
As you finally sat down and relaxed by looking out at the windows, Changmin quickly speed ran towards the display, took a picture of the pastries and desserts available, and sent them to the 98z group chat.
Chucky’s father: guys, which one do you think Y/N would like (inserts pic) Chucky’s father: i’m torn between getting the passionfruit meringue or the crispy caramel chocolate honey cake.   Kitty boy: well, why won’t you ask Y/N for their opinion? Melon pan: silly boy, obviously Changmin is trying to impress Y/N by picking something they’ll like on his own Chanel’s next top model: hold up while i key in those desserts into an online generator brb  Chucky’s father: asjdhdjdj okay  (seen for 2 minutes)  Chanel’s next top model: okay my phone says the passionfruit meringue.  Kitty boy: can you get the chocolate honey cake for me when you get back home please
You were beginning to worry as Changmin took longer than usual to get the food back to your table. Just as you were about to stand up to see what really was going on, the male returned with a tray filled with tons of mouthwatering desserts and your favourite drink, matcha latte.
“Changmin-ie, all of these-” 
“Don’t even think about splitting the bill, my treat today.” 
“Woah, look at you go. Did you just get a rise recently from Mr. Kim?” You nudged his shoulders. 
“I guess you can say something like that.” 
You both had a great time devouring all of these goodies while chatting and laughing away at so many random topics you both always seemed to enjoy talking about, ranging from how you both used to get into trouble and eventually ending up in the detention room during high school, to how you actually help saved Changmin’s ass from that one time where he almost exposed Mr. Kim’s secret stash of girl group albums hidden beneath his desk. 
Throughout eating halfway, you noticed how Changmin was staring quite intensely at your lips, which you knew very well how you had gotten some cream on them. It was something you didn’t mind at all, you can be a pretty messy eater at times when you get a little bit too excited with food. 
What was different this time was that Changmin actually leaned forward and wiped the cream away, not with the tissues that were given, but with his thumbs, and then proceeded to lick them like a puppy. 
You swear from the back of your mind something’s going on today.
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Chucky’s dad: hey umm… Chucky’s dad: how do I yknow… hold Y/N hands in the best and most natural way possible  Kitty boy: umm… ask Y/N directly??  Melon pan: i’d say just go straight for it  Melon pan: be a man and take Y/N hands right away  Chanel’s next top model: ^^ what mr.kevin moon said  Chucky’s dad: okay sure it’s worth a shot i guess
As Changmin puts his phone away, his eyes are only met with your dangling hands on your side as you walk out of the cafe giddily. Having an internal battle with himself on how to grab hold of your hand is painful, so much so that he gets so frustrated with himself.
To the point that he immediately grabbed hold of your hand immediately, and a slight bit roughly too.
Puzzled, you asked the man for the sudden gesture. “Chan-changmin? What’s this all about?” 
“I.. umm… I thought your hands might be cold since it’s rather chilly today… and umm… I guess I could give you some warmth. If that’s what you’d like.” 
Funny. Changmin never speaks with sudden involuntary pauses in between. He’s always very straightforward and upfront with what he says, sometimes being a little too direct, as you would scold him. But this? It was truly something else. 
“Oh, umm yeah!! It is kinda chilly, thanks for the little warmer, I guess.” 
As you both slowly walked down the streets hand-in-hand, Changmin eventually loosened his grip and intertwined his fingers with yours, easing into this whole holding hands scenario. With that, a smile began to appear on his face as he quickened the walking speed, which meant you had to do the same since you both were literally holding hands with one another.
Okay, weirdo. 
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It was about ten minutes after the somewhat relaxing and breezy walk when you both finally came across a florist shop. You thought Changmin was going to sign you up for the flower arranging lessons that they have been hosting since you literally told him how you’ve recently discovered the beauty of the activity itself and that you’re willing to give it a shot as a side hobby. 
Hence, you skipped happily right into the building, leaving Changmin behind to catch up with you.
Again, as you were out of sight, Changmin quickly whips up his phone and begins texting away for more help from his buddies.
