#demon slayer mark
demonslayerunhinged · 2 months
Unhinged observation that the fandom been knew but one I want to take from another angle!
Uzui didn't retire because of his injuries
He was able to put up an amazing fight with Gyutaro with just one hand and after the loss of his eye.
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It could be due to adrenaline but we also see during the training arc that he's still as formidable as ever, even Tanjiro had a hard time keeping up with him at first. He wouldn't have a hard time fighting demons.
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So why did he retire?
Uzui retired because of his wives.
Let me explain:
Uzui loves his wives more than anything else in the world and he was so close to losing them in the entertainment district. Especially in the scene where Gyutaro attacked Hinatsuru, for the first time you could hear the fear and terror in his voice.
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There's also the pain his wives went through when they thought they were going to lose him too.
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Hinatsuru was the one to ask that they should retire and he had to respect their wishes because he can't ask them to retire while he still fights because not only would that be insulting to their abilities but because he knows his wives would follow him to the ends of the earth, so in order to keep them safe he has to keep himself safe as well.
So here's my take:
I don't think Uzui would have gained a Demon Slayer mark even if Tanjiro had unlocked his before the Entertainment arc and that's because Uzui has made peace with his past. He was able to move away from the confines of toxic masculinity in his family, is able to be true to himself and live life flamboyantly with the women he loves.
He is aware of his strengths and his weaknesses, he says this to Gyutaro acknowledging the fact that there are other Hashira that are way more skilled that he is and he is fine with this.
All the mark bearers have some kind of hangup, trauma or want that's holding them back but Uzui is different, he's satisfied because everything he ever needed and wanted has been with him all along.
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Plus fighting demons AND servicing three wives, I mean a man can only do so much. It's all about priorities.
In Conclusion, Uzui said hoes before bros and I'm here for it 🙌🏼
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yoonkles · 3 months
thinking about tengen, sanemi, and giyuu + the bond the three must have formed after the final war sighhhhh
the last three hashira, stained by the smear of grief, collpasing into each other’s presence because who else do they have? who else can they go to? everyone else is dead. no one else can understand.
thinkin about how sanemi and giyuu would probably be so fragile, so out of it, they wouldn’t be able to live alone anymore. and how tengen would gladly take them in because he knows he can’t handle losing anymore of his people, either.
thinking about their last few years together shared under one roof, about the memories, about the friendships, about the nights spent waking up to screaming, and the subsequent mornings spent praying at overcrowded graveyards.
thinkin about sanemi and giyuu dying the day they turn twenty five and thinking about the way tengen, the last hashira, would have to face it all alone.
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shinowadh · 4 months
Explain the hashira training in 2 sentences
Plot armoured characters and random kids get beat up by the hashiras while emo guy avoids social interaction due to daily depression. Miss Demon and Lady butterfly have a tea party with some toxic chemicals because a half dead man on a bed told them to.
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therantfairysblog · 6 days
Headcanon 6: Mitsuri's death sentence.
Once the meeting done and the effect of the slayer mark revealed, Kanroji, as usual smiling and laughing, brushing off her own worry about her inevitable death and telling them that she's in good shape and okay.
However, Iguro, as attentive as he was, know that she's faking her smile. He meet Kocho the next day, asking her whether something could be done to prevent it from happening. However as it was a news too to Kocho, she tell him that she couldn't find any evidence or prevention to that and as Lady Amane said, there's no exceptions to the rule. He being quite angry of it and lashing out a bit to Kocho but later apologize to her because he was being irrational.
Kanroji, since the revelation, writing a lot of letters, wills and sometime after she's done training, visiting Muichiro to check on him. As Iguro getting an unusual number of letters from her since then, he's aware that Kanroji was basically aren't fine with that fact.
He was feeling nervous and finding himself useless for his inability to help her, however he try to make time often for their lunch and dinner, trying to distract her from that thought. even after he finish training he'll go straight to Kanroji's estate. Kanroji feel so happy about it and somehow make her feel relief from the thought. Her feeling for him growing a lot, and she's find Iguro's really caring and charming for that.
