#final war
yoonkles · 3 months
thinking about tengen, sanemi, and giyuu + the bond the three must have formed after the final war sighhhhh
the last three hashira, stained by the smear of grief, collpasing into each other’s presence because who else do they have? who else can they go to? everyone else is dead. no one else can understand.
thinkin about how sanemi and giyuu would probably be so fragile, so out of it, they wouldn’t be able to live alone anymore. and how tengen would gladly take them in because he knows he can’t handle losing anymore of his people, either.
thinking about their last few years together shared under one roof, about the memories, about the friendships, about the nights spent waking up to screaming, and the subsequent mornings spent praying at overcrowded graveyards.
thinkin about sanemi and giyuu dying the day they turn twenty five and thinking about the way tengen, the last hashira, would have to face it all alone.
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dr-senpai13 · 5 months
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oh. my hero is actually ending.
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The Confession
“Now, it’s your turn.”
Izuku couldn’t help but hear those words resonate in his mind.
Those words from All Might may have seemed meaningless to the crowd that cheered him on when he took down All for One once and for all (at least so it seemed). But to him, it meant a lot more.
As the ninth and final wielder of One for All, he knew it was his turn to become the next Symbol of Peace.
He’s had his victorious bouts against the likes of Overhaul and Gentle Criminal, but he lost a dreadful battle against a reawakened Tomura Shigaraki that decimated a city and killed thousands of people.
It led him on a path of isolation that resulted him in leaving U.A. High so he could protect his school from harm. He wanted to take down Shigaraki and All for One himself since he assumed it was the best thing. The villains were all squared on him, so it seemed efficient.
It was far from efficient. He wore himself down from lack of rest and support. It took strong resolve from his classmates to bring him back, centered around a heartfelt apology from Katsuki Bakugo and a resounding speech from Ochaco Uraraka that convinced the crowd to let Izuku back into U.A.
“That all felt like weeks ago,” Midoriya thought to himself as he took in the sunrise from the front of his class dorm building. “I owe my friends so much for what they did.”
He was armed in his hero attire, mentally preparing himself for whatever might come his way in this final battle.
“I’m ready,” Izuku assured himself. “Whatever happens today, I know I’m not alone.”
“This sunrise is gorgeous, isn’t it?” Izuku heard a faint voice in the distance.
He turned back to look who was there. It was none other than Ochaco herself. She stood at the front door of the dormitory. She was donning her hero gear and ready for whatever might happen today.
“Care if I join you?” Uraraka asked.
“Yeah.. no problem,” Izuku started sweating a bit, realizing his crush would take this in with him.
The two walked onto the sidewalk of the dorms to get a better view of the breathtaking sunrise.
Ochaco seemed to be her normal self, albeit with a hushed tone. “So, do you think you can win? Do you think you have what it takes to defeat All for One?”
“Yes, I’m confident I’ll be victorious today,” Izuku boldly replied. “I have to win - for mom, All Might, my classmates, and the world. Everyone is counting on me. But I know I’ll have you all fighting along with me. We can do this.”
The fire in Midoriya’s eyes were evident. He arose from his season of isolation a different person. It was those like Ochaco who helped him realize he can let others carry his burdens. They are all in this cause together.
Uraraka was delighted to know the old Izuku she knew and loved had returned.
“I’m glad you’re doing better, Deku,” she muttered quietly. “I was so worried we would lose you for good. You mean so much to all of us. You have helped us grow as people and heroes - much more than you could imagine.”
“Thank you, Uraraka. That means a lot,” Midoriya answered. “I’m sorry I did that to all of you. I rashly thought fighting the villains alone was the answer, that I was protecting you all. In the end, I did no one any protection. I only further endangered you all by not being there for you myself. It was so selfish of me,” Deku failed to hold back tears.
“Deku…” Uraraka softly placed her hand on his cheek, trying to console him. “Don’t blame yourself for that. It’s in the past. We’re still with you and we love you.”
“Leave it behind,” she said as Izuku collapsed in her arms. He was still feeling the emotions of what transpired before. His friends went through hell to save him from himself.
Midoriya was ready, but the regrets he felt from his vigilante act were harassing him.
“I don’t know why I was so ready to abandon you all,” he sobbed on her shoulder. “I was so stupid to leave behind all the memories and friendships we all fostered.”
“It’s okay,” she whispered quietly. “Let it all out my friend. I am here.”
The crying would persist for a few more moments.
“Thank you,” he said as the tears relented. Stepping back from her, he reflected, “You know, we have gone through a lot, haven’t we? It just seemed like yesterday I met you and we faced off against Kacchan and Ida in the opening hero exam.”
Izuku went on, "The sports festival, growing through our internships and work studies, passing the hero license exam, taking down Chisaki and rescuing Eri, putting on a show at the U.A. festival, winning the joint training battles against Class B, and this whole war. We have all grown substantially in our quirks too! This has only been our first year at U.A.! Imagine what will happen in the coming years."
