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gingerglaze · 20 days ago
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cesium-sheep · 5 months ago
matt brings me interesting books from the many boxes he processes to sell, this time I got 3 very old picture books. two of them were oddly clunky and unpleasant (snipp snapp shirt and the yellow sled, and peter churchmouse), but one of them is interesting both as like a historic document and just as a story, mr pink and the house on the roof. it's about a man who owns and runs a button factory, but also still lives in a boarding house, and he genuinely loves buttons and he is very reticent to try new fangled things. like cars. and radios. and zippers. but a family builds a house on the roof of his factory (with his permission but ???) and is into new fangled things like growing plants in sawdust (???) and building a fireplace outside (???). in the end the button factory owner concludes he can make both buttons and zippers because there will always be uses for both. they give him a radio for christmas. idk bro it's just kind of sweet? the prose is mild and pleasant and the illustrations are cute and it's an old book so it smells nice and it's also absolutely fascinating to see what is "new" in a young reader book from 1941.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 years ago
Fictional Triplets Tournament: Round 1
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strangesequitur · 10 months ago
"are you wearing the-"
the snoots? yeah i am
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do-you-know-these-multiples · 6 months ago
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asatroende · 1 year ago
I’m rereading völuspa because I have to if I’m gonna adapt it and…
“Nine worlds i remember, nine giantesses, before the world tree began to grow”
Hi gang if the worlds existed before the tree grew, nine being a symbolic number or not, ain’t that wonky what with either Yggdrasil growing real late or half of the supposed realms not existing yet
Friends and family of the faith when did our fucking tree start existing?
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stephofromcabin12 · 7 months ago
I desperate want my summer project to be one of those hyperfixation deep dive “heres everything that happens in xyz” but I don’t know where to start so
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goldkeycomics · 1 year ago
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Looney Coaster “Looney Tunes #6” (1975)
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dndhistory · 10 months ago
445. Gary Gygax - Greyhawk Adventures: Artifact of Evil (1986)
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The second Gord the Rogue novel and the last to be published through TSR as Gygax would be leaving the company soon, this is, like the first book, not the most successful of AD&D tie-in novels, it does however fix some of the criticisms I had of the first volume (while unfortunately creating other problems in the interim).
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If the first book, Saga of Old City, didn't feel like it was particularly a uniquely D&D story, with a setting that felt as much like Leiber's Lankhmar as anything else, this volume is very definitely set in the world of Greyhawk. Unfortunately Gygax does this mainly by stuffing the novel full of references to in-universe characters that players would know from modules and other materials. You get Iuz, Zuggtmoy, Iggwilv (later Tasha), Eclavdra, Mordenkainen, Melf, Bigby, Baphomet, Graz'zt and a bunch of other demons and even such obscure characters as Obmi the Dwarf, who was originally in Snurre Ironbelly's keep in Against the Giants as a slave. This to say nothing of our regular cast of similarly named characters like Gord, Chert, Gelor and Curley, a bunch of names which kind of meld into each other on the page. Unless you are an obsessive (like yours truly) many of these names will be meaningless and even if you are sometimes they feel like unearned fan service.
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The plot is also not much to write home about, in order to compensate for the mainly city set first book, Gygax takes us on a tour of Oerth, but it's such a wide ranging tour that you never really develop a sense of attachment for any place. There's an artifact of evil which demonic forces want and "good" forces which include Gord as mates as well as Mordenkainen, Melf, Bigby and other Gygaxian home game characters, need to get it first to avoid disaster. Much too much happens in this novel while also very little substance happening. It would have really benefited from a good editor and/or a flowchart. Still, good cover by Caldwell and interior illustrations by Easley! 
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chronotsr · 9 months ago
No. 3 - G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King (July 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): Erol Otus, Dave C. Sutherland III (cover), David A. Trampier Level range: Average of 9, preferably 5+ players Theme: Standard Swords and Sorcery Major re-releases: G1-3 Against the Giants, GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Dungeon #200, Tales from the Yawning Portal
So that was a little disappointing. But maybe it just middles in the middle? C'mon Gary, let's see that special skill I've heard so much about.
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G3 begins how G2 ended: teleporting conveniently on the outskirts of the fortress in such a way as to skip a trek without surprising the players. Meh. Our big bad this time is King Snurre -- I haven't mentioned the Chieftains yet because they're all just midbosses compared to the this guy. And, he's kind of famous isn't he?