Chucky’s dad: y’all, everything is going great so far Chucky’s dad: we’re finally at the florist  Melon pan: OMG IT’S FINALLY FLOWER TIME  Chucky’s dad: my question is  Chucky’s dad: which one should I get for Y/N 😭 Chucky’s dad: like something sweet yet meaningful Chanel’s next top model: okay but like go for something that symbolises love  Chanel’s next top model: but don’t get roses cs that’s so overrated  Chucky’s dad: 😭😭😭 Kitty boy: oh i found this website with a list full of potential ones to give Kitty boy: maybe it helps?  Chucky’s dad: thanks i’ll be needing them 😭
Once again, your best friend was gone for a period of time. You didn’t think much of it, thinking that he would probably ask some inquiries about signing up for the workshop.
What you didn’t expect was for the male to return with a bouquet of perfectly wrapped and decorated magenta lilacs, which you thought was very odd because you thought he would get you lavenders instead, your favourite kind of flowers. 
But the male didn’t say much and just shoved the bouquet right to you and demanded your thoughts about them immediately. So, of course, you decided to let out your most genuine train of thought. 
“Umm.. are you trying to get me into liking a new species of flowers?”
“Wh-what, no!! I mean… there weren’t many lavenders around for the day, so I decided to get you the closest shade of purple I could possibly find.” The male stammered while scratching the back of his neck, trying to fight against the awkwardness and the unexpected question that came from you.
In return, you smiled at your best friend while allowing the male to understand that he was somewhat still safe and the plan was a success. At the end of it all, you both still managed to secure a slot for the next workshop that will be happening the following weekend, and you both promised to attend before exiting the store.
If only you knew that those magenta lilacs were Changmin’s indirect attempt to tell you about the beginning of a new relationship with you.
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Chucky’s dad: okay folks, change of plan Kitty boy: whatttt whyyyy Kitty boy: did you fail  Chucky’s dad: i mean Chucky’s dad: i did not expect Y/N would be so innocent 😭 Chanel’s next top model: or who knows Y/N might be doing it on purpose  Melon pan: OOOOOHHH Melon pan: like a playing hard-to-get situation  Chucky’s dad: do you really think so? Chanel’s next top model: nvm scratch that, i don’t speak Y/N language  Chucky’s dad: ajsksdjk  Chucky’s dad: Chanhee, for the love of god, please- Chanel’s next top model: okay fine Chanel’s next top model: i can guarantee that this next plan will surely work.
You were holding your bouquet while happily skipping down the road when your friend suddenly stopped you as he grabbed hold of your arm.
“Hey, Y/N. Can we, you know, just sit down and talk for a little bit?”
Now what in the world is going on with this dude today? 
Not wanting to question his actions further, you played along as he brought you to a nearby bench by the riverside. As you both found your comfortable positions, Changmin decided to pull out an item from his back pocket, and it was surely something that you hadn’t seen in a really long time.
“A paper fortune teller? Really, Changmin?” 
You both used to play with this simple yet intriguing fun game when you both were a lot younger. It was a thing of the past, where the youngsters would write down random topics ranging from their favourite colour to animal and began doing their magic with the paper fortune teller to see what you’ll eventually end up with at the end. 
But what does this have to do with any of these now? Unless Changmin was going through something in his own personal time where he is in dire need of using fortune telling method to help him decide the actions he should proceed with. 
Not explaining much to you, he gets you to choose each category from each layer from the paper, from your favourite television show at the moment to your favourite bubble tea chain store in town. 
As Changmin was working with the paper and eventually reached the final layer, he slowly and carefully unwrapped it fully to reveal the contents that were written within.
Y/N. Make or Break? 
You could’ve sworn that Changmin probably had a concussion, and whatever he was writing made absolutely no sense at all. Now, it was finally your turn to feel slightly frustrated and push the male to come clean and explain all of the weird behaviours and gestures that have happened throughout the entire day. 
It took a while for Changmin even to mutter up a word, but when he eventually did, it was definitely something that you weren’t expecting to hear from your best friend. 
“Listen, Y/N. All of these tiny little events I’ve done up to this point are all carried out from the multiple fantasies I’ve had about you.”
“Wh-what?” You immediately defended yourself by covering both of your arms across your body, starting to panic a little bit. “Are you trying to be a pervert, minnie!” 
“Of course not, Y/N! Okay, that came out wrong, what I meant was that it’s been a while since I’ve begun to see you differently.” 
“Ah-ha! Another dirty comment, Ji Changmin! Don’t test me-” 
“Stop! Hear me out!” Clearing his throat while grabbing hold of one of your shoulders to calm you down, he then decides to continue. “I am starting to believe that I care a lot about you. More than I have ever had when we were kids.”
