#so *collpases*
selenealwayscries · 2 years
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quick no ones looking post dungeon master tango as a villain character from a p2w mmo no one on this site has ever heard of ever
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boombams · 3 months
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pissfaggit · 1 year
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posts this image again
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apricoties · 4 months
the tomato i have been eating is almost finished and so is my will to live
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xiiistruggle · 7 months
god are we really doing this. you can find me on cohost or pillowfort if this site implodes, i guess
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kill yourself now
Aww, look after a decade I got my first hate mail. It's adorable! I think I might have it framed, it's like the kind of hate a 6 year old sends. You know, terrible grammar (no punctuation or capitalization? Really?) laughably simple sentence structure (dude, come on) and a complete lack of originality.
Especially because I so thoughtfully discuss all the things I'm insecure and feel bad about myself for right here on this blog. My brother, I have handed you the keys to the psychological torture kingdom, and you just breezed right past them all to use the stunningly overdone "kill yourself"
Or what? I mean, since killing myself ends with death not much to threaten me with if i dont comply and I'm the kind of petty spiteful bitch who will live just to annoy people like you. There's just nowhere to go with this.
But still, anon, while you may have the mind and writing skills of a particularly stunted 6 year old, you were my first random hate mail, so you hold a special place in my Tumblr interactions hall of fame.
Put your ideas for what set this lunatic off in the tags, funniest person wins a prize (it'll be a terrible prize, but still)
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hyper-pixels · 10 months
I want to thank procreate crashing faster than my grades because I personally forgot what it felt like to have everything flash before my eyes
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evilblot · 1 year
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Barbie movie poster? Fucking SNATCHED✨.
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mariathechosen1 · 1 year
I cannot believe I managed to do NaNoWriMo when I was 13 when I literally can’t even hit a daily 350 word goal now several years later.
How????? How did I do it???
AND I did it during exam season?????
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maraczeks · 2 years
abbott elementary s2 thread pt 1
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arc-misadventures · 28 days
The Dragon Goddess
Weiss: I am the, God Dragon, Weiss Schnee. The Dragon Goddess of the Winter. Tell me foolish little mortal boy; What brings a child to my domain?
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The Dragon Goddess, appearing no bigger then a normal human stared down at a four year old boy armed with a wooden sword.
: I am Jaune Arc! The Hero, and I... and, I am here to slay you! Ahhhhhhhhh!
Weiss saw the young boy charge at him, she raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she watch him charged her as he drew closer, preparing to land a, ‘killing blow.’
Jaune: Ooph!
That was until, Weiss saw the you boy trip, and fall on his face. She was about to rush over, and pick the boy back up, but he quickly got back up on his feet, and charged, her once more.
Jaune: Yaaaaa-AH! ("Bonk!")
Weiss stared at the boy as his wooden sword harmlessly bounced off her leg. She stared at the boy for a moment before she collpased to her knees, and cupped her head in her hands, and squealed, saying.
The Dragon Goddess soon keeled over, and huddled up into the fettle position, and stared cry from cuteness overloaded.
Weiss: Soooo... precious...!
Jaune: I have done it! I have defeated the evil dragon, I am a hero! Hahahaha!
: What the…?! What’s going on here?!
Juniper: Okay let me get this straight... My son 'attacked' the, Dragon Goddess of the Winter, Weiss Schnee. And, she found his attempt to 'slay' the 'evil dragon' so cute, that she wants to… marry my son. And if we do this, you, the Godly Dragons will accept this as an apology from the humans to dare ‘attack’ a Godly Dragon. Am I getting this right, cause this is just crazy.
Willow: More, or less. My daughter wants your son… apparently she wants to marry him… something about never losing this cute boy. Honestly, I’m her mother, and I’m just as lost as you are.
Juniper: Okay...?
Juniper: There are many things I’m concerned about. More things I’m thoroughly confused about. But, as a mother I must ask: If I accept this deal, is there the possibility of grandchildren at the end of it all?
Willow: There sure as hell better be!
Juniper: Alright then, Mrs. Schnee, you have yourself a deal!