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For a guy who is functionally a one-off NPC that the party presumably kills, he ends up in a lot of paintings. Not that I'm complaining, that 4e art is amazing. In fact, broadly, 4e's art is a little underrated, it benefits from being less restrained than 5e. I don't think that's a knock on 5e's artists, more like…the art direction seems to be intentionally tamer. Anyway, thank you 4e art, I never realized there was a dog in the background of the 5e PHB until now. Neat.
Yada yada yada the setup is exactly the same as before, but now it's got ~mordor vibes~. As far as changes change, these fire giants (even the children) expressly do not do morale checks because apparently Snurre is such a motherfucker. Scary!
Anyway, we're already in the room-by-room, so let's begin the juicy part:
There's a scooby doo trap with a tapestry in the doorway having holes for eyes so a giant guard can alert the entire building if the players don't catch it. That's evil! But not unfair, which is a good balance. Naturally, there is a ballista tripwire on revisit that does some nasty damage, so this hallway is just The Troll Zone
Snurre has two pet hellhounds leashed to his throne, but also he's wearing a white dragonskin as a cloak at all times, which overcomes his natural aversion to cold with MAGIC. What an asshole! Also, as you look at that picture from the 5e cover, there's a bevy of (unimportant) changes from the original, like Snurre is no longer in his signature pitch-black platemail, but I think special mention should go to the fact that in the original he has literally 60k worth of precious stones on his person and scattered throughout the architecture of the throne room. This room should be GLEAMING.
A Gygaxism: Queen Frupy is a 'haradin', which roughly means 'scold', which. Ok. So, so much attention is given to how uggo she is (to Gary). Actually, I think the description of her armor is kinda cool, she wears black dragonskin, studded with iron (so by Runescape logic I guess she's good with a bow?). Reaper Minis did a character that sort-of resembles the description, but their Vanja has a spear where Frupy uses a scepter:
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You can actually negotiate with her, the implication of the text is that she's unreasonable but…just ignore that. Lol.
She also has a magic mirror (implied to be a furniture mirror, not a hand mirror) that reveals invisible creatures in the reflection, which is kind of awesome. Good way to catch assassins! Somehow the drow are using a gifted necklace to spy on them, but I feel like the mirror probably should've revealed in some way (maybe the mirror was also a drow gift?) She's more astute than she lets on, because she has a huge stash of mind control crap in her dresser drawers for emergencies.
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Keeping with the "giant leader's treasure sucks" tradition, Snurre's treasure is genuinely crazy. It occupies a FULL PAGE, and each INDIVIDUAL TRUNK has a listing and an explicit mention of the traps. Traps range from a standard scything trap to secret snakes to the treasure being invisible to contact poison. How the hell does Snurre use this room? You're telling me he never fucked up remembering which of the 13 chests were trapped in which way? Oh, also, they're pick-proof, because fuck you thief. Naturally, the loot itself is also a fucking trap, because while there is some truly amazing stuff in there (20 randomized magic items, a decent amount of valuables, a +3 ring of protection, and a ring of 3 wishes), there is also lots of troll items (statues with a stacking curse of -1 to all tests, ring of contrariness, ring of delusion). On the whole, a big fuck you to the party. Oh, and while the locks are unpickable, you can shoot them off with magic missile, which is…why?
Snurre's dwarf-slave-advisor is bizarrely well equipped and loyal, and given the opportunity to escape he will…backstab the party. As much as people complain about how early DND has too many save or die traps, I genuinely think the regularity with which rescued npcs betray the party is a waaaaaay dumber and more ridiculous trend. I simply cannot fathom why someone as smart as Obmi would choose to keep being a slave to Snurre when adventurers showed up with the ability to free him. Honestly? Take his big lie and make it true. The lie makes sense because it makes more sense than the canon character.
The scroll that finally tips at the motivation of the giants is, no kidding, scroll #68 of almost 450 paper items, none of which are mentioned. The weird need for a number baffles me.
The kitchen is doing some lateral thinking and using one of the gas vents as a gas stove, which is hilarious.
Oh, we're only now to level 2?
All of the former kings are entombed in a Giant Tomb, which, that is entirely too cool of a visual for them to have not included a visual. In a fucking grave mistake, this room is cut from the 4e remake, so there is no incredible art of it. There is no justice.