“And…I don’t think I can see the Y/N that I’ve grown up with within you anymore, but rather, a much more mature and beautiful Y/N that makes my heart flutter whenever I see you face-to-face.” 
This time, he places the paper fortune teller down on his lap and takes both of your hands in his, and he now returns a rather serious look with you. 
“All of these dazzling fantasies I’ve had, from yearning for the day to be able to hold your hand to buying you a bouquet of flowers that indicates the start of our new relationship with one another, I definitely do not wish to leave them behind. In fact, I’d like to make them into a reality. And all of these ecstatic and vivid emotions I have towards you, I can no longer ignore them any further. Y/N, I don’t just like you anymore, I love you. And I ask this once more.”
“Make or Break?” 
Oh. Now, you were finally putting the puzzle pieces together. 
It took you over ten seconds to process the thought while staring at your best friend blankly. You have never dated, let alone been exposed to enough media or content in relation to romance. And because of that, you were slightly afraid. 
“Changmin-ie? Can I ask something first?”
“Of course, Y/N.”
You hesitated for a moment before finally posing the question. “Which of the two options will guarantee that our relationship now wouldn’t change for the worse?”
Oh, for the love of god, you were just so innocent. 
Changmin paused and had to take a few seconds to think of the right words to say in this situation. “Well, it is your decision, Y/N. At the end of the day, I’d like for us to remain as close as we can, like how we’ve always been. But if you’re willing to take a step further with me, I promise to hold you tight and never let you go. I’ll be with you eternally.” 
Just like that, you have finally made up your mind and know firmly now what the future holds. If it was this man who has decided to spend the rest of his life with you, then you can be rest assured knowing that you’ll be in safe hands.
You smiled and nodded your head vigorously before giving the male a reply. 
“Make it work then, Ji Changmin.” 
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a/n: idk abt yall but growing up asian i used to love playing with those paper fortune tellers, and i thought it would be a cute idea to include it in this fic 🤭
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 2, let's go
I've had my MULTIPLE cawfees and I'm watching the GMMTV Part 2 trailers. @my-rose-tinted-glasses, this one's for you!
TL;DR what I'm excited for: Ossan's Love with trepidation; Revamp: The Undead, I'm first in line; The Ex-Morning with open arms; Us, once we have a better sense of the screenplay; Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist, drop it like it's hot, Mark; Thame-Po, boys look gewd
If I take away the inclination to do any sort of comparisons to the Japanese version whatsoever ("INSPIRED BY"), I'm thrilled that EarthMix get to do romcom. Earth at this level of baka is utterly unbelievable to me, you are too smokin' hot, boy, but try to bring it, because if you do, and it's a success, then I'll be fucking really impressed.
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2) Leap Day: Looks scary. Gun!
3) The Heart Killers: ...
Man. Man! First in muscle shirts and an earring, kisses pushed up against walls, etc. Where have we seen this before. Lemme guess, they all get together in the end. I would like to force myself to be excited about this somehow, Jojo on 10 Things, but. I haven't been there with JoongDunk yet, either, so actually, they seemed kinda refreshing against the FK vibes, ha. Anyway, this reignited my OF burnout, which I'm honestly trying to ignore as I get close to re-watching The Eclipse for my Old GMMTV Challenge project. @my-rose-tinted-glasses, my trust issues switch is flipped to "on."
(Get Jojo away from ships, please. He had Tay kissing Joss and Mild in the same year AFTER Dark Blue Kiss. He fucking doesn't need to use ships.)
4) Friendshit Forever: no subs, seems intense, the gals are smokin', NEW AND BOUN?! Hate to say it, but even without knowing what this is exactly about, I'm intrigued? My Boun! New and Boun!
5) Perfect 10 Liners: They're letting New Siwaj do 30 episodes, folks. I have no predictions on this one, y'all will have to tell me if it's good. Perth is back with New Siwaj directing after 2018's Love By Chance. If they give Chimon a little comedy, I'll be happy. I asked for Junior again, but maybe I wasn't expecting him to go to school, but I will admit I like JuniorMark together, and if they get to helm 10 episodes as the center stars, then good for them! Maybe that'll be the bit of this series that I watch.
