#so I wanna challenge myself to switch things up a little
doodlingleluke · 2 years
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late night kira~
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akanemnon · 3 months
Last question before I once again leave you to rest and recuperate for the rest of the hiatus.
Do you know color theory by any chance?
(And if so, can you teach me some techniques…? /nf)
Your most recently posted piece is so amazing that I can’t even put it into words. It’s cool how you can switch between styles like that. However, I hope you’re taking of yourself in the process!
If there’s anything to learn from the anon attacks, it’s that even though some people unfortunately don’t see it, being an online influencer of any sort is more of a sacrifice than it looks, and it can the tiring to the creator when others don’t understand. Im not half as popular as you are and I too am starting to feel the effects of posting almost everyday for the sake of the fans.
You’re probably the first online artist I’ve been a BIG FAN of. Not just because of your AU, but because now I’m know I’m not the only easily anxious artist out there. You’ve really inspired me, and lots of other people too, but to keep up the good work, you have to make sure you’re also okay.
Take care!
- The Kogetai Kiddo.
I know some color theory in terms of creating designs. For painting, not so much. It's a pretty complicated subject to explain, so that might take quite a bit to get into...
And no worries, I am taking care of myself and take plenty of breaks in between when I'm getting too frustrated. As for the style thing; I like to try different things once in a while to prevent stagnation. I can switch between styles thanks to practice, but changing mediums does take some getting used to. Digital painting is not exactly something I'm that good at because I don't do it that often. It takes a lot of time and energy. But it's a good challenge.
Honestly, I don't want to be titled as an "influencer" or "content creator". I'm just some person who likes sharing their work and comics that people seem to like them a lot. I'm no authority figure and I don't like seeing myself as something greater than others just because of some numbers. Numbers don't mean anything. It's the person that matters. I just wanna make art, and if it happens to make people happy, I'm happy too. Still anxiety and internal pressure can make things hard. There IS that underlying feeling of having to perform and do well. Because those are your own standards. In the end, you are your own worst critic. Anxiety is the worst, and it's an endless struggle against it. But it's possible to live with it. At some point, taking a step back and realizing you need a break is the right call.
Hoping the best for you and all the other anxious artists out there!
And with that'll be off on my last few days of break. Asks are closed now. See you back on Sunday!
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(Little teaser from the next page for good measure)
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ro-is-struggling · 9 months
Goodmorning Ro! I wanna send in a request for your event but don't have much in the way of specifics so I hope that's alright? Besides, I don't remember that episode and would love to see where you take it if you take it. Anyway hope you have a good day!
Prompt: 9 (Part 1)
Character: Dr. Strange (Character B)
Genre: Comedy/Fluff/Light Smut(if inclined)
OMG I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST IT! Life got in the way and I had to stop writing for a while, but I'm back now! Thank you for your patience and I hope this silly little fic finds you somehow after all this time anon💕
I loved writing this one! I tried my best to combine the above-mentioned genres as best as possible, but idk, I hope I did a good job. I feel like I wanted to make it more of a crack fic at the start but then I got carried away and ended up being more spicy. I literally had to stop myself from turning this into a full on smut lol I hope you like it anyways!
Summary: During a girls night you are challenged to leave a dirty message for Stephen Strange as part of a game of truth or dare. You accept without much thought, the alcohol in your system stopping you from realizing that your relationship would never be the same after that.
Warnings: suggestive tones, alcohol consumption, attempt at humor, teasing, a bit of dirty talk, name calling (whore) implied smut
English is not my first language
Word count: 4300
This fic is part of my 600 followers celeration
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The girls' night was Wanda's idea. After the stressful mission you had been through, hanging out together to relax and gossip was exactly what you needed to recover. Nat and you were a little tired, but eventually gave in after Wanda convinced Hope and Sharon, who happened to be in the avengers' compound when you arrived, too. So you all changed into your comfiest pajamas and, after kicking all the men out of the living room, you all settled down on the couch with a cheesy rom-com playing in the background as you chatted.
The tiredness and tension disappeared from your body as you laughed with your friends, joking and listening to their love problems. It was nice to switch off your brain every now and then and act like you were normal people, worrying about trivial things instead of thinking about the problems affecting the world. It kept you sane and restored your faith in humanity. There was nothing that improved your mood like hanging out with your friends just eating junk food and talking about stupid things.
You were having a good time, drowning in pizza and ice cream while laughing, but when Natasha started mixing drinks things started to go off the rails. With the alcohol levels in everyone's blood rising the conversation became increasingly more chaotic and wild, confessing embarrassing secrets and constantly telling one another how much you loved each other. It wasn't long before someone suggested playing truth or dare and everyone agreed, far too drunk to think about the consequences.
The first few rounds were uneventful, consisting mostly of silly truths and the occasional simple dare such as taking a shot or doing something to annoy one of their teammates. However, as the rounds progressed and the alcohol got into your systems, the game got out of control. And when your turn came you regretted your choice of dare as soon as the words left Natasha's mouth.
"I dare you to send Strange a dirty voicemail." The redhead looked at you with a mischievous smile. Her arched eyebrow challenged you, wondering if you would even dare to accept her proposal. She knew how you felt about Stephen, she'd had to listen to you ramble on multiple times about him and his perfect face that looked like it had been carved by the angels themselves. She knew you liked him, but she also knew you were never going to make the first move. So she thought the best thing to do was to give you a little push —well, it seemed small in her alcoholized mind.
"No way!" you groaned, refusing to participate in the game. You weren't drunk enough to ignore that voice in your mind telling you that this was a bad idea. 
"You can't refuse!" Wanda interjected. "That's not how it works!"
"If you do, you'll have to drink from the mystery cocktail and you don't really want to do that, trust me." Sharon said, remembering the horrible taste of the mystery drink Natasha had prepared as punishment for chickens who didn't complete the dares. She didn't know what the fuck she'd put in there, but it tasted awful.
"Fine!" You gave in to peer pressure. "But it'll be anonymous!" The last thing you needed at that moment was to have to face the consequences of such actions. What Natasha didn't seem to want to understand was that your hesitation to confess to Stephen how you felt about him didn't just come from a place of fear of rejection, it was much more complicated than that. You could handle rejection, what you couldn't handle was continuing to work with him after such humiliation. Stephen was an avenger, so before you did anything you had to consider how it might affect the team.
"That's fine by me!" Nat aceptó y las demás chicas la siguieron.
"But I'm going to need a drink before I do this."
You took a sip of the strongest drink on the table, feeling the sting of the alcohol as it went down your throat. You needed a lot of courage to do what you were about to do, to lower your inhibitions to the point of losing your sense of shame and self-control. You weren't as intoxicated as you would have liked to be —you were definitely going to remember this in the morning—, but you figured it was for the best. You still needed to be able to speak clearly and form coherent sentences, two things that would be impossible if you kept drinking. So you rested your now empty glass on the table and picked up your phone, ready to get it over with for good.
"It has to be good!" You heard Wanda say as your fingers awkwardly searched your contacts for Stephen's number, making sure to set your number to private and encrypt it before doing anything so he couldn't trace the message back to you. "You have to talk like you mean it."
"Yeah! If he doesn't get a hard on after listening to your voice then you failed the dare." Natasha added and you threw one of the couch cushions in her face.
"That doesn't make any sense! You can't possibly know the effects it might have on him." You complained, pointing out your friends' exaggeration. "He might not even open it."
"Oh I'll know," Wanda assured you, giving you one of those mischievous smiles that sometimes made you question her mental sanity. 
"Whatever," you said, rolling your eyes. "Any other requests before I do this? It's now or never." The girls shook their heads, giving you the green light to proceed. You took a moment to mentally prepare yourself, clearing your throat and blurting out a few words as you searched for a new tone of voice that sounded sultry yet different enough from your normal voice to throw Stephen off. 
Before tapping on his contact on your phone you tried to focus on him and how he made you feel. His cocky smile was the first thing that came to your mind, the one he gave you every time his plans worked out after you questioned them. That smile drove you crazy. His lips in general drove you crazy. You spent more time than you'd like to admit imagining what it would be like to feel his kisses on your skin, caressing every inch of your body. You wondered if his tongue was as skilled at pronouncing incantations as it was at bringing pleasure to a woman. The mere image of his face buried between your legs, devouring you like a starving man was enough to make your center drip with need. 
His hands were the next thing that popped into your mind, the way they moved in the air with precision each time he casted a spell. You loved watching him work, you got completely lost in your thoughts as you silently admired him, imagining how his hands would feel on your body, touching each curve with delicate sensuality. You were convinced that he really knew what to do with his hands to have a girl screaming his name in seconds, those skillful fingers of his were good for more than magic and you were dying to feel them exploring the deepest parts of your being.
Once you let your imagination run wild it was easy to find the right words to complete your dare. You didn't even have to think too hard about keeping a different voice, the low, sensual tone came naturally to you as you left a message for Stephen detailing everything you wanted to do to him —and everything you wanted him to do to you. You tried to control yourself since your friends were in the room with you, carefully choosing your words so as not to reveal so much about your true fantasies. But you made sure he knew how attractive you found him and how you were willing to let him do whatever he wanted to you. 
The moment you hung up, all the girls burst into hysterical laughter, theorizing about what Stephen's reaction would be when he heard your message in the morning. You were buzzing with euphoria, too intoxicated to feel embarrassed, so you laughed with them. Your confused mind wasn't able to comprehend that you were the one who would have to face the consequences of your little game. That was a problem for the Y/N of the future and at that moment the next morning seemed to be far in the future. All that mattered to you at that moment was to relax and enjoy the evening, laughing with your friends. And that was exactly what you did until at some point you fell asleep on the living room couch.
