#also mohg is also quite like father in his own way
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art-from-within · 11 months ago
It just struck me that narrative wise, Morgott having a heavy tail and Mohg having large wings may not have been a completely random choice on the part of fromsoft....the omen twins were both shackled to the ground in the sewers, one of the two still heavily worships the guilty system none the less. Morgott clearly toiled to keep the crumbling status quo a float, draining him. The tail could represent that he is still shackled in spirit.(Look at his tail 😭)
But the other, Mohg, possesses so rebellious a spirit, his wings symbolizes a strong sense of independence and freedom. Man got out, and unlike his brother said fuck yall and flew away.
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whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon · 3 years ago
Seeing as I dedicated my last set of headcanon to the Carian Crew, I think Godfrey deserves a set of his own as well. Here goes:
Godfrey actually preferred to keep the name Hoarah Loux when he became Elden Lord (because he is horrible at choosing names). Marika suggested the name.
It was actually quite rare to see him sitting on the throne. It made him feel 'idle' and 'restless'. He always has to be doing something but dear heavens, let it not be statecraft because it bores him to tears.
More often than not, it was him who was out forging connections with the people. Between him and Marika, Godfrey is/was the social butterfly.
Godfrey is fearless. He's one of the only few people who weren't scared of Maliketh. In fact, he befriended Maliketh to the shadow's initial confusion (and slight irritation) and they've had plenty of conversations ranging from life, to Marika, to battle, you name it. They've gone on many adventures together, too. (Read: He would drag Maliketh with him) Godfrey also thought of his friend fondly when he left the Lands Between.
He can't imagine life without Serosh. Godfrey has had plenty of conversations with his companion to the point that he can gauge Serosh's reactions from his roars and growls. Serosh's bites to help keep his bloodlust in check don't bother him much either. They never really did, to be honest.
The man is a sound sleeper. Once he's out, he's out. Where do you think Morgott got his snoring from?
Also like Morgott, the man is an absolute giant armored teddy bear unit when he's with his spouse.
When Godfrey found out he was going to be a father he was equal parts excited and terrified. The normally composed and confident man was so out of his depth that he took to doing whatever he could to prepare himself for fatherhood from reading books (Serosh may or may not have had to bite him to keep him focused) to asking for advice (okay, Maliketh is clueless as well, Godfrey!). Though Marika didn't express it much, she found this absolutely endearing.
When Marika was pregnant both times, he loved to talk to her belly about all the things he'd do as a father. Even while she was doing paperwork. He also shadowed her 'for her own protection'. Marika played the part of annoyed mother-to-be but they both know she absolutely loved it.
Godfrey is aware of his strength so when Godwyn was first placed into his arms, it was love at first sight and he was careful with his tiny son. He winds up taking to parenthood faster than Marika did.
If asked, Marika would say Godfrey spoiled Godwyn. In reality, they both did. Godfrey is just honest about it.
Godfrey was also quite hands-on, especially when it came to overseeing Godwyn's training.
When Morgott and Mohg were born, well... let's just say he was devastated. Not for him. For them. The true point of contention in their marriage was Marika's adherence to the way Omens were treated. Many a disagreement was had.
Omen curse be damned, he wanted them to raise Morgott and Mohg. Above ground, Marika. Any gossip and/or whispers (especially derisive) about his children being Omens were met with the deadliest of glares. His sons are off-limits.
When he left the Lands Between, his thoughts were of his family, especially the boys.
Because of what happened with Morgott and Mohg, Godfrey feels like an absolute failure of a father. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't think of all his children.
He'll play it off but Godfrey was a nervous wreck on his wedding day. Marika looked so beautiful. She carried herself so well and he... felt like a fish out of water. All he's good for is fighting (so he thinks). How can he measure up, be the consort she needs him to be? He's had moments where he doubted his worthiness as both Elden Lord and Marika's husband. Y'all, he had it bad for her.
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lichdragon-fortissax · 3 years ago
So here's a weirdo question for you. What do you think Morgott, and Rannis' relationship was/is like. Ranni feels like such a big character but it seems like we get very little of her relationships with her siblings/half siblings
Oh this isn't a weirdo question at all- it's something that I thought about quite a bit, as Morgott and Ranni are two of my favorite characters, and I like to imagine them interacting.
Unfortunately, none of their meetings ever went well. Ranni was far kinder to Morgott than most of his family, as she wasn't raised with a prejudice against Omens and was sympathetic to his suffering under the Golden Order, but Morgott quickly figured out her sly, tricky nature and did not trust her because of it, even though she had no intention of turning her cunning on him. In fact, her kindness to him likely made him dislike her even more, as he would have seen it as a means of worming past his guard to injure him further even though she herself meant nothing of it. Morgott cannot understand praise as anything other than mockery, and the change that Ranni wished to bring went against everything that Godwyn told him to revere. Why then, should he trust his conniving half-sister, instead of the father that taught him how to fight, even though he was told by the Order that Omen children were supposed to be locked away for good? He's been trained as a guard dog and locked off from all else, a scheming little vixen isn't going to escape his fangs if she chooses to ignore his growl.