If you somehow didn't kill the hill giant chieftain AND you didn't get him in G2, he's here in G3. And he brought the pet bears!
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Gary, you're such an asshole. No one would ever think to throw their cool mace into the lava pit mid combat. This is just trolling.
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🤷 Guess I'll die
"The were-rats, if losing, will turn into rats and flee down the drain" That is, actually an incredible escape plan, except that we have pre-established that this Hall is founded upon LAVA AND COOKING-HOT GAS.
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Fuck the party I guess
You often hear people who got into ADND in the late 1e/2e era talk about how people speculated that Hommlet must lead to Temple of Elemental Evil because of hints about the Elemental Eye and, honestly it just kind of feels like Gary defaults to the Eye. It has come up in every scenario he has written so far (which admittedly is 2 so far), but with the power of Knowing What Comes Next I can assure you that this is going to keep happening. Anyway, there is a temple to the Eye here, complete with human sacrifice, and the allusion to tentacles eating people is already starting to signpost what we now know is true: It's Tharizdun. The Eye is Tharizdun. It always comes back to Cthulhus!
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A lot of early players clearly enjoyed Poking Random Shit because if you decide to touch the Elemental Eye's altar and also play every musical instrument in the room, you get to make every person in the room roll on this table, AND also execute whichever player is nearest to the altar (no save). But, hey, you will suddenly get whatever you want most on the altar. If you are somehow dumb enough to do it again, there's a 1 in 12 chance you get a +1 in all stats, a 2 in 12 chance of something extremely bad happening, and a 9 in 12 chance nothing happens.
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Would genuinely like to know how many GMs bothered following this instruction. It does teleport you towards the final encounter, so that's something.
An entire page is dedicated to disarming the tentacle wall magic trap, which to be honest looks like it'd repel a significant percentage of players because you either need an evil cleric or some good magic to dispel the wall, and the wall punishes the shit out of you for trying to disarm it. To be a mild devil's advocate, the tentacle wall IS super suspiciously placed (the shape of the room implies it's going somewhere), so at least it's not also super esoteric. If you DO bypass it, you are now the proud winner of the "discover the drow" award! Woah, elves but they're ontologically evil??????????????????????????????????? Truly novel! Eclavdra, head of the drow here, hangs out doing nothing in particular, and you may unceremoniously execute her if you want to bring her storyline to an unceremonious end.
The frost giants are here from last module, if they survived. They really want you to kill these kings!
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No really why did they used to draw trolls like that
This adventure just won't end. There's a surprising amount to say about this module given that it's only 22 pages of monster murder and motherfucker traps. Anyway, welcome to level 3!
There are fake dragons here to troll you into getting excited for loot
The fire giants also have a panic room? Every giant has a panic room. Why are panic rooms so normal in the G series?
A SECOND fake dragon that is actually a gorgon, which is almost funny
Finally, a REAL red dragon, which is frankly cruelty to fool me three times
After many, many drow are fought, you eventually run into a magic-fighter drow noble who has a wand of "viscid globs", which despite the suggestive name, is actually a superglue gun? You can literally rip yourself apart trying to separate yourself from a glued object. It's a really, really bizarre item. And it has a LOT of charges -- 79.
Mercifully, finally, something that could be potentially interesting: Eclavdra's rival is hanging out in the basement and can be sweetalked into helping the party screw over Eclavdra, which. FINALLY. However, if you displease her, it's demon time.
For reasons I cannot fathom, there are mind flayers here observing the drow, and the drow are not super bothered by that.
And that's basically it! at the very end they find a tube with a map and a wish leading to the D series, and a quick explainer on the then-new Drow. Well, not that quick, it's a page and a half, but the conceptualization of the drow is basically unchanged between then and now. Evil elves, forced underground, adapted to living there, dark skin, magic spidersilk clothes and adamantine weapons, sunlight sensitivity, drow spell list.
On the whole, G3 is, an adventure. While yes the Drow twist is kind of neat (but not special, since Drow are functionally Melniboneans and Elric was already decades old at this point), mostly this module lacks the fun of G1 and substitutes lots of murder traps for any genuine creativity with the scenario. On the whole, I consider it…crowd pleasingly boring? Your treasure goblins will love it for how much nice stuff they can find, if they survive.
