#so COMPLEX and so much to ANALYZE
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drieddpetals · 1 year ago
(i feel like analyzing stuff again so here we go) kaz is smart because he knows people. he loves puzzles, loves locks, loves taking things apart to figure out how they work. he says in soc that you figure people out like you figure anything else out, by taking it apart. kaz is smart because he finds enough out about people to make assumptions.
he knows what people will do, and often times it leaves the ones being duped going "how did he do that? how did he know?" kaz never truely knows something will 100% happen, he's just assuming it will and is almost always right.
in the begining of soc, when the crows are breaking matthias out of hellgate, kaz assumes wrong, though. he knows that jesper has a reputation for being late, so he assumes that jesper will take to the task of releasing the animals like he will anything else he does, and be late doing it. he has, in some sense, taken jesper apart. he knows what jesper does, and he plans around this assumption, however ends up being wrong. nothing extremely consequential happens because of his assumption, but it proves that kaz will assume things with confidence.
a huge aspect to why kaz is so successful in his planning and overall schemes is because he knows how to make a good assumption. he has inej gathering him intel, which enables him to make such confident and correct guesses about how people will act.
one instance of kaz's assumptions being correct is the whole geels and 19 burstraat situation in the beginning of soc. when kaz threatens to burn down geels' lover's home, geels could have not cared, could have shot kaz right there, but he didn't. geels doesn't, and kaz continues very boldly facing him. why? because kaz knows how geels will act.
another instance is in ck when kaz kidnaps alys and uses her to get inej back. at this point, kaz knows how van eck will act. van eck has already duped kaz once, and i imagine after this one of the things kaz does to insure it never happens again is over analyzing and taking him apart. it works in this instance, because kaz has already seen how much van eck cares about a "worthy heir," and alys is literally holding that. kaz has taken van eck apart, and had figured him out enough to make a bold and correct act based on assumption.
all this to say, kaz thinks and thinks and thinks and is always thinking and picking everything apart, and that is the key to why he can get away with everything he does. and maybe one day his assumptions that make him so smart will fail him, and maybe one day they'll be fatally wrong.
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art-from-within · 11 months ago
It just struck me that narrative wise, Morgott having a heavy tail and Mohg having large wings may not have been a completely random choice on the part of fromsoft....the omen twins were both shackled to the ground in the sewers, one of the two still heavily worships the guilty system none the less. Morgott clearly toiled to keep the crumbling status quo a float, draining him. The tail could represent that he is still shackled in spirit.(Look at his tail 😭)
But the other, Mohg, possesses so rebellious a spirit, his wings symbolizes a strong sense of independence and freedom. Man got out, and unlike his brother said fuck yall and flew away.
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dumbfucksystem · 9 months ago
i keep thinking about the fact that unlike sy (who never even thought about how his family might feel about him dying), airplane actually had the option to go back to his family and ultimately decided not to.
like imagine being a parent and finding out that your child chose a life that didn’t have you in it.
just think about the guilt that his parents must have felt when they heard the news. each of them are enjoying time with their new families, but they haven’t spoken to their son in a while. he’s in college though so he’s probably fine. he’s not reaching out saying that he needs help or money or anything though he never asked for much when he was home either.
then they get the call. and they find out that he died alone in his apartment. he was electrocuted while trying to salvage his laptop. and they think he didn’t have to die this way. he never asked them for anything, and now they know that he desperately needed them. he never mentioned how much he struggled, and maybe he would have if they had been in contact more often. but they were too caught up in their own lives to pay attention to him.
no parent should have to out-live their child, but they distanced themselves so much from him that they couldn’t even be there for him when he died.
cough your child could have lived a long, happy, & healthy life and eventually die of old age surrounded by people they love. but instead he died when he was young and alone because he didn’t feel comfortable sharing his problems with you cough cough
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fandomunsexyman · 1 year ago
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SVSSS is a novel with a fandom.