As for Ranni, I think that his circumstances angers her, and that she wishes that her half-brother would allow himself to find happiness, but overall he's nothing more than an afterthought, one that she wouldn't have any problems with killing if he got in her way. It's not out of cruelty, it's just that Ranni herself is someone who prioritizes the end goal over the sacrifices in between, and finding her own freedom/ending the tyranny of the Golden Order is worth more than her personal feelings on the manner. She likely wasn't raised around anyone but Rykard (now a giant snake) and Radahn (a zombie), so Morgott and Mohg hold no emotional value to her other than a reminder of the tyranny she must slay. Miquella and Malenia are Empyreons sired by her witlessly loyal hound of a father, so not only are they enemies that must be put out of the way before they claim her territory, they are also a sore reminder of what her own family lost. And while its possible she met Godwyn, there's pretty much no emotion in what she did to him because I believe that Godwyn's death was direct penance to Marika for stealing Destined Death for Ranni's freedom, so he was just a bump in the road anyways. Really the only people she cares about are those who actually raised her, which is probably why she wants us to tell Iji and Blaidd that she loves them before she goes to kill her Two Fingers. The other demigods don't matter.
And honestly? That's what I like about her. I firmly believe that a good ruler should always choose the fate of their kingdom over their own family/personal needs, so Ranni killing off her own family in order to free the entirety of the Lands Between from a tyrannical god is exactly what makes her the most eligible for true godhood, while I believe that Morgott should have become Elden Lord/remained Lord of Leyndell via birthright alone (something denied to him not because he was unworthy- he was PERFECT for the job- but because he was 'tainted' to the Greater Will. Which, remember, does not care about the amount of blood it needs to shed to stay in power). Ranni is sympathetic to the plight of those around her, but when shit goes down, she will always choose what needs to be done. Blood doesn't mean shit, and sometimes killing a few to save a thousand is the right choice to make when there's no other options to choose from
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tarnishedlambkin · 2 years ago
Adelina, Daughter of Blood:
Don’t like, just scroll.
Your character isn’t obligated to do anything, even if you play as any character listed in her lore.
Her having feelings for a character doesn’t mean you’re obligated to love her back!
She isn’t a wonderful, perfect person and I don’t condone her or her fathers actions.
Adelina, Daughter of Blood
Ada the Runt Omen
Ada, short for Adelina
Omen, Demigod
Tarnished? (Using my logic she is a descendent of Godfrey, so, to be technical, yes.)
Powers, stats, weapons and attacks:
Accursed blood: Ada has the ability to inject her accursed blood into one, driving them mad.
The Bloodboon Incantation: Akin to her father, she harbors the ability to perform the hemorrhage incantation.
Blood Heal incantation: She draws blood from her foes to heal herself or her allies. This is a fan made incantation.
Winged scythe
Extra: She has a shackle one can use for combat RP, but I see the use of shackles for omen fights as low effort and pitiful. H
She is weak against blood but strong against flame. She lacks the strength full size omens do but has the ability to fly, so she’s quite agile.
Mohgwyn Dynasty
A large sheep named Bolfor
Why was she born?
Ada was created by the Formless Mother and Mohg, and was born before he had left the Shunning Grounds but while he was planning his escape. She was created because the two wanted a strong heir for their dynasty. To their great dissatisfaction, she was born a runt, as an Outer God and an Omen Demigod didn’t seem to combine as well as they hoped.
I personally headcanon that the Formless Mother can take a physical form, but for cunning reasons, she typically chooses not to. I also headcanon that Miquella was abducted because the Formless Mother needed an empryan body as a vessel for her to possess. This was for two reasons:
1 - To rule the lands between and replace Marika, holding Mohg as Elden Lord.
2- To create powerful heirs instead of a runt like her first born.
Early life:
Akin to many other omen, she spent her childhood imprisoned in the shunning grounds for a crime she hadn’t control over — her graceless birth of accursed blood, with horns and a tail to match. She had attempted to escape the shunning grounds a multitude of times, but was caught and drug back to her father, Mohg, who would scold her for attempting to escape without him. Despise the backlash she received for escaping, Ada was steadfast and eventually, in her adolescence-young adulthood, managed to successfully escape. She spent a few years taking advantage of her humanoid looks which allowed others to not suspect she’s an omen as long as she covered her tail, hooves and pretended that her horns were just a part of a headband made of flowers and omen horns. Unfortunately, that game of hers only lasted a few short years and she was eventually captured by the soldiers of Godrick.