We will end today with the back cover, which features some hippogriff mounts. People just don't give parties flying mounts anymore, it's honestly strange the tradition died. See you in the D series later. And if you're waiting for more obscure modules…I can only promise one in 1978.
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thejazzera · 3 months ago
Maj Lindman, "Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the Magic Horse" 1933
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soelvfisk · 4 months ago
Jeg tænker på, at når jeg har det bedre, så har jeg også mere overskud og overblik til at navigere i shit og liv og indtryk. Og når jeg har det skidt, så føles det hele ude af kontrol. Som noget jeg drukner i. Føler mig magtesløs. Midt i stormen. Jeg griber ud efter løsninger i forsøget på at få fat i noget der VIRKER. Hvad som helst! Desperat. Med hænder der aldrig er nok af. Indtil det går op for mig, at jeg på et tidspunkt undervejs i at række ud, kom til at give slip på mig selv. Jeg er som en planet ude af orbit. Sådan føles det. Jeg må bare vente indtil jeg lander i mig selv, eller hvad? Det føles som at give op. Men det giver også mening, når man tænker på, at alt indtil nu har været en kamp. Den her stilhed - alting der suser forbi - mens man ikke selv suser nogen steder hen.
Jeg tror ikke det er meningen det skal kontrolleres. Jeg tror mine hænder skal holde sig selv i hånden, mens jeg har det sådan her… fordi alt er så skrøbeligt. Jeg tror det er den eneste måde finde et udgangspunkt jeg stoler på. At opdage, at jeg ikke skal snurre rundt om noget lige nu. Min retning må gerne være et mysterie. Med eller uden storm. Uretfærdigt at forvente af sig selv, at man kan navigere i en storm, der er midt i at ske. Med knækkede master og huller overalt. Man kender slet ikke omfanget af stormen. Det er skræmmende. For stormen er ude af kontrol. Stormen er ikke mit ansvar. Og det er ikke mit ansvar at navigere optimalt lige nu. Altså hvis jeg både er en planet og en sol og et skib… forstå mig ret. Det giver mening at ville vide hvad man er. At ville forblive hvad man var. Hvor man var. Desperat at forsøge at vende tilbage. At være i sorg over at man ikke kunne forhindre ting i at ske. At man ikke så det komme. Man graver rundt i fortiden og er streng ved sig selv. Den samvittighedsfulde erkendese, der kun kan se tilbage med øjne fulde af ærgelse og skyld og skam. Først skal stormen integreres. Hvad fuck var det lige der skete… Og så handler det vel forståeligt nok om bare at navigere så godt man kan? Eller bare at drifte lidt, mens man lige får overblik over skaderne? Holde sig ovenvande så godt som muligt? Downsize til en redningsbåd? Redningskrans? Strande på en ø eller i en kælder. Indtil man begynder at kunne navigere lidt igen. Kortsigtet. Først i sin egen krop. Så måske i en 5 meters radius. Eller indefor et 5 minutters tidsinterval. Gradvist. Forhåbentligt lidt bedre til at gennemskue den næste storm og måske endda lægge til kaj, når man kan mærke at kontrol-behovet melder sig. Trække sig, når der pludseligt er for meget på spil. Det giver mening at træde varsomt. Og FUCK om det giver menig for andre. Man må gerne kende sig selv bedre end de gør. Man må gerne være dén der forstår sine egne valg bedst. Og måske bliver det ikke som før, men man står pludseligt og er meget bevidst om det allermest essentielle i ens liv. Hader “what doesn’t kill u makes u stronger”. Nej. Det gør mig ensommere end før og mere skeptisk og påpasselig. Knækker langs de samme gamle skår igen og igen. Men det ved jeg. Nu navigerer jeg udenom ting der så meget som bare har potentialet til at være en skarp kant. Fordi jeg ved at jeg er skrøbeligere end jeg har lyst til at være. Skrøbeligere end jeg har valgt at være. Ingen fomo. Sorg. Jaer, meget endda. En hel del somo - men pyt lige nu. Fuck kontrol. Fuck magt. Fuck hævn. Fuck succes. Vil bare have autonomi og tid. Til at være lille jolle i stort hav. Tegne et nyt kort. Samle nye ting til min rygsæk. Smide dumme ting overbord. Kigge på månen. Den er den samme som den var før. Heldigt. Vil hellere være her. Men forstår også al den tid hvor jeg tågede rundt med forældede forventninger til mig selv. I chok og sorg. Jeg holdt ikke mig selv i hånden dér. Jeg rakte ud efter fortiden og græd jo længere væk kom. Opløst over at tiden ikke stoppede, når jeg bad den om det. Det har den aldrig gjort. Det er nok dens måde at passe på mig. Os allesammen. Så vi kan håbe på at tiden sker længe nok til, at det kan nå at blive bedre end det er nu.