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When you woke up in the morning you regretted all the decisions you had made the day before, from accepting the first drop of alcohol to sleeping on the couch. Now not only did you have a headache that barely let you think, but also your whole body felt stiff due to the awful position in which you had slept on the couch. You grunted as soon as you felt Tony's voice, no doubt speaking louder than necessary to annoy you as he paced around the kitchen preparing breakfast. You hated the open concept building design more than ever at that moment, missing walls that separated the living room and sheltered you from the sound.
"I hate you." You winced when he came over to ask if you were going to have breakfast. He sounded so cheerful and amused while you were miserable that it made you angry. Your head was pounding and your stomach was upset. However, the smell of freshly brewed coffee coming from the kitchen forced you to get up, reluctantly dragging yourself into the kitchen where Nat, Wanda and Sharon greeted you with tired looks. 
"Seems like you ladies had quite a night." Steve said with a smile, grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting down next to you. His hair was still wet from the shower, probably because he had gotten up early to go for a run like he did every morning. You never really cared about that, but this time you couldn't help but look at him like he was crazy for daring to do such a thing. The very idea of moving at a speed faster than a zombie made you want to vomit.
"Remind me to never drink again." You grumbled, taking one of the pills Nat had passed you. Sharon agreed with you, complaining about how the world still seemed to be spinning around her.
"What the hell did you put in that drink?" She asked Natasha, but the redhead just laughed. 
"Shhh, can you guys stay quiet? My head is killing me." Wanda interjected, raising her head to give everyone a pleading look before plopping back down on the marble of the island. 
Everyone's condition improved considerably after eating a lot of greasy food and drinking a lot of water. It also helped that the medicine kicked in, although you were still feeling tired and slightly sore. When you regained some of your good mood and will to live you went back to the living room, settling down on the couch with a cup of hot coffee in the hopes of watching the tv until your energies were recharged. However, your plans were ruined when you discovered that someone was already there. And not just anyone, but Stephen Strange, who was talking to Tony while holding his phone in his hand. 
Memories of the night before came back to you in a series of flashes that replayed in your mind like a movie. You stared in horror at the men in front of you, wondering if Stephen had gotten your message yet. You sat as far away from them as possible, focusing on your coffee as you tried to listen to their conversation. Your strategy was to be discrete and play dumb if their eyes at any point caught on you, but when you saw Natasha walk into the living room you knew your plan was out the window.
"What are you guys talking about?" The redhead interrupted them, "Expecting an important phone call?" She added, looking at the phone in Stephen's hands with a raised eyebrow. 
"Our favorite wizard here got a spicy message from an encrypted number and he needs my help to figure out who this mystery person is" Tony explained with amusement in his voice and Stephen gave him a murderous look.
"Thanks for the discretion, Tony."
"Spicy how?" Natasha pressed the issue to see if she could get Stephen to give more details, especially about how that message had made him feel. 
"Oh you have to hear it, this girl did not hold back." Tony said and you choked on the coffee you were drinking. He had heard it! "She was really grateful to him for saving the world and wanted to give something back to him, if you know what I mean."
"We all know what you mean, Stark. You're not very subtle." Stephen rolled his eyes. "And give me that back." He snatched the phone out of her hands before she could pass it to Natasha to listen to the message. "Can you help me or not?"
"Why do you want to know who this person is?" Nat teased, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "You really liked it, huh?"
"No! I just... I'm concerned it might be a stalking situation so I want to know who this person is." Stephen tried so hard to sound confident, but even you were able to notice the hesitation in his voice. He was making excuses. He was at least intrigued by the message and that made you feel a strange sense of pride. Even though you were a little drunk, you had managed to get his attention with your words and your sensual voice. Sure, he didn't know it was you, but that didn't matter to you at the moment, the confidence slowly building in your system didn't let you think about it.
"Hey! No one is judging here." Tony spoke up. "If I were in your place I would like to know who this mystery person is too."
Stephen let out a sigh, rolling his eyes. "Just let me know when you get something."
He stormed off, leaving you with a million unanswered questions and a strange feeling in your stomach. Tony ran after him and Natasha took advantage of the fact that you were alone to give you a gentle push to get your attention. You moved your gaze from the door through which he had disappeared to look up at your friend, who was looking at you with a playful smile.
"He's crazy about you." She stated but you downplayed it, saying he was only interested because he didn't know it was you talking on the other end of the line. However, you couldn't help but feel a little flame burning inside you. You felt confident and for the first time since you had met Stephen you felt you had a chance with him.
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The next time you saw Stephen was during an Avengers meeting to discuss a possible mission. You barely paid attention to what Steve was saying, too distracted by the perfect profile of Stephen sitting next to you. The sunlight coming through the large windows illuminated his face in a special way, giving him an ethereal aura that made it impossible for you to look away from him and those ridiculously sharp cheek bones he had. It was torture to have him so close looking like a Greek god and not being able to do anything about it. Your new found confidence hated it. It took all your power to control your urges, striving to calm your wild fantasies at least until Steve let you out of there. 
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realize the meeting was over until you saw the other team members disappearing behind the door. Soon it was just you and Stephen in the large conference room. You gave him a quick glance and noticed that he was looking at his phone once again. You wondered then if he was waiting for another message from you, if he was as crazy about that mysterious voice on the other end of the line as he seemed to be. It was pretty hard to contain your urges at that moment.
"Any new leads on your mystery person case?" your voice alerted Stephen, who looked up from his phone to rest his gaze on you.
"No, Stark hasn't called me yet."
"Is that what you were checking on your phone while Steve talked?" You asked him, getting up from your seat to move closer to him, settling against the table right in front of his chair. "If Stark had called with any leads?"
There was something in your tone of voice that alerted Stephen, a sensual undertone he had never heard in you before and it made him wonder what you were getting at. He had felt your eyes on him throughout the meeting, he always did, but for some reason this time it felt different.
"Why do you care so much?" He countered, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm just curious as to what has you so distracted lately." You faked innocence, shrugging your shoulders. "Was it really that good?"
"Excuse me?" Stephen was surprised by your sudden audacity, though he couldn't say he didn't find it intriguing. 
"It seems to me that you're desperate to hear that voice again." You leaned closer to him, lowering your head to be at his level. Your eyes were locked on his, admiring the dark shadow in the icy blue of his orbs. He held your gaze as the tension in the air intensified, curious to discover what your next words would be.
"I can help you with that," you added, using the same low, sultry tone you had used in the message. "Even better, I can show you just how hot I think you are... how desperate I am to feel your hands all over my body, using your powers to restrain me and do whatever you want with me." 
If your voice hadn't already given you away, repeating the words you had said to him in the message definitely had. His eyes grew wide, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion. You had never seen Stephen so perplexed and you had to admit that it felt good to be the cause of that. You were used to it always being the other way around. You used to be the one who was speechless every time he gave you a smile, it was nice to have the power for once.
Stephen was not an easy man to silence, even in the strangest or most stressful situations, he always found something to say. But now he was speechless, looking at you in complete astonishment as he tried to process the situation. It wasn't just discovering that you were the mysterious person he was looking for that threw him off, but also the confidence you exuded. He had never seen you act that way before, though he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. He couldn't stop his mind from running wild, imagining every detail of the message that occupied his thoughts but now with you. Never would he have imagined that behind your innocent look and shy attitude was an imagination as dirty as his.
"I can give you what you want, all you have to do is ask." Your warm breath would collide against her earlobe when you spoke, giving her goose bumps. Your perfume assaulted his nostrils with every breath he took, intoxicating his entire system with your scent. He felt dizzy, his mind clouded with desire and anticipation having trouble concentrating. 
However, when you turned away from him, walking towards the door to finally get out of there, his brain snapped out of it. Raising his hand in the air, he conjured a kind of glowing lace made of pure energy that closed over your wrist, stopping you on your feet. With a gentle push he managed to turn you around to face him as he used his other hand to close the door to the room and pull down all the blinds with a simple flick of his wrist.
"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet. We're just getting started." Stephen said to you with an arched eyebrow. You noticed a hunger in his eyes you had never seen before, the cool blue of his orbs almost completely consumed by the black in his dilated pupils. It ignited a flame inside you, a warmth spreading through your stomach as you carefully analyzed Stephen's body language, trying to predict his next move. All your arrogance and confidence disappeared under his intense gaze. You were like a deer caught in the headlights, frozen in place waiting for his next reaction.
All he had to do was pull the glowing leash and you were forced to move closer to him once again. You would have lost your balance had it not been for his grip on your waist, successfully trapping you between his body and the edge of the table. You had nowhere to run, though you really didn't want to.  
"Who would have thought that behind that cute and innocent act there was such a dirty whore, desperate to be seen?" Stephen's voice was condescending, mocking, as his cold blue eyes pierced into yours. It made you feel small and insignificant in the face of his imposing figure, your cheeks heating with the blood that was quickly pooling there from the embarrassment of being so exposed. He finally knew the truth, you were a dirty whore desperate for his touch. 
"I never would have guessed you were the voice on the message saying those dirty things." He was barely touching you —his fingers trailing up your arms to your shoulders, following the line of your collarbones before descending through the space between your breasts—, but that was enough to quicken your breathing. And every time you inhaled, you breathed in his intoxicating scent, a mixture of his cologne and the aroma of his own essence that made your knees weak.
"I was hoping it was you. The first time I heard those words I closed my eyes and imagined you acting out those fantasies. I got so hard just imagining it." As if to emphasize his words, Stephen pressed his hips against you, letting you feel the bulge beginning to grow in his pants. You couldn't contain the moan that escaped your lips, a pathetic whimper that put a smile on Stephen's lips. 
He was enjoying the growing anticipation, having fun with your suffering. He was torturing you as retribution for your mysterious little message that had had him going crazy all this time, forcing you to experience the same desperation he did, using only his voice to arouse you. You hated it and loved it at the same time.
"You have no idea how much I wanted it to be you...but then I thought it could never be, you're a good girl and good girls don't use that vulgar language." You looked down, unable to hold eye contact with him any longer as you felt the embarrassment taking hold of you. But Stephen didn't let you off that easily, taking your chin in his hand to force you to look at him. "Tell me, were you really so desperate for my attention to leave that message? Were you so desperate for me that you pushed aside your good girl attitude and manners to expose the whore you hide inside you?" 