6) Us: I believe in this screenplay more than how 23.5 is working out. I think Fon Kanittha needs more stuff on her plate to play around with to make a great show. This trailer was great. I'm watching My Precious the Series now (after having watched the movie this past weekend, which I was disappointed by -- the series is MUCH better, and going better than 23.5), and I'm seeing that Fon does stuff very well, background community building that gives us macro- and micro-level understandings of her characters. If those levels are Sing Harit, I'm here for it, that was an unexpected appearance, but if he's recalling the strength he brought to Todd in Not Me, then I'm a happy camper.
7) Hide and Sis: I love Piploy. Wednesday Club was a total holiday trash watch for me last year, but I loved her a lot. Looks like they're promoting this as a multi-generational show with known older actors, the approach of which I like. Everyone hates each other and maybe tries to kill each other; Keeping Up With the Thai Kardashians, maybe? Surprise, Gawin's a cop. Chimon as murderer, I'll support that.
8) Thame-Po: This looks cute. I'll consider a pre-order! Separately, I happen to adore cute Lego from LYKN, so good on those dudes for getting a show, and I like that William is pushing his boundaries outside of music.
9) Break-Up Service: I am happy that Off has gotten this kind of sneaky love romcom (?) role.
10) Revamp: The Undead: I'm here for it. I'm so happy for BounPrem. I'm happy to see some strong support dudes in Kay and Mark in this project. I haven't watched My Only 12%, so I don't know from Santa, but I know a lot of friends love him. I am totally seated. GMMTV is really the BL Machine, huh, absorbing this project.
11) Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist: Do not get me wrong, I am very excited about this; I am just wondering if Baby Ohm needs a little workshopping to get more diversity in his expressions. But I am very excited, Mark looks SO DOWN and ready to lead. View! Jimmy! I'm good with this.
12) The Dark Dice: High School Squid Game, I can't
13) The Ex-Morning: I gotta admit. This kind of moment is one of the reasons why I'm so happy doing the OGMMTVC. The big-ass smile I had on my face seeing KristSingto again, even though I really wasn't the biggest fan of SOTUS -- I've done a whole accountability turn on Krist after seeing him in Be My Favorite, and I appreciate that this show will go meta on the KristSingto background. It fucking sucks that Shadow sucked, because Singto is such a good actor, just seems like his scripts are here and there lately, but anyway. Aof Noppharnach writing this? Last Twilight ended cringe, but I'm still an Aof girlie, so I am 100% excited for this.
14) Scarlet Heart Thailand: That wasn't really a trailer, but considering the reputation the base story has in Asia and globally, I like, business-wise, what this means for GMMTV, a historical that will have appeal to multiple generations. I understand the original novel for this, Bu Bu Jing Xin, isn't translated into English, and that's a bummer, because it seems like this Thai version, which has already been dramatized in China and Korea, is based squarely on the novel. Fuck Win. These were the kinds of shows I loved as a kid when I watched Asian shows with my folks, so I have to admit that I'm intrigued, but I would have liked to see a meatier trailer.
That's it!
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mrbensonmum · 7 months
TV Show - Dr. House | House M.D. VIII
We're diving in. Ladies and gentlemen, we are DIVING IN!
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The first episode of the fourth season is still a bit of a soft start with a little rock, but the second episode goes full throttle!
So many memories are flooding through the nerve pathways of my brain right now, and it's spinning. Doctors who aren't doctors! Doctors who would rather not be doctors anymore! Doctors who commit suicide! Doctors who fall in love with the best friends of other doctors! (That's the discord between House and Wilson that I mentioned before!) Doctors with children! You'd think we're watching a medical drama!
What I like best here is the fact that they're actually completely revamping the series but somehow not changing anything. So, on one hand, they stay true to the familiar, but on the other hand, they bring in a lot of fresh energy. Plus, the old team isn't entirely gone—Cameron and Chase are still working in the clinic, and Foreman will also be coming back. It won't be long before the two teams mix.
Unfortunately, Amber has a big problem for me in German because she has the same voice as Kes from Star Trek: Voyager. Nothing against the voice, but I find Kes simply dreadful, and unfortunately, because of the voice, it transfers to all the other characters with that voice. But in general, Amber isn't a really likable person either; I don't like her in How I Met Your Mother at all, even though she only appears in one episode there. There's another series I'm currently watching her in, where she was okay, but I can't remember the name of the series right now (maybe it'll come to me later, depending on how well my brain manages it).