Years Later
Yang: Wait… your mom sold you to a dragon god for grandchildren?!
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Yang: And, you’re okay with this?
Jaune: Well… Have you met my wife, and our darling kids? Cause, arranged marriage, and all; it was pretty worth it to me.
Yang turns to see, Weiss playing with her golden platinum blond hair children. She watched as, Weiss playfully chased her children, catching one, and tormenting it to a barrage of kisses, before letting them get away, before chasing her next victim. She smiled as this continued, before she turned back to, Jaune, and said.
Yang: Damn, can’t argue against that.
Jaune: Neither can I.
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suiana · 1 year
dear psycho, what do i do when my crush doesn't like me back? (yandere! psycho x gn! reader) (angstober day 4)
does your crush have a clear disinterest in you? have they repeatedly told you that they want nothing to do with you? are you looking for a way to get them to love you? here's what you should do!
step 1: meet up with them. make sure that they're alone with you! it's the first step to making sure that they fall for you! remember to dress good too! we need to make a good first impression :)
step 2: bring them over to your house. make sure you bait them with a good reason or they won't follow! (tried and tested)
step 3: knock them out. you can use any method but i prefer to use chloroform. I don't like seeing my darling in pain :( and when their eyes roll back as rhey collpase into my arms oh god i swear- (redacted)
step 4: tie them up and watch them for hours as you wait for them to wake up. just... observe them. stare at their pretty eyes, cute lips... just take in every little thing that they do. you're meant to worship your darling after all... hah...
step 5: surprise them with your love! tell them how much you love them, kiss them and drown them in your affection! it helps to prep them for the next step :D
step 6: promise an eternity with them. you deseve to be with them forever. so end their life and preserve their body so that no one else but you gets to be with them. ah... their lifeless body looks so delicate like this... unmoving and lifeless....
step 7: regret everything you've done and hope for a miracle. fuck i miss them i shouldnt have done that. im such an idiot im sorry im sorryimsorryimsorryimsorryIMSORRY
step 9: ...
kill yourself so you can be with them forever. you deserve it. a happy ever after with your darling in the afterlife :) ... what do you mean no? aren't you glad? this is what you're waiting for, yes? after all, you're a fucking psycho. no one else but darling will love you. so do it, end your miserable life already. darling is waiting for you! regrets mean nothing when darling is there :)
step 10: have a happy life with your lovely darling♡
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yoonkles · 3 months
thinking about tengen, sanemi, and giyuu + the bond the three must have formed after the final war sighhhhh
the last three hashira, stained by the smear of grief, collpasing into each other’s presence because who else do they have? who else can they go to? everyone else is dead. no one else can understand.
thinkin about how sanemi and giyuu would probably be so fragile, so out of it, they wouldn’t be able to live alone anymore. and how tengen would gladly take them in because he knows he can’t handle losing anymore of his people, either.
thinking about their last few years together shared under one roof, about the memories, about the friendships, about the nights spent waking up to screaming, and the subsequent mornings spent praying at overcrowded graveyards.
thinkin about sanemi and giyuu dying the day they turn twenty five and thinking about the way tengen, the last hashira, would have to face it all alone.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Yandere Morales family how each got to be how they are when reader was a cute wittle baby? Cause Reading all those fics it got me curious. Like each family member having a moment with her. Idk if it was already asked or you did something similar maybe im forgetting, ok im overdoing it- ok i will stop luv your fics!
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Aaron was drowning, drowning in stress, in nappies and the new terrifying resonsisnlty of a human baby and all by himself. You were just sitting there, alone on the couch in your pink onesie wriggling around while Aaron cleaned the house, finally getting round to it after the first 2 months of your life the house had fallen into dissaray so much so even Jeff said it when he came to check up on him.
Jeff: "Jesus christ man, what the hell happened?" He said while observing the pig stie of a house he was living in, standing in the doorway.
Aaron: "I had a baby that's what" He responded collpased on the couch with you sitting acorss from them both in your high chair, playing with your dolls.