His voice was a husky whisper against your ear, his lips almost brushing against sensitive skin seductively. The ghost of his touch was driving you crazy and his dirty words traveled straight to your core, that throbbed desperate for attention. You could feel his presence, the warmth of his body against yours, his imposing gaze, the subtle caresses of his fingers on your skin, but it wasn't enough. You needed more to satiate your need for him, much more.
"Yes," you managed to mumble. Your voice sounded much more pathetic and desperate than you expected, but that didn't really matter. On the contrary, Stephen seemed to enjoy it. "I'm tired of hiding it, I need you Stephen... I need to feel your touch." You were practically begging him, asking him to have mercy on you and give you something to calm the flames burning inside you. But he just laughed. His warm breath hit the sensitive skin of your neck, giving you goosebumps. Your hands ran up his chest, determined to get for yourself what you needed as he refused to give it to you. If he wanted to torture you, it was only fair that you retaliated. Two could play that game.
But before you could go much further, Stephen pulled your hands away from his body, binding them behind your back with the same magical bond he had used to draw you to him. It was tight around your wrists, but not too tight, just enough to make sure you couldn't move easily. He wanted control.
"Oh, I'm going to give you what you so desperately want, don't worry about it, darling." He murmured against your lips, brushing them with every word he spoke. "But first I have to teach you a lesson... you see, you have to be more careful about what you wish for, because it can become real."
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sharpth1ng · 2 months
sharpy!!! the people (me) wanna know….
who is your favorite POV to write billy or stu and why….
Not sure actually.
It’s fun to write Billy’s bitchy thoughts and I enjoy the challenge of navigating his push-pull relationship to his own desire and sexuality. His internal voice is also closer to my natural writing style so it flows a little smoother, with Stu I have to often remind myself to switch words and tone but I don’t really need to worry about that with Billy.
All that said I relate more to Billy emotionally, so sometimes writing him in a bad state can be weird and a bit of a self callout for the worst version of me. Writing his insecurity and emotional immaturity is like “what if I regressed to the way I was in highschool but without therapy, and also what if I followed all my worst instincts”. So it’s not always comfortable, but it’s also sort of weirdly cathartic?
Writing Stu is a different kind of challenge because his mentality is a lot different, but mostly it’s really fun. He’s less serious and I get to come up with ridiculous things for him to say and think. Stu is just fun, doesn’t feel like pulling teeth to get him to do things (unlike Billy). I also really enjoy getting to use him to say a bunch of silly 90s slang that I don’t think Billy would use.
At the end of the day I really enjoy writing both of them, that’s partly why I chose to write Debaser with alternating perspectives. I like the variety, I think it might be tiring to try and only write everything from one perspective. Plus, alternating forces me to consider where the other character is at mentally during every interaction.
So I didn’t exactly pick a favourite but I hope that’s still a satisfactory answer
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honeybeebytheseaa · 5 months
I wanna write a fic maybe expanding over ten chapters (to those waiting for the next gen AU fic I swear it’s coming isjdjdn) with a gift swap scenario but the switch leaves everyone with a power that’s very unconventional to their lives.
Because in the movie the reason many of the family members had quarrels with their gifts was due to the fact that Alma got to dictate how they’d be used. The gifts are meant to be extensions of the family, but I want to see a situation where the magic goes “you guys are straining again ✨family bonding time✨” and swaps their gifts.
My current idea is:
Julieta - Shapeshifting - I want to see an introvert like her get a gift that forces her to be in the spotlight. By getting Camilo’s gift she’s encouraged to be more risky and makes mistakes.
Pepa - Future sight - A little on the nose with this one but I think because of her anxiety, her main takeaway would be she can’t control the future and whatever happens happens.
Bruno - Enhanced Super Hearing - Somewhat same vain as Pepa where he learns he can’t control what people think and feel about him, as the enchanted hearing allows him to hear all the negative things people say about him.
Isabela - Animal Communication - had a debate with myself between giving Isa super strength or animal communication but I decided the ladder because she might have too much fun with super strength and I can’t have that. Working with animals might make her a little more emphatic and give her a better understanding towards nature.
Dolores - Super-Strength - Still a little in the edge with this one but perhaps time management? Dolores often uses her gift by just milling around where with Lusia’s gift she’d have to constantly be running and running.
Luisa - Healing with food - PATIENCE. Cooking is an extremely difficult and tedious process. And though Luisa is a hard worker, she only really knows how to run not walk. At first I’d feel she’d be very frustrated, moving too fast and trying to get a recipe done so she can move on, but eventually she learns to slow down and take it one step at a time.
Camilo -Weather Manipulation - He has to learn to be vulnerable with people. Camilo is absolutely that kind of person to bottle shit up but with a cloud over his head 24/7 that’s not an option anymore.
Antonio - Plant Manipulation - ehhh I’ll be honest I’m still figuring out what his lesson would be. Antonio is pretty baby so unlike the rest of his family the magic might not give him a super hard time with this one. Perhaps it’d be a case of learning control and also a chance for him to communicate with other walks of nature outside animals. Also it’d be hella funny if he’s making flower crowns and behind him Camilo is quite literally laying in a puddle of his own sorrow, Dolores broke down the guest room door, Luisa is covered in flour, Isabela is trying to get a cat off her head and Mirabel is screaming at the sky because now she has to babysit the other idiot grandkids that have dangerous gifts.
Mirabel — No gift — yeah she’s not getting dragged into this— or not getting dragged into this with a gift at least. She still has to help figure out how to switch things back and also acts as a second hand when the swappies begin floundering too much. So in short: she is still the therapist.
If anyone has ideas on how they could be swapped let me know. Again the swap is meant to really challenge the person by giving them a gift they wouldn’t do well with so it forces them to adapt.
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Could I possibly request a smut fic with Jos Cleary-Lopez where reader makes her squirt for the 1st time?
Jos Cleary-Lopez x fem! reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut. Oral, fingering, toy use, pet names, spanking(Jos receiving), mentions of masturbation(reader)
In which the weather’s warm and reader finds Jos’ outfit too tempting
“Hey, babe?” Jos called out for you.
You hear her shut the front door and lock it, followed by the sound of her backpack hit the floor with a thud. You didn't respond, though. "Babe, are you alright?" You hear footsteps approach your bedroom, then the door opens. Jos peeked inside, "Hey, you left school early. Are you sick?"
"No. I just couldn't take it anymore."
"What?" She looked at you, confused.
"Uh, okay." You shrug, "Your outfit...started driving me a little crazy." "My outfit? Is driving you crazy? It's not my first time wearing a crop top, y/n." She laughs, "The weather's ridiculously hot right now."
"So are you." You scoffed. She sits down beside you, looking right into your eyes while holding your chin. "Really? You think so?" The eye contact alone was enough to make you flustered. "Are you kidding?" You stifle a laugh, trying to look away. "You are so fucking gorgeous."
She smiles, leaning forward to kiss you, "You are a damn stunner, y/n. You're freaking beautiful inside and out." The sweet kisses turn into a little heated make-out, but soon, you were itching to strip her of her clothes. She broke away from the kiss, cupping your cheek, "You wanna-"
"Oh, yeah. Hell yeah." You nodded eagerly, just slightly out of breath from the make-out sesh.
"Let's switch things up a bit, why don't we? Why don't you...try to make me...squirt?"
"Uh..." You let out a strained laugh. "You know, I uh was-"
"Was what?" She asks lowly.
Oh, boy...that was a stupid thing to start saying. What were you thinking?
"Thinking of you while I was...pleasuring myself...? I'm sorry, that was- uck." You ramble, cringing at the end.
"Well, I'm not. I think that's hot." Jos shrugs, completely unfazed. She continues kissing you before you could talk again. Pretty soon, the two of you were laid down in your bed, legs tangled together without breaking away from each other’s lips. You weren’t sure what exactly came over to you but you helped yourself onto Jos, literally straddling her. “Damn, hello to you.” She laughs, pulling back down to capture your lips in her own, hungry for more.
“Give me a sec.” You carefully manoeuvred yourself off of her and went over to your nightstand to grab a vibrator. You turned it on and its low hum filled the room. You see her squirming when she recognised that sound, asking you get back to her. Shrugging, you climbed back into bed and slid off her cargo pants then pressed the vibrator to her clit. Jos yelps, to your surprise. You chuckle, “Wow, babe. Didn’t know it was so easy to make you so noisy.”
She laughs, propping herself up to sit. “Fuck, kiss me, babe.” She whispered, her breathing heavy. You gave in for a short while, but pulled away before you wanted to see her face while you stimulated her clit with the vibe.
It worked her up pretty good, seeing that her slick was now dripping onto the bed. You slid a finger down her front and dipped it inside her, fucking her with it. Jos bites back a moan, her eyes screwing shut. “That’s not gonna work, hun.” You grinned, biting onto your lower lip while you pressed the object harder against her. A high-pitched moan gets forced out of her throat. “That’s my girl.” You chuckle, finger curling up to poke her sensitive spot. Her hips begin to buck upward, moving in sync with your fingers. Each time you two moved, she moaned only motivating you to go faster to achieve her goal. But, also because of that goal- or challenge she gave you, you decided to take your time to build up her pleasure to the brink.
“Fuck, that feels so good, y/n.” She was leaned back, supporting herself up with her palms. “Oh~”
Hearing her reactions, you couldn’t get that grin off your face. “I wanna keep hearing you. You don’t get to keep quiet just because you feel like it, but have me literally crying for you all the time.”
She scoffs, “Please. I don’t-” You took the vibrator away. Jos seethes, she was damn near throwing a fit. “You gonna finish that sentence or not? Choose wisely.” You looked at her playfully, cupping her cheek and the finger inside her exits too. Jos whines into the kiss, “No. No, I’m not gonna- y/n, I need- I need it.”