[ID: A Scum Villain edit of the "missing the point" meme. A bullet arcs from velinxi art of child Shen Jiu kneeling while furiously glaring. The bullet says, "People are not entirely one thing or the other and holding them to these extremes ignores the complexities that come with their humanity." It arcs over the head of a person across from it, who ignores the bullet and exclaims: "Wow!! Shen Jiu's only crime was being mean and was wrongly hated!" End ID]
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c1trvswurld · 4 months ago
Finally glad the mouthwashing fandom-at least on here- is finally coming around to see the idea that neither curly or jimmy are completely innocent nor should be babied or completely villainized because to do that you'd need to *checks notes*
Completely ignore how mouthwashing is a story of how systems of abuse are kept in power. Particularly rape culture and the patriarchy that encourages these actions while also encouraging bystander effect from other men close to predators...which is all encouraged under a system like capitalism.
Idk read more of tha rant in tags I got carried away I fear.
#its all interchanging systems babe#if i see another post babying curly#or removing any amount of humanity from jimmy#im going to assume you simply dont want to interact with the meat of the game#you just looked at overall plot points and story beats with a glance and refused to give this wonderful game its flowers#stop turning these complex character into one dimensional things you can comodify like prepackaged food#this also heavily includes anya and the weird way you guys also baby her#shes a grown woman...a tramatized one yeah? but a grown woman who should be treated decently#not just spme one note preformative doll you wave around in order to comfort and baby curly or to shit on jimmy in the most ooc way possible#same with swansea#my goodness#mouthwashing#seriously ik fandom always does this but mouthwashing tumblr somehow impressed me?#with how much they could miss themes and intricacies for their preformative turn to the camera so they can say#“grrr this character bad and is monster lets throw a bunch of cluster b disorders at them and remove any character to prove a point ”#“wow this character is completely absolved from his actions and is too innocent to be deeply analyzed...#lets give him a playtoy supporting female character to dote on him and loft him up despite her own trauma!“#rant#im sorry its just soo annoying#usually im a “do everything you want forever” type girl#but its seeing the fandoms hypocrisy in jow they treat charscters like jimmy and curly and swansea that makes me realize#media literacy is soooo down hill.#quick give me a 500 word essay on why you think *shittiest take ever* is acceptable!
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foolssoup · 8 months ago
germs i wanna know if im amongst my peers cuz i feel like im the only gay man watching this show
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rhaenyrathecruell · 8 months ago
Alicent now knows she was wrong and she refuses to accept it. She cannot change crowning aegon as king and it would be hard to stop the war in its tracks with aegon being king and cole being hand but, I think rhaenyra wanted accountability. Alicent has attacked rhaenyra and her sons over not taking accountability and yet when faced with her own she runs.
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wonder-worker · 7 months ago
"The division between the two families [the Woodvilles and the Nevilles] and their allies can be seen in the royal charters that they witnessed. Warwick, Rivers and Archbishop Neville of York, while serving as chancellor and afterwards, were fairly constant witnesses to royal charters and consequently often appeared together. This was not, however, the case for other family members and friends. From 1466 to 1469, if Scales or Woodville associates like Sir John Fogge, John Lord Audley or Humphrey Lord Stafford of Southwick witnessed royal charters, then members of the Neville group, such as John Neville, earl of Northumberland, or John Lord Wenlock would not, and vice versa. Discounting the ubiquitous Warwick, Rivers and Archbishop Neville, of the twenty-four charters issued between February 1466 and June 1469, twelve were witnessed by men associated with the Woodvilles, eight by men associated with the Nevilles and two were witnessed by no member of either group beyond the two earls at their heads and the archbishop; only two charters, both from 1466, featured associates of both families.
Such striking segregation of witnesses suggests that something more than simple convenience or availability was at play. [...] The evidence of these witness lists does show the extent of the split between the two groups from early in Edward's reign and of the need for political society to work with that cleavage in the heart of the Yorkist regime."
— Theron Westervelt, "Royal charter witness lists and the politics of the reign of Edward IV"
*This is specifically applicable for Edward IV's first reign; in contrast, the charters in his second reign displayed a great deal of aristocratic and domestic unity and cohesion.