Jeff: "The dishes! There is a mountain of dishes! Who is even eating here?!"
Aaron: "UUuugggghhhhhh" He groaned into the couch cushion.
Jeff: "Where's Diana?" He asked about your Mom, he knew at this point she may had just left, again, maybe she'd come back maybe she wouldn't it made no diffrence to your care, to the house, to Aaron.
Now Aaron had never really wanted kids, he liked the idea of being an Uncle when Miles was born, but was okay with it stopping there, when he found out Diana, was pregnant he panicked, so much so he did approach her about abortion, she refused and he understood that, but what he didn't understand was, if she refused to have an abortion, why was she doing all the things you should never do while pregnant, she was smoking more then before, drinking eating an unusual amout of sushi, so much so Rio felt the need to remind her, she really can't be doing these things.
Rio: "Diana! You can't smoke youre Pregnant!" She whacked the cigeratte out her hand, and curshed it under her foot.
Diana: "Excuse me?"
Rio: "You could really hurt the baby! And your drinking, eating pork and what not, your hurting it!"
Diana: "How Dare you try and order me around, who the fuck do you think you are?"
Rio: "I am that baby's auntie, and right now it seems I care more about it, then you!"
And it as after that converatsion that Aaron was forbidden from seeing her, or Jeff for the final few months, and during that time Aaron was having to pour out wines down the drain and throwing away cigs behind her back, and when she caught him she would loose her mind.
Diana: "You are trying TO CONTROL ME"
Aaron:" Diana, You know You can't be drinking while pregnant you could fuck up the baby"
Diana: "I don't give a fuck, I'm not letting this thing control me, or YOU"
Aaron: "Diana, I'm not letting you drink in this damm house"
And after you were born, she refused to hold you, look at you and ceratinly not feed you with her breasts, the hospital said it was post partom depression, and it was. And it was harsh and crule on her, she of course needed rest afterwards, So Aaron inslisted the help of Rio with you, while Aaron took care of the house, but it was once Diana was up and about 'taking care of you' while Aaron was at work Rio came over to visit, clean the air with Rio and see how you were doing, which is when she entered the house she found you, unattended in a sink bath, while you Mom off in her room, asleep, maybe having been drinking.
When she picked you up, and dried you off she saw you had gotten smaller than the last time 'oh god it's gotten worse'
So she set you off on the side and made you a bottle and began to feed you, she heard shuffling round the main room, when Diana came round the corner to see Rio feeding her baby.
Diana: "What are you doing in my house?"
Rio: "Diana, I found her in the sink, alone"
Diana: "Yeah she was getting herself clean"
Rio: "She's 8 weeks old?"
Diana: "How did you get in here?"
Rio: "My key?"
Diana: "You have a key?"
Rio: "Yeah, Aaron gave me one"
Diana: "Oh...Well can you get away from my baby please"
Rio: "She's smaller than she should be"
Diana: "What are you insuinutaing?"
Rio: "Diana, I think youre sick"
Diana: "How dare you"
Rio: "Please, I can help you, you need to be a mother and right now you can't, beacuse you are sick!"
Diana: "Oh fuck you, I'm going to sleep"
And so she did, she slept most days, or was out the house leaving you alone in the house for many hours, only for Aaron to come home to find you alone, screaming in your crib. Rio stared coming over more and more so just to keep you fed and changed, and it was exausting, so much so that eventually she just took you, with Aarons knowledge of course to save herself the trip, and this point Miles was walking, or more waddeling around while you were just rolling everywhere, Miles had his first word, which was 'floor' and you were just babbling.
Aaron didn't know how to thank her enough when he picked you up all he could do was thank her, try and hand her money she would always refuse while Jeff would talk custody with Aaron.
Jeff: "Listen man, she needs help, and she's not getting it"
Aaron: "yeah I know but, I can't just take her baby from her"
Jeff: "Youre not taking her, she can have visits! But right now she's putting her at risk"
Aaron: " It's been only a few weeks, she might get better"
Rio: "Aaron, She's not feeding her" She added, holding you.