Uraraka softly chuckled, "Yeah! It's been pretty incredible. My martial arts have greatly improved thanks to Gunhead, and my quirk usage has gotten stronger as well."
"But above all else, Deku, I've learned one thing above all - I want to be that person to save the heroes when they're the ones needing protection. That's what drove me to reach out to you when your Black Whip quirk first activated. It also inspired me to try to rally the people at U.A. to let you back into the academy. "
She continued, "You inspire me so much Deku. I've told you that from the outset, but seeing you constantly get back up and move past adversity is what I lo- uh... admire so much about you." She blushed in embarrassment in almost spilling the beans.
Midoriya blushed as well, "Thank you Uraraka. That... means a lot."
"Listen... I have something to tell you," he muttered.
Her eyes and ears perked up with intrigue.
He continued, "If by some chance either of us don't make it out of today, I wanted to let you know how I feel about you."
Both tried to stay composed.
"From the day we met, your compassion and desire to help people was so evident. From saving me from tripping over my own foot... to getting Shinso to snap me out of Black Whip, I've seen your mark everywhere. You do it all so you can support your parents in their impoverishment. Your mix of selfless love and drive is what attr- no, I mean.. makes you such a good friend" Deku's face was bright red.
"Wow, Deku, thanks for saying all that," she sheepishly answered.
"You brought me back to U.A., and I owe you a lot," he said.
The two stood in silence for what felt like forever. It only seemed a matter of time at this point.
"I.. I...I..." she stammered as she struggled to get the words out.
Deku's heart was beating out of his chest. He had a feeling what was coming.
"I love you, Izuku Midoriya," she softly spat out.
Deku's heart exploded, but kept it reserved.
"I love you too, Ochaco Uraraka."
The two came together, giving each other a big hug. As they moved out of the hug and made direct eye contact with the other, they came together for a tender kiss. Their feelings were finally realized.
"FINALLY!" came a loud scream from a distance. It sounded like Mina...
The two moved out of the kiss and looked behind them to see the whole class standing in celebration at the front doors.
"I CALLED IT!" Ashido exclaimed as she dashed toward the two lovers. "I knew you two would be a thing all along!"
"It's about time, you damn nerd!" Bakugo exclaimed as he came up to Deku, slamming his hand on his back. "You had the hots for her since we started here!"
"Wow, how did you guess Kacchan..." Deku smiled in confusion. He still could not wrap his head around the fact he kissed a girl.
"Ochaco, we all saw this from a mile away!" Tsuyu Asui proclaimed. "Despite your denial, it was all too obvious (Ribbit)."
Uraraka chuckled, "Tsu, you know me so well."
"I didn't have to know you to understand your crush on Midoriya," she replied.
The class took a few moments to celebrate the newfound couple. Everyone knew Izuku and Ochaco liked each other. They knew it was only a matter of time before the flower bloomed.
After the elation died down, they turned to the cause at hand.
it was time for the final battle.
Midoriya looked to his classmates, hand in hand with Uraraka.
"Alright guys," he said. "We've come a long way since our entrance exams. Let's give it all we got. We gotta give these villains everything we have, and never give up no matter what! May we all go beyond!"
"PLUS ULTRA!" the whole class shouted.
Ochaco looked at Deku with confidence, believing in all the words he uttered. It was relieving she could let out those strong feelings she's had since she met him.
That relief was mutual.
Deku looked back at her with equal assurance. Now that the feelings were in the open, their determination for the coming day grew to even greater heights.
Love is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. Not much (if at all) can stand with it.
Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka have unlocked the door of their love for the other. There's no question they can use it to their full potential as they take on the day - whatever may come.
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aytonai · 3 months
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Final War
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bishicat · 5 months
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drinkin' Jedi-style with some ~cerveza cristal~
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cabbagege · 11 months
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ahhrenata · 4 months
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littlefeatherr · 6 months
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general-ida-raven · 5 months
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shinynewmemories · 2 months
The Hunger Games has the FUNNIEST arranged marriage of all time btw. Katniss realizes she'll have to marry Peeta and she's obviously upset so Haymitch tries to comfort her by saying "you could do a lot worse" and Katniss is like "well DUH of course I could do worse than Peeta he's the best & handsomest person on the face of the planet but that's not the POINT I want to be able to choose for MYSELF". Then she goes and chooses Peeta anyway lol. Comedy gold I tell you
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hazycorvus · 3 months
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Thousand spears long Dragonsong war...
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astral-veil · 10 days
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Afterward, Grandma and the entire retirement home often sent baked goods and knitted sweaters to the clones, because they are good boys!
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guerrilla-operator · 1 year
Merauder // Final War
Radiation fire burning us alive Death The strongest trying to survive
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fonmythenmetz · 2 months
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The Shadow
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tragicsiblings · 3 months
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MANNY JACINTO as QIMIR The Acolyte — 1.04 "Day"
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