It was like that until their final night and their final dinner together.
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officialk15 · 9 months
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shironezuninja · 5 months
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I think I enjoyed the Robbie Robinson/Tombstone incarceration storyline from the Spectacular Spider-Man comics more than that one shot episode adaptation from the 90’s cartoon series.
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fjordstan · 1 year
isn't muichiro's demon slayer mark supposed to be blue? why is it red
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klonoadreams · 1 year
If Andou were to ever get a Slayer Mark, what would it be and where?
it'd be wisteria flowers and vines, likely wrapped around her arms (kinda like Himejima) and legs, some around her neck like a choker. With a singular flower on her forehead connected with vines like a circlet or something idk.
She's effectively just wistera-based, the way she is by this point, that it would be pretty out of place for her to not have them. As for the reason why it goes all over her body...given who she is, and this isn't her second life, she's easily been living life on the edge since she was born in Yoshiwara. She feels it all more intensely when it comes to surviving life threatening experiences.
Don't worry too much about her lifespan shortening, she's already died once, i feel like that's something she can easily brush off (kinda like Himejima did it too, it's fine, shhhh, the reason lifespan goes down is other issues sometimes but we're gonna ignore it for these guys)
anyway yaaaaaa, I need to watch the new season of Demon Slayer, got busy with work, but my lanyard for my employee ID is a Demon Slayer one so I think nonstop about Andou often. :V
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ghostbite0 · 5 months
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"those who unlock the demon slayer mark, without exception..."
tdlr obanai's reaction to muichiro and mitsuri's fates as a result of manifesting the demon slayer mark will haunt me forever..... two of the people he cares about the most... doomed... and right after he lost rengoku, too is he to blame... could he have stopped it somehow? had he never exposed them to his tainted blood, had he never cared... could he have saved them...
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demonslayerunhinged · 2 months
The Swordsmith Village Arc is the most underrated arc of the whole series. It gives us so much information and lore, we're introduced to important characters and it helped us understand more about the Demon Slayer marks.
It's pacing is not the best, I read that it was directed/animated by a different set of people at Ufotable.
But that doesn't make it any less significant, and it makes me sad to see people shit on it because it's has way too much talking and less fighting.
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janituaries · 2 months
Obanai to the Kamaboko trio :
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Also Obanai to Muichirou :
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I love how he's softer to Muichirou than he is to Tanjiro and the rest. He's so baby in Obanai's eyes
Y'know i doubt he's overprotective and jealous if she talks to a fellow hashira's since he trust them with all his life.
And i doubt he'd be jealous with Muichirou if Mitsuri is loving towards him, he'd known the kid since he was like 11-13.
He favours Muichirou than the other kids and i live for that!!!
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shinowadh · 2 months
Giyuu and Shinobu series #2: These moments are hilarious! Yet so enlighting!
Welcome back my fellow story sealions, book bears and manga mice! Let's embark once again onto the journey of understanding our 2 beloved characters-- Giyuu and Shinbu---- together.
If one had to pass the next few pages of the Giyuu Gaiden, it would seem that apart from the stunning visuals, these beautifully illustrated pages hold no reflection of the present persona's of the 2 Hashiras. Yet if you look more closely, subtle hints show the enduring characteristics of the our 2 most beloved pillars.
Moving chronologically from the pages, let's discuss these aspects!
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'Don't complain and drink it.'
A quick flash of the well known 'Angry Smile' of Shinobu, showing that she had already developed her --excuse me for not elaborating on this... yet--coping mechanism.
And not forgeting Giyuu....
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Giyuu takes responsibility. Another characteristic still visibly in the present (Giyuu in the main series).
'I'm not getting attacked, I'm just fooling around.'
I found this line quite controversial. Would Giyuu ever say 'I am fooling around'? In this sole panel, Giyuu's character become incredibly inconsistent.
On a lighter note, Giyuu giving in (with an exasperated expression not a hurt or angry one) after Shinobu tells him to back away is simply.....refreshing. Furthermore it provides evidence that that Giyuu somewhat tolerates Shinobu.
