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reading Omniscient Readers Viewpoint has dangerous consequences for a polytheist Yeehaw
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asatroende Ā· 4 days ago
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castorice scribble
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asatroende Ā· 4 days ago
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asatroende Ā· 6 days ago
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asatroende Ā· 7 days ago
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my favorite pieces from 2024
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asatroende Ā· 9 days ago
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asatroende Ā· 9 days ago
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The way Bladr sticks out like a sore thumb among these cold and emo fools
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asatroende Ā· 10 days ago
Finding out the fae are parasitic fungi, huh.
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asatroende Ā· 15 days ago
Deities will be like the gods of hurricanes and storms and shit and ppl will be flabbergasted that the god in question is aggressive in their myths like WHAT DO YOU THINK HURRICANES DO?!
Expecting Gods to be absolutely perfect is a thing from Christianity that a lot of ppl need to unlearn instead of insulting deities all the time for being wrong in a myth they read once
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asatroende Ā· 23 days ago
Hot take, and I truly mean this in the kindest way possible, but some Pagans very much need to examine their own religious trauma before speaking on what is right/wrong to say in Pagan spaces.
I understand that Paganism is an incredibly freeing religion for many people (most notably for those coming from Christianity), and thatā€™s wonderful, but Paganism isnā€™t lawless, and it never has been.
I understand that you donā€™t like religious dogma, thatā€™s fair. But that doesnā€™t mean this religion is a free for all. The Gods are authority figures, they are rulers, and they do ask things of us. For some Pagans I fear that they have based their entire religion on being an opposition to Christianity and thatā€™s justā€¦ not ideal.
You cannot build a healthy relationship to the Gods if you are constantly comparing them to Christianity. You cannot follow the Gods if you refuse to do anything they ask of you that feels too similar to another religion that has hurt you in some way.
Iā€™ve seen people say that Pagans shouldnā€™t veil because modesty is only a Christian invention designed to oppress women. Iā€™ve seen people say that blasphemy doesnā€™t exist and that the idea that Gods (any God(s)) can get offended is a Christian fear tactic. Iā€™ve seen people say that humans are on the same hierarchical level as the Gods and that the idea that humans are servants to God is a Christian tool for denying human power.
Not only are these things blatantly untrue, but it also negates the power of the Gods, and pushes doubt upon the personal convictions of fellow Pagans.
Paganism exists independently from Christianity. I truly donā€™t know how anyone can build a healthy practice when the only way they connect with the Gods is in a reactionary ā€œscrew Christianity!!ā€ sort of way. Despite what society may say; Paganism is not an enemy to Christianity. It exists independently, and it has for thousands and thousands of years.
I really hope everyone who struggles with religious trauma can find the healing they need, but I implore you to not allow that to be the defining factor of your religion, and I beg that to not distract you from the undoubtable authority of the Gods.
May the Gods bless everyone, hail the great Lords and Ladies above šŸ©·
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asatroende Ā· 27 days ago
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One of my favorite things we saw during our trip to Iceland was the NjĆ”lurefilinnĀ (Njalā€™s saga tapestry) project at the Icelandic Saga Centre in Hvolsvƶllur, Iceland. Started in 2013 by two local women, Gunnhildur Edda KristjĆ”nsdĆ³ttir and Christina M. Bengtsson, the project invites the public (and tourists) to sew sections of a 90m tapestry that depicts Njalā€™s saga. The tapestry was designed by KristĆ­n Ragna GunnarsdĆ³ttirĀ and uses the ancient Bayeux stitch with Icelandic yarn dyed with natural materials using traditional techniques. The project is expected to take 6-10 years!
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
You know what I give Loki a lot of flack for refusing to learn anything from his mistakes but honestly NOTHING my loser failwife did will ever compare to Ɠưinn motherfucking Borrson basically getting a front-row seat to a cautionary tale about the way that paranoia and distrust will turn those closest to you into strangers and threats in your eyes and ultimately lead to your own downfall - from a man that he raised as a son, no less - and coming out of it going "wow that was fucked up lol, anyways back to imprisoning my bestie's son in a cave somewhere so he doesn't bite my head off like in that one prophesy I saw". Self-awareness in the fucking negatives
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
Goblins took an item again and I kinda need it back but other than leaving portage over Christmas which I forgot to do Iā€™ve got no idea how to make a deal here
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
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Then fields unsowed bear ripened fruit, All ills grow better, and Baldr comes back
lil devotional piece i made to celebrate yuletide :) the holidays season never fails to make me feel close to the gods. it's almost like there's something in the air.
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
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Fun fact of the day
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
this will be the year I finally convince everyone to abandon New Year's resolutions in favour of Yule Boasting, the clearly superior tradition
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asatroende Ā· 2 months ago
i keep forgetting the sky does that
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