Someone I'm very happy to see again is Carmen Argenziano. Of course, I know he's done an incredible amount, but my fondness comes from his appearances in Stargate SG-1. As Sam Carter's father and later as a mediator between humans and the Tok'ra.
Ah, of course, we also need to talk about House's new cane. I don't know who came up with the idea in the series, but it's genius. Flames on a cane, it doesn't get much more '80s/'90s than that. All that's missing on the cane now is a turbocharger and a spoiler!
Since the fourth season is a bit of a fresh start, there isn't much to write about yet, and I'll space out the posts a bit. By now, I have two episodes of Halo to catch up on, and Bullet Train (2022) is now on Netflix, so I definitely need to check that out too.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Do you ever go back through your story just randomly changing things that you didn't like or didn't really fit in with the story at time?
Oh, absolutely! I consider the entire alpha build a first draft, so I definitely go back and change things as I see fit (recently taking out fairmath is a good example, but I also quietly go back and heavily edit/rewrite/revamp scenes between characters all the time); I also think that, as the years of development have gone on, some worldbuilding facts or lore or spoilers about future plot threads I've mentioned no longer apply to the game in its current state (I recently changed the whole calendar system so that a month is 63 days instead of 42, for example; or I'll read an old post about a character's thoughts on marriage and think 'oh that's definitely not right anymore'; or something of the sort). So if you read any obscure lore posts prior to, like, 2020 on this blog, they have maybe a 50% of being completely accurate, haha. There was even a point where I said that Norms have gold-tinted skin that kind of glints in the light (not like the vampires in Twilight, thank you), which I have since once again mentally retracted, lol. So no one should take things I said in the past as 100% gospel, is my point!
More than going back through what I've already written and changing things, though, I tend to heavily change things from my planned/outlined version as I'm writing it, not after. In my outline version of ShoH, Mimir was supposed to show up in Lavinet's chapter as an advocate for the Elementals, and Chapter 7 involved getting trapped in a small farming community in a snowstorm and, um, somehow Wintry would have been recruited as a companion or something (I don't really remember) but I definitely know the Changelings and Thurl weren't involved. By the time I got to Chapter 6, though, I threw those plans right out because they just didn't feel right and just sort of improvised as I went along! I tend to do that much more than most would expect (since I don't really spoil you guys on where the plot's going, you wouldn't know my original plans and how much the current iteration is different from them lol), so it's less noticeable than if I were to go back and change the material I've already made public to you, if that makes any sense.
But I do definitely still do that, and I mentally retract, redact, or rewrite things about the Blest world or its characters in my head all that time, primarily because those details no longer fit or I'm not as big of a supporter of them as I may have been in the past! Hope that all makes sense!
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dropthedemiurge · 6 months
My first impression for GMMTV 2024 projects:
Ossan's Love Thailand: Let's just say, first one is instant skip for me, though I am still excited to watch Earth and Mix in something I'll enjoy. I probably should go and watch Cupid's Last Wish instead xD Japanese comedy that is transferred in a Thailand comedy make me fear for my life, to be honest (my tolerance for physical comedy is unfortunately very low). But good luck to EarthMix though, they'll get to play some funky roles, hope they'll have fun!
Leap Day: Woah! It looks very intense and very interesting already. Pond and Dew (who I dearly love since High School series) in a very dark and mystical thriller(?). It's not BL but I love unique plots with darker vibes. Also Gun playing autistic guy (who also gives off creepy vibes because the entire trailer is creepy)? Sign me up twice! I'm going to be checking it out for sure.
The Heart Killers: First and Khaotung wanted to play a cute sweet romcom after all the depressing and dark and difficult characters and tears, right? Well, they also wanted to play mafia or gang roles so I guess that gave Jojo the right to make a ASSASSINS ROM-COM, why not!xD This man is the only one I go for when I want something very refreshing, unusual, gritty, that has flawed and underground characters, weapons and high stakes. It'll probably fumble the ending but I'm definitely going to be here for my Assassin x Tattoo Artist Firstkhao. Also it'll be my introduction to JoongDunk. Second to the top of series I'm excited about!