“Say please.” You stuck your tongue into her mouth, your teeth then grazing against her lower lips, giving it a tug, “I’m gonna need to hear it.”
“Where is this attitude coming from? The weather?” Jos broke away from the closeness. It was like on reflex, but you smacked her cunt, causing her to glare at you in shock while a whimper falls from her lips. As if having an intense desire to hear more of that, you continued smacking her to draw the sounds out - she was still holding back. “Jos.” You say, holding up the vibrator, “I have all the time in world to edge you till you wail. Do you want to come or not? Oh, sorry. Squirt.”
She was doing it on purpose though. Unlike you, she usually had no issues practically waking up the neighbours. “Please, okay, I’m sorry, honey.” Jos pleaded, “I need you, y/n. I need you.”
“Good girl.” You squeezed her inner thigh, attaching your mouth onto her pussy. She gasped, “Oh, fuck! y/n, what the fuck, oh- oh, shit. Yeah, just like that. Fuck—”
“Now you know what you do to me.” You smirked, holding onto her lower lips with your mouth and pulling them. Your breath fanned against her sensitive area, making her squirm and cry out. But still, your tongue kept going and going, up and down her folds, lapping up her slick. You knowingly pulled away from her with an obscene ‘pop’ sound, bringing your thumb back onto her clit to rub it to the point where you saw her entire body trembling.
“Ah-” She seethed over and over, swallowing thickly as chuckles of disbelief that were caught in her throat, erupted, “Shit! How are you so good at this, baby?”
“Learnt from you.” You said and she squirms, “And you seem to have forgotten one very important thing- I’m a squirter. You aren’t.”
She whines, because you stopped your movements and she felt herself right at the edge. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. y/n, I’m so close, bunny. Please, please, please.” She begged desperately.
“Be patient.” Your hand ghosts her apex, grabbing the wand again to return it to her clit but at a low setting. Jos lets out a pained cry, “Babe, please…”
“Don’t cry, honey…you’re doing so freaking well…” You pulled her closer for a kiss, “So well. Just a bit more, alright?”
Jos obediently nodded in agreement, “Mmm.” She exhales sharply, “Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah—”
You turned up the speed, moving it in fast-paced rhythmic circles while your two fingers rammed themselves into her cunt and pulls out constantly. Jos’ noises became more high-pitched as you went longer, giving you a loud and clear sign that she was close. When you finally felt her walls clenching around your fingers, you fucked her even faster making her toes curl and her back arched.
“Fuck- babe, I’m gonna come— bunny, I’m gonna—” She panted, “Oh, holy, shit. Shit.”
You took that as you cue to remove the wand and your fingers, replacing them both with your mouth again, sucking and circling her clit like your life depends on it. Jos unravels instantly into your mouth but you kept lapping her up anyway and adding hands back into the mix, harshly assaulted her clit.
“Ohh, what the fuck- what the fuck— fuck! y/n!” She whined, almost helplessly as you feel her unravel again. Knowing what was going to happen, you moved your face out of the way and the slick gushes out of her before a clear stream came out of her pulsing cunt. Admiring your work for a few seconds, you were snapped out of it but you heard her cry. You patted her cunt, saying, “You’re alright, baby. You’re alright. Look at me, Jos. You’re okay, I got you, I got you.”
After a little bit, she broke the silence, “That was— I honestly thought couldn’t do that. I’ve never been able to-”
“Now you know you can.” You pecked her on the lips then got up to go wash your hands off and get necessary items to clean her up.
“You are so good at this.” She commented, turning her head to look at you while she was laid on her back, in bed.
Chuckling you said back, “I did try pretty hard.”
“I knew you could do it.” She grins, “You wanna have your turn?”
“I’m gonna give you a minute.” You laugh, “You sire you can get up now?”
Jos snorted, laughing, “Maybe in a few.”
“Good choice.” You walked back out to her, sitting down.
“Maybe the shower will be a good location change. The weather is insane- I actually feel like it’s so stuffy, I can’t breathe.”
“I’ll uh- hold you to that.” You nod, “But first, let me clean you up, yeah, babe?”
“Okay.” She agrees, looking at you lovingly, “You’re so pretty, baby.”
A smile crept onto your face and you blushed, “I love you, gorgeous.”
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daughterofsarenrae · 15 days
I can’t bring myself to do any deep dives into political podcasts or discussions, would you summarize the latest? What are the reactions post debate? Most of my coworkers are going to vote trump but they treat me (an obviously queer person) so kindly. It’s dispiriting.
hiya! preferencing everything i say here with a "this is an extremely close race and will be until the very end" disclaimer but! we are not in doom and gloom mode we are in determined hope mode imo
post debate: fox news anchors were saying on air immediately after the debate that trump lost. like straight up they COULD not spin it in a way that he won. harris challenged him to another debate like hours after and i think it was today where he was like "no i totally won 100% so im not doing another" which. makes him look like a coward running away from facing her again bc he and everyone else knows he lost. so that's fun! of course he could go back on that bc he switched between he would/wouldnt do this debate like 8 times leading up to it. u cant trust anything out of his mouth! who knew?
ANYWAYS so that post i rb'd earlier was true: about 1/4 trump voters said the debate made them reconsider their vote, and i thiiiink wapo cited 6% of trump voters DID change their vote post debate. debates dont traditionally have anything to do with election results but it might be a good indicator in this one. most undecided voters' stance is "we dont know enough about harris's positions/policies" bc her campaign is like. 1.5? 2? (i forget) months old. the debate was her chance to lay her policy out for a HUGE audience- i think it was 67 million people watching? whereas trump: everyone knows who he is and what his views are. he is a known figure and people have made decisions. she is not known. and her core message that debate was "i am not trump or biden, i'm a new way forward" which for all of the people who were not wanting to vote for either trump/biden (bc of policies or age or WHATEVER) is important. national polls are close with harris trending up basically since her campaign started, but the important polls are the swing state ones, which typically are either tied or harris up by a tinyyyy bit.
the important thing here is: trump has his base. they will vote for him no matter what. generally he's kind of capped off how many voters he can get. people who are undecided/abstaining wouldve committed to him by now. harris is the unknown here, which means she has the greatest potential for growth, esp among undecideds and abstaining voters. the general view is they want to know more and are open to learning more. she's only done the one big mainstream news media interview so far bc she's been uh. a little busy! between constant rallies and the dnc and debate prep and such, but she's also been doing (almost?) daily local radio interviews. extremely grassroots campaign stuff. but also she's gotten fuckin. liz and dick cheney's endorsements. and a lot of other republicans. AND ALSO one piece of extremely good post debate news: taylor swift's endorsement. i think i saw a number today where in the 24 hours since her post, over 400,000 people clicked the link to the voter registration website so. extremely encouraging
the maga push to make harris/walz seem super extremist is very funny and also not sticking at all bc walz is literally the most normal guy ever. and every time jd vance shows his face he says something even more self-incriminating. trump distances himself SO much from vance it's so funny. clown show party over there. trump keeps flip-flopping on signing an abortion ban bc the evangelicals will hate him if he doesnt but it's also an extremely extremely unpopular position so he can't really say anything about it without alienating part of his voters
ANYWAYS this is. i guess kind of a summary? i didn't link sources bc im lazy and just got back from work but i will find them if u want me to. and also if u have any other things u wanna know this was extremely general
keep donating keep talking to people keep volunteering! the more voters we get out the better chance we have. esp if you're in the south check your voter registrations. block anyone who encourages you not to vote. most importantly dont give in to the fear. it's ok and normal to be anxious and afraid of this election, but don't let it shut you down. seek news that doesn't just talk about trump, elevate news that talks about harris. remember- people know enough about him that they're committed to him already. letting people know about harris' policies is going to do much more for bringing undecideds into the fold than talking about whatever insane shit trump is on about on any given day. AND ALSO campaign and donate for every other democrat on the ballot. vote blue up and down. let's set harris up for success with a congress that'll actually let her do shit
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cloudbattrolls · 5 months
Blood in the Cut
Gliese Benral | Present Night
Gliese gritted her teeth as she walked through the forest. The weather was nice; cool with just a hint of humidity, and she could hear the distant sounds of construction. A few bugs zipped through the air.
“You always know when I’m close.” She muttered. “Somehow.”
“Not every time.”
Came the voice she’d expected from behind her, but she still jumped a little as she turned to see the false maroon.
“Yeah, okay!” She said with a bark of laughter. It merely tilted its head, expression neutral.
She sucked in a breath. 
“Anyway. I guess…as much as I hate it…I have to admit you were right. I shouldn’t have seen Quilis then.” She said with a grimace.
It nodded.
“It was not personal. I would have turned away anyone who came.”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “Poor Quil…she’s really not the best at standing up for herself or saying no. Girl could use a moirail, or an ashmate, or something.” She said with a shake of her head. “Trouble is finding someone in her age range.”
It nodded again. God, it felt weird to be agreeing with it.
“Anyway.” She said, coming up to it and poking its shoulder. “I wanna fight you.”
It blinked.
“All right.”
She snort-laughed.
“Wow, that was easy. And Quil was so disapproving.” She said with a smirk.
“Not here, though.” It said. “I don’t want to damage the forest.”
Her eyebrows raised. “Damn, just how wild do you get? Nah, don’t tell me, I wanna see for myself.”
“Do you know a good place?” It said. “It can’t be anywhere too close to anyone else. I don’t want to be seen by another troll, if possible.”
Her eyebrows raised, if possible, even higher. 
“Yeah, we can fight in my hedge maze - well, the part of it that burned down a while ago. I still haven’t gotten to regrowing that yet. But if you slice up some of the other bushes it’s okay. I was thinking of remodeling the whole thing anyway.”
It nodded. “That works.”
“My signmate might see you, though.”
It thought about that, hand to one cheek. “As long as there’s some cover.”