Jeff: "we should really stop calling her 'the baby' she needs a name"
Rio: "Dose she not have a name?! Aaron!? Its been almost a month you need a name!"
Aaron: "I know I know! God What the hell am I doing!?" he groaned into his hands.
Aaron: " How about...oh god I don't know!"
Jeff: "You had 9 months to choose a name, and now your choosing?!"
Aaron: " I KNOW!"
Rio, while looking down into your big brown eyes, Aarons eyes, she carried you over and handed your to your father, placing you into his lap, using your tiny hands to grab onto Rio's sleeve with a pink bow in your hair. Rio placed a hand onto Aarons shoulder.
Rio: "Come on Aaron, something pretty"
While Aaron looked down at you, grabbing at his shirt wriggling back and fourth while Miles stumbled across the living room.
Aaron: "...Is...Melissa okay?"
Rio: "eh...It's not great"
Jeff: "She dosen't give me Melissa vibes"
Rio: "How's...Y/n?"
Jeff:" Y/n Davis"
Aaron: "Yeah, Y/n Davis...Y/n Davis" He nodded to himself.
Jeff: "This is the kinda moment you take a picture of, stay right there!" He said as he rushed over to grab the camrea, While Rio grabbed Miles and sat him next to Aaron, Jeff got the camrea and set it onto the table with a 5 second timer.
Rio: "Everyone Smile!" And so you did, and that pictures lives on in the family photo book, that is Rio's favourtie memory or you as a baby.
Now Jeff's favourtie memory was when he thought he had lost you, he had taken you and Miles to the park, you were in a stroller while Miles waddled beside his Dad when he stopped off at the park, Miles was always beside you when you went off to play, he would sit with you as you battled it out with your Bratz dolls, Miles also liked to play Bratz Battle, and you two would mainly stick to each other, you didn;t have a massive intrest in talking to other kids, just the Bratz pack and Miles, that's all you needed at the park, While you and Miles sat together in the small grassy area Miles had drawn the attention of some other kids, who pulled him away to play with them, you were so englufled with your game that you didn't initally didn't notice, Miles waved off to you as he was pulled away to play on the swings, and while he did, he looked over to check on you every few moments, really Jeff had been doing that, but instead he was chatting with another Dad, called Kallum.
Jeff: "So which one's yours?"
Kallum pointed over to a little girl with pig tails.
Kallum: "There, by the climbing frame"
Jeff: "Cute, I'm here with my Son and my Nice"
Kallum: "Nice, Mines called Melissa, you?"
Jeff: "Miles, and funny you should say that, My Nice was almost called Melisa" He looked back round where he thought you were hanging round with your dolls, only not to see you or Miles.
Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck
He scanned the area for Miles, to thankfully see him on the monkey bars, but with out you.
Jeff: "MILES" He yelled out for him, miles got off the monkey bars and ran towards his Dad.
Jeff:" Miles, where is Y/n?"
Miles pointed over, to where he thought you were, but there was nothing, only one of your many dolls.
Miles: "...oh"
Jeff: "Miles, did you see where Y/n went?"
Miles: "No.."
Jeff: "Oh god, oh god, oh god" He rubbed his face with his hands, rushing over to where Miles thought you were, with your doll's just left there in the dirt, you would never just leave them, you would scream if your Dad Aaron tried to take them from you for dinner time, so why had you left them?
Did someone...take you?
Jeff began to hyper ventilate.
Jeff: "Y/N! Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME! Y/N!"
Jeff called out again and again, and go no response, he took out his phone to call in the cavalry, a friend at he police precent, called Mike.
Calling Mike
Mike: "Hello?"
Jeff: "Mike! Mike listen to me, I need a search team, sniffer dogs, I need everyone, everyone!"
Mike: "Calm down man, what happened?"
Jeff: "I took my nice out to the park and she's gone"
Mike: "How long as she been gone?"
Jeff: "like 5 minutes"
Mike: "Jeff, I can't send a whole team if she's only been gone 5 minutes"
Jeff: "Please Mike, she left her doll's and she would never just leave them and you owe me!!"