Friendshit Forever: I actually had to double take because GMM surely loves puns in their titles, right? xD I thought this would be GL but it seems like a very intense friendship-betrayal story, seems like girl actors are able to pull it off and New is going to get caught up between them, sounds interesting but again, not my type of story. Still, points for the shit in the title lol
Perfect10Liners: I literally have 3 couples that I am familiar with because I saw them in other shows, and they all play Thai engineers, and I still have no desire to watch this show? Somehow?! I don't know why but I feel like the writing is not solid at all. Or the premise. I'm not sure what's this show is even about, beside a silly university romcom. I am already craving something more interesting, I'm sorry guys.
Us: I ONLY HAD EMI AND BONNIE FOR ONE MINUTE AND I DON'T WANT TO LET THEM GO! I mean, new discoveries?! This trailer is filmed beautifully, first of all. The acting is already great (also hello, Sing, my beloved!) and the girls have chemistry (I might have a little crush on Emi already). Anyway. I am still waiting for GL that'll be my cup of tea, I hope this will be one.
Hide & Sis: I really enjoy the vibes, the three sisters look badass (and I adore Piploy and Lookjun and Jan), it's very unusual to see Chimon in this role, Gawin continues his police officer streak, but THAT NAME! Who decided on a name for this series and why?xD Probably not going to watch but I give it a stamp of approval.
ThamePo (Heart that skips a beat): Oh! I enjoy idol stories, though I haven't seen many, but I'm always intrigued how shows like this could display the backstage and the complications that come with different positions and spotlight. And thank god GMMTV used their actual boygroup to play idols! And didn't just try to teach actors to dance. I don't know main two actors but they seem to have good chemistry as well?! I'm intrigued.
Break Up Service: I'm all for Off in a very sketchy role (Midnight Motel type of sketchy, only with even higher stakes?xD) but the overall genre is probably not my thing.
Revamp The Undead: I'm sorry but all I know about BounPrem is that these are guys from another agency who desperately wanted to have vampire BL for years or something xD Glad to see the wish being fulfilled! I love how the teaser was filmed, and the plot has a big potential. Don't know the cast but might tune it to check out! Also my guy Kay is here being bad!! (I am collecting my HS gang over all lakorns)
Sweet Tooth Good Dentist: Sorry but I'm going to be mourning Mark Pakin's talent being wasted on series like that x) I don't know the other guy Ohm, sorry, but such romantic comedy where Mark's character is a weirdo and simply falls in love with the client (how was he not fired on the spot) doesn't really intrigue me... But at least it's a step up from his (amazing) side roles.
The Dark Dice: Ooh! I love psychological thrillers and this honestly reminded me of Cube, I just didn't expect Gemini to be the main lead. As someone who watched Gifted, High School and similar shows, this is right up my alley. Very curious to check out and I hope they'll do something deep with it beside a simple mystery.
The Ex Morning: I might be biased but I just knew they would be the last one, what everyone's been waiting for. It's hilarious to think that the plot is based on Krist and Singto's actual lives but I trust P'Aof to write compelling characters and relationships. Also I probably will sigh with relief already because he's one of the very few writers that actually write a complete story with a nice and believable (and not hurried) ending. And I really want KS to come back with a bang, just like TayNew did with Cherry Magic. GMM going exes back to lovers will be very interesting to watch, and Krist Singto grew as actors so much. I'm very excited!
Overall, I'm happy to see GMMTV choosing to try a lot more mystical or dark stories than before, way less school students and also most of these BL stories are about adults! Woah! Finally! The audience is mostly grown up as well, thankfully they realized it. And their announced project about accepting stories and plot from the fans, as well as Interactive Game project by GMM, I wonder how that'll look like.
It's funny how last year I was thinking about making my webcomics and visual novel games with GMM actors and I didn't push through because I had health problems and not enough time, and it's like in 2024 GMM tells me THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. Maybe I should actually make some dating otome novel game or some interesting AU webcomic based on GMM BL pairings, and then show it to all fans and then GMM would notice it xD Who knows? Go kick me so I'd work on one of those projects in my mind.
Anyway, in Part 1 I barely liked any trailers or stories, and I like almost everything in Part 2. I am very very excited.
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A somewhat overdue update
Under the cut because this story might get long...
I started to boycott Twitter (now X) in mid-September 2023 because of the potential paywall I heard about around then. To this end, I deleted my original Twitter account some time around then (either end of September or November, I can't recall). This boycott obviously impacted my ability to be "Boueibu reporter", as I used to call it.