“Great, time’s a-wasting, let’s go.”
She walked back to her waiting lusus, not bothering to turn around and see if Eileit was following, then jumped on the hare’s back, looked around, and -
-hey, where did it go.
She shrugged. Either it had lied to her or it hadn’t, and it seemed to be able to hide and reappear really easily for whatever reason.
She made her way back to the burned-out part of her maze, several dozen square feet of bare earth between the green hedges bordering it. Sure enough, a minute or so after she arrived and got off her lusus…
…there it was when she turned around, looking at everything with interest.
She shook her head in wonder.
“Man, what the fuck are you.”
It either didn’t hear her (doubtful), or it didn’t want to answer, much more interested in chasing a grasshopper it had found. Haredad watched it a moment, then retreated so that he was away from the fight. 
Gliese smirked. Well, if it wanted to be caught off guard…
The blueblood took out her scythe and ran for it.
It leapt into the air, spreading great metallic wings that hadn’t been there a few moments ago. Gliese switched to her gun, aiming at the bladelike ‘feathers’ as it dodged and flipped, evading most of her shots. The few that did hit didn’t do much damage; they warped a few feathers, but it seemed unbothered.
She whooped in the joy of a challenge, and it dove for her - she took out her scythe and jabbed it directly through the neck as she ducked just in time.
Red liquid leaked out, but not nearly at the rate a troll’s blood would, nor did it seem to bother the creature. It splashed to the ground and on her, and the hare troll grinned in excitement as her foe wheeled away and she swapped out her flamethrower instead, waiting for Eileit to get close enough for a good blast.
Which of course is when it disappeared.
“Oh, you bitch.” She said, mildly annoyed but mostly fascinated. It had just sort of…shimmered out of existence.
The rush of air as it flew by again was just enough to warn her to duck, but she knew as soon as she fired that she’d missed it.
Then she found herself picked up and carried into the air, cold wind streaming past her ears and face and making her eyes weep as it held her firmly, visible once more. Its wingbeats were steady and quieter than they should’ve been, she realized - how?
The gash on its neck was open…but there was no real flesh beneath it, no veins or muscle. Just…synthetic gray stuff she recognized from her fleet training, structures that were model-perfect but nonfunctional. It was creepy as hell, but also fascinating.
Gliese put her flamethrower away and took out a knife instead, jabbing at Eileit’s eye.
It let the hit happen, and simply looked at her a moment before pulling the knife out of its face with its free hand and putting it away. The eye had lost its light, cracked like a screen, but began repairing itself as she watched. Creating small metallic and crystalline lines of…cells? It couldn’t be, could it?
“Not smart, Gliese, what if I dropped you?”
“I have skeletons to catch me.” She said smugly. “Besides. I can tell you’re waaaay holding back. You won’t drop me.”
It shook her gently. She let her head bob around for the gag.
“Ah, uh oh, my thinkpan, it’s dying. Medic.”
It snorted. “I think we’re done for now.”
“What, nooo.” She whined. “This is fun.” 
The blueblood wiped her eyes, because damn the wind was getting to her - aaaand down they went, Eileit gently depositing her on the ground as its wings folded back up and disappeared. Somehow it had manifested them over its clothes, as far as she could tell.
“Why didn’t you use your magic?” It asked, now a few feet away from her.
“Why didn’t you go all out?” The mage said in return. “I was testing the waters. Plus, it’s a bad idea to get too reliant on the stuff. I coped without magic for sweeps, I don’t want it making me sloppy.”
It nodded.
“If I went all out it would kill you.” It said bluntly. “As you can tell, I was designed for combat.”
“No you weren’t.” Gliese retorted, point-blank. “I dunno what exactly you were made for, but it wasn’t that, though yeah, I can tell you’re no slouch. You don’t act like a real killbot. 
Your tactics are more diversionary, meant to isolate and capture, geared toward concealing you. You could’ve had me instantly and you chose to let me fight. You could’ve restrained me with both arms or had a blade to my throat. You could’ve snuck up on me from the first go. 
I don’t believe you don’t know how to do those things; I think you intentionally chose not to.”
It was silent for a few moments. “Quite the theory.” It said.
She grinned. “I know you won’t tell me anything. But I know this shit, I’m ex-fleet. Fuck those bastards, but I did learn some things there.”
It turned away.
“Why did you leave?” It asked.
“Cause fuck ‘em.” She said bluntly. “I was conscripted, I tried to cope and make the best of it, but…it sucks. It all fucking sucks, for everyone who’s part of it. Lowbloods most of all, but all of us. Every single blood color shoved into that miserable fucking machine.”
She paused.
“Uh. No offense.”
It laughed, sharp and amused as it turned back to face her.
“None taken.” It said, sounding genuine if deeply entertained.
“Wow, good, cause I was about to feel like, robot casteist.” She deadpanned. “You’re not a robot, though, are you?”
“No.” It agreed.
“Not gonna tell me what you really are, are you?”
“No.” It said again, amused. “I haven’t even told Quilis, not that they’ve asked. It’s safer that way, for me and everyone else.”
“Ah, so you aren’t imperial, huh. And they don’t know about you.”
It went silent. The pause stretched as its expression became unreadable.
“Please keep that to yourself.” It said softly. “If you do nothing else, please keep that to yourself.”
“Ah, another secret for our pile. Yeah, don’t sweat it.” She said, patting its shoulder. “You aren’t so bad, huh? Funny freaky toaster.”
It made a ding noise as a real toaster oven would and Gliese cracked up.
“That is hysterical.” She said, between fits of laughter. “Holy shit, how many noises can you do? No, wait - can you like, mimic voices?”
“Can you like, mimic voices?” It said back to her, the imitation of the necromancer’s tones nearly perfect.
She clapped her hands. “Oh, we are going to pull so many pranks. You, me, bothering people. You cannot tell me that wouldn’t be fun.”
“I’ll help you with a prank if you tell me something I’d like to know.” It said, placid.
“Yeah, sure, what is it?”
“Where can I get real maple and marshmallow flavoring?”
She blinked.
“You don’t eat, do you?”
It shook its head.
“No. It’s for a friend. They make candies.”
She grinned. “Aw, that’s sweet. Literally.”
It looked at her, and she raised her hands in defeat. “Hey, my moirail likes puns, bad humor’s contagious.”
“I have died. Badly.” It deadpanned. “Cause of death: being pun-ished.”
The blueblood put a hand to her chest in mock agony. “Oooh, that hurt. You and Nan can never meet, I’d wind up stabbing myself in the eye.”
“Objective acquired: meet Nan.”
She squinted at it.
“Okay, now you’re just fucking with me.”
“Data not found.”
The hare troll pushed the false maroon, who toppled over rigidly for the bit and played a cartoon coconut thunk noise, and it took a while before Gliese stopped laughing.
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manicsweetheart707 · 2 months
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This has been a pretty harsh month for me, that doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to make it a good one, if I could describe this month I would say that I’ve been pushing myself through it, I’m doing my best to not let the negative thoughts get to me.
Trying out new things is not always the easiest thing to do, but it's part of growing up; I wanna keep growing as a person and I think being aware of shit that happens to me, of my thoughts, even if they're not always positive will help me in that process, because I want to fall in love with life, and loving something implies loving the pretty and the ugly.
I really don't wanna do this alone, the growing uo thing, and maybe you reading this don't want to either, so maybe if I start posting these monthly recaps we can help one another to feel company in some sort of way, with time this will evolve to fit each other's needs ig.
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This month I started to workout like fully, last month I began taking tennis classes but skipped a lot of days due to me being depressed, that made me feel pretty stupid because I payed for those classes, the economic situation is not good enough for me to be wasting money in classes I’m not taking y’know?
I switched my classes from tuesday and thursday to wednesday and friday, and I feel it has helped me in keeping consistency a lot better, my mom’s also been the one taking me to class because I’m fucking stupid and it made me panic not finding anywhere to park my car so I ended up directly not going to class, I know that sounds so stupid but I tend to take those kind of situations as an omen that something is going to go not according to plan and that I’m gonna fuck something up, so yeah-
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Chloe Ting
Besides tennis classes this month I also started Chloe’s 2024 summer shred challenge; I figured it would’ve helpful for losing weight and helping me build endurance for tennis, it’s not the first time I try to workout from home with youtube or something, but it is the first time I actually feel comfortable doing it in a sense that I haven’t given up and I don’t plan on doing it, even if I’ve been too depressed to do shit I haven’t skipped any days, I think the fact that the app has like a nice percentage indicator motivates me to keep going.
Maybe doing both tennis and Chloe’s routines in my current physical state is not ideal since I’ve been feeling a bit nauseous this past days, but I am doing it either way because I’m not giving up, I am a strong bitch and can do whatever I set my mind to.
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I am not in a good mental state right now, the crippling feeling of how everything I do is wrong and everything I touch gets all fucked up is coming back strongly, even tho I’m doing shit that’s supposed to help me emotionally, they say that working out releases endorphins right? I drink a lot of water and been trying to keep myself distracted with other activities to stop myself from overthinking, but nothing really seems to work, the loneliness is a constant reminder of how fucked I am and how little value I have in other peoples lives. And I know that if I keep telling myself just how fucking awful I am I’m just gonna end up pushing people even further with my negativity. Loneliness is like a crater, sometimes no matter how much you scream no one is there to hear you, and the times there’s someone your throat is just too sore to let them know you’re there, and sometimes when you find a ladder you feel oh so scared of what’s outside to climb up, it’s really fucking difficult man.
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My vacations are sadly over, although I only have 2 classes this whole semester I still feel a bit anxious about going back to uni, it’s a mix between the people and the work, I’m usually pretty work focused while I’m at uni so I don’t give myself enough chances to be friendly with people (adding to that the social anxiety), this semester I need to work on my degree proyect/thesis/whatevs and that makes me oh so nervous I really want to give it my best and don’t fuck it up.