Mike: "...okay, fine"
And so, about a half hour later a search team had arrived with some sniffer dogs, they took a sniff of your dolls and began to walk off. Miles timidly turned to his Dad, looking up at him.
Miles: "Is Y/n going to be okay?"
Jeff: "I don't know Miles"
And then he remembred, he had to tell Aaron he had lost you, he knew he would kill him, so instead he called Rio, to break the news.
Calling Rio
Rio: "Hey baby"
Jeff: "Hey, i'm sorry but..I need to tell you something"
Rio: "...Okay?"
Rio: "YOU WHAT?! Hombre estúpido! What are you going tell Aaron?!"
Jeff:" Actually, I was hoping you would"
Rio: "Excuse me?"
Jeff: "he might kill me"
Rio: "oh my GOD, FINE!"
And so, about two hours later, Aaron and Rio had pulled up to the park, Aaron immedatley rushed out the car over to Jeff.
Aaron: "You lost my fucking kid!"
Jeff:" I know! But ive got everyone on it!"
Aaron: "YOU LOST MY FUCKING KID!" he screamed at him, pulling him closer by his shirt, only being seperated by Rio.
Aaron rubbed his hands over his face again and again, looking round the park aimlessly.
Aaron: "Oh my god, Oh my god"
Jeff: "The good news is, she left one her dolls an-"
Aaron: "She left it? Oh my god! She's been taken!"
Jeff: "No no, she might have just gone walk about"
Aaron: "Are you serious?"
Jeff: "Yeah I-"
Aaron: "She could have been taken by traffikers, or a pedophile or or-"
Jeff: "Listen, we can join the search team now"
And so they did, all wondering about with flash lights. trecking around the wooden area of the park calling out for you.
Aaron: "Y/N! Y/N! Its me, Its papa!"
Rio: "Y/n!! come out baby"
Jeff: "Y/n! Come on Y/n come out!"
Miles just followed his Mom, not really understanding what was happening, he started pulling on her jean leg.
Rio: "Not now baby, were busy"
Miles: "Mami, she's there" He said, pointing you. She looked over to se you, standing holding your Bratz doll.
Aaron: "Y/N! Oh my God thank God you are safe!" he said hugging you tightly.
Jeff: "Y/n, what were you thinking!?"
Rio: "Yeah, you could have gotten Uncle Jeff in serious trouble" She said, side eyeing her husband.
Y/n: "Chole wanted to see the berry bushes, So I took her" You said, holding out your doll.
Aaron: "Jesus christ"
Aaron didn't like that memory alot, He didn't like getting the call from Rio telling him you had gone missing, though yes everyrthing was fine in the end the fear of you being gone was mortifying.
But Aarons favourtite memory was simple, having had not been present during the birth was actually driven to the hospital by Jeff, with Rio and Miles in the back, he ran out the car, up the strairs and down the hall, barging in the delievry room he saw Diana, asleep next to you in a see through cot, wrapped up in pink blanket.
While Rio and Jeff rushed in aswell, they all flocked around you. Aaron turned to Rio.
Aaron: "Is it okay for me to touch her?"
Rio: "Yes of course"
Aaron tried despraltey to bring the courage to pick you up, he was visibly shaking as his hands rose to hold you, he then rested his hand on the edge of the cot.
Aaron: "I can't...I can't do it"
Jeff: "come on man, she's your daughter"
Aaron: "I-I" Aaron forced himself to slowly lift you from the cot, and bring you into his chest, holding you there for a few seconds as he began hyper ventilate, Jeff placed a hand on Aarons shoulder.
Jeff: "Its okay"
You opened your large eyes, to look at up him, and let out a small whine.
Aaron: "Oh my god" he sniffled as he began to cry softly, holding so tightly, but keeping note not to crush you.
Rio: "She's got your eyes"
Aaron: "Oh she's so beautiful"
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raes-writing-space · 6 months
My Comfort Characters + Comfort Prompts!