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thegothicviking · 8 months ago
**God helg/Happy weekend y'all!** Are you perhaps bored? Wanna watch a movie? Wanna watch something from my homeland that spooked me as a child? :)
Don't worry! It has english subs and they seem legit (at least from what I could read/hear)
By today's messed up standards (by today's kid's fully access on internet 24/7; this movie will probably be considered tame.. and maybe even uninteresting for children and teens today.
BUT back when this one, "Lille frøken/frk. Norge"/directly translated to "Little Miss/Little Ms. Norway", was released, I believe children were MEANT to be disturbed and shocked! And back in the day, 21 years ago.. it did it's job! It disgusted and disturbed me!
Why not give a try? (despite the possible cringe-factor when seeing it as a an adult..maybe you'll end up liking it anyway?)
God helg og "Snurr film!"/"Spin the movie" :D (as we say in Norway)
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weirdlet · 1 year ago
Due to changing schedules, we're going to be wrapping up this campaign in a condensed fashion over the next few weeks. Our mage's player is out for work, so his character is off leading other teams against other giants, while we take on the Fire Giant king, intending to take down the dragon's worshippers before setting ourselves against a near-godlike Ancient Red.
So we're teleported to the basalt doors of the volcanic palace of the fire giant king. Trinidad kicks them open, and then we slink in to what seems like an initially deserted hall. There's fire-resistant tapestries all about, and Glory and Alain sneak in ahead to try and scout it out.
Turns out there's a guards room behind one of the curtains, and Glory slips in behind the curtain and asks 'hey- whatcha looking for?' in classic Bugs Bunny fashion, only to drive the fire giant guardsman out into the hallway, where he is ganked before he can make much noise. Up the halls, we start encountering ettins, and take out one before seeing at the far end of the hall that there's the king upon his obsidian throne.
Glory slips behind another curtain, finds himself suddenly underfoot of a fire giant servant holding a massive serving platter, followed by a guard, and lies his ass off. "I'm so sorry I'm late, I'm tonight's entertainment, I'll just be over here behind the curtain, waiting for my cue-"
Panache is a wonderful thing. The servant sweeps on, the guard walks past- and Glory hamstrings him on his way to attach the rest of the party.
Things are getting wild- as more guards converge, the king disappears, the alarm goes up, and there's not just fire giants, but gnolls and hellhounds being led by a chain devil start showing up. Glory flies up in the air after slaying one guard- only to almost get smashed down again by the sword of another, before he can fly away from being swatted like a fly. After that he uses his one application of Burning Hands to plow through a line of the only thing not flat-out immune to fire damage around here- the gnoll pack. They want to break and run, but they're more afraid of the giants than they are of us-
The hellhounds get off their leashes and rampage amongst us, burning off the last of the gnolls around Maeve the Paladin and Trinidad the barbarian. Alain keeps picking at things from the shadows with his psychic daggers, while Glory keeps smashing into giants' faces and flying away before they can hit him again. I was mistaken about the master of the hellhounds being a chain devil, he was just a regular fire giant, but he got up into the scrum too, howling about us having killed his favorite dogs.
The hall of this volcanic palace is lined with pillars, that are actual, literal lava tubes- the keeper swings his sword through one of them, covering his blade in magma, and throws himself and it at us. Glory keeps diving at him, still stabbing at him every chance he gets, but he's furious-
I've been rolling 18s all night. Alain had a brief stint of decent luck, and then went back to his usual 2's and 1's- until I say that's bullshit and give him my last inspiration point, whereupon he pins the Houndkeeper through the eye with a lance of psychic energy.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The servants have mostly fled after having thrown their trays at us. But way over yonder in the hall- there is a fire giant wielding two enormous iron tower shields like the wings of some ungodly bat, and he's coming at us like a very determined glacier.
Trinidad winds up and aims with a javelin all the way down the hall. It flies like a thunderbolt-!