There’s people I don’t like in my trademarks class, I don’t think they’re bad people, but their voices annoy me, which ig makes me a bad person, but I can’t help it they’re too loud and speak too fast and talk with so much confidence over topics they don’t know shit and that annoys me. I’m being a bitch, I’m sorry.
I find it particularly scary having to build a portfolio, and begginning the whole working thing, although I hate my current state of living I do like having my own time and bedrotting whenever I feel like it, growing up is so fucking scary isn’t it.
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It’s a terrible idea to replace a bad habit with another bad habit, and this month is the month I’m trying to get skinnier, so I’ve been working out, starting a diet, taking laxatives, and most importantly cutting sugars; that has been really hard for me and I think it didn’t help that much to the darkness I was feeling the first half of the month. I am aware is a terrible idea, for a while whenever I got sugar cravings I used to light up a vanilla incense stick and hope for the best but it really didn’t helped, and since I discovered that mints do have calories and shit I don’t really want to eat them no matter how much I love them. So I thought a solution to my problems could be vaping, I can’t get fatter from it can I? I bought a blueberry one, I do enjoy it I think, I like that is minty and I’ve always been a huge fan of candles, incense, that type of stuff, I feel like I’m in some sort of way eating a candle. It does make me feel a bit guilty because I am pretty aware of how awful nicotine is, and that vapes are far worse than a cig, and also that my mom has asthma yet here I am probably fucking up my lungs, but I think right now, currently, it makes me feel even guiltier to actually eat sugar.
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✦ Keep losing weight and being consistent with my workouts
✦ Progress as much as possible on my degree project
✦ Reorganize my notion
✦ Set up a dating app profile maybe?
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c u next month!!
xoxo, mani
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alluralater · 1 year
It's so cute that you think a little teasing will break me.
I think it'd be fun to tell you "I'll be a good girl for you Allura, I promise" while looking up at you with my big, round, innocent eyes, all while thinking about every way I'm gonna break every one of your rules. I wanna see how riled up I can make you.
What're you gonna do about it? Hm?
yeah see i can fuck your brains out but the innocent thing doesn’t work on me. i can sense the mind of a deviant from across a crowded room. i’ve never been the type to be into people that are real innocent or want to give the vibe of innocence during sex. no idea why. interestingly enough though, for girls who say that- if they’re switches or service subs, i’ll tell them to be my good girl and get on their knees. the problem is that i can call your bluff before i’ll ever run out of patience. seeing as how you’re a bottom, it would be real easy to keep my fingers on your throat and again, tell you that you are my good girl. such a brat. i’m bratty enough on my own lmao but brats are fun sometimes.
the way i deal with brats is that i just go “okay cool :)” and i just walk away without another thought and leave them dripping. i have more patience than you have willpower to let me go. you expect someone to fight you for it, challenge you for it. i’m not interested. i’d rather break you down over and over again by removing myself from your reach entirely. no worries baby. if you’re so needy, you can take care of it for me. show me that brattiness when i have you laid out on my bed and rubbing your clit for me. getting so worked up that you drop the act and beg for my help. i’ll say no. you have to learn your lesson. you’re going to cum while i watch and then when i think you’ve had enough, you’re going to be tied down and made to cum again. i won’t use my mouth. i won’t use my fingers. i’ll keep a vibrator against you and let you writhe to it. wet drooly mess. you’re my good girl right? you want to break some rules? watch what fucking happens when you do.
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bitetheriskyrose · 9 months
I can't resist a dare, what are your kinks?
OH LAWD I forgot I said that. I really need to stay off tumblr when I'm first up in the morning and overconfident in my ability to confidently talk about my sexual side. Whelp. Heeeeeeere we go anyway!!!! (I kinda wanna see how long the list gets mwahaha)
Praise kink 'cause duh
Found out this year I am an appreciator of degredation to a degree
Casual day to day and slightly hardcore dominance
CNC with nonverbal safe signals
Oral fixation (hence the nonverbal signals)
Certain types of bondage, not a fan of swings, but getting my hands tied behind my back or to the bed posts is a must try at least once.
Breeding. Must I explain.
Very very light exhibitionism
BDSM, though humiliation isn't a huge turn on for me. I feel that humiliation and just giving me the choice to do something slightly embarrassing for a "reward" is different (e.g. saying something quite dirty that I'm wayyyy too shy to say is fine, you degrading me is fine but having me say non-sexual degrading things about myself is a no no)
I'm quite a big fan of marking. Seeing bruises on my skin has me feeling some type of way.
I adore possessiveness, but I feel it can get hypocritical very quickly so I'd rather the absence of it than have both of those together.
Very slight breath play, mostly prefer choking
Orgasm denial/forced edging
Now, I do not have that kink where you try to feed someone so much they gain weight. I think it plays into my oral fixation honestly. I just love having people feed me directly sometimes. It feels intimate and full of love whilst showing I've submitted complete control.
I honestly think I'm more of a switch leaning person than a full on submissive. I haven't really explored it as I've not had the opportunity to, but I definitely have desires/fantasies that are more dominant leaning than my usual pleasure fodder.
Free use- offset of CNC
Primal play? I think that's what it's called. Basically if you played a very high stakes game of hide and seek with me in a very thick patch of woods I would not become a recognisable person.
Brat taming. Though I'm not the best actress.
Lactation kink. my deep dark secret you didn't see this.
Did I mention praise
Double penetrations, like spit roasting, but with a dildo you can stick to things. I'm not big on sharing or being shared in reality.
I go through phases of adoring the thought of getting kidnapped into the woods, and then sometimes it's a hard no. Probably one of the things I would agree to but it would be tentative and the safe word being used is quite likely.
I don't know if forced reading is considered a kink but trying to read something while other things are happening is a big oofta moment for me
I guess CNC/BDSM already implies it, but rough sex on the whole gets me going quite easily.
I am also a fan of just vanilla stuff! More often than not it's very relaxed scenarios that I get off to since I'm usually trying to help myself sleep.
Most of all, and this is the only requirement, I need banter. The idea of being "beaten" or matched mentally and made to feel like an equal/maybe even a bit less smart than my partner is such a turn on for me. Which sounds ridiculous because I can't word it properly. Basically, though it sounds so conceited, I always feel like I'm 10 steps ahead of people. I like being challenged, and being praised for "winning" any sort of game is equally as arousing as being degraded for not getting it. Everyone's always blowing smoke up my ass about how smart I am, and I have a very hard time believing it. If I've entered into some sort of D/s partnership, it's because I've given complete trust over and I'm going to believe most anything you say. If you say I'm smart, I'm such a good smart girl! If you say what a dumb little whore I am for getting it wrong, I must be just a desperate and silly girl who couldn't focus enough to actually try and beat you
This has gotten ridiculously long and the likelihood of anyone actually having made it to these words is so slim I feel silly.
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Read the first two chapters of Deconstructed - An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance!
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You wanna read them? I’d love your input!!
When I went hunting a monster in the Black Forest of Germany, I discovered someone far more challenging than just the lunatic with an unusual diet. There was a girl, chained in his basement. When I tried to rescue her, she nailed me in the back of the head and escaped, leaving me with one hell of a migraine and really pissed off. Letting her get away? That's on me. She's the angriest girl I've ever met. She likes to run. Well, I like to chase. Aren't we a match made in hell? Because when I catch her, I'm keeping her. Deconstructed - An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance contains dark themes and is for 18+ readers only.
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It’s been three weeks.
I think.
I scratch a mark on the stone wall by the horrible little toilet in the corner every day. I don’t want him to see the marks, so it seems like the right place. He is fastidious - and there’s an irony - and would rather switch to a vegan diet than get near anything related to bodily functions.
He comes to see me every day. I think it’s every day though I can’t prove it. There are no windows in here, just stone walls, a stone floor, and the mattress in the corner opposite the toilet and sink. The single light bulb above me always stays on, a thing I’ve come to see as a privilege since I spent the first few days in the pitch black until He made me promise to behave.
I hear footsteps down the hall outside my metal door, and I steel myself, He’s coming.
The evil bastard.
The fucking troll. 
Bringing fresh clothes and a little food and water, He smiles as if greeting me is the highlight of his day.
“Hallo kleines, little one,” He says fondly.
“Hello, Herr Schmidt,” I reply through my teeth, gritting them against the waterfall of obscenities that want to pour from me.
He smiles down at me fondly, just out of reach of the length of the chain attached to the floor and the manacle on my ankle. He made that mistake just once, coming within reach and the thick scabs down His left cheek and neck are still healing.
“And how did you sleep, kleines?”
“Quite well, thank you.” I almost gag as I say the words.
“Good, good!” He says warmly, “Because I have a surprise for you later. Why don’t you tidy up?” He chuckles at my expression and leaves, the steel door clicking shut behind him.
My legs are water and I fall to my knees, wrapping my arms around my midsection, pressing my forehead to the rough stone.
I will get out of here.
I will kill Him.
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Chapter One
“Soaring Eagle, are you in position?”
There was a click in my earpiece and an exhausted sigh. “Really, Dario?”
I chuckle, checking my ammo clip. “Stealth mission, brother. Refer to me as Big Daddy D.”
“I am not calling you Big Daddy D,” Yuri Morozov snarled.
“You just did,” I said gleefully. “Is your team in position?”
“Yes,” Yuri hissed, “west and south points. Also, I’m going to beat the shit out of you when this mission is finished.”
Shrugging, I said, “If it’s not to the death, it doesn’t count.”
“And you wonder why no one ever wanted to spar with you at the Ares Academy,” he said. “Perimeter alarm disabled.”
“Syncing time and coordinates…” I murmur, checking my digital readout. 
Looking up at the six men with me, I remind them, “Extraction. Do everything you can to keep the target alive. He could be an invaluable source of information. The fucker’s not the only cannibal on the dark web, he can lead us to countless more, along with crucial information on where he’s sourcing these women.”