Alright! Since it's Spring Break I'm going to try and get some writing done with some of my comfort characters. They might be short prompts (unless I get really into them) but I'll try and post at least one story a day, maybe even two if I have the time!
Here is the characters with the prompts that I'll be going for (some based off of my own experiences but put in a way that others can relate to.):
Dick Grayson/Nightwing - Being Touch Starved/Wanting A Hug (General Comfort) Sometimes being a hero is taxing, and when your body is trained to handle blow after blow... sometimes a hug is enough to make you release a lot of feelings you didn't know you were even holding in. Dick Grayson notices your change in demeanor, and just does a simple act of giving you a long hug and telling you it's going to be okay.
Tadashi Hamada - Academic Burnout Comfort After doing your best in your academics, you still feel like you're falling behind or just on the wrong academic path in general. Tadashi helps comfort reader that if they want to take a break and rethink things, it's totally okay.
Matthew Anderson - Having To Grow Up Too Fast/Lack of Childhood Comfort After having to take care and deal with so many traumatic things at a young age, it's made you feel like an adult, even when you weren't. Now that you are an adult, looking back and realizing you couldn't just be a kid and have a normal childhood really upsets you. Matthew comforts the character and shows them that while it might not be the same, it's still possible to just act like a kid and heal your inner child.
AND (TW: SA Mention) Matthew Anderson - Respecting Boundaries Comfort You and Matthew have been dating for awhile. However, you're finding a hard time telling him about your past experience with being sexually assaulted. When Matthew starts noticing that you're starting to distance yourself from him before things start to heat up, he asks if you're okay and comfortable with him. When you tell him the truth, he comforts you and tells you that he will always love you regardless if you want to have sex or not.
Yuji Itadori - Perfectionist Tendencies Leading To Self-Esteem Issues Comfort You've been wanting to become an jujutsu sorcerer and help people your whole life, but you hold yourself to a different standard. After making a tiny mistake (which does not feel tiny to you at all) you start to doubt that you'll ever be good enough. Yuji comforts the reader and tells them that we can't all be perfect all the time, that we need to forgive ourselves from time to time, and we can only strive to do our best.
Obey Me! Satan - Learning Disability/Gifted Child Burnout Comfort You used to be great with academics when you were younger, and maybe in some subjects you still are just as good. But now that you're older and in a completely new academic environment, no one but Satan sees how you struggle to study, and stress yourself out to the point of crying when the words on the page seem to get jumbled up and not make sense to you. Satan helps you take a break, then helps make the studying process a little bit easier.
Ruggie Bucchi - Not Knowing When To Take A Break Comfort You're the type of person who is so used to being tasked with everything. Cleaning, cooking, studying, and caring for others, but that means you tend to forget to take care of yourself a lot. After feeling overwhelmed by the tasks you have to do, you make yourself on the verge of being sick because you can't seem to just pause anything. Ruggie helps the reader by forcing them to sit down before they collpase, and helps share the load with the reader and shows that it's possible to let other people take care of them too.
Cove Holden - Struggling With Things Changing Comfort Takes place around Step 3, when all of your friends and family are taking about their plans for the future, you start to realize what that exactly means. The feelings hit you all at once that things aren't going to be the same anymore, and while you're happy for your friends and family, the change still scares you. Cove reminds you that no matter what happens, he will always be there for you through everything, and that while things are changing, some things will always stay the same.
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sturnsmadl · 1 month
im in need of fluff😞
same girl :( ive never really wrote straight fluff before but..
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chris comes straight home from his meeting, having already missed you the second he left the house this morning. the meeting was long and boring like always but it seemed to drag more knowing you were at home waiting for him. he comes in the front door and heads straight for the bedroom where he knows you will be, once he gets there he basically collpases ontop of you, making you laugh.
"whats up with you now?"
"ive missed you obviously."
he kisses you and you kiss him back softly, once he pulls away he smiles at you while clinging like a koala onto ur waist. you play with hair while he has his head on ur chest and u both end up falling asleep holding eachother.
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m/n- omg i hate this so much wtf. i promise mute is not gonna turn out this bad.
divider creds: @plutism
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