Captivity and escape:
Ada was held captive in Stormveil castle for decades, if not centuries, by Godrick. He immediately grafted her wings to his body so he may gain the omen strength and so that she may not fly away. Had he known she is the grand daughter of Godfrey himself, she wouldn’t have made it out alive and she was made well aware of that by Morgott, who she encountered on her way to Godrick’s lair. He also was the one who advised that she creates an alias for her own safety, which is why she is called by many “Ada, the Runt Omen”.
During her time enslaved and in captivity, the omen endured various forms of abuse and was an emotional and physical punching bag as well as a scapegoat for her status as an omen. Said abuse eventually changed her to become insecure, skittish, meek, and reclusive, as well as easily agitated and distrusting. She is a vessel for great power but seldom tapped into it simply because her confidence was quickly squashed.
During her captivity, Mohg had escaped, formed his cult, and kidnapped a mass amount of white masks and Tarnished’s to turn into his bloody finger cronies. One of his uses for his hostages were to help find his daughter, as it would put himself in far too much danger if he were to go by himself.
This is how she met Varré, who gave her a Pureblood Knight Badge so she may transport herself back to Mohg (though her anger got the best of her and she did beat Godrick nearly to death before she went back home; she left assuming she killed him and arrived back to the palace in critical condition; she eventually may return back to Godrick so she may kill him, get her wings back, and steal his great rune off of his worthless corpse, even if a graceless omen like her cannot makes use of it). This prompted her to hold the white mask up in high regard, becoming infatuated with the simple surgeon.
Post escape:
Adelina went on to become one of the most devoted and highest ranking members of the Mohgwyn Dynasty and oversees the sanguine nobles.
She kept warning Varré of the Tarnished of no renown, fearing that his trust of the tarnished will be his demise as well as her father’s and the rest of the dynasty’s. His ignorance of her warning prompted her love for him to switch to resentment, anger and grief.
Her two names have a meaning. Ada means “Firstborn Daughter” and Adelina means “Noble”.
She was named after the a24 film “Lamb”
Varré’s nickname he gives you, Lambkin, prompted her creation (hence Varré’s importance to her and her sheep-like appearance)
She’s supposed to look like a Huldra (mythical being).
Her sheep like appearance is fitting to her being a cultist.
Her intentions are to free the omen. She may be lawfully evil but she is convinced that she’s doing what’s right. Granted you’re not a threat she will be friendly and sweet towards you (she’s very similar to Alfred the Executioner in that light).
She has a phobia of canines.
Ada is only the size of the tarnished (give or take some inches).
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whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon · 3 years ago
Any Miquella headcanons?
You know, anon, I think Miquella is an interesting character (and I avoid anything pertaining to the lore surrounding him and Mohg). Up until I received your ask, I didn't have anything in particular about him. I did some brainstorming and voilà!
The Unalloyed (my list has NOTHING to do with Mohg's canonical fascination with Miquella)
Despite his closeness with his sister and father, he actually aspired to be more like Godwyn.
To piggyback off the first point, Miquella's siblings (and some in the fandom) consider him to be Radagon's favorite. I headcanon that despite their close relationship, he actually isn't the favorite. Miquella knows who the favorite is, though; he also knows the others wouldn't believe him if he told them.
However, Miquella is Marika's favorite child, if only because he reminds her of Godwyn in so many ways (because Godwyn is/was her true favorite). It's a point of contention between the two because Miquella feels that Marika would never truly see him as his own individual. Despite his admiration for Godwyn, he is a little salty that his older brother is so 'perfect'.
He's also really the only child who bothers to have meaningful conversations with his parents.
Does, however, side-eye his father's fanatic devotion to the Golden Order. Has had plenty of conversations about it with Radagon but, uh, let's just say that they agree to disagree about some things.
Though only a few know (said few really being Malenia and Radagon), Miquella is quite the firecracker himself, especially when it comes to perfecting his work. Like father, like son.
Miquella's deep hatred for his affliction has caused him to misdirect his resentment toward Malenia and vice versa. Sure, they've had conversations about being each other's support system but they'll never truly understand the extent of each other's envy. Miquella envies Malenia's skill with the sword and the fact that she can physically grow. Malenia envies Miquella's intellectual prowess and the fact that he's not afflicted with the rot.
Thinks rather highly of Radahn and Ranni despite not having the closest relationship with them.
Rykard reminds him a bit too much like Radagon with the religious fanaticism so he keeps his distance for the most part.
Miquella also wished he had his father's and siblings' signature red locks.
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