Cracking my neck, I look at the impenetrable forest around us. It’s midnight, and the trees soar up so high, they’re blotting out any light from the moon. 
“You’re going to want to shoot this motherfucker in the gut when you see what’s inside.” Nodding to our newest team member, who is sweaty but determined, “Casey, you’ve got Carlos and Mikhal with you. Pull every scrap of data you can before we detonate the charges.”
“Why don’t we take this freak, but leave his little cannibal palace for the German Federal Intelligence Service?” Casey asks, “Schmidt needs to be exposed for the sick fuck he is.”
I chuckle mirthlessly. “Because a member of his fucked-up flesh eaters club is in the F.I.S. We just don’t know who. They’re more likely to find out about us if we leave anything behind.”
He nods rapidly. “Gotcha. Sound logic. Agreed.”
Putting my hand on his shoulder, I ask, “Can you do this?”
Casey snorts. “I’ve got your two best guys covering me. I’m wearing a badass tactical suit that makes me look like a ninja. Yeah. I got this. Really,” he insists when I raise my eyebrow, “I look fucking great in this tach suit.”
Yuri swore this guy was the best…
“On my mark,” I raise my hand, watching the digital readout. “Three… two… one…”
Clenching my raised hand into a fist, I fight back the tidal wave of adrenaline.
Left to my own devices, I would have blown the front of this motherfucker’s mansion clean off the foundations and swept through, shooting anyone who wasn’t his captive. My older brother Giovanni, the Don of the Toscano Mafia and the most boring asshole alive, insisted on the stealth approach.
“Schmidt’s notorious for booby-trapping the hell out of the forest for a 1,600-meter circumference of the house,” he’d warned me. “And once you get in, there’s a dozen failsafe options guaranteed to kill everyone he’s holding hostage. Take the time to plan this out.”
Smug bastard. 
However, he was right. We took much longer than I wanted to, mapping the area to make a safe approach - this asshole had landmines and deadfalls seeded everywhere around his estate - but we’re finally here. Three trucks drop us off at the far perimeter wall and head for the pickup point by the main gate. 
Between the Morozov Bratva and the Toscano Famiglia, we have twenty men here. Schmidt is not getting past us.
Racing quietly through the brush, I circle my hand over my head, spreading my men out around the house. This hellhole is in the middle of one of the most magnificent forests in the world, but there’s not a scrap of vegetation around it for several meters; just sterile concrete with pressure pads to alert him of anyone approaching. It is a black steel and glass monstrosity, three stories with a tower that soars nearly above the trees. Casey’s disabled the exterior surveillance cameras and we have exactly five minutes to get from the cover of the brush into the house before we’re spotted.
The dark glass surrounding the house actually gives it a closed-in, paranoid appearance, as if Schmidt is constantly watching for intruders in every direction. 
I had seen him once at an auction to purchase young women. He has pale blue eyes, so pale they look like weak, skimmed milk. 
Maybe I’ll start his questioning by plucking one of them right out of his skull, I think, grinning in a way that makes one of my own men flinch as he looks at me.
My team is going down to the lower level of the building, as Yuri’s men move upward, scaling the walls to enter through the roof. There’s a helicopter perched there, and I watch Yuri’s lieutenant wire an explosive charge to the engine.
There’s a faint click in my ear as Yuri murmurs, “There are three guards patrolling the roof and upper floor.”
“The intel shows he usually keeps ten here,” I said. “I’m sending my second team in to the garage to disable his cars. We took down two guards on the perimeter, with your three, there’s at least five unaccounted for. I’m heading into the basement now.”
“Good luck,” Yuri said grimly. I picked the lower level because we know any captives Schmidt keeps will likely be there.
“Remember,” I murmur into my team’s earpieces, “kill the guards quietly. If there are captives, we don’t want them screaming and alerting anyone. Our team’s job is to get them out safely. That is your first priority.” 
Looking over my shoulder, I see their grim determination. We may be from the Famiglia, but there are far more evil fucks in this world than us. Most of these men have wives and children of their own, it’s too easy seeing the faces of the people we love when encountering the victims of monsters like Schmidt.
The massive steel door leading to the lower level is blast-proof, fireproof, and opened by a biometric scanner. Casey steps up and pulls up a handheld device. He’s created an AI version of Schmidt, with a perfect voice, fingerprint, and cornea match. He flashes me a grin when the indicator switches from red to green.
I pat him on the cheek and nod to his backup. “Keep him safe.”
They head up the stairs while I stare down the long hallway. The bright overhead fixtures send light reflecting off white enamel walls, floor, and ceiling and it’s almost blinding. There’s a lingering scent of hospital-level antiseptic and a feel of almost grotesque sterility. Ten doors stretch down the hall, five on each side.
“How many girls do you think Schmidt’s got here?” Lorenzo, my second, looks at me, his mouth tight with disgust.
I put my hand on his shoulder and shove him out of sight as two of Schmidt’s guards come clattering down the stairs. 
“You think he would share,” one grumbles, “it’s not like he’s fucking them.”
Whatever his partner’s answer might have been is cut off as I end them both with a quick bullet. Looking up, I see the amber light blinking on the security camera. Good. Casey’s inserted a video loop, it will take fifteen minutes or so for anyone monitoring the security feed to spot the anomaly.
His next step is remotely disabling the biometric locks on each door. I take one side of the hall, and Lorenzo takes the other while our other men guard the stairs and entryway.
The first two rooms are empty, both grey stone rooms fashioned to look like a dungeon, right down to the chains bolted into the floors. The next door opens and Lorenzo’s breath leaves him in a sigh. “We’ve got one, but she must be gone. These injuries… there’s no way. I’ll check her vitals to be sure.”
Rooms four, five, and six are empty. Room seven is not.
“Ah, cazzo, fuck!” I hiss. “Edoardo, get in here! I think this one’s still alive.” He’s our medic, the horror on his face makes my heart clench as he pushes past me, kneeling by the mattress, picking up her limp hand to search for a pulse.
Rooms eight and nine hold the lifeless remains of this monster’s games, the stench of death not quite covered by the aggressive antiseptic smell from the hall. I’m at the last door in the nauseatingly white hallway and about to open the door when gunfire sprays down the stairs.
We all take cover, and I dive through door number ten. 
“Sorry brother, you’ve got eight guards charging down to the basement,” Yuri’s voice crackles in my ear.
“Yeah, thanks for letting me know,” I snarl, shooting one of the new men wielding an AR-15, and then the one behind him. “Where did these fuckers come from?”
“Through the front gate,” he said grimly. “We must have missed one of the pressure sensors during the approach.”
“Get Schmidt and go,” I said. “Pull the charge off his helicopter and fly him out. You’ve got your pilot with you, yes?”
Yuri snorted, “Don’t waste your time getting noble on me now. We came in together, we leave together. Can you take out those eight?”
“Oh, yeah,” I assure him. 
My men are barricaded in the doorways, shooting back at the newcomers as I shout into my headset, “Cover your ears!” 
Whistling, I pull a flashbang grenade from my belt and hurl it down the hallway. The resulting shockwave of noise and light shorts out my earpiece, and I’m a little disappointed I can’t hear the screams of Schmidt’s men as my team mows them down.
As the gunfire dies down, I turn to sweep the room, rifle up and I see her.
Painfully thin, her ankle horribly bruised from her shackle, and enormous green eyes. Too wide, like a spooked horse.
I clicked on my headset again. “We have a survivor!”
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Pre-order now... on Amazon September 1, 2023.
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HIya hun ^^ I wanna apply (Idk if that's the word i'm looking for ">_>) for thine event ^-^ If you're still accepting that is, I understand if you're not ^^"
I tend to be pretty cold and 'mean' (unintentionally) to those that I don't know, but once I've gotten to know someone I just become putty and very very v e r y soft for them. I really enjoy baking, music, dancing, art, anything creative really ^^ I can play the flute and I'm learning the guitar as well, and (hopefully) eventually the piano as well as the violin ^-^
I am a ok with ⬥ ★ and ◍ as well ^^
I actually wanna become a mother and have my own family to take care of one day so that might be why i like ★ so much hehe ^^"
(Don't forget to hydrate and to eat some food too if you haven't yet!)
- 🍓 ☁ switch annon
oh my dearest!! hehe you're such a sweetheart... if i could, i'd teach you to play the piano myself!! ^w^ kisses!! <3
→ 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱!
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𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺: 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲! ←
‘his methods were always… interesting. to chase around and make things harder was simply the best part of it all. he was the hunter and you were his sweet little prey.’
your cold exterior despite his warmth was what had him craving more at first. you were a challenge, one that he needed to conquer. one that he just had to complete despite your avoidance of even just his presence. if you didn’t want him around he’d purposefully put you in danger just to give him the excuse to play your knight in shining armour. he’s smart like that.
you learned to deal with him over time. he wasn’t the irritating itch on your life any longer and that had him high off of the satisfaction. you like him! soon you’ll love him! that’s just the natural progression of emotions. he found himself wanting and taking more of you each day and couldn’t stop. you were his own personal drug and addition. if bleeding him dry to paint with his organs or to grease your instruments was what you needed he’d be happy to oblige. death at your hands would be orgasmic.
yet, he couldn’t have that yet when the ability to breed you full and have kid after kid was still possible. you’d bare his heirs and family name for years to come. a large family with him as the father and provider was the ideal outcome and another challenge for him to conquer. even if holding you down and releasing through your soft wails was required, he’d to anything to suck up more of your intoxicating love.
‘by definition, he’s obsessed. but how could he not be when you gave him everything he ever wanted. your difficulties and rejection had him hard while your love and affection had him gleaming. a match made in heaven, as he’d call it.’
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alexissara · 1 year
En Garde! Quick Review
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En Garde! gives us Adalia the sword swinging bisexual icon as the protagonist for a rather short but well condensed sword fighting game. It is a perfect swashbuckler game with rapid fire jokes, banter and fun paired with amazing voice acting from the cast. It is really a brilliant display of how great a small cast, amount of original models, and run time can do with really amazing presentation, soundtrack, animation, voice acting and gameplay.