#the woodvilles#edward iv#wars of the roses#richard neville 16th earl of warwick#my post#elizabeth woodville#Obviously I hate the idea of Elizabeth and her family being seen as a social-climbing invasive species who banished the old nobility and#drove Warwick/Richard into rebellion and dominated the government and controlled the king and were responsible for Everything Wrong Ever#but I also dislike the 'revisionist' idea that they were ACTUALLY just passive and powerless bystanders or pawns who kept to their#social “place” (whatever the fuck that means). Frankly speaking this is more of a diminishment than a realistic defense.#the 'Queen's kin' (as they were known at the time) were very visible at court and demonstrably influential and prominent in politics#and as this shows there DOES seem to have been a genuine division/conflict between them and the Nevilles during Edward's first reign#(which DID directly lead to the decline of Neville dominance in England though the maintained honored positions and influence of their own)#Especially since Edward's second reign was entirely void of any such divisions - instead the nobility were united and focused on the King#even Clarence and Gloucester's long and disruptive quarrel over the Warwick inheritance never visibly left its mark on charters#so the Woodville/Neville divide from the 1460s must have been very sharp and divisive indeed#And yes it's safe to say that Elizabeth Woodville was probably involved: whether in her own right or via support of her family - or both -#it's illogical to argue that she was uninvolved (even the supportive Croyland Chronicle writes that Edward was “too greatly influenced”#by her; she and her family worked together across the 1470s; she was the de-facto head in 1483; etc)#Enhanced by the fact that Elizabeth was the first Englishwoman to be crowned queen - meaning that the involvement of her#homeborn family marked the beginning of “a new and largely unprecedented factor in the English power structure” (Laynesmith)#This should be kept in mind when it comes to analyzing contemporary views of them and of Elizabeth's own anomalous position#HOWEVER understanding the complexity of the situation at hand doesn't mean accepting the traditionally vilified depiction of the Woodvilles#Warwick and the Nevilles remained empowered and (at least outwardly) respected by the regime#Whether he was driven by disagreements over foreign policy or jealousy or ambition - the decision to rebel was very much his own#Claiming that the Woodvilles were primarily responsible is ridiculous (and most of the nobility continued to support Edward regardless)#There's also the fact that Warwick took what was probably a basic factional divide and turned it into a misogynistic and classist narrative#of a transgressive “bad” woman who became queen through witchcraft and aggrandized a family of social-climbing “lessers” who replaced#the inherently more deserving old nobility and corrupted the realm - later revived and intensified by Richard III a decade later#ie: We can recognize their genuine division AND question the (false/unfair) problematic narrative around the Woodvilles. Nuance is the key.
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I'm so glad to see more people talking about just how disturbing Yuno's situation actually is and how maybe it did fuck up her 18 year old psyche to have middle aged men sleep with her
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seethesunny · 10 months ago
Y'all can't handle Apple. You aren't ready for a real fucked up mess (Duchess).
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atryoshka · 1 year ago
Gator Tillman is so Tragic (5x9 Spoilers)
I think what happened to Gator in the last episode makes him such a tragic character when you consider that he saw his father turning his back on him as something worse than getting his eyes gouged out.
We have Dot's belief that Gator could have been good person if he wasn't raised by his father, providing some insight and backstory for the first time in the episode "Linda". She knew him before his mother left and saw how growing up with Roy after all those years changed him for the worst. Telling him the truth about what his father really thinks of him, how Roy saw Gator as a disappointment from the moment he was born, only for Gator to see it as a lie, already says a lot about his warped perspective and how it influences his actions.
As the episodes passed, it became more and more clear that Gator's whole personality was centered around being someone his father could be proud of, regardless of what he himself actually cared about or believed. His entire life, unbeknownst to him, has been aimed towards meeting an impossible standard while constantly being enabled by the cult like community of the Tillman Ranch.
He doesn't see the things he does as wrong, even though he knows others do, because he really doesn't care about anyone's opinion other than his father's.