Manga readers and spoiled anime-onlys will understand this. Please do not read on if you are not aware about the events in the Infinity Castle Arc.
'But you can't avenge anyone in that condition. Okay?'
Says someone who later on proceeds to harm themselves (I assume on a daily basis). Admittedly for revenge but I must still say this is rather ironic isn't it?
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A request
Deepest Apologies
I provide manga pages as evidence for my arguments but I admit, things did not go to plan when I realised that google would not provide me the evidence I need. So I concluded I would need to buy the novel. So if you recently read the 2nd edition (now third) of the series please note that you did not read it wrong, it was my mistake. Apologies for that.
And so, this was it for the second edition of the series! I do hope that you enjoyed it. I am glad to have such great readers like you! Feel free to discuss, pose questions or correct some of my statements in comments. After all, this series is for debates and for working together to unravel the hidden strands of hints in this short novel.
I wish you great health! Please join us next time in the 4 edition (the 3rd is already published so check that out as well!)
Yours truly,
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nympippi · 4 months
Summertime Happiness🍉☀️🌻
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Redraw from this gentan art from last year :P
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officialk15 · 9 months
What happens if you get the demon slayer mark but you’re over 25 do you just like drop dead or….?
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shironezuninja · 5 months
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I am cranky and need a nap.
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plaguechyld · 1 year
ok so i read ur “gently screwing kagaya to sleep” drab and now i’m obsessed with sub!kagaya🤭 can you write rough sex with him? like reader screws him so hard that he screams, hollers, and cries so loud that anyone passing his house could hear him? (and he loves how you don’t take pity on his frail body)
Sub!Kagaya x Dom!Reader
Contains: Rough sex, GN reader, Praising (Kagaya receiving), Dacryphilia, Overstim, Lots of thigh biting, Begging, Kagaya's whimpers, Voice kink, Reader implied to have a dick at the end
Synopsis: Kagaya being fucked as hard as he can take by his partner, you.
Extra: I'm obsessed with sub Kagaya too, like he's just so perfectly written to be a sub or a bottom. (Or both). Honestly he's my second fav character to write for. (Number one goes to Muzan.) Also I'm sorry that I haven't posted an actual fic recently, I've been having bad writers block.
Double Extra: Sub blogs, we need to band together to give Kagaya and Muzan more content where they don't dom. There's never enough sub content for either of them. 😞
Kagaya is laying on the futon, his legs spread wide open for you already. He had taken the liberty of lubing up his own hole as he was impatient tonight, though he would never admit such a thing. His blind eyes "look" up at you and even though he's lost sight in them, there is an unmistakable sense of need within the misty purple hues.
"Y/n... may I request something different tonight, please?" He asks in a quiet and rather shy tone. His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment and arousal as he awaits your response to his question. His chest rises and falls faster than normal as adrenaline pumps through his body from his situation.
"Yes of course, my dear. What is it?" You ask him in a gentle tone, your hands finding his chest. You take his sensitive nipples between your fingers and give them a few delicate squeezes. The sensation caused Kagaya's breath to hitch before he let out a small whimper, his voice gone for a few moments as you repeat the action.
"I want you to be rough with me, please." He requested in a slightly higher pitched tone than normal. He was grateful for his lack of sight at the moment because he knew that if he caught your gaze he would be unable to take the embarrassment that it would entail. He shifts his hips up when one of your hands trails down to his stomach. You slowly rub it as you pretend to contemplate his request, making him intentionally more aroused and desperate for your touch.
"Alright. I want you to say the word wisteria if it's too much for you, ok? And if you can’t talk then kick me twice." You say as you ready yourself. You move two of your fingers down to his hole but he stops you with a tug on your wrist. He looks away before speaking.