Adalia and Zaida are really really cute and adorable and I love them and to me it's very explicitly gay but there is no kiss, no decoration of them being in a relationship even if it's heavily implied that they have at least dated in the past if not in the present. Like for me, I would have liked a kiss, just one little kiss in the end. Zoro gets to kiss the girl in the end, why not Adalia and her hot pirate GF. Still Adalia got a unique animation just for being gay for Zaida and for me that worked for the run time and fun of this game.
The gameplay is smooth with it feeling amazing on a gamepad, I played with auto perry on because my brain is bad and I have terrible reaction times but trying to manual perry it still felt good it just felt like I was being taken out of the fantasy of the game and more into I am playing a game trying to overcome my physical limits so switching on auto perry felt like I was the amazing swashbuckler the game wanted me to feel like and I still sometimes wiped out and lost a fight so it did not remove the challenge or even reaction times all together with how the mechanics go by the end of the game.
The mechanics do a nice job of adding a little more and more as you go on and applying things in fun ways all the way into the end thanks to that short length and fun loop. I could defiantly see myself picking this game back up to just play the arena mode or replaying trying to find all the hidden bits of content or get a better run time.
Overall, I really loved this game and I recommend it. It really feels like a game that wants you to replay it, it wants to be a cotton candy game that just gives you fun for a few hours whenever you just wanna take your mind off shit. Check it out.
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goodtimingwithscar · 2 years
I absolutely LOVE angst, so maybe if I..
It was an average enough day, as normal as it comes in this place. No mildly alarming alerts, yet.
Grian, once again, was bandaging scars arm.
' bud.. you have to be more careful! I get that’s it’s your job, but it’s still dangerous! ' Grian exclaimed, for probably the fiftieth time this week.
' I know, I’ll be fine. ' Scar drawled back, tired.
' you’ll be fine?, scar what if it comes to a point where it’s too late for you?, what if I can’t save you? What if nobody can? ' grian said, a worried tone in his voice.
' that’s the thing with you buddy, it’s always “oh what if this happens oh what if that happens” what if’s will never happen!! They are simply things in your feeble mind. ' scar chuckled, ruffling G’s hair.
Grian hissed, annoyed. ' don’t blame me when you die, HotGuy. '
Scar laughed, getting up to look at the view off of their balcony, but he spotted something out of the ordinary.
' Hey-.. Hey what’s that..? G.. buddy you might wanna come look at this.. ' scar said, pointing downwards to the city.
Sure enough, it was something out of the ordinary, it looked new, like it had just formed. It was a glass, pink, shiny portal, with redstone textured outside of it.
' looks like something Mumbo’d like, the amount of redstone. ' grian cleared his throat. 'what is it?'
' I don’t know, but we have to check this out. ' scar replied, grabbing his bow.
Grian nodded, grabbing his own bow. Feeling a bit excited that, for once, scar said We have to check this out, it’s like the old times.. us against the world.
Scar grabbed his elytra, flying down, grian did the same.
' it doesn’t look.. good, or safe. Maybe we turn back? ' grian yelled over the howling wind.
Scar laughed, ' turning back is for the weak! Now c’mon! '
Once they landed, grian pulled up a visor for his eyes, and walked around warily.
' come to think of it.. this has mumbo written all over it. '
' ..mhm.. hey-.. what’s that?.. ' grian asked, pointing at a shadow, of a person?
Scar immediately became alert, looking around, holding his shield out in front of both of them.
The figure moved, scar held out his bow at the ready.
' ah. You’ve found me already? I reckon it was cuteguy, eyes of an eagle! ' a familiar voice said.. mumbos voice.
' I-.. mumbo?.. ' cuteguy asked, worriedly.
' of course it is! ' the shadow stepped out, revealing a rather maniacal figure, tall, with a black and white suit. Definitely their own friend, MumboJumbo.
' what are you doing, you.. maniac. ' hotguy hissed.
' oh y’know, cuteguy always got the attention.. and little old me was ditched!. So I figured.. if cuteguy died.. you could take a new sidekick, and, tsk. I’m perfect for that!! ' Mumbo cackled, an evil glint.
' you want to.. kill me? ' cuteguy asked, hissing.
Mumbo laughed, nodding.
' alright listen here pal, you’re not gonna kill my best friend. ' hotguy snapped, aiming his arrow at mumbo.
Cuteguy grinned, ' a challenge! At last! '
Hotguy looked at cuteguy, confused.
' g? What // are // you doing? ' Hotguy whispered.
Mumbo acted quickly, grabbing cuteguy and pushing him against the wall.
Of course, cuteguy winced, groaning in pain.
' -AH!.. '
' now, // scar //. Choose, I let cuteguy go, and he lives, and // I // be your sidekick!.. Or, I don’t let him go, and force him to switch sides! ' Mumbo laughed, feeling powerful.
Cuteguy looked at scar, tears welling in his eyes.
' ..y- ' scar began, but got interrupted.
' you’re to vain to care about cuteguy, your own best friend. ' Mumbo snapped.
Tears ran down cuteguys cheeks, trembling.
' buddy-.. it was us a-against the world.. ' cuteguy said, crying at this point.
' take him. I can do this myself. ' scar muttered.
Yes, he gave up his best friend, the vain, vain man.
' I- SCAR PLEASE!.. ' cuteguy yelled, scared.
' I DON’T NEED YOUR OPINION GRIAN. ' hotguy yelled.
Even mumbo was shocked, but he released grian, holding him by his arm. No matter how much G tried to release himself, it didn’t work.
' you.. traitor.. ' grian sobbed.
that was hard to write man. But anyway, What’s our opinions? Part 2?
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sunny6677 · 19 days
Okayyyyyy—sooooo ramble about my day first before the kinsona ramble!
I woke up on time (thank god—seems my prayer from last night to Apollo worked), took a bath as per usual, and drew a bunch of stuff this morning like I normally do before messing around on just a bunch of different apps until my normal time to go to the bus came. So I went down there while listening to some witchcraft playlist, took some pictures and saw my friends cat, but I didn't get to pet him. My half sisters dad made me kinda stand in front of his vehicle just to kinda keep me safe from any other passing cars that were coming to the same stop—and not a lot of kids were really on today including my friend. So the ride to my school was kinda quiet, but mainly filled with me drawing and listening to music.
Got to breakfast and drank some Gatorade as per usual while just messing around on my phone. One of my other friends wasn't here today either. It was the friend who got kinda angry from last time. Honestly, I was a little relieved he wasn't here since I didn't wanna think about how he screamed again.
Psychology—we got there, and I didn't get to do my drug PSA, so my teacher randomly switched my topics to Shrooms. And within a few minutes actually (I made a few corrections requested by the teacher though) I was done. I think the class must have liked it considering two students complimented me, and they were quiet during my presentation. During Advisory afterward, I just messed around on my apps again and played some Roblox.
Spanish—we just played a little game where the teacher asks us questions in Spanish about a story we read (the one about Wilson the Dog)—and we have to answer in Spanish on the board we're given (each team member is made to go sit at a stool in front for their turn and write on the board). My team ended up having the highest score though despite some of my teammates overthinking and uncertainty (we got a score of 108).
Chemistry—not really eventful tbh. We just sort of took a short test which I didn't do that great on, but I just cut some stuff out afterward that we're gonna be pasting in our journals soon. My teacher also complimented my Spooky Month hoodie. I'll be having to finish this review I didn't finish soon though.
Technology—we had a substitute who I dont particularly like because he was rude to me last year simply for asking if we could go in the school, and I was a bit anxious he'd act rude with me again, but he was mainly distracted by his own class which was just sitting in there with us so I was fine. We were given a site to learn how to tween, but I couldn't figure it out, so I just animated regularly and though a bit choppy, it turned out pretty good. And then after hyping myself up a bit, I played Roblox and then drew that Dipper picture afterward.
At lunch—I ate a bag of cheetos and drank some coca cola while playing roblox. But my friends were kinda goofing off the whole time, and at some point started giggling a whole lot cuz of this waluigi ass sound one of them made on accident. And said friend started talking to this other friend about how they think Waluigi is inside him, which caused two of my friends to start giggling like maniacs./lh
Then English came—I came in sort of earlier compared to the other students, and after putting away my phone to charge, I read during our usual silent reading time. Then after our time was up, we read the Monster book that we're currently reading, and then I sort of got to work on this story thing afterward which was just a challenge limiting how many words in sentences you could use. It.. ended up being about me going to a Taylor Swift concert with her boyfriends friend flying me there in a helicopter, and then her proceeding to brutally murder me with a knife after murdering everyone who went to her concert. Then I just kinda watched Spooky Month on my computer after since I had nothing better to do.
Theater swung by—we're apparently getting ready for an actual play now, which is called What Could Go Wrong? I'm going to be playing one of the three main children in the play, and I don't get much lines. I kinda wanted to be the main gal or this other character, but I was too afraid to speak up or ask so someone else took the part. We did a reading of the script. It was a bit awkward but it was fun. And the plays actually funny so it was nice to read over.
Headed to Geometry after. It was less overwhelming since three certain people weren't there (one of them being my friend who snapped last time)—and I was able to work on my Geometry notes in silence. We'll apparently be moving to a different site now for learning since it's more helpful. And tbh, it IS more helpful. I can work on my notes without being confused whatsoever. And my teacher annoyed me less too so that was fun. Still kind of annoying to hear all the other students loudly chatter tho.
And for last period which is world History—I sorta rushed through this test from last week and then did these notes on Ancient China. We didn't get to finish em all today, but we'll be finishing em tomorrow, and I gotta finish these other notes I didn't fill in cuz of the test I did during class. Was a treat to talk and joke around with the teacher tho.
Aaaand that's kinda it.
Photos I took today:
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