He's had multiple chances to change, but never took them. His misguided sense of loyalty to Roy had him making the same bad choices over and over with the only goal of getting his approval. You could see there were moments when he knew he was doing something wrong, and even seemed a little reflective, but then he just pushes past any unease because the ends justify the means in his eyes. He'll be a terrible person, do and say things that cross the line, but to him, it's worth it if he can be useful to his father.
So when he stumbles back home, blinded and useless, begging for some comfort from the man he devoted himself to, only to be ignored and told to shut up, he's truly in shock. Like I think that's when it really hits him how little his father actually cared about him as a person. He was able to dismiss the warning signs and evidence from others before this because he had such blind faith in him. It makes sense that what Dot said about why he was named Gator messed him up so badly. He he may have wondered why he was different than his brothers, may have even told himself that he was special because of it, but Dot's revelation struck a nerve because it was plausible. It made him doubt his father for a moment, which made him angry enough to lash out at Dot with words he knew would cut.
That moment revealed his worst fear, that he wouldn't be loved if he wasn't useful. That he was always a loser and a disappointment to his father. To have that fear validated when he was left alone and vulnerable in the field definitely broke something in him, and I believe that final dismissal will become Roy's ultimate downfall.
Gator has shown that he can't let things go, especially when his pride is hurt, and considering he's basically lost all hope of being someone in his father's eyes, he'll probably be a key witness to all of his father's crimes over the years. He won't be doing this as a way to redeem himself, because again, he doesn't actually care about getting forgiveness for anything he's said or done, but because he's hurt and vindictive enough to implicate himself as long as it means that Roy's life will be ruined forever too.
He's never taken the opportunity to be a good person, so I doubt he'll start now. He's also never responded well with being disrespected and once the shock wears off, he probably won't think twice about fucking over his father in any way he can out of spite. I wouldn't be surprised if he straight up lies and says he was forced to commit those crimes on his father's behalf out of fear of death, or claiming that his father was the one who blinded him while shamelessly playing the sympathy card.
Gator Tillman is both a terrible and tragic person, so whatever happens, the fallout is going to be so interesting to watch in the upcoming finale.
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natsmagi · 1 year ago
You can make the argument that Mugi does overindulge in the trickstar and eve moment, Hiyori offering to pay for the meal. Because Mugi feels safe in taking that from Hiyori.
FAIR POINT FAIR POINT u should always take from the rich whenever the opportunity arises good on tsumugi
my main point of reference was just his usual demeanor mixed with him growing up poor so perhaps a more accurate assumption then would be that man will make sure Nothing goes to waste. he only has so many resources. so if an opportunity were to arise where he can safely indulge without needing to worry about the consequences (money) i can see him blissfully enjoying himself Whereas when its HIS money (aka natsume forcing him to pay for his and soras meals) its like a punch in the gut But he will do it ofc bc he loves them. but i feel he'd place a limit on himself in an attempt to lower the cost KASJHFJKH
i feel this topic is spiraling
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lesbianturtle · 2 years ago
i think it’s quite interesting how some people will outright refuse character dynamics/“ships” where “toxicity” is involved
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orcelito · 2 years ago
worst fucking post experiences is when i get that notification for the blocked tag 'plantcest' on my dash bc of course i have it blocked. & i have to b like "oh God this person i follow just reblogged this, what did they post..."
and then it's just. a normal fucking post about them as siblings. except the OP tagged it as the fucking incest ship name
genuinely, what is WRONG with you people????????????????????
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 1 year ago
"What do we need men for? Lol" is one of the stupidest, contradictory and most redundant rhetorical questions ever. I mean, you clearly need men to make yourself look and feel better in comparison and like you don't need anybody, which, in turn, actually weakens your point because it exposes all of your insecurities and inferiority complex. Also, you wouldn't have anybody to blame for all of your problems and insecurities, since you want to "ask" what you need a man for and will arrogantly dismiss any logical, basic reason, so I point out the one that I know for certain y'all can't find any loopholes in.
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irregodless · 2 years ago
the answer is yeah winston probably deserved all that but not everyone else
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