-and plinks off the sheltering shields. The dreadnought then looks at us, slams the shields against the ground, and fires off a salvo of iron spikes at us. Obviously, this is Not On. Two rounds of that, and he finally shouts that the throne room of King Snurre is sacred, and we should flee for our lives, oh ye unfaithful.
Runs at us.
Through the patch of ballbearings that Glory had laid in the path for someone else.
Sliiiides to a stop in a shower of creaking bolts and shrieking armor in the middle of a circle-gank led by Paladin Maeve with a third-level SMITE. And another SMITE. And a Barbarian RAGE, and finally Alain the revenant brought back for justice gets at him with his psychic knives and there is just so much cronching and creaking and screaming metal and it is so, so unpretty, folks, I shudder to think-
Haha, no, this is great!
The hall is quiet for the moment, with noises in the distance telling us there's more fight to be had, but we take a moment to breathe and look around ourselves and figure out that the most likely path of the king is the secret passage from behind the throne.
The passage deadends, but we find three levers- one for a northern door, a southern door, and the one we just came from. If pulled in the wrong order, they'll set off some kind of gas-trap. Trinidad punches through the northern door. Behind that is a cavern with a lumpen Fomorian, ready to thwack us with a club. Despite being bolstered by our holy companion, the magical giant gives Trinidad the evil-eye and curses him. Not being one of the fullplate-wearing giants, though, he's pretty squishy- and behind him is a flight of stairs leading to a massive treasure room, clearly the rewards intended for a triumphant band.
Were we younger and more callow, there would be time for rolling around in money like Scrooge McDuck, but the southern door beckons. There's the distant sounds of belling hellhounds, but as Trinidad knocks down the doors we get blasted full in the face with six different gouts of hellfire.
Glory feels like he's standing in a warm breeze, and then wrinkles his nose and yells about them mussing up his hair. Everyone else has evasion, good saves, and our friendly neighborhood paladin by their side, so we're mostly good. Through the door, the pack of hellhounds is guarding a giants' royally fancy bedroom, and a giant and giantess flee from it out the other way and slam the door behind them in the escape tunnel.
Trinidad and Maeve are in the thick of it with the hounds. Glory zips in over their heads and casually slices one of the hounds out of existence (nat 20 and 8d6 of sneak attack damage, doubled). Alain teleports ahead of us, and between the two of them Trinidad and Maeve have little trouble with the hounds- especially with Trinidad's crackling electrical aura!
On down the hall. The royal couple have still more fire giant bodyguards, set to bar our path. They're big and scary- but they're also big enough to get in each others' way, and that gives us the advantage.
Right up until Glory fumbles an attack- he drops his rapier between the two, and on his next move dives to retrieve it- only somehow Acrobatics is like one of my least-pumped skills that I don't have a negative in, so he has to duck an attack of opportunity and just barely misses getting a wing nicked, grabbing his sword and rolling back along the ground to get clear of the melee. Thankfully the rest of his companions have cleared out the hellhounds, and he gets the chance to get back in the air and keep being literally the most irritating gadfly that ever stabbed a giant's face.
Then a lucky backswing by the one remaining guard just about cleaves our paladin in half- Glory dives and feeds her his best healing potion, then turns around to distract the giant while her bones knit back together, hissing like a cat.
Maeve gets back on her feet, and absolutely destroys the last guard with her frosty longsword.
What's left now, is to find the king and his queen. Alain sweet-talks the lock with knowledge from a past life, and gets us past the door into the final saferoom- or at least, the passageway to the final saferoom. Alain shouts 'cowards!!' at the hiding royals, but it doesn't make much of an impression on them. They keep running- and it turns out the final saferoom is actually a passageway back out to the great hall where we first came in. But we're catching up- the king's in fullplate, the queen in enchanted robes, and we didn't come this far to leave without ending the threat.
The king throws a fireball, but Trinidad bowls right past it, undeterred. Glory divebombs the king, slashing and running, while Mave heals herself further and runs to catch up with the pack.
The queen summons.... weasels. The weasels cannot quite manage to get past the heavy stone door, and we choose to ignore this nonsense.
It's hard. It's terrible. It's bloody work. But we prevail, and at last, Trinidad gets the killing blow on Snurre, and we proclaim victory to the giants. It's been a long session- like 25 rounds of combat- and I have class in the morning, so we wrap that up double-quick and next week it's on to level 16, our final leveling in this campaign that had been meant to go to 20. But it's been so damn much fun on the ride.