Somehow, the Japanese-language anime fandom has held on after that and I had to create a burner account after a certain point, since I'm still in the Hypnosis Mic fandom (and still regularly following/translating tweets for the mobile game in particular - see here for those).
I went back to the Boueibu Twitter account to see if I needed to turn notifications on for said burner account...Surprisingly, I did need to. The account had carried on without me, albeit with far less activity than it used to have - it's mostly merch and cake tweets now.
It's been almost 10 years since Boueibu's heyday (the first Boueibu update I can recall dates to late November 2014). I've changed, Twitter's changed, Tumblr's changed and most of the Boueibu fandom has scattered to other fandoms.
In early 2024, I'm making it as a professional translator, but feedback I've gotten is proving, once again, I'm extremely imperfect as one. You could argue it's time for me to move on.
On the other hand, I failed the JLPT in 2022 and attempted it again in 2023, but results for this latest attempt aren't out for at least a week. I also don't have enough confidence to throw a bunch of money - several times the JLPT amount - to attempt a national translation qualification test.
Basically, I've come to a crossroads: continue translating Boueibu tweets, or not? Out of nostalgia and a continual need to improve, I say "I'll continue". However, out of a commitment to translation ethics (which I learnt about in the almost-decade since starting mg&c) and a final optimal product, I'll be more thorough this time. (e.g. I intend to provide links to original texts out of transparency.)
(I'm not going to tell you my burner account's handle in case it goes down.)
Also, the Fairy Ranmaru blog posts. I still intend to work on those (I'm still on Balletta's first post...it's been years since episode 3 first aired, so I might have to edit it thoroughly before I post it to make it match my current level of translation skill), but they're a very low priority and, as previously announced, are on a different blog. TL;DR:
There are tweets missing from mg&c from Sep. 2023 - Jan. 2024 due to changes on Twitter. I intend to translate these missing tweets in a slightly revamped way to what I used to do previously, so expect them soon. After that, I'll keep looking out for Boueibu tweets, but they will become a lower priority.
Fairy Ranmaru blog posts are still going ahead on the Animanga Spellbook.
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aeroargonic · 10 months
Just brainstorming something here, but I remember back in like 2017-ish(?) I had a Ninjago power swap AU where some of the EMs took the place of the original ninja and had their powers instead and now I kinda want to revamp it. So here's what we're looking at:
Master of Earth Karlof (and Master of Metal Cole which unfortunately doesn't sound as exciting)
Master of Lightning Griffin (and Master of Speed Jay aka Jay but he's somehow even more annoying than usual)
Master of Ice Neuro (and Master of Mind Zane which I suddenly have a really funny idea for)
Master of Fire Shade (and Master of Shadow Kai ooooooh)
Master of Water Skylor (and Master of Amber Nya)
Green Ninja Morro (which means Lloyd is now the Master of Wind and a ghost)
Sensei Chen (with Wu as the villain instead)
Clouse kinda taking over Misako's role (with Garmadon being Wu's right-hand man. I'll figure something out for Misako later IDK)
It ain't perfect and the swaps are kinda generic (this was made probably before even season 7 came out IIRC) but if you want to hear more about this AU please hit me up cause now I kinda want to ramble about it lol.
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sunsweets-a · 4 months
         i was talking about it earlier on discord and i've been thinking about doing a tiny revamp with aoife's lore.  specifically when it comes to her actual existence and part that she plays in farming sims.  i'm often shy about going wild with my oc's but i need to stop being like that.  was thinking about making aoife either a child, or the descendant of something akin to the harvest goddess in hm / sos.  however, was adopted by the couple that raised her  ..  perhaps devout believers of the harvest goddess  ..  things played out as they were / are in most farming sims in which she inherits her ' grandfather's farm '  (  not her true biological grandfather  )  because it's somehow fated for that to be.  idk i just want to have fun and playing sun haven has been giving me brainrot.
       however, while she's a child of the harvest goddess, i know there are different variants of the goddess and for the sake of making things easy, i won't specify WHICH goddess so that i won't be overstepping boundaries in terms of like  ..  making her the daughter of one that's being roleplayed ??  idk if that makes sense.  but eventually i'll stop being lazy and updating some stuff in terms of her lore.
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