"I already prepped myself, can you just fuck me.. please?" He mumbled, his voice barely audible because of all of the emotions running through his body. You chuckle softly and kiss his forehead in reassurance. You lift his legs onto your shoulders and begin to place kisses on his inner thighs. He let out a little gasp for every single one of them. Your mind goes back to how he wanted you to be rough with him and it leads you to bite his thigh. He lets out a surprised moan at the feeling of your teeth digging into his sensitive skin. He let out more moans and whimpers as you repeated the action all over both of his thighs. At this point his cock was dripping with precum and he needed you badly. His hands squeezed the blankets below him as his body was flooded with the slightly painful stimulation. Before he can say a word about how badly he needs you, his legs are being lowered and his hole is being pushed against.
You thrust your hips forward, entering him halfway and making him let out a moan-ish scream. He clenches around you tightly, resulting in you letting out your own moan. Your hands find his thighs and slowly pet them while waiting for him to adjust to your size. He wraps his legs around your waist and his hands find their way to your back. He let out another loud and deep moan as you thrusted the rest of the way into him, bottoming him out fully. His nails dig into your back as he feels his mind slip away for a few moments from the pleasure you're giving him. He let out a loud gasp that soon turned into a moan when you start thrusting into him at a faster and harder pace than you've ever used before. Soon his voice raises in pitch and he's letting out whines, mewls and whimpers as you fuck him into the bed.
"O-Oh god! Too deep, mm~ please!" Kagaya cries to you, tears running down his cheeks as you bully his sensitive body perfectly. His legs are trembling and he lets out screams of pleasure as you continue to make love to him so roughly. You press a kiss to his lips, it's a gentle action and a big contrast from how you're treating his body. He kisses you deeply without thought, his mind already too fuzzy to really tell what was going on. He can feel himself growing closer to his orgasm and his moans grow into pleasure filled hollering. His cries eventually turn into sobs as his cheeks get even wetter with tears. His blind eyes roll up in his head as you thrust into his prostate over and over again, your hands at his waist so he can't attempt to struggle away from you, not that he ever would. His cries are easily overheard by the servants whom are tending to the estate but he doesn't care, all he cares about is getting more and more from your body. He loves it that you're not treating him like glass this time and he can no longer feel guilty for pushing you to do this. It just feels too good.
You let out your own moans, though they are overshadowed by Kagaya's loud shrieks of enjoyment and desperation. Your hand makes it's way down to his dick and you begin jerking him off quickly as you continuously thrust into him. He arches his back and lets out an even louder moan at the feeling of your hand around his cock. He let out a particularly loud moan before cumming, white spraying out of his cock and painting both of your stomachs white. He pants heavily and lets out a little whimper when he feels you pulling out of him. But then, he moans loudly when you resume your brutal pace. His body soon feels the sting of overstimulation from your brutal but loving actions.
"P-please! I just came! I can't take it!~" He complains in a whiny tone, though you quickly shut him up by kissing his lips aggressively. Despite himself, he finds that his cock is getting hard again. His legs continue to shake as he clings onto you for dear life. He buries his head into your neck as he moans louder and louder. Your hands go back to holding his waist as his back arches even more. There is no doubt that you've woken up the entire estate by now but that fact only serves to amuse you. You feel pride that you've been able to please your husband so much. Kagaya let out another pitiful scream, his voice beginning to grow hoarse from overuse. You can feel your own orgasm approaching and the way that your partner is squeezing around you only speeds up the process.
"Give me one more, darling." You whisper into his ear before he lets out wail at the overwhelming feeling of you rutting into him deep and hard. Still, he doesn't stop moving his hips in rhythm with your pace. He nods his head quickly as he moans over and over again, your name becoming similar to a mantra for him. Soon, he screamed your name loudly as he came again, more white staining your bodies. You came with him, your own cum filling him up and making him mewl from the sensation. You fuck him through his orgasm, making sure to milk every drop from him.
Slowly, you pull out of his twitching body and retrieve a wash cloth. You get up from the bed and wet the fabric with slightly warm water before cleaning Kagaya as best you can. After you clean the both of your bodies, you lay next to him and bring him to your chest. You rub his back slowly while murmuring sweet nothings to him as he slips away from consciousness. Soon, his little snores is all that can be heard from the once loud room. You follow suit, falling asleep mere minutes after him.
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