Catch you on the flip side, when we probably all ride down the gullet of an Ancient Red.
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mullerimullera · 2 years ago
Brief 8: Energiutstilling, før og etter
Energym er et læringsopplegg som skal forberede ungdomsskoleelever til et besøk på Teknisk Museum sin energiutstilling, som åpner i november 2023. Det består av to deler: et gymopplegg som skal gjennomføres før besøket, og oppgaver som skal løses etter besøket.
Del 1: Energym
Energym er et gymopplegg med en storyline som skal gi elever en innføring i norsk energihistorie. Opplegget er ledet av et interaktivt lydspor, som forklarer aktiviteter som representerer ulike energikilder, og imiterer arbeidet som hører med på de ulike kraftverkene. Gymtimen ledes av den digitale hjelperen, Energine, som tar elevene med gjennom Norges energihistorie, med tilhørende musikk som setter stemningen.
Som en lydbok, bare at denne lydboken gir deg oppdrag som du skal gjennomføre underveis!
(Vi har faktisk laget et fullt 30 minutters lydspor, men det kunne ikke Tumblr takle)
Etter vi brukertestet med ungdomsskoleelever, ble det tydelig at konkurranse engasjerer. Elevene skal derfor konkurrere mot hverandre i grupper, og man vinner ved å gjennomføre flest runder av en aktivitet innen tiden er ute. Antall runder blir registrert i et skjema, og denne informasjonen skal brukes videre i del 2: "Fra bevegelse til strøm".
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Oversikt over alle de forskjellige oppdragene
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Her er et utdrag fra manus for å vise gangen i gymtimen. Energine introduserer først energitypen og historien, før hun så går videre til å forklare oppdraget. (Manuset er ikke oppdatert. Ignorer den delen om at hver gruppe skal ha en skritteller)
Del 2: Fra bevegelse til strøm
I del 2 skal elevene regne om sin egen aktivitet til watt. Utifra hvor mange runder elevene har gjennomført av hver oppgave i gymtimen, kan vi estimere hvor mange kalorier de har forbrent, og dette kan vi regne om til watt med denne formelen: 1 kalori = 0.0012 Watt. Videre vil de bli gitt noen oppgaver, der de skal finne ut av hvor langt denne energien rekker, hvis man for eksempel skal lade en iPhone. Målet med oppgavene er å gjøre elevene oppmerksomme på hvor mye energi som faktisk kreves for å drive produkter som de bruker daglig. Vi vil også at elevene skal forstå at det finnes mange forskjellige energikilder utover olje og vind, og at også vi mennesker er energiskapende.
Vi snakket med en naturfagslærer som fortalte oss at det er en tendens at ungdomsskoleelever i dag mangler basiskunnskaper på flere områder, og at disse oppgavene var en god måte å sette energiforbruk i perspektiv. Hun tipset oss også om å lage oppgaver med ulik vanskelighetsgrad, for å ta hensyn til forskjellige kompetansenivå.
Vi har laget en Figmaprototype av en nettside, slik at man kan finne all nødvendig informasjon og materiale på ett og samme sted. Her finner man lydsporet til del 1, der man lett kan spole frem og tilbake mellom de forskjellige kapitelene, i tillegg til oppgavene til del 2. Vi ønsker at det skal være enklest mulig for lærere å bruke Energym, og vi kom fram til at en nettside er den mest oversiktlige og tilgjengelige måten å legge frem informasjonen.
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Jeg synes at dette har vært et utrolig morsomt prosjekt! Det var spennende å få jobbe med Teknisk Museum som kunde, og jeg trivdes veldig godt med å få bruke såpass lang tid på prosjektet.
Takk til bestegruppen: Jens, Rebekka og William <3333
1 note · View note
asatroende · 2 years ago
It’s pretty interesting being in this community when your practice differs so fundamentally from the general internet practice, like I’m not a recon practitioner meaning I’ve stopped caring about if something would please snurre or not, and I don’t work with gods other than the equivalent of sending sticky notes to their offices
People can’t really ask for my help since our practices differ so much and while that’s sad and a little isolating I also might prefer that, just in case my advice is taken as law
I’ll just continue sending sticky notes to people who are generally asking questions or for advice and hope that it’s helpful sometimes, even if just a little
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